#if guillermo left nandor right now
im just, the scene in NBC Hannibal where Will tells Hannibal "you won't let me have anything that isn't you" parallel the scene of Guillermo telling Nandor "you can't let me have this one thing" toxic ships toxic ships something something
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megaawkwardhuman · 1 year
Some guillermo sketches
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kyrilu · 2 years
interview with anoop desai
And then as I got more time on set with [Guillermo and Nandor] just to explore — I think actually in episode six, the wedding, by that point I had figured out, “All right, where do I have room to do things? Where am I going to be compelling?” Because there’s a dynamic of, “Am I getting in between this master-familiar relationship? Am I friends with Nandor? Is he my master?” Just kind of figuring out those things helped immensely. [...] 
I think that there was a turning point where Djinn knows that this guy is just hopeless. He’s seen a lot of people make some really stupid wishes, but I think the angst with which Nandor makes his wishes is evident to Djinn. So there is the beginning of a soft spot for him. A beginning of, like, “Man, this guy is trying really hard and he still is messing it up.”
So there is pity, and at the same time, at the end of the penis-enlargement episode, there is this idea of, “I told you what I’m doing, I’m trying to screw you over and you keep just not seeing it.” So I’m not sure if they’re friends necessarily, but I think that it’s more than a master/genie relationship. (x)
This is exactly what I’ve been daydreaming/headcanoning about. The Djinn has a soft spot for Nandor, and it’s more than a perfunctory master/djinn relationship *______*
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beansprean · 2 months
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Just a little convo that's been in my notes FOREVER because I meant to use it for something else, but it no longer fit after a while. Gave me a chance to practice painting lol
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(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1a. Close up on a side table in Nandor's crypt, laden with a glazed patterned vase, a wooden jewelry box, a line of books, and a single candle on an intricate vintage holder, lit and casting a warm orange glow on its surroundings. From offscreen, Guillermo says, "I've done a lot of thinking, and I've figured it out. I do want to be a vampire...but not for the same reasons I used to." 1b. Wide shot, knees up of Nandor and Guillermo standing facing each other next to Nandor's coffin, lit from the far side by candles. Nandor, wearing a typical tunic under a fur lined cape, stares quietly at Guillermo and idly knocks the knuckles of his left hand against the coffin lid. Guillermo, wearing a violet shirt and tie with red trousers and waistcoat, has his left hand in his pocket and his right placed palm-down on the coffin lid, a few inches from Nandor's. He looks at his right hand as he speaks: "The powers, the sexiness, the cool capes - I mean that's all great but I... I realize I could have all that as a human, too. And I have." 1c. Close up of their hands on the coffin lid as Guillermo's hand slides closer to Nandor's. He continues: "But what I want...what I really want...is to be a vampire..." 1d. Chest up of Guillermo as he looks up at Nandor with a confident smile, back straight, lit warmly by candles. He declares, "So I can stay here with you, forever. As part of this family."
2a. Reaction shot of Nandor, eyes shining as he raises his brows and fights down the happy, wobbly smile that threatens to take over his face. He echoes breathlessly, "With...me?" 2b. Wide shot, waist up of them both. Guillermo looks away with a flustered grin and clarifies, "Uh! Well, you know. With everybody. Nadja, and..." Nandor turns his head away as well, flustered and frowning, and mutters "Right, yes, of course." Guillermo continues, trailing off: "Laszlo..." Nandor grunts "Uh-huh." Their hands are still an inch apart on the coffin lid. Guillermo ventures, "But also..." 2c. Close up of their hands as Guillermo's slides closer again, the tips of his fingers bumping against Nandor's knuckles. Guillermo continues, "Specifically..." 2d. Close up on Guillermo from a slightly higher angle as he looks up at Nandor through his lashes with a shy smile and shining eyes, finally saying, "You." 2e. Reverse shot of Nandor from a slightly lower angle, looking down at Guillermo with open wonder.
3a. Waist up of them both in profile. Guillermo starts to say, "And I know that y-" but is interrupted when Nandor launches forward with his hands on Guillermo's cheeks and pulls him into a kiss. Guillermo's eyes fly wide, perhaps less surprised than he should be, and Nandor's close in something like relief. 3b. Repeat. Nandor's right hand remains on Guillermo's cheek as his left arm snakes around his upper back to hold him close. Guillermo presses into the kiss, opening his mouth to let in Nandor's tongue as his hands creep beneath Nandor's cape. 3c. Repeat. They continue to kiss, heads shifting to the side to allow Guillermo to slip his own tongue into Nandor's mouth. Guillermo has unfastened Nandor's cape and is letting it drop to the floor. Nandor's right hand has plucked off Guillermo's glasses and is holding them aloft as his left tugs at the knot of Guillermo's tie. 3d. Repeat. Nandor shifts his head to deepen the kiss further, right hand tossing Guillermo's glasses carelessly behind him and left curling around the back of Guillermo's neck. Guillermo, tie now loose and top shirt buttons unfastened, presses his left hand to Nandor's chest where his brooch has been removed to allow access to his undershirt. His right hand hovers behind Nandor's head. 3e. Repeat. The kiss finally breaks, but they do not go far, Nandor's left hand still hooked around the back of Guillermo's neck as he turns his head to kiss down his cheek. His right hand pushes Guillermo's vest off his shoulder. Guillermo turns his head into Nandor's, eyes still closed, and gasps out "Mm, you'll...ah..." His right hand is tangled in Nandor's hair and his left deftly snaps open Nandor's belt.
4a. Repeat. Nandor kisses his way down to Guillermo's throat, hands now pulling Guillermo's shirt from his trousers and sneaking his hands underneath. Guillermo arches his neck to allow him room to explore, right hand fisted in Nandor's hair to hold him there as his left slides under Nandor's open tunic front. Smiling with eyes closed in bliss, Guillermo continues, "turn me...after...right?" 4b. Repeat. Nandor pulls back from Guillermo's throat, eyes closed and smiling happily, to let Guillermo press kisses from his cheekbone to the corner of his mouth. Guillermo is pulling Nandor's tunics off his shoulders, the buttons on his undershirt undone and exposing his chest. Nandor's hands are busy at the front of Guillermo's shirt, pulling apart the remaining buttons. Nandor sighs, "Oh, Guillermo..." 4c. Repeat. Nandor fists his hands at the collar of Guillermo's now open shirt to pull him aggressively upwards, looming down on him nose-to-nose with a feral grin. He promises, "During." Guillermo melts and grins helplessly, hearts drifting around his head. /end ID
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barren-heart · 7 months
The Hidden Love Story of What We Do in the Shadows: How The Internet Fell in Love with Harvey Guillen’s Guillermo de la Cruz
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I think it’s fair to call this show what it is: a comedy.
