#if you're curious about the blood colors:
nilovalentine · 6 months
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Happy April Fools, Milgram tumblr! Get homestucked!
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The boy reading with Halo font
I expect him to vanish behind closed doors with "someone" and we'll see him if he's hungry....
Or wandering.
#this is a pacer here#it looks like a great place to pace though#or making me a Grandpa#me: 🤔 it's fine it is just more difficult to picture him making it#not really ... I know his blood#it's like the A-team with one OΞΛ#like our culture: hey how's it going *bang*#our culture after: smokes a cigarette like Matthew McConaughey in Teue Detective talking about time is a flat circle#me: standing in his holo cells in a small plane while at 13 14 and beyond#well my vocal chords can work baritone and bass but my spirit is a rainbow of rainbows#color? I dunno ... I don't care#if you like my dick please suck it with all your might#you're gonna need heart#you're gonna need ambition to overcome a motherload#also the sawing zip ties with feet#curious that I must say#it speaks of fun pre school times and also alludes to something dark as fuck that makes me want to kill things#I don't care if I am also the Devil...so's being alive#Arthur.....I mean.... he lived#but he's still breathing here#when I sat there and had to do dead to life math I am like 167 years sir that's a while#I am also like I have made much more progress in 45 than you did in 167 so thanks for cumming in grandma#I see him again after 🤔 23 years#understandably it took almost a full school year to catch on#mhm I used to call him air as a child of not grandpa#he was standing in the hall by my door watching my room#curious old ancestors#and *I* am the one who has to ease his pain#go the distance#bring Arthur back like a good God
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Dragon Blood
Chapter 4: You claim a dragon! But as luck would have it, you are found and dragged back to Rhaenyra's court, where Jace is assigned as your mentor in dragon riding.
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Pairing: Jacaerys Velaryon x Dragonseed (f) reader
The weeks had slipped by, and you found yourself settling into your new life in the Reach. The tavern was busy, townsfolk were generous enough, and the pastor's lessons had become a happy spot in your days. The books he lent you filled your mind with new knowledge— of dragons and their riders.
And yet, no matter how content you tried to be, there was a part of you that always seemed to drift back to Dragonstone, back to the sharp blue eyes of a certain prince.
One afternoon, while running an errand for the tavern, you ventured further than usual, the path winding through a dense forest.
There was a shift in the air that made you stop in your tracks. The forest had gone eerily silent. No birds, no wind, nothing.
You took a careful step forward, your heart beginning to pound in your chest. And that’s when you saw it.
A massive, scaled form lay in a clearing just off the path, hidden among the tall grass and trees. Its body was the color of the night sky, dark blue. The dragon was still, its great head resting on its wings, its eyes closed as if in deep sleep.
You stepped on a pebble, and the sound was too loud. The dragon’s eyes snapped open—huge, molten gold orbs that fixed on you.
You froze, unsure whether to run or stand your ground. Every tale you had read, every nightmare about Vermithor came rushing back.
But the dragon did not roar or take to the skies. Instead, it watched you, its gaze unblinking and oddly calm.
Slowly, you took a step forward, your hand reaching out. The dragon’s eyes followed your every movement, but it remained still, almost... curious. You were close enough now to feel the heat radiating off its body, to see the intricate patterns of scales, each as large as your hand.
"You're beautiful," you whispered, voice barely audible over the sound of the wind in the trees. The dragon's eyes flicked up to meet yours, and for a moment, you could have sworn it understood.
You knelt in the grass, your heart still hammering, and for a moment, it was just you and the dragon in the world. You felt its bond in your veins.
After what felt like an eternity, you slowly stood, your gaze never leaving the dragon’s. It didn’t move, didn’t make a sound as you backed away, your footsteps careful and measured. Only when you were well out of sight did you finally turn and run, your heart racing not from fear, but from exhilaration.
As you made your way back to the tavern, the encounter played over and over in your mind. You couldn’t help but feel that the dragon had recognized you.
The visits continued, each one bringing you closer, the bond between the two of you growing stronger. You would bring food, a fish you'd stash away from your own rations from that day's batch and the dragon would accept it, allowing you to sit by its side, to pet it, to feel the heat of its breath. Occasionally, the dragon would growl, below, or hum. It was as if the dragon was trying to communicate, to reciprocate to you.
You returned to the familiar spot in the forest, a small basket of fruit in hand. Each time you visited the dragon, it felt like entering another world, one where you weren't just a lowly servant but something more—something awesome.
But today, the clearing was empty.
