#if I ever get kidnapped I want my family to hire you to find me
14dayswithyou · 2 years
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241 notes · View notes
dreamescapeswriting · 4 months
Dancing In The Shadows ~ LF [MATURE WARNING]
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GENRE: mafia AU, hacker reader, felix technically kidnapping her, insta love (sorry but its fun to write hehe) enemies to lovers? Cute, fluffy, SMUT MINORS DNI, protected sex, public sex (kinda) links into the other stories too ehe
PAIRING: Felix X Fem!Reader
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - February 2024
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Felix sat behind his imposing mahogany desk, his eyes fixed on you as you stood before him, pulling on the sleeves of your hoodie nervously as you waited for him to say something. You were the reason for his recent financial troubles...well, not really, Felix had more money than he knew what to do with but you'd been the one with the balls big enough to steal from him. The one who had infiltrated his bank accounts with such skill and finesse that even Felix had to admire your audacity. Felix wasn't stupid though, he'd done his research before he'd "hired" you, taking you from your boss with the impression he'd bring you back but it simply wasn't true.
Once he had you he simply wasn't going to just throw you back, you were a once in a lifetime catch and he wasn't dumb enough to drop that. In the hacking world, you were simply known as Firecracker. No one knew who you were by physical appearance but the jobs you would do told people what they needed to know. 
You stole from the rich to give to the poor, a real modern-day Robin Hood. If Felix wasn't so rich he would have been pissed off at you for trying it on him.
"You've got guts, I'll give you that," He finally spoke, his gravelly voice breaking the silence and making butterflies flutter inside of you, you hated them for it. Ever since he'd taken you from work you couldn't stop the tingles in your back or the butterflies whenever he'd touch you or speak to you. 
"Hacking into my accounts takes some serious skills. I should be mad, but I'm impressed." All things he'd already told you in the office but was going back over on his own, leaning forward he studied you closely. He wanted to know more about the elusive Firecracker that no law enforcement or underworld man had been able to catch. 
"So, what? You're going to kill me now?" You'd seen the man standing outside of his office with guns, he might have promised you a job when you were at work but who was to say it wasn't just some ploy to get you to go with him.
"I gave you my word. I take that seriously," Felix said as he leaned back in his chair, a sly grin playing on his lips as he watched you. While you were faking confidence he could see the nerves seeping out of you and it impressed him more than he would have liked to admit.
"I want you to work for me," He declared, you arched an eyebrow at him. 
"You've proven yourself to be quite the asset, and I could use someone with your talents, you already stated my computer security sucks...So fix it." He turned his desktop computer around and you blinked at the screen before turning back to face the man who was watching you closely.
"And if I refuse?" It wasn't like you had much of a choice but you wanted to know the repurcations.
"Then I'll have to resort to less pleasant methods of persuasion. But trust me, you'll find it much more lucrative to be on my payroll." Kissing your teeth a little you looked back at the computer. Despite your better judgment, you found yourself intrigued by the offer. You'd never worked for anyone but yourself in the security way before, but the idea of being affiliated with one of the most powerful crime families in the city was undeniably tempting.
"I have conditions." You weren't dumb, you were going to do this with rules in place. You'd seen enough movies and read enough articles about the underworld that you had to be prepared.
"I would be surprised if you didn't." A slight smirk played on his lips as he watched you scramble to think of something but he couldn't help but think about how beautiful you were, how cute he found it whenever you'd play with the sleeves of your shirt.
"I want full access to your network. I need to know everything about your system if I'm meant to be fixing it." He nodded at you, it was his full intention to give you anything you asked for. Hell, he'd give you a house and a more stable job if that was something you wanted from him.
"Okay. What else?" He got out a notepad, ready to write down a list of everything you wanted but you just stared at him,
"Lastly. Once I've fixed it, I'm out. No strings attached." The pen in his hand stilled as he stared down at the notepad, it had never occurred to him that you would want to leave but he nodded,
"Fine. But I have a feeling you'll want to stick around." He tried to make it seem as though he was joking but you shook your head.
"Nothing will make me stay, Mr Lee." You sounded so sure of yourself and maybe you were but now that Felix had you there was no way he was going to let you go so easily.
"Hmm. We'll see." He mumbled, getting up and readying his office for you to use.
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With determination and skill, you set to work. You fortified Felix's digital defences, erecting layers of encryption and implementing state-of-the-art security protocols. It was insane how poor his security was for someone who was supposed to be the best of the best. You thought you would have been working alone but Felix watched you work the whole time. You spent every night in your own room in his huge house, the two of you would eat meals together giving you time to get to know each other which was something you were feeling unsure about.
The more time you spent with him the more you wanted to leave, growing attached to someone was never an option for you and getting attached to a criminal? Never. 
But Felix found himself falling for you and hard, every day you'd work he would watch you with a mixture of fascination and admiration, impressed by your intellect and resourcefulness.
But as the days turned into weeks and your job neared completion, Felix found himself growing reluctant to let you go. He had his men ruin some of your work so that you'd stay around longer but it was getting harder and harder to do that with how good your work was. He had grown accustomed to your presence, your sharp wit and unwavering confidence a welcome distraction from the monotony of his daily life.
You pushed your chair away from his desk, smirking to yourself. You were unbelievably proud of how well you'd done your job, despite the obstacles that had been thrown in the way. 
"I've fixed your security systems, Lix," You announced, Felix's smile dropped from his lips as he stared back at you. He knew this time would be coming but he thought he would have more time than this. 
"It's time for me to move on." You stretched in the chair, your heart breaking at the thought of leaving him but you weren't going to listen to it. Felix's heart sank at the thought of losing you.
"I- I still need your help," He stuttered a little, he hated that he was stuttering but you were the one person who turned him into a nervous wreck with just one look.
"I fixed everything Lix, everything is unbreakable." You weren't going to allow yourself to stay any longer, you'd already felt yourself falling and you wanted to stop it in your tracks.
"Firecracker...Come on, you're the best of the best. I need you around," He sounded desperate but he honestly didn't care, he didn't want you to leave. Not when he was so close to you now. As soon as you were gone he'd be alone and the thought of that terrified him.
"You'll find someone who's just as good." You shrugged, you knew people who could replace you and if he really wanted you could get him their names.
"I can't let you go." He said simply as the door to his office opened,
"You promised." Your voice was strained as you realised what he was going to do.
"I'm sorry."
"You said you kept your word!" You screamed as two of his men stood at the door, holding their guns another led you to the room you'd been staying in.
"I hate you!" You screamed at the door, Felix' stared down at the floor. He knew he could get you to like him, he just needed a little more time with you.
You were trapped, despite your skills, you'd been no match for Felix and his powerful organization. Reluctantly, you resigned yourself to your fate, knowing that you were at Felix's mercy.
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It had been a few weeks since Felix had taken you in, every day you were forced to spend meal times with him. You hated him but at the same time, your heart was still falling for him, despite him taking you hostage. 
"Yn, you have to speak to me eventually," Felix stated as he watched you walk away from him. You'd spent most of the meals in silence, with Felix taking the conversations and talking about his day mostly. 
"Why? You want me to be some trophy in your grasp, trophies don't speak." You mumbled. It was the first time he'd heard you speak in weeks and even though it was a mumble it was music to Felix's ears. In the dimly lit confines of the home, tension hung heavy in the air as you turned on your heels to face him.
On one hand, you hated him for taking you but on another, he had taken you away from everything you hated about the real world. You were given the freedom to explore - with an armed guard by your side. You had no bills to pay, no responsibilities, it was nice...It would have been nicer if it hadn't been against your will.
"Yn, you have to understand," He pleaded, his voice tinged with desperation as he tried to justify his actions as if that was even possible. 
"I didn't take you hostage because I wanted to. I did it because... because I couldn't bear the thought of losing you." You scoffed a little, your eyes flashing with anger as you met his gaze, your fists clenched at your sides. He was unbelievable.
"That doesn't excuse what you did," You retorted, your voice sharp with reproach. 
"You can't just kidnap someone and expect them to forgive you because you're afraid of being alone." You grumbled at him, folding your arms across your chest, you weren't just going to forgive him for kidnapping you just because he gave you some piss-poor excuse.
Felix winced at your words, the weight of his guilt pressing down on him like a suffocating blanket. He knew that he had crossed a line, and had violated the trust of the one person he cared about more than anything else in the world. Even though he'd barely known you, part of him knew the two of you were meant to be together and he wanted it to work more than anything.
But if he'd let you leave when you were supposed to, he never would have seen you again and this had been the only logical part his brain could come up with. 
"I know I messed up,"  He admitted, his voice thick with remorse, it was now or never to make it up to you. 
"And I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you, I swear. But please, just give me a chance to prove that my feelings for you are real, that I'm not just some monster trying to control your life." Your anger softened slightly at his words, your heart aching with the weight of his confession. 
"I love you...I have a shitty way of showing it but I do." You blinked at him. Love? He barely knew you. 
"Your idea of loving me is to kidnap me and force me to stay against my will?" A pang of guilt shot through his chest as he stared at you.
"I'm sorry, Yn, I know I messed up and I'll do whatever it takes to make it right, but please...Just...Just give me a chance to prove to you my feelings are genuine." You wanted to believe him more than anything in the world but it was hard when everyone in your life had used love as a weapon.
"I want to believe you, Felix," You whispered, your voice tinged with uncertainty.
"But you have to understand that trust isn't something you can just demand from someone. It has to be earned, and right now, I'm not sure if I can ever trust you." Felix's heart sank at your words, the realization of his mistakes hitting him like a freight train. 
"I'll do whatever it takes," he promised, his voice trembling a little, he was willing to do anything to get you to agree to be his. 
"I'll make things right, I swear. Just please... please don't give up on me." You stared at him, biting the inside of your cheek as you thought about it.
"I'll have conditions." If you were going to give this a real chance then you were going to do it with your own conditions and speculations.
"Anything." He breathed out, relief sounding in his voice as you finally agreed to him.
"I want to go out more. Alone." You stated plainly, that all you wanted was time alone. Time to go out without someone watching your every move.
"Anything but that." He bit off a little, his tone unsure of what to make of that. What if you ran? What if you found a way out and never came back?
"You said you want me to trust you but you won't trust me," You snapped at him angrily, the anger bubbling over and finally spilling.
"That's the only thing I want. Time alone." He sighed a little and rubbed the bridge of his nose, looking back to you before nodding.
"Fine. You'll come back?" You knew running would be useless but part of you didn't even want to run.
"I promise." You whispered as he watched you, his eyes narrowing a little as if he were trying to figure out if you were lying or not.
"There's a ball coming up. A charity one, you can go shopping for a gown and accessories." He told you,
"I don't have money," With that, he handed you a black car with a smile on his lips.
"Buy yourself something nice," You stared down at the black card. Oh, you were planning on buying something nice, but it wasn't just going to be one thing.
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You found yourself decked out in silk and diamonds, courtesy of Felix's card that you'd kept on you ever since you'd gotten back from your little trip. Felix carefully walked you through the grand hall and smiled as he looked around, the event was in full swing as people began to mingle with one another. But you were the only person Felix wanted to spend all night talking to. Felix escorted you through the grand ballroom, all of these things had become to the same for him over the years but he would always make sure he came to them to donate a wealthy sum before leaving.
