#if they can give him a bad hair cut like in s2 then they can try smth new for s4
bellamyblakru · 2 years
instead of hiring another big dude™️ for geralt they should’ve went in a completely opposite direction. give me a woman lead and say its geralt. i would watch it then at least
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deandoesthingstome · 19 days
Okay, @itbmojojoejo. Mojo, after an evening of reflection, which included some very strange (and dare I say, cursed) dreams, I have the following commentary / Top 5 characters for you.
Under cut to save anyone who isn't following me for off-topic rants.
First, while I have watched, or at least been in the room with, a lot of anime over the years, it's never been an obsession and I don't really think it ever will be.
Don't get me wrong. The imagery is usually very visually stimulating and unique. So pretty/wierd/wtf to look at. And the storylines can be just as deep/intense/thoughtful/emotional as live action, but I think that's the difference for me. I can't quite get past the "pen & paper" of it.
So I'm never gonna ship myself with an anime character. And nothing at all against character shipping, but my brain isn't going there automatically and I'm probably not investing energy.
BUT, I do need something to keep me watching the pretty (or slimey/gloopy/messy) pictures, so let's dive in.
1. Toge. Salmon. (I was going to leave it at that, but...) Look. I'm an adult. Many of these stories are about children. And children can be screechy, annoying things at times. So this guy who only speaks in rice ball ingredients unless he's exercising curses is like a dream come true! Bonito flakes. (Plus, you were 1000% right about seeing more of him in JJK 0 and I really am fond of him, okay? Please tell me I'm still safe from heartbreak. No, don't say anything. I'll find out this weekend when I resume S2.)
2. Gojo. Obviously. He's the best and strongest. He's a sarcastic asshole giving his all to teach his students how to handle their shit and still has to put himself in harm's way and do some pretty unsavory things (killing cursed humans - waaahhhh) over and over. His hair is crazy. He walks around blindfolded. (I still haven't figured out why. Did I miss some dialog about it somewhere along the way?) And he's lost is best friend in possibly the worst way imaginable.
3. Yuji. First impressions. This was the initial storyline for S1 and I love his pink hair and absolutely insane decision to just fucking eat the finger to save his friend! I'm nervous for him because of Sukuna, but the tattoos (I think of the little Sukuna-faces on his face as tattoos, plus all Sukuna's tattoos) are neat.
4. Yuta. (Who I want to call Yutu because the fucking subtitles kept sticking U2 in for his name. And no, not everytime. He also had a million variations like Maki.) Who knew switching to JJK 0 would bring out this underdog? Heard about him in S1, but never met him, really until now. I was about to be torn because what a little shit, to curse his own friend like that. Who dooms themself to be linked forever to another person at like, age 5, even without a curse?? But it sounds like he didn't understand his own power/heritage and so, forgive. And also Rika is bad-ass.
5. Maki. I hated her in S1. What a bitch. But here we go again with backstory and I now admire her tenacity.
Bonus 1: Geto. Fine. Fine! I can admit this character deserves love. I guess. He's Gojo's best friend and a bad-ass technically, but also, what choice, man. What a choice. And, yes, the backstory helped clear up what is now happening in S2 (and S1 really, right?)
Bonus 2: Megumi. I'm sad for him. His father seemed like a total ass. And I love the parallel friendship with Yuji/ Gojo&Geto. Though does that mean...? No, don't say anything.
Sorry, I've lost a little steam on these, and honestly, the more I type, the more I am convincing myself there are other characters to love. Picking 5 (7) was hard. They all have their strong points and weaknesses (Mechamaru you total jerk! But also, the will to survive is so strong!) but I will not get sucked in...
Happy Friday!!!!
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starry-eyed-steve · 2 years
I'm annoyed with people who completely vilify s1 Steve or King!Steve in general and put him onto the same level as Billy or Jason, when in canon, it's simply not true. Steve did one bad thing at the end of season one, which he realised, immediately checked himself, and apologized for.
People act like he was a big bully, constantly shoving people into lockers and committing hate crimes, so to speak, when in reality he wasn't like that.
The reason he was an asshole to Jonathan was because Jonathan put himself into the role of being the school weirdo. Plus, him being a creep and taking those pictures and developing them in school isn't exactly helping his case. Steve smashing the camera was totally valid as Jonathan violated Nancy's privacy and Steve's as well. He didn't have to buy him a new camera because he was in the right for that.
Throughout s1 and s2, Jonathan gives off "I'm not like other girls" vibes, he constantly judges people who are popular, and he even judges Nancy. Will called him out for having no friends because Jonathan doesn't want to open up. Granted, he suffered a lot of trauma and had to grow up quite early to take care of Will. I won't hold this against him because he had it not easy, but it still doesn't change the fact that he can be a judgemental asshole, like Steve essentially.
In s1 ep 2 it was shown how King!Steve wasn't this big asshole when he throws the party. He invited Nancy because, duh, he liked her, but when Barb showed up, he never made a big fuss about it even though he probably anticipated Nancy coming there alone. Later, when Barb cuts herself, after being pressured by Nancy to participate in drinking, he never made fun of her for that. He was concerned and honestly less of an ass than Nancy was in that scene. To me, this shows his true character because he could have easily made Barb feel terrible in that situation, as he obviously doesn't like her that much, but he didn't because he isn't evil. Even after she was gone to take care of her hand, he never made a joke about it with Tommy or Carol.
In s3, when Robin gave her speech to Steve as to why he was the worst (after him being brutally tortured which was played off for laughs) she couldn't even come up with good reasons why he was so horrible. She literally says Steve was a real asshole because he:
Was late to school
Asked dumb questions
Was funny and cool
Got bagel crumbs all over the floor (the worst crime committed by a person)
And the girl she liked was only looking at him and his "stupid" hair.
Another reason why the show itself villainizes Steve so much, and has to remind him and the audience how bad he was every season, is because it's written by people who were nerds and had a bad experience in high school. Like the basic concept of the show is nerds=good and jocks=the devil. They are literally judging popular kids because of their own prejudices. And with how they set up s5, Steve will have to prove again he's a changed man, this time to Jonathan (again) despite him saving his ass twice, and him apologizing to Jonathan in s1. It's like Steve is never allowed to truly move on, simply because he was popular in high school. He still has to make up for the mistakes of his past while other characters in the show just get a pass for theirs.
We are never shown this big evil Steve, we are only told by people who themselves have prejudices towards the popular crowd. Eddie literally gave this whole speech about how he doesn't like people who fit in, he was harassing them and couldn't find it in himself to postpone the final campaign because he hated how Lucas wanted to venture into other hobbies. (The show basically vilified Lucas for playing basketball.) Eddie isn't really better than the popular kids. However, because he's a nerd, he isn't portrayed as the villain but as a person who just gets it.
In conclusion, yes, Steve was an asshole in certain situations. Yes, he was (still is) vain and cared about his reputation. But in no way was he this big bad bully like people and show make him out to be. He was popular because he was charming and had the ability to converse easily. I mean, he was still able to become prom king in 1985, despite falling from grace in '84. He wasn't awkward and knew how to make people like him. He was still King!Steve up until Billy, even with dumping his friends, because he probably got along well with others in general and was only judgmental towards people who actively seeked out keeping to themselves rather than participating in "normal" high school society and were judging the popular crowd for participating in return.
Also worth noting is Steve being mean or an ass was really amplified by the friendship with Tommy and Carol. It's like he thought he needed to be extra mean in order to be perceived as cool by them and vice versa. They all brought out the worst in each other, when Steve realized that he cut them off. Like he said, he cared a lot about superficial things, but in the end, when it comes to serious things, he will always come around.
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cookies-over-yonder · 3 months
i'd rather die than have to cry in front of you
Sogo is having a panic attack.
He knows it by now, he knows when it's starting, and when it usually ends, and how to stay quiet, so the sounds of his gasps won't escape the confines of his room and cause concern for the others.
What he forgets, though, is Tamaki sleeping right beside him.
for @mirrorinu
title from fight or flight by conan gray
p.s. im still in s2 of i7. not caught up.
Sogo is having a panic attack.
He knows it by now, he knows when it's starting, and when it usually ends, and how to stay quiet, so the sounds of his gasps won't escape the confines of his room and cause concern for the others.
It's the dead of night, and he didn't have a nightmare. He isn't sure he even fell asleep.
Tears prick at his eyes, and he buries his face in Tamaki-kun's King Pudding plushie—
Tamaki-kun. Sogo turns to see him laying on the pillow beside him, stirring in his sleep.
They were having a sleepover. How could he forget? Tamaki-kun shouldn't see him like this. Should he go to the bathroom? No, someone will see him in the hallway, surely. Well, it's rather late so maybe the chances are low, but it's best not to risk it. But then Tamaki-kun will know, and he'll worry, and—
"Sou-chan?" he hears over the frighteningly loud sound of his gasps. 
They're not supposed to be so loud. 
They're not supposed to be so loud.
Sogo can't breathe. No, he can. He knows what's happening. It's a panic attack, and it causes hyperventilation, and it's not dangerous, and he isn't dying, and he just needs to wait it out—
A hand grabs his shoulder. "Sou-chan, hey!"
Sogo can't look.
"What's happening? What's wrong?"
Sogo wants to explain the intricacies of why there's no way he's in physical danger, no way he could be injured or die from this, to ease Tamaki-kun's concerns, but all that comes out is a breathy and choked, "I'm al—alright."
"No, you're not!" he says, and it's so loud Sogo feels himself flinch. "Is it—did you have a nightmare? I've never seen you cry, and—and you're not breathing right, are you—"
"Sorry," is what comes out as Sogo rubs at his eyes, trying to rid himself of the tears. "Not—not dangerous. I—I—I won't die or anyth—anything," he stutters out between gasps, trying to shake away the dizziness and only making it worse.
"You still won't tell me what's going on," Tamaki-kun says, his voice softer than before. Sogo feels his hands pulled away from his eyes, and something soft in his arms. He opens his eyes to see the King Pudding plush, and he gives it a squeeze, still failing to will his eyes to stop letting out tears.
"You were hugging that when I woke up."
"Sorry, suh—sorry—" Sogo gasps, "I'm sorry, I—"
Tamaki-kun cuts him off with a hug, one hand around his shoulders and the other on the back of his head, running fingers through his hair.
Sogo lets out a childish whine, a sound no adult should make, and he's about to apologize for that too when Tamaki-kun speaks up again.
"It's okay," he says, like it's that simple.
He says it like it gives permission to everything.
Maybe it's the lightheadedness getting to him, but Sogo accepts it as that, and he cries even harder, and whines like a child, and presses his head further against Tamaki-kun's chest while squeezing the plush as if it were a stress toy of his own.
And he breathes, fast and unsteady, feeling his body trembling despite himself. Traitorous, he thinks, that his body could betray his mind in such a way, and after all the two decades of effort to train it against that. 
Another I'm sorry is on the tip of his tongue, but he doesn't think he could speak if he tried. Now this body won't even let him apologize for its wrongdoings.
"I told you it's okay, Sou-chan," Tamaki-kun says, as if he were a mind reader. "So don't feel bad."
Sogo nods, still unable to speak. Or move, really. Stuck curled in on himself in Tamaki-kun's arms, with King Pudding between them.
After what feels simultaneously like forever and less than a minute, Sogo can breathe easier. Though he still can't speak, and still can't move.
He can't pull away. He can't pull away and look Tamaki-kun in his worried eyes, and maybe if he stays here in his arms he'll never have to at all.
