#if i pretend i don't see my final papers it means i don't have to do them right
foundress0fnothing · 2 years
Your secret Santa here! Busy tinkering away on your fic (that I’m very excited for you to read)!!
Just to know a bit more about your preferences, do you have any specific tropes that you like? Any favourite fanfics? So far the fic is quite fluffy - is there anything specific you like in terms of fluff?
Lastly, I know you said you love Christmas carols. Do you have a favourite? 🎄🎁
Santa cutie! I hope the end of November is treating you swimmingly. I cannot wait to read what you're writing <3
Tropes I like...! How to choose? I love one bed, fake dating, and enemies/idiots to lovers the most, I think, but I also enjoy a lot that fall outside of those categories.
My favorite thing in fluff pieces is when there's a little loving sass thrown back and forth between the characters; affectionate antagonism is my love language.
My top five favorite carols (because I love too many to pick just one)(in no particular order): "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas"--the Nora Jones version is ~spectacular~; "Carol of the Bells"--'cause what's Christmas without a little chaos??; "Jesus Christ the Apple Tree"--the melody is so beautiful and so hard to sing well; "Merry Christmas Darling"--Karen Carpenter is a goddess; and "The holly and the ivy"--specifically, John Rutter's arrangement.
And finally, for favorite fanfics: It's hard to pick just a few (a theme apparently of this answer, sorry...), but here are some of my current favorites, again in no particular order (sorry in advance to everyone who gets tagged in this, but I want to give credit where credit is due <3)
I will read literally anything @separatist-apologist writes; ghost eris is going to be my bedtime story tonight.
The same is true for @the-lonelybarricade; I am counting down the days until Feysand month like a greedy goblin.
Favorite Gwynriel fics: Things You Can't Have (@damedechance); His Sleeping Vixen (@eeereee); A Court of Scars and Shadows (@beaumaismortel); For Research Purposes Only (@shadowriel); and Synchronicity (@ofduskanddreams)
Others I love deeply: AU Where We Pretend ACOSF Didn't Happen and A Court of Tangled Flames--if I'm ever struck by the urge to reread ACOSF, I turn here tbh (@theladyofbloodshed); A Court of Rage and Fire (@ekileh); our bodies, possessed by light (@iftheshoef1tz); Reputation (flamesandshadows on AO3); I Believe the Word You're Looking for is "Friends" and Alpha Sigma Phi (@kingofsummer93); Sometime Around Midnight and Deadliest Nightshade (@ultadverb); and Of the Archer and the Dark (@thesistersarcheron).
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atsoomi · 8 months
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"I'm disappointed in you." 
There are times in your relationship with Nanami where you feel like you're dating a forty year old father rather than a twenty eight year old sorcerer, now is one of them. You set your cup of tea down and inch closer to him on the couch, having been through this many times before."You always say that." 
He sighs, "you always disappointed me."
You laugh and place your head on his shoulder, wrapping your arm around his firm bicep. He smells like jasmines and white grapes, your favorite deodorant, one you've been using before you even met. Ever since you introduced him to it, he hasn't been anywhere without smelling like jasmines, without smelling like you. You bury your nose in his suit to take it in, humming against his shoulder.
"A bad grade isn't the end of the world babe." You speak, craning your neck to look up at him through your lashes, hoping that your allure would be enough to get him to abandon the grade report paper— the damn paper that's stealing all his attention right now. How'd you lose to a piece of paper? 
"I know," he sighs, again, "but I specifically helped you with this subject. Was my aid not sufficient? Do you need a private tutor?" 
His voice shouldn't be so raspy and sexy when he's scolding you like a disappointed father, but it is, and you can't do anything about it except pretend to show remorse so he can kiss you breathless when he's done.  
"No, you're good enough, baby. I just made a few dumb mistakes on the final, don't worry about it." You kiss his cheek, wrapping your arms around his neck. One of his arms comes up to wrap around your waist and you internally cheer at the small win. 
"I see. You'll do better next time, then?" He turns to look at you and your faces become so close that you can feel his warm breath against your lips,your stomach aches with desire to close the gap. Mindlessly, you nod, "mhm." 
"Good," his eyes move down to your lips and your heart skips a few beats in anticipation, "then I trust you're ready for punishment if you don't improve next time?" 
The word punishment when he's so close sets your nervous system on fire, you feel your breathing accelerate, your response comes out breathless. "You can do anything you want to me Ken, I'm all yours." 
He smiles slowly, "anything?" 
"Good," he pauses, "next time you get a bad grade, we'll be sleeping in separate beds." 
It takes you a minute to process what he said and leave the lavender haze you were so conveniently drowning in a few minutes ago, but the shift in tone doesn't stop there. The arm around your waist retracts and you feel like the carpet's been pulled out from under your feet, he looks back at the report card. 
"It's truly a shame that I put so much effort into helping you and you lost so many marks over dumb mistakes." He stands up and you're left leaning on air. "I expected better from you," he shakes his head in disapproval, making his way to your bedroom. 
Your mind is malfunctioning but you slowly realize he's about to lock himself in, effectively prohibiting you from your daily Nanami dose. You stand up immediately, stumbling over the couch as you try to regain balance. 
"Wait nanami, babe, wait, where are you going!" 
He continues walking as you trail after him, he actually starts speed walking, you have to start running. "I'm leaving you alone to reflect on your actions, maybe that'll make you rethink when you're making dumb mistakes."
"Oh my god, Kento," you catch up to him, pulling on his blazer like a desperate child, "when I said I wanted you to be my daddy I didn't mean like this." 
He finally stops and turns to look at you, you can see a rare smile on his face, maybe even a hint of teasing. 
"Well it's a full package," he wraps his arms around you again and you sigh in relief, "you either take it all or leave it." 
You pout and poke his chest, "you're so mean to me." He kisses your forehead, the smile he kisses you with causing a warm tingle in your chest, "I'm only disciplining you my love. I go too easy on you sometimes." 
You rest your chin on his chest, wrapping your arms around him as you look up, "I like it when you're easy on me though." 
He laughs, a low rare sound that rings inside your shared apartment, a sound you don't think he produces outside of these walls, and the deep vibrations it sends from his chest to yours makes your heart sing. The sight of his laughing face, the kindness in his eyes, the sweet taste of his lips that you know you'll get to try every day from here till forever— you love nanami kento, and everything is alright.
"I know," he plants a soft peck on your lips, pulling up to admire your face before he goes in for a full kiss, making the teasing all worth it, "I know, my love."
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sugawarassoulmate · 4 months
i maybe biased but akiteru porn au 😈
tbhhhh more like kei stumbling upon a sex tape that you made with his brother LOL
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akiteru is pretty good when it comes to making sure any videos or pictures of you stay private but you're not as conservative as he is sksks
kei's computer isn't working so he borrows your laptop to finish up the paper he'd been writing for class.
he didn't mean to snoop through your files but your dumb ass unknowingly gave him full access. it isn't long until he "stumbles" across a video of you laid out on a bed, makeup running down your face as akiteru's cock disappears in and out of your cunt.
your shirt was pushed up and your bra pulled down, revealing your tits which bounced with every thrust.
the look on your face is something kei’s never seen before. completely fucked out—eyes glazed over and drool dribbling from your open mouth. “akiiii, feels s’good…”
"i know it feels good, baby, but you have to be quiet," akiteru whispers off camera in response to your whines. "we don't want to wake up kei, right?"
before you can open your mouth again, akiteru's free hand comes down to cover your lips, bucking his hips harder into you. kei can hear the muffled screams through his headphones.
he'd only heard you two going at it—often times pretending he was the one pleasuring you instead. it's hard to live out his sick little fantasy when it's his brother's voice shushing you.
"cum around my cock, angel,” akiteru says. “you always look so pretty when you cum for me.”
kei wants to know the face you make when you cum. wants to keep it in the back of his mind so he can go back to it tonight when his hand is wrapped around his cock.
but just as you're about to orgasm, kei can hear footsteps down the hall and he's quick to exit out the video and get out of the folder before returning back to his word document.
“keiii, when’s your paper gonna be done? i finally picked a movie to watch,” you say, waltzing into kei’s room and sitting on his bed. you peer over at the screen and see he’s hasn’t made much progress since the last time you checked in him. “you’ve barely made a dent!”
“oi, shut up. unlike some people my first draft isn’t a final draft,” kei snaps. “i’ll be done in another hour.”
“yeah right,” you tease. “fine, take your time. i’ll watch something else in the meantime. you’re sooo lucky i saved the day and let you borrow my computer.”
kei waits for you to leave the room before he watches the rest of the video, knowing he’ll go to sleep dreaming of making one with you.
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rogueddie · 1 year
"You have glasses!"
Steve looks up, in time to see Eddie skipping out of his room. "Why were you in my room?"
"Being nosey. More importantly!" He holds Steves glasses up, almost victoriously. "You wear glasses!"
"No, I don't. I wear contacts."
"You wear- how did I not know this?" Eddie flops down next to him, waving the glasses in his face. "Put 'em on, will ya?"
"I'm not putting them on. I wear contacts, I don't need glasses."
He takes them off Eddie, putting them on the side table and, thankfully, Eddie doesn't bring them up again for the rest of the night. And, optimistically, Steve thinks that maybe that means that he's fully dropped it.
Only the next time Eddie comes over, he finds the glasses again, like a sniffer dog. He's doesn't badger Steve to put them on, just puts them on a nearby table. When Steve tries to scold him, he gives his best wide, sad doe-eyes.
"I'm never going to put them on," Steve says.
Eddie sighs, flopping down on so he's laying on the sofa, putting the back of his hand to his forehead. "I can't believe you would betray me like this! You have wounded me! It stings, Stevie, deep in my soul!"
Again, the next time, Eddie puts the glasses on a nearby table. He never says anything and, if Steve doesn't address them, then Eddie seems content to pretend they're not there as well.
Even when Steve does address them, Eddie is- as always- very good at matching the mood. He's usually teasing. Though the one time Steve had been genuinely annoyed, Eddie apologized. He said that, if he really wanted him to, he'd stop putting them out. And the next time he hadn't... so Steve teased him. Which started their little routine up again as though nothing had happened.
It makes Steve curious enough to try them on. He hadn't put them on since he'd tried the frames on, before the lenses with his prescription had been put in them.
They're not horrible. But he still hates how they look.
"Why don't you like your glasses?" Eddie finally asked one day, once their usual teasing had died down.
"I just don't." Steve shrugs. "I don't know. They look a little ugly."
"Hm." Eddie frowns. "What's your prescription?"
"Uh, I wrote it on a note inside the case, I think... yeah, here."
Eddie accepts the little paper, but doesn't hand it back. Steve doesn't notice.
A month later, Eddie knocks on his door.
"Eds," Steve greets, surprised. "I thought we were meeting at the Byers house?"
"We are," Eddie holds out a little present. "I wanted to give you these early."
Steve tuts, but accepts the present, stepping back so Eddie can step inside. He doesn't start opening it until they sit down in the living room.
"Wh- Eddie," Steve whines, holding the glasses case like they're a dead animal he doesn't want to touch. "Dude, no, come on."
"Just... look first. Please?"
He rolls his eyes, but opens the case anyway. He's surprised by the frames Eddie's chosen. They're not the kind Steve would have picked out for himself.
"Try them on? I won't look!" Eddie even throws his hands over his eyes.
"Fine. Stay here."
Steve is surprised by how much he does like them, once he puts them on. He only hesitates for a moment before taking his contacts out, so he can wear the glasses instead.
"Thank you," Steve says as soon as he steps back into the living room.
Eddie stares at him for a long moment. "Oh."
"You look really pretty."
"Oh, ha, yeah, uh," Steve says, stuttering, flushing bright red. "Thanks. Um."
"Seriously. Fucking... jesus. Sorry, it's... you look good." Eddie shakes his head. "Merry fucking Christmas to me."
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lovers-rck · 7 days
okay. i finally wrote something. it's extremely short and stupid and cliche but i grew very fond of it. it doesn't have name yet but feel free to baptized it however you like.
enjoy and thanks for sticking around.
daily click for palestine
the dim light of the room hits the yellowish walls. one of your posters is falling out.
ellie looks at you. you are hunched over some papers, your eyebrows are furrowed and you are making a non-intentional funny face.
"what are you reading?" ellie says, from the bed, her body sinking into your soft and warm sheets.
you are at your small and extremely messy desk. your back hurts, your head hurts, the ink of the letters printed on the crumpled paper mocks you and you are starting to lose your patience "um, acropolis and the greeks? i dont know. i can't wrap my mind about it."
ellie hums. she knows shit about art history.
"maybe i can help you" she says
she may not know anything about art history and the greeks and acropolis, but she know one thing: she is in love with you. she has been in love with you for a while now, and everytime you look at her, or you smile at her, o even when you flip your middle finger at her, she feels like being hit by a warm ray of sun in a cold day of winter.
"i just need a break" you say, and your body crashes into the bed. next to her.
"when is the exam?" ellie asks, her phone resting in her stomach.
"next week. im cooked"
your fingers run through your hair, you can feel how frustration and anxiety are spying behind the door waiting for the right moment to jump at you
"it drives me crazy not being able to understand anything of it, i really can't fail this exam" you continue, your eyes burning.
"you won't. you will be able to figure it out before the exam, you have time."
"no" you say, and ellie makes a face "i don't have time. im not like you ellie, i can't go to that exam and hope that luck is on my side."
ellie stays in silence. she can feel, and see, your anger and fear.
the jazz music that emanates from your cell phone is in the middle of a saxophone solo, slow and sweet, tints of melancholy color the strings of the instrument, causing the strangest feelings in ellie.
she ponders what to respond. she doesn't want to make you angry, but she is aware that she can't get rid of the frustration that reigns in your body no matter how much she would like to, so ellie thinks.
she thinks and thinks so much that the jazz solo ends withouth her noticing and the next musical delight that ellie hears is your voice.
"im sorry" you murmur, looking at her. your eyes are a bit glassy "i didn't mean to imply that you're dumb, or anything like that, it was stupid."
ellie smiles slightly "come here"
ellie opens her arms and you melt into her body. your head rests on her chest and your legs collide with ellie's, making the freckled girl's heart race slightly. her almost ghostly arm encircles your back, her fingertips hover tentatively over your shoulder, not daring to concretize the touch.
this has been going on for a few days now; ellie and you cuddling, but not so cuddled as to imply anything more than friendship, but not completely like friendship. sometimes ellie, at times like that and with a bit of foggy, dreamy thinking, pretends that you and her are more than just friends.
she hasn't dared to question it out loud, nor have you ever discussed it with her, all you both know is that your bodies respond instantly and instinctively to the hint, to the hidden desire, to the unspoken love of the other.
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imaginespazzi · 5 months
Here's To Eternity
Four times Paige brings up marriage and the one time Azzi finally says yes.
(In which an angst writer attempts to write fluff and it takes her far longer than it should have)
Pairing: Paige Bueckers X Azzi Fudd
Themes: mainly Fluff with a little bit of Angst
Words: 8K (I swear it was meant to be below 5K when I planned it)
TW: Implied sexual content, alcohol, swearing
A/N: Hello my lovelies <3. Gonna do this at the beginning instead of the end today. This took years off my life and I still don't fully love it but I'm tired of thinking about it so hopefully y'all still like it. Really quickly, I've never been to Minnesota or the state fair so if you have, pretend you do not see the likely factual inaccuracies. Also feel free to let me know what you don't like because as I've said, I don't really write fluff well so by all means call me out. And finally, I edited this I swear but I'm sure there are still mistakes, so let me know about those too. Anyways, I hope this is a good pre-game read and let's get another W!
i don’t know what love is (i’d learn for you) 
The first time Paige says it, they’re at the Minnesota State Fair. It’s all the way back when they’re just two young girls learning each other, carefree and completely unaware that this will become a tradition. They’ve barely known each other but being with Azzi already feels easy, natural, like home. And she doesn’t really know how she knows it, it’s just a feeling really, but Paige is convinced that Azzi’s meant to be in her life forever. 
They’ve been at the fair almost all day, with members of both of their families joining them here and there. Paige and Azzi had been competing at various arcade games all day, keeping a tally of who won which arcade game. They’d even turned going on rides into a competition of “who could hold in their screams the longest”. Their bickering, while endearing, had earned them more than a few fond eye rolls as their families eventually got bored of being third wheels and went on to find something more engaging. 
