#if my mom kicks me out i will fully deserve it
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safination · 5 days
Mother Of Mine
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Pairings: Alastor x Reader, Velvette & Mom!Reader CW: Alastor, foul language, talks of murder, (Hopefully not, but possibly) OOC
Requested by: @thill20712 My inbox is still currently open. Feel free to keep requesting.So I just did a headcanon format for this. It was pretty fun. Listen, is this my best work? No, but that’s fine because it was actually very entertaining for me, and that’s all that matters. Tbh, I would actually like to turn this into a series but undergrad studies are killing me rn, so maybe in the future. I can like already see so much fun shit around this concept. Imagine the family dinners, or like Alastor going to an Overlord meeting and just unknowingly being slightly less of a chaotic shitlord to Velvette because there’s something faintly familiar or like Vel and Al just both doting on you.
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Your husband died.
Everyone found out what Alastor had been doing. The city had no compassion for a monster’s grieving widow. Ha! Alastor would have a kick of your current situation, that’s for sure. It should have been you and him running for your life as the city chases you out of his mother’s home.
That’s how it should have been.
There wasn’t even time to gather all your belongings before those who wanted revenge go to fulfill their goal. Just a measly change of clothes, some emergency money, and documents. Photos never made it to the list. It’s funny how a single piece of film could pack the most weight.
As your ran for your life, cold and frightened, you heard muffled wailings.
And they called Alastor cruel. Who would leave a baby inside a dumpster? You thought about it . . . . Just for a second. The baby’s shrill cries were getting on your nerves, and there’s no way it will survive the night. And an orphanage is no place for a child to grow—you know that much.
So . . . why not? You could just end it’s suffering—Right here, right now.
Compassion isn’t your strongest trait. It’s why you never said anything about all those people who fell under Alastor’s pursuit of self-righteous justice. Who were you to care for someone you don’t know?
You don’t hate children, far from it, actually. Children are the light of this world, and they were the path to bring a better future into this world.  Such pure creature shouldn’t be stained by you. Especially, because you’re not sure if you could ever fully love a child the way it needs to love. Children deserved care, and you refused to bring a child into this world without the assurance that it would be loved.
It was an easy decision that Alastor wholeheartedly supported.
The world took away the very few things you truly loved. Maybe, you could return it ten-fold. . . but you’ve been cold and frightened before, just like this baby. Actually, you’re cold and frightened, right now. Also, just like this baby. Two cold and frightened souls.
So, with the clothes on your back, and no home to call, maybe¸ you’ll find warmth and safety together.
There’s always the option to give it—no, the child, just for a night. Drop the baby off on a porch of some nice couple’s home.
Tomorrow, you’ll give this baby girl away.
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• Tomorrow never came
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People keep assuming this baby girl is your daughter. You don’t bother correction them. Why should you? It’s not like you’re eager to say that you skipped state lines because of your dead, murderous husband, and basically kidnapped her.
It’s easier to let people assume.
And you can’t keep calling the baby, ‘that baby’. She needs a name eventually, and Alastor always spoke fondly about his mother.
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Tomorrow never did come, and tomorrow never will come. Despite this, the sands of time trickled down.
The baby turned into a girl and the girl also grew. Part of your misses the days when she would raid your closet, and dress you up like a doll with a sharp tongue and a demanding attitude. Gone are the days when you’d be sleeping on the same bed, and gone are the days when you would tell her about Alastor.
You would tell her about the flowers, and how Alastor drove around the city, with you right next to him. The sun went down, the moon rose high into the night, and that sun eventually appeared once more. Yet, neither of you were ready to leave each other’s presence.
That girl grew, and took up a weird hobby of wanting to be called, ‘Vel’:
Vel walks into the room, her nose high in the air as she sharpens her tongue against you. “Mother, you cannot walk around looking like this!” she tells you. “The colors look absolutely atrocious. I will burn that shoes the next time I see it on your feet.”
Daughters can be quite judgmental. Maybe, you really should have left her in that dumpster.
“I’ll change my shoes if you stop calling yourself, ‘Vel’,” you tell her, smiling. “I gave you such a nice name, and it makes me sad that you aren’t using it!”
“It’s a stage name,” she says, rolling her eyes at you. So judgmental, that girl. “It’s what I’m going to be called when I finally get out of here, and such a drabby, old name like mine won’t get men anywhere.”
“Well, Vel, I got a call.” You tap your fingers across your knee, staring her down. “Apparently, Mister Joseph doesn’t appreciate being called a, ‘Pathetic and blind fool who goes to work looking like dog poop’.”
“I did not say fool or poop,” she says. “And that old fucker knows it.”
“What I want to know now is—Why?” You stroke your forehead. “What was he wearing too much brown?”
“No.” Vel crosses her arms. “Because my mother was called, ‘an unmarried whore, and who knows where that child come from?’”
“I am married!” You press a kiss on her forehead, chuckling. “It’s just not my fault my husband died not was it my fault your parents didn’t want you.”
Vel rolls he eyes, and sticks out her tongue.
You flicker her nose, and stick out your own tongue.
But time goes on, and as they do. All came to dust and all return to dust.
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Of course, you’d end up in hell. It would be a shame that Alastor would never get to meet your daughter. It eventually all blurred into one. And if you didn’t give a flying fuck about others on Earth, why would you give any more fucks to care in Hell of all places?
Building kept growing higher and higher. Bright lights and television shaped morons came into picture. If you could find Alastor, surely, you would have a laughed together. Radio will always be superior. So, you kept your distance from that part of town.
More years kept passing. Alastor was nowhere to be found.
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When enough time passes, things tend to loop. Like how you’re hearing cold and scared cries from an alley way. Something posses you to step into the alley. Piss and death and a sweet perfume all assault your nose. You keep walking and . . . somehow, your daughter ended up with you in hell.
Daughter really can be so cruel to their mothers.
Maybe, you actually should have left her in that dumpster. You were destined for Hell, and it seems you dragged your daughter down with you. If you did leave her, surely, Heaven wouldn’t turn away such a new soul.
You squat next to your sobbing daughter in this random corner in hell, and watch her tears with a small smile. “This is exactly how I found you all those years ago,” you tell her. “Although, you were much cuter.”
Her head snaps up, and through her tears, she glares at you. “Mother.”
“Yes, dear?
“Mother,” she says again, and fat tears streams out of her face. “What the fuck are you wearing? It’s soooo ugly!”
“I’m going to leave you here.” You blow a strand off your face, and lean against the wall, next to her.
It’s a lie and you both know it. If you cold leave her, cold and frightened next to a dumpster . . . Well, you would have done it a long time ago.
“Why are you even in Hell? Actually—Don’t answer that,” she says, that same sharp tongue somehow even sharper. “You were a nasty bitch in life. It’s no wonder you’re here.”
“Oh, fuck you!” Vel slumps on you, curling around your shoulder. There’s a scowl on her face even as she settles her body next to you. “You really are nasty. How come I’m only seeing you now! I’m sure even a recluse like you should have heard of me.”
“What am I doing here?” you parrot, matching her scowl. Actually, she got that scowl on you. That’s your scowl on her face. “What are you doing here? I raised you to be a good person worthy of Heaven!”
You pat her hair a bit, glad that she couldn’t see your face. Did you really drag her down to hell with you? Was it a mistake to love when your very love condemned her?
“That’s bullshit,” Vel says. “The decisions I made are my own. I’m here because it’s what I decided to do.”
You flicker her nose and laugh when her scowl deepens. “Please, please! Tell me you’re still not going by ‘Vel’.”
“It’s ‘Velvette’ now, actually.”
“That sounds like a stripper name,” you say, barking out a laugh. “I gave you a nice and proper name! Your name came from—”
“Mother! No one goes by their real names here!”
So that’s how you, sadly, found your daughter in Hell. Daughter, yes. Husband, no.
Oh, where is your Alastor?
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Clothes are thrown everywhere. Your daughter has an eye for fashion and surely, you’re capable of remembering anything she’s tried to tell you. And granted, Velvette did tell you quite a lot of things about clothes . . . a bit too much.
Maybe you should call her, but you wouldn’t want to inconvenience her, especially since she has that show coming up. She’s worked so hard, and you’ve learned to accept that she works in such a noisy and bright place. And you have thought about those co-workers of hers, but that’s not important right now.
The door bangs open and Velvette stands there irked. “I’ve been knocking.”
You grab her and ask her about the clothes. “What do you think?”
“You know what I think about your clothes,” she says. “You haven’t been answering my calls.”
“Is that the thing that keeps ringing?”
“Mother!” Velvette says, irked. “Answer my calls, and put that down! Neon is never a good color on you.”
“Then help me then!”
“I can’t help you if I don’t know where you’re going.”
You pause to think, dropping the clothe around your arms. “I . . . I found my husband,” you say. “We’re going on a date.”
 “Are you sure about this?” she says, slowly . . . carefully. “It’s been so long. What if he’s just trying to get your soul? If you finally tell me his name, I can take a look at him. I mean, there could be other –”
“No, there’s no one else,” you say with a small giggle. It’s like you’re back to being a love sick-teenager. “There will be no one else. I’ll chain him to my basement if I have to.”
 “You keep that shit to yourself.” Velvette sinks on the couch. “I don’t want to hear about this.”
“Oh sure, but when it comes to those little co-workers of yours, suddenly, every detail –”
Maybe it’s a good thing you didn’t leave her in the dumpster because with a snap of her fingers, you look beautiful.
Velvette crosses her legs. “I’ve never seen you this happy.”
“That’s not true.” You approach her, and press a kiss on her forehead. “I’ve had my happiest moments because of you. Maybe, you just weren’t watching.”
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Apparently, Alastor and Velvette are familiar with each other. Unfortunately, they aren’t on very friendly terms. Actually, your house would say that they were on very hostile terms. It would be a drag to have to find a new house, but luckily, your daughter is an Overlord, and it seems your husband is also an Overlord.
Those two things overlapped, and when Velvette opened the door to see Alastor at your door. Well, the house couldn’t withstand their argument. Thing settle down, eventually.
Velvette is off showing her frustration on your poor neighbors.
Alastor stands proudly next to you, a constant and intimidating smile on his face despite the dirt and tears on his clothes. He watches Velvette curse and shout into the air. “Ours?”
“No, not at all,” you say, smiling as you watch your daughter. “Mine.”
Velvette stomps back, clothes also as dirty and torn. “I would rather skin myself than share the same blood with this tacky, old joke,” she says, hissing at him. “You’re not wanted here. It takes another level of pathetic to be shot while trying to hide a dead body.”
Alastor’s eyes twitch, and there’s that long, tried look on his face.
Maybe, hell isn’t so bad. You’ve got your daughter, and you’ve got your husband. A happy, little, chaotic family.
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chaifootsteps · 4 months
I used to dislike blitzo back in season 1-early 2 cuz he was a jerk and abusive and the story tried to justify it with "womp womp he has trauma and he only wants to tough moxxie up so it's okay". And i was supposed to feel bad about his ass? After he verbally abused moxxie throughout all his work life and threteaned to rape him and his wife? Used verosika and stole from her when they where together? Disrespected barbie's boundaries and feelings? Dissmissed fizz's feelings and unintentionally said "hey i lost my mom bitch, you aren't the only one who has problems" WHEN FIZZ WAS FUCKING BURNED ALIVE, LOST HIS LIMBS AND HORNS AND WAS TRAUMATIZED FOR LIFE. ALL BECAUSE OF YOU I MIND YOU.
To be clear, i don't hate asshole characters. I hate when asshole characters are being coddled and excused by the narrative, it's insufferable to watch. Blitz was this. An asshole character who was excused by the writers and you are expected to feel bad about his ass when he got humilated in the club. Thanks i hate it. And it sucks because i love the concept of an abusive asshole realizing he is an abuser and trying to do better to people who he wronged. But i couldn't handle the awful execution.
And guess what?
FUCK MY ASS I'VE CHANGED MY MIND. I feel so bad for blitzo now lmao. The 2 times when blitzo isn't at fault THE WRITERS TRY TO PUT ALL THE BLAME ON BLITZO AND EXCUSE PEOPLE WHO ABUSE HIM JUST WHY. Loona physically assaults him when he respecfully asks her to be nicer to their clients because IT'S HER FUCKING JOB BITCH THEY WILL LOSE MONEY IF YOU DON'T AND IT AFFECTS YOU AS WELL YOU LITERALLY LIVE WITH HIM. And then she kicks him in nuts when all he did was apologising and attempting to hug her? What's funny? What's funny about this 22-years-old grown ass woman physically harming her adoptive dad who provides her a linvinghood, job and unconditional love when she is an adult? And saved her from a toxic and dangerous enviorment? Are you trying to say *he* is in the wrong in this situation and *deserves* to be beaten up by a person he has never wronged in his life? Are you kidding me? Why am i supposed to hate stella, who is abusing stolas, but expected to like loona, who is abusing blitz and moxxie, and to find her abuse "funny" and slapstick? You can't have both, pick one vivzie!
