#if any aren't listed leave in the comments
mstiemountainhop · 5 months
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brainmuncher · 24 days
So I had another idea come at me while making lunch (I'm starting to sense a pattern with myself, lmao)
What if when Jazz sends out letters to the colleges she wants to get into, she gets sent rejection letters from every single one... except the local community college. She's absolutely devastated about it. She thought that she did everything she could to be chosen. How could every single one reject her?
Danny, of course, hears about it and asks Tucker to check and see if something happened digitally. Surely, Technus or Vlad or someone messed with something to sabotage her. But when Tucker checks, there's absolutely nothing wrong. She still has her perfect grades and attendance record all set with no marks. Her community service hours are all there. It's only when he looks at the letters themselves that he finds the problem...
After looking online to see what the letters look like, he comes to a puzzling realization... the letters were fake. It's a good fake, but it's not the real thing. The signatures were off, and the writing had been changed.
This is what leads him down the rabbit hole.
He tries to ask about it online to ask others who've also been rejected. Except nobody is answering him.
Sam tries to call the numbers listed on the websites of the colleges... but the person who answers is strangely unknowledgeable about the college they represent.
The only college that seems normal about it was the nearby community college. And that somehow feels the least normal about everything.
It was only when he heard his mom complaining that they never heard from family anymore after they moved to Amity that he figured it out.
Containment. Nothing is leaving Amity. No emails, texts, letters, or posts online. Everything was being blocked.
Of course, this sends him on a mission as to why and how. He spends weeks on it. Sam and Danny actually began to become concerned for him. No, this isn't a pride thing, Sam. And yes, he is taking care of himself, Danny.
Technus is the one who gives him the answer. It was just a passing comment about how he needed to funnel through the GIW in order to infect the world. It didn't make sense to any of them because surely that's the last place you would want to do that. But then it dawned on Tucker. That's who has the power needed to do it! That's where he needed to look!
So he hacks into the GIW and is astonished by what he finds.
The anti ecto acts aren't real. There's no laws even acknowledging ghosts.
There's a file on Phantom, marked as 'candidate for X'.
And all he can find on the containment is a name he's seen described as the creator of the GIW and the main supplier of funds.
Amanda Waller.
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The Prince - Chapter Five
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A/N: First Sunday without a new hotd episode, how are we feeling? Hopefully, this fic can help fill that hotd void. Once again, thank you so much for all of your comments, likes, and reblogs on the last chapter! I hope you enjoy this one, too <3
Pairing: Jacaerys Velaryon x Reader Word Count: 3.6k Synopsis: In Jace's absence, the reader contends with their feelings, finally coming to the realization that these feelings aren't going away.
Tag List: @rinisfruity14, @gaiaea, @rexorangecouny, @burningwitchobject, @brckenmemories, @thenotesapppoet, @elleclairez
Previous Chapter - Next Chapter
Tension hangs in the air throughout the entire Keep the next morning. As you walk down the halls towards Rhaena’s room, you hear hushed discussions, spot worried faces, and fear slowly creeps over you.
The first thing you hear when you get to Rhaena’s room is her hushed tone saying, “He’ll be fine.” You feel as though you’re intruding on something you shouldn’t be, and try to walk back out, but Baela spots you and waves you in.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt,” you say.
“You didn’t,” Baela says.
“Is everything alright?”
“There is unrest in the Iron Islands,” Rhaena says. “It seems the Lannisters and a few lords of the Iron Islands have been fighting over territory.”
“It is an uprising,” Baela corrects. “And the queen has sent Jace to attend to it.”
“Tend to it?” you ask quietly, panic icing your body.
“He’s going to be fine,” Rhaena says, looking to her sister.
“I know,” she says softly.
“He might not see any battle,” she says. “We don’t yet know what the status is.” They both look equally concerned for Jace, and you hate that you can’t share your own concern with them.
He had come to your room last night, and with a horrifying realization, you know he was coming to tell you goodbye. He had been trying to tell you he was leaving, and you had denied him.
“He’ll be fine,” you agree aloud, because he is your prince and that’s what everyone must say when the heir is in danger; but also because you need to believe it for yourself, too.
In the coming days, rumors spread. Some claim there is absolutely no warring in the islands, just quarrels between land-hungry lords. Others say it is bloodshed comparable to the peaks of the war. And there are those who declare it is all a ruse to solidify the crown's position.
None of it makes you feel any better. There is, however, the bitter hope inside of you that Lord Blacktyde is somehow involved and might be taken out by an arrow or swing of a sword, if fighting has indeed broke out. But your thoughts can’t rest there for long, so stuck on Jace are they.
You keep playing over what happened in the Dragonpit, how you left things. It seemed the right thing to do, albeit painful. There was no future for you and Jace, giving in to it for even a day would doom you for the rest of your life.
You try to throw yourself into other tasks. You embroider a dress for Jeyne, go to the coast with Rhaena to watch her bond with Morning, and keep your meetings with more suitors.
There is one such suitor, a Ser Swann, who you have met with twice before. He is kind, can sometimes make you laugh, and is by far the best candidate. But when he looks at you, when his hand brushes yours, you feel nothing.
You remember how you clung to Jace in the Dragonpit, the easy way he held you and made you feel safe. Even just the feeling of your hand in his sent a spark through you. You hate to compare the two men, but every interaction with Jace, even just a passing meeting in the hallway, left your heart racing.
During your date with Ser Swann, these thoughts never leave you. Everything he does, you imagine from someone else's lips, someone else's hand. That night, as you lay in bed, you toss and turn. It has been five days since Jacaerys left, and still, you cannot get him out of your thoughts.
Why did you refuse him entry? Why did you drop his hand? Why didn’t you kiss him, just once?
Jace had created plenty of opportunity for the two of you to kiss. He had sat next to you in this very bed, taken care of you, seen you at your lowest, and still he wanted to kiss you. He brought you to spar with him, clearly seeing the way you were longing for him, and kept you close to him, to see if you would finally act. In the gardens and in the Dragonpit, he had held your body to his, kept you safe, and yet, you pushed him away.
What was wrong with you?
He will return from the Iron Islands, you know. You have to believe. But the chance you might have had with him, you fear is quickly dwindling away.
You had told him he would ruin you, if you gave into your desires. But the truth was, he already had ruined you. You know that now. Ser Swann was a perfectly fine gentleman, and you could have been happy with him, if you didn’t know that there was better.
You are ruined for any other man, because every other man is not him.
You get very little sleep that night. When Brigitta comes in the next morning to wake you, you are already up, exhaustion written over your face.
“My lady,” she says, slightly in chaste, but also in concern.
“I’m fine, Brigitta. Nothing a cup of tea won’t fix.” She is silent as she prepares the tea for you, but when she brings it over, there is a note left next to the mug.
“He left that for you,” she says. “I wasn’t sure if you wanted to read it or not, but I think you better.”
“Thank you,” you say, forgetting the tea altogether as you rip open the seal. Brigitta gives you a moment's privacy and goes about getting your outfit ready for the day.
Y/N – I am sorry to leave without saying goodbye. Do not worry for me, I promise I will return safely. I hope that the time I am gone will be enough space for you, as I would very much like to continue our conversation from the Dragonpit, if you’ll grant me such leave.
Yours, Jace
“Are you ready, My Lady?” Brigitta asks. You aren’t sure if she's referring to something in the note, the dress she holds in her hand, or something else, but the letter has given you a new sense of purpose.
“I am.”
As she gets you ready, Brigitta lets you know that the flowers in the gardens have bloomed and recommends that you see them for yourself today. You had forgotten to find a task for the day, and you’re thankful for her idea.
You are making your way towards the gardens, when he comes around the opposite hallway.
“Prince Jacaerys,” you say, stopping abruptly in the hallway. Your knees wobble, nearly knocking you to the floor, seeing him in one piece. “I didn’t realize you had returned.”
“Just,” he says. You take a moment to look him over, checking for any visible injuries.
“I’m sorry that I didn���t see you that night,” you say, nervously fiddling with the sleeves of your gown. Jace frowns at you, frowns at the movement. He glances at the guards following him and nods them away. You watch them slip into the nearest door.
“Don’t apologize,” he says, “You wanted to be left alone.”
“I did say that,” you say, “But if you are heading into dangerous territory, of course I would want to know, want to hear you out,” you say with a shake of your head.
“Needless to remind you, Y/N, I’m a prince,” he says, “Often I am sent to do dangerous things.”
“Of course,” you say with a tight-lipped smile. Sudden frustration fills your bloodstream at his cool demeanor. He has never acted this closed off with you and you aren't sure how to navigate through it. The courage you had felt when you left your room seems to be fading quickly.
“I got your letter,” you say weakly.
“Good,” he says, glancing down at his boots. There is a strange silence, that is so unlike the two of you. He is nervous, angry with with you, or just over his feelings? This behavior from him is so unexpected, you want to run away before you do something embarrassing.
“Well, welcome home, Your Highness,” you say stiffly.
“You sound as though you were worried for me,” he says, before you can turn from him. You meet his eyes, and somewhere in them, you see the Jace you know.
“You are the future of the realm, of course I worry for you,” you say. Jace lets out a tut of laughter, closing some of the distance between the two of you.
“Of course,” he says to himself. “Is that all?” he asks, his eyes locking with yours again.
“Is that the only reason you worried?”
“Jace,” you say, your voice barely a breath.
“I hate it when you call me anything other than Jace,” he says with a smile. At the sight of that smile, ridiculously, your breathing turns shallow. You watch Jace’s eyes fall to your chest, watching the rise and fall of your breasts. You realize how close he has gotten to you, how close you’ve allowed him to get.
“I could have died, I very nearly almost did,” he says lowly. Your eyebrows scrunch in worry, and Jace brushes your hair out of your face, his hand cupping your cheek. “Because I know you, I know you must have thought about if I did. You must have thought about regrets, what you would do if you ever saw me again.”
“Jace,” you try again, putting a hand on his chest, partially to push him away, and also to feel him, feel his beating heart. He is right and he knows it. He has grown to know you so well in the last weeks. Every night, you played this moment over in your mind again and again, what you would do when you saw him again.
“Y/N,” he says, just as soft.
“I didn’t worry too much,” you whisper, lying, “You told me you’d return.” Jace’s eyes flick between yours and your lips.
“You believed me?” he asks lowly.
“Yes,” you say, realizing that it was easy. You trust him and believe in him. Up until the Dragonpit, you had truly thought that his feelings were based purely on attraction. But seeing him now, looking into his eyes, you know he was telling the truth. It’s love in his eyes, and a weight lifts off you when you realize the same feeling is inside you, too. You love him, and in that moment, you know that no matter what comes, you want him, for as long as you can have him.
“Was this enough time apart?” he asks with a smile, “I’m not sure I can—”
“Yes,” you say, and before Jace gets the chance to say anything, your lips finally, finally meet his. His lips are soft, and it only takes a moment for him to shake his shock and take control of the kiss. You very nearly moan as he does, seamlessly pinning you against the wall.
Your hands are on his face, in his hair, anything to pull him closer. When his tongue slips into your mouth, you do moan. The sound elicits a similar one from Jace, and he presses you firmer into the wall. His rough hands trail down your sides, gripping your waist, holding you flush against him. In that moment, you would have let him touch you anywhere and everywhere, just to keep him close to you, keep him alive.
A throat clears at the end of the hallway, and you snap back to your senses, breaking away from each other. You take a healthy step back from him and adjust your dress. Jace is breathing heavily, a beautiful smile on his face.
A glance down the hall reveals a white cloak, just a shoulder standing outside of the doorframe. You assume it’s Ser Harrold, thankfully bringing you both to your senses.
You look at Jace and both laugh when his eyes meet yours. He moves closer to you, and takes your hand, placing a gentle, but far too long to be proper, kiss to it. You take a shaky breath at the look in his eyes as he looks up at you.
“I love you,” you say gently. Jace’s eyes widen, and he looks to be in physical pain that he can’t kiss you again. He just smiles and gives your hand a squeeze.
“I’m sorry to have worried you, Lady Y/N,” he says.
“I’m just happy you’ve returned.”
“As am I,” he says. He nods down the hallway, holding out an arm for you. You take it, your pulse quickening at the closeness of your bodies. You look up at him, seeing the smile on his lips, the slight pink tint to them from your kiss.
“I need to see my mother, tell her about my journey,” he says, continuing the walk down the hallway, “But I want to see you as soon as possible. Will you join me for supper tonight? In my quarters.”
“Jace,” you start. He looks down at you, a smile growing on his face.
You can only nod your head. He smiles and breaks from your side, leaving you cold. He kisses your hand once again.
“My chambers, just after sunset,” he says.
It is dark in his room when you arrive. This shouldn’t surprise you; he invited you after sunset. But in the dark, you aren’t sure what you’ll do. You broke all conduct and kissed him in daylight, with several guards within earshot.
Candles are strewn about his room. Soft light illuminates Jace in the corner, adjusting his shirt nervously in the mirror. In the reflection, he sees you, and a smile grows on his face.
He crosses the room in two strides and rest his hands on your waist. His lips are gentle when they meet yours. You push him off at the first brush, looking around the room anxiously.
“Don’t worry,” he says, tugging at your waist slightly to have you face him. “I dismissed all the servants. Ser Harold is the only one at the door. He has already promised his secrecy.” You let out a sigh, smiling at him as you trace his jawline with your finger. He closes the gap between the two of you again, and you don’t pull away this time.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” he says, resting his forehead against yours when he breaks away.
“Me too,” you say with a laugh. Jace kisses you again before taking your hand and leading you over to his table. A small feast is laid out before you. Jace pulls out a chair for you, pushing you in with ease.
“I hope wine is alright,” he says, pouring some into your goblet. “I know the mead we had before didn’t agree with you.”
“Wine is wonderful,” you say, “And I don’t think it was the mead that made me sick.”
“What then?” he asks, sitting across from you.
“Feelings I was trying to fight,” you say.
“You don’t seem to be fighting them anymore."
“I don’t think it’s a battle I can win. Or even want to win," you say, taking a sip of the sweet wine.
“And you came to this realization while I was gone?” he asks, drinking from his own glass. Your eyes watch the movement along his neck greedily.