The actors have said it’s themselves: the show is 50% improv, 50% script. A lot of what we see is a brilliant collaboration of talent, writing, and the actors saying the funniest thing they can say about something in that moment.
According to Harvey Guillen, some scenes would last 30 minutes each if they didn’t cut it down. That improv is what makes the show what is it: the funniest show on television.
What’s interesting about this little Shit and Fart show (affectionate), is the heart of it all: Guillermo.
Originally the show was looking for an older man to play Nandor’s familiar. The character had worked for his master for 20 years, not 10 as we see in the pilot episode.
Harvey got an audition randomly. At a wine and cheese night of a friend’s, he was invited to audition for the part. It was random, but also, it was fate.
Let me explain.
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Harvey Guillen auditioning for the role of Guillermo
(I actually have the full audition tape of Harvey’s if anyone’s interested.) Link below!
Harvey didn’t “fit the part” (Harvey’s words) whatsoever of this character and decided to dress himself to look older, putting on what he calls his Harry Potter glasses and parted his hair down the middle.
The Guillermo we see in the pilot was all Harvey’s idea of what that character should be and the costuming department just ran with it. It’s also fun to point out that to those who don’t know, Harvey created Guillermo’s last name even before he knew he’d play the show’s Vampire Slayer.
I mention this because I don’t think they (showrunner, producers,etc) expected Guillermo to become such a fan favorite. Which kinda explains why his character is the punching bag of season one and why it somewhat changes as seasons go by.
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I mean, we don’t even see Guillermo in this season one poster (we don’t see Colin Robinson, either. But I feel like I could write an entirely other post about that character and why I think he’s genuinely the best and most consistently written character on the show. But I won’t right now).
I think they expected Guillermo to be a one-note side kick, which is fine. Many of Harvey’s previous roles were nearly background characters (think Benedict Pickwick in The Magicians).
But, Harvey’s take on the character coupled with his talent at being both comedic and dramatic really shined through. And I think that’s where you start to see that maybe they could do more with him than just being the funny guy in the background.
I also think that’s why you start to see some threading of a more serious plot when it comes to Guillermo’s storyline because of Harvey’s range.
Who would’ve known a funny bit like being a Van Helsing descent in a house full of vampires would get you compelling scenes like the familiar fight The Night Market, Nouveau Théâtre des Vampires, and the Nandor and Guillermo fight in The Portrait?
Harvey mentioned having to train for these and wanted to do his own stunts! And he does them well!
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Did they imagine Guillermo being such a badass in the pilot? Probably not. But he is and people took to it. The serious fight scenes (even with bits of comedy filtered in) really stand out in their own as excellent action scenes.
Along with badass scenes, Harvey delivered compelling emotional scenes like Guillermo’s coming out (which Harvey actually cried in as well as other cast and crew, and they had to edit it to not make it too serious), the scene he left Nandor for Celeste, and many scenes in S5’s Exit Interview.
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I also think they didn’t anticipate his chemistry with Kayvan Novak. It’s brought up a lot in interviews with them and everyone can tell that they genuinely are really good friends in real life, which makes acting together on screen that much better.
(Funny enough, he was supposed to do a chemistry read with Kayvan before shooting and wasn’t able to meet him until they were on set for the pilot. )
I think in some ways, even though the show wanted it to be a funny Gaston and Lefou type relationship, Kayvan and Harvey had undeniable chemistry you couldn’t deny.
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And I think that began to grow with their character’s evolving relationship. From master and servant to friends to sometimes the show and network alluding to them being in a romance (Guillermo’s drunk love confession, Marwa liking what Nandor likes, the Network making videos about shipping Nandermo).
And even Paul Simms (the one who is being grilled for That’s His Boss quote), also said “Guillermo and Nandor is the greatest love story in modern television.”
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So yeah, I think originally they started the show with the intention that it was supposed to be similar to the movie that shares its name. The Nandor/Guillermo drama of Shadows the TV show would be so out of place in the movie. The whole Guillermo vampire arc, if it was movie inspired, would not be as dramatic as they have made it in the show.
Looking back to the pilot, I can see that they really tried to make it as close to the source material as possible. But I think it took off in a direction that even the creators didn’t imagine it would go. Just a silly little comedy show about silly little vampires. And don’t get me wrong, it still definitely is.
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But the show has evolved. And for better or worse, Nandor and Guillermo’s relationship will be one of the most compelling things about the show and I’m curious where they are going to take it now.
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I guess this turned into a bit of an Harvey Guillen appreciation post and honestly, why not? Look at that adorable face.
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bottombaron · 9 months
it’s a small thing, but while I was working on the Transmogrification Explained Part 2 I caught something that I thought was interesting enough to share.
At this point (see below) at the end of the finale, after the ceremony, all the housemates go into the fancy room and Nandor says something about playing Parcheesi right before he takes a brief moment to comfort Guillermo the tiniest bit.
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Right afterwards however, instead of doing as he said he would and follow everyone else into the fancy room, he heads right, down the hallway, most likely going straight to his room.
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All the nonchalance and dismissal and ‘hey, let's pretend everything is fine and back to normal now!’ talk is a feint. Nandor doesn’t go into the fancy room to take comfort with the group and deny that anything important happened, and since he told Guillermo to clean up Derek before sunrise (something I thought was odd at the time because why would it matter if Guillermo left it until sunrise when everyone would be asleep anyways), he knows Guillermo won’t follow him.
Nandor is choosing to be alone after all this. It’s a very neat little character bit that is easily overlooked within the noise of the episode. While the tone at the end of the ceremony looks like everyone is moving back to square one and blatantly ignoring the seriousness of the situation to do something as banal as a board game, the actual actions of the characters show that there really is devastation amongst them. Guillermo’s obvious, but Nandor’s is hidden with a line that distracts us from noticing that he actually retreats from everyone and hides away.
It really makes me wonder what Nandor did after everything. Used the time to get himself ready for bed so Guillermo couldn’t wouldn’t have to do it when he got back? Sulked? Had a tantrum? Went into his treasure room to read Guillermo’s thank you card again and again?
oh and another little thing: Guillermo and Nandor are the only ones who still have their robes on after the ceremony, and actually end the scene still in them. All the other characters almost immediately took them off after the lights went on.
having them the only two that still wear the robes feels so significant to me. like they’re still in this ritual between them. Or, if the bondage rope part of it comes into play, they are still tied to each other. There’s definitely something to be read here, with both Nandor keeping the rope-cape on and pretending like he was going to follow the others but going to his room instead. Whatever it is, one thing’s for certain to me: Nandor is Not Okay after the ceremony.
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darkshrimpemotions · 5 months
I'm rewatching the 3x10 fight scene and I can't tell if my third eye is WIDE open or of I'm just loopy from pain and lack of sleep but.
