#if he's going to have a doomed romance at least let it have real feelings behind it besides disgust and contempt
taihua · 10 months
Now that I'm back from Korea, I got caught up on TGCF donghua and I have so many thoughts from the recent two episodes
First of all, Fengqing are so divorced. But not from each other! They're Xie Lian's bitter exes fighting to get him back. The donghua is playing this angle so hard that I'm back to feeling like ah, MXTX always intended for them to be read this way but avoided saying it outright because she didn't want the drama of pitting ships against each other. Or maybe it just conflicted too hard with the Hualian-are-each-other's-everything message, which is valid, but Fengqing exes is just so funny and the donghua team get it
Next, Xie Lian being happy--he's happy to see Mu Qing! And he's happy that his sacrifice for Lang Qianqiu worked, because Qianqiu didn't turn into a vengeful repeat of Xie Lian, which is exactly what he hoped would be the result and it worked, he was a good teacher in the end... there's pain there, but he helped his boy!
And speaking of Lang Qianqiu, I'm wondering if the assistant friend is supposed to be An Le? Fangxin Guoshi kills him before the birthday party iirc, but I could see the donghua team changing the side plot a little bit to add some filler for the end of season 2 rather than cutting to Book 2 material after this arc is over
But I hope it is An Le and they expand on that relationship more, because honestly that should have been the Lang Qianqiu ship of choice for fandom rather than Qi Rong?? Same vibes as Shuangxuan--I'm pretending to be your friend even though I'm going to betray you, oh no I caught feelings for real--and An Le was someone that LQQ obviously cared about and respected (neither of which applies to Qi Rong).
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marciliedonato · 1 year
Don't ask:
- a man, his salary
- A woman, her age
- And a tumblrina (gn) who they voted for in the nge/moomin poll....
#Releasing this from the drafts bc the poll ends at 9pm today#It's been real y'all we go down gracefully it's been an honor fighting with y'all in the Eva trenches 🫡🫡#Also why are pitting 2 bad bitches against each other#Like do ppl realize when they say 'moomin is for queer people' the lead of Eva is also literally a depressed bi like!#He should be doing numbers here on the depressed gay site come on. Yeah it was doomed by the narrative#But what is Romance without tragedy. Like man. What a trope (only talking abt the story not the authors obv)#Imagine hearing 'maybe I was born to meet you' from a divine being who sees all your faults#And how much you hate yourself and loves you unconditionally and intensely from the moment he lays eyes on you... I'M GONNA BE UNWELL#Regardless. Times are tough but we stay silly :3 let me be silly for a moment with u it ain't serious#Wow anna said something#Anna's shitposts#Nge#Eva#I just think they're wildly different in how they approach themes and it's weird and complicated to even compare them#One is lighthearted and comforting the other feels like being crushed by a thousand elephants both are important#We got far we deserved better than to lose bc of a bit everyone was committed to but. It's respectable. It all returns to nothing or smth#Edit: the sidenote is to differentiate between the fact one is not known for being queer media but it does have that#Despite it being so small in the story (the show at least but it's significant) and the other#Is obv queer media bc of the author and it's not in the story as far as ik but it's an accepting/inclusive story#Why do u think it got so big and a character that appeared once became one of the biggest*. It obv meant smth to ppl#*to the point he appeared more in the rebuilds and is all over in merch. ANYWAY SORRY FOR RANTING IN THE TAGS I GOT PASSIONATE OK
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pinkaditty · 24 days
He Knows
(Subaru Kagami x MC X Haku Kusanagi; Tokyo Debunker)
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omg guess who's back!!!!! im posting porn as per usual. 2day's porn is about tokyo debunkers!! recently started playing that game and WOW haku kusanagi has stolen my heart holy shit man. i picked him and then proceeded 2 watch him jump off a burning ledge it was really something!!! anyways the more of him i saw the more of him i just ended up liking. like when i found out he's left handed i jus melted on impact bro wtf's wrong with me. anyways here have the result of my 72 hour long haku kusanagi brainrot: porn.
summary: haku's been avoiding you. it's because you're with subaru all the damn time. it's only at a party where you're in close proximity that things get... interesting.
a/n: note that the tokyo debunkers characters have no confirmed ages. i am running on the assumption that, since they refer to themselves as adults in the game, drink, smoke, and gamble that they are at least in the college student age range. also, i have never heard of a high school with a chancellor. typically it's universities that have those. i am running on the assumption that all characters are at least 18 years of age. if canon ages come out and turn out to be lower, i will delete this! thank you <3
cw: MINORS DNI, suggestive, no real smut happening but u get kinda close, mostly buildup tbh, self-indulgent (pls like this i spent hours writing it), gn!mc bc mc isn't described physically at all, strongly implied sexual relations, semi-public?, slight cucking if u wanna call it that?, subaru x reader x haku yea
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Casino parties in Sinostra were a lot different from Frostheim parties. 
Where Frostheim parties were the peak of elegance; blue and white and silver, the mood just as frosty as the scenery, the dress code limited to the finest silks and satins, the food limited to the neatest hors d'oeuvres, and the conversation limited to humble whispers; Sinostra parties were the peak of gaucheness; all colors gaudy and neon, the mood joyful and jubilant and raunchy, the dress code ranging from evening dresses to last week’s uniform, the food being whatever was served at the nearest table, and the conversation loud and constantly overlapping. If you asked Haku, he didn’t have a preference. Parties were parties. It didn’t matter what kind.
He was here to have a good time. That was somewhat dampened when he realized he’d have no choice but to hang around you. He’d been avoiding you for a reason, after all.
It had been recently when he realized why his heart thrummed like a drum when you were nearby, the beat loud and monotonous in his ears. It was an unfamiliar feeling, one he’d scarcely felt, and when he realized what it was, he almost didn’t believe it was genuine. Sure, you were attractive, but all his flirting was, at best, to get your attention and to mess with someone cute. Who doesn’t like attention from an attractive person? He blew it off for the longest time, chalking it up to nerves at how you would respond to his brazen flirting, or perhaps surprise when you would talk to him with a sincere glint in your eye. It was crazy, falling for someone who might be doomed to die, but it was like he couldn’t help himself. Something about how you kept going, even despite that, accepting your potential fate but seeking a way to rewrite it all the same—it impressed him. You had the resilience of a ghoul, a will strong enough to devour a curse. So be it. He promised to himself from the moment he saw Taiga attempt to throw you out of the train window that he wouldn’t let you succumb to such horrors just yet. He had thought that, with the mesmer matches, his promise would be fulfilled. But when your eyes shined with recognition upon meeting his gaze again on that train, he knew he’d bitten off far more than he could chew. So be it. His fate was sealed, as it always had been. 
And, of course, like any romance story, you’d gotten quite close with another guy, Subaru. The odd pangs in his heart rang quite clear through his head when he saw the two of you walking together on campus yet again, or sitting together at mealtimes yet again, or when you’d come by Hotarubi to visit him yet again. He felt childish, feeling an odd jealousy bubbling up in him that he immediately tried to tamp down. He didn’t like feeling that way, not at all. He figured he’d have to rid himself of this somehow, so he distanced himself. Yet, the pull towards you was still strong and hard to ignore.
And then he started falling for you, harder, even after he’d implemented distance, completely unplanned. So, yeah, being here with you after weeks of attempting to avoid your presence after such a revelation was something of a downer. And, super awkward. But whatever, he could take it. He didn’t want to walk aimlessly around this party and see something he shouldn’t, so he was stuck with his dormmates, particularly Subaru, who was stuck—albeit, happily—with you. 
The party was going alright so far. The alcohol had given him a light buzz, enough to at least alleviate his nerves, and relax just slightly. He sank into the couch he sat on, adjacent to the bar. Next to him was Subaru, next to Subaru was Zenji, and next to Zenji was you. At least there was some distance, but his eyes met yours in fleeting glances quite often. It was minimally frustrating, but the buzz helped him ignore it. You were engaged in friendly, flamboyant conversation with Zenji, Subaru seemed a little shifty, though that could be chalked up to being in a loud environment, and Haku was leaning back, swirling his drink in his hands. The endless noise of loud voices and gambling wins and losses echoed in his ears as he did all he could to refrain from indulging much more. But your presence wasn’t exactly helping. 
He turned back to you, to give you another fleeting glance, but his eyes landed on Subaru instead. He seemed a little out of it, his skin shining in the low light with a thin layer of sweat, his breathing heavy and laboured, his face flushed a bright pink. Haku stared at him curiously, concern creasing his eyebrows and quirking his lips downwards. He reached a hand out to gently pat Subaru on the shoulder, who flinched suddenly. Haku looked at him quizzically, his eyebrows furrowing further. “You good?” He examined Subaru’s condition further, noticing his bangs beginning to stick to his forehead from the sweat. “Do we need to leave?”
Haku’s mumbled queries gained the attention of Zenji, who glanced over his shoulder. Upon seeing Subaru’s state, he frets, turning towards him and grabbing his chin, tilting his head back and forth. Haku wished he wouldn’t do that, and hoped onlookers assumed Subaru was just shaking his head. Not that anyone would be looking in this direction, anyway. He notices you curiously peering over Zenji’s shoulder. You showed no signs of concern, rather interest.
“Oh my! Are you alright? You’re quite flushed!” Zenji’s voice was pitched with worry, as he further examined Subaru���s face. “Did you perhaps—ah, but you’re not holding anything…” Zenji tapped his fingers to his lips, his eyebrows furrowing with concern. Subaru shook his head at both Zenji and Haku, and waved his hand.
“I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.” Haku heard a slight tremor in Subaru’s voice.
“Are you sure?” Zenji pressed, leaning towards Subaru, his eyes searching his face for any signs of further ailment.
“I’m fine! Please, enjoy yourselves.” To his credit, Subaru hid the tremor this time, but Haku could still sense something was wrong. However, he decided to let it go, assuming that they wouldn’t be here much longer. 
He took note of your lack of concern. He found it odd, but didn’t think on it much. You were close with Subaru, but maybe not as close as he thought. He hated how the thought of the two of you not being as close planted a seed of hope in his heart. Still, wasn’t concern a normal reaction to a friend being ill?
Haku let it go. They’d be out of here soon, anyway. 
Time seems to crawl by and speed up at the same time, the chaotic haze of the party warping his perception of time. Before he knows it, he’s on his second drink, even after internally swearing he wouldn’t overindulge. And before he knows it, he’s lost count of how many times he’s glanced your way, each time holding your gaze longer than the last. His pining was ridiculous. He felt like a teenager. And the drink in his hand was only a reminder of his low self-control, further shaming him. He sighs and places it down on the table in front of the couch, promptly leaning back in his seat. Once he falsely settles in, his finds his eyes drifting to you again. He quickly snaps his gaze away, but not before he spots Subaru’s quivering figure out of the corner of his eye. He turns to him again, concern once again etching itself into his expression. 
Subaru was trembling now, slouching just slightly, which was unlike him. His chest heaved with the effort to breathe normally, and he was sweating more now, more of his bangs stuck to his forehead. Instead of the modest blush pink his face had been before, he was now a bright red, color spreading from his cheeks to his ears and even to his neck. Alright, this was too much. Even Haku knew Subaru was pushing himself too far. He sat upright and gently placed a hand on Subaru’s back, to which he flinched again. Haku’s concern quickly turned to worry, and his hand moved to Subaru’s shoulder instead, leaning closer to him. He could feel the heat radiating off of him. “Hey, Subaru.” Subaru turned to him, still heaving and blinking at him blearily. “...We should go.” Subaru promptly shook his head, despite his body still trembling. The movement alerted Zenji yet again, who turned to Subaru, noticing his trembling form.
