#if you see a post that says 'larries are doing...' or 'larries think....' its probably the generalization of the century lmao
factual-fantasy · 6 months
27 asks! :00 Thanks ya'll!! :} 💖💖💖
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Nope! Sorry, I don't take direct drawing requests or suggestions. <:/
Now I hear a few people saying; "But you've taken requests before" Now I do draw things in response to asks sometimes. But its rarely a direct request that I'm responding to. Usually its someone complimenting me on "something" and I feel so flattered and inspired that I draw that "something" again for them..
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Would you think less of me if I said I legitimately was? For what I think is a very valid reason? Hypothetically of course-
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:DD Oh hey!! Thanks!! Happy early Easter!! :}}} 💖🥚🥚🐺🥚💖
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Oh there's no need to worry Anon, my body is kind'a forcing me to take a break... 😅
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@yourstrulylightstar283 (In response to this post)
Thank you! And no worries, I'm sure I wont have to deal with all of this forever <:}
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Happy late reply Friday! <XDD
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Aww! Sweet widdol baby!! :DD
And thank you, I'm doing my best to take it easy.. <:}
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Woof. That is quite the sentence to say to someone who's grieving their late wife-
Its especially strange considering that my Bowser isn't in love with Peach at all and isn't interested in replacing his wife-
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I've heavily considered Louis having a crush on Ellie... 👀👀
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The biggest eater is probably Louis, followed by Seafoam. Now Seafoam is no glutton mind you, he just eats a ton because he's so big and tall. He's got a lot of muscle that needs to be fed and maintained. Louis however just loves food and loves to eat <XDD
The pickiest eaterr.... couuuld be Red. Kids am I right? <XD Or maybe Spidercrab. He's rather thin so I imagine there isn't much he likes to eat. <:/ Or maybe Spidercrab isn't picky, he just doesn't have much appetite--?? <:DD
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Aww! What a fun idea! :D I wonder if the game has anything like that.. and I wonder how a land animal like that would fare out on the ocean :0
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(In response to this post)
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Y-You realy mean all dat?.. Thank you.. 🥺😭💖
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XDD I am everywhere
(Also if you ever feel like getting those photos those would be hilarious to see XDD)
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YA- AWWWW... :(( sorry about the lost progress! I hope you catch back up to where you were pretty quick :( But YAY YOU HAVE IT BACK! XDD
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A marshmallow cookie and a S'mores cookie already exist in the game :( so I shan't make my own 😔
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I'm still working out the order of their ages.. So far I have decided that Ludwig is the oldest. And I'm leaning on Iggy being right below him, the second to oldest.
I'm solid on Bowser JR being the youngest, and Lemmy being right above him, the second to youngest. As for everyone else though..? I'm still trying to figure it out.
Thinking that Roy and Morton are on the older side, and Wendy and Larry are on the younger side. I just don't quite know what the order will be-
Hmm... I want Larry to be very different looking from Lemmy, maybe a bigger age gap would help. And I made Roy rather mature.. he could be older.. hmm...
Mayyybe.. in order from oldest to youngest, it goes,
Ludwig - Iggy - Roy - Morton - Larry - Wendy - Lemmy - JR..? I think I'll go with that for now <XDD
Now Bowser is complicated. Originally I wanted Bowser to be this ruthless monster. Both as a King and as a Dad.. But I made that Bowser around when the Movie trailers were all the hype. And boy, I hated how Bowser was shaping up to be. So my rotten Bowser was mostly just to make him more intimidating then the movie Bowser.
Since then I've settled down and thought that a purely evil Bowser is not that interesting.. or lore accurate. So I began to lean on him being a rather good dad, if not emotionally awkward.
....buuut then I saw the movie, and now I'm back on the Bowser hate train <XDD I guess right now its up in the air. He's not meant to be intentionally abusive or awful to his kids though. I'm thinking that maybe the gentle fatherly side of Bowser was usually brought out by his wife.. Since she's gone now.. well.. I guess he's a little emotionally absent at the least-
As strictly a King, I'm thinking that he's pretty rough. At least he's more ruthless than he may have been before. I guess a way to describe him as King would be.. The health and safety of his people are not his #1 concern. The strength of his kingdom and his position of power however, is. Though this Bowser is subject to change.. :/
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XD He'd probably look like this 👇
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I'm not sure if the Pizzaplex would have decorated the place for Easter or not.. In present day or in the past.
But if they did in the past, I imagine it didn't feel much different compared to any other time of the year..
And if the present day Pizzaplex celebrates it..? I imagine its hard for the animatronics to see all the bunny imagery everywhere.. 💔
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Google seems to suggest that there are no sirens in the games.. :( So Blue Beauty wouldn't be one, 😔
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Thank you!! I'm glad you do! :DD
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You mean my Refinedtale Toriel.?
Man.. I'm sure she does.. (Though heck if I know what their names would be or any of that stuff-- but I'm sure Toriel would know <XDD)
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Ooooo that's a good idea! :00 I haven't thought about it that way before..
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That sounds really fun actually! And normally I could see that happening.. though unfortunately, some of the structures I have set up in my AU make this scenario less likely..
For one, I intended for healing magic to be extremely complex and very difficult to master. And its intended to always leave a mark of some kind. A warning that Kamek gives to Lemmy and Iggy is something along the lines of "Whether you are healing, or destroying. Magic will always leave a scar." That's why Iggy's eyes look so strange and half of Lemmy's face and hair is discolored. The act of repairing their eyes left a mark on them..
What I mean by this, is that Kamek couldn't just turn around and heal them after every sparring session. Because it is very challenging to heal with magic and they would both be left with scars.. So they would both have to heal naturally over time after sparring. And considering that the Commander has a very important job, it would be wise to not tire him out or injure for the sake of some emotional relief.. :(
Although.. there could be a more mild version of this perhaps? Where the commander is involved in Bowser's training.? But not as his opponent. Perhaps he flies up high and chucks projectiles at Bowser for him to deflect. But not really getting involved on a way beyond that where he becomes overly exhausted or inured.
...Now for the Koopalings?? Dude, that's genius. Bowser is a hefty opponent and is sure to exhaust Commander and possibly even injure him.. But the Koopalings?? Commander would make a GREAT sparring partner for nearly all of them! :00
Specifically I can see him sparing with Morton, Roy, Ludwig and possibly Iggy. (The older Koopalings primarily) Whether its just muscle against muscle or being Iggy's target practice, I think he'd make a great sparring partner for the youngins :}}
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It started with being inspired by my band-aid covered hands (due to dry hands and cat scratches) and adding them into my sona
Nowadays its maintained by me having reaaaaally dry hands 💀 (I wash them way to often/harshly and don't rehydrate with lotion often enough-)
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You mean the factual fam? Aw, I'd like to think so. :}}}
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Bold of you to assume Jangles doesn't have hair
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<XD Yes, Bibi is around 2 years old-
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yellowistheraddest · 2 years
LADIES, GENTLEMEN AND FELLOW CONTORTIONS OF THE HUMAN SPIRIT, i present to you 9 drawing requests with accompanying commentary...
request one:
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honestly its not a crime but they are criminally curious to learn the rich history of Dallas in 1963! i mean arent you curious, you should google what happened there on november 22nd!!!
