#if i could make a wish i wouldve wished i never said that. i wouldve wished this wasnt the consequence i wish this wasnt what my life is now
twelverriver · 4 months
ok imagine you're an mi6 agent who's been on an undercover mission for the last 2 years and then you're meant to interrogate some guy but instead you free him and you have a moment and then you meet again in vienna when you're both sent there to kill someone but you both have the same strategy of wounding not killing and then you give him something to make he finds you again because you have to leave soon and when he finds you again in your safe house you notice that he has drawn you and he's smart and keeps up with you and you go on a mission together and you have to revive him after he died and saved his life again and then you have to betray him and THEN he follows you into the mountains on a motorcycle but rather hurts himself than hurting you when given the choice and when you meet again after that whole thing you ask him to come away with you and he says nothing and he pretty much rejects you. how do you deal with that. also after that your evil boss says that you have to kill him and his friend so you can keep the trust of your evil boss and your even eviler boss :)) bc something similar happened to my friend ilsa faust.
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hyp3rfixation-h3ll · 1 year
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Sorry for putting this one out so late, life got ahead of me today X__x I know i made a piece for PMATGA's overall bday, but I feel as if i should make a separate one for, arguably, the episode that literally changed my life, as corny as that sounds. So I did :o) Happy 10 years to the middleaged orb couple that changed mine and, in turn, many, many other peoples' lives. <3 (Feat mine and @cogsincorporated's respective designs for sunny and zac as well as the canon ones <3)
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caffeinatedopossum · 2 years
I think I'm glad I survived but I don't know if that's true, all I know is that if I had to relive those years a second time, I wouldn't be able to make it. At least the first time, I never knew what was coming next, I never knew how much worse it would get.
Knowing all that would happen, I don't think I could have reasoned with myself that it was worth it. All I can do is thank my past selves for giving me the opportunity to have the wonderful life I have now.
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punkcherries · 1 year
watched elemental . pixar treads water ‼
#cherryz txt#i watched one a them camrips with the slots ads plastered on them which was funny#disney aint gettin a penny outta me .#anyhow its like funny as fuck how elemental is just zootopia if zootopia wished it could be turning red.#does this make sense. JNGFKJSNGDF#when they aint doin sequels theyre just ripping themselves off#its not like a Bad Film that u should Never Watch its just like . whatever#ohhh its a kids movie...... sure but like idk . kids deserve more variety i think#also that bit near the end where waterguy calls firegirl a coward is like . wat lol .#absolutely dissonant with everything about waterguy up to that point . itd make more sense for him to be like#'ive been trying to do everything i can to show u how u can be free and honest to urself but u have to take that initiative too'#or something to that affect instead of like . some boring generic schlock dialogue u know??#but then again i feel like most of the movie was generic schlock dialogue JHFKJDSNGDSLG#also the character designs were whatever . yadda yadda i hate u hyperrealism being expected of 3d animation etc etc#BUT i feel like even outside of that aspect the designs of the main 2 are just like. so first draft yk ?#i think a lot of secondary and incedental designs were more interesting but even then its like#again . treading water . someone said hey draw some fire people and water people and stuff#took the first color drafts and ran with em yk ?#i think a unique visual style wouldve helped to a degree but like . really coulda used moer time in the oven overall#ALSO. disneys first nonbinary character? on screen for 1 scene . and i swear to g-d i heard them get called her????#(obvs ppl can use any pronouns they want forever irl but like . make a big show of nonbinary character and then????)#(couldve just been camrip quality take this w a grain of salt)#(either way disney vaguely gesturing at queerness to sell rainbow pins for 20 dollars grrrrrrrrr)#capitalism kills creativity <3
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ventcode · 1 year
i cant even sleep. this is bad. just caught up in my own thoughts.
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AITA for not helping my family pay for hospital bills?
🎷🔥 so i can find it later
This is going to need a lot of context right off the bat. I (20'sM) am a gay man that comes from an extremely conservative family. My sister (20'sF) is also a lesbian and recently got married and adopted a child. I'm very proud of her, but that's not the issue.
My parents seem to have little to no issue with my sister marrying a woman. They do have a very big issue with me liking dudes, however. Like, it was the reason my parents got divorced "big issue." I'm not gonna go into everything, but my sister ended up with my dad and I stayed with my mom for reasons I'd rather not share.
Our last parting was on... less than decent terms. Upon finding out that I was of the homosexual variety, my dad flipped his lid. He called me several slurs and said some other very hurtful things, and even made moves to physically attack me. My mom, also a very homophobic woman, stepped in and thankfully talked him down. Then divorce, etc etc.
I saved up enough money to move out when I turned 18 and may have done some impulsive things including completely trashing my mom's bathroom, which I know I'm definitely the asshole for, but in my defense my mom kept "forgetting" to pick up my prescriptions and I was manic (I have bipolar). But, again, I know I'm the AH for that.
I now live with my two best friends R (20sNB) and P (20sM) in a house we all pay for. R comes from money so they help out a lot, and I love them both to death. We kind of have a sort of situationship but none of us are poly? Idk it's weird we're just going with it rn.
Anyway, I bring them up bc we all went to my sister's wedding together, and my parents separately chewed me out for bringing them (and for R daring to wear a dress. They're amab for context) and I obviously argued back bc hey they're my best friends and my sister specifically said it was okay for me to bring them (she and R are also friends and they wouldve been invited regardless of me bringing P) and also because R looks very good in a dress and i can handle them shit-talking me but i will not tolerate slander towards R or P.
At the wedding, I went full no contact with them and told them to lose my number. They, ofc, did Not lose my number and I got several calls from extended family saying about what you would expect them to say, so I switched numbers and gave only my sister and her wife my new number.
My sister. I love her to pieces but sometimes she gets on my nerves. She gives my number to my mom to have "just in case," but she reassures me that she won't give it to my dad or any other family. So far, she's made good on that promise, I just have to deal with periodic calls about getting a girlfriend and having kids.
Now, my dad isn't the healthiest guy out there. He has arthritis, osteoporosis, and several other things that i don't really wanna get into. As he's aged he's only gotten worse and there have been several times he's almost died, but recently he's been put on hospice and has an estimated Not Very Long to live.
Here's where I may be the AH. My dad calls me while I'm at a very important, personal event for R (he got my number from my mom) and goes on a long rant on how I'm an unlovable disgrace and how he fed me and clothed me and I could make up for all that by helping him pay off hospital debt. I say no immediately and tell him that he's never been my dad, only my dna donor, and that he's going to be dead anyway and that selling his house could cover all the bills. He calls me many more names and tells me he wishes I was never born (calling my mom some very derogatory names too (she's asian)) and that i should just go ahead and off myself to save the world someone like me. I tell him he should die faster while he's at it because God knows the world already has enough bigots in it and there could never be too many mentally ill queers.
I hung up, but now I'm thinking I went a bit too far. AITA for not helping out with his hospital bills and yelling at him?
What are these acronyms?
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miahxrrington-blog · 8 months
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“hey, henderson why haven’t I heard from your sister?”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧ ⋆ ˚。⋆
summary: steve is worried about reader he hasn’t heard from her in a while so he decides to call dustin who then tells him she’s sick because of her period
warnings: swearing, fluff, period talk
Steve was starting to worry he hadn’t heard from his girlfriend all day she’d usually call him. To atleast tell him she’s okay. So it was odd of her her.
Steve decided to call the Henderson residents to make sure she was alright.
“Henderson Residentes this is Dustin speaking.”
