#if you think about it though it makes more sense to shoot off fireworks in honor of people trying to blow up parliament
ninjasmudge · 11 months
i was raised by parents who always made it pretty clear they didnt trust the government, so for an embarrassingly long time i just assumed bonfire night was about celebrating 'that time someone almost succeed in blowing up parliament', rather than celebrating the fact they were stopped
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spacepiratenemo · 1 year
Hello! My Name is Nemo! Welcome to Jackass!
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Lol, this was "supposed to be quick, easy and literally just a meme" and now it took nearly a week and drove me nuts 3.14 times XD 😂
I had this in mind for ages and pushed it to the back of the shedule all the damn time, now it's finally done. *20th century fox proudly presents* Nemo being grounded! 😂
Two weeks of kitchen service is way too nice for all the non-sense and chaos she caused on board - and of course she just gotta provoke, eh? Push one button and BANANABEARD CAN GLOW WITH LED LIGHTS! ISN'T IT BOOTIFUL???! 😂😂😂
I'm surprised Pops didn't throw this girl over board a single time... XD
Anyways, hope this short memetic content amuses you as it amused me! XD Which punishment do you think Nemo deserves? How long would you ground her for? How many dishes would you let her wash? ><
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Nemo loves to prank others! From glueing Pops to his seat, to putting chilli into Marco's pineapples - everything is possible! And since she is a horrible influence regarding this on Ace, he often tags along with her shenenigans! In a nutshell, so far in the story they pulled off:
Roasting a Seaking with an alien-weapon
Spilling glitter everywhere
Using yellow paint to make Pops mustache become banana
Glue Pops to his throne
Make Blamenco smell his own feet
Let Deuce run in a circle for one hour to find his mask
Hide Vista's hair-care products and let him suffer to find out
Fireworks ala Firecracker!
See if you can cook faster than the oven! (Faster apparently does not imply better...)
Use watermelon-seeds as ammunition against everyone!
Make Haruta admit to his love for rubber duckies
Find out who Jozu's secret crush is
Arrange a date between Whitey Bay and Izou, don't tell either of them though!
Surprise everyone with a loud, cheerful party at 3 AM for a whole week!
Sulk at the Crew when 3 AM parties are suddenly forbidden.
Make the sulking as dramatic as possible and pretend to die.
Shock the Crew by jumping into the sea and let them believe we drowned!
Jumpscare them all with a trumpet.
Make them fear the trumpet.
Make them wish the trumpet was a nightmare that would end.
Place fart-pillows everywhere.
Tag "Kick me!" pictures to everyone's back.
Make the world believe aliens exist.
Fake an alien invasion.
Make headlines!
Use narcolepsy as an excuse for literally everything fifty times in a row.
Make them believe you don't understand socialising.
Put too much wasabi into all beers.
Sew Marco a feather-dress.
Put eggs into Marco's bed every day.
Ask Marco if he's already a chicken-daddy every day.
Test: How long and how intense can you annoy Marco until he fries?
Will he taste like chicken when he fries?
Force everyone to do maths!
Put the alpahbet into the maths once they think they're safe.
Let Ace believe he is safe from the maths, but then make him do maths anyway.
Make everyone be scared of numbers!
Make everyone scared of numbers and letters in combination!
Put hidden numbers everywhere to cause paranoia.
Replace Satan.
Paint Pops a pretty make-up while he sleeps.
Also do his fingernails.
Put a bow on him.
Make Namur believe he might be an alien as well
Make everyone believe they're aliens
Establish a conspiracy and laugh about the idiots who believe it
Fake a UFO crash
Fake found-footage of alien abducting pirates to cause global panic.
Shoot confetti-rockets at Mariejois and make them beliebe it was the Marines.
Estabilish A.M.A.B as a Slogan: "All. Marines. Are. Bastards!"
Create hundreds of robots, fake loss of control and prank'em by thinking A.I enslaves mankind.
Clone coconuts.
Clone a huge amount of coconuts.
Establish coconut as super fruit and throw them at everyone who disagrees with you.
Polish Jozu to make him Shiny-Jozu.
Make Blenheim believe Fossa has a crush on him.
Watch chaos unfold.
Mess with the cacti-juice.
And so much more...
... to be continued!
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wickedfang-sso · 5 months
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Venor went out to the arena to train, not surprised to find it pretty busy already. Someone stood out in the crowd however, a particularly tall and menacing woman who approached when Venor drew near to where she was training. He found her to be expectant and demanding, cynical and outright terrifying. Venor thought himself a fairly strong individual, however this woman could easily snap him like a twig if she wanted to.
As frightened as he was, he could sense her power and felt drawn to that. He wanted to be strong like her, so he did his best to learn what he could from her. Perhaps Sabine could see it too; somewhere, deep beneath that meek demeanor and apprehension, lied the heart of a soldier.
Either way, at the very least she seemed to...tolerate him, to some extent.
After about a week of training with Sabine on and off, she beckoned Venor to a more secluded spot to talk. Apparently she wanted his help with a little something, just to pick up some supplies from what it sounded like. "Do I look like an errand boy to you?" Was his first response, however wound up doing it anyway when she answered yes, and he ought to go and do it if he wanted to keep training with her.
While waiting to rendezvous after picking up the package, his curiosity got the better of him. Checking out the box, he found quite a few potent fireworks within. Made with…draconium? What even is that?
Sabine caught him snooping red-handed, less than pleased with this - though Venor thought it was pretty cool and handed the box over, asking what Sabine had planned on doing with them. Naturally, setting them off was on the agenda.
Venor couldn't quite agree that the festival was 'dumb' or that they needed to create any further chaos - he was quite enjoying it as it is so far - but Sabine was very persuasive, and he would fall into aiding her with her plans yet again.
They waited for early evening to set them off - still early enough that people are still participating with the festivities, but late enough that the fireworks would really pop against the darkening sky.
It was all fun and games until one of the fireworks failed to shoot into the sky, and collided right into the stables, setting the place alight. By some miracle nobody was hurt and the fire was put out quickly, but boy was it frightening! Venor decided that next time someone proposes to play with explosives, perhaps he ought to think twice about it first. Sabine certainly seemed to enjoy the show, at least.
[I really wanted to make this during the festival, but alas, I am slow and hadn't a lot of time to do my usual doodles for a bit there 😅 Sabine doesn't play a huge role in Venor's life overall, I just thought it'd be fun to rp him meeting her for the first time ^w^]
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sinbinfamiliar · 1 year
Thank you SO much for responding to my ask! To find any fancontent for this fandom, especially for Gressil is few and far between lol. Im glad you mentioned the possibility of him having a bad home life in the past, because i actually have a few loose theories of what that may have involved given his personality. Definitely has something to do with getting that adrenaline rush and feeling of control that you mentioned. Do you have any other general hcs for him like habits or likes/dislikes?
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You literally have me bouncing off the bloody walls.
I do agree, the fandom is insanely quiet and small. The majority utterly loathe Gressil to his core, and the few people who like his character don’t typically wanna think about it in depth at all. So you my lovely anon, are so totally indulging in my specific level of interests at this point LOL
I’d love to hear your theories if you’d be oh so willing to tell me them! On or off anon at that, I’m always open to messages on tumblr ^w^ but whatever makes you comfy cause frankly I just wanna chat at this point. Especially cause we share a interest it seems!
As for general head-canons for likes and dislikes and habits and such? Hmmm… off the top of my head, I’ve always considered him a picky eater in a way. Or at least stubborn to some extent. And if anything he prefers colder foods then warm ones actually. Overly hot foods are a sensation he actually doesn’t enjoy.
Habit wise I 100% bet he has played the knife game on his own multiple times. The adrenaline rush it gives him has his brain shooting off fireworks.
And honestly I feel like he could have some form of ADHD or something along those lines. Needing constant activities that get progressively more and more adrenaline inducing and enjoying pain in such a way(or causing it) is pretty reminiscent of sensory seeking behaviors of the bad guys, and also seeking out the good mental vibes in the brain via dopamine. Which adrenaline does cause as well. Danger seeking behaviors fit pretty well. And it’s addicting as well. But also getting bored insanely easily is something that is a big ADHD thing. Also easily aggressive and having outbursts of emotions when you cannot regulate them well due to lack of dopamine or activity for the brain? Makes sense to me.
Outside of that I feel like he does in-fact like piercings and did most of them himself. Same with the tattoo I’d say.
Also I very much headcanon him as bisexual. I don’t think Ms freaky has ever confirmed his sexuality at all, and I honestly see him being a closet bisexual, leaning towards women mostly but not against men but less inclined. Toxic trait from home life perhaps to kinda be a bit homophobic even to himself and needing to constantly masculinize himself and being bi is against all of that? It’s fitting if you ask me. Though that’s purely silly headcanon stuff there with no solid ground for it lol
Oh gosh I could keep going surely if I keep thinking, but I think I shouldn’t type more! It’s already a small wall of text pft
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spices-and-cherries · 3 years
Before and After
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Request: hello i was wondering if you would do a one shot about reader and bond being in some sort of relation whether it be relationship or lovers it doesn’t really matter but you know how when bond gets close to someone he leaves because trust issues but instead reader leaves james because she’s similar to him they eventually cross paths and james talks them into coming back and then they solidify there relationship sorry i know that’s long, does that make sense though?
I am so sorry for taking forever on this request. I hope this makes up for it? I also changed it so the pronouns are gender-neutral. 
I did not reference race, gender, sexuality, or physical appearance. If I missed something, please let me know so I can change it!
Warnings: talk of death, slight angst, kinda hurt/comfort, dialogue heavy
“You left.”
“I did.”
“No one’s ever done that before.”
“No one’s left you before?”
“Not like that, no.”
“Not like what?” He doesn’t respond. “James, tell me. Not like what?”
“I usually leave first - either that or they die.”
“Did you think I was going to die?”
“I don’t know.”
“This is getting nowhere. I don’t have the energy to talk in circles.” He watches as you get up to leave, an uncomfortable feeling shoots through him. Panic?
“Wait -” Before he even fully realizes it, his hand is holding yours. preventing you from walking away. “I...”
“...Fine.” James decides he doesn’t want to know what about the expression on his face made you change your mind so quickly. You sit back down in front of him. 
“You know me. You know my past and about them. But it’s more than that because I know you. I can’t tell you why I felt you were going to die just like how you can’t tell me why you thought the same of me.” He’s hit something. He knows it by the way your jaw clenched just slightly and how you pulled your shoulders back. “Tell me I’m right. Tell me what made you think I was in danger.”
“You know the answer as well as I do.” 
“We can’t escape this life.”
“We were destined at birth to go out in a blaze of glory.”
“I don’t know about glory, but that’s the least I can really wish for, isn’t it?”
“And what’s the most?”
“You said it yourself, a blaze of glory. Who said we can’t go out together?” He knows that it’s very unlike him to say such a thing and the look on your face confirms that. But he decides that the look on your face is also worth it. 
“Will there be fireworks?”
“And a parade afterwards?”
“Probably not.”
“But there might be a speech on the telly and flowers on our graves.”
“How romantic.”
“I thought so.”
“I...” He watches as the amusement on your face drops. “I’m scared, James.” And in that moment, he’s in awe of you. After years of training to fight weakness and repressing emotions, here you are, eyes steadfast in holding his, as you bare the one thing you have been protecting close to your heart after so long. 
He doesn’t deserve it and probably never will. 
“I feel it too.”
“You do?”
Feelings are something he holds at arms length. 
But despite everything he has never been one to be unsure of what he wants.
“How can you know?”
And right now, all he wants is you.
“I know because the more I want you by my side, the more I want to keep you as far away from me as possible.”
“Because you are always reminded of the before.”
“Or maybe I’m just afraid of the after.”
“You really do feel it.”
“Of course I do.”
“Because I love you.”
“...You love me?”
“With everything I have.”
“You don’t have to say it back. I’ll be happy just knowing that you stayed.”
“I’ll stay forever, if you’ll have me.”
Too many pieces have fallen off of him over the years and he learned early on that nothing will ever fill the gaps, but in this moment, he feels the most put together he’s ever felt in a long time. 
I accidentally deleted a chunk out of this and it was painful. See y’all in the next one and I hope you enjoyed!
- Violet
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heli0s-writes · 3 years
Bucky Barnes with a whole ‘heart eyes muthafucker’ hoe phase for reader but reader’s lizard brain isn’t connecting the dots and instead is like “somebody come get your mans pls he has a really dumb puppy look on his face and i am concerned for his health”
A/N: 800 words of nonsense and 1 conversation about Cap’s erection. Crack. Spicy like a little red pepper flake.
Bag of Tricks one-shots
You’ve always had a sixth sense about things. When you were younger, your family and friends often thought it was an ability— but in truth, it’s just a mixture of careful perception, logical thinking, and educated guessing.  
A little Sherlock Holmes kind of talent. Except less cocaine and no Watson.  
Regardless, Tony calls it your reading.  
“Hey, mind-reader, tell me if Cap’s gotten laid in the past year or not?”
Steve shifts uncomfortably across the room, and that’s all you need.  
“He’s gotten it way more than you. Real wild stuff. The girls could barely take it, Tony.”
Steve flushes a shockingly bright crimson and hides his face in his palms.
“Shit!” Tony cries in disbelief, panicking before making his quick exit, hollering for Pepper down the hall.  
“Jesus.” Beneath your stretched-out legs, Bucky bounces his knee and tugs on his jacket spread over your shoulders. His other hand flips the pages of a book, forearm rubbing lightly on your thigh.
“That was just one time…” Steve mutters embarrassed, and you hide your knowing smirk. You didn’t have to read anyone’s mind to predict that in the last eight months Captain America has gotten laid at least once-- and considering his rabid fanbase, someone has got to be into something kinky.  
Truthfully, you think, Steve’s probably the kinky one. All that pent-up energy for the last 70 years has got to be... explosive. Under your gaze, he squirms and rearranges himself awkwardly.  
“Well, I gave you a gift: now Tony thinks you’re packin’ and you lay pipe. Use it for evil, Rogers.”
“Jesus, fuck,” Bucky groans again, “What did we say about your choice of words around others?” He snaps the book shut and slaps your chest with it.
Unbothered, you turn back to Steve, who is trying desperately to communicate to Bucky with his eyes— sharp jerking motions, probably code for the manual on how to shut you up. Nah. There ain’t one.
“Steve…tell me the truth,” You ask slowly, “It’s big, isn’t it?”
“Okay!” Bucky yells, pushing you off the couch, “That’s enough of that. I’m going shooting.”
Landing on your shoulder with a grunt, you brush away the rough sting of the carpet and catch the last second of his shadow before he’s gone from the room.
“What?” You call, projecting your voice and hoping he hears, “What’d I do? Buck!”
The scape of the chair legs signals Steve standing up, too. A shake of his head and he crosses his arms over his chest.
“You know,” he starts, “For all your insight, you’re pretty dense.”
There’s nothing in your head but sawdust and thoughts about his... measurements. You shake it out of your brain before it lingers too long. Steve points sharply down the hall to where Bucky’s shadow has slipped out of view and hearing-distance.  
“You know he likes you, right?”
Uh? Your brain is the mac loading wheel, just spinning. “Of course he does? We’re buddies?”
Steve cuffs you in the back of the head, “Get it together. Like is putting it lightly, too. Love is closer to the truth.”  
Then, he saunters off, shaking his head all the while, leaving you to gape down the hall like a fish. Bucky? In love? With you?  
Flashes explode in your brain like fireworks. His jacket over your shoulders—not the first time. Sitting underneath your legs— nearly tradition. Morning jogs even though he hates them. The banter—him, scolding your motor-mouth, you— never stopping. Circles he rubs on your knees— the laughter—damn it, so much laughter.
Bucky? In love? With you? It’s more likely than you think. And you just spent ten minutes talking about his best friend’s dick.
A gasp. A choke and a wail somewhere deep inside your chest and then you’re outta there.  
“Buck!” You scream, tearing down the hallway. “Buck! Bucky! I’m sorry! Bucky oh my god! I’m a fuck up!”  
You bang on the glass separating you from the cracks of his pistol and he turns slightly confused, one hand on the side of his earmuffs.
You must look a wreck, hair in disarray and panting hard, his jacket, half-on, half-off.  
Bucky raises an eyebrow, blinks at the way the front is sliding from your shoulder and puts the gun down.
“You’re so stupid.”  
An annoyed sigh before a sharp inhale takes its place. He peels his bomber off your back and throws it onto the floor. His mouth hasn’t left yours for anything other than to breathe.
His hands stop at the button of his jeans. The room is spinning— the entire world moving too fast in a feverish haze. Years of close-quartered friendship and the first intimate touch has jumped right into the deep end. You don’t even know when the two of you made way back into his room, but the door clicks shut with a kick from his foot.
“Hey, mind-reader, I got two questions for you.” Bucky calls impishly. “First, how big do you think I am?”
You gulp. Your legs feel like jelly— all the smart words in the entire world wiped completely from existence. The pause he takes is punishingly long and the grin he gives you nearly makes you faint.  
“Do you think you can take it?”
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lavynrose · 3 years
Artem and his S/O confessing at the same time pt. 2
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Title: Dedicated
Pairing/s: Artem Wing X Reader
Pronouns: Gender Neutral
Warning/s: grammatical errors
Notes: ok so!!! thank you so much for waiting <3 one thing i'd like to say is that i recommend reading part 1 before this bc it creates a build-up for the story's conclusion. There are some parts here that needed context from part 1. Enjoy!
part 1 here
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He couldn't ask for more.
The sunset spilled all around the theme park, the golden intricates of the the railings sparkled than ever before. The orange radiance of the solemn sun gives the park an even more golden glow.
Artem looked around, taking in the seemingly perfect view of what can be only described as serene. The laughter of groups of friends, families walking hand-in-hand, couples giving their significant other loving looks, people enjoying themselves left and right, the quaint smell of hotdogs and popcorn.
You spending your time with him.
The sunset made this picturesque scenery even more breathtaking, and he could come here everyday if only allowed.
Right now, right in this very moment, everything is glowing.
Especially you.
"That was really fun!" the enthusiasm in your voice never fails to make him feel the same. He loves seeing you have fun, without a care in the world. He admits, he also enjoyed getting splashed by water on the raft ride.
He unconsciously offered his arm to link with yours and when you took it as you gazed at him, he's more than satisfied.
You fit so perfectly in his arms, it feels as if you're the missing puzzle piece he never knew his being had. Even having dried after getting soaked from the raft, the warmth that your touch radiated fills his senses with comfort.
This moment of getting to spend time with the person he profoundly longed for was enough for him. Enough for now. You don't need to know his affections for now.
Does he really need to let you know?
His feelings?
It'll probably make your relationship awkward. He's not ready to risk the sweet smiles and playful looks you direct towards him just for his own selfishness.
It doesn't matter. He'll love you even if you won't, anyway.
He then stopped in his tracks, you followed suit. Not caring about the people around you. Lost in the little world the two of you shared. He looked down at your form, "Yes it was. I enjoyed it very much." because you're with me, he wanted to add but instead of saying those words, an amiable look in his cerulean eyes twinkled, and an adoring smile latched upon his features instead.
Almost as if he's telling you an unspoken confession.
His expression however, turned into mild surprise when he noticed how your gaze was filled with enchantment. With a soft glint in your lidded eyes, your brows are knitted together. You were silent.
It baffled him.
'Why are you looking at me like that?' Artem wanted to blurt out. His mouth opened to say something.
It was unclear to him as to why you looked like you were staring at his very soul.
'Why are you looking at me like,' he can't help but ask himself as he continued to scrutinize your tranced gaze, 'like you want to say the same words I desperately wanted to tell you?'
Are his feelings reciprocated?
You blinked and suddenly looked away, "Uhh, Artem, I-"
"Everyone! One more hour to go for the fireworks! Please look forward to it!" The both of you landed your eyes on the speaker, then on each other.
Artem cleared his throat, pulling the collar of his turtleneck, "You were saying?" he inquired, voice and features laced with curiosity.
You cleared your throat and pulled on your collar, mirroring him, "I..." you started as your eyes darted as if you were looking for excuses, then your orbs glinted with realization and faced Artem, "I just wanted to say that we should take pictures! This is a memorable night after all."
His eyes begin to scan the theme park and his gaze found a small photobooth just beside the merry-go-round.
"Good idea. We haven't had anything to commemorate today's fun." He brushed off your weird behavior earlier as you dragged him towards your destination.
There weren't too many people in the waiting line, there were multiple photobooths, plenty enough to not create a line of more than five costumers per booth.
As soon as it was your turn, you excitedly rummaged through the cute costumes the guests can wear in the photos.
"Look Artem," you snapped your fingers to get his attention, "This would look cute on you!" You squealed as you waved the headband with cat ears in front of his face.
This kind of trend has been circling around lately. No matter how much of a busy man Artem is, he still has seen some posts about this on the internet...
Catboy culture, wasn't it? He wondered.
"You should wear one, too." He suggested. He gingerly took the headband from you and after a few moments of hesitation, he finally gave in to the anticipation in your eyes.
Your eyes were practically sparkling taking in the sight of catboy Artem in the flesh.
"Oh my gosh." You breathed, gaping at him.
Artem blinked. "Is there something on my face?" He then turned to the mirror to check what's wrong, nothing seems to be out of the ordinary though.
"It's nothing!" You frantically waved your hand and gestured towards the camera, "Let's take a photo!" you grinned, wearing cat ears identical to Artem's.
You guys started the photoshoot with your hands making peace signs.
Ah, the classic.
The few shots after just consisted of you putting on different faces while Artem just wore different headbands each shot, with the same pose.
"You guys, please act cuter for the camera! " The photographer suddenly commented.
Isn't Y/N cute enough? Artem internally recoiled.
"Young man, put your arms around your date or something, or do a heart pose together! " Mr. Photographer added.
Artem looked back at you, his eyes meeting yours, both were wide with surprise.
He cleared his throat for what seemed like the nth time today and looked at you for approval, "Do you want to?" he asked as his hands formed half a heart.
Your cheeks lighted aflame as you raised your hand, forming half a heart to connect it with his, "I don't mind."
As your fingers touched, Artem cannot control the pink flushing his cheeks as he smiled at the camera.
The photographer continued to instruct the both of you with how you should pose. He deserves a raise for doing his job really well, Artem thinks.
After of what it seemed like endless snaps of sappy pictures, the two of you decided to print all of them.
"Now we have lots of souvenirs!" you scanned each one of the photos and Artem can't help but think how good you two look together.
He thanked the photographer for putting his all into the shoot, then you both headed for the exit.
"How was it, Artem?" You turned towards him with a profound smile.
You have lots of photos together now. He can already see himself wide awake at night, staring at your couple-like pictures.
It was more than okay.
"It was a fun experience. The cat ears aren't bad." He said as he recalled how astonished you looked when he wore the headband.
"We spent almost 20 minutes there..." You sighed as you looked at your watch.
Artem unconsciously checked his wrist watch as well, "There are 40 minutes left before the fireworks. Do you want to check out more rides before then?"
You surveyed the theme park to look for more booths, "Look at that, Artem." you pointed toward the large and loud crowd at the park's quadrangle.
"Perharps it's someone performing." Artem guessed, hearing the strums of a guitar from the speakers.
"Let's check it out!" Curious, you and Artem shuffled yourselves into the crowd. The faint singing voice grew more and more audible as you got closer to the center of the attraction.
You headed to the front for the best audience experience and the singer came into view, "Isn't that?" Artem's eyes were as wide as saucers when he recognized the person singing.
Funny how you weren't surprised, and he wondered why.
There at the center, sitting at a stool with a guitar in hand, singing with a gold microphone in front of him, was the new employee at the firm, William.
Artem frowned.
That's the guy. The guy who was getting too cozy with you, the guy causing the unpleasant pangs inside his chest.
The guy who was one of the reasons why he got the courage to ask you out on this date in the first place.
The feeling of delight earlier was now replaced by uneasiness.
"I didn't know he was a performer." Artem murmured, and he kept glancing at you.
When he saw that you were clapping your hands and a proud smile has decorated your lips - one that's not aimed him, a sudden bitter feeling overwhelmed his whole being.
You looked very happy, and he hung his head low.
He vividly remembered your smiling faces in the office yesterday, and how William seem to always hang around you.
Artem realized he wasn't special. The warm look that he witnessed from you earlier in the sunset, the look that made him think that you reciprocated his feelings, you probably do that to everyone.
He felt so stupid.
While everyone was watching William hit the notes and strum the strings, Artem was watching your every reactions, only for him to get hurt on the inside.
His heart hurts, the clenching feeling in his chest tightening with every cheer that you voiced.
He's glad it was you who were causing this pain, though.
The crowd boomed with claps and shouts as the last note finished the song, and Artem wasn't in the mood to join them.
"Aren't you going to greet him?" Artem's voice made you look up to him, his brows furrowed and he wasn't making eye contact.
You just brushed his behaviour off and said, "Nope. I wouldn't want to disturb him on this special day!" you felt giddy, knowing that you helped William to set this all up.
As soon as his first day in the office, which was around a month ago, he had overheard you and Kiki talking about the big opening of PAX's amusement park, and kept asking questions about the event. He then learned you were friends with the heir, Marius.
You've never seen a face as shocked as William's when he learned that.
He even made Kiki contact her insiders about the soon to be opened theme park.
Kiki asked why he was so curious, and he said he performs on gigs as a hobby, balancing it with his law career, and that he loves performing ever since he was a kid.
"Performing on the theme park's opening would definitely give me more opportunities!" He sounded so passionate that you can't help but support him.
He became bashful though, as he said, "Besides, I've been looking for an opportunity to surprise my girlfriend next month," you and Kiki beamed at him, "This would make her happy, as I made a new song that I specifically made as a gift for her birthday. I'll sing it on the opening if I'm allowed."
That's why ever since, you became close with William. Whenever you talk though, he almost always talk about her girlfriend.
"30 minutes remaining for the fireworks display!!!" The speakers announced.
You were excited for the fireworks, and an idea popped out of your mind.
"Artem," you called him out "Let's ride on the ferries wheel, that way we're up in the sky as the fireworks erupt," you dragged him to the ferris wheel's ticketing booth, "I heard that it takes 20-30 minutes for a capsule to be on top of the wheel, the time is perfect for us!"
"Can we be alone in the capsule?" Artem suddenly requested, his eyes filled with a look you can't fathom. He looked so vulnerable.
"Yes, that's actually normal. We can request that for the youngest senior attorney with 99% win rate!" You grinned and you expected him to send you one of his gentle smiles, but he just turned his head away, and looked at the distance.
You take a good look at him again once you got the tickets, he's still looking away, a solemn demeanor in his face.
You can't help but wonder what he's thinking. He's been acting a little weird, you thought.
Does he not want to hang out with you anymore?
"Artem, if you don't want to, you can tell me. I won't be mad." You eyed him with concern, "We can just sit on the bench or something." you suggested.
Just like that, his expression changed quickly, regret clouding his face, "Y/N," he sighed, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply that with my actions," he stared at you for a few seconds, then you noticed that light was back in his eyes, the fond smile you liksd seeing is back again, "The ferris wheel is perfect." He then grabbed yoir waist and guided you both to the capsule.
You grinned, "I requested a capsule for only the two of us!" you waved the tickets at him, he chuckled and grabbed it from you to give to the person managing the capsules.
The capsule was air-condition inside, with big windows to get a good view of the outside. You expected nothing from a device created by PAX.