"Sou-chan?" Tamaki-kun asks, continuing to comb his fingers through Sogo's hair.
Sogo nods.
"Are you okay now?"
Despite himself, Sogo shakes his head.
"What's wrong?"
He shakes his head again, mentally cursing himself. Usually he can talk after these. Usually it only takes a minute before he's back to normal. But today is different.
It's worse.
Sogo's still shaking, and his mind is fuzzy and clouded, and tears are still falling, and he can't move, and he can't speak—
"Ah, okay, we don't have to talk about it right now," Tamaki-kun says, rubbing his back. "Breathe."
Ah, his breathing picked up again. He does some deep breaths in an attempt to steady it once more.
"...Can you talk?" he asks.
Sogo shakes his head.
"Okay, yes or no questions then. Do you need water?"
Sogo shakes his head.
Sogo shakes his head.
"...do you just need me to keep hugging you?"
Sogo nods.
"Can I keep asking you yes or no questions?"
Sogo nods.
"Has that happened before?"
Sogo freezes up.
"D'you wanna go to sleep?"
Sogo nods.
"M'kay," he says, before pulling away ever so slightly to adjust, and then guiding Sogo into a laying position with his arms still wrapped around the plush, and his head pressed against Tamaki-kun's chest, feeling the soft rise and fall of it with each breath. "Will you be okay if I sleep?"
Sogo nods a final time, and at some point, in his unit partner's embrace, he falls asleep too.
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laxmiree · 9 months
[CN] MLQC Season 2 Chapter 54 Translation (Lucien's Route - Part 1)
This post contains a VERY HEAVY SPOILER for the chapter that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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"Speaking of which, if there's a beautiful dream, would you like to stay in it with me?"
"A beautiful dream? Is it the kind where I don't have to go to work every day?"
"More beautiful than that—it's a dream where we can always be by each other's side."
Translation under the cut!
Previous Lucien’s chapter -> [Here]
[Background Info]
Please read Lucien's previous chapter first before this chapter jnsnjsdjd. Lucien might feel OOC if you don't.
Long story short, although the world already diverted from its original path of heading toward destruction caused by a comet, now the world is ascending to the fourth dimension and the rifts are the manifestation of it. The boys' each route is basically how they deal with it.
About me dividing it into parts- the S2 Chapter 54 is FULLY translated and released at once. Just for fun, I divided it like this so you can also choose and get bad endings just like in-game~
[Chapter 54-1]
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In the office, I occasionally hear birds chirping outside as if they are singing in celebration of the arrival of a new day.
I type the last Enter key in the document, click the save button in the top left corner, and take a deep breath.
A client I've been pursuing for a long time finally showed interest in collaboration yesterday. However, they also presented additional requirements, requesting a draft proposal by noon today.
I'm working overtime with my colleagues, and we've finally put together a decent draft.
I asked Anna to send the document to the client's contact person and I massaged my sore shoulder.
Beside me, Kiki suddenly leans over and shakes her phone.
Kiki: Boss, I just discovered a hidden gem of a beverage shop! I heard their best-selling hot chocolate is especially delicious. Do you want to order takeout together?
MC: Sure, send me the link to check it out~
I open the store page, and the cover features promotional image of their best-selling drink. However, the packaging looks a bit familiar.
=Flashback Start=
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Lucien: On the way to your company just now, I happened to come across a newly opened beverage shop.
Lucien: The staff recommended this "Orange Hot Chocolate", and I thought it might be to your liking. Do you want to give it a try?
He hands a steaming paper cup into my hand and passes on his warm scent with it.
MC: Wow- it's delicious! It has the refreshing fragrance of oranges and is quite sweet. But I can't keep something this good all to myself~
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I raise the paper cup and bring it to him, Lucien bends his eyes to a smile and lowers his head. His hair gently falls amidst the dense steam and----
=Flashback Ends=
The sweet warmth from the memory gradually surfaces at the corner of my lips, and I shake my phone at Kiki.
MC: I'll pass for now; I suddenly remembered I have something to do and need to step out for a bit. Go ahead and order; it's on me!
As I speak, I walk towards the exit and pick up my phone to send a message to that person in my heart.
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MC: "Professor Lucien, are you still in? I'll come over now to see you~"
Lucien quickly replied with two voice messages, accompanied by a sticker of a little fox looking dizzy while doing experiments.
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Lucien: I just finished a task, now I'm pondering on how to capture a photo of the scenery outside the window that hints I miss you a bit.
Lucien: But I'm happy because you'll get to see it in person soon.
I reply to him with a smile while briskly walking in the direction of the beverage shop. I can't help but feel that this year's winter isn't as cold as it seems.
MC: Hello, give me two cups of "Orange Hot Chocolate," please.
Clerk: I'm sorry, but we just ran out of the ingredients for that beverage this morning. Can I offer you a different flavor instead?
MC: ...Oh, okay.
Feeling a bit disappointed, I point to the "Rich Winter Hot Chocolate" on the side of the menu.
MC: I'll go with this one.
The clerk starts preparing the drinks and hands me the two cups after a moment.
Clerk: Please be mindful of the cup's rim, it's hot.
MC: Okay, thank you.
I instinctively reach out, my gaze still fixed on the phone screen. With a muffled sound and liquid splashing in my peripheral vision, I abruptly snap back to reality.
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MC: ...Oops!
I frantically try to catch the fallen cups, but it's too late.
The newly changed shirt takes the brunt of it, and the little mochi* beside me isn't spared either, now adorned with unsightly brown stains.
[T/N: The little mochi is a keychain that Lucien gave to MC in the last chapter]
MC: …..
Frustration and speechlessness well up within me. I impatiently grab tissues to wipe it, but the effect is minimal.
So, I quickly ran to the restroom, wetting the stained areas with water. Despite my persistent efforts, hot water successfully turned a few drops of chocolate stains into a large light brown patch.
Looking at my disheveled reflection in the mirror, I take a deep breath.
Forget it, who cares! Lucien won't mind anyway. Thinking so, I hastily walk out, only to be tripped suddenly—
I manage to grab onto the wall, preventing the third mishap of the day.
MC: ….
Why does it feel like I've been a bit unlucky since leaving the office...
Suppressing my dismay, I push open the shop door, and the cold wind hits me as the wet clothes turn stiff.
Without thinking, I quicken my pace. Let's just walk faster, get there a bit sooner, and see the person who can soothe all my irritations.
Fortunately, the way to the Bioscience Research Institute is smooth.
The elevator carries me up, and when the door opens, a somewhat familiar voice reaches my ears.
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??: ...So, you want to activate it again.
It's Cyril's voice... How could he be here? I freeze when I see Lucien standing in the corridor not far away from Cyril.
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Lucien: This is a necessary step to obtain the results.
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Cyril: May we both achieve the worlds we each desire.
Cyril says this as he walks past Lucien towards the direction of the elevator. When our eyes meet, his cold gaze blinks, seemingly surprised.
Cyril: Didn't expect to see you here.
MC: ...Shouldn't I be saying that?
I can't help but make a sarcastic remark, but Cyril doesn't answer my question. Instead, he takes another step in my direction and speaks calmly.
Cyril: Have you made a decision about the matter I asked you last time?
Our conversation in the jewelry store flashes through my mind. I look into his clear eyes and shake my head.
MC: I still need time to consider.
MC: After all, the world in the dream is false. If there's another solution, I don't want to choose this method.
Cyril nods, his expression as calm as ever.
Cyril: I understand.
Cyril: But if you delay further, you might fall behind.
Fall behind... what does he mean?
I'm slightly taken aback. Before I can ask, Cyril has naturally walked past me.
His slender figure, accompanied by unhurried footsteps, quickly disappears into the elevator.
MC: Why does he never make things clear...
I glance back from Cyril's departing figure, and when I look up, I see Lucien walking towards me.
His gaze inevitably falls on the large stain on my clothes, then slowly moves to my face.
I thought he might ask what happened or say something comforting, but he just smiles lightly and speaks.
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Lucien: I smell the scent of hot chocolate, but it's different from the previous one.
I blink in surprise. It’s as if the earlier worries have suddenly dissipated and I take a step closer to him.
MC: It's the Rich Winter Hot Chocolate~ from the same shop as the "Orange Hot Chocolate" you brought last time.
I open the bag, watching as Lucien takes out one cup and uses his other hand to push open the office door.
Meanwhile, a researcher comes out from behind the door. As they pass each other, Lucien's hand holding the cup inadvertently shakes a little.
The cup tilts ever so slightly, and a few drops of hot chocolate splash onto his cuff.
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Lucien: Hmm... This is troublesome.
He walks into the office and fixes the glasses on the bridge of his nose in a slightly distressed manner.
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Lucien: I'm not very good at dealing with these stains. Can you help me think of a solution?
He says it quite seriously as if facing a challenging problem. I can't help but laugh, feeling a softness in my heart.
The little thoughts I keep to myself never need to be explicitly stated; this person always understands them.
MC: Of course. But I just learned from personal experience that you shouldn't use hot water.
MC: Unexpectedly, both Professor Lucien and I are getting a bit of chocolate "favor" today.
Lucien: Hearing MC say that makes this small trouble seem kind of cute.
We exchange smiles, and he raises the cup, gently tapping it against the one in my hand.
Lucien: So, before dealing with it, let's toast to these cute little troubles today.
[Chapter 54-3]
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Following Lucien's footsteps, we enter the laboratory deep in the corridor. Unlike the usual laboratories filled with the smell of disinfectant, the air here is surprisingly fresh.
Lucien skillfully takes several bottles of reagents from the shelf and places them on the table.
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Lucien: If you want to deal with stubborn hot chocolate stains, there are actually many methods.
Lucien: The reagents in front of us can all address our current predicament at a molecular level.
MC: But using them to clean up little chocolate spills, wouldn't that be a bit wasteful?
Lucien: How about considering it as conducting a fun little chemistry experiment?
His words create a cascade of ripples in my heart, and I can't help but laugh, pretending to roll up my sleeves and stand up straight.
MC: Well then, Professor, please give me instructions~
The transparent bottles and jars in the laboratory reflect the cold light from the overhead lamp.
Under Lucien's guidance, I pour the reagents into the beaker, submerging the little mochi treated as the "experimental subject".
Its originally dull fluff becomes damp, and soon, a faint color begins to emerge.
MC: It works quickly!
Lucien: After all, it hasn't been stained for a long time. As long as we target the lipid-soluble pigments appropriately, solving it is not difficult.
After confirming the results, we also took care of the clothes stained with the hot chocolate spills.
I inadvertently turn my head and see a few scattered experiment documents on the nearby table.
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MC: "The possibility of transferring perception through neural links"... Is this your recent research direction?
Lucien's gaze sweeps over the proposal, placing the stirring rod on the dark rubber tabletop.
Lucien: It's... a kind of unexpected gain.
Lucien: In a recent neuroscience experiment, we discovered a similar phenomenon, but it has been temporarily set aside for now.
My gaze lingers on the obscure experiment documents for a moment, then turns to Lucien's composed face.
Thinking about my recent overwhelming matters, I can't help but let out a "sob".
MC: Darn it, how come I don't have a brain that can multitask problems like yours...
I mutter wearily, and Lucien immediately strokes my head.
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Lucien: (chuckle) It seems there is indeed a challenging problem troubling our Great Producer.
MC: Absolutely, a super-sized problem!
MC: I need to absorb some of Professor Lucien's intelligence energy to make my thoughts clearer too.
