#if you have any more specific questions feel free to ask
erabu-san · 3 days
First of all, I would like to thank you so much for all your support and your kind message !! Thank you so much for being patient with me too !! (you will see, I thanks a lot in this post lol)
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Haha tbh I believe that ignoring and move on is a great way too! Yeees when I read this anon ask, I was wondering if they are living somewhere where pale person are oppressed and they are personally in this case and it affects them so badly that they have so much hate in them or they are just being hateful toward poc w/o any explication ? It was a bit uncomfortable And what is appealing with Genshin Impact (for me) is the fact that they use real culture to create their game ; even in the last survey, they ask if we like Natlan's authenticity (weird they only ask abt environment and music, i think they know they have issue with character design bahaha). I learn a lot about persian, algerian, but also chinese and even about french culture ! It is because people recognize themself that they start talking about it. I know there is a lot of controversial topic in Natlan, but because of this, I learn a lot on Hawai'i 's culture too. So yes, even if it is fiction, representation *is* important. And it is because they take inspiration of their culture that there is people who want a better representation, and in my opinion, this is something to not ignore !
About taking well what anon said, thank you so much ! If i can be honest tho, I didn't take it very well neither, or just I don't know how do I really felt at the moment I am an adult but I still hard time to distinguish what is morally okay or not, what is bad and good ? So if someone doesn't tell me they are explicitly a bad person with bad intention, I won't get it haha (ofc I grew up and now I identify my value and morals, but I still questionning if my morals are objectively great or not- yeaaah i was called weird for that, I am aware) Since forever I always try to understand other so I can communicate properly (at least I try), and that's why I am always interested on how does people think, why do they react in this specific way etc etc. Pro, I am patient and can take even the most violent take "well" (all depends. I am still a human) Con, I give free speech to those who have a "bad" take </3 and I apologize for that aaaa
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KFSDLFSD I wish to express my angryness sometime but I just don't know if it is really adequate What if I interpret their text in wrong way as they initially try to say ? I wasn't feel offended by what they said, I was just uncomfortable because their opinion is something I consider hateful. and what if i was wrong??? But reading you all's opinion just affirm that's they were indeed rude ! I should stop overthink, life would be easier Maybe next time I have a doubt I will ask my friends's opinion before answering ksdkfsf
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Oh my god thank you !!! If i can be honest, I draw Kinich this way because when I draw him w a darker skin for the first time, I thought "Oh !!! he looks so cool !!!!" and seeing a lot of positive comment abt my Kinich just makes me happy so I keep him like this ! And thank you for sharing with me informations !<<333 This is not overstepping at all ! And it is a reciprocate feeling anon ! It might be a bit weird but "angry" is such a complex feeling for me. I feel it but I don't really know how to express it in the most healthy way and it is super frustrating. So... seeing people getting mad at something I also disagree on makes me feel better !! And for this, thank you all !
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I SNORT SO HAAAARD Damn Macron you again..........!! I didn't put all ask here but I read them all !! Thank you for sharing with me your opinion and reaction, it is truly interesting (and way more relaxing that the hater anon kskskss) !! and again, your support is truly meaningful for me. You all have sincere gratitude Hope y'all have a great day !! Stay hydrated too <3
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barracuda-shark-games · 15 hours
Q&A - The Bodyguard (Amis)
In chapter 1, players will meet 3 of 6 major characters in Bethroned with whom the MC will develop a relationship. Whether that relationship is platonic, romantic, or hostile in nature will depend on players' choices.
In case you missed it, a sneak peek into the first of those three characters, Amis the Bodyguard, dropped on Friday.
As promised, here are answers to some of the questions I have received since then, presented below the cut. The answers are free of story spoilers and mostly pertain to fun details. That said, questions that contain lore spoilers will be preceded by a warning.
Spoiler-free answers:
Do you have a Pinterest board for Amis?
I do, but it's private because I mostly use it for my own inspiration. Pinterest is littered with a lot of AI art (of which I'm not fond) and its users can be bad about crediting artists; if I were to make it public, I'd want to make sure artists are credited, and I usually don't vet it when I'm simply saving an image to a board for inspiration and not to share. That being said, here are some credited images that kind of evoke him His appearance (note: his eyes are hazel) His armor (source: Loras Tyrell in GoT; specifically the cloak motif) Additionally, sometimes I reblog posts on tumblr that remind me of my characters. For Amis, you'd find any such posts tagged as #insp: amis.
