#if there's sth here that people want to see continued i would love to know
yujeong · 6 months
i spotted some talk of ace vegas 👀 please continue if you want.
there's a lot of demi pete acknowledgement, but i can totally get why vegas would be a service top as an ace person
Hey there, anon! Thank you so much for sending me this! I'd love to expand on my thoughts actually, since I'm pretty sure I haven't stumbled across any posts that delve into this headcanon about Vegas. However, before saying more, I'd like to give 2 important disclaimers: 1. I'm not ace, or at least I don't think I am (sexuality has been a fraught topic to me for the past couple of years, I try not to think about it), so everything I'm about to say should be taken with a grain of salt - as well as be corrected if I say sth stupid or inaccurate, 2. The "ace Vegas" headcanon isn't an original thought of mine. A former fandom friend had mentioned it once in a server I used to be a part of, and it intrigued me. Now, on to the topic at hand. Apologies in advance, because this ended up being super long: Vegas' sexuality and how he expresses it has been a very interesting topic to me due to how much emphasis is put on it throughout the show. From the way he flirts with Porsche (horribly) to the way his room is decorated or the way he dresses and acts, the man oozes sexual appeal, so much so that he rivals Kinn, aka the horniest man on planet Earth. But the more we get exposed to it, the more it makes me wonder: is Vegas really a "sex freak" or is he using it as a weapon to win against Kinn? Because if Vegas copies other things Kinn does in order to win against him - the suits, the boyfriends, the mafia tactics - why wouldn't he copy his (presumed) sex life? Why wouldn't he try spicing up his image as this scary sadist with the cuffs and the whips and the XL vegan condoms, in order to rival his cousin? Adding the ace aspect here, it could also be a way for him to cope with the fact that he hasn't experienced sexual attraction towards anyone in comparison to Kinn (because it is of vital importance to me that everything Vegas thinks about himself is because of Kinn). He can see how Kinn stares at the men he fucks, he can see the hunger; it's sth he lacks. He feels inferior to Kinn due to this, he feels like a freak - as he told Pete, I'll expand upon that line later - so, he overcompensates for it.... ...which brings me to the mirror scene. Yes, that mirror scene. I'd say it's one of two scenes that could discourage someone from having the "ace Vegas" headcanon, due to how Vegas is alone and fantasizes about Porsche while (I assume) touching himself, BUT I have two counter-arguments to that: 1. Vegas is so deep into this facade he's put on that he's trying to persuade himself to feel powerful for managing to incapacitate Porsche, even though he eventually failed to do what he had wanted to, 2. Vegas isn't fantasizing about Porsche himself, but rather the thing he did to him, the act. He managed for a little while to have the upper hand on him, and that power makes him feel good (aka horny). Is it a stretch? Maybe. Since a lot of fans love Vegas being a hardcore sadist who practices BDSM (something I'm in the minority of), perhaps ace Vegas doesn't sound believable - even though a LOT of ace people practice BDSM, as is known. Now, let's examine VegasPete in this context:
Vegas hadn't shown any interest to Pete pre-spying shenanigans, and even then, he mostly taunts the poor man. Condoms and ass grabs and merits, that's the most he does to Pete up until ep10, when he has him tied up in his basement and tortures him. I do love how most of the torturing he does to Pete is sexual or has sexual implications (RIP Pete's balls). It emphasizes how Vegas uses sex as a weapon to achieve his goals, whatever those may be - which, in Pete's case, are just him trying to redirect his intense anger from his failure onto someone else. Vegas knows how powerful sex is - it's why he used it to drive Pete's attention away from his issues after they buried the hedgehog and Pete told him he shouldn't hit himself. And being ace, he's more detached to it (by not being attracted to the person he's using his tactics against), so he's better at it. He excels at it, it gives him a perverted sense of self-confidence. Now, their NC scene is one of my favorites exactly because of what anon mentioned: Vegas reads so much as a service top in it. He is 100% focused on Pete and how good he's making him feel. His own orgasm can very well be considered an afterthought and it's perfect. With all of this, I can't help but see the possibility of him being ace. The last 2 things I want to mention are from the next scene, because they're also arguments that could be used against this headcanon: 1) "Do you know how sexy you are?" and 2) "I thought I was a freak, until now" Ok, so, a question: if we take into consideration the idea of Vegas being ace - a Vegas who compares himself to Kinn, a Vegas who uses sex as a tool, a Vegas who thinks of himself as an unlovable monster, a Vegas who hates himself to the point of being suicidal - then what's the most probable outcome of him having the first actual good sexual experience in his life? Answer: he'll get hella confused lol What I mean by this, is that Vegas didn't suddenly become allosexual from this experience with Pete. Vegas simply... fell in love. (or, more accurately, the feeling that had been building up inside him since the pill kiss cemented itself in his heart after they had sex) And what do some people do when they have a similar experience? They confuse romantic love with sexual attraction, thinking they experienced one thing when they did the other. That's what I believe happened with Vegas. He thought he's not a freak because he figured he's sexually attracted to Pete, when in reality the poor fucker loves Pete romantically. If we can accept the fact that Vegas knows shit all about proper BDSM practices (Pete isn't even looking that up lmao), then he sure af doesn't know about the differences between sexual and romantic attraction. Hence, what he told Pete. I think that's all I wanted to say, which is a lot already haha, but in order to properly expand upon this issue, I needed to write an essay of a post. I'm sorry if it was tiring and thank you again anon for your ask ❤️❤️
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ravenkinnie · 3 months
i love love love the way you write jinx and the way you talk about her and her relationships!!! not to be annoying bc a lot of ppl in the fandom are like 16/17 but the general interpretation of jinx as little more than a victim of her circumstances and silco’s manipulation who should make up with her sister, be caitvi’s slightly annoying third wheel and ekko’s (or lux? lmao nothing against either ship but yk) quirked up gf is soooo boring (like god forbid a girl contains multitudes and is both a meow meow and an absolute cunt) and your take on her is such a breath of fresh air! not sure if you talked about this in a post already but what are your hopes in general for the new season and ofc for jinx in particular?
❤️❤️❤️ that's my pookie and even tho I'm hoeing across runeterra she will always be the one
no fr fr and listen I do feel like I'm fighting in a kindergarten when I hate because I realise it's cause everyone I'm beefing with is 18 and just likes the same YA archetypes as everyone else at that age but if 10k bitches can post it on ao3 I can hate on it. especially because it erases a supremely well done character that they made out of a lol champion I wouldn't even think twice about when she first released like that's a talent and that's work
and also if people want to complain about female characters in media it feels disingenuous to then remove agency from complicated female characters we do have to make them one dimensional - like one thing you cannot say about jinx is that she's flat - in personality I mean cause well. she is an active dynamic character with insane narrative potential and a lot of layers and being both a victim and a victimiser is an important part of that
my main hopes for season 2 are honestly
*I hope its consistent internally with its own ideology </3 I think s1 at the end starts unraveling a lil because it seems to despair for this both sides ass take but it just wouldn't make any sense with league lore or the show itself. here I mostly fear for ekko gkbknj
*everybody should become a somewhat worse person, like vi provably will because she will become an enforcer, caitlyn seems to also be heading for some corruption arc, obv viktor is there, so I think this will be fulfilled teehee
*I want jinx to have her own arc and I mean an arc where she develops her own goal and motivations outside other characters too and maybe this goal will be to love evil till the day she dies, ill take it!! I just think seeing jinx grow outside that child/flighty troublemaker into a full on villain/terrorist will be fantastic and will also give her actual league lore another layer that hopefullyyyy they can continue to build on (and they will never stop banking on jinx like that's basically leagues mascot)
*mel survives </3 like it would be way too much of a loss of a great character to give her so little storyline of her own, she needs to be in s2
*overall, sorry to be a freak but I'm a tragedy lover and enjoyer and I know they are tied to champion lore somewhat now but I still hope it ends sad or bittersweet for everyone. and when you say tragedy people often think of character death but that's probably the least tragic ending you can give a bitch, the true hollowness in losing everything you once were and could have been is what im talking about!!
*I did say this before but I hope jinx kills imagine dragons in arcane universe. first of all they are touring in israel so they deserve that but also it would be really funny to see them on her list of victims like just whole ass imagine dragons under silco or sth
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chevvy-yates · 11 months
Decided it is time for another update so here's a longer post to what I've been up to and stuff that circles around in my head lately.
@medtech-mara, @imaginarycyberpunk2023, @itzsassha, @humberg, @kittenchrissy, @rosapexa, @cinnamon-mey, @heywoodvirgin, @dreamskug, @drunkchasind, and everyone who sees and wants to do as well.
No pressure as always!
Let's begin with sth. first I have on my mind for a while: As this fandom (sadly) seems to fall more and more apart, I would like to know if there are still people interested in reading actual lore content or not. As some of you know my dear friend @nervouswizardcycle and I are continously building up some sort of our own expansion after the main game events with rp/fic, character builds, backstory lore and support by vp and it eats a lot of time. The lack of interactions on tblr during the last few months and in several discord servers has led to me not posting a lot anymore either (beside my mental exhaustion phases that come and go). It seems more active again though, as majority already played Phantom Liberty by now or are right into it, so they slowly come back bc they presumably avoided spoilers. —————— So, here is me wondering how many following my blog are 'really' interested to see me sharing all lore of the boys (including story parts) or does the majority prefer just to see pretty pics and that's it? —————— (I've wanted to add a poll here but it doesn't let me save my post so I might do it in a seperate one a bit later) I know: it's my blog, I post what I like in the first place, and I'll likely continue that way but somehow I would like to know if it's worth the effort of formating and thinking about how the posts could look or if I can take that time to do something else with it instead if there's less interest. So, I would just keep it in my tiny discord server I share with my rp partner(s)/in private chats with those interested bc it's gotten to be a lot and we are still at the very start it feels.
As I'm the type that can't have ocs with no background/lore, I sat down the other day and did a build for each with their skills, wrote down what chrome everyone got (incl. additional c-ware from the lore books plus I'm reading e.g. into what programs my runner twins are likely to make use of). It went this far that my friend used the amount of the game's 'cyberware capacity' as 'humanity loss'. It is used in the lore books/ttrpg anyways. So I've counted all my boys possible capacity* and use it as humanity loss (HL) now which led me to thinking about which one of my ocs goes to get treatment and how often they go to see a MedTech on regular base. I thought I could give them a certain minus amount to reduce the HL for each depending on how much or less c-ware they got — e.g. Thyjs as soldier has most (but all is good Militech chrome) and used to go and still goes regularly so his HL gets a huge reduce — whereas Ryder's gets always nulled no matter how often he gets threatment, because BEAST (rogue AI) eats it away each time (to understand that in full you probably have to know the story). Ry must have most HL loss as he often walks along the edge towards cyberpsychosis, so I'm forced to reduce Thyjs' with most c-ware installed a huge amount. And that's how I made it now. It's probably far away from canon ttrpg as my 'canon cp world' consists of 75% game, 20% lorebooks and 5% own added ideas I haven't seen on the lore yet. And I like it that way I gotta say. On a little side note: It also had me thinking about creating a new support character for the team that could be in fact a MedTech. But I won't do that anytime soon.
