#if i see any huge side effects
stellacadente · 28 days
and that's on top of pinning my distress and suffering and the awful time i'm going thru on the fact i'm on hrt
#why are cis people so obsessed with our transition when it has nothing to do with the situation#why does every therapist psychiatrist and other professional keep asking me if i've “fully” transitioned#if i see any huge side effects#if i find it hard to adjust to changes in my body (it's been 4 years btw)#and then when i try and tell them hrt is going well and i don't have any problem in that regard#they ignore me and keep saying it's hard to deal with your body changing even if you wanted it to and it's understandable to be struggling#literally so so tired of this. you guys aren't even listening to me. you guys don't care about me#you only care about your weird beliefs that hrt is harmful and you're so uncomfortable with my transness (always have been) that you don't#even want to help me for real you just want to have the satisfaction of saying see i was right see you're suffering bc of your “choice” to#be like this#well honestly i don't know who would ever choose to ask for help when you either pay lots of money or maybe get lucky or pay more money and#try again until you hit jackpot or just get no help just transphobia from public healthcare#i'm tired. i'm so tired. and i don't know how to stand up for myself. i'm sorry i wish i was one of those trans or fat people who fight lik#hell to get the respect they deserve but i'm just a scared traumatized mentally ill person who struggles to talk to people#so i just get stuck in these feelings of helplessness and no wonder i let myself reach my limit and would rather die instead
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notjustjavierpena · 4 months
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A/N: This happened because the SAG Awards made me horny. I have no other explanation for my behavior, no other defence. Maybe that I was listening to ur dad by VIAL. Obviously also a huge thanks to @strang3lov3 for being the cutest love bug I know, and for putting up with my brainstorming sessions.
Summary: You have a crush on Sarah’s father. It is summer, it is hot, and you just want a cold drink.
Pairing: Joel Miller x reader (no y/n)
Tags: +18 smut, best friend’s dad, significant age gap (reader is 19-22, Joel is in his mid-40s), SEXUAL TENSION, bee stings, groping, voyeur to some degree, f masturbation, dirty talk, an endless amount of pet names, sexy play with a soda can, praise kink, car sex, daddy kink, fingering, unprotected piv sex, joel’s cock is huge in this, creampie, premature ejaculation, pussy eating, come eating, squirting
Word count: 6.8k
Link to this work on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54233479
A warm Texas breeze blows through the open window of Sarah’s childhood room, making the see-through pink curtains move elegantly from side to side. It hits your back right underneath your halter neck as you lay on Sarah’s bed, caressing your bare skin and making you think of him. You wonder if his hands would have the same effect on you because you find yourself shivering but not from feeling cold. He is somewhere here, and his daughter doesn’t even know that her best friend obsesses about that fact.
Sarah hasn’t changed her room since she was a teenager. She told you this the first time she brought you here, which is almost a year ago today. You were here last summer too, thrilled to be invited to spend a few weeks of your summer with a friend from college and you and her have been inseparable ever since, even if you are so different from each other.
You have your face in a woman’s magazine, propped up on your elbows so you can suck on a popsicle stick whilst turning the pages. There’s a page with the recipe for ‘The Best Fudgy Chocolate Cake Ever!’ next to a page on how to lose weight, and it makes you snort.
“What?” Sarah turns on her chair, pausing the video on her computer.
“What kinda woman are you? You can choose one, but only one. Don’t get greedy now!” You make a scratchy voice but then pop your ice pop in your mouth to hold up the magazine for her to see.
“Seriously? We can’t win,” she groans dramatically, “Chocolate cake always. I just want to be happy, and that looks like a serotonin boost.”
Suddenly, the door opens without any warning. It’s him. Mr. Miller. You quickly remove the popsicle from your mouth, not about to show him how your lips are stretched around the sugary snack. The open door causes a draft to blow the smell of his cologne your way, and it is intoxicating beyond your imagination because you relish in it in secret.
“Dad,” Sarah says with exasperation, “I thought being an adult earned you the privilege of more privacy.”
“It’s gettin’ colder outside now,” he states and ignores her comment, hand resting on the doorknob, “The Adlers need Mercy to be walked, and the pavement’s coolin’ down.”
“I walked him when I was fourteen,” she furrows her brow and you suppress a snicker, “I’m twenty.”
“Just ‘cause you’re grown, don’t mean you can’t do right by ‘em,” he states matter-of-factly.
“Hi, Mr. Miller,” you say from your spot on the bed as Sarah fumes quietly, absentmindedly reaching to pull the short skirt of your dress down. He can probably see the start of your ass from how it has been riding up as you lay down on the sheets.
“Hiya darlin’,” he replies and you swear you can hear a restrained sound in his voice. He turns to Sarah again, “Get your butt off that chair.”
“Fine,” she follows through on her orders but still wants to argue, probably embarrassed at being ordered around by her father in front of her friend. She gestures to you, “And what about my guest?”
“She’s grown too, which means she can probably entertain herself the half hour you’ll be gone,” he dares wink at you, and blood courses through your veins.
“I’ll just get that assignment done while you’re out,” you reassure and try not to seem like your core is shaking.
“See?” Joel looks triumphant.
“You’d make a hell of a lawyer,” she deadpans at her father and walks past him.
When he closes the door and leaves you alone in the bedroom, you can feel your popsicle having melted, its syrupy water running down your fingers. You switch hands and suck the sticky fingers into your mouth. The action makes Mr. Miller’s image flash in your mind and you press your thighs together before getting up and finding your laptop.
You find that it’s near impossible to concentrate on proofreading your assignment in the tiny bedroom after just five minutes of being alone. It’s not that you can’t concentrate in the Summer heat but no matter what you do, your mind keeps circling back to Joel’s voice as he called you darling. It heats you more than the sun ever could, and with every tap on your keyboard, your mouth gets more and more dry.
Eventually, you push yourself to stand from your seat at the desk and make a decision to go fetch something to drink, and it is definitely not with the intention of accidentally bumping into Sarah’s father. Not even when you do not find Joel in the kitchen and decide to bypass it altogether to continue into the garage in hopes of being successful in your search for a drink (obviously).
This infatuation started last year. It took you about ten seconds - from walking into the kitchen and shaking Joel’s hand - to realize that Sarah was cursed with having him as a father. Firstly, he was outrageously handsome; always wearing washed-out t-shirts that clung to his shoulders, always smiling with teeth, sporting salt-and-pepper curls, and sometimes even shocking you by entering the kitchen with working gloves on. However, when he opened his mouth and spoke, a southern drawl dripped from his lips and made your whole body tense up. He was charming, respectful, and laughed at the right moments. Most importantly, he laughed at every damn attempt that you made at being funny, and while it was probably an attempt to be nice and make you feel at home, it spurred you on terribly to win him over at every opportunity.
Despite all that, those opportunities weren’t many. He was also cool enough to know that his daughter didn’t want him hanging around all the time, and so he spent many days either in the garden to mow the lawn in competition with the rest of the fathers down the street, in the garage to fix up some old truck, or with his brother, Tommy, and Tommy’s wife who always had some DIY-project going on.
Thus, the summer became one of tanning sessions in the garden, movies in Sarah’s room, stolen glances at Joel Miller whenever he came inside to quench his thirst after hard labor, and secret longing whenever he had kept away for too long.
One particular day last year, Sarah had failed to mention that her father would be home most of the last days you were in their house, and because he was always out, you were getting more and more comfortable with walking around in your towels post-showers or leaving the door unlocked when changing.
The particular event had happened in the morning when the house had been silent except for the kitchen where Sarah was preparing breakfast, using a large box of pancake mix and the whole fruit section of the local grocery store for topping. You had just showered, standing with your head in your suitcase to search for the last few pieces of clothing you had that were clean when there was a rap on the door and a pull of the handle not even a second later.
“Sarah, I need—“
You whipped around at the sound of a new voice entering the room. Your heart nearly burst out of your chest, feeling as though it was fighting its way out between your ribs as embarrassment began to flood your system. Even so, you stood too frozen to reach for something to cover yourself up.
Joel was in the doorway and dead silent, looking as if struck by lightning. Like earlier today, his hand had been resting on the doorknob and in the painfully short moment that the both of you were processing the situation, you saw that his grip tightened enough to whiten his knuckles.
And then it happened, the thing that had soaked you in forbidden desire and delicious excitement; his gaze had flickered down your body and taken you in for the briefest of seconds. His gaze had traveled from the hard peaks of your nipples to the shape of your hips and the softness of your young cunt.
“Fuck,” you heard him utter as he remembered himself and his self-awareness made you finally grab the top you were going to be wearing that day to cover up your quivering body. He slammed the door shut and spoke through it, “Christ, ’m so sorry, sweetheart.”
“It’s okay, Mr. Miller,” you promised but he was already gone. You immediately locked the door afterward to come so hard with two fingers on your clit that you had to hold onto the chair by the desk.
God, you want him to look at you like that again, want to tell him it is all for him. Now, as wrong as you know it is, you find yourself searching for an excuse to get him to ogle you and the chances are higher if he actually spends time with you.
“Hi, Mr. Miller,” you announce yourself as you enter the garage through the door in the kitchen. Joel has his head inside the hood of his truck, leaning over to inspect something that you wouldn’t understand anything about anyway. He grips the front side of the engine room to push himself to stand, closes the top of the hood of his truck, and turns around to face you.
“Hey kiddo,” he returns with a smile, “How many times do I gotta say to ya that it’s just Joel?”
“Alright, Mr. Miller,” you tease, “—I mean, Just Joel.”
You hear him laugh softly but you don’t dare look at him, afraid that you’ll spontaneously combust. He goes to the utility sink to wash his hands, saying nothing more and making you feel insane for coming apart in the silence.
“I’m just getting something to drink,” you explain when it becomes too much, “Sarah’s room is boiling hot.”
“That’s fine, take what you’d like,” he replies, and there’s a kind teasing in his voice. “But don’t touch the orange sodas. Those are mine.”
The concrete floor of the garage is cold on your bare feet as you pad across the floor where an old bottom-freezer refrigerator stands in the corner, humming in the otherwise quiet room. It has seen better days, and it seems like Sarah has tried to cheer up its weathered appearance by covering it in stickers and ugly magnets.
“Now I have to get one of those,” you giggle and pull the door open, scanning the contents and noticing that the sodas are on the bottom shelf. You hesitate for just a second, and then you choose to bend over instead of crouching down. Behind you, Joel Miller is completely silent.
In the beginning, it hadn’t been your intention to let the crush fester in your brain and turn it into something more but last week, during dinner out on the terrace, you had accidentally sat down on a bee and gotten stung on the back of your thigh. The cry you had let out had nearly made Joel tip over the table to get to you, his chair falling backward as he got up from his seat.
“Fuck! Ow ow ow!” You cried and hobbled around on the grass. The pain was unbearable but the shock only seemed to make it worse.
“Sarah, please get some ice and some antihistamines. There should be a bottle on my nightstand,” Joel ordered quickly and she rushed inside. He walked toward you, grabbing at your shoulders to ground you but his touch only heightened all other sensations. He dug his thumbs into you and your head swam, “Sweetheart, ‘tis just a bee, shh, calm down. I need to remove the stinger. Lemme see ya.”
“It really fucking hurts, Mr. Miller,” you said with a whine as he guided you to one of the loungers that Sarah and you had dragged out from the shed earlier that week.
“I know,” he finally let go of you so you could think just a bit more clearly, “Lemme take a look. Lie down on your front.”
You followed orders with the realization of how much you trusted his judgment, that he would treat you right, moving carefully because the flex of your thigh muscle was making the pain worse. The wooden lounger burned slightly against the front of your thighs, and you pressed your cheek into its slats while screwing your eyes shut.
The wood creaked behind you as he knelt on it with one knee and suddenly, his broad hand was perched on the top of your thigh in an attempt to keep your skin taut. You sucked in a breath but he only mistook it for more pain.
“It’s alright, sweetheart. I can see it,” his breath was slightly quicker but you didn’t want to jump to conclusions, “He really got ya right on your inner thigh. Hold on.”
Your eyes shot open when his thumb ran towards the innermost part of the back of your thigh, a sort of panicked arousal spiking from your chest and thighs. He paused for a second then murmured something, a swear word that you tried to take as frustration. There was a beat but then he cleared his throat, “Can you bend your leg a little? I wanna make sure that I get it on the first try.”
“How?” You asked stupidly. The image of how he would be looming over your backside made your heartbeat go down between your legs, “My dress’ll ride up.”
“Just bend the knee a little, pull it towards your chest,” he explained and cleared his throat once more, “On my life, I won’t look.”
So you did as he told you, and sure enough, your dress betrayed you by crawling slowly up to sit around your hip instead of the middle part of your thigh. You looked back at him when he started picking at the stinger with his nails, and you hoped that he would not notice your gawking at his concentrated expression.
A flash of the day he had barged in on you naked flashed in your mind because his eyes were so focused on not staring at you that you nearly whimpered when you saw his eyes flicker to the spot of dampness between your legs for no more than a second.
You had worn white cotton panties that day so they would not be seen through your dress. They were straining against your pussy in this position and all he had to do was reach out, and he’d find your clit poking against the fabric from how excited you were feeling.
He had had the perfect outline of your cunt, and it’s the same now as you bend over to get to the very bottom of the fridge, reaching for a cold drink that just happens to be his favorite. You know that he can see everything, and the worst is that you know he already has. Twice. The mere thought is so dirty that your heart starts pounding in your chest and sends heat through your already hot body, so you hurry to stretch to your full height again.
With a cocky grin that is mostly put on to hide your anxious excitement about what you have just done, you turn to face Joel and walk to stand in front of him and his car. His cologne fills your nostrils again, and the scent seems once again to have a direct line to your cunt because you have never felt more empty. In front of you, Joel’s jaw is clenched but other than that, he seems a lot more calm and composed than you.
That is until you jump onto the hood of the car and scoot back, letting your bare feet dangle out over the edge. You crack open the soda in your hand and take a sip that is a little longer than intended. The satisfying burn of the fizz grounds you in the warm climate, but it is even more heavenly as you tuck the skirt of your dress between your thighs so you can place the cold can there.
Joel shakes his head with a sigh but you know he is playing a game as much as you because he cannot help but crack a smile back at you, “You’re trouble, I knew it the second Sarah brought ya into my house.”
“Oh, whatever will I do?” You ask dramatically and lean back against the windshield.
“Go morally bankrupt?” He raises a brow. If only he knew what is going through your mind. You catch him looking at you in the fashion that you have craved when you sigh deeply and cause your chest to push out.
“Only that?” You take another sip and some of the contents spill down your chin in a thick, sticky trail due to the angle you’re sitting in. You reach up to wipe it away with your index finger and then dare to suck your finger clean with the intention of mimicking the way that you had licked it clean earlier when it had been coated in melted popsicle.
“Give it here,” he says. You lock eyes with him. However, your eyes widen slightly when he nods at the can and takes it from between your thighs. There’s electricity shooting through your nerves the second his fingers touch the fabric of your dress but they intensify to a dizzying degree when he takes a sip of the soda too.
Like a reflex, the sight of him drinking from the can that’s been nestled between your thighs makes your legs fall out to the sides. You’re worse than an obedient dog in your horniness, reacting the same way to the way he moves as it would to the sound of a bell ringing.
Your dress rides up slowly along your thighs, revealing your sweaty skin that feels sticky by now and Joel clears his throat after briefly looking down. He shifts his weight from one foot to the other, and when you realize the effect it has on the poor man, you grab the hem and pull upwards, “It’s so hot outside today. Don’t think I’ll ever get used to the heat here in Texas.”
“C’mon, sweetheart,” he says and his face has got a pinker tint, pulse visible on the side of his neck. With his free hand, he grabs one of your knees and starts nudging your legs together again. He yanks your skirt down, “I know I’m always teasin’ ya but you can’t be doing this.”
“Jesus Christ, Joel,” you say with exasperation and move your legs out again, “It’s just very hot… and it’s not like you haven’t had a peek.”
“Hey now,” he leans forward to place the can of soda on the roof of the truck, “That ain’t a fair accusation.”
“I’m not accusing you of anything,” you reply, chewing on your bottom lip, “But you’re not denying it.”
“Don’t tryna make me look like the pervert here,” he scolds, taking a step towards you and causing your stomach to do somersaults, “I noticed the way you went real quiet when my hands were on you.”
“What do you mean?” You furrow your brows in confusion, “Your hands were never on m–”
“Did that bee sting really hurt that much?” He clarifies. Oh, you think whilst he smirks with triumph. Something has switched in the air surrounding you, the atmosphere has become more daring, “Yeah, I saw her; your pussy wet f’me.”
It’s true. If you think about it too much, you can still feel your heartbeat in the places where he touched you, and the pulse is rapid and overwhelming. You can’t imagine what it'll be like if he touches you underneath your dress, even if it’s simply on the outside of your panties. The thought has your underwear starting to dampen, the fabric starting to stick to you, and make you painfully aware of the wetness between your legs.
“Did ya touch yourself after?” His eyes have darkened slightly. His pupils are dilating with desire for your answer, and you nod hesitantly, overwhelmed by the need to tell him everything.
“During my shower that you told me to take,” you confess and hear him make a sound low in his throat at the mental image, “I couldn’t stop myself— I wanted you so badly. The thought of you inside me...”
This is a crossroad, you realize, you’ve said your deepest secret of depravity. On one hand, you can bolt out the door or you can make a move to show him what you really came down here for. The latter is risky but Joel is so goddamn decent that you know that if he doesn’t want this - which you doubt is the case at this point - he’ll gently reject you and never mention it again if it means that his daughter will continue having a best friend.
However, as your mind races with scenarios of what could or could not happen in this moment, Joel pulls you back into reality as his hand, cold from gripping the can, rests on your knee again but this time, it doesn’t try to make you decent like before. Instead, it slides up under your skirt in such a slow motion that you find yourself holding your breath.
“Is this what’ll quiet down that mind of yours?” He asks in a low voice, eyes flickering from your face to down between your legs and back again, “If I take a peek more to get it outta our system?”
“What are you doing?” You ask as if you do not know. It’s your turn to be scandalized by bluntness, and you find yourself gripping his arm but not hard enough to signal that you do not want him to continue. You hope that he realizes that this is not you rejecting his advances.
“I ain’t doing nothin’ that you haven’t already silently begged me to do. Perhaps sometimes - and God help me, I will probably regret it - you just needa follow your instincts when a pretty girl like you has been sendin’ me heart eyes all week,” he almost sounds annoyed with you, and to stop yourself from being scolded, your hand loosens its grip on him until you remove it altogether. He smiles, “Good girl.”
“You shouldn’t—“ you feel a rush of blood to your head, adrenaline kicking in as your thoughts circle around the repercussions that this can bring. In all honesty, you had only walked in here to have Joel’s eyes on you but now, you are getting more than you bargained for and it is making you so turned on that your mind is clear and foggy at the same time. Boldly, you sit up on the car’s hood so you can reach for the buckle of Joel’s belt, “We shouldn’t be doing this.”
“You’re damn right we shouldn’t be doin’ this,” he agrees immediately but doesn’t stop. His warm and rough palms skim further up your thighs until they settle by your hips, his thumbs teasing the elastic band of your panties. He starts to drag them down, the fabric nearly snapping in two when you barely register that you have to lift your ass to help him.
His fingers unintentionally caress your calves as he slides the underwear down to eventually pull them off your ankles and feet. The sensation makes your body wake up even more, a gush of wetness smearing your inner thighs and you know that you have to pull your dress up soon if you don’t want it stained.
In front of you, Joel reads your mind. He shoves the hem of your dress up as far as he can without a word with desperation in his trembling hands, and you move to let him bunch it up around your waist so he has a full view of what waits - and for long has waited - for him.
When your cunt is revealed to him, he groans like he is in pain at the sight of the slick shining on your soft youthful skin. You can see how hard he is in his jeans, cock straining against the zipper at the front of them.
He looks like he wants to touch but hesitates. The first sign of his inner conflict. You remember that he did say just a peek as if there’s an unspoken agreement that he is not to cross the line of touching what he shouldn’t want to have. It would definitely be a nuclear decision if he chooses to do it anyway. It makes you want it even more, and another gush spills from your glistening slit when you clench from excitement.