“Before you left, I said that you would ruin me, if we gave into this feeling between us.”
“I remember,” he says, setting his jaw. You reach across the small table and take his hand, your thumb brushing against his skin.
“But while you were gone, I realized you already had ruined me. Ruined every other man for me. You infiltrated my mind and my heart, Jace. If I can only have you for a day, I’ll take it, rather than live my life with regret.”
“It won’t be just a day," he says, gripping your hand firmly, his eyes wide with emotion.
“I hope so.”
“I am still talking with my mother. We will find a way to keep us together.”
“I believe you,” you say, “But I don’t want to talk about the future anymore, uncertain as it is. I just want to be here with you tonight.”
Fuck, he could stay like this forever: his hands wrapped around your waist, yours on his shoulders, your soft lips locked with his. The evening had progressed to a couch in his chambers – neither of you ready to move to the bed just yet.
He had wanted this for so long, had imagined it a hundred times over. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine you wanting him just as much. Never did he believe you would love him, too. And never did he imagine that kissing you would feel this good.
Your hand cups his jaw, drawing him closer. Your chest presses against his. He wants to pull you in, wants your bodies to become one, but he reminds himself that this is just the first night. There will be more to come.
“Jace,” you say, breaking away to catch your breath. He is not so eager to break contact. His arms wrap tighter around you, pulling you into his lap.
“Yes?” he says against your neck, his mouth traveling down the slender column. You breathe shakily, your body pressing into his when his tongue glides over the sensitive skin at your collarbone. He hums happily, exploring which parts make you press into him, which make you whimper.
“Jace,” you say again.
“Yes, Y/N?” he says, smiling against your molten skin.
“It’s getting late,” you say, whining when he bites softly, careful to not leave a mark. “I need to get back to my own chambers.”
“But there’s so much I’ve yet to explore,” he says, looking at you. Your pupils are blown wide, a sight that fills him with male satisfaction. He tastes your lips softly, in between smiles.
“Like what?” you ask. A wicked look passes over his face.
“Well,” he says, “Here.” He kisses the hinge of your jaw, relishing the arch of your back at his actions.
“Here.” He bites gently on your ear lobe.
“Jace,” you gasp.
“And I didn’t even get to these,” he says, his hand cupping your breast. “You have no idea how much I love these.”
Despite what you said, you kiss him again, falling back onto the couch as he continues to palm your breasts. His hands move down to your hips, gripping tightly, and holding you flush against him. But never any further than that.
You stay there for a long while. Each time you suggest that you need to leave, Jace manages to convince you to stay. Eventually though, you extract yourself from underneath him. For a moment, you just look at each other, the flushed skin, the clothes that hang awkwardly.
“I love you,” he says, smiling at you as you try to bring some semblance of order to your unruly hair. You look over at him, a soft smile on your own face.
“I’m glad for it,” you say. You stand, tugging at your dress, before presenting yourself to Jace. “How do I look?” you ask.
“Gorgeous,” he says, taking your hand, kissing up your arm.
“I mean,” you say with a laugh, pulling your arm from him, “Do I look presentable?” He stands and looks you over for a long moment, making you shake your head. He snakes his arm around your waist.
“You do,” he says, kissing your lips softly. Your arms wrap around him again, and for a second, he thinks he might convince you to stay. But you hum against his mouth and pull away. Your hand rests on his chest as you catch your breath.
“Stop doing that,” you say with a laugh.
“Doing what?”
“Making me want to stay.”
“Maybe,” he says, gripping your hips, pulling you against him. He knows you can feel how much he wants you, how much he has wanted you all night. “You should just stay.”
“It’s late,” you sigh.
“Another reason to stay.”
“Brigitta will be expecting me.”
“Maids are good at keeping secrets,” he says, forcing your eyes to meet his.
“I love you,” you whisper, leaning in to kiss him gently. It’s the millionth time you’ve kissed him today, but still, each time feels like the first. Like it’s air, like it’s a touch he's waited for his whole life. “I have to go.”
“Let me walk you to your chambers at least,” he says as you pull from his grasp. His hand reaches for yours and trails out of it as you keep moving.
“I think I can make it on my own.”
“It’s late, you never know who might be prowling around the castle.”
“All the more reason to keep you protected, Your Highness,” you say, back resting against his door. Jace smiles, the title now feeling like a joke between the two of you, instead of propriety.
“I really can’t convince you to stay, can I?” he asks. You shake your head at him, a small smile on your face. “Very well.” He makes to open the door, but his hand instead rests against it, the other wraps around your waist, bringing your lips to his again. You gasp into the kiss, the sound making Jace practically feral with need. He holds you for a long while before you put a hand to his chest, bringing you both back to the present moment.
“Goodnight, Jace,” you say.
“Goodnight, Y/N,” he says, reluctantly opening the door for you. Ser Harrold is stationed there still, and Jace feels a modicum of shame that the knight probably heard the last bit of your conversation. You exchange a look with him, your cheeks red with embarrassment, and you both laugh.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he says.
“I look forward to it, My Prince.”
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gorgeouslypink · 1 year
everything about the void state | vanilla explain's
A few things to note. First of all, Vanilla was a very knowledgeable and supportive master shifter on DRA (a shifting amino community). You can read some of their other posts and you'll understand they really know their stuff and have dedicated a lot of time to understand this. Second, after reading this post, you'll understand why the void state isn't "just a method."
Here is the link to the og post: link
hello and welcome to this post! i am currently fighting against all the misinformation about the void state in this community and of course i had to post a full guide about it! here you'll read what the void is, what it's not, why it's extremely cool and multiple guides how to enter it!
table of content
i. intro
ii. the void
- what is it
- what is it not
- why the void state
- what it "looks like"
iii. how to enter it
- the "before state"
- awake
- sleep
- other ways
- affirmations
iv. q & a
v. outro
i. intro
in this post i talk about everything in context of the void state. i explain in deep detail what it actually is, clear up more misinformation, how to enter it in a lot of different ways, why the void is really nice and useful and in the end even have a q&a for everyone that got questions! you will notice how insane many misinformation are here. not just a few but full "guides" and "explanations" with it. please do not blame the creators for spreading them more! if you thought the same, you also could've been one of the people making posts about it.
ii. the void
let's start with the actual topic. to explain what the void is we have to know what exactly we are at first. so, what are we, what are you? you are an awareness. that means you are a tiny swabble-bubble thingy that experience the multiverse. right now you are on the physical plane so you see, hear, feel, smell, and taste. you can do a lot more things but the only important one is that you exist. you have no original appearance or identity (that's another topic) at this moment you are just you. you experience the 3d as y/n y/l/n. there are a few more things of course like your subcons and all that but it is not important for us now.
what is it?
we know that we are an awareness currently on the physical plane. we don't have an original identity we belong to as much as a reality. so what happens if we leave the 3d? is that even possible? yes, yes it is. that is the void state. the void means that you leave the physical plane. that is all. it is nothing special or unusual. the void state is the state of awareness. you, the tiny swabble-bubble thingy, exist there in your purest, most natural form. you could say the void is your home. when you aren't in a reality, you are in the void state. it's where you always return to and there is nothing more natural for you. you are just power, happiness, and peace there. nothing from the 3d can effect you anymore, your mind get's a whole reset. what does that mean? you have to know that you, the awareness, are not meant to doubt, have limited beliefs, worries, fears, trauma. it isn't natural or normal for you. you have them here on the 3d because they are physical circumstances. once you leave the physical plane, it of course means that they don't exist anymore. you enter it and BOOM they get completely erased. you won't even understand how you could believe such stuff after that. as you can see, the void is the state where you exist in your most "original" form, even if you don't have any identity or something like that.
what is it not
this is gonna be a long, long list. i'll actually make bullet points with everything i've ever heard here so you don't have to ask in the comments "someone said it is xy, is that true?". you can be very very sure that everything here in this list got 100% nothing at all to do with the void state. in the end i'll talk about the most drastic thing's but i also explained a lot already in my post about misconceptions.
- "body asleep, mind awake"
- meditation
- dreaming
- sats
- a sleep state
- the god state (mindset definition)
- theta state
- the "before state"
- relaxation
- the thing after you woke up
- being " in your brain"
- any other physical state at all⠀ ⁣⠀⁣⠀ ⁣⠀⁣⠀ ⁣⠀ ⁣⠀⁣⠀ ⁣⠀ ⁣⠀⁣⠀ ⠀ ⁣as you can see, you guys came up with a lot of things! you may already understood, the void means leaving the physical plane, so its being a physical state is absolutely impossible. you do not notice it on the 3d. at all. it is just not possible. many, many ask me "why didn't i shift from the void" but tell me a few sentence later "and i only felt my body a little bit" and i sit there like "okay, i'll start from the very beginning".
so please guys, in the void you leave the physical plane. you have no body. you can't feel anything physical at all. when you "felt your body only a little bit" you weren't even near the void. once you entered it, the physical plane doesn't exist for you anymore. with these very important information we can just ignore 10 things from the list now because we know that they aren't true at all. last but not least "it is the god state". but what is the god state? there are two main definitions here 1. just another term for the void so it's totally okay to say it, but what many here mean is 2. the "god state" mindset. that's a bit tricky, the second meaning is just a mindset. it represents your natural state of mind where you are limitless and powerful. you have it immediately in the void BUT if you have it here on the 3d you are not automatically in the void. you are still on the physical plane. tiny but important difference.
why the void state
you may already thought "damn, that sounds cool" but do you know how cool it actually is? besides that you finally align with your natural state of mind, that the void is pure happiness, peace, and joy, that you can chill there as much as you want, you can also do everything you want!! whatever it is, there are no limits. so here a few things you may don't know you can do:
- change the past
- skip time
- change your whole appearance to your liking
- shift everywhere
- manifest to wake up every night in the void
- manifest the future
- erase things (f.e. racism etc)
- manifest to always shift instantly
- change everything about your life
- manifest to lucid dream every night⠀ ⁣
as you can see, a lot more than many people think of. and the coolest?? it is instantly, in the very moment you want it, 100% reality. in the void the 3d/4d time gap can not exist because you are ABOVE the 3d. in the void you and your subcons work completely together that means that you literally give the commands. what do you have to do for it? want it. you don't even need affirmations or anything. you just want it and it is reality, no other possible outcome. in the void you can not fail, never and with nothing. if you ever thought you were in the void but "didn't shift" this is your clear sign that you were definitely not in the void. you are pure power there, it is impossible for you to fail at anything.
what it "looks like"
a question many, many have! what do you see in the void? actually you see nothing. you have nothing to see, you have no eyes. that's something most people are afraid of, deep, endless black and nothingness. but that's not the whole answer. you can customize your void! you have something called a "mental image". it is a picture you have in your mind and that is what you see. you can change it to your liking, very common here are galaxies. you could compare it to very, very vivid visualization but you don't have to focus on it and it's completely natural. you see whatever you want to see in the void. if you don't want black nothingness, you won't have it. very simple. so please don't be scared!
iii. how to enter it
there are a lot of ways to enter the void! you can basically leave the 3d through everything you want but of course a few things are easier for the mainstream than others. just try what you like and don't think you have to enter it immediately. i always compare it to speaking a language after a long ass break. it's weird and maybe seems hard, but every day you get more confident and notice how easy it is. that's the exact same with the void. everything is progress because every single thing is one step closer to being comfortable.
the "before state"
a term you guys hear extremely often from me. i came up with it because this was also a misinformation. but wait, what is it?? the so called "before state." it describes the time where you, the awareness, get ready to leave the physical plane. it always happens and especially beginner can feel A LOT there. it is the state where you feel like spinning, floating, falling all at once with tingles, dizziness, and confrusion. some time ago people said that this is the void. it is not. that's, as you already know by now, something that happens before you enter the void. many feel it, some do not and that is completely okay. for most people that actually feel it this intense it get's less and less every time they try. like you get more and more used to the idea of the void state, you know? you mostly witness it when you try to enter it awake or through a physical state. if you think you can not stand it, that's okay, you got enough other ways!
made for biginner and everyone else
-before doing anything, ask yourself what you wanna do there? do you wanna chill a bit, manifest something, shift? with the intention or affirmations? if you can answer that you're good to go
-maybe put your phone away really quick to just calm down a bit so you're not full of energy while trying. you could draw something instead?
-lay down in a position where you know that it won't distract you. nothing that hurts or is uncomfortable
-now it helps many (especially when it's your fist attemps) to have a vague "plan". do you wanna visualize? affirm? counting?
-if you wanna relax more you can take a few breaths at the beginning
-after that try to just don't care about your body. don't care about your breath (and DON'T focus on it!!), you can count or start visualizing/affirming till you reach a deep deep relaxed state
-now you'll probably start feeling A LOT. physically and mentally (i don't talk about the itchy-pain feeling, that's just you body). your body will feel like floating, spinning and falling at the same time, you'll be dizzy and "confused". that's okay and totally normal. just stand it, do not fight it*
-if you have trouble affirming while that happen just think about it, it doesn't have to be very specific
-after that you'll feel nothing, absolutely nothing
-then you'll leave the physical plane, you'll just know it because you feel inner peace and happiness and calm
*this is the before state and will most probably get less intense every time you try sleep
you can also enter it with a sleep method! a thing not many people know but that's why we are here, right? just go to bed, now you can do several things
- listen to subliminals
- affirm
- visualize
- have mental conversations about the void
- just set your intention
you can do all, you can do none, just one, whatever you want. it is like the intention for shifting just with the difference that you wanna leavsle the 3d and not change your physical environment. it is the method many people use when they have problems with the before state, don't wanna lay still or have no time for it. you can do it anytime, everywhere. if you focus right now on lucid dreaming? awesome, you can still intend. in fact, the intention is exactly equally progress as when you try it awake. so it's definitely not just a "lazy version"!
other ways
as said, you can leave the physical plane through everything but here are some of your favorites:
- lucid dreaming
you can do it already or practice it right now? awesome! maybe try to enter the void state throught it. once the dream is lucid start to say affirmations, visualize or intend. or whatever you feel called to do
- physical states
you can reach sats easily? the theta state? you meditate or are able to disconnect from your body?use it for the void state if you want. if you can enter one of these and it helps you to disconnect from the physical world, that is really great. do whatever you want to do or ate able to. the same recommended as always, visualization, affirmations, no matter what you like the most
- " is this even real?"
you know the moment when life feels kinda unreal?when you look at the physical world and genuinely question how this can be reality? these are great moments to affirm you are in the void! if it feels unreal, who could proof that you aren't in the void?
