#if i could tag i would but unfortunately i'm crying too hard
xxxcryptidxxx · 23 days
(Neuvillette understands the phrase “Love hurts” all too well)
"I'll paint the sky red, all for you." (Ft.Neuvillette)
Character(s): Neuvillette, Reader (Genderless)
Tags: yandere!character, SH, blood, knives, stalking, non-consensual photography, dark topics
When the Traveller and his companion came to Fontaine, Neuvillette was indifferent, the sky cloudy, a slight air of gloom washed over the nation.
But when he first saw you, the sky immediately brightened. He absolutely adored speaking with you. It was actually difficult to keep his professional persona. 
The very minute it started to grow cloudy, Neuvillette immediately thought of you, and the skies would clear once again.
He made it a priority to keep the skies clear, just for you. He smiled, assuming you'd love the sunny weather. But you looked up and frowned slightly. 
Neuvillette’s face immediately fell. A...frown? Why in Teyvat would you frown?! 
He wasn't the only one to notice, Aether raised an eyebrow at your lackluster reaction to the change in weather. 
“Something wrong? You don't look too happy…”
You paused, turning to look at Aether.
“It's…nothing really. I just really love rain. I prefer gloomy weather over sunny, warm weather…but it's okay. I heard the rain is the Hydro dragons tears, I don't want to make someone cry.”
You casually mentioned your love of rain and gloomy weather, displaying a slight disappointment at the change in weather type.
Neuvillette’s ears perked up, his heart sputters when he hears your concern for him., he'd never thought someone would prefer gloom over sunny days. No matter, if it's gloomy weather you want, it's gloomy weather you'll get.
Unfortunately for Neuvillette, he wasn't one of those who could cry on command, and there was nothing worth crying over—except you of course. Unable to make himself cry, he simply decided he'd need to take drastic measures. 
He stared at the letter opener on his desk, a determined yet crazed look in his beautiful blue irises. He picks it up, taking a deep breath. Here goes nothing.
He's lost count of how many times he’s sliced open his pale flesh, a puddle of red pulling on the floor beneath him. A sea itself of tears dripping from his pretty eyes. 
It hasn't stopped raining in days, the sea's are high, and the land is becoming waterlogged. And yet, none of that matters, for his beloved wanted rain, so rain there shall be. 
Each night he stains his wooden floor a deeper tint of red, muffled panting and hissing emitting from outside his door well into the late hours. 
He pressed the letter opener against his arm once again, carelessly running the sharp edge over the same spot, milky flesh parts immediately to give way to a sea of red, each new slice moment digging the blade deeper into muscle tissue. Crimson oozes from his wounds, pooling on the wooden flooring in a uniform puddle at his feet. His eyes burn with tears, but he wants more. He wants—no. He NEEDS to prove how much his Angel means to him.
“Neuvillette? It's Furina, are you okay in there? It's raining pretty hard…”
Neuvillette curses under his breath silently, hiding the bloody letter opener and wrapping up his hand.
“Yes Furina, I'm fine, I just figured we needed some rain after how dry it's been.” 
Furina wasn't convinced, but she didn't want to intrude.
“O-Okay…just…let me know if you need anything…”
Neuvillette merely grunts in response, a very dismissive reaction. He waits for the sound of Furina's footsteps to disappear before picking his letter opener back up.
His office starts to smell vaguely of iron, his gloves now for more than just aesthetics. The secrets his sleeves hide are for him and only him to know about. Each night he adds a new line to his pale skin, skin and muscle separating, pain receptors do nothing to stop him. The edges of his vision get dark and blurry, his head light from blood loss. 
(Un)fortunately for Neuvillette, he has friends who care and worry about him. Annoyingly caring, can't they see he's busy?! Any and questions aimed to get answers out of him end in short, vague responses. 
He dodges the questions of Furina, waving her off with a poor but plausible excuse. He's gotten surprisingly rude to Wriothesley, especially when Wriothesley was near his beloved, their relationship strains, yet Neuvillette always manages to silver tongue his way out of any tension. Not even Sigewinne can get anything out of him.
He spends his free time following his beloved from a distance, taking note of every little thing said and done. Stopped at a shop to look at some trinket? One of each color is mailed to your residence. 
Your favorite flower, snack, or some type of gift is always at your doorstep, a handwritten, anonymously sent card attached to each gift. You don't know who it is or how they found your address, but they don't seem to be malevolent so you accept the gifts, keeping them on your desk. 
Neuvillette's heart races each time he sees you accept his presents, smiling like a schoolgirl who's crush looked at her in math class. So what if it's a little creepy that he's been following you home every night? It's just…for protection. 
God's forbid you'd ever express concerns for him to him, his heart might just stop. You're too cute, a mortal worrying about someone thousands of years old? How precious. Even more of a reason for him to protect you. There's a lot of sick people out there who could ruin you. Unacceptable.
Oh and by the way, ignore the camera sounds, he doesn't know how to turn the shutter off on his camera yet. Neuvillette just wants a few hundred photos for his room. Nothing too bad, just some of you walking, eating, sleeping. Totally normal. I mean it's not like he taped a photo of you sleeping to his pillow so he could pretend he was cuddling you. Absolutely not, you have the craziest ideas!
Neuvillette is oblivious to the looks of concern and even the ones of anger. Who cares if there's so much water houses are flooding? That smile on his gloomy Angel's face makes nothing else matter.
Who needs the sun anyway? 
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d6volution · 6 months
Caning with... Caine.
reader can't help but try and seduce their way into the ringmasters pants. unfortunately, things don't work out well for them.
tags: caning, impact play, crying, slightly mean caine, no aftercare.
art creds.
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You reap what you sow is how the saying goes right?
You'd been purposely tying to seduce the ringmaster all week. He caught wind of it rather quickly. Not only of your inappropriate actions but your clothes too. They stuck to your body too tightly or showed too much skin.
You honestly didn't even know if your seduction tactics would work... he wasn't human, after all.
And if that was the case, would it explain why this so-called punishment of his felt ridiculously intimate?
"C.. Caine, is this really necessary..?" you asked, arms struggling and wiggling in the binds he so acutely tethered in the famous box tie. The silky red ribbons he used were soft but firm and tight against your skin. He had you bent over his desk. Face pressed against the cold oak.
"Certainly, pain is the best teacher after all!" He said with enthusiasm. The tip of his cane was rolling against the fat of your ass. "Oh, and don't you worry, y/n! I'm sure after this you'll be in perfect shape to rejoin the others."
"Now... keep count for me, dear." His voice seemed to get low, sending a chill down your spine.
He wasted no time. The wooden cane smacked your rear , causing it to jiggle deliciously. Caine's eyes were glued to your ass. You flinched and could hardly contain the yelp that pried itself past your lips. "O.. One—"
Whack! The sturdy cane made contact with your skin before you could finish speaking.
You whimpered like a wounded babe, lips stuttering out, "T.. Two." Your ass was already on fire, and you squirmed as your body tried to brace itself for another, "Come now, y/n , where did all that fiery energy go? Perhaps the only thing your little head is good for is conjuring up unseemly thoughts, hmm?" He hummed, before— whack!whack!whack!
You cried out, and apologies spilled from your lips. You felt your eyes glossing over with tears.
"Hh—hhn..! m'sorry.. c..caine.. please..!" You whimpered, and your legs threatened to give out, shaking as you tried to steady yourself against the desk that was now wet with your tears. But it was hard to do with your arms quite literally tied behind your back. He'd only just started, and you were hardly hanging on. The force he put behind those hits was lethal. Yet you felt a familiar warm sensation pooling in between your legs.. punishment or not, you were finally receiving attention from him.
Caine tutted in disappointment, "I asked you to count, not for a shallow apology, sweetheart." The cane dropped down on your ass once more, and you could hardly think of where you left off. Every number you missed or messed up was an added hit.
You couldn't see the expression he wore on his face from behind you. He looked hungry. Eager to hear more of your yelps, yearning to see your legs tremble as the welts on your ass grew.
"I'm afraid you're only making this harder for yourself—" A strange noise emitted from behind you, where Caine stood. It was the ring of his iconic wacky watch.
"My my! An alert at this time of day! I see.. saved by the bell then, y/n!" He said with the old enthusiasm he harbored from earlier. The ringmaster snaps his fingers, and your binds are released just like that. You crumble to the floor, and Caine simply watches, "Bubble, take care of them and see that they get to their room uninterrupted, will you? I think our little troublemaker here has learned their lesson." Caine said whilst using the end of his cane to tilt your head up to look at him. This exchange lasted for a moment before he removed the cane.
"Anyways! I have very important matters to tend to!" And with that, he disappeared in a puff of smoke.
Of course, this was all a lie.
A ruse, so he could put as much space between you and the sudden tightness of his pants.
You were certainly turning out to be more trouble than he bargained for.
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kortsitron · 8 months
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✮ PARING Niran Pruksamanee × Gender Neutral! Reader
✮ WARNINGS/TAGS hurt/comfort, basically a vent, heart broken, loneliness, angst, ends with fluff
✮ SUMMARY Niran finds you when you're crying and tries to make you feel better
✮ A/N unfortunately it is basically a vent, because i had a really bad break down over this topic and let's be honest, lifeweaver would be so lovely during moment like that
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You found yourself in tears, because of the same thing that usually made your eyes water and chest hurt. Your mind was flooded with thoughts, wondering what was wrong with you.
You were so tired of being lonely, spending nights hugging a pillow or a plushie, pretending that you were not lonely in your bed. Imagining someone holding you close, murmuring sweet nothings and whispering how much they loved you.
Holding a plushie wasn't helping at all, it wasn't a person, it was not a real hug. It was just a soft material, shaped with cotton wool, not a warm person with feeling who could soothe you and be there for you. 
Your sobs were interrupted when you heard a knock on the door of your room. For a moment, the thoughts of loneliness were gone, for worry to come. You wished no one heard your pathetic cries of your non existent love life.
“[name]? Are you crying?” A soft voice asked from the other side of the door. It was a bit muffled by the metal door, but you could already tell that it was Niran. The hint of worry in his voice tugged at your already in pain heart. 
He was always so happy, he was like a walking sunshine, making everyone smile whenever he was in the room.
Niran sighed softly at your lack of response. He did not want to push you, but we wanted to know what was going on and help as much as he could.
“May I come in?”
You almost froze when you heard the question. You wanted to both cry in peace, but still wanted someone to listen to your pain and hug you tightly.
You knew if you would stay quiet, the problem wouldn't go away and you will be hurting until you either get numb after crying so much or you finally have some luck.
“Please come in..” You said quietly, not wanting your voice to break, but it was still loud enough for Niran to be able to hear your response.
The automatic door opened and he saw you – sitting on the bed, with a tear stained face and pillow in your arms.
He gasped softly, his heart broke at the sight of you. He walked up to you and sat next to you. “What happened?” He asked quietly, as if he was scared that speaking louder would startle you.
“I-I…” You stuttered, wondering if it was a good idea to share your suffering with him. His gentle hand on your shoulder and concern in his eyes, convinced you. “I'm just so tired…” You sobbed out.
