#if this post duplicates it's the connection. bear with me
themintman · 3 months
How do you make people look 3D 😭
ok so like.. this is mostly me guessing cause tbh I don't pay attention when I'm drawing at ALL. like idk how I do this either but I'll try my best to explain!!
Also I just want to mention that none of the examples I show are bad. This is just what I do! You can do the opposite of what I'm saying and come out with art just as cool as if you were to follow my tips, this is just what helps me
The short version:
3d sketches
Patchy colouring
No line art - just tidied sketches
The long version:
3d sketches
What I find helps the most is to use 3d shapes for your sketches rather than flat, 2d ones.
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As you can see, I build the body out of cubes more than squares. I even make the head a cube as I find it easier to understand the angle then on a circle. The sides and front of the body are easier to spot here. You can tell that the shoulder is connected to the side of the body, while on the 2d sketch it is less clear. Overlapping parts of the body is one of the easiest ways to make a piece look less flat.
I like to break up the body into three pieces, the chest, the waist and the pelvis. This helps me with proportions and figuring out where the body bends.
Remember that clothes follow a similar logic! They flow with the body. The hems of shirts n stuff is rarely just straight, they curve.
2. Patchy colouring
This is how I colour my pictures:
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I use procreate, but there are probably similar brushes and settings on other apps, such as ibis paint x, and if your a traditional artist you can get a similar effect by going over the same area with slightly different colours. I find that it makes it look more interesting. I rarely actually shade a picture, so this is very helpful. It's awesome if, like me, you suck ass at lighting LMAO
These are the only settings on the brush I changed. I used "Rectango"
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What this does is slightly change the hue and saturation of the brush with each stroke. The higher the percentage, the more dramatic the change, so play around with it and find what suits you the best
3. No lineart
Im not sure if this actually helps the 3d-ness, but it makes my art look more interesting and "full".
Also it's fun. I mean, how many artists do you see online complaining about doing lineart? You know you can just.. skip the lineart. Right?
All I do is I duplicate the sketch layer and tidy it up a bit. Heres my design for Sammy.
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This is a particularly messy job, but I think it gets the point across. She also displays the previous techniques - her colours are patchy, the clothes bend around the body, etc.
Now, here is Sammy without the things I have mentioned previously in this post.
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I haven't done lineart in well over a year, so bear with me lol
She looks a lot more flat. Her hands arent curved properly, her clothes don't "wrap" around her. The colours are more flat too, which makes it obvious that there isn't an actual lightsource. These things can all be tweaked to look more 3d, however I find that the first is way more 3d for about the same effort, perhaps less.
this is just what I do. It wont work for everyone, but I hope at least something on this post helps! Have fun !!
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tuiyla · 2 years
“I’m also just curious to know which tools and methods you found useful [...] So yes please reach out again (either on or off anon whatever feels comfortable).”
Please bear in mind that English isn’t my first language and that it’s difficult for me to talk about Photoshop features, so I hope this is comprehensible ;-; Anyway, things you did that I found useful:
- Using the Transform tool to change the size of images/logos, text and most importantly gifs (when you’re blending them). In the latter case in particular, I used to crop them separately before combining them in a separate document so I’d have to proceed by trial and error until the gifs finally looked good together. The way you do it is much more flexible and quicker. I tested it and it worked! The only downside is that the file size can become much larger with this method. I was going to ask how you managed to use it while still working on seven gifs at the same time (ie in the fourth gif of the set, the one showcasing the last part of Naya’s career), but then I saw that you lowered the gifs’ dimensions before adding them to the document... I had forgotten to do that lol. Good trick, this will definitely come in handy.
- Combining two different ripped papers in order to obtain a different shape... That was pretty clever. And using the pen tool in order to cut parts of these ripped papers. I had never used this tool and didn’t know what was its purpose. Still need to try it and see if I can work with it lol. And also working on the ripped papers and text in a separate document before adding them on the gif. That’s a good method, it helps to keep things organized.
- Using a document with a bigger height than the actual gif's and adding a shape to represent the small space between gifs on tumblr in order to create a continuous transition between the separate parts of Chris’ tribute to Naya. I didn’t really know how to connect images or passages or whatever from one gif to another like that, but now I think I could make it work after seeing how you do it.
- Creating an outline for the butterfly by duplicating it, changing its color and blending mode and moving it a bit. I’d seen people add similar outlines in other sets, but had no idea how they did it. 
- Using the rectangular marquee tool to delete parts of the gifs. I wasn’t sure how this tool worked, so it was interesting to see you using it.
- Using the method import video to layers. I still haven’t figured out how to use it myself because my Photoshop (I use the 2022 version) refuses to open the vast majority of the clips I download and I don’t know why. So I always used the Load Files Into Stack method. Still, good to remember that I can use another method if I manage to figure out how to do so, lol.
- Seeing the settings of the noise filter you added for your gifs. I never used it for my own, but I really like how it looked on yours and might try it at some point.
- Letting me know about the existence of another Youtube Downloader website. (It isn’t available in my country for some reason, but it works when I activate my VPN)
- Looking at your list of fonts also gave me some excellent recommendations like Partsold and Soulwave.
I imagine some of these methods/tips might be self-evident for you haha, especially bc I don't remember any gifmaker explaining most of them in any tutorial (and I search for and read a lot of tutorials). So seeing someone doing these things in a screenrecord was incredibly helpful. Hope you post more videos showing your gifmaking progress, I watched the previous ones too and they're all fascinating (especially the Naya one bc the set is so incredibly gorgeous and complex) <333
Oh wow, thanks for this summary! It was very interesting to read. And no worries about the language everything was perfectly clear.
If I may just reflect on a few points and maybe provide some further tips:
Transform tool: big yes, use transform and use it often! And yeah I've only recently started resizing the images before dragging them to the gif file itself and it saves a loooot of storage. You can't always know what size you'll need but I'm usually good with sizing the height to whatever my gif's height will be, 500px for example, and then I'm already much better off than with a smart object that's actually twice the size I need. I've been shaving off hundreds of MBs this way. I often work with several smart objects within the same file and they add up so yeah resize before converting into smart object when possible. And play around with the transform tool as much as you like! Its user-friendliness is one of the things that puts PS miles above similar software for me.
Pen tool and image combos: the pen tool is an old friend of mine from my shitty Avatar still image edit days. Again I recommend playing around with it because it can be such a powerful tool. Not shown on the video but I separated the Naya image used for the butterfly from its background using the pen tool. So I would mostly use it for cutting or small adjustments. And yeah sometimes you just need different shapes, so again the transform tool can do a lot and the pen tool helps with those final touches. I almost didn't include this section of the ripped pages in the video but I'm glad I did.
Using other docs: I don't usually but when it's something like this where the bottom of one gif "bleeds" into the next one I think it's just way easier to get the bigger picture. And then the shape used to represent tumblr's 4px gap helps to then place it on your actual gif.
Outlines via duplicates: it's become a "popular"technique from what I can tell haha, and all it is is nudging a duplicate and putting whatever effect you want on it. I had a few different variations of the butterfly but also if you look at texts like Naya's and Santana's names, they follow the same principle of duplicating and nudging, only there I put the fill percent on zero and add a stroke. It's mostly to help the text or object pop more, distinguish it from the background. (I guess I didn't include this in the video put ended up adding those outlines later.)
Rectangular marquee tool: particularly useful when used in combination with a layer mask and, like with the TV sets, deleting the unnecessary bits. With the TV sets, I just put the scene/smart object and all its adjustment layers under the TV's layer and whatever parts weren't needed got cut via this tool. In cases like these and where I do want a rectangular shape in the end it's just faster than the eraser.
Importing video to layers: this was life-saving when I upgraded my PS and started using it instead of manual screenshots. Maybe check the file formats? Mp4 should work best and, iirc, PS might not import from formats like mpeg and wmv. If you found a workaround that's good too, but might be worth looking into this issue as well.
Noise (and other filters): noise is a funny one because I don't typically use it. To be honest, I don't spend all that much time on sharpening and adjusting gifs to perfection like more disciplined gifmakers than me do. I usually just slap the usual settings on lol. But both because this project was a love child and because I worked with some truly, truly low res footage I tried everything I could to make it not look like it has the grand total of two pixels. For reference, this is the video of Naya hosting GLAAD in 2011, used for the last gif. This is the official GLAAD video and it still looks like it was recorded from a pen I found on the floor. I can't turn something like this into HD but a careful balance of sharpening and especially noise creates a nicer look, I hope, or at least adds a charm to the low quality. Long story short, there are lots of sharpening and probably some noise tutorials out there that I recommend looking into because it can really elevate gifs. At first glance, these are the ones I could find.
On the topic of youtube downloaders, I just ended up sticking with that one but I'm sure there are loads out there, and in terms of fonts I have way too many haha. And end up really favouring the first half of the alphabet as an unfortunate result. But if you want to explore more gifs, searching for font recs and font packs is a great start, as well as websites like Dafont or 1001 fonts (my new fav).
All in all, very happy I could help and very impressed you got all that from a video running on times 64 speed haha. Thanks for sending this in, I hope I could provide further tips and as always I'm happy to walk through more gif stuff if needed.
Also! I don't know if you've seen the two other gif videos I've posted in the past but they're waaaay slower (and less complicated). Maybe those will be nothing new after this massive Naya one but in any case I have a proper tag for them now and hoping to post more in the future.
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bladehorror · 2 years
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Really feeling my black/purple dragons tonight, for no particular reason.
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thebigqueer · 3 years
Ok, here we go. Dark!Bianca idea. Shortly after the events in the desert, a severely injured Bianca is found by agents of the Titans who were shadowing the quest party off-page. She is brought back to Titan HQ and is convinced to join their crusade against the gods while her friends and family think she's dead. Jump ahead to BotL, instead of Kelli the Empousa, it is a mysterious masked assassin who attacks Percy and Rachel at Goode. The events mostly play out unchanged until Geryon's (1/8)
ranch, where instead of Bianca, it is the ghost of Maria di Angelo who is revealed to be sending Iris messages to Percy about Nico, while also strongly hinting that Bianca's still alive. Jump ahead to Mt St. Helens, Percy fights the assassin again, and during his stint on Ogygia, Percy begins to put two and two together after the assassin demonstrated skills similar to the Hunters. At Antaeus' Arena, the assassin is finally unmasked to reveal a still-alive but scarred Bianca, replacing (2/8)
Ethan Nakamura as the demigod enforcer. Percy is convinced that Bianca is being mind-controlled and goes to Mt Tam to rescue her as well as stop Kronos. However, when he confronts her, Bianca reveals that she's operating of her own free will, feeling vengeful against the gods for robbing her of her life and having pledged her loyalty to her new Titan master. Kronos intends to make Bianca the prophesy kid, promising her the free will she craves so badly as well as promising not to hurt (3/8)
Nico. Going into the Last Olympian, Percy and Nico are both determined to convince Bianca that she's making a mistake, and this time Nico's duplicity is not to simply learn about his mother but to try and summon her spirit to get through to Bianca. At the same time, Kronos gradually starts treating Bianca as less of an ally and more of a tool, and the Titans' actions cause her to have doubts even though she dosen't know what else to do. It all comes to a head in the final battle.(4/8)
Nico returns from the Underworld by himself early, giving Hades an ultimatum to come and fight or hide. Just before the final attack, Kronos sends Bianca to infiltrate Olympus to disable the magic defenses, but Nico arrives to intercept her and make one last bid to save her. They fight, with both begging the other to stand down even as they slug it out. Finally, just as Percy arrives to chase Kronos, the battered siblings' duel ends when Nico gives another ultimatum. He throws down his (5/8)
sword and gives Bianca, now reduced to fear and frustration-induced tears, the choice between perusing her grudge and allowing herself to continue being Kronos’s slave or doing the right thing. Finally able to make a legitimate choice of her own, Bianca chooses to turn her back on the Titans. She still ends up wounded, but unlike Ethan in canon, Nico manages to save his sister while Percy and Kronos have their final battle. After everything ends, Percy petitions for Bianca’s pardon along (6/8)
with the rest of his list, though Bianca turns it down, realizing the harm she almost caused to the person she loved more than anybody else. She is given a reduced sentence in service to her father, and though she does not properly forgive any of the gods that hurt her, she does recognize that the spite and anger she felt would only lead to more death. Nico gets to visit her occasionally, and she starts a road to redemption that Luke never got the chance to take. In HoO, Bianca is (7/8)
more of a background character, but it is she that finds Hazel in Asphodel and alerts Nico to her. Overall, dark!Bianca is an anti-villain who’s affiliation with Kronos is clearly drawn from her pain and grief over the gods’ interference in her life, but her saving grace is her brother. Nico manages to pull her out of the darkness and save her from becoming the same monster Luke became. What do you think? (bear in mind, this is my rough draft) (8/8)
Okay, WOW. Anon, I am actually going to start a petition to make you the new Percy Jackson author because that was such an interesting plot to read.
First of all, I love that you replaced Bianca with Ethan. As interesting as he was in the series, and as much as I loved his character, after reading through your rough draft, I feel like Bianca would have been a much better character to use throughout PJO. Her arc could have been expanded upon and completed thoroughly, and it could have made a lot of sense. Ethan felt more like a representation of "demigods turned to the other side," which I get is the point, but I loved the way you used Bianca because with your plot, her character could have been used so well to properly show how easily the Titan army manipulated kids.
