#if you’ve seen it you can be sure that I related way to hard to stuff like my body is failing me. I want to die. what’s the meaning of life
bellzsq · 20 hours
“My biggest support.”
Gavi gets interviewed after one of his recovery sessions.
Warnings: none but talk of anxiety
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Bella’s pov
I was on the phone with pablo and he told me to go look on instagram for his latest interview he had this morning.
He was in his car on the way back home from brunch with Pedri and Fermín.
I hung up with him and the first post that popped up when I refreshed my instagram was Pablo in his white Nike long sleeve next to a 30 year old ish looking interviewer in a Barca jersey.
“So gavi, how is your day going?” The interviewer asked him.
“Bien, I got a good recovery session in this morning.” Pablo answered.
“And is that how most of your mornings go, with this ACL injury?” The interviewer asked as they turned.
“Most… either I workout and run with my partner Bella in the gym or around my neighborhood and I’ve been starting to train on grass back with my Barça squad.” -pablo
“And how’s that been? Does it feel good to be back with your team or do you rather home training with your partner?” -interviewer
“I like training with my team, it feels almost things are going back to normal but Bella pushes me to my limit.” -Pablo
“And is that in a good way that she pushes you to your limit?” -interviewer
“Yes, of course. She is my biggest supporter and I would not be at this level without her by my side.” -Pablo
“How so?” -interviewer
“She talks me through my anxiety and panic attacks. And makes sure I’m okay..” -pablo
“Would you mind sharing with us your most recent moment like that?” -interviewer
“Of course. When I got this injury And the doctor told me I wouldn’t be able to play I had one of my worst episodes of panic attacks. I couldn’t breathe at all and she comforted me through it all and she’s the one that has really been helping me push through this difficult time.” -pablo
“Seems like an amazing partner you’ve got yourself. Do you ever help her through her own episodes?” -interviewer
“Yes, that’s one of the main reasons we are together. We know exactly how to help each other through tough times and we would never leave each other in the dust alone.” -pablo
“And another personal optional question, Has there ever been a moment in this hard time you thought she would leave you in the dust to deal with this yourself?” -interviewer
“Of course not, I know she always has my back. She has seen me with plenty different injuries and I know she will stick by my side.” -Pablo
“And somewhat related to that, when did you guys start dating? We seen your first appearance as a couple in fall of 2021 when you started in Fc Barcelona as a midfielder.” -interviewer
“We met in 2020 at a music festival I was at. My first music festival without my parents and it was me and my friends Mario and Ale and I had tickets next to a beautiful brunette girl that now happens to be my partner.” -pablo
“So you have the same music taste?” -interviewer
“Not really. I like Spanish music and she likes Argentine pop like creators like Tini, Emilia and oriana.” -Pablo
“So what creators do you like that would be in your game day playlist normally?” -interviewer
“Oh, it’s been quiet some time since I’ve updated my Spotify game day playlist… Uh I mostly like creators like Rauw Alejandro or like peso pluma lately.” -Pablo
“And what are times you like to listen to that kind of music?” -interviewer
“I’ve been listening to music in my home gym running or working on my legs… and at the start of my injury the music would help me through hard times when all I could do was just cry.” -Pablo.
The interviewer nodded. “And our last question. “When will you be returning? We heard a fast recovery was going on and we would like to know.”
“We don’t know exactly but I should be back next season and I can promise all my culers I am coming back better, and stronger.” He winked.
“Thank you Gavi, have a great day.”
“No problem. Adios Culers!” Pablo waved and the video was over.
Is that really how he feels about me? He’s the sweetest ever.
I’m so happy I made him feel right and that I was pushing him.
I only wanted the best for him and him going through this horrible injury has took a huge toll on my boy.
I heard the front door open and I knew it was Pablo.
I shot up and ran downstairs to him and jumped in his arms.
“Did you watch?” He looked at me with a sparkle in his beautiful hazel eyes.
I nodded and kissed him on his plump pink lips.
How much I loved him.
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badolmen · 1 year
Had a revelation today in the woods. As you do.
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snailmail444 · 6 months
ohhh, can you do hcs for what the sdv bachelors say during sex?
Bachelor Volume Headcannons
18+ 🌱 NSFW 🌱 MDNI
PART II of the double feature!!! Happy New Year lmao I hope you enjoy this filth 😈 shoutout to @hopefuloverfury who did a HOT bachelor volume headcannon list very recently that I ate UP. Check that out Here
Poll said post as you finish and I had this finished so here you are everyone. As always, MDNI, NSFW content under the cut.
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💚 Kinda loud, tbh.
💚 I envision him as captain dad noise already, so I think during sex it carries over and he’s groaning and grunting these hot gravelly moans.
💚 Genuinely. I could go on about the sounds this man is sure to make. Because DAMN. Somebody get him into ASMR sex audios he’d make a fortune.
💚 Now that said I don’t see him as much of a dirty talker.
💚 It doesn’t come naturally to him. He’ll do a bit and try his best to appease you if you’re into it, and he’s definitely a person who could learn, but it’s never been easy for him and won’t be.
💚 Gets too in his head about if what he said was hot or if it was weird. Takes him out of it worrying that he’s taken you out of it. Which, relatable.
💚 But he does know through empirical evidence that his sex noises are hot, so he doesn’t hold back. Especially if you two are going at it rough, or you’re sucking him off, it’s obscene.
💚 Will praise you with that same sultry rasp, because that’s another thing he thinks is safely in the always-hot category.
💚 Such a good job baby, feels so good, etc. Can never go wrong.
💚 Loud to the point his voice cracks when he cums 😇
❤️ My hot take is that I think Elliott would say the filthiest things you’ve ever heard during sex.
❤️ I just think that as a man who is incredibly well read he knows what’s hot. And he’s not afraid to say it, either.
❤️ Especially with some of those dime novels that are his guilty pleasure, he’s picked up a thing or two.
❤️ Of course it’s still in a very Elliott way, but he’s a dirty talk king.
❤️ He’ll be worshiping your body while he details everything he wants to do to you. How he’s going to mark you with hickies where everybody can see that you’re his, how hard he’s going to ravage you with his cock, how many times he’s going to make you cum, etc.
❤️ Matches it with equal praise and romantic lines, too. It’s all about balance, and he wants to fuck you like a beast while still reminding you that you’re precious to him.
❤️ Grunts and huffs and moans, but not a lot unless he’s right about to cum. Man’s got more important uses for his mouth!!
❤️ Kind of irrelevant, but I see him as the type to passionately fuck you against the door to his cabin or overtop his writing desk or deep into the mattress. It’s not often that the furniture isn’t creaking and knocking in time to his thrusts.
🤎 Okay so another hot take. But I think Alex is secretly incredibly shy and romantic.
🤎 Empirical evidence includes: his heart events imply that he puts on the machismo front as a defense mechanism, and he was raised by the most lovey-dovey old people you’ve ever seen.
🤎 SO. I think he would be very sweet in the way he talks in bed.
🤎 Lots of softness and nerves, but he’s still kinda noisy.
🤎 Tries to muffle himself because he’s embarrassed about making too much noise, but he can’t help it.
🤎 He’ll be about to tell you how good you’re doing, how much he loves it, and his words will warp off into a whimper because it’s too much.
🤎 I feel very strongly that he is a whimperer. I’m sorry. It makes sense.
🤎 Especially with his insane physical endurance he ends up overstimulating himself because he can’t get enough.
🤎 Like he can go a third round, sure, but he’s overstimulated and his voice is cracking and his cheeks are bright pink with exertion.
🤎 Lowkey he’d love it though I mean let’s be real. Let’s be so real. He wants to come until he’s crying. And he will.
🤎 Please don’t come for me abt this it’s just my take.
💙 The curse words. The curse words.
💙 Listen. This man is already somebody who swears a lot so in bed? He’s letting FLY.
💙 Fuck that’s so good, you’re so goddamn tight, holy shit that’s hot, et cetera.
💙 Not much for moans but he does grunt so like. Same difference?
💙 Like it’s not that he’s stifling himself he just grunts and groans and swears instead of moans
💙 No whimpering I’m afraid 😔
💙 But he makes UP in dirty talk good lord.
💙Since he’s not a mean person just prickly from his defenses he’s well practiced in being mean even when he’s not.
💙 So ladies gentlemen and those of us that know better, we’ve got the makings of the PERFECT mean dom
💙 Dirty little slut, you’re so fuckin’ pathetic for it, beg on your knees just for the privilege, I could Go On.
💙 Only like that if you want it of course, but like with his gravelly sex voice asking if you think you’ve earned the right to cum yet? Somebody take me AWAY.
💙 Cums with a bit of a yell.
🩷 It’s been said before I know.
🩷 But I must also agree. Sam is the loudest in bed. Far and away.
🩷 Good LUCK getting him to shut up honestly, between his whines and whimpers and moans he’s either apologizing for his lack of control or thanking you profusely for letting him hit.
🩷 Because Sam genuinely can’t control himself when he’s fucking half his vocabulary consists of sorry. He wanted to do it slow and sweet, but fuck, you’re so hot and tight around his cock he’s pounding you instead and he’s really sorry but he just can’t help himself.
🩷 I don’t see him swearing much tbh, not unless he’s completely fuck drunk. If he’s not babbling some pseudo-polite good boy nonsense, he’s whining. Maybe the stray shit or fuck, but not to excess.
🩷 Also throws in a ton of compliments. You’re so hot, you feel so good, you sound so beautiful, and so on. I just see him as an open complimenter, and when his mental circuit board is on overload he’s unable to stop himself.
🩷 Gag this man. Do it. I dare you.
🩷 He’ll be moaning and whimpering and drooling all around the gag, his eyebrows drawn up and in, eyes pleading for you to let him moan properly.
🩷 The most pathetic man you’ve ever seen and all because he can’t whine for you. God somebody just take me away, lock me up.
🖤 King of being amused by how turned on you are.
🖤 He’s chuckling, huffing, asking incredulous rhetorical questions like “yeah? Already?”
🖤 I could see him falling hard and fast, so he’s probably using his dry sense of humor to hide how fucking gone he already is.
🖤 Because emotional vulnerability isn’t his thing so it gives him some distance while still allowing him to enjoy how fucking hot and adorable everything you do is.
🖤 As far as his own sounds, though, he’s not moaning or whining a whole lot.
🖤 He does whisper a lot of swear words, and he’s HEAVY on the panting, as a consolation prize.
🖤 Dirty talk gets a little spicy with him just because he lives to tease. He’s not the heaviest dirty talker even on this list, but he can definitely turn up the heat.
🖤 Lowkey I can see him being a hand holder because he can’t help himself. He can only keep his affections at bay so much.
🖤 And I bring that up only because he’d lose his breath the moment your fingers twined with his and reward you with a soft, stuttering moan.
🖤 Definitely bites you to keep from making noise when he comes. He’d probably end up whining if he didn’t.
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straykeedz · 7 months
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𝐬𝐜𝐛 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬; 𝐧° 01
this was supposed to be me elaborating on this thought by @hyunsvngs (😵‍💫 never have i ever related to something more btw, i absolutely LOVE body hair), and it ended up being a drabble bc i'm dumb and i always ramble a lot.
bear with me if there's any mistakes, as per usual english is not my native language and secondly it's late and im tired and im supposed to be sleeping lol
𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐝𝐧𝐢, 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐭
𝐭𝐰: 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐞; 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐣𝐨𝐛; 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐣𝐨𝐛; 𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐬?; 𝐜𝐮𝐦 𝐬𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠; 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐭; ♡
𝐰𝐜: 1,5𝐤 ;
The first time you suck him off, it catches him completely off guard. 
After all, you’ve only been going out for a couple of weeks, and you haven’t made things official yet, so it’s not like he’s expecting you to drop on your knees and take his cock out, why would he? He’s a gentleman, and he wants to respect your boundaries - after all you’ve been going out for less than a month and are not official yet. Yes, you’ve made out in the backseats of his car countless of times by now, and you made him cum in his pants while dry humping, but you haven’t seen each other naked yet. 
That’s why he nearly chokes on air when, during a particularly heated make-out session, you drop on your knees unexpectedly, palming his hard-on over the thick material of his jeans. It’s when your fingers reach for the button of his pants that he stops you by wrapping his fingers around your wrist. 
“Oh. I’m so sorry, I should’ve asked. It’s okay if you don’t want me to.”, you immediately apologize, and he wants to slap himself across the face. 
It’s not like he doesn’t want it - because he does. It’s just… It’s silly, now that he thinks about it, but insecurities are a bitch. He should’ve shaven earlier in the shower, shouldn’t he? He just didn’t think you’d go that far. Fuck- it’s too late now. It’s the first time you’re touching him and he doesn’t know what your preferences are - what if you don’t like body hair? What if it grosses you out? His exes didn’t like body hair on him after all…
“Ah, it’s not that.”, he mumbles, scratching the back of his neck, and can feel his cheeks flush pink. “I want you to.”
“Then what’s wrong?”, you ask him, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
You’re there, kneeling between his legs, looking at him with doe eyes, and he feels stupid. “It’s stupid, really.”, he tries to brush it off. 
“I’m sure it’s not stupid if it’s making you feel this way. You can tell me, I won’t judge. Promise.”
Is it too soon to say he’s in love with you? Because that’s all he can think of right now. 
“It’s just, I wasn’t expecting to do… this tonight, so I haven’t…” I have, uhm… hair?”, it comes out as a question. 
“And…?”, you’re still pretty confused. He has body hair, so? 
Changbin looks at you genuinely surprised, eyebrows raised and boba eyes open wide. “You don’t… mind?”
You smile at him, then bite your lip and shake your head. “Nope. In fact, I think it’s sexy.”, your fingers toy with the hem of his t-shirt, lifting it up to reveal the pale skin of his stomach and - oh. Your head snaps up in his direction. “You have a happy trail!”
“I have a… what?”
“A happy trail.”, you repeat, brushing the soft hair that runs from his navel all the way to his crotch, disappearing under the waistband of his boxers. “It’s hot.”
“Is it?”, he furrows his eyebrows. 
You hum in agreement. Then, you lean in to place a kiss directly on his navel, and he gasps. “Can I show you how much I find it hot?”
He nods quickly, and shivers when he feels your hot tongue on his skin. You lick a long stripe that goes from the waistband of his underwear to his belly button, coating his skin and his body hair - the happy trail, as you called it - in your spit. “Fuck.”, he mutters under his breath, kicking his head back and squeezing his eyes shut. Inside the confines of his boxers, he’s rock hard and leaking. 
A shaky breath leaves his parted lips when you fidget with the button of his jeans. You undo unbutton them quickly, then unzip them, and he lifts his hips from the couch to help you slide them down his thick thighs. The grey boxers he’s wearing leave almost nothing to the imagination, and your mouth literally salivates at the sight of a wet patch on the fabric. When he catches you staring, his cheeks flush pink once more. He’s about to say something, but you catch him off guard for a second time by latching your mouth to his inner thigh and start to leave a series of kisses and delicate scratches that go all the way to his clothed groin. Changbin is already a mess - breathing heavily and trying not to think of how hot you look, otherwise he knows he’ll be cumming the second you touch him. Hooking your fingers on each side of his underwear, you slide them off his thighs as well, finally freeing his cock. 
“Oh.”, is all that leaves your lips at the sight of the prettiest and hottest dick you’ve ever seen. 
What was he even insecure about? Right, hair. You don’t want to sound cheesy, but pubic hair looks fucking good on him. Like, really fucking good. There’s soft, dark curls decorating the base of his cock, and you can’t wait to bury your nose in it while you take him down your throat. That should show him how fucking perfect he is and how much he turns you on. 
“Changbin do you-“ you find it hard to take your eyes off of that pretty cock, but eventually you lift your gaze to look at him “Do you have any idea how much I find you hot?”
He’s about to answer - he doesn’t even know what to say to be honest, he’s not used to receiving compliments, what a shame - when you suddenly grab him by the base and wrap your wet lips around his cockhead, and he chokes a moan, throwing his head back once more. “Oh, fuck.”, he grunts. 
He’s about to protest when you pull him out of your mouth, but it’s only so that you can let a gob of spit fall directly on the tip. You then take him in your mouth once again, smearing your own saliva all over his length using your lips. Meanwhile, the pads of your fingers toy with the soft hair at the base of his cock and his stomach, brushing it lightly. 
Changbin relaxes instantly under your touch and spreads his legs wider, letting you accomodate between them in an even more comfortable position so that you finally can take more of him in your mouth. A deep grunt leaves his lips when the tip of his cock hits the back of your throat, and he’s quick to entangle his fingers in your hair while he’s gripping the cushion hard with his other hand as you continue to bob your head up and down his length. 
You release him from your mouth to catch your breath, and start to pump his length with your hand instead - wet sounds filling the room. He doesn’t expect you to fucking lick his balls, swirling your tongue around the most sensitive part of his body, then taking one inside your mouth. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck- you’re so fucking good at this, oh my God.” Changbin swears under his breath, chest rising and falling quickly as he feels himself getting closer and closer. He opens his eyes to look at you, and it’s the most beautiful sight he’s ever witnessed - you, kneeling between his spread legs, pumping his cock with your hand and with your lips wrapped around his balls. You swirl your tongue around them once more, coating also the hair at the base in your saliva, and Changbin chokes on air. 
He lets out a small whine when you release his balls from your mouth, but you immediately wrap your lips around his cock once more, determined to give him a mind-blowing orgasm. It’s what he deserves - he deserves to be fucking worshipped and spoiled. 
“I’m so close.”, he whines when you take him even deeper, your nose brushing his pubic hair as the underside of his cock lies flat on your tongue. “‘M so fucking close, please.”, be begs in a high-pitched tone, and you decide to finally give him what he wants. Only then you bury your nose in the soft hair at the base of his cock and swallow around his length, and before he can stop himself or warn you - Changbin is coming in your mouth, shooting hot, white ropes of thick cum down your throat. His legs shake due to the intensity of his orgasm, and when he shuts his eyes, all he can see is white. 
It takes a while for him to catch his breath. You release his now softening cock from your mouth, and smile at the sight of him so fucked out - both of his hands covering his face as he takes deep breaths, shirt lifted, softening cock lying on his abdomen and your sticky saliva smeared all over his skin and hair. 
“C’mere, let me return the favor.”, is the first thing he tells you once he’s gained his breath. 
-> 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 - “𝐢𝐭’𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧” 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐝.
-> 𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐡𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬.
