#if you couldn’t tell i’m at work at being very brave about it
lovecla · 3 days
TAKE YOUR PAIN AWAY | quinn hughes.
00.1. the first time you saw quinn hughes.
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➴ warnings: mentions of shitty family.
➴ word count: 1.08k
➴ author’s note: this has been sitting on my drafts for days because i wasn’t brave enough to post it. but this story is very important to me and i promised myself i’d stop doubting what i write and just go for it. i hope with all my heart u guys like this ♡
THE first time you saw Quinn Hughes you were eleven years old.
Your family had just bought the house next to his, a beautiful four bedroom house with lots of space and a beautiful backyard— the perfect house for a family of four.
It was a week after you all settled in, your Dad as a Sports Medicine Physician working for a Hockey Canadian team, the Toronto Maple Leafs— the whole reason why you moved in the first place— your Mom as a Editor-in-Chief for the Fashion magazine, one of Canada's leading fashion publications, featuring content related to fashion, beauty, culture, and modeling and your brother, Peter, in High School as a freshman.
You were sitting on your porch, while you waited for Peter to be back so you could convince him to play football with you. He always said no, but you didn't give up. A few minutes later, Peter got out of your neighbor’s house, alongside another boy, who was slightly shorter than Peter.
You watched as they both walked towards your house, talking about something you couldn’t hear. You remember being so enamored with the sight of the boy that you couldn’t stop fidgeting your hands.
They stopped right in front of you, and while Peter was ready to ignore you and move on with his day— he’d been doing that more and more since he started High School— the other boy stopped and looked right at you.
“You didn’t tell me you have a sister.” The boy said, looking at your brother for a second before turning back at you.
“Oh, yeah,” Peter shrugged. “That’s Madison. She’s ten.”
“I’m eleven,” you corrected, voice soft and quiet.
“Whatever,” he scoffed, grabbing his keys so he could open the front door.
“Can you play with me now?” You asked, getting up from your seat, finally noticing how tall this other boy was. “I have the ball with me already.” You pointed at the ball that sat on the same couch you were also sitting not a minute ago.
“No, Madison. I’m with Quinn now.” Peter said, pointing at the boy beside him, who was now frowning at your brother.
Quinn. That’s a funny name, you remember thinking.
“We can play with her, I don’t mind—” the boy, Quinn, said, already reaching for the ball.
“Nah, bro. She’s annoying as hell. Once you pick that ball up, you won’t be able to let it go for like, three hours.” Peter replied, already opening the door.
You felt yourself tearing up and even though you hated crying in front of your brother, you couldn’t help it. Growing up, he was your best friend. Your hero even, when your parents decided that arguing during dinner, in front of their children, was a nice thing to do and he would make funny faces at you across the table just so you could laugh. When he pretended to yell at the monster under your bed or when he let you paint his nails with your pink nail polish.
But somewhere between turning fifteen and entering High School, he changed. And you hated every inch of this new Peter Carter.
He entered the house, shouting something, probably announcing to your mom that he was home. And you stood there, looking at your hands.
“Next time, I’ll play with you, okay?” Quinn, who was still standing in front of you, hesitated, looking as devastated as ever.
You felt embarrassed and you got out of there as fast as you could, running back inside and nestling yourself between your covers and plushies.
YOU didn’t think Quinn had meant what he had said the other day, so you were surprised to see that he showed up the next morning, when both of your parents were at work and Peter was asleep in his bedroom upstairs.
“Hey,” he greeted you, stepping on your backyard patio and looking around. “Nice place you got here. We can play for a long time without risking throwing the ball in Mrs. Wright window.”
You giggled, remembering Mrs. Wright's funny wig.
“I’m Quinn Hughes.” He introduced himself after a while.
“I know that,” you whispered, watching as he laughed. “How old are you?”
“I’m thirteen, but I turn fourteen on October 14th,” he said. “You’re eleven, right?”
“Yes. My birthday was in May. I got this ball,” you raised the ball you were holding so he could see it better. It had your name on it. “And I also got new clothes for my plushies.”
“That sounds nice,” he nodded. “I’ll probably get a new stick on my birthday.”
“Why would you need a stick?” You asked, not sure what he could do with a stick. A tree’s stick. At least that’s what you thought a stick was.
Maybe he wants to put it on his fireplace.
“I play Hockey,” he answered and you still didn’t understand. The only thing you knew about Hockey was that it was the reason you and your family moved to Toronto. So it probably wasn’t a good thing. “And I need a new one.”
“Well, if it makes you happy, then I guess it’s fine,” you shrugged, poking your ball. “But that will probably be boring. You should ask for something cooler.”
He laughed again, sitting on the grass beside you. “I’ll think about that. Thank you for your advice.”
You puffed your chest a little, happy to feel useful for once.
That morning, you and Quinn didn’t end up playing; instead, you talked for hours, with you both asking each other questions about literally everything. From what’s your favorite color to what you wanna be when you grow up.
You could feel your heart racing in your chest every time you stared into his blue eyes that sometimes morphed into a light green shade, but you didn’t understand why. Quinn was being nice, he was treating you just like Peter did before you moved to Toronto and it felt so, so nice.
“Will I see you tomorrow?” You asked, right before he left for lunch at his house.
“I think so.” He smiled, quickly patting you on the head. He gave you a short wave before moving back to his home.
And you just stood there, counting the seconds so that maybe tomorrow would come faster, and you’d finally have a friend again.
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rosaacicularis · 2 years
why is it. that the only times i get super motivated to write. is when i cannot physically write anything.
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twistyfish · 26 days
prompt~ non-mc reader feeling sad because she feels she lacks the relationship mc has with the lads. requested by anon!
Her long, straight brown hair fell in front of her face, and she tucked it behind her ear with slender fingers. Her laughter filled your ears like sticky molasses, and you couldn’t wash it out no matter how hard you tried.
In front of her kneeled Zayne, wiping a cut on her knee with a wet tissue and bandaging it, kissing it gently. You watched as he chided her for being careless and getting hurt.
You wished he would scold you like that.
They stood up and walked away, his arm subtly resting around her waist to support her.
She rested her head against his shoulder. She was so brave. She got injured often because of her profession.
You were an accountant. Your last injury was a paper cut.
The wind blew her hair into Zayne’s face, and you watched him brush it away and arrange it neatly on her shoulders with a smile.
They walked away into the distance, and all you could do was watch.
“Can you get my back?” Sylus asked, holding out the bottle of sunscreen to MC.
She nodded and began working the cream into his back, massaging his shoulder blades as she went.
Sylus smiled as she used her strength to massage him. “Nice arm, kitten.”
You sat next to your sandcastle, patting the wet globs of sand together into rough turrets. It was coming together, sort of.
Sylus crouched down next to you. “How’s the castle coming along?”
“It’s getting there.”
“Do you want to come surf with us?”
You hesitated. Truthfully, you weren’t very adventurous. You were a little nervous to ride the waves.
“Come on, it’ll be fun!” MC smiled at you, her surfboard held under her muscular arm.
“Um, no, I’m okay,” you responded shyly.
“Alright. Have fun building, then.” She waved at you and they both turned, running into the waves. MC squealed as the cool water hit her legs, and Sylus laughed his deep, rich laugh. He splashed her, grinning as she made various high pitched noises in response.
You sat with your sandcastle, smoothing the sides with no zeal at all. Your focus was gone. All you could think about were her hands on his back, his grin as he splashed her, their shared laughter as they ran into the water.
Your thoughts were interrupted by Sylus shouting. “Hey! Come in, it’s nice and cool.”
You shook your head.
“Wow, your drawings are ass,” Rafayel remarked.
“Shut up, loser.”
“Look at __’s drawing. It has such a nice composition.”
You felt pride swell in your chest at his compliment. “Thanks, Raf.”
“Of course, cutie. I’m just telling it as it is. Ms. Bodyguard could learn a thing or two from you.”
“I don’t understand how you can get everything so proportional,” MC grumbled.
“Here, let me show you.” He stood up and positioned himself behind her, taking her hand with the pencil in it and mapping out rough lines.
“Just make the general shapes first,” he murmured, hand guiding hers across the paper.
You looked away, trying to focus on your own drawing. You could hear him softly instructing her, and you sort of wished you were a beginner too in that moment.
You mindlessly sketched, and you ended up with a lazy looking cat.
“Oh, is it sad?” Rafayel asked peering over your shoulder.
“No, it’s sleepy.”
“Sleepy all the time, just like you,” he said playfully to MC, elbowing her.
“I’m not sleepy all the time! You’re thinking of Xavier,” she argued back. They continued to bicker as you watched.
Maybe it was a little sad.
You rang the bell out of politeness despite knowing Xavier’s door code. You had made some banana muffins, and you wanted him to try them. When there was no answer, you figured you would just go inside and drop them off in the kitchen.
You entered the door code and walked inside quietly. As you passed through the living room, you had to stifle a gasp. Xavier and MC were laying together on the couch, under the blanket.
You immediately looked away, setting the muffins on the counter and moving to tiptoe out of the room. Unfortunately, the rustling woke them up.
“__? Is that you?” Came Xavier’s groggy voice.
“No- yes! Um, I just came in to drop off some muffins. I’m leaving, don’t worry!”
Xavier sat up, the blanket falling off his shoulders and pooling around his bare chest.
Your eyes widened and you turned around.
“Hey, __. Where are you going?” MC was off the couch (wearing clothes, thankfully) walking towards you.
“Yeah, sorry about that. We just got back from training and crashed. We were both exhausted,” Xavier said.
Oh. They were sleeping.
“Sorry for waking you guys.”
“Don’t worry about it. Want to nap with us?”
You paused. “I’m good, don’t worry. I’ll just be going now.” With that, you awkwardly put your shoes back on and left the house. The image of them snuggling under the blanket was cemented to your brain.
That night, you slept hugging a pillow.
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outsideratheart · 1 year
Play Nice (Alexia Putellas x reader)
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A/N: Where did this come from you ask, I have no idea.
You knew facing Alexia would be difficult but you didn’t realise that watching her win the World Cup final would bring out a side of you that you would be ashamed of. Seeing her win the very thing you worked so hard for filled you with envy even though you know that she deserved it. 
Once the celebrations died down, Alexia asked you to stay with her, with her family because that is what you are to her but you couldn’t. Your pride was wounded and you knew you wouldn’t be the best company. You wanted her to enjoy the moment and the best way for her to do that was without you because your need to win didn’t allow you to be happy for her. You were so focused on winning that the loss caused you to lose focus on the person that would be by your side long after your career was over. 
It was a dark couple of days for you and as a way not to be reminded of the loss you decided to turn your phone off completely. Alexia had been made aware of this of course. If anything she expected it as you did the same when you lost the champions league final but still having no way of contacting you was something she was struggling with even as she celebrates the title in Madrid with her team.
The Catalonian’s sour mode continues as their celebration tour hits Ibiza. More so because it’s a town that reminds her of you given that she had never been here without you. 
“Alexia, come celebrate with us” Jenni begged as she watched her friend sit at the front of the boat with her legs tangling off the edge.
“I will. I’m going to try and call her again then I’ll join you” 
It was naive of her to think you’d answer but this is the longest you had got without speaking and she desperately needed to hear you voice.
“I will ask Ana to call Patri and see if she can get Y/N on the phone” Jenni suggest. 
“She’s in Barcelona already? She should be resting not punishing herself by returning to training” 
Alexia didn’t know where you were and technically what Jenni said was true but she knew that the call would be no use. She didn’t like seeing her friend so down in what should be one of her happiest moments so she took matters into her own hands. You were a tough woman to get hold off when you go dark but you always followed one rule and that is you had to check in with at least one person. Alexia was so blinded by her worry that she forget the person you told all to was her own mother. 
It wasn’t an easy decision for you to make but you knew that you wanted to celebrate Alexia and all she had achieved. It’s just a shame that would include being around the other Spanish players too. Still, you swallowed your pride and that is how you find yourself on a small boat on the way to the yacht that was anchored just off the coast of Ibiza. 
“Calm down chicas. There’s a lioness on board” Misa teased as you boarded. It was brave on her part and the look she received in response told her to tread lightly. 
“Don’t stop on my part ladies” you say as go on search of your girlfriend “make the most of it, I won’t happen again” you whisper but just enough so that Ana can hear you. The Swiss woman spits out her drink and you wink in response. 
You went to the front of the boat as Jenni said but Alexia was nowhere to be found. You tell the forward to go to the group and you’ll find her yourself. As you wander around the boat having no idea where the next turn will take you, you end up finding Alexia sitting at one of the tables in the lounge area. 
She was on her phone and if you were a gambling woman you would put money on that she was trying to call you. Here she was a world champion yet she was too worried about you to enjoy it and it made you feel incredibly guilty. 
“There’s a party upstairs. Care to join?” You ask. 
“Un minuto” she holds her finger up but her focus remains on the phone in her hand so much so that she didn’t register that it was you who had spoken. 
“Alexia Putellas, put down the phone” you put on your assertive voice one which is very rarely used off the field. 
You now have her undivided attention and you cannot tell whether she is mad at you or happy to see you. Rightly or wrongly the thought last seconds because when she stands you see she is wearing nothing but a blue bikini and a floral wrap around skirt.
“Why are you here?” She stands in front of you waiting for an explanation, one which you know you owe her. 
“A very smart woman told me that I should stop blaming myself and spend some time with my very beautiful girlfriend. Oh and she called me an arsehole” you pretend to act wounded “it was your mother Ale” 
Alexia’s eyes widen as she tries to imagine her mother calling you that because in Eli’s eyes you can do no wrong. 
“I’m sorry I closed down. It’s been a really rough couple of days and I didn’t want to be a dark cloud that covered the sun” 
You had been thinking about what you’d say to her since you boarded the plane to Ibiza. Now was your chance to be open and honest with Alexia but she didn’t have the same need for the truth. 
A finger placed over your lips bringing you to silence. That finger is soon replaced by Alexia’s soft lips. It was the first time you have kissed her since leaving for the World Cup and that is proven by the hunger of the moment. The way you two battle for dominance is not a rare thing and whilst you want nothing more than to finish what Alexia has started, you are aware of your surroundings
“As much as I would like to continue this” you kiss her again “we both know if we don’t stop then I will lose control and it will be very hard for you to stay quiet” 
Alexia pulls away almost as if weighing out her options. Your hands begin playing with the string of her bikini because you knew what you wanted to do. 
“I don’t care” that is her response and you don’t need to be told twice. 
Not even a second later, your hands are roaming her body and you are pushing her towards the closest room.
“Oh my eyes, it burns” Jenni says with impeccable timing as always. 
Alexia pulls away slightly embarrassed that the two of you have been caught even if it was only a heated make out session. She grabs your hand a pulls you towards the stairs that lead back up to the deck.
“I wouldn’t worry about your eyes unless you plan on watching. Cover your ears and go away” you don’t give up but when Alexia playfully shoves the back of your head you know that she is over it and it leaves you no other choice that to admit the mood is ruined.
“Vale, I’m going” you drop your head but not for long because you hear Alexia scolding Jenni behind you.
The group of players on the deck are still very much in a partying mood but it doesn’t bother you as much as you thought it would as they are not throwing it in your face. It also helps that you are able to tune them out thanks to the Catalonian who is laid on your chest running her finger over your protruding hip bone. It is only when her finger travel dangerously close to your bikini line do you stop her by grabbing her hand, bringing it it you mouth and placing a kiss on the back of it.
“Not now. We have an audience” you don’t have to turn around to know that some of the girls will be watching you. 
Most the the girls that are on the boat haven’t seen the two of you be this open with your relationship. Sure they knew you were together, the whole world did, but rarely do they get to see it with their own eyes.  Alexia looks back and is met with several eyes watching the two of you. You laugh at her small huff because you know you are right, something that she hates admitting to you. 
“What are you all looking at” Alexia stands and asks them, slightly annoyed at the lack of privacy even though the two of you are out in the open.
Ona, Misa, Jenni, Laia and Aitana look at the two of you, neither one wanting to speak in fear that they will get in trouble.
“We are going in the water and wanted to know if you were joining us” Laia says.
“We sure are” you jump up and your girlfriend knows by the look on your face that you are up to something “Are you joining us Laia? I can’t wait to see your diving given your practice in the final” 
The way you walk towards her is similar to how you walk towards your opponent on the pitch. You are intimidating and a wave of satisfaction rushes over you when you see her face drop. You stop just in front of her and wait to see if she is ballsy enough to respond. 
“I have a gold medal” She panics and it’s the first thing that comes to mind. 
