#if I write in English the story would be 1-2k words
anacdoce · 3 months
I Wish
Chapter 1 - Under the moonlight
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Pairing: Astarion x you (f!reader, implied sorcerer)
Rating: T
Word count: 2k
Warnings: some angst; hurt; after the events of the game
Summary: Astarion fills his heart with guilt, thinking he is unworthy of your love and is trying to push you away from him.
a/n: This is my first fanfic writing and I'm a bit nervous about it. So please let me hear your thoughts about it.
This chapter functions like a prologue for the rest of the story, because initially it was supposed to be a one shot thing. But then my brain couldn't stop there and I have already some more material written after this.
At last let me make some mentions here: first of all let me thank to @bloodlessdarling who kindly let me use her beautiful photo of Astarion, which inspired me to write all of this chapter. Second, I want to thank to @wilteddreamsofbaldursgate for her kind words, encouraging me to share my writing. And to finish let me thank my husband, who patiently has been dealing with my Astarion obsession for the past few months and for his reading and helping with this fic (english is not my native language and I was never confortable on writing in it).
Read on ao3
Next chapter
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Astarion sat by the fire, reading, a routine he had maintained for the last few months of your life together. But something is off. You can tell.
For a few days he has been avoiding you. He doesn't seem interested in talking or sharing moments of intimacy with you. Sometimes you catch him glaring at you, but as soon as you exchange eyes with him he just pretends that he is doing something very important that has nothing to do with you. And you started to get worried.
This isn't the first time, though. 
Since you have dealt with the absolute and got free from the tadpoles, you have been on a hunt for a cure for him, to make him able to walk in the sun again.
Gale is helping, researching every tome that he can put his hands on, and you have followed every lead, no matter how small it was. You know that you would do anything for that man. But until now you haven't discovered nothing, and sometimes Astarion gave in to the frustration. And you understood that. You understood when he was not in the mood for joking or talking. You understood when he looked at you with sad eyes and a fragile smile, saying "Don't worry Sweetheart, I will be alright. This will pass..." But in the middle of everything, you were, always, his safe place. Astarion always looked for your lap to recover and regain strength to restart. Never before did he avoid you. So, you are worried.
As you wander through your thoughts you catch him staring at you, with a sad guilty face, and just like the last few times you caught him doing that he just looks away from you.
You want to know what is happening, what is he thinking, why is he acting like this. You can't stand feeling apart from him any longer. Unless... unless that is his wish, to be parted from you.
"Yes?" he responded, not lifting his eyes from the book.
"What's wrong, Love?"
He shifts in his chair, uncomfortable. You can feel his tension across the room. His breathing is heavy. "Wrong? Why would you say that?" His voice is low, cold, controlled. 
"Are you avoiding me? You don't talk to me, don't look at me. You haven't touched me for days by now." You tremble. Your heart paces. “Is there something you want to tell me?”
He closes his book. You see him shutting his eyes, his hand gripping his book tightly. His stern face, half illuminated by the fire, and you feel, in that moment, he is preparing to shatter your heart in a million pieces. "Yes. There is something, I should have told you sooner. I think..." A pause. He finally looks at you. His ruby eyes piercing yours strongly. "I think this is not working."
You feel numb.
All of your world is collapsing. Your head is spinning. If you were not sitting down you would have fallen. "Why are you saying that? I don't understand." You manage to say.
"You will thank me in the future."
Furious, you lift from the chair "Thank you? Why are you doing this to me? Why are you hurting me like this? I love you so much..."  And I thought you loved me too. 
He lifts his head meeting your broken gaze. “I… Just… Don’t argue, please.” You sense a little tremor in his voice. He clears his throat and continues his sentence. “Accept my decision and that there is nothing you can do about it. You don’t believe in it now, but you will be grateful for this.”
As you hear this words dragging from his mouth, you feel your legs starting to betray you. You lose your strength and fall on your knees, already sobbing. In that moment Astarion, instinctively, gets up from the chair and stretches out his arms, as if to catch you while you fall. But he stops himself half way, leading his hands to the head, grabbing his hair instead, seemingly desperate to maintain control. You can feel him struggling with himself. What is he struggling with? What is he doing? 
That’s when you see, just briefly, the pain in his eyes, that pain you are so familiar with.
"Astarion, do you love me?" Your lips trembling.
"That doesn't matter." He replies, breaking eyes with you, staring at the floor.
"Astarion, look at me." He takes a moment, like he is gaining courage to do it, and when he finally meets your gaze again you can see how destroyed he is. "Do you love me?"
“Please, don’t lie to me.”
“I do, deeply... more than anything." He finally answers.
You feel your heart racing, pain in your chest. All you want to do is to embrace him. Feel him in your arms. He loves you still. That's all you need to know. "Why are you pushing me away?"
"You deserve someone better. Someone that can give you a real life." 
"Please don't say that. You are everything to me, I would do anything for you!"
"I know! That is the reason! That is the problem!” He shouts in anguish. “That is why I'm doing this. I don't want you to pass the rest of your life pursuing something that doesn’t exist! Carrying a burden that is not yours to bear!”
“What are you talking about? What burden? I’m so happy with you, our life together is perfect! I couldn’t ask for more.”
“Is it? Perfect? How can you say that? I am a bloody vampire and we live in the darkness, hoping that one day I may find my cure! I lost count of the trips we took to look for some vague clues, founded in ancient tomes or whispered by dubious people, just to find nothing!”
“Yet.” You interrupt.
“Yes. Yet! But I fear that day may never come… and I can’t stand to look at your disappointed face every time we reach another dead end. It breaks my heart… it’s unbearable.” He sighs deeply. “I see the hope fading in your eyes every time, the hope of living in the light again, seeing the sun! All because of me. ” 
“Oh my sweetheart, is that really what you think?” His suffering was real. Here he is, again, thinking of him undeserving of your love, of your caring. If only you could give him your heart for him to guard it, for him to understand that none of that matters.
“I don’t think, I know. Who would want to live in the darkness forever? I wouldn’t! But I have to. You don’t. This is my burden! I don’t have an option. But you have. I can’t drag you to this life any longer. You deserve better.” 
He was an empty soul after this. This must have been consuming him for days, keeping his mind full of doubts, making him feel selfish and unfair. 
But he couldn’t be more wrong…
You get up from the ground and walk to him, resting your hand on his face, making him close his eyes at your touch. Your warm hand, in his cold skin.
You wait until he is ready to look at you again. You give him a soft smile, full of tenderness and understanding.
“I’m so sorry, my love, if I made you feel that way, but I think you misunderstood my feelings deeply. I know that you are a master of perception, but I think you failed that check, though. Miserably.” you giggled.
“Oh stop it… I’m serious.” Astarion said, rolling his eyes. 
“I know, I’m sorry. Now, seriously, If I ever seemed disappointed it was not for me. It was for you, because I know how deeply you want to see the sun again, to live in the daylight! I just want you to be happy! Fulfilled! And if I am the one who can help you achieve that, I will gladly do anything, for the rest of my life, to give you that gift… as long as you want to pursue this, I want it too.” You pause. Looking for his hands, you hold them, caressing them softly with your fingers, feeling his hands holding yours firmly. “And I don’t want better. I don’t need better. There is no better! I want you! I want you, Astarion.” You kiss his hands, gently, taking your time. “As for the rest… I don’t care if we live our lives in the darkness of the night. I like it that way to be honest. As long as I can be by your side it doesn’t matter, really.”
“You are too kind my dear…” 
“It’s not kindness, it’s the truth. Let me show you something. Come!” Still holding one of his hands you lead him outside, to the open field in front of your cottage, illuminated by the full moon light. As you reach outside you present him the sky, lifting your arms to it.
Astarion frowned his eyebrows looking at you suspiciously. “So, you wanted to show me the moon, my darling?”
“Yes. The stars, and the moon, yes.” 
“Just perfect, Love… thematic, if nothing else.” He grumps in a bad mood. You want to laugh, but you control yourself. He looks so adorable when he gets mad at you.
“I’m going to tell you something that I never told you before. Do you know that I love how your hair glows with the moonlight?” As you say this you intertwine your fingers in his soft hair, brushing his silver curls. “And your skin? You don’t seem to realize how beautiful you are under the night lights, you are like a star yourself.” You gently stroke his long, pointy ear with your fingers, admiring him in all his fragility and beauty. “So please don’t tell me this is a burden. I choose you. And if not seeing the sun again is the price to be paid, be it. I will live with you in the dark of the night, forever, because I don’t need any other light than yours… you are my light, Astarion.”
His forehead meets yours, and his eyes are wet with small tears. His hands on your small back, closing your body to his. You feel him breathing deeply, absorbing you. There is no safer place than in his arms. You have everything you need, right there. “You silly girl. Why didn’t you say none of that before?”
“Oh… I don’t know, I never thought you would like to hear it, really, knowing that you want to see the sun so badly again. I only wish you could see yourself like I see you, how perfect you are with your imperfections.”
“But you see, I’m starting to get there. To know myself through your eyes. Some days are harder than others, with all of the memories of my past pursuing me… Sometimes it is difficult for me to leave all of my bitterness and resentment behind. But some days, some days I know I am much more than that. And you helped me achieve that. I am forever grateful to you. For everything that you have given me, and still do.” He lifts your chin to reach your lips with his, giving you a softness and tender kiss. “I am sorry… forgive me.” He whispered, still touching your lips.
