#if he invites me to like coffee or something im just gonna be sitting there trying to not talk about my nerd ass bullshiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
wisdomshoes · 10 months
so turns out i actually am hot as fuck. ive been joking about being hot to quell my hatred for everything about me including my looks, but a curious thing happened like two days ago. i was at a pride parade thingy that ended with a festival, so i was in the sun's death rays ALL DAY and i was a bit sweaty AND on top of all that my punk ass make up smeared off making it look like i havent slept in a week (still punk but yknow less hot). DESPITE ALL OF THAT a really cute blonde guy ambushed me, tapped me on the shoulder, told me i looked really good and asked for my instagram. MY. INSTAGRAM. !!!!!. i could not shut up for the rest of the day about it. it did eventually devolve into panic and i even got an anime nosebleed thinking about him.
SO IMAGINE MY SURPRISE when i found out ive been carrying out this hot ass face and bod around WITHOUT KNOWING ABOUT IT for however long ive been doing it.
#in all honesty im terrified to log onto instagram#one : the boy is waaay out of my league#TWO :#he probably thinks im some sort of cool dude festival goer#some sort of outsider#WHEN INFACT#im a toby fox obsessed shut in that messes up like every other relationship romantic or platonic#he probably thinks im cool when im just a loser creeeeepppppp what do i DOOOOOOOOOOOOOO#if he invites me to like coffee or something im just gonna be sitting there trying to not talk about my nerd ass bullshiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii#i never really had a need to open instagram but i cant ghost him#thats such a painful thing to go through and he deserves at least a response#but i cant INICIATE A CONVERSATION OR ANYTHING not after EVERYTHING#my friends told me that if he doesnt message me i have nothing to worry about and i should wait until he does so to stress out#and that if he doesnt message me the same or next day he's probably forgotten about me#and they have more experience in these sort of things because#theyre#fucking gross#like all the time#at least one of them's on the same wave as i#we call him tree#which sounds way better as a nickname in my language trust me#so i trust them on this#nnnnnnnnnnnn he probably doesnt even know what tumblr isssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss#then again he's gay so#he probably uses tumblr for hot people thingsgssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss#if he DOES want to get to know me hes gonna fucking learn that im a piece of shit nobody loser with no life FUCK#then again its been two days and he hasnt even liked any of my posts so he's probably forgotten about me and hates me and would like to see#me dead which honestly that makes the two of us hey look at that we're already finding things we have in common AND WE HAVENT EVEN SPOKEN F#what the hell do i even tag this#rant
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cheonstapes · 7 months
We need a soulmate au with Miguel! There are barely any in this fandom with reader x miguel and it’s such a cute trope!
Especially with someone who isn’t a complete sunshine, just a reader who is as equally as cold and uninterested in the idea of “soulmates” as Miguel would be, yet they both finds themselves naturally drawn to one another.
miguel o’hara stars in… ‘YOU AND ME, ALWAYS TOGETHER’ (=゚ω゚)ノヽ(^o^)
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a/n ~ NO SMUT?? OH EM GEE! this was so cute i loved it sm! and yes, im sorry but i hate the sunshine reader fics😭 GIMMIE EMO READER AND GRUMPY MIGGY!!
summary; your futures were sealed from the moment you both met, you two just had to accept it.
pairing; miguel o’hara x reader
wc; 1.5k
cw; FLUFF! minor angst, soulmate au!, i think reader is mostly gn! pls tell me if not🩷, blood, injuries, mutual pining, kissing, reader has a little panic attack, love love love, spanish not translated, NAWT PROOFREAD - we all caps now
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As much as he hated to admit it, Miguel always knew you were different.
Miguel was cautious of those around him, guarding his heart against anyone he deemed was getting a bit too close. And you — you were no exception, well, at the start. You were no ray of sunshine, that’s for sure. The way you carried yourself, so nonchalantly — almost rivalling Miguel in his own game.
He thinks about the day he first met you often, the curt nod you gave when he reluctantly invited you into the society. The moment he locked eyes with you, something changed. Maybe it was the adrenaline from the fight, or maybe it was the way your bored eyes brightened ever so slightly as you looked at him. Whatever it was, he didn’t like the way his heart momentarily skipped a beat.
He knew you felt it too, that small spark in your belly. It was impossible to ignore him, not just because he’s your boss — but because you didn’t want to. Every time you were around him the world seemed to look a little brighter, blending colours of you two’s shared connection to create an opening for you both to find each other — to explore the depths of that tumultuous abyss.
It was too good to be true, anyway. The idea of being connected to someone like that, having a ‘soulmate’, was downright stupid. You both were too busy protecting the multiverse to worry about something as trivial as love — Miguel scoured the timelines, and no matter how hard he tried, a love of his own was not part of it.
Yet you couldn’t seem to leave each other alone. The bond between the both of you constantly drawing you back to him, and him back to you. It was small things at first, asking you to go over some
mission reports, double checking data that he had already triple checked with you — then it was asking if you wanted an empanada from the canteen, bringing you coffee when he noticed your tired state, sitting you on his desk as he patched up your injuries.
It infuriated you to no end. Harbouring these feelings deep inside of you, you knew deep down you may be overreacting— but this had to stop. It would never work. It’s all you could tell yourself as you sat in silence, your mask covering your distressed face as he rambled on about the details of the next mission. “You’re with me, let’s go.”
“Huh?” You were so cute. It was a look that he’s never seen on you before, your eyes widened slightly, mouth open in a small pout. “The mission. You’re coming with me, so get moving.” That was the last thing you really wanted, being in direct contact with Miguel. A small part of you felt…excited? It was a strange feeling, one you didn’t welcome with open arms — pushing it down with a roll of your eyes and a small huff as you followed Miguel through the portal.
The universe you were in was practically a wasteland. It was unlike any you’ve seen before and it didn’t sit right with you at all. The air was filled with a noxious green smog, buildings seemingly crumbling with every swing the two of you took. “This is gonna be quick, capture the anomaly and we go. Do not engage unless it attacks first.” His stern voice cut through the heavy silence, your head flitting over to where he was perched on a rooftop.
“Yeah, ok, no problem.” It took everything for you not to respond with some sarcastic remark, the vibe here was too unsettling for you to take a jab at Miguel. He could sense something was off, not with this world — but with you. It was like he had a sixth sense, always knowing when you were upset, angry, happy, hungry. He didn’t think much of it, but something about today made the sense so much more intense.
He was next to you in an instant, towering over you as he blocked your vision of the world in front of you. “Hey, cariño, look at me.” Miguel’s voice had never been softer, even though there was still that gravelly undertone — it was calming, enough to get you to lift your head. The pure distress on your face made his gut twist in anguish, feeling his own anxiety picking up — he hadn’t felt like that in years. Those rough hands of his held your cheeks, so gently, as his thumb caressed the warm skin.
“You know I don’t like seeing you like this — all worried. I wouldn’t have brought you here if I didn’t think you were capable of handling yourself, nena.”
“I know…but I-“
“Ah — no buts. What you aren’t gonna do right now is doubt yourself. I’ve known you for 8 years now, and the last thing I think when I see you is ‘quitter’. So get your ass together so we can finish this and go home.” Another curt nod, but this time there was the small hint of a smile on your face — the fire in your eyes reigniting at his words.
“Bueña chica. C’mon the anomaly should be just —“
It was barely touching you. The end of a sharp spike close to penetrating the tender skin of your stomach — but for some reason the pain was unbearable. It felt like blood was pooling in your organs, only there was none. The quietness interrupted as soft patter of crimson droplets hit the jagged concrete of the roof.
Your eyes trailed up, Miguel’s face uncharacteristically contorted into one of something akin to fear — the gaping hole in his stomach revealing itself when the thick shard slides out of it, the anomaly making unintelligible clicks and groans behind him. “No…no, Miguel!” The pain you felt directly mirrored his, your screams of anguish piercing the sensitive ears of the creature — its scaly body slithering off before you could stop it.
“Miguel? Miguel, stay with me ok — we’re going home, I-I’m gonna open the portal now and we’re gonna get you some help.” He could hear how fast your heart was beating, rings of red invading your eyes as tears pooled along with it. Even with the doughnut-sized hole in his torso, he couldn’t help but smile at how cute you were when you’re worried — the pain subsiding momentarily. “Ey, ¡carajo!, cálmate cariño. I…I’ll be ok, nothing I can’t handle.”
“Miguel, respectfully, that’s bullshit — there’s quite literally a whole carved out of you and you wanna sit here and tell me you’ll be ok? We’re going back right now, you’re not fucking dying on me.” Turning, you tapped around on your watch — opening a portal back to the HQ. Miguel’s presence behind you didn’t go unnoticed, despite his fatal, in your eyes, injury — he still found the time to tease you when he should be on the ground fighting for his life.
“How many times am I gonna have to tell you to look at me?” Was his voice always that deep, that sultry. His hands trail up your arm, grasping your wrist gently to stop your movements. The world turns as your spun round, eye-to-chest with Miguel before he lifts your head by your chin. He guides your hand towards his stomach, your hand meeting his firm muscles. “Where — Where did it…?” He chuckles deeply, shaking his head.
“Told you it’s nothing I can’t handle.” He was smiling, genuinely smiling as he looked at you — his eyes softening as he looked down at your expression. You were spluttering, hands waving around as you tried to process what you’re looking at — the hole now completely sealed as if nothing happened. Miguel’s rough hands cupped your cheeks, eyes flickering down to your lips — his own face heating up slightly.
You pause, hands shaking coming to grasp onto his shoulders — your bodies coming to press against each other. It was straight out of a movie, a dysfunctional one at that, but a movie nonetheless — faces meeting in the middle as your lips collide, tongues gently dancing. One of his hands move to grip your hips through the fabric of your suit, blunt nails digging into the fat as he grunts out curses against your spit soaked lips.
A few heated minutes pass and he breaks the kiss, panting down at you. “Let’s go capture that fucker.” You nod, your face lighting up from that bright smile you put on — once dull eyes sparkling up at him. “And after, I’m taking you out to that buffet place you keep talking about.”
Your hearts were beating in sync, everything perfectly aligned as you both finally found each other. You’re future together slotting into the timeline, the shared acknowledgement of your connection coming to fruition.
Whether you believed it or not, you two were soulmates, and nothing would change that.
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-if you put a buck in my cup
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sugrhigh · 3 months
BACKSTAGE - ( m.s )
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summary- your best friend caught the eye of the bass player in a band local to boston, your hometown, so you’re invited to the second to last stop of their US tour. they can definitely put on a show, and all of them are very welcoming when you meet them backstage. then there’s the asshole grumpy drummer with the inflated ego, who can’t seem to stop staring.
warnings- cursing, smoking, drinking, ???
band au (triplets are in their mid 20s)
drummer!matt x fem!reader (this song ^^ inspired me and it’s good af so i’m including it)
a/n: this has been brewing for a while and i kinda forking love this concept, i hope i brought it to life well! hope u enjoy and as always my inbox is open for whateva #kisses ****part 2 to come
@fawnchives @55sturn @teapartyprincess4two @l9vesick @sturnlova @cupidsword @junnniiieee07 @mattnchrisworld @cherrypostsposts
“are you sure you want to do this?” you ask her as you two linger by the bar at the back of the venue.
people are clearing out, all happily chattering after an incredible concert. you have to admit that it was a great performance, and the sold out crowd helped.
they’re a pretty talented band. and the bass player really wants your best friend.
all it took to get him interested was a single comment on one of his recent posts. adelaide is undeniably gorgeous, and she’s also built a decent following through her recent modeling jobs.
she stands out in any comment section and in crowds like these, so it makes sense that he hit her up. that’s why you’re here anyways.
mister bass player had invited you guys to the first of two sold out shows in this place. it’s the last stop on the band’s US leg, in their hometown, which happens to be where you and adelaide live.
“yes dude, for the hundredth time, im sure. and he’s waiting on us, so stop stalling. i know you have more balls than that.” adelaide gives you a pointed look.
you can’t help but roll your eyes. “i promise you i don’t care enough about what these guys think to be scared.”
“now that sounds more like you.” she teases as she pulls her phone out of her back pocket.
the light from the screen illuminates her face, and you watch as she taps something out quickly.
“chris said someone is gonna come get us.”
“can’t wait.” you smile sarcastically as you respond.
addy doesn’t even get the chance to yell at you about your attitude before a big buff guy dressed in all black approaches the two of you, dark hair slicked against his skull. SECURITY is printed across his jacket in bold yellow letters.
“you ladies enjoy the show?” his voice is deep, which matches his huge stature perfectly.
“oh, it was amazing! i’m assuming you’re jason?” adelaide beams at him, pushing her dark curls out of her face.
he nods once. “that’s me. you guys ready to head backstage?”
“yup, just lead the way.”
the two of you follow jason back down toward the front of the stage, around the protective barricade to a door that almost blends right in with the venue’s dark walls.
he knocks on it three times. another tall man opens it for him and ushers the two of you inside before people start to pay too much attention.
“dressing rooms this way.” the new guy leads you through the backstage area, down a narrow hallway until he stops in front of one of the doors. there’s a little placard with their band name on it, which is cute.
this time nobody thinks to knock, because it’s already pretty loud. once the door swings open the sound is even more overwhelming.
you count seven people, all sitting around on the couches and vanity seats in the dim lighting. three of them are nearly identical, which surprises you. you thought there were only two brothers in the band.
several bottles of champagne crowd the coffee table already, and they’ve only been off the stage for ten minutes.
all of them are watching the two of you now, and it makes you want to crawl out of your skin.
“look who it is.” one of the twins (or apparently triplets) that’s sitting on the couch sets his glass down and gets up to greet you.
his brown hair is long, longer than the others, hidden slightly by a black boston hat. he’s dressed in a celtics jersey and baggy jeans, clearly happy to be representing his city tonight.
“good to see you, chris.” adelaide smiles into his chest as he pulls her into a tight embrace that lasts for a few seconds too long.