Only tonight, he wanted to stay. He wanted to take you out on the dance floor and show you off in the stunning dress you'd worn and let everyone know that you were his.
"This place is so beautiful." You gasped out, you couldn't believe your eyes. The opulent chandeliers cast a soft glow all over the room, soft music played through the hall and people chatted among themselves. 
"You look beautiful," He whispered in your ear, smiling to himself as he looked at you. Ever since you'd walked down to him that night he hadn't been able to keep his eyes off you, not that he ever did before. Your attention slowly turned to Felix who was dressed in a tailored suit, looking as handsome as ever.
"You look handsome," You whispered, part of you wanted to hate him for keeping you hostage but after almost maxing out his card - or so you'd hoped - you were starting to feel a lot better about everything.
Felix began to navigate through the crowds of people and the more you walked the more out of place you began to feel. All of the people in attendance were wealthy and powerful people, you were a hacker who had a chance incounter with a man worth more than you could possibly think about. The further you walked the more aware you were of the curious glances and whispered rumours that were being passed around. Felix didn't even seem fazed by them as he reached for a tray of champagne and handed one of them to you.
"To a wonderful night," He cheered to you, both of you drinking from your glasses until his phone started to ring inside of his pocket, smiling weakly he pulled it out.
"Hello...Yes, this is he," He mumbled into the phone before turning to look at you, and you smirked already knowing what the phone call was about.
"200K...Hmm," He hummed as he stared at you, he had to admit he was a little impressed with how much you'd managed to spend on the card he gave to you.
"No, not to worry. That wasn't fraud, just my future wife throwing a tantrum. Alright, thank you."
"Future wife?" You giggled a little as he licked his lips slowly and shook his head at you,
"200K? What did you even buy?"
"A whole computer system, a whole new wardrobe and some diamonds." You showed him the earrings you were wearing and he couldn't help but laugh to himself.
"You didn't give me a spending limit," You shrugged it off, you expected him to get mad but Felix was quite impressed. He never thought you'd be able to spend that much in one day.
"For you? There's never a limit baby," He smirked before kissing your lips softly. For a fleeting moment, you forgot about the dangers that lurked outside the ballroom walls, or that you'd been taken hostage by Felix. You just allowed yourself to feel happy, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck and kissing him back deeper this time. 
Tonight, you weren't just some hacker girl that Felix had brought along to the ball to play Cinderella for the night and you weren't his captive. You were simply a woman lost in the enchantment of the moment, captivated by the enigmatic man at your side.
As you slowly pulled away from one another there was something different in Felix's eyes, 
"What's wrong?" You were almost scared your kiss had been bad but he shook his head at you, hesitating for a moment as he thought about what he could say to you. He wanted to let you go, to let you leave the home if that was what you truly wanted but part of him was scared you'd never come back. Taking in a deep breath he reached out, his hand trembling slightly as he cupped your cheek,
"Yn, there's something I need to tell you." Your heart skipped a beat as you stared at him, waiting for him to say something but your heart raced faster with anticipation. 
"What is it?" Your voice barely came out above a whisper as you stared at him. With a sigh, Felix searched your eyes, his gaze intense and unwavering. 
"I know that our relationship began under... unconventional circumstances," he admitted, making you smirk a little.
"But as I've come to know you, I've realized that you are so much more than just a skilled hacker. You're intelligent, brave, and fiercely independent—a woman unlike any other I've ever met." He had no idea where he was going with this, it wasn't something he'd rehearsed. But your heart was fluttering at his words, your chest swelling with warmth you'd never felt before.
"And...I find myself, drawn to you in ways I can't quite explain." Your hand slowly moved to cup his cheek and you felt how hot he was getting,
"You've become an integral part of my life. And I don't want to imagine a world without you in it."
"I know I technically held you captive so...I understand if you don't want to stay with me but I needed to let you know my feelings are true." He looked at you, swallowing a lump the size of a boulder in his throat,
"But I'm going to let you go. You can leave the house, you can move out."
"Lix," You whispered, your voice trembling with emotion as you stared at him. His confession washed over you as you watched him closely, you felt the same way for him and hearing him say he was willing to let you go made you only want to stay.
"I feel the same way, I-I never wanted to...I always thought love was   just a weapon but you..." You didn't even know where to start with him.
"You care for me more than I ever thought possible." You whispered to him before Felix' blushed,
"Dance with me?" You added before he nodded, taking your hand in his.
As you swayed in each other's arms, the world around you faded into insignificance, leaving only the gentle embrace of the music and the warmth of your shared connection. Your head was rested against Felix's chest, your heart racing with a mixture of nerves and excitement. Despite the lavish surroundings and the curious glances of the other guests, you felt safe and protected in his arms, as if nothing else mattered but the two of you at that moment.
Felix held you close, his touch gentle yet possessive as you moved together in perfect harmony around the floor. With each step, he felt the weight of his past sins and regrets fall away, replaced by a sense of peace and contentment that he had never known before.
"Lix," You breathed out as you stared up at him, your eyes sparking a little as he stared down at you. In a moment of unspoken understanding, your dance slowed, your movements becoming more intimate as you gazed into each other's eyes. The soft melody continued to play, wrapping around you like a cocoon as you drew closer, your breaths mingling in the air.
With a gentle touch, he cupped your cheek, his thumb brushing against your skin as he leaned in, his lips hovering just inches from yours. your heart raced in anticipation, your eyes fluttering closed as you surrendered to the inevitable. You'd kissed before but now there felt a sudden pressure for this one.
Your lips met in a tender, electrifying kiss—a silent declaration of the feelings that had been simmering beneath the surface for so long. Time seemed to stand still as you lost yourselves in each other, the world around them fading completely as you shared a moment of pure, uncontrolled passion.
"Follow me," You breathed out, grabbing his hand in yours as you made your way through the crowds, ignoring the people who were staring and mumbling. Right now you needed Felix and you didn't have time for pleasantries as you made your way through the hall.
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"Here?" He chuckles as he lifts you up onto the countertop of the bathroom you'd just dragged him inside of, your heart racing as you watch him closely.
"What if someone comes in?" He arches a brow at you before you drag him closer to you by his tie. He knew no one would come in, his men had followed him to the door and were no doubt waiting outside refusing anyone entry if they tried.
"Then they'll see we're busy and leave." You grumbled before kissing him, this time the kiss was deeper and more intense as you pushed off the blazer he was wearing onto the floor and worked on the buttons of his shirt.
"Someone's very needy." He chuckles to himself as you glare at him, you weren't in the mood for any games, you needed him and you weren't afraid to show it.
"Shut up and do something about it then,"
"Gladly." He groans, his hands rolling up your dress until he exposes your bare core and he smirks to himself,
"No panties?" He arched his brow at you and you giggled spreading your legs for him to get a better view. His eyes run down your body, his tongue darting out to wet his lip.
"You're so fucking beautiful," He groans, his hands drifting to your thighs, his knuckles catching on the edge of your pussy making you whimper.
"You take my breath away," He tells you breathlessly,
"Prove it." You demand, spreading your legs, his eyes drop to your pussy and he groans instantly falling to his knees. You were the only woman he would ever drop to his knees for like this. Having the great Lee Felix on his knees for you sent a power trip through you like no other. You grab his head as he trails his tongue along your slit making you whimper a little at him,
"Please." You plead with him, your hips bucking a little toward him as he chuckles softly sending vibrations all over your body. His tongue touches your clit, circling it, then tracing it down your centre and dipping inside of you, lapping you up hungrily. Your hands tighten in his hair, pushing his face closer to you as you grind against his tongue. Your eyes fluttered shut as your head rolled back against the mirror behind you.
"D-Dear God, Lix, please." You moan out as he removes his tongue, licking his head to look at you as he licks his lips.
"You taste like paradise," He groans before dropping his head and eating you out like a man starved, His eyes meet yours as he keeps his face buried between your thighs, your hips trying to get more friction as you cry his name out loudly.
"Felix!" You scream, his teeth gently biting on your clit as he sends you over the edge. Ecstasy washed through you as your hips shuddered beneath him, a giant smirk toyed on his lips as he got up from the floor.
"That was fucking hot," He moans out before kissing you deeply, your legs wrapped around his waist as you yanked him closer to you. The kiss was desperate, raw, filled with a need so strong you began to grind against his pants.
"You'll make a mess, firecracker," He chuckles softly before you pull away, unbuckling his belt and kicking his pants down leaving him bare in front of you. Felix was quick to reach for his wallet, grabbing a condom from the inside and rolling it onto himself as you wiggle your eyebrows at him.
"This is going to be quick," He winks at you, he could hear a commotion happening outside but you smirked at him. The two of you were at a ball filled to the brim with rich people and you wanted them to hear you getting fucked by him. 
"Lix, don't make me beg," You whine before he slams into you, holding you tightly as you groan, throwing your head back against the mirror so hard you were afraid it was going to break. You scream his name out as he pulls back and thrusts into you again, your legs wrapped around his waist as you bring him closer to him.
"Felix!" You cry out as the door handle jiggles, making you giggle as Felix chuckles to himself.
"Felix! Is that you?!" A man yelled from outside the door, you whimpered a little but Felix only continued to plow in and out of you.
"I'm busy fucking my girl, we'll be out soon!" He calls out before slamming into you again, your head rolling back as your hips bucked toward him. You dig your heels into his ass urging him on and his hand presses onto the mirror behind you, the other on your hips as he fucks you. His thrusts wild and hard as he groans your name out.
"L-Lix." You moan out as he continues to drive into you, your hands digging into his shoulders as you yank him closer to you, your release drawing closer as you cry out his name.
"I've got you, you can come, firecracker," He moans out, reaching his hand down and rubbing your clit roughly. Your release rushes over you unexpectedly as you cry out his name loudly, whimpering and bucking uncontrollably. Felix chuckles to himself, completely in love with the way you come undone around him but he doesn't stop.
He continues to fuck into you, one leg over his shoulder as he hits you at a different angle,
"G-God, YES!" You cry out as he smirks to himself, his fingers rubbing your clit as you whimper his name out, your third orgasm of the night already fast approaching as you whimper his name again and again.
"Come for me, firecracker. One last time," He grunts, thrusting harder as you cry out his name, your stomach clenching as you cum around him once again, clenching so tightly you send him over the edge and he spills into the condom.
The two of you stay like that for a few seconds until Felix carefully lowers your leg down and leans his forehead against yours, panting heavily as you let out a tiny giggle.
"Think people will stare when we go out there?" You leaned back against the mirror and watched as Felix smirked and nodded.
"Who cares?" He chuckled before slowly dressing himself. A loud banging sounded on the door as you rolled your eyes, someone was clearly desperate for the toilet or for Felix's attention and you hated them for it.
"I've got info for you!" Someone yelled from outside the door as Felix stuffs himself back into his trousers, did himself up and checked that you were dressed before opening the door he wasn't going to risk anyone but him seeing you.
"Minho," Felix greets with a smirk on his lips, the man glances in your direction before looking over his shoulder.
"Kitten, take Felix's date to the girls for a chat. The men need to talk business." You glanced at Felix to make sure it was okay first and he nodded, kissing your cheek quickly before you ran off with the woman Minho had spoken to.
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The girls you'd been standing with were all so friendly and each of them had been telling you about their dates, you since learnt that all of them were with a criminal madman which had made you feel a lot better about yourself and Felix.