Joel swears under his breath, something that sounds like fuck it and it sets it in stone; he is going to ruin you for eternity right here on his car. He steps closer until your spread knees bump into his sides, and without saying anything you move to yank his jeans and briefs down, settling them around his hips with a soft gasp as you take in the sight of his fully hard cock. He is huge. So huge that your mouth starts salivating like you’ve already been fucked stupid and your walls try to clamp down on nothing. It’ll hurt. You want it to if it means that you won’t doubt if it ever happened tomorrow.
“Tell me you want this too,” he seeks your reassurance.
“So fucking badly, Mr. Miller— Joel,” you say without any hint of second-guessing in your voice. You scoot further forward on the car and lean back so he has better access, trying your best to be elegant in your messy state, “Please, want you in me.”
“Jeez, honey,” his breath shakes, “Already so eager. I haven’t even felt if she’s ready f’me.”
With one hand gripping your left thigh, he uses two fingers on his right hand to slide through your wet folds and you don’t think you have ever been this turned on for anyone; when he flips his palm upwards and shoves two fingers inside of you, you feel more arousal drip from your cunt and pool in his hand. The longing you have felt since you saw him for the first time finds somewhere to empty all its desire and desperation into, and you whine like you’re in a state of agony.
“Shhh…” he soothes and curls his digits inside of you until you think you might start crying, squelching cunt trying to pull him further into you as he fingers you lazily. Your gaze drops to how his cock twitches whilst standing in the air, “You’re grippin’ me so good, doll, can’t wait to fuck this pussy. Don’t cry like that. Be patient.”
“Please, I’m so—“ your palms are flat on the hood of the car, your mouth hangs open in ecstasy and you stare down at where his ring- and middle finger disappears repeatedly into you, “It’s yours, please.”
“I know it’s mine, don’t gotta say it, I know,” he coos at each of your whimpers, gets you worked up until you are just on the brink of coming, and then he moves quickly. He pulls his fingers out of you, smears his cock with what you’ve soaked his whole palm with, and leans over your gasping frame to nudge at your quivering hole.
When he finally enters you, the both of you gasp in unison. He struggles with it for a moment, rubbing the skin just below your belly button to make you relax because he is so much bigger than you had first anticipated, and such a tight fit that you think he might split you in two.
“Goddamn, you are tight,” he says through gritted teeth, “Feels fuckin’ amazin’.”
“Ah,” you feel like letting yourself turn into a drooling mess already, pulsating around him from the way your body struggles to take him, “Joel, I can’t.”
“Yes, you can, honey,” he encourages, showing no signs of pulling out of you to free you from the burn of his girth. He growls low in his throat as you struggle with it, and you know it’s because your walls are clenching around him as you involuntarily move, “Stay still, let her get used to it.”
“It hurts,” you whine, sliding slightly on the metal underneath your ass. He presses his hips forward even further and causes you to whimper but in doing so, he holds you firmly in place by using his strong frame.
“I know but ya just gotta relax,” he goes on. He places one hand flat on the hood of the car and then places the other right on your hip, thumb going inwards to find your clit. It pulses under his finger, trying to find out whether to find the pain delicious or not.
When his thumb starts going in circles on you, your thigh muscles start to twitch and flex from burning desire instead of uncomfortable pain. He presses down a little to stroke your sensitive nub with even more determination and smiles at his success when a moan slips from your mouth, “That’s it, honey. Just enjoy this until you’re creamin’ on me, and then I can fuck her real good.”
Your walls start to flutter a few seconds after the first new round of pleasurable sounds leave you, and the more his finger moves on you, the easier it gets to take him because the pain turns into nothing more than a dull ache in the background of ecstasy. He has you breathing faster and faster, and in return, he starts moving his thumb up and down to make his touches more direct.
God, your clit is hardening underneath his torment. He stares at what he is doing, an occasional grunt leaving him from how you involuntarily squeeze his length, and you know that he can sense it, suddenly smirking to himself as you near your climax. He admires the sight of you, eyes glued to the way the hood of your clit has drawn back, “Babydoll, look at that. Such a pretty pussy, clit peekin’ out and all. Does she wanna come on my cock?”
“Please, yes, oh please,” you nod repeatedly, mouth hanging open in an o-shape and breaths coming out in small puffs. Your climax is within reach, and Joel looks concentrated as he more than willingly hands it over to you whilst buried deep inside of you. The concentration on his face is probably from keeping himself from spilling inside of you too soon, but God, he looks gorgeous as he determinedly strokes your cunt.
“Yes, yes, yesyesyes— oh God, I’m… fuck, I’m coming!” You shake with pleasure as he causes your pussy to spasm, your hands barely able to find out what to do and making you grab at both the metal underneath you with one hand and his wrist with the other. Your eyes are squeezed shut but you do not doubt that he is staring at you in awe as you come so hard that reality fades.
“Good girl,” he rasps, voice unsteady and hand hitting the hood of the car as the feeling becomes overwhelming, “Oh sweetheart, you’re choking my dick so g—“
He swears quietly and then loudly, and suddenly, his cool demeanor crumbles because he is spilling his load inside of you with a pathetic and strained grunt. His hips stutter slightly and warmth spreads slowly inside of you, mixing with your own arousal.
You look down to where the two of you are connected, feeling fucked out despite not even having had the chance to feel him move inside of you. His come has started to spill from you already, dripping obscenely from your cunt.
“Fuck,” you hear Joel say above you. He slips out of you and leaves you gaping and mewling for a second, starting to take a step back. You catch him with your legs before he is too far away, and he reluctantly steps close to you again. He looks embarrassed but gives you a smile to hide it, “Felt too good, honey. This pussy’s makin’ me all sweet on you.”
“I’m that irresistible?” You grin in your post-orgasmic haze, not really giving a crap about the lack of a proper fuck from how much dopamine is coursing through your veins.
Joel takes hold of your thighs as they are wrapped around your body and lifts them off of himself, “You’re makin’ an old bastard like me weak in the knees, so maybe. Hah! Comin’ too soon like a goddamn teenager.”
“I liked it,” you admit without hesitation, still basking in the sweet afterglow, “Made me feel sexy and powerful.”
He scoffs but can’t fight the smile on his face, “Now now, don’t get cocky on me. Crawl back a little, spread ya legs f’me.”
You giggle and do as you are told, presenting yourself to him on the hood of his car. You plant your bare feet on the metal, lay back against the windshield, and smile.
“Now look at that,” he tuts as he admires his work; white ropes of come dripping down from your slit and onto the surface beneath you. He lays both hands flat on the car and leans forward, and before you know it, his mouth is covering your whole cunt and he eats from you like he’s paid to do it.
“Jesus,” you groan, throwing your head back and grabbing onto the roof of the car with one hand whilst the other finds Joel’s hair. You tug and he moans against you, sending vibrations through your whole lower body and beginning the first stirrings of another high. You don’t think that you can take it, squirming just like you had done moments earlier.
Joel makes a sound of disapproval. He scoops his arms under your thighs until he can lay his hands on top of them, holding you tightly against his mouth and causing you to cry towards the ceiling when he makes your second orgasm approach so quickly that nothing in your brain makes sense except what he is doing between your legs.
The hand on the roof of his car goes to his head too. You slide your fingers on both hands through his hair until they lay at the back of his neck, and then you yank once more at the curls there. His tongue works at your clit, swiping back and forth over it until you think that you might see God.
However, it doesn’t stay there. Instead, it is replaced by his nose so that he can eat his own spill straight from you by dipping his tongue hungrily inside of you.
“Joel— holy fuck, you’re incredible,” you close your eyes to concentrate on your pleasure. Who knew that the man could fuck with his tongue? He is warm and wet inside of you, slurping pornographically until you are clean of any remains of his come.
You are just about to finish a second time when he halts whatever he is doing. He pulls back only a few inches so you can still feel his uneven breaths against your cunt.
“No! Please,” your eyes fly open, you cry desperately, and throw your head forward dramatically. You want to thrash but he still has your legs locked in his arms, so you decide to pull out the big guns and hope for the best, “Please, Daddy! Pleasepleaseplea—“
“What the fuck did you just say t’me?” He looks up at you but you are too busy screwing your eyes shut in agony whilst whining for more. He growls and releases one of your legs, “I was already gonna make you a happy young lady but now, I’m gonna make you come so hard your little brain goes dumb. See how it feels. Impatient girl.”
His hand goes between your legs. He turns his palm upwards and then shoves two thick fingers inside of your pussy like earlier, curling them slightly and then pumping them so quickly that blood starts speeding through your system a second after and your heart rate goes so fast that you know that you are just about to come.
“Joel, oh my— fuck!” You whimper.
“Wrong word,” he replies.
You correct yourself immediately because there’s no way he is stopping again to chastise you once more, “Daddy, oh I— mhmm, I’m gonna come for you. Don’t stop, please, please Daddy, pleasepleaseplea—!”
He responds just how you had liked: He closes his mouth around your swollen clit and sucks hard, finally severing all connection to your brain and you come so hard that you actually squeal. Joel groans against you, feeling you squeeze the digits he has buried deep inside you. He draws back his fingers, pressing upwards the whole way.
Clear liquid squirts from you the second he pulls them out. The gushes that follow are so intense that the leg he isn’t holding anymore shakes so violently that the metal rattles under you, the car staining with your come. He repeats the move again and again, over and over, and watches the steady trickle down the hood and onto the concrete floor that turns a dark gray.
Euphoria courses through your being as you come in a way that you have never felt before. Your limbs tingle as warmth spreads out from beneath your belly button, your cunt pulses with eager pleasure, and you sob through the waves that crash over you without giving you time to recover from the last. The whole room feels brighter and its colors more vibrant.
“Shh, baby, let it happen, feels so good, don’t it? That’s it,” Joel coos at you the whole way through, guides you through it when you barely know how to use your words. He has straightened to his full height again but you don’t know when, and he has slowed his fingers down to tease out a few aftershocks. You whimper feebly at each one, and when Joel seems satisfied with what he has drawn out of you, he covers your whole mound with his palm to soothe the feeling of overstimulation that settles.
“Soundproof,” he mutters, once again reading your mind when you come to your senses again and start thinking about your noise levels with furrowed brows and eyes flitting from him to the garage door. Your heartbeat has started to slow again, and the relief of knowing no one has been able to hear you makes you slump against the windshield and breathe deeply.
The remnants of your orgasm have made you smile, your body slipping into a deep state of satisfaction when the anxieties have been dispelled. Joel moves his hand up your lower body until it settles between your breasts, still covered by your dress. He caresses your heaving chest, looking at you boyishly for the first time, “You good? Didn’t cause any brain damage, did I?”
“You think this truck has ever seen action like that before?” You joke breathlessly.
“Probably ain’t the first time I disappointed a gorgeous lady in its presence,” he says with an apologetic smile, “Sorry ‘bout that.”
“Disappointed? You’re insane,” you stretch your arms above your head to get some of the last bits of euphoria out of your body, trying to ignore the way he has just called you a gorgeous lady. He probably means nothing by it. As your stretch peaks, you moan gently, “I came two times. Hard. I’m not complaining.”
“Just saying that I woulda liked to do it… properly, I guess,” he talks as he stuffs himself back into his underwear and pants, most likely trying to feel the least uncomfortable about mentioning his overexcitement. Automatically, he steps back when you jump off the car to adjust your dress.
“This doesn’t have to be a one-time thing,” you try to act casual as you say it but there’s no way you are accepting the best sex of your life to be a thing you will never have again, reducing it to a movie merely playing behind your eyelids as a cruel reminder of what is unattainable.
“And when would we have time for that?” He asks, zipping up his jeans. He wipes his hands on them, “We can’t, honey.”
“We just did,” you mumble, picking up your underwear from the floor. You turn the panties in your hands, just about to bend down to put them on before deciding against it. Boldly, you stand in front of him and stuff your sticky underwear into his front pocket; closest to his crotch. There are extra pairs in your bag in Sarah’s room. He can have these.
He looks down briefly and then finds your eyes. His jaw clenches as he weighs his words, “When?”
“Aren’t you driving me to the airport on Sunday?” You smile and kiss his cheek, and then you leave him, your soda in hand and a mess on the floor.
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rebeccathenaturalist · 6 months
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Welcome to my Tuesday morning PSA about plastics!
So--I was walking along the Bolstadt beach approach sidewalk here in Long Beach, WA yesterday afternoon, and I started seeing these little orange pellets on the ground that looked a little bit like salmon roe (but probably weren't). So I picked one up, and it was most definitely rubber. I went around picking up every one I could find, and while I didn't keep exact count I probably amassed 50-60 of them. I took this picture before depositing them in the nearest trash can.
These are airsoft gun pellets, and you can buy them in big jars containing thousands of them. That means that someone who decided that the beach was a great place to shoot their airsoft guns could easily litter the place with countless little bits of plastic rubber in less than an hour. We already have a huge problem here with people leaving trash, including tiny bits of plastic, all over the beach (you should see the gigantic mess after 4th of July fireworks when thousands of people come in from out of town, blow things up, and then leave again without picking up after themselves.)
But these airsoft pellets have a particularly nasty side effect. You know how my first thought was "wow, those look kind of like salmon roe?" Well, we have a number of opportunistic omnivore birds like crows, ravens, and several species of gull that commonly scavenge on the beach, especially along the approaches because people often feed them there. If I can catch the resemblance of an orange airsoft pellet to a fish egg, then chances are there are wildlife that will assume they're edible.
Since birds don't chew their food, they probably won't notice that the taste or texture is wrong--it'll just go down the hatch. And since they can't digest the pellets, there's a good chance they might just build up in the bird's digestive system, especially if the bird eats a large number of them--say, fifty or sixty of them dropped on the ground along the same fifty foot stretch of sidewalk. The bird might die of starvation if there's not enough capacity for food in their stomach--or they might just die painfully of an impacted gut, and no way to get help for it. If the pellets end up washed into the ocean, you get the same issue with fish and other marine wildlife eating them, and then of course the pellets eventually breaking up into microplastic particles.
You can get biodegradable airsoft pellets; they appear to mainly be gray or white in color rather than bright screaming orange and green. But "biodegradable" doesn't mean "instantly dissolves the next time it rains." An Amazon listing for Aim Green biodegradable airsoft pellets advertise them as "Our biodegradable BBs are engineered to degrade only with long-term exposure to water and sun and will degrade 180 days after being used." That's half a year for them to be eaten by wildlife.
I don't know, y'all. That handful of carelessly dropped rubber pellets just encapsulates how much people don't factor in the rest of nature when making decisions, even on something that is purely for entertainment like an airsoft gun. We could have had a lot of the same technological advances we have today, but with much less environmental impact, if we had considered the long-term effects on both other people and other living beings, as well as our habitats. We could have found ways from the beginning to make these things in ways that benefited us but also mitigated any harm as much as possible. Instead we're now having to reverse-engineer things we've been using for decades, and sometimes--like the "biodegradable" airsoft pellets--they still have a significant negative impact.
But--at least there are people trying to do things better, thinking ahead instead of just on immediate profit. We're stuck in a heck of a mess here, figuratively and literally, and changing an entire system can't be done in a day. Maybe we can at least keep pushing for a cultural shift that emphasizes planning far into the future--if not the often-cited "seven generations ahead", then at least throughout the potential lifespan of a given product.
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generalsmemories · 4 months
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✧ sunday x gn!reader
✧ synopsis: the wings by his ears are far too sensitive for what you're both about to do to them.
✧ contents: just a lil scenario for the piercings on sunday's wings. and the hc (that has probs become every writers canon take) that his wings are oh so sensitive. established relationship, mildly suggestive cause why not, uhh, mentions of blood? sunday being utterly weak against his lover. ooc sunday cause goddamn i have NOTHING on this man.
✧ a/n: breathes in. listen i don't believe in any god but good lord i would start praying for this man if he asked me to.
jing yuan wips still in order, i just want to be on my best self mentally when writing for my eepy general so have this brainrot so i can function this week at my work and hopefully i'll write something more <3 thank you once again for your patience!
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Your fingertips have barely grazed the very edges of the feathers when the distinguished leader beneath you flinches in surprise. The fingers that grip your hips tightening further which causes your body that was previously hovering above him to settle down on Sunday's leg. You can hear a tiny sigh leaving his lips before you feel his head rest against your shoulder, the action causing you to chuckle.
"The longer you delay this, the more nervous you'll get, you know?" you muse, threading your fingers through his hair in an effort to coax him to lay back in the same position he previously was in. You're barely able to touch his right wing again before a gloved hand shoots up from his side and you feel a sharp nip at your neck in warning - causing you to immediately halt all of your actions.
"It would've gone a lot faster have you decided to not do it in such an orthodox method, dear." Sunday retaliates with a sigh, pecking the bite mark as some sort of apology, an apology that you knew was not sincere in the slightest.
You giggle once again, settling down comfortably on his legs whilst slightly leaning back to fully look at your lover. Your arms loop over his neck while cocking your head to the side in slight confusion, although said confusion doesn't reach your mischievous eyes or the huge grin on your face. "Why I thought this would help calm you? It was your idea to pierce these wings of yours after all," you remind him, tapping the piercing gun that you're currently holding onto on his shoulder.
The man before you sighs, seemingly in exasperation over your usual antics whilst shrugging away the piercing gun that you're continuously tapping him with. You can however clearly see the slight reddening on top of his ears, while his wings tuck a bit behind his ears - clearly a signal that he's feeling a bit embarrassed.
"You're well aware of the effect you have on me, my love." he admits, the hand on your hip moving from its spot to instead rest against your neck. "Hmm? Then I suggest that you hurry along to let me pierce your wings before said effect makes you lose your patience," you tease with a quiet laugh. "I do have a lot of experience with this lil' gun of ours after all." you cheekily say - causing Sunday to direct his gaze towards your own ears, which have a few more piercings than your average person.
"... I'm well aware." Sunday replies.
Well aware of how sensitive your own ears are, almost as sensitive as his own wings that have yet to be pierced. He could let out a breath beside them which causes you to tremble, a small peck would make you gasp softly, but if he were to use his tongue-
"You're thinking of inappropriate things again, dear." you mutter into his ears before unlooping your arms from his neck to rest against your sides, your whole weight supported by the singular hand Sunday has on your hip.
For someone not of Halovian descent, you're somehow able to discern his thoughts immediately - quite a hassle to be honst.
"Well then, my dear? Why don't you relax so we can get this over with so you can return to your duties?" you whisper, moving your body to sit between his legs so that you can get a closer look on his right wing, where he preferred the piercing to be on.
"... Just- don't say anything when you're about to do- Ah!"
The single clicking noise of the needle piercing his wing before retracting back to it's original spot makes Sunday jolt in surprise, the grip on your hip increasing in pressure, but you're too busy looking at the placement in glee to care for your distraught lover right now.
You notice the edges of the piercing reddening a bit, extending your finger to gather the tiny bits of blood that had escaped from the wound. Glancing at Sunday, you notice his slightly glossy eyes that immediately diverts from your gaze.
The quiet laugh you let out makes Sunday glare at you, but his eyes widen slightly when you lick his blood away from your fingertips with closed eyes. "It wasn't that bad, was it?" you ask, opening your eyes again to lock eyes with Sunday, diverting your gaze slightly to his right wing.
You decide not to comment on his glossy eyes, deciding to instead scoot closer to peck the corner of his eyes, "Sorry that I surprised you, but as you said - Doing it this way is far more convenient for the both of us," you explain, lips pressing against Sunday's to coax him into relaxation.
"Mhm, thank you for indulging me, dove." he whispers, arms wrapping around your waist, the tension in his shoulders finally leaving.
"Although..." you murmur in between various pecks against Sunday's lips, your lover raising an eyebrow up in confusion and imploring you to continue speaking.
"I think you said you would go for 2 of the same piercings if the first one looked nice, no?" you say before pressing your lips against his once again. Sunday was barely able to understand the meaning behind your words before he could feel the same pain of the needle shoot through his already overly-sensitive wing.
The loud gasp he lets out is swallowed by your lips, his open mouth letting your tongue slip inside while the piercing gun in your hand slips away from your lips now that you've done your part of the deal. Your hands settle themselves against Sunday's cheeks now- wiping away the few tears that have now slipped down from his glossy eyes with your thumb.