- subliminals
got no time or just don't wanna try? there are many good subliminals out there to enter the void state. personally i recommend solars one. just listening to subliminals can also bring you in the void. they send clear commands of what you want to your subconscious mind and it will just say "oh, wanna leave? okay got you sweetie!"
- i am pure awareness
- i am pure consciousness
- i am in the void
- i am in the void state
- i leave the physical plane
- i leave the 3d
- i completely disconnect from the 3d
- i can not get influenced by anything physical
- i am just pure awareness
- i have my natural state of mind
- i have my natural power
- i am home
- the void is my home
- i am where i'm supposed to be
- i leave the physical plane behind me
- i leave my body behind me
- i am pure nothing
- i want to leave the physical plane
- i am comfortable with leaving the physical plane
- leaving the physical plane is natural for me
- i am used to leave the physical plane
- i am used to being the void
- the void is my natural place
iv. q & a
just ask anything in the comments and i'll answer it here! or if you want you can take a look at my ask me anything - void state related, there are also a lot different questions!
q: do you feel unconditional love in the void?
a: you could describe it like that. you feel truly happy, at peace, calm, loved, secure, all the positive things you naturally should feel :smile:
q: Hey! Even if I don’t practice it awake and just intent to get into void state and sleep will my body get used to leave the 3D?
a: absolutely!! it's the same amount of progress :smile:
v. outro
this was my post about the void state and the first part of "vanilla explain's" my series where i explain things to you that aren't very common here! if you have wishes and ideas, let me know. please also comment every question you may have about the void state
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katebria97 · 8 months
Ryomen Sukuna as a dad
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-While you are pregnant he is definitely more affectionate and soft towards you:
"Let me love you for once,stop being stubborn dammit"
-Very protective over the baby and you,wouldn't let anyone else but him touch you(not only while you are pregnant but in general): (will have his arm on your waist or below your belly glaring at anyone who looks your way)
-Surprisingly clingy,you'll literally have to pry his arms off of you and that's almost impossible to do most of the time
(will have his arms wrapped around you,once you try to move them,he replaces them back) "Can't get away from me darling,because 'm not leaving your side any time soon"
-Whenever he found out that you are pregnant he was really happy which wasn't like him,it's rare that he was that ecstatic about something,he definetley will want more children,I can see him having like a whole army of children
-he's less teasing than he would be than when you aren't pregnant,because he knows that you are sensitive because of your hormones,so he's gentle and just messes around with you once in awhile (he may or may not have gotten backhanded once or twice)
-would talk to your stomach like the baby can hear him
"Kick your moms ass for me yeah?" *smack* "ow what was that for?"
-I̶s̶ ̶m̶o̶r̶e̶ ̶h̶o̶r̶n̶y̶ ̶w̶h̶e̶n̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶a̶r̶e̶ ̶p̶r̶e̶g̶n̶a̶n̶t̶
-when you two cuddle he'll have his hands under your belly,lifting it up so your back isn't hurting as much,he wants the least amount of pain for you while you are going through this
-will cook and clean for you
-will give you baths and massages he wants to pamper you and make you feel less stressed/sore(also massages your stomach)
"Does it feel better?yeah? okay good"
-Will literally force you to relax,there isn't one time in your pregnancy that he wasn't not doing anything,he doesn't want you stressed out in the slightest
"sit.you aren't doing anything,especially where you could hurt yourself,I dont want you getting hurt,I love you too much for that"
-If anyone makes any comments towards you 'getting bigger' because of your pregnancy he'll want a little "chat" with them..
-will worship your body during and after pregnancy,he's very loving towards you,but only you
-Loves seeing you pregnant,he doesn't even act the way he normally would towards you,the pregnancy definitely changes the way he acts,he softened up towards you,a little more ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- this has been a draft because I was on break but let me know what you guys think of it I need feed back,so I know what to improve and details and if you guys want this to be a series(you can look back on the list and choose any character you'd like from the anime/game) I will make it one,have a good day/evening/night,eat and drink water,love you all<3
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intoanotherworld23 · 8 months
No Plans To Stop
Pairing: Reader x Oliver Quick
Warnings: NSFW 18+ only MDNI, there is nothing but pure smut and sex in this, dirty talk, mention of voyeurism, discussion of threesome, unprotected sex
Word Count: 1659 words
Summary: Oliver’s a little preoccupied at the moment with you on top of him, and someone comes knocking on the door, but that isn’t going to stop him
Tag list for Oliver Quick/ Barry is fully open and I would be more than happy to add whoever would like to be tagged! Thank you so much for continuing with the constant support and praise it means a lot to me! I hope you guys enjoy and comment on what you think! Don’t forget to reblog, reblog and reblog XOXO
Check out my other Oliver Quick Work
Tag list for Oliver Quick/Barry Keoghan: @hahahafucku
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"Oh god don't stop."
Crying out into his shoulder legs on either side of his waist hands on his chest digging into his skin. Oliver's usually gentle hands now turning rough as he watched you ride him. His thighs were flexing underneath you as he helped keep you up right on top of him.
His lips gently brushing against your skin leaving behind an electric buzz. Smirking against your neck knowing exactly what he was doing to you.
"You look so fucking beautiful." His words truthful and more sexy than dirty talk.
If Ollie had a camera he would be taking so many pictures of your blissed out face. Keep them somewhere only he knew where they were, and jerk off to them all the time. The thought of that alone had a shiver run up his spine.
"Just like that sweetheart." He encouraged as his hands gripped your hips even harder. "Ride my cock just like that."
His bed squeaking with each thrust your body made on top of his. Feeling as your breasts were bouncing back and forth his eyes on you the whole time.
Moving your hips up and down sliding along his cock as fast as you could. His hands guiding your hips up and down on him. Your walls squeezing around his cock making him groan.
"Stretchin that tight little cunt." His voice do deep and dark it had your eyes rolling into the back of your head. "So I can fuck you more often."
Oliver leaned forward so he could attach his lips to your neck sucking on the skin surely leaving a mark. His hands reaching up to grab your breasts as you moved your hips back and forth.
"Such a good girl for me." Mumbling against your chest as he sucked in on your erect nipple making you gasp. "Taken my cock so tremendously."
"Your cock feels so good inside me." Hearing your words turned him on so much.
Wrapping your arms around his neck as you lifted your body before slamming back down. The whole bed rocking back and forth, the hinges creaking so loudly you would have thought there was an earthquake.
Your hands gripped his back as he would sharply drill his cock deeper inside of you. Raking your nails down his back as he found your sweet spot within minutes. Curling your toes so hard your foot started to cramp up.
Your cheeks were starting to heat up, and you were feeling flushed. In this moment all you felt was Oliver and no matter how many times you guys had sex you could never get used to the feeling of his cock.
"Such a cock hungry little girl aren't you." Smirking up at you as he was watching you lose control while you were riding him. "Greedy to feel my cock inside you."
Mouth hanging open little tiny whimpers leaving your throat unable to make any other sounds. Becoming so overwhelmed with pleasure as his cock drilled straight into your pussy.
Feeling your orgasm approaching quickly, and you already knew you weren't going to last much longer. Ollie was right behind you though and was pushing you over the edge.
"Pretty little cunt all for me." His hands keeping a grip on your hips as he helped lift your body up.
Both of you staring into each other's eyes making it a more intimate moment. He wanted to watch your face as you came undone on his cock. Your facial expressions alone turned him on.
"Wanna hear you scream my name darling." He groaned as he suddenly flipped you around on your hands and knees. "Fuckin scream my name for me sweetheart."
Feeling as he pushed his cock deeper inside of you hitting an all new angle. Hands gripping onto the sheets in front of you arching your back so your ass was literally up in the air.
"Ollie?" A voice spoke on the other side of the door making both your heads turn in that direction. "Ollie are you there mate?"
"Fuck it's Felix." He leaned his head forward onto your shoulder biting the skin lightly. "I forgot he wanted to hang out today."
"Ollie I know you're in there." Clearly hearing the anger in his voice, but that wasn't stopping Oliver from drilling his hips into yours.
"Stay quiet for me love." He whispered sensually in your ear making you whimper.
"Ollie answer me." Felix yelled this time at the exact moment he slammed his cock deep inside your stomach.
"I'm a little busy at the moment mate." He groaned as he looked down watching his cock disappear inside of you.
"You not gonna come out and say hello." He chuckled but his tone irritated at the fact he was screaming at him through a door.
"Not unless you want to see my cock." He responded making you giggle as he squeezed your cheeks in his hands.
"Alright fine I'm leaving." Hearing his feet smacking against the tile floor storm away from the door as Oliver continued to pound inside of you.
"Ollie he could have just walked in here and saw us." Turning your head to look at him as he smirked down at you.
"That wouldn't have stopped me." He winked making you playfully roll your eyes at him. "Fuck he can watch I don't give a shit."
The thing is he was telling the truth, and wouldn't mind at all Felix entering the room and watching. Or maybe even joining in on the fun, with your consent obviously. Plus Felix had a minor crush on you unbeknownst to you.
"Do you like that?" His pelvis smacking into yours filling you to the brim a sharp gasp leaving your lips.
"Huh?" Staring deep into your eyes with a mischievous look on his face.
"Maybe." Smiling in response as he just chuckled.
His cock hit your sweet spot making you scream. Finding that spot he was relentless and continued to hit it over and over again. His hands gripped onto your hips so hard they would probably leave a mark.
"You are just absolutely dripping sweetheart." His hand came down on your ass cheek making you squeal as you felt the sting. "Slide in so easily."
"Oh god right there Ollie." Moving your hips back against him driving him crazy.
"Gonna soak my cock with your cum baby?" He teased you as his hand moved up your back tracing your spine. "Wanna feel that cunt squeeze my cock."
"Harder Ollie please." Begging him feeling your stomach tightening as you knew you were so close to release.
"You want harder sweetheart?" Slowing down his thrusts on purpose making you whine like a baby.  "Wanna hear you beg me to fuck you harder."
Right now you were all tongue tied, and couldn't find the right words to say. It was almost like something was stopping you from speaking, and your mouth hanging wide open panting like a dog in heat.
"God Ollie please fuck god fuck me harder." Screaming out as you started to move your hips on your own to feel more of him. "Fuck me harder Ollie please."
It was like there was a fire between you two, and you could feel it on your body, and your cheeks. Sweat was dripping down both your bodies, and covering both of each other in your own fluids. It was strange but at the same time you were craving it more and more.
"Then I'm gonna eat that cunt and taste myself on you."
His words had your mouth hanging open, but only little whimper and whines were leaving them. Ollie was always one for dirty talk, and couldn't control his tongue whenever it came to you.
"Fuck I'm gonna cum Ollie." You tried warning him as you felt that familiar coil in the pit of your stomach.
"Yes that's a good girl." He gritted through his teeth as he felt your pussy clenching around him tightly. "Cum hard for me sweetheart."
Feeling your legs shaking and trembling as he never slowed down. By now there was probably a puddle of your sweat mixed with juices that were coating the sheets. The smell of sex and lust filled the room and entered into your nostrils.
Your body was moving all over the place your legs feeling sore from the position they were in. Your entire body felt like it was in flames, and you knew you were close. The room was filled with your whimper and his groans.
Pulling you up by the waist so your back was to his chest. Leaning your head back as you felt him taking full control of your body now.
"Let me feel you cum around my cock sweetheart." He whispered as he leaned his forehead against you and sharply drilled deep inside of staying still. "Let go."
Your orgasm smacking you in the face as your entire body clenched, and your pussy tightening around him. Gripping onto his wrists as you tried to control your breathing. Your chest heaving up and down as you were coming down from your intense orgasm.
Leaning your body forward on your hands as you felt sweat dripping down your neck. His hands massaging your skin so delicately and in a comforting way.
"Now I wish he would have walked in." He broke the silence making you reach back and smack him in the chest. "Let him see what he was missing."
"Ollie." Exclaiming with a shake of your head as you playfully smacked his chest.
"Oh come on it wouldn't be that big of a deal having Felix watching us fuck." Shrugging his shoulders with a nonchalant tone in his voice.
"There's no way I would actually want him walking in here watching us." Responding with a shake of your head.
"Like I said sweetheart." He leaned forward against your back, lips to your ear, hands gripping your hips. "That wouldn't stop me."
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cryptidghostgirl · 7 months
Humanity’s Most Favored Fantasy (Alastor x Reader)
Paring: Alastor x Reader
Description: It wasn't love. Alastor didn't feel love, not anymore. He'd lost that part of himself the day he died so it couldn't be love, could it?
Warnings: Look, I'm writing and it's not for a request. Angst. It's always angst. I just love Alastor's inhumanity, what can I say? This bitch is in denial. Also, bodies, blood, death, no gore but like, eh. Also Adam is in this one and he's his own warning. Loose Mistki quoting at one part. Also a loose Sappho quote “pale as grass” and self harm.
Word Count: 2,420
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List
Click here and leave a comment if you want to be added to any taglists or send me an ask.
A/N My classics major side came out a little bit in this one lol. Also I have a big classics major side fic in the wings so if you guys like this, just wait. Also Sir Pentious is from the 1800s so he for sure had a classical education. Also the title came from an article I was reading about the history of witchcraft for one of my classes.
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The most complex and yet the most simple of the human emotions. Feared by some, wielded by others, out of reach for many, perennial for more still, and taken as easily as a breath of air by a solemn few. What a strange thing, love.
It was this last category that bewitched Alastor. Even when he had been alive, he had never understood the people like that, the ones who took heartbreak in stride, the ones who shared any love they had the minute they felt it with everyone and everything. The ones who weren't paralyzed by potential loss or violent embarrassment.