Where would Amis fall on the McDonald's Alignment Chart?
He'd be somewhere between the kids shouting "McDonald's! McDonald's! McDonald's!" and the parent saying "We have food at home." Leaning more towards "McDonald's!" chanting, of course.
What's his D&D alignment?
Neutral good.
If Amis was an animal, what would he be?
A sea otter: cute, but capable of vicious brutality.
How does Amis best give and receive comfort?
When giving comfort, Amis prioritizes being physically present first, and offering the comfort of touch second. When he sees someone he cares for hurting, his immediate instinct is to hug them tight, but he's able to repress the urge in order to gauge what they're comfortable with. It physically pains him when he can't be present when someone needs him. Similarly, Amis feels comforted by presence and touch; it helps ground him more than words can. He especially feels comforted by having someone pet/play with his hair.
How would Amis react to a shy MC just nervously asking for a kiss while blushing up a storm and avoiding making eye contact with him?
If they'd never kissed before: He would break out into a delighted smile and reach for their hand. Once given, he'd bring their hand to his lips while bowing, looking at their face the whole time. If they proceeded to say that's not what they meant by a kiss, then he would gently ask them to look him in his eyes and ask him again. He'd want to see that they really want it. If they'd kissed before: He would reach out and gently tilt their head towards him and trace the bottom of their lip fondly. "Always," he'd say with a smile before softly meeting their lips with his own.
How would Amis react to a MC who is off in their own little world just playing with his hand before slotting both their hands together and holding it, just looking happy with themselves and not noticing that Amis was watching them?
He'd have a huge smile on his face and end up squeezing their hand without thinking about it. He'd be lost in his own little world, captivated by the MC.
Minor lore spoilers:
What would romanced Amis say if the MC asked him, "Would you still love me if I was a worm?"
(Assuming they meant if they were turned into a worm.) He would frown at the thought and say, "I would be really sad if you turned into a worm..." Then his eyes would light up. "Oh! But I'd know just where to take you. My sister owns a beautiful vineyard in Korcome and the soil would be so rich and wonderful for your needs! They get a decent amount of rain there, too." After a pause, he'd add, "Worms like rain, right?"
Can you tell us more about Amis' homeland?
Amis grew up in Korcome, which was absorbed into the Dawn Empire 7 years before the game takes place. Korcome is famed for its vineyards; it's soil is amazing for growing grapes. It's also known for its olive trees. Aesthetically speaking, its best real-world analogue is Greece. Korcome was never a kingdom or empire; it's always been a society bound by barons and wealthy land owners with alliances and their own private militaries. Basically, before joining the Dawn Empire, Korcome operated like feudalism only without a central figure. This contributed to instability and corruption at every level; crime guilds run rampant in Korcomian's biggest cities. This is, in part, why even the barons and baronesses of Korcome were eager to be absorbed into the Dawn Empire -- they knew that they would be able to hold onto their titles and deeds while being able to benefit from the Sun Throne's protection and leadership.
What does he do in most of his free time?
Amis really enjoys baking, and he's quite good at it. He's especially talented at baking sweet treats! He doesn't get much opportunity to bake, however, seeing as he doesn't have his own kitchen and the royal kitchens are often busy. Instead, he mostly spends his free time reading new cookbooks, and writing letters to his mom and sisters back in Korcome. He also likes to go out into the city and peruse bakeries and market stalls for inspiration.
What are his thoughts on the war and the MC's betrothal?
Amis doesn't really know much about the war so he doesn't have much of an opinion. He's just glad it's over. Similarly, he doesn't know much about the betrothal or how noble alliances work. If he doesn't understand of have firsthand knowledge about something, he's unlikely to develop a strong opinion on it.
How does Amis feel about the Dawn Empire?
He likes the Dawn Empire well enough, especially because things have become safer back home for his mom and sisters. The stability has been such a relief; it's part of why he was happy to join the Dawnguard.
Has Amis ever been in love before? How much experience does he have?
Amis develops crushes quite easily, but he's never been in love. He's had a few relationships in his time, but none have lasted particularly long. He prefers committed relationships to casual flings.
Job title aside, if he could save only one, would he choose the MC or the world?
Ohhh now this is a tough one. I'm going to have to say it depends on whether or not his mom and sisters are still around. If he didn't have his family to worry about and he was in love with the MC, he would absolutely choose the MC.
