#if anything it's just such a cool kids show ?? like they're a joy to watch even today
swweatervvest · 1 year
i finally figured out which power rangers i got my earliest recorded gay from (it was ninja storm) 💎💙🥷🏽
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thebibliosphere · 9 months
Do you think Bruce was weird the first time Tim brought Bernard home? Not because of a man dating a man thing, but because he's just... a nice guy. Some kid. Normal teenager. And given the long list of villains and children of villains his kids have dated over the years, plus super dating is a nightmare. Bruce is like, teary-eyed with awe over a teen who likes video games, accidentally becomes the "need anything, snacks, a condom?" parent out of pure joy because "oh my god this one is NORMAL, Tim, you hang onto him!!"
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Bruce being so thrown off his game at meeting Bernard that he temporarily channels June George is giving me so much life.
It'd be so painfully awkward, too, because he'd know. He knows he's not being cool about the situation, but he can't help it.
He's assessing himself against the constant internal perception checks he's always rolling to make sure he's being a Normal Person outside of the cowl, and they're all coming up 1s. He's trying too hard. Too chirpy. Too punny. Too Much. Too Dad.
Bernard doesn't seem to notice. As far as he's aware, it's normal for Bruce to be this cringingly enthusiastic and awkward around his kids' friends. Tim, on the other hand, is conveying clearly that he wants the floor to open up and swallow him whole and that Bruce -- whatever the fuck is wrong with him -- needs to fuck off.
He does not fuck off. He doesn't know how to. All his carefully crafted social schemas have fallen apart. This is Bruce, not knowing how to show approval but trying his hardest.
After several more minutes, Tim saves them all. They were going to play some video game Bernard brought over in the living room, but he takes Bernard by the hand instead and starts leading him up the stairs.
"Come on, we can play it in my room." He glances pointedly at Bruce, who watches them go, still beaming like an idiot. "Somewhere with a door."
"Have fun," Bruce calls after their retreating backs, leaning against the banister as he watches them go. "Let me know if you guys need anything. Snacks. Drinks. A condom. Whatever you want."
Bernard makes a sound like he's choking. The look Tim levels at him is murderous.
This is it. This is Tim's villain origin story. He can see the exact moment they both realize it. Bruce still can't wipe the smile off his face. He does fuck off, though.
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Sweet Summer | Pt. 3 [Ending]
Wanda Maximoff x f!Reader
Summary: The Xavier Institude is being renovated for the summer. With nowhere else to go, your best friends Billy and Tommy offer you to stay with them and their mom. But what happens when feelings start to spark between the two of you?
[Part 1] [Part 2]
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: Violence, Panic Attack, Age Gap (20yo reader, 37yo Wanda)
Tags: mutant!Reader (shadow manipulation), different timeline, everyone is alive (except Pietro, sorry Pietro), no Sokovia Accords, no Thanos, Wanda was young when she joined the Avengers, retired Natasha, top!Reader, bottom!Wanda, but they switch a bit, Vision is a bit of an asshole, divorced!Wanda, mainly cutesy, bit of angst tho
A/n: last part for this story! I hope you liked it, it was fun to write but your comments are what brought the most joy so please do comment! See you soon :)
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Your way to the airport was filled with music as you sang along to the radio with Wanda, in a more or less serious way depending on the song, laughing with each other when you decided to make silly faces. It was all in good fun, and showed how happy you were together. When you arrived, you disembarked from the car and headed to the lobby. Wanda was wearing a cap and sunglasses trying to hide who she was. It was your first time on the plane, so you were excited, looking around the place with childlike wonder. Until your eyes found someone familiar.
At first you didn't recognize them, but then it hit you like a ton of bricks. It was your dad. Right there, with your mom, and… your younger sibling, you guessed. A boy. Still, he looked so much like you, it was uncanny. They looked so happy as they breezed right past you, so close you could smell them.
As you looked at them, you felt sweat form in the palm of your hands and on your eyebrows. Your heart was racing and your throat started to constrict as your mind was filled with a million thoughts at the same time. Quickly your breathing worsened, and your vision blurred. Were you crying?
"Y/n?" You heard Wanda call from far away.
The world around you started spinning. You tried to grab onto Wanda, but before you could really get any purchase your legs gave way and you were on the ground, having knocked down her sunglasses.
Wanda was immediately by your side, her hand on your back trying to support you. In trying to understand what was going on, she allowed herself a peek in your mind. The sheer pain that she felt emanating from you was almost enough to knock her out of your mind before memories and thoughts started to pour in. She put a hand in front of her mouth and a few tears streamed down her cheeks when she saw what happened to you, and finally what had triggered you.
The commotion got the attention of most people around you, including your parents. They stopped to look at what was happening and finally saw you. Your mom took a step back, while your dad stood there with his hands in fists, and your brother was watching with simple curiosity unaware of anything else. There was a clear hesitation on what to do on your father's part, his anger falling into place on his face.
"Get away from her," Wanda growled at them. Only when he saw the red in her eyes did he decide to back off and take his wife and kid with him.
"They're gone, Y/n, they're gone. You're safe," Wanda whispered to you as she took you in her arms, rocking you gently as she rubbed your arm to try and ground you.
Slowly but surely you came back to yourself, and got out of the way to sit against a wall somewhere away from the crowd. You had an icy bottle of water that you applied against the back of your neck as if to cool yourself down. Wanda was sitting next to you, her eyes alert and scanning the crowd like a guard dog.
"I'm sorry," you muttered after a while. You felt guilty about what happened, about the way you just crumbled when you saw them there. You should have been stronger, maybe, sturdier. Wanda simply shook her head at your apology, refusing it.
"Don't, if I saw my parents and brother out of nowhere like that I would freak out."
"It's not the same. I hate them. I wish they were dead," you admitted harshly.
"I don't think it's that different," a very soft Wanda said as she took your hand in hers, playing with your fingers. "They're dead in a way you can't change. In some way, you're also mouning them, mourning what they used to be for you. Your pain is just as real as mine."
You hummed as a form of concession. She put her arm around your shoulder and brought you closer to her, kissing the top of your head. You could feel her heart beat under your head. The reassurance of her presence calmed you for the rest of the trip.
Paris was a dream come true. You enjoyed visiting the different places the city had to offer with Wanda, holding hands as you went to the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower during the day, and to restaurants and cabarets at night. But it would be lying to say you didn't stay inside some days to enjoy each other's body and soul. If you stayed in a less well isolated place, you probably would have received a few noise complaints. You had never been this happy in your life, and as for Wanda, her smile was an experience in and of itself with how bright it was when the two of you got to experience life together. It didn't dim even when you were on the plane back to New York.
Back at home, you found a routine between the two of you. You would cook for each other, read together, enjoy the swimming pool, or simply do separate activities in the same room. It was all very domestic and it made you feel like you had found where you were meant to be in the universe. At the same time, you knew this couldn't just keep going like it was perfectly normal. No matter how right it felt to hold her hand, be it innocently or not, this would one day come to an end. You just didn't expect it to happen the way it did. You thought you had more time with Wanda.
Vision was in front of Wanda's house's door, having knocked and rang a few times now. He had sent a message an hour ago that he was coming by to get Tommy's guitar, but from the lack of answer to his text and to the door, he guessed that no one was there. With a heavy sigh, he phased through the door. Looked like he was right and no one was there. He went up the stairs and turned left to get to Tommy's room when Wanda appeared from her bedroom, disheveled and in a bathrobe. That made him frown.
"Vision?" She asked, visibly wondering what he was doing there. And he was about to answer when he was able to get a peek in the bedroom and saw your back. His frown deepened.
"Wanda, where is Y/n? I th–" he interrupted himself when he caught a glimpse of you in the window. His eyes widened in shock and at that moment Wanda knew that he knew.
"Don't. Vision!" She exclaimed when he started going down the stairs. She followed him. "You can't tell anyone, Vision."
This felt more like a threat than an amicable request, and the android finally looked back. They were both in the entry now, facing each other.
"I can't tell anyone? Wanda, have you gone mad? This," he pointed towards the bedroom, "is your sons' best friend that you're sleeping with."
"I fail to see how that's any of your business," she answered coldly, crossing her arms.
"For our sons' sake of course it's my business! For Y/n's too for that matter. She's only 20!" Wanda tilted her head at that point.
"A year older than me when we had the twins. She's not a child, Vision."
"Still. Tommy and Billy's best friend."
"That's why you can't tell them," she said more in a whisper than anything. A beat of silence went by before Vision finally said something again.
"Alright. I won't. But you have to do it."
"When the time is right, I promise I will."
Vision nodded at the agreement and finally left the house. Wanda took a few steps back to lean against the wall and close her eyes, taking deep breaths while panic started to settle in. What was she going to do?
You appeared by her side before she could spiral any deeper and you took her hands, looked into her eyes.
"Hey Wans, it's okay, it's gonna be okay," you said in order to reassure her, while you stroke her thumbs. "We're gonna be okay."
She nodded, some tears threatening to spill over. You kissed her cheek and hugged her, bringing her head against your shoulder. You were going to be okay, you tried to convince yourself. Everything was going to be okay.
Wanda had been silent most of the rest of the day, her eyes drifting away into nothingness. You left her alone most of the time, only bringing her food and giving her embraces to make her feel better. She would return them but immediately go back to where she was before. It was hard to see her like that. You wished you could take away her doubt and hurt. But you knew it wasn't that easy.
Still, you approached her as she was sitting at the edge of the pool, one leg under her and the other in the water, and sat next to her. Her head fell against your shoulder slowly, her hand found yours, and you intertwined your fingers. The moment felt peaceful despite the turmoil.
"We still have ten days," you whispered to her, swallowing hard at your own words. It was more than you ever hoped to have to begin with.
"I don't think it's enough…" her voice was wavering, and you wished you had a solution for her, something where everyone was happy, but you knew it wasn't possible.
"We could try… I don't know, see how the twins react when we tell them, and go from there." It was a pipe dream that it would go well, but you needed this hope. You needed to think that things could go well and that you'll be happy, because otherwise what was the point?
"Yes, that's all we can do, isn't it?" She nodded and tightened her grip on your hand. That really was all you could do.
With her hand still in yours, you stood up and mustered some courage to offer her a smile.
"Come on, let's get inside and have dinner. I made your favorite."
"Paprikash?" Her eyes lit up and she stood up next to you with your help. You nodded and guided her inside.
Despite everything happening, you managed to have a good time around the table.
You were in the living room with Wanda snuggling against you when the door of the house opened and Tommy appeared out of nowhere. You barely had enough time to stand up before you felt his fist come into contact with your face, sending you reeling back against the fireplace. He grabbed you by the collar after that and started yelling right in your face.
"You asshole! How dare you touch my mom?!"
"Tommy!" Wanda exclaimed and grabbed him by the arm, trying to move him away from you without success.
"You come into our home and you take advantage of her like that?!" He brought up his fist to hit you again when a red energy got around him and forced him to walk back away from you.
"Thomas Maximoff! That's enough! I won't tolerate violence under my roof," she ordered, while you were now ready to defend yourself just in case.
"But Mom–"
"I don't want to hear it. If you have something to say, be an adult about it."
"Like you were when you decided to sleep with her?" He pointed out, and you could see the hurt on Wanda's face. If Tommy felt guilty he didn't show any of it. She let him go, and instead of coming after you again, he adjusted his jacket and walked away. "I'm going back to dad's. I'll stay there until she leaves."
He walked by Billy who was waiting in the doorway, looking sorry.
"I'll try to reason with him," he said before he followed after his brother.
Once they both left, you palpated your nose. It was bleeding but it wasn't broken. Wanda grabbed some tissues from the table and tried to stop the bleeding.
"Are you okay Y/n?" She asked rhetorically as the bleeding was coming to a stop. There were no words left in you now, nothing to say to reassure Wanda. Your best friend just clocked you right in the face. The worst had happened, and now you knew exactly the course of action you had to take. You walked back to the sofa and sat down, your hand going through your hair. Your cheek hurt when you finally talked in a broken voice.
"It's over, Wanda," you said flatly. She looked at you from the spot you left her in. She looked away, tears in her eyes.
"I know," she admitted. A few tears fell down her cheek, and finally she joined you on the sofa, sitting close enough for you to brush away the tears. You leaned closer and stole one more kiss from her.
"I love you."
It was the first time you told her, and you knew it was also the last. She embraced you and snuggled her nose against your neck. You could feel the tears slide down against your skin and into your shirt.
"I love you too."
But sometimes love wasn't all that mattered, sometimes you had to protect those you loved. And in order to do that, you had to sacrifice yourself. You closed your eyes. You couldn't allow yourself to cry, or you would never be able to leave. So instead you broke the hug and your heart, and you left the room.
A few hours later, you were out of the house. Out of Tommy and Billy's life. Out of Wanda's life.
It was
The End.
It was five years later.
You were sitting at a table in the small coffee shop you always went to between classes, eyes peeled on your laptop's screen. Final week was over and now your real job started as a TA. You had to help grade the exams your students turned in, and you were happy to do so. It was a fulfilling job. You were really focused on it before you noticed someone taking a seat at your table. You frowned, ready to tell that stranger to leave you alone when you recognized him.