The people who feared love made sense. It had a vast capacity for harm, it was able to destroy without a second thought. Even when it was good, love could be devastating. Those who wielded it as their weapon of choice nearly fell into a subcategory of this group. They used other people's fear of the matter against them or they lured people in to get what they wanted and threw them to the curb without a second glance.
Everyone on earth, living or dead, had felt at least once that love was out of their reach, Alastor reasoned. Hopelessness is one of the most vital parts of the human condition, after all.
Perennial was the category in which most people fell. Love came and went. It lived and died, but always returned like the plants he had named this grouping for.
Then there were people like Y/n. Not a day went by where she wasn't explaining how much she adored something random or telling people she loved them, throwing the word around as if it had no weight, as if it was the easiest thing in the world to love, to share love. When Angel had made some snide remark about everything being her alleged 'favorite thing,' Y/n had quickly replied, saying:
"Aren't I lucky for that? Isn't that just wonderful?"
Alastor couldn't tell in which category he fell or what his opinion was about that answer of hers. One thing he did know was that Y/n was to be avoided at all costs.
She was the typical sinner. Never too bad of a person when alive, but never too good either. She wore her hedonism like a badge of honor, living her afterlife in much the same way Alastor assumed she had lived her living life: in a constant state of indulgence.
It wasn't the typical form of being that takes a person's mind when they think of the word. No, Y/n didn't indulge in a reckless, Dionysian way. Instead, she devoured everything. Books, good food, music, friends, you name it. Y/n had a million stories about each and a million examples of the best they all had to offer on hand. She relished in all that every word had to offer.
Alastor had overheard her talking to Charlie one night about that. He hadn't meant to, he had just been wandering the hotel, unable to sleep and in need of some air, when he'd heard a slight commotion in the lobby. Hidden by his shadows, he had entered the familiar space to find an exhausted Charlie standing tensely before a bulletin board.
"God is in the details." Y/n was saying as she adjusted the plans pinned on the structure so they were easier to read, more cohesive, "Anything can be a work of art, don't forget that. It's what makes everything so undeniably worth it."
She was so utterly out of his reach. Not that Alastor wanted Y/n in his reach, no. How ridiculous would that be: the Radio Demon, the most feared overlord in all of Hell, getting butterflies because he heard a girl tell someone else she loved them and imagined it was him. No, that would be utterly foolish which was why it wasn't the case, couldn't be the case. He must be getting sick, that was why his stomach had felt weird.
"What are you reading?" he heard Sir Pentious ask as the snake demon took a seat on the couch beside Y/n.
Alastor was at the bar, sharing a drink with Husk. His ear twitched in their direction.
"It's a book discussing the changes in interpretations of Sappho's poetry over time." Y/n replied, her tone soft and even.
It felt like a salve against Alastor's ears. Husk raised an eyebrow towards his master but made no remark.
"Really? I didn't know you were interested in that sort of thing."
"I was actually a professor in the human world... living world? Whatever. I didn't work on Sappho, I worked on ancient medicine, but I always found her intriguing and lovely. I mean, phainetai moi is creating a diagnosed love, using all the language of medicine. How could it not capture my attention?"
"You know, if you look at Homer, the same language Sappho uses is also used to describe love. She is actually working off a preexisting cannon of love as something painful and destroying."
"Yes, and curse tablets tend to draw off medical writings quite a bit as well, especially those involved in love magic."
"Huh, that’s a neat little intersection I have yet to explore: medicine, magic, and love. I never knew you knew so much about this. You died in the 1890s, right?"
"Sometime around then."
"I should have guessed then, my mistake. Tell me, what was it like growing up with all this wonder at your finger tips? It was hard for me to even find a university with a classics department, let alone a good one. You’re lucky to have had it all right there."
Now that was an interesting idea to Alastor. A diagnosable love, a painful and deadly thing. Love as a curse, love as being shot through by an enemy spear, love as a god. It made more sense to him than anything else about the matter had. Unavoidable, not something self imposed. A cursed love, a medical love, something that controlled a person rather than vice versa.
He lay awake at night, unable to speak, pale as grass, thinking unwillingly of the way her lips curved to form words, of the way one could see the gears of her mind turning behind her eyes. He lay awake, unable to do anything else. He stared at the ceiling.
"Ah! Angel! Thank you!" Y/n exclaimed as he handed her the sweater he'd spotted her eyeing a few days before when they'd been for a walk around town, "This was so kind of you!"
Alastor watched as Y/n pulled the lanky demon into a hug which he reluctantly returned, looking down at her with a platonic version of the sort of fondness that was so forbidden to him.
"Great work Angel!" Charlie clapped excitedly, "That's a step in the right direction."
No, it wasn't love. Alastor Hartifelt didn't love, he had lost that ability the day he had died and he'd barely had it before that. It didn't matter that his heart skipped a beat, there was no truth to his upset stomach when he had to speak to her except something bad he must have eaten. The sleeplessness wasn't new, sleep had never been his friend so to speak, the two had never really gotten along. The reason it got so stuck in his head, the way she threw her affection around, was the carelessness of it all, the foolishness. Only, what he had overheard her saying to Charlie that night, that anything can be a work of art, were the words of someone who acted purely on intention, who did nothing without considered thought.
Y/n couldn't be a wielder of love. Alastor never once saw her manipulate someone or even really ask anyone for anything at all. There was no way she was scared and the way she freely gave took her out of the other two categories as well. It didn't make sense. The intention, the earnestness, the true meaning behind her actions and words that always seemed to shine through no matter what she did, was what had him stuck. She barley even fit into her own category because of it. Most people that threw love around the way she did had the words and actions lose their meaning over time but, somehow, that seemed never to be the case for her.
He pictured a life on earth. He pictured walking with her beneath the stars, the way the light of the moon would play gently across her skin. He pictured her in the recording studio, the one he'd worked at while alive, waiting by the door for him to finish his work and taking him by the hand, dragging him off into the unknown. He pictured waking up beside her in the morning, all messy hair and smiles. He pictured, he dreamed, he dissolved. The doctors diagnosed him and he went to see other people because he didn't like the answer they gave him.
Y/n pulled Vaggie from her seat at the bar, spinning the demon into an ungraceful waltz to the music Alastor was playing on the piano for the group. He nearly fumbled, nearly missed a note. She missed so many steps and it didn't matter because she was laughing, and so was Vaggie. She didn't have to be perfect, but he did.
They each smiled ear to ear while Charlie clapped along to the beat. He imagined himself in Vaggie's place, he could practically feel his hands on the gentle curve of her hips. The world was half real.
It wasn't love because he didn't know her, he never spoke to her. It wasn't love because that was impossible, he couldn't love. It wasn't love because that was an ability he'd left in the world of the living. It wasn't love because she was too kind, too good, and he was nothing if not brutal and bloodstained to his core. It wasn't love because it couldn't be. It wasn't love because if it was...
It's not love. It's not love. It's not love.
He repeated the mantra to himself. Alone walking the halls, in meetings with the other overlords, making tea in the kitchen. He whispered the words to himself like a prayer.
It's not love. It's not love. It's not love.
Y/n was out of reach, untouchable, destined to join the ranks of Heaven while he remained rotting in Hell. It couldn't be anything else, no other future was possible which was why it wasn't love. She was made of all the things a human is and he was made of those a monster is. She was bright, she shined, and Alastor fed off the light of others, burning it out into darkness. He refused to do such a thing to her, he couldn't. Not when she was practically the sun. Not when he wasn't even a star but the black hole of the earth revolving around her.
He saw her holding Husk's hands over the bar top as he told her something, a look of deep concern etched into her features. He watched her pick Nifty up by the waist so the little demon could dust the tops of the bookshelves. He watched her, he waited, he would always be waiting because nothing could ever happen. Nothing would ever happen, he wouldn't allow it and goddamnit it wasn’t love.
It was also impossible, Alastor reminded himself. He had left that part of himself when he had died, it hadn't made the journey with him. The most favored fantasy of his own humanity, or what was left of it. The little spark of the person he had been that glowed softly from the center of his chest. Alastor had tried to douse it, tried to kill it, tried to rip it from himself but all he'd ever ended up with was bloody hands and torn flesh and the light pulsed on in its eternal hunger, its eternal hope, its eternal harm.
And then it was too late. Then, she really was gone, double dead or however anyone wanted to call it. Adam dropped her lifeless corpse to the ground and Alastor's world crashed in around him because no matter how many times he had said it wasn't, no matter how he had avoided her, no matter what he had done it had been love, or the beginnings of it at least. The closest thing to it he'd ever really felt. His hand tightened around the staff of his microphone. Alastor bared his teeth, he saw red.
"What have you done?"
Adam turned to him, grinning. Y/n deserved a viking funeral, to be surrounded by flowers and sent off in a burning boat. She deserved a Greek burial, reduced to ashes and buried with all the proper rites that made sure she would make it to the afterlife. She deserved, she was owed, he was angry.
"What." Adam laughed, "Was she your little bitch?"
Alastor didn't think he had any room left inside him for the fury, but found his rage redoubled at Adam's words.
"What did you just call her?"
"Your little bitch." Adam smirked, "She was a cute one, shame you all are gonna have to burn. Woulda kept her for myself."
Adam looked down, nudging Y/n's lifeless corpse with the toe of his shoe. Alastor attacked. There was no thought, no order, no grace, there was only the anger. Only now that it was too late, was he at last able to let loose, be less than perfect, exist in an unintentional manner. Or was it that this was the true meaning of intention -- reckless abandon? Y/n probably would have thought that. It didn't matter. It didn't matter what she would have thought, what any of them did think. It was too late. There was no more time and Alastor had come to terms with his own frailty a second past the buzzer. He would never forgive himself.
"You will pay for what you have done. You will die for what you have done."
Because it had been love, all along and Alastor, who had thought himself above it all, had been in that first group. He had been scared, not of what love could do but of what Y/n would, of what she had already done to him. Now it was too late and he would never get another chance.
"You will fucking die!"
Part Two --> → Humanity's Most Favored Fantasy pt. 2
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I apologize in advance, but the brainworms did a heckin screech and I felt the need to share the chaos.
Imagine, if you will, that our Creator let's it slip that they've interacted with other worlds before reaching Teyvat. (Played other video games) Imagine having to explain that in these other worlds, they may or may not have been interested in the denizens of those realms...sometimes in the romantic sense, which led to wedding bells and/or children.
Cue the uproar from the Genshin cast. The Creator, Blessed Maker of All...you have courted others? Have been married?? You have had children??? Their image of you being pure and untouchable, blown apart into tiny little pieces of confetti. 🎉
Though many loathe to admit it, they are curious...who are these people, what are they like? Is there a common factor in your selection of spouses? You would only pick the very best of a realm to choose as a potential partner, surely another being of creation...or perhaps a demigod?
It leads to the proverbial red string board getting made, the Archons trying to find out who is your most likely pick from their regions. It's all for your safety, your Benevolence! If you insist on having a partner, they must find the perfect match for you! You deserve only the best of the best, after all.
Bonus points if the Creator was a fan of games like the Harvest Moon/Rune Factory series. They're gonna need to make a list of all their partners, there are so many options to choose from. >>_>>
I'll admit I never played any of those games so I skimmed through the harvest moon wiki and chose one of the bachelors and chose some other game characters lol. Plus a game for all of you, guess the characters.
Though I do think that the reader having children before causes a bit of whiplash because it's totally unexpected, mostly because there were no records of you taking spouses or kids, even knowing you ‘have’ (play) other worlds is a surprise that causes a bit of a crisis. Either way here are some head cannons.
“I must admit, your grace is awfully attached to Qiqi” Zhongli hums as he blows on his white tea, a small cloud of steam leaving.
Qiqi doesn't pay him much mind, her head coddled under your chin like a little puppy, between her hands there is a small bird plushie “Well, I must admit she does kind of remind me of one of my little ones” Your hand softly pats her head, a few strands of hair moving as you do.
He stills as you spoke, eyes fixated on his cup “your… little ones?”
“Mhm?” Without looking up from the braid you were giving to the little girl you just nod “yep, she is quite soft spoken like Milenoe”
“... I wasn't aware your grace had sired children” there was never any mentions about holy spawns or spouses taken by you in any manuscript he got his hands on.
“Well, I never chose a couple from this world, so there wouldn't be any descendants” the comment slips airly from your lips as Qiqi slides off your lap towards baizhu who had finished checking the books from your bookshelf. “Do you want to see her? She started elementary school a few weeks ago” without waiting for an answer a screen appears displaying a tall man with black hair and horns standing regally behind you and a child with emerald eyes and horns.
“She looks rather shy”
You hum nodding “she is as shy as her father when he was her age. There aren't many children her age she can play with so she was pretty lonely her first 50 years”
“50 years?”
“her dad is a slow maturing species” so it should be 10 times the life expectancy than humans. Not that long for him but certainly longer than usual.
“It's a wonder to see how you manage to get Klee to change her mind about going fish blasting,” albedo scribbles some data half mindedly as he watches you hover next to Klee, who showed you a new drawings every few minutes “she is so stubborn even with Alice”
“Well I do have experience with headstrong children, Pardine is as focused on her goal as her father” one of your hands fall on her blonde hair, bright but still darker than Pardine’s almost champagne blonde and her red eyes polar opposite to her icy ones, a carbon copy to her dad. Even if your genetics rarely showed up on any of your kids it was uncanny how similar she looked to her dad and aunts “but I will admit she does annoy many guards asking to train her”
Albedo just laughs it off, listing the few loose characteristics of one of her spouses. Venti has been annoying him about his nation almost getting no information so he hopes a few spare tidbits and Klee’s rough drawing of a blond blue eyed man with a big shield works for whatever weird thing the archons have going on.
“Your Grace has married before?!” Ayaka gasps as you take a stroll around the nature surrounding her home. Her hand had swiftly unfolded her fan in front of her face.
“Mhm, I don't know why people get so surprised, after all it would be weirder if I spent so much time somewhere but took no lovers” you laugh at her slightly seeing her slightly flustered “it's almost a tradition at this point, to wed someone from each world. Want to see some family portraits?” She nods fervently looking at the tablet like thing that appeared on your hands, first a white haired cowboy like man is kneeling on the ground holding a baby by the armpits surrounded by three wolves ,seemingly playing with an older child, by the time the next imagine passes Ayaka is almost hanging by your shoulder, asking things about the siblings and begging to see more photos of your babies.