* some things might still change as I slowly started playing their playthroughs and skill them for real now. I love each build so far because it's a whole different experience! And playing someone with noe netrunning ability is hell as I was only usedto paly netrunner before.
I decided to give you an insight of what I've roughly written yesterday about Ryder and Thyjs having a talk about how they feel for each other:
“Ik ben eerlijk. I liked that accidental kiss we shared a-and i-ik find je leuk, Ry. Probably more as— a friend is supposed to do.” De Wit instantly starts feeling nauseous and something tightens around his stomach but he needs to get it off of his heavy feeling soul. “I-I guess I have stronger feelings for you than I had expected and it’s confusing me.” He frowns, “It’s not usual for me. Never felt any kind of such an attraction towards other men. I-It’s just you— I think I might be into you, Ryder.” The last sentences came in a mere murmur than spoken and Ryder’s name was only a light whisper. Thyjs didn’t dare to look to his left. He feared he would lose his new gained friend now because he said his stupid thoughts aloud. Instead he continues staring at the distant horizon feeling the lump in his throat only getting heavier. The sun was already half arisen and the sky was painted in a bright orange and yellow fading out into never ending blue. After de Wit seems to have finally finished his long talk, Ryder realizes the pack has fallen out of his hands. He needed to repeat in his mind what Thyjs just told him. Did the man really pour out his heart to him at this very moment? He couldn’t believe it at first. The pale soldier he obviously secretly fell for just told him he was having feelings for him that reach further than friendship? It took him what seemed like an eternity to get out of his frozen state. Ry moves up into a straighter position, still supporting his body with his right forearm, turning more towards Thyjs, who is still watching the rising sun with a rather sad look on his face blinking every once in a while. Eventually Scharfenberg brings up his left hand to reach for the older man’s face and de Wit suddenly feels two fingers under his chin making him look at the younger man again. He sees a tiny smile on those dark lips he caught himself looking at so many times in utter secrecy. That tiny smile that’s usually the base for a brighter even more heartwarming smile baring dangerous fangs who make the man look frightening, but smiling like that? Thyjs often caught himself thinking Ry looked cute with these fangs as well. Ry sees Thyjs’ confusion as his eyes look questioning right back at him. So Ry better says something now. “I-Ich äh—” he clears his throat, “—I don’t know where to start. How to talk feelings in the first place.” Letting Thyjs talk himself off seemed to be right for Ryder and it was worth it, because he thinks it’s the most earnest confession someone has ever made to him, yet he doesn’t know how to answer to all this best. So he decides to place himself into a sitting position, to look the soldier boy straight into the eyes. His gaze gets distracted by Thy’s slightly opened lips for a split second. It is the same situation as earlier downstairs, only that Ry has his fingers still under de Wit’s chin and starts to lead his face towards the other man. Just a few inches are left between them and Thyjs can feel the younger man’s warm breath on his skin. He also has this incredible sight at those beautiful male black eyelashes again the very moment they cast down and then he feels those same lips from before on his own with such a soft pressure that again he closes his eyes in an instant and starts to revel in that same electricity running through him but also the revenant paralyze surrounding him again.
It is just a brief kiss, similar to the one in the apartment downstairs but shyer in its move. As soon as it happened it ended. Ryder opens his eyes afterwards immediately because he fears somehow the man in front of him would get up, step back and turn away but instead he still feels his chin pressed softly against his fingers. It casts another tiny smile onto Ryder’s face as his now racing heart skips a beat or two, seeing that Thyjs didn’t make a move nor a sound. His eyes open now as well and Ry swears he’s never seen heterochromia looking so soft but also surprised at the same time at him like Thyjs does right now. He waits for a reaction but Thyjs just keeps looking at him, lips parting shortly just to close again. “What? — Did that make you that speechless now?” Ry asks with nearly the same surprisement. Thyjs lets out a heavy breath and nods, eyes totally lost looking at him which lets Scharfenberg put on a warm smile. “Want to— try again?” Thyjs swallows his unspoken words that gathered in his throat he couldn’t speak aloud and nods again. Heavier, his lips turning into a smile as well and his eyes are suddenly filled with happiness and relief, like he’s telling Ryder that he cannot wait to have their lips meeting once more and to feel that intense buzz from before as it spreads through his entire body like when he’s powering up electricity. This feeling right now? It’s strong and sends an entirely new sensation through him. Is dat het gevoel van vlinders in je buik? He wonders but doesn’t get much more time to think about it because Ryder choses to lean in for a second time.
It can and probably will be rewritten or changed but I definitely want to have it this way! Thjys starts talking and talking almost doing a monologue instead of a dialogue until he comes to the final point and Ryder wants to respond with words but doesn't know how to (he may find them a bit later) and just does what's best: kiss this soldier. I'll max out this kissing scene for a lot more pages just because I can.
I love the idea of Thyjs as war machine being totally romantic and getting super takative when alone with Ryder. And Ryder definitely is a soft romatic boy, alsways was bu Beast made his life harder to show this side more but Thyjs gets to see it also in private.
4. VP
Since I do more 'actual play the game' now even though I have installed most of all mods back, I rarely do pics atm. If I do, they are just rather nice pics where I try to use the ingame light rather than to spawn spot lights. here's a preview of what comes next:
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I have so many ideas I want to put into reality. Especially pics that underline the rp/fic chapters mentioned above. But I'm not going to force myself. I'll see what I can realize for the rest of the year and what gets to be stamped as a New Year's resolution. I'll probably focus on a few blorbo pics this weekend because Ryder's birthday is around the corner (31st October) and Jay's boyfriend Enzolino has just a day prior. So if I can manage, I'll do that in the first place.
Thanks for reading! <3
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dollyyun · 2 months
Hello, my favourite author. How are you feeling now? I've read your latest post and I am so sorry to hear that you lost someone :( I can tell that they are someone who is dearest to you. But, you know they are always with you when you are still thinking about them, your moment with them and your love for them. I don't know if it's a good idea to tell this but yeah. I am not very good at comforting and I'm sorry in advance if I made it worse T_T But, you know we love you. You may think that your writing is worse but, to me, to us, they are majestic and amazing. You've never failed to amaze me with your plots, writing styles and many more. And to say it abruptly, do you think many people will tell you how they felt after reading your masterpiece if they thought yours was not good enough or sth? baby, please be more confident. You may think I'm just trying to comfort you, but I am just spilling FACT! if you don't believe it, you can ask my fellow readers here! and it's right to take a short rest or a long rest! I don't care if I had to wait a century for the next part. I'll wait with my whole heart trust me! but, please I beg you not to delete this blog of yours. I truly love you and your stories. and again, you may have no idea coz I was a silent reader no reblogging no like but, I do give my thought. ( If you remember me lol ) And AGAIN AND AGAIN YOUR WRITING IS AMAZING AND PLEASE IGNORE THOSE DUCKING HATERS. THEY ARE JUST JEALOUS OF YOU ( although that is not the case you're feeling rn sry ) I am not sure if I am succeeding in comforting you but, I felt like my heart would be broken if my fav author deleted her blog like that. :( I mean it's fine if you don't wanna write it anymore ( only if you want it that way ofc ) but, pleaseee I would love to see you talking about how heeseung is hot and HANDSOME OR STH MORE IDK. But, IF YOU DECIDED TO WRITE AGAIN AFTER A CENTURY OR SOMETHING, I AM SURE MY NEXT LIFE WILL SURELY READ YOUR BOOKS. anyways, I talked too much ( hope you don't mind :) ) so yeah have a nice day and take care! I hope you will be feeling okay and healthy (?) ( plz I forgot how to say that yeah ) yeah take care and all the best to you! byee! I love you!
hii sweetie, ofc i remember you <3 i remember those who interacted with me🫶🏻
it’s totally fine, i’m not very good at comforting people either but the fact that you bothered to reach out to me and asking how i felt means so much to me.
ahh i’m grateful enough that i haven’t encountered any hate towards my writing, but it’s just that i’m my own hater lmao. i find everything i write either decent or downright horrendous.
i’m trying to work on my confidence in writing. i’ve always been insecure about my writing but ever since the recent events, i had too many things on my mind and genuinely felt that my writing was horrendous to the point i considered quitting, but when i looked at my drafts on my google docs, i knew that i still wanted to continue so that’s why i’m now taking my time to gain back the motivation.
rest assured that i won’t deactivate my blog :) thank you so much for your kind words and reassurance🙏🏻 i hope you take care of yourself too! i love you more🤍
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Hi Steph, lots of love from Germany! 🩵💙🧡 In your reply to the switch theory you wrote that you think switching will come up later in s3 (instead of having happened at the end of s2. and I totally agree with that, the seasons theme was love, pining and miscommunication, that had to culminate in something 😂)
But yeah, my theory is that Aziraphale and Crowley will join/celestial-marry/ "merge/fuse"(??) in some way and become very powerful that way. (Although if they fuse probably not permanently) Because
a) they're crazy strong together
b)when discorporated in s1e5 Aziraphale says sth like "I wish I could inhabit your body, but we'd probably burst into flames" and I don't think that was a set-up for the switch in s1e6, because I think they didnt actually swap bodies just made theyre own body look like the other (I think?) Azzi's physical body couldn't withstand hellfire, right? So that's not happened yet.
c) didn't you write they started out as one character in the book writing process? And in an interview for s2 David Tennant said that usually Michael Sheen and him would compete for the same part and now they're playing the same character split into two.
...Thanks for coming to my ted talk. 😂 What do you think? Wishing you a very lovely evening! I really love reading your blog! It's so... cosy on here. AZ Fell's Bookshop vibes 💛🩵💙🧡
(Referencing this post)
Hey Lovely!
Firstly I'm SO happy you enjoy my blog! :) That's high praise to be compared to Azzie's Bookshop, oh GOSHLES!! Thank you so much!! I'm having a blast being in this fandom, feels like the heyday of BBC Sherlock, hahahh. I'm hoping this blog turns into another "light" success and people just come here to feel "at home" you know? LOL.