Across from you, Artem sits, his mood is a little better now, but you can't help but notice the silent sadness his cerulean eyes hold still.
You don't like seeing him like this.
"Hey, Artem?" you half-whispered, not wanting to surprise him from his reverie.
His eyes met yours, "Yes?" he responded gently.
"You know you can trust me with your problems, right?" You started, you don't let his surprised expression distract you from what you want to say, "I will listen intently to your troubles, and we'll find a way to solve them together! " You declared with the brightest smile you could ever muster, "So please, share your burdens with me. I'll carry them with you." You finished with a toothy grin.
He blinked a few times before finally shaking his head with fondness, "Thank you, Y/N. I want you to know that you are special to me." His face is suddenly filled with so much endearment you quickly looked away, "Uhh, Of course!" your face flushed red and you raised your hide in an attempt to hide it.
Artem chuckled, the sound giving you a sense of comfort and security. You looked up to him again and saw his features get illuminated by the lights flickering in the theme park, his adoring eyes lingering on you.
Like yours was lingering on him.
You smiled at each other, letting the other feel that they're not alone in the battles they're facing.
What are you to each other, anyway? You pondered when you decided to avert your eyes away from him first.
As far as you can recall, friends don't do this kind of thing with each other. The staring, the blushing. Oh, especially the blushing.
You can't help but long for the possibility of having your feelings reciprocated, but oh boy were you afraid.
"Can I sit beside you?" His question brought you to your senses, and you happily obliged, "Of course! This capsule isn't shaky, we'll be okay being on the same side." You made space for him as you patted the empty space. There he sat, his scent enveloping your senses.
It was silent for the whole ride up, but you were comfortable with it. You were with the person you love, being with them is enough.
Your capsule was right on top when suddenly, a boom was heard and splashes of color was seen through the window.
"Artem!" you pointed at the big, colorful patch of explosion that's a little bit below the capsule you were in.
The ferries wheel was so high that you were higher than the fireworks!
The fireworks was on your side of the window, you can see the view to it's fullest glory.
"Whoa!" you exclaimed, your eyes astonished by the scene before you. Your hands flat against the window, when you suddenly felt a body pressed against your back, and a hot breath against your ear, "It's amazing" you heard Artem mutter, as his breaths fanned the hairs on your neck, before resting his chin on your shoulder.
You yelped, you forgot Artem was just beside you!
Your heart pounded against your ribcage when you realized that in order for Artem to see the fireworks, he needs to look at your side of the window.
Heck, your thighs were touching, and you can feel every ounce of heat that his muscular body radiated. He's practically caging you and this small, suffocating space of a capsule isn't helping!
Despite the unbelievable heat that your whole body is feeling right now, you badly wanted him to wrap his arms around you.
Something was pooling in your stomach, something weird. All you can think about right now is Artem kissing you against the window while you sit on his lap.
Warmth filled your already heated cheeks upon realization of what you just imagined, and you mentally slapped yourself. What were you thinking?
The smell of his vanilla cologne isn't helping!
Nobody has ever made you feel this way before. No other person has affected you like this. You think about the things that this man had done for you, he was selfless, hardworking, and most of all, kind.
Especially the smiles he had always shown you. Those smiles filled with comfort and fondness that makes you weak in the knees. Whenever you see that smile, you find yourself looking forward in seeing it again.
To you, Artem Wing was unobtainable.
Yet you wanted to make him yours.
"Artem!" you pointed below with an enthusiastic grin as the fireworks boomed and splashed the sky above the theme park.
His body scooted over to you without realizing, eyes widening with glee and he muttered, "It's amazing" Artem leaned towards you, placing his chin on your shoulder for him to get better view of the fireworks display below.
It's taking every ounce of his control to not face you towards him and claim your lips then and there.
What you said earlier only fueled his raging feelings for you. You were willing to carry his burdens with him? He never had someone say that to him before, and he was happy it's from you.
The evening is flawless. The two of you were alone, having you near him like this, your decleration of support earlier, and a beautiful scenery before him that he won't get to see everyday...
A perfect evening to pour his heart out to you.
He decided that if there was a best time to confess his love for you, that time would be now. He didn't care about your answer right now, he just wanted to let it all out before this passionate feelings can drive him to insanity.
These feelings were driving him crazy, he wanted to let you know how you make him happy, that he thinks about you eveey second of every day, that you ground him and his lonely heart.
He noticed you were silent and unmoving, so he decided to take the chance. He took a deep breath.
"I'm in l-" "Can I ki-"
You turned your body to face him, surprised. Your face only a few centimeters away from his. One wrong move and you'll kiss.
The both of you blinked.
"You... go first." you said, biting your lip.
He stared deep into your eyes, none of you dared to move from this intimate position, your breaths fanning each other's faces.
"Y/N, I," he rested his forehead against yours and breathed with the most vulnerable voice you've ever heard from him, "I'm in love with you..."
You gaped, but he didn't mind.
He closed his eyes for a few seconds, "It's okay if you don't feel the same. I..." he opened his eyes to give you a loving gaze "I will keep loving you anyway."
He looked so vulnerable right now, but it didn't scare him. If anything, he feels relief in finally voicing out the feelings he's hidden for so long.
"I was in a bad mood today because I think you were interested in William," you just blinked and he continued, "I mean, you always look happy when you're with him. It crushed my heart." He finished as he waited for your response.
He waited, and waited.
The silence that you were giving him didn't give him any clue to what you were thinking, it's unnerving.
After of what seemed like an eternity you finally let out, "He has a girlfriend, silly." you see Artem's eyes widened and you continued, "It's a long story, but I'm not interested in him. We're just friends."
You felt the heat creep up his face.
"So... what were you going to tell me?" He said hesitantly as he gulped, the embarrasment from earlier evident in his voice.
Your cheeks flushed pink as you darted your eyes, it was now your turn to get really embarassed, "Can I..." your face looks conflicted. That if you say whatever you wanted to say, It'd be the death of you.
You took a deep breath, Artem told you his feelings, so it's only fair you tell him yours, you told yourself and mustered the courage to look up to his ocean eyes, a vast ocean so blue, you could drown in them, "Can I kiss you, Artem?"
It took a moment before he could fully process your words. His brain short-circuit.
"What?" He blurted out as he scanned your face for any signs that maybe, you have made a mistake.
but you replied, "I want to kiss you Artem," you put your hands on his shoulder to steady yourself, "I'm in love with you too."
His body tingled with so much joy, you being in love with him was just a distant dream before.
Not willing to wait anymore, he licked his lips as he slowly dipped his head to meet your already parted mouth, welcoming him.
You may or may not have kissed the entire way down the ride.
Artem Wing is a dedicated man.
Now, he's willing to dedicate himself to you for the rest of his life.
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do not repost © lavynrose 08/16/21.
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Milk Cookie x reader (part 18)
Content: Fluff, adventure, gender neutral reader, SFW.
Plot: You’ve been turned into a cookie by a witch. Milk Cookie doesn’t know that you’re human, but he’s still trying to help you get back home! In this episode, Milk Cookie tries to stand against Lotus Dragon Cookie (PART 3 of this episode, where Milk Cookie starts to get hints of the truth)
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/304676013-milk-cookie-x-reader-by-my-side
<Part 17  Part 19>
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"No more pointless struggle..." The dragon said, tightening their lotus roots around Milk Cookie.
Milk Cookie didn't do much, he was trying to catch his breath... He could hear his friends calling for him in the distance, and he was starting to forget it was just an illusion.
"There... Now... just close your eyes...-"
The dragon was interrupted by a loud hissed whistling coming their way, and just as they turned...
They were stunned by a blinding flash of colorful sparks.
"Gah!-..." The dragon shielded their face as their mandolin shattered, and the roots around Milk Cookie loosened and dropped him to the ground.
Milk Cookie grunted and rubbed his head... He was slowly regaining his senses.
The dragon looked down upon their broken mandolin with wide eyes. "...What is the MEANING of this!?" The dragon glared my way.
I was standing at the entrance, shaking in my boots, but trying to glare back.
"Y/N-...?" Milk Cookie was finally getting up. "Y/N... You shouldn't be here!..."
"YOU..." The dragon was staring at me with furious, ravenous eyes. "The human chooses to come here and bring their vitality directly to me... How foolish of you..." They smiled as lotus flower roots rose behind them. "This time I will NOT let you escape my grasp!"
Well, too late... They called me human in front of him. No time to think about it though, I was in imminent danger.
I frantically tried to prepare another firework as fast as I could as the lotus roots darted towards me...
Milk Cookie's bright shield of light flashed as he threw himself in front of me to block the roots.
"You shall NOT hurt Y/N!..." He angrily declared.
"You... nuisance..." The dragon watched him with annoyance.
"Milk Cookie!" I called out. Milk Cookie didn't turn to look at me. I could see this time he was dead focused on the battle... But surely he was still listening. "Milk Cookie, I know the weakness of the dragon. It's the big glowing lotus flower they keep hidden behind the silk curtain!!"
The dragon froze and stared. "How do you-..."
"...Milk Cookie, cover me! I'll take care of it!" I lit another firework, and pointed it at the curtains, but as the rocket took off, a wall of water rose in front of us, where the rocket popped into an unimpressive cloud of smoke.
"Do not touch that flower." The dragon said, before making the wall of water charge at us as a deadly wave...
Milk Cookie turned around and rose his shield against the water, protecting us like an unmovable metal umbrella.
The water deflected by Milk Cookie's shield was flowing right over our heads, to our right and our left... Milk Cookie's arm was shaking a bit from the effort, but somehow he kept up the small dry space for us the whole way through.
I was already reloading, lighting up another firework, and ready to aim.
At the very end of the wave, as soon as Milk Cookie moved his shield out of the way... my rocket was already darting towards the glowing lotus flower like a shooting star...
"AGH!!-..." an explosion of colorful sparks, smoke and lotus petals forced the dragon (and everyone else) to fall to the ground...
...My ears were still ringing, yet Milk Cookie was already helping me to sit up, asking me if I was okay... I responded with a little nod.
He smiled in relief for a short moment, but then quickly frowned in the direction of the dragon, and stood up to hurry towards them. He stopped in front of the dragon, and just... stared down at them.
The Lotus Dragon was on their knees, and didn't even bother glancing at Milk Cookie. "...Well? What now?" They paused. "The Lotus Flower will grow back, eventually. Your 'victory' only means that I'll be unable to use my powers for a while... The only way to truly end my paradise is to slay me." They started picking up the broken pieces of their mandolin at their feet, a small calm smile on their lips... "But I know you will not slay me."
Milk Cookie was staring at them with a blank stare. "...No. I won't. I will prove you wrong. We will help cookies break free of your powers to find real happiness."
"What a sad and pathetic excuse... We both know it's simply because you don't have what it takes to end someone's life." The dragon said.
He frowned. "...Forgive me, but I don't believe anyone needs to be this way to be a hero."
The dragon chuckled calmly. "Then be a 'hero' and step out of my domain with no prize other than this cursed human..."
A shiver went down my spine. There it is again... said in front of him. Although he... barely reacted. He was just frowning and keeping his wary eyes on the dragon.
The dragon continued. "I admit my defeat, not that it matters... It's unfortunate that I don't have the strength to take this human from you now, though. Unfortunate for me, but also for everyone else, especially you. This human will bring you a lot of pain..."
"Enough." Milk Cookie said, unusually stern. "That, I will also prove you wrong." He put his hand on my shoulder, startling me a little. "Let's go, Y/N..."
We were staring at each other for a moment. He looked so trusting... despite everything... Even despite the dragon straight up saying I was a human?... Did he... Did he even understand what the dragon said? Did he not take it seriously?? He's either really that much of an airhead, or... or what, exactly?
I was really confused, by the battle, and especially by Milk Cookie's decisions, but, even though I had a burning need to shoot another firework at the dragon, I trusted Milk Cookie with my life and didn't want to disappoint him today, so I nodded and quickly followed him out of the dragon's throne room.
Ginseng Cookie, Bellflower Cookie, and even the guards had been spying on the battle at the door. Couldn't really blame those guards, if I saw a dragon using mystical powers to battle regular cookies, I too would have assumed they didn't need help. But what do you know? I guess Milk Cookie and I were stronger than we looked after all...
The other cookies were staring at us a little bit wide-eyed.
"Is... is the dragon letting them go?..." One guard asked.
"It... looks like it?..."
"Excuse me please, we have important business to attend to." Milk Cookie said, walking pass them. He was walking pretty fast... and he looked pretty serious, too. It was enough to make me feel a little uneasy.
Ginseng Cookie and Bellflower Cookie looked at each other, before trying to catch up with us. However... As soon as we were outside, breathing in the fresh air confirming that we indeed survived this... incident, Milk Cookie glanced over his shoulder to look at our friends.
"...Excuse me, my friends... I think I'd like to be alone with Y/N for a moment... please."
Alone, with me? It made me a little nervous, but... I also had a lot of things I wanted to tell him.
"Oh? Uh... of course!..." Bellflower Cookie gently led Ginseng Cookie away, walking hesitantly and watching us with an unsure frown.
I looked up at Milk Cookie. He seemed... anxious.
"...Milk Cookie, are you okay...?"
"...I'm alright." He smiled a little. A small smile, but a comforting one nonetheless. "Y/N... I cannot express how thankful I am that you came to fight by my side..."
I smiled a bit. "You shouldn't have left alone... I was really scared for you, Milk Cookie. I mean-... I know you're the sturdiest cookie there is, but... you know. I think I've made it clear before that I... I need you..."
He slowly turned pink. "Hah... I'm sorry I was a little reckless... I didn't want to put you at risk... But you know, I don't think you really need my help that much anymore!..."
I felt myself blushing. Was he saying I did a good job fighting? I hope he was... I thought what I did was pretty cool, too. Dare I say, I felt a little... proud of myself.
"Y/N... I have a silly question to ask you. It might sound a little strange..."
"Heh... Yeah? What is it?"
"Are you... a human?"
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jungwonenthusiast · 3 years
can i get 1 & 10 with sub!jake and dom!fem reader. any scenario is fine
A/N: I kind of adjusted 10 but I hope you still like it :) sorry for any typos
Warnings: unprotected sex, mutual masturbation
Word Count: 1.6 k
You shoot Jake a stern look as his hand creeps up your thigh. You were watching a movie with all of the boys in the living room. How the hell does Superbad turn him on, you think.
You elbow him in the side but he doesn’t stop and soon his fingers are up your shorts.
You flick his knee in hopes of him really getting the signal and he doesn’t. You can’t help but get a little worked up too with his hand so close to your heat.
You stand up abruptly. “I’ll be right back.” and of course he follows shortly after.
You close his bedroom door. “What did I tell you about doing that? They all could’ve seen.”
“It was dark though.” he whines, looking a little bashful.
You roll your eyes. “You can’t keep doing that Jaeyun-ah.”
“But I’m a teenage boy,” he defends himself.
“Not an excuse.”
“And you’re so pretty.”
“True, but not an excuse.” you say and he giggles.
“Can you relieve me now?” he jokes.
“Maybe if you beg.” you say and he drops onto one knee.
“Please my queen, relieve me of my horniness!” he bellows and you burst out laughing. “Fuck off,” you laugh and he grabs at your hands.
“I beg of my ornate highness to let me make thou orgasm.”
“I hate you.”You lean down to give him a kiss and you feel him smile. The kiss deepens a bit as you hold his cheek in your hand.
“Get on the bed.” you nod towards it and he eagerly follows your directions.
He scooches his back to the headboard and you straddle him. His hands immediately find your hips.
You kiss him and open your mouth a bit and he pushes his tongue against yours. You run a hand through his hair and tug it back, exposing his neck. He whines and it sends tingles straight to your core.
Your lips attack to his neck and you suck and nibble on his skin, making sure he has hickies to cover up after this.
He bucks his hips up a bit into yours and you smile.
“Patience darling.” you say while pulling the collar of his shirt down, revealing sharp and dainty collarbones. You kiss them gently while pushing your other hand up his shirt. He tugs it off without question.
Your fingers trace his shoulders, chest, and waist before leaning down to kiss every inch of skin you could get to. He was so beautiful and you wanted to show him how much you thought so.
You tug pants off leaving him just in his boxers.
“Touch yourself.” you tell him and his eyes widen. You’ve never told him to do that before.
“O-okay,” he stutters a bit before trailing his hand to this hard on. You place your hand on top of his, guiding him to palm himself.
You pull his Calvin’s down, revealing his length. Who knew a cock could be so pretty.
He starts to stroke himself but you stop him and let spit drop from your mouth onto his tip.
“So fucking hot.” he says under his breath.
Your own hand travels down into your shorts and he watches you in awe as you slowly play with yourself.
You adjust yourself into a comfortable spot facing him on the bed. You spread your legs and pull your shorts to the side to reveal that you aren’t wearing underwear. He practically moans just from seeing your pussy.
You collect your slick before slowly pushing one finger into yourself. You whimper.
“I’m so wet,” you whisper and push another finger. “I wish it was your cock inside of me.”
He squirms a little, trying to stop himself from pouncing and fucking you.
“Do you want a taste?” you ask and he nods vigorously.
You smile and pull your fingers out. You get close to him and hold his throat. His mouth is already open and you slip your fingers in. He whines.
You pull your fingers out and kiss him passionately, tasting yourself on his tongue.
“How bad do you want this pussy?” you ask him.
“So bad,” he exhales. “I’ve never wanted anyone to fuck me this badly.”
“I don’t think you deserve it though, you’ve been teasing me all day.” you nibble at his ear.
“I’m sorry,” his breath hitches. He’s still stroking himself. “I won’t do it again.”
“You say that every time sweetheart and you never keep your promise, that means you need to be punished.” you tug his hair again and he winces.
You replace his hand on his cock. “I’m gonna edge you until you’re begging okay?”
You see his eyes widen and you smile. “Don’t worry, it’ll be fun.”
You line him up with your entrance and slowly sink down. His head falls back as he moans.
“Fuck,” you exhale as he stretches you out.
He nuzzles into your neck and holds you tight as you bounce on him.
“You feel so good,” he says and bites your neck, trying to hold in a moan.
You squeeze around him and he whimpers.
“Let me hear you sweetheart.” you coax him.
“They’ll hear me.” he says.
You smirk. “What if I want them to.”
“So naughty.” he smiles and you kiss him.
He pulls away to kiss your chest. He whimpers as you grind on his cock.
“Oh my god,” he whispers and grips your hips tight. You can feel him twitching inside of you.
“Already close?” you tease and he nods against you. You pick his chin up. “Look at me when I talk to you.”
He blushes. “Sorry.”
You kiss him and slip your tongue into his mouth. He tastes like candy.
Your rocking becomes more desperate as you feel the heat building up in your stomach.
He holds your hips tight and guides you against him.
His breathing starts to become labored and you pull off of him.
He whines and throws his head back. “Why?”
“It’s what you deserve isn’t it?”
He pulls at your waist. “I’m sorry, I’ll be good I promise.”
You look into his eyes. He’s so gorgeous and so hard to deny, so you roll your eyes and sink back down onto him.
“Fuck yes,” he whispers.
As much as you don’t want you, pull off of him again.
“I’m gonna pass out if you keep doing this.” he says and you chuckle.
You slowly stroke him and he hisses. Nearly every touch sends him over the edge.
“Are you ready to beg yet?” you nip at his ear and he shakes his head. “I’m really gonna have to drag it out of you huh.”
He smirks and you lower your head to get him in your mouth.
You taste your juices on him and you moan.
He groans and caresses your hair. You look up at him and the face he’s making is indescribable in the best way.
You deepthroat him and he whimpers. Your eyes start to water and you pull away.
He kisses you hard as you line yourself up with him again.
He looks so fucked out and desperate, it’s adorable.
Right when you sink down on him he holds your waist and begins to thrust up into you. You wrap your arms around his shoulders and let out a loud moan. The pleasure overwhelms you but you soon come back to your senses.
You stop him and squeeze around his throat. “Who said you could take control?”
He lets out a pretty noise. “I need you.”
“Really?” you ask, cock warming him.
“Yes,” he says. “Please? I want it so bad.”
You kiss his jaw and begin bouncing up and down on his cock.
He hisses. “Please don’t stop.”
“I can pull off anytime I want.” you tease and he looks up at you.
“Please don’t, I need to cum.” he says. His face is pink and flushed.
“Do you really?” you ask.
“Yes,” he whispers. “Please make me cum.”
You kiss him. “Cum for me then, be a good boy.”
His head drops back and his mouth parts a little bit as he cums inside of you. It’s the best thing you’ve ever seen.
He whimpers as you continue to ride him, chasing your own high. He bites his lip trying not to cry out from the over stimulation, but he distracts himself by kissing your chest. He reaches down to circle your clit as you rock back and forth on his cock.
You grip onto his shoulders as fireworks go off deep in your stomach.
You rest your forehead against his and he smiles.
“You’re so pretty.” he says and you chuckle.
“Your cum is in me right now.” you deadpan.
He laughs. “You look prettiest with my cum inside of you.”
You both cackle.
Jake pulls some clothes on and tries to sneak out to get you a towel.
One you’re done cleaning up and changing you hear a knock on the door.
“What.” Jake answers and the door cracks open.
Sunghoon peaks his head in. “I hate you both.”
You stare at him, confused.
“Thanks for letting me know that Jake's bottom.” he grumbles and shuts the door.
You turn to Jake with wide eyes. He’s stifling a laugh.
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bumbleklee · 3 years
compulsion (kaeya x reader)
masterlist | 1k prompt masterlist | discord server
★ this is a vent piece because its supposed to rain all day tomorrow which means we cant shoot off fireworks or have a bonfire anymore and i am very upset and cant stop doing laps around my house lol <3
★ content warning: reader is mentally ill (manic and depressive episodes, hypervigilance, anxiety, obsessions, compulsions, etc)
When something goes wrong in a normal person’s life, they shrug their shoulders and move on. When something goes wrong in your life, you start to fixate on everything going wrong in your life. You can’t speak right, constantly forcing a laugh and making a joke about how the cat has your tongue, and you find yourself curling your fingers around your stupid bangs and wondering why the hell you cut them (even though you liked them earlier that day). And when you try to sleep off your feelings all you can do is lie in bed and wonder if you were being too manic with your friends that day. And then the fucking tree outside your window keeps hitting the glass and you regret not cutting the branch weeks ago. 
When Kaeya was around, he helped you come to your senses. All he needed to do was cup your face and tell you to take a deep breathe and you mind blanked. The only image in your mind was the beautiful man in front of you. And then your eyes drifted to his cape which was folded weirdly and now you could only think about the fold and it really wasn’t your place to worry about someone else’s folded cape but it was right there. 
But he didn’t mind. Kaeya said he appreciated your attentiveness to keep him neat and when you were around, there was never a hair on his head out of place. He laughed when he tried to hold your hand and you always flipped them. He didn’t know that the feeling of his hand linked with yours instead of yours linked with his made you want to throw up. 
The same feeling returned when Kaeya kissed you for the first time. You loved him so dearly and were waiting for the day he kissed you so why did you feel so sick when he did. You kept kissing Kaeya over and over to try and wash that feeling away. 
Kaeya didn’t mind you and your unusual ways. He never invaded your space but knew when to calm you. If he saw your hands clenching, Kaeya would hold them before you got a chance to wrap them up in your hair. If he saw you fidgeting with a blanket, trying to get it perfectly even on both sides, Kaeya would stand up and help you. If you began to overthink and throw yourself into a state of panic, Kaeya would hold you until your legs stopped shaking. 
He listened to you talk, too. Some days you talked and talked and talked. Kaeya was never angry with you when you repeated the same story to him four times in one day or asked the same question over and over again because you just couldn’t remember if you said it already. 
Kaeya even noticed your actions before you did. He pointed out how you tapped your thumbs together when you were anxious. He never questioned your strange behavior in sorting through your sock drawer too often or not being able to multitask on things every other person could. 
Kaeya made the wrong things in your life seem bearable. 
Except when he didn’t. 
If Kaeya woke up in a foul mood, giving you an accidental attitude, you would be sent into a spiral for the entire week. Once you wanted to rearrange the bedroom to make it up to him but you couldn’t finish what you started and he was only even more irritated when he came home to your bedroom in disarray. 
He started staying at work later and you could only wonder what you did wrong. Sometimes you sat at the kitchen table and moved a fork over the placemat until you felt the burning sensation in your chest reside only for it to light back up when your chair scraped across the floor too roughly. 
He didn’t get it. He didn’t get it and no one did. 
He didn’t understand that if you didn’t tilt your head to the left every morning your neck would ache all day and the reason your desk was a mess was because you put everything there on purpose because if you organized your papers, you wouldn’t be able to find anything. 
When Kaeya wasn’t around, when Kaeya was avoiding you, you ripped your hair out and your hands shook more than usual. Like always, you had gotten too attached to him too quickly and now you were suffering like you always did.  
You weren’t good enough for Kaeya. Things in your life were too wrong for Kaeya. So you didn’t know why he came back.
When it rained on your birthday and you couldn’t light sparklers anymore, you broke. You had such an amazing day but now you couldn’t light the fucking sparklers and everything was wrong. You couldn’t breathe and all you could think about was how horrible your outfit was and how your eyeliner was going to smudge if you started crying (and you started crying). It was embarrassing but you couldn’t help it. 
Yet, Kaeya was there. Like he had so many times in the past, he cupped your cheeks and told you he was sorry for taking a break, sorry for leaving when you were too vulnerable to be on your own. He knew what to say to make you feel okay and knew what to avoid that would send you into a frenzy. 
Deep down, you knew his words only made things better for now. The next time you ran out of your favorite cereal or couldn’t find a shirt you wanted to wear, you would tear yourself apart again. But Kaeya was here with you and no matter how irrational and unreasonable your mind was telling you things were, Kaeya was there to ground you. 
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ktheist · 4 years
2prettybestfrens | jjk
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muses. jeon jeongguk x reader x park jimin ft. kim taehyung
genre. strangers to lovers!au. university!au. 
words. 18.2k
drabbles. pjm
warnings. mentions of physical insecurities, alcohol use, juul use, mention of adoption, mentions of dysfunctional families, handcuffs - lots of handcuffs, jeongguk crossdressing, too many one-sided pinings lmao 
synopsis. you’re in love with kim taehyung who’s in love with jennie kim who’s in love with professor kim namjoon. so park jimin doesn’t exactly fit in all of this, yet he’s always been there in your weakest moments which may or may not be caused by your heartbreak boy - or so jeongguk likes to call him.
oh and jeongguk? you don’t even know jeongguk until that party-gone-awry night where you end up handcuffed together to ponder on what you did.
when you uploaded a snapchat of your darkened room and a single teary-eyed emoji because kim taehyung uploaded one where a beautiful girl was covering her mouth while she giggled, jimin snapped back a ‘why r u awake 😬’ to which you snapped the same darkened room with a slightly different angle and a ‘just cause’. his last snap to you contained a ‘cool wanna call?’ before you dialed him up and ended up talking until 5 in the morning before bidding each other-
“well, good night then,” you’d muttered.
“g’morning,” he’d wished you back in a soft mumble and a hint of sleepiness taking over.
that happened on a friday night. on monday and for the rest of the week, you merely greeted each other in the hallway and went on your days without the inclusion of the other.
when you sat by yourself on the bench on the sidewalk of campus, under the shade of a great old tree a few feet away from your department after being left high and dry when kim taehyung’s friends asked him if he’s joining them to get mcdonald’s which he’d in turn asked if you wanted to tag along and you said you were good only because you never did well in groupies - park jimin sat down next to you, head thrown back as he squinted at the gaps of the leaves where the tiniest of sun rays managed to pass through and dot his face. blonde tresses swaying ever so softly when the wind blew past you.