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vrisrezis · 1 year
My fav Bnha characters with a crush teehee
Have probs done this b4 butttt lol these look rlly long ngl
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Katsuki is kinda disgusted with himself. He hates all that lovey dovey bullshit and he always told himself he wouldn’t end up falling in love like the shitty old hag, but here he is being a lovesick moron. Katsuki is not known for being subtle, you’d have to be a special kind of moron to not notice he’s totally head over heels. Even if he wouldn’t describe it in those words, he totally is. He has very complicated feelings about the fact he likes you, wanting to focus on his hero training but you make it so difficult for him with your stupid smile that he loves hates so much. However he’s aware of how happy you make him feel, so he’s willing to set it aside, it must be a good thing you make him feel so good, right? It’s strange, but he will find himself showing off more when your around, trying to prove to you specifically he’s gonna be the best hero. In training he works extra hard if you happen to be around or happen to even be watching, he may even start competitions with class 1A just to prove himself to you. Whether it’s dumb competitions like racing in the pool or even school related competitions such as, who’s got the best grades, this nerd absolutely shows off around you. He wants you to think he’s cool, that he will one day be the best. But he also tries to leave subtle … hints he likes you. Even though it’s obvious already, he’s been given the impression that he isn’t totally obvious. He shows his interest in you in other ways, but I will mention he has an extreme jealousy problem even before you are even dating. This is typically of people that are “stronger” than him, so todoroki and deku. However he might get that jealousy if say, kaminari flirted with you. Other ways of actually showing interest though is that he’s actually nice to you, though he shows it in ways that can go unnoticed. If your forgetful he always makes sure he has an extra water bottle with him, or anything else you may need he just says he happens to have. Or perhaps you need help studying or even with homework, he just says kirishima happened to pick a different study buddy that day, so you and him can study together. And kirishima, as the ultimate wingman, insists you two should study more often… alone… and the main thing that gives him away! Blushing! Oh man, if he isn’t the most obvious guy in the universe because of that red face! He can blame it on the cold, he can blame it on how hot it is out, he can blame it on his quirk, or that he’s angry, he is always red faced when you’re too close. If you’ve ever seen amity blight blush, it’s exactly like that. He stares at you in class with this soft expression that is almost never seen on his face, and if he is to ever be caught he simply turns away as fast as possible, wide eyed and blushing. You’ll find that bakugou believes in your strength, so he’s protective in battle a reasonable amount, only if you’re truly in deep shit. When he’s more comfortable with being your friend, he takes you out on hiking trips and just hanging out with you, and sometimes kirishima. The entire class of 1A knows about his little crush though so it makes it extremely hard for him to keep it a secret lol, he’s constantly paranoid somebody told you.
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Oh man if you thought katsuki was bad, izuku is on another level of being obvious with his feelings. The boy truly wears his heart on his sleeve. It’s not even something he’s aware of at first, he just thinks your good looking like … wow way more attractive than anyone he’s ever met! You’re a good friend, with an interesting quirk and yes his notes on you are a lot longer than even kacchans and maybe he draws you a lot, maybe he draws moments where you looked really breathtaking and maybe he thinks about you before he goes to bed and when he wakes up in the morning and yes maybe he dreams about you too and overthinks everything you say to him and maybe he rambles about you an unreasonable amount to his friends but… oh man he… he likes you doesn’t he? And once he realizes, it gets even worse because now he’s just blushing at you and he looks like he’s gonna pass out everytime ochako mentions the fact he hasn’t confessed yet and he’s just dying on the spot. Boy talks faster than Eminem can rap whenever she mentions him having a crush especially if you happen to be there for the conversation. Tends to ramble around you a lot, just about random things and everyone is just like “oh god not this again” you have to be oblivious to not notice. Izuku tends to worry about you a lot, so he always checks up on you after training to make sure you didn’t get too hurt, and don’t even get him started when it comes to you going on missions, he worries so much when you’re fighting villains. Now he knows how his mother feels. Izuku tends to be clingy around his crush, so he tends to ask you to hang out quite often, whether it’s hanging out or even studying or even fighting together against some villain he likes being around you and likes making sure that you’re safe when it comes down to it. He tends to have very obvious slip ups that he likes you, voice cracks then correcting himself or perhaps coughing way too loudly when he tries to do an ahem cough, bumping into you and tripping, he’s so clumsy around you. Probably accidentally calls you pretty. He’s just… such a mess man.
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Hawks is not experienced with romance, while many can agree he’s a good looking guy that has many people flocking towards him, he was never that interested in dating until you showed around. Honestly, could’ve seen him being aromantic before meeting you, lol. So since he’s never experienced romantic feelings, it’s going to take him a little longer than it should to realize his feelings. However he does show signs of taking a special liking to you beforehand, that even he doesn’t understand at the time. He hates the idea of people looking at you the wrong way, perhaps to court you. He assumes this is because he senses they’re potentially dangerous and as a good friend of yours, he’s just looking out for you. After all, he’s naturally protective of you in battles with villains, even if you can protect yourself. Sure he’s not protective especially of endeavor or miruko, but that’s just because he’s not as close with them as he is with you! He doesn’t feel his heart beat faster around his other friends, but he assumes it must be something else, maybe there’s something making him nervous, or maybe he’s just simply excited to be around you! Sure he doesn’t blush around anyone else when they compliment him, but that’s because it means a lot knowing a close friend thinks about him in such a way! For awhile, keigo comes up with many reasons to justify his feelings towards you until miruko and endeavor make him realize he’s being a total moron right now. Upon realizing his feelings, he’s not completely sure how to go about it, but he starts by trying to make it known he likes you. He’s subtle with his flirts, but once he puts his toes in the water to see if your comfortable with him flirting, he dips his whole foot in. At that point, people just think you two are dating with how casual he is with his newfound flirtatious personality when you enter the picture. Upon realizing his feelings he becomes 10x more protective and kinda already acts like a boyfriend by bringing you lunch to work and taking you to cafes and literal dates and stupid shit like that, lmao.
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Aizawa I imagine having very few crushes in his lifetime, and has dates with even less people than that. Because of this inexperience even in his age, he’s not quite sure how to go about his feelings initially. Mic and midnight are extremely annoying about how obvious he is, as well. Aizawa is extremely protective of you, given his experience with his students, it’s only natural he grows protective of you and worries for your safety. Whether you’re a hero or not, he’s going to worry for you. Other than that, the way he shows he cares for you is different with you than it is with his friends. He’s good at listening to you and remembers very small things about you that maybe he wouldn’t remember with other people, he remembers very small details. Perhaps something as small as your favorite coffee even if you don’t like coffee that much. I imagine him fearing if his students ever found out he liked you, what kinda hell that would be. Dealing with them teasing him and potentially telling you, but he truly can’t help but be obvious at times. He stares at you longer than he should, even smiles at you longingly when he thinks you aren’t looking. He looks like a lovesick kitty. Generally reserved in his attraction to you, keeping to himself and hoping he can find some hints you return the feelings before initiating anything. However, he’s always been relatively stupid with romance so this takes awhile for him to even figure out and he has a habit of overthinking everything you say to him and is often left wondering what your intentions truly are with him. When you two spend time together, he likes doing things with you he’d never do with anyone else. Likes you playing and doing his hair, and watching movies and such, your hangouts often feel like dates even when you aren’t dating. So when the time does come you two date, it feels as though nothing has changed. He with trust you whole heartedly, if you aren’t a teacher at UA he is introducing his students to you, his co workers, and especially Eri, all the people who are important in his life but does it in such a way that feels casual and natural. He has a way of not making his crush known if your oblivious enough. However, a part of him that feels like he shouldn’t tell you how he feels come from a place of worrying for your safety and the people that may come after you. He will learn to trust you and your strength, he’s just a worried dad.
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Miruko is a bold and brave lady, however even she’s never had much experience with love. Being way too determined to become a hero, it hasn’t given her much time to really experience romance aside from hookups. She decided it was a waste of time, but as one of the top heroes, she understands she can have both things in her life. If she cares to, anyway. And upon meeting you had come to the conclusion she would love to have both things. Miruko is a very confident woman so you will find she wastes no time in approaching you with her feelings. This is, when she realizes them. Due to her being new to it, it takes her a bit to realize it. But after a couple months of knowing you she figure it out. The way she feels compelled to buy you stuff despite not knowing you for that long, the need to protect you from danger even when you can protect yourself just fine, the strange need to wrap her strong arms around you, it all connects to her eventually. Upon realizing the feelings she’s gained she is very flirtatious and makes her intentions with you very clear. She doesn’t like wasting time. You will find though that despite how bold she is, if you flirt back she gets a little shy sometimes. This is a rare occurrence, but it happens! She can be a softie too yknow? She is physically affectionate with you, casually wrapping an arm around your shoulder when you two are talking, whispering in your ear a lot and getting close and personal when she really doesn’t have to. She loves inviting you over to hang with her for games and such, it already feels like you two are a couple even when you aren’t. It’s only a matter of time before she officially asks you out. You may find that during your hangouts she tries to impress you with her strength and tends to brags about her accomplishments. You’ll also find she dresses nicer and even wears makeup occasionally. Her flirtations with you are different than with her hookups too, compliments on how cute you are rather than how hot you are. She wants you to know you mean something to her as well, so on occasion she tells you that you mean the world to her.
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Dabi has not experienced romance, ever. Hookups aren’t in his life either. Dabi had been set on one thing and one thing only, revenge. You’d have to be a real special one for him to be attracted to you, but no matter how special you are it will not deter him from his original plan. He didn’t plan on pursuing you in anyway, but he’s selfish at heart and can’t help himself. He may not try to pursue you romantically but he will try his absolute hardest to form a strong bond between you two. It may take awhile to be vulnerable with you but it will absolutely happen while you two are friends, he will be extremely open with you. He’s open about being touya early in your friendship to show he trusts you whole heartedly, to show he thinks you’re like nobody else he’s met. He would know his feelings, despite the complete lack of experience in dating. He just knows. He looks at you and thinks, you’re the one for him. Out of everyone on this list, he’s one of the more protective ones. I’d say the most if it wasn’t for toga, tbh. You will find he’s around you a lot, like just because he’s so protective but also because he likes to be around you. He cares for you and likes your company. You remind him of the good parts of home, you bring back his humanity. Dabi makes no moves on you, despite how strong his feelings are for you and how aware he is of his feelings. He’s scared to form a relationship, in fear it will go to shit and knowing he’d hurt you, knowing his plan of revenge will end in his death. He’d never want to put you through that. He spends much of his time hanging out with you and it feels like the two of you have been best friends forever. He tends to joke with you and be sarcastic, but always being one that’s there for you when you need it and even give you advice. He’s a true friend but he’s scared to be something more.
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Toga is truly the most obsessive and protective, the closest you get to a yandere. She grows feelings almost automatically, because she feels as though she sees you for who you are right away. She feels like she’s known you forever, she knows she likes you the more she wants to steal some of your blood and become you. If you’re okay with an overbearing insane girl on your side, she’s the lady for you! She acts like she’s known you forever, even if you’re complete strangers. There is no filter with toga, and she acts like you’re already best friends when you aren’t. And when her romantic feelings become apparent, she makes those feelings very apparent and that she wants something more with you. She tends to get up in your face a lot when talking, with a blush on her cheeks, it’s just because she loves being so close to you! Flirting with you and calling you her darling or her love is a common occurrence, even when you two aren’t even a couple yet. She worries for you a lot and is very protective, and after twices demise this protective nature becomes 10x worse. She’s clingy and constantly cuddling to your side, holding your arm or your hand. She has no shame in you knowing her feelings, she just hopes you will stop being so shy and tell her how you feel too! She will absolutely murder for you too just to add onto her yanderish tendencies, not that I don’t think every villain would do that for you though, lol. Also, the moment you meet her she’s inviting you to the league of villains without a doubt. You’re a part of her little weird family now, no questions asked. You become extremely important to her and how she approaches life from then on. (You could actually help her become a decent person if you were aiming to be a hero. You hold so much power by being the object of her affection, lol).
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Shigaraki is determined to destroy the entire world and everyone in it, but even he has feelings. He has feelings towards the league, secretly (or not so secretly) seeing them as his found family. And you, well, in his eyes you are also family but you’re also special to him even in comparison to the league. He isn’t aware of what his feelings towards you are for the longest time, even after the advice kurogiri had given him. He now relies on spinner to give him proper advice, who tells him he feels romantically towards you. Shigaraki is naturally a protective person when it comes to you, not liking anyone getting too close and personal with you, even spinner and toga sometimes. He’s lost a lot and he’s not willing to lose you too especially to some loser that doesn’t deserve you. He’s easily jealous and he’s also easily paranoid you could find somebody else. In his mind, he knows you deserve more than him and the possibility of you ending up with anyone that isn’t him is almost too much to bare. Even if he knows you deserve more, he’s selfish to his core. He likes to play games with you and treats you like a longtime friend, he consistently works on your relationship to make sure he keeps your bond going at all times. He enjoys being close to you and would like to keep it that way and maintaining your relationship. He could talk to you for hours about anything while playing video games with you (Nintendo gamer tingz). As time goes by, he tries to trust you more and grows less protective and obsessive, especially as he becomes much more powerful and much more confident he can protect you if need be. He isn’t bold about his feelings, an occasional shy blush coming from him is the closest you get to him letting his feelings be known. He may eventually approach you, though.
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Main master list
Atsumu Miya x reader
Match point (Summary: Seven years ago you moved to the Hyōgo prefecture, met two demon twins, and regretted every decision you made since. Osamu and Atsumu aren’t going away no matter how much you beg. Maybe, giving in and being their manager will finally shut them up….)
so... what do you say(After finding your fiancé you have been with many years cheating on your best friend. You tried to confront them but they never showed up…So what do you do? You drink at the bar trying to figure out what to do. And who else there to help you if not the good looking stranger you met at the bar?)
Don't Miss Me (you, not big on relationships? who would’ve thought, besides everyone who’s ever met you. for years, your friends have always seen how commitment-phobic you are, and it’s bled into every relationship you’ve had. and once you meet college volleyball player, atsumu miya, it becomes very hard to stick to these morals. especially when all the two of you do is sarcastically flirt. however, just maybe, he’ll get through to you and become your shooting sta)
How to fall in love (summary : maybe trying to get your crush, Miya Osamu, who you’ve been crushing on ever since first year to fall in love with you wasn’t exactly the smartest plan… especially if Miya Atsumu was behind it all.)
all i want for christmas (Rumi Miya has only ever wanted one thing for as long as she could remember. A Mother. Being the child of Atsumu Miya has made her dream nearly impossible with all the fake women trying to snatch her papa up)
osamu miya x reader
plug walk (in honor of your friends birthday your friends and you all decided to get high. buying the drugs from no other than osamu miya. the most attractive dealer you’ve ever laid eyes on.)
were good(are we)(Osamu is getting married, and he’s fine with it, until he isn’t, and the first thing he does when leaving the venue is hiding and getting drunk. Naturally, nothing good can come out of this.)
Ukai X reader
Coincidence? Let’s Hope It Is (The way it all started was by stealing a bunch of tomatoes, everything down spiraled from there.)
Suna Rintarō x reader
when world colide Synopsis: In which, Sakusa Kiyoomi’s sister, Y/n accidentally hits her childhood friend’s teammate with a softball when their batter missed her pitch. Will this miss lead to something more? or will just end with goodbyes?
Interact (Suna Rintarou, number #10 middle blocker on Inarizaki’s volleyball team, finds a semi-popular tiktok account, and is immediately attracted to the girl. But what he isn’t aware of, is how that girl goes to his school and he could’ve passed her atleast once in the halls.)
You’re everything (Suna was the best boyfriend you could ask for, after fighting with your inner demons that screamed you were ugly, worthless, and annoying. You finally decided to go the next step with your boyfriend, only to find out it was all a game)
Still(an awkward dinner brings y/n and her high school ex, suna rintarou, back together as friends. just friends, right?)
meet me in the hallway summary: oikawa tooru was a member of one of the most known boy-bands in all japan, ‘seijoh club’. but then, he wasn’t part of it anymore. why? no one knew one thing is for sure though, when suna rintaro and (l/n) (y/n) were looking for a lead singer for their band, they never thought the oikawa tooru would be interested in joining them.
club stupid SYNOPSIS - Club Stupid, an anonymous podcast meant for the dumb and dumbest to send in unspoken and nonsensical thoughts about issues they face in their day to day lives and for Y/n to speak out and give her opinions and feelings. Normal feelings though, nothing romantic like how she thinks this lazy guy with questionable hair in the volleyball club is actually pretty cute.
swipe left summary: where suna and y/n both coincidentally at the same time makes a bet. both of which relates to them having a date, where’s a better place to find that someone than a dating app online?
instant boyfriend summary: Y/N has always been known for being shameless, single, and eccentric. when her friend, oikawa, discovers an app for finding a boyfriend, it seemed as if all her problems vanished—but here's the gist; her boyfriend is a robot? yet human at the same time? kinda?
INDIRECTS summary : in which you & suna rintarō are table partners, now turned best friends, who are desperate for something more between each other & are cluelessly making indirect posts about each other without even knowing.
harts cut (when Karasuno and Inarizaki hospitals are forced to merge, Karasuno’s fifth year residents are the least happy for it to happen. If it was only the merger though, you thought)
match maker (Y/N L/N an overworked chief secretary who has no time for relationships or anything of the sort nowadays. But, when she’s met with her best friend downloading an app for just the thing she doesn't have time for. She grieves, matchmaking was already a scam, what’s the point of finding love anyways?)
love is not for everyone (after years of not talking to each other, your childhood best friend decided to reach out again, how will everything go?)
reconecting (you meet tons of people during your lifetime, most will come and go, but one person seemed to make an impact—only to leave your life out of the blue. but you believed that if they aren’t dead yet, you’ll always meet them again. no matter the circumstances.)
Lovers rock(When a guy asks for your number, you sternly insist on a condition that leads to unexpected love.)
I wanna be yours(Y/N is a small business owner, offering her services not only as a designer but an at-home makeup artist and cosmetic producer as well. She's perfectly content with her small life when she's approached by the manager of the INARIZAKI band, asking for her to fill the position of backstage artist on short notice. Needing the money, and wanting the experience, Y/N agrees. Little does she know of the fatal attraction she will share with the band's lead, Suna Rintarou.)
Affairs in Managing (Inarizaki is in need of a manager and luckily, someone rose up to the challenge. It is said that they are unpredictable, but there’s something unexpected that happens.)
AS IF (what you want is what you get. thats how its always been for you growing up. but the one time you let time and destiny do it’s thing, surprise, surprise! it’s not how you want it to be. maybe you‘re just clueless on how things should play out without having it your way)
Kenma x reader
Love is hard for a gamer(When a rumor spreads saying that Kozume Kenma rejected a girl, all of his friends start marking fun of him; implying that he will never have a girlfriend if he keeps playing games. To prove his friends wrong, Kozume and y/n —the manager of the volleyball team—, start pretending that they are dating. But when one of them catches feelings… What will happen to their friendship?)
Chose unlimited (kenma kozume is a successful streamer and youtuber who honestly prefers his alone time but when you crash into his life, literally, will he end up falling for you?)
Mute(𝕤𝕪𝕟𝕠𝕡𝕤𝕚𝕤: enroute to being a neurosurgeon, y/n l/n doesn’t have time for fun, let alone dating. after her friends set her up on a blind date gone wrong, she comes face 2 face with none other than her date’s best friend. her world flips on axis, and suddenly she has no idea how her brain works, or love-at-first-sight)
whats a ibff (Y/N is a shy youtube gamer from Fukuoka who becomes friends with a group of youtubers from Tokyo that she met online. Kenma is a youtube gamer and twitch streamer from Tokyo who happens to be friends with one of Y/N’s internet friends. The two meet online through their mutual friend.)
Mincraft bed(truthfully despite playing minecraft everyday all day, you had never played bedwars. not because it wasn’t interesting but because you were terrible at competitive games, of course shoyo didn’t know that upon asking you to play. but i mean can you really be mad at shoyo when it lead you to him?)