And speaking of stolas...i don't even want to talk about it. I feel horrible for blitzo. Yes, he was an asshole and was only using stolas to get the book, but it was stolas who made their relationship transactional. It was stolas who reffered to blitzo as "his impish plaything". It was stolas who only ever asked from blitzo sex and sexually harassed him on daily basis. He even put a cigrette on his horn likw wtf? It was stolas who made the deal when blitzo couldn't even consent because he, you know, WAS ABOUT TO GET MURDERED BY THE CANNIBALS? AND STOLAS WAS FULLY AWARE OF IT? And the list goes on and on...
Okay, even we pretend none of the above happened and was retconned, blitzo *owns you nothing* stolas. If he doesn't have feelings for you it's not *his* fault. He shouldn't have his buisness tied to your bird ass to spend time with you (and in case if he doesn't, he will lose his job, how fair) if he doesn't love you. Get a life please, you only known this guy for *less than a day* and it was *25 years ago*. And he was completely disinterested in your hobbies and was literally only there because he was manipulated by his father and *sold to you like an object or a toy*. And you still obsessed over this random dude who doesn't even like you and love him more than your own daugther whom you known for 17 years??? Wow, such victim fel bed for him he so pooor :((((
And it doesn't help how not only the writers, almost an entire fandom thinks blitzo is abusive towards stolas or deserves to be kicked out by stolas or be beaten up by loona ("for comedy*) it's not funny. It makes me sick. It's the same as blitzo beating the shit out of moxxie and people praising *blitzo*. But not it's stolas abusing blitzo and people praising *stolas*
Fuck it.
I used to hate this guy, but now i can't feel anything but pity him. It's tragic how everyone blames him for things HE ISN'T EVEN AT FAULT HE DESERVES BETTER.
You're preaching to the choir, Anon! Blitzo is a tremendous asshole, multiple characters' lives are worse for knowing him, but he's a victim here -- and a chilling reminder of just how far people will go to defend a charming, attractive abuser that knows how to play the sympathy card.
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darkcrowprincess · 5 months
The losers club parents:
*trigger warning use of homophobic words*
*their parents have all noticed their children have been missing together for hours. They start looking in all the spots the kids hang out.*
Mrs and Mr Uris calling out together, their voices echoing together out near the barrens: STAN!! STANLEY!
Mrs Denbrough freaking out and hyper ventilating: We cant lose another child Zack! I can't lose another baby!
Mr Denbrough tries to console her but it feels like empty words: We'll find him. He'll be alright. Its not like Georgie he's with his friends.
Mr and Mrs Hanlon yell out together next: MIKE!!
Sonia Kaspbrak: Your children are never going near Eddie again! You hear me!
Mr and Mrs Hanlon call out again: MIKE!
Maggie Tozier is unfortunately stuck near Sonia, her husband up ahead with Ms Hanscom so they both could call out for Richie and Ben together. The parents have spread out in a big circle near the woods of the barrens. Each calling out their childrens names hoping they'll hear it. Maggie was unfortunately left to deal with Sonia( who they were surprised that the hypochondriac actually agreed to look with them)
Maggie tries to be nice and puts a comforting hand on Sonia's shoulder: Sonia it will be alright. Well find them. It's not any of the boys fault.
Sonia slaps the women's hand away and goes on a horrible tirade: NO! My Eddie Bear is delicate. He should have never run off with any of these boys! Especially your son!
Maggie is finally pissed off(and protective): What do you mean by that?!
Sonia with a cruel smile on her face: You know what your son is like. The whole town knows what a dirty boy he is. But I will not have that little faggot infecting my son with his disgusting feelings!
Maggie slaps the woman hard across her face. Red is in her vision. Her long nails leave scratches along her fat cheek.
Wentworth, goes to stop his wife from full on beating the shit out of Eddies bitch of a mother: Maggie!
Maggie: Our children are missing and all you care about is saying hurtful things about my son! I don't give a shit if my son is gay or both our kids have feelings for each other! As long as they're happy!
Maggie is about to jump on the vile woman but her husband picks her up. She's still tries to kick and hit at Sonia (unknowingly, she looks a lot like her son in that moment).
Maggie: You are a vile woman and your son deserves better. FRANK WOULD HATE YOU, especially for what your doing to your son.
Sonia: YOU BITCH! You take that back!
Sonia is held back by Mr and Mrs Denbrough.
Maggie: Why its not like I'm lying, Frank if he was alive right now would take Eddie away from you and never look back! And it be within his right! Your suffocating your son!
Sonia screams in anger: I'm protecting him! Its because of all your kids!
The two mothers keep fighting. Which causes the other parents to come closer and try to help. Unknowingly their children are at the top of the cliff of the barrens hearing everything.
All 7 of the losers peak their heads over the cliff to watch everything. Like little animals popping their heads out of hidding.
Eddie and Richie both stare at each other in shock.
Bill: W-we need to get down there. I-I can't believe t-the-y ww-were looking for us.
Richie: Do we have to, I'm actually finding it really cool how badass my mom is being right now.
Bill: R-richie! What about Eddie?!
Eddie with a bit of satisfaction for himself: Give it a few more minutes. Mrs Tozier just tackled my mom into the mud.
The losers all look back to see the fight.
Eddie to Richie: Your mom is so cool.
Richie with stars in his eyes: 🤩 I know right.
Richie without thinking moves fully out of hiding to cheer his mom on: GO MOM!
Maggie who finally hears her son, looks up to see the kids on the cliff: RICHIE?!
The other losers: Richie! How are we suppose to explain this to them?!
*This being the fact that they just finished fighting an evil space clown*
Richie: Oops.
Maggie dropping Sonia Kaspbrak back into the mud, yells back up to her son: RICHARD WENTWORTH TOZIER! Get your ass down here now! You know how worried we have all been!
Richie nervous now: Ooooh full name not good.
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mxdreemurr · 1 year
Frisk and Chara Loop de Loop
Words: 4347
Summary: Frisk and Chara are in The Underground, still.
Includes: Meandering structure, interpretive character study, some melancholy, some grief, mention of continuous resets, allusion to no mercy, the difficulties of communicating with people you care about and asking for help, determination.
Chara and Frisk are explicitly part of the Dreemurr family in this, so don't read if you don't agree with that I guess.
You let out a small ‘oof’ as you hit the pile of leaves, landing on your back and staring up at the hole you fell through. The purple stone of The Ruins is all around you. After a moment of blinking slowly upwards, you extend your left arm and raise your hand palm-up in the air over your head. You’re thinking about how it looks like in anime openings or AMVs sometimes when characters do that, and that it’s cool. 
It does kind of look like that. And it is kind of cool.
“How many times has this been?” I think at you.
“Only three or four,” you think back.
I huff mentally. “No, Frisk. Not falling down these holes and landing on the leaves. The whole, everything. Not even just resets, but getting to see Asriel and everyone leaving The Underground and stuff.” I try to cover up my small outburst of emotion and hope you didn’t notice too much.
You lower your arm, resting your hands on your stomach. “I don’t know,” you think. “It’s like Flowey says, it’s—. It’s like waking up from a dream sometimes, you know? They kind of blur together a couple back…” You heave a big sigh and kick your feet. “What about you? Do you know how many times?”
“I…” I mentally furrow my brows. “I’m not great at keeping track of stuff like that. Math is for losers. Tch.” So what if I’m not as great at hiding my emotions as I’d like to be.
Silence stretches on with neither of us saying anything. You close your eyes fully. Eventually I speak up again in your head.
“Frisk… How many more times do you want to keep doing this…? It’s not like Asriel and I need our bodies back that much… Perhaps a change of priorities is in order, and it’s like Asriel said, our parents have moved on, them seeing us again—”
“Stop. Chara. You deserve a happier ending. Both of you do. And your mom and dad love you! They wouldn’t be anything but overjoyed to see you again, I know this. And me too… It’s not just for you, you know. Your family loves you.”
I mentally lean my head on my hand and roll my eyes at you, but I can’t help giving the energy of a small smile.
You smile as well, and lace your fingers together.
“Can we just lie here for a little while?”
“Yeah, of course, yeah.”
The various spikes and spears and flamethrowers and dogs are retracted back from whence they came.
After Papyrus confusedly makes his exit, you step off the rock-painted-like-a-bridge, feet crunching into the snow covering the ground. You turn and look over at Sans still planted in his spot to the side where he’s been watching the scene unfold. Sans shrugs at you and says, “i don’t know what my brother’s going to do now. if I were you, i would make sure i understand blue attacks.”
You give a polite nod at him and turn to continue on towards town, but he stops you. Seems like he has something more to say?
“hey, kid. you’ve got this look in your eye… you seem dead set about something. determined, you could say? i know you must want to befriend my brother real bad, but uh. no need to be a hero about it. take care of yourself.”
You set your mouth in a line and give another nod, then a hesitant little wave over your shoulder as you turn and head towards Snowdin.
“Frisk… I hate to say it, but do you think he may have a point?
You shake your head side to side. “No. Sans is funny, and likes to assume his assumptions about things are true… but it’s not like he really knows anything about us.”
I pause for a second
“…Assume his assumptions…?”
“Sumptions his wumptions?”
“Gumptions his dumptions???”
(… That little bit of impromptu nonsense wordplay got you smiling.)
“Chara.” The goofy smile falls from your mouth a little and turns into something more wistful (Uh oh). “I know you’re trying to look out for me. Thank you.”
“You’re… very welcome.”
“We don’t need to be turning to Sans for advice, though.”
“…I suppose we can agree on that at least. I don’t like when he threatens you. And his puns are B grade at best.”
“Okay no need to grumble, Chara,” you giggle. “And Sans isn’t that bad, in the end. The point is though, I want you to trust me. If there can be one human you can trust—”
“Frisk!!!” I laugh, “of course I trust you. We’re, like, family, you know? How many times has Toriel adopted you? I’ll always trust my family. And I’m sure you could even count as honorary monster at this point, if you wanted.”
“Hmm, I’ll have to think about it…” You do a dramatic little shrug. “But, good. I’m glad you trust me. We’re going to keep on going and I’m going to save you. Both of you.”
(Oh. Oh no. Oh geez, oh crud.)
“Um, Frisk, I don’t know if—”
“Ah ah ah!!! You don’t get to say you don’t deserve it! We talked about this, remember?”
“Yeah, I remember, but—”
“No-butts!!! Hey, how about we go get a cinnamon bunny? I bet that’ll cheer you up!”
“… That’s very thoughtful of you Frisk. Alright.”
“Yesss-!” You do a little victory pose and start skipping to get to the shop faster.
“Frisk, you remind me of myself sometimes.”
(…I don’t think you get it.)
Water falls all around us as a familiar tune begins to play. You kneel in front of the old statue, the red umbrella propped up in its arms. The ground is wet and dirty, but even still, you know I would be kneeling beside you if I could. You know I would bow my head if I could. I would put my face in my hands. I would embrace it in a hug and weep on its shoulder. Every time.
You pat your hand on the ground beside you, seeming to understand. I can feel the stone and grit.
“You’ll get your hands dirty. Not to mention your knees already. The water makes all the gravel and stuff stick to you.”
“I know.”
“Woshua wouldn’t be pleased.”
You chuckle lightly, and bow your head for a quiet moment.
After a long couple minutes of silence, you tentatively ask: “Do you remember the music box that’s in here?”
“Of course. It was a gift from our parents. Asgore had a friend who did craftwork like this. It’s beautiful… I, uh, I think this is a good home for it now. We really loved exploring Waterfall.”
You smile a little. “You know it’s not that long until we can see Asriel again, right?”
“I know that!!! Silly!” I respond, exasperated but a little amused. “It’s just that, well… Ugh. You know…” I trail off.
“I do know.”
“He deserved better, he does deserve better. He was so scared and alone as a flower, and then, and then there’s this, the journey and The Barrier, but then he’s just alone again? Even when we can get him to come with us, he still won’t tell mom and dad who he is… and he’s still stuck as a flower! How is that fair…”
“I feel the same way… but about you too. Stuck without a body, also not ready to tell our parents. And I bet that he would feel the same as well. Asriel would want us to be doing this.”