"I hate you," You grumbled, jokingly as Felix stood behind you, his lips brushing against the skin on your neck making your body shiver. The bathroom sex wasn't enough, you wanted to go back home and fuck until you saw the morning sun,
"I hate you more, my little firecracker" Felix smirked down at you before you swatted his hands away from you, but he successfully managed to get his hands around your waist and he smirked.
"Excuse us, ladies but we have some making up to go and do." Felix chuckled before dragging you away without a second to even say goodbye to them all.
"Hey I was having fun, who knows when I'll see them again?" You pouted a little, but Felix spun you around and pulled you into a tight embrace.
"You'll see them at our wedding no doubt." He shrugs as if it was the most casual thing in the world for him to say and you roll your eyes at him,
"You're that sure I'll marry you?" You quipped, he was. In fact, he was willing to put money on it.
"I'm sure I can convince you after a few more orgasms," He winks before you shove against his chest and make your way out to a car.
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saphushia · 6 months
do you have any fic recs for dp/dc? ive been interested in reading good ones but its kinda hard to shuffle thru them all.
oh fuck yeah you know i do. i'm just gonna make a list of good ones until i get bored or tired lets see how long this gets lmao
also personal preference wise i'm not big on the danny-gets-adopted fics so u gotta ask someone else if u want recs of those ones lmao
⭐= my absolute favorites all fics are gen unless a ship is listed make sure u check fic tags for CWs b4 reading 👍
⭐It all Started at a Convention tim meets danny at a tech convention and they have a surprisingly nice afternoon together. and then tim comes to a realization about some things danny said...
A Monsterous Kind of Love [tim/danny] tim's a vampire. danny's a full ghost. tim gets to kill a few hunters in a frenzied rage to keep danny safe. as a treat <3
You've Got My Heart (I've Got Your Soul) [tim/tucker] congrats tim! you met your soulmate! why's he trying to kill you. hm. maybe you fucked up, buddy
Of loss, longing and long duration. [danny/bruce] of danny falling in love with bruce, breaking up with bruce, and proceeding to still be adored by all bruce's kids, past and present.
You Are a Monster (But So Am I) [danny/duke] duke's not a monster fucker- he's not! he swears! it's just this one, specific, really pretty eldritch snow monster-
If I had a nickel for every billionaire that tried to kidnap me, I’d have two nickels- which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice bruce is very tired. it's not his fault he accidentally kidnapped some teenager. aka danny's very bad wierd and stressful afternoon.
If You Give a Bat a Burger danny's just trying to lay low while keeping gotham's spirit infestation under control- of course nothing ever is simple for him. meanwhile, the bats all have their hands full with what seem to be unconnected cases, but nothing's ever simple for them either.
Rooftop Express [danny/jason] danny is bored and starts his own version of doordash in gotham. red hood keeps putting in orders so he can see the cute delivery boy <3 what do you mean he's a halfa
⭐Bus to Nowhere danny's adventures being a homeless teen in gotham on the run from his parents and the GIW. he's called dumpster tommy now, and he can't seem to stop befriending criminal and attracting vigilantes desperate to help him
An Interesting Family Tree [danny/tim] danny left the league of assassins years ago, but he can't seem to keep his nose out of it when he finds out red robin's being targeted by them. (canon divergence of tim's search for bruce in the red robin comics, where danny joins him. don't need to read the comic to read the fic)
⭐Grave Promises after an identity reveal gone wrong, danny has no one to turn to. no one, except, maybe, the hero who got stuck in the ghost zone years ago, who became danny's friend, danny's mentor, before they finally got him returned to his timeline. nightwing.
Our Empty Graves [jason/danny] danny, mute, injured, and on the run, is saved from a tight spot by red hood. he quickly becomes jason's problem, and jason makes the mistake of becoming endeared to this snarky shit.
Night Circus [dick/danny] dick hits it off with danny, a circus performer who just came to gotham. dick's thrilled- aside from the fact that circus gothica seems to be connected to the string of robberies that's suddenly hit gotham, and the bizarre thief dressed like the grim reaper...
Secretary Danny danny accidentally gets himself hired as the personal secretary of tim drake, wayne industries CEO. he's surprisingly ok with this, actually. and he's scarily good at it.
ok it's late i need to go eepies now have funnnn <3
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snickerdoodlles · 1 year
📒📓📔📕???? Pretty please :3
sometimes @majestictortoise and i toss around story ideas that are less plot and more of us just chucking our favorite things in the communal soup pot and letting them stew. case in point:
Kim and Porsche meet first AU! 🥳
Porsche rescues Kim from mafia thugs
why does Kim need rescuing? unimportant! what matters is Porsche sees a nong in need and rushes to his rescue. Kinn-shaped people get charged 50k baht for his assistance, Kim-shaped people get help whether they like it or not. and afterwards Kim, who's father taught him that everything has a cost and how to keep a mental ledger of favors and debts, tries to pay Porsche off for the help.
Porsche, who's 'tips' have always been for sex work, sees the wad of cash and goes "you want a post-fight fuck????"
Kim, an awkward turtle-duck, bolts away like ???nO????!!!!!!
Kim hires Porsche as a bodyguard
how did we get from "hire me for sex?" to "hire me for protection?" unimportant! what matters is Kim secures Porsche for himself and Porsche thinks "how hard can guarding one moderately popular youtube star be?" and the raccoon shenanigans that ensue. and, of course, Kim finding the connection between their families and investigating his own hire. then 2 days later, because Kim doesn't have a crush to draw out the investigation and Porsche couldn't do subterfuge to save his life, Kim confronts Porsche with his evidence and Porsche goes "what the FUCK do you mean our families are CONNECTED?!" and these two going full gremlin investigator mode together.
Porsche brings Kim home
when exactly does this happen? unimportant! what matters is Porsche and Kim smuggle themselves into the neighborhood late at night, which results in Chay looking up from playing a videogame or doing homework or whatever to see his brother standing there with ✨Wik✨ in his own living room and his first response is "why'd you bring me my favorite musician" because clearly that is the only reason why his beloved older brother, who keeps trying to give him the moon and stars even though he didn't ask for them, would bring home Wik. also;
Chay: *thinks about his idol wall one floor above* Kim: *stares at cute boy* Porsche: i see i'm not needed here
Chay learns Porsche is mafia
how exactly does this come up? unimportant! what matters is:
"he's mafia" "i don't care that Kim's mafia, why are YOU mafia hia!!!!" "...i'll just uh... be over..... there......." Kim says to no one before awkwardly shuffling himself off to a corner.
naturally, this is when Kinn decides to show up
why does he choose now to stop by? because older brother instincts drive you to always be the most annoying person in the room, next. Kim hired a guard out of nowhere without telling Kinn or Papa and the guy's stayed on for longer than 24 hours, Kinn is suspicious as shit and worried as hell. he's been keeping it under wraps, but Kim and Porsche trying to fly under the radar right now gives him a good opportunity to investigate. and lo and behold, Kim appears to have made two new friends, one of whom keeps making him blush and the other who's the prettiest man Kinn's ever seen. Kinn is absolutely not just leaving Kim, he wants to know everything 👀
Kinn, Porsche, Kim, and Chay get snatched ala ep5
why are they kidnapped? unimportant! we do not question kidnapping plots in this household. Kinn, Porsche, Kim, and Chay all escape into the jungle but get separated. Kinn and Porsche have a journey not unlike ep6, except with more yelling, more bickering, and more trolling. Porsche's view of Kinn is colored by Kim not the guards here and then his main introduction is in the jungle not the compound, so he's charmed pretty quickly and judging himself for it every time Kinn falls back on his asshole training. Kinn's main introduction to Porsche is a caring guy who's also a troll and won't hesitate to punch him in the dick when he's being a jerk so...not too much changed there, actually. they are still handcuffed together.
Kim and Chay are having a nice time. bonding over music, trading stories about brothers, asking questions so that they can unravel Korn's 15 year long conspiracy--it's basically a scenic date. they are not handcuffed together because Kim carries three lockpick sets minimum at all times and was out of the handcuffs before they were even out of the truck. Kim and Chay are just holding hands, because Chay asked Kim to hold his hand, and Kim grabbed it saying it's the best way to ensure they aren't separated, and Chay responded "that's nice, but i asked because i want to hold your hand," and Kim blushed bright red. nerds.
the four of them reunite...eventually, idk when, but the first thing Chay does when he sees Porsche across the ravine is holler "DID YOU REALLY THINK KIM WAS PAYING YOU FOR SEX HIA" and Kinn's head snaps around so fast Kim and Porsche get secondhand whiplash.
Korn dies
how does this happen? unimportant! but he's dead before the fic ends.
[[ fics im not writing ]]
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ahungeringknife · 7 months
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slightly new and improved Writeblr intro
About me
I'm bb (bibi, and BB are fine but not Bb, that's a writing signature not mine), 30+, queer, she/they, and I like to write.
My fave genres are fantasy, scifi, and romance. Sometimes with historical fiction and slice of life thrown in too.
I have a probably unhealthy amount of OCs and I want all of them to kiss.
I write both fanfic and original stuff.
I mostly post my own writing, writeblr games, and posts that give me crazy OC thoughts to be tagged. I don't reblog a lot of writing advice or self deprecating writer posts because honestly? Couldn't be me.
I did a HUGE writing challenge this year that was an attempt to write 365 1-shots. One a day. I failed but that's okay. I wrote like 200 of them and that's great and I'm proud of myself.
This is a side blog. I follow from @xaz-fr
I love asks and tumblr messages. I do writeblr games but I could really use some writeblr friends to tag in the ones I do get :,D
I'd love to look at your stuff. You should def show me your writing in a reply or reblog :3
Main tags (that aren't WIPs)
#365 - the big year long project. It has some original stuff, and some fanfic. Lots of adult themes. Lots of original spooky stuff. Lots of 'horror and love are the same thing actually'. Things that are Very Adult are posted on AO3 with a link.
#Fey Alliance - catch all tag for my main setting, the Fey Alliance
#rattling - headcanons, world building, story thoughts, character questions, commentary. Mostly any original posts that aren't writing.
The Zealous Servant - Dark high fantasy with lots of magic, necromancers, gods, and political drama. The main character Spayar needs to help his friend the crown prince kill the entire royal family before they turn around and do the same to him in order to claim the throne. Very queer, and is written for an adult audience not YA.
Entropy - My main fanfic WIP from the Destiny 2 fandom. Follows my OCs on their journey to bully the fuck out of Shin Malphur; resident Worst Guy Ever. Along the way he gets a hot girlfriend and I force him to have some actual friends because his lone wolf shtick is tired and stupid lol.
Lonos [working title] - This is a backburner one I need to really hash out a bit more. So I'll probably be posting a lot of rattlings about this one. Vaguely middle eastern appearance in setting about a traveling circus where all the players are also mercenaries for hire. Post a massive plague that wiped out almost all the magic users on the continent and the ones that are still around are viewed as cursed or unclean. (I swear I had this idea before the panny :,D) Gonna be a big long gay slow burn. For adult audiences.
