#if the individual guy specifically says they like it and that its okay then ofc sure its fine
titan-god-helios · 1 year
stop. fetishising. trans. men !!!!!!!!!
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themissakat · 4 months
sorry about taking so long to think of words, but i think i finally have good questions.
what are your guesses for where the 3rd game is going to take place? Visit a new location or return to old locations of the first 2? the forbidden west and carja and nora?
How do you think aloy and friends are going to develop? where could the game go to further the character arcs of the squad?
words are hard you're good
gonna put a readmore bc it has a lot of Forbidden West spoilers!!
My first guess would be that we'll see something related to the Oseram homeland, as its the only one of the main tribes (aside from the Quen ofc) where we've met their people but not been to their capital. I don't have 100% certainty on this because the Oseram are the most nomadic of all the tribes we've seen thus far, those guys are everywhere, so its hard to say if visiting a centralized leader would be applicable to getting their support, as opposed to getting in touch with individual groups like the Vanguard at Meridian or the group at Burning Ember.
I think it would be so cool to see the Quen homeland, and I've read some fics that propose the potential use of Zenith tech (like the shuttle, its just hanging out still) to travel those long distances faster. It would be interesting to see if they push the travel that far, as they played a little bit with that in Burning Shores and going to the San Francisco area, but Vegas to San Fran is a little different than crossing the entire Pacific Ocean.
as for the characters, I really hope to see Aloy continue to open up about accepting help from others and not shouldering the entire burden herself. One of my favorite arcs in hfw was how Aloy contended with Elisabet's "legacy", and how she, at first, accepted sole responsibility for it, to the point of pushing everyone else away from her. Her being the "key" to the facilities obviously put her in a place of "if i dont do this, no one else CAN", but I think that the introduction of Beta and the staunch support of her friends really finally pushed her into "it is okay to accept help".
I think that meeting Beta and contending with their differences despite their being genetically identical was a very needed push for Aloy, because it put a mirror up to her experiences and reinforced for her that she IS NOT just a clone of Elisabet, but her own unique person as well. I will keep saying it but their sisterhood breaks me and rebuilds me into a better human, i love them so much sdjfhsd
I do think we'll be seeing a lot of returning cast of course, including Avad and hopefully the Nora as well. I'm very excited for the introduction of Seyka to the greater group, because I'm curious how the writers will handle Aloy actually having a requited romance, instead of just being the subject of a lot of people's attention. ( my thread for talking about hfw is called "Flirting With Aloy Like It's An Olympic Sport" for a reason ).
Despite not being the main focus of the story, there are SO MANY moments where Aloy interacts with romance and attraction that I can't see them not resolving that plot point for her and Seyka. I, personally, expect it to be tied into the concept of "after", of the future she will have once the future of the planet is secured. I personally headcanon that Aloy will struggle with this concept, as she has been completely goal driven her entire life, and to finally achieve that goal is something she has never considered.
I want to meet Federa and Zo's baby ofc. I dont have too many other specific thoughts about character arc resolution for the rest, aside from that I hope Erend finds something worth fighting for, as he has lost SO MUCH and at times seems to be the most lost amongst the group. He has his heart in the right place, but I feel he is very deep in his grief for his sister still, whereas a lot of the other characters have more specific goals or people to inspire them onward.
I can't think of any more specific thoughts atm sjdfd except, Gildun beloved, Burning Embers crew beloved, good characters all around.
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kiljoius-writes · 2 years
Tag - Chapter Twenty Six - BONUS
Ao3 | FFN
Previous Chapter
First Chapter
Warning: Headcanons galore ahead.
None of this is required reading for the enjoyment of Tag, it is simply some enrichment, I guess you could say. Clarifies some things possibly, adds backstory for my OCs and how they fit into the Narutoverse. Things I wish I could have put in the fic but were just simply unnecessary to Hanabi and Konohamaru’s stories (who the fic is really about, ofc). As well as the outline of the original story.
Feel free to skip it in case you have specific things in mind for characters never specified in the actual fic. I know sometimes hearing the authors ideas can ruin an image of a character you’ve crafted in your head, so I won’t be offended at all.
Be warned, this is messy and not meant to be taken as "good writing." It's basically me just ranting and raving and sharing my outline. :p Thanks.
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Ow. This is painful.
It took me so long to finish that damn epilogue because I just didn’t want it to be the end.
I loved writing this story so, so much. It hurts to end it, but that was its natural conclusion.
Thank you all so, so much for sticking with it and getting to this point with me. I love these two and all the other characters I wrote. I will continue to manifest KonoHana energy into the ether in the hope it will result in something canon. At the very least, we can hope our babies are treated with more respect in the manga/anime.
Regardless, this has been my favorite fic to write at this point. It was the first one I really planned out and put a lot of thought and research into. All of your comments fueled me, every single comment I got compelled me to reread the entire thing to make sure it was good enough for you all because you (we) all deserve the best.
Also, thank you for indulging in my silly little OCs. Hanabi’s background is ambiguous, and I didn’t want to force her into Konohamaru’s team, so I came up with a few OCs (Jun, Eiji, and Tora). Honestly, I ended up loving them by the end of it, and I hope you guys think they were at least okay as her team. I wanted her to be in a female-dominated environment, but with a male who was sensitive to her. They were crafted around her, but honestly, I love them as individuals now and may or may not have more in stock for them as a team in the future. Don’t get me wrong, my proudest part of this fic is the development of Hanabi and Konohamaru HANDS DOWN. But I will admit, I love my silly little OCs (even Maki and Shinjuu, if you remember them, too).
Further, everyone who commented was a godsend, more than I deserve. But everyone who simply left kudos, a bookmark, or just read it from start to finish, are important, too, and I appreciate every one of you.
Finally, if any of you have any KonoHana fics you’d like to recommend (I know lots of my readers have guest accounts) please, please put them in a comment. I’d love to read them, and I know some people reading would love to read them, too! All of the ones I love are in my bookmarks, all you have to do is filter for KonoHana and you’ll find them, and I definitely recommend every single one!
P.S. As a parting gift, in addition to fic recommendations, if you guys have any prompts or general vague ideas you’d like to see a story for these two about, I HIGHLY encourage you to put it in a comment or DM to me on tumblr or discord or whatever you use (all my contact info is in my profile!) I’d love some inspiration and writing for anyone who read my monstrous 260k fic about these idiots would be a treat. Thanks :3
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OCs are a contentious subject when writing a shipfic, I know, but I didn’t want to sandwich Hanabi into an existing team that she didn’t belong to or a sensei that wouldn’t realistically be taking on a genin team at the time she would have graduated. I crafted the OCs with her future characterization in “The Last” and “Boruto” in mind.
All ages listed are from the first chapter to the last chapter (not epilogue). Hanabi’s age starts at 10 (3 years after Part I, 1 year before Part II) and ends at 27.
Tadashi (Loyal) Age: 38-55
Probably my favorite OC. I thought it was kind of strange for Hanabi not to have a male guard? So I created one.
He’s branch, but highly respected by the main family anyway. He’s older than Ko and Natsu by over a decade, but younger than Hiashi. As Hinata and Hanabi grew old enough to not really require their help (if they ever did in the first place), the three gravitated towards each other naturally.
I envision him running in the same circles for a brief time with the InoShikaCho parents, sensei to the Naruto era sensei. Tora was on his team, along with two boys who constantly annoyed her.
It was his only stint with being a sensei when Hiashi recalled him to look after his brothers wife while she was pregnant. He remained as a guard for the main family thereafter.
When Hanabi was born, he was the one who carried Hiashi’s wife to the hospital, as Hiashi was gone on a diplomatic mission. He had been close with her before she married Hiashi, and he was charged with watching over her for her pregnancy as well. She begged him to watch over Hanabi like Ko did Hinata, and asked him to work with Natsu on ensuring she doesn’t have to fall into the same role as herself. He was conflicted about this, but made the promise anyway, not knowing if he could actually keep it.
Then she killed herself a few months later, since no one had taken her post-partum depression seriously. No one was allowed to let the girls know, they were simply told she passed from “sadness.” Tadashi and Natsu took comfort in one another, and he knew in his heart he couldn’t allow that to happen to these girls.
He helped Natsu raise Hanabi since Natsu was still a teenager herself when Hanabi was born, then stuck to the shadows for the most part, ensuring their safety.
During the fourth war, he remained behind to keep an eye on Hanabi, at the order of Hiashi, but he had no problems with that (he’s a lover, not a fighter).
When Konohamaru first ‘assaulted’ Hanabi, he was apprehensive of the boy. He knew he was the third’s grandson, but also knew he was prone to trouble. He quickly took a liking to him when Hanabi integrated herself into his group of friends. If forced to admit it, he was fond of the boy. The fondness grew as they grew into adults, and he was truly pleased to hear he’d be Boruto’s sensei.
Speaking of Boruto and Himawari, he favors Himawari, but would never let anyone know that. He’s pretty sure most of the compound agrees.
Yes, Tadashi had absolutely caught them kissing before. He only ever told Natsu, and they agreed to keep it quiet until they were ready to come out about it. They both enjoyed teasing her, though.
And yes, everyone in the Hyuga compound knows Hanabi is not sneaky whatsoever. Never had been, never will be. They let her believe she was so she didn’t try to get better at being sneaky, ensuring they’d be able to keep an eye on her better this way if she thought she was getting away with stuff.
It was a running joke between him, Natsu, and Ko. Even Hiashi got in on the joke once and a while.
Was very happy to see the clan leader soften with the grandchildren. Finally felt like he just might be able to keep that promise to Hanabi’s mother.
Approached Hiashi about it one day after Hanabi had become a sensei. Hiashi told him he was well aware of their relationship, and was simply keeping it in his peripheral for now. Tadashi was the one that told him he had a very difficult choice ahead of him, because the heiress was in love.
He thought Hiashi might be readying to close all his chakra points when he said that, but the man’s face softened with a sigh. Told him they’d cross that road when it came to it.
Incredibly relieved that Konohamaru finally (wo)manned up and spoke to Hiashi the way he needed to be spoken to.
However, Tadashi is a little irritated to admit that Konohamaru was probably the reason their clan changed at all.
Oh well. At least it was changed.
It was probably a little troubling to other clans that the Hyuga now had an Uzumaki Hokage jinchuriki along with the longest running Hokage’s grandson in their family, though.
If Konohamaru tried to get Hanabi to take the Sarutobi name, though, Tadashi wouldn’t stand for that.
Let them keep one, damnit.
Tora (Tigress) Age: 29 - 46
My lovely Nara character. I truly enjoy writing Shikamaru (not really romantically, just generally) and couldn’t resist making up a Nara OC. They’re a big clan, I figure there’s Nara’s floating around in all facets of society.
As she’s not part of the main family, she was never placed with any Yamanaka or Akimichi kids, simply got stuck with two boys she, to this day, is not fond of. She was, however, fond of Tadashi, and continues to be. He was always on her side when the team got into arguments, and often put the boys in their place in favor of her. In return, she was a decent student to him. Despite wanting to nap all the time, she took her role as a genin and eventually a chunin very seriously.
Her father pressured her to promote to jonin, as her older sister was a student of a legendary sannin herself. Tsunade was a familiar face in her household growing up, often coming by to share drinks with her sister when she was in the village. Shizune was also a close friend during those times as well, she had hoped to be on her genin team. Not a fan of Kurenai, found it annoying that boys fell over themselves to get her attention. She wasn’t jealous, okay? It was just dumb. But she really never had problems with her or Asuma. Just didn’t like to be near them, especially with those disgusting googly eyes they made at each other. Plus being around the Hokage’s son was actually kind of intimidating, if she was honest. Did enjoy when Moriko would treat all the academy students to dango after class when she’d pick up Asuma.
Ran in the same circles as the sensei from OG Naruto. Found Kakashi annoying, though did sympathize with him, having lost her mother, too. Found Anko’s antics amusing if they did not involve her, but would quickly disappear if Anko tried to rope her into anything. Had Genma in her ear far too often, and Ebisu was too rambunctious for his own good. Found herself around Ebisu far too often, and she did indeed push him into that ravine. She still denies it. Almost killed Gai one time when he and Kakashi’s battle intruded on her nap out in a nice field of flowers, and Gai came slamming down, nearly crushing her. The only other student besides Shizune she was somewhat close with was Rin. Was part of the group that called Kakashi a friend killer.
In her 20s, she apologized for it once she had matured and realized how wrong she had been. She tried to take him for drinks to somewhat make up for it, but he politely declined and told her they were fine. They still never talked much after that. Her father had been friends with Sakumo, but he never really talked about it, just told her to never let others make her feel unworthy. She never really knew what he meant until she was an adult, and stuck to that as a sensei to her one and only team. She never wanted any of her kids to feel insufficient, not Eiji, not Jun, not Hanabi. All of them always had value, to her.
When Tsunade came to her to become a sensei, she instantly said absolutely not. Then she told her it was specifically Hiashi Hyuga requesting her, as a former student of Tadashi, and Tsunade had to insist. Finally, she was told it was to be sensei to that Hyuga brat. Tora asked if she could think on it, and Tsunade told her that unfortunately, no, she couldn’t, because she was to pick the kids up the very next day.
Tora met with Hiashi that night and told him that if she was gonna take on Hanabi, she couldn’t have her guard leering about, even if she liked Tadashi. The girl needed to learn independence, and that would never happen with Tadashi and Natsu fretting over her.
Encouraged Jun to become a medic, a philosophy hammered into her by aunt Tsunade. Wasn’t totally sure what to do with Eiji, just sort of let her fall into that tracking role.
Was behind the scenes, trying to pull strings so her and her little team could visit Jun when he was hospitalized. Kakashi did tell her how bad the injuries were, and when she heard, decided it was best to wait and not tell Hanabi, lest she bust down the hospital room door.
Treated Shizune to an expensive meal after Jun recovered as thanks for her help in healing him.
Spoke with Kakashi after the fateful Anbu mission that dictated Hanabi kill branch Hyuga. She went to him at Jun’s pleading to find out why Hanabi was so withdrawn, and he didn’t give her the details. Kakashi simply told Tora that Hanabi had endured something he both understood and did not. Something he knew the pain of, but could never be in her shoes about.
What Kakashi meant—was that he understood how horribly painful it was to lose others, and kill others. Especially those that should mean something to you. But he also knew he could never understand what she went through, killing her own clansmen that sought to kill her, too.
