#if you want people to take it seriously... don't say they have the “gall” to make it in japan. where something is made is often neutral.
asgardian--angels · 8 months
you know it's bad when tumblr's being the more mature social media site when it comes to rancid takes on izzy's death
#ofmd#holy shit twitter's devolved into a battleground#what is WRONG with yall involving david jenkins in your beef#you dont have to like what happened but#how many fucking years in fandom does it take for people to learn to be civil#and not base their entire identities around characters so if anything happens to them it's a personal attack#that they then take straight to the creator#if a character dying causes you that much distress then that's a You problem and david fucking jenkins is not responsible#and he's not your therapist#and besides. just because something happened you didnt like doesnt mean it was a bad writing choice#but even if it were. you never have the right to make it anyone else's problem#i cant imagine having the gall#don't do this guys. the cast and crew are so lovely to us. don't make them stop interacting with us#people saying this show was a comfort show. or a safe space show or whatever. thats great for you#but it's not djenk's responsibility to cater to you and not his problem if the show doesn't meet your infinitely high expectations#he's telling a story. things will happen in those stories.#and it's actually p rare on tv that creators are getting to tell the story the way they want so personally im grateful#if you don't like his vision then don't watch it. you don't have the right to bully him. seriously whats wrong with you#cause yeah im sure con o'neill would love what youre doing huh#the fate of a fictional character is sliiiiiightly less important than being kind to people in the real world yknow#only tagging this so people can block for spoilers
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littlemisssatanist · 3 months
my acotar unpopular opinions
taking this time to come out as an acotar reader. yes i've read all the books and i've spent way too much time thinking about it. i enjoy the books in the sense that i enjoy hating on many of the characters and loving a few of the others.
be forewarned inner circle fans. you will not like this.
rhysand is not a 'morally grey' character. he's a rapist and a groomer. he sexually assaulted feyre utm, he groomed her (reminder that she was 19 in acotar), and he withheld important medical information from her. 'you'll always have a choice' my ass.
nesta telling feyre about her pregnancy was not a bad thing. why do people act like it is? 'oh she did it to hurt feyre' hurt her by doing what? revealing the lies that her beloved husband had woven? revealing the fact that she'd die giving birth? the fact that rhysand told literally everybody but feyre?
mor is not the champion for women everyone thinks she is. this i will give to sjm it is truly impressive to make a character like women and still be a pick me. i'm not even going to go into her whole weird ass relationship with her dad (i still don't understand why she wouldn't just kill him. 'oh rhys needed the army' rhys is supposed to be the most powerful high lord ever. either admit he's a fucking loser or give me an actual good reason for this) or the fact she's seemingly incapable of doing anything to help the women in the court of nightmares, but everytime she was mentioned, i had to let out a heavy sigh and rub my temples.
on a similar topic. i liked eris. like a lot. out of all the acotar characters sjm has written, eris is by far my favorite.
the inner circle needs to sit the fuck down. they are the most hypocritical bitches i've ever met. they like to think themselves high and mighty. reading them make fun of lucien's band of exiles while their name is literally 'court of dreamers' was the most infuriating thing ever. and then they have the gall to be insulted when called out. don't dish what you can't take.
out of all the inner circle, the only one i don't hate is azriel. this is simply because he is the only one who hasn't opened his big fat mouth and done something bad (except if you maybe count his whole thing with elain). cassian is on my hit list. it's on sight with cassian.
nessian is sjm's worst ship and i will stand by that. lucien/nesta could have been so much. 'nesta would have ripped lucien apart' and cassian was your first choice? not even azriel was considered? like be so for real right now. sjm didn't see the potential of lucien/nesta and i will forever mourn that.
sjm is a terrible writer. i'm not saying this to be mean but she seriously just sucks at it. that being said i admire her ability to still make millions of dollars off her shitty writing. as a woman, i am rooting for her. as a reader, every day i wake up a shoot a prayer to the heavens begging the gods to not let sjm write any more books from the inner circle's pov.
lucien/elain is better than azriel/elain. argue with the wall.
eris/azriel is better than azriel/elain. you can kiss my ass.
NESTA/ERIS IS BETTER THAN RHYSAND/FEYRE. i know this because i have been enlightened.
feyre is a victim to rhysand. that being said, she is also a major bitch. both can be true because these things are not mutually exclusive. i wish she could make friends outside of the ic like nesta did, but i know that's unlikely.
feyre's pregnancy storyline was completely useless and went against her whole character.
acomaf retconned everything about tamlin and feyre's relationship in order to make more money. idc.
tamlin gets a ridiculous amount of hate. rhysand is hypocritical. so tamlin locking feyre in a house because she wants to ride out with him into potential danger is terrible and abusive, but rhysand locking nesta in the house of wind for... *checks notes*... having sex and spending money on alcohol is helping her? what?
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trisscar368 · 7 months
You absolutely need to realize that real people fiction is absolutely dehumanizing to real life people when you make up headcannons about them and turn them into fictional characters to jerk off to in fanfics. It is absolutely not ok in any way shape or form. and it is, actually, sexual harassment to make someone know "everyone" wants to jerk it to them.
How does RPF differentiate from AI porn art of actors? drawings depicting actors in sexual situations? because its words, its ok? because theyre a celebrity, they're not human and therefore public property to use their humanity however you please?
the complete lack of consideration of the real life person you are turning into a toy is so repulsive. the amount of youtubers alone who have had to come out and say how uncomfortable it makes them should be enough. You should not be acting until told not to; its something you should only do IF they very clearly condone it. but even then, the gall to ask someone "can I write a romance novel about you and who" is absolutely an offputting thing to ask of anyone.
No, not because "sex is taboo" but because forcing unwarranted things like that on absolute strangers, is sexual harassment.
Reading comprehension questions:
Did OP advocate for harassing celebrities in the original post?
No. The entire point of the post was listing out ways that fandom harasses celebrities and telling them to cut that shit out.
Did OP state that people should tell celebrities about their fantasies?
No. That is... quite literally antithetical to the original post. Fascinated how you're agreeing with so much of my post and yet falling so flat at the end.
Did OP say anything about their personal interaction with RPF that might have an impact on how seriously they can take this anonymous message?
Yes. OP mentioned in the post that rpf is a squick that they blacklist. OP is not mushing any celebrities together like toys, either literally or metaphorically. OP is almost wondering if you got them confused with some other cabbage on the internet.
Reading comprehension: 0/10
There is -- and this is the part that truly I cannot let slide without commentary -- an equivalency in your message between people having and talking about fantasies (RPF existing) and the act of harassment. Let's look at the definition of harassment really quick.
Repeated or continuing unconsented contact that would cause a reasonable individual to suffer emotional distress and that actually causes the victim to suffer emotional distress.
Key word there? Contact.
People in a youtube comment section telling the youtuber how sexy they are, or how cute they are with their co-host omg my ship is so squee? Harassment. Contact has been made, the people doing are in that creator's forum space. Do not pass go do not collect $200.
Someone unsolicitedly tagging the cast of a tv show in explicit rpf fic or explicit art on Instagram, xitter, tik-tok, etc? Harassment, that individual is initiating contact with the actor. Same way endless phone calls constitutes harassment.
Sending anything explicit to an actor's family? Waaaay harassment. Possibly stalking as well, depending.
Someone writing a fic on ao3? Not harassment. It's not being sent to the celebrity. There is no contact, the only way they know about it is to go looking themself or have a friend send it to them (and hey, don't be that friend unless you've asked if it's okay).
Explicit fanart posted in fandom spaces? Not harassment.
Fic and art that stays behind the fandom wall? When no contact is made, there is no harassment.
It is not the existence of the fantasy that causes problems, it's the celebrities constantly having to hear about it. That's harassment.
Art existing, fic existing, discussions or fantasies existing do not constitute harassment. Someone writing fanfic and sharing it with their friends is not forcing it onto the celebrity. Someone expressing a sexual desire to a third party is not forcing either the desire or the act on the celebrity.
Thoughts are not actions.
This is a hill I will die on. This is a hill we should all die on, honestly, but as a someone who grew up with OCD, the fact that my intrusive thoughts don't alter reality is really fucking important.
Being out in the sunlight will not kill my friends. Calling the wrong phone number will not result in my family dying over the following few days.
Having a sexual impulse, having desire, does not itself alter reality. Saying those thoughts out loud, admitting that someone is hot, that they have chemistry with a costar? Writing it down to share? Has as little impact on reality as the rituals I had to repeat endlessly as a kid to keep the Bad away.
RPF is not an act of assault. It is not, inherently, harassment.
Is fandom really bad at keeping the fourth wall up? Yeah. There are a lot of people who harass celebrities and think it's fine, because the celebrity is rich and they can just go cry into their money. (To be clear, I think that's bullshit.) But again, constantly, endlessly, it's what people do that matters.
“You’d have done the same,” said Lily. “No,” said Granny. “I’d have thought the same, but I wouldn’t have done it.” “What difference does that make, deep down?” “You mean you don’t know?” said Nanny Ogg.
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fuck-customers · 7 months
💋omfg PLEASE stop sending your dad or your boyfriend or whatever the fuck to buy your makeup. If he’s a straight man I can guaran-fucking-tee you this idiot will be pestering me over every goddamn cosmetic item on the shopping list you gave him and probably then some. Ladies if y’all need makeup just get it your damn self stop sending me your dumbass men who take up all my time bc they can’t be bothered to actually look around the makeup dept. I have shit to do and if you’re coming up to me more than three times to ask where something is, I’m getting pissed off.
