#if you were There for my aviator phase I’m sorry
“We’ve had to resort to the water guns” had to be one of the Most Sentences I’ve ever written regarding someone about to blow up a steam engine
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nerdgirljen · 9 months
Unfortunately, I was unable to get my contribution to @lewmagoo’s A Lew Magoo Christmas challenge completed before 11:59pm EST on December 24. The holidays completely snuck up on me, and before I knew it, it's Christmas Eve and I only had a mood board completed, and yet I had so much left to do. It is, however, being posted on Christmas, and I am so extremely sorry I missed the deadline.
It was inspired by the Eagles song, "Please Come Home for Christmas." I hope you all enjoy!
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Please Come Home for Christmas by NerdGirlJen
Fandom: Top Gun: Maverick Character: Bob Floyd Pairing: Bob Floyd x reader Word Count: 1,300ish... Rating: G/PG
Summary: Bob’s away from home on Christmas, and he absolutely hates it.
Disclaimer: I do not own Top Gun: Maverick, I just like to play with the characters a bit. I also know nothing about the Navy, Navial aviators, aircraft carriers, so all mistakes are on me because I did very little research. Also not betaed… did you miss the part where real life has been hectic af and I didn’t even start this until late on Christmas Eve?
Warnings: missing family, homesickness, other than those, no warnings.
An aircraft carrier in the middle of the Pacific Ocean was not where Bob Floyd wanted spend Christmas, but here he is sitting in the ship's mess hall waiting for his allotted time to video call home. A bag of peanut butter M&Ms sat before him, open, but Bob was too distracted to eat any of the tasty treats. His mind wasn’t concentrating on the chocolate goodness, nor on the television they wheeled in that was currently playing White Christmas. No, his mind was somewhere else, indeed.
The one real place he couldn’t get out of his head for the last three weeks at sea. He missed you dearly, and he was wracked with guilt knowing that he should be stateside with you. You were partners, in life and in love, and he doesn’t think it fair to you that he’s not home to help with such a momentous day.
He especially doesn’t think it’s fair to himself that he’s not home to celebrate his daughter’s first Christmas. Charlotte only gets one first Christmas, and it’s killing him that he’s missing it.
Bob doesn’t regret enlisting in the Navy. He’s done some amazing things since beginning his career as a Wizzo, gone to some amazing places, both domestic and abroad, and he’s met some amazing people, as well. However, none of those things, places, or people compare to where his head is currently daydreaming of and where he left his heart behind. So no, he doesn’t regret enlisting, but he sure doesn’t appreciate the timing of the mission he just wrapped up.
“Bobbo, you alright over there?” A voice close to him knocked him out of his thinking, and he turned to face his friend, and pilot, Natasha, looking down at him with concern.
“Oh, I’m alright, I guess” he sighed. “I was just thinking about back home.”
Natasha’s face lit up at the mention of “back home” knowing exactly to whom Bob was referring. He smiled at her exuberance and motioned for her to sit at the table he currently occupied.
“How is my baby?” she asked, excited to hear about her god-daughter’s latest antics. “Lottie still keeping her mom up at all hours of the night wanting to party instead of sleep?”
Bob smiled, remembering the last phase the 8-month-old had gone through. He was still at home for the beginning of that stage, and no matter what you or he did, Lottie didn’t sleep much at all, and so neither of you got much sleep either. Natasha thinks that Lottie has a strong case of ‘fear of missing out’ and doesn’t want to miss anything going on around her, and, unfortunately after a few weeks of restless nights in a row, Bob and you started thinking that the pilot was right. It didn’t matter what the time of day was, but whenever she was awake, Charlotte’s beautiful hazel eyes would look at everything around her so intently and so curiously that Bob wondered if she were trying to solve some puzzle neither of you could see.
“Lottie’s perfect, Nat,” he bragged. “Growing like a weed, and sharp as a tack.” He regaled his friend with her latest antics you told him about over the phone. Just before he deployed, Charlotte had just started to crawl; however, it was on the call he made to you last week that you told him that instead of forwards, Lottie was now crawling backwards with great enthusiasm. Bumping into any and everything along the way. Natasha’s eyes lit up and she laughed, delightedly. “I can’t wait to get home and be able to hold her again. I’ll take the sleepless nights just to be home soon.”
Bob missed his baby girl. He missed you, too, and he was so grateful that the mission he and Natasha had just finished was completed safely and successfully so that he could get home in one piece to be with his girls. If he had his way, he’d not leave the dock again for a long time. Maybe it was time to request he be stationed on land for a while, that way he doesn’t have to be away from you like he currently is.
“Well, I can’t help you be there quicker,” Natasha noted. “I mean, not unless we steal a jet, but I’d prefer to not be court martialed, dishonorably discharged, and face jail time.”
Bob grinned. “Yeah, if I can’t stand spending a month away from them, I know I couldn’t spend twenty plus years away.” Natasha grabbed at the bag of chocolate in front of him and started munching at a few of the candies. She smiled, wistfully, at the melancholy she could hear in her friend’s voice and the faraway look in his eyes.
“Trace!” came a barked shout. “You’re next! Floyd, you’re after Trace.” Finally.
Bob expected Natasha to stand and follow the Info Systems Tech to the conference room they had set up for the day, but Natasha surprised him by calling out to the IST instead. “Sir,” Nat said, “I’m forfeiting my time to Floyd so he can spend a bit more of the holiday with his family.”
Bob’s eyes grew wide, and he grabbed Natasha’s hand to object. “Nat, no,” he started to protest, but the look she gave him told him not to argue with her. It wasn’t a secret to anyone on board the carrier that he had a wife and new kid at home that he loved with every fiber of his being. He was constantly showing photos of the two to anyone who asked or even stood still long enough to chat. Other sailors and officers with families knew and understood where the WSO was coming from because they all did the same.
The IST looked pointedly at the pilot before nodding once and amending his earlier proclamation. “Floyd, you’re up!”
Bob stood, still gaping at his friend – his daughter’s god mother – in shock. “Nat, I don’t know how to thank you,” he sputtered.
“The only thanks I need, Bobby Boy, is a special Natasha/Lottie Day after we get back,” she stated. “Okay?”
“More than,” he was barely able to say as his emotions were overwhelming him. He squeezed Natasha’s hand in thanks, and quickly got up to follow the tech officer. Once reaching the conference room, Bob sat in front of the provided laptop, and gave the IST the number to call.
One ring, two rings, three…
The screen lit up with a small face with a gummy grin that was mid giggle. “Merry Christmas, Daddy!” he heard his wife exclaim through the speakers, but Bob was more mesmerized by the cherub cheeked infant whose eyes sparkled brightly and whose jubilant squeals lightened the WSO up from the inside.
“There’s my girls,” he said, gratefully, beginning his scheduled video chat time.
Now, while Bob Floyd couldn’t be home for Christmas this year, he was happy to receive what little bit of time he could have with you on the screen. He was up for reassignment soon, and he was absolutely going to be ask for fewer, and shorter, missions and deployments. Whether the Powers that Be would grant his request, he didn’t know, but he was certain he didn’t want to spend another holiday being away from you two.
“Tell me, how has Christmas been so far?” He smiled as you started detailing the holiday spent with his parents and family.
Yeah, he definitely couldn’t wait to be home.
Annnnd end scene.
Feel free to tell me what you think in a comment. If you think it's completely horrid, keep that to yourself! (Just kidding, all constructive criticism is good constructive criticism.)
Anyway, happy Christmas to everyone. Or Happy Holidays to whatever holiday you celebrate. Love you all!
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sebsxphia · 4 months
i'm about to start my period and i'm feeling bad and i'm having some very self-indulgent jake thoughts; enjoy!
-my legs, especially my thighs always hurt so bad. i need him to massage them for me. my dad would do that for my mom when she still got periods and my expectations went ⬆️⬆️
-he would 100% draw you bathes and just sit beside you and talk or comfort you while you soak. then once you got out he'd help you put on a pad or put in a tampon really quick lol
-he WOULD NOT make fun of your weighted stuffies 🤬one of my brothers ex friends came over while i was on my period. my mom and i were watching romcoms on the couch and he walked in when she wasn't in the room and saw me laying there with my heating pad and a weighted unicorn laying on top of the heating pad (game changer btw) and made fun of me. i cursed him out and called him a pathetic virgin who will one day be bank rupt from child support and alone. my brother heard, and after picking himself off the floor from laughing so hard, kicked him out. never saw that guy again. and this guy wasn't high school. no. they were both in JUNIOR year of COLLEGE
-he would be more than happy to suck on/ massage your breasts. my breasts are always SO sore and I always end up giving myself massages but i can never help but wish i had a blonde aviator there to help me out because i feel like gentle sucking with feel HEAVENLY and we all know our man has an oral fixation so it's a win win. just....lying in bed, heating pad and weighted stuffie on your tummy and going in and out of sleep with jake sucking ever so gently on one breast, the other in his big warm calloused hand massaging it.
-would buy any and all cravings, not make on comment on all of the junk food your eating, and would, without complaint, buy take out on his way home since you don't feel like cooking (i'm sorry but i cannot picture this man knowing how to cook)
-he would give you back massages
-i get menstrual migraines. i cannot stand the feeling of fabrics or hair when i have them because i get so overstimulated. jake would strip down to his birthday suite and join you in bed, knowing that you want skin to skin when you have a migraine
-once the migraine has passed, he'll grab the brush and bottle of detangler and take your hair out of the bun on top of your head, gently detangling it for you
-would never make fun of you. for anything. not once
-would walk into that feminine hygen aisle with confidence
-would make the most sinful noises when you give him hand jobs, or blowjobs, or have sex, whatever your comfortable with
-omg laying in bed with him sucking your breasts and groaning around them as you give him a handjob to thank him
-ANYWHOSIES would let you cry to him although he might be a lil uncomfy at first and would try to fix it, once you told him you just need to cry and get out the emotions, he'd just listen and hold you 🥰
ah! i love all of these so much, my dear anon and i couldn’t agree more with all of them too! i’ll say it over and over again, jake ‘periods don’t phase him one bit’ seresin, is a god when it comes to your periods and taking care of you! all of your needs are covered! he’s so good to you like that! i’m sending you love and healing, my dear anon and thank you so much for these wonderful thots! 🥹💌
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t-nd-rfoot · 2 years
Hey boo! So happy you loved the Dagger Squad being YouTubers Headcanon 🎥 hehe. I have a few posts I wanna make soon and some I already started tagging in already lol but that’s not what I came here to ask you 😅 sorry-
I was thinking of a What If The Daggers Were Teachers AU-ish 👩‍🏫 but I don’t know what subjects would they all teach, any ideas? 🤷‍♀️ I know Nix & Bob would be co-teachers for sure, maybe even also Fanboy & Payback as well.
Hello, boo!! Omg yes I had a major youtubers phase (who didn’t 😂) and the AU just reminded me of my favorite youtubers!!! And omg please tag away, I’m excited to read them 💗
AND AH TEACHERS I actually spend so much time thinking about Bob as a teacher 🫣
I admittedly haven’t imagined he and Nix being co-teachers but that sounds interesting! The two of them would definitely teach similar subjects, maybe Bob for history and Nix for social studies 😌
Fanboy is definitely teaches science, specifically chemistry! And Payback actually gives me major english/literature teacher vibes.
I’m gonna be a little cliche and make Hangman a PE teacher. I’m sorry 😭 But if he wasn’t one, I could also see his aviator knowledge being put to use as a physics teacher!
I could easily say Rooster is a music teacher, but hear me out: Rooster teaches math. I cannot expound, but I would very much like to learn geometry or trigonometry from him.
Lastly, Coyote is definitely an art teacher! The man definitely knows his art history and would make making art so fun!
These are just my opinions though 😂 I’d love to see what you come up with!!!
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hawkins-losers · 2 years
I want him | Billy Hargrove
Summary: There’s a new lifeguard at Hawkins’ community pool and you plan on getting in his pants
Word count: 1.8k
Request: Hey, I saw that you were looking for Billy requests. I was wondering if you could write some where he saves the reader from drowning?
A/N: I think we can all agree that lifeguard Billy was HOT 
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This summer, there was a new hot lifeguard at Hawkins' community pool and everybody and their mothers - literally - were trying to flirt with him. He had gorgeous blue eyes, shoulder length curly dark blond hair, smooth golden skin and abs you dreamed of licking.
‘’I want him.’’
On the lounge chair beside you, Ruth brought a hand across her brows to shield her eyes from the sun and followed your eyes. ‘’The lifeguard?’’ she asked.
He was sitting in his lifeguard tower with a pair of aviator sunglasses perched on his nose, watching over the pool. His defined golden chest was gleaming from the sun as he barked orders at kids, threatening to ban them all.
You bit your bottom lip, nodding. This guy was a panties dropper.
Ruth laughed. She understood the hype around Billy - the guy was mad hot -, but didn’t want to be part of the whole ‘I wanna bang the new lifeguard’ fan club. ‘’Good luck with that. The guy is making everyone’s pussies clench - even the ones who don't have pussies.’’
‘’Theirs clench around air, I intend to make mine clench around his dick,’’ you replied crudely.
The following day, you had established a plan and begun putting it in action.
The sun was really hot today so you and Ruth decided to take a short break from tanning and dip in the pool to cool down. The chill of the water felt nice on your heated skin.
‘’She’s getting down,’’ Ruth informed you, seeing Heather - the other lifeguard - come down her lifeguard tower.
You looked over your shoulder, catching the moms who were lined up beside the tower straightening up and pulling out their compact mirrors to check their appearance, waiting for Billy to walk past.
You wrinkled your nose in disgust. These women had husbands and kids about Billy's age. Gross.
‘’It’s showtime,’’ you told Ruth, swimming up to the stairs and getting out of the pool, knowing Billy would walk out of the changing rooms seconds from now.
Your body was dripping from the water, giving your skin a glow. Careful not to slip on the poolside, you walked in the direction of your lounger, keeping your pace slow enough to meet Billy halfway and walk right into his taut chest.
One of his hands grabbed your arm in a firm grip to prevent you from falling. ‘’Careful there,’’ Billy’s gravely voice warned, not letting go of your arm.
‘’I’m sorry. I didn’t look where I was going.''
‘’I can see that.’’ Billy removed his hand. ‘’You okay?’’
You nodded, flicking your eyes up and seeing yourself in the mirror of Billy’s sunglasses. Now that you were up close, you could see an earring on his right ear and a slit in the tail of his left eyebrow. A scar perhaps? And how pink and inviting his lips were. You weren't a fan of facial hair on men, but Billy made it look damn good.
In the far distance, his eyes landed on a kid in a green tank running on the poolside.
Billy grabbed the whistle dangling from his neck and blew it loudly. ‘’Hey! No running on my watch!’’ he shouted, his loud voice echoing and getting everyone’s attention. ‘’I gotta warn you again and you’re banned for life. You wanna be banned for life?’’ The little boy shook his head, too scared to speak. ‘’Didn’t think so.’’ Billy blew his whistle again and the fun returned around the pool.
He turned back to you, but you were already walking away with a confident strut in your step to the concession stand to get the water you and Ruth didn’t need. Behind you, Billy pushed down his sunglasses to watch you, doing a slow up and down movement of his eyes as he took in your figure, and the corner of his lips twitched.
Now that he was aware of your existence and that you got his attention, you put phase two of your plan in action.
‘’You know there’s little kids here? And dads,’’ Ruth said as you unbuttoned your sundress, about to reveal the small, bright pink one-piece you were wearing underneath.
She knew exactly which bikini you had on, it was the same one you wore to Tommy H. 's pool party. You had caught everyone's attention that night and you were planning on getting Billy's today. With a bathing suit that bright - and sexy -, there's no possibility he won't notice you.
You rolled your eyes. ‘’I’m not gonna deprive myself from getting a good dick just so pervy dads don’t oggle me. They can look if they want, I don’t give a shit.’’ You undid the last button and stood, making a whole show of taking off your dress by slowly slipping it off your shoulders.
Ruth squeaked on her chair. ‘’You’re crazy.’’
‘’Is he watching?’’ you asked.
The brunette gave a quick look in Billy’s direction in the tower, holding in her screams when she saw his eyes shift to you. ‘’Oh my god, he is!’’
‘’Good. Now, give me the sunscreen bottle. Those thirsty moms have nothing on my young eighteen years-old body.’’
As you applied sunscreen on your skin - and made a show of it -, you felt his eyes lingering on your legs and ass in your one-piece. The sides were cut really high on the legs and there was a bit of side-boobs showing. Billy ran his tongue over his lips and shifted in his lifeguard tower.
A little later into the afternoon, you went in the pool to refresh and on your way out, Billy was standing there with a towel for you. You took it and thanked him. He didn't have his sunglasses on, so you could glance into his crystal blue eyes, which stood out beautifully with his tanned skin.
''Looking good out there,’’ he pointed, having been watching you from high up. ‘’That backstroke was close to perfection, I had to come down and compliment you. Have you ever taken swimming lessons?''
You smiled, holding your towel at waist level. ''That's my best move,’’ you said. ‘’My breaststroke, on the other end, needs a little perfecting.'' You flicked your eyes up and caught Billy looking at your breasts and nipples. The latter were arose due to the cool water of the pool, demanding to be looked at.
Billy licked his lips at the sight, making you wish he was licking something else. ''I could help with that.''  
You raised an eyebrow. ''I didn't think you taught adults.''
He laughed flirtatiously, flashing his perfectly white teeth. ''Well, I offer more...advanced lessons to select clientele,’’ he explained, his face getting closer to yours. ‘’Come to think of it, I’m doing the closing shift tonight. Would you be interested?’’
‘‘I’ll think about it.’‘
Your answer shocked him. ‘’I don’t offer these lessons to anyone, just so you know. It’s a one time chance only.’’
‘’And I said I’ll think about it,’’ you repeated, looking up at the lifeguard. His perfectly carved chest was close to you, so close that if you breathed too deep, you’d touch it with yours.
Billy nodded. ‘’I didn’t get your name the other day.’’
‘’It’s Y/N.’’
‘‘Well, Y/N, I hope to see you tonight.’‘
You didn’t go to the pool after closure, nor for the next three days. You wanted to make Billy marinate and wonder where you were. You wanted him to look for you. 
It seemed to have worked because when you walked in, his eyes immediately fell on you. As if he had sensed you coming in. 
You and Ruth went to the lounge chairs and put down your stuff. You looked into your bag for your towel to put on the chair only to see that it wasn't there. 
You sighed. ''I forgot to bring a towel. I'll get one from the community pool stack,'' you told your friend. 
On your way to the towels, you got swamped by a huddle of kids running on the poolside, making you stumble and fall in the pool. 
Having caught the scene, Billy blew his whistle, the screeching noise making everyone’s ears hurt and jumped in the pool. He knew you'd be fine, that you didn't need his saving, but it was a way to talk to you. The pool cleared around where you were, allowing Billy to do his job.
He went underwater, swam up to you and pulled you above the water like they do in movies. You thought he would scoop you in his arms and that you'd get to lay your head against his toned chest, but that part didn't happen - unfortunately. 
Easily enough, Billy got you on the poolside where you coughed a few times. Although you knew how to swim, water still went up your nose when you fell. The chlorine was burning your nostrils. 
''You okay?'' he asked with one hand on your shoulder, looking right into your eyes. 
You nodded, then coughed again. 
Billy looked at his co-worked on the other side of the pool. ''Heather, you're in charge. I’m taking this one inside.'' He helped you up and guided you away from the poolside - out of sight.
He grabbed two towels from the stack on his way, then took you to the employee’s locker room, keeping you close. The heavy door slammed shut loudly behind you as you coughed one more time. That breath of chlorine really burned your throat and nose.