"Tommy? What are you doing here?" You asked the young man. He had barely changed since the last time you saw him, he just looked more adult.
"Glad to see you too, Y/n." He picked some of your croissant off your plate and plopped it in his mouth. "To tell you the truth, I just live around here. I didn't think I'd run into you though."
"Why would you, I only go to the University that's around here," you said sarcastically. He somehow laughed at that, before he stole more of your croissant. You swat at his hand so he would stop, you always hated when he did that. "What do you want anyway? Cause I doubt you're here just to steal my food."
"Why not? It sounds like a good plan."
You closed your eyes. Why was he acting like nothing ever happened between the two of you? Like you did nothing wrong? You set your jaw and look at him again. Maybe it was the occasion for you to set things right - or as right as they could be.
"Listen, Tommy… I'm really sorry about the way I betrayed you and Billy. I shouldn't have, it's just…" you took a deep breath. You thought that after five years, you were over whatever happened with the twins, over what happened with Wanda. The truth was… you never got over it. "When I fled from my parents', I was scared, and alone, and… when I met you and Billy, it was like I learned to be brave, but I was never fully a part of you guys. I still felt alone. And then with Wanda…" you remembered the way she used to look at you, like there was nothing else in the room but the both of you, how she would say your name, and hold your hand. You remembered the flecks of gold in the green of her eyes like a forest at sunset. "I didn't feel so alone anymore."
"This is a shitty apology, and a poor excuse," he shook his head. "You don't go out with someone 'cause you feel alone. It's pathetic. You go out with someone because you love them, because it makes you happy. And I know damn well you made my mom happy." That last sentence ended in a guilty whisper. "I guess what I'm asking is: did you love her?"
"I did," there was a pregnant pause, "I do," you admitted, defeated. "But it's too late now."
"Here is the thing… I don't think it's over." You looked at a grinning Tommy, unsure of what he meant by that. He sighed and made it clearer. "You still have a shot is what I mean."
"What about you and Billy?" You asked as your heart was starting to jump in your chest as things got clearer.
"I was the only one with a problem with that. Billy was his usual momma's boy self… which was the right way to react. Which… I'm sorry I hit you."
You massaged your cheeks out of reflex at his apology, then squinted at him. If you understood correctly everything he was saying, that meant… that meant that maybe, just maybe, you still had a shot at happiness five years later.
You stood up and almost toppled your chair. A blush crept up on you when every customer looked at you but you quickly forgot about it.
"I need to go," you told Tommy with determination.
He nodded at you and you left the coffee shop.
It was stupid, you thought as you stood outside Wanda's house. During the past five years, the only news you got from Wanda and the twins was when they appeared on the news doing their superhero jobs. Never in a million years you thought you were going to be back in front of the house where everything started - and ended. Nothing had changed. It was the same colonial style house, with the same tree, and the same balcony. You stood there for a good thirty minutes without being bothered by anyone, just observing the house. Reflecting on the past and the present. Until the door opened and Wanda appeared. If the house didn't change, she did; her hair were a fiery red and fell differently around her face now. Seeing her made your hands shake a little. She walked towards you slowly, with her arms crossed around her waist, and stopped right in front of you. Her eyes were greener than you remembered.
"I could feel you from inside," she said without her eyes leaving yours, "I waited for you to approach but you were taking too long."
You looked away, feeling warmth creep on your face as you realized you'd been staring at her. Finally, you managed to find a few words no matter how dry your mouth was.
"Yeah, I wasn't sure… I didn't know if you'd want to see me."
"I don't think I'll ever want not to see you, Y/n," she admitted in a double negative. It was a convoluted way to protect herself, but still, the meaning was there. You smiled slightly and gazed at her again. Your heart was pounding in your chest at this point. You took a piece of paper from your leather jacket pocket. You handed it to her and she took it with a frown, reading what was written on it. "Y/n, what is–"
"It was my turn, wasn't it? To pay for our holidays," you told her so fast you got slightly out of breath.
You awaited her answer.  Wanda swayed left to right, then took a step forward and bit her lip before she finally leaned closer to kiss you. It was short and sweet, and there was still some sadness in it, but it was the promise that she wanted to try and make it all better.
"Let's go on a trip," she said and this time you grabbed her by the waist to kiss her again, and again, and hopefully, a million more times before the end of your holidays.
The End.
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shamachan · 2 months
may I request an mc who’s an artist/likes to doodle x qiu and tammy!! any step is fine !!
MC that likes to doodle × Qiu Lin / Tamarack Baumann headcanons ꔛ
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step 1.
amount of symbols: 2190± symbols.
A/N below.
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Qiu Lin:
— When you first showed Qiu your doodles, he was so fascinated!
— And he immediately told you that he likes them and you have a such a great talent.
— In school he'll probably doodle you something and then pass it as fast and careful as he can to you during the classes (just knowing Mrs. Murray wouldn't like it if she finds it out), so that way you could check out his quick doodles of anything.
— Would like to watch you doodle if there is a chance! Autumn will continuously look at the piece of paper you are drawing on until someone distracts him.
— If someday you'll doodle him, he'll go like "boom" and he will be so excited! Is this really him? How cool he is!
— And he would later boast of this doodle to his parents or friends, talking about it as if Leonardo Da Vinci had drawn it.
— Perhaps because of this, some children will come up to you and ask you to draw them too... But it’s up to you to decide what to do with them!
— Qiu will constantly support you in your doodles, constantly giving you some ideas for them.
— And he would be so happy if you doodle them again. Albeit next time Autumn will totally gift you his own full doodle of yourself!
Tamarack Baumann:
— When Tamarack finds out you're into doodling, she'll probably tell you right away how cool it is!
— And when you show her your sketches, she will carefully examine them all from your hands, slightly narrowing her eyes and then nodding cheerfully.
— She really liked them! So after looking at all the sketches you wanted to show Tamarack, she will give them a compliment or two.
— At school, especially during breaks when there is nothing to do, Tammy might suggest you playing a drawing game! And then, with your permission, she will take these sheets with your and her drawings.
— At home, Tamma will definitely put these drawings in some secluded corner with some things that are important to her, often taking them out and looking through these doodles!
— If you draw her, she will accept this drawing with all joy and will also keep it in her room. You made her look just all pretty!
— Just like Qiu, she will support you in this all the ways she can! Tammy will be your biggest fan, believe me!
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A/N: sorry if this is kinda small ahh?? (used to write much more)
i'll mention again that I don't have a lot of free time right now since I'm busy, so writing headcanons may take some time^^ hope you don't mind it tho!
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alexturne · 1 year
My experience at the show at Spektrum Arena, Norway, 30th april 2023 ❤️
I loved the person who'd done a list of highlights/thoughts and here's mine. It helps me remember what the fuck even happened 😂
SO! I'd been looking so much fucking forward to this show, and it just meant so much to me. They've been my favourite band since 2005 and I've never had the chance to see them before. And it was just the most wholesome experience. That's the best way i can describe it. I'd expected to feel super emotional and cry my eyes out, but I was just happy. Perfectly and superbly and absolutely HAPPY! Blessed to be there and to get to experience being in the same room as my favourite band and sing their songs with them. I was so so so so so happy and kept smiling and recording to have everything to relive later, and they were in a great mood and they sounded INCREDIBLE and Alex was such a little sweetheart. The most adorable man on the planet!!!
I can't describe the endless happiness i felt in my heart getting to sing along at the top of my lungs to my favourite songs, to watch these guys I've been admiring for almost two decades and finally see them with my OWN TWO EYES LIKE FUCK! And watch them play and interact and Alex being so happy and chipper, and getting to watch them do their thing fucking expertly.
And being in a room of other people who share that joy was just amazing. All i want is to do it all again. It was perfect, everything I ever wanted, exactly what I'd been expecting. I'd hoped for a different setlist, but who fucking cares! It was amazing and I wouldn't trade anything for the world.
SO! Highlights and rambly thoughts incoming!
Other highlights for me were teddy picker, suck it and see, mirrorball and body paint. I was genuinely blown away by how astoundingly beautiful mirrorball is and i got so emotional thinking back to when the video dropped and i was up crying at 1am and how we all shared it and it was just 😭😭 flashlight moment here also
R u mine and dancefloor fucking SLAP!! They're just sosososoos good and fun and they sound awesome!!
In general i thought the audio was really good!! Alex's voice sounded incredible and the band played exquisitely!! The sound in the arena wasn't muddled at all and it wasn't so loud everything was drowned out. also the big screens are so pretty??? the big circle one ofc but also the others, the colour grading is superb and my photos dont do it justice at all! i loved watching when the circle would create an infinite image of circles and alex's face in the middle
I was the only one standing up and dancing in my entire section during brianstorm but i was too busy rocking out to care
He said "hellooooo... I'm over here... By the piano!" after the lights had gone down and he'd moved there in the dark, it was the most adorable thing ever. His voice was all small and smooth and cute and jazzy, like the lounge singer he is. Could so easily imagine him in a dark jazz club somewhere sweet talking everyone from behind his piano
His voice is higher in real life!!! Someone said it and it's so true!! Sounded so much like his older self
He was in such a great mood! So happy and excited to be there and he kept saying little things to us, saying "so many rockers gathered under one roof, Oslo!!"
During the big solo in body paint he went around to all his bandmates and played with them all, giggling and smiling and it was ADORABLE. And the solo itself was SO LONG AND COOL AND AWESOME !! He just kept playing!!!! AND he also did the piano thing at the same time! And before he started playing the solo he did a little headnod to himself
He did the bowling bit during pretty visitors!!! and celebrated himself for landing an imaginary strike
The crowd was a little dead, very much just TikTok people and dads with their little kids. At least in my area. Might've been better down on the floor tho
Before they went on during the preshow playlist the crowd did a big wave all around the arena!
There was a flashlight show during four out of five! and there was the red blinking lights and a slow ending!!
It was literally the most wholesome experience!!! I was smiling the whole time, so happy just to see them having fun and playing and being happy. It was exactly everything I wanted it to be
Except for the fact that they didn't play From The Ritz or Perfect Sense 😔
The lights and the mirrorballs were so pretty!!! People screamed for it!!! They had two! the one in the ceiling and the one on the set and they used that one during wanna be yours
At the end of R U Mine? Alex went up to Matt and they had a little chat and giggle and I caught it on the big screen and Alex looked like Humbug and taotu for a second and then his smile was so pretty and I'm !!!!! 😭😭😭😭🥰❤️❤️🥰❤️ Most adorable man in existence!!!!
And the end Alex didn't want to leave the stage and he kept blowing kisses and waving even after everyone else had gone and the lights had been turned off, he just kept waving 😭 i sent him so many kisses back i just couldn't help myself
He kept saying "Terrific!" and "Excellent!!! Really, excellent!!" and he mentioned he was having such a nice time!!
When they returned for the encore everyone was applauding and screaming and he tapped his heart and did a little shy gesture, like waving his hands at us like "oh stop it you" VERY CUTE
It was really a lot seeing him irl with MY OWN TWO EYES on stage, and then on the two big screens and ALSO in the big circle screen!! That's a lot of Alex Turner at once and it made me emotional!!
He wore the red scarf when he entered the stage but took it off immediately after sculptures
They did a slow piano bit before why'd you only call me when you're high!
Also the low-key suck it and see intro, the slow solo in crying lightning and slow solo intro for don't sit down too!!! Very cool!!!
His hair was a big gorgeous mess at all times!
Toms guitar malfunctioned during the Arabella solo so Alex and the lights were just going crazy to nothing and i snorted at the view on the big screen of Tom not playing 😂
Star treatment!! "What doya ~*MEAN*~ you've never seen blade runner?" Alex did such a pretty high note and he looked so impressed with himself afterwards. wiped "sweat" off his brow too. also this song is so beautiful??? they do it so well live
Even if the upbeat rockier songs are my absolute favourites, the thing that really hit me at the show was that they really fucking excel at creating beautiful slow moments. The slower songs and the lights and Alex's voice and everything coming together - no one can fucking beat them at that. That's fucking growth, gentlemen. And it was glorious to behold.
Four out of five is so fucking funky when they play it like that! Alex's voice was GORGEOUS ON IT! It reminded me so much of a star wars soundtrack for some reason, like a super cheesy 80s one. also davey played bongos!!!!???
They played the new version of 505 which was great (even if i prefer the punch of the old one) but it was amazing still! Alex played guitar on the Vox Starstream which was a super treat and he seemed to enjoy himself immensely!
He played legit looked like he was going to smash his guitar for a second but then it was just the baseball thing after body paint. wouldn't have put it past him if he'd smashed it tho! his energy was through the roof!
DONT SIT DOWN IS A FUCKING BANGER AND IT KICKS MY ASS. Alex was stomping all over the stage to the beat and rocking out so hard!! It sounded SO GOOD and it's still one of my absolute favourite live tracks of theirs !! It's so fucking cool, the beat is so deep and heavy and the guitars are back it up and !!!! I WAS SCREAMING FOR THIS ONE!!! Lived up to all of my expectations!!
