#if you were in my shoe
sif-eya · 1 year
If I Put Myself In Other People's Shoe
Entry #24: 060523
Earlier today, a friend of mine said something that really stuck with me until it was time to go home. "Paano kaya kapag ikaw ang nasa kalagayan ko? (How would things be if you were the one in my shoe?)" A thought provoking question. For those of you who don't know, I have been recently kicked out by my dad for a very shallow reason: money. Ever since I was young, it baffles me how people can fight over simple things such as land and money. But now, I finally understand.
My friend is 6 months pregnant. Teenage pregnancy. You might be thinking that she probably got slapped in the face and kicked out of her own house, but that's not the case for her. Her parents accepted her. They supported her. In our friend group, me and this friend are the ones who share the same mindset. Probably because we're both libras. We both don't want to have kids early. And when the time comes that we do, we're gonna apply gentle parenting. Unexpectedly, she got pregnant last year. I wonder it feels to know that your parents will always be there for you.
I have this classmate that grew up not being able to play. Her parents thought that play time is just a waste of time. She grew up seeking academic validation at all times and being abused by men in her life. Despite that, she's really great at what she does. She excel in everything. Beauty and brains as they call her. I wonder how it would feel like to be in her shoe.
Another friend of mine has been barely surviving through it all. She's not close with any of her siblings and her father rarely gives her money for her school fees. She lives in a house with no electricity since August last year. No fans even if the weather is 40°, no cellphone to use because she won't get to charge it, no wifi, and so on and so forth. I wonder how it would feel like to be in her shoe.
The thing is, all of those are mere what ifs. What ifs that are less likely to happen to you because no one lives the exact perfect life with one another. Nothing will happen if you will keep on contemplating things like this. What we can do is to learn from other people's experiences and focus on our present. Because those who worry too much about the future and the what ifs forget to live in the moment.
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cozylittleartblog · 2 years
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swatch is cool and suave and handsome and one time they touched a mouse and they were SO brave about it
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Star Shoes
"Things had been going so well for him lately. He should have expected the other shoe to drop. Or the metal pipe in this case."
In which Danny and his totally normal boyfriend who is definitely not Red Hood are abducted by cultists. Danny is super concussed, but he's got the spirit.
@deadonmayn Day 2: Jason Has Magic | Ritual | Danny and Jason are abducted by the same cult | "You were never monstrous to me."
AO3 Link
   One day! Danny had asked for just one day! One day free from ghosts and vigilante stuff! A single day off! Was that too much to ask?
    In retrospect, he should have known something bad would happen. Things had been going too well for him lately. 
   Six months ago he began his degree in astrophysics at Gotham University. Since moving to Gotham, Danny and his apartment had yet to be caught in any sort of rogue attack or crime. It was certainly odd considering he was living in the crime capital of the country, but Danny decided he would take it.
   Most of his classes were able to be taken online, which was much more accommodating for Danny’s schedule. Sometimes a baby ancient of space just had to stretch themselves out amongst the stars and let their form slip. Frostbite said it was important for his development. He even offered to write Danny a doctor's note, but something told him it wouldn’t go over well with the school. 
   Danny Fenton requires up to five days of star exposure per month or else he breaks out in fins and eyes that may cause you feelings of cosmic terror. Please excuse him from lecture.
   Yeah. That would work.
   He didn’t need a note if the lectures were online anyway.
   The online lectures were also easier for him on bad tremor days. Sometimes his legs would ache and shake and randomly lock too much for him to walk. It was so much easier to float on those days and just… let loose. His human visage had begun to feel too small and restricting. He could put up with it normally but it itched. It was harder to stay restrained when he also had to deal with the tremors. Luckily for him, the bad days had been decreasing lately.
    By far the best part of the past six months was Danny’s new boyfriend. Jason was great! Better than great! Jason was amazing! They had only been dating for a month but Danny swore if anything happened to Jason he would kill everyone in Gotham and then himself (again). He had a sharp way with words that never failed to make Danny laugh, and though he may seem rude and grumpy on the outside, he was secretly a big sweetheart. 
   Danny had once seen him cry because of a feral (possibly radioactive) Gotham rat that was “just too small”. 
   There’s really no repairing your facade after that.
