#if nothing else the troupe was good for that
emoangel44 · 8 months
The thing I've always loved most about aa4 is how much darker the tone is than the rest of the series in a way that isn't just edgy for the sake of it, but subverts your expectations from the original 3 games in a really interesting way. The trilogy was built upon the trust Phoenix had in others, and it was something we as players could almost always feel certain in. AA4 flips this on its head and makes it so Apollo effectively can't trust anyone but himself.
Your mentor, who the in the trilogy was a paragon of wisdom you could always turn to no matter what, gets revealed to be the culprit and sent to jail in the first trial and by the end of the game his list of crimes has stacked high but you still have so few answers on why he did any of it.
Your boss, the goofy protagonist of the trilogy, is now inexplicably a washed-up, disgraced, cheating poker player with an implied drinking problem who seemingly found a new hobby in evidence forgery and jury rigging.
He has a codependent relationship with his daughter, your assistant, who usually is a completely innocent and hapless victim of circumstance. She sees herself as the provider for the house and will help her father cheat at poker, or forge evidence, or guilt trip the poor attorney they knowingly screwed of out of a job into working for them for dirt cheap.
The detective, the only other returning main character, a previous assistant, is completely changed since we last saw her. In the trilogy she was chipper and bright despite the hardships she faced, and now she's unfriendly and burned out, turned bitter by the world. The scene we're first properly introduced to her in Apollo genuinely spends several minutes thinking his boss is making him bribe her with cocaine.
Every single defendant is a criminal guilty of something other than what they're charged for. Each case centers around an underground black-market poker ring, a mafia family and medical malpractice, a smuggling ring, and a family of forgers and an incredibly shady troupe of magicians. The one thing all of these people have in common is that none of them will tell you literally anything about what's happening, half of them clearly reveling in being as big of cryptic assholes as possible.
The only person who doesn't fit this description is, for once, the prosecutor. Usually your biggest obstacle and the most morally corrupt of the main cast, he's the only person who's both 100% on the side of truth and on the same page as you for the entire game. He's just as clueless as you, being used nothing more than a chess piece just like you are.
But the truly masterful thing about AA4 is how morally grey it is. These characters aren't just one note villains. They're not even villains at all. Most of them aren't even malicious.
Your boss, for all the low levels he stoops to, is underneath it all the same guy he's always been, doing everything he can to bring a criminal to justice and protect his family. Your assistant is a sweet girl who truly cares about you, she's just prioritizing herself and her fathers safety before anything else. The detective is the same passionate and kind woman under everything else. The rest of the defendants are genuinely well-meaning young people who got involved in shady stuff they didn't fully understand.
The game is filled with good people trying to make the best of bad circumstances. The game has just as many fun moments as the original trilogy. For all it's rough appearance, the game has a similar heart. For every unanswered question or unrighted wrong, there's a smile or a hope for a better future. For every bad action, there's usually someone trying their best behind it. The game is melancholic and dark, but isn't afraid to let good shine through. It knows there's no shadows without the light.
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lovelytsunoda · 2 months
bare feet on linoleum // pato o ward
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summary: when the voices in her head get loud, pato is there to keep her grounded
pairing: pato o ward x female reader
warnings: mentions of intrusive and anxious thoughts. title taken from the poem by lana del rey.
it always happened when she had nothing else to think about.
today, she was sitting at the dinner table, surrounded by her extended family. the trip home had been long awaited, and now she sat with her grandparents and her cousins, her four-year-old niece perched on the stool at the end of the table, a euros match playing softly from the small tv in the background.
nothing had even triggered it. in fact, it was almost a decision her mind made of its own accord: you have nothing else to think about right now, why don’t we get distressed?
in an instant, the vivid thought took over, a sucky feeling coating her limbs. she felt sluggish, clutching her hand into a fist next to her salad. her eyes seemed to cloud over as she missed something her grandad said (although it was probably a line of conversation she didn’t want to follow).
“amorcito?” patos voice was quiet, his hand reaching to unclench hers. she was gripping her knife in a white knuckled grasp, and he was worried she’d hurt herself, albeit unintentionally. “where’d you go, pretty girl?” his words were soothing, his thumb rubbing gentle circles on her skin.
she took a deep breath, attempting to let the thought go and bring herself back to the present moment. “sorry. I just got a little lost in my head there for a minute. my brain has decided to be a bitch today.”
“hey,” pato kept his voice low, gentle fingers slipping through hers to cradle her hand. “none of that. do you want to talk about it?”
she shook her head, voice crackly as the thought bounced around, turning the inside of her head into an echo chamber. “not particularly.”
pato nodded. he wasn’t going to push her, knowing she was scared of being judged for the thoughts that caused her distress, even if the rational part of her brain knew that her sweet boy was the last person who would judge her for anything. if she didn’t want to talk about the thought, however big or small, because sometimes they were small things that felt like big things, the least he could do was hold her close and remind her that she was more than her thoughts.
“come here.” he said softly, slipping a warm arm around her shoulders, and allowing her to rest her weight against him.
she sighed into his embrace, feeling his arm wrap around her as she gripped his hand tighter, desperately trying to redirect her thoughts, searching for something else to focus her mind on.
patos lips were warm against her forehead, the subtle mexican lilt to his voice soothing as he spoke “you are more than your bad thoughts. whatever it is, it will pass, okay my love?”
she nodded, turning to press a quick kiss to the skin on patos neck. just being in his arms was helping relieve the bad feeling. she no longer felt shaky, a contented warmth filling her veins. her mind cleared, though it still felt hazy as she thought about her boyfriend.
“think about something good.” he encouraged, the pair still oblivious to the world around them. “what book are you reading right now?”
she thought about it, her mind travelling to the wholesome crime caper she had started the night before, her mind honing in on the troupe of meddlesome old ladies attempting to solve a murder.
she also thought about her niece, who had just said something rather funny about prawns that she managed to catch through the haze of her mind.
she laughed along with the group, slowly coming back to herself as england scored a goal in the match that still played near the kitchen sink.
while her cousin and grandparents began to cheer, she turned to pato.
“thank you.”
he smiled softly, resting his forehead against hers. “you don’t need to thank me, amorcito. I’m always here when you need me.”
“y/n,” her cousin started “do you want to help me move the plates?”
if nicole had caught on that yn was lost in her head, she didn’t show it, but yn was thankful for another task to do. something to keep her busy.
after the table had been cleared, the football match relocated to another tv, her niece curled up in the couch with her father, yn stood in the dining room doorway, leaning against pato and allowing her mind to wander again, this time into what she hoped would be happier territory: one filled with visions of her own future.
as the match reached half time, natalie reached into the record cabinet, putting on a soft folksy record by a british artist yn had never heard of.
when the soft music began to play, pato folded yn into his arms, beginning to sway softly back and forth as he held her. she would always feel safe in his arms, shrouded in a sense of calm that was like nothing else as she rested her head against his chest.
when she was with pato, all of her insecurities, all of her anxiety, all of her negative thoughts, fell away. he’s, the odd negative thought would always find its way through, but pato would be there for her through it all.
when she was with pato, she was just her.
@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @userlando @thatsdemko @httpiastri
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lunarticxenia · 2 years
Degree Theory: Venus 💋
Hey guys, it’s been a while, decided I’d start back up with a degrees in Venus post! Make sure to look at the degrees of your Venus itself and the degree of the house it falls into! I’m going to try and stay consistent with this again. 
💋 Aries Degrees- 1°, 13°, 25°: 💋
Aries degrees in love are typically the kinds to take charge in relationships and love to call the shots (this doesn’t always apply to making the first move, in the actual relationship they just prefer to make all the decisions). Aries degrees also tend to fall in love quickly, and want the relationship to move quickly. They don’t want to sit around and wait for things to develop, once they fall in love, they want all the romantic movie shit. Alternatively, they can also be the types to struggle to fall in love, this can perhaps be to past ab*se whether it’s in love or an ab*sive upbringing that may make it hard for them to fall in love. If there was past ab*se wether in romantic relationships or in their upbringing, it plays a big role in their romantic life. They can either pursue love too hastily, looking for it in the wrong people if they have to, or struggle to fall in love. All in all, with Aries degrees there’s either the need to want to be in love as quickly as possible and take control, or just completely struggle to do so. There’s also the third option where they just deal with both. This is a pretty hard degree to have Venus in, but once the person masters this placement, they are bold and not afraid to show love. 
💋 Taurus degrees- 2°, 14°, 26°: 💋 
Taurus degrees in love are hardcore romantics, they crave the traditional romance, and love to woo & be wooed. They are not afraid to shower their partner in gifts. This is the degree of “wealth” of course. Nothing is too good or too much for their partner. They will give the best, but of course expect the best in return. They have high expectations of both themselves and others in a relationship and this can become messy for them. Taurus degrees, you must be mindful of when you’re showering your partner with affection and luxuries that they’re going to return it in a way that they know how to. Taurus degrees must learn that everyone has their ideas of love and it may or may not align with their idea of it. Regardless, once a person masters this placement, they will give you their best and will aim to make you feel your best. Side note- I could see these people utilizing music on dates i.e. taking their partner to a concert, playing romantic music for dinner, etc. I can also see them perhaps even serenading their partner. 
💋 Gemini degrees- 3°, 15°, 27°: 💋
Gemini degrees in love are the types who prefer to be friends with someone before dating them. They love the “friends to lovers” troupe. In love, they have a different side to them. Gemini deals with duality, and this degree truly shows that. They show a different side to their partner than they do to everyone else- i.e. they maybe boisterous and wild with friends but are calm and soft with their partner. Gemini degrees are also the kinds who would write love notes to their partner and are very expressive with how much they love their partner. I could also see Gemini degrees wanting to go on educational dates like taking their partner to a bookstore or a library. I feel like the struggle here with Gemini degrees is their duality, they might struggle with the two sides to them, they could possibly see themselves wanting to have another side to show their partner because they feel their “real self” might not be good enough for them. I could also see alternatively, an unevolved Gemini degree might struggle with communication. However, with this placement mastered, a Gemini degree in Venus is both a communicative and intellectual lover.
💋Cancer degrees- 4°, 16°, 28°: 💋
Cancer degrees in love are very traditional. They want to go through the “courting stage”, the exclusively dating stage, and then the official label of being romantic partners. Cancer degrees in love are also extremely loyal and wear their heart on their sleeves in love. This however can be their downfall in love, unevolved Cancer Venuses in love can become emotionally attached too quickly and are too emotional in relationships. They have to be very mindful of this and not get attached too quickly, and let the attachment grow over time. I’d also like to emphasize that their family approving of their partner is VERY important to them. This doesn’t always have to be their actual family, it can be friends they consider family. I have a friend with this placement, and he’s broken off relationships that his parents didn’t approve of. They are also are very nurturing in love and want to nurtured. Also as soon as y’all start talking to a Cancer degree, they’re looking at houses on Zillow for you guys to move into and are already thinking of names for your kids. They want an established home and family with their partner- whether it’s with kids, pets, or just the two of you. Also side note, I could see this placement taking you on dates near the water or involving the water, i.e. a cruise, a restaurant on the water. All in all, mastered Cancer degrees are your traditional and soft romantics and your unevolved Cancer degrees are clingy overly emotional bitches. LMAO. 
💋Leo degrees- 5°, 17°, 29°: 💋
Leo degrees in love are very bold and like to take charge, they’re very similar to Aries degrees in this respect. They like to call the shots in the relationship and are very bold in how they love you. They’re also the type to show you off to their friends and family and all over social media. They’re also very fun and creative, they’ll likely make creative projects with you as their muse. If not creative, they’re at the very least very fun to date. They'll think of fun things for you guys to do for dates, i.e. going to amusement parks, laser tag, etc. They’re also very big on self-expression as well, and are the types to shower you in compliments and be vocal in their love for you. Leo degrees are honestly Aries and Gemini degrees combined. I could also see mountains being a thing here, maybe going mountain climbing or hiking on a mountain for the view. I’d say the downside of Leo degrees is that they always want to call the shots and don’t want to compromise. Even if they seem “submissive”, they secretly want to pull all the strings and will do what they have to do make sure things go their way i.e. being manipulative. This is of course, unevolved Leo degrees. I could also see an unevolved Leo degree still wanting attention from other people, and not wanting to give that up, because let’s face it, Leo degrees do love praise. So if they feel they’re not getting an appropriate amount of praise from their current partner, they’ll look elsewhere. However, an evolved Leo degree is a creative and fun lover, who is bold in how they love you. 
💋 Virgo degrees- 6°, 18°: 💋
Virgo degrees in love are allll about acts of service. They take pride in doing things for their partner- whether it’s making them dinner, giving them a massage, cleaning their house, etc. They want to make life easier for their partner. They’ll also make time with their partner part of their daily routine. To them, time with their partner is as imperative as brushing their teeth. Also Virgo degrees? The partner to have when you’re not feeling well. They’ll take care of you and be your personal doctor. Some downsides of Virgo degrees? Virgo degrees are extremely work oriented, so while they are about acts of service and taking care of their partner, the second it interferes with their job? They’ll break it off. Their job is very important to them, and this can be a downside of dating them, in unevolved Virgo degrees, work comes first. Also, Virgo degrees may avoid talking about problems or diminish their importance to make their partner happy. Virgo degrees also may do too much for their partners and can be too selfless when it comes to love. They need to learn how to do acts of service for their partner but not to the point where they spread themselves too thin. Also I could totally see Virgo degrees wanting to get a pet with their partner! Overall, an evolved Virgo is one that provides for their partner without overdoing it and one that doesn’t always put work first.