Also they did teddy picker and i was so happy!!!!!!!! Was rocking out so hard!!! I love that one and it works so well live and !!!! LOVED IT!!! Even if i knew it would probably be at the expense of Ritz
Sculptures REALLY PACKS A PUNCH!!!!!! ITS SO POWERFUL!!!! I was so sad that it was over so soon, we need it twice in the setlist!
THE CROWD WAS SO LOUD! Mostly during the popular songs BUT STILL IT WAS A JOY and I'm so proud so many people love this little band
Alex did a big wave your arms bit during pretty visitors and it was so much fun!
Also even if Arabella is kinda overplayed at this point it's still such a live banger!!! And they obviously have a lot of fun playing it
Alex did a really pretty note during Teddy Picker "that says that we ~*AREEEEE*~ defenders.." very cooooool loved the energy of this performance 🥰
Between don't sit down and why'd you only call me Alex sat down at the piano (see earlier point 😭) and played a little interlude where he sang "that was don't sit down cause i moved your chaaaaaiiirrrr oslo and now is why.. you only call me when you're hiiiigghhh...." very cool and smooth and jazzyyyyy
He generally said a lot of little things in between songs, saying OSLO!! all the time and little comments
The big mirrorball was lowered during big ideas and it was very pretty! He did the sit down slam thing on the piano! he looked very serious for a lot of the song!
He did a lot of spreading his arms and posing, lots of running hands through his hair, lots of stomping and waddling around on stage.. all in all very cute behaviour!!
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birindale · 1 year
International Women's Day promo, with transcript & further clips below the cut
ND Stevenson: When I was a little girl, I always loved scifi and fantasy. I looked so hard for the female characters in those stories, and so often they're very hard to find at all. Taking She-Ra and the Princesses of Power into today's era was a dream project for me. It's just like a really cool show.
Child 1: I love Scorpia. She's not afraid to show her inner feelings. She wants to like, cut her hair short. She's also insanely bubbly.
Aimee Carrero, voice of She-Ra/Adora: I didn't grow up with cartoons about… a girl, doing things in the world. It was about a guy and the girls who loved him.
Child 2: Watching She-Ra, it was really powerful to see that women were actually the heroes.
Lauren Ash, voice of Scorpia: So it's important to remind and--and show kids that no matter what you look like--yeah! There's a place for every one of you.
Child 3: It's so cool to have so many different-looking princesses.
Child 4: I like how it's just not boys being hav--being super-strong.
One of the children in an exaggerated voice: Onward! [the children heft toy Swords of Protection and start chasing each other and giggling]
Merit Leighton, voice of Frosta: The cast should be as diverse as real life. And as the world is.
Child 5: I feel like, because I'm not like, a stick--like all the cartoons in most shows. She-Ra inspires me to be, like more confident in myself?
Child 6: When I watch it just makes me, like… I wanna be brave too!
Vella Lovell, voice of Mermista: To see yourself on screen is to have someone say to you, "Your dreams are possible."
Krystal Joy Brown, voice of Netossa: It's time for us to be able to be at the helm of our own stories, and to also not be shy of our power.
Marcus Scribner, voice of Bow: It's super important for girls to see characters like Bow, to let them know that males are out there supporting them.
Child 4, in reaction to something offscreen: Holy mackerel!
Lauren Ash: 'Cause things are changing guys, I don't know if you know that, but it's a really exciting time.
Princess of Power. Everything is power. Princess of Power! It's just like, good to listen to, actually.
Karen Fukuhara, voice of Glimmer: I hope that our show inspires kids to be… anything that they wanna be.
ND Stevenson: This world is a place where all of them can be empowered to fight their own battles, and fight the good fight. And that's what this show is all about.
All 8 Children: For the honor of Grayskull!
Aimee Carrero clip: It was one of the first times that I could look across the room and see, like, women, not just in creative places of power but in executive places of power. And I think that that's a balance that has been sorely lacking in our industry
Merit Leighton clip: I mean, the show is so diverse, so it's great that they're… that they have cast people that are like their roles, in their roles. And I feel like that's how it should be everywhere.
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Dreamworks also had a page up here with a brief article with the following pdfs:
She-Ra IWD Video Discussion Guide - stimulate important discussion amongst children
My Hero Book - find your inner balanced hero
Labyrinth Game - call upon the strengths and skills of others 
Heroic Support Pyramid Game - strive for greater balance in our world
and some canned stuff on diversity which you can click through to read, idt it needs to be on here. I should note that Balance for Better was the "theme" of International Women's Day that year.
oh! and some shareable pngs of select characters to show people you like women, or balance, or whatever. like, really select characters. only 8 of them. honestly kind of a tragedy bc the comedic potential of Light Hope with a big #BALANCE FOR BETTER cannot be overstated. balance must be restored indeed. here are some links to those:
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lesbianwithchainsaws · 3 months
Saw your recent post and this is a request for you to ramble about why you enjoy horror movies so much & which are your favourites & why. I love rambles.
Aaaaaaa this might be very long so just a warning in advance!!!
Okay so why I like horror: honestly I've always just loved horror. Like I remember as a kid being very fascinated by urban legends, and ghost stories and those totally-not-fake-totally-real videos and images of ghosts and other supernatural stuff. And over the years I just became obsessed with horror movies especially! But I think what really appeals to me about the genre is that anything can be made scary. Because really there is horror in everything imo. Even the most normal, mundane thing can be captured as the most terrifying thing in the world. And horror can also blend so well with other genres. Horror comedies are obviously very popular. So are dramas that have a lot of horror elements. Horror can be romantic, funny, action-filled, adventurous just as much as it can be scary. It's just such a joy to see all these different genres mixed together and to see how even the same or similar topics can be made in vastly different kinds of horror. Also like people will find the same thing scary for different reasons and in different ways, which is, again, what makes stuff like this so fascinating to see.
And another thing that appeals to me about horror is that horror reflects the society of the time it was made in really interesting ways, and can critique it in such interesting ways. Like nowadays there's quite a few horror movies about trauma and mental illness, and I think that reflects how nowadays those topics are more talked about so they're also portrayed more in horror, and shown how scary it can be to live with that. While in the past mental illness was used more as a way to demonise a character.
That's just the current day example, but every decade has had horror critiquing the way society is and showing the fears reflected at the time. Like, in the US, there was a rise in slasher movies/movies about serial killers after they were everywhere in the news. Or how in the 2000s there was a rise in brutality and gore because of 9/11 and the brutality of real life people kept seeing, which was reflected in the movies (I'm sorry this is more US centric. Unfortunately a lot of the horror movie stuff that is most available to me to read/watch tends to be more US centric). Of course this doesn't mean all horror movies do a good job at social critique, there are unfortunately a lot of horror movies that play into stereotypes. But a lot of them reflect something in society one way or another and I think horror is the most fascinating way to explore all these different themes!
Idk if that made any sense lmao.
Anyway aome of my favourite horror movies and why:
My fav horror film of all time is The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) I could straight up write a whole separate long post just about why I love this movie so much. But aaaah I've never seen a movie that does horror so well. Like I've seen 554 horror movies and this is still easily the scariest one I've seen. It captures the fear and tension of the whole situation so well. Its an isolated setting. The product design is honestly *chefs kiss*. And like this movie feels like a terrifying fever dream and looks exactly like it. I've only seen one other movie that manages to capture the nightmare fever dream feel to a similar extent, but the movie was literally meant to be a ripoff of Texas Chainsaw Massacre lmao (the movie is the original Toolbox Murders. It's not very good overall but imo that feeling I'd there. Though fun fact: the Toolbox Murders remake was directed by Tobe Hooper, who is the director of the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. And I think that's hilarious since the original Toolbox Murders was a ripoff of his movie)
Another fav is Saw (2004). I can't even begin to describe why I adore Saw so much, but just look at it! The concept is cool and terrifying. And the movie is just damn impressive. Yeah you can tell it had a small budget and they shot the whole thing in like three weeks, but imo it's such a great and unique example of indie filmmaking. It also does a great job at making you care about the characters and so seeing all that happen to them is even more devastating. Also I would kill for Adam I can't even lie.
Honestly my "favourite horror movies" list has over 60 horror movies in there so I don't think I can ramble about every single one. But I'll ramble about what they're like at least.
A lot of my fav horror movies tend to fall in the slasher subgenre and honestly idk why. I just find slasher movies so fun to watch. They're so campy and ridiculous. But also when they're done super well, they make you abnormal forever btw
But also yeah I love psychological horror/horror with a much deeper meaning. I'd argue that every piece of art has a deeper meaning, even the shitty stuff, but there are movies that put in a bit more effort into it than others. And I do enjoy reading analysis of those movies and trying to think about them myself in that way. It's a really cool way pass time and to grow more insane about horror!!
Idk what else to say rn, but if you want to know more please ask. I love talking about horror literally whenever
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gay-salt-amber · 1 year
I'm getting obsessed with mizu shingen mochi so can I ask for a fic of Chongyun and Xinqui through the years? Like how their relationship shaped like rain since they first met, first fell for each other, first confess/kiss, first time (;3), marriage, and now dads?
hehe they're gonna be cat dads
“Alright children! Run around and play, the weather is very nice after all!” The kindergarten teacher said, all the Liyue children ran around the playground with joy, all except for one. The teachers failed to think of the young exorcist, it was way too hot outside for Chongyun so he was trying his best to stay curled up under a tree. The other children thought he was strange for not wanting to play tag, hide and seek, or whatever other game they were playing. Xingqiu on the other hand was popular and very well liked. He's talkative and playful and very easy to get along with. Somehow, he managed to get away from all the other kids asking him to play with them and when Chongyun looked up, Xingqiu was in front of him,
“You’re name is…Chongyun, right?”
Chongyun nodded, “Mhm…”
Xingqiu tilted his head, “Why aren’t you playing hide and seek Yun-Yun?”
“It's too hot…” He mumbled
The young, blue-haired boy looked around, “Hm…I have an idea!”
“What is it?”
Xingqiu stood up and held his hand out for Chongyuns, “C'mon! I’ll show you!”
Chongyun hesitantly took Chongyuns hand and they sped walked to an entrance to the playground that was currently not being watched by any of the playground attendees since they were all busy with other children and watching other things, Xingqiu and Chongyun snuck out successfully, Xingqiu wasn't phased since he had done this since the first day of school, Chongyun, on the other hand, was very nervous about leaving school without a parent or a teachers permission,
“Xingqiu? I don't think this is a good idea, we could get in trouble…”
Xingqiu smiled, “But you’re too hot! C'mon, we’re gonna go get some ice cream!”
The exorcist was confused, “How are we going to pay for it?”
“My dad owns part of the store, he opened it with his best friend and he said I’d always get free ice cream from there!”
Chongyun didn't ask anything else, he simply believed everything Xingqiu said, after all, he was a nice kid who, while being mischievous, wouldn't lie about something like that. 
The two entered the ice cream store and Xingqiu asked, “What's your favorite type of ice cream?”
“Uhm…I like vanilla and blueberry…”
Xingqiu nodded and ordered their ice cream, even though he had a bit of a struggle trying to hand the money to the clerk because of how small he is
Chongyun was cooled off and happy, the two ate their ice cream and chatted as any average kindergartener would do, Xingqiu talked about his favorite books and fantasy worlds and Chongyun listened, Xingqiu never seemed to mind how quiet Chongyun could be, rather, he seemed to like having someone to listen to him since most of the time, his parents never had the time of day to listen because of how busy they were.
Xingqiu smiled, hugging Chongyun, “You’re my best friend now!”
Chongyun looked really embarrassed, blush covered his cheeks, “O-ok…”
Love works in mysterious ways, the two of them started dating…well if someone were to ask them, the two would just look at each other, confused. 
“When did we start dating?” Xingqiu asked
“Uhm…I didn't even know we were dating.”
Xingqius's eyes widened, “But you’ve agreed to go on dates with me!”
Chongyun rubbed the back of his neck, “I thought those were just us hanging out.”
“I’ve kissed you before! Multiple times!”
“I thought you were using me as practice.”
Xingqiu held his face in his hands, “Who would I be practicing for?”
Chongyun was silent, “...Oh my archons I am dense, aren’t I?”
Xingqiu smiled softly, kissing Chongyuns cheek, “You are, and I still love you.”
Chongyun lit up like a strawberry, “I-uh-I love you too.” Xingqiu held Chongyuns hand as they walked along Liyues streets, Xingqiu swung their hands back and forth like a child would, he was smiling brighter than the sun, meanwhile Chongyun was so embarrassed, trying to look anywhere but at the people they were passing that were giving them looks
They eventually made it to the library Xingqiu wanted to visit, it was empty, and the only other person there was an old lady who owned the store. Every other week the two would go into the library because they’d get new releases that Xingqiu wanted to read.
The two went to the back of the library where the new books were, Xingqiu happily browsed the selection while Chongyun stood there, letting Xingqiu look. Xingqius's eyes wandered to a romance book with the title, “The Touch of a Lover's Kiss”
Xingqiu looked at Chongyun with a grin, “Can I have a lovers kiss?” Chongyun looked confused, “I mean if you wanna check out that book, go ahead…”
Xingqiu laughed, “No! I mean from you!”