“so how was finance?” he looked like he was asking the waving branches.
“eh, it was fine, professor kim’s a good teacher,” you shrugged, the sight of jennie suavely smiling and said professor shooting glances at her made you mentally vomit.
“man,” he blew a gust of air from his mouth as he ran a hand through his semi-long tresses, “were we in the same class? because all i remember was dozing off five minutes into class.”
“that’s why you should sit at the front,” you’d suggested.
it was then, did he push himself off the ground and stood up, black and white jacket pushed back as he slipped his hands into the pocket of his jeans. eyes narrowing while his tongue protruded against the inside of his cheek before he went, “you hungry?”
“starving,” you rolled your eyes before collecting your mac and holding it to your chest, bag slung over your shoulders.
the both of you didn’t go to mcdonald’s but the food tasted just as good that day at the cafe in your faculty.
when kim taehyung asked jennie if she was free friday night and the girl turned to you with an endearingly oblivious, “do we have any plans on friday?” and taehyung awkwardly but not so hesitantly corrected, “um, i mean, just you jennie,” the air, without a doubt turned tangibly tense and awkward.
“oh,” jennie’s brows knitted together as she stared at him, as though trying to spot the caption on his forehead as to why he invited only her when everyone knew you and jennie never go anywhere without the other if you didn’t have any prior engagements, “well, ___ and me are going to hang out together so yeah, i’m not free.”
you weren’t sure if she was dumb or playing dumb but you’d found out later that night, that she’d been irritated with kim taehyung’s non-considerate advancements which she’d recently noticed seemed to exclude you ‘i hate people who make plans in front of someone and not invite them’ was her exact word before she followed up with a ‘blockedt’.
but backtrack to when the tension seemed to rise higher than the sky, you were saved by jimin when he came mini-jogging towards you with that adorable boyish smile and crescent eyes, “hey, i was looking for you - you wanna walk to accounting together?”
you’d waved jennie and taehyung goodbye and gladly walked with jimin to class.
and so it goes, with kim taehyung’s eyes lighting like fireworks in the midnight sky when he sees jennie and the girl itching to make a beeline to the opposite side of where he comes from and you shooting her ‘be nice’ looks whilst park jimin pops up now and then in the most convenient time until ‘us’ no longer comprise of you and jennie but also taehyung and jimin.
so much so, some of your casual friends come to you asking for either of the boys when they seem to have something to inform them which you’re not sure why isn’t informable through text. but either way, you’ve become two best friends with additional friends.
maybe said additional friends happen to fall in the top list of cuties in the girls and gays’ books but besides kim taehyung, if you looked, like really really looked at park jimin, you concurred, perhaps he does have the right to be in said list with his unblemished, smooth skin, perfect pink lips and pretty sparkly eyes.
“what?” his lips do the thing where they curl, revealing a pair of perfectly lined white pearls.
“nothing,” you say as you find yourself third-wheeling in taehyung’s bmw with jimin at the back and the first commenting something about his older sister liking to shop at zara as well when jennie asked you if you were free tomorrow to go to the mall near campus.
“i mean i can go with you girls, i have a two-hour gap between classes,” the boy offers.
“oh,” the first laugh trickles out of your mouth without a stop switch, “you’re so cute.”
you can hear jennie snickering in the passenger seat as you turn away from the angle where taehyung could see you in the rear-view mirror, only to come face to face with jimin who seems to get your humor.
“it’s not a big deal,” taehyung shrugs, a tinge of pride in his voice.
“my man,” jimin pats said man on his shoulder, “you don’t know jack shit about women.”
“what?” the older boy asks, perplexed and quite honestly irritated for some reason - but then again, he never seems to like jimin’s quick-to-catch-on nature when it comes to any girls-related topics.
“two hours is not enough to shop, taehyung,” jennie finally decodes the long standing cipher, “we can barely explore one shop.”
by the end of her words, you’re is full out snickering like an unattractive hyena, “i thought you have a sister?”
“i do,” there’s a tinge of confusion in his tone, “she usually goes shopping with her boyfriend.”
“well, how long did it take them to go shopping?” she quizzes, sharing an amused look with jimin.
“uh,” it’s then, do you hear the sound of the screws in taehyung’s brain twisting, “she usually stays over whenever they do.”
“well, whatever you think they did after they went shopping - it’s probably not it,” jimin snickers, shoulderline jolting as he crosses his arms over his chest.
“so cute,” jennie echoes your earlier words, neck craning to look at the two other passengers in the back seat as she gives you a one-eyebrow-lifted look as if to say ‘this is the guy you’re crushing on?’
at that, you shrug, unapologetically mouthing ‘he’s cute’ - in a much different and adoring sense than the first time which jennie must’ve gotten when she shakes her head, a hopeless smile on her lips as she turns to the road again.
you were on your way to the movies then.
“oh my god,” jennie squeals, eyes skimming your specifically-handpicked-by-jennie-kim attire, “you look so cute!”
“only because i agreed to be your live mannequin,” you say rolling your eyes but the curl of a smile on your lips is unstoppable.
“no - because i know what kind of style suits you,” she narrows her eyes in a ‘you know i’m right’ kind of manner, “no offense, your usual style is cute too but it’s more like an... ‘i have a crush, don’t talk to me’ kind of look, you know?”
“am i wrong though?” your eyebrows rise, mimicking her ‘you know i’m right’ look.
she raises a hand, her free one scrolling through her phone as she announces, “i don’t recommend crushing on airheaded guys but you do you sis,” then she looks up, staring at you straight in the eye with the most deadpanned expression, “but if he breaks your heart, i’ll break his leg,” it’s a full, solid moment later, just as you were about to burst out laughing, does she say, “literally.”
and it’s times like these that you fear for another person’s life that isn’t yours - well, taehyung’s life isn’t just anyone’s but - as she turns back to her phone ever so casually.
but before you can fret any further, your phone vibrates, the words ‘chim’ flashing across your screen with a ‘get yo asses down’ and contrasting ‘ur chauffer awaits’ popping a second later.
“get your ass up. they’re here,” you end up saying, pushing your phone into the back pocket of your leather pants that jennie manages to convince you to put on for some unknown reason - that reason going along the lines of ‘kim taehyung’ and ‘jealousy’, but you’re not one to dwell on why one do things they do as you accept jennie’s grabby-motioned hands in request for assistance to be pulled up.
it turns out the shopping plan gets pushed to saturday where taehyung is basically spouting out how he’s a good judge for fashion and that he hasn’t gone to the mall since the semester started which to be fair, was only a month ago. 
you’re not sure how jimin ended up tagging along - the two aren’t even the bestest buddies - but someway, somehow, he always manages to get taehyung to pick him up and drop him off whenever the taller man makes plans to go out with you and jennie.
“wow,” jimin is the first to notice, mouth taking on an ‘o’ shape he basically ogles in plain daylight.
“what do you think?” jennie comes up behind you, chin resting on your shoulder as she wraps her arms around your waist then she turns to taehyung who was the last to get out of the car, “doesn’t ___ look pretty, taehyung?”
at the sound of his name rolling off the tongue of the girl he’s been pining for since he laid eyes on her, his gaze lights up - but only to meet jennie’s. one look at you and he turns back to her with the most beautiful smile, “yeah, she looks great - did you help choose the top?”
“actually,” the girl begins with a cheery tone - they’re walking a few steps behind you whilst you and jimin walk together. it’s been like that for as long as you remember, “i picked out the whole fit. it wasn’t easy though because...”
kim jennie walking side-by-side with kim taehyung whilst you with jimin whenever the two boys join you, be it whether to get to a class you all share, to go to the library to study or to get some lunch - has become a familiar view to your mutual friends. so much so, you’ve heard of a rumor going around that you’re a couple of best friends.
like literal couples. you with jimin and jennie with taehyung. thanks to that, no one would have suspected jennie’s relationship with professor kim nor would anyone see through the veil of friendly smiles and amicable conversations to be you pining over your best friend’s alleged boyfriend.
you’ve gotten used to hearing jennie and taehyung’s conversation fade into the background yet never really able to disregard the way taehyung laughs at something your best friend says or the sight of the two walking a few feet ahead with taehyung’s head almost always turned to jennie’s and the girl, oblivious, occasionally cranes her neck to look at him at the beginning of her sentence before directing her gaze to the front where she’s walking.
jennie dislikes taehyung less now, if only because he steers the conversation towards the areas of interest - which he seems to know a lot of. kudos to you for answering his ass-crack o’clock texts of ‘heyyy what kind of movie does jennie like?’s and ‘heyy you girls got any plans tomorrow?’s.
“you look great in those leather pants, by the way,” jimin’s voice makes you turn to the other boy, a boyish smile on his lips, “so let me guess,” his head tilts to the side as the dip between his thumb and index finger hooks itself underneath his chin, eyebrows knitted together in heavy contemplation, “are you going for a good girl gone bad kind of look,” a playful smile tugs on the corners of his lips, “or are you in a secret biker gang and have a biker meeting at 7?”
you lean closer to the man, hand covering your mouth as you whisper, “you didn’t hear this from me but we’re convoying to disney land. i heard it’s more magical during christmas.” 
or so you thought your whispering skills were close to perfect but a cat with brown hair pops up from next to you, eyes glinting with excitement, “did someone say christmas?!”
so you end up early-christmas shopping just because of that one word that triggers the warm-hearted-who-ness in her. and that’s how you, taehyung and jimin gets dragged from one store to another. but where your attention gets robbed with material things like-
“oh look, a snow globe with a puppy and a snowman in it!” you shake the see through globe, watching as pseudo snowflakes rain over the unmoving pupper and olaf lookalike before you sigh, “technically the snowman isn’t alive and the doggo is alone by itself in a world where nobody else can enter - and on christmas at that . oh my god, i think i’m gonna cry.”
- but jennie’s interest lies within the holiday-themed clothes. sweaters. costumers. lingerie. you name it and jennie kim tries it on.
“___ - pssst, hey,” there she goes, hiss-whispering your name as if you’re not right in front of the curtain she’s poking her head through, eyes darting around for the two boys who, last you saw, were doing the best to look interested in reindeers and candy printed sweaters.
“what, girl, what?” you whisper back, trying to peek through the gap of the curtain over her head as if you’ve never entered a changing room together.
and as if reading your mind, her bare arm that’s supposed to be wrapped with the floral cotton material of her sleeve - shoots out, hand wrapping around your wrist.
a “wha- ah-!” probably echoed off the walls and turned some heads but you’re no longer in the position to check as you find your back pressed against the wall of the cubicle and red and white lace-wearing jennie posing for you.
“so?” she beams.
“those are so cute, oh my god,” you end up his-whispering whilst trying to keep your voice low, “where did you get them? i only ever saw you checking out - and you have got to admit this - ugly sweaters!”
“girl, the lingerie section is just next to the sweaters,” her eyes seem to disappear behind her crescents as she crinkles her nose, “no but for real, you think i was gonna buy them? i just needed the boys to go away. and. they. finally. did,” she rolls her eyes, “it took awhile but kim taehyung is so persistent.”
“that’s why he’s so... cute,” you hum, eyes shutting close as the picture of the aforementioned man flashes behind your eyes. he’s looking at you with those dark eyes and he’s smiling at you with that magnetic-
“gross! get your ass out of the gutter,” a squeal hits the air as your eyes flutter open to the sight of your best friend’s contorted faces as if-
“um, girl,” you tilt your head just the slightest bit, hand on your hip while your other hand raises in a ‘hold up’ manner, “out of the two of us, you’re the one that’s gotta stop being silly and start wrapping professor kim’s willy.”
a stick of tongue out is all you’ve got as a response before she turns to her phone that’s vibrating at an alarming rate.
that’s when you feign almost-vomit, “did you - ulgh - sent him a - ulgh - nude?”
in any ordinary circumstance, she would have made faces to mimic a much ridiculous series of vomiting in response to your fake almost-vomits but when her smile tugs downwards in a disheartened pout, you practically drop all the ugly sweaters you picked out just for the sake of getting into the christmas spirit and rush over to the girl - which is only one and a half feet away.
“hey, hey, what’s wrong?” you coo as she starts blinking back tears.
“i knew it,” she huffs out a puff of air, hand fanning at her waterline, “i fucking knew it.”
in between the ‘you’re okay’s and ‘everything’s going to be okay’s on your part and jennie’s increasingly growing sobs, you manage to make out the words she blurts out. something along the lines of ‘not spending as much time as we used to’ and ‘because i’m ugly as fuck’. so you hold her tighter, fingers brushing out the potentially forming knots in her hair each time it gets into her tear stained face and gets aggressively pushed out of said face with the back of the hand. 
it’s been going on since the start of the third year - the ‘i can’t make it tonight’s and ‘sorry, i’m going to have to rain check’s. 
you’ve been a silent spectator of how your best friend’s face lights up whenever she talks about her secret affair with the youngest professor in the business faculty, how he lives up to her private swooning with the smallest ‘miss kim, how was your day’s when he met her in the hallway, ever so casually greeting one of his supposed students like any professor would and treats her to fine-dinings and became the reason why forehead kisses are her favorite kind of kiss now.
he never really tried to hide his fondness for her even at the faculty and though you knew your best friend could get anyone she wanted, you were dubious of whether that anyone actually deserved such a loving, beautiful person. nonetheless, kim namjoon seems to be the exact person who does.
“hey, look at me,” you implore, sitting cross-legged on the floor whilst your knees touch and your fingers twine together in a fingers hug, or so jennie coined the term in your first year, “you’re so beautiful.”
“you don’t mean that,” she mumbles out.
“girl, if i were to be born again and were allowed to choose how i’m going to look - i want your eyes, they like, pull people in - not gonna lie, i started talking to you because you were intimidating but also really alluring. does that make sense?” you hold up a hand when she begins to giggle lightly, head shaking in show of her disagreement.
“but when i did get to know you, you’re the sweetest, squishiest,” a protest falls from her lips as she clasps a palm over the spot on her arm that you just pinched, “person alive. and oh!” you pinch her cheeks next, chuckling at how she crinkles her nose and like the feline she’s always been associated with, “and i want your cute chubs cheeks! and your adorable nose, and your lips,” you pause for the longest moment before retracting, “okay maybe i’d want my lips but your lips are juicy too!”
she makes a sound at the back of her throat, eyes of dried tears rolling, “please, i barely have any lips.”
“i mean, they’re still kissable,” you shoot her a suggestive look, “and i know out of the two of us, one would kiss you if she’s a little bit more fruity.”
“okay, maybe you think i’m kinda pretty,” she gives in.
but that’s not enough for you,“bih, you’re a literal goddess,”
“i’m not but anyway beauty is subjective so maybe namjoon’s perspective’s changed.”
“nope - nu-uh, we can cry and just... let ourselves feel the emotion that’s been bottling up and burst at one single message but what we’re not gonna do is mope around, being sad all day because of our presumptions that someone else thinks we’re not good enough or pretty enough. because you are and i would die for you.”
she hiccups, “i don’t know if i would die for you but i’d sacrifice my first born for you.”
“ew,” you feel your nose crinkling, “no, you’re not gonna trap me with a kid - that’s a trap right there and i’m not falling for it.”
jennie ends up laughing too loudly that one of the store attendants end up kicking you out. jimin and taehyung followed suit a second later, acting like they didn’t know you two but walking towards you anyway. you’re not sure if they noticed jennie’s swollen eyes but neither mentioned anything about it. instead, taehyung suggests- “since we’re already out, you guys wanna go to chanyeol’s party?”
so you end up going to the party. the apartment’s too cramped for your liking but jennie’s found some mutual friends of yours that she’s dancing and laughing with. and maybe that’s why you haven’t bolted right out of the door the moment you stepped in.
jimin found some of his own friends. they’re probably not from the faculty since you don’t remember seeing them around and taehyung-
you’re not quite sure why taehyung is following you around like a lost puppy and trying to make small talks with you. internally, your heart’s doing flips but your head’s been giving out one of those obnoxiously loud sirens with lights as red as the cup you’re holding.
“...and you know, it’s pretty cool how they managed to attract foreign investors within six months of starting up their business,” taehyung is saying, the awkward shrug and eyes glued to the ground telling you that he’s not so into whatever he’s saying either.
“yeah, like, they definitely got lucky or something,” you nod in agreement.
funny how the blare of the music is barely allowing you to have a proper conversation but all you hear is deafening silence as you stand five feet apart - the kind of distance that screams acquaintances but less than friends and most definitely not lovers.
but then he stands on his two feet instead of leaning his weight on just one - and he looks at you right in the eye for the first time that night. and your stupid heart goes fluttering like the petals in a field.
“hey, i don’t wanna be a nosy or anything but,” he pauses for the briefest second, eyes slanting to somewhere on the dance floor where you think you last saw jennie and then he refocuses back to you. but you already know where his mind and soul remains, “what happened today? like, jennie’s acting off, like something’s bothering her and she’s kinda drinking more than she should and it kinda feels like she doesn’t want me around.”
it takes a moment to ponder on how much you should say before your words become affirmation and affirmation will probably lead to more assumptions and - “well, you should ask her.”
“uh, i- she doesn’t- i don’t know how - i don’t wanna annoy her, you know what i mean? and since you’re best friends, i thought maybe you’d-” he’s scratching the back of his head when you cut him off.
“there’s your answer,” you raise the half-empty cup that’s been lying undrunken in your hands, “if you’re not gonna square up and tell her how you feel, then you, my friend,” your stomach drops at the word but you manage to land a solid pat on his arm, “are going to live the rest of your live like this - wondering what the hell is going on because you’re really not sure where you stand. and i get it, confessing to someone is terrifying and depending on jennie’s answer, you might or might not be able to talk to her ever again but it’s better to get it out there. feelings are like farts, you know?” the way his brows come together in a confused what-the-hell moment, is adorable, “hold it in and you’ll feel like something’s not right and it is never going to be until you get all of it out of your system.” and with a nod and a tight-lipped smile, you leave him with a “good luck,” before wandering over to the dance floor, not sure where you’re going because jennie, lisa chaeyoung and jisoo’s not where you thought they were and the only less crowded but still suffocating part of the apartment is the kitchen where you don’t want to risk going back and seeing taehyung there, unmoving in the spot where you left him.
amid all of it, you almost get your shoulder dislocated before a hand shoots out and pulls you back on your two feet whilst you raise your cup higher in hopes to save its contents from spilling.
the man that caught you looks between you and your raised cup for two solid seconds before a grin tugs on his face and he clicks his own cup to yours, “cheers.”
“aha, yeah,” you laugh as you feel his grip on your arm loosening and you pull it back to your side like a robot, taking a sip of your nicely saved drink.
“thanks for not letting me fall,” you say a moment later, after thanking whatever deity is out there that allows you to get your first drink into the right pipe without feeling the need to cough out loud.
“no problem,” even in the poor lighting, you can easily catch the sight of pearly whites lined up perfectly amid an alluring smile, that is, before a pair of brows knit together in what seem like an unresolvable conundrum, “hey, you don’t happen to...” he pauses for the longest moment, eyes slanting to scan the crowd and making you do the same until he commands your attention back with his next words, lips curling back into the breathtakingly attractive smile as words tumble past them, “...see two pretty best friends in here, do you?”
and that’s when your interest, wherever it is, plunges straight down to the ground and into the ether, “oh,” your vision shakes as you nod repeatedly before forcing out a dry “ha ha” which isn’t meant to disguise your displeasure at all - if anything, a wave of satisfaction crashes over you when his smile falters, “yeah, that - that’s really funny,” you say plainly, smile still plastered on your face.
“o-kay,” he drags out the word for half a second, teeth clenched together in growing panic as all traces of humor fade away, “...joke too old?”
“well, let’s see,” you feel your index finger tapping your chin as you throw your gaze up to the ceiling, “i get it, tell the ugly best friend she’s ugly but in a joking way,” you shrug, “you don’t need to rub it in my face cause i know and yes it’s getting old.”
it takes a whole solid moment of blaring music and non-caring half-way-drunken college students continuing to grind against one another and this insanely attractive stranger staring at you with jaws on the ground, for you to wave a dismissive hand.
“you know what? don’t worry, jennie’s not here, thankfully or she would’ve blo-” air fills your throat and cuts you off when he frowns, “who?”, to which you raise your eyebrows, “je-” you almost choked, “jennie?”
he shakes his head the second time, bottom lip jutting out in an additional- “nope” gesture as he continues with “never heard of her,” after your “jennie... kim?”
so you go one, “kinda cute height, long hair, brunette-” he shrugs, “nope- doesn’t ring a bell,” in the middle of your, “-fierce cat-like eyes but adorable as heck personality?”
in the end he wins with a final word of, “no - nope,” after a whole solid moment of your silenced disbelieve and him drawing his pondering session to a close.
“oh,” escapes your lips before you can even register, “so - it was- like-”
“yeap,” he nods, “it was-”
“a joke?”
“a joke.”
you both announce at the same time. the tones may differ but the essence is there, leaving one to stare at the ground in shame for having snapped at a complete stranger and the other staring with unapologetic eyes.
“i’m sorry,” you finally manage to utter, shoulderline falling with your walls of pride, “i thought it was one of those micro aggressive jokes people throw around just because they can’t straight out tell someone they’re ugly-”
but the words seem to enter through one ear and go out the other when his brows begin to knit together for the nth time of the night - and in a matter of less than thirty minutes at that - when he declares before you get to properly end your sentence, “you’re pretty as hell. why did you think i’d randomly try to crack a joke to a stranger and risk pissing pants off on the off chance she took it badly... which you did. i’m sorry for pushing the wrong button.”
“oh,” but just like him, your brain short-circuits and you seem to only truly hear the first part of what he’s saying as just like any girl - you curse yourself as you - shy away from his gaze, hand going up to tuck your hair behind your ear before you slowly peek up through your lashes, “thanks,” you blink once, shrugging, “and it’s fine i get that joke a lot - i don’t usually care, i don’t know what got into me tonight.” 
but before he manages to say anything, the loudspeaker starts reverberating with the sound of someone clearing their throat and a “how’s everyone doing?” and a dismissive “alright, alright you might be wondering ‘who the eff is this guy’ right? yea, yea, i know, but-” he stops, eyes scanning the crowd for a suspenseful effect, “-but you’re gonna wanna hear this,” to which a groan erupts from the crowd, so he quickly gets to the point “don’t panic,” most of the time, that’s exactly when you should panic, “so, the police are coming.”
his name is jeon jeongguk and he goes to your university’s rival university. his hair is actually a shade of rich deep brown that forms wavy ends and contrasts glaringly against his sharp jawline under the fluorescent lighting which also highlights his pearly whites that remind you of bunnies when his lips curl over them when he smiles.
to think that he’s doing that now while the police officer, a man in his 40′s and on the shorter side of the spectrum is ten steps from marching up to you with a disapproving gaze on his face.
his hair falls over his face in half ringlets, an excited glint in his eyes, “he’s mad cause we’re clean.”
a guy somewhere a few people away from you is sobbing increasingly loudly with every step the officer takes before he comes to a stop in front of you, eyes skimming each faces one by one until he stops on you.
“you,” he announces before sighing deeply, “you look like a kid who wouldn’t cause trouble, why are you here?”
“uh,” the chain around your wrist feels cold but jeongguk’s pinky that’s touching yours as your thighs brush together - is warm, “i...” you pause, in search for words before settling with a disappointing confession “i don’t know,”
the officer echoes your statement with a critical emphasize on the ‘don’t’.
and because of that, you blink once, “in fact, does anyone know what they’re doing at all? if you think about it we’re just astronomical particles in this vast universe which is called the milky way,” you pause, if only squint at his sparse mustache, “why is it even called milky way? like, there’s absolutely no scientific evidence that milk exists in outer space or do you reckon the guys that named it just feels like drinking some milk while they were-”
by the end of it, a few snickers have escaped from the people you and jeongguk were caught with, the aforementioned man, having turned his head the other way as his shoulders jolt silently and it’s only then does the officer’s increasing confused expression contorts into that of a maddened bore, “keep hanging out with him and you’re gonna find yourself behind bars.”
“that hurts my feelings, detective yoo,” jeongguk confesses, forehead creasing as his uncuffed hand holds the spot on his chest where his heart should be.
the man finally shakes his head, motioning to a younger officer who looks just about your age to start unlocking everyone’s cuffs - there were a few other people you’ve never seen before dragged out of the vicinity and to the station. he speaks a moment later, “you kids are lucky because none of you are associated with the ones down the hallway - we were initially going for them. busted their asses and found over a hundred kilograms of cocaine.”
once your cuffs are off and you get your phone back, you’re fast-scrolling through the messages on the notification window before swiping up and searching for jennie’s contact. it turns out she, taehyung and jimin guessed you were one of the few who didn’t make it and waited for you near the building where the party was busted.
“oh my god,” jennie is the first to dash into your arms as if she hadn’t seen you since forever, “i’m so sorry i left you!”
“well to be fair, i left you,” you mumble, your arms banded around her waist while hers around your neck.
and just when you thought the melodrama would end when she pulls away, you find yourself staring at sparkly-eyed jennie and the most heartbreaking downturned lips, “i will never,” she pauses, “ever let you out of my sight.”
you’re exactly against that idea - after all, you’ve made plans to buy a beach house and move in together in your olden days once you’ve poiso- burried your husbands who died of a totally natural cause.
it’s only after breaking apart from a second hug, do you realize the man standing not-so-awkwardly five feet away.
“don’t mind me,” jeongguk holds up his hands, “i don’t watch much drama but i might after all this.”
“jeongguk,” you can’t help the smile that creeps up your face at his joke, “this is jennie,” then you turn to the girl who still has her arm around your waist, and you her, “jennie, jeongguk.”
“have i seen you before?” her cat-like eyes narrows just the slightest bit, as though if she tried hard enough, she’d see the pieces of moving memories that’ll somehow point out where she claims to have met him - but you don’t doubt it if they have, jennie gets invited to a lot of parties and hookups.
you should’ve known when jeongguk’s eyes sweep over you with a playful glint in them as he begins, “that’s funny because ____ here-” that from this point forward, that you shouldn’t have put your foot forward and prance at him like a predator with a secret, hand clasped against a surprisingly hard chest before your brain can register what you’re doing.
and when it does, you’re left to awkwardly pat his chest in what you hope to be friendly gesture whilst you force out a laugh, “that- that was really funny jeongguk,” you turn to jennie who, having known you all your life easily catches onto your out-of-character laugh but says nothing, so you point at the guy you’re basically and is still groping - to which you’ve finally tear your hand off his body, “he’s a funny guy.”
“and who exactly is this funny guy?” taehyung comes up on your left - you think you catch sight of his sleek bmw parked on the other side of the street where he must’ve strutted up from in his beige jacket with his hands buried in its pockets.
“just...” you trail off before your brain completely fries and you blurt out, “some guy.”
and that’s when jeongguk decides to call you out, “some guy? i helped you through a life lesson.”
you attribute the alcohol in your system that’s slowing down the neurons and disables you from thinking before you act when you roll your eyes, “in case you didn’t realize, you were in there laughing your ass off when i had to have my own back while that officer looked like he was a word away from dragging me to the police station for talking back to a law enforcement.”
“you talked back to an officer?” jennie chirps, her jaw falling to the ground as her cat eyes widen in excitement and astonishment.