Furthermore, I feel like your plot with Bianca could have been a much better way to use her character throughout the series. From my interpretation, in canon she seemed more like a stand-in tool just to enhance Nico's own character arc and his motives, but your plot for her would have actually given her some kind of foundation and an actual arc for her to go through. You've given her such an interesting character and I think it really provides more justice to what she could have been.
I also love the way that not only did you give her a better arc, but you also enhanced Nico's own arc and the plot, too. Her death in the books seemed more symbolic to him and a turning point in his character, but with her character in your AU, it's both important to Nico and Bianca. You've given her an actual character, and you've set up such an interesting conflict between Nico and Bianca.
Additionally, I love the divide you've created between them. I think that - based on what we know about her in the books - as much as she loves her brother, Bianca also feels very limited with him because of how she's been forced to grow up and be his savior. She understands that he's only a child, though, which I think could also play into her own hatred for the gods - they've not only destroyed her family, but now they're forcing her to take the role of an adult when she's a mere child, too? She was never angry at Nico - she was only ever mad with the gods.
Maybe that's something that Nico also feels bad about, and maybe he tells her about it when they're standing each other down. Maybe she lets him know that she never hated him or felt that he was bringing her down.
Also, I want to add that I adore the way you put them on opposite sides. It sets up such an interesting dynamic to their relationship because here you have two people who love each other so much, but they're on two different sides of a large war. They're both too stubborn to go onto each other's sides, and Nico knows Bianca's only going to get herself into more danger. I just love the potential that has for both of their characters.
I know Percy had a large fear about Nico being another kid to join Kronos' army, so I bet Bianca being on his team would have left Percy incredibly terrified for Nico, too, because he knew how much Nico loved Bianca. Would he have been nervous for Nico's ability to change his mind? Nico knows he'd never join Kronos, but would Percy have known?
And, knowing that Bianca's now on the Kronos side, how would Percy react? Because he felt pretty guilty about her death in TTC, right? Would he feel guilty that she's on the other side now, too? Would he try to reason with her, only to push her further away? I'd love to see how Percy would deal with knowing that Bianca - an important child of the Big Three - would react to her being there. He was already nervous about Nico joining sides, but having Bianca there would have really scared him.
And the part about Bianca finding Hazel instead of Nico? That was mind-blowing. I love everything about that situation because now that introduces Hazel into the narrative of Nico and Bianca's story. My question for you would be how does Hazel's character change now? How does she fit in with Nico and Bianca? Because in Heroes of Olympus she's clearly very insecure about her relationship with Nico and how he views her, but if she actually knew Bianca, how would she feel? Would she feel more left out (knowing that Bianca and Nico have known each other much longer and have a stronger connection with each other)? Would she be distrustful? And how would the three of them adapt to this additional family member? I have high hopes that by the end they would all love each other very much, but I'm just really curious into how Hazel's addition would influence the dynamic of all three.
And, essentially, it all ends into a somewhat win-win situation. Bianca's still living; Nico's got two new sisters; Hazel now has a new family.
I think this is such an interesting concept, and I'd love to read it. If you ever post it anywhere, please do share the link! This was such an intriguing plot to go through and, again, I think this could have been a much better use of Bianca's character.
Thank you so much for sharing it with me.
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makeste · 4 years
in which Deku is a horcrux.
okay, so! here’s another post on this, because I feel like nobody is talking about it?? and like hey, I get it, because there was A Lot!! going on in this chapter! but you guys. like yeah, Tomura’s hair is pretty; and yeah, AFO kept Nana’s severed hand around for shits and giggles maybe; and yeah, Ujiko attempted to murder and abduct the child!Aizawa and then whined to Present Mic about having to settle for Shirakumo instead (which!!!!! YEAH, THAT’S. ....); and all of that is Some Shit!!
but also, guys. can we talk about how Deku has a fucking psychic link to AFO, though.
like hey, remember this?
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the timing of which coincided with this?
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yeah. and now we have this!!
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coinciding with this!
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so yeah. let’s break this all down really quick.
okay so here’s the theory in a nutshell.
1. AFO steals a power-stockpiling quirk from some hapless nobody, probably around 200 years ago. he doesn’t know it’s a power-stockpiling quirk, though. he thinks it’s a strength quirk. hence why he’s surprised to discover that it doesn’t seem to be working after he takes it! since quirks are still relatively new at this time, there’s a lot that people still don’t understand about them, and so he doesn’t realize he’s actually dealing with what Monoma would call a “blank.”
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so what AFO thought was a strength quirk turned out to be useless for him, because he only copied the bare-bones essence of the quirk and not the accumulated power. disappointing, but not the end of the world. except that he’s about to go and make it a whole lot worse for himself.
2. so he decides to give this “useless” quirk to his quirkless younger brother as a means of getting him to submit! except that this backfires. because of this curious fact about OFA/AFO:
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  basically, the accumulated power of OFA can’t be taken by force (as Monoma discovered). but it can be transferred if the holder gives it to someone willingly. which, oh hey guess what, AFO actually did.
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3. so basically, AFO had this power-stockpiling quirk sitting inside of him, stockpiling his power, until he willingly gave it up to his younger brother, and by doing so transferred a part of his own power into his brother as well. and these two powers which he transferred -- All for One, and the power-stocker -- combined to form what we think of as “One for All.” a quirk which stockpiles power and can be transferred from person to person (just as AFO can transfer quirks to other people at will).
4. and last but not least, we now know that’s not all that gets transferred from person to person.
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so yeah. (: catch my meaning now?
so basically OFA is and has always been a duplicate of AFO. but unlike the quirk Tomura now bears, this version of AFO was transferred unintentionally. the results, however, are more or less the same! Deku now bears a piece of AFO’s soul inside of him much like Tomura now appears to. this is the only explanation that I can see for why he’s able to sense the awakening of Tomura 2.0 AFO’S Revenge as it’s happening, even though he’s miles away. the part of AFO that resides in him is still linked to the original quirk. just like AFO is linked to Tomura. because yeah lol I’m pretty sure he is you guys.
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(: (: (:
so what are the implications of this? well for starters, it looks to me like Deku, AFO, and Tomura all have some connection to each other’s minds. the extent of this is still unknown, so like this doesn’t necessarily mean Deku is going to start making random appearances in Tomura’s mental landscape a la Kylo Ren, or vice versa. or that AFO can spy on the good guys by peering into Deku’s mind. but there is definitely some kind of psychic bond there which is going to be important, mark my words. hell, it already is becoming important; Deku being aware of Tomura’s resurgence is going to have a huge ripple effect on the events of the upcoming chapters. particularly if he, Shouto, and Katsuki end up leaving their assigned posts and running off to help Aizawa, Endeavor, and the rest. there are tons of potential plot implications for this moving forward.
then there’s also the as-yet-unknown depths of the link that’s now present between AFO and Tomura. I’m of the opinion that this is a part of AFO’s soul that’s now residing within Tomura, just as pieces of the Vestiges’ souls are currently chilling out within Deku. I don’t think AFO would have willingly given his power to Tomura unless he had some way of ensuring that he himself would live on in some way. AFO is the antithesis of everything All Might and Deku and OFA represent; if OFA symbolizes selflessness and sacrifice and many souls working together toward a common goal, then AFO represents egoism and greed and the sacrificing of many to benefit only one. OFA is give; AFO is take. AFO has no regard for others. he cares only about himself.
so for AFO to take a page from OFA’s book and decide to pass on his strength to another strikes me as a very uncharacteristic decision on his part. sure, he still gets his revenge, but what’s the point if he’s not around to see it? is he even capable of that kind of thinking? of understanding the concept of living on through someone else? and then there’s the fact that he started raising Tomura as his successor years before he suffered his injury at the hands of All Might. so was he planning this even back then? if so, one has to think there was more to it than him simply giving up his quirk in order to allow Tomura to succeed where he never could. I just don’t feel like it’s the kind of thing he would ever do unless he would somehow be able to bask in that moment himself when it finally came. he just doesn’t do things unless they benefit him directly. I don’t feel like the mere knowledge that Tomura would carry on his mission while he rots away in a jail cell would be enough. not for him; not for someone whose entire character is built around selfishness and greed and an unbridled thirst to make everything his.
but if he gets to somehow live on as part of Tomura, though. through his quirk. if it really is like a horcrux, where that piece of his soul has the capability to continue living on even if the original is destroyed. now, that. that would change everything. because that means he can still be the one in control. he can pull Tomura’s strings from within the shadows of his mind. he can see for himself the look on All Might’s face when he’s killed by the grandson of the woman he thought of as his own mother. he can continue to live on, to rule over everything, to be the lord of evil. so yeah. again, I feel like this is the only thing that would actually make sense, given the kind of person that he is.
anyways, so! lots to think about. and lots of questions remaining to be answered! is AFO aware of the connection he has with All Might’s successor as well as his own? (if so, that’s a huge and very dangerous powder keg which could potentially go off at any moment.) will Tomura, who much like Zuko in a:tla is now caught between two conflicting legacies -- that of the monstrous man who raised him, and that of his grandmother’s blood which runs through him -- prove to be less of a willing puppet than AFO anticipated? particularly if this implied new connection with Deku -- someone who is the complete opposite of AFO in many ways and whose influence would be so starkly unlike any other that Tomura has had in his life since his family died -- ends up panning out in ways AFO did not foresee? and of course, the biggest question of all, “is this theory really true to begin with, or is this all just a giant reach based on inconclusive evidence which we don’t fully understand yet?”
and maybe! lol. but like I said, whatever the actual truth ends up being, I didn’t see much discussion going on about the implications of this strange “he’s coming!” moment. and gosh darn it, I want to know more about this, and I want to know now.
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bassdaily · 3 years
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@chronicdelusionist​ Yeee..nnn...sss...oooo...? I remember reading two different things about this topic, and for the life of me, can only find the first one.
“Mega Man X1 Internal Design Document Posted at 30th Anniversary Event” at Protodude’s Rockman-Corner.
This piece is an official character relationship chart which [...] was written between Mega Man 5 and X1's development in 1993. [...] according to this document, Dr. Wily used Proto Man as a reference when creating Zero (bear in mind Bass did not exist at this point).
Screenshot of the relevant portion:
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There’s a few things about this I find pretty interesting, like the fact there’s a dashed line between Mega Man and X (a secondary connection) — but a solid line (a direct connection) going from Proto Man -> “Reference” -> Zero Project. This suggests, to me at least, that while X may have been inspired by Rock they don’t share any actual programming or schematics. Blues and Zero, on the other hand... might? And “Reference” implies that even in the development stages of MMX1, they knew Wily didn’t just copy Blues’ programming or schematics and immediately turn around and start working on Zero. He used what he stole/learned on other [to be determined] projects, refined it, and later used that to build Zero.
(Also the other Robot Masters, bosses, minor baddies are all just grouped together as “Evil Robots”, lol sorry guys.)
The other thing I’d read was... I think... crap, I’m sorry, I can’t remember. If it comes to me and I find it I’ll update this. Assuming I didn’t imagine it, lmao. But I think it was a breakdown of the game timeline?
Basically, in The Power Fighters Dr. Wily says “I studied Megaman hoping to create a similar robot” and then accidentally developed Bassinium. So he admits yeah Bass is intentionally an edgy recolor 😂 and he was trying to duplicate Mega Man. But when exactly did he study Rock? Know who he did study... and rip off of...? Rock’s prototype, Blues.
Wily goes on to say he’s used what he learned from creating Bass to build Zero. Coincidentally we have ancillary info that Wily used copied material from Proto Man to eventually build Zero. I’m making a leap that it was on the software end, but given that Blues, Bass, and Zero all have a strong independent/rebellious streak, I don’t think it’s a stretch. (Also Bass and Zero are overpowered while Proto Man is, ah, not known for his strength. So. I don’t think it’s likely he was copying hardware schematics.)
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luxlightly · 4 years
Ok I was originally not going to post this because it's A Lot of headcanon for an improv video game comedy series and just send it to one person but they never responded and I'm attention starved. So here's my huge, Bubby centric, monster of a headcanon that ties the whole series together. Mostly under a cut because it's A Lot. (written in one sitting on my phone so excuse the multiple changes in tense and typos)
So the big sort of thing is that Bubby caused the resonance cascade. He sabotaged the computers. He just meant for it to be a distraction to escape black mesa but Benry's involvement and the chaotic element of the Player Character interacting with him caused everything to go to hell fast. Also Benry and Bubby are sort of brothers.
Going backwards to explain:
So some of this really stretches the canon because it's mixing a "it's a real world" au and "it's still a video game" au kind of ideas. 
Basically the world of the video game exists sort of as a parallel dimension within the game's code. The G-man exists kind of outside of the rules, able to control more or less the code or console. He's kind of the Mastermind behind black Mesa as a whole who exists outside the game's code to a sort of in between layer (in those time stop moments) where he can only be seen by those who are also in some way connected to the Real World through either direct connection to the Player or sufficient connection to the console code. His reach is in ways limited because of this and he cannot easily interact with the game world characters. He uses Black Mesa as a way to use the science of their word to try to create new things from the code or otherwise more precisely control it.
Which is where Bubby comes in. Basically, black Mesa took the basic code for the security officer Barney and tried to create new copies with connections to the code they could use. However it was pretty much a complete failure. Only two of the attempts even survived to maturity with any kind of personally intact, but they weren't right. Trying to connect them with the code like that broke them in certain ways. On creation, the scientists asked them their names to try to get them to access their own files to find the name, but neither could, it came out garbled. So instead they went by the names they more or less gave themselves. 