“And a god awful own goal, don’t forget about that” 
“Play nice” Alexia kisses your shoulder before pulling you to the back of the boat. 
You spend the rest of the day on your best behaviour. The only thing on your mind was celebrating your girlfriend because she truly deserves it. You are no longer England forward Y/N Y/L/N, you are just Y/N girlfriend of World Cup champion Alexia Putellas.
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webslingingslasher · 11 months
heyyy I was just wondering WHAT THE HELL DO YOU PUT IN THIS FRAT!PETER FICS BC I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT TROUBLE AND PETER! I just melt for them together😭😩❤️
I swear when I'm about to fall sleep he just pops into my head and HAVE to grab my phone to reread some of them. Your writing is just soooo god and I wanted to thank you for creating such a work of art🥵🥵🥵
Also I can't stop thinking about frat!peter being jealous like finding a guy talking who hooked up with trouble and overthinking how different they are from each other? and if the ex fling keeps trying to talk with trouble in a friendly way, he would play it cool? i feel like he would look at them talking and he knows about what happen between them but is kinda nervous? idk
first, peter and trouble are crack. second, thank you very much for enjoying!!!
peter knows what it looks like to awkwardly chat with an old hookup, he’s done it more than a few times. so, when he watches your eyes dance around the room while you politely laugh in response to the guy in front of you, he just knows.
he’s taller than peter, and he’s not one to be self conscious about his height, but he might now. and he’s got bigger biceps, peter’s spider-man and doesn’t have the build this guy does.
and he’s got nice hair. really nice hair. the kind of hair he knows you love. it’s like peters, but longer and a bit more curly. peter pats the hair on the back of his neck, he’s been growing it a little longer, but apparently not enough.
in a desperate attempt to keep your attention on him tonight, he takes his hat off to throw it on top of the fridge. you always beg him to take it off, it’ll work. he’s sure of it.
it doesn’t. you’re unable to stand still, if he was projecting, he’d say you went from awkward to uncomfortable. peter’s not going to be the guy to barge in, but he takes a step forward, just in case.
it’s like you can feel him, your eyes shoot to his across the room. no words are said or mouthed, but your eyes said enough. ‘help.’ its all he needs.
peter cuts the guy right off, slinging an arm low around your waist. a kiss to your temple, ‘hi, trouble.’ you relax into his touch, you hold on tight to his arm. ‘have you met tanner?’
he hasn’t, and he really doesn’t care to. it looks like tanner doesn’t either, they’re both sizing each other up. peter’s putting on a brave face, but he knows tanner's thinking he’s no competition, and peter can’t help but feel the same.
still, he throws a hand out. ‘sup, man. i’m parker.’ tanner shakes it, ‘sup.’ peter holds his hand a bit too tight, he’s trying to subtly prove that even if he was smaller, he could kick his ass if needed.
tanner asked peter how he knew you, he had to bite his tongue on the disrespect. he knew exactly how peter knew you, his possessive hold tells it all. ‘i’m her boyfriend.’
you dig your nails into his arm, you were caught off guard with the statement. he said it like it was obvious, tanner smirked. ‘ah, lucky man.’ peter really doesn’t like his face.
‘yup. sure am.’ you nudge back against him, peter takes it as a hint to get out of there. he couldn’t agree more. ‘wanna get a drink?’ you nod quick, 'yes, please.'
your 'boyfriend' made a small show of spinning you in his hold, you laughed at the twirl and balanced yourself on his shoulders. 'nice seeing you again,' you forgot who you were with for a second.
'you too, tanner! have a good night.' peter nudged your lower back to get you walking, you didn't make it four steps until you were pulled in for a bruising kiss. every thought melted away, there was only one person on your mind.
'peter,' it puffed out, just like your lips.
'trouble,' he said it like a greeting. you shook your head, leaning in for another, you were lucky tonight, he supplied.
'thanks, boyfriend.'
'that was a typo.'
you scoff. 'no it wasn't, that was you acting like you have one foot up so you don't feel as threatened.'
the choice of words make his skin crawl. peter knows it's not exclusive, exclusive. but he at least thought you both were on a similar page, one that didn't include saying 'so you don't feel as threatened.'
'what the fuck is that supposed to mean, trouble? so i don't feel as threatened? i was doing you a favor, but feel free to go entertain whoever you want, i'll do the same.'
peter's sudden aggression had your head spinning, you tried to grab onto his arm before he left you entirely. 'did i say the wrong thing? i didn't mean to say the wrong thing!'
'i didn't feel threatened until you said i should be. i just really don't like being reminded that i'm a choice you can change your mind on at any time, it's not a good feeling.'
sometimes when he says something to that effect, you want to tell him he could do something about it. sometimes, you let it go and remind him you're not looking for anyone else, if you were, you would've stopped putting up with his shit ages ago.
this is one of the times you put his fears at bay.
'look, peter, that guy, tanner? he's all talk, he seems like some cool guy but he really kind of sucks. in the least commitive way possible, boyfriend, there are no threats.'
'you keep talking about threats.'
'cause you have none!' you exhale deeply, 'i don't like anyone else, okay? and talking to other guys makes me wanna bash my head into a brick wall.'
'you talking to other guys also makes me want to bash my head into a brick wall.'
you grin and smooth out a wrinkle on peter's shirt. 'good, we're on the same page, then.'
peter throws an arm around your shoulder while he guides you to the kitchen.
'i'll deny it if you say anything, but i quite like reading at the same pace as you, trouble.'
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8. I can’t sleep without you here and 10. do you need a place to stay tonight? with sonny x reader maybe he and Amanda aren’t working out
thank you sm for the request! hope you enjoy :)
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You’re about to fall asleep when your phone vibrates on silent. For a moment you contemplate whether to pick up or not but seeing Sonny’s name on the display, you decide to take it. He usually texts, unless it’s really important.
‘Sonny?’ you answer.
‘Hey…sorry, I know it’s late. I just-...umm…’ he sounds like he regrets the phone call already.
‘What’s up?’ you sit up in your bed.
‘Can I come over?’ he asks anxiously.
‘Now? Sonny, just tell me what’s going on.’ 
‘I sorta just packed up my shit and left.’ he finally admits after a few seconds of silence.
It doesn’t surprise you to hear that. For weeks now Sonny had seemed unhappy, on edge, had confessed that he had doubts about starting this relationship in the first place. Being a supportive friend, you had listened and offered advice, even though deep down you couldn’t help but feel hopeful. Of course you wanted him to be happy but you also weren’t able to ignore the pull you felt toward him any longer. You tried not to let it show, had locked all these thoughts away inside a box which you had buried deep down, too afraid to ruin your friendship, too scared of unrequited feelings. 
‘Do you need a place to stay tonight?’ as soon as the words leave your mouth you wish you could take them back. Why the fuck would you invite him over? 
‘Yeah, hmm. I know it’s weird but I’m already here. Started walking and well, for some reason I ended up outside your door.’ Sonny says, sounding very much embarrassed and nervous. 
And you swear your heart skips a beat. You jump up, and more or less run down the corridor to buzz him in.
An hour and a few drinks later you hand him fresh sheets and pillows for the couch, his makeshift bed for the night. Sonny seems oddly cheery, almost as if a weight has been lifted off of his shoulders. You had talked for a while and shared half a bottle of whiskey, just enough for you both to loosen up and say some things you probably wouldn’t have said in a sober state. 
‘I knew it was a bad idea. I was just tired of being alone, y’know?’ Sonny had admitted.
‘Well, better to be alone than miserable, right? I’m sure you’ll find the right person eventually.’ you had replied and he had looked at you in a way that almost made you feel as if he knew. 
Now you’re in your bed, unable to fall asleep. The fact that he’s just outside your bedroom door, wrapped up in your sheets, the fact that he had come to you for comfort, it all keeps you awake. All these thoughts are back, swimming through your head, and this feeling deep within you, as if someone had punched you in the gut. As soon as you close your eyes, these scenarios take over. You don’t even remember when it had started but for months now you had imagined him and you, together. 
Maybe it’s the alcohol that makes you brave. Maybe it’s the things he said. Maybe it doesn’t matter. And when you open your bedroom door, you find him looking at you as if he anticipated you coming back.
‘I can’t sleep without you here.’ you confess with a lump in your throat. Here it is, the box unearthed, and opened. 
Sonny gets up from the couch and walks over to you until he’s so close you can feel the heat of his body. You look up at him, and the way he looks at you makes you more confident. Inhaling his scent, you lean closer. 
‘Will you come to bed with me?’ you ask and he nods without hesitation, softly taking your hand. 
And the kiss he places on your cheek is even softer. Sonny’s lips linger there for a moment before they travel up to your temple, your forehead, down the bridge of your nose, the corner of your mouth, and then, finally, your lips. The tenderness of it all makes your entire body shake, and you reach out to touch his chest, feeling his fast heartbeat beneath your hands. You grab at his shirt, willing him to take it off and he does, breaking the kiss just for a split second before you pull him against you again. Everything feels like a fever dream as his tongue slips into your mouth, his desperate need for you utterly palpable. Suddenly it’s all obvious. All those moments you had shared in the past, people thinking you were involved, even his now ex-girlfriend always looking at you with a hint of jealousy. 
‘I’ve wanted you for such a long time.’ Sonny breathes as you guide him toward the bed, pushing him down on it. 
You give him a knowing smile, covering his body with yours and he runs his hands up the side of your thighs, under your oversized shirt, making you shudder as he pulls your hips down onto his. Your wetness begins to soak through your panties as you feel Sonny’s arousal against you, and he moans, realizing just how mutual the feeling is. 
‘Why didn’t you tell me?’ you want to know and Sonny blushes.
‘I always thought you were too good for me.’ he replies and you can’t believe what he’s saying.
‘Too good for me? Sonny, you are perfect. So perfect.’ you run your hands over his body, kissing him again deeply as he sighs at your words. 
It’s a slow burn. Even though the urgency is apparent, you relish each other’s touches, kisses; exploring and discovering every inch of newly exposed skin. His neck is his favorite place to be kissed, you find out, and your mouth would have lingered there for an eternity if he hadn’t flipped you over, his hands beginning a journey over your body that soon has you panting his name. You can’t help but arch your back as he slips into your panties, fingers finding your clit and he presses down into your damp folds. 
‘I love how wet you are for me.’ Sonny mumbles, leaning his forehead against yours, eyes staring into yours as he begins to circle your most sensitive spot.
‘I thought about this so many times.’ you moan, meeting his lips again for a heated kiss. Fuck, his touch feels amazing. 
Even better than in your wildest fantasies, and in your head you’ve had him in every way possible. You thought about things you had never thought about before. And while your pleasure starts to build, you can’t believe this is really happening. Finally. 
‘How was it? In your thoughts? Tell me every little detail.’ he whispers as he gets rid of his underwear before pulling off yours. 
So you tell him. And he follows your lead step-by-step. It’s incredibly thrilling to watch and feel him fulfill your fantasies, making it an even better reality. You’re close to your first orgasm when he kneels between your thighs, pulling you up, open and ready for him. When Sonny is finally pushing inside you, the sensation is almost too much, a whimper leaving your mouth as he holds your waist with one hand, the other one still busy with your clit. Your eyes roll back, your thoughts in disarray as you feel him hard and throbbing so deep within you. 
‘Fuck.’ he groans, looking down at you as your legs wrap around him. ‘You are so damn gorgeous.’ 
You do feel gorgeous with him. No shyness, no self-consciousness. Even though you’ve never been this exposed, in every sense of the word, you don’t feel vulnerable, on the contrary. Sonny pulls back, just to plunge into you again, slowly but deliberately, with just the right amount of force. 
‘Yes, just like that.’ you cry out, one hand reaching for his arm for hold, the other one gripping the sheets in absolute bliss. 
He feels wonderful, his cock plunging into you, stretching you, hitting your gspot at the most perfect angle. Sonny increases his pressure on your swollen clit, his thumb circling faster, expertly bringing you closer and closer to the edge. Just watching him burying himself into your pussy is enough to send you over but you hold back, digging your heels into his back to get him even deeper. He moans your name, and you can feel his thighs tense under you with each thrust.
‘You’re so hot, baby. Shit! It feels so good to finally be inside you.’ Sonny leans down to kiss you before sitting back again, pulling your hips toward him to pick up the pace a bit more.  
You love it, being handled by him, being fucked by him. And you’ve always wanted to see him come undone like this, to lose control. 
‘Fuck me harder.’ you beg, voice shaky, and Sonny obliges, withdrawing his fingers from your clit to grab your waist with both hands and tilting your pelvis for even better access before bucking his hips against you harder and faster.
Holy shit! You don’t know if you’re able to hold back for much longer, having him pound into you like this, the ache between your thighs almost unbearable. You want this to last but you want to come, want him to come. And you know he’s right there with you as you hear his breath hitch, and he pauses for a moment, his cock swallowed by your tight, wet warmth. 
‘Sonny!’ you sound more frantic than you had anticipated, being so close to bursting, your walls already fluttering around him.
‘I love you.’ he gasps, eyes lost in yours. 
‘I love you, too.’ you reply, reaching out to touch him. 
He smiles, still not moving, and you are getting desperate now, grinding your hips against him. Sonny gets the hint, his fingers back on your pulsing clit, starting to pump into your glistening cunt again. His movements are erratic now, and he’s close to his own orgasm, as you whimper, your velvety walls squeezing him. You come hard, almost choking on your own breath, and as your body convulses you feel him jerk, flooding your hole with his release. 
‘F-fuckkk, Sonny! Yes, yes, yes!’ you cry out as you see stars, shaking around him. 
‘Jesus, fuck!’ he curses, pumping his cum into your twitching cunt, making you shudder again and again. 
Sonny lets go of your hips, collapsing on top of you, capturing your lips in an exhausted kiss, his body still trembling. You wrap your arms around him, relishing the intimacy of more skin contact. You can’t believe he is really yours. 
‘I hope that was even better than in your thoughts.’ he whispers after a while, still a little out of breath.
You smile as you continue to run your fingers through his hair, your heart pounding in your chest which you’re certain he can feel. If someone had told you the night would end with Sonny and you, not only naked in bed together but confessing your love to each other, you wouldn’t have believed it. It doesn’t feel real but at the same time it’s the realest thing you have ever experienced in your life. 
‘So much better. And there’s so much more I’ve been thinking about.’ you smirk as Sonny lifts his head to meet your gaze, biting his lip.
‘I can’t wait for you to tell me.’ 
request a prompt from the smut prompt list 🔥
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jaegeraether · 4 months
Sunsets and footballers (Part 78)
Alexia Putellas x Character (34)
Masterlist (other parts here)
((**Lil one - 1.4k**))
Alexia went still, her whole body frozen. Ridley was there. On her knees. Staring up at Alexia. Those dark eyes troubled, her hair its usual messy and perfect look, and her smell. Fuck. Her lips. Fuck. That scar. Fuck. Ridley.
How did she-? It was an airline. Of course she knew. And she was probably also responsible for their upgrade to first class.
Ridley reached up slowly and pulled Alexia’s noise cancelling headphones down and around her neck with a gentleness that seemed to be only for her.
“La Reina..”
“Ridley..” She breathed. Who was she kidding? She was never going to get over her.
They were silent for a few moments, just taking each other in. Alexia unclipped her belt to lean forward, closer to her. The need to touch her and be touched by her was almost too much to bear.
“You left,” she whispered, hurt.
“I did.”
“You fucking left, Ridley.”
Ridley nodded, leaning closer to her also. “I’m sorry, Lex.” Her finger tips brushed Alexia’s hair from her cheek and just that small touch send shivers down her spine.
“I need to say something, if you’d let me.”
Did she deserve that? “Go ahead.”
“I ran… I ran, and I’m sorry. You deserve better.” Ridley was being vulnerable with her which made Alexia just want to touch her, anywhere, in support. To feel her skin on her own and make sure it was real. That she was real. “Lex… you can’t understand how torn I am… how conflicted. Half of me wants you to leave and find happiness elsewhere, away from me, so I don’t taint your beautiful soul with my darkened one. The other half begs for you, yearns for you, dreams about you and selfishly wants you close to me, always.”
“You always said that you weren’t good for me, but I never believed you. I still don’t.”
Ridley sighed, looking down. “I feel like I’m not good for anybody, and I didn’t want to put that burden on you for simply loving me. I went away and couldn’t stop my thoughts. I was conflicted. But amongst my confliction, I missed one very important thing. I didn’t give you a choice.”
She looked up at her, her heart on her sleeve.