I rest my head on his shoulder, rubbing against it, and hear a soft laugh by my ear.
Lucien turns towards me, pulling me into his embrace.
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Lucien: If that's the case, then you can absorb a bit more.
I "hmm" in agreement, and after a moment, I lift my head, looking at Lucien with a feigned look of grievance.
MC: Professor Lucien is so cooperative; he doesn't think I'm silly, does he?
Lucien is slightly surprised. He places a hand on his lips, his voice carrying a clear sense of amusement.
Lucien: Miss Producer, if you think like that, you're unfairly judging me.
Lucien: What I meant is, there's still a troublesome future waiting for us.
I lock eyes with Lucien for a moment, only then realizing he's referring to the troubles we faced in the rift before.
Being captured in the glass chamber in NW, the chaotic escape during the pursuit... scenes after scenes flash before my eyes.
After a moment of silence, I let out a deep sigh.
MC: Oh no, let's just not talk about this for now. Let me be an ostrich a little longer...
MC: Dealing with the troubles at hand is already more than enough for me to handle.
I suddenly pause in my words, realizing something.
MC: Lucien, what if there are other troubles in the world at that time point? Would NW not have the time to deal with me?
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Lucien: For example?
MC: For example... I recently saw a terrifying vision.
MC: Our world will face countless disasters in the future, and everyone's lives will be in ruins.
Thinking about those devastating scenes, my voice unintentionally carries a hint of gravity.
Lucien: Is this what has been troubling you these days?
I nod with a hint of distress.
MC: I really want to find a solution, but I have no clue where to start.
MC: How could these disasters suddenly happen out of nowhere? I always feel like there's a missing key link in the middle.
The steady breath falls by my ears, Lucien seems to be thinking seriously, and after a moment, he speaks.
Lucien: Perhaps I can help you find that link.
I instinctively look up, inquiring with a hint of surprise.
MC: Do you already have an idea so quickly?
Lucien: Because the question you mentioned aligns perfectly with my previous hypothesis.
Lucien: Let's go, I'll take you to the laboratory.
The quiet corridor echoes with our footsteps. After turning several corners, we arrive at the entrance of a hidden laboratory.
Lucien raises his hand and enters something on the keyboard on the wall. Accompanied by a series of beeps, the massive door slowly opens before us.
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After passing through several rows of intricate instruments, a wall of glass comes into view, enclosing a white, sealed space.
A rift silently stretches across a corner, its edges faintly shimmering. I observe for a moment, then hesitantly speak.
MC: Why do I feel like the shape of this rift is somewhat familiar?
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Lucien: Because a few months ago*, we used it to enter NW.
[T/N: refer to what happened in the previous chapter]
MC: It's been so long, and it hasn't closed yet?
I murmur in surprise, but thinking about the recent influx of submissions regarding the prolonged duration of the rift, I decide not to inquire further.
Just out of curiosity, I turn my head and look at Lucien beside me.
MC: Is there a specific reason it was deliberately moved here?
Lucien: No, it just has an unusually long duration, no different from other regular rifts.
MC: So, do I need to do anything? Should I use CORE to close it like before?
With my previous experience, this doesn't seem like a challenging issue for me. However, Lucien shakes his head.
He then picks up a small glass orb-shaped device from the lab bench.
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Lucien: This time, our goal is not elimination but addition.
MC: Addition? It can't be as simple as figuring out 1 + 1 equals 2 to find the crucial link, can it?
I blink with a bit of confusion, but Lucien doesn't seem inclined to provide further explanation, a mysterious smile playing on his lips.
Seeing him deliberately keeping me in suspense, I clear my throat and pout, then take the device from his palm.
MC: Alright, I'll listen to your explanation later~
I exhale deeply, invoking that familiar power within me once again.
The device in my hand trembles slightly. I lift my head seemingly in response. I look expectantly at the rift behind the glass.
The next moment, it suddenly enlarges before my eyes.
[Chapter 54-5]
The rift expands without any warning, like a wound suddenly torn open, stretching out before me and Lucien.
I pause for a moment, unable to help but softly exclaim, "Wow," swiftly turning my head to look at Lucien.
MC: Lucien, its area expanded so much in just an instant!
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Lucien: Well, it seems our "addition" has worked.
Lucien: With this, perhaps the link you're looking for will soon appear.
As Lucien speaks, his inky eyes slightly narrow, there's a hint of cunning in his voice.
I lock eyes with him for a moment, unrelentingly leaning closer to him.
MC: No more teasing! What's the connection between this experiment and the "critical link"?
Lucien takes the instrument from my hand and places it back on the lab table, looking at me with an unhurried look.
Lucien: This experiment shows that the impact of CORE on the rift is actually bidirectional.
Lucien: Apart from closing, it can also trigger the expansion of the rift.
I contemplate his words for a moment, then ask with a hint of confusion.
MC: But what happens after the rift expands?
Lucien: The change in area is just the most apparent manifestation. In reality, the energy within the rift is also expanding.
Lucien: Once it surpasses a certain critical point, it spontaneously seeks a more suitable "outlet", no longer manifesting catastrophically.
Lucien: This way, the situation you're concerned about won't occur.
[T/N: Not gonna lie, I'm not sure how to explain this one except that it's similar to how the stars turn into a supergiant and then white dwarf once it runs out of fuel lol. Or once the rift is big enough it'll let go of the energy less chaotically. Anyway, it's just sci-fi don't think about it too deeply]
The question that had troubled me for a long time was resolved so casually. I blink my eyes, feeling a bit surreal.
MC: ...Is it really that simple?
Lucien: The essence of this issue is not as complicated as it may seem.
Lucien: But if the lady wishes for a more convoluted approach, I can certainly give it a try.
MC: No need! I trust Professor Lucien's discovery, of course~
The heavy gloom that shrouded my heart finally reveals a glimmer of hope. My tone lightens involuntarily, and with a touch of anticipation, I speak.
MC: What do we need to do next? I'll do everything I can to help~
Lucien's gaze shifts to the window, seemingly lost in thought for a moment. He changes out of his research attire and opens his mouth with a light smile.
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Lucien: I do have an invitation.
Lucien: Next, let's go and see the snow.
After a simple drying process, I hold the small mochi keychain that has regained its fluffiness and whiteness. I follow Lucien down the stairs with light steps. As we step out of the Bioscience Research Institute, I blink in surprise.
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Countless delicate snowflakes silently dance in the air—this year's first snow has arrived so quietly.
The snowflakes gently blanket everything around in pristine white.
I can't help but raise my hand, catching a few falling snowflakes. Lucien looks at me, and his eyes seem to soften a bit.
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Lucien: You look particularly happy.
MC: Of course~ I've been looking forward to a scene like this for a very long time.
MC: This time last year, I was running around in a time loop, searching for dark matter...
MC: There was never enough time, and I never had the mood to stop and appreciate this scenery.
MC: Until spring arrived, we never had the chance to quietly watch the snow together.
He tightens his grip on my hand. Lucien seems to follow my lead, tilting his head upward, quietly gazing in the direction of the falling snow.
A few delicate snowflakes land on his eyelashes, softly melting away without a sound.
Through the warm night, I hear his gentle voice.
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Lucien: (softly) Perhaps… this belated snowfall is a gift for us now.
The fine snowflakes soften the features of the person before my eyes.
As the snow gradually intensifies, pure white flakes float down from the distant sky, quietly tinting the boundless night in serenity.
Reluctant to part with such fervent snowfall, we return to the car.
Lucien casually turns on the radio, and light music immediately fills the car. Accompanied by the swirling snow outside, it feels like a scene from a crystal ball.
I rest my head on Lucien's shoulder, gently rubbing against it, unable to help but murmur with emotion.
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MC: So beautiful... it's like a dream.
The sounds of the evening breeze wafting in through the window crack resembled a delicate and subtle white noise. The fatigue from staying up all night last night gradually surfaces.
The phone screen lights up for a moment, and the digital clock shows eight in the evening. I let out a gentle yawn.
MC: I can't believe I'm tired at this hour... blame it on the recent excessive overtime.
Lucien shifted, allowing me to lean more securely on him, and he spoke in a gentle tone.
Lucien: (in a very, very gentle tone) Have you been tired lately?
I nod and lazily begin counting with the fingers resting on my knee.
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MC: I'm exhausted... there's a ton of tasks at work to push through, and I also need to figure out how to save the world.
MC: It either keeps me tossing and turning in insomnia or gives me a night full of nightmares.
Lucien: (gently) What kind of nightmares are you having?
I vaguely recall for a moment and make an exaggerated gesture.
MC: I've been snatched away by a dinosaur this big—
MC: And I've been flattened by this many project proposals—
MC: But you know~ After waking up, as long as I see the messages you send me, all those dinosaurs, all those project proposals, seems like nothing!
Lucien: (chuckle) Mm... I've had that kind of dream too. I wonder if the dinosaur that snatched us is the same one.
Lucien gently squeezes my hand, a hint of uncontrollable laughter in his voice.
I imagine the scene and can't help but burst into laughter as well.
Lucien: (laughs softly) Silly, next time, come knock on my door before you get snatched away by a dinosaur.
The snow outside falls gently, and Lucien speaks amidst the delicate melody.
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Lucien: (murmur softly) Speaking of which, if there's a beautiful dream, would you like to stay in it with me?
MC: A beautiful dream? Is it the kind where I don't have to go to work every day?
Lucien: More beautiful than that—it's a dream where we can always be by each other's side.
MC: If there's such a thing I'm willing to dream it for eight lifetimes!
A low chuckle comes from above my head. His voice quietly melts into the night breeze, sounding like a casual sigh.
Lucien: What if I say, I hope never to wake up from this dream with you?
MC: That sounds good too. As long as I'm with you, anywhere is fine…
I blink my heavy eyelids and hear a soft laugh beside my ear. A warmth covers my eyes that I find a bit hard to open.
Lucien: (whispers gently) Get some sleep.
Lucien: I'll make sure to wake you up.
Winter seems to have truly arrived after that night's first snowfall.
With the dropping temperatures, a layer of frost forms on the branches along the river and roadsides. The news on the streets gradually shifts to reports about snow and cold prevention.
I pull my gaze away from the lengthy red light outside the car window and engage the handbrake.
The rift continues to quietly spread, casting shadows of various sizes throughout the city.
However, for some reason, the popularity of news related to the rift is steadily decreasing, and the submissions on this topic are dwindling.
Perhaps people have become completely accustomed to these rifts. Despite some lingering confusion, I do feel a sense of relief.
The green light in the middle of the road lights up, and I put away my phone. After turning a few corners, a spacious bridge suddenly appears before me.
...Strange, there were so many cars just a moment ago. How did it suddenly become so empty?
A hint of confusion creeps in as I carefully survey the surroundings, finding nothing unusual.
As I drive onto the bridge, I suddenly feel the wheels slipping. I instinctively hit the brakes, but the road in the rearview mirror shows no signs of anomalies.
Just as I fall into bewilderment, the throttle gauge on the dashboard spins violently.
The tires emit a harsh, squeaking sound as they uncontrollably move forward.
MC: What's happening...?
Before I can grasp the situation, there's a distinctly audible sound of shattering beneath the car. The next second, the car suddenly plummets.
MC: ....!
I struggle to push open the car door, but the resistance of the water turns my efforts into futility.
No matter how hard I pound and shove, the door remains steadfast. Only the icy water keeps pouring in through the window crack.
The air inside the car diminishes, and I strain to tilt my head upward, closing my eyes in a somewhat desperate attempt.