Secondly, yeah, having another think on the Switch Theory, now that it's been a couple months and more of my own theories have formed about S2, I lean more on the "not a fan" side of it. For me it's the erasure of the emotional impact and the IMPORTANCE of their miscommunication that The Final Fifteen gave us, and honestly, there's too many loose threads that just... can't work with that theory. After sitting on it for some time, the big one for me is that Crowley-in-the-car-getting-upset-at-the-music at the end makes NO SENSE if it was A-As-C; No one would be watching him, why continue the act? And Aziraphale's gentle touch-and-cry reaction to the kiss makes NO SENSE if it was C-As-A. I dunno. I can totally see why people support the Theory, but it's not for me. I'm a creature of "I need things to make sense" and too much DOESN'T make sense with it, is all.
And you're right, S2's theme WAS about showing us the development of their relationship, how important they are together, so that the end of E6 would DEVASTATE US, having us wanting more than ever for them to get back together. It was meant to show how truly made for each other they are, just they're two idiots sharing a single braincell and that braincell is emotionally dumb lol.
That all said, I have a similar thought as yours that I've been hemming-and-hawing about for a couple weeks after rereading my own theories to possibly clean them up a bit. While I DON'T think they will "merge" into one being, I DO think that they will combine their powers together in the penultimate episode to "win" (I say penultimate because I have hopes that the final ep will be them moving in together, but I know realistically, a climax can't happen an hour before the end in a story LOL).
BUT I also like your theory as well, because story-wise, the hints have ALREADY been dropped for it since S1, as you mentioned in your points A and B. There was no need for a switch, and I DON'T think it will happen again. BUT the purpose of the switch was to show that Crowley and Azzie's powers are COMPATIBLE. THAT is what's important here, and it sets up their Together Miracle in S2. And if we're going on the idea that in S3 they'll finally be in-sync and that they only get MORE powerful the more comfortable and "on-the-same-page" they get, well, yeah, I think Heaven and Hell will be wise to leave them be.
As for your point C, yes I did mention that, I BELIEVE in my BIG roundup meta for S4, but it might also be in my 'Crowley’s Past: Was Crowley Archangel Camael?' meta, since I recall doing a LOT of research for that, including trawling through Neil's blog for quotes. But yes, I actually recently saw the gifset with that interview, I think it's in my queue LOL. Neil did confirm ages ago, way back in S1 that early drafts of the book did have them as one character, which is why I think it's MORE likely that their powers are going to be combined instead.
Either way, I think the ONLY theory I absolutely am 100% against is the "they're going to become human" one, because I hate that the condition to their love must be "to love like a human they must be human" and that's just... UGH not on for me. I remain hopeful that that's not the route that their gonna go, since Gabe and Beez didn't become human, and it was a CLEAR mirror for the AziraCrow relationship (a foreshadowing of sorts).
And because I'm thinking of it right now and don't want to forget to write it somewhere, another thing that CONSTANTLY brought up is Alpha Centauri; I hope that they honeymoon there at the end of S3, it'll be a nice payoff for its constant referencing, LOL. And they can't do that if they're human LOL. I want them to spend the next 6000 years and beyond together <3
Thank you again so much for your ask!! Sorry I took a bit to reply, just got home from a road trip and I finally had a bit of free time to reply <3
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
Idk if you’ve answered this but I’ve stumbled upon your tumblr and I just realised your the one who wrote el amor del inframundo and I have to say it’s easily one of the best fics I’ve ever read. I’ve never been into au’s and I wasn’t into Charlos that much either until I read it and it just changed my whole perspective on them. I love that fic so much I have it open as a tab on safari, refreshing it every now and then in hopes that it gets updated (that’s how much I love it!!!) I guess my question is if you have plans on continuing it and if not could you possibly tell us a short little summery of what happens between them, I just desperately want to know what their first kiss is like🥺 (also I regularly think about the scene where they’re both high, god that was such a good scene)
Hellooooo i caught this in the mess that is my inbox! Hi, yes, i am the author of the mafia au and it makes me incredibly happy that you liked my fic that much! Thank you for all your kind words, this is the stuff we writers live for, because knowing people like sth i wrote just makes me wanna write more! 🥹🥰 so far the plan is to finish it sometime and somehow, and the stats on the next chapter are following
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i have no idea how the story is going to go exactly, and im in a mini-block with my wips, but, i can share a scene from the next chapter :) as soon as the muses and brain allow, i'll work on it, bcs i have a story to tell here and i personally think it's a good one. So, excerpt from ch2 of el amor del inframundo under the cut, in which chess is a metaphor for many things :)
"Oh God, you're not playing chess with him, are you?" Mattia asked, chuckling and patting Carlos on the shoulder.
They were waiting for dinner to be served at the house of an associate, and Charles and Carlos were amusing themselves before they had to go and pretend they weren't bored out of their mind. They found a chess set in a room and were currently playing their third, winner-deciding game.
"I do," Carlos said, observing the board.
"You like to suffer, my friend," Mattia said, not moving away. "Charles likes to play, but he is not very good at it."
Carlos paused in the middle of reaching for his rook, and Charles bit back a smile. He’d seen Mattia when he caught sight of the two of them playing, and he felt a sliver of satisfaction at accurately predicting that he wouldn’t be able to stay away, eager to brag, as he always was.
"Ah, Mattia, don't deprive me of the only opponent who will still play with me," Charles said good-naturedly. Carlos raised his eyes to Charles, whose wide smile didn't show any dimples.
"Oh? You played with him?" Carlos asked, his voice even despite the turmoil behind his eyes.
"Yes," Mattia said, condescension clear in his voice. "He makes rash moves, otherwise he wouldn't lose so quickly. Probably would still lose as often."
"He loses to you," Carlos said more than asked. Charles wanted to kiss him for it, or suck his dick, anything really, to show him how fucking arousing he found Carlos' intelligence.
"Yes. Maybe you should play with me, or Antonio, and have a real challenge," Mattia said. Charles just kept smiling, and Mattia shook his head, then walked away.
Carlos played his move in silence, observing Charles.
"You played with Mattia?"
"Yes," Charles said, moving his queen. "And Antonio, and probably everyone in, ah, management."
"And you lost?"
"Yes," Charles said, tapping one of Carlos' white pawns he ate before on the table. "To all of them."
Carlos moved his pawn. Charles countered with his knight. Carlos narrowed his eyes. He reached for his queen, then reconsidered and moved his rook.
Charles grinned, and ate Carlos' rook with his queen.
"Check-mate," he said, grin wide and unrepentant, because he knew Carlos wouldn't have been able to see the trap Charles had set up for him before it was too late.
Carlos pushed the white king in front of him down just as Mattia passed them again, Giovinazzi on his heels. Just like a good dog should, Charles thought unkindly.
"I guess you're an even worse player than Charles, Carlos, if you're losing to him," he said, and both he and Giovinazzi laughed. Charles kept a good-natured smile on his face, chuckling a little.
"Yes," Carlos said, looking straight into Charles' eyes, his gaze clear and calculating and filled with understanding. "I guess I am."
Charles dimpled back at him.
"Another game?"
Carlos smiled back slowly, slyly, and nodded.
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personasintro · 2 years
Mimi!!!!! Thank you sooooo much for the wonderful New Year's present!!! I was so happy when I saw that MH55 was out. You are awesome!🫶🏼
I really don’t think that this will be interesting for you to read, but I just need to get this out so here are my two cents...
This was an interesting chapter to read, full of fluff and sweet moments that I fully enjoyed even though I usually prefer angsty scenes. And tbh the ending took me a little by surprise. But before I start I just wanted to quickly mention that Tae and Yoongi scenes were sooo good! I loved how sweet and caring Tae was, and YOONGI HUGGED Y/N??? Whaat??? Both scenes were awesome! Anyways I did expect Jungkook to be the first one to try to approach y/n and I was so happy when he did, bc honestly I feel like y/n would have taken a forever to do that. I know that many people in the comments were judging y/n for not being ready to talk and panicking, but I for one understood exactly how she feels. I’m actually glad she took her time to sort out her thoughts and have the talk when she felt ready. That’s why I was so happy to read the wrestling part (Maya knew what she was doing😏), which imo kind of eased things even more.. and the “I won’t let you fall”…. Ohhh for the first time since the argument it felt like the old times and that was just so heart-warming to read.. And I have no idea whether it was intentional or not, but someone in the comments already pointed out that those words “I won’t let you fall” felt like sth more than what it meant at the time. Like when she slipped on the rocks and Jk caught her – he didn’t let her fall again. This whole thing just felt a bit more whether it was intended that way or not… and then when jk got drunk and they ended up cuddling, it made me so happy. He was soooo cute and I really missed reading scenes like this. It felt like that reassurance she was asking for earlier – that everything will be okay no matter what happens. And then the ending…… I was really happy to see how they both finally opened up and talked it out and all the time I kind of wanted them to take a little break, but when she actually proposed it I was like “ouuff I don’t know about this”😄🥲. And imo Jk did seem hesitant about this, but agreed anyway.. From now on things can go in many different ways and it excites and scares me at the same time.. Because if there really are romantic feelings between them and this helps them to realize then I get the feeling that jk would be the first one to say something. Either way, I hope that one of them will say something. But if they realize they want to stay friends…. It’s just like you said in one of your asks – it was nice while it lasted, but ngl it would really f*cking hurt..😞
Anyways I’m just gonna sit here and try my best to manifest a really nice realization scene or sth like that in the next chapter, which I’m already excited about.😄
I am so, so sorry that this was so long. Take your time, rest, and have a wonderful day/night.🫶🏼💜🫂
55 is a weird mixture of angst and fluff, I’d say, among other things lolol and I’m glad you enjoyed it! I’m happy to hear you enjoyed the scenes with Yoongi and Taehyung!!
I’d like to think of jk knowing she would take her time to approach him & him knowing she’s having a hard time and that’s why he took the first step 🥲
I’m really glad you’ve enjoyed so many scenes in this one! Thanks a lot for your feedback, you guys know I love hearing your thoughts and all that, so this was fun to read 🥰
Thank you for continuing to read this story & enjoy the ride while it lasts 🎢🤍
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team-council-two · 2 years
I have a question For alphameter!
is there a word in french that is somewhat equal to calling a person you don‘t know well honey/darling/love. Maybe in a somewhat flirty way but not like being in a relationship or super close.