“Tired of what, dear?”
“Being lonely.”
Niran tilted his head, his white hair falling off his shoulder, for him to brush it back. “Lonely?” His eyes landed on yours, like he's searching for an answer in them.
“I just…” There's a loud sniff coming from you. “I want someone. I want to feel loved. I'm tired of being alone, wishing someone was there.” You started crying harder, shaking slightly.
You felt strong arms around you, gently pulling you onto a lap. Slowly enough that you could escape the grasp if it was too much for you.
But you didn't. You allowed Niran to embrace you. His chin landed on top of your head as he rolled you back and forth. “Shh… Everything is going to be alright. It's hard to not have a partner, I understand that.” His hands rubbed your back as whispered to you.
You both stayed quiet, the only sound being your soft, muffled sobs.
“Would me taking you out help?” The question caught you off guard. You weren't expecting him to propose such thing. It sounded almost unreal.
“What?” You asked, not being able to believe what you just heard. Your voice was barely above whisper, that moment felt like a dream. A fantasy within your little head.
“I will take you out.” He said more confidently this time, his voice a little more cheerful. “Let's go out tomorrow, eat some good food, have some fun.” You looked up at him, to see his gorgeous smile and shine in his eyes. “Please.”
He wanted to give you everything you've been lacking for so many years. Safety, stability, happiness, love. He wasn't sure if you two would end up together, but it didn't matter. He wanted to try so hard. Just so you could forget about your trouble for at least a little moment.
“I'll let you think about it, okay? For now, let's make you feel better.” He squeezed you lightly, nuzzling his cheek against your in a comforting manner. “Let me get you some good food. Let's watch something together, perhaps cuddle. You deserve it.”
Niran's arms left your body, before he gives you a pillow to hold onto. ”I will make us something quick but good. Give me 15 minutes to prepare it, while you decide what we are going to watch.” He added with a soft smile forming on his lips, before disappearing from your room.
You couldn't help but smile. His attempt was incredibly sweet. And it made you wonder if you finally found what you were looking for.
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totallynotlx · 10 months
Sato x Sugu x You Family Dynamics
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Okay, so these are cute back-and-forth headcanons I had with a friend, and this is how we coping today from the depressive train that's gonna hit us in a couple weeks :')
Tags: Gojo x Geto x You, Poly-relationship, Pregnancy, Kids, Co-parenting, Fluff, Domestic, Family Dynamics
SO! Satoru would be the one that would provide your physical needs. Suguru would be the one that would provide you with all your emotional needs.
You wanted something? Satoru got you. Had a bad day at work? Suguru will be there.
If one had kids, the other would need one, too, so good luck, soldier.
Also, in this context, Satoru is Dada. Suguru is Papa.
Suguru would be the first one that would get you pregnant. The firstborn would be a girl, and Satoru is OBSESSED. He's nagging and nagging you about having another child, BUT only after you fully recovered.
Gojo gets you pregnant next, a boy. Don't get me wrong, he's happy, but he's a bit pouty about it coz Geto has a little mini-me but A GIRL. HE WANTS THAT TOO.
The siblings grow a bit more, and it doesn't take long before Suguru gets you pregnant again, and it's a boy! He didn't want another one with you, not because he didn't want to, but because he knows how hard pregnancy is. And Suguru says that he's okay with this pair of kids, but Satoru isn't done.
After you recover, Satoru is nagging you about having that dream baby girl, and you and Suguru usually say no. Y'all already have your hands full with two kids! But! He's teary-eyed and crying when you say, "Two is enough, Satoru." He counters you, though. "BUT IMAGINEEEEE~ A little girl with my hair and eyes, wouldn't you want that?"
Of course, Gojo fucking Satoru would always get what he wants, so it wasn't long before you were pregnant again... but unfortunately for him, it's another boy. (lmaoooo)
He's happy; the more, the merrier, but he cannot think about that little daughter that haunts his dreams. Yes, he loves Suguru's daughter like his own, but "it's not the same." And if there's anything you've learned about Satoru, this man gets jealous very easily. It doesn't help that Suguru's daughter is a daddy's girl, always clinging to him and all that stuff.
The boys adore Satoru, though. They love him and get into playful scuffles all the time.
After a few more years of convincing and Satoru finally gets you to agree to have one more, "just one more," he says, "no matter what it is, I'm done after this." You believe him, so you agree. To his delight, it's finally a girl!
So to recap, Suguru's eldest daughter adores her Papa. The boys love their Dada. So one would think that with the way Satoru spoils his daughter, she would favor her Dada, yes? But no. She adores you. She wants something? She comes to you. She hurt herself? It's Mama she runs to. She's attached to your hip, to Satoru's dismay. Yes, she loves Dada, but even Satoru could see the favoritism lmaooo. She's the type of kid that when Satoru brings her out to parks, or anywhere, she's like, "I like it, but I would have liked it better if Mom were here" kinda kid.
A few more years passed, and when the kids were old enough to be bringing friends over, these two would always glare at the boys that your girls would be bringing over, traumatizing the kids to the point where they would disagree to hangout unless Satoru and Suguru are out of the house.
Your eldest tells you about it soon enough, though. "Mom, they did something." And when you hear the whole story, you go, "Darling, go take your siblings to the living room and watch a movie or something," she does dutifully, and you drag these two men for an earful lecture. She settled the little ones before the three eldest pressed their ears against the door to y'all's room, giggling as they did so. After the lecture, they still bicker like, "Look what you did." "Nah, YOU started it—" and they would only stop when you started to glare at them again.
Satoru, the whinier of the two, would confront your eldest daughter (Suguru's) about it too. "Hey, why'd you snitch on us, hm?" "Coz you're being annoying about my friends, Dad." *insert dramatic gasp here* "DAD???? I'M DADA—" "No, right now you are DAD." You wonder why this man is so surprised about y'all's daughter's snarkiness when both Suguru and Satoru were literally like this when they were younger.
Anywho, y'all's beds are huge as fuck... only because the kids like to invade your room in the middle of the night. Whether it's because one of them had a nightmare or misses you. If one moved to y'all's room, it's a domino effect from there. Everyone would drag their pillows and move into the bed with you three, and it's just a huge cuddle pile in the morning.
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goldennikko · 1 year
18 — huh yunjin
summary : inspired by the song 18 by one direction
pairing : yunjin x reader
tags : f!reader ; timeline may not be accurate
requested: ✔
word count : 3.7k
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"are you ready?"
yunjin snapped out of her racing incomprehensible thoughts as stood in front of the mirror, tearing her gaze away from the item in her palm to look at her leader, who gave her a soft smile. she cleared her throat and returned her gaze to the mirror in front of her, fixing her hair as an excuse to avoid chaewon's comforting eyes.
"yeah, i'll be out in a bit, unnie."
the leader met sakura's eyes from across the hall. "alright. we'll wait for you outside."
yunjin caught sight of her own eyes in the mirror, memories swirling into her brown orbs as she gazed. the memories she treasured, the memories that brought her so much joy, the memories that completed her heart, the memories that made her cry because she loved them all so much.
yunjin remembered everything in that brief moment. the memories, everything, slammed into her as if she were standing beneath waterfalls or watching the waves crash against the sandy shore of a beach. it was that intense; she had no idea recalling something could be that intense. 
as her heart pounded hard against her ribcage, yunjin took it all in, watching it all as if it were a short scene from a movie.
i got a heart and i got a soul
believe me, i will use them both
"unnie, just ask her out." 
eunchae bounced excitedly in her seat, shaking yunjin beside her as kazuha turned around to take a peek at you, which was a little obvious, causing yunjin to reach out and smack the japanese ballerina. kazuha turned around with an offended expression on her face, both of them slightly amused as yunjin's cheeks flared red in embarrassment, not helping the desire to take another longing glance at you.
"stop looking at her." yunjin hissed. 
"i was just looking around?" kazuha reasoned.
yunjin gave her one last look before slumping back in her seat, arms crossed across her chest and a small pout on her lips.
she had seen you a few times in this coffee shop. she'd see you in the corner, hidden away from the world, typing on the keyboard of your laptop with a focused frown on your lips whenever she stopped by to order after her training. as creepy as it sounds, she would occasionally stay for a few moments to catch a glimpse of you.
kazuha and eunchae exchanged a glance as they noticed her casting another glance your way, having had enough of yunjin's cowardice. the two youngest teamed up and continued to convince yunjin throughout their time at the coffee shop, breathing in and out of frustration when she simply shrugged her shoulders in response.
unfortunately for them, they were unable to convince yunjin. however, just as it was time to leave, eunchae had this brilliant idea. 
the young girl managed to push yunjin out of her seat and into your arms as you passed by, hoping to get another order because you decided to stay longer to work on your other projects, when instead you got a flying brunette. you caught her, eyes wide as you stared at her shocked expression, her face slowly burning in realization as she realized what had happened.
"i'm so sorry!" yunjin yelped, flying out of your arms to give you a deep bow, giving eunchae a look in the process, to which the maknae sheepishly grinned.
you returned it with a gentle smile. "it's fine. can i help you with anything?"
yunjin had no idea where she got her confidence. maybe it's because kazuha and eunchae have been instilling false hope in her head the entire time and for the past few days. the words had flown out of her mouth before she realized it, her face turning redder than usual as a surprised look rose to your face.
"can i get your number?"
you blinked in surprise. you've seen her around, too. you must admit that she is stunning. however, you were so preoccupied with your schoolwork that you didn't have much time to think about it.
when you took a long time to respond because you were gathering your currently scattered thoughts, yunjin went to speak to take it all back, feeling embarrassed for even asking, but you beat her to it with a smile, making yunjin fall for you even more.
"of course, miss…?
"yunjin. huh yunjin." she rushed to take your hand, and she felt the need to melt right away as she felt your soft skin and warmth enveloping her with a single touch of a hand.
"miss huh yunjin. and i'm y/n l/n." you finished and glanced at her friends. she did the same to see them smiling and waving at you, which you returned with a soft smile.
"however, i had no idea that flying into the arms of a complete stranger was a new way of flirting."
we made a start, be it a false one, i know
baby, i don't want to feel alone
you were quick to make plans with yunjin. normally, you'd be wary, but she seemed so sweet, and she's so beautiful, that you couldn't help but give her a chance. yunjin was overjoyed when she received the message, squealing so loudly that a few of the other company employees ran over to check on her.
you went on a date, with yunjin taking you to places where you could find solace because, after seeing you in that coffee shop for weeks, she knew you'd prefer places like the one where you met.
she had butterflies the entire time, and so did you. holding hands, giggling like little girls, exchanging smiles, staring when the other wasn't looking, blushing when the other did something cute, and other such antics.
you had fun and were quick to like her.
yunjin fell deeper and was over the moon.
unfortunately, that day had to come to an end quickly, and you dropped her off, promising to see her again soon. yunjin waited for you to leave before releasing the squeal she'd been holding in all day, punching the air excitedly, causing kazuha and eunchae, who were waiting for her, to laugh at the older girl's silly reactions.
in her defense, you were really amazing today and treated her well.
so kiss me where i lay down
my hands pressed to your cheeks
yunjin found herself walking next to you in the middle of the night on the third date. you had taken her to an arcade, where she became tired because both of you were too competitive and wouldn't back down from a challenge, even if it was from another couple, which you were quick to accept and team up against, eventually winning.
so she was tired, but really happy.
you wrapped your arms around her waist, allowing her to lean against you for support. the entire walk was silent, both of you basking in each other's comforting warmth as the cold air of the night brushed against your skin.
you arrived quickly because the walk was short and yunjin drew back, but she kept your hand in hers, her thumb caressing the back of your hand.