Tora never questioned what he meant, simply nodded in understanding. Because Tora knew she could never really understand, either.
As for Konohamaru and Hanabi’s romance, she knew of Konohamaru’s crush after Hanabi’s injury and his mopey demeanor. Knew of Hanabi’s crush the moment she caught them coming out of the weapons store in the Grass. Definitely the first person to catch onto either of them. Admittedly, it was cute, but she was more concerned on Hanabi focusing. Then as they grew up and continued their stupid little game, Tora was just annoyed. Love is stupid. She’d meet with Tadashi once every couple of months to speak about Hanabi’s progress and she was the one who clued Tadashi in on what seemed like an obvious crush. During the battle portion of the chunin exams, when she saw Moegi about to leap into the arena to stop Hanabi, Tora was the one who yelled at Hanabi to stop. She couldn’t gauge whether Hanabi was actually capable of killing to poor kid, and figured it was going too far anyway.
Could understand the attraction between Hanabi and Konohamaru, both spoiled little kids of high standing clans, but not Eiji and Jun. Not that she was against their little relationship, it just confused her. She felt quite bad for Jun, taking on Eiji and her whole family, but he seemed happy, at least. Their happiness was paramount, even if she’d never admit it aloud.
Shizune phoned her one day, long after she’d retired as a sensei (she never took on another team, she refused), asking to meet with her and Tsunade to discuss business (betting on this stupid relationship). Shizune wasn’t a big fan of the betting pool, but did find it funny that Tsunade was so elated to bring gambling into village gossip. Tora immediately agreed, and helped Tsunade organize the whole thing. Had her cousins keep an eye on the pair while she did as well. Caught them kissing on far too many occasions—did they really think this was sneaky? Good gods.
Surprisingly, Shino Aburame had the largest stake. He was a quiet watcher, and was constantly, unintentionally, being fed information during his weekly tea (tea as in the beverage, but also tea as in…well, the gossip 😉) sessions with Hinata. Then when they became sensei, Shino was well aware of how these things were going to play out. Konohamaru was bound to snap, and his prediction was within the month it happened and they became public.
Many were none too pleased to find out he had won the most out of the pool.
Spends her retirement with her books, shows, and whiskey. Fine with not having found love, figured there were too many brats running around anyway and she enjoyed solitude. Still has drinks with Ebisu on occasion to gossip about their idiot high-standing clan kids. Usually ends in an argument and swearing to never speak again. Can’t resist using her shadow jutsu to make his mouth stop yammering.
While most sensei let their teams go once one or more promote to chunin, Tora stuck around longer at Tadashi’s request. Once Hanabi became a jonin, she finally stepped down and let Hanabi be the team leader. She was relieved for it.
She did miss those kids, though.
Eiji (Cheerful) Yorimaru (Trust) Age: 11 - 28
My sweet Inuzuka girl. Again, I flippin love Inuzuka clan stuff, Kiba’s my favorite, Tsume’s my favorite parent, Hana has the potential to be cool as hell, the puppies? Come on. I had to give Hanabi an Inuzuka teammate, and yes, I was very intentional on giving her a primarily female team. I don’t feel like we see it enough in the Naruto series (hence why I was over the moon that Hanabi had an all girls team—lets not talk about that, tho.)
The youngest of six, her oldest sibling is a sister 12 years her senior. She’d been an aunt since she was barely 9, and often loses track of how many nieces and nephews she has. Being around so many kids made her vow to never have her own, though she did fantasize about getting married. Being the runt of her litter forced her to be loud and obnoxious in effort to ensure she got some attention.
Tsume is her aunt, and she often hangs around Hana at the clinic. Kiba took it upon himself to train her since he himself had no one to really help him with Tsume and Hana being busy with their jonin and vet duties, respectively, and all of Eiji’s older siblings were too busy for her, too. Finds Kiba to be stupid, but has to admit he’s nice enough to pay attention to her. Adores Tsume, who adores her back.
Got Yorimaru while in the academy. Had to beat girls back while she trained with him because they all wanted a piece of the adorable pup. Would give her life for the damn dog she loved him so much.
Tough exterior, soft interior, as is typical, I think, of Inuzuka. Like she said on Hinata and Naruto’s wedding day, she loves love and couldn’t wait to be married. She had a crazy amount of crushes when she was in the Academy, Jun not being one of them.
Didn’t realize she had a crush on Jun until he kissed her forehead during the chunin exams. That brought up a lot of weird feelings, good and bad. Began discretely dating shortly after the wedding, especially after spending so much one on one time together after Hanabi’s kidnapping. They weren’t keeping it a secret, Jun just wasn’t a huge fan of public affection and she was trying to respect that. He did eventually come around, and you can often find her clinging to him, jumping on him, riding on his back, and just showering him with general affection. She gave Hanabi the same treatment, too, sometimes, if she’d allow it.
Was thoroughly surprised when she heard her name called alongside the Hyuga princess, as she’d been calling her. She didn’t have any qualms with Hanabi prior, just didn’t see the point in interacting with a spoiled, cold little girl. Same for Jun, he seemed weak and meek and she preferred louder company that could match her energy. But within weeks of being teamed, she found herself loving her teammates. Tora’s personality constantly clashed with her, but they eventually took to each other, too.
She’d always been annoyed by Konohamaru. You’d think they’d get on great as similar personalities as kids, but the way his voice sounded when he cried for Naruto or declared himself the next Hokage was grating to her. He liked to hang around her when his friends were absent, even called her friend, but she never returned the gesture, which he had been oblivious to. Then of course her teammate had to be in love with the idiot. He did eventually grow on her and now she’s happy to see him. Usually.
Cried when Jun proposed. Unashamed, streaks of tears, snot, the works.
Biggest fight between her and Jun is when he proposed getting a cat. Jun didn’t like to indulge in fights, but this was one he felt was just wrong on her part. She managed to convinced him she was allergic (he didn’t believe it, but decided the fight was tired at this point). They eventually agreed he could have a cat at his office in the hospital.
Impatiently awaiting Hanabi’s wedding. It better be as good at Naruto and Hinata’s, if not better. And she would demand to attend this reception, damnit! She can smell certain combinations of pheromones that indicate pregnancy, she’s been around her sisters and brothers wives too often when they were pregnant, she’s very familiar with the scent. And yes, whenever Hanabi comes around, she’s taking a long whiff to make sure. Depending on the timing, she would either kiss Konohamaru for making her an auntie again or murder him.
Jun (Obedient) Age: 12 – 29
My complete original creation I adore. He’s a sweetie and may or may not be distantly related to Sakura. It’s something I considered, but decided not to expand on. As of now, he comes from no notable clan and has no relation to any characters from the manga/show.
Parents died when he was young. Both were jonin who kept to themselves, and were killed in action on a mission. One of the reasons couples going on missions is frowned upon. Jun never found out what came of them.
Gentle nature and medical skills from his mother, sensory ability and reasonable personality from his father, from what he could remember. No one really knew his parents, either. During a one-on-one training session, Tora did tell him she recalled his mother being sweet. Encouraged him to start training as a medic because she knew his mom was one (and of course because of Tsunade’s influence). Decided that was what his calling was the moment she brought him to Shizune.
Though they rarely got to see it, when he wasn’t with his team, he was volunteering in the hospital and studying under Shizune. She was quite fond of him, and he her. She told him once she might have become a sensei herself if she could be guaranteed good kids like him. He reveled in that praise, never really getting it anywhere else except the occasional “good job, kiddos” from Tora.
Moegi was one of the only people to keep him company in the academy if her attention wasn’t on Konohamaru or Udon. She had been his first crush. Udon and he had a respectful friendship, admiring each other’s intelligence. Liked his entire team right away. He considered himself lucky to be on the same team as the Hyuga heiress, and did have some pride in being part of her protection, especially after he healed her during the Grass mission. She often came to him for healing, whether they were on a mission together or not.
It also hit him he might have some sort of feelings for Eiji after he instinctively kissed her in the chunin exams. They both avoided the topic for a long time before he forced himself to be brave after the wedding. She walked him home and he kissed her on the cheek. He found he quite liked the way her markings blended in with the blush on her face, and did it again.
Then she jumped his bones and his face was as pink as his hair.
Did the entire to-do for his proposal leading up to the Hokage inauguration. Took her to dinner, a moonlit walk, and got down on his knee in the midst of the forest. Cleaned her up as she sobbed. Took her last name, didn’t matter to him, anyway. Jun Inuzuka sounded just right. Went to his parents graves to tell them she accepted, and he finally had family, again.
Moegi was visiting her father’s grave when she overheard that shit and damnit if she didn’t cry ugly tears.
Relieved Eiji didn’t want kids. It was a tough topic to broach, but both were incredibly relieved neither wanted them. They’ll grow old without kids, surrounded by dozens of Inuzuka nieces and nephews (and they figure whenever Hanabi and Konohamaru had kids). Is very fond of the kids and has taken it upon himself to teach them medical jutsu at the very least to help with their pups should they need it.
Did eventually take Hanabi up on going in to do lessons at the academy in medical jutsu, where he ended up taking a liking to Wasabi. Reminded him of Eiji. Wasabi, as seen in Boruto, took on the mantle of medic (even though Hanabi initially thought it would be Namida) because of Jun’s influence.
Big KonoHana shipper, probably the biggest just behind Moriko. While he is more outwardly patient than Eiji, he is constantly impatiently waiting for this stupid dance to end so they can go back to just being a damn friend group. Every time Konohamaru and Hanabi had a fight, Jun fought the urge to join Eiji in berating her. Eiji did that enough for both of them. Just imagine this sweet, calm man outwardly smiling and offering comforting words, but in his head he’s cussing them both out and about to explode.
Discovered they were public when he saw Konohamaru shamelessly kissing her all over the face, similar to how Eiji might assault himself. Was a little irritated he had to find out that way, but was happy, regardless.
Finally, Jun was more than ready to move on from this.
Moriko (Forest) Age: 44 – 61 Hoshito (Courage) Age: 3 years younger than Moriko, deceased at 36
I’ve always had the idea that if Konohamaru had any alive parents in Naruto, it would be a doting mother who was much older than Asuma. I also liked the idea she’d be the daughter of the Hokage, honestly its probably just me trying to get more female characters in here. Moriko and to some extent Hoshito’s past were the hardest one for me to write, because these are characters that we know must exist in some form, but have almost zero information on except that they were highly respected, powerful Anbu.
But I liked the idea that she was a stout, round woman who was warm and kind, and her husband was the tall one (where else would Konohamaru get his height, Hiruzen and Biwako were tiny. She resented that Asuma ended up being tall, how the hell did her baby brother end up looking down on her?!), stoic but not cold like Hiashi, and fiercely loyal to his wife and Hokage.
Moriko grew up with her father being Hokage and doted on by Tsunade and Jiraiya. They often brought her treats from their travels. Not a fan of Orochimaru, even before his villainous turn. He always creeped her out and whenever he was around, she tried to play pranks on him to discourage him from coming around.
Wasn’t fond of baby Asuma, being nearly 14 when the kid was born. She was busy working towards jonin and distancing herself from the Honorable Daughter title. Babies sure seemed annoying, she was glad she made the decision not to have kids (oof, sorry Moriko. You were super wrong there). Ended up growing to like him when he could finally talk, and found he was actually kind of funny…kinda cute, she admitted. So she took on the task of walking him to and from the Academy for a few years, then would drop in by surprise to treat the class to treats. She enjoyed feeling like a celebrity to all those silly little kids.
Asuma kind of hated it, because it was always when he got Kurenai to pay attention to him, and then his big sister comes in and grabs everyone’s attention, including Kurenai’s. She was a huge wall in his plans, damnit.
Didn’t really know Hiashi and Hizashi that well, but they ran in the same circles and encountered each other quite often as important figures of the village. Found Hiashi to be her competition on more than one occasion for the top spot in class. Hoshito had been a few years younger than her, so she never knew him prior to her Anbu career. Whenever Hiashi promoted to jonin, she was demanding her father promote her, too. Hiashi was too smug when he joined her on her test mission. Then she decided she couldn’t fall behind, and joined Anbu. The look on his face was priceless and whenever she saw him, she took the opportunity to rub it in his face (even now, as an old man and woman).
As stated, never wanted to be Hokage, despised the idea. She saw how often it took her father from her, rarely seeing him. She only got to really know him when he retired and Minato was inaugurated. She told him, blatantly, that she resented that he was the Hokage and she never had a true father. He was regretful and did his best to make up for it by being a doting grandfather later, even though he had become Hokage once more. Once she had Konohamaru, she had softened her stance against her father and finally began welcoming interaction with him. Never told Konohamaru how much she resented his grandfather as a child, just ensured she wouldn’t repeat his mistakes. Konohamaru has no clue about his mothers strained relationship with his grandfather.
That’s why, when she met Hoshito in Anbu, she immediately pushed him away. Anyone who was a fanboy of her father was no friend of hers.
But he had fallen for her long before.
Hoshito, as stated, comes from no known clan. His parents died in the second war when he was a teenager, like so many others his age. He was three years younger than Moriko and always admired her in the Academy. She was fearless, never let anyone push her around, and skilled as all get out. He fell in love with her from afar at a fairly young age. The Hokage’s daughter had no clue she had an admirer all that time until he confessed it while they were on an Anbu mission.
She pushed him away immediately.
Like, no chances were given. She made it quite clear she wanted absolutely nothing to do with someone who followed her father so blindly. No matter what he said, he was just a fanboy.
And he wasn’t even remarkable in any way! Sure, he was skilled in wind style, complimenting her fire style when they had to battle together, and sure, he was strong, fast, had deep blue eyes, and—wait, no, not that.
He relentlessly pursued her anyway. He never saw her date around, she took her Anbu responsibilities seriously, and so did he. So when one night, they were forced to huddle together next to a fire in a cave in the Rain, relentless downpour, he took his chance and kissed her.
He got a punch in the gut when she confessed that had been her first kiss and he laughed in disbelief. He told her if she let him, he’d be the only one she kissed. She told him she didn’t realize he had such a way with flirting, and maybe he should have been doing that in the first place!
Oh, and he was tall. Moriko had always been a runt, so she often climbed him. Sat on his shoulders while he carried her around. He insisted, who was she to say no?