Like how a hairdresser would say what can i do for you today, love? so between two people that don’t know each other that well but share a sympathy or at least want to appear nice.
this is... a tricky question with a tricky answer, at the very least.
you see, this entire thing basically assumes that its ok to nickname strangers, and in france we opt for respectful distance usually instead. ironically, THIS is how we act to seem friendly, with a lot of excusez-moi (excuse me ? except it is. its hard to explain but the way americans say it translates better to excuse-moi, which is a completely different and more accusatory connotation than the "hey sorry (polite)" of this one), pardon de vous déranger (sorry for disturbing you), je vous en prie (you're welcome but fancy) and so on. polite formulas. we also have a thing called polite you, which basically when instead of using singular you to talk about a singular person you use plural- using vous instead of tu. you use this for Pretty Much Everyone that you arent friends or family with, except kids.
so thats basically a way to say the context youre talking about here. i mean. it exists. but it doesnt translate 1:1. bc we act w in mind the fact that we basically are talking to someone who didnt expect it and is minding their own business and whose boundaries, life and so on we do not know. its also like. the politeness is one big "its ok if you cant answer" and showing that continuing the conversation is opt-in rather than opt-out. using singular you for example comes accross as a disregard for boundaries and almost agressive/insulting. in other words we default to sheepish around strangers, rather than. buddy buddy/sassy motherly. for the special case of business owners who we see pretty often, hmmmm..........
(i am thinking very hard)
ma p'tite dame is sth that butchers and cheese sellers and things like that will say to a lady in a local shop, especially by men to older ladies with a smaller stature. its literally little lady and very cute. m'sieur/mon bon m'sieur, sir/my good sir, is the to go for a guy. also, they LOVE to go monsieur/madame (family name), esp since knowing peoples names and using them is a mark of familiarity. mon p'tit/ma p'tite is for children- but also, ironically, mon grand/ma grande. its literally small one VS big guy/big girl, depending of whether you want to seem kind and insist on liking the kid and finding them cute, or if you want to make them feel valued and taken seriously and as strong independent people. really tbh everything is in the tone and the sentence structure as well as choosing words that are neither slang nor fancy, rather than in having friendly vocabulary itself. that said, sassy aunt energy hairdressers are, i am afraid, an american specie, and not quite a thing in france. they will be cheerful but will not attribute nicknames. theyll still comment on how thick and amazing your hair is tho. or at least they always did for me. also, unlike friends and the like, business owners will NOT drop the vous bc this is a very open "valuable customer, hi !", a bit like a funny little low bow. anyways...
you also can openly pity people. if someones talking to you bc they need directions or sth, it is socially acceptable to say things like "mon pauvre/ma pauvre" (sth akin to poor dear ig). if youre *really* relieved and someone got you out of HUGE trouble, you can exclaim stuff like "vous êtes un amour !", literally youre an angel. (amour usually means love, but theyre also a subtype of angel. cupids ? you get the idea), dont forget merci beaucoup either ! thank you so much.
anyways... assuming you are asking about this for spy. this is one of these things that, due to cultural differences, we simply would use the english versions instead, a bit like what i explained with this post and some expressions being very hard to translate. also while women may get away with things like mon chou, trésor and so on (read : i cant think of any others) in pitying contexts, men... not so much ? one, they simply just dont use these (chérie, ma jolie, cocotte, etc...) words in this context, only when catcalling, two, when men call women this shit its usually. err. to put it simply. yeah its usually a sign theyre a misogynist/a "beauf" (someone lacking class/respect, often with lifestyles that are all around consuming trash TV, soccer, facebook and rumors stuff). if youre talking about scouts ma tho, who many people like to HC as french as well, yeah shed use (mon) trésor/mon chou
anyways spy would call heavy bisounet
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hanarchy · 2 years
1,3,5,9,10,11,17,23,27 😸💕
hi ale!!! sorry for being so late with this but i loooove to ramble and wanted to take some time with this 💕💕
1. favorite artist(s) outside of kpop?
aahh ok. my favorite band since i was like 14 is arctic monkeys, though i hate saying it these days bc people only know post-2014 arctic monkeys and my favorite band is pre-2012 arctic monkeys… post-2014 AM is like… ok but not great :/
i love kehlani, the killers, florence and the machine, rina sawayama, sufjan stevens, mitski, bruce springsteen, i still listen to 1D sometimes and to niall horans solo albums, the internet and syds solo stuff and i do tend to check out a lot of popular artists and sometimes those stick like i love some megan thee stallion songs and older doja cat stuff
3. who got you into kpop?
answered here 🥰
5. what are your favorite and least favorite concepts?
answered here 💕
9. do you see yourself enjoying kpop for a long time?
i really do actually! i expect for it to die down a bit over time and it of course depends on what my faves put out and how the music, the industry and the ‘genre’ evolves but i really just enjoy it a whoooole lot and i’ve found and continue to find so many groups and niches i enjoy. though i really don’t anticipate anything capturing me as much as skz has ever again, they really have my heart and no matter how much i explore other groups, none of them have even come remotely close…
10. if you got to work with any idol (producing, performing, choreographing, etc) one time, who would you pick?
oooooooooo thats such a good question and IMPOSSIBLE to answer. but i think one of the mamamoo members would be really cool. they just all seem like real pros and very diligent and humble but also confident in their work and abilities and that’s such a good combination for creative work. i’d love to try my hand at directing an mv like moonbyul and seori’s shutdown or maybe help hwasa develop her solo lore and concepts. i’m also pretty close in age to all of them so i think we’d probably gel just about as well as i could with any k-pop idol…
11. zodiac sign?
aries sun, aries moon, aries rising, aries mercury… it’s really so tragic. i’m like hoshi
17. favorite eye color on someone else?
dark brown or just dark eyes. i just don’t love light eyes, idk why but they kinda freak me out sometimes. a few people (like logan lerman😞) get a pass tho…
23. what is your love language?
answered here 💗
27. do you believe in second chances?
yes absolutely. i also believe in third and fourth and fifth chances tbh… i could never be so categorical as to say ‘you only get one chance’ or sth. it heavily depends on circumstances and on how i feel. it depends on if i feel i can ever trust the person again or if i genuinely believe they’ve changed or are willing to. it’s been a good policy for me so far. i have a lot of long term friends that i feel very loved by because of it. i’ve also cut some people off and didn’t give them another chance.
it’s really not that black and white for me, i don’t think i have the willpower for that but also i don’t want to have the willpower. i won’t deny myself people i want to be around bc of rules like this. i also won’t be around people i don’t want to be around bc i feel i have to give second chances, if that makes sense? i just go with how i feel in the moment. and that’s usually to give them another chance and maybe try to understand them better in the process…
k-pop asks 🤷🏻‍♀️
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inlovewiththestars · 8 months
Life Update...
Damn it's been a long time since I made a post here... well tbh I just wanted to change some things in my life. AND I DID.
I read some old (mostly private) posts of mine and damn i was so heartbroken lol. Hmmmm I won't say I am completely over it. But the past two years have phenomenally changed my life.
My reality has shifted a lot and Tbh I have kind of become a preacher of loa .
And It works , it's hard but it works. It works both ways so it can ruin you too.
However being away from here , detached me from myself , I stopped writing . I journaled in my personal diary every now and then . But I wasn't able to express myself. It was completely silent in my mind . I was detaching myself from my old personality the weak one. And somewhere in between my self reflections over life went silent. I don't know If i will continue to write here . But it feels great to see how far I have come.
Old me would be amazed to hear all the stories I have got to tell now.
I was so hard on her and I am sorry for that.
But I have learned to take care of myself and I have also grown some teeth for those who try to hurt me . I am not that much of a people pleaser now and might act cold time to time. But that is the thing . I will stay true to myself and my needs and if i feel people have nothing to offer to me in terms of love or genuine connection , i don't force , I simply don't give a fuck.
I hardly meet any unpleasant people in my life anymore and don't give people the opportunity to treat me as a door mat.
I can clearly see when someone is projecting their own insecurities over me and easily detach every time this happens.
I kinda like and admire this new self of mine . I shouldn't have been so insecure in myself during my childhood to take mistreatment. But I were a kid and I thought people are rewarded for their kindness in this world like in fairytales.
But that's not true .
I was such a hopeless romantic . I thought giving more of myself will make people accept me. When i should have poured that love I had on myself first.
My old self was too innocent. This might be my villain era but this is only about setting boundaries . Maybe I still am too soft inside to see this act as a villainous thought. Boundaries are there to protect us from emotional predators .
Despite of how stupid and deluded I were , I am glad I Still maintained my values and didn't do stupid things to please people.
First I felt bad and evil but then I realized that me compromising my values would have worked in favor for them and no wonder they were pissed.
These days I am feeling like I am not making any significant progress but now looking back I am realizing that it's just because I stopped keeping track .
" Get busy living or get busy dying " has like become one of the most inspiring things for me now. Cause it's true , I was too busy dying and now I am trying to live.
Even if it's slightly but on some real cocky shit , I do believe that I am a catch lol . And I won't give myself away for free. You either earn the connection or you don't . But I won't treat someone like a prize . I won't put anyone on a pedestal. I too bring a lot to the table and I am not going to accept anyone just like that.
Tbh This in my experience has actually made my life better. Since this mentality I have met very nice people who respect me a lot and I too cherish our connection.
I think we do need to be careful and mindful about who we give our love to and to only be with those who make you feel good about yourself otherwise Your whole self esteem will get fucked up and you will spend the rest of your life being a victim and wondering what did you do wrong .
My life has become very calm in terms of relationships , I won't say I have tons of friends but every time I am going though sth I know I can call any of them and they will answer and talk to me for hours till I feel better. I do the same for them and it's beautiful. So yeah , sounds cliche but try loving yourself first , meditate , at-least once a week practice gratitude and always remember "Your Thoughts dictate your Reality". When I started believing that I deserved to be treated better , I Started getting treated better. Period.
0 notes
madraleen · 1 year
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Attack on Titan - Hajime Isayama Vol.32-33: The Torture Continues - A Commentary
-i like how we know these people so well and they know each other so well that they take cues from each other. like, if even mikasa wants to stop eren, then how can anyone else think otherwise, you know?
-FINALLY SOMEONE SAID IT, FUCKING THANK YOU HANGE, "GENOCIDE IS WRONG" IT'S THAT SIMPLE SOMEONE SAID IT, THE REAL MVP AS ALWAYS. finally someone with common sense and resolve, someone not speaking in ifs and buts, finally, HANGE FINALLY!
-this is such a random group of allies i love it, it makes me smile
-i feel so safe with hange, a voice of logic, oh my god.
-listen, i'm not even joking, eren's VERY CONSPICUOUS ABSENCE makes me so much less emotionally unstable that i can actually enjoy these conversations, like i'm happy to be here again
-i'm sorry, i know it's a tense moment, but lmao at levi's zzz panel
-part of me thinks that if we just don't see eren again, if we just randomly hear that he was stopped, i'll be fine. it would be terrible storytelling ofc but it hurts so much seeing eren like that, seeing his face and have him say and do these things
-what the fuck are you talking about, jean? armin has been saying that everyone should talk it over with everyone a hundred times over.
-jean's 'i can't forgive you' to reiner while they're still allied for their goal, i love this.