“she did,” jeongguk nods at the girl, a displaced proud smile on his lips before he looks back to you, “brought out the boomer in him too.”
“you pissed off an officer?” this time, it’s jimin who pops up from behind taehyung, before casually nodding to jeongguk with a “hey man.”
“i mean, it was probably ___’s sheer guts and rebellious streak alone that helped free us,” jeongguk goes on, eyes glinting with amusement in the briefest moment they slant to meet yours but they’re gone too soon as he redirects your attention to jimin and jennie’s overpouring questions.
and because jennie wanted to hear more about how jeongguk embellished what went down, taehyung ends up agreeing to give the stranger a ride as you get squished between two men with jennie constantly pulling on the strap of the seatbelt to look over to the backseat, her mouth constantly dropping with every word jeongguk utters like he’s some well-known storyteller.
by the time the car rolls to a stop in front of his apartment building, jennie’s shooting you approving, borderline provocative looks your way - you don’t doubt that if she had any power in her hand to put both you and jeongguk in the same room, lock the door and swallow the key, she would in a heartbeat.
“hey,” jeongguk leans over the doorframe, “can i talk to you for a sec?” it’s the way he tilts his head to the side on a 35 degree angle, paired with that dangerous smile he’s been shooting you in the briefest span of moments jennie’s head is turned to the road and jimin’s gave is thrown outside of the window and taehyung isn’t stealing glances from the rear-view mirror - that makes you want to shake your head in rejection to his request and prance out of the car like a predator in heat at the same time.
but instead, you calmly slide over to the side now vacant side and slip out of the car, closing the door behind you so no ears can eavesdrop.
the scent of his cologne wafts stronger into your senses now that you have no police officers to be cautious of nor any embellished stories to correct.
that, or maybe it’s the way he’s got you trapped against the car door and his body, right arm placed perfectly on the roof of the car, next to your head.
“bout time you give me your @, no?” the corner of his lips tilts higher into a cocky smirk.
“um, yea,” you begin, “i think it’s better if we leave into the night like strangers with stories, you know? and if we’re meant to find each other, we will,” you swear on your grandmother’s grave that you will never go to any parties anymore, “makes a good plot for a drama,” eyes going wide and mouth taking on an ‘o’ shape, you continue, “didn’t you say you were gonna start watching those?”
 his shoulderline shakes as he chuckles, head dropped it tilts up, eyes capturing yours, “i’m not falling for that,” his announcement is plain and simple and yet you’re forced to put twice the effort in your smile as to not let it falter, “after getting my chest groped and caressed, i deserve at least-”
“it was a friendly pat, mind you,” you correct, smile still glued to your face before rolling your eyes, “but snapchat is as far as i’m willing to go.”
“works for me,” the screen of his phone flashes with a dark mode keypad splayed over it - you’re not sure how he unlocked it without taking those glinted eyes off you but he did. so you swipe the phone off his hand and send yourself a request through his account.
“i’m gonna open your snap and leave you on read!” you announce, and he laughs, “alright, bet!”
and with that, he waves at you using the same phone he told you to put your number in, taking a few steps backward, allowing you room to breathe properly again before he whirls on his heels and walks through the glass double doors.
you don’t wait any longer than you have to, shivering from the cold night air when you slip into the car.
“did you give him your number?!” jennie practically screams.
“no but i gave my snapchat only because he looked like he wouldn’t sleep a wink at night if i didn’t,” you shrug.
and that’s how kim jennie gets it into her head that you’re going to get your first-boyfriend-cherry popped. or so she likes to believe.
but that’s the least of your concern for the greater one comes in a devil with black jeans and matching plain t-shirt and timberlands and a lit up screen at exactly three something in the am, right after you’re done with a hot shower and in a middle of towel drying your hair and putting on your night routine skincare.
you open the text revealing a night view of a cityscape from a window which room is surrounded by darkness and a transparent horizontal strip with a ‘❄️ ’ in the middle from a goldenjks.
so you snap a picture of your skincare products next to a mirror with you and a towel on your head, face blocked by your hand that’s holding your phone, choosing  to send ‘🍜’.
and so it goes, the snap war that erupts between you and user goldenjks throughout the night which, after you’d gotten into bed with the lights off, basically includes snaps of your darkened room and his more superior window view.
before long, you started texting on snapchat about how the police officer seems to know him and how-
u were p chill for someone who got arrested for the 1st time
you’re giggling in the darkness at 5:23 am.
cs ik i didn’t do anything wrong
and he mentions something about a sobbing kid that was made to wait with you and nobody really did anything to comfort him.
that coulda been u if i wasn’t there probably
you roll your eyes but you can feel your muscles becoming sore from the way your lips are stretching from ear to ear.
then it starts with how taehyung didn’t saying anything throughout the ride up until the car rolled to a stop in front of jeongguk’s place.
r u guys using him for his car???
cs same 
i would 2
we’re not 😭😭
and without much thought, you end up spilling a not-so-secret but not-so-well-known truth.
he’s using me to get close to jennie so
ig i should use him for his car
so let me guess
u can’t say no to him  cs u have the biggest crush on him
“what the hell?” you mumble to yourself, smile pulled down into a frown, but before you can type out a reply, two more pop up on his side.
and jimin head over heels for u
🧢 🧢 🧢
u funny 😂😂😂
fr fr tho 😔😔😔
i would b too
all of a sudden, a boy with the softest blonde hair and crescent eye smiles floods your throughts. you and jimin might have been casual friends for the longest time and only until recently started hanging out together - and he may or may not hold confidential information about the littlest details of the lack of smile on your face and the blank snaps in your stories whenever you’re down.
but to say he’s reacting such way because he’s into you would be a total scam.
so you shake your head, laughing out loud, “nah can’t be.”
alright imma 😴😴😴
to which jeongguk tests back a gnight and after one whole solid minute, a text u tmr?
you leave him on read.
“like, who does he think he is?” you huff, burying the plastic spoon into the ice cream before scooping up a chunk of neapolitan flavored goodness and directing it into your mouth, “he literally met us just last night and he’s spouting shit like he knows us for years?”
“i don’t know,” jennie humps, tongue darting out to lick the remnants of strawberry ice cream on her upper lips before she goes on with a smile that screams ‘just get together already’, “it’s kinda hot to me when guys know shits, you know what i mean?”
you’ve managed to avoid jimin and taehyung at all costs and sneak to the ice cream parlor that’s five minutes away from campus where you spilled your guts out about how you got unreasonably irritated by the long running joke, about how jeongguk’s hand wrapped around your wrist and he pulled you out of the way of the chaotic college students who were rushing to get out of the small, cramped apartment and how you stopped him from relaying your disbelief of his lack of knowledge about her.
“like, i flipped out at him because of some stupid joke,” you shrugged, hands fiddling with each other while a coat of smoke wafted over the newly scooped and paid-for ice cream.
your name rolled off her lips before she stared at you with her hands on hear heart, “i- i didn’t know you would go so far as fight a guy for me for calling me ugly,” then she laughed, “but you don’t have to. girl, we been knew i’m ugly as fuck.”
your jaw hit the ground at the word she used to describe herself before you blinked and came back to your senses and aggressive defenses, “oh my god, i’m the ugly one and you’re the literal goddess - like, i shouldn’t even be looking at you. i should be looking at your sole. you should be stepping on me - step on me! now!”
a yelp resonated into the air as you groped around for jenni’s left leg in an attempt to lift her foot to make her step on you to which you both ended up laughing hysterically after realizing that she was wearing a skirt and the way you were sitting may or may have not resulted in an array of possible outcomes.
“oh my god, do you think she saw my panties?” she meant the woman in her late 40′s who were shooting disapproving eyes at the both of you as she scrolled through her phone, seeming to be waiting for someone before placing an order.
“you just flashed a poor old woman who came to have some ice cream,” you were hunched over, hand covering your face as you stole glances her way which didn’t hold long because you ended up giggling with the girl when you caught each other’s eyes.
“you think she likes what she sees?” jennie’s brows rose suggestively and you knew what she was going to say next before the words even leave her mouth, “you think maybe i should tell her about my onlyfans?”
it was a few bursts of giggles later, that you’d finally managed to talk properly. or probably because jennie’s question brought out an unwelcomed emotion that you pushed to the back of your conscience last night and for the most part, managed to forget, “so,” her brows were wiggling like earthworms on her forehead, “did he text you?”
that was what spurred the whole confession and up to the moment where you spilled the contents of the unfairly attractive stranger’s text.
“i don’t know, he kinda went overboard,” you shrug and jennie’s hand reaches over yours, patting it once with what you assume is an understanding manner.
“sweetie, i get it,” she announces, “you feel exposed because he said the absolute truth and only the truth and now you’re projecting your embarrassment on him through disdain.”
silence follows her statement.
and staring.
on your part, that is.
“girl,” you blink once, eyebrows arched, “whatever you’re having - i want some.”
that warrants a bout of giggles from said girl before she scoops her last bite of ice cream and hook arms with you as you walk towards the trashcan to dump your empty paper bowls, “no but for real, i like jeongguk-”
“then you date him,” you announce, nodding in approval.
“i like how he brings this... this... fire out of you, you know?” she quizzes to which you shake your head in a ‘no, i don’t know’ kind of manner as she goes on, “and i already have namjoon so,” she sing songs as she starts to skip in the middle of the mall and since your arms are linked together, you end up taking larger steps to accommodate to hers before deciding that you can’t root your feet down to slow her down into a normal pace. so you join her, skipping to the exit where you wait for your uber.
“you guys made up?” the question comes out in a calm, poised manner once you’ve both slipped into the backseat of the uber - you’d like to believe you’re doing a pretty good job on trying to conceal your spiking disbelief and the need to whoop someone’s ass. that someone being a girl who just pledged an oath to choose herself first instead of some man who-
“i texted him and told him how i felt with him cancelling on our plans and when i didn’t get any reply, i turned off my phone and got into bed because i’m not gonna mope over someone who won’t appreciate me,” at that, you give her an approving nod, “but then he came knocking on my door at like 5 in the morning in yesterday’s suit because apparently he has a deadline to meet and he’s been bending over backward trying to finish it on time and he brought his laptop with him too and managed to submit on time after explaining everything. he said he tried calling multiple times but obviously it went to voice mail so... yeah we made up.”
“that’s...” you trail off, only to stare at your friend’s beaming face like she’s just had one of the best facials on earth, “wow, i... i don’t know what to say now that we know he’s not trash.”
“i know,” you feel her pat the back of your hand sympathetically, “and that’s what a man is,” and when she looks at you with eyes that have one goal in her mind, you know not to start listening because the facts are going to bruise your pride and hit the nail on the head more times than you’d-
“liking a boy has more downs than ups but i’m not too worried because you’re a self-loving bitch and i love that for you but kim taehyung is not it,” she says all that with a straight face.
“yeah,” you mumble, thumbs fiddling together as you turn your attention to them as if it’s the most magnifying thing in the world to find out that identical parts of your body could move on their own with just a thought.
“okay, but i swear, he’s so oblivious all the time-” the girl stops short of her lament, you can see her head tilting to peer at you at a slightly different angle as if to see traces of an impostor on you, “wait, what?”
“we got into a fight last night- i don’t know if it’s even a fight but you know how i go off in a tangent when i get like annoyed, right?” you steal a glance at her for half a second before going back to your thumbs, “so i kind of did that to him before the dude announced the cops were coming and we haven’t really talked to each other since then.”
before any of you could say anything else, the sound of a cough echoes in the air, warranting your attention to turn to the driver, a woman in her mid-thirties. you return her smile through the rear-view mirror, “if you don’t mind me saying this - i know you girls are smart as fuck, but you sound just as dumb as that guy - whoever he is because it’s completely normal to get mad at someone you’re crushing on and still have a crush on them but sounds to me like you’re thinking one fight is the end of the world for you.”
“sis, please, don’t encourage her,” jennie talk-whispers as she leans forward just the slightest bit and covers the side of her mouth with her hand.
“well, we’re not really friends,” you begin and jennie groans - you two went over this and agreed to disagree with each other’s wildly contrasting views about crushing on crushes that could crush you but the lady hasn’t heard it so you’re not going to stop lamenting over it, “and whatever i do, it’s like i’m teetering on a tight rope because one wrong move and he probably won’t talk to me ever again and i’m not like miserably crushing on him - like, whatever we are right now - it lets me see him every day and he has the cutest smile and the prettiest fingers- i just - it’s better than not talking to each other forever, you feel?”
“um, don’t i?” she rolls her eyes, as if coming from a place filled with oblivious boys and hopeless crushes.
her name is solar and she does uber as a part time while working 9 to 5 at a firm that she claims to pay better but still not enough for her to save up for her wedding on the side and she and her fiance knew each other since high school but she’s seen him date two girls and get his heartbroken by both before he actually noticed her, the friend that’s always been there for him through his heartbreaks.
coming from someone who isn’t jennie and her alarming obsession with breaking parts of bodies of people who hurt her loved ones, solar’s view is somewhat a mixture of you and your best friend’s which still bases on one simple fact: whatever you say to and about taehyung comes bouncing back at you like a ping pong ball because-
“you have a crush on him and he has a crush on jennie,” she surmises before looking over at the aforementioned girl, “and people with crushes act like idiots- by the way how do you feel- like how do you handle the guy’s advancements and still aren’t awkward with each other because i have never seen...”
when the car rolls to a stop in the parking lot of your faculty, she finally turns to the two of you, her bleached blonde hair framing her face in waves as the silence - on you and jennie’s part as you both share glances at the indicative joke opening - hangs in the air with a sort of tension you can feel.
might even bite back like you did with jeongguk but you’re more in control now.
 “...two pretty best friends who are still best friends when there’s a guy that comes between them.”
“oh thank god,” jennie sighs, laughing and you’re nodding in agreement, “thanks for not-” and your best friend echoes, “yeah,” before you can even finish your sentence, “-saying that cliche joke or like for giving your own twist to it,” waving a dismissive hand, you address her initial worries, “and taehyung doesn’t-”
“he doesn’t-” jennie chimes in.
“-come between us.”
you both say at the same time. 
“oh my god, that’s great, you know my best friend tried sleeping with my fiance behind my back once,” solar crinkles her nose, “wasn’t a good experience but anywho, i’m so glad to see two girls having each other’s back like you guys. makes me want to...”
it’s a few moments later that you finally hand her the money and murmur out appreciations for being such a great uber driver along with some ‘give me five stars! thanks!’ and ‘we will! have a nice one!’
you both part ways in the hallway when you’re supposed to go for marketing and she has to go for personnel management. jimin’s already reserved a seat for you, waving at you to catch your attention which he succeeds splendidly. by the start of the second year, you’ve opted to sit together in classes you have in common, though not as close as the front as you’d like, it’s better than sitting at the back where you can hear the buzz of flies - you mean people, talking.
“are you doing anything this friday night?” jimin asks amidst people zooming out of the class as if they don’t want to be there for longer than a minute after being dismissed.
that, or they have another class to get to on the other side of the campus.
“uh, just me or me and jennie ‘you’?” you dumbly question.
that warrants a chuckle from the boy, “you and jennie... unless you wanna come alone?”
a hum vibrates in your chest as you narrow your eyes at him, as though if you looked close enough, you can see through his skull and right into his thoughts. 
but you can’t so that’s why you’re spouting out another question, “where exactly are you inviting us again?”
“so, like, you know i dance right?” he drops his gaze for the briefest moment before coming back up to lock it with yours, “it’s very lowkey - just something i do for fun, but we kind of have a dance off with other teams every month and this month’s round is this friday night so i was wondering if you wanna come?” then he quickly adds, “with jennie, of course.”
to be frank your weekends are as boring and dull as it gets - the party-busted incident was a rare exception - but you and jennie are quite content with it. you start having more to do and places to venture out to when taehyung and subsequently jimin join your group of two and made it a group of four but for the most part, if you’re not going anywhere, your weekend is usually spent with watching movies and burying yourself in work for the rest of it.
“bet,” your reply might have come a tad bit delayed judging from how his brows rise to the ceiling and his eyes go round as he chirps, “really?” 
“yeah, just text me or jennie the location the day before,” you request as you both walk down the hallway.
“great- yeah, i’ll... i’ll text you the place,” jimin beams even as he bumps into someone behind him, turning around to lower his head and mumble out an oh sorry before turning back to you, “i got another class but i’ll text you- on thursday - not today, of course.”
and you wave back, shouting out an ‘okay bye!’
then he’s gone like the wind.
the days pass by like a breeze.
kim taehyung caught you in the middle of waiting for jennie’s class to end whilst also finishing up some work in the library. he knew your favorite spot and he knew where you’d usually be - but you had an inkling that you weren’t exactly the reason why he memorized these little things. he waved at you in greeting and you waved back. you would’ve pretended he didn’t exist after that and go back to your laptop if he didn’t hold up his phone screen with blank white space and blue and grey bubbles on the side.
so of course you picked up your phone, noticing that there were already three wiggling dots when you tapped on his name.
kth: hey
you met his gaze once, as if to affirm that he meant to send it. when he shota half, almost pleading smile, you typed out a reply.
you: hey what’s good
kth: nothing
kth: just waiting for a friend
seeing as there was not really a conversation going on where jennie wasn’t involved and how the boy’s blatant dismissal in addressing the big, giant elephant in the room, taehyung must’ve had seen the way your lips pursed into an irritated pout before his phone vibrated.
you: cool
and then you were back to your laptop, typing sentences out and backspacing because of its incoherent nature, or lack of quality or whatever reason that stopped you from doing your job before kim taehyung’s arrival.
then he started whispering “hey, uh, ____,” from across the table. upper body leaned to the front as if it’d help enunciate his words.
you took your sweet time taking out your airpods from each individual ear and placing them down next to your mac before finally arching a brow at the boy, “what?”
“hey,” he repeated, this time with a frozen mid-wave, “hi, how you doing?”
“great thanks,” there was a minimal effort on your part to disguise your ‘what even?’ expression on your face as you picked up your right airpod first - only to be stopped by the boy’s-
“i’m sorry.”
it’s clean and short but his face made up for conveying his genuinity.
“why are you saying sorry?” it didn’t mean you were going to let him off the hook easy.
“well, because...” he trailed off for the briefest moment but the unconcealable bop of his adam’s apple isn’t really helping him appear any more convincing, “i was being pushy...” he looked to you for an indication of him being on the right track to which you were not sure if he did get any but he still went on with his wits and his will - it took you everything not to gush over how cute he looks with his panic-blinking and pretty lips moving as if to say something but no words coming out, “...and i was generally being an annoying little shit.”
“and?” you pressed on, blinking once as if to paint a look of unbotheredness.
“...and...” he echoes, eyes darting from your phone to somewhere behind you and then something next to it but only silence fills the space between you and him.
“alright, i’m gonna be real with you,” leaning back, you cross your arms over your chest, “i know you talk to me when you need something and i don’t really care - well i do, but i just bottle it up until it one day burst out, you know what i’m saying? so yea, if you’re wondering if that night was me blowing up on you, it kinda was and it wasn’t because you were making small talks with me just to  poke into my best friend’s business - well, it kinda is but like not in that way, you follow? what i mean is.. don’t let me catch you sneaking behind jennie’s back asking personal shits about her that you don’t think she’s going to disclose even if you straight up ask her - that’s sus, taehyung.”
by the end of it, he was staring at you like you had two horns and a tail swaying around behind you. but you concur, that may or may have not been your inner self coming to light - just a hypocrite criticizing someone for doing the things she would have done, if she wasn’t already doing it, if she was in his shoes.
and to be quite frank, taehyung’s shoe size is probably a few inches bigger than yours but if they had laces, you would’ve been able to put them on and tied them up to accommodate your ego.
so taehyung didn’t - couldn’t say anything in response to your second time going off into a tangent and because of what he did, at that. he stopped texting you altogether and only talked to jennie whenever you weren’t around and left before you got to them if he saw you coming his way - jennie’s actually. 
either way, jennie wasn’t as elated as you thought she’d be once you told her that you called taehyung out on his bullshit.
“um, i’ve always wanted to tell him about me and namjoon so he’d give up - you were the one who didn’t let me,” she might or might not have said something along the lines of you making her “lead him on all because you wanted to an eye candy to look at every day.”
“what do you mean?” your forehead was creasing a thousand folds.
“not that i’m pointing fingers,” she went on, eyes glued to the pairs of indoor shoes in the corner of the room and anywhere but your eyes, “but i’m like, cool with or without him around but you sort of said ‘okay, then it’s cool if he comes with us right?’ and you were making puppy eyes and i couldn’t no to that-”
and so you were laughing dryly, “aha- wha- what so it’s my fault that he’s being a total wuss and won’t square up?”
“i didn’t say that,” jennie’s reply came a heartbeat later which meant yes, it was.
so now you’re not talking to your best friend and neither are you talking to the boy who’s crushing on her. which leaves you a lot of free time to finish up your work in time to hop into a bullet train and then an uber and get to the building where jimin’s dance off is held. 
you’re in the middle of texting the boy a ‘sorry, might b late. i didn’t know there’d be a line 😭’ when a figure comes up to you from the corner of your eye.
fitted in black jeans and matching tucked in t that shows off his slender waist and beanie, the only thing that isn’t black is probably his white-yellow timberlands, “so you weren’t kidding when you said you were gonna leave me on read.”
“you know, it’s so cute that you think you’re worth the reply at all,” you blink, eyes going wide and jaw hanging loose from shock, “this... this... confidence - where do you get it? seriously, tell me because i have never seen someone with such immaculate self-absorbance.”
jeongguk’s head moves as he nods in admittance, hands buried in his pocket before he looks up at you. that familiar glint in his eyes is telling you that whatever he has up his sleeve, you’re not going to be able to refuse.
“you know, eugene over there and i are homies,” he nods towards the burly tall man at the front who’s mainly the reason there’s a line in the first place - one that no one seems to dare cut, “i could get you in faster.”
“oh my god, look what that self-absorbance’s got you believing,” you put one, sympathetic hand on his shoulder as your free hand goes to cover the spot on your chest where your heart is, “i’m so happy for you,” you glance over to the not-declining-anytime-soon line behind you, “but sometimes, even confidence can’t get you into invites-only events.”
 to any other person, it must’ve looked like you and jeongguk are friends - friendly acquaintances hitting best buddies at the very least. but something in the way his grin curling sweetly on his lips and the curve of the half ringlet of his hair touching the corners of his onyx eyes, makes your toes curl inwardly and your stomach churn with a sort of emotion you can’t pinpoint.
and because of that, you know there won’t be any sort of friendship forming between you and jeongguk.
he leaves you with an amused smirk and a “see you inside,” and marches up to eugene, the two sharing an uncomplicated handshake before the man steps to the side and lets him in.
it takes you another ten minutes of standing in line and assuring jimin that he doesn’t need to rush out and risk having his team go without him when their turn comes. which according to jimin, ‘isn’t anytime soon - they let the bigger teams go first’.
but then jimin knowing jimin, that probably meant soon enough.
when you’re finally on the front of the line, crumpled up ticket in hand, eugene gives you a once over and nods at his not-as-burly-but-just-as-scary-looking friend.
“follow me,” and with that, she struts in through the door but instead of going down the hallway like the ones before you did before they disappear from eyesight in the corner, she takes a sharp turn to the right until she stops in front of an elevator.
her deep violet hair brushes against her cheekbones as she nods at the empty box with mirrors all around.
yeesh, guess everyone expresses themselves with their bodies here.
the numbers constantly change from ground level to 1 to 2 and finally stops at the 3rd floor where the blare of the music seems to come from. and that’s when you see the black haired boy who has his forearms leaned against the railing as he grins at something on the bottom floor where the shouts and cheers seem to erupt from. but before you can make a sharp 180 to go back down where jimin said you’d only need to follow the hallway and take the turn around the corner like the people before you did, jeongguk looks up as if sensing the heat of your gaze drilling holes inside his head. with one hand raised, he beckons you over.
“your majesty,” you drop into a bow once you reach him, “this humble servant thanks you for bringing her here but,” pointing your thumb over your shoulder at the hallway you just came from you continue, “i think i’m on the wrong floor because all i can see here is flocks of hair - an oh, shiny scalp from that guy - arms flailing around. takes away the magic of dance, you feel?”
“so you’re here for jimin.” it doesn’t sound like a question - so it must not be. a ponderous hum vibrate from his chest as you shoot him an arched brow whilst your insides burst like fireworks at the way his darkened eyes traces down your body and back up after he’s done with what seems to be a scout’s assessment.
“no leather pants and no best friend or heartbreak boy hovering around like a lost puppy - let me guess, he did something that made you mad, the best friend backed him up and now you’re mad at both of them?” he raises his own brow, lips curling into an assured smirk, “oh and jimin here’s probably taking a neutral stance because it ‘doesn’t concern’ him.”
you don’t know if you want to run away or grab the neck of his shirt and smack your lips on his.
so you settle with handguns pointed in his face, “alright, catch you never.”
but before you can even take a step to where you came from, jeongguk’s laying out his card on the table, “you sure bout that? it’s bulleproof boys’ turn - it’s jimin’s teams name, in case you’re wondering and judging by who they’re going against, it might be their first and last performance for the night.”
“i knew that,” respectfully, you had no idea that the teams have specific names besides the alphabetical letters given to them upon registration.
jimin’s only mentioned dance match once and that he’s in team c that’ll go against team d.
so you stick around, watching from all the way on the third floor where the lest people are gathered, cheering out names of teams that are alien to your ears which seem to be the team jimin is going against. but the fact that jimin could dance with such precision and grace is magnifying enough. he’s mostly posed on either sides of the formation, switching from the front left to the furthest back line on the right side as the beat drops.
jimin’s name pours out of your mouth in cheers but it’s swallowed by the other cheers before it can even reach him. in the end, jimin’s team loses. they still go up to their opponent and share handshakes and sidehugs before moving away from the dance floor.
he’s not smiling nor is he frowning as he stands in the crowd after the prelims but his lips curl and eyes disappear into crescents when he sees you.
“hey!” his arms open up into a hug, only to stop halfway in hesitation but by then you’re already wrapping yours around his neck with a “you were so cool!”
and just like that, the awkwardness in the air dissipates.
“i didn’t see you in the crowd.”
“so what? you thought i left?” a light smack lands on his arm, “by the way, you didn’t tell me it was this intense - i can feel the tension from all the way...” you pause for the briefest moment, “...in the audience.”
“everyone here just likes to dance so it gets competitive at some point but at the end of the day, it’s important to have fun,” he shrugs, a shy smile plastered to his face.
“either way you did great,” you bump his elbow with yours, and he shifts his weight to his left foot.
“we lost but it was a fair match the bts people were too good,” a mixture of regret and contentedness crosses his face as he nods to himself, as if admitting the difference in skills.
“let’s get a drink later, i’m buying,” you propose and jimin looks like a kid who just received his favorite candy.
well, that was the plan for the rest of the night up until the winner was announced. then a boy no older than you and jimin came up to the latter, arms slung over his shoulders, “dude, beyond the scene just asked if we wanna join them at the afterparty. can you believe it?”
“dude, you capping - don’t fucking joke with men man, i was about to shit my pants-” jimin attempts to shove the guy away half-heartedly which does nothing as his friend - teammate, cuts him off.