Hoshito was completely unbothered when Asuma threatened to kick his ass if he hurt his big sister. Asuma also wasn’t fond of fanboys of his dad, he and Moriko had always been on the same page about that. Even if she would pluck his cigarette from his mouth whenever she saw him and promptly stomp it out, threaten to kick his ass if he didn’t quit, damnit. How was Kurenai ever going to love an ashtray?!
Then Hoshito got her pregnant. Sheesh, what a romantic. And she was the one who told him they had to get married, now. He didn’t find anything wrong with that. She told him she’d kill him if he got her pregnant again, and he took that threat quite seriously. He knew she could kill him.
Regardless, they fell in love with Konohamaru the moment he was born, her being 33 and Hoshito being 30 (Asuma would have been 19, for reference). The name was suggested by Hiruzen, and Hoshito agreed. Moriko didn’t really mind, anyway. She did love her village, even if she had problems with her father. It was actually amazing how well it fit him.
Hoshito fell into the father role naturally, and they both retired from Anbu when she became pregnant. She insisted she’d rejoin after giving birth, but Hiruzen refused her, and she found she didn’t actually want to be away from her son, anyway. Being daughter of the Hokage came with perks, and both parents were able to be home with him. Hoshito taught him everything he knew about wind style and she with her fire style. Hoshito brought Konohamaru to Hiruzen often, which made Hiruzen very fond of the man.
Hoshito often told Konohamaru stories about his missions, his time in Anbu, stories of the wars and founding of the Leaf. Emphasized duty to village and it’s people, as well as the Hokage. Really laid it on thick what an honor it was the be grandson of the (in his opinion) most revered Hokage in history. This all shaped Konohamaru’s mindset when it came to the Hokage and becoming one. Moriko reluctantly let all that slide, even if she didn’t necessarily agree with it all.
Phew. When he died, Konohamaru was 6. Moriko greeted him as she normally did, brought him his coffee and paper, and he didn’t wake up. She was the one who had to come to the realization that he was dead.
Worst day of her life, worse than her own fathers and brothers deaths a few years later, worse than her mothers death years before. She had never felt such a horrid, searing, stabbing pain in her chest before. She immediately took Konohamaru to Asuma while she dealt with what this all would mean for her and him going forward. Asuma took over the task of telling Konohamaru that his father was dead as she laid in bed for the next three months. Asuma ended up taking care of Konohamaru during all that time, and it was Kurenai who helped him with it.
Eventually, she recovered, though was somewhat of a shell of her own person for a while. It was her father who told her that she needed to be strong, lean on him and Asuma for support, and move forward for the boys sake. At first, she was furious with him for coming to her like this. The moment her and Asuma’s mother was killed ten years prior, Hiruzen had been made Hokage again, and they had no such support from him in that department, it was just her and Asuma, navigating their mothers death with her having to be the strong one then. All while dealing with the aftermath of Kurama’s attack. But she eventually let that go, too, and simply accepted the help.
With Asuma’s support, she recovered fully. Too bad fate would then take her father from her just as their relationship was mending, and then her brother. She was the only one left, and clung to Konohamaru for dear life in those years. She knew her presence was overbearing, but she couldn’t bear to be away from him for too long. She became withdrawn from the village for a time, wondering if she was cursed to lose everyone she loved.
And then the damn kid took on a Path of Pein and it was the angriest she’d ever been in her entire life.
She laid into Ebisu. How the hell could he let him do that?! Ebisu’s life flashed before his eyes. She laid in Konohamaru’s bed with him for several nights after that, crying over him, berating him, telling him she loved him. He did apologize, but told her he’d do it again, to protect her and everyone else. She told him she knew.
Then Mirai was born and she was in Kurenai’s home whenever Konohamaru wasn’t around.
She thanked the gods she at least had these two. Thanked Asuma posthumously for getting Kurenai pregnant right before he was killed.
By the way, don’t get her started when she saw Shikamaru with a cigarette. “Is that a fucking cigarette, Nara?” Strong language wasn’t characteristic of the woman, so it held power when she used it. She was immediately knocking on his mothers door, and they proceeded to talk mad shit about the recently deceased Sarutobi. It was the only thing that could bring her comfort, to pretend like he wasn’t dead.
Konohamaru’s playful nature comes from her, and his sense of responsibility from his father and the stories he heard about him. Konohamaru remembers his father fondly, and gets teary every time he thinks of his uncle gently telling him his father had passed. He pushed his mother away for a couple of years before Asuma threatened to choke him with his scarf if he didn’t start treating her better.
It was Asuma who made him realize he had to be a man, sooner rather than later.
Moegi and Udon were often in her home when they were children. Moegi’s mother had been a friend from the Academy, who had been friends with Udon’s father, and their children naturally ended up spending time together. She adores both, and was the one to tell Moegi to keep Konohamaru and Udon in line. Eventually realized it was Udon who had to keep them in line and told him as much.
Flashing forward (because Christ, I could write so much about them), when Konohamaru came home one day to say the Hyuga heiress was in his class, she was elated.
Immediately “do you know I was in her fathers class? What a stubborn old fool. Oh, but his daughters are just so cute, don’t you think?”
“You don’t think that little firework is a cutie?”
She had seen the girl around in passing at events, but never really got a chance to interact with her. But the prospect of her son being her friend was interesting, to say the least. Moriko was completely unbothered by Konohamaru’s defeat in the exams by the girl. When he was in his hospital bed, she sat with him dutifully, and when he awoke, she made sure to tell him to go thank her for the riveting match. Perhaps bring her for tea. Then, when she arrived on her doorstep, she was blown away. What an adorable little Hyuga, looking so like Hiashi but so much softer and sweeter. The moment she indulged her in her stories, she decided she liked her.
Then, watching them dance at the Hero of the Leaf’s wedding, well, she was sold. They were destined to be, and the thought highly amused her. So she sauntered up to Hiashi to make sure he knew it, too.
Hyuga were good at feigning indifference, but she saw the way he looked at them, too. He did know it.
Very excited to have Hanabi visiting her after the wedding. Konohamaru became so incredibly busy as he grew into a teenager and eventually an adult, she didn’t see him as often as she wanted to. Moriko had always craved companionship, so having Hanabi visit for tea was welcome. She was delighted she was a good conversationalist (she figured she would be) and was slowly able to pry out information from her about her little love affair with her son (unintentional on Hanabi’s part).
Had too much confidence in her dear son, thinking he would have swept her off her feet far sooner, and ended up losing a healthy amount of money to that damn betting pool.
Has many ideas for their inevitable wedding, and assured Eiji that yes, it would indeed be bigger than Naruto and Hinata’s. She’d make sure of it.
The biggest fight Konohamaru ever had with his mother was when he told her he was joining Anbu. She told him she’d kill Kakashi, then proceeded to not talk to him for the entire time he was training. When he came back, she relented and told him the path forward would be fraught with death. Told him she would personally kick his ass in the afterlife if he died on her, her heart could not take anymore. He promised he wouldn’t, and when he came to tell her he was thinking of retiring, she instantly insisted that he do so. Also insisted he talk to Hanabi about it, too. She didn’t want to see that sweet girl die.
She needed grandchildren, after all. She was getting old, damnit.
Visits Hoshito’s grave sporadically. Doesn’t have a set schedule, just takes off whenever she feels like talking to him. Has caught her son at the gravesite on multiple occasions, and it’s always nice to sit with him and both chat with the headstone.
Honestly, I could do an entire fic about these two and the ideas I have, it’s ridiculous. I can’t fit it all here or else it’ll just turn into it’s own fic lol.
Shinjuu (double suicide, aka Sakaki, evergreen tree) Age: 16 – 29 Maki (obedient, aka Sawara, cypress tree) Age: 10 – 23
Shinjuu is nearly six years older than Hanabi, while Maki is the same age as her. He was actually in her class that first day, having been taken off guard when she walked in. Then she skipped a grade. Typical main family nonsense.
Maki had actually been friends with Hanabi at one point, when they were both small. He remembered thinking she was very pretty and maybe even having a crush on her? They were babies, okay, he didn’t know any better. Then he got his curse mark, and they quit seeing each other. He had no idea why when he was young, but obviously found out why later.
Maki was always soft and kind, he never really resented Hanabi. Thought she was a foolish girl who always had too much to prove, but didn’t dislike her. Even wished maybe they could be friends again one day, though she was busy with that grandson of the Hokage.
Hanabi did remember him, and remembered asking him if he was Natsu’s son. Aside from that, she admitted she didn’t know him well.
Shinjuu was indifferent. He knew what his role was and just accepted it. Did he resent the main family? To some extent, yes, but never took it as far as Neji. He often sparred with Neji and would listen to his tirades about the injustice of it all. Was bewildered when Neji mastered main family techniques, and was secretly tutored by the boy when they were teenagers to become well-versed in some of them. Truly mourned Neji’s death and sacrifice.
Shinjuu actually admired Hanabi, found her older sister to be weak. He was one of the few let in on information when she was kidnapped. He was part of a team that surveilled around the village, along with some of Hinata’s old classmates. He’d never let her know that he was actually concerned about her, because Hanabi probably didn’t even know he existed.
Again, Hanabi knew Shinjuu to be her cousins friend, but not much more than that.
Joining Anbu was one way for branch Hyuga to live relatively removed lives. They still serve the Hyuga to some extent and can be recalled (and chosen for missions specific to Hyuga matters, such as the little rebellion in Chapter 15), but otherwise, they were primarily servants of the Leaf. It’s why Shinjuu and Maki chose the path, to be further removed from the clan.
Both him and Maki just figured the heiress knew nothing about them until they were teamed for that mission to take out branch Hyuga. They had discussed the mission privately after Hanabi had stomped away the night before they were to leave. They agreed that they would both lay down their lives for her, even though they’d never expect her to.
Shinjuu’s last thought was of his mother, and Maki’s of his girlfriend back home. They hoped they’d understand.
Here’s a list of ages of some relevant (to some extent) canon and OC characters starting in the first chapter for age difference reference. First chapter is set 3ish years after Part I, 1 year before Part II These are from databooks and informed guesses.
Tsunade – 54
Hiashi, Moriko – 44
Tadashi – 38
Ebisu - 31
Asuma, Kurenai, Shizune – 30
Kakashi, Gai, Tora - 29
Ko, Natsu - 24
Neji, Shinjuu – 16
Hinata, Naruto (really all of the rookie 9) - 15
Jun - 12
Eiji, Konohamaru, Moegi, Udon – 11
Hanabi, Maki – 10
And finally, here is the original outline, originally created July 23rd, 2022 at 12:30 pm and unchanged since I began writing the first chapter, July 25th, 2022 at 6:08 pm.
Tag Outline
(10) Hanabi tells Hinata she wants to join the academy
Hinata speaks with their father
While Hanabi waits, she continues observing Konohamaru and gang.
Father tells her he decides he accepts her request and she will attend next day.
Her first day is full of people whispering about her.
Iruka is wholly impressed, tells the head of the academy they should promote her to genin
They do, she joins a team – maybe one other girl (Eiji Inuzuka, cheerful, pup is Yorimaru – trust) and a boy (Jun, Obedient)? Think of names and lets have it be a female sensei (Tora Nara, tigress)
Konohamaru takes note of her while she’s training with the boy on her team, but doesn’t approach.
(11) They are assigned a mission together, a c-rank escort for a large party from and back to earth country. They are attacked by some rogue shinobi – Konohamaru saves Hanabi due to her lack of in field experience – training with the Hyuuga always had strict rules to follow, but didn’t prepare her for ambush
Hanabi and Konohamaru purchase a matching set of kunai that they both keep.
(12) They’re both recommended for chuunin exams (possible different viewpoints for both sensei)
They have dinner with all of the other teams recommended a week before the exam
Hanabi and Konohamaru have a moment outside.
Combo of intelligence and team test:
Genjutsu is placed on them, a rough replica of a far off distant village. Each team is given a scroll with very little relevant information, essentially a mission to track down a target. They are told that if they capture the wrong person, they will not be allowed to retake the exams.
The team with the best times will move on (the first half) but won’t know until it’s over, so it may be beneficial to impede others time
But if you do too much, you may scare away your target.
They are chosen to battle (already written from Hinata’s perspective but should be rewritten from Kono’s)
Hanabi freezes when their matching kunai clash. He gives her a little smirk when he shoves to her to ground
He’s flooded with emotion at the sight of the kunai
She’s frozen, realizing he really did cherish their bond
Hanabi joins him in hospital.
(13) Hanabi attempts babysitting but fails- Konohamaru helps her and kisses her.
She accompanies Hinata while she babysits Mirai since her team is busy
She gets to inquire about Konohamaru, which Kurenai says he’s been busy with missions and training under Naruto
Hinata gets called by ANBU to the Hokage’s office
Konohamaru shows up and teases her about her inability to calm the girl, then kisses her
Hanabi accuses him of avoiding her because she’s barely seen him since they graduated to chuunin.
Konohamaru expresses regret over not being there for her when she was kidnapped, expressing how agonizing it was for him not to be able to come to her aid and he has trouble looking at her now due to shame.
Hanabi finds out Moegi is upset with her
Goes to talk to Konohamaru, meets his mom Moriko (Forest) and finds out she knows her
(14) Hanabi avoids him for a while until the wedding, where Konohamaru does his best to stick around her
You ever feel like helping with Mirai, I’m all ears, Hanabi.”
“Big brother Naruto really seems to love your big sis…interesting, huh?”
“I will destroy you.”
She kisses him, initiating the game of “tag”
(15) Boruto’s birth? He and Hanabi have the same birthday
Kono kisses her, asking if they’re still playing.
(17) Her and a few peers are recommended for jounin. The test was an A-Rank mission to successfully deliver a scroll across rebellion territory. She and Konohamaru successfully complete it.
Them, plus Udon and Moegi and two others embark (one being Jun)
They wonder why this scroll needs so many shinobi to deliver
As they try to slip through enemy territory, Hanabi and Udon scout ahead, leaving another sensory type (Jun) behind. While they’re scouting, the rest of the group is attacked.
Hanabi rescues Konohamaru and the other member (A) while Udon comes to Moegi and the other sensory type (Jun) aid.
They end up having to slaughter several people, and it’s bloody.
They are all silent for the rest of the trip. They successfully deliver the scroll to an older woman in a shack, who gave them no details, just a signed scroll indicating she had received it.
They speculate on what the scroll was and who the woman was as they make the four day return trip. They manage to pass through the enemy territory without detection this time.