(Ugh. If only they knew.)
“Just let them go. 
Let Frisk be happy. 
Let Frisk live their life.”
(What have I been doing. Frisk… you… You have a life too…)
You only seem to be half expecting a response; you’re already hoisting yourself to your feet, and leaning over to give the statue a goodbye kiss on the top of the head. You have so many confident, bright feelings radiating off your soul. I take another look at the statue as you politely step back, before you turn to continue on. 
“Um. Yeah, I guess you’re probably right, huh. He would want us to be doing this.”
You smile confidently and give a nod, marching onwards and outwards through the caverns of Waterfall, its denizens mostly watching on from out of the way. 
(Frisk… I remember when we first met, when you first fell into The Underground. You were so frightened, so afraid and beaten down. Every kindness was like a miracle to you. You were intimidated by the size of the pie, wouldn’t leave mom, and then kept getting captured by Papyrus because you wanted a place to stay. Look at you now, huh… I just hope you can stay this way, keep your determination and your hope, I don’t know if what you’re trying to do is even possible…)
The sweltering heat of Hotland is all-encompassing as you make your way along the stone path, the large pool of magma stretching out to your right with The CORE plunked right in the middle of it. Always a little uncomfortable coming through here with that sweater of yours. Not that I can critique your choices in clothing, though.
You stop midway along the path and turn and look at The CORE.
(I’ve been doing my narration schtick as usual, but I’ve been kind of tense since the statue in Waterfall… Maybe it’s time for a good-natured joke.)
“Hey, Frisk,” I nudge you mentally, “you ever think about jumping in there?” I ask, referring to the large pool of magma.
You roll your eyes at me. “Uh, yeah, obviously.” I raise a figurative eyebrow at you. “Not like I’m going to though. Too hot for a bath, don’t wanna become Frisk Soup today.”
I chuckle at that. “Also the magical platforms that save you if you fall.”
“Oh yeah, also that.” We’re both giggling a little now.
After a moment though you cross your arms and put your hand on your chin  thoughtfully as you survey the familiar scene before us. “Hey, Chara. You know Gaster?”
“Uh, yeah…?” I have no idea where you’re going to go with this question, but I hope nowhere too personal about my past.
“… What do you think was his creation that he fell into…? Was it The CORE?”
“The CORE?” I echoed, “hmmm. Lots of places to fall into in and around it I suppose. All the magma that feeds it, and then all the glow-y foggy stuff inside… It’s certainly magical as heck in order to generate magical power, obviously, but I’ve never heard of a reason for it to have the power to shatter someone across time and space…? Not like I know that much about it though… it’s not my specialty,” I sniff.
“And you’re not even a scientist. And you’re like thirteen.”
“I suppose,” I say, doing the mental equivalent of looking at my fingernails. “You’re like, twelve though? So don’t get on my case about it.”
“Hmm, I suppose,” you say in mockery. We manage to last two seconds before smiling at each other and giggling again.
(Perhaps it would be constructive to inform Frisk more about what I know of the machines in The True Lab… Well… Maybe one of these resets if it becomes relevant. We’ll see.)
Your quiet footfalls across the wooden floorboards make some of the only sound to be heard in the house right now. The white and grey colour scheme lends a feeling like an old photograph. It’s so quiet, no one happens to be visiting at this time, and Asgore spends so much time in the garden taking care of the flowers. I clench your fists unconsciously.
“Before we get the keys and your stuff, is there anything in particular you’d like to see this time, Chara?”
“… The teacups. In the cupboard in the kitchen.”
You nod, and smile, and take us over there.
You reach up on your tip-toes and open the cupboard doors. Inside are plates, bowls, and a collection of painted teacups, all sitting on a yellow checkered cloth. I mentally indicate which one I want and you pick it up for me and bring it down. It’s white porcelain with a soft green and yellow floral design on it. I can feel the weight and coolness in your hands.
I remember sitting at the big table, beside Asriel on the long side, mom and dad on both ends. Sometimes, an hour or so after dinner, the family would have tea together. And I was always invited (But it was okay if I didn’t go, and stayed in our room instead). My brother and I would have herbal teas, I liked the floral ones. I remember mostly listening, to the warm happy conversation of a family (My family, I’d only just barely been able to accept that). Listening to the low, comforting sounds of talking back and forth between our parents, my brother’s bright, excited additions to the conversation, it’s a memory that is unspeakably precious to me now. I would occasionally be asked to join in with my thoughts on something, or how I’ve been doing, but never pressured to talk more than I wanted. Everything was always gentle encouragement but never forcing me into anything I wasn’t comfortable with yet (The kindness was overwhelming, I’ll never be able to pay it back in full).
I remember Asriel nudging me under the table, passing me a folded-up note while our parents were talking. A promise in his handwriting to show me a new secret hide-away, along with a little doodle of us. 
We smiled at each other then, and I can feel myself smiling now, my emotions soaking over to Frisk’s body across the soul that we share.
“It must be a good memory,” Frisk thinks to me.
“Mhm, it is,” is all I respond.
I blink the tears out of Frisk’s eyes, coming back to the present. I look around the empty kitchen and feel us in an empty house. The reality is still there, my family is scattered; my brother and I died, and mom and dad at complete opposite ends of The Underground. And it’s my fault.
I look at the teacup in your hands and think about if we were to drop it how it would shatter. I think about how once we reset it would be back together, back on the shelf. I think about Flowey.
I don’t think about the warm mental waves of comfort that you’re sending me, or how you’ve lowered your trembling body to the ground in a crouch and are rocking us back and forth soothingly. I don’t think about how I failed to make my thoughts as private as I would have liked.
“Hey, Chara, it’s not your fault, okay? You’ll be okay, we’ll get your family together again properly, I promise. I’m not going to stop trying. It’ll be okay…” I listen to you go on with your reassurances. I’m appreciative for it. It takes a minute but I manage to even out our breathing which I hadn’t noticed had become slightly frantic. “…Your family loves you, they would never blame you for anything.”
I gaze out the kitchen doorway at the family dining table, focussing on the details of what I can see. I take the biggest inhale and let out the biggest sigh possible, and send you a mental thumbs-up. I take all my feelings of guilt and failure, and I take all my feelings of belonging and love from my memory, and I try to hold them between your hands in this teacup.
After insisting repeatedly that I’m okay enough for us to get up, you do get us up, and return the teacup back to the shelf we found it on.
“Alright Frisk, you lead the way. Let’s get to seeing Asgore soon though, I still feel like I’m suffocating a little bit from all of this memory and feelings and junk.” (And the empty house and the quiet and how I’m not going to cry more I just need to get moving). “It’ll be nice to see him again, even if he’s… going to try to kill us— oh geez we’re on a rollercoaster until the end huh.”
You grab the key from the kitchen and add it to your keychain, and then set off in a little jog out through the dining and living room to the hallway. “Not true! We’ll have a nice event with Alphys and Undyne set up! Courtesy of Papyrus and his Flowery Friend.” You do a little smile at me. I do a little mental eye-roll at you, but smile too.
“Thanks for your help Frisk, you’re a real life saver.”
“Hehe, shucks Chara, anytime.” You add the hallway key to your keychain as well. You linger outside the door to me and Asriel’s bedroom, as if asking if I’m ready. I signal an affirmative and you open the door.
Two neatly wrapped presents, as always. “Thank you Flowey,” I say in a slightly teasing but affectionate tone. You sit down cross-legged to open up the two gifts. My heart-shaped locket and rusty knife, best comfort items I could ask for.
Before you can get up off the floor, I speak up and think at you “You know Frisk. You’re putting a lot of burden on yourself for me. This… mission that you’ve taken upon yourself for me and my brother’s sake. I’m grateful, very much so. But I want to make sure you know you can rely on me too, you can ask for help, I’m here if you need to talk about anything… I feel like it’s been a few resets since we’ve visited the quiche room—” 
“Ha—! Chara, you’re hilarious. You know I’m always okay!”
“That’s… not true.” I’m a bit surprised at your sudden reaction.
Perhaps realizing that that sounded slightly forced you wiggle awkwardly in place and try again. “Well, I may have climbed a mountain that it’s said people disappear on, that’s true. But! I’ve made so many friends, and I have a new family now! It’s all so bright and colourful, and I’m so happy to have ended up here. This journey together through The Underground, meeting everyone… There were tough parts, but finding out how kind monsters can are…! And then the catharsis at the end, I couldn’t ask for more.”
“Okay, but… This has all happened, according to both of us and what we can remember, uncountable times since the first. How is it going enjoying being with your new family when we keep leaving everything and going back to the start?”
“I—,” You sound taken aback, “there was a time I stayed with them on the surface for a while!!!”
“And then you came to me begging for me to reset again, because you couldn’t bear not having gotten the perfectest, best, most happy ending! Because you need to be the best, most perfect kid possible, and you need to be everyone’s hero!!!” … I stop, realized that was maybe a bit harsh. And that I might have accidentally said all that out loud with your mouth.
I slump and let go of your body. “I’m sorry, Frisk. I’m going to say it outright, which is hard for me; but you really do remind me of myself, and not in a good way. I don’t want you destroying yourself over trying to save everyone. I can’t make you stop, and I’m not going to abandon you, we’re partners in this; but I just want you to know that it’s okay to ask for help. Will you remember that? Please?”
“…Yeah, I’ll do my best.”
Shoot. You sound kind of broken-hearted. 
“I’m really sorry Frisk. I’m just. Scared for you. But I shouldn’t say things like that. It’s not your fault. I love you, Frisk, you’re the best sibling I could ask for. Or, well, tied for first place. I hope you understand.”
You giggle a little bit. “You too Chara. I never thought I would have a family like you, and Asriel, and Toriel and Asgore… I love you too. And I guess you’re right. Maybe I do have problems.” You’ve leaned back from your cross-legged position and are now lying on the floor. “And you’re the last person I should be hiding from. We share a soul. So it’s kinda silly.”
“It’s not silly, but… I see what you mean.” We smile at each other again.
You tilt your head back, peering under my bed. “Hey Chara! You want anything from under here? Oh—, woah… I never realized how cluttered it is under here…”
“No, thank you, Frisk. I’m good,” I laugh. And I do feel good for now actually. “I can collect my things once I have my body back. And it’s cluttered because eventually I was no longer hiding under there all the time.” I chuckle a little and you beam an absolutely radiant and sappy smile at me.
Even if you’re hell-bent on repeating my past mistakes, I’ll be right there with you the whole way.
After your lovely commentary on how I keep my side of the room, we’re ready to get up and continue on our way. We a brief look around in Asgore’s room, head back out to the middle of the house, and then turn to make our way down the stairs. Just as you’re about to step down, we both notice something yellow out of the corner of your eye. You turn your head, and there’s Flowey, in the front doorway of the house. He looks at us, and we look at him, and then he burrows away into the ground.
Streaks and splashes of colour and light fill the world around you. Like a thousand prisms broke open and spilled their rainbows. Stars rain down like the sky was falling. The world is ending. Again.
We hug Asriel tightly.
“Frisk… Don’t you have anything better to do?”
Asriel twists around a little to look at you from where he’s kneeling in front of the golden flowers, having sat down when he thought you were leaving. His small look of surprise changes to a pinched brow as you sit down beside him. You cross your legs and start running your fingers over the flowers, both of you bathed in golden light from the late afternoon sun.
Asriel settles back into his previous position, resting his paws on the soil on either side of his knees, looking down at the flowers, up at the hole in the ceiling, and then sideways at you. He gives a little sigh.
“I guess you can stay here a little longer, just… not too long, okay?”
You nod a little at him. A minute or two passes.
“You know Frisk, I don’t know everything that’s going on with you… The Barrier has broken and monsters can go free, but it’s okay if you still have your own problems.” He shuffles nervously. “I hope you know it’s okay to ask for help out there; you have a new family who really loves you! Of course you could tell me about anything, but… it’s just that I’m going to be a flower again soon… But you should tell Toriel, Asgore, or even Papyrus if there’s something on your mind!”
“I will”, you sign, and smile.
When you get up to go, I manage to quietly mumble out “See you later, Asriel.”
“ …
I’m sorry.
You’ve probably heard this a hundred times already, haven’t you…?
Well, that’s all—”
“Wait? You want me to wait?”
“I have— I have heard it. A hundred times before.”
“Hah, and what, you want to gloat about it…?”
“No, you’re right. It’s been too many. I want to ask for help. I couldn’t ask for help when I was still alive, but I’m doing it now. And I know you want us to let Frisk go, but Frisk is too, we’re asking for help.”