They’d intentionally left the pop-a-shot, a basketball arcade game, til the very end, knowing it would be the ideal tie-breaker. And as the day comes to an end, they are in fact very much tied although Paige will tell you, that she didn’t actually scream on the Skyscraper; it had merely been a quiet whimper that Azzi was exaggerating the volume of. And Azzi will tell you that she deserved a re-do on the ring toss because it wasn’t her fault that the wind had decided to pick up on that very moment. Ultimately both of their arguments had fallen on deaf ears when they had appealed their cases to some very exasperated family members. 
“Get ready to lose to the better shooter,” Paige gloats, rubbing her hands together in preparation to shoot. She’d lost two rounds of rock paper scissors to Azzi’s one, meaning she’d missed the chance to go second like she would have preferred but that hadn’t done much to deter her confidence. 
“We’ll see,” Azzi scoffs, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms as she stands back a little bit to give Paige the space she needs. 
Paige smirks at her friend as she shoots the ball, definitely showing off a little bit. The ball arcs in the air before swishing into the basket, all net and no rim. The blonde’s grin only widens as she repeats the motion, again and again and again. She gets eight of them in perfectly, the ninth hits the backboard but rolls in and then-
“You missed,” Azzi yells the minute the last ball is out of Paige’s hands and they both watch, one in excitement, the other in irritation, as the ball falls miserably far away from the net. 
“That’s not fair,” Paige turns around immediately, “you distracted me. That doesn’t even count.”
“Nuh uh, we didn’t set a no distracting rule and I only said something after you released it. I already knew you were gonna miss,” Azzi counters gleefully. 
“Bruh, how could you have possibly known that?”
“Because my basketball IQ is way beyond yours,” it’s Azzi’s turn to smirk as she bumps Paige in the hip, switching spots so she can take her turn. 
“You’re still gonna lose. I made nine, you’re barely gonna make,” Paige pretends to think, “hmm maybe seven”
Azzi doesn’t respond, choosing instead to reply by immediately making her first basket. Her arc is perfect as always, the same shot Paige had been awed by when they’d been at camp for USA basketball. She makes the next and the next and the one after that until she’s at her 10th shot, ready to go a perfect 10 for 10 and beat Paige. Maybe it’s the competitiveness or maybe Paige has lost her goddamn mind, but she barely registers the next words that come out of her mouth. 
“If you make the last shot, you have to marry me,” and it’s supposed to be a threat, a way to stop Azzi from making the last bucket and winning their silly little competition but it comes out giddy and breathless. 
“What?” Azzi asks, eyes wide as she turns around to face Paige and well, she’s said them now, Paige might as well own them. 
“You heard me,” Paige says, cocking her head, the arrogance in her voice a complete contrast to the rapid beating of her heart, “you make that shot, and we’re engaged. Or you don’t make it and you lose.”
Azzi’s eyes narrow, confusion melting away to a familiar fierceness.  The thing is, she knows she could miss it if she wanted to but the thought of losing is somehow worse than being engaged at fourteen. She tries not to dwell on why that idea doesn’t seriously frighten her, telling herself it’s because there’s no way Paige will ever hold her to that. Taking a deep breath, Azzi lifts up her hands and shoots the ball. 
Here’s the thing, Paige likes winning. She enjoys the effort that goes into getting a win and the satisfaction that follows after. But as the ball leaves Azzi’s hand, that same perfect arc, she thinks, maybe it would be okay if Azzi made this basket today. She thinks maybe it would be okay if she lost. Both girls wait with bated breath, as the ball hits the backboard and circles the rim. For a brief second, it seems like it might slide off the edge but it doesn’t. It falls into the net with a swish and Azzi wins. 
The brunette lets out a squeal of happiness as the arcade game lights up with “WINNER”, doing a happy dance and flipping her hair. And Paige is so mesmerized by Azzi’s infectious happiness, the fact that she’s just lost ceases to mean anything. She doesn’t know what this feeling is, isn’t quite ready to understand it, but she knows it’s slowly creeping up her veins and consuming every part of her. 
“What prize would you like honey,” the middle-aged woman running the booth asks, pointing to the assortment of gifts sitting in a booth next to the game. Azzi pulls a still-stunned Paige with her to get a closer look at the prizes, eyes roaming over all the fun things until they finally settle on one of them. 
“I’ll take that packet of rings,” she gives Paige a devilish smirk, "I think I just got engaged.”
Paige gapes at Azzi while the woman fetches the packet of rings that Azzi had chosen. As far as fake jewelry goes, the rings are kind of atrocious. Huge colorful stones are placed haphazardly on a silver ring that looks like it might rust the next seconds. Azzi picks out a pink one and hands it to Paige, before holding out her hand. Still slightly dazed by everything, Paige does as she’s gestured to and slips the ring onto Azzi’s ring finger. And she’s sure she must be going insane because the ugly ring looks quite pretty on Azzi’s slender fingers. 
“You better get me a real one eventually,” Azzi says and she’s joking, Paige knows that but she can’t help the part of her that takes it at face value, the part of her that subconsciously promises Azzi to get her a real one eventually. She’s only fifteen and she’s sure she doesn’t know what love is but standing here in the cool Minnesota summer breeze, getting fake engaged to a girl she feels like she’s known her whole life, Paige thinks, maybe she’d like to learn. 
2. crossing boundaries (taking leaps of faith)
The second time Paige says it, they’ve crossed a line in their friendship and she kind of wants to cross a couple more. By this point, Paige is pretty sure she’s at least a little in love with her best friend. It had been okay when she’d first got to UConn, the distance between them allowing Paige to ignore her feelings that had become unbearably intense over the covid year she’d spent with the Fudds. And then the thing she’d worked her ass off to make happen had happened and Azzi had come to UConn. It wasn’t that she wasn’t happy to have Azzi here. With her being injured for most of her sophomore season, there’s no one else Paige would have rather had by her side through it all. It was the playing platonic that drove her a little insane. Because somewhere between the arguing over nothing and the talking about everything, Azzi had stopped being her best friend and had become something more. 
It all comes to a head during a mid-April night at Ted’s. They’re partially still in mourning for their national championship loss and so it’s not really a surprise that the team is perhaps a little freer with the alcohol than they normally are. It’s definitely the alcohol that has Paige seething in jealousy at Azzi nonchalantly flirting with some random girl who had had the nerve to buy the brunette a drink. And it’s definitely the alcohol that makes her march over angrily and squeeze herself between the two girls. But it might be a little much to blame the half a glass of spiked shirley Paige had had for the way she wraps her arms around Azzi’s waist, leaning into the younger girl’s personal space in a way that is decidedly not platonic.
“Hi love,” she whispers, blinking her eyes up at a rather confused Azzi, who despite said confusion, doesn’t push her away. Instead, Azzi’s arms circle around Paige’s neck. It’s muscle memory really. But now they’re far closer than appropriate for two best friends and Paige swears she can make out every detail on Azzi’s face. Her eyes fixate on Azzi’s throat as the darker-skinned girl swallows, a sign of nervous anticipation, and she fights the visceral urge to bite down on Azzi’s neck and leave a mark so permanent, no other girl would ever have the audacity to look at what’s hers. 
“Oh, I didn’t know,” she hears the offending flirt say.
“Well now you do,” Paige replies before Azzi can respond, keeping her eyes focused on the girl in front of her, “she’s not interested.”
The sound of feet scurrying away makes Paige smirk. Azzi raises her eyes but doesn’t make a move to pull away. 
“You looked like you needed help,” the blond lies blatantly, “and I’m nothing if not helpful.”
“Is that what you were doing? Trying to be helpful?” Azzi asks, a coy smile playing on her lips as she presses closer to Paige, “because I could have sworn you were jealous.”
Paige’s breath hitches as she focuses on the way Azzi says those words, the way her lips quirk and her eyes sparkle, because it’s not the alcohol this time, no she’s pretty damn sure Azzi’s flirting with her. The realization sets her heart ablaze and she grips Azzi’s waist even tighter, trying to find something stable to hold onto. 
“And if- if I was-  if I was jealous, then what?”
“I’d tell you, you didn’t really have a reason to be. She wasn’t really my type.”
“Yeah,” Paige can’t help but smirk, suddenly feeling a surge of confidence, “what is your type Azzi?”
Azzi hums, her shy smile a response in itself. They’re so close now, with their chests pressed up against each other, that Paige can hear the erratic thrum of Azzi’s heart beating. It’s comforting in a way, to know that she has the effect on Azzi too, that she’s the reason Azzi’s breathing is so uneven. Subconsciously, Paige leans in, eyes tracing the outline of Azzi’s lips, her entire body wracked with want. 
“Azzi,” she whispers, knocking her forehead against the other girl’s, “tell me to stop.” 
Anticipation burns against Paige’s skin, the feeling of finally racing through her body. She’s hypnotized by the way they seem to be breathing as one. Her eyes close of their own accord and she can almost feel the taste of Azzi’s lips when the brunette presses a gentle hand against her chest. 
“Stop,” Azzi whispers. 
Paige’s eyes fly open. Stung, she lets go of Azzi’s waist immediately, the tears ready to fall. She’d been so sure she’d read the moment right-
“Hey, hey no Paige wait,” Azzi scrambles to grab onto the blonde, fully aware of the panic that has settled into the other girl's bones, “I didn’t- I just- I didn’t mean it like that. I- fuck sorry, I don’t- I want-” she takes in a deep breath, her brain unable to speak her mind, “I want to kiss you, I do- I just don’t want our first kiss to be in front of all these people.”
The last part is a little mumbled but Paige hears it clear as day. She gapes at her best friend, not sure if she wants to shake her or jump her bones (both, definitely both). 
“You couldn’t have just said that?” Paige asks exasperatedly, “I don’t really take rejection well in case you haven’t noticed.”
“I know. I’m sorry. I panicked, you were so close and I was distracted,” Azzi rambles incoherently and Paige is so ridiculously endeared by this girl. 
“Azzi,” she says slowly, stepping back into the younger girl's space, and holding out a hand, “you wanna get out of here?”
She’s rewarded with a bright smile and Azzi  grabbing her outstretched hand with no hesitation. As the two of them make their way through the crowd, hands locked together, Paige can’t think of a moment where she’s felt this ecstatic. They stumble through the street towards their apartments, giggling like kindergarteners who’ve just been given a sweet treat. After a year, longer, of holding it in, Paige feels like she’s finally free. 
They’ve barely made it to Paige’s room, before she has Azzi pinned against the wall causing the younger girl to let out an audible gasp. It’s sinful the way she looks up at Paige, as if she’d do anything for her. And god Paige wants to find out just how much she can push that. 
“Tell me to stop,” Paige repeats her words from the bar, her right thumb coming up to  lightly caressing Azzi’s bottom lip. She’s giving her an out, a last chance before they cross a line in their friendship that they’ll never be able to uncross. But her words evoke a new fire in Azzi’s eyes and Paige just knows. 
“Absolutely not.”
She’s not sure who kisses who first, doesn’t really care but she knows she’s never felt anything quite like this. It’s something beyond sparks, something more exciting, yet something ever so calming. All she knows is she wants more. Her hands roam everywhere, moving from Azzi’s neck, to her arms, to her hips before moving even lower. And Azzi fucking whimpers, the sound of it causing Paige to press even harder against her. She pulls away and Azzi chases her lips for a second, before Paige attaches them to the younger girl’s neck instead. 
“Do you know how long I’ve wanted this,” Paige manages to get out, biting against Azzi’s skin. She means to be soft, she really does but all she can think about is leaving a mark, a possessive bruise that would make sure everyone knew not to touch what was hers.
“Not longer than me,” Azzi’s hands are tangled in Paige's hair and she’s putty in the older girl’s hand. Paige could ask anything of her, and Azzi’s sure, she’d give it to her in a heartbeat. 
“I’m gonna make it worth the wait,” Paige pants, moving away from the brunette’s neck to kiss her again, “I promise.”
“Gonna show me what the hype is about?” Azzi says cheekily, as Paige pulls her onto the bed. She climbs on top of the blond, straddling her thighs. 
“Gonna show you even better,” Paige whispers and Azzi shivers at the promise in her voice. And then Paige’s lips her on hers again, desperate and impatient. Her hands work meticulously as she unbuttons Azzi’s blouse, leaving the young girl’s upper body bare. Azzi can't help the insecurity that creeps into her when Paige stares at her like that, like she’s seeing her for the first time. 
“You’re so fucking perfect,” Paige says, erasing away the doubt, “fuck, marry me.”
Paige doesn’t know why that slips out, doesn’t know why it rolls off her tongue so smoothly, doesn’t know why it doesn’t feel like a completely preposterous thing to say at the moment. 
“You say that to all your hookups?” Azzi asks slowly. It’s said light-heartedly enough but the hints of doubt aren’t hard to catch. In one swift motion, Paige flips them so that Azzi’s lying underneath her. Using her elbows, she hovers over the younger girl, making sure she can see the sincerity in her eyes. 
“No, no I don't. And you,” she says pointedly, needing Azzi to understand how she feels, “are not a hookup.”
Azzi smiles, arms wrapping around Paige’s neck, “maybe take me out on a date first and then we can talk about marriage.”
“Yeah, yeah I will but,” Paige grins devilishly, fingers dancing around the waistband of Azzi’s jeans, “I think I’ll fuck you first.
3. on the brink of destruction (maybe you’ll catch me)
The third time Paige says it, she’s desperately trying to save them from falling apart. They’ve always known this moment would come, known it even before they’d known each other. To play in the WNBA had always been the end-goal for both of them and it should be the happiest moment of their lives with both of them being guaranteed first-round picks who were likely to make a roster. But the whole thing comes with the caveat, that for the first time in almost four years, Paige and Azzi will have to learn to live apart from each other. 
Paige hadn’t even considered that it would mean they’d have to break up. The whole season, despite a thousand and one conversations about the draft, the idea hadn’t once been brought up. Long distance would be difficult, Paige knew that, but she’d figured they’d tackle it in the same way they’d faced everything else: together. Apparently Azzi thought differently. Apparently Azzi had been thinking about it for a while and last night, when she’d finally said the words out loud, Paige’s whole world had fallen off balance. She’d tried interrupting but once Azzi had her mind set on something, it was hard to deter her.
It’s been less than 24 hours since and KK and Ice have done everything in their power to distract her but Paige can’t stop thinking about it. If she hadn’t known Azzi for as long as she had, then maybe she would have believed the façade of coldness and practicality that her girlfriend had put on. She had spoken as if she was negotiating the end of a contract, her face set firmly on neutral. But Paige had seen the way she was fidgeting uncontrollably with the hem of her shirt, heard the little crack in her voice when she’d said the actual words out loud. 
“Was she at breakfast?” Paige asks, interrupting whatever spiel KK had been going on. The sophomore gives her a look that veers between irritation and sympathy. 
“Dude, we weren’t even at breakfast. We ate with you up here, remember?”
“Right,” Paige says, mindlessly thumbing at her sheets. She’s in unfamiliar territory, trying to navigate a world without Azzi. She can’t even remember the last morning she’d had that didn’t start with some form of communication with her girlfriend, a good morning kiss or a text or a call. 
“Y’all are being stupid,” Ice supplies unhelpfully. 
“Don’t even start,” Paige quips back defensively, “I didn’t do anything.”
“Maybe that’s the issue,” KK’s report is met with a well-aimed pillow in her direction. 
“Can you guys maybe just take my side for once please?”
“Children of divorce don’t choose sides,” Ice says solemnly. She has the foresight to duck and Paige’s water bottle hits the wall with a resounding thud, “aye no violence.”
“Fuck off and go away,” Paige groans, burying her face in her hands. 
“This is literally my room,” Ice replies and KK snickers. 
“I’m so glad my misery amuses you guys.”
Before either of the two underclassmen can reply, a familiar voice resounds around the room and Paige’s heart almost beats out of her chest. It’s been less than 24 hours but fuck, she’s missed the sound of it.
“Ice do you have- oh.”
“Hi Azzi,” KK says enthusiastically and Paige can already picture the forced smile Azzi gives her. She hates that stupid smile. 
“Hey KK. I- uh, Ice I was looking for the  necklace you borrowed. I- uh wanted to wear it with my dress for the draft, but umm- it’s- it’s fine. I’ll come back later.”