“Hey Henderson, why haven’t I heard from your sister all day?” Asked Steve
“Girl problems. You know how it is” said Dustin
“No I don’t is she alright?” Asked a concerned Steve
“Yea she’s fine she just got her period and she started feeling dizzy so mom let her stay home from school. She hasn’t gotten out of bed since. ”
“Why didnt she tell me anything? Is there anything I could, do can i talk to her?” Asked Steve worried
“Mom said it’s better to let her rest.” Mumbled Dustin
“Shit okay uh- thanks for telling me” Steve then hung up the phone, now staring and Robin from across the room.
“We’ll?” Asked robin
“She’s on her uh her start of the month.”
“You mean her period?” Asked a teasing Robin
“Yea that I uh, I didn’t know girls could get dizzy and sick from it.” Said a confused Steve not really understanding what was happening
“Yea doofus, most girls do. I feel bad for Y/N honestly some girls get it worse than others.”
“Shut, uh how do I help like is there anything I could do? I feel useless while she’s over there in so much pain meanwhile I’m here fine.”
“We’ll you Can start by buying her ice cream it always helps me feel better and maybe some meds ibuprofen, Tylenol and also something to eat like a meal I know I always forget to eat while I’m on my period. Maybe that’s why she felt dizzy or it may just be because she’s loosing large amounts of blood.” Said Robin trying to give Steve a better understanding.
“Shit i didn’t know if was that bad for you guys Rob, And this would help her feel better?” Asked Steve
“I mean maybe but i feel like she needs comfort right now.” Explained Robin
Steve then headed to the store he made sure he wrote down what robin said to get and got it for Y/N he wanted to make sure she felt better atleast for a little bit.
Steve walked to your front porch bags in hand and knocked. Dustin open the door and led him in giving him a quick Pat on the shoulder.
“Here to see y/n?” Asked Dustin
“Yea.” Answered Steve quickly
“Good luck dude” Steve rolled his eyes at Dustin’s remark.
“Baby?” Asked Steve before entering the dark room looking for the light switch and putting the bags on your dresser
“I heard you were sick my love.” You stood up not even being able to keep your eyes opened and gave him a quick smile because even though you were in a lot of pain seeing him made everything better.
“Yea I’m sorry for not talking to you i haven’t even been able to get out of bed all day. And my head has been killing me.” You said
“Hey it’s okay I’m here to help. Why don’t we get you something to eat. I brought Chinese your favorite ” Said steve
“God i really love you, you dont understand. You said happily reaching for the bad
Once you were done eating you asked Steve if he wanted to stay over. You really needed your boyfriend more than ever.
“Can you just hug me.” You asked
“Yea yea anything you need.”
Steve rapped his arms around you
“I love you so much.” He kissed your temple
“ I wish you would’ve told me wouldve been here sooner and helped you my love”
“You were working and i didn’t want to bother you.”
“You could never bother me baby.”
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teyammybeloved · 6 months
Miguel o’hara
summary; both oblivious to each others feelings, you both fuck around with other people to try and forget each other, but it never works.
warnings; mentions of sex but no smut? sexual references miscommunication, swearing, miguel and reader being oblivious, fem reader, angst w happy ending
it was difficult for miguel, watching you with that bright smile on your face, the way your whole face lit up as you danced around the room, hanging up christmas decorations, laughing at jokes others threw your way.
he wanted to be the one making you laugh.
he didn’t even notice the slight smile on his face as he stood in the doorway watching you, everyone else noticed though.
“miggy!” you say excitedly as you pause in front of him, “wanna decorate the christmas tree with me” you say, the cutest smile on your face, he feels his stomach knot.
it hurts him so much.
he pictures what it would be like for you and him to decorate your christmas in your very own home, drinking hot coco, watching christmas movies, cuddle on the couch. he wants to give you the world. he would do anything to have you in his arms, just once.
but he is a runner, these things scare him, and seeing how much control you have over him, scares him, and you have no idea. everytime you mention another guy, or going on a date with someone, miguel instantly assumes you’ve fucked them, and it kills.
he wants to be the one taking you out on dates, treating you as well as you deserve, giving you the world and more, everything, he wants to give you everything.
but if you were interested in miguel, you wouldve made a move by now.
you were so oblivious to his feelings for you, missing how he only smiled when you were around, how his tone got softer if you were in the room, making sure HQ had all your favourite things, and was fit to your standard
he never did that for anybody else, how could you miss it.
he assumed you just weren’t interested.
“sorry darling, i have a date” he said softly, wishing the date was with you, if you asked him once more he would cancel the date instantly, and spend all day decorating the damn tree with you.
he doesn’t even like christmas.
if he looked hard enough, he wouldve seen your face fall for a second, couldve noticed the million thoughts running through your head, but he missed it, and your smile remained.
“oh! thats okay miggy, have a good time” you say, hand now fidgeting with your necklace. he smiles at you.
you two were friends, best friends, ever since you came to the HQ miguel just had a soft spot for you, you were like an angel.
and then that soft spot turned into love.
miguel loved you, there was no doubt. he loved you so much it had begin to physically hurt him, he did have a date, that was true, but not a romantic sort of date. a quick fuck date, one where he hoped he would be distracted from all his thoughts of you, though it never worked, he would keep trying.
he wanted it to be you.
there was a sort of gut wrenching pain, hearing miguel call you darling then say he was going on a date with someone else, a million thoughts ran through your head, was this a new person or maybe an old one.
you new he fucked every girl he went on a date with, a new girl each week, you knew that because he always came back with different energies, and hickeys in different spots.
one girl covered him in them, he didn’t like that, the next left a few on his chest, he didn’t like that either, and the one after that left a few on his neck, and a few on his collarbone, he never seemed to like it.
but you had a conversation with him about hickey’s before, he said he liked them, he liked giving them and liked receiving them, maybe these girls just didn’t have the right placement.
you wanted to love miguel, you do love miguel. and you wouldve taken a chance and asked him out, if you didn’t know how every date went.
he would take them out, fancy restaurant, then fuck them, and ditch them.
and you loved miguel too much to just be used.
maybe he had a thing with commitment, a issue maybe, he was scared of it, or just couldn’t handle not being able to sleep with multiple women.
you refused to be used by miguel, not when you loved him with everything you have.
the next day, you saw a cute christmas sweater on your desk, with a smile you throw it on over your head, seeing others walking around with them on.
“i ordered them in, figured we could all match, but miguel doesn’t seem to think he wants to, can you talk to him?” lyla says, when she sees you, you frown, and nod. “yeah- yeah of course”
walking to miguels office scared you, you wondered where the hickeys would be placed today, if he liked them, you wondered if maybe this girl was different, maybe she was exactly what he wanted.
knocking on the door, you hear a grunt, then a come in, you walk in, plastering a smile on your face. “hi miggy” you say.
he smiles at the sight of you, the christmas sweater was a bit too big, handing down to your mid thigh. “hey darling,” he says, sitting up straighter in his chair.
“youre not matching with us?” you say, tilting your head as you sit on the other side of him, placing your elbows on the desk, holding your face.
“its not my kind of thing” he says. you pout, “come on miggy, its cute, match with me” you say, smiling.
he sighs, christmas always meant wearing whatever you pleased, miguel, obviously chose grey sweatpants and a black compression shirt, making you squeeze your thighs together, but you stayed quiet.
“yeah- okay” he says, turning around to pull off his shirt, you watch his back tense with a smile, as he pulls the christmas sweater over his head. “see miggy! its cute” you study him, unable to find any hickeys
“no hickeys today?” you say softly, “what happened” you asked, knowing it would probably leave you more hurt then you already are.
“i fucked up, and she left” miguel shrugged. he didn’t seem to bothered by it. you hate the fact it makes you happy. “what did you do?” you ask softly, tilting your head.