「 sᴡᴇᴇᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴀᴘᴘʟᴇ ᴘɪᴇ 」 (❝ Yn owner of a rising bakery cafe. One day a pudding head boy enter with his close friend looking for an apple pie. What will their future bring them when they keep meeting? ❞)
network love (this ones sad)(for Y/N, working for Bouncing Ball Corp. has been amazing. the salary is high, her co-workers are all genuinely kind and fun to hangout with, and lastly, her boss is hot as fuck. everything’s been good until she accidentally sends the wrong file—a file filled with her impromptu lingerie shoot.)
digging straight down (AFTER BREAKING the number one minecraft rule who knew you’d be pining after the one guy who made fun of you for it)
online friend(Y/N L/N is an anonymous gamer by the name of Sage that resides outside of Japan. While playing one day, they become friends with Kenma which leads to being dragged into his rambunctious friend group. With interactions becoming more frequent, Y/N is faced with decision of trusting their new friends and the conflicts of living miles away.)
fix it(You’re a second year at Nekoma with a burning passion to fix whatever is broken and finding out why it’s broken. One day, Kenma accidentally breaks his switch and needs help fixing it. One broken item that needs fixing is what you do best, so you help Kenma out. What else needs fixing?)
three step plane (With Kodzuken’s fans speculating about his relationship status, his friends start shipping him with Y/n. Falling in love is a three step plan, right?)
blind date ( as a youtuber, you see it as your job to be kind to everyone like you on the platform. however, one by the name of kodzuken continously pushes your buttons and has now been labeled your archenemy. but, what happens when the person your friends set you up on a date with, turns out to be the man who’s impartial attitude makes you want to rip your hair out?)
MY FAVORITE delete me from your contacts (Being a girl gamer has never been easy especially on a male dominated platform like twitch. Deemed as a mere e-thot by the masses, you never let the petty hate get to you. That was until the famous streamer, kodzuken, decided to call you another lazy, gamer wannabe. )
mr hotshot ceo (y/n is an outgoing and bubbly girl who just landed a job as a secretary for bouncing ball corp. kenma kozume, ceo of bouncing ball corp, works secretly as a gaming youtuber and streamer under the name kodzuken. after a miscommunication and y/n learns the truth about kenma both their worlds collide. what does fate have in store for these two?)
your voice (when kenma kozume met (y/n), he saw you as someone who was far different than him, but as he got to know you better, he was beginning to think that he actually has a chance. or maybe not?)
friends with benefits ()
thanks alot cupid (the worst part of having a secret crush on yn kuroo, in kozume kenma's case, is that she's one of his close friend's ex and his childhood friend's sister. although y/n makes it clear she harbors deep feelings for the blonde, the two reasons that restrict kozume from making any moves, don't necessarily limit her, “no tetsu, I do not have a crush on your best friend aka my ex-high school situationship aka my recent ex’s best friend… but if I said I did what would the consequences be?” summaries aren't my best suit but wtvr)
Beta tester (Y/N L/N is a popular mangaka)
Sakusa Kiyoomi x reader
i lysol you(the miya twins younger sister leaves for tokyo in order to join the junoir national gymnastics team while also studying at itachiyama institute )
heart on the ice (It’s the perfect start to your debut senior figure skating season, until it’s not. A minor run in with Sakusa Kiyoomi has you in hot water in the figure skating world, and the only solution is to pair with the Ice Prince himself and skate in pairs. Sparks will fly as you constantly butt heads with Sakusa, and you see your season melt away. Can you save your season before it’s too late? Or will Sakusa ruin any chance you have of becoming a Senior World Champion?)
Tempura (Yoomi Yum is a five star restaurant that has received nothing but positive reviews. It’s spotless clean, the service is great, the food is amazing! Owner and head chef Sakusa is proud of his restaurant, so when he received a bad rating from YN LN, a well-known food critic, he was shocked. Now he’s determined to change her mind using social media and his talent.)
It was never meant to be easy (y/n is Bokuto’s childhood friend who doesn’t take anyone’s shit. what happens when she crosses paths with someone who is very much the opposite of her? will they match or will it be easier to walk away? )
Sold out (Summary: Sakusa didn’t noticed that he ran out of masks. He immediately went to his favorite and only drug store to purchase a box, but when he asked for some, they told him that someone bought all the masks. He wanted to ask about who the culprit is so he can email them for being inconsiderate, what he didn’t know was that the said person rans a science channel with their friend)
caramel frap (in which sakusa kiyoomi tries not to fall in love with the girl who spilled her favorite drink on him; or sakusa being your breakfast buddy until you realize your feelings and eat together for every meal)
Secrets(Y/N L/N is the new manager of the MSBY Black Jackels volleyball team. With learning to deal and adapt to the many differing personalities, the team may discover that they have a secret of their own.)
why try (smau in which y/n’s sister and sakusa’s brother are set up with an arranged marriage and both y/n and sakusa being sworn enemies, desperately try to cut off this marriage, but during their attempt—both families and friends learn a little something about them)
lost bet ([y/n] has just lost a bet to one of her best friends, Kuroo. The deal was the loser had to do something chosen by the winner. What will Nekoma’s captain choose? But, why?)
figer it out (Sakusa Kiyoomi tended to avoid a number of things: germs, crowds, his teammates, and interviews. He preferred his life out of the limelight. When rumors spring up about his love life, keeping his fiancée a secret becomes a whole lot harder.)
i am the father (You and Sakusa have started dating on the second year of high school. On your 4th year of dating and second year of college, you found out you were pregnant. You were in a crisis. You were only 20 and didn’t know anything about motherhood. Worst case scenario, your boyfriend didn’t want kids.Your solution? Run away from Kiyoomi Sakusa. Raise the kid on your own. Never meet the child’s father ever again.That was your plan.You were doing great on your own, until you find out that Komori, the cousin of your ex, lives next door.)
tsukishima x reader
Doodles(Kuroo Y/n was finally moving onto University, happy to be attending the same on as her brother and that it was so close to all her other friends Universitys. What she didn’t expect was for her brother’s poor attempts to set her up with one Tsukishima Kei.)
Dorm buddies (you’re in need of a new dorm buddy because your current roommate sucks and tsukishima kei might just be the perfect candidate.)
Salty daddy (You decided to call your relationship over to focus on your career only to realize you were pregnant. About to tell him the good news and fix broken ties, you saw Tsukishima with another girl, unexpectedly happy despite your break up Leaving him was your choice. Surely it was challenging to raise a kid on your own. And when your boss gave you a promotion, you grabbed the opportunity Things were getting better, only to realize your job is being an accountant on the museum where Tsukishima is working. In addition to this, your son won’t stop saying ‘papa’ upon seeing his father’s pictures. )
Drums+acohal≠love(y/n who works as a bartender in a small bar in tokyo met a man who has been coming in for 3 days, what will happen if their life entangle with eachother? will they be lovers or will their relationship be just a one night stand?)
5000 miles away(you moved to America when you were ten years old. every year you visit Japan for a short while and at the eighth year, you meet the son of your parents’ old college friends, Tsukishima Kei. )
Oh my god they were roommates(when tsukishima’s best friend yamaguchi moves out of his way too expensive apartment, tsukki finds himself in need of a new roomie. when he replies to your tweet, he expects a quiet girl who keeps to herself but instead he gets you. will you be able to break down tsukishima’s walls or will you be forced to stand on the outside, looking in?)
make mistakes (after your soulmate first heard your music he dreaded the day youd meet, on the other hand you dreamed of the day youd finally meet them. surely the universe doesnt make mistakes when matching up soulmates… right?)
number neigbor (IN WHICH you’re bored out of your mind one night and upon scrolling through twitter, you’ve come across hilarious interactions with people’s number neighbors. Curious on what the hype was all about, you end up texting your number neighbor. Completely expecting some random middle aged stranger, you’ve actually come across a cute guy that’s your age and lives in the same city. The only downside is that he possibly hates your guts)
bread talks (when your mother tells you to deliver some leftover bread to the young man living above your family bake shop, you never expect to make a complete fool out of yourself. but things happen, and maybe, some small accidents were actually meant to be— just not in the way you expected.)
are you worth it (don’t get tsukishima wrong–he wasn’t extremely fond of anyone that wasn’t yamaguchi, even so, yamaguchi could be a pain. so nonetheless, he has his suspicions about sugawara’s little-first-year cousin, no matter how cute she is.)
kia (At a young age your parents dropped you off at your cousin’s house and left for business. Your cousin being Tadashi Yamaguchi. You two grew closer than ever from the time you were there. At the age of 10 you were sent back home to your parents and moved schools. Then at 15, you enrolled at Karasuno High, reuniting with your childhood friend and meeting some new ones.)
hate to love you (you, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi have been friends ever since you were all seated next to each other in high school. So when some dude at your school starts to bug you by constantly asking you out and not understanding the word NO, they were the first people you told. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi help to plot a way to keep this creep away from you.)
play date (kicked out of her home with no place to go, y/n is forced to move into her family friend’s home, who coincidentally is also the family of tsukishima kei, the boy who denied her confession.)
love is time(Amidst the turbulence of new adolescence and figuring out their path in life, nude model Y/N L/N somehow gets caught up in the drama of Tsukishima Kei's life. Although they're at each other's throats, the two both know when life throws you a curveball sometimes you've just got to roll with the punches. They've got plenty to learn from each other, willingly or not. Besides, they'll fall in love in time.)
It’s nothing special (The life of a singer is not as glamorous as it seems. Sure, there is the fame and the fortune but what no one ever talks about is what happens behind the scenes or rather, behind the screens.)
kuroo x reader
serotnin (Chemistry student Tetsuro Kuroo has a huge crush on creative studies y/n who he meets thanks to his long time best friend Kenma.)
Gamer girl(summary: y/n and her four friends are known as one of the most chaotic squads in youtube gaming history. even more chaos ensues when another squad joins in and streams with them.)
operation sweetheart (y/n l/n has been dating kuroo tetsurou for a year, but will a training camp that brings the pair back together actually tear them apart?)
A MODERN LOVE STORY (in which Y/N is a college student and youtuber just trying to enjoy life with her friends, and Kuroo is a part time model and full time suffering stem major trying to get by.)
Serotonin (Chemistry student Tetsuro Kuroo has a huge crush on creative studies y/n who he meets thanks to his long time best friend Kenma.)
Runaway Hearts Running, a perfect way to clear the mind and to get a good exercise in. Kuroo loves running in the early morning. But every morning he sees you on his route. And everytime the two of you compete to see who’s faster. Hearts are pounding and now it’s time to see who reaches the finish line first.
Keiji Akaashi x Reader
Frienemims(Akaashi was polite, yes, but even he had people that he didn’t really like. You were one of them. Not like you cared since you hated him too, but all of a sudden you were paired with him for a project. Now that’s when you care.)
akaashi x fem reader smau (Akaashi was polite, yes, but even he had people that he didn’t really like. You were one of them. Not like you cared since you hated him too, but all of a sudden you were paired with him for a project. Now that’s when you care.)
Count on Me Masterlist (Practice. Study. Prepare. Gigs. The band members of 3G are slowly getting a bigger and bigger fan base. In order to stay connected to their followers, they created social media accounts for their band but soon realized that they either sound really stupid or really serious. They weren’t sure if they could promote their music. That is until one of their friends managed to get them a marketing manager from the marketing department. Now YN, the new marketing manager, and Akaashi, the bassist, must work together to make the band grow. Can they count on each other?)
song for you (celeb! au. singer akaashi keiji isn’t too keen on relationships. when up and coming artist y/n moves into the apartment below him, will she be able to change that?)
jane austen and redbull(You’re desperately trying to juggle classes, teaching, and your dumb friends as you navigate grad school. When the opportunity of a lifetime pops up - a contract professorship that could change your career in academia - you and a co-teaching assistant go head to head for the position. He’s cold and calculated and definitely doesn’t respect your intelligence, but he’s also undeniably smart and, well frankly, hot)
Toru Oikawa x reader
Hit Me Up, Buttercup!(You are just stalking your favorite volleyball player, Oikaw Tohru, in his most active social media as usual when you finally got him to notice you. No one expected him to hit you up, buttercup!)
He loves me he loves me not (You’re Karasuno’s first-year manager, someone everyone thought would end up with Tobio because childhood friends win, right? Of course Oikawa would want to wrap you around his pretty finger the moment he knows that. Are his intentions pure and genuine? Of course not. Will you end up hurt? Most likely, though not for the reason you think. )
Hit it till it Barack’s (Y/n, 3rd year manager of the Karasuno Volley Ball Team along with Kiyoko, Very good manager but needs a little hyping up from her boys sometimes. She loves to bake and cook for the team, earning her the title of team mom. She gets all hyped up for the Aoba Johsai and Karasuno match, but when the worst happens, her least favorite player Tooru Oikawa hits her in the face with one of his powerful jump serves. How will this play out?)
Nonsense (you were oikawa tooru’s #1 fan, until you became his #1 hater. you hated him so much you went viral on twitter (accidentally) and literally became known as “the oikawa tooru hater”, doesn’t help that he keeps fueling the fire by subtweeting you. everyone is all in for this new drama. what isn’t known to the public, is that this particular drama’s been on hold for three years (him being your ex and all)
Like this (it wasn’t supposed to go like this. you weren’t supposed to meet your boyfriend’s best friend, only for his best friend to end up being your ex boyfriend. it was not supposed to go like this. )
so far but connected (A phone that connects to another universe created by Sora Kato, a student from UA Class 1-H, but it was turned down because ‘it was useless’. It’s not like you’re going to end the villains with just a single call from another universe. He spent months creating it for only to be laughed at by his classmates. But when a student from Class 1-A heard about the gadget they immediately went and purchased it from Kato.)
dont hate the player (The most popular female gamer on YouTube. Debatably the most popular volleyball player alive. A bad breakup sent you packing to Argentina for new perspective. Who knew the new perspective had a witty personality and beautiful eyes? Tooru only sees a broken girl whose heart he wants to mend — his goal is to be the best neighbor possible... and maybe a little something more)
may we meet agian(when she was studying in Kitagawa Daiichi’s middle school, yn met Oikawa Tooru. She fell in love with him but things didn’t went well. Years later, as she is in the same high school than him, they meet again.)
Take Care — An Oikawa Toru SMAU (Oikawa Toru is dedicated to volleyball, above all else. Even his health. Kyotani Y/N might put up a rather aggressive front, but they can’t stand to see their friends repeatedly hurt themselves. Can a friendship last between them, will something more come from the obvious sexual tension and care, or is everything going to fall apart because Oikawa can’t listen to the two people who care most about him?)
kageyama tobio x reader
Eagal Eyes (in which you, the younger sister of ushijima wakatoshi, decide to put on a children’s volleyball camp at shiratorizawa and meet kageyama tobio, who steals your heart, despite the warnings of your older brother.)
On repeat (in which yn just got out of a bad breakup, and the only thing helping her is this one song on repeat )
stranger danger (Famous Pro-volleyball Player and Bachelor extraordinaire. Not by choice, but mostly by circumstance. All Bokuto wants is to find someone to do cute couples costumes with, watch scary movies with, and snuggle. He’d also like to FINALLY pull one over on Atsumu and Kuroo considering they win the couples costume contest every damn year.)
love is war(Sports Psychology major Bokuto never understood the rivalry between the Sport Psychology majors and the Biochemistry majors. There was some sort of unspoken rule between them. YN, the Biochemistry major, didn’t understand what the big deal was either. By chance, the two rivals exchanged numbers during a study group and hit it off. Little do they know that there’s obstacles in their way. Love is war.)
it started witha praty(Y/N is the manager of Nekoma, friends with all the boys, ecspecially Kenma. After a late night party on her walk home Y/N discovers a teen passed out on the side of the road she couldn’t just leave him there. Who knows what he’s going to do next.)
a matter of vollyball (y/n was the best female volleyball player of all Japan and the setter of the star school, Shiratorizawa. Despite being the pride and joy of her school and family, she had lost her passion for playing. Winning was everything to her, even if she didn’t show emotion when her team scored a point. Alongside her teammate Tsukasa Emiko, and the infamous Shiratorizawa players Ushijima Wakatoshi and Tendō Satori, she’ll go to Tokyo for Nationals, where they meet the crazy and cheerful, Bokuto Kōtarō.)
adore you(After a fair share of bad breakups, Y/n L/n had enough of relationships. Until she’s paired up with Koutarou Bokuto, for a group project, sadly, all he wants to do is adore her instead of work)
if this is it (The Tsukishima brothers are considered, by all standards, good. But their sister Y/N has always been exceptional. A second year with a budding figure skating career and a boyfriend who just so happens to be one of Japan’s top five spikers, Y/N is living the dream. What could possibly go wrong? Well, everything apparently.)
Noya x reader
Find Forever (After your mom gets a new job your forced to leave all of your friends at Nekoma High and start over at Karasuno High. The only good thing about it is your childhood best friend Hinata will be there. After being convinced by your best friend you decided to join to girls volleyball club as their libero. One day while you two are practicing receives in the gym a boy comes in and starts complimenting you and starts asking you lots of questions. Your startled and leave in a rush leaving the two boys looking at each other in confusion. Hinata explains how shy you are and later takes it upon himself to introduce you guys properly and soon after a beautiful relationship blossoms.)
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soxcietyy · 6 months
Suspicions pt 2
Yuta x reader
Pt 1
˚₊‧꒰𓆩 ♱ 𓆪꒱ ‧₊˚ part two, while doing the deed he gets an important call and you find out what something your not happy about.
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On another call yet again. He’s always been busy like that. Everytime you two would go out he would excuse himself. Even when you two were in the middle of getting intimate. You can brush off the fact that you don’t know his job but this has to be a joke now. You laid on the bed sprawled as he was in between your legs getting ready to go in you once again. Though his phone started ringing loudly. He quickly looked over his phone and back at you to find you glaring. He smiled at you apologetically as he reached over to grab his phone.
Now that you thought about it you never heard one of his calls before. They’re mostly be work related meaning if you could get him to stay you could potentially learn something. It could give you closure to what happened in his study. As you watched him grab a towel to wrap himself with you grab him by the arm. He turns to look at you confused as he answers his phone. Before you could open your mouth he places a finger on your lips to silence you.
"This is Yuta," he said as he looked down at you. He quickly pressed mute on his phone as the other person talked.
"What is it?" He says waiting to see what was so urgent that you interrupted his call. You search for a reason to stop him from leaving. Maybe guilt tripping him was the only way. You’ve never seen him act this serious with you. Not even when you bothered him about his job that one time.
"You always leave me hanging like this Yu, can’t you just stay here and do it with me?" You look at him with your doe eyes.
He stood there as if he was going to actually agree but quickly turned you down. "Absolutely, not." He said.
Your eyes widen a bit feeling weird about hearing no come out his mouth. You wernt crazy spoiled but this was a new vocabulary term to you. "You promised me that you would give me a kid." You say getting closer to the edge of the bed on your knees. You were now eye level with him. "I want to make a kid now, and if you don’t do it with me I’ll…" you start to think hard about something to threaten him with.
You hear a faint voice on the phone and Yuta sighs deeply as he pushes you on the bed. He unmutes the call and looks at it before saying something.
"Yea Im free, what is it that you need specifically from me?"
A small grin formed on your face seeing he gave into you. He put the phone on speaker and threw it next to you. You tried to turn around to look at the caller ID but when you tried he pulled you down by dragging you closer to him. You could hear the man on the phone talk about property laws and what can’t be done to them landscape wise. He could definitely not be a landscaper and go to work wearing suits. Maybe me managed them but that doesn’t quite explain the red on him last time.
He grabbed your legs, spreading them apart pushing them back so he could have a good look at your cunt. You felt embarrassed by his actions but closed your eyes. You could heard shuffling before he slammed right into you. You let out a Yelp out of shock causing you to open your eyes back up.
"Keep quiet darling, this is quite an important phone call. I would be very disappointed if I miss any information." He said as he exited you and slammed back inside. Your hands flew to your mouth and covered it. Making sure you did not let a peep out. Your body recoiled up and down as he continued ramming you. Every so often he would stop to unmute to ask and answer questions.
"What if I wanna dig up plot 17?" He asked as he quickly muted and continued were he left off with you. Maybe this was a bad idea, no more like horrible. You were so drunk on his cock that you couldn’t get any of their conversation. Every so often you would pick up something but it was about land! Sometimes he would whisper in your ear but you definitely didn’t understand anything you said. He would look at you with the sweetest smile before talking on the phone.