The world before me gradually fades into darkness.
Next Part-> [Here]
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lmao guess whos activated ✨blathering oaf mode✨ again (clue: its me)
(cut because length and spoilers, read at your own peril)
so this post got me spiralling into detective mode again and yes i know douglas suggesting it might have been war/pollution but i have certified trust issues™ and i dont believe that for one darn second
i also don't think it's a kiss. lemme explain horrifically
so i took another look at the two frames we have of The Leaked Smooch™ and the background has a lot to be desired (if you take into account that the boys are taking up most of the frame (duh), plus already fairly average quality video PLUS compression from when i captured it)
but i think we can safely rule out that The Leaked Smooch™ doesn't happen in the theatre here, mainly because even though the quality is bad, the glasses in the Smooch™ are crowley's modern ones, not the ones we saw him wear in the 1941 flashback in s1, plus his hair is differently styled... so yes can pretty confidently say this is not the kiss we are looking for
so i wanted to pinpoint what era the theatre bit is actually set in, and therefore i set about identifying the theatre in question. turns out kids that im not a good researcher (despite it literally being my job) so it took FUCKING AGES but i eventually found set photos of the boys entering a theatre, specifically the hippodrome in bo'ness:
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now this was a turn-up for the books, because that's crowley's 1941 costume right??? id recognise that iconic fit anywhere. az's costume is trickier to pinpoint bc he wears the same damn thing but pretty sure this is a match to the church scene:
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so we know from s1 that we have the church scene yada yada, and crowley offers aziraphale a lift home... which we know he accepts given that the s2 trailer gives us the ✨Dinner of '41✨ scene:
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the other bit however to this puzzle is that there ALSO a set pic of aziraphale at the hippodrome in his magician's outfit. given the frame from the trailer where he looks like he's about to brick it going on stage, surrounded by lovely burlesque girlies and dame siân phillips in period dress, AND there were extras on the set dressed in ww2-type army uniforms, so i think it can be fairly surmised that this bit also occurs in the 40s
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so my thought process is that we're getting two separate scenes (kinda) from the 40s, we have the church bit from s1 plus the Dinner of '41 scene as its own entity, but then, like
aziraphale is doing his magic act as a side hustle to this burlesque show? and crowley turns up to watch him, hiding out up in the box?
if we follow this completely made up narrative ive just come up with, aziraphale, im assuming, finishes up and gets changed into his normal clothes, and then goes up to this box to meet crowley?
to this end, i captured and slowed down the bit in the opening sequence where aziraphale and crowley (sorry douglas, not buying it) are in the box... and-
now to my eye, the motion of them in the clip looks like they are dancing? i don't have the source to hand but we've had it confirmed that a choreographer was brought into s2, not impossible az would go up to meet crowley after his magic act, whilst there's still something going on on the stage, and the two end up dancing or something? and az bless his heart gets spooked from that?
im reasonably convinced that this might be the origin of the 'you go too fast for me' line - something happens and ultimately aziraphale gets spooked given that he's only just realised he has Feelings for crowley, and so my boy fucking legs it (a lil post i made a while ago about this exact scenario if you'd care to peruse)
other thing to note:
there is a figure that is lurking behind aziraphale and crowley in the box, which looks like it moves specifically in sync with crowley, so it could be a shadow, or someone/thing is in the box that they aren't aware of 👀 so maybe this thing (?) witnesses it all? whatever went down in the box?
so in my addled feral mind, ive come up with a speculation that even as im breathing life into it sounds unhinged and so implausible it's hilarious -
i put to you, members of the jury, that something was meant to happen in that box, and it didn't... that something being that crowley makes a move of some kind - kiss, dance, hug, declaration, WHATEVER - and aziraphale was meant to accept it/reciprocate/idk, but didn't.
and that fucks with the plan, and for lack of better terminology creates a nexus event (lmao thanks loki) which in turns starts screwing with other events, somewhat like i theorised in this post here tehe
are aziraphale and crowley, essentially, the earth's endgame? idk about u but ive read enough angst fics to know that it's not inconceivable that crowley and aziraphale's mere existence may have been part of god's plan to represent free will on earth, defend humankind, and give balance and meaning to it
so what would happen if aziraphale essentially rejected that? did the most human thing possible and resisted the plan? idk i feel at this point i am just writing a fic and this will all be ludicrously incorrect bUT half the fun is torturing yourself over your own theories right 🙃
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dianititties · 8 months
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so i haven't been able to stop thinking about AvM mianite crossover au. take my random doodles while i was thinking about it, varying in quality. my ramblings are under the cut >:3
purple is SO fucking andor esque. like. got the gender swag for it, the wings, the princely aesthetic, the tragic balance, the fuckin DADDY ISSUES--
*coughs* okay so uh. here we go.
out of the color gang, here's their godly alignments:
Green - Ex-Mianitee, now Ianitee. not because of anything bad happening, they just eventually found their own balance and that was right for them. (plus it does not hurt that their bestie is an ianitee but shhhhhh that's not why they switched) though i am tempted to give them wizard status on principal alone. but the Aesthetic.
Blue - i honestly couldn't think of an alignment for blue? like. i get mianitee vibes from her. but not in the way that any of the canon mianitees acted. except maybe like, dec, but less priestly. blue's just vibing out here!! though it will DEFINITELY be challenged by s2 mianite.
Yellow - Also Mianitee- though she's definitely more into it than Blue. redstone is tricky business and follows many rules and yellow knows the bounds and sticks to them, like in the nether sleeping short. unlike a certain someone...
Red - Dianitee, but only in s2. I cannot see Red willfully siding with Dianite in s1? I think Red would prefer to be godless- though aligned with the Mianitee and Ianitee sides in s1. also he probably got FUCKED UP in some way, relating to divinity? because herobrine analogous thing? maybe the tank of judgement taken to the extreme? idk.
Orange/TSC - Ianitee but vibes from both mianite and dianite. Got main character energy, they've gotta! Plus relating to how TSC was prepared to stay hidden from Alan out of fear until meeting the CG, and upon seeing them get deleted, went OFF- that is ianitee divine retribution right there if i've ever seen it. ianitees aren't just balance, they are justice.
Okay moving onto the misc. others-
King - Miantee, but like, that gets tested at the end of s2 of mianite. He can't say that he's upset to lose his faith, but it feels like something he can't fill back up has been ripped out of him. He's done horrible things for his god, for himself, to others. also i gave him a fun custom variant of his staff for this au because i think the significance of killing the wither as a test of strength in s1 was very neat and should be explored more. though he wouldn't be in s1 world probably. hm. ANYWAY--
Chosen/TCO - Godless. So fucking godless. And proud of it. Well, not proud to be godless necessarily, but vehemently against forming bonds with the gods. Ex-Mianitee, then joined Dianite during the time he was with Dark, but then left Dianite's side after realizing "oh wow we're using this to justify violence and hurting people, using our own pain as reason to give other innocents more, that's kinda fucked up." Has been godless since, and has no sway to try out worshipping Ianite either.
Dark/TDL - DIANITEE. DIANITEE. DIANITEE. Always from Conception has been a Dianitee. Chaos flows through her veins, corrupting every inch of him. Destruction follows, taking a deep hold in him. Dark will have what she wants, and what she wants is for the ones who hurt him and Chosen to pay. What, she's hurting other innocent people in the process? They should have just gotten out of the way. ...Maybe one day, she can see the other side of chaos- the kinder, simpler side. Maybe one day. But that day isn't today, as much as Chosen wishes it was. (Also has a hair clip given to him by Chosen. Hasn't stopped wearing it since.)
Victim, who's not in this PICTURE - Mianitee. Like. No doubt given Rocket Corp. He may have a long strike of cruelty in him, but he's going to go about it in the most efficient, orderly way possible, instilling it in everyone who follows him.
What would be the plot here? Uhhhhh who knows! I don't even know if the gods would stay like, minecraft gods, or stick figures or smth. The mianite in the picture was just for funnies.
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sunnysideaeggs · 1 year
what do you imagine the relationship like between Daeron and Alicent, and the rest of his siblings? like how would you cast it/present it if you could, and what would be his intro to the show? xx
In my Daeron feels getting ready for S2 <3333
Daeron is a kind of mysterious type of guy for me, the undeniable hero of Team Green and surrounded by mystery in his life and death.
By all means he’s a good kid, his mom’s favorite and the golden child. Being the youngest he probably was closer to Alicent than most of his siblings, and was the one they protected the most. I can see him getting a strict Hightower education (faith of the seven, scholarly inclined, politics and diplomacy) and excelling at it. Otto secretly wishing he was the firstborn lol.
I can see him looking up to his big brothers. He trains hard to be like Aemond, and cut his hair short like Aegon. Maybe as a kid he was following around Aegon and laughing at his jokes, and wanted so bad for Aemond to teach him to fight <3333
He gives me young Jaime and Sansa vibes, liking the stories about knights and fairytales. Him listening to Hel and her prophecies <333 or them both making life at court. Him and Hel were the most beloved of the Targtowers, so maybe Alicent took them both to do charity or to pray together. PR king.
Ideally, I would have introduced him by the time Jacaerys was born. Instead of the Joffrey birth scene, we can have a Jace birth scene along with a Daeron one. It would’ve brought more Rhaenyra/Alicent parallels and given Alicent a much needed birth scene, which the writers didn’t gave her. It makes the timeline smoother, the time jumps smaller and gives more time to develop the factions and rift between A/R. Also it brings a Jace/Daeron parallel too, as they’re the only heros of the dance. They were supposed to have shared the cradle. It also makes noise about Vizzy having a child and a grandchild the same age. But alas, hotd writers can’t write.
In S2, I would introduce Daeron by Otto sending ravens to their allies around Westeros. They’re our ‘eyes’ in all this. We can get some sneak peeks of how the ideological side of the conflict affects lords around Westeros and even peasants. For example, would a lord be more willing to support Aegon because he has a married older sister whose children could lay claim to his castle? Or a heiress lady who fears her bastard older brother? We can give actual reasons for the greens having support instead of “SHE HAS A PWUSSY, SHE CANT RULE” narrative the writers were pushing on S1.
And then, we have Oldtown. The great high tower, the citadel, the city vibrant and lively. We get closer, and in the training yard there’s our boy. A happy teen, he’s training with a few knights and the master of arms mentions how just recently he started training with real steel (this is important, shows his youth and how he’s not yet ready for war). From above, Gwayne (I’m going to assume he’s at Oldtown, since there was no mention of him at court lol) and Ormund are talking about the future, how Daeron is doing good, how will they start ‘movements’, etc. Ormund is called by his maester (the raven by Otto) and Gwayne gets a lil uncle-nephew bonding moment where Dae shows all his charisma and endears the audience because he’s the best boy.
While they talk (idk about what, how he misses him mom and sibs?) they head somewhere to see the blue queen, Tessarion, in all her magnificence. She’s happily purring while some maesters take care of her (grand maester conspiracy!) and make some annotations about godknowswhat. Tess and Dae bonds and Gwayne stays behind saying ‘he doesn’t trust dragons’.
(Just as an annotation, if Gwayne was indeed at KL and they just forgot to invite him to the coronation in E9, Ormund watches Dae alone, the talk can be done between Ormund and Dae, and the maester with the letter can be an ending to the scene with Tessarion. I am a flexible queen.)
