#if you have questions lemme know and i'll answer!
skinsort · 9 months
Hello, I've been thinking about code and selling code and sharing code in the rpc because someone posed the question to me of what I'd want to happen if someone was heavily editing a skin I sold, and to be honest, my first instinct was 'take my name off it'. That was met with some surprise, but let me explain why.
Code, to me, is a largely democratic landscape. If you want to learn, hundreds of thousands of people and websites have come together to teach you. Masses of people share open source work on codepen, stack overflow etc. Code as a skill is like assembling an especially abstract puzzle where you can only think about the pieces, not really see them. But most puzzles have similar strategies to solve- start with the corner pieces, then the edges, then the most recognizable patterns etc etc etc working your way down to the more and more difficult details. Most of code- most of my job writing code- involves minimizing the amount of time working on those shared strategies so we can have more time to work on the the interesting bits, the hard bits. the bits that make the site we're working on unique and useful. Frankly, jcink is the easy part of code, by and large. Your data is already structured and provided to you in a very particular way. It is inefficiently, but largely documented. Many other people have solved all the problems you are likely to have trying to build a skin. Skinning is html and css for the vast majority of items. It is the easy stuff. If I sell code, that code is now the property of the person I sold it to. It is not shareable or redistributable. You can't take my code and resell it as your own, but as far as I'm concerned you can do whatever you want with it. If I solved problems that might otherwise feel difficult (accessibility and responsiveness come to mind) cool. You can solve the easy ones, like styling and colors and fonts you like. You can add or subtract things that vibe with what you want that code to do. Once it is sold, it is yours to do with what you like when it comes to personal use. This is true of almost all coding contracts that exist in the entire world. If it weren't, no one would ever hire external contractors to do any work for their company, and I can tell you now, even companies which could fully afford to do all their tech in house absolutely do not in 99% of cases if their business isn't selling their own tech. The rule is generally- you may do anything you like with this, except resell it to someone else. So why take my name off it? I don't endorse how other people code. Even in my professional life, I've taken projects off my portfolio because the client took a project I worked on and broke it (imo), often with other professional developers doing the breaking. If a prospective employer were to go look at it, I'd be embarrassed by what it looks like today. Tell me why I (and my team) created a website that was fully responsive, and they went back to make it adaptive in the year of our lord 2022 because they preferred to have pixel perfect views at 3 specific breakpoints rather than a responsive site. I don't know, it's infuriating. I can't cite that project as an example of my work anymore, because it isn't. I would never leave a site in that state.
So, my first instinct with the idea of people using a skin i sell them as a base is 'take my name off it.' I don't want to be associated if responsive/accessible features are lost due to others working on a skin I wrote. But at the same time, where is the line between using something as a base, and editing a few small features? I certainly don't want to be an arbiter of that, or have to field questions or navigate feelings about it. In fact, personally I would not feel upset at all if someone used a paid for skin as a base, and inviting that kind of discussion is the only way I possibly could get upset since people have weird attitudes about a lot of this stuff. So I think the more practical standard is just to put credit, but make it explicit that the work has been heavily altered. Don't resell or redistribute, and you're golden, imo. Anyway, those are my feelings as someone who writes code for a living. I'm interested to hear counterpoints - constructively of course.
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will-o-wips · 11 months
Save the Villainess Thoughts by Willow Masterpost Part 1: Jane
So I've decided to be insane. Make a small (lies, it is long, that is why it is divided up into parts) post about the Halloween videos and the lore that they have given us. As well as maybe compile theories/thoughts about these characters. Idk if there is a community for this even, or if anybody's actually obsessed like I am, but I'm having fun thinking about it either way, so... I guess this is for like the 0.0000000000001% of the people (me and only me). Enjoy lmao.
You have been warned: the actual insanity starts under the cut lmao.
So I will start with... Jane. Mostly because her Halloween special video is not as lore-bomb-dropping as the rest. The video itself is mostly about certain aspects of the gameplay so far. It's a neat little thing! Honestly, these are more thoughts/rambles than actual, well, coherent notes, but from what I've noticed (from being insane and watching every single social media post on Tumblr Best Laid Plans Productions ever made about all of them, more or less, even though my memory is spotty and I didn't have time to rewatch them before making this), is that Jane is just unknowingly integrated in this world. I don't notice her having any thoughts about before she was transported into the romance novel she read; it's not like she's thinking about her family home, or that she has any plans of going back. She just knows she doesn't belong in this world as the villainess, which is super interesting to me. She's just... accepted her fate and that she must survive. She's BECOME the villainess, rather than just feeling like an imposter in another person's body. She only knows she's innocent, which is why she's fighting so hard to be freed from such a fate. Another thing that supports this is the fact Jane always says such weird phrases that I'm like 99% sure aren't actual English idioms, but rather phrases that this alternate romance novel universe uses. Such as "By the blood" in the Halloween special specifically, because, what does this mean Jane???? What are you referring to here!!! (Side note: Edmund also uses these odd phrases a lot, so I suppose it's something the nobility of Carcosa are familiar with; some kind of "noble language" to distinguish those of nobility from commoners or whatever. Some kind of pretentious thing that just happens because society is cruel lmao. Either that OR this is just the way Carcosians speak in general and Jane just kinda always knew this ever.)
Another thing, besides just the obvious announcements of how this guideline/tutorial thing works in the gameplay, is the fact that Jane explicitly states that daytime and nighttime are important. Most people would sign this off to, well, gameplay experience. That during the night you can talk to people more intimately and have like rendezvous or whatever with your favourite characters, while at daytime you're solving mysteries mostly. See the thing with that is, is that Servant also somewhat says very similar things in previous instances of videos. And we all know that Servant is like... that one person that gives everyone the creeps, the intrigue and also the insanity. They are, as of now, the most explicit in the fact they are somewhat of a mastermind behind this all. They know what is happening with the lore. They know, but they don't like explicitly telling us what is happening, so... yeah thanks ig Servant? In each case, Jane here is not joking when she says that nighttime and daytime are important; they're probably very much so magically (maybe?) linked to how this story is supposed to progress. Aka gameplay actually impacts lore, and lore impacts gameplay. As to what it is referring to... well, I have my theories about it. But what I'm most confident in is that it is related to some kind of magic about the story. It is relevant to the narrative; relevant to things both Ben and Servant know about this world. And I say Ben because he's also so sus in such a world-altering way but I'll talk about him later... yeah, later lmao.
Now, my notes that I took while watching the videos here are very vague (thank you for that Willow, you are so insane about this you cannot even write in proper English), but there's something about the jewelry and accessories of these characters. Most noticeably, the way they glow. Like Rhythmically Glowing and Shaking. In Jane's case, it's her earrings [her brooch is less important but it still has symbolism on it probably, with how it has a bee etched onto it. Maybe this is her family's like symbol? Like how Renaissance Pope families had different kinds of symbols etched into buildings they funded into existence and all. Who knows]. Maybe this is some kind of glint effect or whatever; but then why is it animated like THAT??? Idk if I'm onto something or not here, I have high suspicions that I am, but maybe I'm also just looking into it too deeply... but there's something wrong with this jewelry. There's something wrong with the way that Servant's Brooch also glows, whenever Edmunds (tie clips? cufflinks for your neck??? what are they I'm not good with fashion, though the game has such good fashion design guys okay) accessories start glowing and shaking, when Izel has his little gem earring (I love that design omg, also + the brooch he has on his tie but like it doesn't shake) shakes and glows as well and how Ben's POCKET WATCH CHAIN (+ the little uhh buttons on his coat but they don't shake the way the other things do) IS GLOWING OKAY (and yes I'm insane enough to pause these videos just to see whether it is true). Something is going on. It's happening (slightly) even during daytime, and I checked this, so there's something fishy with this. There has to be. I'm so convinced there is jfkldsjfks. A possible explanation for this is that because these characters are all main actors in the story, some kind of magic is there to maybe,,, force them to play their part? Maybe they cannot be exempted from the main storyline because of this? Maybe everybody is just here because they have no other choice? Honestly idk. More thoughts on this in the other parts because dude I'm gonna lose my mind if I try to put everything in here. AND MAYBE IT'S JUST AN ARTISTIC CHOICE AND I'M JUST INSANE ABOUT IT??? Who knows.
Anyway, to close off this post, because I know it is long and idk whether there's actually any substance here, I'll try to compile the thoughts about Jane into a few small sentences, without fangirling in between lmao.
She's lovely, and while she is very funny, I find her harder to pin down than the rest of the cast (that we know of as of writing this). She's dead set on surviving, and that's probably because she might have experienced death once already. Either as the Villainess Jane Neville herself, or as the person she (possibly) used to be, that we know absolutely nothing of. She does not show any other hints to her past: just constantly assuring us she desperately needs help. I love her, of course, not only for her character design or the fact that she's funny, but for the fact that she somehow manages to avoid telling us anything concrete about herself. I don't think that this is done because Jane is not a character and is supposed to be a player-insert (that may play a part in it but y'know, that's just the nature of these kinds of games to a degree); she very much so is a character. She knows these phrases and these small courtesy things that no normal person who WASN'T integrated into this fantasy world would know. Maybe she retained only some of the past memories that her villainess self had, but truly... how could she remember those, but not her fiancé? Not the novel she is in? How can she know she is the villainess with certainty, at all, given she does not remember the book, the plot of said book, nor any of the other characters that well? She only knows someone is out to kill her, and that we must save her. Her weird integration with the world as well as the dissonance she presents with it at the same time is suspicious; she's very mysterious in that regard.
Perhaps I'm biased. Maybe I'm not looking hard enough. It might be that I'm missing something entirely. Somehow my suspicion/theory, even to me, feels like it's somewhat misplaced. That something is up is clear, but whether there's evidence to support anything is a whole other thing.
But somehow I'm inclined to believe that... Jane is not as forgetful as she might think she is. And that whatever happens to her by the choice of the player (who you romance, what kind of ending you get, what kind of choices you make, how you survive based on your deductions in the mystery, etc.), it always will tie into something she wanted to be. That us controlling her to a certain kind of destiny, is something she wanted to be, but never got the chance to be.
That we might guide her towards a destiny she actually deserved, rather than the one she has gotten.
[ Lmao I have so many more thoughts about what exactly makes a villainess but like... if the LIs/ROs/MLs or whatever you call them are all deconstructions and reconstructions of their specific tropes... Then isn't Jane also one? Shouldn't she be, at least? If she never was a villainess, then what makes her be one? If she was a villainess, what changes should she undergo in order to become a hero? And if she is neither... Or cannot remember whether she is clearly... What truly discerns her as a villainess?
I have so many more thoughts and theories about these people that I have to cover later because otherwise I'd have been sitting here for 2 hours trying to write all of this down somewhat understandably. If I actually had a plan for like any type of structure I might've not lost so much time on it. Will try to do that when it comes to the rest and all. Might also opt for smaller paragraphs lmao I genuinely hope I'm not overstepping something by doing this??? If the developers see this and go like "okay maybe don't", I'll take it down fjkdsjfklds. It's not like I'm dead set on sharing this if it's for whatever reason not good for business or something. ANYWAY THIS IS GETTING ABSURDLY LONG. Hope you enjoyed my rambles; until next time for the rest of them! ]
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Man I wanna play Balder's Gate 3. Unfortunately my laptop is a piece of garbage and can barely run Minecraft
I understand the feeling, I only recently (admittedly it's been like two years now, but still feels new) got a laptop that could do more than wheeze opening more than three Firefox tabs.
Good news, it's out on consoles now. Bad news, I have no idea if that helps you.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 6 months
Lemme Take Care of You | Jeon Jungkook One Shot
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Summary: Your deadbeat baby daddy comes around and you fall for his charms again like you always do. Pairing: Baby Mamma oc x Baby Daddy Jungkook (exes to lovers?) Word Count: 2k~ Warnings: Explicit language and sexual themes oral f receiving and hints of body insecurity after having a baby. Newly discovered lactation kink for the both of them idk man lol it kinda just happened a/n: something random I came up with while talking to @kkusadmirer lmao hope you enjoyyyy (Barely edited but that's the usual here lmao) p.s. This is a one shot but I can do drabbles and asks for this couple if you'd like more from them.
"What are you doing here?" I question as a flirty Jungkook leans against my doorway, dragging his eyes up and down my frame. "You didn't answer your phone" he says, bringing his eyes back up to mine.
"I came here to see the baby and maybe spend some time with my baby mama too" he smirks, walking past me and into the living room when I don't say a word, his head on a swivel looking for our daughter. 
"She's taking a nap right now" I say, rolling my eyes and shutting the door, leaning my head against it and praying that I'll stay strong this time. "I guess that just means I get to spend time with you then huh?" he says, checking me out again as I walk into the living room. 
"We've been over this" I sigh, hating the fact that just the thought of him makes me weak. "We both know you don't mean it" he says, walking up to me and placing a hand on my hip while trailing kisses down my neck. 
"Y-yes I do mean it Jungkook we can't keep doing this" I say, trying to keep to my word but slowly losing the battle like I always do. "No, no you don't. Just lemme take care of you yeah? Wanna make you feel good" he says, trailing his nose along my neck making me shudder at the contact. 
He leans back and looks down at me, searching for signs of true protest but when he doesn't he leans in slowly still giving me a chance to pull away but I give into him like I always do.