💋 Libra degrees- 7°, 19°: 💋
Libra degrees in love are all about harmony and balance in the relationship. They don’t respond well to being bossed around or their partner wanting them to be the boss. Libra degrees in Venus are also very charming and know how to tell their partners what they want to hear. Libra degrees, like Leo, express their love to their partner through creative means. If you want an example, I have this and for my last ex I would make playlists for him, I drew a portrait of him, and I wrote poems for him. He didn’t deserve it, but hey I didn’t like him that much anyway. This is also what I do with every crush I have, the amount of poems I’ve written for girls I’ve had a crush on, oh my god. Anyhoo, Libra degrees who are creative, and I imagine a lot of them are, see their partner as their muse and inspiration. Libra degrees also date to marry, and this can unfortunately make them victims of love-bombing because once they hear that their partner wants to marry them and sees them as their soulmate, that’s all they need to hear to fall in love. This of course is a downfall of Libra degrees. I’d also say that on the other side of the coin, Libra degrees can be very manipulative to get what they want. Like I said, they’re very charming and know how to tell people what they want to hear, and unevolved Libra degrees will use that to their advantage. On a lighter note lol, Libra degrees are the types to want to take their date to art museums, broadway shows, etc. just anything creative. They also like to take their partner to beautiful places. Libra degrees also have the same flair for romance that Taurus degrees have as well, since both degrees are ruled by Venus. Overall, Libra degrees are romantic and creative lovers when evolved. 
💋 Scorpio degrees- 8°, 20°: 💋
Scorpio degrees in love are possessive and secretive. Scorpio degrees in love tend to be very secretive and it takes a while for them to let people in. This of course can be an issue because their partners may feel like they don’t know who they are or their true feelings for them. Scorpio degrees need to learn how to be vulnerable. Despite Scorpio degrees being secretive, they are possessive when it comes to their partners. They can be very jealous. Scorpio degrees also tend to be very sexual with their partners (unless if they’re asexual lol). They’re the type to flirt with their partners by making subtle dirty jokes and are very sensual. Scorpio degrees when in love, will do anything for their partners. They literally will love you until the day they d*e. Like the Taurus degree, this degree also deals with wealth. Scorpio degrees will also spend a lot on their partner and be generous with gifts and affection (of course after they warm up to you lol). The Scorpio degree also rules pregnancy, like Cancer, they likely dream of having kids with their partner or adopting (if they’re into that sort of thing of course). All in all, Scorpio degrees are intense with how they love, even if they don’t show it. The downsides here can be jealousy and possessiveness as well as having a hard time being vulnerable with romantic partners! Also Scorpio degrees in Venus are very magnetic and have a charm to them like Libra, but theirs is a much darker charm. 
💋Sagittarius degrees- 9°, 21°: 💋
Sagittarius degrees in love want to take their partner and travel the world and learn all of life’s secrets with them. Sagittarius degrees in Venus are likely to date and/or marry people who are of a different culture than them, from a different country, etc. Sagittarius degrees might in fact meet someone while traveling. If not, they want someone who will travel the world with them. They also want someone who’s intelligent and will be able to have deep, philosophical conversations with them. This is the degree of wisdom, of course. This degree also deals with expansion and abundance, they want to build something with their partner, whether it be a business, a life together, a family, etc. They also have so much love to give. This is also the degree of exploring, so they’re likely to explore different kinds of relationships and people who may not be their type. This of course leads to the downside of Sagittarius degrees, since they’re always exploring and wanting to try new things, they might find it hard to settle down, and it can take them a while to do so. Sagittarius degrees also can be very selective with who they date, and this again can make it very hard for them to settle down. This is the degree of planning, they have their ideal life planned out and if they meet someone who won’t be able to fit their plan, then they’re not interested. However, with an evolved degree in Sagittarius, they are intelligent and adventurous lovers.
💋 Capricorn degrees- 10°, 22°: 💋
Capricorn degrees in love are enthralled with the idea of becoming a power couple with their partner. They also may take longer than other Venus degrees to get into a relationship, as this is the degree of delay. In relationships they also like to take their time and truly get to know the person, as they want to ensure that this person is truly right for them. Like Leo degrees, Capricorn degrees want to show their partner off to everyone they know. Since this is also a degree of a “parental” sign (Capricorn rules the father), like Cancer, people with this degree want a family with their partner. On the more negative traits of Capricorn degrees, they may have a fear of love and this can make it hard for them to either get into a relationship or be vulnerable in a relationship. In relationships, they can also be cold and have a hard time opening up, similarly to Scorpio degrees. Like I said, they’re slow with love and take their time. Unevolved degrees can also be controlling in love. Capricorn degrees are the CEO type of placements, they want to be in charge. Overall, they are cautious and ambitious lovers.
💋 Aquarius degrees- 11°, 23°: 💋
Aquarius degrees in love are unique and filled with surprises. Like Gemini degrees, Aquarius degrees prefer to date someone they’ve been friends with. I bet they also love the “friends to lovers” troupe. Like Virgo degrees, they also love helping their partner and doing things for them. Aquarius degrees also are big on surprises in relationships, they love to plan little surprises for their partner, i.e. surprise dates. They’re definitely the type to be able to hide an proposal well, and truly surprise their partner. This degree also rules high places, so I could see Aquarius degrees wanting to go on dates to rooftop restaurants. Since this is also a humanitarian degree, they also might want to volunteer for a date. Also this degree deals with flying, so perhaps a date on a hot air balloon. Since this degree deals with technology, I could see them preferring to date on dating apps because they find it easier to talk to people that way. They also might meet people online, i.e. on social media to date. For the downsides of Aquarius degrees, since they’re unique and have an unusual approach to love, it maybe hard for them to find people who they feel truly get them. All in all, Aquarius degrees are unique and exciting lovers. 
💋 Pisces degrees- 12°, 24°: 💋
Pisces degrees in love are intense and mysterious. Like Scorpio degrees, Pisces degrees are also secretive and while they maybe open with love, they tend to hide certain parts of themselves that they deem undesirable. This can make them feel as if their partner doesn’t know who they truly are and if they did they’d be disappointed, and this can be quite distressing for them. Pisces degrees are also intense when it comes to love, it’s quite literally a drug for them. Therefore, Pisces degrees need to be mindful of how they approach their relationships. Since this is also a fairly creative aspect, Pisces degrees will likely show their love to their partner in creative ways as well, i.e. playlists, art, etc. Also if you’re dating someone with a Pisces degree in their Venus? Prepare to see them in your dreams. This degree also deals with water, so they likely will want to take you on dates near bodies of water, i.e. a lake, the beach, etc.  The downsides of Pisces degrees like I said, they can be secretive with certain parts of themselves and can be too intense with their love, perhaps to the point where it drives them crazy or their partners crazy. All in all, Pisces degrees are intense and dreamy lovers. 
Hope you guys enjoy this post! It’s been a while, lol. 
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jjkamochoso · 5 months
In Sickness and Sadism
Not fluff, not angst, but a secret third thing... (it's Feitan from HxH, what can I say)
Feitan Portor x gn!reader with chronic illness
You can't afford your medicine. Feitan won't accept that!
Warnings: cussing, breaking of human bones, mentions of other violence (not toward reader)
"What do you mean the price went up that much?"
You were incredulous. You had been frequenting the same pharmacy in your home town since you could remember and the price for medicine had always been consistent. That's what you liked about shopping there--the owner didn't price gouge like they did in every other store. Now, you didn't know what to do. You needed to buy the damn medicine or else you would be miserable, or probably even dead. It already wasn't easy having to deal with a chronic illness and now you had to face the fact that you definitely didn't have enough money to buy something you needed to live.
"That's just how much it is now, don't cry to me about it," sneered the cashier and you felt your anger bubble up at his lack of empathy. Your life was terribly unfair and you wanted to scream, cry, and punch the smirk off the cashier in that order.
"Please, can I talk to Mr. Greck, the owner, about this? I've been coming here for years, maybe he can get me a discount," you pleaded, but the cashier just laughed at you.
"The owner has a job from which he needs to make money. Not that you would know what it's like to have money in the first place. So no, you can't waste his time begging like the poor person you are. Now get out or I'll throw you out."
You glared at him, hoping he was bluffing, but he seemed the type to follow through with hurting someone like you and you knew your body couldn't take the exhaustion, especially if you were going to be off your medicine for a while. You needed to make sure you were in good condition to work every day of the week, plus overtime, to make enough to buy your month's supply. Feeling defeated and upset, you left the building, tears falling freely.
Feitan prided himself on his distinct lack of empathy. He relished in the fact that the pain of others makes him feel warm inside. There was no better symphony of sounds than people crying and screaming for their pain to stop.
So why the fuck was he finding himself so outraged at some random person's medical predicament?
The raven haired man had stopped in to a local pharmacy to pick up (ahem... steal) some supplies for the Troupe in case anyone managed to get hurt on the latest mission. He wasn't paying attention to his surroundings for the first few minutes of his shopping spree, completely uncaring to someone else's woes of the fragility of the human body. All of a sudden, after stuffing the last roll of gauze in his sleeve, his ears perked up to listen in to the conversation happening at the front register.
"What do you mean the price went up that much?"
His eyebrows furrowed. Not that he cared, because he wasn't paying for any of his things anyway, but he did notice that the price tags here for items displayed significantly lower numbers than previous pharmacies he had visited in other areas around. You had affirmed his findings in your conversation with the cashier and Feitan felt his blood boiling at the brash rudeness coming from the cashier's mouth. Who did that scum think he was, speaking like that to someone for no reason? Feitan certainly wasn't the nicest guy around but even he had the decency to not be a total jerk to random strangers, let alone people in distress about their medical and financial woes. He didn't know why he was giving this ordeal the time of day. Maybe it was because of his upbringing? He saw this type of thing daily in Meteor City. Hell, he lived it himself. There was nothing scarier than seeing a totally healthy person decay rapidly and shrivel into nothingness, all because they were born in unfortunate circumstances. He scoffed when he saw you leaving in tears. Why didn't you just use your brain and brawn and steal it? Were you too weak? He saw your fists clenching earlier and figured you were strong enough to take down that slime ball. If you did end up getting your ass kicked, at least you didn't lie down like a dog and take it, like you were doing now. His eyes followed your frame until you left the building and he watched until your silhouette was no longer visible outside. He didn't know why he was doing this. He wasn't supposed to make a big scene whenever he was out and about, but the events were already set into motion before he could stop himself.
"5 month supply of whatever that person needed." Feitan ordered, pointing to the boxes behind the cashier's head.
The cashier just laughed at him. "You too, huh? What are you, their boyfriend or somethin'? Maybe their kid? Scrawny little thing."
Oh, he'll wish he never had a tongue to speak those words.
Feitan kept his cool, procuring a velvet bag from his person and set it on the counter with a clank emitting from the contents of inside. "I have money."
The cashier's mouth opened in a greedy smile. He quickly retrieved the 5 month supply Feitan requested and put it in a bag.
"That'll be 100,000 Jenny."
Feitan smirked under his cowl. He reached into the bag, seemingly to pull out money, but instead of coins, the cashier's outstretched hand was met with a mini hammer. The sickening crunch of bones could be heard as the man howled in pain.
"Oh? Big man can't handle small hammer?" Feitan taunted, his eyes crinkled in delight at the man's suffering. The cashier tried to reach for a gun he had stashed behind the counter but Feitan was much too fast, grabbing his wrist and turning his arm the wrong way so that, too, was broken. The cashier couldn't get a word out, instead crying out with tears running down his face.
"Don't cry to me about it." Feitan mocked the worker by using his own words against him. The shorter man hummed a bit, thinking of what to do next. He needed to finish up quickly or else he'd lose track of you and end up having done this all for nothing.
Well, this wasn't all for nothing either way. He needs to make sure he practices his methods often so he doesn't lose his edge.
Feitan grabbed the bag containing the medicine and cleaned up his own bag of tools while the cashier was lying on the floor, writhing in pain and ready to pass out. He gave him a strong kick before turning toward the door.
"Good luck getting all that fixed at hospital. If you can afford it."
You were walking down the street, dejected and unsure of what to do when you felt a nauseating presence appear behind you. You turned around to face a short man with a skull face covering offering you a bag. Naturally, you were hesitant to take it, but he nudged it to you again.
"Medicine. For you."
Your eyes widened in surprise. Did you hear the soft spoken man correctly? You tore open the bag and saw multitudes of your medicine within.
"5 months. Go get better job or learn to steal."
You went to thank him but he was already gone, disappearing like a ghost. You were thoroughly confused but at the same time, extremely grateful. You stood on the street corner in a daze until the sound of screaming could be heard somewhere close to you.
"Someone please help! This cashier's been seriously injured!"
You whipped around to see a woman running out from... the pharmacy? What exactly had that man done to get you what you needed? You were ready to run away from the scene so you weren't questioned as a suspect when you caught a glimpse of your savior once more, watching you like a hawk from the rooftop of the building next to you. He put his finger to where his lips resided under his mask, a signal to stay quiet about what happened, as he let out a short maniacal laugh and disappeared from your sight.
Feitan finally realized why he decided to help you that one day. There were many people in this world he'd gladly see rot to death and then rot even further after that.
But not you.
No, you were much too attractive to be a corpse so soon.