   Truly, Jason was everything Danny could ask for in a boyfriend. Danny had worried that the questionable functionality of his legs would be a turn-off, but he had been pleasantly surprised. Jason never pushed him past his limits, in fact, he fought to keep Danny from doing so. On the bad days, Jason would make him soup and drape heating pads over his limbs. He would knead his knuckles into Danny’s muscles and press kisses to his trembling fingers. It didn’t make the bad days stop, but they became more bearable. 
   Danny was so lucky.
   So really, he should have expected the other shoe to drop.
   Or the metal pipe in this case.
   Groaning, Danny struggled to open his eyes. His head hurt like he had been doing shots for twelve straight hours and his mouth tasted like iron. He must have bitten his tongue. Or lost a tooth. They grew back so fast that it was honestly hard to tell. 
   Someone was talking.
   Someone needed to shut up. Danny hated that name.
   Vision swimming, Danny peeled open his eyelids. This… he was in a pawnshop? Why was he in a pawnshop?
   Jason is here.
   Hi Jason!
   “Hey, baby,” Jason huffed in amusement.
   Did he say that out loud? Fuck. He probably has a concussion.
   “I’d be surprised if you didn’t with all the blood on your head.” 
   Blood? Danny tries to feel his face for it but instead finds his hands bound behind his back. He struggles to free them, not accomplishing much besides wiggling around on the carpet like a sad worm. He pauses once for breath and then resumes his wiggling in earnest.
   Now hypothetically, Danny could just phase out of the restraints. One issue…
   Jason was completely in the dark about the whole Phantom thing. They had only been dating for a month and like- how could Danny even bring that up? 
   Hey, just so you know I’ve died before and I’m technically still dead depending on how you think of it? Apparently I’m also a baby god which is news to me too so if that’s distressing for you imagine how I feel! And while we’re at it, I should let you know that your entire concept of the afterlife is probably wrong. Enjoy that crisis!
   Okay, so Danny wouldn’t use those words exactly but that’s the gist of it. It’s some world-changing information and people have been dumped for less. Danny doesn’t want to scare Jason off!
   And even if he was fine after that conversation, what about Danny’s other form? The one that Frostbite keeps calling his true form? It was… a lot, and he hadn’t been joking about the cosmic terror. If he were being honest, Danny barely felt human some days. 
   Danny allows his head to fall back to the floor with a thunk.
   “Careful, darlin’,” Jason sounded concerned from where he was bound adjacent to him, “I think it's stopped bleeding. Don’t want you to open it again.”
   “It’s fine. Worse than it looks.”
   “...Do you mean better than it looks?”
   “Yeah, that. Head wounds bleed a lot.”
   It really was better than it looked. With Danny’s healing, it was probably entirely gone by now. 
   Jason looks like he is about to say something else when the backdoor opens. 
   In comes the most stereotypical cultists Danny has ever seen in his life. Actually, they were stereotypical but worse. The robes they wore looked plasticy and the black was off with a gross yellow undertone. Overall it was giving purchased off some shitty cheap website vibes. Like Wish. 
   They circle around Danny and Jason so perfectly synchronized that Danny knows they had to have practiced this. He imagines them running through their steps as if they were practicing for a dance recital. Did they have a choreographer?
   “Why would we have a choreographer?”
   Oh, Danny is speaking out loud again. Did he say the stuff about the robes?
   “What’s wrong with our robes?!”
   “I love you, baby, but I need you to shut the fuck up.”
   Understandable. Have a nice day.
   Danny passes out.
   When he wakes up again they are in a different room. Jason is struggling against a cloak’s hold and cursing up a storm in true Jason fashion. The cultists look a little worse for wear. The one holding his boyfriend looks like he might have gotten into a fight with a weedwhacker. 
   “Touch one hair on his head and I’ll fucking kill you!” Jason snarls.
   He’s largely ignored by the cultists who continue with their preparations.
   Danny finally takes stock of where he’s at. He’s still on the floor, but the carpet feels slightly different. The room is bare compared to the one they were in before. A desk and office chair are pushed against the wall to make room for the summoning circle. A summoning circle that Danny was currently resting in. As an offering. Great.
   Flashing lights distract him from their predicament.
   The guy closest to Danny was wearing light-up sneakers. Danny didn’t even know they made those for adults. Neat!
   “Hey man, where did you get your shoes?”
   He can’t see the cultist’s face but he assumes he’s raised an eyebrow with the way the hood crooks to the side.
   Danny genuinely wants to know! The lights look like little stars blinking in the darkness. He has to have them.