Paige scoffs, suddenly annoyed. She lifts her head from her hands and Azzi’s already looking at her but the minute their eyes meet, she looks away. It only irritates Paige further. 
“It’s fine Az. I can get it for you now,” Ice says, hopping up and rummaging through one of her. 
“No it’s fine, I should go. I have to go do…something.”
“You’re such a fucking liar,” Paige says before she can stop herself. The awkwardness in the air changes to a sinister tension. KK and Ice wear identical expressions of shock and worry, looking back and forth between Paige and Azzi.
“Excuse me?” Azzi says eyes narrowing dangerously. 
“All that bullshit you said last night. You said we’d still be friends. You said it’d be like we used to be before. You said things wouldn’t change that much and this would be for the better. You said we’d be fine. But fucking hell Azzi, you can’t even stand to be in the same room as me right now,” tears prickle in her eyes and she can’t tell if they’re from anger or pain or frustration. 
“I-It will be okay. We’ll be fine, eventually,” Azzi pauses, struggling to get the words out, “I just- we just- we need time to learn how to be just friends again.”
“I don’t want to be just friends Azzi,” Paige spits. 
“Neither do I,” Azzi bursts out, hands clenching, “but we have to try.”
“Oh-kay,” KK cuts in, noticing the rise in voices, “just because Ice and I call ourselves children of divorce, doesn’t mean y’all have to act like an actual divorced couple. All this yelling is not good for my heart.”
“Shut up KK,” they snap at the same time, and KK immediately raises her hands in surrender. 
“Why,” Paige turns her attention back to Azzi, “why do we have to try? You don’t want to be just friends. I sure as shit don’t want to be just friends. So what’s the fucking point? When neither of us want this, why are we fucking doing this?”
“Because I’m scared okay?” Azzi yells, her eyes widening as the truth slips out. She immediately cups her mouth, her anger fading away. Tears pool at the corner of her eyes, as emotions she’d been trying so hard to push down, bubble to the surface. She sees the way Paige eyes soften, can feel the sympathy in the way KK and Ice are looking at her, but before any of them can say anything, her feet are moving, desperate to get away from them, from Paige. 
“Paige,” Ice hisses when the blond stays rooted in place, “move.”
It does the trick, shaking Paige out of her trance. She doesn’t need to be told twice. When she gets to Azzi’s room, she stops outside the door. The goal is to fix things but she’s so scared of damaging them further. Taking a deep breath, she lets herself in and is unsurprised to find Azzi pacing the length of the room. 
“You have ‘got to stop running away from me. I’m not as young as I used to be,” Paige jokes. She’s not expecting a smile in return, the situation is far too tense, but when Azzi looks at her with nothing but sadness, all the humour leaves her body. 
“Please leave me alone,” Azzi whispers,  “please don’t make this harder than it needs to be.”
“You’re the one making this harder Az. We don’t have to do this,” Paige takes a step forward, groaning when Azzi immediately takes a step back. 
“We do because otherwise we’re gonna fall apart. You don’t see it but we’re gonna end up resenting each other because we miss each other so much,” Azzi says miserably, the tears freely falling now. 
“You think I’ll miss you less if you’re not my girlfriend? You think breaking up is going to stop us from falling apart?” Paige asks incredulously, “you know you’ve had some stupid ideas before Azzi, but this, this one might be the dumbest yet.”
“Well, do you have a better one?” Azzi asks, throwing her hands in the air. 
“Yes, let’s just get married instead! Then we’ll have to be stuck with each other for life and you can stop trying to break up with me,” and maybe it’s somewhat of an irrational thing to say but Paige finds that she means it.
“Paige,” Azzi grits out, “this is serious.”
“I’m being dead serious right now actually.”
“Marriage is not going to stop us from being drafted to different teams. It’s not gonna stop us from having to live in different states.”
“Neither is breaking up,” Paige yells. Frustrated, she marches over to Azzi, encircling her arms around the other girl who immediately struggles against Paige's hold but the blonde is in no mood to let this, whatever it is, go on any further. 
“Let me go-”
“No. It’s my turn to talk okay,” Paige says, tightening her grip, “get this through your head, we are not breaking up.”
She pinches Azzi’s waist when the younger girl tries to protest. Her girlfriend is nothing if not stubborn but so is Paige. 
“You know I barely slept last night? I’ve been so fucking miserable all day. I’ve spent every minute thinking about you, every minute missing you. And if we do this, that feeling of missing you and knowing I can’t have you, is how I’m going to feel for the rest of my life. And that, that might kill me. I know you think it’ll be easier being friends or whatever but I can’t do that Azzi. I can’t be your friend. I can’t be near you and not kiss you. I can’t call you and not tell you I love you,” Paige’s voice breaks near the end as tears begin to stream down her face. 
“I’m scared. I’m so scared. I don’t want to lose you,” Azzi confesses in a whisper and it’s heartbreaking how vulnerable the darker-skinned girl sounds. 
“Then don’t. Keep me and let me keep you. I know you're scared baby but,” Paige presses her forehead against Azzi’s, “but trust me Azzi, we’ll make it work okay. I need you to believe that. I need you to believe in us. Please Azzi, please.”
Azzi closes her eyes and Paige can almost see the cogs turning in her brain. Waiting for a decision is excruciating and the silence feels deafening as Paige’s intrusive thoughts drive her a little insane. 
“Okay,” Azzi breathes out finally, “okay we’ll try it your way. But if it doesn’t work-”
“It’s going to work,” Paige says determinedly. And finally, Azzi smiles, the real one that Paige loves. 
“It’s going to work,” she repeats back, leaning up to kiss Paige and letting out an ungraceful squawk when Paige dodges her lips, “excuse me.”
“You don’t get a kiss,” the older girl replies, moving out of reach and crossing her arms, “you just tried to break up with me. Twice.”
“I’m sorry,” Azzi whines, “please, I haven’t kissed you for hours.”
“And whose fault is that?” Paige accuses but there’s no true anger behind her words. 
Azzi pouts for a second before it’s replaced by a mischievous smirk. Before Paige can react, she jumps onto the blond, wrapping her arms around Paige’s neck. The impact of it causes Paige to stumble back a little bit before her hands settle on Azzi's hips to keep them both stable. 
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” Azzi babbles, kissing every inch of Paige’s face. 
“Okay, okay, okay, you’re forgiven.” Paige laughs. She’s never been particularly good at staying mad at Azzi. The knot in her chest, which’s been pressing against her ribcage since last night, finally unravels as Paige tugs Azzi closer, finally pressing their lips together in a passionate kiss. A low wolf-whistle from the doorway breaks them apart far sooner than they’d have liked. 
“Y’all didn’t even last a whole 24 hours,” KK’s voice is amused but there’s a hint of relief hidden in it. 
“Should’ve closed the fucking door,” Paige grumbles as Azzi giggles into the crevice between her head and her neck. 
“That’s gotta be a record for shortest breakup ever or something,” and there’s Ice, looking equally as amused. 
“You know what that means though, parents are back together and,” KK smirks at Ice and Paige looks between the two of them questioningly, “you owe me 50 bucks.”
“Excuse me?” Paige asks with a raised eyebrow, although she’s pretty sure she already knows. 
“Ice said y’all would be broken up for a week. I gave y’all three days,” KK grins triumphantly, despite Ice giving her a dirty look. 
“I can’t believe you guys would bet on us,” Azzi shakes her head disapprovingly as she lifts her head, “actually no scratch that. I’m not surprised at all.”
“We were too generous with it though,” Ice gives them a knowing look, “can’t believe y’all thought you could survive for years.”
“Not y’all,” Paige corrects, “just Azzi.”
Azzi groans, “you’re never gonna let me forget this are you?”
“Nope,” Paige says happily, pressing a kiss to Azzi’s temple, who immediately grins. And everything in the world is right again. It’s not going to be easy being god knows how many miles apart, but Paige knows they’ll be fine. They have to be. She won’t let them be anything else. 
4. the high of it all (as long as you hold me)
The fourth time she says it, Paige doesn’t even fully remember it the day after. She won’t find out exactly what she’s said until a couple of years into the future when Azzi tells her the story with a fond look in her eye. It’s a month or so into their rookie seasons when their respective teams meet: the Lynx vs the Mystics, funny how that had worked out. So far, they’d both been doing well, locked in a competitive race for rookie of the year. As a result, their matchup is well-hyped, but no one’s more excited for it, than the two of them. 
The game ends with the Lynx winning and Paige shoots Azzi a victorious smirk which earns her a familiar eye roll. She loves winning always but this time there’s the additional reward of having her girlfriend back in her bed for the first time in weeks. The anticipation of it has her running her tongue across her lips, and with the way Azzi’s eyes glaze over, it’s clear they’re thinking the same thing. 
A couple of hours later, the Lynx team is spread out across one of the bars near their arena and Paige is definitely teetering on the edge of being drunk. She’d been a lot more reserved the other couple of times they’d done this, not wanting to take the chance of potentially embarrassing herself in front of her older teammates. But she feels freer tonight and the reason for it hasn't walked in yet.
“You two haven’t changed at all huh?” Dorka laughs, as she watches Paige pouting at the door. 
“Hey,” Paige whines, “I haven’t seen her in months! And now she’s taking too long.”
“One month,” Dorka corrects, shaking her head fondly, “and you talk to her every other hour.” 
“Same differ-”
“Hi,” an unfamiliar voice cuts Paige off, an auburn haired girl sliding into the stool next to her, “you’re Paige Bueckers?”
“Last time I checked,” Paige replies goofily, eyes still fixed on the front door. 
“I’m Shay. I’m a huge fan,” the stranger gushes, her smile radiant, “could I maybe get a picture?”
Never one to disappoint, especially not when she’s a little out of it, Paige nods. She wraps her arm casually around Shay’s shoulder, and makes a peace sign with her other hand as the other girl takes a selfie. 
“Thank you,” Shay takes a deep breath, “I uh, I was wondering if I could maybe get your num-”
“Babyyyyyy,” Paige lets out a shrill squeak as she spots her girlfriend finally entering the door. All else seems to fade away as the blonde practically skips towards her girlfriend. Dorka, who’d been watching the previous exchange, can’t help but give a very shell-shocked-looking Shay a sympathetic smile. 
“Hi babyyyy,” Paige croons again as she throws her arms around her girlfriend's neck, burying her face contentedly into Azzi’s neck. It doesn’t matter that she’s an inch or so taller than the younger girl, she fits in Azzi’s arms pretty perfectly. 
“Hi drunkie,” Azzi says fondly, brushing her hands through Paige’s hair and eliciting a happy sigh from the inebriated blond in her arms, “started without me I see.”
“You took too long and I was bored,” Paige says, snuggling further, her breath tickling against Azzi’s collarbone, making the younger girl’s breath hitch. Smirking, Paige bites down gently, knowing the exact effect it’ll have. Almost five years together, and the idea of marking her girlfriend still drives her a little insane. 
“Behave,” Azzi warns, her voice breathy, “we’re in public.”
“Then let’s get out of public,” Paige whispers as she caresses the mark she’s just left on Azzi’s throat with her tongue, clearly proud of her handiwork, “let me take you home.”
“I just got here babe,” it’s a weak response, they both know it. 
“So what?”
“I-,” Azzi stutters as Paige continues to pepper kisses into her neck, one of her hands sliding down to brush against Azzi’s exposed navel, “I haven’t even said hi to anyone else.”
“Are you here for anyone else? Or are you here for me?” 
It’s a blur how it happens, but one minute Paige is tucked under Azzi’s arms, the next Azzi finds herself pressed against the bar, Paige's hands barricading her. It's too dimly lit for anyone to be fully aware of what’s going on but Azzi desperately tries to stifle a moan when Paige shifts so that she’s filthily grinding against one of Azzi’s thighs, lips still attached to her neck. 
“Gonna make you feel so good baby. Gonna give you whatever you want. Gonna give you everything you need,” the blond promises, knowing, when Azzi’s eyes involuntarily close, that she’s close to getting what she wants, “just let me take you home.”
“Azzi!” The feeling of getting her way is short lived as Dorka’s voice echoes around them. Paige groans as her girlfriend’s eyes immediately fly open and she ducks under Paige arms to hug their old UConn teammate.
As the two other girls meet, Paige downs another drink, mumbling about “fucking Hungarians.”
“Ignore her,” Azzi rolls her eyes, still hugging Dorka, who lets out a laugh. 
“Alright that’s enough,” Paige frowns, pulling Azzi back into her so that her back is pressed against Paige’s chest, “go find your own Azzi to hug, this one’s mine and we’re leaving.”
Sober Paige does not get testy when Azzi hugs other people, especially not old teammates and friends, well not a lot anyway. But drunk Paige doesn’t like sharing her girlfriend, no matter how platonically that is. 
“Always so possessive Bueckers,” Dorka teases, but she complies  “it was good seeing you Az. Don’t be late to practice Paige.”
The blond point guard lets out a satisfied sigh, lacing her hands with Azzi’s, “see you’ve met people, now can we please go?”
“I’ve met one person,” Azzi rolls her eyes but doesn’t put up a fight as her girlfriend begins to pull her out of the bar. 
The uber ride back to Paige’s apartment is relatively silent with Paige tucking herself into Azzi, who can tell that despite her previous eagerness, her girlfriend is pretty likely to pass out the minute she lies down. It doesn’t matter really. Cuddles. Sex. Whatever. As long as it’s with Paige, Azzi loves every minute of it. Besides, there’s always tomorrow morning. 
“M’sorry, m’so tired,” Paige mumbles as she does exactly what Azzi had expected by flopping onto the bed the minute they tumble into the bedroom, “make it up to you tomorrow. I promise.”
The brunette shakes her head with a smile, taking both their shoes off, before lying down next to her girlfriend, who immediately curls into her, wrapping her arms around Azzi’s torso. 
“I’m glad you’re here. I missed you,” she whispers into Azzi’s skin, eyes closed. 
“Missed you too baby,” the darker skinned girl pressed a kiss onto her girlfriend’s forehead, squeezing her arm gently. 
There’s a pause and for a second Azzi thinks maybe Paige has fallen asleep until the next words come out her mouth and steal Azzi’s breath away. 
“I can’t wait to marry you,” Paige confesses in a whisper, “you’re gonna make the prettiest bride. We’re gonna have such a beautiful wedding. Outside. Maybe on a basketball court.  And Coach is gonna officiate it and everyone’s gonna be there. Our family, our friends and it’s gonna be wonderful. The best ever.”
Azzi can’t bring herself to speak, the emotions suddenly becoming a little too strong. She knows Paige is drunk but the words are so sincere, like they’re things Paige has been thinking about for a long time. 
“Gonna have two kids,” Paige smiles as she continues to babble, unaware of the effect that has on Azzi, “a girl and a boy. They’re gonna be the most loved kids in the world. And we’re gonna teach them basketball. And they’re gonna be perfect, just like you. Just like us.”
In the silence, Azzi listens to Paige’s breathing even out, a sign that the older girl has drifted into sleep. And she lets herself imagine the picture Paige had just painted for her. As she holds her girlfriend closer to her, she knows she wants that life too. The wedding. The kids. The perfection of it all. She falls asleep dreaming about it, unaware that hidden in the drawer right next to her, is a ring that has her name on it. 
5. finding forever (the inevitability of us) 
When Paige finally proposes, they’re back at the Minnesota State Fair. She’s had the ring for a couple of years now, waiting for things to fall into place so that they could finally play on the same team and actually be together. That hadn’t been an easy process and of course, they’d argued about it, perhaps going a little too far at times. But now, when she finally gets to wake up to Azzi’s peaceful sleepy smile, every single morning, it all seems worth it. 
The proposal, if Paige is honest, is just a formality. In her head, she’s been a married woman for a long time. Whatever ceremony they’d have, whatever papers they’d sign, wouldn’t do much to alter their already domestic lives. But she wanted that celebration, the moment with her family and friends where they’d become bound in the one way they weren’t yet: legally. And this proposal was the start of that. 
The list of ideas she’d planned out and discussed with their family and friends was long and had earned her plenty of sighs and eye rolls. Nothing had seemed quite right until she’d whined about it to both their mothers. They’d said to go back to the beginning and it had all clicked into place. 