“i’m not fucking joking, man, behind the scenes literally asked if we wanna chill with them!”
the two boys are basically shoving each other back and forth before they start slapping each other on the face once to wake the other up. whoever this behind the scenes guys, they seem like a pretty big deal if two grown adults are fanboying this hard about them.
only after they’re sporting the faintest shade of pink on their right cheeks, do they finally realize that they weren’t squeal-whispering by themselves. he introduces himself as kai - “jimin’s best friend and mentor.”
“he likes to say that because i got into dance because of him,” jimin adds, debunking the mentor myth.
you’re about to wave the two goodbye and call it a night since it’s pretty clear that the behind the scenes guys only invited them and not their friends.
“come with us,” kai announces as the three of you walk down the back entrance where it’s less crowded and meant for the participants to use, “baekhyun can’t make it so we’ll still be five people.”
“i really should go- it’s getting late and my place is in seoul-”
and so begin your war of apologies and ‘no, you’s.
“oh shit, i forgot.” jimin’s usually almond-shaped eyes turn round and wide, “you used the subway-”
“yeah, but i can still catch the last train home-” you try to assure.
“i’ll accompany you back-”
“no, no - you should go with them-”
“no, i made you come to watch-”
and it would have gone on until morning if you and jimin were left to argue on who should do what if kai didn’t clap his hands together and put an end to the long debate, “okay, okay, break it up.”
he looks between the blonde haired best friend and then to you, “jimin came with me so i’m gonna drive him back anyway and i could drop you off too after chilling with bts - it’s nothing you’re not used to, beers and games and shits, you know? plus it’ll be like, less than 20 people there - bts never invites other groups into their circle - who knows, maybe you’ll find your true way like jimin did,” he pats the aforementioned man on his shoulder whilst jimin rolls his eyes at the way best friends who’ve heard their best friend boast about an-untruth for the umpteenth time.
and because you basically made another friend and that means you’ll have at least 2 people to hang out with if the rest turns out not to be your kind of people - so you cave in, “okay, sure, why not?”
'why not’s are subjective - or so you’d like to think.
like when you’re not particularly into americano and prefer latte but wouldn’t say no to having the first if jennie mixed up your order and bought you your not-so-favored but also not-so-hated drink.
but jennie’s known you since she shoved you off the swings at five after you outran her only to get to the swings faster because only one was vacant and the other kid was already in the other one.
so she’d know your preferred drinks.
but in the event she suddenly has amnesia or anything and got you and americano, that’s when you’ll go, “why not?”
but that and finding out that jeongguk used to be part of bts until he hurt his during practice, having to have 2 major surgeries because of it, rendering him no longer able to dance so he’s only going to the dance offs to cheer for his friends which was how he met you at the entrance and now you’re handcuffed together (and yes, again) in the middle of the forest - are two disparate things altogether.
hoseok, the most outgoing and friendliest of the bunch, suggested for the ice breaking to be in a form of 2 beer bottles and a sort of rope or chain tying people from bts and the bulletproof people together to talk for five minutes. they only have 2 pairs of cuffs so the others that lack them have to make do with bandanas and you think a seokjin got harassed into taking off his shirt and using it as him and his designated partner’s pseudo handcuff.
yours and jeongguk’s are - you’re not sure if it’s a fortunate or unfortunate thing - real ones (you’re not sure if you want to know why and how seulgi easily pulls out a pair of fluffy pink handcuffs and a normal-looking one - out of the blue).
but you’re almost sure that you’re leaning on the side of the internal argument of this - this, right here - is why not.
“why didn’t you text me back?” jeongguk is in the middle of asking as you take a big chug of the alcoholic beverage.
"oh my god,” you let a pleased smile tug at your lips as you feel the buzz of the alcohol coursing through your system, “i was just gonna talk to you about that - jennie said i was being a ghosting b because you only said facts and i got like, offended without a reason but i agree that people can be wrong sometimes and that was her time... i just...” you shrug, “i just didn’t want to text you back so i didn’t,” you look at him with a new found familiarity, “anyways, how was your week?”
by the end of it, jeongguk’s nodding and poorly suppressing his smirk.
“well, let me start first,” you begin before he can even say anything, listing down the happenings in a chronological order which may or may have not confirmed his initial assumption on why you’re here alone “...i mean, was it my fault though? between you and me, i think jennie and i need to sit down and actually talk about accountabilities first, you know? but anyway, that’s how my week went! how about you, how was your week?”
to say that your turmoil of a week is anything close to a laugh-worthy joke, would be a lie but for some reason, trickles of laughter are escaping jeongguk’s lips and into the night air as he leans back, holding his stomach. he would’ve hit the ground if you’d poke him.
“wow,” you slowly nod, “that’s... that’s very... flattering that you think my somewhat a quarter life crisis is amusing,” a grin stretches across your face but your eyes drill holes into the boy’s skull, “maybe i should just quit uni altogether. that’d be... exciting, right? just... quit uni and live a life as a comedian because look at how much i’m cracking you up right now!”
and it goes on for another minute of jeongguk’s laughter filling the air as you threaten him to stop in the guise of encouragement besides the cracking of the branches as it gets swallowed up by the fire in the barrel not too far away from where everyone’s scattered.
“god,” when he’s finally reduced to chuckles and wiping invisible tears off the corner of his eyes, you’re about halfway done with your bottle.
“and he’s back,” you announce, “welcome back. can’t say i missed you though but glad that you’re back with us.”
but before jeongguk can get a word out about his own week which you’d asked, if only to be polite, hoseok is already summoning everyone to gather around the barrel as he raises a bottle in the air to - “new groupship and friends!”
or so you think he said.
you’re not too sure because you’re too busy demanding jeongguk to - “uncuff me right now, jeon - was that too pushy? let me try again,” you pause, clearing your throat, “can you please, please, please, uncuff me so i can go back to my friends and not have to stay here a minute longer?”
“don’t act like you don’t enjoy my company,” he offers you one of his self-assured smirks before addressing your concern, “i’m trying,” he says simply, free hand patting around the pocket on the side of his jeans before groping his own ass.
“um, maybe try harder?” you suggest, smiling sweetly but it downturns into a frown not even a minute later when he declares, “i can’t find it.”
“you... can’t find it?” you echo his words.
“it’s not on me,” he states.
“well, did seulgi give it to you at all or...” you trail off only to be met by a devious smirk which doesn’t exactly help his case.
“guess you’re stuck with me,” he shrugs ever so easily.
“oh, hell nah,” and that’s when you latch onto to smirking boy’s body - on your hands at least, and since his left hand and your right hand are cuffed together, it doesn’t allow much room for your physical inspection which is how using your only free hand to get to the side of his pocket that’s farthest from you - may appear suspicious to others.
you only notice that you’re fully facing jeongguk and having your back turned to everyone else when hoseok’s voice cuts through the air, “yo hold up, hold up, hold up - this is bonfire and chill, not netflix and chill.”
your jaws hurt from hanging a bit too low as you meet each and everyone’s eyes, their giggling and laughing already telling enough of what the majority thinks - everyone except jimin, that is.
but you’re a bit too preoccupied with trying to clear the supposed air of you and jeongguk getting it on in the middle of the forest with both your friends and his around, “aha,” you force out, “i know this,” free hand waving between the chain linking your wrists and the open air which isn’t helping your case because jeongguk’s poor attempt at subduing his smirk is well, poor, “might look sus to you but it isn’t - jeongguk lost the key and if someone could help us find it, it’d-”
“oh, don’t worry, i have a spare at home,” seulgi chirps up, hand waving her illuminated phone, “i’ll text my girlfriend to bring it here.”
well, that explains the fluffy cuffs.
“sick,” jeongguk nods over to the girl to which she holds up an ‘okay’ sign and a meaningful smile to him which shouldn’t be ominous but is.
so you fix him a stare when hoseok goes to say something along the line of ‘great’ and ‘lifesaver’ to seulgi.
which the boy only asks back with a “what?”
“i have something to say but i’m not gonna so i’m just gonna keep quiet but just know that i’m watching you,” but the warning doesn’t exactly bring out the intimidating aspect that you hoped for.
“watch all you want, i’m yours for tonight,” the velvety sound of his chuckles is awfully distracting because you don’t even notice the chain clinking until his fingers interlock yours before he brings them up in the air - as if to emphasize on the technicality of his titillating claim.
the night goes on with bottles of beers scattering over the ground, faint smoke dissipating into the air as the scent of something sweet and fruity wafts around whilst the juul gets passed around.
once in a while someone’s laugh echoes between the gaps of the trees and into the night, amidst the sound of woodland creatures. you’ve downed one and a half bottle of henny whilst jeongguk doesn’t seem to have gone past even half of his first bottle. but he’s chuckling and laughing at something someone said which, for the most part, is funny or warrant a jaw-dropping, pin-drop-silence kind of reaction just like now as seulgi confesses to-
“never have i ever slept with my mom’s boyfriend at 19.”
“and that’s on mommy issues,” you hold up a beer in a ‘cheers’ manner at her whilst she mimics your action before you both tilt your head up and take a chug out of your individual beers at the same time.
“what about you?” jeongguk asks and for a moment, you forget that there are people around because jeongguk’s eyes look like someone reached up the sky and handpicked two stars each for his irises and trap them in there like a class case.
but you’d like to believe it’s the alcohol doing its rightful work in your system because you’re back on the ground with an unrelenting itch on your ankle where it’s brushing against the blades of grass.
“yea, what’s your never-have-i-ever mommy issues edition?” kai speaks up.
“nah, it’s wack,” you wave a dismissive hand but end up agreeing to spill the beans when a bout of protest spreads across your ever so faithful audience.
“okay, okay, never have i ever fucked my biological mom’s husband who isn’t my dad,” you say which earns a bout of cheers and ‘that’s messed up’s before seokjin claps his hands together.
“never have i ever...” he pauses, grinning as an added suspense before he goes on, “fucked my brother’s boyfriend.”
the game doesn’t last for long when everyone collectively agree to take the atmosphere up a notch and play strip truth or dare. but before your turn came, seulgi announces her girlfriend’s arrival concurrently with her having to leave for the night because she’s her ride home. and because you and jeongguk are both of the same mind that you’re the ones that should be following after her to get yourselves uncuffed, you do just that. 
yeri is a sweetheart and matches seulgi’s playful yet reserved nature. they take the cuffs with them and seulgi waves you two goodbye with the same, meaningful smile directed to jeongguk - but if that’s not enough, the ‘good luck’ thumbs up is a screaming red button for you.
but before you can even call him out for his possible hand in convincing his dance friends to invite jimin’s and consequently you to the forest after the match - he beats you to it.
“you okay?” this time, his features are lacking the smirk.
“yea, why wouldn’t i be?” you say, hopping on the rail of the train track that’ll lead to the spot where the others are - so far, you’re doing a good job not falling to your demise.
“i don’t know,” the scraping sound of his soul kicking against the pebbly ground fills the air as he walks next to you, hands in his pocket, “you’ve been pretty quiet after that thing about your mom.”
“you think what i did was messed up?” you inquire, resisting the urge to steal a glance at him to see what kind of emotion he’s making - whether it’s contorted with disgust or whether his nose is crinkling at an attempt to appear unbothered or whether there really isn’t any judgments being passed and he’s just downcasting his eyes because he’s looking out for possible sharp objects protruding from the ground.
“everyone’s a little messed up,” his shoulderline shakes as he shrugs, “it’s the why behind it that counts.”
“nah,” your hair tickles your face as you shake your head in blatant refutation, “i didn’t have a reason.”
and just when you expect a disgusted scoff to erupt from jeongguk’s pink lips... it doesn’t.
“that works too.”
silence follows his words for the longest moment with you trying placing one foot in front of the other, pretending like teetering on that tightrope you’re stuck on with kim taehyung at the end of it, not even waiting for you but just happen to be there.
so you break the silence, “i finally found her last year - flew all the way to jeju  because my biological aunt saw my the post i put up on facebook in a last ditch attempt before i hire a private investigator like my dads suggested. she set us up to meet,” the picture of a woman who’s so similar yet dissimilar to you flashes at the back of your head, a biscoff cheesecake slice lying untouched on the table and someone screaming at the top of their lungs right in front of your ears, “my biological mom didn’t know anything about it, flipped out and told me to never bother her again so i looked up where her husband worked and slept with him and sent the video to her.”
jeongguk doesn’t say anything, only nodding in your periphery before a soothing kind of silence lapses between you.
“what’s your story?” you ask a moment later.
“hm?” he glances at you, the moonlight shining over that smirk that you’ve come to miss in the course of the five minutes it went missing, skin painted a creamy white.
“if you don’t wanna tell, that’s fine too but like, you basically tore down my walls and i’m naked as hell - figuratively -” you add as soon as his eyes light up, “right now.” 
but then he tries to bargain, “promise you’ll text me back and i’ll tell.”
and you try to teeter in the grey area between words and its meanings, “alright, promise... i won’t leave you on read.”
“nah, you gotta promise to text back,” his half curls sway as he shakes his head - your end of the bargain not sufficiently satisfying.
it’s a few moments after your surrendering, “you know what? keep your skeletons in your closet - i’m good,” that he finally says something.
“i used to do tracks, lucked out with a sports scholarship but by freshman year in college, realized i didn’t even like tracks and dropped out...”
jeongguk’s parents weren’t happy about it - didn’t exactly welcome him when he came back with a suitcase and a letter from his unversity claiming the outstanding balance of his first two semesters. but he wasn’t happy at home either. 
so he packed his bags one more time and took the first train to seoul where he worked part time at a restaurant and occasionally at the dance off’s, before he found the beyond the scene people and subsequently found dance. that was amidst of a developer of the game he was playing approaching him through the game’s chat server and offering him a job to test out their games with the condition that he gets a degree in computer science which they paid for on the company’s scholarship fund.
and so it was obvious that jeon jeongguk, wherever he chooses to go and stop at, blooms like a wildflower that strives in any condition thrown in his face whether it be a storm, a hurricane or a sunny weather that barely allows any rain to cover the soil he’s rooted in.
and because he’s true to himself, it isn’t as unbelievable, when almost everyone - from every layer of backgrounds, flock around him like honeybees in spring - allured, magnified and bewitched by jeon jeongguk that makes him... well, him.
to say you understand him a little bit better may be an overstatement but maybe you’re less suspicious of his keen intuition and uncanny prognosis of what happened in your relationships, both with your friend and your not-so-friendly crush.
jeongguk jests that his leg “doesn’t work like it used to but-” - he’s been to places. seen people.
“so why are you obsessed with me?” you question into the night in a light hearted joke, “i mean, i can possibly see why because well, i’m... me and i’m amazing but you know, it’s not healthy to be this obsessed with people.”
his chuckles sounds like wind chimes on a spring day, "besides the fact that i was too busy being a tracks nerd for most of my life so i have zero flirting skills and decided to make all the calls that seem to irritate the one person i want to get to know? it’s because you looked like you were head over heels with the guy you were putting in place but still managed to not make it personal.”
it takes a moment for you to digest what he just said, and even then, you’re nodding in complete disagreement as you blurt out, “pretty sure some parts were personal,” and you turn to him with a smile stretched over your face, “but glad that you don’t think i’m the impostor.”
so you stop twenty steps away from where you can see the fire in the barrel and hoshi, one of the guys from bulletproof boys, standing in boxers and shouting an oath before gulping down a bottle of henny at an alarming rate.
“everyone’s a little sus now and then,” he refutes, nose crinkling as a grin spread across his moon-kissed features as he offers you his hand and you take it, hopping off your tightrope journey and onto grounding earth.
when morning comes, you wake up to the familiar but not-very-welcomed sound of cars honking from outside your window and the light piercing through your eyelids, so much so, you surrender to the start of the day. arms stretched over your head and a guttural sound vibrating within your chest as a sign of protest before your vision finally gets used to the bright sunny rays.
and that’s when you freeze. arms stretched and all.
“after all this, you can’t say no to a date with me,” jeon jeongguk is lying right next to you, in your one-person bed which you could never imagine would fit more than your need-for-maximum-space self when you sleep but there he is, in yesterday’s clothes, hugging your light pink alpaca plushie on his stomach whilst his elbow which you don’t notice before is poking into your rib.
the events of last night untangle in a web of hazed memory coming to high definition as each passing second pass by.
you and jimin live on the opposite ends of the city which made you reluctant in having kai drive you back at all, so jeongguk offered to split the uber bills with you because apparently, “oh, hey, we live in the same area!”
which later turned out you didn’t and it would’ve made more sense for him to hitch a ride with kai and jimin. but you didn’t even need to ask why he did what he did.
because by the time you and jeongguk returned, it’d been a set-in-stones assumption that you were off making out somewhere under a tree and everyone cheered you and him for it upon your return.
well, except jimin.
so you pulled jeongguk to the side once the attention was directed to hoseok whose dare was to lick the grass he was stepping on.
“is that thing about jimin liking me true because he’s been like, avoiding my eyes the whole night and now he’s acting like i don’t exist and i’m pretty concerned because his friend is my ride home,” you whispered underneath your beath.
jeongguk threw one, confirming glance at the aforementioned man before nodding casually, “he’s jealous as fuck because he thinks we did the do - cross my heart and hope to die.”
so you ended up offering jeongguk to sleep in your bed because it was already late and it felt like a waste to spend another thirty bucks to go back to a place where nobody was waiting for him anyway.
you were so beat, you’d fallen asleep as soon as jeongguk pulled your protesting self off the futon-splayed floor and held you captive in your own bed.
“you know what? i might as well,” you say, legs thrown off the bed and stretching some more before looking down at the smiling, plushie-holding, grown ass person in your bed, “now we need to figure out how to sneak you out because this is a girls-only dorm and if they found out i have a guy over, i might get expelled.”
but before you can even start brainstorming the best possible route for jeongguk to sneak out without being detected, an obnoxious rapping reverberates against your door. the look of pure horror settling in as jeongguk’s smile melts into a wide-eyed, panicked face would have been adorable if you’re not in the middle of shoving him into your “quick, in the closest!” which he needs to hunch his shoulders to become as small as possible before you can close it whilst you yelp out a “just a minute!”
by the time you manage to school a smile on your face, jennie’s is already sprinkled with a dust of red as her brows come together, judging your choice of outfit and the events that went down last night.
“hey, girl,” you drag out the first word in idle panic, body leaning against the doorframe a little too defensively, “what’s...” you can’t even find the right words as you tap your fingers against the doorframe before finally saying, “what’s good?”
but one questioning look from her and you’re stepping out of the way, left to stand at attention like a cadet in the presence of the general whilst said general struts into your room and scans it once before turning to you.
“’what’s good?’” jennie echoes and you know from the way her head does the slightest of movements according to her enunciation, “imagine seeing your best friend on some mutual friend’s snapchat story which mind you, said mutual friend isn’t anywhere close to either of you and the time in the snap says a big whooping 4:03 am while you’re here feeling bad for hurting her feelings with your words words. but does she feel bad? well, it doesn’t flipping look like she even gave any thoughts about you, did it?”
and that’s when the closet decides that it’s had enough of storing a full grown human in its belly and slowly, but surely swings the door open with thunderous creak in the midst of the calm before the storm. and lo and behold, a jeon jeongguk, still hugging your alpaca tightly, keeping his eyes closed as if it’ll make him invisible before he gradually screws one eye open to the sight of a raging but confused  jennie kim and a mortified you turning to said girl.
so much for keeping skeletons in closets.
“i-i can explain.”
it turns out all it takes for jennie’s anger to subside is for her to find a boy in your room. namely the boy she’s been blatantly shipping you with even though you barely knew each other then.
“i have a wig in my room,” she suggests after you’ve exhausted all options - jeongguk can’t climb through the window and jump down from the second floor.
“well, he can but there’s no guarantee he’ll be able to leave without one of his limbs intact,” you’d added, shrugging.
he’s sitting crossed leg on your bed, alpaca in his lap and looking cute as hell as his eyes go round at the mention of a wig and five minutes prior, crossdressing.  the plan is for you and jennie will walk him out once he’s all dresed up like you’re just three - well, one is kind of buffed up but still pretty - best friends who had a girls’ night and crashed in your room.
he whistles lowly, head lulling to the side as he stares at the door before turning to you with a playful smile, “i’ve always wanted to wear a skirt.”
and so it goes, jennie kim’s squealing and making a short trip to her room and returning with a bag full of wig, stretchable sweaters and lycra skirts whilst she scours through your closet for clothes that you have but don’t even remember. the oversized sweater that’s a few more inches too big for you wraps around his body tightly and the skirt is a tad bit too short for him, going down to a few inches above the knee. but the head turner is the way the curly brown wig gracefully frames his face and softens his jawline, giving an illusion of how his half-ringlet would have looked if he grew them out.
you apply the soft pink lipgloss on his already rosy lips as a joke in a guise of a final touch, heart skipping as his lips curl whilst he gazes at you the whole time you’re putting on the glimmering liquid.
“okay, i feel bad,” you confess, shoulder line falling, “i thought you’d hate the lipgloss and i was going say it’s important to make the look work if you said no but you’re not saying no and you’re looking at me like you’d trust me with your life...” a sigh rolls off your lips at the end of it.
“you feel bad?” he echoes, glossed lips looking kissable as hell - it doesn’t even matter that he’s smirking like it was part of his plan all along to manipulate your conscience into confessing your ulterior motive.
so you nod.
“good,” he states simply.
“you saying good like you’re satisfied that you managed to pick on my guilty conscience is making me feel less guilty,” you narrow your eyes, not even bothering to hide the smile creeping on your lips.
“oh my god, my ship is sailing!” jennie’s whispered squeal cuts through the air before she reverts to her deadpanned self, “okay but seriously, if you’re done sprinkling sugar cubes all over the place, i think we should get jeongguk out before miss snitchery sonyeon next door sniffs the man in jeongguk and snitch on us.”
sonyeon has been known for reporting 2 boy-sneaking activities that went on last year which would have been justified if the girls that brought the boys into their room was doing questionable things and loudly at that but the first incident was with a late enrolled newbie that just moved in and didn’t know that boys weren’t allowed inside and though the other girl did sneak her boyfriend in, it was only because he was bleeding profusely and needed first aid treatment which she stored in her room.
you’re just about a few feet away from the double doors when a familiar but disembodied voice drums in your ears.
“you three, stop right there.”
you think your heart stops working for the briefest moment as time freezes and you’re craning your head to look at jennie whose fear-stricken face mimics yours and then jeongguk whom you don’t expect to wear such ceases in his forehead.
so you do the one thing that you think of-
“run.” you whisper.
all of a sudden, the wind is in your face and a few heads turn your way - but you doubt that it has more to do with how unfairly gorgeous jeongguk looks than the fact that the ra is on your tail, her pitched demands for ‘someone stop them!’ whilst. you’re not sure if someone did try to chase after you or if the adrenaline pumping in your system is what helps you sprint faster than a cheetah but when you finally slow down, almost skidding to a stop on the grass somewhere on campus grounds instead of the dormitory area - it’s because jennie is dramatically breathing through her mouth and found herself a bench to put on an act of dying whale.
“you guys... go on... leave me be...” she croaks out in between breaths, hand reaching out to the air.
“dude, tell me if you’re gonna stop so we can stop and get caught together,” you guff, plopping down, your state no better than jennie’s while jeongguk shakes his head at the two of you.
not even a beat of sweat or heaved breathing coming from him - not to mention that-
“how are you the fastest-” you suck in a much needed breath, “-when your leg doesn’t work as good anymore?”
“yea, didn’t say i can’t run,” he grins.
“jen, let’s go,” you say, tapping the dying whale on her shoulder as she starts wailing words of saddened goodbyes.
“forsake me! save yourselves!” she wheezes, staring into nothingness before waving a dismissive hand, “no for real, i don’t think they’re gonna chase us all the way here. you guys go, i have a date anyway, i’ll text kim,” it’s the name you coined for namjoon whenever you talk about him in public, “to pick me up here.”
a year ago, you would have called her a brave fool for having her boyfriend slash professor that’s teaching at the same university - pick her up in plain sight. but once you saw the unfamiliar ferrari roll to a stop in front of the dorms with tinted black windows, you understand why they can be as free and uncaring as they are.
“you sure? what if they saw you here?” you question, needles of doubt still deeply pierced into your racing heart.
but when she looks at you with arched brows and a familiar couldn’t-care-less attitude, you know nothing you say can change her mind which helps ease the knots in your stomach by a lot.
so you cave in, waving her goodbye - but not before the scarring ‘we still need to talk though’ reminder - and going back to the tall, brown haired person who’s holding his left hand midair and wiggling his fingers about in what you think is a parodic depiction of how girls wave at each other while mouthing a nasally, higher-pitched “thank you so much for helping us.” 
one minute into the walk, you stop in front of the cafe you’re used to having lunch at with your group of 4 - if there’s even any group left after this, “so this kim guy - he’s way older isn’t he?” 
“if you’re all knowing, you wouldn’t end that sentence with a question,” you assert, “so i’m not gonna say anything.”
“that’s a yes then,” he nods. 
“i think we lost them,” you say, a tad too late but pretend to look around anyway like you’re not 200% sure of that fact.
to any outsiders, you’ll probably look like two girls standing three feet apart from each other, looking out in a distance.
“nice,” jeongguk nods, joining in your scouting party before he squints his eyes at something in the most casual manner before suggesting, “so... you wanna go on a date?”
“you think we lost them?” you whisper under your breath, worry filling your chest as you throw your gaze over somewhere at the end of the alleyway where flashes of red and blue lights passed by.
but before the black cladded boy can say anything, his lips smack together as he and you both press yourselves flat to the wall as the sound of radio static bounces into the narrow space you’ve found yourselves in. six months after your first date, which involves a crossdressing jeongguk and a day at a park that had you returning to the dorm with a giant teddy bear and a strip of photo you took from the booth comprising the multiple personalities embodied in one person from sassy to stare-into-the camera-intimidating face to him looking down and shyly peeking through his pushed back curls - you’ve gone on multiple other dates.
none of which can be considered normal because you’ll always end up in a sticky situation like you are now.
on your second month, you found out that jeon jeongguk not only has a stable  income for literally playing games while trying to balance out his education but he also paints and draws.
on your third month, you go on your first mural-painting-in-the-middle-of-the-night-dressed-as-robbers date to which ended pretty well with the two of you getting hungry and having ramen at a 24 hour convenience store. so the mural painting becomes a monthly routine.
jimin finds out about it somewhere down the line and broke out into the most heartwarming smile while teasing you about how “the singles lost another one,” as he shook his head in dismay. but things went back to normal for the most parts. taehyung talks to you more now. he apologized for having only treated you like someone useful to him when he needed something and found that you have more in common than you think.
like how you’re decently informed about the greatest artists of all time - all because jeongguk was telling you about them whilst you chill at his place on days you don’t feel like going out but still want to spend time together. jeongguk, later found out that his supply of artistic information was what led to you and taehyung’s improving friendship and offers to become your spokesperson by having you invite taehyung to a cafe so he can pour his abundance of knowledge in the fine arts of painting - “since he’s so interested in van gogh, you know what i mean?”
he even finished it with a tilt of his head and an sassy ‘ugh.”
“i think we gotta run,” jeongguk’s declarations doesn’t have you arching your eyebrows and looking at him in an ‘are you for real?’ kind of manner.
it could be because you’re so used to running from law enforcement now.
or maybe because jeongguk showed you the world through his eyes. doesn’t mean it’s any less terrifying - the thought of being caught and shoved behind the bars whilst they included it in your records. but hey, at least, you’re no strangers to handcuffs.
“on one,” you say and he nods, hand squeezing yours as if saying i’ll never let them get you.