The kiss starts off slow and sweet, gradually putting me under his spell like he always does, making my knees weak which he takes notice of and picks me up, wrapping my legs around his waist and taking us back to our bedroom, no my bedroom. 
He's not supposed to be here anymore but I can never say no to him. 
He makes us both tumble down onto the bed and continues to kiss me until I can't breath and even a little after. While I pull away and gasp for breath he continues to trail kisses down my neck, licking, sucking and biting his way down until he's stopped by my shirt. 
"Take this off for me yeah?" he asks, nuzzling into my neck and playing with the hem of my shirt, giving me the choice of letting this continue which he knows I will. I sit up and he helps me take it off, having clocked that I wasn't wearing a bra as soon as I opened the door, obsessed with the larger size of my breasts still full of milk.
"Lemme taste it yeah? Just a little bit" he asks, kissing his way down my breasts, begin careful knowing that they're probably sore. I widen my eyes after hearing his request to try my breast milk but I nod my head nonetheless, turned on by the thought of it. 
He gently takes my nipple into his mouth and swirls his tongue around it, making it nice and wet for him before he gives it a light suck, humming after the taste hits his tongue. "Fuck you taste so sweet" he praises leaving my hips bucking up, begging for some sort of friction.
"My pretty baby mama wants some attention huh?" he taunts, grinding his hips into mine, my cotton shorts rubbing up against me as barely a barrier making me moan at the rougher feeling of his jeans, making me beg for more. 
"Please just fuck me the baby's gonna be up soon" I whine when he rubs up against my clit, letting out a dry chuckle remembering my weak defense of trying to deny him just moments before. 
"No, just wanna make you feel good" he says, kissing me before trailing his tongue between the valley of my breasts and kissing along my stomach almost as if worshipping the place that once held our baby.
"Jungkook stop" I say, pushing his head down to go lower but he doesn't budge. "No, wanna remind you of how thankful I am that you made our baby. Wanna remind you you did so well taking care of her" he says, kissing all my stretch marks and nipping on places that still had a little baby weight on it. 
I lay my head on the pillow, willing myself into thinking this is just sex with him. Nothing more than just wanting the pleasure that I know he can give me. If I let my mind go anywhere else I'm just gonna let him come crawling back to me and I can't let him do that. 
He isn't good for me and I know that but when I'm this close to him it's almost as if none of that matters. 
He resumes his downward journey and kisses right bellow my belly button and looks up at me, asking for permission to take my shorts off and I grant it to him, watching as he peels it all off of me, taking in my folds glistening with arousal, leaving his eyes lighting up at the sight. 
Time and time again no matter how many times he's seen me like this it's almost as if he can't get enough of it. "Fuck, wanna put another baby in this pretty little pussy again" he says, cursing at the thought of it. 
I shut my eyes and throw my head back, squirming from the long stripe he's dragged between my folds, taking my clit into his mouth and swirling his tongue around it just as he had done with my swollen nipple moments before, driving me even more crazy at the feeling. 
"Shit" I whine out, so sensitive from it having been a little while since the last time he came and being so drunk on the feeling of his head between my thighs. "Want that too? Wanna have my baby again?" he says, knowing I'm far too gone after him having made out with my cunt, bringing me almost to the edge of it making me agree to anything he might ask. 
"Fuck Jungkook yes just keep going" I pant, bucking my hips back into his face leaving him smiling against me and suffocating himself, leading me closer and closer to my climax and soon it's washing over me. Hitting me hard like a ton of bricks and making me cover my mouth to keep as quiet as I can so I don't wake the baby. 
Thankfully all I hear on the baby monitor are her soft snores, reminding me so much of her father's that I woke up to every morning. 
Jungkook continues to give me soft kitten licks until I'm whining and pushing him away leaving him placing a quick kiss on my inner thigh before hovering over me.
"Open your mouth" he orders and I do just that, sticking out my tongue as he spits in my mouth, followed my him smashing his lips against mine, wanting to share that sweet taste he always praising me for. 
After kissing for what feels like forever, slowly going from intense to lazy as the tiredness on my side grows he pulls back to say something but we're cut off by the sound of the baby crying on the monitor. 
"I'll go" he says placing one last kiss on my lips, picking my shirt up and wiping the rest of my arousal off his chin before running to the bathroom to clean himself up and throws me a damp towel to clean myself up.
He gives me a sly smile before leaving and heads over to our daughter's room and coos at her. 
"Hi princess, it's okay Daddy's here" he says picking up our six month old and rocking her back and forth, trying to soothe her and my heart melts at the scene I can see on the monitor. 
"You've been a good girl for Mommy right? You gotta take care of her because she loves you very much" he's cut off for a second by her coos back, recognizing him right away. "Hey, no back talk missy I mean it" he jokes along, pretending to be stern with her and she giggles in response. 
"I missed you, you know that?" he says peppering her face with kisses and again being met with more giggles. "I wish I could come over more often but living somewhere else makes it hard. I hope you know I do try to come see you as much as I can" he says, adjusting his hold on her and holding her even closer. 
"I know you don't know what I'm saying but I love you" he says but pulls her away to look at her again. "Mommy says your gonna be a big sister soon" he says excitedly, just imagining the thought of expanding our family even more but at that my eyes widen thinking back to what just happened and I throw my robe on before rushing into her room. 
"You know I didn't mean that" I say, crossing my arms over my chest and cocking a brow at him. "Aw come on, don't you want her to have a sibling?" he pouts, looking back at her before adjusting his hold on her and holding her at arms length as if he were showing her off. 
"Don't you want another one that looks just like us?" he asks guilting me into it by making me say no to our daughter which he knows I can't do even if she can't understand right now. "Let's focus on the baby we have now" I say taking her out of his hands as she reaches for me. "That wasn't a no" he says, his eyes lighting up and I'm reminded again by the fact that he's younger than me, always hitting me with that childlike joy he still has.
I turn my back to him and hold her closer to the little mood light I have for her so she can watch the purple and pink swirls on the celling accompanied by so many bright stars and she reaches out almost as if she was trying to touch them. 
I feel him snake his arms around my waist and places his head in the crook of my neck so he can look down at her, both of us just admiring the beautiful little girl we made together. 
"So do you think we'll give her a baby brother or sister?" he asks placing a kiss on my neck making my breath hitch, taking away the harshness of the answer I was going to give him. 
"Keep on pushing your luck and she'll be an only child" I huff and at that she starts fussing probably from needing to have her diaper changed. 
"Hey you can't just say that! Look you made her upset" I roll my eyes at his claims and turn around to hand her to him. "You want another baby? Fine, then you change her" I say, crossing my arms, seeing the light dim in his sparkly eyes replaced with the slight disgust after smelling the damage she had done.
"So if I change this diaper then we can have another baby?" he asks, patiently awaiting my answer. "Let's focus on her and go from there" I say and he nods his head, placing her down on the changing table and getting everything he needs out of the drawer bellow it. 
"You hear that? You're gonna get a new baby brother or sister" Jungkook coos at her and I slap him upside the head in response leaving her laughing at his reaction. 
"Ow! What'd you do that for?" he whines. "Just focus on the diaper Jeon" I order and he nods his head and I walk out of the room, hearing him mumbling something about how scary I am to her but I decide to let him be this time.
This is what I get for dating a younger guy.  
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archangeldyke-all · 6 days
I saw this post and said "I HAVE to see if angel sees Sevika in this."
So what about Reader and Sevika doing a scene and Reader always gets super flustered when Sevika asks her "tell me who you belong to" with a hand around Reader's throat? So flustered that Sevika always has to ask if she wants to continue. (The answer is still yes lol)
GOD this is so sevika coded it isn't even funny (especially now that we know she's choking cait out in season 2, my girl just loves choking)
men and minors dni
"you like that, baby?" sevika asks from behind you. she's been fucking you into the mattress for half an hour now, and she can clearly tell that you like it by the way you're whining and moaning and shaking beneath her. still. she likes hearing you say it.
"fuck, sev, fuck, fuck, fuck, i love it, i love it, i love it sevika." you babble. you're practically incoherent. sevika loves it.
"you're just so fuckin' cute, y'know?" she teases as she reaches forward and pulls you out of the mattress with a hand to your shoulder. "cryin' on my dick-- fuck i love you. i love this cunt-- love how fuckin' messy you are for me. look at you."
she smacks your ass and you squeal. "sevika-- i'm so fuckin' close." you whine. sevika chuckles and lets go of your shoulder. you collapse back onto the bed and squeak when she pulls out of you. "wha!?" you whine. "why'd you--" you cut yourself off with another squeal when sevika flips you onto your back.
"wanted to see your pretty face when you cum." she explains as she lines her strap back up with your entrance. you reach up and cover your face-- embarrassed by her words. sevika grunts and shoves back inside you, smacking your hands away from your face. "lemme see." she demands.
you give up on trying to hide, letting your hands flop down to grab sevika's hips as she fucks you. "i love you, sev." you whimper as you start to fall apart.
"fuck, i love you too." a shudder runs all the way down your spine at her words, and sevika smirks. "gonna cum?" she asks. you nod desperately underneath her. she chuckles, and reaches down with one hand to wrap it around your throat. "i'll let you cum, baby. just tell me who you belong to first."
you must black out.
one moment sevika's fucking you mindless, her hand around your throat-- and the next she's still between your legs, blinking down at you with concern, both her hands cupping your face.
you blink up at her. "wha? why'd you stop?" you ask-- your voice shaky.
sevika snorts a bit, blinking at you like you're crazy. "are you okay?" she asks. you frown.
"y-yeah? a little pissed i'm still waiting to cum but--"
"baby, you just came so hard you passed out! i was worried i actually choked you out." sevika chuckles. "i was about two seconds away from calling a fuckin' ambulance-- no idea how i'd explain that to the paramedics."
as you take in your surroundings, you realize that she's probably right-- if the way your cunt's fluttering around her strap and the puddle of cum under your ass is anything to go by.
you burst into giggles. "well that's what you get for being so fuckin' hot! shit, sevika, gimmie a warning before you try 'n kill me next time, okay?" you ask.
sevika sighs in relief and melts on top of you, giggling and kissing your skin anywhere she can reach. "you had me fuckin' worried." she mumbles.
you giggle. "did you finish?" you ask.
"no, but we're done for tonight-- i nearly shat myself when you passed out, i'm not feeling sexy anymore." she says. you snort.
"hmm. that's a shame." you say, wrapping your legs and arms around her as you speak. sevika glares up at you, knowing the mischievous tone in your voice.
"why's that?" she asks.
"well, if you were still in the mood-- i'd answer your question for you." you say, trying to make your voice as sultry as possible. sevika raises an eyebrow at you.
"what question?"
"who i belong to." you remind her. "mmm. i wouldn't just answer it either, i'd show you."
sevika groans and bites your shoulder, and you burst into laughter as her hips start to move against yours again.
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
@shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
@ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai
@glass-apothecary @macaroni676 @artinvain @k3n-dyll @sevsdollette
@ellieslob @xayn-xd @keikuahh @maneskinwh0re @raphaellearp
@iamastar @sevikitty @mascdom @nhaaauyen
@mirconreadzztuff22 @veoomvroom
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just-zy · 4 months
Lost a letter (I)
pairing: Wednesday Addams x Fem Reader!
summary: You have a hard time trying to swoon Wednesday, but having her roommate be your friend? It doesn't always end well.. Maybe..
A/N: hello! been awhile, hasn't it? here's a little something, I've been having writers block for so freaking long, I have this pending Vada fic rotting in my drafts cuz ion kno how to finish it 😭, but I'll find the time to finish it sooner.. eventually.. Anyways! Hopefully you guys enjoy this for the meantime. (Werewolf Reader!)
Warnings!: cursing, I don't know, my writing, lemme know if I have a bunch that needs to be put on warning!
part 2 || Masterlist
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It was a random Tuesday afternoon, nothing too serious. Well for Wednesday Addams, it wasn't. Considering it was her writing time, she had no care of her surroundings, no care for the world at the moment, no care at all. Unlike you, you were sprawling, whining, and succumbing into the sheets of your mattress as if it was eating you alive. Enid being with you in your room, wasn't much of a help to your problem.
"Enid! You can't just tell her that I wanna take her out on a date! That's Wednesday Addams, that'd be a total turn off for her.." I fuss with her about that fact. She knows I'm right.
Enid looks at me like I was some kind of stray, "But isn't that what you wanna do? Wednesday likes straightforward people more." The blonde shrugs with a smile. A smug one. "I wouldn't even dare say a word to her, Sinclair." I grumbled in the sheets I was in, gosh I was so done with being in love.
"You know, you have a chance with her. She likes you." I heard shuffling and thought nothing of it, I scoffed at the thought.
Feeling the bottom of my bed dip, I peaked out of the covers and saw Enid smiling at me with a raised brow. "You do know I bite, right?"
She rolls her eyes at me and begins shaking my covered foot. "Why not make a letter? Get your feelings out before asking her on a date! Seems good, no?", looking at me with such hope. I had no heart to say no.
"Who... can tell me, how plants convert light energy into chemical energy?"
I wasn't much of a botany student, I didn't like botany, but I do have knowledge about this class. It didn't come off as hard for me as I thought it was. So, I raised my right hand, I did expect a few to try and answer as well, although it was just us three. Wednesday, Bianca, and Me.