“i promise it’s better to see you.” he smirks as he finally pulls away, not even trying to hide his gaze as he admires the way her outfit hugs her body.
then he turns to you, and you suddenly feel like a spotlight is shining directly in your face.
“it’s nice to meet you too, y/n. addy tells me you’re even cooler than she is.” chris says, wrapping his arm around your friends shoulder lazily.
“can’t argue with that.” you shrug with a grin, impressed that he remembered your name without having to ask.
he looks around and clears his throat, and the others stop chatting. “everyone, this is adelaide and y/n. introduce yourselves.”
one of the clones that was sitting beside chris speaks up now. “shouldn’t they know who we are?”
he looks directly at you with an uninterested gaze that’s somehow still so intense you almost lose your breath. he’s in all black, fluffy hair styled a bit shorter than chris’s.
his harley davidson muscle tee is cut off right above his black pants, revealing just the smallest sliver of his stomach as he leans back against the cushions casually. so many tattoos, so many rings.
it’s annoying that you notice this, even despite how pissed off you are at his stupid question.
“i hate to burst your bubble, but i wouldn’t be able to guess your name even if someone put a gun to my head.” you bite back without thinking, and laughter erupts around you.
“that’s exactly what you deserve for a dickhead comment like that, matt.” another currently-unnamed guy says.
he’s on the other sofa with the last of the carbon-copy brothers, arm around the waist of the beautiful girl that’s perched on his lap. the couple smile at you and adelaide.
“feel free to ignore him. i’m nathan, lead guitar.” he introduces himself.
“i’m his girlfriend jen.” the dark-haired woman chimes in, offering you a friendly wave.
“im nick,” the triplet sitting next to them finally reveals his name, “i’m not in the band, i’m just their tour photographer. my brothers got the musical talent.”
“kids a genius with a camera though.” chris adds, still sidled up against adelaide.
“names sam. i’m the singer.” a blonde boy with hair cropped close to his skull says with a nod.
he’s sitting on one of the vanity chairs that’ve been set up in a half circle, tipping the rest of his champagne back after he speaks.
“and i’m just his older sister gabby.” the girl beside him sticks her hand out, and you take a step forward to shake it.
“dont say just. and i love your necklace.” you compliment the barbed wire chain around her throat, and she waves her free hand at you, flushing slightly.
“you’re sweet.”
“it’s nice to meet you all. the show was fantastic, we had a blast.” adelaide addresses everyone with that award-winning grin you know and love.
chris leads her over to the couch and they sit down, pressed against each other like they’re attached at the hip. you have to admit it’s a little cute. you take the open chair next to gabby, opting to avoid sitting next to matt just to be near your friend.
“are you both from boston too?” sam asks, reaching to refill his drink.
jen gets up from nate’s lap to grab two more glasses from one of the cabinets, which is a kind gesture that you weren’t really expecting.
“yeah. we met in college and ended up staying in the city together.” you answer as he moves to pour your champagne next.
“that makes you what, 22? i am about to serve you alcohol.”
you can’t help but laugh, so adelaide answers instead. “we’re 25, but i’ll take that as a compliment.”
he puts his hands up in apology as you grab your glass. “so not recent graduates then, my bad.”
you can still feel matt staring at you, and when you meet his gaze over the rim of your drink he doesn’t shy away. your own eyes narrow slightly, because you dont understand why he won’t fucking quit it.
“what do you do for work?” nathan questions, and you finally break out of your trance to look over.
“i was in publishing for a bit, but i mainly model now.” addy responds first.
chris’s hand goes to grip her thigh endearingly as she sips her champagne. “can’t you tell?”
“stop it.” she nudges him slightly, though you can see a faint blush appear beneath her bronzed skin.
nate rolls his eyes before looking your way. “and you?”
“i’m a media manager for a few different brands.”
“really? like who?”
it’s matt speaking, you know even before you turn your head to meet his cold eyes once more. he’s challenging you, inked arms crossed over his chest defensively as he waits for an answer.
“well for one, those pants you’re wearing? i work with that company.” you reply bluntly.
you’d recognize those cargos anywhere, the faded star patches are a dead giveaway. matt’s face drops in surprise, and nick snorts, giving you a nod of approval that doesn’t go unnoticed.
“i can’t believe you work for vamped. we all get like, half of our wardrobe from there.” he admits.
“raiding her closet is a real treat, trust me.” adelaide makes it sound like a joke, but she actually does love to come over and steal all your favorite pieces.
it would be annoying if you didn’t love her so much.
jen smiles, cuddled back up on her boyfriend’s knee as she looks between the two of you. “i like you girls already.”
“yeah, and i respect anyone who can humble matt that quickly.” sam nods along in agreement, and you recognize that he’s talking about you in particular.
“oh, so i take it he’s like this all the time then?” your question is directed at sam, but you’re looking at the subject himself as you ask it.
“pretty much.” chris nudges matt with a silly grin, and he scowls in return, though he’s still watching you.
you can’t decipher what he’s feeling, what he’s thinking, and you don’t like it one bit. to be fair, you don’t know him at all yet, but you know the type.
you’ve met enough high profile people through vamped to understand that this kid thinks he’s some kind of god, probably because his friends tell him so.
but you’re not his friend, and you don’t owe him any politeness if he can’t bother to reciprocate it. you keep your eyes on him as sam redirects the conversation away from the two of you, another challenge of your own, and he finally looks away a moment later.
you take it as a win.
a few rounds of drinks later you can feel the heat creeping up your cheeks, blissfully tipsy as you continue to swap stories about anything and everything with the rest of the group.
chris and adelaide are in their own little world, whispering shit back and forth to each other like school girls.
matt hasn’t said a single word to you since you name-dropped your highest paying client just to embarrass him. he watches the rest of you interact, though that burning gaze of his always seems to meet yours anyways.
its driving you crazy, and you’re itching for a quick pause from the socialization, as nice as (almost) everyone has been.
“i’m gonna go for a smoke.” you address the group, mainly adelaide, and you’re met with a couple nods.
“same.” matt replies gruffly, and your heart falters.
of fucking course.
he pushes himself to a standing position before you can protest, or say anything really. his shirt is even more cropped now that he’s stretched to his full height, and you’re staring straight at his exposed happy trail and v-line. you’re pretty sure you see the top of a small tattoo by his hip.
your mouth goes dry, and you busy yourself grabbing your little purse from the floor.
“hurry back, i wanna hear more about this PR box fiasco.” gabby points a finger at you as you get up next, and you smile even though you know it’s a weak attempt.
“i’ll be quick.” you promise her.
adelaide gives you a little wave goodbye, which doesn’t quell your nerves as you turn to follow matt, who doesn’t wait for you to catch up.
he just throws the dressing room door open carelessly, letting it swing back so you have to stop it with your hand before it hits you. you glare at the back of his head, though you follow him in silence because you don’t know the way outside.
another security guard stands in the hall, and matt greets him with a quick nod as he heads outside, once again neglecting to hold it for you.
you mutter a quick hello to the man before stepping onto the little back patio. it’s the end of summer, edging toward fall now, so there’s just a slight chill in the air.
he’s already leaned up against the brick wall, situated on one of the steps down to the gated parking lot. for the first time tonight, he’s actually not looking at you, and it’s somewhat of a relief.
you dig around in your bag to retrieve your crinkled carton of cigarettes, flipping the lid open to pull one out and stick it between your lips. you’re about to put them away when matt clears his throat.
“can i bum one?” he asks softly.
it’s the least aggressive he’s been all night, and it throws you so off guard you can’t find anything to say back so him. so you just nod slowly, grabbing another cigarette for him and passing it over.
“you got a light? couldn’t bring mine in.” you mutter, though your words slur because of the cig that’s between your teeth.
matt nods, ruffling his hair with one hand as the other slips into his back pocket. he pulls out a red disposable lighter and ignites it in one swift motion.
he holds it up to your mouth, burning the end of the thin roll of tobacco. he’s staring at your lips, thinking about how soft they look wrapped around that filter paper.
matt doesn’t want to be wondering what it would be like to feel them against his own, because you embarrassed him. he hates being embarrassed, especially by someone who walked right into his dressing room like she owned it.
you’re unlike any girl he’s ever met, and he’s fucking entranced.
you inhale, glancing to meet his blue eyes as the smoke fill your lungs, completely unaware of his thoughts. it’s familiar, and it calms you down a little bit.
you pull it from your mouth to exhale, watching as he lights his own before slipping the plastic device back into his pocket. he slumps back up against the wall, kicking one leg up to steady himself.
it’s silent again for a moment while you both enjoy the brief hits of nicotine, letting the clouds swirl up into the night. you both go to ash at the same time, and he breaks the tension first.
“so, what did you think of the show, sweetheart? your friend spoke for you, but i’m sure you have your own opinion.” he says, one side of his mouth tilted up.
you weigh up his statement, rewinding to an hour ago. you guys were in the upper wing, right by the stage in the front row. the view was great, and the energy was definitely there.
you remember matt, sweaty and focused as he banged on those fucking drums like his life depended on it. your eyes were drawn to him for a lot of the performance, to the intensity he brought to the stage.
that was before you knew about his superiority complex, though you should have been expecting it. he is, after all, a rising rock star.
“it was good.” you reply bluntly, shrugging as you bring your cigarette back to your lips.
he fully smiles now, though it’s not a warm one. then he follows your lead and takes another drag as well, his tattoos shifting as his muscles flex and relax due to the movement.
“don’t fucking humor me.” matt finally says seriously, and you narrow your eyes.
“i wasn’t, but it doesn’t matter either way. you think you’re the shit regardless.” you snap back.
matt softens a bit at your tone, but he’s also backed into a corner. you confuse him, because you’re impossible to read. that’s never happened to him before, and it’s annoyingly enticing.
“you don’t know a damn thing about me.”
“i know your type.” you argue sourly, sucking in another mouthful of smoke.
he turns his full attention to you now, shifting so he can look you right in the eyes. you wish it didn’t intimidate you so much, but the way he’s been leering at you all night makes you sweat.
“and what type would that be, hm?” matt goads.
you nudge at the concrete with the toe of your sneaker, pausing briefly to compose your answer.
“you’re arrogant, which either comes from the fame or the praise, or most likely both. in fact, you’re so cocky that you probably can’t be around anyone without patronizing them. i bet they all tell you how talented and badass you are, but you wanna know what i think?” you ask him, taking a hit of your cigarette for dramatic effect.
and it works. matt is hanging onto every word, waiting for you to deliver the final punch as you take a step closer, blowing the vapor toward him.
“i think that the whole time, they’re just waiting for you to shut the fuck up.”
for a second the world is still, and neither of you move an inch. he’s just studying you, eyes skipping across your face like he’s trying to commit it to memory.
“you want to know what i think?” he questions you quietly, and you can’t help but watch his lips as they move.
so pretty and pink, and you know he would taste like tobacco and sweat. you want to give in, but you won’t. one thing about you is that you’re stubborn, and you refuse to make the first move for this asshole.
“i think you like it.” matt finishes, so close to your lips now that he’s practically whispering his words against them.
just as you think he’s about to kiss you, to give you the power you crave, he tosses his cigarette to the ground and snuffs it out before stepping around you.
the only reminder that the moment was real is the door slamming shut behind him.
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ateezscupid · 1 year
switch yunho x f!reader? 😁
𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 ✩ 𝗃.𝗒𝗁 𝗑 𝖿!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
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plot - yunho has a problem, and to solve it, he needs to lose his virginity—to you.
genre + warnings - switch!yunho, switch!reader, non!idol au, college au, vanilla sex, aphrodisiacs used, humping, masturbation, oral, fingering (f receiving), handjob, blowjob, praising, light choking, overstimulation, unprotected sex, if i missed anything lmk!
wc - 4.3k (?)
tags - @felixs-voice-makes-me-wanna
a/n - I JUST REALIZED MY TUMBLR GLITCHED WHEN I POSTED THIS? i missed an entire part, oh my god.
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“dude, hongjoong just gave me these weirdo blue cookies.” mingi shoved the box toward yunho.
“what the hell? i’d expect that type of shit from wooyoung, not joong.” yunho laughed as he plopped onto the couch. mingi walked over and sat down next to him, handing him the box.
“apparently they’re cookies that make you super horny. i don’t get why hongjoong needed them though since he’s…not dating anyone. and he doesn’t even have anyone to hookup with. i guess delusion is what keeps him going.” mingi chuckles to himself as he leans back.
“cookies that make you horny… like aphrodisiacs? dudee, we should put some of these in yeosang’s lunch box tomorrow. he’s gonna need them for his girlfriend!”
“does his girlfriend even know what he looks like without clothes on?” mingi raised an eyebrow.
“i dunno, but he needs them.” yunho sat the box of cookies on the coffee table and groaned loudly, leaning back on the couch so much he almost slid off.
“i’m so bored, there’s nothing to do.”
“well, i have something to do.” mingi cackled quietly. “this girl in my math class invited me over to study for a test we have tomorrow and i already know we’re gonna hookup. i’m bringing three condoms just in case.”
“why the hell do you need three condoms if you’re only going one round?” yunho asked him. he was so innocent.
“who goes only one round? i’m not surprised; you’re not familiar with stuff like that since you are a virgin. there’s not one girl in this school who’s willing to get laid by you.”
“i—i don’t wanna have sex with a random person! that’s a you thing, mingi. not a me thing.” yunho sighed.
“im just saying!” mingi stood. “why don’t you call your tutor over? what’s her name…y/n? you have a fat crush on her, invite her over and you’ll be fine.”
“if i invite her over here, she’s gonna force me to do work and i’m not in the working mood right now. i wanna lay down and binge watch cringey reality tv shows.” yunho rolled his eyes. mingi shrugs and turns around, grabbing his backpack and slinging it over his shoulder.
“well, if you do change your mind and invite her over, don’t do it on my bed. i just washed my sheets and i don’t want there to be cum stains or whatever.”