“My goodness, look at you!” Zenji grabbed Subaru’s face, squishing his cheeks. “Are you well? Do we need to take you to Montkranken?” Haku sighed as Subaru shook his head again, stubborn as a mule on this.
“N-No, I swear I’m fine, truly.” His voice shook audibly. Haku had half a mind to take him to Montkranken by force, but knew that no good would come of making Subaru any more uncomfortable. 
Zenji hesitantly let go of Subaru’s face, staring at him dubiously. He carefully inspected him, checking his complexion and forehead. As Zenji flitted back and forth around Subaru, Haku found his gaze once again slipping towards you. This time he didn’t stop it, deciding to let it go so he could hold your gaze at least once more before he shifted his full focus to Subaru. However, he notices you aren’t looking at Subaru, or Zenji, or him. You’re staring off to the left, as though watching the people of the party. He’s confused. Why are you so nonchalant about this? Even before, no concern was on your face, mere interest. And now, it’s like you couldn’t care less. It didn’t seem quite like you not to care about one of your friends. It was quite confusing and frustrating, watching you act so nonchalantly, hardly noticing Subaru’s ailment. But, whatever. Maybe you were just distracted. As he turns his gaze back to Subaru, about to gently encourage him to stand so they could leave, he notices your hand moving out of the corner of his eye. Your hand disappears into your pocket and shifts a bit more. Simultaneously, Subaru lurches forward, grunting. His whole body was trembling now, and his fingers dug into his arms as he desperately tried to keep it together. Zenji immediately leans over, placing a hand on Subaru’s back. Haku feels a rush of panic and leans towards him. “Subaru! What’s—”
Haku stops in his tracks. On the side of Subaru’s neck, facing Haku, there were small red and purple bruises. For a moment, Haku’s confused. What are those markings on the side of his neck? And what’s got him so—
Out of nowhere, something clicks. 
As Zenji continues fussing over Subaru, Haku slowly lifts his gaze to you. He finds your gaze boring straight into him. A shock runs down his spine. 
No. No way.
Haku watches as you smirk at him and you pull something out of your pocket, purposely angling the object so only he could see it. It is something very closely resembling a remote. His eyes flick between the remote and your face, your eyes still holding him captive. He tears his gaze away from you and the remote, and turns to Subaru’s trembling form, Zenji fussing over him. He turns back to you, observing the wicked smile on your face. This can’t be real, right?
He watches as your smirk widens, and you press a button on the remote, slipping it back into your pocket. 
Subaru groans, crumpling further forward, immediately pressing a hand to his mouth to muffle his voice. Haku studies him carefully, watching his expression. Subaru’s eyes roll back just once and the corner of his lips turn upwards in a smile, peeking behind his palm pressed tight against his mouth. 
Oh. Oh god.
Something akin to heat pools in Haku’s lower abdomen. He finds himself gripping the cushion of the sofa he’s sitting on so hard his knuckles turn white. Haku swallows thickly, and jerks his gaze back up to you, finding your gaze boring straight into him once again. Subaru’s muffled grunts grow louder, and now that he knows it’s out of pleasure and not pain, Haku feels the urge to squirm. He feels warm all of a sudden, his own body beginning to tremble with nerves and heat. His lips part as he breathes heavily, his gaze flickering from you, to your pocket, to Subaru, and back to you. Maybe it was a bad idea to have so much alcohol. Your gaze, the knowledge of what was really going on, and Subaru’s grunts—which were quickly evolving into moans, further confusing Zenji—all made quite a potent concoction, and with the alcohol running through his system, it really only served to shame him further yet again. 
Shame is all he can think about… Even as a tent forms in his pants.
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a/n: YIPPEE!!!!!!! i finished at long last
also here have this fuckass meme i made thinkging abt all the fics im writing atm:
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i guess i have a niche. my roommate literally asked me as i was telling her abt this fic "is it gonna be cuckold" and i was like "WHATEKSLSJK?!?!?!??!" and then i realized. i write a lot of these fics and call them all self-indulgent. is something wrong with me?
anyways wrapping this up!!!!!!! note that i appreciate likes, reblogs, and comments!!! please, tell me all about how much you enjoyed my work, if you did!!!! i really like when people tell me they loved it bc it encourages me 2 keep going ahhhh!!! until next time, readers!!!!!
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byeoltoyuki · 8 months
✧memories of us ✧ a touch
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↳ Pairing: Jisung x Reader
❧ Genre : romance / smut /fluff / 1st love to strangers to lovers
❧ Summary: Sometimes memories are just that. Memories.
❧ Warnings: fingering , Minho is watching
A series of drabbles about you and Jisung, about your love and your heartbreak and a second chance.
❧ A/N: Likes and reblogs are appreciated ♥
Masterlist / previous / next
Whoever thought that having a horror-movie night was a good idea was an idiot. Not that you didn’t like horror movies, quite the opposite even. But the others? Not so much. Nevertheless, everybody agreed to meet at Changbin’s place, being the biggest, because you loved spending time together. Even in misery. 
“Guess I’m not sleeping tonight.” Yunji complained with a loud groan. 
“Or maybe you’re going to use this chance to get all cozy with Minho.” You teased her. You had been suspicious about them for a while. You just had a feeling there was something going on. They always bickered, always pushed at each other’s buttons but they were also incredibly protective other each other. 
Yunji didn’t disappoint. She dropped the bag of chips and looked at you, mouth opened in shock and wide eyes. “No! Never!” 
You leaned closer, smirking. Someone was being too defensive tonight. “Sure about that?”
“You little shit!” She hit your arm to hide her embarrassment. “Then what about you and Jisung? Do you think we’re blind?” 
That was unexpected and almost made you wish you hadn’t teased your friend about her not so odd relationship with Minho. Karma was real. “What about us?” You straightened your back and averted your eyes from her face, trying to look and sound as nonchalant as possible.
Yunji rolled her eyes and resumed filling the bowls with snacks. “You’re close. Is there something going on?” 
You wished you could tell her but you weren’t completely sure what to say. Yes, there was something; you had kissed, you had shared sweet moments together. But were you dating? Not really. You didn’t know how to label your relationship, so you didn’t. You waited for the right moment to have the talk with him. 
“We’re close.” You ended up saying. “That’s all.” 
Yunji hummed not convinced but dropped the subject. Maybe because she preferred for you to be comfortable around to talk about you and Jisung, or maybe she was simply afraid this conversation would turn back on her. Instead, she finished her job; she put different snacks on the big plate while you grabbed the different drinks.
“Let’s face our doom.” Yunji cheered and tried to repress the shiver. Among all of you, Yunji was definitely the most sensitive when it came to horror movies; you could only applaud her courage for coming.
“At least, Changbin had outdone himself.” You pointed out at the appalling amount of blankets and cushions he had prepared for the night. His living room looked anything but a living room; blankets were all over the place, on the floor, on the couch, on the chairs – everywhere. It made the room looked absolutely cozy.
Jisung had already settled, claiming his place on the couch. Changbin chose the floor, a big, fluffy cushion pressed against his chest. Minho, on the other hand, chose the armchair large enough for two.
“How come we’re the one doing all the work?” Yunji scolded the three men.
“Excuse me, but I’m doing an important job!” Changbin protested and pointed at her with the remote. “I’m choosing the most terrifying movie for tonight.”
Yunji actually shook at his words and it did not go unnoticed.
Minho smirked evilly at her. “What’s wrong, kitten. Scared?”
“Fuck you, Minho.” Yunji hurried to reply and put the plate on the table just to give him a finger.
“You wish, babe.”
Before they could start a fight, Changbin opened his arms widely. “Come here, I’ll protect you.” What a sweet gentleman. Yunji did exactly what he suggested. She joined him on the floor and Changbin was quick to wrap her in a blanket and put some cushions to make her comfortable. “You’ll be fine.”
She wouldn’t but she appreciated the intention either way.
You, on the other hand, considered your options. Of course, there was still room for you on the floor but lying beside Jisung seemed like a rather good yet dangerous idea. Jisung took the matter in his own hands; he gently grabbed your hand and pulled you with enough strength to make you fall on the couch, right beside him. Without giving you time to protest, he pulled his blanket over the two of you and pulled you in his arms. “We’re ready! Let’s the night begin!”
Were you blushing? Absolutely. Not only because being in his arms felt divine, but also because Minho was smirking proudly at the two of you. And so was Yunji. No doubt, they would tease the shit out of you later. God help you.
Barely twenty minutes into the movie and Yunji was already screaming and jumping at every little noise, at every little shadow, not that you could blame her. Every time she jumped, it made you jump too, not because you were actually scared of the movie but because her reaction startled you every single time.
Jisung chuckled at you, tickling your side playfully.
“Stop it!” You groaned and nudged him in return.
“But you’re so cute!”
“Can you two shut up? We’re trying to watch a movie here!” Changbin glanced angrily at you over his shoulder.
But Jisung wasn’t sorry; he nudged Changbin with his foot and stuck his tongue out. Typical.
You tried to concentrate back on the movie, but apparently Jisung wasn’t sharing your plans. Under the blanket, his hand moved slowly. So slowly, at first you thought he was trying to change his position. But then, it came to rest on your thigh. Such an innocent gesture that gave you goosebumps. You held your breath, forcing your body to stay still, trying desperately not to misunderstand his intentions. But then, he moved his hand a little higher, squeezing your soft flesh on his way and you couldn’t take it. You grabbed his hand to stop him. You didn’t trust yourself not to make any noise if he kept touching you like that.
“What the hell are you doing?” You scolded him under your breath, hoping none of your friends would hear or notice what was going on.
But Jisung didn’t answer, he smiled sheepishly at you and despite your hold on his hand, he resumed the touching. Your body’s instant response was to squeeze your thighs together, trapping his hand in between. You should stop him before it could get out of hand. You should. And yet.
Jisung looked down at you, wiggled his brows playfully and pinched your skin. “Open up, pretty angel.”
And how could you not when he was asking so nicely? When he was looking at you with so much need and longing? You parted your legs and let him have control.
He leaned closer, lips brushing your ear. “Good girl.”
Fuck. You were in so much trouble.
Jisung’s hand felt soft and warm against your skin. More his hand got higher and more your skin was burning. You desperately wanted him to stop teasing you but he was enjoying it too much, seeing how your breath got hard, how you were clutching his shirt, how you were trying to hold back.
The moment he slipped his hand inside your shorts, you silently gasped. Jisung hummed, pleased, against your ear as he found just how needy, how wet he got you with just simple touches. He caressed your lips, gently rubbing before spreading your arousal all over, stopping at your clit.
“So wet, angel.” He whispered and bit playfully your ear.
You bit on your lips to prevent a moan to slip from them. It felt just so good to have his fingers playing with you and you wanted more. You wished you were alone in the room so you could fully let go.
Jisung started rubbing circles around your clit, so incredibly slow you thought you would lose your mind and start begging him to do it harder, faster. He found his own pace and simply enjoyed how responsive your body was.
You closed your eyes and threw your head back, your body twitching with every rub. He pinched your clit and you bit down on your lip so hard you thought it would pierce your skin. Bloody hell.
All color left your face the moment you opened your eyes and your eyes locked with Minho who, unfortunately for you, was no longer concentrated on the movie but on the two of you. One brow cocked, he stared so intensely at you, your body froze and you gripped Jisung’s hand under the blanket to stop him. Your breath hitched in your throat as you wanted to hide from the world. He had to know what was going on under this blanket. It was Minho, he always knew everything.