Nandor is SO calculating in this scene. Like I know it's somewhat left open to interpretation whether the invitation was a spur of the moment thing or not, but I actually think I'm now firmly on the side of it WAS a real test and it WAS premeditated.
Because like. Nandor is thoughtless, yeah. But the stuff he says to Memo when he walks in isn't just thoughtless. It is TARGETED. Every single thing he says from the moment he walks into that room AND the way he says it is tailored to press on Guillermo's sore spots and piss him right the fuck off. And there has to be a purpose to that, because Nandor is thoughtless but he's not cruel, not that kind of cruel anyway.
And then there's his face when he's facing away from Guillermo, when Guillermo is giving him the "I let you live" speech. When Nandor is looking at Guillermo before and after that, his face is lightly amused. Condescending, a little indulgent maybe. Pitying, at the end. But when he's facing away from Guillermo? That entire performance falls away and THIS is what we see:
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Nandor isn't amused. He isn't humoring Guillermo or ignoring him, either, though that's clearly what the turned back is meant to convey to Guillermo.
No. That face is CALCULATING. He's listening. He's waiting. He's seeing how far he has to push Guillermo to get what he wants out of him.
I wish I could get good shots that weren't just goofy-looking of all the shifts in his expression here--I simply do not have HQ enough video for that. But the shift in his expression just before he turns back to Guillermo and puts the condescending mask back on is SO telling. It's an aha moment.
And when Guillermo has him on his knees in that headlock? I know we've all looked at that moment a thousand times but
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Nandor is delighted with this turn of events (and yes I used the moment when Guillermo is saying the W in "weak" because it looks like he's giving Nandor's cheek a lil smooch lmao).
Ahem. The point is, I no longer believe Nandor was just saving his own ass or coming up with spur of the moment plans--though I DO think he was (pleasantly) surprised by how evenly matched he and Guillermo actually were (even if he'd never, ever admit it). He went into that room with the strategic wheels turning and got everything he wanted out of that interaction.
Fucking guy.
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livingwithhorrors · 11 months
I think Laszlo lied to Nandor and is still in dad mode.
We’ve seen in the past that Laszlo does perfectly fine hypnotizing people on his own.
If anything Nandor has been known to screw it up if not make things worse when adding to others hypnosis.
I think Laszlo lied to Nandor as a learning experience and confidence booster. He showed Nandor was to talk out of situations, but also the right times to actually use hypnosis so that he will not just freely use it in the future.
Then seeing how he talks with Guillermo and how he will be helping him in the future episodes, he’s blunt with him cause he know Guillermo is smart and understands right away when he’s messed up or needs to fix things.
Over time Laszlo has gone from seeing vampires as superior and Guillermo and other humans as stupid, to at the very least seeing how smart and clever Guillermo is and giving him more respect and caring for him.
Laszlo has gone from calling Guillermo Gizmo as insult of I have no reason to know your name to using it as a nickname of affection.
All the vampires cover up and pretend not to care and see Guillermo beneath them, but it’s a facade and they do actually care and see him as family.
I think they put off turning Guillermo cause they didn’t want what was human about him to change. Possibly leave them.
We saw when Nadja turned someone, other then Laszlo, that they left and moved on to be their own vampire.
It could be similar that they worry Guillermo would leave as well.
I think they’re quite aware they’re not the most popular group and they’ve found each other and stay together.
We’ve seen what happens when they lose someone close in the group, it tears those left apart and separates them.
The whole group is smarter then they let off. We’ve seen how Guillermo can talk them into doing things, how he protects and cares for them.
Nadja is often has been shown as smarter then the men when trouble arises and solving the issues.
Laszlo is behind the scenes clever and helps others without them knowing.
Nandor isn’t the brightest but when it comes down to it he is loyal and will stand up for those he cares about.
Colin is clever in a way that the others don’t notice as they often drown out and ignore him after a time cause he enjoys causing some chaos in the group unless it is important. Then he helps out, even if still trying to feed or mess with them a little. Though we have seen he can forget not everyone knows everything he does.
The Guide now joining the group is also an outcast in her own way as having worked so much for the council she hasn’t had friends outside of the wraiths in who knows how long. She clever and keeps up to date on human technology, which most vampires haven’t. She saw how out of sorts the group has been from the starts but wants to join cause she sees how much of a family they are and has grown attached to them. May take some times but she’ll get there.
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indashadows · 1 year
I was thinking about season 4 episode 1.
Nandor was totally expecting Guillermo to throw himself at his feet and ask for forgiveness for abandoning him at the station. Nandor spent an entire year thinking Guillermo left him. He finally sees his fucking guy but he's not even asking about the trip they planned, the ROMANTIC journey where Nandor would have turned Guillermo into a vampire at the bank of his homeland river so they could share ancestral soil together. Guillermo is just mad, understandable since he passed the last two weeks inside a crate. OK then Nandor will carefully try asking Guillermo to be his wife. No, not so bluntly, Guillermo is too mad right now and he could reject him. Let's play it safe and ask to be his best man, surely jealousy will have the best on him and he will be the one revealing his true feelings to Nandor, then finally Nandor will have the courage to say his real intentions if the love is requited.
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Yes! Nandor's little brain thinking this is working!
But...Guillermo is not jealous at all
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And this is Nandor's reaction...
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There was no wife, no plan, no brain cells in that head container, he just wanted Guillermo to say he wanted to be his wife.
That's the face of someone being defeated and the fear becoming true of what deep in his heart thought was true: Guillermo really doesn't care about him in that way.
Guillermo is just using him to become a vampire.
Guillermo is staying only because Nandor is his master.
Like all the other people Nandor fell in love with, he's just to be used and then thrown away.
He can only pretend to be aloof now.
He's not well.
I'm not well.
Nobody's well.
This show is very painful.
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Parallels between Vlad, The Impaler and Nandor, The Relentless.
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I'm watching a series on Netflix called “Rise of Empires. Otomman: Mehmed VS Vlad” and noticed some similarities in the history of the famous Vlad who inspired Count Dracula, coincidence or not.
Vlad III
Vlad was, in summary, a prince voivode, who grew as a prisoner in the turkish court of the ottoman empire. He was trusted to be the Wallachia's ruller, wich was his birth right. However, he later decided to ally himself with the enemies against the ottomans for Wallachia's freedom, since it was a vassal state.
Now, to give a context, Vlad was famous for having a dark and cruel personality, but was also extremely skilled with the sword and had a reputation for being a fierce warrior, like Nandor did.
He dared to go against Mehmed II, who at the time was not only the most powerful sultan in the East, but also a Vlad's childhood friend, since they grew up together, which made the war between them having a personal character. Vlad ignored the bonds and memories between them for his beliefs.