“dude, shut up!” yunho through a balled up piece of paper at him. mingi stuck his tongue out then left the dorm, leaving yunho alone.
he stares at the cookie box on the table and ponders. the box looked really beaten up and old, and when he shook it, it didn’t sound like there were many inside of the box. maybe mingi was playing a prank on him or something. yunho thought aphrodisiacs expired in 2010, but he was clearly wrong.
he picks up the box of cookies and opens it. the cookies were blue, not surprising. they did seem a title hard, but he didn’t know if it was because of the aphrodisiacs or if it was because the cookies were old. there wasn’t even an expiration date on the box.
“blue cookies…” yunho repeated to himself as if he didn’t believe it. “blue cookies that make you horny. he must be joking.”
so, out of curiosity, yunho digs his hand inside and takes out six cookies. he sits the box back on the cookie table and looks at the cookies in his hand. they did look delicious, and it wouldn’t be the first time he’s eaten something stale or expired. plus, he was craving cookies.
without hesitation, yunho eats the cookies one by one. he couldn’t tell if the aphrodisiacs had done something to him or not. he felt fine, and his body temperature remained normal. yunho chuckled to himself and shook his head, standing up and walking to his bedroom. he really just ate cheap cookies that hongjoong gave him and mingi. he knew it was too good to be true.
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yh: hey hongjoong, whered you get those blue cookies from they were good
hj: blue cookies? idk what you’re talking abt
yh: mingi said you gave him horny blue cookies? dude he told me earlier
hj: huuhhhh
yh: YEAH THOSE COOKIES whered you get them from they were good
hj: … you ate them?
yh: they’re cookies, wtf am i supposed to do
hj: yunho those are aphrodisiac cookies they’re gonna make u hard as hell for hours
yh: mingi told me that too but i’m fine
hj: dude omg these cookies are different, u don’t feel it right away how many did you eat
yh: like 5 or 6
hj: i’m gonna fucking kill tou
yh: ohhh
yh: did i do a bad
hj: i’m gonna hurt you
yh: so basically what ur saying is i’m fine
hj: what i’m saying is you need to find someone to fuck, otherwise ur gonna be horny for days dude and that’s not good
yh: who the hell am i gonna fuck?? i’m a virgin im sure nobody wants me
yh: hongjoong?
yunho sighed to himself and threw his phone. he was starting to feel the effects of the aphrodisiac and knew he was in trouble. not only that, but he called you and asked if you come come over to help him study. he couldn’t study while being rock hard, he’d be distracted. that, and he’d be sneaking glances down your shirt whenever he could.
“fuck fuck fuck,” he mumbled to himself and stands up, walking to the corner he threw his phone in and picking it up. 5:50. he knew mingi would be gone for a long time, and you were coming in ten minutes. he had time.
yunho kept checking the time while he walked to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him and pulling down his pants and boxers. he shuddered just from the fabric sliding off his cock. he was that sensitive.
now he needed something to think about. he could’ve just jerked off and came right away, considering how sensitive he was, but he preferred thinking about something that would normally get him turned on. so, he thought about you.
yunho closed his eyes, wrapping his hand around his cock and flinching at the feeling. he couldn’t even stand the feel of his own hand without feeling the urge to cum. he knew it was going to be a long night.
he brings his hand up to his tip. he runs his thumb across the tip, leaning forward slightly and cursing under his breath. he needed more. his hand obviously felt good, but not good enough. he looks around the bathroom for anything that could help him, and sees his towel hanging on the shower rod.
yunho grabs it then leaves his bathroom. he shuffles back over to his bed and places the towel down, getting on top and aligning his hips. he places a pillow in front of him and lays down it, beginning to push and pull his hips like a mad man.
his fingers desperately gripped the bed sheets for some sort of support as he tried relieving himself. he already felt himself wanting to cum onto the towel, and all he was doing was thinking of you.
from your pretty eyes to your chest, where’d he’s sneak glances down your shirt from time to time. he’s always wondered what it would be like to just touch you. it didn’t matter in what way, he just needed his skin to be in contact with yours. your skin was so soft, and you always smelled like really expensive perfume. your smell was infecting him and he had no complaints.
“please, oh fuck, please…” he whines into the pillow in front of him, gripping the bed sheets the tightest he possibly could. he felt himself beginning to burst already, all he needed were a few more thrusts and he’d be good to go.
and he was right. a few more thrusts. a few more thrusts caused yunho to explode on the towel, his cum splattering onto it as he mewled into the pillow. his breath hitched in his throat and his eyes rolled to the back of his head. he needed that, but yet, he still needed more. he still felt hot.
so, he had no other choice but to force himself back down onto the pillow and continue thrusting. he obviously couldn’t ignore the overstimulation he felt, but he was willing to go through anything just to get rid of this feeling. as good as it made him feel, it was painful. the entire time, he was wondering how you would touch him. he couldn’t lie. he’s fantasized about you two doing intimate things a lot. so much so, sometimes he wouldn’t be able to focus during some tutoring session.
would you have palmed him through his pants? god, he could see you doing it. moving your soft, gentle hands over his bulge, rubbing your thumb over the wet spot in his boxers from his pre-cum. using your fingers to hold his cock and stroke his cock roughly. he could’ve came from these thoughts alone.
what if you had taken off your shirt in front of him? unbuttoning your favorite button up and letting him fondle your breasts. every glance he snuck down your shirt made him want you even more each time. your breasts were so pretty to him. he wanted to suck on them just once. he wished somebody you’d be in his bed, your hand in his pants or the other way around. god, he didn’t know if he wanted to pin you down, or if he wanted you to pin him down.
yunho came a good two more times before you arrived in front of his dorm room. he immediately jumps up, pulling his boxers and shorts up then sprinting to the door. but he needed to calm himself down. his face had sex splattered all over it, or he had the face of someone who had just eaten two jars of aphrodisiac cookies. speaking of the cookies, he may or may not have eaten two more just for the fun of it.
and in the heat of the moment.
there weren’t any words to describe the feeling he had. he was so sensitive, he could barely move but he tried his hardest. he opens the door and looks you up and down, not realizing he licked his lips at the sight of you.
“um, okay? i guess that’s a nice way to greet me.” you nod and walk past him, placing your backpack on the couch then sitting down next to it.
“i didn’t bring anything because i know you have some old worksheets somewhere. and you still have a computer,” you point at the one on the tv stand. “so we can use your computer instead of me going back to my dorm to get mine!”
“i’m, um,” yunho was definitely listening to you, but everything was registering to him slowly. “uh, uh, yeah! yeah,”
“you good? you’re sweating a whole lot and-“
“i’m fine! could never be better! you want a water? i’ll get you a water, you look thirsty! and uh, uh, i’ll get you an orange. we have oranges! you want an orange?”
“yunho, it’s fine. i brought my own-“
“i’ll get you an orange!” and with that, he rushes to the kitchen. he waits for you to avert your attention away from him before he rushes into the pantry. judging his behavior, something was wrong with him. you pat your hands on your knees and bite your lip. it shouldn’t take this long to get a drink.
when looking around the looking room, you notice a box on the ground. you stand and walk over to it, picking it up and looking inside of it. the box had a few cookies in it. you wanted to eat one but wanted to ask yunho. but before you even had the chance to do that, you saw the name on the box and heard a noise from the pantry.
“aphrodisiac cookies…” you mumble to yourself then whip your head toward the pantry. those weren’t just random noises, those were moans. you facepalmed.
“is he really jerking off in the pantry…” you shake your head and drop the box of cookies, walking into yunho’s kitchen and opening the door to the pantry. you couldn’t have been any more correct. he was leaning against the wall, pants down to knees and his hand wrapped around his cock. he was too caught up to realize you were standing right there.
“jeong yunho!” you yelled his name, causing him to jump and look at you. “how many of those fucking cookies did you eat?”
“i-i—look, i didn’t know those cookies were gonna make me horny! i-i thought they were regular cookies! if you’re gonna blame anyone, blame hongjoong!—“
“that’s not what i asked you. i asked you how many cookies you’ve had.” you squint your eyes.
“i-i had like—six or eight? i don’t know, i can’t remember, i feel like i’m gonna burst. y/n please help, everything hurts—“
“i…” you groan and pull him out of the pantry. he rushed to pull his shorts up as you dragged him toward his room, though he didn’t have to since they were gonna be off in the next few minutes.
“you really have me sucking you off because you ate some damn drug cookies.” you scratch your head and push him onto the bed.
“stop talking and do something, please,” he begs. your eyes trail down his body and make it to his cock. one thing was for sure, he was big. “fuck, did you always smell this good? you smell really good.”
“i didn’t even put on perfume today, what are you smelling?” you say as your hand moves against his cock softly, fingers poking his tip. his entire body tensed from the feeling.
“i smell everything. y/n, stop teasing me and do something, i feel like i’m gonna die! i could die! i-i could die if we don’t do anything!”
“jeong yunho, i will leave you in this bedroom with blue balls if you don’t shut up.” you stare him dead in the eyes and immediately curl your fingers around his cock. yunho lurched forward and moaned loudly, thighs shaking and his lips trembling.
“fuck fuck fuck, i’m gonna-“ he came all over your hand. you backed up a bit since you didn’t want any to get on your shirt.
“yunho, i didn’t even move my hand yet.” you sigh and take your hand off of him, bringing it up to your mouth and licking the cum off of it. “i assume that’s all you needed, right?—“
“that’s not even the only time i’ve cum, please. i really can’t- i just- please let me feel you.” he reached his hand out and grabs your wrist, pulling you closer and making you straddle him. he wraps his arms around your waist and begins kissing you all over your neck and chest.
“yunho, calm down-“
“cant, i need you, please…” he dug his nails into your shirt, whimpering quietly with each kiss he gave you.
“okay yunho, okay. what do you want me to do? or, what do you wanna do to me?”
without saying a word, he turns around on the bed and throws you down. his hands ran all over your body. god, he couldn’t get over how soft your skin was. he was so obsessed with you in the best way possible. his hands move underneath your shirt and he starts fondling your breasts, his thumbs pressing down on your nipples.
you held onto his wrist for a few moments until he went down your body and started unbuckling your jeans. once down, he pulls them down and throws them elsewhere before diving in between your legs. he didn’t bother taking your underwear off. he pushed them to the side and dove in, lips attached to your clit.
“holy fu—“ a tingling sensation coursed through your body. yunho made sure to look up a few times to catch your expression change. this was way better than what he’s been thinking about.
“y-yunho, slow down! f-fuck, i’m not going—oh my god,” you couldn’t even form a full sentence. having him stick his tongue between your folds made you spill incoherent words out of your mouth. he had you wondering how many other women he’s been with to be this good. but, it couldn’t have been many women? you could’ve sworn he was a virgin? unless he was lying.
“please, yunho please,” you begged, hands tangled in his hair. “fuck, i’m gonna cum…”
“please do it.” he mumbles against your clit. the pleasure had become too much and you literally exploded on his face, back arching off of the sheets with your face scrunching from the power of your orgasm. but even after cumming, he still needed more from you.
he throws your legs over his shoulders and locks his arms around them, attempting to hold you still while he continued eating you out. he just never caught a break. you were sensitive after your orgasm and knew he was going to overstimulate the hell out of you. you pushed his head back and stared at him for a moment. just looking into his eyes, you could tell he was desperate.
“how…fuck,” you had to catch your breath before speaking. “how many girls did you have to sleep with for you to be able to do that…”
“none.” he said quickly, bringing his hand up and sticking two fingers inside of you without warning. your body jolted and you looked down at his fingers, moaning softly due to the feeling. “can you squirt? i wanna see if you can squirt.”
“y-yunho, wait—“ your thighs begin to shake as yunho hums against your thigh, fingers moving at an accelerated pace. he wanted to make you cum, he wanted you to cum on his fingers so he knew he was doing a good job. yunho could tell you were close because of your moans growing louder and louder.
“f-faster, please!” you cry out. he did so without hesitation, curling his fingers to press on your g-spot. just by that one action, the knot in your stomach begins to unravel. you feel yourself beat up as your thighs clench around his face, trapping him between them as a large amount of liquid left your body. he helped you through your orgasm by moving his fingers faster, his free hand on your stomach to feel you.
once you came down from your high, he took his fingers out of you and sucked on them. he crawls up and kissed you, littering your face and neck with kisses. while he wasn’t looking, you use your hand to grab his cock, gently rubbing his tip and watching his face contort in pleasure.
“y/n, y/n wait…” he whined, falling back on the bed and grabbing a pillow. he wraps his arms around it and hugs it. his pretty moans mixed with the slick, wet sounds coming from him rang in your ears. and you couldn’t get enough of it. it only encouraged you to move your hand faster. you smile and get on top of him, now using both hands.
“p-please, let me inside.” his hips were between your legs when you straddled him, his erection rubbing against your heat. you needed a few seconds to calm your body down before realizing what he meant.
“uh uh, my turn.” you hold onto his shoulders and use every muscle in your body to flip him over. he was on his back and you were on top of him.
“let me suck you off, then i’ll let you in.”
“please, fuck, i can’t wait any longer just-“
you put a finger to his lips. he shuts up immediately and watched as you go down his body, leaving kisses wherever you could. once his cock was right in front of your face, you couldn’t help but give it a small lick. he shuddered from your action.
“fuck, how sensitive are you?” you chuckle, now bringing your hand to wrap around his length. he didn’t bother answering. he threw his head back and groaned, his cock twitching in your hand.
the sight before him could’ve made him cum on the spot. seeing you lay between his legs, your feet swinging back and forth behind you, and the arch of your back made him hornier. you could feel his gaze on you as you licked all along his erection, giggling softly and sending vibrations through his body.
he completely melted in your touch, his groans echoing throughout the bedroom. he was using everything in him not to cum on the spot. you couldn’t lie, he tasted amazing. you’d do this all day if he let you.
“f-fuck, your mouth…i love your mouth, s’good…” he whimpers while sitting up on his elbows, head thrown back and his cock twitching constantly in your mouth. you gently take him out of your mouth and kiss his tip gently, now moving your hands to bring him closer to the edge.
“are you gonna cum? is my pretty boy gonna cum?” you smile. you stared at yunho intently, watching his body break down from the overstimulation. it wasn’t surprising since he said he’s came more than five times today.