You cup his face with your hands, feeling nothing more than love for this man. You never loved anyone like you love him. And you never will.
“There is nothing to forgive. Just promise me that you will talk to me if you are ever haunted by those kinds of thoughts again.”
“I will do my best, my dear.” He embraces you again placing his face in the crook of your neck, as you rest yours in his chest. “I never wanted to lose you, you know? Just the thought of it makes me sick… Thank you for always being by my side. I love you so much!”
“And I love you too, more than anything!” You feel his embrace tightens around you.
“Will you stay with me? Will you be mine even if that means never seeing the sun again?”
“I will. And I am yours until the day that my heart stops beating.”
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bamber344 · 3 months
Whumpee intro: Jordyn's Training - 1
heyo ik I said the updates for this would take a while but I wanted to get this out quickly so there was some actual whump to sink your teeth into for the story. the 'Jordyn's Training' arc was meant to just be one thing but this first section absolutely ballooned way bigger than I thought it would (just over 2k words) so it will most likely be a 4-parter
Anyway this series actually has a name now! it is Project Genesis, courtesy of my brain in the shower this morning; the birthplace of many great ideas.
Lemme know if you wanna be added to the tag list btw! chapter begins below the cut :3
CWs: broken bones, whipping, emotional manipulation, vomiting, blood, meal restrictions, mentions of recovery, female whumpee, male whumper, superpowered whumpee
(let me know if I need to CW anything else I forgot about!)
Jordyn's Training, part 1: The First Mistake
The obstacle course stretched out before me, vast and daunting. It wasn’t anything I hadn’t done before, but the fast-spinning metal poles and swinging wrecking balls never failed to make me anxious before I threw myself in for another go. I’d been hit by them more than enough to know how much they hurt. Still, this sort of training was necessary for my rehabilitation, so I steeled myself and prepared to do another run-through, aiming to beat my personal best under Father’s watchful eye.
It had been three months since I woke up in that room, cold and confused, lashing out at anything that moved. If not for Father, I would probably still be in that helpless, animalistic state. He took me in when no one else would, taught me how to speak, and read and write; how to be a functional human being again. I was in an accident, apparently, injured badly enough that when I woke my mind was completely blank, bare of even the most basic muscle memory. Father’s treatment may have fixed my body, but my mind still needed hands-on work; work that he tirelessly took upon himself. He spent countless late nights with me, speaking to me, reading to me, letting me get a feel for English again. He allowed me to lean on him while I was relearning how to walk. He spoon-fed me when I lacked the coordination to feed myself. There was still a lot that I didn’t know, and I got confused often, especially when he used bigger words, but he said that was okay. I didn’t need to know everything. So long as I did good, and he gave me that warm, tingly smile, nothing else really mattered.
Apparently, I used to be something called a ‘superhero’ before my accident. I would use this strange power I had to take down criminals and bring them to justice. If I ever wanted to be able to do that again, I needed to train. My body may have been passably functional, but it needed to be exceptional, or so Father said. He always smiled when he talked about me being a superhero again, so I knew that was where I needed to focus my efforts.
“Jordyn? What are you waiting for?” Father asked, his voice gravelly and stern.
I snapped out of my thoughts. “Sorry, Father. I was just preparing myself.”
He shook his head and something inside of me shrivelled up. “Not good enough, Jordyn. Do you think the criminals will wait for you to be ready? You need to do what I ask when I ask, not when you think you are ready.”
I clenched my fists, tears stinging the backs of my eyes. “S-sorry, Father.”
“It’s alright, Jordyn. Now, go.”
I wasted no more time, charging forward as Father started the timer. I needed to do good on this to make up for my blunder before. Father had spent so much of his time and energy on me; I couldn’t let it all be for nothing.
The beat of my feet against the floor fell into a rhythm as I jumped, dodged, and dashed my way through the course. I’d been running it for over a month now, and it was quickly becoming second-nature. I knew exactly when to duck my head to avoid the spinning beams, how to deftly move between the wooden knives shot from the walls, and just which way I should step to avoid the pitfalls in the floor. The burn in my lungs and legs was distracting, but I didn’t let it slow me down. Just like Father always said: ‘Pain isn’t real.’
Something looked a little different about the second set of spinning poles, but I ignored it. The course was always the same every time I ran it; I was probably just thrown off because of Father’s reprimand. They always stung in a way I didn’t know how to deal with. 
I leapt into the fray of rapidly spinning wooden beams, ducking the ones at head-height and hopping over the ones aiming for my legs. It took a little bit more focus to ensure I wasn’t hit this time; it seemed as though the poles were spinning faster than usual. Still, with all of my practice, I was making good time. My personal best wouldn’t know what hit it.
Something slammed into my shin and my leg buckled from under me. That was fine, this wasn’t the first time I’d been knocked down. I made sure to roll out of the way of any on-coming beams so I had a safe spot to catch my breath in before continuing.
Then the pain hit, so hard and so strong that I immediately gagged from the shock, agony shooting up my leg like bolts of electricity. It was hard to breathe. Hot tears spilled from my eyes as overwhelmed sobs tore from my throat. I looked down at my leg to see what was hurting me so bad and almost threw up. My shin had already turned an ugly purple, and the rest of the limb below that point was twisted unnaturally. My heart lurched.
“F-FATHER! HELP!” I shrieked. The pain was too much; my entire body was locking up, too afraid to move in case I made it worse.
“What are you doing, Jordyn? Get up. Keep going.”
Disobeying his orders hurt almost more than my snapped leg, but I couldn’t bring myself to move. “I- I can’t! It hurts! Father, please!”
“That’s not good enough! Use your shadows, steel yourself! The course is not over until you complete it! Get up, girl! Your pain is not real!”
The thought of going on made me want to curl into a ball, but I did as I was told. Father’s orders came before all else, especially my own comfort. I owed him my life; a little pain meant nothing in the face of that. I reached out to the shadows around me, wrapping them around my injured leg like a splint. My skin turned black, sucking in all of the light around it, but the pain did lessen somewhat. A whimper escaped my lips as I forced myself up. Shards of agony stabbed my flesh every time I put weight on my leg, but it was manageable. I could move, albeit slowly. So much for beating my personal best.
It took an embarrassingly long time, but eventually I was able to limp my way to the end of the course, receiving more than a few extra bruises from the traps I was unable to dodge due to my injury. I collapsed at Father’s feet, dropping to my knees with my head hanging low as sweat dripped from my brow.
“That was disgraceful, Jordyn. Even your first attempt was better than that.”
I bit back a sob. “I’m s-sorry, Father. M-my leg, it-”
He grabbed a fistful of my short hair and tugged my head up, slapping me across the face. “I don’t care for your excuses. If you allow something as trivial as a broken leg to slow you down, the criminals out there will tear you to shreds. You should have learned by now how to use your power to protect yourself against this sort of thing without my instruction. I’ve already spent so much time healing you; I will be very disappointed if it turns out to all be a waste. Are you a waste of my time, Jordyn?”
“N-no Father! I’m not a waste!”
He let go of my hair, allowing me to sag back down to the floor. “Hm. I expect not. Remove your shirt.”
I blinked up at him. “F-Father?”
He struck me again, hard enough to whip my head to the side. “If you cannot even follow a simple order without talking back, how can I expect you to perform well in the field?”
I didn’t make the same mistake twice, pulling off the black, skin-tight garment as quickly as I could.
He nodded his head to the side, indicating a metal pole in the corner of the room, with two handles sticking out of it on either side. I’d yet to learn what purpose it served, but I had a feeling I was about to find out.
“Grab the handles of that pole and remain on your knees.”
I shuffled over with my head down, each drag of my injured leg across the floor causing tears to spring up in my eyes. The metal of the handles was cold under my palms, numbing my fingers. The rough floor dug into my knees uncomfortably. Father was moving around behind me, and every time it sounded like he was approaching, I inadvertently flinched and shied away. Anxious curiosity burned in the pit of my belly. What was this all about? I risked a question.
“Father, wh-what’s happening?”
“You need to learn how to ignore pain, Jordyn. The only way for you to do that is to experience it. It isn’t real; just chemical reactions in your brain. You must internalise that.”
“I- I don’t know what that means, Father.”
He ignored me. “While this is because you failed today, it doesn’t have to be a punishment, Jordyn. Consider it a lesson; a lesson on conquering pain. If you use your shadows to protect yourself from this, or let go of the handles at any point, I’ll have your other leg broken and forbid the medics from repairing it. Remember: pain isn’t real.”
“Father, I-”
All of the air rushed out of me and a line of fire lit up across my back. It was so sudden that I couldn’t stop myself from crying out. Surely that wasn’t what he meant to-
My stomach rolled uncomfortably as the strike shook my entire body. I couldn’t help but scream as the pain echoed through me.  
“Be silent, girl! Who told you you could speak?!”
His command overrode even my most basic need to express the utter agony I was in, and the following scream got caught in my throat. Shadows flickered and writhed underneath me, licking up my legs out of protective instinct before I forced them back down again, Father’s warning ringing in my mind.
It felt like it would never end. My vision darkened at the edges. My abs clenched and a surge of bile spilled from my mouth. Warm blood dripped down the burning, torn skin of my back, my anguish heightening with each consecutive blow.