Once inside, Billy wrapped one of the towels around your body, rubbing your arms over the thick red terry cloth. ‘’Here. You can sit.’’ 
You nodded and sat on a bench, recovering from your unexpected dive. God, you must be looking like a wet dog. 
Around you, the locker room was empty. It was just you and Billy. 
You could hear the rustling of the towel as he used the other towel to wipe his face and scrunch his hair a bit. He then wrapped it around his waist to stop water from dripping all over the locker room floor and straddled the bench next to you. 
''If you had come to my advanced lesson, maybe you wouldn't have drowned,’’ he said with a snark in his voice. His chest was glistening from the dive in the pool and water drops were falling on his shoulders from his wet hair, making him look even hotter.
''I didn't drown,'' you corrected. ''I fell. You saw me.'' 
Billy smiled with a teasing glint, which vanished a second later, replaced by a seductive glance as he ghosted his index up your thigh. ‘’I waited for you the other night.’’ 
You flicked your eyes up to his, capturing them with your own. ‘’I know.’’ 
‘’Then why weren't you there?'' His finger went higher and higher, making you clench your thighs. 
‘’Just because you got the body of a gas station erotica novel cover and make all the moms' panties drop with your Rob Lowe charm, doesn't mean you don't have to work to get what you want.’’
‘’You were the one to seduce me first.’’ Billy’s hand brushed dangerously close to the edge of your bikini bottom, making your breath catch in your throat. One little movement from his finger and he could slip it under and dive through your folds. 
‘’And you took the bait.’’ 
‘’I did.’’ 
With his other hand, Billy grabbed your jaw, tilting it up before smashing his lips on yours, kissing you hungrily. You gasped into his mouth, allowing him to slip his tongue in and deepening the kiss. 
He pulled back after a moment, brushing your bottom lip with his thumb. ''My shift ends in three hours. You better be at my car.''
Taglist: @broadway-or-noway @violetsleftfist @thelaststraw3  @cursedandromedablack  @Slashersimpfor  @savagejane1   @wh0reforbucknasty   @eddiemunson-slut   @slvdsjjk  @hehehehannahthings  @dreamdancers-world  @grace-loux  @iamharrystyleslover  @matildavol6  @Original_babababoo  @eddiemunsonbby  @notbeforelong  @lexi-2004 @violetrainbow412-blog  @tatespillows  @alwayslexii  @lilygreennn   @milkiane  @imahomeslice  @bunnygrl16 @cwritesforfun @marauders3rawh0re  @your-mom21 @parkersmyth @voguesir @milkiane @andrewgarfields-girlfriend @lilygreennn @alexxavicry @charlie-chick  @wandamaximoffs-deadchild  @horrorstreet  @rmeddar123  @Pastel-abyss-x
Billy Hargrove taglist: @irlganyuy @mystic-moonpie @italk2god @hope1869  @boomhauer @originalsoulcollector @zosia3666 @bubsonnobx bonked-@beyond-belief @evanstanwhore​
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mess-with-a-purpose · 2 years
Hurry Back to Me, Soldier
Pairing: Tom “Iceman” Kazansky x fem!reader
Word Count: 7.5k
Warnings: SMUT/NSFW (18+) minors please go away, slight overstimulation, fingering, oral (f receiving), unprotected piv sex (please wrap it up), MULTIPLE orgasms, slight dirty talk, praise kink, strong language, established relationship, fluff throughout, angst if you squint
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Your knee bounced impatiently as you searched for your boyfriend in the flock of pilots all in white. Damn, why did all these men have to look the same from behind? You tried looking out for Tom’s signature bleached tips but you were too short to see over every head. A wave of anxiety came over you, your fingers clenched together in an effort to spare your cuticles. You knew he was here but you needed to see him. See his smile, his eyes, his birthmark. Having been deprived of his presence for five weeks, you felt it all come to a head.
Tom had insisted that you not visit, the stubborn ass. Five weeks. Five long weeks since you’ve seen him, touched him, felt him. Back home, you tried to keep yourself busy and distracted through work and everyday life but it was in the quiet moments that the loneliness crept in. That’s when you’d bite the bullet and call him, his voice like a security blanket. You tried to reason with him that your work was flexible and you wanted him to show you around Miramar and the Bay area but he was firm. You knew why. You still didn’t like it, but you knew why. For some healthy “payback” you decided to tell Tom that you weren’t going to make it to graduation because something came up with work. He was understanding, as always, but you could hear the disappointment in his voice.
Little did he know that Slider and Wolfman were in on your plan to surprise him for graduation. Slider had let you know about the point results almost as soon as the final count came in just a few days before. You cried when Slider told you the news.
“Oh, Slider, I’m so proud of you both,” you hiccuped.
“I know you are, Squirt.”
“H-how is Tom?” you asked, knowing how big news for him usually went. 
Slider sighed over the line. “Well, Squirt, it’s the usual.” Great. That meant he had called home, his mother, Gladys, picked up and gave her regular speech of how proud she is and how much she loves him. Tom was appreciative of his mother, absolutely. Hers just wasn’t the approval that he so desperately wanted.
After you hammered out the details with all the boys and Gladys, you had anxiously waited for this day to finally see him.
“Gentlemen, here at TopGun we challenged you to fly against the very best. Now, we ask that you take that expertise and keep the tradition alive. Good luck.” Commander Phillips was a typical Naval man; cut right to the chase. No fluff, no fuss, no muss. Thank God.
“Do you see him?” you whispered to Gladys. She was hard to miss in her statement turquoise jewelry and silver hair. 
She put a loving hand on your knee, calming the bouncing. “It’s fine, dear,” she pointed across the pool into the sea of Service Dress white uniforms. “There he is!” you chuckled at the cliché; mothers can truly always find anything.
It was almost ridiculous the amount of love you felt just seeing the back of Tom’s head, his bleached tips poking out in the sun. He turned his head to whisper to Slider as Commander Metcalf came to the podium, his jawline and smile making you feel like a giddy teenager in a honeymoon phase. Damn it, you loved this man.
Commander Metcalf scanned the small class, a look of assurance coming over his face. “Gentlemen, you are the top one percent of all naval aviators.” A brief pause. “The elite, the best of the best.” Another pause, another scan. You felt your knee bounce again. “We’ve made you better.”
“Calm down, sweetheart,” Gladys’ hand returned to your knee with another gentle pat.
“Sorry, sorry.”
The commander’s voice drowned into an applause as everyone stood to watch their pilots be dismissed, officially graduated. 
Gladys leaned over to you. “I’ll go ahead and make my way to Tom. Why don’t you go see the boys for a minute? I think they wanted to help you with a grand reunion.” Her smile was soft as she rubbed your arms. You nod in agreement and watch as she weaves through the crowd to her son who was holding his impressive TopGun trophy.
“Well, well, well,” the familiar voice made you roll your eyes with a smile. Wolfman chuckled, his aviator glasses perched on the tip of his nose as he looked you over. “If it isn’t Squirt!”
“Lenny!” You giggled as he kissed your temple and gave you a firm squeeze.
“We’ve missed you, runt,” that earned him a playful smack on the shoulder. “Hey, hey! Watch the whites,” he laughed as he brushed his fingers along the black and gold pads. “Gotta keep ‘em sharp.”
You felt two strong arms come around your middle and briefly lift you up, a squeal escaping your lips.
“Squirt!” Hollywood and Sundown greeted you with more cheek kisses and hugs.
“Put me down!” you laughed, realizing just how much you’ve missed all your boys. Hollywood obeyed and gave you a quick salute.
“Well, the lil’ lady should go ahead to her Iceman,” Sundown stretched his hand out as if pointing to Tom.
Your heart belted in your chest as you found him again, his smile so wide as Slider pulled him in for a signature headlock hug. You felt the boys give you gentle pats on your shoulders as you started to carve out a path through the crowd. Licking your lips, you kept your gaze locked on Tom, taking in just how he was in the moment. He looked so happy, so very happy.
Slider caught sight of you over Tom’s shoulder, a smile lighting up his face as you put a finger to your lips for a silent shhh as you crept up closer. 
“Well, Lieutenant, it seems like you’re one hell of a pilot.”
You watched as Slider looked back at Tom, gesturing with his eyes as if to say She’s really here, man. It felt like a millisecond when Tom turned, his face morphing into pure joy as he saw you standing in front of him. 
“Oh my god!” He said, arms circled around you, your feet briefly lifted off the concrete in a symphony of laughter. “Baby!” He kissed you everywhere; your shoulder, neck, cheek. Your fingers ran through his hair and across his shoulders as you laughed. Five weeks. Five very long weeks and here he was, in your arms again. Everyone had turned back to their conversations, giving the two of you a sliver of privacy. His head buried in your neck as you both held each other. 
“I’ve missed you so damn much,” you said as Tom met your eyes, his thumbs grazing your cheeks. He didn’t say a word as he sweetly pressed his lips to yours, his forehead resting against your brow when he pulled away.
Gladys gently cleared her throat, her polite indication that you would have plenty of time to reconnect after the ceremony. Her raw turquoise bangle glimmered in the sun. Tom gave you a quick peck on your nose as he shifted you to his side, arm around your waist. 
“I am so proud of you, Thomas,” Gladys reached up to touch her son’s cheek. 
“Thank you, Mom.”
Something hung in the air with Tom’s response, an unexpected visitor who plagued Tom’s accomplishments. You’d met Commander Kazansky once before at a naval convention after Tom graduated from the Academy, the top of his class. The commander’s presence was completely austere and demanding. He was polite but detached, only giving the bare minimum of attention to anyone, especially his own son. He’s been like a ghost ever since. Tom had told you, rather warned you, about his father and his emotional disregard.
“He’s just that kind of guy.” Tom had said that night after you witnessed it first hand. You were baffled that a father could be so aloof, so disconnected that his son constantly battled to be the best, to prove himself. It broke your heart to watch Tom work his ass off only to get mediocre responses, if not just grunts of acknowledgement, from his commander father. You and Gladys tried to make up the difference but you both knew it would never truly be what he needed to hear. 
Once again, on a day when his son would absolutely deserve a simple bit of acknowledgement from his father, Commander Kazansky had only let his presence dangle over the bliss of Tom being the best of the best. It pissed you off and made you wonder what kind of label the defense department would put on a commander getting punched in the face.
Just when Tom’s expression began to dwindle, you gently grabbed his cheeks, “We are so proud of you, Tom Kazansky,” your thumbs brushed his face, his blue-green eyes brightening as he held your waist. “My badass TopGun man.” You gave him a quick kiss, not wanting to harp on asshat fathers.
Slider turned his attention back to you, holding his hand up in a high five offering that you enthusiastically accepted. “Nice one, Squirt!” he chuckled, giving you a quick side hug before calling the boys over.
Tom rolled his eyes, his smile beaming. “You two planned this?” his finger jabbed between the two of you.
“Actually,” Wolfman came up behind you, followed by Hollywood, Sundown, and Merlin. “We all did, Ice.”
“You unbelievable bastards. So she’s who you were on the phone with when I walked in that time?” Tom chuckled, pulling you to his side as all your boys fist bumped each other looking like a proud bunch of frat brothers. In their own way, they probably were.
Slider threw his hands up. “Guilty as charged, man. We couldn’t stand seeing you mope around the last few weeks.”
“So, you decide to lie and make the situation seem worse?” Tom fired back.
Wolfman chuckled, “Nah, dickhead, Squirt here thought it would be fun to surprise you instead,” he ruffled your hair playfully.
“Guilty,” you said, mirroring Slider’s hands. 
Tom shook his head in disbelief before giving you a kiss, “You got me good, baby.”
The crew headed to the refreshment table, plastic glasses of champagne being passed around as the guys blew off steam from the last five weeks. You helped yourself to a bit of champagne as Tom and Slider finished up their pictures with the TopGun trophy. Gladys had found some old friends across the pool and the boys were enjoying catching up with you. Just a few minutes into the party, Merlin helped you revive an old drinking game; take a shot every time Hollywood and Wolfman mention their dicks, double if it’s because of war talk. Back in the day, this game would get everyone wasted and drunkenly singing the classic “You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’” even when none of the guys were trying to hit on an unsuspecting woman.
Keeping it classy, you and Merlin only played the game for ten minutes before you both called it quits from already feeling a little tipsy. It was a Navy graduation, after all. Just before Wolfman got another round of champagne, the boys all turned their heads and went quiet. You followed their gaze to find Maverick dressed in his Service Whites and looking exhausted. You’d heard from Tom about what happened to Goose; he called you one night mirroring his father, disconnected as he told you that Goose had been killed in an accident. He didn’t give much more than that and you didn’t want to push him to talk about it. It was an accident, jet wash, lost control. 
At that moment, everyone watched as Maverick approached Tom and shook his hand, “Congratulations.”
Tom smiled, “Thank you.”
Maverick turned to Slider, “Congratulations.”
“Thanks, Mav,” Slider replied.
Commander Metcalf joined the refreshment table as Maverick moved to the end. “Gentlemen,” he announced. “I hate to break up the party before it really gets out of hand, but there is work to be done.”
Tom and Slider glanced at each other. You felt a twinge at the back of your neck. 
“Some of you have to depart immediately. We have a crisis situation.”
You watched as Tom glanced excitedly at Slider. Jester had a stack of folded papers in his hand, something that looked rather familiar to you in the time that you’ve been with Tom. You knew what those meant and it made your chest tighten.
“Ice. Slider,” Jester passed their papers.
“Yo,” Tom popped a pretzel in his mouth as he handed Slider his assignment sheet. Jester listed off Wolfman, Hollywood, and Maverick next. Tom opened the sheet, smiling as he read the contents. While you’d been through this before, it never got easier. You knew he loved his job, it’s what he was good at, what he felt confident in. You just hated saying goodbye with the possibility of never seeing him again. Just the thought made you feel sick and empty. You downed the rest of your champagne as the boys dispersed, Tom wrapping his arm around your waist.
“Been in this long enough that I don’t have to guess what that is,” you point to the sheet, now refolded in Tom’s free hand. 
He gave you a small smile, his lips grazing your temple as his fingers clutched your waist. His forehead rested against yours, “We better send Mom off for the night.”
“How long?”
“We still have tonight. I don’t leave until early in the morning,” a shiver went up your spine as he friskily bit your earlobe. “We still have something to celebrate tonight.” 
Tom insisted on driving simply so he could rest his hand on your inner thigh. The tension in the car was overwhelming. You hyper fixated on his touch, his fingers warm as they slightly lifted your dress. Five weeks without him and you could come undone just by skin to skin contact. For a brief moment, the phone sex you had a couple of weeks ago flashed in your mind. Tom’s voice was low and smooth as he walked you through how he wanted you to touch yourself. 
“Nice and slow around your clit, baby,” you bit your lip, doing as you were told, so desperate for release. “I want to hear you, come on, I know you’re close.”
While that had been much needed for the both of you, it only made missing him worse once the high wore off. You would have to hang up eventually, cutting off the only connection you had to him while he was at TopGun. It was in that moment that you felt your frustration grow because it was Tom who decided you shouldn’t visit him. He didn’t really explain why but knowing him, you figured it was because he wanted as few distractions as possible. While you respected that, you couldn’t help but feel stung that he might consider you a distraction.
Tom’s fingers stroked your skin, squeezing lightly as you gasped at the forwardness of it all. He was one for physical affection, always wanting to touch you either through a hand on your leg, brushing your lower back, or an arm secured around your waist. This felt different. It felt possessive, hungry.
Your eyes fluttered as he grazed your underwear, grazing your clit beneath the fabric, his Annapolis ring rolling along your skin with a sharp coolness. A soft moan escaped your lips as you glanced over at Tom. His eyes were fixed on the road but a smirk graced his delicious lips as he repeated his touch, more intentional with his movements.
“Is this okay, sweetheart?” his fingers dipped into the elastic of your underwear and you chuckle. Always the gentleman and god, you loved him for it.
“Yes, please baby,” you whined, craving his touch. Tom happily obliged, the pads of his fingers immediately finding your clit. It was almost too much.
Spreading your legs wider for him, he dipped lower into you, feeling your craving for him as he explored. “God, baby,” he licked his lips. “You’re so wet for me already.”
Your head tilted back as another moan left your lips. He found an agonizing rhythm: steady but slow. Damn it, he knew what he was doing. You needed more, your hand grasping at his wrist to control the pace but Tom paused. Another whine from you.
“Babe, please, fuck, I need more.”
At a stoplight, Tom looked over at you, his eyes dark. Shit, you knew what that meant. “Hands off, baby,” his fingers slowly regained their original speed. “Relax. I just want you to feel.” 
The car revved, sending vibrations to your clit for a moment before your hips ground against his hand. You wanted him to let you both give in to the tension, have him fuck you deep and hard to let it go. You’d missed this so much, the intense intimacy. You weren’t sure how long you had left until you got to his place but god, you needed this.
You glanced back over at his handsome face, the urge to kiss his birthmark and bite at his neck consumed your already fogged brain. Clenching his jaw, he sped his fingers up slightly, earning another moan from you as he rubbed circles against your clit.
Breath heavy, you felt your nipples pebbling up against your lace bra. Tom noticed too and swallowed hard. God, he wanted his mouth on you. 
“Tom, I–”
“Shh,” he slipped his index and middle finger into you. Yes, God, yes. Your nerves were screaming with delight. “Come on, baby. Let’s see if you can cum before we get home.” Holy fuck.
His fingers and your hips synchronized, his palm bumping your clit deliciously as you became drunk with sensation. Your moans became higher and louder as you felt the pressure build right where you wanted it to. Just a little more…
“That’s it, that’s my girl,” Tom hit that spot and you tried to anchor yourself by grabbing the door handle and his uniform sleeve, your muscles clenching as your nails desperately dug into the fabric. You tightened around his fingers as he helped you ride out your high, your hand clamped around his wrist as your hips involuntarily chased the sensation. Your face was scorching as he gently pulled his fingers away and eagerly sucked them into his mouth just as he turned into his driveway. Still getting your breathing under control, you heard Tom finish off cleaning his fingers as he opened the door to get to you.
He’d only given you one orgasm and you swore that your legs already felt like jelly as he gently pulled you from the car. No kiss, just hasty movements as you both wanted to give in to the craving of each other. It consumed you, burning from inside.
Tom made quick work of the front door, slamming you against it as soon as the lock was replaced. Finally, you could touch him. And you did, everywhere. Your hands trailed over his uniform, buttons and insignia bumping underneath the pads of your fingers as you attempted to undo part of his high collar. His mouth pressed against yours as he caged you from both sides, a feral need seeping through that he was desperately trying to control. Tom never touched you unless you gave the okay and in that moment, he thought he would go insane without the feeling of you. It infuriated you that he was such a gentleman, but you appreciated it anyway.
“God, Tom, I need you to fucking touch me before I lose my goddamn mind,” his lips trailed down to your neck as his hands found your waist, a dark chuckle ringing in your ears.
“Needy, are we?” your eyes fluttered closed as he sucked underneath your jaw, tongue soothing the marked skin. His fingers found the zipper of your dress without hesitation and he slowly pulled the tab down, his eyes catching yours as he peeled it off. 
“You have no idea, Lieutenant,” collar opened, his mouth moved back to yours as you felt around the buttons to strip the jacket from his shoulders. Tom’s hands move from your waist to your chest, cupping your breasts through your black lace lingerie, his favorite. Thumbs trailing over your already hard nipples, he smiled against your mouth as you let out a squeak for him. He knew your nipples were sensitive and fucking hell if he didn’t take advantage of that fact.
“Fuck,” Tom said in between kisses. You can’t help but giggle as you both take a breather, his hands still exploring your chest and thumbs swiping along the peaks. 