“please,” he begged. “f-faster, let me cu—f-fuck, please! please please please,” his cheeks were flushed, and you couldn’t help but coo.
“go ahead and cum, pretty.” his hips violently thrust into your hand. those cookies were doing so much to him, he couldn’t focus.
“f-fuck!” he cries out. “c-cumming, i’m cumming—i’m gonna-“ he finally let go, cumming all over your hand. you slowed your strokes to not overstimulate him before backing away.
“you did so well for me, yuyu.” you spoke softly, gently rubbing his thigh as you waited for him to come down from his high. he slowly sits up and smiles at you. he was still hard, and still pulsing.
“are you sure you wanna keep going?” you tilt your head. “and, um, if this is gonna be your first time then, i don’t know, i think you should reconsi-“
he pulls you up from underneath your arms and sits you on his lap. “if it’s you, i don’t care. now please, i feel like my dick is gonna bust.”
“oh my god, okay.” you smile and lift your hips, lining him up then sinking down onto his cock. yunho watched as you swallowed his length entirely, it disappeared completely and he couldn’t help but moan from the sight. you almost collapsed on top of him trying to control yourself. it’s been so long since you felt this way. you needed this.
“can i move?” your hands run across his chest, lightly scratching. yunho didn’t say anything. he was focusing on not cumming inside of you, you sucked him in like a vacuum.
“yunho?” you lean down. “i’ll lay on my back, so you can move. okay?”
“wait, just—wait,” he moans softly. he finally pulled himself together and gripped onto your hips, flipping the two of you over again so he was hovering over you. your hands wrap around his neck and he sucked his bottom lip into his mouth.
“you feel so fucking good,” he groans. “fuck, i wanna stay like this forever.”
“we can, yunho,” you moan breathlessly. “please move.”
he didn’t start slow. just as you told him to move, he started snapping his hips against yours, the sounds of your skin colliding echoing around the room, just like your moans. you throw your head back and moan, pulling him down and pressing your lips against his. each time his cock drives in and out of you, his name slipped out your mouth.
the both of you were lost in the moment, moaning into each others mouths and chasing your high. yunho backs away from your face and pushes his in your neck, kissing and biting softly. everyone was going to know you were his, now.
yunho grabs the underside of your knee and pushes your leg back further, now thrusting at an angle that made you feel dizzy. your back arched off the bed and his movements became rougher. he was so close.
“y/n, y-y/n, where do i…w-where do i cum?” he pants in your ear. “f-fuck, i’m so close.”
“i-inside! p-please please please,” you begged. and with the last few stuttering thrusts, you feel him basically explode inside of you. you tightened around his cock as you came the same time, repeating his name as if you were a broken record.
you make sure to hold onto him the tightest you possibly could, taking in the moment while moaning loudly. you weren’t sure about what to say or what to do, it was like he fucked the breath out of you. he cuddles against your body, breathing heavily in your ear while trying to stop his body from shaking.
“y/n, please stay with me…” he whimpers in your ear. “love you so much, i love you, stay, please.”
“don’t worry, i’ll stay.”
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yellowharrington · 4 months
jaded - chapter 4, carmy berzatto x reader
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pairing + fandom: carmen “carmy” berzatto x fem!reader (she/her pronouns used), the bear fx
warnings: smoking mention, minors dni with this story please.
word count: 2k
a/n: ok literally i am the worst ever and i totally didn't finish this fic even tho i started it so im finally posting the last part literally MONTHS later!!! sorry besties but i couldn't have an unfinished fic out there in the world so... if u fuck w this story at all thank u for reading it and all the encouraging and nice things people have said, it literally made me want to complete this fic so thank u <3
summary: tying up loose ends.
and it's a fuckin' shame that it ended like that you broke your own heart, but you'd never say that we went to hell, but we never came back
masterlist | chapter 3
It all just feels numb.
Sun coming up over the horizon and a light snowfall onto the street below. Your home is quiet, no pans in the kitchen making French omelettes, no TV playing outside the bedroom door as you sleep. No toothbrushing in the bathroom or running shower water, warm and steamy, inviting you in.
It’s not that you weren’t expecting his answer. Or, lack thereof. It’s that he couldn’t make up his fucking mind. First, he’s cooking you an omelette in your favourite pan with a cup of coffee made exactly the way you like it. He’s spending every evening on the couch with you, your hands splayed out against his stomach, comfortable beneath the waistband of his sweats. You’re in his sweater, baking fresh warm cookies so he can have one before bed, smudges of chocolate against your lips as he pushes you up against the counter, hot skin on cold tile.
Next, he has that look on his face, where he’s somewhere else. Thinking of her, in a dreamland where he can make it right again, and it all feels like it comes crashing down. The sweet nothings don’t exist in this realm, there’s no happiness here.
And when you do have to face him on Monday, it’s back to cold shoulder, nothing different. Yes chef, no chef, thank you chef. 
Sydney tries to make conversation, and you feel bad because you won’t bitch about Carmy like you usually would. Richie’s having secret meetings with Natalie, probably more about Claire, but you don’t even think to join in. It hurts, it hurts so fucking much, and it’s hard enough to go outside and take a fucking break from it all, let alone be in the same cramped kitchen with him. There’s no solitude, just aching, just disappointment.
“Did you order me a new cake pan, chef?” It’s directed at Tina, who looks up at you with the same wistful softness as she always does, smiling before nodding in your direction. You don’t hear her slide over to you, but when she suddenly appears at your station, you can tell she just knows something’s wrong.
“What’s up with you?” she asks, clipboard finding it’s way to the counter beside you, where a piping bag lays. “You’re not yourself. Something… wrong. Don’t tell me a boy did this to you.” The tears prick at your eyes and you swallow it all before you can get out a word, because yeah, it all fucking aches and the hurt feels like it’s sitting right behind your eyes, in your throat, ready to come out.
“It’s nothing. It is a boy but, boys are stupid and I’m not gonna cry over one,” you sniffle, before untying your apron and letting it hang loose on your body. “Not worth it.”
“It’s him, isn’t it?”
Your blood runs cold when she gestures just outside to the bright light of the door, where Carmy sits, phone in one hand, cigarette in the other.
Luckily the kitchen is empty when you reply, only so she can hear, “how did you know?”
“I saw the way you looked at him this morning.”
“Does anyone else know?”
“Fuck no. Between you and me, chef.”
You sighed relief, letting your front hit the counter as the stress left your body. “Thank fuck. Yeah, I don’t know, we were-“
“Fuckin’?” Tina’s got a sly smile on her face that makes it impossible not to laugh with her.
“Yeah, I guess. It felt like more than that. But apparently he’s still hung up on Claire so, I guess that ends it.”
She exhales slowly, joining you in a lean against the counter. “Jeff makes mistakes, everyone knows that. He’s moody and sad and he’s got fuckin’ problems, that kid, I tell ya.” She pauses for a second, eyes meeting yours, sincere. “But he’s good. I just don’t think he can handle himself, is all.” She takes a beat, letting her soft hand lay over yours, “He doesn’t let himself have the good shit because it always gets ruined. But you’re good. He’s scared of you.”
“He should be scared of me. I’m gonna fucking kill him,” you mutter, letting your floured hand meet your forehead in annoyance. “I’m not responsible for fixing his shit.”
She nods, agreeing with you, a hand cupping yours on the counter. “No, you’re not. I’m just saying he could use someone like you to bring him back to Earth, is all.”
When Carmy does make it back inside, he’s thumbing through paperwork at the desk, hand through his hair stressfully pulling at the strands. He’s trying so hard not to stare at you from where he’s sitting, noticing your cold gaze, somewhere far away. He takes out his phone to scroll through it mindlessly, procrastinating, when he meanders his way to the text icon and opens up your thread. A few texts here and there, mostly just asking about plans to come over, the occasional sexy photo or recipe idea.
[sunday, 10:26] they don't have fresh sourdough. should we just make some this aft?
[saturday, 4:35] i hate when you go in on saturdays
[saturday, 4:36] Photo Recieved
[saturday 4:36] don't you wish you were home with me?
[tuesday, 12:22] is balsamic glaze overdone? lmk. miss u.
It feels a little too domestic, seeing the way he so effortlessly became comfortable with you, a warmth and excitement that was just never there with Claire. It’s raw and it’s guilty and he’ll beat himself up over it forever, but it was never going to be perfect with her, no matter how hard he tried.
Richie appears in the office, leaning against the door frame before noticing Carmy’s disheveled look. “Yeah?”
“You look worse than usual.”
“Thanks. What do you need?”
“Well, I was gonna ask if you ordered more eggs.”
“I, uh, yeah. Yeah, I think Sydney did.”
“What’s wrong with you?”
It’s like Richie could see right through him.
“Nothin’. Stupid shit.”
Richie steps into the office, leaving the door only slightly ajar.
Richie can be sweet when he wants to be, and when he’s got a hand on Carmy’s shoulder and a somber look in his eyes it’s like he already knows how Carmy feels.
“Why do I suck so bad at being a fuckin’ normal person?”
Richie sits next to him, a look of surprise. “Is this about Claire bear?”
“Yes, well - yeah, and also no. Kinda. I don’t know.”
“Is it about Miss Buttercream out there?”
He gestures to you outside the door, zesting some orange on top of the cake you were finishing up. Carmy stifles a laugh.
“We all know you’re porkin’ her.”
“Don’t say that,” Carmy laughs, hand coming up to his face to rub his eyes. “It’s more than that. We’ve been kinda, dating, I guess? I still don’t know what counts as having a girlfriend.”
“So what did you do?”
He gnaws at the skin of his thumb and lets his eyes flicker up to Richie’s. “Fucked it. Last night, I, uh,-“ his hand finds his warm forehead. “I really like her, like a lot. But she asked about Claire and I said the wrong thing, like I always do and uh, she didn’t like it.”
“She’s good,” Richie starts, letting his hands find his aproned thighs as he sits at the corner of the desk. “Claire was good for you too. But she didn’t… get it. Not like she does,” he gestured vaguely to your station outside the door. “Claire was never gonna get the restaurant and the kitchen and the fuck of it all.”
Richie's hand extends to cup Carmy's shoulder.
“Look, do whatever you want, but there isn’t really someone who matches you like she does. Claire’s history now, drunk phone calls don’t mean she’s still in love with you. If that’s what you were thinking.”
Carmy sits back in the creaky chair. “Nah, not that. I just don’t know how to do it right.”
“It’s not about doing it right,” Richie’s got sincerity in his eyes. “It’s about fuckin’… trying shit. Just go and make a move and see.” Carmy watches you hang up your apron on the hook and grab a hoodie before fucking outside. “Yeah, yeah. Thanks Richie.”
“Good luck.”
“I’m sorry.”
Carmy’s voice takes you out of your trance as you stare into the back alley of the restaurant. “Hi.”
“Can we talk?”
“You can talk, I’ll listen.”
The crackle of his lighter, orange flame against white snow. You can see his breath slipping from between his lips as he exhales out of the corner of your eye.
“I feel like a fuckin’ asshole,” he starts, plunging his other hand in his pocket. “I don’t know what to say.” A beat. “Can you look at me?” It’s gentle, a question, not a demand.
You turn to look at him. Cold blue eyes, darkened by the brightness around you. “You’re not second best to me. You’re it, this is it. I like this, I, I fuckin’,” he takes a breath, “I love… this. I want this.”
“You hurt my feelings, Carmen,” tears brimming your eyes and coating your lashes. “If you’re not done with Claire, I don’t… I don’t care. If I am your second choice, fine.” 
“You’re not.”
“Even if I was. But don’t fuck me around if you don’t want me.”
“I do.”
“Are you sure? You weren’t sure last night.”
“I get it if you don’t trust me. I get it. I haven’t given you a reason to.” He searches for the right words, but chooses to take a tentative step towards you. “I’ll beg for you,” he’s quiet, unlike Carmy. “Anything.”
Your eyes meet his briefly, a soft smile pulling at your lip. “I’m not saying yes, okay?” He nods. “But I am saying I would appreciate a ride home tonight. If you’re serious.”
“I’m serious.”
The walk up to your apartment is easy. His heavy steps behind your light ones, hands sliding up the bannister as you unlock your door. He’s on your heels, a little behind. When he steps in your apartment, it’s familiar. Browned butter, vanilla, laundry. 
“Do you want dinner?” He’s tentative, letting his shoes sit next to yours on the mat. His jacket goes up on the hooks by the door, together. 
“Are you offering?”
Carmy shows love through food, that’s how he always is. You can tell he’s feeling particularly sorry about it all because he’s bringing out a big pasta pot and a saucepan, pulling the only fresh ingredients left in your place and putting them next to the stove top. Your t-shirt finds its way into the laundry basket, an old sweater thrown over your bare skin.
You hate how normal it all feels, because it’s scary. To think of a domestic life with him, where there’s another girl lingering in the background of his thoughts that he has unfinished business with. Insecurities of who is better, prettier, happier, warmer… if he had the chance, would he leave? Would he jump ship?
He sits next to you while you eat, thighs against thighs, and comfortable silence blanketing your small apartment. He hasn’t gotten into one of the many pairs of pyjamas he’s left at your place, or taken his usual after-work shower, or taken out the frozen cookie dough to thaw. You can tell he’s not sure if he’s welcome here for good, yet.
When your food is done, he pushes the plates away and takes a calloused hand to wrap around yours. There’s sharpie marks small knife cuts on his fingers. 
“Are you gonna stay the night?” You ask, still not meeting his gaze. 
“Am I welcome to?” He doesn’t sound like himself, and you can feel his warm breath near the top of your head as you turn towards him. Your body collapses a little then, folding slightly at the middle to have your head fall right into the centre of his chest.
“Yes, Carmen,” you nod, letting your eyes flicker up to meet his. “You can stay for as long as you want.”
His hand slipped from yours then, sliding around your side and up your back. He pulled you into his embrace, lips wrapped around yours in a soft capture. Your hands found their way under his t-shirt, only slightly, his warm skin against the palms of your hands, pulling him impossibly closer. 