Hanabi and Konohamaru have a quiet moment together by a river as Hanabi reveals that having to kill the enemy shinobi was affecting her. Konohamaru offers comfort.
When they arrive home, Hanabi offers for Konohamaru to join her while she visits Hinata, Naruto, Boruto and the newly born Himawari.
Hinata admires the two as they dote on Himawari.
Hanabi admires the fact that despite what they just experienced, he can immediately becoming a loving uncle with Himawari.
She kisses him.
(18-19) slice of life as Konohamaru and Hanabi avoid each other
Assigned a mission together
Seeing each other with other people
??????? idk, something cute maybe??? WHY ANGSTY
(20) For her 20th birthday, there is an extravagant party in the Hyuuga mansion.
Hinata and Naruto attend, with Naruto inviting Konohamaru.
Boruto complains, asking when it will be his turn to have a big party for his birthday
Hanabi assures him she wishes it was his party, but will make every effort to ensure next year will be a joint party.
Konohamaru presents her with a necklace that had an aquamarine gemstone pendant (her birthstone).
She questions how he afforded it but he brushes her off, asking to dance.
She questions him about his relationship with someone in the village, which he immediately corrects her to say they broke up.
While dancing, he asks her on a formal date.
He kisses her.
On the date, he reveals he’s formally joining ANBU, so won’t be around as much. The necklace was a sort of ‘goodbye for now.’ She’s confused and ends up leaving him in the restaurant.
ANBU are still a required service in Konoha, as despite peace, threats still lurk in the form of rebellious forces and nin who deflect
Konohamaru joins ANBU, she keeps an eye on him.
(21) Kono escorts her and other Hyuuga on one of their diplomatic journeys.
He’s disguised as ANBU, but she can see through it.
She finds him in a nearby tree, watching over her party, and kisses him.
(22) Two years later, restless and wishing she could see more of him, she requests to join ANBU.
Kakashi quickly accepts it
Konohamaru is shocked to see her and attempts to convince her to quit.
They embark are missions separately for a while, a seemingly intentional move by Kakashi.
After returning from a mission, he corners her and kisses her on the forehead. “tag.”
(23) They are assigned a two man mission escort a young boy from a nearby outskirt village, who accidentally murdered his mother when he transformed into something similar to what Jugo turns into. They’re assigned as to not trigger panic in Konoha, and they’re escorting him to the Orochimaru hideout Jugo is located at.
During their trek back, Konohamaru expresses his regret that things ended before they began between them. She tells him nothing would have began.
She kisses him on the cheek before they part ways.
(24) A few months later, she finds him mindlessly plucking at grass near the Hyuuga complex, Hanabi stumbles on him after returning from her own mission.
She asks what’s wrong, he tells her he’s quitting ANBU. She notices tears in his eyes. She softens. He reveals he had to kill one of his early academy school mates. She comforts him.
He gives her a solemn warning about being in the ANBU
True to his warning, she is sent to subdue a rogue branch Hyuuga. Kakashi and Hiashi both specifically request her to keep it quiet and within the clan only. She is joined by Shinjuu (double suicide, aka Sakaki, evergreen tree) and Maki (obedient, aka Sawara, cypress tree)
Hanabi has to face her toughest opponent yet, and after killing the branch Hyuuga, she returns with a broken spirit.
Konohamaru visits her in the hospital. He holds her as she sobs for almost an hour, and stays with her, despite not knowing what happened.
He kisses her.
A month later, she turns in her notice of retirement, citing clan obligations, though Kakashi understands the true reason.
(24) Tanabata
Meets with Konohamaru as she’s escorting Himawari, him Mirai
Pregnancy scare
Eiji protective of Hanabi
(25) Slice of life style for several scenes from 25-26
Konohamaru babysits Boruto and Himawari (10 and 8) in Hinata and Naruto’s home, Hanabi comes over without knowing
She finds he’s built them a forte, which Boruto claims is too kiddish but ends up joining them
They tease Boruto about Academy, telling him he wont need babysitting once he becomes a genin
He expresses that he is considering training to be a jounin instructor. Though it’s a lie, she expresses that she’s also considering it.
She visits his mother and gets him Ramen when she tells her he’s sick
When she witnesses the state of his home, she forces her way in to take care of him.
“You always take care of me. Let me take care of you.”
“If you’re gonna get all sick like me, you might as well c’mere.”
“I draw the line at sick sex.”
(26) Hokage ceremony. She anxiously awaits with Konohamaru, only for him to be pulled aside by Iruka. He later confides in her that he had to take use a transformation jutsu to pretend to be Naruto because Himawari incapacitated him. Hanabi nearly sheds a tear of pride along with lots of laughter.
She gives him a little peck on the cheek and congratulates him for finally attaining his “dream”.
(27) Upon learning Konohamaru was accepted as a jounin instructor from Hinata, she puts her application in with Iruka
Naruto discusses it with Iruka, finding it funny that Hanabi always ends up where Konohamaru does.
Naruto decides to deliver the news by visiting the Hyuuga compound with the kids. He asks her if she’s excited to work alongside Konohamaru, causing her to blush and warn him.
They excitedly discuss their acceptance of becoming jounin instructors and speculate what their teams might be like.
Once they find out their teams, They exchange comments on their teams,
Konohamaru says he was expecting the InoShikaCho group but figures big brother Naruto wanted him to personally train his son.
Hanabi expresses that she’s happy that Konohamaru is Boruto’s sensei.
Hanabi warns Boruto that Konohamaru will not be going easy on them
Hinata muses on Konohamaru and Hanabi with Naruto
(27-28) Jun and Eiji wedding
Big, rowdy Inuzuka wedding
Moegi pushes Hanabi forward when Eiji throws her bouquet, forcing her to catch it. Cut scene of Hanabi locking eyes with Konohamaru.
Hanabi dances with Jun, Konohamaru with Eiji
Eiji berates Kono
Jun berates Hanabi
"stop being stupid"
“Hanabi…be happy. Please.”
Drunken Hanabi telling him to get her pregnant so they can just definitively be together
He swiftly rejects the idea. Drunken crying from Hanabi about him not wanting her, devolving into her feeling like she’ll never escape her fate.
The next day, Hanabi’s already gone. Moegi and Udon bring him breakfast.
“Figure it out,” Moegi tells him sharply as she tries to shove rice in his mouth, “you have to secure this.”
“For all of our sake,” Udon adds, grabbing him water, “if there was two people who are meant to be, it’s you two. And gods you know, I don’t believe in any of that.”
Just as Konohamaru tried to protest, Moegi closed his mouth to chew, “shut up. You have nothing to say.”
“Be a little easier,” Udon tried to interject to her irritated look, “c’mon! He’s an idiot in love.”
“Fine,” Moegi mumbled.
Konohamaru wondered how he could possibly end up in this position, with his childhood best friends shoveling food and water into his mouth to placate him as he moped over a girl.
“Eat, you idiot,” Moegi mumbled, shoveling more food into his mouth as Udon looked in amusement.
“You better not be thinking of arguing, are you?” Udon asked.
(28) Drunken scene with the debating of whether to recommend for the chuunin exams
They walk home together, eventually arriving at Konohamaru’s unit, far passed the Hyuuga compound.
He apologizes, insisting on walking her back. She insists she go inside. Konohamaru is caught off guard, blushing as he questions her. She insists and he obliges.
He offers she take the bed, and she drunkenly kisses him.
After some heavy stuff, he insists they’re too drunk to continue. She tries to say she doesn’t care, but he puts her to bed regardless and takes the couch for the night.
In the morning, he’s gone and she seeks him out at the training grounds. She apologizes for her behavior and he gives her a comforting embrace. She insists it was just a fluke moment, but he grabs her by the face and tells her he didn’t want their first time to be like that. She questions him when she asks about ‘first time’. This needs to be reworked unfortunately, smut brain took over.
“Hanabi. I’m in love with you.”
She was the firework, sparking in the shadow of his leaves. He was the brat, bathing in her sun. Somehow, she was always following after him. And he was always waiting for her.
Or: Watching Konohamaru and his team wreak havoc around town, Hanabi desperately wants to know what it’s like to be a kid. Follow Hanabi and Konohamaru from academy students to sensei, a fully fleshed out story.
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I’m so, so incredibly lucky that I had such a strong base of support for this silly little pairing. Receiving any sort of feedback is always a euphoric experience (at least for me) and I was and continue to be so deeply grateful anyone took time to let me know they liked what I wrote.
Thank you, all of you. My heart is full even as it breaks. Be well, and maybe I’ll see you soon.
3 notes · View notes
mydemonsdrivealimo · 1 year
What were Jensen and Bryce’s experiences discovering their sexualities like? What triggered them to start questioning? How long did it take for them to find a label that fit? Did any specific people help them in any way? Anything else you’d like to add?
tysm for this ask work is done now and im so excited to answer it (apologies its also long af)
What were Jensen and Bryce’s experiences discovering their sexualities like?
Jensen: it took him a long time to be "bothered" with it, is the best way to put it. jensen didnt really have the typical high school relationship/s or experimentation, which def set him back (and led to some bad decisions) in college. he had a gf in high school (who is featured in what doesnt kill you), but he just did it bc she asked and he figured why not, yk? (funnily enough they technically never "broke up" but after jensen got arrested it was implied)
after getting in w his foster parents and moving on to college, he actually had time to figure out stuff about himself (rather than worrying about him and his mom), which was a very weird experience for him. because he was into the music scene more by then, he was meeting lots of new people at shows, and many of them actually had an,, interest in him?? jensen would have never considered himself attractive or even likable before this but suddenly people were asking him out for drinks and actually wanted to get to know him
it was mostly women at first, but ofc a few men went for it too, and jensen never felt compelled to say no. jensen never directly recognized that he was interested in women and men, he just kinda accepted it how it was and moved on (like,, hes friends with aliyah and cy so being queer wasnt some culture-shocking thing that needed to be a big deal yk)
Bryce: bryce started dating early high school and it took him maybe two gfs to realize that he wanted to explore Other options. i dont think he wouldve thought about it much in the beginning, just started dating girls like his friends, but it wouldve been more difficult for him to acknowledge that he definitely wasnt straight
i think bryce wouldve been in with a popular crowd (until everything with his parents at least), so even hinting at any sort of coming out would be a much bigger deal for him. he didnt date or go out with any guys until after his parents bs went public. he went off on his own for a while and that included meeting new people, particularly more queer individuals. his reputation was already fucked so at that point he didnt care anymore, and it was a surprisingly perfect time to try new things and new people
What triggered them to start questioning?
Jensen: somewhere deep in his subconscious, jensen always knew he was attracted to people other than women. again, during his formative years, he really didn't focus on it much, but when it came to more serious dating he was plenty attracted to men, too. he never really questioned it, ig, bc it was sorta always there
Bryce: again, after dating a couple girls, he was like "okay this is nice, but what are my other options" yk. he realized that women weren't his only interest and started questioning more of who he was interested in, rather than just who he was already dating
How long did it take for them to find a label that fit?
Jensen: a while. at least until med school. he labeled as bi for a long time just because it was understandable for other people, but it never quite worked for him. sure it was fine enough, but queer just felt better. rather than just sexuality, he felt that queer covered into gender, too, which he liked more
Bryce: during that hs/early college phase he didn't label as anything, but once he was more confident with it all, pan always felt correct. when dating or anything along those lines, gender never really played a role for him. he was attracted to who he was attracted to and that was enough for him
Did any specific people help them in any way?
Jensen: aliyah and cy were always supportive. they def helped him with labels and generally being in an accepting environment
Bryce: the aforementioned new group of friend he made after the shit with his parents. they were much more open and accepting than his other friends seemed to be. eventually he talked to his old friends again (the ones that werent mad at him) and a good amount of them were fully supportive, it just wasnt really something they had talked about before
Anything else you’d like to add?
not that i can think of!! but again tysm for this ask <3
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juni-ravenhall · 4 years
my opinions on mistfall!
under a cut bc spoilers and/or not everyone wants to read :D 
overall experience: 
its fun that there IS a sso cartoon now even if its not exactly amazing quality, and im happy to see if there will be more series or movies after this. it was fun to watch and see sso things in cartoon form too and i wish that we had more already (of sso animation in general). imagine if there had been a ssl cartoon? i also kept thinking throughout this, that it wouldn’t be hard for me myself to make an animated series with around the same length episodes and in a similar quality to this (aside from voice acting and music production), which made me feel a little inspired.
favourite scene:
skye taking photos of blaze and hanging out
positive points: 
i like the background art a lot, i think the style of it, and the colour schemes, helps give the series a specific vibe that fits for an sso series in my opinion. 
i like the concept art (i assume) illustrations which we saw in the recipes and other posts on sso ig, i think it looks a lot better than the characters in the series, but thats normal for concept art!!
the music is really good quality (whether or not its your taste, the quality is good) which is ofc bc its sso - theres already good music and not something they only did for the cartoon but something they care about in all of the starstable media. 
i think skye is a nice character (despite the series’ overall low quality writing) and i like her design. i also think rania’s cartoon design (visually) is cute.
skye and rania being a teensy bit gay (minus points for sso if they dont end up really gay in later canon)
i like that blaze wasnt actually like... mean or anything to skye, and i like that shes a mare since typical stories like this usually have stallions. but i just like that there wasnt really any “ooh difficult horse” things between skye and blaze in the current time of the story, blaze actually was sweet to her most the time. blaze seemed pretty charming whenever there wasnt “omg fire” drama. 
the animation itself (not meaning the details of the drawings or scene timing, just the actual frame by frame / puppet movements) was fine! not amazing, but absolutely fine.
points i have constructive criticism for, which doesn’t mean that i expected more from the series, but that we’re all allowed to discuss the quality and our opinions of media regardless of the target audience, budget, etc:
the writing was childish and rushed - this is not to be rude, but a matter that affects a lot of “media for girls / kids”, and a topic talked a lot about by Lauren Faust (creator of the FiM reboot of MLP) who wanted to show that a show about rainbow ponies “for little girls” didn’t have to be badly written, and could be engaging and interesting. if you watch the older MLP cartoons and compare to the first season of FiM (where Faust was still on the team) you can see a huge difference in quality of the storytelling, characterisation, etc. Mistfall, so far, did not subvert any expectation in the quality of what typical “cartoons for girls” are like, and is reminiscent of stuff like “The Ranch” (french horse cartoon) which imo is so bad that its hard to watch. (and ofc... that goes for a lot of “cartoons for girls / kids”, but doesn’t have to be like that.) in order to improve on this, the writer has to study more on storytelling and study from better writers.