Eventually You squirmed under him as you came. Your legs shaking from pleasure. He flips you over and thrust in your you doggy style. His body leaning over your as he grabs you by the neck to control your body. You bite your lip as he hits that perfect spot over and over again. You claw on the bed sheets desperately. He was going to send you right over the edge and you didn’t know if you were going to be able to walk right after. His movement started becoming slow and sloppy. The man over the phone was still rambling which clearly bothered Yuta. He grabbed his phone and brought it up to his mouth.
"God stop with the questions and kill that mother fucker already. Throw his body in any land plot or the river from all I care." He said before hanging up and throwing his phone across the room.
You gasp hearing what he just said and tried to get up but he had such a grip on you. He covered your mouth and slammed balls deep into you until he put his load all inside of you. "It’s okay, I’m going to put a baby In you. That’s what you want right darling?"
You look at him with fear in your eyes.
"Oh are you shocked from what I just said?" He lets out a laugh as he slides out of you and replaces his member with his fingers. Shoving his cum deep inside of you. "You don’t have to be afraid, I’m going to take good care of you and our baby. Though if you try to run away then I don’t know what I’m going to do with you. So behave, and act like the good wife you are."
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outro-jo · 10 months
skz w/ a bunny partner
pairing: skz member x reader
type: headcanon… i think
warnings: none it’s fluff
request: yes
notes: requester described a bunny personality type as cute, shy, easily excited, crinkles their nose, etc.
masterlist | info
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chan- you are his entire world. you’re so adorable and shy and he’s said many times he would squish you if he could, but he settles for hugging you VERY tightly. chris will purposefully kiss your face at random times because of the way it startles you and how shy you get. the apples of your cheeks burn and you usually hide you face in some way. his personal favorite if when you hide your face in his chest. it’s just so cute. he always says, “awh, naur! i didn’t mean to make you shy!” but he totally did.
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lee know- bless him, he tried so hard to keep up his hard, idgaf exterior but the second he’s around you, his whole world gets brighter. his favorite thing is your sweater/jacket paws. you wear everything so large that the sleeves hang over and omg when you start laughing and hide behind your paws. he thought he’d never seen anything so cute in his life. you are his biggest soft spot and he can’t even hide or deny it.
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changbin- one thing changbin loves to do is spoil his partner and when it comes to you, he does it every chance he gets. he does it so much with you because of the way you get so excited about things. the first time he brought you a bouquet of flowers he thought he would d!e from the cuteness. ever since he took the time to learn all of your favorite things so he can buy things relating to them just to see the way your face lights up or the way you bounce up and down excitedly.
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hyunjin- the first time you ever crinkled your nose around him, he genuinely thought he would have a heart attack from the cuteness overload. it’s a habit you’ve done for as long as you could remember and you hardly even thought about it but apparently your boyfriend thought it was adorable. he was lucky enough to catch it in a photo once and it’s been his lockscreen ever since.
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han- jisung has never been more protective over someone in his life. from the moment you agreed to date him, he’s felt this overwhelming need to always make sure you are safe and happy. you are just so cute and sweet and pure to him the thought of anyone or anything ever hurting you would destroy him. so whenever you’re together he always has his hand in yours and in between admiring your cuteness, he’s keeping an eye out for anything.
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felix- you two are the same, constantly going back and forth in cuteness aggression for each other. when he made you brownies you got so excited, your hands making little fists and shaking them. his beautiful laugh filled the air and he couldn’t help but pull you in for a quick little kiss. your mutual nose scrunches are almost like a secret language at this point, a way for you both to communicate from across the room to remind the other that you’re still on their mind.
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seungmin- he tried so hard not to fold. friends was a good first step for him considering his lifestyle but god, the second you stood in front of him, eyes wide and round, anticipating what he’d say or do next…he was a goner. he loved everything about you, from your cute sense of style to the way you saw the world. he was a certified simp.
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i.n- out of all your cute little mannerisms, jeongin’s favorite has to be the way you burrow into his chest. you two are usually laid on the couch or in bed and his arm is thrown around your shoulders. out of nowhere you just get the urge to take your face and hands that are already on his chest and kinda nuzzle into him more. it tickles him and he can’t help but laugh be he loves it because it’s like you can’t get enough him and you physically can’t get close enough—you can’t.
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azsazz · 5 months
Change Your Ticket (Part 7)
Rugby Star!Cassian x Reader (A Modern AU)
Summary: Dating famous rugby star Cassian Bailey is a dream. What's not one is keeping your secret relationship under wraps. Will you and Cassian be able to keep from the limelight or will your relationship crumble because of it?
Warnings: ALL SMUT, shower sex, oral (f receiving)
Word Count: 3,405
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6]
Notes: Starting of 6 updates for 6k with this one because it's been way too long for rugby cassian 💙
“Well, I’d planned on making you something extravagant,” Cassian says, frowning down at his phone. You wonder if it’s something related to your picture appearing in the media, but your shoulders loosen as his continues. “But I didn’t make it to the store before coming here. Is pizza okay with you, (Y/N)?”
“Pizza is more than perfect,” you sigh, leaning your head against his shoulder. You’re both sitting at your kitchen island, glasses of wine filled to the brim. “I don’t feel like cooking tonight.”
You watch as Cassian places the order. You grumbled about how two pizzas were too much, and he’d reminded you just how much he needs to eat as a rugby player.
“I don’t think they meant that about pizza, Cassian,” you tut, bringing your glass to your lips for a sip of sweet wine. His eyes glitter when he looks down at you, stirring that feeling of want in your gut.
He shrugs, “I think that whatever my trainer doesn’t know, won’t hurt him.” Cassian pushes from his chair, taking your hand. “C’mon, let’s have a relaxing shower, wash the day off of us.”
As blissful as that sounds, you’re not sure you’ll be able to join. “What about the pizza?”
Cassian tugs on your hand a little, more than ready to abandon the kitchen in favor of getting you into the shower with him.
“We’ll make it quick, be out before they get here.”
“Nothing involving you or showers is ever quick, babe.” You roll your eyes and he winks.
“Then, hopefully he has the common sense to leave it at the door because there’s no way I’m letting you go right now. You can accept my stink until after we eat or I can eat you out in the shower while you shampoo my hair. What do you say, baby? I am pretty smelly.”
His words slide down your body like soap, bubbling between your thighs.
Cassian leans down, peppering kisses across your face. The action make you giggle, setting down your glass in favor of wrapping your arms around his neck. He does smell, but it’s the musk of his sweat and it makes your thighs clench, arousal making your cunt wet.
You squeal as he lifts you into his arms with ease. He’s strong, and you can feel the way the muscles packing his back bow and flex when he lifts you. Gods, does he have the perfect body.
You kiss along his neck as he walks, licking up the salt from his skin. It makes Cassian shiver; his fingers press harder into your flesh. He breathes out a curse when you bite, then suckle at the perfectly tanned skin beneath your teeth.
“Fuck, baby,” he groans, kicking the door to the bathroom shut behind him. “I’m so fucking hard for you.”
His words have you moaning in response and your fingers find his hair, tugging the ponytail out before burying your fingers in his still-damp strands. It’s tangled from his practice but Cassian likes the pull, making a noise of pleasure in response to your desperation.
Your lips find his a moment later.
Cassian sits you on the edge of the counter but you’re not ready for him to pull away yet, wrapping your legs around his waist to haul him closer. His hands slide from your hips upwards, thumbs brushing across your pert nipples where they’re pressing hard against the fabric of your shirt.
His ministrations continue upward until he’s grasping your jaw between both of his large hands and dipping his tongue into your mouth in a claiming kiss. His fingers thread through your hair and he devours you like you haven’t seen each other in years.
Like you’ve just admitted to him for the first time that you love him.
You can’t hold in the whimper he sucks from your mouth as his tongue brushes yours. It’s a passionate kiss, your tongues dancing with each other as you drag your hands down his muscular chest.
Cassian bucks his hips a little, the strain of his cock in his pants heavy with need. He’s completely focused on ravaging your mouth, but he sneaks his hand down your body, dipping into the waistband of the sweats you had changed into upon arriving home, and flattens his hand against your heat.
“Touch me,” you beg, unable to resist your boyfriend, rocking desperately against his hand.
He does as you say, teasing his middle finger into your wetness. It slides in with ease and you keen at his touch, the palm of his hand grinding against your clit when his finger enters you all of the way.
You’ve missed this, missed his fingers brushing against your skin, touching you and tasting you in the places you both love the most. It’s been too long since you’ve been in his arms like this, even if it had only been this morning, you were holding each other so close. It seems like a million hours away now, with the draining day you’ve both shared. But you’re together now, and you know that Cassian will be by your side throughout the entirety of this media hellscape you’ve found yourself in the center of.
He pulls his finger out slowly, teasing you with it, in and out and in again until you’re a keening mess in his arms, cunt dripping into the palm of his hand and nails scratching down his fabric covered chest for more.
“Easy now, baby,” His breath is warm against your lips. His taunt is paired with a circle of your clit and your body presses further into his in response. “We haven’t even gotten you all wet, yet.”
“’M so wet for you,” you mumble your disagreement, kissing him between words. “Please!”
Cassian laughs against your lips and it sparks sunshine in your chest. You need to feel that chuckle against your skin, that mouth against your cunt.
You cry out sharply when Cassian removes his fingers from your pants. He’s pecking you softly, murmuring sweet words that keep you all worked up as he slides your shirt up your torso.
His name leaves your lips on a breathy moan when he ducks back down after removing your shirt, lips attached to that sweet spot on your throat that makes you melt. His touch turns more aggressive as he undoes your bra, his lips following where his fingers are removing it from your chest and flinging it over his shoulder.
Sucking one of your nipples into his mouth makes your see stars. You throw your head back in pleasure as he massages your free breast, kneading it with his rough hand.
You arch into his body when he rolls your tight nipple between his teeth. He loves the way your fingers dig into his shoulders in response and all he wants to do right now is get down on his knees, throw your legs over his shoulders, and taste your cunt like he’s been thinking of doing all day.
The morning session he’d spent in your bed didn’t sate him in the slightest. It only made him hungrier for you.
“Cass,” you hiss when he begins kissing across the skin of your stomach. His tongue lathes around your navel as he works your sweats from your hips, nipping, sucking at the expanse of skin that appears, fresh for him to mark. “Hurry up, baby. I need you.”
You shift your hips and kick your legs, helping him rid you of the rest of your clothes. Cassian groans like a man felled in war, utterly weak for you.
His hands part your thighs, fingers spreading your lips so he can get a full view of your fluttering, wet cunt. His hazel eyes are bright with arousal, and he licks his lips, tutting when you slide your hips closer, needing his mouth on you.
The tip of Cassian’s tongue brushes ever so lightly against your clit that it has you howling with pleasure. It zips up your spine like fire and you arch away from the counter, but he’s pulling away completely, his warmth lost from your body.
“Baby,” you plead, eyes going wide. You hadn’t realized they’d fallen shut with the first caress of his tongue on your cunt, and they open to the view of Cassian ripping his shirt over his head as fast as he can. Before the fabric even hits the ground he’s already working at his pants, stumbling a few steps to the side and reaching into your shower to start the spray.
“I’m coming, sweetheart. Be good for me.”
Like you could be anything else but good for him. You release a pleased sigh, lids lowering over your eyes as you watch the love of your life flailing around the bathroom, setting the water on high as he struggles at the same time to hop out of his pants.
Your mouth waters when his cock is finally released for the tight confines of his sweats. It bobs, slapping against his tight abdomen, and it’s already thick and full, pink and beading precum at the tip, ready for you.
“Come here, stinky,” you reach out to Cassian, still leaning back against the mirror. Splayed out like this, all his for the taking…Gods, he’s never loved you more.
He’s drawn to you like the sun is drawn to the moon, like love to a cupid. In three great strides he’s pressing back up against you, slanting his lips over yours in another hot kiss.
You arch off of the mirror, your hands finding his body thoughtlessly, as if a magnet is pulling you in. His cock nudges against your folds and you’re gasping against his mouth as Cassian pulls you fully off of the counter and into his arms.
You hold tightly to him, crossing your legs behind his back. Cassian keeps you suspended right above his cock and with every step he takes it teases you, a brush of warmth against your wet cunt. You keen against his mouth, nipping his lip in frustration, but the man only laughs in response.
“Oh, how I love when you beg, baby,” he says, distracted by kissing the skin of your throat. He steps into the hot spray and you hiss, surprised. “Go on, grab that bottle of shampoo over there. I have a promise to keep.”
Gently, Cassian sets you on your feet. Your legs are shaking and he doesn’t let you go, instead sliding his hands down your body, following the lines of warm water as it drips down. His touch is searing, more so than the rain pouring from the showerhead and the sight of him sliding to his knees before you nearly makes you cum, untouched.
He looks up at you with hazel eyes, raising a brow. You don’t know how long you’ll be able to hold yourself together if he’s looking up at you like this. He’s waiting, a silent demand in that heady gaze that has you snatching the nearest shampoo bottle from your shelf. Cassian hums in appreciation, hearing the top snap open, and he taps your thighs, a signal for you to open them wider.
You obey, because you need to feel his mouth on your cunt, his fingers plunging into your wet heat. You squeeze some of the soap into your hands before he can begin, because you know there will be no focusing once he’s laid those pretty lips upon you.
There’s hardly any focusing right now as you look down at him. The expanse of his tanned, broad shoulders and dripping hair plastered to them. You have the perfect view of his thick thighs, powerful where he kneels. He is every bit of a stature right now, one built outside of temples that people used to worship.
Just like how you’ll be worshipping him tonight.
Rubbing your hands together to activate the suds, you dig your fingers into his hair, massaging his scalp with brash strokes. Cassian’s groan bounces deliciously against the tiles and you’re guiding him forward, straight to your weeping cunt.
You shout when he gets right to work, tongue scraping against your clit before he’s craning his neck and plunging it deep into your cunt. You choke, fingers faltering in his hair but he’s growling, large hands pushing your thighs further apart so he can dig his face further.
His nose digs into your clit and you whine, grinding your hips against his face. You don’t think your hands are moving besides where they’re clutching his locks tightly. Cassian fucks you with his tongue and you throw your head back, the motion smashing your skull into the tiles behind.
“Fuck,” you whimper, but the pleasure drowns out the throbbing in your head. Water skims down your body, its warmth satisfying against your sensitive nipples. The room is filled with steam already and it’s a struggle to take the laboring breaths you need to with Cassian’s tongue stuck so deep. “Right there, baby.”
Cassian listens, drinking down your wetness like a parched man. He’s thirsty for your taste, for the way that your body responds to his, for your words. Every sound that you make sends shockwaves to his cock. He’s desperate to get a hand on himself but he wants you to cum first. Needs you to cum first.
He sneaks a finger to your cunt, replacing his tongue with his thick digit. You sink lower, your feet slipping on the tiles but Cassian is holding you up without an ounce of effort. He’s much too concerned with making you feel good, suckling at your clit with a hum when your nails rake through his hair, letting him know he’s doing a good job.
The downstroke of his index finger turns into an upstroke with his middle and you keen at the feeling of more. He feels so good, knowing right where to touch, the bundle to caress and curve his fingers against so that you’re a shaking mess. Heat gathers low in your gut when he brushes against that spot again before pushing his fingers deep and hitting your womb.
“Cassian,” his name is a cry, a prayer. You can’t form words beyond that with the feeling so hot, so tight in your loins. He begins moving his fingers faster, fucking them in and out of you with vigor. “I’m cumming, baby! Keep doing that—” your breath catches in your throat as you see white hot, orgasm flooding you. Your fingers turn harsher against his scalp but you don’t even notice because Cassian’s picking up the pace even more. “Yeah, yeah, yeah!”
Your boyfriend doesn’t stop. Doesn’t stop flicking his tongue against your clit because the noises you’re making right now are music to his fucking ears. Doesn’t stop pushing his fingers into your cunt even though he has to use a touch more effort now that you’re trying to clamp down around his fingers like some wicked trap. He’s been waiting all day for this and he’s going to revel in it, even if you’re already whining from sensitivity.
When you’re squirming, begging him to pull away, he does.
“Have I satisfied you, sweetheart?” he asks, leaning back only slightly. Your hands fall from his hair to his shoulders as he presses light kisses to your thighs, rubbing light circles into them with his thumbs to ease their quaking. “Or are you all ready for my cock now?” Cassian tilts his head back to look at you but hisses as the water falling from the showerhead washes soap into his eyes. “Oh, fuck! Ow, ow ow!” He rears back, nearly losing his balance completely as he slips.
Your hands find him, coaxing him under the water. Your chest still heaves with your orgasm, but you brush the hair from his face and lay a reassuring hand on his shoulder while he tries to rub the soap from his eyes.
“Are you alright, Cass?”
He groans in response, trying to blink the sting from his eyes. They’re all red rimmed now, and when his vision clears, it’s to you biting back your laughter.
“At the time, I thought that was going to be so hot,” Cassian admits with a huff, but you see the smile cracking his lips.
“At the time,” you tease, brushing a strand of hair behind his ear. “It was.”
The pizza is good but the sex that follows is even better.
Cassian is gentle with you, loving you like he had the first time you’d ever slept together; caring and tender. He takes his time mapping his way across the planes of your skin with his hands, with his mouth, tracing the hills and valleys of your body like he has all of the time in the world.
And you let him, not because you already know you’re dodging your work tomorrow, but because anything that this man does utterly enraptures you.
It’s passionate and slow, each roll of his hips sensual and intentional. The words he presses into your skin are soft and meaningful, ones that bring tears to your eyes. You don’t know how someone who has been through as much as he has can love you so openly like this, and you’re thankful every day for it.
“I love you, Cassian,” you exhale, fingers raking down the expanse of his back as you try to hold him closer. Your back arches off of the bed and you throw your head back in bliss, sparks igniting behind your eyes with every thrust of his hips.
Cassian peeks his head up from where it’s buried between your breasts, licking and sucking his way from one nipple to your other. They’re hard as rubies, red like them too, surrounded by mottled marks left by his mouth.
His hazel eyes are dazed, sparkling with adoration. Your chest constricts as your heart swells with joy, with love for the man willing to rush to your side and make sure you’re okay. He’s shown you that you’re his first priority in all of this, that he will put you before even the game he loves so dearly.
He surges forward with a brutal thrust of his hips that has you seeing stars. He loves the way that you clutch him as if you never want to let go. He won’t ever let you go either, and that thought only has him more ravenous for you.
Cassian catches your cry of pleasure against his lips. You taste like a dream, in more ways than one. His strong arms snake surround your body and you squeal as he rolls, holding you tightly on top of him while he plants his feet into the mattress and fucks up into you.
“I love you so much, sweetheart,” he pants against your mouth. “Want to take care of you like this every day. Fuck you so good you won’t be able to run away.” His hips jerk and he’s hitting that spot that sends a tsunami of pleasure throughout your body.
Roughly, he grabs your ass, helping you move yourself up and down his cock to prolong your pleasure. It’s so good, he’s so hot and long inside of you, his girth filling you completely but it’s not enough, you want his cum too.
“Never,” you gasp, riding out the orgasm that’s wracking your body. “I’m never leaving you, Cassian. Never ever. I love you too much for that.”
It those words that have him growling, sucking harshly at the juncture of your throat and shoulder as he cums. His warmth fills you to the brim, and you’re shuddering on top of him from the pleasure of it all, collapsing against his chest when the grinding of his hips comes to a halt.