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wasyago · 1 year
Your art is such a huge inspiration for me , i was wondering if you had any tips on anatomy ? Your way of doing it is so fluid and fun to look at and i struggle a lot with stiffness .
welp, long post incoming, sorry i really didn't want to write all of this on the canvas, so most of it will be in text + pictures
(also please keep in mind that this is not a 100% correct way to do this, but this is how i do it)
first, a little secret you need to know. none of my drawings are actually anatomically correct-- its more about proportions and lines of motion than it is about anatomy (since you said you struggle with stiffnes). now, of course anatomy is important, especially if you're going for something more realistic, but i'd say its not the first thing you should focus on. for me, anatomy is something i learn slowly and gradually as i go and as i need (and forget soon after).
i think proportions are in a way a lot more helpful than anatomy, because you can easily change them according to the character's needs and it'll still look believable. so like.
arms from wrist to elbow and from elbow to shoulder are roughly the same size, same with legs.
character's open palm is the same size as their face from chin to hairline.
the thickness of the neck depends not on the size of the head but the size of shoulders. so, if the shoulders are broad and muscular the neck will be too. if the shoulders are small then the neck will be thinner, etc.
when hands are pressed to the body, elbows are in line with the waist and the palm is roughly below the hips.
length of legs in relation to the body is directly responsible for how tall the character looks. if they're the same size - character looks average, if the legs are shorter than the body the character looks shorter, and if the legs are longer then the character looks taller.
and then for the face.... i literally forgot everything about face proportions uhhhh. well. the ears sit in the middle of the head and are in the same dimensions as the nose. the spaces from hairline to eyebrows to tip of the nose to chin are all the same size. mouth sits on 2/3 between the nose and the chin, leaving more space for the chin. eyes are the same size and the space between them is equal to the size of one eye. (this is much easier to explain in a drawing)
and then to make your character stand out and look unique you change some of the proportions. make their eyes bigger, ears smaller, arms longer or legs shorter. the difference between knowing the proportions and breaking them on purpose vs not following the proportions at all, is that when you know what you're breaking it looks intentional and it has a meaning and it makes sense to the viewer, instead of you breaking all the rules without knowing what they are. just remember to emphasize it enough for your style, because if you overdo or don't do enough it might look out of place. again, its all about balance.
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and now for the lines of motion... i dont exactly know how to explain them, because there's not really a correct way to do them? but basically its a line that follows and sets the motion. yeah. its what makes the characters look less stiff. and its not exactly imaginary lines, but they're not simply visible either. its the lines that the silhouette of the character follows, the direction their limbs or elements of clothing create. you're basically creating those patterns that the pose follows, and you know us humans we sure love our patterns, so the brain subconsciously recognizes that there's a pattern and the image then feels more structured, more real in a sense?
i have no damn idea how to put it into words, but. um. diagonal lines are dynamic, straight lines (in relation to the canvas) are stiff. its like a square looks stiff but a rombos looks flowy even if they're basically the same thing. so to make your characters look more dynamic you need to build the pose on diagonals and not straight lines. and if you want the pose to look stable then you need to balance it out with lines of motion that go in an opposite direction. sort of like you put two rocks on the ends of a plank to balance it out instead of putting no rocks at all because the plank will balance on its own. it creates flavor and weight and intention, sort of like "this plank balances because of the rocks" instead of "the plank balances because there's nothing". sorry i get carried away with the metaphors--
you can use the stiff/dynamic thing however you want for whatever purpose you need. for example making the bottom of the character who is standing still be parallel to the canvas, but keeping their body diagonal and dynamic, helps to make the character feel stable and set in the drawing, like they're standing on firm ground. keeping a background or some element of the drawing stiff but making the character dynamic emphasizes the movement and focuses attention on the character. but making both the background and the character dynamic creates a fully dynamic composition and the feeling like everything is in motion. its an interesting balance but the more you draw the more you understand it.
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hope this helps :D
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plurpaws · 3 months
Are there any tutorials you'd reccomend etc for someone who wants to start making music but is like, 1000000% new to it? I usually get overwhelmed and just delete the program...
it depends on what DAW (digital audio workstation) you're using– you can almost always find a good one by searching on YouTube "(DAW name) beginner tutorial". It's (usually) gonna be long and boring, but learning your way around the software is the most crucial part of this whole process , and you won't get anywhere without it!!