Dude just now came up to me with a fucking slideshow of makeup products asking where they all are. I just looked at him like “seriously dude?” Like bro I’m not your personal fucking shopper. I’m not gonna sit there and hold your stupid fucking hand while we find these ten products. But even then, I pointed and told him exactly where each item was and he STILL couldn’t find shit. It was like that ep of SpongeBob and he’s like “the lid Patrick. The lid. The lid. The lid.” I told him one of the items was over in the corner and the dude doesn’t even go to the corner. He says “where???¿?¿” over and over again like,,, my brother in Christ,,,, do you not know what a fucking corner is? You are very clearly NOT in the corner right now like this should be a no brainer???
And the dude can see by now I’m getting annoyed by this shit and he snaps at me like “well clearly I’m not someone who uses makeup so I don’t know what I’m doing here” ok so why would you agree to go shopping for it.?Tell your lazy ass daughter/wife/gf she needs to come and get it her damn self. Save us both the fucking headache.
I also think some kind of weaponized incompetence is being employed here. Like it’s not fucking rocket science to look up at the giant, lit-up signs in each aisle that say where each brand of makeup is stocked, and then go from there to find your item. But I think these men are afraid of being perceived as “gay” or whatever tf if they’re seen shopping and taking their time in the makeup dept. so when they’re sent on these shopping trips they just skip any kind of attempt at looking for the shit themselves and instead make a bee line to me the second they walk in. And then they expect me to take their shopping list and do it all for them like no dude fuck off I have tasks to do, come back when you have a real question and not just “can you help me find these 10+ items bc I’m too lazy/too straight to do my own shopping in the makeup dept”
(Lastly I’d like to mention that some of these men even have the gall to come up to me, with their girlfriend/wife/daughter on FaceTime, asking me to color match them. Yes, you read that right. They want me to find the correct shade of foundation based on a blurry ass face on a screen. So as you can imagine, I just laugh in their fucking faces when they ask this, I just cannot believe how stupid ppl are omfg)
My first thought (being in retail 30 years) Is they don't really want the makeup but some creepy way to make conversation with the (sometimes underaged) sales people.
Or like you said they have such a fragile masculinity just being near it upsets them.
If you can get away with it, tell them you will have to charge them the "personal shopper" charge of $25 to walk them to more than three items.
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therealdesastrffxiv · 15 days
Okay. Here's an actual hot take, FFXIV community.
It is so incredibly hard to take some in the FFXIV community seriously, constantly defending ARR tooth and claw and slamming new players for not trying it. The problem isn't whether or not you think it's good. It's that new players find it boring and head out.
And, again, an MMORPG without new players isn't great. We can't sustain it forever, new players and new perspectives are good. You can yell "WELL THEY SHOULD JUST SUCK IT UP AND GIVE IT A CHANCE" all you want, but you're not -going to-.
The people with interest in the game aren't as obsessed as the clear fanatics defending it tooth and nail, you can't manifest a bored player into just staying. Some will. Most won't.
There's gotta be a solution other than 'well they should suck it up'. Cause they're not.
I skipped ARR to get into the game from the previous one I played, for example, and ended up just fine. I went back and did ARR on an alt. It was okay. Didn't feel super interesting or needed at all, but I did it for story importance.
The end point of ARR with the Garleans, dipping into Ishgard lore, and all of that are the actual interesting pieces that felt important. Everything else, not really.
And so, here's the thing.
We can scream in denial all we want that people aren't giving the game a chance, they should just try to get through ARR, yell at the people who are trying it and say they don't like ARR and feel aghast at the fact that people have the GALL to question WHY the game 'gets good' from Heavensward on...
But that won't get new players to play, and it won't convince people at all that the game is worth continuing.
It's honestly simple logic. And yes, this is a hot take, because I constantly am bombarded with XIV fanatics in flat out denial that ARR is a problem.
You can think it's good all you want, but your dismissal of many new players who want to get into the game and can't because of ARR isn't logical or helpful. At all.
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swiftfootedachilles · 3 months
Hey, from an actual Jew, how about NOT fetishizing Jewish culture and maybe stop talking about it? Like damn, you wonder why people are unfollowing and blocking you and then you’re posting shit like this. We aren’t here for you to pick and choose parts of our culture to pull from and just throw in your fantasy world. I don’t give a shit whether you’re an ‘admirer’ or not. Seriously. Take a good look at yourself. Miss me with this dumbass bullshit.
not really sure how it's fetishizing judaism to say i mickey had gotten to explore a connection with jewish culture. the show fucks up representing so many minority groups and only uses jewishness as a punchline after terrys death so yeah i do like the idea of maybe some genuine representation. when i called myself an admirer i meant ive been considering converting for many years, not as somebody who finds judaism ~cool~ or whatever. the only reason i even had the gall to talk about it is because ive been "actual jews" in the fandom previously discuss mickey being jewish by patrilineal descent. i don't have some fantasy world where i make up a fun lil version of judaism to imagine blorbos in, i want to be in my local jewish community to learn and understand all of the customs and culture and religion. but i cant do that right now because i live in a homogenous rural area with family that would kick me out and cut me off if i began the conversion process, so i haven't been able to get the exposure i need and i have to rely on the voices of jews on online platforms rather than in-person. im sorry if that not always accurate to your personal experiences but i promise im not here to fantasize about some gay jewish version of My Big Fat Greek Wedding im just using my blog as an outlet for my interests, which includes religious, philosophical, and cultural. i want to know specifically why the posts i made are antisemitic fetishism because i seriously don't know
also, i have been getting hate in the fandom for a couple months now. which included disgusting transphobic remarks. for saying that people should research gay sex if they are going to write it in fanfiction. so if you're mad specifically about me making posts regarding judaism, let's stick to that subject. maybe don't justify the hate ive gotten in the past
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kirishwima · 1 year
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'And that concludes today's class. Please start working on your projects in due time. Delays will not be tolerated.'
With that the once quiet classroom began to bustle with life and chatter, students shuffling out their seats and towards the doors in search of food, coffee, some dashing to get to their next class.
And you..you were stuck in your seat, cursing whichever fate decided to play tricks on you.
Belphegor is still fast asleep besides you, dark hair falling over his eyes as he nuzzles his face into his folded arms. You never understood what kind of gall he must have, to nap so openly in the front row of the class.
You were tempted to pinch your friend awake. Still, you had more pressing matters to attend to.
Turning your attention to the back of the class, up to the final row of seats you take note of him; he's sat there, his feet crossed and sprawled over the seat in front of him, his phone blocking your view to his face, though you could picture what kind of expression he must've been sporting; blue eyes focused on whichever gambling game took hold of his attention for the day, white hair fluffy and juxtaposing his dark skin, lips in a lazy smirk as he looked over his winnings.
Of all the people in this class, why did you have to be paired with the one person you knew, instinctively, you could never get along with?
Still, the decision has been made-and gathering the last bit of your resolve, you gather your bag and get out of your seat, heading up the stairs towards your fate, who was still oblivious to your presence.
You come to a halt besides him, planting your feet securely to the ground, chin held high.
Many would've been intimidated to be talking to one of 'the campus' demons'. This family's notoriety was well known amongst your peers, how these seven brothers were all named after demons, how each of them was more peculiar than the other.
And yet in their oddness there's intrigue, and people can't help but be fascinated with the lot. From the eldest brothers stoic ruby eyes, to the sleepy younger brother you've somehow befriended, everyone in campus peers at them with a sense of curiosity, the weird becomes popular, and every single person wants a glimpse into their devilish world.
Still, you're not intimidated. You've somehow befriended half their family, after all.
You clear your throat, waiting for Mammon to show any sign of recognition. He doesn't. Instead he furrows his brows, taps harder at his phone screen.
You take a step closer-can smell his sandalwood cologne and catch a glimpse of his screen-todays' gamble's Blackjack, it seems.
He clicks his tongue. Doesn't turn to look at you.
'What?' is all he says, short and curt, tone rivaling Satan's, back when you first met him.
'I'm Y/N. We got paired up for the project. Can you put your phone down for a minute so we can discuss it?'
He steals a glance your way and groans.
'Ugh, seriously? Of all the people I had to get paired with the biggest nerd in class?!'
He maintains his air of nonchalance through it all, promptly returning his attention back to his phone- grating your nerves further. What the fuck-what the actual fuck? Who does this dude think he is?
He's met his match, it seems, when you don't back down from the challenge-instead you lean closer, planting yourself between him and the view to his phone screen.
'Okay, listen here', you start, 'I did not ask to be paired up with you, and to be quite blunt, I'm not that fond of you either dude. But the pairing's final, and neither of us can do anything about it, except get it over with as quickly as possible, and then go our separate ways. Okay?'
He falters at that-at your close proximity, at your words, you're not sure-still, you hold his gaze, unfazed by the swirling golden hues dipped in blue and the strong angles of his face. You really, really don't care, you convince yourself, even as you feel your pulse quicken.
'I-Okay, fine' he resigns, sighs when you lean back away from him with a nod.
He clicks his tongue, shuffles in his seat to stand up, flings his backpack over his shoulder as he does. He towers over you, but you hold your ground, squaring your jaw and turning your head up to look him in the eye.
'So. What do we do then?'
You hum. You uh..hadn't thought ahead that far.
You're quick to think up a plan though, not willing to let this man catch you offguard.
'Give me your phone number' you say, 'and let's plan when and where to meet up so we can start working on the project and dividing the work. Is Saturday okay for you?'
You go through the details of the when and where with him, saving his phone number in your phone under his full name.
'Is that all? Can I leave now?' he asks with a grumble and you nod, staring daggers at his retreating figure when he dashed away without as much as a goodbye.
You look back to your phone screen, where his contact page is gleaming in your phone.
You change his name to 'Mammon :|' in one final act of defiance.
You can't wait to get this project over with.