Bubby is able to connect to the console commands specifically to set objects and characters on fire(among some others in small amounts that are far less well controlled), but he can't understand that's what it is. It's just psychokinesis to him. And he's not good at controlling it, especially when he was younger. He's also scrawny, has several phobias, and is overall much more suited to academic pursuits than being any kind of soldier for them. It also causes him to glitch at times('here i come, Gordon! Here I come, Gordon! Here I come, Gordon!). His code is more or less like a badly implemented mod that tried to unlock god admin mode but failed and now doesn't quite fit back in with the original code right.
They kept him as a scientist at black Mesa mostly to keep him under surveillance. He knows this. He doesn't know anything about the code or anything, but he knows he was made there etc etc. He spent most of his time just keeping the other scientists afraid of him and his spontaneous combustion and studying as much as he could. He'd never been outside. He wasn't allowed to leave. He'd never really cared to. 
Until (and this was largely inspired by the '30 something Coomer and Bubby when Coomer first joined black Mesa by @inkwellstars) a new scientist was hired. Bubby largely ignored him except for trying to scare him away from any annoying attempts and friendship with some showy (if poorly controlled) pyrotechnics. But Coomer was just fascinated and made a terrible pun about his new coworker being 'a real hothead'. Which infuriated Bubby into taking an interest in him. Coomer remained the only person who was unfazed enough by the fire and the shark teeth to not just still hang around, but even tease him, no matter how hard Bubby tried to intimidate him out of it. Eventually, Bubby realized it was the last thing he actually wanted. That this man was the first person who he'd ever had treat him… Like a human being. And for the first time, he considers a world outside black Mesa. And it's somewhere he wants to go. He wants to follow this man when he walks out the sliding lab doors back to a world he'd never been a part of. 
Not that he's pining or anything!! Coomer was a married man, after all!(no way no sir not that). 
 Bubby has a lot of unmanaged anger because he just catches on fire if he gets too frustrated. After a discussion of Coomer's past boxing ambitions, they set up the underground boxing league mostly just as the two of them, letting Bubby actually let off some steam in a metaphorical instead of literal way. He gets his ass handed to him every time but it's nice to not be treated like either the boss' fragile, expensive toy or a living Molotov cocktail. Bubby learns a bit of fighting along the way,to boot. He gets much better at controlling his fire. Coomer picks him up in a "lift off the ground and spin around" bear hug when he manages to set something aflame without setting any part of himself alight first. Bubby somehow feels that was more important to him than the accomplishment itself. Eventually word gets out about the quite literal underground rings they've started up and it becomes a whole league and Bubby takes a more spectator role, contented to play coach to Coomer.
However, Coomer's impressive strength and fortitude aren't only noticed by an admiring(and sightly love struck) Bubby. Black Mesa decides to try, instead of using code to try to create a new entities with connection to the code, to use an existing character, enhance them, and then create copies of them. Coomer became that existing character.
At first it seemed to work perfectly. They had a character able to alter the world at their will(sending Gordon back and forth through time/creating portals), access a super human, nearly godlike state of power(super player feature) and alter the code in a multitude of other ways. They implemented a system of authorization to stop him from accessing these powers without permission from a handler. These PlayCoins could only be gained and used by someone directly connected to the console code or real world. Someone connected to that liminal space between code and reality the g-man exists in. However, trying to create duplicates didn't create a new, equally powerful entity, it just split the power of the original. From there, Coomer's spirit was still too powerful to be completely controlled, so they split him into dozens of clones, dividing up that power until he was within a range they could control. The effect on his psyche was devastating, however. It trapped him into the code of 'tutorial npc' but his response triggers got completely broken so he responds to the wrong things. Before the scripted events of the game in which those triggers are, it didn't affect his day to day behavior, but it did leave him with an inescapable partial awareness of the game itself. As split as he is, he can't understand or remember anything about what it means, it's just a constant disconnect between him and the game's reality. It causes his marriage to fall apart. 
Bubby doesn't know about what happened to Coomer. A lot of his own memories are controlled and tampered with as well. But he feels as though his getting close to Coomer caused his suffering and they end up drifting apart for a long time and Bubby's longing to see the world outside his laboratory home fades alongside their once strong bond.
Until. The other failed test tube character made from the mangled and stripped code of the security officer Barney who was torn out of the code to be twisted to the g man's whims comes to Bubby with an idea. The man who is not a man. Who has no parents and named himself : Benry.
Benry seemed like he should have been perfect. He kept the most physical resemblance to the original Barney, he seemed physically stable. As far as anyone could tell, he was completely connected to the console code. He should be able to control whatever he wanted, but besides the sweet voice and an unnatural fortitude, he seemed to have no remarkable qualities. Also he was all but totally incoherent. Memory, temporal and spacial awareness,and speech function were severely impaired. He often forgot where and when he was('... What happened to your arm?'), got his own memories confused with the memories of the now non-existent Barney ('you and me we used to be friends do you remember i don't know what happened'). Along with an erratic and unpredictable personality. He was considered another of countless failures and given a menial security job, like with Bubby, mostly just to keep an eye on him. Benry and Bubby, despite being practically siblings, aren't close, but do trust each other insomuch as they know the other probably won't outright kill them. 
But Benry was not as unremarkable as he seemed.
And the introduction of a new element would throw everything into chaos: The Player. And, by extension, The Game.
The Player, in this instance, refers to the assumed person who is playing the game in which the characters exist. They are a discrete, unseen, and unmentioned character, who is neither Wayne nor Gordon Freeman. Wayne is the actor playing both Gordon and, in ways The Player, in the same way that Holly is playing the character of Coomer. Gordon is the AI character who exists within the game world. He believes he is in control of his actions and that what he experiences is real. He exists on the same layer of fiction as the other AI such as the character of Coomer.  The Player is whomever, within the fiction of the series, is physically playing The Game.
The Game is the actual scripted, programmed events that were programmed in the "real world" (the Player's real world in which they live and are playing the Game). It represents the events that happen from the time the Player begins the game and when they complete it. The Game represents the overlap between the reality in which the AI exist and The Player's world. Presumably a copy of the original game Half Life. 
As the events of The Game draw nearer, it makes every charterer with a connection to the code antsy. Bubby starts thinking, for the first time in years, about the world outside black Mesa's walls. Thought becomes longing. Longing becomes desperation. A need to escape from here by any means necessary.
Benry approaches him with an idea. They'll sabotage the big test that Dr.Freeman is running. The whole thing will likely explode, causing enough destruction and distraction for them to slip away in the chaos (with Coomer in tow if Bubby could help it). Freeman would almost certainly die but that was a necessary casualty for their freedom. Bubby never liked him anyway. There was just something...off about him. Like a weird double vision he couldn't shake around the man. Like something was both there that shouldn't be and missing that should be. Bubby avoided him. He didn't think he'd ever had a single conversation with him. He agrees.
Benry stops Gordon at the entrance and tries to stall him as long as possible with bogus requests to give Bubby as much time to sabotage the test as possible (which he does by crawling inside the computers, claiming he's fixing a problem). 
However,Gordon is not connected to the console code, but directly to the real world through being controlled by The Player. As the Player triggers the scripted events of The Game, the holes and mangled code the g man and black Mesa have been tampering with start going haywire. Especially as Benry interacts with him directly. His latent connection to the console code starts activating, giving him ability to control himself and the game more and more, but his memory issues and temporal confusion makes him unable to determine what is and isn't real so his code powers start just making it real, beginning to actively break the Game from within. The bogus excuse about a passport (he forgot the word for ID and had to roll with the lie) became a reality and a powerful one. He starts teleporting and clipping through the walls.
Bubby starts the test, unaware of the change. He played along with the passport thing to not blow Benry's story. But by the time he reaches the chamber, it's already a real thing everyone else there had and should have. 
When the cascade starts, though, Bubby is caught off guard. It was just supposed to explode. It wasn't supposed to bridge dimensions and cause this rift. He assumes Gordon did something to cause it to fail so catastrophically. He phases through the window of the observation room (something he didn't even know he could do and likely didn't even realize he was doing and forgot afterwards since he was immediately knocked out) but it's too late to stop it.
Then the events of the Game are in full swing and all the broken code of every character crumbles and results in the "look Gordon! Ropes!" Glitched tutorial Coomer, a Bubby whose setting himself on fire on accident for the first time in years, and a Benry who transcends beyond the confines of his code into an extradimemsional Chimera of sorts who can pass in and out of the liminal G space, become and summon skeleton minions who also can be or not be in that space, able to be seen by anyone or just by someone able to perceive that plane of existence, such as Gordon.
As Coomer destroys his clones, he gets pieces of his power and fragments of memory back. Enough to know that they are clones and that killing them returns his powers to him. Bubby and he quickly rekindle their bond, with the memory tapering being undone.
Bubby is still desperate to leave, trying to get Gordon to go faster by guilting him and saying he wants to go home (though black Mesa is his actual home). However everything just seems to get more and more drawn out and they can never really make progress.
Benry convinces Bubby that Gordon is the reason that they can't leave. Bubby can sense that something is different about Gordon so he believes it. Benry may or may not believe it himself. He may have realized that leading the Player to the end would only end the Game and tried to subvert that path. Or the programmed event of Gordon's ambush might have just pushed them both to it. Impossible to say. 
In any case, Bubby is quickly also detained and put back in his tube.
With enough clones killed, and having accidentally jumped out of the play box and seen that there's nothing physically beyond black Mesa, Coomer becomes aware of and connected to the console code and aware of the "real world". He tries to use Gordon's connection to the Player to get to the real world, though at this point he can only understand it as the world of Gordon's "dreams". When Tommy kills all of the clones, then knocks out Coomer, it causes a full reset and Coomer becomes his full,unshattered self again. He still is limited by his need for authorization through PlayCoins, but he's much more coherent and quickly becomes completely aware of his situation within the Game and starts talking directly to the Player through Gordon at times. 
The rest is history. 
As for some other non directly related things: Tommy is g man's attempt at a more biological connection between the code and the game universe. Tommy is his son and has all the abilities of a g-man but is largely unable to use them and unaware of them due to his young age (comparatively to the immortal g man, 36 is still a child) and his innocence. He is also completely integrated with the game universe with no glitches from the union. Tommy is not aware he's the Gman's son. He thinks it's just some guy who bought him Vin Diesel and the minions. Tommy tends to use his powers entirely accidentally when he does, with the exception of creating Sunkist. In doing so he also surpassed his father's ultimate limit: creating a completely new element to the game without having to gut other code. He created the perfect dog out of completely new content he willed into existence. Unfortunately for G-Man, Tommy is far too pure and goodhearted to be used to any nefarious ends. 
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therisingtithes · 4 years
I read Elegy for the Self as Villeneuve’s Beast and love it. Congratulations on becoming an Ignyte Award finalist! The title of this poem is what drew me in first--I feel like I'm the only person I know who has read Villeneuve’s version of the B & B story, and there are some really great moments in it that I wish people knew, like how reeeeally messed up it is that he got cursed at all. Can I ask what your creative process was like for this and its partner poem about Villeneuve’s Belle?
Thank you very much! (And apologies for not replying much sooner! I tend to not be on Tumblr very often, and it never notified me about this question!) 
As for my process, I’m presently working on a poetry collection with draws a lot from metaphors for monstrosity in fairy tales, horror films and so on, so I spent a lot of time really digging into a lot of media and sitting with my feelings about those stories, as well as what those stories tend to say or not say about violence, bias, and other things. I’m sure far smarter people than me have already talked a whole lot about how the original versions of many fairy tales are much darker and more fraught than their adapted counterparts, so I knew already that I was looking for something complicated in the original story that would put the feelings I already have about it in greater context (for clarity, I don’t think I like Beauty and the Beast, or at least the Disney version, at least because it felt a lot like the innate ‘monstrosity’ being observed was still on a layer of bias to me in a way I couldn’t qualify at the time.) 
I think the thing that really got me to write on this was probably MC Frontalot’s Question Bedtime, I think? I’ve only ever consumed its singles, of course, but two songs stood out to me in a very meta way. ‘Gold Locks’ reframes the Goldilocks story as violence that I immediately read as undoing the assumptions we make about aggressors and victims, because when you really think about it, the three bears are the victims of violence the likes of which we would be primed to hate or fear if the story went the other way. 
‘Mornings Come And Go’, however, stands out even more clearly to me for a similar but altogether different reason. It’s kinda obvious the kind of story Frontalot wants to tell with the song: this is the story of a man who found love (and excess mental and emotional labour) from a woman in a complicated circumstance only to abandon her and never return. Pat Rothfuss even wrote a blog post about how the video’s director connected the imagery of the song through multiple layers of duplicity and unrequited love a la John Hughes. And the whole time, I couldn’t help but be curious about what that story looked like as well.
And it turns out The Mastermaid ends with us learning that since their parting, all kinds of wickedness has happened to that prince. Even his very memory has been robbed, and it takes her genuinely seeking him out and baring her soul that he regains his memory and his love for her. I mean, it’s a fairy tale--in the real world you wouldn’t expect anyone to have to commit to that extra labour just for someone to confess their love to you--but it kinda opened up a lot of things for me. About how we view or review memory (including the memory of trauma), and how absence creates narrative, and how our lenses around fairy tales are coloured by gender in mutually dangerous ways. 
Digging into those kinds of relationships has still been a trove of inspiration for that collection and the rest of my writing work, and has also widened a lot of my perspective about the ways in which we read in general. Thank you again for this question!