The rest of the episode continues, yadda yadda. Btw, this is the first episode, Vhagar-ate aftermath. War is now imminent and this episode centers in the game of thrones aspects of all of this. We can also add Nyra grieving, Daemon being slimy and Aemond getting the chancla. Aegon’s party is a must too. We can even get Alicent being worried about her son at Oldtown, wishing he was with her and she could protect him (</3). If you want to get REALLY bookish, get me an old and wrinkled Vaegon at the citadel, frowning and staying tf out of it. As an easter egg.
At the end of the episode, we go to Oldtown again and Ormund sent for Daeron in his office. He asks him about family, politics, etc (makes him smart and gives redundancy to why the greens are fighting for). Ormund then asks about Tessarion, and how she’s growing well, etc. How she could fight in battles, if the need arose. Dae understands the danger and shows his loyalty to his family. Then we get the news of Vizzy, Aegon, Luke, etc. Daeron finishes with ‘What happens next?’, having a frame of his face. The shot ends. We get a view of Oldtown at night, getting closer to the high tower. We watch the beacon light up green. The credits roll up.
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charmixpower · 10 months
Riven: Like I said. Any challenge you pick. Winner becomes leader of the Specialists
Sky: Riven, it's really not like you to be so… so serious
Riven: People change, Sky.
Sky: Fine. Fencing!
I think the acting like this is new behavior and not a regression of his character is actually more infuriating, also I only did fencing once several years ago and the depiction of it is so fundamentally terrible that it drives me insane. Why are they FENCING LIKE AN ACTUAL SWORD FIGHT OH MY GOD
Also once again Brandon would be the best leader because he's not insane and has charisma and can actually talk to people without making them hate him, I'll also take Timmy but he'd fucking hate being the leader and would die anytime he needed to do public speaking or make a split second decision
Riven: You got me. I give up. You will always be leader of the Specialists. And I will always be runner-up
No, Brandon is runner up and Sky shouldn't even be the leader in the first place. Go take several seats. Riven would never give up like this, and I'm one hundred percent certain that he's not giving up this is just poorly written dialogue
Sky: Give yourself some credit. It was an even match. If you kept your cool, you probably would've won
Riven: It's not just this match, Sky. No matter how hard I try, or how close I get, I always come up short. If I don't change something, I'll never reach the top
This??? Is interesting. Like. It's an acknowledgement of the past 5 seasons that it retconned in a character focused!! If you put a little more pressure on him feeling useless and wanting to be able to help against all these high level threats, and really focused on how hard he constantly tries to catch up but reminds stead fast behind Sky getting no where close to be genuinely useful—that would be beautiful, I'd be obsessed with it!!!! Drama and all it would be really fun!!!
That would absolutely be an interesting direction to take ALL the specialists, and just cut Nex while you're at it we don't need him. Or make him into an antagonist????
Imagine a magical specialist who constantly mocks the boys about never being useful to the girls and it really upsets Riven (because he's Riven) and he majorly over corrects! All while Brandon and Timmy are trying to drag him into calming down by his hair
What I hate about it, and what's so s1 about it is that he wants to be at the top. Babe. Your girlfriend can destroy you with her pinky finger
I'm imagining a good version of s5 where he's just freaking the fuck out over being useless and making it a entire issue™ because my BPD king (and his gf, the BPD queen) cannot not do that. And it's ALL the feelings godbless
That would also feel like a continuation of Riven's chilled out personality from s2. Yes he still takes people WAY too seriously, but after being kidnapped by Valtor and nearly being murdered by the Trix he had some perspective. He's just a silly billy
You can have relationship drama where no one is the "bad guy" Winx club, STEP AWAY FROM STELLA
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mikereads · 4 months
“I’m terrified of roller coasters” Um…
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“It’s not too late. We can turn around and leave her now.” Wow Eddie what a heterosexual thing to say….👀 but seriously Eddie break up with her already. Seriously there is always a little truth inside a joke just saying. Also it’s just about s’mores which in itself is odd she’s never had. Like everything else about her is off.
“You two aren’t going anywhere”… wtf like yes it’s a joke but literally no the way this scene was so awkward like everything was said aloud how they truly felt but said in a joke so it’s okay… right 😬…. Yeah no Eds! Also damn girl leave them alone he’s not that into you Jesus. Eddie/Ana had no chemistry so to say Eddie has even less with Marisol is saying something there is literally nothing there not even like oh a good friends vibes and we are supposed to think they are dating… no ma’am. If someone told me they just met and were strangers I’d believe it. This little game also proved he knows nothing about her… you don’t know me huh you don’t say.
Also the way she hugged them like girl let my boys go but also wtf loosen your grip. Like this is literally Marisol with Eddie and Chris
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I know they won’t last but the way they are trying so hard and making it even more awkward. Also the forces laughs like Eddie sweetie 🥴 no just no
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“Everything’s fine I promise” he says as he lies through his teeth. Like okay I’m not gonna lie not a fan of this storyline seeing someone that’s identical to his dead ex wife sorry not sorry it’s way to soap opera to me but if it gets Eddie to realize they had a bad relationship/ marriage and stop romanticizing it okay good finally like enough
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Also I’m sorry but people saying Ryan and the actress that plays Shannon has chemistry like where? Is the chemistry in the room with us because nope. Eddie and Shannon were never good together/ supposed to be together but now this proved that they don’t have good chemistry even outside of the characters because now she’s someone else and well it ain’t it. (Yes I’m biased I don’t want Eddie with anyone but Buck but the two can coexist)
“Are you looking for anything specific? I’m not sure” the way this says so much about where Eddie is in his life and what he wants. Also she’s so freaking corny like yes she’s making a sale but also um no pls stop
This is our best selling candle it smells like nothing and coasts a hundred bucks it might also burn your hand but whatever
“Do you trust me? I don’t know you.” Like I know this is supposed to mean something big to Eddie and it cuts deep on the trust thing but also this relatively is just a woman trying to make a sale because she’s a sales woman and this isn’t Shannon so it’s honestly really just him getting closure and sorry can’t help but remind me of Buck and Abby and how she can back in s3 but also how he got with Taylor because she reminded in of Buck 1.0 in s2 but also reminded him of Abby because of her red hair (absolutely nothing else)
“Oh no uh just me and my son Christopher. Single dad” literally just proved in one scene, sentence that him and Marisol are done literally giving her the Ana just friend treatment and worse cause he didn’t even mention her at all and the sales woman gave him the opportunity when asking who he was shopping for a friend or girlfriend etc…
It’s also interesting how this episode has so many call backs. Maddie and the call which goes back to Doug (more on that) also the call she had in s3 and how she flinched when Chim placed a hand on her shoulder.
Maddie and Eddie having flashbacks of there abusive exs and yes it’s different abuse but still
Them recreating the Eddie/Shannon sex scene is sick I can’t 🤮 I barely wanted to watch it the first time around but the significance to Eddie. Still sneaking around but for a very different reason. I swear if he has her sneak out the same way I’m done. Like so many thoughts not only is he trying to relive and romanticize what they had but he also knows his current relationship is bad for him so not only is he trying to ruin it on purpose but he’s going back to bad behavior and this time it not only adds another level to it cause he’s actually cheating but so much as happened since then.. like she died! And it’s not her - oh wait it’s him imaging it as he sits with her which somehow makes it even worse?
Eddie it wasn’t incredible stop lying and yes it was unexpected sir wtf but also the way this sort of in a way mocks the storyline the first time around and how him sleeping with Shannon the first time around was unexpected not in the way of storytelling it’s sadly been done so many times but for Eddie it was unexpected
“When no one else is home!!!” Did I call it or what huh
“Recreating the moment? Looking for a new wife” oh come on especially out of context. Which ends in a car crash oh come on. Tim did this all on purpose to remind us of who Shannon actually was and not Eddie’s romanticized version of her. ( clarifying she wasn’t as bad as Doug or this guy but she also wasn’t good) for the last time stop comparing how she left to how Eddie left it isn’t the same thing
Buck slamming the guy to the floor must have been cathartic.
Good Cop vs Bad cop callback but also to have a Henren family scene to then go to the Buckley-Diaz family I see you show
Henren family scene > Buckley Diaz > Madney family scene really oh come on
Oh Eddie back to your old mistakes. Sorry but this just proves him and Marisol will be over before the season is over. We knew they were breaking up but now we have an idea it won’t be prolonged until next season or….
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izzy-b-hands · 7 months
Watching Prince vids to find some new ones to gif and have realised i absolutely need to write either modern au Ed and Izzy fucking at a Prince concert (u know Ed's essentially cosplaying as Prince for the show, as he should, and there's this one outfit of Prince's that's a v Izzy shirt with a tight jumpsuit that I bet Izzy would happily wear both for Ed and bc. it's cute as fuck lol) that turns into a bit of steddyhands
Or. if i can wiggle around how electric guitars work in the canon time (can i just say they do and not worry abt it lmao), I'm equally down for writing it like.
Fuck it, mini sort of fic time for this version of it. nsfw and horny edizzy into steddyhands below the cut
Canon time version of this is like
Post s2, in an au version where everyone is well and fine (the only version i personally fuck with rn tbh bc u guys Know my feelings on actual s2 lol)
Ed and Izzy have been working on things. Slowly, painfully, and tbh, they still communicate in a way that's like. Absolutely odd and not great to anyone except the two of them and the few crew members who are starting to figure it out or already had some understanding of it (ex. Stede for the former and Fang for the latter)
But there's a show at this port, tonight. A fairly famous bard, that Ed's maybe always wanted to see (let's be real, he adds the maybe in bc he feels bad abt wanting to go, to spend a night away from the ship and Responsibilities, the same shit that kept him feeling tied to being Blackbeard)
It doesn't take much to convince him tho, once Izzy admits that actually he thinks it would be good for everyone to go, and Stede eagerly agrees. They'll go as a group, but everyone can vibe and do their own thing as they want at the show (aka The Swede is in Jackie's lap for most of it, Zheng and Olu and Jim and Archie are all over each other in between dance breaks, and it's just a nice time out for one night where even the navy officers in the crowd that are poorly disguised aren't gonna start any shit)
He's basically vibrating with excitement after Stede and Izzy start talking wardrobe for the show, and then suddenly they're tearing apart old stolen clothes to stitch together to make new things and he's going out in something tight, silk, different shades of purple and violet with black highlights to even it out (and some glitter, for good measure.) Izzy's smiling, helping get himself fitted into the jumpsuit that Wee John has insisted upon helping them sew together in time, adding extra black silk frills to an already black frilly shirt they've found amongst their pile of spoils (none of them like folding or hanging up clothes, so be it lol)
Add in that Stede and Izzy are taking turns making out with him mid-dress up and he's. on a fucking hair trigger by the time they go off the ship into the port, to the biggest pub there to join the crowd (Jackie notes it isn't as nice as her place was, and she's right, but it could be worse.)
Stede offers that they should go, the two of them, up closer to the front and he'll join them later (partially bc he needs a moment to adjust to the crowd which is full of pirates recognising him and Ed and Izzy and it's. v cool to him but also overwhelming considering how that went the last time at the republic of pirates), so they make their way until he's pressed gently into the front barrier, Izzy grinding against him from behind.
They're not dressed so they can hide much of anything, but everyone around them is seemingly there for the same thing and in the same sort of spirits, so they can play pretty freely. The ppl closest give them dreamy, eager, wanting looks as they watch, and he can't help but think yeah, they should be jealous. Doesn't matter if they're more jealous of Izzy for being with Ed or vice versa, it's a turn on both ways now for Ed (and he's realising he missed out on a lot by not appreciating the ppl who look at him with need in their eyes, bc he's the one taking Izzy fucking Hands home with him and not them.)