“Do you have to be such a guy sometimes?” you give him a quick kiss. “Why do you have so many layers, Lieutenant?” you ask, grabbing his undershirt from his pants to pull over his head. His arms bulged as he helped you take his shirt the rest of the way off, your mouth watering at the sight of his toned chest. 
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you go in for another kiss and lick his bottom lip playfully. He gives you a sassy bite back, his teeth popping together, a sound that you didn’t realize turned you on. Your hands moved along his shoulders and back as he attacked your neck, leaving love bites that made you quiver. His hands drift from your breasts down to your thighs, an unofficial focal point for his fetishes. Cupping your thigh, he hikes your leg up around his waist and takes the opportunity to grind against the thin lace of your lingerie, earning him another eager moan from you. His movements were feverish and desperate, searching for any sensation possible.
Fingers gripping his hair, you pull him back to your mouth. “Jump,” he says, breaking away from you. He catches your other thigh underneath his strong hands, pushing you away from the door. 
He swiftly guided you to his bedroom, hands massaging your legs as his lips and teeth met your collarbone, dark marks blooming on your skin. You fell into the mattress, arms resting above your head as Tom stood at the edge of the bed admiring your state, so desperate for him. A smirk came across his face as you bit your lip while he worked his belt. Excited, you hoisted yourself up to help but he gently grabbed your hands, shaking his head. Instead, his fingers worked the band of your bra, unclipping it with ease and sliding it down your arms. Eyes never leaving yours, he tossed it to the floor before giving you a kiss to finish the work on his belt. His tongue gently dipped into your mouth as he pinned you against the sheets, hands locking with yours as he pushed them back above your head.
Needing to feel your thighs, he trailed one hand down to your leg as he moved his mouth to your chest. You gasped as his lips left tender kisses along your skin before wrapping his lips around your nipple. Fingers tangled in his bleached locks as he sucked and soothed with kitten licks, desire pooling between your thighs. Instinctively, your legs widened for him as you craved more pressure on your clit. Sensitivity from the first orgasm lingered, but you didn’t care. Your hips thrust impatiently against his white slacks, the fabric offering slight relief. Tom caught on, slowly releasing your nipple with a brief pop of his lips and glancing up at you with his chin resting on your breasts. Your heavy breathing forced his head to bob up and down, his eyes following your own.
Suddenly, Tom’s gaze filled with determination. You knew where he was going, his commanding nature taking over as his hands grazed your inner thighs. His eyes fluttered as he plucked at your skin. 
“I want you to cum on my face, baby,” he kissed between your breasts. “I want to feel your thighs shake,” fingers tapped along your covered folds. His lips worked down your body, stopping to give your stomach a playful bite that left you shrieking and giggling. 
“Tom!” another giggle.
“I almost forgot just how ticklish you are,” his breath made your stomach tense, preparing for another bite that didn’t come. Reaching your core, he gripped your hips to pull you towards the edge of the bed. Another kiss over your clothed clit made you whine, lips raw from your teeth and his kisses. His breath caressed your skin as he gently hooked his fingers around your underwear, teasingly nipping your thighs as he pulled them to your ankles. You heard the soft landing after they’d been thrown, Tom diving back between your thighs as he rested your legs on his shoulders.
A delicate kiss covered your clit before you felt a flat tongue run up your entire slit. You were enveloped in sensation, hands running down your face as you felt drunk with another lick. You knew your skin would be decorated with evidence of his affection for days and you absolutely burned for it. Tom knew it too, a smile delving into your folds. He alternated kissing, slurping, and teasing with his fingers as he held you down to the mattress, sheets warm and soft against your back. Your arousal coated his mouth and chin with a slight sheen.
“Missed this,” he moaned, the pads of his fingers running along your slick folds before his tongue flicked your clit.
“Missed your taste,” his tongue flickered against your slit, his blue-green eyes locking with yours as you pushed up onto your elbows. His face was flushed and glossy. “The way these fucking thighs quiver,” he lovingly bites your inner thigh, lips sucking at the skin until it bloomed purple. You do just that, muscles shivering as his tongue returns to your clit, a noisy slurp filling the room as you watch his jaw flex with his tongue.
He huffs out a dark chuckle against your skin as his mouth brings you closer to the edge, hips bucking against his face. “You fucking like that, huh?” you nodded meekly as he smirked.
“Yes, Tom, yes!”
He groans, slipping his fingers back into you as he continues his work on your clit, synchronizing his movements as your moans become breathier and louder. Tom knew what that meant, pulling away just for a moment.
“Say it, baby,” a brief suck on your clit. “I want to hear you.”
“I want–fuck,” the sly devil thrust his fingers in time with his lips against your clit. “I want to cum again. Please let me cum again, Lieutenant.” You didn’t care that you sounded so meek; you knew that you both needed this.
Tom’s perfectionism always presented itself at the best of times; his fingers, lips, and tongue collaborated to beckon you further into euphoria. The snap hits you like a freight train, your body convulsing as you let out a silent scream. Behind your eyes, you saw a galaxy of colors and bursts of stars that radiated through your entire body. Tom is right there with you the whole time, tongue gently lapping up your juices. A loud slurp sends extra shivers across your body as your chest begs for more air. Limbs giving in to the release, you felt weightless as Tom drank you in.
“Just like that,” Tom said between your thighs, voice dripping with lust. “You did so well for me, baby.”
Thighs quivering and breath shaky, your hands delicately ran through his hair as he placed gentle kisses along your legs before moving up your body. You had kept your eyes shut, the wave having passed but still lingering with an intensity that you’d never experienced. Tom was careful with his hands, avoiding your clit as he gently cupped your breast before offering a sweet kiss on your lips. Slowly, you felt the frustration of the last five weeks chip away, the routine of love making resettling into your brain as you remembered that Tom’s bare minimum was three orgasms for you. One more to go. Your body felt like it was on fire.
His hands held your face tenderly, your skin still feeling electrically charged with every touch. It was almost too much. Almost. Opening your eyes, you stare at Tom’s face and reconnect with all of his features. That bleached hair, his strong brows, inset blue-green eyes, noticeable nose, plump lips and perfect teeth. You wanted to run your fingers over every single detail, close your eyes as you trace him to memory. Running your hands down his chest, you head for his belt and slacks, knowing that he had to feel tighter against the fabric. Lips connected, you fumbled with his pants to slide them down his legs along with his briefs. His length pressed against you as your fingers glided back over his muscles to wrap around him.
Now it was his turn to give himself over to the sensations, the pleasure, the intensity. Gentle strokes caused his lips to fumble against yours, a groan filling the empty space between heaving breaths. A smug smile came across your mouth as you felt him melt into your touch, muscles rippling underneath your fingers. In that moment, you felt a twinge of power watching Tom slowly unravel above you. All with just your fingers. Checkmate. You flip him over onto the mattress to straddle his hips, sitting back against his thighs as you let his hands wander over your skin. 
“It’s my turn, Lieutenant,” you gasped, slowly gliding your slit over him to tease. Tom bit his lip, fingers grabbing your hips as you continued to move. He wanted more. You knew it, too, but damn if you’d let him have it that easily. Bending back over him, your thumb traced his lips. Tom understood the cue, opening his mouth as your lips pressed against his, your tongues battling for dominance. His fingers trailed along your sides, featherlight touches causing you to break the kiss in breathy giggles. You heard his hearty laugh as his lips dipped along your neck, sucking at the delicate purple tinged skin before soothing it with his tongue. God, this man drove you insane. You felt your slick collect along his length and stomach, your clit sparking with each movement.
Pulling his lips away from the bloomed skin of your neck, you kiss him deeply before snaking your hand between your bodies to guide his length into you. He craved that profound intimacy, the connection that stirred in the moment only to be shared with the two of you. You were his safe place and this bond with you kept him sane. He’d been deprived of it for five weeks, his body urging it back as you slowly slid yourself down his length. Pairs of gasps filled the room, foreheads pressing against each other as you both savored the feeling, welcoming it back eagerly. 
Tom licked his lips, palms warm and resting on your hips. “God, baby, I missed you so much,” another kiss. “You have no idea.”
“I missed you, too,” your lips recapture him in a deeper lock. “Let me show you how much.”
Pressing your palms against his chest to steady yourself as you sit up, your hips begin to move. Tom lets his head go slack against the pillow as he feels your warm heat consume him. Gently pushing his hips up, he tightens his grip as he tries to match your rhythm. Your moans came steadily as you controlled the pace, feeling him everywhere: under your thighs, inside your core, against your palms. Your skin felt like it was on fire but you welcomed the heat without hesitation.
Needing more, you quicken your thrusts. Tom’s throat bobs as his moans join yours. In a brief haze, you feel one of his hands leave your hips and hear him suck on a finger before swirling it around your clit as you rock against him harder. You moan, throwing your head back as you push against his chest for more leverage. Teetering on the edge, you needed more. As if he read your mind, Tom quickly shoots into a seated position, arms casing you in as he claims your mouth to swallow your gasps. The new angle was deliciously attentive to your clit, your body shivered with bliss.
“You’re mine, baby,” Tom cupped your face as your hands cling to his shoulders. His hips continued to meet yours with each word and pant.
“Yours…and you’re mine,” you gasp, his eyes glossy and mouth swollen as he nods against your forehead. You offer another deep kiss before he tucks his face into your neck, cheek resting just above your breast. His breath left your skin damp as you felt the band tighten in your belly with each thrust. You involuntarily clench as he hit the perfect spot, both of you moaning as his hand cups your breast.
“Close, sweetheart?” Tom asks. You nod as he grabs your hips and presses you back against the bed. You squeal at the urgency, his hips snapping into you with a frenzied pace. Tom licked his thumb, pressing it to your clit as he smiled before sucking a nipple into his mouth. You felt delirious, your body experiencing everything all at once. Your thighs throbbed as you heard Tom’s groans against your chest, his efforts to keep everything in perfect unison crumbling as he catapulted himself towards his own release. You knew what was next, your body craved the routine of it.
“T-Tom,” you moaned, his thrust hitting deep into you. “Fuck, just like that. Please, please don’t stop!” your voice broke into a cry. Surely, if he stopped, you would be driven to madness. Your body already reached its peak twice with Tom now beckoning for a third and you were happy to oblige that standard. He kept his pace, your arms pulling him close as your core quivered around him. Vision fading in and out, you gave yourself to the third wave of the night as your thighs seemed to vibrate around his waist, heels digging into his lower back. You clung to him as an anchor, afraid you’d disappear into nothing but sensation. 
Tom followed you shortly after, spilling his release into you with a strangled groan. With the wave crashing through, you couldn’t help but take in his beautiful features once again. The sweat on his hairline, his red and swollen lips, purple blooming across his skin, his length twitching inside you as he chased the remainder of his high. God, he was so handsome like this. His fingers left your clit, a hiss escaping your mouth as you felt a twinge of overstimulation rack your body, your eyes fluttering shut. He carefully pulled out, trembling as your fingers stretched across his back, his skin burning against your fingertips. 
Propping himself up on an elbow, he trailed his index finger back up your stomach, circling your nipple before he gently took your hand in his. Your breathing steadied as he smiled and kissed your palm, placing it on his cheek. Five weeks and here you were, completely fucked into oblivion with three orgasms to show for it. Tom’s gaze had shifted from lust filled to love struck as he let his fingers trace your features, your cheeks flushed and glowing. 
“Why didn’t you want me here?” you outlined Tom’s jaw with your fingers. 
Tom glanced away for a moment, inhaling sharply as he was contemplating his answer. You couldn’t lie to yourself and say that you weren’t stung by his insistence of no visits. He knew you would have flown here just for a day if it meant you could have this. Not just the sex but the time with him. It’s not as though you were naive of what being the partner of a fighter pilot meant. You knew Tom would be at the beck and call of the government, going wherever they sent him without question. No, you knew that and you’d accepted it a long time ago. But this felt different. This wasn’t the government placing him somewhere classified where he couldn’t get specific other than say he saw the same moon at night. This was Tom deliberately keeping you away, blocking you out. 
“I–” you swallowed, palm cupping his cheek to gently urge him back to you. “I am not trying to accuse or start anything,” Tom licked his lips. “I just–I would like to know why.”
Tom was silent but you could see the cogs turning as he worked out a response. You didn’t want him to shut down. 
“Am I–am I a distraction for you?” you asked, hesitant to get the words out. 
Immediately, Tom grasped your wrist, staring down at you. “No, sweetheart! No, it’s not that.”
You bit your lip again. “Did you need some time apart?”
Tom sighed. “No, baby. It’s not what you think.”
“Then just tell me, please.”
After a moment, your brows knit together as you watched his face. “I can’t stand saying goodbye to you,” his thumb brushed your cheekbone. “I wanted you here but ever since what happened with Cougar’s meltdown I just–I lost it for a minute. And then Goose–You know, they tell us that if we fly long enough, shit like that will happen. Our job is dangerous. We lose people. Just part of the gig,” he took a second to collect his thoughts, his hand running down your hip. “I know you’ve accepted the reality of having to say goodbye to me,” he gave your hip a comforting squeeze. “After Goose’s accident, I started thinking that maybe I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to you.”
“I’m right here, Tom.”
“I know. It’s just–I have to accept it won’t get easier. I’ve got a lot to lose and that scares the shit out of me.”
Your hands gently stroke Tom’s cheeks as you kiss the tip of his nose. “I’m here, right here, right now. You just have to accept what is. What we have right now is pretty damn good, Lieutenant. Shit, this entire time I was thinking in the back of my mind that you might want to break up with me or something.”
“Fuck, no! Are you kidding?”
“Well, you did bar me from visiting, asshat,” you playfully slapped his shoulder.
“I won’t make that mistake, I promise,” he kissed your fingers, tucking them underneath his chin as you settled under the sheets. He glanced at you lovingly, pulling your arm so you’d lay on his chest. One hand ran up and down your back as he stroked your arm with the other.
“I love you, Tom,” you kissed his chest, eyes closed as you nuzzled his skin.
You felt his lips fall on your hair as he kissed your head. “I love you, baby.”
In the morning, you got up with Tom to help him with his deployment routine. While he showered, you took the liberty of packing his duffle making sure to iron his uniforms and pack extra flight suits. You felt like you were moving through molasses as the soreness between your legs had presented itself with a raging intensity. Tom’s surprise morning quickie at six hadn’t helped you but amused him as he watched you get out of the bed like a baby deer learning to walk. 
“Fuck you, Tom Kazansky.”
“Oh, you have, baby. Multiple times,” that earned him a pillow to the head before he escaped to the bathroom.
You didn’t realize just how much you missed your routine with Tom until then. You missed the domesticity of everyday things: packing his bag, getting the coffee going, setting out his pressed shirts so that he could have the honor of folding them in his special way. This was one of the things you craved the most, being present in his life with the simpler tasks. You always believed that cliche was true because now you could say you were the walking, talking, breathing embodiment of said cliche.
Tom stepped out of the bathroom dressed in his basic white shirt, jeans, and boots. His hair was still damp as he wrapped his arms around you to rest his chin on your shoulder while you finished pouring the coffee. Turning your head, you gave him a quick kiss before handing him a mug. 
“Thank you, baby,” He gulped three times before coming up for air, your first sip barely swallowed. You laughed from behind your mug. “Oh, did you pack the–”
“Extra snacks for you and Slider in the bonus pocket? Tell Slider I couldn’t find the regular jerky he likes so he’ll have to live with the turkey kind for this go-around.”
Tom smiled, tugging you into another hug. You’d forgotten how clingy he was during mornings like this, not that you were complaining. Burying your nose in his chest, you could smell the amber and sandalwood aftershave you’d bought him as an anniversary present. You were happy you remembered to spray his “borrowed” sweatshirt with it before he left. Tom would never admit it, but he found your little rituals for him to be comforting and adorable. He loved that you thought of little details like packing his bag with snacks for both himself and Slider, extra shoe polish, pressed shirts, pictures; it made him feel proud in a weird way.
Pulling your face from his chest, you both glance at the clock. Almost time or he’ll get his ass chewed out. Graduating with the TopGun award and being late to his first official deployment as the best of the best wouldn’t be a good look. Reluctantly, Tom pulled his arms from you, kissing your forehead as you sighed. Grabbing his duffle, he slung it over his shoulders as you walked with him to the front door.
“You’ll be here when I get back?”
“Your mom and I have some stuff planned,” you ran your fingers over his t-shirt. “Miramar seems super captivating.”
Tom chuckles at your tone, drinking up the sarcasm. You quickly wrap your arms tightly around his neck, standing on your toes. His hands clutch your waist, thumbs rubbing your exposed skin from your lifted sweatshirt.
“Hurry back to me, soldier,” you whisper against his ear, kissing his jaw as he pulls you back for another kiss.
“Always will.”
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@lavstar i was so incredibly stupid and i deleted your ask while i was drafting it… i swear i didn’t forget to do it 😭 anyway i’ve FINALLY finished it so let’s jump into the compilation of the most planes i have ever brainrot ❤️ because no ❤️ you cannot expect me to pick one ❤️ it is impossible ❤️
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two airbus A320s taking off from parallel runways, five nautical miles apart ‘cause they’re not gay!
btw i genuinely do not care about military aircraft (never have, prob never will) so these are all to do with civil aviation. also huge disclaimer i did all the commentary off the top of my head (i did have to wikipedia some of the stats im not martin fucking crieff) so if i mess up a term or something that’s on me
of course no post about my favorite planes cannot leave out the OG. my first love, the most plane i have ever ridden; the one, the only, the increasingly irrelevant due to industry shifts, the beloved Airbus A380.
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(L) just look at this big beautiful girl! + (R) a view of i believe scotland? as approached from the north
i don’t know why i love this plane so much, because lots of other people certainly don’t for a lot of reasons. her size makes her the main character out of necessity at every airport she comes across, and she’s an inconvenience for air traffic controllers for that reason. her origin story is [twitter stan account voice] a bit problematic. given changes in industry trends, she is also quickly becoming irrelevant. airbus my beloved please just admit that the four engines thing was nostalgia and go. she’s a marvel of engineering sure, but when all is said and done…the B747 came, she served cunt, and then she got phased out. the A380 was made with the intention of doing the same…unfortunately, she didn’t really complete the second step.
wait holy shit. i know why i love this plane so much. it’s because this plane…is me ❤️
and now for thee og in terms of famous big-ass planes that everyone loves: the B747. everyone loves the 747. even if they say they’re not into planes, they are. for me, not gonna lie: a very big reason for why i love the Queen of the Skies so much is mark vanhoenacker’s book, skyfaring. he flew the 747 for bri’ish airways (when they still had them) and loved that plane so much and man who am i to blame him.
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(L) i think i teared up when i saw her through the big windows for the first time bc i was like oh my god. i am going to be on her. this icon of aviation, the arguable symbol of commercial aviation. so much history, so much significance… + (R) the past, the present, and the future of british airways in one image 🥺
i was on a 747 twice in my life. once on a cathay pacific flight to the philippines, and on my last flight abroad, on a british airways flight to heathrow. little did i know i was flying one of the last of their 747 flights—they phased them out completely the following year, a bit earlier than anticipated due to the pandemic.
as enzo ferrari once probably said, “ask a child to draw a plane, and certainly he will put a hump and four engines on it.” in terms of sheer iconic power and energy, the Queen (and she is the only earthly being to whom I shall ever refer as such) would far and away be the top on anyone’s list, save for the fact that i don’t have a top to this list and i have other planes to get to dear god this is getting long do you know what you’ve got yourself into!! the Queen really said “flight belongs to the people now” and the airlines just had to shut up and listen!! she is truly the main character!!!