"Oh! Yes! Y/N, can you tell me how?"
"Uh– well, through the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a critical process that sustains plant life and provides the foundation for the energy supply of nearly all living organisms on Earth.."
As I finished my answer, I heard a few whispers. I wasn't much of a talker, much more looked like I was a student in Nevermore considering I was a loner, so it was understandable. And, uncomfortable.
"Thank you for that, Miss Y/L/N."
Though, I couldn't help but avert my attention to my peripheral vision, Wednesday's desk was just right next to me. She was looking at me.
It might've caused me to shudder, just a bit.
"Botany class was something.." I said, chewing on the food I was eating.
Enid sat in front of me as we ate dinner. We were currently in the Quad, she insisted I tell her how I felt about what happened at Thornhills class earlier, even though she was present in the class.
"She was looking at you! I saw that!" She presses and starts eyeing me up and down. "Enid. You were asleep, how could you have seen that?" Chuckling at the thought of Enid just peaking at us and pretending to be asleep.
"I- uh- I felt it! I just know it. Honestly, you don't take my conclusions seriously!" She huffs and starts to chomp on her food so aggressively.
"But in all seriousness.. How's the letter going?" She leans to me a little closer, whispering as if what we talked about was something illegal.
"I– I don't know. I mean, I finished it last night, what about it?" I asked skeptically, I didn't exactly like where this question was headed.
"Give it to her!"
"Are you crazy?! You said nothing about giving it to her–!" I shrieked and felt my cheeks get warmer. I knew this girl was trouble. "But it is for her, right?.." She began straightening herself up,
"Enid. Sinclair. I swear to God you won't be able to see the light of day tomorrow if you satisfy that want of yours–"
"I'm sorry! She needs to know!"
She bolted out of her seat right before me!
Being both werewolves had its perks, we were faster, and stronger, compared to mortal strength.
But that doesn't change the fact that Enid's a werewolf as well! Idiot! Run faster!
I didn't care how loud I was, I needed to get to my dorm first before she could. I was able to catch up to her on the hallways, thanks to the adrenaline, though it didn't help that she was a tad closer to getting inside before me.
My dorm was in sight, I pumped my legs faster and grabbed the back of her vest and she slipped to her bum. "Goddamnit Y/N! That hurt!" She stays in place and looks at me so hard I could feel my face grimacing.
I turned away from her and before I could run up to my room first, I felt her seize the opportunity by grabbing onto my left foot, making me fall forward and my face flat onto the wooden floor.
"Oh, fuck! I'm sorry!"
She apologizes and leaves me here? How sweet. I knew I lost, I couldn't move my body considering the painful aching on my face. I whined and winced at the pain.
She had a spare key, which was unfortunate. Although I didn't have a roommate, it was pretty lonely sometimes. Sometimes.
I heard shuffling, lots of shuffling. Does she not see the letter that was unluckily displayed on my desk.
Quietly but quickly standing up, I didn't even care how I felt my uniform started wrinkling. I went inside and saw her standing in the middle of the room, eyeing me menacingly. "Where is it, Y/L/N."
I thought about either telling her where it was or if I'd find it for myself... I fled to my desk where my letter was. Where the letter was supposed to be. Where it's placed. Which wasn't there.
"It's not here."
"I thought we've established that already.." I glanced at her, seeing her arms crossed.
"No– It's supposed to be here! I made sure I kept it here."
Oh no.
I've looked everywhere and decided to finally give up and wait until tomorrow. I'm sprawled onto my sheets thinking and recalling where I had last placed that damn letter, I didn't know where it could've went or how it could've been taken. Even Enid was worried about its whereabouts, I let out every emotion I felt for Wednesday on that individual letter. What would happen if someone took it and shared it publicly? I had my initials on that letter, and as well as Wednesday's!
Fuck my life. I should have never made that stupid letter.
I felt my eyelids drop slowly, maybe, tomorrow I'd finally grasp and tear that shit apart.
I'll find it before it finds Wednesday Addams.
A/N: bumbumbummm wadya think? I've decided to make this a series 🙀 I guess only a two parts series kinda thing... (I lost motivation and wanted to give u guys something before I lose my mind completely.)
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cryptfile · 3 months
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deleted this question since i’m plain DUMB, but here’s a lil something for you bb, stablished relationship cause carmy deserves better </3
“so, this right here are the best things you can cook?” carmen asks resisting the urgency to check on the shrimps you seemed to be overcooking by all the time they stood over the fire at maximum heat.
“why are you saying it like it’s nothing?” you ask in response, looking at everything you managed to cook being the celebration of your first-month-anniversary with your boyfriend (a day later cause he forgets every little detail in his private life) — “this right here my dear chef, ‘s the best strawberry pie you’ll ever try. consider yourself lucky.”
he don’t believe you at first, of course he wouldn’t. An awarded chef that enjoys an almost too-sweet pie recipe from your aunt? Seems almost imposible to believe, especially when he had the first bite and stayed in full silence for at least three minutes making you scared of actually going too far with the condensed milk.
but then he gave you this look, the look of «holy shit babe, this is the best pie i've ever had» that makes your chest swell in pure pride, almost not believing he actually liked something you make having zero knowledge in anything technical — christ, you even burnt pancakes without even trying.
so you try to understand how exactly you end up in that position, trapped beneath the palm of his hand close to the edge of your bed, ragged breathing as your hand grabs the bedsheet beneath you, looking for something to hold on to even for a minute. You're clueless about how you actually finish up with your cheek pressed against the mattress, surrounded of that new bliss that fills your shitty apartment as he buries himself deep inside you in the intimacy of your room.
must have been when he caught you cleaning up moments later, mouth all fucking sweet and tasting like strawberry. almost exactly sure that it should have been the moment he pressed himself against you, no questions asked, brushing his lips against the crook of your neck.
"care to share the recipe with me? wanna try a couple things" he asks behind you, breathing colliding against your skin. and yes, it's equally as rewarding as winning an extremely hard race.
"wanna' change the recipe of my family? are you serious right now?" he thinks he has fucked up everything for almost a second, but your smile lights the whole room when you give him a chuckle of pure fun, and he can breathe in peace. "fuck yes, carm. of course i'll give it to you. works with any fruit, i just happen' to love strawberries though."
he seems happy with your answer — however, you're still unsure of how he exactly dragged you to your bed.
you're not complaining, never would. Way down buried in a new haze of pleasure while he keeps you against the warm surface, fucking you in an steady pace at first as he moves your hips himself, hammering against you soon after. it's addicting, and he's so pleased about how you react to it.
"relax baby," he would say in a rough voice, he's still relatively new to all of this intense sex life since he started dating you not so long ago, making sure you really are enjoying yourself as much as he is.
the chef hums in response, and you know, just from his voice alone, he's going borderline mental as your tense muscles relax under his touch — "lemme' take care of you sweetheart, you doin' it s'good f'me."
he's a man of his word, so he does what he says. he knows how to get you, so when the room seems to become smaller than what trully is, the sound of the skin slapping against you, ragging in your ear mixing with the moans and groans you two make, he places his fingers right over your clit, the force of his pushing enough to make you move against his digits as he digs the other hand in your hip so hard you think's gonna leave a bruise behind.
he's so close already, always so fucking close with you he has to force himself not to cum. face all flushed while he pounds into you, concentrated in the little sounds you make, how your ass looks from that position while his cock stretches you out, the way your fists grabs the sheets trying to keep yourself together.
carmy's determined to make you feel him everywhere, pulling deeper against you — "look at you s'pretty" he says, stumbling over his words as he spoke "how did i get such a good girl just f'me?"
"good fuckin' lord squeezing me like that," the chef curses under his breath, sweat covering his body. "you close, princess?"
you cannot answer. you cannot say anything but instead nod in response, the act of talking seeming almost impossible as you let out a strangled moan, victim of a warm feeling on your chest as you finally reach the orgasm, the waves colliding in your stomach when he keeps on fucking you through it at a relentless pace, even when his own cum is already leaking out of you.
and when he finally kisses you, damned you'll be forever.
cause you can still feel the taste of condensed milk and strawberries lingering on his lips, and it's enough to make you crave some more.
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mintiicinnamonii · 3 months
Ok, so, idk if I missed the character limit so I'm sorry if it's too much, I also don't want to put any pressure on you either!
So! What if reader was half human half dragon? (I mean like, How to train your dragon kinda dragon)
Where they can either be human, half human/dragon (like, walking on their legs but being a bit taller than before, having scales instead of skin, wings and tail) and full dragon form (like toothless)
(I apologize if it's too complicated 😭)
Reader: gender neutral
Characters (romantic hc): Sun Wukong, Macaque and MK? (Maybe Mei Mei too if it's not pushing it)
Again, no pressure, and if it's too much I'll understand! Have a lovely day :D
Mei, MK, Wukong and Macaque with a dragon hybrid reader
(notes: MUAHAHAHAH YOU HAVE FED ME YOUNG ONE!! I didnt have much ideas but this was so fun!)
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like?? a fellow dragon? a PRETTY ONE?!!
she asks if you breathe fire, and depending on your species you answer
you two go on joyrides in the sky <33
the second you transformed she was like 🫦
she is in AWE OF YOUUUU
she asks you so many questions about your species and you’re happy to answer them all
her fans think you’re a cosplayer 💀
she demands piggy back rides, and pulls your collar down to kiss you
”i love my tall partner”
she catches you hoarding gems and has a picture saved on her phone
her parents are like 🙌
you have asian parent approval congrats (im viet, so i should know)
seductive monster x shy human real!!,
he was very intimidated at first, he thought you would eat him
but when you purr with your lil reptile noises hes SMITTEN
i hc that you pick him up and fly with him
hes happy he can relate to someone who can relate to having this animalistic side of their life
he blushes a lot. like.. you’re HELLA TALL and MK is probably short as hell so… add two and two together
you steal his stuff a lot and hoard it as treasure. he doesnt mind, as long as youre happy
you reach things on the top shelf for him. change my mind.
you two fly in FFF together
he thinks you look so graceful and pretty
you could kick his ass and he would say thank you
you spar with MK sometimes to help him and MK is FLABBERGASTED
imagine wukong getting into a stupid fight and you jsut swoop in and save him
he gives you as many treasures as possible for you to hoard
and when you’re in dragon form hes like 😳
mans thinking of situations. none of them are in the tripitaka/the buddhist bible
he tries to turn into a dragon, he cant do it
”sighhhhh i miss my tall pookie bear”
he leans on your shoulder
he admires your strength, but not in the sense that Wukong does, more like respect and love
you go on nighttime flights together, its rlly relaxing
he pets you. fight me.
like dragon pookie = cat pookie
scratches, pets, distracting you with shiny things
you get rlly mad and then he just kisses you and youre like 😳
the only man that can calm you down
if you were dating before he joined the gang, POWER COUPLEEE
”hey babe ready to beat up wukongs student” “hold up lemme change firstttt”
he pulls you down with your collar to kiss you
hes still a massive flirt <33
i hc that you make little replite/cat sounds. the first time macaque heard them hes like “wait did you just”
he has teased you for it ever since
the dojo’s kinda small, so you have to duck to enter, and he literally CHANGED HIS DOOR so you can enter easily
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cvnt4him · 4 months
You've summoned a succubus!!
Human!izuku x succubus!reader
Warnings; reader is black and in most of my fics she probably will be so, yeah. Also like sex. This is my first time writing sex n most of the time I get weirded out by it so... Lemme know if it's ass💀 quirkless AU
This was originally written on May 22 and I'm finishing it now for izuku week, my writing style is outdated or probably the same idk enjoy<33
I mean when have I ever used warning 💀
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It was a late stormy night at UA in kaminaris room. All the boys huddled up playing games like, never have I ever, kiss marry kill and more.
In a game of truth or dare, the topic of sex came up. It was midoriya's and being the person denki is, he asked; "have you ever lost your virginity?"
Earning snickers and sneers from everyone in the room.
Midoriyas eyes were wide, brows furrowed in a terrified look. He hadn't lost his virginity. He hadn't even kissed anyone.
Bakugou looked at izukus panicked face already knowing the answer. Despite not being friends in bakugous eyes, he knew things about izuku that no one else knew, including things involving kissing, sex, ect.
Iida instantly attempted shutting the question down, not just for the comfort of his clearly nervous friend but because such inappropriate and personal things shouldn't be discussed!!!
"kaminari! Don't tease izuku into answering such lewd and private things. How about we play a different game."
Bakugou scoffs and chimes in.
"tch, have YOU even lost YOUR virginity, dunce face? Hell, have ANY of you morons even lost it???"
He ends his sentence with a smirk on his face looking at everyone in the room, as silence fills it completely.
Throat being cleared and looks being exchanged between the other boys.
Izuku sighed feeling a load being let off of him, he turned to bakugou and smiled sincerely.
Bakugou double takes looking at izuku eyes slightly widening at his smile. He wouldn't admit it but a slight blush crept onto his face as he rolled his eyes shuffling his knees up to his face to cover the lower half of it still having a smug look on his lightly tinted cheeks.
Izukus smile simply grew wider as he brought his eyes back forward to the other boys as sero decided to change the subject.
"so, has anyone ever heard of summoning demons?~"
Sero sung in a certain tone, hinting at something.
"what are you referring to?" Kirishima said with a smirk and raising a brow
Everyone else was also intrigued in some way, but oh not izuku. That poor little baby was shaking in his little red boots.