There's a certain desperation in Sunday's hands by your waist. He had first bunched the material of your clothes upwards by surprise, but now he's slipping his gloved hands beneath them and quickly traveling further up - he moves in a way that you don't know if he's trying to push you away to scold you, or press you closer to him to feel your warmth.
He eventually decides to push you away. His cheeks are reddened and he's heaving for breaths while he's glaring down at you in mild disappointment and a hint of excitement - and yet the hands that's dragging the buttons of your shirt from inside to snap them open tells another desire from the esteemed leader of Penacony.
The same mischievous smile is present on your lips when you part ways, your lips are a bit swollen but it doesn't stop their journey from grazing against his now incredibly sensitive right wing, the jerk of his entire body not bothering you in the slightest as your lips glide over his feathers, your lover shuddering a bit when you let out a breath right over his newly pierced wings.
"All done now, my love," you mutter into his ear, shrugging off your now ruined shirt off of one shoulder, "Do I get any reward for doing this so smoothly and quickly?"
Sunday lets out a scoff, rolling his eyes at your triumphant expression before shoving you down onto the couch the two of you were previously resting on. "I'm thinking a punishment is more fitting for how you didn't warn me of your actions twice, no?"
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hannieehaee · 22 days
content: smut, established relationship implied, titfucking, mentions of cum-eating, etc.
wc: 697
a/n: this just came to mind at some point lol i hope u guys like it
seungcheol -
commandeers you all throughout it despite his composure being on a very thin thread. no matter how hard he tries to fight the effect your tits around his cock have on him, he'd end up cumming faster than usual, crying out your name and begging you to give him a repeat of this as soon as he got hard again.
jeonghan -
yoon jeonghan? stuttering and out of breath? unheard of! only time you may ever see this side of jeonghan is when you get on your knees, lower your tank top and wordlessly offer up your tits for fucking. he'll stutter and make a fool of himself as he nods along, thanking you under his breath for wrapping those pretty tits around him.
joshua -
one of the only times in which he'd take a subby position in the bedroom. his obsession with your body would manifest itself in such an obvious way as he praised and worshiped you for making him feel so good in such a filthy manner.
jun -
absolute boob man, which means the idea might likely kill him on the spot. the mere mention of fucking your tits has him almost cum untouched. always comes extremely quickly at just the sight of his cock in between your breasts, giving you a huge upper hand.
soonyoung -
his eyes stick to your tits any time you're shirtless around him, and the same would occur when you gave him the grand privilege of wrapping them around his dick. he's a little extra loud and sensitive when he gets to fuck your tits, usually losing all ability to think the moment the idea is brought up.
wonwoo -
kind of a little more nonchalant about it when its first brought up but a total mess once you actually pull out his cock and begin lining it up between your tits. becomes a pathetic and desperate mess as he watches you do as you please with his cock.
jihoon -
goes insanely red and stammers for a whole minute before being able to express how down he was for the idea. this would become the main event in every late night fantasy he had about you whenever you were away from now on. he'd quite literally cry at the pleasure and sight.
seokmin -
eyes crossed and hands crumpling the sheets between his fingers. a bit of drool coming from the corner of his mouth at the feeling of your sleek tits (sleek from his cum ofc) suffocating his cock. prettiest cries known to man as he tries to praise you in between moans. is literally crying by the end of it.
mingyu -
a chorus of yeses fills the room as he enters an overly excited state, grabbing you by the hand and leading you to your room. in less than a minute you'd both be undressed and he'd be hard as a rock. would babble and drool throughout the whole experience, begging you to do it every so often.
minghao -
chuckled at you for having such a filthy idea. very down for it, but not too outwardly enthusiastic. would want to keep some sort or control during it since you are on your knees for him and everything. would have to use up all his strength to keep his composure.
seungkwan -
genuinely wonders if you have ulterior motives to kill him. you offering such a filthy thing would make him lose his mind. any last bit of sanity he may have had would leave his body when you actually put him between your breasts. would practically black out during it.
vernon -
something he's always wanted to try with you but felt too shy to ask. when you first bring it up, he literally starts choking on the food he was eating. disregards his near-death experience to drag you to your room so you can permanently alter his life with your tits around his cock.
chan -
moans out loud at the suggestion. needs it and needs it now, no matter what other plans you may have had prior. cums embarrassingly fast but makes up for it by licking his cum off your chest and worshiping your body for hours on end.
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rosequarzo · 2 months
i hope u don’t mind squeezing this lil request in ur inbox ˖  ݁ . ࿓ how abt aventurine coming home from work & clinging onto u like a koala ?? i imagine him being so clingy & tired after work — so he just wants to cuddle w u :< take ur time if you’ll be writing this !! tysm ❤︎
koala cling.
૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა • ! aventurine + reader reader is gender-neutral established relationship domestic fluff tooth-rotting fluff one pet name used usage of aventurine's real name ☆ warning not proofread . . . !? & 580 — catalogue
note. hi bambi!! hopefully you're doing well and of course i don't mind your request <3 this was really cute to write so i hope you enjoy it^^ stay safe xoxo
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Whenever people hear the name Aventurine, their first thought of him was that he was an arrogant man, part of the IPC and part of their management too. He appears charismatic, egoistic and someone who loves to take risks. His motto “High risks comes with high rewards” is something he holds close to his heart.
It is also a common sight to spot him spending time in casinos, gambling to his heart’s content and as always, emerging as the rightful winner. But in the comfort and privacy of your shared home, he sheds his facade, tossing them to the side like a snake undergoing shedding. 
When it’s only you and him, he is nothing more than Kakavasha. What Kakavasha yearns for is peace and quiet as he savors your presence that has become a huge part of his life. No one is able to witness this side of him. No one except you. 
“I’m home,” your ears picked up the familiar sound of Aventurine followed by a pair of approaching slow and heavy footsteps.
You weren’t granted enough time to turn when he hugged you from behind, arms easily wrapping themselves around your waist. Aventurine rested his chin on your left shoulder, observing you as you efficiently sliced the vegetables into thin slices. Goosebumps formed on your skin when he pressed a kiss on the back of your neck and you were certain he was aware of the effect he had. 
“How was work today?” You asked, breaking the silence. 
You heard a dramatic sigh before he replied in a whiny tone; a tone that never fails to make you smile. “I had to go and chase people for their late payments, followed by countless meetings and Ratio was being mean to me! Seriously, he should learn to relax once in a while and join me to get a drink.” 
The thought of the stiff and rigid doctor acting drunk made you sniggered. You had to waddle over to the stove to cook as Aventurine was showing no signs of letting you go; not that you mind.
“Well, you know how he is. Did you encounter any difficulties today?” 
Aventurine buried his head in the crook of your neck, his words slightly muffled.
“Nope, everything was smooth sailing for me. But, I miss you.” His last three words sounded akin to a whine and it made you laugh. 
“You know you have to go to work, Kakavasha. At least you can still come home to me,” you answered, jumping when he playfully poked your sides. His action elicited a light-hearted glare thrown his way but he merely grins, leaning in to kiss you on the corner of your lips. 
“You’re right, now how about you stop whatever you’re doing and cuddle with me, please?” He pleads, going all puppy eyes and even pouting as a further measure. 
And who were you to say no?
You nodded, smiling when he made a noise of happiness and allowed yourself to be eagerly dragged to the couch in the living room. You laid down, opening your arms and Aventurine wasted no time in making himself comfortable above you. You wrapped your arms around him, acting like a shield to protect him from the world and gently brushed your hand through his hair. 
“Rest, my dear Kakavasha. You deserved it,” you whispered, seeing a faint smile formed on his face as he slowly escapes to the land of dreams, with you following shortly after. 
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hopelesslonelyghost · 2 months
part 2 for simon and his emotional support medic (protective mode)
part 1 can be found here
tw for assault, choking (the unsexy kind), violence, medical inaccuracies probably
i promise there will comfort, but i just love the idea of simon going feral if anyone ever laid hands on his medic
as always, this isn’t beta read, sorry for any typos. enjoy!
in all honestly, the enemy getting the jump on you while you were crouched and hunched over an injured soldier, trying your best to keep them alive, was a bitch move.
simon was always drilling it into you—
“never turn your back for too long. it leaves you vulnerable, love.”
oh how you should’ve paid more attention then, instead of ogling his huge biceps.
a strangled yelp escapes your throat, but is subsequently cut short when an arm bears down. you instinctively go to grip your assailant’s forearm, digging your nails as deep as you can in hopes they’ll release their deathly grip.
they snarl and bark something in a language you can’t understand. whatever it is they said must have been them voicing their displeasure at your action, because their vice grip tightens around your neck, effectively cutting off your ability to breathe.
that’s when the panic really sets in and you earnestly start to struggle against them. you tried all the moves simon taught you when it came to this exact situation. you tuck your chin into the crook of their elbow, then place your right foot behind his. you can feel your eyes drooping from the lack of oxygen, so with all your might, you bite down onto his arm.
you make sure to dig your canines as far as they can go, the taste of blood floods your mouth. the man screams, gripping your hair as they release you, tugging as they try to free themselves from your unforgiving clamp of sharp teeth. in the process of pulling your head back, you bite down harder and then throw your head back the rest of the way, ripping off a chunk of his arm, spitting it out.
there’s no chance for you to continue your attack before a fist comes flying down, hitting your face dead center and roughly getting thrown onto the concrete ground of the abandoned building you’re in.
despite the attempt to break your fall, your forehead comes into contact with the floor, a splitting pain running from the front, that travels through the nape of your neck and down your shoulders.
“гребаная сука! (1)”
your ears are ringing, but you try to bring yourself to sit up—only to be kicked back down, steel-toe boot burying itself into your ribs.
a groan manages to slip through, a small oof! as well when you fall to your side. it’s your first time able to see your attacker’s face. an angry snarl etched on their face. you feel a little satisfaction build in your chest when you see them tightly clutching their right arm, a stream of blood trickling down their fingers and onto the floor, forming a puddle.
“тебе не следовало этого делать (2)” the man spoke again, letting go of his arm and reaching behind him, a tanto coming to view as he holds it up, twirling it, “я действительно получу удовольствие, разрезая твою прелестную шейку. (3)”
his boot shoves at your shoulder, forcing you onto your back. you scramble to get up, but he’s in much better fighting shape than you are, and he jumps on you, straddling your waist and shoving you back down. your head hits the ground with a loud ‘thud’ forcing a pained whine from your lips. your ribs throbbed, the weight pressing down on your probably broken ribs was unbearable.
you squeeze your eyes shut as you feel the cold metal press against your neck. you did not want your attacker’s face to be the last thing you see before you died. your mind immediately flew to simon. simon and his pretty face. his pretty brown eyes and his pretty blonde hair.
it wasn’t fair. there were more things you wanted to do with simon. you had your whole life ahead of you, and you wanted your sweet lieutenant to be in it.
suddenly the awful weight on top of you was gone. snatched and dragged off. you heard a growl. something so primal and scary. you slowly opened your eyes and sat up, leaning on your elbows as you took in the scene before you.
simon—no—ghost—sat on top of the enemy, just like he had you, thighs around his waist and was viciously landing his fist with all the weight and strength he could muster over and over again. once satisfied the man wasn’t in any shape to get up, ghost stood, unholstered his handgun and fired 3 shots into the bastard’s skull.
you could see his shoulders heaving up and down. his back expanding and deflating with every breath he took. you wanted to so badly wrap your arms around him.
you rolled over on your right side, feet dragging broken glass as you dragged yourself up onto you knees. your hand immediately pressed down on your left side, where the enemy landed that nasty kick. you swore you could feel your ribs shift, breathing getting more and more painful each passing moment.
you hunched over, left arm supporting you up, preventing you from face planting. your pained wheezing must’ve caught ghost’s attention. quick footsteps made their way towards you. from your peripheral you made out a pair of black combat boots, and then he was kneeling by your side.
a gloved hand delicately cupped your chin, moving your head up and to the side to face him. he inhaled sharply.
“jesus fuckin’ christ.”
he dropped your head, going around and coming towards the side your uninjured ribs were.
“cmon love. we have to get up.”
he threw your arm around his shoulder, gently lifting you. you gasp as what you can only explain a lightning bolt ran down your left side.
ghost crooned, shushing you, “i know love, i know. i’m gettin’ us outta here.”
once on your feet, he left go and turned to look at you, “can you walk?”
you nodded, “i can— i can try.”
all you got was a hum of acknowledgment, “grab onto my vest, we’re leavin’.”
ghost and you were the only survivors. the mission was a bust, according to laswell. the intel was false. it was an ambush.
ghost finished up talking to price and laswell through his radio. yours, as you would later find out, was ripped out and stepped on during your fight. shattered into tiny little pieces.
through his sniper’s scope he had seen the enemy make a break for you shortly after rushing inside the building to assist a fellow teammate. he’d raced down from where he was perched, and hauled ass towards you.
“found ya in the nick of time.” he had said. he didn’t see the way you silently winced, the thought that you were mere milliseconds away from certain death.
you two settled inside a safe house, where he stripped you of your gear (and unfortunately) your top.
“hafta see your ribs love.”
after wrapping them tightly, he’d moved on to cleaning up your face. butterfly stitches carefully applied after he’d wiped the dried blood from your face. then came the worst part.
“your nose, it’s broken. i need to set it.”
you think you passed out, because you woke up bundled up on the dusty leather couch. opening your eyes was hard, feeling the effects of your nose being broken as it swelled with broken blood vessels and blood.
sitting on the floor next to you was simon. skull mask long gone, and so was his balaclava. staring back at you was your sweet simon. his face bared for you.
you reached for him, trembling palm making itself home against his cheek. your thumb rubbed his cheekbone.
you swallowed the knot in your throat, “thank you.”
his brows furrowed, “wha’ for?”
“coming for me.”
simon reached up and gripped your wrist, pulling your hand away. his hand moved up and cupped yours, leaning in and kissing your palm. you shivered at the feeling of his lips.
“don’ ever thank me for something’ like tha’.”
you opened your mouth to retort, but he beat you to it, “i’ll always come for you. always.” he shook your hand, “got tha’?”
you felt tears well up. despite the ache in your neck, you nodded.
simon kissed your palm again, “need to hear ya say it, sweet thing.”
“you’ll always come for me.”
he leaned forward, dropping your hand and gently cupping the back of your head, careful not to move you too much, and kissed your forehead.
“‘m proud of ya, you know tha’?” he murmured against your skin. you hummed. “tore off a piece of his arm, could see the bloody tendons.”
you groaned, “i swallowed his blood, si. gonna have to get tested now.”
that pulled soft belly laugh from him, “i’ll be sure to let the medics on base know.” he pulled away from you, pushing your hair away from your face, “rest up. i’ll keep watch.”
you gripped his wrist, “but you’re tired too, si.”
he only shook his head, grabbing your hand and pulling it off his, before kissing the back of it. he stood up, “‘m not the one who’s got broken ribs. rest love, i’ll wake you when we’re headin’ out.”
you were placed on mandatory medical leave for 3 weeks. simon requested leave as well. said someone had to watch after you. which is how you ended up now, laying on your bed on your good side, watching tv that was mounted on your wall with simon laying next to you. his hand was on your hip, drawing lazy circles into your skin.
“you’re gonna put me to sleep if you keep that up.”
“tha’s the point, love.”
you hummed, settling further into your pillow. simon pulled the strap of your top down, allowing him to place a chaste kiss in the junction where your neck met your shoulder.
“sleep, love. i’ll be here when you wake.”
and who are you to say no to that?
translations (done by yandex translate, probably not accurate!
1. гребаная сука! —> you fucking bitch!
2. тебе не следовало этого делать —> you shouldn’t have done that
3. я действительно получу удовольствие, разрезая твою прелестную шейку —> i’m really going to enjoy slicing your pretty neck open.
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myfictionaldreams · 8 months
Day 14: Uniform - Natasha Romanoff
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Summary: You worked for SHIELD and had a huge crush on Natasha, so what do you do when she corners you one day, begging for your help as her zipper is broken and she's struggling to remove her uniform.
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, anxious!reader, mutual pining, kissing, flirting, fingering, oral
A.N: Sorry this is a day late!
masterlist 📚 
kinktober masterlist😈 
AO3 Link 
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“I need your help”, came the sultry feminine voice from your bedroom door, completely snapping you out of the fantasy world you were currently daydreaming about from the book in your hand.
You knew who was there before turning in her direction in shock and surprise. “Help? Me? You need me?” your cheeks warmed at your noticeable stutter with questioning as you looked at the beautiful red-haired woman standing at your door. Natasha Romanoff was smirking at you with her hand on her hip and wearing the tight-fitting black widow suit, recently returning from a mission. She looked dangerous and deadly, but from what you could see, none of her weapons were attached to her anymore, even though she was a weapon. 
Natasha tilted her head to the side, her eyes flicking across the room, taking in every detail of your bedroom, and you wished you had cleaned up before she arrived. Standing nervously from your bed, your book is thrown onto the bedside drawer without marking the page with the urgency to give the woman your attention.
She doesn’t say anything; she just continues to look at you with her piercing eyes before nodding her head in the opposite direction, a sign that she wants you to follow her down the hall. You were a SHIELD agent and are currently staying at the Avengers headquarters as you continue to train for missions. You’d made some good friends here and enjoyed finally being able to use your skills for something that mattered.
This was all until you realised that the Avengers themselves actually lived there, not just the agents. You assumed they had their own homes for privacy, but this was not the case, so day after day, you had to see people like Natasha who could casually walk into your bedroom. Your crush on the Avengers was rampant, having admired her since before even joining the institute. Who wouldn’t find her attractive? She was among the most fierce and beautiful women you’d ever seen.
Natasa, ever the spy, was well aware of the effect she had on others and, most of the time, enjoyed shooting down anyone who attempted to flirt with her, walking away without a glance back at them. But not you. Never you. It is evident to everyone who worked at the  Avengers headquarters that you had a deep-seated crush on Natasha, from the fleeting glances out of the corner of your eyes or how you would stammer and stutter over your words when she was close by. You were fascinated with her, but rather than being a strong, independent woman, you resorted to being a nervous wreck, hardly even looking her in the eye because you were so anxious to talk to the beautiful woman.
This only became a fun game for Natasha, who found your crush incredibly endearing, cute even and found any excuse possible to try to talk to you, even adding your name to missions so that she knew you were close by. The more time she spent with you, the more she developed her crush; she was just better at hiding it. It was a fun little game at your expense, and today, Natasha was hoping it would be the end to it all, bored with the teasing.
Natasha walked confidently down the hall, through a set of double doors and into the Avengers section of the building. You nearly tripped over your feet, trying to look around at the area you’d not been to before she halted in front of a door, entered a key code and walked in. The weapons and expensive dress decorating the indicted where she’d taken you. You paused on the threshold to her bedroom, unsure if she meant for you to follow her in here, but she urgently waved you further so she could close the door.
Hiding your trembling fingers behind your back, you turned towards Natasha, your eyes wandering above her head as you couldn’t stomach looking into her beautiful face. “So, um, what do you need help with, Miss Romanoff?”
Natasha tried not to grin at the formal way you addressed her. “It’s pretty embarrassing, actually”, she began, her posture changing completely as her shoulders hunched slightly inwards whilst curling some of her red hair behind her ears to appear as if she was embarrassed. “My zip snapped during the mission, and now, I can’t remove my uniform, and the material has been specially made, so I can’t just cut it off”.
Your mouth suddenly filled with saliva as you automatically glanced at where her zipper stopped, just above her cleavage. Once you realised you were staring, you quickly looked back down to the ground, finding the carpet incredibly interesting all of a sudden.
“Why are you asking me for help and not the seamstress?” you asked when you finally found the courage to find your voice.
“The seamstress doesn’t work on Saturdays, and you’re one of the only people I trust here, so I need to hold the two pieces of material together at the top, and you somehow shimmy the zip down”.
There was only white noise blasting through your head at her request, and without giving yourself time to overthink, you closed the distance between each other. The tips of your shoes brushed against hers as you lifted your fingers to grab the zip buckle. Natasha could see the tremor in your fingertips as she grabbed the two sections of material and tried to squeeze them together.