-the panels of levi sleeping with the zzz i cannot
-no offense, is armin going to do any impressive thinking post-time skip or...
-it's nice how everyone apologizes to everyone (before rocks fall and everyone dies courtesy of eren, lol. lol?)
-armin and connie acting their little hearts out to the yeagerists, bless
-aww seeing armor titan and female titan fight together
-this is the second time connie's saving armin's ass
-i am actually happy to be reading this now that eren isn't hurting us by showing his face. like, if you put aside for a sec WHY this is happening... it's very  exciting to see what comes next
-does sensei want to kill everyone here on the port, bc he's taken out the colossus titan, he's taken out humanity's strongest soldier...
-ooooh falco's jaw titan looks different than galliard's!
-i don't want y'all to fight anymore either, annie, and not with eren either, what are we gonna do :'(
-oh no. oh no is this eren pov? am i about to get unhinged again? oh no. go back to your conspicuous absence, devil child, why do you hurt me so. i miss you. but you make me suffer.
-the fuck? ZEKE tells EREN there's no ingrained behavior to the ackermans?! so then...
-i hate this. i understand that it's all to protect them, but i hate this, eren. baby they can't live happy lives. WHY DID YOU SHOW YOU FACE, I WAS DOING FINE, I WAS HAVING FUN, YOU'RE IMBALANCING MY HOMEOSTASIS
-eren's new form, huh. god this makes me so sad
-'but i just can't accept an end like that' lmao me reading this manga
-okay clearly i should stop hoping right here, there's no redemption from this. there's no redemption when we're shown innocent deaths at eren's will. okay. this is it then
-see, armin is a person also disappointed with the outside world that DIDN'T choose genocide, wow shocker, right eren?
-levi i love you. stay safe
-what did mikasa want, armin to run after annie and kiss her or sth? mikasa you're projecting
-like, in what universe did eren think the gang would NOT be in danger, that there wouldn’t be a good possibility that his own titans would trample his own people
-heh. armin the 15th commander :)
-shine, my love. shine, hange. goodbye.
-"goodbye. hange. just watch us." who decided to give levi all the poignant lines, who. THEY HIT THE HARDEST BC IT'S LEVI!
-is there. is there an actual possibility that eren just... kills them all? surely not?
-a little quick it was, hange's death scene, but they did get the afterlife scene, so i won't dwell.
-oh! commander armin actually lets us in on the plan beforehand! that's unusual for stories! that probably means it'll all go to shit
-this is exactly what the founding titan looks like, but why does it look so funny in armin's drawing
-man, i want to give mikasa such a big hug. her face.
-the thing is. armin especially, and everyone, are trying to analyze eren's mindset, like 'maybe he's testing us' or whatever, and every time we SEE eren it's actually a simple "RAWR DEATH!"
-humanizing eren through reiner because we actually HAVE humanized reiner through endless chapters. that's interesting
-WE HAVE BEEN SUMMONED! ALL HAIL EREN! ALL SHALL LOVE/NOT-LOVE HIM AND DESPAIR. i don't want to see what happens, i'm sure it'll be nothing good :')
-mikasa's plea is the best. share the sins that they're all guilty of
-ah, what wouldn't i give for a simple ass-kicking from levi to eren
-eren will fight us? :’(((. i can't believe that. i know i said i'd renounce all hope, but i am so sad. i am so sad. mikasa what do we do? whatever you say, i'll follow your lead
-the plot armor is strong on the marleyan cast's families
-yes, cool, everyone wants world peace two seconds before they die
-all due respect, i don't see how the 104th can do anything about this now that the power of friendship failed
-'We'll use all our (seven) forces to destroy him!" rocks fall everyone dies - in the literal sense.
-eren be like, feel free to fight on my skeleton back y’all
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suddencolds · 3 years
hey vanessa !! i'm just wondering, will there be any new fics coming in? ofc take your time with it all! i understand it can be really tiring so this is just out of curiosity ! no pressure or anything :) <3 also i really love your fics like i always come back everyday to read them :D
Hi anon!! :) I have 3 WIPs atm and they are all... blatantly unfinished and it's taking a lot out of me to write them. I've been unconfident in my writing for the longest time, and I'm also really slow at writing fml
But since you asked, here are some excerpts from each! - I can't promise I'll get around to finishing them (I think it's actually unlikely that I'll get to all 3). But if any of these seem worth continuing, lmk
1. (Diluc) - Kaeya asks for Diluc to accompany him on an expedition - really, it's an excuse to spend more time with him. He doesn't expect Diluc to come down with a miserable cold in the process.
“An expedition,” Diluc repeats.
“You’re asking me to go with you.”
Kaeya laughs. He’d already expected that Diluc would have questions about this, but it’s not as if he can tell .
“Amber is leading her own expedition,”—busy scouting out some temples in Starfell Valley, after they’ve caught wind of Fatui activity in the area. It’s an assignment that Kaeya thinks Diluc would be much more interested in, but that’s besides the point—“and Eula is out sick this week. So are nearly half of the Knights. Jean suggested I find you.”
Perhaps if he phrases it this way—as if this is a last resort—Diluc will be more receptive to it. It’s not technically a lie. Jean hadn’t advised him to do anything—actually, Jean had told him that she hadn’t wanted him going up on Dragonspine alone. Technically, with Diluc’s company, he would not be going alone.
If Kaeya is taking her words out of context, then no one has to know.
“Where is it?”
At least it’s not outright a no. “Dragonspine,” Kaeya answers carefully. “You’d understand why a pyro user would be good for that.”
“And if I say no?”
There it is. Kaeya waves an arm dismissively. “I told her you wouldn’t want to… well, never mind. I suppose I can bring a few unactivated warming bottles and hope for the best.”
2. (Childe) - After the entire fiasco with Liyue and Rex Lapis's passing, Childe throws himself into work with a fever, gets injured, and begrudgingly seeks Zhongli out.
(This was supposed to be for Childe's birthday 3 weeks ago, and now it's sitting in my drafts as a 4k word unfinished WIP)
“How do you know Mr. Zhongli?”
Her question catches him off guard. “We used to be close,” he says, though maybe that isn’t completely accurate. “Now I think he might hate me, or… something.”
The ferrylady sets aside the papers she’s dealing with. “I am doubtful that Mr. Zhongli would hate anyone.”
Childe laughs, bitter and humorless. “Not without reason, I’m sure. But if he despises me now, I think it would be justified.”
He coughs into a raised hand, ducking slightly so that she can’t see how he grimaces after. “I mean, I didn’t set out to bother him just because I’m injured, ahaha! To be honest, I…”
Truthfully, he doesn’t know who else to turn to.
“...I think he would at least have the decency not to turn me away.”
Zhongli is the first person he’d trusted—entirely, foolishly—in a long time.
“He was... good at playing the part of a good friend.”
He knows that coming here has been selfish.
“I mean, he really had me fooled!”
“Is that so?” The ferrylady says softly. “From the way you speak about him, it seems like the two of you had a lot of history.”
Had they? His head is swimming now—perhaps he hasn’t been keeping up on sleep as much as he should’ve. “...You could say that,” Childe says, blinking slowly. “I’m sorry, I’m... rather tired. Do you mind if I shut my eyes for a second?”
He’s asleep before he has the chance to hear her response.
3. (Zhongli) Zhongli - after he's given up his godhood - comes down with something, though he hides it well. Childe takes notice.
(I just wanted to write a character study for Zhongli sfkjsh; I feel like he would still be exceptionally dignified and polite when ill, just... it would take a lot out of him to keep up that front)
They walk for a few minutes in silence. When the caverns splits off into two different entryways, Childe turns on his heels to ask for directions.
He’s met with Zhongli, ducking his head, a gloved hand over his face as his shoulders jerk forward, sharp and violent, even though it sounds contained. It takes another moment for Childe to recognize the action for what it is.
“Bless you, xiansheng!” he says. “Is something in the cave bothering you?” Childe had assumed that Zhongli’s archon status had made him unaffected by things like dust, though perhaps Zhongli is not impervious to everything human, after all.
“I am doubtful that anything inside this cave is causing this,” Zhongli answers.
Childe shrugs. “Well, let me know if you want to head back.”
Zhongli hums. The cavern is intimidatingly silent, save for the rush of water, so Childe passes the time, talking about the recruits he’s been training. He’s halfway through a tale about a ruin guard he’d encountered out in Guili Plains when Zhongli leans away slightly to cough into a raised arm.
“I apologize,” he says, when Childe stops mid-sentence to look at him. “I did not mean to interrupt.”
His voice is rough. Childe wonders why he hadn’t noticed earlier—perhaps because Zhongli has been speaking so quietly. He looks him over.
Zhongli looks, with every inch of him, as presentable as always, though the cavern is so dark it’s hard to say if anything is off. He meets Childe’s eyes with his usual, steady glance, sniffling softly.
The possibility that he might be ill is so fleeting that Childe almost dismisses it.
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a-simp-20 · 3 years
Hi there!!
First off, Happy New Year!! And I came to know that it was your birthday a few days ago too, so sorry for being late but I wanna wish you a very happy belated birthday too😘😘😘💖💖
Since your requests are finally open again, and since I had said last month that I'd request sth when you did open , could I request some Kento fluff (maybe with a teensy bit angst if you'd like!) where it's like, they somehow happen to meet completely randomly and hit it off and are all friendly and everything, but the both of them start harboring feelings for each other but neither wants to confess bc they're nervous? And then it's fluff in the end?
Thank you💖
💕Confessions💕 [Kento Yamazaki X Reader]
AIB Cast Masterlist
Note: - Yay! I was going to find your user but I forgot what you user name was!, so glad you're back!. Also thanks for the wishes! And happy 2022 to you too!
- yellow + Italics +[] = [Song Lyrics]
Characters: Kento Yamazaki, Y/n, Suda Masaki, Dori Sakurada, Keita Machida (maybe I'll add him to the masterlist too-)
Summary: You met the actor Yamazaki Kento so suddenly at a summer festival. You two became close and started to get feelings for each other..but both are too afraid to confess!
Warning!: jealous! Kento, Yelling (from kento to reader)
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Word Count: none
Tags: @hyunsuks-beanie another Kento fic!, thanks for requesting friend!..i tried doing the angst and i really like how it goes! And nice request! (Also sorry if it took too long! I've been busy with school! 😭)
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{-YOASOBI. Tracing That Dream}
[Beautiful flowers decorating the night sky The light tightly enveloped the city sound]
"Okay, guess I'll see you next time"
"Sure Kenken..see you soon"
"Okay, bye and have a good night rest"
You sighed and put your phone on your bed side drawer. You settled yourself in your bed, looking at your rooms ceiling thinking about your feelings for the young Actor that you just met a month ago. You would always wonder on how you two became friends so quickly, usually normal celebrities would just walk away if they ever bumped into their fans they would instantly walk away while apologizing..but Kento was different, he instead talked to you through out the whole intire hour as the time passes by.