Cassian doesn’t pull you though, and you don’t want him to. You want him to keep you plugged up with his cum inside of you. You’re on the pill and normally you’d be more worried that he’s not wearing a condom, because the pill isn’t 100% effective, but you needed to feel his bare cock buried deeply into you tonight, need to feel his warmth in your cunt and leaking down your thighs.
“I love you too, sweetheart,” Cassian breathes, brushing a strand of damp hair behind your ear. You’ve already showered but you’ll both need another when you feel like finally getting up. “Until the moon no longer rises.”
Change Your Ticket Taglist: @justasillylittlegoofyguy @starsinyourseyes @jdeclerc @indiedash @kennedy-brooke @tothestarsandwhateverend @azsteris @obsessivereaderchick @aalxrose @acourtofbatboydreams @azrielover @bookishbroadwaybish @itsinherited @i-am-a-lost-girl16 @vellichor01 @mischiefmanagers @queerqueenlynn @justdreamstars @mayemperess @wallacewillow0773638 @microwaveallthedemons @natashachelsea @stayinglow-exploringworlds
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luneariaa · 5 months
ღ || you are loved.
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✰ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 : kento nanami x reader.
✰ 𝐰. 𝐜. : 1k+
✰ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : the memories of the previous events that ever happened in your life disrupts your whole thoughts. being the amazing husband he is, he comforts you during one of your bad days.
✰ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : reader having a pretty rough childhood, nanami is your husband here, men in family have shown to be giving a bad influence but none too explicit, disturbed mindset, not much proof-read, and basically just family issues. plot going nowhere near the end ig lmao.
✰ 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 : as someone who also had a pretty rough childhood and a rather chaotic family, i just decided to write and post it out in order to feel some sort of relief thru this. i'm so sorry to those who can relate; sending lots of love and hugs for y'all!! i'm so proud of you guys for able to make it through this day! 💛🌻
. dividers by @/cafekitsune !! 💫
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To others, your family might be seen as a happy one; having positive, peaceful maintaining relationships. But no one really knows for sure, on what truly happens within that place you called home itself.
What is the purpose of it all, if not to retain a healthy, loving relationship between family members? Each one should’ve practised themselves to strengthen their familial bonds with one another.
But instead, whatever you have wished for– it’s all for nothing.
Growing up in a rather chaotic household does leave your mind dazed at times. You would sometimes even find yourself to be so confused, and believed that most people couldn’t be trusted the way they are. And it’s not by your choice, sadly, you can't help it.
Especially men, in general. You would’ve loved to believe that it’s just some sort of a generational issue, but you don’t even know yourself anymore. 
As a result of all the chaos that’s been happening for all those possible years, you’ve grown to be a quite introverted person– reclused, even, not really fond of the idea of opening up to others. It’s so hard for you to do so, especially when it’s already one of your habits that you’ve been doing for so long.
Initially, you even feared the idea of marriage as well, believing that you won’t ever meet the love of your life at all; along with the thought of you not being good enough to be someone’s wife.
But that changed when Kento Nanami came into your life some years later. Although you’re still struggling with your own habits, whether good or bad ones, Nanami always tries his best to help you with whatever he can.
You don’t even remember how and why did you agreed with having a serious relationship with him. Perhaps, you’ve seen something in him– or even, on what he gave you, provided you something that you’ve been missing from in your life itself. 
Sure, you can be quite closed off at times, even when it’s unintentional, but he always and always will try to guide you with doing the actual, right thing. 
Nanami treats you with pure, utmost respect that comes off as so natural to him; never once yelling or using any harshness at you, especially with his own words. Even when you somehow are being stubborn or so right at that moment, he would always be patient with you, and even give you some space if you needed it. 
He’s so sweet and loving, mature, responsible.. The list just keeps going on and on. Heck, he even remembers every single detail that you may have told him, your favourites, your habits, and so on.
Nanami was never the one to rush into things. He takes his tender time with it, especially when it ever comes to you.
He would always speak directly and bluntly; not intending to sugarcoat his words in a way, yet his words never did hurt your feelings. There’s just something about his honesty that draws you in further. It leaves you confused sometimes– was it even the way he talks to you?
But just by his own presence, whether his way of speaking or his actions itself; something about it heals your inner self. It soothes your soul wonderfully, like a warm sunlight coming out from the clouds after the rain occurred. You feel safe and comfortable around him over time. 
The time being spent between the two of you is never lacking or dull– with both of your personalities, which are quite the opposite from one another, complements and balances out each other so, so well. And this is due to how you both work on your relationship together as well. 
Never once does it feel forced; the deep relationship bond between you both flows ever so gently like the river, and in order for the water to continue flowing without any disturbances, it needs the mere effort from you two.
Despite everything, there’s a part of you that feels so out of place. Perhaps, there’s a side that you believed to be unlovable, and that you’re just not enough. Of course, you wouldn’t even bother to tell him since you didn’t want to potentially burden him with your own problems. 
But it’s Nanami that you’re talking about– and he’s the type to notice every single change in your expression. He can always tell if something is causing your own mind to be restless.
“What are you thinking about, sweetheart?” Nanami’s soft tone broke your temporary state of trance, stepping inside within their shared bedroom and gradually approaching your form. You didn’t even realize that you’ve been standing and staring in front of the mirror for several passing moments now. 
The thoughts of self-doubt and questioning about your whole existence disappears in mere seconds. 
He gently wraps his strong arms around your unmoving form; resting his chin on your shoulder while gazing back straight at your own reflection in the mirror. A small smile appears upon your lips, and didn’t even make any attempt to remove himself from you since it feels so nice at the very moment.
His touch alone is enough to soothe your own possibly hurting soul– calming and any trace of hurriedness not in sight, yet your brief answer doesn’t really ease his worries. He knows.
“I know you, darling, I know that’s a lie. You’ve been staring at yourself for the past few minutes.” Nanami didn’t even try to hide his true emotions at this point, keeping his hold around you. He didn’t have to. “Is there anything bothering you? Please tell me, I’m here to listen.”
You’re completely aware that there’s no point in lying to your beloved, so with no choice, you decided to tell him all of your pent-up troubles.
“I just don’t feel special. It’s just one of those days, you know..”
Talking it out is always one of your biggest fears and struggles, and he understands on how hard it is for you to do it every time. Instead of forcing you to speak even further, he slowly turns you around, just to give you a proper embrace. 
One that you really, really needed.
“Sometimes–” your words came out more choked out if anything due to the tears you’ve been holding back. “--I wondered what made you choose me as your wife. I’m nothing more special than just a damaged person who needs to heal and move on. But it’s hard.”
“I’m beyond happy with it, truly I do. It’s just that.. My unwanted thoughts could get in the way at times, and I just feel so troubled with myself in general. I don’t feel I deserve someone like you, and you deserve someone far more better.”
“I’m just so grateful for having you in my life– I truly do. You healed something in me, you really did. I’m just worried that whatever I do will never be enough.”
Nanami falls silent at first, which makes you worried for a while there, afraid that you might overstep with your own words of admittance. His mind is racing for a second there, contemplating each word of truth that he has to tell you.
“Darling, I chose you; I chose you out of everyone else because I wanted to.” He still couldn’t understand as much as how you could see yourself in that way. Nanami is never mad, but deep down, he’s genuinely sad at how you view yourself.
Nanami gently uses one of his hands to lift your chin up, completely making sure that you return the gaze that he’s currently giving you. “I don’t care what anyone says. You are everything that I ever wished for, and your little imperfections are what made you so perfect to me.”
“And I never intend to pick anyone else in a crowd of people– I will always choose you. If anyone ever tells you or me that you’re not special, then they’re wrong. I will prove them otherwise, I promise you.”
His gaze never once faltered from yours, wanting to make sure that you’re listening and focusing on every word he says. Your eyes alone have an effect on him, simply captivating in every sense.
It did have an effect on you– feeling yourself getting on the brink of tears, yet still trying your hardest to not have a mental breakdown in front of your beloved. Not yet.
You keep repeating, and repeating on each word that he says internally. His honest yet sweet statement has left you in a tongue-tied state. You are still not used to it sometimes, even forgetting that this man ahead of you clearly loves you dearly and possibly more than himself.
Your husband took quick notice of this, and simply held your form closer to his. The least he could do is to provide some needed comfort, and how he very much wished that he’s able to get rid of any trace of sadness that existed within you.
“I’ve got you, I’ve got you..”
His voice is so soft, not once hinting any irritation whatsoever as he comforts you. You really cherish him, more than words could ever describe– even wishing that you’re able to repay his efforts.
Nanami will always guide you back, and slowly try to make you drift away from any traces of negativity that you’re facing. Of course, it’s not easy, but he’s willing to try it together with you.
Always so gentle and protective in his own way; it wouldn’t matter on how old you both are getting. The love he has for you shall remain and live on as long as he’s breathing, and he will always shield you from any potential harm from the world itself.
“Even beyond the flaws that you believed to have possessed, you are still worth everything that this world has to offer. Those little flaws are what made you, you.”
He keeps on telling you the words that he always wanted to tell you; one that is filled with complete honesty and love within it. To simply remind you on how much your existence meant to him, and it successfully pushed your emotions further to the edge– unable to contain your tears any longer.
Yet still, he continues on with his own words– all the while placing several feathery kisses onto each part of your face that he could reach. The feeling itself is quite overwhelming, yet comfortingly so, knowing that you are truly being loved by someone special. 
The past that you have endured may stay with you for as long as you live, but Nanami is willing to help; willing to create a better future instead for the both of you. For your mere sake.
“I will always love you; every single inch of you, and even your flaws. I will make sure of it– always reminding you of that.”
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@luneariaa. do not repost; reblogs are alright. all rights reserved.
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yoon-kooks · 1 year
paw prints & presents | jjk
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⛓️pairing: hotnerd!jungkook x popular!reader
⛓️genre: smut, fluff, college!au
⛓️summary: You and Jungkook never discussed Valentine’s Day plans, but that doesn’t mean the night won’t include corny Valentine’s cards and you getting down on your hands and knees in pretty pink lingerie for him.
⛓️word count: 2.1k
⛓️warnings: catdilf!jk, dom!jk, sub!reader, daddy/kitten undertones, praise kink, dirty talk, oc is a horny lil brat, dry humping, sex on the couch, handjob, blowjob, face fucking, cumshot, she swallows, oc makes another ignorant comment about earl grey tea lol
⛓️p&p masterlist⛓️
a/n: here's a lil smutty drabble i wrote up for valentine's day! (you don't have to read the other p&p fics before reading this one)💖
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You’ve been acting a little weird lately. Ever since February came around, you’ve been asking Jungkook about random shit like his favorite flower (lavender), his favorite romcom (none), his favorite day of the year (nonexistent), and his go-to boba order (you called him grandaddy for saying earl grey again). The most recent question was about his taste in lingerie (doesn’t matter because you’re hot regardless). 
But whenever he asks why you need to know these things, you just shrug your shoulders and pretend like you’re too busy playing with the cat to answer him. The way you always shush the kitten as soon as he enters the room leads him to believe the two of you are up to no good. 
It’s driving him mad.
At one point, he thought you might be sweetening him up for when you go behind his back and adopt another cat because “Lucy needs a friend” and “there’s a cute cow cat at the local shelter.” But something tells him you’ll save the cow cat shenanigans for another time. 
The thing is, he’s not completely clueless here. As much as he doesn’t want to think about it, he’s well aware that Valentine’s Day is around the corner. It’s not a day he typically celebrates, but he also doesn’t know how you feel about it yet. If it’s a big deal to you, he’d want to do something thoughtful to live up to whatever the fuck you’re secretly plotting. At the same time, the two of you still haven’t made it official, so perhaps you aren’t scheming anything related to the most romantic day of the year. Perhaps he’s just overthinking it…
…Or not.
A few days before Valentine’s Day, Jungkook comes home from class early and sees something he shouldn’t have seen. Your laptop is out in the open on his bed, but you’re nowhere to be seen—probably in the bathroom or something. He’s always been the kind of guy to respectfully look away from what’s on other people’s computers or phone screens. But it’s kind of hard to ignore the pink lingerie set you apparently just ordered. The lingerie you normally wear is a sexy black or a sophisticated neutral. But this baby pink one, with the tiny red hearts and bows, is way cuter than what he’s used to seeing you in. It’s giving submissive vibes, for sure.
The thought of you wearing that tiny thing on Valentine’s Day would automatically make February 14th Jeon Jungkook’s new favorite day of the year. And that alone is something to celebrate.
But how exactly is he supposed to celebrate? It seems you have your mind made up on surprising him with pretty pink lingerie, but what can he provide in return without being too cheesy? He’s terrible at shit like this. In fact, one of his exes broke up with him specifically because he wasn’t romantic enough. She wasn’t wrong, but it’s not like he’s going to rewire his entire brain to be romantic enough for someone else’s liking. Maybe that’s fucked up of him. Maybe a good partner would make sacrifices and force themself to change for the sake of the relationship if they truly cared. 
You’re different, though. With you, nothing feels forced. Rather, he gets an urge to do something nice for you, even if it goes against his natural tendencies. And right now, he wants to also surprise you with a little something on Valentine’s Day.
On the big day, he waits for you to leave for your afternoon class. That’ll give him plenty of time to put together the surprise. All he needs is some pink cardstock, markers, paint, ribbon, and a kitten.
As much as he hates cheesy Valentine’s cards, Jungkook finds himself pondering over what to write on the cardstock. Knowing you, it’s safe to go with something silly and funny. Thankfully, you’re an easy one when it comes to humor.
“Have a paw-esome Valentine’s Day, Mommy,” he writes in bold marker. You’ve been hesitant to call yourself the kitten’s mother despite raising her right alongside Jungkook. But it’s clear that you’re doing a good job. “Love, Lucy.”
He picks up the sleepy kitten, dips her paw pads into safe non-toxic paint, and adds her paw print to the bottom of the card like a signature. As the paint dries, he gives the kitty her first bath, blowdries her fur, and ties a pink little ribbon to her collar.
When the sun goes down, Jungkook rolls up the note and attaches it to the kitty’s ribbon like she’s some messenger pigeon. And then the two of them wait on the couch together, kitten loafing in the boy’s lap, for the door to open.
Five long minutes later, your keys jingle around as you unlock the front door.
“Go hide,” he whispers to the kitten who runs off into his room with a frisky tail in the air. She probably thinks he’s playing hide and seek with her like they normally do. Poor thing.
Jungkook makes himself comfortable on the couch again and pulls out his phone to look natural. Totally normal.
“Hi?” you say as soon as you open the door and see him sitting in the dark living room, his floating face illuminated by his phone screen. You hit the light switch as you kick your shoes off and look around for possible booby traps or jumpscares. It seems you’re very aware that the potential for a surprise is at an all-time high today. Then your eyes fall back on him. “Why do you look like that?”
“Like what?” He scratches the back of his head.
“Like this.” You do the awkward pose thing people do when they’re very clearly failing to act natural. How do you manage to make even the most awkward poses look cute? Maybe your little black dress has something to do with it. You weren’t wearing that earlier when you left for class.
“What do you mean? I’m just here, sitting on the couch with my phone.” Damn, is it really that obvious?
“Ah, so you were here waiting for me to get back from class like a dog?” you tease as you climb into his lap and set his phone aside. Your new perfume is a sensual lavender (no wonder you asked him about his favorite flower). And your dress is so short all he can feel is skin when he grabs hold of your ass. “Don’t worry, I missed you too.”
You snake your hands around the back of his neck and devour his lips, his tongue, his taste. He’ll never get over the moans you make just from kissing him like he’s the finest dessert you’ve ever tasted. Or the way your tongue just laps him up like a kitten—
“Wait,” he says after forcing himself to pull back from your lips. The urge to put his lips right back where they belong is incredible.
“No, Jungkook, I don’t have any homework that needs to get done before we…” Your words trail off as you kiss him some more and roll your hips against his crotch. You’ll never let it go that he’s “the biggest nerd in the world” for always making you finish your homework before sex. Thank god you don’t have any tonight. Because his hard cock is already past the point of no return.
The secret Valentine’s card still needs to be delivered, though. And the poor kitten is still waiting for her daddy to come find her.
“No seriously, wait a sec,” he chuckles, lifting you off of him before walking into his room to scoop up the kitten hiding behind the clothes hanging in his closet. When he rejoins you on the couch, he passes the fluffball to you.
“Ooh, did daddy give you a bath? You look so cute,” You sniff her orange fur and find the rolled-up note tied to her pink ribbon.
Your face quickly goes from curious to smiley as you unroll the note and read the silly message. Jungkook reads it right alongside you as if he wasn’t the one who wrote it.
“Congratulations, it seems Lucy has accepted you as her mother figure,” he says in the straightest face ever.
“Paw-esome?? Mommy??” you giggle, turning to the boy whilst cupping his chin. “Is that what you think of me?”
“It wasn’t me, it was Lucy,” he shrugs. “Right, Lucy?” She meows in agreement.
Then he pins you down against the couch cushions and leans in to whisper, “You’re my baby girl, remember?”
Your face is flushed with color as you nod up at him. You grab a handful of his t-shirt and pull him in. He finds your neck and leaves a trail of little marks as your body heats up beneath him.
“I love the card, by the way,” you manage to get out between breaths. “Thank you, Jungkook.”
“Like I said, it wasn’t from me.” His gives you a few more kisses while running his hands along your dress. As hot as you are in that dress, he’d love to get his hands on everything hiding beneath it. “I didn’t even know today was Valentine’s Day.”
“Liar. You suck, you know that.” You pout for half a second before your horny eyes are showing again. “Guess you don’t want to see the surprise I have for you.”
“What is it?” he asks a little too quickly. He must sound like such a simp.
You sit up, leaning your tits against his chest, and say, “Undress me.”
Jungkook lifts the dress up and over your head to reveal the same lingerie set he saw on your computer screen the other day. Except now it’s on your body. And boy does it look good on you. It doesn’t matter that he already had a sneak peek at it and plenty of time to mentally prepare himself for this. He still can’t take his eyes off of his baby girl looking all pretty in pink. And he forgets to speak.
“What do you think?” You drop to your knees on the carpet and situate yourself between his legs.
“Hot,” is all he can say before you unzip him and get your hands on his hard cock.
“Good.” You wet your lips with a sly tongue. Your hands start stroking his length up and down as you eye his tip. “It was an impulse buy the other day when I was feeling so horny for your cock.”
“Do you need my cock that badly?” he asks, his breath getting rougher. 
You nod, licking your lips again. He’d normally make you wait a little longer before letting you give head, but fuck it. It’s Valentine’s Day, and his cock is his gift to you. You’re always begging to suck it anyway.
With a firm hand, he angles your chin up until his erection is staring you in the face. You wrap your lips around him and take him in until he hits the back of your throat. Your cute little gag doesn’t stop you from going right back in, bobbing your head back and forth, up and down his length. He decides to help by thrusting in and out of your throat.
When you stop to catch your breath, his glaze runs down your mouth. You make sure he’s watching when you lick it up and swallow before sucking him more. One of your hands grips his cock while the other travels down into your thong. He watches the way you rub between your legs and rock your body back and forth to pleasure yourself and him at the same time. 
You savor each and every drop of him as if it’s the last. Your lips glisten and swell with pleasure as you’re hard at work with his cock. There’s no way anyone else can look this good while doing what you do to him.
“Fuck,” Jungkook groans, fucking your face faster. You moan something that sounds like his name, although it’s kind of hard to understand with a fat cock in your mouth.
At his breaking point, he pulls out and strokes his length until (most of) his cum sprays right into your mouth. You swallow it up while shooting him an awfully innocent smile. After catching his breath, he wipes up the bit of lust on your cheek and lets you suck it off his fingers. You’re such a good girl for him.