As for actually MAKING music, there are various tutorials for certain genres also on Youtube, and often you can narrow down your search by adding the name of your DAW. e.g. "happy hardcore fl studio tutorial". unfortunately this part - the actual making music process - is still something a little difficult for me to describe
also, a lot of the tutorials like that go REALLY fast, so don't be afraid to pause or rewind as often as you need.
ive also found that copying other people's music is like unironically one of the best ways to learn music, similar to art. Making cover songs will let you become more familiar with the program, WITHOUT the stress of coming up with a whole new song on your own.
speaking of "a whole song", remember that you DONT have to be churning out entire completed songs at the very beginning. it rarely ever goes this way. AND ALSO don't rush yourself to complete a project in one sitting. You'll later regret not taking the time to tweak it to perfection!!!!
so TLDR watch a long boring tutorial or a few, start *small* with short loops or cover songs, and don't rush yourself. this sorta thing takes a lot of time and practice to get down. if you aren't perfect at first remember that's Ok and it's just part of the learning process
i have a page on my website where I go into a little more detail about this topic , but keep in mind it is a WIP It is Unfinished so its missing a lot of stuff
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relaxxattack · 1 year
every time someone calls moirallegience just an alien qpr i wilt a lil like YEAH thats more or less the CLOSEST human thing but its also Literally Not That. like a qpr is fundanmentally not romantic and thats not even going into moirails whole Actual Purpose of calming ppl down. its just. aughhhhh pisses me off i see the confusion but, as aformentioned, aughhhhh
OH MY GOD THIS HAS BEEN BOTHERING ME TOO.... but i don't want to get petty at the people in my notes always saying "moirails are QPRs!" because in some ways that is the closest human thing so it's hard to be mad...
i think there's definitely some overlap in some ways. but NOT because moirallegiance and qprs are the same at all really, but INSTEAD because both relationships have unconventional boundaries defined by the people within them.
you know... like every relationship.
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like the only reason the two have overlap is because they are both partnerships that emotionally care for each other but can choose to not bang (which is true for any romance anyway, even if it's considered abnormal). they're both just romances* that are unconventional to human norms, which makes people view them as the same thing when they're not.
i think the REAL issue here is that humans insist on using human words to understand things that are just, fundamentally, alien. can't we just appreciate alien romance for being... alien romance?
no, it's not platonic, it's romantic. it's just romantic in a way you aren't quite wired to understand, is all.
*in generalization, most QPRs are not romantic, because they are made up of aroaces who are life partners in a non-romantic way. however i want to disagree with you that none of them are romantic, because that is up to the partners in question.
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creaturefeaster · 6 months
Wiiirrreeee, is there a swamp on theia?
Oh absolutely!
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A very large portion of the lower east convex vertex in the focus continent is just a bunch of swampland. Along the rivers are a bit less stagnant but much older swampland, whereas the vast majority of land is stagnant overflood. Most of the water and plant life in the area is heavily endowed with the same magical essence you can find north west of the region, where Michael & his friends live.
A lot of the terrain is not considered habitable by most, and it's in these regions that you find a lot of plant people, treeple, fish people, pixies, or any other race that's heavily in tune with the earth & water.
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saphscorner · 10 months
soft launching a rancher duo au @cryingincrocs and i recently came up with that i'm genuinely so obsessed with!! newlywed tango and jimmy move out to the countryside to start a life together on a ranch jimmy's purchased from a family friend. jimmy has always had the dream of raising and rehabilitating animals out in the countryside, and tango is fresh out of his smithing apprenticeship, planning to build a home forge and become a full time bladesmith.
the large property lends itself well to both of their prospective careers, and they quickly settle into a routine of fixing up their new home, working around the farm together, selling animal products and crops at farmers markets to make money. tango also picks up odd handyman jobs in the meantime to afford the equipment for his forge. when tango is able to fully start his career as a bladesmith, he spends his mornings helping jimmy around the farm, his afternoons in the forge, and his evenings in their home. he sells his work as a local artisan and is able to make decent money from the craft.
they'd definitely live a very domestic life together, taking care of their home and going on dates in the evenings when the workday is done. i also love the idea that they'd introduce each other to their specific work, with jimmy teaching tango how to care for the animals, and tango eventually showing jimmy how to forge a basic blade in the shop. honestly i would love to do something with this, though i'm not really sure what? i feel like i can't really make a proper plot out of this since it's more for just like... vibes and atmosphere? so it's not really multichapter fic worthy. leaning in the direction of writing some drabbles and oneshots just to capture the vibe, maybe just some individual moments like a countryside date after a long day of work, or a domestic morning. maybe a oneshot collection? or maybe just more of these ramblings and headcanons!
please leave your thoughts, as this au is very underdeveloped at the moment but i'm so interested to see where it goes!