“said someone elses name” he runs a hand over his face, your jaw drops, as you laugh softly. but it wasn’t genuine, he was thinking of someone else.
“oh that would fucking suck” you say softly, with a smile, he shrugged, “its okay, hey are you coming to the christmas party tonight?” he asks, he hoped you were since he arranged it just for you.
you giggle, “of course i am”
“good ill see you there”
miguel was now clenching the drink in his hand, watching you talk to some guy, some guy that wasn’t him. he hated it. all he wanted was you, even if it was just for one night, he would happily be discarded by you if it meant having you at all.
you refused to be discarded by miguel, you didn’t want to be one of his one night stands, fuck then dumps, you wanted to love him.
miguel was standing outside on the balcony when you came out, “hi migs” you mutter, walking towards him. you looked gorgeous. perfect like always.
“hey baby” he says, cracking his neck softly, as he looks down at you, your stomach flipped at the name, but you assumed he was drunk.
this was unfair, on you and the girl he was thinking about, he thought about her enough to say her name while fucking somebody else, yet he was standing here calling you baby.
your smile dampens, and he notices. “hey hey whats up?” he says, grabbing your chin softly to make you look at him. “nothing, i think im just tired” you say.
miguel holds eye contact with you, heart pounding in his chest. “need me to take you home?” he asks softly, knowing you didn’t have a ride. you smile, “if thats okay- you don’t have to i don’t wanna ruin your night if your having a good time”
miguel shakes his head, “never, come on” he says grabbing your hand leading you to his car.
theres a lot of tension in the car, your not sure why, miguel keeps looking over at you, and you’re always looking at him. his hand is on your knee, this doesn’t feel like a just friends thing.
he reaches your house, and pauses looking at you. “you sure you’re alright?” he asks softly. you nod, looking into his eyes, theres a lot of tension, you don’t reply. “whos name did you say” you ask softly.
“you said someone elses name, fucking that chick last night, whos name was it, whos name did you say miguel”
“it doesn’t matter” he says, shaking his head, looking down at you.
“it does”
“baby-“ you can’t help it, you lean over smashing your lips into his, he is shocked at first, wondering if this was real, or if it was all in his head, but he kisses back, seizing the opportunity, never knowing if it’ll happen again.
he can taste you, vanilla and cherries, so so so sweet against his lips, he wonders if he is in heaven.
he groans, pulling you over the centre console to sit on his lap, your hands are now in his hair as one of his is on your back, pulling you closer, the other on the back of your neck.
its messy, passionate but messy, you roll your hips against him, subconsciously, causing him to groan loudly against your lips.
“baby” he says softly, in between kissing you. “mm” you hum in response, caught in the moment, maybe being used by miguel would be okay.
“yours” he says, pulling away. “what?” you ask confused, “your name, i said your name.” he admits quietly. you pause, in shock.
“you said my name- you were thinking of me?” you ask. he scoffs, “of course i was all i ever do is think of you, all the time, everyday, its always you, i can’t get you out of my head” he says.
you pause. “i- i don’t want to be another girl you fuck then leave” you say, “i- i can’t do it, not when i love you so much” you say, pushing your hands to his chest as you open the car door, climbing out.
he is in shock by your confession, it jabs him in the heart — all the sleeping around he did to forget you, didn’t work, yet it scared you into the idea that you would just be a quick fuck to him.
“no- what no listen to me” he says undoing his seatbelt as he gets up to follow you. “miguel i think its best if you leave- i can’t do this, im sorry but i cant be used by you” you say.
“you aren’t!!” he said, grabbing ur hand pulling you to look at him. “you- fuck, i dont sleep with women to fuck and leave them- i mean thats what ive been doing but i do it to try and forget you, to try to forget the way my heart leaps out of my fucking chest everytime you touch me, to forget the sound of your voice, to forget your cute smile, and pretty hair, i do it all to try and forget how much i love you, and how everytime i am with these women, i want it to be you, i want to be the one to take you out on those cute dates, i want you to be the one i am seeing everyday, i want you to be the one giving me hickeys where everybody can see them, and i hate when other women do it, cause they try to mark me as theres, but im yours. im only yours i want to be yours”
by the end of his rant, miguel is out of breath, everything he had been holding in had come pouring out, standing in the street with nothing but the dim street lamp as a source of light, and how you looked so pretty standing under the yellow.
“i love you” he says, chest heaving, “i love you and i want to love you” he says, you squeeze his hand gently, he knew you were shocked, he knew how you would need a moment to process this, and he knew that you squeezing his hand was to tell him you heard it all, and you were listening, you just needed to process.
he knew you.
he loved you.
“i love you, miguel” you finally say, “i love you, and i want to show you i love you, i want to do all the stupid cringey couple things with you, i want everyone to know how much i love you, i want the yuck feeling in my stomach to go away everytime i hear you mention some other girl, i want to love you” you say, holding his hand to your chest as you hold eye contact with him.
“no one else, no other girls, just us, me and you, just us” he says.
“just us”
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mazzystar24 · 21 days
actually the hospital wing joke is starting to bother me a lot more because buck actually fucking died 😭and he didnt even change clothes from being at the hospital all day why would you say that to someone. ik it was a fakeout but bobby looked like he was fr coding on the table. and like just a couple weeks before chimney almost died?? like im sorry i only accept those kinda jokes from people who have known me for years and even then they can be a little upsetting.
thats the thing though!!!! id be perfectly fine with buck and tommy if they gave us more than actual crumbs. 709 felt like buck had more chemistry with ravi in the same scene that tommy was in! they’re supposed to be dating so why do they feel like colleagues? and why are the more emotional and vulnerable scenes getting given to EDDIE if they want me to support buck and tommy as a couple? why wasnt tommy at the hospital with them considering he’s said multiple times he wishes he had a family like the 118 does? why are the only times hes on screen now only establishing his jealousy and that gerrard exists? is that the only reason why hes still here?
actually i wanna get back to 706. it wouldve been so easy to keep tommy there but they wrote him out of most of the episode 😭 he couldve said for the bachelor party! he couldve helped them find chimney! he couldve done literally ANYTHING. chimney was confused as hell as to why he even showed up at the wedding at all 😭 but no!!! they had him show up, ignore what buck wanted, then leave so we could have buck and eddie performing their drunk mating rituals or whatever 🤸‍♂️ but yeah buddie who?
also im never letting go of the wedding singer comment btw because what was that. why did they make tommy reference a movie where the two leads in the ROMANTIC COMEDY start the story dating the wrong people. i feel insane about it actually. also him calling buck evan will forever confuse me until we get an actual acknowledgement in canon because literally why
and the humor falls so flat but eddie has the same type of humor and it never does. he was making fun of buck in 706 (the making chimneys wedding about him line) but it never actually felt serious to me?
anyway sorry for yelling in your inbox i have a lot of mixed emotions about this season -birthmark anon
Yes totally get that like I’m the same like me and my best friend will be saying downright horrendous trauma jokes to eachother that make people around us clutch their pearls but I feel like it takes a certain level of rapport to get to trauma joke level - ig not everyone is the same when it comes to that but I think that again the writers absolutely failed to give us enough bucktommy scenes that justify having this kinda line
AGHSKF NOT THE BUCK /RAVI AHJDKFKF 😭😭😭 THIS IS ESPECIALLY FUNNY WHEN YOU SEE THE BUCKTOMMY SCENE AT THE CEREMONY VS THOSE BUCKLEY DIAZ FAMILY STILLS (still bitter the scene got cut) like someone explain to me why the actual couple is coming across less couple-y
Like i can’t remember who I was talking to the other day but I was saying like this 🧍emoji just embodies Tommy to me
AHSJKF we going back to 7x06 and that’s so valid of us AGSJKF DRUNK MATING RITUALS AHJDKFKF STOP IM CACKLING
YES ABOUT THE HUMOUR like there just isn’t that balance or lightness to even the joke out, like I’m a big dry humour and sarcastic girlie but it’s just not being delivered right in a way idk if it’s the writing or the acting or just the fact its most his very small screentime but it’s just falling flat to me
Never apologise for yelling in my inbox babe and same for the mixed emotions
Love ya birthmark anon byee 🫶🫶
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"are you longing, is it Killing Time?"