And when you lay in bed with him that night, your face burrowed into the softness of his chest, you know the days of waking up alone are over. 
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ddejavvu · 2 years
maybe this is dark but idk, stepdad!james potter who maybe is married to ur mom or maybe he’s just her young boy toy type thing, but he has a soft spot for u majorly. maybe ur moms like a bit absent and stuff, so a lot of the duties or parenthood, james just naturally takes on (even tho he’s much closer to ur age than ur moms).
like i love the idea of building it up a little, like maybe something happens with ur period at some point and he helps you out and is super soft
or maybe he actually notices when ur not feeling super and instead of being idle he comforts you or something
to add to this tho, maybe he has his mates over to watch the rugby and have some beers or whatever idk what men do and ur moms playing the dutiful wife/the wanna-be-milf role, but Remus/Sirius just oogle u all the time, ur obviously all soft smiles bc these are james’ friends so they have to be just as nice as he is
im sorry im sorry im sorry but the tension and the smut you could get out of this is insane. someone anyone pls write this i need y’all to fill my brain for me
today is multiverse monday! send me an au you can think of :)
this post is 18+ and dark, minors dni.
there is nothing i love more in this world than stepdad!james <33333
james makes you food and washes your sheets and drives you around if you need it and :(( he doesn't feel like your stepdad at all, yes he makes you dinner and checks on you to make sure you're doing your homework if you're in college and he worries about you when you go out with friends so he sets a curfew for you but he's not dad-old. he's older than you, but not as old as your mom is, and he feels more like a friend than he does a stepdad. but then he starts felling less and less like a friend the more he takes an interest in you and your life :')
one time you spend a lot of time in the bathroom. and i mean. a lot. you've been in there for thirty minutes and it's completely silent and he's really worried because he doesn't want to barge in on a private moment or anything but he's worried that something's wrong - he finally gets up to knock on the door but he hears a knock on the front one, and reroutes to find someone on the front step - it's one of your friends that he recognizes and he's about to tell them that you're not available at the moment but then he spots a bag that they're carrying and there's pads inside - instantly he knows what's going on. your friend slips past him with some crappy excuse but he knows why they're doing it and he's not gonna call their bluff - he lets your friend help you and he waits on the couch until you're done and your friend leaves and then makes his way to your room. he knocks on the door and asks if you're alright, and you're already so nervous because oh my god does he know??
you say yes and he sits down on your bed and you can tell he's trying to be sweet about it but you do not want to talk period with this guy. you're expecting him to tell you that you can't have friends over randomly or that you aren't allowed to lock yourself in the bathroom for that long but instead he tells you that if you ever need anything that you're encouraged to ask him :') he tells you he'll never be weird about it or judge you and that he's always going to be there if you need anything like that :') ugh you're close to crying 'cause he's so earnest and sweet :((
your mom's dancing around with replacement beers for them and dropping snacks onto the coffee table and cheering for the team they're rooting for and all you're doing is crossing the hallway to use the restroom and everyone'e eyes are on you :') james invites you out to come and share some of their snacks and unfortunately your mom is sitting beside him but it means you get to sit between remus and sirius and you are not complaining.. james definitely is though!! if your mom ever gets up he claims he has to show you something on his phone and that you have to come over to sit by him and it goes back and forth like this for a while until james and sirius and remus are all staring at each other like >:(( >:(( >:(( the entire night <33
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tallymonster · 5 months
Memories of Us chapter 12
Master list (too lazy to post all the links LMAO, im gonna make a proper master post at some point lol)
Thanks to @micropoe10 and @tragedybunny for giving this a once over to make sure it flows well.
Also as always thanks to @cheesy-cryptid for allowing me to use their art as inspiration for this :3
12. Clean
The closer the time got the more she was second guessing herself. Octavia kept battling in her mind over and over again. She had to tell him at some point. 
He's not dumb. He will find out. You have to say something. What if he doesn't want to be with you? You have to say something. What if he's just a fame chaser like the last guy? 
Octavia paces her front room. He's supposed to be here already. She stares at the clock against the wall, it was around 7 in the evening. They hadn't agreed on a time, Astarion just said dusk. He already knew where she lived so what's taking him so long? 
It's her, it's definitely her. He'll come by, he has to. 
She plays with the hair hanging off her shoulder, why is she so nervous? It was only dinner. Alone. In her house. She needs wine. Her hands tremble slightly as she opens the bottle on the table.
The cork fumbles out of her hand and falls to the floor. She sighs and pours out a glass for herself. Why was she so nervous? It's not like they've never been alone in the same room. 
She peers back at the clock, 2 minutes have passed. 
She takes a big swig of the glass. Her eyes close and she exhales all the air in her lungs. No amount of alcohol can ease the turbulence ripping through her belly. She sits at the table, running her finger along the rim of the glass.
The food she made was barely enough for her, let alone for two. Astarion assured her that he didn't need much, but she couldn't help but feel slightly off about it. 
She gets up and paces the room some more. There's candles on the table in front of her fireplace, she walks over and lights some. Sitting on the couch behind her, she throws her head back, places a pillow on her face, and screams into it. 
The room feels so huge when she takes the pillow off her face and stares at the fireplace. There's no reason to be nervous.
Of course there isn't, he likes me…right?
She was only going to tell her boyfriend- was he her boyfriend? 
They never really established that.
Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Octavia downed the rest of the wine in her glass and quickly walked towards the sound. She takes a second to look in the mirror and fix her face. 
Breathe , you can do this. 
She opens the door and greets Astarion. "Took you long enough, I've been waiting out here all by myself." He pouts dramatically and smiles. "I'm not going to have to stand out here anymore, right?" 
Octavia shakes her head and steps aside, Astarion stares at her with a cocked eyebrow and clears his throat. "Really? I have to make it all proper and invite you in?" She laughs as he playfully shrugs, in a sarcastic sweeping flourish she bows and extends her arm "Astarion, please come into my home won't you?"
His grin takes over his whole face, he walks inside as Octavia closes the door behind him. "Quite the invitation, darling. I admire the theatrics." 
He looks around her flat, the quaint furnishings and decorations are cute. She has a small couch with two fluffy cushions and a blanket. The coffee table in between her and the lit fireplace has a few books on it. There's a vase of yellow flowers on the fireplace mantle, the warmth of her home felt comfortable and familiar. 
“Cute little place you got here. I like it better than your back garden, feels more like you.” Astarion smiles at Octavia, she feels her face flush and she clears her throat, turning her head toward the candlelit table. 
"Are you hungry? I made some food. I know you said you don't eat much..but…" she shrugs and flops down on the couch and sighs, "I'm sorry. I'm just nervous to have you here. Inside my house. Alone." She laughs awkwardly. 
He sits beside her, and holds her hand, easing her tension. "It's fine. I won't bite. Unless you ask me to." He chuckles darkly, Octavia laughs along, the first clue lost to her. "Here, let me give you a little gift." He reaches into a worn leather bag he carried over his shoulder. Within a few moments he takes the old book out.
As he hands it to her, their fingers touch. Octavia lingers on his hand, wanting to feel his hand on hers. "Thank you. I know you probably would rather I keep it in the museum but I do think I'll be able to get this done quicker here."
Astarion pulls the book back towards him, breaking their contact. "We just can't let Gale know. Can't have him get mad at me you know?" He ends with a wink, placing the book on her coffee table. 
He turns his head towards her dining room table. The candles she lit are half burned. Whatever she prepared sits covered in the middle. "You didn't have to do that, you know. I appreciate it, though.” She blushes, feeling as if she did something wrong. “I'm sorry, I know you said you didn't need it, but I'm so used to doing this for people I care about. I wanted to do it for you too.”
Astarion smiles and takes her hand, leading her to the table. “Well I certainly can't let your hard work go unappreciated, can I? Shall we then, my sweet?” 
He slides a chair open for her and motions her to sit down. Octavia laughs softly and sits. “Thank you, how chivalrous of you.” He pushes the chair in and takes a seat across from her. “Just doing what I can to show my gratitude, dearest. So what's on the menu?”
Octavia clears her throat and waves her left hand around. A transparent purple hand appears in front of her. With a flick of her wrist, the hand takes the coverings on the plates off and reveals two perfectly set small portions of sauteed fish with mushrooms, rosemary, and green beans. It had a red drizzle on it, and yet another familiar scent. “Hope you like it. According to my mom, it's an old family recipe.” 
He didn't know how to explain to her that he was hungry for something that can't really be cooked and served in a candlelit dinner. So for now he goes through with the motions of putting it in his mouth and swallowing it. 
This time though, the second the smell of it hits his nose he feels as if he's been transported back to camp. 
The light of the fire silhouettes his love, her outline blackened by the shadows of the night. He smiles as she turns. She holds a plate of food in her hands for herself, she has to eat something before he does, after all. The fish she eats will make her blood irony tasting, but it makes him stronger for tomorrow's inevitable fight. She smiles and places a hand at his cheek, sitting by his side. They silently watch the fire as she nourishes herself. 
“Hellooo? Are you there? Something wrong?” Astarion snaps out of his trance and blinks back into the current moment. He looks at Octavia, the look of confusion painted clearly on her face. 
“Yes, I'm fine. Sorry, what was that again?” He smiles sheepishly and goes to grab another piece of food when he smacks the now empty plate with the fork. “I was asking if you liked it, Astarion, but I think you just answered my question before I finished asking it.”  Octavia smiles awkwardly at him, he can feel the embarrassment on his face. 
“Oh..” he puts the utensil down and grabs for the wine glass to his right. He drinks some of the wine and stares at the fireplace. He watches the flames dance like he did back then.
“Do you want to go sit by the fireplace with me, again? I tend to run a bit cold.” he asks, his voice low and soft. Octavia nods and she stands, her turn to lead now. She holds his hand and starts to walk over towards the couch, until she gets a brilliant little idea.
“Hold on!” Octavia releases her hand and turns back to the table, she grabs their glasses and the second full bottle of wine she had on the kitchen counter. 
Octavia makes her way to the coffee table and places the drinks down. Then she goes to the couch and pushes it closer to the fireplace. She finally grabs the giant throw blanket by her book corner and throws it on the couch. “Hmmm” 
She circles around the living room making sure her work is perfect like a bird inspecting its nest. She nods reaffirming it and guides Astarion over. She pushes him into the couch, eliciting a confused look from him. 
Octavia pours some wine into the glass and hands it to him. He takes it from her as she's taking off her shoes. She sits with her legs crossed to her side, holds out her hand and flicks it making the purple hand reappear. It takes the blanket float up and wrap itself around the two of them.
With the same hand she makes it pour her a glass of wine and bring it over to her. “Quite the trick! Very self indulgent, I like that.” He tips his glass to her, and she does the same towards him, their glasses touching with a soft clink.
“Being a stressed out college student comes in ‘handy’ sometimes don't you think?” She grins a cheesy smile knowing he would cringe at the poor pun. 
As predicted he groans and rolls his eyes. Octavia giggles into her wine, settling under his arm. They smile at each other and stare at the fire. “I really feel like I can be myself around you, Astarion. You’ve been so kind to me.” She holds his hand that's draped over her shoulder and leans into him more. The feeling of wanting to tell her his secret weighed on his mind. 
“I feel like I can be myself around you as well, Octavia. You have made me feel things I haven't felt in a very very long time.” He squeezed her hand a little.
They sit intertwined in each other's arms, Astarion feels the familiar pang of guilt building inside him. She's been so open and honest with him. It's not fair to her, and it's certainly not the way he thought this would go. But something inside is telling him to do it, and to do it now. 
He clears his throat and shifts away from Octavia a bit, separating their hands and sitting up straight. “There's something I feel I should tell you, Octavia. It's kind of important.” 
She got up a little to face him. She holds onto his hand, rubbing small circles into the top like he did for her earlier. “I…That is to say..I mean…” he stammers through, not keeping eye contact. 
“You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to, Astarion, if you aren't ready to of course.” she continues the contact on his hand. “I want to. I want you to be able to truly see me as I am. What I am…” Astarion is clearly fighting with himself, but it seems like no matter what, he's determined to get this done and over with.
Octavia cocks her head to the side as Astarion downs the rest of his wine. He places the glass on the table and takes a deep breath. “You might want to finish yours as well..or you could wait til after, your choice.” She takes a big gulp of her drink and places the glass next to his. 
She turns to him and takes a deep breath as well. “Whatever it is, I don't think it'll change my mind about you. Unless you’re a cold blooded murderer or some monster come to kill me in my sleep.” Octavia laughs, not noticing the worried look on Astarion’s face, he laughs awkwardly. 
He gulps in fear and anticipation, Octavia looks at him slightly grimacing “Come on it can't be that bad right? We all have our secrets.” Her throat catches the strange laugh that escapes.
If he only knew what she wanted to tell him as well. She likes him, and whatever things he has to keep to himself couldn't keep her from being nervous about her own hang ups. 
Octavia hopes whatever it is, he isn't going to stop what they had going on. She was happy, and she hoped he was too. 
They sit together for a few moments, he watches the glow of the fire. He doesn't want to ruin this moment with her. The pretty little gift that was dropped in his lap after a century of solitude. He sighs, and holds her closer, if his heart could work, it would be beating through his chest.
Astarion clears his throat “I’m not sure you'll feel that way in a few minutes, darling.”
“Astarion, you can trust me. I trust you. Just tell me. I’m a big girl.” Octavia leans closer, as Astarion holds her hands and presses his lips to the tops of her palms. He hears her breath catch and then he lets his confession roll out of his lips.
Octavia, I'm a vampire.
Tags: @justporo @satanicspinosaurus @sleepy-timaeus @tragedybunny @davenswitcher @wayward-hel
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first-edition · 2 years
“I didn’t have any plans.”
Spencer x reader
Cw-Fluff, angst, library kisses.
Semi admitting feelings for you
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“I didn’t have any plans.” Spencer says sitting cross cross in his chair.
“Good you can come with me to the library!” You say ruffling his hair.