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woozvc · 10 months
(part of my seventeen first love series!) [m.list]
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synopsis - working at a 24/7 hypermarket and thinking you're about to get killed is not fun...but the dude you meet is beautiful so hey worth it?
pairing — jeonghan x gn!reader (reader is called pretty once)
genre/s — fluff, jeonghan is a menace, friends older brother troupe if you squint, reader works at a hypermarket late at night
cw— mentions of dark streets and getting followed (but like not really because he thought you were someone else), one direction is mentioned for a second (yes this is a cw), a lot of cursing
w/c - 1k ish
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it's 11:03pm when your shift is finally over. it's a quiet friday night, the 24/7 hypermart you're working at is pretty empty which is perfect. most of your shift was spend in just organizing the shelfs and listening to music. that's why you love working here, it's easy money and it's near your house so why not?
“y/n! thank you so much for covering my shift today!”
“hey haein, how was your meeting?”
“um..it was fine haha, I know you like your 11-4am shift more but i had no choice, hope I'm not ruining your saturday”
“it's fine, I was free today anyway”
“let me get changed and you can log out” haein gives you a small smile.
haein is a year younger than you, you first met her when she randomly once ran into the shop at 1am in dire need of ramen. it looked like she was on the verge of tears. that told you enough, she was definitely your type of person.
“is it really that cold or are you dramatic?” haein chuckles looking at your large comically hoodie. you got it matching with her a few weeks ago. she wanted to thank you for putting up with her antics at early hours of the morning. you didn't refuse, a free hoodie is a free hoodie.
“it's December and I'm cold." you give her a glare (affectionate)
"don't leave the store until mark comes in and please dont put your headphones on, if someone walks in your need to greet them” haein gives you a small laugh with a salute and hugs you.
walking through this neighborhood has never been a problem. you know this place like the back of your hand, nothing could go-
“huh?” you turn around. there was something. you swear you felt someone walk behind you.
you look around for a minute, no ones around. that's when you decide to book it. taking a deep breath you start to run and crash into something, or, someone.
“haein chill out why the fuck are you running”
“who the fuck are you??”
you stare at the boy in front of you. long hair, lean frame and beautiful eyes-
“you're not haein.”
“last time i checked no I'm not” you quip back at him. being good looking does not excuse being a bitch.
“oh my god I'm so sorry” he extends his hand out to you which you take and pull yourself up.
“you have the same hoodie as my sister so i thought you were her.. I was planning to scare her so that i could ask why she was out so late I'm really sorry. it's just that usually her shifts ends right now and she takes this street home and”
"you know me?"
it made sense. haein would come in sometimes and rant about her menace of a brother who she loved but sometimes was hard to deal with. for someone who has so much shit talked about him, damn does he look good.
you spend the next 5minutes telling jeonghan about how you know haein, the matching hoodies and why you were leaving the store at her shift time.
“she had a meeting with a club? she's not in any clubs?"
"I don't know I don't interrogate your sister"
“maybe you can” he hands his phone out and you give him a confused look
“put your number in, I'll ask you for sister updates. you can be my spy”
“that's creepy”
“I'm just concerned for her”
“still creepy”
“okay how about you give me your number because I think you're pretty”
you're so glad the street has barely any lights or he would've seen you red as a tomato right now. you quietly take his phone and put your number in, no further words needed.
jeonghan smiles at you and saves your number.
“I'll go meet haein now but I'll text you, you have good taste” and he walks away laughing. you stand there confused. what does he mean by good taste??
you start to walk home when it hits you. he pointed at your bag. a bag with a one direction badge on it that you put on when you were 12 and forgot about it.
“definitely a menace.”
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a/n - I'm still on hiatus but I wrote this at 4am when I was sad and needed something to do sorry if it's not my best work :/
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hisokakissmeplz · 1 year
would hisoka and illumi want to get married? how long after they started dating? what would the wedding be like?
Adult trio
Married + kids hcs
This one's kinda obvious
Ofc he'd want to get married and have lots of kids
He wants to get married almost immediately after you two start dating
You eventually convince him to wait a year but that's as long as he'll wait
The wedding was beautiful
His whole family was there and he let you invite whoever you wanted too
Hisoka was the best man ofc
He doesn't wait long to start trying for kids
I feel like he'd be the type of guy to wait until marriage to sleep with you
And on your wedding night he went completely wild like
You couldn't walk for a month
And you got pregnant like immediately after ovbs
He wants like 10 kids and already has names picked out
I think he'd be a good husband maybe a bit of a workaholic and distant but he'd definitely try
This one's kinda tough
I don't see him as super fatherly
If you really wanted to get married then he'd agree but i don't think it matters much to him
You both know how you feel about each other so he doesn't think marriage is necessary
If you do get married though he probably waits a few years (4 or 5 maybe)
It's beautiful everything is just amazing
Illumi is his best man
He probably gets a little tipsy at the reception
That only makes him more affectionate though
He loves on you the entire wedding and would have his hands on you the entire time
Kisses you a bit too long in front of everyone as well
Idk if he'd want kids
If he did it would only be like one or two
He'd love his kids ofc and try to be the best dad he could
Teaches them little magic tricks
Yeah he'd want to get married and have kids
he'd wait like 6 years I think
When does though
He'd take you to the most romantic spot to propose
He'd steal buy you the nicest ring
he'd tell you how much you mean to him and how much he loves you
The wedding would be small and private
You could invite your close friends he'd invite the phantom troupe
You wedding night would be like nothing else
He'd really take his time to let you know how special you are to him
He'd probably want a few kids maybe 4
He always wanted siblings so he'd want his kids to have plenty of them
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imbadatwrighting · 1 year
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SUMMARY: Tim Drake was never know for being the most attractive brother, but you always found a way to make him think he was…even if you did it in a unusual way with your weird staring problem.
WARNINGS: Artists are attractive troupe, hinted that reader can be mean to others, hinted autistic reader, Tim Drake in love, gn!reader, masc! Reader, reader being called “boyfriend”, blunt!reader, crappy writing bc I wrote this half asleep, reader wearing a tie, ooc Tim, short
PAIRINGS: Tim Drake/Reader
Tim Drake had a lot of things: brothers, computers, coffee. But he only had one boyfriend. A mean yet sweet boyfriend who apparently was having a major staring problem.
It wasn’t hard for Tim to realize you were staring him down from across the couch while he was trying to finish long past due work.
Your eyes seemed to be roaming all over his body as if you were trying to memorize his figure’s pose.
Tim let out an almost inaudible sigh, turning his body to face you. "Can I help you?"
"No,” you breathed out, not removing your gaze from your boyfriend.
"Ok then," Tim whispered, moving his body to fully face his Mac book once again. Sure, he was used to you staring at him almost all day while he talked to his brother or was working, but you never made it this obvious. He was used to you looking away when you suspected that he would turn to look at you. He always found it a cute little quirk of yours, but it just felt different this time. In a good way of course, but still.
Tim took in a deep breath, looking at you from the corner of his eye. He could see the way your finger tapped along the table next to you in a rhythm only known to you and how your hair was slowly falling into your eyes. It didn’t falter your staring problem however.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
You hummed, “looking at you.”
Tim let out another sigh, closing his Mac knowing that he won’t be able to concentrate on it for much longer. He would get back to it later when your asleep or fixating on something else. “I get that.”
“Then why’d you ask?” you questioned.
Your boyfriend made a sound unfamiliar to you. “I meant why are you staring at me?”
“Because I want to remember you.” A look of confusion washed over Tim’s face.
“I have a feeling you won’t be forgetting me soon, unless you know something I don’t.”
“No?” he repeated. Usually by now you’d be getting to your point, leaving nothing in the dark. It was like your T.M.I button was disabled. Not like Tim cared, he loved to hear you ramble on about something while he’s doing work, it brings him a peace of mind.
“You look good.”
There it was.
Blush started to form on Tim’s checks along with a small grin. “Do I?” Tim smiled. He noticed the look of pure adoration on your face, it always made him feel good about himself.
“Yes, you look very attractive. I'm trying to enshrine this into my mind to draw later,” you stated like it was nothing. To you isn’t wasn’t, you were just being honest, but to Tim it made him feel butterflies all over again.
He wasn’t used to it. His family never said things like that to him, barely praising anything he did. You didn’t either, not in a bad way, you showed your love in a different way.
“What got you thinking on that?” He assumed it had something to do with his brothers that you talked to earlier this day.
“Your brothers,” you told. Of course it was his brothers. “Damian said that you were a bad muse but I don’t think so. You’re plenty attractive, making you a perfect muse.”
Tim felt like his face was turning into a tomato because of you. Trying his best to ignore it, he looked down at his dirty shoes. They were covered in coffee stains at least a couple weeks old.
“Do you think that the artists are attractive too? Because I think the artist right next to me is very attractive.”
Tim noticed that your fingers stopped tapping on his stained coffee table and you turned yourself to be facing Tim.
His face moved in your direction, blush even more distinguishable.
Your eyes looked almost doe-like when looking at your boyfriend and your lips were pursed in a straight line.
“What? You have anything to say?” Tim asked. His nerves were getting to him. He knew perfectly well he had no reason to feel this but his brain was fighting against it.
“I wouldn’t say all artists are attractive, like Van Gogh! He was labeled as ugly, ungracious, impolite—” you rambled getting cut off by your boyfriend pulling you into a quiet kiss, his warm lips on yours.
Slowly pulling apart, Tim stared at your glistening eyes. “I wasn’t talking about him, I was talking about you.”
“Oh.” Not wanting to mess with whether you get another kiss, you ignored the confused thoughts in your head, leaning back into Tim.
He smiled at the expression on your face. Anyone else would be dead before they saw it, but he wasn’t anyone else. He was the one that could break down your walls like you did to him.
Tim inched away, his hand still gripping onto your tie. It seemed like every time you leaned in, he leaned further away.
“Let me kiss you,” you whined. A bigger grin appeared on your lover’s face.
“I have work to do,” he hummed, fully pulling away from you. You grabbed onto his arm dragging yourself closer to him.
“I’ll make you coffee. The good kind too,” you grinned. Tim faked thinking it through, pushing you gently off the couch.
“Fine, but be quick.”
You laughed, dragging Tim up and to the kitchen while he let out complaints about how he shouldn’t be the one getting up to go to the kitchen.
You pushed him into the counter, lips chasing after his. “You know, the deal was meant for you to make me coffee then we kiss,” he said in between breaks for air.
“That’s stupid. I have stuff to do.”
“Oh yeah that drawing is super important,” he laughed, his tone lost in your ears.
“Exactly,” you huffed, continuing to pepper kisses along Tim’s face and neck. His hands trailed down you arms, enjoying the break your giving him from work.
His artist always knew how to make him feel good.
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aliorsboxostuff · 5 months
Hi! If your requests are open I have one! Just saw ATSV yesterday and its rotting my brain agsisghagdh anyways-
An M!Spider!Reader who is one of Miguel's trusted agents with a tendency to overwork himself to make sure that his teammates are kept safe and ignoring his own health in the process. This understandably makes Miguel very concerned but this man cannot healthily express this are you kidding? What I'm saying is classic troupe of patching you up while scolding you in Spanish and then maybe they kiss a little bit and well if you want to make it a little spicy I wont stop you >:]
Thank you very much! Genuinely makes my gay little heart happy when I see writers like you who exclusively write for gn/male readers, y'all are the backbone of the x reader community fr 💜
A/N: im so sorry this took so long this was months ago but a mf forgot and wow here i am yippee!!!! As usual, if yall find any spelling mistakes pls inform me as i’m always praciticing this damn 2nd language lmao. Lets see if my writing skills is still any good LOL enjoy!! <333
Tags: Miguel O’hara xM!Reader, Spidey!Reader, Lyla, Miles Morales, Gwen Stacy, Spider Society, No Smut, Kissing , Fluff, Reader is another spiderman, Soft!Miguel, slight OOC, patching up, healing fic, non-graphic description of wounds, mentions of blood and cuts 
Yet, with all that said, Miguel likes to remind himself that no spidey truly comes home unscathed.
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Ever since the new guy joined the team, he quickly rose in the ranks and became Miguel’s right-hand man. He’d usually go on patrol, jumping from one universe to another with the man as they capture and contain anomalies like the bugs they are. Miguel puts his trust in him, well, as much trust as a man like Miguel can put in someone. But despite the short time the newbie has been in the Spider society, he has managed to capture Miguel and most of the Spider people's hearts so easily. 
He’s a comet that passes by the compound. Each time he returned from a mission, the spiders would gather around him, congratulating him on another successful mission and inviting him to drink or eat together.  A aswarm would always gather around the portal they knew he would come out from and each time, without fail, he would emerge to cheers and smiles. It wasn't like everyone else wasn't doing a good job, they were all doing what they were supposed to, but somehow the newbie was liked all around, solidifying Miguel’s slowly growing infatuation with him. 
But despite the trust and praises he gets, a spidey doesn't come home unscathed, not every time. Sometimes he’d come back from one of his solo missions with a broken rib or two, bruises in more places than necessary, a torn muscle here a twisted ankle there. He’d limp his way into the infirmary, an army of other spideys following him in worry yet he’d dismiss them easily with a simple wave and a; “It’s nothing guys, I’ll be fine,”
Miguel hates it.
Whenever the man goes on missions with the leader of the society, without fail, he will come home with nothing more than one or two bruises that would heal in a couple of hours if not minutes. Miguel would roll his shoulders back and the man would simply shake his head furiously like a dog before prancing to greet his waves of fans. Miguel didn't need to pay attention to him unless they were doing teamwork. He would run around by himself, track down the anomaly with him, and they would contain it easily and transfer it back just as easily. 
He might not look like it, but when Miguel brings a teammate with him on duo missions, he’s expected to cover their back and vice versa. Miguel will break any skull that dares to hurt his team and he hopes for the same response from his teammate. The newbie never disappoints. 