Now... Vlad grew in a society that was always at war trying to expand and normalized cruelty, this kind of fucked him up.
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Nandor finds it difficult that even eternal mystical creatures like the Djinn don't understand his appeal for barbarism.
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One of Vlad's control techniques was fear, his reputation for the exquisite torture methods gave him the title of Impaler and rumors that he drank from his enemies' blood. Vlad can be perceived as a monster, but in fact it was a very political strategy.
Such as Nandor, Vlad didn't accept any supplication; He didn't spared elderly, women or even children.
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In his way of facing Mehmed, Vlad not only rebelled, but did it so arrogantly and disrespectfully, that it threatened Mehmed, the most fearsome personality for Europe, to gaining a fame as weak.
I remembered this passage watching the E01S05:
"The Impaler lord’s message to his childhood friend is written in the blood of thousands , “Come and get me”. That kind of disrespect was something that a ruler like Mehmed II could never forgive because in this kind of world, reputation is everyting”
These rules applied to Nandor, just as for Vlad and Mehmed, even if Al-Quolanudar it's fictional. Nandor may have distanced himself from the war mentality and have become soft and pathetic, but in his own way that will always be part of his identity.
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Nandor can be soft in many ways, he can accept to be beaten, deceived, kidnapped, stolen and threatened with death. But what he cannot accept is a public humiliation that threatens his reputation. Perhaps another vampire may, like Deacon, but Deacon was no warfare.
To Nandor, this MUST be paid with death "What choice do I have?"
It made me think "Guillermo is really fucked".
Guillermo has seen many faces of Nandor, but I think this is the very first time he really saw The Relentless.
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Only left to us to find out if Nandor's love for Guillermo can overcome his centenary pride, his own identity, in this path of violence.
But oh… There will be violence.
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mothguillotine · 7 months
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Hey Siri, Can Vampires Get Cucked?
"So it didn't go as well as I had hoped it would," you tell the camera thinking about the fact that Oscar ran away from you a week ago, "I was really hoping that I would be able to get Oscar to understand but now I'm realizing that it's possible that hypnosis was probably a better option and that knocking him out and kidnapping him was aggressive."
"The one good thing about the whole situation is that Nandor has finally started to warm up to me," you say, "he has actually spoken to me everyday. Actually I wouldn't say warming up to me is the correct term. I honestly have no idea what changed after Oscar left the other day." When you finish up your interview with the crew you return to your bedroom to do some reading.
Down stairs though Nadja is sat in front of the camera. She looks exasperated and when she speaks its present in her voice as well.
"I have been trying to get Nandor to grow some balls and ask her out but I have yet to have any success," she tells the camera, "I have watched Nandor follow her around for the last two weeks like a lost little puppy. I am sick of it."
"So I have devised a plan to get him to admit that he wants her," she says deviously, "Both of them have yet to truly talk and this will fix that. Of course Laszlo has a different approach."
"My idea is to shove them both in a room until something is either sucked, fucked, or cucked." Laszlo says as he sits down next to his wife.
"Cucked?" Nadja asks, "Why would this end up in cuck?"
"I mean you never know what could happen in there." Laszlo says looking suggestively into the camera while Nadja makes a face behind him.
"Well, we decided to mix our ideas together," Nadja says, moving the conversation forward, "We will lock them in a room together until Nandor confesses."
"Yes, and if it results in someone getting sucked, fucked, or cuck-" Laszlo starts to say until Nadja cuts him off.
"Laszlo!" Nadja yells at her husband, "This is about Nandor and his feelings. Not about you."
"Yes, I'm sorry my love," Laszlo apologizes to her but when they go to leave he turns back to the camera when Nadja is out of earshot and says, "If it results in anything sexual I will be a most willing participant."
A little while later while you are reading you hear your name being called by Nadja.
"Nadja?" you call out.
"In here!" she yells. When you find her she is in Nandor's bedroom.
"Hey, what's up?" you ask her, " and why are we in Nandor's room?"
"One second sweetie," she says to you, "I will be right back."
You sit down on the chair in front of Nandor's coffin and for about ten minutes you wait until you hear someone in the hall outside the door. The door is quickly opened and Nandor is shoved in. As fast as the door opens its closed the next second and when Nandor rushes to open the door it doesn't budge.
"Laszlo!" he yells, "Open this door right now!"
When he doesn't get a response he starts yelling for Guillermo. You can hear nothing through the door though.
"Nandor?" you ask, "What's going on?"
Nandor turns around to look at you and immediately starts banging on the door again yelling for Laszlo to let him out.
"Just get it over with then I will let you out!" Laszlo yells through the door.
Nandor knew exactly what he was talking about. A few days ago Nandor had confided in Laszlo about how he found you beautiful and how badly he wanted you. In all honesty it reminded Laszlo of himself falling in love with Nadja. That's why he had forced this confrontation.
You on the other hand had no idea about what any of this meant. While you definitely didn't mind being trapped in Nandor's room with him you were confused. A few days ago Nadja had confronted you about what you felt towards Nandor and in all honesty since he started talking to you, you have developed a bit of a crush on him.
Nadja had pressed and pressed until you had admitted it to her and you made her swear not to tell anyone, which, to your knowledge she had kept. What you and Nandor don't know is that they had been conspiring to get their friends together.
"So, uh what was that all about?" you ask Nandor.
"You know Laszlo, he is my best friend but he is not the smartest." he says and laughs awkwardly.
"Nandor, what did he mean to get it over with?" you ask, you are honestly a bit worried that Nadja had told Laszlo and in turn he had told Nandor that you like him.
"Nothing," Nandor says, "He meant absolutely nothing."
"Nandor, whatever it is you can tell me." you tell him, Nandor turns from the door and faces you.
"I- its nothing." he tells you.
"Well it's obviously something or else we wouldn't be locked in here." you tell him.
"It's nothing," Nandor insists, "stop doing that."
"Stop doing what?" you ask him.
"Looking at me like that," he says frustratedly, "I can't deal with it."
"Okay, I am very lost." you tell him, "How am I looking at you?"
"You- nevermind," Nandor says, returning to banging on the door.
"Nandor!" you yell at him and when he doesn't turn to face you, you march forward and turn him around to face you, "Tell me."
You both stand still, this is the closest to him you've been since the first time you met. He looks down at you and a split second later he is kissing you. It surprises you for a second but once you get into it you are kissing him back, the kiss is sweet and short. When you both finally break apart you can't help but smile.
"Is that it?" you ask him.
"What?" Nandor asks, still a bit out of it.
"You just wanted to kiss me?" you ask, "That's it?"
"Well I wouldn't say I just wanted to kiss you but yes." Nandor says looking down at you.