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"if i’m honest, think i want it. no more talking, no more nonsense."
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synopsis// you work at a ballet studio and suna works at the karate dojo next door.
pairing// rintaro suna x gn!reader
word count// 3.9k
contents// ooc suna? idk he's like kinda smug in this... ive never written for him before so heed my warning. slight enemies to lovers but like kinda not really. osamu's obligatory accent. plot kinda speaks for itself i have no other warnings besides the fact that this kinda (majorly) sucks...
requested// by an anon!! im SO sorry this took me so long to write!!
notes// i know i said id never write for haikyuu again but i lied ok? take it. do what you will with this. sorry if this is all over the place... i feel very out of my element writing for haikyuu again LMFAO. also if anything mentioned about karate or ballet is wrong sorry!! i took ballet ONCE and taken karate never xoxo tbh i think the plot probably wouldve worked better as an smau but im not doin all that (respectfully.) anywho this was also inspired by killing time by movements (TOOOO GOOODDDDD)
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Classical music and the whispers of the kids eight-counting their steps echo throughout the room. Everything is peaceful and as it should be... That is, until the mirror walls begin to vibrate violently from the sudden blaring of music from the studio next to yours. All the kids turn to look at you, confused about what’s happening, and you flash them a small apologetic smile.
“You guys keep practicing, okay? I'm gonna go next door and ask them to turn it down.” 
Satisfied with your guidance, they nod, and you quickly walk out. Though not comfortable leaving a bunch of children unsupervised, you leave your studio door open to make sure that you’re still able to hear them from outside. You sigh before walking into the next studio; frankly, you had gotten this far without having to interact with anyone else, and you just wished it would stay that way. Neither the kids nor their instructor seem to notice your presence. And even though you clear your throat, no one hears you.
“Excuse me!” 
Suddenly all heads are turning toward you, and you reflexively dig your feet into the floor to stop yourself from running back out. Their instructor waves the kids off, having them go back to practicing whatever karate move he had just taught them before walking up to you.
"Can I help you?” he says, his eyes boring into yours.
And suddenly. Suddenly, you hate him. Or, at the very least, strongly dislike him. He blasts his music, knowing damn well the walls are thin, and then has the audacity to give you attitude?
“Are you gonna say something, or are you just gonna stand there all day?” He stops and briefly looks you up and down, a small smirk playing on his face. "Actually, I wouldn’t mind that.”
Your jaw clenches, giving him the nicest smile you very well could muster. “Can you turn down your music? It’s distracting my kids.”
He hums and appears to consider it for a moment, and you're almost grateful—almost, because then he has to open his stupid mouth again.
“Maybe if you say please.”
Your eye twitches. "Okay, you know what? Nevermind." You glance over at his students briefly, making sure they aren't looking at the two of you, and when you confirm that they aren't, you flip him off, and all he does is laugh. You groan, and if you could slam his studio door shut without the glass shattering, you would.
To no one’s surprise, he didn't stop playing his music at full volume—he claimed it pumped the kids up, and sure, maybe it did, but all it did was distract your own. And eventually, you two somehow fell into a game of who could play whose music louder. Considering your music consisted of different ballet numbers, it's safe to say he always won.
Week after week, you'd show up in his studio and ask him to just turn his music off, to lower the volume, to do something other than drive you crazy, but all he'd do was poorly flirt and smirk, his eyes always on you one way or another, and if you weren't so annoyed by him, you’re sure you would have found him captivating. It's not surprising when one day he’s the one showing up at your studio—you're actually excited about it, thinking that maybe, just maybe, he’s finally given up and is here to apologize. When you approach him and find all his students outside behind him, you quickly realize that's not the case. You glance between him and the kids.
“You guys go in and make friends, yeah?” You say as you move out the way to allow his students into your studio. You wait until they're all inside before stepping out and closing the door behind you. You whisper harshly, “What the fuck do you want?”
"Wow, you use that kind of language around your students?” He asks, his smirk all too evident on his face as he crosses his arms.
You stare at him blankly, no amusement etched on any of your features, and he awkwardly clears his throat.
“Our studio flooded.”
“Okay… What does that have to do with me?"
His shoulders slump as he groans. "Oh, c’mon.”
“How am I supposed to know what you want if you won't use your words like a big boy?” you ask, arms crossed and eyebrows raised.
He glares at you, and for once, it seems like you're the one getting under his skin. “Fuck you.”
You mockingly tut and shake your head. "Wow, you use that kind of language around your kids?”
He stands there and kicks at the sidewalk, clearly having some internal debate you don’t care enough to ask about, but he tells you anyway.
“Would you… be willing to share your studio with us until they fix our studio?”
Without missing a beat, you laugh. “Yeah no. I don't even know your name... What if you're some serial killer?”
“First of all, it's Rintaro Suna. Second of all, do you really think they would hire me to work around kids if I was a serial killer?”
You shrug. You don’t care about the logistics; you just don’t want him in your studio.
“And third of all, seriously?” He crosses his arms, and his tone is full of the kind of disappointment you'd only find in a friend who’s been betrayed—not in between two strangers who’ve done nothing but “fight” about music for weeks on end.
“Yes seriously. Can’t you find a new studio?”
“Owner says it’s more expensive to do that than fix whatever got fucked up.”
“Then find someone else to share with,” you say as you turn to walk back into your studio.
Suna grabs your wrist, and as you look over your shoulder at him, he pouts. "Are you really gonna take this out on the kids just because you hate me?”
You stare at him blankly, but the more you think about it and let what he’s said sink in, the softer your face becomes, and suddenly your conviction is nowhere to be found—just another leaf blown away in the wind. “How did your studio flood?”
Happy with how you don’t seem like you're about to escape off into your studio anymore, Suna lets go of your wrist and starts explaining, “Well, one kid clogged the toilet and the other left the sink running.”
“Deserved,” you say through a snort.
“Whatever. Are you gonna share or not?”
“Fine,” you sigh. "But I swear to god, Suna, the second you piss me off or don’t listen, I'm kicking your ass out. This is still my studio.”
"Technically, it’s not even yours.”
You stare at him blankly, eyes narrowed, and Suna can immediately tell you’re already thinking about taking back your offer of letting him stay in your studio.
He coughs awkwardly. "I'll shut up now.” 
“Good choice.”
A beat passes between the two of you just staring at each other, and when Suna realizes you won't say anything more, he takes the initiative.
Tilting his head at you, he asks, "So, are you gonna tell me your name now?”
You continue staring at him blankly.
"Oh, cmon, we’re gonna be sharing a studio now.”
“It's Y/n L/n.”
"Well, Y/n,” he says, somewhat dragging out your name before teasing, "I always knew you had a soft spot for me.”
"I have a soft spot for the kids, not you,” you correct him, crossing your arms.
“Keep telling yourself that,” he says, brushing your shoulder with his as he walks past you and into your studio.
“Don’t just walk into my studio like you own it?!" you call out, following after him.
“Not your studio, and you don’t own it either.”
“You know what I mean, Suna!”