"thank you for today, y/n/n." yunjin said, pulling you in closer.
you hummed, shyly returning her smile because she was a little too close to you, not that you mind her proximity at all. you squeezed her hand.
"thank you, yunjin-ie." you said quietly.
yunjin looked down at your lips, which you didn't miss, shuffling around in panic, your heart thudding nervously in your chest.
yunjin didn't know how she got to the third date without incident, but she couldn't do it any longer. your enticing eyes, plump lips, red cheeks, soft hands, tight koala hugs, soothing warmth, sweet words, adorable habits, and so on.
she adored everything.
with a quick glance at you, waiting for your consent, which you gave with a small nod, yunjin grabbed your face into her hands and her lips were quick to claim yours. you gripped her waist with one hand and gripped her wrist with the other to keep yourself grounded because you could feel your sanity slowly slipping away as her lips caressed yours softly.
yunjin's face pinched, holding you impossibly close, unable to let you go.
and so the moon and stars witnessed your first passionate kiss.
a long way from the playground
you were the first to pull away, your lungs screaming at you, and yunjin chased you, but stopped when you chuckled and rested your brow against her cheek. her warm breath hit your ear as yours hit her neck, causing prickling goosebumps to appear all over her skin.
"you waited a bit long for that, huh?" you joked.
yunjin grinned, watching you raise your head and returning your giddy smile. she gestured to you playfully, as if showing you off to a crowd of people. "i mean, look at you. you can't blame me, i was scared."
you chuckled and pulled her in. 
"don't be scared. kiss me again."
i have loved you since we were eighteen
"how's practice?"
yunjin collided with you, causing you to pause your typing on your laptop. you were going to sleep over tonight, and she also let you stay for the day to work on your backlogs while she did company training. yunjin wrapped her arms around your shoulders, burying her nose in your hair to inhale the familiar shampoo you used on your hair, which was now also on her pillows as a result of how frequently you'd stayed over for the past few days.
"tiring." yunjin mumbled, exhaustion evident in her voice.
yunjin quietly watched you, humming in content, as you quickly saved your work. you stood up and turned around, your brow raised at her satisfied grin and happy expression. you laughed at her ridiculous antics as you led her to her bed, allowing her to hold you close to her chest.
long before we both thought the same thing
to be loved and to be in love
"i'm sorry i couldn't spend much time with you."
you chuckled and gently hit her exposed stomach, which was exposed because her hoodie had ridden up when she pulled you down onto the bed with her. you reached up to pinch yunjin's cheeks as she drew back to look at you with puppy eyes.
"idiot, who do you think i am?" you asked, brows raised.
yunjin's pout grew bigger. "my girlfriend."
"exactly. i understand, baby. don't worry." you reassured and patted her cheeks continuously, only stopping when her pout finally disappeared.
yunjin drew you close and curled down to rest her brow on yours, lovingly gazing into your eyes. to comfort the tired girl, you returned the same intensity, hand squeezing her upper arm and leaning up to plant small kisses on her lips, which she would pucker up.
all i can do is say that these arms were made for holdin' you, oh
i wanna love like you made me feel
"debut is near, huh?" you whispered, worry swimming in your eyes.
yunjin simply hummed.
"are you excited?" you queried.
yunjin bit her lower lip. she knew that you were aware that something was wrong, and she was unsure whether she should be grateful. she didn't keep her problems from you, but she'd rather deal with them on her own. 
however, with you looking worried like the concerned girlfriend you are, yunjin broached the subject that had been bothering her since she was told she'd be in the lineup.
"i promise i'll make time for you."
you expected it, both her words and the fact that she'd be busy in the near future due to her career, so you held her face, thumbs gently brushing across her cheeks. yunjin enjoyed your warmth and leaned against your touch as you spoke.
you smiled. "i know, jen, i understand. but you need to promise me another thing."
"which is? anything, my love."
"i want you to be open with me. tell me, let me know anything and everything, and update me from time to time. understand?"
yunjin nodded obediently. "i promise, love. i swear."
when we were eighteen
you went quiet, satisfied. you just stared at each other, touches received and given, warm breaths intermingling in the remaining space between you two. until yunjin broke the peaceful silence.
"i love you."
"i love you, too."
we took a chance, god knows we've tried
"yunjin, i thought i told you to let me know?"
in response to your frustrated question, yunjin ran her hand through her hair, turning around to face you, causing you to bump into her, and she quickly reached out to steady you, albeit still stressed due to their debut preparation.
"i was busy, y/n." yunjin argued back.
"you think i didn't know that?" 
your voice was weak, indicating you were getting tired. yunjin looked at you, having avoided your teary eyes because she knew you were correct. she promised months ago to tell you, to let you know anything and everything, and to keep you updated, which she has all but failed to do in the last few days. however, her pride and stress were both impeding her reconciliation with you.
"i just wanted to know if you're okay. can't you tell me that?" 
you sighed, tired, and yunjin panicked when you turned around, fingers wrapping around your wrist. you were pulled back into yunjin's body, her arms quickly wrapping around your waist. you stood motionless as the soon-to-be-debuting american clung to you, her face hidden in your hair. after a brief moment of silence, whispered apologies reached your ears, yunjin swaying you from behind to the nonexistent music.
"i'm sorry. forgive me?"
yet all along, i knew we'd be fine
you melted in her embrace, sighing and pulling her arms around you tighter. yunjin kissed you all over the head, smiling triumphantly as she heard you giggling quietly. she turned around and wiped her thumbs under your eyes before planting another kiss between your brows.
"let me make it up to you?"
"ice cream and movies?"
so pour me a drink, oh, love
and let's split the night wide open
yunjin sat back in her chair, pure adoration swimming in her eyes as she watched you bond happily with her group members. she sipped her drink quietly as she watched you converse with sakura and kazuha in japanese, pride blooming in her chest because she got herself an intelligent girlfriend.
despite being a year younger than chaewon and not even being in the idol industry, when she asked you how to be a proper leader, you gave her the advice she needed. you understood the stress of always being the leader at school, chaewon reasoned, and yunjin rolled her eyes but listened quietly to your advice.
yunjin admired the way you animatedly interacted with eunchae, the younger girl staring at you in awe. as eunchae tugged on your sleeves and pointed to the food next to you that she couldn't reach, yunjin smiled as you helped their adorable maknae fill her plate with whatever food she desired.
and we'll see everything we can
living love in slow motion, motion, motion
if you were embarrassed by the girls' compliments, yunjin would laugh, loving the way your cheeks heated up whenever she agreed or added more comments. she adores how your eyes crinkle with delight whenever the girls do something ridiculously amusing.
and she adores it when you join in on their silly antics. there was one time you were laughing your asses off on the floor in response to kazuha's adorable fall and cute pouty face.
well, yunjin just loves you very much.
so kiss me where i lay down
my hands pressed to your cheeks
when yunjin was able to get you to herself that night, the girls leaving for a moment to get extra drinks (and eunchae's juice), she pulled you close to her and her lips brushed against your temple as she gently whispered to you.
"i love you, y/n/n."
you grinned up at her, melting against her as she wrapped her arm around your shoulder. yunjin sipped her drink as you whispered softly against her neck, smiling against the rim of her glass and watching the girls struggle, who refused to let eunchae do anything.
a long way from the playground
"i love you, too, jen."
i have loved you since we were eighteen
as she watched you walk down the aisle, yunjin felt a tug on the corner of her lips. your eyes were glossy with crystal clear tears threatening to spill, which you quickly pushed away as you smiled wide, flashing your perfect pearly whites.
long before we both thought the same thing
to be loved and to be in love
as you made your way to the altar, clutching onto your father for support and dear life, your gown hugged your body and your veil was slowly dragged behind you. yunjin knew you wanted to cry, but she also knew you didn't like crying about something you should be happy about, even if the tears were happy tears.
and all i can do is say that these arms were made for holdin' you, oh
tears streamed down yunjin's cheek, and you kissed your father on the cheek briefly. you turned around, tearing up, as one hand reached out to help you up the stairs, and you melted against her side.
and i wanna love like you made me feel
when we were eighteen
it was your dream to marry. 
yunjin remembers.
you'd always told her about it: how you wanted a ring on your finger, how you wanted that gorgeous gown (the exact same design), how you'd laugh at her if she cried at the altar.
she remembers it all.
when we were eighteen
oh, lord
when we were eighteen
"in the sight of god and these witnesses, i now pronounce you wife and wife! you may now kiss!"
kiss me where i lay down
my hands pressed to your cheeks
everyone could see you could barely hold back your tears as a pair of hands eagerly reached out to hold your face. more tears streamed down yunjin's cheeks as she watched you lean in, yu jimin tearfully returning the kiss, clutching the ring in her hand so tightly it would leave a mark. 
your tears began to fall as soon as you felt your wife's lips against yours, and the loud cheers in your ears were muffled, and the breaking of yunjin's heart was louder than the cheering crowd, with pieces of it breaking under your own heels.
a long way from the playground
"y/n/n, i love you, my wife."
"i love you, ji, my wife."
she was supposed to be happy for you. she tried, she swears she tried her hardest to pretend. she just couldn't. she was incapable of doing so. yunjin felt bad for feeling this way. she felt bad for wanting to ruin the wedding that had just occurred. 
your wedding. 
yunjin wasn't supposed to wish it was her instead of yu jimin next to you, peppering the back of your head with small kisses that you adored and holding you so close. she wasn't supposed to want to whisk you away from yu jimin, whose arms were wrapped around your waist as she planted kisses on your temples while you happily wept in front of the crowd, jimin whispering comforting words in your ear.
i have loved you since we were eighteen
long before we both thought the same thing
to be loved and to be in love
yunjin will never forgive her company for ruining your relationship. the relationship she had been guarding since before they made their debut. the relationship, which in every waking moment of her life, she treasured. the only relationship she would enter again and again throughout her life and the afterlife, but would never leave if only given the chance. the relationship that her company ruined, causing both parties to suffer at the time. 
yunjin would never forgive the company for threatening both sides, including the members. she would hate them for the rest of her life. she will carry her hatred for them to her grave and the afterlife.
and all i can do is say that these arms were made for holdin' you, oh
and i wanna love like you made me feel
when we were eighteen
and huh yunjin would never forgive herself for letting you slip through her fingers.
i wanna love like you made me feel
when we were eighteen
as you took pictures with your family and friends, the cheers of the crowd fell on her deaf ears. she couldn't hear or feel her friends speak to her or try to shake her out of her reverie. she watched you as you squished your face with your wife, a wide happy smile on both of your faces.
yunjin wished it had been her. 
yunjin wished she could be your wife. 
yunjin wished she could have you.
i wanna love like you made me feel
yunjin wished you were looking for her as you lifted your head to scan the crowd. however, as much as she wished for it, seeing your sparkling eyes was too painful. 
so, even if she wanted you to see her, yunjin turned and quickly left, her tearstained face hidden from view.
it hurt too much.
yunjin despised the idea that another woman would fall in love with you for the same reasons she had. she despised the thought of another woman touching you after she had laid her hands on you. she despised the fact that she wouldn't be the one to hear your sweet words and soft i love you's. she despised the fact that you wouldn't wake up to her silly faces or sweet kisses.
yunjin despised it. yunjin despised yu jimin.
you had moved on with her, married her. all of your dreams came true, but not with yunjin, but with your wife.
it was unfair. 
because yunjin was still in love with you after all these years.
when we were eighteen
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nikko note: another attempt on angst! hope you liked it, everyone! hehe. thank you for reading!
