#if only their durability didn't go down so fast
victorluvsalice · 10 months
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-->With the animals calmed and cheered, it was time to grab some milk and gather the eggs (two normal, one hatchable that I immediately sold because, well, the coop is full and I don't want those). And, of course, time for Victor to get exiled out to the greenhouse to do all the tending (mainly just watering today), evolving, and harvesting. XD Though it was a little better than usual for him today -- once Alice and Smiler had gotten all cleaned up from their farm-animal-tending adventures, and Smiler had gotten the laundry out of the dryer, I sent them into the greenhouse to help out a bit! Primarily by having them do some fertilizing to help more plants get up to a higher level of quality. Because better quality produce means better quality food for the grocery store, after all! :D
-->With that sorted, it was time to wrap things up around the house and get these Sims on the move! Smiler took everyone's trash piles to dump them into the recycler, while Alice cleaned out Moory's shed (see, cow, we DO take care of you) before disappearing down a rabbit hole to empty their trash bin. She indulged in a snow angel upon her return, while Victor finished his harvesting and shared a significant hug with Smiler. ;) Everyone then ended up in the living room to destress with a bit of chatting and dancing right before they left --
-->And then the phonograph broke. Reminding me that I’d seen some busted wind turbines outside earlier. Which then caused me to find a broken water collector too while I checked on those. *shakehead* Fortunately, Victor was on it with the Repairio -- seriously, now that that spell no longer causes fires, it is literally the best. He finished up as Smiler donated $1,000 to charity in response to a phone call (hey, this family can more than afford it)...
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thewertsearch · 4 months
ERIDAN: im just saying wwhere the fuck wwere you guys ERIDAN: i had to deal wwith those awwful angels all by my self ERIDAN: do you havve any idea howw hard those assholes are to kill ERIDAN: like at least a minute of sustained fire from only the most legendary wweapon evver and they wwere FAST and ANGRY as SHIT
That's fucking terrifying, what the fuck?
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Even without a maxed weapon, John was able to kill a First Guardian Imp in well under a minute.
Eridan's 'angels' survived significantly longer, while under fire from a significantly more powerful weapon. They're massively more durable than the most dangerous Underlings in the game, despite their session's Kernels containing weaker material.
What the fuck are these things made of?
Far from being random Underlings, these angels are starting to seem kind of important, actually.
Like Jade's frogs, they represent one of the dual traits of their Land - and Jade's frogs are mission fucking critical. Did these angels also have an endgame purpose to serve?
If so, just how badly has Eridan fucked us over?
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I don't know for sure if this quote is related, but Sollux described angels as 'terrible' beings who 'usher in the end'.
If these are the the LOWAA angels, then they almost certainly did have an endgame role that Eridan didn't discover.
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Guys, I’ll admit it.
Eridan is kind of funny.
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Karkat is really worried, isn’t he? He’s desperate to keep his team safe, even though most of them aren’t really listening to him any more.
Everyone gave this guy so much shit for being an ineffectual leader, but even now, he's taking his responsibility very seriously. Most of the other trolls would have thrown in the towel by now.
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Six hundred hours.
This campaign went on for six hundred fucking hours, and Eridan still isn’t leaving Feferi the fuck alone. Did shooting all those angels not let off a little steam? Come on, man.
FEFERI: […] Eridan, you weren't really serious about going to find Jack, were you? ERIDAN: of course i wwas ERIDAN: and wwe should do it together ERIDAN: youvve got nothin to fear noww ivve reached a neww heights of powwer no one else can dream of […] SOLLUX: thii2 ii2 the mo2t hiilariiou2 thiing ii've ever heard, he made one of hii2 2hiitty fake wand2 glow a liittle and now he thiink2 he'2 a faiiry god troll or 2omethiing, lmao! ERIDAN: wwas that slander just i heard i cant evven tell ERIDAN: i tend to block out noise from filth wwhose blood is practically the complementary fuckin color a mine
I hate to admit it, but this behavior is actually fairly realistic. The whole world has collapsed, and Eridan is grasping for anything he can latch onto, to provide some semblance of normalcy.
Unfortunately, and predictably, he has latched onto classism like a limpet.
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balkanradfem · 9 months
I keep thinking everyone knows the exact same information as me, but since I'm about to make more posts about textiles and clothing, as I'm reading the book on them, I'm going to write down some basic information, just in case it's not very common, because a lot of this I only gathered recently. If I get something wrong please correct me in a kind way!
So where does the clothing come from, and how do we make it? During most of the history, textiles were made by women, from natural materials; flax, wool, cotton, silk, jute. Recently we started using more synthetic materials, like acrylic, polyester, nylon, spandex. If you want to make clothing from the natural materials, like wool or cotton, they first need to be processed, cleaned and combed, then spun into yarn, or thread. Spinning is the process where women manage to pull a thin part of the material and spin the fibres into one consistent, firm thread. It's super impressive to watch them do it and I have no idea how they manage to make it consistent, I've not yet tried to do it myself.
Once the thread is done, it can be made into a textile by knitting, crochet, or weaving. There are also other more complex, decorative methods, like tatting or lacing.
For knitting, you need two needles, or a special circular needle, or, there are also knitting machines, which you can use to make woolen fabric. For weaving, you need a loom. For crochet, you need a crochet hook. While knitting and weaving can be done by a machine, crochet can only be done by hand. Woven fabrics are firm, sturdy, durable, and not stretchy, while knit fabric is the most stretchy and soft. I'm not sure about crochet since I only have one crochet garment, but mine is very sturdy!
All of these methods were historically done by women; families were able to grow flax plants close to their homes, and women would then create linens, woven textiles made from processed flax, which was used to make sheets and clothing. Linen was specifically useful in keeping people clean, since it's very good at absorbing moisture. Used as an under-garment, it was capable of absorbing sweat, and protecting the outer layers, which were not washed. Experiments have shown that frequently changing into clean linen was more effective at keeping clean than showering and then putting on the same clothing back on.
Women's ability to create clothing was sadly exploited, and women were even banned to sell it commercially, or from competing at the commercial market, but their husbands were allowed to profit off of their craft.
In the USA, cotton was the most produced material, however for this too people were enslaved and exploited; cotton took human labour to grow, harvest and process, it also required a lot of water, and caused destruction of environment, because of the chemicals used in it's growth, and the unsustainability of monocrops.
Creating a piece of clothing out of textiles, or sewing, is a process that still cannot be completely automated; while you can use a sewing machine, you cannot make a machine that would produce a whole garment out of textiles. No mass-produced piece of clothing was sewn by a machine, it always has to be made by a human being. This is why a lot of the sewing labour is currently outsourced to third-world countries and companies use modern slavery in order to create fast fashion; there is no machine that can do it, so by the rules of capitalism, the companies are trying to get that labour as cheap as possible, often at the cost of human lives.
We didn't use to have as many garments as we do today, in the 18th century people would have two outfits, one for normal days of the week, and one for Sunday. The clothing they owned was usually made to fit them exactly, either by a female member of the family, or a seamstress, and these garments were made to last them for decades. As clothing became cheaper to buy than to make at home, and more of it became mass-produced, people started acquiring more of it, but also using it for lesser period of time. This would eventually grow into a bigger problem, due to the amount of chemicals and labour used to grow, process, dye and sew the garments, and the amount of waste we were starting to accumulate.
Introduction of synthetic materials, like acrylic, made the yarn and the textiles much cheaper, however it lacks the important properties natural materials have. Do you ever notice how synthetic garments sometimes continue smelling bad even after you wash them? That is because they'll absorb sweat, but become hydrophobic when wet, meaning they will take in your sweat, but refuse to let it go once they're in the water. This means that the longer you have them, the worst their stink becomes. This, of course, can be hidden by the generous use of scented fabric softener, but it won't exactly make the garment clean. This information I've learned recently, but it helped me identify what were the most synthetic pieces of clothing I had. Acrylic clothing had also proven to shed 1.5 more microplastics than any other polyester when put into the washing machine.
Having our clothing grown, processed, spun, woven/knit, and then sewn far out of sight, it's possible to lose the sight of where it came from, or how it's made. Only by trying to do it yourself, or learning closely about the process can one learn to appreciate what a monumental task it is, to create fabric, or a garment. Other than the synthetic textiles, of which I still know very little of, all of the natural clothing is a product of plants and animals, it takes land, farming, agriculture and water to grow the plants, raise the animals, and then labour to process and spin the fibres. It's also something people used to do in their gardens, inside of their homes, something that was normal for women to do, and to trade for anything else they needed, saving them from having to work for wages. Women making fabric was always to the benefit of everyone around them, while m*n taking over the industry and doing it commercially, ultimately brought slave labour to a lot of people, cheap and low quality garments to the select few, and money to the hands of the exploiters.
Being curious about clothing and what becomes of it, is a big benefit to the environment and the future of the earth! Knowing what the textile industry is doing, and how does it affect the planet, can be a great motivator to try and sew, or upcycle and mend clothing, or create garments. It's presented to us as something women were forced to do in the past, and it's connected to 'feminine hobbies', but in actuality, it is power to create something humans cannot do without. Women in the past used it's power too, whenever they could. And we are the only ones who ever used this power for good.
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theskeleton117 · 22 days
Ok so I decided to write down all my CotL AU's character's fighting styles because I got bored and wanted to share lore but didn't have any huge lore to share so we doing some subtle stuff today
Lamb: Not incredibly coordinated compared to the others, since Ratau didn't have long to train him, and a lot of what he's come up with was on his own, but his fighting style does somewhat lean on the fact that he's durable. He can take a lot of hits without going down, so he does take a lot of hits. Pre-game Lamb on the other hand is much more coordinated and in line with the others due to more time to train. Funnily enough though, Lamb is the most reliant on his powers
Narinder: Narinder's fighting style is more mid-ranged, since his main weapon tends to be things on chains that he throws and swings around, however he has a sword for regular close range combat if needed
Leshy: Leshy's is chaotic and I don't even need to state it. It's chaotic, but has a strategy to it despite that. He relies on many fast attacks, however he tends to also try to attack where the enemy can't attack him back, like behind them. Leshy is the most agile out of everyone so I imagine he'd be able to get behind people without too much effort in most situations
Heket: So Heket mostly uses her strength to her advantage, using things like hammers against less agile opponents, while switching to her axe when someone more mobile challenges her
Kallamar: He fights with 4 weapons at a time, all of them usually being swords, however his main weapon is his ability to adapt to any situation. He's not a master at any weapon, but he can use any weapon effectively, and even is good at using non-weapon items as weapons
Shamura: So Shamura is the most skilled out of all of them, and they partly have the ability to adapt that Kallamar has, they're agile, they know how to use their powers to their most effective uses while not relying on them, and their most important skill is their coordination. They can figure out the best place to bit you in a split second, and their reaction time is on point
Aym and Baal: Their fighting styles are a bit odd, as they're incredibly powerful together, but on their own, they're just average.