Before any of them knew it, they were in the schools basement, the dark, creaky, stinky, scary, dingy, crusty, probably infectious, and unsafe, AND unsanitary, basement.
Ohohoho yeah. Izuku regretted coming to this 'boys only' sleepover. The girls would never let something like this happen!
Izuku was a girls boy, a mamas boy, n js genuinely respectful towards everyone, but women sure did love him, and he knew it. He preferred gaining praise from women than men.
Maybe that's why bakugou always called him a pussy, he enjoyed being around women more than men. Hell, bakugou had probably gone as far as calling him a ladyboy. But that was when they were younger!! (Bakugous had hella improvement I'll let it be shown!)
Izuku gulped hardly, as he followed the other boys into the basement, each step he took the stairs creaked and dented in, he felt like he was gonna fall through n break his neck.
"what are we even doing here, idiot number 3."
Bakugou murmured a bark at sero, due to the heavy echo in the empty, wet, and dingy basement.
"I agree, it's dark, cold, wet, it reeks of mildew, and it seems highly unsanitary to be in here. We could get in serious trouble if we get caught."
Iida agrees with bakugou, pointing out obvious facts of the horrible smelling place.
"IF we get caught, which we won't. Also ouch bakubro... I'll process that pain on my own time."
Sero replied in a hushed tone.
"why is he number 3?" Denki, stupid enough, asks.
"because you and shitty hair are the other 2."
Bakugou explained pointing to the two earning laughs and chuckles from the others.
"hurtful man!" Kirishima says holding his heart with a fake sniffle.
"now now, lets get back to business boys."
Sero boasted hinting to the numerous of articles he found by searching 'how to summon a demon'.
As he grasped everyone's attention, they're eyes adverting to his phone reading what he searched.
"are you fucking kidding me?"
"what? What's the matter?"
"you've officially been ranked up to 'dumbest cunt in the fucking world'."
Everyone laughs loudly, but is instantly silenced by the loud lighting and thunder outside.
"thank you. Now, huddle close everyone, let's summon a fucking demon!" Sero exclaims.
Some time later they eventually find an article titled 'How To Summon A Succubus'.
"you're not supposed to uppercase small things like "to" and "the" and other things like that in titles."
Everyone slowly turns their heads to bakugous direction at his sudden words.
"fucking dork"
"I'm not a dork idiot, I just know to correctly use uppercase letters in things to where they are needed. Dumb ass loser." Bakugou says in a whisper yelled voice.
"gentlemen, I believe I've found something." Sero interrupts, referring to him finding instructions on how to 'summon' a succubus.
Everyone looks ahead as sero reads the instructions.
"first and foremost, you do not summon a succubus as there is no technical way. To correctly invite a succubus to your home is easy, but first you must know the dos and donts when it comes down to succubi. Don't, blah blah blah, boring boring boring..." Sero scrolls through and finds the REAL instructions to summoning a succubus.
"ah ha there we are! How to officially summon a succubus! For starters, succubi prefer to know who they're meeting if they haven't watched over you before, interesting, with that being said you should have a glass of sperm for them to taste to know you and what they're working with.."
The dark haired boys voice trails off into silence as he begins to look around at everyone.
"so...who wants to come inside of a cup!!"
Sero exclaims with a faux smile waving his hands around in a 'jazz hands' motion.
Everyone murmurs to their neighbor or to themselves not wanting to volunteer.
"how about we all do it? Y'know, let it have options?"
Todoroki chimes into the silence, having everyone look at him as he blinks then turns his head to the side slightly like a puppy.
"well, there's an idea."
"not a bad one actually."
Everyone eventually agreed as sero handed out shot glasses to everyone as they all ushered upstairs.
Iida looked at them all in a fit of disgust as he then turned to izuku who looked down at the cup with a pretty much emotionless face, and took the initiative to speak up.
"there is no way in hell you're all actually doing this, right??" He questions, judging everyone extremely hard.
Izuku looks up to his taller friend and blinks twice before looking forward.
Everyone looks around and in some way agrees.
"what, ya scared four eyes? Scared you won't get picked by the demon thing?"
Bakugou teases which angers iida and makes him look around in a flustered and embarrassed estate.
"succubus, bakugou"
"shut the hell up, shitty hair."
"you've gotta drop that name, man."
As they all scurry off into conversation, iida looks down still slightly embarrassed as izuku notices and pats his shoulder, making iida look down to izuku as he offers iida a soft smile.
Iida sighs and looks forward.
"yeah well you sick cunts can enjoy yourselves, izuku and I aren't taking part in this disgusting situation." He adjusts his posture and his glasses on his face, and sets his shot glass on denkis bedside table folding his arms.
Wait what?
Izuku shoots his head up to iida with wide eyes and a confused face as iida looks down at him ushering for back up to his previous words as izuku simply looks back and forth.
Iida scoffs at this, as it makes bakugou laugh and out his arm around izukus shoulder.
"see look, even little old deku wants to participate, why you gotta be such a loser, man?"
Izuku looks up at bakugou then to iida and furrows his brows in an apologetic manner.
Iida rolls his eyes and scoffs once more.
"fine, you all can enjoy yourselves, really I hope you do. But let's just say this whole, fiasco doesn't work. There'll just be glasses of cum in the basement. What if teachers decide to come down here? Huh? Then what."
He says talking with his hands as he gets even angrier at izukus betrayal.
No one has thought of that.
"welp no going back now."
Denki says as he goes to his bathroom closing the door and locking it as everyone walked off to different places to get themselves off and cum into a shot glass..
Izuku sighed as he ended up walking to his dorm for more privacy.
He looks at the glass in his hand and wondered...
How the hell will he come inside of this tiny thing??
Izuku comes a lot, and by alot I mean... ALOTTTT.
There's just always so much!!
And his post nut clarity is always the worst.
But if there was one thing about izuku, it's that he loved to jack off.
It was just so relaxing to him. It's healthy too! It reduces his anxiety and calms his nerves!
So truly he had no problem with jacking off, he was just worried he'd make a big mess!
Izuku ends up shrugging off the worry and pulls down his shorts, palming himself through his boxers. He sighed, his head dropping back against his door. he starts getting rougher with his motions as his cock begins to get harder and harder against his palm. He ends up whimpering as his palm grazes against his clothed tip.
He opens his eyes, looking down as he hurriedly pulled his boxers down and wrapped his hand around his aching cock, bucking unto his own hand he slowly moves his hand up and down his cock, eyes rolling back as the tip of his length starts dripping with precum.
Izuku always leaks so much pre! His cock just gets so wet with all the pre he leaks, the noises his slippery cock makes is just so loud!!
And it's not like his moans and whispers make it any better, But really don't hold it against him, he just can't help himself!!
He ends up speeding his motions as he moves his hand to the tip of his cock and swirls the tip, overstimulating him and sending him completely over the edge as he rolls his eyes back, muffled moans falling from his lips, as he bites his lower.
He comes undone so quickly as he groans deeply as he cums everywhere, filling up the shot glass that he lowered to the tip of his cock.
His cum shoots long quick spurts from his cock, getting all over his hand, over flowing the shot glass, and even getting on his floor.
His cock slowly softens and twitches, as he sighs deeply trying to gain his composure back as he opens his eyes to see the huge mess he's made.
'shit.' he thinks to himself. Now he has a mess to clean.
Izuku walks back to denkis dorm with a paper towel around his shot glass trying to assure nothing spills on the floor.
He sighs thinking to himself wondering why the hell he even did this.
Izuku was the last one to get back to denkis room, as everyone's eyes shot to his direction he clears his throat motioning that he'd done the task everyone else had.
"alright, izukus the last of us so, let's summon a succubus!!"
The guys whooped and hollered as izuku set his glass down and sighed as bakugou stood next to him exhaling deeply.
"I cannot believe I fucking sat here and came inside of a shot glass for something stupid shit that probably won't even work."
They all rushed back down to the basement as sero has already drawn the pentagram.
"so we set our glasses of cum around the edges like this," he motions to the glasses everyone had set down in a circle.
"and then we light these candles,"
He snaps, and that makes kirishima and denki go around and light the candles they had set up.
"and last but not least, we say the chant!."
"Yeah, I'm not saying a fucking chant, I'm tired I'm going to bed. Come on nerd."
Bakugou says to izuku as he begins walking up the basement stairs as izuku yawns, following like a lost puppy.
"fine fine we'll say the chant then!"
He says to the rest of the boys as they all grab hands and begin to chant the spell they found online.
[however I'm lazy and couldn't find anything online and don't feel like making anything up so time skip to sleepy bye time.]
Everyone had emerged back upstairs and into denkis room to do the last thing of the sleepover.
Izuku and katsuki had long passed out, iida left long ago to his own dorm.
As the rest of the boys got in their designated spots.
Denki in the bed with kirishima, and the others all around the floor somewhere.
[that's my impersonation of lighting n shit stfu😒]
The loud banging and crashes of the continuous storm outside was enough to wake izuku up. Hell he'd dare even say he already was awake.
He tried to soothe and calm himself by imagining he was in his own bedroom, alone, in his nice comfortable bed.
It'd almost worked up until he heard footsteps. Loud thudding of steps outside the hall.
His eyes shot open wide, with a look of terror he turned his head up towards the door. Practically shaking underneath his cover.
He was scared to say the least. Was it the succubus? Had it come to eat them?
Or maybe banish them all to hell for disrupting it's privacy!
His mind was running a mile per minute, so many things coming to mind thinking of what the demon would do to them.
As he heard the footsteps stop, that was enough to get him up and out of that room, leaving the cover and pillow denki has given him he dashed out and running to his dorm which wasn't too far away luckily.
He had ran so fast he didn't even notice the 6ft succubus outside denkis door.
Your POV.
You were in your cutesy little room laying down enjoying your time alone. Long French curl braids in a high ponytail, brown and red wings out together behind your back as your tail moves with a mind of its own.
Being a succubus really is hard work!!
You had just gotten off of 'work' from the human realm, sucking some old mans dick. You love cum. Really you do, but it's not fun when you're fucking the same old cunts who don't bring anything to the table besides little to no cum.
'Where were all the youngsters summoning demons?' It really had you thinking.
You sighed, deciding to drop your horrible day, and watch a movie in your fav pyjamas!
You made popcorn, had a hotdog, and some soda n snacks too.
It was truly perfect.
Until you were oh so rudely interrupted by a pentagram spawning below you. Bright lights of yellow orange and red sucking your pyjamas off, and before you knew it sucking you right back to where you'd never left.
The human realm.
You groan knowing the rules; You can't leave until your job is finished.
You opened your eyes seeing as you were on the ground, in a basement of some sort, it reeked.
You looked around checking your surroundings as something delicious caught your attention.
It was cum. And not just any cum. Cum from teenagers, most likely virgins, boy did you love virgins!!
You smiled widely as you picked up one glass that had a piece of paper next to it.
'sero' it read,
You shrugged assuming who evers cum this was, was named sero.
You sniff the enticing aroma before letting the slimy white liquid fall into your tongue.
It was delicious. You had to taste more!! Luckily for you, there were so many glasses awaiting you. Whoever summoned you, knew exactly what they were doing.
You drank all of them one by one, tasting the different flavors and textures of them all.
You had one more left, a nice thick white load waiting for you, you hadn't really savoured the last ones you devoured, you figured you could take your time with this one.
You picked it up and grabbed the note next to it as well, 'midoriya', it read.
"well, thank you midoriya.~" you whispered in a sultry tone, dipping your long tongue into the small glass. As soon as your tongue touched the liquid, you were in heaven. A nice salty flavor that wasn't too strong but just delicious enough for you to be hooked.
You moaned lowly as you drank all of the come, licking up every little drop inside of the glass. The flavor of his cum truly did have you wanting more.
You got up and walked to the stairs looking up at the door, before taking the steps up to find the source to your delicious heaven.
Eventually you had made it to the dorms, it not being too hard to navigate through the building, you made it to the first floor which was where the boys were camping out in denkis dorm room.
You started walking slowly so as not to wake anyone you only wanted to find the source really, then you'd be on your way.
You eventually stopped at denkis doorz smelling izukus scent through it, although there were other events of the previous cum you had tasted, his was the one you were locked onto.
Before you could do anything, the door flung open as you seen a body running out hurriedly.
You knew that was izuku given when he passed you his scent got stronger. Had you wanting to practically eat him up.
You smirked, and walked toward his same direction.
Izuku had breathed heavily, closing his door and jumping into his bed face first into his pillows as he sighed deeply.
He finally felt calm, comfortable, tired.
Izuku turned over in his bed, pulling his covers up onto him and closing his eyes with a smile and a soft sigh.
You opened his door and closed it loud enough for him to jump.
He looked at your silhouette and the way you walked towards him, he was paralyzed with fear, he couldn't even speak. Just shaking in his bed as you crept towards him.
You crawled into his bed, getting ontop of him.
Your faces are now levelled together, noses touching. Hes so scared, shaking, quietly whimpering, and closing his eyes out of fear.
You smiled at the adorably delicious scene infront of you.
"hello, hunny~" you whisper, breath fanning his face.
He opened his eyes to see you, a beautiful, human looking [for the most part] demon.
He couldn't speak, but boy were you beautiful.