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insertsomthinawesome · 5 months
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I'M BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!! Okay so honestly I have been very very inconsistent over the years with just disappearing for periods of time due to various things 😂 So it probably seemed pretty normal to most people.
But it felt different on my side, so I'm excited to be back in business. I took a month long hiatus! 31 days of not drawing digital art. Its not something I talk about on here? But I've been suffering from some serious long term Art Burnout for.... a really really long time. Long enough that I should've taken a break probably years ago. It finally got so bad that I could barely draw. I was scared to do it (cause it always looked "bad" in my eyes [i'll come back to that]) and doing it was exhausting and disheartening.
I talked it over with somebody and realized that the fear and anger and frustration I felt towards my own artwork was uh. Not Normal or Healthy. And I finally committed to taking a real break for once.
I still drew a little bit by hand? Traditional art has always felt like it has lower stakes for me (i don't often share it online, and sometimes I don't even share it with friends) so I did some of that when I felt like it. But Digital art was completely off the table.
I had put such an immense pressure on myself to make my digital art perfect, to make as much of it as quickly as possible to satisfy something. It wasn't fun anymore. I'm proud of what i've made over the years! But for a long time now the stuff I've been making was made while hating every second of making it. With some rare exceptions.
I hated my art! It was a combination of Perfectionism, taking in too many external expectations, and the burnout. If you hate doing something its kinda hard to love it even when you want too lol. It wasn't "Bad" in the sense that the quality was low and it was ugly! It was "Bad" in the sense that it was unhealthy for me to keep doing it at that point in time.
I'm glad to report though, that with my hiatus officially over as of Wednesday last week: I am once again. In Love. With doing art, and being an artist :)
I put off taking a break for years cause I was scared that taking a break would mean that I would never achieve all the things I wanted to do with art. I was scared it was a stupid and lazy thing to do that would mean I'd never achieve my dreams. And Also even though I kinda hated drawing, I also loved making art. Its a weird duality that I can't even really explain??? I hated it but I also loved it. I wanted it but I also wanted to run from it. It wasn't until I was more mature and had more clarity and insight (and unfortunately also until the problems got worse) that I was finally able to let go of those fears and just do it.
And I'm really really glad I did. It was everything I needed. And I hope to strike a better balance in the future with art. Taking more breaks when I need them, or just when other things have my attention like reading or Video games (Some star rail got played during this time xD)
From the outside things probably aren't going to be that different?? At this point I don't really have any sure plans to post anything I've been drawing since my Hiatus ended. I might or I might not xD I'm still a hobbyist artist taking things at her own pace, but I hope that it shows how much happier I am :)
Whumptober 2023 is being officially put to rest by this post btw! I was in major burnout when that event started, and I'm ready to just, move on from all the past expectations I'd shoved on my shoulders. If I feel like filling any of the prompts or going back to any of the ideas I'd come up for it I will! But I'm not going to worry about doing it unless the desire sets in. Thanks to everybody who's been so kind to me throughout my time on here as an artist! Ya'lls tags and screaming and kind words, the fanfic, the asks and the responses? Its been fantastic :) You guys have made me laugh, smile, and cry tears of joy. I hope from here that things only get better and sweeter! And if I have bad days again, that's okay too.
Here's to 2024 and whatever it may bring ya'll :D 🎉🎉✨✨🧡💜
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hot-take-tournament · 11 months
note: this take actually adresses some sensitive topics, including some that i didn't know how to tag, but may require content warnings - so just be careful
also, i had to post this early because for some reason tumblr kept deleting this specific post every time it was queued or saved as a draft
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Submission 527
the Barbie movie (2023) was horrible
Propaganda is encouraged!
Also, remember to reblog your favourite polls for exposure!
Submitted justification:
unfortunately this is a dead serious take of mine. that movie was a story of a horrible tragedy portrayed as justice. and the subtle violent radfem undertones were deeply uncomfortable. my reasons for disliking it are very complicated and personal, so I'm going to try and keep this brief and try to avoid saying anything too charged.
i understand liking it— it was a very fun movie! the way they did the practical effects and props and setting were all genius and very cool!
but.. the way they handled Ken and his struggles felt extremely minimizing, cruel, and violent. I've *been* the reject kid before. I *know* what that's like. I've been humiliated and degraded before for being too much, for having ADHD, for being autistic, for wanting to be included in friend groups that didn't want me.
ken's story is a *tragedy* of a person who dared to ask for love and inclusion, who dared to ask over and over until the only option left to him was to be made into a villain for it. and instead of realizing that maybe, just maybe, this was a cry for help... that maybe, this was the last straw in a long long long line of instances of horribly cruel social bullying and humiliation.... that maybe Ken never wanted to hurt anyone, that maybe he just wanted everyone to see how much he was hurting, that maybe he never wanted power or violence, but empathy instead.... instead of considering any of at, the movie has Barbie and her friends *laugh* at his suffering, and watch him on the brink of tears with the grim satisfaction of a bully that got away with it.
i came away from this movie thinking, what should Ken have done better to avoid this? what could he have done to be truly accepted? what was the "good" choice, if what he actually chose was actually so evil?
and the answer is, nothing. he was spending his entire life serving and worshipping a group that wanted him quiet, polite, and dead. from personal experience, this is the kind of friend group that would probably find it at best a personal irritant, if he had attempted suicide.
this movie was so hurtful. it really felt like they said "people like you are better off dead or behaving like perfect mindless dolls, because when you try to get what you want, you just bother the people around you." conform or else.
i know people get icky when people claim that misandry exists, but.... consider the plot of this same movie, if ken had been one of barbie's girl friends. or if ken had been a trans girl. or hell, even a trans girl egg. i just see people only praising this movie and... no one seems to acknowledge how unnecessarily, brutally cruel they were to Ken, and how little empathy he received both from the general audience and from the writers and Barbie herself.
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tillyalf427 · 2 months
Don't Hide - Verlaine X gender neutral reader
Summary: A mission goes wrong and leaves you injured however, you can't miss training with Verlaine, after all a small injury is no excuse. Verlaine however doesn't see it that way and is keen to make sure you never hide an injury again
Tags: Injuries, stitches, first aid
Notes: This uses gender neutral pronouns so can be Verlaine x any gender
It's not necessarily romantic as such it's like the bare beginning of any sort of relationship but I thought it was a cute idea
And I mean maybe I just think it'd be kinda hot to be lectured by Verlaine idk shoot me
Fic starts after the cut!
It happened fairly often where Verlaine would be able to defeat or outsmart you, after all, he was the king of assassins. And although you were one of his best students, he had been the one to train you and so he knew every one of your moves before you had even decided on them.
That was how you had ended up in your current position.
The challenge had been simple: take him down or otherwise immobilize him. Unfortunately a challenge as such was made twice as hard by your current lack of movement in your left arm, with your range of motion being severely limited due to the poorly done stitches and tentatively healing wound across your upper arm. A reminder of an almost catastrophic mission a few days prior.
Because of this it had been easier than ever for Verlaine to catch you off guard, managing to appear behind you without a sound, your arm in his tight grip, twisted to be pinned behind your back in a way that normally would do no harm other than slight discomfort.
To your relief, the minute the loud cry slipped past your lips, having felt the painful tugging on your wound, Verlaine released your limb in surprise, almost jumping back like a kid who had been caught doing something wrong.
Immediately, he was in front of you once more, eyebrows furrowed as he glanced over you, taking note of any potential injuries that could have been lurking underneath your clothes.
"What happened?"
That had been the question you had been dreading. You had intended to take it easy with training for the next few days until the wound had closed enough to train properly once more. You hadn't intended for Verlaine to find out at all and yet here you were, avoiding his piercing gaze in an attempt to delay the inevitable.
"It's nothing serious!" You were quick to insist "Just a small Injury from the other day, must've just trained too hard too soon," the nervous laugh you let out seemed to be the only confirmation Verlaine needed, holding your gaze with his own stern one as he reached a hand out to take yours.
To your surprise his first move was to tug you closer to himself, hand tilting your chin so you were looking directly at him. The hard pull on your injured arm ripping a cry from you as his voice lowered next to your ear. The feeling of his body heat radiating so close to your own skin was enough to send sparks across your skin, it was like electricity was sparking around you.
"Never even think about hiding any injuries again," Verlaine’s voice was almost a growl and you couldn't help but flinch back at the sound, pushing down the part of you that thought the sound was attractive.
"I'm sorry,"
"Don't be apologizing to me," Verlaine’s accent was slightly stronger as he spoke this time "You're the one who will get injured more or even killed going on missions whilst injured. If you wouldn't do a mission whilst injured what makes you think you should come and continue training?"
"I just thought...you don't like when I miss training," Not only that but your voice was barely a mumble, another thing that Verlaine wasn't a fan of. He only sighed in exasperation.
"I don't like it when you make excuses to miss training. But when it's a genuine problem you need to tell me. This could have ended much worse if I had used my ability against you today,"
"I-sorry," What else could you say? You hadn't even considered the fact that maybe Verlaine wasn't just being cruel with his strictness about attendance.
"Forget it," Verlaine shook his head with a sigh "Show me,"
"Show me where you're injured, am I right to assume you haven't taken the time to care for it properly oif you're willing to risk further injury through training?"
"Ah-" the words caught in your throat, anxiety pooling in your stomach at the tone of Verlaine’s voice. "I stitched it up as best I could..."
Verlaine sighed, waiting impatiently as you slipped your jacket off, revealing bandages wrapped across your upper arm, stained crimson with ever increasing amounts of blood.
Verlaine’s expression gave nothing away but you could sense his annoyance through the tension in his body. After quickly unraveling the bandages covering your less than perfect work, you let your arms drop to your sides once more, daring to glance back at Verlaine’s face.
"Stay here. It needs restitching,"
And what else could you do but obey? You had already done enough to annoy Verlaine for one night. Your feet planted themselves where they were, barely even daring to breathe until you heard Verlaine’s footsteps returning to the training room.
"Here, sit down," luckily he took your uninjured arm this time, guiding you towards one of the benches towards the side of the room, urging you to take a seat before turning his attention to the first aid kit he had brought in with him.