Bet on me, Baby-Part 1
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fireemblems24 · 9 months
Golden Wildfire Ch 10
Spoilers for GW up to Ch 10 below.
Now Claude's taking Ls in the Kingdom too.
I love how much they always try to drum up sympathy for Randolph when the man's only character trait is "I want to murder people to gain personal status." And then he also has the gall to act like he's better than the people defending themselves when he goes to kill them.
I never really put that much thought into him before, but yeah he's kinda just a piece of shit, isn't he? Low key one of the worst human beings in the game.
They should've made it Fredinand or like Linhardt's dad or someone likeable.
Funny seeing Claude play Edelgard like a fiddle though. His army is fine, and hers is crushed lamo.
Haha, Fleche is back to her vengeance act. It's gonna be funny if a tiny girl child is a final boss.
The same conversation with Jeralt and Bylethas I saw elsewhere, I think. Yeah, here comes the sword again.
I love how they make Rhea out to be such a big deal, but literally no one gives a shit that they declared war on her. Like, pick one, game. You either have Claude be an unpopular ruler or Rhea actually be a problem.
Raphael called it right. Commoners don't give a shit. So Edelgard getting everyone killed over noble squabbles.
Hilda kinda seems like the Kingdom stan here. She's always the one upset about it.
Claude is such an idiot. I cannot take him seriously. Claiming he wants to spare lives moments after sacrificing Randolph and wanting to wipe a church no one gives a shit about off the map. Am I supposed to take this seriously?
Haha, Arval said he can think for both of them when I had Shez say she's more brawn than brain lamo. And Shez believes it too, omg. Shez is great. I need a comedy show with them.
Oh, nice! Looks like another single-battle map. BC, honestly, I got Spiritfarer for Christmas and I'm DYING to play it, but need to finish this first.
Lamo, Arval just said trying to unify different people under one king is dumb, won't work, and looks forward to the day humanity moves beyond it.
So is this the paralogue that's going to rewrite it so Lorenz's dad did nothing wrong? Given the description, I'm betting it's that.
Ignatz is being awkward around Lorenz now that he's been promoted.
Gloucester evades all of Lorenz's questions about these bandits.
And now Lorenz is demanding Raphael do what Ignatz did and is upset he's so casual lamo.
So are they making it so his dad wasn't the one who ordered the hit that killed Raphael's parents? Lol. This game really likes whitewashing some of these guys, but Glouster's probably the worst offender.
Let me take a wild guess. TWSITD.
It's really a shame that Raphael is such a one-note character. It would've been interesting if he had more in-depth conversations with the rest of the cast who were unable to move beyond trauma.
Their one and only support.
They're hunting and the deer only has one arrow. So they try to figure out who successfully shot the deer.
They both hit the same place. Mystery solved.
This one should be better.
Constance is challenging a cat to a staring contest. Yes, this one is already better.
Lamo, he says he would've considered her as a wife if she restored her house. But withdraws because she's a weirdo. (I mean, no loss?)
Constance gets back at him by saying she'd never consider him lol.
Now they're arguing over who's house is more noble.
Much more entertaining.
It's about food.
It's nice to see Raphael actually have passion about something instead of just repeating "meat!" over and over.
You know, going through supports has made me realize that Golden Deer probably has my overall least favorite cast.
Ignatz has an older brother. He likes his brother at least.
Ignatz is finally talking about how he doesn't love being a knight. He really didn't have much of anything going on removing that conflict.
It's nice to hear Ignatz have his own convictions to become a knight. He's getting more sides to him, which is good.
Holst sneaks with Shez into enemy territory. He's doing it because scouts are going missing. Shez is impressed someone of his status is doing that.
Lysithea studied too long and is out after dark. Gets scared by noises. She runs into Raphael and they talk about strengths and weaknesses.
The weird noises she heard wasn't Raphael.
Marianne needs help from Shez organizing because she sucks at it.
Wow, Hilda not only volunteered to help Marianne clean up the mess, but also to do the scouting mission they were supposed to go on all by herself. It's love.
Hilda doesn't show up for awhile, so they get worried and go to check on her. Given that it dumps me to prepare for the battle next, I'm thinking that was a good call.
Not my favorite paralogue. I had to fight Ingrid :(
They talk about Marianne's typical issues.
It has very "safe" shipping dialogue throughout.
I don't want to invade the Kingdom. Especially since it makes no sense for Claude to do so.
Hahahahaha, lamo, you deserve it Claude. Fleche raised an army to fight him. Seeing this tiny girl as the final boss is going to be hysterical.
Oh, Arval and Shez stuff. I almost forgot Arval existed. They've got bad feelings. I'm guessing it's because Byleth is fused with Sothis.
Ok guys, I restarted this chapter over and over trying to recruit Byleth, but Claude just stands there in one seized area and won't move until Byleth reaches him - even when no one else is around.
I really just want to be done with this playthrough to be honest (there are so many other games I want to play right now), so I'm not going to bother with recruiting Byleth. I'll try in SB, but the only one I'm going to put any real effort in is AG.
Seeing Fleche as a final boss is funny.
I'm guessing we don't fight Jeralt if you recruit successfully. Got a cool cut scene for not bothering though!
So Byleth doesn't join you because you kill Jeralt, I'm assuming. Though, Byleth doesn't seem to have any issue joining Edelgard when she plays a role in that lamo.
Also, gotta say, I love how there's a chapter you can't use the lords. And for Edelgard and Claude it's because they randomly just don't fight that chapter. For Dimitri, it's epic story reasons lol.
Aw, shit, did Byleth just kill Judith?? That sucks. Oh well. Not restarting. This 3 route thing is too much. I just want to play this again, but one route only.
You know, after Claude's dumbfuckery throughout this route, he kinda deserves this lamo.
So who is it in SB and AG that dies?
Byleth so callous about Jeralt's death. Far cry from the crying in Houses, a bit sad actually.
It's kinda funny that Judith died because Fleche went on another rampage. I'm going to miss seeing her around though.
Is whoever dies in AG bad enough that I should push through and recruit Byleth? I may look that up to give me the proper motivation, but that could backfire if it's someone I don't care enough, but I'm having a hard time thinking of a single character I don't care enough about. Even like Sylvain's dad would make me too sad for Sylvain and I couldn't do it.
Aww, Arval is upset for Shez.
So is Sothis and Byleth merging merging or something?
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spicedeluxe · 2 years
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SUMMARY: You and Leon explore the area more thoroughly. Though you had thought it was abandoned, you two come across strange villagers who seem to have an issue with you. Something’s off, but neither of you can figure out what.
RINA’S NOTE: hello again! you’re back! a lot is happening in this chapter. it’s very fun! i hope to expand on some characters dynamics with you. also yes i gave leon a cat allergy. IM NOT SORRY!! spacers are also introduced in this chapter so it shows that a bit of time passes. it gives you guys a bit of a break as well so that it doesn’t run for too long. apologies if it looks weird on light mode cause it looks best on dark mode�� i’ll try and fix it when i get some time. finally, plagas![name] is coming. you guys are not ready. this one’s gonna shake the table….
WARNINGS: More Canon Divergence, More Violence. More Bullshit being thrown at you. Leon’s testing the waters. Just trying to get a feel for you. not literally. yet.
¹ - “forasteros!!” (OUTSIDERS!!!🗣🗣) you have to yell for the full effect lmfao
² - “ellos estan por aqui! avisar a los de mas!” (there they are! warn the others!)
RESIDENT EVIL © CAPCOM (capcom what’s your favorite ramen noodle flavor??)
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You reload your gun with the measly two bullets Leon gave you. You should’ve asked for more, but it was probably too late by now. Your partner had already begun loading more bullets into his chamber.
Leon decided to lead, returning to the front of the house. “Follow me.”
His count was spot on. Three people were in front of the house, holding their weapons up. They sluggishly moved towards the two of you at first, but neither of you gave them the chance to advance further and become aggressive, shooting them at least once or twice.
Leon had enough gall to go up to the last one after shooting and kicked them right down. It certainly surprised you, to say the least!
“Didn’t know you were flexible.” You comment. “Or that you even knew how to fight!”
“I’m more interested in how flexible you are.” He counters, eyeing the magazine of his gun. “I mean in battle, of course. I know martial arts. What about you?”
You ponder over his sentence for a minute. He’s sick, pausing in the middle of his sentence like that. But for some reason, you weren’t entirely mad at it either.
The way he worded it made your face warm. Just for that, he doesn’t get an answer. Instead, you decide to deflect. “Do you try this with all the people you work with?”
“Maybe. But let’s save it for another time. I’ve got something I need to see.” It was a good thing he moved on because you were about to spontaneously combust. Seriously.
With Leon retaking the lead once more, you two continue your journey. He goes back the way you originally came, peeking over a cliff. “[Name], you might want to see this.” He says, shaking his head. “Careful. It’s slippery. I wouldn’t want you to fall.”
You approach him, taking your time so you don't fall off. “Is that…?”
Below you was the sound of water crashing against two vehicles. A truck and….the police car that had dropped you two off. “How’d that happen?”
“Must’ve been what we heard earlier. I looked outside and saw the truck driving past. I think it came from the right pathway.” He jabs a thumb behind him. “We’ll head back and see what else we can find.”
“We’ll have to tell Hunnigan, right? There’s no way to get anywhere else since the car is gone. Police officers might be down there too.” You say. Just to be sure, you lean a bit further. “HELLO! CAN ANYONE HEAR ME?!“
Your yells echo to no avail. No response at all.
“Guess no one’s home.” Leon shrugged. It was possible that the cops had escaped from the car and were just wandering elsewhere. “We should keep going. We might find them along the way. Worst case scenario, we find them dead. We can call Hunnigan later.”