“Ooh yes in need to find a new boook.” He says
“A book that pretty boy hasn’t read is gonna be a challenge.” Morgan says as you grab your bag. And spencer get up getting his.
“Night!” Emily says waving. You smile and wave back
You two walk into the library and you immediately walk to the romance section.
Scanning the shelf up and down taking out books reviewing them and then putting them back when you’ve found nothing.
“Y/n..” he says quietly not to disturb anyone nearby.
“Hmm?” You ask scanning the books.
“Can I ask you something.” He says
“Go for it.” You say
“This might seem out of the blue but with sam…how did you know he wasn’t good for you.” He says
“Oh um…hmm? I don’t know how to nessisarly explain that with out exposing myself. Hmm well for one im a profiler i guess and i don’t want someone who i can look at and know everything about, i like puzzles and sam was too easy. That sound rude but i just…that girl you were talking about a few months ago you still t-talking to her?” You ask .
“Yeah we talk everyday actually” he says rubbing his neck and talking a random book off the shelf.
“Okay then how do you know that she’s the one.. i mean its been long enough you should just tell tell her..” you say slightly hurt to tell him to go off with another woman even though you haven’t told him how you feel.
“Well.. she’s kind for one, after work shell tell me about her highs and her lows, when she’s not busy she gets me coffee with extra creamer, she’s selfless and smart, she’s friends with everyone around her and does the most when solving the cases.” He rambles but cuts himself off.
“She’s an agent.” You say blankly “sh-shit..yes.” He huffs you nod he shakes his hand and flips through the book he’s holding but quickly puts it back when realizing its fifty shades of grey.
“I um….I didn’t know you liked anyone at work.” You say turning to the book shelf focusing on the books.
“I shouldn’t have told you that..” he says “tell me more.” You say turning back to him.
“Sh-she does little things to make everyone happy. She goes shopping with Penelope, bring Morgan game ticket…” he moves closer to you “…takes extra time so notch can spend time with his family, brings family games for jj and her son, makes sure Rossi gets enough sleep…” he moves closer to you you’re back hitting the shelf blocking you from moving.
“…she spends nights with Emily watching movies…and when Elle was still around…helped her through the hospital.” He says his face moving closer to yours.
Now realizing he’s talking about you. “A-and what does she do for you?”
“Invites me to book stores, goes to cafes to watch the rain, straightens my ties, organizes my desk,…exists…and….made me fall in love with her.” He says his golden brown eyes looking into yours. “The shes in love with you too.”
You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him he kisses you back his hands gripping your waist. The kiss deepens as his hands move under your shirt his cold hands feeling your waist and lower back.
“S-Spence.” You gasp
“Can i ask you something.” You say he nods eagerly at you.
“When you said you didn’t have any plans tonight did you mean it?” You ask.
“Yes.” He replies.
“Good….you do now.” You say grabbing his hand and walking out of the library.
I’m taking requests now so if you’d like something written pls let me know!!!
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peachywontyell · 8 months
i have a crush on jenny and jaime and im brainrotting really really bad. this is all purely self-indulgent. the chances of me doing this again with 18+ thoughts are high.
poly jaime & jenny🫶🏾
-being friends (the kind that definitely have something going on but neither dare to name it) with jaime through uni. after graduation you both promise to keep in touch; it falls through immediately.
-thinking it's something you did, but really his life just got turned upside-down in less than 48hrs. hes a little occupied.
-you hear the news about kord industries, but it's not like they say what- or who- happened. all you know is the company has a new president and she's gorgeous.
-bumping into jaime en la tiendita de la esquina after impulsively moving to palmera city a year or so later. he somehow looks better. buffer, more confident- and so apologetic after he recognizes you.
-he invites you out for drinks later that night, begging with those pretty brown eyes of his. so you say yes, cause you both know you can't say no when he's looking at you like that.
-it went well. well enough that you're heading back to his apartment. and you know nothing is going to happen, but you're still nervous.
-yes, you both crash on his couch after even more (very drunk) soft chatter. no, you didn't expect to wake up to the smell of coffee and gentle clatter of plates.
-here you are though, half awake, using jaime as a pillow, really confused cause he didn't mention anything about having a roommate.
-sitting up to greet whoever it was and the words die on your tongue when you see who it is, cause what the hell is jenny kord doing in his kitchen and why is she offering you coffee and waffles with a smile so sweet you're not sure you can stomach any more sugar.
-but you do. her waffles are delicious and you're sure she's made of pure magic cause she got your coffee perfect first try. you almost spit it out when jaime gives her a sleepy good morning kiss though.
-you were already blushing, a bit flustered sure, but you were playing it off like you were just nervous to meet such a prominent figure. but this you couldn't play off.
-after many apologies and saying that nothing happened between you two, jenny looks as calm as ever as she tells you that it's okay, even if something had happened, it would have been okay. there is a flicker of something in her eyes and you can not put a name to it, but it's not negative.
-you run out of there, spewing something about remembering that someone was coming over for repairs. you're sure you only began to breathe again as soon as you stepped through your door.
-they both find it hilarious sure, but jaime tells her she can't just say those things to you, cause you fluster easily. she makes it a little game, which one of them can fluster you the most.
-you feel like you are going crazy. a month or two after the first introduction with jenny and lots of hangouts...now you're sure that they're both...hitting on you? but that's crazy, right?
-wrong. you're being guided to a more secluded part of the dancefloor at a strangers party by jenny and you know you're wrong.
-yes, you're drunk, so is she and her hands are on your hips pulling you closer and closer while some reggaeton plays in the background and now you find yourself throwing ass on your....friends? girlfriend while her fingertips sink into your flesh deliciously. you could get used to this.
-too focused on trying not to die from the feeling, you completely miss jaime and jenny sharing a smirk and a nod.
-you're sure they planned it cause it was too perfect of a coincidence. jenny left you, obviously hot and definitely bothered, saying she was gonna go get you guys drinks and all you could do was nod. as soon as she leaves, you blink, and there's jaime.
-you start to apologize for what just happened and shut up as quickly as you started because he is suddenly so close and asking if he could also have a dance and you're sure you're dreaming.
-the next morning, the only thing you know is that you're in a bed, it smells familiar, there is someone playing with your hair and a different arm across your waist.
-you don't know who changed you out of your clothes and both of the options have your head spinning so you choose not to think about it. a very needed conversation is had like that, cuddled in bed. you almost turn into mush when they ask you to join their relationship.
-now you've got two partners. and you gonna make up for lost time.
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allyymcl · 1 year
Hi ! How are you ? :)
Study date with the boys ? <3 Thank uuu !
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—pairing; ot5 x f!reader
—genre; fluff.
—warnings; none!
—a/n; hii! im `retty good!! ty for requesting! feel free to do it again. and OMG im really sorry i literally dissapeared, but i promise im going to start posting as usual<33
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he didn't understand why you asked HIM
i mean,
its not like he is a big fan of doing school work
he agreed cause he didn't wanted you to ask nath
you two stayed in school after all your classes ended, and went to the library
"there are soo many books"
"yes castiel, is a library"
the next hours you studied, and cas took his time to bother you
taking funny pics of you
making face calls even tought you were right next to him
poking your sides until you laugh (cause he loves hearing you laugh)
and writing things in your papers like:
"my boyfriend is the hottest"
or drawing angry faces
anyway, he would actually make an effort to read a page or so if you really want it
actually, you didn't read anything as well
thats why, study dated with cas are gonna be all playing
ok so, it think nath is the one who invites you to do it
hes used to staying late in school to do his homework, he certainly doesn't like being too long in his house
and even tought he admits is a little boring
he prefers doing it w you instead
thats why you two sit in an empty room to read all of your texts book
he casually would glance at you
admiring you and thinking of you can someone be so pretty
he would blush and desconcentrate
hes just feels so flustered while being with you
"there's something in my face?" you would tease nath
"mhm n-no! sorry!" he blushes and pretended nothing happened.
probably, he would ask you to explaing him something
but not because he didnt understand
he just likes the sound of your voice
def would invite a coffee or something when you two finish your study session
and also would walk you home
with him, you actually get to study
i think he gets lost and doesnt talk much
so, is easy to concentrate
anyways, he approachs to write songs while you read
he get inspired easily while being w you
and also, he would offer you two study while listening to one of his songs
ofc you will say yes
and would also explain to you things that you dont understand
but dont really expect him to study
so, study dates with him are you actually reading, and him writing songs about you or whatever is on his mind
—𝗔𝗥𝗠𝗜𝗡; !!
im sorry but
why would you even ask him?
literally he made this face "🤨"
armin finds it SO boring
so, i feel like
if you ask him that, he will brush you off and just take you to other place
"why would you want to study when you can play games?"
def made you play with him for
but, in case you really wanted to study, he would make an effort
but don't be mistaken either
armin is a smart boy
it's just that memorizing isn't usually his forte, so when he's finished he probably won't remember even half of what you explained to him
and trust me, if you did manage to get him to put down his console to STUDY
bitch you got him whipped
ken is not really into studying really
instead, would rather be training, walking his dog or doing literally anithing else
however, the fact that he could spend some extra time with you after classes ended,  cconvinced him
the truth is that, it would be a bit disastrous
kentin does not pay special attention to the teacher no matter how hard he tries
but since he does not want to disappoint you, he tries to pretend he understand everything
and tries to explain to you the things you don't get, although sometimes he has to improvise a bit
and although the next day half of the points you had solved together were wrong
it was really fun
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justmochi · 1 year
pairing :: eden x evelyn (ft. her brother in law)
word count :: 1.8k
synopsis :: eden catches up with her sister when coming back to korea.
time :: may 12, 2023
warnings :: mentions of pregnancies. pregnancy scares and fertility issues
a/n :: for those of you who don’t know, evelyn is eden’s older sister and noah is her brother in law. also let me know what you guys think of this bc im projecting 🥲
taglist :: @cafemilk-tea @cixrosie @moonlight-additions @cosmicwintr @astraw-astro @ateezjuliet @fromfreesia @succulentmom @kimhyejin3108 @enhacolor @multiplums @meginthebuilding27​ @kang-ulzzang @hybesunstone @allthings-fandoms
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Watching the door open, Eden was met with her sister’s beautiful smile. It had been a while since they had seen each other, due to Blackpink still being on tour. She wanted to catch up and spend some quality time with her sister before she had to leave again.
Evelyn pulled her in for a hug, squeezing her tightly and swaying them back and forth. “I’ve missed you so much!” 
“I missed you too, Evie.” They both pulled away, the woman inviting the girl inside her home. Eden was carrying a gift bag in her hand, showcasing it to her sister. “I got you a couple things while on tour.”
“I’m gonna have to buy a glass case to showcase all the things that Lee Eunhye has bought us.” Her sister joked as the two girls walked to the kitchen. Eden set the gift on the counter and sat down on one of the bar seats. It seemed that she had interrupted her sister who was making dinner for everyone.
“Where’s Noah?” Eden asked the woman with her eyebrows furrowed.
“He should be here any minute now. He had to drop some paperwork off at work.”
“It smells so good.” The scent filled the entire kitchen. She always wondered where her sister learned to cook, because they never learned from their own parents.
In no time, Evelyn’s husband entered the kitchen, approaching Eden to rub the top of her head with his knuckles. “Hey kiddo.”
“Hey bro.” He messed up her hair, wanting to return the favor but he walked out of her reach. He approached his wife, kissing the side of her head as he wrapped his arm around her waist. Eden felt her cheeks heat up by seeing her sister so happy.
“Could you help set the table and maybe get Eden something to drink?”
“Of course,” He turned around, pointing to Eden. “What do you want to drink?”
“Do you guys have wine?” She asked, pursing her lips when looking at him.
“Yup we do.”
“Give me the whole bottle.” She snickered.
“I guess touring has been exhausting?” Evelyn spoke up, looking over her shoulder briefly.
“Just a little. I haven’t been sleeping well.” She sighed. “Are you guys gonna have a drink too?”
The kitchen grew quiet for a few seconds. It felt like minutes had passed.
“I’ll drink with you, yeah.” Noah cleared his throat, grabbing two glasses from the cabinet.
“I haven’t been able to drink anything ever since I got plastered and threw everything up.”
“Oh, I remember that.” She cringed, looking back on the time her sister went AWOL. Her in law had to tell her himself why she was absent. She was sick for a few days, not being able to pick up her phone.
“Yeah, never again.”
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They had just finished dinner, Eden and Noah having a bonding session while doing the dishes. After that, they all gathered on the sofa to watch a movie. Once it ended, Eden put down her third glass of wine on the coffee table.
The couple were sitting across from her, stretching their limbs while complimenting the movie. Eden and Evelyn giggled together when Noah took it upon himself to start massaging his wife’s feet.
“What’s so funny?” He pouted, looking between the two girls. “Doesn’t your boyfriend rub your feet?”
“He does. You two are just so cute. It’s almost gross.”
“Ya, we could say the same thing about you and Seokmin.” Eden flattened her lips, rolling her eyes while standing to her feet.
“It’s time to open my gifts. I’m getting impatient.” She felt really warm from all the alcohol she consumed, but not feeling completely drunk yet. She skipped to the kitchen where she left her gift bag and brought it back to the living room.
Eden had gotten the two of them many things from visiting all the different countries on tour. From house decor to jewelry, it felt like they were opening presents on Christmas morning. She got her brother in law some headphones that were trending these days.
“Wow! Thanks kiddo.” Evelyn looked at how his eyes lit up. He was a responsible, grown man but he still had his moments where he acted like a little boy.
“Don’t mention it.” She smiled, sipping more from her wine glass.
“Speaking of gifts…” Evelyn looked intently at the man beside her. “We got you a little something.”
“But you didn’t have to get me anything!” She feared that they would one her up with their gift.
“Oh hush. Honey, it’s in my closet. Can you please get it?” She smiled, watching him bite his lip as he was on his way to their bedroom.
“Evie, You really didn’t have to get me anything.”
“Stop being so humble and accept the gift. Or I will give you everything you just got us back.”
“But I like the headphones!” He returned with a big box, setting it down on the coffee table in front of Eden.