“You can check out your own books though…”
Xingqiu sighed, wrapping his arms around Chongyun, “I want a kiss from you.”
Chongyun finally understood, “O-oh! Sure!”
Xingqiu kissed Chongyun softly, confident lips met embarrassed ones. Chongyun was hesitant but kissed back.
“You’re my boyfriend now.” Xingqiu proclaimed
Blush covered Chongyuns cheeks, “O-ok…”
The moon hung bright along with the stars in the night sky, tonight was the lantern right festival and people were running around Liyue, romance galore. 
Xingqiu was currently cooped up in his room, unfortunately, he had some papers to fill out that would most likely take most, if not all night to complete. Xingqiu wrote away, silently pissed about having to do such work on a night that is meant to be fun and have nobody really working. He should be out spending time with Xingqiu, the love of his life, not cooped up inside like this. That is what Xingqiu was thinking when he got this paperwork and he wanted to shout that at his father the loudest he could but that would make him seem very childish and bratty.
He hummed, listening to the sounds of people below his window, running about and enjoying their night. All of a sudden, a knock came from his window, when he opened it, there Chongyun was. 
“Chongyun? What are you doing here?” Xingqiu shouted quietly, trying not to alert any of his family
“Why are you cooped up inside like this? C'mon, you wanted to enjoy the lantern rite together, didn't you?” Chongyun held out his hand for Xingqiu to take
Xingqiu gave a mischievous grin, “Are you wanting me to sneak out with you? How scandalous~”
Chongyun nodded, “Indeed unless you'd want to stay inside all night long.”
Xingqiu smiled, “Of course not!” He got up to grab his bag, a small, brown crossbody bag that he had gotten as a gift, he took Chongyuns hand and they quietly climbed down.
Chongyun held Xingqius's hand, “So, what do you want to do first? We can go get food if you want.” “Yeah, let's do that. After we get our food, can we go to that mountain we usually go to? I want to watch the lanterns alone with you this year.”
“Hm? Really? I thought you’d want to watch them with Xiangling too.”
Xingqiu shook his head, “No, I want to spend this year with my handsome boyfriend.”
Chongyun blushed, “O-ok, we can do that.”
Xingqiu and Chongyun got their food and happily headed up to the mountaintop and sat down, Xingqiu rested his head on Chongyuns shoulder,
“I love you, Yun-Yun.”
Chongyun smiled and hesitantly kissed Xingqiu on the head, “I love you too Xingqiu.”
The two lovers chatted, their hands intertwined. All their responsibilities could wait one night, tonight, it was all about fun and having a good night between lovers.
“I think the lanterns are going up soon, I can hear Xingyans music from here.”
Xingqiu nodded, still resting his head on Chongyuns shoulder, the lanterns went up, one lantern, two lanterns. Three lanterns…then the Mingxiao lantern rose into the air, the deer-like lantern flew through the sky and Chongyun watched in awe as it flew. However, Chongyun couldn't feel Xingqius's head on his shoulder, he assumed Xingqiu moved his head to get a better look at the lanterns, but when Chongyun turned to say something, Xingqiu was on one knee with a gorgeous ring box in his hand,
“My best friend, my lover, my dear, my sunlight…my dear exorcist, on this beautiful lantern rite, will you marry me?”
Chongyuns eyes widened and a few tears of happiness slipped from his eyes, “Yes…yes, I will marry you.”
Xingqiu slipped the ring on Chongyuns finger and  hugged him, “You’re my fiance now.”
“I know, Xingqiu, and I love you.”
They shared a nice passionate kiss
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Chongyun had just gotten back from work and looked at Xingqiu who was currently sitting on the couch and saw three small kittens on his lap, Xingqiu held a photo album in his arms and the kittens listened with their heads looking at Xingqiu in interest
“And this is a photo of my best friend,”
Xingqiu pointed to another photo
“And this is a photo of my lover,”
He pointed to a larger photo that was next to a dried lily, “And this is a photo of my husband.”
Chongyun was standing behind Xingqiu watching him point to all these photos of the two together,
“Yes I am.”
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madraleen · 1 year
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Attack on Titan - Season 4 Part 1 (eps 1-16) A commentary turned into a TED talk (but what else is new)
(full manga spoilers. ending spoilers. all the spoilers.)
-ah. the mappa era.
-the "good eldians" line of the marley eldians never fails to give me goosebumps
-well hello there reiner, as dashing as ever
-i love how aot can make me so emotionally confused
-"i suppose there aren't any titans with wings" HAHAHA about that...
-zeke pretty much says, "it's not the paradis' titans we should be afraid of, IT'S LEVI!"
-oh hello eren's back watching reiner and the kids. that's where he infiltrated, fort slava, while the corps is back at marley and jean's buying newspapers, cool
-hello hobo eren, i didn't like you looking like that in the manga and the anime changes nothing. shave.
-how unfortunate for eren that he met falco first. it's hard not to sympathize with falco, you know?
-hobo eren: "i just don't want to go home. i don't think i can face my family anymore." i mean, he ain't lying
-listening eren and basically-tanjiro converse confuses me on a meta level, heh
-i mean, eren's not LYING to tanj-er, falco, he IS sending the letter to his family and he DOES tell them that he's there (and some other things).
-things happen so fast in the anime. in the manga it felt like forever until we got to see eren again
-the declaration of war ep is so good with the music and the VAs that i'm laughing with joy
-what eren did to liberio was god awful but tybur and magath weren't much better, intentionally letting everyone be turned into martyrs. eren said "i'll kill you all" and magath and tybur went "yes please"
-it's SO cool that they show the titans form, bc it pairs so well with the fact that ymir creates them
-there is no plausible way other than telepathy that mikasa could have possibly heard eren's "ima da, mikasa" but goddamn that moment is amazing. maybe she read his lips.
-armin how so pretty
-that soundtrack tho
-i'm like. i know. i've read the manga. and yet i'm looking at eren and mikasa like "OHMIGOSH THEY'RE SO BIG THEY'RE SO GROWN OMIGOSH LITTLE BABIES"
-the slow pace of armin offering his hand and eren taking it, perfection
-dude the music and the voice acting, THE TENSION, it's so good, mappa let's talk
-armin is so. i just want to pat his lil head
-oh wait so. when eren kissed historia's hand he knew about the rumbling, but not how it would be possible to do it? and it clicked when he heard hange's recount of yelena's spiel, he confirmed his suspicions re: the royal blood?
-i don't know if i'm imagining it, but i think armin and mikasa sound intentionally younger in the three-years-ago stuff to differentiate them from the present day, which is cute because they never actually sounded that young in-universe
-the VA does an excellent job with zeke. the animation is excellent. i just really detest zeke. i don't know why my wrath is so focused on him.
-is it? is it a two-round fight? it sort of is, eren's a two-round fight.
-enjoying that wine fellas are ya
-eren @ the gang: "because you're important to me. more important than anyone. so i want you to live long lives." i cry
-yeah, this is definitely working well in anime form. i don't know if it's because i already know the story, so i'm not lost between juggling scenes, or because of the faster pace of the anime, but it feels good.
-back up a sec tho 'cause i'm still on this. gang, eren laughed when sasha died, but did you not see his face, the man was having a breakdown (they might actually not have seen his face).
so there's two reasons he might have laughed. a) sasha's last word being the trigger word bc of its absurdity and how sasha-like it is, he broke down. he's just lost one of the people most important to him bc of a plan FOR his friends where he doesn't know IF his friends will survive it in the first place. this confirms death is a possibility.
b) it's something he's seen during the hand kiss, it connected dots, it confirms he's on the right path, and he reacts as such.
i personally do not ascribe to the latter. eren isn't receiving random memories, he's receiving curated memories chosen by paths!eren via grisha's past memories. paths!eren isn't stupid. why would he send himself a memory of a most painful event that could waver his resolve? arguably it's sasha's death that makes it personal, that puts the seed in the gang's mind that they might have to kill eren. but paths!eren cares about sasha as much as every eren; why the heck would he send that memory back? why would he undermine the "do the rumbling, exterminate titans" cause? why not take his "i didn't even know if my precious friends would survive" at face value?
also. eren knows glimpses of the future and through them he decides to make his friends heroes. he's not omniscient until he reaches the paths (and what he can process of being omniscient in the paths is arguable, and it's also arguable if he IS omniscient), and he does show surprise when something that he doesn't expect occurs, like with ymir in the paths. he also showed emotion when sasha died. so why question it? for eren, too, sasha's death is a breaking point, not only because it's his friend that dies because of his actions, but because he didn't know, which means any of his friends might be next, a sacrifice to his greater cause.
-okay, around ten months ago eren "began to act on his own." whatever that means. i'm trying to figure out how long he was missing for - the general consensus seems to be he was in marley for 1-2 months, so a few months at most.
-you know what i love? you could ask a number of people their favorite aot character, and they'll all have different answers, and to every answer you can say 'oh yes, ofc it's eren/levi/mikasa/armin/hange/etc, why wouldn't they be, they're awesome' BC EVERYONE IS SO WELL-CRAFTED FFS
-funny how they think eren is being manipulated by zeke when it's zeke being manipulated by eren.
-oh man the niccolo-gabi confrontation is so good
-so killing zackley was part of zeke and yelena's plan
-the gabi-eren parallels get more interesting the more you get into them. they start similarly, with the same rage and tenacity, but eren is the result of the escalating violence, cruelty and injustice, whereas gabi is the product of a concentrated effort to bring the kids out of the forest so to speak.
-I AM NOT READY FOR THE EREN-MIKASA-ARMIN RESTAURANT SCENE! i'll never be ready for that scene.
-they're really taking their time with the pauses and silences, good good good
-in retrospect everything is so on point. like armin asking eren, "what did you really come here to say?" bc this conversation wasn't about eren hating mikasa and armin at all and armin got that.
-i can't stress this enough- ZEKE'S STORY IS SO GOOD! i just detest him.
-i was screaming so hard when eren agreed to the euthanasia plan in the manga. i had such a breakdown. but in hindsight, at least in the anime, he doesn't say "yes i agree with the euthanasia plan." every single thing he says is true to what he actually does, except that zeke thinks he agrees with him bc of the context.
-isn't it funny how it's jean of all people being like "but if eren isn't crazy, he must have a good reason to hurt armin and mikasa"
-whose are these high-pitched screams when yelena kills griez, there are only the boys in there and mikasa, and mikasa ain't gonna be screaming!
-to this day armin's reaction to yelena's plan creeps me out. "i'm moved." the general consensus seems to be he was crying out of relief that eren didn't betray them bc he was certain that eren wouldn't agree to euthanasia and it confirms to him that he does know eren after all, then played it up to make yelena trust them. i'll take it. he's a good lil snake, armin is <3
-ah a pity, the panel of galliard about to eat eren is more majestic. but i don't care, this has been an excellent season. and yeah, that's another thing eren didn't know, and he didn't know pieck would pull all of this - he isn't omniscient.
-DON'T DO THAT, I'M WEAK FOR LOOSE HAIR EREN HE LOOKS SO VULNERABLE argh i hate aot, i love it so unbelievably much
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iridawn · 1 year
You have asked for blorboverse question, so, I descend, bringing the silliest of blorbo questions!
(BFS) How many episodes into the G Gundam watch did it take for Lillie to start doing the Shining/God Finger shout alongside Moon? What part of Zeta gave Irida the Big Brainworms? Same question for Dawn, in regards to the Sazabi.
(SBS) What is Barry's team? Who in that team is entirely on his wavelength and who is just, like, "yeah, this is my trainer, he sure is Like This." We know Moon has seen G Gundam, but, has this Dawn also gained a healthy appreciation for all things Char Aznoble?
"blorboverse" is a fantastic term LMFAO
I'd say it took until about... the Guiana Highlands, around when Domon is doing his training arc. The very first time they did it in unison was when Domon does that Shining Finger onto the Devil Gundam. Moon was beside herself with joy, that's how she knew Lillie *got it.*
Irida's brainworms with the Zeta Gundam stems from her enjoyment of MA modes in general. I imagined a young Irida watched the start of Gundam Wing, saw the bird form, and went ":O", which helped draw her into MA modes as a whole. Zeta stood out to her as a powerful option, especially with it's association with stars (because she was obviously interested in space), and just how it moves about.
I'd clock in the final fight Kamille has with Yazan, with the Biosensor, but even just general space fights got her interested because of how the Zeta moved around. She pondered about using such a mobile suit to explore deep space, and... well, the Choros was born a few years after that, with her finally getting the courage to do her own paint job, especially after being hired at a hobby store. (Emmet and Ingo were very willing to offer their advice - they may not build Gunpla, but they know how to fucking paint.)