It's almost scary how easily Suna and his students fit into your class. It didn’t even take a week for you to feel like having him in your studio was natural—how it should have always been. You hated how any ill-will you had toward him would suddenly vanish into thin air whenever you saw him interact with his or your students. You grew accustomed to your new routine with him.
Every other day, he could play his music and even teach some of your students some karate if they so desired, and vice versa. He’d bring you breakfast, and you'd bring him lunch, and sometimes the two of you would even go have dinner once all your students had left. You hated how he just wiggled his way into your life. You’re supposed to hate him—he used to play his music as loud as he could just to piss you off, and now you have dinner with him practically every day.
You’ve grown so fond of him that now, two months later, about to be three, you've completely forgotten why he’s here in the first place—that his residence in your studio is only temporary, and he’s just here till his studio is fixed. You’ve forgotten all about it because now you look forward to seeing him and actually want to see him more than you've ever wanted anything else before. and he feels the exact same because here he is, slumped in a chair in the back of the room, frowing as he watches his and your students combined because you’re not here.
The door swings open, and Suna can't help but let out a sigh of relief, practically jumping out of his seat, ready to go run and spin you in his arms like some shitty rom-com, only to find that it wasn't you who walked in; nope, it was just his friend. Suna’s face falls as he drops back into his chair with a groan.
“Okay, lovely to see ya too,” Osamu snorts as he walks over to Suna, taking the seat next to him.
He weakly tries pushing Osamu out of the chair, mumbling, “That’s Y/n’s seat.”
"Well, they aren't here, are they?”
Suna scowls at him but gives up trying to push him out nonetheless.
“Where are they anyway?”
“Running late, I guess.”
Osamu hums in response, and a comfortable silence falls over them. The only noise in the room was the kids whispering their next move to themselves or helping their friend with something. Suna watches them intently, with the care and attention of someone handling glass, and quickly finds a few students who need help.
"Hey, keep your leg straight when you kick,” he calls out to one of his students before turning to one of yours, “And you bend your knees more when you do your... uh-“ 
"Plié," the child supplies for him.
Suna nods. "Yeah, that whatever.”
Osamu doesn't know whether he should laugh at or side-eye Suna. “Do ya not know their names?”
"I don’t get paid enough to know their names.”
He shakes his head, deciding that commenting on that is not worth his time, and instead goes to why he came here in the first place. "I'm surprised yer still here, to be honest.”
"A job is a job.”
"No, I mean in this studio. I figured the repairs in yer’s would be finished by now; it’s been like, what? almost three months?”
Suna mumbles a slow, drawn-out, “…yeah.”
Osamu sits up straight, shifting in his seat to face Suna entirely. “What the fuck was that?”
“Don’t cuss in front of the kids; what’s wrong with you?" He reprimands, slapping Osamu’s arm.
“Don’t change the subject.”
"I'm not; I'm just saying.”
Osamu rolls his eyes. "Okay, well, start by saying what’s up with the repairs.”
He does not. “Y/n will be back soon; you should leave.”
“Suna,” Osamu monotones.
"If I tell you, will you leave?”
“What did ya do, Suna?”
Suna looks away as he embarrassedly mumbles, “The repairs could’ve been done a long, long time ago…”
“What?!” Osamu practically shrieks as he sits up straight. “What do ya mean?!”
Suna glares at Osamu before looking toward the kids, whose attentions were caught by Osamu yelling and waving them off. “Ignore him.”
“Oh my god, have ya been stalling the repairs?” He asks, this time quietly. “Why would ya do that?”
“Why do you think, Osamu?”
Suna’s attitude does nothing to deter Osamu, not when he’s just had the realization of a lifetime. “Oh my god... Oh my god! Ya have a crush on Y/n, don't ya?”
“Shut the fuck up,” Suna hisses through clenched teeth, his eyes wide and threateningly boring into his.
“What happened to not cussing in front of the kids?”
Suna stares at him blankly, and Osamu merely sighs, slumping back into his seat.
"I can't believe this. I don't know if this is pathetic or cute—kinda both, to be honest.”
"Osamu, I swear-“
With neither of them having heard the studio door swing open, you unknowingly interrupt his threat: "Hey! Sorry, traffic was horrible—oh, who’s this?"
“Doesn't matter; he was just about to leave,” Suna says without missing a beat while standing straight up.
"I'm Osamu,” he says, suddenly approaching you. “And yer the infamous Y/n, I'm assuming?”
“Infamous..?” you question under your breath before shaking your head and deciding to ignore it. “Uh yeah—are you friends with Suna?”
“Yes,” Osamu answers, ignoring Suna’s response. "I should get going, though. Nice meeting ya, Y/n!”
“Yeah, you too…”
Osamu waves you goodbye before winking at Suna and disappearing out the door.
You hum. “So what was that about?”
“No idea,” Suna shrugs as he walks away to gather his students.
Suna has been weird ever since a week ago, when you walked into the studio to Suna and his friend. He’s avoided you as best as he can, and even when he’s not actively trying to somehow get away from you, he still feels Pluto far from his more than dry replies. And frankly, you’ve had enough. You’re driving yourself crazy trying to figure out what you’ve done wrong and how to fix it—you can’t know unless he tells you.
Which is why, when both of your students left, you borderline kidnapped him. You grabbed him by his arm and dragged him into your car, driving the two of you to a restaurant, where you now sit in an awkward silence waiting for your food. But this is good, right? If he truly didn’t want to be in this position with you right now, you’re more than certain he could’ve put up a winning fight, yet he didn't, so that’s good. This is good.
"Did I do something?”
“Yeah,” he replies without missing a beat or looking up at you.
“Huh?” Your heart is in your throat as you blink at him. “What did I do?”
“What?” You shake your head in disbelief. "I thought we were getting along."
“We are—god.” As he finally looks up at you, he sighs and runs a hand through his hair. You almost feel like you're back in his studio for the very first time with the way his eyes are boring into yours. “We get along too well, jesus christ, Y/n, you drive me crazy.”
“And you don’t drive me crazy?” you ask, giving him a crooked smile.
“You don't know what you’re saying,” he says flatly, yet the way it’s almost breathless has you thinking maybe he actually wants you to know what you’re saying—to know all of the implications that come with it and fully embrace them.
“Does it matter? Just stop ignoring me, Suna; I hate it.”
"I hate it too.”
“So then why are you doing it, idiot?”
“Because Y/n, I-“
You stare at him expectantly, patiently waiting for his answer.
"I get too distracted with you; I need to teach my students," he mumbles the rest of his sentence as he looks away from you, your scrutinizing gaze sending shivers down his spine and crushing any idea he had to say something else—say the truth—well, the whole truth, because you very well do distract Suna far too much for his liking.
“That sounds like a shitty excuse.”
Suna hums, and when he makes no move to explain himself, you wonder, “Why do I distract you so much?”
“Why do you care if I ignore you so much?”
You roll your eyes. “Don’t act childish, Suna.”
Suna merely raises an eyebrow at you, still waiting for your answer, just like you were waiting for his only a few moments ago.
You sigh. "I'm not sure.”
"Well, I am, so I won’t say anything until you're sure too.”
“That’s not fair, Sunaaaa,” you whine, sliding down your seat like a petulant child.
He shrugs, a slight smirk on his face. "I'm more than happy to wait.”
"Whatever, just stop ignoring me?”
"Yeah, I'll stop,” he says, nodding. “Sorry bout that.”
"S'fine." You wave him off before remembering something that makes you sit up straight again. "Oh, also, I've been meaning to ask about how your studio is going?”
Suna’s mood and face drop so fast that it’s as if he was never even happy or smiling in the first place—the temperature of the room suddenly icy cold. “Oh.”