“And who did you take from teyvat?” Ayaka looks up sweetly at you, she has always held you in high regard and now that you are in Inazuma she can't help but get giddy thinking about how you decided to spend the stay in her state and most of your time with her.
Feigning surprise you tap your chin with your index finger “now that I think about it I didn't choose anyone yet... maybe it's about time”
“Then that means you could pick my brother!” She wraps her hand around your own, smiling as if she got the best idea ever “I could even call you older sibling!... If you wanted so of course”
“Big brother you remember how you told me you would find me a proper bachelor”
“If this is about wanting me to rush it won't work”
“It's not about it, I found you someone”
“Fine, as you please, need I remind you my standards are quite high”
“It's their grace!... Why are you choking on your tea!?”
“There isn't one damned coincidence…” Raiden slaps her head against the table with the rough drawings and some information about them “a king, a captain, a cowboy, a damned sorcerer…”
“Maybe there isn't supposed to be a coincidence” Nahida guesses “maybe they just look for someone who catches their eye”
“It doesn't help out as much as you think it does” the tsaritsa crosses her legs and leans against the back of the chair “if we are doing people with very clear characteristics maybe Ajax could fit nicely? Redheads aren't very common”
“Mhm, maybe but don't they have a liking for smart men? Then Alhaitham would be closer to their past couples”
“Well if we are going by that logic they should like the geo archon, as one of them has dragonic features” the tsaritsa side eyes Zhongli from the other side of the table.
Sighing deeply Furina, who came in place of Neuvillette, chimes in “It is their decision who they want to marry and even if they wanted to!”
"obviously you would be so calm, after all they are very close with your iudex. Don't get so cocky, I heard the commissioner Ayato is interested in the idea"
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another-lost-mc · 9 months
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a new dating sim catches your eye and asmo is absolutely 100% not jealous at all.
a date with death | asmodeus x gn!reader
cw: sfw (slightly suggestive towards the end). pet names (asmo calls reader darling, sunshine). vague spoilers for parts of the game (up to day five). silly fluff and jealousy over 2d characters.
word count: 1.2k words
a/n: I really like this game (a date with death) btw, I definitely recommend it.
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"I tried that new game you've been playing."
Asmo's comment catches you off-guard and your eyes slowly blink open. You were on the verge of sleep, warm and content with his chest pressed against your back and his arm draped loosely over your waist. The words are muffled slightly against your shoulder, his lips leaving a sticky trail from the hydrating mask he smoothed over them as part of his nightly skincare routine.
You've been playing a new dating sim lately. You knew Asmo peered at the monitor over your shoulder to see what you were up to, but he didn't seem all that interested. He didn't give any indication that he wanted to play it himself, either.
It's not the first romance-based game you've played in the Devildom and he never cared before. He thinks it's cute when you find a character that appeals to you. Sometimes he watches you play through the stories, or he'll listen with a smile while you talk about the game later.
When you offered to play other games with him in the past, he insisted that was Levi's area of expertise. That didn't prevent him from finding his own ways to enjoy your hobby with you though. He preferred to indulge you with a little bit of roleplay instead: parading around his room dressed like your favourite characters, imitating their speech patterns and mannerisms to sweep you off your feet, and seducing you as if they had come to life.
(Later, he seduced you properly as himself because no one can ever love you as much as he does).
But he knew right away that this particular game was different. You giggled at your desk while you tapped away at your computer. It made you smile in a soft and charming sort of way. It irked him that some pictures and words on a screen drew that sort of reaction from you the same way he did.
You lean back and glance at him over your shoulder. His expression is hard to read in the dark, but you can feel the heavy weight of his stare on your face. "I didn't know you wanted to play it. You should've told me! Did you like it?"
"Not at all," he declares firmly, and you can't help but chuckle at his sharp response.
"Really? Why not?"
"I'm so glad you asked, darling," he says as he turns over and sits up suddenly. He flips on the lamp beside him, and he rubs the back of his hand against your cheek in apology when you wince as light illuminates his room. He plucks something off the bedside table and waves it in your direction with a flourish. "I made a list!"
You give him a skeptical look as you roll over to give him your full attention, and he clears his throat and taps the top of the page. "My first complaint is the ridiculous title: I Made a Bet and Have to Survive the Next Seven Days Without Falling in Love With a Babygirl Reaper Who Wants My Soul! Seriously? The title alone should warn you how terrible it's going to be."
"That's not what it's called in the human world," you explain with a shrug. "I don't understand why they changed it here, it's a little bit silly."
He tsks under his breath. "Silly indeed. Where do I even begin with this so-called love interest? It's almost like the creators have never met a real reaper before. I can assure you most of them aren't as nice or cute as they make him out to be." The look he shoots you next is oddly serious, and it sends a chill up your spine as his words sink in. "I recommend not getting too close to their kind. Thirteen seems docile enough, but I prefer your body and soul to remain in one piece."
You're not sure how to begin to respond to that little speech, but he pokes the paper with his finger and continues reading his list of "glaring issues" with the game. The complaints get more ridiculous and obscure, and it's only when he gets to the bottom of the page that the reason for his sour mood dawns on you.
"...and when I thought it couldn't get any worse, he calls you 'sunshine.' He has some nerve - that's what I call you. Remember when Mammon thought it would be funny to call you his sunshine too?" A dangerous gleam twinkles in his eyes before it disappears just as quickly. "At least he learned not to do that again," he murmurs under his breath.
You shuffle over on your knees and swing your leg over his thighs so you can sit in his lap. "Do you have any other complaints on that little list of yours?" you ask him with a teasing smile.
He huffs in frustration and his frown is adorable - of course he has one more grievance to share. "That stupid reaper doesn't even know your favourite flower. Tomorrow I'm going to buy you the biggest and most beautiful bouquet you've ever seen."
He finally drops the paper but neither of you spare it a second glance as it falls over the side of the bed and flutters to the floor. He wraps his arms around you and squeezes your waist gently, slumping his head against your chest with a drawn-out sigh. "I don't see what you like about him."
"Oh, Asmo." You run your hands gently through his hair as you hide your smile against the crown of his head. "Are you telling me there's a video game character you're actually jealous of?"
"Of course not," he mumbles into your collarbone, mouthing softly at the skin with little flicks of his tongue but it's not quite enough to distract you. "I wanted to see what all the hype was about." His teeth graze the bottom of your throat and you swallow down a quiet moan. "I found it extremely disappointing, by the way."
You cradle his jaw gently and tilt his head up so you can kiss the corner of his mouth. "You're so cute when you pout," you coo softly, just to watch how his cheeks turn pink. "I hope you know that he could pop into existence and appear outside your window right now, and I still wouldn't be interested in him. He's not you."
The words seem to soothe him a bit if the purring in his chest is anything to go by. You kiss the tip of his nose and let out a quiet squeak when he grasps the back of your neck and pulls you down so he can kiss you.
"You're right, darling." Kiss. "He's completely irrelevant," kiss "and I've already forgotten what his name is."
The world tilts suddenly as Asmo flips you onto your back and braces his weight on his hands. You giggle when he leans down and noses along your jaw. One of his hands slowly glides down your chest and tugs at the hem of your shirt, lifting it up and tossing it aside without a second thought.
"Let's see if I can make you forget his name too, hmm?"
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read more: asmodeus masterlist | obey me masterlist
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boothillssugarmomma · 4 months
Hello hello!
Can I request a Dr. Ratio x reader that's a team leader and they're assigned to work together, and while he's complaining (whining) about her team they're not having it and they bicker (divorced parents vibes fr) (they're both in denial of their feelings). Just Ratio not being used to someone else talking back to him (pls make them make out thank you for your time regardless, I love your writing!
THIS IDEA GAVE ME SO MUCH BUTTERFLIES MAKING 😭 I hope you like it as much as I did creating it!
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Sparks of Synergy
(Ratio x Fem!Reader)
cw-: mean!ratio, insults of intelligence, heavily suggestive, smidge of nudity mentioned
🎀 authorsnote: this is my first request fic and I literally screamed and giggled when I saw it!
please don't steal my work!
Taglist🎀HSR Master List🎀Other Lists🎀
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"This part of this project is so simple! How do you not understand!? We've already been through this part multiple times!" Ratio could already feel an argument or a migraine coming. All it took was one glance down at your paper for him to practically combust.
"Fix this." He orders. He's spent hours going back and forth with you, hovering over your shoulder like a vulture.
He could spot all sorts of microscopic mistakes that he just was practically begging to point out. He doesn't exactly know why he even bothers. It's obvious that you were hopeless the moment you were recruited for his team.
Though, he suppose it's better for your dimwitted self and the rest of your team to come to him instead of doing it yourselves.
Aeons, he wouldn't be able to take in the sight of you doing this project alone and failing or asking for help from another bumbling, no-nothing dumbass.
The doctor is the best chance you've got with actually completing correctly, whatever it is you need help with...and he wouldn't have it...Any. Other. Way.
"Just because you're the team leader of this little project doesn't mean you can be so bossy." You hum and keep working.
"Bossy? Me?" Ratio lets out a scoff. That's rich coming from you.
He raises an incredulous eyebrow as his stare narrows at your ridiculous comment. Does this fool have the guts to insult him?
He rolls his eyes at the fact that you had the audacity to claim that he's "bossy" when he's simply trying to keep things together. He's not bossy, he has a title to live up to, unlike the likes of you.
"Yes...bossy..." Your eyes glance over at his in a glare. "You want to make the team quit?" You scoff.
"Please." Ratio shoots a condescending glance your way, leaning back against a wall and crossing his arms.
"If they aren't capable enough to handle my expectations and methods, then it's best for them to leave. I'm doing them a favor here. You should be thanking me, quite honestly. I am your team leader after all. I know what's best for this group."
He smirks. You should be grateful that he even allowed you to be a part of this team at all.
as you continue to bicker and fight the whole day the rest of the team just watches on in silence, until one by one they all start to leave
Eventually you both notice that you two are the only one in the room. Ratio let out an exasperated scoff and pinches the bridge of his nose. The headache coming back.
"Look at what you've done now." He snaps, his gold eyes snapping back to you once more. "You and your incessant nagging caused the others to leave. What a surprise."
The sarcasm was evident in his voice. He can't stand this.
"Oh you're going to blame this on ME!?" You scoff and fold your arms. "If anything it was your snide comments..."
Ratio let's out a sharp laugh, scoffing once again and turning his chin in a prideful way.
"What snide comments? The only thing I said was criticism that would help you improve on your work. You, just like the rest of those dimwits, can't seem to understand. Do you have any idea of the standards I live up to?"
"It's the way you say it Veritas." You sigh and rub your forehead with your index and thumb.
The purple haired smart ass stiffens. His golden gaze locked onto your exasperated expression. How irritating. How annoying. It was like a buzzing insect flying near his ear, one he longed to swat at.
"Perhaps try working harder instead of being so sensitive, idiot..." He scoffs. He was simply offering constructive criticism. It's not his fault that your little self couldn't take it.
"Ok you see!" You groan and push off the table. "That's what they don't like!"
Ratio scowls slightly. The audacity of you was absolutely ridiculous. He steps closer.
"What, do you propose I use a more 'soft' approach? Perhaps a 'softer' tone?" *He mocks, a sarcastic smile stretching his features. Soft? That's laughable. He doesn't do soft.
"You're just like them. Soft and sensitive. I have no tolerance for useless emotions. Only facts."
"Maybe you'd have more friends if you were nicer!" You raise your voice and clap your hands together before taking a breath.
Ratio laughs lowly, mocking your outburst. You had no right to judge him like that.
"How childish. If they truly were my friend, they'd stand by my honest and factual criticism. You see it as 'mean'. I do not. What is so wrong with telling it how it is?
I don't expect you to understand. Your feeble brain simply wouldn't be able to comprehend the standards."
"Ratio not everyone appreciates your random analysis of them." You scoff.
The doctor gives you a condescending side-glance, rolling his eyes. Random analysis? Surely you were aware that everything he thought of was correct?
"The facts are just the facts. People can either be offended by it or be mature and understand. Clearly, maturity is not a word you know."
"You seem sensitive and weak minded...GET OUT!" You mock him and throw a piece of chalk at the chalkboard before folding your arms.
It takes all of Ratio's self-restraint to not burst out into a hysterical, mocking laughter. His face twists into a sneer. You were the delusional and insensitive one here.
It's not long before Dr. Ratio had pushed you back until you were pinned against the wall his body pressed so close to yours that you could feel his soft, warm breath hitting the side of your neck.
"Weak minded?" He chuckles lowly.
"I would never dream of being weak. Ever."
You both just gaze in each other's eyes for what seems like an eternity before you clear your throat. "We should probably...get back to work..."
Dr. Ratio had almost forgot he was pinning you to the wall, but at the comment, it had made him pull back away slightly. He stares for a few seconds before glancing away and scoffing once more.
"Right, there's no time to waste on worthless chatter. I suppose it's up to me to be the bigger man once again and carry this team." He crosses his arms.
You roll your eyes as you walk back over to the table and start working.
After a small while there is no talking or bickering...until you did a slight mishap on an equation
He often glanced over quietly to make sure the work you were doing was correct. There were a few moments where he had to glance away from how badly your mistakes had irked him. He took in a breath to calm himself down.
He would be lying if he said that the silence wasn't slightly refreshing. But...he's quickly pulled out of that mindset when you made a mistake.
He lets out an irritated sigh and stands.
"Really? Another mistake? At this rate you might as well give me the paper for me to finish it myself."
"Don't touch it!" You rip the paper away from his hands.
He scoffed, his eyes narrowing as a sneer stretches on his lips. He takes another step closer to you, crossing his arms.
"Care to repeat that, idiot? You dare to talk back to me?" Ratio's gaze darkened slightly, his golden eyes practically gleaming in the light.
"Oh don't act like you're all high and mighty!" You stalk towards him poking his chest with your finger. "You're not the big bad Ratio everyone says you are!"
The doctor lets out a mocking scoff, his gaze locked onto you in a cold glare. He swats your little finger away like it was nothing.