"there we go sweet boy~" you say in a honey sweet voice, trying to calm his nerves.
You were all about consent, really you were, and with him being a virgin all you Wana do is rock his world and make him feel better than life itself.
You giggle as he just stares at you, mouth opening and closing trying to find some kind of words, yet his voice can't seem to make any coherent words or sounds.
You run your claws through his hair in a soothing motion at a slow pace, it really had calmed him. He sighed into your face, head leaning forward and touching your forehead with his.
You smile softly putting another hand of his cheek, removing your other from his hair to fully cut his squishy baby like face.
His attention was brought to you as you brung his head up to face you. he relaxed in your hands face leaning against you warm palms.
"can I have you?" You ask him, still whispering to not alarm him too much, trying to keep the mood set in the soft alley it was in.
He gulped, still not able to get any words out, managing to nod with his head in your hands.
You grin, removing your hands to rub them up and down his clothed body. He sighed heavily, lidded eyes watching your every move closely.
You look him deep in his eyes, not wanting to break eye contact, he felt like you were staring at his soul. Maybe you were, maybe you weren't, he couldn't care about anything in this given moment. All hr wanted was you, the excitement was getting to him as you felt his member get hard against your thigh.
You smirk at the sudden feeling and shift your body so now you were directly on the tent in his pants. Once you heard him whimpered at the feeling you began rocking and grinding your hips into him, at an agonizingly slow pace.
He sighed deeply once more, hands moving to your hips, as you giggle.
"getting bold are we?"
He couldn't even give real words, moaning as an answer due to the feeling of you grinding on him, you were so warm and you were with him. He always thought he'd never get a girlfriend or even lose his virginity but getting to feel this was amazing.
He continually moans as he starts bucking his hips into you making you laugh deeply, and place your hands on his chest to grab some kind of control in this situation.
You start grinding harder into him speeding up your pace, little by little, and boy was this getting to him, his moans started slipping out more fluidly, he couldnt even control them, they just fell out of his mouth.
They sounded so pretty coming from him, his hips matching the pace you had set grinding into him.
"I'm.. gonna cum.. g'na cu...- c-cumming...~"
He finally spoke, eyes rolling back as came hard in his shorts and underwear.
You couldn't help but laugh as you slowed your motions to a complete stop.
His breaths were rigid, as he tried to maintain his composure, he looked up at you, embarrassed and flushed, he had came his pants.
It was so embarrassing and the only thing he could do was hide his face in your fur covered boobs.
You wipe away a tear from your laughter as you look down at him, his face buried in your bossom as you smiled, and got up, he whimpered at the loss of warmth on his face and lap.
"awhh~ poor baby came his pants," you giggle as you look down at the huge wet patch on clothed, his still hard cock.
He looked down at his cock and the huge amount of cum he made. Izuku always cums a lot really, but that was just.... Far too much.. right??
He was so embarrassed he didn't know what to do, back in his previous state of not talking.
You hummed and moved down to untie his shorts and pull them completely off, he whimpered at your strength and how much taller than him your truly were.
Once they were completely off you crawled into of him, you were going to wring this mortal dry. You pull him into a kiss that took him by surprise, he moaned into the kiss having you swallow all of his little mewls and high pitched moans.
You settled above his cock and looked down at him deep in his emerald green eyes, they were washed over with pure lust and were so glossy with his tears forming.
You giggle to yourself before slowly lowering yourself in his unwrapped cock, he choked on his moans instantly and bucked his hips up into you causing you to lose balance and fall completely onto his cock. The stretch was quite a nice one definitely not what you expected.
You had to try hard not to completely lose yourself on his godforsaken cock. He was trying so hard not to cum but it's like his hips wouldn't stop snapping up into your ass, the squelches and plapping sound of your bodies meeting was far too much for his little virgin brain.
Izukus eyes started rolled as his hands instantly went to your hips on instinct, he pulled himself closer to you and began wailing inside of your ear, his sobs were nothing less than adorable, the way he choked moans out and they got strangled inside of his throat was divine. His cock twitching inside of you is what told you that he was soon to cum. Being what you are you didn't mind letting him bury his seed deep inside of you, it sounded like a good time to you.
"I'm ah~ go- going to cum! please please please let- hic! let me cum.."
Oh wow, never once had you said that he couldn't cum. The fact he felt the need to beg to release his dirty cum inside of you is what had you laughing while you bounced in his pathetic little cock. His eyes were squeezed shut trying to maintain the tears that flowed down but there was no stopping them, he was hiccupping and trying his hardest to bury his cock within your velvety walls. The way they convulsed and contracted against his cock had his head spinning, he was delirious.
He was in such a wonderful haze, his mind was being clouded with the pure utter lust he was feeling for you, he was so close to cumming the only thing on his mind was trying to chase his orgasm that soon then crashed onto him like a train. His back arched into you as he squeezed you tight, his arms went around your waist and he sobbed into your breasts.
You laughed the entire time, you continued to purposely squeeze around his cock causing him to be overstimulated. Izuku was shocked by a whole other wave of pleasure and pain mixed, his head started pulsating and spinning with pleasure that eventually he passed out underneath you.
With that you took your leave, you got what you were summoned for and left without a word or a sound creating a portal back to your world. You hope this little perv has adorable little dreams about you<3
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AN: where it says "he didn't notice how much taller than him you truly were." After that is where I took over the story, If you couldn't tell.
This is the earliest I've EVER gotten a fic out for izuku week like oml wow the luck now I don't have to stress up and down and what I'm going to post, I love my zuzu fr I do but I cant believe I out myself through this entire week like I'm so stressed out i want to quit but I don't at the same time.
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cyxnidx · 1 year
prompt: you look so pretty, all whiny for me.
pairing: kazuha x afab!reader
rating: fluffy nsfw/smut
content warning(s): mirror sex, light nipple play, cockwarming and bodyworship if you squint, praise, petname(darling, dear.), nsfw under the cut!
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"could you open your eyes for me, darling?" kazuha asks, keeping you in his lap as you turn your head away, an attempt to hide in his shoulder.
when you don't respond, he chuckles. softly, but firmly, he grips your chin and turns your head toward the mirror. "open those eyes, darling."
slowly, you open your eyes bit by bit. you admired yourself in the body mirror.
kazuha's cock safely and comfortably nuzzled into your cunt, his index finger toying at your cunt as he occasionally applied pressure.
just enough to get a reaction.
"don't you think you look so beautiful?" he asks, kissing against your shoulder softly. he brings his finger from your clit and allows his hands to roam your body.
lightly gripping at anything he could, playing with your thighs, lightly pinching your nipples. he chuckles when he feels you clench around him with each pinch.
"sensitive?" he inquires.
you don't have to answer - he already knows that you are.
he notices you look away again, closing your eyes and mumbling something against his shoulder.
something about a plea for him to fuck you already - but why?
"you don't like when i take my time, darling?" he questions, hands roaming every inch they can before returning his finger to your clit. "lemme adore your body.."
he adjusts your face to the mirror again, slowly pointing at your reflection in the mirror. "look at yourself darling. you look so pretty, all whiney for me. so beautiful," he kisses your cheek, wiping a tear from one of your eyes. "don't cry, look." he says, "you're so beautiful, darling."
you whimper quietly, watching his hands over your body. his slender fingers explore each and every corner he possibly can.
"kazuha," you say meekly, "i love you."
he kisses your cheek sweetly. "i love you too, darling. love you a lightyear and more."
he tilts your head slightly to kiss you. finger returning to your bud, he kisses you softly and passionately, almost not to overwhelm you.
with the stimulation, your cunt clenches around his shaft. you felt an orgasm approach - just needed a little more stimulation. a little more friction.
lightly, you began to grind your hips onto his, noticing his hand moving from your chin to your waist, encouraging you. "kept you waiting too long, i see?" he sighs, fixing your positions as you two stood together, your back against his chest and an arm around your stomach to ensure you don't go anywhere. "that's fine, dear. i'll give you what you'd please now."
kazuha set a slow and steady pace, keeping you close to him as he thrusted up into you. finally feeling more friction, you moan lightly.
slowly, his pace was set from soft and slow to fast and deep, bending you over against the mirror as your hands left marks he would later wipe away.
"kazuha!" you moan loudly, voice barely overpowering the sound of his skin hitting yours paired with his string of curses and praises.
"c'mon, darling. cum on me, make a mess of me, will you?" he coaxed, stretching his arm to play with your needy nub once again. "show me how much this pussy loves me."
his thrusts got sloppier by the minute as your moans got more evident and louder.
"g'na cum!" you moan, throat feeling dry as you continue moaning and crying out.
"cum on me, darling." he kisses the back of your shoulder blades, his thrusts getting harder my the minute. he was growing close as well. "cum with me, k?"
by the intensity of your moans, he takes it as an agreement and proceeds to fasten his pace. both of your orgasms reach an ultimate high, your essence mixing as he fucks you through yours while calming down from his own.
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normansnt · 7 months
The prince pt.4
For @skyxqueen8 (:
Sorry it might be a bit short sorry for that but I think its good lemme know how you like it also SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT IMMA TRY AND BE FASTER🫡
Warnings: reader gets beaten up, mentions of Alastor torturing
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"Alastor I'll be fine, I truly don't want to bother you I see you're busy."
You tried your best to convince Alastor to let you go out alone. Now, usually he would, of course he knew how powerful you were you are the prince of hell after all, the fact that you don't like to use your powers doesn't hinder you much you use them when you're in danger.
But there have been headlines about you two dating. Vox's doing no doubt, and with the amount of people that Alastor managed to piss off during his years in hell it's really not safe for you out there.
"My dear, how could I ever be busy for you?" He asked baffled as he took a hold of your hand to stop you from leaving.
You turned around and gave him a quick kiss on his lips.
"My love, I will be just fine I can handle myself. I know the news has been full with us dating but to be fair that puts you in more danger than me, who wouldn't want to hold the kings son's lover for ransom?"
You argued back.
And you had a point, Alastor thought.
"Very well then, dear, however do not forget your radio remember you just turn it on and I shall be there as quick as possible."
You kissed him again and then smiled.
"Yes, I know"
He got you a pocket radio when he first saw the news. So whenever you need him you can just turn it to the channel you knew is his and hell be there in a second (idk lets just pretend).
You really weren't going out for anything special, you just wanted to get coffee with your dad like you do every week.
But the people who Alastor has pissed off didn't care much about where you were going they just wanted to make the fucker pay for what he has done. These were the sharks that Mimzy screwed over and Alastor had to clean her mess up. However during that clean up he kinda ate the boss's son and the boss was not please.
You could take on some annoying sharks really, but they attacked sudden. From the dark. While you were listening to music. So there really wasn't much you could do.
They showed you into an alley and started to beat you up with all sorts of junk they could find. You tried to reach the radio but when they showed you to the ground it broke.
This was when you decided to not play the part of helpless little prince waiting for his knight and used your powers to at least scare them away from you, you didn't have strength left to do anything else.
When you stood up, painfully, you reached for the pocket radio Alastor gave you, at least, for the parts of it.
"Fucking assholes" you liked that radio, you listened to Alastors podcast on it.
You knew you couldn't go see your dad in the state you were in you'd just worry him so you headed back home.
It was a hard journey with all the pain you were in but you managed.
You knew Alastor had things to do so you hoped he wouldn't be home. You didn't want to worry him.
"And who, pray tell, hurt my gorgeous little deer in such ways?" You heard the voice of your boyfriend from behind you as you entered your shared quarters.
"AHH, Fuck, Alastor I-I thought you wouldn't be-"
"Answer the question, please"
His voice was different. And as he exited from the shadows you saw that his voice was not the only thing different.
He wasn't smiling. He had a collected expression on his face, a terrifying calmness. You knew it wasn't directed at you.
He walked over to you and put his hand on your bloody cheek. He stroked your cheek with his thumb while you nestled into the warmness of his palm.
"You know those, sharks, that came here after Mimzy?" You asked him. His thumb stopped.
"Mimzy?" His voice was overly static barely audible.
"No, its not her-"
"I will be back soon" he said still overly static. And with that he left, not without leaving his shadow with you to patch you up.
"Shit" you mumbled. You wondered if you should have said anything.
Alastor's shadow made you sit down, and started tending to your wounds.
You woke up at 3 am to the ruckus of Alastor coming into you guys's room.
"Alastor" you whispered.
He was bloody all over as he halted on his way to the bathroom.
"Why are you up, darling?" He asked.
You could hear the exhaustion in his voice.
"What happened."
"Ah-ah-ah dear, I asked the question first." He tried to make the situation lighter.
"Its hard to sleep when your boyfriend is out hell knows where or doing what." You answered with just a hint of anger in your voice.
You took a breath and sighed.
"Your turn"
"Well...dear I don't think you wish to hear the details I know you are not particularly fond of violence, lets just say, I have plenty of new voices for my broadcast, these are going to be longer sessions however, these filths are getting the extra special treatment."
He answered slowly, trying not to anger you further.
You were trying to keep up the strong facade but you just ended your falling into his arms mumbling how worried you were. He hugged you back tightly, holding you to his body.
"I'm sorry, my darling, no harm shall ever befall you under my eye again." He mumbled into your hair.
In the following weeks all everyone could talk about was how the sessions on radio demons podcast have gotten hours long, just screams for hours, this has never happened someone must have really pissed him off. From then on, Alastor stayed true to his word, no one dared to lay a finger on you.