It was difficult at first to grab the metal, especially as your hands began to sweat, but ever so slowly, the zip descended lower, inch by inch. More of her skin began to be revealed. Her cleavage, her sternum, then lower over her navel until the very edge of her public area, which, to your amazement, was neatly trimmer and a brunette shade.
As you comprehended what you were actually looking at, you stepped away, hands rubbing at your sides like you’d made the gravest mistake possible, scared that Natasha would be upset for revealing so much of her body. However, the assassin was unphased and began to pull her arms from her uniform, pushing the black material off her shoulders, down her waist and hips and then kicking off her shoes and attire, leaving it in a pile on the floor.
“You… You don’t wear any underwear beneath your uniform”, you whispered beneath your breath in awe before quickly looking at that entertaining patch of carpet on the floor, realising you’d been staring at her naked body. Your entire body heated with embarrassment and arousal as you crossed one leg over the other to try and squeeze your thighs together to get rid of the uncomfortable feeling. 
Natasha shrugged at your observation, “I find that the uniform is so tight that I can’t wear any underwear without the seams being seen, so it’s easier to go without”. Nodding your head at her explanation, you continued looking anywhere but at her. Natasha took a dainty step towards you, her smile growing more prominent, “Are you afraid of nakedness?”
You make a point of forcing yourself to look at her whilst folding your arms over your chest. “No, of course not. I just thought it would be polite to give you some privacy”.
Natasha bites the inside of her lips to stop from just outright grinning and laughing in your face. “I don’t mind. You can look”, she quips whilst raising one of her eyebrows suggestively.
You weren’t sure if this was a test, but as your eyes lowered, you thanked whatever gods were listening to this one moment that you would remember for the rest of your life. She was well toned, given her lifestyle and training methods, and scars littered over her body, which was evidence of her work as stabbings or gunshots clearly created them. You were mesmerised by her beauty, from her perfectly trimmed mound, her toned abs, and up to her round, full breasts.
Until that is, something piqued your interest, “Do you have your nipples pierced?”
Natasha tipped her head back and laughed, looking down at her perked nipples with a shrug of her shoulders, making them jiggle with the movement. “Yeah, they’ve made me quite sensitive, but I thought it would be fun. Plus, they’re super cute”.
“You are”, you say, admiring her breasts, but then your eyes go wide in shock, realising what you’d just said and the soft tone you’d said it in. “I mean, they are- the piercings are -I didn’t mean to sound inappropriate, sorry. I didn’t mean- I just- I wasn't, um-”
Natasha took a step forward, closing the gap entirely so that you could now feel the warmth of her skin; she was that close. Her beautiful, naked body within your bubble, you never wanted it to leave.
“It’s ok, I know what you meant. You’re cute when you’re all embarrassed”.
“I…I am?” you say, looking at her like she had grown another head because there was no way Natasha Romanoff just called you cute in any sense of the word, especially when you’re whining away anxiously.
“You are. Might be why I asked you to come and help me rather than the others. Nothing like a cute girl helping to undress me”. You flush at the obvious flirtatious advances, trying your hardest to continue looking into her forest-green eyes that seem to delve deep into your soul. “You’re even more cuter when you’re like this. Reacting more to my words than my naked body. God, I could just eat you right up.” Natasha lifts her slender fingers and runs the back of them over your eyes and around your ear. “I’ve been watching you, y’know?. It's so hard to talk to a cute girl like you when you’re running away from me every time I enter the room”.
“I’m just nervous”, you say and instantly chastise yourself for stating the obvious.
It doesn’t, phas Natasha thought as her other hand gently grasped yours, interlocking your fingers as she stated, “I know. You don’t have to be nervous, Sugar. I only want good things, I promise”.
She lifts the hand that is holding hers, kissing the palm ever so softly and then moves it so you’re holding her face. “You don’t have to be nervous to do anything with me”, Natasha continues, “I want you to feel safe with me. I want to get to know you on a personal and physical way, if you understand what I’m alluding to”.
Your mouth didn’t want to work, with the worry of just blurting out that you were in love with her, so you nodded your head to show your understanding. Being brave, you allowed your fingers to explore her sharp cheekbones, admiring the delicateness of her skin and shocked when she even began to nuzzle into your palm.
“Can I touch you?” she asks sincerely, her eyes wide with hope and yet restrained, not wanting to frighten you off. As your fingers brush through her silky hair, you nod your head, wanting her very much to touch you in any way possible.
Natasha lifts both hands to press against your hairline, exploring your face like she was trying to map every inch of you. Lower she descended, over your cheeks, your nose and finally your lips, pulling on the bottom one with her thumb, which had your eyes automatically dropping to look at hers.
You want to kiss so severely that it almost makes you ache and beg. It seemed Natasha also knew this and had another idea in mind as she implored in the most innocent voice, “Touch me lower”.
You do as instructed, over her jaw and down her long neck, then press her collarbones again, wondering if this is the area where you should stop. However, Natasha raises her eyebrow again in question, so you take that as your queue to explore lower. Your eyes never leave hers as your fingers run down the centre of her sternum, directly between her breasts, until they stop at the base of her sternum.
Deciding to be brave for once in your life, your fingers skimmed the underside of her heavy breasts, and you watched in delight as her breath hitched, chest leaning into the touch. You take this as a good sign and reach for her hard nipples that have a simple metal bar through the centre.
Natasha groans, even though all you’ve done is graze over the bundle of nerves. “So sensitive”, she explains and reminds you of her predicament.
Pulling your hand away, thinking you’d done something she didn’t want, you apologise quickly, “Sorry!”
However, with her lightning-fast reaction, Natashas quickly grabs your retreating hands and pulls them back to cup her again. “I like it. I like everything you do to me and want to do”.
Before you can overthink anymore, Natasha is pressing her face towards yours, eyes closing and lips connecting with yours. Your whole body reacts instantly, leaning closer and mewling into her mouth, pushing harder. Her lips were so plump they felt like soft, warm clouds against your face, and you’re obsessed, crazy for more, never wanting this moment to stop.
But of course, it does as Nat pulls back for a second, and you’re trying to chase after her with your lips, which causes the woman to giggle. “Can I take this off?” she asks, pulling on the bottom of your shirt. You nod, heart beating so hard on your chest you were sure she would be able to hear. Lifting your arms above your head, Natasha removes the article of clothing and begins to admire your black bra. “I love this”. She eyes it for a second before realising that it unclasps from the front. Natasha internally praised you for being so beautiful as she reached to undo the clasp, exposing your breasts to her.
She moans in wonderment at your beauty, cursing herself for waiting this long before making a move. Natasha couldn’t wait any long as her head dipped to lick across your nipple, causing your back to arch to press her face closer, and your fingers gripped into her hair to hold her there.
Something seemed to snap in you, whether the confidence blooming in your core or the anxiety melting away. Either way, you were in this situation, and there was no way you were letting it go to waste. As the red-haired woman sealed her lips around your other nipple, licking and sucking the bud into her mouth, you swiftly pulled her off by your hands behind in her hair, but only to kiss her deeply and passionately.
Whether it was your enthusiasm to kiss her or Natasha’s excitement that you were beginning to feel more confident, something knocked the two of you back so that you were now led on her perfectly made bed. Natasha doesn’t waste a second and is climbing on top of you, straddling your waste with her naked body now hovering over yours. You touch her everywhere now, her thighs, over her arse to pull her hips closer, up her back to then cup her head.
It was everything you wanted and more; couldn’t get enough of her taste, smell, and warmth. Everything about her, you wanted it every day, all the time. She was sweet and delicate with you, but eventually, Natasha too was becoming fevering with her touches and needing more of you.
“I wanna taste you”, she admits against your lips, just as her tongue dares to peek before yours.
“Are you sure?” you asked uncertainly.
Natasha laughed against your mouth, moving to kiss down your throat over the areas that had your toes curling as she confirmed, “Yes, I’m sure I want to eat you out.”
Your only answer was a grin that caused your cheeks to ache with how giddy you felt. Natasha kissed your lips once more before shuffling down your body, leaving a trail of open mouth kisses, tasting every area of your skin she could reach, and spending special particular attention on your breasts. Teasing and sucking on them until you begged her to move lower with how intense your arousal was becoming. 
Natasha noted this, deciding that the next time the two of you were intimate, she wanted to see if she could make you cum just by nipple stimulation. Lower she moved, every touch was gentle and calm, even as she unbuttoned your jeans and began to lower them as well as your underwear down your legs, with the help of you lifting your hips, her fingers still were careful about where she touched.
She then began her journey up, kissing and licking all the places that were most sensitive, like your inner knee and thighs, until she was face to face with the area causing you the most ache.
Her eyes met yours, and a devilish smirk on her lips made you wonder what you had gotten yourself in for as her mouth met your more intimate areas. You broke eye contact first, but only because your body jolted, and you had to force your back to arch, spreading your legs further on the bed as your head tipped back.
Natasha's lips were just as plump and soft against your pussy as they were against your mouth. She kissed you there first, savouring the warmth and liquid that had already leaked from your cunt. The noises you were already whimpering were like music to her ears, so desperate and needy.
Carefully, her tongue licked long strips up your folds before adding pressure and parting them, moving deeper until she was poking at your hole that was already contracting with your arousal around nothing. She contemplated for a moment letting her tongue fuck you, but instead, she paid particular attention to your throbbing clit. Tentative, agonisingly slow circles did the tip of her tongue move around the bud before she pressed the flat front of her tongue and gave it a long lick.
“Natasha!” you cried out, hand moving to grip her hair to hold her there. Nat thought it was adorable seeing you falling apart like this so quickly. She hummed against your pussy which caused vibrations to purr into the nerves, which caused your thighs to tremble and clench with the stimulation.
Nat tickled the backs of your thighs to get them to relax again before travelling the length of the limb until the area where your tongue was still pleasuring. Her middle finger circled your eagerly awaiting hole, and as she sucked on the bundle of nerves, she inserted the finger carefully. In and out and moved before adding a second finger, beginning to stretch your cunt. Your hips began rolling of their own accord, desperate to match the pace of Natasha’s tongue and fingers, which had just started to curl to press against the sensitive spot inside you.
“That feels so good, right there!” Natasha didn’t plan on stopping making you feel this good, but she did contemplate just how pretty you’d look after being edged a few times. She just added that to the lengthening list of things she wanted to try with you in the future.
You had to bite your lower lip as your cries of joy were beginning to echo around the bedroom, still holding onto the red hair and essentially fucking yourself on her fingers and tongue. Opening your eyes, you looked down at the green eyes that were watching your every move.
“Please kiss me”, you asked desperately with a slight quiver in your voice as you were getting closer to orgasming.
Natasha grins, licking her lips and crawling back up your body whilst still curling her fingers, her thumb pressing and rolling your clit instead of her tongue. Her mouth was hungry against yours, forcing your lips wider so she could stroke your mouth's crevices, making sure you could taste yourself from her.
You reach out for her, wanting to feel her body just as badly as she wants to hear you cum, but she has other ideas. The hand you reached for her with was held firmly against the bed as Natasha shook her head. “This is just about you today; there will be so much more time for me in the future. Just enjoy this, Sugar”.
You could have melted at the pet name she’d picked and rushed forward to kiss her feverishly one more, hips rolling and working in time with the curl of her fingers and thumb. She was making you feel so good, expertly touching your body, gripping the back of your head to hold your close.
Resting her temple on yours, she looked at you with glazed eyes and demanded, “Cum for me; I want to see you cum on my fingers, pretty girl”. Her words had your core tightening in arousal, your mouth gaping open to gasp and share the same air as her she was that close to you. “That’s it, you’re doing so well for me. I know you’re close. I can feel it on my fingers; you’re so wet for me, so tight, Sugar. Cum for me”.
Your body convulsed as your orgasm rocketed through your very centre, thighs trembling, arms struggling to hold you up as your pussy squeezed in flutters around her fingers. She didn’t stop her rocking motion; those sweet curls of her two fingers, not under you, had sagged back onto the bed to catch your breath.
Carefully, she eased her fingers out of you, putting on a broad display of her licking your fingers and dramatically moaning at the taste before lying down next to you, resting her head on her elbow.
“Do you wanna go and get some food?  There’s a cute Italian place about half an hour from here”, Natasha asks casually whilst stroking your cheek with the hand that had just been between your legs.
“What? Like a date?” you asked with the tremor returning to your voice as you stared at her with widening eyes.
Natasha takes one look at you and laughs, tipping her head back with how funny she found it. “I’ve just licked you out and had you cumming on my fingers, and you’re getting nervous about a date? You’re too fucking cute, Sugar. Yes, it’s a date. What do you say?”
Your cheeks heat at her amusement, but you’re soon joining her with smiling, nodding your head and saying, “Yes, I’d love to go on this date with you”.
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jaylaxies · 11 months
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PAIRING: camboy!sunghoon × fem!reader
GENRE/CW: smut, unprotected sex, excessive usage of nicknames, spanking, fingering, orgasm denial, overstimulation, breeding, slight bondage, mentions of obsession, just smut overall.
WC: 2865 words
SYNOPSIS: sunghoon is the prettiest boy you had ever laid your eyes on and you’d do anything to have him all to (in) yourself.
WARNING: 18+ content, minors dni
A/N: hihi, angels! I'm back with another fic! it’s just a really messy thought i’ve tried to put into words! i hope y'all will enjoy this! :3 all likes, comments, reblogs and feedbacks are highly appreciated! it keeps me motivated! iloveyou all <33
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He’s beautiful. Soft pink lips which stretched into the sweetest smile a man could provide you with. Sweet nectar dripped from his honey brown eyes. His supple skin resembling porcelain as you watch the man show off his abs on the monitor of your PC screen, the lights being that of dim red colour, only accentuating his muscles, which flexed with apiece movement of him. 
It was Park Sunghoon—your favourite and the only camboy that piqued your interest. He was truly a work of art, displaying his perfectly sculpted body for everyone to see. 
As for you, you’re the textbook definition of a spoiled rich girl who paid Sunghoon more than anyone in their sane mind would in just a single livestream, which didn’t even provide you with a visual of anything other than his face and torso. 
Despite him stroking his cock smugly, he made sure to hide it from the view of the camera, which drove you insane to the point you were ready to throw all your money his way, becoming his top subscriber.  
A moan left your lips, hearing him breathe out filthy words which were always effective in getting you off, the phallic shoved deep in your cunt only being a help to you. Sending him another big tip in hopes of him acknowledging you, you waited to see him smirk at the notification, not caring about the other comments flooding through his window. 
“That’s a generous sum you’ve sent me, kitten,” he chuckled, the nickname making your pussy flutter, “no requests from your side, darling?” He asked, smirking subtle enough for it to look attractive. 
That’s what you oh so obsessively want—his attention on you. 
So you type out as fast as you can. 
yourkittenxo69: a private session with you, that’s what i want 
Your request was bold, almost being perceived as a demand, which only intrigued him. 
Sunghoon never did private shows, or gave attention to any particular person in his lives. Despite it all, he was the most popular camboy on the site, surpassing everyone by just showing them his body, paired with his dirty talk. You hated how everyone wanted him, especially when you wanted him all to yourself. 
He licked his bottom lip while reading your comment, “Sorry, kitten. I don’t do private shows.”
yourkittenxo69: I’ll pay you
You typed out with a smirk, gasping when the dildo in you started vibrating just how you liked it, then you proceeded to type out the amount of money you were willing to pay. 
To some, it would take years to earn that amount of money but to you, it was your monthly pocket money, which you didn’t bother spending on Sunghoon. 
Naturally, the shock was evident on his face because no one in their right mind would offer someone such a huge sum for a private show. It almost felt like free money to Hoon, and so he smiled, tongue tracing his fang-like canines.
“You got yourself a deal, kitten.”
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It was the first time you’d seen Sunghoon covered up, clad in white button up with the top three buttons left open. With his hair parted to the side, you could get a clear view of his face, but your eyes were focused on his arms, courtesy of him rolling up the sleeves. 
Given that you couldn’t show him your face, you resorted to typing out fast, yet you put efforts into wearing the newest addition to your lingerie set even though it wouldn’t be visible to him. 
“You have me all to yourself now,” he spoke up, tone cocky with how much you wanted his attention. 
yourkittenxo69: and that’s how it should be. Undress for me pretty boy 
He scoffed out a laugh, knowing exactly that he needs to cater to your wishes, “as your wish, kitten,” he whispered. 
Your attention was immediately captured by his slender fingers, which took their time to unbutton the shirt, providing you with the clear view of his torso, leaving him in nothing but his pants. 
The wetness in between your legs growing per second as you pleasured yourself alongside, eyes fixated on the screen. 
yourkittenxo69: your pants come off next
He grinned, “why? Wanna see how big my cock is?” He clicked his tongue, “what’s the point, baby? When you can’t even touch me from there,” his smirk was wide. 
His voice was condenscending, as if he couldn’t miss a single chance to mock you, which only fucked with your mind to an even greater extent. 
yourkittenxo69: just do as i say, you’re getting paid for it
A laugh escaped his lips as his fingers filled with the button on his jeans, opening it and sliding out of his jeans in an agonizingly slow manner, leaving him with his boxers and big imprint of his cock, a strangled moan leaving your mouth at the sight. 
“Like it, kitten?” He raised his brows, self aware of the effect his body had on people. 
You had to resort to using your vibrator for a release, but more than that, you wanted to meet Sunghoon in the flesh, to have his cock buried inside your leaking cunt. 
Sunghoon, on the other hand, was intrigued, his own mind forcing him to break rules for you. Why? Because he wanted to fuck some sense into your spoiled mind. Maybe, just maybe if you rile him enough, you’ll get exactly what you’re aiming for. 
yourkittenxo69: won't show me what’s hidden under your boxers now, pretty boy? 
“Why? Do you wanna be fucked dumb with it? Is that what you want, kitten?” He pressed, getting closer to the screen, making your heart beat out of your chest with anticipation, but you weren’t the one to give up, pushing his buttons would be the key to your success. 
His jaw clenched with each comment you posted, fists forming out of anger. 
yourkittenxo69: yeah, won’t you fuck me dumb?
yourkittenxo69: are you scared to show the world your teeny tiny lil cock? Is that why you keep it in?
yourkittenxo69: forget the distance, you can’t even make me cum by fucking me 
His voice was scary low as he scoffed, “getting ahead of ourselves now? Oh, kitten, give me your address if you dare instead of sitting behind a scene. I’ll see how you walk when I’m done with you,” he challenged, his slutry tone making you clench around your toy. 
That was your plan from the start, however you never expected him to give in this quickly, given that he wasn’t the one to make exceptions, yet he broke all the rules for you. 
With a blend of confidence and unadulterated need to have him, you swiftly typed out your address, making his lips turn into a seductive grin. 
“See you tomorrow then, kitten.”
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He wasn’t sure if it was curiosity or his need to tame your brat ass which led him your way, money was only an addition to it. He spent an unconventional amount of time pondering upon the hasty choices he had made. 
He had a total of three things he knew about you, first being the fact that you were an adult, second that you were a female, and third—your address. 
Not to mention you were wealthy, his subconscious reminded him. 
It was risky, going to a stranger’s place, or in your case, a whole penthouse, yet he wanted to see the person behind the user yourkittexo69 and fuck some sense into her, even though he admit how it certainly would be better if you’d be as appealing to him as you sound bratty in general. 
That’s exactly how he found himself in front of your door, dressed in black button up and pants paired with a few chains and rings which completed his look. 
“Fuck it.” He rang the bell, waiting for the door to be opened by you, however he was greeted by a woman in what seemed to be working uniforms and hair tied up in a bun. 
“Welcome, sir. She’s been expecting you, please head up the stairs,” she acknowledged his presence, getting out of the house as you had ordered her to, for privacy's sake. 
Sunghoon thanked the women, eyes wandering around the fully decorated place of yours, each corner screaming wealth and money. 
Walking up the stairs, he noticed the big chandelier and a series of paintings lined up right before he reached your room, knocking on the big wooden door twice.
“Come in,” your voice came out muffled due to the thick door, but understandable nevertheless. 
Biting his bottom lip, he got inside your room and finally took you in for the first time—his eyes eyebrows raising in the process, a cocky expression taking over his face. 