“My soul is tainted, Lex. I’ve done horrible things that I’ll regret for the rest of my life. But I also know that I’ve never felt about anyone, the way I feel about you. You’ll always be safe with me, whether it’s physically, mentally, financially… I’m still working on the emotionally part. You bring far too much out of me in that regard.”
Alexia’s lips trembled at the pure, unfiltered emotion in her voice. She was being so brave and speaking so beautifully. So vulnerably.
A flight attendant tapped Ridley’s shoulder to say boarding was almost finished and she nodded, telling her she’d only be a few minutes.
“Lex, meeting you broke a spell I’ve been under for a long time. Meeting you made me realise that maybe I was worthy of love after all. You took up space in my heart before I even knew it, and now, it seems you’re there to stay. I feel sorry for the Ridley before you because she didn’t realise how much love and happiness she was missing without you. You’ve changed me forever, and I’ll happily spend the rest of my life trying to thank you.” She cupped her cheek and stroked it with her thumb. “Regardless of if you want to stay or go…”
Ridley was giving her a choice. And even though she’d never meant to, it was the one and only choice she’d ever denied her.
Alexia’s heart broke. She leant down, her hands needing to touch her, and her cheek pressed against her own. She just needed to be close to her.
“I’m damaged..” she whispered, her breath soft against Alexia’s cheek.
“You’re human…” Alexia replied softly against hers, nudging it a little as if to wake her from her stupor.
“I’m broken.”
Alexia’s hand travelled down until it rested over her heart, feeling that strong beat. “You feel whole to me.”
Ridley’s hands found Alexia’s wrists and gripped on, as if to keep her there. Wanting her close.
Alexia’s lips brushed their way up to her forehead where she gave a singular kiss with more love and passion than she had ever expressed before. So much so, that it even surprised her. “I’m right here.”
Her hands were either side of her jaw now, Alexia’s cheek resting against her eyebrow. They stayed like that for a time, until the reality of where they were set in. Ridley pulled back and the expression she had on her face affected Alexia so much, that she could feel all of Ridley’s emotions.
That’s the moment Alexia knew she’d completely and desperately fallen in love with her.
“I’m sorry I ran,” she whispered again, her face betraying her pain. Ridley was letting herself be emotional with her, and it caught Alexia completely by surprise in the best kind of way. She knew what it meant. She was letting her in.
“It’s okay.”
“It’s not. Not at all. Now the choice is yours, Lex.”
Alexia thought on it for a minute or so until she spoke. “I want you, Lee. In every single way. But relationships are a two-way street, and they start with us as individuals. I want you. I lov-“ She stopped herself and sucked in a breath. Fuck, she really loved her. “I… but right now you need to find that part of you that doesn’t believe you deserve to be loved, and you need to learn to love yourself. To know in your heart that you deserve to love and be loved.. because you do. You fucking do. You deserve the world.”
Ridley’s face broke, and then hardened slightly. It was an honest truth that she needed, but of course it hurt.
“You’re… right.”
Alexia leant forward again, her lips on her forehead and kissed her there. “I know,” she whispered. “And I truly hope you can find that, because you deserve to have the love of your life.”
She pulled back and Ridley was holding herself strong, surprisingly. “Is there any hope for us?”
Alexia’s pride and independence crept up. She knew what she needed. “If you can learn to love yourself, and promise me that you’ll stay. That you won’t run away again. That you’re ready to move forwards, together.” Ridley was paying attention closely like she always did. She was always a good listener. “I need you to be here for me, like I am for you. I need security.”
“How will you know that I’m ready?”
Alexia smiled. “You’ll fight for me. For us.”
Ridley almost smiled. She liked that idea, it seemed. “Until then… can we be friends?”
“Friends who love each other, yes. Yes, please. I’d like that.” She needed Ridley to prove that she was there to stay.
“Hm.” She liked that answer. Ridley looked over her shoulder and gestured to the flight attendant who came by. “No change to the manifest. Please stand the ground crew down. Leave the baggage and pet on board.”
She nodded with a smile at Ridley that had Alexia’s jealousy spike and left.
“You’re leaving Chiquito with me?”
“I can’t take him away from you..”
“He’s yours.”
“I think you’ll find that he’s ours now.”
Typical Ridley sass. She loved it.
“We can share him…”
Ridley smiled her agreement and the Spaniard didn’t realise how much she’d missed seeing that. Seeing her lips curve upwards and her scar move on her cheek. She reached out and touched it.
“Deal.” She said as she rocked back on her heels and stood. “Good bye, Alexia.”
Alexia caught her arm as she went to turn, and pulled her back down, their faces so close she could kiss her without a thought. Though it most definitely was a thought. Their first kiss. “Ridley?”
“Don’t leave again. Fight for me. Fight for us.”
Ridley clipped her belt up, pulling it tight across her hips. Fuck.
And then her thumb traced her lips ever so gently. Ever the cheeky Ridley. “I will. Do you know why?”
Her thumb was still on her lower lip, and Alexia couldn’t form words at that point. She shook her head.
“Because you’re fucking mine, Alexia.”
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stillmonsterz · 5 months
it's gonna get better (teaser)
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(this is the final part to brave it together)
pairing: jay x reader genre: suggestive, angst, slight humor summary: your tumultuous tryst with jay might have ended, but your relationship with the karma club and its members has only grown more entangled. a winter trip to the swiss alps tests your friendships, your willingness to lie, and your resolve in staying away from jay. despite your previous inclinations towards isolation, you're starting to realize, a little too late, that being around people isn't too bad. content: drinking, drug usage, sexual themes, rape mentions, murder mentions, suicide mentions, threats, more to come. estimated word count: 20k
taglist: @moon7jay @belowbun @bambangan @praliliaaa @jjklvr9 @iveivory @magicshop1913 @sseobonggs (if i forgot you, please let me know!)
It took you until evening to gain even a semblance of your composure. You had spent some time working on your scarf, mindlessly purling and knitting. You had tried to watch a movie, but your eyes grew unfocused. Finally, you had decided to lie on your bed as you did at the motel, staring at your ceiling. If you focused, you could still smell Jay's woodsy, spicy scent, as though it had permeated the very walls of your room.
When dinnertime approached, you stripped down to your underwear and examined yourself in the mirror. Your body was a patchwork of fresh skin and mottled bruises that Jay had given you over the past month. When you raised your arm, you could see the nail marks he had made. As usual, bright red hickeys adorned your neck. You’d have to cover them up again so no one would get any ideas.
Then you realized that this was the last time you’d have to cover up a mark that Jay had given you. After this, the evidence of what the two of you had had would fade away, your cells would replenish, and it would be as though he had never touched you in the first place.
It didn’t seem right, that you and Jay were finished. At any second, as you rummaged around in your closet for an outfit to wear, you imagined that Jay would burst inside of your room, demanding something. He’d lie on your bed again, smoking your cigarettes while complaining about how they tasted. He’d tell you that he had been joking, that he had never intended to leave you, that you were his. He would kiss you again, choking you in his grip.
Instead, the minutes dragged on, and Jay never showed up. You pinched the inside of your arm and once again, you didn’t feel a thing. Just a dull register of a sensation.
After you got dressed in your usual sweater and long skirt, you checked your phone. You had gotten a text from Riki.
Riki: how’s my favorite traitor 😂
You: Not a traitor. Didn’t betray anyone.
Riki: when you give me an explanation for saying one of my friends raped you in a group chat literally called “anti-kc”
Riki: then you can be not a traitor
You had to admit, the evidence against you was stacked. 
Riki: are u ready yet
Riki: i’m hungry
Riki: i’m thinking i’ll get the “she lied” salad with the “our friendship is ruined” combo
Riki: the “i can’t believe i was going to take her to cliffside laser tag” meal 
You: That was never going to happen.
Riki: stop
Riki: haven’t u done enough
Riki: maybe a side of “lying wench” chips
You: Are you done?
Riki: not even close.
You: I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.
Riki: good
Riki: that’s plenty of time
Riki: the “hoes mad” burger with the “she’s a bird” fries
Riki: crisp waffle fries with extra salt
Riki: ketchup representing the shed blood
He kept going on like that, so you turned your phone off. It bothered you that you couldn’t tell Riki the truth. Well, you could. But if you told him that Jay raped you, and Riki somehow found out that you had been hooking up with Jay for the past month, you would look insane. Or like an idiot. How could you explain something that you didn't even understand? No, you’d rather have Riki hate you than tell him the convoluted truth.
You were used to Karma Club members hating you, anyways.
Dinner with Jake and Riki at Stoker’s cafeteria was as insufferable as you had imagined. Bundled under a coat and a high-necked sweater that masked the marks made last night, you wordlessly ate your meal while Riki and Jake talked. Riki sat on the right side of you, jostling you whenever he would gesticulate wildly as he recounted some story. You weren’t really paying attention to anything he said. Your focus was on Jake, on the way he bit his lip as he looked between you and Riki.
“Sorry to interrupt,” Jake said slowly, setting his fork down, “but are you and Wednesday, uh…”
Riki winced, and you marveled at his acting prowess. “It sort of just happened,” Riki said. “ We were at the party, and she came to see me, and well, I just went for it. It wasn’t like I meant to steal your girl or anything.
“No, no, no,” Jake said, waving his hands furiously. “No, it’s fine. She wasn’t my girl, never was, never…haha. You guys are cute together, honestly. Same age and everything.” Nervously, he started folding his paper towel into small, neat squares. 
“No, I really should have told you,” Riki lied, swallowing a bite of chicken breast. 
“It’s cool,” Jake said through gritted teeth. “Why would I want to know if my best friend and the girl I, uh, know, have a thing? That’s none of my business.” 
“Glad you understand,” Riki said, beaming at Jake. 
Jake got up from the table. “Gonna take a leak,” he muttered before staggering away from the long bench. 
As soon as Jake disappeared from view, Riki’s face fell.
“What are you doing?” you asked. “Why are you telling Jake we’re together?”
Riki leaned towards you so that he could whisper. The Stoker dining hall was relatively full at this hour, mainly by students from other dorms, and you were beginning to learn that there were eyes and ears all over Sadame University. “Because,” he began, voice thick with anticipation, “things were getting way too dicey in our dorm. “For whatever reason, things between Jake and Jay got worse after last night. Jake’s skittish as fuck, and Jay’s acting like he wants to kill Jake. I figure this has something to do with you.”
You winced. 
“It’s no good,” Riki continued. “Jake’s been going to Jungwon’s room and pacing around and shitting himself and whatever. Remember how I told you that there has to be a balance to shitstirring?”
“I do recall that.”
“This is it,” he said. Riki used his hands to mimic a scale, one hand representing a plate dipping too low. “Right now, tensions are too high. That’s no fun, you know? So I have to even things out.” Riki brought both of his hands to the same level. “If I redirect their attention, make myself the target, then they’ll both hate me instead. But they like me, so nothing bad will happen.”
With your index finger, you pressed down on the palm of one of his hands, forcing it downwards. “What if something bad does happen to you?”
Riki pushed against your finger, steadying his hands once more. “It won’t. I know you and everyone else loves to pretend like the Karma Club members have their own special brand of evil, that we’re just, like, complete sociopaths, but I know them.”
“It’s been three months…”
“A lot can happen in three months,” Riki said. If you reflected on the path your life had taken in merely one month, you would be forced to agree with him. 
You pulled your hand away from his and sighed. “Why do you like bad things so much? What about good things?”
“That’s not true,” Riki said. “I love good things. I like bad things too. I’m a very deep person.”
“As deep as a kiddy pool,” you said. 
“Don’t make me laugh,” Riki said. “I’m still mad at you for trying to fuck us over.”
You thought about arguing with him, but you decided against it. Riki felt like a true friend to you - at least, he had felt like a true friend - but the thought of baring your soul to him only for him to be unreceptive to your sorrows made you feel sick. You pushed your plate of food away.
“You know, for a while there I almost thought Jay had like a weird thing for you,” Riki said offhandedly, cutting another piece of chicken breast and spearing it with a fork. “I know, I know, it doesn’t make much sense considering he hates your fucking guts. But the dedication with which he hates your guts was scary. Elite hatred. What did you even do to the guy, anyways?”
“Nothing,” you said, “which seems to be the problem.”
Riki chewed his food, staring into space with a thoughtful expression. “He still hasn’t brought Isa over,” Riki said. 
“Maybe you just haven’t noticed,” you said. Memories of that night with him in his dorm room, sex tinged with a faint hint of romance, your limbs tangled together in post-coital bliss, spun through your mind. 
“No, he explicitly said, ‘Don’t let that bitch Isa get near my room or I swear to God I’ll kill you all,’” Riki said, mimicking Jay’s voice perfectly. 
You shrugged. “I don’t know, then.”
“I just always found it weird,” Riki said slowly, “I’ve never seen him be nice to her at all, besides when I would come to the library to pick you up to get a smoothie and I would see them flirting or whatever. Isn’t that so weird? Like, why would Jay get close to Isa in public? Specifically, at the library.”
The hickeys still marring your neck felt as though they were burning, and you scratched at them absentmindedly. “Yeah, weird…”
“Hey,” Riki said in an unusually light voice. “How did you get home last night?”
Riki’s long bangs had fallen into his face, obscuring his eyes. For the best, as you didn’t know how you’d be able to look into them. “What?”
“How’d you get home?” Riki repeated. 
“Uber and a bus,” you said. 
Riki nodded and leaned away. “Interesting.”
“What’s interesting?” Jake asked. He swung his legs over the bench and settled into his spot again.
“Interesting she’s okay with us sharing a room, considering she’s just so, so shy,” Riki said, putting his arm around you in a constricting half-embrace. “The third-floor bedroom has two single beds, right?”
Jake’s lips twitched. “Uh, yeah,” he said. “It does. Jungwon and I were thinking about taking that one, though.”
Riki waved his free hand dismissively. “Just sleep together, Powerpuff girls style.”
“Fuck off,” Jake said with a smile, playfully pushing at Riki.
“You’re going to knock your soup over,” you said, but it was too late. Jake’s chicken noodle soup sloshed over the table, staining the crisp, white tablecloth. 
“Aw, man,” Jake said, pouting slightly.
Riki shoveled the last of his chicken breast into his mouth. “Let’s get out of here,” he said. “This is the second tablecloth we’ve fucked up.” 
“Third,” Jake said, picking bits of pasta off of himself. “When we left Sunoo alone with the chili and he fucking-,”
Riki laughed. “Oh shit, yeah.” Riki stood up and held his hand out towards you, his gaze imploring. Reluctantly, you loosely joined hands with him, and he pulled you to your feet. “Come on, let’s go watch the Scream movies.”
“No,” Jake whined. “I wanted to watch the Amazing Spiderman.”
“No one asked,” Riki said, pulling you along with him. You stumbled after him, disappearing into Stoker’s dorms. Despite yourself, you scanned every possible corner for a hint of Jay, a trace of his breath, the sound of his sardonic laughter. 
He wasn’t around.
Halfway through the second Scream movie, Riki announced that he had to take a massive shit. 
“And why did you choose to tell us that?” Jake asked, slapping Riki’s leg as he got up from his plush bed. 
Riki shrugged, shimmying between piles of laundry he had left on the floor. “I thought you might need to know about my bowel movements.”
“For what?”
“I don’t know, that’s up to you,” Riki said, leaving to use his ensuite. 
As soon as the door clicked shut, Jake scrambled on top of the bed to sit next to you. He had been sitting cross-legged on the floor; Riki had insisted that you sat next to him. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Jake asked. 
“Tell you what?”
Jake gestured wildly. “That you had a crush on Riki. I guess I could have guessed, but like, come on. Instead, you sort of made me feel like, I don’t know, I might have had a chance at some point…”
Had you? “Uh, it sort of came out of nowhere,” you said, belatedly realizing that you had copied what Riki said almost verbatim.
Pushing his tousled hair back, Jake licked his lips and sighed. “Right. Right, yeah. It’s just that I feel like kind of a dick now.”
“You didn’t do anything,” you said awkwardly. 
“I mean, I don’t want to seem like I’m being pushy or that I’m entitled to anything, but you could have told me. Or Riki could have told me. I mean, like, you guys were pretty close and everything, but I didn’t think he was into dating…”
The name “Sieun” came to your lips, until you remembered that no one knew that Riki had dated Sieun. “Well-,”
“Like, you didn’t lead me on, I knew you had your own issues and all to sort out, but if you were going to date one of my best friends, I think it’s only fair to tell me. You know, out of…respect for my feelings? And so it wouldn’t be like I was hitting on my friend’s girl.”