“three,” you begin, eyes fixed on the stars in jeongguk’s gaze, “two,” jeongguk breathes in deeply, “one.”
note. i hope you guys enjoyed reading!! and if you want anything similar to this kind of style, i have one more college au. the second part of that one is my pinned post which also has a link to the first part. if you’re curious why i’m not gonna link or name it is because i’m convinced that tumblr literally makes anything that’s linked or mentioned it blocked for some reason idk.
but anyways, thank you for reading!!
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blooberrries · 2 years
「 to build your own pyre 」 — one
— pairing: bakugou katsuki x reader
— genre: pro hero au, vigilante reader, e2l, aged-up: characters are adults.
— wc: 3.4k
— rated: sfw
— warnings: occupational hazards, swearing, reader does something kind of gross with her arm
— notes: had bakubitch on the brain. love that lil confetti popper
You’ve always had a strong sense of justice, it’s just that your morals as to how you go about enacting that... tend to err a little on the grey side. You've got a plan, an agenda; everything you do is done for a reason. And if that damn pro hero with his stupid explosions and dumb crazy grin would just let you be so you can go through with it, that would be fantastic. Things just don't want to go to plan for you though, it seems.
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Perhaps you could have been a little more careful in your execution this time around.
You have barely the time to think though, let alone reflect, as you use your shifted legs to launch from one building wall to another. The awfully-familiar sound of popping and loud, cracking BOOMs follow after you, like a trail of fireworks hot on your heels. It spells your doom. You know who is responsible, and you can feel cold drop of sweat slip down the back of your neck at the thought.
You’ve always known Dynamight is a force to be reckoned with, but knowing that fact and experiencing it are two very different things. This past month, you’ve come to realise that pro hero Dynamight isn’t just a force to be reckoned with; he’s a terrifying, unstoppable force of nature that doesn’t know the meaning of the word ‘quit’.
A fiery tornado that’s been on your tail for weeks. You’ve hardly had time to breathe.
Of course, the fact that a pro hero is attempting to catch you right now doesn’t really look all that good. It’s certainly not something to put on your resume. Truthfully, you can’t say you haven’t done something to warrant it. You’ve done many somethings to warrant it. You’re not proud of them, per se, but you’re not particularly guilty about them either.
Just as there always has been, there are reasons behind every action you take. Calculation, meticulous planning and consideration – all of these have gotten you to where you are today.
Where you are in this moment, though? You’ve got your impatience to blame for that.
“Holy fuck,” you breathe as you tuck your body into a ball and send it flying through a third storey window with a powerful push of your legs. “He doesn’t… let up…”
You dove into the building because you knew as a hero he would be hesitant to cause damage and risk the well-being of innocents. Although, in the entirety of the time you’ve been doing this you haven’t ever compromised an innocent either, and you’re not about to start. Fortunately for you, the building actually seems to be empty.
Unfortunately for you, your pursuer seems to know that as well.
You actually feel the heat of the blast before you hear it as the hero forces his way through an incomplete wall, whatever brick and cement that doesn’t go flying all but turning to dust as he barges through. Ah, that’s why it’s empty. Of course you chose a building-in-progress to use as a shield. There goes any hesitation he might have.
His shout actually makes you flinch mid-leap, head whipping to see it just as he blasts off in your direction. “PAIN IN THE ASS! Stop RUNNING!”
Does he actually think that’s going to make you stop? You wonder if it’s ever actually worked on someone before.
All it does is light a fire under your ass and you shoot out of there like a bat out of hell. You think you hear him scream something incoherent behind you in frustration, but disregard it in favour of finding an exit that won’t be too obvious.
It turns out there is none, and you settle for making a hasty exit out the closest window instead. It isn’t graceful, but it does what it needs to. You can feel the strain of your quirk on your body as you focus on your lower spine and summon a tail similar to that of a monkey. It wraps around the horizontal part of a passing streetlight just in the nick of time, saving your legs from taking the brunt of the fall from the third storey.
It’s only a momentary shift, though. As soon as you have control over your momentum once more, the tail disappears and your focus is back on maintaining your legs and face. In order to safeguard your identity, you have donned a mask, but you have also transformed some of the features of your face. You chose a lion as inspiration today, and have adopted both the eyes and the ears of the creature, with your natural hair altering into something reminisce of a mane.
You hit the ground running, the impact a lot harsher than anticipated despite your reinforced legs. You feel the resulting pain shoot straight through your bones, throbbing as it passes through every inch of your knees. That’s one you’re most definitely going to feel later. You might have to put off your next operation for a while.
“Not fast enough, scrub!”
Until today, you have managed to evade capture without fail. You knew it wouldn’t be fun when the day came where you were finally cornered, but at the same time you had no idea that it would be Dynamight himself chasing you down. The moment you turn and see him, mere split seconds before he is about to collide with you, and catch the borderline maniacal grin on his face as he reaches sparking hands out…
It’s terrifying, frankly. But for some reason you don’t think the frantic beating of your heart is entirely due to terror.
For a second, you wish your shifting power included size. That would be the only way to get out of this, you realise. Turning into a mouse-sized human has never sounded so appealing.
You have a feeling that he tempered a lot of the force that would have otherwise been included as he tackled you, but the impact is still enough to have your brain rattling in your skull as chaotic blond hair fills your vision. It takes every inch of control and willpower you have not to let your quirk deactivate as you hit the ground.
“Mother fuck,” you curse, unable to help the cranky snarl you let loose as you somehow manage to launch the hero off of you. “You prick, my internal organs aren’t some boiled potatoes for you to mash to bits with your shoulder!”
Before you’re even fully standing, Dynamight has recovered and taken your wrists in a brutal grip, twisting them behind you with embarrassing ease. You can’t tell whether he’s mad or amused, but he seems like the type of person where the line between the two would be awfully hard to see anyway.
“Awfully chatty for a villain about to head to jail.”
Not a villain, you want to argue. You know it’s pointless but feel your hackles raise anyway.
“Awfully bold for someone who’s about to lose their captive.”
You have a backup plan, actually. It involves exactly what you’re about to do right now.
Removing the shift on your legs but retaining the shift on your face, you focus on your left arm and reinvent it as something long and tapered, covered in scales. Then, you promptly let it drop off.
It is pretty gross, you’ll give him that. This isn’t a party trick you’re particularly proud of, but it gets the job done.
For the briefest moment, Dynamight has lost his focus on you as he shakes his hands in disgust out of reflex, your discarded arm-turned-tail lying on the bitumen below. Your remaining hand is free and, as you hear the sirens and sound of other heroes fast approaching, you decide to be a bit of an antagonistic bitch. Your abdomen is still throbbing, after all.
“Thanks, bud, it’s been real fun!” You lift his gloved hand and then slap it in a high-five in one fell movement, thoroughly enjoying the dumbstruck look on his face. “Let’s do this again sometime! Or, actually, let’s not.”
With that said, you twist behind him and shift your legs into something akin to a kangaroo. Using the last milliseconds of time you have been afforded by his lapse in focus, you use the hero as a wall to bounce from, successfully launching him at his fellow pro heroes and flipping backwards at the same time.
Then you’re off, fleeing faster than you ever have because you know the moment Dynamight recovers from being thrown into his colleagues, he’s going to be on your ass once more.
Miraculously, you survived the encounter. By some unknown force, whether it be the grace of god or simply fortuitous happenstance, it started pissing down rain right about the time you fled, and it provided just enough cover for you to get away. Just in case, you took the long, convoluted way home anyway. You don’t need any of them finding out who you are and where you live after all the efforts you’ve put into keeping your identity hidden. It’s not like you’re some loud and proud villain, unashamed of having your face known to the world.
No, you’d rather just get in there, do what needs to be done, and then at the end of the day return to your normal waking life with the authorities none the wiser.
Your housemate hadn’t been home when you returned, which makes sense since you recall she has her work study starting up soon. Some might think it funny that you’re rooming with a pro-hero-in-training considering your pastime. What makes it even more twisted is the fact that not only does she go to U.A. University for the hero course, you actually attend the same university in the general studies course. It has occurred to you before that you’re walking a pretty dangerous line. Not much you can do about it though.
The fluorescent bulb hums above you, bathroom mirror reflecting back the grimace you can feel on your face. As you’d expected, there is a pretty nasty bruise blossoming across your stomach and lower ribcage. No internal damage, just a decent smattering of black and blue beginning to rise to the surface of your skin. It’s going to look pretty gnarly in a couple of days, you predict. It already hurts like a bitch.
Apart from the standard aching and throbbing of your limbs and joints, your legs are a little worse for wear. Whether you’ve pulled a muscle or just jostled them too hard in the impact earlier, they sing in pain every time you take a step and your knee bends. You wouldn’t be surprised if your kneecaps popped right off with how swollen they feel.
By the time you’ve done all the aftercare you can for your wounds, it’s pretty late. A glance to the clock in the kitchen saddens you with the news that it’s too late to have a heavy meal. Your housemate probably won’t be back until around midnight, and you’re pretty wiped out. Somewhat resigned at the recollection that you have a shift tomorrow morning as well, you head in the direction of your bedroom and shut yourself in.
Part of your brain remains lively despite your exhaustion, protesting that you need to plan your next moves, your next job. You slam your head into your pillow and forcibly mute that part— sleep now, plan later. The only way for you to kickstart healing your somewhat battered body is to get a decent amount of sleep, as you know from painful experience.
Your opening shift the next morning passes in a blur, and if any of your coworkers catch the pained look on your face as you bent a little too much over the coffee machine, then they graciously didn’t say anything.
It’s fortunate that everything in your life seems to exist within an area small enough that commuting is no issue. More often than not you find yourself walking from place to place instead of driving, simply because it’s easier, and the atmosphere is nice. Also because parking near your work is so ridiculously expensive that you’ve done it once and never again.
“I’m coming in!”
It’s all the warning you give your sister before walking into her apartment like you’re the landlord she’s renting from. She’s by the window beyond the kitchen, pruning a tiny little bonsai and murmuring to it softly. Probably words of encouragement, they seem to work best when your sister says them.
“Long time no see, fluffy-munchkins.” You can see the mirth in her eyes even from the entrance. Without shifting her gaze, she reaches her unoccupied hand to the side and strokes a gentle finger along the stem of a plant. Within moments, a stunning tiger lily has bloomed at the end, unfurling to reveal petals the colour of sunset that are emphasised by a smattering of darker spots and colouring towards the middle.
She doesn’t need to pluck it, it falls right off into her hand with all the grace of a downy feather. A gift. You move forward, taking the flower gratefully into your grasp.
Purity and commitment, huh. You let out a soft huff of a laugh, but she pays it no mind.
“What brings you to my humble abode today?” Rosalie asks, finally turning to face you. Her eyes are still bright as ever, but they don’t hold the same zest and determination you’re so used to seeing. Something throbs painfully in your chest at the observation.
“Undying love for my dearest sister,” you answer, taking the lily with you as you move to the kitchen and hit the switch on the electric kettle. The movements are almost mindless as you take two mugs from the cupboard and place them on the counter. “Tea? Or is today a coffee day?”
“A hot chocolate day,” your sister hums, going back to her pruning. She only continues a few seconds more before she leans back, satisfied, and moves the bonsai back to its original place. It almost seems to vibrate in happiness at her affections, leaves glowing and shifting ever so softly.
You nod in respect for her tastes. Today definitely feels like the perfect day for a hot chocolate. Temperate air with a cool breeze. You go about making one for each of you without pause.
“You just finished work, right? Aren’t you sick of making drinks by the time you get here?”
You snort, shooting your sister a smile. “Well, yeah. But I actually get to drink these ones, Rosie. Plus, they taste better with good company.”
She rolls her eyes, but you catch the smile on her face. With her hands now free, she brings them to the wheels by her sides and rolls closer. It’s a struggle to keep your own smile on your face.
“How are you feeling? You had another surgery recently, right?”
You can’t help but ask the question. The answering soft look on her face is so unwavering that it brings a small lump to rise in your throat.
“Yep!” Rosie comes parallel to a stool at the counter and hoists herself up, relying as minimally on her legs as she can. Part of the reason she can do that is due to the thick vines she has woven around them as support. She rests her elbows on the countertop. “Reconstruction takes time, as they love to say.”
It certainly seems to be that way. You can no longer count on one hand the amount of times your sister has gone under the knife in attempts to repair her legs. To this day she is still undergoing physiotherapy to keep them in use. You don’t want to think about it.
“Have you heard from mum recently?”
At the unexpected question, you turn to meet her inquisitive gaze. Her jade eyes are an outlier in your genetics, likely linked to the mutation that gives her her quirk.
“Yeah, she keeps asking me to quit my job at the cafe and come work at the sanctuary with her.”
“Well, in her eyes your quirk is most similar to hers,” your sister muses, swinging her gaze over the room as though on the lookout for a plant that doesn’t look as healthy and happy as the others. “You’re lucky dad isn’t trying to employ you at the nursery.”
At this, you snort. Your mother was given the ability to bond with animals, almost to the point of commanding them — though it’s similar to your sister’s power in that she doesn’t control the animals, but rather operates with a mutual respect. Your father on the other hand possesses the ability to shift and grow plants from his body. The technical aspects of your father’s quirk are much closer to your own.
Your quirk has been termed Animalia. You can summon the features of any animal and use them to replace your own for a duration of time. You must know how the anatomy of the feature works though, and you’re limited by how long and how many features you can sustain at any one time. Currently, your record is a tentative three – you feel you’re close to a breakthrough on that, though.
It’s like a very limited type of shapeshifting. It’s also easier the closer the animal is to your own genetics. Mammals are much easier than reptiles and amphibians. You’re getting better at the latter two, though. As seen with the arm stunt you pulled yesterday.
Perhaps it would prove useful to continue working on that aspect of your quirk if this is how all your future endeavours are going to turn out.
Shaking your head to bring yourself back to the present, you bring the finished drinks over to where your sister is sitting. You don’t join her on the stools, but instead remain standing. Your knees ache and your belly throbs a little too much for you to even think about hiking yourself up onto a stool right now.
“Plants don’t like me,” you say simply. It’s a bit of an exaggeration, but something you’ve espoused ever since you were a child. Plants didn’t love you like they did your father and sister, so they must hate you. It turned into a bit of a running joke. “You green thumb folk don’t like it when your plants get upset, right.”
Rosie rolls her eyes and crosses her arms, as though she isn’t in a room full to the brim of greenery. It’s like a greenhouse in here almost; there’s more plants than when you were here last. It makes you cast a somewhat worried look in her direction.
“I won’t apologise for being popular,” she says, huffing like she’s talking about people instead of plants. She breaks her pose only to take a sip of her hot chocolate, at which point she lets out a noise of delight and proceeds to chug half the mug. “Oh, yum.”
“You’re welcome,” you murmur, tasting your own drink. Not your best, but not bad either.
“Any new hobbies?”
The question gives your sister pause. “Well, I gave up on the watercolours. It’s not for me.”
You’re not surprised at that; your sister isn’t known for her patience.
“Nothing new?”
“I’ve just been reading,” she sighs, gaze flitting to the kitchen window. Vines drape from the curtain rod, replacing the normal material. The light breeze has them dancing. “I’ll find something soon. I’m thinking maybe needle felting. I saw a cute tutorial on how to do it the other day.”
“You might lose a finger,” you warn, downing more of your drink. The richness of the cocoa counteracts the bittersweet taste these visits always leave in your mouth.
“I’ve lost my legs, Bambi, I’m not exactly scared of losing a finger.”
Even the use of your childhood pet name doesn’t stop the way your heart sinks in your chest. She doesn’t say it to be mean or snarky. She’s simply making light of the situation she’s in. You still don’t understand it, how she can be so unaffected by what happened to her. She was devastated when it happened, of course, but then one day she just…. Switched. She let it go, so to speak.
You don’t think you can ever do that. Whether your sister forgave the culprit that did this to her or not, forgiveness isn’t something they’re ever going to get from you.
“Fair enough, Rosie,” you finally say, trying so very hard to muster a smile for your sister’s sake.
“Retirement is kind of boring,” Rosalie says, somewhat off in her own thoughts. “I don’t recommend it.”
No, you think. You don’t imagine she does.
Originally, after visiting your sister you planned to go home and work on one of your assignments. You definitely don’t have the focus for that right now, though. The visit has left you unsettled.
Breathing in the cool twilight air outside your sister’s apartment building, you make up your mind. Where you would have turned right down the street to return to your home, you instead turn left.
The night is young. You’ve got time to blow off some steam.
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bloodorangesoup · 3 years
Happy Twenty | S.R.
Summary: At the age of sixteen you and Steve made a pact that, if you were still both virgins by the age of twenty, you’d be each other’s firsts, just to get it out of the way.
Pairing: 30sPreSerum!Steve x Reader
Word Count: 8.2k I’m sorry
Warnings: NSFW 18+ | childhood friends to lovers | a lot of lead up | protected sex (obviously) | slight overstimulation | corruption kink if you squint, spin in a circle, and chant my name 3 times | innocent steve | a lot more fluff than I originally intended
Notes: Before this I had no idea condoms were a thing in the 30s. This is my first Steve one-shot and I don’t know how much I like it because it’s kinda all over the place but it is a thing. It’s also the longest one-shot I’ve ever written so bear with me. Please let me know how I did and any other Steve stuff you’d like to read! Happy reading!
The first fireworks were lit as the clock struck twelve, patriots all throughout Brooklyn not being able to wait even a second longer to celebrate the country they loved so much. The three of you had decided once again to watch the first fireworks of the Fourth from Steve’s rooftop. It was a half Independence Day celebration, half friendship tradition to kick off both of your birthday’s together.
Bucky was sitting up on your right, elbows resting on his knees. Steve laid on your left, his hands folded and resting on his stomach. You laid in between them, your arms stretched above your head. A smile graced your face as you watched the fireballs shoot up in the air and burst into color.
“Happy birthday, kiddos,” Bucky said, a cheesy grin plastered on his face.
“You’re not much older than us, punk, you’re only seventeen,” Steve scoffed back. Your smile grew, watching your two favorite boys. You dropped your left arm down to wrap around Steve’s shoulders and bring him closer to you.
“Hey,” you said facing Steve, “you’re supposed to be nice to senior citizens,” you nodded towards Bucky.
“Ah, shut up, Y/n,” Bucky laughed, you and Steve following.
Silence took over the rooftop, the three of you admiring the colors painting the night sky. Your arm was still around Steve’s shoulder; you only noticed when you turned to look at him and realized how close your faces were. He turned his head, sensing your stare. Noses almost touching, the two of you stared into each other’s eyes for a moment before you flashed him a big smile.
“Happy sixteen, Stevie,” you whispered to him, admiring the flecks of green mixed into the blue of his irises. Steve’s smile grew, he let out a little breath of laughter.
“Happy sixteen, Y/n.” You glanced over his face one more time before looking back up at the fireworks, not wanting to miss the rest of the show.
Steve stayed facing you, taking in the rare moment he could stare at you in all your beauty. He shouldn’t have had a crush on you, you were his best friend, but he chalked it up to you being one of the only girls that ever gave him the time of day. His eyes drew down your eyebrows, remembering how excited you had been when your mom had finally let you start plucking them, to your eyes and they way they crinkled at the corners as you beamed at the sky. Every time a new firework would go off he would watch as the blues, greens, and pinks highlighted your cheekbones. He didn’t even realize he was staring until a gum wrapper hit him in the face. Looking up at the direction it came from, he met Bucky’s knowing look, one eyebrow up and a smirk. Steve just shook his head and looked back up at the sky.
Around one o’clock, Bucky had to walk back home. The three of you slowly walked your way down to the door of Steve’s apartment, stalling to prolong your time together.
“Alright, I really gotta get going now. Mom’s gonna whoop me if I’m not home by two,” Bucky said, putting his hands on yours and Steve’s shoulders before bringing you two in for a hug, “happy birthday, idiots.”
“Bye, Bucky,” you rolled your eyes.
As Bucky walked off, Steve unlocked his door and motioned for you to come in. Another birthday tradition you two had begun was to have a sleepover the night before. You would never tell Steve, but the only reason your parents were okay with it was because they figured they would never have to worry about Steve making a move on you. You hung up your coat and immediately made your way to the radio, a gift Steve had received the year before. Spinning the dial through the channels, you landed on one that had slow jazz music playing.
Steve got two cokes from the icebox and set them down on the small coffee table in the center of the living room. You sat on the floor across the table from him, setting up the checkerboard on it.
“Wish Bucky could’ve stayed this year with us. You know the only reason his mom gives him a curfew now ‘s cause he spent the whole night out with a girl last month?” Steve said as he moved his first piece forward.
“Big trouble for a date? Why’d he do a stupid thing like that?” You moved your first piece.
“He said he was this close to losing it,” Steve pinched his fingers together, “said he got his hand up her skirt though. Can you believe it? He’s only seventeen and he’s already almost lost his virginity,” Steve shook his head and sighed exasperatedly as you both made your moves.
You scanned the board, trying to find a safe spot, “You know, honestly, a lot of boys our age are starting to talk about that now, even some of the girls. Is it such a crazy idea?” You moved your piece.
“Maybe not for you guys. Girls tend to do anything to stay away from me,” Steve said with a disappointed sigh.
“Hey, it’s not that bad. And what do you mean ‘you guys’? It’s not like I’m one of the prettier girls or have any boys coming up to me at school or any of the dance halls, I haven’t even had my first kiss yet!” The both of you had stopped looking at the board.
“Neither have I,” Steve shot back immediately.
The air stilled, you and Steve looked at each other, thinking the same thing but not wanting to be the first to say it.
“Stevie?” you snapped him out of his head. He cleared his throat and raised his eyebrows at you, telling you to go on. “Maybe these things would be easier if we just got it over with, y’know?” You hoped he was understanding where you were going with this, not wanting to have to explain and face his surprise.
“Yeah, I mean yes, I guess it’d be easier,” he mumbled, avoiding your eyes.
“Steve?” You said again, firmer this time. His head snapped up, eyes meeting yours. “Would you wanna kiss me?” you asked slowly.
Steve stared at you for a second, waiting for you to laugh or tell him this was some practical joke Bucky had set up. Instead you were nervously twiddling your thumbs and turned your head down.
You quickly looked up, eyes widening. Your mouth opened, words wanting to come out but failing. Closing your eyes and taking a breath you spoke, “Okay, let’s kiss.”
Shuffling to the other side of the table, you kneeled in front of Steve. Too nervous and too worried that saying anything might ruin the moment, Steve eyed you anxiously, the silence in the room instead being evaporated by the music softly playing behind him.. You took another deep breath before talking.
“I don’t know how to do this,” you said honestly, “everyone says it comes naturally but I’m kinda nervous.”
Steve let out a sigh of relief, at least he wasn’t alone in his worries.
“Neither do I, but I think we can figure it out, right?” Steve sat up straight, “I trust you.”
“I trust you too,” you nodded your head, sitting up on your knees, “alright, let’s just...do it.”
Wasting no time, you leaned forward, grasping Steve's face and kissing him quickly. It was a satisfactory medium, somewhere between a real kiss and a peck. As you pulled back, you saw Steve’s blushing face. He looked shocked, like he hadn’t known you would do that, but the corners of his mouth tilted up. You could feel the blood rushing to your face, the familiar heat taking over your cheeks.
“That wasn’t so scary,” you said, a smile growing on your face.
“Yeah, that was actually pretty nice,” Steve mimicked your smile.
Hands still on his cheek, you licked your lips before scrambling, “If you want, we could try again. Y’know the real thing. Just so we know what it’s like, though. Only if you want to.”
A wave of confidence overcame Steve, and before he knew what he was doing he had his hand on the back of your neck and was pulling you in. You gasped as his lips met yours once again. Leaning your head to the side, you parted your lips, prompting him to do the same. There was a moment when your lips interlocked that clicked in your head, the both of you knowing that this was how it’s supposed to feel. Too busy enjoying the rush of the new experience, you two kept going, giving each other kiss after kiss until Steve literally had to pull back before he’d have an asthma attack.
Breathing hard, you let your hands drop from Steve’s cheeks. You felt a big smile creep its way up your face, a laugh bubbling out of your chest. Steve looked up at you, catching his breath. He watched as you touched your cheeks and shook your head, a laugh slowly escaping him.
“We did it Stevie!” You lunged forward, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. He let out a breathy small chuckle, hugging you back.
“We did, Y/n. Thank you.”
You pulled back and laid down on the carpeted floor, Steve moving to lay next to you. The two of you fell into comfortable silence. Staring at the ceiling, you contemplated your next question.
“Would you wanna lose our virginities together?” You asked, still staring at the ceiling.
Steve choked on his breath, eyes widening and head turning quickly to look at you. Hearing this you gasped and looked back at him.
“I don’t mean now, Jesus, Steve, I am not ready for that,” you giggled. Steve slowed his beating heart. Truthfully, if you had meant right then he would have said yes. After that kiss, he would’ve done anything you’d ask him to.
“What’d you mean, doll?”
You turned on your side to face him, resting your head on your palm, “I trust you, you trust me. I say we make a pact.”
“A pact?”
“Yes, a pact.”
Steve turned to his side to face you, “Alright, what’s this pact?”
You thought for a moment, “If by our twentieth birthdays we’re both still virgins, we do it together.”
Steve watched you. You spoke with all the confidence of someone who’d done this a million times but he could tell how nervous you really were.
“Deal,” Steve put his hand out for you to shake. You shook your head and grabbed his hand, pulling him in for a quick kiss.
“Enjoy that, it’s the last one you’ll get until we’re twenty,” you laughed, sitting up and moving back to your place on the other side of the table. Steve just laughed back at you and pretended to study the board, his mind too occupied with the feeling of your lips on his.
Highschool had ended for you and Steve, Bucky having graduated the year before. Over the years you had grown into your looks, your new maturity giving your face and your body a newfound attractiveness. Steve couldn’t help but notice how many more guys had talked to you in senior year, or how frequently you’d be invited to the dance hall on Friday nights. Still, the two of you remained best friends, Steve continuing to be the only boy to get the majority of your attention.
Steve really tried to right his head, but something had changed in him the night you two turned sixteen. You kissed, and he liked it a lot more than he should have. He couldn’t hide his feelings for you behind the veil of friendship anymore, he couldn’t even blame it on you being pretty. No, this wasn’t some new thing, he’d liked you for far too long for it to just be that. Stronger than his attraction, however, was his love for you as a friend. So he zipped his mouth shut, hoping that in a few years he might be able to kiss you again.
During the summer of your eighteenth birthday, you had gushed to Steve and Bucky about a guy named Charlie from The City who had asked you out on a date the week before. Steve sat with a faux smile on his face as you described how tall he was, how his green eyes shone, and how he was a whole two years older than you. He hated himself for it, but Steve couldn’t help but feel a little bit jealous. It’s not like you two had dated or done anything other than hug ever since that night on your guys’ birthday, but he didn’t like the idea of another guy kissing you the way he wanted to.
Much to Steve’s disappointment, the guy from NYC had really stolen your heart. Ten months after that first time you had told the boys about the amazing first date he had taken you on, you were walking back to Steve’s place with him and Bucky with a spring in your step.
“What’s got you so excited, doll?” Bucky had asked with a smile, pinching your side. You giggled and scanned the street, seeing people outside of shops eating ice cream and riding bicycles.
“Too many people out here, I’ll tell you guys when we get back to Stevie’s!” You giggled, looking as excited as ever.