Ruri: Ruri heavily uses stealth to her advantage, which is something Narinder could also do very well mind you, but prefers not to. While Ruri is a stealth expert, whenever she gets caught or needs to abandon stealth, she's still easily able to defend herself. She dual wields two swords usually, and has some longer range options as well, though she doesn't always bring them with her on every mission as they're not always necessary
Ok, now that all the canon characters are done, time for the characters who only show up in either this fic or expanded CotL media
Menta: Menta's style of fighting is like a more refined qnd safe version of Lamb's, having their improvised moves be improved on, with coordination more akin to the average bishop. Menta was never really told not to use her powers as much, and given how she technically didn't have a crown, just all the power of one, she didn't need to worry about it ever being taken from her, so she uses that to it's full advantage
Scratch: He's just a little scared guy who didn't really sign up for this. Scratch tends to use long ranged weapons, which he had trained in for a long portion of his life, but never thought he'd actually have to kill with. He pretty much exclusively uses a crossbow because of it's distance to the opponent, as well as the fact that he was trained for hunting, not fighting
Mauser: Mauser is a special case because he's able to fly, so while his sword makes him close range, his wings make him able to approach quickly, and he usually attacks by making quick dives down at his opponent, then using the momentum from that attack to fly back up to where they can't hit him, to then make another attack. Since he can't do this indoors with low ceilings, however, he tends to fight how most people would with a sword when not flying
Burnaby: Fire. He uses a lot of fire. His fighting style kinda reminds me of Leshy’s with it's speed, but with more throwing and a lot more fire and burning and explosives. He uses a small axe, which he tends to throw at opponents, then run up to them, grab the axe back in such a manner that does a lot of damage on the way out, usually jumping onto the oppent for this move (perks of being short as hell), then usually jumps away to be in better range for more fire based attacks, like fire bombs, regular bombs, you get the idea
Sabre: Basically just what Heket had, however since he doesn't fight with or alongside Lamb, he's not redundant. His combat style is somewhat affected by Burnaby, ad some of their attacks are cooperative, one of them being this one where Sabre throws Burnaby into the enemy at full force (perks of being slightly above averagely tall in a team of mostly short people), which I could explain in more detail since there's more to it but I think it's funnier if I leave it at that
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tarysu · 9 months
Hi hi hi hIIIII I have a request! If you could write headcanons? Like what would Tachihara do when his stubborn s/o (reader) is sick. Thank you in advance!
<OMG OMG?! I love to write tachi headcanons and this request is so GRAHHHHHHH /pos (I love you anon) I'll feed you sm shit I swear. I hope you enjoy these headcanons!! I'm trying to work fast on my other requests so this is a quick one for you sugar booger ;3333> yes....there maybe a small nsfw (hey bae i tried my best) Tw: vomiting, cussing, getting bathed, slight nsfw, fingering 𝐍𝐄𝐄𝐃𝐘 𝐁𝐔𝐓 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐁𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 || 𝐓𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐱 𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊 𝐠𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 !! (𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬)
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✦ ─ ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ ─ ✦ ✦ Surprise, surprise! you caught a mild flu!! and you refuse to let a minor sickness (well that's what you considered..) get in your daily activities! ✦ You lasted only a few minutes in your workplace, you had a mild fever and you could barely function normally. Your boss even had to call your boyfriend over, Tachihara. You insisted you were fine, but those feeble words didn't persuade your boss otherwise. When Tachihara came over to pick you up from your work district, he was in a hurry and you were in terrible shape. ✦ You were stupid to test your durability, he was livid. You didn't want to tire him out more since it was his day off. He didn't care whether it was his day off or not, he had to prioritise getting you home and treated. ✦ Sweaty and disorientated, your boyfriend took care of you. Since you barely mustered the strength to take a piece off of your garments. Tachihara was there to do it for you, of course, while chastising you. ✦ He grabbed new clothes from his drawers, something to your comfort. His palm against your forehead, your temperature was beyond regular body temperature. He had prepared a cold bath for you, at least to regulate your temperature. ✦ You resisted to his attempts in bathing you, it was childish. You were really stubborn, you were already embarrassed the fact your boyfriend has to to scrub your ass down. ✦ Eventually, you had given in. It was relaxing actually, Michizou rubbed your temples while your muscles eased up. Though, he resumed to rant about how much of a complete dumbass you were to go off to work. ✦ There you lay cozily on bed, a cold, wet cloth placed on your forehead. You had previously thrown up in the bathroom, Michizou's right hand rubbing circles on your back while his left (if not long hair , then he's bent down rubbing your back) held your hair up in case you get some retch on your hair. ✦ He'd run his hand through your hair, stroke your cheek and give small kisses on your knuckles. He tried to cook something to fill you up (he's a shit cooker LOL) but he fucked up on a simple porridge dish. ✦ ..You still ate it! Even if the taste wasn't so pleasing, it did fill you up for sure. ✦ He was rarely home, given his job (he's pretty much at work for months and occasionally comes home). But you were just so fucking needy, every time he walks off to do something. It only takes a few steps out of the bedroom and you'd be whining his name and attention. ✦ Sure you'd whine his name during bed sessions, but even when you were sick. You have a desire to pull him into bed and let yourself savour his body. However, no way in hell he'd fuck you in this state. Chances of him getting sick is a 50/50, he's avoiding that. ✦ Could he really leave you unsatisfied on his free days? He does come home once in a blue moon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ✦ ─ ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ ─ ✦ Your hips moved with a subtle rhythm, your hands gripping his thighs. Seated on his lap, your soft whimpers and moans were like a melody to his ears. You felt the sensation of two fingers exploring your cunt, your inner walls stretching with pleasure. His thrusts were just right, matching the perfect pace. You poor thing. Suffering from a mild flu, they say the cure of it is plenty of rest. But the cure to yours was him fucking you. His lips trailed along your neck, planting hungry kisses. The sensations were heightened, every touch sending shivers down your spine, intensifying the throbbing pleasure. He played with your edge, withdrawing his two digits from your core of your cunt. His fingers, moist from your warmth, slowly traced a path from your cunt to your abdomen, playing with the fire of desire. You were heaving, exhaling hot breaths. The sensations left you feeling lightheaded, intoxicated by his touch, and impatience began to take over. "M..Michi! Come ..on!"
 Your hips bucked, craving the return of his touch. Nails dug into the fabric of his trousers. You were on the verge of begging and crying, but he was already taking it slow, giving you what you wanted—small marks on your neck, bite marks trailing down to your chest.
"You're so fuckin' selfish," he whispered
Tears welled at the edges of your eyes, just as you were about to plead. A moan escaped when he thrusted back into your spasming cunt. He was pushing your limits, being the good boyfriend he was, intent on hitting every sweet spot. That night certainly brought a cure for you, but the next day marked a sick start for Michizou, all because of you.
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kpopsexstories · 6 months
QUICK FIX #10: NCT Ten gives you a wild ride missionary style while sweating profusely
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Member: NCT Ten
Content: Missionary, Rough
Type: WILD
Word Count: 1.4k
This story is part of my Quick Fix Dirty Kpop Imagines series. Check it out for more smut and other members and groups 😊
Despite a reputation of not being into girls, Ten was a bit of a womanizer. You knew this before the first time you had sex, and were totally okay with his playboy style. He was always nice to you, sweet and caring, and all you wanted was to rip his clothes of anyway. It didn't matter to you that you were far from the only person he was sleeping with.
You were, however, surprised by the way he was in bed, and it was definitely a positive surprise.
In a dimly lit hotel room, you sit by the foot of the bed when Ten leans in to kiss you. He's been romantic all evening, and the kiss is gentle and sweet. But when you kiss him back, it's like a switch flips in Ten's head, and he suddenly becomes eager and full of lust.
It's obvious to you that he's likely been hoping for this moment all night, and that sex has been his goal all along. That's okay, because so is yours.
When the lust takes over, Ten doesn't hold back. He grabs your ass and swiftly pull your legs, causing you to fall backwards onto the bed. He stands up between your knees, quickly climbs on top of you, and starts squirming excessively while he sucks your face.
With eager movements and his hands all over you, you kiss and make out as if you've wanted nothing else all night. His sudden passion turns you on, and Ten is not the only one groping and grinding his partner. He's incredibly horny, and so are you.
The clothes quickly begin to come off. One at a time and with great haste, you both remove items from each other's bodies. Soon, Ten is down to his underwear, and your bare breasts are out for him to play with.
After removing his pants, Ten comes back down on you with force. His boner under the briefs poke you between your legs, eager to slide inside you. You lift your ass to pull your panties over it, and Ten lies on his side to help you slide them all the way off your feet.
Once you're completely naked, Ten pulls down his briefs to free his cock, and slides them down his thighs. He doesn't bother to take them all the way off. When he climbs back on top of you, you quickly feel the head of his shaft penetrate you.
You let out a groan of pain, surprised by how fast and forcefully he's entered you. Once the pain has settled, however, his cock feels amazing inside you. You're so wet, it glides and rubs against your insides like a rock on an icy lake.
When he's inside you and grinding on top of you, Ten wastes no time on foreplay. He scoots up on the bed and lifts your ass again, throwing you higher up on the mattress. Without pulling out and despite his slim and skinny figure, he moves your body with the strength of a gladiator.
He places the palm of his hand firmly on the mattress next to your shoulder, stretches his arm and locks it in a straight position. His chest hovers high above you, while his ass and pelvis slam you deep into the bed sheets.
You spread your legs wide and raise your feet in the air, panting heavily. Your body shakes and the bed begins to pound against the wall. Ten doesn't moan, but let's out quick and short breaths of air with each hard thrust, as he fucks you fast and forcefully.
To your surprise, the speed and passion of Ten's movements are a turn-on for you. The unexpected change in him is thrilling, and despite the lack of care for your pleasure and preferences you're thoroughly enjoying the ride he's putting you through.
And despite the high speed, Ten proves to be durable. He's definitely fit and used to physical activity. Perhaps he's thinking of your pleasure after all, as he manages to keep going at this pace for a good ten minutes, without even breaking a sweat. He only slows down briefly to catch his breath and kiss you, but that's it.
Your pelvis becomes sore, as you spread your thighs wide for this long. His endurance is insane, you think to yourself while your hips are getting weaker from the repeated pounding.