"I wonder how he feels about me..in the summer festival.."
[1 Month ago..]
The sound of the festivals chimes and music passes your ears as you sat there alone wearing a Kimono and holding a wish paper that you bought from the shrine "Good luck huh?" You say to yourself, looking down at the tiny scroll that say's "Good luck: you will find good luck for this year's summer, and may find your true love"
You sighed and got up the bench that you sat on, still holding the tiny scroll in your Hands. You are not alone at the festival, you Were with your two big sisters and their husbands..which was awkward. At first you didn't actually wanted to go to the summer festival, but your mom says that you needed some fresh air so you just go for it.
Now you're here alone, both of your sisters said that they forgot you were with them and just went back home, "Why am I still here anyways?, with this useless wish paper that has nothing but words of hope in them."you continue to walk through the festival, seeing people with their friends and family doing festivities and buying warm food, you kept walking as you almost made it to the exit until you bumped into someone "Ah! I'm sorry, i didn't know where i was going" You say and looked up to see a tall figure with a plastic bag that had a gold fish in it and a wish paper in his hand "Ah it's okay, i was just going in to return this fish..turns out my niece didn't wanted it" He chuckles and you realized he's Yamazaki Kento, a very handsome and clean man "Ah! You're- I'm sorry I should go-" "No wait!..i- well..i-" "Kento!" Someone yells at him from behind as another man that is shorter than Kento and looks way more calmer than the nervous Kento that is in front of you "I've been looking for you everywhere, oh and By the way your brother and his family said they have to go home since their daughter is tired" It was Masaki Suda, another famous Actor you knew that is close to Kento Yamazaki for a very long time now.
"Oh! Sorry! Are you Kento's friend??" He asked with a soft smile on his face "Oh uh.. No we just happened to bump into each other that's all Suda-san" Dori says smiling at him "Ah~ i see, well since the three of is are all here..why not we all get to know each other and i'll treat us all for Ramen?, i know it's sudden but-" "It's okay!- i mean i would love to" You said smiling.
It is already morning in a blink of an eye. You got off your bed and got ready for work, it's a Coincedince actually that you got a job because of Kento, you now Work at his friends Egency that he introduced you to him back in 2021. After getting ready and preparing your bento you got out of your house and locked it behind you. After locking your house you made your way to the bus Station, it wasn't that far from your housing complex.
After waiting the bus finally came and you got in then payed for your bus ride, told the driver where you were heading and went to sit at any spot available inside the bus.
[A few minutes later..]
You got out of the bus as you finally made it to Amuse Inc. A very tall and high building, a incorporation of famous and new Japanese actors and actresses/Stage Actor/actresses and more. You got into the building and went inside the elevator "Wait! Don't close the door!" You heard a male voice say as you pushed the '< >' button as the man got inside the elevator as the door's closed "Oh it's you!, Kento's Friend right?" The man said and you looked up To see the Actor Sakurada Dori "Oh..uh hey!.. Yeah I'm his friend, I'm glad I got a job here because of him.. And you! You too Mr.Sakurada" "Don't call me Mr! I feel old now.." He says frowning while stretching his face, the door opens to your floor "Uh- I gotta go yeah sorry" "Oh yeah sure! Say you wanna hang out with me and Kento after we Shoot?" "Yeah yeah sure!" You yelled while walking "Alright! I'll let him know! Bye bye!" You didn't heard what he said as you got your desk and started working on some files for the models, and some magazines you need to read then take notes of, and other stuff that the company gave you.
You sighed to yourself as you worked at anything that they gave you. You couldn't even focus because he was stuck in your mind ever since last night's conversation with him. He couldn't leave your mind, you so really want to confess your love to Kento but you feel anxious whether if you want to confess to him or not. Than you suddenly remember on what Dori asked you, if you wanted to spend the time with him and Kento this Afternoon after they shoot for their new series that they are both in and you realize that you accepted Dori's Offer.
After that it was finally time for you to go and meet up with Dori And Kento at the studio. Dori texted you to come out of the building cause he and Kento decided to pick you up from the agency to the studio. You got up from your desk and packed up your things as you went inside the elevator to go to the first floor.
The door of the elevator opened as you got pit of it. You were now in front of the building as you searched on which car they were in until you heard someone call your name "Y/n! Over here!" A very familiar voice shouts as you saw Dori waving his hand from inside a car on the back seat of the car as Kento's head also poked out of it in the other seat of the back of the car that was back of the passenger seat. In the car there are two back seat's, one in the usual spot and one at the very back. You went you went towards the car as you got in it sitting right next to Kento, the other seat right next to Dori was occupied by his other friend that is from another agency Keita Machida. Both Dori and Kento were still in their characters costumes except for Keita cause his character wasn't supposed to be in today's shoot, he just decided to come along to hang out with the three.
"So where are we going first?" Keita asked the three, Dori responding to his question "Well maybe we should eat first! I'm hungry!" "Uh..Dori you just ate rice with meat and an egg..aren't you full?" Kento asked "Well I have separate stomach for more food Yamaken!" He chirps with a wide grin on his face "Seeing you with you hair down with hair gel and piercing's on tour face while smiling is weird Sakurada" Keita chuckles "Hey! Watch it I love my face covered in these cool looking piercing's! Don't you agree Y/n Chan?" Dori asked looking at you with a smile "yeah! You look great Dori" You say giggling. Kento was right next to you just looking at how great if you and Dori would become a couple, seeing on how both you and Dori's liking's are the same..Kenro felt something weird inside him. His chest started to hurt as he looks at you then to Dori then to you again, seeing you smile on hearing Dori talk hurts him.
He shrugs it off for awhile as you all made it to the restaurant on where the three of you decided to eat at. The restaurant was more like a shop than a fancy restaurant itself, but hey at least it had food!. The four of them sat together facing the other person, You were sitting right next to Keita and right in front of you was Dori, Kento beside him. This made Kento more hurt and furious, but he just acted like everything was fine to him even though it wasn't "So what do you guys want to order?" You say finally not being anxious anymore on talking to the three boys "How about curry?, that sounds great right Yamaken?" Dori ask him as he pat's Kento on the back "Oh yeah! It sounds great." Kento says smiling a bit "Then I'll have the same" Keita says and so do you.
Kento called for the Waitress near them and ordered the curry's that you all want and your drinks. The four of you began waiting for you food and drink's to arrive by talking about your day and work, you looked at Kento and saw that he wasn't speaking anything, a frown was on his face "So Kento, how was your day at the shoot?" You ask him with a warm smile on your face as he looks up at you and the other two boy's "Oh, it went well. Playing as the Main character can be hard sometimes but, it's also quite fun too" He say's smiling bit.
The food and drinks finally arrive as they were placed on the table. The aroma of the curry immediately hit's you as your stomach growl's and Kento chuckles, you blushed and smiled at him and went back to look down at your curry as you grabbed your spoon to scoop the delicious looking food "This is good!" Dori chirps happily and continues to eat the curry.
After eating it was already evening and the four of you made a choice to walk at a nearby park. The driver stopped at a Park that was filled with lamp posts and a cement oath that led to several house looking decks to cover yourself if there were to be raining "Wanna go for a walk?" Kento asked you and you just nodded "Don't mind us! We'll be just wandering around here!" Dori yells as he went to another path that was the right "Same here!" Keita say's and went to the right path of the park, leaving just the both of you to Go straight ahead.
The light of the lamp posts shining you and Kento's path, since it was already night time. You and Kento continue to walk through the cold night under the moonlight that is shining above the both of you "Kento, I saw you looking upset today..i was just wondering what's going on? You can tell me anything." You say as you stopped at your tracks as Kento stopped right in front of you, as he turned around "Oh you noticed?.. I- it was nothing" "Are you sure-" "YES I'M SURE!!" He yell's and you froze on the spot, you never seen him luke this before or even yell before "I'm sorry for yelling at you it's just..hard to say it to you on what i was thinking.." He say's and cover's his face and he crouches down still covering his view from you.
He didn't want to see you, or even hear your voice from what he just did. He Yelled at you, the woman that he likes the most that he thinks likes his close friend that is also his neighbor "Kento." You say with a hushed voice as you approached his crouching figure, you crouched in front of him as you gently open both of his hands from his face. You met to see his face, eyes reed and puffy from crying in silence as he looks up to see your soft expression
"Y-y/n, i'm sorry the truth is that i was jealous on seeing how talkative you Were towards Dori." He say's with a smile on his face "Damn i feel like a total kid now..crying over a simple thing, just like how my big Brother reacted when i was given all the attention because I was still young and he was older..but hey he learned that having a little brother isn't that bad" He chuckles and so did you "Okay number one why are we talking about your brother now?.. And second, I don't like Dori if that males you better Kento" You say and smiled at him.
This time you smiled at Him and not someone else, He made you smile this time. He finally done it, and he thinks to himself if he wants to confess now to later,"Kento" You say his name that made him snap out of his thoughts, as you got up and hold out your hand for him to grab. He grabbed your hand to stand up until you hugged him as he said those final words that you barely could hear if the words he said were true.
"I'm in love with you..Y/n"
[look up,
Final of the fireworks is now here wrapping over two
World of no sound in the silence, you speak “I’m in love with you”]
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I’m not good at making requests, so forgive me if anything come out wrong.
But, could you do something were reader and Tech are fixing some eletronics and listening to cientific things, and start talking about a wrong thing people said there, so they get distracted and when realize, they’re in to a awkward position (like him btween her legs or sth like that)
I love your writing and thanks (: <3
Omg I've been so soft for Tech lately and this prompt is perfect 💚 I hope this is what you were looking for, I really enjoyed writing it!
Tech x reader | 2k words
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...making bacta the most important scientific achievement in history...
"Dank farrik," Tech huffed beside you.
You came out of your daze at the sudden exclamation and looked at your friend with concern, trying to quickly figure out what had gone wrong. You were helping him with a project, though what it was exactly you weren't completely certain of. All you knew was it involved digging into the walls of the ship and untangling a lot of wires. You'd been instructed to hold onto several of them, keeping them pulled taught out of the wall so Tech could fiddle with the other ends, and the dullness of the task had caused your mind to wander.
"What's wrong?" you asked, doubtful you'd understand any explanation, but wanting to be sure you hadn't done anything to mess up his progress.
He waved a hand at you dismissively, not pulling his attention away from the work in front of him. "Just the radio," he mumbled.