As for Dawn? A combination of seeing her mom kick ass in the Garura as well as the big fight the Sazabi has with the Nu Gundam solidified it in her mind. Her mom showed a very excited kid Dawn a lot of her previous matches, and seeing the Sazabi move around so freely, dealing devastating, heavy blows, really stood out in her mind, and it looked cool. Combine that with seeing all of the strong options available at the Sazabi's disposal, Dawn was hooked. (Especially after a CCA watch. She really enjoyed seeing it do that cool upwards kick.)
Of course, she still started with the Dom Empert at first - her mom had suggested it as a simpler start and helped her customize it to her own playstyle. She would use a Sazabi in casual matches, but it was definitely a bit too far out of her reach at first... but as she got better, so too did her prowess in that suit. And, while she loved the Dom Empert, noticing a need for a power boost (and also wanting to move to one of the suits she really liked), the Sazabi Empert was born.
Barry's team is, I imagined, pretty similar to the one he's got in-game. His final team would probably look like this, really:
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Barry's Torterra is absolutely on his wavelength. That's his starter -- despite Torterra being a slower Pokemon, he absolutely understands Barry's battling style and everything along those lines. You wouldn't think Torterra is so slow with how they fight. He's kind of like a big puppydog, showering his trainer with affection and very excitable.
Rapidash and Staraptor are also on his wavelength, similar to Torterra. They're both quick and nimble Pokemon, fitting his more impatient attitude and generally being able to get in and do heavy damage fast. They know how to play fast, keep up with his speed, all of that. They're in-sync with him. Staraptor and Rapidash share this oddly intense bond of friendship, seemingly having more respect for one another than anyone else on Barry's team. Maybe even Barry himself... (but they don't hate the others or anything, they simply have this unspoken eternal bond to one another. Nobody knows why, really.)
Heracross and Floatzel are a bit more reserved, but they still love and respect their trainer. They find a mutual bond in one another in perhaps how over the top Barry can be. It's not uncommon for them to just give the "hey, you seeing this shit too?" look to one another while Barry goes on and on about something. It's all out of love, though, and they still can fight and keep up with that faster pace.
Snorlax doesn't pay much mind to anything. As long as he's fed, he's happy. If Barry needs to pull out a trump card, he loudly promises Snorlax a giant feast of a meal if they can clutch this out, which immediately wakes it up and seemingly makes it even more powerful. (Of course, he does follow up on it, even if they lose. Maybe that's why he keeps fining Dawn...)
SBS Dawn hasn't seen anything Gundam related yet, she was always more into shoujo/magical girl stuff. Your Cardcaptor Sakuras, your Symphogears, and the like. (It's a smaller love for her, but one she still enjoys dearly.)
That being said, I'd imagine during their trip to Alola, Dawn passed by a store and went "...Woah, that thing looks cool," when looking at the RG Sazabi in the window. Didn't pay it much mind, though.
(Moon introduces her later, and she definitely doesn't get AS into it as her BFS counterpart, but she absolutely thinks Char is cool as hell.)
thank you very much!!! these were fun to answer LOL
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mlobsters · 9 months
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supernatural s13e1 lost and found (w. andrew dabb)
metallica's nothing else matters for the road so far recap? mmmk. i loved the black album.* it's in my big playlist right now! and nothing else matters was very teen angst sad boy shit appropriate for me (album came out when i was 11 and i remember it featuring at middle school dances) but this song is way too downtempo for the clips/editing as it progresses before we get to the loud parts. weird choice. and maybe shows do this all the time and it's not with songs i know well enough to notice, but splitting the song up midway through is very jarring. i get cutting down the long instrumental intro, but segueing into lyrics differently? buh. stranger things did it with atmosphere by joy division and it wasn't terrible, but noticeable. but the scene/song combo was so impactful to me i didn't care because i was a mess
the overriding theme here with this song and clip selection is like 🚨FAMILY 🚨okay bro, i get it. calm down. is this why i see people harping on how the show is about family, not just sam and dean? is this gonna be A Thing? or am i projecting? both?? i have literally nothing else i might want do if i don't watch this. but i also don't really want to watch this. sigh.
and now i'm all distracted by them using some new fancy filming technique while they're driving where they're being paced and we're seeing the conversation from the outside and it was cool at first but it keeps going and now i'm just too busy trying to figure out where the camera is and where it's going and getting vaguely dizzy.
i get what and why they're doing this thing with jack being at the station with the sheriff but also. im tired
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all right. this also reminds me of hmm. combo leo in titanic and ...josh hartnett in pearl harbor?? o.0
glad sam is totally freaked out and afraid of jack, as he should be
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JACK (still fondling the wall) Lucifer? No, that's not his name. My father is Castiel.
LOL transcriber! fondling?? how about touching. anyway. papa castiel it is
MIRIAM I don't know what he's told you. I mean, I can guess. Some line about how he and his brother… (deepens voice) save the world. Grr. So macho. (she sighs and speaks in her normal voice) But really, he's not a hero. He's Becky. DEAN Becky? The roommate Becky? MIRIAM You take things and break things and piss people off, and just do whatever you want, no matter who it hurts. Also, you're a giant super bitch. DEAN Well, it takes one to know one. MIRIAM So, yeah, you're Becky, and Becky needs to die.
really odd choice to go with becky for this whole story business, unless they're invoking the actual becky from the show it's just confusing. i really hope it's not show-becky.
i think these are the angels that were in the script in 12x23? got 'em in now, i guess. so i thought carver was around for s12 but apparently it switched to dabb/singer as showrunners that season
....why did the angel just stab the sheriff's kid...? i know they're generally not big on humans but stabbing one for no real reason other than some distraction seems a bit excessive.
MIRIAM: Oh, sweetie. Almost anything. Castiel, he's dead. All the way dead, because of you.
rolling my eyes. that's a reach to try to induce a guilt trip
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conveniently got confirmation that jack can't be killed easily, as expected being how they talk him up like he's more powerful than anything basically for whatever reason
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DEAN Okay, Chuck… or God, or whatever. I need your help. See, you– you left us. You left us. You went off. You said… You said the earth would be fine because it had me… and it had Sam, but it’s not, and we’re not. We’ve lost everything. And now you’re gonna bring him back. Okay? You’re gonna bring back Cas, you’re gonna bring back Mom, you’re gonna bring ‘em all back. All of ‘em. Even Crowley. ’Cause after everything that you’ve done, you owe us, you son of a bitch. So you get your ass down here and you make this right, right here and right now.
being a cynical asshole but ok scenic backdrop for this praying to chuck that he could have done in the car. and he's giving my kids when they want something. need some foot stomping. punch something and risk breaking your hand instead, good choice
i think there's a handful of reasons** but i have never emotionally connected with cas and this... angsting and preparing to burn him and all, knowing that it's all going to be walked back at some point, it's just frustrating and exhausting. and now we're mourning cas, kelly, mom, crowley....
i didn't want to be sitting and stewing over pondering the logistics of how cas comes backs so i went and looked it up. and um, okay. i'm sure i'll have some thoughts about when it rolls around.
well, suffice it to say, i didn't particularly enjoy this episode. and had surprisingly little (for me) to say about it.
**his characterization that seems to change week to week is part of it and how the show talked up his relationship with the boys but didn't match up to what they were showing us for seasons on end. and unfortunately, how some sectors of fandom are about him also i think has an effect. which is a bummer all the way around
*oh james. i do enjoy your voice. i saw them live once or twice i think, but i don't really remember it. it was in the days of the album with the blood and jizz on the cover, which people didn't like. the songs or the jizz, i think
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according to wikipedia, james also didn't like the blood and jizz artwork, and says homophobic shit in his explanation. great!
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fizzingwizard · 1 year
Binged Good Omens season 2. Spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers
I loooooved it
However, it's worth noting that the way I loved it was different from the way I loved season one. I think any fans expecting Good Omens the remix might possibly be confused or disappointed. The scale of Good Omens was huge - so many players, so many interwoven storylines all coming together for the climax. Season 2 is a smaller deal - like Neil Gaiman's said, a transition between Good Omens and the story we'll hopefully get in season 3. The stakes are lower (in fact the stakes aren't always terribly clear), and the story is sillier. The focus on Aziraphale and Crowley, without the addition of Newt and Anathema and Adam and the Them, means the plot moves more slowly, there's more time to linger, and less mystery to parse.
But while some fans might be surprised, I'm definitely not complaining. I ate it up. We get Marvel movie after movie, all with huge stakes and epic storylines, and it's so much that honestly, don't you just want something smaller, where characters have some chance to develop, and maybe have some down time? That's Good Omens season 2. It's not a gripping adventure, but it is exciting and intriguing and very, very fun.
Here are a few of my thoughts:
I saw the teeniest spoiler in the world just by browsing tumblr, but it meant that I knew about Gabriel and Beelzebub going in. It didn't hurt me too much, since nothing happens till the last episode, but it meant I had a better idea of what was going on with Gabriel and the importance of the fly. The one thing I'm rather confused about is - why did Beelzebub greenlight Shax's plan to storm the bookshop? Was it just because they couldn't do anything else without it looking fishy? I may have missed some details.
I thought the Gabriel/Beelzebub relationship was nice. Some good ol' blasphemy hahahaha. But I will say, that after the Gabriel we got in season one, and after Crowley's threats toward him, the touching finale with everything just going Gabriel and Beelzebub's way left me a little disappointed. I don't think I wanted Gabriel to turn out to still be an asshole, I think that ship had sailed, but I suppose I was expecting him to do something a little more momentous. BUT. It's important to note that the the momentous thing probably IS that nothing momentous happened. There's a clear theme that love, protecting what you have, and enjoying the simple joys of life together are the truest expression of godliness. So I rather think that was very intentional, and having watched the season through once, on second viewing I think I'll feel differently since I'll come into it with fewer expectations.
I absolutely loved Nina and Maggie. It was lovely to see such a great, real, yet silly pair of women pining for each other, as well as a lesbian struggling with a controlling female partner, and her protective manner about it. I do wish the scene where they were locked in the coffee shop had been a little more substantial. It felt like it was meant to be, but it ended so fast. I didn't entirely understand what the point was of including Nina and Maggie... although again I think that was me expecting momentous when the point was simple human love. The fact that I enjoyed them says as much.
The social awkwardness and total out of touch thinking of the angels and demons was hilarious and relatable. The whole Job episode!!! It's what I think everyone feels when they read Job for the first time. I clearly remember being a kid and thinking "God allowed this??" And the little girl who wanted to be a blue salamander... So adorable
Now for all the fun with Crowley and Aziraphale. They were so fun. Sometimes they were a little too silly?? almost??? like when Crowley had to do the apology dance. I didn't understand that. But I look at it as the show reminding us, hey, these guys aren't cool. They're in love and hopelessly devoted. And that means being embarrassing around each other. That's real love, when you can be silly and embarrassing and wholly yourself with your partner. One of my favorite bits was Aziraphale driving the Bentley and turning it yellow xD
Oh and speaking of embarrassing and silly. The nerdy angel!Crowley making the Pillar of Creation in the beginning of episode one hooked me instantly. I was like "oh, this s gonna be GOOD." The purity of his love for creating, that he didn't feel a need for something to have a use to deserve to exist, and how upset he was to hear his creation wouldn't last... as well as how much Aziraphale was drawn to him, and concerned for him, it was all such good framing for the rest of the season. At the end, when Aziraphale tells Crowley "nothing last forever," I just know Crowley thought about the Pillars of Creation. I think in Crowley's mind, things die when they're no longer loved. He wants so much to protect what's important to him, and not be bossed around and told he has to lose something for the Greater Good or whatever.
As for Aziraphale. I think his choice, while heart-breaking, makes perfect sense for him. We were led the whole time to see that Aziraphale meddled on purpose to do good, not always with enough to nuance to know what that was, but meaning it. And Crowley meddled more to help Aziraphale than out of his own desire to meddle - which isn't to say he doesn't genuinely care about humans, but I think demon life just makes that a lot more difficult. Still he goes around protecting goats and children by his own will. He's fixed more on Aziraphale now, but that's in him as well. However, Aziraphale's the one who had faith in the system, and who wasn't 100% ready to part from it at the end of season 1. So Aziraphale deciding to return to heaven is not really that surprising, considering what he expects to gain from it. I do think this will bite him in the butt later, but I don't think he had bad reasons. And Crowley's reasons, for prioritizing his independence over being with Aziraphale, are equally valid. It's a great obstacle for them and the timing of the shift was painfully perfect.