"Big bad Ratio? You clearly are more ridiculous than I had originally anticipated. What, are you scared of me? Do my words... frighten you?" He steps even closer into your personal space, his voice dropping into a low growl.
Your heart flutters as your eyes lock again. His gold gaze holding yours so perfectly. But your stance never falters.
Ratio's eyes narrow as he can feel his irritation rising once again. Why is this bothersome woman making his heart beat like this?
He scoffs.
"You're getting too comfortable around me. Have I not made it obvious that I'm superior than you in every way?" He grabs your chin with his thumb and index, angling your face up.
"Superior? Superior!?" You scoff and laugh.
Ratio sneers, practically looming over you.
"Do you want me to list down everything that makes me superior to you, little one? The list would go on for miles and miles."
He stares down at you with an intimidating smirk, his thumb pressing against your chin almost possessively.
You glance down at his lips before locking eyes again. "Shut it...doctor..."
Ratio smirks once more, a dark chuckle escaping his lips. His thumb traces your bottom lip slightly, admiring your features for a brief second before he lets out another scoff.
"You have the audacity to tell me that? Oh, you are a fool. A very adorable fool...now you should shut it."
"Shut. It. Or. I'll. Make. You." You whisper darkly.
Ratio's smirk widens for a moment, clearly amused and slightly caught off guard by your boldness. He lets out another scoff and leans down close to your ear, his hot breath brushing against your skin.
"And. How. Precisely. do you propose yourself to accomplish such a thing, hm?" He murmurs, a mocking but low chuckle falling from his lips.
You lean up and cut him off with a kiss. A soft one before pulling away slightly. You both gaze into each other's eyes.
Ratio's golden eyes widened slightly in surprise, not anticipating such a move. You...kissed him? How dare you act so brazenly? Yet...why did he like it...?
He lets the surprise linger in his expression for a few more seconds before he takes quick action. Ratio closes whatever space was in between you and pushes you back against the wall, his lips pressing against yours in a passionate and possessive kiss.
As the kiss grows to be more passionate small sounds can be heard escaping both of your throats as you entangle closer together
Ratio's hand wraps around your waist tightly, his other hand slipping into your hair to keep you closer against him. Your soft lips were so addicting, it made his heart flutter strangely in his chest. His tongue darted out to slide against your bottom lip, begging for entrance into your mouth.
You open your mouth just enough for his tongue to slide inside, and you begin to fight for dominance.
His tongue immediately sought for yours, exploring the inside of your mouth as a low groan escaped his throat. He began to press you more and more into the wall, his body pressing tightly onto yours with an iron grip on your waist.
He pulls you away from the wall to lay you on the table as he continues to kiss you
Ratio's hand traveled down to grab your thigh and hoist it up so your calf wraps around his waist as he deepened the kiss with a small hum, his body hovered over yours in an almost possessive manner. His long, slender fingers would slowly begin to slip under your shirt.
"MhM!" You groan into his mouth as he slides a hand over your breast.
Ratio let's out a low chuckle as he slowly begins to slide your shirt off, wanting to feel more and more of your skin against his. He began to trail small, light kisses down your neck, gently sucking on a particularly sensitive spot.
"V-Veritas" You whisper softly in his ear.
Ratio gives one final, rough suck onto that particular spot on the side of your neck, creating a small bruise. He pulled back slightly to look down at you. A low chuckle escaped his lips once more as he leaned in to brush his hot breath against your ear.
"Saying my name so nicely...You're almost making me want to ruin you."
You roll your eyes softly and laugh quietly.
"So doctor how long have you been hiding these feelings for me?" You tease as you kiss his cheek.
Ratio let's out a scoff, his face quickly flushing a dark red at your boldness. He was getting teased by you of all people. He doesn't remember the last time anyone has gotten the best of him in such a way.
He clears his throat and leans down to press a bruising kiss upon your jaw, beginning to trail his lips across your neck.
"...for a while..." He reluctantly answers.
"And is this your mhM way of asking me out?" You smirk through a small moan and tilt his chin up with your hand to meet your gaze.
Ratio's face flushed a dark shade of red at your question, his eyes narrowing as he let out a scoff. He was the Veritas Ratio. You have some nerve to tease him.
It takes him an embarrassingly long time to answer, his brain scrambled. He can feel your soft hand on his chin, gently making him meet your gaze.
"...I suppose so." He finally admits sheepishly.
"Does this mean you're going to be nicer to me?" You lean forward to kiss his forehead.
The doctors golden eyes widened slightly at the small kiss on his forehead, his face flushing a deeper shade of red. He didn't expect you to get this affectionate with him. He glanced off to the side with a scoff.
"I-I already am nice to you. I'm...simply just more blunt than other people." He mumbled almost defensively.
You both pause as you throw your head back to laugh. "You're very funny doctor!"
His eyebrows furrow slightly in annoyance. You...laughed at him. He would have reprimanded you if it wasn't for the fact that your laughter was incredibly cute. He would huff in irritation, crossing his arms.
"It's not nice to laugh at me, you know..." He grumbles with a slight pout.
"Fine fine... I'm sorry~" you lean forward to whisper in his ear.
Ratio's face flushed an even darker shade of red as your soft whisper sent a shiver down his spine. His hands gripped slightly onto your hips, holding you against him firmly. He let out a sigh at your teasing words.
"...you're insufferable...I hate how adorable you are." He mumbled lowly, his voice dropping a degree as he stared down at you.
As he lifts you off the table and puts you back on the ground you smile softly "Yeah but you like meee~" You poke his chest softly.
Ratio quietly scoffs again, although his face was still flushed a dark shade of red. Why, you...! You had him wrapped around your finger. His eyes narrowed, yet the corner of his lip twitched into a smirk.
His arm loosely looped around your waist and bring you close to him, letting out a low chuckle as he rested his chin on top of your head.
"Shut up...you are so fuckin...insufferable." He mumbled lowly, not denying anything you said.
You press a kiss to his throat and smile. "Shall we get back to work...my love?"
A shiver raced down Ratio's spine at the small kiss, his eyes widening slightly in surprise. His heart thumped in his chest, the soft fluttering feeling in his chest only growing. No, not during work hours. He must not get distracted until the work is done.
He gave a firm nod, his golden eyes locking onto your gaze.
"...Yes, my dear..."
As he turns to the table you smirk. "Oh and Veritas?" You smile innocently as he turns back to you.
"After work..." You slide a hand up his chest until it rests on his heart. "I want you to show me just how insufferable I. Really. Am."
Ratio's eyes widen slightly before they narrow into a smirk, catching onto your words almost instantly. He raised an eyebrow as he watched you.
"A challenge? You seem so confident, my idiot..." He murmured. He grabbed the hand on his chest and brought it to his lips, placing a kiss to the palm of your hand.
He leaned close once more, and with a seductive whisper, and smirk, answered.
"You're on."
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amarmoria · 1 month
Nepenthe Ⅴ
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Qimir x Padawan! Reader
Synopsis: Why would your master want a padawan like you when he has his acolyte?
Notes: thank you guys for your support, like for real, please like, comment or reblog so I'll know if u want me to continue the story!
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The frown plastered on your face since earlier hasn't dissipated even a bit. Your thoughts were loud, and proud, and noisy and everything. Everything was in disarray, and by everything, meaning you.
"You're scared of me?"
You shiver, lightly slapping your cheek.
"Did you like it?"
No you didn't, why would he assume that?
"Where. Were. You."
Where were you.
Saying you were scared was an understatement, you were terrified, you didn't move until he let you go, and even then, you stood still, surprised, shocked, flustered, maybe even all three.
You touch your stomach, just where he had his sculpted arms around, you still feel him there, his breath tickling your neck, the small opening of his mask opting the hot exhale straight to your nape.
Never in your wildest dreams, never ever, thought that thing could even happen, never. You always imagined what it would be like to get close to him, your master, but not that kind of close, you admit you liked it, the hugging grinding part, but not what you felt all throughout, yes you were terrified, but would it be so bad to enjoy the one little attention he gave you?
Was he like this with Mae too? No wonder she's so uptight and strict. There's a pang on your chest, maybe he is, maybe that's why he always calls Mae privately to 'talk', you hate her, but you also don't, you like Mae, despite being a little younger than her, you always cooked meals for them when they get home from training, training you wanted to do with them him.
Were you supposed to hate yourself for that? You used to be so good, great, in his eyes, you thought, did the coming of Mae change that?
Your thoughts were stolen away when you heard the door slamming open, you quickly stood up and expected Qimir to rush in and tell you to retrieve another plant for the master when you were met by someone you'd rather choke yourself than face him again.
"Oh? It's you"
You stare at him, unable to produce any sound.
"J-jedi," you pause as you choke out his title, you hear him chuckle and place a pouch of coins on the counter.
"So this.. is yours?"
He gestured around him.
"No!" you quietly gasp as your reply came out rushed and guilty. You pray he leaves sooner or he might notice some things scattering around that aren't supposed to be in an apothecary, and it should be just before Qimir comes back and sees you talking to a jedi, not just any jedi, but the jedi the master now knows the name and he might tell on you and you're going to get reprimanded and kicked out.
"Just doing a favor for, for a friend," you gulped and looked down at your fiddling fingers, you were now just behind the counter, trying to hide the scrolls that were peeking out.
"Mhm, is that the dying friend you mentioned not long ago?"
"Uh, no, yes! I mean, a mutual friend of, of ours.." you meekly glance towards the door then to the Jedi in front of you.
"You're very funny miss..?" Your mouth slacks open slightly, what do you say? Tou glance behind him once again, the door remaining closed, a small relief compared to the problem in front of you.
"W-what do you need?" You shoot him a small, strangled smile, you see him open his mouth but closes it when nothing comes out, he looked like he was contemplating on asking you for your name again, but brushes it off.
He pulls out a short list and hands it to you. Your eyebrows furrow as you scan the paper, you are familiar with most of the items listed, but not the ones written in some unknown language, your sure you had them here, maybe, if only you could read it.
"N-nothing I couldn't handle, but uh, there's something—"
"Bee I—!"
You froze as Qimir enters the shop with his usual mood, his voice falters a bit at the end as you try to make yourself smaller, or just simply wanting the ground to swallow you.
He was quiet, very weird for him, and unnerving for you, what was he thinking? What was going on around his mind right now? You're thoroughly busted, there's no way out anymore, it's not that you don't trust him, it's just that he himself wouldn't want to get in trouble with the master, so even if he wouldn't want to snitch on you, he still needed to report everything back to him.
After a while he spoke.
"Oh, uh.. costumer?"
You nod slowly, not daring to turn your face to the men. But you did, you did not want to look guilty to the both of them, so you sucked your breath and quickly jogged in front of Qimir with the Jedi behind you.
"He wanted these.."
You held out the paper to him, but his eyes never left the man behind you, he looked far from the Qimir just moments ago, and just as Qimir reached out for the list on your hand, the Jedi quickly strode his way behind you and latched his hand on the paper.
In any other circumstance you would've been a giggling teenage girl stuck between two tall men, but you weren't, you swore you thought they could almost hear how your heart was beating out of your chest.
Your eyes widen as Qimir instinctively took a step close to you, your face now lightly touching his dark robes. You were clutching the paper with all your might, trying your best to avoid ripping it, but it was almost impossible not to, not with the Jedi and Qimir playing a small tug-of-war on the either side of the paper, you started to see a small tear in the middle, in which you quickly held on to it.
"Bee?" The Jedi behind you finally says after a log, excruciating silence. You don't hear Qimir's reply, which you shouldn't, your master specifically told you not to talk to strangers other than each other, meaning only him, Qimir, Mae and you, should be the only ones interacting, anyone outside that circle is considered suspicious.
"You know him?" You didn't even realize he was asking you when he held your hip, slightly bumping into Qimir whose jaw clenches as his fist flexes close.
"Owner," he simply states, the Jedi behind you shifts on his foot, you don't process what he just said, instead focused on worrying what happens to you now, now that you have nowhere to turn to, what would your master do when he discovers that you conversed with the same Jedi once again?
Though only the two men noticed the underlying implication in Qimir's answer. You shivered slightly when the cold draft of Olega welcomes itself inside the shop, tou weren't wearing that many layers at all, since you were mostly staying behind the counter, where the heaters were.
The Jedi noticed this, quickly letting go of the list and removing his light colored robe, you were about to decline when you see Qimir removing his too, staring daggers at the man opposite to him, not caring if he was Jedi, the list long forgotten on the floor.
You frowned and bent down, picking it up, you were about to stand up when you felt the weight of a ton being thrown on your shoulders and on your head, no literally.
You first noticed Qimir's, the usual black robe on your shoulders, then the Jedi's white robe on your head, despite the robes looking fitted on the two, the garments remained big and droopy over you, making you look like a hooded smuggler with too much robes to waste.
"Ah, I see you’re sharing your overly expensive robe with such enthusiasm, Jedi. Well look at you, trying to play the knight and shining armour! How charming!" You gulped nervously, was he trying to get you guys killed?
You look at Qimir with pleading eyes, please don't, you thought, hoping he would hear you, but you knew in the back of your mind he didn't, he wasn't force sensitive, and even if he was, he's not as powerful as your master who can read minds.
“Indeed, I believe warmth is more valuable than appearances. I’d rather be practical than boastful.”
“Ah, practical, you say? Well, I’d rather be practical and warm than trying to impress with style. But then again, you Jedi do have a flair for theatrics!”
"Really? Is that how you see us huh, Qimir?" You still when you realize what you've let slip, the shiver creeping up your spine like a snake when he says Qimir's name.
"Why not? Are you not used to people who don't bow on their knees when they see you, Master Jedi?"
"Well, at least I don’t need to hide behind my apothecary counter to get attention. Perhaps it’s easier to judge others when you’re standing on a pedestal of your own making.”
It made Qimir snap back, he was an apothecary owner right now, not the master, not sith, he almost lost himself, almost lost control, all because of.
"We're sorry." You took a step forward, removing both of their robes from you. "We didn't mean to overstep, Master Jedi"
"I told you, call me Yor—"
"Yord there's-"
The man, jedi, clad in brown robes pauses in the doorway, glancing between Yord, you, and Qimir.