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genuinely don’t remember what river this is except that it’s in the UK… 🙈
i feel like everything else i say about her is just going to be a pale imitation of how evocative skyfaring was, so honestly i really recommend the book it’s so good and it’s one of my favorites. my copy is sort of falling apart now bc i kept bringing it around to places 😭 anyway, the number of airlines using her for passengers is decreasing, but you know who still use converted versions of her as well as purpose-built models? cargo airlines! anyway, ups and their brown planes my beloved 🤎
this slot was going to go to the B767 and 757, and i was going to rhapsodize about how aesthetically the 767 looks like a nicer plane to me because of Chonk, but the 757 is really endearing because it’s a narrowbody jet and it’s got landing gear that is long in a useful but unusual-looking way, which in essence what i’m trying to say is that if the 757 were a person, it would be esteban ocon.
so i was getting ready to write all of this down in much more words than i needed, but i remembered suddenly the very reason i was making this post in the first place. and that, my friends, is the B777.
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honestly you don’t fully understand how big the 777 is until you see it in person. because we are all acclimated to think of like the 747 when we think of ‘big plane.’ but the 777 is massive. even i forgot about it when i wrote That Fanfic.
the 777 and 787 are the future of long-haul commercial aviation (and i say this as an A380 stannie). widebody jets with 2 big-ass engines are most likely what we’re going to see in the sky going forward when it comes to long-distance travel, and the pandemic pretty much confirmed that.
that aside, i love the 777. so much that i wrote a whole fanfic around one making an emergency landing ❤️ i really pretended ETOPS (the thing where a plane can fly for a long time on one engine) did not exist for six chapters and an alternate ending and i think that’s just very quirky of me aha 🤪
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dear god do not mind my hat i literally bought it because of fred fucking thursday of endeavour… what the FUCK was teenage me on 😭
the 777 was supposed to be a trijet (one with three engines, two under each wing and one built into the vertical stabilizer) but as the mcdonnell douglas and lockheed martin trijets (cba to look up the numbers) were not projected to continue to be successful, they got rid of the trijet 777 idea and instead made it have two engines. another thing i think is neat is that all the examples of the 777 that you will see in the wild right now don’t have winglets bc the wings themselves are so long and raked back that they’re not necessary. which would be a weird thing for me in particular to find neat, because if you know me well you know i have a thing for winglets. (the 2022 f1 car’s front wing my BELOVED WAKSKDKSJSJ!!!!!) i also think the way the wingtip lights are incorporated into the wings are so neat. the upgraded version they’re trying to make now, the 777X, will have foldy wingtips so you can DIY your own winglets and i think that’s hilarious (and also cool).
genuinely i think i’m the only plane person that likes this last aircraft: the Embraer ERJ-175. i like her for purely nostalgic reasons. she reminds me of how i returned to my roots and decided to pursue engineering.
so okay this is going to have nothing to do with the plane, but i was lucky enough to be given a visit to the flightdeck after landing back home from a weekend trip. i was so excited to be allowed to sit in the first officer’s seat, and got to poke around the flightdeck for like ten minutes. which was cool, but all this was with the sinking realization that even operating a regional jet might be too physically demanding (read: unsafe) for someone of my… [exhales knowing EXACTLY what i’m about to walk into] height.
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that is one fully glass cockpit. also those yokes are specific to embraer, boeing’s look more like f1 steering wheels with stuff cut out of them i think, and airbus’s are operated by side stick. it’s almost funny especially when watching flightdeck videos of the a380 cause it’s like… you’re doing All That *gestures vaguely at plane* with THAT *gestures at thing that looks like a chicken drumstick with semiconductors implanted in it*
so that was piloting as a career done with for me (much to my family’s relief.) and then i thought “hm i don’t have to be flying planes all the time to be working around them…why don’t i work on developing them instead?” and i was passively interested in matsci already, so that’s how and when i decided to pursue engineering, with hopes of working for airbus or boeing and in civil aviation.
we’ll see how that pans out, i say as i side-eye the exponential growth of my interest in motorsport.
thanks for the ask! i’m so sorry i was stupid and deleted it but i hope you like this very long, drawn out, and frankly deranged response 💚
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Hi I have a modern day AU idea for you all.
-So Padmé, Obi-Wan, and Anakin are raising the twins and Ahsoka
-Padmé is district representative for the schools in that system, Anakin works for the police force, and Obi-wan works for the local FBI branch
-Ahsoka is a senior in high school and it's the twins' freshman year
-Ofc Ahsoka is delighted to finally have her siblings to make school-wide trouble with (no one has to know that tho)
-The twins meet Threepio and Artoo and become hella fast friends
-Threepio has so much anxiety and his hair is so blond it's yellow
-Artoo's hair is blue and he never fully left his rebellion phase
-Leia meets Amilyn who is a sophomore and they immediately hit it off and start wreaking havoc and being major activists around the school
-Luke hangs out with Artoo, Threepio, Biggs, and Wedge mostly and they want him to get more friends so they drag him to aviation club
-There he meets Han Solo who runs the club
-They become fast friends and become even closer friends after realizing they are both trans
-They often have arguments about which aircraft is the best
-One day at dinner Luke is talking about Han and Ahsoka is like !!!!!!!! I know him he was head of the GSA last year
-And then Leia is like ohhh that Han I dated him for like a week and everyone is like :o why didn't we know about this and she just shrugs and is like we knew we were better off as friends do it wasn't a big deal
-Anakin meets Han and is a little wary of him but Luke is like he's smart and cute and I like him
-Padmé and Obi-wan are cool with him tho they can see the moon eyes they make at each other even though they don't know it yet so they r like don't hurt our son
-Han was low-key involved in weed stuff in his sophomore year but no one needs to know about that (especially the Skywalkers' parents)
-Han introduces Luke to Chewie who likes him immediately and is like oh Han you have to keep this one
-Chewie is a junior just like Han and they met because they work at a car repair shop together
-They are all friends with each other but eventually Ahsoka gets sick of Luke and Leia pinning over Han and Amilyn so she invites them all over for a game night, which results in Chewie, Threepio, and Artoo tagging along (ofc)
-They end up becoming an even closer tight-knit group and the Skywalker parents are just so happy for their kids
-Except for the fact that now the capacity for trouble has increased tenfold and Luke and Leia are still being typical gays™ (Leia is a badass bisexual tho and don't you ever forget it)
-The school they attend isn't the most LGBTQIA+ friendly even tho they try to say they are, the GSA kids have been fighting for years for more rights and acceptance but not a ton has been done, the are rumors that the school wants to try to make more rules that are discriminatory against the LGBTQIA+ kids there
-The Skywalkers ofc cannot just let that slide so they start investigating, once they find out the rumors are true they immediately call all their friends and they start planning a protest, they even get their badass parents in on it
-During the time setting all this up they start spending even more time with each other (if that's even possible seeing how the already spend almost every waking minute with each other) leading to the twins finally figuring out their respective shit
-The protest ends up gaining a lot more attention and traction than they originally planned and gets the attention of city officials
-They investigate and find out that the vice principal is actually very homophobic and racist so they fire him and end up hiring Padmé as the new VP since she already worked closely with the school and others in the area
-They throw a huge party for her and that's when the twins are like oh hey btw we r dating these two nerds
-Their parents ofc are very supportive and Ahsoka gives them the shovel talk jokingly, Obi-wan does it half seriously, and Anakin does it seriously, Padmé just shakes her head seeing the love in the two's eyes and knows they would never willingly hurt her children
-Over the summer Leia and Amilyn work on starting a feminist club at the school next year with Padmé's help
-Ahsoka enrolls in the police academy and Anakin will never let Obi-wan live it down ("haha I told you my profession was superior!" "without my profession you guys wouldn't get NEARLY as much work done!")
-Luke gets his piloting license but not his driving permit because he just can't drive, Han will never understand how he is such a great pilot but such a terrible driver ("it's cause I'm gay Han")
Anywayyyysssss these r just some ideas I love. I really just want my babies to be happy okay. It's kinda all over the place so sorry about that too hhhh. I will probably write an actual fic from this eventually when I have the time but feel free to add if you want.
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possum-rat · 3 years
Home is where...well where is home?
Previous (Y/n) traces the rough edges of a rock they had picked up while waiting for Tommy and Dream to finish arguing or whatever they're doing. As they look up from their rock they see Tommy being held up by his collar. (Y/n) stares at them in confusion before pulling out their crossbow now with interecet carvings and aiming at the two across the shore from them. Dream tosses Tommy to the ground. (Y/n) shifts their aim toward Dream staring blankly at him. Dream holds up his hands and shakes his hands nervously. (Y/n) flicks their gaze toward Tommy then back to Dream walking toward Tommy putting the bow back into their inventory before switching to a small clay ring they had made for Tommy during their self-inflicted exile. the ring has two small wings attached to a red band. With gold-dusted over the feathers.   looking at it they frown slightly before standing up and turning toward Dream who's mask is staring down at (Y/n) picking at his nails with an arrow. He stops and makes a beckoning motion toward (Y/n). Glancing toward Tommy he nods encouragingly. (y/n) stands up nervously fiddling with the ring before dropping it and walking toward Dream. As he walks further into the forset (Y/n) feels the hairs on their spine stick up. As they arrive in a small clearing beside a lake Dream places his hand upon (Y/n's) shoulder. The cold unsettling feeling of the enchanted metal on (Y/n's) arm causes them to shrug his handoff. "Mhm. (Y/n). It's been a while since anyone's seen you. You just tend to disappear don't you." His voice cut's through the silence(as silent as possible with a drunk goat man and slightly crazy British man) (Y/n) stares wide-eyed at him before rasping "What?" Dream simply tilts his head before asking "You heard me didn't you?" His voice cold and calculating. (Y/n) opens and closes their mouth several times before giving up and nodding. "Hm. Interesting." dream murmurs to himself as he presses a hand to his porcine mask mounted on his face. "what's that suposed to mean?" (Y/n) asks quietly fidgeting with the rock looking for any sense of comfort or familiarity in the man infront of them. They remembered how when they were younger they had promised themself that they'd go to the famous land of the 'Dream Smp' to meet their idol. "nothing. nothing. (Y/n) I have a question." he states. (y/n) nods uncertainly and mumbles "Yeah?" dream looks toward the setting sun and asks "you do realize that non of your friends are actually your friends. They only keep you around because they pity you. They'd leave you given the chance. they'd leave in a heartbeat. Just like Lillith did." (Y/n) tenses up flicking their gaze toward the muddy ground along the bank of a marsh they'd walked into. Stepping back uncomfortably (Y/n) mumbles "No. they- they are. You're lying." Dream turns toward (Y/n) asking "Am I? Or are you scared that I'm right?" (Y/n's) silence is answer enough for Dream. "Interesting, well it's time we leave." As he brushes past (Y/n) he stops and murmurs. "Look, I'm just trying to help you. You can trust me you know." (Y/n) gulps and nods and says quietly "I'm going to stay with Tommy. For a little longer." Dream makes a sound of acknowledgment before turning away. Upon reaching the mouth of the clearing (Y/n) turns in a circle feeling their heart beginning to slam against their chest faster and faster as they don't hear their footsteps. Part of them knew that it'd probably happen. The other part wonders how the hell they could hear Dream. Seeing Tommy sitting atop a log beside Ghostbur (Y/n) jogs toward them. plastering on a smile they run along the shore grabbing rocks of various sizes before placing them in a circle. Then grabbing some wood they place the wood into a tent shape. Pulling out a small vial of green swirling liquid before turning to ghost burn and saying "Stay back this could go wrong." Ghostbur floats off his seat and toward (Y/n) holding his guitar and singing. Letting some of the fire poor out of the vile (Y/n) winces as a few drops hit their skin. Turning to Tommy they smile slightly and notice the ring on his finger. Smiling more genuinely (y/n) leans against the log beside the other two baskings in the fire's warmth. ------ It's been about a week since Dream's little chat with (Y/n). (Y/n's) barely able to hear Tommy. Sure it's an improvement but it's still strange. As (Y/n) watches Tommy stand in the portal phasing through they glance toward Ghostbur. He smiles and nods toward the ever-shifting slightly translucent purple box. Turning back toward Ghostbur (Y/n) asks quietly "Are you sure? Is it okay if I go with him?" He nods confirmation and replies in his happy-go-Lucky echoey tone "Yeah! I'll go with!" As The two of them phase through getting the message floating infront of their eyes, (Y/n) hears Wilbur grumble something about hating acting clueless. furrowing their eyebrows (Y/n) asks "What? what's that suposed to mean? Were you resurrected? somehow? did it fail so now your just ghostbur?" Wilbur falls silent before (Y/n) steps from the portal. The familiarity of the nether earns a soft smile from (Y/n). That is until (Y/n) realizes that their not in the portal area that they should be. Instead, they're beside a nether fortress. Frowning slightly they knock on the side of the large door. Standing infront of the door they sway side to side nervously. The very almost silent footfalls cause (Y/n) to look up. Loren stands in the doorway hands outstretched for a hug. (Y/n) freezes guilt washing over them; they promised that they'd visit. Loren wraps their arms around (y/n) resting their head upon (Y/n's) head rubbing soothing circles on their back. (Y/n) sinks into the hug. Maybe it's because for the first time in about a year or two they've felt truly safe. Maybe it's the prospect of being treated their age and not like a weapon or something of disposal. Melting further into the touch (y/n) let Loren lead them around as they continue to hold onto them. Upon entering the small room (Y/n) recognized as the room they had woken up in when the ghost had shot a fireball. "(Y/n)! Oh my! You've grown! You've become so pretty! Such a handsome young kid." Clementine coos as she seems to float toward them. (Y/n) winces at they realize they don't remember the man's name. It doesn't matter though as he's not there. "Ah here hun, let's get you some supplies. Some things you'll need for coming events. Oh and dear? Be wary of Bad and his group." (Y/n) nods completely bewildered at what that means. (Y/n) ends up leaving with 2 potions of healing, a few stacks of potion materials, and a new coat, along with new clothes. An olive-gray aviator jacket with a Non-Binary patch on the sleeve along with one for L'manberg. Along with black cargo pants and an off-white bucket hat. As (y/n) runs out of the fortress waving happily they turn toward the direction of the portal. The familiar feeling of excitement rushes through (Y/n) as the loading message floats above them. Flapping their hands while squeaking in anticipation (Y/n) hops out of the portal landing in the land they had once called home. (A/n: I stim like that when I'm happy) Staring out at the scenery (y/n) bounces on their heels before jogging down the dark black stairs and along the prime path. As they stare in awe at the place nearly completely distorted by memories (Y/n) hears a familiar very faint voice. "(Y/n)?" Turning toward it  (Y/n) is greeted by the sight of Tubbo standing beside a tallboy. (Y/n) smiles but frowns abruptly as they see scars on the tall boy's cheeks. "Here, let me help." They murmur voice horse from lack of use. the golden crown wearer Glances toward Tubbo. Tubbo however is fiddling nervously with his suit buttons. He then says something (Y/n) can't catch. Glancing up at the heterochromatic-eyed boy they frown in confusion. "Uh? Who are you? I don't mean to be rude or anything but I've been with Tommy for the past few months." (Y/n) says quietly as they rub the wool collar of the coat. The boy glances toward Tubbo before saying Tubbo says "(Y/n). You've been gone nearly 4 years." (Y/n) frowns at Tubbo before muttering "Oh am I losing my sense of time? I mean I'm still partially deaf, what's next? Losing Tommy? Or you? Or even the tall kid? I mean it's a possibility. Who knows." Tubbo opens his mouth then closes it before asking "Is that why you looked so lost when Phil brought you out of the room?" (Y/n) falls silent before replying "Yeah. Not a huge fan of loud sounds. They freak me out. Ironic though cuz I hang out with Tommy a lot." Schlatt takes the opportunity to groan and throw popcorn while groaning "JESUS THIS IS SO CORNY, GET A LIFE." Frowning (Y/n) grumbles "Yeah like your any better dead Bitch. You died, so you can't tell me how to live. Asshat." "Uh. Tubbo? Is this normal?" The boy asks. Suddenly (Y/n's) eyes roll back into their head as Glatt takes over. "Tubbo!" He says in his loud demanding tone. "Ah, it's been a while. How've you been kid?" Tubbo freezes clutching onto ranboo's sleeve before he growls shakily “You can’t just act like nothing's wrong when it isn’t!” Wilbur seems to think that now's a good moment to say something. "Tubbo, I'm proud of you. You're doing great. Sorry about blowing up your nation." (Y/n) crumples lying in the grass face in the sun before hissing and rolling onto their back and sitting up. Coughing violently they pull out a potion of re-gen before taking a swig and squeezing their eyes shut to try to get rid of the nothingness. "Sorry about that Tubbo. And you're Ranboo right?" He nods uncertainly and (Y/n) stands up before noticing a small burn mark on his hand. Gently taking his hand (Y/n) pulls out a bandage (a Peppa pig one) and gently dabs some re-fen on it along with some herbs that are of use. Gently placing the bandage on it they turn toward Tubbo and examine him for any newer injuries. Small crescent-shaped cuts are on his palms. "Can I?" They ask quietly. Tubbo nods gently. Taking his hand (Y/n) rubs the healing salve on the cuts apologizing repeatedly with a series of taps on his wrist. Remorse code.
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takadasaiko · 5 years
Houseguest Chapter Three
Summary: Tony and Steve' investigate the burglary at the Stark Industry.
Chapter Three: Always Come Prepared
Tony didn't bother calling ahead to the location. He didn't typically make trips out to facilities unless R&D work was being done there, so on the off chance that someone inside his company had orchestrated the break in he didn't want to give them any warning. Granted, he had to admit there was something amusing about watching people scurry when the man whose name was on the side of the building showed up unannounced. Not everything could be strategic. Life was meant to be entertaining.
Cap had decided to tag along rather than go into town. He looked like a fish out of water as he followed Tony into the facility, and even more awkward as the SI employees went into overdrive for the surprise visit.
"Mr Stark?" Tony turned to see what he assumed was the man in charge around there barreling towards him. "Bill Wiley. I'm sorry nobody greeted you when you arrived. No one said you'd be coming in personally," the building manager said as nearly raced to meet him.
Tony greeted the sweaty man with a handshake that couldn't be avoided without coming across like an ass. "It was taking a while for the report to hit our servers. I thought I might be able to speed things along."
He didn't miss the way Bill Wiley glanced nervously at Rogers who, in turn, was sweeping every visible inch of the space with that sharp blue gaze of his. He might be behind the times on tech, but Cap had proven resourceful when he was interested in uncovering the truth on something. Maybe it was a good idea to have brought him along afterall.
"Well, it was in the middle of the night with our skeleton security crew, sir. We've been working with the police and running inventory on —"
"Perfect," Tony cut him off. "Whatcha got?"
"For… inventory…. sir?" the other man asked like he was certain he must have misunderstood.
"Yep. What'd they steal?"
The manager looked like he was bordering on terrified as he answered. "Nothing, as far as we can tell." He stopped, and Tony was fairly sure that he was weighing if what he wanted to say would get him fired or not. He motioned for him to spit it out and the man swallowed hard. "Do you… know what we do at this office, sir?"
"Something having to do with, uh…." Tony drawled out, desperately wracking his brain for the answer. He'd seen it, right? He was sure that he'd seen it or that JARVIS had told him or something. The hangover was starting to recede, but that didn't mean he hadn't missed a few things on the way there.
"I'm with your marketing division. I just happened to be the manager that answered the call at six this morning and came in."
"Six? They said the break in was at three."
"Might have been, sir, but I was at home asleep." Poor Bill Wiley, who appeared to be too far out of his depths for comfort, ducked his head. "We're the catch-all. We've got a few marketing teams that aren't housed at HQ or in New York, the aviation department holds meetings and keep their offices here, and a couple of underwriters that live out this way come in here to avoid the commute. We don't house anything worth stealing."
"Hey, Tony?"