“… You and me both,” Flowey smiles ruefully, “what do you want me to do about it though?”
“Nothing right now, I just. Thought you should know. Keep the family in the loop whenever we can and all. We’ll talk after the reset, okay? Try not to attack us right away.” I smile back.
“Haha, well, no promises. I don’t know what you two are up to yet, and I can’t say I’m pleased it’s taken this many resets, but. I guess I’ll look forward to being filled in, in the past.” He scoffs a little. “See you soon, Chara.”
I take a ghostly breath, clench my fists, and fall back.
You open your eyes and see the morning light filtering down from the hole above us, filling the cavern around us, and dancing on the golden flowers cradling your body. Motes of dust drift through the air.
You sit up and rub your eyes, looking around. Flowers, crumbling pillars, and an entranceway before us.
Just beyond that entranceway, Flowey is straining to hear what’s going on in the room he just ran away from when a human fell into it. Farther than that, a grey door stands stark against a rocky wall of Waterfall. A clam monster is waiting to gossip about her neighbour’s daughter. The Underground is still full of mysteries to discover, people to meet, and things to do. I know we’ll find a way forward, together.
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lusthurts · 2 months
For the character asks: Mercedes and Finn
omg this is an exciting one!!
mercedes jones
how i feel about this character
underrated queen! she was so cool and had so much potential as a character but was constantly ignored by the show and only brought out to belt songs that nobody else could perform like her - in that regard, I think she was given even more of a disservice than Tina because at least Tina had, like, well developed friendships in season 4 + two very long term relationships that had an impact on the show. I mostly think Mercedes deserved better!
all the people i ship romantically with this character
honestly, I'm glad she didn't end up with any of her canon boyfriends - I think Mercedes is one of those characters who really benefitted from getting out of Lima and making it on her own, and I feel like she'll probably meet her soulmate in the music industry or something at some point
that being said, I did really enjoy Samcedes (in late season 2 and throughout season 3, not so much after that), and I LOVED her relationship with Shane because I think it really helped to build her confidence up at the beginning of season 3
my non-romantic otp for this character
once again, she was done a huge disservice because so many of her friendships had great episodes and then were completely ignored after that
her friendship with Rachel (particularly in the later seasons) is very special to me - I love the scene in season 5 when they talk about Finn and Sam and all that, and I love when they bond over how they both experienced a lot of bullying from people like Santana, so even if they're competitive with each other, they still understand where each other came from and have a deep respect because of that
I really wish they'd kept up her friendship with Quinn because that had so much potential at the end of season 1, then they just completely forgot that Quinn fully lived with Mercedes when she got kicked out of her house
my unpopular opinion about this character
I think she was completely valid to leave the New Directions in season 3, but I do not think the Troubletones deserved to win sectionals. I know this isn't really about Mercedes specifically, but I think it's pretty core to her character. I mean, obviously I don't know what the other two songs they presumably performed were and they were probably just as excellent as "Survivor/I Will Survive", but I think the New Directions Jackson medley was one of their best competition performances in the entire show with some of their best dancing and voice variety, and it was really entertaining for me personally.
one thing I wish had happened with this character in canon:
I wish we'd gotten to see more of her music career post high school. She had the most potential for stardom given what we did see in canon, but I kind of have no perception of like how big she ended up being, what kind of music she performed, what her every day life looks like etc., despite the fact that she was in New York with Rachel, Santana, and Kurt. At the end of the show, I wanted to see Mercedes be Beyoncé level successful, and I can head canon it, but I think it'd be fun to see what she would've been like as a full-fledged celebrity.
finn hudson
how i feel about this character
finn was one of my first favorite characters in glee - I can relate to his character a lot as someone who grew up with a single mom and was just trying to fit in which didn't always result in the best decisions
I also think he's just like a very realistic teenage boy - he makes a lot of mistakes, but he's trying his best, and I think the path he was on before his death was very fun and fitting for his character
all the people i ship romantically with this character
definitely Rachel :) this is maybe my most basic glee opinion, but I enjoyed their relationship a lot, and I do think they were genuinely very good for each other. I do think I would've been satisfied with their ending of always coming back to each other, even if they weren't always right for each other at every moment. I'm also just a sucker for high school sweethearts that actually feel capable of making it work in the long term. They're very James & Lily coded to me lol
ngl I enjoy Finn & Quinn for what it is - a midgame/high school sweethearts ship that was never meant to last, and I think the two of them could be great friends later in life
my non-romantic otp for this character
I think Finn's relationship with Kurt is one of the best in the show as far as development goes - they obviously experience a lot of highs and lows, but it's very demonstrative of their individual character arcs, and it's beautiful to watch them go from their weird behavior in season 1 to genuine siblings in the later seasons
I also really like Finn & Santana's friendship (if we ignore the accidental outing lol) - I think they had a lot of potential (is this an unpopular opinion? who's to say)
my unpopular opinion about this character
I genuinely think Finn had good intentions 99% of the time, and things just came out sounding wrong on occasion, as they often do for people who are generally socially unaware because they're living in, like conservative suburbia lol like yes the incident with Kurt in season 1 was quite bad, the accidental outing of Santana was bad, the incident with Sue's baby was bad, but I think he always showed remorse for this behavior and became a substantially better person as a result of it - he is a character who is very capable of growth, and I think that's displayed very obviously throughout the show (i.e., the transition from the way he treated Kurt in season 1 to how he treated Unique in season 4)
one thing I wish had happened with this character in canon:
hard to not immediately be like "I wish he'd been there for the whole show" even though I realize that wasn't physically possible
I think if I have to accept that he was always going to have the same last episode, my main want would be for him to get his happy ending earlier - like, if he doesn't get to teach at McKinley fine but I really would've liked to know he ended up happily teaching somewhere with a foot still in the music world somehow
oh and on a similar note, I really enjoyed his teaching arc in season 4, and I wish we'd gotten to see more interaction with all the newbies specifically - he was excellent with Marley & Ryder, and even Unique a little bit, would've been cool to see him development a good mentor relationship with like Kitty, Jake, etc.
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misstwisted · 1 year
My dramatic scene essay analysis of Black Christmas 2006
(CW/TW: Pretty much the entirety of Billy’s tragic backstory is talked about, which has the topics of i*cest/CSA in it. Please read at your own risk, you are very cared about and I don’t want you to ever feel upset. 💗)
Back of somewhere in the end of June, I got back into the slashers fandom. I reunited with my love for Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Ghostface, etc.
I rewatched old scenes, fell back into slasher tumblr, and felt extreme disappointment watching dead meat’s review of Halloween kills for the first time and reading the wiki for Halloween ends now then knowing my favorite franchise was ruined yet again. Somehow worse than curse and resurrection.
But soon, I got tired and wanted to scout out horror movies I haven’t heard/seen of yet. That’s how I was introduced to Black Christmas, which I’m pretty sure is the original slasher.
I watched dead meats video on the 2006 one because at the time I didn’t have any access to watching the movie, and I watched the scenes in there entirety on YouTube.
I really enjoyed the original one when I watched it on fully YouTube. It was interesting and even made me laugh a bunch.
But when I was watching all the scenes of the remake, one of the scenes stuck out to me. The scene that made me have a attachment to the remake.
The entire scene of Billy taking revenge on his mother and step father.
It spoke to me in a way only few horror scenes did. It stuck out to me over every other scene of black Christmas 1974. That’s not to bash the original, but, it’s the truth.
I wanted to make an essay analysis of the scene because I believe it’s one of the most cathartic and justice inducing scenes in horror. This scene deserves more recognition, and I just hope you all will hear me out about it.
Also, just me giving props to Robert Mann’s performance because I honestly think he did amazing at making me feel emotional.
I apologize if you all find this cringe/dramatic/ overthinking, but it’s just how I feel.
also if I somehow make you feel even more sympathy for 2006 billy that’s all I could truly ask for.
Let’s get started:
The scene starts out in 1991.
Billy was 21 years old at this time. A fully fledged adult who hasn’t been outside in the world for 16 whole years. Most likely never even getting an education.
The 21 year old finds a Christmas present in his room, a telescope given to him by his mother and step father.
He reads the note that’s attached to it, and in it reads the passive aggressive writing of his mother:
“Be good for goodness sake!”
This man has been through hell in back thanks to this woman. She took everything from him.
She took away his childhood. She took away his father, the only person that could’ve protected him from her. She took away his freedom, then took away his innocence. He had nothing but himself alone in the attic for 16 years thanks to her.
Never being able to experience anything. Not love, not friendship, not anything.
Getting that letter was the salt in the wound.
After everything she’s done to him, she still finds any way to kick him like a dying dog.
He slams his hands on the telescope just to take out his boiling anger on something, anything. His anger against the world, his mother, his stepfather. And also most likely has his own anger towards Christmas itself. Probably frustrated and confused on why this all happened to him. What did he do to deserve this?
He watches the next door neighbors quietly at his small window with the telescope. He watches happy families living peacefully together. Gifting things to each other, embracing one another, actions towards one another that aren’t inflicting abuse. A daughter hugging her father right in front of his eyes.
It’s a wonder if his mom did this on purpose. Giving him that specific present just to remind him he could never leave and that he’ll never have a happy moment again like that family was having. He’ll be forced to watch on the sidelines as a happy family celebrate Christmas together in the cold attic with the mean spirited gift his mom gave him. In general, He’ll never have a happy family. The present had to be some stupid inside joke for his mother and step father.
The way Robert Mann’s opens his eyes in this scene and the camera moving closer speaks volumes to me. Billy realizing he can’t live like this anymore. Billy realizing what he needs to do.
His mother meanwhile is downstairs gifting a baby doll to his sister-daughter. Treating her better than she ever did billy.
Then, when he tricks her into leaving, he goes to attack poor Agnes. I can see him having multiple reasons of attacking her. Wanting to take something from his mom the way she took everything from him, wanting to get revenge on Agnes even though she didn’t ask for this either but jealously and pain blinding him, and probably wanting to rid the person that is a reminder of the disgusting thing his mother did to him as a child.
As his mom and stepfather run late to stop him, he rubs salt in THEIR wound by disgustingly eating Agnes’s eye in front of them. Then when his step father attempts to attack him, Billy stabs straight through his eye, getting the revenge he’s saved for years to get on him after he also took away his dad.
And as his mom cries at the consequences of her own actions, Billy lunges at her and chokes her with the Christmas lights. He slowly kills her, giving her all the pain she instilled in him for so many years back.
But it doesn’t stop there. She doesn’t deserve for it to stop there. She doesn’t deserve to at least have a preserved body after everything she has done to him. Did his father get his body preserved by her and his step father? Nope. Why should she?
So, what comes next really wraps the neat little bow on this scene for me.
In the next sequence, Billy drags her limp ass to the kitchen with the Christmas lights like it’s a leash for a dog, quickly grabs a rolling pin, and starts beating the ever loving shit out of his mom’s body.
The way he does it is like he’s been waiting to do this his whole life. And he probably has.
He takes his sweet time too. He clocks her with each hit getting more and more aggressive. The hits hold so much emotion in them. The way billy seemed to be unleashing his trauma with every swing is done so perfectly I seriously have to give Robert Mann a round of applause of it. And the way his facial expression is like focusness mixed with unadulterated rage is perfect to me.
It’s like his boiling anger has flooded over. The way he portrayed billy in this whole scene I almost have no words. It just hits me deep every single time.
Billy then finishes out this, in my opinion, amazing scene by turning his mothers flesh into fucking cookies. What an ending.
Then he eats them alone in silence as the police arrive.
When we find out he got put into a sanitarium, it kinda broke my heart.
I mean, he obviously needs to get help, I understand that, but it made me so sad that this kid who has been locked in an attic for 16 long years had escaped and killed his abusers, only to be thrown back into isolation after.
Broke my heart. And poor Agnes too. That girl never asked for any of this and suffered for her mother’s actions.
So yeah, that scene is great to me. And it deserves more recognition.
As a person who has suffers from abuse, that anger he portrayed makes me tear up a bit. I related hard to wanting to get revenge on the people who have hurt me. Obviously not to that degree but you get my point. I can see how desperately Billy wanted to.
I feel like 2006 billy has more depth than people think.
Personally I think the flashbacks are the best part of the movie. If it was up to me I would’ve wanted them to make a backstory movie about billy instead of remaking it but that’s another story.
Side note about something, why the FUCK did Melissa ask: “Did they ever find out from him why he killed his family?”