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o-pandora-o · 1 month
May I request headcanons for WHB Belphegor, Bimet, Astaroth, Ronove & Bael with shy gn s/o please?
Belphegor, Bimet, Astaroth, Ronove & Bael with shy gender-neutral s/o
a/n: I think I did my best here? On Ronove's part his chat says 'pretty' so I used that too. Tell me if I did something wrong and I'll rewrite it. Thank you so much again for requesting!~
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🌙Too tired to even go out so PDA is not even an option. He also thinks PDA is too troublesome and just rather sleep than go out.
"Mmmm" Belphegor rubs his eyes and saw you getting ready to go outside. "Mmm where you goin?" He groggily asks "To the movies, do you wanna come?" You asked, hoping he'd come with you "Sure but I'm sure I'd fall asleep while watching it..." he fell asleep again, which made you smile, and covered him with a blanket.
🌙There are two places he'd like to sleep on, Beleth's bed and your lap. He's kinda like a cat, once he decides your lap is his pillow, it's all his. If gets the chance he will use it, no matter if its public or private. He won't care if you're shy enough to let him sleep, he sleeps where he wanna sleeps.
Belphie wakes up groggily, looking for you or Beleth. You were looking at the garden from the terrace when you saw him approaching you. "Hey... How's sleep?" "Good but...not good enough" he somehow looks at you with tired eyes, he was somehow looking at your thighs. He lied down the floor and used your lap as his pillow. "Belphie? What are you doing?!" "Mmm it looked soft...lemme sleep here" he slept for God knows how long, you desperately pleaded to Beleth to lift him up and place him back to the bed, because your legs are too numb. This cycle always repeats.
🌙He thinks being shy is a bit troublesome, he'd rather say something blunt rather than keep it (his own preference). However he thinks you're too cute whenever you're shy.
In one rare time he's awake to have a proper date with you, both of you went on a newly opened restaurant in Nilfheim. "Ill take whatever..." Belphegor yawns. Are you sure? Hmm... Okay one Devil carbonara and one 666 Devil steak" you ordered. "Good choice... I'll take the Devil Carbonara..." Belphie yawns again "Are you sure it's okay to have an outside date?... You look so tired" you were worried for Belphie who seemed to be almost headbanging due to drowsiness. "Yeah...we barely go out because I'm too tired. Can't be always me who wins, no?" The waiter served the order and it seemed that your order turned into an angel salad. "Hm..." You were hesitating to tell the waiter your order was wrong until Belphegor spoke up. "You got their order wrong, she ordered the 666 Devil Steak" he yawns again "Oh! I apologize, coming right up!" The waiter leaves in a hurry with the salad. "How'd you know?" you asked "Mmm well being with you, I realized how you don't call out other people's mistakes. Mmm it's troublesome for me, because I'll have unspoken feelings I'd regret. Don't worry about it" he said, as he yawns and took a nap beside his food.
🌙Headpats, all the time. He likes patting your head whenever you feel flustered because of him.
🌙Likes it if you're comfortable with him as he is with you. He'd enjoy it if you only talk to him (like ranting, venting, casually talking etc) while his head is on your lap. He thinks your voice is a lullaby, it feels serene enough to make him fall asleep, so please talk to him while his head is in your lap.
"Hey. How was your day?" One rare day, Belphegor is awake heading towards you and lie on the floor, head in your lap. You blush but you answer his question. "It was so tiring... Harumon spilled tea on me and I tripped on the debris while helping Beleth scavage" you run up your hand on his hair "Mmm and what else happened?" you can see Belphie become drowsy because of your touch. "Oh and Bathin came and brought souvenirs! But he tripped on Harumon and fell... Gusion also came but he looked so horny because he was computing something about palace expenses...quite weird bu- oh." When you looked down, he was sleeping. After a few moments "Why'd you stop talking?" Belphie woke up like he was never asleep. "You were sleeping..." "It's okay, keep talking, I like hearing your voice when I sleep mmm" he sleeps again in your lap and you blush.
🌙He forgets to say it or somehow hides it to not make you too shy or flustered, but he appreciates it whenever you're giving your best, such as getting out of your comfort zone, for him.
"Where are you going?" He asked as he woke up from his long nap. "I'm gonna pass my portfolio on an animation project... Studio PB is looking for animators and... I wanna try..." you meekly said "But I thought you didn't wanna pursue that?" Belphie looks at you, lazily, without judgement. "Yes but... I thought about going for it after you encouraged me to not be scared and to not think what other people say..." you rubbed the back of your neck "Yeah, mmm good boy/girl. Goodluck okay?" He kissed your forehead and pat your head. He then went back to Beleth's bed to sleep while having a smile on his face. You were dumbfounded because of the sudden forehead kiss and blushed while leaving the palace.
🌙Will slap your ass in a rare blue moon when he's awake and feeling naughty. By the time you'd react, he'd probably fall asleep.
You yelp as you feel Belphegor's familiar large hands slapping your rear. When you turn around you see none, but when you look to the floor, you see a Belphegor sleeping.
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💰Mans doesn't care if you're shy, if you got money he'd do whatever you say. No PDA? Done. Wanna hold his hand? Done. Mans flexible than Astaroth's snake, again, as long as he gain money from you.
💰However, his personal preference is to display public affection. But again, since you're like his bank, he'd acknowledge your preferences more than his.
Both of you were looking at the couple ahead of you, the guy's hand was on the girl's waist. You somehow looked at Bimet but blushed and looked away. Bimet noticed how you kept looking at them, then him, then blushing while looking away. "You know you could've asked, right?" Bimet stared at you blankly. "I... I'm too shy to. Idk... I may look like a bit needy, don't I?" you blushed and looked down. Bimet held your waist and pulled you closer to him "Let this be free of charge, for once" he whispered on your ear, and you blushed even more.
💰To be honest, he thought of you as his moneybag, he is a straightforward gold digger. But through time he thought that you were cute when shy and decided to stay and in turn, use SOME of his money for you.
Bimet was looking afar from Mammon's palace, while you were in the palace koi pond, having a peace of mind. In that rare instance he noticed himself reminiscing, he only treated you nicely because of your money. Because somehow you attracted good fortune like a lucky cat. But somehow he felt a sense of responsibility, he wanted to protect you at all cost. He was greedy for money, but he was also greedy for your affection. What a fitting man for Mammon's right hand. When he realized it, he noticed himself going down the castle, and ask if you wanna eat lunch at some restaurant he had a VIP membership on (because he is the right hand of Mammon).
💰You know how Belphie and Satan will talk to the waiter if they got your order wrong? Well this guy will tear somebody up if they got your order wrong.
"Oi. You. Waiter." Bimet glares at the waiter after the gave your food. "Bimet no it's -" He glares at you. You look at your lap, and blush, getting ready for the impact the waiter was about to face. "Yes how may I serve you?" The waiter comes, sensing the tension and a bit afraid. "I wonder how your boss would feel if his Majesty Mammon suddenly bought this establishment and firing you" Bimet smiles deadly. "S-sir" the demon was shivering "Um.. there might be a mix up on the order..." you meekly said, saving the waiter from his jobless future. "Oh? Oh! I see! Thank you so much ma'am/sir. I-im so sorry please! Ill bring in some complementary dessert too... I apologize again please don't fire me...!" He hurriedly goes back to the kitchen. "You shouldn't really be nice to him. Hmph. I could've thought him a lesson!" He pouts. "It's okay thank you..."
💰He's a scammer, but he's YOUR scammer. He doesn't want you to be scammed by anyone but him. That's how greedy he is.
Both of you were roaming in the streets of Abyssos because you wanted to buy from the ice cream shop that was popular for it's exquisite flavors. "Oh there's the shop. I'll go buy for you, you wait here okay?" Bimet calmly speaks to you, while having sparkly eyes, that was your cue to give him money. You gave him cash "I'll have the change, yes? Thanks." He fled to buy ice cream. Bimet left you in a bench that was near an alleyway. A shady woman came up to you selling some sex toys. You politely decline but she was persistent, saying she had no sales for the day and was giving you puppy eyes. "Oi. They said no. Back off." Bimet came back, glaring at them, controlling their grip to not break the ice cream he's holding. The demon backed off, not wanting to be in trouble. "Thats right. I'm their scammer, only THEIRS." he hugged you while holding the ice cream. You blushed and he held his hand. You held back his hand and he glared. "No, I meant payment for shooing that demon" Bimet smirks, you facepalmed.
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🐍Doesn't do PDA but is a dirty talker. He loves to try and 'corrupt' (make you shy) both in public and private.
"Beings like you are very interesting" Astaroth looks at you "What do you mean?" You look at him back "You deny the pleasures of temptation, you aren't honest with yourselves" he looks at you and comes close, face in your ear "Hmm like this one over here." He whispers huskily. "Previously you were eyeing those harness, were you not? I bet it looks good on you while in bed" he added "I- Astaroth!" You blushed and he just smiled like nothing happened.
🐍Loves corrupting people and beings, especially YOU. He always makes sure and try to 'corrupt' you so that you won't leave him.
"Astaroth I need to go to work, do you want me to bring you food later?" you were putting your foot in your shoe while Astaroth's snake took your other shoe. "Humans work. Why must they work? It would be better if you're with me and cuddle no?" Astaroth got your shoe while smiling at you. "Y-you're doing this again! Last time you did this it ended up me taking my sick leave and we were in the bed!!" You blushed "I succeeded to corrupt you back then and I want to do that again. Your helpless expression in your face was satisfactor-" you covered his mouth and got your shoe. "Shh!! N-not today! M-maybe tonight..." You said, blushing.
🐍Gets kind of insecure when you get 'corrupted' by others, especially how hard it was for him to.
It was your day off and Paimon barged into your house. He was tempting you to go on shopping with him. Before Astaroth could do or say anything, Paimon dragged you out and he was pissed off. When you came back with a lot of shopping bags..."How come it's that easy for others to corrupt you while it took me ages for you to stay in bed with me on a weekday?" he was more sharp-tongued than usual, means he's pissed more to Paimon than you. "I... I'm sorry... He dragged me and...well I got you some clothes and some snake food...." You scratched your head and blushed a bit. "Alright but next time I get to corrupt you" "Okay you need to stop hanging out with Sitri, okay?" You replied but his snake hissed instead.
🐍 ENJOYS your stories and rants. He is happy if you feel comfortable enough to tell him everything, even your day. No matter how boring or how chaotic your day was. Plus he has a narratophilia kink.
"How was your day?" Astaroth greets you as you remove your outside clothes. "Hmmm it was pretty chaotic, Sitri asked my opinion on the palace decor such as paintings, vases, only for it to be crushed by his majesty's Satan and his motorcycle...." You sighed as you remove your socks. "Is that so? Ah to be crushed by his Majesty Satan" he imagines and blushed "N-no! Don't blush!! It was bad! When his majesty crushed the decor, Sitri was mad because apparently the decor had the audacity to be crushed by his majesty! And proceeded to wreck the debris..." you were so tired and changed into your house clothes. Astaroth was still blushing because he was imagining it. "H-hey stop!!" You blushed, it seems like you won't have any rest tonight, huh?
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🗡️Likes PDA, but prevents himself to. He thinks he might become nuts if he had gain too much physical contact with you.
You look at him and ask him if he's uncomfortable with physical affection, let alone in public. "No. However you're so pretty I might do something to you outside that may make you embarrassed or too shy to go outside for the next few weeks." He smiles and licked his lips. "W-what?!!" you blushed.
🗡️ If he feels like he can control himself, he'd hold your hand instead. Since he thinks hands are the most beautiful body part.
🗡️ When you're feeling insecure, he likes to remind you that he like beautiful and pretty things. So he'd explain how cute and pretty you are (applicable to all genders).
He noticed you were looking through a Devil's magazine, with male and female models. You somehow appear too focused and sad. He kept hearing you sigh and shaking your head. "Hey. Why is my pretty girl/boy sad?" He pats your head. "It's nothing..." You looked away. "You're not gonna be pretty if you frown a lot and sigh." It was visible in his eyes that he's worried. "Well I'm not pretty or beautiful or handsome, whatever so what's the point?" You snapped at him. "Who said that?" "No one... Look at these demons! They're the perfect definition of pretty!" you pointed at the models in the magazine. "They aren't as pretty as you" He made a blank stare as he bluntly tells you. "What?..." You looked at him with wide eyes and slightly blushed "They aren't as pretty as you. I mean look! This guy has a good body so I wanna cut it and display it. While this one had good hands! While the other one his toenail is-" "Wha?!" "While you're pretty enough that I don't want to cut you. You're pretty as a whole." He pats your head.
🗡️Asmodeus gave you permission to put a gag (the one he gave) on him when you think he gets a bit overboard with the compliments, like enough to make you red like a tomato.
"You're pretty. Very pretty today especially with that top that looks good on your body. Yes beautiful yes. And your hands and nails, very clean, like no other. Your legs! Your pants accentuate your legs I'd like to get crushed by it and-" Ronove kept on rambling and you just put a gag on his mouth. "Sorry.... We're going on a busy street and I don't want them to hear you complimenting me...." You blush as he protested.
🗡️Gets horny after seeing cut up angels and instead talks dirty to you.