Pain isn’t real Pain isn’t real Pain isn’t real Pain isn’t real Pain isn’t real
Seconds passed, and no new wave of pain came. I gasped, sucking in as much air as I could to refill my lungs before it was all inevitably expelled again by another strike. My ears were ringing so loud I could barely hear anything and my entire body felt numb aside from the battlefield that was my back, which was still sending lancing aftershocks deep into my muscles even as time continued to press forward with no hint of the next lash.
“You may release the handles, Jordyn.”
I let go and my whole body went limp as I dropped to the floor into a puddle of my own blood and vomit. The movement sent arcing memories of fire through my torn-up skin, and a sob slipped from between my clenched teeth.
“Clean yourself up and report to the medbay when you are ready. After that, head straight to your room. Do not expect dinner.”
All I wanted was a warm meal and for the pain to stop. “Wh-whyyy?” I moaned.
“I will not reward mediocrity, Jordyn. You did poorly today, and as such, you will not be receiving dinner privileges until you beat your personal best again. Be better.”
His footsteps echoed as he walked out of the training room, leaving me alone to cry. This was my own fault. If only I’d been good like he wanted, he wouldn’t have had to hurt me like that. I never wanted to disappoint him like that again.
“I’m s-sorry, Father… I’m sorry.”
Taglist: @steelandblood @sapphicwhump @urnumber1star
feel free to reblog and leave a comment if you enjoyed :) I like hearing from you!
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murmew · 9 months
Hello, my friends! The translation of the fifth and final chapter of Soma (OG: 苏摩) is nearly complete. I currently have two fics waiting to be translated in my backlog: 【tk14】Phetamin and 【tk14】Education, both written by RianostyEile.
I have provided a general summary as well as some additional information to help those who are interested in making a decision!
Option 1 - 【tk14】Phetamin (2/2 Chapters)
N/a - No official summary
Rating - Explicit
Tags - Angst, Blood and Violence, Lesbian Sex, Attempted Suicide, Hurt/Comfort
Summary - After being rescued from the clutches of Manus Vindictae, Vertin struggles with severe drug addiction as a remnant of her time as prisoner. The story is told from the perspective of Sonetto, who does everything in her power to help Vertin through her detox.
Estimated Total English Word Count - 9k words
Extra Note - This fic is gritty and doesn't hold back on uncomfortable topics and imagery.
Option 2 - 【tk14】Education (1/1 Chapter)
No one is born a layman of desire.
Rating - Explicit
Tags - Fluff, Lesbian Sex,
Basic Summary - A one-shot about sex ed, and young love. Told from Sonetto's perspective.
Estimated Total English Word Count - 2k words
Extra Note - Wholesome and has great internal monologue. The writing style is unique and poetic.
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confused-bi-queer · 1 year
20 Questions for fic writers
Thank you for tagging me @ileadacharmedlife 🩷🩷
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
381,482. It’s just that I can very easily write a 10k one shot, I have a lot of things to say, apparently. It just makes sense to illustrate every thought.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I’ve only written for Carry On because I’ve come used to them, but I’m interested in Wolfstar, so maybe in some time they will pop up too.
4.. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Protecting you like a Pitch (M) (I seriously don’t know why)
Sick of vanilla (E)
Birthday Man (E) (but it’s a fandom collab)
Surprises, stars and universes (E)
The Rise and Fall of Us (M)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I always do, it’s just that sometimes it takes me a while
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
That would be a WIP, but it’s a one shot 2k word “it’s hard to hide someone who loves you”. They both die at the end and it’s Simon rescuing Baz from the numpties, tell him he loves him and Baz gets killed! It’s just that I love making a character suffer along the story, but giving them a happy ending, so I’m not into writing a sad ending; it would kill me.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think “Done waiting” because it’s not angsty, so it feels happier, but I do give them a happy ending, even if it’s hurt/comfort.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nop. Everyone who’s commented is so lovely.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do! OMG, I LOVE writing smut. I find it very relaxing and fun hahaha. I usually write them with a dom/sub dynamics, with bdsm, toys, and exploring. I do like writing kinky things; not into vanilla. And I prefer a dom Simon, he’s very lovely. And I always write them with enthusiastic consent, being so in love, and aftercare. It’s a must in my fics.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I’ve written Drarry within SnowBaz and from a book series I read when I was 10 (the wolves of mercy falls), but I’m normal about them.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really, it’s more like pin-pong-ing the ideas with another person, but I did write “Birthday Man” with the fandom! It was a fic for Simon’s birthday
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
SnowBaz OWNS me, but WolfStar is very close to ripping my heart out. And I am so very sorry, but I would die for MalMage. There’s a fic I’m plotting, and it makes me ache.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I have several wips on my mind that I regularly come to, so I do plan on finishing them, but there are many ideas I’ve had that I just threw out. It was a thing in the moment, but not that serious to have me actually explore them more.
16. What are your wrimting strengths?
Angst and smut. I love writing dirty things and making my characters suffer. I l’m good at writing a lot, it’s very easy for me to write thousands of words. And I love dialogue.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Keeping things simple hahahaha. A short idea for a short silly fic is NEVER a short idea for me. I struggle with describing places, and well, I do have english for a second language, so it’s been a process for me to get better at grammar and phrasing. I’m not good at writing crack or fluff; it has to hurt.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I like it but I never know what it says if they don’t write it in the notes.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Carry On still. I’m living in a bubble hahaha. I’ve only written for my babies.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Definitely “The Second Chain” (smut). I wrote that fic exclusively for me and to me; I wrote all the things I like. And I like my Ballet AU because of all the backstories and how close SnowBaz feel to me (and Ebb). But I do have a MalMage wip, after all.
Now tagging: @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @wellbelesbian @nightimedreamersworld @thehoneyedhufflepuff @theearlgreymage @alexalexinii hello friends🩷
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forlix · 5 months
You're literally the best writer on tumblr, so I'm here to ask for some advice 🥹
So you know how stories have a timeline and some may cover like two years for example but be only around 2k words. HOW TO DO THATT??!? 😭 I always get stuck in time when I write something. If there is monday then there has to be tuesday and I just can't do a smooth slide to let's say the next week of the story. I really can't figure out how to do smooth time skips. So perhaps you have some tips? 😋💖
Waah my English isn't good so idk if you get what I mean. It's alright if you don't want to answer!! ^^
hiii my love!
firstly, u flatter me hello. best writer on tumblr is complete craziness!!! thank u so much for saying that though, you're very kind :') and i'm honored that you're entrusting this question to me!
secondly, this is all sooooo valid. navigating time is one of my biggest writing challenges among MANY so i'm not really sure i have the solution myself, but i can try to walk you through my process if you think that would help. i'm sorry in advance if it comes across as convoluted as i think it does 😭
instead of chronological, day-to-day accounts, i like to think of my fics as collections of important moments. "important" meaning significant for characterization, relationship progression, worldbuilding, etc. these moments don't usually happen back-to-back, because all change takes time.
if i can reference my own "ace," which i took special care to map out the timing for, about a week passes between every scene for most of the fic. i made it this way because i wanted there to be a lot of implicit development during those weeks; the couple needed to make their transition from acquaintances to lovers in a way that felt natural. but of course the development couldn't all be implicit, so the fic ends up being a collection of important moments that gives the reader just enough information to tag along on their journey. which is why u get scenes like mc taping hyun's hand in the training room, mc running out of the arcade heartbroken, and mc and hyun having a heart-to-heart on the gym floor
you can think of it as planting the seeds in one scene, letting them sprout and blossom "off camera" (aka during the timeskip), and then doing a garden reveal in the following scene. the two scenes are still very much interconnected—they still depict the same people in the same universe in the same storyline—but something about them has changed, and with it the plot has progressed
depending on what kind of story you're writing, consecutive days makes total sense, btw. in "crying lightning," i explicitly point out the timeskips with headers containing new locations and times preceding every scene because it the couple is a stylist/idol pair that travels together often over one year. in "everything has changed," which is probably closest to ur example of 2 years spanning 2k words, two years pass between every scene to place byeol growing up in parallel with felix and mc falling in love. but maybe you're writing, say, a camp counselor au or a zombie apocalypse au, and the characters only have limited time together; the way you'd write about a five-day period would look super different from a six-year period, u get me?
i am SO sorry about how long this got holy fuck i am truly terrible at putting anything about my writing process into words 😭 but TL;DR: 1) think of ur fics as compilations of important moments, 2) ~plant the seeds of change~ in one scene and reveal the end results in the next, and 3) think ab what timeframe/time-related format would work best for ur fic and go from there! your english is perfect btw <3 don't hesitate to lmk if u have any other follow-up comments or questions!
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baeddel · 2 years
i logged back in to shill my gf’s thing (listen to it!). love and miss you all, but god life is better without tumblr. how are you doing? how about i tell you what i’ve been doing?
first of all, i’ve been reading a lot more. with no timeline to scroll, i had to find something lazy to do in bed. i never really read a lot for pleasure before. i generally read in a very goal oriented way, to find support for an argument or to reference something. lazy, idle reading is a bit new to me. i’ve been reading Slayers, the light novels, which are really good. really funny, especially when it gets going, which made me think about comic writing. i read a bit of a ‘sex farce’ play from 1897—a ‘sex farce’ combines pornography and comedy in a live performance—La Ronde by Arthur Schnitzler.