Girl did you LISTEN to any of the stories these characters were telling you about him? The part where he was locked up for years, the part where his mom and step dad killed his father, the part where he out of his control had a inbred child?! Or are none of those good enough reasons to kill his “family”? 💀
Anyways, Thank you all for reading!
Also Robert Mann please act in more movies!
Oh and for the people who wanted to be tagged :)
thank you all for the support on the Black Christmas post!!!
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(this might be a bit of a heavy one) Had a random thought earlier. Imagining the days in the apartment during Saeyoung's route. He's sitting in his sadboy crisis corner, trying to fix the security system while also trying to wrap his head around being betrayed by one of the few people he trusted without question.
He won't talk to me, so I start talking to him (or "at" him. or maybe to myself. words are being said but a response/active listening isn't expected. but we all know he's listening. there's no music coming through those headphones). I start telling him a story: Growing up, my parents seemed to have a really happy marriage. My dad and I were close and I trusted him without question. I never had reason not to.
When I was 21 my mom kicked my dad out of the house and divorced him for cheating. It also turned out he may have stolen money from me. To say this shattered the way I saw the world and my life up to that point would be putting it lightly. My younger brother, who always tried to be the peace keeper when anyone fought, was living at home and had to deal with the fallout. Our dad is still claiming he's innocent. It was...... a lot to deal with. forget the five stages of grief, i think i pinballed around the entire emotional spectrum for the next year (I'm mostly okay now)
It's not the same as what Saeyoung's going through, but maybe it would make him feel just a little less alone. Maybe I'll never fully understand how he feels, but I do know what it feels like to be betrayed by family you trusted implicitly. I know how it feels to know your younger sibling is struggling and you can't go help them right away. It's not to the same degree but on some level, I get it
The sad thing is... Saeyoung's not listening to any music. That was just a front to make you think he couldn't hear a word you said. He knew everything you were doing. You didn't think his fight or flight response would let him actually be distracted from his environment, did you? He knows when you cry... when you talk to him... when you linger around the corner, looking at him in shame... all of it. It's what hurts the most.
The hardest part about hearing you tell him your circumstance is that he can't bring himself to look at you. You... bright and shining like the light of a supernova... and him... a black hole that can't protect even a single person he loves from danger. How can he ensure your life will be one of the best lives someone could live? How can he give you all the things you need... no, deserve! How can he give you that when he can't even protect Saeran?!
Rest assured, your words WILL have an impact on him. He just... needs time to focus on himself first. Let him breathe in that reality, and come to you the next day, with wavering eyes and shame in his lips. "I want to love you the way you deserve but I'm afraid I'll destroy you."
"You couldn't hurt me even if you wanted to," you may say to him to break the silence. "Even if something bad happens, I know you'll do whatever it takes. It's not your fault they hurt him, Seven. You did the best you could... and I know you'll keep trying. You're never going to give up on him... so, why can't I keep believing in you?"
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katierosedreams2 · 2 years
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I’m not a sissy...4
College with Kailey didn’t go as I thought it would. With Trent leaving to go to the other side of the country for school, I thought he would finally give me the key to my cage. One of his rules was that I was never supposed to ask about it. But on the last day I was to see him, I just had to ask. After I sucked his cock, had him fuck me in the ass so hard, and then sucked his cock again, on my knees, covered and overflowing with his cum everywhere, I finally asked. “Thank you so much for letting me worship your superior, perfect, massive cock, and completely covering and filling me with your cum daddy! Thank you for using me as your cum dump and for your pleaser. I hope I made your big dick feel so good! C-can I finally have the key to my cage now since I won’t see you again?”
I was so scared to ask, and I felt so vulnerable and weak, dressed like a slutty girl in sheer lingerie drenched in his cum. He just laughed. “You're a stupid, pathetic little sissy cock slut! God, you really are a girl! I don’t have it! But don’t worry, it won’t be too far from you at college!” He took so much joy in humiliating and denying me. 
“Now take your girly shit and get out!” He commanded as he forcefully grabbed me by my hair and pulled me up from my knees and to his front door. He opened it and through me out. I almost fell over as I stumbled in my black 4inch patent leather pumps. I turned around, his cum running down my face and over my lips, parted as I spoke. “Wait! No not like this!” My feminine girly voice filled with fear. I thought back to when I first sucked his cock. That seemed like so long ago. I had no idea of the life ahead of me then.
So many emotions rushed back: shame and humiliation, I felt them again as I stood outside of his house again, this time in nothing but sheer black lingerie, stockings, and my heels. But I was still covered in his cum. I was frozen in shock. Just then, he opened the door, and put my black vinyl trench coat down with my purse, and then shut the door again. I tried to rush back inside but I was too slow in my heels. He slammed and locked the door right before I could get there. “No please Trent! You drove me here! How am I supposed to get home?” 
I heard him laugh on the other side of the door, “WALK SLUT! GOOD LUCK YOU CUM COVERED SISSY FAGGOT!” I couldn’t believe this was happening to me! Kailey was gone all summer in Europe and my mom was out of town with some guy she was seeing! I grabbed my coat and put it on. Trent had tied the waist belt really tight behind the back, so the coat couldn’t close. I tried to untie it but with my long French tips, covered in his cum, but I wasn’t able to. 
I grabbed my small matching black vinyl hand bag and had to walk the whole 3 miles home unable to fully cover myself. I used my handbag to cover my worthless, pathetic, caged little clitty showing through my sheer panties. But it was obvious I was covered in his thick cum. So many cars honked and whistled at me as they drove by. I just hung my head in shame and embarrassment. To them I looked like a real girl, an incredibly slutty one too! By the time I finally made it home, my feet were killing me and Trent's cum had hardened on my face and body.
Kailey got a huge kick out of hearing me tell her about it. After I finished, she told me she had already heard about it, however. She told me that Trent had filmed it! He even drove past me a few times and would stop to film me walking past him. I must have been too embarrassed and humiliated to notice. He had sent the videos to her. They both thought it was hilarious and posted it everywhere they could. Kailey said I should be complemented! After all, I deserve to be treated that way.  I don’t know why, but I can’t stand up to her, or even disagree with her. I was so horny. I hadn’t cum since I got spitroasted by Trent and Drake.
When I told her that Trent didn’t have the key anymore, he said it would be near. Did she know what that meant? “Of course you silly little sissy! Trent has given me your key! It was the last time you came on that very sexy day where you were loving getting double penetrated by Trent and Drake at the same time. God that was so hot!” You could hear the arousal in her voice.
“What!? Kailey, you have my key?!? You can let me out!!” I said, excited and hopeful that my nightmare might finally be over. After all, Kailey and I have grown so close as fiends, clearly she wouldn’t want me to still suffer like this!
“That’s right my girly little cock slut. But don’t worry sweetie, I won’t be unlocking you. Not for a long time at least. I know how important this is to you! Hey come to think of it, it's almost like your going to be my little sissy slave now. I think you should increase your hormones. Three times a day isn’t enough anymore. I want you to double it! Now I’m going to see you in two days. We can talk about this then. I can’t wait to have you as my little “slave!” Damn, that sounds so hot! Now I know Trent is gone so I want you to send me videos of you deep throating that massive 10 inch dildo you got for your birthday. At least 30 minutes a day. Speaking of deep throating, I’m going to go suck a huge cock, I can’t wait to see you soon girl!” She hung up the phone before I could even speak. What happened? I can’t believe this!!
The transition to living with  Kailey did not go how I thought it would. She told me she was going to keep me locked for my own good. I am a better behaved girl when I’m desperate and horny. If I was to ask to be unlocked she would flush my key down the toilet while I gagged on some guy's huge dick. Never able to be free. Of course, if I disobeyed a single of her commands, the punishment would be the same. She somehow managed to be sweet and loving throughout her telling me this whole thing. As if, in her mind, she was doing the kind, loving, right thing. As if it's really what I wanted her to do. 
It wasn’t all bad though. Her parents bought her a loft apartment near school for us both to stay in. She, of course, got the larger of the two rooms, but both were huge! The walk-in closet in my room alone was bigger than my old room at my mom's house! 
The whole apartment was remodeled and looked so modern, classy, and elegant. It was on the top floor of the building and took up half of the floor! We had a beautiful balcony and amazing views! It was very private and luxurious. In many ways it was almost like a fairy tail! 
My room, of course, looked incredibly feminine, like the whole house did. Kailey kept the standards of how I lived very high, and very girly. Not too different from what my mom and she had made me live before I left for college. But I was finally hoping I could escape from this feminization at least a little bit.
For instance, I don’t own a single thing, other than bikinis, bodysuits,  panties, or lingerie that wraps around my crotch. I was hoping that would change. No pants, no shorts, of any kind, period. Even my pjs are feminine, girly, or sexy, nightgowns, slips, or baby dolls. I was hoping I could start to wear sweat pants, or at the very least cute, trendy pants! But NO, I must ALWAYS be accessible to a real man at all times.
She has kept me going on my strict skin, hair, and body care routine. Never missing a step. I take hormones six times a day and must practice with my “toy” twice a day, ass and mouth, since I’m no longer being used by Trent for his pleaser any more. That is, if she doesn’t have a “friend” or guest over, I must be willing and excited to let them use me for their pleaser alone.
As much as I am her roommate and best friend, I am also her live-in maid. Twice a day, morning and evening, I am dressed as a slutty maid, like something out of a porno, and clean the house. I will also dress and act as a maid whenever she commands as well. And the rest of the time I’m dressed like I normally would, trendy, slutty, or both.
Of course, we are still best friends, so a lot of the time, things are mostly normal. We still hang out, go shopping, get our hair and nails done together. We watch chick flicks, make our meals together, help each other get dressed and pick out outfits together. We even study and attend classes together. We were both going for fashion design, not what I wanted to do, but Kailey convinced me of it. 
We are just like the best friends we were before, but every now and again she’ll take charge with this sweet, but stern, no-nonsense attitude. Some of our parties, for instance, I participate like everyone else. In other ones she makes me dress up like her sexy maid and serve her guests and clean up as it happens. Either way, I look like a cock craving, cum loving whore.
I always have super sexy dark smokey eye shadow and long lashes. My lip injected, dick sucking lips are always covered in lip gloss despite what lipstick is underneath. The guys get really horny from all of this. I get hit on a lot and Kailey won’t let me say no to any guys' sexual advances.
I have to flirt back and do whatever they ask. It always ends with my throat incredibly sore and my stomach filled with cum and my face covered in it. Or my ass hole burning, gaping, and leaking with so much cum that I’ll leak cum even the next morning. Even when I’m completely soaked in cum, and completely filled with it, I still have to clean it up. Oh and I STILL HAVEN'T CUM YET! This is killing me! 
It’s been almost a year since Trent locked this on me. As Christmas approached, Kailey had been hinting at giving me a very special present. It’s very very small, and metal is the hint she gave me! It must be my key! I can’t wait for her to finally free me from this hell! 
Our plan is to exchange our gifts at our Christmas party early this December, the last day of finals week. Once Christmas break starts, I’ll be heading home to see my mom and Kailey will be going to Hawaii with her family. She said that she'd give me all of my gifts no matter what, except one. This was a very special Christmas party and I had better make sure the house, and myself, looked absolutely perfect! And that I behaved like the good little sissy slut I was or I wouldn’t receive it. Of course, I assumed it was the key. So even though it was finals week, I worked extra hard to get the house ready. I had the decorations up and everything looked spotless.
Kailey seemed rather impressed. Part of the terms I had with her parents was that if I got good grades, they would let me stay there rent free. It was hard to do both but I somehow pulled it off.
I spent the few hours before the party going around in my sexy little latex maid outfit Kailey had picked out for me, making sure everything was perfect, even down to the oddments on our tree. Kailey, who was watching reality TV and text on her phone, thought I looked hot and made sure to take a picture. She told me to post it. God, my whole Instagram is just tones of photos depicting a slutty girl. I guess that’s what I have become now. I sure have a lot of followers who enjoy it though. 
As she left to go get ready, the only thing that could be heard echoing though our house was the clicking of my heels. I have become quite an expert at wearing them. I’ve worn heels almost every day since Trent forced me to be a sissy girl. Even my house slippers have a small 3 inch heel to them. The only time I’m not wearing them is when I’m showering. Even then, I’ve gotten so used to it that my heels don’t touch the ground. 
As I worked my heart was so joyful. After tonight I will finally be unlocked from this damn cage! I haven’t touched my own tiny little clitty in over a year! Hell I haven’t even seen it! I am so worried about what all of these hormones and being stuck in this incredibly small cage has done to me. 