“You were so good, baby,” he praises you. You definitely need to be rewarded. “Should we watch one of those romcoms?”
“I thought you said you didn’t like romcoms.” You tilt your head. “We can find something else that we can watch togeth—”
“Pick your favorite romcom.” He shakes your suggestion off and lays you down on the couch so that you’re facing the TV. He hooks a finger on the strap of your thong and tears it off. With his lips just a kiss away from your wet pussy, he says, “I won’t be watching anyway.”
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loveundrwrld · 4 months
(ex) bully x fem reader oneshot
i tried to make sure new readers could understand the situation, but you can read his intro here for context if you'd like.
(cws: stalking, yandere shenanigans, reader has been bullied by the yan in the past and struggles with some trauma from it)
you’ve been stalked for a while by someone from your past. and to your horror, he seems to be finally making the move to approach you…
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you aren’t doing so well. every day you feel your skin crawling, feeling someone’s gaze on you.
you’ve always had issues with feelings of anxiety ever since high school. for a long time, you’ve been skittish and untrusting of people, especially men. you know that you can take something small and your mind quickly spirals, turning a small problem into something huge in your mind.
and initially you were concerned that this was what was happening now. that your brain was connecting small things from your life together into something a sinister pattern.
unfortunately, this time… you think you are right to be afraid.
lately, every once in a while when you look behind your back you can see someone following behind you in the distance. someone with their face hidden in a scarf or wearing a dark hoodie. at first you think its just a coincidence... but, the person is always looking in your direction. and in some way or another, they’re always disguised.
later on, you check your mailbox, and there’s always a letter there waiting for you.
you knew it was from your stalker. you didn't really have any friends, and nobody in your family had that kind of handwriting you saw on the envelope.
you didn’t read the letters at first, afraid of what could be in them. in your mind, it would only solidify your fears of what was happening. you could deny that you were being stalked, chalk the person following you as just a coincidence- but seeing it written out in front of you would make it all feel real.
eventually, though, you decide that you need to read them. when you did, you realize with a sinking feeling that your stalker was the very person you wanted to avoid the most.
it's tanner- the person who made your life at school a living hell for you. all of the details and context that he’s sprinking in make that very clear that it’s really him.
it's hard to read, and not just because you feel disturbed by them. they're almost incoherent, his handwriting nearly chicken scratch as he is clearly writing them quickly and desperately. the letters themselves also seem to be just stream-of-consciousness too. from what you can make out of it, it’s absolute insanity- ramblings about how he could hurt himself if it pleases you, desperate pleadings for you to please, talk to him.
you think he's likely trying to mock you or scare you with his words of praise and obsession. you doubt that he's genuine in his intentions- though you don't doubt at all that he's obsessed with you. he’s taunting you by letting you know that he knows, you’re sure of it. his letters are simply too well timed- and have too many… ‘coincidental’ questions that relate to what happens in your life. you feel nauseous with fear thinking of him coming back into your life and tormenting you once again.
you try to go to the police with what you've seen, but nothing happens. no matter what you say, the police seem to not be willing to hear you out. to them, you sound paranoid… even though you tried to show them the letters, they still didn’t think it was worth their time. "well, he hasn't hurt you yet, right?" they would say. it would take you being kidnapped or dead for them to care, you realize.
you tried your best to ignore the pit of fear and uneasiness growing in your stomach and simply went to work.
your shift at work felt long. despite trying to calm yourself down and think of other things, you still kept thinking about tanner. your mind reminded you that you probably would not even be able to recognize him from all the years it’s been since you’ve last seen him- memories tend to distort and fade after time.
what if he wasn’t only trying to stalk you from afar, but he was actively trying to get close to you? it could be possible, your mind reasoned. he could’ve been the grocery store cashier, the neighbor next door who said hello to you, anybody. he could be any number of the customers you see walking into the store you work at.
all throughout the day at your workplace whenever a customer surprised you by walking too close behind you, or tapped you suddenly on the shoulder, you were certain that it was going to be him.
but, in the end, nothing happened. and just as you did every day, you needed to head back home.
it's pouring outside, and you're walking back out of the subway station. you look behind you, and someone in a black raincoat is walking quickly behind you. he turns his head a bit to the side and you see a flash of blonde hair sticking out of his hood.
you start walking faster- it has to be him.
just like you remembered- blonde hair, tan skin, tall, and lanky.
he’s closer to you than he’s ever gotten, and you don’t like that he feels confident enough now to change up his routine.
you walk quicker, turning left. but he's still right behind you, walking close behind.
you see someone close by your apartment stairs, a tall man with a shaved head wearing a long coat over a suit- you rush near him, hoping that the prescence of another man would deter your stalker.
it does not work, it seems- he keeps looking at you with some sort of strange desperation in his eyes.
you grab the stranger in the suits arm. you look over at his shirt- seeing a badge for the nearby bank on the front of his shirt. a security guard who just got off work, you think- he’s perfect.
the man in the raincoat gets even closer to you now, his brows furrowing. he opens his mouth as soon as he sees your hand on the other man’s arm.
"you're the person who lives in room 509, right? i need to-"
"hi, honey- did you wait long?" you ask, looking up at the man in the suit with a nervous smile.
he freezes, looking at you with wide eyes. in a few seconds though, he calms down and returns your smile.
"no, i didn't," he says, looking down at you with a sweet look.
he turns and looks at the man in the raincoat with furrowed brows, his voice immediately dropping. "is this guy bothering you?"
you freeze, not expecting him to address him directly. but you simply tug on his arm, trying to direct his attention away from him.
"don't worry about him, honey, just come inside."
he gives you a warm smile and opens the door for you, closing it quickly. he laughs softly at an alarmed sound coming from outside the door. you drop your shoulders, relaxing now.
once you’ve calmed down you feel a bit bad that you don’t recognize him- you haven’t been the best at being friendly to your neighbors.
you give the man in the suit an appreciative smile, wanting to show that you’re grateful for him playing along with your story.
“thank you for helping me! i don’t know what i would’ve done if you weren’t there.”
he looks down at you and gives you a confused look, but he smiles brightly.
“you're a sweet girl. no need to thank me for anything.”
he moves towards the elevator and you follow him. he presses the up button for you, and looks back at you with a bit of a blush on his face.
you look down where he was looking, and you blush as well. you didn't realize that the rain had soaked through your shirt, causing it to cling to your chest. you adjust your jacket, buttoning it up.
you two wait for the elevator, and he shifts a bit closer to you.
“what happened, by the way?” he says softly, looking at you curiously. “you seemed shaken up. did he ever do something to you?”
you nod, hesitantly.
“something like that,” you say, a bit bitterly.
he looks down at you with a concerned frown, and you two walk into the elevator together. you press the “5” button on the keypad.
"you should be careful. he lives in the floor above you. room 609," he says to you, his voice dropping a bit, becoming low.
he puts his hand on your shoulder, and you flinch a bit instinctively.
“do you need me to do anything to him? maybe... pay him a visit?”
you look at him with wide eyes, becoming uneasy. you slowly shake your head.
"no... you don't have to do anything."
“no, y/n, i do. if anything happens to you, it’s my fault.”
you freeze, taking a step back instinctively. there isn't much room for you to move- your back hits the back of the elevator.
you’ve never told him your name.
“… your fault?” you say, warily.
“i should’ve been more careful. i don’t know what he did… but i should have been there. he must’ve gone after you after he got my letter to you by mistake. it’s my bad handwriting that got you into this mess.”
you remember now that the address of the letters… the messy “5” he wrote for your room number looked awfully like a “6.”
the elevator door opens, and suddenly the man- tanner, you realizes, turns to you. his guilty frown turns into a small smile.
“well, anyways, no need to worry about him. it’s a good thing that i was there that time, right, honey?”
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ncteez · 1 year
hi i’m very excited for the sleepover! can i request 38 with yeonjun from the prompt list
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yeonjun + “I want to see you, want to watch you come.” 
wordcount: 3.5k
tags: camboy!yeonjun, cam sex obv, dirty talk, masturbation, implied anal but not in detail nor is it related to reader & yeonjun’s interaction. use of: y/n, baby, babe, pretty
note: *heavy breathing* not proof read sorry lmao
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You weren’t exactly the type to watch dude’s jerk off online. Really you aren’t. You are, however, the type to watch Eboyfantasy jerk off though. He kind of woke something up inside of you. 
Given, in terms of porn there’s not a whole lot you hadn’t already seen and fucking avoided. Live cams and their little cash grab tricks were your least favorite and most avoided, until the cash grab got you…And it got you bad.
At this point, you don’t care how much money you’ve spent watching this stranger pleasure himself. He’s given you some of the best orgasms you’ve ever had, alone in your room, as he speaks out to a general audience. It got to the point where, you know, yeah, you made that account to watch more than just the public show. That was your first orgasm after your initial interest in the strikingly beautiful man spread out on camera with his loose, ripped up t-shirt covering what everyone wanted to see. 
You watched, and then you started typing, thirsting much like everyone else was. Wanting to be the “you’re not like other girls” girl for him, but ultimately, always being just like the other girls and men typing dirty words to him. 
Those words surely didn’t get him off, but the praise. Oh yeah, that did something. You could see the way he would close his eyes when the chat was doing nothing for him, relying on his own hand and fuck-toys to get him there. You could definitely see how his eyes would stay glued to the chat, open and shining when there was praise and money though. Things like, “So pretty, you sound so pretty like this.” or “If i send you $300 worth of coins, would you say my name?”
He always said those names, but it was never your name. That was too personal for some 1k viewers to hear from a pair of slack, moaning lips. It was something you wanted so badly at this point though. Spending half of your paycheck to keep him in that lavish bed, with all of those expensive toys to fuck into and be fucked by. 
Safe to say, you felt about as pathetic as he sounded every single time he drenched himself in his own cum. Even safer to say when you realized his recent update, claiming to offer private shows for a limited time, you felt pathetically aroused at the idea. 
Limited time, for a very limited man, with your limited ass bank account. 
God, the hours of overtime were so worth it, you think, as you sit here in front of your laptop. Unsure of what to expect, but trying to be prepared for your name to finally sound from those lips. Six hundred dollars for this was not a hard bargain when he comes on the screen, waving at you with a polite smile and a small nod. 
“One second babe, let me just grab a few things.”
You politely nod, realizing he definitely didn’t see that shit considering you’re not on camera. 
You: take your time, we have an hour!
That exclamation mark looks stupid, but it was a better option than using a fucking emoji. 
“So sweet and understanding, I should have been better prepared. You’re only my third private show, I’m not so good with someone else’s schedule–” He giggles, stepping off camera to presumably grab something. “I wouldn’t mind if you were a little annoyed with me, you know.”
You: oh? you’re into that?
You: you seemed to like praise, i didn’t want to step over a boundary.
His face comes into view as he reads, smiling with a breathy chuckle. 
“Observant, huh? I’m very adventurous. Sometimes getting everything I want can be a little boring.” 
You pause, staring at him on your screen and didn’t realize that you’d ever want to play a part for him like this. You expect him to jerk off as usual, dirty talk, and simply moan your name. But it appears he is actually putting some effort into it. 
“You didn’t mention in your request what you wanted to see? Does this mean I can decide how to fuck myself for you?”
God, the heat in your cheeks. The way your stomach flips each time you realize he’s talking to you and not a general audience. 
You: i just like it when you feel good. Would love to see how you do it when you’re not putting on a show. 
Another chuckle from him, and honestly, you’re kicking your feet out of fondness at him and his bright little smile, with his bright messy hair, and his pretty fingers. 
“You want me to just– jerk off like normal?” He tilts his head with a slight smirk. “You paid six hundred dollars to watch me finish in ten minutes when we’ve got an hour because when I’m not on cam, and i’m not getting paid, it’s just a quick cumanddone?”
Well, no. Of course not. 
You: I paid 600 dollars for you to use my name. 
“Is that what you want? Give me your name then,” He pauses, letting his loose shirt fall down his shoulder as he places a bottle of lube down onto the bed. “I’ll make it sound good. I promise.” He boasts himself up, pulling his pinky up to the camera and looking into it with doe-eyes. 
Something inside of you clicks, feeling nervous and kind of embarrassed. You can barely bear to look at the way his eyes go to your messages as you type them out at lightning speed. 
You: I’ve never done this before so I don’t know how to ask for things, you might have to help me.
You: my name is y/n. 
You: i just feel good when you do and it feels weird to say that to you one on one
“Oh, I’ll make you feel good babe,” He smiles again, lying back on his bed and presenting to you the bulge in his boxer briefs. “I’m honored to be your first.” 
Your eyes actually devour this man and the way he glances up at the camera with cheeky charm and then back down at himself, inspecting how hard he’s gotten and how hard he plans to get. 
You find yourself typing, then erasing, then typing, then erasing in this short span of silence. Of course, for him it’s entirely silent save for the music he seems to play every time he’s on camera. For you though, it’s too quiet and the air feels heavy as you watch him work that six hundred dollars out of your bank account. 
Given, he could genuinely just lay like this, with his lazy fingers caressing across his length before dragging up his chest and lifting the shirt slightly more. 
“You’re shy, I can tell.” He eventually explains, noting the lack of typing from you and probably the large amount of staring. “What made you start watching me?” 
You pause, still watching the way his movements remain lazy as he speaks to you. 
You: you just looked really pretty in the thumbnail.
“I bet you looked just as pretty watching me,” He looks down at himself, grabbing his length through the fabric and letting out a sigh of relief. “Wanted it to be you, didn’t you?.” He adds, looking straight into the camera.
And it’s normal for him, he thinks. Wondering what his viewers look like and the ratio of how many he would actually let touch him if given the chance. He gets off to the idea of being watched, gets off to the idea of someone shyly watching, and of course, gets off on the idea of someone so docile, like you, paying such a sum just to get him to moan a specific name. 
Surely, a lot of his followers are not quite up to his standard. Most of them are lonely, unable to find partners, or too socially awkward to talk to an interest outside of a paid sex-stream. He really does wonder though, how many of his viewers use his as a guilty pleasure. Working their day job as if they’re not dirty talking a computer screen in a darkened bedroom. 
“Right, babe?” He tilts his head, looking into the camera.
He’s right. 
Is it a parasocial relationship if he’s moaned your name various times through various sessions? Is it really one-sided when he asks you through the camera, drowsy voice evident and chest drenched in his own cum that, maybe, he’s looking forward to the next show? 
Are you thinking too much into it? 
Perhaps it’s the money, or perhaps he really meant it last time when he mentioned wanting to try something new if you come back to him. That something new was chuckled out of him with deep breaths of post-orgasm bliss. “I’d like to see you next time, if you’re okay with that?” 
He really thought that by suggesting that, you’d never come back. And no, he doesn’t typically ask his viewers to reveal themselves because time and time again it’s happened without his requesting it, and time and time again it has been insanely disappointing. 
You can probably imagine that he butters up all of his viewers like this, but that isn’t the case at all. What you don’t know is that, yeah, he gets a lot of private shows but none of the viewers are as polite as you. They don’t type in a way that makes them seem small, they request a lot out of him. But you, you’re really just here to enjoy the show and he can’t help but feel that like, yeah, maybe he wants to enjoy a show too. 
It felt too one sided, which is rare for him to think. Usually it’s all about him, but he’s truly made it about you. Asking what you want from him and only receiving a polite “What did you have in mind this time?” 
Is it so weird that his horny brain desperately wants to erase his curiosity about the other person on the other side of the screen? Probably.
But then, he gets that little email. The one with your name in it, paying full price yet again despite his insistence on giving you discount codes. He smiles to himself, glancing around the small shop and pretending that the job he works during the day surely pays his living compared to, well, you. 
He doesn’t even read the message because he knows damn well that you don’t place any specific instructions. You simply send money, and wait for him at the appointed time. Under the implication of what he said last time though, wanting to see you this time? He wonders if you took this week-long period to decide if you wanted to or not. 
The show is set for the next day at eight in the evening. A bit early, considering he gets off of work at six tomorrow. He won't have a whole lot of time to eat his dinner and clean up for it, but he will make it work.  
That, he does. Rushing home the next day and immediately throwing himself into the shower to get the smell of spilled drinks off of him. He makes a quick snack just to get him through too, and within a perfect time frame, he’s at his set up, waiting for the clock to pass the last five minutes before he will need to be emailing you that private link to join. 
He feels a little silly acting like this though. Normally, he would decline a show that makes him rush through his day. Normally, he’s not reaching out to see who the person he’s been fucking himself for is. Normally, his heart isn't racing at the idea that he’s either going to be real fucking disappointed tonight, or real fucking turned on. 
Send link.
And now, he waits, and waits. Honestly, the span of seconds between 8:00pm and 8:01pm was a bit too long for his liking, but you join, and once again, you do not type before he speaks. 
“I didn’t think you’d come back this time,” He smiles as he says your name to you, feeling his insides shake a little bit. “And it’s officially our tenth show, so we should celebrate!” 
You’re quite literally panicked upon seeing him again. His hair is a different color this time, but still just as pretty. His lips are especially plump today, and his eyes are shining much like they always do. You, on the other hand, are sitting here in your brand new fucking pair of lingerie, with your hair and face all made up just in case he asks again to see you. 
Because maybe that means he will moan your name even louder. Or maybe, you know, he’ll like your name a little more. 
You: celebrate how? 
“I dunno,” He shrugs looking around the room before getting up and closer to the camera. “I’d still like to see who matches the name I continuously fuck myself to.”
A wave of arousal flows through you. His confidence never failing to minimize your own. Even if this is your tenth show, you think you’ll always feel seen by him despite never seeing you. 
“Would you be okay with that?” He backs away from the camera now, presenting himself to you much like he always did. Lying back, propped up on pillows, hand gripping his length from under thin fabric. “I just want to see who makes me this hard simply by requesting me.” 
Another wave runs through you. 
“If you’re too shy though, babe, it’s okay.” He smiles reassuringly. “I’d be happy to show you how much I like you anyway.” His grip against his length grows tighter. 
You: i’ll show you.
Honestly, you thought it would take much more effort on your part to admit that you’re interested in his reaction to you. Plus, you’ve spent so much money on him, and you didn’t spend even more to have this set of lingerie go unnoticed by him. 
“Yeah?” He smiles wider than you’ve ever seen. A crooked look on his face, blinking bashfully at the camera. “I’ll send a request to see you then, is that okay?” 
You freeze a bit at the thought that, as much as you want to show him, you’re still fucking shy.
“Would you rather let me hear you first?” He offers now, leaning forward to his set up and darting his eyes across the screen. 
You: i would feel better if it’s just my voice first. 
He nods and immediately you get the notification that he’s requesting to hear you. 
“Hi baby,” He says after you accept, listening hard and preparing for what you’re going to sound like. Upon you saying nothing though, he continues. “So shy still?” 
You work up the courage. 
“Hi,” You start, suddenly needing to cough, or choke, or die, really. “I’m sorry, this is another thing i’ve never really done before.”
Good lord the softness that comes with that voice could only belong to a person he would absolutely fuck himself to on or off camera.
“Such a sweet voice.” He says, trailing off a bit as he leans himself back in position and this time, immediately trails his fingers down his pants. “After all this time, this is what she sounds like?”
The heat pooling at the apples of your cheeks is almost painful. It feels sore almost with the way he compliments you without issue. 
“You must sound so, so good, moaning.”
God, you forgot how to talk. You forgot how to breathe. 
“It’s okay, just watch me.” He reassures your lack of speaking, clinging to that single sentence you gave to him before letting his thoughts run wild at what your tone would sound like hiccupping moans through deep thrusts. 