Tony turned, finding Steve further away than he expected. He was standing with a security guard that looked more than a little starstruck. Good. Maybe that meant he'd helpful.
"Tony, this is -"
"Juan Morales. Wow. I didn't think I'd actually ever get to meet you. You're Iron Man."
"Sometimes," Tony answered casually as he sauntered over. "Right now I just own a company who had a break in that I'd like to know more about."
"I wasn't on duty when it happened. I start the morning shift at nine."
Tony shot Cap a look, but the other man motioned for patience.
"I'm buddies with Tom in the main office. Guess it's the one you work out of?"
"I work out of my house most days, but you were saying?"
"Right… So, Tom said that some of the other security guards from around the city sent in reports about signs of guys casing the places. I mean, most of them were warehouses and storage facilities and stuff, but we've all got the same basic security protocols, right? It's weird."
"Do you think they were testing them?" Steve prompted.
"Yeah. I mean, response times are gonna be different in each location, but the alarms, how long they take to go off, if the building has any lockdown protocols…."
It was like a slap to the face. "Which they all do," Tony managed.
"But no one was here. There was a delay in the lockdown. No code or anything, but nobody trapped either."
"Like they found an override….. Can you get me a list? The other locations your buddy mentioned?"
"Oh yeah, sure, Mr Stark. Anything you need."
"Just that list. And, kid, if this leads to something, you're getting the bonus of a lifetime." He turned towards Steve as the young guard bolted off to get him what he needed.
"You think someone's after something."
"More sure of it every second. Listen, uh… this is my problem. If you wanna go do the whole touristy thing -"
"What? And let you have all the fun?"
Brown eyes met blue and there wasn't even a hint of sarcasm. Cap wanted to help. Okay then. This could get interesting.
JARVIS has been running probability calculations all day, leaving Tony to tinker and Cap to wander around LA at his leisure. He'd left his things at the mansion, though, so Tony assumed he was coming back.
It left him with time on his hands and time was spent tinkering with suits and a variety of other projects in his downstairs workshop. It did wonders for his nerves and let him focus on something else when he didn't have enough data to start tracking down this unseen enemy.
He jumped at the light touch on his shoulder, hissing a soft curse as the soldering tool touched his opposite hand and burned it. He turned, finding Pepper to his left and she looked startled by the extreme reaction. "I called your name a couple of times."
"In the zone, sorry," he mumbled and held his hand up to examine it. He'd had a lot worse.
Pepper reached for it, her hand gentle against his as if she didn't trust his assessment. "You should ice it."
The argument died on his lips and he offered her a smile instead. He stood, but instead of moving to the freezer to grab one of the waiting ice packs he kept there, he leaned in. She snorted a laugh, muffled by the kiss, and Tony wrapped his arms around her to pull her just a little closer. She gave in and he could feel her smile against him as she reached up, one hand trailing along the side of his face until her arm rested against his shoulder, elbow bent so that her fingers toyed with his dark hair. Okay. This was nice. It did wonders for his nerves too. One of the many, many reasons he never wanted to let her go. "Hey, maybe we could -" he started in the same moment Pepper said —
"Did I hear something about a break in last night?"
Right. That. He released her and started towards to freezer. "Yeah, the offices out in Burbank."
"In Burbank? There's nothing out there to steal."
"I think they were testing our security protocols." He grabbed the ice pack and winced as he pressed it to the burn.
"Does Barry know?"
Tony snorted, shooting her a withering look. "My money's on no. Remind me why we pay him?"
"Because he's the head of security, Tony."
"He's terrible at his job."
Pepper leaned against one of his work tables and crossed her arms. "And who would you replace him with? You've hated every name I've given you in the last five years."
"We didn't know any of those people."
"Tony," she said in that tone that said she thought he was bordering on the absurd, "we don't know most new hires. That's what references and due diligence is for."
She blinked at him. "Hogan?"
"Yeah. He's been running my personal security for years-"
"Babysitting you, you mean?"
"- and yours for the last two. He knows every last security protocol we have and I guarantee he has ideas. We know him, there's no question we can trust him. How have we not already done it? Let's do it."
"Promote Happy to head of security?"
She was still looking at him like he'd lost it. After a long moment she loosed a breath, letting her arms drop. "I'll make you a deal. You do what you're going to do anyway and figure out if this was more than just a one-off break in and if - if, Tony - SI's security has been compromised we'll revisit the topic when I get back from London."
"Deal. Wait. London?"
She crossed the space between and pressed a quick kiss to his lips. "It's been on the books for two weeks."
"Yep. I'll be back on Saturday. Think you can manage?"
Tony feigned a hurt look. "No faith in me, Miss Potts?"
The look didn't phase her and her voice was painfully sweet as she spoke. "I just know you, Mr Stark. I left a reminder with JARVIS about the R&D meeting tomorrow. Please don't miss it?"
"Thank you. And try not to get shot at or blown up while your looking into your thief?"
He reached out for her hand and pulled her close again. "Do my best," he murmured, and she was close enough he could feel her breath on his skin. He didn't want her to go. Selfish, he knew, but it didn't change the feeling.
"The calculations are complete, sir," JARVIS' voice rang out, causing them both to jump, instantly pulled from the moment.
Pepper cleared her throat. "I need to head to the airport. Let me know how it goes?"
"Will do. Love you."
He loved that smile of hers. "Love you too."
Tony waited until she was out of the lab and starting back up the stairs. "This better be good, J."
"I wouldn't have interrupted if it weren't important, sir," his AI responded. "I've run the calculations that you requested, and have come up with two likely targets and the top five most likely times that the breach will be attempted."
"Put it up on the screen," Tony instructed and watched the data flicker into his vision. "Pretty sure you can take the warehouse on the right off, JARVIS."
"I was afraid you might say so, sir. Shall I contact the authorities?"
"No. Let security onsite know there's an issue, but I'll deal with it."
"Sir, if I may -"
"You may not."
"I only wished to inform you that Captain Rogers is back. In case you would like to enlist his aid." The second half of the announcement was spoken so quickly that Tony had to wonder if JARVIS was trying to get it out before the mutecommand was given. He should probably be more nervous that he was that his AI had developed quite that much obstinance when it came to his warnings being heard at the very least, even if he really still couldn't do anything about making Tony follow them.
"Thanks, buddy," Tony said instead, letting it slide. He couldn't fault JARVIS for trying to look out for him.
Agreeing to help Tony Stark was turning out to feel like he'd been caught in a riptide. There was no real control. All he could do was let himself be dragged along until he surfaced at the other end.
Steve had barely walked into the house when Tony had come flying up from his lab and told him that if he still wanted to help, he better hurry up. He barely stopped long enough to add that he knew where his mysterious burglars were going to strike next and that he wanted to get out there to go over everything with his security team onsite. If Steve wanted any more details than that, he could get them on the way.
Tony talked almost as fast as he drove, rattling off so much information that Steve had to listen fast to catch the important pieces. "Wait, Wait. Hold on a second. What exactly are you doing with alien tech?"
The other man was halfway through a new sentence when he seemed to hear the question. "Huh? Oh. I created a new department at Stark Industries after the Battle of New York to work with the government to help with the cleanup."
"You? Working with the government?" Steve asked, shooting the other man an amused look. He'd seen clips of what happened a couple years before when he'd been called to Capitol Hill to discuss the Iron Man suits. His mockery of the Senate wasn't the top video when Steve had searched his name, but it was close. Funny thing, he's found some old reels put on the internet of Howard in a similar position after the war. He'd responded flippantly, hoeing no rea respect for the elected officials that had questioned him. Like father, like son.
"It does happen every once and awhile."
"I'm still not sure why we didn't contact the police. This seems like the type of thing they should handle."
"All the cops will do is scare them off and we'll lose them," Tony grumbled as he took a particularly sharp turn too fast for comfort. He glanced over, and Steve couldn't shake the feeling that he was sizing up his reaction to tailor his own. "I need more data. Let's get there, get the lay of the land, and then maybe we'll loop LAPD in."
"Backup couldn't hurt," Steve pressed. "In case things move quicker than you're expecting."
"I don't need that kind of backup. The LAPD are great for what they do, but I became Iron Man to make sure that no one could use my stuff to hurt people. This falls firmly in that category."
"And they're okay with that?"
"Oh no, they hate it. Just can't really stop me," Tony chuckled and turned a corner. A warehouse came into view, large and gated with a guard station at the edge. The guard did not look happy as they pulled up next to it.
"Mr Stark," the guard greeted, his tone matching his worried expression. "I was just about to put a call in, sir. Communication with the warehouse went down about two minutes ago. I can't get through to anybody inside. I know you said -"
"Yep," Tony cut him off and killed the car engine.
Steve watched him step outside and followed half a moment later, his gaze trained on the warehouse. It was quiet, which might be expected after the close of the business day if it weren't for the fact that Tony had sent a warning ahead. For that, it was suspiciously quiet.
It didn't last. There was a loud crash that drew their attention and a figure stumbled out the door and fell hard against the ground.
"Shit," Tony cursed. "They're already inside."
"Call the LAPD," Steve instructed the guard before Tony could counter him. It wasn't until no argument came that he saw him toying with what looked like a bracelet of some kind. "What are you-?"
Tony nodded at the car. "Check the trunk."
Steve shot him a questioning look, but circled around to where it had popped open. Inside he saw his shield. The same one Tony had asked to take a look at while he'd been out earlier that day. "Just coming to check things out, huh?"
There was a loud roar that he'd heard before and one of Tony's suits came into view from seemingly nowhere. It barreled down and opened up just long enough for him to step in before it snapped shut around him. "Always come prepared, right?" he asked through the suit and Steve resisted the urge to roll his eyes.
"The police are on their way," the guard offered.
"Fine. We'll have it wrapped before they get within a mile." Steve could feel that dark gaze move to him even through the helmet. "You with me, Cap, or do you wanna wait for your buddies?"
Steve pushes a frustrated breath out his nose as he grabbed his shield.
Notes: I was just writing along and suddenly Tony's pitching Happy for the head of security position. Don't know what to tell you. Apparently Barry sucks at his job. He's a lousy Forehead of Security :P
Next Time: Tony and Steve race against the clock to rescue the hostages and catch the thieves.
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lgbtsheep · 6 years
my aj characters
buckle in pardners cause this is gonna be a looong ride
ya this is gonna be a really long post lol
i finally got a membership!!!!!! so i can make a post with all my characters!!!! which ive been wanting to do for AGES
i’ll put my Main Kids here and then put a read more for those who are interested!
so get ready folks because this is like a big dysfunctional family
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the “main” boi, the face of the whole group
usually manages stuff like den stores and trading
genderfluid, will go by any pronouns
very friendly and sociable! he’s the one you see and think “i should talk to them”
lives in peck’s den, but needs to redecorate it
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he loves his bedroom, even if desert went a little crazy decorating it...
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this is his pet, Mumbleimus:
he’s a star and he knows it
will probably strike a pose for u
gender roles whomst? he only knows fashion
occasionally makes bad puns
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secret mira fanboy
kind of edgy
tries to act mean or secluded but he’s not really that mean
he/him but he isn’t totally a binary dude
his sexuality is a mystery to everybody, even himself
his bird tendencies are. through the roof. he is just. so very bird.
wants to become a therapist stationed in the basement of secrets
lives in peck’s den or the treehouse
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he......... lov his bed................
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this is his pet, Musicalfrost!
desert’s PRIDE AND JOY, he would kill for this little gal
punk rock
might try and attack you
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me, but cooler
Hip With the Kids™
starts celebrating halloween in august
probably a demon
cryptid and space enthusiast
lives in any of the dens, but most primarily peck’s den and the enchanted hollow
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what a nerd.
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this is their pet, Oddpebble!
a little fucking rascal
very good at percussion (he has many hands)
definitely a demon
lovable weirdo
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very first animal, ever
literally just me
has anxiety issues
tries very hard
huge nerd
lives with greencloud in the default den, but is putting together another den to move into
one of the nonmember kiddos
goes on the land missions/adventures
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they really like plants
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this is his pet, Windowbee!
kind of creepy but aesthetically pleasing
a lot like onion from steven universe
those feathers he’s holding are what remains of his enemies
Magical loves him
that’s all the main kiddos! the rest are under the cut!
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was going to be a tertiary, but he complained so much he became a primary
the cooler Magical
probably cooler than you
also hip with the kids
unmedicated ADHD
kind of annoying
acts like he isnt trying, but he really is
lives in the default den
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this is his pet, Silverysky!
quiet, tiny punk
kind of shy
is actually pretty cool when you get to know him
likes metal and screamo
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kind of freaked out by all the other animals
lives in the default den, but is rarely ever seen there
always weirded out but tries to go along
heterosexual (or... attracted to women?? idk) aromantic
the other nonmember kiddo
never talks to anybody
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this is his pet, Misscrystal!
the mom friend
all of the animals adore her
she loves u
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goes on the water missions/adventures
isnt lgbt but is a very enthusiastic ally
lowkey a softie
lives in either the treehouse, the lost ruins den, or the sky kingdom
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this is his land pet, Microbook!
he’s very old and kind of kooky
has embraced the pirate aesthetic
wants to be a pirate just like his dad
gets very excited about adventures
loves adventuring w Pear
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this is his ocean pet, Summershell!
he loves her to death
isn’t necessarily fond of the pirate aesthetic but doesn’t mind it
she especially loves when Pear gets excited about dressing her like a pirate and coos over her
loves attention
was the product of a crappy trade but Pear didn’t want to get rid of her
not as enthusiastic about being a pirate
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an absolute ray of sunshine
very carefree and friendly
there’s a running gag between the animals about Apple and Pear being a duo called “the fruit bowl”
doesn’t talk very much but will make sure u know he loves u
asexual aromantic
lives in the lost ruins den, but they really need to decorate it
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this is their pet, Uberimus!
he’s pretty spooky but actually very friendly
needs more friends. he scared all his old ones off
just wants to be loved
gets lots of cuddles from Apple
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avid australian
very adventurous
tomboy aesthetic
loves all the freaky animals out there. the more exotic, the better
wants one of those shows where they go to australia and do a lot of dangerous stuff with the wildlife
“that over there is the most venomous animal in the world!...”
“...I’m gonna poke it with a stick.”
she/they (usually they)
lives in the treehouse
the only time they’d be seen without their aviator’s hat is if they were dead
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Desert got to decorate the bedroom, and, uh... yeah.
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this is her pet, Macroimus!
she would kill for this “dapper little fellow”
used to have a top hat and monocle
recently went into an anime phase
loves adventures
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loves pink
has a very masculine build that he is very happy with
loves flowers and cute things and everything girly
lives in peck’s den
sexuality? who has time for that? i only have time for fashion.
probably asexual homoromantic (but he’s never really looked into it)
total fashionista
fuck gender roles
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this is his pet, Toyturtle! (sorry for the bad picture oops)
very pampered
the sweetest little turtle
loves her little beetle friend
friendly but a little airheaded
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is an artist
a nervous nerd
likes anime
grey asexual panromantic
lives in the enchanted hollow
shy, but once you get to know her she never shuts up
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this is her pet, Sircrystal!
very much like King George’s depiction from Hamilton the musical
probably plotting your murder
he is the best. everybody else in inferior.
thinks he’s an actual king, higher then the alphas
“i’ll kill your friends and family to remind you of my love”
Lilac is kind of terrified of him but she still loves him
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obsessed with nature
an actual child
has to be closely monitored or else she’ll probably make stupid decisions
ridiculously friendly
a mildly annoying ray of sunshine
she’s a literal child she doesn’t know romance
the equivalent of like an 8 year old
lives in the mushroom hut with her brother (she needs to decorate it though!!)
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this is her pet, Gummyturtle!
can kick ass
kind of like a tiny bodyguard for Sunny
loves being dressed up
essentially teaches Sunny how to take care of her and properly treat pets, since Sunny does behave much like a child
kawaii as fuck
big,, floppy ears,,,,,,,,
likes spicy food
from Japan
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DJ Kawaiimoon
demands you call him by his full name while staring him in the eye
tsundere type
secretly soft
likes screamo bands
bisexual but still figuring it out
the equivalent of 13 years old
Sunny’s brother
lives in the mushroom hut
relatively quiet, but usually complaining if he’s talking
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this is his pet, Jellyninja!
DJ Kawaiimoon LOVES him
is like the only person DJ Kawaiimoon is nice to
friendly and boyish
really likes sweets
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still figuring out what the hell her look is supposed to be
frenemies with Lilac
the bad kind of weaboo
pretty problematic
probably posts edgy things in hopes of getting attention
probably fetishizes “yaoi” (ew)
calls herself bisexual to look “cool” but is actually straight
lives in the enchanted hollow
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this is her pet, Snowytitan!
love-hate relationship with Juniper
absolutely loves everybody (except Juniper sometimes)
if you feed him he’ll keep you in his heart until he dies
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is a witch
very very creepy
takes the hyena laughter trope to heart
freaks everybody out
not as mean or scary as everybody thinks she is
they’ll still hex your ass if you wrong them though
demisexual aromantic
lives in the sky kingdom
not many of the other animals understand her; only really Mellow, Atom, and Magical
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this is her pet, Puppyfrost!
also very creepy
spooks everybody
probably posessed
River’s loyal assistant
can receive prophecies and communicate with spirits
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just trying to get by
nonchalant and just sort of accepts all the weird shit that happens with the group
mildly edgy
bisexual demiromantic (has a preference for dudes)
lives in the volcano den
gets along with Bean
sometimes helps River with their magic
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this is his pet, Mirrorfrost!
he adores her
sometimes mischievous
quiet and very intelligent
from China
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is a dj
“yooooo that’s radical dude!”
surfer dude personality
very leisurely and kind of lazy
bisexual, but the type of person you wouldn’t expect to be lgbt
lives in the volcano den and needs to decorate it
very friendly
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this is his pet, Zippynote!
DJ thinks he’s such a weird little fellow
and he is
very quiet
kind of just there?
relatively friendly
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moved from India
think’s he’s the “chosen one” picked by Zios to defend Jamaa
wants to be part of “the fruit bowl”
self-proclaimed air-bender
lives in the sky kingdom
doesn’t really know anybody
heavy accent
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this is his pet, Starrymantis!
he ADORES her. he thinks she is the absolute most adorable thing
he still needs to dress her up though
very sweet and friendly
loves cuddles
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Mister Wonkybuddy
literally just. a dad. he is dad
lives in the volcano den to “keep track of those rascal teenagers”
really likes mythologies
used to be an adventurer and even got to meet sir gilbert
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this is his pet, Gummypeach!
quiet and kind of creepy
it’s probably just because of his outfit though
Mister dressed him up when he was really absorbed in a book on Egyptian mythology
loves his dad and Mister loves him
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the newest member to the family!
like, she is BRAND SPANKIN NEW. she doesn’t even have a pet
soft pastel nature aesthetic
clumsy due to her masculine frame
socially awkward
heterosexual (shes been experimenting with girls though)
lives in the treehouse
i really hope you love my kids as much as i do!!!! if you like them please reblog them!! i’ve put so much energy into these kiddos. my children. i love them
if you’ve made it this far, holy shit thanks this took me a really long time to put together
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fluidityandgiggles · 6 years
The Plastics: Phase 2
(Phase 1 - part 1, part 2)
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart!” Roman was looming over the sink, trying his best not to stare at his boyfriend.
His very much shirtless boyfriend.
Roman knew how much Virgil loved his 7-Eleven slurpees. (Part of him liked the fact that his boyfriend was a less-homicidal version of JD.) But sadly, so did Remy. So when Remy told Roman to throw Virgil’s slurpee at him... he couldn’t argue against that.
It was Remy, after all.
But he isn’t going to complain about his boyfriend being shirtless.