As they have every year since they’d started coming to the state fair together, they’re engaged in a competition again. Every year, they get a little bit more competitive and every year their families' sighs get a little heavier. Something about it, makes the two of them reverse back to being fifteen. The ridiculous trash talk, the sticking their tongues out at each other, the exaggerated pouting when they lose, it’s all further proof of them still being children at heart. Except now, when Azzi pouts, Paige gets to kiss it off. 
They’re tied again this summer, as they seem to be most years. Though this year, there’s been a little bit of planning on Paige’s part. 
“Pop-a-shot it is,” Azzi sighs, “even though you absolutely cheated on that last hole in mini golf,” she turns to their families, who normally would have left by now but have stayed back today, with a dramatic spin, “and I can’t believe you all saw it, but you’re taking her side.”
“Not me Azzi, I’m on your side. I know she cheated,” Drew, the traitor, chirps with a smirk and Paige glares at her little brother whose loyalty to her girlfriend never wavers. 
“Thank you Drew. The only person who loves me for real,” Azzi puts one hand to her heart, and ruffles the younger boy’s with the other. 
“Save the dramatics for when you lose babe,” Paige says, rolling her eyes, “alright rock paper scissors.”
They play best of three as they always do. Paige wins the first round. Azzi wins the second. There’s momentary panic when Azzi technically wins the third because well, Paige sort of needs to be in control if this is going to work. The thing is Azzi likes to mix up whether she’ll choose to go first or second, according to her it keeps Paige on her toes. But today Paige really needs her girlfriend to go second. 
“Oh Az no cheating,” Tim cuts in, coming to the rescue, “you waited to see what she’d do.”
“WHAT?” Azzi squeals, “I absolutely did not.”
“Oh honey, I think you did,” Katie sends Paige a wink and she can’t help but smile at the family she’s found. 
“You’re not serious,” Azzi says with a betrayed voice, squinting at her parents, before turning to Paige’s mom, who gives her a consoling pat, “please adopt me.”
“Oh quit whining cheater,” Paige teases, “I’m going first.”
She steps up to the line for the game, feeling more nervous than she ever has really because this is it. There isn’t really a world in which she thinks Azzi will say no, at least not one where Paige continues breathing after. But she needs this to be perfect. Bouncing the ball for a second, she takes in a deep breath before raising her arms and shooting. It goes in, barely touching the room. So does the next. And the next one and the next one, until Paige has gotten nine shots in. 
As she goes to shoot the last one, Azzi's voice echoes around her, “miss it for me babe.”
And she does. It’s probably one of the weakest shot’s she’s ever taken in her life, the ball falling far below the basket. Behind her, she can hear their brother’s snickering. 
“Damn someone should send that to Coach,” Azzi teases, hip-checking Paige as she comes to take her spot, “better luck next time baby.”
“Yeah, yeah let’s see you do better,” Paige replies cockily, but her hands are sweating with nerves. 
“Oh you know I will,” her girlfriend responds with a grin, as she makes the first basket, that same perfect arc as always. Paige holds her breath on every shot, as the ball goes in flawlessly every time, their families cheering loudly for each one of them. As the last basket gets closer, Drew gives Paige’s hand a tight squeeze and gets a grateful smile in return. 
Taking a deep breath, as Azzi gets ready to take her last turn, Paige repeats the same words she’d said, the first time they’d been in this situation, “if you make the last shot, you have to marry me.”
“What?” Azzi whips around immediately, her eyes bright with confusion. Tongue-tied, Paige only shrugs and smiles, watching closely as Azzi lets the words sink in. A determined look crosses her face, followed by a mischievous smirk, and Paige’s heart swells. She knows the ball is going in the hoop even before the other girl's arms are in shooting position. And she’s right. The ball arcs in air and falls through the basket. And instead of the patent WINNER that normally lights up when someone makes the 10 shots, a new phrase appears on the dashboard. 
Azzi gasps, hands flying to her mouth. When she whirls around, Paige is already on one knee and their families are watching with the biggest smiles. 
“I knew you lost on purpose,” Azzi breathes out, “you’ve never taken such a shit shot like that last one in your life.”
“Seriously,” Paige gapes up at her, “that’s what you get from this.”
“Babe, you hate losing,” Azzi emphasizes as if that explains everything and well, maybe it does.
“Yeah, yeah I do,” Paige nods, reaching in her back pocket to pull out the ring, “but if you say yes to me today, then it doesn’t matter if I win or lose in a stupid arcade game, or on the court or anywhere, if you say yes Azzi, no matter what, I’ll always be a winner because I’ll have you. And I had a slightly better, slightly longer speech planned but it’s kinda all gone from my mind now, so I’ll just get right to it,” she manages a watery smile in response to her girlfriend’s tearful laugh, “Azzi, my soulmate and the love of my life, will you marry me?”
“Yes. Oh my god yes, of course, yes,” Azzi manages to get out, before she falls to her knees and into Paige’s arms, pressing her lips fervently against the blonde’s, their happy tears mixing into each other. Behind them, their families burst into cheers, hugging one another in congratulations.
“Wait, wait,” Paige pulls away, her smile stretching across her whole face, “I need to put the ring on you.”
She opens the ring box, to reveal a silver band that’s designed with a large diamond in the shape of a heart in the middle with two infinity shapes made out of smaller diamonds on each side of the heart. Azzi holds out her hand, eyes shining as Paige slips it onto her ring finger. It sparkles underneath the glow of the moonlight. 
“You finally got me a real one,” she whispers, continuing to admire the ring, “fuck, Paige it’s beautiful.”
“Yeah, yeah it took me a couple of years but I always knew I would. Look at the inside,” Paige nudges and Azzi squints to see the inscription on the inner edge of the ring. 
Since Always
The meaning of it is clear and Azzi lets out something in between a sob and a laugh before throwing herself back into Paige’s waiting arms. 
“I love you,” she whispers into her girlfriend’s, no, her fiance’s ears, “I can’t wait to be your wife.”
Paige’s arms tighten around Azz as she repeats it back, the word wife, evoking a newfound feeling she doesn’t quite know how to put in words. Their families begin to crowd them, until they’re all just a heap of bodies, likely earning some odd looks from passers-by. But it really doesn’t matter. It’s odd to think there had ever been a time when Paige had stood in this same cool Minnesota summer evening breeze and not know what love was, not known who Azzi was. Because this right here, with her fiancé in her arms, and their family all around them, this, she thinks, is the definition of love.
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muchosbesitos · 9 months
amarte a la antigua
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pairing: miguel o’hara x reader
warnings: none, just fluff :)
author’s note: purely self indulgent ngl, but i hope you all enjoy nonetheless 🥸 (working on forbidden pt 2 and the two requests i got 🫡)
word count: 2085
Miguel took some time to get himself to acknowledge that feeling love, accepting it, is human and that he deserved it despite everything he went through. He spent months isolated from contact after what happened with Gabriella, processing the loss on his own and not wanting to put himself in that vulnerable position again. The concept of falling in love was abnormal to him, putting all your trust in some person and expecting them not to use it against you.
Miguel thought you might be mean by the way that you didn't bother to speak to no one else at work or try to hang out like some of the other workers. Then again, he also saw the way your eyes sparkled and the way you opened your mouth when someone said something interesting only to shut it when you heard someone else start to talk. He found you interesting to say the least, a stark difference from the loud and energetic coworkers he has to constantly deal with. He quickly came to the realization that it wasn't that you didn't want to seem mean, but you didn't know to approach the people here.
While everyone was off at happy hour, Miguel had stayed back to work on some research for his newest project when he ran into you. You were shaking the vending machine to get the stuck bag of chips, causing him to let out a small chuckle. You turned around, your eyes widened as the bag of chips finally fell. "Sorry about that, I spent my last dollar on that thing and I wasn't gonna let it steal it," you muttered, grabbing your bag of chips. "I have some leftover pizza if you want," he suggested, unsure of why he wanted to help you.
Miguel led you to his office, watching from the corner of his eye with an amused smile as you ate your chips. He turned on the lights, going over to one of the desks to clear up some of the paperwork. "Sorry about that, I was doing some research," he mumbled, putting the papers to the side before walking to the microwave in the corner of the room. He grabbed two pizza slices, glancing over at you. "Do you want me to heat it up?" He asked, opening up the microwave door. "Who eats leftover pizza warm?" You remarked, grabbing the slice from him as you sat down at the lab table. Miguel rolled his eyes at your remark, putting his pizza in the microwave and started to heat it up as he tried to ignore your teasing giggles.
The two of you continued to talk for most of the night, your research completely disregarded. "So why didn't you go to happy hour?" He asked, throwing away his empty plate before sitting back down. "I don't know, I guess I feel like the outsider in this family, y'know? And it's not like I don't want to talk to people, I just don't know how," you replied, helping him clean up a bit. "And why didn't you go?" Your question surprised him a bit, but he tried not to show just how much. "I’d say it's kind of the opposite for me, I just don't see the point of pretending to be friendly just for drinks," he shrugged, looking over at you. He saw that you wanted to ask him something, your eyes shining with curiosity, but he decided not to coax it out.
You and Miguel had spent more late nights together, talking and eating leftovers from whatever restaurant he picked. One night while the two of you were eating empanadas, he saw that you were a bit more agitated than usual. "What's wrong?" He asked, setting down the sugary treat as he looked at you. "Dating apps, man. I swear all the men there suck," you replied, looking at him as you set down your phone. Miguel wasn't sure why, but he felt his blood boiling as he heard you talking about dating someone else. "What type of flowers do you like?" He asked out of the blue, wiping his mouth with a napkin. As you told him what you liked, he made sure to take note of it as you two continued to talk through the night.
Miguel left some of the flowers that you liked next morning at your desk, grabbing one of them so he would know when it was time to get a fresh bouquet. He felt his heart beating faster at the way you beamed, hugging him tightly and thanking him for the flowers. Usually, he wasn't that much of a hugger or a fan of general physical contact, but he couldn't help but hold you a bit longer as you hugged him. The scent of your perfume hit his nostrils as the hug lingered on, the combined scent of you and the perfume making his brain fuzzy. "I'm glad you liked the flowers," he said after you pulled away, a small smile forming on his own lips as he saw how happy you were. A selfish part of him was hoping that you'd delete those dating apps after you saw how good he could treat you, better than any of those men.
During these little dinner dates, he also learned more things about you such as what songs you had on repeat and what books you were reading. He felt like a love-sick idiot when he walked into the romance section of Barnes and Nobles, picking up the romance book he saw you reading earlier on your lunch break. He wanted to engage in some of the things you liked to do so you'd have someone to talk to about you liked, wanting to see the excited spark in your eye when you rambled.
The next time Miguel left flowers on your desk, he decided to try out writing a letter. The letter was simple, just telling you how much he appreciated your friendship and telling you all the little things he appreciated about you. The way you made sure he was okay whenever someone's kid at the lab had a birthday and leaving him small snacks whenever he had a late day at the office. At the end of the letter, he asked if you would do him the pleasure of letting him take you out on a date, since he couldn't trust himself to get the words out effectively. "Of course I'll go on a date with you," he heard you speak when you stepped in his office, a smile appearing on his face. "I'll pick you up at Friday at 5."
Miguel felt his heartbeat in his ears as he waited outside of your apartment building, looking in the rear view window to make sure his hair wasn't sticking out. He felt his throat grow dry as he saw you step out at exactly five, the dress you were wearing highlighting every curve. He liked seeing you in your everyday lab attire, but he couldn't deny the fact that you just looked so beautiful dressed up. He got out of the car, handing you a fresh bouquet of flowers with a smile and opened up the door for you. When you smiled at him, he felt like he couldn't get enough of it and he was determined to get more of those smiles just for him.
He pulled up to a nice restaurant in Queens, opening up the door for you once he finished parking. He extended his hand out as he helped you get out of the car, taking note of the warmth of your hand and how well it fit around his. He opened up the restaurant door, stepping in behind you before a waitress led you two to the table. Miguel had called ahead to get some candles lit up around the table, providing with the perfect romantic atmosphere since he wanted to top all the other dates you've had.
You two fell into easy conversation as you shared a meal, the way you spoke and enunciated your words sounding like a melody to his ears. "Have I ever told you just how much I like being in your company?" He asked you, brushing a strand of hair from your face. he saw the way your brows raised in surprise and let out a small chuckle, taking a sip from his drink. "Eres tan dulce para ser tan timida," he added, putting his drink down. He wiped some spaghetti sauce that had dribbled down to the side of your mouth, his gaze on you as he licked it off his thumb. (you're too sweet to be so shy)
His eyes wandered off to the atmosphere of the restaurant, eventually landing on a small jukebox in the corner. He got up from the table with the excuse of needing to use the restroom before walking over to the jukebox. He put in a dollar, flipping through some of the songs that were available before selecting "Amarte a la Antigua" by Pedro Fernández. He walked back over to the table, extending a hand out with a smile on his face. You grabbed his hand and allowed him to lead you to the middle of the restaurant, slowly moving to the melody of the song. He gently hummed some of the lyrics, looking into your eyes as he spoke.
Amarte a la antigua
Entregarte mi vida
Llenarte de rosas, cantarte canciones, pintarte caricias
Even though some of the guests at the restaurants were clapping at the two of you, Miguel kept his gaze directly on you as he took the way your eyes sparkled under the lights. "Can I kiss you?" He asked softly, not wanting to scare you away just yet. He knew that you weren't exactly in your comfort zone with all these people staring, but he had an overwhelming urge to taste you. You nodded, leaning into meet his lips as he kissed you. He felt like he was on cloud nine with the way you kissed him, tentative and slow like you wanted to capture his essence just right. His hands moved to your waist, holding you in place as his lips moved against yours. The taste of your cherry lipgloss overwhelmed his senses along with the way your hands wrapped in his hair, pulling him even closer to you. He pulled away, his chest slightly heaving a bit and his cheeks flushed as he smiled at you. He couldn't wait to do that again.
The two of you left the restaurant shortly after and he noticed the way you had folded your arms across your chest, trying to keep yourself warm. He took off his jacket, putting it on your shoulders as he led you to the car. "You can keep it if you want, it looks better on you anyways," he said, watching as you put it on and got warm. The drive back home was mostly silent, the soft jazz filling up the atmosphere. He turned to look at you once he stopped at a red light, his hand gently stroking yours. "I'm sorry if i made you uncomfortable at the restaurant. I know you're not comfortable with that many people looking at you, but I just wanted to express how much you mean to me," he spoke up, his gaze on you as you turned around to look at him. "I liked it. even if it was out of my comfort zone, I appreciated it a lot," you replied, your eyes meeting his as you spoke.
He arrived at your apartment building a couple minutes later, watching as you unbuckled your seatbelt. He grabbed your chin, kissing you once more. this kiss was more for him than anything else, he just needed to feel you one more time before you left. Your lips felt plush against his, the softness of the kiss breaking away any reservations he had towards you. He pulled away a couple seconds later to catch his breath, his fingertips lingering on his mouth just to make sure it was real. "Thank you for the best date I've had," you whispered, leaning into kiss his cheek. He watched as you got out of the car and went up to your apartment building, not wanting to leave until he made sure you were safe. From that moment, he quickly realized he was falling hard for you. He learned why people put themselves in that position of vulnerability.
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wandussyfantasy · 1 year
Free Use (WandaNat)
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Summary: After the events of Feeling Twenty-Two, Wanda invites you to stay with her and Natasha as long as you please. With the condition that they can have you whenever they want.
Word Count: 2.1k
bottom fem reader, g!p Wanda, g!p Nat, oral, threesome, legal age gap, praising, degrading, creampie, and freeuse
“I just don't understand why you won't tell us where you're moving to?” Kate gripes as she moves a box of your things into the moving truck. Wanda was happy to pay for it and even offered to hire movers but you didn't want to explain something you couldn't afford to your friends. After your trip to your home town, you returned to start a new semester at school. But you couldn't stop thinking about the women who made your twenty second birthday the most memorable birthday ever. They even took care of you the next morning and you never wanted to leave but you told them you had a flight a couple days from then that you couldn't miss. They understood and Wanda made you an offer that she allowed you to think about. She didn't want an immediate answer. She wanted you to think about it.
Which you did, every moment of every day. It was an unusual offer. But it was also a very beneficial one. It took her until the end of her summer break to feel confident in an answer. She had gone on several bad dates within that time and no one caught her eye enough to have a one night stand with. But she had plenty of nights by herself, masterbating to the memories of that night. 