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according to wiki the most celebrated author of sex farces was a French playwright known as Georges Feydeau. who, after his first play was unsuccessful, took a year to himself to study the comic masters “Eugène Labiche, Alfred Hennequin and Meilhac.” who? maybe my French mutuals know them, i certainly had never heard of them. but of course, now i must study them. although i guess i’m studying my own comic maîtres, starting with Hajime Kanzaka.
why study them? well, i’ve been writing a lot more too. well, not writing more—writing much less than if i was ranting to you every day on here. but writing more fiction. you see, i’ve changed priorities a little bit. a lot of writers ‘reward’ themselves with other activites if they’ve done their writing, for example by saying, if i write 2k words today then i can use social media, so they can motivate themselves and get rid of distractions. whereas i generally did the opposite, treating fiction as a reward for completing my studies. as a result, progress on my fiction was slow, but i didn’t really mind because it was a side thing anyway. but now i’m not getting into arguments everyday i realized i’d like to finish more of my writing, and take on bigger fiction projects. so i’ve been doing the opposite, taking my fiction writing goals seriously and reading non-fiction in my spare time. as a result, i’ve started struggling a lot to hit my fiction writing goals, but i’ve read and even finished a bunch of academic books, at a pace i could never muster previously. oh Fortuna . . . i am reminded of Baudrillard’s quip that “[f]or a healthy distribution of energies, the best thing is to commit one’s cowardice in the service of a good cause and one’s courage to the service of the bad ones.” anyway, progress has still not been terrible. i’ve been tracking it in a spreadsheet. this month i wrote 11k words, at a pace of about 900 words per hour, and mustering about 1-2.5 hours of writing on days i do write. the problem is that there are many days i don’t. so i’m working on writing more consistently. if i can manage one writing session per day, then i’d be writing 27k-67k words per month. imagine that? gosh . . . it would be hard to do that, but after all when i started studying i could only suffer 2 pages per day, and now i average about sixty, perhaps more now, every day. so who knows?
i’ve taken a break from learning Old English. i just needed a break. and i’m going to reformulate my approach, focusing less on anki and more on translating. but i am itching to get back to it by now. especially because my fiction writing is tied quite intimately to my Old English studies. Old English and its corpus is a deep well, and without it writing my stories is like sucking on a dry spout.
i’ve been spending a lot of time with my girlfriends, which makes me happy. and, finally, i’ve been cooking a lot! i get spurts every so often, so i don’t expect it to last forever. but i’ve been enjoying it immensely. mostly pumpkin soup, i especially lovingly prepare the stock. it’s pumpkin season right now, so you should make a batch before they all go away.
and the best part? i don’t give a fuck what anyone on tumblr is arguing about today. you can have it. take care, fuckers!
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mycupofrum · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
Thanks so much for the tag gracelesslady23!! ♡
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
28 (14 in English and 14 in Finnish)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I mainly write for the Harry Potter fandom, though I did write one Star Wars fic (dipped my toes into Obikin). I’ll post it in English some day.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
These are all Prongsfoot.
Bathe with me (4k, Explicit)
What are best friends for (2k, Explicit)
A lesson in love (6k, Mature)
First day of work (730, Mature/Explicit)
One of these days (388, Gen)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Absolutely!! If someone has taken the time to leave a comment I will happily respond.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don’t know if I have any angsty endings in my fics but probably By my side is one of the angstiest stories I’ve posted on AO3. Just your average Midsummer fic with some necromancy and raising someone from the dead.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
They all have happy endings, but probably A lesson in love, which has a feel good ending, or Specialised in you where they get to a happy ending through some initial angst and drama. Feels even happier then, doesn’t it?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
None so far. Fingers crossed it stays that way. Nobody should have to deal with it.
9. Do you write smut?
Yesss. Whatever they end up doing, there’s usually an emotional connection there because that’s how I prefer to write intimate scenes. But ngl, half the time I'm pushing myself to get the words out because I still think "oh no, is this really awkward" but then I remember the post I saw here on Tumblr where an actual published novel had the cringiest smut I've ever seen, and I'm fine again. We've all got this!
10. Do you write crossovers?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I translate my own fics.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Years ago I wrote a few HP crack fics together with others.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
James/Sirius. (To quote Snape: Always. 💀) Almost from the start. Sometime before the fifth book came out I was completely into Prongsfoot. Not counting years.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
I don’t post anything until I finish it first, so I have no hanging WIPs on AO3. But I have plenty in my WIP folder. I like to remain hopeful that I’ll end up writing them eventually. Not going to stress about anything.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I can come up with some nice plot ideas, funny and tense scenarios and good banter between J and S.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
My ability to finish fics and focus on one fic at a time has felt difficult lately. I don’t know why I seem to run out of steam when I have the last third left. Also descriptions are hard for me, partly because while I love how they set the mood and make the text more vivid, I’m always eager to just write what the characters are doing and saying to each other. Descriptions in English are especially hard because it’s my second language and I’m always guessing if what I write has the right nuance and tone etc.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
Sure, why not if it fits the story. I added a very minimal amount of French flavour to Fashion and hoped that no one would get too pissed off about it (mostly because of my poor attempt to write French English accent, not the actual French in there).
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter. The first fic I ever posted as a teenager was a humour fic where Harry and his friends time travelled into the past and for some reason all the guys had to take part in a beauty competition (Mr Hogsmeade ’76) hahaha. This fic does not exist anywhere online anymore.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Specialised in you is dear to me because it was not supposed to become at all what it is but James Potter took over the plot and I was a mere scribe at that point. Also I have a 20k Prongsfoot fic in Finnish that I haven’t translated into English yet but it’s the apple of my eye. I did a lot of research and put so much time and effort and all my Prongsfoot feels into it. It’s loosely inspired by the film Velvet Goldmine i.e. glam rock, glitter and S pining for J.
Tagging @fiendishfyre @siriuslystarbucks @solitaire-sol @adiha @prongsfootloves
No pressure. <3
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shiningstardan · 6 months
During the process of writing fanfictions, do you have a creative block or are you able to flow a story easily?
☆ A S K T I M E ! ! !
Well... Imma try to reply to the best of my abilities. But first context:
I have come just come out from a 5-year writing pause. I won't call it a block because 5 years ago I didn't have much interest in writing, I just wrote 5 fics but didn't think much of it and even dropped one of those.
So, what have I done now that is so different and has gotten my juices flowing?
I have established some rules
1. I will not write for others.
What does this mean? I will not write expecting kudos, bookmarks or reviews. So I don't place my writing motivation on feedback, some people get writers block because they don't feel appreciated. It's hurtful but you gotta remember that you also write because you love this character and the fandoms. I've always been kind of a lone wolf irl so, I gotta conduct the same mentality on online spaces.
2. I will find what I need out of the fics I'm writing and write that
I have been investing a lot of time thinking in Naruto for example. What do I need from this story that I never got?
Hyuga lore & politics
Konoha 13 interactions
Re-imagining of the time skipped between the OG series and Shippuden.
The fact that naruto talks friendship to everybody but he only cares about 1 friend, so I need him to interact with the other.
Knowing I need this I have started writing fics using prompts that may help my inspiration. Created character profiles to know who is friends with who besides what we are told in canon. Taken advantage of certain fandom patterns, there are some headcanons that have become universal.
For example: Somehow, somewhere a fan decided that in fanfic Hinata's grandfather is called either Hideo / Hideto and the rest of the fandom just rolled with it! which brings me to my next point~
3. I don't have to start from scratch.
If you feel that you are inspired by an image, headcanon, just roll with it. Don't feel pressure to come out with "original ideas" all the time, that's exhausting. I personally love when authors reference things, so maybe you said that a character likes the color red and you repeat that in a different way every fic you have, maybe through clothes, maybe through food, maybe through objects. A nod is always welcomed.
4. I can work on something else or abandon your idea
If you are stuck with an idea you can
Sleep on it and check it later
Outline it and move on. You can write 4 or 5 sentences about what you want to happen in that section and then you can come up with the details for the scene and write something else.
Not work on it anymore, maybe you can recycle what you wrote for another project (that's how I wrote Happy Valentine's Day, I didn't want to star from scratch so I reused the first portion from a discarded idea)
5. Length doesn't define you
I'm currently writing a 20k+ fic. This is my first time writing this much and it's scary AF. I thought it would be a 2k max, because I don't have a really good imagination. In the past I have mainly written works under 1k and even a 40 part drabble pieces (if you know the technical definition drabbles are 100 words exactly). So up until now I had just written relatively short works.
Challenge yourself to write short, write a haiku, a drabble, some flash fiction (250 w) or something under 500. Just a page.
Any writing is good writing.
6. Workshop it
Talk about your story and the ideas you want to explore with a friend (that includes me now, just so you know. Whether it is an annonymous ask or a direct message, my ask box will always be open for fanfic questions, even if it's a different fandom or ship I personally don't gravitate to).
7. Educate Yourself
This last few months I have discovered that english and spanish are formatted totally different in terms of punctuation.
I have also wanted to learn more about creative writing so I watch some Lectures
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That being said I think I write slowly, but enjoy it nonetheless.
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pumpkincanoes · 1 year
Welcome to my corner of the internet.
I reblog art, write shitpost, translate manga, and spit out stories once a century only when the stars align.