   Danny is about to ask again but is cut off by a loud curse. 
   Danny has to save Jason!
   He growls, eyes flashing for the briefest of moments before he can tone them down. Jason can’t know about Phantom. He’ll have to figure something else out. Actually, he might not need to figure anything out! Depending on who this circle summons this could be a nonissue. 
   Danny cranes his head to look at the circle. 
   Groaning, he allows his head to fall back against the floor for the third time that night. 
   This isn’t just any summoning circle. This is his summoning circle.
   He lifts his head again to double check and yup, these idiots are using him as an offering for himself. Great job. Gold star.
  This is both good and bad. Good because they are in no immediate danger outside of the world’s worst Grim Reaper cosplayers. Bad because Eldritch horror.
   If these yahoos actually go through with the ritual and summon Danny, he’ll be forced into his ancient form in front of Jason. Probably. Danny wasn’t entirely sure that the ritual would work in the first place what with him already being there.
   Danny spends too long thinking about the summoning logistics and not enough time actually stopping it. Before he can come up with a plan the cultists are chanting. He can feel the tug in his chest getting stronger and fins pushing against his skin. This was happening whether Danny wanted it to or not.
   “Jason, close your eyes!”
   “Danny!” Jason was still squirming in Weedwhacker’s hold and valiantly trying to get to Danny. His teeth snapped dangerously close to the cloak’s fingers. Ancients, Danny loved his boyfriend.
   “Trust me, Jason!” Danny yelled, choking down the mist trying to escape from between his shark-like teeth, “Close your eyes!”
   With one last glance to verify that his boyfriend’s eyes are squeezed shut, Danny lets go.
   His very being unravels.
   It feels good to be this big, no longer vacuum-sealed into a too-small bag. The fins along his tail flick, stretching now that they are no longer confined. The luminescent lights travel up and down them as if doing a calibration run. His body parts disappear into fine vapor whenever they move before reforming in their new positions. The very pulse of the universe thrums in his chest. He can feel so much. He can see so much. He lets out a cool, dead, misty breath.
   His eyes open.
   The screaming starts. 
   Danny grins, displaying his sharp teeth proudly. He flies through the air, knocking person after person to the ground. They fall like blades of wheat to a scythe, small and inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. Just a speck in the eye of a giant. 
   Jason’s eyes are still closed. Good.
   Danny plucks him from Weedwhacker, setting him gently to the side. He can’t stop himself from getting into Weewhacker's face and screeching. He watches with satisfaction as he crumples to the ground seizing.
   The screaming eventually stops, the cultists catatonic on the carpet. Jason’s eyes are tightly shut. He’s breathing heavily, unmoving from where Danny had placed him. 
   Softly, ever so softly, Danny covers Jason’s eyes with his hands, careful not to prick him with his claws. He winds himself up tight, shoving himself back into his body like clothing in an overpacked suitcase. Gradually his claws shrink back into normal human digits. 
   His fingers shake with familiar tremors, still covering his boyfriend's eyes. Danny breathes shakily as Jason’s hands slide over his own.
   “Can I open my eyes now?”
   He swallows hard, mentally preparing himself. Jason’s going to leave. Jason heard the screaming and felt his claws. He’ll see the cultists and know what he’s done. Jason knows what Danny truly is and he is going to leave.
   “...Yeah,” it already sounds heartbroken as it leaves his lips.
   Jason’s hands take Danny’s with care, removing them from over his eyes. He blinks, surveying the room and Danny knows this is it. He’s waiting for the look of horror or sneer of disgust he has become so achingly familiar with. 
   Jason’s eyes meet his own.
   “Hey baby,” He presses kisses to Danny’s quivering fingertips with careful affection. Just like on the bad days…
   Danny sniffles, turning away with watery eyes and grit teeth. He wasn’t expecting this last scrap of kindness from Jason. 
   “No no no,” Jason squeezes his hands with gentle pressure. Not enough to hurt, never enough to hurt. “Look at me, Danny. Please?”
   Danny’s head pounds, his vision is blurry, his skin itches, and his heart hurts. He just wants this night to be over. But he could never deny Jason. 
    Jason smiles at him, hands coming to rest on his cheeks. He wipes a stray tear away with his thumb, smudging some dried blood away with it. 
   “There you are, handsome.”
   More tears race down Danny’s face. His voice cracks, “I don’t… I don’t understand.”