Miguel would find himself enraged, almost cornered by an anomaly, and there come’s Prince Charming with a devastating kick towards the anomaly’s side which sends it hurling into another building. Miguel appreciates their duo missions, the main reason he puts himself with the newbie. 
Not to mention, he makes a great team leader too. He’s carried out several missions with the younger ones, mainly Miles and Gwen, and despite it all, they always return successfully and with a snack in hand. When he goes on missions with Hobie, they’d somehow come back with a new intricate playlist created and when he goes on missions with Pavitr, they’d come back with pockets full of trinkets ready to give them to the other youngins. All in all, a solid team leader.
Yet, with all that said, Miguel likes to remind himself that no spidey truly comes home unscathed.
You were on a mission with Miles. One of your duo missions with the boy, rare considering Gwen usually tags along. But today she’s got a mission with Pavitr and Peni, which leaves you and Miles for some quality Dude Time. 
It was a sunny day in the universe Miles and you dropped in. As the two of you swing from building to building, talking about Miles’ thing with Gwen and laughing at how embarrassed he gets, continuing the topic to buying a new Lego set for Pavitr and Hobie as the two of you swung past a Lego shop, when suddenly the anomaly reveals itself.
Another variant of Doc Oct holding themselves up with their extended metal arms. You can handle a Doc Oct alone, and with Miles helping you, the mission was expected to be so easy you were already thinking about what to have for dinner. 
But things don't always go according to plan, does it?
It strikes 8 pm when Miguel gets a notif from Lyla that an arriving portal was opened into the containment site of the compound. The man clicks his tongue, dropping from his platform before making his way to the site. Every step he takes he leaves his foul mood like a repellent, making the other spidey avoid him, cutting the middle path of the other spideys like a blade. His scowl is not helping his case either way.
The last portal should've been at 6 pm.
The door slides open, and a slight hiss rings out into the room. Inside the evenly lit expanse of the room, he easily spots yours and Mile’s spider suits in between all the other anomaly's dingy outfits. Miguel takes a breath before he stalks towards the two men, their backs to him.
“Ugh, my rib is killing me,” You groan, pressing in the code to store the anomaly in its cell.
“You're telling me, this bruise is going to be a pain in the butt to heal,” Miles sighed, holding his left arm. “But if it weren't for you, man, I’d be dead meat,” 
“Oh come on Miles, none of us knew the guy would send a gas truck our way,” You scoff. The terminal beeps and the thrashing anomaly is contained. 
“The fact that it burned on its way towards us was also something we didn't expect.” Miles laughs at what you said as you find yourself cringing. You knew there were going to be burn marks on your leg.
“No, but seriously, thanks for covering me back there, I thought we’d-”
“You thought you’d what?” 
Miles practically jumps into your arms as the both of you screams. You shut your eyes and it seems like Mile’s did the same before a stern cough makes you peek through your eyelids. There, in front of you, stands a solid wall of muscle and anger. Miguel has his arms crossed, eyes so sharp it could cut a mountain in half. The slight scowl on his lips would be cute if it weren't for the pure bloodlust as he gazes down into you, making you gulp.
“Heeeeeey Miguel,” Your pathetic excuse of a smile was met with nothing but him deepening his frown. Okay alright yup.
Miles awkwardly scuffles down your arms. He coughs into his fist, pulling at the edge of his suit. “Hi there haha…”
Miguel stares. “The last arrival portal should've been at six.”
Not a sound from you or Miles. Miguel holds back a growl. 
“You two are late.”
“Right, ‘m sorry Miguel, I promise this would be the last time, it was just that- See me and Miles here; we didn't realize that this Doc Oct was gonna be slightly more insane than the others-” You ramble, Miles quickly nodding along. 
“And haha, well, one truck lead to another and next thing ya’ now, bam! We got uh… hurt,” A nervous chuckle left your lips. Miguel replies nothing.
“B-but! I covered Miles from the fire! So he only got a couple of bruises, I promise the kid is fine and it wasn't his fault either so let’s just-”
“Enough.” He barks. You practically clamped your mouth shut. 
The doors hisses open again and Gwen comes running in, worry on her face. She sighs in relief as he spots Miles hiding beside you. “Miles! Thank goodness you’re okay!” 
Miguel turns as she runs and wraps her arms around the boy. “You came back so late!”
“I’m sorry Gwen, things got a bit out of control,” Miles pats the girl back reassuringly. “I just got a bit beaten up, nothing I can't handle,” 
Gwen pulls back and grabs the boy's face before turning it left and right and up and down, her eyes scanning like a hawk. She deems it enough as she stops, hands firmly holding Miles’ arms. “You always say that,” She sighs. 
You can't help the small relieved smile on your lips as you watch the two teens catch up with each other before Miguel makes a gesture with his hand.
“Gwen, go take Morales into the infirmary.” He says as he nods to Lyla that popped up on his brace. “And make sure he doesn't get out of bed for the next two days.”
“What?! But it’s barely a scratch-” 
“Now, Morales.” The man stares them down until eventually, Miles relents with a sigh and lets the girl usher him into the Infirmary's direction, the two of them shuffling next to each other, Gwen's arm around Miles. 
You hear something along the lines of ‘detention’ from Gwen as she laughs before the door slides close, leaving you with an enraged lion in its territory. You gulp as Miguel fixes his red eyes on you.
“You. Come with me.” 
And that's how you find yourself walking down the halls of the many living quarters of the compound. You followed silently behind Miguel’s broad shoulders, in any other day you would find it hard to resist not ogling those massive arms, but tonight Miguel was practically a walking beacon of rage. The smallest misstep would make him burst and thats the last thing you want to happen. 
“Miguel, I'm sorry, okay?” You try, catching up to walk beside him. “I promise this will be the last time I’ll come back from a mission late, plus, I won't bring anyone else with me too if I ever do it again. I swear this won't hap-”
His sudden halt catches you off guard and you bump against him. You scratch the bridge of your nose with a slight frown from the impact. The dimly lit hallway made it a slight challenge to read the nameplate but you managed to make out ‘O’Hara’ and with that, your stomach drops.
“Um… Miguel, this isn't my room…” 
The door opens. The room is pitch black. 
Miguel makes his way inside. His red eye glows before he commands; “Sit.” 
Fear brought you to sit on his bed, not a crease in sight which only struck your fear deeper into you. You could hear your heartbeat, terrified for what's to come. The worst thing Miguel could do would probably chew you out in the comfort of his room, away from any possible witnesses, and then maybe take you out of commission for a while as your punishment. 
You gulp as the man sets something beside you. It was a box, hard to make out what it was but it seemed heavy. Miguel clawed and the large hand extends towards you and you screw your eyes shut, hell did you pray to any god that was willing to listen to you so please please please-
“Bring your face closer.” 
Cautiously, you open your eyes to Miguel’s face inches away from you, a warm light bathes over his features, making the lines of worry and fear evident. “Let me see your wounds.” 
You blink, once, twice, owlishly, making the man before you sigh and cup your jaw softly. He turns your face to inspect it before he brings his other hand which wipes your fringe away from covering any other possible wounds. 
He hums. “Looks like just scratches.” 
The mystery box turns out to be a first aid kit. Miguel flicks it open and rummages around in it before he pulls a couple of bottles and bandages out. 
“Take off your suit top, we need to treat that burn before it gets worse.” He demands. You cough before awkwardly peeling off what's left of your suit before dropping it on the carpeted floor. You need to get that repaired.
You couldn't bear to meet Miguel's eyes. Not when he’s kneeled in front of you, his usually intimidating body looking small as he’s hunched over. He looks tired, his frown is a mixture of worry and annoyance, but there is something beneath it. Something you don't dare to think about but you know. You always knew. From the first day, you finally managed to see that crack in Miguel’s hardened exterior, you’ve been scared to make another move toward him. Behind this wall of a man, is a heart guarded with spikes and what he has in his eyes right now as he’s wrapping a cooling pad around your arm is something that petrifies you. 
“Next time you’ll be doing missions with me and me only. I won't be assigning you to any other spiders until you learn to take care of yourself,” He huffs, unveiling another roll of bandages.  He pulls at your shoulder which makes you turn slightly. 
"Fucking hell, ¿cómo puedes ser tan descuidado? You run around saving everyone else but who’s going to save you, huh?" He huffs, wrapping the last of the bandage slightly too tight which makes you wince. He notices but does nothing. 
Once again, he holds your chin between his fingers as your gazes suddenly meet. Miguel growls with how you won't meet his eyes, firmly pointed anywhere but into Miguel’s red eyes. He sighs before letting you go as he takes out some ointments. He puts the substance on your cheek and under your slowly blackening eye, then down your jaw where you know a pretty bad bruise taints your skin. You feel his movement slow before his hand rests on your nape, sending jolts of warmth through your body.
“Cuídate, ¿eh? Cuídate." His voice devastatingly soft. 
Confusion and a steady wave of feelings start at the bottom of your heart, which only worsens as you finally find the courage to look at Miguel. To your surprise, his eyes are wider than usual, pools of crimson oozing with care as he scans your features. His thumb rubs at the base of your skull. “I can't lose my right-hand man.” 
He sighs. “Please, necesito que estés seguro por mí,"
You inhale sharply. Without realizing it, he's practically inches away from you. Your heart races, beats out of your control when Miguel rubs your nape again. 
A beat passes. Silence. 
Before Miguel growls roughly and promptly stands, taking the med kit with him. He makes his way to what you assume was his wardrobe. Panic rises beside you, making you wave around your hands. “I- Um- Miguel please I didn't mean to- Oof!”
Something was thrown at you. Something soft and large and is this hit shirt and… boxers?! 
“Change your clothes. You can't sleep in those.” Miguel points out, his scowl now a pout on his lips. 
“I'm not saying this twice.” He growls before he slides into the bathroom and leaves you in his bedroom along with the pile of his clothes in your arms. 
You slowly look down at what you're holding. Carefully, you slide off what's left of your suit and drop them in a discarded pile before pulling on Miguel's clothes. To no one's surprise, you're practically drowning in the shirt. His boxers barrel fits you and the first goes over your tighs easily. You feel smaller even for your height and stature, but it feels… safe. 
The door of the bathroom slides open to reveal Miguel standing with slightly damp hair as he's drying it off with a towel and in nothing but gray sweats. Something grows within you and it’s definitely something else besides your heart. 
“Ah, you're done,” He glances toward you before setting the towel down neatly. He saunters to the side of his large bed, pulling the covers off before sliding in. An arm keeps the cover slightly open, before he raises an obvious brow.
“Get in here and sleep,” He huffs. 
You jump and quickly slide beside Miguel, careful to keep an inch of a distance. But that was deemed unsuccessful when the man beside you pulled you to his side, and his arm wrapped protectively around your middle which made you drape your hand over his chest. Before you can squirm, he locks his chin over your head with a content sigh. 
Shit, he really is a giant lion. You sigh. 
“Sleep. You need your rest to heal.” Miguel’s voice purrs through you while you're practically glued to his side. You chuckle slightly before pressing a peck just below his jaw.
“You sleep too.” You smile. “Good night Miguel.” 
You hear Miguel hum before he presses his lips to your crown. “Good night.” 
how can you be so careless? = cómo puedes ser tan descuidado
Take care, huh? Take care of yourself. = Cuídate, ¿eh? Cuídate.
I need you to be safe for me, = necesito que estés seguro por mí,
Reblogs are appreciated <3
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luffyvace · 3 months
yandere hero & villain hxh au pt2
to explain this again for those who haven’t seen pt1, Basically the main 4 & the Hunter association are the heroes and the villains are the phantom troupe!!
Request via dms by: @animerules898
Btw this is separate for each character, and bc they’re yandere they feel like the opposite side (hero in this case) want to take you away from them so they’re protective 💃👍
This is the villain one! Pt1 has the heroes! Also! These exclude hisoka & kalluto! + have Illumi! :)
Light Yandere! Themes, mentions of death/killing—Phantom Troupe stuff yk, nothing too crazy ofc!! (Here’s pt1)
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Ngl unless you’re scared of this man (he’s always gentle and never hurts you physically) you’re pretty much good! 👍
like I said…..physically. 😬 depending on whether or not you try to escape (he inevitably kidnaps you bc there’s no way you’ve seen the news on how dangerous he is and will decide to date him anyway- or maybe you will! What do I know..) your mental may take a hit
he’ll give you anything you want really, and I don’t hc him to punish you by taking away luxuries, he’ll just ignore your behavior, patiently waiting for you to stop acting out (if you do, like I said)
he is heavily protective over you though! Thankfully for him, he basically has a whole gang ready to help him jump any heroes who may try and “save” you! :)
pshh! Just who do those heroes think they’re saving anyway?! He gives you more than enough love and most of them are just as bad as him anyway! 🙄
anywho! These gotta be short bc the villain version has more characters 😊
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Nobunaga definitely doesn’t like the heroes but oddly enough would be open to any of them “opening they’re eyes” and switching sides if they’re strong!
not to say he immediately trusts them tho! Especially around you! His beloved! He hardly lets anyone near you! Those darned heroes aren’t even gonna be able to touch you with a 10 feet poll before they’re sliced into shreds 😤✋
there’ll be no “saving” you on his watch! 😒 he heavily watches over you, if he can’t he’ll have his buddy Uvo do it! (And boy you don’t dare try to escape when he’s around) otherwise, he’ll probably pay Shalnark to do it, this is VERY rare tho
he doesn’t really trust him like that knowing he’s a sadist…..but he’ll do it if it comes down to it. he has faith in the troupe so there’s no one else he’d rather go to
overall you have a pretty decent life! You always have essential needs met like food, clothes and shelter. And! Nobunaga actually does really well controlling his temper around you, so you’re pretty good! He keeps security tight so your chances of getting away are slim. You won’t be going anywhere, but ask for something and he’ll deliver!