#canoe works is my general works tag. Requests are open, more info below.
Links: Ao3 • Ko-fi • Twitter • Discord • Genshin • Star rail
Some contents in this blog may be NSFW and will be tagged accordingly.
#writing is my general writing tag. I will tag #art for works that include my own art and #AO3 link for posts about my AO3 fics.
#translation will be my translation works and anything scanation related as well, including reblogs of things i've helped translate for groups.
#requests will be my tag for if you have anything you want me to write. Please let me know through asks or DMs. This will be tagged alongside the media type.
#drabble is the tag I use for shorter texts and HCs that hasn't made it to an actual fic. May also contain asks about pieces I've done.
Works Masterlist: Coming Soon!
BL Manga, J-Music (vocaloid, utaite, etc...), Haikyuu, Honai Impact 3rd, Genshin, Honkai: Star Rail, TGCF, MDZS, Wind Breaker, etc
Ships (all reversible):
Haikyuu: Iwaoi, Kuroken, Bokuaka, Daisuga, Kagehina, Sakuatsu, Sunaosa, Tsukiyama,
Genshin: Xiaoae, Gaxingyun, Kazuheiscara, Cynonari, Kavetham, Yantao, Ganqing, Eulamber, the list goes on...
HSR: Xingfeng, JingCaeHeng, Kafhime, Servalia, Galladay, MarchStelle,
Requests & Commissions
Are open for writing content in, as well as translating to and from, Japanese and English.
Writing: 1-2K word fics, socmed AUs, texts posts containing prose, poem, or hc collections.
Translating: mini-comic, a song, an audio drama, a video, or even a whole volume scanlation --as long as the source material is available, or you are willing to help provide it. Result will mostly be in script form, whether or not I post it publicly highly depends on source material /author consent.
Commissions: I'm not sure if anyone would be interested but I'm open to taking them with negotiable rates.
Don'ts for requests:
Reader insert media
Non-con ships, and as an extension of this, ships involving minors.
Love triangle, jealousy or cheating tropes.
Heavy angst and bad endings, e.g. dystopian settings, emotional manipulation, MCD.
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A completed story where Harry escapes the plans of Dumbledore with the help of a letter from his mother and the goblins.
Fanfic: Up Yours Dumbles Ch 1, Harry Potter | FanFiction
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After the Tri-Wizard tournament. Harry is alone, abandoned by his friend during the 4th year and his Godfather and Remus afterwards. Then one morning 2 weeks later he receives a letter. A letter written by his mother and his life changes. (Dumbles, Molly, Ginny and Hermione bashing)
Rated: M, English, [Harry P., Daphne G.], Words: 52k+, Favs: 5k+, Follows: 2k+, Published: Nov 4, 2017 Updated: Feb 21, 2019
Continue reading for the beginning of the letter.
My dearest son,
It's with great regret that I am writing you this. As I write this, I am looking at you sleeping in the playpen while your father works on things in his office. Many months ago, a prophecy was made that I refuse to agree to. Divination is a woolly subject as Minnie says about it but Voldemort believes in it. The prophecy was made, supposedly, by a seer; but to me she is a drunk. Yes she is the same one that you will have as your teacher in the third and fourth year. How do I know this? That's because later I had a vision of your life and how you were raised and what you went through. I had this vision just two months after you were born and I knew I had to find away to help you and I have. I saw in my vision that you would be forced to compete in the Tri-Wizard Tournament and that you'd win it but it would cost the life of one of the champions when Voldemort was reformed in his body.
Who killed the young man? I don't know but I do know that he used the killing curse and then your blood was taken for a ritual to restore Voldemort back to his body. I know you escaped with your friend's body and told Albus and the Minister that Voldemort was back but the minister, a short fat man wearing green, didn't believe you.
I know they have started a smear campaign against you and Albus and there's nothing you can do about it at this time. I know all your friends have turned on you, and that your godfather and Remus have abandoned you due to Albus orders. So here is what I want you to do.
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ten-ten31 · 11 months
1 for the fic writer questions!
Oooh, thank you for the ask ❤️
What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
So, to be honest, I'd probably ask back what kind of story you'd want to read; gen or shippy, pg or smutty, fandom or original. German or English. But since it's about and intro to my fics, I'm just going to assume, this someone is willing to read fandoms new to them and just dive into my writing. There are of course several stories that have stuck with me over the years and feel like the truest to what my writing looks like in my opinion.
One that I had a ton of fun writing, and that has the added bonus of a gorgeous podfic version by youhaveahomeinmyheart, would be Holy interdimensional displacement, Batman! It's basically crack treated seriously, a crossover fic between my favourite webcomic, Batman: Wayne Family Adventures and the old 1960s Batman TV show. It's a one-shot of just under 4K words.
Another one of my stories that still resonates with me for some reason is No one expects you to be perfect, a pretty short (under 2K words) Arashi RPF one-shot. I still love the atmosphere and the flow of it.
And just to round this out, I'll recommend something in German - two very short works: Glühwürmchen, a more somber original work drabble that still hast a place in my heart, and Alvin, a fun Young Justice AU vignette that I definitely need to come back to someday.
So have fun browsing, I guess :)
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Trust Me by karawreyford077
Anime » Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Rated: K, English, Family & Romance, Words: 2k+, Published: Aug 22, 2021
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
I am going to write down a what-if type of story of what if I didn't reject Daniel in the first place? I would have been in a relationship with someone but the first thing
first, I should introduce myself to him.
I was busy talking to my friend at the school cafeteria table but I decided to turn around and see him right in front of me. He just smiled across his face and spoke up to me.
"Are you Kara Geode Jewel?" He asked.
"Um, yes I am Kara Geode Jewel!" I reply.
"Can you be my girlfriend for me?" He begs.
"In the first place, I don't know you at all. Second, you need to introduce yourself first and then get to know the person much more." I say confused.
"I am so sorry about that for asking you to be my girlfriend I'll just leave right now." He says sadly.
"Wait what?" I looked at him and I was confused by his reply inside his voice, I grab his hand from walking away from me and I just look so sad about saying right at his face. I didn't know what had come over to me but I just really want him to stay here in this spot with me.
"Wait, so, you do want to be my girlfriend then?" he says looked at my face and happiness on his face once again.
I couldn't bring myself to tell him at I want to be his girlfriend just yet.
"No, it's not like I want to be your girlfriend just right now, but I think we should introduce ourselves to each other first and get to know each other more," I asked him and he just has a sadness across his face once again.
"My name is Daniel Lucy. What is your name
anyway?" He asked nervously inside his voice and judging the glasses on his face.
"My name is Kara Geode Jewel and it is nice to finally meet you, Daniel Lucy," I say kindly.
"It is nice to meet you too, Kara Geode Jewel."
After I graduated from Nimitz high school at the right age of eighteen years old and I walk outside of the building and saw my mom and my older sister and my boyfriend Daniel beside my mother and my older sister.
"I'm so happy for you to be graduated from Nimitz high school!" My mother says happily and took a picture with me and my older sister and my boyfriend Daniel right by my side.
Surprise me and Daniel have been dating since 2016 when we were both of us was seventeen years old. I was so lucky to have a good and smart and caring type of boyfriend to have in my life. It has been five years since I and Daniel have been in a relationship together. Even though my grandmother has been accepted him just because he is fully white and at least, my mother has concerned in the first place but once I told my mom at he was a good man and he believes in Jesus Christ and so, my mom decided to let me date him for now on.
I was watching Naruto on Netflix and Daniel sit beside me on the ground and watching the show with me.
"So, you told me at your favorite character from the naruto show was Naruto Uzumaki right?" He asked and I pause the show and just smile across my face.
"Um, of course, it is, and after all, I have a small crush on him since he and I were both thirteen years old at the time but aren't you upset with me? If I have a simple crush on my favorite character at all, Daniel Lucy?" I say to his face and he just stares at my face for a few seconds and spoke up to me.
"It wouldn't mind me at all, after all, everybody has a small crush on somebody if they are real or not but I am hoping you have the same feeling toward me, Kara Geode?" Daniel question me if I have the same feeling as him. He has a sad look on his face and I tried to comfort him.
He kisses me on the lips and I kiss him right back. He was just glad I've was with him for six years by now and he comforts me when I was hearing the voice inside my head but he told me it was going to be okay and that voice inside your head can go a heck with themself.
I unpause the show and started watching it again.
My older brother comes into the bedroom and I turn off the show Naruto and my boyfriend Daniel look at me with a confused expression, "why did you turn it off for? I thought you were going to finish up watching Naruto anyway." that what he says across his face and I look away from his face.
I lay down on the bed and trying to fall asleep.
"Oh, you're going to bed right now. Oh right! It's like about midnight right?" he asked me a question and I say mmhmm to his face.
"I'm just going to lay down on your mother's bed and if it's okay with you guys right?"
My older sister just stare at his face and spoke up to him.
"Well, okay? But don't you dare mess up our mother's bed! Oh right, Daniel?" My older sister says scarcely toward him and I just sweatdrop on my face I just didn't know why my older sister just scarcely him like that for? But I open up my eyes and I just saw him not scared at all on his face.
"Yes, Ma'am!" He says aloud to my older sister face.
"Good then, I am going right back to my reading
alright." My older sister says firmly in her voice and Daniel just sighs from his mouth.