The reason? It was you. The skimpy white lingerie set you wore didn’t leave much to the imagination, adding to that, you had done justice to your username by wearing a collar and cat ears just for the pretty boy in front of you, him noticing the tail only ignited the need to destroy your cunt even further. 
Your lips curled up into a sly smile, “didn’t think you’d actually come here, Park Sunghoon,” you mused, seeing him walk straight towards your bed, where you were spread out for him, “guess you really wanna fuck me.”
He didn’t speak a word, getting rid of his shirt as he proceeded to unbutton it. Just the action shut you up, no sign of humour on his face. Despite the spontaneity of this situation, it felt as if the pace was perfect, your desire colliding with reality for once. 
Your heart was pounding in your chest, finally witnessing him in front of you.
The night held a distinct allure to it, especially when the candles that you had lit spread the aroma which only aroused you further, making you gulp your nervousness down. 
He climbed up the bed, your breath hitching with how he stopped when he was right above you, his nose touching yours as he finally chuckled, “such a pretty face with that bratty mouth, yeah?” 
You yelped when he held your wrists above your head, a whimper leaving your mouth as he tied your wrists up with his shirt, “didn’t know you were into this,” you giggled. 
In an instant, his fingers were gripping your chin, “did I give you permission to talk?” His condenscending voice sent a shiver down your spine and you felt enthralled for a second before chuckling in his hold. 
“Since when do I need your permission—”
The next second, his slender fingers were wrapped around your neck, applying just enough pressure to put his point forward. 
“You’re not allowed to fucking talk unless I ask you to,” he seethed out, not missing the excitement in your eyes, “is that clear?” 
You looked at him with hooded eyes, a slutry expression taking over your face, “yes, daddy.”
He chuckled, stroking your hair and reaching to play with your cat ears, “y’know what, kitten?” He rasped, scanning your features, “you should be punished for being such a bratty kitten.”
You squealed when he roughly switched up the positions so that you were bent over his lap with his hand groping your ass, the air around you thickening. 
Driven by a primal longing, Sunghoon didn’t wait before he started spanking your ass, “count,” he ordered, “this one’s for being a brat.”
“Fuck! One,” you hissed out, biting your lips to conceal a moan. 
Another slap, “this one’s for talking back.”
A string of curses left your lips, “t—two!”
The slap resonated in the room, “for cursing.”
You whimpered, pressing your thighs together when he continued his ministrations, starting from one whenever you messed up, finally soothing his large hands over your ass. 
“Fucked out already? Oh, baby, I’m just getting started,” he said, sliding his fingers down to meet your soaked panties, he clicked his tongue, “we don’t need this,” he whispered. 
“Shh.” He ripped your panties into two, making your eyes go wide, “that’s not what you call me, kitten,” he rasped, pushing his two fingers into your cunt, the wetness allowing him to slide in easily. 
Your head felt dizzy, especially when you couldn’t move your hands or say anything that would make sense. No one’s ever been this way with you—demanding and in control, and he was simply fucking you with his fingers. 
Yet, you didn’t want to back down now, “is that the best you can do, daddy?” You mocked him just when you felt your high nearing in hopes of him speeding up. 
It resulted in him sliding his fingers out of your pussy much to your dismay, earning a pathetic whine out of you. He easily turned you around, getting on top of you, your body shivering with anticipation as he bent down, his nose caressing your ear as he whispered, “I’d give you my best but bad kittens don’t deserve shit.”
His fingers moved even slower, brushing against your clit in an agonizingly slow pace, “tell me, doll face, do you deserve to be fucked?” 
“Y—yes, please! I’ll be good,” you cried out, squirming and bothered at the orgasm denial. 
“Doesn’t sound very convincing to me, I guess the kitten doesn’t want it after all,” he chuckled, knowing that you had given up, especially when he pushed you that deep into your sub space, his thumb rubbing featherlight circles on your cunt. 
“P—please, daddy! I swear I—oh fuck! I won’t act up anymore, I’ll listen to you, please just—just fuck me!” You whined. 
“Wasn’t so hard, was it?” He pulled you closer by your collar, “now, be good and take it all like a good kitten.”
You were too fucked out to notice him getting out of his pants, not once getting a look at his cock. He deliberately prolonged his actions to torment you, just when you were reaching your high with his fingers again, but that wasn’t something he’d allow. 
He was swift to remove his fingers from your cunt, his movements deliberate when he positioned himself in front of your pussy, thrusting it all in one go. 
The sensation was quite literally exquisite, as if your whole body felt how big he was, lewd voices leaving your lips, eyes rolling back, your toes curling and back arching. 
“Daddy—so, so big,” you mumbled mindlessly as he focused on snapping his hips even faster, giving you no time to adjust to his length when he bottomed out, hitting your g-spot seamlessly.
“Yeah? Too big for you, kitten? That’s not what you were saying the other day.” He held your wrists up, eyes focused on your tears of pleasure. 
“I—was so wrong, daddy, I’m sorry—” his movements didn’t give you a chance to speak. 
Your vulnerable voice only fueled his desire, his movements intensifying when he bent down to suck on your clavicle, paying attention to your neglected tits by pinching them, rolling the nub between his fingers. 
“Wanna ruin you,” he groaned, “will make sure you don’t fucking walk,” with another thrust, you found yourself blacking out with how euphoric the feeling of falling apart on his cock was. 
But he was far from done with you, not giving you a second to breathe as he striked harder with each thrust of his, making you squirm and scream, your mascara running down your cheeks with your tears and your whole body felt as if it was on fire. 
He filled you up with his cum, stuffing you full and yet again, he wasn’t done with you. 
He tapped on your cheek twice, making you look at him, “swallow,” he whispered, spitting into your mouth and observing it going down your tongue before you gulped it all. 
“Good girl,” he praised, when you reached your high for the second time, your cum turning into a creamy mix inside you. 
You felt overstimulated, yet he didn’t stop. 
“Look at me, kitten,” he said, holding your chin and you were desperate to convey your impending orgasm again. 
You looked his way with dark eyes, almost falling shut when he smashed his lips onto yours, messing up your lipstick, his thumb rubbing your clit again leaving you breathless and dishevelled, panting with need. 
You realized how true he was to his words, you knew you won’t be able to walk anymore, or stand up for that matter. 
With a mixture of ecstasy and anticipating urgency, your hips met his, your stomach tightening when you finally erupted in a cry, consumed by the intensity of your climax and the feeling of him inside you. 
With two seconds of silence, Sunghoon got up, hair messy and lipstick staining his smirking lips as he untied your wrists, “have fun walking around now, kitten.” 
He was here to prove a point, nothing more, nothing less. 
And when you tried to stand up, miserably falling down with a whine, he only chuckled, sending a wink your way before he dressed up and left. 
What he didn’t know was that it wasn’t a punishment, only a push to your obsession with him, which grew even further. 
It sure won’t be a one time thing with Park Sunghoon. 
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TAGLIST: @ddeonuism @macaroonff @ajayke-reads @en-myworld @lunalovesstories @jayzdaze @deobitifull @silenth1lls @celeste-hoon @mari-oclock @kpoprhia @bolliwon @woniebae @lalalalawon @blessedcursd @skzenhalove @heesuncore
permanent taglist open! comment or send an ask to be added!
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gojo-mochi · 4 months
(´ε` )♡ Thinkin about a very clingy Zoro
CW: Sort of Yandere/Nonestablished Relationship. Noncon/dubcon. Fem!Reader
He's not vocal about his clinginess, more of a action man instead. Since you were first accepted in the crew, he wasn't all that welcoming compared to the rest of the crew. Especially Sanji who quickly warmed up to you, making you your favorites dishes and drinks on the night to celebrate your arrival in the crew. You were playing around with Chopper and Usopp when you felt someone sit in the seat right next to you, looking to your left you find the green-haired swordsman chugging down a mug of beer.
His eye lazily glanced down at you with his one good eye, slamming down his mug, making you jump a bit in your seat. He raised an eyebrow at that.
"Didn't think our new crewmate would be so jumpy." He snorted, making your face heat up and your blood boil a bit. Usopp waves him off, "Oh, come on! We all can't be power monsters like you guys. I, for one, am glad to add another person who has common sense to our crew!" He quickly changes the mood by taking your hand in his and pulling you to the dance floor, Chopper following suit. The three of you hold hands in a circle and started jumping around. You quickly forgot about that small interaction with Zoro, but that entire night he never took his eye off of you.
You soon realized that Zoro is just a bit rough around the edges and mostly blunt but he doesn't mean any real harm. Still, you keep your distance mostly from him, opting to hang out with Chopper or Usopp instead. There was just something about the way he looks at you, like he was eyeing down a prey, it makes your spine shiver anytime you glance his way and catch him staring back.
Maybe he was still untrusting of you? It would make sense, he is the first mate, he gotta protect his crew after all. That was the reason you told yourself at least, to justify all the time you caught Zoro just staring at you from afar or downright following you. You gotten slowly used to his presence, not jumping up in shock anymore, anytime he would sneak up behind you or placed a hand on your shoulder.
Zoro got warmer to you, you think at least. He's usually fighting beside you in battles, or walking close by when you're out shopping in town. A hand on your shoulder, moves to a hand down your back, to a hand on your waist. You figured after a while, he accepted you as a crewmate and was just overprotective of the newcomer. It didn't help you found Zoro kinda attractive, so you let him get away with the small touching he did.
And then the touching grew into more and more, and you found yourself not being able to voiced out concerns anymore. The other crewmate, beside Luffy, often giggled when they find the two of you together. Usopp and Franky would make kissy faces when Zoro would sit next to you at lunch. Sanji looks at you dejected from time to time, muttering under his breath, "What does she even see in that moss-brain idiot.."
It wasn't like you were dating Zoro, right? He never asked you out officially, he just always been there. Always...
And, now he was getting bold with his actions. When he's sleeping on the desk, resting his back on the side of the Sunny, he would sense you walking by and trips you on purpose. Making you land on his lap and holding you there. Letting out a huge yawn over your complaining and rolling over on top of you, if you were to squirm around too much. Brook would wolf-whistle if you kept on squirming while underneath Zoro, making you effectively stop all movement.
When it's his turn on the Crow Nest, Zoro would pick you up by the scuff of your shirt, dragging you away from whatever it was you're doing and make you go up there with him. He'll do the same when he's in training at the gym. Stating that he needs "help" with his workout. Though, you're not sure what you're helping by just sitting on his chest or back while he does his reps.
If you're in town or meeting other crews, Zoro would be behind you, or he'll have you tucked into his side, arms around you tight. Glaring at anyone who ever tries to look your way. All the other crews knew that you were 'Zoro's property' and not to mess with you, unless they wanted to end up on impaled on his swords.
He knew your routine to a T, what time you woke up, takes a shower, your daily tasks. And he would just be there at your side or if he had another task to do, he'll keep an eye on you, always...
He knew what you like and dislike, picking up small snacks and trinkets for you, dropping them off on your lap without a word. But looking down at you expectingly, like cat wanting praise for being their owner an offering. Though you were unsure who was the pet and who was the owner in this scenario, as somehow you ended up in Zoro's bed.
Dragged away once again, right after a bath night with the girls too. Nami giggled at the two of you and Robin told you to "Keep it safe." as she waves you off, the both of them seemingly ignoring the confused and panicked look on your face.
He smelt like musk and sweat and you idly wondered if he showered yet or just came to bed right after the gym. He was still shirtless as he presses you right up agaisnt his chest, his head buried on top of your hair. Snuffing at your scent, a deep rumble blooms in his chest as he squeezes you a bit tighter, his biceps trapping you in this position. He lets out a deep sigh, hands traveling down your body, grabbing and pinching at your skin.
Grunting out when you start to wiggle and struggle a bit in his grasp, accidentally brushing your knees right up against his hard on. He push his own knee right between your legs, forcing them apart as he makes you grind on his thigh. The thin pajamas short you were wearing did little to help against the friction it was causing, he flexes his thighs in a way that make you mewl out and dig your nails in his shoulders.
"Good girl.." He growls out, finally addressing you like a person and not some doll.
"Zo-Zoro, what are we-Mmph!" He silences you with a kiss, speeding up his movement and moving his hands down to grope at your ass. His tongue parting your lips open and invading your mouth hotly. You moan so sweetly underneath him like this, your back arching up into him as he remove one hand to ghost under your shirt, pinching at your nipples.
He parts away from you, and from the moonlight coming thru the window. You saw Zoro's face, flushed with a light pink, and his eye starting down at you. A deep dark desire swirling within them, he grins almost manically at you.
"I knew it... I always knew you wanted me too...haha.."
He moves back a bit to get both legs in between yours so he could spread you open even more. His hands gripping the soft flesh of your thighs and pushing it to your chest. Your hands clamber to stop him, heart racing over this fast exchange of events.
"You're gonna be punished for making me wait so long.."
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sourcherryandsprinkles · 11 months
part 2 to ethan x camgirl reader where he orders another one on one and then they decide to meet up 🙊
I've been hesitating whether or not to make a part 2 for 'pretty boy'...here it is!!
Warnings: smut, masturbating, dirty talk,
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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A few weeks later, after a difficult exam, Ethan decided to reward himself by buying another private session with his favorite camgirl. He had been forced to re-watching your regular videos lately, having missed most of your lives due to exams coming up. Now, his cock was half-hard, heavy and aching to be touched, and he could feel a slight twitch as he allowed his thoughts to wander to seeing you live — and having you all to himself — in less than ten minutes. 
The black screen turned on and Ethan jumped when you said his name.
‘’Hi! Ethan, right?’’ It was rare you remembered customers, but Ethan’s sweet face and doe eyes were etched in your memory. Along with the big cock he was hiding in his pants.
Ethan nodded, surprised you remembered him. ‘’Yes.’’ 
‘’Where have you been? I haven't seen your name pop up in my recent lives…’’ you asked with a slight pout.
‘’Yeah…sorry. I’ve been busy with school. College is though.’’ 
‘’Me too, honestly. Balancing weekly live sessions with college has been quite challenging,’’ you admitted, forgetting for a short moment that you were talking with a paying customer and not a friend. 
‘’Can’t you take a small break? School is important.’’ Ethan didn’t want to sound like a parent, he was just concerned about your well-being. It was sweet that he cared. 
You sighed. ‘’I wish. Unfortunately, I can't afford that luxury. Those lives are what pays my bills.’’ 
As the conversation continued, you reminded yourself to keep track of time. After Ethan, three more people purchased private sessions.
‘’Enough about me. What do you want tonight, Ethan?’’ You gave him a flirty smile, your chest bouncing as you readjust your bra to show off more cleavage. It was royal blue with cut-outs that showed a lot of skin under the breasts. All that was covered was a thin lace over the nipples and over the swell of the breasts. 
Ethan felt himself twitch at the sight, so fucking hard. He’d love you in sweats and a sports bra, but seeing you like this had him so hard he was convinced his pants were going to burst. He didn’t dare looking lower, embarrassed he’ll moan when he’ll see the matching panties. 
‘’Anything. I just…missed you. I’ve been jerking off to your old videos for weeks,’’ he admitted with a slight flush to his cheeks. He didn’t want to sound like he was one of those creepy guys who obsess over someone, he just really enjoyed watching you. 
You were flattered by his dedication and decided to reward him. ‘’What about I do something special for my special boy?’’ 
‘’S-special boy?’’
You hummed. 
In a way, he was your special boy. Among all of your past clients, you had come across some really hot customers, but no one ever stuck to your mind like Ethan had. He was sweet, handsome and didn’t reduce you to a material to jerk off to. He saw you as a person. 
Before him, no one had ever made you want to teleport through a screen. Most of the time, you were looking forward to the end of the private session. 
Ethan watched as you reached behind you, grabbing something. ‘’Do you like this one?’’ you asked, holding your newest dildo. ‘’I haven’t used it in a video yet, so this is an exclusive premiere.’’ 
He eyed the phallic object. It was one of those you can stick to a surface and fuck yourself on it. 
Ethan ran a hand through his hair and reached down to palm himself through his jeans to relieve the pain he began to feel with his other. He was excited to see it all inside of you, to see you fuck yourself on it and cum all over it. A rush of warmth went through his body and he held back a moan at the thought.  You had such a huge effect on him.
You set the dildo on the side. ‘’But first, let’s get you going.’’ You refolded your legs in a way that gave Ethan the perfect view of your panty-covered slit, eliciting an immediate whimper. The sheer fabric didn’t leave anything to the imagination. ‘’Are you going to let me see you? From what I remember, you’ve got a nice big cock, don’t you baby?’’ 
Clumsily, Ethan removed his polo shirt, showing off his toned biceps and chest, then he unbuttoned his jeans, shoved them to his knees, and shifted his boxers just enough to free his leaking cock as he watched you shift on your bed. You were so impatient to see it again, to watch him cum again.
‘’Mmh, so big and pretty,’’ you complimented, wishing you could wrap your fingers around it and stroke him — kiss it. 
Shaking off those thoughts, you trailed your hand down your body, and shyly, you slid your hand over your mound through the panties, teasing yourself as you held eye-contact with the camera. Ethan couldn’t hold in the groan he let out at the sight of the sheer blue fabric clinging to your lips. You were  already pretty wet, which is kind of weird since, most of the time, shows like these felt more like a chore than getting off. 
On the screen before you, Ethan’s hand was lazily gripping the base of his cock as he watched you tease yourself. He should feel shy since he was the only one fully naked, but you looked so hot in that royal blue set that he almost didn’t want you to take it off. You let out a soft moan and pressed harder into your fingers for more pressure.
You pushed your panties to the side and brought your hand to your soaking folds, coating your fingers in your own arousal. ‘’I wish it was your hand touching me,’’ you slipped, closing your eyes and imagining Ethan’s fingers on you.
His breath caught in his throat and his hand gripped his shaft just a little tighter. ‘’Me too.’’
You continued without realizing, lost in your own bubble of pleasure. ‘’I want to take your big cock all in my mouth and choke on it until you cum down my throat.’’ 
Your words had Ethan moaning, creating images in his head. He ached to tangle his fingers in your hair and drag his cock over that pretty pout of yours, smear pre-cum onto your lips before  showing his cock down your throat. You would look so pretty like that.
‘’I wan— I want you to split me open and fuck me so hard I can't remember my own name.’’
Ethan moaned again, so turned on he could cry. ‘’Yes, please.’’
The idea of him filling your pretty pussy, looking utterly fucked with those pouty lips and pretty eyes had Ethan palming his cock just a little rougher. God, he wanted nothing more than to have you — for real.
You shouldn’t be making exceptions and prolonging your private sessions, but you didn’t want to stop talking with Ethan. You wanted to keep talking to him for hours and hours. 
He sat there, in his desk chair, chest sweaty and breathing heavily as he recovered from his orgasm, thick ropes of cum still all over his chest. He should wipe himself before it dried, but his gaze was locked with yours, a soft, dazed smile on both your lips. 
You didn't look any better, sitting in your soaked sheets with your slick-covered dildo abandoned on the bed. 
After a moment of staring at each other, something you never expected to happen happened: you asked for Ethan’s number. It was a line you had promised yourself to never cross when making this account, but you didn’t want to risk not seeing him again.
Scream taglist: @misfityanii @beautybyfire @iluvscream191 @mariposa555 @bella7866 @o638 @lulubelle14 @luvvtxinityy @frasersgf  @Eddiefrickenmunson @jasperr-the-friendly-ghost @ghostf4cee @thesebitcheslovesosadotcom @wandaswigglywoos @xjennyx2 @jennasslut @thatonesblog  @mikaelsonsstuff @icarly23 @tcddszn  @bt.oliana  @skyesthebomb @a1mzcruml3y @red1culous @iluurmom @popeheywardssecretgf @michaelangdonsslut @byhrxb @kamthecoolest @kattybug @ravenstrueluv @landryslxys @die4niyahhh  @sl4sh3rfuck3r @radiant-whore  @Meadzy21 @luci1fer @nomorespahgetti  @bloodyhw  @depthsofdespairr  @bellysbeach
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3  @Heartsforneteyamsully  @aerangi  @hallecarey1  @bxbyyyjocelyn @mikeyspinkcup
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star-girl69 · 5 months
Clarisse La Rue x Fem!Demigod!Reader
synopsis: a day of capture the flag, and clarisse finds out you’re ashamed of your scars.
a/n: love love love love love also from this ask
Apocalypse - Cigarettes After Sex
warnings: shitty ending but IDC!!!!!!!, hurt/comfort, more hurt/comfort, god i need to be put down, insecure y/n, scars and all that stuff, possessive clarisse, protective clarisse, soft clarisse, probs ooc clarisse, yeah, swearing, mentions of food, mac n’ cheese is y/n’s fav but you can just pretend if you’re a weirdo and don’t like mac n’ cheese, tell me if i missed anything!!