The three of you rushed back, both boys curious about what had you so giddy. By the time you had made it to Steve’s front door you were jumping in place, biting your tongue to stop yourself from spilling the news too early. As soon as the three of you were inside and the door was shut you ran to the couch, sitting down and looking up at the boys, waiting for them to be ready to listen. The two sat on the floor in front of you, Bucky getting equally as excited and Steve smiling at the way your eyes were lighting up.
“Okay, y’know how Charlie and I have been together for about ten months now?” The boys nodded their heads, Bucky glancing at Steve as his smile faltered. “Last night we were in his apartment and,” you took a deep breath, “God, guys, we did it!” You clapped your hands together. There was a beat of silence before Bucky spoke.
“Wow, congratulations, doll,” Bucky said, kneeling up to give you a half hug. “He wasn’t an ass about it was he?”
“No, no of course not! Though, it wasn’t as fun as everyone had said it would be. But I don’t even care, I feel so grown up!”
Steve’s smile stayed plastered across his face. He wondered if you remembered the pact you two had made, feeling stupid for even having thought that maybe you would have wanted to keep it. Bucky walked you home that night. Before leaving, he patted Steve on the shoulder, giving him that same knowing look he had four years ago, this time with a sympathetic smile.
A few months had passed, Steve and you had celebrated nineteen, and the air was starting to heat up. Steve had passed up Bucky’s offer to go to the community pool, already knowing he would have spent the day sitting in the shade as Bucky chatted up girls. He sat in the living room, fanning himself and trying to escape the heat, when you showed up on his doorstep in tears.
“He said he doesn’t love me anymore, Stevie. I don’t know what happened,” you said through shaky breaths. Steve immediately knew who you were talking about and pulled you into his apartment, bringing you into a hug. He let you cry to him for nearly three hours, wanting nothing more than to punch that jerk of an ex-boyfriend in the face for doing that to you. And he did. Actually, Bucky did but Steve got a kick in there.
As time went on, you healed. You got over Charlie and Steve was happier than ever to see it. He had been there for you on countless nights when you couldn’t stop the tears from coming, when you decided to burn the little gifts you had received during the relationship, and when you started to smile again and would ask him to take you out to the dance halls. Steve had begun to forget about the pact he had been so hung up on as he realized he was falling in love with you. He had decided that, if his life continued with you smiling and dancing with him like that, he didn’t need to kiss you or lose his virginity with you, he just wanted you happy.
Unbeknownst to Steve, through the months you spent recovering from your breakup, you began to develop feelings for him. You had no idea why it took you so long to realize that the exact kind of guy you were looking for was in front of you the whole time. You were the happiest you could be when you were around him and he never failed to show you how cared for you were. Guilt coursed through you for falling for your best friend, your insecurities pointing out every reason there could never be anything between you two.
Almost a year had passed since Charlie had broken your heart and you found yourself happily sitting on the roof of Steve’s apartment with him and Bucky once again.
As first fireworks of the night had burst in the sky you let out a content sigh, “Happy twenty, Stevie.”
Steve turned to you to find you already looking back at him. In all honesty, Steve carried just a tinge of disappointment through this birthday. Even though he was happy just to have you by his side and watch you in all your joy, he had never completely forgotten about the pact you two had made, secretly dreaming of what could have been and how it could have led to more. But alas, you beat him to it, and he knew he would have to continue silently pining for you.
His eyes glossed over the brightness of your smile, remembering how the fireworks reflected off your face when you were sixteen and noticing how your cheekbones seemed more lifted and pronounced than they were back then. Steve focused on your lips. They were fuller nowadays and always accentuated with a thin layer of rouge. As he looked back up to your eyes you looked at him expectantly. Realizing he was caught staring, Steve cleared his throat and wished you a quick happy twenty back. You gave him a light chuckle, reeling inside at the fact he was so distracted staring at you.
As if on cue, Bucky’s voice broke through the awkward tension that had just formed, “Alright kids, happy birthday, but I gotta go.”
“Leaving so early again, Buck?” you asked, turning your attention away from Steve’s rosy cheeks.
“What’s your excuse this time?” Steve chimed in, sending Bucky a thankful nod for saving him from his embarrassment.
“Bec’s got a date to see the fireworks that I need to chaperone,” Bucky answered, burying his hands in his pockets.
“A date? To see the fireworks on the morning of the Fourth?” you asked incredulously, even Steve wasn’t buying it.
“Yup. Why else do you think Ma’s got me chaperoning it for?”
You and Steve just nodded and the three of you made your way down. Truthfully, Bucky didn’t actually have to chaperone Rebecca’s date, there wasn’t even a date at all. But he knew Steve better than anyone else and could tell how bad he had it for you. Bucky’d been hoping for years that he’d make a move and this was just another opportunity to leave you guys alone and give him a chance. Once Bucky was gone and you and Steve had gone back into his apartment, you two set up your usual routine, Steve would grab the drinks while you set up the checker board.
“I can’t believe we’re already twenty,” Steve called out from the kitchenette.
“I can’t either,” you shook your head as Steve set your coke down on the small table in front of you, “it feels like just yesterday we were here turning sixteen.” The last part made Steve stop in his tracks for a moment, his thoughts immediately going to the kiss from that night. You studied him, trying to see if he was thinking of the same thing you were. He recovered quickly, shaking his head and moving to the radio.
The tension in the air was thick enough to cut with a knife. Your heart beat out of your chest, you knew what you wanted deep inside yourself. As he searched for a good channel, mustering all the courage you could, you spoke again, “Hey Stevie?” Your voice was shakier than you would have wanted to admit.
Steve’s body was rigid, almost like he knew what you were about to ask. To say that he was anxious would be an understatement. He had hoped for years of this exact conversation, but he’d never imagined that he would actually get to have it, and he had no idea how he would manage to survive through it.
“Yeah,” his voice came out gravelly, he coughed and swallowed the lump in his throat, “yeah, Y/n?” He fiddled with the dials on the radio to avoid having to face you.
“Do you remember that...pact that we made, when we turned sixteen?”
Steve had yet to actually get a channel going, quiet static being the only sound consuming the room.
“Yes,” Steve nodded his head, pausing for a beat, “that if we were both still virgins by tonight then we would have sex, so that we would be each other’s firsts.”
You kept quiet for a moment. At any time up to this point you could have talked your way out of what you were insinuating, but the next sentence out of your mouth would put everything out on the table.
“Would you still want to do it?” You asked quietly.
“Why?” Steve asked, “You’re not a virgin anymore, Y/n, you don’t need to have sex with me to lose it.” There was a hint of bitterness in his tone, so light that, if it was anyone but you, it would have gone undetected. You paused as Steve finally found a channel with slow music playing, not knowing exactly how to respond to him. Getting up, you walked over to where Steve stood by the radio, standing behind him. Wrapping your arms around him, you rested your head on his shoulder, tilting your head to the side to whisper in his ear.
“I trust you Steve. I know I’m not a virgin, but I want this.”
Steve was nearly shaking, this is exactly what he had craved for so long, but now that he was actually living it he was more nervous than ever. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, he got deja vu of the night that had started this four years before.
“I trust you too,” Steve spoke into the air. Those words cemented all the questions and doubts that had been running through both your minds. This was happening, there was nothing to think about but each other.
Steve held your wrists, breaking apart their hold around him, and turned in your arms. There was a moment of silence as you faced each other, both of you wondering if the other could hear your pounding chests.
“Just like before,” you said, looking into his eyes. You were the “experienced” one in this situation, you wanted to calm Steve’s nerves as much as possible.
“Yeah, just like before,” he nodded. You gave him a quick half smile before dropping your gaze to his lips. Pressing your hands onto his back, you pulled him into you. His hands found your waist, resting comfortably on the curve of your hips. Letting out one final breath, you leaned in and kissed him. This kiss was different from the one you two had shared when you were sixteen. Kissing no longer being the intimidating part, it was more confident and full, neither of you holding back or shying away.
You slid your hands to rest on his shoulders, leaning up into him and pressing your chest flush against his. Steve could feel your breasts push against him, not being able to help the shuddered breath that escaped his nose. With shaky arms, he slid his right hand further down and let it rest right above your ass.
Suddenly, Steve felt your tongue glide against his lip. He wasn’t sure if that was supposed to happen, all he knew was that he really wanted you to do it again. When you slid your tongue in one more, Steve followed, leaving a heated mingling of lips and tongues moving against each other. You seemed to be getting into it, so Steve took a small leap of faith, moving his hand down until he was completely cupping your ass.
Moaning into his mouth at the feeling of his hands on you, you reached for his left hand. Pulling it off your waist, you slowly raised it to sit right above your ribs, dangerously close to your chest. Steve’s breathing slightly quickened, understanding exactly where you were taking him. He moved his hand the rest of the way, gently cupping the swell of your breast, whimpering into your mouth. You slowly walked the two of you back until the back of his knees hit the couch. Tearing away from the kiss, you gently pushed his shoulders down until he was sitting and staring up at you with red cheeks. Breathing hard, you grabbed Steve's hands, bringing them up to the first of many buttons running all the way down the front of your dress.
“Open it, Stevie,” you softly command, the words coming out as more of a plea. Steve’s eyes widened, only realizing right then that he would actually be seeing you naked. He nodded his head and swiftly began to unbutton the top. He fumbled as he got halfway down, his heart beat rising as he saw your bralette under the small opening he had made. Sliding the dress off your shoulders and letting it fall to the floor, you stepped out of the pool of cloth, leaving you in only your undergarments. Steve couldn’t control the way his eyes raked down your form. He never thought he’d be able to see a woman like this, especially not you. Shifting uncomfortably in his spot, you could tell Steve was starting to get hard.
“We’re a little uneven, Stevie,” you giggled, motioning to his fully clothed body.
“Oh,” Steve let out a little laugh, “yeah, okay.” He quickly removed his shirt, leaving his undershirt and pants on. You didn’t comment on it, figuring those would come off later as he got more comfortable.
“Do you know how to take off a bra?” You asked. Judging by how pleasantly overwhelmed he looked, you knew the answer was no. You had only asked because you wanted to talk as you went along to cool his nerves, also wanting to know just how much you were ruining his innocence. He shook his head so you stepped forward in between his knees, bringing his hands up and holding them to the clasp of your bra.
“There’s three hooks holding this thing together, just hold each side with one hand and push them together to unhook them, okay?” You spoke to him how you normally would, trying to get comfortable by reminding him that it was just you. Unbeknownst to you, that was the exact reason he was so nervous.
“Alright,” Steve bit his lip. He fumbled with the hooks for a few seconds until he finally got one undone. Smiling to himself, he quickly unhooked the other two and held the fabric taut against you. He looked up at you, his heart pounding, he knew what was next.
Sliding the straps off your shoulder, you took the fabric from Steve’s hands, forcing him to drop them to his side.
“Keep your hands on me, pumpkin, don’t be shy” you said. He slid his hands up your hips to your waist.
“Right, we’re way past being shy with each other now,” he joked, looking relieved when you laughed with him.
“Yes we are,” you smiled at him fondly, “you sure you want this Steve? There’s no shame in backing out now if you don’t.” You dropped one of your hands to caress his face.
“Yes,” he replied shakily.
He held your hand to his face, reaching his other hand up to the front of your bra, hooking his index finger over the fabric in the center. You let your grip on the band slacken, allowing him to pull it from your chest, looking into your eyes. Steve let his gaze wander down to your chest, a gasp escaping the back of his throat as he took it in.
“Oh-oh my god,” he murmured to himself, licking his lips as his eyes darted around trying to get the full picture and memorize every detail.
Taking hold of them once again, you slowly turned Steve’s hands to hold your palms to the backs of his. Steve swallowed hard as you brought them forward to hold your breasts, moving his hands to squeeze them softly. His eyebrows furrowed, his jaw hung slightly open. You dropped your hands to your sides, letting him massage your breasts and move them around in his hands.
“I, um, I don’t know what I should do. I don’t wanna mess anything up,” Steve started, his hands coming off your chest and hovering in the air. You shook your head, grabbing his wrists and bringing his hands back to your chest. Steve could feel your hardened nipples under his palm and held back a groan, the sudden urge to have them in his mouth fogging his head.
“Do whatever feels right,” Steve looked at you warily, “I promise I’ll tell you if something isn’t right, Steve.”
Nodding at your reassurance, Steve began to rub his thumbs over your nipples, flicking them back and forth. With one last glance up at you, he leaned into you and wrapped his lips around one of them, swirling his tongue around the hard bud. Your head fell back as a moan rose from your chest, a gasp cutting it off as he used his hand to pinch the other.
Tangling your fingers in his disheveled hair, you jumped when you felt his hand slide down your stomach to cup your pussy. You breathed out his name as he rubbed over you, switching to suck on your other nipple. It all became too much, you used the hand in his hair to pull his mouth off you, his lips popping off your sensitive nipple.
“Wait,” you said, breathless, “I wanna try something.”
“Okay,” Steve replied quickly, his hands moving back up to your hips.
You sank to the floor and sat on your knees. Steve had absolutely no experience, but he had a feeling he knew what was about to happen. A wave of nervousness washed over him, he could learn to be good at sex if he tried hard enough, but there was no changing his body. His hands fell over yours that were already working down the zipper of his pants. You looked up at him, he could see how dilated your pupils were, he saw the same eyes that would give him comfort during his dark times and would stare down anyone who had anything nasty to say to him. He took his hand off and gave you a quick nod and you got to work.
Slipping off his pants, you let your hand rest over the erection pushing against his boxers. Palming him, you leaned up to kiss him again. You slipped your hand under the band and slid your hand onto his dick, feeling how hard and hot he’d gotten from just touching you. Sinking back down to your knees, Steve lifted his hips so that you could completely take off his boxers.
You relaxed a bit at the sight of his cock, it wasn’t small by any means, but it wasn’t too big where it’d make you worried about how he’d fit in you. Wrapping your hand around his shaft, you began to stroke him up and down, spitting on your hand to ease your movements. Steve’s back fell against the couch, moaning as your thumb brushed over his tip and spread the precum that had leaked out.
“Ah- fuck, your hands are so soft,” Steve whimpered. He was in absolute heaven. He had never imagined having a girl touch him could feel so good. One thing he knew for certain was that he’d never be able to look at you the same way knowing how it felt to have your hand wrapped around his dick.
Steve looked down at you right as he felt you lick a line up his shaft, circling your tongue around the top. Meeting your lust filled gaze, he let out a stream of moans and whimpers as you sucked on his tip and took him into your mouth, bobbing your head. You took hold of his hand and placed it on the back of your neck, giving him access to guide your movements. He kept his touches light as he pushed your head up and down, feeling your tongue on the underside of his cock. Not before long he was pulling you off on him and instinctively jutting his hips forward.
“I’m gonna come, Y/n,” Steve said to you worriedly.
You giggled and slid your hands up his thighs, “That’s kinda the point, Steve.”
“No, I don’t wanna come yet. I wanna come when I’m having sex with you.”
Biting your lip, you nodded, “Okay, c’mon then.” You grabbed his hand and walked to his bed. Before getting carried away, Steve quickly ran to his bathroom cupboard to get the box of condoms he had stashed away. Sitting him down, you grabbed his face and kissed him hard. Steve’s hands wandered along your sides, reaching behind you and groping your ass with both hands.
Pulling back, you grabbed his chin and looked him in the eyes, “Do you want to lead the way or would you rather have me take charge?”
Steve blushed at your offer, slightly embarrassed at his lack of knowledge. He told you of his choice of the latter before pulling you down to kiss him again. His thumbs hooked under the band of your panties, his finders kneading your behind. With a nod of approval, Steve slowly pulled them down, his pupils blown as he saw the fabric pass down your mound.
Surprisingly, Steve didn’t need to be told to touch you this time. He looked up at you, asking for permission as he held onto your thighs, spreading your legs apart. With a small nod from you, Steve pushed the pads of his ring, middle and index finger through your folds, his brow furrowing at the wet heat pooled between them. You let out a small whimper as his fingers brushed over your swollen clit, Steve eyes quickly looking up at your expression.
He brushed his fingers over the sensitive bud again, “That feel good?” His voice had become huskier and it was only fueling the pleasure his light touch was giving you.
“Mhm, yes,” you moaned when he suddenly slipped a finger in you, “Oh God, Steve!” You braced yourself on his shoulder as he used his other hand to push your thigh up, placing your foot on the bed frame so that you were spread open for him to see. Steve watched as his finger slowly went in and out of you, his nerves jolting at the idea of his dick replacing it. Before he could even question his own actions, he leaned down and licked a stripe over your clit, the unexpected sensation sending shockwaves through your body. Steve had spent years imagining what it would be like to fuck you, but all that was on his mind at that moment was the desire to spend eternity with his mouth on your sweet cunt. You felt yourself start to grind your hips over his face and, for the second time that night, had to pull his mouth off you.
“Later Stevie, please, I want to feel you in me, right now,” you said desperately. Steve simply muttered an okay, his brain still foggy and high off the taste of you, and reached back to grab a condom. Slipping it over himself, he threw the wrapper somewhere to the side and looked at you. His breath caught in his throat at the sight of your naked form crawling onto the bed next to him.
“I don’t know if other people do this or not but I’m gonna try getting on top of you, okay?” You asked, looking equal parts nervous and antsy. Honest to God, your nerves were crazy; Charlie hadn’t tried anything other than missionary with you, you were terrified of doing something wrong.
“Okay,” Steve breathed out, “you ready?” You nodded back to him. Steve laid down on his back, his shoulders lifting up as he rested on his elbows. Swinging one leg over him, you shifted until you felt his dick rub against your pussy, your slick coating it and leaving a sheen. Both you and Steve moaned at the contact, groaning as you rolled your hips over him again.
Using one arm to hold yourself up, you leaned down and kissed him, slipping your tongue in his mouth. Sliding your hand down in between your bodies, you grabbed Steve’s cock, lining his tip up to your entrance and, breaking the kiss, lowering yourself down on him.
Steve let out a deep groan, he had no idea this is what it would feel like. His mind raced as he focused on how warm and soft you felt wrapped all around him. As you began to grind your hips over his, Steve reached up and held your breasts in his hands, squeezing them and pinching your nipples. Your head fell back, your breasts bouncing in Steve's hands as you rode him.
“Shit, Y/n, that feels so good, God, you’re so warm,” Steve said through gritted teeth. He could feel himself getting close, he wanted to hold on so bad, but the pleasure was too overwhelming and new. Pulling you down for a kiss, he remembered how he had touched you earlier and lowered his hand to rub over your clit. Your body jumped at the added pressure, Steve could feel you clench around him, your hips stuttering with every thrust. With a loud groan Steve released into you, his warmth spurring you on more. You continued to ride him through his orgasm, Steve’s hips bucking up as you took him for everything he had.
Screwing his eyes shut, Steve’s jaw fell open and his hands balled into fists at his sides, a guttural moan leaving the back of his throat as you kept fucking yourself on him. His balls clenched and his abdomen tightened, a gasp pulling at him when you quickened your pace. Shaking his head he began to whimper, cursing under his breath and chanting out your name and small “too much”s.
You regressively slowed the movement of your hips. Leaning down to kiss him, you brought your thumb up to his face to wipe a stray tear that fell. Steve took deep breaths to collect himself, looking you in the eyes as his hands came up to rest on your hips. Bracing your palms on his chest and feeling his rapid heart beat, you lifted your hips to pull yourself off him, Steve letting out a hiss as your tight walls released him.
Steve’s eyes stared up at the ceiling as you laid down next to him, your forearm resting on your forehead to cool the heated skin. Removing the condom and throwing it in the small bin next to his bedside table, he looked over at you with a soft smile before eyebrows furrowed and he turned his head completely toward you.
“Did you come?” Steve asked. It was less of a wonder and more of an interrogatory question, as if you had thought you could get away without doing so.
“I don’t think girls are usually supposed to,” you responded with a shake of your head. You really, honestly didn’t know if that was even possible and would have been satisfied if the night's festivities had ended right then.
“Why not?” Steve genuinely questioned. You shrugged your shoulders before he lifted his back off the bed, his body slightly hovering over you, “Well, I want you to.”
Raising your eyebrows, the words left your mind, only allowing you to whisper a small “okay” back to him.
Resting his weight on his forearm, Steve lowered his face to yours, kissing a trail from your cheek to your lips. His hands wandered down your stomach to your warm cunt, his fingers running through your folds again, spreading your slick all over his fingers. You let out a small whimper into the kiss, still sensitive from riding him. He began to leave tiny kisses leading from your mouth to your chest, his lips pulling in one of your nipples and sucking hard. As much as Steve loved having his mouth on your breasts, the only thought in his head was how much he wanted to taste you again.
Steve backed up to the foot of the bed, wet hand spreading your legs apart as he licked a line from your entrance to your clit and circled his tongue around it. A moan dragged its way out of you, your hands shooting down to tangle themselves in his hair. He continued to lick you in any and every way he could think of with his one goal in mind.
Your back arched as you felt a finger slip in you, Steve’s tongue never stopping, making you squirm. As his digit moved in and out of you, you could feel your stomach burn with anticipation, but you knew it still wasn’t enough.
“Ah, Steve, add another one, please,” you gasped out, your head thrown back against the sheets. Following directions, Steve slipped another finger into you, groaning at the feeling of your walls fluttering around them. His lips left your clit for a moment, his head rising to look at your chest as you breathed hard and fast and your face as whimpers left your mouth, a small sense of pride swelling up in his chest at the sight of what he was doing to you.
“Curl your fingers, Steve, please, fuck,” you cried out. Your hips began to lift and fall on their own, grinding over Steve’s face as you felt his fingers curl and massage the spongy sensitive spot inside you.
You let out a loud moan, not being able to control your body as your stomach began to twitch and your thighs began to shake. Tensing, your mouth hung open in a silent yelp as you felt the burn in your abdomen spread throughout your body, your orgasm crashing over you. Steve sucked your clit lightly as he felt you squeeze his fingers, proud of himself for successfully returning the favor and making you feel even remotely as good and you had made him feel. You laid limply in your spot, small aftershocks running through you as Steve pulled his fingers out of your and cleaned you up with a few more licks.
Crawling up the bed to lay beside you, Steve’s arms and legs brushed against yours. Silence washed over the room, the only sounds being your steading breathing and the faint music playing from the radio.
“That was a lot better than I expected,” you said truthfully. Steve glanced at your profile for a moment, a flash of disappointment hitting him as he realized the pact was over. There was nothing for him to hope for anymore, he was sure nothing beyond this could ever possibly happen between you two.
“What were you expecting?” Steve asked quietly, turning his head back to the ceiling.
“Not that,” you let out a small chuckle, “When I first did it, y’know with Charlie, it really hurt, and he didn’t really do anything other than come and stop there. It didn’t feel good like this did with you.”
“It didn’t?” Steve’s eyebrows furrowed again, frustration bubbling inside of him at the mention of your ex-bastard.
“I didn’t even know it was supposed to,” you said shaking your head, “this was a lot better.” You turned to him, eyes drifting over his eyelashes highlighted in moonlight down to the soft curve of his pink lips. The words were on the tip of your tongue, threatening to spill out if you looked at him any longer. You tried to tear your eyes away but you couldn’t.
“Yeah, doll?” He turned to meet your gaze, his eyes flickering down to look at your lips before moving back up. He wasn’t sure whether or not to be embarrassed about being caught staring at you like that anymore.
You couldn’t take it anymore. Body moving faster than your mind, you leaned in and kissed him, your hand resting on his chest. Steve’s hand found your naked waist, holding you to him as he invited your kiss and returned it. Both of you could tell there was something different about this kiss, no longer fueled by sexual tension or disregarded as some juvenile learning exercise. No, this kiss was purely happening because it felt right, because it just made sense.
Pulling away from him, you rested your forehead against his for a moment before sighing and rolling back onto the bed. Another wash of silence, both of you having something to say but keeping quiet.
You let out another sigh before closing your eyes and speaking, a sad tone lacing your voice, “I don’t know what happened Steve. It’s like one day we were best friends and then out of nowhere I like you.” The voice inside your head chastised you for allowing your feelings to get in the way of such a good friendship but it was quickly cut off.
“What?” Steve couldn’t believe what he was hearing, he was sure some cruel part of his brain had imagined you saying it, still, he desperately wanted it to be true, “you do?”
You nodded, shame ran heavy through you, yet there was a hopefulness in Steve’s tone that made your heart skip a beat.
“I’m so sorry, I know I shouldn’t but I can’t help it,” tears welled up in your eyes. You were sure you had just ruined the best friendship you’d ever had. Steve looked at you to find tears running down your cheeks, he could see your lips tremble and felt his heart break at the sight. Throwing his arm around your shoulder, he pulled you into his chest, shushing your cries and comforting you like he always had.
“Please don’t cry, doll. Y/n?” He tried to get you to look up and listen to him but your face remained burning in the crook of his neck. Not being able to hear your uneven breathing and sniffles he held your jaw and pulled your face to his, his lips softly brushing yours. Your faces were so close you could feel the soft puff of breath leave his nose.
“Y/n?” Steve tried again with a whisper. You opened your eyes, immediately looking into his hazy blues. Your eyebrows tilted, silently telling him to go on.
“I have loved you for longer than I can remember.” Steve’s heart was racing, finally having admitted the truth he had worked so hard to contain.
“Why didn’t you ever say anything?” you asked quietly, your voice croaky from crying.
“I never thought you could want someone like me,” Steve answered honestly, his eyes casting down to escape your gaze.
“I’ll always want you.” Your hand laid over Steve’s on your jaw. Sliding it off and moving to rest it on his cheek, your head moved forward, your lips catching his. This kiss was soft and sweet, neither of you needing to find an excuse or reason. It was innocent and genuine, despite your prurient position. Pulling away from him, you smiled at him, wide and expressive of your joy. Steve smiled back, ecstatic and in awe of how lucky he was to have you.
Letting yourself roll back over onto the bed, you opened your palm, fingers searching for his before intertwining together. Steve’s thumb rubbed back and forth over your knuckles as you two fell into comfortable silence.
“Bucky’s gonna blow his wig when he finds out,” Steve chuckled. You couldn’t stop the loud laugh that rumbled through your chest.
“Yeah, he is.” Tilting your head up you found Steve’s eyes already trained on you, a fond smile on his face. Giving his hand a squeeze, you let your head rest on his shoulder as you closed your eyes, ready for a peaceful sleep to overcome you.
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bbywonu · 3 years
mixed messages. juyeon.
a/n: juyeon is sweet boy. give him kith for me.
requested: no <3
summary: reader takes silence for rejection. 
word count: 1.4k
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I unclasped my hands from one another as I wiped off the perspiration from them and onto the sides of my jeans. I quickly held my hand to my chest as to make sure my pounding heart wouldn’t leap out. In all my worry, I had arrived to the cafe early. I took a quick sip of my drink in order to try and calm my nerves. 
I could have sworn that my heart skipped a beat when I heard the bell ring from the entrance of the shop. I couldn’t bare to meet my eyes with his, too mixed up in my own thoughts to even comprehend what I was about to do. I was tired of sitting around and not knowing what would come next, so I decided to do something about it. Hence, me sitting here looking like the human form of a mental breakdown. 
The clearing of a throat grabbed my attention as I looked up, my eyes finally connecting with his. I hadn’t realized that I was staring at him until I saw that he mumbled something towards me. He held a curious gaze in my direction as he shifted to get comfortable in his seat.
“I’m sorry?” I asked.
“I asked if you were alright? You look awfully shaken up.” His eyes held concern as he asked his question.