Jisung lazily moved his head to follow your gaze. You thought that once he realized that they were discovered, he would stop, pull his hand away. But he didn’t. He chuckled softly and took you by surprise as he slid one finger inside of you and then another – you gasped and writhed. He simply didn’t care about an audience. This was pure madness and you shouldn’t be enjoying it as much as you did, but as Jisung curled his fingers inside you, your eyes rolled back in your head.
“I bet he’s jealous.” Jisung whispered as he brushed that spot that made your toes curl and brought tears to your eyes as you tried not to make any noise. It was getting harder and harder as you felt your stomach tightening.
“Too bad, you’re mine.” Hearing the possessiveness in his voice made you clench hard around his fingers. It was hot and if you didn’t have his fingers deep inside you, you would have made a comment, instead you clasped your hand over your mouth.
The climax rushed toward you, fast and strong. The release came in waves of intense pleasure washing over you. You couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move, couldn’t think. Your body went limp against him, panting silently.
Jisung pulled out his fingers and he hummed in satisfaction as he brought them to his mouth and licked them clean.
Fuck. You could come again just from watching him lick and suck on his fingers.
“You know what,” Minho started, getting everybody’s attention. The smirk on his face terrified you. He wouldn’t just spill your little secret, would he? “This movie sucks. Next time we should watch porn.”
“Fucker.” You cursed under your breath as Jisung burst into laughter beside you.
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homoeroticbetrayal · 2 years
Iconic Homerotice Betrayals: Round 3
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Poll Directory
Summarized by Anonymous Contributor
Ok so Akira(you the player) are the leader of a group of thieves (who are doing good for society) but there are more sinister things happening that also get attributed to your group.
Enter Akechi the famous charismatic detective who’s declared that he will catch you(you can probably already guess where this is going) When you first meet him it is already clear that something is very wrong under that obviously fake smile. Under your civilian identity you befriend him and slowly(or rather fast) he opens up to you showing more of his true self and what pains his heart. Even disclosing sensitive information that could bring him down. Of course this is all just lies he made up to get close to you right? Nope.
You see the betrayal coming from miles ahead. Not only does he betray you, he’s been the real culprit all along.
Despite knowing this loooong ahead you still take him on little gay dates to the aquarium, public bathhouse, pretending to shoot eachother, a café or try to impress him with your amazing darts skills. You may even willingly make wrong choices just for his approval (I did gdi Akechi I trusted you.) And when you come home he's already waiting for you.
After you survive him gleefully shooting you through the head(it makes sense in context) you meet again he admits that he wishes you’d have met earlier, confirming that your bond was genuine, that you could’ve been friends/partners(? It’s complicated) and he really meant it when he said you’re the only one he feels at ease with. But not without having a truly unhinged meltdown about it first, vehemently rejecting your offer to still be friends and turn over a new leaf. (so after he's attempted to kill you at least 2 times and is gearing up for making it 3)
Akechi betraying you is as much a betrayal of himself as it is one of you.
Bonus points:
other characters comment on you being the only one close to him
during one rank he confesses to you…. His hate?
as previously mentioned, your relationship ranks up after he shoots you in the head(you survive, it make sense in context)
he himself compares his betrayal of you to romance(yes after shooting you through the head). On live tv. In the same moment he reminds himself how he’s felt unwanted his entire life, like a reminder he killed the only person who ever made him wanted.
At the end you have the choice to stay in a perfect world where he is alive and never underwent any of the pain in his life turning him into a wholly different person, or let him die(again) as his true self. If you pick the former you can return the betrayal.
*vague description it’s complicated.
Read other summary here.
Summary by Anonymous Contributor
This is the story of 3 betrayals :
1. Madoka and Homura meet and become best friends. Madoka believes in love and justice and helping people as a magical girl. But she gets killed. So Homura, loving her and believing in her cause, becomes a magical girl in order to time travel and save Madoka. Eventually, however, they find out they were being tricked all along, and none of what they thought they were fighting for is real. And this is BETRAYAL NUMBER 1: They've agreed to give up and just die/become monsters Together, when suddenly Madoka sacrifices herself to save Homura. As she is dying in Homura's arms she tells her she has a selfish goal: "you can travel in time, right ? Go back in time and warn me, stop me from getting tricked and becoming a magical girl."
2. So Homura goes back in time and tries to warn Madoka and their friends, but no one believes her. She can't save Madoka from her fate. So she time travels, again and again and again, trying desperately to save Madoka and failing every time, and becoming more and more estranged from her with every timeline. By the time we get to the timeline we know, she's done it so many times that she's become a stranger to Madoka, but Homura has become cold and hardened. It doesn't matter if Madoka doesn't love her anymore, all that matters is saving her. In the end, Homura's time travel has tied the strings of fate around Madoka so much, that Madoka bcomes the most powerful magical girl of all time and is able to essentially become a god, and rewrite the rules of the universe. She's created a better world, but at the cost of erasing her own human existence. Now no one will remember her except for Homura. As they are hugging naked in the cosmos, saying goodbye as the universe rewrites itself, Homura expresses how devastated she is by this turn of events. Madoka has saved her from the time loop she was in, but has sacrificed herself, and thereby Homura has failed to keep her promise of saving her. This is BETRAYAL NUMBER 2: Homura now has to live without Madoka, and all hope of keeping her promise to save her is lost.
3. And so we arrive at BETRAYAL NUMBER 3, the one they're most famous for : Homura tricks Madoka, and steals her godhood. Homura becomes the devil and undoes everything Madoka has fought for just to save Madoka and let her have a human existence, because she loves her that much. It's the ultimate betrayal because she destroys everything Madoka sacrificed herself for, she refuses to let her make the world better because selfishly, she loves Madoka so much she wants her to be able to exist.
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codajaiden · 5 months
I don't get the gist of Nightbow (Rainbow Steve x Nightmare) like, how does that work??
(warning I might rant so much y'all would explode, correct me if I'm wrong tho)
"enemies to lovers!" No. Lemme clear this up for you
Nightmare and Rainbow were created to kill each other, hate each other's guts, there is no conversation or part in SS or RQ where they went and be normal people talking to each other and stuff (not that I can think of anyways)
"for fun" I don't care if it's for fun, sure it's funny but like????? How is it y'all's favourite????
But y'all are like "I can fix them", there is nothing to fix???? they are literally people wanting to kill each other and that is their goal.
Oh and let's not forget, I have my eyes on the people who write in Wattpad, don't think I have not seen their "freaky" writing at all.
It's not only Nightbow at least, I see the people here who ship Rainbow and Void together, same thing, but if we're talking SS then there was still no good interaction of them both to be on the level of actually being good friends. Still, Wattpad people are freaky about them too.
This can be implied to Favremyrainbow ig, but to me it's very bland and boring. I admit I did in fact ship them, but as time passed I just stopped because it was so cringe 💀💀
I don't want to be mean and rude when it comes to this but it bugs me every time.
Okay the only thing I can counter this is Alux x Petro.
Petro and Alux are basically Anna and Hanz in Frozen, gaslighting and manipulation exist but dynamic and trust are important. There is communication towards the two that leads into something in the plot.
Nightbow has none of that, they hate each other's guts. People say they can fix them, nah, with Palux you can make them worse (/j) HEJWJEJWJSJA
"Petro and Alux's entire dynamic is mainly built off of manipulation" YES but thats on Petro's side. Most people ship it due to it being tragic on Alux's side because everyone in this fandom likes doomed mlm i guess (I'm one of those people but again the plot reasons goes on for both of their dynamic)
"But he stabbed him" YES. I have not seen a single person who ships them currently its mainly a one sided ship. For alux its built off genuine love and care for Petro, knowing he's the only REAL connection in his life. The people who ship them (from what I've seen) mainly do it for tragedy and narrative purposes. no one is actually here WANTING alux to be stabbed and abused
And for Petro it adds much more conflict to his character if you add like any romance to him. like, loving the person your meant to kill and killing them anyways is a really interesting narrative plot idea. Its also really funny tbh but oh well.
Narratively it adds more to their characters as long as you dont romantize it and treat it like it'd be healthy especially at this point in the story.
This is literally doomed Yaoi (it's funny I wanna say that) and it works so well because of how they were narratively written this way towards each other. This cooked better than some enemy wanting to, excuse my language, have freaky SHIZ going on with the Hero 💀
Okay I'm done with my ranting I'm sorry for the people who like Nightbow but I'm sharing what I'm saying and y'all are gonna respect it and not be problematic. I feel like I should not be on the internet for a good while late and night this is how freaky I get when it's past midnight lmao
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 year
Virgin Romance Heroes: A Starter Pack
Although I completely 100% believe that virginity is a construct, I still enjoy a virgin romance hero. Because a virgin romance hero is a hero who is often less likely to feature a lot of the alpha male bullshit posturing you find in romances featuring devirginized heroes.
Though... one could definitely make an argument that this depends more on who you choose to read.
I actually can't explain why I love a virgin romance hero on a serious intellectual level, but I once heard a podcast refer to these books as "breaking in ponies" books, and I feel like that's probably somewhat close to the truth.
(There is at least one book I'm highly anticipating on the horizon featuring a virgin hero, but like. Not out yet.)
Contemporary Virgins
I actually only have one because contemporary virgin heroes are usually in like. College. And, with some rare exceptions, I don't do college romance heroes.
The Bride Test by Helen Hoang
Hero is on the autism spectrum and is incredibly antisocial, hence the virginity. His mom brings a single mother back from Vietnam to be his bride, and he's like "absolutely not", but they end up in a forced proximity situation. What makes this book so interesting to me is that the heroine really doesn't have the full story at first, which leads to a lot of mixed messages--and as a result? His virginity loss is not great for her, but he doesn't even super realize she didn't have a good time and has to learn and make it up to her. Refreshing. Also, Helen writes a good fucking fucking scene.
Historical Virgins
Unclaimed by Courtney Milan
This one has a hero who's genuinely a very good person, which is often difficult for me to deal with, but it works here. He proclaims his chastity (until love, i.e., marriage) to the world, and a very annoying man decides to undo him by hiring a sex worker, our heroine, to seduce him. This is a soft book, and an emotional book, and it's also about a woman constantly trying to stumble into this man's arms so he comes to his senses and fucks her. As a job. It's quality.
Thief of Shadows by Elizabeth Hoyt
Maybe the best virgin hero book... ever? I maintain? Winter Makepeace, TM, the man, the myth, the legend, is an orphanage master by day and a vigilante by night. Vigilantism is his fucking, to paraphrase Kendall Roy. Until the night he ends up chased to his doom by an angry mob and rescued, with a massive leg wound, by sexy aristocratic widow Isabel. Though she doesn't see his face, she does see his penis, and it is large. He escapes into the night, but oops, Isabel is now supposed to reverse My Fair Lady Winter so he doesn't lose the orphanage!!! Winter is a real "sex didn't super matter to me until I noticed this one bitch" virgin, and by God, I love that. He and Isabel both cry when she blows him for the first time. He tells her, his mouth literally hovering directly above her clitoris, "well I'm sure I'll figure it out somehow". He's also 26 to her 32, which I enjoy.
Something Fabulous by Alexis Hall
M/M roadtrip romcom historical, in which the flamboyant, too much Bonny is experienced (and will let literally anyone eat his ass, legend) whereas his sister's surly, cold fiance duke guy Valentine is a virgin. It's also heavily implied that Valentine is demisexual. They go on a romp of a romance as they try to hunt down said sister fiancee girl, during which Valentine is like "maybe I do wanna fuck? Maybe I wanna specifically fuck Bonny?" Because it's Alexis Hall the spectrum of sexuality and "what sex is" and "what even is topping and bottoming anyway" is super good. Valentine refers to Bonny's asshole as a hungry flower. Bonny is like "PLEASE. STOP."