I was already fell asleep on the bed and their voice started to get smaller and smaller.
Daniel lay down on my mother's bed and covered himself up with the blanket and fell asleep.
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
I just wake up from my sleep on the bed and walk right out of the bedroom and into the living room and I woke up my aunt and she looks sort of not happy on her face but I tried not to say anything to offend her at all, I just sit there and drink my large Naruto cup have some coffee inside it.
" I'm so sorry for waking you up from your sleep just now, aunt Ami," I say apologies to my aunt Ami.
"It's okay Kara."
"That least, I was quiet inside the living room," I say kindly toward my aunt Ami.
"Don't you worried about it, okay Kara?" She says just looking at her cell phone like always.
My older brother Jack just have waking up just now and he walks right out of the dining room area and walk into the bedroom and followed him to the bedroom. He was just pulling out two socks from his drawer.
"Jack! Get out of the bedroom right now! Get a soda and get out of the bedroom!" I say quietly to trying not to wake up my older sister Akin from her sleep.
My older brother Jack walk right out of the bedroom and followed him out of the bedroom and I noticed Daniel just waking up from the chair and let out a big yawn of his mouth.
"Good morning Kara. So, how are you today?" He asked tirelessly.
"Good morning to you too, Daniel," I say happily.
My grandmother just walks inside the living room and told aunt Ami about how I was talking loudly inside the living room and I just ignore my grandmother's words.
I went outside of the house and took out some pizza roll bags from the freeze of the fridge and walk back inside the house, I put on pizza rolls for me and my boyfriend Daniel and waiting for them to be done, and walk right inside the bedroom to get medicine jar and I take one out of the medicine jar and walk back into the living room.
I heard the microwave ring and telling me and Daniel at it was done, I take out the plate from the microwave, and I started eating the pizza rolls.
"You know, you love me, right?" I looked at him when I was taking my medicine with my coffee.
"Surprisingly, well yes I do Daniel Lucy!"
"I just going to doing something to surprise you okay? It is a secret alright. Please kept it a secret from now on." He says.
"Okay, Daniel. Fine, I'll keep it a secret for now. Let me guess, are you trying to propose to me, huh Daniel?" I asked him. "Um, no, why would I propose you it's not like I am going to marry you about now." He says nervously.
"O-Okay Daniel? If you say so then" I tried not sounding sad about this.
"I'm just going to go with your mother somewhere but you have to close your eyes when you get there at the park okay," he says winking at me and walks right out of the house and go to my mother car and step into the front seat and sit in there and my mother drive off somewhere, I didn't know what he was planning anyway.
"Alright, Daniel." I look down onto the ground and wondering if he were propose to me or something like that but I tried not looking down at all and I just tried smiling across my face right now.
I pick up my cell phone on the table and touch my mother contact.
Hi mom! Can I tell you something?
Sure, what wrong Kara?
Um, well, you see mom? I asked Daniel if he was going to propose to me or something like that? But he just told me at he wasn't going to propose to me at all and just laughing it off.
Oh gosh.
I know right mom! It is not like he evening love me even more mom and it is like he hiding something from me. girlfriend and boyfriend aren't supposed to hide something from their girlfriend right now.
It's alright Kara. I think he is just worried about you, but you know what daughter? Just maybe he doesn't want to tell you something important to you or something secret to you at all but I'll text you in a bit okay, I am driving right now.
Okay, mom. You're right. Just maybe I'm just worried about him at all bye.
Bye. I love you, Kara!
I love you too, mom! Bye, mom!
I turn off the cell phone and my grandmother just told me maybe he was doing an important or something like that. I saw my cell phone come on and I saw the text on it.
Hey Kara!
Oh hey, Daniel! What up? How are you doing today?
I'm doing alright! I guess? What are you doing, my love?
Just nothing much, my sweetheart! I'm doing just fine. I think.
Tell your grandmother at she should drive you to the park right now!
Okay, Daniel! I'm going to do that alright.
I love you so much, my love!
I love you too, Daniel
I turn off the cell phone and touch my grandmother's shoulder.
"What is it, Kara? I am trying to do something okay!" She says a bit annoyed by me.
"Well, Daniel told me to tell you to drive me to the park right now if it's okay with you Sarah?"
"Oh, he says to tell you. That you should check the time on your phone okay. Does he say about four and five-thirty, I think? We should go to the park at about a time.
"Okay, grandmother!"
I turn back on my cell phone and I check the clock on my cell phone and it was like about four and five-thirty on the clock of my cell phone.
"It is about time to go to the park right about now, grandmother!" I say happily.
"Get your flop on right now!"
"Okay, grandmother!"
I walk into my bedroom and put on my flop and walk back into the living room and sit down on the couch and waited patiently for her to get ready to go and took her about one to two hours to get finish ready.
"Don't you want to bring your brother and sister to come too?"
"Okay, grandmother? I'll tell them!" I don't know what was going on here? but I know for certain at he is going to propose to me on august 22, 2021. I was so happy to guess about it but I tried to contain my happiness inside me. I walk into the bedroom.
"Hey big sis! Big bro! It is time to go! Grandmother told me to tell you guys to go to the park with me." I say happily.
"Oh alright? We are coming just hold on a second alright." She says grunting under her breath.
I walk back out of the bedroom and into the living room. I was kind of surprise my older sister was so not happy about this, but I tried not to let her ruin my good day for me.
"Aren't they are coming?" My grandmother asked me.
"Surprise well more or less. Um, well, yes, of course they coming grandmother!" I couldn't help about how much happy I really was.
I waited another minute for my older brother and older sister to get ready to go and I just listening to music on my cell phone and waited patiently once again.
We all got in the car and my grandmother drive out of the neighborhood area and I just close my eyes and patiently waited for them to get to the park already now.
"Okay, we are here now! Let get out of the car okay,"
"Alright, grandmother? Do you think Daniel is going to propose to me right, big sis?" My older sister just looked away from her cell phone and just look at me.
"Surprise, I think he is but who know anyway, it probably your luckily day little sister!" She look back at her cell phone and just reading on her cell phone.
I know for certain at he was going to propose to me right at the park right about now but he just walk right out of my mother car and my older sister put on the camera on her cell phone and started recording him walking out of the car and he just smiled across his face when he first time saw me from Nimitz high school where we first met each other on 2016.
"So, why did you bring me here, Daniel? I can't opening up my eyes just yet." I asked him a question.
"No, you can't opening up your eyes just yet. There is something really special I want to tell you okay. The very first time I saw you from Nimitz high school was the day when we first met each other there I just decided to tell you this at you are a very important person in my whole life until now but I hope you can accept me for who I am on now." He continues and pulling out the small black box from his pocket. "You can open up your eyes right now and make me the happiest man alive on this earth."
I was curious about all this about what he was saying this all to me and right in front of me too, I decided to open up my eyes what I saw and kind of made me cry a bit on my face. I cover up my mouth and it was a silver diamond ring in the small black box and I never really expectantly this day I was going to get married today but I was right along then.
"Kara Geode Jewel! Will you marry me? Until this day on I hope you can forgive me after what I say to you inside the house in the morning and I felt sort of sorry about saying it to you've, I wasn't going to propose to you on August 22, 2021, but I realize you meant the whole wide world to me, Kara. So, please marry me, Kara, and make me the happiest man in the wide world." Daniel explained to me.
"Yes, of course, Daniel! Thousand yes! I will marry you, Daniel Lucy!" I say happily.
Daniel put the ring on my ring finger and kiss me and everybody cheer for us and stop recording the video on their cell phone.
0 notes
colachampagne3 · 2 years
Should I participate at the orufrey week with an English fic? I'm not very fond of my English stories tbh, they look kind of incomplete to me and I should change my writing style to write in English, but maybe publishing something in English gives more the fanweek vibe.... so I'm thinking
0 notes
batteryrose · 2 years
im late but ASK GAME TIME!! 1, 9, 21, 28, 36
Hey Mo I love you!! And that's a lot of numbers!!! Fine I'll answer them
Which of your fics would you keep the basic plot of but rewrite completely?
Wouldn't mind rewriting and bettering Tragedy Farce if only I have THE GODDAMN TIME
You also have to kill the perfectionist in you sometimes. I'd rather move on and make some other funky stuff
Thoughts on cliffhangers.
What about cliffhangers. I can be tricked into thinking bad stories are good if they have a good cliffhangers in every chapter or something....... So I'd say they're pretty important. You gotta make people keep reading somehow! I'm pretty bad at it myself though.
Can you accurately predict how long your fics are going to be? If you can, what's your secret?
I can't really. There is some intuition in shorter ones though. Usually those one shots with only one scene that I like writing will end up around 2k words. Somehow that's just how long all of them would be without me even checking the word count. And it would be enough, too. Crazy
As for my longer fics, they always end up double the amount of what I predicted lol
Any writing advice that works for you and you feel like sharing?
I think to write often you have to be amongst writers. Have some writer friends like this, who tags you in.. Asks games.
Seriously though, it seems to work best. Reading all your friends works and throwing your own out there to be read. It's a rhythmic cycle. There's nothing else more motivating. As for writing longer fics, I have a habit of not talking/sharing wips about it to anyone until it's finished. I probably should! You probably should. You can probably get better ideas from other people. You might also catch mistakes early. Either way, Use People.