“I’m fine, I just had a rough day.” I mentally gave myself a facepalm as I knew I had spilled my words out too fast. He knew me too well to know that I was in fact not fine. I tried to reassure him by offering him a warm smile. “I promise.”
“I ordered you some coffee since I arrived early. I hope you don’t mind.” I quickly tried to change the subject as I gestured to the mug that sat on the side of the table. He gladly thanked me as we delved into a multitude of talking points. I soon found myself becoming free from my worries and stress. I even relaxed to the point where I began laughing along with him as he engaged with me in conversation. 
His eyes lit up as he told me about his day, which made me chuckle because it reminded me of an excited child. The only time that he would pause his story would be to take another sip of his drink. As time went on, I soon found myself growing anxious without knowing it. I had a feeling that Juyeon could sense it as well because every once in a while he would shoot me empathetic looks as if he could that something was wrong. 
Was this really the right idea?
“Before we both forget, what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?” He slid a hand through his hair as he shot me yet another concerned look.
This was it - the moment I had been dreading since I had planned this whole meetup. I promised myself that I wouldn’t back down this time. My hands shuffled nervously in my lap as I shifted my weight on my chair preparing to confess to him. I let out an awkward chuckle as I cleared my throat. Everything in my mind was telling me to not go through with it but then again, I’m sure he would find out eventually. I’m almost positive that it’s completely obvious just by the way I act whenever I am around him.
“I actually wanted to meet you here to tell you-” My voice got caught in my throat. I looked up at him just for a split second in order to gage his response. He looked at me with a small smile as he waited in anticipation for what I was going to say next. “I wanted to tell you that I have feelings for you. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, I just didn’t want to risk our friendship because you know how much you mean to me. I hope that I haven’t made this awkward.”
His eyebrows raised slightly as he looked at me with parted lips. I stayed silent as I waited for his response, twitching in my seat as the silence became more and more heavy. I began to panic as I tried to think of a way out of this. My cheeks felt hot to the touch as I swiftly gathered up my things. 
“I’m sorry, please just forget about all of this. I’m so so sorry.” I stuttered over my words as I began to quickly walk towards to exit, tears threatening to spill out over my cheeks. I heard my name being called from afar, but I was already set on heading home. 
It had been two hours since the so called incident. Since then, I had promptly cried my eyes out as a random rom-com played in the background. I felt embarrassed beyond belief. I couldn’t believe that I had just confessed to one of my best friends of three years and he couldn’t even say anything. Could it be that he was repulsed by even the thought of having feelings for me? I had a million and one thoughts floating around in my head before a knock on my door shook me out of my trance.
I groaned slightly as I grabbed another tissue, attempting to clear away stray tears and convince whoever it was that was behind the door that I had most certainly not been crying. Though, I’m sure my puffy cheeks were going to give it away almost immediately. I lazily walked over to the door as I cracked it open slightly, only to reveal none other than Juyeon himself. 
“What are you doing here?” I asked as I attempted to not let my voice crack.
“I think we should talk.” He was leaned in close to the door as he had one hand resting on the side of the frame, positioning himself so that he could try and see me better. I looked down as I mentally sighed feeling the tears pool in my eyes once again. 
“There’s nothing to talk about Juyeon. I like you and you don’t feel the same way. Now if you don’t mind, I’m really tired and I would like to get some sleep.” I tried to close the door but he beat me to the punch as he already had one foot in the door. 
“I never said that I don’t feel the same way.” 
“Actually, you didn’t say anything at all.” My voice cracked as I looked up at him. He was now standing fully in the doorway inching closer as he realized how hurt I actually was by the situation. “Which is actually much worse.” “I know.” He paused as he looked down at me. If you looked hard enough then you could see the thoughts swirling around in his mind, almost as if he was trying to piece together what to say next. “I’m sorry, I should have said something. But don’t for one second think that my silence was taken for not having feelings towards you.”
I looked up at him, my heart pounding faster in my chest, only this time it was for a different reason. He took my face in his hand as he looked down upon me with pure adoration. 
“Somewhere in the midst of us being friends, I fell for you. I honestly don’t know how it happened, but I’m glad it did because then we wouldn’t be in the situation that we’re in right now. I absolutely have feelings for you, Y/n.” He laughed as he made eye contact with me. He leaned in slowly as he kissed me softly on the lips. If you listened hard enough, then I’m sure there were fireworks going off somewhere. We stayed like that for a moment more before pulling away, small smiles on each of our faces.
“Well, I guess come on in unless you’re just going to stand in my doorway all day.” I sat on the couch as I shot him a playful grin, patting the seat beside me as he gave me a large smile. I could feel him staring at me as he joined me on the couch. I turned towards him with an expectant look.
“You look cute with puffy cheeks.” He said as he leaned over to pinch them. 
I scoffed in response as I rested my head on his shoulder. I let out a sigh of relief that I hadn’t realized I had been holding. I smiled to myself as I was glad that I hadn’t lost my best friend, and had gained something even better. 
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chudleycanonficfest · 3 years
The Switch
Day 10, Story #2 is by @adenei
Title: The Switch
Author: adenei
Pairing: George Weasley/Angelina Johnson
Prompt: First Date
Rating: T
TW: Mentions of character death
The shop is quiet as George locks the door to his office. It’s been a month since the grand re-opening of Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, and the steady thrum of customers has put the business back on track to where it was before the untimely closure due to the war. Things are different, of course, with Fred not being there, but George’s family and friends have stepped up and offered more support than George knows what to do with—not that he wanted it in the first place.
  In retrospect, he is thankful for his family and friends, Ron and Angelina in particular. They helped him put down the bottle and get his life back on track. 
  “Fred wouldn’t want this.” Angelina had told him late one night while she and Lee were staying over in his flat that smelled of days-old Firewhisky and hadn’t been cleaned since before they’d gone into hiding at Aunt Muriel’s.
  “How would Fred feel if you let everything the two of you worked for go to shit? How would you feel if the tables were turned and if it was—” Ron had yelled as he snatched the half-full bottle away from his brother and dumped it down the drain. The emotion was raw as the words caught in his throat, the end of the phrase hanging between them like the weight of a bludger pulling them down and grounding them.
  At first, he’d been pissed, but they were right. Fred wouldn’t have wanted George to resort to any of that. And even though he’d been begrudging in accepting help to begin with, George knew he wouldn’t have gotten the shop up and running as swiftly as he did without everyone’s help. The hole in his heart still ached, and not a moment went by where he didn’t miss his brother, but finding a new stride in this post-war life is exactly the push George needed to not only move on but also honor and make Fred proud.
  As George makes his way onto the main floor of the shop, a figure standing behind the counter makes him pause. He’d recognize that silhouette anywhere, the unrequited crush from his Hogwarts days now thrust back in his life, as if to taunt him of just another thing he’ll never have.
  “You’re still here?” The exhaustion is apparent in George’s voice after a ten-hour day.
  “Yeah, I wanted to make sure you didn’t stay on and try to do all the inventory yourself again like last week.” Angelina runs her fingers over the various displays of fireworks that are locked away behind the checkout area as she lightly teases George.
  “Nah, I learned from that mistake. Besides, don’t you have your regular job that you need to get back to? Now that things are running smoothly again, we’ll be able to manage without the extra help. Especially once things die down after the first.”
  “I don’t mind spending a few hours here after work, you know that. Things’ll start to pick up again soon once the Quidditch season gets underway, I’m sure, but right now, my corresponding duties are light. Call me crazy, but I’ve enjoyed spending more time with you lately. Almost makes me feel like we’re back in Hogwarts, you know? When real life and responsibilities seemed so far away.”
  A chuckle escapes George’s lips. It was true, all this time they’d been spending together, especially with Lee and sometimes Alicia, almost made everything feel right again.
  “Well, we can hang out in other places, too. I swear I don’t live at Wheeze’s.”
  “George, you live upstairs.”
“Ah, bugger off.”
  “I’m only teasing.”
  “And all I’m saying is if you want to do something outside these walls, all you have to do is ask.”
  “Are you hungry, then?”
  A genuine laugh bubbles up into George’s throat at Angelina’s brazenness. “Bloody hell, woman! Impatient much?”
  His outburst brings a smile to Angelina’s face, brightening the dark circles under her eyes from the extra hours spent helping out. 
  “You’re the one who said to ask. So, what do you say? Fancy a drink and a meal down the street? It’s late enough that the Leaky shouldn’t be too busy.”
  “I s’pose it couldn’t hurt. Beats making something for myself, that’s for sure.”
  “Great, let’s go.” 
  Angelina walks around the counter and reaches out to take George’s hand in hers. An electric shock shoots up his arm from the point of contact, and George has to stop himself from pulling away from the surprise of it all. A memory flashes through his mind of twinkling lights amongst a silver backdrop in the Great Hall all those years ago. He sees two figures dancing and twirling to the music of the Weird Sisters, one with flaming red hair much like his own and the other whose sapphire gown swished against the travertine floor. The memory brings a reminiscent smile to his lips as Angelina tugs him out the door.
  When they reach the Leaky, the pair settles into a quiet booth in the back of the establishment, away from curious eyes. It’s late in the evening for a meal, which is made evident by the empty tables and chairs scattered throughout the pub. Only a handful of patrons litter the bar, allowing Tom to be attentive to their needs. 
  George takes a large swig when the barkeep returns with Butterbeers, and they place their orders.
  “No shot of Firewhisky tonight then?” 
  George shakes his head. “I told you, Ange, I was serious about stopping. I can’t use the bottle as a crutch for grief anymore.”
  Angelina nods as she observes him intently. George can feel the heat of her gaze trailing over him as he takes another sip from his drink. 
  “You’re staring.”
  “Sorry, I was just thinking.”
  “Oh? And here I was thinking I was mesmerizing you with my dashing good looks,” George quips. 
  Angelina smiles, and for a moment, George thinks he sees a blush on her cheeks before she recovers.  For all the time they spent together during Hogwarts, and more recently in the months following the war, George finds it odd that they’re struggling with conversation now.
  “Knut for your thoughts?” asks George.
  “Just that it’s been nice reconnecting with you. And Lee. Circumstances are shit, of course, but with my hectic schedule during Quidditch season, I don’t get much time for socializing and friends. I even had to drop my registration for the semi-pro league I was hoping to play for.”
  George nods, and his stomach twists as he processes her words. That would mean she’d be leaving soon once things got busy. He’s overcome with the urge to see if her job is something she’s passionate about.
  “Do you love it? Your job, I mean.”
  “Well, yeah, if I can’t play professionally, the next best thing is writing and commentating. Plus, I’ve gotten to see the world all on the Ministry’s dime. Can’t complain there…”
  “But is it something you see yourself doing for a long time?” George presses. He doesn’t mean to sound judgmental, but he needs to know if it’s even worth it to pursue.
  “Well, after graduation, it seemed like the right fit. The opening was there, my parents were encouraging me to see the world, and I didn’t have anything tying me down. Honestly, I think my parents thought it was safer for me to travel, especially with the war on...”
  And what about now? 
  George is nodding his head up and down while the question ricochets in his mind. He opens his mouth, gathering the courage to allow the four words to escape his mouth when Angelina interrupts him.
  “Well, there are some openings that would allow me to stay in London that have just come up. They’re looking for commentators and stats writers for the matches played in the Kensington stadium. So, if you needed an extra hand at the shop, I could stay—”
  “—I don’t want you to stay for the shop. If you want to travel the world, you should. I doubt you’ve seen all the world has to offer in two seasons.”
  No! What are you thinking! 
  George can almost hear Fred chastising him for his rash response. It doesn’t come out the way he meant it to sound, and he knows he messed up given the crestfallen look on Ange’s face.
  “I only meant—”
  “I-I’ve actually already put in for the London job, George. And I promise it’s not because of the shop. Lee promised to help me with commentating, and this way I can play again. I start training next week. You know how much I missed playing Quidditch, and now that England is safer, I can stay and have the best of both worlds.” 
  The longer she goes on, it feels like she’s rambling and going on with a laundry list of pre-prepared reasons, which doesn’t sound like the Angelina he knows. It’s almost like she’s trying to convince herself that those are the reasons she’s staying, and not for anything else.
  Ange rolls her eyes. “Don’t worry, I know you and Fred always used to think you two were the center of the universe, but I promise I didn’t choose to stay just for you.”
  Her voice is light, and she’s smiling, but George can’t help but sense something else lingering beneath the surface. Disappointment, perhaps? Or maybe he’s just reading into things too much. Hoping something might be between them that really isn’t. He forces himself to stop overthinking and simply enjoy her company instead.
  “Well, I, for one, am happy you’re staying. We’ll be able to get together more often, and it’ll almost feel like our Hogwarts days. Maybe I’ll even be able to convince you and Alicia to test new products again.”
  Angelina nearly spits out her Butterbeer at George’s joke as Tom approaches with their meal. He knows he’s not fooling either of them; the irony is that the girls were always two steps ahead of him and his brother. They were the only two in their year who managed to avoid becoming test subjects to all of their prototypes.
  The two fall into more reminiscing as they tuck into their fish and chips. George doesn’t realize how ravenous he is until he starts eating, and he’s even more grateful for Ange’s suggestion now.
  As they are polishing off the remainder of their baskets, the topic of conversation falls on the Yule Ball, as Ange remembers how Fred had tossed the wad of paper at her.
  “It was romantic, wasn’t it?” George jokes as he remembers his brother’s ridiculous attempt at asking a girl out. “Still don’t know why you said yes to that tosser.”
  To this day, he’d always resented his brother for drawing his wand first and asking Ange to the ball. Of course, George knew it was all meant to be a bluff. It was Fred’s attempt to get his brother to buck up the courage and ask Angelina for himself. 
  George remembers it vividly. “Just ask her. What’s the worst she’ll say? No? Fine, if you won’t do it, I will.”
  When Fred had gotten Ange’s attention, George had no idea what to expect. They were usually well in tune with each other, and George could anticipate Fred’s moves, but when his brother had asked Angelina himself, it took George by surprise.
  “We were getting down to the wire, weren’t we?” Angelina interrupts George’s thoughts. “No one else had asked me, so I figured it was better to go with one twin than none at all.”
  George chooses the wrong moment to polish off the last of his chips. The fried potato catches in his throat, and he coughs it up, all while reaching for the last dredges of his Butterbeer to clear things out.
  Did she just say it was better to go with one twin than none at all? But then that would mean… 
  “Ange, don’t tell me you were waiting for me to ask you.”
  She shrugs and averts her eyes from his gaze. “I mean, I wouldn’t have been disappointed if you’d asked, let’s put it that way.”
  After this revelation, George burst into laughter. To anyone else in the near vicinity, it probably sounded like he should be admitted to the Janus Thickney Ward. He hasn’t laughed this hard since he and Fred were able to pull off a prank on Muriel shortly after arriving at her Manor at the end of March.
  “You—Fred—I—me—” He can’t seem to formulate a coherent string of thoughts until Angelina goes from amused to offended.
  “Honestly, George, I didn’t realize it was that funny. Forget I said anything.” She checks her watch and gathers her bag. “Maybe this wasn’t a good idea after all. It’s getting late, and clearly the thought of the two of us together appalls—”
  She’s in the process of standing up when George sobers from the onslaught of irony and reaches out to grab her wrist.
  “Ange, wait. I’m not laughing at that. Just—just give me a chance to explain, yeah?” He pulls her into the bench beside him, where she lands on her bottom harder than she needed to as she lets out a loud huff of indignation.
  “Fred never intended to go with you when he asked.”
  “Excuse me?” Her eyebrows have raised so high on her face that George is surprised they haven’t gotten lost in her braids.
  “No, what I mean is, he’d been pestering me to ask you since the ball was announced. He knew I had a thing for you—obviously—and was being supportive.”
  It felt weird for George to admit that he fancied Angelina in school now, after so many years of keeping it close to his chest. Fred and Lee were the only two who ever knew.
  “So, what are you trying to say, then?”
  “When Fred asked you...I was shocked, too. I didn’t realize he’d already devised a plan that I didn’t cotton on to right away.”
  The look on Angelina’s face transformed from defensive to shock to comprehension, all in the span of a few seconds. “Don’t tell me…”
  “Being an identical twin has—er, had—its benefits.”
  “So.. are you trying to tell me that I didn’t go to the ball with Fred?”
  “And at the end of the night, when I kissed Fred in an attempt to make you jealous, I was actually kissing you all along?”
  “Sorry if it was disappointing.” The wisecrack escapes George’s lips before he can stop it.
  Half of him is expecting Angelina to slap him for the ‘switcheroo’ that he and Fred pulled, and in fairness, they deserved it. What if Ange actually had fancied Fred, and they’d pulled one over on her?
  But to his surprise, Angelina does the opposite. She leans in and kisses George right then and there. The same shock he felt when holding her hand earlier ignites within him once more as he lets his body take control. He allows himself to get lost in the feel of her lips, realizing that it’s the first time he’s truly felt like himself since Fred’s passing. He even dares to let himself think he’s found happiness again.
  Eventually, George pulls away as his lungs begin to burn from the lack of oxygen. They remain close, foreheads touching as he offers a weak smile. 
  “Y’know, I was going to tell you it was me at the end of the night, but how could I when I thought I was going to break your heart when you thought you’d kissed Fred?”
  “You’re insufferable, you know that?” 
  “Yeah, but you can’t argue with sixteen-year-old George’s logic, can you?”
  Ange rolls her eyes and leans back. George misses the contact as soon as it’s gone.
  “What do you say we get out of here?” Ange raises her eyebrows in question as if tempting him to follow when she scoots out from the bench a second time.
  George pulls enough money to cover their meals out of his wallet and leaves it on the table before scooching out behind her. He pays no mind to the remaining customers as he pulls Angelina back into him and whispers in her ear,
  “I’d say we’ve wasted five years of pointless pining to wait any longer.”
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saphirered · 3 years
Hi welcome back! Hope you’re doing well. Random question b4 my request, bc I want to give back as thanks for the great writing: are you a coffee, tea, or hot chocolate/cocoa drinker? I prefer hot chocolate and sweet tea.
How would the m9 respond to an SO/friend with a kid? Where the reader is a single parent with a child of at most 10 years old. Thanks :)
- 🐋
This took a while to write so sorry for that 😅. I'm so glad you like my writing! I love writing for you lot. I'm definitely a hot cocoa person. I hope this one turned out to your liking 😘.
You never hid the fact you had a child from Caleb, if anything you’re proud of them. Though, you do know in certain company it’s better to keep that fact a secret for safety reasons. Caleb understands that fully he respects and admires you always put your child’s best interests first.
This is why when you began getting more involved with Caleb you kept your child out of it and took a good amount of time before introducing them to the wizard. You didn’t want to set expectations for both sides and wanted to protect and preserve them both should what you and Caleb had going not work out after all.
It’s no surprise Caleb is good with children. He takes a gentle approach when it comes to all things good in this world to the point of almost being afraid to ‘ruin it’. You assured him many times he was in the clear and how could his heart not warm at the curiosity and search for knowledge your child was already displaying.
With your permission Caleb began teaching your child some things here and there. The theoretics of magic and eventually simple spells. The smile it brought to their faces while they worked couldn’t make you happier. Caleb definitely earned your child’s approval to stick around.
At first Beau is surprised. She knows children come from somewhere of course. She’s not stupid but actually tying a child to their parent let alone being very close to that parent is a whole new story. Especially learning you raised your child on your own and seeing you want to provide what’s best for them definitely earns you her respect, not having a parent with the same motivation herself and all.
The day of introductions came along and as expected Beau is the most awkward, trying not to be a terrible influence and be on her best behaviour, makes her very much on edge. An perceptive child picking up on this awkward behaviour calling her out leaving her cursing like a sailor, then apologising for said curses, even less of a surprise. You had to assure her many times it was fine.
Beau makes a promise that no matter what, she’ll make sure you’ll be returning to your child and make sure they get the love and support they deserve. Growing up without loving parents is one thing. Growing up an orphan another. She’d do everything in her power to keep you safe.
It may have began with joking comments such as ‘finish your homework’ to ‘do the dishes’ and ‘be nice to your parent while I’m gone’ but it didn’t take long before Beau was helping them with their homework or cleaning dishes after you cooked.
Absolutely treats your child as someone capable of making decisions of their own and speaking for themselves. No baby voices or cooing like too many adults tend to do even to a child regardless of their age. Your child has thoughts and opinions of their own and for the love of all that is sacred, can speak for themselves. You’re glad Beau treats them with a sense of maturity.
Fjord may have done what can only be referred to as a spit take the moment you said you had a child. Clearly didn’t expect it but giving him time to recover and process he’d ask all sorts of questions. What are they like? What do they like? And of course the dreaded question about your partner.
Supportive Fjord for the win. After finding out you’re on your own he’d always have your back, checking in with you and making sure you’re doing alright amidst the stress of the world and raising a child in the mix of it all. He’d open up to you about his past and being raised without any kind of proper parental figure. What he wouldn’t have done to have someone like you around when it counted for him.
Introducing them went rather smoothly. Fjord is surprisingly good with children. While some might find him intimidating, he nearly melted when your child embraced him as a thank you for looking out for you. Fjord was happy to answer any and all questions your child asked.
Whenever you’d be swept away for a while having to leave your child in the care of your trusted ones, Fjord would tell your child to ‘have the wheel, sailor’ which they would return with a salute before biding you both goodbye. Fjord slowly transcended into a bit of a father role and none of you minded in the least. You were happy.
When she spoke of her boy she left behind you pitied her. A child shouldn’t be without their family. They deserved to be loved and sheltered from the darkness of the world until they are ready. When you told her you had one of your own Veth really felt safe to confide in you with her worries and troubles. You bonded over it really, drowning out all the sad stories and struggles with fond memories of both your families. Sadly for you, that would only extend to you and your child, the memories of their other parent perhaps somewhat painful to share.
You wondered what it would be like if your children ever got to meet in person. Then the day came. Nicodranas really had a way of bringing families together didn’t it? First time may have been a bit strange, your child being fully aware of Veth’s need for a disguise with her son, played their part well. Both you and Veth may have wiped away some tears when Luc claimed your child their big sibling from now on, and you his third parent.
Work and life are a difficult combination for Veth. She wants nothing more than to be with Yeza and take care of her boy but as long as the world’s in peril and her other family needs her just as much if not more, she’ll have to leave them behind. Knowing that you and your child are with her husband and son when she can’t be eases her mind a lot and she’s forever grateful.
It goes unsaid that Veth’s time away from children and in the presence of adults, specifically the Mighty Nein may have left her a bit out of the routines of raising a child as shown by giving Luc and your child fireworks, promising them to teach them how to shoot a crossbow and more. You did have to hold her back a little with the help of Yeza and keep things a bit more contained for their safety, but mostly yours.
Of course upon learning you’re raising your child all by yourself Jester goes onto a rant about how her and her mom were always alone and how Marion used to read stories to her and do you read stories to your child and do you sing to them and draw with them and give them hugs and cuddles after nightmares and… You have no idea how that girl doesn’t run out of breath.
Jester couldn’t be anyone but herself when meeting your child asking about their interests, do they like to draw and sing and dance and… You ran out of breath just listening to her talk and your child replying in similar fashion. Everything went quite well and the two of them got along. Jester would be singing them songs and teaching them how to draw resulting in many dick drawings randomly appearing in your books, notes and other places, followed by mischievous giggles.
Having bought your child a lovely green cloak and letting them pretend they’re the Traveler here to spread mischief and fun and leave behind many phallic shaped objects drawn and carved wherever possible sent you all in laughing fits but you swore you heard a more masculine chuckle and saw a green cloak fade into the shadows. Odd.
What only can be summed up as the combination between big sibling, fun wine cupcake aunt and mom, remained a constant in your life and you couldn’t be more thankful to have that ray of sunshine be there for all of you.
Caduceus is very calm and collected about learning you have a child. Less of a response than perhaps anyone else perviously unknowing. “That’s nice.” He’d nod. You’d almost start thinking he may have been able to read it off you for some reason. He confirmed he was, the tired eyes, and the recovery of exasperation at times but sense of accomplishment and reward was a look he had seen from his own mother many times.
“You’re weird.” A stare down ensued. “You’re weird too.” Eyes sharpened. “I like you.” The ice broke and smiles followed. For a moment you were afraid that maybe your child wouldn’t like the odd firbolg and thinking about how you would keep friends and family separate but a wave of relief went over you knowing that all was well between the two most valuable people in your life.
You’d be handed a fresh cup of tea by your child, a plate of snacks by Caduceus, all too innocent smiles on their faces but all it took was a raised eyebrow from you to have them come clean about the kitchen being covered in soil from the two of them potting new plants, turning your home and garden in what can only be described as a greenhouse and rather ask for forgiveness than permission. You weren’t mad of course, but did make them clean the mess they made.
You’re still unsure whether or not it was a good or bad idea introducing your child to the extended Clay family as you got some insight in the chaotic prank wars between the siblings and all together sibling rivalry among some of them. It’s all fun and games of course but some moments you were glad you weren’t the one pelted with mud pies by Calliope or pushed into the spring by Calliope herself. Instead you could just enjoy Clarabelle’s bug collection with your child while laughing at the other’s being covered in mud and soaked to the bone.
Poor Yasha doesn’t recall much of a family. In reality she never really felt like she had one until the circus, and after them the Nein. When she saw you and your child together, the unconditional love you had for each other, she felt like she finally realised what she had been missing, and something she perhaps would never have. She learned the value of such a relationship.
Yasha has no idea how to interact with children at any level and by default tends to treat them as either adults, or cute animals. No in between. It took her some time to get the hang of it but you couldn’t deny both you and your child rather enjoyed the unconventional relationship.
The wastes and hardships of Xhorhas may force a child to grow up quickly in the tribes but that doesn’t mean children outside of those regions have to learn how to wield a sword and what bugs you can and cannot eat or how to best skin an animal before eating it… It took some convincing why that was not a necessary skill to learn at the tender age of ten.
You compromised with Yasha on the fighting in the end, persuaded by the woman and your child to allow her to teach them some fighting basics because someone’ has to have your back when Yasha’s not there. You did manage to hold them off on purchasing a sword perhaps too large for your child despite the ‘they’ll grow into it’ reasoning and instead settled on training equipment instead.
Oh Mollymauk, nothing surprises this one. He felt rather sorry for you going through the struggles of raising a child alone. He may not remember his own family but he’s traveled far and wide enough to know the hardships. He knows poor Toya and he admires you for being able to do what so many can’t or won’t.
It goes unsaid that Molly is perhaps the worst of influences when it comes to people but you’ve seen him interact with Toya before and know well enough he’s a kind and caring soul who wants only the best for those who can’t just yet fend for themselves. It’s a good foundation that leads to a better person. He jokingly claims himself proof of that through the carnival and him ‘being an absolute asshole’.
Molly’s soft side really does come out whenever he’s around your child. He doesn’t deliberately censor himself but tries to contain certain words and avoid certain subjects that should never be discussed around your child knowing you’d appreciate it and if he does let something slip and your child ask questions he’d gently explain it as certain things should definitely not be described in gory detail to someone of their age.
This circus man is not afraid to put on a show in any circumstance and will happily do so to cheer you or your child up whenever you’re feeling a bit down or overworked. Whether he’s making a fool of himself, giving you bogus card readings, juggle his swords or tell the most ridiculous stories ever he’d do it without a second thought because it brings you and your child joy. You’re part of his family and he’d go to hell and back again for you.
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