Around the ten minute mark, however, there's another change in Ten. It's subtle this time. He suddenly lowers himself onto an elbow, grabs your hair and pulls it, and puts his other hand on your boob. He squeezes like a toy.
"Ouch," you say when he handles you a little too hard.
"Sorry," he says and eases his grip. "It's just that you're so fucking sexy."
His ass never stops moving. It goes fast up and down. But he suddenly feels more aware of you, more into you somehow, as he's finally enjoying more of your body than just your pussy.
You like the change. You wrap your arms around his back, and legs around his strong thighs, and squeeze and release alternately to aid his cock and help him penetrate you deeper.
You begin to whimper under his weight. “Ah, ah, ah, ah,” you repeat with each passionate push inside you. The bed is still shaking violently. “Ah, ah, ah, ah!”
Now, Ten is beginning to sweat after all, another change that indicates that his orgasm is getting closer. His body feels hot, and his forehead becomes shiny in the low light. His face looks relaxed, but his eyes are closed and his mouth is wide open.
He eventually opens his eyes and stares into yours. You see the passion in them. Without changing his relaxed expression, he looks at you as if he wants to eat you up.
When the sweat builds up, a clasping sound begins as your stomachs slam against each other. A drop rolls down Ten's forehead and falls onto your neck, and sweat has accumulated near his ass crack. You feel it with your hand, and you're no longer sure if you're sweating yourself or if it's all Ten's moisture that covers your body.
That's when Ten finally comes, and one last change happens in him. When he orgasms, he pulls your hair even harder, causing your head to tilt back. His thrusts instantly slow down, and become more abrupt and wild.
His face twists. "Uurgh, uuurgh!" he groans as he shoots his loads into you.
He pulls your hair harder still, and forces his dick deeper inside you with each excessive thrust. He stays inside you until he's completely empty, then pulls all the way out only to thrust hard back in.
When it's all over, he's sweating profusely but shows no other signs of exhaustion. He doesn't collapse in your arms, nor pull out to relax. He stays inside you, thrusting occasionally, while groaning and breathing heavily above your face. He doesn't let go of your hair, nor reduce the tension in his muscles, though the time between each push gradually becomes longer.
For a moment, you aren't sure if he's actually finished at all, or if he's still coming inside you. Surely he must be empty by now, you think when he's thrusting into you for the twentieth time. It feels great to have him on top of and inside you, but you can't help but think that you're done.
Eventually, you're the one to lower your legs and relax, showing Ten that the wild ride has come to an end. Ten finally releases the grip of your hair, and stops squeezing your boob so hard.
He looks at you and smiles. You lift your head to kiss him, and you make out for a few minutes. Finally, Ten becomes relaxed too, and stops thrusting altogether.
After several minutes of breathing deep but slow into your neck, you begin to wonder if he's ever going to pull out. The sweat on his back has dried up, and the feeling inside you has changed as his cock has grown slack. You turn your head to face him, and he smiles back at you.
For a few seconds, neither of you say a word. Then you feel another change between your legs, as your lips tighten around Ten's shaft. He's getting hard again, and he grins and lifts his head above yours.
“Ready for another round?” he asks.
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ntls-24722 · 5 months
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An ancestor to the Zebrapeople!
Partial stripes, mostly brown, and kind of sapient! I don't know how to explain their level of intelligence, but like... they have stone tools, but they currently can't create language, so imagine the setbacks from there. They're also mostly octopodal, and are only hexapodal for short bursts.
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Zebrapeople actually have the facial problem that we have with the rest of their genus, where smiling is actually seen as a threat for everyone else. Or at least, the way they smile. The teeth being out bothers them, but not compared to how much the gums being exposed do.
Zebraelves evolved slightly tighter lips to have their teeth slightly out gives them a background sense of order since the baring of teeth, like in our primates, is a threat, and it also made the baring of gums a lot more dramatic. But as the species began to coagulate into one giant supercolony, the baring gums was recontextualized into the basis for most of their facial expressions.
Also; the origin of their spinnerets.
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Hagfish method, baby! It's gross and works! Quagga-elves originate from a much wetter environment, so they could afford the water loss when making gross protein threads inundated with the stuff. But as they moved to more arid environments, the slime got drier and eventually was repurposed as silk... in the females.
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Originally, male zebraelves were supposed to have venomous spurs, but I thought it'd be better for them to still have this basal trait. Partially because they need it more!
Fraternities are a treacherous journey and male zebraelves aren't maintaining nor with their subcolony for most of the time, so it's more useful to have a gross-out factor that keeps from from being food to literally everything than to have a durable building tool/textile.
And speaking of how treacherous the journeys of fraternities are;
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This queen's boytoy is no longer a boy, she's become a worker after losing her hearing due to getting an ear infection because disabilty accommodations in fraternities are, no hyperbole, nonexistant, for a combination of the unfriendly job environment and fucked up eugenics reasons! I really did try to avoid the kind of real life problems they have, partially because I didn't want to give fictional little guys the same societal burdens we go through, but also because if I talk about shit like music man eugenics i sound 10x more insane than I already do. unfortunately it becomes a reoccurring thing when making fictional societies.
Her relationship with the queen is looked rather down upon - neither of them care very much, especially the queen, who finally has someone she can talk to who gets it, to put it plainly. The two reproductive sexes in zebraelves are very policed, which is a rather large problem in zebraelf society.
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Also; Bipedal bugs! The best predator against Debu.
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Their method is to use those two arms to latch on and just rake their sickle toe-claws against the skin as hard and fast as they can which is very effective against Debu, who, despite their brute strength, have very sensitive, weak skin! They're small, but fast, and they do a lot of damage really quickly, which is the problem, since they'll tear through already open wounds and deepen them, even leading to infection.
Sindeer often has to deal with them, since she's a large target as a lone huntress.
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i forgot her back fur. dont look
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Also: today was my last day of class! Which, paradoxically, means my account is actually going to slow down? All of the almost daily music man posts are actually class doodles, and now there's going to be no more class for me to get bored in and make music man. But that means more digital artwork, which is generally higher quality, soooo???? double edged sword
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bigfan-fanfic · 1 year
Not Too Fast To See Part 3
Not Too Fast To See Part 3 (Percy and Tempo meet Barry Allen)
Part 1 here! Part 2 here!
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It's funny that Barry Allen is supposed to be in Central City, because the two of you passed through it when travelling through Missouri, since Percy has bad memories of the Gateway Arch in St. Louis.
But quickly it becomes clear what Hermes was laughing about - Central City's one of those places that's not only plagued with crime, but also has its own dedicated superhero.
The Flash.
"So Barry Allen must be the Flash." Percy connects the dots pretty quickly. "And the Flash must be like you."
Now, Barry has no idea the two of you are coming. Nor who either of you are.
But there's something weird going on, because neither he nor Cisco nor Caitlin can figure out why the seismic readings in the city are going haywire.
Since none of them can see through the Mist, they can't witness the giant boar attacking the city.
But you, despite being mortal, can.
"Okay, normally I'm used to having monsters in the way, but this is kind of annoying." Percy sighs. "Any idea what we're up against?"
"Well... from what I know, there are a couple of different big porkers in Greek myth. Wait - shouldn't you know this?"
"Hey, do I ask if you know Superman?"
"Fine. Fair point."
You pull Percy along with you as you run, following the surprisingly speedy piggy.
And that's when the Flash shows up.
"Hey! You're like me!"
You grin. "I think you're who we want to see, but... let's take care of the monster first."
Barry balks. "What?"
"Oh, right."
Percy sighs. "Sorry about this-" and focuses, manipulating the Mist so that Barry can see through it.
"I'm Tempo. And this is my boyfriend, Percy Jackson."
"Percy Jackson? Weren't you that kid that got kidnapped and they all thought you were a terrorist?"
Percy pouts. "I didn't think anybody'd remember that."
"Wait, so... is that a giant boar? Is this... what happened to you?"
"Greek myths are real, so are the gods. Trust me, it sucks." Percy gives him the book jacket version."
"I've been able to see them all my life, and I'm not even a demigod. Percy says it's called the Mist."
"Oh, so you being speedy doesn't come from like, winged boots or anything?"
"No, I was in an accident with a lightningrod."
"For me, I got struck by lightning from a cloud formed by a particle accelerator explosion."
"Wow, you're practically twins." Percy smirks.
"Let's catch up after! We need to deal wth this thing. Can you think of anything recently that might've pissed off a god?"
"Uh, they shut down half the zoo to make room for a power plant?"
"Artemis. Does that narrow it down?" Percy asks you.
"Calydonian Boar! Or Aetolian. It's the boar Atalanta killed."
Barry presses a hand to his ear. "Caitlin, Cisco, you listening? No, I'm not crazy, though I might have a concussion or something. Just... figure out how we might be able to kill a giant boar without anyone burning up a piece of wood their life is tied to."
"Hey, you know more Greek mythology than Percy does!" you joke.
Percy smacks your arm but doesn't seem particularly offended.
"Well, there is one idea, but it hinges on your boyfriend here being inhumanly durable."
Percy smirks. "Let's just say I got that covered."
"Well, as speedsters, we could basically slingshot you into the boar, with that sword sticking into it and hopefully killing it."
"Sounds good to me!" you nod. Percy nods eagerly.
Caitlin quickly emerges, summoning Killer Frost to lock the Calydonian Boar in place, while Ralph acts as the slingshot, Percy bracing himself, feet planted on Ralph's chest as you and Barry use your speed to build up the potential energy, stretching out Ralph's arms, until......
You both duck, and Ralph rubberbands back into shape, the momentum transferring to Percy and launching him at extreme speed at the boar!
Percy has his sword held out in front of him, and even manages a turn in midair to get more aerondynamic speed, and executes a flashy forward somersault, leaving Riptide speared in the Calydonian Boar, landing as it turns to yellow powder.
"Gotta say, 'Team Flash, Monster Slayers' has a great ring to it." Cisco congratulates, while Ralph rubs his arms as if they were sore.
It's fun to work as part of a team that has more than three members.
And maybe, just maybe, Barry will finally help you unlock the secrets of your powers...
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emberedroses · 9 months
Hands That Heal [Bucky x Reader]: Chapter 1
Masterlist | Prologue
Summary: You're the Avengers newest all-star Medic. Your life changes when you meet the infamous Bucky Barnes, who is unlike any veteran you've met before in your career.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Doctor!Reader
Word Count: 3.4k
!! Warning: 18+; Minors !!
Chapter Warning: Mentions of anxiety and negative self-talk.