"Do you wanna do it again?" you ask him and before you know it you are kissing again, this time though more passionately than before. His hands find your waist and you bring one of your hands up to his face. You both break away for a moment then resume your activities. One of Nandor's hands is making their way up the back of your shirt.
"Do you wanna-" You start to ask Nandor.
"Yes," He tells you.
"You don't even know what I was going to say?" you tell him smiling.
"Whatever it is. I want to do it." he tells you.
"Really?" you ask him, "Just like that?"
"Just like what?" he asks you confused.
"Nevermind, I was just gonna ask if-" You start to say but are interrupted by Laszlo.
"Nadja is starting to get what the humans refer to as 'hangry'," Laszlo says through the door, "We must leave now or she will become violent."
"Okay, Laszlo we will be right there." Nandor says, "I shall talk with you later, my sunshine."
You are currently sitting down in front of the camera and honestly you have no idea what to say. Oscar hasn't returned any of your texts or calls and the whole situation with Nandor you still haven't talked about with him yet.
"The last week has been pretty crazy," you finally started, "I mean I don't even honestly know where to start but I'm starting to get the hang of the vampire thing. I hypnotized for the first time yesterday night, some security guard stumbled across us while we fed."
After you and Nandor had been freed from his room you had both been unable to speak with each other about what happened. As soon as you had left Nadja stole you to make sure you looked fabulous for your first official hunt. For the last two weeks Guillermo had brought you humans to feed on and now you were actually going to attempt to get one for yourself.
"We decided to go out by the bars and get any drunks who we stumbled upon," you tell the camera, "I wasn't told though that if you drink the blood of someone who is intoxicated that you also feel the effects. When I was still alive I was notorious at being a lightweight. Unfortunately, that carried over to my vampire life. If I was still able to be bruised my legs would definitely be covered in them."
You could honestly barely remember the night prior after you had all drank two humans. The security guard had happened early enough where you could remember it but a lot is missing.
Nadja and Laszlo had yet to leave their room and you haven't seen Nandor either. You were anxious that you may have come on too strong but you also knew that he did feel the same way. So it just honestly confused you. When you are dismissed by the crew you head to your bedroom.
Down the hall Nandor had tried on most of his clothes and still had not found the perfect outfit. Guillermo had been helping him try on and rate different outfits but after Nandor had tried on the same shirt and 3 slightly different pairs of pants he resigned himself to waiting till his master was ready.
"I honestly have no idea what is going on with him." Guillermo whispers into the camera.
"Ta-Da!" Nador says and Guillermo turns to look at him, "What do you think?"
"Wonderful Master," Guillermo says as Nandor spins to give him a 360° of the outfit, Guillermo turns to face the camera again and with a straight face says, "that is the very first outfit he tried on."
You, apparently in your drunkness, had repeatedly texted Oscar apologizing over and over. It definitely wasn't the most embarrassing thing you have ever done while intoxicated, but it is definitely up there. For a while you lay on your bed staring up at the ceiling until you hear a knock at your door.
Nandor is standing there when you open the door with a bouquet of flowers. If you weren't confused before you are definitely confused now.
"What is this for?" you ask him and take the flowers from his hands.
"Well I read that bringing flowers to a potential mate is a good gift so I made Guillermo get you some," he tells you, "I hope you like them."
"Oh, Nandor, this is very sweet," you tell him, "Thank you."
"Oh it's nothing," he tells you, "I hope you like them."
"You asked me that already." you tell him smiling.
"Oh, well, bye." Nandor says quickly and leaves. You watch him walk down the hall and look back at the crew, confused, who is filming from the other way.
"I have put a plan into motion," Nandor says to the camera, "mostly to get Laszlo off my back about my 'feelings' but I believe I have finally found the vampire I want to spend my life with."
You have been getting gifts from Nandor everyday for the past two weeks. At first it started off with simple gifts that anyone could find at a store but then it became more outrageous.
Three days ago he presented you with a gorgeous necklace and the next day he gave you a pair of earrings. Both days you had told him that you didn't need gifts from him but he had insisted.
In all honesty it was uncomfortable to accept the gifts he gave you, mostly because you had no way of getting him anything of the same standard. You loved that he apparently wanted to buy you presents but at some point it had to stop.
Today, as you expected, was no different. Except this time he brought you a bigger box than you had ever gotten before. It was about the same size as a small trunk and when you opened it you found a gorgeous dress, not too dissimilar from one of Nadjas.
"What is this?" you ask him while picking up the dress gently.
"I bought you a dress," he tells you, "I had Guillermo set it all up. He made sure the dress was the right size."
"Nandor, I don't know what to say," you tell him, "Thank you but I don't think I can expect this."
"Why not?" he asks you, "Do you not like the color?"
"No it's gorgeous but I-," you stop and think, "Nandor I really love all the gifts but you can't keep spending money on me."
"Why not?" Nandor asks and he looks kind of offended.
"Because you can't keep spending money on me." you tell him, "Honestly I really do love the gifts but you don't have to do that to impress me."
"I just like giving you things," he says, "seeing you happy makes me happy."
"If you want me to be happy then why don't we spend more time together?" you ask him.
"What would we do?" Nador asks you.
"Whatever we want. We could watch a movie or we could go read or something else. I don't know, whatever you want to do." you tell him.
"Can I kiss you?" he asks and you smile.
"If you want to," you tell him and he goes for it.
His hands find your face right away and you sink even deeper into the kiss. Your hand finds its way into his hair. When you both pull away you realize that you are still standing in your doorway.
"Do you want to come in?" you ask him.
"Yes." Nandor says simply.
When you drag him in the room you slam the door in the faces of the camera crew. As soon as he's in your room you resume kissing again.
This time though it's different, you both know what's coming. His hands start at your waist but slowly make their way up and under your shirt.
"Do you want me to take it off?" you ask him and instead of answering you he just rips it off. As soon as your bra is on full display he gets distracted by kissing your newly accessible skin.
"Nandor?" you ask him, "Do you want me?"
"More than anything, my sunshine." he answers you and the way he looks at you makes you want to melt.
You return to kissing each other and he picks you up to bring you over to your bed. When he sets you down you realize how much more clothing he is wearing compared to you.
"You are wearing too many clothes," you tell him and watch as he takes off the intricate top. When he is done you pull him down on the bed and kiss him again. Nandor goes straight to your bra hooks and takes it off. He pulls away to pay attention to your breasts.
"You are beautiful," he tells you and then kisses down your neck and chest til he gets to your tits. He pushes you down against your bed and starts sucking on your nipple.
"You are really good at this," you tell him and when he switches to the other side, "fuck."
"I have been a vampire since long before this country was found," he tells you.
"So what you are saying is that you have been around the block?" you tease him.
"The block?" he asks you, "I have flown around it."
"It means- you know what nevermind," you tell him, "more important things at hand than this."