If this was how Jake reacted to the mere idea of you and Riki getting together, you didn’t want to know how he’d react if he found out about you and Jay. “Sorry, Jake.”
Jake sighed again, his entire being seeming to deflate. “It’s fine, whatever. It’s cool.” After a period of silence, Jake said, “I don’t even care, you know? I mean, it wasn’t like it was serious. Like I like you and all, but it wasn’t serious.”
“Right.” Then you recalled what he had said at the party, when he had came out of the bathroom so flustered. “You said you had something to tell me, back at the party?”
“Oh. Yeah, that.” Jake slowly made his way to the floor again, one knee tucked into his chest, the other leg spread straight. He looked at the plasma-screen TV mounted to Riki’s wall blankly. “Well, I was going to ask you to go on the KC trip with me. I was going to pay for everything, but I guess Riki is going to take you now…”
You nodded, then realized he couldn’t see you. “Yeah.”
Jake bobbed his head up and down slowly, his lips pursed together. “Cool.” 
When Riki came back, Jake stood up as though being pulled by strings. “I’m gonna head in,” Jake muttered. “I’m still a little hungover.”
Riki clapped Jake on the back. “See you, Jake.”
Jake made a little wave, bid you goodnight, and left Riki’s bedroom. Riki sat down beside you and smiled. “So, what’d you guys talk about?”
“He had an episode,” you said flatly. 
“Perfect,” Riki said. “It’s all going according to plan. Now get out of my room.”
You didn’t have to be told that twice. “Good night,” you said, gathering your long skirt up and standing. 
“Good night,” Riki said, zipping his hoodie all the way up and covering his jet-black hair with his hood. “I mean, just night. Bad night. I hope your night is shit.”
You squinted at him. “You’re really bad at this.”
Riki had turned the lights out to fit the gloomy atmosphere of the movie, but you could make out his features via the light from the television. Suddenly, he looked older than his age. “I’m bad at it because I genuinely liked you a lot,” he said quietly. “I saw you as a friend, like a real friend. Everyone knows I really liked you. But you lied on one of my friends, and not something petty. You lied about something really fucked. I thought you’d be above doing something like that. It’s something… something I would probably do.”
He pointed at the door. “Out, before I lose my nerve.” 
You wouldn’t tell him the truth, couldn’t tell him the truth. He wouldn’t respect you at all if he knew what you did with the man who sexually assaulted you.
 With some horror, you realized that Riki didn’t know that Jake had a problem. If Riki kept pushing Jake, who knew what he would do? The only thing you could do is trust that Riki knew how to balance the scales of his bizarre game. 
The walk to Fawcett left you with far too much time to reflect. You knew that you had never fully had Jay, that he wouldn’t allow you to possess him in a tangible form. But you hadn’t realized that you would lose your friend, too.
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gloryhrs · 6 months
━━ ⟡ 𝓛𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝓑𝐎𝐘𝐒, various.
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ᥫ᭡ o. requested by — @normansnt. ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧⋆ ˚。⋆
ᥫ᭡ i. ᧔𐓪᧓ 𝐡𝐜𝐬 𝐟𝐭 ━━ kenpachi zaraki, shūhei hisgai, ichigo kurosaki, & kisuke urahara.
ᥫ᭡ ii. ᧔𐓪᧓ trans [ ftm ] reader, fluff + comedy, modern era + everything takes in a non-soul society universe.
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Kenpachi Zaraki . . . the brutal captain of the 11th Division had a passion for all things that revolve around fighting. But you know what else he has a passion for? You, his husband, and Yachiru, his daughter. He loves his little family and would protect you both till his final breath.
Kenpachi likes what he likes, and he loves you—so he didn’t understand why you were so scared of telling him that you were trans. He will always support you, no matter what the situation is or how bad it gets. When he found out about you being trans he just shrugged his shoulders and asked what was for dinner.
“Kenny? You aren’t mad at me . . . right?” You played with the hem of your kimono sleeves. Once you told your husband about your identity he just stood there . . . No reaction or anything. It was as if his system was rebooting. After what felt like years of silence he finally spoke, “Eh, not really. There’s nothing to be mad about, seriously.” He shrugged as he put his large hands on your shoulders before placing a sweet kiss against your sweaty forehead. “Now, what’s for dinner?”
“Also, I know I shouldn’t ask you this. But is that the reason why your chest was cut off?”
“Yes, Kenny.”
“Well I could’ve save us the money and did that myself!”
When Yachiru found out about the news she was so sweet and supportive. She understood the importance of the situation perfectly and even said you’ll forever be her dad, even if you didn’t give birth to her.
“Look dad! Look at the drawing me and papa made for you!” The little girl smiled sweetly as she held up a drawing that included blue, pink, and white—the trans flag colors. It was a drawing of her and Kenpachi wearing matching shirts that said “We love you Y/n” along while holding the little pride flags in their hands. You couldn’t help but smile brightly and place a little kiss against the girl’s cheek. “Thank you, Yachi. I’m gonna hang this up on the fridge, okay? You and Kenny’s art skills are amazing.”
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Shūhei thinks of you as his safe space . . . one of the only few people he can be around without having to relax his shoulders every five seconds because he is feeling tense.
He didn’t care about the fact that you were trans, in fact, he thought you were brave. Since you didn’t hide yourself from the world, you weren’t too accepting of people like you. But that didn’t matter to him, he was going to protect you every step of the way, holding your hand without fear.
“I–I’ll still love you. No matter what, babe. Whatever you’re comfortable with, I’m comfortable with. You’re very handsome to me! Haha . . .” Hisagi laughed and nodded his head. He was so supportive in his own weird way, it was cute.
He loves snuggling into your chest like a little kitten after a long day of work. ♡ Each time he got home he would immediately throw his stuff on the ground without having a care in the world.
“Darling, I think your laptop was in there.” You spoke softly as you caressed the back of Shūhei’s head while he rested his cheek against your chest. The man had another stressful day at work and he threw his bag to the floor—you could’ve sworn you heard a slight crack. “It’ll be fine . . . it’s practically indestructible.” He muttered with his eyes closed and his breathing starting to slow down. Instead of aggravating him about it, you only smiled softly and ran your fingers through his hair.
It turns out that did end up breaking his computer and was charged on his tab at work for the incident.
“Damn it . . . (πーπ)”
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Ichigo was kinda known for taking certain subjects to heart—his family, friends, and most importantly, you. He knew about your identity since he was fifteen and he never judged you or discriminated against you for it. He would never use hurtful words or do hurtful things to you because he truly loves you with every last bone in his body.
When he’s around, he always makes sure that people use the correct pronouns on you and make sure you don’t feel uncomfortable in any shape or form. He doesn’t care who they are. They will respect you and your identity. When you would often speak up for yourself, you would always get turned down and ignored in the end. Which infuriated him to no end, he hated seeing you sad.
Ichigo's eyes glared holes into the back of the teacher’s head as she continued to refer to you as she and her. He noticed you tried to speak up for yourself but she only ignored you and continued to misgender you in the end—which made you go quiet for the rest of the class period. Once she referred to you as the wrong pronouns that’s when Ichigo decided to step in. “He said, his pronouns are he/him. Why do you keep referring to him as she and her? Did you not hear him the first time he corrected you?” Ichigo frowned while the teacher seemed a bit shocked at his words. “What the hell are you looking stupid for? Can you not hear?”
Since you’re his first boyfriend, he always tries his best to show you that he loves you—even though he can be a bit awkward at times. Good days or bad days, when he visits you, he always brings flowers and favorite snacks. He also has a habit of buying you merch of your favorite things because he just can’t help himself every time he walks by.
“Ichigo? Did you seriously buy me a set of these?” You chuckled at the sight of the jumbo plushie of your favorite animal. The plushie was so soft and fluffy that you couldn’t be upset with him that he spent so much money on it. “Yeah, when I saw it, I couldn’t help myself. It reminded me of you.” He smiled before he pulled out a cute little hairpin of your favorite animals and placed it in your head with a soft kiss to your cheek.
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Kisuke wasn’t shocked at the news about your identity. Like Kenpachi, he knows what he likes and isn’t ashamed of it. Love is love, why should he be ashamed of being married to someone who isn’t afraid to express themselves? It didn’t make sense to him—but he didn’t care.
“Oh? Hehe, I guess we’re both husbands now, yeah?” The shop owner poked at your cheek with the end of his fan before covering his red cheeks with it. It was obvious he was flustered at his joke. Instead of getting upset at him about the joke you only smiled softly and playfully punched his shoulder.
Yoruichi is tired of you two deeply. She never saw Kisuke so deeply in love with someone, since he was a bit of a pervert. Every time she sees you both being lovey dovey she can’t help but let out a loud dramatic sigh. Kisuke would often joke around and call her jealous because she didn’t have anyone in her life. And it always resorted to her flipping him off or smacking him in the back of the head because of his smart-ass mouth.
“Why hello my most beautiful, precious, loving, and gorgeous husban—”
“Get a room you freaks!”
“I didn’t even finish my sentence!”
This man was your hype man—you want to show him your new outfit? Give him a show! Did you get a new haircut? He will give you compliments until you get sick of him! This man didn’t know how to stop once he had gotten started. Most of the time, you would never get sick of him and his compliments and pickup lines. Because, unlike most people, you genuinely found him funny. He would often talk like a high-school student just to get a smile on your face.
The moment he walked in on you trying on something new with a frown on your face he just couldn’t hold himself back. The man placed the fan up against his face as he began to speak. “Hey handsome, I guess there is a rainbow today as I just found the treasure I have been searching for.” He started to fan his face in a dramatic manner, which caused a series of laughter to leave your lips. “You like it? I think I got a size too small.” You tugged at the shirt and pants that were a little too tight in certain places. Kisuke, being the pervert he is only wolf-whistled while continuing to fan his pink cheeks. “My dear husband, do you mind doing a slight 360 for me? I would like to see something.”
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© gloryhrs, 040124. | notes and reblogs are appreciated! (≧∇≦)
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To hunt or be hunted #5
Pairing: Alastor x Fem!Reader x Lucifer Summary: Bath time has proving itself to be a revealing process, specially when in company of someone else. Warnings: Angsty stuff, fluffy at the end.
Hazbin Taglist: @sakuraluna2468 @boogiemansbitch @mysterypotatoink @sibsteria @cherry-cola-100
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Walking around the hallways, now that you could freely do so, helped with your insomnia. You tried to minimize how often you did it, afraid to upset someone with the endless pacing noise.
Mindlessly you ended up in the highest floor. As you turned to walk down the stairs a sound made you stare at the light under one of the doors.
You knocked on it knowing the owner of the room, “Alastor? Are you killing someone or are you in pain?” the demon didn’t answered, worried you opened the door a little, peeked through a small crack as to not interrupt if he was busy.
Your heart raced when you saw the taxidermy hanged on his wall, the warm old ambiance made you feel like you were back to the 1920’s. Just at the end of the room there was this annex, something you didn’t noticed when you dropped his clothes a few months ago.
It was a forest, like the bayou you used to frequent to avoid the police. It had the same swampy smell. The next sound made you jump, it came from the bathroom, like the sound you can make by kicking water.
“Alastor?” your voice caused him such a surprise, that the next you heard was a shriek then a lot of radio static, “I’m not going to open the door, I just…Are you okay?” his shadow creeped out from under the door, pulled you inside the room and closed the main door.
“Yes dear, I’m okay” since you couldn’t exactly tell by his tone, you turned to the shadow, he slowly smiled in return, “Okay, pardon the intrusion” You managed to turn around, but stopped to see the bunch of "No" signs on the door, as if Alastor's shadow didn't want you to leave.
“The stitches got a bit lose” He spoke as the figure on the wall gave you an image of your previous suturing work and how it had come loose and deteriorated, until it was like a badly patched jacket.
 “Describe how the wound looks” Alastor made the mistake to move very suddenly, tensing the edges of the scab, he winced before giving you an answer, “Red, it’s mostly scab, but the stitches got lose and teared apart some of the scab”.
“How about you finish there and when you’re a bit decent, I take a look?” the handle loosened allowing the door to move backwards from the frame, “Come in” 'No way! He will be naked in the bathtub, no! But it could be serious, at worst I just keep my eyes on his torso and then turn around' you panicked internally, then took a step forward.
“Don’t be ridiculous, open your eyes, you’re going to hurt yourself!” you had your eyes covered, as you made your way to the bathtub, failing because you knocked your knee against the sink, “You have to remember what kind of upbringing we had; I only saw my ex-husband naked in his entirety” he was embarrassed, but seeing you being in a worse state, kind of reassured him.
Due to the water, parts of his fur stick to the skin and sometimes leave certain marks on the skin visible. In Alastor's case, his cream-colored skin was partially covered with short but spacious scars, since in contrast is a much darker color it made them stand out easier.
The worst thing about those was that they did not have a pattern that could resemble a “professional” torture technique, but it seemed as if they had stoned him, which is something that happened a lot to people whose skin color was darker at the time. The racists used to tie the person to a pole and throw rocks at someone.
A truly sickening activity.
“Oh those are…I didn’t noticed those scars, I’m so sorry” immediately you diverted your eyes, out of respect mostly, “You had seen the…process?” you shook your head, “I used to scare kids that planned it, no one is brave enough when they have an axe against their neck”.
After snapping out of it, you approached him, you thanked him internally for having his knees pressed together and up to the level of his chest, so you wouldn’t see his privates. Two old fashioned mannered persons on a room, or prudes, as Angel would said.
The stitches did got lose, but he was supposed to take them off at a certain time. You assumed you didn’t warned this to him, so that fell on you, “Mmh, I’ll get tweezers and scissors, if I use my claws I might make it worse” mindlessly you pressed your hand near the edge of the wound, it wasn’t hot nor red enough to be an infection.
“Your hand is so warm” he placed his fingers on the top of your hand, “Funny how you don’t shove me away” you were aware of his repulsion of touch, weird enough he was always willing to invade your personal space, like the other day, but he shoved any other person trying to approach him physically, except for Nifty and you.
“I think, if you wanted me dead, I wouldn't have been able to return to the hotel” being playful with life and death matters was a refreshing interaction for you to have with someone, Alastor made it fun.
“Charlie would’ve had my head if you hadn’t” literally.
“You had the chance to kill me three times, if I recall correctly” You had, but that’s not the thing that makes him curious, it lead him to ask an interesting question, “Why didn’t you?”.
“The first time, you were eating someone, it made me gag so I walked away” the image of you being with your axe ready to strike and then waking away repulsed made him laugh, you couldn’t resist a giggle either.
“Down here, when you first arrived, I wanted to level how stupid you were, since you didn’t attacked me, I didn’t either” that was one hell of an intense staring session, in which Alastor walked away first, the implied threat was strong enough, so he moved away from you to continue terrorizing the city.
“And in the rubble, I just wanted to give you a lesson” he made what you could interpret as a pout, twitching his eye and his ear.
“Your hair is dry” You noticed, now that you looked at his ears.
“I haven’t washed it yet” Alastor saw a light in your eyes that meant trouble, leading to a back and forward: “Can I?” “No” “Please?” “No” “Please?” “No” “Please?” “No” “I’ll do whatever you want”.
“Then you’ll join me for my broadcast tomorrow night, you’ve been quite evasive about it”, Since your presence became public knowledge around the hotel, Alastor felt the liberty to approach you more often. The tension from the first interaction dissipated over time. However, he constantly invited you to spend some time in his studio, subject that you’ve been avoiding. Nonetheless, he doesn’t stop asking.
“I´m sorry” you materialized two cotton balls in your hands, then placed them carefully on the insides of his ears, before wetting his hair.
“Have I done something to provoke it?” he was genuinely concerned. He knows himself far too well to know he can be correct and at the same time be offensive, and doesn’t mind the reaction unless it affects him directly.
“No…I keep most of me to myself, force of habit. Also I fear that you may want to talk about past lives” No matter what topic you start the conversation on, he always handles it in such a way that you end up talking about the 1920s and the society or politics of the moment and compare it to the technological advances of the new generation.
It got old very quickly.
“We could talk about other things” it was unusual for you to hear him be genuine, but you weren’t complaining. “Like?” he relaxed once you started massaging the shampoo into his head, “This cotton ball method is genius” his ears rotated as your fingers worked the foam around them, “I had the same issue, until I saw videos of cat owners washing their pets, using cotton balls to protect their ears”.