Both of you were roaming the streets as you see cut up bodies of angels. The bodies were fresh and reeks of blood. When you turn around, Ronove was inspecting the bodies. " Yes. Yes! Pretty bodies.... Hands...Nails... Wings!!" Ronove was practically drooling and was aroused. He was looking left and right for bodies and saw you. "H-hey I was wondering if we can do it right now.." You blushed, you know what he was talking about. "Oh hell no please! What if people see?!" You were blushing so much "Then let me tell you how much I wanna ravage you here and-" You put the gag back on him.
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👑Too busy for PDA, which favors you because you won't get shy or overwhelmed around too many people greeting the both of you here and there.
"Hey" you greeted Bael early in the morning. But he was too busy to notice you. "Bael?" you tapped on his shoulder "Oh! Sorry I didn't hear you. This stupid king of mine went on a shopping spree again! Like imagine! I just went to sleep and look at all the receipts!! One day!!" he looked at you with an irritated face, mostly directed to the receipts. "Oh...then I guess we won't be able to go to the movies today?" He froze. "Well based from the little souvenir Beel brought I guess I can't. I need to pay these off and record his damn debt. I'm sorry... I swear Beel is gonna face my whip when I see him!!! Receipts and a cancelled date!! Beelzebub you piece of s-" Bael's eyes were filled with rage as he crumpled a handful of receipts. He inhaled, calming himself down. "I guess I failed you again huh, sorry sweetie. Really. I'm sorry for being busy." He rubbed the back of his neck while apologizing profusely. "No!! It's fine! Really, it's a good thing so that I don't get to see to many people...yk they always call you 'your majesty'" you sheepishly said, blushing. You then hang out in Bael's office while Bael was raging and signing documents and calling stores that Beel came last night.
👑Like Beel, he knows whether you're upset because of your scent. He doesn't shamelessly sniff you in public like beel, but he knows how you feel because of his sense of smell and observation.
👑Opposite to beel, he likes the relationship nice and slow.
There are two types of how people act with their favorite food: Eat it fast and get more, or eat it slowly and savor it. Bael is the later. He lets you take your time and get used to the weird life in Abyssos, where it was common to see naked people fucking in alleyways. He never pushed you into anything extreme, one reason is he's always busy and another is, he wanted to take your relationship similar to his favorite food, he wants to savor it til the end.
👑He was pretty insecure with other couples the way he was treating you.
"Don't you think my king is amazing? He's a bit peculiar but everyone in Abyssos likes him" Bael says as he was signing papers. "Hmm yeah I think so too" You were on the couch, playing on your phone. "Don't think you'd rather date my king than me?" Bael stopped signing the documents in front of him, waiting for your response. "Huh? Why would I?" You looked at him, a bit shocked. "Well maybe because he's hotter? He's more amazing? And I'm just, Bael. I'm not him. I-" He somehow sounded a bit pained. "Why would I do that? I like Bael not Beelzebub. I like you for you, not because you're similar to his Majesty, Beel." You didn't usually speak up, but you felt the need to do so. "Thanks sweetest." He smiled and went to the couch.
👑Sometimes shy to admit but he wants to sniff your sweat in your legs.
You went home after jogging. You were a bit sweaty and somehow Bael smell your sweat in your armpits and legs. "H-hey" Bael said, trying to be calm, while he's becoming a bit red. "Are you okay?" You approached him and put a hand on his forehead. "You're heating up...." you added. "I-I can smell you" Bael have a hard time breathing and he's becoming red. "Pardon?" you tilt your head "You smell delicious." Bael was full blown horny and pounced on you. Let's just say you couldn't walk the next day and he apologized ;).
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 5 months
Just Take It Prequel | Jungkook's Point of View
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Summary: Jungkook fell first but when exactly did he fall? Pairing: Inexperienced f!reader x Best Friend's Dad Jungkook (20 year age gap) Word Count: 2.6k~ Warnings: Not suggestive language but something hinting at sexual activities lmao you'll see a/n: So I got this request a while ago but I wasn't exactly sure how I wanted it to go but I hope you guys like it! Barely edited per usual but again I would just prefer to get it out lmao (lemme know if you want a full prequel in the reader's pov 👀) Drabble requested by @turn02 💜 (sorry it took so long but hopefully it answered your questions)
"You're home early!" I say watching as Jina walks inside but she has another girl trailing in behind her that I've never seen before.
"Yeah they cancelled class and so I invited y/n to come over and study instead" she says, letting this girl I now know to be y/n pass by.
She looks back to watch Jina lock the door and then turns back towards the house, her jaw dropping from seeing the sheer size of it.
I chuckle from her cute reaction but compose myself once her eyes land on me. "Dad this is y/n, y/n this is my dad" Jina says, walking her over to say hi.
"You have a beautiful home Mr. Jeon" she says and the melodic sound of her voice makes me hum unconsciously in delight before clearing my throat to respond.
"Thank you darling I appreciate that. Please make yourself at home and you girls let me know if you need anything" I say, glancing over at Jina for a second before my vision focuses back on y/n.
"Fell free to call me Jungkook if you'd like, there's no need to be so formal with me" I say, lowering my voice slightly towards the end making her eyes widen slightly, nodding her head before responding.
"Thank you Mr. Jeon um- sorry I mean Jungkook" she stumbles over her words which makes her seem even more adorable than she already is.
Jina's eyes ping pong between the two of us before letting out a big sigh and pulling on her arm to drag her upstairs. "Come on, let's go study in my room" she groans and y/n stumbles for a bit before looking back over towards me.
"Thank you again!" she says quickly and I smile at her and give her a slight nod, enjoying watching her slightly panicked nature.
"Have fun you two!" I call after them and watch until Jina shuts her door behind them.
I chuckle to myself thinking about our little interaction, mumbling 'cute' under my breath before continuing onto my intended route to the kitchen.
I hope I'll get to see more of her, she seems like she would be a good influence on Jina and I'm quiet fond of her already.
"Dad y/n's leaving" I hear Jina call out from where I am in my study and I make my way out to bid farewell.
"It was nice to meet you Mr. Jeon" she says politely and I raise a brow slightly making her stumble to change it again. "I mean Jungkook. Thank you for letting me come over" she continues as she stands near the door.
"Of course darling, come back anytime" I say and Jina clears her throat before any other words can be said and opens the door wide, waiting for y/n to make her way out.
"I'll walk you to you out" Jina says and y/n waves awkwardly while walking out, turning back only for a moment and catching my glance before Jina closes the door behind them.
A couple moments later I hear a car engine turn over which I assume is hers and the soft rumble of it trails off until my attention is turned back towards Jina walking through the door and slamming it behind her.
"I may have money to pay for damages young lady but you don't" I say, crossing my arms over my chest but she rolls her eyes in response.
"Why were you being so weird today?" she asks, mirroring my posture and cocking a brow at me. She really is my daughter isn't she.
"I don't know what you're talking about" I say, turning around and walking to the kitchen to start making dinner with her trudging behind me, taking a seat at the island in the middle of it.
"Dad" she whines and I know it's best to just wrap this conversation up than drag it out.
"Jina I was just being friendly. I do admit I found her to be quite adorable but I know she's your friend so you have nothing to worry about" I say, turning back towards her and making sure she knows that I truly mean it.
"Good! She has a boyfriend anyways" she says once I've turned back around and it takes everything in me to not show how tense that's made me. I may not go for her but the thought of other men around her already bothers me.
"Noted" I mumble under my breath and as soon as I place a pot on the stovetop to start boiling water for pasta she's already complaining.
"Can we get pizza instead? I've been craving it for like the past three days" I take a deep breath and decide to give in since I did kinda sorta flirted with her friend.
"Pepperoni alright?" I say while placing that pot back in it's home. "Yes please!" she says and jumps off the stool and runs upstairs.
Two years later at y/n's birthday getaway
"You guys headed headed off to the beach?" I question, looking up and seeing the three of them dressed in their swimsuits with Jared carrying the beach bag.
"Yeah actually do you think you could take a picture of us? I wanna make sure to get some nice pictures since it's y/n's birthday trip" Jina says and Jared whispers something in y/n's ear making her laugh but I can tell it's not genuine. Something's wrong.
"Sure" I say, getting off the couch and follow them outside, grabbing Jina's phone when they've found a good spot so they can take it with the ocean in the background.
"Alright one, two, three" I say, counting down and taking a few landscape and portrait pictures but clench my jaw once I've seen how Jared is sliding his hand further and further down y/n's waist until it's on her ass.
She stiffens once he's chanced squeezing it and calls it, ending our little photo shoot. 
She pries Jared's hand off her and turns around to go back in the house saying something along the lines that she needed to go grab something. As she walks past me I can see how flushed her cheeks are but not in a good way, bewilderment written all over her face and I follow her inside after having given Jina her phone back, making sure to glare at Jared before I do.
He scoffs at me before walking over to Jina where she's checking out the pictures and picking the best one. His demeanor noticeably shifts to an irritated once he sees his girlfriend's reactions to his not so subtle touches. Scoffing and no doubt cursing her for being such a prude in his eyes.
I walk over to where she has her hands gripping the sink, her back facing me and her shoulders tensed. I would kill him if I could, seeing how upset he's made her again.
"Is everything okay?" I ask, full well knowing it's not and noticing that she's put some sort of wrap around her waist. No doubt in an effort to cover up this sorry excuse for swimwear.
She takes in a deep breath, nodding and wiping off the tears that had started to prickle in the corner of her eyes, clearing her throat before responding.
"Yeah everything's totally fine just wanted to grab some water bottles before we head out" she says, opening the fridge next to her and grabbing a few.
I decide to not push the subject further so I don't make her even more uncomfortable than she already is, remembering to keep an eye on Jared instead. 
"Do you know what you'd like to eat tonight? I can book a reservation if you'd like" I offer, changing the subject and hopefully getting her mind off of what just happened. "Would you mind making something? You know I really love your cooking" she says, turning around to face me while placing the waters on the island that separates us. 
She looks up at me but quickly turns her eyes back down to the bottles, shy from making such an adorable request. "Sure darling, what would you like?" I question and I can see the wheels turning in her head trying to narrow it down to one thing. 
"Surprise me?" she finally says, looking up at me with a slight blush on her face and it takes every fiber of my being to hold myself back from kissing her, or worse, having her on her knees looking up at me with that oh so innocent expression. 
I clear my throat after having left too much of a lull in the conversation and acquiesce her request. "I'll have it ready at eight" I respond and she brightens up at my answer, nodding her head before grabbing the water bottles and runs out the backdoor to the beach. 
"Thank you Mr. Jeon!" she says excitedly and when watch her go she turns around and gives me a bit of a smile again. "I mean, Jungkook" she teases and laughs when she sees me cock a brow at her after the words have left her mouth. 
She's really testing my willpower these days but the worst thing is is that she has absolutely no clue. 
Two years later...
"Dad I'm home and y/n's here too" I hear Jina call out and smile to myself before leaving my office and walk out to greet them. 
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" I question but I know the answer. "Because I'm your daughter. Do I really have to warn you or did you not want me here?" she asks, arms crossed over her chest as I do the same, throwing the fault on me. 
I watch her for a few seconds while y/n closes the door behind her and takes off her shoes with one thing in particular catching my eye. 
"Did I miss something?" I ask, looking from one to the other. "What do you mean?" y/n asks, looking confused as ever. "Anything new happen?" I try, seeing if rephrasing the question will clue her in but it doesn't work. 
"The ring y/n" Jina says and y/n's eyes widen. "Oh! Yeah um, Jared proposed last week" she says, holding out her hand and showing me the ring with a pitiful excuse for a diamond on top. "Wow, congratulations" I say, grabbing onto her hand and mustering as much sincerity as I possibly can, knowing that things aren't turning out the way that I thought they would.
"I was kinda surprised since we hadn't really spoken about marriage but I guess he's ready for that next big step" she says nervously and I nod my head. "Are you ready?" I chance and she looks at me with a confused expression. "Excuse me?" she asks, clearly wanting to know the reasoning behind why I would ask that.
"Are you ready to take that next big step in your relationship? I mean you're both so young and freshly graduated" I start off and she tilts her head, still not sure as to why I would be worried about something like this. 
"I just don't want you to feel pressured into doing this so soon" I say softly and she nods her head and looks down, letting me know that I've tapped into something that she's been struggling with. "Just take time to think about it. You've got your whole life ahead of you" I say, squeezing her hand and she squeezes it back, taking me by surprise but I welcome it nonetheless. 
"So next order of business" Jina changing the subject, making me let go of y/n's hand, forgetting that Jina had been standing there this whole time. "I told y/n that I would ask you if we could hold her engagement party here. So can we?" she questions, her mood somewhat off today but I pay no mind and agree to it for y/n's sake. 
"Sure, anything you need" I respond, looking straight at her and seeing her demeanor is very much still drooping from the words I said just moments ago. "Great I'll start planning things out and get the ball rolling" Jina says and leaves y/n and I standing there as she wanders around the house. 
"I hope I didn't overstep" I start out and she shakes her head and looks up at me. "No you didn't I've just been asking myself the same thing" she admits exactly what I had seen written all over her body language. 
"I know you guys have been together ever since I met you but remember, quantity of time doesn't necessarily equal quality of time" I say and place a hand on her shoulder before turning to go. 
"Let me know if you need anything. I'll just be in my office" I say and make a quick escape while she mutters a soft 'okay' in response. 