on the topic of being rushed: no, it’s not an excuse that the episodes are short: - you have to ADAPT your storytelling and writing to the length of the episodes, not do a bad job and blame the episode length. being able to adapt to different types of media is a necessary skill if that’s what you work with. this comes down to proper planning and structuring the story and writing in a way that works for the length of the episodes. i don’t think that was overall done well here (at times it was okay), and bc of that, it feels rushed and has exposition thrown in your face instead of being shown through better storytelling. the classic thing with exposition is “show, don’t tell”. this is what the writers/directors should study, or pay more attention to. 
the timing (length of shots, length of scenes, or parts of shots, etc) was rly bad at times and overall unimpressive - this comes down to the skill of directors and editors. to improve this they have to study more on the topic. bad timing and pacing can really ruin a good scene or a good story and make it feel disconnected and hard to immerse in for the audience.
the artstyle of characters and horses is fine at times, but appears very low quality at others (skye’s childhood scene really bothered me bc her kid-self had really badly drawn eyes in my opinion). this, like everything else on this list, is ofc something that appears in almost every single “cartoon for girls” that ever existed. to improve on this, most likely it’s not a problem with the artists but with the budget and the production timeline (allowing the artists more time to produce better quality art and animation), and it can also be a problem with the art direction, if the art directors aren’t very skilled or experienced (i don’t say that they aren’t, im just giving examples of what could cause these problems.)
the character design for all characters that aren’t skye, rania, or blaze was very lacking. none of the not-main-3 characters looked interesting or fun to look at, they looked very dull and like the most boring NPCs you could think of. even though its understandable that the mainest-main characters would have the most interesting designs, that doesn’t mean everyone else has to look that boring. this is an issue with art direction or character design. i think most likely there was just very little time (equals money) put into designing the other characters.
the horse design could be improved for a cartoon that focuses on horses this much. like, horses are a big part of the selling point here, so make sure that their designs and art/animation is good. at times even blaze looked awkward and uninteresting, as did the other horses.
“alonso” looks nothing like sso alonso and i don’t like that they used his character if it’s not going to have anything to do with him. they should have given this character a different name if they wouldn’t make him seem like he had anything to do with the sso character aside from being a male ranger. (also in the game he’s like 22 or something, skye is 15...?)
why did they add a “he’s cute” dumbass fucking stupid hetero comment for literally no reason other than adding a dumbass fucking stupid hetero comment?
considering that they “can’t confirm whether a sequel is happening or not”, it seemed very meh to throw in druid cult magic stuff and not really connect to it and now the series ended? you would have expected to find out more about the cloaked people, the runes, the magic that the ranger guy did, and blaze’s magic in general, and skye herself, why her mom is “a witch”.... thats a lot to throw in while saying that you can’t say if there’s a sequel coming to answer all those questions. (it wouldn’t have been a criticism from me if they said “we’re working on season 2″ or “there will be a comic book that continues the story” or anything that told us that these questions, in this particular iteration of a story in jorvik, will actually be answered. - and i assume they ARE working on the continuation of the story, but i dont agree with that they’re not upfront about it, when they left so many questions unanswered.)
at times rania’s blindness was handled stupidly and i think they should have gotten more consultation from actual people with visual impairment, but i think its still good to HAVE a blind character in the main cast and that it’s not a big dramatic story thing but just an everyday thing. at some points it was fine though; and i personally don’t think the scene with rania being able to see blaze was necessarily a problem - because - a lot of blind ppl can see sharp contrasts in light and dark, and this seemed relatively realistic to me when blaze is on fire. (however, the way it was drawn as if she could see the whole shape of blaze and skye could be criticised for sure, and makes it feel more like “i can see because of magic” and not “i can see bc THIS MARE IS ON FIRE”). 
personal opinion which i said before, but i don’t think rania’s voice fits her at all, and it’s not the voice actor’s fault (i’m sure they’re lovely) but the casting and the directors. from the sso character, rania would seem a lot more lively, quick and adventurous, and not as calm and gentle as she appeared here. she seemed a lot too sort of motherly or just adult, instead of an adventurous teen who runs off on her own to do whatever she feels like. compare in-game rania going “MC, thats a jorvik wild!!!” and alonso going “stop talking nonsense” (paraphrased), to Mistfall rania going “jorvik wilds are really rare...” (calm, sort of disinterested, doesnt seem like she cares that much about adventures)
the voice acting overall was meh. i see this as a direction problem, not an individual voice actor problem (and the writing didnt help - it’s hard to provide good quality acting with a poor script unless you can just toss the script aside and improv, if you have good actors). it felt childish and uninteresting at most points and generic low quality for “cartoons for girls”. from a voice acting perspective i think skye had the best result. anyway, the way to improve this is for the director in charge of voice acting to not direct the actors to perform in this childish manner. (again, refer to cartoons with better writing and better voice acting, that have a very similar target audience.)
ok, i think that was everything that i wanted to write about for now, might think of more later lol
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Harry Potter characters that were criminally underused (in no particular order)
Luna Lovegood - literally only introduced like halfway through the fifth book, yet probably the most influential ravenclaw character. Her odd mannerisms and odder outlook would have made her a fabulous addition to the golden trio’s shenanigans, yet she only serves this purpose in one case
Mad-eye Moody - he’s “well-developed” in the fourth book, and we get a lot of content of him... only to discover it wasn’t him at all. Then, he briefly appears with the order and then dies. Great. What a wonderful use of a skilled fighter and mentor.
Remus Lupin - okay, so he does get the whole third book but then... he just fucks off? Ofc then he, too, returns to fight with the order, fall in love with a woman half his age, have a baby with her, and then die immediately thereafter. He’s just such a cool guy with so much to offer to Harry and to readers (when it comes to insight on discrimination in the wizarding community) and he just doesn’t get a chance to do nearly enough. What a wasted opportunity.
Pravati and Padma Patil - yeah, these are two different characters, but we know so little about them that I can’t even discuss them individually. They’re twins in different houses! How cool! There’s so much to be explored there, especially considering the competitive atmosphere among houses that Harry perceives. Not to mention the fact that they inexplicably agreed to go to the Yule Ball with Harry and Ron respectively despite a) apparently not knowing them very well and b) not even being all that desperate to hang out with them at the ball (I think Padma asks Ron to dance a few times and then gives up) (side note: this made me extremely mad when I was little, because I had I major crush on Padma). What compelled them to do that? What are they like? What are the differences between them that caused them to be sorted into different houses? Gah, they could have been so interesting!
Cho Chang - this is one that makes me genuinely a little mad (same goes for #6). She’s just so two dimensional, and that’s really not fair. She’s a decoration on Harry’s arm for what? A year or two? And she then cries, dates Diggory, and then she cries again (I think she dates Diggory first but you get the point). HER PURPOSE IS NOT JUST TO CRY OVER GUYS. She’s a ravenclaw. Let’s hear about that. Where do her interests lie? Is she an academic? Is she an artist? What kind of intelligence does she have, what kind of knowledge does she seek? What made her like Harry to begin with? Did Harry ever like her for more than her “sleek black hair” (not a direct quote, but I’m sure it’s described as something to that effect)? I want to knowwwww
Lavender Brown - aka... Ron’s brief, annoying girlfriend? The precursor to Romione? I mean, was this girl even in the D.A.? Maybe she was, but I don’t remember, and that’s the problem. She’s a Gryffindor. She’s brave, she’s headstrong, she’s proud! But she’s only ever portrayed as overbearing and clingy which SURE, may be some of her traits, because she’s allowed to have flaws, but that’s not all she is. I want to see her relationship with Pravati and Hermione, who she roomed with for six years (beyond her annoying Hermione when she dated Ron). But nope! I guess she’s just another accessory!
Nymphadora Tonks - i.e. Tonks. She’s funny and brave and powerful, but we barely get to see her in action (yes, before you ask, i had a crush on her, too). She’s interesting, so interesting, because her emotions are often expressed through her appearance, and she undergoes like two full personality shifts throughout the books (it’s worth noting that she’s also introduced pretty late in the series, book five, i think). She’s depressed for a while, then she falls in love, gets married, and has a son (and then dies), and, while it seems like this is a lot of usage (which it is), I can’t help but wish we had seen a little more of it all, specifically of her falling in love and of her married life, of her motherhood, before she died.
Xenophilius Lovegood - literallly (i would argue) one of the most interesting characters in the series, despite the fact that (I think) he is only featured heavily in one scene. I would definitely call him a more complex character than Snape. In his one scene, Xenophilius offers the golden trio one of their most important lessons through the Tale of the Three Brothers, the story which ultimately wins them the war against Voldemort. And yet, it’s a trap. He’s stalling, keeping them around so that Voldy’s goons can come pick them up and presumably kill them, or at least imprison them until Voldy comes ‘round again. But, and here’s the important part, he does it to save his beloved daughter. His daughter, who is the only family he has left, after his incredible scientist-witch of a wife died doing what she loved. The Lovegood’s are a family of inherently good people, yet Xenophilius sides with the very people who took his daughter in a weak effort to get her safely back. His plan won’t work, they won’t return Luna. They DON’T return her, but Xenophilius is fundamentally weak, made weak out of his love, and his fear of losing the last person in the world he has to care about, to protect, to love. He’s just SO DAMN INTERESTING ughhhhh give me more Xenophilius pleaseeeee
Kingsley Shacklebolt - he’s??? so cool??? Literally he’s just awesome, but we barely see him. He acts as a spy, essentially, when the ministry gets taken over by the death eaters, and helps the order actually get shit done, but he’s just so underused. Idk, I don’t have much to say except that he’s awesome and I want more Shacklebolt content
Cedric Diggory - he’s actually talked about a fair amount, so I don’t think I need to say much, except that he is literally the nicest guy ever, and, despite Harry actively hating him for like a whole year, he helps him in the Triwizard Tournament and represents Hufflepuff beautifully as being more than just the “miscellaneous house”. But then of course he’s killed before he and Harry can become friends, and before readers get a chance to understand anything about his social status (is he the asshole popular guy or sweet quite guy???) or motivations. Of course.
Percy Weasley - aka MY FAVORITE WEASLEY KID. R*wling did my boy so dirty. He’s cool because he’s kind of a stuck up academic asshole stereotype, or at least Harry perceives him as such, and then he changes slightly over the years as he and Harry both grow and mature and then it all culminates in his great moment of emotion and humanity! Fred’s death is, without much contest I think, the most devastating death in the whole series (Dobby could admittedly give him a run for his money, though), in part because he’s just so damn sweet and funny and innocent, and in part because right before it we FINALLY get to see Percy smile. He smiles at a dumb joke Fred makes, and then Fred DIES (a well placed death, I’ll admit begrudgingly), and just the juxtaposition of the moment... *chef’s kiss*. And then we never really check back in on Percy, and we don’t really get enough closure on that moment. :/
Colin and Dennis Creevy - again, two characters stuffed together, this time because we actually know a fair amount about them and... they’re kind of the same character. Colin is obsessed with Harry, and so is Dennis. That’s about it. I just WISH we got a little more on these kids, on why they felt so drawn to him as this apparently untouchable hero among them. Were they abused? Orphaned? Abandoned? Did they have some sort of trauma in their lives that made them so attached to the idea of a savoir? Or did they simply regard Harry as most little boys might, as a cool sort of action figure character? The world may never know :(((
Susan Bones - God, I wish I had more to say about her. She’s sweet, she a hufflepuff, I think she helps Ron at one point in Herbology. Her aunt dies I think. Is she the one who had the rabbit at one point? Idk, she’s just one of those characters who’s so far in the background that she almost stands out, and I kinda just wanna know more.
Fawkes - yeah, I know he’s a bird or whatever, but he’s fucking cool, and we get a Fawkes-ex-machina in the second book and then he’s essentially inconsequential for like... forever. I want to know how he and dumbledore bonded, why his feathers in those two specific wands were so attracted to Harry and Tommy boi specifically, other than symbolism uwu. Does Fawkes have a moral compass, or does he simply follow Dumbledore’s orders? Could his loyalty potentially be changed?
Narcissa Malfoy - please, for the love of god, give the Malfoy’s a chance. At least Draco and Narcissa. Narcissa is essentially the flip side of Xenophilius’s coin. Her side of the family is shrouded in dark magic, but her priority is keeping her dear son safe. I just want to know her and her inner struggle more intimately, because she’s such a contradiction, she’s a death eater who loves and protects, a dark magic user who wants to create something warm and beautiful for her family. She’s scared for a husband, a top death eater, one of Voldemort’s personal faves, and scared for her son, who she knows is good at heart but who struggles through the first steps of death eater initiation out of a sense of duty, a duty to her and his father. She’s the intimate mother figure, yet she’s an antagonist, fundamentally speaking. Fascinating.
These are just some I thought of off the top of my head, I’m sure there are literally hundreds more, from the two guys from the Knightbus to Bathilda Bagshot to Nagini the legend (also wtf happened to her in the Cursed Child?? Nvm, I can’t even get into that shithole right now), and I have to admit that I still love Harry Potter, for its characters and it’s incredible world building, though R*wling is a massive piece of terf-y shit.
It’s important to note that I understand the purpose of flat characters, I understand the purpose of background characters, of undeveloped characters. What I’m pointing out here is that there was a lot of potential in these characters that was largely squandered because R*wling focused her energy on attempting to redeem Snape without a redemption arch, attempting to redeem Dumbledore with an inadequate one, and refusing to properly redeem Draco despite his well-developed arch, for some fucking reason. If you can’t tell, I’m salty, but I’m only salty because I care. Ily, have a good day!!
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littlehollyleaf · 5 years
Name ten favourite characters from ten different things (books, tv, film, etc.) 
Then tag ten people
Tagged (ages ago, whoops!) by @castiel-saved-me-from-myself 
(I’m sorry, I got distracted!)
1.Supernatural. Castiel.
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Obviously. I may be out of the fandom now, but I’ve never loved a character as much as Cas, and probably never will.