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oh gosh….I LOVE this man but I feel for you when I say your in for it…😃
no. I don’t hc him to abuse/torture you cuz no. I just never liked those hcs tbh 😅 but I don’t exactly think he’ll be all kissy over you LOL
yeah he’s like 100% guaranteed no escape 👍 your not leaving and the heroes ain’t savin you so your best just negotiating with him
he has set rules you CANT trespass, you don’t dare to find out the punishment behind them….yes I think he would threaten you but it’d be the types you don’t know if they’re empty or not. Like the ‘you set foot past this red line and I’ll make sure you never think twice about it again’ type yk?
except that’s TERRIFYING coming from him so you never wanna test it 😭
he’s not sweet or anything but he knows what you like (he knows literally everything about you. You have no secrets) so he makes sure wherever you live has plenty stock of all your fav foods, equipment, merch, clothes whatever!
uhh good luck! You won’t need it too much if you don’t say or do the wrong things…….
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Machi gotta be one of the most skeptical ones ngl. She won’t let you within a 30 meter radius of a single hero no matter how weak they are. She just can’t risk it. If you see them you might try to ask for help, and if they see you and figure something’s “wrong” they, once again, might try to help or “save” you.
she’s always watching though, so even if that situation does come into play, they’ll get they’re neck slit by a thread that leads back a couple blocks down (to her ofc).
she’s very motherly so as long as your not a slob and you don’t try to escape you shouldn’t have much trouble. 😃👍 life with her can pretty much be almost domestic if it wasn’t for her yandere tendencies…😁
The most she would trust to look after you is probably pakunoda. She knows she can take care of someone (like with the cat she saw, she isn’t always hostile like uvogin or smth) so she’s always her go to. Chrollo would be on that list but she doesn’t wanna bombard her boss with her personal affairs n such.
Machi also keeps an eye out for other villains as well, like I said she’s a skeptic so she puts nothing past her. Looking at hisoka here ngl….😑 if he was still interested in pursuing her she’d flat out state she isn’t into him and to drop it. If he doesn’t leave it at that, she’ll ultimately decide to ask the troupe about the matter since members aren’t allowed to fight. It’ll have to be a new rule not to get into each others personal affairs or smth bc hisoka is a MENACE. 😭🗿 At the end of the day, shes still gonna tighten security on your house 😊👍
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Phinks is another very possessive one. He’d get so angry if any dumb hero tried to save you and you’ve probably seen him kill before considering how angry he gets. He bashes their head into the ground and……yeah it’s a whole mess.
he likes to take you out a lot despite all the heroes that attempt to save you, oddly enough. He just wants you to get out and have some fun, get some fresh air! You know?? And those stupid heroes always try to ruin it!! Catching themselves tryna be a savior and what not….😤 it just makes him so angry!! Like?? you’re happy aren’t you?!
you get asked that a lot and you’d better give the right answer when he’s in that type of mood. If you don’t he won’t necessarily punish you but he’ll walk off and ignore you for a while. He’s trying to cool off, really, but now you can’t ask him for anything. Like when your mom is angry but you want something so you just go “nvm” 😭😂😂
anyway! It’s become very causal for multiple heroes trying to save you to get pummeled while you’re out on dates, so I hope you can handle some blood…😅 This probably deters you from trying to run away, even though you two go out often. Also the fact that you’re never not practically glued to his hip too.
ultimately you’ll be pretty comfortable in your life with him if you don’t run away and agree with him on his “heroes suck” rants. LOL 😂 he’s a pretty decent cook/at cleaning. He’s still practicing on cooking tho ….but hey! It’s not too bad!
I also forgot to mention he may send some heroes to his buddy Fei, just because he knows he can handle them better in the sense of punishing them 😗 And he’ll call up his buddy Shalnark to track you down if you ever do manage to get away (after that he places a tracker on you—yes it’s connected to his phone)
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Shalnark is like your ultimate op if you’re trying to get away 😭😭 no matter who your yandere is! Because they all go to him to track you down 🙏
so if your his s/o? Yeahhhh no you’re not leaving buddy. First of all he has a crap ton of technology, there’s no way the house isn’t practically bullet proof and you aren’t buffed with trackers- LOL 😭 it’s true tho and I feel for you 😔🙏
as we know he’s pretty sadistic and I don’t really know where I stand as to whether he’s like that towards you or not…..I’d say he’d do it more so mentally than physically, like Chrollo. Let’s face it he probably does view you as a toy, but thankfully one he doesn’t wanna break, so he takes extra special care of you.
for the record I don’t think he’d wanna break you mentally either, then you’d be no fun since he couldn’t even get a reaction out of you! On another note I think he’d realize Uvogin is a bit too rough to watch over you in the case he somehow can’t….(IDK HOW 😭🗿) but Phinks might do the trick! He makes sure you’re safe and demands authority! Plus he won’t hurt you physically! That perfect!
as far as the heroes go, your (missing persons—bc he erased all evidence of him kidnapping you) case will probably close for two reasons 1) he also erased you from the internet, scrubbing every nook and cranny of info on you and 2) he closes it LOL! Ez enough to just hack in the system and change it 🤷‍♀️
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Franklin seemed pretty scary at first because he had to assert dominance, making sure you know where you stand and that your his, then he becomes a a sweetheart <3 your relationship is probably something like his and Shizuku’s 💗
Franklin isn’t worried about any heroes “saving” you, he knows he can fend off any that try, and he always keeps a close eye on you no matter what. Plus he made sure to drill ‘no escaping’ in your brain before he started being kinder to you. Don’t mistake that for him letting his guard down though, that’ll be your first mistake.
he wasn’t mean when he was training you not to leave, just strict. But now I think your life with him is second most domestic to Machi tbh! He’s a decent cook and knows how to clean, so as long as you don’t act up- life’s good! 🤗
as far as who he trusts to watch over you while he’s gone, I’d say it’d have to be one of the girls, like any of them really. Machi is caring but a good amount of strict, like him. Pakunoda is just someone simply everyone trusts and Shizuku and him spend a lot of time together, so he knows she won’t forget you’re not allowed to escape lol.
if you ever managed to leave he’d for sure find you, by any means necessary. Whether he had to threaten a random stranger or Shalnark for the info or not🗿 JOKING (abt Shalnark anyway..) The most important part tho!- (😭) is that when you get back home, 1) if a hero helped you consider them dead. And 2) he’s not gonna be in a good mood for quite some time……seems last time wasn’t enough 😬
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Shizuku will forget if you don’t like gore/blood, and kill any hero who tries to “save” you right in front of you, every single time. Blinky ruthlessly sucks them whole as they scream and shoot into the vacuum. Or! They might just get hit in the head with the vacuum instead. Either way it’s sure to leave you traumatized if your not used to that sorta thing..
Shizuku remembers everything about you, so it’s weird to you that she forgets if you can tolerate gore or not…..you’re starting to think she’s not actually forgetting. (She’s asserting dominance). Your chances of escaping her is 50/50. Not really but let me explain. Escaping goes one of two ways: 1) you escape, find a hero and right when you ask for help they start screaming and then get sucked into her vacuum or! 2) you actually succeed in getting away! Except she tracks you down each and every time..🙂
you don’t know how she does it, and neither do I. I assume Shalnark is one way but I feel like she has other methods…..let’s not talks about them yeah? 😊
Shizuku would trust a few members to take care of you while she’s away, like Paku, Machi or Franklin! These 4 basically stick to each other since they have similar morals when it comes to their s/o
might I mention Shizuku doesn’t necessarily hate the heroes or anything. She only cares if they attempt to “free” you. Then she kills them..otherwise your life ain’t half bad! Enjoy 🍽️
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Pakunoda is like- the best, most kind yandere in the troupe. 😭💗 she lets you do whatever as long as it’s not escaping or harming yourself. You can go outside (only with her). She buys you whatever you like and indulges in your hobbies. Okay, she may be on Machi level domesticity….maybe more 🤭
Pakunoda trusts Machi most with taking care of you, Chrollo would also be an option for her if he wasn’t her boss. But she knows Machi will get the job done 👍
You can pretty much be genuinely happy with her! You won’t see any killing and the only (mental) damage you’ll like take is being kidnapped 😭 But I do gotta mention the fact that she won’t hesitate to put a bullet in the brain of any hero who dares to “save” you
she dislikes, not hate, heroes only because the try to take you away, acting like they could treat you better than her 🙄✋ She won’t kill them in front of you, thankfully! But she’ll be sure to borrow a favor from another member of the troupe! 😁 Or she might do it herself! If Machi is watching you and she’s out and about, might as well look for that idiot who calls himself a hero! 🤷‍♀️🤗
your not escaping bro 🗿 give it up. Ngl you probably can’t genuinely escape any member bc they have Shalnark + connections, etc. Anyway she has some security but will probably tighten it if you ever manage to get out. She’s not very strict though, so she’ll see it as you just wanting to be able to go out more 😭😅
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Bonolenov is another that doesn’t kill in front of you because his way of doing so is long ranged and dangerous. Soooo he just remembers their face and name! 😀 bro got a hit list 🗿 On that note he’s another who doesn’t have much of an opinion on heroes. He just dislikes how biased they are.
he will ask if you wanna live in a traditional Gyudondond house and eat they’re food. He won’t be offended if you say no, so don’t say yes thinking he’ll get mad, and end up regretting it later if you don’t like living like that 😭
it’d probably be easier to have security on a traditional house anyway. His security isn’t super tight or anything though, he just keeps an eye on you like Franklin or Shizuku. He loves spending time with you so that’s no problem really.
he loves to teach you his traditions and talk about them with you. He’d be a bit offended if you expressed disinterest in it (😭) but he’ll get sad over being angry, lucky you.
If you ever escape he won’t be mad or anything, he’ll just take you back home and keep a closer eye on you. He doesn’t necessarily blame himself for not watching you, but he doesn’t get upset at you for trying to leave either. He’s pretty patient, so at least that 😅🤷‍♀️
your life’s pretty decent I’m ngl 👍 I hope you like Gyudondond food tho…..
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Uvogin is physically the scariest 😬 because 1) look at the dude- if I got up in HIS house the next day I’d be shivering my timbers 😭😭😭😭 and 2) even if he’s not trying to hurt you, he might one day….and you don’t know how soon
he will absolutely pummel heroes trying to save you. He despises them for trying to take away his precious, but he also has fun (😭⁉️) beating them up
he can’t cook or clean….and likely makes a mess out of your house all the time, on accident ofc. So you will probably end up being the one doing all the domestic stuff 🤷‍♀️🗿
your escape chances with this man is 0 and probably your attempts too 😭😭 THANKFULLY you’ve never made him mad and your not trying to see him mad either 🙏
definitely has his buddy Shalnark keep an eye on you for him. So Uvogin + Shalnark = you’re never going home bro 🙏🗿 On the bright side he does like to take you out to places sometimes! Mostly to boast about how wonderful you are while killing the heroes who have been trying to save you for m o n t h s 😭😭😃
um your life is very spontaneous and honestly..? I HOPE your gonna be good 😭👍
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Illumi is another one you’re not gonna be able to even manage ONE escape ATTEMPT with 😀 Especially since Killua ran anyway? Nah your not gettin outta this one 😔
VERY strict and overprotective. I can’t decide if he or Feitan is worse? I think they’re matched…😭
Even leaving your ROOM is an adventure at this point 😬 Food is served to you on a golden platter and you have anything you could ever want (that he deems safe) buuut you might have to go through some pretty intense training bro….YEAH you heard me 😭🙏 No weak Zoldycks bro..that include YOU!
it’s not the type the Zoldycks get since birth but it’s still pretty scary considering you either train with Illumi whenever he’s home or one of the butlers. If you’re already strong, lucky you! In fact it’s highly likely! I can’t see Illumi falling in love with someone weak….
anyway heroes probably don’t even TRY to touch the Zoldycks so being saved is not an option. Unless Killua or Gon find out abt you, or you were apart of the main trio to begin with, nobody else is coming to save you……..Telling someone you ran away after getting kidnapped by a Zoldycks is just gonna scare them away anyway 😭😭😭
100% puts his nen needle in your head so you don’t run away. ☹️😬 He’s not that bad of a boyfriend…(ok yes he is)
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Kortopi doesn’t seem too bad! He clones your “dead body” when he kidnapped you so if you ever manage to escape it’ll be a shock to the heroes and your family 😭
if you don’t escape you’ll be presumed dead, so no one’s gonna come save you 😬 all according to his plan ofc! That makes things way easier for him, he wants a peaceful life with you, and he doesn’t exactly have combat compatible nen, so if the world thinks you’re dead, that’s perfect!
he can clean better than he can cook, he’s still learning on that part..but bear with him because he’s ACTUALLY not too bad of a boyfriend
he is a good listener (no. he won’t listen if you plead to be set free) and loves to chat with you! Will indulge in your hobbies and get you things of your interests too! :)
the biggest down slide (besides being kidnapped-) is you can’t go out ever again because the world thinks your dead 😭😭he keeps you updated on the outside world at the least..🗿
has some (a crap ton) security measures he got from Shalnark. He doesn’t wanna risk you leaving because he isn’t the best fighter + then the world would know your alive and try and “save” you
Hope you enjoyed your hcs!! :) 🩷
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mari-lair · 1 month
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I got some asks about aoinene before so i may as well get my view on them off my chest.
( warning: I have a negative bias toward this ship and despite trying to be brief and unbias, I very very likely failed.)