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bakerthrill49 · 4 years
Sql Meeting Questions You'll Bear in mind
The course has lots of interactive SQL practice exercises that go from much easier to testing. The interactive code editor, information sets, as well as obstacles will help you seal your expertise. Mostly all SQL task candidates go through precisely the same nerve-wracking process. Here at LearnSQL.com, we have the lowdown on all the SQL practice as well as preparation you'll require to ace those interview questions and take your occupation to the next degree. Reporting is coating the aspects of development of de facto mop up of test cases specified in the layout as well as sterilize the reportage % in signed up with requirementset. If you're interviewing for pliable docket work, here are 10 meeting questions to ask. Make sure to shut at the end of the meeting. And also how can there be impedimenta on freedom comey. The initial affair to celebrate or so the emplacement is that individuals. We need to offer the invalid condition in the where stipulation, where the whole data will replicate to the brand-new table. NOT NULL column in the base table that is not selected by the sight. Relationship in the database can be specified as the link in between greater than one table. In between these, a table variable is quicker mainly as it is stored in memory, whereas a short-term table is stored on disk.
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Hibernate allow's us create object-oriented code as well as internally transforms them to indigenous SQL queries to carry out versus a relational database. A data source trigger is a program that immediately carries out in action to some event on a table or sight such as insert/update/delete of a record. Mostly, the database trigger aids us to maintain the integrity of the data source. Likewise, IN Declaration runs within the ResultSet while EXISTS keyword operates on digital tables. In this context, the IN Declaration additionally does not operate on questions that relates to Online tables while the EXISTS search phrase is utilized on linked inquiries. The MINUS keyword essentially subtracts between two SELECT questions. The result is the difference in between the very first question and also the second query. In case the size of the table variable goes beyond memory size, then both the tables carry out similarly. Referential integrity is a relational database concept that recommends that precision and also uniformity of information ought to be kept between primary as well as foreign secrets. Q. Checklist all the possible worths that can be kept in a BOOLEAN information area. A table can have any kind of variety of foreign keys defined. Aggregate query-- A inquiry that summarizes information from multiple table rows by using an accumulated function. Hop on over to the SQL Practice course on LearnSQL.com. This is the hands-down ideal location to evaluate as well as consolidate your SQL abilities before a big meeting. You do have full internet gain access to as well as if you need even more time, do not hesitate to ask for it. They are a lot more worried about completion item rather than anything else. Yet make indisputable concerning assuming that it will certainly resemble any coding round. They do a via end to finish check on your rational as well as coding ability. And from that you need to assess and also execute your technique. This will not require front end or database coding, console application will do. So you need to obtain data and after that save them in lists or something to make sure that you can utilize them. Item with the second meeting, you will certainly find to the highest degree regularly that a extra senior partner or theatre supervisor by and large performs these. Customers want to make a move ahead their purchasing big businessman obtains combed. Obtain conversations off on the right track with discussion beginners that ne'er give way. The last stages of a find call must be to steer away from articulating irritations and open up a discourse nigh completion result a result can pitch. Leading brand-new residence of york fashion designer zac posen collaborated with delta employees to make the exclusive uniform solicitation which was unveiled one twelvemonth back. The briny affair youâ $ re demanding to figure out is what they knowing and what they do otherwise currently. https://geekinterview.net And this is a instead intricate question, to be honest. Nonetheless, by asking you to develop one, the questioners can inspect your command of the SQL phrase structure, along with the way in which you approach resolving a trouble. So, if you don't procure to the ideal response, you will possibly be given time to think and can definitely catch their interest by how you attempt to solve the trouble. Making use of a hands-on approach to dealing with reasonable jobs is most of the times way more vital. That's why you'll have to deal with sensible SQL meeting inquiries, too. You can complete both questions by saying there are two sorts of database management systems-- relational and also non-relational. SQL is a language, developed only for collaborating with relational DBMSs. It was created by Oracle Corporation in the early '90s. It includes step-by-step features of programming languages in SQL. DBMS figure out its tables with a hierarchal way or navigational way. This is useful when it involves saving data in tables that are independent of one another and also you don't want to change various other tables while a table is being loaded or edited. myriad of online data source programs to assist you become an expert and break the meetings conveniently. Sign up with is a inquiry that fetches related columns or rows. There are four types of signs up with-- internal sign up with left sign up with, appropriate sign up with, as well as full/outer sign up with. DML enables end-users insert, upgrade, recover, and also erase data in a database. This is just one of the most popular SQL meeting inquiries. A clustered index is made use of to get the rows in a table. A table can have only one gathered index. Restrictions are the depiction of a column to apply information entity and consistency. There are two degrees of restriction-- column level and table level. Any type of row common across both the result set is removed from the last output. The UNION key phrase is utilized in SQL for combining multiple SELECT questions but deletes duplicates from the result collection. Denormalization allows the retrieval of fields from all typical kinds within a data source. With respect to normalization, it does the contrary and puts redundancies into the table. SQL which means Requirement Question Language is a web server shows language that supplies interaction to data source areas and columns. While MySQL is a kind of Data source Management System, not an real programming language, even more specifically an RDMS or Relational Database Monitoring System. However, MySQL additionally applies the SQL syntax. I answered every one of them as they were all easy inquiries. They informed me they'll contact me if I get selected and also I was rather positive because for me there was absolutely nothing that went wrong yet still I got absolutely nothing from their side. Basic inquiries regarding family, education and learning, projects, placement. And a little discussion on the answers of sql and also java programs that were given up the previous round. INTERSECT - returns all distinct rows picked by both questions. The procedure of table style to decrease the information redundancy is called normalization. We need to split a database into two or more table and specify connections in between them. Yes, a table can have numerous foreign keys as well as just one primary key. Keys are a vital attribute in RDMS, they are essentially fields that link one table to another as well as promote fast information access and also logging via taking care of column indexes. In regards to databases, a table is described as an plan of organized access. It is more divided right into cells which consist of different areas of the table row. SQL or Structured Query Language is a language which is used to connect with a relational data source. It provides a means to adjust and also develop data sources. On the other hand, PL/SQL is a language of SQL which is utilized to improve the capabilities of SQL. SQL is the language made use of to create, upgrade, and customize a data source-- articulated both as 'Se-quell' as well as'S-Q-L'. Before starting with SQL, let us have a short understanding of DBMS. In simple terms, it is software application that is utilized to produce as well as take care of data sources. We are going to stick to RDBMS in this post. There are also non-relational DBMS like MongoDB used for huge information analysis. There are different profiles like data analyst, data source manager, and information architect that call for the understanding of SQL. Aside from leading you in your meetings, this write-up will likewise offer a basic understanding of SQL. I can additionally advise "TOP 30 SQL Meeting Coding Tasks" by Matthew Urban, really excellent publication when it involves the most usual SQL coding meeting concerns. This mistake usually appears because of syntax errors available a column name in Oracle data source, observe the ORA identifier in the mistake code. See to it you typed in the correct column name. Likewise, take unique note on the aliases as they are the one being referenced in the error as the invalid identifier. Hibernate is Things Relational Mapping device in Java.
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aire101 · 4 years
Ferrum Intro
My brain absolutely, positively refuses to focus on romance atm, which means I have made no progress on my WIP and instead my brain ended up producing this concept which I will probably continue at least until I get it out of my system.  So here’s the beginning of a post-Endgame MCU/SAO Irondad fic that I went online to read, discovered it didn’t exist yet, and so could NOT GET OUT OF MY DAMN HEAD.
It had been a long day.
Then again, every day seemed like a long one lately.
It had been a relatively beautiful November day for New York City, and with the approaching holidays Peter was starting to see the usual uptick in petty crime begin this season. Within his five hour patrol he had helped eight lost tourists, found one lost pet, caught two armed burglars and tied up a ridiculous number of petty thieves. Nothing too problematic, just another day in the life of our friendly neighborhood Spider-man.
Peter sat crouched on a roof looking over the newest Iron Man mural to pop up, this time right on the edge between Queens and Brooklyn. There were several around town already, but this one was especially heart-wrenching. Most were either of the armor mid-action or of Mr. Stark in his trademark press look. But this one was different in the best and worst way.
In this art, Mr. Stark was still in his armor, but the helmet was retracted, allowing the viewer to see the blood crusted on his face, the lines of worry even deeper than they were before everything had gone to hell. There weren’t many pictures of Mr. Stark from the five year period now known as the Blip, but in the ones there were Peter knew he had looked like this— tired and worn in a way Peter had never seen, but could well understand. All in all, it looked uncannily similar to the last time Peter had seen him. When—
And on the shoulders of this mural’s Tony Stark rested an enormous orb holding dozens of galaxies spiraling around a central point— a tiny arc reactor in the shape of a heart.
There was still a little while before he would be expected at Ned’s tonight, but the more he tried to convince himself to hit the streets again, the heavier his limbs felt.
He couldn’t do it. Not like this. Experience told him it was a recipe for disaster, likely to get himself or someone else badly hurt. Himself he could handle, someone else… his conscience couldn’t take another body added to its count right now. Besides, he had promised Ned he’d be there tonight.
Peter sighed and swung away from his rooftop perch to head back towards Ned’s, not sparing the art a backwards glance.
No matter how good it was, no reproduction could ever duplicate what he had lost.
“Whoa, you’re early,” said Ned with a mild tone of shock. Which honestly… was probably fair. “I wasn’t expecting you for at least another thirty minutes.”
“Yeah, I decided to call it a night early. It was actually pretty quiet tonight anyway. Didn’t want to get too wrung out on the web considering we have plans tonight,” said Peter as he stepped into the Leeds’ apartment, slipping off his shoes and hanging his coat on the rack. “Where is everyone?”
“Dad has to work tonight, and mom and Angelica went to Laser Bounce earlier, but they should be back before too long. I stayed home to finish some stuff up before the launch tonight. Plus, I wasn’t sure when you’d be getting here, so…”
“Sorry, I should have messaged earlier.”
“You’re alright man. Like I said, I had some stuff to wrap up. I plan to be in-game as much as possible tomorrow,” said Ned as they moved into his bedroom.
“You sure you don’t mind me getting the first run tonight? They might have some secret opening event planned for the first few hours…” asked Peter.
“I am absolutely positive. I am going to have plenty of opportunities to lose unhealthy amounts of sleep to this game. Besides, between the two of us I think you need the break more than me.  On a related note— you look terrible man. Have you been sleeping at all?”
“I sleep,” said Peter defensively. “I don’t really need much though, you know?”
“Physically, sure. Mentally? You’re still just as human as the rest of us Peter. Have you talked to May about it? Or Happy?”
“Can we please drop this? It’s just been a long day, alright?”
“What happened? I thought you said it was mostly quiet?” asked Ned, confused.
“I meant it was quiet for New York, I was still busy pretty much all evening,” said Peter, falling backwards onto Ned’s bed.
Ned sat down at his computer, spinning around to face Peter. “Fine, but I’m definitely going to harass you later, and you better actually sleep after we trade off in a few hours. Anyway, I am SO PSYCHED or this! God I hope its worth all the hype.”
“I can’t imagine it being a flop. The tech behind it is revolutionary, and the head developer has been working on the game for like a decade,” said Peter, as he scrolled through the GameSpot special coverage from that day.
“Wasn’t SI contracted to consult on it, too?” asked Ned.
Peter felt his throat begin to constrict. The nails of his right hand bit into the flesh of his palm as he forced himself to take a slow breath—hold—and release…
“Yeah, Mr. Stark consulted on it himself. Some of the engineering on the headset is similar to the BARF technology. I think he might have worked on a couple system AI’s as well.”
“That is so cool man. So this is almost like his last tech contribution? Last gift to the world…”
“I doubt that. It was just a consult job, most of the work was done by Argus. Plus, Mr. Stark had years worth of projects and updates on file. We’ll probably see things he had a hand in being released for the next ten years at the least,” said Peter.
“Still pretty cool though,” said Ned with a shrug.
At that moment, Peter heard the sound of a key being inserted into the lock of the front door.
“Looks like they’re back,” he said, continuing to scroll, this time through discussions on Reddit.
“Have you had dinner yet? You know if you haven’t she’s going to force you to eat before you dive.”
“Nah, I didn’t get a chance to stop off earlier. What kind of leftovers do ya have?”
“I think there’s meatloaf and some chicken adobo left at the moment.”
“Yaaasss… Chicken adobo…”
Just then Ned’s bedroom door opened, and Mrs. Leeds poked her head in, a large smile on her face.
“Peter! I thought I saw your coat by the door! I’m glad you were able to make it tonight! Edward has been excited about the sleepover for weeks,” she said.
“Oh my god, mom! It’s not a sleepover! I doubt we’ll even sleep much!”
“Isn’t that what sleepovers are about?! You’re ridiculous… Anyway, have you eaten?” Mrs. Leeds asked, looking at Peter.
Peter had to bite back a smile, but shook his head.
“Hala ka, you’re going to waste away into dry bones! I don’t care how busy you are these days, you shouldn’t be skipping meals. You’ll blow away in a strong breeze. Come, I’ll heat something up. I know how bad you boys get about eating when its a normal game. A full immersion VR? You’ll forget you even have a real body that needs sustenance.”
“Yes, ma’am,” said Peter, dutifully following her into the kitchen.
“You are in luck. We have some leftover chicken adobo from last night. I know you like that recipe. Did May ever give it a go?”
Peter flashed back to the gloopy, slightly charred mess that was May’s attempt at cooking the dish. “Eh… Yeah but it wasn’t quite the same. Still needs a bit of work.”
“Huh,” Mrs. Leeds said, sounding confused.
“Peter!” shouted a voice from behind him.