I tried not to think about it though. I had to make sure everything was perfect. We had enough alcohol of different types, as well as party snacks, nicely displayed. I had no idea who was attending our party. I assumed it would be, like most, a mixed group of guys and girls. I also knew I was to stay dressed in my maid uniform. Kailey wanted “perfect service” and using me is cheaper than hiring someone.
As I went through the house making last-minute touches, I heard Kailey's heels click thoughout the house as she approached behind me. I turned around when she spoke “What do you think, Rose?” She said excitedly as she posed displaying her outfit for the party. 
My jaw dropped. I was in complete shock, she looked absolutely stunning! My little clit was getting wet in its cage as I looked at her. She was in black leather 4 inch thigh high boots, and a small red satin lingerie set that was very Christmasy. It had some white lace and little bows everywhere. Her make-up was a black smokey eye with red glitter on top, long false lashes, and matching red lip stick, shining with lip gloss. Her long blond hair was in big sexy curls, matching my own. She looked like the object of every man's dreams! 
If it’s not obvious, I definitely still have a crush on her. I know we’ll never be together, she prefers me this way. “Wow! Kailey, you look so hot!! Your so perfect!!” As she spun around to show me the back, I realized this outfit was even more risqué than she normally dresses for a party. 
“Wait, what kind of party is this? I mean you just look so sexy, but you'er also hardly covered at all!” I said, the confusion clear in my voice. “You’ll see sissy, just focus on making it wonderful!” She said seductively with a sexy little smirk as she walked past me to pour herself a drink.
I couldn’t help but turn to watch her walk, my eyes refusing to look away from her. Just then, I heard a knock at the door and it startled me into reality. “Wait Rose! Not yet!” Kailey yelled at me with mild panic. “They'er early!” She muttered under her breath as she grabbed her phone. Within a moment, Christmas music began playing softly on the speakers throughout the house. 
She rushed over to me, her heels clicking loudly. “How do I look!? Any lipstick on my teeth?” She said frantically. I studied her makeup, hair, and outfit closely for imperfections. Something I had learned to do from both her and my mom. “Lip gloss!” We both said in complete unison and rushed to the mirror by the door where we keep extra lip gloss at all times. We reapplied it and quickly fussed with our hair, outfits, -and boobs, making sure everything was just how we wanted. 
“OK are you ready, my little cock slave?!” She looked at me excitedly! I felt embarrassed that this is my life, and worse, that I’m so horny that being called that is turning me on. Hell being a cock slave turns me on! I just shook my head yes to show I was. “Then let them in cum slut!” She commanded as she rushed into the other room to make a grand instance. 
I opened the door, trying to strike a girly sexy pose to greet our guests. I was surprised to see a large group of tall, muscular, handsome men standing there. I  admired how girly my voice was as I invited them in. As each big strong man walked past me I felt dwarfed even in my tall heels. Compared to these real men, I was nothing like them. I looked so much like a girl that even I didn’t believe I was a man.
They all looked me up and down, I could see the dirty sexual thoughts running through their minds as they did. I felt like a sex object, only to be used for their pleaser. This made my caged pathetic baby dick leak some precum. I don’t even strain against my chastity any more. I’ve been locked for so long, unable to get hard, it’s like my tiny micro cock has stopped trying to. 
I smiled flirtatiously back in response to each one checking me out. It had become an automatic response at this point. “Welcome in guys! It is so lovely to see so many good looking men here!” I said, embarrassed at the truth of that statement. By the tenth guy entering, I realized there were no girls accompanying them. 
As the last one entered, number twelve, I looked to see if anyone else was in the hall waiting to come in. Nope, no lady’s. Why would Kailey just have guys over? They must be the first to arrive. After all, our parties usually have a lot more people than this. 
They all waited in our grand hallway by the door, each one staring at me like they wanted to use me. I didn’t recognize most of them, but a few I had seen before at previous parties. “Right this way boys.” I said in a rather sexy tone as I walked past them to lead them into the main part of the house. My heels clicked loudly as the sounds of my latex dress called for all of their attention as I walked. I could feel their stares from behind me as they watched me walk. I swayed my hips, excited to make the view as attractive as possible.
As we entered the living room, Kailey approached from the kitchen with a drink in her hand. She looked like an absolute sex goddess, and all the men noticed. “Hey boys!” Kailey spoke slowly and seductively, but you could hear the true excitement in her voice. “I’m so glad all of you could come to my party! Can my little slut maid get any of you something to drink?” 
I smiled sweetly and replied with a “yes sir” or “of course sir” as each one told me what they would want. I left trying to be as seductive as I could. I knew that’s what Kailey wanted, and somehow so did I. As I made each one a drink, I admired how small, feminine, and girly my hands are. My French tip manicure only exaggerated this even more and I realized how pathetic as I man I would be, my body was made to be a girls. I put the drinks on a large silver plater and was careful not to spill them, as I expertly and seductively left to hand them out. 
As I reentered the living room I could hardly see Kailey, she had been surrounded by the guys, but I could hear her laughing and flirting with all of them. They each seemed glad to have me bring them their drinks, grabbing or smacking my ass as they took it from me. My latex dress echoed loudly as they did so. They were all incredibly flirtatious and obviously already very horny. It was contagious and I couldn’t help but flirt back as each thanked me for their drink. I replied with “of course sir” or “happy to please you daddy.” And “it’s my job to serve you sir” in as sexy of a way as I could.
As I passed out the last of the drinks, I was getting a vide that this was it. These twelve men were all that were coming to our party. I announced if I could get anyone anything else, water, or anything to eat. Most were fine with the booze but some wanted some food. As I walked past Kailey to head to the kitchen again, I whispered, “Can I talk to you!?” I was so confused as to what was going on. Kailey said “Make yourself comfortable guys, I’ll be right back.” She gave a little wink and then followed me into the kitchen. 
“What sissy!? Why are you asking me away from our guests as soon as they have their drinks?!” She seemed genuinely upset about this. She clearly was enjoying all of the male attention. “I’m sorry Kailey” I said meekly. “I’m just a little confused. Is this it? Are these guys the only ones coming? What kind of party is this?”
She could tell I was very confused. I was starting to assume what kind of party it was, I was defiantly getting nervous. She thought for a second and then sighed. “It’s a good thing you're so cute and sexy girl. Yes Rose, these big, strong, dominant, horny, sexy men are all that’s coming. Well, they WILL be cumming, and so will I. And if you relax and enjoy yourself, who knows, maybe being their sex doll, cock slave, cum slut, will  finally make you cum too!” She said in a sexy, but sweet way. She was truly excited and horny about this. “Now pour yourself a strong drink and come join us, have fun, and do as you're told!” She said with a big smile, and hurried off to be with the men again.
I can’t believe this is literally an orgy! Or at least some kind of it. I’m not sure exactly what it’s called when twelve guys fuck two girls, but it sounds super sexy!! As I worked I listened to the little sounds of my slutty latex maid dress maid and thought about what a cock slut I had become. I was actually getting excited by the thought of being used by so many men at once! And afterwards, I’d finally be free from this cage and could actually jerk off for the first time in forever! Now, whenever I get horny, I have to fuck my little pussy with a dildo just to try and get relief. I’m so fucking horny!! I hope I finally get to cum tonight!
I walked out again with the platter of some food and gave it to the guys. They were all getting a lot more grabby with the drinks setting in. One walked up behind me, grabbing my hips and pulling my ass against his huge massive dick. I couldn’t believe it, it must have been at least thirteen inches long!! A let out a small gasp in shock at how big it felt against my ass. 
I looked over and noticed Kailey was already kissing one guy, rubbing him and the guy next to her over their pants. I thought for a short moment about how my life had gotten here. Here I am, technically a boy, but except for my small locked up micro dick, I look exactly like a girl. I sound like a girl, move like a girl, dress like a girl, act like a girl, and I’m discovering I even think like a girl. 
I can’t believe Trent started all of this, or that I even let him! And now, thanks to this chastity, Kailey is keeping me like this. But as I stood there, looking like a slutty maid in a porno, grinding my latex covered ass over some guys huge dick, preparing to just be used as a sex slave for upward of twelve men, I found myself getting extremely aroused. I was truly getting excited to suck their cocks, get my ass pounded, and become covered in their cum, even though I may not even cum myself.
My little dick leaked in its cage from this realization and I wondered how I would feel after Kailey finally released me from it. Would I still let myself even continue to live as a girl? Could I even recover from the effects of the hormones I have been taking? I have boobs and wide hips, creating a perfect, feminine, hourglass figure after all! I know my boobs aren’t the biggest, quite small compared to most girls, but I defiantly can’t go around topless any more. 
My train of thought was cut short and I was brought back to reality when the guy behind me started to kiss my neck, and then another man walked up in front of me, and started to kiss me. I kissed him back, passionately. As this happened, I wiggled my hips as best I could to grind my plump round girly ass on the man's cock behind me. Suddenly, I felt my hands being taken control of from both sides of me. They were guided onto two separate, extremely massive cocks. Without a moment of hesitation, I started gently, sweetly rubbing both dicks. 
As I did this, surrounded by taller, stronger, superior alpha men, I felt so small, weak, vulnerable, and helpless, and I fucking loved it! I was getting so horny! As this went on for a while, the guy behind me pulled down his pants, so his big dick could feel the latex of my dress. The guy in front of me stepped back a little, guiding my head as he pulled his pants down, bending me at the waist. His dick was also one of the biggest I had ever seen! Without a thought, almost eager with excitement, I opened my mouth for him to use as he pleased! 
Immediately, he shoved the head of his cock right in my mouth, and it could hardly fit! While his dick wasn’t the longest I’ve sucked, it was the thickest cock I’d ever seen! I did my absolute best I could, sucking this thick dick, rubbing the other two, and grinding on the one behind me.
After some time, the men moved me over to the couch. During this brief time, I saw that Kailey had already lost her lingerie, lying on her back with her still wearing her sexy boots. Some guy was holding them over his shoulders as he railed her pussy. A man's massive cock was in both her hands as another one was stuffed in her mouth.
Just then, I was bent over the back of the couch, one guy got in front of me, shoving his thick cock back into my mouth, pushing it down my throat. I choked and gagged. I felt a huge lubed cock force its way into my ass. It was so big, and I wasn’t quite ready for it. The pain shot through me, causing me to jump a little, but I was pinned against the couch, unable to move. I couldn’t scream, or even speak, with the other dick down my throat. I let out what must have sounded to them like a moan. I reached back with my hands, trying to push the large man back, and reduce his immediate deep pounding of my ass.
But my hands were captured as soon as they went back, and once again secured around two hard throbbing cocks. Despite the pain, and that I couldn’t breathe, from the two cocks stuffed in my holes, I started to jerk those dicks as best I could. As if the pleaser of these strong alpha cock were more important than my own pleaser, comfort, or even air. I also had no choice. These men wanted to use me. I was to weak, small, and helpless to stop them. 
I did the best I could to please all four of these superior cocks with my body. I was given short breaks to breathe before having my throat fucked again. Constantly on the edge of blacking out. I never resisted, or asked him to stop. Every chance I got to breathe, I used to thank him for using me. 
The reality of what was happening, and the inability to have cum in so long, had made me so horny. The sounds of my dress and ass slapping against this alpha man as he continuously and relentlessly pounded my tight little asshole. My gagging on a thick fat cock, only stopping to thank him for being treated like a slut. The incredibly strong taste of precum. The grunting and groaning from all the men, and the sound of Kailey orgasming in the background. It was too much to handle.
Then, only ten or so minutes into this, I felt my caged clitty tingle as the huge cock in my ass rubbed just the right spot over and over. I gagged on the cock in my throat. He pulled my head off him for a second to let me breathe. “Thank you daddy!” I let out, the girly sound of my voice so obvious compared to these real men. “That’s right you little slut! Show me how much you love being used by cock!” The man yelled back at me as he shoved his dick down my throat again. This pushed me over the edge and an orgasm erupted in my mind. My micro dick oosed cum, dripping onto the floor. I loved being this slave to cock!! 
“This little sissy bitch is already cumming!” One guy yelled and that pushed my man fucking my throat over the edge. Cum flooding my mouth so rapidly I couldn’t swallow! It shot out the sides of my mouth, running down my chin. This just made my orgasm even harder. I guess that caused the guy in my ass to start to cum too and he could hardly get his dick out as his hot cum shot into my ass, back, and in my hair. 
My mind was swimming with euphoria from my intense orgasm. I hardly noticed the switch out of cocks using my holes and hands. It was a while before my ecstasy had gone down some. The reality of me being a complete pathetic sissy faggot cum covered cock slave dressed in a latex maid outfit still getting used by massive superior alpha dick only caused me to become completely aroused again! 