“Did your husband also enjoyed this kind of attention?” You didn't have saliva to swallow, and even if you did, the knot in your throat wouldn't allow it. “Not with me” he laughed, clearly not reading your clear discomfort, “One of my main victims were men who committed adultery, maybe his body is now rotting in the bayou”.
You decided to swallow your pride and let his unpleasantness pass, “Unlikely, I cracked his skull open” he took your hand off his head and placed a kiss on your knuckles, “Deservedly so” you smiled for a second, before his next statement rose a bitter taste to the back of your mouth.
“Men are often asses, it’s no wonder that woman want them dead. Fortunately, my mother raised me accordingly” you rolled your eyes at his ego, “Remind me to lit a candle for her, she’s most likely in heaven” his heart, as black as it could be, fluttered by the mention of a lovely practice.
“You knew of her?” You were clearly older than him, he had a small hope you could speak of his mother, “No, but the way you talk about her, that’s proof enough”. It took you a few seconds to remember one of your husband’s so lovely gifts, a cookbook, given the fact that – according to him– your meatloaf was dry every time.
“I think I had her cookbook, Amaya Heartfelt, right?” his microphone made a crowd laughing sound before he spoke, “Ah, that’s why your Jambalaya tasted familiar” funny, you thought you saw a grimace when he ate, now that was the reason.
“I make a decent Jambalaya, accept it” rather than being playful, your voice turned to be a bit brazen, not by accident that is. “More than decent, but my mother wins against you by a landslide” you hummed in utter defeat, “Fair enough, mamma’s boy” he scoffed, but did not correct you.
“If we had met properly, we probably would’ve been best of friends” 'Oh Alastor, you're cute and all, but with your urges and my to-do list, we would have had more than one friction, the friction would have caused a fire, and not the good kind' you almost could imagine yourself being his wife at the time, certainly would’ve been better than your actual ex-husband.
“I don’t dwell in what could’ve been” he made a deer-like sound when you scratched behind his ears, “I mean, what’s the point? You can’t go back to do things different” you poured more water on his head to wash away the foam. “Do you regret something?” he spoke after you removed the cotton balls off his ears.
“Not shooting my parents when I had the chance” he visibly tensed, then turned his head around slightly, “How can you say that?” his brow was so closed together in his frown, that it almost seemed one.
“What do you mean?” his eyes shifted colors, his sclera darkened and the dials were bright red, “What could be reason enough to get rid of the people that raised you? The woman that birthed you? People that kept you safe and loved!” his radio filter turned on and off as he spoke, raising his voice as well in utter disbelief, “I have my reasons” shrugging your shoulders unlocked even more anger in him.
“Your parents must’ve had a hard time raising you” your mind fell silent, “That’s an ungrateful thing to say, no reason can be enough to want to do something like that” as you listened to his rant, your hands turned white against the edge of the bathtub, squeezing it tightly.
“Spoke the cannibal” you sillily thought that would put an end to the conversation, “But I had never disrespected the memory of my mother, nor I could ever” you laughed, anger burned the back of your throat, “You are a man, you don’t understand a thing” the radio static in the air and the tension provoked by the argument, was unbearable, blood would be shed if he didn’t stopped that instant.
But he went too far, “Then illuminate me then, what could’ve been so terrible?” his smile was one of mock, his tone sarcastic and his smile challenging. Something snapped inside of you, a bunch of words trapped inside your mind, now set free to burn everything they touched.
You closed your eyes, took a deep breath and allowed the poison escape your body, in the shape of the truth, “My father was addicted to the game, he sold my alcoholic mother, my sister and I to the mafia, to repay his gambling debts” you could still remember your mother screaming ‘BASTARD’ repeatedly, after receiving your father’s call about the situation.
“My mom was the first to shoot herself before the men broke the door, I shot my sister before they could take her, but I failed to it myself” they grabbed you and the gun before you could pull the trigger, last thing you saw was your sister last smile before the light left her eyes.
“You were belittled, sure, but you will never understand what it means to be sold and treated like livestock” your voice trembled and broke. Still with your eyes closed the tears burned the insides and leaked a few down your cheek.
You opened your eyes, looking down at him exactly how you would look at your father if you had him in front of you, “Now, Alastor, I believe my parents didn’t do a thing for me to be grateful for”.
“I…overstepped” he blinked a few times, his eyes normal and the static gone, “Indeed” the ceramic made a cracking sound under your hands as you released it. “Let me make it up to you” Alastor tried to grab your hand, “Don’t bother” you cut him off.
When his hand was close to your wrist, you tapped lightly on his skin, that single tap felt as a full slap. A shiver ran though his spine, his stomach burned painfully, “Y/n” he pleaded, he wanted to chase after you, but he was naked, wet, and the thought ‘I shouldn’t have spoken’ shouted inside his ears.
“Cut the strings on one side and pull gently, then apply antiseptic, do not cut in the middle” you then closed the bathroom door behind you, as well as the main door.
Making your way to the stairs, your steps were heavy as well as your efforts to avoid letting more tears come out. Almost blinded by them, and rage, you accidentally knocked against something, or rather, someone.
“Y/n?” Lucifer turned around, embarrassment rose and showed up on your cheeks, while you cleaned the remaining wetness of your face. “Lovely night, isn’t it?” despite your state he smiled, not making fun of you, nor pointing it out.
“Could I ask you for an embarrassing favor?” he was nervous, you even more so, “I don’t think it’s the time–“ he pulled you by your hand and guided you down the hallway on the opposite direction from Alastor’s room.
“I’m shedding, with six wings it’s a huge bother, specially with the ones closer to my back, I lost the stick I use for those and they really itch, could you lend me a hand?” he had this stare only puppies have when they are asking to god himself for you to give them a rub and a treat.
You were weak to that fucking stare, and if you had seen your daughter grow old, she with no doubt would’ve gotten everything out of you just with that stare.  
“Uhm, sure” anything to get you away from more suicidal thoughts, “Thank you, you have no idea how much I appreciate this” he was practically skipping as he walked.
He sat on the middle of the massive bed you put together, tossed his coat, vest, all possible garments away, then extended his wings for you.
15 minutes went by.
“Y/n? Your hands are trembling, is everything okay?” the silver carved brush shook along with you, of course he was going to notice.
You could say you were tormented by the memories of your past, that you blurted out the most horrifying seven years of you life to a man that doesn’t give a single shit about you, that you haven’t slept a proper wink in thirty years. That you feel under-fucked and alone, and could make a deal with any wretch that came your way for a bit of love and sympathy. Overall, you have no purpose, no will to live, nothing except the small praises you hear in the four courses of meals is a reason strong enough to get you out of bed in the mornings.
Sure, you could say that and look more pathetic than you already did. Mind the sarcasm.
“Yes, it’s just…I’m a bit overstimulated” again, understatement.
He didn’t understood that word, but he found you almost ripping your eyes out to stop yourself from crying, your hair frizzled and claws out. He had to give you a distraction, something your mind could be busy with.
“This doesn’t hurt, right?” he heard the concern in your voice, “Not at all, I feel a great relief, lighter even” he noticed how close you were to him, your tail was long enough to go pass his thigh, “Either way, let me know” he absentmindedly took it and worked his fingers against the pointy hairs at the end.
“These scars” the distinguish smell of his blood was clear, his milky-colored skin, pure and beautiful, was accompanied by a golden mantle, as if he had millions of freckles that are actually burns on his shoulders down to the lower back.
“They’re horrible, right? I got burned with hellfire during my fall, Lilith always commented how rough my back felt afterwards–” the sole way the was talking about himself made you want to cry, after a few self-loathing words out, your brain muffled his voice away.
Slowly you felt yourself drift, as well as you leaned forward, gently pressing your cheek on his shoulder. His warmth, the sweet smoked apple scent, even the sound of his heartbeat, overwhelmed you.
“Y/n?” the muffle went away; you heard his curious voice loud and clear though his skin. “The pattern reminds me of a swarm of fireflies dancing above the river” you laughed, painfully removing yourself from him, “I said something weird, didn’t I?” you smiled, but it fell as soon as you heard a sniffle.
“Sir, are you…” you tried looking pass his shoulder, but he composed himself faster than how the Dublin wall fell, not that you knew of that of course. “Sorry, that was beautiful, thank you” his smile, ear to ear, everything about him glowed.
“What do I do with the feathers?” you had collected them inside a pillow case, given the lack of plastic bags around, “I usually trash them” there was a big red one that was beautiful compared to the wilted looking ones, you saved it, sending it away with a smoke.
He noticed you saving one of his feathers, it in fact, sent a pleasant shiver up Lucifer’s heart and got him smiling like a teenager.
“How often do you roam around sleepless?” he folded all the clothing items he dismissed earlier, as he asked. You opened the bathroom’s trash can, poured the feathers down as you thought for an answer, but you just couldn’t lie, at all.
“Four to five times a week” he hummed, “So I gathered, nightmares?” you made your way putting the case back on the pillow you took it from, “Memories” you felt a poke on your back, that made you turn around, when you did, his face was almost at the same level as yours, he muttered “Quid pro quo” before a light went through his eyes.
“I know a spell that can help you, in exchange you become my cuddle buddy” he emphasized every damn word, like he was presenting a big opportunity, you were flabbergasted “Huh?” was the only thing you could utter that wasn’t a mental mess.
“Fun, right? Also you get out of that tomb you call a room” You weren't going to compare him to your friend in life Louanne, but the way the devil himself saw through you better than anyone had tried before was terrifying and yet strangely satisfying.
“Did I guessed?” worst thing is that he was right, he knew it, he knew you knew, and your face couldn’t be funnier to him, “You read me in a way I find distasteful” your annoyance was a  delight, “I get that a lot” no he didn’t.
“If you do anything weird–“ he cut you off, “You will be allowed to bite me to a breaking point” oddly enough, Charlie’s attitude towards you was the stinking reflection of his father, you couldn’t have guessed it in a million years. “You and your daughter will be my ruin…Fine” for the sake of finally sleeping , you agreed.
“Any specific area you’d like me to avoid?” he took your hand again, just to have your fingers on his palm, “The ones that are obvious, also inner ears and the base of my tail” a serious tone, a warning, regarding your tail, “Just the base?” he asked, puzzled yet loving that you said yes.
“Well it’s connected to my spine, so it hurts a lot when manhandled” he kissed your hand, “Got it, please get comfortable while I dust off my wings, part of the process I’m afraid” he disappeared around the bathroom wall.
Half a second it took you to process what he said, before asking: “You want to start tonight?” your voice breaking in the middle of your sentence. “Yes, you don’t?” utter disbelief all over again, that man was too straight forward.
“I haven’t slept near anyone for more than a century” walked up to the bathroom door, high voice like when you used to whine about the prices getting too high for everyone’s sake. “Then I’ll try to be gentle, I haven’t slept correctly in seven years, I’m really excited” as fast as he walked in he was out, towel on his hips, wings folded inside somewhere. He then went in the walk in closet, like a diva getting ready for her next show.
“Are you…making fun of me?” that was a strange feeling, you weren’t in control at all, erratic feelings flooded you. “Nope” he made a pop sound, sticked his head out the door and winked with his forked tongue out. How is that the same man that had you nervous for your death in the kitchen the other day?
“I’ll get my nightwear” frustrated already you moved two steps, but he stood in front of you with a bag on his hand, “Already ahead of you, figured a two piece would be more comfortable” your mouth hanged open, speechless.
“You planned this ahead– know what? I don’t wanna know” you took the bag off his hands, in it there was a long sleeved shirt and a pair of shorts, both black with plastic cat images. “Little kittens? How cute, I can keep these right?” he nodded enthusiastically so. “Yes, look! Mine are ducks!” he made a little jump, opening like a starfish, “You look like a child!” you laughed, how long as it been since you did? “Hey don’t be mean, now who’s mocking who?” it was so contagious he ended up laughing too.   
After changing, you left your boots and uniform on a chair, then walked to the already tucked in king, sliding down the covers in the space he made for you. You weren’t sure who hugged who, but he answered that for you when he nuzzled under your neck.
“You have a lovely laugh” he purred, hugging your waist, “Thanks, I don’t do it often” the vibration of his voice right in your heart was a weird but delightful thing to have back. Also the warmth of having someone to hug instead of a pillow, which is amazing, “Neither do I, thank you”.
His tail, right you forgot he has one, entwined with yours, that never happened before, but then again it would’ve been weird that your husband had a tail, right? He felt you tense up, so he passed his knee in between yours, then placed a loving kiss on your cheek before nuzzling back in.  
“You can stop fighting now” words that worked almost like the spell that poured out of his fingers,  “No one will hurt you”, four seconds, knocked out cold for the first time in 30 years.
Stay tuned ;3
Part 6
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auras-moonstone · 1 year
hits different — ethan landry
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word count: 1,464
pairing: ethan landry x fem!reader
summary: ethan starts to feel insecure in his relationship with y/n so he breaks up with her, leaving her a mess for the first time.
author’s note: i literally wrote this in ten minutes. i don’t know why i write faster when it’s not a request 😫 i hate myself. i promise i’m working on the requests but i’m having writer’s block with them 😬.
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Y/N HAD A REPUTATION THAT PRECEDED HER. She only had had one boyfriend, and moved on pretty quickly with another guy. She hadn’t been in a serious relationship since, just mere casual Kens she would switch and then ghost after a couple of weeks of dating.
Hence why Chad was so hesitant when the girl told him her and Ethan were going on a date. “Y/N, why him? He’s the sweetest guy ever, I don’t want you to break his heart”
“Chad, he’s not a baby” Y/N laughed. “He knows how this works, and he was the one who asked me out. So, relax”
“Fine, just be nice” Chad warned her.
“I’ll be extra nice” she winked, making him do a face of disgust.
“Ready?” Ethan asked nervously as he walked down the stairs. He was wearing one of his adorable collared shirts, jeans and a jacket. “You look beautiful”
“Thanks, Eth” she blushed, and Chad looked at her in surprise. Y/N blushing? That was new. “You look very handsome, as always”.
“Okay. Bring him before curfew, okay?” Chad said jokingly.
“Of course, sir. I’ll bring him before midnight” she followed the act.
“Stop it you two. Let’s go, Y/N/N” Ethan grabbed his date’s hand and led her through the door.
Soon after their date, they started dating. Everyone noticed there was something different with Y/N this time, she actually seemed invested in the relationship. No one could deny that sparks flew around the couple every time they were together.
As it had always been before, people still flirted with Y/N—only she didn’t seem to be interested. She would always brush everyone off. Yet, Ethan couldn’t help but feel insecure. In his eyes, everyone was a better match than him and he was waiting for the time Y/N would walk towards him and tell him their time was over. So, instead of being brave and express his fear, he chose the cowardly route and broke things off before she could.
Gossip travelled fast, and no one could believe it until Y/N’s appearance pretty much gave it away. No one had ever seen her in such devastating demeanour after a break-up.
“It’s okay, Y/N. Love is a lie, anyways” one of her friend told her. “There’s a party tomorrow, why don’t you come? It could help you get your mind off… things”.
Y/N sighed “I’ll think about it”.
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SHE DID END UP GOING TO THE PARTY, ONLY TO WASH HER HANDS OFF THE MEMORIES OF THE FAILED RELATIONSHIP. She planned on gluing herself to the drink table and drown in alcohol until she could forget about the tall boy with brunette curls that haunted her mind all day.
“Oh, okay. Holy shit” Chad said when he caught her drinking a can of beer in one sip “He really made a mess of you” he whispered.
“What?” Y/N shouted, not being able to hear because of the music. “Wait… Chad! What are you doing here? I didn’t know you were coming”
“Oh, you’re very drunk, jesus” he muttered. “Yeah, I came with E-“ Chad stopped himself, definitely not a good idea to say his name.
But Y/N wasn’t dumb, she knew exactly what he was going to say “With Ethan. Where is he? No! Actually, please don’t tell me. I don’t want to know if he’s with other girl… but is he? Oh god, I’m going to throw up”
Chad held her hair as she kneeled in front the nearest toilet. “I’ve never seen you like this… moving on was always easy for you”
Y/N started crying “Because they were not him, Chad. It hits different because it’s Ethan”
“Okay, okay. You’ll be fine” he hugged her as she sobbed. “Where are your other friends? The ones you came with?”
“They left me, said I was slurring his name too much”
“Do you want to go home?” Chad asked.
She was about to respond when the tune that started to sound caught her attention. It was Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! by Abba. The song she and Ethan always sang their lungs out to while they drove around the city. “They’re playing our song, Chad”
“Oh, god. We’re definitely going”
“Nothing has ever felt so wrong. Why did he break up with me? I though he would be the one” her glossy eyes and crest fallen expression made Chad feel sad.