“Hey Angie,” said Peter, before he felt arms wrap around him from behind in a bear hug.
His heart throbbed in his chest. His breath caught and wouldn’t come.
Thanos was coming for the gauntlet he couldn’t let him have it he had to run the aliens were grabbing him he had to—
“You never come around anymore! It’s been months—!”
“Stop that Angelica. It’s been a crazy year, and Peter stays very busy between school and an internship. Shouldn’t you be getting ready for bed? It’s already way passed bedtime.”
Angie rolled her eyes dramatically but stomped back off towards her room to do as she was asked.
“Sorry, dear. She just missed her big brothers, you know.”
Peter did his best to force out a grin, but he wasn’t sure just how well it came off because the next thing he knew Mrs. Leeds was giving him a tender kiss on the head and muttering about making some cups of cocoa.
It was moments like this that he truly felt the strange reality of the fact that he had lost five years of his life. On the surface level everything felt mostly the same— Aunt May along with the majority of his friends had also been snapped, as well as several of his teachers. But while they were gone, Ned’s little sister aged from an innocent five year old, to a ten year old girl who had grown in a world in more confusion, pain and desperation than Peter could really comprehend. Freshman he had helped tutor in school had graduated. Families he had known were irreparably torn apart, seemingly overnight.
It felt like while he was still the same, the rest of the world had tilted slight to the left, leaving him unbalanced and unsure where to step next. He’d always felt a bit out of place anyway after the spider bite, but now it was so much worse. Sometimes Peter wanted a taste of what normal used to be like, without freaky spider powers, world protecting responsibilities and the guilt of looking around him and wondering if he deserved to be here at all.
He glanced at the clock that hung on the wall— fifteen minutes till midnight.
“I should probably go brush my teeth too and get settled in. The server will open soon,” said Peter as he stood.
“Yeah, though there shouldn’t really be much to do other than to actually connect since we calibrated your account the other day,” said Ned.
Within ten minutes Peter had taken care of his nightly necessities and given Angie and Mrs. Leeds both a hug goodnight, settling in on the upper bunk of Ned’s bed.
“Last time I’m asking— are you sure you don’t mind me giving this the first run?” asked Peter.
Ned sighed and spun around from his computer to send Peter an exasperated look. “Do you not want to take it on its maiden voyage?”
“That’s not what I said,” Peter rolled his eyes.
“Then stop worrying.  Just have a good time for once.  Also, I downloaded a couple files to the gear.  Not sure how reliable it is yet, but a few beta testers put out some first floor tips on the DL as a downloadable in game file, so check that out once you dive.  It might help out a bit.”
“Will do.  Thanks.”
“No problem.  Now get going, and be sure to take plenty of notes in your journal to send me later.”
“See you around, kid.”
“I am older than you are by two months.  Shut up and dive, loser.”
Peter smiled as he fitted the Nervegear onto his head, laid back and said, “Link Start.”
In a remote, nondescript server room a certain file kicked to life.  It’s programming had been remotely accessed, a mere accident of oversight.  The digital pathways that connected it to the Argus servers, while known about, had been forgotten in the chaos of the last few years.  The file was not one created within the system, but one created to interact within it.  The Cardinal system downloaded the precious data, implementing it in the category that best described its form and function.
Program designation: Client
System ID: Ferrum Vir
Administration level: GM
. . . .
Installation Complete
At 12:00 am EST on November 5th, 2023 (1:00 pm JST), Peter Parker joined 10,000 others in the world’s first full dive MMORPG— Sword Art Online.
And so did a very confused Anthony Edward Stark.
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gailstansfield · 4 years
How to Install GSA Search Engine Ranker.
Table of ContentsGSA Search Engine Ranker: Learn To Rank Sites How To Get High Quality Backlinks GSA Search Engine Ranker Best GSA Search Engine Ranker Products And Services Help Tutorial: Use GSA SER for Tier 1 Link Building
To start with, you will require Scrapebox. GScraper will also work, but we use Scrapebox. Now, considering that you have actually no confirmed URLs in your GSA SER yet, you will need some running start, after which the lists will grow greatly. First you will start by selecting some target keywords. For example, you can use all of the post categories from ezinearticles - GSA SER reviews.
Copy all of them and paste them into a file called. Now open Scrapebox and import the file into the Harvester area. Select, and leave it at that for now, due to the fact that it's time to get the engines footprints from GSA SER. Go to your GSA Online Search Engine Ranker -> -> -> ->.
Right click on the textarea and pick all. Copy and paste them into a file called. So far so good. Now go back to Scrapebox and click the "M" button above the radio button. This will merely add each of your keywords to each of the entries in the file: Now, choose all the 48540 keywords (you will have much more because I simply included footprints from one engine), and copy and paste them into a brand-new file called - GSA Search Engine Ranker help.
Merely choose the file as the source file, and call the target file. Then click. This will simply randomize each line from the source file, so as to not tip off online search engine of any search patterns. As you can see from the above picture, it will search numerous times for the exact same footprint, and just changes the keyword.
At this point we are ready to scrape our target URLs. Ensure you have some nice and juice personal proxies (BuyProxies are the ones I recommend for this purpose too), and let it roll. At 50 private proxies, I let Scrapebox perform at 7 connections. At this rate, my proxies have never passed away, and have constantly scraped till the very end of the list of keywords.
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Bear in mind that this might take a long time. At the end, considering you got yourself some great proxies, you will be taking a look at countless target URLs. And now it's time to develop verified URLs from them. Return to GSA Online Search Engine Ranker, and produce a new project choosing the engines for which you exported footprints.
Okay so far so excellent. Now these are the remainder of the steps to take in order to begin the validated links constructing process: might be https://google. com or something else you will blast with meaningless links. Pick some random anchor texts, ratios, and so on. Again, random config for the short articles, just do not tick the, due to the fact that we will be sending a lot of articles, a lot of times.
Deselect all online search engine. Uncheck the checkbox. We will only be utilizing by hand imported target URLs. Leave the which will offer some benefit target URLs. Permit scheduled publishing at its default values 5 accounts and 5 posts per account. Remove all filters and choose all types of backlinks to develop.
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Click and see your new creation stimulate into existence. Right-click it, and rename it appropriately. Yes, this will not be the only one. Right-click it again -> -> ->, and duplicate the task 6 times for an overall of 7 validated link contractors. Select the 6 new duplicated jobs, copy 30 60 new e-mail accounts, and then: right-click -> -> -> ->.
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Now, select all of the 7 projects, right-click, ->, and pick the batch file which Scrapebox produced consisting of all of the scraped URLs. Randomize the links, and split them to each of the tasks. Put all of the jobs into a task group from our GSA SER. I constantly use caps-lock on the job group names as it is a lot easier to identify them that method. GSA Search Engine Ranker Video Tutorials.
GSA Search Engine Ranker Youtube - How to
Set your threads at 6 10 per proxy, set the tasks to status, and click the button. Leave the projects running till there disappear target URLs left to attempt and post to - GSA Search Engine Ranker video tutorials. You can inspect remaining target URLs for all of the 7 jobs by right-clicking on the job group -> ->.
When all of the target URLs are extinct, you will have a nice beginning amount of website lists. Now it's time to grow them significantly. The next procedure I will teach you has assisted me make around 50,000 verified backlinks in just a single day: In simply a single day while composing this, I scraped some new target URLs using the next basic technique I will share with you, and this is the variety of backlinks it contributed to our website lists.
Close to 12k for a day not too shabby, not too shoddy at all. First off I desire you to understand the principle of this strategy. We currently discussed this one a little in a comparable GSA SER functionality, however that's cool. Let's say you have produced a link pyramid project in GSA SER consisting of 3 tiers.
Your Tier 3 backlinks indicate your Tier 2 backlinks right? Okay. Now, there are most likely countless other users out there who are using GSA SER and likewise have developed similar link pyramids. Their Tier 3 backlinks will indicate their Tier 2 backlinks as well right? Excellent. Nevertheless, their Tier 3 backlinks and your Tier 3 backlinks might overlap and be on the exact same websites i.
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COMPLETE GSA SER Tutorial by Asia Virtual Solutions
blog site comments on the very same blog site posts, guestbook comments, and so on. What you will do is merely take all the outgoing links on your Tier 3 URLs i. e. the URL of the post you left a discuss. GSA SER help. These outbound links have a very, very high opportunity to be pointing towards the Tier 2 of some other GSA SER user.
So you see, these outgoing links have a great opportunity of being matched by a GSA SER engine. Now, let's state that your Tier 3 handled to develop 3,000 blog remarks - GSA SER reviews. Scraping the outbound links of all these 3k URLs will leave you with millions of brand-new target URLs, rather simply, since Tier 3 tasks are mainly spam and there are a great deal of these links.
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GSA Search Engine Ranker - video tutorials
Hope you got the idea. Now here's how you do that. Initially you export all of the confirmed blog comments and guestbooks from all of the 7 confirmed link builders. Here's how you do that: Select all the 7 projects and right-click on them -> ->. Right-click on the table of validated backlinks -> -> - Gsa Search Engine Ranker Training.
Call the file. Now open Scrapebox again. Go to -> (if you do not see it, install it, it's free): Load the file into the Link Extractor. Then click ->. Make certain you have chosen the radio button which indicates that the addon will extract the outgoing links on the packed URLs.
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blackuigryphonvr · 5 years
#Niantic #Wayfarer #PokemonGo -#Bullies #Harassment
Usually, when people get weird rejections it’s often passed off as “lazy reviewers” whom just pick something random. But, lazy people usually go for the things that are the least effort... they’re lazy JUST because they want to get an “Upgrade”. There’s a fundamental flaw in this process.... it’s also NOT as tho Niantic is unaware.....
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But...... it’s funny how I’ve found a strong correlation to the PokéStops submissions I put through that got accepted, and the ones that didn’t.
I hereby testify that all of the ones that went through were ones I never mentioned on social media, and the ones that got rejected were ones I DID mention were my submissions.
Because we’re a community. We share the intel, the techniques, the methods, and resources.
I also noticed that intel I publicly gave out so others could also submit a nomination when Wayfarer went live, were also rejected under suspicious illogical reasons....
However, after multiple tries, and the glossy luster of the new Wayfarer wore off, those slacked off periods ended up having the submissions going through....
But, since everyone kept insisting it’s just “lazy viewers” I went along with it.... but I also noticed that areas that went through were usually places and areas I did NOT tell anyone about. But areas that I did publicly divulge WOULD get rejected because it was specifically something I PUBLICLY WANTED.
This pattern was very strong.
Then, when I got a rejection reason accusing me of harassing people, abusing Niantic’s system, and basically accusing me of being a Nazi, I blogged about it last week.
I also vented about it on social media.
1 key 🔑 point I said was that we knew months ago that the usual reason that a PokéStop submission could be rejected also according to OPR Ingress players was a bad photo. 📷 Being that I’m actually a photographer 📸 I worried about my exposures being bad, and often reshot the photos to be sure persons, minimal cars, and animals were out of the shots, lighting was good, composition was Level, etc...
And I mouthed off that if they’d just picked photo rather than accuse me of being a Nazi, plus the fact that it got rejected in hours when there was nothing wrong with my submission, I wouldn’t have caught on that a pack of haters were plotting to sabotage me.
There were other odd behaviors of people being rude to me since June, and it ramping up this month in Discord. People I didn’t even know, and weird inside jokes of people laughing at some kind of inside jokes, blocking me, and posting photos bragging about how I was blocked. People “liking” those posts and laughing at me because in their private DMs they are trashing me.... OBVIOUSLY. I also noticed there’s persons I can’t “like” posts to, nor reply to... and I don’t even know who they are. I can see their posts, but they don’t seem to see mine... and the head of the Discord was pressuring me to tell him who.... I just don’t want these punks to be kicked out. Yes, they’re jerks & immature.... but I don’t think they should shut out of the community over it... or banned from playing the game.
Well..... it’s been getting weirder...
After my post exposé of how people were ganging up on my nominations, probably scouring anything local to my area, presuming it’s mine, or connected to my intel, the very next day another submission went through within less than 2 hours!
So.... to me, it seems as tho they’re stalking my social media, realized they were busted, felt guilty, then pushed that other one through. I’d also publicly said THAT area was one I was currently suspending any further activity from submitting anything to....... I never said I didn’t have any left in my cue tho.... so, either that pack of them hanged up to push it through based on guilt.... OR THEY THOUGHT SOMEONE ELSE MADE IT.
But, get this.... I publicly TOLD everyone in the Discord server that it got accepted.... so, I kept waiting for it to show in game.... it usually shows either the following day at 2PM, or the day after that at 2PM.... but days went by, and NOTHING was there...
I wondered why.... because I so meticulously planned everything out... I left instructions in both submissions, because 1 was bear the previous one, but were near the edges of 2 different cells.....
So, by the end of the week, I checked the PokéStop......... AND IT WAS MOVED.... meaning SOMEONE MOVED IT AFTER IT HAD ALREADY BEEN PUT IN THE GAME.... THEY ALSO moved it into the OTHER CELL, which cancels out that other POI from showing in BOTH Ingress but ALSO Pokémon Go...
Then, I realized that ONLY OPR could do that....
But, didn’t OPR get shut down????
So, I publicly asked.....
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Then, as I was outside playing Ingress I noticed that OPR shows that I have “agreements” in my stats and several, even tho my Level was only 6, then Leveled up to 7.... so, is OPR still there?
In OPR higher level players get personal preference biases to the final say of Portal/PokéStop submissions and can move them....