An Ache for a Cure
Bucky is many things. The Winter Soldier. An Avenger. Redemption incarnated.
'Physically injured person' was the last thing he wanted to put on that list.
It literally cost him an arm for his body to be durable. All that suffering meant never having to succumb to the feeling of helplessness and injuries ever again. In his mind, as twisted as it may sound, it was a cruel bonus that came with living in this new reality.
This week, Bucky learned he was not as invincible as he thought.
Though he wished for any explanation other than 'injured,' there was no denying what the throbbing pain in his back was other than an injury. To say that the famed Winter Soldier wasn't a bit concerned would be an understatement. After all, he hadn't had to nurse an ache this bad since the forties.
'A mission that simple should not have left me this fucked.'
Recalling the memory of the situation made the pain ignite all over again. The body never forgives what happens to it. Bucky had learned that the hard way.
He exhaled softly. His mind dwindled back to the mission five agonizing days ago. The strain in his body could not forget the feeling of hitting the floor from what could have been hundreds of feet up.
'It was supposed to be easy.' A sour taste formed in his mouth. 'Why did that have to be the thing to take me out like this?'
Jumping out of that helicopter to take out some pesky guards on the roof was nothing he hadn't done before. He had pulled more dangerous stunts during his deployment in the Army. What he didn't expect, however, was the rigged bombs to hit him the moment he touched the rooftop.
His eyes winced. The helplessness engulfed his mind all over again.
Falling who knows how many feet down.
He remembers clearly the one question on his mind: "Is the last thing I see going to be the floor or the sky?"
'It all happened so fast,' He wanted to whisper. He was so entranced with his own memories he couldn't move his mouth to say anything. 'I couldn't have done anything.'
His heart pressed heavily against his chest. The air caught in his throat. It felt like a pair of someone's hands were choking him to sit still in place.
'Remember,' It whispered. 'Why couldn't you save yourself?'
Bucky wishes he could forget the way he tried with everything he had to cling onto the side of the building, only to fail. The feeling of anxiousness of knowing what comes next still haunts him. Still, Bucky considers himself lucky that in his moment of panic, he was able to think quickly enough to roll onto his left shoulder. His metal arm cushioned the otherwise hard blow. Still, nothing would have been enough to stop all the pain he's in.
'Why couldn't you save yourself?' The voice repeated. Bucky couldn't move to shake his head in protest. He felt like he would break apart if he escaped its grasp. 'Since when did you become so weak?'
'Since when did I become so weak?'
Bucky knew there was no voice. Nor hands holding him. His anxious mind convinces him this is the doing of someone else. In the end, it is he who tortures his own self.
'Get through the morning. It can't be that hard.'
His injury had other plans. The sharp pain ran from his left shoulder blade down toward his lower back. He pitied himself for not being able to 'walk it off' like usual. Which made mornings like this more frustrating than normal.
'It hurts like all hell,' Bucky felt the thought echo through his pained vessel of a body. He rolled his left shoulder. It didn't alleviate any of the pulsating aches in his muscles. 'How much longer do I have to wait this out?'
"Bucky," A tap to his right shoulder jolted him out of his trance. "Milk or creamer?"
Bucky blinked up at Steve, who tilted his head and lightly chuckled.
"For your coffee?"
"Oh, sorry, " Bucky breathed out. His eyes bounced around the room, and his face warmed a bit when he realized everyone had a mug in their hand except for him. Even Steve had a full mug for himself next to the coffee machine. "Just two sugars is fine, thanks."
Steve nodded and turned his attention back to the counter. The earthy smell of the coffee filled his nose and melted away the anxious sigh stuck in his throat.
'I have to stop spacing out like this before Steve notices,' Bucky adjusted himself in his seat for what could have been the one-hundredth time that morning. 'But I can barely keep still without something hurting.'
"You alright there, Buck?"
A cup of hot coffee was placed in front of him. He eyed the steam for a moment. He found tranquility in the white whisps floating above the dark brown liquid.
'Maybe a sauna would help me relax my muscles?'
"Bucky?" The blond raised his brow, practically staring Bucky down for answers. In response, the brunette continued staring at the cup before him. "Are you okay?"
"Hm?" Bucky silently thanked Steve for making him the drink and took a sip. The warm and bitter-sweet coffee soothed his otherwise aching body. "Yeah, m'fine."
"You don't seem 'm'fine'"
Bucky looked at Steve, begging him with his eyes to drop the conversation. But with the way Steve had his arms crossed, he knew he was far from dropping anything.
'It's that dad instinct in him, isn't it?'
"You've been squirming all morning."
Bucky took another sip of his coffee. He was far too tired to be dealing with Steve's overprotectiveness at the moment.
"And?" Steve's stern voice boomed through the quiet kitchen. Tony and Nat could only sip from the contents of their mugs and eye each other across the room. Everyone, including Bucky, could feel a friendly argument arising. "That's not normal."
"Not to be rude, Tinman, but you've been acting like you have something shoved up your a-"
"Tony," Steve interrupted. In return, Tony flashed his husband a playful smirk. "Please, it's just turned eight."
"Excuse me, dearest, but it's never too early to say ass."
"I'm going to ignore you saying that so I can start my morning off right," Steve pinched the bridge of his nose, earning a snicker from Tony. Bucky watched Nat hide her smile by sipping her coffee, but Bucky knew better than to crack even the slightest smirk. He didn't want to deal with Steve's fuming later. "In all seriousness, you've been readjusting your back since you've sat down. Is it because of what happened on your last mission?"
Bucky stayed silent. He took another long sip of his coffee, not caring about how hot it was. It didn't matter if he downed the entire cup. The silence won't save him from Steve's questions.
It seemed like only yesterday, the roles would have been reversed. If he even saw a bruise on his scrawny little friend, he would have gladly dropped him off at a medic and watched as they provided him the care he was entitled to as an armed soldier. Maybe even rough up the person who dared mess around with him.
Bucky feels too cowardly to admit to a backache. Hell, it took him a good two days to admit it to himself. How could he say that to Steve? The one person who was able to bring him out of his trance?
He was right. He had become weak. But he could never let anyone know that, let alone Steve.
"I have a teenager at home, I know a 'yes' when I see one."
'Of course he does.'
"Nothing gets by you, does it?"
Bucky smiled sarcastically. Steve leaned against the counter behind him, his arms still crossed. To Bucky's dismay, he wasn't smiling back.
"No, unfortunately."
"You should worry more about your coffee getting cold," Bucky took a last big gulp of his drink before getting up to wash his mug. He stood facing away from the other three in the room. He heard the sound of a drawer open and close from behind him as he turned on the water. He could feel the warmth sizzle against his skin. The thought of a sauna came across his mind again, and he smiled to himself. "But I really am-"
Whatever hit his central back brought upon a huge wave of pain. To add insult to injury, the mug he was rinsing off broke in his hand. The only thing he had to be thankful for was that the white porcelain fragments littering the sink didn't knick him. He slammed his hand down to grip the front of the sink as he turned around to face the three.
"What the f-?!" The culprit's face was as smug and all-knowing as ever. "TONY?!"
"Calm down, old man, it was a rubber band."
Bucky's face warmed up with annoyance and aggravation. Though Steve gave him a look, he didn't say anything to the man who had flung a rubber band into his back.
"Steve!" Bucky extended his arm and gestured towards Tony. "Say something to him!"
"Tony, why did you fling a rubber band at Bucky?"
"Clearly to prove that his back was hurting," Tony looked Bucky up and down before scoffing quietly. "Aren't you a little too old to only now be having a bad back?"
"Can you please say sorry to him?"
"I'm sorry your back is hurting, pal," Steve looked at Tony to continue; the shorter man sighed and approached Bucky, who still had his hand tightly gripping the sink. It surprised him when he put his hand on his left shoulder. "Look, if you want whatever pain you're going through to go away, you can see the new medic on base."
'New medic? Since when did we get a new person on base?'
"Tony, that's not an apology."
"Yes, it was; I even threw in some empathy and advice in there; what more do you want from me?"
Bucky could only look on, unamused. He knew Tony would rather jump off a cliff before apologizing to anyone, especially to him. It was no secret between them that their tolerance of one another was built upon their love for Steve. To Bucky, Steve was his blood brother, and thankfully, the feeling was so mutual that his son knows him as 'Uncle Bucky.'
The resentment mostly boiled down to the fact that, whether he was all there or not, he was responsible for the death of his parents. Bucky understood that it must be hard having to be cordial with the man who killed his parents. But at the same time, how could Tony be blind to the fact that he never asked to be a vessel for HYDRA's wrongdoing?
'Wait, Tony wants me to see a doctor?'
The proposal was so unlike Tony's character. He was used to his sarcasm and his selfish remarks, but rarely did he ever show 'empathy' toward him.
Steve looked just as fed up with the situation as Natasha did. The three men were so invested in their conversation with one another that they practically forgot that Nat was still observing them.
"Geez," Steve looked just as fed up with the situation as Natasha did. Bucky was so invested in his conversation with the two that he forgot Nat was still observing them. "Can we not have peaceful mornings anymore?"
"Not in this tower," Natasha laughed as she walked over to the coffee machine and picked up the entire glass pot. "I'll be in Bruce's lab. Feel free to continue whatever is happening here without me."
Bucky awkwardly waved Natasha off as the rest softly bidded her goodbye.
"Since when did we get a new medic?"
"Right, you and the some of the others were on mission when Dr. Delmar was introduced. They're," Steve's voice trailed off, and he turned to Tony for assistance as he shrugged. "well?"
"A different kind of doctor from what we have on base."
Bucky's eyebrows raised, unimpressed.
"They're a physiotherapist, and I have them on staff for post-mission injuries that do not require emergency treatment. Such as sprains, aches, broken bones, stuff that doesn't involve getting stitched up or undergoing surgery."
'Why would I go see a physical therapist for a backache?'
"Nat was one of their first patients. Remember when she got her ribs broken?" Bucky nodded. He wasn't there when it happened, but from what Steve told him, she was in pretty bad shape. "She was up and back on her feet the next day, like nothing happened."
'She's just about as scared as doctors as I am. If she was okay with it, maybe it won't be so bad?'
Bucky still couldn't shake off the feelings of anxiety that came with doctors. The idea of being strapped down and pricked and prodded like an object reminded him too much of HYDRA.
"Yep, Dr. Delmar is really good at what they do, which is why I hired them when I did."
"I'm not sure. Doctors and I don't partially mix well."
Bucky still couldn't shake off the feelings of anxiety that came with doctors. The idea of being strapped down and pricked at like an object reminded him too much of HYDRA.