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glitterdoe · 8 days
Hi hello ! I don’t know how comfortable you are with sharing but I was wondering if you could share how you make the custom Minecraft models ;;>w>
hello hi ! I used this mod! https://github.com/tom5454/CustomPlayerModels
here are a couple of resources for learning the tool :)
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byler-alarmist · 6 days
saw your post about speculating what songs will be in s5.... which ones do you have in mind?
Anon I am SO sorry it's taken me so long to respond, but I have a playlist just for you!!
Some of these aren't likely, others I believe are VERY likely. All of them are contemporary to the show's timeline, with the exception of one or two that could be a flash-forward to '90 or '91. Enjoy!!!!
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sun-e-chips · 4 months
Hi! How are you!? I just came across your Waterpark AU and let me just say, I am soooooo ready for some summer fun!!! /silly
Also, I love the background designs for all the sketches you have made! They are so detailed and immersive! And your designs for Sun and Moon are so cool! I'm curious about their personalities! I'm very excited to see what other story snippets/crumbs we might eventually get! <3 <3 <3
Hi hello!!! I’m doing good thank you :))
Yayyyyyy glad to hear it and I hope you’re also ready for the summer fun to find you!
Munching on your compliments, my goal for this au was to make it feel as immersive as possible! Every time I discover someone’s DCA au I feel drawn into their world (written or illustrated) and I absolutely love it! So so happy to hear I am able to accomplish this effect from you guys it really motivates me to continue working on this au and develop more content for it <3
Also thank you for the compliments on their designs haha it’s comedic at this point that I don’t have their ref sheets completed though, worried their color pallets will surprise everyone.
Ah yes their personalities that is something I am still learning on how to portray. It’s in my head but how do I show this??? Through written interactions and dialogue? Through text of their personality traits and habits? Idk I’ll hopefully figure something out soon.
Again thank you for your kind words! I’ve been hoarding quite a few of my inbox messages to help inspire me!!!
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your gifs are so good! do you have any tips to find hq clips of the show to turn into gifs ?
Thank you so much! I get Gilmore Girls files from @hdgilmoregirls, they have all the episodes in 1080p! You need to have MEGA to download them. This program has a size limit that only lets you download 1.5 gb at a time though, and since almost all Gilmore Girls episodes are slightly bigger than that, you have to wait 6 hours to get one file 😭 (but it’s not really that big of a deal 😂, just start the download before you go to bed or work, and when you get back, the file should be ready to finish downloading).
If you’re new to gifmaking, I recommend this amazing tutorial. It has EVERYTHING you need to know to make gifs that look good™ and high quality from scratch, even if you have zero prior knowledge of the process/photoshop — I mean it, zero (that was my case). Seizing the opportunity: if anyone that sees this would like to learn how to make gifs but doesn’t know where to start, seriously, just follow this tutorial!!! (It’s actually quite simple once you get the hang of it.)
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automatonknight · 2 years
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id under the cut
image id: a digital drawing of a fallout: new vegas courier. there are two drawings showing it, one in full view and one just a head shot. it’s white and slightly tanned, has grey eyes, dark brown hair and a stubble.  it’s wearing a long brown coat, a light brown cowboy hat, a white tank top, blue jeans, dark brown cowboy chaps and light brown cowboy boots, as well as a long glove and a pip-boy on its right hand, and a fingerless glove on its left hand. all of its clothes are tattered. on it’s neck, there are two necklaces, one is just a screw cap on a string and the other is two dog tags. their left eye is covered with a black eyepatch. they have one hand stuffed into the pocket of their pants and one adjusting their hat, they’re looking down, slightly nervous. on the second drawing, they are only visible to their shoulders and the drawing is uncolored. it shows them looking up and to the side with a neutral expression. below it, text says “greying hair+moles”. next to the courier’s head on the first drawing there is “kurier” written in bold, yellow letters. underneath it, in black text it says “any pronouns (it/its preferred)”. all around the canvas there are notes referring to certain parts of the character, next to its head it says “eyepatch NOT optional” and “necklaces optional”, next to it’s side it says “outfit can be changed” and next to its boots it says “boots have spurs”. the background is white. end id
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spacemancharisma · 1 year
Hey you said feel free to ask hygiene questions. How often should you be doing stuff? Like showering, washing hair, washing bedding? Washing re-wearable clothing like jeans or jackets or bras that I think you can wear multiple times without needing to wash?