“It’s perfectly fine, it was just a slurpee.” Virgil gave Roman a smile that he would never be caught, dead or alive, giving to anyone. “Just... do you have a spare shirt?”
“Do you mind that it’s Wednesday?”
Having lunch with the Plastics was like leaving the real world and entering “Popular World”. And Popular World had a lot of rules.
“You can’t wear a tank top two days in a row,” Roman told me. “And we only wear track pants on Fridays.”
Well... let’s consider the issue with the statement. That day, both Remy and Roman were wearing jeans. Remy’s blue, and Roman’s white. Their shirts were pink, though.
And Emile... yeah. He was in a skirt.
“I mean, not just you. Like, any of us. Okay, like, if I was wearing track pants today, I would be sitting over there with the drama kids.” Emile started giggling. “You think this is a joke? Drama club is not a joke.”
“We know, Roman.”
“Oh, and we always vote before we ask someone to eat lunch with us, because you have to be considerate of the rest of the group.” Understandable. “Well, I mean, you wouldn’t buy clothes without asking your friends first if they look good on you.”
“I wouldn’t?”
“Right. Oh, and it’s the same with guys.” I think this was when Roman’s leg started jumping. “Like, you may think you like someone, but you could be wrong.”
And then Roman looked at Virgil. Who was playing with a pair of aviators. Well... if I had to guess...
“A hundred and twenty calories, and forty-eight calories from fat...” So Remy could read labels. Nice. “What percent is that?”
“Forty-eight into one-twenty...?”
“I’m only eating foods with less than 30% calories from fat.”
“It’s 40%.” The confused looks I got from Remy and Roman were... weird. Let’s call them weird. “Well, 48 over 120 equals X over 100, and then you cross-multiply and get the value of X.”
“...whatever. I’m getting cheese fries.”
Sure, Remy. Sure.
As soon as Remy got away, though... Roman started talking. “So, have you seen any guys that you think are cute yet?”
“We’re all gay here,” Emile said. I think to himself. I hope to himself.
“Well...” Better be honest. “There’s this guy in my calculus class-”
“Who is it?”
“It’s a senior?” Yes, Roman. It’s a senior.
“His name’s Patton Graham.”
If I had to compare this moment to anything... it would probably be a bomb drop. Roman started a chorus of “no”s, with Emile joining in every now and again.
“Oh no, you can’t like Patton Graham!”
The literal angel descended from heaven to grace this world with his beauty and overall being? Sure. Why? Can you explain why, Roman? Huh? You wanna try an explanation, bitch?
“That’s Remy’s ex-boyfriend.”
“They went out for a year.” Thankfully, this was said by Emile. Roman’s voice was starting to annoy me.
“Yeah.” And... we’re back. “And he was devastated when Patton broke up with him last summer.”
“I thought he dumped him for Ollie Hendricks.”
“Okay, irregardless. Ex-boyfriends are just off-limits to friends. I mean, that’s just, like... the rules of feminism. Or something.”
I swear I heard Virgil snort.
“Don’t worry. I’ll never tell Remy what you said. It’ll be our little secret.”
I seriously doubted it.
“We define the sum of the infinite geometric series...”
Even though I wasn’t allowed to like Patton, I was still allowed to look at him. And think about him. And talk to him.
“Hey, Pat-”
“Hey, you’re the Africa guy, right?” A guy (who, to be fair, looks like a top hat would just fit him perfectly, he’s just that kind of creepy) asked me. As I was going to talk to Patton.
Rude much?
“I’m Dorian Pechmann, captain of the North Shore Mathletes. We participate in math challenges against other high schools around the state, and we’re missing a member. You should think about joining.”
“Oh, you’d be perfect for it!” Our teacher - Ms. Torres - jumped in.
“Yeah, definitely.”
“Great, great. Let me give you my card!”
This guy has a card...?
‘Dorian Pechmann - Math Enthusiast/Bad-ass M.C.’
It even includes his phone number. Lovely.
“Okay, so... think it over. Cause we’d like to actually compete this year.”
Patton actually almost talked to me later that day, if only Remy didn’t pull up near the football field and screamed “get in, loser, we’re going shopping!”
Remy is like the Barbie doll I never had. I’d never seen anybody so glamorous.
“So how do you like North Shore?” Emile asked me in the mall.
“It’s good. I think I’m joining the mathletes.”
And again with the booming chorus of no.
“You cannot do that,” Remy said. Incredibly harsh for a valley girl. “This is social suicide. Damn, you are so lucky you have us to guide you!”
And then Roman spaced out. And I could see why. Over in the shop we were passing...
There was Virgil.
I was starting to suspect more and more.
Being at Old Orchard Mall kind of reminded me of being home in Africa. By the watering hole. When the animals are in heat.
“Oh my god there’s Jason!”
“Where? ...oh, there he is.”
“And he’s with Taylor Wedell!”
Remember Jason? From the cafeteria? Yeah. The poor person he was now picking up...
Was a girl.
“I heard they’re going out.”
“Wait...” Remy’s smirk grew into a vicious smile. If we can call it that. “Jason’s not going out with Taylor. No. He cannot blow you off like that. He’s such a little skeez. Give me your phone.”
“You’re not gonna call him... right?”
“Do you think I’m an idiot?”
It took Remy exactly three seconds to dial up a number - how exactly? - and ask for “Wedell on South Boulevard.”
“Caller ID-”
“Not when you connect from Information.” And then, “Hello, may I please speak to Taylor Wedell?”
I swear his voice became more feminine when he said that.
“Oh, this is Susan from Planned Parenthood. I have her test results. If you could have her give me a call as soon as she can. It’s urgent. Thank you!”
And then, “she’s not going out with anyone.”
“Okay,” Roman said, finally smiling. “That was so fetch!”
It took just a couple seconds after that for Taylor Wedell to run away screaming.
Remy’s house was bigger than I have ever known a house to be. His step-mom was incredibly plastic-y, like a tv trophy wife or something, and his sister - oh god, his sister! His poor, sweet, innocent preteen sister - was watching MTV.
I honestly don’t think the content was entirely age appropriate.
His step-mom also offered us drinks that could have passed for alcoholic, which was even more worrying for a second.
But his room...
“It was my parents’ room,” Remy told me. “But I made them trade me.”
Even worse, bitch who flaunts around his ex-boyfriends. Like all the pictures of Patton he has hanging on his door.
“Logan, do you even know who sings this?” Remy asked me about the music that was playing on the radio.
“Umm... One Direction?”
“Oh my god, I love him! He’s like a Martian!”
Is that a... compliment...?
“God, my hips are huge!” Emile was checking himself out in the mirror... why?
Is that what friends do...? Gay people as a whole...? What?
“Oh please, I hate my calves.” Something about Roman’s tone sounded incredibly fake.
“At least you guys don’t have huge shoulders.”
I used to think there was just fat and skinny. Apparently, there’s a lot of things that can be wrong about your body.
And so, after listing about eleven hundred things that are wrong about their bodies, they turned to me. Expected me to talk.
Well... “I have really bad breath in the morning.”
And then, “Oh my god, I remember this!” Emile was holding a pink album.
‘The Burn Book.’
“I haven’t looked at that in forever! Come check it out, Logan!”
“It’s our Burn Book,” Roman told me. “See, we cut out pictures of people from the yearbook, mostly girls, sometimes also guys, and then we wrote comments.”
“Trang Pak is a grotsky little bitch.” “Still true!”
“Dawn Schweitzer is a fat virgin.” “Still half true!”
“Amber d’Alessio masturbated with a hot dog.”
“Virgil Thompson,” Emile read out. “Stoner.”
Wait, what?
“Who is that?”
“I think it’s that kid Thomas,” Roman said. His voice still sounded... well, off.
“Yeah. He’s almost too gay to function.”
“Ha, that’s funny! Put that in there.”
Oh no. What have I done. Maybe that was only okay when Virgil said it.
“And they have this book, this Burn Book, where they write mean things about a lot of people in our grade.”
Virgil looked incredibly enthusiastic. Maybe a bit too much for the situation.
“What does it say about me?”
That you’re a stoner. “You’re not in it.”
“Those assholes.” He seemed to enjoy it far too much.
“Will this minimize my pores?” Thomas was holding a tube of... whatever cream that was.
“No. Logan, you gotta steal that book.”
“No way!”
“Oh, come on! We could publish it and then everybody would see what a dick he really is!”
“I don’t steal.”
“That is for your feet!” Virgil literally snatched the new cream from Thomas’ hands the second he brought it up. “Logan, there are two kinds of evil people. People who do evil stuff, and people who see evil stuff being done and don’t try to stop it.”
“Does that mean I’m morally obligated to burn that lady’s outfit?”
Thomas really shouldn’t have said that, probably.
“Oh my god, that’s Ms. Torres.”
“I love seeing teachers outside of school! It’s like seeing a dog walk on its hind legs!”
“Oh, hey, guys,” Ms. Torres called as she came to the counter. “What’s up? I didn’t know you worked here.”
“Yeah, moderately priced soaps are my calling.”
“You shopping?”
“No, no. I’m just here with my boyfriend.” Yeah... literally the only other customer in the shop. “Joking. Sometimes older people make jokes.”
“My nana takes her wig off when she’s drunk.”
“Your nana and I have that in common,” she deadpanned. “No, actually I’m just here because I bartend a couple nights a week down at P.J. Calamity’s. Logan, I hope you do join Mathletes, you know. Because we start in a couple weeks.”
“I think I’m gonna do it.”
“You can’t join Mathletes, it’s social suicide!” Thomas rushed to say.
“Thanks, Thomas.” And then, “well... this has been sufficiently awkward. And I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
“Oh man, that is bleak,” Virgil sighed when Ms. Torres left. “So, when are you gonna see Remy again?”
“I can’t spy on him anymore. It’s weird.”
“Come on, he’s never gonna find out! It’s just... it’ll be like our little secret!”
Okay then...
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tracklist-fic · 7 years
Tracklist Fic | 001 / The Beginning
Title: Tracklist | An original, mature, Ed Sheeran fanfic CO-AUTHORED BY: @tea-and-toblerones and @sippin-on-red-wine Rating: Mature (lil bit of smuts only in this one)
Note: Hey everyone!!! Sorry for the delay. We’re so excited to publish our first official Track. Please let us know what you think! We love seeing those likes/reblogs/comments/inboxes -- writing is wonderful but it’s even more special when we know it’s well-loved!
Have you read the Prelude? Click here to catch up!
I sat in The MixRoom’s lounge, waiting for Mark's staff meeting to let out so we could begin talks about my next album. My leg was bouncing almost uncontrollably as I chewed on the tips of my fingers, a nervous habit I'd developed as a child and never been able to shake off.
I liked Mark, he was a good chap. Laid back, good sense of humor, nothing ever seemed to phase him. He's someone who had earned my respect and someone who's advice I always took into consideration. He also pulled no punches. If something was shit, he'd be quick to tell you. He wouldn't try and sugar coat it. He'd just look me in the eye and go 'Ed, your vocals on that take sounded like shit. Take a break and give them a rest, they're sounding a little stressed.'  If he criticized, he always had some advice to make it better the next go around. I quickly learned to listen to him, rather than arguing.
The door had cracked open, ushering in the sound of idle chatter, papers rustling and people moving about. I could hear his voice floating in.
"Go get the booth ready for a session later on today. Oh and put some of those butterscotch candies in there too. They requested it, saying it helped with their throat." The door swung the rest of the way open and Mark came out, a huge smile on his face, "Ed! It's been a while. I was wondering when you was going to stop in."
The first time I met Mark I damn near shit my pants. The guy was a giant, tall, built like a tank. His blonde hair was always kept buzzed short. He could be intimidating if he didn't have such a good natured face that was almost always smiling. He did have the air of someone who's bad side you didn't want to be on. He reached his hand out, which I graciously took, returning the grin.
"I meant to have been back in the studio a couple months ago but shit man, I just really enjoyed my time off."
"All that time off spent vacationing and you're still a pale bastard." He joked
"I'm a ginger. We don't tan, we burn, mate and I'm English on top of it. Our bodies aren't equipped to handle the sun. That's why all the vampires flock to London, innit?"
"Thought that was werewolves."
I pause, giving it some thought, faintly hearing ah ooooo werewolves of London in the back of my head. "Shit, you're right."
Mark motioned for me to follow him to his office so we could discuss business. I settle down in one of the chairs in front of his desk. His walls were covered in albums that had went gold and platinum. I smiled when I saw my own album, mostly cos I signed it ‘This wouldn't be worth a shit if you weren't such a cheeky bastard.’ He settled down in his desk chair, shuffling papers and some cd's around. Once he had cleared an area, his elbows came up on the desk, his fingers carding together. Down to business.
"I'd like to run something by you, if you don't mind."
I lean back in the chair, my hand coming up to my chin. "Alright."
"Since you've been gone I've been training an apprentice." He must be wanting to ask if I would care if they sat in on our sessions. "Now, they've handled some pretty big clients with little to no intervening on my part. I think they're ready to make the plunge and deal with a client all by themselves. While they've never been with someone quite your level, you're the ideal client for them to start with. You're not demanding or overwhelming. Plus you're involved with every step of the process and are vocal about your vision and how you imagine the final product sounding, without being a prick about it."
I run my hand over my chin as I mull over what he's proposing. I trust Mark's judgement but having an apprentice who's never done something of this magnitude overseeing this album is a bit terrifying. Especially since what I have in mind is so unconventional.
"I dunno man, I don't know how I feel about being a guinea pig. I've got some ideas that are what you'd consider outside the box that I'd feel more comfortable with someone with experience handling."
His expression didn't change much. His hands were moving across his desk, searching for something. "If I didn't think they could hack it, I wouldn't have them around. I definitely wouldn't be suggesting to try them out." He slid a cd over to me that was labeled 'J's demo's'  "Give it a listen and tell me what you think. If you're still not comfortable, I'll take charge. But I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by what you hear."
I take the cd, setting it on my lap as we continued talking, mostly just catching up and me telling him all the places I visited on my holiday and how I was going to incorporate all these experiences in my songs. I could tell by Mark's face that some of them were going to end up on the recording room floor but kept his opinions to himself. Probably because he's banking on me choosing his apprentice.
I stand up, shaking his hand one last time, setting an appointment for tomorrow at 11 to start going over ideas. I look down at the cd, planning on putting it on in the car as I drive around town.
"Hey, can you recommend any good bars? I'd like to grab a pint or two later on tonight and keep under the radar."
"Yeah, go to the Copperstill. It's a nice, low key bar. I doubt you'll find any problems there."
"Thanks mate, I'll see you tomorrow morning then."
I put the cd into the car stereo as I drive around doing some errands. I hit play and the car is filled with a quick upbeat song with a underlying percussive beat that I instantly started bobbing my head to. This was one that urged you to get up and dance. It wasn't in your face trance music, it was subtler, one who's beat you'd be humming or tapping later on. The next one had a bright sounding piano paired with an acoustic guitar. When I heard the trumpet during the chorus it caught me by surprise. This had more of an acoustic feel that I found refreshing.
By the time I had finished the cd, I had made my mind up. There had been a mix of everything on this list. Quick dance tunes, Slow and smooth ones that made you sway to the beat. An angry sounding one that made me want to jump and scream. Mark was right, I was pleasantly surprised.
I had pulled up to the bar that he had recommended. I caught myself humming to the beat of one of the more upbeat songs. Figured as much, It'll be stuck in my head the rest of the night.
The first thing I notice when I walk in is the large group of guys gathered at a table being obnoxiously loud. I automatically spot out the leader of the group. Tall, athletic looking, sporting a backwards snapback. As he was shotgunning a beer, his mates chanting Newman! Newman! Newman, I noticed some sort of tattoo running up his arm.
I try and make my way past them, one stumbling out in front of me, almost falling into me. He hits my chest with an open hand in what I guess he thought was an apologetic sort of way.
"Sorry bro."
I just nod, not wanting to get pulled into a drunken spectacle. The bartender sauntered over to me, throwing an irritated look toward the rowdy group. Her eyes rolling before she turned her attention to me.
"Sorry about the douche convention being held tonight. What can I get for you?"
"Whatever's good on tap. I'm not too picky."
She nods, snagging a glass on her way to the tap, her blonde ponytail swaying. The light catching it, causing it to look like spun gold. As she filled my glass I could see her staring at the group of guys, who had somehow managed to get even louder, with a look of disgust. She slid a coaster in front of me before putting down the glass. I thanked her which she acknowledged with a nod before checking on the other patrons at the end of the bar.
As I sat there drinking my beer, I stared at my reflection in the mirror behind the bar. I had to admit I looked a bit pathetic sitting here all by myself. I could see the alpha of the group attempting to rap along to the song that was play. He had flipped his hat around and put aviators on as he waved his fingers around to the beat. A blonde girl had joined the group laughing and brushing her fingers across his chest. Even from here I could see the lust pouring off her.
I decided that if I was going to sit at a bar and drink I should probably eat something. Lunch had wore off long ago and I knew drinking on an empty stomach was a bad idea. I waved down the bartender, who looked even more surly than she did the first time. I knew it had nothing to do with me and everything to do with the group that was now banging on the table. Her tone was polite but she had the air of 'I'm so over all of this.' I did get a slight smile when I ordered loaded fries without the things that actually made it loaded.
When I had asked for the match to be put on I had all intentions of actually watching it but I found myself more invested in the girl than the game. I was appalled when one of the guys swaggered up to the bar demanding drinkings, throwing a crumpled wad of money at her when she asked for payment. It was at that moment, looking at that beautiful face staring down at the balled up money, that I had decided to do whatever it took to make her night just a bit better. The mixing of a cocktail for herself just solidified the decision.
I spent the next couple hours chatting with her but I could tell her attention was elsewhere. Even with the fraction of focus I was receiving I could tell she was a force to be reckoned with. I decided to try my luck and ask if we could meet up sometime. She quickly threw out there she wasn't looking for a relationship. When I had suggested it didn't have to be a date I could see all of her attention being pulled to me. Her posture straightened and I realised she may have been offended. I quickly tried to backpedal but she latched on to the idea saying her shift was done in twenty minutes. The alcohol that I had been consuming throughout the night was urging me to go for it. What's the worst that could happen?
"Fancy meeting you here, Jac."
My heart was absolutely beating out of my chest and I felt like I might puke. How could I have been so stupid? Years and years of busting ass to FINALLY get your big shot at success, and you fuck it all up to have a crazy-hot one night stand with Ed fucking SHEERAN!? Goddamn it, Jac!
I was totally speechless. Panicking. Desperately wishing I could rewind the last twelve hours of my life and try to not colossally fuck things up. This opportunity? To work on his next album? It was a once-in-a-lifetime thing. I'd never get another shot like this. And I KNEW I could smash this thing. I couldn't walk away.
He was perched on the coffee table right in front of where I was melting into the sofa.
I should probably say something.
“Look, Ed.”
I finally met his eyes with my own, seeing them in proper light for the first time. Oh, damn, never seen that color blue...
“I’m really sorry about last night. I had… NO IDEA. Mark really kept this one under wraps. I wouldn't have……. If I had known that I'd be working with you. Please, I hope that we can put that aside and move forward. You're a hard worker, I know your whole story. I am, too. I've got no Plan B. This -” I paused, gesturing to the studio, “- is my entire life. I understand if you don't want to work with me, but I really hope that you at least give me a shot. I know a lot about your sound and I have a lot of ideas on how to take it to the next level, but in an authentic way.”
“Well, firstly, I think a proper introduction is in order,” he grinned, extending a hand out to me. “I'm Ed.” No shit -- Oy, can the attitude, Jac.
I shook his hand, gripping it firmly. It was important to have a strong handshake, especially when you were a young female working in a field that was typically dominated by men.