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request number 2:
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OH BABY you know i love making people feel :( my most popular post is characters crying so i was supposed to have fun with it but 3 people hugging - dude, i was no the verge of insanity and in the end pearl just kinda got swallowed up and disappeared.
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request tres:
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coming from the last drawing i was still on the 'lmao get sad' bandwagon, and simon and athena they have lived through somethings so once again i drew people crying :D so heres a drawing of little athena and her goth uncle having a nice little hug and nothing ever went wrong
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request četiri:
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by now everyone should know that my favourite AU is these two bastards meeting before phoenix became a lawyer; ya know so he doesnt need to break his back trying to learn law as an art student - not that he learns much as he doesnt know what a cross examination is in his first case,,
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request pénte:
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this request marked the second day of drawing.
now,, i might have not read the request before i drew sooo i kinda just drew them taking a selfies at a steel samurai con so i kindly edited the second drawing to contain a peace sign. [the plush is the hellish creature named the iron infant [from AAI i think] and i bet its like the worst character in the franchise and these two will definitely burn it when they get home]
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request numero sześć:
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now i swore to never post kissing on here so i spare myself of the cringw when i look back later, so just dont read the first half and enjoy the way i found out you cant really draw flicking without making a comic. like the motion is so small yet so powerful how do you draw that?!?!?!?!?!? this looked miles better in my brain...
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request shtatë:
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you know what else is like rocks? big frozen chunks of ice, like the one here :D
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request huit:
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ah the t4t to end all t4ts. ron is definitely a guy to fall at first sight and bro desiree is the definition of girlboss
also people forget that larry was rons coworker and i need more content of those two because they are just wildly opposite
[edit: ''sir are good'' HUH??? brother i need to go to sleep and just not draw for the next millenia]
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now we have arrived at the end of our trip...
you may be thinking "yellow, you said that there were 9 drawings!"
YES, but no.. theres probably a reason behind this but when i opened my inbox and saw this was like a game character who was stun locked. i mean look at this, aka request number NINE:
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love ya to death, babes, but please get some rest because i think you forgot to write in the characters you wanted to see. despite that i decided to draw what you requested:
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now just imagine whichever characters you waant in those places! wait was your request an investment so you can have an infinite amount of ships inserted into this pose???
anywho, ummmmm.. yeah Now we have reached the end - but do not fear, im not dying or going away. im still going to be here on my ace attorney bullshit as long as my brain can stand.
sadly i have to say GOODNIGHT, LADIES, GENTLEMEN AND FELLOW CONTORTIONS OF THE HUMAN SPIRIT. may we meet once again when the planets align and it rains in the greatest depths of the ocean o7
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dilfsouls · 2 years
hihi! I was wondering, would you do headcannons? If no, you can completely ignore this haha! But if yes could you do some platonic Groupchat(or just isaac if you want) x a 5'2 reader? And like how they might act bc of their height? They/them pronouns please! And tysm!
Hiii helloo!! So so sorry for the long wait! i appreciate the request and of course! i love headcanons <33 unfortunately i couldn't think of any headcanons for Yumi :( so i apologize :( but without any further ado!
The GroupChat X Gender-Natural Reader
Height Difference Platonic Headcanons
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🎧 IsaacWhy
~ For sure teases you for being shorter than him, he would literally rest his arms on top of your head
~ Would probably push you around playfully which you would join in and soon would just turn into a war until one of you broke something
~ If you guys ever went anywhere and you needed to see but couldn't due to your height he would totally help out by putting you on his shoulders
~ Would then probably scare you by saying hes gonna drop you or fall
~ gives you and Larry piggyback rides
🎧 SoftWilly
~ Wouldn't tease you as much as Isaac But there would be a sprinkle of teasing
~ Similar to Isaac if you were to work out with him you would probably be used as weights for him to pick up for shits and giggle
~ He may rest his head on your head while resting his arms on your shoulder
~ would get forehead shots of you randomly and call you adorable/p
~you would probably be able to talk him into matching costumes/cosplays that have some kind of height difference
🎧 Grunk
~ Best Buds for sure
~ would probably intertwine arms and skip around together
~ Might have a few playful arguments about whos taller if youre really close in height
~ "I'm literally taller than you"
~ *cut off by laughter*
🎧 BigT
~ much similar to Isaac he would definitely be a tease and play fight with you
~ They would probably team up on you too
~ Definitely would take those weird forehead pics of you and post them up (with permission of course)
~ Would definitely say some corny jokes
~ "hows the weather down there?"
~ "pretty nice, hows the weather up there hm?"
~ sometimes might pick you up and cradle you
~ if yall were to go grocery shopping he wouldn't mind pushing you around if you were to jump in the shopping cart, if anything he might accidentally crash while youre in the cart
🎧 LarryCroft
~ literally not that different from each others height so if he teased you it literally just sticks back to him
~ "imagine being short💀"
~ ".. we're basically the same height"
~ "bruh"
~ short royalties 🙏‼️
~ Back to Softwilly, you guys could both be used as his weights
~Larry on Nicks left arm and you on his right 💀
~then would probably proceeded to maybe bust ur ass
~ If yall ever played Hide and Seek with the GroupChat for fun you guys would probably accidentally pick the same place because its somewhere only you guys could fit due to your guys height
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spidermanifested · 2 months
❤️💙💖🏳️‍🌈 for FMA. Lay those unpopular opinions on me
oh im feasting today thank you so much
❤: Which character do you think is the most egregiously mischaracterized by the fandom?
see. just by VOLUME id say probably mustang? because he has so MUCH fan content out there and so much of it makes him either a suave cool seductive sexyman or a tragic wet beast whos never done anything wrong. so percentagewise i think itd be hard to compete
However. if we're going in terms of whose personality ive seen get just absolutely mangled to the worst degree. and i think thats whats being asked here. Pppppprobably hohenheim or scar. scar because of racism. and hohenheim because nobody knows how to be normal about a well intentioned fuckup of a parent so instead he has to be literally the devil i guess
oh ling also gets done super dirty as well. people forget that his Airheaded Entitled Royalty act is in fact an act, BUT at the end of the day hes still fifteen years old so he can still be a little dumb and reckless despite being great at strategizing. these layers are apparently incomprehensible to those who want to flatten him into "goofy fun sunshine boy" or "thats basically a grown man right"
id mention the way the women and girls of the series get treated but honestly they either seem to get ignored, Hashtag Girlboss Queen'd and THEN ignored, or made into romantic set dressing for the guys. which is unfortunately too par for the course as far as fandoms go for me to have any kind of novel commentary on it. Sucks Out Here
wiat theres another one but i dont know if im allowed to say it. im scared
💙: Which character is not as hot as everyone else seems to think?
mustang again
💖: What is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series?