“Kate, will you please drop it? I’ll come visit when I can. Besides, we have a few classes together. It's not the end of the world,” you say to comfort your friend. When you finally called Wanda and agreed, she invited you to her office. She is a lawyer, so she had a few legal documents of the arrangement drawn up. There is a discretion clause, meaning that you couldn't just parade around that you agreed to be a sex object for the couple. She said that you are allowed to have outside relationships and even have friends over at the house. But until you could figure out a way to explain your situation without explaining it, you didn't want your friends and family to know anything.
“Alright, I guess I can't say anything to make you stay,” Kate throws her hands up in defeat. “Just know, it's your fault if I end up in prison.”
You laugh at the thought of her blaming you for her actions. “How would that be my fault?”
Kate shrugs, “You keep me from doing stupid stuff. Now I can do all of the stupid stuff I want.”
You shake your head, “I’m sure your new girlfriend will supervise you.”
“Yelena will be in the cell with me, excuse you,” she pretends to be offended. 
The two of you share a laugh. You look around to see that everything you own is inside of the moving truck. “I’ll see you in class next week,” you pull your now former roommate into a tight hug. 
“I’m not going to see you for a whole week!” she is upset by the idea, but you couldn't promise any sooner. Not when it's your first week on the job. 
Live-in Nanny, is your official title. They don't have kids or even pets for that matter. But it looks good on paper for when you have to get a job after graduation and employers won't ask too many questions. “You’ll be fine without me for a week,” you say as you shut and lock the truck. 
You pull Kate into a quick hug before getting into the cab of the vehicle. You are anxious to get to Wanda and Natasha’s. Wanda had messaged you that they have a special welcome home celebration planned. You wanted to be there several hours ago. 
Arriving at the mansion again, your pussy gets wet at the first memories made here. The night of fucking and the morning of aftercare. Oh how excited you are to be back here. Once you park the vehicle, a moving team is ready to unpack the truck. You climb out and look at Wanda and Natasha with confusion written all over your face. “As excited as we are for you to move in, we aren’t going to waste time with that,” Natasha explains. 
“It’s not a waste of time,” Wanda corrects her wife. “We would have been happy to help you move in,” Wanda guides you into the house with an arm around you. “We just thought it was to preserve our energy for… other things.” You shift as you think about what the energy will be spent. 
“The little whore wants to ride our dicks while the movers work,” Natasha says to her wife in a low tone. Wanda shakes her head.
“Well, she will have to wait. I made a special dinner.” Wanda surprises you with a kiss on your neck. “But don't worry, babe, we'll have fun as soon as your stuff is moved in and the audience is gone,” she promises. 
“Of course, uh, what are we having?” Walking into the dining room, your question is answered without either having to say a word. Displayed among an extravagant dining table is a full spread of delicious looking food. “You really didn't have to,” you say to Wanda. 
“We know,” Natasha says as she pulls a chair out for herself. “But that's what makes Wanda so amazing,” she blows a kiss to her wife. She blushes and you love the way the couple interacts with each other. Wanda informed you that they've been together for close to eleven years but only married for four years. You asked her why they wanted to include you if they were happy with each other. Wanda told you that they have always wanted to have a more polyamorous relationship. But never could find someone that worked for both of them. Sure, there were people that were okay with being with a married person. But there weren't many that were okay with being with both Wanda and Natasha. You are the first. 
The meal is fun and easy. You were worried that although there is a great sexual chemistry, there might not be any other connection. But, those fears fade as the three of you engage in conversation for hours without an awkward silence. The food was amazing and you made sure to compliment Wanda. She flushed and asked you to stop raving, “You can thank me later,” she continued suggestively.
“I most definitely will,” you say as you imagine what you're going to do with her once you can. 
The three of you move to the living area to watch a movie. They insist that you sit in the middle and snuggle up to you shortly after the film starts. Halfway through the movie, the manager of the moving crew informs you all that they are finished. Wanda gets up to pay the man and his team. She leads him away and once the front door shuts, Natasha nudges you onto her lap. You comply out of curiosity and feel her erection at your entrance. She tries to pull down your yoga pants but finds it difficult to do so. Annoyed, Natasha rips the pants open so that your ass and pussy are exposed. She roughly massages your ass as you continue to watch the movie while getting increasingly aroused. 
Then, Natasha unzips her jeans and pulls herself out. She rubs her cock along your entrance, getting it covered in your juices. “Of course, you're ready for me,” she slips inside and you let out a low moan. Natasha bounces you on her cock. “Oh I hate this part of the movie,” she says. 
“Yeah, it's, it's, it's not my favorite,” you respond. When Wanda returns, she has a bowl of popcorn and she sits comfortably next to you and Natasha. You get turned on even more as they go about things as normal while Natasha is fucking you. When you had signed the contract and agreed to the FreeUse clause, you had no idea just how much you were going to enjoy it. 
Natasha cums inside of you and plops you back onto the sofa. She tucks her softening cock away and they pick the next movie. Wanda takes your hand and places it over her bulge. You hungrily release her penis from the tightening pants and put it in your mouth. You love the taste of her cock, especially her cum which you are working hard to earn. Already on your first day, you have cum dripping from your pussy and cum in your mouth. You are going to love it here.
A few weeks later, you are laying on your bed as you study for an exam when Wanda enters the room. Her cock is standing out of her pants and she climbs onto the bed, hovering over your body from behind. She enters you without warning and you gasp. “Hey Wanda,” you greet as she slowly humps into you. 
“Hey darling,” she kisses your neck. “What are you working on?” 
“I have an exam at the end of the week, just getting some studying out of the way,” you say. Wanda reaches around your body to play with your clitoris, causing you to clench around her thick cock. 
“That’s great, I love how studious you are.” Wanda praises. “You’re going to make a great business woman one day.”
“Thank you, baby. That means a lot coming from you. Oooh,” Wanda picks up her pace a little bit and you start to lose focus on your notes. She rubs your clit harder and harder until your body is spasming around her cock, milking her cum out of her. 
Wanda doesn't leave before eating out the mess from your pussy, giving you another organism. She kisses you and wishes you luck with your studying. You thank her and she is gone. 
A couple days later, you are making breakfast when Natasha walks in with her morning wood. “Wanda already left for work,” she says as she roughly enters you. She doesn't have a lot of time so she pounds into you until she is ready to cum. She pulls out and shoots her sperm on your back. “That looks good, have a plate ready for me when I come back down, please.” 
“Of course,” you say as you finish making the meal. 
One day, you arrive home after class to find Wanda and Natasha fucking on the kitchen table. You drop your things to join them. Gravitating to Wanda’s cock to suck on her as Natasha rams her cock into the woman's pussy. “Welcome home,” Wanda says through gasps. “How was your day?”
You pop her cock out of your mouth to answer. “It was good, I'm happy to be home though.” You take her cock back into your mouth and Wanda's head falls back at the over stimulation of her cock and pussy at the same time. When she is cumming, Natasha swiftly pulls out of her and pulls you off of Wanda by your hair and shoves her cock into your mouth. Wanda's cum continues to shoot out, making a mess on her stomach and table. Natasha fucks your face ruthlessly until she is releasing her orgasm in your mouth. 
“We’re so happy to have you back,” Natasha says through her grunts. She pulls out of your mouth breathlessly and looks at her dirty wife. “Clean her up,” she orders you as she walks away. 
Dutifully, you nod and start to lick up all of Wanda’s cum. “Thank you, baby,” she says as she lazily strokes your hair. You kiss her belly once it's only glistening with your saliva. She looks so beautiful and delicious splayed out naked on the table. You can't help kissing the rest of the way down to have your tongue in her sensitive pussy. “Ohhh,” Wanda says as you lick her just the way she likes. “I’m so happy you agreed to love us,” she says. 
“Not as happy as I am,” you reply sweetly. “Besides, it's easy loving the two of you.” 
Your words make Wanda emotional and she sits up on the table, requesting that you stand up. She pulls you into a deep kiss as she wraps her legs around your middle and her arms around your shoulders. “Please don't leave us.” 
“Never,” you promise, because you have no plans on ever doing so. 
“Nat and I have been wondering,” she starts a little nervously. Suddenly feeling very vulnerable. “Would you start sleeping in our bedroom, with us?”
You grin, feeling giddy as the relationship progresses, “Of course!” 
Wanda mirrors your expression. “I’m glad because,” she pulls your ear close to her lips, “I want to wake up with your tongue inside of me,” you get wet at the idea of how much more access the three of you will have to each other now. You never thought when you agreed to go home with her almost a year ago that this would be your life. But you are so grateful that it is.
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When you kneel against them but for a different reason
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Pairings: Dazai, Chuuya, Atsushi X Fem!Reader
Genre: Crack, Humor
Format: Headcanons
Warnings: Suggestive content, mentions of giving head but only mentions, implied throat fucking
Word Count: 0.8K
A/n: Saw a Haikyuu version of this and said why not? :) 
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↳Osamu Dazai
This bitch
He's so full of himself, always teasing you whenever he gets a chance
It's time for the tables to turn :D
You were looking for a chance to give him a taste of his own medicine, and when you see him standing up to get himself a bottle of soda from the agency's fridge, You follow him trying to act all oblivious and innocent.
So when he takes the soda out and turns around, he's faced with your sweet but perhaps naughty smile, as you slowly kneel in front of him while your eyes are locked with each other.
A grin appears on his face, and he puts the soda back in the fridge without even turning his back to you.
"My my belladonna! I didn't know you were this greedy for my attention. But shouldn't we wait till we're in private?"
He bends a little just to gently rub his thumb on your bottom lip, and that's when you tilt your head to the side, and look at him pretending to be dumbfounded.
"What are you talking about Osamu? I'm just hiding from Kunikida because I accidentally spilled coffee on his paper!"
Yeah, sure; for fucks sake.
Dazai stares at you for a few seconds with a shocked impression, then his smirk becomes slyer. "Oh? Is that so?" "Yeah! Why? What were you thinking?" "Ha!"
His hand reaches out for you again, but landing on your hair this time, caressing it softly.
"Well played Bella, well played; now let's go somewhere more private so you can hide from Kunikida properly; perhaps the storage room? I mean, Kunikida will be even more displeased if he catches us like this and we don't want that, do we?"
Congratulations! You have got yourself a Throat fucking session🚶🏻‍♀️
↳Atsushi Nakajima
You played this prank on him at the mall cause you know his not into sex in public and even the idea will make him a blushing mess.
So when you take a look at yourself in the mirror wearing the jeans Atsushi suggested you to try on, you though of this as the perfect opportunity and call out to him.
"Honey? Will you come here for a sec?" "Inside? ok..."
The next thing you hear is A Small rap on the door and him asking if he can come in, and after getting your approval he slowly walks in, shutting the door behind him as he smiles at how much that jean looks good on you.
"So? What do you think?" You spin around just to give him a proper view of your hips that were even more explicit now that you were wearing that tight pants, and it made him wonder what would you do if he'd unintentionally rip those gorgeous pants apart?
Since Atsushi is a pure man, he decided to keep his dirty thoughts for when you too become alone, but the poor guy has no idea that you have other plans for him.
When you notice how worked up he was from that one move you made, you knew it was the perfect time. So you slowly take a steps toward him, and finally kneel againts him while forming your lips into a sly smirk.
Oh boy he's shocked🚶🏻‍♀️
"y-y/n? right now? I- " He looks so flustered while uttering these words that you cant help but to feel bad for him; but as you all know, pranksters don't back down.
But the thing is that he didn't straightforwardly say no🚶🏻‍♀️
"Right now what? I'm just trying to see how stretchable the jeans can be!"
Congratulations you have successfully broke the man :D
He's so embarrassed. Sooooo sooooo much embarrassed.
Literally just avoids your gaze as he mumbles "O-ok, then I'll be outside w-wating for you to finish" and leaves immediately, covering his face from the blush that was starting to spread out on his skin.
Please give him the head he deserves when you get home (^人^)
↳Chuuya Nakahara
He's dangerous I personally don't recommend this🚶🏻‍♀️
But for the sake of our evil minds let's go.
You see this park on tiktok when you see him going straight to the shower after coming home from a really long day at work, you kinda feel bad about doing it but not enough to let you back down 🚶🏻‍♀️
So when he comes out of the shower and goes to the kitchen to pour himself a glass of wine; you slowly approach him; and when he looks at you curiously, you suddenly fall on your knees wearing that dirty, familiar smile.
Oh boy
His lips curls up into a smirk as he take a sip of his wine, and bits his bottom lip.
"You always know what I need, don't you doll? You're so g-" "Found it!"
You excitedly show him the ring he bought you for your birthday and chuckle. "I was so worried Chuu! I thought I lost it! You know how much I love- Why are you looking at me like that?!"
The dude is stunned help.
His face heats up from humiliation as he gives you a death stare and avoids your gaze.
"What?" "Nothing" "Omg Chuuya did you think-" "I said nothing y/n!"
You know what to do if you wanna wipe that pout off his face ;)
Reblogs are appreciated :>
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eroslove88 · 4 months
Candy Gram
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Warning: Yandere themes, kidnapping, coercion, gaslighting, and noncon (technically)
Pairing: Yan. Dazai x Semi-Yan. Reader
Note: In honor of Valentine's Day AND that I left an anonymous candy gift for my crush in our Chinese class (I think he like it but he thought that a guy sent it because of the note... my handwriting was bad and I was awkward) It's kind of bad, but I haven't written in a while.
It was strange you always thought, if they had the masterlist for every kid's schedule why did you have to find their 2nd period? None the less here you were, walking your friend to her 4th so you can follow him to his 2nd. It wasn't that hard honestly, the halls were crowded and he didn't see you- not like he even knew who you were, but you swore he was staring at you while talking to his friend. Caused to pretend to pick something off the floor, but anyways with 3 minutes left to spare before class started, Dazai entered his 2nd, "Personal Finance" you mumbled retreating to your stats class.
The whole day you were filled with this feeling of happiness- but also impending doom. It could all go wrong! You might write something creepy- OR AWKWARD. During your free period you marched to the booth and bought him chocolates, and you wrote something... awkward... "To Dazai- I've seen you around and I think you have really nice hair, and I apologize if this sounds creepy! Happy Valentine's Day!"
The last you expected was for him to come into your final class of the day to talk to his friends about the gram, "Shit..." you mumbled hearing his curious voice, "Possibly a guy" he guessed moving to the side to let you pass by him, but his eyes never left you, and you felt that. Neither him not his friends were in this class, what was he doing here? You leaned forward to talk to your friend as you heard their conversation, "Don't be an idiot." Chuuya responds snatching the paper, "The handwriting, it's bad, but unless the guy"bends that way" no dude would write you a compliment." The earth could have swallowed you whole in that moment.
On your way out of school your friend had called you, but your phone had died due to your charger being broken. You tried rushing out of campus, but you were in such a rush you ran into someone, "I'm so sorry!" you practically shouted as the lean man you just ran into dropped his container of cookies, "There's no need to worry about it hun, I know you didn't mean in." A blush sneaks onto your face as you make eye contact with him, "Uh, yeah, I'm sorry" you whisper bending down quickly to help pick up the cookies. "Such a kind lady" he says with a chuckle before grabbing your chin with his free hand, "Tell me," he leans in, "Do you think my hair looks nicer up close, or from afar, like what you're used to?" he whispers. You practically want to gulp before calming your nerves, "So... You-"
"Know? Yeah, like I wasn't going to notice you sneaking around campus just to see me." he tilts his head up before helping you up, "I'm sorry!" you say with panic in your voice, "I'm-I'm not normally like this" you hand him the container with broken cookies. He chuckles shoving it into his bag, "I like this. It makes me feel better about myself" he slowly closes the gap and grabs you by the waist before continuing to walk, and you get the hint and follow suit. "D-Dazai, where are we going?" he doesn't respond.
You regret it now, following him back to your dorm. Your wrist were bound by his neckties to the corners of the bed, he started unbuttoning his shirt, "You're quite lucky" he says staring at your nervous self, "Dazai, I'm having second thoughts-"
"You're lucky I return your feelings," his knees are at both sides of your body as he grips your face to look at his, "I'm going to make you feel so good, and remember you like me so I'm just doing you the favor of skipping that awkward stage." You squirmed a bit, and you bite your lip shaking your head slightly, "I love you but-" his lips quickly latch around yours, his kiss is sloppy; a lot of saliva and it's desperate. He pulls away for air "So, you'll let me do this?" he asks between gasps, his face is soft and almost sad.