It contained more things than a regular first aid kit would purely because of their line of work and he made quick work of wiping around your wound with alcohol wipes.
After snapping on a pair of sterile gloves, he took a pair of tweezers and some small scissors before coming closer to your arm, giving you mere seconds of warning before he began pulling and snipping away the sloppily done stitches in the wound already.
The uncomfortableness of the stitches being taken out was nothing compared to the unbearable heat you felt being this close to Verlaine. It was one thing to ignore your feelings for the man when you were sparring as any contact was often short lived however with his hands so close to your sensitive skin and his breath fanning across your shoulder, it was hard to concentrate on the situation at hand.
Once the stitches had been removed, Verlaine made quick work of placing the scissors to the side, keeping the tweezers on hand to help with the stitches before unpacking a sterile needle and threading it.
The discomfort of him holding the edges of the wound together as he began the first stitch was outweighed by the look of concentration on his face. It was unnerving in a way, you had never seen him look so focussed but you could imagine this would be the same expression many people saw before being killed by the king of assassins.
Using the tweezers to help tie off the first stitch, he made quick work of moving down the wound, pulling the edges of the skin together as gently as possible and being quick but precise in finishing each stitch.
The sting of the needle pressing through your skin helped to distract you from how close Verlaine was at this moment in time and as morbid as it sounded you were relieved for the distraction lest you say something stupid.
Your gaze wandered to the wall opposite you, blank save for various scratches and marks, the distraction helping you forget how close Verlaine was, that was until he had finished tying off the last stitch, placing the needle and tweezers off to the side.
You glanced down at your arm, admiring the neat, precise stitches, not noticing Verlaine’s own gaze focussed on your face.
"It should actually stand a chance of healing now," his voice was emotionless as he spoke "Why on earth you didn't just ask for help with it I don't know,"
As he moved to grab a roll of bandages and a wad of gauze, you opened your mouth to speak, finding the words disappear the minute you tried to use them.
With the gauze held in place, Verlaine began wrapping the bandage around your arm, his hands brushing your skin every now and then, sending electricity through your veins.
"I didn't know who to ask," you eventually forced the words out, hesitant, unsure. "It's hard to know who to trust,"
"I'll make you a deal," Verlaine finished wrapping the bandage, taping it down at the end before stripping off his gloves and moving to put them and the supplies in the bin. "Next time anything like this happens, come to me,"
You couldn't help the shock that slipped onto your face. Sure you knew that Verlaine had somewhat of a soft spot for you however this was a big offer from the man who spent his life avoiding the majority of the mafia's population.
"You know that means you would have to see me outside training, right?"
“Yes, and?" I'd like that, went unsaid
And so with a smile, it was settled.
"Thank you,"
"Now in regards to training," You almost let out a groan but held it in just in time. Throughout everything you'd forgotten about training. "Since your arm is out of commission let's work on some core strength,"
Okay, this time you did let the groan escape,much to the amusement of one king of assassins who leaned in close to speak quietly next to your ear, hot breath fanning across your skin.
"This is your punishment for hiding an injury, I do hope you won't do it again," the teasing tone in his voice was clear to see however you didn't have time to dwell on it as he stood back up straight and clapped twice "Let's start with 50 sit ups,"
And okay, at the very least he was successful in making sure you never hid an injury again.
Also on ao3:
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crisalidaseason · 1 year
This is very self indulgent because I was very sick and nobody cared for me so now I'm projecting my perfect scenario on Armin Arlert.
Summary: You came down with a fever and boyfriend!Armin takes care of you. Tags: very self indulgent, angsty, family issues, Armin being a sweet and good boyfriend, fluff. Also, I measure temperatures in celsius so have that in mind when you read it (37ºC equals 98ºF, 39ºC equals 102ºF according to google), also probably errors because I wrote this post-fever.
Getting sick was not often for you, and fevers were even more rare. The thing is, when you had a fever you couldn't even move. You would lay down in bed and wait for the sickness to get slightly better so you could actually take some medicine. This was a habit you picked up from living in your family home. Nobody would check on you during sick times, not even fetch a thermometer or medicine. Sometimes you genuinely thought you could die and nobody would notice.
You've been living with your boyfriend, Armin, for a few months now. He was the sweetest boy on earth, always so ready to aid you whenever was needed. You still had a hard time getting used to somebody caring for you so much, but nothing prepared you for the first time you got severely sick while living with him.
It was a Saturday evening, you arrived home from work exhausted. You had a splitting headache all day and your body was starting to shiver.
"Shit, not a fever. Everything but a fever!" You whispered.
Fevers were the worst. You could handle a stuffy nose, allergies and sore throats just fine, but fevers were the only symptom that incapacitated you entirely.
You quickly took some cold medicine and showered, before the fever got you good, going to bed immediately. Soon enough you could feel your body shivering more violently and the awful cold spread through your body. You were lucky to catch the fever early enough to even take medicine, maybe this time wouldn't be so bad.
You didn't hear the door open, signaling Armin's arrival, but you heard his voice calling your name. You didn't have the strength to say anything, unfortunately.
"hey, love, everything okay?" His voice was low.
You felt his touch on your forehead and he quickly retreated his hand.
"you're burning!"
You could hear him shuffling through the room, opening a drawer. He approached you and softly grabbed your arm, putting a cold thing on your armpit. You cried a little because of the sensation.
"sorry love, it's just the thermometer"
Once the device beeped, Armin cursed under his breath reading the temperature.
"did you take any medicine?"
You just nodded.
"Alright, I'll be right back"
He kissed your temple and left. You didn't know what he was going to do, but a small part of your brain hoped he was going to care for you.
Moments later, Armin came back. You couldn't keep your eyes open, but could hear him squeeze water out of a towel, which he placed on your forehead. The towel was ice cold and you let out a cry again.
"I know it feels awful, baby, but I need to drop your temperature"
He put another small towel under your neck. Armin stayed by your side, damping the towels every few minutes to keep the cooling sensation and checking your temperature. You were not sure when sleep came, but it was already very bright when you woke up. You noticed your body wasn't shivering and tried moving to a sitting position. The bedroom door opened, revealing Armin.
"Oh, you're awake" Armin said.
He left a mug of steaming tea on the bedside table and quickly took the thermometer to measure your temperature again.
"37º" he said with a tone of relief once the device beeped "I was a little concerned when you wouldn't leave the 39's. Our ice stock is down to zero, but it was totally worth it"
You weren't dreaming then, Armin did spent the night dropping your temperature. You could feel the tears forming on your eyes, too quickly to stop them.
"Hey hey" Armin said "what is it? are you in pain?"
He got closer, trying to figure out what was happening. You just shook your head no and embraced him tightly. He hugged you back, kissing your temple and rubbing your back.
"It's okay, love. Whatever it is you can tell me"
"Not now, just hug me" you said, voice all weird due to your sore throat.
He shifted your position to cuddle you more comfortably. After long minutes of just embracing one another, Armin reached for the mug and the small capsule of fever medicine, offering both to you.
"Ginger, lemon and honey" he said "granpa used to heal every illness with this, I might be biased but it used to work wonders"
You had to battle even more tears, he made you tea!
"Thank you" you said, taking a sip and immediatly making a face.
"I know, it doesn't really taste good, sorry love" he said "but I promise it will help"
You took another sip, the ginger was strong, but you trusted Armin with your life, he was caring for you after all.
"No medicine tastes good" you commented.
Armin chuckled. You finished the tea, already feeling the exhaustion creep on you.
"Tired?" he asked.
You nodded. He took the mug from your hands and motioned for you to lay down in bed, covering you with the sheets.
"Try to sleep a little more, I'll be here when you wake up"
You grab him before he can stand up.
"Stay with me, please"
He smiles and leaves the empty mug on the bedside table. Soon he lays in bed, holding you close. You relax into his arms and silently thank the universe for sending such a caring partner.
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stikybug · 4 months
This is extremely self-indulgent but i'm dumping all of my alexithymic!mc headcanons on the main tag , because her actions and what the characters say about her would be extremely funny considering all of this .
Spoilers for godheim main story under the cut!
MC has had trouble identifying many of her emotions since a young age, she never talked about it to anybody and learned to mask it very well. Her reactions are almost automatic, like they're actually hers.
The first time she really 'felt' the way others did was with the death of her mother. Sorrow, it felt so strong and unfamiliar to her. She had to find an outlet of some kind.
Art was the only time her emotions weren't muddled, but it could be because that itself was an abstraction of her thoughts. She didn't need to particularly parse through them and have many 'what ifs'.
Fast forward to the main story. Meeting the love interests elicits more than just a blunt emotional response. But it can't be called 'affection' just yet.
Mc feels guilty. She wants to return what seems to be some sort of budding affection for Alkaid, but she feels it doesn't last.
She doesn't realise little actions she does REFLECTS that. 'I'm caring for him while he's sick because I feel the strong urge to see him get better. No this isn't romance what are you talking about isn't this normal to feel?'
She feels it doesn't count because it seems to ebb and fade. She has the knawing feeling of wanting to be 'normal' for him. She wants to be better. She can't see the clear worry on her face, she can't see how she almost cries some times for 'unknown' reasons because she misses him.
It's oh so ever worse with Ayn. She would give her life over to him and what he cherishes in a heartbeat. But she feels so awkward when people refer to her as his girlfriend.
She doesn't love him back, probably. It's just an undying loyalty and understanding for him. It's a duty that she wants to fulfill. ( Why she wants to do it is completely lost on her. )
She thinks she's faking her care, for him, for the residents of the rat cave. It just doesn't line up with what she sees herself as. Despite this, she still almost forcefully wills him not to die. Not on her watch. She couldn't stand the thought of seeing him go.
By the time of Lars' route, she opens up to the idea of being closer to him. It was supposed to be an agreement-contract sort of relationship. But going slowly from 'alliance' to sympathy, devotion, and finally; what seems to be inklings of love she cannot do anything about but recognise. Nobody would risk their lives for an agreement alone.
Caring this much felt awful though, too many lives she swore she could have saved... If she was just a bit stronger, if she just reacted quicker. Maybe nobody would have to lose anything. All she could give was an attempt to comfort Lars during this time.
And while she went through the motions, she wondered... Maybe staying here would be alright? Maybe she could be his bride, or at the very least die beside him.
It was actually a laughable idea to her if you said she would feel something for Archmage Clarence. Anything other than annoyance or mild sympathy would be hard to elicit.
Him? The person who keeps picking fights with her? The person who insists on locking her up? That despite all her warnings decides that killing her is the best option? That Archmage Clarence?
She's interested in him when she spends more time in the Magi tower, unfortunately. He has his own motivations, he has someone he cares for.
She feels an unexplainable sadness at the true end of the magi. If it could happen to that little girl, how many more then would still meet that fate?
When she's actually faced with it in the end, she wants to start crying there. She can't, she can't cry in front of the man that only wants to see her live happily in the end.
The feeling persists, the memory of his is engraved in her mind forever.
Now Cael is an interesting case. She's not sure whether or not he could see right through her.