What else... Mmmmmoh I usually continue reading a book first before I start writing because then the words flows out easier. But that might just be because I'm not a native english speaker. Get the english brain going. I think it'll work for everyone though.
When I'm so lazy and stubborn to write anything, I'll use an alarm to do those 25 min writing sprints. This I rarely do. It's only for my long fics that I procrastinate on horribly. It sort of works tho and after some days I'd start writing on my own without needing the alarm.
One other thing too maybe: draft on phone and edit on computer! Especially porn!! Cannot for the love of me ever do that on computer
How do you come up with fic titles? What's the one you're most proud of?
I like to reference things in titles basically. I'm not creative. If I'm stumped then I'll just steal some other people's titles. The Tragedy Farce one, for example, is a title of a philosophy book written by Slavoj Zizek, which is also referencing Marx's quote about Napoleon that says: "history repeats, first as tragedy then as Farce" or something like that (I think he was specifically talking about Napoleon III). 'Less than Nothing' is also a zizek book title, while also being something Leon himself said once. It's great.
Some other titles that reference things:
Sleipnir is a horse in nordic mythology who is ridden by Odin, who has eight legs, like the,,, eight princes of Rhodolite. So "Sleipnir's Second Limb" just means Chevalier. Through the pov character's view, he is seen as some sort of a God.
I know Nothing about norse mythology. I believe I was searching for just about any horse god out there to reference. I think this one is perfect.
"If the mountain won't come to Mochammad," and "God Between Us and All Harm" are both people sayings that I found by googling. I'm most proud of the Muhammad one. It fits PERFECTLY with Adam's dumb predicament there. As for the second one, it just sounds visceral with the content of the fic.
'Symptoms of Rosette Disease' is just some words. Honestly thinking of changing it. Rosette disease itself is a fascinating plant disease, that's why I used it. And it's supposed to mean the underlying prejudice and inequality that exists in Rhodolite, the kingdom of roses, or something. I'm Trying to be profound here
'The Skies Have Been Empty' is also a good one... It's just Wellington noticing that over the centuries the stars have been less visible (because of light pollution babyyyyyyyyyyyy) and since stars was how people find their way in the past, he now has lost his way in life, Something Something
That's all I have to say about titles. I just woke up.
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sage-writing · 3 years
Criminal Business Part 2 // Ransom Drysdale [Mob AU]
mob! Ransom Drysdale x female mob! reader
Summary: As part of criminal etiquette you host a dinner for the gang leaders of the east cost. One of them has a special eye on you.
Word count: ~2k
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, dark story, reference to previous chapter: explicit sexual content, explicit language, dub con/ non con, smut, nudes, blackmail and coercion. [Read at your own risk. DO NOT read if you don't feel comfortable with any of these topics]
A/N: What can I say. I've rewritten this chapter a million times but I think I've got it now🙃
This is going to be my first series and I'm kind of trying to write the plot in advance, but it's not working out. So I can't say yet how many parts there will be and when they will come out. Hopefully in a shorter time than the first part.
Dividers are mine, you can use them but please tag me if you do.
as always I am not an English native speaker so there will be probably some errors. Feedback is always appreciated ❤
Part 1
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The next morning you woke up in your bed without Ransom, but with a headache. For a brief moment you wondered if the alcohol had gone to your head and you were just dreaming, but the soreness between your legs proved otherwise.
Secretly, you were grateful that Ransom was no longer there. This allowed you to wake up in peace and think about last night.
The anger still simmered in you at the thought that he had simply broken into your home. You desperately needed to find the vulnerability in your security system that he had exploited. If he managed to find it, others could do the same.
The thought that plagued you even more was the fact that you had enjoyed Ransom's playing with your body. The struggle for the upper hand, pure adrenaline and dopamine had flooded your body and set off fireworks. He had been the catalyst for it.
There was a knock on your bedroom door and annoyed, you hid under your covers.
Despite your clear announcement, the door was opened and Lewis appeared there.
"It's 10:30, everyone's waiting for you." There was concern in his questioning gaze once again.
"It's that late already?!" Your schedule for today was in danger of falling apart, so you'd have to make some cuts. "Tell the men the meeting is cancelled. For the time being, just have everyone get on with their work. I'm going to head to the company now."
He looked at you critically, but just nodded and left the room. Now was simply not a good time for a conversation. It would have to wait.
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With big steps and clacking heels you strode across the stone floor to your office. Your assistant gave you a quick update. There were only two meetings and a handful of phone calls to go.
The real business of the technology company, which specialized mainly in digital service, was easy to handle. It was more difficult to weave the illegal operations into the company's books in such a way that no one would notice the double-cross.
Illegal income streams, anonymous donations, or questionable investments had to be disguised so that any suspicion of unlawful activity would fade into nothing. Since graduating, you had taken over the position of CEO from your father, who then served only pro forma on the executive board. It was he who had created the company out of nothing, thus providing the perfect cover for the outside world.
In the afternoons, you would get stuck on the accounting figures, leaning back in your chair and massaging your throbbing temples.
Sometimes you wondered if you were up to the task. If anything went wrong, it would be your responsibility, yours alone.
At the ring of your phone, you squinted your eyes for a moment and then answered it. Your assistant told you that a man was here and wanted to speak to you, but refused to give a name. You told her that security should remove the man, since he obviously had no business in the office.
You didn't have time for such silliness, so you returned to the endless list on your laptop. Not even two minutes later, noise came from the hallway. Voices discussing loudly with each other. You decided to see what was going on.
When you opened the door, the headache of the morning was suddenly back.
What you saw was Ransom Drysdale resisting the attempts of two of your security guards to remove him, while your assistant stood by with a helpless look.
"Is there a problem here?" Your voice echoed through the marble-tiled hallway, causing momentary silence. Those present turned to look at you.
"Miss, please forgive the disturbance, we will remove this gentleman immediately," one of the security men said, grabbing Ransom by the upper arm. You could see Ransom's nostrils flare and his eyes narrow to slits.
"That won't be necessary. I'm sure Mister Drysdale was just playing a tasteless joke."
Despite the puzzled looks, you gestured Ransom to enter your office. He shook off the security guard's grip, demonstratively adjusted his business jacket, and neatly brushed his perfect hair back into place before walking toward you and into your office.
He strutted in, poured himself a scotch, and plopped down in your desk chair as if your office were his private living room. His arrogance pissed you off.
"Your habit of invading other people's premises and acting like a spoiled little kid is really charming." You followed him and stopped demonstratively in front of the desk, arms folded in front of your chest.
Ransom sipped his drink and his eyes formed into slits as he studied you. "It's really cute how you're being coy, sweetie. But I'm pretty sure you did like last night all that much."
"Well, you truly are a gentleman. So now if you'll stop wasting my time and get to the point, I'd appreciate it." He only responded with a snort to your fake smile.
"Actually, I wanted to compliment you on your tight cunt, but apparently it falls on deaf ears. Well, then to the actual topic. I want to take you out to dinner... Friday night."
You were confused and angry in equal measure. "W-what? First you break into my house, then you force me to have sex, and now you want to have dinner with me? Are you kidding me?"
"I have to admit, my approach may not have been the nicest, however, I'm sure you enjoyed our night together as much as I did. The way your knees went weak, you moaned and begged. Fuck, I could take you again right now."
The reawakened memory sent a warm wave into your abdomen. Ransom was right. And you hated that. "Get out of here, Ransom. NOW."
"I think you should show a little more gratitude, kiddo. It would have been easy for me to backstab you, and what do you think would have happened then, huh? You might have been able to beg Curtis for forgiveness, but Andrew?! He would have slit your throat or put a bullet in ya. Your entire existence, and especially your family's, would have been wiped out just because you made one stupid mistake."
When Ransom saw you flinch from him and his words, he interrupted his tirade. Maybe he really did care about not turning you against him even further.
"Listen I'm sorry. Okay?" There was no response or reaction from you.
He sighed and put on a disappointed face. "I really thought I could convince you like this, but you're making me do this..."
He pulled out his phone, tapping away briefly on the glowing display, then spun it around to face you. The light blinded you slightly and your eyes needed a moment before you recognized what was on the screen.
And now, at the latest, you would have liked to strangle Ransom yourself.
The picture showed you. Naked. As you lay asleep on Ransom's equally bare chest. He, on the other hand, was grinning gleefully into the camera. He must have done it secretly after you fell asleep.
Your hand shot forward and tried to reach for the cell phone, however Ransom pulled it out of reach.
"Tsk tsk, where are your manners? I wasn't going to play the blackmail card either, but apparently you need some real motivation."
"Drysdale, you're as good as done," you spat out.
"I don't think so. I made backups of that lovely photo, of course, so you wouldn't get the idea that you could take the phone from me and be off the hook. So either I see you Friday night for dinner or I'll make sure certain people get that picture and will know what you did."
You grudgingly swallowed your pride. "Congratulations, Ransom. You're getting your way."
A wide grin spread across Ransom's face.
"Perfect. Then I'll see you on Friday." He didn't even bother finishing his drink, just stalked back out of your office.
This battle, you may have lost. The war, however, was far from decided.
You drained the last sip of Ransom's scotch. He'd better suit up.
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Silently you watched as the sun disappeared behind the trees at the far end of your property. A maid brought you a steaming cup of tea. Inevitably, you wondered if one of your household employees had helped Ransom break in. Their loyalty was not as unwavering as your men's. Every individual had their price.