"Uh, There's movement at the borders, you're needed"
Yord doesn't answer, only looking over to you, then to Qimir, who was busy glaring holes into you. Yord looked like he didn't want to leave, or leave you at all, especially with him, but the rushed and panicked look on his co-worker's face forced him to glance at you with a pleading expression from his face, almost as if asking you to come with him.
You almost went with him. Almost.
You shook your head and focused your attention elsewhere, and by elsewhere I mean Qimir, you catch his solemnly vacant look, you never expected Qimir to have such a scary side of him, you never even thought he had one, usually he was a drunk, an unserious fellow, but his whole demeanor turned a whole 360.
The very first time. Or the very first time you saw him like that.
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We're a couple of idiots, aren't we? (Charles Leclerc)
You had always been there to see Charles race and you wouldn't let your fight interfere with that
Note: english is not my first language. I'm not the best at writing angst pieces, but I hope this one is decent enough!
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tw: family issues (alludes to the caregiver necessities), couple fight
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog
It all began when you came home later than expected, the tiredness evident in your eyes as you paced your bag down on the sofa and allowed yourself to rest for a little, "Hey, amour", Charles whispered, testing to see if you were awake as he walked inside the living room, "hey", you said, patting the seat next to you.
Kissing your forehead, Charles sat next to you, "how was your day?", he asked, rubbing your thigh, "exhausting", you sighed, "and the next few are going to be even worse. I probably won't be home for dinner tomorrow anyway".
Charles felt uneasy, squirming around in his seat. You had been working a lot, your family also needed you on their side since your grandparents needed more assistance these days, so you and Charles haven't been able to spend that much time together. And wether it was the fact that you're used to being around eachother or the fact that the season was not going as expected, Charles felt like he hadn't spent enough time with the person he considered his safe and happy place.
"You have been very busy, I feel like I've hardly spent time with you", Charles noted, and maybe it was a seemingly honest comment that wasn't intended to be taken as harmful as you did.
"I know I've not been home, Charles, you think I don't feel that too? I know we haven't spent much time together just the two of us, but it's not been easy! Everyone needs me here, there and everywhere at the same time, and I also need time for me!", you let out.
Unexpectedly, your words also impacted Charles in a way you didn't think they would, "I know you've been busy, but we also need to spend time together, no? Or is our relationship not something we should invest time on? In a relationship, we both need eachother", he gulped. A weird and new feeling sat in his chest, like he was pressuring you and that he was burdening you.
"We do, but we also need to let eachother have some time, too!", you said, feeling anger, sadness, and overall tiredness from your recent days, "I'm going to bed", you mumbled, getting up and heading for your shared bedroom.
The energy you had left in your body was only enough to allow you to wash your face, noticing the dull and dark tone as you quickly rubbed some moisturiser on, grabbing your pyjamas to out them on and lay in bed, taking a painkiller for the growing headache.
When Charles finally go to the bedroom, he noticed you were already asleep on your side of the bed, carefully walking along the side so he could kiss your forehead before he too got ready for bed.
By the time the next morning arrived, Charles had ready left, and when you grabbed your phone, notifications from various WhatsApp groups popped up.
Mum + Dad
Can you go by grandma's house today? She was complaining of some pain and we can't remember if her meds box is sorted out or not.
Ferrari GP Weekend
Okay, just to make sure I'm not leaving anyone out: Y/N, you're not coming this weekend, right?
Since your family had been needing you to spend more time with them and at home, you had already said that you weren't sure you'd be joining them for that Grand Prix, and last night's fight settled the subject.
Texting both of the groups, you got up and got ready for the day, already knowing it was going to be a tough one.
You and Charles didn't fight a lot, at least not like this. Usually, you always found a way to talk about things and sort them out. So even this was new territory, not having talked about the subject and finding a common ground, because the situation you both left it at the night before was not the one to have.
Throughout the day, you hopefully texted Charles saying that you'd try to be home so you could talk to eachother before he left later on the evening, and while you intended to keep it, you had to text him again
To Charles
I'm sorry, but I don't think I'll be home until nighttime. My grandma needs me and it's going to take a while.
Have a safe flight. Can you text me when you land, please? Love you ✨️
True to your word, you sat in your bedroom with the moon already shinning through the windows and showcasing perfectly Charles' bedside table with none of his rings, watch and bracelets where he usually put them when he was at the house.
"Why did I arrive to the paddock today only to find out that you are not joining me this weekend?", Francisca said over the phone, apparently not even bothering to wish you a good morning, even though it clearly wasn't one.
"Because I've been the busiest bee ever under the sun, and I also had a fight with Charles, and I need to sleep for three days straight to recover", you replied back, noticing the change in Pierre's girlfriend's tone.
"Oh", she added, "I'm sorry, it's just that you're always here and I haven't been able to talk to him properly yet, maybe it's a good thing I haven't yet", she admitted.
One thing you liked about her, was how honest she was with you, and you needed it right now, "do you think I should go? We left the subject hanging and it's not something light we can just solve over the phone. And besides, I've always been there for these races, and he deserves as much support as he can get", you asked, chewing on your bottom lip as you waited for her answer.
"I have no idea why you fought, nor do I want to know unless you feel comfortable in telling me, but I do know that you're made for eachother, so if your heart tells you to come to the race, you should", she advised and you could hear the smile on her voice, "besides, I love your company, so it's a win win".
From all the times you had previously travelled with Charles, you had become acquainted and a pro a listing what you needed for the race weekends, so packing was easy and quick: two changes of clothes for both colder and warmer weather, basic toiletries bag in a backpack with entertainment and snacks for the flight.
The early hours allowed you to get to the airport without any traffic and make it to the gate with enough time to spare so you could grab a coffee to go.
Francisca knew you were coming, and after having a conversation with your family, you explained to them how the whole situation was putting pressure not only on you but also on your relationship with Charles. As you expected, they were not aware of how the situation was on your side and sat down with you so you could find a better arrangement.
Arriving at the airport of destination, you quickly found the transport line that would be taking you to the closest stop near the paddock, gradually seeing fans get inside as the stops approached the track site.
You followed them in, wanting to go as unnoticed as possible as you walked along them.
"I just saw on Instagram that Charles had left his hotel a while ago, so he should be here any minute now", a young woman around your age commented with her friends, stopping by the benches you were sitting in. Turns out you were waiting for the same person after all.
"Is it okay if we sit here?", one of them asked kindly, "Oh, you're Y/N", one of the girls said.
Nodding, you pushed your backpack to rest near your legs, "of course you can sit", you smiled, still not used to the fact that fans often recognised your face.
"Thanks!", she scurried nervously, urging her friends to sit, seeing their surprised faces as they looked at you, "Also, I'm sorry, I'm sure this is weird for you, that I know your name and you don't know mine, I- we didn't expect to find you here", she apoligised, finally sitting down.
"It's okay, unless you're going to turn out to be come crazy stalker fan, I think we will be fine", you smiled, hoping they would catch the joke and relax a little.
"No no no!", they all said, smiling when you smiled back, "but, may I ask what you're doing here? I mean, don't you have an all access pass?", one of them wondered as she sat next to you.
"I'm surprising Charles, actually", you added, feeling like saying anything else would not only be violating yours and Charles' privacy, but also allowing the creation of rumours you wouldn't want, "I wasn't originally coming to see him race, but some things cleared up on my calendar so I thought I'd surprise him", you finished, seeing them smile, "do you come to watch races regularly?", you asked, changing the subject hopefully subtly enough that they wouldn't notice too much.
Conversation was flowing easily, really, they seemed like really nice girls and it never felt invasive, so the time you had to wait went by quickly, hearing people call your boyfriend's name.
You could notice his presence anywhere, that was a given. Wether it was his well trained torso that made spotting him even from his back, or his handsome face, it wasn't hard yo miss him even surrounded by fans who were wearing the same t-shirt as him.
"Let me stand around you so he won't notice me", you said, "with how enamoured he is of you, I'm sure it won't be long", one of the girls, named Lyla, you learned, spoke, wanting to see the scene unfold as he approached you.
"Hi!", Charles greeted, posing for the pictures while he signed the caps they had, not noticing your hand holding one of his own caps was in the mix.
"Charles! Can you sign this, please?", you asked, hoping you were loud enough, "I was not coming to see you race today, but I'm very happy I did", you almost yelled, thanking the fact that the other girls had helped you by keeping quiet until he realised you were there.
It was enough for Charles to recognise the voice. After all, he had been longing to hear it for the past couple of days.
"Y/N, you're here!", he called, handing Lyla the permanent marker before he hugged you, "I missed you so much, I'm sorry", he whispered on your ear before pulling back a little so he could look you in the eye, "you don't have a pass, do you?", he wondered, seeing you shake your head, "I'll see what I can do, but you're coming with me", he smiled, holding your hand in his and bidding goodbye to the group of girls after you all took a group picture.
The rush until you arrived in his driver's room didn't allow you to talk until you sat on the sofa after greeting everyone and thanking one of the team members for getting you a pass on such short notice.
"Do you think we can talk about it? I don't want to ruin the race by distracting you from it, but I don't think we should be here and not discuss it either", you brought the subject, looking up to see Charles push a chair and sit in front of you, "I want to apologise first", you said, "I never should have said what I said, especially the way I said it, I'm sorry", you apologised, "I never intended it in a way that would hurt you".
Charles grabbed your hands, lacing them in his and looking into your eyes, "I'm sorry, too. I think we should talk about it, too. I want this to be solved, I want us to be well", he admitted.
"My grandparents have been needing a bit more help, and my parents counted on me for it. And I feel like I haven't spent that much time with you, and I'm so sorry for it, but sometimes it just got too much. And I didn't want to burden you, you have your own things to worry about and this would be another thing. They're better now and this was probably a bad phase, but still", you explained.
Charles chuckled before he saw the confusion on your face, "no, I'm joking about this, amour. I'm glad they're better", he reasoned, "but I thought I was being a burden because I felt like I was clingy, like I needed you more than usual and that you had had enough. I didn't want to put more on your plate", he sighed.
Smiling at him, you moved your hand to caress his cheek, "you could never be too much, Charles. Sometimes I just need to deal with things on my own for a bit, even if there is help from someone else", you blushed.
"I know you need me to give you the space you need, that's why I didn't want to push you to talk about things, because as much as I want to craddle you in my arms forever and shield you away from the world's evil, I know you like to do things on your own, at least at first", he noted, earning your silent agreement, "but I'm here for you, always. I'm glad we worked that out", he smiled, pulling your face to his and kissing you deeply, only stopping when someone knocked on the door.
"I heard my favourite girl is back in the paddock, so I suggest you come out because I'm not feeling like I want to see whatever is going on there", your recognised Francisca's voice, getting up and opening the door to see Pierre by her side, "I told her she shouldn't interrupt you two, but she was very excited to know how the surprise went", he smiled.
"A very good surprise indeed, the best one ever", Charles said, pulling you in for one last kiss before he ventured out to the garage, a new feeling of confidence knowing you were there to watch him race.
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sparklecarehospital · 2 months
an important announcement
this isn't really a decision that was made lightly and there's been a lot of thought put into it, and i know a lot of people are going to be sad about it but i feel like it's for the best. i hope you all will be understanding and supportive of my choice.
I've decided to officially up the age limit for reading the comic and its AUs and all of my content in general to 18+. this DOESN'T mean the content of my comics is changing, they AREN'T becoming pornographic, DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND THIS AGE RATING BUMP. i just feel like having this age limit is probably a good idea because i worry some things in my content just may be too sensitive to not have this label.
the only reason i never put this in place before was entirely because of the fact i started working on the reboot when i was 16 and i didn't ever have intentions of making it pornographic, i mean, my immediate family reads it. my parents have literally commented on updates on the site. obviously i'm not going to do that. at the same time, i'm not 16 anymore, and i feel like that should matter in terms of who is engaging with my content, even if it isn't literally porn. this is probably the most responsible thing i could do.
i know there's inevitably going to be people who continue reading anyways but that's kind of out of my hands. i can't go through my entire followers list and block every person who is under 18, considering my follower count that's literally physically impossible. i will at least enforce people directly interacting with me going forward.
for anyone wondering about the two jesters we have who are under 18, they are receiving a break from the crew until they are of age. they're not being completely kicked out, they just won't be working on or be involved with the comic until then.
repeating for emphasis: the comic is not becoming porn. do not misunderstand or misconstrue this. the content is not changing in any way. nothing is changing in the comic that wasn't already going to be there. all that's happening is i am setting and enforcing a strict age limit to my content because i feel like it's necessary.
additional notes about the age rating that i will add to my pinned posts on my blogs for clarity
blogs that interact with me or my posts or follow me going forward that either are under 18 or have no listed age will be softblocked.
please have your age in either your blog bio or your pinned post, i will manually check before i respond or interact. i don't want to have to dig through blog pages to check your age, especially if i'm on mobile or something.
for the AU ask blogs, i will not answer any asks for blogs under 18 or have no listed age, in-character or OOC.
^ these terms don't apply to THIS post only, if you want to leave a message for me in the replies here if you have something to say or additional questions before you leave i will answer, but only in the post replies, i will not do the reply screenshot method here.
thank you all for your patience and understanding.
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murder-cookie-dust393 · 6 months
Shadow Milk Cookie. Chloroform. Yandere. Do what you will with this information.
I'm gonna put you as the anon listed above since- That's what I assume you mean?
I unintentionally put shitpost aha
Disclaimer: MC is still gender neutral, they are just referred to as queen for chess role purposes.
Tw: Eyestrain for the art that goes along with this piece, chloroform-like magic, kidnapping to a different dimension, implied future murder
You find yourself in a dark void. So black, you can't see anything through the shadows that swirl in your vision. You're not sure what it feels like. Is it threatening? Or is it a sense of peace? You aren't sure. This sense of the unknown makes you anxious.
Suddenly, a big blue eye opens in front of you, the colour glowing within the dimmed surroundings. The shade of blue reminded you of Lapis. A very bright one. But the eye itself, it was terrifying. You nearly wanted to break into pieces right then and there.