Apparently, we can suggest a PokéStop point to be moved also.... but, in Ingress if someone does it I CAN SEE THEIR USER NAME!
I recognize this player!
This player started used to have a lower level than mine, but is NOW Level 8... meaning they can move stuff, and change things...
But............... this person IS ON THE OPOSING BLUE TEAM. The Resistance Team. I’m on The Enlightenment Team.
So... is this whole thing based on a BEEF IN INGRESS???? Well, at least THIS suspect seems to be connected to it.
Well, I called this person out.
This person KNOWS that I play BOTH Pokémon Go AND Ingress as the same name AND my social media is the same name. Implying that they are cyber stalking me, and have an enterage.
This saboteur person ALSO can read the Discord and is in there.
I recently vented on social media that this person flubbed up. Because accusing me of abusing Niantic’s system, being a bully, a Nazi, and harassing people just by making a PokéStop submission, and it happening incredibly fast not only was dubious but it’s a TELL that I’m being actively sabotaged by a group of bullies that have it out for me, for some unknown reason....
Plus, I just HAPPENED to mention on Tuesday that I KNEW who the player was in Ingress, and I’m ONTO THEM, effectively calling them out....
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Well, yesterday (Wednesday) in the evening THIS SPECIFIC PLAYER decides he wants to start playing again....
As you can see.... he hasn’t touched my portals much since November.... but, interestingly enough.... he did actually start playing THE MOMENT my new PokéStop by Marylou’s went up..... weirdly coincidentally.... but also, I added in 2 submissions there.... which 1 was a goddess and the other was a male Buddha... but SOMEONE combined them as a DUPLICATE even tho they ARE NOT. YET ANOTHER WEIRD COINCIDENCE..... oh, and it’s VERY OPR...
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So.... when I’m in game, and I realize that THIS GUY was the one who MADE THE EDITS BECAUSE INGRESS TELLS ME WHO DID IT AND I CAN SEE HUS NAME, then I out him n call him out on Tuesday.... Wednesday he comes back out WITH A VENGEANCE!
Do u have any idea how much time it takes to put up all those portal fields in Ingress? But, it also takes quite a while to take out the opposing teams’ stuff. I know. I’ve been playing for a year. Well, there’s pages upon pages of him trying to take me down! He must’ve been out there for 2 hours in the sub freezing cold!
I use Mods on my portals.... maybe u should look that stuff up, dude. Just sayin’.... 😆
U guys aren’t even that good at sabotage. You constantly screw up.
What? You didn’t think that Ingress would tell me who did what edit?
I also put you, and like a hot head, you come after me for revenge basically ADMITTING that it’s YOU! You are SO BUSTED!
I know u stalk me.
I know what you’re doing!
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See.... u guys JUST CANT HELP THE FLAWS IN YOUR BRAIN. Typical bullies....
I got a rejection on something that was stuck in the cue for a long time... and honestly THAT ONE seemed fine and reasonable to me. It was one I submitted just to see what happened. To check quality control. It was the Satellite Radar Dish from the Cold War. I had a feeling it probably wouldn’t go through... and it didn’t. I’m OK with that. And the reasons given were all thoughtful ones.
But THIS yet again just shows how brainless, impulsive, reckless, and Sadist u are.
Remember when I said on social media that I wouldn’t have ever caught on that I was being sabotaged if they’d JUST picked Bad Photos as a reason? Yeah, I JUST recently publicly said that this week & last week.
But, since it’s CLEARLY a pack of bullies, and SOME can’t help themselves because they’re weak minded and have no self control over emotions, impulses, and ego, they ACCUSE MY SUBMISSION NOMINATION of a PokéStop AGAIN of being harassment.... which u can clearly see is no such thing.... but they ALSO accused me of having a bad photo!
BTW I’m a photographer and a cinematographer....
I’ve NEVER EVER had a rejection that claimed I had a bad photo EVER. I found that especially weird, since according to the several lives steams I sat through when Wayfarer went public was that it was the most common reason. So, I would and did worry about it often... then, I mouth off about this in the past 2 weeks, and ANOTHER STRANGE DIRECTLY CORRELATING COINCIDENCE just HAPPENS to be BAD PHOTO AND ACCUSE ME OF A CRIME AS HARASSMENT.
FYI: this type of photo is known as a backlit landscape l.
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Does ANYONE in ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM actually believe that this is Harassment???
FYI: Ingress isn’t actually real. It’s just a game. Grow up.
If I must say, I’ve noticed that several players that have access to Wayfarer often chicken out. So, there’s a small handful of us that collaborate and share input, intel, techniques, methods. We’re so good out scouting out POIs that it’s not even a contest. We’re wizards at digging through archives, resources, data.
It’s really a shame that there’s nasty folks out there screwing up.
If we get stuff in game, and we’re very good at troubleshooting and working around problems & obstacles, YOU could actually play on the POIs we added in game.
Honestly, we’re really good at it because we do our due diligence. If Niantic let us loose in a spot anywhere on the globe with unlimited submissions, we’d Turn This Mutha OUT!
You sabbatuer bullies can only stop us to a point. You can’t stop us forever, and you can’t keep us down.
I know who u r!
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savadi-vip · 5 years
5 Tips For MBBS Students Who Are Studying In China
Regardless of whether you're beginning restorative school or starting your subsequent year, this post is for you. Will most likely work similarly also for PAs, NPs and some other wellbeing proficient understudy who hasn't begun clinical pivots.
There are many universities in china that you can choose to study MBBS in china.
Our previous sitter simply moved on from restorative school and the WhiteCoats are similarly as glad as her folks seem to be. At that point I began supposing, what exhortation would I provide for understudies beginning restorative school?
Our first day of class, one of the educators got up before the class, went through a moment or so giving each understudy a gaze with the "eyeball" for which he was acclaimed, at that point gave us this short cautioning before propelling into a discourse about the Krebs Cycle (which has positively no reasonable application to clinical drug at all).
"In the event that you need to move on from this medicinal school, there are two guidelines: Don't fall behind and don't experience passionate feelings for."
The majority of us stayed there considering his announcement while remarks about fumarate and oxaloacetate went in one ear and out the other. Incidentally, despite everything I recall the memory helper for the Krebs Cycle after such a long time: "Consideration Oll Comanche Indians — Killing Season Starts Friday Morning Officially."
At last, everybody fell behind, and a great deal of us became hopelessly enamored. Therapeutic school is the place I met Mrs. WhiteCoat. We as a whole still figured out how to graduate.
Here are a portion of the things that will help you in your investigations:
1. Packing is awful. Everybody does it, however it doesn't enable you to learn. To me, learning was understanding the ideas, not remembering the words. Indeed, even life systems and pharmacology were tied in with remembering connections. Regardless they are. I learn bearings by observing where things are on a guide and by relating those things to the spot I am going. I learned drug similarly.
I likewise used to attempt to peruse ahead in the books with the goal that when an educator tended to a subject and I didn't get it, I could pose inquiries in class about it. Didn't generally work out that I could peruse ahead, however when I did, it appeared to support my comprehension and maintenance.
2. Maintain a strategic distance from study gatherings. There were consistently individuals in our group who concentrated together. They constantly used to intrude on one another's examining with inconsequential inquiries or with talks about the most recent TV appear. At the point when time to get down to business wanted tests, they comprehended what was going on "Companions" however didn't generally have a grip of the ideas for the tests. That wasn't for me. I would simply carry my book to an isolated spot in a little known structure on grounds, plug my earphones into my CD player, and tune in to instrumental music (George Winston – you're the man) while I considered. Alarming that MP3s weren't even around when I was in restorative school.
3. Center, damn it. Mood killer your web association. Close down your PC. Try not to try and take it with you. Quit checking your email messages on your telephone. Try not to take it with you, either. Or then again take it and haul the battery out of it. Take your book, some ear plugs, a MP3 player, some paper, a pen, and take notes on what you're attempting to realize. Working things out encourages you recall ideas. The various diversions make it harder for you to focus on learning.
We didn't have "advanced cells" when I was in medicinal school, so I didn't need to stress over that diversion. Consider it now, however. Does it truly make a difference whether you get your BFF's instant message promptly or a couple of hours from now? Do you truly need to check your email that frequently? Does it make a difference that you won't get the opportunity to peruse my most recent post for a couple of hours after I hit the "pubish" catch? On the off chance that there's something that significant pending, at that point manage it before you go to consider. When you study, center around contemplating.
4. Get duplicates of old tests. This is significant! Most educators are not productive enough to make new inquiries for every test. Furthermore, there are just such a large number of inquiries you can pose about a similar point. Accordingly, numerous inquiries are rehashed. Some may have wording changes, however most inquiries have similar ideas. By learning and understanding what ideas showed up on past tests and are consequently essential to the teacher, you're well on your approach to learning the ideas — and finishing the tests. Back before we had all these extravagant PCs and scanners, the understudies used to have a duplicate administration where we paid extra so we could get paper duplicates of past test questions.
5. Try not to get down on yourself. You will do inadequately on tests. I did. Nearly everybody did. Don't you simply have a craving for bopping the person in the head who pros each test and after that stays there with his self-satisfied smile boasting about it in the examination relax? You might be brilliant, yet you're a device, buddy.
You know what they call the individual who graduates most minimal in his restorative school class? Specialist.
You needn't bother with extraordinary evaluations in each subject to be a fair specialist. Trust me. I'm living confirmation.
Concentrate hard, put forth a valiant effort, continue stopping along, and don't get debilitated. On the off chance that you invest the exertion, you will graduate.
These are the tips, if you like please comment below.
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momestuck · 5 years
Epilogues: Meat ch 28-32 [Epilogue 5]
So now we’re in different hands.
chapter 28
We return to John, this time with alt-Calliope narrating about his alarmingly blunt teeth. Also on further thought I have no more reason to use ‘she’ pronouns for alt-Calliope than proper Calliope (alt-Calliope does not even seem to use the name Calliope in narration, just things like ‘the dead cherub’), so I will use they pronouns, and will edit the previous post to reflect that.
alt-Calliope declares that they are not going to be ‘inserting thoughts into peoples’ heads’, though they will be ‘truthfully’ reporting those thoughts with more clarity than the subject of narration is necessarily prepared to acknowledge.
john would be mortified with human embarrassment if he could understand the clarity and precision with which i am willing to telegraph his thoughts. but his embarrassment is irrelevant to me. as always, the truth is paramount.
This mortifying description of how John thinks of Terezi includes a reference to “gap moe”, because of f u c k i n g course it does.
John worries if this makes him like a creepy weeb who collects body pillows, but in dialogue dismisses this as something that would only make sense to a human. Unfortunately, Tegiri exists to disprove that sentiment!
Despite alt-Calliope’s avowed dedication to ‘truth’, there is obviously more to this than not contradicting the ‘truth’ of events or thoughts... she is deciding how to present the ‘true’ information, what to state and what to leave implicit and what to brush over. a story also concerns what’s ‘relevant’ and ‘essential’, as Rose said so long ago.
chapter 29
Jane, it seems, has been using the trickster-mode lollipop during her campaign. This leads to an argument with the narration about whether or not it’s “problematic” - neither Jane nor alt-Calliope think so, though neither can be considered someone presented in a 100% positive light at this point...
(Jane mostly argues in the in-universe political campaign situation, when of course the argument about ‘trickster mode’ was the whole ‘caucasian’ shitshow)
Anyway, despite her prior statements, alt-Calliope is not above interfering in the narration if it’s for the sake of cherub artefacts.
jane rubs her eyes under her glasses and groans. trickster mode is also quite exhausting. what a strange quirk of human biology that excess euphoria must necessarily be followed by crippling despair. she carelessly tosses the lollipop on the floor, lurches toward her desk...
she turns around promptly, her body jolted by the surprise of her sudden reversal. she bends over, cradles the lollipop reverentially, and situates it carefully in a place signifying respect: atop the mantle, after clearing space for it by shoving several brittle, worthless objects to the floor.
alt-Calliope narrates that she’s totally got Dirk’s number - “he probably thinks he’s a very clever boy, my brother did too” - as Dirk works on a long red rifle in between other tasks designed to distract.
Jane wonders about trying to blackmail Jake by revealing that he’s been having sex with trolls. Dirk challenges this as xenophobic. There’s an odd exchange...
JANE: What ISN’T xenophobic?
DIRK: Well, for one thing, what you just said there?
DIRK: Probably also xenophobic.
DIRK: Sorry, that’s just how it is.
DIRK: You either gotta roll with the woke shit, or decide to commit laborious, symbolic, melodramatic suicide in the process of utterly giving up.
This may be referring to his suicide in the other branch, I guess? idefk what this is trying to say ><
chapter 30
Karkat and Dave are attempting to win over Jake. This involves a lot of jokes about “neoliberal austerity measures”, super pacs, and so on... and the two of them playing off each other. Dave has been presenting “visionary”, “avant-garde” campaign ads based on SBAHJ.
alt-Calliope notes that Jake has now been freed from Dirk’s indirect narrative control, able to make his own decisions. In tiny text, Dirk grumbles about this. Without his control, he declares, Jake is a purely reactive ‘dead bug’; with it, Jake is like an ant controlled by Cordyceps towards a “greater purpose” (i.e., reproducing Cordyceps ¬¬)
Anyway, Karkat ultimately makes a speech: he doesn’t say he’ll be the best president, but that whichever one wins, it will set a precedent on the matter of troll reproductive rights that will last for a very long time. Jane is, necessarily, far more concerned with nice appearances than doing right:
I think this is well put. I think it gets to the heart of a lot of things, that this story is talking about, apart from the free will/alternate possibilities stuff...