Hotel of Secrets by Diana Biller
A hero in the vein of Winter, except he's very much chosen to be celibate because a) trauma and b) he's a spy and he's frankly far too competent and busy to worry about fucking. Until he meets our sexy hotel-running heroine, and someone is trying to kill her and she doesn't seem NEARLY as concerned about it as she should be, in his opinion. Features the lovely "competent man slowly unraveling because of local woman" vibe, which is one of the best vibes. She teaches him about sex. He walks in on her masturbating and is like "keep going". It's so, so good.
Band Sinister by KJ Charles
Another M/M historical, in which a very proper and practical boy next door type does in fact have to go next door after his sister ends up in the clutches of a queer found family. It's like "what if instead of getting a cold Jane Bennet broke her leg and what if instead of Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy you had a gay rake and all his friends, a couple of whom he fucks sometimes". This book not only has some really lovely deflowering content (including Latin verbiage) but explores polyamory in a way I super enjoyed.
In Which Margo Halifax Earns Her Shocking Reputation by Alexandra Vasti
A roadtrip historical with heavy Tessa Dare vibes, featuring a slutty disaster heroine and her brother's best friend, a practical man who's been in love with her from a far for yeeears. To the point that he is, in fact, a virgin. The pining brother's best friend can feel really contrived if it's not done well, but it's done perfectly here. It's an excellent opposites-attract romance, a perfect "uptight meets wild", and they do fuck nasty in the woods. So there's that.
Melissa and The Vicar by S.M. LaViolette
A recent new favorite of mine, this is another "jaded sex worker meets virgin" book, but in this case Melissa is just on a vacation because she has a stomach ulcer and needs to de-stress, and Magnus is the local curate who sees her and goes "WOULD". The sexual tension is sizzling. She's seen it all; he's a very lovely man and also a very spoiled brat. She fucks him on a couch and leaves For His Own Good, it cuts to eight weeks later and it's like "THIS MAN HAS BEEN IN HELL. HE JUST RIDES HIS HORSE AROUND LOOKING FOR HER AND HIS EYES ARE ALWAYS RED AND HE CAN'T EAT". It was basically pure heroin, if there's anything I like more than a virgin hero it's a virgin hero who gets left immediately after his deflowering and chases a woman down to be like "you!!! took!!!!!! my precious flower!!!!! marry me or fisticuffs at dawn madam!!!!!!!!"
But also this book does a very nuanced take on historical sex work and its pros and cons for sex workers; Melissa's past is very heavy, and she was sold into the sex trade at 14, so read with caution.
Spookedy Bump in the Night Virgins
Dark Needs at Night's Edge by Kresley Cole
Insane virgin vampire meets sexy lady ghost when his brothers lock him in a New Orleans mansion to detox. This book sounds insane, and it is, but I recommend it all the time because it's so emotionally beautiful and incredibly, incredibly romantic. Conrad's POV sections literally change tenses when he and Neomi really start talking. She doesn't just introduce him to sex; she soothes his mind. And also, she's a fucking fantastic heroine, one we rarely see--unashamedly sexual, tender, selfish, and selfless. A truly complex woman meeting a truly complex man-monster-thing, and taming him. Also, practically breaking his poor untried dick with that bounce and twist thing.
Pestilence & Death by Laura Thalassa
These are book 1 and book 4 in Laura Thalassa's Four Horsemen quarter--the virgin installments, as it were, but the books really should be read in order if Death is gonna make any damn sense. These books are "four horsemen of the apocalypse come to Earth and fall in love". There's a lot of death and destruction. There's also a scene where Pestilence's heroine is like "me deflowering you doesn't mean we're getting married bro" to which he goes "I GAVE YOU MY ESSENCE!!!!" Death gets a blowjob for the first time (during which the heroine is like "this is for you, world") and then immediately has to go pace in the backyard because how is he gonna end the world when he could be getting his dick sucked instead???? Problems.
Mating the Huntress by Talia Hibbert
The reveal of the hero's virginity is towards the end of this one, but like. You should really know going in, because it's much funnier when you're fully aware. She's a werewolf huntress. He's the werewolf who's identified her as his mate and is like, comically determined to please her sexually, as werewolves are. (Where is the Kresley Cole virgin werewolf hero? Doesn't exist, Kresley Cole werewolves are like "oh I am giving a woman an orgasm IMMEDIATELY" upon coming of age.) It's a fun sexy spooky romcom.
Dark Skye by Kresley Cole
The one with the fucksheet. No, the hero in this one is an angel (or he thinks he is but he's actually a demon, it's a thing, point is he has wings and they sure can increase velocity.... during) and his heroine is a sorceress he's been tracking for literal centuries. Because dammit, she may have sort of crippled him and he may have gotten her family killed, but they're MFEO!!! Kind of interesting in that the hero was basically raised in a religious cult and is super fucked up about the heroine being proudly a virago. He has to learn how to check his biases, but by the end he is pulling out the ceremonial sheet with the hole in it through which they're supposed to fuck for the first time, and like... I.... found it........... hot.....?
Heart of Iron by Bec McMaster
Another werewolf virgin, and this one has a good reason for staying one, because if he fucks the heroine she might catch werewolfitude! Semen spreads werewolfitude! A grumpy virgin hero and a flirty virgin heroine in a steampunk setting, with much will they/won't they. Actually has them initially resolve their lust in non-penetrative sex, which was refreshingly "DUH". But then you get into the mating bond werewolf shit and it is... good.
Thornchapel by Sierra Simone
Technically, by book 3 nobody in this series is a virgin, but Sierra Simone really goes for it, as always. We have not one but two male virgins in this series, and they hate each other, and they wanna fuck each other, and they also wanna fuck their friend girl who they're mutually in love with. You get several virginity losses in this series, the most glorious of which is probably Auden's. Because Auden is a virgin, and he's also naturally very sexually dominant, which means he's always coming in his pants while involved in Casual BDSM Scenes With Buddies, and I think that's glorious. It's kinky, it's queer, it's MMF (with an FF pairing in the series as well) everyone is like "Auden do you wanna have sex with us now" and he's like "not until I've EARNED you" and they ask him to elaborate he goes "no".
Fantastical Virgins
A Touch of Stone and Snow by Milla Vane
An epic fantasy romance with a hero and heroine who are both virgins. And they used to be friends, but now it's weird because of like, betrayals and identity and the overwhelmed urge they have to fuck the shit out of each other. The great thing about Milla Vane is that there's always an element of ritualism to her sex scenes, which kind of like. Adds to it.
The King's Spinster Bride by Ruby Dixon
A delightful arranged marriage novella in which both the hero and heroine are virgins, but she's like, nine years older than him? He's been wanting to marry her since he was a kid, and like--he may not be experienced, but he has done his book learning, and is ready to please. As Ruby Dixon heroes are (see: Ice Planet Barbarians, for a fuck ton of alien virgin heroes).
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lovelywritinglady · 2 years
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Be Okay pt.1
Satoru Gojo x Reader
Angst, mentions of cheating. You find your lover with another woman and decide it’s time to move on.
Your pov
I wish things were different. My lover, Satoru, has been acting different lately. He’s not so cheerful anymore and neither am I. I just didn’t realize how much pain I would be in. I can’t stay with him anymore. He no longer treats me the way he use to. I’ve tried to talk to him about my feelings, but he acts like nothing is wrong. I don’t smile as much I use to. My heart aches with my realization. That our love has failed. That all of those sweet words were temporary and that we were doomed from the start. That soon enough I will be losing my “perfect romance.
Today I found out he was seeing another woman. I don’t know her name, but I do know that she is very pretty. I found them at a coffee shop four blocks from our shared apartment. I never heard what they said. I just saw how Satoru smiled when he looked at her. It wasn’t a half assed smile either. This was the same way he looked at me throughout our four year relationship. He looked like he was enjoying himself with her. She was just as enthusiastic about being with him as well.
At first I tried to deny the truth from myself. That maybe she was just a friend that he hadn’t seen in a long time and they were catching up. That he maybe was just putting on a happy act with a friend. But my theories were shot down quickly when I saw something that crushed my very soul. He kissed her. And not just a small peck. But a genuine kiss filled with passion and even perhaps, love.
After I saw them share a kiss, I decided to go home. My heart was aching so bad that it felt as though the very air in my lungs were bricks. With tear stained eyes, I pushed my way into the apartment. I didn’t even make it to the couch as my legs felt so weak. I just had to stop and and cry. I had never cried so hard In my life.
My tears fell and my face grew numb from my cries. The emotions going through me were a mix of sadness, pain, anger, and confusion. It’s felt as though they were all mixed up in a sort of emotional wave. It could control my cries nor did I want to. So I let myself feel for as long as I needed to.
About an hour later, I started to calm down. I still felt horrible, but now I needed to take care of myself. I’m not going to wallow in my pain right now. Satoru could be home soon and I just don’t want to face him. Why should I? Why should I face him, when he wasn’t ready to face me? Why couldn’t he just say he didn’t love me anymore? I would’ve preferred that over finding him with that beautiful woman. 
I decided I needed to leave. There was nothing holding me to this apartment anymore. Satoru paid for it. Lord knows he can afford it. So got up and went into our shared bedroom to pack my things. Good thing I’ve never been one too hold on to a lot of stuff. Just some clothes, toiletries, and a few souvenirs I had from my childhood. And I packed them all in about two suitcases and a small bag.
I called f/n and told them everything going on and they didn’t hesitate to let me stay with them until I could find my own place to stay. It feels so nice to have someone like them. Hell, I don’t know how well I’ll manage without their support. They told me they’d be over in 15 minutes and right now I’m just hoping Satoru won’t be come home. I don’t wish to see the man that broke my trust.
While waiting, I wrote him a letter. Explaining my feelings without actually talking to him because I know that I would not be able to contain my emotions. In the letter, I told him what I saw. And how there is no way that he wasn’t with her after what I had seen. How he had broken my trust and threw our love away like it was nothing. Like how I was nothing. I thanked him for loving me though all these years and hoped that at least some of it was real. Finally I told him that I hope he’s happy with her and that I will be moving on with my life. That I do not wish for him to contact me. That I am going to be okay.
I left the note on the kitchen counter along with the necklace he gave me on our first anniversary. I didn’t even look back at the apartment and I’m so glad that he didn’t come home while I was waiting for f/n. I feel like I somehow waisted years of my life on someone who could never truly love me. And that hurt my heart even more. I just hope one day that I can be okay. I’m just sad that he won’t be in my life anymore. But it’s going to be okay.
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Thank you so much for reading❤️ I will be making a PART 2 for this. It will have Satoru’s pov and what happens to next. I might make this in to a series, but we’ll see. Thanks.
•I do NOT own any characters except for y/n and f/n•
F/n = Friend name
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albywritesfiction · 1 year
To be fair, I wouldn't necessarily need Ædan do "come crawling back" (in reference to that other person's ask). But my issue comes from Helene herself. If she's indeed not really a good person (or well, at least with some hidden agenda or manipulation involved that could be detrimental to the kindgom), I think it would be best for it to be discovered as fast as possible. More like for the kingdom's sake than for any form of revenge or whatever - that's really secondary, if at all important.
What makes me sad about this whole thing though, in relation to the "real life fairytale" thing you talked about, is that if it happened Helene was a truly bad person and if that was exposed in an irrefutable way, then I'm certain people would change their tune altogether, and suddenly be like "she was evil in disguise and she tried to corrupt our crown prince, but fortunately her deceptions were exposed", and that they'd suddenly 100% support Ædan going back to his "actual true love" whom he left because of said corruption, and that they'd almost expect the MC to accept him back with open arms.