“Okay.” You nod, carefully taking a few steps back from the ledge.
In little to no time, you two went back in the direction of the house, this time taking the pathway on the right. There was a shed right next to it, presumably to store tools.
But there are only boxes in here….and a typewriter? That’s strange. Out of everything in the room, the typewriter seemed to be the only intact thing in the room. You looked over it for a moment before gently tapping one of the keys. It clicked in response, the letter ‘H’ appearing on the paper.
Even stranger was the pack of ammunition conveniently placed next to it. Had someone been here before you, or was it just luck that had brought you here? For some reason, you felt comfortable and safe even if it was a bit exposed to the outside.
It just felt right.
Leon slashing open a box on a shelf interrupted your small moment of bliss (if you could even call it that). “Found some more money.” He says. “Looks like there’s a herb if we get hurt.”
“I, on the other hand,” You began, holding up your treasure. “…found ammunition.” You shake the box lightly. “Says there’s ten on the cover. What do you say we split it in the middle?”
Leon saved his hand. “Nah. Found some earlier. Thanks though.”
Well, that would would bring you back to....hm, around eleven or twelve. But if shooting at hostiles was anything like earlier, you’d be running low in no time.
Leon exits outside, immediately drawing his pistol and shooting two birds. The squawking sounds made you leave the shed, looking at him questionably.
“What’d you do that for??”
“They were holding something.” He jogs over and picks up not only MORE money but a hand grenade as well. “Knew it looked weird from here. Its feathers were all puffed up.”
You look at him and back down at the crow. “Wow…” That grenade must have been deliberately placed there, poor thing. Did someone want it to explode?? You come closer to an ominous wooden structure with dried blood on the decaying wood. Hanging from two branches that intersected were skulls, maggots crawling from the eyelids.
You couldn’t help but stare at it. For some reason, you just couldn’t look away. It was like the structure was whispering your name. The world seemed to slow down, deafening every noise you heard. The only thing you could hear was your heartbeat…
A pair of fingers in front of your face had begun to snap to get your attention before it retreats and instead shakes your shoulder. “Hey. Earth to [Name]?” You look at him curiously and he raises an eyebrow at you. “You zoned out there. I thought something was wrong. Didn’t you hear me call you?”
“Sorry.” You apologize. “I’m just thinking about some things.” The sounds of whimpering nearby made you look away. “What’s that?” It sounded like it must’ve been injured.
Right behind the structure was a wolf, whimpering from its leg being caught in a bear trap. The wound looked fresh, seeing as there was still blood pooling around the bottom. You jump into action, making your way over as fast as possible.
“We’ve gotta open this,” You say, kneeling. You place your hands around the cold metal, trying your best to pry it open to no avail. “…can you help me, Leon?”
He nods. Leon was a bit stronger than you, so he might have some luck opening it. You stand up and move out of his way so he can replace your spot. He kneels and slowly pries the bear trap open as you coax the wolf out.
“C’mon.” You coo, holding your hand out. “You can do it! Come on.”
The wolf slowly lifts its hind leg out of the trap, limping over to you. Unfortunately, you had no medical supplies at the moment, so you couldn’t wrap it up. Your frown turns into a smile as it licks your hand before shaking its coat out.
“You’re a dog person?”
The bear trap snapping shut startles you. Leon notices and smirks, but you quickly recompose yourself.
“I like cats and dogs.” You say. The wolf seemed grateful for both of its saviors, though it looked like it favored you over Leon. “I don’t necessarily like to pick.” You gave the wolf one last pet on its head before it barked at you and ran off. “I’m sure this was a wolf, but they come from the same family anyway.”
“Good to know. I’m more of a dog person myself.” Leon moves forward, prompting you to follow. “Cats just make me sneeze all the time.”
“So, you’re just allergic?” You ask, a small smile on your face.
“No, can’t be.” He says. “I just sneeze a lot around them. I have no clue why.”
Yeah right. You were 100% sure Leon was just allergic to cats. Whether he didn’t want to admit it or genuinely didn’t know was a mystery. It made you laugh a bit.
Leon holds out his arm in front of you, halting your laughter. “Tripwires. Watch it.”
Those tripwires seemed purposely attached to the trees that had a path going through them, wanting to catch anyone who wasn’t paying attention off guard. Instead, you two pass through the tall grass to get through.
On instinct, you take your gun out. Just ahead of you was an irate villager holding an axe. Perhaps he had gotten word of what happened not too long ago….
Either way, you point your gun at him and shoot twice. After the second shot, his head explodes, blood and other brain matter splattering over nearby rocks.
“Ugh, gross.” You mutter.
“Nice shot. Keep it up, and I’m sure you could get a promotion.” Leon compliments, patting your shoulder. “Must’ve hit some sort of pressure point with the way his head exploded.“
The fact he wasn’t affected at all by it still bewildered you. It was expected for you not to know much about him since all you’ve ever heard was how mysterious and hot.. he was, but it was a bit strange to listen to him brush things off as if it was nothing.
“Looks like there’s a bridge up next. Let’s cross.”
You just nod. Leon Kennedy was a strange individual, that’s for sure.
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By now, you and Leon have safely crossed the bridge and found yourselves near a denser village. You weren’t close enough to compromise your positions, but also not far enough to be unable to see.
The smell of smoke had filled your nostrils. Upon arriving in the area, there was a big fire in the center of the village.
Leon briefly lowers his binoculars, turning his head to check on you. Of course, you hadn’t noticed, only keeping watch behind you in case someone snuck up on you two.
Not like you’d go anywhere else anyway.
He turns back around, lifting them back up one last time. “A lot of people around here. I didn’t know nursing homes held bonfires.”
You turn to him questionably. “….Nursing home? What? Give me those binoculars. Let me see!“ He hands it over, and you lift it to look through them. While those people did look old, Leon was just being dramatic.
It looked like there was one of the officers on the fire..so much for wandering around. “Looks like there’s an officer in the fire…” You say.
Something else you noticed was how they moved. It was sluggish, just like the man you saw earlier. They were most definitely human, but there was something off with how they staggered around.
“Are we going to head over?” You ask, lowering the binoculars.
“We don’t have a choice. Come on.”
He was right. Looking through them more time, you see some villagers were holding shovels, pitchforks, and just about anything they could find. It gave you the idea that if you went in, you definitely wouldn’t be welcome. 
On the bright side, it seemed that some villagers were doing little things like collecting water or tending to cattle. So maybe they’d be less hostile?
There were haphazardly built fences all around you as you entered the vicinity. Leon was in front of you, taking out his gun and holding it close.
You hadn’t put your gun away quite yet as you were still on guard for hostiles. As you walked forward, a squawk coming from under you made you stop and look down.
You stepped on….a chicken??
“Woah, watch out.” You say, chuckling nervously. The chicken runs away, feathers falling off as it does so. “Chickens.”
Your partner stops and turns to look at you. “You should eat it.“
“Shut up.”
“Ellos estan por aqui! Avisar a los de mas!”² 
You and Leon turn around to see villagers ready to swarm you two. Wasting no time, you pull the trigger of your gun and begin to shoot.
One. Then two. Then three.
The more you shot, the more that kept showing up. You didn’t have enough ammo for this, and you only used fighting as a last resort. Leon took another approach, only kicking villagers once he stunned them with a bullet.
You should probably try that too. But, for now, you continue to shoot. One after another, people just kept showing up. “Leon! There’s too many of them!” You yell, backing up. “I’m running out of ammo!”
It was all getting a bit too much, so Leon glanced behind him for a split second before roughly grabbing your arm. “Come on.”
“Ow!” You whine. He drags you into a nearby house, almost throwing you inside first before slamming the door shut, nearly knocking it off its hinges.
Leon runs over to the window to look outside. You shake your arm off, his firm grip leaving your arm stinging. The sounds of revving outside capture both of your attention, with Leon groaning, “Great, chainsaw.”
“That’s what that was?!” You ask incredulously. Leon doesn’t answer you, pushing an empty bookcase in front of a boarded-up door. “Um, hey, Leon? I don’t think you’ve noticed, but we’re trapped here!”
The sound of shattering glass startled you, and Leon immediately sprang into action. “I’ll figure something out. Push that drawer in front of the door. I’ll be back.” He orders, rushing up the stairs.
He’s already gone. Your worried gaze turns over to where the bookcase was. The villagers were banging on it so hard that it was only a matter of time before it came crashing down.
“Fuck!“ You curse, rushing over to push the drawer. “Fucking—Shit!” Funnily enough, most of the villagers on the other side returned your colorful words, even if you had no clue what they were saying verbatim. 
All you knew was that they were angry. Very, very angry. But so were you, even if your fright took up most of that portion.
You’re not used to this. People actively trying to kill you weren’t a part of your missions. Sure, you’d get in altercations every so often, but THIS?
Oh, absolutely not.
Leon comes rushing downstairs, almost tripping on his footing. “[Name]! You alright?”
“What do you think?!”
“Take this!” In his haste, he throws a box of ammo at you and you catch it, frantically reloading your gun.
The bookcase was finally pushed down and completely collapsed onto the floor, allowing villagers to crawl in from the outside. Then, in a panic, you lift your gun, ready to shoot.
“I’ll throw a grenade.” He says. Leon could tell you were nervous. The shaky tone of your voice told him as much. “We’ll be fine. Just have your gun ready.”
You look at him with confusion. “What? Wouldn’t that take the whole house down..?”
“Nah. I don’t think this one’s strong enough.”
Before you could protest, Leon pulled the pin on the grenade and chucked it across the room. He backs up, taking you with him so your backs are literally against the wall.
The grenade explodes, knocking down most villagers coming into the house. Dust particles fly from the ceiling, making you cough into your arm. At least most of them were down!