Witchbane - Another backburner one I need to churn out some rattlings about. Steampunk set in a country called Ravthica where everyone thinks magic isn't real. When Spencer's parents go missing he's got to start believing in magic real quick when the hag that lives on his family's property tells him witches kidnapped his parents and the only way to get them back is to kill them. But witch hunting isn't exactly easy and he needs the help of some Wild things to find the witches that want his family and their witch hunting dogs all dead. For YA audiences.
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ladypeonies · 6 months
Jimin, Jungkook, the military etc.
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Since the announcement of their enlistment till now, I had to bite my tongue not to scream sometimes at the insanity, above all regarding Jimin. My goodness all the Jimin would get bullied, I’m worried about him, from antis and his own fans, insanity. I get antis wishing that to happen to him, but his fans. Have you ever considered that the contrary may happen? Have you ever heard about the Jimin effect out there? Men and women falling for your idol? Have you heard about that effect on black, white, brown, short, tall, bald, long hair men? Show hosts being mesmerised, were you there? Suga himself in his show told you that Jimin had the capacity to pull at people’s heart strings. Do you remember the effect on his own members? All of those people were human beings. It may come as a shock to you but despite the codes, rules the military is made of human beings.
And you are telling me that the first thing they will think by watching Jimin, whose music they grow up with, even against their will, his smile, his kindness is to bully him because they will be bored and wanting to make him pay for being young and successful? You’re telling me they will choose to attack him without thinking of the repercussions or Jimin finding them outside and hiring people to beat the shit out of them? They wouldn't choose to be kind to use his connections, fans (the girls), hope for a job, etc. Yes, the world is full of POS and with extreme conditions people could lose it. But you forget something, BTS renewed their contract, they are Hybe assets (I know they’re human beings!) business-wise, and there is no way Hybe would let their boys get damaged mentally and physically. They have insiders, whistleblowers who will love to have a quick pay to alert them of anything.
How can they have insiders, the army is strict bla bla? The Korean army is strict with its soldiers, but the Korean army is part of Korean society. It’s not like people can’t get their way in Korea with connections, money and power. Are we talking about the same Korea? Which was built on corruption with the chaebols? A democracy which is doing worse than countries who had dictators putting their family in charge, and kidnapping people in their house, in terms of corruption? A country where corrupt ties between Korean businesses and Korean governments run deep? That wouldn’t allow a private company to have eyes on his famous employees in the army? No favours, really? Why do you think BTS went to Saudi Arabia for the weather, only for the fans? Nothing to do with deals between the two countries? And Hybe wouldn’t have asked something in return?
Even if Hybe didn’t ask, a military official in charge of overseeing BTS training and service wouldn't like anything happening to them under their watch. That’s a career suicide. The whole world would look at it, scrutinise the army and articles would pop up left and right. Korean doesn’t want to be embarrassed for failing to take care of the biggest boy’s band in their history. So, no, I’m not worried. It will be tough but Jimin will be fine, they all will be. One doesn’t have/send famous people in their army without taking precautions and being prepared.
Jikook had noble reasons to go together that I stated here, they can rely on each other, but what if Park Satellite Jungkook imagined his Jiminie hyung in a military base, surrounded by hundreds of soldiers complimenting his smile, willing to help him cut his meat, calling him cute, and he said, where is the companion enlistment form, I need it right now? Lol.
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candlecoo · 2 years
One good man au: what if bakugou looked up to izuku for a good while, like an older brother figure, and then when he was kidnapped and sees Izuku there he feels a sense of betrayal and calls him a villain.
Izukus just like 'bro I just work here, it pays well and the people treat me like a person, yknow?' And bakugou feels a sense of. Guilt. Bc he wasn't very nice to izuku growing up, but izuku didn't seem to care at the time.
When all might arrives, bakugou is already gone but izuku is still working, cleaning the bar. All Might maybe recognises Izuku from a few pictures bakugou has, of a small bakugou and a younger izuku. And he's like 'you... betrayed him?' And izukus like 'not really, I just work here man. It's like, the only place that doesn't treat me like a parasite bc of my quirk status lol'
What if izuku is offered a job at UA after the raid on the bar, maybe the bars closed down and he's like 'dammit I gotta find ANOTHER job :/' but nezu slides in like heeeyyy you have info abt the villains maybe and now you have no job! UA has a position open, wanna be my secretary the pay is Great and you get to rat out the villains? Qnd izuku is hesitant bc it's a hero school and people just are not super great to quirkless people but nezu assures him that any mistreatment will be punished accordingly.
I love the energy of izuku in this au, 'bro I just work here I don't do crimes'
At first Bakugou feels betrayed like this person that he has known since he was born, who in all but blood is family to him works for the villains!
After being called out by Katsuki Izuku has a long conversation with the boy.
Izuku: "Contrary to what you may believe Kacchan, I'm no villain I'm just a bartender. And before you say that I should 'work' somewhere else, I'll tell you I've tried. But nobody wants somebody who's quirkless and if they do it's so they can cut my pay, make me do all the hard labor and treat me like an animal. Here I'm treated like a person, like I matter. That's all I ever wanted."
Bakugou: "You could've gone to someone, told them all this shit, I would've listened, a hero would've!!"
Izuku: "... Heroes won't do anything, last time I trusted a hero they destroyed my dreams and told me to learn my place in the dirt with the other worms. They never would've helped someone like me. And as for you Kacchan last I remember you were going around saying how much of a worthless, useless Deku I was. I may be older than you, but I still here the gossip."
And the funny thing is Bakugou knows he is right, Katsuki has never been nice to Midoriya even when all the older boy wanted to do was help him. And it weighs heavy on him.
All Might also accuses Izuku of betrayal and of being a villain, but Izuku looks him dead in the eye and goes "I'm just the bartender, I've never committed a crime in my life." And All Might just blanks like what??? He turns to the young man and is like "then why didn't you report the kidnapping??" To which Izuku throws back "And lose the only job that will hire, let alone treat a quirkless individual like a person? No thanks. The perfect symbol of a corrupt quirk society would never understand that struggle. We quirkless are treated like victims waiting to happen if we haven't killed ourselves before fifteen, that is."
And that throws the Hero for the loop, since gaining OFA he never thought about the struggles of quirkless people, he didn't know it had gotten that bad.
Nezu finds out about Izuku, and after some research finds out that he was wrongly rejected from UA even though his tests would've gained him a seat in Gen Ed at least!!! So with some negotiation gets Izuku a position on the UA staff as his secretary. As long as Izuku helps where he can during investigations. And he promises the man that he will be paid correctly and treated fairly this time around, or there will be hell to pay for any offenders.
Izuku has major "we live in a society" vibes and I love it.
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helluvapurf · 9 months
forgot i was still doing this ask meme for a sec my bad lol
13. worst blorboficiation
Do you mean in terms of canon portrayals, or fandom-wise? Hmmm... if we're just talking canon here, then... weeeeell- >>
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-Now before anyone freaks out, no I don't "hate" Stolas... at most I'm honestly just kinda... "neutral"-feeling whenever he pops up on screen these days 🤷‍♀️
Concept-wise, I do like the idea of Stolas being this seemingly aged, powerful figure among the Ars Goetia... struggling to balance his twisted desires with his family/royalty responsibilities. Often getting lost in his own head to focus on anyone but his personal joy/fantasies-
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...but at the same time, not too far gone that he can't reel it back in-time to eventually realize his mistakes, and try to do whatever he can to fix it (no matter how successful or not those attempts be-):
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It was unique, compelling and overall made Stolas an entertaining character from the initial HB pilot to the end of S1. Making me super intrigued of how this crooked, broken bird could eventually grow and learn from all that happened into S2...
...aaaaand then "The Circus" & onwards just... idk, decided to do away with all that to make Stolas more like an innocent, pure-natured soul all along... who never meant to come off like a selfish jerk 'cause he's just soooo lonely & sad, having the sweetest of intentions all along~ 🥺🥺
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and its like... usually I don't mind giving sympathetic/tragic backstories to explain why they behave the way they do in the present-day... but with how S2's been framing things with Stolas atm, any and all mistakes he's pulled in the past has become the fault of other people's doing?
Stolas & Stella having a cold, loveless marriage that ended in him getting caught cheating (+Stella hiring a hit on him because of said cheating)? ...Well then clearly thats all Stella's fault for being a raging harpy from birth, so bitch got what she deserved when he dumped her ass, haha~
Stolas having a demeaning, belittling view on Imps (even around Blitz a few times in S1)? ...Well then that clearly was just the fault of his eeeevil dad Paimon, pushing the idea in his son's head from his kid years (who was so pure at heart enough that he wanted to bow to Blitz, when they met, awww~).
Stolas not being the most attentive father to Octavia, ignoring her feelings over & over? ...Well then clearly thats all on Via for not being grateful for the big, noble sacrifices Stolas put into loving her (esp as she apparently only exists to be a “precautionary heir” from his toxic marriage), and the fact that he's trying should be enough to forgive all his faults as the best dad ever~
Stolas being a pushy creep towards Blitz during their S1 dynamic, stepping over boundaries despite Blitz's clear discomfort? ...Well then that's clearly all on Blitz for being the one who put the moves on Stolas first, who was just a flustered bean from the start wanting to reconnect with his old buddy & gained true feelings overtime... why can't Blitz see how much Stolas loooooves him~? :ccc
...Aaaaand yeah, idk about yall but ehhhhh- I just couldn't really get into that angle the more I watched S2 :/. Not to say that Stolas’ last couple appearances were bad, per-say ('cause I did find his sassiness to Striker while kidnapped + his reading-enthusiasm with Ozzie's contract pretty funny)... buuut to make a long story short:
Shady, morally gray Stolas who needs to work on himself >>>>> Sad baby boi Stolas who did nothing wrong ever
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mermaidsirennikita · 4 months
I realise this is subjective but what's the straight-up most batshit (derogatory or complimentary) thing you've ever read in a book? This doesn't even have to be a rec list, i'm just curious about the Things You've Seen
Good question!
Morning Glory Milking Farm seems so normal now, but when that premise came out it was so crazy. I mean, tbh, the book is actually a pretty normal cozy romance in a lot of ways, just with a really wacky framing (which has kind of become C.M. Nascosta's signature). I'm kinda meh on it, but not because of the premise. Run, Run Rabbit is my Nascosta of Choice.
I began reading Immortals After Dark because I heard of Lothaire's premise, tbh. "3,000 year old vampire (who has been a Big Bad in the other books) finds out hillbilly coed is his fated mate, is like 'oh God, that is SO embarrassing, I can't' and convinces himself that his actual fated mate is the demonic goddess possessing said coed's body, so he puts the coed on DEATH ROW for safekeeping, and five years later shows up to slaughter everyone in prison, rescue the heroine from the lethal injection, and go 'WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME YOU IDIOT???'"
It was the death row element that got me reading. And that's over with in like, the first two chapters. And then it gets CRAZIER. God, I love that book.
The Thornchapel series by Sierra Simone was SUCH a big swing, even by her standards. Six friends try to figure out the creeping, looming darkness in an ancient chapel...? While following ancient sacrificial rites and hooking up with each other? There are two romances (MMF and FF)? How does she juggle all that?
The answer: really, really well. I love that series. Perfect Gothic vibes.
I mean. The Earl Takes All by Lorraine Heath. Gorilla Twins. And she pulled it off to perfection.