Well, of course this is all assuming Helene is ACTUALLY bad, not simply a bit manipulative with no evil intentions and stuff like that! But it's always frustrating to see the population have that kind of mindset, with no real regard for the involved people's feelings.
Oh, and by the way, this made me wonder about something! Will it be possible to have a MC who never let go of their feelings for Ædan, and thus would actually NOT romance any of the other ROs, even if this is a doomed story?
Hi again Konoï and Noir!
You raised a lot of really good points that admittedly took me quite a while to figure out how to address (hence the delay, which I apologize for)
Now, how to explain Helene without spoiling her backstory (😅)
Helene doesn't have any bad intentions towards the kingdom or the royal family, like she's not a spy from either of the neighboring empires and she's not part of a group that wants to flip the kingdom on its head or anything like that.
But she is very selfish. She puts her own happiness before anything else and she's willing to do a lot of bad things to make it happen. She doesn't care whose heart gets broken in the process.
So yeah, that's pretty much why I haven't been portraying Helene as a dangerous villain that needs to be ousted immediately from the seat of power that Ædan so (stupidly) graciously granted her.
But it's always frustrating to see the population have that kind of mindset, with no real regard for the involved people's feelings.
Oh yeah, definitely agree with you on that. The way some people can do a 180° so easily, like how do they not feel at least a little bit ashamed or embarrassed
Will it be possible to have a MC who never let go of their feelings for Ædan, and thus would actually NOT romance any of the other ROs, even if this is a doomed story?
Ooh I think this would've been a great idea to explore! I'll have to think about it, since one of the the main questions that I originally wanted to explore in ATE was, "How will MC heal from what happened?" Stemming from this main question are, "Will they take revenge or try to move on? Will they open up their heart again, for their companion this time, or be content to simply remain as friends?", which lead to the 4 endings that I had in mind (might end up being 6 due to an additional and significant decision I still need to explore with Cyfrin)
But I really do like the idea, so I'll think about how to include it 😄 It's like adding, "Or will they even heal at all?"
Thanks for the ask, Konoï and Noir!
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Ranking the Xenoblade Games based on how straight they are
this is a mix of legitimate grievances about the writing and just goofing around. starting at least straight to most. Also not including X sorry I havent played it.
1. Xenoblade 2
Most of the romance in this game is light due to it being a sort of cute puppy love. Nothing actually happens between the characters and it’s mostly contained to the main characters with most side characters being free from clumsy straight love plots. There’s a couple of blushy scenes between Pyra/Mythra and Rex but most of their serious/emotional interactions are genuine and honest and don’t really get into romance or some hidden feelings they need to confess to. Even Nia’s confession is more of something for herself and she never really changes bc she’s in love or focuses on it that much. 
Beyond the main characters, sheba exists, jin and lora can be considered one sided at least romantically (she’s the one to make flirty comments in Torna and he always responds along the lines of ???) and he’s explicitly not motivated by her death, while it did obviously impact him it’s something he’d accepted and used as fuel for his ultimate goal. and of course there’s Malos, who’s own voice actor was like “cmon he was in love with Jin”. Morag and Brighid also exist. There’s even some old man furry yaoi implications with gramps and azurda in that one scene??? ngl its kind of cute. 
2. Xenoblade 3
Got a lot of points in the heteronormative category here. The main characters are paired up in m/f duos, but while 2/3 of them are romantically coded, Sena and Lanz aren’t really and Sena’s most focused relationship is probably Mio. To the game’s credit, it also doesn’t restrict them to these pairs and lets the whole group interact and have friendships and dynamics outside of the shippy ones. 
An emphasis is put on the true nature of humanity being to fall in love and have kids, but considering the context of the scene only certain parts of it really make me go “mmmmmm”. these characters are test tube babies who have never seen a real human baby and so it’s wholesome and understandable, but Monica’s wording about specifically couples later does lean towards heteronormative “everyone must grow up and have a kid.” Considering she canonically had a teenage pregnancy though and her baby daddy clearly isn’t around I expect she’s very shaped by that experience though. 
After that scene we don’t see a ton of heteronormative sentiment from city members (Ghondor, Shania, and Masha dont have any romantic sentiments, grey and rozana dont have kids and have a rather atypical but trusting relationship in general) and the focus on legacy and family is shown to have its toxic sides with Shania’s mom (who is also just. no 1 messed up lesbian in my heart).
Mio and Noah do start to have their characters focus more on romance and have their whole doomed soulmates shtick but I feel like they’re still given focus as individual characters in the main story post that revelation so I kind of forgive it, and the unhealthiest possible manifestation of their relationship is one of the main villains so. Also ngl they’re just cute, so I’m a bit biased here. I get if you’re groaning at the game pushing the main straight couple hard but at least they don’t suddenly lose all their personality when it happened. 
3. Xenoblade 1
Hoo boy. There’s just a lot of it in this game. Ngl it took me a while to properly get into Xenoblade bc while I liked the first game overall, it also just had some things that rubbed me the wrong way and 2′s general reputation didn’t make it seem much better (then I played it and fell in love and retroactively appreciate 1 more but yeah) and one of those things was how the game very quickly fridged the only female character as a love interest. Yaaaaay. 
Like yes she comes back later but at the time I was just kinda like. oh. ok then :/ and even when Fiora comes back, she’s super Shulk focused. Girl, you’ve been kidnapped and forcibly made into a cyborg and house a god who was walking around in your body but ig you’re mostly thinking about how your bf would feel. seriously when she’s fucking DYING her main concern is that Shulk doesn’t find out. like ok. Even her interactions with melia have that whole love triangle hanging over them as subtext. I greatly appreciate they didn’t got he jealousy angle and had Fiora genuinely want to reach out and be friends, but it does definitely feel like shulk is a matter constantly lingering whenever they talk.
And poor Sharla man. Seconds into meeting reyn she’s comparing him to her missing fiancé, despite still feeling he’s alive and wanting to find him. The game gives every hint that Gadolt may still be alive and rescuable, Meyneth even says smth like “I can feel this Homs still there” but not only does he die, he basically says “take care of her” to reyn like BOY you don’t know this man??? why would you say your last words to him and not your fiancé like ok. It felt like they wanted to make it “ok” for them to get together by killing him off and having him say that, even though everything until then had hinted with a hopeful tone that he could still be saved.
Ngl Melia’s unrequited love isn’t that bad but it does feel unnecessary considering how much she already suffers. Like you just really gotta rub it in huh. The fandom is wayyy worse about it than the game though, because canonically she moves on and is still surrounded by her friends and subjects and whatnot and doesn’t become some bitter scorned lover, but the fandom constantly jokes about it/acts like she is.
also some of the alt outfits, esp Sharla and Fiora’s are just...very obnoxious sexy fantasy armor. esp for flora when most of her body is supposed to be replaced with mechon parts but ig her tits were miraculously intact. They both deserve better writing ngl.
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viridiave · 1 year
so Octopath 1 is still really good
After having played through (almost) all of both Octopath games somehow I'm feeling nostalgic about the first game already
Octopath Traveler 2 delivered on all its promises of more interaction between the travelers - down to the battle quotes they have, acknowledging each others' help and contributions. The stories especially are improved upon so much that it's actually kind of amazing to see just how seriously Square Enix took the criticism from the first game!
But I also still just like to look back on the first game and the stories that I loved and with that overly long intro it's time for me to rant about my top 4 picks for the stories from the first game lET'S GO
There's actually a LOT that I love about the first game's stories even as they're contrasted by the stories of the second but I only have real thoughts about these top 4 picks - SPOILERS! FULL STEAM AHEAD!
4) Cyrus Albright (or, when static characters fucking rock when their philosophies are given generous nuance)
Starting from the bottom of these top 4 is Cyrus's story - but honestly the gap between his story and the bottom half of all 8 stories is pretty damn huge
I'll admit right away that Cyrus's Chapter 4 has elevated his story in my eyes over the others, but as far as I'm aware his story's climax is one that most of the fandom can agree is one of the peak moments of the first game. His passion and philosophy for education had everything going for it in terms of set-up and atmosphere and - can we like? Talk about the Ruins of Eld???
A secret, ruined library filled with tomes lost to history. Tables and chairs scattered in rooms like it was meant to be some sort of school once. And here's Cyrus - a professor with a deep love of history and knowledge, walking among its walls and witnessing for himself just how much was hidden from the world. How must this man feel, walking into this beautiful Eden filled of Trees of Knowledge. With its walls decorated with warnings of death, doom, and destruction. Knowing that the end of his journey is at the heart of this paradise.
Cyrus's story in my opinion is fucking amazing at telling us who he is, and this final dungeon is the culmination of that - down to the atmosphere of his dungeons. It doesn't start at Chapter 4 though, I'd argue it starts all the way from Chapter 1 - which I have. A very intense love-hate relationship with solely because of Therese - but it's just actually really good? It just frustrates the shit out of me is all
But Chapter 1 tells us that Cyrus is a teacher. It tells us that he's a really GOOD teacher, who is passionate about his profession and is beloved by his students for both his patience and his good looks. He's incredibly dense to that second part, and his colleagues understand that but it doesn't stop them from holding a grudge against him. He loves books and the idea of knowledge being free to all and is, in his own words, 'philosophically opposed' to the ideals of his superiors. He is stupid with women and romance and people use this to their advantage. He is incredibly forgiving towards his student who literally tried to ruin his life by accusing him of pedophilia and doesn't understand that she did it because she wants to hop on his dick.
And Cyrus is like this for the entirety of his story - a sort of static character that's really just on a journey to return a library book. Even then, just because his character doesn't develop (or at least in ways that would be immediately obvious to us), there's something to be said about the steadfastness of his personality despite all the atrocities that he encounters. Chapter 2 shows us what kind of people he trusts. Chapter 3 shows us his fury as a teacher who cares intensely for his students. Chapter 4, then, gives us Cyrus - raw, unfiltered, and passionate as he tears into Lucia for her egocentric and dangerous elitist views on education with both his words and his magic.
His story ends gloriously in a way that's very distinctly Cyrus. He comes across the terrible secrets hidden within the tome that he's been searching for all this time, wondering if even something as evil like this deserves to be shared with the rest of the world. Cyrus, the Scholar, says yes - if only so he could protect the bright future he sees for mankind. At the end of his story, he's back at the Academy to start working towards said future, starting his lecture with a TRULY great excerpt from Susanna Grotoff's Knowlegde is Light.
oh hey speaking of Susanna Grotoff!
3) H'aanit (or, simple stories are great actually! especially when the characters actually fucking matter!)
See, I'm one of the people who honestly did not mind the weirdass ye Olde English speech that permeates the bulk of H'aanit's story. I think it's a weird design choice, but I can deal with it. I feel like that's one of the reasons people really don't like H'aanit, or her story.
One of the other reasons I think people don't like her story too much is because it comes across as too simple - almost Tressa-esque in its depth, because when you boil it down H'aanit's story literally is just to hunt a monster. It's a veritable eldritch horror of a monster sure, but the game also doesn't really tell you what the true significance of this act is until you beat try beating its postgame that's structured like ass. It's a woman with a weird accent and a snow leopard hunting down a quarry.
But I'm a firm believer in 'just because stories are simple, doesn't necessarily mean they're bad or without substance', and though it doesn't have the same level of philosophy that elevates Cyrus's story from just 'guy trying to return a library book' - it more than makes up for it with the way it handles its characters.