2. Good Omens. Aziraphale.
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Thought I’d put both my darling angels at the top :) I suspect that without Zira there to pave the way Castiel may not even have existed, so I love him double - for himself and for Cas as well :p 
While really quite different when it comes to their personalities (just think how Zira would SHUDDER at Cas’ trenchcoat), they share a lot of character traits and tropes (mini-series!Zira anyway, maybe less so in the book, or less obviously anyway), so, no surprise that I should adore them both. I’ve also said before, and I stand by it, that Aziraphale is sort of a combination of my favourite aspects of both Cas and Dean in one, with Cas’ struggle with Heaven/god and trying to be a good angel and finding he loves humanity/earth more, plus Dean’s whole ‘performing Dean’ thing and repression of queer feelings he is scared to admit to (out loud) because he believes they are somehow ‘wrong.’ 
...just to give a little insight into my feelings about these two that was neither needed nor asked for...
4. Hellblazer. NBC Constantine. Legends of Tomorrow. John Constantine. 
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Aaaand the other guy I love twice because Cas, and indeed spn in general, kinda owe their existence to him. Though in turn his fabulous live action portrayal by Matt Ryan probably owes its existence to spn and Castiel’s popularity. So... there’s a weird ouroboros situation happening with my favs here that makes my head spin whenever I think about it, but I love it - stories within stories built on stories feeding off stories, which connects to wider themes of story and storytelling being vital and intrinsic to life and stuff.
Anyway, despite his wardrobe, Johnny is NOTHING LIKE CAS. He is, in fact, a lot like Dean. But I like him more. Maybe because he’s British :p He has the whole ‘repressing his feelings’ things, a bit like Zira, but it’s not because he thinks they are wrong, it’s more of a coping mechanism to deal with the constant tragedy/trauma his life/lifestyle/fate causes him to suffer. But whatever the reason, I like my characters facing that struggle :) (actually the British element is probably way more significant to my enjoyment of him than I’ve been fully aware of... that’s probably why I loved Zira so fast as well... obviously they are both a completely different class of British, literally, but the fact they ARE British is INTRINSIC to both their characters, and I guess a little, vaguely patriotic part of me is excited by that... :p)
4. Gotham. Edward Nygma.
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Since I’ve started giving explanations - I love Eddie because he’s also got the whole ‘emotionally repressed’ / out of touch with (his) emotions thing going on (as seen in Zira and Cas), but with the addition of various geeky / ‘tech guy’ character traits that I also love.
5. Doctor Who (Classic). Vislor Turlough.
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I waxed poetic once about how I liked Gotham’s Edward Nygma because he reminded me a bit of Turlough. That was early on in my Gotham days though and given how Eddie developed I don’t see as many similarities now. Turlough shares some of Eddie’s ‘dark’ traits however - self-centered, often lacking in empathy for others and nonplussed (sometimes even happy) to see them get into trouble or hurt. But ultimately his attempts to be self-serving and cowardly end up thwarted by him developing feelings for specific individuals despite his best efforts, which is what I enjoy about him (and actually that’s a lot like Eddie still, huh... their endgame’s are opposing though ofc - while Eddie goes on to embrace being a villain, Turlough gives up on villainy and even becomes a bit of a hero, now and then). Plus, Turlough is the ONLY Companion (IIRC?) to have joined the Doctor specifically in order to MURDER him and... idk, I just think that’s cool :P
6. Doctor Who (New). Donna Noble.
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(I’m trying not to double up on fandoms/shows so I can cover more, but New and Classic Who count as different things, kinda, right...?)
Donna doesn’t really fit any of the character traits I’ve talked about above, though I guess her low self-esteem is something that all my other favs share in various ways (though it’s not such an EXPLICIT aspect of their characters and story arcs as it was for Donna I’d say). What I first loved about her was that after YEARS of New companions (and other randoms) being literally in love with the Doctor, she had a strictly platonic relationship with him. Yeah, I think maybe the show was a bit heavy-handed about it, but even so it came as a huge breath of fresh air and frankly a RELIEF to me. Not that I’m opposed to the Doctor having romantic/sexual  relationships, it was just that... coming from a childhood love of the Classic series where that just... didn’t happen (save a fleeting kiss in the TV Movie - which I actually enjoyed fyi!), it just... idk, was starting to stretch my credulity that EVERYONE seemed to be falling for him maybe? Or at least for me it was growing tiresome. So the fact she didn’t have that element to her character/story was a plus. Then I just adore how loud and brash she is when calling anyone, including the Doctor, out on their shit (I envy her that maybe). Plus I like the way she isn’t... traditional TV pretty, you know? (ie. young and slim, like a lot of other companions).
...or maybe I just like redheads *shrug emoji* 
7. Spartacus. Naevia.
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(she has two actresses okay? and they both deserve kudos!)
Truth is I love FUCKING EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE IN THIS SHOW. Spartacus is like... my PERFECT SHOW. There isn’t a single moment, a single plotline, a single character that I don’t enjoy. I have never even CONSIDERED looking up or writing fic because the finished product is completely satisfying exactly as it is. God. But I wanted it represented in this list so I had to pick someone!
Considering the time period there couldn’t really BE a ‘geeky, emotionally repressed with low self-esteem’ character :p BUT nearly ALL of the characters have the whole ‘struggle to understand/discover who they are’ thing and the ‘who I am and want to be is counter to who I’ve been told I am / should be’ arc, on account of the main cast being rebelling slaves (though the other characters are equally complex and compelling and I love them too - Lucy Lawless in particular is incredible!). Anyone who’s seen me blog about the show before might have thought I’d pick either Agron or Nasir as my favs, since I do like to squee over their romance. But whenever I think about the show it’s usually Naevia who I remember first, because her character arc/development just BLEW ME AWAY. She went from someone I’d kinda dismissed at first as a typical het love interest to a WARRIOR GODDESS and you SEE all the key moments of that growth, you FEEL it, it makes ALL THE SENSE. And her romance with Crixus, which again I was initially a bit dismissive of as a typical, sudden, weak het romance, grows into, imo, one of the deepest, most developed, most believable love stories in the show. So yeah. Naevia. Amazing.
8. Due South. Ray Vecchio. 
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(he’s the guy not the dog - gifs were limited! ...also the dog is actually a wolf, it’s a whole thing... that doesn’t need exploring at this juncture)
Ray was my first TV crush :P He had a bit of a sidekick vibe to him I guess, which I like (lead characters tend not to interest me as much). He wasn’t ‘geeky’ exactly, but he def had the ‘trying to look/act cooler than I am’ thing going on... also an obsessive attachment to his vintage car... meanwhile his partner Benny was the stoic, ‘British, stiff upper lip, keep emotions in check’ one who was always trying to live up to the ideal persona dictated by his people/employers, in this case the Royal Canadian Mounted Police... HUH, so... it’s actually SUPER WEIRD that I ended up loving Cas and Zira over Dean and Crowley when it seems pretty clear suddenly that my first big fictional fav was CLEARLY the Dean-Crowley to Benny’s Cas-Zira......?? Ray was FUNNY in a way Dean and Crowley aren’t though, I think? He def filled a ‘comic relief’ slot on the regular and I liked that a lot (it also made his serious, angsty moments EXTRA serious and angsty, and extra angst is something I always love!)
9. The Librarians. Eve Baird.
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Remember this little show? It was... is... sorta ridiculous. Not amazing. Based on some... very cheap, very OBVIOUS Indiana Jones rip-off films, that were also ridiculous and... not... great (the third one is the best, with an awesome performance by Stana Katic aka Kate Beckett as a vampire, but I digress). But... idek, I am EXTREMELY FOND of the series for some reason :p
There are a WHOLE BUNCH of characters that fit my ‘type’ more than Eve tbh... in fact... probably every.single.other.main.cast.member (save perhaps Jenkins?) shares the traits above that typically make a character my fav. But... EVE! I just... think she’s neat! ...maybe it’s BECAUSE all the others are main/lead characters that makes me gravitate towards her? In a cast where ‘geeky, socially awkward, struggles with emotions’ is the norm, Eve being the no-nonsense, socially competent, badass soldier type therefore becomes different and thus more interesting to me? Also, much like with Donna, I appreciate that she’s an older woman who gets to have a full character and plot of her own. There’s also something about her romance with Flynn that... makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
10. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Jonathan Levinson.
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(tumblr gif search failed me so I had to grab from elsewhere...)
Listen. Look. Okay. Buffy is pretty old school these days so, for anyone not in the know, as a character, originally, Jonathan... he wasn’t even a side character, he wasn’t even REOCCURRING, he was barely a background character. For several episodes he didn’t have a name and it wasn’t until several seasons after he became ‘Jonathan’ that he actually got a surname. Danny Strong was just an actor who happened to be occasionally on-hand when the script called for a random to have a line, until eventually that happened often enough for Joss to think ‘hey, you know what, let’s make this guy an actual part of the show...’ 
He got a couple of episodes focused on him in S03 and S04 respectively, but didn’t become a regular until S06 (and wasn’t in S05 AT ALL). Other than that he had a HANDFUL of ‘blink and you’ll miss it’ moments here and there, not even full scenes for the most part, usually lasting no longer than the above gif.
I tell you all this so that when I say childhood me (well... somewhere between 12 and 14 years anyway) was OBSESSED with this character in the show, and I mean O B S E S S E D (to the point of spending hours painstakingly making VHS recordings purely of the episodes he was in), you understand how UTTERLY BIZARRE that was. Because this obsession pre-dated S06. Was, in fact, in full swing during the airing of his S04 episode - which was, like, a fucking DREAM COME TRUE for freakily obsessed me fyi, because the whole episode was constructed with him as the LEAD CHARACTER, because he’d performed a spell to make him super awesome. They even changed the title sequence to read ‘Jonathan’ instead of Buffy! And while other fans were no doubt just lol-ing at the random I was bouncing about on my sofa all ‘MY TIME HAS COME!’ and fucking SWOONING over seeing MY CHARACTER suddenly in the spotlight and getting to do crazy fun OOC shit like this -
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Then when S06 rolled around and HE WAS A LEGIT REGULAR, omg, I was in HEAVEN! First TV boxset I ever bought that - Buffy S06 :P
So... yeah. A bit of a fav. Geeky. Outcast. Slowly grows more morally grey, what with that spell I mentioned and also the fact he was teamed with the ANTAGONISTS in S06. I guess you could say he was the beginning of a lot of my fav fictional character traits/tropes (though looking back - I think his ‘villainous’ teammates in S06, Andrew and Warren, are more my ‘type’ these days, and I did end up loving Andrew especially a whole damn lot, but at the time I’d been a Jonathan fangirl for so.fucking.long. there was just no chance anyone else in the show was ever gonna come close to my heart!)
Sorry not sorry for the tmi. I got a bit too into this one.
Actually sorry I have so few women on the list :( Internalised misogyny/sexism is a real thing and I spent a lot of my life being... somewhat unfairly dismissive of female characters or at least prioritising male ones over them. I’m working on it.
Ten people is SO.MANY. to tag. But I might as well do this right this time, since I’ve come so far. But if you’d rather not play, no worries! <3
@enchantersnight @momecat @bold-sartorial-statement @vampirebillionaire @edwardnashtons @miss-olivia-cellophane @knightinpinkunderwear @supes9 @leaper182 @hamburgergod
Honourable mentions (because I CAN):
Gotham. Lucius Fox.
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Gotham. Fish Mooney.
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Gotham. Tabitha Galavan.
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Doctor Who. The Doctor.
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Doctor Who. The Master/Missy.
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Supernatural. Hannah.
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Supernatural. Naomi.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Andrew Wells.
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pfandghoul · 5 years
what the sokovia accords really are
a quick study bc what the fuck guys
(copied from the mcu wiki entry about the accords - all of it and not just parts of it)
here goes:
The currently known regulations established by the Sokovia Accords include:
Any enhanced individuals who agree to sign must register with the United Nations and provide biometric data such as fingerprints and DNA samples.
- Any who AGREE to sign. I dont think this is asking too much. If ur working for a government agency, if ur using force in any way during ur work, I think its fair to ask you to give them biometric data. And if its only so in case there is an investigation afterwards (which their always should be imo) its clear distinguishable who was where and did what.
- Also, what if someone suddenly decides "something happened, im changing sides, imma take revenge" (no matter if its a concious decision or brainwashing 👀)? Would probably be good to have some data and perhaps be able to track them. If its managable or not- hm. But theres no harm in giving that data if ur only goal is working towards a safer world.
Those with secret identities must reveal their legal names and true identities to the United Nations.
- Oh nooo, no unknown vigilantes that might make mistakes while fighting on their own and then cant be held accountable? No one is perfect, OF COURSE, but from a realistic pov I wouldnt feel safe with someone running around fighting whoever-
And I know we love the romantic comic fantasy of "everybody can be a hero", and I swear I love it as much as you! But imagine ur just a normal person while spiderman is swinging above ur head- or even imagine ur spiderman- and then one tiny thing wents wrong. The normal person is crushed, dead or paralysed- Spiderman is in shock because that was Not supposed to happen and he is so so sorry!- But what now?
- If enhanced people were to work under an organisation (that is ideally not as shady and riddled with Hydra as Shield was) then those incidents would be covered. Yes it would still be terrible but Spiderman would get mandatory therapy session to work through it and the normal person... well if theyre dead then i guess the organisation would at least pay for the funeral and compensate the family (like if they were the only one providing for partner and kids), additionally a conversation between both partys if possible.
-Basically: nothing can be swept under the rug. The enhanced people can be protected!!! PLUS they only have to reveal their identity to the UN and not the world.
Those with innate powers must submit to a power analysis, which will categorize their threat level and determine potential health risks.
- This would benefit the person with power too, you realize that, dont you?
You cant possibly know how much power you actually have. Is there gonna be another level-up for you? Are you Jean Grey? We wouldnt want to repeat that specific clusterfuck, right?
But if you submit to an analysis it can help find ways to train you, circle ur weaknesses, etc.
Yes the UN would know ur threat level- and that would be bad why? Are you planning to attack Them? If not then no problem. Instead they would know if they should send you in or not- depending... you dont need a level 5 when there is a cat in a tree. We want to avoid unnecessary damage, thank you. If ur a level 1 you also dont want to be on the front lines against an alien invasion for example- better help evacuate non-powered individuals and not die immediately.
- Also worth mentioning: this is all still part of the "if you agree to sign" paragraph
Those with innate powers must also wear tracking bracelets at all times.