After everything in godheim, looking at him almost feels disconcerting. They share the same eyes, she never knew why she couldn't recognise that look in his eyes sooner.
Apathy. A cold heart. One that can't care or truly love anybody else.
Well, that's his words, not hers. But she can't bring herself to believe that. There's something like affection in the way he treats her, there's the warmth of blood so similar to everybody else.
So she says that, because she sincerely believes he's more than he thinks he is.
She still hesitates to call him, because one day he might tell her the same thing, and she wouldn't be able to deal with that.
...But maybe, they could figure out what the meaning of love is one day. And then they'll realize they were holding onto it all along.
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veryace-ficrecs · 1 month
The Thing (1982) Fic Recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
Today I am a Dog by ungefug - Rated T
The trouble with being a dog around humans.
smoke signals as a cry for help by gumsneaker - Rated T
MacReady claws out of the Antarctic winter with nothing to show for it but a few other lives, a box full of remains, and a job.
Journey of a Thousand Miles by Jedi Buttercup (jedibuttercup) - Rated T
"Yeah, well that's what one of those Things would do. And hell if I'm gonna let it win," Mac replied with an exhausted snarl. Then he grunted, got his knees back under him, and staggered back to his feet.
The Thing Crossovers
The Bad Batch
Who Goes There? by Tanwyn - Rated M
When a platoon of clones and their officers vanish without a trace, the Bad Batch is sent to investigate. Their orders take them to a remote research station on an icy, desolate world. There, they find something far worse than droids or Separatists.
Carbon Copy by EatYourSparkOut - Rated M
Fallen on hard times, the Scavengers respond to a distress signal from a nearby planet in hopes of easy pickings. Upon arrival, starvation quickly becomes least of their worries—for there's a monster about, and it's hungry too. Krok is determined to save his crew, but when the threat can look like anyone, trust runs thin. One thing's for certain: he'll kill the hidden horror, or die trying. Or, the Scavengers find themselves embroiled in the plot of John Carpenter’s The Thing. It spirals from there.
Four Days, Three Nights by Devereauxs_Disease - Rated E
Hannibal Lecter needs to get to the Amundsen-Scott Station in Antarctica. Unfortunately, his research partner had other plans. Stranded in the middle of nowhere, Hannibal will have to rely on a scraggly dog sledder named Will Graham to get him across the frozen wasteland. What could go wrong with that plan?
We Go There by Donotquestionme - Rated T
So soft and fleshy and sweet these creatures were. So different from the hard, chitinous creatures of the last world. So much easier to break, infect, consume . How had something like them ever lasted this long to begin with?  Ah, but what a blessing that they had. And for them to have such a developed sense of taste, and of pleasure. Not in all his years had he come across creatures with such an exquisitely rich ability to experience and to enjoy. In them, he’d discovered the marvelous ability to relish and to savor. And he did so intend to relish and savor.  Every last one of them. Eddie is part of a scientific expedition in Antarctica that discovers something deep under the ice. A John Carpenter's "The Thing" AU.
skin deep by Another_Freak1258 - Rated E
While serving as a seasoned paleovirologist for a dig in Antarctica, Eddie meets Richie Tozier. As people begin falling victim to something they pulled out of the ice, it becomes impossible to trust anyone, whether they be a complete stranger or a lifelong friend. In spite of the paranoia, Richie and Eddie grow closer. Eddie may even be falling in love. The problem is, Richie isn’t exactly Richie.
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thesoulesscollection · 7 months
Ellie & Henry; An Unbreakable Bond
Hello. I don't have much in the way of request but I do have two ideas all involving Ellie so likely separate oneshots
#1: An alt ending to an existing scenario or your own scenario where Ellie dies and Henry witnesses it (Think of it as Ellie's version of the "Valiant Hero" ending) the circumstances are up to you it could be Henry and Ellie on their own, them being members of the tophat clan (or Henry as the leader) or them being the good guys with Charles possibly in the story I'm fine with either route
#2: Henry after escaping the wall stops and with hesitation turns around and heads back for Ellie feeling a twinge of guilt for using her and leaving her behind
This one was a lot of fun for me to write even if it took me a while. Down below are the tags for each prompt;
1) Tw/Tags: Toppat Recruits, Heavy Angst, Hurt/Little To No Comfort (Depends On How You See It), Major Character Death, Blood, Emotional Distress, Mild Mentions Of Depression, & (RoseMin) Relationship Can Be Seen As Platonic Or Romantic
2) Tw/Tags: Developing Friendship, Light Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Betrayal, Inner Turmoil, Complicated Relationships & Hopeful Ending 
This isn't supposed to happen. It was never part of the game. Nobody is meant to die in this timeline. Not anyone that he particularly cared for but not her. 
Not Ellie. His best friend and companion in crime. 
She was meant to be here with him. After all they went through together she shouldn't be ripped from his grasp. 
Until now she was. Forever gone and he isn't able to change it. He didn't know what to do, even witnessing her totally preventable, and irreversible demise took its toll on him. It was his fault. He could've done something to stop it from happening though it was yanked out of his hands. 
Said hands are shaking as he kneels down to her still warm corpse. The death rattle having been seared into his brain. They fist up then relax, clutching tightly like a vice on Ellie's bloodstained shirt. 
It wasn't until much later, realized the severity of what had been done, that he's screaming his lungs out, crying, and in such a frenzied state nobody can get him out of it for hours on end. 
Afterwards, when someone else in the clan, he couldn't tell who it was, had managed to tear him away from her, he was somewhat able to cool down. He's put in a safe place, alone per his weepy wish to cope. 
She was dead because of him. 
She choked on her own blood, withering in awful pain because of his mistakes. 
Her gorgeous eyes once full of love and pride stared at him with a glassy unfocused haze, fresh with her own tears as life slowly slips from her. 
It was torture knowing he was alone again as he's left to wallow in his misery. Often he laid in the same bed she would lovingly and so carefully drag him out of when he himself was too depressed to get up. 
But nobody was there to do that. No one who does it like her. They tried, surely in their own unique way however it wasn't the same. Him and Ellie had a specific deep bond. 
So it was difficult accepting her death, a slow progression, and it was a hard pill to swallow, that's for sure. 
In the unfortunate circumstances, he noted in a rotten grimace, that there's nothing he can do besides sucking it up. At the start, a few days after Ellie's death, he didn't try, instead played ignorance. His words exact, rarely he does speak, will only consist of the topic that she will come back to him in some shape or way. 
Eventually, people grew tired and left him to his devices, he understood why. Still they did try their best to be a shoulder to lean on if he allowed them. For some, he did do that when he couldn't fight anymore. Oftentimes he was eerily silent, still crying but it eluded him once he realized that no longer did anything come out. 
And so he stands on the special balcony for the orbital station that's shielded nicely with a thick, sturdy glass. The void of space colored in blacks, blues, purples and his favorite, red was refreshing as it is a daunting beauty. His sore eyes were dry when he wiped his sleeve across them, sniffling and wincing a bit at the slight pain. He grips his shaking hands on the banister, breathing deeply through his nose as he watches the larger than life twinkling stars hover above him. 
He is going to get better for his sake. Ellie's even since he knows she wouldn't stand for this. 
Regret seeps in like poison. Henry was used to being alone, always on his own. So when climbing through the vents and popping out, he hesitates to move forward. It wouldn't be the first time he betrayed someone or had the same happened to him. 
Though this was different. Somehow unlike the times he did this, Henry felt bad. Guilty. 
In a world, cruel and unfit towards people like him and coincidently her as well should know better better to blindly trust. That's why he did what he'd done without having looked back to see her reaction as his experiences with the same hardened him. 
She was down on her luck. Just like him but she entirely gave up. He still had his fight in him. That's why he's here to begin with, right behind two guards chattering away unaware of his presence, while deciding what to do next. About to make a break for it.
Maybe he should head back just for the heck of it. What would go wrong? 
So he did, begrudgingly, mind you, he wasn't used to this. 
Once he returns to the hole in the ceiling, he cautiously peeks over, taking in the scene of the redheaded woman now curled up in the furthest corner. In the room already so empty and cold, near the door, is the warden’s right hand looking straight ahead, again unaware. 
Softly he makes a noise in order to get her attention which she wasn't bothering to try, even ignoring to seemingly in his growing annoyance. The redhead must know he's here for her. 
He's just trying to help her! In some way he was trying to apologize and that's rare for someone like him anyways. 
As the thief resists the urge to hiss louder or even cut his losses and turn back, he hooks his feet on the hanging staircase. Why it was there is beyond him. Then he curses it upon losing his footing, falling to a crumpled heap in front of the shocked woman. 
Before long he stumbled on his feet, she was gobsmacked to see him as he grabbed onto her arm. Unsurprisingly, the warden’s deputy noticed, stormed into the waiting cell, seeing that Henry was without his cuffs. It won't be long when the true shit goes down so he'd have to rush for it. 
Hope for the best outcome as this wasn't his plan. 
With her in tow, forcibly behind him, he made a beeline to the door. He may be a scrawny guy at least compared to the other man but he isn't a literal pushover. Thankfully, as by pure luck it remains at his side too once he barrels past, knocking the other down with ease. Another surprise to him is that she's running alongside with little resistance.  
The blaring noise of sirens rings in his ears seconds later. He kept going, huffing from the exertion and the mild irritation that throbs in his head. Soon he takes a sharp turn down the hallway, a path chosen in his mind. 
It won't be his smartest, cleverest ones out there, just one that would work for right now at this moment. At the hall's end, close to an office, he slams a fist into a circuit board on the wall, all in the dwindling hopes it's the right choice. 
The door slams shut so it was to his relief. 
He lets go, turns to face her, when he does is instantly met with an angry scowl, and a cold glare. Worse, he is caged in and she can do anything to him. She doesn't, instead stands there, hunched, in stiff silence, except for her ragged breaths filling the air. The cuffs that completely covered her hands so that may be the sole reason why.
In his hesitancy, Henry steps forward, hands up in faux surrender, with no words that he's no threat to her. Eyeing her cuffs then at the room they're in, he notices one, the decently sized trophy likely carrying a heavy weight and secondly, the vent in the ceiling. 
Moments later, trophy in hand, he bashes the cuffs until they drop on the ground broken. In a groan, he steps back, leaning on the table and motions to the ceiling. She runs her free hands together, as if attempting to gather the warmth. 
Of course, she's highly skeptical. Right until he's on his knees ready to boost her up. He doesn't mind being the one to do the lifting this time. She looks around and he knows she's searching for another exit. Then she moves quite quickly, placing her foot on his knee. 
In a flash, the hinges of the vent break apart and she climbs up. 
Henry stands up, dusting off and he hears the sound of people outside the door get louder. 
When he does look up at the ceiling, almost surprised to see she remains there, allegedly waiting, maybe uncertain about the choices laid out for her. It won't shock him whether she takes the grand opportunity to simply leave him behind. 
Until she stretches a hand out for him. 
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It's been a bit, and I think I've forgotten some. Can you give me a brief rundown of your little guys?