HONESTLY???? just going off how my posts on the subject were received im going to have to say its "maes hughes was really conservative and kind of sucked". people did not like that one
🏳️‍🌈: Which character who is commonly headcanoned as queer doesn't seem queer to you?
hmmmmmmmmmmm. trying to rack my brain thinking of one. honestly there isnt really any character im immediately compelled to point at and go CISHET even if i dont like them because im a big enough person to admit that my fellow lgbts can be pieces of shit too. i am not a fan of olivier armstrong but shes definitely a lesbian and roy mustang is bi and deep in the closet and him and hughes had Something going on in boot camp #diversitywin #loveloses
maybe jean havoc. i know some people ship him with mustang, i have nothing against this demographic, however my personal read on havoc is just a larry butz type individual who at most tried to "go gay" out of desperation one time but found out it doesnt really work like that
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leoruby-draws · 8 months
hi!! first i wanted to say how much i adore your art! especially the training wheels au! it’s my favorite to follow on your page along with your other works! i would love and would be very interested to see an earth 11 version of rose, eddie, and jason ( if you can, ofc )! again, i love the art work! can’t wait to see more! 🫶🫶🫶
Thanks, I appreciate it! I do have a bunch more drawings (like way more), I'm just being lazy in posting it lol.
Also it should be noted this is a genderbend version of my Training Wheels au, so its not technically earth-11. Since earth-11 is a genderbend of the canon comic world. Maybe this should be called TrWh-11? Or am I being too pedantic over this lol?
This was such an interesting request that I immediately went to work on it, very fun to draw! I'm not always this fast but inspiration struck me, here it is:
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Two pages for you anon! Once I started trying to figure out how to design them I just couldn't stop.
Jason and Eddie were given mostly a mild change in facial features, only their hair is longer, tho not by much. Rose I basically just cut off her pigtails, you'll see much more obvious change in their adult selves. Female Jason is very gorgeous, though she still seems like the dangerous anti-hero as in canon. I wonder if Rose would resemble Deathstroke more as an adult male, she'd probably hate that lol.
For Rose, Jay and Eddie their clothing styles aren't too drastically different I don't think. Rose (Roosevelt?) still goes for baggy street clothing, Jason (Jessie, Jaye?) mostly goes for prep, and Eddie (Edith?) goes for more kiddie styles. And their hero costumes are mostly unaltered.
I also put in a few of their other team members, Vanessa, Koryak, Lori and Owen (Vander? Kirima? Larry? Odette?). Just wanted to play around in designing other characters. Also female Robin and Bluejay! I also thought my sisters were the cutest ever!
This was a fun exercise to draw, hope you got what you like it anon! Have a good day!
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brooklynislandgirl · 5 months
SHIPPING INFO // Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
REPOST. Don’t reblog.
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What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
I will have to go with Jo's answer here and say every ship I have has something about it that makes it my OTP, something unique to us and our partner/their muse. And I don't want anyone to feel excluded or unloved or less loved than anyone else. I do think because she was literally created side by side with @morgansmornings that they share a deep bond that is both familial and the deepest sort of friendship. They are family. They are transcendent.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
Platonic, familial, and romantic are all on the table with discussion ooc, time, and development. I will do pre-established on the first two but Beth is demisexual/quoiromantic, with a leaning toward sapioromantic. Meaning it takes bonding with someone before she even feels anything 'below the belt' so to speak, and doesn't really understand/distinguish the difference between romantic/platonic feelings, treating them both in the same way, but she does have a very slight preference toward people who can engage her mentally, and seduce her with their awkward intelligence. Toxic ships can be a thing with huge boundaries. The boundary is how comfortable with you as a friend, ooc, regardless of what we are writing. Currently I will be willing to do toxic with: Mischa/Larry { @thebiggestlies }, My Dear Prince and Ionaka {and potentially Na Baron Feyd Rautha @nightmarefuele }, Shades of Ben { @kylo-wrecked }. And I live for the hate-ship of Lorcan and Beth with @macdiari, whose mun is totally one of my bffs which makes it funnier. We can have meetings about the rest. Dubcon/non-con, etc...has to be plotted to within an inch of its life, I don't care what Beth says.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable? Age is not a really a thing with Beth when it comes to her significant other as long as they are a little over 'of age' {18-21}. She has literally one ship where this isn't the case and her paramour is 15 and she's 25...and it isn't what many people would assume, both of them are broken hearted. This a unique situation with @macdiari. Beth does have a penchant for older partners. Let the 'daddy issue' jokes commence.
Are you selective when shipping?
I would say yes. I only ship with chemistry. And by that I mean myself and the mun as much as the muses. Shipping requires a delicate balance between interest, trust, compatibility, goals... writing something fictional that isn't just pwp is not unlike building a real-life relationship. I want to get to know the other mun. I want us to have in-jokes, I want for us to be comfortable talking about everything and anything even if we might not always agree. I want us to be friends, first.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
I guess I follow the TV guidelines. We can write up to a certain point but once there's body parts that you wouldn't see on network television, it should probably get a tag. I don't care if there's a read more {I will occasionally do that for terminally long posts}, if my partner is more comfortable with one, great. If they prefer it on a different blog, awesome. If you want to write it on discord? Go ahead and add me, fren. I try to faithfully tag certain things because Beth is just...wrong and a lot of her hobbies and interests tend to be really morally questionable at best.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
Beth tends to be drawn to people who are neurologically divergent, biologically divergent, other-worldly, empowered, and the like. She is drawn to those who are lonely, othered, or unusual because there is so much in them she sees in herself. And if Beth happens to fall in love, she is neither likely to mention it, nor does she expect for the feeling to be returned. For Beth, love is love. So if you see someone on my dash, unless it's brand new just met you, know that they are cared for, and will always be someone important. As I consider every mutual mun and their muse{s} as some kind of relationship {platonic, familial, romantic, or enemy...I can't really list *every* blog. Sorry.}
Does one have to ask to ship with you?,
I mean it's nice to be asked, so at least I know in broad-strokes what sort of relationship you, the other person, might like but also the fiction can often dictate the course of how things go :)
How often do you like to ship?
I am not gonna lie. I love watching and writing how Beth interacts with people. How she slowly starts to unfold around them and what leads her to becoming involved with other folk.
Are you multiship?
Yes. And multiverse, too. One of the best things is when you have a multi-verse partner and get to see how your ships and theirs change from friends to other things, depending what verse your in, and how everyone can make a community with that information.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
Ship more or less. I love it as much as the next person but that's not the sole purpose of my blog.
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
I am still waiting for Olivia and Elliot to get married. IYKTYK.
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Let me know what you want? Be patient. We'll talk boundaries, desires, needs, and build it/grow it as it goes.
Tagged by: my darling @betwitchingbaker
Tagging: Heave ho, thieves and beggars....
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bluewinnerangel · 2 years
Harry's band still has 'Chicago' on their overalls. Harry set up a phone box so people could call him from Chicago 👀
Okay anon I had to come across some twitter threads to see what you were getting at and let's sum it up yeah, a list of coincidences, things to do with larry and Chicago. I'm probably gonna miss a bunch (and prob not gonna list a bunch of others- i barely see the logic in these being intentional already), soo its a bunch of things that are in the realm of chicago + bears + phones/calling + home coinciding? I guess? Anyway:
Obviously the main point that's making us talk about this is Louis releases the song Chicago. With lines like "if you're lonely in Chicago you can call me (baby)" (that's not whole the takeaway of the song but I'm bringing in TSBL in a later point so we're highlighting her)
Adding here he said its half based on real events half theoretical, and he does have an affiliation to Chicago:
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To start off with your points, during Harry's Chicago residency in October 2022, there was a phone booth at the venue and llama Doris posted about it (they havent much since :( ), with a description about calling Home.