"I'm not trying to kick you out, Suna,” you immediately add, reassuring him that, as of now, that's the last thing you’d ever want to do. "I actually like you in my studio... like a lot, I guess, and I don't know, to be honest, I'm scared I'm getting too used to you being there."
"Well, I'm already used to it, so either way, we’re both kinda fucked in that department.”
You can't help but smile so wide it hurts your cheeks, absolutely over the moon that he feels the exact same way. That he’s grown so used to you, like the two of you should have never been apart in the first place, and it was always only a matter of time before you found your way to each other.
"I'm not sure, though. I haven’t heard much,” he continues, interrupting your inner swooning.
"Okay, well, that’s good then,” you say, nodding more to yourself than to him. “No need to get rid of you so soon; who else will annoy me?”
"Weren't you just begging me to stop ignoring you, and now I'm annoying?” he taunts.
You cross your arms, glaring at him. "I was not begging Rintaro Suna.”
“Could’ve fooled me.”
“Shut up," you say through a smile, no hostility anywhere in you. “Oh also! The kids wanted me to tell you about our recital coming up.”
“Yeah? When is it?”
“Week from now. They really want you there.”
Suna tilts his head slightly to the side, his eyes narrowing at you in doubt. “Just them?”
“Just them.”
Suna doesn't believe it for a second, and maybe he would’ve if your voice wasn't so shakey and breathless.
You relent; you never had much resolve when it came to him anyway—that's how he ended up in your studio in the first place, isn't it? “And me too, I guess.”
A blush that he makes look all too good covers his cheeks. "I'd love to go, Y/n.”
Suddenly his face drops, and he’s cursing under his breath, "Shit, wait, actually, we have a tournament that day too.”
"Oh, that's fine! I mean, being in the studio with us, it's like you get a free recital every day, right?” You smile, but even then, it's clear as day how disappointed you are.
"I'm sorry, Y/n. I can still try to make it.”
“No no! It's fine; you won't miss much. You have your own kids stuff to worry about.”
Suna frowns, wanting nothing more than to wipe that dejected look off your face. “Y/n.”
"Suna, it's fine, really." You weakly try to reassure him, but he’s just not budging.
He shakes his head. "I'll make it up to you, I promise.”
“Okay, I'll hold you to it then.”
The recital came faster than you cared for. You would be excited for this had Suna been able to come, but he couldn't, and now, even though you know he won't be here, you still can't help but peek through the stage curtains, hoping and praying you'll somehow spot him in the crowd. You try to keep your disappointment at bay the whole recital, and surprisingly you do. The recital goes off without a hitch, and the only thing you can wish for is that you were more excited. Your little ones did absolutely amazing and completely blew the crowd away, yet here you are moping around over some dude who, up until a few months ago, you hated.
“They did amazing,” an oddly familiar voice says, breaking you out of your thoughts. "I'm sure it's only because of their teacher... Do you know them? I'm actually looking for them.”
You're flattered, really, but you can't deal with compliments or holding a conversation right now, not when you want to just crawl under your bed covers and never come out. Not to mention that no one else is supposed to be backstage right now. You sigh before turning around to ask them to leave, only to practically jump out of your skin with excitement.
“Suna!” you exclaim happily, running your way toward him and closing some of the gap between you two. “You’re here, but how? Where were you? I looked, and I couldn't find you—wait, I thought? Where's your kids? Shouldn't you be at their tournament?” 
Suna watches you ramble with the softest of faces, huffing a small laugh. He shrugs once you're done. “Samu took over.”
“Rintaro Suna.”
“What? The little shits will get over it… but I don't think you would've if I didn't show up.”
"Well, I would've tried.” You take another step toward him. "Though I can't say you're not a smart man, Rintaro.”
Suna eyes you curiously and follows your movements, taking a step toward you. “So I've been told.”
You roll your eyes, despite an undeniable smile dressing your face, and in some fit of arrogance, you take the last step toward Suna, thus closing any remaining space between the two of you. With your chests touching, there’s nothing left for you to do but wrap your arms around his neck, which you do with ease—as if they were always meant to be there this whole time. He quickly follows your lead, resting his hands on your waist. But his eyebrows are furrowed as if to ask if this is okay, and you nod. This is more than okay—you’d actually prefer more, and it doesn’t seem like he’s getting the hint.
“So are you gonna kiss me, or are you just gonna stand there all day?"
Suna goes wide-eyed, and it takes a minute for his body to catch up with his brain, but before you know it, Suna is practically slamming his face into yours, kissing you like if he doesn't, he’ll die. like you’re the very oxygen Suna has been so desperately searching for all his life—and who's to say he isn't yours as well? Meeting his lips with the same exact urgency, you're sure if anyone else was backstage right now, the two of you would be scolded for years to come. Suna pulls away for air, practically panting; his face is flushed with such a deep red you can still make it out even under the dim lights, and you push strands of his hair out of his face just to revel in his blush some more.
Still struggling to catch his breath, he swallows harshly. “Would it ruin the moment if I told you my studio is finally fixed?”
"Yes, so I'm gonna pretend you didn't say that and keep kissing you instead.”
"Yeah, ok, I like that idea better anyway.”
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the-owl-tree · 24 days
I actually sometimes wished that holly had ashfur for a mentor bc i feel like it wouldve made their fight and ashes subsequent death more impactful
Like this guy whos always pushed her and seemingly never could give her the time of day and holly works hard hoping to impress him n make him proud and then the fire scene happens and holly wonders if he always kinda knew and thats why he treated her like that and how he just tried to kill her and her siblings and everything is too much so she goes out to find him and then she kills him accidentally and omg how could this have happened it wasn’t supposed to be like this but she had no choice he almost killed her but does killing him justify that but also her existence goes against her beliefs so maybe he was actually right to do that
And its just holly having a spiral about everything bc her life has just broken under her and her mentors gone and she killed him but should she had been happy if he killed her instead? Too many things
Sorry to steal Lionblaze's angst....but I do love a good au where Ashfur is Hollyleaf's mentor. Adding onto everything you said, it also sets up Ashfur's character for TBC as someone who stringently believes and enforces the code through his claws.
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hearts401 · 6 months
can you pass the golden duo headcanons i think you would have good ones
🤲🤲🤲my hands are open ready to catch them
echolalia. i already said that but. ECHOLALIA. shit gets tossed around. funny words youd find in a dr seuss book.
holding hands, leaning on each other, and lots of hugs!!!! best friends 2 me :(
cassidy wasnt super nice to him when they were alive and she regrets it a lot because of how things turned out and shes super defensive of him now
that being said, she never bullied him and was actively rude to anyone who did. she didnt particularly like him but she wasnt gonna stand for the harassment. if shed known about his party, she couldve saved him and i think she thinks about that a lot
i think eventually she apologized formally and he assured her it was fine and that he forgave her. because she of all people deserved it
he listens to her vent her frustrations. sometimes she reminds him of michael with how angry she is, but he knows how to calm her down and he always remembers shes nothing like michael was
he keeps her company in ucn when being around everyone is too much. hes forgiven them but sometimes things are hard still. sometimes he cant be around them. and she really needs company too. he knows she wont come to him, so he goes to her.
he doesnt like the gore or blood so cassidy will talk to him when theyre stuffing nightguards
hes still scared of animatronics so none of the kids greet him as animatronics. they care about him sosoososo much
evan would do fucking anything for cassidy. anything.
she knows his anxiety triggers pretty well by this point and she knows how to distract him. and vice versa.
casisdy doesnt panic as much as she gets over emotional and freaks out. does that make sense? she has more anger than fear and it fucks her up and hes always there when she gets tired of it.