Hiya Bones, I WOULD LOVE TO GIVE YOU A BRIEF RUNDOWN ON MY LITTLE GUYS!!! (thank you thank you thank you!!) (its not as brief as it should be I'm so sorry)
I still have yet to name this project: My first original project! I have no ideas for the plot LMAO /crying a little
Locke: Ancient android cursed to carry the physical fear of an entire very dead race of beings that they have identified as 'human,' the same thing they classify the people they see today. Travels a lot, he generally likes to keep moving - has taken up the mantel of unofficial psychopomp. Likes people (from a distance,) dressing up, engaging in human activism in whatever way they can, and Deimos. Dislikes having a lack of bodily autonomy. Was called 'Rue' once (Agender, but he has a fondness for He/They)
Deimos: Your local embodiment of human fear, and human fear specifically. Laughs in the face of gender on a daily basis, mostly due to the fact that he's a shapeshifter (generally shifting into the specifically held fear of whatever society he happens to be around) Drama queen, constantly makes either slightly too old or slightly too new pop culture references that Locke could never hope to understand, but he found a good audience with The Children. Deeply just wants social connection, a bit of a hard feat when you're immortal, and unfortunately something he couldn't find in Locke due to their own circumstances. For a while, at least. (Genderfluid, but currently favors he/him)
The Children: Collective term for all the people and non-people Deimos has unofficially adopted - still workin on them, but I CAN tell you that Charlotte (third youngest) has ties to 'Charlotte's Web' and the 1829 poem 'The Spider and the Fly' and also happens to be an anthropomorphic spider, while Marley is (probably) from Boston (youngest). Not all technically children by human standards, but pretty much everyone is a kid when you're Deimos's age
(other little guys below. forgive me for the massive text blocks)
Undertale AU: Some context, this revolves around two of my ocs in an au that is basically be adding non-canon context with plot; Sunny and Z!* Sunny ran away from home after extenuating circumstances and an argument with her parents, kind of as a 'last hurrah' of sorts, and Z tagged along because of his own reasons. Both of them found themselves in the underground and are now constantly wondering if they went and died about it because Undertale is actually a thing that exists in their universe
Sunny: He is a trainwreck, and is also probably the closest I'll ever get to a self-insert (but it's moreso me when I was 12-ish inserted into a 17 y/o's body). Compassionate at heart, she likes the sciences and being outdoors and philosophical things; math is latin to her (dead,) and she knows a fair amount of sign language. Utterly thrilled to be in the underground for the most part, something he and Z have conflict about - doesn't like talking about his childhood. Yellow coded as in warning (She/Him, Aroace)
Z: Also a huge freakin clusterfuck and Sunny's best friend, but Z is more contained than not. The funny one of the two, Super tech efficient, the fella loves cryptography and all things coding, made a rick-roll virus once on the family computer and now that very same computer exists half-alive in the garage - he'd like to be a game dev someday. Used to get hurt and sick a lot when he was younger. Z refuses to be alone with his thoughts, so he practically throws himself at anything declared constructive at a contstant rate, very much unlike his friend. Knows Sunny has a lot going on with the imminent move to Europe and all, but they shouldn't, cannot stay here damnit (He/Him, Straight)
*not their actual names, but they can't really say their actual names due to extenuating plot reasons and 'Sunny' n 'Z' is what Flowey called them upon first encounter.
BG3: The Baldur's Gate 3 duders!! neither Aeonian nor Monad really fit into forgotten realms lore, considering I picked them up from a separate Stardew Valley AU project and threw them at my current hyperfixation without a lick of research cos I figured it would be no problem. I was sadly mistaken, but we're making it work (even amidst the greek myth n gaelic folklore parallels which are now just outside-of-story meta)
Aeonian: My Tav!! Best put (in your words exactly) as a sad little tissue paper man. Unofficial bard and humanoid-shaped creature (Physical Embodiment of Death at Sea, to be precise) who is not normally humanoid-shaped, but is doing it anyway because their sister is missing and they have a guard dog complex to uphold. Looks like a very tall and very blue twig that could snap in the wind, but what they lack in intimidation they receive in cleverness and wit with a little bit of added bardic charmisa. They did not at all wish to claw themselves out of the sea with gritted teeth and sheer drive alone, and while they aren't necessarily cold, they also aren't here to make friends. This is currently being conflicted by the fact that they give a shit. Character development follows the rock cycle (They/Them, Demirose)
Monad: Aeonian's older sister and Embodiment of Life at Sea - the braver of the two, having ventured up to the surface first and kept going despite being kidnapped by pirates more times than ve can count on both hands - ve is here to have a good time and a good time only. Lively and charismatic, he loves the pleasures of life, people, life in general, and Aeonian. Took up the druid class, as she told her sibling, and was in the midst of learning how to wild shape before she went up on a surface outing one day and didn't come back. Ve's more secretive than Aeon knows (Ve/Her/Himself and very much a lesbian)
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Monthly Rec Lists In 2024: New Year's Day
For the last four or five years my New Year's resolution has been to get fit but I keep not doing that so this year my resolution is one I know can complete: making rec lists! So for the first rec list of the year I'm reccing some fics I read for the first time in 2023! I've tagged the authors' Tumblr if I could find one, otherwise I've just linked their Ao3.
Regularly Scheduled Miracles by TheSingingHoneybee (@starshinemaiden)
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The thing about soulmates when you are a royal is that you don't get to keep them. Wu's mother's was shipped to the Outer Ring. His father's, never spoken of. His great aunt's was imprisoned if you believe the rumors. Wu believes the rumors. And when Wu becomes Prince Wu, heir to the Earth Throne, over night, his chances of finding and keeping his soulmate drop to zero. But despite that, when a soulmark appears on his arm the very evening of meeting his new, hot, firebending bodyguard, Wu can't feel anything but joy. The thing about soulmarks when you have a job that frequently leaves you bruised to hell and back is that sometimes you don't notice them until days later and now you don't know who caused them to appear. And the thing about being Prince Wu's newest bodyguard is that Mako has met so many people in the last week that his soulmate could be half of Republic City. The other thing about being Prince Wu's newest bodyguard is that half of Mako doesn't want to think too hard about his soulmate might be because there is no way someone like him would get so lucky as to have the next Earth Monarch as a soulmate no matter how lofty Mako's taste in people runs.
Cruising for a Bruising by kalechipbuoy
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Crozier makes Fitzjames cry and cry and cry. Eventually, they reach something like an understanding.
Warm Sun, Fine Jade by DummyDipl0d0cus
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Lan Xichen’s hair is up in a simple bun, careless. It’s a change from his half-tied hair. It uncovers his shoulders and neck, and Wen Ning gets a sinking feeling that they look more delicate now than ever. “Please stay warm, and eat well,” Wen Ning adds softly. Lan Xichen doesn’t say anything, just bows his head. Wen Ning turns to leave after a few long moments, as much as he doesn’t want to. Then hears the quietest request. “It’s raining. Please stay until it’s over?” - How Wen Ning helps Lan Xichen heal, and how Lan Xichen does the same for Wen Ning.
The Severing of Webs by chlodobird (@chlodobird-creations)
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After Jon kills the world, he travels back in time. Once there, he gets ready to change the future, to save his Assistants, and to watch as everyone learns to hate him again. Unfortunately, the tapes wrap around him like a fly caught in a Web—he can't move. He's trapped reliving the original timeline, stuck acting out his past actions like an actor rehearsing his lines. Sasha will die. Tim will die. Martin— (Jon screams inside his mind, and someone hears him. Fate is not as immutable as he fears.)
Chameleonic by recrudescence (@re-crudescence)
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When River finally takes a fall, the result of an ill-conceived equation and a screwdriver on the cargo bay floor, Mal gives her a knowing look and totes her to the infirmary.
7 rings by butterflywings6
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random people watching kanej be rich and in love <3
Look into the Mirror (Tell Me What You See) by Drag0nSt0rm (@sweetteaanddragons)
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His best guess for what had happened was some kind of head injury, given that he recognized almost nothing and had no idea what was going on. With few clues to work with, he was either going to have to confess the truth or bluff frantically. Gil-Galad had never in his life decided to confess anything.
A Little Mishap by Asidian (@asidian)
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When the dust clears – and it is a frightful amount of dust, all told – Astarion is marginally surprised to see that no one has been left a bloody smear on the cave floor. Really, he can't be blamed for assuming the worst. The boulder is the size of the tunnel, nearly, the sort of impending doom that ranks with gale-force winds and approaching dragons on the list of things that might inspire a man to pray to any gods kind enough to lend an ear. Astarion isn't that sort – any god who might have granted him a boon has had centuries of prayers they might have chosen to answer before this, after all – and yet here they stand, miraculously intact, as though some deity just so happened to have glanced their way at just this moment. Perhaps Wyll is a religious man.
Underwater by euromagpie
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About him, the world swam in dizzying degrees, pulsated with the throb of the veins at his temples. Beneath him, his legs, protesting against the movement like a couple of libertines, had gone frustratingly jelly like, and Hodgson stumbled, a landsman at sea, and crashed into the wall opposite. The wood was so cool, and he sank his burning forehead against it gratefully, for once gladly accepting of the biting freeze that prowled the desolate landscape. Booted feet clomped past his door and he jerked his eyes open, not having realised he'd closed them. Christ alive, but he wanted to stay there - in fact, he'd love simply to crumble and wait out the end of his days in a tidy pile of gormless flesh and lazy bones right in this place. Above them, Terror's bell rang in the turn of the watch, and Hodgson realised his plans of embracing mortality would have to wait. He had things to do.
That's 'Cause I Got People With Me by Castlewood_Bard (@r1ver-6)
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Mal has to be sure he knows his crew
Beyond the Reaches of a Long-lost Life by elvntari
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Feanor is reembodied at long last and Elrond attempts to reconcile the image that he has of him in his mind with the image of the man standing before him.
Fever Dreaming by dramatispersonae
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Gerry encounters a plot by a nascent avatar of the Corruption. It should be straightforward enough to deal with, especially considering his apparently ongoing… "alliance" with Michael. But when have things in his life actually been as simple as they appear?
The World Was Young by Drag0nst0rm (@sweetteaanddragons)
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This was not what Maglor had expected when he retreated to his brother's stronghold.
A Taste of Home by Twice2Ennien
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"It's good, right?" Koveyook grinned all the way to his eyes, watching John's matching expression. This was the feeling that had drawn his family to restaurants: the warmth, the radiating comfort of a good meal, shared. John made a satisfied sound in the back of his throat, nodding. He covered his mouth as though tempted to speak but thought better of it. Still chewing, he took hold of Koveyook's right wrist and squeezed his thanks instead.
Refiner's Fire by JediRobertHogan
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The men knew Hogan looked after them—more than was typical of a commander and his crew. It was in the little things, the details of everyday life, yet sometimes it struck them in undeniable ways. They saw Colonel Hogan as more than a commanding officer, and knew, somehow, that he saw them differently too. - or - Four times Colonel Hogan took care of his men, and one time they took care of him.