You must feel so embarrassed, and that’s hot. You’re not as embarrassing as he is, already with a pathetic and leaking cock twitching against his fingers for more of the touch, and more of your voice. He holds his fingers back a bit, nearly whimpering at the situation before his hips chase up and into his hand. 
You’re a little bit shocked watching him, appearing far more desperate than he normally is. 
“You look–” You start, taking a small breath to encourage yourself to continue. “So good right now.”
“Mm,” He hums, one arm reaching somewhere off camera to grab his presumed favorite pocket pussy. The one you always seem to respond well to because of the way he fucks it. “Gonna show you something.”
God, he always has something to show you and you never get fucking tired of it. 
You watch him, for the first time not having to lube up his toy. He removes his shirt, and tugs his briefs down to his ankles before sitting himself up and instantly sliding the toy down on him. You watch his lips quiver, biting slightly and reddening his lips further than normal. You watch the way his legs writhe at the sudden pleasure, and the way his eyebrows furrow in relief as he buries himself into the toy and holds it in place. As if it needs to adjust, or maybe, as if he needs to take it slow. 
“This is what you do to me,” he whispers more to himself than to you, but definitely loud enough for you to hear. “Without seeing you, even before hearing you, I want to do this for you so bad.”
Good fucking god. 
“Do you get yourself off watching me?” He asks, more for reassurance because he knows damn fucking well that you do. 
“Every time.” You say shortly, already feeling entirely too sensitive as you watch him and try not to completely drench the panties you’re wearing. “Without fail.”
He hums again with a smile, holding the toy in place as his hips very slowly fuck in and out of the pussy that he wishes belong to you. 
“I want to see you,” He groans out, feeling the slide of his cock hitting every single bump the toy offers. “Want to see you come, want to hear you when it happens.”
The way you’re so turned on by now that you honestly do not fucking care about the embarrassment. You’re desperate, watching him hold his hips back but still try and chase a feeling of pleasure as he listens to the small amount you offer him. 
“Please, y/n?” He very nearly whines out, licking his bottom lip and fucking up a bit faster, deeper, into the toy. “You can let me see you slide those pretty fingers in and out of you, please, I’ll guide you the whole time. I’ll make you feel good.”
The pleading, the image, the fact that he can hear the gasp you take in at his assault of words. 
“Request it,” You say softly, trying to pretend that you’re absolutely not fucking insane right now. 
It would be funny if you weren’t so turned on, with the way he holds the toy with his cock buried into it and nearly leaps for his set up. The request comes faster than you thought possible and you have to fucking force yourself not to think about it before accepting it.
And there he is. 
And there you are. 
For a moment, you almost lose momentum with the way he freezes, the toy sliding off of his length as he runs both hands through his hair at the image that pops up on the screen. 
You almost want to end the session. You almost want to bury yourself a hole and lay in it.
“Fuck, y/n.” He groans, staring straight at you and the way you have yourself sitting awkwardly, all made up, with a dainty bra, and even daintier panties. “Can you lean back and spread your legs for me?” 
The way he says it so shamelessly has you doing it for him, just as shamelessly. 
“God, look how wet you are for me baby,” he groans, reaching down to grab his toy and slide it directly back onto his length, all while staring at you. “I knew you’d be pretty, but this…”
That hole you were going to dig for yourself? Scratch that. 
“Is this okay?” You say as you lean back and keep your legs spread for him, trying to keep your voice from shaking as you intentionally avoid his compliments out of fear that you’d orgasm on the spot. 
He seethes out a moan through his teeth, his eyes staring straight at your entire being before landing right back between your legs. Then, he resumes his position, unintentionally burying himself into the toy as he stares at you with a nod. 
“More than okay,” He says in a moan, unbelievably surprised at how much he finds you attractive. “Can you use your fingers? Can you show me how you’d want me to fuck you?”
Reluctantly, you give him a nod, already well aware that he’s fucking that toy of his as if it’s you. 
“I’ll do whatever you want, just tell me.” You respond.
God, he thinks this might be dangerous. 
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pedgito · 2 years
need a dacryphilia oneshot bc that answer you gave the other day still haunts me
author’s note: babe, it’s haunts me too. i hope this makes up for it…or haunts you further, whichever hehe
cw: 18+ (minors dni), dacryphilia, multiple orgasms, fingering, unprotected sex, light praise, short but dirty i’m sorry
word count: 1.3k
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Eddie had never been sure about what he liked—or loud about it even; it took him time to play the field and find out what worked and what didn’t. But, what he does discover is how open he is to almost anything, even the more obscure things that made him feel shy— almost embarrassed.
He liked being rough occasionally, the thought of throwing you around playfully, bending you to his will, hearing your desperate whine for relief—it was just as good as the slow sex, the languid strokes and lack of urgency in the way he kissed you, fucking you for as long as possible until you were both mere seconds from sleep.
He loves the intimacy of it—sex, relationships, the intense eye contact he held when he laid down in bed with you at night, whether it would lead to anything or not, he could stare, for hours. And it was never hard to stare right back, his soft doe eyes holding so much inside them. It made you wonder what was rattling around in his head all day and what calmed it in moments like this, his fingers tracing softly against the line of your jaw, dragging back and forth lazily.
And it makes him feel ashamed when he can’t hold back his arousal when he looks over at you on the couch one night, a sobbing mess from some terrible rom-com you had talked him into watching. He brings his knees up, adjusting himself sneakily as to avoid your curious gaze. It was wrong, so wrong—it’s what he kept telling himself.
You were sad and all he could think about was making you have the same reaction, though varying emotions, but a sobbing mess underneath him nonetheless. He feels horrible in the moment, but a few nights later it all clicks.
“Come on, one more.” He coos, lips pressed flush against your ear as he glances down, his two middle fingers buried inside you, grazing so effortlessly against the spot that had you seeing stars, body tingling from overstimulation, “For me, baby?”
“I can’t,” You reply breathlessly, eyes squeezed shut as you shook your head, gasping as he pulled out his fingers without warning, pressing them firmly over your clit, the slickness of you making the friction unbearable, “Eddie.”
He can’t tell if it’s a beg or a plea, but judging by the way your eyebrows pull together and almost melt into one, hands gripping desperately at the sheets underneath you, you were already almost there again.
“You can,” He encourages, “I wanna see that beautiful face fall apart again, wanna hear those sounds—fuck, you sounds so pretty when you come.”
And you do feel it, but it’s a horrible ache that breeches and quickly fades, your body fighting that urge because of exhaustion. You can’t focus, can’t think, and Eddie can see it written all over your face.
“It’s too much—“ You reply brokenly, eyes watering from Eddie’s persistence, your hand searching for his wrist, gripping it tight in desperation. It wasn’t that you couldn’t handle it—you could, but Eddie had to find a way to coax you over that mental block. The tears flow without you realizing, eyes opening to look up at him.
You’ve never seen that reaction before—and maybe he senses he’s done something wrong, crying during sex or anything of the like wasn’t exactly ideal. For you, it’s always related to negativity. You’ve never cried from happiness or excitement, never from exhaustion or overstimulation like this.
“I’m sorry, nothing’s wrong—“ You quickly tell him, but he doesn’t even acknowledge, dragging his finger up to wipe away the tears.
“Feels that good, doesn’t it?” He gloats, rubbing over your cunt gently, causing a sharp gasp to slip from your mouth, eyes still locked on his, “Go on, sweetheart. Cry about it.”
It’s what he wants—he wants you to fall apart so he can put you back together. And right now, you want nothing more. But, his hands just aren’t enough.
“Need you inside me,” You beg, fingers slipping back the hem of his pants that hung loose around his hips, brushing against the soft patch of hair that started as his navel and led down, his hard cock pressing firmly against his jeans, “please, Eddie?”
Eddie grins salaciously, pulling away without question. He strips himself immediately, your body laying slack from all the energy that had been drained from you; though still, the view was great. Eddie climbs back onto the bed carefully, hand slipping behind your bag to urge you forward.
“I’m too tired,” You complain, “I can’t.”
Eddie nods encouragingly, “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll do most of the work.”
You couldn’t really argue, letting him lead you over his lap as he settled himself against the wall, sitting upright and settling you down carefully, sliding into you with ease, though it’s overwhelming, mouth falling open in a soundless gasp as he leans your against him, one hand wrapped firmly around your back and the other on your hip.
“Look at me,” Eddie demands, “wanna watch you come, okay?”
As if that was possible. You nod wearily, forcing your eyes open, admittedly half-lidded with how exhausted you were.
“Don’t hold back, either.” He tells you, “Let it out, baby.”
The pace is harsh too, not at all the soft strokes that you’re more accustomed to—whatever devious plan Eddie had concocted, it was working. The tears flow again easily, almost instantly. It’s exactly what Eddie wants, for you to enjoy that overwhelming feeling and let it happen. He lifts your pliant body, face held close to your chest as he peered up at you, lips grazing your neck, hot breath cascading down.
“That’s right,” Eddie says, feeling a little cocky, “only I can make you feel this good.”
You nod dumbly, fingers digging into his hair as you tugged slightly, Eddie’s eyes glinting in the low light. He smirks.
“Say it, sweetheart. Who makes you feel this good?”
“You,” You reply softly, attempting to wipe at your tear stained face, but Eddie’s hand catches your wrist, giving you a subtle shake of his head, “it’s you.”
“Fuck, I don’t deserve you.” Eddie confesses, feeling his own orgasm on the rise, the emotion on your face feeding into that primal urge he had, the prior shame nowhere to be found.
You can’t respond, his hand slipping between you to rub at your swollen bundle of nerves—Eddie knows what he wants, he knows that you want it too, and he’s determined.
“Just relax,” He soothes, “It’s just two, what’s one more, baby?”
And it hits you hard, teetering on the edge of blacking out as your eyes fall shut, squeezing the tears from your eyes as you sobbed again, falling against Eddie for support.
He comes almost immediately after, thrusts slowing to a stop as he runs at your back, groaning softly through it. He’s never been loud necessarily, unless he’s purposely trying to put on a show. This feels deeper than any sex you’ve had with him prior, feeling like you had just laid your entire mind and body out to him, his soft encouragements being the reason you felt so transcendent right now, heaving in slow, heavy breaths.
“Are you okay?” He asks after a while, rubbing gentle patterns into your back. “Was that too much?”
“God, no,” You sigh, “That was—it was so fucking good, Eddie.”
He chuckles softly, adjusting you slightly until he could pull out, helping you settle beside him on the bed, both of you too tired to stand. He rubs gently at your eyelids, eyes falling shut. They were irritated from the crying, puffy around the edges.
“Is that your thing now?” You ask playfully, “Making me cry?”
Eddie grins wide, a small laugh coming out.
“As long as it’s the good kind.” Eddie assures you, “Only the good kind.”
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suashii · 9 months
꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ 𝒜 𝐹𝒪𝒪𝐿 𝐼𝒩 𝐿𝒪𝒱𝐸
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info ⭑ geto suguru x reader ノ 2.4k wc. ノ sfw ノ ex-boyfriend geto ノ band au ノ hurt/comfort ノ a wee bit angsty ノ some suggestive bits ノ reader is tipsy ノ ambiguous ending
note ⭑ hi! after writing this, i really wanna continue something with this band au geto! not sure if that means i'll be making this into a series. . . perhaps an anthology? idk! lmk if you'd be interested :3 happy reading !
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the streets of tokyo during the late hours of the day are restless—especially here in shibuya. you’d think the bustling crowds, fast pace, and your slightly tipsy state would make it difficult to recognize anyone but the universe seems keen to prove you wrong recently.
because standing at the corner of the street you’re supposed to be turning at is him—the man you haven’t seen in nearly five months and didn’t plan on seeing any time soon.
the sight of geto makes you stop–or more accurately, stumble–in your tracks. you can’t help the way your eyes widen and your mouth hangs open. it’s as if time slows for a couple of seconds in his distant presence. you can’t think straight and you aren’t sure if that’s because of him, too, or if you have the alcohol to blame for that.
regardless, when you finally regain cognitive function after what feels like an eternity, you’re able to tell yourself that you need to turn around and find another route home. unfortunately for you, the thought comes a second too late, geto spinning to face you just before you have the opportunity to turn on your heel. the brief moment of shared eye contact doesn’t stop you from trying to run for the hills, though you quietly curse yourself for getting caught in this predicament while you do so.
you hear the shout of your name from behind you, but you don’t dare come to a halt. your perseverance to escape is futile, made apparent by the newfound proximity of the familiar voice and the feel of fingers snaking around your wrist. you aren’t sure what possesses you to do so, but you quickly swing around to face the man hellbent on catching up to you. he seems just as surprised as you if the way his eyebrows shoot up is any evidence. 
“hey, wait—i come in peace.” geto raises his hands in mock surrender to show that he stands by his words.
you believe him. 
your fingers are cool as they brush against your forehead in an attempt to form a coherent sentence. there isn’t much you can think to say other than, “sorry, i just wasn’t expecting to see you.”
“i gathered as much.” geto nods, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants. he knew this reunion–if it ever even happened–would be awkward, but the air between the two of you is so tense that he finds it a little hard to breathe. he clears his throat before continuing. “kind of looked like you were trying to avoid me though.”
“got me there,” you softly admit.
geto understands but he doesn’t relate. he’s been trying to get a hold of you since he landed back in japan last week and his efforts have been fruitless until now. running into you this way may have been a coincidence but geto doesn’t intend on squandering what just might be his one chance to tell you what has been nagging at his mind for the past few months. “look, i was hoping we could talk.”
the expression that paints your face upon hearing his request is apprehension. he can practically see the blinking red lights and hear the alarm bells going off in your head. and, as much as he hates to admit it, your worry makes sense. the last time he asked you to talk, he broke up with you.
“ten minutes—fifteen, max.” geto attempts to bargain. he hopes the limit on the time you have to spend with him will convince you to agree, to hear him out. it hurts, but after chewing on his cheek, he adds another condition that’ll work in your favor. “and after, if you don’t want to see me again, i’ll leave you alone for good.”
with as much effort as you’ve been putting into steering clear of geto since his return, you’d think his words would come as a comfort to you. they don’t, though. the feelings that surge within you at hearing them contradict your strict avoidance of geto up until this point. they make you confront the fact that you have wanted to see him and can’t stomach the thought of never seeing him again.
you’re taking a risk by doing so, but you nod.
“okay, let’s talk.”
the two of you end up at some park a little ways away from the city center—one where you can see the orangey-red leaves flutter through the air once they fall from the trees and watch the fountain in the pond shoot up water that rains back down. despite how pretty the scenery is, you can’t help but look at geto instead.
it’s been practically half a year since you last saw him. you’re sure he’s changed quite a bit since then but all you can focus on are the ways he’s stayed the same, the little parts of him that you missed while he was gone—like the dragon tattoo that snakes up his shoulder to his collarbone. seeing it floods your head with memories of when the two of you were together. mornings spent tracing the delicate lines with feathery touches, kissing up the ink and coloring the creature with love bites.
you almost flinch at the reminder. your plan wasn’t to revisit the past, at least, not those moments, but seeing the tattoo on display makes it almost impossible. it’s geto’s fault for wearing that stupid sleeveless hoodie. you drag your gaze up to meet the obsidian shards that are his eyes. “strange choice of attire for such a chilly night.”
he rubs his arm at your observation, a grin gracing his lips. “yeah, i didn’t plan on staying out for long.”
you know that you agreed to come with him, but even sitting on opposite sides of the same bench is proving to be overwhelming. so, instead of regarding his innocent statement as simply that, you view it as an out. “if you have somewhere you need to go or someone you’re supposed to meet, we can do this another time.”
“no way.” geto doesn’t let a beat of quiet pass before he speaks and shakes his head. “i finally caught you and i’m not letting you get away so easily.”
the confession stuns you to silence. there are a million thoughts bouncing off the walls of your skull right now–how this wasn’t a good idea, that you weren’t obligated to listen to what he wants to say–but the one that worms its way past the others and to the forefront is that his words are… romantic. it’s frustrating that you aren’t mad at him, especially when you’ve spent so long convincing yourself that you should be.
it seems as though the feelings you tried so hard to bury are beginning to resurface.
you clear your throat. “what was it that you wanted to talk about?”
“right,” geto starts, a hand coming up to scratch at his neck. his tongue pokes out from between his lips to poke at the metal hoops wrapped around them. they’re things he does when he’s nervous, like when he first asked you out on a date or when he’d tune his guitar while waiting to go on stage. you wonder what it is on his mind that has him so on edge. though, you aren’t sure if it’s your place to ask, to show concern like you used to, so you stay quiet.
“i guess i wanted to talk about how we left things,” he finally tells you.
you should have seen this coming, and maybe part of you–a part you were trying to ignore–did. there isn’t much more the two of you can discuss. there have been a lot of unspoken thoughts lingering on your mind since that night, ones that you never planned on letting see the light of day. you’ve gone so long sitting on your feelings; what’s the point in digging them up now?
“what more is there to talk about exactly?” you ask, crossing your arms—using them as a shield. “you broke up with me to go on tour and i told you that i understood—no hard feelings.”
geto is quiet across from you, but you can tell there’s something weighing on his mind, words on the tip of his tongue. a few moments of stillness pass before he spits it out. “i don’t think you mean that. not then and… not now.”
“what do you want me to say, suguru?” you toss your hands up in frustration. your voice has been low, controlled up until this point but rises with your question, with your growing irritation. does he want to humiliate you even more than he already has? your intention of continuing to sit on your feelings, to keep them hidden, is lost with the way words unknowingly spill past your lips. “that i was dumb for thinking that i was worth a little more effort to you? that i should have let go of you as easily as you did me?”
there’s a certain level of relief that comes with your words but they also open up a wound you’ve been trying your best to close. all the emotions you felt that night feel as raw as they did then, as though you’re reliving it all over again. 
the tears return, gathering at your lash line and threatening to fall but never rupturing the dam. the insecurity comes back, too. you can feel the ghost of a knife piercing your heart as you think about how it felt like he had chosen music over you. but who were you to ask him to reconsider—to think of you before his music, his dream?
tonight is turning out to be more than you can handle.
you’re about to stand, apologize for your outburst, and excuse yourself when geto speaks up.
“i didn’t let go of you—not really,” he quietly admits. his hand reaches up to his neck again, fingers twirling the loose hairs that happened to make it out of his bun. the action makes his words carry more truth and while you can’t bring yourself to believe him entirely, hearing them has an uncontrollable effect on you.
one of the tears you were adamant about not shedding until you were out of his sight rolls down your cheek. you quickly wipe it away with the sleeve of your shirt. “you don’t have to say that, it’s not going to make me feel any better.”
“i mean it, though, i do.” when you finally muster up the courage to meet his stare, his eyes tell you that what he said is the truth. his eyes have never lied. “i thought about you every day while i was on tour.”
the confession sends a pang to your heart. it clears up the fog of turmoil clouding your mind, although a haze of uncertainty lingers. does he mean that he missed you—the same way you’ve been hopelessly missing him?
you don’t have to aimlessly ponder, as geto continues.