H'aanit's story has bar none the best, most organic, and heartwarming character interactions in the game and I am VERY prepared to try and fight people on this. You don't have to go very far into her tale to see this - from the way that she speaks with Z'aanta and Eliza alone, you can form a pretty solid image in your head about what kinds of people they are. H'aanit is the straight-laced, stoic, yet socially-awkward apprentice to Z'aanta's eccentric and cheerful trickster mentor persona. Eliza balances them both out, being a responsible friend to Z'aanta and a laidback friend to H'aanit. In Chapter 2, we meet Natalia - and I realize Chapter 2 NPCs don't get a lot to them, but honestly I found Natalia to be the refreshing earnest everyman character in H'aanit's fairly noble quest of legendary quarries and lost masters. Natalia is a good friend to Z'aanta and is very kind to H'aanit, and even feels guilty that she can't do more to help her.
Then we get Chapter 3 and we meet Susanna Grotoff - who is CRIMINALLY fucking underrated. Susanna is the elusive scholar who Cyrus quotes at the end of his story, and is also apparently a Seer - which she admits right away to H'aanit is a load of bullshit. But H'aanit trusts her implicilty because of this admission, and oh yeah Alaic's here too. I'll admit I didn't really warm up to Alaic right away, until postgame happened and we get to see him open up to our Travelers about how he and Susanna met. Honestly I could go on for hours just describing these two but we still have Chapter 4 and - oh my god the King shows H'aanit such immediate trust and respect and he's a decent ruler I like him a lot
I think that's the key ethos here though - everyone in this story treats H'aanit with no small amount of respect and gravitas. Her reputation as Z'aanta's apprentice might precede her, but come Chapter 3 where she's bested a dragon and she has become his equal, and then defeating Redeye to surpass him - and she is viewed by others who know her with awe for her abilities.
Despite this level of prestige though, H'aanit remains much of the same. H'aanit remains a stoic and steadfast huntress who is still socially awkward, being hesitant to show and receive familial affection. At the end of her story, she comes back home satisfied knowing that her master is saved, and she begins to tell stories of her own. It ends with her beautiful piano theme in the background, sounding as though she's just gotten done telling the end of her story to the local village children to lull them to sleep - and not to worry, because she will be happy to tell it again. It's a very quiet resolution to a fantastical journey, and I think its celebration of stories and interpersonal relationships elevates H'aanit's tale over Cyrus's in my book by JUST a bit.
2) Alfyn Greengrass (or, when the break the cutie trope takes the broken pieces and reforges them into something stronger)
Ok look I'll say it right away - I know how divisively people feel about Chapter 3. Chapter 3's very existence hangs on stupid decisions made by the characters, like, Ogen, maybe just TELL Alfyn that Miguel is a criminal - and MIGUEL, M A Y B E DON'T DO THE HORRIBLE THING WHILE ALFYN IS STILL IN TOWN HELLO??? YOU COULDN'T AT LEAST W A IT ANOTHER FEW DAYS???
even with those feelings I still think Alfyn's story is great.
There's a lot that I can say about Alfyn that I wanted to say about Cyrus and H'aanit - and it's that this truly feels like a story that's tailor-made for him, to tell us who this guy is and how he deals with the bullshit he encounters. Alfyn's story is written almost episodically and it does kind of make sense given his motivation. He's just a guy who wants to go around and help people - it doesn't particularly matter where, just that he gets to do good. And we do! See him do that! Kind, studious, and well-meaning Alfyn sacrifices a lot for his patients as we see in both Chapter 1 and 2, and he's very passionate about his craft and is softhearted to the point that he forgets to collect payment for his treatments. He believes so wholly in his apothecary's ideal (formed by his own memories of Graham saving his life for no charge at all) that honestly? His Chapter 3 almost falls over backwards trying to destroy this idealism.
Miguel Twinspears has been memed to death and Ogen is questionable. Just to get that out of the way. To get more  stuff out of the way, I don't think the game really intends for its players to agree with Ogen and his cynical views about the weight of lives. This is the entire point of Ogen - to be a foil to Alfyn, who is naive, boundless, and indiscriminate in his generosity. Miguel, as cartoonishly evil as he is, is still VERY MUCH capable of existing in the real world. Alfyn hasn't yet fully matured, and both Miguel and Ogen were the story's solutions to making him croak. The best part about that gambit is that it worked - sending Alfyn into a depressive spiral until he finds a resolution in Chapter 4.
Miguel is unabashedly evil and takes Alfyn's kindness for granted - he is Alfyn's first taste of true malice. Ogen's cynicism forces Alfyn to question everything he knows about being an apothecary, and it's very important that these two concepts were introduced in parallel. This is the chapter that forces Alfyn to reconsider the implications of what it means to have the power to save lives - for god's sake a CHILD nearly died because Alfyn chose to help the wrong person despite the warnings around him. Here's the thing though - Miguel being a jackass isn't Alfyn's fault, and that's something that Ogen's philosophy neglects to account for. There's very real conversations to be had about accountability here but my god this post is getting way too long and I still have one more character to gush over
Chapter 4 picks up right where Chapter 3 left off, where we find Alfyn lost as to what he's meant to do. THEN we get Ogen on his deathbed and surprise it turns out he's not indiscriminate about his philosophy because he applies it to himself as well because yeah. murder is horrible. granted there's also conversations to be had here about horrible medical malpractice but that's WAY out of my expertise so -
now by all accounts, after the events of Chapter 3, would it have made sense for Alfyn to give in and let this man die for his sins? hell no. Because that's not who Alfyn Greengrass is - and as Alfyn asserts, it's also just not what apothecaries do. It's a powerful kind of acceptance that's fueled in part by Zeph's (homoerotically-charged) encouragement and the memories of the man who saved him - and this drives him to face down a creature of legend just to make a cure for a man with a broken soul.
can we also just take a minute to gush about how Alfyn's journey starts and ends with him trying to find a life-saving ingredient and how it has layers to it because Ogre Eagle feathers were the key ingredient to both his and Ogen's cures - lighting the spark in Alfyn and re-igniting Ogen's will to live - and apothecary is fighting a WALKING PANACAEA. THIS IS A COOL FIGHT GODDAMNIT.
i'll. gush more over Alfyn once I finish up my essay on Ophilia and Temenos. but for now we still have one more story.
1) Olberic Eisenberg (or, resolving a midlife crisis is worth it when I care so much about the sad old beefcake)
for those who know me, this might be mantit bias. And verily I say unto you, that's partially correct. for others, this might be Eisenbright bias. and you are also correct because I will admit that my appreciation of both Cyrus and Olberic's stories is elevated a considerable amount when I think about just how synchronized they are as role models when the future is concerned
okay I'll be real and say I did not expect to care so much about the old guy so much going into this game, but I actually will. struggle to articulate how this story has made me feel, but I will say that Olberic's story is the only one from the first game to have given me any sort of extreme reaction that wasn't frustration over Cyrus's Chapter 1. I cried for other stories, but Olberic's had me genuinely at the edge of my seat and jumping for joy whenever I see Erhardt pop up in Riverford to aid him.
To be honest, I don't really know what it is about Olberic's story that I can call the edge that it has over the seven others. Cyrus's story had excellent presentation for both his philosophy and his character. H'aanit's was the perfection of simple storytelling. Alfyn's was thought-provoking and had me emotionally invested in his plight. Writing it out, I think I can say Olberic has all of the above - at least, in my opinion. I can't very well say he has much in the way of developing side-characters though -
- well okay. The blond elephant in the room is the glaring exception.
Erhardt is half of Olberic's story and is consequently his primary motivation throughout his journey. The introduction of Erhardt is through a recurring nightmare that Olberic has of the day Hornburg fell - culminating in the moment Erhardt fatally wounds King Alfred. Olberic's Chapter 1 does a very good job of telling us who he is, and where he stands in his story - he was once a renowned knight beloved by his Kingdom, until it fell due to the betrayal of his brother-in-arms. He is now in hiding at a humble farming village named Cobbleston, having kept his past and name a secret for 8 years. Olberic is brought low by loss, and is plagued by nightmares and grief that he doesn't share at all with the people he's now taking refuge with. It's also very clear at this point that Olberic considers himself as little more than a man with a blade - purposeless now that he has failed to protect what mattered most to him. It's not until a lead on Erhardt is revealed to him that he feels alive in any way, as Gaston notes.
As Olberic goes on his journey, he starts having doubts about his decision to avenge his homeland once he starts learning more about Erhardt. To Gustav, Erhardt was troubled, but warm to him and his fellow vagrants, as well as a trustworthy friend. To Wellspring, he is similar to Olberic - having found purpose in protecting the town from lizardman threats. These doubts culminate in what is - to my opinion- perhaps the single best scene in the fucking game.
Watch it in Japanese, by the way. It's only then that you'll get to experience the full brunt of the emotions and sheer burdens that both Olberic and Erhardt carry because Jesus CHRIST they went hard on the delivery for this scene.
After slaying the Lizardman Kings, Erhardt and Olberic meet back up again to have their long-overdue talk about why Erhardt decided he'd kill King Alfred. To most people his backstory isn't anything new, really - he lost his hometown to the fires of war, and King Alfred had failed in protecting it. Out of vengeance, Erhardt decided to join Werner's company and act as the mole in the ranks of the knights of Hornburg so he could bide his time until he could finally kill the King. The thing that sells this scene however, is the sheer agony and regret in Erhardt's voice as he tells Olberic everything - and tells him that he regretted living a lie, that all he could remember now was the times he spent with the knights and with Olberic as friends and brothers-in-arms.
Now what happens next is. Strange.
It's at this point in the story that the player feels TRULY disconnected from Olberic, where Olberic's own desperation comes to light as he demands to cross swords with Erhardt in the form of a Challenge prompt that you can't refuse. Olberic states very clearly that he finally understood why he wielded his blade, and you would think that was the end of it - that it wouldn't have needed to come to blows anymore. But Olberic is neither being a paragon nor a villain here - he's being human in the only way he knows how - in the throes of battle. Erhardt himself obliges, understanding that it's only through this that either of them could have closure from the events that changed their lives forever. They fight, all while Olberic's character theme plays in the background.