“I don’t get it,” he laughs. “How can you be a daughter of Aphrodite and still have those ugly scars all over you?”
You pretend like you don’t hear him, leaning your head back against the tree, staring up at the blue sky through the gaps.
Him and his two friends have been teasing you the entire 20 minutes you’ve been tied up to this tree, captured by the blue team.
That was horribly embarrassing, but you were doing your best to ignore it- instead doing your best to pray to whatever God would listen that Clarisse would win for the red team.
It’s just plain stupid. He’s been saying the same thing over and over again for 20 minutes- can he at least come up with something original?
Besides, you don’t see where he gets off from this. It’s not like you give any reaction, or even look at him. The most you give him is the occasional squeeze of your hands- imagining his neck under them.
“Maybe she’s forsaken you,” he hums, kicking at your limp leg.
You finally look up at him. You’re sitting on the ground, arms at your sides, back pressed to the tree and rope digging tightly into your chest.
“Maybe your mother gave up on you after the second scar,” he says, staring straight into your eyes. “And then you’ve just gotten uglier and uglier ever since.”
You have scars all over your body. Clarisse has them too, and she shows them off proudly, a dramatic story for each one. You have a horrible memory, so you don’t remember all of them- but the tiny one on your jawline is from you accidentally tripping with scissors in your hand as a kid.
Clarisse had laughed hysterically when you told her about that one, pulling you closer when you pouted, saying something about how she was going to carry all scissors for you in the future.
The one on your collarbone is from sparring gone awry. Clarisse likes to kiss that one- it’s silvery smooth, she says some bullshit about how it feels like your lips.
The big one on your arm is from some clawed monster getting a bit too close to you- slashing at your arm and leaving a permanent tattoo of your failure to kill the monster. Or at least successfully run away.
Then, there’s all the tiny ones you can’t remember.
The boy, you seriously don’t even know his name, looks at you. There’s fire in his eyes, he wants a fight, but you won’t give him one. Especially not when your stomach squeezes inside of you in a way that makes you feel like you might throw up.
The conch mercifully blows, even as you feel sick- you don’t want to let his words effect you. But you just can’t help it.
He gives you an odd look, like he’s contemplating just leaving you out there- but eventually releases you. You stand up, dusting yourself off, grabbing your sword from where it was discarded on the ground.
“Good game!” you say, smiling brightly, but you can’t even pretend to be nice to him, so it tapers off into a laugh. He glares at you, but you’re already jogging through the woods, eager to see Clarisse again.
The blue flag waves proudly above a sea of orange camp t-shirts and red helmets, so you smile widely and skip down to the beach. Your team has formed this huge pit of people, everyone congratulating each other, shouting and celebrating. You stick your sword in the sand as you head into it- one person on your mind.
“Clarisse!” you shout, heading straight towards the middle. “Clarisse!”
She actually rips apart two people hugging to meet you.
“Baby!” she says, even when the two people give her dirty looks, pushing past them and into your arms. “We won!” she giggles, kissing your cheek.
“I know,” you smile, digging your face into her neck. She holds you there for just a moment, hand on the back of your head, relishing in the feeling of her girlfriend running to her after a long day.
“Are you tired?” she fusses, squeezing your waist. “What happened? Did you get hurt? I knew I should have made you stay with me-”
“No, Clar,” you laugh, taking your face out of the hiding spot that is her neck and pressing your noses together. “I got captured,” you sigh.
Her fingers wind through your hair.
She scans the crowd, like she might just beat up any random member of the blue team.
“If they don’t learn to not fucking touch you I am going to make them learn.”
“Guard dog,” you tease her.
“And?” she says, leaning down to kiss the scar she loves kissing, right at the beginning of your collarbone. It makes you freeze. “You love it,” she mumbles against your skin.
You can’t think of an answer.
When you stay silent, she looks up at you, confusion in her face.
“What? You look… sad. Did something happen? What aren’t you telling me?”
“N-nothing,” you breathe, because it’s just embarrassing to know you let his words get to you like this.
“You can tell me anything,” she says, searching your eyes.
“I know.”
The conch blows, making you jump at the sudden loud noise. “Lunch!” someone shouts, and Clarisse settles for just grabbing your hand, walking with you back to camp.
You stop by your cabins first, taking off your armor and switching into clean camp shirts. You hesitate for a second, but eventually put on a thin long-sleeved shirt under the orange.
You take extra care in reapplying your makeup, making sure to cover the scar on your collarbone and your jaw, and once everything is as covered as it’s gonna get you set out.
Clarisse is waiting for you outside the Aphrodite cabin, smiling as you open the door, applying lipstick with one hand. She grabs your hand and helps you down the steps, admiring the way you’re so intensely focused on getting the perfect lip, even without a mirror.
It’s not like you have to try very hard, but still.
“I don’t mind waiting a second longer,” she says, bringing you closer by the waist as you tube the lipstick and stick it in your pocket.
“You’re a hungry demon after capture the flag.”
“Yeah,” she says, not really trying to deny it.
You smile and lean against her, pressing a short kiss to your lips.
“Oh, do I look pretty now?” she asks, rubbing in the lipstick that came off onto her lips.
“Always,” you smile.
Her eyes focus in on the green sleeves pulled up to your wrists.
“It’s, like, 100 degrees, baby. You’re gonna boil.”
You frown and shake your head. “No, it’s not that bad. I’m cold.”
She looks at you oddly, but seems to begrudgingly accept it, hand against your forehead as she brushes your hair back. You make it into the buffet style line for lunch, grabbing plates, Clarisse quickly piling hers with a cheeseburger and a hot dog, making you laugh.
“You’re so hungry, all the time,” you mutter when she gives you a dirty look.
“I work out all the time,” she glares. She flexes her arm. “All of this takes a lot of work.”
You stare at her muscles peeking out from just under her sleeves, biting your lip as you quickly look away. She smiles brightly.
“Uh huh, that’s what I thought. You love these muscles, don’t judge me.”
You make your way down the line, scanning the trays of food.
“Ooh,” Clarisse coos, “They have your fave, pretty thing.”
She scoops probably the biggest portion of mac n’ cheese you’ve ever seen in your life, slapping it onto your plate with a smile.
You gape at the now almost empty tray, remembering the still long line behind you. Hopefully there’s another one somewhere.
“Clarisse, we should save some for everyone else.”
She seems actually confused by that statement.
“Uh, yeah, no. My girl gets the best.”
“Clarisse-” but you’ve reached the end of the line and she heads off to a table. You follow her, begrudgingly, because you really do covet this mac n’ cheese like it’s ambrosia.
By the time the night rolls around, you’ve retreated into the blankets of your bed, feeling much safer completely covered up. You’re supposed to be going to the bonfire- all of your siblings have come over and bugged you at least once about going, but you’ve refused them all.
Finally, all of your siblings leave in their pretty but revealing outfits- after today, you don’t think you could ever wear something like that again.
The door to your cabin creaks open.
You make a mumbled sound in the back of your throat that’s supposed to resemble “I’m here” but Clarisse is already walking over to you and pulling the blanket off of you.
“Silena told me you were staying back. Why?”
You pull the blanket back up over yourself.
“I’m jus’ tired.”
“Okay…” she says, sitting down on the bed. She puts her warm hand to your forehead. “Are you sick? Do you have a headache?”
“No, Clar, I’m fine.”
“I’m confused,” she huffs. “You love the bonfires. Something is obviously wrong, why won’t you tell me?”
“I’m just tired, Clarisse, that’s all.”
“Fine,” she says. “I can be tired too.”
She kicks off her shoes and climbs into bed with you, under the blankets, chest pressed against your back.
“I’m not good at this. You know that,” she sighs after a second. “And I wish I was. But I do know something’s wrong. And I really don’t know for the life of me what it is, but I really want to know. I really want to help you.”
She traces her fingertips up and down your arms, tracing over the silvery scar from the monster- and you involuntarily jerk away.
“Oh,” she says. She’s painfully observant. She notices everything. She notices you pulling away when she touches your scars. “Your scars.”
Tears well in your eyes before you can stop them.
“W-when I got captured, this boy kept teasing me. And I tried not to let it bother me, I tried not to give him a reaction… but I just- what if I’m not worthy of my mother anymore? It’s embarrassing. I know. But I…”
“Who the fuck said that to you?”
She sits up, eyes blazing, like she can just imagine it and whoever hurt you will suddenly feel her wrath.
You turn around so you’re facing her, laughing.
“I don’t even know his stupid name,” you mutter.
She looks down at you, at the tears spilling from your pretty eyes.
“I’ll kill him later,” she mumbles, settling back down and kissing the corner of your cheek. “He doesn’t know what he’s talking about, baby. You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my entire life. I’ve never met your mother, of course, so I can say that without getting us both struck down by doves, or something.”
You swat her chest.
“I’ll kill you with doves, watch me.”
She hums. “Probably. Okay, stop. You’re getting me off topic.”
You roll your eyes.
“I’m not good with my words,” she whispers. “But I hope I show you everyday that you are the only woman I have eyes for. This is, like, really embarrassing… but I’ve planned out our entire lives together. We’re gonna go to to college in Arizona by my mom, we’ll have an apartment off-campus, and after we graduate we’ll get married. I really wanna be married to you. And I don’t care if that’s cheesy, I just really want you to look at the ring I’ll give you and be able to feel all my love. Besides, if you ever want to get away from me, it’ll be a hell of a lot harder.”
“I would never wanna get away from you, Clar,” you smile. “It’s not embarrassing. I wanna go to college in Arizona. I wanna marry you.”
“Good, because you didn’t really have a choice,” she smiles.
“And you’re plenty good with your words.”
“Yeah… okay, I guess. But let me show you, too.”
“What does that even-”
She shuts you up by kissing your lips.
“I love your lips. I love how soft they are, and how they feel so perfect against me.”
She kisses your cheek.
“I like your cheeks for the same reasons.”
Your temple, your forehead, your nose.
“Same reasons,” she smiles.
Finally she ends up at your jawline. She rubs over the scar, taking concealer and foundation with the pad of her thumb.
“And I love this scar. It looks kind of like a C, so everyone knows you’re mine.”
“Freak,” you huff, and she doesn’t have to say it. You both know you love it.
She kisses your neck and talks about how she loves the way you get mad at her for leaving hickeys, the dedication you pour into covering them up before you eventually decide it’s too much effort and let them show.
She kisses the scar on your collarbone.
“I like putting my head here, right under your chin. I can feel your pulse. I can hear you swallow, too, which is weird but also soothing.”
She kisses from your shoulder and down to your arm, skimming past the scar. She kisses the back of your hand and your fingertips.
“I love it when you braid my hair, or just put your hands in my hair for… other reasons.”
“Freak,” you mumble again. “You’re just obsessed with kissing me.”
“True,” she hums, kissing back up to your scar. “I don’t have anything poetic to say about this one. It’s just fucking badass. I mean, you got it when you were 12- you survived what most have been something truly monstrous to leave a scar like this, and that’s all you get? Most of the kids here would have died. Even the ones our age. And you escaped when you were only 12.”
You smile like a lovesick fool. The apocalypse could be going on outside, and you would just be here with Clarisse.
“In conclusion, your beauty is actually life changing. I mean, have you seen me? I become a total softie, just for you. And it’s all because I like seeing that pretty smile on your gorgeous face. But you frown pretty, too, which I didn’t even know was possible- so I win either way.”
You smile and put your hand on her face, kissing her softly.
“Thank you, Clar. For always taking care of me, and reassuring me…”
“It’s quite literally my job,” she smiles. “I wouldn’t trust anyone else to do it.”
“You don’t even trust me, Little Miss Makes-My-Plate-For-Me.”
She laughs and presses her head under your chin, her hair tickling your skin, pressing a kiss to your scar.
“It’s my job,” she smiles. “As your girlfriend and future wife.”
“I love you, Clarisse,” you whisper, a secret just for the two of you. Nothing can have you here. No pain, no suffering.
“I love you too,” she says. “I love you so much, my beautiful, beautiful girl.”
the kid who bullied you walking around with a big ass scar on his cheek the next day 😍😍😍😍😍 no….. no clarisse did not cut him with her spear….. ofc not….
@lvrue @t-wylia @laughingcheese037 @kroumi @urdeadpoet @colezb @rey26 @harmzilla @elliewilliamsbae @amberfreemansburntface @kyuupidwrites @neverwaakeme-up @shark1008 @liballer @heyimadison @nvirskies @pnsteblnme @mar2ss @restellsss @ravisinghs-wife @marsconer @evangelinexo @randomhoex @luvrrish
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oh-koenig-my-koenig · 6 months
(to the tune of Avril Lavigne's sk8terboi)
He was a human battering ram.
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She was a recon sniper.
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Can I make it any more obvious?
Headcannons - Fit for a King - König x fem!OC fanfic
Instead of making a y/n fic, I decided to create an original female character because I ususally write all of my stuff in POVs. Due to posting the chapters often right after I've written them some of the context and the characterization might not be explicit in every single piece, some of the information is only gonna get revealed down the road.
(TW: alcoholism, death, violence)
Karina Müller is almost 30 years old, she served in the Norwegian military from right after school until the death of her brother who was KIA on a mission together. She fell off the wagon after that, feeling responsible for his death and effectively being shunned by her family after that. Her pick of poison was alcohol and it got so bad that she more than once was drunk on the job which led to her getting kicked out.
The years after that she spent getting help, trying to get clean and going back to a civilian life, but the military was what she knew, so the civilian jobs didn't stick and she started to work as a mercenary, now a dry alcoholic. Which might be an issue for some contractors, but KorTac doesn't really bat an eye.
She's a compassionate person who loves to laugh, she's seen enough shit not to take any from her teammates and can stand her ground when faced with any challenge thrown her way. She's still working through some stuff, coming to terms with her past, but she has an optimistic spirit and a strong will.
Even though the Colonel seems scary at first, she learns pretty quickly that he is to be respected in training and on the battlefield, but on a personal level he's really not that bad. The 6'10'' killing machine, Austrian war criminal (insert "what murdeeer?!"-meme here) is quite an anxious person when it comes to basic human interaction.
Shouting orders at his team, stomping his enemies into the ground is more comfortable to him than just talking about mundane stuff with other people, he mostly keeps to himself (except for Horangi because that little shit would never leave him alone). And for the first time in a long time, Müller makes him wish that he could just go up to people and strike up a normal conversation like a normal person (don't we all).
König is 38 years old (we don't know his full name) and has the biggest metalhead dad vibes without actually having any children himself (his favourite band is Death, although he listens to a bunch of different ones, it's also their merch shirt Müller steals in "Are you wearing my t-shirt?").
When he started out in the military, he shaved his long metalhead hair off because that was the way to go back then, but he let it grow back when he was older and already Colonel. He has gauged ears and a plethora of tattoos all over his body because the soft pain of body modifications and working out until he almost passes out are his ways of dealing with his anxiety and stress. His body is a testament to that.
He has a huge scar on the right side of his face from when he got beaten to a pulp by his bullies at school, something he never let happen again after that (five on one was really unfair). His nose has been broken two times and sometimes his tattoos get destroyed by battle injuries, but he doesn't really care about that - or his looks in general. He's a soldier and not a model.
So the reason why he's always wearing the selfmade hood is not the scar. He prefers not to show his feelings to others, staying hidden underneath the mask for his own comfort, even if it makes him scarier also in situations where he doesn't want to be.
(CW: some nsfw headcannons ahead, talk about not wanting to have children) They're both switches, though König is leaning more on the Dom-side while Müller is a sub who likes to brat a little too much, just to see her man falter (for example when she calls him a good boy in random scene #1).
Müller is bisexual, something she discovered when serving in an all-women-taskforce of the Norwegian military (we don't really know about König's sexuality though). She decided a long time ago that she doesn't want to have children (she doesn't see herself leaving service again anytime soon and given her past, she doesn't see herself fit to become a mother), so she got her tubes tied. Which also comes in handy when a certain Colonel's favourite pasttime (well, actually second favourite) is leaving creampies inside her (no 'unexpected pregnancy' trope in this household).
König definitely eats pussy for his own pleasure, begging Müller to let him eat her out in "Sit" or losing a little friendly competition for a sexual favour in "But no funny business" (oh and he definitely steals her panties at any chance he gets). She's totally not opposed to servicing him as well, but the size of his dick makes this a whole endeavour (like seen in "Open wide, Prinzessin").
They match each other's energy pretty well, just going at it like rabbits at every chance they get, which sometimes proves to be difficult as they're sneaking around in secret.
Their arrangement is kind of a fuckbuddy/fwb-situation, they fuck hard and rough, without ever really kissing (the mask stays on), but after a while feelings start to get in the way... After all they do belong together <3
Read more at the Fit for a King - Masterlist or keep an eye out for the AO3 link - coming soon.
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
OOOO what about Jamie having a huge crush on the reader so much so it’s effecting how he thinks like how he was in the show where he played against Man City. So Roy and Keeley follow him (like in the show) and see him spying/ watching (he’d never admit it) the reader whos working either as a waitress or a bookshop owner because he’s too nervous to go in. Or maybe even secret girlfriend where they follow him and accidentally meet the reader whos been in a secret relationship with Jamie. Lol I hope you can understand what I was trying to say 😅
Pretty sure I picked up what you put down! Here ya go!
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don’t go wasting your emotion
Jamie Tartt is not acting like himself. 
The first person to notice is Roy, because it shows in his training. He seems… distracted. So he mentions it to Keeley, and asks her to keep an eye out. They have some big games coming up, and Richmond cannot afford a distracted Jamie. Keeley promises she’ll check up on him soon, but Jamie just keeps getting weirder.
He jumps and hides his phone when Dani plops down next to him on the locker room bench, passes the ball to the opposing side during practice, and keeps going offside. It isn’t long before the other coaches notice, as well as his teammates. The only one who doesn’t seem particularly worried is Sam. When Isaac asks him if he’s noticed anything off about Jamie, Sam just shrugs and says, “It’s probably nothing. I’m sure he’ll get over it soon.”
AFC Richmond does not have time to wait. They need Jamie to get his head out of the clouds and back firmly on earth. 
Shortly after Isaac’s talk with Sam, Colin catches Sam and Jamie whispering in the weight room. He catches snippets of words like, “can’t know,” “just do it,” and… “bookstore”? Surely he didn’t hear that right. Colin shrugs and heads to go see Trent. He’s an investigative journalist. He’s got to have some insight.
Colin presents this information to Trent, Ted, Beard, and Roy, none of whom have any real ideas. As they try to come up with plausible scenarios, Trent leans agains the door with his mug in quiet thought.
“You’ve been mighty quiet over there, Mr. Independent. What’re your thoughts?” Ted asks. 
“I’m not sure,” Trent replies. “We simply don’t have enough facts to come to a conclusion. What we need is someone to follow Jamie after work and see if that will provide any insights.”
“I’ll do it.”
The room turns to look at Roy. He looks uncomfortable. “Keeley and I have been meaning to talk to him anyway, and if he fucking catches any of you lot following him, he’ll never fucking trust you again. I’m your best choice.”
Beard looks at Ted, and they nod. 
Ted says, “Alright Roylock Holmes. You and Dr. Jones have fun tonight. Let us know what you find out,” and that’s that. 
Roy calls Keeley and tells her the situation, and it’s not hard to find a pretense for her to be with the team. It’s movie night, and she’s there more often than not. They have pretty much unanimously decided on Paddington, mostly to heal Dani’s trauma from hearing the Paddington Twitter account gave Richmond no marmalade sandwiches. That’s what they say, at least, but if they are crying within the first fifteen minutes, that’s not for anyone to say. 