From the familiar name, she knew it was going to be an expensive bag. “Evelyn.”
He sat down next to Evelyn, holding her hand while admiring his new headphones. “Don’t make me scold you in front of Noah. Open it.”
“It’s a gift from both of us, by the way.” He raised his eyebrows to remind her, knowing that if it was a gift from him she couldn’t possibly refuse it.
She had plenty of handbags that have accumulated over the years. Now she wasn’t going to use any other bag than the one in the box in front of her.
She lifted the lid off of the box, being met with pink tissue paper. Pulling the paper back revealed the beige crossbody bag. It seemed like the perfect size for her and she loved all the embroidery on it. She turned to Evelyn, pouting while her sister simply smiled at her.
Eden walked over to hug the two of them quickly before sitting back down across from them. She pulled the bag out of the box and admired how nice it was.
“It’s so nice, thank you guys.”
She didn’t see the way they looked at each other as she started going through all the pockets, unzipping them all and removing all the wrapping paper they put inside.
She set the balls of tissue paper next to her, a grin on Eden’s face as she reached down to the deepest part of the bag. She picked up what she thought was a strap that came with the bag, looking down at the pregnancy test in her hands.
It took her one second to process what she was holding, seeing the two lines to indicate that it was positive. Eden gasped loudly, slapping her hand against her mouth before shooting her eyes over at them.
“Shut the fuck up.” She felt her heart drop to the depths of her stomach, her muscles becoming jelly and feeling her hands start to shake. It wasn’t too long before the tears started to pool in her eyes.
“Surprise!” Her sister had a devilish grin on her face.
“Are you serious?” Eden’s voice climbed a few octaves, muffled against the palm of her hand.
“Yes! I’m pregnant.” She nodded, Evelyn trying to hold back her own tears.
“You’re pregnant?” Her voice cracked into a whisper, still in disbelief.
Over the years, she watched her sister fall in love with the man sitting next to her now. The two had always confided in each other their entire lives. Evelyn had been there for all Eden’s ups and downs, especially when she had many pregnancy scares. Their support for one another was what made their relationship so special.
After their wedding, they knew they wanted to get straight to business. But it took more time and a toll on the couple as planned. She was there for every negative and false positive so she witnessed how frustrating and painful it was for the two. She tried her best to comfort her even when they started considering doing IVF.
Knowing everything they went through to get to this moment right now only made Eden more emotional.
She set the test down on the coffee table, getting up to hug her once more. Evelyn held her head in her hands, rubbing her back as the youngest sobbed onto her shoulder.
“I-I don’t know what to say. You’re really pregnant?”
“Yes!” She told her again, hugging her trembling body. “I’m 8 weeks along.”
She was still crying so hard that her makeup began to run. When she pulled away, Evelyn’s eyes were teary too. She wiped Eden’s tears away, rubbing the smudged makeup on her pants.
During their moment, the man started tearing up too. He laughed at himself, pulling the ultrasound pictures out of his pocket and handing it to her.
“Look, you’re gonna be an aunt.” It looked as if she just found the news out all over again. She was so caught up in feeling overjoyed for her sister finally being pregnant that she completely forgot this meant she was going to be an aunt.
She widened her eyes, covering her mouth with both of her hands as she shook her head. “I’m gonna be an aunt?” She wept quietly, squeezing her eyes shut as her whole body shook. “There’s really a baby in your belly? Why did you wait so long to tell me?”
“So we could have this moment of course.” Evelyn wrapped her arms around her neck, pulling in Noah to hug her too.
“Oh my god, I can't believe this. I’m so happy for you!” Her voice was once again muffled on her shoulder. “Does mom and dad know?”
She nodded. “We told them over a video call last week. Surprisingly, dad cried more than her.”
“Did he really?”
“She’s so excited. She’s already bragging to everyone about being a grandma.”
Once Eden was finally able to calm down, she found herself staring at the pregnancy test again. In the past, she hoped she wouldn’t ever have to see one of these again. Today, all she could feel was happiness.
She cracked a joke to lighten the mood. “So I can keep the bag right?” She sniffled as they busted into laughter.
“The bag was my idea.” Noah raised his hand with a smirk on his face.
Eden chuckled, hugging the woman again but being extremely gentle this time. “I’m so happy for you. You don’t even know.”
“Thank you so much.”
“You’re gonna be an amazing mom. I am certain.” She had cried so much that her nose was stuffed and her eyes were red. Because of her words, the woman’s lips started to quiver.
“Wait, you gotta help me tell the girls. And Seokmin!”
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voidselfshipp · 3 months
Cw: body horror,angst,Michaels descent into madness and tma spoilers.
Summary: the night Michael becomes an avatar, he goes to the one person that he knows Will help.
->Only mutuals allowed to reblog.
A/n: havent finished tma yet so I dont know the specifics. Thats not gonna stop me tho,enjoy this hurt/comfort-y fic.
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Jerico was just closing up shop for the night,her body is tense, Like the strings of waves that form her faux muscles and skin are taut like ropes on a ship.
Theres something picking at the back of her mind,something that its not sitting right, Like waves breaking against stone,something thats disturbing the water.
Shes about to flip the store's sign to show the back that says "closed".
And then the strangest thing happens,a door appears in the middle of the street, white,simple,unassuming. It reeks with weird magic,spiraling, almost disorienting, her eyes take a second to focus.
"Oh no" her pupils widen and her heart beat is fast and her body feels both weak and strong with the rush of adrenaline, Like a dangerous waterfall.
The door slams with a horrible dry thud sound, a figure collapses onto the wet pavement of the empty street, dead Weight limp.
Jerico's breath leaves her,she doesnt need to breathe but it feels like theres not enough oxygen in the world to supply her thundering heart.
She recognizes the figure,oh yes she does,she recognizes that fluffy Orange hair and that soft mischevious hair. She holds him close to her chest, dragging him to the sidewalk, the door dissipates.
--Michael--jer breathes out,feeling Like shes going to pass out her heads light.
--Jer...ico--Michael has no breath, his eyes are endless swirling spirals that flicker in and out of view, she gets glimpses of his beautiful brown eyes that look like swirling morning coffee with the streetlights.
--What...what happened?--she asked,trying to scoop him into her arms with a desesperation akin to human feelings. His body slips from her grasp like hes melting,like hes literally slipping past her fingers,his flesh like goopy liquid that pools on her Palms.
--I- I think we succeeded.-- he said--But...it hurts,im- I cant move...I could barely- barely get he-here-- he coughs,spitting blood onto the pavement,but it seems to seep into the concrete.
--Al-alright...--She stuttered, confused, mind blank-- lets- lets get inside
The weather is ever indiferent to the situation below it, overcast night, not a ray of moonlight to be seen. Theres a horrible chill in the air, she drags his body to the entrance,his limbs stretching and retracting like his body is struggling to Keep a coherent form.
She gets to the entrance of the shop, she passes like usual but...Michael doesnt. He hits that barrier,she tries one,two,three times,but he cant.
"Hes not human"is the realization that hits her like shes deep,deep underwater under the hadal pressure of the sea.
The only way in for him in is for her to invite him.
Michael knows how the barrier works,she doesnt say it outloud,she has to think it.
"You are allowed in"
Finally,the barrier subsides and lets him in,she lays him across the floor where he is a mess of tangled stretching limbs.
He knows shes worried and scared,he smiles weakly to try and put his hand on her cheek--Hey...hey beautiful its...its...--He cant bring himself to say the words.
--just breathe....--She said softly, stroking his beautiful fluffy Orange hair-- calm down
Michael tries to Keep his mind on her voice, he tries to Keep that smile, to calm jer down as his body burns with searing hot pain. His atoms feel like theyre trying to pull away from eachother and re-arrange in an unatural way, twisted,curling inwards and outwards in a tight,coiling spiral.
Theres a brief silence as she thinks about what to do,hes become an avatar fornThe Spiral. Hes no longer human,and her brain cant think of a protocol to follow, she tossed and turns up all the knowledge she has in her mental library.
So Many stories...so many, there has to be something here somewhere.
And the silent moments drag on and on,painful,stresing. Only broken with Michael's ragged sharp breaths.
--Im..im gong to be okay,right- right jer?--His voice breaks her from her stupor, naively hopeful,cracking with big puppy dog eyes.
Bless her heart,for she cannot lie. So for a moment,shes silent as a grave.
One shaky inhale is all it takes to center in, she clears her throat,nodding to herself as if shes debating within her mind. --Okay...okay-- jerico breathes out, regaining that composture thats so characteristic of her.
Looking down at him,her eyes scan the limbs that grow and retract, she notes that they are slowly subsiding as time passes
Its just like when she first took human form.
Which means...
--Okay,heres what I need you to do--She hates how he looks at her, so trusting of her judgement.-- I need you to breathe, deep,as deep as you can, reach out to your body, your limbs. Theyre still yours, theyll obey you
--my- my whole body hurts-- he says with a pained chuckle.
--Good, well- not good good-- she shakes her head,rolling her shoulder back to stop herself from going off track-- anchor to that pain, one limb at a time, go at your own pace. Itll help you feel your body. Connect with it again,do what feels right
Michael nodds and she knows she doesnt want his life in her hands. Not out of selfishness of course,if something happened to him because a wrong desicion she made,jerico could never forgive herself.
But he does as hes told, his concentrates first on the hand thats on her cheek. He uses the pain across his tendons like conduits, as if hes rewiring his nervous system.
He feels the smoothness of her skin, his thumb strokes her cheekbone, he feels autonomy over his hand, and then the other.
Then,his legs,one at a time.
Finally,his breath becomes normal,still shaky,but stable.
Carefully,he sits up,blinking a little as he settles down. His body feels different, still coiling but...not painfully. He opens and closes his fist, then he looks at jer and finally gives her a genuine smile.
--Th-Thank you-- he says
Jerico scoffs in disbelief before breaking down into loud,loud sobbing. Her throat produces Sharp cries that scratch her vocal chords, she launches himself at him and cries.waterfall of tears, salty and warm.
He holds her and rocks her side to side,cooing-- Im okay,im okay,all thanks to you
She wails with loud sharp cries,muttering things like "I was so scared" , "I dont want to lose you". Moments later shes talking in full spanish and he doest understand a Word.
Jerico is like a banshee by that point,crying and screaming with stress and fear,shes weak and melts against his body that holds her tight like a dam around a waterfall.
--Easy,easy-- he reassured her,soft and lulling-- im okay,im here, Because of you...
His eyes fall on the clock on the far wall and...its already four am. How long have they been at this?
When she pulls away,she looks a mess, eyes red and lip quivering. Her hair falls messily on her face and she can barely hold his gaze.
Michael goes to undo her bun,to let her hair fall naturally around her face. His hand goes to pull back the stray strands when he notices sharp,long claws where his fingers used to be.
--Thats...New-- he mutters,being extra carefull and hooking the ends of his claws to the hairs to pull them back safely.--Just breathe, itll be fine
Jerico does calm down eventually, she sniffs a little and rubbs her eyes. She then looks up at him,has he always been that tall?
--I think...I think we need some tea--He offered with a reassuring smile.
She chuckles,nodding-- alright...okay
He stands up,finding his footing like a newborn deer. Then,he offers his hand and pulls her up, she takes it.
The walk down the corridor and up the stairs to the second floor is deathly silent. She makes tea with a grief filled look in her eyes, she doesnt know how hes going to take the News.
But she settles the cups down on the coffee table when theyre done, she sits by his side and he pulls her into a hug. Jerico is taken by surprise as her green eyes widen and he squeezes her.
Michael takes his tea and drinks from it, sweet and heartwarming that helps him calm down. He looks at her like nothing ever happened, still smiling.
--So...--She says,unsure, faltering-- do- do you know what you are now?
He cleared his throat--I- yes...im an avatar,right? Of- of the spiral
--which means im no longer human-- he followed up,so far he was sort of on boat-- thats why I couldnt pass past the barrier earlier..
Jerico nodded, taking one long sip of her drink. That was enough to unsettle her companion-- what Gertrude mightve not told you,or well- know, is that avatars have a tendency to... lose their humanity as time goes on
He stops what hes doing, and blinks slowly--...What?
--So- so youre basically a vessel for the spiral, youll act on its impulses, you- you might start seeing things its way,not yours-- she sees him start to freak out-- BUT! but you can fight against it,ill...I can help
Michael seems to settle down, and nodds--I- okay,I trust you
And again comes that sting,shes willing to give it a try. She scoots closer and one of his hands cups her cheek, and Michael kisses her. Its brief,meaningful.
--Thank you-- he says with a warm smile.
--Im always here-- she promised, willing to bet her very essence on it-- youre not going to face this alone
All he can give in response is another kiss, still short but embued with love. And once their drinks are finished and the Sky pushes into sunrise,They cuddle on the couch.
The day is still overcast,and the curtains are drawn in her home. Its dark,and cozy,comforting.
Jerico holds on to Michael, close to her chest to Keep him safe,praying and hoping.
However,the Years wouldnt be kind to the New avatar. Even with his trusty friend,Michael doesnt take long to lose what he was, be it because of unfortunate circumstances or fate itself.
Hes almost irrecognizable,a mischevious,uncaring,blood thirsty entity. A wide disturbing smile with too Many sharp teeth, an echoing disorienting laugh to replaced the bubbly laughter he once had.
Jerico watches horrified, she managed to contain the damage The Spiral could inflict upon her Friends psyche. She gave him advice, she supported him, she went over their best and worst moments together.
When he was around her,he was that good ol' sweet Michael. Once he left though, oh what a stark contrast.
Yet,his Love for her never died,he still clung to that bit of humanity in him. Love, ever persevering and ever present.
This New,irrecognizable form, it wasnt his, its not his. But he wears it with pride,a twisted,Coiling, writhing spiral of hatred for the world as it is and the humans that live within it.
But even after Jerico does find someone else, Gertrudes replacement no less,hes happy for her. There are things he cant give her, of that hes sure.