- Yes I admit this one sucks. I could argue the pros but I dont really want to because this one is literally just a "we want to control you" rule and should be scratched.
------- (new paragraph in the accords)----
Any enhanced individuals who sign are prohibited from taking action in any country other than their own, unless they are first given clearance by either that country's government or by a United Nations subcommittee.
- I really want to think I dont have to say anything here but I feel I do.
No I do not want a guy wearing an american flag running around in my country if my government didnt explicitely allow it. Same for a giant tin man or a creepy spiderlady.
- If anything then this paragraph would help improve the communication between countries. Yes people fear that in emergencies this will all take too long but 1) thats not the Accords fault and 2) I think we already have situations like this irl and most times it does work.
Governments are forbidden from deploying enhanced individuals outside of their own national borders, unless those individuals are given clearance as described above. The same rule also applies to non-government organizations that operate on a global scale (including S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers).
- Same reasoning. I really really dont want Shield around with their shady everything.
- And always needing consent before weaking havoc in other countries? nice
--------(new paragraph)-----
Any enhanced individuals who do not sign will not be allowed to take part in any police, military, or espionage activities, or to otherwise participate in any national or international conflict, even in their own country.
- Basically if you dont sign up then you cant be a super-cop. Groundbreaking.
(This is very much explained in the first paragraph already.)
As a corollary, they will not be allowed to participate in any active missions undertaken by private or governmental law enforcement/military/intelligence organizations (such as S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers).
- s a m e t h i n g
--------(new paragraph)-----
Any enhanced individuals who use their powers to break the law (including those who take part in extralegal vigilante activities), or are otherwise deemed to be a threat to the safety of the general public, may be detained indefinitely without trial.
If an enhanced individual violates the Accords, or obstructs the actions of those enforcing the Accords, they may likewise be arrested and detained indefinitely without trial.
- Cancel the without trial part and then Id say its just. This way it stinks and I feel Ross had his hands in this. No, I am not defending this one. Its Not Okay.
------(new paragraph)-------
The use of technology to bestow individuals with innate superhuman capabilities is strictly regulated, as is the use and distribution of highly advanced technology (such as Asgardian and Chitauri weaponry).
- You cant just experient and turn urself into the Hulk anymore??? Where is the fun in that?? //sarcasm//
- I dont need to go deeper into this, do I?
The creation of self-aware artificial intelligences is completely prohibited.
- Here comes a problem. For Tony mostly.
- I can think of a few reasons for this but I dont think many people are even capable of doing this. I think it would bd enough to file a request if you want to try and build an AI.
--------(new paragraph)----
The Avengers will no longer be a private organization and will operate under the supervision of the United Nations.
- See.. all of the above on why this is a good thing?
- The Avengers as a private organisation is actually a super scary thought. And if you arent at least a little freaked out about this (all from the point of looking at this as if it were real) then idk what to tell you.
---------(new paragraph)-------
For the purposes of the Accords, an "enhanced individual" is defined as any person, human or otherwise, with superhuman capabilities. This includes individuals whose powers are an innate function of their biology as well as individuals who utilize highly advanced technology to grant themselves superhuman capabilities. However, individuals with advanced prostheses do not seem to be considered "enhanced", even if their prostheses give them capabilities beyond those of ordinary humans. 
- Basically just explaining what they mean by "enhanced individual": people with powers. Doesnt matter if you are born with ur power or built urself a supersuit.
-If you got leg protheses that are super bouncy you arent considered an "enhanced individual" (to put it as simple as possible).
All members of the Avengers are subject to the same conditions as enhanced individuals, even if they are not enhanced themselves: Black Widow was required to sign so she could continue serving on the Avengers, and Hawkeye was incarcerated on the Raft after violating the Accords.
- I think this is fair because if you consider urself an Avenger and fight with them then you also should be held accountable.
- You wouldnt want a Someone to work in super-person capacity which both gives a great deal of responsibility and allows a high chance of fuck ups and destruction without them having any regulations, okay?
Which is ofc bullshit because the Accords were thick and 117 countries worked on them for idk how long. Do you understand what that takes? The compromises and politic battles thats been fought over this document?
And yes it is still not perfect.
But who in the seven Hells said that this was the final draft? Who??
"I dont wanna sign away my freedom of choice" F you! What about my freedom of choice of having some costumed weirdos run around my town blowing stuff up killing people?
"We cant save everyone" yEAH but maybe just mAyBe if you werent a dumb cunt then mayyybe with some teamwork with the countries respective secrurity personell (as every fucking country does have) then maybe Kyle, Maria and Dembe would still be alive?? Who knows.
So what I hear is "I dont wanna give up my freedom and continue to do as I see fit. Because I think I am a better judge than a UN committee and 117 governments that dont want me breaking into their countries on a semi-regular basis."
and thats why im generally pro-Accords :)
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so genuinely i think Most individuals would be slightly bothered when You ask for Their time, They Set aside Time For you, and then get Blown off without any sort of heads up. especially because i am specifically “putting myself out there” for the sake of us Trying to be friends again. and then when i ask for the very reasonable request of a heads up, most individuals would get further annoyed by you being passive aggressive. what would saying “....but okay” to someone you already have a rocky relationship with do BUT tick me off. in fact it is the very reason i was always so careful with my words around you, because if i said one wrong thing youd get rude with me and i just had to take it. you always put me between a rock and a hard place by asking me to be honest and vulnerable with you and then hurting my feelings when i do. i wasnt even trying to be mean to you by asking for a heads up! and so when you get all mean to me and say lmaoooo im SO sorry ur annoyed?? wtf -- yeah! im gonna be upset. there is no good reason for you to talk to me like that. clearly we still cant be friends for a while.
ts not wrong of me to feel bothered when YOU ask for my time, and then blow me off, when im already going out on a limb for us to TRY to be friends again. and you know? im tired of you being rude and passive aggressive with me and i just have to Take it. im allowed to say “this bothers me” and if you think its sO WRONG for DARING to mention how I feel, then clearly were not ready to be friends again for a long time.
its almost as if i was always so careful with what i said to you when we were closer bc i knew you had a tendency to be nasty to me when i actually told u how i felt and the moment i decide, hey, maybe i dont need to keep brushing off when my friend is rude and passive aggressive to me, you completely implode, stop talking to me for weeks, unfriend me everywhere, and now ur acting like this. doesnt exactly foster a welcoming environment for healthy communication, cant imagine why i would always tell you id need breaks or i didnt want to talk to you whenever youd beg me to be your emotional caretaker and then insult me like 5 minutes later. you tend to make me feel like having what i think are reasonable emotions is something So Wrong and Terrible. i cant imagine why someone would be slightly annoyed when they make plans with someone who im already in a rocky relationship with and they get blown off. its not an unreasonable request to ask for a little heads up. cant imagine why someone would hold resentment over being used as an emotional plaything or a rebound, not once, but twice! is this conversation adult enough for you? do you feel like this is an Adult conversation? jesus christ, becca, im tired of you treating me like this. its insane that i have to wait until the nighttime, and get fucking high, to even read your messages because i know how shitty youre gonna make me feel. hundreds of dollars down the drain in fucking therapy and meds because of you. im tired of holding back my feelings “for the sake of our friendship”. im done. i dont care anymore.
\\ no relationship is worth it if you constantly disrespect me, my feelings, and my time. you didnt even give a shit about how it would effect me when you told me you liked me becca, why the hell would you play with my feelings like that if you werent going to leave you boyfriend anyways. you got me truly believing you didnt like him anymore and that you werent gonna stay together. am i just a rebound or something? not the first time youve made me feel like that - when that one guy broke your heart and that european girl didnt work out ofc you crawled to me. and then just fucked me over when you found a more convenient person and then when you got bored of him? oh, its back to me i guess. jennys always just a second, convenient option when shit doesnt work out in my life. do you think im desperate or something? am i just a means to an end for you? that ill just stick around with someone that makes me feel like shit without a second thought because im lonely? when i react like any living person would react to being treated like this its sooo awful of me. jesus christ. im so tired of you making me feel awful because you cant figure your own shit out. ive always didnt want to argue with you but i just dont care anymore. i almost feel bad for dennis -- you didnt even have enough respect for your long-term boyfriend not to want to cheat on him. whenever id say, “hey, maybe we shouldnt do this because youre in a relationship,” or “arent you worried about dennis seeing us talk like this”, you just say, “i dont care lol”, which i shouldve seen as a massive red flag. i shouldnt have let my dignity stoop so low as to go along with that.
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danisnotofire · 7 years
hey im going to orientation in a few days and im rly nervous abt starting college, i was just wondering if you had any tips or any ~advice~ bc im like, lowkey freaking out ((also i also stage manage and i love musicals and astronomy (sry i was snooping around your about page)))
hey!!! ok i am so so so sorry this took so long lol i actually just went back to school myself to help out with a pre-orientation program and we’ve been having like 17 hour days so i’m Exhausted and haven’t had a lot of time to really give a thoughtful answer (UNTIL NOW). some of this is gonna sound cheesy, but this is Emma Danisnotofire’s Official Real List of Pro-Tips for College, so if it’s on here it’s true. that being said, i go to a medium/small school (4,000 students) in the middle of fucking nowhere, so some of my experiences are gonna be a lil different. most still apply. 
first off, it’s TOTALLY OKAY that you’re nervous. i know when i went i was highkey freaking out even more bc everybody else seemed to be just excited and i felt like i was the only one actually losing my mind from how scared i was. i didn’t sleep at all the night before i moved in. being scared is fine. you’ll probably be scared for awhile after you get there, too, and that’s absolutely okay. i remember it took me a solid few weeks for me to stop feeling nauseous from nerves whenever i woke up. i promise i promise this will go away. you will settle in and you’ll make friends and you’ll figure out where everything is and how things work, i PROMISE. 
second, once you get there, don’t be afraid to talk to people!! i know that sounds super cheesy and unhelpful, but seriously. talk to your orientation leaders!! they’re usually upperclassmen and 99% of the time they had to APPLY to get that position, and it’s because they’re so so excited to meet you!! i’m a mentor for this pre-o program (it’s arts-focused), and we all had to apply, and every single other mentor is super passionate not only about the arts but about making sure the incoming freshman feel comfortable and happy and at home right off the bat. we want to like you!! talk to us!!! talk to each other!! at my school, (bucknell), orientation is actually pretty fucking legendary (it’s 5 straight days of just. nonstop activities), so getting to know your group is always nice. good conversation starters include: compliment something they’re wearing/have done, mention pets, ask about what classes they’re taking. that’s usually where i start when i’m talking to my kids!! 
okay, now for some Actual Tangible Advice. most of this is actually taken from when i gave my friend natalie some advice about college, but it’s still applicable to you!! i’m putting it under a readmore bc It’s So Very Long, I’m Sorry, I Really Hope This Helps/Makes Up For Me Not Answering For So Long
-if you can, get a microwave. if you can’t, it’s nbd because there’s probably one in your dorm somewhere. but it’s really nice not to have to put on shoes/socks to go make ramen at 3am
-INVEST IN GOOD SOCKS!!!! srsly omg you’re never gonna wanna go anywhere barefoot, and dorm heating/cooling can be tricky. i treated myself to a 5-pair box where they’re all different classic art pieces. they’re GORGEOUS and super nice for when i can’t find my flip-flops.
-also, if you have birks. bring them. they are also good for sliding on when u really have to pee in the middle of the night and can’t for the life of u find anything else. also everyone i know wears birks casually (i have a 20 dollar pair of fake ones from american eagle lol)
-OLD NAVY HAS FLIP FLOPS 2 FOR 5 DOLLARS. they make the BEST shower shoes and also they come in so many lit colors they’re the bomb digs. these are also good if you don’t have a pair of birks
-if your dorm doesn’t have it already (most dorms don’t) BUY A SCREEN FOR YOUR WINDOW!!!!!!! SERIOUSLY if u hate bugs you do NOT want them coming in when all u want is some fresh air. my roommate last year brought one to school bc i didn’t even think about it and it was a LIFESAVER.
-if you can, get one of those febreeze scent things you plug in. if you aren’t allowed, there’s this thing called a scentsy that basically melts wax and it makes your room smell SO. GOOD. idk how much they cost but honestly you will be thankful you have it if you can get it (candles work too but most dorms don’t allow candles)  
-you don’t need a huge plastic shower caddy!! you can get a softer one and then hang it on a hook outside the shower or loop it around the shower knob. they’re probs better than a big hard one bc they won’t fill up with water and you can stash it easier. (i went with a big plastic one and it’s a hassle lol). however, if you already got a big plastic one, that’s cool too bc sometimes they come with a removable second smaller caddy, and that’s good for putting your phone in outside of the shower to play music.
-lofting your bed is super nice bc it gives you a little more privacy from your roommate (and privacy is so so so rare in college, esp in a dorm). it’s also nice bc if you’re up there and a friend walks into your room (which is bound to happen with dorm living, which is where i’m assuming ur living as a first-year) they won’t immediately see you, which gives you a few seconds to get ur shit together before they see you.
-HOWEVER!! there are a few downsides to lofting ur bed. the major one is that it’s a pain in the ass to not only get up there, but also to lug your laptop/charger/snacks/etc up there, and once you’re up u probably aren’t gonna wanna come down. also, i don’t know if you drink, (which btw totally cool if you don’t!!), but there was definitely one time where i was too drunk to climb into my bed (i know, i know, several bad choices were made that night and i regret all of them), but thankfully my roommate last year was a fucking goddess though (a definite Mom Friend) and pulled all my sleeping stuff down to the floor lol. it’s rare that something like that happens, but it’s definitely something u wanna take into consideration.
-college is infinitely emotionally taxing. face masks and shower bath-bombs (you put them on the floor of your shower and they slowly dissolve and release whatever scent they are) do LOADS to make u feel better. face masks are also good bonding with friends!! 
-some other self-care college tips: cafes will usually have either hot apple cider in the fall, or you can get steamed milk with vanilla in it and it’s very soothing and gentle and calming. i got it a lot when i was sick just bc it was warm and not difficult to stomach. 
-also baking. if you get a few friends and bake something, it is 1) bound to be hilarious and 2) everyone who walks by will love you. we once made cinnamon buns, except instead of individual ones we made one big disgusting MegaBon, and we still talk about it to this day. it’s the name of our group chat lmaooo
-you can literally never have too much storage. plastic bins, crates, etc. never too much.