Jamie sits in the back and he keeps looking at his phone. Sam pokes him and Richard catches something that sounds like, “Go- can’t expect- if you didn’t ask,” at which Jamie nods, looks around, and then slips out the door.
“Where’s he going?” Isaac asks Sam, who shrugs and says, “I would assume to use the restroom.”
Isaac turns back to the screen, but Roy and Keeley look at each other, nod, and quickly get up to follow Jamie. 
They trail him out the building and down the street, watching as he puts his hood up in an effort not to be noticed. They follow him for half a mile as Jamie makes a very purposeful trek through Richmond, unaware that he’s being followed.
Keeley and Roy turn a corner then stop, because Jamie has stopped. He’s just out of sight of some big glass windows. He checks the time, gives himself a shake, then removes his hood and pulls the door open. Keeley and Roy share a look and rush to the window.
It’s a bookstore. The sign on the door says they close an hour from now, at 9pm. Jamie is inside leaning on the checkout counter, talking and laughing with you, the cashier.
“Started that book you told me about,” he says. “You’re right. I hate it.”
“Right??” you reply. “Isn’t it awful? It makes no sense at all, and reading it makes you feel like you’re on drugs, and it’s supposed to be a classic! Thank god you only got it at the library and didn’t have to waste money on it.”
Jamie laughs. “Got any real recommendations this time? Trying to become more cultured.” 
You laugh too. “You know, you’re a lot more cultured than you think. You’ve understood most of my references, and you have an impressive vocabulary. You have a wonderful grasp on the difference between intellectual and conversational tone.”
Roy and Keeley can’t tell what you’re saying, but they’re thinking the same thing. Is Jamie blushing?
Before they can ponder this, you come out from behind the counter to lead Jamie to a shelf. You both look straight at Roy and Keeley, who duck. You turn to Jamie, humor on your face. “Friends of yours?” you quip.
“Un-fucking-fortunately,” he responds. “Oi!”
Roy and Keeley slowly pop back up and Jamie exasperatedly beckons them inside.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
Roy, stoic as ever, just grunts. Keeley says, “We were worried about you! You were acting all weird and botching things at practice. We thought you were dying!”
Roy rolls his eyes. You’re doing your best to maintain a straight face. 
You know exactly who these people are. You know Keeley Jones because who doesn’t know about Keeley Jones? You know Roy Kent because he came up as a suggested search after you googled Jamie.
Jamie has been coming into your bookshop for a while now. At first it was to look for some book about forgiveness, but after you helped him pick that out he just… kept coming back. He’d lean against the counter, supported by his elbows, and stay from 8pm until closing. Usually, he was the only customer you’d get that time of night.
It wasn’t lost on you that he was a) gorgeous and b) definitely flirting with you. He wasn’t the first customer to fancy himself in love with you, but he was the first that you actually liked back. And the first who really read what you said you liked.
You just didn’t get why he hadn’t made a move yet, especially after looking him up. It didn’t make sense. You considered making the first move, but that freaked you out too much. Still, despite his inaction on that front, he kept coming back and talking to you. Sometimes he’d bring you coffee. He’d always help you close the store. You once joked that you should put him on the payroll, to which he looked at you, and deadpanned, “You couldn’t afford me.”
You’re pretty sure that’s the moment you actually fell for him. You’re a sucker for a good, stupid sense of humor.
“Why would you think I were dyin?” Jamie asks. 
Keeley shrugs and Roy answers, “Because you’ve been playing like shit.”
Jamie glares at Roy. “I have not, you dusty old twat. You take that back.”
Keeley clears her throat. “Well, actually babes, you kind of have. It’s been this whole thing. Everybody’s worried about you!”
Jamie pinches the bridge of his nose. “Jesus Christ. Why the fuck are you all in my business? Did Sam put you up to this?”
“Why the fuck would Sam put us up to this?” Roy asks.
“Because Sam caught Jamie looking at my Instagram,” you interject.
Three sets of eyes turn to you. “What?” you shrug. “Sam looked up my handle and messaged me about it. We’re friends now.”
Jamie shakes his head in disbelief and Roy says, “So Sam fucking knew about this?”
The tips of Jamie’s ears turn red as he says, “Uh, yeah, so Sam’s been telling me I need to ask her out for like fuckin ages now. Always on me about how it’s dumb to keep checking my phone for her texts, especially because I haven’t even asked for her number or some shit.”
You swear that is the dumbest, cutest thing you’ve ever heard. 
“You want my number?” your voice comes out an octave higher than you’d like it to.
Jamie turns to you. “Uh, yeah, yeah I do. Been meanin’ to ask you, but I dunno, I keep telling myself you’re just being nice to me ‘cause of your job. Didn’t want to be fuckin weird.”
You smile. “Jamie Tartt, for someone so intelligent you really are dumb sometimes.”
He looks pleased with the compliment, then offended, then he realizes what you’re saying. His face goes through those expressions in a moment and then your hand is on the back of his head, pulling him down for a kiss.
Keeley looks on with a smile and Roy stares at the ceiling uncomfortable.
You break apart and Roy says, “Oi, Tartt!”
You and Jamie turn to look at him, arms still around each other.
“This better mean you’re done fucking up practice.”
“Yes coach,” Jamie mock-salutes.
Roy gives him a singular nod, and with that, he and Keeley head out the door. Keeley gives you a little wave and a thumbs up to Jamie.
“Now, where were we?” Jamie asks. “Oh, right…”
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Kung Fu Panda Villains x Reader || Drabbles
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Plot / Includes: The common theme is tea XD
General Kai x Immortal!Reader: After coming back to the living plain as a spirit warrior, Kai’s first stop is to find you, an immortal ex-lover. Will you be happy to see him, though??
Lord Shen x ChildhoodFriend!Reader: You make Shen some tea because he’s always so uptight, and you crave a nice moment with him ^^
Tai Lung x Reader: The first thing Tai Lung does after escaping prison is visit you, his girlfriend/boyfriend/romantic partner from before he was imprisoned- and you’ve been waiting for him ^^
Annnnd, this is my first attempt at writing any of these guys, so I’m sorry if they aren’t quite right!
Warnings: I guess Tai gets a little frisky with you? But not really XD He’s just happy to see you!! XD
General Kai:
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… A spirit warrior. This man leaves you for war, starts stealing peoples chi, doesn’t come back for 5 hundred years- and when he finally does come back, he is something called a spirit warrior??
You are deeply unamused. And he knows it- how could he not? You are standing in your doorway looking up at him with a scowl on your lips. He better be intimidated.
“So… “Your voice is as cold as ice, eyes narrowing in distaste as he rubs the back of neck in nervousness at your reaction to him after all these years. Not because he is nervous, but because he has the good sense to look it. “how did it go??”
“Wh- uh… the war??”
“Well, I um… Oogway banished me to the spirit realm… “
“I heard… “
“Oh, you know. So- uh- you know, that’s why I haven’t been around… not that I didn’t wanna see you, or forgot you or, or anything… “
“Uhuh… “
“Look, can I come in?” He suddenly snaps, dropping his large arms to his sides and moving in closer to you, letting go of the façade of nervousness. “I got other places to be.”
“Oh! You have other places to be??” Immediately Kai realises he has said the wrong thing, when you light up like this. “Great! Go there!”
Then you slam the door in his face. You think he was so close that it knocked his nose- you hope that it knocked his nose. You stay by the door just long enough to hear him grunt on the other side, before sweeping off further into your house to start forgetting he came at all. You spent over 500 years missing him, he can’t just come back one day and treat you like a stop along the way.
Also- what he did, what he is no doubt still trying to do, is unforgiveable. And you refuse to be party to it. No way.
When your door literally flies off the hinges behind you, slamming into the ground with a huge, loud THUD, you whip around with wide eyes and take in a deep breath- ready to yell at this bastard for knocking down your goddamn door-
But he strolls on in, breaking your door further when he steps on it, and holds a hoof up to your face- silencing you. “Y/N… Come on, lets just talk about this.” As you stay completely silent then, Kai takes the opportunity to soften a little bit, using those bovine eyes on you in that way he knows used to make you melt once upon a time. “I missed you.”
… damnit, it still has an effect on you. Not quite the same effect, you’re still holding together - you’re still pissed, - , but that little part of you that was there since you saw him today that desperately wants to accept him back- get a little bit louder.
Now, you can’t do that, you can’t just forgive him, but you can hear him out. On your terms, but… you can be okay with him being in your house… at least. You guess. So, straightening up, you brush his hoof out of your way with the back of your hand, relishing inwardly in the way his face drops at the motion, and head towards the kitchen.
“… fine. Fix that door and if you manage to do that before I finish the tea, you can have some. Deal?”
“I’m on it.”
Lord Shen:
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“Shen? I made tea, and thought you might want a cup before you leave?”
“Tea?... I don’t need your tea- “
“Agree to disagree. Sit down.”
This made Lord Shen look at you as if you grew 3 heads and shat on the rug for a good long moment, but you don’t remove your gaze from his even though he’s scary, and after a few moments, he narrows his eyes at you and sits down on the other side of the mat. Success-
“Just a sip.” He tells you, in that hushed voice of his that can be goddamn terrifying depending on what you’ve done, as he picks up a cup in is wing. “I’ve never had tea from you, before… Wonder if it’ll be palatable.” He thinks out loud, half to himself and half to bother you, peering into the cup.
Oh, now- Rolling your eyes, you raise a cup to your own lips, feeling the warmth in your hands, and nod to him. Go on. “Well only one way to find out.” You’ve known Shen for a long time now, you grew up together, so his meanness doesn’t do quite the same thing to you as it does to others. Also, you’ve always been rather resilient, and a little naïve. No matter how hard someone may try to convince you, you cant truly believe that Shen is evil. Evil doesn’t really exist, and if it does then surely it has worse things to do then live inside Shen.
You feel like people calling him evil is just an easy way for them to compartmentalize, and you would rather know him. Which you do. That’s how you kept up eye contact with this insane bird-
“Right… “
As you take a sip yourself, and feel the warm liquid slide down your throat and fill your insides with lovely heat, you wait patiently for Shen to do the same. It takes him a moment, scowling at you as you drink your tea, before he lets out a dramatic sigh and tries it himself. “Alright, alright.” You watch his pretty face change, no longer does it look like he smelt something awful- it actually looks… surprised. Vaguely pleasantly surprised, as a matter of fact, as he looks back into the cup. “… hm.”
“Hmm?~ “
“Its… well, I’m not dead.”
“Did you really think it would kill you, Shen? That I would try to kill you?” You deadpan, but raise your brows expectantly when he raises his eyes to you.
… He pauses. “… well- “
“You’re right, you wouldn’t have what it takes, would you? No… “ Smirking, Shen takes another sip of his tea. “Thank you, though. This tea is remarkably edible.”
… sighing, you roll your eyes look away as you take another sip yourself. “Thanks. You’re welcome.”
Shen steals your attention again, though, as he drains the last of his tea and holds out the cup to you, an oddly adorable - yet still crazy, - expression on his face. Soft, and almost pleading. “… Can I have some more, then?” His voice, of course, is still terrifying.
A slow grin spreads across your face. “… I thought you were on your way out?”
“Oh shut up, and pour me some tea.”
Tai Lung:
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“Y/N!” A familiar voice yells, banging at your front door.
“Tai??” You ask, wide eyed and shocked as you pull the door open and see him standing there.
“Y/N.” He says again, unbelievable and desperate relief in his tone as he pulls you against his chest in the warmest hug you’ve ever experienced- well, since you last saw him. 20 years ago. He breathes in at your head, taking as much of your scent as he can. As he breathes out, he releases a growl, but it is not an unhappy one- its full of comfort. When he speaks, his voice pitters into a bit of whine, at the end. “It’s been too long… “
You just squeeze him closer to you, burying your face in his shoulder and closing your eyes. Its unbelievable to you that he’s here, with you again. How did he get out?? You don’t even care. You don’t even care if he should be out, or what he’s going to do now that he is, you just want to stay here tucked away in him, listening to his heartbeat and holding on to it.
After a few minutes, though, you begin to get nervous someone will see him and call someone- and he would be taken away again- so, sniffing, you pull back gently, and flash him a warm smile; nodding inside. “Do you- do you want some tea??”
Still holding onto your hands/the ends of your wings/paws/etc, his paws being so much larger than what you have, he keeps you close to his body and warmly grins. “I don’t want to let you go, little one.”
“You don’t have to.”
“Alright then.”
You lead him inside and he closes the door behind you both, and while you’re pouring the water into the kettle he wraps his arms around your body from behind and sets his head on top of yours, curling his tail around one of your legs as well. He purrs.
After you set the kettle over the fire Tai Lung sits himself down on one of your kitchen chairs - again, not letting go of your hand/wing/paw/etc at all for even a moment, - before urging you onto his lap where he wraps himself back around you again. “I’ve missed you… “He growls into your hair. “So much, little one… I thought about you, in there, you know… all about you… “
“Oh, I’m assuming you thought about other things, too… “You reply, rolling your eyes, though still very much happy he’s here. Other things, like the scroll… dragon warrior… Shifu… escape…
Chuckling against you, and brushing his tail against you, Tai nods. “Yes, but when I was thinking of you… “ He suddenly squeezes your waist in his paws, making you yelp. “You were the only thing, on my mind… “
“Hmm,” You just him, leaning your head on his chest.
After a few more moments of blessed enjoyment of each other’s company, each other’s touch and warmth, Tai speaks up again. This time, there is a hint of nervousness in his voice that causes you to lift off of his chest in order to watch his face; Concerned. “Were you… uh, I mean, have you… “ Sighing, he looks away for a moment and gathers himself. Then looks back, serious. “Is there anyone else?... “
The look on his face is saying that he wouldn’t blame you, if their were. You were without him for a long, long time. And he would prefer you be happy, with someone else… then depressed, and alone. It would hurt him… but he loves you.
It tells you that you made the right decision in waiting all this time.
With a small, sad smile, you shake your head at him. “I promised you- I would wait. I’m yours, Ta- Ah!“ He kisses you then like he cant help it, growling into your mouth.
When he pulls back, his paw on your jaw, theirs a pleased grin on his face- but unbelievably fond look in his yellow eyes. “… I’m yours too, Y/N.”
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seokgyuu · 11 months
Hello beloved 💕 please give me best friend Dino who helps you get the attention of your crush (any member surprise me) and it results in a messy, hot threesome 😭😭 as rough and as mean as you can muster.
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a/n: well, well nana... you kind of did this to yourself! but i'll gladly write this for you <3 love you, hope you like it my beloved! thank you @playmetheclassics for the banner ily <3
PAIRING: BestFriend!Richboy!Chan x Richgirl!Reader x TennisInstructor!Mingyu
WARNINGS: chan has dirty thoughts, fingering, finger sucking, bit of exhibitionism, once again chan and reader in an elevator, oral (m receiving), unprotected sex, mean dom!chan, kinda mean dom!mingyu, degradation (usage of the words: slut, whore), pet names (baby, princess, good girl, baby girl), orgasm denial, tit job, cum eating, creampie
WORDCOUNT: 5.6k (woops)
Requests are open! Check out my 1k special!
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Chan knows you incredibly well. He knows when you’re happy and when you’re sad. Knows when you like to be left alone or when you crave attention. That’s what being a best friend is all about, he thinks. He also thinks that you’re extremely oblivious to the huge amount of attraction he feels towards you. Because besides all those things he knows, there are more things he knows. It’s comical, really, how little you understand what effect you have on him, or anyone really. You don’t know that Chan dies a little every time you take off your clothes in front of him when you change into something comfier. You don’t know how many nights Chan had fought himself not to press himself against your backside when he slept over at your place - in your bed. Maybe it’s his own fault for not telling you, but Chan is content with where he is standing in your life and isn’t exactly keen on confessing he’d like to fuck you. 
“You really think this looks fine?” Chan is sitting on one of the armchairs in the boutique you’re currently in trying on dozens of dresses for one of your Dad’s charity galas. The dress you have on now is off shoulder, long and gold and it fits you so perfectly Chan once again feels the need to drag you anywhere to just… he shifts in his seat.
“You look beautiful in every dress you’ve tried on before, Y/N. Just… pick one.”
“But I don’t know which one!” You turn around to face your best friend, pout on your lips and Chan sighs, closing the incredibly bland fashion magazine he had open on his lap.
“How about the most expensive one? I bet Daddy would be thrilled to see his little girl spend all his money on a dress again.”
Scoffing, you roll your eyes at Chan and look back at the mirror. Maybe this is the one. It’s a bit extravagant, but after all you are the daughter of the host. Chewing on your bottom lip, head tilted to the side, you think about why you’re even trying so hard in the first place. You think of thick arms, of polo shirts that strain against said thick arms, you think of tennis shorts barely able to cover the thighs you would love to sit on or between. 
“Earth to Y/N,” Chan frowns, “will you take this or not? Our lunch reservation is in fifteen minutes!” 
Bringing your head back to its normal position, you sigh dramatically again, throwing your hands up in the air.
“Fine! I’ll get this one.” Hurrying back into the changing room, you don’t notice Chan’s eyes following you, don’t notice the little crack between the curtain, that is supposed to hide your body from stranger’s eyes, and the frame. You don’t notice the hunger in his eyes when he sees the dress slide down your body, nothing but your pink thong adjourning your silhouette. 
Fuck. Chan licks his lips, not able to take his eyes off you. He doesn’t see much, just a bit of your right side and yet it is enough to get his blood stream down south. Ridiculous, he thinks, he is getting absolutely ridiculous. Finally averting his gaze, he gets up, wiping his sweaty hands off on his jeans and looks up when you come out, the dress hanging inside the changing room still as you wave over an employee that gladly takes it to the front with you. 
“I’ll wait in the car.” Chan says now and you nod, giving him a smile as you follow the lady to the cashier, your Dad’s credit card already in your hand and ready to solve its main purpose: make you happy. 
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Lunch is uneventful, except for the fact you finally come clean about your crush on your Dad’s tennis instructor. Chan stares at you, his cute forehead in cute little frowns. Most about Chan is cute. Or at least it used to be. Ever since he started hitting the gym things have been different, but you had decided a long time ago that no dirty thoughts about your best friend were supposed to enter your head, ever. 
“Wait, his tennis instructor? Jesus, Y/N, you know your dad would never ever let you date him.”
“That’s the fun in it!” You beam at him, bringing your glass to your lips and taking a sip.
“You’re unbelievable. And… and wait, he is coming to the charity event? How on earth did you get your father to invite him?”
“Oh, that was easy. I just told him it would be a fun idea to mix the crowds. You know, get all the instructors and managers from the club to the party, have them take place, feel as if they are actually a part of high society for once instead of just working for us. He was pleased by my innovative.”
Chan blinks at you, watches how you giggle and put your glass back down, how your tongue licks over your lips to catch some left-over ginger ale. He decided he really needs to get someone to fuck in the next few days or else he is going to explode.
“I can only repeat myself: You’re unbelievable.” 
“Thank you. Anyways, I’ll need you to help me out at the gala.”
Chan’s ears perk up at that and so do his eyebrows.
“My help? With what?”
And here comes the reason why you really told him about your crush. 
“I need you to talk to him, About me. You know, just… play wingman. Tell him what a great girl I am, how much I do for charity, that I always keep up with the news, that I read a lot-,”
“So, you want me to lie to a man I’ve never met? Gotcha.”
You shoot him an angered look.
“No, I want you to… exaggerate the truth a little, that’s all.” You pick up a cherry tomato with your fork, while Chan shakes his head, laughing.
“I haven’t seen you pick up a book in years, not to mention the news? Please, do you even know there is a war going on?”
“Shut it.” You throw your napkin at him.
“I am serious, Chan. I want him. And you’re my best friend, so you’re gonna help me get him, isn’t that right?”
Something inside Chan shifts. He feels something like jealousy roam through him and another frown appears on his face. Jealousy? Since when did he feel jealous about you and any guy? He had watched you go home with tons of dudes before, had even seen you give head to one (it was involuntarily and not on purpose and to this day he hadn’t told you (it had also been the main point of many of his fantasies since then)), so why on earth was he feeling this way right now?
“Right. And what’s in it for me?”
“My love and affection?” You grin and Chan rolls his eyes, a small smirk still playing on his lips.