“look, i asked you here because i wanted to tell you that i regret how i went about things. i thought about my choice–about you–a lot. and i realized a little too late that i owed us a chance. i was scared that we couldn’t handle long distance and that we’d both end up hurt but i never considered the possibility that it might have worked for us.”
geto unconsciously reaches for you, though when he realizes what he’s doing, he thinks better of it, letting his hand rest in his lap instead. just because he’s laying himself bare for you doesn’t mean the pain he’s caused has disappeared. besides, he still has one thing to say before you can even consider forgiving him.
his tongue glides across his lower lip, over the two silver hoops situated on either side. “i made a decision that both of us should have had a say in. i’m sorry.”
beyond the feelings of heartache and self-doubt, the thing you felt most that night was unheard—as if anything you could have thought to utter during that moment would have fallen on deaf ears. geto seems to have noticed that much, reflected on it and recognized his mistake. his apology, the acknowledgment of his fault, unchains the final weight that was tugging at your heart.  
you sniff and dab at the stray tears that have trickled down your face. “thanks for saying so. and… i forgive you.”
there’s a weight of his own that makes geto’s chest feel lighter upon hearing your words. from the minute he started rehearsing this conversation, he imagined that he’d damaged you to the point of being unworthy of your compassion, your forgiveness. this is more than he could have asked for, even if you still choose to take him up on his offer of leaving you alone for good.
“i’m glad,” geto nods, the ghost of a smile playing at his lips, though he doesn’t let the short moment of happiness overtake him. “i know that was probably a lot and if you need to take some time to decide how you want us to proceed, if at all, i understand.”
you shake your head and the corners of geto’s lips fall into a neutral line. he made a good point earlier, one that you can’t ignore if you want to prevent yourself from getting hurt the way you did before. and despite just learning about it, geto was hurting, too. if you can minimize the pain either of you have to experience, you will.
you clear your throat with hopes that your voice will come out steady. “i’d rather come to that conclusion together. since it has to do with both of us, y’know?”
geto’s shoulders slump as the tension seeps from them. “yeah. yeah, of course. whenever you’re ready.”
“we can start tonight if you have time,” you suggest, bashfully rubbing up and down your arms. it really feels like you’re starting over. before you knew his name, simply when you had a crush on the hot guy playing at the bar you were visiting for the night. “i want to hear about how your tour went.”
“okay,” geto easily agrees, the smile from earlier making its way back to his lips. it meets his eyes and the obsidian shards sparkle—with hope.
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hi there, sua here! thank you for giving this a read! if you enjoyed, please consider reblogging and/or leaving a comment! much love from me to you ❤︎
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cultrise · 8 months
☽☾ CONTENTS NSFW, kinda college gojo but is also still jujutsu related? like he’s still the greatest sorcerer blah blah but you are in college.. idk, edging (m!receiving), oral sex (m!receiving), gojo being a little shit, a little dacryphilia if you squint, fwb to lovers ᵎᵎ wc 4k
ᵎᵎ check the mlist for kinktober here !
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gojo satoru was a hard person to be around. he was loud, he was rude, he loved annoying people and getting reactions out of them. but most of all, he loved to annoy you.
what was worse than that was no one could explain his fixation on you, the reason for all his taunting. it happened suddenly and with each day it grew more and more frequent, more and more annoying. it’s not that you hated him. when he wasn’t like that, which was rare, satoru was a very nice person to be around, always cracking jokes and making sure nobody has a bad mood when around him. but god, was it hard to resist the urge to slap him across the face.
and unfortunately for you, because things can never go easy, this little feud between you guys escalated. and from wanting to beat the shit out of him, you now found yourself wanting to get pounded by him instead. it happened suddenly one day as satoru took your phone and dangled it above your head. since the height difference was significant, satoru took great pleasure in watching your whine and jump around, cursing at him like a roadman and begging him to give you back your phone.
he went on with his joke for so long that he had caught you against a wall, grinning ear to ear as he held the phone up high, above your reach zone. you pretended to give up before bolting up and trying to get it again, failing. of course he had seen through your motives. god, was he annoying. wait… why was he?…
suddenly, probably because of the proximity you were at, which had never occurred before, heat rose from your feet to your neck and all the way up to your face as you were hit with a horrible realisation. fuck. you liked gojo satoru. luckily for you, suguru had appeared in that moment and told satoru to knock it off and, since satoru only listened to him, he gave you your phone back. which was enough time for you to go back to your room and start having a crisis about your newly found realisation.
the next few weeks you were avoiding satoru with everything in your power, taking different paths around campus as to not go near him and sticking to shoko wherever you went, making up dumb excuses when he approached. it was bothering him. a lot. so he took it upon himself to spy on you and find out when you were alone. and once he did…
“why are you avoiding me?” satoru places a heavy hand to your shoulder, making you jolt and spin around in horror. oh god, he looked so good. his messy hair fell lazy above his forehead, a grimace on his pouty, glossy lips. his nose was scrunched and his glasses fell to the side, blue eyes staring into yours. you might’ve caught a glimpse of his eyes turning into a grey-ish shade, in anger.
“i’m not” you mutter, unable to take your eyes off of him. the man before you scoffs, his lips twisting into a smile filled with anger. you don’t think you’ve ever seen him so angry.
“at least don’t lie to me. was it something i said?” he asks bitterly as he grabs your forearm, scared you might run away again “be honest” you feel a slight wavering tone in his voice.
“i can’t” you mutter. satoru’s eyes soften as he watches your eyes trail from his all the way down to his lips. your mouth parts slightly, unable to speak as you swallow the lump in your throat. his grip loosens, palm trailing up and finding your neck, thumb resting on your chin. you breathing hitches, eyes almost shooting out from your orbits.
you don’t even remember how the first kiss happened. something along the lines of “can i?” and rapid nodding. it was soft, gentle and full of want. well, until it turned into something messier as you both poured your pent up feelings into each other’s mouths.
the next few days were spent sneaking into empty rooms or into hidden corners and making out desperately, tugging at each other’s clothes as an excuse to not express what you actually felt. and slowly but surely, you found yourself into satoru’s sheets after a party.
your relationship with him was a weird one. on the outside you were acting just like before, taunting each other with annoying comments and gestures while behind close doors you took out every tension by being in his arms, by letting him take care of your body in such a way that made your head spin.
and obviously, with the way you reacted to his touch, satoru’s ego had multiplied by a tenfold. whatever comment he made about you — your hair, the grimace on your face, the way you ate —translated into the heated moments that went on when he banged on your door late at night and slid between your legs with ease. was your hair bad earlier? look how much messier it was now that he had his hand wrapped in it as you sucked him off. were you being mean to him that morning? oh, how stupid you looked now, crying his name into the pillow as he split you open.
satoru had no idea how to express his feelings to you. all that he believed was going on was one sided, thinking you were in this whole mess just because you found him attractive. and of course he noticed the longing stares, the softening of your tone when you spoke to him and the gentle kisses you pressed to his heating skin after your late night escapades. but maybe it was selfish for him to think there’s anything else behind that. after all, he was used to people not caring about who gojo satoru is, rather than what gojo satoru can do.
one day, however, satoru had crossed the line. you woke up in a bad mood, spilling coffee on your uniform and almost splitting your head open by walking face first through a door, which he obviously noticed and made a case about. he had taken advantage of your state to make even more fun of you, cheeks tinted pink and grinning from ear to ear as he pestered you. by that point, shoko and geto were tired of the way you two looked at each other, the affectionate undertone of satoru’s teasing being evident.
“can you get a room? some of us are trying to eat here” shoko spits out as geto nods quietly. satoru smirks, head leaning to the side as you tried to ignore him by playing with your food. the last thing you wanted to do was get a room with satoru right now, lest you knocked his teeth out.
“get a room, huh? she wouldn’t know what to do if she had me all for herself anyway” satoru’s teasing eyes searched for yours as your hand gripped the chopsticks. this idiot. not only was he trying to get you mad, he was also not even smooth about it. geto scoffed, leaning on his arm.
“you give yourself too much credit, satoru. i think she’d fold your ass” you smiled at the comment which clearly wounded satoru’s fat ego. geto retorted your smile, mischievous eyes looking to his best friend as shoko giggled and lit up a cigarette.
“you hurt me, suguru… i thought we were best friends” satoru dramatically states as he slaps a hand to his chest. you roll your eyes as suguru lets out a small chuckle “after all, pretty sure she’d let herself get folded by me. actually–“
you slapped your chopsticks to the table and stood up. shoko was almost sure she could see steam coming out of your ears. “will you guys excuse me?” you grit your teeth as you walked back to your room, feeling the smirk satoru was giving you burn through your shoulder blades.
not long after you got to your room, three jolly knocks followed “go away, satoru” you threatened, earning a chuckle for response. the door hinges screeched as the door opened and closed again. you took note of the sound of the key twisting closed.
“aww.. got under your skin, didn’t i?” satoru mused as he got closer. you decided not to reply as you took your uniform top off and folded it neatly on the bed. satoru’s eyes traced along your back, hands reaching for it and tracing patterns to your spine, making your skin shiver all over. you hated the lack of self control you had when he touched you.
“how about i get under your clothes next?” satoru purred as he pressed a kiss to the back your neck, making you close your eyes. no. you had to show restraint. you could feel his long index stop at the midsection your bra, digit right above your clasp, waiting. you shook your head, still not turning around.
“oh? and why not? did i get you that mad?” satoru coos in amusement as your throw your uniform on the bed harshly, turning around to face him. you wanted to wipe that smirk off his face so bad, to pull out those wondering pupils so he can stop making eye contact with your boobs instead of your eyes… too stop the throbbing of your core that so desperately craved him.
“you need to stop thinking that getting me riled up makes me want to fuck you more” you furrow your brows, crossing your arms over your chest. satoru’s gaze goes up to your eyes. then, it trails to yours lips. he only smiles, taking his glasses off and towering over you.
“oh? so it’s not working?” he takes notice of the way you squeeze your thighs at the remark. it was so cute to him, the way you were acting. trying so hard to disagree on the fact that sex wasn’t ten times better after bickering like children. “tell you what. you can keep your ideas when you stop trying to hide the fact that you want me so bad. say the word and i’m leaving”
god, was he good. what were you to do now? succumb to his taunting and admit to wanting him to throw you on the mattress and fuck you stupid or hold your ground and be left alone, having to get off by yourself — which was arguably harder after being used to satoru’s long fingers.
“fuck. you.” you said bitterly as he chuckled.
“well, do you want to?”
you decided the best way to take neither path and just get him to fuck you was to grab him by the back of his hair and pull him into a kiss, pushing your tongue into his mouth and making out sloppily. his blue eyes widen before he smiles, kissing back as he pushes you on the bed, landing on top of you with a thud. his hands work their way to your skirt, unzipping it and pulling it down to your ankles as he presses his knee to your cunt.
the feeling sends jolts throughout your whole spine and you tug at his hair, making him dip his fingernails into the skin of your waist. your kiss was angry, selfish, obsessive… perfect. satoru was trying so hard not to let you see the way a simple kiss made his mind go haywire, the way he blushed all the way to his ears and melted in your touch. he might’ve been a dick, but satoru wouldn’t know what to do if you actually told him to get out and leave. he was too far gone, too implicated.
you hooked your legs around his waist, pushing yourself well enough to flip him over and end up on top of him, pressing your hips down on his growing bulge as satoru groaned. his hands tried to hold every inch of your body, from your back to your waist, ass and thighs. you heard the unclasping of your bra as satoru pulled away, smiling.
“proved my point” he mused as you straightened your back, taking off your bra and tossing it aside, remaining only in your panties. satoru would be lying if he said his mouth was not watering at the sight, dick straining in his pants as you stared him down.
“god, can you not? so fucking annoying” you scoffed to which he snorted out a laugh, hands wrapping around your waist as he buried his face into your chest and looked up. there was truly no other place he’d rather be in, one look and you could tell. you halted his movements as he started to press ginger kisses between your breasts.
you removed his arms away from your waist, pulling away from his embrace as satoru’s breath hitched. was that it? were you going to throw him out now? it was quite funny how much of an overthinker the greatest sorcerer of all time actually was. his worry faded as soon as he saw you get on your knees in front of him, hands messing with his fly.
“i got you mad so you’re gonna suck me off now? women are so interesting” satoru smiled as he leaned back on his elbows, watching you. you rolled your eyes as he shook his head “aht aht.. don’t give me all that sass, baby. only i can make your eyes roll back into your head” and he was, unfortunately, right. no matter how much you tried to ignore it.
soon enough his pants and boxers were on the floor, his dick on full view as precum dripped from it. you took your time to stare him down, palms caressing his thighs as satoru began to act impatient “so?” he asked you smiled. he was starting to get nervous, especially with the way you were eyeing him down like he was a piece of meat.
“ask nicely” you batted your eyelashes as his mouth hung open, shocked. he couldn’t help but admire the way your eyes shone in the sunlight, the way your hair framed your face and the way your damp lips called for his own. you looked so much better in the daylight, what a fool he had been to only come over after midnight struck.
“okay, beautiful. i’ll play at your game” satoru smiled as he watched you, fingers tapping at his thigh. he thought he could bust just from the sight of you. you truly were the prettiest thing he ever layed his eyes on “please, won’t you suck me off, baby?”
you smiled, humming in satisfaction as you wrapped a hand around his base, pressing a soft kiss to his tip. satoru felt his teeth clench and his breathing stop as you trailed your kisses all the way down. he wanted you so bad, needed to have you, and if that meant he had to pretend to not love you only to be able to share these moments, he was going to do so in a heartbeat.
satoru gripped the bedsheets as you suckled on his tip, heavy breaths dropping from his lips as you started to slowly bob your head up and down. it was crazy to him how someone could be so attentive of his needs, so careful about his body and pleasure. he wished you could see how much it all meant to him. you quickened your pace as his pre mixed with your spit, making wet sounds that made his brain fog.
“fuck.. if you keep going like that i’ll cum for sure” satoru breathes out as you ignore him, now synchronising your mouth’s movements to your hand. satoru would usually try to stop himself from cumming so fast, instead focusing on your pleasure. but now that you were the one being so kind as to pleasure him, it was so hard to keep it together. you took note of the sounds he was starting to make as you held your pace.
“that’s it…. fuck.. right there..” satoru leaned his head back with a groan as you hummed against his tip. you were actually so thankful of how vocal satoru was during blowjobs because right after one stroke, two, three.. “shitshitshit… i’ll cum–“
and he would’ve. if you hadn’t stopped.
satoru’s mouth remained open, unable to register what just happened. his head snapped back up as he felt his orgasm subside, pupils shaken. and there you were, staring at him cutely as you fixed your hair “what… why… why did you stop?” satoru panted as you smiled sweetly, propping yourself up on your hands to reach his face.
satoru was in a confused daze as your breath fanned on his face “you see, you were pretty rude to me today. i won’t have that” satoru’s eyes widened at your words, realising that it was all intentional. and that it wasn’t going to stop.
“but.. you said–“
“yeah, i know. i told you to beg for it” you smiled as you traced a finger to his bottom lip “but you only asked me to suck you off, not make you finish” now, satoru was sure he was fucked.
and he was also sure of the way all the blood in his body seemed to pump to his cock, the way his body heated up at your words. you were still angry at him. you wanted to make him pay for it. it was so vile, so annoying, so… so fucking hot. satoru bit his lip as he reached for yours.
“you’re a very mean girl, has anybody told you that?” he whispered as you smiled, fixing a few stray hands of hair from his face. you leaned in, almost kissing him before pulling away last second to go down on your knees again, leaving him hanging. satoru let out a deep chuckle, slightly annoyed at the action. however, he knew he deserved it.
now, satoru tried, and i mean really tried, to act all tough while you edged him. and it worked. the first time, the second, even the third… but each time you let him get closer and closer to his release, each time you rubbed him faster, steadier, better. he felt his mind go numb as you spit on his tip, kissed it, licked his slit, played with his balls… all things that turned him on so much, things that made him want to paint those pretty face of yours white with his cum.. only to be taken away last second.
“i can’t.. please…” satoru’s chest heaved, his lips swollen from biting them so hard. you stopped your ministrations and raised yourself to his level again, fist full of spit and pre.
“what was that?” you smoothed out his cheek, wiping away sweat as he opened his teary eyes. he swallowed hard, trying to find the right words as he breathed out. you found his teary blue eyes so much prettier.
“please… i wanna cum..” he whined as you gave him a disapproving look.
“that’s it? no apology?”
“i’m sorry…” satoru sighed, trying to reach for your lips in a pathetic attempt to repair his mistake “please.. forgive me…”
you relished seeing him like this way too much. the great gojo satoru, heir of the gojo clan, strongest sorcerer and bearer of the six eyes and limitless technique.. all to your mercy. there was something erotic about the way his eyes looked for approval in yours. you smoothed out his lashes, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
“see? wasn’t that hard, was it?” satoru breathed out, now at ease as you started to move your hand again, pressing a sweet kiss to his flushed tip. satoru groaned as he felt his orgasm build up again, your hand gliding faster on his length. he whispered your name like a mantra, moaning desperately as he felt himself come undone by your hand. obviously, by your hand. nobody else could ever make him feel this good. his back hit the mattress with a loud thud, biting his lip at the lewd sounds of you slurping up his cum and licking him clean.
you took the chance to climb over him, placing your chin on his chest as he closed his eyes. you pouted, poking your finger to his cheek “hello? earth to gojo satoru?.. did i kill you or something?” a chuckle roared from satoru’s chest all the way to his throat as he opened his eyes and flipped you over, making you yelp.
“thought you had me that easily?” he coos, pressing his torso to yours. you wrap your thighs around his waist again.
“i did have you. wrapped around my little finger with ease. you men are so easy” you smile as you wiggle your pinky, making satoru roll his eyes before pressing a small kiss to the pad of your finger. your heart melted in your chest at the sight, unable to continue teasing him.
“yeah, well…” satoru murmured as he continued to kiss at the pads of your fingers “i love you, but you have to admit you were pretty damn rude” he trails off as your face goes white. love? was he actually?… satoru looked up at you confused, not registering what he said. and then…
“fuck” satoru’s expression was ten times worse than yours. he looked like he had aged 5 years and, even though he still looked fine as hell, he was downright horrified. ‘satoru, you fucking idiot’ he thought as he stammered, unable to utter any excuse. he shouldn’t have said it, he shouldn’t have said it, he shouldn’t —
his thoughts come to a halt as you grab his face and bring him into a needy, longing kiss, face now fully red. satoru is unable to relax, sensing the shift in the way you kiss him. so loving, so familiar. it makes him scared. it makes him question whether he’s reading too much into it.
“i shouldn’t have said that…” he mutters against your lips as you giggle, pressing your forehead to his.
“well well… seems i was right about having you wrapped up around my finger” you grinned as satoru groaned, hiding his face in the crook of your neck “we’re not gonna talk about that?”
satoru shakes his head “no. let’s not”
you sigh heavily “pity.. was gonna say i loved you back but oh well…”
satoru’s head shoots out, almost hitting your chin in the process “really?!”
you can’t help but smile, arms wrapping around his neck “well.. you are annoying.. and self centred.. and really, i mean really, full of yourself. like seriously, what’s with all that—“
“okay, fuck. i get it” satoru groans as you smile, brushing your fingers through his hair.
“but i do love you. i wouldn’t have gotten myself into this whole mess if i didn’t. i was just afraid to admit it” you confess as satoru smiles softly, palms brushing your skin. his hands trail all the way down to the side of your panties, finger hooking on the hem.
“should i tend to my girl’s needs, then?” satoru whispers, your cheeks heating up as you nod. he bends down to press a sweet kiss to your lips, pecking them repeatedly as he expertly slides your panties off.
“should i edge you now too, princess?”
“don’t you dare”
“oh.. i don’t know.. it’s tempting”
“we’ve only been together for two minutes but i swear to god i’ll break up with you”
“yes ma’am, roger that” he smiles before sliding down between your thighs to focus all his attention on you, making love to you properly for the first and definitely not the last time.
“you really thought you had the power to kill me back then?” satoru chimes as you slap his shoulder.
“can you shut the fuck up? so annoying”
“you know you love me”
“satoru. shut up”
“yes ma’am”
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© cultrise | don’t steal, copy or translate my works.
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