"Oh, my queen! You're finally here!" A voice eagerly chirps, a slightly maniacal tone to it. It seemed ecstatic to see you, too much so. You couldn't form an answer, still processing your odd environment.
"I've missed you~ It's been ages since I've seen your face! You don't look any different- oh, maybe you're just a little prettier, you silly thing!" The voice giggled as the eye blinked. The eye squinted upwards as if it was smiling. But wait, why did it act like it's seen you before? You don't know who this entity is. Not even what it is. Is it a cookie? A beast? Confusion swelled within you as the seconds passed.
"My sweet...What is that face?" The voice slowly faded away, as your world suddenly blackened once more.
"MC, are you okay?" You wake up to the face of Strawberry. She seems concerned, her big brown eyes down-turned. How cute. "You were shaking in your sleep."
"Um yeah, I'm okay. I just had a weird dream." You respond, still lying on the grass where you and the group are camped. You clutch onto your blanket a little tighter.
"Like a nightmare?" She tilts her head to the side.
"Not exactly. I can't put it to words..." You mumble off, trying to recall the eye that spoke to you.
"Oh okay." She glanced at the blue and violet sky, commenting, "It's almost sunrise. Do you wanna prepare jellies with me? I'm sure the others will wake up soon."
You nod and sit up before flailing your blanket to the side.
You and your friends are going through the forests of Beast Yeast, cautious of all the creatures and evil beings lurking by. That is until your group stumbles upon a random chessboard on a glass table. In the middle of the fucking path, in the middle of fucking Beast Yeast. Instead of black and white, the board is in different shades of blue.
"What in tarnation is this?" Wizard leans closer, staring at it intensely. Fidgeting with his fake beard, or in other words, his scarf.
Chili Pepper butted in, "The fuck you mean bro, this is obviously a dumb chessboard-"
"LANGUAGE!" Gingerbrave suddenly turned out to stare at Chili Pepper uncannily, before smiling again. "I'm sure it's something dangerous! Let's not touch it."
"Or it could be a chessboard and table someone decided to randomly leave here."
"Shush- I'm always right." Gingerbrave did an imaginary hair toss.
Wizard raised his hand, just like a nerd, "No? I am, thank you. By the almighty power of magic I-"
"You're an ice cream. Also, you're the one who's screaming for help half the time." Chili Pepper chuckled, poking at Wizard.
Strawberry took a breath and sharply, albeit quickly spoke, "Guys!"
The whole group turned to look at her, which made her flush with embarrassment. She pointed at the chessboard. "The pieces are moving on their own." When the gang looked back at the gameboard, they were met with a surprising sight.
The chess pieces moved by their own accord. Which revealed that the darker blue side was winning compared to the lighter blue. It was a competitive fight, with both sides making quick moves. It was mesmerizing, you aren't sure why.
You reached out your hand and touched one of the pieces in curiosity. Only to feel a sudden freezing cold gust fly at you. Your surroundings become dark, just like your dream as the yelps of your friends sound out around you. A sinister chuckle joins along, as your body is thrown into a blackened world once more.
"Honey! Honey, honey, honey, my honey."
You stand before a jester cookie, covered in eyes. He grins, his clothes like the blues of the chessboard. He swiftly goes over to you, cradling you in his arms. You can't move, overcome with a freezing cold that leaves you immobile.
"I've waited much too long on your reincarnation. We could have had a wonderful marriage by now if it weren't for that bastard Elder Faerie." He spoke softer than before but had a spit of venom for the name Elder Faerie. He leans closer, uncomfortably so. He makes a minuscule hum before pecking your mouth.
"I'll just keep you here for a bit until I have everything ready." Out of nowhere, a shadow comes for you, binding you in it. You start to feel drowsy. "We'll be so happy once more, I promise." Your vision starts to swirl into darkness, to the point you can't make him out anymore.
You fall asleep, unable to fight off the dreadful binds.
"My Queen~! Wake up! I have everything ready for you." You're nudged awake, as the binds come off you. You find yourself on a throne: cold and metal. As look forward, you are shocked to see a glowing chessboard just like the one you saw on the path. But also freaked out to see Strawberry and Gingerbrave tied up in the same binds, floating in the air.
"Wha- What is this?" You stammer, overwhelmed with all that has happened in the last few moments. Was this a joke? A jester terrorizing you and your friends, what a lovely day.
"Why, it is the moment you get to see your idiots crumble right before you by the hands of your rightful husband, me: Shadow Milk Cookie!" He comes over to you, putting a crown on your head. It was plain, just a metal crown with no jewels or anything else.
"And you're the queen! The most powerful one on the board!" He giggles, patting your hand. You tense at his touch, wanting to get away from this glorified position you were in. But time and time again, you can't move away from your spot. It's as if you were hardened glue stuck to a label that no one can seem to pry off.
"I don't know what reincarnation you talked about before, but whatever it is, stop it! My friends have done nothing! I don't even know who you are!" You plead, wanting his weird reincarnation thing to stop. You felt guilty for thinking of touching a moving chess piece in Beast Yeast. Gingerbrave was right: everything is dangerous.
"Honey..." Shadow Milk frowned, holding your face in his hands. He looked disappointed rather than enraged. "I know your memories are somewhat faded, but those cookies are distracting you. Distracting you from me, your beloved." He lightly bumps his face against yours, staring into your eyes.
"What do they have to do anything with your dead lover?" You ask, a little too harshly, but needing to get the message across.
He gasps. "They aren't dead! They're right before me!" He puts his jester hat on his head, going over to Gingerbrave and Strawberry. He glares at them briefly with his dual-chromed eyes before returning to you.
"Just let me. Just let me kill them." He hisses with a grin. His eyes scare you, the way they're wide open with insanity. "I need some desperate alone time with you and also get our marriage decided once more." Shadows started to succumb to the world, except for the light from the board.
"No! Don't you dare!" You shake your head, unwilling to let him get away with this. Your poor friends. Just what kind of madness did you pull them into?
"My Queen! When will you let me kill them? They are insignificant to our love!" He exclaims, reaching a hand out to you.
Oh, what a devoted lover isn't he? Waiting for eons for you only for you to be so disgusted with him.
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This was really fun to write. Now, I’m not quite caught up on the lore yet. I just read his profile and said fuck yeah so…mhm.
I will say, I didn’t go exactly chloroform, but the same aspect of it with his magic.
I used honey cuz I was like “Old. But also insane. Equals honey.”
Alright I’m gonna go do homework now because I’ve neglected other work (APRIL AND MAY IS HELL FOR MEEE)
- Celina
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hitomisuzuya · 11 months
Little things Scaramouche does when he is love. Fluffy fluff fluff.
Everyone, again thank you so much for all your supportive comments and DMs. They really encourage me. For now, some fluff. Smut later.
Color Scaramouche impressed when he fell in love. He didn't think it was possible. At first, it irked him to no end.
The way you smiled at him. Treated him patience, and kindness. Slung his bullshit back at him. The way you smelled so good all the time. The little ways you would try and get his attention. How your cheeks blushed. How he listed every one his flaws, only to have you respond with that was something you liked about him.
All of it. You.
He loves you. Plain and simple. He would burn the world to the ground for you and not think twice. You are his heart. His everything.
Scaramouche often says that there is hardly any difference between the snow and the rain. He never really appreciated either element until he kissed you in the pouring rain or when it snowed.
When he is mood for soft, open mouthed, passionate kisses (which was all the time, whatever chance he could find) he would swipe his thumb over your lower lip before he kissed you, looping one arm around your waist to pull you close. The way you always moaned into his mouth was heavenly to him. The way you wrapped your arms around him like you clinging to him while you kissed him back with those soft lips of yours, he can never get enough.
If he is reading, he likes it when you rest your head in his lap. He'll idly stroke your hair while he makes comments about what he read.
When he is thinking, Scaramouche will idly play with your hair, twisting a lock around his finger or letting it cascade through his fingers.
He will randomly put his hat on your head just to see the shy blush coat your cheeks. Be prepared for some teasing though. He loves seeing the affect he has on you.
When you sleep in the same bed with him, which is 99% of the time, Scaramouche will always sleep closest to the door so that if anything happened, he could act faster to protect you.
Generally likes being the big spoon. He'll have you tucked curled against his chest. However, he does have his vulnerable days where he likes to be the little spoon. Either position makes him feel loved and wanted. He knows you would protect him to.
Scaramouche loves taking warm baths with you. It very relaxing for him to hold you in the warm, scented water.
This man, the ways he would seek out your attention are relentless. If he thinks you aren't giving him enough attention (you always did, but what could he say, he is a greedy man) he will actually take your stuff so you have to ask for it back. He'll bat pens out your hand, flick the cover of a book you are reading. Or pick you up and put you in his lap. There is no length he wouldn't go to for your attention.
He'll ask you to read to him. He loves the sound of your voice.
Scaramouche loves to spoil you. Rotten. If you want something, it doesn't matter how expensive it is, he'll buy it for you. He wants to provide for you. When you get married, no spouse of his will have to work if they don't want to. But he won't stop you either.
While walking out somewhere with you, his arm is always around you or holding your hand when you are out together. It was a sign you are taken. He will glare at people he thought looked too long at you. If you are sitting down, he will always have to be touching you somehow.
When he reached out for the first time hold your hand, he got shy and looped his pinky through yours instead.
Scaramouche knows how to dance, and the one he will dance with is you. "You can dance?" Cue the trademark scoff and eye roll. "Just let me lead."
He spray your perfume on his wrists or on his sheets and pillows. He'll bury his face in your hair to breathe in the scent on your skin or your hair.
He will leave little love notes in your pockets, around your bedroom, anywhere you could find. He often has trouble even finding words that would do how he feels about you justice. Nothing was good enough to him, but he sure still would try.
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hello! how are you? I hope everything is ok, it's me again, sorry for the inconvenience!
But I have a doubt, maybe this can even become a chapter
After the reader returns from Teyvat, all injured, having lost some fingers and teeth (from what I remember from Fitzgerald's chapter), Yosano is the only one who knew the total destruction done to the reader's body (Fitzgerald theoretically also know after having heard Pantalone and Ningguang commenting), having to take care of the reader and having her ability, well, we all know how Yosano's ability works, would she feel bad about having to use her ability on the reader to help him recover (even though it's the only way), besides, being a doctor, she has a greater understanding of things, do you think the reader's situation would make her sadder? Because she understand more about injuries, etc.?
thank you for your attention :)
Count them
Self-Aware BSD AU x SAGAU Imposter crossover
Self-Aware! Akiko Yosano x GN! Reader
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Description: Yosano found another reason to hate her ability.
Warning: OOC. English is my second language. Injuries.
Set during last bits of Lost and Found, during Reader being unconscious.
Short fic.
A bit of comfort at the end.
Yosano has a strange relationship with "Thou Shalt Not Die".
She wasn't fond of it. Yet, there is no way she will dismiss its usefulness.
The ability was powerful, but, Yosano wished, that it could be activated differently.
But, when she got her chance, she missed it. She choosed something different.
Yosano looked at the screen of Ango's computer. He recently got access to game files and find a way to alter their abilities.
"So... I could either choose my ability be able to heal any decease, be it chronic, internal, or incurable by modern medicine, or have "Thou Shalt Not Die" activated without fatal injuries, but stuck with physical external injuries?"
Ango nodded.
"Yes. I am sorry, but, you can't have both."
Yosano closed her eyes and rubbed her temples.
"Can I have some time to think about it?"
Ango smiles reassuringly.
"Of course, Yosano-san"
Yosano spent whole night, reading about diseases from real world. About experience medicine, about slim chances. And about not having chances.
In the morning, she chooses being able to choose any diseases.
Yosano silently leave your room. She needs one moment to herself.
To write it down.
She returned to her room and took one of her books from the shelf.
A simple atlas medical book.
It took her few minutes to find pen and pencils.
She never thought about that part of her ability. About knowing what injuries her ability have healed.
You have many. And fatal injuries.
In no way it were good news, but, at least, there was no need for Yosano to hurt you more. To use her ability.
Yosano took a pen and opened the book.
Time to write them down.
Burned mouth
Broken ribs
Multiple burns on legs, arms
Cut off toes
Removed canines (all four)
Ear bitten off (old injury)
Shoulders were pierced (claws? old injury)
Multiple stabs in the chest (arrow, spears)
Left eye gouged out
Nose broken (not clear, if it was an incident, or from the hit)
All nails torn off
Patches of skin removed (all body parts)
Joint dislocated (rack?)
how dare they...
Yosano hid the book with the list.
She won't show it to anyone.
She won't tell anyone about it.
The anger will fuel. Her anger already burns with rage.
They don't need to know. For nor.
Right now, they should focus on you.
And not on the desire to chop off everything that monsters have.
Right now, she should return to you. And wait for you to wake up.
Yosano rubbed your feet.
"All toes are here." her voice was hushed and soft.
"All toes are her." echoed you.
Yosano carefully rubbed your knees.
"Your knees aren't dislocated."
"They aren't dislocated" repeated you.
It became your daily routine.
Yosano would point at every part of you, that were injured, showing you, reminding you, that you aren't injured anymore. That you are safe. That you aren't in pain.
Yosano finished with you and left for a moment to wash her hands.
When she returns, she sat down on the bed near you.
She squeezed your hand.
"[Y/N]... You will never be hurt again. You will never be scared again."
You nodded weakly. You still were scared. But, even so, you believed in Yosano's words.
Yosano carefully pet your head.
"Let's brush your hair."
Yosano helped you sit up and took a hairbrush from the nightstand.
Carefully and gently, Yosano brushed your tangled hair. You yawned. You had another sleepless night, and brushing made you sleepy. Yosano whispered.
"You can sleep, if you want. I will be here. We will be here."
'I won't leave. You won't dissapear. No one will hurt you. There will be no need to use my ability on you. For me to count them.'
"Sleep, My Dear Dango. Don't be afraid. You are home."
You doze off. You had no dreams. Just a healthy dreamless sleep.
Tag list: @myluckymoon @cocodrilofeliz @c4xcocoa @vvyeislazzy @whisperingwinters @nervousinfluencertidalwave @ayameshu @izzieg3987
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