To me, Aoinene makes each other worse, not as people, but as characters.
It's the kind of ship that the more I look at it the more empty their friendship feels, and yes sure they have their problems, but I don't mind when a ship have issues (hakubo and sumire are such a cool dynamic, 10/10 for me and they are a million times more 'toxic' then aoinene will ever be), but the aoinene problem is that they feel like fanservice. There is no conflict. There is nothing. They become shadows of themselves.
Aoi isn't stuck in the "I am an exposition girl :D" role because she is oblivious to the bigger story, and all they need is communication, Nene put her there. Iis insane that they've known each other for 2 years but she don't know anything about Aoi. Every time we learn something interesting about Aoi, is when she is seen in other's people's pov, even characters that barely interact with her like Teru and Mei have a better understanding of Aoi than Nene.
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To Nene, Aoi is the troupe of a perfect friend. Nene cannot process her flaws, she rejects the idea, and Aoi can't make Nene talk, face her own issues. So there is never conflict. Their friendship is a love that morphed into a horror situation. A staged friendship.
"Aoi is cute and nice and kind. I refuse to believe she wouldl ever be anything else, let's not think about how i was thrown in the trash by her, that aoi was mean, she was a fake. I will not accept her being the real aoi. I won't even think about it."
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"I know Nene is going through a lot but I need to play the happy girl with no troubles role for her. I won't ask about her problems or even show hints that I know something is off after learning about supernaturals, and that her crush is dead, and human sacrifices are a thing that happen. That's not what she wants from miss popular me."
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It reach the point where their fluffy arts feel like fanservice to me, more of a 'look! cute girls doing cute things!! Aren't they such good friends??' photoshoot magazine than a genuine bond.
Look at this beautiful and cute art for exemple.
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You would imagine the chapter is about them, that they will have some form of talk about their feelings in it, so much happened since the last time they talked after all!
Maybe Aoi apologize for throwing Nene out while Nene apologize for planning to die without Aoi's consent, making the same selfish mistake Hanako had done to her when he sacrificed Aoi so Nene could live. Maybe is just a quiet talk about how much things changed? A lighthearted but warm chat of how disorienting seeing supernaturals are as former girls that never had to deal with it? Something, anything, to connect them. Maybe the oposite, a big conflict that gets ugly now that the masks are down...? We had a lot of those in this arc, like kou and teru in chap 87, aoi and akane in chap 69, nene and hanako inc hapter 91! But no.
There is nothing. Is always nothing when they talk.
This beautiful cover art is from the chapter where Aoi issues were immediately brushed aside when she tried to bring them up and the usual bubbly Aoi was forced to come back.
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They are bafflingly shallow for how much time they spend together and how much potential is bubbling under their mask, keeping their basic dynamic from their introduction even when the characters are begging for something to change.
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So that's why I dislike them, they don't make each other better, they don't even have the gall to make each other act worse, they just make each other boring. Aoi is only allowed to be a fleshed out character when we get away from Nene's pov.
Is only through her interactions with other characters that any hint of dept, or hell, even fun quirks and overall aspects of her personality that are hinted with her friendship with nene, are explored or allowed to shine.
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There is potential though! And I could see myself enjoying writing a one-shot exploring how painful for both parties the shallowness of their relationship is in some alternative universe, but unfortunetely the fandom ruined it for me. Which is a shame, since Nene is aoi only other friend, and their charade friendship is genuinely valued/loved by the other.
I tried to read fics and analysis to see if I was missing something but the fandom have a 'omg they are so cute and can do nothing wrong! All their issues will disappear if they hold hands <3' take on them, with so much mischaracterization both girls become unrecognizable. There is also a lot of Akane and aoikane hate, even masked aoi hate, cause god forbid their dear girlboss angelic lesbian queen have any negative feelings towards her bestie or likes a boy whose main flaw used to be the same as Nene (idolizing her to the point of dehumanization), and while that is not the manga's fault, it does affect my negative bias for this ship, make it far stronger.
After 2 years in the fandom, I just don't have the patience for this ship anymore. I don't think people are secretly evil if they ship aoinene or project themselves onto the girls, but it just isn't my thing. I am not looking for a fight either Anon, I block people cause I want as much peace as i can, and if what they ship makes me uncomfortable, is not their problem, is mine. Let them have fun out of my sight so we both strive pls.
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gold-rhine · 3 months
anyway, if you look at free to play guides and articles, recommending 4 stars only teams, and these team don't work for you, it's not just "skill issue". tho ofc average player will not have as much practice as ppl who play this game for a living. artifacts play a huge role, if you don't have good artifacts, even broken 5 stars won't help in the abyss, at least.
but also, these guides almost always use c6 r5 characters without mentioning, and for many 4 star constellations matter SO MUCH. some characters straight up unplayable without cons.
so i wanted to go thru the list of most popular meta 4 stars and list the importance of their cons and weapons just so you can have reference if it makes sense for you to use them:
Xiangling - literally unplayable in serious abyss teams before C4. C4 gives plus 40% burst duration, at which point she's broken. She wants r5 catch or basically any 5 star spear, as long as you have like 200% er. 4 piece emblem set, no options, crit hat, pyro cup, er\em\atk sands, should have at least 100 EM overall.
Bennet - his importance con is C1, bc otherwise he either heals or gives atk buff, but most teams that want him will be ok with C0 Benny. Unless it's a nche team that relies on Benny's pyro infusion, then only C6. wants a sword with highest base attack you have.
Xingqiu - C0 feels so bad to play, bc it's so hard to get enough energy off-field. Teams that want him like pyro carries with vape or hyperbloom will still be playable, but just feel kinda bad. Starts feeling ok at C2, at C6 becomes comparable to C0 Yelan. Wants sacrificial sword R5 or at least R3, if your sac sword is lower than r3, it's better to use favonius sword. 4 piece emblem set, no options.
Fischl - pretty good at C0, but truly broken at C6. Wants stringless bow or 5 star bows. 4 piece golden troupe best options, but can work with thundering fury or combos of 2 pieces
Yao Yao - actual free to play hero, already great at C0, her cons basically don't matter. Event hp healer staff or just fav lance is good.
Sucrose - becomes playable at C1. When guides say she's as good as kazuha, they mean C6, and it's a lie anyway, bc what they mean is that on paper damage calculations are similar. But in actual play her grouping is nowhere near kazuha and her burst actually ungroups enemies when unlucky. Wants sacrificial fragments and 4 piece vv with EM stats, no options.
Kuki - another f2p hero and hyperbloom goddess, good at C0, great at C2, immortal at C6. get as much EM as you can on her, should be near 1000, weapon usually iron sting.
Chevreuse - already good at C0 if you have strong pyro or electro carries. at C6 pretty broken. ONLY good in teams with only pyro and electro, nothing else, both need to be there. wants HP stats.
Beidou - good against 2+ enemies, but CANNOT trigger hyperbloom. Can be okay at C0, good at C4, pretty good at C6.
Thoma - for burgeon can use C0.
Layla - decent shield only after C2.
Noelle - usually shown in Furina teams as a driver, becomes decent at C6.
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clansocreations · 2 months
Meliodas from Nanatsu no Taizai/Seven deadly sins is actually so funny like goddamn.
Like here is this absolute freaking badass who takes names and kicks ass and also runs a tavern. He can't cook for shit. It's a running joke how he's unable to prepare literally any food that doesn't suck.
He isn't really secretive about his identity but people tend to not believe him.
"lol, is this kid really Meliodas, Captain of the Seven Deadly Sins"
Famous last words!! Because it is and he will mess you up.
He will end your bloodline if you mess with his girlfriend.
He has wanted posters of all of the Seven Deadly Sins *including himself* hung up at his tavern.
He originally opened the place to get more information on where his old mates are but even after all of them are found and the tavern gets blown to bits in an epic fight they rebuild it and continue to run it while also taking ass and kicking names.
Two of his old fighting buddies are also coincidentally (apart from being absolute badasses who kick ass and take names)
- a really good cook
-an expert bartender
So Boar Hat Tavern goes from "decent booze, atrocious food"
To "amazing food, great booze" over the course of the show
And here's the hilarious part.
In the sequel, the new protagonists of that sequel are ordered to come to the Kingdom of Liones, by orders of the King of Liones.
But once they get there they can't immediately talk to the guy who asked them to travel all this way and the following exchange occurs:
Guard 1: you can't talk to the king, he's gone to hang out
(Guard 2 elbows Guard 1) He's gone on a very important mission.
YEAH RIGHT, he's gone and fucked off to...guess where. His tavern. Which is still in business. Sixteen years after the end of the original show.
He then also serves his signature awful food to te new protagonist.
When I saw him do that I was like OMG Budddyyyy I'm so glad you're okay the last time I saw you you literally were the main antagonist. I'm so glad you're alright 🥲 😭
Tldr: i think its funny that Meliodas, former Great Holy Knight of Danafall and Royal Holy Knight of Liones, former leader of the Ten Commandments, Captain of the Seven Deadly Sins, Traitor to his people (twice), traitor to his kingdom, traitor to his other Kingdom, and eventually actual for real king of the second kingdom, feared unlike no other by goddesses, demons and everyone else whos ever seen him get serious in a fight
That this guy really really wants nothing more in the world than to run his business with his girlfriend and their weird ass found family troupe of ex-knights.
(He wants the quiet life so bad. Everything he's ever done, every kicked ass and taken name has been out of a really desperate need for a quiet life.
And then in the end they get it. And I love that for them. )
But it's still funny that he still can't cook even after 21-ish years of owning the bar.
Also: I started from the top down again AND THIS STILL SLAPS
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an-idyllic-novelist · 10 months
Jax and tired!fem!reader scenario
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Hey guys and welcome to a scenario for the indie animation that has shaken up Youtube, The Amazing Digital Circus! If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend it! :) Special thanks to @thejester0897 , @ceoofdabicorpsensfw , and @selineram3421 for providing feedback and suggestions! If you would like me to write more TADC content please let me know in the comments section on here or on my other blog, @forbidden-sunlight.
So with that being said, sit back, relax, and let's see what's going today in the digital plane! :)
The adventures around the Amazing Digital Circus are stimulating and keep everyone from going insane, least according to Ragatha.
For you, though, there was nothing better than to end the completion of an adventure than taking a nap before going to find something to eat. Even when you required neither sleep or food, it was important to keep a routine.
Kaufmo had learned the hard way to not disturb you during your naptime, may his abstracted soul rest in peace. 
The only one who didn’t seem to get the memo was the residential asshat, Jax. Why? Well, unfortunately, you decided to give him one chance at this…whole romance thing with him.
For the record, you had no idea that Jax saw you as anything beyond being a fellow member of the circus, another person to prank on. So, imagine your surprise when he said that he liked your company in a round-about fashion. Or did he push you in one of the empty rooms and pinned you to the floor before stealing a kiss with that cheeky grin of his?
Eh, you couldn’t remember right now. 
You just wanted to close your eyes and take your mind off of things for a little while. Closing the door behind you, you slipped off your shoes and crawled on top of your bed. You were too tired to pull the sheets over you. Exhaustion swept over your legs and spine, your mind was throbbing from an oncoming migraine. Then you fell asleep. 
“Hey dollface. Got room for one more?” 
You didn’t bother turning around to face the rabbit. “Bugger off, Jax. Not in the mood.”  You heard him chuckle, followed by the door being closed with a low click. You had hoped that he took the hint and actually left, but this is Jax. He won’t leave until he riles someone up for the sake of his own amusement. You curled your body into a small ball, anticipating him putting some centipedes on your bed like he did with Ragatha countless times. Instead, you felt the bed dip to one side, before an arm snaked around your waist, pulling you in. Jax buried his face in the back of your neck, his hot breath ending a small shudder crawling down your spine. 
“....What are you doing?”
“C’mon, can’t a guy spend some time with his gal? I barely got any today ‘cause you were hangin’ with Crybaby and Whoha.” 
You rolled your eyes. He might try to sound indifferent to the fact that he could care less about how you interacted with the other troupe members besides himself, you knew Jax liked being the center of attention. Well, your attention, that is. Knowing actions spoke louder than words with this jealous rabbit, you placed your hand on top of the one that was rested against your middle. 
“Quiet. Lemme rest or I’m kicking you out and taking away your key to my room.” 
Jax gasped dramatically in your ear. “You’d do that to the love of your life? You’re so mean!”
“Keep pushing your luck and you’ll find out sooner than you think.” You grumbled. “Now hush. Let me enjoy this cuddling session with my eyes closed.”
“I don’t think this qualifies as a cuddlin’ session when it’s one person doing all the work.” 
“Fine, fine. Shuttin’ up. But I want a smooch when you wake up. Not one of those quick ones on the cheek, either. A nice, big, sweet one on the lips.” You almost jumped out of his grasp when you felt his mouth press a light kiss on your shoulder. “Night, night, toots.” 
It was a good thing that he couldn’t see your face right now or else you would kick the little rascal to save what little dignity you had left as a member of the Amazing Digital Circus who had the misfortune of being Jax’s sweetheart. Inhaling a deep breath, you try to calm your hammering heart and relax in the rabbit’s arms, to allow your mind to get lost in the void of blissful darkness if only for a brief moment in this wacky world that’s slowly driving you to the brink of madness. 
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r0semaryt3a · 5 months
Some pre/during Yorknew Phantom Troupe Identity hcs + Illumi and Kurapika
I do not care if you disagree with these- my word is not law and honestly I want to hear some other headcannons so feel free to drop them down
Chrollo Lucilfer -
Ah Chrollo, my wife <3
He/him (surprising the masses after my wife joke)
Bisexual (no pref)
Monogamy - don’t even suggest otherwise it will be shot down.