he does her hair because he died before he could ever do his own. he wishes hed grown out his hair before he died
she encourages any behaviors he hid because of michael. she encourages anything that goes against michael.
shes a terribly influence on evan but its because she lvoes him and thinks he deserved better. he thinks she has enough anger for the both of them. she knows hes right and she hates it because HE deserves this anger.
they fight a lot but its never like cassidy and charlie. if cassidy fought with evan like she fought with charlie itd ruin both of them.
if theyd lived they probably wouldve run away together and been roomates
they like to joke that theyre soulmates (platonically) in both a figurative and literal sense. get it? because their souls are connected in golden freddy? they are my world
when they first meet in GF its tense. they end up caring about each other but theres lots to figure out and understand. she cant yell too loud at him because it reminds him of his dad, she cant play certain pranks on him like she might with her friends because it reminds him of michael.
she learns when to be loud and open with him and when she has to be gentle. he gets used to her shenanigans but sometimes things are too much
shes jokingly mean to her friends but not as much to evan because he doesnt always get its a joke
shed have loved to do his makeup and his nails. if theyd lived and moved out together the first thing they wouldve done is dye their hair and paint their nails and do their makeup and buy clothes they KNOW their parents would hate.
thats all i have in my brain rn they make me sad
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this is just a leon on the froggy chair lore post. not a vent at all, just a silly story i felt like sharing. feel free to ignore.
cw: mentions of homophobia/transphobia, that kinda stuff
So lemme set the stage, i was still in school and it was the start of the 2nd semester. And we come out of the school to old men with megaphones in our faces screaming at us calling us homphobic and transphobic slurs. Parading signs littered with radicalist religious propaganda. Essentially shaming those with mental health issues, disabilities, anyone LGBTQ+, women, non white people, "good people"??? (Idk it was on their sign that said BEWARE HELL AWAITS), and anyone not Christian. Quickly figured out they were literal cultists and their main guy was some ugly ass old man with a megaphone.
Law enforcement show up as with school security and school officials. Guess what they do? Thats right. Nothing. See technically it was public property and law permitted these people to yell in the face of minors, condemn them for their identity and threaten them with Hell. And they did nothing and anyone making attempts to counteract them was quickly shut down.
Now this just sounds awful. Because it frankly was. And what could I do about it?
Let me preface with saying this behavior was incredibly stupid esp since i live in a conservative area and I am visibly queer and bROWN. And I wouldn't encourage it. I was not in the best place mentally and frankly didnt give a shit LMAO.
Naturally. With security in my face telling me off for what I was doing and a multitude of white men screaming bigoted rhetoric at me and my friends. I made a sign out of stapled papers in my bag. With a huuuuuuge PP on it. I made several small ones for those who saw and wished to accompany my effort. And I set up right across from them. Because the law that protected them technically protected me.
And see, thanks to my theater kid background, i have MAAAAD vocal projection. And law prohibits ceetain volumes on megaphones. So I preached very loudly, over the megaphone, about how I would clap their God's cheeks so hard they'd hear it through the thunderclaps. And then proceeded to go on about what I would commit upon their holy saints in great explicit detail for an hour. The absurdity of my behavior interrupted their script and they could not get their message out whatsoever. And I know this because when outlets and other students tried to report on what propaganda they were yelling about, no one knew. This routine proceeded for the next week. And quickly their main guy started specifically targetting me. Naturally. My response is to flame him on his clothing choices every time he tries to shame me and shout the lyrics to the big time rush theme. Until I was eventually pulled away because he showed signs of aggression to my statements but yeah. Over the course of 2 weeks and persistent trolling I had discouraged them rather noticeably. Their faces of visible annoyance upon seeing me set up right across from them with my infamous penis sign was truly a treat. And the time they spent in front of the school got shorter and shorter each time they showed up.
Was it annoying? Yeah.
Was it funny as fuck?
This of course. Reached the mayor. And this brings me to why I'm even typing this up. I came back across this video of my local mayor talking shit about me and remarking upon my behavior as crude LMAO. Stating: "back in my day i wasnt even a good kid but i wouldve never talked to an adult that way." In reference to police recording of me being "highly disrespectful" to the main guy when he got in my face. However our mayor made no statement of concern about his aggression or about the cultists being there in general. Only complaint about the behavior of the "kids". Or in other words. Me.
I however was not discouraged and continued until the school finally stepped in under order of the guidance counselor (whomst i was close with from another protest at our school i was involved in. Lore for another time).
I didnt know this would be the last day they showed up. But after days of figuring out the timing to the song. I got in the car with my dAd (who was quite unaware of everything) and blasted 4 big guys. Timing it so they would be subjected to the beat drop and first verse.
But yeah. Funny shit. Most memorable moment of my highschool career. Havent seen em since.
Eventually after things cleared up, a smaller christian community group made their own protest that was supportive of lgbtq+ kids and gave out free hot chocolate. So the community is not all bad.
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jjtheclown555 · 3 days
what is ur opinion on gungoo
now, i wish i could say i didnt see this but honestly, i just wasnt sure how to respond because saying "im indifferent" didnt seem like a great answer.
im not huge on shipping and never have been, i usually dont ship things unless i really like the idea of them together or, in the case of gungoo, see something that makes them so impossible not to ship.
back when you sent this ask i wouldve said i was indifferent but after seeing their conversation while drinking at guns place? yeah. theyre in love, so deep in denial, i love them.
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hanniluvi · 2 years
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9. study session (written + smau)
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WRITTEN PART - word count: 0.7k
there you were, waiting for jungwon while standing in front of a cafe. you never knew where the courage came from, you just asked if he would like to study together. would you consider this as a date? maybe.
as you were scrolling through your insta feed on your phone, you receive a text message.
“look up :)”
You glance up immediately and saw the boy coming your way. Despite wearing a mask, you could still make out the crescent shape of his eyes. You couldn't help but get a warm sensation inside. Was it just that you'd never talked with any guys outside Beomgyu, Hyunjae, and Jake from Twitter that made you anxious? possibly. However, you thought that you couldn't have a crush on someone you just met a week ago.
You two were simply awkwardly giggling while standing there, acting like a newly dating couple.
“Let's enter, will we?” jungwon gently said. You smiled a little and nodded.
You two entered after he let you in by opening the door. Given that there wouldn't be many people there, you two decided to visit the library. You two chose to sit close to one another. You guys helped each other with problems and might have giggled a little too much during this working session.
you decided to take a quick break and ended up looking and jungwon. You grinned at him as you rested your head on your arm. you found him cute while he was concentrating and might have stared at him a little too long. His ears turned red, and you watched him abruptly clear his throat. You swiftly averted your eyes from him and began reading the study guide. You had the sensation that your heart was going to burst. Hopefully he wouldnt distract you from studying again.
as jungwon was having difficulty solving this math problem, he felt something heavy on his shoulder. he quickly glanced over and saw yn, sleeping soundly.
“she must have been tired” jungwon thought to himself.
he grabs his jacket quietly and tries covering yn with it, trying to not wake her up. he moves parts of her hair away from her face while staring at her. how can someone be this perfect? jungwon stared at yn for a while. he gave a bitter sweet smile.
he wished he wouldve gathered the confidence to confess to yn but he couldn’t. He was too scared for the outcome. He feared rejection, particularly from someone he had liked for a long time. He worries that if he confesses, she will go and they will once more be strangers.
“Wait for me a little longer, yn; when I'm ready, I'll confess to you. Even though it will pain me, I'll just have to go on if you reject me.” jungwon whispered. he continued working until he fell asleep too.