The All the King's Men duology by Kennedy Ryan does not seem that bonkers in theory (long-term back and forth between a billionaire oil guy's rebellious son and a Navajo environmental activist-turned-political-operative) but the books are actually iNSANE lol. He's lost in ANTARCTICA at one point????? She's kidnapped by masked men??? There are hostage videos??? Honestly, this duology is kind of like... Scandal vibes, if Scandal hadn't gone completely off the rails. It really may have been Kennedy Ryan watching Scandal and going "... I could do that better". And boy does she.
The Wolf and The Wildflower by Stacy Reid has a gloriously insane premise. The hero is a duke (the Duke of Wolverton or something too??) who was stranded in the Yukon for years and basically became a part of a wolf pack and developed incredibly wolfy habits... So his family hires a father/son pair of psychiatrists to help him adapt back to society... And then he smells the "son" and realizes he's actually a woman in disguise (genuinely, this isn't a gross transphobic plot, the heroine fully identifies as a woman and just disguises herself as a man for Romance Reasons) and detects her WOMANLY SCENT. It. Is. Insane.
Lush Money by Angelina M. Lopez. Lady billionaire offers to financially bail out a small principality on the condition that the heir (who has a genius-level IQ) a) marries her for a year b) gets her pregnant so that she can have a hot, smart royal baby.
Speaking of baby stuff, Nobody's Baby But Mine by Susan Elizabeth Phillips!!!! The heroine is a genius college professor who graduated from college or got her phD at fourteen or something insane, and she's really socially inept because she never had a normal childhood, so she wants a baby of AVERAGE INTELLIGENCE. Which, despite being a genius, she thinks means having a baby with a dumbass to balance out her intelligence. And she identifies an aging quarterback as a dumbass, so she literally like, seduces him into getting her pregnant. And then he finds up and shows up in her classroom, leaning against the door entryway and going "CLASS IS OVER" lol. God I loved it.
Kiss an Angel by SEP is also insane. Begins with a contemporary forced marriage, then the heroine finds out her new husband (who hates her) is taking her on the road working at a traveling circus??? Where she develops like, a psychic bond with a tiger. His circus trick is the whip trick where he cracks the whip to zap off a flower she's wearing or something.
And he's descended from the Romanovs
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softlighter · 6 months
fanfic round up 2023
List of Fanworks (posted!)
a fairy tale [RWBY | Bumbleby | rated Gen | the first kiss]
out [RWBY | Bumbleby | rated E | heats are a thing i guess]
How to Stop a Wedding in Six Months [RWBY | Bumbleby, Gen | rated Teen+ | the Polite Society AU] (WIP)
catharsis [LotR: TRoP | Haladriel | rated E | Galadriel hires a dominant]
careful (everyone wants to be us) [LotR: TRoP | Haladriel | rated E | the Devil Wears Prada AU] (WIP)
waiting games [LotR: TRoP | Haladriel | rated E | Galadriel hires a dominant part 2 electric boogaloo]
tithe [LoTR: TRoP | Haladriel | rated E | Galadriel and Halbrand are chosen for a fertility/mating ritual]
Fucking In Love [RWBY | Bumbleby | rated E | the Porn Star AU] (WIP)
the first cut is the deepest [LotR: TRoP | Haladriel | rated M | the Fear Street: 1978 AU/Slasher AU]
meant to be (if it comes back) [LotR: TRoP | Haladriel | rated M | the exes to lovers modern AU]
dawns y ellyllon [LotR: TRoP | Haladriel | rated Teen+ | the Fae drabble]
fire for fire [LoTR: TRoP | Haladriel | rated Gen | what Galadriel's love feels like drabbe]
clichè [LoTR: TRoP | Haladriel | rated Gen | the clichè family Halloween drabble]
once upon a time [LoTR: TRoP | Haladriel | rated Gen | the tragedy of it all drabble]
parenthood [LoTR: TRoP | Haladriel | rated Teen+ | the early years drabble]
what almost was [LoTR: TRoP | Haladriel | rated Gen | what haunts Galadriel drabble]
one day more [LoTR: TRoP | Haladriel | rated Teen+ | the Les Mis Drabble]
fortitude [LoTR: TRoP | Haladriel | rated M | the post reveal drabble]
of the dawn [LoTR: TRoP | Haladriel | rated E | the Atalanta A/B/O AU] (WIP)
aurora (the beginning of the end) [RWBY | Bumbleby | rated Teen+ | the rock stars AU]
in the mouth of the wolf (good luck) [LotR: TRoP | Haladriel | rated M | the Palm Springs/Time Loop AU] (WIP)
the darkest day [LotR: TRoP | Haladriel | rated Teen+ | Celebrían sails West while her parents watch on]
the slightest taste [LotR: TRoP | Haladriel | rated Gen | waiting and love and opposites attract]
the consummation (coup d'états wait for no one) [LotR: TRoP | Haladriel | rated E | a public marriage consummation]
you know where to find me [Baldur's Gate 3 | Shadowzel | rated E | totally hate sex definitely not crushing on each other]
small town smokeshow [LotR: TRoP | Haladriel | rated E | kidnapping AU] (WIP)
+ four yuletide offerings to be revealed in January!
WIPs Posted: doubt the stars (RWBY) How to Stop a Wedding in Six Months (RWBY) careful (everyone wants to be us) (RWBY) Fucking in Love (RWBY) of the dawn (LotR: TRoP) in the mouth of the wolf (good luck) (LotR: TRoP) small town smokeshow ( LoTR: TRoP)
WIPs Unposted/In Progress:
the first cut is the deepest sequel (LotR: TRoP)
dead dove threesome (LotR: TRoP)
yang's body (RWBY)
catharsis part three (LotR: TRoP)
Measure for Measure AU (LotR: TRoP)
something SFW for Shadowzel (BG3)
Total Number of Completed Works/Fandoms Written In: 24 completed works for a total of just under 150k posted. posted five RWBY fics, posted twenty one LotR: TRoP fics, and one Baldur's Gate 3 fic.
Overall Thoughts: horny as hell, tracks.
Personal Favorite: my personal favorite for the year is probably the first cut is the deepest, mostly because of the themes I get to explore. the sequel is shaping up to be one of my favorite things I've ever written, but I really do love how visceral and vivid this one is. It was also me really dipping my toe into horror, which has been a blast!
Most Under-appreciated: going to have to once again say the first cut is the deepest because I poured so much into this emotionally and creatively. maybe not my best work of the year, but I really do adore it.
Most Popular: Fucking in Love continues to dominate my stats, but of the ones exclusively posted this year, out had the most hits and a fairy tale had the most kudos! although you know where to find me is creeping up there quickly, especially considering how not so long ago it was posted in comparison to the other two.
Story with the Sexiest Moment: oh GOSH, what a choice! i think i have to go with catharsis when Galadriel is interviewing Halbrand about what punishment "how that would work," I loved that dialogue and body language. That whole fic is really sexy, though, lots of fun moments in there! Out of the corner of her eye, Halbrand shrugged.  “For the first time, I’d recommend staying simple.  It can be overwhelming, for some.  Brings up things some people aren’t ready to feel, or don’t realize they feel.” She tried not to take that as a challenge.  “You’re making it sound intense.” “It can be,” he said.  “I’ve had a lot of criers afterward.  It’s a, ah, catharsis, if you would.  Releases all your pent up shit and makes you feel it.  Not a bad thing, just intense.”  He tilted his head.  “You seem like you would like intense.”   Galadriel bristled, even as her insides turned gooey and her tongue twisted itself into knots.  She settled on, “And if I would?”
Most Fun Story to Write: WHAT A DECISION! writing Fucking in Love with @set-wingedwarrior is always a blast because of its nature as a collaboration. in most recent memory, you know where to find me was exceptionally fun, especially the dialogue scene with everyone. I don't know, writing Astarion and Shadowheart bitching at each other was a blast!
Hardest: emotionally, the darkest day was tough because of personal experiences but also quite a release. creatively, Fucking in Love poses a challenge if only because it is intimidating to be writing such a loved fic. as much as we try to keep that in perspective, knowing thousands of people have literally read it is intimidating!
Biggest Surprise: starting to write dead dove! it came at a crucial point in my personal life, and I'm so grateful it did, for both the emotional coping it has brought me, the community I have found, and the fun i've had.
Did you take any risks in writing this year?: OOO! I guess I took a few! Starting to post dead dove was certainly a choice and one that I'm still nervous about, but also broaching out into horror! I've been quite settled in my niche for a few years now, so trying something new in both those regards was quite a risk for me.
Most Unintentionally Telling Story: while it's not posted, I am going to say the sequel to the first cut is the deepest if only because I really dig down into a LOT. of the works I've posted, catharsis was a turning point for me personally in some ways, or a pivot point at least, just because that psychological and emotional release alongside the physical one is such a huge aspect of why I write smut.
Favorite Lines/Scenes: DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE! ahaha, in all seriousness, the parallel opening perspectives and ending in meant to be (if it comes back) makes me tickled pink.
It was the CD still in her car.  The old sweatshirt tucked away on the back shelf of her closet.  The lip balm she still bought whenever she finished because he had liked the taste on her lips, because she had just gotten used to the flavor, she told herself.  It was the way she hadn’t worn that blouse since the breakup, and it was the songs she still put on every new playlist she made but skipped every time.  It was the way she couldn’t drink lemonade now without craving the mint he used to muddle into it for her, the same way she couldn’t ever make it how he did.  It was every imprint he had left on her, in her, and no matter what she did, no matter how she tried to smooth over and scrub every mark he’d left, he stayed like a scar.   ~~~ It was the pair of panties still tucked into his drawer.  The blonde hair ties he kept finding all over his place but never actually tossed out.  The way he hadn’t needed to buy chamomile tea since he’d run out, because she was the only one who drank it and she wasn’t coming back.  It was the shampoo that he’d only switched to because she liked the scent of lemongrass better than his former eucalyptus, and it was the fact that he hadn’t tossed her mug, the one that was short and stout and matte gray, because he didn’t entirely believe that she wasn’t not coming back.  It was the way he still made curry on Thursdays, even though that had been her weekly tradition that he’d stolen when she started coming to his place for almost every meal, but it wasn’t like he could stop himself from craving it.  It was the way she had carved into his life like a scalpel wielded with brutal force, precise and cruel and cutting far too deep, and how he was still gushing blood from every incision.  
My Fave Part of Fandom in 2023: finding a new fandom space in the form of LotR: TRoP fandom! tolkien's writing in incredibly rich, and the people there, especially my fellow Haladriels, has just been incredible for me.
2024 Writing Ambitions: Oh, so many! I don't know if I'll be able to write every day of 2024 as I've done so far with every day of 2023 (!!!), but I hope I continue to make and leave space for my words.
2024 Fics on the Immediate Horizon: Yuletide fic reveals x4 Fucking in Love chapter 16 something self-indulgent, just a matter of which one ends up finished first!
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kayhi808 · 1 year
Billy Mine - Act 2.1
Leaving Ray of Hope Children's Home felt so…final. It's what I wanted, but I had a hard time adjusting to family life all the same. I mised Billy Mine. He was like a drug in my veins and I was going through withdrawals.