“My identity? I’m a bisexual man…hmm? He/him.”
Feitan Portor
Has not and will not ever think about it (if he likes you he’ll date you he won’t label it)
It would be like pulling teeth trying to get him to answer on his identity. Like, it’s just not important to him. Why do you want to know so bad? Just call it whatever, it’s not gonna humour you with a conversation anyways.
“He.” ‘is there anything else?’ “It.” ‘And your sexuality?’ “…like you, date you. Simple.”
Phinks Magcub
Messed around once - quickly learnt he was indeed straight
These people really don’t see the prevalence in their identities so they’re all pretty blunt on answering.
“Eh? Why’d you wanna know? So what? I’m a guy. What? I like girls sure.”
Machi Komacine -
my absolute favourite
Messed around w gender for a bit; doesn’t care but will let you know “she’s a girl”
Bisexual - fem pref
Was the opposite of Phinks - thought she was lesbian then messed around and realised she was indeed bi
“Call me whatever…I’m a girl though.”
“I mean I like everyone, I think? Girls are probably better. No they are”
Woman has to double check with herself whenever asked, it’s like answering a quiz
Franklin Bordeau
Like one of the only ones who’d give you a straight answer if you ever asked
“I’m a man and yes, I like men.” Type of answer
Bi - male pref (the phantom troupe is just a bisexual chat room atp)
I Cannot decide whether I like Nobunaga or Shalnark w this guy
You’ll find out from fucking around with him. In no world is he answering you.
L e s b i a n
Can imagine her being the only one of the group to just have her identity down from day dot
Definitely had a fling with Machi at some point that didn’t work out (they ended on good terms obviously. I can and will go into lengthy detail as to why I believe they had something going in the past and weren’t still together during Yorknew)
This woman is the died in the arc she first appeared in rep I needed!
“She/her honey. I like girls, that’s all that’s to it.”
Does not care
Literally just a colouring book, do what you want he won’t correct you (there’s nothing to correct to)
“Oh? Hmm, well I’ve never really thought about it much. It makes sense for me to be pan though, I guess!”
Nobunaga Hazama
He’s like that grandad that tells you about his time out in clubs and you’re sat going: “YOU? YOU did those things?”
“I’m a homosexual.”
Hisoka Morow
Call this amalgamation of a human whatever you want. As long as you can fight, you can talk to him/j
Type of guy to make a “Yours” joke
I really don’t see Hisoka caring for what people see him as. Like you wanna call him a he? Go for it. She? Sure why not! They? It? All on the table!
Another bisexual - his preference is fight me
Would 100% be down for poly, but depending on his attachment would also demand monogamy
“Why don’t we set a date and you can find out hmm~?”
Shizuku Murasaki
Straight or Aro, one or the other she’s either heavily into romance or completely repulsed and I can’t decide which I think it is.
Will blink at you for two minutes before sighing a response
“Well I don’t mind she or it I suppose.”
I don’t really have that many thoughts on Kortopi so this is like all I’m giving
No one really has a clue on his sexuality and he doesn’t tell any of them, ever. Like he knows what he is, but he just never says it
Illumi Zoldyck
He’s never really thought about it much, after-all aside from family it’s not like most people will live long enough for his identity to matter
Sexuality? Who knows! He sure doesn’t. Does he even like people? Who’s to say!
“What does it matter? I’m a man by all accounts, so refer to me as such.”
Kurapika Kurta
I don’t even really know why he’s on this list tbf.
Will give you his whole coming out story if you ask about his identity. You’ll be there a while.
This was actually really fun to sit and do-
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jjkamochoso · 1 month
Hii!! I'm always hanging out in your askbox, sorry about that! I've got another Feitan request! A Feitan x Female Reader who, similar to my other requests, is normally an outgoing person with a girly personality, but behind closed doors she really appreciates a peaceful atmosphere. Maybe the two of them decided to stay together off troupe duty at a rented place or hotel, and she's less bubbly than Feitan is used to her being with the troupe around. Not that she's any less smiley, just a lot more quiet than she usually is. Bonus points if it's raining outside and they can enjoy the sounds of it together in a dimly lit room! Sorry if that was really specific, feel free to change it up if you like!! Thank you!
I LOVE that you’re always requesting omg don’t apologize!! I love writing for you guys and talking with you all about anything and everything so feel free to keep sending in whatever, whenever!!😁🫶❤️ this idea is SO good and I’m grateful you entrusted me with another wonderful request!❤️ thanks so much and I really hope you love this!!
Lightning Strike of Love
Feitan Portor x f!reader
Warnings: slight mentions of violence
“So we’ll meet back up in a few days, right?”
“That’s right. Don’t have too much fun on your off time without me,” Phinks replied to you, shooting you a playful wink.
“We have free time?” asked Shizuku, confusion etched on her features.
Machi sighed. “Yes, Shizuku. You’ve know about this for weeks, remember?”
The girl’s big eyes blinked behind her large glasses. “No.”
Machi pinched the bridge of her nose with her fingers in exasperation. You giggled as you listened to your fellow Phantom Troupe members talk about what they were doing in the upcoming down time allotted. You were sad that you weren’t going to be spending more time with them because they truly were your best friends and closest thing you had to a family. You were, however, looking forward to the peace and quiet of not being on a mission for once.
“Where you going?”
Feitan, stealthy as ever, made you jump involuntarily with the sound of his voice right near your ear. He snickered at your reaction, cocking his head as he awaited your answer.
“I rented a hotel room in the quiet part of the city. I figured it’s a good place to relax for a bit,” you said. “How about you? What’s your plan?”
“Nothing. I stay here.”
“At the base? By yourself? On our vacation?!” you asked incredulously.
“Tch. What else I supposed to do? I wait for you all to come back.”
“But won’t you be lonely?”
He shrugged nonchalantly.
“Why don’t you stay with me?” you suggested, stunning him completely. You leaned in towards him, smiling sweetly and lowering your voice. “I enjoy your company, Feitan. I’d really miss you if you weren’t there.”
Feitan’s heart wasn’t used to beating as quickly as it was and his cowl wasn’t doing any favors to cool his neck that was burning from your saccharine words. He wanted to accept your offer but if you kept gazing at him with that honeyed expression, he’d never survive the trip.
“Tch. You sappy,” he remarked, shoving his fidgeting hands in his pockets.
You checked the time on your phone. “So, wanna join me? The taxi will be here in about 10 minutes.”
“Fine, I go with you. But I not paying for anything,” he teased.
“Neither am I. A dead guy’s credit card will get you anything you want,” you told him, grinning triumphantly. “Now, go pack! We don’t want to keep the driver waiting!”
A suitcase, a suspiciously small duffel bag, and a taxi ride later and you and Feitan had arrived to the hotel.
“Why so fancy?” Feitan wondered, staring up at the old building with curiosity. Columns and arches were in abundance and the weighty, gold handled doors to the lobby were at least double his height. As you checked in, he took note of the indoor fountain and scoffed.
She out of her mind. This place ridiculous.
“C’mon, Fei! Our room is ready!” you called, beckoning him over. He obliged, still shaking his head at your go big or go home tendencies. You were always so bubbly and were attracted to sickeningly pretty things (hence the choice of hotel). He never understood how you two got along so well; you were polar opposites.
“I’m so excited to see our room!” you squeaked, clasping your hands together in anticipation as the elevator brought you up to your floor. Feitan couldn’t lie, he was looking forward to having you all to himself for the next few days, no longer losing your attention to the other Troupe members. He smiled from under his cowl.
Our room. With my girl.
You pulled out the key and opened the door. When you saw the room, you almost started crying. It was absolutely beautiful! The fluffy beds were calling your name and right after you put your suitcase in the corner, you kicked off your shoes and laid down, closing your eyes and quietly enjoying the silence that had filled the room. After a while you heard Feitan ruffle through his bag before lying down on the other bed. You peeked an eye open and saw he was reading a book.
“Oh, that was a good idea. I should’ve brought a book, too,” you said thoughtfully.
“I have extra in bag. You can get one.”
“Thank you! That’s very kind of you.”
His bag, filled only with books, made you screw your nose up in slight disgust.
“Where are your extra clothes?” you asked, afraid to hear his answer.
“I no bring. These fine for a few days.”
You grabbed the first book you saw, deciding to deal with that situation later. “Trevor Brown? I don’t know any of his works.”
Feitan chuckled. “Just look at it. You might like.”
After a few pages, you had seen enough.
“It’s a little too dark for me,” you explained, putting it back, which caused Feitan to laugh harder. “I know there’s a bookstore around here somewhere. That might be fun to do tomorrow.” You paused. “And I’ll take you shopping.”
After you resumed your position on the bed, Feitan enthralled in his book, you felt a chill blow through you. Since the hotel was older, the windows let in cold air so you were grateful that there was a fireplace in your room. With a click of a button, a warm fire began to roar and you smiled to yourself at how perfectly domestic this whole situation was. Having Feitan all to yourself in a place like this was a dream come true to you. You snuck a glance at the man as he read, his hair slightly hanging over his face, his lips, no longer covered by the cowl, pursed in concentration; he looked handsome beyond belief. Not wanting to disrupt him with your staring, you changed gears and grabbed the comforter from your bed, wrapping it around your shoulders. You then pulled a chair in front of the window and stared at the beauty outside, getting lost in your thoughts.
Feitan, on the other hand, was looking forward to you starting your cheerful chatting like usual. He was patiently waiting to hear your voice chirp up, talking animatedly about things that happened that day or what was on your mind. If anyone else spoke as much as you did, he would’ve sewn their mouths shut, but he tolerated—no, genuinely liked—your incessant jovial jabber.
“Why you no talk?” he asked, pulling you from your daydreams.
“Hm? What do you mean?”
“You never stay quiet, you always talk.”
“Are you complimenting me or insulting me?” you joked, but Feitan was looking at you with such a serious face that you immediately stopped teasing.
“Around the others, all day long, talk, talk, talk,” he said, opening and closing his hand in a gesture to mimic you speaking, “but with me, you silent. Why?”
“That’s easy,” you replied, wearing a soft smile, “you make me feel relaxed. At ease. I love to speak with everyone, yes, and I especially love talking with you, but when it’s just me, or just us, like this… I like the calming environment.”
Feitan was clearly embarrassed by his assumption, although he did think it was good to learn that you two weren’t total opposites after all, since he cherished his quiet time as well. You were completely unbothered by his question but you still tried to reassure him in your own way without making him feel silly. You picked up the big black book that was resting on the nightstand and took up the spot next to Feitan on his bed, your arm brushing up against his.
You opened the book to a menu. “How about we order some room service?”
After ordering and eating practically everything from the menu, you and Feitan were happy as could be. You two shared nice conversations over dinner, Feitan ecstatic at hearing your bad jokes and sparkling laughter, and you were feeling grateful that you were going to be able to share moments like this with him for the next couple of days. When the last of the empty plates were left outside your hotel room door to be picked up, you locked the door and got your pajamas on since nighttime had almost arrived. You exited the bathroom in your cozy attire and sat on your bed once more, feeling Feitan’s gray eyes watch you the entire time.
“Yes?” you asked, wrapping yourself in the comforter again.
“Nothing,” he blurted out, tearing his gaze from you. You giggled, browsing through a magazine provided by the hotel. You were about to turn on the lamp to continue reading when all of a sudden, you heard tapping on the window. You peeked out and saw rain had begun to fall. The last remnants of the sun’s rays were snuffed out by dark clouds hovering in the sky above you and your stomach fluttered at the change of weather. Hearing the droplets hit the building was sending you into a state of pure bliss and there was only one thing that could make it even better.
There was no answer but you knew he was listening.
“Come lay next to me.”
Again, no answer.
“Please? I don’t bite.”
“I do.”
Your eyes found his in the dark but he showed no sign of yielding to your request. “Forget I said anything. I’m sorry for pushing it.”
You weren’t going to force him to do something he didn’t want to do. You knew he had an aversion to any sort of touch that wasn’t tortuous, but you thought for sure he would at least sit on the same bed as you. You sighed wistfully as you leaned against the headboard, wondering if Feitan knew of your romantic feelings for him and this was his way of rejecting them. To your total surprise, you felt your bed dip as another body climbed on the mattress.
“You no apologize, don’t be stupid.”
This time it was Feitan who brushed his arm against yours as he climbed into the warmth of your comforter, leaving goosebumps where he touched. You two sat together, no sounds to be heard except for the falling rain and far off thunder. The hotel room was dimly lit by the fireplace and you were admiring the flicker of flames that highlighted Feitan’s profile. The tranquility you were experiencing was unmatched by anything else on this earth and you wished life could be like this all the time. You didn’t know what possessed you, or what wrath you were about to face, but your body moved on its own in its reach for Feitan’s hand.
“Tell me if you want me to stop,” you whispered, your rationality catching up to your actions. Right as you were about to grasp his hand, a loud clap of thunder had you pulling back in shock.
“I no say stop,” said Feitan, closing the space between you by placing his hand on top of yours. You turned to look at him fully and he met your gaze for only a second before studying the fireplace instead. In that second, though, you saw more than just flames blazing in his irises—
You saw love.
Taglist: @killuagirly
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hamsterclaw · 2 years
Yoongi says the wrong thing at the wrong time, and it forces you to examine your feelings for him.
A Vows prequel. Read the rest here.
Pairing: Yoongi x F! reader
Rating: 18+
Word count: 2.5k
Genre: Arranged marriage AU!, smut
Warnings: Sex, swearing
Note: Inspired by a prompt on AO3 and brought to life by the big sexy brain of @vyduan including the immortal quote ‘Get out of my house, hyung!’