   “What don’t you understand, baby?” Jason asks, checking his hair for a wound that’s probably already gone.
   “You’re still here.”
   Jason pauses his minstations, “Why wouldn’t I be?” 
   “I-” Danny stops, addled brain thinking. Jason waits patiently for him to form the words, “I’m wrong. I’m not supposed to be like this,” Danny’s not sure how much sense he actually makes between the persistent concussion and rampant emotions, “I’m a monster.”
   The look in Jason’s eyes turned steely, “You're not a monster, Danny.”
   “No buts. You're not a monster. You wanna know how I know?”
    Danny remained silent, swallowing around the lump in his throat. Jason considers him for a minute then continues anyway.
   “I’ve seen monsters before. Monsters do awful things with only themselves in mind. Monsters go out looking for someone to hurt just because they can.” 
   Danny turns to look away again. It doesn’t matter that the timeline is gone or if he’s trapped in a thermos, the very concept of Dan will always haunt Danny.
 “Danny,” Jason redirects his attention, gently turning his face back to him. Danny’s not prepared for the pure unbridled devotion in his eyes.
   “You are the most selfless person I’ve ever met. You go so far out of your way to help others even when it becomes an inconvenience to you. It doesn’t matter if they are a stranger or not. Sometimes I worry you're going to get yourself kidnapped.” 
  Like today goes unsaid. Jason looks like he’s on the verge of tears too.
   “You were never monstrous to me, and you never will be. How could you possibly be a monster?”
   Danny sniffles again, leaning into his boyfriend’s touch. Jason readily accepts him into his arms, rubbing soothing circles on his back.
   “Sorry…” Danny finally mumbles into his… shirt? Whatever Jason is wearing feels hard against his cheek. Danny doesn’t really care. His head hurts too much to think about it, “I shoulda told you.”
    Jason quietly laughs, “Technically you still haven’t told me anything.”
   Danny nods solemnly, wiping the last of his tears away, “Complicated.”
   “Yeah, I get that,” he scoops Danny effortlessly into a bridal carry. 
   Danny yelps as the movement jostles his head. Jason makes a sound of apology.
   His boyfriend’s eyes scan the room again, “How about you explain it all to me when you're no longer concussed? Besides, I have some things I need to explain to you too.”
   “Sounds good,” Danny slurs as Jason walks them to the door.
   They are about to step over the threshold when Danny suddenly REMEMBERS.
   Jason startles, looking around wildly, “What?! What is it?!”
   “The shoes!” 
   “The shoes?”
   “Yeah! The shoes! The star shoes!” 
   “...do you mean the light-up sneakers?”
   Danny pouts at him but nods anyway, “The star shoes.”
   “The star shoes, then,” Jason easily confirms, “What about them?”
   “I need to take em.”
    Jason grimaces, “...Why? I can just buy you your own pair.”
   “No! It’s not the same!” Danny whined, “They summoned me using me as an offering. I didn’t actually get anything!”
   “Okay, I’ll go get his shoes-”
   “My shoes.”
   Jason laughs, setting him down on the table just outside the door, “Wait here.”
   Danny waits. His vision is still swimming in a blur of colors. Colors. He’s pretty sure he can taste colors now. The dull brown carpet is disgusting. 
   Jason remerges victoriously with star shoes in hand. Danny cheers, immediately making grabby hands. Jason passes them over with a look of mild disgust.
   “You ready to go now?”
   Danny bats his eyelashes, throwing his arms (and shoes!) over Jason’s shoulders and around his neck. He presses in to rub his nose against his boyfriend’s, “Take me home?”
  “Of course.”
Danny had the best boyfriend.
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skrunksthatwunk · 5 months
skwisgaar punished arc
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emile-hides · 2 months
The year is 2024, 8 years post release, and Pokemon Go not only finally gives trainers the ability to have more than just the default hair style and one of four eye and skin colors, but decided while they were there to completely blast every other Pokemon Game in the world out of existence by removing Gender entirely and giving the player customizable body types complete with separate sliders for Weight, Muscle, Shoulders, Chest, and Waist
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hindahoney · 1 year
Converts, please do not sell yourself short or underestimate the position that you hold within Jewish communities. Your love for Judaism, the Jewish people, and the Jewish culture is infectious and can make people realize the value of the culture they've simply grown up in. When people ask you, "Why did you want to convert?" don't take it as them really asking "Are your reasons for converting up to my standards, to which I will thereby judge whether you're worthy or not?" Most of the time, what we're really saying is, "Please tell me why you love the thing I just grew up in. Tell me why someone would choose this."