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Harry's band wears overalls with names of cities they've performed at, since Chicago some have showed up on stage with the name on it, for instance Mitch yesterday (that is nov 25th 2022.). I don't know how often they wear what. The band was also wearing Chicago overalls (Sorry for shit pic) on Nov 9th 2022, but like again I have no clue what they wear every other night.
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On that note, nov 9th 2022 was also when the Silver Tongues mv released, and the shirt Louis wore in it, the Englandy Homey one, he was last seen weaing innnnnn padapadapada Chicago! (Feb 2022) (He wore it on stage before in Indianapolis)
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Sidetrack on recent music videos, somehow the Sushi mv features a dude wearing a shirt that says "LT HS SENIORS", from a high school in Chicago. Although I think the highlight here is LTHS idk how many LT highschools are there to pick from if we're going for intent here.
More sidetrack on the Silver Tongues note: first teased couple days before it via photoshopped phone (or was it even, unclear, maybe a ref to all the calling lyrics in FITF incl. Chicago, is the phone in the mv?, he just said have a phone via youtube xoxo):
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During Harry's 2022 Chicago shows he did some ring related stuff ( pointing a sign out in the crowd) and posted that pic of him with a ring backstage that looks like he was making fun of all the peace ring talk lol
During Harry's 2021 Chicago show(s sept 24 and 25), this was I believe the only time (or one of the rare occasions) there were mentions of Home playing before the show - artists pick
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In 2021 he also first played To Be So Lonely ("don't call me baby again - it's hard for me to go home - to be so lonely") at Chicago night 2, mind this is the 12th show of the tour and only then added it, and it was and continued to be bathed in bluegreen lights (but then he got bullied into playing it thr previous shows and especially chicago night 1 so that's most likely the reason eh... and also i hope the fans never do that again.)
During one of the 2021 shows he also found 2 people in the crowd in Chicago where he went off (paraphrasing, check link) YOU LOVE EACH OTHER? [out of the fking blue:] YOURE BEST FRIENDS?? GET MARRIED. Mind you this was a few days before a 4 day break including September 28 so I can think of better reasons than the place he was at if we wanna read into that fhfhdhd. This was also when we got those Louis spotted in uh relative close proximity receipts.
For Louis' 2022 tour the only exit song among the massive list of curated post show songs that still stands out to me (although yes I can place it in the list of songs-we-fucked-around-with-on-stage-during-1d like I can make it make sense still thematically it's a detour from the rest imo) is Ceelo Green's Fuck You, yepyep played in Chicago
Were going back in time now: Louis got his 28 tattoo in Chicago in 2015 (together with the buttpenguin which keeps being brought up in current interviews)
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In 2015, 1Ds Chicago show featured these bears:
Like there's so much shit going on here there's a masterpost.
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Basically the worst in terms of things to read into. Go read that post.
Again 2015 when the rainbow bears came up with this sign, borrowed from the Chicago Bears. (See the logo bottom right). Now that is the first sign you find on the Google when you try to find a sign about bears coming out so again seems coincidental, but still.
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(Also green bay packers <> chicago bears? Eh? Eh.)
There was an attempt to get them points together tumblr. They're gathered from all over the place but instigated by anon as well as this thread woop credit.
Honestly I think we just notice more Chicagos now? They're just being their regular home calling rbbsbbs and also do that in chicago and thats it lol. On the other I do like to entertain the thought they for whatever reason have this connection with Chicago (also yes im very much aware of stunt related connections) and its showing in the quirky stuff they do beyond the obvious (being writing a song called Chicago huh).
Out of all this the one thing that does make me go OKAY THEN is Harry first playing TSBL in Chicago, 12 shows in, bluegreening, the idea Ls around at the time, and then a year later blep parallels Louis' Chicago.
Oh also I think getting the 28 tat in Chicago could be significant. He sure still knows that number dhdhdhss
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not-alien-girl-v · 2 years
Internet Hcs About the Evans
i don’t know. read it
warning: like everything language mentions of porn idk dont read it if ur gonna be like ew stop being lewd
Tate: Knows the fnaf lore. Specifically watched Markiplier play it and also a Sally Face fan like hardcore and kins both Sal and Larry equally. Has a Tumblr acc but it’s only to interact w fanart of fnaf and sally face and like idk follow other fan accs he’s one of those empty accs with some random ass username no posts no bio no prof pic just his name in lowercase. has a deviantart?? again doesn’t post just to look at fanart he’s really into fanart and almost gets into reading fanfiction about his various interests but ultimately decides against it cuz i feel like violet would clown on him for it if she ever found out
Kit: Has an insta but it’s private with like 27 followers and it’s all like just his family and friends and sometimes when his friends post he’ll comment something like ‘Looking good bud 👍’ and then disappears from the internet for another month or two until he gets a notif that his wife posted or something. too scared to go on twitter and i don’t blame him. for the most part he just doesn’t understand how the internet works and has no intentions of finding out so he leaves it alone. he also has a facebook but same rules apply with the instagram only ever goes on to hype up his wife and kids and sometimes friends
Kyle: frat boy sorry cuz i don’t imagine frankenkyle can fathom the internet anyway i feel like kyle gets into debates online like way too much and he sees nothing wrong w the fact that he’s like actively searching out bigots to give a piece of his mind to. he’s got a tiktok and only follows like racist sexist ppl so his feed is full or opportunities to curse someone out digitally. he’s also got a twitter thats almost been banned a lot. he’s completely anonymous w it tho and his insta is completely regular he’s got like maybe 900-1000 followers just of like his friends and frat guys from his own or other frats and a bunch of girls who asked for his insta cuz they thought he was cute even though he never replies to flirty dms. he WOULD have several white boy went fishing posts and you guys can’t argue w me on this ok i wrote too much for him. he definitely has a lot of girls commenting every time he posts and i think his brothers would give him a lot of shit for not ‘jumping on that shit’ but he’s all like ‘oh i’m old fashioned u know i’m not like that’ has an active snapchat that he adds stories to all the time but once again never responds to messages
Jimmy: he has an account on instagram, twitter, probably facebook but they’re all mostly like linked to the freak show ykwim like he’d have like a verified checkmark but he only ever posts like freak show related announcements or like every now and then a little video that he records of him and some other ppl in the show behind the scenes and it’s captioned like ‘come see us (enter date here)’ and that’s pretty much it he’s not super big on being active in social media because he claims he has plenty of friends irl he doesn’t need fake robot friends. also may not know how the internet works
James: i mean sally runs the hotels official instagram page and all other socials and he probably has no idea that she’s doing that until he finds out she posted some image of video of him on one of the accounts and then some guests recognize him at the hotel and say like ‘omg ur that guy!!’ and he has no idea what it all means n shit. I think he would get a great kick out of instagram reels like non tiktok but you know how like a month after a trend happens on tiktok then it goes to reels? right like he eats that shit up he thinks its the funniest goddamn thing like funny cat videos or someshit
Kai: right so like we all know he trolls reddit and 4chan and posts rude reviews on thatcow. the kinda guy that kyle finds himself internet battling like this is the enemy he's been preparing for. he has a tiktok to stay relevant and he's just a comment section lurker 'user17896379' type shit he just likes various biggoted comments and occasionally replies just to start fights and shit. he's got a facebook and insta where he's totally normal tho like 'hey guys vote me for senate!!' again similar to kyle but like opposite ends of the same spectrum. i would love to view his search history. searches the most despicable things on p0rn websites every time he yanks it and i just am desperate to know what shit he's looking at
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askmerriauthor · 2 years
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Regarding discussion in this post here.