And that finale. To be honest, I was a little frowny for a while, because I thought Maggie/Nina would get a kiss, and then Gabriel/Beelzebub were so romancey that I was like, "will everyone except Aziraphale and Crowley have a moment?" With them, there had been hints, lots of precious looks and lines, but nothing with oomph. I started to think, well, in the end Good Omens isn't a love story anyway... Ye of little faith!!! Crowley and Aziraphale get what I think was the only kiss in the season. It was definitely the most epic. I never should have doubted David Tennant and Michael Sheen. They're too used to each other for nonsense like internalized homophobia :> But I do have to say... the violins when their mouths meet... were a little much x'DDD I almost laughed. It was a very dramatic kiss, and a very dramatic reaction - a scene right out of a Katherine Hepburn movie. That, however, makes me love it more. Yes, let these middle-aged gay angels suck face and pine hopelessly for each other. Validate all those fanfics. Good Omens season 2 is the slow burn I always dreamed of
The cliffhanger ending is EXCRUCIATING. I wouldn't mind having to just wait a little, but it's gonna be years till season 3 - it's not even greenlighted yet! I will not make it y'all. I neeeeeeeeed the next season. Aarrrrggghhh. All good things are worth the wait, but I have to also SURVIVE the wait... XP
In sum: very silly, very touching, a different vibe than Good Omens, but still a very wonderful vibe. Also gay gay gay gay gay. Happy happy happy. Make them all gay! I'm fucking straight but I wish I was gay right now just so I could be even happier. It's a great story with great themes and great gay characters.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "Tomorrowland Speedway ride-through at Disney's Magic Kingdom theme park" on YouTube
My son went here after Disneyland this is Disney world when he was older and this is after the car was made and being made at the time still when he went to Disney world but he created before that. And it's a trick on him but it didn't work at all and he was taking a little joy that they made it and put it here and it looks a lot like it there's some differences but he says he'll be great to replicate it like it is here for racing and for the rally but to make it a lot more authentic like a vehicle and we think it's cool it's a great idea it's too small to be a car cuz they have size restrictions it's great for an adult race car or turn it down and have kids use it for Rally's and they will actually love it and we can we can set that up too and a raceway too for adults and you put the same car more or less different motors to make it a lot safer and you have pretty much a rider lawn mower engine in the race area and just a regular lawn mower engine for the rally and he wants to put that I sent that up and get it going as soon as we can to advertise it advertise apparently GT this one has been just dismantled and there's no cars. He also thinks that we make a chassis and could use any type of top on it for rallies for kids the kids do a big rally in a parking lot or through in the neighborhood little kids having cars instead of just a go-kart and they're in love with the idea children love it dreaming about it all the time some of them have their parents make them and they're wanted and people trying to replicate it it's too hard we know how to do it and we know how to do it so it's safe and we'd make a lot of money so we're going to start doing this stuff but you posted this because this is the car and today is the day and we are going by supercar shows and stuff usually in Los Angeles there's a bunch of them
Thor Freya
I didn't tell you I got to tell you I didn't feel too good when I first saw this and he was not upset so I felt better it's kind of explaining it and he knows the mass she knows about the years but boy you guys are weird you hardly get him anything he thinks he's having a great time or something and you're nuts it's over for you soon. The empire has attracted tons of attention and instead of everyone attacking their basis it's the warlock and everybody else is attacking them and using their money against them and my husband has had enough of hearing that you can't have any money because we'll use it against you so your money is being used on you hope feels good cuz it certainly does not look like it does
I've never seen so many people do so many stupid things in such a short short period of time in my life. You came down here you screwed around with him you messed me up you just sat here being dicks we're sitting here in trouble our brains are in trouble needs to be we need medicine and more medical attention he's stuck us with this huge huge a****** Tommy f and you had them fighting him and now he's fighting us I mean all these retards are fighting us I can't believe you Max now you're falling for the simple money s*** you just won't get him anything even if it means your life and that is not what our plan is and you're our kids and you're disobeying and you're messing up
I told her to get down here and sit on him so others could not sit here and F around with them and try and deal with digging him like these idiots who the hell are you people to kind of made all our orders yeah you're screwed
Mike t
We were following those orders and these idiots are making it look like us they come in and wash over us he knows about it then we try and do stuff we can't try to have them do stuff and they won't and he says they do wash over them when they come in here and it's possible to stay it was and that they're trying and coming in places really was not a concerted effort to get him anything and that's what they're talking about so he said the last three sentences there's a lot of them out there that we didn't put much of an effort into getting stuff to him and was still not and I guess we say they go after us and such and now they're going after us because we don't give them any money.
Bob m
We said give him money not them
Mike t
Well if you give him money they all start running around asking everyone for money.
Bob m
Well that's not good now they're doing it and everyone's doing it and he's stuck there with nothing and he says that they're going to use the money on us and take over the idiots will be gone and the forg will be trying to give me money with code on it, as we wish to and are just sitting around talking about it
So they're doing it now and they're going after us and the saying it's because of all the stuff but it's not and it suddenly see that we don't have any way of saying they're doing that
Bob m
I don't want your message because you're thinking is backwards and the results is different on us if we get him money it needs to get his people little money trying to see who they are it doesn't mean go after corky but then again her friend points out it says to see who they are in other words you put the money out there I need to find out who's going after it so I do see that
It's interesting it's not what I said but they're all doing this money stuff already
Bob m
That's a crisis you're going after it's for money and using everybody code against us I do see that what do you think we should do threaten him and have it fixed
Not really you're driving around them all day like we're doing and threatening him hasn't done anything. Hey this will probably end up doing that like these retards
Bob m
We'll watch you die Bob you're one of these assholes threatening him you're a piece of s*** and learned it for these retards when you're sick and I saw it happen too. I don't have any time for this anymore you people want to sit here and piss away everything by doing nothing that's fine I'm getting the hell out of here to go to work.
We know what he's talking about and it says he's going to try and get our son stuff and I don't think so he is just as bad as the rest of and spent and it's real you did the code for for years and I got screwed up at these guys and he still thinks it won't work so screw him the code used on his guys works and you just like these idiots you can't convince of someone else's system might work for you
Thor Freya
Wow that's bad yeah I guess I'm really up to threaten stuff but still where the returns now it's just not both of you are stupid our mistake was not dropping both sides so I'm starting to get that from all over the place it really he's pissed off because we're sitting there pissing them off oh well he says that's part of the plan of yours my plan is to counter you counter your p**** everyone off by eliminating you and it's working. You also know so that was him the past two sentences that they're out there at the incinerator and they do know how to get strong real fast I'm started I see something this is going to suck. 1050 bucks for everyone everyone who warned me and I was having him warn us too and he hated it he said shut the f****** do something about it don't bother me every time too it still does and I'm not doing anything I'm having him warn us and we're getting f***** up
Mac daddy
They're getting very messed up globally. They're getting taken down all over and last night the system only grew and it was pretty big almost right away and people in Australia are upset is hardly any max there at all and it is a gigantic effort and the attacks on the basis increased after this method was released into service. They not only quadruples but it's a different scale attack on the basis they have probably $20,000 actually a trillion on each right now and yeah they're damaging them something major damage yet but they're hitting them and they're hitting them off and it's a sight to see this they're hitting them often. And they're getting more and more excited cuz they did something. And the money idea is growing and we would say that 10% of the population is using it and that's what the warlock and the clones are and what's really not just them it's split up and it's in financial centers and I'm told it's 20% now it's into the city and tons of people doing it on almost every mac and the sun says geez for 50 Grand a month you could have avoided all this I just haven't sitting around buying things and such guess not. Missed it and you only had one shot at it. Now they are going to understand that language. And maybe just made I really should have done it but what a bunch of pork and losers. He and the rest of the world had an emergency and this is the sound of breaking glass and he wants our agents out there working the money and every scam that others are doing and our own on max and we're moving out.
Thor Freya
I've developed a few myself and we are using them and they are working on them and other races are using different systems and together it's a mess but apart we can tell what we're doing it's a huge huge machine that grew overnight out of practically nothing it's happening with foreigners too and some of them warlock have this thing growing and that really that much for them and they are punching them out but they don't catch most of the stuff but we're doing the job and we know what we're getting out of it and we're getting a lot it's a huge advance these people are so bad and they're bad to you and the stupid as hell and they're not going to change it's a breakthrough we needed. Now people are doing it right they're going around and using their money against them like they the max used our son's money against the morlock and are trying to use it on us but they saw them warlock fall and they know what to do and they understand the code was used and yesterday Trump said it you said it in the house after they say what it was used for that day. . And her son said cuz like 500 million people a city using against them later on Trump checked and he said wow it's real and it's more like a billion and
0 notes
ssahotstuff · 2 years
Aaron Hotchner Playlist Collection 💕
Guys My Age by Hey Violet here! I got the song from @deblou008 who made me an entire playlist of Hotch songs 🥹 this is one of so many WIP I have for this series. I plan to keep it going so long as I keep having ideas lol
Word count: 4.8k
Warnings: significant age gap, reader is 25 and Aaron is like 40 but who cares right? Smut, exhibition, alcohol mentions, oral, fem recieving, penetration, unprotected sex (wrap it up) exhibitionism, I think that’s it
As always this is a stand-alone and not part of a series 🥰
Reader is a single mom 😏
Having children at a young age isn't exactly ideal, but it did have its perks. You were always the youngest parent at parent/teacher conferences, often mistaken as the older sister of your 6 year old son. The other parents didn't seem to mind because you were always present at activities, involved as much as possible with the classroom. One of the biggest perks was being seen as the "cool, young mom" which meant your son was always hosting sleepovers.
You loved every minute of the bountiful energy, the blanket forts, superhero talk. You'd adjusted well, and on this night in particular, in the living room was a pair of two small boys, piled together on a mound of pillows, watching Captain America. You sat on the couch, watching absentmindedly as they chatted away about anything they could think of.
Only one of the boys belonged to you, your pride and joy: Josiah. He was a bright, beautiful boy with a class full of friends, his closest pal laid out in the floor with him. Josiah and Jack had been friends since preschool, the two of them practically inseparable. Jack's dad worked for the FBI, and on nights when he was working late, or had no clue when he'd be home, Jack could usually be found in your floor, or in the spare room that had been deemed his by Josiah the first night he slept over.
"Captain America is like my dad," Jack said proudly, and you could feel yourself smiling at his words, because he loved his father so much. Jack's mother had tragically passed away, and Josiah's dad had never been in the picture, so the two of them could relate to one another on more than one level.
"And Black Widow is like my mom!" Josiah turned around to give you a toothy grin at the same time the doorbell rang, so you rushed to the door. You weren't expecting to see Aaron on your doorstep, shaking off the rain under the cover of your small porch.
"I know it's late," you ushered him in, Jack immediately rushing to hug his dad, Josiah trailing quickly behind to see what the commotion was about.
"We're watching Captain America!" Jack said happily, the two of them rushing back to their spot on the floor as you led Aaron to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. You lived in the same neighborhood, so when he got in late, it wasn't uncommon for the two of you to stay up long past the kids, talking about work, or what the boys had been up to while he was away. It was a sacred part of the routine; he'd show up, you'd drink coffee, the kids would fall asleep, and he'd come back in the morning. Secretly, you thought he did it just to have someone to spend time with, and you were just as lonely, so you really didn't mind.
"They played school for hours earlier. Did you know Jack can spell 'continent'?"
"It's spring break and they're playing school?" He followed you to the cozy table for two that you had in your kitchen, taking his usual seat while you flipped on the coffee pot.
"They play everything; they have very vivid imaginations," you'd heard them playing FBI agents one day, the two of them interrogating a stuffed rabbit on the couch while you simply stared at them from the kitchen, wondering how the hell they came up with so many creative ideas.
"I think those two will be best friends forever," Aaron nodded towards them, leaned in as close to the tv as you'd let them get, their eyes glued to the screen. In all the years they'd been friends, you'd never heard a single harsh word between the two of them. In fact, when the other would feel down, they'd work tirelessly to cheer the other up. They had a special bond; Aaron often said they acted more like brothers than friends.
You poured the two of you a cup of coffee, knowing exactly how he liked it before you joined him. He had removed his tie and unbuttoned the first few buttons of his shirt, and he was rolling up his sleeves, his Rolex shining on his arm.
"They are pretty close. Jessica called about getting Jack for a day or two during break," it wasn't uncommon for Jess to call you if she knew Jack was at your house. The two of you had developed a friendship, often taking the boys on play dates if she had Jack.
"I don't know what I'll do with the house to myself," he chuckled, and you knew he'd end up working, all alone in his office.
"I know what I'm doing," a sly grin spread across your face, because you'd gotten a sitter for the weekend too; your family had asked to keep Josiah for a few days over Spring Break, and you hastily agreed, deciding to go out one night with your friends. You and Aaron shared friends too; JJ and Penelope being two of your closest companions.
"Tell me," your smile must have been contagious, because he was grinning behind his mug as he took a long, satisfied sip.
"It involves tequila," you teased, and his eyebrows shot up in response.
"You're letting Penelope be a bad influence," he teased, peeking behind you to check on the boys. They were sprawled out on their backs, arms in every direction as they slept.
"I'm always the designated driver; they'll be taking a cab this weekend," you always ended up carting them around while they had a blast, singing loudly in your ear, or trying to get you to let them set you up on blind dates, telling you that you needed to loosen up or get laid. They had no filter when they got together, and you couldn't wait to join in on the fun.
"I'm sure you'll have a good time," he took your mug to refill it, and you took a moment to secretly admire his broad frame, his shoulders that seemed to go on forever, his long, strong arms. You loved to watch his hands, meticulous and precise with everything he did, large enough to swallow up any object in them. Everything he held looked tiny.
"Will you promise me that you won't spend your entire weekend working?" He returned your mug, shrugging his shoulders as he sat down.