Many Jews grew up facing antisemitism in school. So it's baffling to think that someone would willingly subject themselves to this, and some of us grew up internalizing this shame and rejecting our Jewish identity in order to fit in. But you, as a convert, spark light within these people. You, as a convert, have boldly gone against the grain because you see the value in our way of life, one that is not easy. You've joined a people, many times at the expense of your friends and family, and your safety. You're something to aspire to. You rekindle the love and connection we have to our nation. If you don't already realize the value in this, you will when you notice those around you being moved by your words.
Being a convert is not a mark of shame because you're "different," it's a badge of honor. In many ways, you are lighting the torch for the next generation of Jews you come in contact with.
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starflungwaddledee · 4 months
Oooo starstruck dee has little stars at the bottom of her feet! Are they just aesthetic or would they make imprints into the ground? (like pawprints)
exactly like that! though she's not the only one...
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edit: might need to add some additional dialogue to this to make it more clear, but a clarification in the interim; he knows about his own footprints. he's just surprised to see something similar already there when he knows he's only just landed. he lifts his own shoe to confirm that they're not identical (and also to reveal this to the viewer). seems his stoicism beat off the clarity in this one, sorry 😭
#meta knight#starstruck dee#have had this one sitting around for *months* while i bit my nails on posting it#and then i thought maybe i *shouldn't* during the shipaganza bc it's not a direct prompt; though i do think you can read it that way#and for ~Reasons~ i needed to post this one sooner rather than later so i had to bite the bullet.#though meta knight has understandably been the second most prompted. they do indeed have the Funnest Possible Dynamic for it#stoic guy and the bug eyed little Creature he doesn't really trust as far as he could throw her (long long way)#so just to clarify this one is NOT for the shipaganza but you can read it that way if you want to#this is just a canon scene between them from her storyline. this is just something they canonically share. starry eyed idiots.#also fwiw i think i probably picked up the shoe-patterns for the knights from postitnotes7#been a headcanon in the back of my mind for a long while but i'm pretty sure i osmosis'd it from their work#especially after drawing post's designs so much for the hnkss. i temporarily forgot how i used to draw their armour ngl#and also btw starstruck deetectives psspsps#i'm planning a much better post about this later (probably in march) but i'm going to start using this tag for Important Posts for y'all#🎀🔍#<- for the starstruck deetectives when there's something significant in the post.#i worry about making it 'too easy' but also want stuff to be accessible. it's just for fun? the OC lore game! ARG but it's just my oc.#that would be fun right? maybe? is that too indulgent? i could probably pull it off if folks were actually interested enough to participate#anyway!! go to bed starflung#also if you read this far: anon is open again! still open for shipaganza prompts but i'm not gonna be finished them in february 😂
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strawberryvulture · 11 months
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the bride of frankenstein (1935) // the red shoes (1948) // psycho (1960) // twin peaks (1990) // “strangers” by @mothercain
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his drippiest majesty
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pybun · 7 months
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emotional support interdimensional clown
i wouldnt get to this updated design for tatters without the help of @kohltrast
thank you again so much!! 😭🙏💗💚💗
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crabsnpersimmons · 3 months
Who has the other pair of his shoes. I don’t believe you can buy a red and black pair
good question! i hadn't thought about it until you asked so here's the answer i came up with:
he got them at a discount at the thrift store
the cashier just saw his excitement and couldn't bear to charge him the full price
they aren't even the same style of slides, this silly guy just marches to the beat of his own drum
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bumblingbabooshka · 3 months
Janeway doesn't need a therapist when she gets back to the alpha quadrant she just needs Tuvok to tell her [in detail] the psychological observations he's made about her over the past 11 years and she can go from there <- Untrue but much more likely for her to agree to
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marsti · 3 months
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march madness (female hysteria)
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navy-leader · 6 months
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Can anybody fucking hear me. Hello?
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nessa in the bun suit
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sciderman · 1 month
i opened tumblr during lunch and the first thing i saw was peter parker britney spears. two of my friends stared at my phone and audibly went “oh” thank you for the blessing
i've had so many people tell me "sci. the only thing i know about you is spider-man and britney spears". and i think that's all there is. you're welcome.
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