You hadn't been paying attention; it had only been turned on as background noise to keep you from going insane with boredom. And since it was tuned into some kind of scientific news frequency, you didn't really understand much of what was being said anyway.
...with the most influential application simply being in the field of medicine, providing us higher life forms with a versatile tool in maintaining our quality of life, and potentially even prolonging it...
Tech huffed again. Scoffed. Your mouth quirked at how upset he was getting. It was kind of cute.
But, you had to debate whether engaging with his frustration would be worth it. He had only recently calmed down from his outburst earlier that day, the only time you had ever seen him genuinely upset. Wrecker had accidentally knocked over a piece of machinery that was... well, something very important, apparently. No one was too sure. But Tech had spent most of the week carefully arranging its parts just-so, so that when all his hard work went crashing onto the floor, his breathing had suddenly resembled that of a charging Nexu. He'd drawn himself up, trying to match his brother's height, and ordered the poor guy to never step foot in this part of the ship again. The other Batchers had tried to defend him and were subsequently banned as well.
That left you as the only option for help.
Maybe that meant he wouldn't kick you out for debating him....
"Sounds like they're saying some pretty reasonable things. Am I missing something?"
Tech's fingers, which had been deftly working through the wires before him, clipping some and splicing others, finally froze. The clone's face tilted over to you, his eyes looking a little too judgmental through those glasses for your liking.
"You think bacta is the most important scientific achievement?" he asked. You didn't like his tone, either.
You scrunched your mouth in thought, actually giving the question serious consideration. While you mulled it over, Tech stood up from his hunched position in the wall and started pulling on some of the wires, unraveling them from their tangled mess.
"Yeah," you finally decided. "I think medicine in general is pretty important. And bacta specifically is the strongest known substance to deliver fast and effective healing."
Tech was mostly focused on the wires, but he spared you a glance.
"And treating symptoms is the most important thing for humanity? Here, hold this." He added another wire for you to hold in your hands.
You knew it was a loaded question so you chose to answer it with one of your own. "Well if it's not bacta or medicine, then what would it be?"
"Electricity," he said quickly and assertively, as if it was the most obvious thing in the galaxy. He continued to focus more on his work and you were annoyed he didn't seem to want to offer up an explanation to his opinion, despite having made you give one. He'd finally untangled the wires and was back to leaning into the cavern in the wall and setting them into their proper places.
"Why electricity?" You hated how dumb your question sounded; obviously you understood the concept and understood its importance. You just really wanted to challenge him to give you some explanations.
"For one, most medicines would not be able to be mass-produced were it not for the electrically-run vats in which they are made." He held his hand out behind him and made a grabbing motion. "Blue, please."
You sorted out the blue wire and passed it over.
"For another," he continued, his voice sounding distant as he leaned further away into the wall, "we must ask what constitutes a quote-unquote important achievement. For example, is an achievement worthy of the title simply because it improves our quality of life? Green, please."
You handed over the corresponding wire. "I'd say it's more about preserving life. Even outside of war, there's enough injury and illness that would end life were it not for medicine to heal them."
"Ah, but in that same reasoning, electricity also sustains life. It powers sources of light and warmth, which can also provide a means of boiling water and cooking food. All keys to survival. Yellow, please."
"So does fire," you shot back. "People survived long before electricity, and there's still plenty of civilizations living fine without it."
Tech finally emerged from the wall and took the last few wires from you, the red and black ones. He met your eyes with an earnestness that let you know how much he was enjoying this conversation. "And people have survived without medicine. At least the manufactured forms that you're arguing for, like bacta. Traditional medicine is as sufficient as fire."
Before you could respond, Tech moved to the side, motioning toward the wall with his head and holding up the remaining wires.
"Now, unfortunately these last ones need to be clipped in down below. I'm not able to fit through the lattice of the floor, but someone of your stature easily could."
You stepped forward and peered down. It was a mess of machinery and pipes and beams, but you could clearly see the port where the wires had been yanked out earlier. You knelt down, resting your stomach on the edge of the wall, but paused before bending over.
"If it wasn't for bacta, you wouldn't have been born." You were confident in your comeback and thus didn't linger for his reaction, turning to bend down into the ship with your wires instead.
You were disappointed to hear his soft chuckle from above you.
"And what do you think powers the bacta tanks that hold the clone embryos?"
You were glad he couldn't see the frustrated frown on your face. While you tried to think of a new point in your debate, you snapped the red wire into the proper port. But then you realized you couldn't quite reach the black one, and started carefully shimmying forward, deeper into the wall.
"It seems we have circled back to the initial question," Tech offered in your silence. You felt his hands hold on to your hips, steadying you as your legs lifted from the floor, most of your body now inside the ship. You didn't think anything of it, though, your focus split between your task and his words. "What makes an achievement the most important? Both medicine and electricity are capable of preserving life, but neither are essential to survival. So, what criteria are we left with?"
You were finally within reach of the last port and pushed the wire into it. "Sounds like you already have the right answer, so why don't you stop teasing me and just say it?" you called up to him.
"I...I didn't mean to sound like I was teasing."
You could hear the apology in his voice, how truly caught off guard he was to hear that you had perceived his attempts at a friendly debate, a conversation, as mocking or disrespectful. Your stomach knotted up in guilt, making your journey to wiggle back out of the wall a little more difficult.
"I'm sorry, Tech," you said through a grunt as you tried to push yourself back. "I didn't mean to sound rude. I just don't know the answer."
You felt his arms snake around your middle, pulling you the last of the way out. You came to rest on your knees, breathing heavily at the sudden increase in air supply. Tech was crouched alongside you, his chest against part of your back, his arms still holding you.
"I honestly don't know the answer, either," he blinked down at you, speaking quietly. "I don't know what criteria would constitute the most important scientific achievement. I thought maybe we could figure it out if we kept discussing it."
You craned your neck around to look at him, unconcerned about the discomfort it took to do so. You needed to face him fully. "Or... maybe we don't need to figure it out? I mean, does there need to be one achievement labeled more important than any other? Can they not all be valued equally?"
"I suppose..." he relented. But only a little. "It is a fun thought exercise, though."
You smiled at that, and it made your heart flutter a little to see him return the expression. There were a few seconds between you where you sat pleasantly in each other's arms... before the realization hit that you were in each other's arms.
"Uh," Tech stuttered first. His eyes looked about frantically as if the more he saw of you practically sitting in his lap, the more he would know what to do about it.
Your face was hot and your heart thumped forcefully in your chest. But you weren't panicking. Even though you'd been around the Bad Batch for a while now, this was the first time you'd gotten physically close to any of them, especially this dorky genius, who made you feel just a little better about life than the others did. You hadn't been sure why, not until this moment, your face being mere inches away from his own. Now it clicked.
His arms had removed themselves from your frame and he was starting to crawl backward on the floor. You quickly grasped his shoulder to stop him.
"Tech, wait."
He froze, looking at you with wide, apprehensive eyes. His shoulder was tense so you relaxed your grasp and simply let your hand rest on it gently. You gave him a small smile. Thankfully these little gestures were enough encouragement for him to lean back to you. He still looked at you timidly, but he wasn't pulling away anymore. It seemed like maybe he had been feeling the same things about you.
He was waiting for you to make the next move.
"So, this project," you stalled, needing just a little more time to work up the courage. "What is it again? Why did I just crawl into the bowels of the ship?"
Your face was creeping closer to his, breath gently fanning across each other, warm but refreshing.
"I... I..." Tech seemed to be short-circuiting. "I was just, uh, re... redecorating."
Your nose had just brushed his when you suddenly frowned and moved back to look at him questioningly. "Redecorating... wires?"
You were very amused at how flustered he seemed to be in this situation. But then the tables turned as Tech rolled with it.
"Yeah, I didn't like the way they looked in there. Wanted to change things up. You know me."
The smile on our face spread as he talked and you couldn't hold back your laughter any longer. You bent forward, resting your forehead in the crook of his neck while your body convulsed with giggles. Tech laughed along, bringing his arms back around you to hold you in place. When you finally looked up at him and the shit-eating grin he had plastered on his face, you knew you'd finally found your courage.
"Oh, Tech..." you chided, pressing your smiling lips against his own.
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rainingpouringetc · 3 years
ok I saw you're accepting prompts and then panicked because WHAT DO I CHOOSE
whatever I choose I know it'll be stunning, but still
and then I had this thought, so why not:
thomastair; they're arguing "I know you want this, so why won't you try?!"
" you don't know anything about me"
"that's not true. I know [random, something bizzare but the "being known"], [another one], [a more significant one]. and i know you're scared, but I also know it's worth the risk, because I love you"
"you... love me?"
au or canon setting, up to you, and it's your choice who says what
feel free to ignore if it doesn't vibe with you or sth
it’s short and sweet but honestly this is one of my favorite things i’ve written recently so i hope you like it <333
you don’t even know me
“Just leave it alone, Thomas!”
“No, I won’t.”
“Why am I not surprised?”
“You should know by now that I’m quite persistent.”
Alastair sent a glare over his shoulder as he paced away down the hall, Thomas close behind him. “That sure is one word for it,” he muttered under his breath, though Thomas heard it perfectly clear.
“Can’t you—just—please stop walking,” Thomas pleaded, nearly tripping on the uneven flooring. They were in an older part of the Institute, one that Aunt Tessa hadn’t yet renovated. The wooden boards that made up the floors stuck up in places, making it all the more impressive (though still endlessly frustrating) that Alastair was still walking away from him.
Finally, Alastair stopped. But he didn’t turn around. He just stood there, ten feet away, and Thomas wondered if this was some poetic joke about their relationship.
Or, more accurately, the lack thereof. 
Alastair looked down at the floor, and Thomas could see the tension in his shoulders—he felt stupid all of a sudden. Cordelia was still off Angel knew where, and their mother was bedridden with grief after Elias’s death. And here Thomas was, demanding they have this conversation here and now—
But then, when else would they have it? That was the problem; Alastair kept walking away before Thomas could get the words out.
“Please,” Thomas said gentler. “Just… listen.”
“I have listened, Thomas,” Alastair snapped, turning to face him. “You’re the one who hasn’t listened to a word I’ve said!” Alastair ran his hands through his hair, tugging on the dark strands, deep in thought. His eyes darted around the space above Thomas’s head as he stuttered and started again. “We can’t keep doing this, Tom,” he finally got out. “Don’t you get that?”
“No,” Thomas said stubbornly. “I don’t understand why you won’t try, because I know you want this.”
“You don’t.” Alastair’s lips twisted in a mockery of his usual smirk, all bitter and sad and void of its usual haughtiness. “You don’t know what I want.” He turned on his heel and continued walking, heading further and further into the cold of the Institute. Thomas set off after him.