Hell, one villager even tried to throw a pickaxe at you! With good precision, you shoot it, the bullet making a “CLANG” sound upon impact.
Leon didn’t let you do all the work by yourself, though. He had been shooting, but not with his pistol. Somehow, he had acquired a shotgun.
The sound of gunfire and Spanish filled the air. You had to raise your voice so Leon could hear you. “Where the hell’d you get that from?”
“Upstairs!” He replies.
Villagers just kept swarming in. The revving sound of a chainsaw starting up again had really shaken you up. No way he got in...
You had to get rid of him immediately! Without any second thoughts, you start to unload your clip onto him. Every time he got up, you’d keep shooting. You had to ensure he was dead before he had the chance to slice you and Leon up into pieces.
The sound of a ringing bell had made the villagers stop in their tracks, dropping their weapons and sluggishly heading over to the sound.
You and Leon find it strange, especially when they attacked you maliciously. The two of you rush outside to see them retreat to god knows where.
Leon looks around in confusion. “Where’s everyone going? Bingo?”
“Must be a big prize today…” You mutter. Just where could they be going? Could it have been where the bell was coming from? You were sure they weren’t just attending church….
The sound of the communicator made you look over towards Leon, who had brought it out to report back. “Hunnigan, we’ve got some bad news. We’ve confirmed the body of an officer. Something’s happened to the people here.”
“You two need to get out of there. Look for a tower. Try following a trail near it.” She orders.
“Got it.” He hangs up and turns to you. “You heard the lady. Let’s get moving.”
Truth be told, you wanted to sit down for a moment and take a breather. That ambush on the house really shook you up. But you couldn’t. Every minute wasted raised the possibility of Ashley’s endangerment.
You take a breath. “Okay.”
“Do you need to stop for a minute?” Leon suddenly had a change of heart, noticing you were literally shaking. “There’s no one here, so if you need to sit, we can find somewhere to go.”
“It would be nice, but we’ve gotta gotta keep going right?”
“I’ve got something to show you anyway. You can take a breather.” He reassured, taking out a wrinkled piece of paper from his coat pocket. “I’ll read it to you.”
Leon clears his throat before beginning.
“Recently, there has been information that The United States government has sent two agents to investigate the village. Do not let these agents get in contact with the prisoner. For those of you not yet informed, the prisoner is being held in an old house behind the farm. We will transfer the prisoner to a more secure location in the valley when we are ready. The prisoner is to stay there until further notice. Meanwhile, do not let the agents near the prisoner.…—“
Are they really holding Ashley in an old house beyond the farm? What farm…? There had to be one around here somewhere.
“—We do not know how the American government found out about our village, but we are investigating. However, I feel that this intrusion at this particular time is not just a coincidence. I sense a third party other than the United States government involved here. My fellow men, stay alert.” He finishes the note, his eyes trailing down to the end. “Then it’s signed off by the chief named Bitores Mendez.”
“That tells us all we need to know then. If we happen to find this Bitores Mendez on the way, we should question him. Maybe detain him if possible?” You suggest.
Perhaps getting Ashley back would be easier than you thought.
“Fine with me.” Leon comes over to you, setting a hand on your shoulder. “You did good, by the way. Don’t let it overwhelm you.”
You can’t help but smile. “Thanks. It was a little too much at once, but I guess I’ll have to experience that more often if I get that promotion, huh?”
“Sure will.”
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As you advanced through the forest, the sky just seemed to get darker and darker. Every time you looked up, it was like a storm brewing.
A storm that’d never come. Something you knew was inevitable, but had no idea when it would strike.
It was just misfortune after misfortune for you two. First, someone tried to run you over with a large boulder. Then, someone tried snipping your leg off in a bear trap. Someone even tried to take your head off with an axe! Throwing a pickaxe at you was one thing, but shit!
In your opinion, being flattened by a boulder would’ve been the worst of all. The villagers on top of the bridge had to pay for that. You didn’t even wait; you decided to shoot them from under the bridge they were located.
You realize it wasn’t going to rain, no. It looked like it had never rained around these parts. Everything was dying. 
Even the houses were dying. One wrong move, and the foundation seemed like it would crumble down on you. All you’ve done so far was investigate the area.
This place seemed like a farm. Well, what was left of it, at least. Dried bales of hay lay on the ground, with tiny bits of grass scattered around on the ground. Numerous cattle and other animals were around; some ran free, like the chickens and occasional rabbit.
There were villagers scattered around, but they were relatively easy to take down. None of them had weapons. It did take more than one shot to kill them though….
The last house to be investigated in the area had a lock on it. Because Leon had been so kind enough to move things around for you previously, you decide to do him a solid.
He watches you as you pull out a safety pin, kneeling to wiggle it into the lock. “There’s no way that’s gonna work.”
“Oh yeah? Wanna bet?”
“I’ll give you five bullets if you can get it open. You give me five if you can’t.” He wagers. 
That’s suitable. You’ve picked locks with inconspicuous items before. Hairpins, safety pins, and even a paper clip. You were a rookie, but you’ve trained long enough to retain some information. Some of those classes would pay off.
You wiggle it around, coming closer so you can hear better. The lock resists your attempt for a moment before you can hear a slight ‘click’ sound. 
Success! The lock falls onto the ground. You get up and dust yourself off, holding your hand out afterward. “Those bullets, sir?”
“Right…” Leon may have been impressed, but he was really betting that you couldn’t get it open. He reluctantly hands over five. 
“Thank you.” You reload the magazine happily. “Let’s keep going.” 
This house was even worse than the other ones you’ve been in. Instead of wood, the door was metal, leading you to believe there’s something important here. 
You suspected the important thing was Ashley, as this was the last house behind the farm. You couldn’t imagine being stuck in here yourself. The sight of the peeling walls made you shake your head in dismay. Just an all around health hazard.
There’s yet another typewriter on the table. It’s also in perfect condition like the other one. 
You couldn’t fight the urge to go over and type ‘Hello!’. It’s satisfying to see the letters pop up on the white paper and even though emails were more convenient, you enjoyed how vintage it was.
While the machine was entertaining you, Leon scoured the house, opening drawers and pushing things out of the way.
The sound of banging made you look up. “What is that?” It stops for a minute before it repeats louder than the first time.
Leon walks around idly for a moment, trying to listen. The sound only gets louder once he nears an empty shelf. It was undeniable something was behind it.
“Something’s behind here.” He says, shoulder pushing the shelf out of the way. Upon entering this not-so-hidden room, a closet was on the far left.
Not only was it something, but this also had to be someone. This had to be Ashley Graham! You approach the closet slowly, lifting the latch and throwing open the door.
A man fell out, wriggling and squirming. Leon points his gun at him, and he becomes frantic. You hold your hand out to stop your partner from going further and lean down so you can rip the tape off his mouth.
“Agh..a little rough, don’t you think? But, if that’s what you’re into, I don’t really mind.”
Leon flips him over harshly, untying his hands. His words gave you a chuckle. Maybe you were into that kind of stuff, he didn’t have to know!
“You two aren’t like them?” He questioned, his voice laced with uncertainty.
Leon shakes his head. “No. You?” 
After being freed from his restraints, the man rolls over, rubbing his wrists tentatively. He’s finally able to take a breath, one that sounds relieved. “Nope. But I have only one very important question. Any of you got a smoke?”
“No, sorry.” You apologize. “I don’t smoke.”
Leon pulls out a packet of mint gum. “….I’ve got gum.”
“And you didn’t even offer me any?” You roll your eyes. 
Two villager men holding weapons had suddenly entered the room. Behind them was a very tall man, his footsteps booming as he came forth.
“Perfect.” The man on the floor mutters. “The big cheese.” 
This so-called “big cheese” stares at you three with a hardened gaze. His eyes go from Leon, to the man on the floor, then right towards you. You stare back with unease.
Leon runs towards him, prepared to attack. He lifts his leg to try and kick him, but the big cheese catches it and launches him towards you and the man.
Once he had collided with you, all you saw was the ceiling. Black spots had splotched into your vision, but as you leaned your head back, you could see the man looming over you.
Your final exhale made you close your eyes, finally seeing nothing but black. 
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kharmii · 2 months
Maybe Marchy wants you to delete their post because they don't want to be affiliated with you, specifically. You're sort of a trash human being who can't get past werewolves being fictional creatures who have been a part of human mythology for thousands of years. Oh, and you're also transphobic and borderline homophobic. No one seems to like you, Kharm. Take a hint and keep your opinions to yourself for a change.
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I haven't seen werewolf pron in a long time because all the people into it blocked me before I had a chance to block them. Srsly tho, there is no fandom as thirsty for dog-ass as submas. Beautiful men = Out of Style. Grotesque hairy stank-factories = In Style.
I don't like a lot of you either. I'd have been over this fandom ages ago if I wasn't into making dubious translations of Asian art. It's not like I'd want to go diving head first into My Hero Academia either, as it's mostly a bunch of kids. I suppose Erasurehead x Present Mike is appealing in the 'opposites attract' sort of way, but I'm not into Endeavor x Hawks because the former is too much of an alpha male. A main plot point was how Endeavor got into an arranged marriage with a once influential family that was struggling. They sold their daughter to Endeavor so he could selectively breed perfect superhero babies.
Endeavor: *taps watch* My recovery time is twenty minutes. That's how often you are getting bred until that baby sticks. After that, we could go once an hour for fun. (My goddamn #1 hero)
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Anyway, nobody has yet to answer my question about why it's acceptable in fandom to be a shitting dick nipple fkn furry into a million stupid fetishes, yet a lot of those people still have the gall to have a 'Proshippers DNI' on their pages. Why is it okay to cherry pick the two things? (Pedophilia/Incest) but it's okay to belong to a group of people (furries) who are overrepresented in irl cases of sexual abuse? Why is one sort of weirdo more socially acceptable than another?