“I don’t know, Y/N. I thought the same thing” Chad said in all honesty as he guided her to his car. He laid her on the backseats and closed the door.
“Chad? What are you doing?” Ethan looked at him confused. “You forced me to come to this party and now you’re leaving?”
“It’s an emergency”
“What’s wrong? Who is in the backseat?” Ethan asked confused.
“Um… it’s Y/N”
Ethan froze, the mention of her name made him vulnerable “Is she okay?”
“She’s just drunk… she threw up. I’m taking her home”
“I’m going with you” Ethan said, walking to the passenger seat.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea. I don’t know why you broke up with her, and is not the best time to discuss it, but she’s hurting a lot”
“She is?” his voice already unstable.
“Yeah. Look, if you are coming to fix things, then get in. If you plan on going just to leave again, please don’t” Chad said. “I’m just going to say this, pretty much everyone in college noticed it, but she loves you, Ethan”.
Ethan didn’t hesitate to open the door and get inside the car. He had been stupid, but he was going to explain himself and hope Y/N would take him back.
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Y/N WAS SLEEPING ON HER ROOM, AND ETHAN WAITED ALONE IN THE LIVING ROOM, REHEARSING THE SPEECH HE HAD MENTALLY PREPARED. And then his attention was caught by an artifact laying on the furniture, next to the TV. It was the necklace he had gifted her on her birthday, it had a locket the shape of a heart and inside was a picture of them. He took it in his hands delicately and cried. He cursed the space he thought he needed—he missed her more than words could describe.
“I cried over your hat the other day” Y/N’s voice resonated in the room. Ethan brushed the tears off and looked at her, even with her mascara all smudged and her messy hair, she was still the most gorgeous girl he had set his eyes on. “I suppose you’re here to talk… and although a part of me is just in desperate need of kicking you out, I want to know what went wrong. Because I’ve been trying to make it make sense ever since you walked out from here that night, but I just can’t”.
“That’s because you did nothing wrong. It’s all me, in my head” Ethan finally said, putting his hand on the cushion next to him, signalling her to sit down.
“What do you mean?” she asked, sitting next to him. It had been so long since they were this close. She missed those eyes and hair she had only been seeing in her dreams.
“I got insecure… every popular, handsome guy would flirt with you and I just thought… that’s it. Y/N is going to realize she’s out of my league and leave me. And I couldn’t bare to listen to that…”
“So you broke up with me?” Y/N asked in disbelief.
Ethan nodded, absolutely embarassed “I know I basically put you in jail for something you didn’t do. But the voices in my head were so loud… I’m sorry about how I handled things”
“I understand” she said after a while.
“You do?”
Y/N nodded “I just wished you’ve talked to me, so I could tell you that you’re the one that I want. I would’ve fought your doubts and show you that I love you, only you”
“I’m sorry that I hurt you” his voice broke. “Will you forgive me?”
“Only if you promise me you’ll come to me when you have these thoughts” she said, grabbing his hand.
“I promise” Ethan intertwined their fingers “Are you still mine?”
“I’m still yours” Y/N smiled and climbed onto his lap to give him a hug. They both cried in each other’s arms. “I love you, Eth”.
“I love you too” he smiled against her chest. “Not that I don’t enjoy your hugs, but why aren’t you kissing me right now?”
“Because I threw up a couple of times” she laughed. “I’m going to take a shower”.
“Okay, I’ll make you something to eat” Ethan smiled, not getting the hint.
“Babe, I’m kind of inviting you to join me”
And then Ethan took her hand and dragged her upstairs so fast they almost tripped.
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eyesofshinigami · 8 months
Rating: G
CW: None
Tags: Love confessions, fluff, so much schmoop
Prompt: From @sidekick-hero "Love is what makes you brave"
WC: 1812
Written for @steddielovemonth Day 7
Steve, admittedly, has done a lot of really stupid things in the name of love.
He hid so much of himself, what he liked, and who he wanted to be to make his parents love him. He was a perfect child, always seen but never heard, the perfect little trophy for his parents to put on display. He thought that was love for a long time. That it was performative, transactional. If he just did this one thing, surely they would love him, right?
Then, Steve forced himself to fit into a mold. He slid on a mask, played a part that was really easy to hide behind. People like Tommy and Carole seemed to love him when he was mean, when he looked down his nose at people they deemed unworthy of their attention. They would laugh and clap him on the back and keep him close, even if he knew deep down that it made him a little sick. And for some reason he still can’t fathom, it made other people love him too. Well, that superficial, surface kind of love where he was still seen as an object, an achievable goal. Be friends with King Steve and you’ll get something out of.
It wasn’t until Nancy that Steve really began to understand what love really was. He threw his whole self into loving her. In hindsight, maybe it wasn’t the smartest idea to go all in on something that he still didn’t really have a grasp on, but for the first time, it felt like he was being loved for love’s sake.
Until it wasn’t. Until Jonathon. Until the house. Until the world quite literally turned upside down.
Even with that falling apart, it opened up a whole new world of love for Steve. A new understanding to just what the word meant, the weight behind it when it really matters.
Love is protecting those that matter most. Love is staring down the mouth of a hell creature and still swinging even though your arms feel like jelly. Love is redirecting punches so that they don’t have to hurt. Love is diving into a murky lake into hell to help fix what someone else broke. Love is late night drives when you can’t sleep and the nightmares are too much. Love is admitting that maybe, just maybe, love looks a little different than what you expected it to.
Love is being brave.
All of these lessons, all of these people in his life that showed him that love can be so many things, if only you’re willing to give as much as take.
Which is why Steve makes a decision. It might be a bad one, but he’s learned that sometimes love means having to jump into the fray and trusting that they’ll catch you. He knows, deep down, that someone will, even if it’s not the person he really wants to.
“I’m going to do it. Tonight,” Steve declares that evening as he’s shelving movies. He’s working the late shift with Robin, but has plans to hang out with Eddie later. The very thought of it makes him flush, with happiness and nervousness in equal measure. “I’m going to tell him how I feel.”
It was a slow sort of descent, realizing that he loved Eddie. It started with their talk in the woods of the Upside Down, to pulling Eddie’s broken body out of that awful place, to helping him heal once they realized he might actually pull through. He was drawn to Eddie, drinking him in whenever they were together. He loved when Eddie was loud, or when Eddie was quiet, settled. The fact that Eddie trusted him with the different facets of himself blew Steve away. And Eddie listened when he talked. He listened when Steve talked about sports, or his newfound interest in carpentry thanks to helping Hopper fix up the cabin. He listened when Steve couldn’t sleep, or when Steve got scared about what the future was going to bring, now that it felt like maybe they could actually move on from the nightmare that is Hawkins, Indiana. Little by little, it made Steve realize that Eddie made him happy and maybe a little stupid. The good kind of stupid, the happy kind.
Robin turns to look at him, smiling softly. It’s her soft sort of smile, the one she only saves for him when he’s actually doing something for himself. “Good on you, bud. You’ve only been pining for him for months now.”
“You’ll have a pint of ice cream at the ready in case this goes south?”
“Sure, but I doubt you’ll have to worry,” she replies, rolling her eyes. “Now go find something to do before you pop out of your skin. I can see you sweating from here.”
He lasts about another twenty minutes before she lets out a gusty sigh. “Okay, you’re starting to make me nervous. It’s dead in here, why don’t you just leave and head over there now?”
Steve wants to argue. It’s on the tip of his tongue, but she’s right. If he waits any longer, he might just vibrate right through the floor. Once upon a time, he was good at this, smooth and suave and so fucking fake. It was easy to talk to people he didn’t care about, but this? This thing with Eddie?
It matters a lot.
“Okay, okay. Sheesh. I know when I’m not wanted,” he jokes, clocking out and heading out the door.
“Go get your man, Harrington! I expect non-explicit details in the morning!”
He waves her off and gets into his car. The drive takes about fifteen minutes, heading to the little house that Wayne and Eddie got as compensation for their trailer being confiscated for study. Steve’s just glad that Eddie doesn’t have to live in the reminder of where everything went down.
He parks his car and sits for a long, long moment, fingers tight around the wheel and his breath coming in harsh pants. He can do this. He can do this. He can be brave.
“Steve? What are you doing out here? I thought you had work,” Eddie calls from the porch. He must have been sitting out here longer than he thought if Eddie had come to find him.
Steve takes one more big breath before he heaves himself out of the car. “I did, but Rob sent me home. It was dead and she said I was bothering her.” He smiles, trying to ease the angry butterflies he feels building in his stomach. “You good with me coming now? I guess I should have called.”
Eddie smiles, wide enough his dimples pop and Steve wants to feel them under his thumb. “Of course, Stevie. I’m still working on dinner, but you can keep me company.”
Steve eagerly follows him inside, feeling himself relax as he steps through the door. The place is always a little cluttered, a little messy; Steve loves it because it looks like people actually live here. The fact that he’s welcomed into this space makes him feel a little warm and gooey inside. “Thanks, man. What’s on the menu?” He’s babbling, he knows he’s babbling, but he can’t help it.
Eddie gives him a look but answers, “Just some spaghetti. Nothing fancy.” He heads to the stove and starts stirring a pot, the smell of it hitting Steve full force. “You okay? You seem a little off.”
He wants to brush it off, pretend it’s nothing. It would be so easy and he knows Eddie would let him. They’ve learned each other’s tells, when it’s time to push and when it’s time to leave shit alone. Just one more thing that Steve loves about Eddie.
So, no. He needs to say it. For himself, to let go of this thing that he’d been trying to hide for fear of it being yet another stupid thing he does for love. But his love for Eddie could never be that, even if Eddie says no. Eddie will still be his friend, will still love him, even if that love doesn’t look the way Steve wants. He doesn’t expect anything, doesn’t want more than Eddie can give him.
“Uh, well… actually, there’s something I want to talk to you about?”
Eddie nods and sets the spoon down, during the fire down as he turns to face Steve. “I’m all ears, Stevie.”
Steve nods, taking a deep, shaky breath. He can be brave. “Okay, so. Can you… let me just say it? Don’t say anything until I’m done, okay?” At Eddie’s nod, he continues, “Um, all right. So. Uh. Eddie… I’m… I like you. I like you a lot. Actually, I’m pretty sure I’m in love with you.” Eddie’s mouth drops and Steve has to look away, before his heart beats out of his chest and he gets sick from the way his stomach churns. “It took me a while to realize it, but I am. I just… I love you. I love everything about you. Even the weird, shitty parts that I know you don’t like, but they’re part of you, right? And I don’t… I don’t expect you to feel the same, or want me back. It would be great if you did, but like… it’s not why I told you? I told you because you deserve to know. To know that someone loves you because I can’t imagine not loving you anymore.”
There. It’s out there. Steve swallows around the lump in his throat and tries not to count the seconds as they pass. It feels like they’re beating against his ribcage, in time with his pounding heart.
Suddenly, there’s a hand cupping his cheek, gently turning his head until he’s looking at Eddie. The look on the other man’s face is soft, his eyes sparkling and the curve of his mouth small but so so kissable. “Stevie… baby…” The words are like a gut-punch, making Steve weak in the knees. “How could I not love you back, hmm?” Eddie chuckles, his thumb caressing the skin of Steve’s cheek. “Always the brave one of the two of us, aren’t you? I didn’t want to say anything because this… I didn’t want to lose this. If I was wrong, you know?”
“Me too,” Steve whispers. He’s afraid to break the bubble that’s surrounding them, like if he speaks too loud it will break and he’ll realize this was all just a dream or something. “Eddie…”
Eddie doesn’t say anything, he just pulls Steve in until they’re kissing, mouths moving against each other softly as they press closer.
It’s warm. It’s sweet. It feels like coming home.
Something settles in him as they kiss, as they touch and move together in this new way. He wants to cry. He wants to laugh. He feels like he could fly.
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astayinwonderland · 8 months
Plz can you write a jimin smut fanfic play boy au
"What is it about Park Jimin?" | Park Jimin
pairing: jimin x f.reader (guest appearance jk... but through text)
genre: smut MDNI
requested by: @jimincrystal
wc: 1.6k
summary: you have a problem... your neighbour jimin is too loud, but you are terribly attracted to him
warnings: pet names (jimin calls reader "pretty girl"), mentions of jimin being into girls and boys, fingering, nipple play, unprotected sex (don't pls), cursing... lmk if I forgot anything.
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚
“Hi,” his full lips curve into the flirtiest of smiles. 
“Oh, hi,” your tiny voice answers. Dammit, what was it about him anyway? 
He leans on the wall as you try not to look nervous. But who are we kidding? When you moved into this flat two months ago, all you could do was think about your next-door neighbour. It was hard not to, he often had “visitors” to entertain him, especially at night. You could hear through the very thin walls how much fun they would have. The exquisite moans he would get from the gorgeous girls and boys who were lucky enough to spend a night with him. 
You, on the other hand, are too embarrassed to look him in the eye. Not after hearing everything that happens on the other side of that wall. Not after reaching for your vibrator multiple times… 
“I think it’s about time I introduced myself,” he extends his hand and for the first time since he started talking, you look up. 
Ashy blonde hair frames his beautiful complexion. Brown eyes, staring right into yours, and his smile so beautiful, so inviting, it made your knees tremble. Before your knees gave in, you shook his hand. 
“I’m Jimin.” 
“Nice to meet you. I’m–” 
“I know, the prettiest girl in the building,” he kisses the back of your hand after whispering your name which makes you hot with wanton. 
Jimin knows perfectly the effect he has on people, but seeing the effect he has on you is different. The way your breath seems now heavier, your lips parted in shock, and oh your smell is so deliciously intoxicating. He can’t wait to have you. 
“See you around, pretty girl,” he walks to his door and you can’t even think straight. 
Nighttime comes and you find yourself eating a bowl of cereal and rewatching your favourite show. All of a sudden, you hear a loud thud on the wall, which immediately breaks your concentration. You pause the show and of course, you already know what it is. 
“Fuck! Just like that! Yes, yes!” you hear the muffled cries on the other side of the wall. When is this going to end? Should you say something? 
You pace back and forth in front of your door, trying to make a decision and in your two seconds of braveness, you gather the courage to walk next door. Your hand is about to knock when the door opens. 
“Oh!” the gorgeous girl exclaims. Beautiful dark skin, hazel eyes, and long legs. “See you around, Jimin.” She walks past you. 
Jimin waves goodbye and his eyes land on you. Flower-pattern pyjamas, fuzzy slippers, messy hair. 
“Is something wrong, pretty?” 
“I– you should try to keep it down…” you try not to look at his bare chest and his tattoo on display. Oh, the way you would lick–
“So you can hear through the wall,” he sounds surprised as if he couldn’t believe his plan worked. 
“Yes, and please… next time I would appreciate it if you, and your visitors, were a little bit less– you know,” 
“What if you are next? Would you keep it down?” 
“Excuse me?” 
He laughs, and you can tell he is enjoying this. 
“Good night, pretty. I love your pyjamas by the way,” he winks at you and closes the door. 
After a couple of days without seeing, or hearing, Jimin, you start to wonder if showing up like that outside his door was too much. You don’t want to overthink, but for you, it is important to have at least a decent relationship with your neighbours. 
It isn’t until after work that day that you come back to your flat and find a note on your door. 
I have no right, but I need a favour. Dinner at 8? I’ll bring everything. Btw, you’re gorgeous. 
Can't wait, 
Jimin x 
You thought about not welcoming Jimin, after all, he is a stranger. But something about him just made you want to open yourself to him. Yes, you wanted him, so when he knocked on your door, you were already dolled up. You looked effortlessly put together. When Jimin came in and took a look at you, he scanned you up and down. 
“I knew it, the prettiest girl in the building… prettiest girl in the world,” he brought food and wine for both of you. It smelled really good and tasted even better. 
“So what is this about?” 
“First of all, thank you. My friend is visiting, so we’ve been going around the city these last few days– and now he met this girl… and you know, he wanted to invite her over before he leaves,” he laughs, sipping his wine. 
“Oh… I see,” you look down, trying to mask the awkwardness. 
“Also, I wanted to apologise for the— noise.” 
“It’s okay, apology accepted,” you smile. Jimin is way more friendly than you thought. He is easy to talk to, funny, and interesting. You can see why he has so many people fall for his charms. 
And then you both hear it– moaning so loud you could think there was some adult movie being filmed next door. It was intense, the skin slapping, muffled but clear enough to know what it was. 
Jimin turns to look at you, and he can’t help but laugh. 