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My new parents, Patrick & Christina Ellis were wonderful. They were so patient and kind and loving. They are so much more than I deserved. Before I started high school, my father decided to throw his hat into the political ring. He went from local New York politics to becoming a US Senator. It made life more hectic. We were more in the spotlight. Of course being in the spotlight brings out a lot of lunatics as well. My father gets regular death threats that the Secret Service are aware of. Others are just threats from unhinged individuals.
A few days ago, I was attacked on my way home from work. Police think it was a potential kidnapping to use against my father. Luckily I was able to fend them off, but not without injury. I have stiches on my forehead, a black eye, a busted lip, bruised ribs & they dislocated my shoulder. Years of Muay Thai actually paid off. I don't think they were expecting me to fight back. I wasn't so helpless that they could have just plucked me off the street. I was causing too much of a scene and I'm sure some of them are in worst condition than I am. Bystanders came to my aide, and they took off. Mom & Dad were in NY not DC at the time, so when they found out, I got brought straight back to their place. Not that I complained too much, I felt like crap.
"Baby, do you mind coming outside? There's someone I need you to meet. It'll only take a minute." Dad wraps an arm around me to help me out of my chair.
I couldn't hold back a groan. "I'm really not in the mood to see people," as he leads me out onto the terrace.
"I know, Jules. I swear, it'll just be a minute. I hired security for you and I want you to meet him."
"Daaaddd," I hiss and stop in my tracks but he keeps ushering me forward.
A man stands with his back to me looking out over the Manhattan skyline. Tall, broad shoulders, dark hair, bespoke suit…my skin breaks out in goose bumps.
Hearing our arrival, he turns around & greets my father, "Senator Ellis."
"Thank you so much for meeting here instead of the office." They shake hands. "My daughter, Jules."
He turns his attention to me & I'm lost in his obsidian gaze. There's only one other person who has eyes like that. I can hardly catch my breath. I feel faint and clutch my dad's arm tighter. "Billy Mine" I whisper. Billy's eyes widen with recognition before the darkness takes me.
"Sweetheart? Jules."
"Dad?" I open my eyes to find I'm still on the terrace, but on the chaise lounge not on the floor. Shit. Billy.
"You need me to take you back to the hospital? How do you feel?" Dad asked crouched down beside the chair.
"No. No. Don't do that. I'm ok." I look around. I couldn't have been hallucinating. Billy steps nearer. "Billy Russo."
Billy hands me a glass of water, "Here. Drink this."
"You two know each other?" I hear a protective tone in my dad's voice. Billy's eyes dart to mine.
"A..a long time ago. Ray of Hope. W...we were there."
Billy looked to be more in shock than I was. "Juliet."
"Bill owns the security company I've hired to watch over you, until the police or secret service find those men," reassuringly pats my leg. "Nothing like that will ever happen again."
Bill clears his throat, "We'd like to sit down and discuss your daily routine and schedule but we can arrange that for a better time," nodding at me & handing me his business card. I take it, careful not to touch him. "Please call my assistant to schedule something when you feel up to it."
He scans my face & injuries. His eyes are hard like the day he saw my bruises from Carla. Scary mad. "Of course. Thank you."
"Excellent. Thank you again for coming out here. I greatly appreciate it. Jules will set an appointment soon. She's still recovering."
"You're welcome, Senator. Completely understandable."
"Let me see you out."
"No, I can see myself out. Stay with your daughter." Turning to me, "It was good to see you again, Juliet, despite these circumstances."
I can only nod, my throat tightens with the sobs and cries I try to hold back. I haven't thought about him in over a decade but to watch him leave, I wanted to run after him. Have him take me with him.
"Jules?? What's wrong?" Dad brushes away tears that I didnt even know had fallen. "Are you in pain? I can get a doctor out here."
"No. I'm sorry." I start crying and my dad hugs me, "It suddenly feels overwhelming. But I'm ok. I promise." I lie to him. "Maybe if I just lay down for a minute." I kiss his cheek and squeeze his hand as he helps me return to my room.
I take some pain meds yet still sleep restlessly, tormented by dreams of Billy Mine.
@idaofinfinity @imagine-a-fictional-boyfriend @snowkestrel @ellooo0ooo @bustlingcrowdsxorxsilentsleepers @terry2227 @e-dubbc11
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moonlight-tmd · 7 months
Can you write more on the mob family a.u but focused on Prowlbee?
To be honest it's one of those prompt ideas that don't click with me well so there's little info on that, but i can try. [anker post]
Prowl was impressed with Bee's abilities since they met- the scout was discreet, he planned ahead and took note of every advantage he had and used it. On top of the impressive skillset, he was adorable- cute and deadly one might say.
They get together and i will say it's about a year of them dating when Bugshot shows up and abducts Bee. They are left wonderign where the fuck Bee went until they get an unregistered Spark Signature on their radar along with Bee's. So they go check it out and are forced to into a chase with a black and yellow old school camaro with a closed-off trailer. So in a chase they get bumby and only then they see Bee, cuffed and gagged, nearly falling out of said trailer. At one point they get into a crash and Bugshot grabs Bee, points a blaster to his helm and tells them to frag off. And to their surprise they learn that the fucked up bot that is trying to murder Bee rn is his own Sire.
"You wouldn't kill your own Sparkling!!" Prowl protested, his own Spark trembling in its casing.
"Try me." Was all Bugshot said with the coldest and most Sparkless expression they ever seen.
They take advantage when Bugshot focuses his attention on Bee for a nanoklik to tell him to stop crying. Bugshot has to flee cuz he is outnumbered. Bee is so scared he is unable to talk until they go back to base. Ratchet kept him in medbay for the night cuz apparently his SIre has stuffed him with stasis-inducing chemicals.
The next day is when he is really questioned. Although it's just Optimus with him, he doesn't want to pressure Bee with others in the room. So Bee tells him the bare minimum he needs to knows, he refrains from telling OP about more personal stuff like how he was treated or where he was and did. Only that this was his Sire, he was forced to commit crimes and that he run away. Also that Bugshot wanted him dead cuz he knows too much.
Optimus is torn in what to do- one one hand this is a serious case that needs to get to Elite Guard for proper action. At the same time he doesn't want to tell the Elite Guard cuz they will take Bee away and put him somewhere no one can find him, and Bee obviously wants to stay with them cuz he feels safe here.
Prowl is very much stressed out- first Bee is kidnapped and then it turns out it was his Sire who's a boss of an underground mafia and THEN HE TRIED TO KILL HIM- yes, Prowl is very stressed out and scared. He sneaks into medbay when Bee was being held there and had a talk with him. Despite the scout feeling iffy from all the drugs he managed to push himself to answer few of Prowl's questions; that he was a former criminal, that he was suffering as a Sparkling and that he never wanted such life so he ran away. He was sure that Prowl would become sceptical of him but instead was met with a surprise of him promising to stay by his side no matter what.
Bee is scared to recharge with Prowl cuz the ninjabot has a room with uncovered entrance smack-dab in the middle on his room- so instead Prowl recharges with Bee every night in his room.
Now it's the 'idea flops dead' moment- idk what to do.
Most likely Team Prime manages to be heroes and catches Bugshot, they lie to Elite Guard that he wanted to steal the Allspark and he is taken captive- but of course he breaks loose just before they reach the prison on Cybertron and he is again missing without a trace. The Earth is being watched by an additional E.G. ship so that no more unwanted guests arrive to bother them.
As for Bee and Prowl, while they are concerned about Bugshot coming back they try not to focus on it and live their lives. However Bee feels this unfairness towards Prowl for not telling him some very important things- one day when Bee was keeping himself secluded on purpose and Prowl tried to talk to him- "My family had hired hitbots many times, Lockdown included... There was always a list of targets to be eliminated. Before i ran away i noticed that list and... one of the names there was "Yoketron"." Bee confessed, his family eliminated everyone who could potentially endanger them. His Sire hired Lockdown to offline Yoketron- Prowl's Sire-figure, for that very reason.
He didn't say anything else, he just left Prowl and locked himself in his room for the time being while his sparkmate tried his best to get him to explain further. Prowl was left to figure this out on his own for the night. In the end Prowl firmly stated that Bee is nothing like Bugshot and will love him no matter what.
On the side-note; Bee might teach Prowl few tricks from his criminal life just in case. You never know when you find yourself in danger with no advantages whatsoever.
And that's it. Nothing more to tell. Hope you are happy.
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vividviverrid · 1 year
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kael knoxton martin | 22 | he/they/xe | 📍 mid-michigan
i'm a transgender disabled writer (who... needs to start using writeblr again). i've been writing since i was four or five years old, and writing has always been my main outlet for Experiences and Emotions and All Of The Side Effects Of Being Alive. in short, i cannot stop writing or i will die. hence why i should use my actual writing blog more!
my writing comes in a variety pack of fuckery but my greatest loves are poetry, science fiction, and creative nonfiction. i'm deeply passionate about disability & mental illness representation, alien cultures, platonic soulmates, monstrousness and the perception of it, nightmares, and pretty much anything "weird".
(you can see my published pieces, my self-published collection of poetry, and my substack newsletter here!)
i have two main WIPs right now...
the reposing force of the great lakes
a story i've been planning for about two years now. in a universe where superheroes are widely known to the public and treated like celebrities, the great lakes region of the united states has its own reposing force -- a collective of carefully chosen superheroes who make it their mission to help and protect everyone around them.
three characters - ivy white, kingsley henneth, and rowan james - apply for a job within the reposing force each for a different reason, and all get rejected for the same reason. their powers are "useless" and would be "an embarrassment" to the organization.
a week later, however, the entire reposing force (except for one member!) gets kidnapped by a powerful, revenge-driven supervillain and exiled to a nightmarish dimension. now they're forced into saving the heroes that rejected them and fighting the threats that pile up in the wake of their absence, trying to navigate a destiny they never ever wanted.
fate harvested (working title)
set in an unknown part of space in an unknown future, the harvestman is the most feared vessel in all of known reality. piloted by a group of criminals, each with their own specialties and unique abilities, the crew of the harvestman will do almost any job if it pays well enough.
during an assignment to steal artifacts from a tourist planet, the crew of the harvestmen experience their first loss in several decades when their heist fails. the leader, former staezandan warrior skylas graver, believes that the person who hired them set them up to fail, and sets off to find them.
it doesn't take him very long.
the buyer ends up being marlenn zinn, the fourteen year old child of sol zinn, the immortal ruler and founder of a faraway but powerful planet known as kaltox iii. he was right, she did set them up to fail; the intent was actually to distract them so marlenn could stow away on their ship.
marlenn begs them for help; the entirety of kaltox iii is hunting her down, believing her to be a youth mentioned in the old kaltox prophecies. according to the legend, the psychic child will bring great loss to their world, and this can only be prevented by "harvesting" marlenn's psychic powers through a procedure that effectively kills her.
the crew must decide whether or not helping marlenn is a good use of their time while also navigating their own traumas that developed in childhood, and eventually they soften as marlenn's own trauma hardens her even more. Found Family, tm.
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sea-owl · 2 years
Oh my gosh how did I not see it before. Portia is the perfect candidate to have someone isekai as! Might have to steal this idea later though lol. As for Michael and Simon I have a thought on that. With Portia making a name for herself as a business woman, no doubt Agatha Danbury would take notice and invite the baroness for tea with Mary Sharma where Kate and Simon meet and become quick friends which leads to Simon meeting the others. At some point this also leads to little Gareth joining the group.Philip meets Michael when he’s 12 at Eton and brings him home one summer and ever since he’s been apart of the family. Plus it lead to Portia gaining a business partner in Michaels mother and aunt. Now villain stories.