"I'm sure I can find something to do," you knew it was a lie, but you didn't press further. He got lost in his work, and it took up the majority of his free time.
"I hope so. Where've you been? Fill me in," he looked relieved that you'd changed the subject, giving you what details he could of the case without being too graphic. You liked to listen to him unwind, the stress of the days prior disappearing if he got them off of his chest. You loved the exchange of information, the way he confided in you about everything. There was a mutual trust, a bond created between the two of you from nights like this. He knew he could tell you anything, and you were often who he came to for help.
"Your turn. Tell me what you've been doing," he sat back, listening intently as you explained what you'd been working on. You worked from home, which wasn't exciting, but the kids kept you entertained. You were grateful for it during school breaks, so you didn't need a sitter. You'd been helping the boys with their spelling skills, spelling out words for movie time, and then sounding it out and figuring out the correct way if they had trouble. They'd watch movies regardless, but sometimes you let them stay up a little later on the weekends if they were willing to play along and learn at the same time. You'd all developed a well rounded system for when Jack stayed, so it had become the new norm. You didn't mind, Josiah needed the company, because you weren't planning on having any more kids any time soon.
"Jack loves you, you know. He loves the time that he gets to spend with you." His voice was endearing, he truly appreciated every minute you spent nurturing his child.
"We love having him here. I mean that. He's always welcome here."
"I know you mean it. I don't know what I'd do without you." Your heart was pounding in your chest, your brain a white hot mess.
"Lucky for you, I'll always be around," you winked at him, making him giggle at you from across the table. You loved to hear him laugh, because he was so serious all the time. It was good to hear him sound happy considering what he spent his days doing.
He left shortly after, promising to pick Jack up in the morning. Before he left, he had hugged you goodbye, which was new, so you needed time to process before you had to see him in the morning. You locked the doors and decided to sleep on the couch, turning out the light and going to bed.
You'd been awake for an hour when Aaron arrived to get Jack, his tie and blazer swapped for jeans and a t-shirt. He was incredibly fit, and it was hard for you not to notice given the obvious; he was really fucking sexy. You wondered how anyone at his job got anything done, because surely they were all distracted by their hunk of a boss, in his Gucci ties and sleek suits.
"I brought you coffee," he handed you a to go cup, smiling brightly as he stepped over the threshold. Jack was already packed up and the two of them were waiting in Josiah's room, working on legos.
"You're a lifesaver. They're just down the hall," you called for Jack, but before he could join you, Aaron was telling you that he'd went home and made plans after your talk.
"Morgan and Dave invited me out, so looks like we both get to be irresponsible for a little bit this weekend," you were shocked to hear that he was actually planning to do something other than work.
"Try not to have too much fun," you teased, and Jack rounded the corner, Josiah right behind him. Your aunt was picking up Josiah any minute, and you were taking all of your makeup and outfit choices to Penelope's to spend the day getting dolled up.
Josiah left for the weekend, and you were off, blaring music as you headed to Penelope's. It was barely two pm, so you had time, but she had insisted you and JJ come over early to catch up on what had been happening in your life and to celebrate your weekend of fun. You stepped in the doors of her apartment, toting a suitcase full of makeup and outfit possibilities.
"You came prepared," Penelope chuckled as she ushered you in, your coffee from Aaron in your free hand. She would love the fact that he'd brought you coffee, constantly trying to hook the two of you up. She'd tried more than once to get you to ask him out, but you had no clue how he felt about you romantically.
"Aaron brought me coffee this morning. Stayed late last night," her eyebrows shot up at your vague details, so you quickly explained that nothing happened, but he did make plans to go out for the night.
"I bet we'll run into him," she said excitedly, because she'd been rooting for you to end up with him for years.
"I doubt it. I don't see us frequenting the same places," Aaron's personality didn't suit the karaoke bars and dance clubs the girls usually wound up in.
"True, but I could buzz in Morgan's ear and get them to show up," you decided to let the night continue as planned, and if you happened upon them, so be it, but you didn't want to go out of your way to make it known that you wanted his attention.
"I'm fine, Penny. If we see them, that's fine, but can we just try to enjoy the night without my nerves being a wreck?"
She changed the subject, asking for your opinion on outfits when JJ showed up, her go bag over her arm.
"You're not seriously starting without me," she joked, but you assured her you'd just walked in the door moments before her. Penelope filled her in on the situation with their boss, and JJ shot you a look of approval before encouraging it further by saying he talked about you all the time.
"Don't say that," you groaned, but they'd mentioned several occasions where he'd show off photos you'd sent him of you and the kids, and he always bragged about how lucky he was to have someone like you. You felt yourself blushing uncontrollably as you sifted through outfits, deciding finally on a simple black dress, showing off your curves in all the right places, along with a pair of strappy red heels.
"YES MAMA!" Penelope praised as you tried on your outfit, doing a twirl in the living room for them to see. JJ let out a wolf whistle and your mind was made up. The three of you took turns with the mirror in her bedroom and the outlets in the bathroom to do your hair and makeup, still giving you plenty of time to spare by the time you finished up.
You decided not to drink until you made it to the bar, but you weren't even certain you wanted to stomach the hangover after. They'd never pressure you to drink, but your mind wasn't completely made up on the subject considering the topic of Aaron. If you did run into them, you didn't want to be drunk and embarrass yourself. The two of them took a shot to warm up, and you were off to the bar, a cab arriving at 9pm on the dot. You three climbed in and waited for the arrival of your destination, climbing out like celebrities on the runway. You all looked fierce as you showed your ID to the bouncer and went inside, the music pouring loudly from the speakers.
"To the bar!" JJ cheered, and you followed closely behind, scanning the area for anyone that resembled Aaron with no such luck. You ordered a soda at the bar, clutching it tightly as you looked for a table in the sea of people. You found a booth and staked claims while JJ and Penelope waited for their drinks, checking your phone. Surprisingly enough, you had a message from Aaron waiting for you.
Having a good time?
You spotted JJ and Penelope making their way towards you, so you shot back a quick message, giddy that he'd gotten ahold of you.
Not sure yet. What about you?
His response made you giggle, because you knew he'd regret agreeing to go out as soon as he said yes. He was the type of man who wanted to relax at home, not listen to drunk people shout over each other.
I'm surviving so far. You look great. It's nice to see you out and about.
Your head whipped up faster than your body could register, looking through an abundance of strangers before you spotted him across the dance floor, seated at the table with two other members of the BAU. He glanced over his shoulder to meet your gaze, smiling back at you before you directed your attention to the girls, trying to stay as calm as possible. You typed back beneath the cover of the table.
You're making me blush.
You watched him smirk at his phone, amused by the back and forth. You'd gladly spend the rest of your night doing this; you were more excited to see his face in the crowd than you were to be out in public.
"You spoke it into existence, Penelope," you said over the music, Derek, Rossi and Aaron making their way though the horde of bodies to come join you. Your breath was caught in your throat at the sight of him in his jeans and black polo shirt. JJ and Penelope exchanged a look before looking at you, their eyes wide with amusement.
"Not a word," you warned them, and they shared a laugh before you were all making room in the booth, Aaron squeezed in at your side.
"Look at you," he said lowly, raking his eyes over you as he slid around to sit next to you, the seat shaped like a semi-circle gave you a clear view of everyone at the table, but there was at least a few inches of space between everyone else. Aaron was tucked in at your side, his arm outstretched over the back of the booth.
"Speak for yourself. This is a pleasant change," your hand reached out and brushed across the fabric of his sleeve, his eyes trained on your every move.
"What are you drinking?"
"I'm not, actually. I think I changed my mind." Everyone else was lost in conversation, leaving the two of you to chat quietly, his breath warm on your ear.
"I'm glad I ran into you. I was hoping I'd get to see you this weekend," he admitted, his arm moving from the booth to his lap, meeting your knee beneath the table.
"You know where to find me," you shot back, his boldness taking you off guard as his fingers lightly squeezed at your skin. You noticed he wasn't drinking either, so he must've been driving. Penelope, JJ and Morgan went to the dance floor and Rossi excused himself for a trip to the bar, leaving you alone with Aaron.
"I was thinking maybe I could take you home later. Save you from taking a cab," you could feel the heat pooling between your thighs as you tried to keep your cool, but his hand was kneading the delicate skin just below your dress, making your thoughts filthy and unfiltered.
"My place or yours?" You were no longer shy, just eager to see what the night had in store for the two of you.
"Doesn't matter as long as you'll be there," he said smoothly, tugging your legs apart slightly as his fingers travelled upwards. He scanned the area to make sure all of your friends were occupied before his fingers found your panties, already soaked from being so close to him all night.
"I think your night of irresponsible behavior should start right now," his eyes flickered from your lips to your tits before his fingers traced slow circles through the thin fabric of your panties. You turned your body towards him slightly to give him better access to you as he tugged your panties to the side and his fingers made contact with your clit.
"You're filled with good ideas this evening," you breathed, letting him make your pussy slick, dripping in arousal as he swirled his fingers around your sensitive bundle of nerves.
"Eyes up here, sweetheart. Look at me," you met his gaze, intense and penetrating as your hand found his thigh, gripping him harshly as your orgasm rattled through you. It had been so long since you'd been touched, and Aaron was exactly what you needed to satiate that hunger. He kissed the corner of your mouth before his lips met yours briefly, nose brushing against yours as he pulled away.
"We're leaving. I'll tell JJ and Penelope that I'm taking you home," he tugged you out of the booth and handed you his keys, so you headed in the direction of the parking lot while he dealt with your friends. You sent JJ a quick text apologizing but she was more than encouraging of you and Aaron, urging you to do what made you happy. You were already in the passengers seat when he joined you, wasting zero time in pulling you to meet his lips. His mouth found yours with urgency as he pulled your bottom lip between his teeth before his tongue found it's home inside of your mouth, his hands blindly groping you through your dress.
"Let's get you home," he broke away from the kiss, his hand lingering on your thigh as he drove you back to his place. He parked and came around to open your door before his hands were on you again, squeezing your ass as he followed you to the door. Instead of leading you inside, your back met the front door, his lips trailing against your neck. By the time you made it inside, your panties were halfway down your thighs, with Aaron working swiftly to remove them the rest of the way.
"The heels stay on," he demanded, causing a giggle from you in response. You were in his foyer, your panties around your ankles as you stepped out of them. Aaron was slinking to his knees, lifting your dress up past your hips and wrapping his arms around the small of your back as he dove headfirst into your aching center, his tongue expertly latching around your clit in an instant. You flattened against the wall, your hands in his hair as he devoured you, kissing and lapping at your pussy like he'd never had anyone like you in his life. You could only lean your head against the wall and try to keep your legs from giving out beneath you.
"Been thinking about this for years," he murmured against your skin, making you flush all over. You could feel the heat spread across your body, the familiar pressure growing in the pit of your stomach as you came on his tongue, Aaron praising you the entire time.
"One more and we'll move to the bed," he promised, his hand snaking between your legs so his fingers could tease your slick, swollen folds before he slipping his fingers inside of you.
"Fuck me with your fingers," you pleaded, earning an animalistic grunt out of him in return as he pumped his fingers slowly, your arousal coating his fingers. His pace quickened as he sucked on your bundle of nerves, making your eyes flutter shut. You were on cloud nine, your orgasm hitting you like a ton of bricks as your legs shook beneath you. His arms hooked under you as he stood up, so he could pick you up and carry you to the bedroom. His mouth never left yours as he navigated the two of you down the hall to his room.
"No going back after this," he warned, but you were ready for whatever he had to offer; you'd hoped it would happen sooner or later but you had no clue when. You didn't want to go back, there was nothing in the world that would ever make you regret giving yourself to him.
"It's always been you," truthfully, you'd never accepted a single date from anyone else because you didn't want just anyones attention. You wanted Aaron's. Sure, his job had its disadvantages, but it wasn't anything you weren't already used to dealing with. You couldn't imagine it being anyone else that you settled down with; his version of settling anyway. He gently sat you down, unzipping your dress in the back so he could slip it off of you. His eyes scanned every inch of you before he reached behind you to remove your bra, a satisfied groan leaving his lips at the sight of you. His lips were all over you, starting on your neck, inching slowly towards your chest as he hovered above you. He looked as if he'd been waiting his entire life to have you as he lowered himself between your legs, sucking hickies onto your thighs as he spread your legs apart.
He wasn't interesting in teasing, his focus was on making sure you never wanted another person sexually. His tongue flicked lightly at your clit, your moans bouncing off the walls only urged him on. He was mesmerized by the way your back arched off the bed, the way your hand was rooted in his hair. You'd never experienced anything quite like him; the lines between his actions being for your pleasure or simply for his own enjoyment were beginning to blur. His eyes, half lidded and glued to your center belonged to a man that had completely succumbed to you.
His fingers made their way to your entrance, coating his fingers with your arousal before he slipped them into you, curling them lightly, pumping them at an agonizingly slow place. It was driving you over the edge quickly as you panted for more, his lips curling into a grin as he satisfied a hunger you didn’t even know you had. When you finally let go, it rattled you from head to toe. You watched him position himself in front of you on his knees before he pulled down his boxers, letting his cock spring free.