"I can't..." you begin to trail off. "But I can." he kisses your cheeks before getting up and begins to unbuckle his belt, and you look away embarrassed. "Don't be scared baby, you can look" and you do, you take a peek; his body is covered in scars, healing bruises, new injuries, and, "wow-..." you say before getting flustered, "I didn't... didn't think it'd be that..." he chuckles, "big?" you nod tears threatening to leave your eyes as he lifts your legs up.
"Dazai! No-wait-" he rolls his eyes, "Don't you love me? Please, for me." Using the slick from your already wet cunt his begins to slowly push in, you don't even get to respond. You gasp at the piercing, but slow feeling of his cock entering your tight hole. Your head is thrown back with a cry, "No-no-no- please please, Osamu-" he groans his hands traveling to your hips for a firmer hold, "Just like that baby, beg" he moans leaving your pussy just to quickly enter again, you yell at the pain. He's practically pounding into you huffing loudly, and your sobbing, there's no pleasure in it. He's trying to reach his own orgasm. He leans forward his thrusts getting shallow as he bites your neck, sucking on it. You're squirming and crying at the feeling of his saliva and his veiny dick, and it's all so overwhelming. "O-Osamu!" you yell, his hard teeth Pierce your skin, his cock twitches and he whines against your skin. He cums in side, you sniffle a bit before he pulls out.
"See," he's breathing shallowly, "That-that wasn't so bad" he removes the condom before getting dressed again. "Osa-" you can't even finish your sentence before you're crying again. "Oh baby~" he coos. His fingers are tracing up your thighs, "Un-unti-" he shushes you, "Not yet..." he begins to kiss your body; starting from thighs, to stomach, clavicle, neck, and face. Dazai doesn't kiss your lips he just stares at your red trembling lips before chuckling and laying on your nude body. You begin to stutter something out until he grabs a random clean pair of his underwear from his drawer beside the bed and shoving it into your mouth, "Don't ruin this, it's much nicer when you're quiet." His hands hug your torso, but his entire body is practically pinning you down with his legs also hooking around your limbs, "Happy Valentine's Day, Hun."
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midnightstargazer · 3 months
Taylor Swift lyrics for the Marauders Era characters
The tricky thing is yesterday, we were just children, playing soldiers, just pretending, dreaming dreams with happy endings
It turned into something bigger, somewhere in the haze, got a sense I'd been betrayed
So you were never a saint, and I've loved in shades of wrong, we learn to live with the pain, mosaic broken hearts, but this love is brave and wild
The whole school is rolling fake dice, you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes
Your little hand's wrapped around my finger, and it's so quiet in the world tonight
I've been meaning to tell you, I think your house is haunted, your dad is always mad, and that must be why
I rewind the tape, but all it does is pause on the very moment all was lost, sending signals to be double-crossed
Sometimes giving up is the strong thing, sometimes to run is the brave thing, sometimes walking out is the one thing that will find you the right thing
You drew stars around my scars, but now I'm bleeding
You knew the hero died, so what's the movie for? You knew it still hurts underneath my scars from when they pulled me apart
I've been having a hard time adjusting, had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting
We were jet-set, Bonnie and Clyde, until I switched to the other side, it's no surprise I turned you in, 'cause us traitors never win
I want you to know, I'm a mirrorball, I could change everything about me to fit in
And I feel my castles crumbling down, and I watch all my bridges burn to the ground, and you don't want to know me, I will just let you down, you don't want to know me now
Holding my breath, slowly, I said, you don't need to save me, but would you run away with me?
I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings
And I can still see it all in my mind, all of you, all of me, intertwined, I once believed love would be black and white, but it's golden
They say I did something bad, then why's it feel so good?
The rumors are terrible and cruel, but honey, most of them are true
When I was drowning, that's when I could finally breathe
And now that I'm grown, I'm scared of ghosts, memories feel like weapons, and now that I know, I wish you'd left me wondering
I drew curtains closed, drank my poison all alone
I don't trust nobody, and nobody trusts me
All these people think love's for show, but I would die for you in secret
You're on your own, kid, you always have been
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beomiracles · 4 months
"I don't need a map to know we're lost"
─ you and Beomgyu get lost on a hike 🧸ྀི pairings: beomgyuxgn!reader warnings: none, just bickering along with swearing!
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"We're lost", Beomgyu groans three paces behind you. "No we're not, I know exactly where we are..", you turn the map in your hands, eyes scanning nervously over the paper. You had no clue where you were. The two of you had decided to sleep in that day while the others got a head start, you were beginning to seriously regret that extra sleep.
Beomgyu catches up to you and tries snatching the map out of your hands. "Give it back!", you exclaim as he rips it from you, he rolls his eyes, "I don't need a map to know that we're lost", he says.
"We are not los-", a hand covers your mouth and you scowl at your friend. "Shhh!", he suddenly exclaims, making you frown, "do you hear that?" You shake your head, "that's the sound of my happiness", he grins and you bite his finger.
"Ow!" he pulls back his hand and dramatically starts blowing on it, "how do I know you don't carry rabies!" he cries out. You smirk, "why don't we find out", you teasingly bare your teeth making him jump backwards.
"Fuck off," he mumbles as he straightens out the map in his hands. You raise an eyebrow as he studies the now very wrinkled map, "so you can actually read? impressive", you comment. He glares at you, "you must think I never made it past elementary", you nod, "precisely".
"Look, we're here", he points at a spot to the upper right part of the map. "No we're not", you object. You point at the area at the bottom left, "we're somewhere here". Beomgyu frowns, "have you been reading this map upside down this whole time perchance?" You roll your eyes and sigh, "what in the world makes you think we're all the way over there", you point at the spot he's previously pointed at.
Beomgyu scoffs, "because, look here", he points at a small black dot where he pointed on the map, "stone," he says making you frown. "Stone", he points at a large stone to the right of where you're currently standing. "That makes no sense", you say, crossing your arms, "sure it does", Beomgyu starts walking again.
Jogging slightly to catch up, you continue, "there's hundreds of stones in this forest, it could be any stone". Beomgyu pretends he doesn't hear you as he continues marching. Halting you pull out your phone, "I'm calling Taehyun", your words immediately make him stop and turn around. "No! We can't let them know we got lost," you raise an eyebrow. "So you're admitting that we're lost?"
Beomgyu crosses his arms, "are you?". You mimic his stance, crossing your arms as you speak, "I don't know, I asked if you think we're lost". You both stand in silence for a good minute, finally you sigh, "let me just call and see where they are".
You find Taehyun in your contacts and press the call button, the call doesn't go through. "Shit", you mumble under your breath. "What?" Beomgyu asks, a nervous edge to his tone. "There's no service here", you glance up at him. "Try calling Soobin", he says and you almost want to slap him. "Why would that work?" Beomgyu frowns, "no service means no calls, no matter who we're calling", you say and Beomgyu groans.
Hours pass as you and Beomgyu make your way through the thick forest, you walk mostly in silence with the exception of a few nasty comments here and there. When you pass the same tree for the fourth time you almost want to cry, "we're going in circles!"
"We are not!" Beomgyu exclaims, "have you not seen that tree before?" you point at a particularly big tree with a broken branch. Beomgyu squints before shaking his head, "nope", you sigh, "have you ever considered getting tested for dementia?" Beomgyu sneers, "ha-ha, very funny". You smirk, "I'm serious, I know a few places", he raises a brow, "why? have you gone there yourself?" he smirks. "Piss off".
The sun was beginning to set and you felt all hope leaving your body. Taking a deep breath you glance over at Beomgyu, "what the fuck are we gonna do?" For once your friend doesn't wear his usually playful and mischievous look as he seems just as defeated as yourself.
You drag your hand across your face, "this is the most embarrassing way to die ever, and not only will I die like this, I'm dying alongside you of all peop-", your words are suddenly cut off by your friends hand on your mouth, again. You protest under his grip, "Shh!" he hisses, "did you hear that?" he whispers. You frown, "Beomgyu I swear to god I will actually have you executed and-" your words are cut short by the a deep almost yell like sound booming through the trees. You glance over at Beomgyu, his face has lost all colour and when he looks at you the two of you both exclaim, "wolf!".
The rest is a blur, you grab onto Beomgyu's arm as the two of you run through the forest at record speed. Branches whip you in the face, your feet almost getting caught in snares and your clothes get torn by thorn bushes. The adrenaline is what keeps the two of you going, and then you see it, a faint light somewhere far ahead. Beomgyu seems to have seen it as well as you can feel him speed up next to you.
Finally you find your way out of the trees and into a small opening in the forest, a small camp with three tents have been set up. A fire is sparking in the middle and you let out a relieved sigh when the sight of your friends come into vision.
Huening is the first to approach you, the two of you are panting heavily and are covered in a mixture of dirt and sweat. "Shit, are you guys okay? You look like you've seen a ghost," Huening exclaims as he takes in your appearance.
"Where the hell have you guys been?" Yeonjun exclaims from the fire, he smirks, "you guys got lost didn't you?"
"No!" both you and Beomgyu exclaim at the same time. You glance over at your friend, silently agreeing on taking this to the grave.
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strangesthirdeye · 6 months
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Listen Before I Go (SH x Fem! Reader)
Summary: A quick call won't hurt, right?
Warning: It's Sherlock everyone like him..heavy angst? Attempt Suicide, mental breakdown, mental health, You are loved by people, don't do that. You need a hug, pleading, high ceiling, hanging rope, almost suffocating. The Empty Hearse episode.
As usual, I'm sorry if there are any wrong sentences or typos or grammatical mistakes, please forgive me and again English is not my first language, so I try to improve my language and writing in this way.
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One more loop and the knots are strong enough to support your weight. You sighed heavily. The creaking sound of the chair under your feet is heard when you make some motions on it. You look around your living room. Everything is scattered and unmanaged. Papers and books on the floor not to mentioned chairs are scattered around the living room, just like your wooden table.
you exhaled a heavy breath and looked up to see the noose hanging from the ceiling of your house. Well, here it is. After running around in your own mind and going through all the painful and stressful things in the real world, you are finally lost. Those things successfully kick your ass. Not to mention what happened to Sherlock two years ago. He committed suicide and claimed he was a liar, but that was not true. Why did he do that makes it a question mark for you, John, Mrs Hudson, Greg, Molly and Lestrade. Mycroft? hmm, he's just quiet. There was no news from him after that.
As if he has disappeared from existence.
Every dark plagued plays in your mind. All those rude people who curse Sherlock and proudly claim that Sherlock is a fraud. Not to mention those people have started bothering Sherlock's friends including you as his girlfriend. Those people don't know the meaning of grief.
You then look down. This is high enough. As long as your feet do not touch the floor is enough. Suffocate is not the first thing in your mind but because you don't want to commit suicide dirty with blood, you immediately decide to hang yourself. At least your life is taken slowly and in that time you can see all the happy memories at the end of your time.
You stand on your tiptoes and stick your head into the noose. The noose gently ends around your neck. Your hands started to tighten the noose around your neck so that it would be tight and not come loose when you hung it later. You sighed for the second time.
You are not afraid but nervous. Well, at least you know what your destiny is. You then close your eyes and your legs are ready to push the chair. All of the sudden, your phone rang in your pants pocket. You were shocked and almost pushed the chair under you but luckily the chair didn't slip.
You fish out your pocket and take your phone out of your pocket. You gulped your saliva slowly when you saw the contact on your phone.
You immediately slide accept and open the speaker.
"Hey, John"
"Where are you now? I need to tell you something.. Might be a surprise from me to you... I guess" John chuckled a little. Following with his hype tone means that John is in a good mood. Good. You're going to ruin his mood if you tell him what you're up to.
"what is it that you want to tell me? Is it Mary tho?" You pretend to hype your voice just to hide your crack tone.
"Well, I prefer to tell you at a cafe around your house only if you're not busy" John reasoned.
"well, i can't go out now.. can you just tell me on the phone instead? i kind of not really having a mood to go out anymore" You bit your lip slightly.
John was silent for a moment. You can imagine his confused face in your mind. Classic John. Gonna miss him.
"Are you alright?" John asked.
"mhmm.. I'm always alright" You replied.
"really? cuz' that's not how your 'alright' voice sounds like" John said suspiciously. "is it about Sherlock again?" John added.
Dammit. Why does he have to be the one who is always right? You are silent.
"It's been two years, Y/n. You have to let go that 'feeling'. It's not good for you" John said as if a father was advising his children to be useful human beings.
"you don't understand, aren't you? It's not easy. You have Mary.. while I don't have no one. No one to help me. Not even Mycroft. And I don't want to bring Mrs Hudson into this. She's already got a lot of plates in her hands." you paused you stand on your tiptoes.
"well, at least you don't have to deal with me anymore. I know what I'm doing now is a very useful thing. You don't have to worry about me." you added, the voice started to crack.
"What are you doing right now, Y/n. Don't you dare say that to me. I know exactly what you are trying to do. I'm coming" John's voice seemed to rush.
"tell me, John" you spoke up.
"what" John snapped trying to stop himself from yelling at you not to say negative things again.
"tell me what you want to say to me. That you expect me to be surprised" You closed your eyes. Tears streamed down your cheeks.
John let out a heavy breath. "I- oh god! this is not the situation I expected to tell you what it is. Taxi!" John yelled. John's voice then became muffled for a few moments before it became clear again. John then hurriedly told the cab driver your home address. Although the location is quite far from your house, John doesn't care about the fare. As long as he can save his other friend this time.
"just hold on. Don't end the call" John informed you firmly. John then sighed anxiously. "I-I plan to propose Mary tonight"
You smiled sadly. "is it going to be fancy? big?" you questioned him.
"fancy but simple.. oh gosh, why can't you just.. not doing all these things? You have many other things out there to go through! why now do you want to end it?" John is furiously rich.
"I think this is the end of my story. I've got nothing out there to go through. You have Mary. She's the one, John. Marry her. Make her half of your life. Have a family." You said lowly. your toes little by little push the chair under you.
"don't you dare say that. Think about it again. Sherlock doesn't want all this. He doesn't like any decision to end your life. He despises it. He wants you to move on and live a normal life. Normal life! Don't you want that? Find someone who can be with you for the rest of your life. Please.. I don't want to lose my best friend again" John begged.
Your line is quiet. Only the sound of the cab that John was riding in was heard. You look down. The hanging rope around the neck feels tight.
You know he's right but why don't you move away from the noose that is now resting on your neck? Sherlock doesn't like this. He despises it like John said earlier. Why then don't you open the rope and get off the chair? It's not going to work you know. Kill yourself. It's not.
Every thousand possibilities play in your mind as you hold the phone tightly in your hand. You bit your lips hard.
"I can't hold it anymore. The feeling of pain, grief and lost. It's not easy like what you say. It's just- Move on? no.. it's not working." you sobbed.
"No.." John paused. Probably is choosing and arranging the next sentence. "No, it's not easy. But, Sherlock wouldn't want that, right? So whatever you're doing now just drop it. Please. For the sake of Sherlock Holmes" John added in a tone of hope.
You paused and closed your eyes. Thumbs up on the screen. "I'm sorry, John" and you ended the call.
'just get on with it' whispered the demon in your ear. You choked on your own tears in your throat. You tossed your phone aside and stared for a moment then without hesitation you pushed the chair down so fast that it landed on the floor. But you don't fall, you float in the air with a hanging rope around your neck.
And there goes your oxygen is cut off quickly as you gasp for air while thrashing in the air. Both hands on the noose around your neck while your eyes darted around the living room. Mouth part away trying to get even a little oxygen. Your skin's colour is getting paler and your brain is in a state of shock when the oxygen is getting less and less to the brain.
You almost lost consciousness and then you see it. Life flashes before your eyes. Happy and sad memories. All in one. As the last piece of memories played in your eyes, you finally lost consciousness. Both your hands limp to the side while your head lolled forward. Your hair frames your pale face. But not before you hear the door of your house burst open by someone. Someone who you didn't get to see as your eyes are now tightly closed. Welcoming the feeling of a blanket of darkness.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Eyes opened slowly as you gasped to take enough oxygen into your body system. Every thought plays in your mind. Why can't you just go in peace? Why do people have to bother you?
You look around the living room. Now you are lying on the floor. Eyes on the ceiling while your breath is still panting. Everything is hurt especially in your neck. You can still feel the texture of the hanging rope around your neck.