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You’re sitting in the back seat of the taxi, feeling a lot like you’ve thrown a live grenade and are fleeing the crime scene.
Yoongi’s words keep echoing in your head, like the expression on his face as he realised what you’d done.
He’d been working on this deal for months, gradually winning over the investors with his meticulous planning, his consistency, his straight up incredible instincts.
You don’t know your husband that well, but you know that he’s pretty damn good at what he does.
And you? You’re not good at anything really.
You have an ex who used to call you a pretty doll. You hadn’t minded it at first, it’d seemed like an endearment. Then slowly, you’d come to realise that he actually meant it. 
You were decorative, ready to be played with.
Not good for much else.
Yoongi couldn’t have known in advance how much he would upset you when he’d spread his legs on the bed, patted your ass, and told you to ‘shut up and sit on my lap, doll.’
You’d been upset, but you’d obeyed anyway.
You’re worried about how much you want to please him when he doesn’t give a damn about you. 
You’d been so worked up you’d paid a troupe of strippers handsomely to put on a show outside his office just as the clients arrived.
Yoongi had known immediately, already searching the crowd gathered for you. He’d marched right up to you, grabbed your wrist to stop you from fleeing, and said, emphatically, and with meaning, ‘you cold hearted bitch.’
Somehow it hadn’t hurt as much as him calling you ‘doll’.
After all, you’d earned ‘bitch’. 
‘Are you ok, miss?’ the taxi driver asks, tentatively.
You’re jerked out of your thoughts. 
‘I’m fine,’ you say, realising your cheeks are wet, swiping at the tears rolling down your face. ‘I’m fine. Can you stop here?’
You have the driver pull over and drop you off because you can’t stand to be inside anymore.
You feel oddly lost as you look down the busy street.
It’s close to 5pm, and it’s already dark. You pull your coat closed and your keys jangle in your pocket.
You have an idea.
You slot the key into the lock, half expecting it not to work. You wouldn’t be surprised if Yoongi’s had the locks changed.
To your surprise, the door opens soundlessly into a short hallway, and beyond it, the apartment Yoongi owns in the city.
Yoongi had taken you to this apartment in the first month after you were married, showing you around so perfunctorily it was almost as if he were an estate agent and you were a client instead of being husband and wife.
He’d explained that he’d bought it for the times when he was too tired to drive home, and that you were free to use it as you wished.
He’d presented you with the key you’re clutching now, metallic ridges cutting into your palm. 
You’d thanked him, and that had been it.
You’ve not been back since.
The apartment’s warm, cosy now that you’ve switched on the lights.
There’s nothing in the fridge, barely anything apart from furniture in the living room.
You pour yourself a glass of water and head to the bedroom.
You help yourself to one of Yoongi’s t-shirts and an oversized sweatshirt, a pair of basketball shorts, and crash on the couch in front of the TV.
You snuggle into Yoongi’s sweatshirt, inhaling the clean scent, and before you know it, you’re asleep.
You wake to the door opening. You sit upright on the couch, heart thudding in your chest.
You hear footsteps, and then, a very beautiful man stumbles into the room.
It’s not your husband.
‘Seokjin,’ you groan, hand to your chest. ‘You startled me.’
He seems just as shocked to see you, taking two uncoordinated steps back. 
Like you’re going to attack him.
He says, ‘I wasn’t expecting you either.’ 
He narrows his eyes suspiciously at you. ‘What have you done with Yoongi?’
‘I haven’t done anything to him!’ you splutter.
‘Sweetheart, you’ve done a lot to him,’ snaps Seokjin.
Unexpectedly, you feel tears prick your eyelids.
You look away so he can’t see your face.
He’s not wrong.
‘What are you doing here?’ you ask. Your voice wobbles a little but you’re hoping he doesn’t know you well enough to notice.
Seokjin’s quiet.
When he speaks, his voice is gentler.
‘I was going to crash here tonight, I’ve got an early meeting tomorrow.’
He goes to the kitchen, fills up two glasses of water, passes you one.
The water’s cool down your parched throat. You feel like you’re burning up.
Seokjin murmurs, ‘Those are his favourite shorts. He won’t let me borrow them.’
You gulp your water and finally feel in control enough of your emotions to say, ‘I won’t let you borrow them either.’
You look up to see Seokjin rolling his eyes.
‘Like I’d want them after you’ve been using them.’
He sounds like a child.
You don’t dignify his comment with a response.
‘Does Yoongi know you’re here?’ 
You feel the tears threaten to come back.
‘I sent strippers to his meeting with Opal,’ you confess, miserably.
Seokjin’s quiet for so long you have to look at him.
He’s staring at you, a bemused expression on his face.
‘Damn,’ he says finally. ‘You’re an evil genius.’
He leans back in his chair, unbuttons the top button of his shirt, loosens his tie.
‘So did he kick you out of the house?’
‘He’d never do that,’ you say. As soon as the words leave your lips you know they’re true.
Yoongi’s a lot of things, but he’s always taken his responsibilities as your husband seriously, even when he can’t stand you.
Seokjin’s looking at you knowingly.
He drinks the rest of his water and sets the glass down.
He gets up. ‘I’ll take the spare room, if that’s ok with you.’
You tilt your chin haughtily. ‘Well, I wasn’t going to offer to share the master bedroom.’
Seokjin looks down at you, a flicker in his eyes you can’t interpret. 
He raises a brow at you but all he says is, ‘Good night, Y/N,’ before he heads down to the spare bedroom.
When you next wake it looks as though it’s not long been light outside.
You sit up, and a wave of nausea sends you stumbling to the bathroom. You retch into the toilet, head pounding, the room swirling around you.
You feel awful. 
You wonder if this is the universe exerting karmic revenge on you for being a cold-hearted bitch.
You get up unsteadily and trudge to the kitchen for some water.
You’re sitting at the kitchen counter, trying to hold back the urge to be sick, when Seokjin enters.
He looks like he’s just stepped out the pages of an autumn/winter campaign for a high-end designer.
You close your eyes and will him away.
‘Are you ok?’
‘Fine,’ you grit out. ‘I’m fine.’
‘You look terrible,’ he says. 
‘I’m probably contagious,’ you snap, exasperated. ‘Better stay away.’
You clap your hand over your mouth and rush back into your room. 
You stay crouched, hugging the cool porcelain of the toilet bowl, until you hear the door close.
When you wake next, the sun’s high in the sky.
The nausea’s settled, but now your head feels like it’s trying to crack itself open from the inside.
There are noises coming from the kitchen.
Jesus, the apartment has more foot traffic than most department stores.
You wonder how many people Yoongi’s given a key to.
Unbidden, Park Gyuri’s beautiful face flashes into your mind.
Not for the first time, you wonder about Yoongi’s relationship with the stunning ex-model.
You lie very still in bed, but the noises don’t stop.
Pulling Yoongi’s hoodie on, you go to investigate.
Only to nearly run into Seokjin.
He grabs your arm to steady you.
‘Brought you some food,’ he says, briskly.
You wonder if you’ve stepped into an alternate universe.
‘Why would you do that? If I die Yoongi can marry someone else without dividing his assets.’
You’re following Seokjin into the kitchen.
He scoffs without turning around. ‘I’m sure he has an ironclad prenup.’
He starts spooning soup into a bowl.
‘There’s meds and water on the counter.’
You sit, still dizzy with a sense of unreality.
Have you died and is this the afterlife?
You’d always thought you’d see your mum after you died.
Tears are falling from your face even before Seokjin pushes a bowl of steaming broth in front of you.
He passes you a napkin.
‘Eat up,’ he says. If he notices your tears, he doesn’t let on.
For lack of anything better to do, you obey.
Seokjin fills his own bowl and joins you.
Which is how Yoongi finds you, crying into your chicken soup silently with Seokjin sat opposite you.
He says nothing about the bizarre tableau for a moment, then he turns to Seokjin.
‘Hyung, give us a moment.’
Seokjin sets his spoon in his bowl. There’s a look that passes between the two men as Seokjin gets up to leave, but you don’t have the bandwidth to interpret it right now.
Yoongi waits until the door’s closed behind Seokjin.
Then he asks, not moving from where he’s standing in the doorway, ‘why are you crying?’
His voice is completely neutral. It sounds like he’s asking you what you want for breakfast.
You don’t know how to answer him.
‘I’m sad,’ you say finally. 
Yoongi considers your answer for an inordinately long time. 
‘Do you want a divorce?’ 
Again, his voice is completely neutral.
You search his face carefully, and when you don’t find an answer you toss the question back his way.
‘Do you want a divorce?’
Yoongi says, slowly, ‘I didn’t marry you to make you unhappy.’
‘I’m unhappy, but not just because of this marriage,’ you reply.
Yoongi still hasn’t moved from his spot.
‘I have no desire to make your life miserable,’ he tells you. ‘If being married to me is making life intolerable for you, then we shouldn’t be together.’
He looks away as he speaks, and there’s something sad about the way his throat works as he swallows.
You realise, with a sudden blinding flash of clarity, that this is what your impenetrably tough husband looks like when he’s vulnerable.
And for some reason, you find it unbearably moving. 
You realise you have a choice here.
You get up, and move to stand in front of him.
‘I hate you, Yoongi,’ you say, reaching up to cup his cheek.
His gaze meets yours.
‘You’re the worst liar I’ve ever met,’ he replies. 
He brushes a hand over your cheek, pushing your hair back.
‘Seokjin said you were sick,’ he says, very gently. 
‘I feel better,’ you say. 
Yoongi looks unconvinced. ‘Come, let’s go lie down.’
You end up sitting on opposite ends of the couch. 
Yoongi puts on a movie.
‘You’re wearing my shorts,’ he remarks.
You say, innocently, ‘would you like them back?’
There’s a smile in his voice. ‘Stop tempting me.’
You fall asleep with a smile on your own face at the warmth you heard in his voice.
When you wake again, it’s with a clear head and your beautiful husband dozing on the couch next to you.
With him asleep, you allow yourself to look without restraint at the planes and angles of his face. 
You drink him in.
You’re still staring when he says, ‘I’m sorry I called you a cold hearted bitch.’
You start, and he opens his eyes.
‘I’m sorry,’ he says again. ‘If what I said made you cry.’
‘I don’t mind being called a bitch,’ you reply. 
His hand’s slowly stroking your thigh over his shorts.
‘Don’t call me a doll,’ you say.
Yoongi sighs. ‘I knew you were upset that time.’ 
He leans closer to you. ‘What can I call you, jagiya, that won’t upset you?’
‘I don’t mind being called baby,’ you say. 
Yoongi presses a soft kiss to your cheek. His voice rumbles in your ear. 
‘You’re a brat,’ he tells you. ‘You sabotage the business deal I’ve been working on for months, and then you put on my favourite shorts and ask me to call you baby?’
His hand’s so high up your thigh now he can hook his fingers into the waistband of his shorts.
‘Why do I want to do it anyway?’ he asks. He drags his teeth over your earlobe. 
He slips his hand under the shorts, cupping you over your panties.
You’re already wet, have been since he called you a brat in that tone he uses that’s half amused, half exasperated.
It’s not so much that your husband’s deep, gravelly voice is sexy, although it is.
It’s that he sounds affectionate when he calls you a brat.
You’re starting to realise that his feelings for you, like yours for him, are more complex and multi-layered than simply love or hate.
Yoongi mouths over your neck, long fingers stroking over you. He slips one finger inside you, and you cry out, muffled against his shoulder.
‘Baby,’ he groans, finger pressing deep, curling inside you. ‘You’re so warm.’
‘Yoongi,’ you murmur. The urge to move your hips against his hand is so strong you can’t keep still.
Yoongi slips another finger into you, and you moan at how he feels. His palm presses against your clit, making you pulse over his fingers.
‘You make me so angry, jagi,’ he tells you, words coming out staccato, punctuated by his fingers moving inside you. ‘Why do I want to give you everything you want?’
This is news to you, but you can’t process, not with the way his fingers are working inside you, how his lips are pressed against yours. It’s not so much a kiss as a claim.
You’re not in control, not when Yoongi loves on you like this. You let go, and he groans into your mouth as you come.
‘Baby,’ he says. ‘My baby.’
You’re curled up in a corner of the bedroom when Yoongi comes out of the shower.
He casts a glance at you as he walks over to the dresser for his clothes.
The way his back flexes as he rummages through the drawer gives you courage enough to say, ‘hey.’
Yoongi turns, lifts his chin at you, hand curled into where his towel is tucked around his waist.
His hair’s wet, slicked back, and holy hell, he’s beautiful.
‘You want these shorts?’ you ask, getting up.
Yoongi acts like he’s not interested, but the curl of his lip gives him away.
‘Yeah,’ he says.
‘Come take them off me,’ you say.
Your husband smirks at you, and then makes his way over to you, every step purposeful, deliberate.
‘I ought to spank you for what you did with those strippers,’ he says.
‘Promises,’ you scoff.
Yoongi laughs as he reaches you. ‘Stop tempting me,’ he warns.
Both of you hear the sound of the front door opening.
You freeze. 
‘How many people have the keys to this apartment, Yoongi?’
Yoongi gives you a funny look, like you should know. ‘Only you and Seokjin.’
He turns, calls out. 
‘Get out of my apartment, hyung!’
‘Forgot my watch,’ calls Seokjin. 
‘He probably just wants to watch us again,’ Yoongi mutters.
He smirks. ‘Want to give him a show?’
©hamsterclaw 2023
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