'She's actually gonna marry him? Him? You've got to be joking. Dating him is bad enough but I thought he was just gonna be some trashy college boyfriend that she would eventually break up with. What about him is even worth marrying?' I ask myself, pacing back and forth in my office while I try to burn off some steam to keep the anger that's bubbling inside of me at bay.
Going round and round in my head, trying to find a reason as to why she would be doing this I come up with a total of zero, or at least none that makes sense enough to want to commit to spending your life with someone like him. 
Who would want to marry a man like that?
A man who lusts over you but swears he loves you. A man who pushes your clear boundaries and makes you feel uncomfortable in your own skin. A man that touches you inappropriately in public when you've told him to stop. 
Over the last four years I've known them I've noticed that she acts more uncomfortable when he's around. She's so much more vibrant and carefree when she's here on her own so why would she she ever want to be with someone that takes away from that? I just don't understand it and I never will. 
The real question is, why am I obsessing over this? 
Yes she's adorable, that's something that I've thought from the beginning though. She's also insanely attractive, seeing how grown up she looks now going from a shy little second year college student to being two years post graduation with a good head on her shoulder and dreams and ambitions. 
Where as Jared barely graduated, isn't even close to being employed anywhere where he can use the degree he had studied for and still has that stupid frat boy mentality. 
When I look at the two of them I just see clear opposites and I think in this situation the fact that opposites have attracted is going to be the cause of her downfall. 
I don't want her to end up having kids with this deadbeat and having to deal with a husband that over sexualizes her and leaves her to work, take care of the kids, cook and clean. Because without a doubt that's the kind of husband he would be to her.
I must just care for her wellbeing since I've known her for so long. 
People have mistaken her for my daughter on occasion if I happen to take her and Jina somewhere and it just makes me cringe every time I hear it. 
She's not my daughter. She's anything but my daughter. Yes she's my daughter's friend and we've become somewhat close and I care about her but she is not my daughter. 
Maybe the reason I'm so bothered by everything about this is that I've started to develop feelings for her. 
Thinking back and remembering all of the good times we've had together it seems like I've liked her for a while now. I could even love her but it looks like I won't be able to explore those feelings anymore with this all happening.
It's just my luck that I start to figure it out right before she marries him.  
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factual-fantasy · 6 months
18 Asks! Thank you!! :}} 🎪
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Guuuuurl does it look like I missed the boops? XDD
(I DID miss the super boops and revenge boops tho. I was trashed on the couch and stuck on mobile all day so I wasn't able to send any back to anyone💔💔)
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Uhhhmm... oh jeez lemme try to remember-- I'm assuming you mean the order I got everyone in the game..?? Cuz other than the goofy little comics I've been drawing there isn't much of a story beyond that-
Uhhh so I started with Midori(Sprigatito) obviously, thennn... I think I caught Grim(Gastly).. then I caught Gloria(Ralts). Thenn..... arrhrhhgh I thiiiink I went looking for eevees, but I found Anastasia(Shiny Kricketot) in the process and kept her. Then I picked one of the eevees I caught at random and kept him. Then lastly I found a Mareep(Bonnie) by surprise and kept her.
My memory is very poor but I thiiink that's mostly accurate <XDD If I misunderstood your question don't be afraid to send another ask! 😅
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Sorry, I don't take requests.. But hey! You already got a solid concept going and some artistic talent, you can always make it yourself for free! :0
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Not really.. I've had a surprising number of uncomfortable experiences with the fandom recently so I've decided to take a step back from Octonauts for a while..
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:DD Thank you! I'm glad you like them! :}}
And yeah that's how I pictured her XDD its becuase I use her the most out of all my Pokémon-
Now she's not bossy and doesn't have a leader or "I'm better that you guys" complex, none of that! She's just very intelligent and usually very level headed and calm. I can imagine that she's gotten the team safely through a lot of complicated situations and her plans/advice have rarely led the group astray.
Plus since I use her so often, I like to think that she's one of the most powerful Pokémon on the team. If not the most powerful. So whenever the group was met with a great danger, Gloria was probably the one to rescue them <XD
So the whole group kind'a gravitates behind her and lets/wants her to take the lead most of the time. Especially when things get complicated or dangerous!
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@nerdyskullcap (User in ask)
I took a peek at their blog, but I couldn't find any original art of the Conductor after quite a while of scrolling through that tag.. I only found reblogs of other peoples Conductor comics.. <:(
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XD That description of Gloria is very fitting! I use her the most out of all my Pokémon and she rarely loses! XDD
This was a cool read, and hey! Some of my Pokémon have some of those attacks! :000 Gloria has draining kiss and Bonnie has discharge! :D
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I'd like to think they've never fought before.. maybe some little bickering on a bad day, but never anything serious.
They have good communication and just generally get along really well and like a lot of the same things. So there's rarely conflict between them! :0
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Thank you! I'm happy to hear that you like my artwork! :}}
As for your question.. I'm afraid I don't understand/cant explain it--
Lets say I wanna draw Mario. I imagine what the drawing might end up looking like in my head, what pose I'll draw him in and what colors I'll use.. And then I just.. draw it. It might not look exactly like what I pictured but its probably close enough.
If that doesn't answer your question, I'm afraid I either don't understand your question or this is just an art thing that I don't know how to explain. <:( Sorry, feel free to send another ask with more specifics if you have them!
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If Bill ever became a lawyer? All hope is lost XDD
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I haven't really thought about the details of the crews travels and adventures.. but I'm sure that when Louis got cursed and became a crab monster? That was probably pretty memorable XD
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Probably this one honestly <XD I cant think of anything more cursed off the top of my head-
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I suppose that would be fine, but I wouldn't prefer it. As I've said many times,, just comments guys! Asks, reblogs, tags, how ever you type them. I just want comments.👍
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No problem! Getting asks are usually a pick me up :}}
As for the Dry Bones thing, that's what I meant by "not sure how it fits into the AU yet" 😅 Who'd they fight? Why did they fight? When did this happen? No idea. Its all just a neat concept with no structure yet :// And beyond the awkward living situation with the Dry Bones today, I haven't really thought about how the Koopa culture has been changed by the war. That's just way too much thinking and I'm way too sick to bother trying to figure it out atm- 💀💔 But maybe someday I'll think it through!
Now Luigi, I had this idea that he had a bizarre encounter with a 1-UP and was later bitten by a Goomba. Over the span of say... 5 days or so..? Luigi slowly got weaker and weaker until eventually he became bedridden and actually died- He came back to life moments after but it still completely shook Mario and Luigi's worlds for a sec there-
I had intended to draw a comic about this, and I made a sketch about it in the past.. but around the time I thought of this idea my Mario phase was kind'a passing over so I didn't feel like making it- <XDD
As for a potential sequel, I would like to see Wario, Waluigi and Toadsworth. Not sure why Toadsworth wasn't in the first movie- he absolutely should have been. That deep voiced purple..? council..? toad guy?? Totally should have been Toadsworth :/
And my request for the Wario bros is that they are taken seriously. 😅🤣
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I'm doing okay so far today, thank you! :}
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I haven't really figured out the details about how Tuna and Louis lost their limbs- 😅
But I'm considering that Louis lost his arm (I assume you meant his arm-) in some kind of work related accident a long time ago. It must have been a fishing accident somehow..
As for Tuna, either some kind of natural disaster/accident or.. someone "removed" them... O-O
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I do not :/ I'm not even sure what homestuck is.. I thiiink its a webcomic-
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Oooo! :00 It looks cool! :DD
And thank you, I'm hoping I get over this soon too 😅
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ddejavvu · 2 years
reader being shy about her period even though she’s been with hotch for while and doesn’t want to talk about it with him, but he’s straightforward about it, knows reader is shy but they’re both adults! so he draws her a bath (and maybe joins her?) and takes care of her whether she likes it or not lol
basically something fluffy 🥺
Drawing your bath is something you do every single night, but tonight it feels different, weird. It's probably the looming threat of Aaron shuffling around in the bedroom, and you're not even halfway through working up viable excuses when he asks the dreaded question.
"Can I join you?"
He's already undoing his pants before giving you the chance to answer. You never say no, the question is more of a formality at this point. But this time you shake your head, turning around to face him head-on.
"Uh, actually, Aaron, I think I want to take this one alone."
He freezes with his hand down his pants. Apparently untucking his shirt leaves him in a position that makes him look like a depraved teenager.
"Okay," He nods, redoing his zipper, clearly taken-aback, "Is there any reason why?"
"My head hurts. I just- I kind of want to be alone."
His face drops sympathetically, and he nods along, already reaching into the cabinet for the advil, "I'm sorry, honey. Here, take some, and when you're out I'll run interference with Jack so that you can go and lay down."
The way he handles it makes you feel bad for lying to him, but you bite the bullet and take the medicine anyways. It won't do anything, and the worst it will do is give you a headache. Then at least you won't be a liar.
"Thanks, Aaron," You murmur, bumping your face into his chest in a low-effort hug that holds more sincerity than it seems to, "I love you."
"I love you, too." He hums, kissing the crown of your head. He makes for the bedroom again, about to leave you to bathe in peace, but he doubles back, "Oh, and just so you know, I saw you were running low on pads, so I picked some up on my way home from work, but they're in that cabinet."
He points beneath the sink and your stomach drops, "I know you usually keep them in your purse, but Jack wanted gum this morning and I saw you didn't have many left, so I just stocked them here. You can move them, it doesn't matter to me, I just wanted you to know where they were."
He barely glances up at you after he's done, but the momentary gaze is enough to see that you're frozen. He stills in the doorway, "Honey? Are you okay?"
"You bought me pads?" The question feels embarrassing, heating your cheeks and burning your belly.
"I made sure they were the same kind," His brows furrow, "Is that.. okay?"
"It's-" You stammer, lip quivering slightly, "It's fine, it's- great! It's too good, Aaron," Tears well in your eyes, "You're too good to me."
"Honey," He croons, rushing to catch you in a hug, "That's- buying pads is not 'too good for you'. You need them, it's just the same as when I make you dinner or drive you to work."
"Those are all great," You gush, staining his dark green polo with your tears, "You're the perfect man."
You don't need to feel his cheeks to know they're on fire, and he chuckles sheepishly, rubbing up and down your back, "I think that's debatable, you can ask a few higher-ups at the office."
"Well you've never bought Erin Strauss pads before, have you?" You sniffle, two damp blotches on his shirt left behind even after you pick your head up out of his chest.
"No," He grins, shaking his head, "No, but one year I bought her a #1 boss mug."
"#1 bitch," You mumble, turning away so he can't see your smirk as he laughs, "Oh, and Aaron?"
"You can get in, if you want." You offer, still residually hesitant, "I just- I don't really have a headache. I didn't want you to know about.."
"Your period." He finishes for you, voice strong and sure of himself, "Alright. Lemme just set Jack up with a movie, then I'll be back."
You take the time he's gone to peek under the bathroom sink, and sure enough, two large packages of your go-to menstrual pads sit beneath a pipe. They're lined up neatly beside his shaving kit, and you marvel at the domesticity they radiate together. You pluck one from the package, fresh and light pink. The wrapper crinkles as you set it on the counter beside your fresh underwear, and a wave of comfort washes over you. This is your house, and you're allowed to live in it.
Comfort steps aside for amusement, though, when you picture Aaron striding into a corner store in his suit and tie, picking up two packages of pink pads, and handing them over to the teenage cashier.
"What's so funny?' He peels off his shirt with ease now that it's no longer tucked into his pants, discarding it on the floor.
"Nothing," You insist, a smile still lingering on your lips, "I bet the 15-year old checker was fun to talk to."
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yur1-y1peeee · 9 months
#Im scared to post
Random Megumi hcs
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sorry if these are bad I've really been focusing on oneshots and stuff. If you saw these on wattpad... no comment. I don't think I'll be able to keep up w the avg wattpad author. lemme know if yall like it ig???
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ After a long day of training megumi just likes to stay in his room alone after showering. But sometimes he needs some attention and he will stay in your room to talk and cuddle with you. 
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ When you are down he will head to the nearest convenient store and will get you your favorite snacks and usually forgets about himself so you’ll sometimes share with him
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ He's hard on you during training because he wants you to be the best you can during your missions and he wants you to be safe.
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡. He doesn't tell you most of the time but he likes it when you have your natural hair out
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ When you are in a bad mood he usually doesn’t say anything to you but rather his actions demonstrate how much he cares. He hates when you're angry at him though
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡. When you guys fight he gives you space when he sees you are overwhelmed and will apologize and actually talk about the problem and how you guys can resolve it 
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ When you guys are taking long rides on public transit and you fall asleep he will move you over so that your head is on his shoulder
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ When you guys went on your first date he was so nervous he almost ghosted you 
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ He doesn’t really like pda, it really grosses him out. But when you go out he’ll hold your pinkie and, if its really crowded he’ll hold your hand
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ He loves to take you to “hole in the wall” restaurants 
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ Doesn’t like when Gojo barges into his room unannounced especially if you are cuddling, as he doesn’t typically show his affection for you around others
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ If you recommend a book to him he wouldn’t hesitate buying it he trusts your word.
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ He’ll help you study, but he doesn't really like answering questions
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ If he has to help you with any of your missions he will def be really observant
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ When you try out any lip combos he’ll just stare at your lips the entire time
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wc: 339
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