“Oh pretty girl, this is what you were talking about–” 
“Oh no, this is worse,” you cover your ears but end up laughing at Jimin’s expression. 
“What, do you think they could hear us from this side?” 
Your eyes widen and you’re not sure if you’re imagining it, but now that the wine is in your system, you want Jimin even more. 
“I think so,” once again your tiny voice comes out. 
“Let me kiss you,” Jimin leans in and waits, so you pull him in. 
His lips are soft as you expect them to be, but his tongue is the root of all sin. It tastes so good against yours, teasing and sucking your bottom lip. He is hooked on the way you kiss him back, creating a dependence on the little moans you give him, enjoying every little second of such a passionate kiss. Your hands go to the back of his neck, lips locking with each other again and again, causing your arousal to start pooling between your legs. Fuck, what is it about Park Jimin? 
The moans can still be heard next door, but you don’t mind anymore as pieces of clothing are forgotten on the floor. 
“Shit– you’re fucking gorgeous, look at these tits,” he sucks and kisses your nipples, worshipping them as his fingers gather your arousal. 
His tongue circles your hard nipple as one of his fingers slides into you. You let out a long, pleading moan. You wanted this, for so fucking long you wanted him. The way your back is arched gives him better access to you. So now you are under his control, he fucked you with his finger as his precum leaked off his cock. What a fucking sight. 
Another finger goes in, and in your desperate state to cum, you reach to your clit and start playing with it just like you like it. 
“Is that how you played with yourself while eavesdropping on what was going on next door, pretty?” he asks, but you can’t answer. You are too lost in this raw, filterless feeling of sheer pleasure. 
Jimin slides his fingers out of you, making you cry in disbelief, you were so close. 
“I wanna have you right there, against the wall.” 
So with your hands against the wall and your back bent forward, he holds to your hips and aligns with your entrance. His cock thick and veiny enters you with ease. His hips snap into yours, and he pulls your head up by your hair. 
“Tell me pretty, how good does it feel?” 
“So–so… aaahhh, so good,” you cry, you moan. His cock is deep inside you, hitting just the right spot. It’s better than good. He has devil cock and you are sure gonna sin again and again for it. 
“You have no idea how many times I dreamt of having you like this… Every fucking time I wondered if you could hear me from here… your pussy is fucking perfect.” 
And it was in the way your warm walls hugged his cock so tightly he hoped you would beg for more after this. Jimin’s head begins to feel lighter and lighter and he can’t believe he is already about to cum. But how can he not if you are the fucking best. 
You can’t even hear how loud you’re being, all you are focused on is how deliciously Jimin stretches you out like you are meant to be fucked by him, only him. 
“Pretty girl, I am not gonna last long, you– you feel– you’re the best…” 
“Cum with me, please, please, I am so close,” and your words float in the air as Jimin fucks you just as you wanted until you are both cuming and crashing into such an intense orgasm, you see white and have to be held by him. His warm cum dripping down your legs, the sinful evidence of such a dirty but pleasurable deed. 
The moans next door have completely stopped and Jimin has already helped you to get you cleaned up. You both lie naked on your couch, his arm around you and you wonder how the fuck are you going to casually say hi to him again in the hallway. 
Jimin’s phone vibrates.
Jungkook: Shit, man. Couldn’t you let me have one night? One fucking night? 
Jimin: You were being too loud, and this girl’s is out of this world. 
You look at Jimin, exhausted, your eyes closing. 
“Should we make this a regular thing?” he asks. 
a/n: this took me so so sooo long-- sorry... I had the biggest writer's block with this one. Jimin makes me nervous.
also... this is pure ✨fiction✨ hope you enjoyed it!
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danikamariewrites · 11 months
can i please request feysand x reader where she’s super shy and an extreme introvert, she doesn’t talk that much and she often hides behind rhysands or feyres wings when they’re talking to someone/ when reader becomes overwhelmed. They speak mind to mind since they’re mates so they’ll often speak for her, like at restaurants, they know what to get reader. At meetings at hewn city she’s often waiting in their room/stands very far away from the dais, usually with nesta and cassian. Maybe she overhears keir or some lord speak ill about feyre and rhysand and for the first time in readers life she loses it, absolutely cusses him out and at first he doesn’t realize who she is but then he realizes and is forced to do an humilitaing apology to them infront of everyone in the room❤️❤️ protective reader is givinggggg
Feysand x shy!reader hc
A/n: I feel like I made this way too detailed and long but oh well. I couldn’t stop myself
Warnings: slight angst
You had been part of the inner circle forever
You met Rhys when you were children. Your dad worked for Rhys’s dad so you were forced to do your lessons with Rhys
Your parents wanted you to socialize more since you didn’t have any friends. Their compromise was putting you in private lessons with Rhys
His wings scared you and you wouldn’t even look at him. You just kept your head down and did your work
Rhys was always nice to you and he wanted to be your friend. One afternoon when the teacher left you two alone he went and stood in front of your desk until you talked to him
From that day on you became best friends
Over the years you developed a crush on him but kept it to yourself
When he went under the mountain you were distraught and inconsolable. You wouldn’t even let Mor into your room during the first few months
After 50 long years Rhys finally came home and when he told you all about his mate what remained of your heart shattered
He started spending time with you again though, he showed you images of Feyre from right before he left
You couldn’t believe this stunning human girl was turned into an even more beautiful version of herself
You wanted to know her so badly. When sleep evaded you and Rhys you’d beg him to show you memories of her beating Amaranth’s trials. Feyre was absolutely amazing
When Feyre came to Velaris and after the war with Hybern you became very close friends
Feyre is gentle and knows how to talk and be with people, it’s one of the reasons you developed a crush on her
It drove you crazy that you had fallen in love with this mated couple and you had such a hard time/fear of telling them
Against your better judgment you went to Rhys. He’s your best friend he wouldn’t be mad, Rhys would help he always helps
Entering his office you see Feyre is with him but you still force yourself to go in and face this
“Y/n, we wanted to talk with you. Please sit.” Rhys says with a smile on his face
That instantly made you want to throw up but you kept a brave face
You showed them your feelings, you didn’t trust yourself to speak
Once you were done the pair sat on either side of you on the couch hugging you. A few tears slipped from your eyes, “I’m sorry,” you said, your voice barley above a whisper
“For what?” Feyre asked. “If I’m a problem.” Your lip trembled as your eyes met her blue ones. “Sweetie you are not a problem.” She kissed your forehead and hugged you to her chest
To your surprise, your relationship with them is what they wanted to talk with you about. You spent hours in Rhys’s office talking about being with him and Feyre
By the end you were so relieved they felt the same way. It took a few weeks to establish a good dynamic but once you got into it, it was like you never left the honeymoon phase
They’re very protective of you
Which means the rest of the IC is very protective of you
Feyre has beat up someone for being mean to you about being so quiet
You very rarely speak, only at family dinners and with just Rhys and Feyre
You typically sit out of high lord meetings
The one time you did go it was very overwhelming for you and Helion tried to smile at you and you truly didn’t know what to do
You had moved yourself so far into Rhys’s side of his wings were out you wouldn’t have been seen
Since you’re so quiet you’re able to sneak up on Rhys and Feyre
Every time you do they jump and it makes you laugh
The two of them love going into Velaris
Shopping and going out to restaurants always drain your social battery but you don’t mind going with them
It’s easy to communicate with their daemati powers especially when you don’t want to talk
You can always let Rhys or Feyre know what you want to get and they’ll order it for you
Sometimes when you talk with others you forget never everyone can talk with their minds
Cassian asked you a question once and you just looked at him, answered in your head, and went back to whatever you were doing
You realized that you didn’t give him an answer and apologized for 3 days straight
Rhys and Feyre love their people so of course they stop and talk to everyone they can in town
You smile and greet them as well but as the conversation goes on you tend to grip one of their hands or arms as you drift to stand behind them
Since you sit out high lord meetings you also typically don’t go to the Hewn City
If you do you usually stay in the Moonstone palace until it’s time to go home
The one time you did go to a dinner was a borderline disaster
You were standing off to the side of the room with Amren while the party was in full swing
You wanted to ask Amren who everyone was coming up to Feyre and Rhys but you were too nervous to ask her. A little while later you noticed that one of the males, who was speaking to them for quite a while, was loudly complaining about Rhys. And he especially did not like Feyre
Hearing enough of this morons blatant lies you snapped. Amren was so shocked, she had never heard you speak so much or so loudly. “How dare you speak of your High Lord and Lady that way! You’re lucky the High Lord doesn’t have his general take your tongue–“
Before you could keep yelling Rhys appeared next to you dragging you away
They we’re both very proud of you for yelling at Kier. Mor even gave you a big hug since she despises her father.
What you were not super happy about was apologizing to Kier on the throne. Rhys needed Kier on his good side so you would do this for him
Feyre was mad at him for making you apologize so for the rest of the night Feyre kept you close to her and you cuddled with just her in bed. Rhys was less than happy to be forced to stay on his side of the bed
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fireflyinks · 4 months
Could you write a smut fic about Noah Calhoun from the notebook? I love your work and writing style, and would love to see how you interpret the character.
first time
noah calhoun x reader smut
contains : smut, loss of virginity, p in v, praise, fluff, very vanilla
a/n : yes ofc! thanks for leaving a request :) i love noah (and pretty much any ryan gosling character) with my whole heart.
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Noah’s truck dragged down the gravel road which led to my house. I’d been waiting on the porch for him for an embarrassingly long time, even though he was perfectly on time. I just liked being outside to see him drive up to my house, and I refused to risk him being early and missing it.
“Hi Noah,” I called out as he got out of his truck and ran up the wooden stairs to meet me.
“Hey beautiful.” He pulled me into a firm hug. It felt nice, I hadn’t seen him in about four days since he’d been so busy with work, but it felt like an eternity.
The hug lasted about ten seconds before he pulled away and kissed my cheek, looking down at me and smiling.
He reached for the door and opened it for me, and I quickly made my way in. My parents were out of town, and I had the house all to myself. Of course, my parents would’ve never let him and I hang out alone, especially not in my room, even though Noah and I were eighteen and legally adults. I was still under my parent’s roof and those were the rules.
They had been hesitant about Noah and I seeing eachother at first. I was a good girl, good grades, never got into any trouble, and Noah was Noah. But he grew on them, so were allowed to date.
With certain restrictions.
I walked to the kitchen, giving the freshly baked plate of cookies to Noah. “I made your favorites.”
If I had to give a girl life advice, I’d say ‘get yourself a man that looks at you the way Noah Calhoun looks at a plate of cookies.’
“You’re too good to me.” He smirked, taking the plate from me.
We sat in silence in the living room as we ate, just enjoying each other’s presence. Noah knew it was going to happen tonight. I knew it was going to happen. Neither of us were brave enough to admit it.
But god, I wanted it. I’d been hoping Noah did too, but we were never alone enough to experiment anything. Even at Noah’s house, where his dad basically didn’t care what we did, we didn’t want to risk him walking in or over hearing anything.
As if reading my thoughts, Noah cleared his throat.
“Look, I know you’re probably assuming that I expect for something to happen just because we’re home alone, but I just want you to know you don’t gotta do anything if you don’t want to. I’m just here to be with you, and I won’t be upset if you don’t feel comfortable enough to…”
“I want to.” I interrupted him quietly.
He raised an eyebrow, “Are you sure? I mean really, it’s up to you.”
“Do you want to?”
He nodded immediately, “Of course I do, but I want you to feel comfortable too.”
His genuine concern for how I felt made my heart flutter.
I grabbed his hand, interlinking our fingers. “I want it more than anything. I promise if I get uncomfortable, I’ll tell you immediately.”
Noah smiled, standing up and picking me up from the couch. I giggled as he carried me up the long set of stairs to my bedroom.
The difference between him and my room’s decor was almost comical. He stuck out like a sore thumb compared to the baby pinks and the overall aesthetic.
Noah laid me down on the bed, crawling on top of me and placing small kisses all over my face and neck. He was gentle and slow, which I appreciated since I’d never done anything like this before.
He pulled away for a moment, slipping his shirt off. I took the opportunity to lean forward and take mine off as well.
Noah kissed down my ribcage, fumbling with my bra’s clasp in pursuit to take it off. I laughed to myself and helped him.
“You’re so beautiful.” He looked at my bare chest in awe. I couldn’t help but blush shyly, since he’d never seen me this uncovered before.
“Th- thank you.” I breathed out slowly, maintaining eye contact with him.
He continued kissing down my abdomen, until reaching my skirt. Noah looked up at me, as if asking for consent once again.
“Please, Noah.”
He slipped my skirt off slowly, leaving me in just my underwear. Examining the pink fabric for a second, he smiled and looked at me.
“These are pretty.”
I blushed as he took them off of me. Noah breathed out almost harshly, looking me up and down. He stood in silence for a couple of seconds.
“What’s wrong?” I asked, slightly panicked.
“I don’t understand why any guy would wanna be with a girl other than you.”
I giggled, “What do you mean?”
He spoke as he began taking his jeans off.
“You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen and I ever will see. Nobody else could ever amount to you, you know that?”
For a blue collar country boy, Noah had a way with his words I’d never understand.
I felt myself getting wetter than I had already been from him undressing me.
“You’re so sweet, Noah.”
He stepped out of his boxers and climbed on me once again.
“Are you ready?” He asked, positioning his member against my core.
I nodded slowly, preparing myself for the pain I’d heard first-time sex would bring me over and over and over again.
He pushed into me, sighing in pleasure.
“How do you feel?” He whispered after a moment, after entering me fully.
It didn’t feel as bad as I had expected, just a bit uncomfortable, but exciting at the same time. This is what I had been waiting for, Noah was finally giving it to me.
“Good- not too bad. You can move.”
Noah slowly began to piston in and out of me, careful not to go too fast. He placed his hands on my hips. The pain slowly crept away, replaced with genuine pleasure. I let out small moans with every thrust, and Noah grunted ever so often.
“You feel so good, baby. You’re so so so good for me.” He said in my ear, trailing down to my neck and sucking on it lightly as he continued to thrust.
He continued at this pace for a while, until I was ready for more.
“More” I sighed out.
“More what, sweetheart?”
“Faster, deeper, I just want more of you.”
He nodded, quickening his pace. I threw my head back in pleasure, softly moaning.
“I- I don’t think I can last much longer.” Noah mumbled against my neck.
I shook my head, “Me neither.”
“Come for me, baby. Show me how good I’m making you feel.”
I nodded, feeling the tight coil in my stomach snap ever so suddenly, and I released onto his member. He moaned, pulling out and finishing on me.
“Thank you, Noah.” I sighed, looking down at his load on me.
He interlocked out lips, kissing me passionately.
Pulling away, he spoke against my cheek. “I’ll be back, gotta clean you up.”
He went to my bathroom for a moment, coming back with wet rag.
“How do you feel?” Noah asked, hesitantly.
I smiled, “That was perfect. So much better than I thought it would be.”
Noah pretended to be offended, “Ouch, were your expectations really that low?”
I rolled my eyes, laughing, as he continued to clean my stomach with the rag. “No, but I just expected it to be awkward and painful because that’s how everyone describes it to me, but it wasn’t either of those things. You made it perfect.”
Noah smiled, kissing me again.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it pretty girl. It was great for me too. You have no idea how nervous I was.”
He left again, coming back without the rag.
I looked up at him, feeling more emotions than I’d ever felt in my eighteen years on earth.
“I love you so much.”
Noah climbed into the bed with me, pulling us under the covers.
“I love you more, sweetheart.”
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wanderer-six · 2 years
Golden Hour (for @starrylothcat)
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AN:  This is a gift for @starrylothcat as thanks for reading over my veRY long fic for the clone fic exchange--THANK U SO MUCH AGAIN and I really hope I did this prompt justice to thank u properly ahh HUNTER IS SUCH A DOLL and indulging in island life with Hunter ohhh what a dream skldhfls PLEASE ENJOY and thank u so much again ♥♥
Relationships: Hunter x Fem Jedi!Reader
Summary: You and Hunter have always harbored feelings for one another, but the galaxy always had something more pressing for the two of you to focus on. Now that you've arrived on Pabu, it seems you finally have a chance to be honest with yourselves and share how you truly feel... nerve-wracking as that may be.
Warnings: sweet to start, leading to smut (oral m! receiving, unprotected piv sex) (@starrylothcat said "I’m ok with some smutty smut kissy kissy too" aND I HOPE THIS ISNT TOO MUCH SMUTTY SMUT KISSY KISSY slkdhflkdsh)
Word Count: 3.5k
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After months of running from the Empire, after years of war, Pabu was a dream.