Wanted: Dead and Alive by Astereae (@astereaes)
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“Hey, I do I... Do I know you?” Danny asks, a hand coming up to brush something off Tim’s cheek. “No,” Tim says. “We haven’t met.” “Oh, no, I do.” Danny says, and he smiles, teeth white and sharp. “You’re that guy who rearranged my guts!” Rearranged his- Tim glances at the knotted scars on the boy’s abdomen. He can see the shine and shadow of haphazard stitches that weren’t meant to hold forever, that tore and healed over. His- This- “WHAT!?” Nightwing shouts, equal parts confused and delighted. Tim’s fucked. OR Danny Fenton's been in GIW captivity for 4 months. Tim Drake gets kidnapped by the GIW one Tuesday evening in May. Considering how many of the Bats and the Birds have died and come back to life, it was only a matter of time for some people interested in the afterlife to come poking around. The detectives can't seem to uncover any information about the mysterious white vans, however. And they keep losing the mysterious boy who seems to be the one person in Gotham to know anything at all.
Like Melting Ice by pointyshades (@oughtnots)
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Francis Crozier dies. Turns out he can't even do that right.
You missed a spot by Lookingkindofdumb (@lookingkindofdumb)
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It is just like Dean, Sam thinks, to befriend the man who has chased them across the US in hopes of bringing them home in cuffs. AU where Victor survives and decides to become a hunter. He doesn’t stick around with them for long but they bump into him on occasion.
A Shot's Distance by Blue_Sparkle (@asparklethatisblue)
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After digging the bullet out of James Fitzjames’ ribs, Dr Stanley kept it as a memento. A man needs something to hold on to while quietly pining after a friend after all.
we know nothing (so we hope) by TolkienGirl (@thelonelybrilliance)
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Sometimes, Neal wonders if Kate loves him. (Mostly, not in so many words.)
A Pavlovian Approach to Honesty by Stratisphyre
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“Are you feeling compelled to tell us anything?” Lan Xichen asked. “Not precisely. It does feel nice. I hadn’t associated honesty with anything pleasant before now.” “I don’t think you’ll appreciate this in the morning,” Nie Mingjue muttered. “Do you want us to leave you be? Or gag you?” “I’m finding this entire affair curiously enjoyable, actually,” Meng Yao stated.
Now Sure As the Sun Will Cross the Sky by providing_leverage (@providing-leverage)
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Dean Winchester wakes up in his car quietly, heart racing. He reaches for his stomach where the metal bar or pipe or whatever it was had been but there’s nothing but flannel and leather. Leather he’d long ago lost. He rubs the sleep from his eyes and digs a phone from one of the pockets of his Dad’s jacket. Flips it open to check the date. “Well shit.”
Zapped by unholygrass (orphaned)
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Gavin Reed used to think androids couldn't feel pain. He's proven wrong. He may hate Connor's fucking guts, but he wouldn't wish this on anyone.
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yanderecandystore · 2 years
i would love to see a darling who acts all dumb but is secretly rather manipulative on their own, and the yanderes begin to second-guess their decisions because of how easy the darling seems to brush them off like they're nothing but the next moments talking to them all sweetly. it's a small game of tug and war and darling can't help but just fall for how confused the yanderes look when they smile sweetly after just crying in another person's arms about them. anyways uhm, hello :)
Oooh!! This could be really fun! I think it is a bit hard to write about manipulative readers, but I'm sure I can try something different once in a while!
Also I feel like I've written this before 🤡 I'm so sorry if this reads like something else I already did, there's some lost stuff I did that I just can't remember.
It'll be pretty short though since I'm still trying to get my groove back 🤸
TW/tags: manipulative reader // gaslighting, mind games and abusive behavior // I'm going to go with a delusional kinda masochistic(?) yandere cause… Because 🧍‍♀️👀 // unhealthy relationship that somehow works?? Still super unhealthy (like every other yandere relationship lmao🗿 again, disclaimer: I don't support this irl) // unhealthy power dynamics // delusional // genderly ambiguous (both the reader and the character, also fuck yeah, genderly✨)
May have fucked up the request or maybe I'm just dumb! Let's find out together [Delusional!Yandere x Manipulative!Reader - Headcanon]:
It's unfortunate how easily most of us fall prey to the manipulative and deceiving, but to those that were already born rotten life was nothing but a game. To see them fall, to see them stand, to see them eat your words and obey the twists and pulls, dearest puppeteer, you're too much for your own safety.
You act clueless but you know you're in power here, or at least you're in power because they continue to feel powerless under your soft words and reassuring touches followed by your cold shoulders and death stares.
You're hot and cold, you're soft and rough- You're so cruel to them but they can't help but fall harder for you. You own them at this point, so it's kinda unfair to treat them like this but it's part of their fun isn't it?
You're not scared, you're not sad, you're having fun too, they know that, or at least they think they know that- Dear, you're so confusing, especially when others are involved.
You act so miserable around others when the topic is them, whenever you talk about them with others it can be so brutal that they sometimes wonder if you really mean it- But you don't seem to be! You seem to be doing this for the fun of the game!
Maybe this was your plan all along, to make others feel scared of them so no one else would fall for them, oh dear, you're a genius!
They're head over heels for you, and although it's unclear they think you feel the same for them as well! You just- Show it differently, you like to show your true side whenever you're alone with them, but the game isn't supposed to be "played" with others so that's why you isolated them, right??
I mean, they wouldn't want to play this game of yours if they knew there were other participants, oooh they wouldn't like that at all!
Perhaps- The game would be more of a competition if that were to happen, of course they would do their best to prove their devotion towards you!
It would be inconvenient but they're ready to do anything even if it's humiliating and beneath them if that would make you happy.
The fucked up thing about this is that maybe you don't even like them, you don't even like this "game", you could even not have the malicious intent to be manipulative but still act like this to keep them at bay, to keep them entertained.
It's up to you who's in power here, but even if you were just doing it for your own safety you would still be at fault for making them believe you actually cared for them.
Or maybe you care, but in a different way. In the same way a master likes to hear their pet sing, the difference is that yours can moan your name, they have the tendency to overuse it though- They are quite clingy and maybe that is exactly why you treat them so coldly in public, there's an appropriate time for everything.
Having your name be so pathetically called whenever you're not giving them the full attention is sweet yet vomit inducing, it's just awkward in a social context and in general.
Or you could just downright hate their guts too. That would be fine with you and with them, they would prefer to be loved even if in this weird way, but being hated isn't so bad-
Because hate isn't so different from love, you would still be giving them attention after all, you would still be giving them your time and mind and that's enough for them.
At least they think so, who knows when that won't be enough. Who knows when you'll get sick of it, or worse yet, THEY will get sick of it.
You're in control because they feel powerless, and like the fact that they're powerless when it comes to you, but if you were ever to get bored or just nauseated at this ""relationship"", they could still completely flip and forcefully take you to abuse them.
It's weird, but even if you were tied down to a chair (a classic) it would still mean they had you in their life- The benefit being that no one else is here to interfere!
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swanimagines · 2 years
Hey there! I love your fics (especially the ones of SaB) and i'm wondering if you are open to do a drabble of Kaz Brekker and a GN reader with Another Love by Thomas Odell. Congrats on 2k, you deserve everyone of them 🥰
Fandom: Shadow and Bone/Six of Crows
A/N: The song sounds like this piece should end in breakup but as I don't write full angst anymore, I came up with another solution. Also why is Y/N a bartender at the Crow Club in my every fic where they're not a Crow or a Dreg... 😂
Word count: 668
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You were something Kaz had believed he would never meet, or even could. He was the monster in shadows, the reason why children weren't allowed to go out at night if they were unfortunate enough to live in the Dreg area. And yet you had appeared into his life, treating him like any other Dreg. Smiling at him, making up small talk and just... looking at him as if he was a human, not that evil demon everyone seemed to think he was, and from which he had taken pride of.
The very fact that your presence made him happy scared the hell out of him. Feelings were dangerous, and he knew that if you would die on a job, it would feel like his world collapsed on itself, because without you there, he wouldn't know how to keep himself sane. So he was rude to you instead, dismissing your opinions and inputs completely, even telling you to shut up a few times.
"You're not a Crow nor a Dreg, you're here to serve us drinks, I don't need to hear your opinion," he'd say, followed by you sighing. Inej noticed the regret flashing in Kaz's eyes when he said that, but said nothing on the spot. Nina heard his heartbeat and Jesper knew his best friend enough to know if he meant something or not - and when Kaz was like that to you, he definitely did it to hide something. It was a show, he tried so hard to be coldly impassive about it all.
Soon all the Crows knew exactly how Kaz felt about you, and they admired how you seemed to keep your bright face up even when Kaz was acting like an ass to you. Jesper wanted to tell Kaz to stop playing and try to show you how he feels, Nina made teasing remarks about his heart and Inej tried to talk him into apologizing to you at night when she brought information. They were all waiting for him to finally realize what a fool he was being, but he was too stubborn to give in to them.
Kaz couldn't understand why he cared for someone who had no benefit to him. When a drunk got into a fight with you when you didn't agree to let them drink more, he was always there to throw them out before they'd lay their hands on you. He saw you get hit with a bottle once and you had gotten a wound on your head, Kaz was just about to go over and help you as the first person but managed to stop himself when he saw Nina and Jesper already on the way. It was better that way, him helping you in front of everyone wouldn't have had ideal consequences, he would have been seen as weak if he had done that. And not to speak of him trying to hide his feelings from you, what would you think if he had just appeared beside you and offered to help you after trying to act like he doesn't care for so long?
But still, he couldn't help but want to take you somewhere beautiful so you'd have a hint of how he felt about you, maybe he could even tell you how he feels, or buy you... flowers?
He wanted to love you, but he wasn't sure if he ever could show it to you. He wanted to make you feel alright when he found you crying in the back room instead of just standing there for a moment and then leaving. He wanted to be able to comfort you, hug you, kiss the top of your head and mumble comforting words against your skin, but he knew he wasn't ready for anything like that.
But someday, he would be. Someday you could become his friend, more than friend, he would be more than just your boss, and maybe someday he would be able to show his love like he wanted to show it...
Tags: @musicallisto @take-me-to-ny @retvenkos @number-0-iz @kaqua @readingslumpfanfic @dancingwith-sunflowers @shadowhuntyi @rika90 @imma-too-many-fandoms @the-abyss-gazed-back @thereagles @louweasleymalfoy @malfoys-demigod @mxltifxnd0m @dustyjjumpwings @whatiswrongwithpeople @ellora-brekker @brekkers-desigirl @heyitsaloy @mentallynotstableghost @scandalous-chaos @nyx2021 @peter-parkers-cullen-nerd @supervalcsi @doutorbaizhu @bb-skyrunner @lightprincess-world @animalistic0 @story-scribbler @writingmysanity @lovemenotplz @directioner5life @imaginesfire @thevipers-world // send in an ask to be added, and specify which of my fandoms you want to be tagged on! Don’t just say “can you add me to your taglist” as I can’t know what taglists do you mean by that!! ALSO IF YOU WON’T INTERACT BEYOND LIKING, I’LL EVENTUALLY TAKE YOU OFF THE LIST!!
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