I think a lot of the dislike toward Geeta is two-fold when it comes to her behavior as a shitty boss.
First is how Paldea's depiction compares to other Champions and Gym Leaders in the past. In prior games, the Champion was either not discussed at all and merely existed as an end goal for the Player to overcome, or was regarded with a certain level of respect by everyone in the setting. In other cases, the Champion was even depicted as something akin to a vigilante/superhero who would actively go around righting wrongs and protecting the region from threats. However it was, the Champion was always someone held in very high esteem by the Gym Leaders and the general public, as well as carrying a certain level of mystique about themselves.
Geeta is decidedly mundane by comparison. She's integrated herself directly into the general day-to-day business of Paldea. Everyone knows who she is because they see her and directly interact with her all the damn time. Similarly, the Gym Leaders are comfortable enough to voice a negative opinion about her, which is in direct contrast to how Champions have always been treated in the past. I feel like the fact that they're willing to raise any criticism about Geeta, no matter how minor, is what a lot of Players are glomming onto and blowing out of proportion. I've seen folk saying things like "Larry absolutely loathes Geeta with every fiber of his being!" with a straight face. I mean, come on - Larry is annoyed by her, sure, but he's probably low-key annoyed by the majority of people/things he has to deal with in his everyday life. The guy's the literal personification of the "overworked salaryman" trope. He's annoyed by people like Rika and Hassel as well, but nobody mentions them. Do you think Larry could exist in the general proximity of someone as bombastically extra as Brassius for more than five seconds without wanting to eat a Hyper Beam?
Secondly, I think that it's because Geeta is presented as being a boss - an employer and manager - that there's a certain level of projection from Players. Misdirected ire taken from their own experiences with lousy, meddling bosses that they're pushing onto Geeta. We all vibe with Larry because, odds are, we're more like Larry than any other character. A lot of us older Players are tired, stressed workers who have to put up with bothersome bosses and the general public on a daily basis. So it's very easy to project that stress onto a character like Geeta even if she doesn't necessarily deserve it. Taking a step back and looking at a character, and their actions, in an objective manner is hard to do when one's first inclination is to experience the story in its intended manner - in an emotional, relatable way.
That's not to say Geeta gets a free pass. As I covered in an earlier post, she does A LOT of really shifty things and takes advantage of others' cooperation. So it's not like everyone calling her out is just doing so from a bias, unfair position. But I feel like there's definitely some folk who are letting their own feelings stubbornly color their judgement.
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Well here's a fucking Chortle headline for the roundup:
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Holy fuck. I cannot believe that. Never for a moment did it cross my mind that this might happen. It's been nearly ten years since he left, and this never once seemed like a possibility.
I remember exactly when he left. I know it was announced in February 2015, because I was sitting in my bedroom in the city where I lived in 2015, where I'd moved to join their bigger and more impressive sports team and ended up just being miserable and lonely for two years because I did not have any of the skills required to fit in there. Anyway, it's fine, not the point of this post. The point is I know it was 2015 and I know it was February because I vividly remember sitting in that bedroom and scrolling on Facebook, and seeing a mock Valentine's Day card that said "May Jon Stewart be the only man to break your heart this week." And that's how I found out he'd announced he was leaving The Daily Show.
I know when he actually left, too. It was August 2015. Because Donald Trump walked down that fucking escalator in June 2015, and announced he'd be running for president. I remember watching The Daily Show that night, and Jon Stewart, incredibly pleased at the comedy gold mine that was about to befall all political comedians, looked into the camera and said to Donald Trump: "Thank you for making my last six weeks the best six weeks." Then he stayed on for six more weeks and made Trump jokes every night, then he left, and the world immediately ended. Looking back with a bit of perspective, Jon Stewart really did happen leave the show right as the Western world was on a precipice of having the norms as we thought we knew them all crumble at once. I'm thinking of that timeline that says 2000-2015=nostalgia, 2016-2019=2016, 2020-present=plague. Those are pretty much my life's eras. And Jon Stewart was there for a hell of a lot of that first one. (Not actually the first era of my life, there is also 90s=childhood, but I'm pretty sure everything was fine then, right?)
It's a bit weird to me now to see Jon Stewart as having an individual career, if that makes any sense at all. If you'd asked me in 2009 who my favourite comedians were, it wouldn't have occurred to me to say Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert, even though I watched them both every night and loved those shows. I hardly even though of those as things that people had to make by being comedians and writers. They were just fixtures. Part of the landscape. I was so confused when he left the show, I didn't think it could exist without him. It didn't really feel like television could exist without Jon Stewart coming on at the end of the night. I remember learning some time ago about Marc Maron's feud with Jon Stewart over their days on the comedy circuit, and that was so weird. Jon Stewart didn't have days on the comedy circuit. He didn't have a career you could object to or admire, or opinions you could agree with or disagree with. He was just a fixture in the landscape.
I remember the first time I saw Jon Stewart. I think it was probably 2006, maybe 2005. I was really into Rick Mercer, this Canadian comedian who did TV shows where he made fun of the news. My mother put on a TV show, pointed to the guy behind the desk, and said, "That's Jon Stewart, he's like an American Rick Mercer." It only occurred to me relatively recently how funny it is to call Jon Stewart "an American Rick Mercer". But anyway, I watched that episode with my mom and then I kept doing that every night for many years.
I remember watching his final Daily Show episode with my mother, in August 2015. Bruce Springsteen came on live and played him out. My mother and I both got fairly emotional.
I kept watching The Daily Show for a long time after Jon Stewart left. I even followed a lot of the similar spinoff shows by its correspondents. I watched Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, and The Opposition with Jordan Klepper, and Larry Wilmore's The Nightly Show, and Hasan Minhaj's Patriot Act, and Michelle Wolf's The Break. Obviously, I followed John Oliver to Last Week Tonight (and would also if necessary follow him to the ends of the Earth, but that's beside the point).
I quite like Trevor Noah too; when he took over the show I read his autobiography and watched his stand-up specials and the documentary about him. I even saw him live in 2019. So I wasn't one of those people saying the show could never recover from Jon Stewart leaving. I watched a lot of the Trevor Noah years, and only dropped off from following it so closely fairly recently. It was around 2022, I think, when I just stopped keeping up with it. I had so much Britcom going on, and the world was so fucking depressing, getting all my news from actual news sites (as everyone should always always do, do not get your news from comedians, use political comedy as a way to lighten the mood of the regular news that you should first get from actual journalists, for the love of God please do not let the industry of actual journalism be steamrolled by entertainment) was stressful enough and I didn't want to keep having this other way of going over it.