The setting sun painted the calm, sprawling ocean warm orange and red. Standing outside the little bungalow you’d been staying in, the breeze rolling through your hair, you felt like the star of some sappy holovid–certainly a far cry from the role of Jedi General that you used to play. 
The scene reminded you of the sunset over Coruscant, memories from back in your youth when you’d actually been able to enjoy such a sight. Having the time–the freedom–to enjoy it again now… you weren’t sure how to feel. 
Pabu really was a dream. But much like your fondest dreams, you struggled to grow too attached, knowing you’d inevitably wake up. You always did.
Still, it was nice to pretend, even if it couldn’t last. You had a quaint home, your beloved squad (who had found plenty to enjoy about the island, themselves)... why couldn’t you be happy, just for a little while?
“I was wondering where you’d run off to…”
A bitter smile formed on your lips. Whether he knew it or not, he was one of your lingering reservations.
Hunter ascended the stone stairway, making his way to your side and leaning against the half-wall of the balcony.
“Mind if I join you?” he asked.
“Seems like you already have,” you teased.
Hunter chuckled. His gaze turned out to the ocean, but yours remained on him for a moment. Though he looked perfectly at peace, you could feel a buried tension within him through the Force.
“This place sure is something, isn’t it?” he remarked.
“Yeah,” you nodded, “it’s nice, finally getting a chance to relax. We all needed it.”
Hunter hummed in agreement, before falling silent. Still, he wouldn’t–or couldn’t–meet your gaze. With the way his eyes darted, and his lips pursed, you could tell he struggled with what to say next. The silence overstayed its welcome, until finally, he spoke.
“You know, being here has me… thinking about things.”
You hated this game you played with one another, this dance around a truth that both of you pretended not to know. With your Force sensitivity and his heightened senses, you shared an understanding of one another that no one else could comprehend. On the battlefield, it made working in tandem a breeze. Off the battlefield–where it was just the two of you with no distractions–it made denying this thing between you nigh impossible.
You only wish one of you would be brave enough to spit it out. And though the thought gripped your heart with panic, Pabu clearly filled Hunter with courage.
“I think Shep was right,” he sighed. “If there was anywhere I’d want to lie low and settle down, this would be it.”
You nodded, your gaze falling.
“We could certainly do worse,” you noted, though your disheartened expression didn’t match your words. You knew he couldn’t stall forever. You only wish you had any idea of how you’d respond once he broached the subject.
Quiet fell over you again, the gentle island breeze deafening in comparison. You waited for Hunter to speak, not bold enough to break the silence yourself. Eventually, you heard not his voice, but a frustrated sigh.
And to your utmost surprise, his gloved hand boldly took yours.
Face burning red, you looked up at Hunter–only to find him looking back at you, brow furrowed and eyes intense. You could feel his heart racing through the Force, but he didn’t falter, braving his fears to hold your gaze. That was the man you would gladly lay down your life for.
The man you had fallen in love with.
“Listen… I know this won’t be easy to hear–it’s certainly not easy to say,” he began, straightforward and blunt now, “but… we need to talk. About us.”
Just as he promised, it wasn’t easy to hear. You pouted slightly, though you kept your eyes on his.
“What about us?” you feigned.
Hunter narrowed his gaze.
“You know what.”
Though panic tried to bubble up in your chest, Hunter’s hand squeezing yours anchored you in the moment.
“If there was ever a time for us to try being more than what we are now, this is it,” he pressed.
Despite his vote of confidence, doubts still nagged at the back of your mind. You pursed your lips, grappling with your words.
“I don’t know, Hunter…” you mumbled.
Hunter stepped closer to you. He faced you now, and you faced him in turn. Gently, he took your other hand into his grasp, keeping his eyes focused solely on you.
“Look… I know you’re scared–and believe me, I’m scared, too,” he sighed. He frowned, his eyes pleading with you as he continued. “But what scares me more is the thought of going my whole life never showing you what you really mean to me.”
Moving even closer, his lips mere inches from yours, he set a hand gently on your cheek. Despite your words of hesitation, you leaned into his touch with ease. His thumb ran along your cheekbone as he gazed upon your face with such affection and warmth.
“I’m not going to force you to do anything, but if you’re willing… I want to try,” he said. “You’re worth it. We’re worth it.”
Having heard your whole life that forming attachments would lead only to suffering, the fear that possessed you in that moment made every bit of sense. Still, you knew that Hunter was being truthful to say you were not alone in your worries. From both the clones’ training and his own reservations, the thought of forming ties with you filled him with fear, all the same. Yet, he wished to brave that fear for you. It was one of many things you loved about him–that he could look fear in the eyes and push through it without question.
And if you could brave a thousand droids to keep him safe, you could brave this unknown–especially if he braved it with you.
Swallowing your fear, you closed the distance between you, pressing your lips to Hunter’s as you’ve longed to for years now.
Hunter didn’t waste a moment, readily sweeping you into his arms as the kiss deepened. His hands gripped at your waist as though he feared losing hold of you somehow, but with your arms draped over his shoulders, hands tangled in his hair, you made it clear you were there to stay. On this beautiful island, with the love of your life… where else would you rather be than here?
When at last you broke away, your eyes fluttered open, relieved to see Hunter smiling back at you. He pressed his forehead to yours, and you beamed.
“Can’t say how long I’ve wanted to do that,” he grinned.
“Not as long as I have, I bet,” you teased.
Hunter dotted a small peck on your lips, before heaving a sigh–not of frustration this time, but one of content. For a moment, you simply held one another, basking in the glow of the sun and the warmth of your love. After a while, you went to speak again, but before you could, the lanterns around you flickered on, illuminating you and the rest of the island as dusk faded to night. 
“Guess that’s my cue,” Hunter chuckled. “I should get going, but… I’m glad we’re on the same page.”
Hunter stepped away from you, but couldn’t go much further–not when your hands took hold of his. He looked back at you with surprise, only to find you pouting… and blushing.
“I… I want you to stay,” you murmured.
Hunter’s eyes went wide, but soon enough, he found his confidence–confidence made much worse by your bashfulness. It was rare for him to have a leg up on you, and he seemed eager to enjoy it while he could.
“Well, I’d love to, but… it’s getting late–I need to get back to my bungalow,” he sighed dramatically. His grin widened as he continued. “That is… unless you think there’s somewhere else I could sleep…”
You tilted your head, narrowing your eyes at him and frowning. Your expression told him all he needed to know: stop being such a smartass and stay the night. Unable to resist you, he chuckled, drawing you closer and pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“All right, all right; I’ll stay,” he conceded. “You won’t hear me complaining, that’s for sure…”
Smiling again, you kissed him once more, keeping his hand in yours as you led him toward the door of your place. 
, , ,
When you went inside, a small feeling of comfort came over you at the sight of your little bungalow. By all accounts, it was barren, save for the furniture that Shep and the locals had been kind enough to supply you with. You’d strewn around a few knick knacks you’d picked up in your travels with the Batch, along with some decorations you’d bought on Pabu itself. But even lightly decorated, it was the closest thing to a home you’d had since the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.
“Nice place,” Hunter teased, looking over the ‘nothing’ that comprised your humble residence. “Lived here long?”
As you locked the door behind you, you rolled your eyes. You turned to him with a smirk, draping your arms around his neck once more.
“Actually, I just moved in,” you answered, grin widening as his hands found your hips. “In fact, I was thinking just this morning about how it could use some breaking in…”
Hunter looked you over, his expression caught somewhere between love and lust.
“Heh… I think I could lend you a hand there,” he chuckled.
Boldly, Hunter lifted you into his arms, prompting you to wrap your legs around his waist as he met you in another kiss–though one far hungrier than what you’d shared before. He carried you over to the bed, laying you down on the plush white covers before parting from you with a kiss on the forehead.
“Here, let me get these out of your way,” he said, getting to work removing the bulky armor pieces that he wore even over his so-called civilian attire. You watched him intently as he shuffled piece after piece onto the floor, until at last the clothes beneath were all that remained. When he reached for the bottom of his shirt and peeled it off over his shoulders, he met your gaze with a smirk.
“Enjoying yourself?” he asked.
With a bright smile, you could only nod. You and Hunter had caught glimpses of one another in various states of undress before–living aboard a ship as cramped as the Marauder was bound to lead to that. But watching him strip fully before you–and for you, at that–thrilled you far more than an absent glance at his shirtless figure as he left the shower. No, at last, he was finally yours to see… though “seeing” was far from all you wished to do.
Now stripped to just his pants, Hunter returned to you, his lips finding yours again with ease. His body felt hot against your skin, but when his fingers trailed beneath the hem of your shirt, you shivered. You had gotten in the habit of dressing down on Pabu, enjoying the warm sun and cool breeze of island life. But while it made Hunter’s job of undressing you that much easier, it left you feeling that much more vulnerable.
Gently, Hunter worked your cropped shirt off your shoulders, his lips parting from yours as the fabric crossed between the two of you. Seeing you bare before him, Hunter’s eyes widened. A blush flooded your cheeks, and you looked away, ready to make a snarky remark about his staring. But when his hands found your chest, your words left you, replaced with a shaky whimper.
“Hunter…!” you gasped as his fingers sunk into the softness of your skin. Though rough from years of combat, his hands treated you so carefully. His caressing filled you with warmth, and you could tell he was enjoying himself just as much.
“I just can’t believe how beautiful you are,” he remarked. With a chuckle, he added, “And I can’t believe I’m finally lucky enough to tell you.”
With one parting kiss on your lips, his mouth moved down your body to lavish your breasts with attention. He latched onto one of your nipples, holding it gently between his teeth as his tongue swirled around it. You could hardly handle the sensation, short of breath with every purse of his lips against your skin, but it seemed he still had more in mind.
One of his hands trailed slowly down your stomach, slipping beneath the waistband of your shorts. Pressing lightly, but still firmly enough to drive you crazy, he began tracing tight circles on your panties–right over the place you craved his touch the most.
“Hunter!” you gasped again. Between his mouth and his fingers, it was no wonder your face burned. “Kriff, Hunter…”
His eyes practically glowed in the low light, doing nothing to help your flustered state when they peered up at you. He plucked his lips from your chest, smirking that awful smirk as he continued teasing you with his fingers.
“You’re already soaked,” he whispered, lips pressed to your ear in a way that far from helped the matter. “I’m guessing you’ve been hoping for this as much as I have…”
While any other night you’d be content to lose yourself in this attention, he guessed correctly–you had been hoping for this as much, and as long, as he had. Which meant, unfortunately for him, that you were far from ready to give in.
Mustering up your strength, you threw your weight around him, rolling him over so that he rested beneath you, with you straddling his hips. Though his eyes went wide, you smirked down at him, running a hand through that beautiful, long hair of his.
“Where do you get off, showing me all this attention?” you purred, fingers tracing down his muscular chest. 
Finding a smirk to match yours, Hunter tugged you closer by your hips. Between your legs, you could feel just how achingly hard he’d grown.
“I think you know where,” he snarked back. 
Rolling your eyes, you backed off of him, pulling his pants down to his thighs as you went. When his length was finally exposed to you, you could hardly contain your excitement. You took hold of him, delighting in the way his expression turned when you began to stroke his shaft.
“Ah… just like that,” he breathed, losing himself in the rhythmic pumping you spoiled him with. Though he seemed to enjoy this plenty, you had other plans in mind.
“Hm… just like this?” you asked, your playful tone causing him to raise an eyebrow at you. Boldly, you leaned in closer to his length. “But what about this?”
Before he could speak, your lips pressed against his tip, catching his words in his throat. With a swirl of your tongue around his head, you opened your mouth, taking his cock inside and sucking on him. The precum that flowed from his length coated your tongue, and you readily coaxed more from him with every bob of your head.
Hunter’s breath hitched in his chest, and his moans only made you more eager to please him. While one of his hands gripped at the white comforter beneath him, the other tangled itself in your hair, keeping it out of your face so he could watch your lips descend on his cock over and over. Each time you’d glance at him, the hunger in his eyes made you ache between your hips.
When your lips met the base of his cock–when you felt the tip probe against your throat–Hunter gasped. 
“Fuck, cyare!”
His hand tightened in your hair, pulling your mouth from his length with an unceremonious pop. When you looked up at him, you found his eyes half-lidded with lust, a red haze tinting his tanned cheeks.
“Ride me,” he begged, a rasp in his voice that sent a shiver through your body.
With a wordless nod, you straddled his hips, aching to be filled by him just as he ached to fill you. You lined him up with your opening, only hesitating when you felt his hands settle on your hips. He flashed a smile at you–one you matched with ease.
Then, carefully, you set yourself down on his length. You descended with agonizing patience, until you finally bottomed out against his hips. His cock filled you so perfectly, your walls gripping him as though you might never let him go. Not that he wanted to go anywhere–judging by the way he clung to your hips so hard you worried they might bruise, he seemed content to stay buried inside of you for the rest of time.
“Mm, Hunter…” you breathed. With your hands planted firmly on his shoulders, you started to ride him, whimpering as you moved. “I didn’t think you would feel this good.”
Through his breathless moans, he chuckled.
“You didn’t?” he teased. 
You bit your lip and grinned back at him.
“Is it so hard to believe you could surpass my every fantasy, Sergeant?” you asked.
Hunter smirked. “I guess not…”
Catching you by surprise, Hunter thrusted against your hips as you rode him, nearly knocking the air out of you and filling your eyes with stars.
“But then again, I think you know better than to underestimate me.”
In no time at all, you found yourself limp against Hunter’s chest, face buried in the crook of his neck. His arms held you firmly against him by your waist as he pounded his cock into you over and over, dizzying you with delight. As he fucked you, he pressed his lips to your head, whispering sweet nothings against you between his labored moans.
You’re beautiful.
I’m all yours.
Let me take care of you, cyare.
And take care of you he did. By the time you neared your peak, you lay beneath him, your fingers raking down his toned back. The tension mounted between your hips with every thrust, made worse with his thumb drawing rhythmic circles on your clit.
“Hunter,” you moaned between languid kisses on his neck, “I’m close…”
“Me, too,” he sighed. “Where do you want me, love?”
You gazed intently into his eyes, your forehead on his.
“Inside,” you whispered without a moment’s thought.
With a nod, Hunter’s lips met yours, and he buried himself in you over and over until you could scarcely handle it. Breathless, your chest seized. You grasped onto him, nails digging into his skin as your orgasm overwhelmed you. Waves of ecstasy rippled through your core, your cunt fluttering around Hunter’s cock in such a way that fulfilling your desire was all but an inevitability for him. He filled you with his cum, your name parting from his lips as he met his end.
For all the battles you had endured at his side, you had never once seen Hunter this breathless. He trembled, held up by just his forearms, looking into your eyes with all the love in the galaxy. Only once he’d met you in one last loving kiss did he pull out of you, collapsing at your side and drawing you into his embrace.
The two of you shared in silence once again–though this time, not one filled by an unspoken tension between you. Instead, it was one of understanding, of comfort. A silence shared between two souls who understood one another, finally laid bare after hiding for so long.
Eventually, you smiled, giggling quietly–much to Hunter’s amusement.
“What’s so funny?” he smirked, squeezing your hips playfully.
Looking up at him with bright eyes, you bumped your nose against his.
“Nothing. I just… can’t believe it took us this long,” you confessed.
Hunter chuckled. “Believe me: if I’d known you would react like that, I would’ve worked up the courage to say something a long time ago…”
Rolling your eyes, you draped your arms over Hunter’s shoulders, luring him in for another soft, sweet kiss.
“Well… I’m just happy we’re trying now,” you sighed.
Though you had more to say, a quiet yawn interrupted your thoughts. Hunter helped you beneath the covers, plenty worn out himself. By now, night had fully fallen over Pabu, and the quiet back-and-forth of the tide beckoned both of you to rest.
“I’m happy, too,” Hunter said, voice hushed as his fingers worked soothingly through your hair. “Even if it’s hard to admit… I think we both deserve it.”
With a warm smile, you nestled against Hunter’s chest, adoring the way his body kept you warm and protected from the night air.
“I do, too…” you mumbled, fading fast now. “Good night, Hunter… sweet dreams.”
Hunter smiled, closing his eyes with his lips pressed against your head.
“Yeah… sweet dreams,” he whispered.
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AN: Thank you for reading!! I feel like this fic got away from me LOL but nonetheless I hope you enjoyed we love soft Hunter mwah mwah!~~✨✨
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