Anyway, that wins Jake over to their side.
chapter 31
Back to Terezi eating weird things in space. (Nice!)
Do god tiers need to eat? ...come to think of it, Terezi never actually went god tier.
Anyway, Terezi and John have a heart to heart. About the doomed timeline... and about Vriska. Terezi refers to the Remem8er flash, where she found a connection with the Terezi from the Game Over timeline.
TEREZI: YOU S33...  
Anyway, this gets to the crux of the matter: Earth C may supposedly be paradise, but it doesn’t feel like it for either of them. To quote a certain book series, “perhaps some people just don’t have the knack of being happy”.
Anyway, Terezi can’t bear to part with John just yet - so she offers to take a look at his tooth wound. There’s a very funny moment where alt-Calliope narrates the blade drawing in a way so as to personally antagonise Dirk, who is pissed.
Terezi removes the poisonous tooth and then dresses John’s wound - I’ll be interested to hear from @drc4ble if her wound care is up to snuff. Then they have post-surgery makeouts.
Literally any even slightly intimate moment lol (or even a fight)... I miss feeling able to be that affectionate with people.
Although this is a het scene, it actually feels surprisingly... not het. idk. Not sure how to clarify that.
alt-Calliope, I guess, hasn’t lost her obsession with shipping and intimacy from when she was small. She claims she’s merely allowing John to perceive his “true” thoughts - and that’s why he’s being so bold. But that involves a decision, right, about which of his thoughts are “true”?
chapter 32
Apparently “proximity to a black hole”, a proxy for void, renders Roxy’s internal monologue perceptible to alt-Calliope, even though it wouldn’t normally be for those “on a higher textual plane”.
as for alt-Calliope, narrated as Jade:
looking beyond the wall she faces, and beyond everything past it, through the very fabric of narrative itself. they scan the ciliary veins of pacing, motivation, foreshadowing, irony—a continuum that has been upended by the prince’s interference. 
Dirk and alt-Calliope are back to arguing in the narration - about how diverse the crowds are, for example. Dirk dismisses alt-Calliope’s narration as “fake-woke”.
Anyway, despite Dirk’s needling in the narration, Roxy and Dave have a well-observed conversation about like, figuring out your gay/trans/nb/etc, coming out and so forth. Dave talks about like, various stages of more-or-less-ironic self-denial. Dirk gets increasingly irate at the discussion of gender and sexuality that doesn’t lead straightforwardly into like, clear-cut relationships.
Also he’s preparing to assassinate Jake. Unable to force his thoughts into narration, he just speaks out loud, and I guess alt-Calliope reports his words.
Dirk starts climbing the bell tower. Alt-Calliope tries various means to stop him: narrating that his feet feel heavy - he monologues that he has determination to get past this - dropping a bell on him - he monologues that he’s destroying the bell with his sword. Then they just dismiss him as boring...
Alt-Calliope resorts to warning Dave of the assassination attempt. This is turning into Death Note here... “ah, but what you didn’t realise is...” type shit stacking on top of each other. Dave stands in front of Jake, which would be a Heroic death, something Dirk isn’t willing to expose him to. But Dirk’s gun isn’t loaded with bullets, but with... tranq darts. But moreover, he was misleading us as to his intentions.
He wasn’t going to shoot Jake at all. He was going to shoot alt-Calliope/Jade... giving him back control over the narration!
That was interesting though. Cherubs are fuckin’ weird, I’ll totally concede. Still not sure what makes them tick. What they idealize, what they really want. It all comes across to me as a little cloying. Perfection to them is a sweetness beyond comprehension. Sugar so potent it’s poison to us. To our bodies, to our souls. Like the place she was operating from was a realm of self-construction. A bubble of pure, phantasmal confection.
Well, I for one have had enough of that goddamn toothache. I’m back in the protein saddle, motherfuckers. I’m clacking my tongs, and the charcoal is hot.
Now who’s hungry for meat?
Epilogue 5, in toto
So this is just a ludicrously meta version of Death Note now? ok, ok...
Dirk has essentially taken the role of Caliborn, in terms of representing one of two poles of what Homestuck is “about”. Where Caliborn was about tedious masculinity and over the top carnage, Dirk seems to want plots: plans unfolding, some kind of big elegant modernist [that may be incorrect] construction where everything is “in its proper place” according to an artistic vision.
alt-Calliope now seems to want to tell a story about the personal, about complex but ultimately happy relationships, and of course to let these characters fulfil ‘their own will’, somehow...
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nervouswreck-96 · 6 years
Supernova (Sonic fanfic): Chapter 5: What's He Building In There?
Well…shoot. I can't really say anything here, other than I'm sorry. This is where you'd usually find me giving an excuse for slacking off (busy schedule, hectic family life, kidnapped by Bowser, etc.), but I honestly don't have one. There is no explanation for the delay other than a combination of writer's block, a horrific lack of inspiration, and flat-out laziness on my part.
In fact, the chapter you're reading here is somewhat unfinished, making up about 75-80% of the chapter I wanted to write. I'm only posting it for the sake of posting something, and just to see if anyone is still interested.
Don't be surprised if it takes another year for the next chapter to come out, although reviews may shorten the wait ever so slightly.
...too late.
He exhaled, forgetting his place for a moment, and slumped in defeat. Disconnected chunks of black plastic sliced through the lining of his gloves, cutting into his hands. This was all that was left of Tails' communicator. The damned thing had burst open from the casing, revealing a veritable Escher painting of disconnected wiring and snapped capacitors. Through the wreckage of what used to be a working radio, Sonic swore he could hear voices reaching out to him…the same ones he knew might be calling his name this very second, seeking a connection which had been rudely cut.
For a moment, time froze in the fierce stare between Sonic and his metallic duplicate, which isolated the two from the carnage formed in their struggle. A curtain of smoke enveloped the two combatants, as hardly a square inch of the once-pristine area remained untouched by Metal Sonic's explosive arsenal. But at last, there was a moment to breathe, free of the steady stream of fire, shrapnel, and near-death. The orchestra of battle went into intermission, its echoes still ringing in Sonic's eardrum. Still, it was nice to be able to hear his own thoughts for a change. Then again, that didn't mean very much when those thoughts mostly consisted of the words "too late" playing on a continuous loop.
Which quickly shifted to "get him".
Still very much compromised by the high-speed collision with solid ground, Sonic's mind continued to send mixed signals, playing a sick game with his sense of direction. He was twisting, spiraling, traveling at a million miles a minute, yet at the same time, going nowhere, for he knew his hands and feet were tethered to the floor. Even the slightest impulse to his eyes sliced and stabbed at his cranium, which with each passing second felt more and more like an overripe cantaloupe which had some things done to it by a sledgehammer, but by now he'd kept them closed for so long he didn't realize the multi-colored morass of noise in front of him was only an illusion. Regardless – once he worked out which way was up - he contracted his left leg and used it along with his right arm to push himself off the ground.
No sooner had he raised his body off the canvas than it slammed back down again, weighed down by a heavy, steel boot.
Urghhh…feels like someone dropped an anvil on me!
Second by second, keeping his body above the floor became more of a struggle. The weight on his back only seemed to grow heavier the more he fought against it. One forearm could only quiver at the sheer effort it took, so he moved his other down for extra support. But it did no good. The shaky foundation looked ready to crumble at any moment.
No…no, come on, you're better than that! Fight through it, Sonic! Fight through it!
But his puny arms could not take the strain, and his tenuous grip gave way. As he collapsed chest-first to the floor, repressed physical torment was unleashed in a firestorm that exploded from his aching calf muscle and raced up his backside, forcing a bone-chilling wail out of his mouth before he even realized the noise had come from him. That did it. No longer could he bottle everything up. He had been sent over the threshold where the deepest of primal urges finally surpassed overcame his will to fight them off.
There was something weighing him down. Metal Sonic stood over the pathetic sight…staring at him…judging him...his titanium foot firmly nailing the hedgehog to the floor.
"So…this is what the self-proclaimed hero of the universe, slayer of gods, savior of time and space, has been reduced to? Hmmph," he said, afterwards doing his best to synthesize the sound of a disapproving sigh. "I must say, I can't help but feel disappointed."
"Urgh...I've gotten out of bigger jams than this!" The words choked, sputtered out of his mouth as he fought and clawed to escape Metal's hold. He had to keep to short, stilted sentences, a sensible balance for getting his burning thoughts out.
Suddenly, a breakthrough. Sonic's glove managed to catch on a random spot on the floor, and saw his chance to propel to it and break free. He gradually swung his one free arm out, too gradually, and that's as far as he got. Metal Sonic swooped on the maneuver and crushed it with the other foot. With the hedgehog back under control, Metal leaned over to face Sonic's ear, in the process driving just a few more pounds worth of pressure into his back.
"You are nothing more than a horsefly who thinks himself capable of slaying a lion," said Metal. "As I see it, you have two choices; surrender to the Eggman Empire or face the inevitable."
Sonic's teeth clenched, as he channeled his own physical torment into seething rage, glaring with such fury that he could almost feel his eyes changing to match Metal Sonic's blazing red. 'Surrender'. 'Inevitable'. Those words tended to have that effect on him...now, of all times.
A subconscious impulse glued him to the floor, sending him on a mental journey to the other side of the ESS-1, and a picture emerged in front of him where there was none before, a picture of Tails and Knuckles' battered and broken forms lying before him, bearing the scars and bruises forced upon him by some unknown attacker.
But that's all it was. A picture. An apparition. They may have been on a distant planet for all he knew. The radio transmission was the only link the three had left to share, and it was gone.
Guys…I don't know if I'm gonna make it out of this one…
He scooped the cluster of metal and wiring from the floor and balled it tight into a trembling fist. As if to block out the voices, he thrust that same trembling fist into the floor, creating a shockwave that tremendous enough to resonate across the ESS-1 and command Metal Sonic's attention.
…but so help me, we're gonna finish this thing no matter what!
The next words passed from brain to mouth like a whisper, but with the ferocity and impact of a knife in the dark:
"You really don't know me at all, do ya?"
If he had a fighting chance, he had to make something happen now. Just as Metal Sonic put his entire stock of energy into this finishing blow, Sonic shoved himself in a roll toward his left, holding in a scream as Metal - in a last-ditch effort to hold him back - dug his claw-like toes into Sonic's chest, tearing into exposed flesh.
The gamble paid off. He'd forced the mecha-deity into an undignified pratfall.
With momentum on his side, Sonic rolled into a somersault and bounded back onto his feet. Every step he took widened the ever-growing cracks in the foundation that was his body, but he either didn't know or simply didn't care. The weight was now off his back, and it almost felt like he could leap into the air, swing his arms out, and fly. Sweet, sweet mobility, how he missed it so.
A plasma shot flew across his radar, forcing him into a slide that saved his face from extinction...yet plunged his lower body back into a maelstrom of grinding pain. If that was the price he had to pay for mobility, then so be it.
The world flew by in a blur, or at least this cold, gray prison of a world - man, Eggman really needed to vary the color pallette a bit here - and out of the corner of his eye he managed to catch the doppelganger in his moment of weakness. In the nick of time, he transitioned into a twirling handstand, his legs unfolding and spinning like the blades of a ceiling fan, aiming straight for Metal's head.
"Hey...what the-!"
He struck Metal's left hand instead, which did not flinch, but grabbed hold of Sonic's ankle. A flick of the robot's wrist, and Sonic was cast across the room like dirty laundry.
Hmph...not playing games anymore, Metal? Well, neither am I!
With one flick of his leg, Sonic went from tumbling uncontrollably to tumbling with perfect control, recovering with a short, impromptu breakdance routine and finishing with a devastating kick to Metal Sonic's head.
Too devastating. It actually seemed to connect.
At first, Sonic wondered if he'd missed Metal altogether and actually hit a nearby pipe. But after he got to his feet and noticed the fresh, new shoe scuff he'd added to Metal Sonic's shiny gold paint scheme, it all seemed to come together. The aura surrounding Metal Sonic had dimmed, fading out whenever he did anything more energy-intensive.
Just then, the room was set alight in a red glow so intense it forced Sonic to shield his eyes to look up.
When Sonic finally gathered the strength to gaze into the blinding gleam, he noticed Metal just…standing there, bent over, letting the energy channel into his body. A pair of miniature turbines spun in opposite directions, generating light from pure nothingness and storing it as pure energy, until the mechanism burst into life, ready to unleash it all on the hedgehog. When he noticed that the source was the engine contained in Metal Sonic's chest cavity, he engaged his defenses, expecting another pounding.
But something was off.
He stood perfectly still, both feet planted...never leaving the ground, not floating. That couldn't be right, unless...unless he simply couldn't.
Yes! I knew if I ran him ragged, he'd lose his strength!
"What's the matter, pal?" asked Sonic. "Gettin' tired?"
As if jolted with a cattle prod, Metal jerked his head toward Sonic, who realized that was probably the only answer he would receive. The glow intensified, and along with it came a high-pitched hum.
A very familiar hum.
One engine sputtered, throwing Metal Sonic off balance for just a moment. An auto-gyroscopic correction system boosted power to the other to compensate, and order was restored…until the other engine blew fumes. The problem spread across his body, as his internal processes couldn't figure out whether to stay on or not. Finally, all four rockets expired completely, forcing Metal Sonic to drop.
That laser. Sonic could recognize that whining hum anywhere.
I guess he's tryin' to go out with a bang!