"I don't employ just anyone off the side of the road, Tinman. If you're under Stark Industries, they're the best in the business."
'There he is. I knew he was holding one in for me,' Bucky pursed his lips at the semi-insulting remark. He nervously tucked some of his brown strands behind his ear, finally lifting his hand off the sink. He turned his attention to the mess he had made and wanted to sigh at how much of a pain it would be to clean up. 'Maybe Steve's right. What if it isn't that bad?'
A part of Bucky hated how anxious he had become post-HYDRA. Back in the forties, Bucky was the pinnacle of confidence. He had it all. The guts got him into the Army in the first place, and the glory got him all the girls he could dream of. He is but a shell of that self now. But the apprehension is the only thing that keeps him sane.
'But, then what if it is?'
"There's no harm in getting checked out," Steve interjected. "Worst-case scenario, you pulled something and you'll have to take it slow for the next few days. But you won't know if you don't go and see someone."
Bucky slowly nodded at Steve's reply. He didn't even avert his eyes to look at him.
'What if I'm overreacting and I don't need to seek care? I won't be able to show my face in their office again.' Bucky readjusted his back again. The pain wasn't utterly unbearable as the first few days, but it was irritating him beyond belief. He let out a shaky exhale that only made the pain more intense. 'Or, what if it's something worse? Something the doctors can't even help me with? What will happen to me then? Is there even a cure for something like me?'
"There he goes again," Bucky shot Tony an annoyed look. He was too busy sipping his coffee to pay attention to his reaction. Then again, it wasn't like he would care if Bucky gave him a dirty look. They both know they exchange worse gestures with each other on a daily. "We can't force you to do anything, but just so you know, what she does works. Steve and I shadowed them for a bit to ensure they would be a good fit for everyone on the team."
Steve nodded in agreement.
"Dr. Delmar is a sweetheart, Buck. You'll be in good hands."
"Maybe, he says," Tony snickered as he took another sip of his coffee. "Though, if you do decide to go, which is highly advised, might I add, the healing process you will undergo is-"
"It can be a bit intense, Buck. I've seen it, and it will be unlike anything you have experienced, but it works. That's what ultimately matters in the end."
The look Steve gave Bucky as he spoke unsettled him. Being so stern was so out-of-character for the capitan he knew that he should take his word as nothing short of fact.
'Seems to me that they might not all be that 'sweet'.' Bucky can feel his heart speed up a little. 'Still, what the hell do they plan to do to me that has Steve giving me that kind of ominous warning?'
Tony cleared his throat, and the attention in the room geared toward him.
"Before I was rudely interrupted. Dr. Delmar's treatments differ from the traditional methods you would get with our current medical staff. Trust me, it isn't as terrifying as he makes it out to be."
"I figured it would ease you a bit by being more upfront about it than technical."
"I appreciate it."
Bucky couldn't help but feel weak. How couldn't he? He never needed to be 'eased in' by anyone before. Even Steve's reassurances that 'he has never felt sorry for him' get harder to believe when he does things like 'baby proof' his words.
'It gets so confusing, things like these. I feel afraid, but I don't want Steve to know that. I don't want him to constantly feel the need to be responsible for my own security.'
"Here," Steve gently grabbed Bucky by his his injured arm, leading him away from the sink. Bucky followed the pace of the pull and took a few steps forward as he went back to the other end of the counter. "Let me clean this up for you, and you can think about what you want to do. Sounds good?"
Bucky could only nod. He whispered a quiet 'thank you' to Steve as he walked towards the elevator. The soft patter of his boots filled the room. It was tranquil for those few seconds and Bucky's mind began to wonder onto what decision he wanted to make. That was until he heard Tony clear his throat for the second time. Bucky froze up before turning around to face the two. Steve was too busy picking out the shards to pay any mind to the conversation between them.
"If you decide to go, Delmar's office is on the third floor at the end of the hall. You'll know when you see it."
Bucky pursed his lips, trying to muster a smile. But he wanted nothing more than to dart into the elevator before Tony cleared his throat for the third time.
"I'll see."
Bucky made his way to the elevator and nearly celebrated when the doors opened, revealing it to be empty. He scurred inside and didn't bother to look at either Steve or Tony. As the doors closed, he collapsed against the walls and nearly sighed in relief.
'Glad that is over with,' Bucky rubbed his chest. It was a self-soothing habit he'd had since breaking free from HYDRA and, ironically, one that he had picked up from Tony. 'Do I even want to bother going to this mission briefing?'
Bucky looked at the panel of buttons. His eye fixated on the bottom row.
'Third floor at the end of the hall,' Tony's words repeated themselves in his head. He has ignored every face, remark, and gesture the man has made toward him for years. Bucky found his own desperation annoying. 'Well, at least Steve is right. It doesn't hurt to get checked out.'
Bucky softly pressed the silver 'three' button, and the elevator dinged in response. He exhaled heavily as he felt his body ascending down towards the bottom of the tower.
'It won't be that bad. Steve wouldn't lie to you.'
The elevator dinged again, and Bucky felt his heart rate pick up. He rubbed his chest again until the doors opened back up, and he quickly moved his hand away in fear someone would see him.
As Tony had said, he couldn't miss the brightly lit white opening at the end of the hallway.
Bucky could smell salt and mint in the air while walking up. The soft, white lights gleamed on his face. Taking in the scenic office, he only had one thing on his mind: 'I could only hope it won't be as bad as I think.'
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nyx-aira · 11 months
asks, you say? Give us all your vampire!Bojan AU thoughts that you haven't had a chance to share yet :)
Ooh now this is going to be good
You had already very briefly touched upon the topic of magic and I sorta spun (spun haha) the idea a bit further.
Hunters heal faster and are generally more difficult to harm. That's why bloodlines and therefore heritage are so important in hunter society. It is genetic, inheritable. You are born a hunter, quite literally, because your body is already different from a normal humans. If it wasn't their training would hardly be survivable.
That's not necessarily magic. It may have been once upon a time and then got passed down generation by generation but nowadays it is simply genetics.
Now the dressmakers, that's another story. I imagine they are not the only ones that know about magic but they use it in the most practical sense. The weave it into clothes and dresses. To make them more durable, to make them clean easier and so on. No one really thinks much about it. Hunters are more durable and so are their clothes. Simple as that.
Or is it?
Magic isn't really talked about, not in the sense of openly sharing knowledge. People know it's there but not what it exactly is. That knowledge is reserved for those who practise it. The dressmakers make clothes with threads and fabrics that are a bit more durable, a bit lighter. The blacksmiths who make weapons that cut a little more, make wounds bleed longer, are lighter than they should be. Magic is practical. It's not something mystic and it is mostly certainly not something you use to aid yourself. It's something to use for the community, for the hunters guild. And disobeying that very rule is not something that has ever happened, should ever happen. Loyalty to no one but the hunters, or rather the council.
Those who generally know a thing or two about magic, those who make the dresses, those who make the weapons, those who heal the sick and wounded, they aren't 'true hunters'. Their blood not pure enough, body not strong enough to survive as a hunter. Those who are unworthy of carrying that esteemed title. They are the ones who know.
And while they are kept away from a hunters life, hunters a kept away from them. Because a person who has both - hunter genes and knowledge - that's something the council won't have. Because it would be dangerous, they say, things should follow the natural order and be kept separate, they say. But what hides behind those grand words is one simple thing: fear. Because a person with both, now that would shake the very fundament of hunter society.
And then you have Jan. Jan who is a hunter, a bride. The highest of blood, perfect bloodline, born for this one purpose.
And he knows how to sew.
Nothing out of the ordinary, hunters need to know the basics of taking care of their equipment. But Jan didn't learn to sew from his teachers, he learned to sew from the dressmakers, learned from the seamstresses who spun threads strong enough to keep swords from cutting through fabric, who made fabrics lighter than feathers and stronger than steel, who made cloth that didn't move with the wind as silent as a fox in the night. He wasn't supposed to know and they weren't supposed to teach. But still they did and little Jan came home more than once with bleeding fingers, cut on threads stronger than steal, threads spun so fast they burned hotter than fire.
No one noticed because he knew and he knew how to hide it.
So that's my take on the more magical side of this AU
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Finished reading Sanderson Secret Project 4! Thoughts below the cut (mostly copied from me messaging my friends on Discord)
the vibes are so scifi. Like it's still Breaths and Shardblades but he's being so science about it
Spren in Stormlight: magical girl fairy companions. Spren in this: AI companion built into your scifi augments
Ooh, Nomad's been to Ashyn? That's the only planet with floating cities near Roshar, iirc
I love that Rosharans always specify shade when they mention eye color. She doesn't just have green eyes she has light green eyes. That adjective is important
Man on the run for his life hasn't slept in a week no way out keeps getting distracted by the urge to do anthropology
Another thing that's very funny is Nomad is talking about how unbelievably low on Investiture he is and it's still, like, unfathomably wealthy by Nalthis standards
Actually I'm gonna look this up. Nomad has 1500 BEUs in chapter one. He had at least 18750 shortly before that.
In Warbreaker, Vasher starts off with around 50 Breaths, which he considers low while acknowledging that many people would not. Most Returned have the equivalent of 2000. This is enough to be worshiped as gods.
Ah okay looking at the coppermind for the Heightenings this makes sense. It's all very consistent
Fifth Heightening: 2000 Breaths: fast healing, high durability, casual magic Ninth Heightening: 20000 Breaths: oh, you know ;) Tenth Heightening: 50000 Breaths: now that's just excessive
Now I will exit the coppermind before I have another "let me just check Rayse's species midway through reading RoW" moment [Fun fact: vital status is listed right next to species!]
I'm sorry did this man break his radiant oaths and then Mayalaran his shardblade back to pseudo life? Is that what's happening here?
Chapter 6 "No. Even in my head I will not admit Rock is right about the airsick lowlander thing"
I thought part of that phrase sounded like Nazh's name!
Gonna be honest, given how very dead He is, I somehow doubt that Adonalsium will remember their plight eventually
Love that "one of them is secretly a dragon" is a legitimate possibility
Huh. I wonder if they're Ghostblood Scadrians, Harmony-sent Scadrians, or just random people
Chapter 9: "Walking into a storm wasn't something usually done on [Roshar]" Unless you're in the middle of dinner and you really need a knife, of course.
I really wonder how confusing it would be to read ssp4 without reading Stormlight Archive
Oh boy. Wit's here!