So, those are a few disjointed memories that came into my mind when I saw that story this week. Here's another memory: I remember reading an interview with Jon Stewart from just after he left The Daily Show, in which he was asked if he would ever watch Fox News again. He replied that if he were ever in some post-apocalyptic scenario where Fox News was the only way to find out where to find vital life-saving information, he still wouldn't watch it. Because doing that job that required him to watch so much Fox News had destroyed him mentally and he could not wait to never ever ever ever ever do it again.
I was one of those people, after he left, saying, "I get it, it's high-pressure and difficult, I see why he wants to move on and have a break. But I would pay to have Jon Stewart just broadcast once a month in his sweatpants from his living room couch. He can't just be gone. He needs to keep telling us about the news, what will we do without him?"
We did do without him for nine years, and the world we thought we knew has crumbled around us in about twenty-five different ways since then, and I have absolutely no idea how the fuck Jon Stewart could fit into the landscape as it exists today. Like. I don't know what to do with this information. It wasn't on my radar. It's like finding out they're rebooting Buffy with the entire original cast and writing crew. Or if the girl I had a crush on from the ages of 9 to 14 showed up and told me she was in love with me. Of course it's what I wanted, but... what? Really? Why? Why now? Do I even still want this? You mean everything pre-2016 wasn't just a dream and we still technically exist in the same world as that one and the things in it are still out there and could just come back?
...There are people like @lastweeksshirttonight who actually know things about the US late-night comedy show scene, who have always understood that Jon Stewart is a person with a backstory who entered and then left an industry that also had a backstory and those things affected each other and this will have a significant effect on the ecosystem. Those people will have intelligent takes on what's happening right now. But I do not. Jon Stewart was on TV when I was in high school. He can't be on TV now because I am no longer in high school (even though I was 24 when he left in 2015). What the fuck?
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eyes-inthe-skies · 8 months
can u rank all the saw movies? or at least the ones u saw (pun intended)?
Thanks for my first asked and for being my #1 fan of all time!!
Luckily I actually just had a conversation with my friend Abt this that sees me prepared for this task I'm about to overcomplicate.
(Post Script: God I went on for a while strap in gang)n
1: Saw X (possibly the objectively Greatest Saw movie. Tobin Bell is fascinating to watch bring humanity to this murderer, Shawnee Smith is so beloved and I LOVE the kills in this one. Top teir)
2: Saw 2004 (Classic, what's to be said that hasn't already been said. Carey Elwes does a rly bad American accent, Shawnee Smith makes Amanda the single most iconic woman in fiction just by sitting there. This movie caused me a lot of distress as a child and that fascinated me so thoroughly that I think it may have been a defining moment of my horror fanatasism despite not watching the full film till a decade later. I could go on.)
3: Saw 6 (I don't know if this is controversial or not, but Saw 6 is genuinely a high point of the series to me. I love watching William Eastons trap plot, which is not something I can say for most other Saw films. And that fucking ending man! Saw 6 is very personal to me in that I too would love to stab the man who killed my father with hydrochloric acid filled needles and watch him melt from the outside. Very fun scenes with John, Hoffman getting his mouth ripped open is hot, etc etc)
4: Saw 3 ( only reason this isn't 3 Is because Jeff makes me chew through pencils I hate this guy. People are NOT JOKING ABOUT THE YURI. ITS ACTUALLY REAL. I love love lOVED Amanda in this movie, I don't think I blinked the entire time, I love seeing everything crash down around her and John until there's nothing left but blood and bones and flesh, and not a single soul went to heaven that night, etc etc.)
5: Saw 4 (I don't know why but I love saw 4 actually, I think Hoffman, strahm, Perez and Rigg were all rly fun to watch. I love the spy x spy ass soap opera plot. I LOVED seeing Eric Matthews head get exploded between two ice blocks. FUCK YES. Again this trap plot I actually really dig which helps with the watchability of the thing, plus Hoffman hot who said that)
6: Saw 2 (I know this is insane I know I wish I liked this movie more but the only good thing is setting up Amanda as jigsaws successor, some nice time with John kramer being a cunty old man, and also establishing I hate Donnie whalbergs stupid fucking face. Don't at me.)
7: Saw 5 (I literally don't remember what happened in saw v. I had to look it up. It's honestly not the worst, Hoffman and Strahm are pretty enjoyable once again, but it's completely unremarkable, I don't have anything to say Abt this movie.)
8: Jigsaw (Trap plot makes me want to rip my own eyes out. "Plot twist" is dumb and falls apart. Fucking. Jigsaws Nephew. Whatever man.)
9: Saw 3d (Probably one of the worst actual movies I've seen. I love Larry coming back don't get me wrong, he's very cunty, you know. But they literally barely use him till the end, which is a mistake. The fucking Bobby Dagan plot could've been interesting but it wasn't due to him being not at all helpful and the end is genuinely maddening. Also I HATE THE HOME DEPOT TRAP GRRR GRR DO YOU JESR ME GRRGRE)
Spiral- I have not seen spiral.
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lost-technology · 1 year
Obligatory Pokemon-Teams post.
Every damn fandom that I’m in has this.   Anyway, in looking up new Trigun fanart, I’ve seen some cute fanart of Vash with pokemon, but none of him with the one pokemon I think he would absolutely have (if we are going by personality and similarity).   In my fantasy Pokemon-team lineup, Vash would absolutely have an Absol. Think about it for a hot second. Absol is the Disaster Pokemon.   Absols are sweethearts who can predict disasters and try to warn people about them.  Not everyone has understood this in history and the Absols are mis-blamed for calamity, which puts them in the “Dark / Evil” typing and they’re thought to bring disaster wherever they go - even though they actually try to stop it.  Their mega / superpowered form has them sprouting ANGEL WINGS and they canonically, according to the Pokedexes do not like to fight.   So... I think the Absol, thematically, is the most Vash Pokemon Ever.  Yes, he tries to avoid battling with her and prefers her as a companion, even though she’s his strongest.   Secondary choices for his team: a Manetric (I remember when I first encountered and caught an Electrike in a game, I thought it looked like Vash with the hairdo.... and then my “Vash” evolved into an even more Vash-looking critter!)    A Sprigatito (because I say so).  Plant-kitty that evolves into a tricky magician (if he lets her evolve).  I’ll say she has an unusual coloration: black-colored, so she can be Kuroneko.   And he also has a Fidough named Donut.   Wolfwood:  Ghost-types.  The whole priest / undertaker / assassin vibe.  He has a Houndstone because they’re awesome and creepy and when it was a Greavard he used its candle to light his cigarretes, then it evolved.  There’s a little Phantump that follows him around - canonically the spirit of a lost child, make of that what you will.  Although it’s not to type, he has a Lycanroc for obvious reasons, probably the midnight / werewolf form.   Milly:  Fairy-type specialist, particularly the deceptively cute ass-kickers.  I mean, she has a Tinkaton.  Of course she would have a Tinkaton.  It helps her carry her stun gun!  She also has a Scream Tail.   Meryl:  Hmmm... Fire or Dragon type, perhaps?  I can see little Meryl just staring down a giant Haxoruos or something and showing it who is boss.  She has the strong spirit it takes to handle the Dragons.  Roberto:  Normal type.  Like Larry.  Just doing his job.   In all of this, or perhaps collectively among the group, they all care for a tiny little runt of the litter Eevee that follows them around.  I takes turns riding in pockets. 