“Fine, I’ll help you,” he stops for a second, contemplating something in his head, his smirk turns bigger and his head tilts to the side, “I’ll help you under one condition.”
“And what’s that?” You lean back, attentive look on your face. Chan copies your movement. Then, his smirk turns smug.
“I’ll let you know at the night of the party. Alright?”
And because you would have never thought of what his condition turned out to be, you happily agreed.
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The night of the gala comes sooner than anticipated. You find yourself in your golden gown at the front of the room on stage with your parents, you and your mother standing by your father’s side as he welcomes everyone to the event and thanks them for coming. You barely listen to him, eyes roaming the room for one special person - only to be greeted with something, or more, someone else.
Chan is standing at the back of the room, a glass of champagne in his hands. He looks absolutely incredible. Black tux fitting like a glove, a slim tie around his neck. There is a vest underneath his jacket, the white dress shirt seemingly glowing in the light of the room. His hair is blonde. It wasn’t blonde two days ago. Your mouth is dry and a traitorous throbbing is right there between your legs. To make matters worse, he is turning around to someone you hadn’t noticed before even though you had been looking for him. 
Mingyu nods at something Chan says, his gelled back dark hair showing off his sculptured face. He was also wearing a black tux, definitely not as expensive as the one Chan was wearing, but definitely not less expensive looking. Your head is droning. How did Chan find Mingyu already? And how do they look so good together? 
Meanwhile, Chan is talking to Mingyu. He had recognised him from a picture on the club’s website. Posing with your Dad, shaking his hand as he smiles into the camera. Chan knew right then that this guy was right up your alley. 
“You’re friends with Mr.Y/L/N’s daughter?” Mingyu asks as he looks over at the stage where he spots you. His eyes are taking in your body in that dress, drinking in every single bit of you he can for as long as he can without it being obvious. Chan nods, a small grin on his face.
“Yes. We’ve been friends for years.” He confirms and Mingyu, even though he doesn’t want to take his eyes off you, looks back at him.
“I see. So you go to these things often?” The hand that is holding his glass is moving in a circle, as if to underline what he was talking about. Chan nodded, bringing his glass to his lips.
“Unfortunately, yeah. My parents are here somewhere too, they have been doing business with Y/N’s family for as long as I can remember.”
Mingyu nods again, following Chan’s movement and sipping from his glass as well. Then, his eyes fall back on you. You, who is standing next to your mother, your one hand holding your clutch beside your body and the other holding the glass of champagne that he is also currently drinking. He wonders if it would taste better from your lips.
“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” Chan suddenly asks and Mingyu feels caught. Clearing his throat, he slowly looks at the man next to him.
“Well, yes.”
“I’m glad you think so. She actually has her eyes on you, you know.”
Mingyu thinks he heard wrong. His eyebrows shoot up.
“She has what now?”
“Her eyes on you. She’s the reason you’re here tonight. Made her Dad invite all the instructors and managers from the club, just so she could get a chance to see you here.”
Heat shoots through Mingyu, heat that is somewhat a mixture of flattery and embarrassment. He decided to focus on the former and lets a small grin spread on his lips.
“Is that right?” 
“Yup.” Chan drinks again before falling into friendly applause like the rest of the room when your father ends his speech. He doesn’t think he even caught a single word of it aside from “Welcome everyone”. 
“She wants to fuck you.” 
Mingyu goes still at that, his hands freezing mid clap. Again, he lets his eyes settle on you and how you kiss your father on the cheek, how you then continue to walk down the steps of the stage. He can see the slit in your dress, the way your leg looks, the high heel accentuating it even more and making Mingyu lick his lips. 
He couldn’t lie - whenever you came to the club to either visit your dad, take your own lessons (which he was still about not being able to take over) or to simply sit by the pool up top; Mingyu would always sneak looks at you. You definitely were on his mind more than you probably should’ve considering your Dad tipped him more than any other person he trained. But he couldn’t help himself, not with the way you looked in your tennis skirt, in your polo shirts, in your bikini. He had to stop himself more than once from going to the next bathroom to jerk off to the fresh image of you in his head. Pathetic, really.
And now, here he is with your best friend who tells him you want him just as much. Mingyu’s grin turns cockier.
“How convenient,” he says, “I really want to fuck her, too.”
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Chan takes you by the arm, leading you outside approximately five minutes later. The gala is, conveniently, held in one of the top hotels of the city and Chan had been kind enough to book nothing less but the penthouse for you and Mingyu… and him. Mingyu is already up there, waiting for the two of you.
(“You won’t mind if I join, right?” Chan looks at Mingyu with one crooked eyebrow. Mingyu chuckles.
“Oh, absolutely not. I actually think that’s a brilliant idea. Did you have her before?”
“Nope, it’s about time, though.” Mingyu nods, clinking his glass against Chan’s.
“Well, I am looking forward to fucking her with you.”)
“Chan, what-”, but you don’t get far because the second you’re out of sight from the room, Chan has you pressed against one of the grand pillars, knocking the air right out of you.
“Mingyu is upstairs waiting for you.” His breath hits your face and you feel goosebumps erupt all over your body. With wide eyes you can’t help but stare at him, his voice ringing in your ears.
“And I think I’m ready to tell you my condition, baby.”
Baby. Your thighs press together.
“W-What is it?” You stumble out, feeling Chan suddenly part those pressed together thighs with his own. You gasp. He smirks.
“The condition is,” his lips are right by your ear, his hands gripping your hips, “I get to join.”
When you suck in a breath, Chan kisses you roughly. Your eyes roll back before squeezing shut, your hands automatically finding his neck as his tongue slides into your mouth, a breathy moan slipping from your mouth into his. Chan feels himself grow hard already and he moves his one hand down, over your thigh to the slit of your dress and you whimper when you feel his fingers gliding over your core. 
“You think that’s a good idea, baby? Me coming upstairs with you? Me fucking your pretty little pussy like I should have done ages ago, hm? What do you say?” 
Honestly, you’re not sure how he expects you to answer with his fingers shoving your underwear to the side and sliding them through your folds. So, instead of using your voice, you nod your head, chasing his lips with yours again. Chan chuckles lowly, moving his head back, leaving you without his kisses. 
“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” he makes, “so, so needy. Tell me, Y/N, are you a slut?” You bite down on your lip, your hips moving against his fingers that are still seemingly aimlessly roaming your pussy. But you know better. Know that he is teasing you. Even though you’ve never been intimate - you know.
“Answer me. Are you a slut?” His index and thumb find your clit, pinching it right then and you moan out loud, your head falling into yet another rapid nod.
“Y-Yes, I am. I am a slut, Chan.”
“That’s what I thought.” He pulls you close again, lips crashing into yours at the same time as his fingers find your sopping entrance, pushing in two right away, your leg moving to wrap around his thigh.
“F-fuck, Ch-Chan!” You cry out, breaking the kiss and Chan’s other hand is right there underneath your chin, holding it up.
“Shut it, slut. Or do you want someone to hear Daddy’s perfect little girl getting finger fucked in the hallway of his oh-so important business event?” 
His fingers work at merciless speed and you shake your head, pressing your lips together to somehow maintain your moans inside. Chan takes the opportunity to kiss your neck, bite at your shoulder and suck a pretty red mark onto your collarbone, all while you stay quiet with your pussy sucking in his fingers like a starved man eats his bread. 
“God, you’re so tight, can’t wait to feel your pussy squeeze my cock like that.” Chan whispers into your ear before pulling his fingers out and bringing them to his face, sucking them clean. The view makes your mouth drop and your pussy cry. 
“Channie…” The reality of how hot you find your best friend is suddenly crashing down on you. There he is; his fingers that were just inside of you in his mouth, his eyes dark and his hair blonde. This is crazy. You are crazy.
“Mingyu is waiting, baby. Don’t you want to go upstairs?” His voice is sultry and has you swallowing as you nod, Chan taking your hand and leading you to the elevator. As much as you probably should think about what this is going to mean for your friendship, you decide that you’ll have time to figure this out later. Tomorrow, maybe. Or next week. Right now you just want to hold his hand and feel the throbbing of your pussy and think about what Chan and Mingyu will do to you. Together.
Behind you, a group of what are presumably tourists come to a halt, Chan’s hand creeping around your waist, your hand left vacant. His fingers feel hot even through your dress and when he pulls you closer, you suppress the urge to let out a pathetic little moan. You wonder if Chan knows how insanely turned on you are - until you remember he literally just felt your wetness. 
The ping of the elevator makes you and the group of people move, you and Chan ending up at the end of it, the group pressing their respective buttons, while Chan kindly asks one of them to press the one for the highest floor. The penthouse. You almost chuckle at that because of course he would get the penthouse to do this. The people don’t seem to care much, or at least they don’t show you if you do and just continue their talking. The heat radiating from Chan mixed with the smell of his perfume almost drives you insane. And when you suddenly feel the hand that had been around your waist move, sliding up the slit of your dress, over the inside of your thigh, to then slip into your panties, thumb pressing down on your clit, massaging it sensually, you can already hear the van coming to pick you up to the psychiatric ward. 
“Don’t make a noise, pretty baby, you don’t want all of them knowing what a little slut you are, hm?” He is right there, lips so close to your ear and you slightly nod, pressing your legs together, but Chan’s hand is in the way, his movements becoming harsher. Stars seem to be appearing in front of your eyes and you feel like your knees are about to give in. You try to concentrate on anything else, failing miserably. Chan’s breath keeps hitting your neck, his quiet voice continuing to say dirty things to you that make your pussy clench around nothing. He quickens his pace as more and more of the people leave the elevator and you are holding on for dear life, trying hard to stay put, to not make a sound, to not let anyone know what Chan is doing to you. 
When finally there is no one left but you, Chan presses you against the wall, kissing you hard as his fingers slip inside you like they did back on the ground floor. He is fast and hard and his tongue is in your mouth, licking against yours like a madman. He swallows your moans and you lift your leg up, once again wrapping it around his thigh and you feel your orgasm closing in on you. When he brushes his thumb against your clit, just barely really, you cry out in pleasure, lips leaving him as your head bounces against the wall behind you, your moan loud and needy, his name dropping off your lips like a song. The doors of the elevator open with another ping and you come hard, Chan fucking you through your orgasm with your fingers. 
“I see you already opened her up for us, how nice of you.”
Mingyu’s voice is something you should have expected but hadn’t. Still feeling the aftermath of your orgasm, you blink a few times, seeing Mingyu standing right in front of the elevator, a diamond glass filled with what you presumed to be whiskey in his hand. His tie was already loosened around his neck, a few buttons open and, fuck, just the sight of him made your pussy clench around Chan’s fingers. Chuckling, he pulled them out of you, once again sucking them clean. 
“Common, go over to him, I know you want to.” Chan takes your hand, softly pulling you towards the opened doors of the elevator, Mingyu’s eyes set on you. You can see the fire burning in them already, sensing the heat coming from him even before you stand right there in his space. 
“Hi.” You whisper, eyes looking up at the tall man, who smiles and tilts his head.
“Hi, pretty girl.” 
It feels like a rush is going through you when you find yourself grinding on Mingyu’s lap with Chan sitting on the armchair next to the couch, a glass of gin in his hand as he watches you. Mingyu has his hands on your ass, guiding your hips against his crotch. 
“N-Need it inside.” You cry out and Mingyu smirks, hands tightening their grip on your ass. 
“Is that right? Do you need my cock to split you open, princess?” You nod rapidly, making him chuckle. He leaned forward, kissing your jaw, not moving to take out his cock at all. You whine. 
“M-Mingyu, pl-please.” Never had you ever wanted a cock inside you as much as right now. You want to feel him, want to squeeze him. But Mingyu still doesn’t budge. His pants are open already and when you look down you can see the clear outline of his apparently huge cock and your mouth is watering. 
“I think you need to learn a bit about patience, baby. Didn’t you already cum? And you are still being greedy?” His hand shoots down, slapping your ass and your head falls back as you moan, Mingyu licking his lips as he watches your body shake. 
“You should suck him off, don’t you want his cock in your mouth, slut?” Chan chimes in, legs crossed as he watches attentively. Mingyu looks over at him, grinning.
“What a great idea, Chan,” he says, before looking back at you, “what do you say, will you be a good little slut and get on your knees for me?” 
You do it. Of course you do it. Your mind is blank except for the need to please and be pleased. Your nimble fingers shove down his pants and briefs, them now pooling at his ankles and your eyes seem to pop out as you look at his cock, his leaking, throbbing cock, that makes your mouth water and more of your slick drip into your panties. You let your hand grab the base, your eyes wandering over the prominent vein at the side and the slit glistening with pre, then you look up at Mingyu who feels like he could probably shoot his load right onto your face if you just continued to look at him like that.
“Now, now. Get to it.” He orders and you nod, eyes back on his length in your hand. First, you stretch out your tongue, let it slide over his red tip and Mingyu groans quietly. He tastes salty and still somehow good enough for you to suck his tip into your mouth, hoping to milk more of him. The sounds he makes spur you on, causing you to begin bobbing your head, your hand jerking off the part your mouth can reach. Mingyu’s breathing grows labored and his hand finds the back of your head, gripping a fistful of your hair.
“Fuck, such a good girl, common, take more, I know you can.” He begins to shove you down and you gag when his tip hits the back of your throat. He revels in the sound you make, his hips bucking up. 
Meanwhile, Chan has his cock out, stroking it lazily as he watches you on Mingyu’s cock. He imagines it’s his you’re choking on and wonders how wet you are right now. Precum leaks out of his cock and he uses it to rub himself with more ease. 
“Can I fuck your throat?” Mingyu breathes out, his cock now in all the way and you nod to the best of your abilities. Immediately, he thrusts up, his head spinning from the way it feels to have your tight heat around him. He feels your throat restrict, sees the way tears build up in your eyes and he can’t help but move again, quicker this time. He loses himself in the pleasure, head thrown back as he moans your name, both hands on the sides of your face, holding you in place as he uses you like a toy. You love it. Love the tears that now stream down your face as you breathe through your nose, love the way he feels inside your throat, the way he will probably leave bruises. His moans make your core throb harder with every passing second and you sneakily let your hand move down, pressing down and circling your clit, the moan you let out having Mingyu’s cock twitch.
“Oh fuck, b-baby, gonna cum, can I cum down your throat?” He is still frantically fucking your mouth and you again nod as best as you can, having him shoot his load down your abused throat three seconds later.
“God, yeah, sh-shit, swallow it all for me, my perfect whore, swallow it, common.” He is riding out his orgasm, eyes squeezed shut as you do swallow it all, every last drop of his pleasure. 
Chan now sees your hand, sees the way you try to make yourself come and he gets up, cock hanging in the air as his hands both grab you from Mingyu, who is recovering from his high.
“Think you can just touch yourself without us noticing? Stupid slut, come on.” He bends you over, your hands finding the small coffee table and without any warning, Chan tears off your panties, dress shoved above your ass and his cock rams into your needy core at godspeed. You scream his name, hands grasping the edges of the table and Chan slaps down on your ass cheek, eyes focused on the way his cock slides in and out of you over and over again. Mingyu watches from the couch, his spent cock twitching at the sight. He leans back, grabbing the glass he had discarded on the side table earlier, taking a sip as he watches Chan fuck into you.
“Ch-Chan!” You moan again, your hips trying to move, but he holds you steady.
“Don’t you dare cum, slut, you cum only when I allow you, got it?” Chan pulls your hair with his one hand, pulls you up against his chest, both of you standing up right as he fucks into you, your eyes rolling back, legs spreading lightly. 
Soon, Chan changes the position, has you kneeling on the armchair he previously sat on, your torso hanging over the backrest as he fucks into you from behind. He grunts, rutting his cock into you quick and hard and it takes everything in you not to come undone.
“Pl-please let me cum, need to cum s-so bad!” You cry out, more and more tears streaming over your face, but Chan just spanks you once again, shaking his head.
“Shut up, only moan my name, got it? Don’t wanna hear another word.” He feels your pussy clench around him, feels the way you squeeze him, how you want to milk him and he chuckles evilly. 
“God, you really are a whore, such a dirty fucking whore, likes to get her throat fucked and told what to do. Bet you’d be able to fuck yourself on my cock for hours, baby.”
You whimper, nodding as your body jolts forward every few seconds, Chan’s thrusts hard with no mercy in sight. 
“Get her over here, I shall use those pretty tits for my entertainment.” Mingyu is fully hard again by now, and Chan nods, his cock slipping out of you and you sob, missing him already. Chan wraps his arm around your waist and softly pulls you off the chair, instead letting your dress fall off your frame, finally having you completely bare in front of him.
“Shit, you’re gorgeous, baby,” he mumbles, hands groping your tits only for a second before Mingyu clears his throat. Grinning, Chan moves you back to the couch. You get on all fours, Chan kneeling behind you, his hands massaging and slapping down on your ass, instead of his cock, his fingers find their way inside your sopping hole. There are stars dancing around your head at this point. 
Mingyu licks his lips, he is leaning against the armrest, his cock in his hand. He watches the way your face contours in nothing but pleasure as Chan fucks his fingers in and out of you. 
“Chan’s right, you are gorgeous.” The words make you clench and whimper and when Mingyu reaches for your arms, basically having you cage him in, Chan moving with your body, fingers pulled out of you so his hands could hold your hips in place. Your tits are hanging right over Mingyu’s cock now and he bites his lip, before bringing his hands to them, thumb pressing down on your stiff nipples. He can’t really reach them with his mouth right now, but fuck, the urge to put his lips around them is making his cock leak again.
“You wanna fuck her tits?” Chan asked then and Mingyu nodded, your hips moving against Chan's groin. 
“You’re gonna let me fuck your pretty tits, baby?” Mingyu squeezes them hard and you nod frantically.
“Y-yes, pl-please fuck my tits, want your cum all over them.” Mingyu moans at that and soon enough his cock is engulfed by your breasts, the feeling of the slick from sweat skin around him almost too much at once. He begins to thrust almost at the same time as Chan fucks his cock back into you. 
The two men have their way with you, fucking your respective body parts at their own speed and you feel like you’re about to explode. Your moans don’t stop, saying both of their names repeatedly, and only when Chan wraps his arm around you, thumb beginning to circle your clit do you realize how close to release you are.
“Ch-Chan, f-fuck, I’m so cl-close.” You stutter out and Chan smirks, pinching your clit with his thumb and index.
“Yeah? Is our little slut close? Do you think you deserve to cum yet?” Chan moves to slap your clit, a wave of pleasure shooting through you and when he does it again, you feel yourself leaking into the couch, your cum dripping down your thighs, leaving a stain. Chan twitches inside of you, realizing he just got you to squirt - even before your orgasm. He curses under his breath.
“Fuck, Mingyu, look, our dirty slut squirted all over the couch.” He feels his balls tightening, feels his head spinning, his vision going blurry as he comes, thick white ropes of his juice landing inside your pussy, getting fucked into you repeatedly by Chan.
Mingyu cries out, seeing the stain behind you and his eyes roll back as he slips his cock out of your tits and instead jerks himself off, his load landing all over your tits and collarbone the next second. Both of them climaxing in and on you gets you over the edge and your already overstimulated pussy squeezes Chan as you cum, exhaustion mixed with euphoria filling you, your eyes falling shut as you found yourself pressed against Mingyu, his arms around you as his cum now lands on his clothed torso. He doesn’t care in the slightest. 
“Holy fuck.” Chan pulls out of you, sinking into the soft cushions of the couch, wiping the sweat of his forehead with the back of his hand. He watches you on top of Mingyu, your naked body, his cum dripping out of your core and he stares at it for a moment, fascinated by the way how pretty your pussy looks when it’s spent like that.
“You did you well.” Mingyu kisses the top of your head and you sniff against his neck, feeling like all energy has left your body all while you’ve never felt this satisfied in your life.
“Let’s get you into the shower, baby girl.” He continues then, helping you sit up, your chest still smeared full of his cum. He sighed at the view.
“Fuck, you’re so hot.”
He gets up and pulls you with him, picking you up into his arms bridal style and you giggle as you look over at Chan who still seems frozen in place.
“Wanna join?” You ask tiredly and Chan nods, sure that there was nowhere else he’d rather be than in the sower with you and Mingyu right now.
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