When Lewis came by, you asked him to walk with you a little way. For comfort, you slipped off your shoes and went barefoot. The pleasant tickle of the grass reminded you of playing in the garden of your parents' estate as a child.
You walked through the rose garden, over to the avenue of cypress trees. You wanted to make sure you were far enough away from the house that no one could overhear you from around a corner.
"Now would you tell me what's on your mind?"
Lying to Lewis wouldn't make sense. Your closest confidant knew you too well and you would need his help. Because you were sure of one thing. Ransom's shenanigans weren't history yet.
You told him everything. The dinner with the other mob bosses, your faux pas with the gun, your sex with Ransom and his subsequent blackmail.
His disappointed look at the mention of the gun, really hurt you. Over and over, Lewis had drilled into you the importance of the criminal underworld's code of conduct. Many of the rules may have been antiquated and silly, but you followed them anyway. Before your first dinner with the other men, Lewis had spent hours preparing you. He had gone over the other men's profiles with you, he had taught you which topics to avoid and which to bring up instead. All that hard work was about to fall to pieces.
Lewis sighed deeply and his brow furrowed as you finished your explanation.
"What other demands did Drysdale make?"
"Besides dinner? None. But I doubt strongly that he will be satisfied with that. What can I do?" Frustrated, you settled down on a bench at the end of the grove of cypress trees.
"The bottom line is you have three choices. One, you give the snotty brat what he wants. Two, you find your own leverage. Or third...you find an ally who is also interested in getting rid of Drysdale."
Lewis sat down next to you and put a hand on your shoulder. In the presence of others, Lewis and you would never have exchanged any familial touches. When you were alone, it was different. As you stretched your upper body resolutely, he took his hand away again.
"Option one is definitely out of the question. I'd rather chop off my hand on my own. That leaves only options 2 and 3...," you could almost hear the gears clicking in your head. Suddenly a plan formed in your head and you jumped up from the bench.
"Search all the security camera footage for the night in question. Ransom must have gained access somewhere and I need to know where."
"Consider it pretty much done." Lewis nodded, stood up and headed back to the house, until you stopped him again. "One more thing. Have my car put out, please. I have one more thing to do."
"Are you going to tell me what you're up too?"
"Acquiring an ally."
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manonamora-if · 3 years
Meeting the Parents - 6 months later
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It has been more or less 6 months since MtP has been released - and since I have taken the plunge into IF. I thought it would be neat to take a small trip down memory lane and see what has been happening with this whole project. [long post under the cut]
If you have not seen/played this one yet, you can check the game post here.
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Because numbers are fun and first projects are always a bit messy. I thought it would be neat to share with you my experience after the game was published. I think I mentioned here and there when some milestones had been reached, but not really much more. Take these numbers with a grain of salt, as different projects will have different engagement.
So yeah... Let's start with a few statistics!
Game Statistics
Languages: English and French (2 versions: fem/masc grammar)
Word Count: 90,664 total words in the file (including code) for the 3 versions. Each versions account for about 1/3 of the total word count. A playthrough should take the player between 2,000 and 10,000 words (give or take a couple of hundreds for the French versions).
Story length: 5 to 30 screens (excluding title page); 257 screens total in the file (all versions)
Playtime: about 10 to 45min (based on an average reading speed of 200 words/min)
Endings: 10 total Endings (tracked if the player does not click on the Restart button in the sidebar), from 6 main meaningful choices.
Program: Twine. First published on Harlowe, then moved to Sugarcube.
Online Statistics
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Since there was a bit of time where I was a bit away, there are some things that I am not completely sure of when it comes to this. So here it is:
The game was first published on itch.io the 10th of June after about a month working on it. Since I didn't like how it looked, I re-uploaded it on the 12th with a nicer looking UI (and moved to Sugarcube). This is where the first small peak appears.
The large first peak coincided with my first game post being reblogged by @/interact-if, which showed my little project to a much larger group of people. It quieted down for a few weeks, while I was working on CRWL (published 16-Jul).
I updated the game with 2 more endings, a re-write of old passages and a translation in French on the 21st of July and shelved the whole project. The 21st is the small peak just on the left of the largest one on the graph (which is the new reblog from @/interact-if).
I also submitted the final version of the game to the Twine Survival Guide Itch.Io Jam, which ended at the end of July. The next two weeks, players were able to cast their votes. MtP ended up being 4th on the overall ranking (out of 14 entries).
I don't really know what happened in late August/early September, because I was pretty much MIA from the internet during that time. But interest over this project has dwindled over time. I regularly get a few plays per day still, which I think is neat.
In the past 6 months, this game has been viewed almost 2k times and played almost 900 times (most downloads are mobile plays, others are when I uploaded each new versions of the game). It has been rated 6 times, for an average of 4.2/5 and commented twice (the other comments are my replies). People also added this game to 42 collections.
For a tiny game like this, where I didn't spend more than 2 months total on this, I'd say that is pretty good. Especially considering that this is a first IF project (which are always the worst). I still get some engagement here and there on Tumblr when people like or reblog the master post. I was so ecstatic when I reach each new milestone with it (though it has been greatly overshadowed by CRWL now).
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I have learned a lot working on this project - hell I still learn more things was I progress with CRWL. I learnt a new coding language, got wide eyes every time I had to open the Javascript tab and pulled my hair out when it was time to mess with the CSS.
Lesson 1: Size does matter
Since I had set my mind on this being my first project, I pretty much started somewhat small and looked for a quick and easy story to work on. I didn't want to get overwhelmed by including fun stuff that would end up be too complicated to implement. This project was really for fun - and to cope with being stuck at home. This was really a great idea, since it helped me understand the base of Twine and of IF building in general.
Lesson 2: Research, ask questions and abuse the tutorials
While I didn't do much research in terms of content/background for this project (but I did/do for CRWL), you do need to research what type of game you want to make, what system you want to use, and other writing tips you might need to advance in your project. This helps you set a good base.
Stuck somewhere? Try to find a tutorial. At least for Twine, there are many available online (@/idrellegames has a lot of good ones too). Or ask some questions. The Twine community at least as a responsive Reddit and Discord group, where the developers of its languages are part of.
The best lesson is always trail and error, but getting help is a very good remedy too.
Lesson 3: More engagement starts with a bit of marketing.
I also learned to market the game online. I pretty much opened this Tumblr when I released the game, without much hope that it would be seen or played by people at all. I didn't make that mistake with CRWL, as I shared my progress from the get go and teased its release beforehand. Believe in the hype of your game posts.
Many IF projects on Tumblr have no demo yet but are very active. It wouldn't surprise me that they would end up with high numbers after release with the engagements they already have now.
I could already see it with CRWL, which has had much more engagement from Tumblr users compared to this one. This is also translated in the numbers on Itch too.
Lesson 4: Know your target audience.
The IF community is wide and diverse, but some trends are more popular than others. Just looking at the main page for Interactive Fiction on Itch, the current top games are related to horror, mystery and romance. Quite a few have extensive character creators and stories spanning more than few days.
MtP has no character creator (save for a name) and is mainly set during one morning. CRWL has an extensive character creator and will span over a larger period.
Obviously, any game can end up being popular regardless of current trends. And games within these genres can stay unplayed for no reason. But it is always good to know what is currently out there.
Lesson 5: Sometimes, you just need a break and fresh eyes.
I took a break of over a month on this project before releasing the final update. At first, I had planned to shelf the project as soon as it was done and start working on something bigger (which ended up being CRWL). But after reading it again, I didn't feel happy about the final project. There were some typos, some sentences didn't make any sense, I think there was still a bug or two even... In short, it wasn't great.
Having stopped working on it for some time, it helped me get a fresh take on it. Re-write made me more excited about the project and wanting for a better final product. It was also a good reminder that first draft should not be your final product. Re-drafting and proofreading are life-savers for your stories.
Final Lesson: Have fun!
The most important thing at the end is to have fun with your projects. Burn out is real and will destroy your will to work on anything related to your project. Take your time, take some breaks, don't force yourself to work on something because you have to. Do it because you want to and because you enjoy it (caveat regarding coding, sometimes you may need to force yourself, it may be a necessary evil).
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These past couple of years have been a bit wild for me (and for a lot of people I am sure). I feel like I have truly found a small place for myself in the IF community, which has made me really happy the past few months. I hope that my notes and thoughts on the back-end of game making has helped shed a light on what it can mean to create these kinds of projects.
You can find my whole process of creating this game in my post archive (or check out my log tree, it is more or less up to date). It has been at point infuriating and during others invigorating. I still loved every second of it, even if I looked at this project with some sort of embarrassment not (it is really cringey now).
I don't really have any regrets when it comes to this, save for maybe the translation. As a want of making the game available to others, I thought it would be neat to translate it. And boi was it a choice. I am not a professional translator and still have my limits even in my mother tongue. Translating the game has been a real pain in my ass and took much longer than I thought it did. This game is relatively short, in terms of size and word count, but it still took me weeks to translate it. I really can't imagine how long it would take me to do the same with CRWL. I think it would either break me or my computer. Translations are much easier on smaller games.
Now, go forth and enjoy!
Play Meeting the Parents on Itch.Io. If you enjoy it, consider rating it here and on the IF Database, as well as like and reblog its Tumblr masterpost.
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