Idk other esp hygiene or cleaning activities that you need to do sometimes.
Like they tell you brush your teeth twice a day but not how often you need to wash other things.
yeah this is a really good question! I’m putting it under the cut since it got p long lol
so showering is ideally every day, but that can be difficult for some people, so as close to that as you can manage is good. if you have days that it’s too much, wiping down with a rag or a baby wipe is good. be sure to thoroughly clean your genitals/butthole every night before bed, just for your health. on baby wipe days, i get that whole zone really clean, and also my armpits, feet, and anywhere my skin folds over bc sweat tends to trap there. wash your face well at least once a day (I do it in the shower) and if you’re up to it, give it a good scrub with just water at the other end of the day. there’s no hygiene gain or loss from shaving any part of your body, so do that as much or little as is your preference. I put on deodorant at least twice a day (when I wake up & after I shower), or whenever I’m feeling sweaty/stinky.
washing your hair really depends on its length and texture and I can only speak to white person hair care, but as far as that goes- I have thick, curly hair, and I wash it every 2-3 days. people with greasier hair tend to wash it more often. like with most things, a good test is to wash whenever it starts to have a smell, or more frequently than that lol. comb your hair out when you wash it to keep it from getting matted. people with straight hair brush it dry, too, but that isn’t something I do personally.
clothes go by the smell principle too, mostly. shirts can get two or three wears unless they’re sweaty/stained/stinky. pants made of a thick material can usually last a week, though some people stretch their jeans out even more if they’re good material. again- if it starts to have a smell, put it in the laundry. bras are also good for a week or so at a time as long as they’re not stinky. jackets and stuff go by the same principle, and they last a long time usually, since they don’t touch your skin directly. underwear should be changed at least once a day and not reworn, same with socks.
washcloths should only be used once, but bath towels can get two or three uses. hand towels should be switched/washed about once a week.
people tell you to change/wash your bedsheets once a week but I don’t know anyone who does that lmao. changing your sheets every two weeks or so is usually good; you might want to do so more frequently though if you’re sick or eating in bed or having a lot of sex or something hfbggjg
like you said, brushing your teeth is standard once in the morning and once at night. if you want to do a bonus one halfway through the day, that’s probably good for you, but most people don’t. brush your tongue when you brush your teeth- it only takes a couple seconds and it does a lot apparently. get a new toothbrush at least every 6 months, if not more often.
body chores: clip your finger/toenails as often as works best for you. I can’t stand having long nails so I trim them once a week, but that would obvs be different if you like long nails. floss as often as you can, but don’t feel bad if you’re not consistent- very few people are. put lotion on your body if your skin gets dry- I recommend aveeno, it’s not greasy and it works really well. if you have sex toys, clean them before and after every use (it’s a pain but you do Not want to fuck with any kind of germs down there).
household chores: clean toilet- once a week. clean bathroom sinks/tub: once a month (clean mirrors while you’re at it). empty trash cans- once a week. clean kitchen counters- every time you cook. clean stovetop- once a week. dust- once a month but this one’s kinda optional lmao. laundry- before you run out of clean clothes/towels. dishes- before you run out of clean dishes. floors- my family vacuumed/swept once a week growing up but as an adult I just kinda follow my heart here lol. change pet litter- at least once a week.
health: you’re supposed to see your GP once a year for a regular health check, and that’s good to get blood work done to make sure your hormones and such are all balanced, but it’s okay if you don’t keep a super strict schedule with that. dentists you really should see once every 6 months, or at least once a year. if you have a uterus, get a pap smear done every 5 years. get checked for STIs with each new partner, or once a year. keep track of your period if you have one so you know if there are irregularities; change tampons/pads as needed, you know best, but remember to never sleep with a tampon in. give yourself a breast self-exam at least once every few months, if applicable. drink water consistently throughout the day, listen to your body and eat when you’re hungry, try to have at least one fruit or vegetable a day (doesn’t have to be whole/raw, just get those nutrients where you can). the average number of times in a day to pee is apparently 6-7, but I’d say anywhere from 5-10 is normal, idk I’m not a pee expert. either way, stay aware of your body and it’s needs and don’t hold your pee if you have literally any other options- your kidneys are important and that hurts them. you should poop 1-2 times a day, not accounting for any health conditions that might change that. do your best to get 8-9 hours of sleep a night, and get your body in motion for at least 30 minutes a day- this could be a gentle walk or even doing household chores, the important thing is to keep your muscles and joints flexible. do some basic stretches once a day.