Side note: A lot of furries I've encountered are into belly kink. You know how they are always saying yaoi is offensive to irl gay men because woman pidgeonhole gay men into heteronormative female fantasies? Well, first of all, fuck gay men and men in general. It's part of male privilege that all biological males -whether straight gay or trans- have this attitude like their feelings are of utmost importance, and that they should be allowed to regulate what we do. If gay men don't like my gay men fantasies, then fight me.
Where was I....so belly kink is a very heteronormative feminine fantasy. It's a very female fantasy to want to see a feminine looking person being comforted by their masculine partner when they are suffering with a huge swollen pregnant looking belly. I can see the appeal of it if the person with the fat belly is pretty looking, like the Dabiten ship. Unfortunately, I too often saw depictions of this featuring gross ass furries that one could just imagine the stank lines wafting out of.
Another side note: Is there the same sort of crap in other fandoms one sees in submas? -Like does every other fandom get flooded with two-dick dragon morbidly obese omegaverse bullshit? I'll say it again because I have the right to my opinion....I'll bet a lot of monster fkn bullshit is trans coded, like they want to normalize fat hairy men with vaginas and/or dubious genitals (like multiple dicks, yo..) looking pregnant. It's yet another side effect of our fossil fuel driven glut where too many people have amygdales not functioning correctly which causes dysfunction with dopamine regulation. A person with a healthy sense of their own mortality would be repulsed by pregnant trans male figures because of the potential of getting a really messed up baby.
Seriously, doctors are supposed to experiment on animals before moving to humans. How many female animals were pumped with male hormones then made pregnant? Have there been a lot of studies done on what unnatural male hormones might do to a developing baby in the womb? -Or are we in the midst of ongoing legal experimentation on humans?
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forcebookish · 9 months
seriously thank you for saying that cuz if I have to read the word "manipulate" one more time I'm gonna scream 😭 I mean there is obviously some of that going on (the boston/top one being the most obvious) but they take every normal interaction and act like there is some big elaborate scheme. I mean top and mew couldn't even date/get to know eachother in peace cuz it was like some wild insane concept to the fandom lmao.
you wanna know the craziest thing about that post, anon? it was about sand. and not his actually manipulative shit with giving ray the recording and lying about not caring that ray is in love with mew, but this:
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there were links in the original post (which i don't know where to find again nor would i share) that i didn't click on so i don't know how baseless their initial assumption was that gmmtv "pressured" the writers into "woobifying" sand or what the other thing linked was that made them change their minds, because i got too annoyed just skimming it. (AND someone who either i blocked or they blocked me, idr, was tagged/had contributed to the idea, so obviously they were talking nonsense lol i'd seen enough.)
but after seeing how sand acts when he's actually lying and being manipulative, these people had the gall to say that when he is in the heat of the moment, desperate and worried about this person he cares for who basically just blew up his life and was going to drive under the influence - not only because of something that sand did (which he now obviously regrets and feels guilty about - another thing that this post didn't acknowledge) but because in the end, as always, ray cares more about mew than sand.
sand shared that recording out of anger, both at top and ray, and now he's facing the consequences. now he's learned that he didn't get what he wanted out of it and he hurt ray more than he'd intended. he's frustrated. he's scared. he's not fucking thinking about how he can squirrel his way out of getting 'in trouble' (?) for the audio, because he's already facing the trouble right now, he's thinking about how he can prevent ray from killing himself and/or someone else through vehicular manslaughter.
it's so insulting to first as an actor that they would think that this moment, these lines, and these emotions aren't genuine but simply to cover his ass. to "woobify" himself. and these are their favorite characters? their favorite actors? seriously, what the fuck?
also, the conclusion of the post was that "everyone is an asshole," which is especially baffling because... how do you oversimplify and overcomplicate something at the same time? they're just twenty-two year old queer dudes going through some of the highest highs and lowest lows of their lives, they're not criminal masterminds who turn off their feelings and weave webs of lies to get their way. some of them are worse than others, at least one of them is truly just an asshole (we know who i mean by now lol), but they're people with emotions who fuck up.
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they're just boys. they're just dumb boys.
thanks for dropping in, anon💕 i wasn't planning to get into it, but i'm glad i did because woof.
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setagaya-division · 1 year
Mina's Thoughts on Edogawa Division
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Yuriko Kuromiya
"I... I remember her..." Mina says, looking at the photo of the forensic doctor. "She... she saved me one night. I... don't know how it happened. Usually, I'm more aware of my surroundings, but... one night while I was walking home from the Academy due to some work, I ran across the three hoodlums who... didn't have good intentions, I'll say. They wanted to do... things to me. And they probably would have, if... she didn't step it to stop them..."
As she finishes speaking, Mina's head falls down, before slowly arising. Her eyes which are normally blue, are now blood-red.
"Peh, help? Yeah, right! This wench interrupted my dinner! I had three juicy snakes right in front of me, but she beat them all up before I could attack! Then she had the gall to try to "escort" me home! Me! Nosey wench! ...Bah, it's just as well. By the smell of those three, they probably wouldn't have been healthy anyway. ...But her on the other hand... I wonder what kind of blood will spill from her body. I'll have to find out next time I see her! Hehehe..."
Kaoru Shinozaki
"I know her... I think she is the young woman whom Elliot frequently plays chess with. She seems... nice. I haven't really spoken to her, though. But Elliot has nothing but nice things to say about her, so she must be a good person. I don't... really know much about technology, though..."
Kanra Akemi
"Kanra-chan is... a nice young girl. I often have to reprimand her for fighting, though. I know she's not the one who starts the fights, but she should still learn that violence isn't the answer. I know the principal is close to having her suspended or worst. Yorii-kun and I often have to persuade him not to. Still, I think Kanra-chan is a nice girl. She just... has to find other ways of dealing with mean people."
"Bah, are you kidding me? If those idiots want to get themselves hurt knowing full well this girl can beat the living crap out of them, then that's their problem! Me, I'd like to take a shot at her myself! Yorii tells me she eats a lot of sweets. I wonder if her blood is sweet like his..."
Wicked Requiem
"This team is... comprised of three dangerous individuals. Yuriko-san is bad enough, but... I dread facing either of her daughters. If we face each other, I'd hope that they would take it easy on us... or at the very least, not take what we say seriously..."
"Bah, you are so wimpish, it isn't even funny! You want them to take it easy on us?! It should be them asking us to take it easy! Not that we'd accept, of course! I'm going to enjoy taking down the wench! And when I do, I'm going to savor exactly what her blood tastes like... I can hardly wait!"
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sunnyie-eve · 9 months
20 || The Serum
Series: Trust | Maze Runner (Thomas x OFC)
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: none
A/N: Might be a few mistakes
Later at night Gally and Thomas were going to get Teresa while we waited. When they get back we all, me, Newt, Fry, Brenda, Jorge, Gall, Thomas, and Teresa all sit in a room.
"Gally?" She says as the sack comes off her head.
"Here's how this is gonna go. We're gonna ask you some questions, and you're gonna tell us exactly what we need to know. We'll start off simple. Where's Minho?" Gally grabs a chair to sit in front of her.
"You guys don't seriously think..." She looks at Thomas.
"Don't look at him. Why are you looking at him? Don't look at him. Look at me. He's not gonna help you. Now, we know you have Minho in the building. Where?" Gally sits down in front of her.
"He's with the others in holding. Sublevel three." She tells him.
"How many others?" Newt asks her.
"28." She sighs and we look over at Brenda.
"I can make that work." She tells us.
"No. No, you guys don't understand. The whole level's restricted. You can't get in without a thumbprint ID." Teresa tells us.
"That's why you're gonna come with us." Thomas tells her.
"Well, I don't know. We don't necessarily need her. Right? Not all of her. We just need her finger." Gally gets up but I knew that was too much.
"Gally, back off." I calmly tell him.
"What, are you squeamish? I guarantee you she's done a lot worse to Minho." He points at her.
"That's not the plan. Back off." Thomas gets up.
"It won't make a difference. Do whatever you want to me. You still won't get through the front door. The sensors will pick you up the..." Thomas cuts her off. "
"We know. We're tagged. Property of Wicked. You're gonna help us with that, too." Thomas gives her the scalpel.
"Who wants to go first?" Newt asks as we all look at her.
"I'll go first." I take the seat in front of her.
"How does it feel seeing Gally again?" She asks messing with my neck.
"Good. I missed him. Will you just hurry please? Sorta don't wanna have a conversation with you." I'm straight up with her.
"I'm sorry about your mom. I didn't kn-," She says as she finishes but I cut her off.
"Don't. Because you're the reason she's dead. You didn't pull the trigger but you helped in the situation because you called them. I'll never forgive you. And on top of that, I'm sure you, Wicked, have done terrible shit to Minho." I get up up from the chair leaving her and Gally takes the seat next.
"She enjoyed that." Gally says making Fry and me laugh.
"You're probably right." Fry tells him.
"Here see if these fit." Newt gives us Wicked soldiers uniforms.
"Thanks Newt." We tell him.
As we get things ready I eavesdrop on Thomas and Teresa, "She should have turned by now. There's no way she could possibly still..." I'm sure she was talking about Brenda. "You do t believe me?" She follows him as he stands up.
"Do you really expect me to? You made your choice." Thomas tells her as Gally goes to check on them then takes Teresa out so I go with them.
"You were in love with her, weren't you?" Brenda asks Thomas as he joins her side.
"No. It was someone I was close with and that was a good friend but got backstabbed." Thomas explains to her.