He can reach back and feel how wet Izzy is, knows the cream coloured pantsuit is probably showing it too (buttery soft and thin cream coloured silk, the brightest thing he's seen Izzy in in ages, and he wants him both in and out of it all at once lol.) His own cock is fighting against the purple silk and velvet skirt Wee John and Frenchie helped make, and he's mindful enough to not want to tear it, but he does want it pushed up so Izzy can start playing with his ass and cock
That's a step too far for the moment, but he grinds against Izzy like his life depends on it, and it's everything he wanted and more once Stede joins them. Surrounded by the men he loves being with, taking turns sneaking in kisses to them while the music plays (and the show is fucking amazing, Ye Olde Prince and his group egging everyone on to have fun and get nasty), and he's juuuust abt to come untouched when Stede and Izzy finally pull him towards the back of the crowd, where ppl are letting themselves really go for it
His eyes linger for a minute over the crew members nearby and what they're getting up to (in part bc Frenchie and Roach keep breaking away to come over and get their hands on Izzy, who moans so prettily whenever they or Stede or Ed touches him that it makes Ed ache)
But then it's Izzy on his knees pulling up Ed's skirt to suck him off, Stede behind him teasing his ass with a finger, leaving kisses and hickeys all over his neck and collarbone
He couldn't tell you much about the actual moment he cums, bc there's not a drop of blood going to his brain during it lol. He can hear the song that's playing (I've got a list for which it could be bc there are a lot of Prince songs that are on my edizzy and steddyhands lists), and he can feel Izzy swallowing it down while Stede grabs at his ass, toying with his hole (and making Ed wish they'd brought something as lube tbh), jerking himself off as best he can thru his trousers (tight, teal silk, a favourite for ed and izzy to see stede in)
After he's propped up between them for the rest of the show, taking turns teasing Stede through his trousers and rubbing at the front of Izzy's pantsuit (it's not near enough friction considering how hard Izzy grinds against his hand, stifling moans into Ed's shoulder)
The game plan was to return to the ship after the show, but an invitation from Ye Olde Prince's security guard to the backstage for the three of them means a few things:
finally access to lube and getting off with one of his favourite bards in the same room, with two of his favourite people, and the crew gets to have the ship all to themselves (something they were pretty blatantly hoping would happen in how they were talking before the show, and he can't blame them. There are a lot of fun places to fuck on the Revenge, and everyone deserves a chance to get themselves and whoever else they want off in them.)
Anyway. god. if i could draw I'd have sketches of their outfits too for u guys. but alas on that part of things akdnfjgn
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joshbruh10x · 2 years
Woah uhh hey there mutuals, anyone there watch Owl House? No? Too bad I'm sharing this idea anyways
Me and best ol' buddy @lmaojune thought of an Owl House x Fnaf Au, well only on sides of our hyperfixations whereas I made it about my human Fazcule while June over there making it about her own Main fnaf au
This is gonna be a long read so sit back and relax, or not and you can skip this post, if so, then have a nice day, if you plan reading this, then hi thank you for reading, let's get on with this
For those who don't know, The Owl House is a cool show from Disney (except Disney keeps trashing it about making Dana Terrace cut the final season short cksnns) where a human named Luz goes to a Demon Realm called the Boiling Isles where witches use magic and stuff, there are "covens" or classes where witches are separated into using only that specific type of magic, unless they are young witches which in that case they are allowed to use any sort of magic but upon growing up, they are forced to join a coven or they will be labeled as a wild magic user
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Over here we got the Fazcule, I thought Freddy could be in the Beast keeping coven (was gonna make him in the bard coven bc well ya know Freddy sings but the Beast keeping coven suited him more) and I gave him his own palisman which is a cute little Cub. I may have based him off of Gilbert aka one of Willow's dad and let's just say Freddy do be rocking that dad bod look (NOT MY QUOTE, JUNE SAID IT)
I may or may not have based Bonnie over Alador too much and this is the only Au I'm letting Bonnie have facial hair, one because it suits him and two because yes, he is in the abomination coven and works as a scientist who makes abomination inventions
As for Monty, he works in the construction coven gaining power of super strength and restoration and repairs of buildings and anything constructional. Thought of giving him a cape to show his coven and I gave him one of those flat cut looking beards because let's be honest, he looks very badass in one (either that or it's just the Monty simp in me but c'mon some of you have to agree on me with this right ;>) and I also gave him gloves with hand-woven colors representing the Fazcule
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Now, fun fact, in the demon realm, witches can have offspring by using magic instead of the uhmm.. you know what. Which means two men or women can have kids of their own as seen in the show with Willow and her having two dads but is still biological to the two. I had an idea where Gregory is a biological child made by magic from the Fazcule, but June also suggested what if Gregory was a human and just got adopted by the Fazcule, he can't use magic naturally but he can use glyphs just like Luz in the show (PS, I definitely did not steal Luz's pose in S2's opening for the first pic above)
Anyways, I also drew Gregory as a witch with his pointy ears and in his Hexside uniform, I thought of him looking up to Bonnie with his abominations so he joins the abomination class, but once it was anounced he can learn multiple classes, he chose for illusions and potions (may or may not to play tricks on others). Oh also he doesn't have a palisman of his own unlike the other students but Freddy allows him to use his cub Palisman.
And that's basically all I have for this idea. Thank you for reading if you did read this far, I very much appreciate it. Anyways, have a good day/night and see ya :)
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smilehoya · 2 years
Okay so spoilers under the cut for AIB s2 things that I wish they had added / I have a problem with / I liked !
* I honestly liked that Niragi didn’t have a ‘redemption’ arc, not really. He was a little more toned down then how he was at the beach, but also maybe that’s a mixture of he wasn’t killing people every two seconds like he was when they were doing the witch game, and also maybe because we didn’t see him a whole bunch? But yeah, i’m all for letting bad guys be bad guys.
* also I CACKLED at how within two seconds of Niragi and Chishiya seeing each other again, Niragi shoots Chishiya and tHIS MOTHERFUCKER proceeds to then lie on the ground in a ‘pose’ and complain ‘you didn’t even hit me anywhere vital on purpose’ while looking wholly unimpressed and then thru started bickering like an old married couple.
* Chishiya’s game with what’s his face (the 2nd leader from the beach don’t remember his name) was everything I ever wanted, literally. I remember reading that in the manga and being like holy fuck this is intense but amazing and they rly managed to pull it off just the same in the live action.
* on another note, I really wish Akane wasn’t sexualised as much as she was. I know at one point it says she’s a senior in high school, which would make her around 18 in Japan but like … I kept being so fucking aware that she’s soooo much younger than Arisu and Aguni who she kept flirting with and I just - it made me uncomfy. Plus ALL the panty shots????? There were SO many!! If they were gonna do that (which I still wish they wouldn’t but this is an example) why not do it for one of the older woman whose ya’know an actual adult?????
* I really dislike the trope of like … forgetting something that had happened as a plot device, so the ending irritated me. It’s written the same in the manga, so it’s not even that they changed it, I just hate that trope all together because it kinda just feels lack lustre once they’re all back that they don’t even remember each other properly they just have a feeling ‘they’ve met’ and we don’t get like … that big emotional re-union ya know?
* speaking of re-unions though Kuina’s broke me. Her dad finally being supporting of her! I cried.
* also love that Kuina and Chishiya stayed bsf all thru the borderlands, even in the gap between s1 and s2 and all the time in s2 when they were separated the first thing Kuina asks when she sees Arisu again is where Chishiya is and how he’s doing.
* someone correct me if I’m wrong for this one but - in the manga, don’t they explain what happens now that the game has been concluded? Like yeah they explained that people can choose to stay or go, but they left out the part where the people who stay get to take over whatever bosses game they won!!!! So like, those two motherfuckers from the prison game now get to stay and continue being the boss same with a ‘new’ Mira or whatever; isn’t that something that happens? That the games just … keep going with a new group.
* upset also that they left out Chishiya’s relationship with his dad because that explains his personality a LOT for people who may be confused why he acts like he is / why he’s so logical. It’s because his dad didn’t give him the emotional / love when he was a kid so he became cool calm and calculated. I don’t wanna say the guy he was calling ‘Sir’ in the LA was his dad, but I’m pretty sure in the manga is dad is some higher up in the hospital too??????????
* I NEED / NEEDED more of Usagi + Ahn + Kuina being best girlfriends like … ugh, their friendship. I want them to go on cute fashion trips together, get manicures or w/e, braid each others hair and tell each other secrets just ugh gIVE ME GIRL BSF.
That’s it for now but I’m sure I’ll think of more and add to this thanks !!
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onwhatcaptain · 1 year
Predictions for Star Trek Strange New Worlds S2 E5 "Charades"
Ahead are my predictions for the upcoming Star Trek SNW episode "Charades." Possible spoilers below the line since I am making specific guesses.
We've been told that the episode is a comedy, so I worry a bit. Mainly because when the SNW writers get their hands on a comedy concept, character integrity can go out the window. This is just my current take on SNW, it may change. But the showrunners have said that they want to see more comedy and that the story takes precedence over what's been written before them. When it comes to how they write for Spock, it can be hit or miss. In my opinion, it's usually a miss, because they prefer to focus on Spock's comedic angles and this relegates his actual characterization and identity struggles to an afterthought. And it's not that playing it safe is the answer, either. Last week's E4 played it safe, which I'll get to in another review, and found itself weaker for it for a few reasons, even though I liked it in general.
What makes me have low hopes is that the Star Trek writers implied that a bowl cut is a genetic trait in the trailers so far. I think that saying removing Spock's Vulcan DNA makes him change his hair, or be prone to eating bacon and forgetting how to be a Vulcan is a bit stupid. Yeah, maybe his digestive system normally can't eat bacon so he could now, but his Vulcan behaviors and beliefs are not biological. Vulcans are the way they are because of a set of philosophical choices and cultural norms. The only thing missing should be his telepathy and ability to control emotions/shielding. That's kind of the point of Spock's struggle with his identity. A fanfiction writer would absolutely recognize that, which makes me wonder if the writers don't, or are willing to disrespect the character integrity for comedy, and in my personal opinion, both are bad choices.
Vulcans are vegetarian on principle (they even used to eat meat) and may have consequently evolved to have a digestive system that rejects meat. Many humans are like this, too. My younger sibling is a vegetarian. If they woke up tomorrow as a carnivorous alien, they would still not want to eat bacon, unless their identity was changed too. And then they wouldn't be my younger sibling, they'd simply be a carnivorous alien that looks like my sibling. It stands to reason, therefore, that having your DNA changed wouldn't make you a meat eater.
That's sort of WHY Spock has a dual identity and rejects one constantly—because it's not genetic, there's norms that pressure him. It's what makes scenes like TOS' "The Naked Time" so valuable ("When I feel friendship for you, I'm ashamed.") That's cultural conditioning. It's not genetic. It's so central to Spock as a character that when he dies, he reaffirms he feels friendship, because it's been hard for him to get to that point. To say this is genetic is cheapening it. So I hope they'll address this adequately and not just chalk everything about his identity to his biology, because that's weak character concept. So if you're going to do this, I ask that you give us an actual reason for Spock to eat bacon and say "fuck." Just don't tell us he's like this because they removed his "DNA." Michael Burnham had a whole thing about how she was raised Vulcan as a human, and was alienated by her peers. And Sybok is an emotional Vulcan.