You grab the back of his head and bring him down to kiss you. One of his hands starts playing with the hem of your pants while the other cups your left tit. You get the hint and lift yourself up to take off your pants, but before you can move to get them off Nandor does. He takes not just your jeans off but your underwear as well.
Then he dives in and licks along your folds. The shock of him on you has you pulling away until he wraps his arms around your legs and pulls you impossibly closer. Your hands find his hair and you wrap your fingers in it and when you look down at Nandor he starts to suck on your clit.
"fuck," you moan, "don't stop."
Nandor looks at you with his eyes and removes one of his arms from your legs. You suddenly feel two of Nandor's fingers pressing into you. You throw your head back against the bed and moan loudly. When he speeds up his actions you know it's only a matter of time until you come.
"fuck, Nan-nandor, I'm gonna-," you tell him until you feel a third finger inside you and you know it's over.
A wave of spasms run over you and you feel yourself grow wetter than before. Nandor continues to ravish you through your orgasm which makes it really hard to stop a second one from building.
"Nandor," you beg, "fuck me please."
He removes himself from you for a second and says "One more." then he continues to work you towards your second orgasm. This one comes quicker than the one before but it is just as intense. Nandor removes his fingers from you and lips them clean.
When he kisses you you can taste yourself on his tongue. You start trying to pull off his pants and when he stands up off the bed to do so you are greeted with his erect dick.
Around the house you had of course heard all about how he had a massive penis but it still surprised you to know that he was even bigger than you thought. You move to lick the pre-cum of the tip but when you do he moves away.
"Later," he tells you, "I want to fuck you first." He drags your hips to the edge of your bed and looks at you.
You nod and pull him in to kiss you. When your lips meet he starts into you. While he pushes into you the reason he wanted to have you ready becomes obvious, he is massive. Once he is fully seated inside of you he waits a moment. When he pulls away from your lips and starts moving. Slowly.
For a bit you appreciate that he is trying to make sure that you are comfortable but you want him to move.
"Nandor, faster," you tell him, "please."
"Whatever you want my sunshine." he tells you and starts to move faster than before.
You can't help but let out a moan especially when he starts to go even faster. When let out an especially loud one he groans. You start to feel an orgasm approach when Nandors fingers find your clit. He continues to pound into you and move his fingers over the sensitive bundle of nerves.
"Nandor!" you yell when you hit your breaking point and dig your nails into his biceps.
Nandors thirsts become more and more sloppy and you know he is close. You can feel yourself pulsing around him and soon enough he spills into you. When he is done he collapses atop you.
You both lay like this for a minute until you feel Nandor go to move out of you. When he does you feel the mess gather between your legs. He goes to grab a tissue from your nightstand and cleans you up.
After he throws it away he picks you up and moves you to lay on the bed properly. It surprises you for a second but let him do it. He moves to the other side of the bed and joins you in laying down.
His arm snakes around you and pulls you closer to him. You melt into him and feel yourself start to drift off.
<Previous Part/Next Part>
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rosewaterraindrops · 10 months
Nandermo Blocking and Season Finales
In past seasons, people more knowledgeable than me have written meta on the way Nandor and Guillermo are positioned at different levels in relation to one another, and I found it super interesting! Every previous season finale has left us with a very specific image of Nandermo that we've carried with us to speculate about what their relationship will be like in the next season. So I wanted to do an analysis on Nandermo's relative levels/blocking in the two-part finale of S5 and see how it compares to previous season finales.
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Here’s a rundown of the previous season finales. 
S1 (top left): This one is sending mixed signals. Guillermo is looking down at Nandor, but it’s in an act of servitude. Nandor’s scolding Guillermo, thinking he’s the one in charge, and he has no idea that Guillermo is beginning to discover his vampire-killing powers. 
S2 (top right): Guillermo is elevated, looking down at all four vampires, and this time he’s very clearly the one in charge. Nandor is literally tied up and helpless and forced to confront how powerful Guillermo really is - and we know that Nandor defends him and respects his power in S3.
S3 (middle row): This time, Guillermo is looking down at Nandor, who’s kneeling on the ground, and they’re both happy about it. Guillermo has just passed Nandor’s “test” and they’re about to embark on their journey, which will end with Guillermo becoming a vampire. Nandor even happily agrees to take Guillermo’s bag to the train station. This is the most equal we’ve ever seen them be (up to that moment).
S4 (bottom right and left): They’re on the same level, both sitting down in chairs, and I don’t think either one of them is fully clear on where their relationship currently stands. Guillermo slips back into his familiar role after Freddie is gone, but something feels off. They don't even appear in a frame together, which is why I had to get two different screenshots. It’s not very companionable, it’s awkward, and it sets up a tense dynamic in S5.
By and large, these finale images have given us hope that Nandor and Guillermo will be on more even footing in the following season. The blocking never reinforces Guillermo as a servant, but rather elevates him in relation to Nandor and aligns with each finale’s sense of anticipation - how will the two of them respond to the latest change in their power dynamic? How will Guillermo assert himself further next season, and how will Nandor react?
That brings us to the end of S5. We get some really pivotal moments in which the dynamic is shifting yet again, starting with the scene in S5E9 in which Nandor has found out about Guillermo’s turning.
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I think they made a deliberate choice to have the cages be elevated here. They could have made it so that the Guide and Guillermo are looking down at the prisoners somehow. But instead, even from his cage, Nandor is the one fully looking down at Guillermo. It’s emphasizing the emotion of the current moment: Nandor is angry and ready to enact his revenge on Guillermo for his “betrayal”, and Guillermo is full of regret. 
Then in S5E10, they reconcile, Nandor has Guillermo drink human blood, and we get this moment.
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Guillermo literally rises up to be above Nandor as he embraces his vampirism, and Nandor is looking on with wonder. It’s reminiscent of the S3 finale, in which Nandor was happy to be looking up at Guillermo - and that time, Nandor had just promised to make Guillermo a vampire. When it comes down to it, Nandor wants Guillermo to embrace power and vampirism, and when Guillermo takes joy in his power, Nandor does too. 
So what’s the last Nandermo image we’re left with until S6? It’s this:
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We have never, not once, had a season finale that ended with Nandor looking down at Guillermo - until now. Their dynamic has been constantly shifting ever since S1, but the consistent thread has been that Guillermo gains power and confidence, while Nandor gains more respect for Guillermo as a companion and a warrior.
But now? Guillermo has just rejected power, rejected vampirism, in favor of being human, and seconds later he’s on his knees, looking up at Nandor, being ordered by Nandor to clean up Derek’s corpse. Nandor isn’t surprised or awed, he’s not happy, he’s not confused or pensive - he’s just sympathetic and probably very disappointed. He likes when Guillermo embraces power and Guillermo just did the exact opposite of that. This is a clear image of a servant and his master.