Like if you only read the secret projects as if they were a standalone series how long would it take to realize that the cabin boy, the coatrack, and the hologram are the same person
"back before God died" You mean before you and your friends killed God? It didn't just happen there was a whole 17 person conspiracy
Hoid has two modes: "I am a silly little man" and "I am older than your planet and I will weep as I allow it to burn". No in between
"Adonalsium will remember our plight eventually" Man who just got off a skype call with one of the people who murdered Adonalsium ten thousand years ago:...
"Can you fly?" "Who told you I used to- oh you mean fly a ship. Yeah probably."
"The Chorus tells of our old world..." "Yes, yes, the forests of Hell, we've all been there"
The implication that there's a thriving interplanetary job market for specifically bronze Mistings...
If there's one thing that I've learned from Homestuck, it's to never turn your back on the body
Every new hint about what went down on Roshar in the back half of Stormlight just increases my fear about what's going to go down in the back half of Stormlight,
"I was destined to unite all of my people" Man who used to work for Dalinar Kholin: l, and I cannot stress this enough, ol
"Your planet shouldn't have different countries. You should have conquered and unified it all" Sir I cannot stress enough how Big Roshar is. They can barely keep the Alethi Princedoms unified there are so many more people on Roshar than here and they are so much more spread out
Now I'm just picturing that Ron Swanson meme. "I laugh at who I want - Wit"
It feels appropriate that this guy's ancestors are from the planet most closely associated with Ambition
It also feels appropriate that Mercy was there, tbh
Love that this guy is not a particularly soldier-y guy by Rosharan standards, but he's got so much soldier energy in comparison to Canticle that no one has yet noticed that he physically can't hurt anyone
Love that they talk about actual rocket science but it's interspersed with phrases like "raw investiture" and "zephyr aether" and "why take all the effort to travel the void of space when you can just walk through another dimension to travel between planets?"
Yes, yes, the plot to kill God, we've all heard of it
Khriss's Second Law :D
I'm really wondering how newbie friendly this book is. Like, they're explaining everything, but they're also throwing a lot of terms around and all of them are things I already know. For me, who read Warbreaker, when he mentions Commands as a thing on Nalthis that's just a refresher. If that's all the context I have...
The fact that this book includes both hoverbikes and a room full of angry ghosts in the same town
Oh that is a very different perspective on the whole lighteyes/darkeyes thing
Ah. Hemolurgy. From Threnodites. He's right, the cosmere is an increasingly small place
What did he even swear to?
I mean "Auxiliary" isn't a very Honorspren name and obviously not all of Bridge Four are Windrunners but Most Of Them Are
262 "You threw out your conscience years ago, I know, though I never had a chance to meet her" Seriously what is going to go down in the back half of Stormlight
Roshar Man: yeah you can totally go into the murder storm my friend Kal does it all the time lmao
They're called Skybreakers because they break you. Storms yeah Bridge Four!
Yessss He did the thing! I was hoping he'd do the salute!
Oh, that's who Zellion is
Hoid, Zahel, etc: I'm changing my name just for fun. Just for the vibes. New planet new me :) Also same planet new me :) Aliases are so fun :) Elegy: I'm literally not the same person anymore but I am keeping the name because it fits me really well. Dead me can change her name idc
Yeah something really bad goes down in the back half of Stormlight. They should not be that surprised to see a Rosharan.
Awakened Steelmind? This tech is so fun
"I like to think that this is all part of God's plan. That He made before He died :)" -- Tootsie Noodles, Starship (2011)
"God had nothing to do with it it was all Auxiliary." "And what's Auxiliary?" [Zellion remembers that spren are fragments of Honor and Cultivation, who are/were themselves Shards of Adonalsium] "..."
"Sigzil was a capable fighter, but far from the Order's best" -- Rhythm of War chapter 6
I'm done btw
Also I didn't talk about her much but I love how down for murder Elegy is. She loves her sister and she's learning all about different kinds of strength but she was so happy when she had that shardblade
Also, speaking of Stormlight, didn't love Nomad mentioning that glowing red eyes remind him of his friends! Hope he just meant Renarin and Rlain but I'm worried he didn't!
In retrospect it makes perfect sense that they already know about the Shattering. They fled Threnody, which is only Like That because of the Odium/Ambition/Mercy fight that killed Uli Da and Splintered Ambition. Those three only existed as Shards because they had already killed Adonalsium.
Also I hadn't realized or had forgotten that Shades are a "being from Threnody" thing, rather than a "dying on Threnody" thing
Fascinating that Auxiliary's corpse can still change forms even when his consciousness is completely gone. That implies that Maya and the others did something on purpose to lock themselves into sword form, rather than it being a direct consequence of the spen dying.
Also don't think I didn't notice Sanderson deliberately dancing around exactly what Sigzil's oaths were. He was Fourth Ideal in two different Orders and everything past Second is personalized
Of course the Scadrians don't interfere except to ruin things. That's so Scadrial
Love Nomad repeatedly going "Okay... I'm Azish, though." Man isn't Thaylen or Alethi it's a completely different culture that happens to share a planet. The Cinder King has no concept of this. The Greater Good doesn't even understand the difference between Roshar and Scadrial
I was laughing at the Cinder King for thinking that you could just conquer all of Roshar (it's so big), and then I remembered the Voidbringer reveal in... I think Words of Radiance? And just started laughing harder. They literally did conquer the entire planet, other than the Shattered Plains and a few other remote areas. That canonically happened
Adonalsium is literally mentioned more in ssp4 than all the other Cosmere books combined lol
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angels--trumpet · 6 months
Human Gojo Tiger Yuji
Hello I have some worms to share with you, please enjoy my little drabble.
Au: tiger hybrid Yuji, hybrids are pets, fix it(kinda)
Gojo finds him in a box one day curled up tight with its tail tucked around its body and head pushed down hidden under a raggedy hole covered hood. His hands tucked into the pockets of his uniform pants while he hunched over the tiny soaked body, it wasn't even shivering, just laying there in the soaked through box. It looked pathetic.
Gojo reaches down to pick it up, and the touch immidetly gets a reaction from the little hybrid. Jerking his head up and baring its teeth in a visious snarl then stopping abruptly as it looked up at Gojo. It's eyes immidetly overflowed with tears, the tiny body pouncing right into the mans chest. 
So surprised by the reaction Gojo barely realized his had let the little cub touch him, chubby paws wetting his uniform jacket as it clung on for dear life nicking the skin underneither, but Gojo couldn't find it in him to care. 
An exotic breed that only the rich could afford to get and then thrown away when it became too much to handle. 
From the looks of it, the poor thing had been in a great many fights, a jagged scar ran down his brow near their eye, a star burst right on the corner of his lip, and the tip on one of its split tail was gone like it had been cut off. It was obviously young given its size, a tiger Gojo assumed from the strips and the rounded ears one with a split tail no less this one would have sold for quite the fortune if it wasn't for all the damage done to the hybrid. 
So Gojo took him home.
Gojo didn't have a great morality, honestly, so he didn't have a leg to stand on, but something about this one in particular made him angery. Like the injuries could have been prevented or the treatment of them was too harsh.
The little thing called itself Yuji.
He was 15 dispite his size and wouldn't tell Gojo where he had come from or where he received his injuries. So Gojo didn't press him, instead he bathed him and dressed up in over sized clothes, and used him like a stuffed animal for the night. He slept better then he had in years.
Most of all he learns that Yuji was extremely protective, of not just him but his students and specifically his underclassmen Nanami.
Gojo learns that Yuji can use cursed energy, had several techniques hidden in his tiny body, and was incredibly strong, durable, and fast. It was honestly kind of cute to see the little guy run on all 4 legs like a cat out of hell.
It was clear something had happened to Yuji before that made him this way, often staring off into space lost in a memory or screaming awake from a nap Gojo finally successfully make him take. Gojo could not help how easy it was to love yuji, to want to care for him specially when the little thing was so affectionate with him.
Yuji would not let him go.
Months began to pass, and Yuji became more aggitated and nervous, panicky until the night of Halloween and Gojo had to go on a mission.
Would not let Gojo leave the tiny apartment without him clinging onto his shirt, so that how Gojo left. Yuji telling him things about the future, telling him about being sealed away, telling him about Kenjaku.
Everything the cub said was true, as much as he hated it, it was true.
Gojo didn't have the heart to destroy his best friend all over again, choosing instead to push away from the crowd of people. He still had a job to do. Kenjaku  had looked at Yuji like he knew him, eyes narrowed in annoyance while the cub snarled back, not backing down from the glare. 
It wasn't the last time they would meet
Extra bits!
Ok so! Canon happens but Yuji dies fighting Sukuna alone because everyone else got curb stomped by him, he gets a second chance but in a univers as a hybrids which are sold as pets.
He was born a stray and his grandpa was also a hybrid stray, he was being watched over by a nice lady at the vet but eventually he does pass away and Yuji is alone, it was a bit faster because they couldn't get help fast enough so Yuji is orphaned a lot sooner.
Yuji is a tiger with a split tail making him very rare but he's was born with all his scars from the past.
Yuji let's go of Gojo only long enough to go find Mahito and kill him (with Gojo watching his back and Todo helping him) he took the fight personal because he was still mad about Nobara and Nanami from the past life. 
Yuji like a tiny little power house, so he doesn't need much help at all but they just wanna make sure Yuji okay. When things are calm again Yuji lives a very pampered life as Gojos best friend and life companion He does get bigger but only about the size he is in the Manga so he still able to just Cling onto Gojo like he's a backpack.
Gojo and the rest treat Yuji like he's his own person even tho by law he is only a pet untill Gojo gets tired of it and pays off people lmao. 
They have like 12 cubs together and live happily ever after the end lol.
Yuji however still choses to stay as Gojo's tho, he just ends up taking the mans last name through marriage.
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mocolococoffeesimp · 6 months
This is a bit different than most of what I publish on my blog. An original story by yours truly, featuring one of my ocs Candi! I have been writing this on and off for the past month or so. To those that aren't aware Candi is actually the face of my blog. So, I thought why not write a short story for him? Is this a masterclass in literature? No, but it is something to try to flesh out character. So, here's the story, for those interested.
Word count: 2073.
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"Come around, come around! Come and take a look at the fine merchandise!" A young man named Candi was trying to sell stuff he had acquired. Some more legal ways than others. "You want something for your partner? I got it." A small crowd had appeared before the table where he was selling the stuff. He held a wooden clock up to the crowd. "How about this fine clock, good people?" He let the audience look at it. "Sturdy and ancient. Worth bragging to your friends." He smirked at the audience, knocking on the wooden clock to show its durability. Only for the bottom of the clock giving out, the mechanic of the clock falling down on the ground. The crowd stifled their laughter at the sight. Candi didn't seem to falter.