Now. This scene is interesting to me in a lot of ways. Erhardt had basically done to Olberic what he thinks the Kingdom of Hornburg had done to him - rob him of the only home he had ever known. He then assimilated himself into the ranks and despite his mission he came to see it as home too, soon enough. Despite that, it didn't stop him from killing the King - but seeing his revenge through only left him hollow. I could draw several comparisons here to both Primrose and Olberic regarding this stance on revenge, but right now just know that Olberic could have very well ended up like him if he were an angrier man. Olberic right now is simply a man consumed with grief and loss and left with no real way of dealing with it other than this. And by the end of the battle, Erhardt yields - and Olberic spares him, ending the duel and resolving instead to avenge his Kingdom through confronting the man behind Erhardt's machinations.
admittedly, I didn't think Werner was compelling enough as a villain - but I DID appreciate his horrifying pragmatism, clawing his way to the top by any means necessary and sacrificing an entire Kingdom in the process, and then going on to take over an entire district and host public burnings every month. charming guy. I do find it thematically interesting that Olberic's final opponent is a tyrant who just does not give a shit about the people he governs over though - you really couldn't get any more antithetical to King Alfred than this. Also fitting that he would be one of the key players of the revolution to free Riverford from Werner's reign and wOAH HOLY SHIT ERHARDT FUCK Y E AH
that. that was the scene I jumped out of my seat for, yeah.
by the way uh. so the line 'Your blade may be unbending, but did the man not break?' is extremely good. If there was any way to succinctly summarize Olberic Eisenberg before that climactic moment, that would be it.
this is gonna be the part where I gush about Olberic's resolve into looking forward to the future and - it means a lot more than just him vowing to continue using his sword to protect others. It means that he's finally starting to free himself from the hell he's been dealing with for the last 8 years. It's him finally accepting that he's MORE than the blade he wields. It's him accepting that he has somewhere to return to and protect and hold dear to his heart - and he realizes this while trying to help people take back their own homes with the support of the best friend who had lost his home twice -
i really like his story, and I really like Olberic. Him returning to Cobbleston for a while as he goes on a new journey and being embraced by Philip is incredibly satisfying. This man deserves his fucking rest and holy shit this post is 3800 words long
>>> tl;dr go play Octopath Traveler 1
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hello fellow former mlb victim fan
I’m so curious now on what your thoughts on the show are. Like, just in general and also how the romance was handled. If you wanna share 👀
LISTEN. Way too many things and I will end up making this post too long but... I have some pent up frustration so let's just go by seasons (+ some other stuff) THIS IS VERY LONG SO HAVE A NICE READ
S1 : I think s1 was fine overall, though I was absolutely creeped out by Mari's behavior like ??? She's very likable and honestly I enjoy her character most of the time but it's just. Why would you make this 14 years old obsessive ?? As a middle aged man ?? AS A GAG ???? anyways. I think s1 was the only season where I don't have many things to say because 1) it wasn't that bad 2) i don't remember much
S2 : The beginning of my doom, CN is dumbed down more and more by the writers in favor of LB and this is so weird. Adrien isn't dumb, what he is oblivious and unaware of social norms. He spent his life homeschooled. (ALSO may I ask why is his life presented as going down hill when his mom disappeared when he's always been hidden from the world ?? Why is his mom shown as good when he couldn't even go to school and didn't have any friends except Chloé ??? How is she a good mother ??? How did his father change exactly ?? Did he just become colder or ??)
I think the swap kwami episode was in s2 and this is one of my LEAST favorite episodes ; CN's job is perceived as easy compared to LB but i'm sorry can Mari sacrifice herself so easily without any guarantee to come back ?? The heavy burden of the power of destruction and the knowledge that she could KILL someone doesn't bother her ??? This episode just served the purpose to show how LB is just. Much more important than CN and I am SICK of it.
Also uh can we talk real quick about Master Fu ? Dude thought "training" (that apparently happened off screen which is just bad writing) a CHILD to become the next guardian was a good idea ? Mari is a kid with dreams and passions and chaining her down to this duty is just outright cruel. In later seasons we don't even see her make anything ? She is supposed to want to become a fashion designer and now she's stuck stressing over kwamis and a way too complicated task where if she messes up, the world as they know it ends.
ALSO. Just my opinion but. The guardian shouldn't have been Mari. Or Adrien. It should've been a third party, completely unrelated, so no power imbalance would be created between CN and LB. I'm sorry but this is such a huge thing about the show, that has been hammered into our heads, that "destruction and creation must be balanced" and they do that ?? (plus it led to the season i hate the most, s4) The show had the opportunity to introduce another character, or make use of an already introduced one (i.e Luka) and make them a guardian ! Or something ??
s3 was fine, I liked Chat Blanc for the most part (Mari's tresspassing, her sniffing Adrien's pillow... ugh.) and thought it was very very heartbreaking to see Adrien like that, my poor boy cannot catch a break. Also Chloé redemption !! She deserved it, with her abusive mother and all, too bad they decided to burn everything by making her a caricature of herself and introducing the most bland replacement for her ! (A half sister whose existence made NO SENSE ? I thought Chloé's mom didn't like kids ? Plus why would she bother taking her other kid to Paris, and risking her reputation with cheating rumors ???)
Now... Now let's talk about s4... So much happened in this god forsaken season and i'm so, so, so tired and shed so many tears of RAGE. Chat Noir became a sidekick, plain and simple. Not even "just" a sidekick the protagonist would respect, like Robin, but a simple fill-in, a "partner like any other" as LB so amicably put it in Kuro Neko. I feel like the writers wanted to write conflict and all but... it's so badly written and only served to make people hate CN.
Chat's trust was abused so many times (Ephemeral, when he and LB were supposed to show the other their identity but what he didn't know was that Viperion was to know too, instead of just... explaining the situation ?), he was kept in the dark many, many times, not only by LadyBug, but also by his Father (interesting parallels) and Fu, all which, somehow, have a position of power over him. He felt replaced, which is entirely valid, because as much as he didn't communicate this, he offered LB his help so many times, and tried to open up, and all these have been either ignored or rejected. (now I'll talk about Mari's side after, but just know that i absolutely do not blame her for being stressed ! I am just critizing her actions which hurt her supposed best friend and partner very deeply) Not to mention Scarabella, whom he never knew the existence of, and could've killed. Chat probably doesn't care much that someone knows her identity, but she never told him, or even considered telling him to find someone to tell, too. I'm sorry but LB has been so strict on these rules but now she doesn't follow them, yet expects Chat to. (also, i'm mad they stripped Chloé of her miraculous because apparently "Hawkmoth knows who she is". Well, Hawkmoth knows who Ryuko is too, as well as Rena, or Viperion. Yet they still have theirs ?)
Chat has no support !! no circle to support him whereas Mari has Alya, even the Kwamis, her parents, and her friends ! Adrien's parents are off the list, Nathalie is way too close to his Father, the Gorille isn't much help, and it's not like he's actually close to anyone if not Nino (their only memorable interaction is in Rocketear in s4). Then, he loses his miraculous and is actually blamed for getting hurt by LB's behavior and reacting harshly (he should yes apologize however) LB has provided NO apologies, instead making Chat feel guilty ?? I remember this episode SO well because I was HOPING for a sweet Ladynoir scene, but NOOOOOOOO. Also this showed how shallow Mari's love for Adrien was -- she's basically in love with his mask, not very different from Kagami "Stop acting like a clown" Tsurugi
I think, however, that showing why Adrigami and Lukanette wouldn't work is a great idea ! Was it greatly handled ? Not really, but it could've been great ! I love Kagami and Luka and I wish for them to be in good hands (mine)
One last thing about Chat, then we'll talk about Mari's side ; I HATE HATE HATE how they ignore his struggles or act as if they do not exist. The creator himself calls Adrien "perfect" and act as if Adrien is totally fine, when the situations the boy is in SHOW how distressing his situation is. Adrien is CANONICALLY shown to : accept death and die, more than once, try to cataclysm himself, eat very little, have weak boundaries and doesn't know how to say 'no', isn't really aware of others' boundaries as well, shut down as soon as his father raises his voice, been hit by his Father (both in normal and Hawkmoth form), still hasn't been able to properly grieve his mother. ALL of this, and none of it has been explored, because the focus is not on him if Mari isn't there. The writers HATE abused kids and I'm not afraid to say it, because s5 spoilers showed how they're (Adrien, Chloé and Kagami) treated and considered by the writers.
Now, onto Mari ! You're heard everything I complained about, now let's hear something else ; I loved seeing her under the pressure and how it affected her, though I find it cruel, it was interesting to see since she learned a lot about herself and other people. Too bad the writers refuse to make characters change, huh. Also, nice that she tries to move on from Adrien ! Still not over the statue thing, but it's refreshing to see her move on, if only for like, three episodes. I wish we could've seen genuinely learn how to treat her partner better, how to not take him for granted. Maybe her resenting Master Fu for putting such a heavy burden on her shoulders ? She's the class president, a full time middle schooler, guardian and super hero, and that's it. She cannot indulge in her hobbies anymore and that sucks, because she deserves to be a kid. The writers obviously want her to be the most important character by pushing every single thing and events on her, even when her presence is not even necessary.
Since Mari is pushed to be the centre of everything, where she shouldn't even be, it means she gets both privilege by the writers, and also pain. It was nice though to have a character I could empathize with and also critisize, though the writers want to make her as lovely as possible.
As for the romance between Mari and Adrien... I stopped wanting them to be together in s4, because truth be told, they're incompatible, and the Universe obviously doesn't like them together either lol. It was so weirdly put in s5, and I stopped watching the show since then, so I don't know much, except for big, big spoilers which make me want to barge in the writers' room and strangle them one by one.
The ship is no longer something I enjoy, for many reasons, and I think they should've ended up with someone else (Adrien realizing he's gay and Marinette kissing Kagami on the lips for example)
Okay and for s5 just know that I hate it.
-> Marinette, of all people, learning who Hawkmoth is and then CHOOSING not to tell Adrien, as well as offering Gabriel to die as a hero, is just horrible. The conscious choice of taking away his agency, ONCE AGAIN, hiding secrets from him, hiding from him the fact that his father, his abuser, is HAWKMOTH is horrible. I wanted the confrontation between him and his father, but NOTHING. Mari got the spotlight and Adrien is nothing more than a bird in a cage I hate the writers.
-> Chloé got disowned by her (incompetent) dad and forced to leave with her Mother. What a way to get rid of the bully ! Giving her to her abusive mother ! Who doesn't know her name, doesn't care about ! As if Chloé didn't cry "why don't you love me, mom ?" ! God.
-> the senti reveal. I hate the senti theory i hate that it's real. They can't fight back, otherwise they can just be erased of existence, and even taking back the amok is useless because what if it breaks ? what if you lost it ? someone steals it ? I hate it so, so, so much, and making abused kids sentihumans is the worst thing ever.
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frick6101719 · 1 year
The Last Songbird
Well it's Kanej Week but it's also Exam Week from Hell, and so unfortunately the last chapter of TLS will not be up today. However, today's theme is lyrics, and this fic is named after a song, so have some lyrics and a sneak peek I guess?
Under this crooked spell, how can anybody resist? He keeps her under lock and key  She keeps him on the to-do list Porcelain nights and skin-tight moves They live between the comedy and comedown blues In love and war, all is lost and found Is it just the case of the last shakedown? While the world spins every way, ‘round and ‘round All is simple on the upside down Listen to the sound of one hand clap in the pale of the moonlight All those years frozen in the spotlight Nowhere now, maybe somehow they just burned too bright? Even when they won they always lost themselves to the sideways glances Praying to the Saints of doomed romances Tell their tale: love is not for sale It's a word you heard The last songbird
The young man turns to her, and he must recognise her but he doesn’t let it show on his face. He looks her up and down and it makes her skin crawl, though he seems only interested in determining that she is here and whole. 
Heleen sighs. “Is your boss prepared to bless us with his presence now?” she asks. Her voice is sweet as honey, and Inej knows that means the sting is not far. 
The young man nods. “As agreed.” 
He leaves Inej standing alone with Tante Heleen and very little idea of what is going on. She dares not hope... but really it’s easy not to hope when being back in this room makes her adrenaline surge and her mind flood with the memory of lashes against her skin, blood in her mouth, sweaty hands grabbing her body...
The Peacock raises a perfect blonde eyebrow at her. “Well, Little Lynx, tonight is quite a big night for you. It seems your performance of late has caught the attention of a man with an appetite for Suli girls and the kruge to eat his fill.” Inej tries not to react, but sees Heleen’s eyes brighten when she catches her flinch. “I’m almost loath to part with you, after what a good girl you’ve been recently. And to a man like this one…” She really does look genuinely sorry. Inej at least knows enough not to trust the Peacock's looks. She has learned her lesson. “You could have become something wonderful here, you know. You were just starting to realise your real potential. I think you might have become my best girl.” 
Inej clears her throat. She feels nothing. She is barely here. “Then why sell me?”
“Come now Inej, you’re smarter than that. Why would I sell you?”
She feels the sound of her name like a slap, but manages not to recoil with the impact. She nods. She is smarter than that. “The price was right.”