You curse whoever messed up your suicide attempt. It could be John but the taxi John took could not be able to get here quickly. So who? You glared at the person who was kneeling next to you but then as soon as your eyes landed on the silhouette, you widened your eyes.
there he is, a man who claims to be a sociopath and never believes in sentiment but then falls into the terms boyfriend and girlfriend. His brunette hair, his eyes, his cheek bones and his face are still the same but at the same time he looks a little mature. While his eyes hold emotions that are very heavy plus panic and concerned etched on his face.
Sherlock Holmes. The so called 'fraud' is now on your side.
"What were you thinking?!" Sherlock said loudly.
You are stunned. Sherlock then touched your shoulder and shook it a little trying to get you out of the trance.
Oh, God. What you think is a dream is actually not a dream but real. The feeling of him touching your shoulder and his deep raspy and smoky timbre makes you miss him so much. Your eyes start to glaze over with tears.
"Sherlock?" you whispered his name.
Sherlock looked at you with concern and tried to help you sit up. "what were you thinking? Suffocate yourself to death? why? just why?"
"because you died! For two years. I thought you were dead once your body hit the ground in front of the hospital. Two years, Sherlock. Two years. And you think I can live without you just like that?" you yelled while slapping him on the chest several times.
Sherlock deflected your blow by holding both of your wrists to his chest. He looked at you with sympathy. "I want to save you and the others. This is all I can do. Moriarty will do worse than what you don't expect that's why I have to do that. Two years I tried to take down his network and now I'm here. What you did earlier there was the most horrible thing for me. I don't want to come back home knowing that you are dead."
You thought for a moment. Your red eyes looked at Sherlock's face with realization on your face. And then you sniffed and leaned your head on his chest.
Sherlock then put his arms around you. His right hand was placed on the back of your head and stroked gently while his head was placed on top of your head.
"You saved me.. oh, how stupid I am to do that" you sobbed.
"no you're not stupid. Don't say that. You are the most brilliant and courageous woman I know. Your intelligent and kind attitude makes me adore and fond of you more.. listen, I don't always say this but you are the only reason I'm coming home. Please.. don't do that ever again" Sherlock said while kissing your hair.
"John will be here soon." you say. Your voice is muffled in his chest.
"let him. might as well make it a surprise for him." Sherlock joked trying to lighten up the mood.
You chuckled tearfully and then hugged Sherlock tightly. Sherlock smiled gently and tightened his arms and rocked you left and right with his eyes closed.
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dani-sdiary · 2 months
Anyone Else?
I am 18 years old and I just found out I am intersex.
I started puberty at an earlier age than average. I had severe acne, oily skin, and hirsutism in second grade. I remember my dad telling me to wash my face because I was getting "a type of pimple called a blackhead" (he had to explain to me what it was, I had never heard of them) when he dropped me off at before-school daycare at 7 years old. When I told my mom I had hair under my arms that same year, she flat-out refused to believe me. She simply said I did not, that it was impossible.
I started shaving my legs in third grade, after begging my parents to let me for a year. My mom said I should only have to shave every other day, and again denied the truth when I told her that wasn't enough. Once I started shaving my legs, I noticed the hair everywhere else: my back, my chest, my face, all over.
I googled my symptoms over and over, scouring the internet for a documented experience of any other woman who was like me. I questioned my gender identity over the years. I had wondered if it was possible for me to be intersex, but I had a very limited view of what that could mean, and I assumed if I was, it would be very physically, externally, obvious. At that time, I didn't think it was possible for my doctors, my parents, and everyone else in my life to miss something so important.
For about a year, I identified as non-binary and used they/them pronouns. I think that part of this came from a place of being young and exploring my identity, but it also came from deep insecurity. I didn't feel like being a girl was an option for me because of the way I looked, so I thought it would ease my pain to pretend I wasn't a girl. I want to make it abundantly clear that I am in no way saying questioning one's gender identity is only about being insecure. That was my personal experience, and I am in the minority. I am the exception to the vast majority of experiences.
I bought plain, solid-color, clothes 3 sizes too big and wore pants and long sleeves all summer to swallow me up. I always wore my hair down and I always had bangs to cover as much of my face as possible. I wanted to make it impossible to see my face at all, and, between bangs, glasses, makeup, and a mask, I was fairly close.
By the time I was 12, I had developed a four-hour daily routine for removing all my hair. After a year of seeing my therapist, I finally broke down and told her about my hirsutism via pen and paper and through tears. I was so, so ashamed that I couldn't even say the word "hair" out loud. She immediately told me I might have PCOS, something I had never heard of, and it turns out she was right.
It was only recently, six years after my PCOS diagnosis, that I found out there was any discussion at all about PCOS being considered an intersex condition. I am ashamed to say my first reaction was one of more fear and insecurity. I have been chasing womanhood all my life, and this felt like yet another barrier to it. Even if I didn't identify as intersex after reading about this, it's taught me I have quite a bit of unlearning to work on.
I am in no way qualified to declare PCOS to be an intersex condition, and I am not telling other people with PCOS that they have to be intersex, but I now identify as intersex. I love that PCOS awareness is a trending hastag on tiktok, but there is still so much more research that needs to be done, especially into this particular area. I read peer-reviewed journals from scientists and blog posts about individuals' real experiences and I found a term that feels like home for me, that fell in line with the way I had always felt about myself. I will still use she/her pronouns, because they also feel right for me.
When I experience things like this, I don't know what else to do but write about them. I hope we learn more about this, and I hope I can talk to someone who has also had this experience. Thank you.
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weird-is-life · 1 year
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Summary: Spencer forgets about your date and you upset
Warnings: language, angst, fluff, use of y/n and pet names
Words: 1.3k Masterlist
A/N: English is not my first language, so please excuse any grammar/spelling mistakes
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You and Spencer were supposed to go on a date at 7. But as you sat in your apartment, looking at the clock, that showed 8.30, you knew there would be no date.
You called and texted him multiple times, nothing. He didn't respond. You didn't know, what he was doing.
There was no case he needed to fly out to, because he'd have called you, if there was one. You didn't know what else to do, than wipe away the tears at the edges of your cheeks and try to figure out where he was.
You called the first person, that came to your mind, Penelope.
"H-hi, Penelope. It's y/n..." you said.
"Oh hi pretty, is everything okay?" she quickly responded.
"I just.... I just wanted to ask if you know where Spencer is?" you shamefully asked, you didn't want to bother her with stuff as stupid as that.
"Last time i saw him, he was buried under a pile of paper work. I don't know if he's still here, i'll go look-"
"That's okay, you don't have to go look for him" you said with slightly sad voice.
"Are you sure? Is everything okay-"
"Yeah, t-thanks Penelope" you hung up, before she even got the chance to reply.
You didn't need her to tell you, were he was. You were pretty sure, that he was sat by his desk, studying his files and completely forgot about your date.
It happened before, that he got too caught up in his work, that he forgot about time. He'd been late quite a few times because of it, but never when it involved you.
While you changed from the pretty summer dress, that Spencer loved so much to pyjamas, Penelope marched to Spencer's desk.
"What did you do?" she angrily walked up to him. Spencer lifted his red eyes from the file, he was reading and looked confusedly at her.
"What do you mean? I didn't do anything" he puzzled.
"Why was y/n calling me upset on the phone, asking where you are" she put her hands on her hips and frowned at him.
Realisation struck him like a bolt of lightning, " fuck, fuck, fuck!"
He quickly scrambled to his feet and threw his stuff in his bag, "was she too upset?"
"If crying is too upset for you, then yeah. She definitely was" Penelope glared at him, " i don't know what you did, but you better make it right or i'll-"
Spencer ignored her, he practically bolted out of the room, when he heard, that you were crying. He didn't know, how he was going to apologise to you. The best thing he thought of were flowers, that he bought on the way to you.
When he finally got to the apartment, he found it completely dark, except for one little light coming from the TV. You laid on the couch, head turned away from Spencer, so he couldn’t see you face.
"S-sweetheart?" he softly called out, but you didn't move. You pretended to be asleep, hoping he'd just leave you alone.
But of course, he didn't. He cautiously walked to your side and crouched down to face you. There was no denying, that you were crying. Your cheeks and eyelashes were wet and Spencer felt like crying to.
It pained him to know, that you cried because of him. He felt like the biggest fucking asshole.
"Y/N?" he uncertainly said, hoping you'd just look at him. Your eyes stayed close, but he saw the movement of your closed eyes and knew, you weren't sleeping.
"W-will you just look at me, please?" he pleaded and you let out a silent sob, that you couldn't keep inside anymore.
"Please, j-just leave me a-alone" you groggily said and still didn't spare him a look.
"No" he said, Spencer's eyes started stinging, but he wouldn't leave you. 
At that you finally opened your eyes,"what do you mean no?" your face was puffy and your red eyes were looking quizzically at him.
"I mean no, i won't leave you, until we talk" he sat down next to the couch, "you can yell at me all you want, but please don't give me the silent treatment." He desperately looked at you.
"I'm n-not gonna yell at you" you sniffled and Spencer couldn't help it and hesitantly wiped away the tear, that was running down your cheek.
"I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I don't know how it happened... I was reading the files and-and i guess i lost the track of time," he admited with shame, "there's no excuse for missing our date. You have every right to be angry at me. I'm always away and when i'm finally home i forget about our date. I'm such an idiot. I'm sorry, love. I'll leave you alone now if you still want me to, but i j-just wanted you to know how fucking sorry i am."
Spencer's cheeks were wet now, too and he waited for you to say something, anything really, but you only sniffled some more. So he got up and slowly walked away, "I'll sleep in the guest room tonight."
He left you alone with heavy heart and a huge pit in his stomach. He knew how excited you were, when he told you, he was taking you on a date. And he pretty much ruined it.
He absent-mindly took a shower, brushed his teeth and laid down in the cold bed. There was no way the sleep would come, when he knew you were probably crying in the other room and the guilt was eating him alive.
Your sobs stopped a few minutes after he left and you suddenly felt so parched from all the crying. So in your need of some water, you went to the kitchen.
You were almost finished with a second glass of water, when you noticed the big bouquet of roses laying on the counter.
You curiously picked them up and noticed the small card put in between them. There was scrabbled in Spencer's messy handwriting a note, ' I'm so sorry, love. Please forgive me. I love you...'
Your heart melted a bit from it, but stubborn as ever, you didn't go to him and went to the bed instead. And as you laid there, looking at the ceiling, you couldn't fall asleep. Your mind kept running back to Spencer.
It was hard to sleep, when he was away, but it somehow felt worse now, knowing, that he was home, just in another room.
After a few hours, you just gave up. You forgot about being still angry at him and walked to the guest room. You didn't bother knocking on the door, just walked right in.
Spencer probbed himself on his elbows, when he notice the door open and your figure slip in. He immediately switched on the lamp, "Sweetheart, is everything okay?" he asked, a little worried.
"You are an idiot," you stated with a frown and climbed in the bed, "but i can't seem to fall asleep without."
You sat on the covers, looking everywhere but him. " Come here," he gestured for you to get under the covers and you did. You laid next to him and the slight distance between your bodies drove you both crazy.
Spencer broke first," I'm sorry again, baby. I didn't mean to h-hurt you," he let out a long sigh of regret.
One look at his apologetic face and the anger completely vanished, " It's okay, i know, you didn't mean to and i forgive you. I was just really looking forward to it." You gave him a small smile, which Spencer returned right away.
"I'm sorry."
"Stop with the sorrys and if you forget again, i won't talk to you for days" you warned him and he chuckled.
"I'm sorry, baby. I promise to make it up to you" he finally tugged you close to his chest, happy smile on his face.
"You better. You can start by cuddling me all night tonight" you murmured to his chest.
"That will be no problem. I love you so much."
"I love you, too. "
Hey guys, thank you for reading. Let me know what you think. Feedback is always appreciated.
Have a great day and stay safe everybody. Peace out ☀️
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honeysunai · 8 months
Hostess| Kyoya Ootori x reader
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Part nine - Test of courage
Pairing : Kyoya Ootori x reader
Word Count : 4k
General rating : Fluff, enemies to love vibes
Summary: As only heir to your family you are bound to an arranged marriage with the third son of the powerful house Ootori. His cold behavior is only a mask for you to uncover when you stumble into music room number three.
You let out a long and bored sigh as you look at a blank paper in front of you. Tamaki assigned you to write ideas for the Halloween event the Host Club wants to host, but your mind was elsewhere. You couldn’t stop thinking about that kiss and how eager Kyoya was and then returned to pretending you were just classmates. You were angry and yet… You only wanted him to kiss you all over again. 
It was infuriating. No. He was. 
“What about a cult of vampires thirsty for the blood of their guests.” Tamaki explodes as if he found the best idea of all time. Ew. Blood, no thanks. 
“This sounds too erotic even for us.” You chuckle. 
“Well, you haven’t written anything on that paper so I’m giving you some ideas to make that brain of yours work.” He chuckles while patting the top of your hair. 
The door busted open with the twins and Haruhi glued to their side. Kaoru spoke up first. “For the entire week, count us out.”
The mortifying expression on Tamaki’s face made you hold back a laugh. “What do you mean “us”? Why is Haruhi going with you?”
“We have a tournament on Halloween night, a test of courage.” She mumbles as if she thought it was the dumbest idea, it might as well be.
“And she is on our team.” Hikaru snickers. “She is in our class, afterall.” They both dramatically turn around and leave.
“Does this mean we cancel our event?” You ask quite eagerly for Tamaki’s response.
“This means we are going to participate in their little tournament.” His gaze never leaves the trio of second years. You grunt loudly. 
Tamaki’s genius plan was in preparation while you sat on a bench drinking tea with Mori. Your leg was bouncing rapidly out of anxiety.
“You seem tense.” Kyoya said, his eyes still focused on his computer screen. “I can smell the tension steaming.”
“Ew.” You scoff. “I'm not tense," you retorted.
“What's bothering you then? Are you scared?" Tamaki chuckled.
“No, I just don't see the point in scaring people," you mumbled.
Honey took a seat beside you and flashed a bright smile. “It's not just about that. You have a lot of candies too!"
“That's a valid point," you conceded. "While you two brilliant minds work on your plan, I'll make my exit. I've got some personal matters to attend to."
“Why's that?" Kyoya asked abruptly, turning his gaze towards you.
“It's not something you need to worry about," you replied with a quick smile before making your way out of the music room. In truth, you weren't busy at all; all your studies and homework were already completed. You simply wished to avoid the Halloween preparations. As you strolled through the school, you sought out an empty music room where you could indulge in a bit of cello before the next class.
After leaving the music room, you headed down the corridor in search of an empty space to practice your cello. As you walked, you couldn't help but overhear snippets of excited chatter from various students discussing the Halloween preparations. It seemed that the Host Club's Halloween event was generating quite a buzz.
Finally, you found an empty and peaceful practice room. You entered and set up your cello, finding comfort in the familiar strains of the instrument. As you began to play, the hauntingly beautiful melody filled the room, creating a serene atmosphere that provided a stark contrast to the bustling excitement of Halloween preparations.
Unbeknownst to you, a familiar figure from the Host Club had been silently trailing you. Haruhi, who had been observing your interactions with the other members, had sensed your need for a break from the chaotic festivities. She had followed you discreetly, understanding that you preferred solitude.
Leaning against the doorframe, Haruhi listened to your enchanting music. The sound of the cello captivated her, and she was moved by the depth of emotion in your playing. She watched you with a soft smile, appreciating the chance to see a different side of you.
When you eventually finished your piece, you turned to find Haruhi standing there, a gentle and understanding look in her eyes. She didn't say anything, but her presence was enough to convey her support and empathy.
“Be ready, Tamaki is taking part in your Tournament.”
She smiles. “This means you will as well?”
“Obviously.” You snort. 
With that, the two of you spent a little more time chatting, and finding common ground amidst the chaos of the Host Club's Halloween preparations. It was a welcome and unexpected connection that brought a sense of calm to an otherwise hectic day.
On Halloween night
You entered the ball room and noticed the dark ambiance. In the middle you could see makeup and costumes ready to be worn. 
You sigh. “Did you really ask the occult club to help us?” 
“They are professionals afterall.” Tamaki says proudly. “Who else but the Occult Club to know what is scary or not?” He had a fair point. 