"Well, it is still a fine looking accessory. So, any buyers? How about you, miss?" He pointed at a woman, who was dressed fancily. She shook her head. And, just like that the crowd started to move away from the table. Candi tried his best to sell something, only managing to sell lollipops to children. As the evening arrived, a couple guards arrived at the table. Candi looked up from the comic book he was reading. Once he realized they were potential customers he smiled widely. "Evening, gentlemen. May I interest you in some goods?" The guards looked at each other, before another one of the guards took out a wanted poster.
"Are you.. Candi?" Candi chuckled nervously, ready to start running any moment. "Depends who's asking." Before the guards could react to it he threw some of the items from the table, confusing them for a moment. Candi started running as fast as he could. Guards started to run after him, dedicated to catching him.
"What is it this time?" Candi muttered as he jumped over fences and obstacles with ease. "Larceny? Nah, I haven't stolen anything for a couple of weeks. Spying, nope." The guards were falling further and further behind him, as he kept on jumping over obstacles and such, showing off his mobility. Soon enough, Candi was climbing a ladder. Once he reached the roof, he looked behind him not seeing the guards. He laid down on the roof, catching his breath.
"They were probably some newbies, trying to solve some old unsolved case." He muttered to himself. As he laid on the roof, he noticed a delivery happening on the road. His interest was piqued, as he kept looking at it.
"A lot of guards... Usually it means something valuable." Candi looks at the delivery with intrigue. As the guards started to drag the delivery out of the van, he saw a large blue diamond in the glass casing. His eyes twinkled with dollar signs, as he already thought of how to get the diamond.
"Me want, me want..." He muttered to himself, as he started to think. "I am low on funds after ditching my merchandise... Not to mention, stealing a diamond would be a fun challenge... Let's do it!" He declared to himself, as he took a confident pose on the rood, his eyes landing on the castle where the diamond was being delivered.
After a couple of days. Candi was wearing a fancy bathrobe, as he had a facemask on. He was looking through some information about the security for the diamond. It was tight security, but Candi didn't falter about this. He was excited about the challenge. He sipped a can of soda, as he went looking for an opening in the security. "Hmmm...." He looked at the floor plan he had set on the wall, upside down on the couch. "Nope, didn't help." It seemed like he didn't have a way in. "Ventilation system, nah. Doesn't go to the right place. Sewers, not a straight access." He stood up, kicking the soda can on the table. "Damn it!" He quickly grabbed some tissue to dry the table. Once, he dried the soda off the table, he noticed a message on his phone. As he opened the message, his smirk widened.
"Well, it looks like the front-door is the solution." He set the phone on the table, revealing an ad to a party in the castle. He had some clothes shopping to do.. Right after, he's done with his beauty routine.
A door opened to a locker-room, revealing Candi stepping into the room. He stopped by the nearest locker. He took out a pair of lock-picks starting to lock-picking a lock on the locker. Without a problem, the door opened. There was a uniform inside among some other equipment. As Candi grabbed the uniform for his plans, he noticed a can of soda.
"Ooh, bonus." He folded the uniform over his arm, and cracked the can open. He sipped the drink absentmindedly, only for his face to turn into one of disgust. "Ew, gross. What kind of lunatic drinks soda warm?" As he complained to himself, the door to the locker room opened. The guard looked at Candi, it being obvious he wasn't supposed to be there.
"Hi?" Candi waved to the guard. Guard looked at him suspiciously.
"I'm the new recruit?" The guard noticed the open locker next to him. He then realized what was going on. "Hey, that's my locker! Stop..." Before the guard could finish her sentence, Candi threw the full can of soda at her face. This confused her enough, for Candi to slide past her and start running away from her. As he ran, the alarm started to ring trying out the facility.
"There is an intruder in the building. Capture him." The monotone voice from the speakers alarmed everyone to be alert to Candi. As he ran past the corridors, guards started running after him. He was close to the door, but it started to slide down. Candi managed just in time to slide beneath it, leaving the guards to the other side of it. He was smug about it, as he waved to guards. "See ya never." He waved to the guards, only to trip over a rock. He managed to stay up, but his cool moment was ruined. He didn't dare to look back at the guards, as he started running again. His plan was coming together.
Couple days later.
Candi was munching on a sandwich, as he was scouting the castle through binoculars.
"Hmm.... Where to get out?" He looked at the castle from top to bottom. His plan was to get in as a guard, take the guard outfit off, as guards would soon realize he wasn’t with them, blend in with the guests, find a vault, steal the diamond and leave. But, the problem was where to get out. He could always jump out of the window. But, after doing that couple times, he would prefer a safer way down. "Maybe there.." He saw a ladder going up to a window, which was pretty high up. It looked like it was the sixth floor, but after that he could parkour his way down.
"Seems easy enough..." As he was doing that, he also wrote down guards patterns around the castle. He had to be prepared for the heist, when to move in specific areas and such. His plan was coming together, he would make a bank with this one.
"Evening." A guard nodded to another guard. The guard was shorter than most, once the guard got inside and beyond a corner where no one would see him, he removed the helmet revealing Candi. He had a cheeky smirk on his face. "Hah, idiots." He took the rest of the guard outfit off, revealing he had dressed in quite the flamboyant way to blend in with the other guests. He tossed the guard uniform to a corner, blending in with other guests. He entered the dance hall, looking for the most lucrative spot. He had a smirk, as he started emptying some pockets. Talking to the rich guests, distracting them as he took their wallets. The guards entered the dance hall, making Candi a bit nervous.
"Alright... A distraction is needed..." He started to look around the dance hall, for something to allow him to slip past them and possibly into the vault. Or, at least near it, as he still wasn't certain where the vault was. "Excuse me.." He tapped a woman's shoulder getting her attention. He bowed to her. "May your radiance allow me to dance with you?" He put his best game on. The woman agreed, thinking she was going to be swept off her feet... She was wrong. As Candi took the lead with the dance, he occasionally stepped on her toes and she stepped on his. It was a painful dance for both of them, but it worked as a distraction. Others started to waltz around them, giving Candi an opportunity to slide under guard's eyes. Candi apologized to the woman about the dance, jogging where the guards had come from.
"Alright.... Where there are guards, is something valuable.." Candi muttered to himself, as he explored the corridors. He soon enough found a guard, guarding something. Candi smirked to himself, as a plan formed in his head.
"Oh poor me..." He waltzed into the guards vision, pretending to be drunk. He tried to take support from a table, only to fall onto the floor overdramatically. The guard rushed to him. "Are you okay, sir? I can get you some water." He held Candi gently to check if he took any damage from the fall. Then Candi slammed the guard's head against the floor, effectively knocking him out.
"Easy enough." Candi whistled to himself, as he checked the guard for keys. "Of course not... Let's do this the hard way then." He started to lockpick the safe, behind the door. It only took him a moment for it to open. And, there it was the diamond, he had seen so much effort for. "Jackpot." As he grabbed it, a sound behind him made him stop. "Drop the diamond and get on your knees." Candi turned to face the voice, seeing a muscular guard, she seemed about to be thirty, if Candy had to guess.
"Well, I happened to work extremely hard for this. So, nope. Unless, you ask kindly." Candi smirked at her, as he scouted for a way to get past her,
"Hard? Sure, stealing is so hard. Drop the diamond. I won't ask again." She pointed a baton at him. He rolled his eyes. "Well, since you asked so nicely." He threw the diamond at her, making her drop the baton trying to capture the diamond. Candi took his chance, tripping the guard and capturing the diamond. All before the guard could react. Candi was about to say something snarky, but she tripped him as well. Candi hopped just enough to stand still. Guard stood up, managing to punch Candi. Candi hopped backwards, away from her.
"Damn, I do love a woman who could kick my ass." Candi kept on hopping backwards gaining distance from her. "Watch your mouth, and you'll be leaving in cuffs." The guard snarled at him.
"Aw, buy me dinner first." With that, Candi started throwing whatever he could at her. One of those things happened to be a lit candle. Candi realized too late what he had thrown. But, he wasn't going to stick around to find out the results. "See ya never!" Candi winked at her, as he started running.
"Get back here, you damn twink!" Candi ignored her cries. Guard started to put out the fire. It didn't do any massive damage, but it was enough to set off the fire alarm. Candi opened the window, jumping to the ladder. He started to climb down in peace, as he noticed the people leaving the castle. Once he got close enough to the ground, he jumped off the ladder and blended in with the crowd.
Once he got to his apartment he tossed the diamond into the air with a gleeful smile. He set it down on the desk with a loud thud. He leaned back on his couch, with a satisfied sigh.
"Another successful heist." He looks at the diamond. "To sell or not to sell? That is a question." He pondered to himself, as he cracked a well deserved soda for himself. He was extremely satisfied with himself. for pulling off the perfect heist... Perfect in his mind.
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lilypads17 · 1 year
theres this fic that exists in my head that im like. trying so hard to write but The Chronic Illness Brain won't let me and its like
guys in white reverse engineer the ecto stoppo power ifier and boom danny's stuck in human form
normally this isn't too bad, his biggest deal recently is his secret identity
the guys in white go searching for phantom cause "he's gotta be powered down by now" and danny's like haha lmao. those guys are worse than my parents some days
uh oh
he can't use like. most powers. he's still got his fucked up stitched-together-with-duct-tape-and-prayers biology and still technically has an ectosignature, but that's the limit
normally, binding a ghost to the human plane would destabilize them instantly. because they're in amity park which is drenched in ectoplasm it would take a couple days, a slow and painful process
but danny isn't any ghost, so binding him to the human plane like this has limited him to human form, cut off access to his more resource heavy powers like the wail, more elaborate ice structures and duplication, so he's at a significant disadvantage. his halfa-ness makes it so he has some access on the human plane alone, but without a connection to the ghost zone that's failing fast
and so is his body lmao <3 cause like. his body stays "alive" (or as close as it gets) on both counts through a symbiotic parasite-esque relationship, his human body has a hightened healing factor, strength, senses, reaction time and several basic ghost powers and the only reason that much electricity didn't fry him into dust and that it can even function is because of his ghost body and it's ectoplasm, which is mostly fed through cellular respiration and feeding his obsession, which makes him unusually durable for a ghost.
so rn he's kind of like. flaking apart.
have that timeframe of 4 days. valerie comes to danny out of desperation and some knowledge that sam and tucker help phantom sometimes. she reveals she's the red huntress so he can help her help phantom, and danny's like. alright well this works out.
basically you get that pirate radio "danny is just as competent without his powers" dynamic with a time clock hanging over their heads and the giw on their asses
they're also going after valerie because her suit's from technus and they're like ah. the half ghost we've been hearing about. what an excellent cover.