“I'm Jaclyn Thorn. Most people call me Jac.”
“It's really lovely to properly meet you, Jac.” He toys with my name is his mouth, again, looking very pleased with himself. “Listen, I absolutely want to work with you. Mark gave me your demo, and the mix of sounds you've cultivated -- it got me really, really excited. I couldn't get your stuff out of my head yesterday.”
“-- and Jac?” He questioned. “I'm not sorry about last night.”
My head was still spinning, trying to wrap itself around the fact that he not only listened to my demo, he liked it and had it stuck in his head. Then I was wrapped around his head -- No Jac, don't go there. Though the way he said wasn't sorry about last night had me slightly worried. Did he think this was going to be a continuing thing? Is he still trying to pursue a romantic relationship? Surely he knows better than mixing business and pleasure. Ultimately I decided to look past his comment and focus on what we were here for: the album.   I motion for him to sit on the couch next to me so we could be comfortable as we discussed the plans for his new project. I can't say that I was entirely shocked when he sat right next to me. Plenty of couch there bud, but my all means, sit right on top of me. Personal space is overrated. His body was angled towards me, with his elbows resting on his knees with hands clasped together. His face was wearing a mask of interest. Not mild interest, not fake interest, geniune, 'I deep care about what you have to say.' interest. I have to admit it was an intense stare that felt almost intrusive.
C'mon Jac, you got this. He could not even be giving you the time of the day. Besides, he's know for fully giving people his attention but I guess it's different when you’re at the receiving end of it. "Okay, so walk me through how you'd like the album to sound." I found, surprisingly, it wasn't hard to bring my work voice out. Hopefully this will help establish more of a professional relationship than the hot dirty one we currently had. "Mmm, I thought Mark said we we're working on the album until tomorrow?" I could he was teasing, he didn't need to add the 'I'm obviously joking' knee bump with it. I could feel the anger unexpectedly rise in me. I wasn't sure if it was directed toward him for not taking this seriously or at myself for being so fucking stupid and letting what happened last night happen. "Look, you may not think this is that big of a deal. Your last two albums went platinum. Most people that have two successful records can tour using just those two and still live comfortably. So, I'm going to ask you again. Can you put aside what happened and focus on the music?" He dropped his head and for a brief moment I thought he was going to start yelling. When he lifted his head I was shocked to see him looking quite upset. I instantly regretted my sharp tone with him. Of course he thinks this is a big deal. It's Ed Sheeran Mr. 'I work my ass off no matter what'.
"Of course I think it's a big deal." His voice barely breaking above a whisper. "I've been gone for so long, what if...what if it's been too long and they've forgotten me? That all the work I've put in for five years has been for shit because people are quick to forget and jump behind some new singer. What happens if I release this album and nobody cares?" His head had fell to his chest, his leg bouncing ferviously. Oh fuck, I went and broke Ed Sheeran. Way to go Jac... "Well, I'm going to make it my personal mission to make this album, not only a hit, but your best one yet. You're still on the rise Ed, I promise you nobody's forgotten about you." I place my hand on his leg, hoping to comfort him and undo the damage I had caused. He took a deep breath "You're right. I'm all up in my head."  His hand wrapped around mine. "Thanks for the pep talk, Jac." Yeah, okay thanks for making this awkward now. I clear my throat and motion down to our hands with my head. He looks down and quickly lets go offering up an apology. I removed my hand from his leg, which in hindsight probably wasn't the smartest move. "So, your album, does it have a title yet?" I was hoping bring it back around to work would lighten the pretty heavy mood in the room. "Divide." He replied, his voice gaining some of that passionate spark I had saw earlier. "Ah, so, sticking to the math theme I see." That earned a smile.
"Yeah but it fits the feel of the album as well. It's not just named that to go with the other two." 
That had made me perk up. "The feel? What type of feel are you going for?" "So, everyone knows I've been on holiday pretty much going where ever I feel like." Yeah, you lucky bastard. I'm lucky to take a daytrip to the beach. "While I was bouncing from place to place I picked up a lot of new and different sounds. I want to record my holiday." "Record your holiday? What do you mean?" This sounded different than what he's done before. He definitely had my interest now. "I want to combine a bunch of different songs from different regions. I spent some time in Ghana and that experience drastically changed the way I view things, so I'd like to have a song that has an African vibe. I'd love to have some Irish folk on there, y'know go back to my roots and I wrote a song with my brother who writes classical music. Of course I'll still have some love songs and a couple grime sounding songs with R&B. Essentially, I want every track to sound totally different than the others. So it's divided, see?" I stare at him blankly. Now I see why he said I'd be perfect for this album. It also had me wondering if Mark knew this going in and that's why he tossed my name out there. He was taking a huge risk if he went through with this. We really couldn't predict how people would handle all these different styles being thrown at them wrapped up in one album. "Wow...there's nothing like that anywhere on the charts..." "I know, I could be shooting myself in the foot here. I should probably just stick to what i've already done--" I cut him off, shaking my head. "No, you misunderstood. There's nothing like that on the charts. Meaning this would definitely stand out. Just because it's not big now doesn't mean it can't be. You could open up a whole new style and experience for them. If anyone could make Irish folk or African popular, It's Ed Sheeran."
There was a little spark in his eyes as they bore into my face, his features stoic as he must have been trying to form a complete thought. A moment passed and he finally shook out of it.
“I like you.” Just three little words, but they made my stomach flip. And not in a good way. Does he mean, like… *LIKE* me? Or did he mean my aesthetic?
I quickly changed the subject. “So, how many songs do you have on deck so far?”
I could practically see his brain switching gears, he couldn’t resist diving right into any conversation that was centered around the music. Well, then, I intend to keep it that way.
“Maybe, around 40 or so? They’re all pretty raw, though, and I’m open to doing a little more writing. Do you write, or just produce?”
“Well, my strengths are really in production, but I dabble in a bit of everything, naturally.”
We chatted for a good half hour or so, my nerves finally calming down a bit as we both lost ourselves in the conversation, talking songwriting and musical influences.
He glanced down at the thick-banded black watch on his wrist. “Shit, I’m late for my next meeting. Sorry,” he apologized. “What time should I be in tomorrow?”
“No worries. ‘Round 9AM work for you?”
We agreed, and he came toward me as if to give me a hug goodbye. I did NOT want to be pressed up against those broad shoulders of his, so I quickly deflected by putting my hand up for a high-five.
A high-fucking-five. What the fuck, J.
He snorted, meeting my hand with his own and flouncing a soft “Bye, Jac,” out of his lips before walking out of the studio.
I clocked in at Copperstill, my brain on auto-pilot. I had barely even noticed Dylan entering until he positioned himself at my bar, calling to me in a surprisingly polite tone. I noticed he had left his snapback behind. It was the first time I had saw him without it in I couldn't tell you how long. I noticed he had let the top grow out, while keeping the sides short. Now that it was longer, just brushing his brow, I saw that his hair was slightly curly and carefully disheveled. I almost didn't recognise him without his douchebag attire. "Hey Jac, could I get a beer please?" Okay, what do you want? You're never this polite unless you want something.You can change your clothes but it doesn't make you any less of a douche. "Sure, anything else?" I couldn't keep the sarcastic tone out of my voice, not that I really tried. I had no interest in whatever it was he wanted. "Your undivided attention when you get a minute." "The beer it is. I can't promise you anything else. Some of us have to work for a living, trust fund kid." Let's see how long he stays polite for now. He hated it when I brought up the fact that he didn't have to stress over money. Everything he owned was paid for him, leaving the money he earned working to be spent however he saw fit. Which usually meant extravagant trips and loads of music festivals. I may have been jealous. "Well, when you get a bit, I'd like to talk." Still maintaining the same polite tone he used earlier. Would the real Dylan please stand up, because you're not him. I set his drink in front of him, not lingering around or giving him a chance to say anything other than a thanks before heading down to the other end of the bar. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit interested in what he had to say. I'm guessing fake Barbie didn't work out so well last night. Or maybe it did and he realised what he was missing. The cynic and optimist battled with one another the entire night. Dylan hadn't budged at all, remaining in his seat. He had stopped drinking after two beers opting for water instead, which was very unDylan like. My curiosity got the best of me so once my shift ended I sat down at a table with him, sipping my third or fourth drink who's counting? "So what's so important that you'd wait around all night for me?" After a deep breath "I wanted to tell you I finally took your advice." "My advice? I haven't given you any other than 'fuck off' and you clearly haven't taken that 'cause here you are." "Actually it was fuck off and grow up, if you want to be that way."  A smirk crawling across his face as he looked up at me with those faded blue eyes. They don't hold the same magnetic pull that a certain someone's elses have. "Well go on then, I don't have all night. I've got an early morning tomorrow."  I cross my arms and lean back in my chair waiting for whatever it was he wanted to discuss. "I stopped taking money from my dad. I'm paying for everything on my own now. I took your advice and grew up." "Well congratulations, you're a big boy now. Is that what you wanted to tell me?" I couldn't believe this is what he hung around to tell me. That he wasn't being supported by his parents anymore. What do you want, a standing O? "Come on Jac, this was huge for me. I know it bothered you when we were together." a whine had slipped out of his mouth that struck a nerve. "We're not together, remember? You wanted to go be a bro more than a boyfriend." I spit back at him, my eyebrow coming up. “You don't have to tell me I was a shit boyfriend. I know I was. I was an even worse ex. Coming in here, being a total ass to you. I'm gonna change Jac." I'm gonna change. Yeah, how many times have I heard that line of bullshit from men. Hell, how many times have I heard him say exactly that. Then he turns right around and goes partying with his friends, coming home reeking of bitter beer and pungent weed. This isn't going to be any different. If he's broke he can't afford to buy beer and weed, though.. "You're gonna change?" I snort. "Okay, sure, let's pretend for a second that I do believe that load of crap. How do you plan on proving it?" He looked a bit rattled by my response, "Wait, you're gonna let me prove it to you?" "I asked you how not to show me how." I clarified. "By not being a piece of shit?" He offered with a sheepish look. So you have no clue. "Do you even know how to be a decent human being?" I was past the point of caring whether or not I was being rude. "By doing the opposite of what I did when we were together?" He chuckled weakly, "Look, all I'm asking for is one chance. One final chance to make it up to you. If it doesn't work, I'll leave you alone." One chance. One chance and you'll leave me alone. It's almost worth it to be rid of him... After I took a minute to think over everything I gave my answer. "Fine. You get your one chance. You better bring your A game because I'm not playing around here." His face broke into a smile and I was reminded of the younger Dylan I had met. It was easy to forget that he hadn't always been a colossal tool. Sure he had always been rich and slightly entitled. Everything he owned was top of the line. Swanky house, fancy car, always dressed to the nines. The Dylan I fell in love with was a sweet, naive one that was getting a taste of the real world for the first time. That's what made his transformation into a frat guy even more upsetting. When I looked across the table at him, that's who I saw. The bright eyed curious boy with a fierce passion for movies and a love to travel. He had reached for my hand but I moved it, grabbing my half empty glass of booze instead. He didn't even try to play it off and act like he was reaching for something else. It remained there as I finished off my drink. When I stood up he looked up at me from under his lashes. I could see his jaw working as he chewed on the inside of cheek, a nervous habit of his. Once, during a particularly stressful finals week he almost chewed a hole through his lip. "Can I show you how much I appreciate this?" I look down at him and let out a sigh, "Look, I'm not really in the mood to be...giving any favors. I've got an early start tomorrow." Truth was it wasn't him that I wanted to taste. I wanted my mouth wrapped around someone else's thick­, hard cock, surrounded by that fiery-- Whoa, okay, you need to put a stop to those thoughts right now. You agreed it was going to be strictly professional now that you're working together. These thoughts are the exact opposite of what you need to be thinking. Get it together girl, damn. I was so wrapped up in my intense and highly inappropriate daydreams that I hadn't heard him stand up nor did I notice he was right in front of me until his hand brushed my hair off my shoulder. "I asked if I could show you my appreciation. I didn't say you had to return the favor." BLAH BLAH BLAH IMMA ROCK YOUR WORLD BABY YOU'RE GON SEE I'M A CHANGED MAN. LOOK HOW NICE I'M BEING YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO SUCK ME BACK. THAT'S HOW GENEROUS I AM. MAKE ME A CROWN, GIVE ME A SCEPTER COS I'M THE KING OF NICE GUYS. Jac, are you seriously falling for this? His mouth worked against mine as walked backwards to my car. His hands traveling down my waist, pulling me tight against him. I reached back feeling around for the door handle. Once my fingers found the latch I yanked it open and crawled in. He wasted absolutely no time, already pulling down my pants and thong and throwing them on the floorboards. His fingers worked their way inside me, clumsily feeling around like he was just taking a stab in the dark. Pun intended. His tongue was swirling around my mouth taking up way more space than it had any right to. It almost felt like I was in a tongue war with an octopus's tentacle. Cold, wet and unappealing as he continued to fumble his way around down there. Jesus was he always this bad? Or have I been elevated to a better level? His mouth tore away from mine, leaving a fair bit of spit trailing with it. Seriously he couldn't have been this bad before. Do the fake barbie bimbos he goes after enjoy this? He shifted down, crouching down so he was face level with my, very dry, core. He didn't seem to notice as he dove in. I wrinkled my nose as his tongue worked around. What in the actual fuck is he doing? It feels like a fish flopping around down there. IS HE TRYING TO BITE ME? DOES HE THINK HE'S BEING PLAYFUL? As he did, whatever it was he was doing because it was not pleasuring me that's for damn sure, I found myself wishing I had turned him down. No, I wished I was with Ed again. His skilled fingers targeting that exact spot that just made me quiver. The way he hummed against my clit as his mouth and fingers worked in tandem. I could feel myself getting aroused by the thought of it. Dylan must have thought it was his doing because I heard him whisper: "You miss this baby girl? The way my mouth feels on you?" No, not in the slightest. I actually want you to get off me now. This isn't doing it for me. Sorry, not sorry. I finally had enough and sat up. "Look, no offense Dylan, but I really do have an early start tomorrow and it's just not going to happen tonight." His head pops up, a confused look on his face. "Oh...I thought you were enjoying this...but you're right. This just isn't the right place...it's hard to make a parking lot of a bar hot when you're sober." His hand wiping off the excess spit that was coating his chin. My mind flashed back to Ed pressing me into the side of my car. His cock pressing into me through his jeans. My hips grinding against it as I straddled him in this very seat. His mouth on my neck, hands traveling over my body. No, the problem isn't the place. It's you.
You're the problem.
I quickly re-dressed, pulling my thong and jeans back on.
“I think you should go, Dylan.”
“Well… when can I see you again?”
“I don't know, I'll call you, ok?”
He left a timid peck on my cheek before pushing the car door open and hopping out. I sat in my own backseat for a while, my thoughts racing.
The fuck was that, Jac? He's a Grade A toolbag, you know that. And really? Comparing him to… Stop. Just stop.
I took a deep breath and crawled up into the driver's seat. The ride home went by in a blink, my head clearly overwhelmed and, thankfully, on auto-pilot.
I climbed the stairs up to my little apartment and sighed with relief when I reached the landing. Something caught my eye, a little glass vase of flowers were set on the doormat in front of my apartment. What the…
It was a bouquet of technicolor daisies, all pinks and purples and blues and reds. The kind they dye bright colors at the supermarket. Wedged inside the bouquet was a small handwritten card:
Look forward to working with you x
So they were from Ed. Okay.
Was it a professional gesture, or a romantic one? Shouldn't someone of Ed Sheeran’s caliber have an assistant who could send flowers for him? I had the sneaking suspicion that he had bought these, scribbled out the card, and left them here on my doorstep all himself.
I slipped the key into the lock and spilled into my apartment, utterly exhausted from the last thirty hours. I set the flowers on the kitchen counter, trying not to read into them too much.
In a desperate need to feel clean, I ran a hot shower and stood under the spray for a prolonged period of time. Fuck the draught. I just wanted to wash away all the bad decisions I had made, my skin crawling at the memory of Dylan's hands on me in the car. The way my heart had jumped up into my throat when Mark introduced me to Ed this morning. Was that just this morning? God, this has been a long day.
The hot water didn't soothe or cleanse my soul as I'd hoped it would.
What if Mark found out? About Ed? I'd be off the project, maybe even let go. Damnit, Jac, you've worked too damn hard to lose this.
The water was starting to turn cold, so I turned the faucet off and got out, towel drying my body and hair. I grabbed a ratty old band tee and pulled on a pair of boyshort panties before climbing into my bed.
It smelled of him, all subtle cinnamon and clean smell. And suddenly the night before was flashing before my eyes again, as if my brain were saying HEY !! REMEMBER !! THIS !! LET'S !! THINK !! ABOUT !! IT !! SOME !! MORE !!
It was going to be another sleepless night.
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The Librarians S4Ep11 liveblog
spoilers, babbling and “omfg i’m not ready” ahead
I’m not ready. For realsies.
omg stone and cal play chess together <3 my heart!
eve is talking to her mum <3 she has a mum <3 she’s interacting with the mum she has <3
nooooo don’t collapse
mini tethering i’m screaming!
is the script the answer to all our problems? or will it create the problem because cassie is so tempted to open it?
the what of the what now?
woah omg it’s so pretty!
but omg we still have an ep next week so it can’t all happen in this ep or can it?
and she’s opening it
ah it’s causing the problem. oh cass what have you done
dafuq just happened?? please tell me it wasn’t flynn who grabbed jenkins
oh come on guys basic rule never touch the red button
i love you all, buut you idiots!!
ray watcha doin, RAY WATCHA DOIN!
ugh custodian still sounds stupid
oh so it’s really because they haven’t tethered yet?