Anyways, what is charades? It's a game where you act out a phrase without speaking. I assume there will be a sort of tongue in cheek attempt at trying to fix Spock (superficially) and make him seem more Vulcan in time, along with them actually putting fake ears on the man. Actually, they'll probably have Chapel give him the temporary genetic change like they did in the very first ever episode of SNW (the one that made him scream in pain- is this why he's screaming in the trailer or is my boy just having a bad time?)
Anyways, if it were like a bit of My Fair Lady (or Pygmalion) that would be kind of fun. Or perhaps a Comedy of Errors type beat. What I hope they do not mean is for Charades to be a meta reference to Star Trek mimicking its own tropes. Eventually it becomes self referential and that can be tired.
We know he's relatively recently engaged to T'Pring, so maybe this is his engagement party or the Vulcan equivalent. Vulcans have a lot of traditions rooted in their past. I expect we'll see a bit of push and pull between Spock's feelings towards T'Pring and Chapel. I expect T'Pring will demonstrate she cares for him and this may somehow draw him away from Chapel, since we know that doesn't last. Amok Time doesn't tell us much about their history, so it would make sense if T'Pring's family is exerting intense Vulcan norms on him, and she defends Spock for who he is. I think we deserve to see that from T'Pring and we deserve that kind of demonstration of Spock's identity struggle.
I kind of get the sense Captain Pike is mostly going to stand around being in hot Captain dad mode because he's wearing the green shirt. Calling it. He seems more like he's actually playing host to the Vulcan get together, even though he's ship Captain. Maybe Pike'll cover for Spock while he is eating bacon and saying fuck.
Spock's mom is going to be hot. This is not a prediction. It's a fact.
I think by the end Spock is going to be comprehending his feelings a bit more and getting clarity because he lacks the ability to simply bury them as a human. And maybe this somehow sets the stage for his emotional maturity and the person he'll become by the time Kirk is Captain.
I really think the Chapel tension resolves here. After all, there are no real stakes. We know the ending. We know there's nothing in the way to threaten that. Star Trek's storytelling is constrained by itself. So the stakes are going to be just the "will they won't they" between Spock and Chapel, which I personally don't like anyway. I would think a reasonable resolution is for Spock to realize that all the deep emotions he's feeling are those of platonic love. It would make sense to say that he didn't really understand the difference between romantic and platonic love because Chapel has very strong feelings and he's never had close friends or romantic love before. His engagement to T'Pring is not born of love. I could see Spock outright saying to Chapel something like "I now know that I care deeply for you. And know I know that I do have a lot of feelings for you: as a friend." It would do them both justice and give Chapel the ability to grow as a character outside of the romance tension.
Ultimately I think Chapel might get sidelined for Spock to get development time with Jim Kirk and Uhura. Ten episodes gives them so little time to show us relationships. And that's not the fault of Chapel's character. I believe she needs more substance still. She's a vast improvement from her 60's counterpart but I think she's still not particularly well written. I assume she pursues her two month archaeological project on Vulcan and gets with her canon partner, Roger Korby. I think she'll take that up by the end of the season and we'll hear more about it by the end of episode 8.
Strange New Worlds often spends more time telling us it is Star Trek than being Star Trek and I think ultimately this episode will be like that. The show falls victim to itself on occasion. I do like SNW and I love Star Trek, but I suppose I'm a bit of a cynic. If they were a bit more brave and a little less reliant on pandering to the mainstream and the endless belief that the modern audience needs love life drama in the form of people who behave just like 21st century people, they'd be better for it.
It would also be quite meaningful if the crew were to decide that they prefer Spock how he really is as a person. Let's see.
As for the literal plot resolution, I'm curious about how this'll happen. The plot concept is kind of weird to begin with. Aliens removed his DNA? Maybe they send Chapel and Ortegas (an experienced pilot and has some tension with her also) to go again and try replicating the conditions under which the change to Spock happened or try to contact the aliens. After all, why did they remove the DNA in the first place? Maybe they just talk to the aliens and they're like, "Oh, my bad, we thought he was upset by being Vulcan. It was causing him pain. We'll put it back." And then they restore him, shields and all, and he's the most Vulcan he's ever been. Maybe they just find a contrived cure. It really could go any way.
Okay, that's all for this week.
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babygirl-garcia · 11 months
What Can I Say? (You’re Gorgeous) ; A Prentiss x Garcia sonfic
Emily and JJ are childhood friends who grew apart in college, but Emily’s acceptance into the BAU allows them to reconnect, and she meets her and her colleagues at a club downtown, including the most gorgeous woman she’s ever met.
An AU of Emily joining the BAU under different circumstances (not going there directly and telling Hotch she was transferred). Takes place during S2, that’s where I’ve watched to so far. Emily is a lesbian, as was going to be canon, and Garcia is bi. Based on “Gorgeous” by Taylor Swift
Upon entering the club, Emily Prentiss realized two things very quickly: Firstly, it was far more cramped than she had ever anticipated, and second, though several people were far more scantily clad, she felt that the deep-cut dress she’d worn was hardly covering anything that her choice of dress usually covered.
Scratch that, a third realization: Her childhood friend Jennifer Jareau, who had promised that she and her coworkers would all be there, was nowhere in sight. Emily rose up on the balls of her feet, heels coming off of the floor, as she narrowed her eyes in the bright club lights in search of her friend. A soft buzz on her left thigh pulled her back down, and she pulled the hem of her dress up to tug her phone out of the gun holster she’d strapped on. The one bad thing about this otherwise perfect dress, she’d decided, was that it didn’t have pockets, so she improvised.
Incoming Message
JJ 8:40 pm
Are you here?? We’re in the back, if you are.
I’m here, omw back now
Message Sent
Emily shimmied her way past partiers, hoping to make it to the back without getting accidentally grinded on. She was nearly out of the densest part of the crowd when she found herself standing in front of a tall, beefy man. Or rather, he stood in front of her, he’d practically shoved another girl out of the way to get there. “Now, what’s a pretty little lady like yourself doin’ here all by your lonesome?” He crossed his arms and leaned in slightly, and Emily felt like she could’ve gotten drunk just from the smell of him in this close proximity.
“I’m not by myself,” She said coolly. “I’m meeting my girlfriend.” A lie, Emily was hopelessly single, but this jagoff didn’t need to know that.
At ‘girlfriend’, the man smirked. “Girlfriend, ey? That’s kinda hot.”
“That’s what the last guy said. A shame they never found his body.” She walked past him, his eyes wide, and she gave him a noncommittal pat on the shoulder as she slipped past him. She spotted JJ and her small group near the corner, at a table, and hurried over.
One of them, a taller man with dark hair, nodded in Emily’s direction, and JJ, who was in the middle of saying something, turned around, face bright. Emily’s heart warmed- JJ hadn’t aged a day. She looked just like she did when they went their separate ways. They’d kept in touch, of course, which is how Emily had gotten in touch with her when she found she’d been accepted into the BAU.
“Em!” JJ grinned, hurrying to throw her arms around her and giving her a tight squeeze. “It’s been too long!” She pulled away to give Emily a squeeze on the shoulder. “You haven’t changed a bit, the last decade’s been kind to you.”
“I should say the same about you! I swear, it looks like you just plucked yourself from my memory.”
JJ laughed softly, waving her comment away. “Still charming as ever. Oh!” She wrapped an arm around Emily’s waist, pulling her closer to the table. “These are the guys, this is Dr. Spencer Reid-” a rather uncomfortable looking young man in a business-casual suit gave her a slight wave and a small smile. “-and Agent Aaron Hotchner.” The man who had alerted JJ to Emily’s presence leaned in to shake her hand.
“A pleasure… aren’t you a little young to be in a club?” Emily asked, eyeing Reid up and down.
Spencer cleared his throat, offering a soft laugh. “I’m 25, ma’am.”
“Oh-!” Emily starts. “Sorry, I just…” She trails off, shaking her head. “Sorry.”
“So JJ tells us that the two of you were good friends in school?” Aaron interjected, taking a sip of his drink.
“All through school, yeah.” Emily beamed, recalling. “We were actually on the soccer team together back in, what, second grade, and we hit it off.”
JJ sat back in her chair, smiling as Emily spoke. “Of course, I was better.” She grinned teasingly.
“Which is why I gave it up for dance.” Emily retorted with a laugh.
“We went to college in different states, but we kept in touch.” JJ stirred her whiskey sour. “I went on to PITT, and Emily went to Yale.”
Aaron raised a brow. “Yale? Impressive.”
Emily beamed, glancing down at her feet. “Thank you, sir. Top of my class.” Righting herself, Emily pursed her lips. “I thought you said there would be more of your coworkers here?”
“Oh, there are.” JJ laughed. “Derek couldn’t wait to start drinking.” She nodded over to a spot on the floor away from the table, and Emily followed her gaze. A taller, fit man was dancing with so much confidence it astonished her. “Morgan!” JJ yelled over the music. Derek turned his attention to her and joined the group when she waved him over. “Emily, Derek Morgan, Morgan, this is Emily Prentiss, my friend from school.”
Derek shot Emily a charming grin, offering his hand for her to shake. “A pleasure. JJ neglected to mention how absolutely breathtaking you are.”
Emily took his hand, smiling innocently. “She also must have forgotten to mention that I’m a lesbian.”
Morgan blinked, but otherwise seemed unfazed. “Worth a shot. If you need help finding a girl, I’d be more than happy to be your wingman.”
Emily laughed, shaking her head in amusement. “I’ll keep that in mind, thank you.”
He opened his mouth to say something else, but Derek spotted someone over Emily’s shoulder, and called out to her. “Hey, baby girl! Come meet JJ’s friend!”
Emily turned and her heart fluttered; A blonde woman with dark streaks in her hair hurried over to the group, her dress hugging her in all the right places. Even in a club, it didn’t stop her from adorning butterfly clips atop two fun-buns. “Oh! Uh, don’t tell me, don’t tell me- Emily, right?” She scrunched her nose up, hoping she was correct.
“That’d be me.” Emily said, offering her a hand, and the woman’s face relaxed. “Nice to meet you…?”
“Penelope Garcia, BAU’s holy grail for all things digital.” Garcia beamed, shaking her hand excitedly. “And the pleasure’s mine. Any friend of JJ’s is a friend of mine. Do you dance?”
“Not unless it’s contemporary-”
“Well, you do tonight. Come on!” Before Emily could protest, and without a single drink in her, Garcia pulled her to the floor to dance.
Looking back at the table over her shoulder, Emily noticed that JJ and Derek had followed the pair out to the floor, while Spencer and Aaron remained at the table, sipping at their drinks and discussing something.
“So! JJ says you’ve been lifelong friends?” Penelope’s question brought Emily back to reality. She looked over to the woman, closer to her than she initially realized, and tried not to lose herself in those beautiful amber eyes.
“Yeah,” Emily started. “We went to school together, back in Pittsburg, but we hadn’t really hung out until I joined the soccer team in second grade. We had so much in common- favorite bands, foods, we were in the same class together…”
Garcia smiled warmly at her. “That’s so sweet! I’m a sucker for that kind of stuff, like a ride-or-die.” She bobbed her head a bit at “ride-or-die”.
Emily laughed, watching in amusement as Penelope let the music take her- and oddly enough, soon found herself comfortable on the floor as Morgan had been earlier. Garcia took Emily’s hand, lifting it over Emily’s head and spinning her around. The pair giggled softly before the song switched over to one with heavy bass. Penelope gasped, then grinned widely as she danced along. Emily froze in awe, heart thumping hard in her chest; Garcia was the most intriguing and beautiful woman she had ever met, and Emily came to the quick realization that she had never caught feelings for a woman so quickly before.