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hisuianhellion · 10 months
Reality. Realization. Resolve.
Kleavor. A name given to a Pokémon capable of some of the most wild feats known of their kind. Without being gods of a fashion themselves, they were the Chosen. The Pokémon that this 'Almighty Sinnoh' had blessed with power normally unfathomable to the masses of young, old or even experienced within Hisui. And Rose was catching herself on the ground and springing right back up with a grit of her teeth as she was assaulted by one.
The sound of her sandals scraping the dirt beneath them as she hopped up into a more advantageous position was cut off by the deep roar of the viciously glowing Noble. A Pokémon of absolutely massive stature, standing nearly twice her height and wielding rocky axes upon its arms. Cleaving claws, the rather on-the-nose name the only solace in a life-or-death moment.
This Pokémon was out for blood, and it didn't even seem to realize it was. Its dashes were madly chaotic, the feral rage within them blinding it to all but its target. Leaping along the side made Kleavor attempt to come to a stop, but a resounding crash into the rock face of Grandtree Arena gave Rose a monumentally clear shot.
Balms, settled along her hip and bag for easy access, filled with a mixture of berries and Plump Beans, loosely tied to allow their release upon impact. It wasn't foolproof, but the more it happened, there was visible staggering from the creature she was facing off against. It was small, but progress was being made!
Another impact against the rocks, and she noted a moment of reprieve. There was a crack in Kleavor's frenzy. And she knew what Pokémon were all about. They did it to grow. They did it to settle disputes. They did it simply to pass the time.
They battled.
She pulled out a Pokéball. And with a fling, it released the Dewott Nanami had become in the week that followed Rose's initial trial. She and the otter both nodded at each other as Kleavor snapped out of their stupor and let out another roar of violent madness. And the battle truly began.
The Noble swiped horizontally, and Nanami ducked. Itcleaved downwards, and the otter was beside it, immediately wreathing themselves in water at Rose's behest to crash right into Kleavor's jaw. And the splash alone seemed to deal damage, followed swiftly by the impact! Yes! Go, Nanami, go, you've got this! His typing was fantastic for this, and as Kleavor staggered back, it tried to take a stance ready to attack far harder and faster than before.
This was met, rather handily, by Rose calling for a Water Pulse, which knocked the wind right out of Kleavor's sails, balms flying like crazy soon after. The way the cloths dispersed the substance within as it covered the Noble's head and shoulders allowed so much breathing room. But it wasn't done. They had been defeated once, but with the calming effect came a rather unintended side effect.
The less frenzied Kleavor became, the smarter it began to act. Instinct was making way for thought, but the feral ferocity it was showing hadn't faded. It was now being bolstered. And instead of a charge like Rose had been expecting... it spun. And those axes flew wide, fast and hard.
Cloth ripped. Rose gasped. And a small splatter settled on the arena, staining the dirt.
Blood dripped from Kleavor's axe. Blood dribbled down Rose's left arm, her eyes wide and her ears pounding in her head as she had been sent careening multiple feet to the side. And almost all became silent for what felt like an eternity.
Kleavor approached. It still wasn't itself. It still had the rabid energy coursing through its body. It still had everything in its power to deal the finishing blow, and both Warden and Clan Leader were powerless to step in lest they share Rose's fate, bleeding on the ground in a daze. Pokémon had the durability to handle attacks like this, able to bolster their defenses in ways that allowed almost supernatural steadfastness.
Humans did not. And Kleavor simply didn't seem to realize this. It saw a stunned opponent, not a victim. It saw a combatant. And it poised to dash. This time, Rose was barely able to react. She saw it coming. She knew she'd be completely knocked cleanly out at best, and losing her life at worst.
Pokémon truly were dangerous if left to become as frenzied as this Noble was. It was exactly the same fear she felt when she saw Nanami and Patrice fall to that Alpha. And now it was for herself.
A Pokéball had burst open. An Eevee boy, one affectionately named Barry, had come right out, countering the charging Noble with a burst of dark energy. Shadow Ball, catching them just as equally off-guard as the human had been for that horizontal slash as Rose looked on in shock. A crash sounded out as the massive being collided with the ground, crackling with the energy the attack forced into its body through the impact.
But there was something different. She could barely look at Barry. At first, she thought it was the sun. But the glow almost seemed to be reflecting off of Barry's fur. That didn't mak--... oh. Oh! That wasn't light reflecting off of him! It was light COMING from him! This sassy little protector of his non-battling sister had decided to come to Rose's defense, and from what Laventon had told her, it wasn't uncommon for an Eevee to evolve in times of stress like this to better adapt to its surroundings!
A ribbon gently coiled up and outwards. It gripped onto her injured arm firmly, and wrapped around the cloth to try and close it up in an attempt to help the girl feel safer. And as Kleavor stepped back up onto its feet... so did Rose. Scuffed, bruised and bleeding from the arm Barry was supporting, she grit her teeth into a vicious smile.
The light from her Eevee burst. White fur, pink ears and eyes shimmering with a gentle blue. Ribbons curling along from two bows upon his chest and ear, tipped with the same pink and blue hues. And as Kleavor dashed, the duo moved in sync, swerving clear out of the way with Rose skidding to a stop and patting Barry's back gently. "Once more! Shadow Ball!"
The energy coalesced in front of the newly evolved Sylveon, and with a leap, they shot it right out, smashing into Kleavor's back. It roared. It took a knee. Rose's excitement grew as she ripped her good arm down and into her bag, grabbed one more balm and aimed true. She pulled back. Barry kept her steady with a nod and a trill of "Sylv!" in support, grinning just as confidently.
It flew from her hand as Kleavor's head turned to look. And upon colliding with its cheek... the golden glow of the frenzied energy burst out. Wind flew out with the raw power of the Noble's sickness, Barry holding Rose steady as she put a hand up to cover her eyes... and it promptly stopped.
Kleavor's eyes focused. Its size had reduced notably, now only being a small bit taller than Rose rather than the gargantuan stature it had been before. With a slow shake of its head to get the cloth of that final balm off of its cheek, it looked at Rose in wonder. Barry practically cheered, looking right up at his human with unrepentant glee.
She panted. She couldn't really hear much over the thumping in her ears. With a glance at Barry, she smiled. She reached down to give him a pet. As her hand settled on it... her legs gave out. Promptly and perhaps expectedly, she collapsed right there, still panting and smiling. Barry was mildly panicked for the half second he saw this, only to sigh and smile at her as she let her hand still rub along his head, slumped downwards as she was.
"... s'my boy... I love you, too."
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aikoiya · 1 year
LoZ: TotK - Zonai Tech Oddity
I noticed something about a lot of the Zonai tech in the game.
A lot of it isn't really built to last.
Sure, the constructs & ruins & such, but the commonly-used devices & even the weapons are extremely fragile.
A Steward Construct even mentions that the devices are meant to be disposable. That they're this way by design.
As for the weapons, the descriptions have never brought up them being decayed... to my knowledge... So, it just seems like they're simply built flimsy.
Now, from a gameplay perspective, it makes perfect sense for them to break. They'd break the game otherwise. But from a narrative, worldbuilding standpoint it brings up questions about sustainability.
And I know, sustainability is brought up a lot these days & it's probably getting old for a lot of you, but I feel like it's apropos in this specific situation.
They basically mass produce devices that are designed to only work for a short time, not even a full day really, before breaking & I can't help but feel like that is a little concerning.
Admittedly, they disappear into the aether after being used up to it doesn't create trash, but it just doesn't seem sustainable. Like, how fast does this stuff form exactly?
Is it a flaw of Zonai engineering or a consequence of using Zonaite itself I wonder?
It'd certainly be interesting if Hylians just have a knack for long-lasting machinery & durable weaponry.
I mean, we know for a fact that Hyrule's weaponry are supposed to be all-but indestructible provided they're properly maintained, not overtaxed, & not covered in Gloom. Because, not only is that how most similar weapons IRL are, but before the Wild series, 99% of other weapons you get in the other games didn't break down really at all & that was through entire games. Hell, the Kokiri Sword stuck around for 2 full games, OoT & MM. Admittedly, it got replaced the 1st time, but it still stuck around for the long haul.
Like, there's the Biggoron Sword & the upgrade for the Kokiri Sword in Majora's Mask, but you eventually get an upgrade for the upgrade that makes it permanent & only the upgrade broke, not the sword itself. And, to be fair, the Biggoron Sword is of Goron make. (Though, that would indicate that Goron methods aren't as good as Hylian methods, which I honestly find very odd considering you'd think that the Gorons would be the equivalent to Hyrule's dwarves.)
So, this indicates that the method itself was still being perfected. If anything, these exceptions seem to prove the rule that weapons of Hylian/Sheikah make are extremely durable.
Not to mention, I just can't help but think that having your shit just randomly break over & over again & need to be replaced repeatedly, would not only be inconvenient, but downright infuriating! Especially when you're in the middle of something important!
Though... I suppose that the shortness of their use & the finality of their destruction when used up could also explain why Hyrule didn't seem to have paddleboats or trains or, fuck, space ships 10-20,000 years ago.
I mean, it's certainly one way to have advanced technology in your medieval fantasy setting while keeping it from going full sci-fi fantasy.
Edit: Also, it just occurred to me... How the fuck did the Gerudo not just get wiped the eff out? The Zonai must not've been as advanced as they seemed because have you SEEN some of the shit people have been building with their tech?
The Zonai had the tech necessary to make what would amount to mini divine beasts!! And anyone with the creativity to do so & the tenacity to figure out how the pieces go together could've done it!
They could've wiped the Gerudo off the face of the planet!
Sure, maybe they couldn't have killed Ganon so long as he had the Secret Stone, but at least there'd be no future Ganons to deal with other than the spite-fueled ghost of the one they were currently dealing with.
I'm saying this from a theoretical military standpoint, not because I actually would've wanted them to, mind.
And, obviously, this would've had it's own consequences if they did. For instance, the Sage of Lightning would've likely sworn vengeance, but that's not the point.
The point is, they could've decimated Ganon's armies like they were nothing.
That scene where Rauru Tri-Beam Cannoned the Molduga with the help of Wifey & Zelda?
Epic, but entirely unnecessary.
He could've had a mobile hot air balloon with cannons pointed down take the Molduga out & he might not've incited Ganon to kill Sonia & steal her stone.
Or at least put it off a bit longer.
Like, despite the shortness of the Zonai Devices' life expectancies, they were Hella powerful when you used them correctly.
LoZ Wild Masterlist
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