and some closing remarks- I’m really proud of you for reaching out to ask, cause I know it can be really hard to talk about this stuff. there’s absolutely no shame in ignorance, and similarly, there is no shame in being dirty/smelly. as humans, we tend to keep ourselves and our surroundings clean because it’s better for our health and our sensory experience, and it makes us more pleasant for others to be around, but it’s important to remember that none of this is a moral imperative. I grew up in a house that made it seem like you were a bad person if you were dirty or you smelled like BO, and that’s not a healthy or accurate approach to things. keeping proper hygiene when you can is important, but because it makes your life more pleasant to live, not because it’s a sin or a slight to do otherwise. just do your best to take care of yourself, and you’re doing great 💜
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greencarnation · 11 months
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Here is a plot of education resources around Palestine that you can check out if you want to know more. It's completely free and accessable, there's a whole range of books and pdfs available, it will help you to understand what's going on, the context behind it, and what you can do. Please take a look (from milochite on tiktok)
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teruthecreator · 2 months
you know the hyperfix is bad when writing a 30k behemoth doesnt completely spend your desire to create
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In the nine clones au. Perhaps they'd be very effective in taking down the resistance. And the only way to stop them is to point out how much comradery they have for each other and how they can be thier own family.
So for my own personal reference I'm going to link the previous ask I received about cloning Nine here.
Hmmm, you know, anon, I'm sort of interested in what kind of situations you took as a given for this sort of au. This is mostly because even if a bunch of versions of Nine's theoretically could dismantle the resistance, I'd have to wonder why?
I feel there are so many branching au ideas one could come up with just with this singular post.
Like the first that comes to mind (specifically with the angle of them going for the resistance rather than the Chaos Council) is that the clones were created by the council or created by Nine but they were all captured and weaponized by the council. And in this case you'd wonder just what the Council has on them that would keep them doing the Council's dirty work. Did the council capture the clones or create them and then turn them into Cyborg's like Rusty Rose? Did they partner with the Council and decide to take down the resistance because they believed that the council would value them and allow them not to be victimized as Nine had in his past? Did they only stop working with the council because they realized they they could protect themselves and be each other's company/found family together?
The second idea that comes to mind would be again based on the question "why would Nine and the clones turn to taking down the resistance instead of going for the Chaos Council". In this case, if we're assuming that Nine decided to clone himself and he and the clones discovered just how powerful and efficient they are by working together, perhaps Nine is able to place hope again in the idea that the Chaos Council can be overthrown. In this hypothetical situation, I can see Nine and the clones deciding to attack the resistance only to assume control over its resources and manpower. While it would probably be better strategically to create their own resistance and build rapport or try to go for the council on their own, maybe they decide to simply take over the resistance, believing they can lead the people to victory better than Rebel and Renegade? Although in this sort of situation, I think the clones + Nine realizing they can be each other's support and protection would only serve to make them more close knit rather than stop them from doing what they're doing with the resistance.
All in all though, personally if I had to create an au where Nine cloned himself and decided it was worth it to meddle in New Yoke, I'd either go for
An au where Nine and the clones decide to build their own resistance (essentially taking public stands or majorly messing with the Chaos Council's stuff with their tech knowledge), and while they ultimately share the same goal as the current resistance, they naturally end up forming a sort of rivalry. In this one I can see the family outcome coming out in the clones + Nine really only seeing the other as clones or partners but in the most clinical fashion at first, but once they get through some major events and power struggles and working through shared leadership issues, they eventually come to care for and support each other (not just as disposable copies either)
Rather than create their own resistance, they simply take their own measures to slowly take down the council (via a combination of hacking, manipulation, stealing the red shard from them, etc) once they come to believe that such a thing is possible together. But, likewise, even if they do succeed in taking down the council I can see them struggle with their interpersonal relationships and what to do when they actually take down the council.
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