Heleen’s smile is dazzling. “Ah, Little Lynx. I can’t tell you what a pity that—”
Inej had heard the quiet tapping of a cane while Heleen was speaking, but the Peacock had been much too interested in the sound of her own voice to care. Now, as Dirtyhands steps into the parlour, crow’s-head cane in black-gloved hand, her face goes lily white. Her pretty mouth opens, closes, and opens and closes again, all without a sound. 
Inej doesn’t turn around. Her eyes are fixed on her mistress, waiting for her to find her voice.
It takes her a long moment.
“You’re dead,” she whispers. 
Kaz shrugs. Inej can feel his presence behind her, can feel the edge of his indifferent warmth radiating from his body. “That’s what they tell me.”
Find the fic so far here, if you're interested.
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juniperhillpatient · 2 years
The Cave of Two Lovers Re-Watch
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This episode made me laugh a lot, & that's the highest praise I can offer it - it's definitely not a favorite of mine. This one is doomed to rank low for me because it comes in between 2 episodes featuring my favorite Evil Princess & it heavily features a romance that I don't personally enjoy. I just vibe with Katara & Aang as platonic friends so obviously I'm not in love with an episode about their romance.
I was entertained by the stoner nomad throuple & their shenanigans, while also understanding Sokka's annoyance. They're the kind of characters that are annoying but also amusing to me. I spend a lot of time around stoners who like to sing & play music so, to be honest, they just reminded me of people I know in real life which made me chuckle.
Sokka saying "since Katara's busy-" *cut to Katara having flowers braided into her hair* was just a great moment. Also, Appa getting flowers in his hair was so pure. All the interactions toward the beginning just made me laugh, & I'm kinda in love with the shot of Aang, Lily & Katara with flower crowns.
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I'll also give this episode this - at least Katara seemed to show an actual interest in Aang. Unlike the last episode that set up their romance explicitly ('The Fortuneteller'), Katara's feelings are explored a little here. It's not enough to convince me that she's truly interested in pursuing this romance, but it's something. She's the one to bring up the idea of the kiss, & she gets embarrassed & angry when Aang implies that he doesn't want to kiss her. Then, in the end, she blushes & smiles. That said, it's weird that "Oma" & "Shu" are set up to parallel Katara & Aang. They're from two nations divided by war. That doesn't really apply to Kataang. I guess the part about creating peace & separating divides applies, but only to Aang as a character, not to the Katara/Aang romance. Of course, parallels don't have to be exact but it feels clunky to me. That said, I'm not exactly objective like I said.
It was neat to get to meet the badger moles! I love that animals are always the original element benders in the Avatar world. Also, Aang talking about the power of love guiding the way & Sokka saying "huh, we let big ferocious beasts guide our way" cracked me up.
The Iroh & Zuko parts of this episode were fun - to me anyway. Sorry but I love seeing my favorite characters at their worst. Stealing the Ostrich Horse was a low moment for Zuko. Song & her mother were so kind. They took Iroh & Zuko in when they didn't have to, helped cure Iroh's poison, & fed them dinner. Then Zuko stole from them. Not only that - he stole something valuable. I'm guessing an animal like that was important to their livelihood. This is where we see Zuko's entitlement & selfishness leading to a truly horrible act.
Also - "of course we have names." Zuko the terrible liar my beloved. I will forever continue to lean heavily into the "Zuko can't fucking lie & becomes an awkward wreck (more than usual) when he tries" trope when writing fanfic because I'm right.
Now, I want to talk about Iroh in this episode. I've been upfront that I don't feel like I understand him as a character, & his motives are often confusing to me. It would be easy to dismiss his mixing up the poisonous white jade bush & the white dragon bush used for tea as "silly old man" behavior. But it occurred to me - & this is a THEORY I could be totally wrong - that he might have done it on purpose. I can't recall ever seeing this possibility discussed, maybe it has been. Or maybe it's silly, but hear me out - Iroh knows that Zuko isn't willing to go to anyone for help, but they're royals. They're not cut out to live in the wilderness. The single tiny fish that Zuko catches will not sustain them.
This is what makes me think maybe Iroh was manipulating Zuko into going to the village for help - he immediately points out a berry bush & acts like he's going to eat the berries. He says they're either bacui berries, which can cure him, or maka'ole berries, which will blind him. Zuko obviously stops Iroh from eating the berries & insists they seek help. What if this was Iroh's plan all along?
Please - let me know what you guys think of that. Is it ridiculous or is there a possibility?
Anyway, that's all I have to say about this episode!
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Rewatched G-Witch and Prospera and Suletta’s interactions hit different. Still saw no real chemistry between Suletta and Miorine. Also I guess Guel was kinda doomed to have his hopes dashed even if he did stay holder? I doubt Vim much less Benerit would let their future leader become a soldier who is in high risk of plausibly deniable murder/death. Though given his reaction to his first taste of real combat even before finding out who he fought means he wasn’t really suited for killing anyway.
I mean most people who serve in the military don’t actually want to fight and kill other people despite all the bravado. There’s a book I have called “On Killing” that’s exactly about this phenomenon
Suletta and Miorine feels forced as hell and while the whole show is supposed to be about their romance, you could really make the case they’re like good friends, and even that is a stretch. It’s the same problem I have with believing Naruto is such a ride or die for Sasuke, they don’t do anything together that would suggest they have such a tight bond. These guys do not like each other at all and yet they’re supposed to be like brothers? Lol okay Kishimoto. If Suletta and Mirorine are supposed to be a couple, let them be romantic. They have a few big dramatic moments here and there but it’s really just not how that works. Like at least let them go on a fucking date or something idk
And Suletta has the same problem Mikazuki does where their plot relevance is solely limited to piloting a Gundam and letting everyone else do interesting things that moves the plot forward. There’s no agency, and while I can get it might be the point, that doesn’t automatically make it good.
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mediaevalmusereads · 1 month
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The Seven Year Slip. By Ashley Poston. Berkley, 2023.
Rating: 3.5/5 stars
Genre: contemporary romance
Series: N/A
Summary: Sometimes, the worst day of your life happens, and you have to figure out how to live after it.
So Clementine forms a plan to keep her heart safe: work hard, find someone decent to love, and try to remember to chase the moon. The last one is silly and obviously metaphorical, but her aunt always told her that you needed at least one big dream to keep going. And for the last year, that plan has gone off without a hitch. Mostly. The love part is hard because she doesn’t want to get too close to anyone—she isn’t sure her heart can take it.
And then she finds a strange man standing in the kitchen of her late aunt’s apartment. A man with kind eyes and a Southern drawl and a taste for lemon pies. The kind of man that, before it all, she would’ve fallen head-over-heels for. And she might again.
Except, he exists in the past. Seven years ago, to be exact. And she, quite literally, lives seven years in his future.
Her aunt always said the apartment was a pinch in time, a place where moments blended together like watercolors. And Clementine knows that if she lets her heart fall, she’ll be doomed.
After all, love is never a matter of time—but a matter of timing.
***Full review below.***
CONTENT WARNINGS: suicide, mild sexual content
OVERVIEW: I kept hearing about this book, so out of sheer curiosity, I picked it up. I'm not normally a contemporary romance reader, so this was a little outside my wheelhouse, but I was excited to give it a chance. Overall, I think I'm rating this book 3-3.5 stars for reasons of personal taste. While I loved the time-travel element and atmosphere of the apartment, I also felt like a lot of narrative tension was sucked out of the story. Maybe this book was supposed to be fluffy and light, so I'm perhaps being unfair. But I kept seeing moments when the stakes could have been raised, so that drove my subjective experience.
WRITING: Poston's prose is ok. It's definitely not the worst, but it doesn't feel particularly inspired either. Much of what put me off was the millennial humor and pop culture references. I understand this book is written for a particular audience, but the humor was simply not for me and will, I think, age this book poorly.
I also think Poston repeated herself a bit - some of the same ideas expressed in the same manner (for example: the sensation of pop rocks in one's stomach). It wasn't so obnoxious to be jarring, but it was something I noticed.
PLOT: The non-romance plot of this book follows Clementine West, a book publicist who devoted herself to work following the death of her aunt. The aunt has bequeathed a magical apartment to her niece - one that randomly transports its occupant 7 years backwards or forward in time, and Clementine soon finds herself being catapult into the past too meet a young man who lived in the apartment for a summer 7 years ago.
I was a little mixed on the plot for a number of reasons. On the one hand, I really loved the possibilities that came with the time travel. Because occupants were only separated by 7 years, they're was always the possibility of meeting up yet being changed by time. There was so much room to talk about how people change and timing and so much that Poston takes advantage of several times.
I also liked the focus on grief and the relationship between Clementine and her aunt. Even though the aunt is dead, Clementine has enough flashbacks for her to feel like a real and integral part of her life, and the longing that accompanied her time travel into the past - during a time when the aunt was alive - was palpable.
I also think the atmosphere of the apartment was well done. Poston made it seem magical in all the important ways: not for its time travel, but for the way the light hit it, the way it was decorated, the memories it held. It was a more effective way of making the setting feel enchanting than detailing the exact way it launched someone into the past.
On the other hand, I do think Poston could have leaned heavier into making the plot work for her themes. While I appreciated the way friends were used as support systems, there were scenes that I thought could have been less fluffy and more purposeful.
I also didn't quite feel like the stakes were as high as they could have been. This isn't to say that I think there should have been action or life-or-death scenarios, but Poston didn't exactly make me care about Clementine's job or Iwan's success as a chef. This might be because I felt like I was told too much about why they mattered more than shown, and I really wanted to see the effects of workaholism on grief, for example, more than Clementine wanted to just simply advance her career.
CHARACTERS: Clementine, our heroine, is fine as far as romance heroines go. There were things I liked about her, like her relationship with her aunt, her meditations on grief and repetition and adventure, and the way she comes to terms with the realities of change. I think I would have liked her more without the millenial humor, and if the plot had worked harder to really dig into her psyche, she would have felt more dazzling.
Iwan, our hero, is ok but a bit too "safe" to be interesting. This doesn't mean that he needed to be some kind of bad boy; I mostly mean that he doesn't seem to have character flaws that make him feel three dimensional. His love for cooking was admirable, as was his relationship with his grandfather, but he felt a little too perfect and his arc wasn't necessarily one of growth. He was fairly perfect from the get-go, and though he loses some of that in his vision for his career, I don't think it developed as strongly as it could have.
Supporting characters were fine, though I think they distracted from the plot more than served it. As much as I loved the supportive network of friends around both characters, I ultimately think they didn't work hard enough to create subplots of their own that complimented the main romance. Drew and Fiona, for example, were nice to have as emotional support, but they mostly felt like repositories for millenial humor. The same can be said of Miguel and Isa, who would have been fantastic commentaries on chasing passion over accomplishment and formal recognition.
ROMANCE: There were some aspects of this romance that were really interesting. The time travel was perhaps the main attraction, shoving these two people together and holding them apart at moments to create productive frustration and tension. I liked that the time separation meant that both characters were in different stages of life and thus, finding each other in the present was fraught with difficulties.
I do think, however, that more could have been done to put past and present storyline in conversation with one another. While Poston eventually delves into things like how time changes people, it felt like from the get-go, the time travel was more used for a quirky meet cute. Of course, if this romance is meant to be more light and fluffy, there's nothing wrong with that; personally, however, I wanted the time travel to really work harder for our love story, creating scenarios that couldn't necessarily be solved by just getting over oneself or having a frank heart-to-heart.
TL;DR: The Seven Year Slip is a romance with an interesting premise that is somewhat undercut by its millenial humor. Though it wades into the waters of tackling things like grief and pursuing happiness, it ultimately felt too surface level for my taste.
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