"Just be careful. You sort of have this problem where you can't walk away from people. Even when you should. You can't save everyone, Thomas." Brenda hands him the gun.
"I can try." He tells her.
"Are you in love with Liz?" She asks him walking away some then turns to face him.
"Yes." He nods his head.
"You should tell her as soon as you can. Don't wait for everything to be over because she'll think you don't actually care about her that way. Plus Gally is an ex she'll always have a special place in her heart for because he was her first boyfriend and first love she can fully remember. If y'all truly had something before the maze, it doesn't matter if she can't remember it. Don't waste time." Brenda tells him so he'll think about as she leaves.
As Thomas joins the group he walks straight up to Elizabeth giving her a passionate kiss. "I love you. I know I should tell you that now and not wait." He explains to her so she laughs at him.
"She loves you too, trust me, but we gotta get going." Gally tells Thomas making Elizabeth hit him.
"Gally's right so let's go." She gives Thomas a smile.
"Which part?" Thomas wants to be sure.
"Both Thomas so let's go get Minho." She walks ahead of the group.
"Say it at least." He grabs her hand.
"I love you too." She pats his chest before climbing down into the hole.
Back in the city Elizabeth splits off with Gally and follow behind him till they meet up with the other three. "Hold on. Hold on. I can get in here." Gally stops as they get in the stairwell.
"Stay there. Throw me the walkie." Thomas says then goes to check the rest of the stairs as Newt starts to cough.
Elizabeth starts to get worried walking over to him placing her hand on his back and sees Teresa staring at him. "Don't you start to cry on me." He looks her in the eyes.
"Frypan, we're in. How you doing?" Thomas walks around. "Hang in there, buddy." He tells Newt while Liz stays close to him.
"This'll work." Gally tells Thomas.
"Brenda, what's your status?" He asks her.
"All right, let's go." Gally tells them.
When we get to the room the four of us shoot at the soldiers taking them out. "It's okay. You guys are okay. Come on." Elizabeth opens one of the door helping the kids out.
"The vault. How do I get in?" Gally asks and the guy said he can't. "Guys, this might take some time." Gally tells the group and Liz sees Minho still wasn't here.
"Shit. He's not here. Where is he?" Elizabeth tells them going up to Teresa so she looks on the computer.
"Somebody's moved him up to the medical wing. Thomas, that's on the other side of the building." She tells her and the guys.
"Okay, take us to him. Right now." Elizabeth tells her.
"All right. I'm coming with you." Newt grabs his things.
"Newt, no, you're not. You have to stay here, wait with Gally for the serum." Thomas tells him and Elizabeth agrees.
"Minho comes first, remember?" Newt tells them and they hate that deep down.
"Just go. We're wasting time. I'll get the serum. We'll meet you out back." Gally tells them.
"Okay, fine. Let's go. Come on." Thomas gets Teresa.
The three put their masks on and follow Teresa through the building. As they get into the elevator Janson stops the door getting in with them. It takes everything in Elizabeth not to shoot him right then and there.
"You're working late." Janson looks at Teresa. "See, that's what I like about you, Teresa. No matter how bleak things get, you just... Well, you never give up. Times like this, you need a friend that you can count on." He tells her.
"I'll bare that in mind." Teresa finally speaks up.
"There is one thing you should know. One friend to another. Thomas is here." Janson says making the three slightly look at each other. "A surveillance picked him up outside the walls. Ava didn't want you to know it but there is a chance that he may try to contact you... and if he does... we'll, I'd like to think that I'd be your first call." Janson explains to her.
"Are you going to kill him?" Teresa ask looking at him.
"Would that be a problem?" Janson asks before they all get out of the elevator.
"Thomas you have to listen to me. Getting that serum won't save Newt. It might by him time, but..." Newt cuts her off.
"Just ignore her. She's trying to get inside your head." Newt grabs her.
"Thomas, listen. You know what's going on out there. People are dying. The world is dying. There's something about your blood I don't understand." Teresa says and Elizabeth starts to think about it. She had a point because Brenda has been completely fine for months.
"Let me run some test. I promise I can protect you." Teresa tells him.
"Yeah? Like you protected Minho?" Thomas takes off his mask making Newt and Liz ask him what the heck.
"How many people is it gonna take? How many more people do they have to round up, torture, kill? When the hell does it stop?" Thomas gets in her face.
"It stops when we find a cure." She tells him.
"There is no goddamn cure!" Thomas shouts at her.
"Thomas, there actually might me... Brenda hasn't ha-," He cuts Elizabeth off.
"You're letting her in your head."
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ahoysteviex · 9 months
The Blog Begins - 9-26-23
Okay, so I've tried to do this blogging thing so many times at this point. But I really wanna stick with it this time because my hand gets too tired when I try writing in a physical diary. Plus maybe people will think it's interesting? Who knows. Also I got a new keyboard and it's MECHANICAL so it makes the good clickies and I love typing on it. Like, I need an excuse to just type a bunch. So I'm gonna just write little diary entries.
I'm going to start off with work.
So, I work in a thrift shop. I don't want to say the name of it for my own privacy and I guess legal reason and things, so I'll just call it... ThirftWill. :) So I started working at ThriftWill in July and I've really been liking it. Like, I really like the job itself. I mean, it's repetitive and menial and sometimes I feel like I'm in purgatory. But on the brightside, I don't have to interact with the customers because I'm in the back.
Apparently, Gen Z is the generation that thrifts the most, but that would NOT be my first guess because our store is always full of old people. Mostly white old people. But I guess that's down to location because where the store is is where mostly well-off white people live. So they come in and shop and also to donate their stuff.
Speaking of which, people will literally drive up to donate their stuff the second we open. It's so weird. Like, do y'all have nothing better to do at 9am?
Actually, now that I think of it, some people may be dropping stuff off before work. Because the other day I was walking in (I go in at 8am, it's heinous.) and some lady was dropping stuff off outside the donor door before we opened, which people do all the time even though you aren't supposed to. Like, seriously, there's a sign RIGHT THERE that says to not leave donations outside the door when the store is closed... and people leave their stuff under the sign. :) I guess the mindset is that we'll take it anyway, like it's not like we're gonna throw it away, but still. My mom has been working there for 3 years now and she said that sometimes people steal the shit that people leave outside. The GALL that people have will never cease to amaze me.
ANYWAY, as I was saying, this woman was dropping stuff off outside as I was walking in and she was like, "Can I leave this stuff here?" Which, honestly, is a step up because I've literally made eye contact with a man leaving shit outside the door before and he didn't even bother to ask. He just nodded at me and kept doing what he was doing as I stared at him from inside the store with disdain. But she asked and I was like, "Honestly, not really. Like, there's a sign." And she was like, "Oh, I was just dropping it off because I have to run to work." And I told her that sometimes people be stealin' and so she said she'd take it somewhere else.
And part of me was like... am I a piece of shit? Like, I just turned down this woman's donation. But in my defense... I was just telling her the rules of the sign. And on top of that, our Thriftwill gets a LOT of donations every single day without fail and a good amount of it is sellable since it's in a nice area, so another Thriftwill in a less good location good use the stuff. So I'm not beating myself up over it.
ANYWAYS, it's my first time working full time in my life, which I realize is my privilege showing. Don't get me wrong, I'm not rich and I've never been rich in my life. But I have been very coddled and spoiled and I'm willing to admit that. So working full time for the first time at 23 is like.. maybe embarrassing. But in my defense, I started working part time at I think 18 or 19 until my scoliosis got too bad for me to stand/walk for a whole shift. So I was too disabled to work for a few years (despite the state telling me I'm not disabled and am not eligible for SSI which is garbage) but regardless.
I've had surgery since then to correct it. My surgery was in December last year and I am pretty much good now! I have nerve damage in a few places and I get this weird, sharp pain in my shoulders sometimes, especially my left one, but overall, I'd say I'm doing great. Especially considering the fact that my job has me standing for my whole shift and every part of my body hurts EXCEPT my back :) Like, seriously, my feet hurt so fucking bad y'all.
Even at home, it hurts to walk. I bought insoles, they didn't help, I used a pair that my dad had gotten and never used, they didn't help. I bought a new pair of shoes, (Sketchers, even!) and they DON'T HELP. They are super cute, though, so I'm keeping them. I think they're half a size too small. However! I ordered ANOTHER new pair of shoes and this time they're from an ortho website and they cost like $110 fucking dollars!!! But there's a money back guarantee. So either my feet will be soothed or my wallet will be reimbursed. They just got shipped yesterday I think which I'm like.. please for the love of all things holy please get here soon. I wore some compression socks on Sunday and I think they actually helped a bit which is nice. I also have this other compression thing that I've been wearing, even at home. Only one came in the pack >:( But I'm praying to Allah /j that these shoes help. There are literally two fatigue mats at my work station and yet my feet feel like someone beats them with a leather belt for 8 hours a day.
Also, I hate one of my coworkers. Dude, I hate her so much. She is my ENEMY. My NEMESIS. My RIVAL. Not trying to sound like Bingo Heeler, but she is my RIVAL. I despise this woman. For privacy reasons, I will call her Hawk.
You may be asking yourself, "Why does tumblr user ahoysteviex hate Hawk so much?" Here's the answer: SHE'S FUCKING DUMB.
But not only is she dumb, SHE'S ALSO A BITCH.
You cannot be dumb AND a bitch. PICK ONE. PICK A STRUGGLE.
To explain more clearly why I hate Hawk, I must first outline what it is I do at Thriftwill. There are multiple jobs in the backroom:
Donor Door: Helps people unload their donations and takes the items inside. Sorts the donations into categories - clothes, wares, electricals, furniture, etc. Replacing gaylords, other heavy-lifting jobs.