“Get it, babygirl!” Derek’s voice ripped her from her thoughts. Right, of course. That made the second time Derek had referred to her as “babygirl”, which could only imply that they were an item. Right? Emily noted how brightly Garcia beamed at him, before she pulled Emily in to dance closely with her. Emily put her mask back up, smiling and laughing along with Garcia. Part of her wondered why she wasn’t dancing with Derek, but she pushed the thought back, assuming that it was only because Garcia was just being friendly, wanted to make her feel welcome.
When the song finally ended, and another began, Emily found it in her to look Penelope in the eye. “So;” she started, yelling over the music. “How long have you and Derek been a thing?”
Garcia froze for a moment, staring at her in confusion, before laughing loudly. “Angel, what on earth are you talking about? I’m not with Derek.”
Emily blinked. “But… he-” She tried her best to make sense of it. “He called you-”
Penelope waved her comment away. “It’s just a bit of workplace banter. I guess, in some cases, it would be considered flirting, but we would never work out.” She threw the back of her hand to her forehead. “He’s too much of a player, I’m more of the commitment type.” She pulled her hand back down, giggling as she straightened back up. “Nah, it’d never be more than a fling. He’s a sweet guy, though, and a great flirt.” She shrugged. “I want somebody who’s going to want me for the long-haul.”
I could be in for the long-haul, Emily thought to herself, but instead said “I’m sure you’ll find the right one eventually. I’m surprised they aren’t flocking to you.”
“Oh, sweetness, so am I.” Garcia grinned, tossing her hair over her shoulder dramatically, earning a laugh from Emily.
A bit later, Emily and Penelope found themselves back at the table with the rest of the group, sipping at their drinks.
“I totally forgot to ask!” JJ said suddenly, setting her drink down. “Emily, how’s Annie?”
Emily peered down into her glass, giving it a stir. “We, uh… broke up a few months ago.”
JJ softened, rubbing her shoulder gently. “Oh, sweetie, I’m so sorry…”
Emily shook her head. “No, no, it’s… it was for the best.” She forced a smile up at her friend. “She wanted to stay home when I found out I got a job at the BAU, and both of us realized that, with our crazy work schedules, even long-distance wouldn’t work out.”
The table was silent for a bit, before Morgan spoke up. “Hey, at least now you can shake your ass for any girl you want, right? Make the most of the single life.”
Emily laughed and shook her head. “Maybe…”
“If it helps, most long-distance relationships don’t tend to work out, anyway.” Spencer offered. “Only 31% of them make it out.”
“Thank you, Reid.” JJ said, a touch of sharpness in her voice, enough to chastise him.
“Just trying to help.” Spencer shrugged, sipping at his drink.
“Thanks, guys, I appreciate it, really. But I think I might just… let love find me, you know?” Emily leaned into the table more before standing fully. “I’m gonna pop in the lady’s room, I’ll be right back.” She said, hurrying off.
As she washed her hands, Emily looked herself over in the mirror, still feeling a touch self-conscious, before frowning, straightening her back. She looked good, damn it. She looked better than good- she looked hot. Derek was right; she could look for whoever she wanted, whenever she wanted. She fixed her hair and touched up her lipstick, then turned to the doorway before freezing. There, leaning against the doorframe, was Penelope.
“She’s crazy, y’know. Annie, I mean. For letting you get away.” She said, standing fully. “I get wanting to stay home, but… in sacrifice of such a beautiful woman, I mean- hell, I’d follow you anywhere if I was your girlfriend.”
“Yeah, but she has her own job, her dog, she-” Emily stopped, blinking hard before her eyes went wide. “Wait… what did you just say?”
Garcia’s brown quirked up. “Which part, angel face?”
“All… all of it…” Namely the last part, but-
“Well, it’s true, if I were your girlfriend, I would do anything for you. And you’re gorgeous, I mean-” She gestured at Emily’s physique. “If I had a girl like you to show off, I’d be happier than a clam in high tide.”
Emily didn’t say anything- couldn’t say anything- just stared at her in disbelief.
From her spot at the door, Garcia rocked awkwardly on her heels. “I’m sorry if I overstepped,” she said quickly, “I just thought that you needed some encouragement for the situation… and my complete honesty. I mean, I’ve had girlfriends that seem similar to Annie, or, what I understand of the situation, anyway… broke it off because of similar reasons… conflicts of interest, I guess you could say.”
“Penelope, can I buy you a drink?” Emily offered, and the blonde perked up. “Anything you want.”
“I’d like that…” Penelope said, holding her hand out to Emily. “You’re sure?”
“I’d be crazy not to.” Emily replied easily, taking her hand and squeezing it gently before leading her back out to the club.
With a few drinks in her now, Emily felt herself getting looser on the dance floor. She and Garcia danced close to one another, and everyone else in the club disappeared. It was only them, each other. Emily watched, mesmerized, as Garcia swung her hips to the rhythm, and she chewed on the inside of her lower lip before slipping her arms around Garcia’s waist from behind, joining her in swinging her own hips. Their bodies were pressed against each other now, and Emily’s subconscious knew that Penelope could certainly feel Emily’s racing heart against her back, but Emily didn’t care. She was focused on Penelope, on them.
When they made their way back to the table later, Aaron and Spencer were holding the girls’ drinks, their hands over the tops. “Mm, thanks, guys.” JJ said, taking glass from Reid.
Aaron handed Emily her drink directly, Spencer doing the same with Penelope. “Yeah, it’s really great that the two of you are the kind of guys we can trust to hold our drinks.”
“I’ve seen too many cases of men and women alike fall victim to date rape drugs, it would be unprofessional to let it happen to colleagues. And it would be a dick move if I let it happen to friends.” Aaron held Emily’s gaze, a hint of a smile playing at his lips.
JJ gasped teasingly. “You got a Hotch smile!” She raved, giving Emily’s shoulder a light slap. “And you’ve only known him for two hours! Mine took years.”
“I just love you, you know that?” A tipsy Penelope asked Spencer, gently poking his nose, which he scrunched up immediately. “You’re such a lil’ cutie, it’s not fair.” Upon hearing her giggle softly, Garcia turned her attention to Emily. “And you-“ She stepped forward to poke her shoulder. “You’re so gorgeous, it actually hurts.” Emily’s face heated at her comment, but she hid it behind her glass as she took a large sip.
“Studies found 50% of women will be or have been roofied or drugged by date-rape drugs in their lifetime. We’re here to make sure you don’t make it into that statistic.” Spencer nodded solemnly.
Emily offered him a warm smile. “Thank you, Spencer. And you, too, Aaron, it’s appreciated.”
“You call me Hotch. You’re one of us now.”
Emily’s heart swelled at the comment, and she nodded before she set her glass down on the table. “Well, are we ready to head out?”
“You guys go ahead,” Derek called over with a grin, an attractive woman in tow. “I’ll catch up with you later.” He winked at them, before leading the woman from the club.
JJ laughed and shook her head. “I’ll ride back with Spence and Hotch. Ladies, you need a ride?”
“No, I think I might get a cab, thank you, though. Good to see you again! Can’t wait to see you every day.” Emily said, giving JJ a tight hug, and waving to Reid and Hotch. “Good to meet you!”
“So….” Garcia started. “You’re headed home?”
“That was the plan… why, should it not be?”
“Oh, no, it’s fine… I guess I’ll just… head on home to my cats… alone….” Garcia peered up at her with a slight smirk. “….unless you wanna come along?”
Emily laughed and shook her head, taking her hand and heading outside with her. “Let’s go, babygirl.”
“Ooh, it scratches a different itch when you say it. I like it.”
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rybonucleic-ket · 2 years
so I'm back with another scene rewrite *Dustin purring sound thing*
we got the s2 steve-dustin relationship advice scene but with bicon steve and henclair
Steve throws more of the raw meat they'd been lugging around as bait for Dart on the train tracks. "Alright, so let me get this straight. You kept something you knew was probably dangerous to impress Lucas, because, what, you're jealous of this girl he just met?"
Dustin sighed, exasperated, tossing more meat on the tracks. "Alright, that is grossly oversimplifying things."
"I mean, why would he like some nasty slug anyway?"
Dustin scoffs. "An interdimensional slug?Because it's awesome."
"I mean, even if he thought it was cool, which he didn't, I just- I don't know, I think you're trying way too hard."
"Yeah, well, not everyone can have perfect hair like you, Steve."
"It's not about the hair, man. It isn't about the hair with girls, and it definitely isn't with guys."
Dustin paused, surprised. "Are you, Steve 'the Hair' Harrington, about to give me relationship advice with guys?" he laughed.
Steve scoffed in mock offense. "Listen, kid, I'm a man of equal opportunity." He pointed an accusatory finger at Dustin. "Don't assume. It's rude."
Dustin raised bloody, gloved hands in surrender. "My bad, my bad."
"Yeah, shame on you." Steve scoffed. "I mean, Lucas, he's your best friend, has been for years, yeah?"
"And- and you're worried about some girl who beat you at an arcade game?"
"Like I said," Dustin sighed, "that's a drastic oversimplification."
".. which means that's what's happening but you're like, really invested in it." he cut off Dustin's denial. "Listen, kid, I'm not gonna act like I know what the situation with you and Lucas is, but from what you've told me, you're worrying way too much about it."
Dustin glared at him.
"Fine, okay, y'know what? If you really wanna test whatever you've got going on with Lucas, pretend to be into this girl."
"Yeah, getting guys can be more complicated, but with best friend types, pretending to be into some girl makes em jealous as hell, drives em crazy. Giving someone else the attention you were giving him is the way to go. And hey, if you're so worried about this girl, he might be too, y'know?"
"Even though I don't like her?"
Steve laughed. "Uh, yeah, if you did like her, it wouldn't really be about getting Lucas. Then we'd be having a different conversation entirely. I'm telling you, it'll drive him nuts."
"Then what?"
"Then you wait."
"Wait for what?"
"Wait til you feel it."
"Feel what?"
"It's, uh, it's like before it's gonna storm. You can't see it, but you can feel it, like this uh-" Steve clicks hus tongue. "electricity, y'know?"
"Oh, like the electromagnetic field, when the clouds in the atmosphere-"
Steve cuts him off, confused. "No no no no no no. Like- like uh, sexual electricity."
"You feel that- and then you make your move."
"So that's when I kiss him?"
"Woah, slow your roll, Romeo! Nah, I mean...with guys, it's," he sighs, "it's a little more complicated. You hit on the wrong guy, bad shit can happen. I'm sure you trust Lucas, he seems cool, just, uh...just take it slow. I mean, guys are weird. They can be totally into you, there can be a lot of electricity, but....but they get scared. y'know, even if he's not a douchebag, other people are. it's scary." he pauses, sighing, clicking his teeth. "Just, uh, just be careful."
Dustin is quiet, contemplating, tossing meat on the tracks, rubber gloves squeaking. "Have you...hit on the wrong guy before?"
Steve laughed humorlessly. "Once or twice. I mean- I mean, I'm sure you'll be fine. I don't think any bad shit will happen to you. That Lucas kid, he seems pretty cool. That's uh, that's kinda rare. Unfortunately."
Dustin smiles. "Yeah. Lucas is pretty fucking awesome."
it's on ao3
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