Simon: a man abused by his father leads him to grow cold and unfeeling despite being a rake. Not the biggest villain in the series, but Anthony seduces his mistress Sienna away from him, he decides to get revenge on him by seducing Daphne but refuses to marry her after they are caught kissing in the garden leading to Anthony killing him in a duel (though it was often debated in forums that Simon purposefully lost and was suicidal).
Michael: After his fathers death, his mother dealt with her grief by staying at his cousins house and doting on her nephew while frequently comparing her son to the future earl and having him fall short. As a result, Michael doesn’t tell his mother when one of maids starts touching him inappropriately when he’s 13 and later forces herself on the younger boy. All this leads to Michael being obsessed with his cousin John, viewing him as the perfect person, while trying to find comfort in the arms of many, many women. When he meets Francesca Bridgerton he falls in love at first but seeing her married to John causes him to go mad but rather than hurt either John or Francesca, he commits suicide instead.
Gareth: Another boy who was abused by their father and thus turned to a life of debauchery. Felicity hires him to seduce and ruin Hyacinth but along the way he falls in love with her and decides to kidnap her to Gretna Green only to be killed by her love later on. After befriending Agatha (well more like business frenemies) she casually mentions how one of her acquaintances heard about Gareth’s father drunkenly bragging about how he treats his young son. Cue Lady Danbury removing Gareth from that house and Simon taking him under his wing.
Lucy: Abused by her uncle and his friend, engaged to her gay friend who turns a blind eye towards how her uncle and his father touch his betrothed, her only light seems to be her best friend Hermione. Hermione doesn’t care that Lucy isn’t a pure maiden and takes her under her wing. Actually Hermione is the real villainess, with Lucy as her minion. Hermione, jealous of how Gregory Bridgerton has moved on from her, has Lucy try to seduce Gregory away from his lady love. But seeing his kindness towards her, Lucy warns the girl Gregory loves of Hermione’s plan and takes her place, resulting in her dying in a carriage accident. Of course, Hermione then lies to Lucy’s brother that Gregory Bridgerton planned his sisters death and the two scheme their revenge. Yeah Portia couldn’t care about Hermione much, but she will be damned if she doesn’t save Lucy! It’s actually quite easy, all Portia had to do was prevent the accident set up by Lucy’s uncle to kill her parents and her uncle is tossed in jail while Lucy grows up in a loving home and Lucy instead befriends Felicity and Gareth.
Will this work for how it ties in?
I should be fair to the others and give them an in with Portia's wayward home for villains. Original post here. 
The first post will have Kate, Sophie, Phillip, and Penelope’s book villain backstories. 
(Also I love seeing people create their own versions of my aus or adding on their own head canons. If anyone feels inspired please feel free to write or draw or whatever medium you want to use. Then tag me! I want to see it!)
Ok so here are my interpretations for their backstories/How they were as villains in book order:
Simon: Simon Basset is the first villain in the series. Being deemed useless since his birth his father basically had him locked away and isolated. This took a massive toll on his psyche and made him paranoid. It did not bode well when Simon’s father realized he could torture him more by throwing him in school where he would never be alone. Simon traded one prison to another, only this had horrible neighbors. The worst of these neighbors was Anthony Bridgerton. Anthony and Simon never got along, while Anthony acted as a teen boy would Simon was jumpy and was constantly stuck in survival mode. The final straw for Simon was a prank gone wrong and had broken the one thing Simon was able to smuggle from his mom. Fine, if Anthony did not care for other’s precious things, then Simon would destroy what was precious to Anthony. One ruined sister could ruin them all. Doesn’t Daphne debut in a year or two?
Michael: Michael Stirling is the villain in the 6th book in the series.  Much like Kate Michael turned cold after being constantly found lesser compared to his cousin John, but unlike Kate he wanted that warmth back. Michael first thought that he had to be perfect like his cousin. When that did not work, Michael had tried to get it back through losing himself to debauchery. But then he met Francesca Bridgerton. Francesca, John’s fiancé, brought back the warmth that Michael craved so dearly, but she was engaged to John. John didn’t need this warmth like Michael did though, John had others that gave him warmth like Michael’s own mother. Michael needed that warmth, Michael needed Francesca. The night before John and Francesca were to wed Michael objected and stole the bride
Gareth: Gareth St. Clair is the co-villain of the 7th book in the series. The second, illegitimate, son of Baron St. Clair, his adopted father had seen it fit to neglect him to the point where he was living in poverty and starving. Despite Baron St. Clair’s attempt to kill him Gareth somehow miraculously survived. Desperately wanting the life of his much-loved older half-brother, Gareth had made a deal with devil. Felicity Featherington was back and wanted revenge for the execution for the only family member she loved and loved her. She thought a sister for a sister was fair. She seduced Gareth with the promise of the missing Whistledown money and the title if he helped her kill Hyacinth Bridgerton. 
Lucy: The final villain in the series is Lucy Abernathy in the 8th book. A fan of the Featheringtons’ work she modeled her killings after by exposing her victims scandals and carving them into their bodies. If they just so happen to be suitors Hermione rejected and if people looking for a connection led to her, well no skin off Lucy’s back. Hermione shouldn’t have used her just to fuck with Lucy’s scum brother. Lucy supposed she hasn’t always been this way, but after the death of her parents she had become numb. It didn’t help that her uncle kept selling her to the highest bidder. The challenge of the hunt was the only thing to give Lucy a thrill, and she just set her sights on her biggest challenge yet, Gregory Bridgerton. 
Now let me see how we can add the others in:
Simon: Simon was back in London for five minutes before his beloved godmother pushed him into her carriage and set out for the countryside. 
“Aunt Agatha where are we going?” Simon asked her. 
“There have been some rumors whispering about and I want to see if they are true,” Lady Danbury said, almost cryptically. 
Simon knew he wasn’t getting anything more out of her so he just settled in and waited to see where they ended up. 
Simon didn’t know what he was expecting when they pulled up to a country estate but what greeted him and Lady Danbury was nothing he could have imagined. The only way he could really describe it was chaos. 
There were two girls practicing shooting with shotguns, they looked to be the oldest and youngest of them. 
Three girls, two red heads, and a blonde, all about the same age, sat in a circle with different art supplies and they seemed to be drawing a boy who sat in the middle of the circle wearing nothing but a kilt. 
The last group seemed to be the calmest as they were only reading until Simon listened in and heard that they were acting out different death scenarios for some sort of story they were creating as they went along. The book they had was on different poisonous plants. 
Sitting under a tent with a pitcher of lemonade between were two women who Simon was guessing were the mothers to at least some of this brood. 
“Lady Featherington,” Lady Danbury called. 
The red head of the two women looked up, surprise on her face. “Lady Danbury, this is a surprise.”
Of course, his aunt didn’t even tell the host they were coming. She did love her dramatics. 
“Simon, go introduce yourself to the other children. You need more friends,” Lady Danbury said with a wave. 
Simon sighed, but then tensed up. He feels like he’s being sized up. Turning around he could see all the groups stopped what they were doing and were openly staring at him. 
The one wearing a kilt came up to him and began to lead him to the others. “So we hear you need more friends.” 
Michael: 13 year old Phillip had done half a year at Eton before deciding absolutely the fuck not. He would get a better education at home, and it was cleaner, and in the countryside. He takes his crazy ass best friend and his pseudo sisters before dealing with these animals again. The only saving grace about this place was his new friend the 16 year old Michael, and Phillip was about to pull a Penelope and drag Michael home with him. Phillip wrote to Portia that he was coming home and bringing a guest. 
During the next break Michael had indeed gone home with Phillip, but that was more to do with the fact if he went back to Scotland he would have to listen to his mother and aunt dote on John again. Michael loves his cousin, honestly, but dear god could it get annoying. Besides Phillip’s home sounded interesting, he said he was a ward, and that he was the only boy in the house. 
So Michael went to visit, and then never left. Phillip was right, there was a better education to be had here, and he quite enjoyed the shenanigans he got into with Phillip and the girls. Portia did force him to write home and visit once in in a while, but now that he wasn’t constantly around his family all the time Michael found his relationships with his family improved greatly. 
Gareth: Upon the return to London Felicity is feeling lonely. Which is understandable, Kate, Sophie, and Prudence were all just launched into society, Philippa is getting ready to for her own debut next year, Phillip is getting ready to go to University, and Penelope and Edwina are looking at possibly starting to make business transactions under their mothers' guidance. It also didn't help that Felicity was the youngest at the age of 7 while the next two closest in age to her were 14.
One day Felicity comes across a ten year old boy in the park trying to read. Felicity was confused, she was only 7 but she could read better than him. For over an hour she sat with him and helped him get through a few chapters. When Felicity asked why he was struggling so much the boy told her that his father never taught him nor let anyone else teach him. Felicity gasped, education was important in the Featherington household, and then immediately took him to Portia.
"Mama this boy-" Felicity stopped herself and turned back to the boy. "What is your name?"
"Gareth St. Clair," the boy answered.
Felicity nodded and then turned back to Portia. "Mama this boy's father refuses to teach him how to read!"
Portia recognizes the name and immediately began scanning the boy over for any injuries. He was too skinny, she could see his ribs through his clothes, and his skin looked pale. The boy honestly looked like a stray wind could blow him over. No wonder Felicity dragged him to her so easily.
The next time Portia saw Lady Danbury she mentioned that her daughter had met Gareth, but the boy didn't seem to be in good health. That sent Lady Danbury after St. Clair where she immediately removed Gareth from the household and into her's. She and Simon began to try to play catch up for all the things Gareth was neglected for his health and education. Gareth went over to the Featherington household a few times a week to get some reading lessons from his new friend Felicity.
Lucy: Like Gareth Felicity had discovered Lucy. Portia could tell Felicity was getting bored at home now that Gareth was at Eton, so she signed her up for a watercolor class. There she had met Lucy and Hermione. Over the course of three months the girls had grown close. Close enough that Lucy felt comfortable enough to ask an important question. 
“Felicity, do you know how old your sisters were when they first got their monthlies?” Lucy asked in a hushed whisper. 
Felicity thought about it. The only one she could really remember when they got their first first monthly was Penelope and she had been about 13? Yeah, that sounds about right. “About thirteen.” 
Lucy looked surprised, and disappointed. “Oh.”
Felicity’s new sibling senses kicked in. “Why do you ask?”
Hermione answered, “Lucy’s uncle said when she had her first monthly she would be ready for Haselby.”
“Hermione!” Lucy exclaimed. 
Hermione’s answer didn’t sound right to Felicity, who had gone home and repeated it to Portia. Portia marched down to the Abernathy household and left with a new ward that same day. No one’s quite sure how she did it. They did know however that Richard could visit his sister, but should their uncle step a single foot on their property Portia will let Felicity use him as target practice for her shotgun. 
For those that need a quick flow chart here’s the official order everyone joined the family and their ages. If they weren’t there in the first part when they probably should have been after this we’re just gonna ignore it and pretend they were:
Phillip became a ward when Penelope dragged him home when she was 8 and he was 10. 