Wares: Prices things like stuffed animals, knick-knacks, glassware, bedding that's still in the packaging, hats, accessories, shoes, etc.
Electrical: Tests anything electrical to see if it works before pricing it and putting it onto the floor.
Sorter: Sorts through all the donated clothes, bedding, curtains, etc. to get rid of anything unsellable. They put the sellable clothes into bins separated by men's, women's', and children's. Sellable comforters are sanitized before being put into their own bin.
Hanger: Takes the sorted clothes, prices them, tags them, and hangs them on a rack before taking the rack out to the sales floor.
Me personally? I'm a Hanger. I be hanging clothes. I stay pricing clothes. And I'm good at it B). Now, the expected quota for Hangers is 700 pieces a day. AKA 100 pieces an hour. And y'all... I'm so close. I've been consistently hitting 600. I have a system and I'm getting so dang close to hitting 700. I think my highest is 648? I don't remember exactly. But one day... one day soon... I'm gonna get that marvelous 700. And on top of that, I'm accurate.
When you get a piece of clothing, you need to pick the category (men's, women's, children's), then pick what the item is (short sleeve, long sleeve, dress, pants, jeans, etc.), then you need to pick a price. There are 5 pre-selected prices that we stick too, but you can set your own price if you choose to. Obviously it would take forever if we had to type in a price for every piece of clothing, so we just use the pre-selected prices most of the time unless we find something particularly good that should be priced higher.
AND you need to put the tags on in specific places for what makes it easiest for the cashiers and the guy who pulls the clothes. We're supposed to always tag on the left side of the clothing (the right side if you're looking at it, left side if you're wearing it) and we're supposed to always, ALWAYS try to hide the hole that the pricing gun makes within a seam.
I'm probably 98% accurate at this. Sometimes there are shirts that are made of a material that is just IMPOSSIBLE not to make a hole in, even when you put it right in the seam. It's infuriating. But sometimes there are sweaters and stuff that are like... knitted and shit and so you CAN'T make a hole in it because it's already holes so you can pop that bitch in without worrying about it and I love those. That also goes for stuff with a ton of sequins or stuff that's super fluffy because the fluff hides it.
Anyway, this all relates back to Hawk because she's fucking awful at the job. She's literally so stupid that I think she might've had a lobotomy. She keeps putting the tags in the wrong spot. Seriously, she puts them on, like, the left breast of the shirt where it leaves A BIG ASS FUCKING OBVIOUS HOLE???? When she brings her rack of clothes out onto the floor, she blocks the fucking aisle with it. She tags women's clothes as kids and vice versa sometimes. She tags jackets as shirts and sweatpants as "pants" instead of "athletic" or "sleepwear". She's just SO DUMB. And whenever I or my mom try to correct her, she gets all salty about it. Like, she catches an attitude like she's mad we're telling her she's wrong. So I don't tell her SHIT anymore. I let her fuck up because I could care fucking less if she gets fired for being a dumb bitch that's incapable of learning very basic tasks.
It's truly so funny to me that she never asks me anything anymore LMAOOO. Like, in the beginning she would ask me stuff (stupid stuff, mind you) but now that we've formed a rivalry she never fucking asks me HAHAHA. She literally always goes and asks someone else. I'm like.. GOOD. Don't fucking talk to me. And on the rare occasion that she does ask me something, I usually just shrug and grunt.
Our manager has told her MULTIPLE TIMES where to tag the clothes. The other hanger (there's three of us) trained her the exact same way she trained me and I do it perfectly. Other people have literally told her where to fucking put the tag and it's taken her until yesterday to fucking do it right. We'll see how long it lasts before her goldfish brain forgets. Our managers literally printed out a DIAGRAM of a shirt and a pair of pants with arrows pointing to where you're supposed to tag the clothes and a reminder written to tag IN THE SEAM. And I don't need to be told that and neither does the other hanger (we'll call her Ciggy) because she'd been working there for YEARS. So we're all being subjected to this because she can't fucking learn.
Also, there are two stations for Hangers. Ciggy, like I said, has been working here for years so she has laid claim to one of the stations. She has her stuff set up the way she likes it and she has a few things hanging up and sitting around that she personally likes. (She has three reborn baby monkeys that are... super weird but I'm not here to judge). When I started working, there was another hanger (we'll call her Shag) and she had a few things up at the other station. Because they had both been there before me and they both preferred to work in the spots they had personalized, you know what I did? I respected that. Whenever Ciggy worked with me, I worked at Shag's station. Whenever I worked with Shag, I worked at Ciggy's station. It's just common fucking decency.
Hawk doesn't have that. But it's interesting, because she doesn't have that for me, yet she has it for Ciggy.
See, Shag quit shortly after I started working at ThriftWill. (That was an entire fucking hellride in itself. Shag was my rival before she thankfully left to work somewhere else. I hear she has a factory job now. I will tell more about Shag at a later date, as this post is super fucking long and I'm tired and I have to work tomorrow). Anyways, Shag quit. So I got her station! I was so excited, y'all. I was able to bring two of my stuffed sloths to hang up. And I've since added 2 Inosukes, a Steve, and a Bubba. I also downloaded Lively on the work computer so I could having a moving Inosuke desktop background.
Long story short, it's my spot. I work in the same spot everyday. But Hawk tried to passive aggressively fight me over it. At one point, I had to get our assistant manager to get her to move because she fully ignored me while I was talking to her.
So, yeah. I hate this woman.
Anyways! I think that's where I'll end this post. I finished this one a day after I started it so I need to start a new post because new stuff happened already.
I hope this doesn't completely flop. But honestly, it's okay if it does. It's mostly for myself anyways.
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megurodivision · 2 years
Yeong's Thoughts on Second Members
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Jiro Yamada
"I haven't met the kid, but I have heard things about him from Saji and some of the other folks here in Meguro. He's kind of simple-minded, but he gets on well with most folks and treats his friends well. He also seems to greatly idolize his older brother, Ichiro. That's a good attitude, but be careful not to idolize him too much, kid. Wouldn't want your older brother getting a big head now!"
Jyuto Iruma
"Argh, and here I thought dirty cops only existed on T.V. or crime novels. Guess I was wrong. Seriously, does this guy not realize just how antagonizing he is? I get he wants to eliminate all drugs from Japan, and that's a really noble goal; I'm all for it, even! But pal, you're doing more harm than good with how you do things. Taking bribes, planting evidence, intimidating people. What the heck?! And you wonder why most people don't want you in their cities."
Gentaro Yumeno
"Lola doesn't really care for this guy's attire. ...I'll admit, it's sorta outdated. But... I don't know, this guy actually makes it look kinda good. And hey! Maybe its actually a fashion in itself! Maybe he's trying to bring the old style back! I could actually see it happening! Not saying I'd wear it, but... hey, with how the way the world runs, it may catch on someday. Who knows?"
Hifumi Izanami
"Hifumi!" Yeong laughs at the photo of the club host. "Man, I love this guy! He definitely knows how to have fun! I tell you, I don't know what's wrong with Saji or Vito! I offered them a night where they could relax and mingle with some pretty girls in this guy's club. And what did they do? Just stood off in a corner somewhere, looking all serious! And then they had the gall to tell me that I could do this kind of job by myself from now on! Can you believe that? I swear, I'm starting to think those two have no lives outside of their jobs..."
Rosho Tsutsujimori
"I remember this guy! He and Sasara went up against Ichiro and his bros, right? Man, I was seriously rooting for him to win, but I guess he and Sasara were at a disadvantage since this was only their first time entering a D.R.B. Still, from what Saji tells me, the guy's had trouble speaking in front of a crowd before, so kudos to him for being able to perform in front of a crowd. That takes a lot of guts to do!"
Jyushi Aimono
"Jyushi!" Yeong laughs at the visual-kei star's photo. "I often see this guy at some of my modeling gigs. Considering he's a famous singer, that's not really much of a surprise. He seems like a good guy, but he's really got to get ahold of that crying habit. He reminds me of the glassmaker-dude from Toyama! ...Now that I think of it, I wonder if the two of them know each other?"
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toshima-division · 2 years
Mei's Thoughts on Aoyama Division
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Tomi Chōten
"I don't know this kid, but I think I may have guarded his mom once. ...At least I think it was his mom since they both have the last name. She used a lot of words in those pretty little speeches of hers, but truthfully, she wasn't really saying much. She reminded me too damn much of those orators I met back when I was in China. Argh, they irritated the hell out of me.
"But aside from that, this kid wants to flaunt his wealth around, thinking he's all that, he can go right ahead. We'll see if that wealth saves you when someone gets tired of your pompous attitude and puts a hole in your chest, you little prick."
Karada Kessaku
"...You know, we had a guy like this back in my home village. The guy was strong, no doubt about it, and he had muscles galore. Didn't speak much, though. He usually only spoke in grunts or growls. Like I said, he was strong. But when it came to using his brain, well... let's just say it was no surprise to anyone when he eventually turned up dead after he went missing for a week after being trampled to death by an elephant. ...Seriously, don't ask."
Luis Kōkyū
"This is the chef guy, right? The one who owns that restaurant in that rich neighborhood. ...Truthfully, as appetizing and tasty as that food looks on screen, I doubt its any good. And even if it is, I'll pass on trying it. I like Chinese food, and from what I've seen in this country, nobody here knows how to make authentic Chinese food properly."
Jet Set Trio
"'Jet Set Trio.' ...By the Fire Goddess, and people have the gall to moan about my fucking ego. You have three of the richest assholes in Japan with more money than they can possibly count, and what do they do with it? Squander it and hoard it all for their fucking selves! Argh, I hate people like them! I don't know if the Prime Minister wants us to deal with these guys, but if she says, I'm definitely going to enjoy taking them out!"
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