“Yes, I do—”
“You don’t know anything about me, Thomas!”
“Yes, I do!” Thomas drew up every memory he could, every ounce of feeling he’d ever had for Alastair. The words came spilling out, and once they started, he couldn’t stop them. “I know you would do anything for your sister or your mother or Risa. I know you take an absurd amount of sugar in your tea and can’t stand the smell of coffee.”
Alastair sped up—Thomas matched his pace, still rambling. “I know you love the one-reelers that mundanes make because you see beauty in everything, but you pretend like it’s beneath you so people don’t realize you have a heart—so they don’t find out how to hurt you. I know you can’t help but critique the things you love, and I know you have a wondrous passion for architecture and art and literature that you feel you can’t pursue because you’re a Shadowhunter, and I know you’ll never listen to me about this because you’re scared. But I also know it’s worth the risk—it’s worth everything, Alastair, because I love you and—”
Alastair stopped dead in his tracks so quickly Thomas nearly stumbled into him. 
“You…” He turned his head to the side, glancing up at Thomas over his shoulder. When he spoke, his voice was a confused rasp, barely there. “You love me.”
It wasn’t quite a question, more a statement to clarify to himself.
Thomas answered anyway. “I do.”
Alastair turned fully now, and Thomas was suddenly quite aware of how little space there was between them. This close, Thomas could just make out Alastair pupils, usually indistinguishable from the beautifully dark brown of his irises. He was looking up at Thomas, brows scrunched together and mouth just slightly open as if in contemplation.
The look of uncertainty beginning to settle on Alastair’s face was disconcerting enough to Thomas that he repeated himself, more clearly now. “I love you, Alastair, and nothing in the world can top that.”
Alastair was looking down now, and when a moment passed and he caught sight of something silvery, Thomas realized it was because he was crying.
He wondered suddenly how many—or few—times Alastair had heard those words; he wondered how many of those times it had been a hideous lie.
Thomas hesitantly put a hand on Alastair’s shoulder, giving him the time to pull away. When he didn’t, Thomas wrapped his arms tightly around him and buried his head in Alastair’s shoulder. He felt Alastair’s hands twisting in the material of his coat.
“I’ve got you,” he murmured, just loud enough for Alastair to hear. He closed his eyes and willed Alastair to believe him. “I’ve got you, and I won’t let go.”
to clarify *one-reeler is a term that is used to describe what we’d generally call “movies” or “short films” because they were so short they only had one reel of film. the term “movies” (shortened from the term “moving pictures,” which was also used during this time) wasn’t really used until the 1910s, and the term “film” would literally start to be used for movies like two years after this so.. yeah that’s where that term comes from. the more you know <3
tags: @littlx-songbxrd @thewarthatsavedmylife @thefoxandthefound @ninacarstairss @stxr-thxif @lifewouldbebetteronmars @life-through-the-eyes-of @apple-bottom-jeansx @writeordie-4 (lmk if u wanna be +/-)
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jiminrings · 3 years
they're interactions would prob be always in campus like at the library, class or even in a café or sth cuz i don't think stem!koo is the type to go to parties eXCEPT he's dragged invited to a party and approaches y/n since they share classes and are kinda acquaintances
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stem koo isn’t for the party scene and absolutely doesn’t know any better
cold senior!y/n x stem major!koo masterlist :D
jungkook wants to go anywhere but here
literally ANYWHERE
he’d actually enjoy studying on a friday night than to be here, a party, where he doesn’t know anyone besides jimin
it hasn’t even been a full hour since they arrived???
how the fuck did that guy even manage to talk him into accompanying him into this party :O
oh right
“i think i have a friend who has a friend that makes your lunches. it’s jUST a hunch but-“
jimin didn’t even manage to finish his sentence and jungkook already agreed
jungkook doesn’t care for the party scene at all. he doesn’t.
but that doesn’t mEAN that he doesn’t care for what other people think about him
he cares about your input pLS don’t say it to his face when it’s negative :((
uhhh he doesn’t exactly have party clothes
by party clothes, he doesn’t have what jimin has in his clothes
jeon jungkook does not own a sparkly sheer black long-sleeve shirt :D nor some leather pants :D or even a button-down shirt that in fact, does not have any buttons :D
what kook DOES have is a new red hoodie that he hasn’t worn before
it’s a red hoodie and that’s the equivalent of him dipping his toes in lava!!!
it’s spicy enough as it is
the only other change he’s gonna make is how the fuck he’s gonna tackle his myopia
he traded in his glasses for contacts tonight!!
they’re just clear and he might’ve had to struggle for thirty minutes to try and pop them in,,, inclusive of pep talks,,, but it’s still new!!!
(his glasses case is in his hoodie pocket)
that should be enough
the only thing that jungkook is lacking now is a familiar person
..... a familiar person.... who is in turn a safety blanket..... a comforting figure anongst strangers...... in a completely different environment
god there hAS to be a way that jungkook can find jimin so he could get home with ease, while simultaneously (passive-aggressively) chewing him out for abandoning him
easy!!! just easy breaths!!!!
it’s just like navigating a circuit that you made that you know the schematics of!!
only difference is that you didn’t make this circuit and there are no instructions!!!!!!!!!
<3 he’s doomed <3
jungkook bumps to numerous people and at some point, someone stopped him, nodded, and gave him a cup
what’s he SUPPOSED to with it????
alright think
a couch!!! yeah!!!!
jimin could be there and could be sitting because who doesn’t love sitting? right? why do people in parties not sit on couches exactly
“pick up, please. just pick up...” he keeps muttering under his breath, peering urgently to wherever his eyes could land on
that must be jimin
“man, that was not cool! how could you-...”
jungkook immediately claps his hand to blondie’s back, even squeezing the flesh when he realizes that.... oh? why is the fabric not as coarse as what a glittery sheer shirt would be?
.... holy shit
that is definitely not jimin.
it’s his senior!!!!
his senior who’s blonde and looks intimidating and soft at the same time but dEFINITELY looks intimidating rn
d-did he just clap min yoongi’s shoulder
yoongi looks the furthest thing from pleased and it’s his sharp eyes that make jungkook’s impossibly wider
“i-i’m so sorry. i am so, so sorry-...”
his senior only casts a look to the person beside him, deciding to stand and completely walk away from jungkook
he is so.,,., lost
yoongi looks at you from beside your seat beside him and only pinches your thigh, making you knit your brows in irritation
did he literally just walk away from you
what was that about ://
you turn your head for what could be yoongi’s old trick, only seeing a face you clearly did not expect to be here
jungkook recognizes you before you could recognize him, chest immediately deflating
oh that’s him alright
you sigh slowly, “jungkook.”
the boy wastes no time in eagerly yet shyly sitting beside you, occupying yoongi’s deserted spot
the cushion’s still warm tho
“thank god you’re here. i-i don’t know anyone in this party.”
your eyebrows raise at that, clearly finding no thought to it. “you should leave if you don’t know anyone here, jungkook.”
“b-but you’re here, so i’m good!” jungkook nods, correcting his statement, “i came here with my friend but he’s missing now.”
that’s unsafe!!!!
who is this friend and why do you feel like giving him some stern words >:|
“i mean, i am here but you don’t want to be here.”
.... you’re right
jungkook clearly glosses over to what you just said because you are eXACTLY right
yeah sure he found you but that doesn’t necessarily mean he wants to be in this party
it’s nice he found someone familiar but it doesn’t mean he wants to stay!!!!
you could only chuckle under your breath, drinking from your cup and planning your route to find yoongi throughout
“you should probably go home, jungkook.”
the boy visibly mulls over that option but he looks nervous, his knee bouncing up and down then that you can’t help but notice
“or are you gonna wait for your friend?
did you just give him an even bigger dilemma
jungkook swallows the lump in his throat, a nervous giggle coming out from him even before he could restrain it
“i-i can’t find him anyway. but that’s okay, right? jimin always comes home one way or another.”
you’re gonna pulverize him when you drop by yoongi’s chess club again ://
“then go home.”
your affirmation makes jungkook nod resolutely, making his mind up
he stands up rather unsurely, sheepishly nodding to you before he takes two steps away from you
jungkook turns to you almost nervously, eyes wavering that you only then realize that he isn’t wearing his glasses, seeing his bambi eyes a bit more clearly
“i-i’m very sorry to ask, and if it’s not too much trouble, a-and you don’t have to if you don’t want to but uhm — can you uh, can you walk me home?”
you’re pleasantly surprised from what jungkook’s asking of you, head tilting that he misinterprets and tries to backtrack
“i-it’s just that i feel safer with you. b-but i completely understand if-“
that’s nice
you stand up abruptly, leaving your drink by the table because it might seem a little funky to walk down a street with a blatantly red cup lol
he hears you reply simply, seeing you walk ahead of him with your hands in your pockets
jungkook is so grateful for you
you only share some classes here and there, and he’s only properly interacted with you once, and he doesn’t even have your number — but here you are, walking him home from a party he can’t stand to be in and is too anxious to walk away from alone
at some point, jungkook placed himself beside you so he could tell you where his apartment’s at,,
and also for the reason that he feels safer beside you and not behind you
you’re a warm presence if that makes sense
you’re team captain of your soccer team and you’re yoongi’s right-hand woman (and he’s your right-hand man slash nemesis) and he feels like everyone could count on you if they needed to
you’re not exactly outgoing nor warm nor approachable,,,, but jungkook doesn’t exactly mind
jungkook doesn’t mind because his senior is walking him home and he’s never felt more comforted before.
he starts tearing up at the edges of his eyes and it’s with a faint sniffle that you only turn your eyes at him, narrowing at the sight
you don’t even ask but he explains anyway, pointing in front of him
“nothing. just the wind. a-and i’m wearing contacts!”
you only nod curtly, continuing on walking when jungkook sees you pull out a goddamn bottle of eyedrops from your pocket, offering it to him like it’s no big deal
his eyes ARE scratchy
“how did you-“
“i carry it around. yoongi and i have dry eyes.”
you don’t exactly stop when he drops them to his eyes, but you do slow down in the slightest
jungkook finds himself in front of his apartment complex soon enough, almost disappointed that the walk home was quick
you turn without even waiting for a thanks from him, completely surprised when he yells out for you and tries to jog in an attempt to your retreating figure
“t-thank you so much, y/n! it means a lot and i-i probably would be still in that party crying or whatever until i could find jimin. i’m so sorry still and i hope i can make it up to you and-...”
“good night.”
you only flash a small smile, similar to yoongi’s :] before leaving jungkook in front of his complex
he’s still a little perplexed but he doesn’t question it
jungkook’s still holding your bottle of eyedrops in his hand, the only thing reminding him that his senior did walk him home
he’s gonna return this to you
he will
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