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cd-covington · 1 year
This is probably more of a personal preference question, but where do you draw the line between using existing words and making new words for a piece/world? It can get ridiculous in some cases, but there are a lot of words that have implications that you don’t necessarily want to invite into the story. I’m trying to write a deeply religious society without the implications of cultural Christianity, but I don’t think reading a book where I create half the vocabulary would be fun for anyone but me.
Hi @workofthehands!
This is one of the oldest questions in SFF writing, and I don't know if there's a good answer for it. Way back in 2009, the SFWA published the Turkey City Lexicon as a guide to writing workshops for beginners, and one of the entries says not to call a rabbit a smeerp. That's apparently a reference to Larry Niven, but I've never read him, so *shrug*. But what the existence of this line item suggests is that writers want to show off their cool world with these horse or rabbits that aren't Earth horses or Earth rabbits, so they make up names for them, and this can confuse or annoy a reader.
Of course, not all subgenres are equal, and in cyberpunk and related genres where the tech and the vibes are important, you see a lot of invented names for things, many of which may or may not exist in the real world, and people who read these genres expect it.
If you have a large lizard/bird-like creature that fills the niche of a horse on your planet, like CJ Cherryh's mecheiti, obviously call it whatever you want. If you call it a horse, your readers will have obvious expectations about its behavior and appearance.
If you have humans going from one planet to another, where they find animals that are kinda like horses but not quite, they can call them horses or maybe not-horses or maybe something you make up. But consider the following:
When Europeans crossed the Atlantic, they found birds with red breasts that sort of resemble the robins of Europe, so they called them robins. North American and European robins aren't even in the same family of birds!
So, in general, I'd say it depends on the specific situation and on the person.
I assume you're asking about things like cussing and blasphemous language, and maybe about things like "priest" or "rosary," so that's the direction I'm going in. I also assume this is an invented religion. Also, I was raised mainstream protestant in the US (United Methodist, mostly) but am not currently a believer.
Cuss words usually reflect what a society finds sacred and what they find dirty. Or as Melissa Mohr put it in her book Holy Shit, the holy and the shit. It's a really fun book about the history of English swearing, and I recommend it.
So you could, for example, make a list of things your society & religion find sacred and what they find dirty and build your cussing around that. Alternatively (or perhaps additionally), you could make a list of the culturally Christian terms you need a substitute for and make them up based on the first set of lists.
Everyone's line is a little different. I personally dislike smeerps but find mecheiti perfectly fine. I think for me, it's the difference between something that exists in the real world and something that doesn't. But with swearing and insults, invent with impunity. I think a lot of genre readers are happy to go along with frells and fraks.
I hope that answers your question! If I assumed wrong about what you're asking, reblog with more details and I'll see what I can do :)
If you liked this post, please consider backing my Kickstarter to write a book about questions like this and more, or drop some money in the tip jar. Thanks!
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aimmyarrowshigh · 2 years
1 & 12 for the fic asks!
1. what's the fic youre most proud of?
Honestly, my current longfic WIP (Lent From Tomorrow) is easily the best thing I've ever written, fic or original work. But I'm proud of most of my longer-than-a-drabble fics for something or another.
I'm very proud of the Five Places Cinna Came From for actually finishing the whole thing, and same with Milliefic.
(The longer it's been since writing Milliefic, the more I'm like, 'its only real redeeming value is having finished something of that length, especially posting as I wrote,' but that's just me letting Larries spoil my fandom experience, I think.)
I'm proud of every Big Bang or Mini Bang fic I've actually finished and posted. I think Not In The Answer But The Question is currently the best fic on my AO3, probably, although I do think that I had to flub the pacing on the last quarter to meet the deadline. I still to this day think that Valor Valeria and What They Don't Tell You In History hold up, and they're old as heck, so that says something.
I actually really love the Stereo Kicks/H*rry P*tter world crossover that @fille-lioncelle and I wrote? It's paced well, IMO, and I think we took a fairly unique take on that trope by making them all adults and out of school.
I love all of the Since Feeling Is First stories that @nichestars and I wrote, even though it drives the OCD part of my brain a little nuts that we're three words short of an even 100,000 on the series, LOLOLOL.
I don't know that there's any one fic that I'm like "THIS IS MY PERFECT MASTERWERK" about, because I don't do like, extensive rewriting or whatever on fic and I know that I don't quite meet any lofty goals of having Symbolism! or Theme! that I try for with longer stuff, but there are aspects of pretty much everything longer than a drabble that I can take pride in. I try hard to be gentler to myself about the quality of my output than I used to be, because being cruel to myself just made me Not Write At All, and that's the opposite of the point, so.
11. Has a fic you’ve written ever caused issues/controversy?
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Well, the Fanlore page for the "Timeline of 1D Fandom" says that Milliefic created some of the Larrie Truther tropes, and I've accepted that even though I don't GET it because it's CLEARLY ALL MADE UP OUT OF MY DUMB HEAD, but that would count as causing issues, for sure.
Landslide got (and still gets) inane hate for having M/F sex scenes even though it's M/M endgame. WAYYYYY back in the day, I wrote an Alec/Clary fic before Alec came out as monosexually gay in the Shadowhunter books, and every so often someone reads it without seeing that it was written in like 2010 and they get angry about me making a gay character bi (which would be fair if I'd done it after he came out as gay, but ::shrug::).
I feel like I vaguely recall someone trying to stir up something about my THG fic when The Panem Companion was announced, but they're completely separate works that have nothing to do with each other, so I feel like if there WAS drama about it, I wasn't actually aware of it.
But yeah, Milliefic takes the cake on that one.
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years
Okay so I promised an analysis of Geeta's team so here we go!
Espathra dex entry:
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Both Espathra and it's pre evo, Flittle, are both seem to be pretty violent? Flittle is said to enact revenge on those who steals from it and now we see that Espathra has nasty temper. This, 1) makes me wonder how much Geeta is concealing underneath that poise nature of hers. This is not me saying Geeta is "eViL" since I rather not have a poc woman who is presented with flaws to become the villain of the dlc or something. If it does end up being the case then WELP. Anyway, going back on topic, this also makes me think 2) of how ruthless Geeta can be in the work space. It's no secret that she's disliked for how she operates things. Just going off how she talked to Penny during the post game ( which I haven't finished so I don't know what she says there), she doesn't exactly take no for an answer. She intimidates you with a smile.
Next up, Gogoat!
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I'm putting both dex entries up here because both definitely apply to Geeta in such an interesting way. Let's start with Violet. It's basically restating stuff from old entries, I believe. But even then , I feel like this does give some insight to Geeta as a character. We know that Geeta's goal is to cultivate strong trainers across Paldea. Despite her less than great work ethics, she ultimately is trying to help others. Gogoat is a great representation of that, who has said to have helped humans for 5,000 years. Side tangent: if I'm being honest, I really think Geeta is carrying the whole league on her back with how messy it is. Kinda similar to how Gogoat carries its rider! .......yeah, okay, anyway.