Michael comes to visit and just never leaves when he is 16, Phillip is 13, and Penelope is 11. 
Sophie is taken in as a ward at 16. Penelope is 12, Phillip is 14, and Michael is 17. 
Kate is 19 when they meet the Featherington. Penelope is 13, Phillip is 15, Michael is 18, and Sophie is 17.
Simon meets everyone about six months after Kate was introduced. He is 25 and everyone else is roughly the same age. 
The year everyone returns to London Simon is 26, Kate is 20, Michael is 19 Sophie is 18, Phillip is 16, and Penelope is 14. Michael went traveling to India based on Kate’s stories, and Simon is busy with running Clyvedon. They were there for the first ball though.
Gareth also gets introduced the first year back in London. He is ten when Felicity finds him and she is 7. 
Finally Lucy is 10 when Felicity, also 10 befriends her. Simon is 29, Kate is 23, Michael is 22, Sophie is 21, Phillip is 19, Penelope is 17, and Gareth is 13. 
The year the Bridgerton boys ask the girls to dance Simon is 31, Kate is 25, Michael is 24, Sophie is 23, Phillip is 21, Penelope is 19, Gareth is 15, and Lucy is 13. 
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kmomof4 · 9 months
Tag Game
Rules: Go to your published works on Ao3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of- for whatever reason.
I was tagged by @spartanguard and @wistfulcynic. Thank you so much ladies!!!!
First fic: True Love Song After being a member of fandom for nearly three years, and spending all that time swearing I'd never write, it took a lot of hand holding, encouragement, and cajoling from hollyethecurious and winterbaby89 to get me to actually post this thing...
Last fic: Into the Light my entry for this years CSSNS, inspired by the 1987 movie The Lost Boys, starring Kiefer Sutherland, Jason Patric, Dianne Wiest, and Edward Herrmann.
Only Once: All my fics are for Once, but I do have a few fics for other ships besides CS... A Family Affair series features the love stories of triplet sisters Emma, Regina, and Ruby, and their older brother David. Love Between the Pages is CS's story. Killian is a bestselling author that is writing a book on Emma's late husband Neal Cassidy, NASCAR darling killed on the track. He didn't plan on falling in love with her. Dance With the Gypsy is Ruby and Graham's story. She falls in love with Graham Humbert, the producer of her new Broadway show, Secrets. Clipping an Angel's Wings is Regina and Robin's story. Hollywood star Regina hires Robin to find and keep her safe from a stalker. And finally, David and Mary Margaret's story is told in A Spy Finds a Home. Dr. Mary Margaret Blanchard hires international spy David Nolan to find and save her parents who've been kidnapped by a terrorist organization.
Favorite fic for the fandom I've written in most: That is TOUGH... UGH!!!! That is REALLY tough!!!!!! Ok, you know what? I answered an ask from @kazoosandfannypacks a couple of weeks ago of my five favorite fics, and I couldn't even limit it to just five. So if you're really interested, you can find that ask and answer here. But I really couldn't pick just one between any of them, sorry, not sorry...
The fic I wish more people read: Is it fair to say all of them? 🤷🏻‍♀️ But that said, it's always thrilling whenever I get a notification that any of my fics gets a new like, kudos, or comment.
The fic I agonized over the most: Two fics immediately come to mind... Choices and Of Darkness, Vampires, and Soulmates. Choices because first, it was for wistfulcynic, and second, I had a very specific plan for how I wanted the fic to go. I wanted to include all the underrated CS canon Neverland moments that I adored, but also smut. And including all those canon moments in the fic meant that there was NO WAY in my mind that canon Emma would have approached Killian in that way. So it took me about a month to figure out how to keep all those canon moments and make the ending of the fic true to who they both were at that time in the show. ODVS I agonized over because it was the first fic I'd ever written that came completely out of my own head, from start to finish, no inspiration at all, and I had NO IDEA how hard it was to translate my vision onto the page. PLUS the fact that I had to actually connect the different time periods. And finally the level of historical detail I ended up including was just... 😳 oof... So yeah, I agonized over ODVS the most. It took me a full seven months of active writing and hollyethecurious and wistfulcynic about deserve co-writer status for everything they did to help me finish it.
The fic that sprang fully formed from my mind without any effort: Oh, that's easy! The Moon... Tells the Sea. @allons-y-to-hogwarts-713 shared a moodboard with me that she was working on for CSSNS20, and the full plot for a fic to go with it just poured out of me. She was almost as excited as I was for the fic, so I started writing. It ended up being a decent length one shot, but I think I had the whole thing written in 2-3weeks? Somewhere in there. Anyway, that was a fun one.
A fic that I'm proud of, for whatever reason: This one is pretty easy, too. Although the answer is kinda long... For someone who swore for years that she'd never write, the fact that I've published 39 fics in 4 1/2yrs makes me pretty proud. But that said, I'm probably most proud of the Family Affair series, linked above. I'm proud of it for a couple of reasons. First, that I was actually brave enough to really write it. The idea for the series came to me before I wrote my first MC, but given the fact that it was 4 different love stories, that would necessitate 4 different couples, plus the fact that we're a CS fandom and who from the CS fandom would be interested in reading a Red Hunter, OQ, or Snowing fic, the whole idea was pushed to the back of my mind for TWO YEARS before I actually started writing it. And the response BLEW ME AWAY!!! I'm eternally grateful for that! That's the first reason I'm proud. The second reason is that I remained true to my original vision of the interconnected stories of four siblings. I had several folks tell me over the course of the year I spent writing these fics that they'd love to see the stories as CS fics instead of the other siblings- particularly the OQ and Snowing fics. And as a reader, I completely get it. The plots of both of them would have been SO GOOD as CS fics, and I KNOW that I would have DEVOURED them both as such. But as the writer, I wanted the interconnected stories because of how much I loved the source material and the interwoven plot of the estrangement between the oldest and their father that I also wanted to tell. And again, I was stunned at the response I received for the other stories. The entire series is high up on my personal favorites list. In fact, I adore this universe so much, that I've written a Christmas fic set a year after David returns home and Regina and Robin were married that will be dropping on Christmas Day.
Thank you again for the tags, Kait and Saira!!! 😘
Now my turn to tag! @hollyethecurious @snowbellewells @winterbaby89 @whimsicallyenchantedrose @jrob64 @cs-rylie
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bronzetomatoes · 2 years
hmm ok!! i can only rec for dsmp out of those three fandoms, and you might've read some of these already so sry annika :( but:
the entirety of the blood brothers series by lockergirl is ~81,000 words! youd have to download more, but its all got a happy ending, good humor even with the angst, basically tommy is the blood god and adopts sbi as his patrons and stuff (but really they're all adopting him is their little brother)
ludus by dragonire slays so hard, ~75,000 word clingyduo royalty au where tommy's a prince and tubbo's been hired as his bodyguard. he meets tommy on his first day but doesnt realize that tommy is prince theseus and things escalate lol. it starts off pretty fluffy, then it gets a but more intense, but the ending is happy and sweet so i think this works for you!
when the curtains fall by drhair76 is a ~28,000 word sbi sitcom au oneshot. they're all tv family but tommy wants more and is sort of struggling with balancing the line between onscreen family and real family. im a sucker for actor au's ngl but even if youre not, the angst isn't overpowering! its pretty under your word count tho :/
broken rhythms by areuswritesfanfic(~52,000 words) is pretty bedrock bro's centric in a way, a bit more angsty but essentially techno and tommy got kidnapped when they were little, techno escaped but tommy didn't, and now he's on the hunt to get his little brother back. its also under your word count but its not TOO short so i think it'll be good!
drinks in new york city by moonlight_mist is also under your word count at ~45,000 words (sorry i just have a bad attention span) but i CANNOT RECOMMEND IT ENOUGH!!!! tommy basically gets transported into a video game where he's like a minor antagonist and is also stuck in a time loop. crimeboys enemies to brothers pog, the ending isnt the happiest ever but its still pretty nice.
the into the innitverse series by diapason is ~106,000 words of spiderinnit LETS GOOOO! theres a minor dnf thing going on but thats mostly in the george interlude thing so you can choose to skip and ignore that part if you so wish. manages to keep spider-man's personality while also keeping tommy's in the same character, good angst while still being humorous and not killing you, definitely read it if you like spiderinnit things!
cataclysm by thanotaphobia is ~202,000 words and also it makes me want to eat my fucking hat. GOD its so good and ive never heard anyone talk abt it but NOM. LOTS OF ANGST, ROYALTY AU BUT IT SLAPS!!!! tommy is a boy king and his nation has just been rampaged by emerald duo! they take him in and its a lot of push and pull between all of sbi, things really come to a head at the end and its just so amazing. the end isnt the happiest and fluffiest but its still very good and fairly satisfying (i say this as a hater of long fics ending anywhere near sadly) and its got a hefty word count so you might like if if you havent read it yet!
half moon, high tide by meridies is ALSO under your word count at ~31,000 (i apologize) but GODDAMN ITS GOOD. wilbur's a dropout florist, techno works at a museum, and tommys a new intern that techno HATES. wilbur tries to get rid of tommy for techno but gets attached and Things happen. not crushing angst but its there and its amazing!! highly recommend even tho its like not the word count you wanted.
devil town by hooray my absolute beloved. ~100,000 words, and by no means the happiest fic on this list, but its AMAZING. not super duper sbi centric, the 3 pov's are techno, tubbo, and quackity, but the entire story is abt finding tommy after he's gone missing so jt counts? very angsty, very eerie (but not actually creepy or scary) and has the exact vibe of a tumbleweed at midnight. this was my favorite fic for so long and that def says smth lol
godling by jk_kat is ~66,000 words and i havent read it in a while but i remember loving it. basically tommy is the youngest child in sbi's god life and he went missing a decade ago, but tubbo KNOWS he's out there. using his compass, he goes to find tommy and then stuff happens but i'm not gonna spoil lmao. its got everything: fluff, angst, platonic soulmates, and magic so i think itll be a fun read if you havent read it yet!
you might've already read guitar strings and key rings are what it takes to build a home but its ~63,000 words and its an sbi foster au. enough said lol. angst, found family, finding trust where you've learned to never search for it before, the whole package. need i say more?
wasteland by empyrean03 is ~90,000 words and its only on this list bc its the fic i downloaded last year while i had no service for a week!! definitely worked for me but its extreme gore and violence (like srsly HEED THE TAGS) and its a zombie apocalypse au but it might be too angsty for what youre looking for. it just felt like a disservice leaving it out so here!
the saturday series by scumbagsimon, yes more downloading bc its a series but also!!! SUPERHERO AU!!! overdone but THIS ONE i swear its not like the other gir- the other fics its different pls give it a chance even if you hate superhero au's :( ~62,000 with all 3 fics combined (its benchtrio) but it kills all 3. angst and crime fighting and found family galore, def read if ur willing to do some extra downloading
sorry for the crazy long anon but i was given the chance to talk abt my fav fics and i also love hearing myself talk. here you go, sry if its overwhelming/under your word count/you've already read it. happy reading!! :D
NO DUDE THANK YOU SO SO MUCH DONT EVEN WORRY ABOUT THE WORDCOUNT THING 🙏🙏 you have done me a great service homie ALSO sorry for the late reply my connection stopped working so I got tired of waiting and went to bed 💀 but TY
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