They used me for some time, each man in a different position, each cumming huge loads! They moved back and forth from using Kailey and myself. They eventually moved me from the back of the couch to lay on my back on the large ottoman.
Cum dripping all over the tile floor as I was dragged from one spot to the next. As I was forced down, the large amount of cum that had remained accumulated on my back squished out from the latex maid outfit. With my legs held up in the air by one of the guys fucking my ass, another one hung my head upside down off the side, having unlimited access to use my throat for his cocks pleaser as well as pinning my arms up by my head.
His cock teased a little funny. I realized he must had just finished fucking Kailey! Oh my god, is that what pussy tastes like!? I couldn’t tell if I liked it as it’s faint flavor was soon replaced by the large amount of delicious precum his long thick cock made as it used me like a sex toy. As this big man pinned me down and fucked my throat, and another big man held my legs and fucked my sore ass hole relentlessly, I was completely unable to move. My eyes had been closed, and I opened them when I heard Kailey's voice. 
“Hey slut! God you look so fucking hot like that! I can hardly walk! Most of the men are finished, but a few more want to keep using you, so I thought they could help me with my special gift to you!” She was also covered in cum, still naked except her sexy boots, and in her hand was a small box. I could hardly breathe, let alone speak from the massive dick in my mouth. 
The man using me would never take it all the way out for me to breathe. It was a very effective cock gag! “You look busy, and like you’d much rather be doing what youre doing then open a silly little present. So I’ll open it for you!” She said with an aroused, almost evil look.
As she slowly removed the pretty light pink wrapping paper, and opened the box, she produced a small key. OH MY GOD, ITS FINALY HAPPENING! IM GOING TO BE FREE!!! All I could do was moan in excitement as I was used to please the two cocks. 
“I know you’ve had that little cage on for a while now. And I know it’s gotten in the way of certain outfits you can wear sometimes. It’s very small, but sometimes it does create a small bump, so some really tight skirts or dresses have been a challenge for you to wear! You always have to find some way to hide it and it seems like a real challenge sometimes when you are trying to look super sexy, so, I got you this!” She spoke with such excitement and enthusiasm in her voice, but I was so confused by why she was saying any of this.
She produced another small box from outside of my limited field of view. Opening it she produced a somehow even smaller looking chastity. It was flat, and looked like half the diameter of my current one. I would struggle to even fit my thumb through that opening, let alone my incredible tiny, and constantly shrinking, baby cock and balls! 
I desperately tried to yell “NO” but with this huge cock stretching my throat, it sounded more like an excited moan than a cry for help. “Aw I’m so glad you're excited!! It was so hard to find something so small and I had to get it specialty made! It’s what lots of trans models use if they don’t get surgery! They say it’s so small it can disappear comfortably in a bikini even! And eventually it will completely ruin the chance for your pathetic cock to every get hard again! If it already hasn't, that is. It will become forever this small, it will probably be the size of a girl with a large clit!” She was truely excited about this and it seem genuine that she thought I would like this too. I don’t know why anyone thinks I would like any of this!!
She got up and walked around to the side of the ottoman, outside of my view. I couldn’t see what was going on! It’s the first time since I got this cage put on me, that it will be unlocked! Not only will I not be able to touch myself, I won’t even be able to see myself!! Instead, I have to be a sissy faggot sex doll for these two real men! Unable to move, unable to protest, unable to resist. All I could do was please cock as my fate was sealed even deeper into this girly life.
It was even hard to focus on what was happening to my cage while I was being used by these two men. I could hardly breathe and I was moving so much from the spit roast pounding I was receiving. I could hardly hear the lock click open, Kailey's hands were delicate and genital. If I hadn’t cum so hard earlier I wondered if I would have gotten hard from Kailey touching me there.
I could feel her long nails against my stomach as she sprayed the two half’s of the cage. I heard her laugh. “Oh my god sissy! You're so small! You're hardly even a nub! Compared to the real cocks fucking you, I think Trent was right about you! You are just a girly little faggot sissy! This is definitely what you deserve! I’m so glad I can help finally take care of this very "little" issue of yours! Don’t worry slut, I’ll continue to be your biggest supporter! I promise I’ll never let you out of this cage!” 
She spoke as she worked on replacing my cage. As soon as it was off, the guy fucking my ass came hard inside me. As he pulled out, he shot cum all over my chest, stomach, and on my micro dick. The first thing I felt since I was stuffed into that cage was the hot cum of a real man! This made Kailey laugh more. “That whole cum load was bigger than your useless little cock! I bet it felt nice for you to have a real man grace it with such a gift!” The man went right back to fucking my ass again! “I guess he’s not done with you yet sissy! Don’t worry, I’ll lock that alpha cum with you. It’ll be good lube to make you fit!” It hurt to have her stuff myself into such a small cage! The cum load oozing around was all I could feel as Kailey used great caution not to actually touch my genitals. 
I moaned in pain as she stuffed me in. She could tell that one was pain. “Don’t worry, they say it’ll stop hurting after a week or so! But I don’t want to hear any complaints about your new gift!” She didn’t seem too sympathetic. As soon as she locked the new one on me, the guy fucking my throat came so much in my mouth. His cum overflowing and ruining down into my nose and covering my eyes. I could feel the guy fucking my ass cumming again too, both pulling out and covering my whole front with cum.
I laid there desperately trying to catch my breath, feeling the cum oozing all over my body. My little dick aching in its new cage. I finally looked down to see it. There was almost nothing there. It had pushed most of what was left right up inside myself. I almost wanted to cry. But some little bit of me was excited about the new wardrobe options that this made available to me. 
I slowly sat up, cum running down my dress as I did. My little skirt covering my new cage, making it completely disappear. I got up, and me and Kailey, both of us still covered in their cum, thanked all the men for such a wonderful time! I walked them to the door and thanked them again as they left. Kailey left to her room to shower and clean up. I started cleaning all of the cum off the floor and couch before I went to clean myself up. 
I was so horny by all that had happened tonight. I enjoyed having the cum all over me. I felt like such a slut, it made me, well, happy. Should I even be upset with Kailey for locking me into an even smaller cage? I guess it will take some time for me to figure that out. 
For now, I’ll just go get cleaned up and then meet Kailey back in the living room. We are going to watch a Christmas movie together and open our presents for each other. As I put on my cute babydoll pjs I didn’t brush my teeth, not yet, I wanted to keep the taste of cum in my mouth! I have no idea what the new year will bring. But I have a feeling I'll remain a girl forever.
-Katierosedreams Og Caps
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longlostlesbian · 1 year
i dont like to post negative things like this but something that scares me a good bit is that younger queers(specifically ones who figured themselves out during quarantine) don’t usually understand just how terrifying homophobia is.
i see kids being so out and proud and im so unbelievably happy for them but im scared for them as well. this world is not kind to people like us. im scared one day they’ll say the wrong thing to someone and end up getting hurt, both emotionally and physically. im scared for those with homophobic parents, scared they’ll get beat or kicked out for something they can’t control.
don’t get me wrong i am so so so happy that queer people can be out and proud and happy.
i’m also partially out and loud and happy. i came out at 11 years old. may 11th 2018. but it changed my life forever. it took a while for my mom to fully understand and accept it. and her first reaction to it hurt so bad. and she wasnt and isn’t homophobic, but i guess one of her kids being gay was a surprise to her.
she wanted me to keep it a secret, i didn’t understand. i wanted to be out and happy about it. but i slowly started to realize. i saw how people treated us and just how severe hate crimes are. i heard about conversion therapy and i cried my eyes out that night. i didn’t and still don’t understand why people hate us so much.
since then, ive tried desperately to keep myself safe, while still being proud of who i am. and quarantine helped me do that, since some sides of the internet became little bubbles of community. with that came new people finding themselves and not being entirely aware or used to how many people treat us outside of that bubble.
with everything happening in the states right now, it breaks me. there is a new rise of homophobia and transphobia and im so scared for those kids who don’t realize how dangerous it can be to be yourself. many don’t realize it can get you killed. i love being queer, but its so scary sometimes. for both yourself and others.
i just want to keep these kids safe. so desperately. they don’t deserve to be hurt. they deserve to be happy and loud and proud. we all do. but they don’t realize the dangers. i wish i could keep them safe and let them live so proudly without fear of being hurt on the streets for holding your lovers hand.
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wederyed · 8 months
oh my god my mom is going to drive me fucking insane. her zionist ass is still trying to get into an argument with me about palestine even though she is fully aware im pro palestinian and hate israel. we are in the car and she points out a car and goes “oh my god look at that car with a straight up palestine flag” and i already know shes trying to start shit with me. i just respond “ok” and thats the end of that. not even gonna give her the satisfaction of getting into an argument with me, thats more than she deserves. we already had this discussion when you told me that i am a disgrace to her, my family, my ancestors who died in the holocaust, and everyone who died in the holocaust. you yelled at me for 30 minutes straight spewing bullshit. telling me i know nothing because she researched this for years and i am a stupid kid who cannot understand anything. where you told me until i am able to support myself and move out i have to listen to everything she says and believe what she believes. then has the audacity to tell me she never said any of that. this is the bullshit my friends, myself, and so many jewish children of zionists have to deal with. being called disgraces to our family. some being threatened with being kicked out. it wont fucking work. you can kick me out send me to gaza what fucking ever ill do anything in order to support all of the palestinian people. you may scare me but you cannot scare the palestinian support out of me when i have seen images and videos of the horrors they have gone through in the last 100+ days when you refuse to read a single article or look at any footage because its “””too triggering””” for you. how do you fucking think the palestinians feel LIVING THROUGH this. you selfish excuse of a “human”. you lost all respect i had for you years ago and now you will never get it back. enjoy my tolerance of you while it lasts. the second i move out i doubt youll see me or hear from me again.
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The New Solar Opposites Scene: “Sonya’s Choice” (by @avaveevo)
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Kara takes a deep breath and sighs in frustration.
Kara: Look. Korvo, Janiz, I did what I had to do, that officer deserved after killing my mom and it’s giving me a lot of thought that Sonya should be one of us.
AISHA: Uh, just to remind you, you do have a time limit.
Kara: snapping I’m fully aware of the time limit!
Kara takes a deep breath and tries to manipulate the two Shlorpian siblings and two AIs calmly.
Kara: Korvo, I had no choice. That man deserve after what he did to my mom. I couldn’t kill him because he’s always been a sick person. Plus, Sonya would be a danger to any harm she faces. As a water bender, I have to do what’s best for her. Even if it means taking vengeance.
MAX: Pfft. Yeah right.
Kara: firmly Sonya, you’re sticking with us.
Sonya: I’m not going with you.
Kara: Huh? It’s okay. That means you can have a home now-
Thunder clashes as Kara froze in shock.
Janiz: What?
Sonya: You said you what to do what’s best for me… but Kara, if that’s true… why do you also… hate me…
Korvo is shock then gives Kara a death stare.
Kara: N-No! That’s not true! I-
Sonya: then turns her attention at Korvo, Janiz, AISHA and MAX Korvo? You know how to take care of your kids and do anything to protect them. I wanna go with you. Maybe I can learn.
Korvo is shocked by Sonya’s suggestion.
Korvo: Um, I think that’s okay you're certainly coming with me, but I'm not doing a daycare. I mean I am an inventor, an husband, father, brother, a scientist and a team leader, but I’m not sure I can be your parent.
Sonya: Kara and Zuto were either. Kara is shocked and distraught I promise to take care of myself.
Korvo then thinks about it.
Janiz: Korvo this is could be your chance of having another kid. You and Terry always wanted that.
Korvo: But Janiz, I am not sure if I can raise an orphan human teenager.
AISHA: Hey you took great care of the Replicants and Pupa. That girl is getting get herself hurt out there, without parental supervision.
Janiz takes Korvo’s hand.
MAX: Plus, you already saw what Kara and Zuto have done. If they take Sonya, they could lead to a wrong path of growing up.
Korvo sighs.
Korvo: Alright. Well, I suppose this is my chance. walks towards Sonya Okay Sonya, you can live with me and my family.
Sonya smiles and hugs Korvo.
Kara: Ugh! tries to grab Sonya I am not taking any chances-
Korvo grabs Sonya and holds her safe in his arms as Sonya screams, then Korvo kicks Kara in the face.
Korvo: Don’t touch my daughter!
The newly formed quintet then runs to the station with Kara and Zuto chasing after them as the two Shlorpian, human teenager and two AIs made to the station.
AISHA: Stand back everybody! The engine’s pulse should be hitting any moment!