Yet if his love for her was still there,who said it wasnt mutual?. Whenever the time is right,he'll make his move
In the meantime,he'll watch from the sidelines,cause a bit of trouble, enjoy his time spent with the one person who has never stopped loving him even after everything hes done and maybe,just maybe help out that wet cat of an archivist if the situation calls for it.
Deep within him,within her as well, that loving flame still burns ever brighter.
There were things these entities couldnt take away, a hopeful confort perhaps, that showed theyre not all powerful.
Michael just comforms to sit on that old sofa and drink a cup of tea as he laughs his ribs off with his best friend for eternity. That,was perhaps, enough for him.
Yes. Yes It was enough
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theloveinc · 1 year
Lmaoooo this is shinso, he tries so hard to be nonchalant but is vibrating at the thought that you brushed hands earlier, ✋️ love me pathetically inlove men who are unable to express it like a normal human being, who else does this remind you of lol ?
(You can totally ignore this but sometimes im a little nosey) Saw that someone blocked you and while my totally rational mind is like "yeah maybe they just don't like the content, I sometimes block ppl because they pop up on my feed to frequently or smth like that" but ngl sometimes it's like " no, tell me the reason!" So yeah ur valid for feeling a little miffed, and if you want to be upset, I'll be upset with you! Lmao sending lots of love
COOKIE, i'm so glad to see u! i felt bad about not getting to ur last ask, so it's nice that you're still around💓💓💓
this absolutely IS shinso and it's gonna drive me insane to think about LOL, the way not even his closest friends know how deep he is into his lil crush.
like him still being his somewhat cold self on the outside, trying to focus on work and business, literally MALFUNCTIONING when u just get coffee at the same time as him, pass him in the halls, sit next to him in meetings.
he's an underground hero for gods sake, he shouldn't be flustered over little things like that. AND YET, deep down he's so loving and romantic and dedicated that he just can't help the way he aches for you! kasdfnkjlladsjfkjadfmkl, truly.
(takes him like two whole years to work up the nerve to say anything about it to you, and even then he struggles being casual about it bc he doesn't want to show that he's scared of your rejection. just kiss him already!!!)
this also reminds me a bit of ... kirishima, honestly??? he's a little more forward LOL but he's such a mess over you in the crushing stages at first. doesn't want bakugo to pick at him for it, or even for you to think he's being too forward or something... arg, i love that dude (and you, too!).
(the type to go out with the boys and sigh the whole time bc he wishes he could've invited u. and then when he's asked what's wrong is just like: "ahhh you know. nothing :-)" BITCH!!)
lolol, this was such a cute thought! thank u for stopping by with it<3
and about the blocking ... YEAH. like i just wish i knew the reason, so at least i wouldn't have to wonder if i ... hurt someone unintentionally. ofc i stand by a lot of my decisions / actions too so maybe it's totally justified... but still.
and there ended up being a third person who blocked me recently too, which just made me even more DAM!!! (even tho i'll be fine in the end).
but i appreciate the concern (and upset-ness hehe) cookie! lots of love to you, too and hope you're well!🖤
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domesticateddog · 2 years
was supposed to go to my boyfriends cousins wedding today and we were gonna drive 2 hours to the hotel to get ready, hang out with his family and then GO to the wedding and then spend the night down there. but at the VERY LAST SECOND my boyfriend decided he VEHEMENTLY DID NOT WANT TO GO. honestly i was looking forward to it all but now we aren’t going. im a *little* 👌🏼 relieved bc it may have been awkward but his family likes me so….. he and his dad got into an argument about him not going (fair. they rsvp’d for him so it IS a dick move) and his dad was like “well, you’re still invited if you want to go!” to me and i was worried it would be very awkward so i said no. driving two hours just with his dad to spend the night in a hotel with his family for a wedding where i don’t know anybody there except his immediate family. so now im sitting here watching RLM and drinking coffee.
i may just say fuck it and put all my wedding clothes on just to feel something but whatever. im a little pissed but not too bad, just disappointed.
0 notes
julibeeline · 2 years
love at first sight with the crew / feral boys
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[romantic cc!crew boys x fem!reader]
you were at a movie theater with two other guys sitting next to you
they seemed to be around your age, talking occasionally during the movie
during the movie, the guy next to you nudges your elbow rather harshly
“oh im so sorry” he whispers when he realizes what happened
“no worries!” you say back, drawing your attention back to the movie
a few moments later, you overhear him whispering to the guy next to him
“nick, nick! the person next to me is actually really cute, fuck should i do something?”
you smile looking at the movie as he glances at you; checking if you heard anything
you act like nothing happened and as the movie ends, you start to stand up
he quickly rushes over tapping your shoulder as you turn around
“hey, my names clay, can i have your number? you’re really cute”
karl had invited you to a gaming event with a bunch of people
you were having a good time so far; everyone was really nice
some point during the event karl left for a second to talk to someone
you just kinda stood there awkwardly looking around for someone to talk to
one of karl’s friends you knew as ‘sapnap’ from brief mentions came up to you smiling
“hey, youre y/n right? ive seen you with karl a few times?”
you guys talked for a short while until karl came back
“damn you guys talked already! sorry man but i think we gotta go, our ride is coming in like 5”
as you and karl left the building karl kept glancing at his phone
when you guys enter the car, he says
“hey y/n nick wants your number, he says youre pretty cool”
you were at a coffee shop when you noticed a group of guys glancing towards you
you had no idea what was going on, so you ignored it and went back to your book
“karllll george keeps looking at that girl over there at that table”
“ask her for her number of something george!”
“what? no!”
“its now or never george youre not gonna see her again”
“shut up nick its embarrasing”
“i dont care if you dont go right now im gonna push you”
“i cant”
“yes you can george please”
“if you dont then im gonna go ask for her number for myself if youre too busy being a pussy”
“okay fine im going! just stay here”
it took him a lot of convincing until he finally got up and walked over to your table
“hey uh i noticed you from that table, youre really pretty, could i have your number by any chance?”
you had to subsititue for one of jimmy’s camera operators for an upcoming mr beast video
he had asked if you were free for a few hours, and that one of his filmers had fallen sick
as you were setting up the camera, you got startled by someone behind you
“hey my names karl, are you a new filmer here?”
“ah im just replacing someone today, its nice to meet you though karl!” you say smiling
the small talk soon became less awkward as you guys grew closer during the recording
occasional hand brushes, pats on the head; man this guy loved affection
but little did you guys know, those cute moments were caught on camera and posted
after the recording and few days later, you get a text from jimmy
“karl has been rewatching the same video over and over, do you wanna come down for another one? :)”
you were at an airport heading home soon, about to catch your flight
you waited in line at a starbucks, a few people ahead of you
when it was finally your turn, you ordered while pulling out your purse but the cashier interrupts you
“the guy in front of you payed for your drink, you can just take it”
“oh?” you were so taken aback; you didnt even bother to look up while he was in the line
“im sorry, what did he look like?”
as the worker gave a brief description of the guy, you said a polite “thank you” and looked around with the drink in your hand
when you spotted a guy that met the description, you walked over to him
“hey, were you the guy that payed for my drink?”
“oh uh yeah hi” he giggles, adjusting his hat
“that was really nice of you, thank you so much” you say smiling softly
the whole conversation was a blushing, giggling mess
“hey my flight is boarding soon but youre really cute, could i have your number?” you ask
“yeah yeah of course!”
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freakynct · 3 years
I would like to request!!! Reactions of roommates nct 127 inviting them on your bubble bath because you feel lonely🥺
𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝟏𝟐𝟕 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲
"ah y/n i'm sorry!" he said as he covered his eyes with his hand, hiding away your figure submerged in the bathtub. "i'm so so sorry." he tried leaving the room quickly but instead went against the door making you giggle.
"it's ok taeil, wait." you said and he stood still as a statue. "uhm don't you wanna join me?" his widened eyes peaked between his fingers at you, confused and intrigued with your question.
"y/n... what do you mean?" he mumbled.
"please. i've been feeling so lonely lately, please join me." you confessed to him, pouting in hopes that would entice him.
he sighed and slowly walked over to you, his eyes still avoiding contact with your body as he sat down on the floor next to the bathtub.
"i can just sit here with you if you want." his voice was so sweet and the way his fingers lightly grazed over your hand was even sweeter.
"yeah, that's ok with me." you smiled.
"johnny." you whined out to him from the bathtub where you were in as he stood with his back turned to you. he had come into the bathroom to look for something he needed and was currently going through all the stuff in the cabinet.
"hm." he mumbled in response, too focused on what he was doing to give you a proper reply.
"please come take a bath with me." you pouted even tho he couldn't see you.
"why?" he asked, but still he didn't seem too surprised or like he was paying attention to what you were proposing.
"i'm lonely." you whined.
"got it!" he almost yelled out as he had finally found what he was looking for.
"johnny!!" you shouted back, annoyed at his lack of interest in what you were saying.
"you're just needy y/n, you know this happens once in a while. you need a boyfriend." he said as he finally turned back to look at you.
"are you gonna take a bath with me or no?" you asked already impatient.
"why would you ask me something like that?" he nervous laughed when you suggested having a bubble bath together on the topic of both of you being stressed out with work.
"why not? it'd be fun." you smiled grabbing his arms in excitement while he raised his eyebrow at you in confusion.
"but why together?" you noticed he giggled everytime he mentioned doing it together, the idea of it made him shy.
"i don't know, cause we could talk and relax together. c'mon tae." you pouted at him and you saw how his face started to soften up.
"i don't know y/n. we're friends and roommates, wouldn't it be weird?"
"well we don't have to be naked. we can use bathing suits." you watched him think over the idea for a few seconds until he finally gave in.
"ok but i want extra bubbles." he smiled.
"sorry what was that?" he smirked at you after already asking you to repeat yourself twice.
"ugh forget it." you whined turning around to walk back to your room before you felt his hand yanking you back by your arm.
"wait wait." he chuckled. "i was just playing with you." you looked up at him and your cheeks burned at the proximity of your bodies.
"well... so you accept?" you murmured looking back down at his chest to avoid eye contact but you knew his eyes were still deeply buried on you and he was enjoying this.
"it's a little weird to ask your roommate to take a bath with you. is there anything you wanna tell me?" your eyes widened as you met his again and you saw his smirk grow bigger.
"yutaaa." you slapped his arm and he laughed. "i just wanted company cause it's more fun." you pouted and he sighed.
"don't worry, i'll make it fun."
"i don't think this is a good idea." he said looking around the room as if someone else was watching.
"will you quit thinking about this so much?" you said while taking your shirt off, to which doyoung looked away almost immediately. "it's just a bubble bath, i'm not asking you to marry me."
he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair before starting to unbutton his black shirt.
"i'll turn around and you go in first." he said as he was already turning his back on you.
"i don't mind if you see me naked." you shrugged your shoulders and proceeded to take off the rest of your clothes off.
"i do! i don't wanna make things weird." he whined and you laughed.
"we're already taking a bath together so." you got in the bathtub and covered yourself with the bubbles. "ok you can come in now." you looked at his bare behind as you waited for him to move but he only turned his head back to look at you.
"close your eyes too." he insisted.
"doyoung im already seeing your ass."
"close them!!"
"so this is what we're doing when we feel lonely now, huh?" he smirked as he walked over to you, his tongue poking at the inside of his cheek. 
"uh no, i mean, yeah." you tripped over your words as he started getting closer and closer to you. "it was just a suggestion, i mean, maybe it could be nice i don't know. 
your cheeks burned at the sound of jaehyun's low chuckle. he was already standing tall in front of you and his finger came under your chin to make you look up at him.
"calm down y/n, i didn't say i didn't want it." he smiled. "we can do it." 
you smiled back at his words before he went back to talking again. 
"wanna take off my clothes too?" he laughed as you slapped his arm. "ok ok. let's go."
you always cuddled with jungwoo in his room when you were feeling down or lonely and it was something he had already gotten used to and liked.
"jungwoo, come take a bath with me." you pouted looking up from his chest where you were previously laying your head on while he played video games. 
"a bath?" he asked confused but never taking his eyes away from the bright tv. 
"yeah. i wanna take a bath but i also don't wanna stop cuddling." you heard his chuckle and he finally looked at you for a few seconds. 
"i think you'll survive if you stop cuddling me for 30 minutes." he smiled. 
"pleaseee, i'll never ask anything from you again." you whined, pulling on his t-shirt and he sighed while pausing his game and taking off his headphones. 
"alright, c'mon needy." you frowned at him and he laughed, getting up. 
you walked through the hall with your towel in hand before stopping at mark's room door, which was slightly open. you looked inside and saw his leaning over his desk, hands roaming through his hair as he studied. 
"hey." you said, opening up his door a little more. 
"hey!" he smiled as he turned around to look at you. "you going to take a shower?" 
"a bath." you corrected him and he sighed. 
"man i'm really needing one of those too, uni is killing me." he said looking over at all of his papers scattered all over the table. 
"you can come take a bath with me if you want." you murmed a little shy, almost not expecting yourself to say something like that but mark's reaction wasn't what you expected. 
"oh yeah, of course, i'm coming right away." he laughed leaning back on his chair and you noticed that he thought you were just making a joke until he realized that you looked too serious to be any of that. "oh. you're being serious?" he asked surprised. 
"uhm... yeah i guess." you watched him look around the room before his eyes fell back on you. 
"are you sure?" he asked. you just nodded in response and you saw the little smile on the corner of his lips. "ok, then i guess i can take a break now." he said getting up. 
you heard the knock on the bathroom door and you told him to come in.
"here's the coffee you asked." he rolled his eyes as he kneeled down next to the tub, handing you over the hot mug.
haechan had lost one of the many bets you two made and now he had to serve you for the day which he wasn't too amused by.
"is that all?" he mumbled annoyed and you chuckled, leaning over the bathtub to get closer to him.
"no." you saw him roll his eyes one more time. "you have to get in and take a bath with me."
you saw his annoyed expression soften up quickly as he realized what you were asking.
"g-get in?" his eyes were slightly wide and you thought he looked so cute.
"yeah. or are you afraid of taking a bath with a girl?" you smirked and he immediately got up, taking off his shirt. 
"make room for me."
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