A single sentence played on a continuous loop in Tails' mind – This wasn't supposed to happen.
The halogen spotlights practically seared into his fur. This was a play he'd never rehearsed for, and yet he'd practically been thrust onto the stage to perform to a packed house. And everyone in the packed house was itching to mow him down if he slipped up. They'd left him nothing. An entire battalion of Egg Gunners closed in on all sides – some forming an orderly division on the ground, others lining the catwalks above, a few even scaling the walls to get a good shot at the hapless fox.
The companionship of his radio earpiece was cold and dispassionate, providing no comfort or answers, only non-stop static. Static bombarded his left eardrum for so long that the sensations of dizziness he felt when taking a step were the only reminder he was wearing the stupid thing at all.
It all seemed so simple before. A race against time, and nothing more. Just find the nerve center of the ship, get inside, and raise hell. No questions, just do it. He knew he might run into some resistance along the way, but he hadn't counted on the possibility of this much resistance. There was no telling how much time he'd have to make up…how much time he'd already lost…how much time Sonic had to spare…
His head tilted toward the sky…more specifically, toward the impossibly-high ceiling that covered it. It was the only place that looked to be bot-free…at least he assumed it was. After all, the logic was airtight. Even if a Gunner was somehow stationed up there, how could it see him from so far away, much less keep a steady enough aim to shoot him down?
It wasn't much, but it was better than nothing. With one massive burst of energy to his tails, he took off, with the resulting wake force knocking a few Egg Gunners to the ground.
He curled his body into a corkscrew loop, rolling himself over to get a better look at his position. A veritable city of lights took shape behind him, hundreds of little specks of light forming one by one, like fireflies dancing in the autumn breeze. Well, except for that one little speck of light rising toward him. Rather quickly, in fact. Uncomfortably so. Enough for him to see the bolts of electricity jutting from it.
Crud. Make that a dozen big specks of light.
Suddenly, Tails knew how his mono-tailed, ground-bound brethren felt during the hunting season. He was all alone, and that made him the perfect target. There was, quite literally nowhere to go but up.
His lungs were fit to blow at any moment, each twist of his tails seeming like it could be the last his system could take, but damn it, he'd just have to outdo his usual best today. If these baddies were packing anything like what Metal Sonic had, he couldn't be a millisecond off. He sliced through the air like a knife through butter, pushing straight upward against gravity with every ounce of energy he had, because if his calculations were accurate—
A balcony railing passed by his field of vision.
In one massive effort, he flung his tails into reverse and brought them to a gradual stop, curtailing his ascent. With nothing propelling him, he curled into a sudden dive, and not a second too soon. His face scrunched into itself – he couldn't dare look. He could only pray he made the right call. The world around him flashed once…twice.
Then a thunderous smack. Then another, heralding an ear-splitting chorus of metallic clanging above. Tails' heart went up his throat. Was he hit? Was he hit? No…he wasn't.
The sight of the searing, magma-like red stain dripping from the ceiling, still sizzling from the heat of the combined laser blasts, was a stark reminder of what would have become of him had he not been so fortunate. It eventually dawned on him that this was all that remained of a steel beam that once suspended from above.
At the last moment, he revved up his tails again, seamlessly transferring the momentum from his dive into a near-vertical climb, toward the only open space . Great, he thought. You survived that. Now what?
As if in answer, from a shot rang out.
He couldn't see it, couldn't track it, until it was too late. He suddenly fell into a sharp, uncontrollable dive...and as the laser's searing kiss finally started to settle in his tail, he realized why. He'd taken a hit.
He managed to keep his convalescence to a brief yelp before the adrenaline of the moment kicked in. Powered by little more than panic, he reached into his draining reserves for one massive boost from his one remaining tail. Unfortunately, he'd generated more problems than lift. In his compromised state, all he managed to do was send himself careening upside-down, sideways, every direction other than the correct one. If anyone were to ask him how it felt to be trapped inside a juice mixer…yeah, this was probably it.
If this was the Tornado, the alarm would have been blaring already. PULL UP! PULL UP! But by then, it was too late. He'd fallen too far, too fast. He couldn't put in any more power, but maybe if—
Then the floor came out of nowhere and knocked the wind out of him.
Guess not.
Knuckles' face dripped with sweat, flushed by equal parts exertion and rage.
One door. One lousy, infernal steel door stood between him and the closest thing he'd ever have to a child. It sapped his strength, it took his breath, it took every pounding he could give it and practically mocked him.
He practically threw himself back onto his feet, throwing aside some flotsam from the pile of deceased Egg Pawns gathered around his feet. That situation went to hell in a handbasket real fast. At least he learned two things from the experience. 1: Entering the wrong password on the keypad will trigger a sneak attack by specially-placed Egg Pawns and gun emplacements. 2: The password is not "password".
Still, that was all he had in the idea bag until Tails got him through the door.
Where was he, anyway? He really should have called in by now.
Knuckles pulled out his earpiece just to check whether he hadn't accidentally deactivated it. Nope…the light was green. Still on.
He scoffed. "Typical. Of all the times to go radio silent…"
Deep down, he was thankful no one could hear him. He knew that they could've heard straight through the mask he tried to project. The irony was as unavoidable as it was painful. He found himself truly alone for the first time since he boarded the ship. In a way, he'd gotten what he'd wanted.
But at what cost?
Screw it. Being a guardian meant having to make difficult…even borderline illogical choices. It said in the old mantra that Chaos is power…power enriched by the heart. He could recite that mantra from memory, but now was the time to act on it. What the Master Emerald truly needed was an act of selflessness.
It felt wrong to turn away from the Master Emerald's glow when it was so close…separated from him by no more than a thick steel door and a line of encrypted code. But eventually, he wrenched himself away and headed down the corridor.
Hold on, guys, I'm coming!
Then it happened again.
Knuckles stumbled, barely regaining himself. Everything went dark in a hurry, and the room spun out of control, becoming little more than a featureless vortex. The faint echoes of machinery and radio static faded out, giving way to the sound of the rustling wind – a vague, nothing sound which signaled that his mind knew to process something, but not exactly what. Both sides of his head throbbed in almost rhythmic fashion, seemingly ready to explode any second.
These pulses…they were worse than ever. The Master Emerald was in pain, and he could feel it. Not only feel it…see it. His eyes were drawn back toward the other side, where a blazing green light shone through the gloom, in tune with the pounding inside Knuckles' skull. Even from behind the thick steel door, the Master Emerald beckoned to its guardian. He tried to take a step, but when took his next one with his leading foot hanging over thin air, he nearly tripped.
This wasn't real. This was only in his head, he'd told himself. He'd been through this very situation time and time again. And yet, he had to ask. What the hell was real anymore?
Ugh…now he could hardly hear himself think.
Real or not…if the concept of pain could be distilled into a single sound, this was it. This…he didn't even know what to call it, this…throbbing in his head that wouldn't go away. It was there one moment, gone the next, then back again, and like clockwork the pattern repeated. Each step was a furious struggle, his better judgement knowing where to turn, but his senses pulling him in different directions. As he edged closer to the gleam, the flux between "searing pain" and "just fine" faded to nothing, and the pounding only intensified, latching onto him, chipping away at his senses like a mad gremlin crawling inside his cranium.
Nope. Not real. Only in his head. Keep moving.
The more he told himself that, the more he was convinced otherwise.
He pulled closer to the noise – if nothing else, to confirm his skepticism. But with each second, it came into focus, and he noted its location on his right. Some kind of impact…could those be gunshots? Punches landing on someone? No…more like metal clanking against metal. Best guess…someone's footsteps. Knuckles got as close as he reasonably could, and tracked the location of the sound. It didn't stay in one place, it was slithering like a snake…tunneling beneath his feet. It had to be on the next floor down.
There it was again. Tap. Tap. Tap.
Yep…those definitely were footsteps. Slow, consistent footsteps. Whoever this was, it didn't sound like they were in any hurry.
That makes one of us…
Sensing Eggman's presence, every light fixture in the room burst into life, bringing into focus the sheer scale of what he had created. The walls were covered in an intricate series of pipes and cables, every single one of them vital to the operation of the ship. They gave off a faint, green glow, normally too faint to have been visible to the naked eye were it not for the ever-present smog giving it something to bounce off. Soon, the majesty of the cosmos would come streaming through the panoramic viewscreen...though for now, he'd have to settle for a view of the sea and the occasional shipping vessel that passed by.
Strange. Somehow this space seemed almost too expansive to fit on a ship this size...and yet still too cramped. Perhaps the tubes were the culprit. They had arrived just last week, after all, and this was the only safe place on the ship where he could store row upon row of cryogenic-stasis tubes.
Speaking of which...
Dr. Eggman paused and turned toward the lines of tubes. There was one more thing he needed to check on.
"Hello? Sonny boy?" he said. "Daddy's home!"
He walked over the capsule marked with the Roman numeral 'I', the only one in operation. Yet more tubes jutted out the sides of each, meant to hyper-accelerate growth by supplying oxygen and water at high enough doses at the proper times. For all his studies and labors, this was his reward.
A shriveled mass of a lifeform grew inside, flaccid tentacles jutting out of the bulbous mass of a body trying desperately to form limbs, its color as pale as cigarette ashes. Eggman's head slumped to his chin, unimpressed with the results. It was just as he'd left it that morning...and the morning before that, and the night after that. He'd hoped he would see some positive growth after a hectic day apart from its master. But one look dashed those hopes.
He tapped on the tube vigorously, waiting for something, anything. Nothing changed...not even so much as a ripple in the standing water.
From a nearby table, he picked up a pen and clipboard and set about marking off all of the project targets that he hadn't come within a country mile of reaching. As he made his way through the list, marking off failure after failure, his nerves frayed.
Grandfather never had it this rough...
"Sir?" asked a muffled voice from afar. Dr. Eggman turned to find his trusty Egg Flapper occupying the space where he'd directed him to go, the glass tube at the very heart of the room. "Shall we begin the experiment?"
Oh! Of course! The...um..."experiment".
In one smooth motion, he tore the sheet off the clipboard, crumpled it, and threw it toward the closest trash can. Turning away, not even taking care to note that his impromptu sky-hook had undershot the basket by twenty feet, he entered the radiation-proof observation chamber. By the time he settled into his seat, he had already lapsed into another episode of "Dr. Eggman's Thinking Out Loud".
"Bah! No matter! After I'm through with the hedgehog and his friend, I'll have all the time in the world to perfect the procedure!"
"Sir, may I politely remind you that Project Beacon is still in an untested state?" asked Flapper.
"Hmm? Oh…yes," muttered Eggman, as he tapped on a touchscreen, cycling through a rather rudimentary menu. Sprawling bulleted lists of flora and fauna from all over the planet were, for the moment, rendered in little more than a white background and the default system font. He was planning to mold it into a sleek and shiny interface worthy of the Eggman name, but Sonic and his annoying friends just had to butt in and ruin his schedule.
If there was going to be a guinea pig for this test, Flapper was the ideal candidate. One of the few remaining holdovers from the Legacy Series, which all drew power from an "organic battery", it was effectively rendered obsolete for battle duty once Dr. Eggman had found a self-sustaining power source. In one stroke, this opened the possibilities for larger and more destructive Badniks...although Sonic and Tails' little jaunt through the middle decks of his ship should have indicated how successful he was on that front.
But Dr. Eggman kept many of the Legacy Series mechs around – or at least the few that hadn't been felled by the hedgehog's foot. Perhaps it was out of a perverse sense of loyalty. Maybe it was his sick version of 'survival of the fittest'. Either way, he bided his time, waiting for the right moment to use them in the field once again. That time had finally come.
"Ah!" He'd finally reached the right selection in the menu.
Theoretically, there was a checklist with scores of other safety procedures both before and after this part, but they'd all become unreadable by this point, obscured by months worth of coffee stains. Throwing caution to the wind, he flipped open a glass box and pressed the silver button encased inside.
The moment his finger pushed down, all electric light in the room dimmed, sprang back into life for a nanosecond, then went out altogether.
Flapper turned upward to watch the spectacle of light above it. Tiny, green bolts of lightning crackled from an orb at the center of the tube, intermittently at first, but becoming more and more frequent...even persistent. As more energy fired through the tube, the bolts connected with each other, forming a consistent pattern which settled in the miniature vaccuum-chamber at the top. The energy only intensified, and chaos collided with chaos to create more chaos. With nowhere else to go, it grew into an unstable vortex looking for an outlet.
This was an inconvenient time for Flapper to notice that the outlet was pointed directly at it.
"Sir?" Flapper asked. "Requesting information on the nature of this experimen-"
Eggman didn't even wait for his loyal servant to finish before pressing the button a second time. The time for questions had long since passed. Had Eggman given Flapper X-ray vision, perhaps it would have been able to see what Eggman saw on his touchscreen.
The target species he'd selected: FLICKY - Flapper's container animal.
Then again, there wasn't anything Flapper could have done about it.
One blast of Chaos Energy from the top of the tube phased through its skin, tearing through every atom of its being. One second passed. There was no movement, no signs of resistance. Two seconds.
The weapon depowered, and one by one, lights returned to the room to revealing Flapper unmoving at the bottom of the tube, reduced to little more than a non-functioning shell - a shell which the Chaos energy had left almost as pristine and new as the moment it left the factory.
But only a shell, with no power. And no power source.
The word, stuck to the tip of the doctor's tongue, fell out with a soft, almost awed whisper.
Knuckles fell to his knees. Never before, not during any of the crises he'd dealt with before, had Chaos cried out to him like this.
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