After falling asleep on jungwon's shoulder, you got up. As you rapidly sat up, you questioned where the hell you were. You saw jungwon lying quietly against the wall. You gave him a gentle shake because it was getting fairly late.
You muttered, "jungwon, it's time to leave."
He rubbed his eyes while humming. You guys decided to take a pleasant walk home after hastily packing your belongings. Along the way, you two had a pleasant talk, and there were lots of laughs as you made your way home. You guys eventually made it to the front of your house.
"Jungwon, thank you for today; I appreciate it. Oh, and I want to thank you for letting me sleep on your shoulder” You smiled and added, "I hope we can spend more time together.”
“no problem yn! um i really enjoyed being with you! we had such nice conversations and um thank you for helping me with those math problems-“ he quickly paused, “oh im talking too much now am i? oops, bad habits of mines..” jungwon said quietly while scratching his head.
you chuckled. “jungwon its okay; i really enjoy listening to you anyways. you should head home now! see you tomorrow wonie :)”
You sprinted to your window as soon as you entered your home. He was standing there frozen until all of a sudden, he began jumping with delight. You chuckled as you watched him eagerly hurry home.
is this love? no way, it can’t be—right?
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A/N : hope you guys enjoyed this chap ANYWAYS YNWON IS SAILING SUCCESSFULLY!! yn is growing feelings for won now🤨???? finally 🤭
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sleepysandy · 8 months
some thoughts on acftl
just finished an hour ago and i need to vent (spoiler heavy and pretty long)
stuff i liked
apollo pov
unpopular opinion but i do like the idea of an apollo pov. i think it makes sense since there are some plot points that can only be revealed through apollo. however i think the execution could be better.
at first i liked hearing about his messed up thought process and daddy issues but at some point it became repetitive. it all became about keeping evangeline captive and killing jacks which made it obvious he was just obsessed, not loved, with evangeline. i can't decide if i like it bcs it was a sorta parallel to jack and donatella but also made the reveal at the end kinda obvious.
i also expected some sibling angst?? like the brother plot was just brushed off when they were pretty close until they had a falling out then when the brother came back he poisoned him?? i cant remember but the brother tortured him too i think?? the whole anti valor arc group was never brought up again too like...
2. evajacks
they didnt have a lot of scenes together but those scenes were *chefs kiss* i also liked their development. evangeline is jaded from everything going on, she did learn to not be so trusting and really think for herself what she wants. i liked how she didnt lose a lot of her hope and optimism too.
i disagree with reviews saying that jacks wasnt good in this book since he was so different. i think that was a testament on how eva's death really affected him. i actually wasnt convinced that jacks had feelings for eva until she died in tbona so seeing how jacks so despondent and serious in acftl cemented his feelings in my mind. i feel like people would buy jacks' characterization if there were flashbacks to his past and more povs.
stuff i didnt like, its mainly about how many plot points from the previous books werent mentioned at all
i wish they used the previous characters more
kristof knightlinger was kinda hyped in the beginning, like where did he go?? i wished he and eva had at least one together that would plant doubt in eva that apollo was this perfect prince. (i kinda had a problem with the whole memories thing in general, more on that later)
i also thought that the old librarian would be important lol
i wished luc was in the book too :((( eva lost a quite a bit of her pre-north memories so luc wouldve been perfect to bring those memories back since eva did say that luc had been there for her when her dad died. also he couldve mentioned something about marisol since he wouldve been the only one in valorfell in tbona i think.
i wish lala's feelings for dane were explained more. like does she have commitment issues, does she not feel real love anymore since shes a fate, is there something going on with chaos/castor??? i wanna see more of her relationships with the other valors too but i do acknowledge that including all that is too much for a side character
chaos/castor and jacks angst!!!!! the eva and castor interactions were good but like jacks said he became a fate for castor (which is a good insight into jacks character) but i wanted to see how they interacted after castor killed eva. like your have a friend who you kinda cursed to be an immortal so you then become immortal then your friend then kills the love of your life like..... i need to see how that went down. but also your friend's crazy sister is obsessed with you??? to the point that she also curses you??? like give me friendship angst!!!!!! (speaking of, why did lala agree to be a fate too...) (also what happened to the real chaos fate??)
3. jacks past
to jump off the last point, like where were the flashbacks???? i think jacks being serious this book would make a lot more sense for more people if scenes of his friends dying in like one day and the first fox dying from the curse were shown in the book. show how much jacks blames himself with the deaths of his loved ones, thats why he was so desperate to keep eva alive.
4. jacks pov
kinda related but i feel like jacks pov was underutilized. his povs were super short and didnt reveal much about what he was doing away from eva. in contrast to apollos pov where it was shown how he was manipulating eva and the public about jacks but also his relationship wtih the valor family. wished we couldve seen how he uses the scar to know where eva is and he follows her around.
i woudve loved to see more pining from his end too
also i dont think it was ever explained how they have the telepathic link???? and why eva was immune to his powers??? was it love at first sight? it was mentioned how he watched her from the start but was it love??
5. evas family
what was evas dad's secret shop??? like are not supposed to find out?? the clothes shop was even featured in caraval but not here?? also did the mom know about the prophecy?? were the fox and key motifs on her clothes supposed to be a coincidence or bcs of how much she liked the story as a kid?? that would explain the foxes but not the keys...
i kinda wish that eva discovered something about her mom's life in the north. give her more connection to her family and maybe reveal more of her prophecy
6. memory stuff
getting majority of the memories all at once was meh for me. i wish that each side character revealed/triggered memories for eva. like luc could trigger memories about her life in valenda, kristoff for coming to north and becoming apollo's fiance then wife, lala for her curses and apollo hunting her, chaos for the stones and arc stuff so that evas letter to herself revealing her and jacks relationship could be a final piece of the puzzle.
i do like the fact that jacks kept the letter for himself and eva reading the letter didnt make her distrust jacks but bring her memories back.
7. breaking the curse
so did evas love break the curse?? i kinda thought it was leaning towards jacks love that could break the curse since it was mentioned in tbona that jacks doesnt know if he actually loved the fox but there was no big declaration of love from him.... im just confused, happy but confused
i did like the fact that the curse was 'wrong' that it was never about jacks true love but someone who could never love him. altho i have no idea how eva broke that curse and if that means donatella survived that bcs she would never love jacks
so when jacks admitted that he loved eva, did he turn human?? was that why the curse broke???
also the bells werent as important i guess?? i totally thought the bell stuff was gonna come back....
also what was all that about how eva was like the first fox??? i thought while reading that aurora misinterpreted the vision "he'll fall in live with a Fox" that jacks will fall in love a fox girl but in reality a capital f Fox but castor said in tbona that she was similar to the first fox and eva said that the little fox nickname was familiar.....
anyway thats it for now, after i reread my notes from the three books i might add to this. overall, i think the book was ok, but definitely not enough to be an finale especially for a 5 book arc for jacks. i think the book shouldve been a whole lot longer but i kinda feel like garber wanted the length to be similar to the previous books so the end felt pretty rushed. i kinda feel bad that i had more dislikes than likes when i rlly loved the first 2 books so this was so..... i think there were a lot of good ideas but the execution was not it i guess
i do get that this is a romance focused trilogy, not a fantasy so you could argue that plot points and lore shouldnt be looked into as much but the relationship and character development of evajacks could be better too... imo it's mostly jacks character that was lacking
also this did feel like a build up for an apollo book but garber said she wont write for this universe for a while so ??? kinda disappointed if there will be an apollo book bcs the amount of apollo chapters screwed jacks over but in the caraval series, the ending focused on the actual main characters at least and not so much on jacks.
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