“Please tell me you’re on birth control,” his dick was already teasing your entrance, soaked in arousal as he waited for your answer.
“I am. Will you please fuck me?” His hands gripped your hips harshly as he brought your body forward, his dick already throbbing as he eased into you. He let out a shaky breath, sitting up slightly to get a better angle. He let out a moan as he rotated his hips, slamming into you repeatedly until you were coming undone, your head on his pillow as he adjusted your legs, bringing them up to rest flat against his chest so he could slide in and out of you with ease.
“Made just for me,” he hissed, his arms flexed deliciously as he hugged your legs against him, your body contorted expertly so he could fuck you properly. You’d never been fucked like this; Aaron was a selfless lover and you knew you’d never be satisfied by hands that weren’t his ever again. You could feel the tension that had been building for years starting to disappear, and the truth began to take its place: you belonged to him. There was no one else you wanted to experience the craziness with; you knew his job was hard, but you were willing to wait on him.
“Will you cum inside of me?” You couldn’t believe you were asking him, but you knew he was getting close, and feeling him finish inside of you was exactly what you needed, you craved it, being marked as his. He nodded before he leaned down to kiss you, sweat beginning to form on his brow. His hips continued to slam into you more urgently, his tongue tangled with yours. He buried himself inside of you, sputtering thick ribbons of cum into you with a shout of your name. All you could do was stare back at him and try to catch your breath.
“Have you been waiting on this as long as I have?” His lips were finding yours before you could answer him. His hand gently cupped your face as he gazed down at you, your noses brushing slightly.
“Only a couple of years,” you joked back as he slid out of you with a shudder, pulling up his boxers so he could find a towel to wipe you down with. You watched him clean you up, wondering how you got so lucky to have someone like him around. You tried to sit up, but your body was too heavy. You ended up pulling the blanket over your body to wait for him. He gave you a t-shirt to slip on before he climbed in the bed with you, cuddling in at your side.
“It was inevitable, right? It was for me anyway,” you could hear the tiredness in his voice as he got comfortable, his chest pressed against your back as you melted into his warmth.
“It was bound to happen. All just a matter of when,” you yawned, and he tossed his arm over you, pulling you in closer. You felt more peace in that moment than you had in the last couple of years, no longer wondering what it would be like to have his love. You’d had it all along.
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postwarlevi · 3 years
Happy Halloween
Content: 1.6k words. Jean/Connie/Sasha take your and Levis daughter trick or treating.
Read part two
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"And you're sure you don't want mommy and daddy to take you, duchess?" Levi asks his daughter one last time.
She shakes her head, eagerly waiting for the moment auntie Sasha and uncles Jean and Connie show up.
"They're almost here." You tell both of them. Jean text you that they are just a few minutes out.
Your beautiful daughter recently turned five years old and wanted the 'cool' adults to take her trick or treating this year. As much as she loves you, cool is not her parents.
You and Levi don't mind. The trio happily said yes to taking her out, and you get a couple hours to yourselves.
She's adorable in her pink princess dress as Levi helps get her shoes on while you get the tiara to complete her costume and a container for collecting candy.
"Don't take anything opened." Levi reminds her, and just like her father, she rolls her eyes, making you smile. Everyone says she looks like you, but those scowls are all Levi.
"Daddy, I know!" You know she will be safe.
"Snag mommy some chocolate, yeah?" You both giggle. Candy is rare around the house but on Halloween there's an exception. You and Levi will indulge in the goodies also for the next few days.
A knock on the door sends your daughter running forward to see who it is.
"Princess!" Connie is there, scooping her up.
"Connie!" She squeals in delight.
"Excuse me, she's royalty." Sasha comes in behind him, bowing her head. She and Connie are dressed as Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker.
Connie puts her down. "Right, my mistake." He's also bowing, making your mini me giggle.
You and Levi smile at the sight as Jean brings up the rear.
"I hear Milady needs an escort."
Your little one gasps at Jean in a prince charming outfit and barrels toward him wanting to be picked up.
"Well, look at you, princess, as pretty as your mommy." Jean tells her.
"Flattery from prince charming? Nice." You chuckle. "So, where's Han?"
"In the car." Jean is joining in with Connie and Sasha as Han Solo for their party later, but had no problems making a couple adjustments to his outfit to play the part for trick or treating.
"Thanks for taking her out." Levi appreciates that the trio is willing to watch his pride and joy.
"We'll have her home by ten." Connie says, like it's no big deal.
"Nine." Levi thinks even that's late, honestly, but he'll let it slide.
"Eleven." Sasha counters.
Your daughter is excited at the thought of staying up so late.
"Our party starts at ten. She'll be back by nine." Jean promises, putting her back down.
"Thank you." You smile as once again Jean is the responsible one.
"And don't take any fruit." Levi adds.
And there goes the eye roll again, this time Connie and Sasha joining in.
"Jeez dad, no fruit?" Sasha says sarcastically.
"Anyone that tries giving out fruit gets an egging." Connie says.
"Yes!" Your little girl is delighted by this, making you stare down at her, and Levi at Connie.
"No, he's kidding." You tell her.
"Am I?" Connie asks.
"What's egging?" She isn't sure but if Connie says it, it must be fun.
Sasha gets down to her level. "It's when you take raw eggs and th-" She gets cut off by Jeans hand on her mouth.
"She's thinking of Easter, princess." Jean makes a save.
Her shoulders drop as the excitement is gone.
"No one gets egged, no fruit, back by nine." Jean lays out the rules.
"Duchess, maybe take your jacket, it's a little cool out." Levi is grabbing it out of the hall closet.
"Dad! It'll mess my dress!" She cannot believe how her dad is trying to ruin Halloween!
"It's not that cold." You say, taking her side.
"Dad, it'll be fine." Connie says, picking her back up and bringing her forward to kiss you both goodbye, then moving out the door before anything else is said, Sasha dashing after them, the three laughing cheerfully.
Jean reaches for the jacket. "Just in case."
Levi thanks him and goes to get the treat bowl to place near the door. It's not very large because not many kids come down your way, as most years lights are off for parents to be out with their own children.
Instead of candy, which will invade your home soon enough, you have things like stickers, rolls of pennies, glow sticks and mini play-doh, things your daughter will use if not taken.
Jean steals a glow stick and waves goodbye to you both, heading off before the other three get too far.
"Can't believe I trust them with my kid." Levi shakes his head.
"Of course you do, so do I." As playful as they all are, you know they wouldn't let anything happen to your daughter. They've been babysitting for you since the beginning.
You and Levi settle on the couch together and turn on an old horror/comedy. This is as scary as you can handle.
It's making you laugh, Levi even chuckling a couple times.
You get a string of kids in the middle of the movie, so as you're giving out the novelties Levi is brewing the maple tea you wanted to try.
You sit back down to finish your movie. Sitting closer than before, Levis arm is around you while you rest against his side once you're done with the tea.
"They should be back soon." Levi checks the time when the movie has ended. It's a few minutes after nine.
You're about to tell him to relax when there's a knock on the door. "See? Nothing to worry about."
Levi goes to let them in when you hear him curse. "Are you kidding?"
Getting up to see what's wrong you gasp at the sight.
Your darling daughter is standing at the door with the biggest of smiles and behind her toilet paper is all over your porch, tree and car. Who would do this?
"CONNIE!" Levi is yelling, stomping out onto the porch past her, pulling down the toilet paper.
"Why me?" Connie gives himself away, emerging from around the corner.
"It was your idea." Jean comes out too, carrying the container full of candy, followed by a laughing Sasha with a second bag of candy.
"You took part in this?" You ask Jean, picking up your little one.
Jean shrugs. "She took part, too. We'll clean it."
"Just wanted to make it memorable." Sasha leans in to give a nose kiss to her favorite kid.
At least it isn't someone else's house, and it's not the entire lawn, and they do offer to clean it before leaving.
"Stop teaching my daughter bad habits." Levi says, shoving Connie.
"Hey, she enjoyed it." He confirms.
"Says the one who just cursed." Sasha points out at the same time.
The child giggling in your arms leans out to give nose kisses to the boys as well.
"Have fun, princess?" Jean asks, getting an enthusiast nod, while Connie and Sasha go and start packing the toilet paper on your car into a bag.
It's clear she's had a fun night and no real harm has been done, but school is in the morning, so you say your thanks and goodbyes, going inside while the trio finishes cleaning.
"Can I have some now?" She asks after you've gotten her out of the outfit and into pajamas.
"Just one. We still have to check it." Levi gives in after inspecting a piece, letting her eat it before she brushes her teeth. She has him wrapped around her little finger.
"Daddy, I got you Whoppers!" She says while laying in bed as you and Levi tuck her in.
"You did? Thank you, duchess." He smiles and pats her head.
"And Kit Kat, mommy!" She's still a bit wound up.
"Thank you. You have a good time?" You ask as she finally yawns.
"Yeah! We even threw egg-" She's suddenly clamping her mouth shut with her hands. She isn't supposed to tell!
You and Levi look at each other. So much for that.
You gently reprimand her before kissing her goodnight, adding an 'I love you' like always so she doesn't worry, letting Levi finish putting her to bed.
You head to send Jean an angry text but he has beaten you to it. He knows a five year old will have trouble with secrets.
He's sent you photos of the thing they were not supposed to do, also letting you know the building is vacant and will be demolished by the city in the next few days.
Feeling a little better, you can't help but smile at the photos, seeing how much fun she's had tonight. Pictures include trick or treating and her helping toilet paper the tree. You're sure they told her this isn't actually okay, except for this time. You also know Levi is reminding her, just in case.
Reaching into one of the bags, you pull out a piece of chocolate no one will miss.
"Hey." Levi is in the room now, frowning some.
"Oh, it's fine." You explain the situation, but he crosses his arms. "You weren't too hard on her, right?"
"Of course not. It's not that." He motions to the empty candy wrapper. "You started without me."
You're laughing as he dumps a handful of candy onto the floor for inspection.
"Don't worry, I didn't touch the Whoppers." You say, making a face and throwing them into his lap.
Levi chuckles and tosses you a Kit Kat, leaning in for a brief kiss.
An hour later everything is separated into piles. One for your daughter, one for you and Levi, and one that you save for a community buy back program for those less fortunate that will in turn put a couple dollars into your daughters piggy bank.
Before going to bed you make sure to throw away all the empty wrappers you've both left scattered on the floor.
a/n- Happy Halloween! In case you're wondering, the movie being watched is Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein. Love old classic movies...hmmm that gives me ideas! :) Also, don't really egg houses kids!
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undertheknightwing · 2 years
Hi Cody! I really like your blog and now I officially ship Gar/Jon! Would their ship name be GarJon or JonGar?
And your pfp is so cool! I haven't seen any bisexual representation for S&L's Jon, so seeing it automatically made me happy!!
I also adore Gar and Jon as characters! I definitely relate to Gar a lot (I hope something cool happens to him in season 4, same thing with Jon) ((although I haven't seen season 2 of Superman & Lois, yet)). Jon is my favorite because he seemed like the nice popular kid (which reminded me of the popular girls I went to high school with), plus he seems so sweet and fun to hang around! (((I adore it when characters are close to their parents)))
(I wanna be their lesbian aunt, like, I'd be Jon's adopted lesbian aunt, then when Jon and Gar get together, I could be his lesbian aunt-in-law) i have no idea if that's an actual thing or what
Oh and one more thing, I'm gonna start reading Escapism soon! I love the premise so much!
Hi!! I'm so glad you like my blog!! 😁❤❤
I've called their ship many things.. sunshineshipping, multiverse boyfriends, green kryptonite, but I stuck with the simple GarJon just because it sounded the best in my head. But you’re allowed to call their ship JonGar, GarJon, whatever you want!
Thank you! I made a bi Jon icon and a bi/trans Gar icon for pride month since those are my headcanons. (Bi Gar is canon though,, thank you Ryan!) I wish Jon was bi like he is in the comics but this is The CW we're talking about, making Jon bi would mean they'd have to write him a proper storyline and they would never do that 🙄
Jon and Gar are the definitions of "best boys". Jordan and Ryan do an incredible job bringing the characters to life despite having barely anything to work with. Their acting always leaves me with stars in my eyes because it's just so full of emotion and has a powerful impact especially if they're angry and get a rare chance to express that anger.
Gar yelling at Dick in the batcave after being shot and Jon yelling at Jordan for spying on him with super hearing are scenes that will permanently live rent free in my brain. There's something satisfying about seeing the character who's expected to be a doormat and apologize for everything finally explode and say what's on their mind. Because if any characters in both shows deserve to blow up, it's Gar and Jon. Gar's treatment wasn't good from the beginning, no spoilers since you haven't watched the season yet but Jon's treatment has gotten so much worse in season 2.
Honestly, they both need to take a long vacation together to a beach to relax and forget about all the shit they’re put through. Let them go on evening walks on the beach, play mini golf, get a nice dinner, and crash in a comfy condo.
I hope you like Escapism!! It's my pride and joy!! 🧡💚🧡💚
Thank you for the lovely ask! It made my day!
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