(so basically the library is becoming an archive XD)
ugh spiders
oh beybeys how cute (but it will change so now the nightmare thing has me anxious)
omfg is that cassie’s goth phase???
omg the witchy promo thing is stones nightmare i’m sooo curious!
dafuq stone bae what happened?
oh no cassie beybey =( ( i adore the outfit though btw) but nooo bae =(
ah he’s clearly afraid of tattoos XD (but dayum)
who’s the guy with the lector mask? (he looks a bit like stone though even though you can’t see his face)
but I love the library I don’t wnat to dislike it =(
boy what happened on that school trip
is that witch cassie? like do the others play important roles in the nightmare of the other in order to rally them up against each other?
this tattoo looks so much cooler that the other one
yes the library is always kind who is that what is going on gosh this ep stresses me out
ezekiel looks good with piercings!
haha i knew it crazy lector guy is stone with long hair XD
that is so horrible like the one ep in merlin where morgana made gwen insane
cassie looks good in aviator glasses
excuse me teasing youth stone but what is your face?
oh no no i hope my mind goes in the wrong direction regarding this school trip. but what if and now they. oh god no
oh okay eating a slug that is horrible but at least my mind wasn’t right
btw funny how in s3ep9 cassie and ezekiel had the omfg best outfits, and now again
this is so sick and twisted it makes me so angry
this can’t be the library I refuse to believe that!
jake hon you are a drama queen
omg plot twist it’s her nightmare clever eve <3
if i saw it right than those were two different stunt doubles for ezekiel XD
omg mama baird here to save the day!
dafuq cassie you can’t ask him that noooo =( =( =( (also yay for you casskins shipper)
omg they would choose stone ;_;
i love eve so much this season <3
is it really jenkins though`?
aww hugging <3
librarians together librarians forever ;_; ;_;
(omg this would be so the motto for me and my girls)
it’s flynn isn’t it?
oh nooo it’s the harness thing!
nooo jenkins!!!!!
no no no no this isn’t happening! there has to be anothe rway there is always another way! (despite it would be extremely lazy writing to make him mortal in order to kill him off)
we have 8 minute sleft this can#t happen
no way this can’t be the funeral!
earlier today i told a colleague how i wished to see jake in a shirt and waiscoat without a jacket on top and now it’s happening and i’m just like noooo jenkins!
also dude couldn’t you pick something black like every one else?
so did the library kill jenkins wa sit really ray?
if yes I don’t want any of this!
woah lindy does some powerful acting
i don’t want to not trust the library but right now I feel with them so
what if in the end nicole was really evil and behind all it? and all of this was a sick plot?
eve beybey
dafuq nicole is there!
oh dang i was right
okay i still refus eto believe that he is gone
and i knew something was fishy about that rasputin thing
and i’m so sorry that i ever doubted jenkins
oh no and now we all doubted the library
let’s clap everybody i still believe in the library
omg omg omg i was right she kindnapped him!!!
oh boy
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mostlymaddie · 7 years
Sorry I'm Allergic
A/N: Okay so warning this has smut also I started this at 4:30pm and now it's 4:24am like this looks like it was done in one second Harry always made sure everything in his life was how he preferred it. If he wanted something he got it, if he wanted certain things changed they were changed in a heartbeat. Now, Harry wasn't cocky about it this was just something he had grown accustom to, so getting what ever he wanted came like second nature. Although it wasn't just him getting "special treatment" he made sure his family always had what they needed in a matter of seconds. The only thing Harry actually wanted was someone to be with, share his thoughts with, and put his love into. Don't get me wrong, Harry put his life and soul into his music no questions asked but he just wanted someone  that could share their feelings with him and every thought they had ever come across. And that's where you came along, well in Harry's book. When Harry first saw you it was at a smoothie place near his house. You were ordering a Groovy Goji with a grilled chicken wrap. Harry didn't know what attracted him to you he didn't think it was your face seeing half of it were covered by Hangover styled Aviators. Maybe it was your voice, while it did sound beautiful it was the perfect mix of nasally, soft, and filled with confidence. The only words he heard there 'goji' 'also' 'chicken' since the strong wind was impairing most of his hearing. Goji and chicken sounded great to Harry but that wasn't it either. So Harry decided it was the way you carried yourself, you stood tall and determined not to mention the natural glow you had. Harry quickly ordered his food and sat at the table in front of you hoping to catch a glimpse of your face. A little after you both got settled you took off your sunglasses and he finally saw your full face. Harry was completely floored, it was obvious your beauty wasn't the reason you attracted him but it was just a little bonus to finally see your face. Harry sipped on his antioxidant smoothie and tried to get a your attention buy dropping things and and coughing very loudly but you never made an effort to look up. Harry grow frustrated very quickly, everyone in the damned store looked at him with the "Oh my gosh it's the Harry Styles" but the one girl he wanted wouldn't even glance at him. As said before Harry always got what he wanted, right now Harry wanted this girl to notice him and he got none of that. A hour passed of Harry ordering numerous drinks and still no contact from this girl. When he almost gave up the girl closed her laptop, shoved it in her bag and walked toward the door. "See you again Y/N" the barista called out behind her. So that was her name it most definitely fit her face. Now Harry had a name and a face but he still seeked more. It was obvious he could have came back tomorrow and seen you, the barista's words as evidence, but that just wasn't enough. So the only thing that made sense to Harry was to follow you yes full on stalker follow you. Harry made sure you were out of sight of the shop windows before towing after you. He pressed in his mind which direction you were going he all so made sure he was a good ten feet behind you at all times. While in this pursuit of you he's learned a lot if things, everyone and he means everyone knew who were he watched as you received "Hi Y/N!" "Hello love, how are ya?" You replied with smiles, waves, and answers to those question. This whole ordeal made Harry more curious as to who you are. As he pondered who you might be he didn't notice you stopped and turned to face him, causing Harry to crash into you. "Okay listen here mister, I let it slide when you stared at me back at the shop even when you followed me for two blocks. But now you're just being creepy so can you just please leave me alone?" Harry's heart dropped down to his stomach, blinded by the thought of this girl he completely forgot right and wrong. For god's sake he had followed this poor girl. " 'M so sorry. I didn't mean ta freak yeh out I just wanted to talk to yeh." Harry explained. "Mmm really? Ever tried 'Hey wanna talk'?" "I'm sorry. Can I please make it up to you? I just wanna talk to yeh a bit. Maybe over a goji berry smoothie?" Harry proposed, hoping for a positive response. "Nope sorry I'm allergic" with that she turned on her heel and kept walking down the street. Harry had properly blew it and he was more than frustrated. On his walk home he thought about what he could do to try and make the situation better. The last thing Harry wanted to do was leave a bad taste in your mouth, that's when he thought about the barista's words "See you again Y/N!" Harry woke up the next day with a plan already in his head, it wasn't that elaborate but it was a start. He woke up and put on his best outfit, with the help of his sister, and walked to the shop that got him in the mess in the first place. Harry ordered his antioxidant smoothie and a sandwich for himself with a groovy goji and a grilled chicken wrap for Y/N. Merely minutes later you walked in  "Hey! Over here." Harry called. You looked in the direction of the voice, once you saw who it was you tried to leave immediately, but Harry was too fast. "Please jus sit down with meh so we can talk." "No, I don't talk to people like you." Harry has never gotten that response before when he asked to talk to someone. This girl really put up a challenge but that just enticed him more. "Just because 'm famous doesn't mean 'm stuck up if tha's what yeh think" Y/N looked up at Harry with dulled slow blinking eyes. "Famous?" she chuckled " When I said people like you I meant creepy, if we're being honest here I have no idea who you are." Now that was a huge blow to Harry's ego, not only did she not know him, she called him creepy. "Yeh don't know who I am? 'M Harry Styles I'm from the band One Direction well I'm doing my own thing for the time being but." Y/N racked her brain for 'Harry Styles' or 'One Direction' but nothing came up. Of course Y/N didn't live under a rock she always knew the latest songs and Netflix TV shows but she had never heard of Harry and his band. Now she was being pursued by this hot shot since yesterday that she hasn't heard of mainly because their prime years were covered by her emo phase which left no room for boy bands. Since My Chemical Romance and One Direction didn't mesh well on a playlist she was left completely clueless "Yeah dude, I don't know who you are." Harry sighed but maybe this was a good thing, since Y/N didn't know him she may not associate him with the womanizer image that didn't represent him at all. "Okay well maybe we could chat about it ovar some food and such?" Y/N thought about it, if this guy really was a creep she could rely on the employees to save her since she's on a first name basis with all of them and even texts a few of the baristas from time to time. There was no doubt his name held weight because yesterday everyone flocked to him as soon as they walked in. At first she just thought he was a local like her self but some people asked for pictures and autographs, she thought that was odd but the letter she was writing to her brother overseas was way more important than some pretty boy local. After a long sigh Y/N says "I guess so." with a smile that made Harry's heart flutter. Harry lead you to the table where your food was set up " I got what I heard you order yesterday. That's not really helping the creep case but." Harry said while he sat her down and pushed her chair into the table. "Yeah no it's fine, really sweet actually." Harry and Y/N talked about a lot first was about his first band and his experience on the X Factor. Harry's talk lead more into One Direction and the great times he's had with all four guys and even giving Y/N insight on some of the worst. Then Harry let Y/N have the spotlight where she talked about her upbringing. She told Harry just about every embarrassing story in her life because that's what made him laugh the most. Y/N and Harry talked the whole entire day, in fact they didn't even notice until one of the employees told them the place was closing. They walked outside the shop to bid a goodbye to one another but they both didn't want the night to end so Harry had an idea "Come ovar my place for a bit? We could talk some more." Harry leaned his forehead on to hers and intertwined their fingers. "Yeah" Harry and Y/N walked back to his house, they talked some more about TV shows Harry spewed out his favorite in a heartbeat since he barely watched TV but he always had a few he tuned to immediately. Y/N however recommend every show on HGTV like Flip or Flop and Vintage Flip just to name a few. Harry never heard of these shows but seeing the excitement in her eyes made him want to watch them more so they agreed to watch it when they got to his place. They got to his place in a matter of minutes he ushered her in just incase any paps were waiting to catch a glimpse of him."So this is my place, it's not much but I call it home." This place looked beautiful to Y/N different art pieces decorated the white walls, different crystals sat on side tables each were different in shapes and sizes but were all connected by a common color of red. The living room and a color plan of yellow, black, and red it was weird but Harry made it work. The two walked to his couch and took a seat "Now show me this House Hunters you go on about." After about four episodes and Harry yelling at the wifes when they complained about the light fixtures our the shower head, the two found themselves cuddling on his couch. Y/N lifted her self from his chest to get to his face "H, calm down show's fake anyways she's just bitchin' for no reason." Harry looked up at her, her eyes were glazed over and her hair was a hot mess because Harry ran his fingers through her hair, getting it tangled, but she looked absolutely adorable. "It is? Tha's upsetting." Y/N chuckled and started to ramble about something but Harry was too focused on her lips, they were puffy and looked so soft Harry couldn't help himself. Harry reached up to capture her lips Y/N was caught off guard but it felt right and she quickly melted into the kiss. This wasn't the 'sparks are flying' 'fireworks in my stomach' type of kisses because those just didn't happen, but this was the best kiss Y/N has ever had in her life no doubt. Push came to shove and they're in his living room making out like horny teenagers.Y/N was the one to break the kiss "Can we, I don't know. Go to your room or something?" she said gasping for air Harry didn't hesitate before he lifted Y/N up and wrapped her thighs around him. He ran upstairs and dropped Y/N on the bed before crawling over her. "So beautiful love, jus' layin' here fo' meh." Harry kissed her cheek trailing down to her jawline then neck. Y/N started to moan when he sucked a sweet spot under her ear. "Oh babe that feels amazing!" she moaned and grabbed a hold of his hair. Her moans ignited something in Harry that caused him to rut his cock on her thigh. Harry made sure he had two beautifully colored marks on her neck and collar bone before continuing. He lifted the bottom of her shirt to under her breast. Harry kissed, sucked, and kitten licked her lower stomach. Different profanities including fuck and shit leaving her mouth her skirt created no barrier as Harry continued his assault while rubbing her panty clad clit. Y/N took her shirt off and massaged her breast through her bra "Fuck Harry do something please I need you!" Harry decided to give her what she wanted, he reached up to undo the clasps on her bra and slid it off her arms. "You're such a fooken sight to see petal. Your tits are so perfect, let me get us situated then I'll get back to those, okay beautiful?" Harry went down to her lower region he pulled down the zipper on her skirt and slid them down her legs. Then Harry leaned in to place a kiss her her clit he licked and sucked as much as he could seeing she still had underwear on. "Sweetheart, these little thongs yeh have on are so beautiful pet, bet they make ya ass look incredible. In fact turn around and let me see it babe." Y/N whined "Baby please I just want you in me please H I'll do anything!" "Love when I say do something, yeh do it. I don't wanna spank that pretty ass red. But I will." Y/N groaned but turned around on her stomach. "Christ sweetheart I was right." Y/N's ass was beautiful it was the perfect size for Harry her ass turned Harry's semi hard straight into a raging hard on. He dove into her ass, Harry licked and kissed under her left ass cheek while the right hand grabbed onto her other ass cheek. Y/N never thought someone paying this much attention to her ass would feel so good but now that it's happened she doesn't want to have sex again if it didn't include this part. Most of her moans were muffled by Harry's pillows but they both knew how aroused she was especially Harry since he could smell her dipping in between her legs. "Sweetheart, yeh smell absolutely wonderful take off those pretty panties fo' meh." While Y/N took care of that, Harry quickly stripped out of his clothes, leaving his cock angry red and throbbing. Harry laid down between her spread legs as she still laid. Harry spread her pussy lips apart and blew cold air on her opening. "Har baby that feels so good, you're doing me so good but please baby fuck me." "In a second love." Harry tongued her entrance. He took his time while he ate her out he'd smack her ass a few times just to watch it bounce luckily it turned her on so it was a win-win. After Harry ate her to the verge of tears "Harry baby I'm gonna cum I'm so close babe I'm right there jus- Harry!" "Yeh aren't cummin' 'till I'm deep inside you pet. But I got one more thing to do." Harry flipped her over to see her face, her face was flushed she she was sweating, not to mention the tears going down her face. Harry cooed and wiped her tears away "I'll let you cum in a second pet, just let me play with those pretty tits first." Harry leaned up to circle his tongue around her nipples, making them hard. He took her pointed nipples in between his teeth and tugged on them. Y/N wanted him to fuck her so bad but this felt almost as good almost. "Harry please fuck me!" "Okay love I gotcha. Hand meh a condom outta that drawer." after Harry got the condom on he rubbed the head of his cock on her slit. He got whines in return from Y/N so he finally thrusted in. "Fuck Harry! You're so big my gosh fuck me baby" The words coming from her mouth made him thrust faster, her cunt was heavenly around his cock since he had a condom on he couldn't feel everything he'd like but he still felt on top of the world inside of her. Harry held her legs at his hips then reached down to capture this girls lips. Harry got his deepest and thrusted his hardest into Y/N and he could cum at any second. "Harry please I'm almost there!" that's all he needed before reaching down to rub her clit. That's what pushed her over the edged, Y/N came on his cock "Tha's it baby cum all over Daddy's cock I got you pet I'm right here." Y/N's climax crashed down on her while Harry's followed shortly after. Harry laid down beside his lover. "Stay tha night, I'll make you breakfast in the morning and maybe we can have a round two." Y/N obviously didn't need to think twice about this offer. "Okay but next time I want to be in charge." "I think we can work sum out."
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goldenstarsrpg-blog · 7 years
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This is my app for Aspen Buchanan, the taken character for Saturn. You can feel free to refer to this while filling out your own app, and also by taking a look at Meg’s character for Moon as Vega Churchill! Everything from Personality - Headcanons will be posted on the main. 
Hey, I’m resident admin vera! I’m almost 22 and I use she/her pronouns!
Activity level:
6/10 - I am also admin of another lovely rp, so I spend my time at both equally!
Trigger warnings:
Desired skeleton: Saturn
Name: Aspen Paris Buchanan
Aspen. It is a name that comes very poetically, and it fits Aspen’s personality very well. It is translated from the English tree whose nickname was commonly the trembling Aspen. For someone like him, who has always trembled in society and found reason to pause, it’s very fitting.
Paris. A sudden surprise to his parents when he decided to pop out early on an extended stay in Paris. His mother had a complicated pregnancy, causing them to stay much longer in their holiday home in the romantic city. His middle name reflects the miracle of his survival.
Buchanan. This is just amusing to me, because the 15th president of the USA had this last name and he remained a lonely bachelor his whole life. Aspen… is forever alone.
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 24
Faceclaim: Jordan Fisher
Aspen Buchanan was born autistic. The clinical diagnosis of this caused him to have little social interaction with others for a long time, and into his adulthood, Aspen as stayed pretty quiet and reserved, distant from the rest of the world. Many would describe him as… odd, to be fair. The Buchanan kids typically are seen that way, but Aspen stands out with his quiet nature and strange little gimmicks.
He is not the first to ever say hello, goodbye, or sorry. He is prideful, emotionally distant, and very trusting of others after the “initial getting to know” you phase. He is wise beyond his years and has a very strong wanderlust. The world, culture, and travel means everything to him. Aspen is also very pessimistic, but he plans ahead for everything, and may panic if these plans change. Change is his enemy.
Nothing about the Buchanan family was normal, and this was especially so for Aspen. He was born with plenty of problems, complications, and difficulties around the pregnancy and it was clear that something was off about him, even as a kid. His parents were busy, both hard-working to continue their excessive wealth and budding empire. So Aspen and his sibling were left to their own devices more often than not, and he embraced the quiet and isolated in a way that no normal should.
School was difficult for him growing up. He was bored, lack-luster, unmotivated, and unchallenged. He was smart but couldn’t apply himself. Classmates bullied him relentlessly, but gave up after a couple of years when they realized that Aspen wouldn’t care no matter how hard they tried. He was one of the rich kids, but he never ran around with that crowd. Instead, he stuck to the misfits, the loners, the other quiet ones. It was the drama group he finally found his place inside, but not on the stage. No, instead he was placed in the important role of stage manager, ensuring the smooth success of each show.
After Highschool was when Aspen felt the most free. His time was his own, and he was able to dedicate himself to his passion for exploring and learning about the things he cared about. After months of negotiating with his parents, they allowed him to take out 50% of his inheritance and use it for a trip around the world, which took 2 years. It wasn’t until he was 21 that he finally arrived home, and when he, Aspen Buchanan was a changed man.
Once home, he took a position in the G3C, settling in as a slightly unmotivated member, mostly to be there as support for their sibling and to make his parents proud. Now, 3 years after returning to his hometown from touring the exciting world, Aspen is realizing that his inheritance money is running low, and it may be time to start doing something to keep that cash flowing in to support his luxury lifestyle. His parents were always hard on him, expecting him to do more than the average spoiled rich boy. Aspen is not a golden child, and he never was. Now, he is lost within the ranks of the world and the G3C.
Star sign: Capricorn
Despite Saturn being the ruling planet for Capricorn, I felt that he related very closely to that sign. He is materialistic, dedicated, and hard-working. Though he does take his money for granted, there is a willful drive in him to propel forward. Unfortunately, this makes Aspen a bit emotionally distant and hesitant to try new things. Because of his autism, there is, at times, a divide between his reality and fantasy, which another a thing that Capricorn signs have trouble differentiating.
Considered to be the rarest type, it makes sense such an odd person as Aspen would be born with this personality type. They are known as the Advocate, and Aspen is a very passionate person dedicated to the social good. Even if he doesn’t really fit in. They are soft-spoken with strong opinions and difficulty expressing them properly.
Moral alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
This alignment lets Aspen follow his own, ever-changing whims. Despite being very much dedicated to rescuing humanity as a whole, he is very firm in the idea that his own well-being comes first. He has spent too long at the mercy of others to ever choose someone else before him.
Vices: Aspen is an avid stoner, and has enjoyed drinking much more lately at parties. He isn’t prone to sexual behavior, but does have a bit of a romantic streak, and considers himself to be polyamorus, despite never really having a relationship. He is excellent at ruining good things.
Virtues: He is very loyal, prone to be truthful, and values honesty. Betrayal and deceit hurts him more than anything, so he is very against using that in his own control. He also is very smart, despite doing poorly in school.
Aspen always followed in the shadow of their sibling, Uranus. He looked to them for advice, leadership, and direction. Most of his childhood, even into his teen years, was spent attempting to hide behind them and learn from them. He, to this day, does frequently still look to Uranus for confirmation for the things he does. Their relationship could have been close or not, but deep down, Aspen admires them more than anyone else he knows.
His fashion sense is horrible. Very indie-grunge, almost hipster in a more hard-ass way. I’m talking aviator jackets, scuffed boots, bracelets. Plus, since he traveled the world, most of his clothing is from all over. It’s not uncommon to find him wearing a graphic t-shirt with a different language printed, or foreign brands, or very strangely exotic jackets and jewelry. Aspen just grabs whatever and throws it on. He could really use a stylist.
Pansexuality is what Aspen identifies with, though he feels a stronger connection with males than he does females. They are so majestic to him, and he admires them so much, yet never seems to have much luck. No, he is much more inclined to grow closer with a male, though sexually he is very demi-sexual. It’s hard for him to have a desire for intimacy in that way, and it isn’t something he finds to be a priority.
Barcelona was Aspen’s favorite city to visit when he took his 2 year world tour. The colors, life, action, culture… it was all incredible to him. Japan was a very close second, because he loved anime as a younger kid, but something about Spain was very compelling and he hopes to visit again.
I have a pinterest board made here, and I am sure in the course of the roleplay before opening I will have come up with more things that aren’t listed!
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