-you will leave college with so much more stuff than what you came with. holy shit. you will also get so many t-shirts??? see above. you’ll need storage.
-college is also the definition of ‘Everything is Happening All The Time’, and ur probably gonna make friends who try and do Everything. it took me super long to internalize the fact that it’s okay to like, say no to doing something and take a nap instead. not all the time, sometimes its good to force urself out of your room, but you can stay in on a saturday every once in a while! it doesn’t matter. 
-that being said, do try and go out of your comfort zone a little!! i was definitely not the type to do this in high school, but these days i’ll sometimes go to frat parties!! they’re actually really fun when you go with friends (and always go with friends!!!). it doesn’t even necessarily need to be parties either. audition for a capella. stage manage a show. do a club sport. there’s so much you can do!! (i actually didn’t follow my own advice here last year, i was too terrified to do a lot of things. i did theatre though, which ended up taking up most of my time anyway, but i still wish i had done more, hence why i’m doing this program right now! don’t be like first-year me. be better!)
-HOWEVER here are some (frat) party tips: girls can usually get into parties much easier than guys can, but either way don’t try to go out until around october/late september. the first few weeks back are for upperclassmen catching up with friends . go with a group, and STAY with your group. please. no girl left behind. they usually only serve shitty beer, and ofc you should keep your eyes on it the whole time. if you put it down, just go get another one instead of picking that one up again. also, invest in a shitty coat/gross pair of shoes specifically to wear to the frats. the floors are gross, and you’re probs gonna end up storing your jacket behind a trash can in the winter bc it’s too fucking hot inside the room to keep it on. (is this coat thing just a bucknell thing?? this might just be a bucknell thing). 
-more drinking/etc/stuff: know your rights. RAs are not allowed to look through drawers/open closets when doing room searches, so if you have wine or anything, make sure it’s hidden in somewhere they’re not allowed to touch.
-THIS IS SUPER IMPORTANT: if someone has drank too much, BACKPACK THEM. get them into bed while wearing a filled up backpack. it prevents people from rolling over and choking on their vomit. i cannot emphasize how important it is for you to backpack someone. if you can, stay with them to make sure they’re okay. also, don’t be afraid to let them throw up before they go to bed. it helps. they’ll usually feel better. 
-if you can, get a job that lets you sit down. receptionist, librarian, etc. these are the best, bc sometimes you’ll get the  chance to study or get paid for doing nothing. also? receptionist looks SUPER good on a resume. also? money is nice.
-LOCK YOUR DOOR!!!!! I LEARNED THIS THE HARD WAY WHEN SOME WEIRD SENIOR BOY WALKED INTO MY ROOM DRUNK AT 3AM AND WOULDN’T LEAVE. also, you’ll make friends in the first week that you won’t necessarily want to be friends with later on, but they won’t get that message lol. again, lock your door (learned that the hard way, too)
-for future semesters, if you can’t get into a class right away it REALLY helps to email the professor!!! seriously, 9 times out of 10 they are more than happy to let an extra person in, because there are always students who drop the class within the first week or two. that’s how i got into astronomy my first semester, and i’m now a teacher’s assistant for it. so. really, it helps.
-the best way to be better friends with people is to just, get meals with them. honestly. make a group chat with some people and whenever ur getting dinner or lunch or whatever just throw out a ‘hey anyone wanna get food with me??’ text. 90% of the time someone will come with you.
-speaking of meals tho, ik this is the number 1 thing people tend to say, but it’s tRUE. nobody cares if you eat alone. it too me SO LONG to internalize this, but it’s totally fine to do!! it’s actually really nice sometimes, you can bring homework or your laptop and get some work done. it’s not even with meals, either! you can study alone! you can walk places alone! you can go to the gym alone! i was always terrified of being seen alone bc i thought people were gonna think i didn’t have friends or w/e dumb thing my anxiety had me feeling, (i still struggle with that lmao) but in reality you just look independent and cool!!! also, it helps to be content in the fact that you have friends and it doesn’t matter if people THINK you don’t.
-get a reusable water bottle. i got a plastic one for like 12 bucks, and i use it DAILY. if ur walking a lot, it helps keep you hydrated. also, it gives you something to do in class. also, you can personalize it with stickers and stuff (you can do the same with a laptop case). i p much take mine with me EVERYWHERE.
-this was also hard for me to internalize, but u gotta remember the fact that it’s okay not to be who u were in high school. like, i gave up some of the things i was into in high school in favor of some other things, and it took me awhile to figure out that i wasn’t like, betraying anyone, if that makes sense?? like, i started going to frat parties and actually having FUN at them??? (something i NEVER would have been into in high school, but here we are).
-also, grades are very different in college. i freaked out when i wasn’t getting a 4.0, because that’s who i was in high school, but then i kinda put it in perspective. i ended with a 3.67, which is still dean’s list. you’re not going to be perfect, bc chances are you ended up at a school with people on kinda equal intelligence levels as you. don’t freak out. 
okay that’s pretty much it!!! i can def come up with more stuff tailored to certain things/etc if you want me to talk more about this stuff!!! i love giving college advice and talking and helping people feel better about this whole thing bc i know it’s hard and scary
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argonapricot · 8 years
all of them
200: My crush’s name is: Nupur199: I was born in: is this asking for time or place198: I am really: too tired to be dealing with this rn197: My cellphone company is: verizon I think196: My eye color is: brown. like 20% hazel-ish if you squint195: My shoe size is: 9 1/2194: My ring size is: uh193: My height is: 5′5″192: I am allergic to: capital pi191: My 1st car was: lol190: My 1st job was: working as a Hebrew teacher? That is. Still my job.189: Last book you read: Invisible Man for school, Adaptation by Melinda Lo outside of it, and I’m currently working on a book written about Tolkien.188: My bed is: A CASTLE IT’S THE BEST BED OKAY187: My pet: Sasha and Maya, the bestest cats186: My best friend: “””””””””””””””””you”””””””””””””””””” that’s a lie it really is you
185: My favorite shampoo is: I use Pantene but like. I don’t really think of shampoo in terms of favorites?184: Xbox or ps3: what are those183: Piggy banks are: c u t e182: In my pockets: money, quarters, this one teabag that I keep forgetting to do anything with, and occasionally small wrappers.181: On my calendar: your birthday!180: Marriage is: classy179: Spongebob can: sponge the bobs but can he rob the mobs?178: My mom: a great and good and amazing mom177: The last three songs I bought were? Three individual movements of Johan de Meij’s Lord of the Rings symphony176: Last YouTube video watched:175: How many cousins do you have? 4174: Do you have any siblings? 1173: Are your parents divorced? nope172: Are you taller than your mom? yup171: Do you play an instrument? DO I EVER170: What did you do yesterday? sure as heck not any calculus homework[ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: I thought I did, until yesterday 3168: Luck: Yeah?167: Fate: I mean idk166: Yourself: “””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””sure””””””””””””””””””””””165: Aliens: I believe in the possibility, I’ve never pretended to know!164: Heaven: I wish I did more than I do163: Hell: nah162: God: *waves my hands in a squiggly agnostic way* not in like a biblical sense but in a unifying connect-y energy in everything idk161: Horoscopes: I mean I believe in them as concepts like. They exist. That’s a thing. I don’t buy into them but I like them all the same.160: Soul mates: 159: Ghosts: nnnnnah158: Gay Marriage: HELL YEAH157: War: not in so many words156: Orbs: what155: Magic: the elf sitting in my computer says yes[ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: hugs153: Drunk or High: drugs are bad152: Phone or Online: Are these mutually exclusive? Online151: Red heads or Black haired: BOTH I mean red heads bc maedhros but I find both very attractive150: Blondes or Brunettes: brunettes all the way149: Hot or cold: how cot or how cold?148: Summer or winter: mmmeh147: Autumn or Spring: autumn!146: Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla!145: Night or Day: night as a concept, day as a time when I’m awake144: Oranges or Apples: apples. unless we’re talking clementines or mandarins here in which case...143: Curly or Straight hair: shrug?142: McDonalds or Burger King: I only eat organic kale cubes141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: dark chocolate what sort of a rigged survey is this (but okay I like all chocolates they are all good and great)
140: Mac or PC: ...............mac139: Flip flops or high heals: neither gross sneakers are good138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: I love how it’s not even pretty and poor but “sweet”, like what kind of asshole would say ugly and rich and have that be an official statement that they make.137: Coke or Pepsi: I don’t like fizzy drinks136: Hillary or Obama: I’m going to cry135: Burried or cremated: planted into a tree134: Singing or Dancing: BOTH133: Coach or Chanel: what does this mean132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: who are these people131: Small town or Big city: Once upon a time I would’ve said small town, but these past two years I’ve really come into my own as a citygirl.130: Wal-Mart or Target: target ofc129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: uh128: Manicure or Pedicure: I don’t have nails127: East Coast or West Coast: I mean I feel like I kind of have to say east126: Your Birthday or Christmas: my birthday lol christmas is. not a thing. that I celebrate.125: Chocolate or Flowers: I’ve always thought flowers were the cutest, but I’ve also always wanted chocolate the most124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney I guess? I’ve been to neither123: Yankees or Red Sox: what are sports[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: really really fucked up and unfortunate121: George Bush: which george bush120: Gay Marriage: I don’t have specific thoughts on this it’s just a thing that should be a thing that I want to be a thing119: The presidential election: let’s not118: Abortion: I think I would have a hard time getting one personally, but I would never presume to speak for everyone.117: MySpace: sure is a website116: Reality TV: oh you mean the sitcomarillion?115: Parents: parents in general? Or my parents? My parents are the best most understanding loving parents and I’m really lucky to have them114: Back stabbers: “””””pals””””””113: Ebay: a party112: Facebook: I sure don’t use that consistently. I only really made my account to check in with my mom’s account.111: Work: should be FUN AND LIFE ENRICHING WOA110: My Neighbors: a okay109: Gas Prices: priced108: Designer Clothes: designed107: College: HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH LETS NOT106: Sports: ew105: My family: I LOVE MY FAMILY104: The future: L E T S  N O T[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: I just hugged Benjamin goodnight a moment ago102: Last time you ate: I had eggs for dinner101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile:100: Cried in front of someone: the real question is when is the last time I DIDNT cry in front of someone?99: Went to a movie theater: To see Hidden Figures the day after it came out!!98: Took a vacation: for a given value of “taken”...97: Swam in a pool: I honestly can’t remember96: Changed a diaper: Have I ever changed a diaper?95: Got my nails done: That one and only time at Lena’s birthday party where Elizabeth made me even though I didn’t want to.94: Went to a wedding: I can’t remember right now I’m too tired93: Broke a bone: 7th grade. Clarissa was there.92: Got a peircing: I got my ears pierced in fifth grade?91: Broke the law: I stole a firetruck to go to starbux90: Texted: 500 years ago in Vampire Scotland[ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: u88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: I can’t think about this or I will cry87: The last movie I saw: Hidden Figures86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: going to Starbucks85: The thing im not looking forward to: calculus examinations84: People call me: Buttermay83: The most difficult thing to do is: answer all these questions in one go82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: what’s driving81: My zodiac sign is: capricorn!80: The first person i talked to today was: My cat?79: First time you had a crush: You already know this leave me alone78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: sometimes you and sometimes Benjamin but mostly JRR Tolkien77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: that time you said “I want an oreo” in class today76: Right now I am talking to: my own exhaustion75: What are you going to do when you grow up: gay marry74: I have/will get a job: what is this even asking73: Tomorrow: Thursday72: Today: Wednesday71: Next Summer: pre-college screaming70: Next Weekend: pre your birthday excitement!69: I have these pets: Sasha and Maya, the bestest cats68: The worst sound in the world: Dr. Propst67: The person that makes me cry the most is: Uzuki Kakinuma66: People that make you happy: lots of people, you know the people65: Last time I cried: :}64: My friends are: the actual absolute best friends in the world63: My computer is: trying its best62: My School: has a fire microwave GK GK WE ALL WE GOT61: My Car: what’s a car60: I lose all respect for people who: are in robotics59: The movie I cried at was: the singular movie???? who does this survey think I am?58: Your hair color is: dark brown!57: TV shows you watch: the Uzuki Files56: Favorite web site: mspadventures obviously55: Your dream vacation: to middle earth yes hello54: The worst pain I was ever in was: when I last gave birth to my uterus and almost died53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium rare?52: My room is: smallish, messish, comfy51: My favorite celebrity is: Yuna Kim50: Where would you like to be: in bed49: Do you want children: we’ve discussed this. I go back and forth48: Ever been in love: ye47: Who’s your best friend: this was literally already asked46: More guy friends or girl friends: what are guys45: One thing that makes you feel great is: not having to answer 200 questions in a row44: One person that you wish you could see right now: Uzuuuuuuuki43: Do you have a 5 year plan: nnnnnup42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: we started one at least?41: Have you pre-named your children: HAVE I EVER40: Last person I got mad at: horst39: I would like to move to: bed38: I wish I was a professional: bed. I mean artist[ My Favorites ]37: Candy: Reeses36: Vehicle: bus35: President: Guiney34: State visited: California sounds so cliche but. I mean.33: Cellphone provider: idc32: Athlete: Yuna Kim31: Actor: *mumbleslumbles*30: Actress: too many to choose from help29: Singer: selena gomez obvious28: Band: selena gomez and the slene27: Clothing store: my mom’s closet26: Grocery store: Publix25: TV show: Galavant, Stranger Things, Community in the earlier seasons...24: Movie: I watched Boy Meets Girl lately and it was Fantastic23: Website: fernferction.dert.nert22: Animal: snow leopard21: Theme park: harry potter. world.20: Holiday: Tubishvat19: Sport to watch: ice skating18: Sport to play: night tennis17: Magazine: Elves Weekly16: Book: let’s not open this can of worms I need to go to bed15: Day of the week: tuesday14: Beach: all beaches are great13: Concert attended: Midori performing the Mendelssohn left a really lasting impression on me forever12: Thing to cook: eggs11: Food: eggs10: Restaurant: Tuk Tuk Thai Loft 9: Radio station: GPB OBVIOUSLY8: Yankee candle scent: wat7: Perfume: no6: Flower: azalea5: Color: jewel tones4: Talk show host: Stephen Colbert3: Comedian: andrew hussie2: Dog breed: cats1: Did you answer all these truthfully? of course
I hope this satisfies u u hellspawn
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