The pulse the hitter as the beam where Korvo, Sonya, Janiz, AISHA and MAX are standing on rises up as Kara and Zuto watch in defeat and distraught.
Sonya: Goodbye Kara…
Kara gasps. As the car zooms away, Kara breaks down in tears.
Janiz belongs to @avaveevo
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Sailor Moon - Episode 1
So, my first anime I shall review is Sailor Moon! My friend recently reviewed it as they finished their watch of the first series and it has convinved me to watch the show. Yes I spoilt the entire series for myself by reading the review and oof... big reveals.
I will also likely update every ten episodes or so, or when I finsih a show.
So, as a courtesy, from here on out is spoilers.
So, as a first episode, I would say it is a 7, as I really like the characters and I think the premise is exceptionally cute!
I love that Usagi actually feels like a teenager going through life rather than these ridiculous sexualised fantasies that anime has become nowadays. It's one of my biggest icks in anime nowadays. Let kids be kids ffs! Thankfully the manga artist and writer is based and actually knows how to write women and girls. Truly refreshing (⸝⸝⸝• ω •⸝⸝⸝) ♡
Anyway, yeah, I feel like Usagi is my spirit animal at the moment, crying at the slightest inconvenience and always wanting to sleep. Oh and yeah, she has a cat who is Luna who is BASED and I really like the design.
I actually love the classic 90s anime vibe that Akira created the most, and I think it's truly shown off the power of old anime. I miss the old aesthetic. Tbf, apart from Ghibli, I grew up on crunchy anime VHS tapes my dad got me, and most of them were in Spanish (lol) so this is extremely nostalgic to little me.
ANYWAY - Enough tangents - Usagi, adorable. I have a feeling the crying might be a bit annoying, however I can fully relate to every time she cried in the first episode, especially when she got kicked out for having a low grade (╥﹏╥) that truly is the worst... When her crying saved the day though, I just found that funny.
I'm not sure what to think of Naru thus far, but she seems cool. Tough luck her mother turning out to be a super villain though...
I DO NOT LIKE UMINO HE IS A SNITCH AND A RAT AND HE DESERVES TO FAIL AN EXAM!!! But also, bruh wtf why you tell her mother???
Usagi's mother (don't remember her name) is currently my favourite character. She is hilarious and reminds me of my own mother. I cannot wait to see more of her. Also yes, my favourite characters ten to be the moms and the goth mommys. What can I say, I have taste.
Usagi's brother? (Also don't know his name) I have no opinion on. He's a bit annoying.
Masked guy with rose? Idk his deal but I'm not sure I like him. Usagi immediately started falling for him so I don't know if I can like him. I don't usually like love interests.
loved her! who doesn't love a woman selling jewellery for the sole purpose of stealing the souls of humans to turn them into slaves for an ominous alien cult leader? I would've bought something!
Anyway, yeah that's the end of my review! thank youuuuu
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darkcrowprincess · 8 months
(Don't like don't read. Post hate and I'll block you)
*Luke lives, redemption arc au*
Luke is in the shower. Hiding out in Sally Jackson Blofis apartment with Percy Jackson. Waiting for the other seven to meet up somewhere near here. Percy is 19, Luke is 22.
Percy entering the steaming bathroom: Here I brought towels.
Luke in the shower, flirts sarcastically : Thanks sweetheart.
Percy turns red, angrily: Don't call me sweetheart, and hurry up. My mom cannot find you hiding out here.
Luke laughs: What afraid she'll get the wrong idea?
Percy deadpan: 😑 More like she'll kill you when she finds out your alive. I told her everything about you. And I mean everything. She feels sorry for you when I told her about your childhood and your mom. But she swore if she ever saw you, she'd kick your ass for everything you did to me.
Luke is silent for a moment, than says honestly: Not like I don't deserve it.
Percy sighs: Luke y-
Sally Jackson calling for Percy outside the bathroom. Footsteps approaching.
Sally Jackson: Percy have you seen my phone.
Percy panics: I can't talk mom I'm in the shower.
Sally Jackson's footsteps get closer. Percy completely panics and doesn't think. He hops into the shower with Luke, just as his mom opens the door. The phone is on the counter charging.
Percy has hopped into the shower, fully clothed with a naked and wet Luke. Luke turns around in surprise. Before he can speak Perch covers his mouth. Percy avoids looking at him by keeping his eyes to the ceiling. Luke makes wide playful eyes at him.
Sally Jackson unaware: Found it. Ok Percy will you be fine by yourself? Or do you want me to wait with you till your friends get here?
Percy face is blushing red, still not looking at Luke: I'm fine mom.
Sally Jackson:OK, I love you sweetheart.
Percy: Love you too mom.
Sally Jackson finally leaves, and Percy sighs in relief. He moves his hand away from Luke's mouth. He can't help but notice how nice his lips feel against his palm.
Luke smirks: Guess I'm not the only one who calls you sweetheart.
Percy in wet clothes and feeling ridiculous: Shut. Up.
Luke looks at Percy: Well are you going to get out or not? Or do you want to share a towel too.
Percy flustered: Y-yeah, of course.
As Percy is getting out Luke turns around and Percy gets an eye full of a golden lean muscle back with scars, and a hot butt. Percy turns fully into a sea tomato. But can't help but stare. One foot sticking out of the shower, and his body still half in. Luke turns around and catches Percy staring.
Luke full on smiling now: Like what you see? Not so bad for a dead guy.
Percy: Yes. I mean no. I mean sorry I'm getting out.
Luke's laugh follows Percy as he drips out of the bathroom and into the hallway.
Percy thinks to himself: *of course Luke would still be hot looking, what did you expect? But you're going to get a grip because you're not 12 years old with a stupid crush anymore, right?*
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Wanting to be honest
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Under this line, I'm talking about an in-depth problem I have, maybe in hopes of people feeling like they aren't alone or to remind me that I'm not alone in this struggle. Especially since I always try to find support groups or someone to talk about them with. They are FOR the Eating disorder instead of trying to help.
If you are not ready to have this conversation with yourself or are not in the right headspace for this topic, Just enjoy the Cat gif and move on with your day. This also includes my mutuals; just because you love reading my post doesn't mean you have to read this one. I will not be mad over upset if you skip this one.
I want you all to know that you are all loved and deserve a great day.
CW: Child neglect, Growing up poor, Growing up in a hoarder's home, Old America parenting, Religious abuse, Generational trauma, Eating Disorders, Child Abuse, late diagnosed Autism, C-PTSD, Depression. At this point, it's labeled as Dead Dove Do Not Eat- IRL. I despise sugarcoating things, so here is me telling my story without having my coward of a family shaming me for making them look bad. Just because some of them have changed does not magically fix the pain I suffered and still heal.
We'll take mental breaks at multiple points within this post and give you links to Emergency numbers.
The first one:
Section One: Before I was born
In a small town in Texas, USA. My Mom (age 16) was dating a man (age 18) and got pregnant due to a lack of sex education. Upon finding this out, my Mom's parents (Stepfather and Mother) forced her to have me and marry that man. So she and the child (me) wouldn't go to hell (Be the talk of the Church).
Throughout her pregnancy, the man we'll call SD (Sperm donor) locked my mother in their bedroom closet, only allowing her to eat bread and water. As well as rape and abuse her. Her parents (My grandparents) knew this was happening and did nothing because "it's not rape if you're dating or married." At some point during her pregnancy, my mother was pushed down a flight of stairs by SD.
The day I was born, I wasn't the only one. I had a stillborn twin; she was fully formed. Meaning, for a good while, I was holding hands and sharing womb space with a corpse.
Section Two: After I was born
Once I was born. My mom's parents never taught her how to raise me; instead, when something needed to be done, they grabbed me and shamed my mom for not knowing how to be a good mother. Basically, using me as their version of baby-trapping my mother to stay in contact with them. So they could have free labor to be as lazy as they pleased and have their own maid to keep their house clean.
I have no idea when these things happened, so I will mention them in this paragraph. SD sexually assaulted me while changing my diaper; Mom and he divorced, and my mom was kicked out of their apartment. Cutting to the only necessary information from up until age 12, I was being bounced around different family homes; while I lived with my grandparents, I could only really eat a few things; most of the time, they were either moldy or expired. Also, I was beaten and screamed at with a belt when I misbehaved, most days hearing them screaming and hitting each other. I also would be forced to sleep on a pissed and shit-on mattress, sometimes while it was still wet. Had to climb over piles of trash and junk that my mammaw hoarded. Along with being forced to clean the whole house by age 4. Doing the clothes and dishes, cooking, taking care of the animals, getting my grandpa ready, and waking up at 02:00 (Yes, even on school nights) to make lunches for my grandpaw.
While I lived at my Nanny's (Great Grandmaw), I did have great food and a living area. However, all I was used for by her was a grieving process; I was the replacement for her husband dying.
While living with my mom and who she was dating then (My 1st Step parent before she transitioned), she tried her best to be at least somewhat of a stable human being and mother. However, she could never afford therapy and couldn't entirely cut contact with her parents.
When she was married to my 2nd Step parent, my Step Dad, they had my living brother when I was in 2nd grade. All throughout my childhood, after that, my little brother came first, and what was left went to me.
Though during my childhood, I was constantly yelled at when I acted like a child and was called a selfish brat by many family members when my 5-year-old wanted attention. Because I didn't fucking know anything about ALS or death. I just knew my Papaw, an Airforce pilot, wasn't feeling okay. Until then, my lil brain had only seen him cry when I told him, "Welcome Home!" and honestly believed nothing could kill him.
Mental Health Break! ----
The context is done, So I will be talking about my Eating disorder and current eating problems. You can choose to click off now or continue reading when you are done with the video.
Now, the present problem I'm dealing with is trauma around food in general, but also possibly a binge eating disorder.
The cycle starts with eating a normal amount, then slowly eating less and less due to something wrong happening in the household. My mom screaming about something she couldn't find or the kitchen not being clean. Then, I start becoming replused by everything in the kitchen. Only seeing expired food. So I spent more and more time in my room. Until I realize I haven't eaten in 3 days.
I have a panic attack, thinking I will die, then eat. Then, I can't stop eating; I feel guilty if food is left on my plate because I feel like I'm being ungrateful for not eating everything. My brain refuses me to turn down the food people offer me. This will go on, until I vomit because my body can't handle everything, then I start eating again, Right after.
Then, I'll panic about becoming obese (my grandparents were), then the cycle repeats itself..
is there a happy end to this? No, the only good thing, is that we live in AZ now, and my grandparents have no way of talking to me.
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asknarashikari · 1 year
opinions on the Geats cast now and what are your hopes for the endgame.
This will be a long post so putting things under a cut
Opinions on Geats Cast (Main 4 + Tsumuri)
Ace- definitely one of the better written protagonists of recent years, and the most nuanced out of the three Yuya Takahashi has done so far. He's come far in my eyes especially considering he made a bad first impression on me.
Keiwa- Still the best boy, and I enjoyed how he still keeps his sense of optimism and his ideals even though he really shouldn't have with all the shit thrown his way. I just hope he doesn't go down the Daiji route
Neon- Definitely got the short end of the stick where her backstory is concerned. I like how she's still the heart of the Riders even though she has every reason to be cynical now. Although I'm not sure what her wish means for her character moving forward.
Azuma- Everything I thought about the guy's good parts were utterly dashed by the previous arc. I don't think he should be redeemed and even though I fully expect him to be redeemed I don't think he deserves it one bit. And it's too late for him to convince me he does.
Tsumuri- I think I like how they're going with her character these last few episodes. She's no longer content being a bystander, she's grown attached to this world and its people. It's comparable to Izu gaining Singularity, and it's quite lovely :))
Hopes for the endgame
Tsumuri + Mitsume end the DGP and restore whatever lives they could
Main trio gets to fight the final villain and deal the final blow together, ala Saber
Azuma gets the shit kicked out of him but he doesn't get retired so he has to live with the memory of being defeated and knowing he's a shitty person no one likes
Neon and Keiwa endgame <- totally unrealistic but a girl can dream
Tsumuri and Ace become real siblings with Mitsume as their mom
Bonus: Expectations for the endgame
The DGP is ended but Mitsume/Tsumuri/Ace has to sacrifice themselves to do it
Alternatively: The world is restored but the Riders lose their memories of the DGP and each other while Ace is "unpersoned"
Azuma's shittiness doesn't get mentioned after a certain point
Keiwa goes bonkers and has to be beaten to get his head straight again
Ace's final form is totally broken, Keiwa's slightly less so, Neon may get one but it's only seen once or twice
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