Going onto the Violet Dex entry goes into this hierarchy structure of Gogoat( I....I don't think that's the right word but I'm rolling with it). There isn't much for me to say here, other than Geeta pretty much asserting her dominance as Top Champion. She's the leader, and probably has beaten the elite 4 at some point? I dunno, but Gogoat represents that.
Moving on! Veluza!
Admittedly an odd choice. Also very disappointed by it's stats, why is it so slow. Anyway.
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This is going to be a case of me looking far into too it and trying to make up something that isn't there but I don't care. Let's talk about Veluza shedding spare flesh. Both its Dex entries mention how doing so causes its psychic abilities and agility to hone and increase. Spare flesh, in the context of Geeta, would apply to how her pokemon team should have worked. I don't think she disregards her pokemon, not at all, but for her Kingambit to work, she needs death foder. The spare flesh helps one of her pokemon become even stronger,which could equate to honing one's skill.
In terms of personality/ backstory, and this is where I really go off the walls, it makes me if Geeta has ever discarded some things in her old life pre league, to get to where she is now? That isn't exactly uncommon, so to speak. Giving up some things to better another is something I feel some people relate to. It's still interesting to think about however.
We aren't exactly getting into Kingambit juuuuust yet. Before then we have Avalugg!
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What I take away from this dec entry is how kind and peaceful Avalugg is. I say kind, mostly in regards to how the Dex entries always mentions how it carries Bergmite on its back ( lmao, Geeta carrying the league on her back), and going out of it's way to avoid conflict. I choose to see this as another example of Geeta's good nature, her wanting to better the Paldean league, even if she isn't a great boss. While she is demanding, and doesn't always take no for an answer, she isn't cruel. At the point of where I am in the post game, Geeta has given strict orders that Larry doesn't work overtime and takes a break. This is the same person who is said to dox his pay if he stays idle( or is that another boss? He is working 3 jobs...). Geeta doesn't like Larry, but that doesn't mean she doesn't care for his well being( imo). I think Avalugg is a good pokemon to showcase this kindness and dependency ( as people who can depend on Geeta to get things done).
Now we get into Kingambit
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This follows the trend that Gogoat and kinda Espathra set up. Ruthless pokemon( okay Gogoat isn't ruthless per say) that are said to have a distinct dominance over their kind through brute force,again alluding to Geeta being the top champion of Paldea. I like how this pokemon is said to not be a good strategist, which is funny since I think Geeta's team could have been great if the composition was better. But another way of looking at it is Geeta being able to command a King herself, being the one to strategize for him and ultimately make the king her knight. And another way of looking at it is Geeta trying to handle so much at once. Her best strategy towards keeping the league in shape is being a bit nosey, demanding etc. And it works, yes, but there's always room for improvement, which I think she knows.
There's also Kingambit's ability Supreme Overlord. The ability honestly works similarly to how the elite 4 is structured in a way. The challenger defeats the 4 members, going up to the strongest that is Geeta.
And finally.... Glimmora
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Glimmora strays away from the theme (imo) of Geeta's team ( half are ruthless while the other half is kind) completely. The dex entries all relate to it's petals and how it relates to tera jewels. Glimmora is only found in Area Zero. Glimmlet can be found outside of area zero. So this begs the question: did Geeta get her ace as a Glimmora or raised it from a glimmlet. I've always thought Geeta has some connection to Area Zero, personally. Her theme just reminds me of the place, it doesn't have the same twinkle that the E4 or Nemona has. Again, it sounds similar to Area Zero to me more than anything. I think she has some sort of connection to it, especially since ( if I'm getting the timeline right) Geeta would have been the one to give the yes on the tera balls. If not her, then someone else. I don't remember if this was stated in the game.
And that's all I have! There's one other thing that I noticed about Geeta compared to other champions but that's for another post ( hopefully). If you read this far, thank you for indulging in my silly overanalysis of this character! I genuinely think Geeta is cool and interesting, and I'm really hoping she isn't a villain. If she is one.....well I just hope they do her well.
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hyunjining · 2 years
Hello, I dont usually speak on much but as someone whos also been here for an absurdly long time I too understand how you feel haha and just wanted to give a friendly metaphorical pat on the back because it really does fuck me up too sometimes. I guess ive been wanting to talk to Someone about any part of larry for a long time but for me I guess I dont feel much most of the time because im just waiting :/ I really do believe at some point we will get answers and see whether louis and harry do get to be publicly together (or broken up) but either way its knowing that at some point I will be proven Right that keeps me mainly unbothered by the crap we see day to day. Not to say that I dont get the initial "what the actual fuck are his team doing/ who decided this/ why is this happening for the 100th time" when a new stunt or absurdity comes along - this probably applies to the documentary aswell like I know ill groan and feel terrible for half a minute if Babygate is included but I guess I managed to at some point not let it get to me as like a personal problem? I guess and not feel emotionally attached, and I hope that you too could not have it plague you so much, I wish you the best haha and hope that at some point you would be able to continue to enjoy larry even during absurd times.
Sorry if this is like a rant you dont have to post this I guess I just felt bad seeing your post and would throw in some tiny speck of hope haha but yeah its funny cause I dont think ive ever really doubted the idea that I know they were together - obviously we dont know whether its the same now but since I havent really been proven otherwise whos to say im wrong if I were to believe they managed to have a beautiful long term relationship up until now lol but yeah thats all I got for now since I dont want to make it any longer but yeah im sorry you feel that way and I hope you manage to feel even the slightest bit better about this whole ridiculous circus we all managed to be drafted into hahaha
hey, thanks for your message 💕
i’ve definitely learned to detach myself from a lot of things over the years but idk lately it feels like something has changed and i don’t fully understand it? and i’m ok with acknowledging that there are things i’ll never know and that it’s not my life. i’ve always preached that on here. but some of the more recent stunt stuff/public image decisions really don’t make any sense to me in terms of pleasing fans or marketing to a wider audience or protecting their closets. like it all just seems completely nonsensical and unnecessary and it’s not fun to sit by and watch. i’m not gonna act like i’m being forced to be here, that’s totally on me. but idk i’m just sad that this is where we are now.
there is absolutely nothing in this world that could ever convince me that h&l aren’t gay or that they’ve never been together or that louis is a dad but i hate watching their images rapidly devolve for a reason i can’t begin to fathom. i’ve always been able to be dramatic for a minute and then laugh and move on but the feeling of dread has been more and more frequent and i feel like i’m doing myself a disservice by continuing to act like stuff isn’t affecting me. i don’t really know what to do right now, because i’m not happy but i love h&l so much and they’ve been a huge part of my life for so many years and i don’t know how to let that go. i feel like the doc is going to be a decider for me, but then again i have a louis concert in june lmao so who knows man.
anyway that was massively dramatic fkfjfk but thank you for the metaphorical pat on the back and for giving me a reason to vent some more lol
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