I’m sure this isn’t a full regression to their S1 dynamic, and I assume the show will find a way to make it new and interesting. But this is a striking last image of Nandermo that we’re left with until the next season, and when compared to the previous finale images of Nandermo, it really stands out in an unsettling way. Let’s hope that in S6, Guillermo doesn’t take too long to embrace power again - because we know that that’s what he and Nandor really want.
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You’re losing me || wwdits Nandermo fluff
After killing Derek, needless to say Nandor could no longer think straight. He refused to talk to cameras and for two days hasn’t slumbered or feasted. He knew he had to do something. But wasn’t it too late? Nandor knew for over a decade to not get close, to not…
“Nandor” Nadja interrupted his thoughts and for that Nandor was more than grateful, “are you okay? You’ve been acting like a big American hamburger” it was making her sick being this nice, as she is used to screaming her way out of situations.
“I am okay, thank you Nadja” he muttered not looking away from the painting of him and his horse John, slightly dragging his finger through the hole Guillermo left with a dagger long time ago.
“Malakas” she yelled out, and rushing to him and forcefully turning him to face her, “you’re just like Laszlo, something’s wrong and then all of the sudden ‘yes, yes, very good, thank you’ “ she said mockingly out of anger. It’s not that she didn’t want to help, quite the opposite, she hated seeing her friends in pain. Especially Nandor. But the dummies never learned how to communicate, “now speak”
“I appreciate your help, Nadja” he smiled, “but I’m just alright” he let go of her and turned back to the painting.
“Fine, you don’t wanna talk, don’t. We are leaving now, but if you don’t think that when I come back I won’t sit down on your coffin until you speak, think again” Nadja stormed out, yet Nandor seemed unbothered.
Sometimes he’d look at the painting, dragging his finger around where the dagger used to be. Nandor felt like it was a big warning: a giant wall standing between him and… Guillermo.
It was difficult when he was just a familiar, then it was even more complicated when they found out he’s a vampire killer, and even more terrifying when he disobeyed and turned himself into a vampire.
‘Treat them mean, keep them keen’ is what he was taught. With his soldiers, with his wives and husbands, with his familiars. But Guillermo has never been keen. And that both intrigued and terrified him.
And it has never been in Nandor’s nature to be warm and cuddly. After all he was a slaughtering machine from his birth till now, and when he thinks about him, he wouldn’t love him either, a pathological people killer.
But he’ll do it. Everyone’s out of the house, except for him and Guillermo. And he’ll do it.
He launched himself down the stairs, nervously waiting to “accidentally” bump into Guillermo. And after standing there for solid 15 minutes, it seemed much easier in movies, he thought. He was just happy the cameras were out of the house with Laszlo and Nadja.
“Guillermo” he yelled out not being able to wait there any longer, “I need to speak to you”
“Yes, master?” He appeared as it seemed out of thin air right behind him, scaring him.
“How are you feeling, Guillermo?” He couldn’t think how to open, and ‘I would like to marry you’ seemed a little too forward. It was dangerous territory, if he rejects Nandor, he’ll most likely have to leave. And Nandor won’t be able to stop him as hypnosis no longer work on Guillermo.
“I have a headache” he nodded.
“I used to have those in Al Quolanudar whenever one of our wives would hit me at the back of my head with a rock” he laughed trying to release the tension.
“What?” Guillermo looked confused.
“My wives” he corrected himself, suddenly missing the camera to which he could uncomfortably turn to.
Guillermo looked at him with the look that could only translate into “you’re losing me”. “I’m losing you” Nandor thought back.
“I think I’ll go to sleep, master, I’m very cold” Guillermo muttered as he tried to walk past him but Nandor stopped him.
He slowly walked closer to the short man, with his right hand wrapping Guillermo with his cape. That’s better, he thought.
“Perhaps it is time you call me Nandor” yes, that’s great start, he thought.
“Okay” Guillermo blushed a little, although through that thick beard it was difficult to see. But Nandor could. He always did, “Nandor”
Nandor stood there, smiling warmly at the man, and Guillermo smiled back. He couldn’t help but wonder if he was smiling because he enjoyed his company, or because he was… feeling like he had to. There’s no going back now, he thought.
Nandor gently put his free left hand on Guillermo’s cheek and without waiting leaned in to kiss him. He almost forgot what it feels like to kiss a human, so gentle, so warm. And for a second there Nandor thought that his heart might start again for him. But that was over. He pulled away as he felt Guillermo not returning the kiss. And with that he might have just stab him with the wooden stake because Nandor didn’t want to exist.
“I am sorry, Guillermo” he muttered lowly, “I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. I never kissed anyone with glasses before” he smiled uncomfortably, retracting the cape from the man.
“Shut up” to his surprise Guillermo pulled the taller man in again. He must have just been taken by surprise the first time around, he thought. Although Nandor no longer wanted to think. He was watching his fangs carefully as to not bite Guillermo accidentally, slowly pushing the shorter man to the wall.
It was fascinating. The lips so soft and gentle and warm, Nandor could lose himself in the insanity that is this kiss.
“I don’t want to lose you, Guillermo” he pulled away to gather his breath, but the man pulled him back in.
“You won’t” he muttered back.
So unbelievably beautiful that kiss was. Nandor has never felt such… what’s the word? Love? Before. Most his suitors were non human, vampires, werewolves, lovers brought from the dead, and none of them had the heart like Guillermo. So kind, so warm, so…
“Nandor!” Nadja yelled out standing across the hallway, making them both pull away, “is that your idea of ‘im okay’?”
Guillermo was smiling uncontrollably as Nandor turned around, and if he could blush, he would be painted red by now.
“I told you I’m fine, Nadja. Now more so” he smiled back at Guillermo, making Nadja curse in Greek as she ran to her room.
I was bored. Wrote some fluff based on this fanart and ‘you’re losing me’ song by Taylor Swift. ITS NOT MINE! Found it on Pinterest. Their vk k_e_r_e_r_e_k, if you know the artists please comment their @, I really want to give proper credits to them. This is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.
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emmabirb8 · 10 months
Actually, you know what, it's not JUST Guillermo's arc that peaked at season 3. The WHOLE SHOW peaked at season 3, narratively speaking, and they've continued to fumble and struggle their way forward since then.
Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed a lot of aspects about the last two seasons. Certain episodes knocked it out of the park humor-wise, and certain scenes have just been *chef's kiss.*
But that's just it, though. It's aspects, not overarching story that have maintained my attention and interest. And that's a problem.
For a show like WWDITS that has shifted into having an overarching story and overarching themes, the writers continuing to miss the mark is creating a wholly unenjoyable watching experience. Because now we're constantly being disappointed.