You were grabbed by two girls and forced to sit down on a chair. You couldn’t protest before their work started. They Had their makeup brushes ready with pink and white paint. “It’s too late to say no, right?” You ask anyone before the first stroke of white paint touches your skin. At the same time the other girl worked over your hair. Two pigtails wrapped in red ribbons. It felt like forever until you could see yourself in the mirror. You were going to be a creepy little creepy lolitta doll.
“Good god.” You scoff as you look at yourself with your regular uniform, you look silly. 
“Do you not like it?” Nekozawa asked in a grim tone. To be fair, you were a bit freaked out by him and so you lied.
“I love it. I’m just not used to it.” You smile as best as you can, but you look creepy nonetheless. 
“Good!” He smiles. Even if he was happy, his smile was creepy. “We got the perfect costume to fit with your marvelous character. “The cursed doll!” It was like thunder cracked at the same time he spoke those very words. 
You looked in the mirror and couldn't help but feel that you appeared terrifying – and not in a good way. The worn-out pink and white puffy dress you wore was splattered with fake blood in a chaotic pattern. You imagined your mother would have a heart attack if she saw you in this outfit.
Emerging from the dressing room, you joined your Host Club friends in the ballroom. Tamaki, in his dashing vampire costume, looked unfairly handsome. Mori and Honey, dressed as a pair of werewolves straight out of a telenovela, exuded a certain charm. Kyoya, on the other hand, had chosen not to dress up.
With a stoic expression, you couldn't help but voice your frustration. "I hate you guys."
"Don't you look terrifying?" Kyoya quipped with a barely suppressed laugh.
You glared at him. "And don't you guys look cute?"
"Do you think so?" Honey's smile was radiant.
"Why am I the only one overdressed?" You grumbled.
Tamaki, wrapping an arm over your shoulders, smiled as he explained, "You are the dessert to our coup."
"I don't think that's a saying," you retorted. He led you out of the ballroom and into a classroom tucked away in the far corner of the school.
"Stay here until Honey gives you the signal. Here's your script," Tamaki said, handing you a crumpled piece of paper before closing the door, leaving you alone in the dark room.
"Ugh, I hate them," you muttered to yourself, closing your eyes and reading the poorly written script. It lacked any real scare factor. Your best bet was to simply scream at anyone who entered the room or adopt a lifeless stare to unnerve them.
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As you sat in the dark room, dressed in your creepy Lolita costume, time seemed to crawl by at an agonizingly slow pace. The initial excitement of transforming into a terrifying character had given way to boredom and restlessness. Your once-eager anticipation for your role had faded into a growing sense of impatience.
You began to fidget in your chair, the minutes stretching into what felt like hours. The silence in the room was deafening, broken only by the occasional distant laughter and muffled voices from the Halloween event outside. The worn-out pink and white dress seemed to constrict your movements, making you acutely aware of how uncomfortable and itchy it had become.
You sighed deeply, shifting your weight from side to side, trying to ease the discomfort of your costume. Your thoughts wandered, and you began to wonder if you were somehow forgotten or if the Host Club's plan had encountered an unexpected delay. The desire for some action or interaction had grown stronger with each passing minute.
Impulsively, you reached into your pocket and pulled out your phone, checking the time. It had been far longer than you'd expected, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of exasperation. To alleviate your boredom, you began scrolling through your phone, reading messages, and checking social media, all while anxiously waiting for Honey's signal to finally break the monotony of your solitary confinement.
The door creaked open and you looked at who it was not bothering to hide back your phone. 
“This is really not your shade.” Kyoya snickers as he enters the room.
“Laugh all you want.” You sigh. He looked at you as if to say “Oh, I am.”, “What are you doing here?”
“Keeping you from dying of boredom.” He took a seat next to you on the floor. 
“My phone was already doing your job.” You chuckle lightly. 
“You really don’t like Halloween, don’t you?”
"Not really, no," you began, reflecting on your past. "When I was a kid, my parents were so busy with their own lives and jobs that they never had time for Halloween, or even Christmas some years. By the time they started to be more present, I just didn't care that much anymore about the holidays."
Kyoya sighed deeply, and you could see his thoughtful expression as he absorbed the glimpse of your personal history.
As the seconds ticked by, you found yourself pondering why you had shared such a personal memory with Kyoya. It wasn't something you typically opened up about, especially not in the midst of a festive occasion like Halloween. Perhaps it was the quiet and the stillness of the room that had encouraged the spontaneous revelation. Or maybe it was Kyoya's ability to make you feel strangely comfortable discussing your past. Regardless of the reason, you couldn't help but wonder why you had chosen to reveal a part of yourself at that moment.
“Then let’s go.” He said as he grabbed your hand to help you out of your creepy chair.
“I’m going to show you what’s so fun about it.”
Kyoya led you out of the dimly lit room and into the corridor, your hand still in his firm grip. You followed him through the maze-like hallways of the school, unsure of what to expect.
As you moved stealthily through the school, you couldn't help but have reservations about this endeavor. The idea of scaring people had never really appealed to you, and you had doubts about whether it would be as fun as the others made it out to be. But you trusted Kyoya's judgment, and his air of confidence piqued your curiosity.
The two of you took positions in a dimly lit hallway, concealed behind a corner, waiting for your next victim. Your heart raced as you watched a student approaching, completely unaware of your presence.
In perfect coordination, you and Kyoya executed your plan. As the student drew nearer, you let out a spine-chilling, ghostly wail while Kyoya produced an eerie, spectral light using a concealed flashlight. The student, taken aback and startled, screamed in terror before realizing it was all a prank.
At first, you watched with mixed emotions, uncertain of how the student would react. But as the initial shock and fear gave way to laughter and amusement, you couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and satisfaction. Giggling uncontrollably, you and Kyoya shared in the joy of the moment.
You and Kyoya ventured further into the school, your Lolita doll costume taking on a new persona with each scare. The initial uncertainty you had felt had given way to a sense of exhilaration and a growing enthusiasm for the Halloween shenanigans.
As you reached a more crowded area of the school, you couldn't resist the temptation to continue your mischief. You spotted a group of students engrossed in conversation and laughter, unaware of your presence. Kyoya nodded at you, signaling that this was your next target.
You approached the group with a silent grace, the ruffled layers of your dress swaying as you moved. As you got closer, you unleashed a spine-tingling, ghostly whisper that seemed to echo through the corridor. Simultaneously, Kyoya, hidden in the shadows, conjured a ghostly blue glow that danced eerily around you.
The students, caught off guard by the sudden otherworldly presence, let out a collective gasp and huddled together in fear. A few of them even dropped their belongings in their fright.
You couldn't help but stifle a giggle as you watched their terrified reactions. Some clutched their hearts, while others playfully scolded each other for overreacting. The initial shock gave way to laughter, and you realized that this was the essence of Halloween – a blend of fear and fun.
One of the students, a young girl, turned to you with a mixture of relief and amusement. "That was a good one! You really got us."
You gave a mischievous curtsy, your creepy Lolita persona adding to the theatrics of the moment. "I'm glad you enjoyed it."
As you and Kyoya roamed the dimly lit corridors, you noticed a locked door at the end of a long hallway, illuminated only by the faint light of a flickering overhead bulb. It seemed like the perfect setting for a dramatic and hair-raising Halloween scare.
With a shared nod, you and Kyoya decided to orchestrate a chilling performance. You took your position near the door, hidden in the shadows, your Lolita doll costume transformed into a ghostly and eerie presence.
Kyoya, meanwhile, prepared to unleash his talents. With a quick flourish of his hand, he projected a series of ghostly images on the door, each one more terrifying than the last. The ghostly apparitions danced and flickered, accompanied by spine-tingling whispers that filled the air.
Unsuspecting students rounded the corner and came into view, their footsteps echoing in the eerie silence. As they approached the locked door, they spotted the ghostly figures and heard the haunting whispers. Panic washed over them, and they let out a chorus of terrified screams.
In their panic, the students stumbled over each other, desperately searching for an escape route. Some of them turned and ran back the way they came, while others frantically pounded on the locked door, pleading for it to open. The once-crowded hallway turned into a scene of chaotic terror.
You and Kyoya couldn't help but feel a rush of adrenaline as the students fled in sheer panic, their fear evident in their eyes. It was the ultimate Halloween scare, and you had succeeded beyond your wildest expectations.
As the commotion gradually subsided and the corridor returned to a state of calm, you exchanged an exhilarated glance with Kyoya. The dramatic scare had left a lasting impression, and you both couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all.
You finally got what made this activity so enjoyable, and you couldn't help but share a knowing smile with Kyoya as you continued to haunt the hallways together.
As your Halloween night of spooking students continued, Kyoya approached you with an excited glint in his eyes. "How about a grand finale?" he suggested, a mischievous smile on his face. Curious and eager to embrace the festive spirit, you nodded in agreement. "What do you have in mind?" Kyoya explained his plan, which involved a grand scare that would target none other than the notorious twins with Haruhi. It was an enticing proposition, and you both set off to make it happen.
You ran around the school to find the trio and once you did they were walking to their next trap, you.
You began to move in a slow, puppet-like manner, as if controlled by unseen strings, your joints bending unnaturally, your movements otherworldly. You swayed with an eerie grace, creating an atmosphere of surreal horror.
At the same time, Kyoya cast an illusion of ghostly whispers and phantom shadows that danced around you. The effect was haunting and mesmerizing, and the corridor seemed to take on a life of its own.
The twins and Haruhi watched, transfixed by the chilling performance. Hikaru and Kaoru exchanged uneasy glances, and Haruhi clutched her heart in mock fear.
As the performance reached its climax, you let out another spine-chilling wail, your voice echoing through the corridor. The twins were quite uneasy with you as for Haruhi, she held back a laugh to not mess up your performance. They weren’t moving until you stopped abruptly before sprinting for them, making them run away from you leaving Haruhi alone with you. 
“Too bad I wasn’t convincing enough to scare you.” You laugh with Haruhi.
“I do not scare easily.” She says drying her tears of laughter. Kyoya came out of hiding and applauded you. 
“I didn’t think you’d enjoy yourself that much.” He smiles brightly. A first.
“All thanks to the brains behind the operation.” You applauded him as well.
Later that night as you were taking out your makeup with Renge and Haruhi’s help, the winners were announced by Nekozawa. You were declared the champion of the Tournament!
Gasps of astonishment filled the room as the Host Club members realized the outcome. Hikaru and Kaoru exchanged surprised glances.
"You weren't even participating!" Kaoru exclaimed.
You smirked, "You guys are just sore losers."
Hikaru chimed in, "You're not even a second-year!"
Kyoya, however, simply leaned against a wall with a wry smile. "All I hear is whining from two losers."
You couldn't help but giggle at the banter among your friends, sharing a victorious moment.
After finally shedding the uncomfortable Lolita costume and wiping away the last remnants of makeup, you found yourself alone in the cozy embrace of the music room. The echoes of the Halloween festivities still resonate in your mind, but the overwhelming discomfort of the costume had been left far behind.
Sitting in the dimly lit room, you reflected on the night, your thoughts filled with gratitude for Kyoya. His unexpected and thrilling proposal to embrace the Halloween spirit had transformed a dull evening into a genuinely enjoyable one. You couldn't help but smile as you remembered how he had dragged you into the world of scares and pranks, and in doing so, had shared a unique and memorable experience with you.
The Halloween night had been a perfect blend of fright and fun, of camaraderie and laughter, and it was all thanks to Kyoya's initiative. As you sat in the peaceful music room, you realized that sometimes, the most unexpected and unconventional plans could lead to the best and most cherished memories.
"All hail the champion," a voice echoed in the empty room, and there stood Kyoya, the unexpected partner in your Halloween scare victory.
You couldn't resist a teasing grin. "Only a bow and some praise will do for your champion."
He walked over, the atmosphere filled with a mix of playful competition and genuine camaraderie. His smile was cocky as he leaned against the side of the column.
"So, do I get a prize for helping you win?" he inquired, his voice tinged with a playful challenge.
You responded with a smug grin, "It's my name they announced, not yours, so I'm afraid you don't get anything."
Kyoya leaned in closer, his smile seeming somewhat wistful. "I did help you win, though. I should get something."
With a soft laugh, you placed a hand on his arm and said, "You get the honor of witnessing your fiancé's majestic victory."
The two of you shared a moment of contentment and affection, the playful banter masking the fondness you felt for each other. It was a celebration of your Halloween success and the unique bond you shared.
“I want something else as my prize.” He smirks.
He acted on his impulses, seizing you by the waist and pressing you firmly against the column. His lips met yours with a passionate intensity, a bruising kiss that left you breathless, and you gasped in surprise at the sudden, fervent connection.
His tongue tantalizing teased your bottom lip, seeking entry, and you willingly granted it. Your heads tilted in unison, and one of his hands found its way to the back of your neck, gently bending it to deepen the kiss. A throaty moan escaped your lips as his other hand on your hip squeezed you possessively.
For a brief moment, he pulled back, his breath hot against your skin, and he whispered with a mixture of desire and frustration, "You always manage to pick the worst timing to drive me so, so eager for you."
His lips trailed a scorching path down your cheek, following the delicate curve of your jawline. Each touch was an electric shock of sensation, sending shivers down your spine as the world around you seemed to blur, consumed by the fervent desire shared in this stolen moment.
“Don’t I?” You chuckled briefly. “It just means I’m winning.”
“How so?” He asks not to bother to stop his lips from connecting to your skin. 
“You want to hear my master plan?”
“Do enlighten me.” His soft laugh lights a fire inside your stomach. 
“The more you resist me, the more you want me… Have you noticed how close we’ve become in the last few days?” He stops himself in his tracks to look at you in the eyes with intrigue. “I am winning.”
“Must everything be a competition between the two of us?”
“To get what we both deeply want, it is not an option.”
“And what is it I want?” He smirks as if he could read you all too well. 
“You don’t want to marry me for love and some other reason you refuse to talk about and I don’t want to get married at all, but duty is duty. But you do want me, which makes things complicated for us.” You breathe heavily when his teeth graze the skin of your neck. “So let’s meet in the middle. We can either keep denying each other’s needs and go our separate ways to college hoping to find better matches for us so we both marry for love, duty and what not, or we can give in and have our fun until college and then we find better matches. So you don’t have to marry me and you’ll be out of my hair. Two simple choices, one clearly more fun than the other, but riskier.”
He chuckles when he faces you again. “How so?”
“You’ll fall in love.” No, you would.
“With you?” He chuckles. “You’re pretty to look at, sure, but you get on my nerves too much for me to fall in love.” 
“I gave you our options, it’s your choice. In a way I am not replacing you like you asked.” He crashed his lips to yours, his very own way to seal their deal.
“I won’t lose to you, y/n.” He whispered before his lips met yours once more. 
“Neither will I.” You moan against his lips before you were picked up and carried on one of the pink velvet couches. He pried your pants off gently as his lips were still glued to yours. It was happening… You’d finally have Kyoya the way you wanted him ever since last time he kissed you. 
He moved between your thighs and took his sweet time to kiss and nimble on both of them. 
“You always assume I have better self control than I actually do.” He whispers before taking your underwear off. “I’m no better than any other man when it comes to you.” He smirks before dipping his head between your thighs. You huffed out a loud moan when he licked a stripe up your folds, before plunging his tongue right into your dripping heat. You snatched at his head, pulling his hair as your hips shifted against him— his nose nudging your clit.
He moaned against your cunt— the vibrations making that coil in your stomach tighten. He squeezed your thighs, running his tongue up your folds and swirling it around your clit, repeating this action a few times. You felt like you were in a dream, Kyoya pleasing you as a reward for your victory... or for his own pleasure. It didn't matter, he had accepted your deal and you were more than happy to give in to the tension between the two of you.
You felt yourself drawing tight, a thin sheen of sweat gathering across your bare skin. “Kyoya—” You came with a moan of his name, your hips stuttering against his face. You felt him groan beneath you, tongue working you through your orgasm.
After a long moment, Kyoya hovered over you. You smiled hazily at him. He hummed, pressing his mouth to yours. You couldn't believe what had just happened.
You could taste yourself on his lips, his tongue. You hummed a response, too busy stroking his cheek, feeling your own arousal sticky on your fingers. He pulled back briefly. “I won’t lose to you.” He repeated like it was an oath and you believed him for a split second.
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