Plot threads are being introduced left and right and then completely dropped with no explanation. HUGE narrative turns that should rightfully have lasting consequences for the characters have been dealt with either very minimally with just a few sentences in reference to them or, worse, just scrubbed away entirely. (LIKE! GUILLERMO TRAPPED IN LONDON WITH NAJDA?? NANDOR THINKING GUILLERMO ABANDONED HIM??? HELLO?????? YOU CAN'T RESOLVE WHAT SHOULD'VE BEEN A NUCLEAR FALLOUT FROM THAT KIND OF SITUATION IN TWO SENTENCES) Previously established canon information and character traits are being blatantly contradicted. Storylines are set up and made out to seem like they will be significant and lasting, and then they're abandoned or reversed with no solid or satisfying reasoning.
This kind of shit wasn't happening in seasons 1-3. Guillermo discovering his Van Helsing heritage and then gradually becoming a slayer against his will and finding his unique strength and power through that means is a perfect example. THAT was an excellent overarching storyline that was built up, stayed consistent (at least for the majority of the time) and followed-through on in a totally satisfying manner.
I mean, granted, the series was a little more episodic during seasons 1-3 and was focused more on "haha, vampire shenanigans, what're these crazy creatures gonna get up to next? :P", but still. My point stands true regardless.
Idk, I'm just... I'm getting increasingly frustrated by what they keep doing, and it's getting to a point where I'm considering not bothering to watch anymore if things get much worse. And that is something I thought I would NEVER even THINK of doing with this show. 😞
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beansprean · 4 months
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Lil comic from chapter 1 of Alethophobia by @jay-auris! Character designs by the incredible @pejntboks!
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1a. Distant shot from behind a white van parked on a patch of gravel and dirt with its rear doors wide open, pine trees in the distance against a darkening sky. Human Nandor is rummaging around in the equipment in the back of the van, muttering angrily to himself. He is wearing a green flannel with rolled sleeves over a white tee shirt tucked into cut off blue jean shorts, white knee socks, and hiking boots. The side of Guillermo's face appears in closeup in the foreground, looking at him. 1b. Shot from inside the van as Guillermo comes up behind Nandor, both now facing the viewer. Nandor has his graying hair down and hanging messily in his face as he scowls, sweat beading on his forehead. He wears a silver medallion around his neck, orange tasbih prayer beads around his right wrist, has two orbital piercings with silver hoops and a silver conch stud in his left ear, and silver vertical studs on his right eyebrow. He continues glaring at the equipment and shuffling it around with his left hand as he thrusts a camera bag out behind him with his right, snapping, "Leave Laszlo to pack everything like an overgrown child. Here, pull out the extra batteries so I can put them in the actual fucking battery cases we own." Guillermo looks down at the bag in surprise as it is thrust towards him, hands coming up automatically to take it. He is wearing a black tee shirt with a gray symbol on the chest under a sleeveless unzipped dark blue hoodie with red trim, black leggings, red sneakers, a black fidget ring on his right middle finger, and a silver cross around his neck, tucked into the shirt. 1c. Close up of Guillermo as takes the bag and removes the batteries, aiming a concerned look at Nandor as he does so. He asks, "Are you okay?" 1d. Waist up of Nandor from Guillermo's POV as he straightens up and wrestles his hair back into a messy bun with quick, angry motions. Still glaring down at the equipment, he snarls, "I dislike long car rides; I dislike being out of the city;" 1e. Reverse shot, close up of the back of Nandor's head with its painful looking bun in the foreground as he continues, "I dislike laszlo's laissez-faire attitude towards the security of our expensive equipment..." In the background, Guillermo frowns as he observes Nandor's hair.
2a. Repeat. Guillermo interrupts Nandor's venting by pointing toward his hair and asking, "Can I fix that?" Nandor's head in the foreground turns toward him, asking, "Huh?" 2b. Wide shot facing the rear of the van as Guillermo says, "Your hair, just- c'mere." Guillermo takes Nandor by the shoulders, turns him around, and pushes him down to sit on the bumper with a small, unassuming smile. Nandor looks shocked and not a little flustered, shoulders tense under Guillermo's hands. 2c. Close up on Nandor as Guillermo pulls the rubber band from his hair and lets it loose around his shoulders, covering his eyes. Guillermo combs his fingers through the strands and Nandor stills, expression hidden but cheeks going red. 2d. Close up of Nandor's face from the nose down in profile as Guillermo's hands gather his hair behind his shoulders. 2e. Close up of the back of Nandor's head from Guillermo's POV as he pulls all of Nandor's hair together neatly at his crown.
3a. Close up on Nandor's side, elbow to hip, as Guillermo's right hand leaves his head to tap two fingers on Nandor's jeans pocket. Nandor pulls his elbow away in surprise. 3b. Repeat. Nandor's other hand obliges, pulling a second rubber band from his pocket and offering it to Guillermo, who hooks it onto his finger. 3c. Waist up of Guillermo as he steps back with a hesitant grin, hands clasped together at his sternum. He says, "There. Better?" 3d. Close up of Nandor's right hand as it lifts his phone and unlocks it with a thumb. His phone case is a Lisa-Frank-esque close up of a white horse with purple, blue, and pink spots on a backdrop of a blue sky with clouds and a rainbow.
4a. Bust of Nandor as he raises his phone up to take a look at himself in the camera, expression now softened from his earlier frustration. His hair is now twisted up into a neat, round bun at the crown of his head, one stubborn strand loose at his temple. He raises his eyebrows, liking what he sees, and says "Huh. That's very good. How did you do that?" 4b. Zoom out to knees up, Nandor still perched on the bumper of the van. Guillermo stuffs his hands in the pockets of his hoodie and leans back against one of the van doors, flushed and grinning as he aims his gaze elsewhere. With a humble shrug, he replies, "Sister taught me. She said that if I wanted to impress a girl one day, I should learn how to do basic styles." Nandor lowers his phone and drapes that arm over his raised knee, left hand palming the other to balance himself as he turns his torso towards Guillermo with a grin. He says, "Well, color this girl impressed." /end ID
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romehoe-montague · 2 years
!! oh my god wait !!
what if marwa is the one to call off the wedding ??
what if nandor's too focused on guillermo and not on her for the whole wedding planning process and they have a moment right before the ceremony where she tells him she cares about him but she's clearly not the one he wants to be with and he's all confused and she just looks pointedly at guillermo across the room who nandor's been focused on all night, and he's like ‘guillermo?? no never.’ but then he thinks about it for a moment and begins to realize and finally understanding dawns ??
so she leaves (because she already mentioned all of her intellectual aspirations and now she's in a society where she can pursue them and live her life freely) and nandor's just left to sit there and watch guillermo and realize what an idiot he's been
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