The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows through the trees. You looked around the area, waiting for the familiar rush of wind, the shadow that signaled the dragon’s arrival. But none came. The clearing remained still and silent.
You walked around the perimeter, softly calling “zaldrīzes” the High Valyrian word for dragon you had read in the pastor's books. But there was no answer, only the rustling of leaves from your scraped up boots. You waited for hours, growing more anxious with each passing minute.
Eventually, as the light began to fade, you sighed in defeat. Perhaps the dragon had found better hunting grounds, or maybe it had simply tired of your company. You picked up your basket and turned to leave, feeling a pang of disappointment as you made your way back through the woods.
The journey home was uneventful, your thoughts lost in worry over the dragon’s absence. The town was quiet when you arrived, the streets nearly empty as the sun had set. As you walked down a narrow alley toward the tavern where you worked, a sense of unease crept up your spine.
You tried to walk faster, but it was too late. A group of men stepped into your path. They were rough-looking, with dirty faces and the smell of ale on their breath. Bandits.
“Where’re you off to in such a hurry, pretty girl?” one of them asked, his eyes raking over you with an ugly grin.
You clutched your basket to your chest. “I have no money,”
Another one, taller than the first, chuckled. “We’re not interested in your money, pretty girl. But you... now, you’re a different story.”
They closed in around you, their hands reaching out to grab at you. Panic surged through you as you tried to back away, but there was nowhere to go. Your mind raced, searching for a way out, but all you could think to do was scream.
“Help!” You screamed desperately.
The men laughed, mocking your fear. “Scream all you want, little girl. No one’s coming for you.”
A deafening roar split the air. The sound was so powerful that it shook the ground beneath your feet, sending the bandits stumbling in shock. You looked up just in time to see a massive shadow descending from the sky—a dragon, your dragon.
With a mighty sweep of its wings, the dragon landed on the two rooftops framing the alleyway, its jaws snapping with a terrifying snarl. The bandits cried in terror, scrambling to get away as the dragon unleashed a strong of flames.
The men tried to run, but the dragon was on them in an instant, its claws tearing through them with ease. You stood frozen, unable to look away as the beast defended you with a ferocity you had never imagined.
The dragon turned to you, its eyes glowing with an intense, primal light. You trembled under its gaze, your heart racing as it lowered its head to meet your eyes.
“Thank you,” you whispered, your voice barely audible.
The dragon huffed, a puff of smoke escaping its nostrils as if to say it was nothing. You couldn’t help but smile, a sense of awe and gratitude swelling in your chest. You reached out to touch the dragon’s snout, your fingers brushing against its warm, leathery skin.
The sound of footsteps reached your ears. You turned to see a figure emerging from the trees—a knight, his armor gleaming shining in the light of the fire.
His eyes widened as he took in the sight before him, the dragon and you standing together. He didn’t speak, but the look on his face told you everything—you had been found, and there would be no hiding now.
He drew his sword. “You are to return to Dragonstone,” he said, his voice commanding. “By order of the Queen.”
The knight hesitated before answering, “The dragon will be cared for. But you must come with me. Now.”
Your heart sank, but you knew there was no arguing. You nodded, glancing back at the dragon. “Will my friend be safe?” you asked quietly.
Jacaerys stood at the top of the stairs leading to the Great Hall, a frown etched on his face. He had been in the middle of a strategy meeting when the commotion outside the castle had caught his attention. Now, as he looked down into the courtyard, his breath caught in his throat.
You were there. Your once neat servant’s attire was torn and dirty, your hair disheveled, and your face pale with exhaustion. But it was the dragon standing beside you that seized his focus. The questions in his mind were staggering.
His eyes narrowed as he took in the scene. You were surrounded by guards, led by Ser Robert, one of his mother’s trusted knights. The knight spoke to you in hushed tones, his hand on the hilt of his sword as he walked you toward the Great Hall. Even from this distance, Jace could see the way you trembled.
His thoughts twisted with jealousy as he imagined what might have happened to bring you to this state. Had someone hurt you? The thought of another man laying a hand on you filled him with anger.
But he buried those feelings deep as you were brought into the hall, forced to stand before his mother.
Her eyes were sharp as they fell upon you. She motioned for you to come closer, and you hesitated for only a moment before stepping forward, your head bowed.
“Who are you?” Rhaenyra’s voice was cold and demanding. “And how did you come to claim this dragon?”
“M- my name is y/n, your grace.” You struggled to respond, your voice shaky. You spoke of your journey, leaving out Vermithor's claiming and your fear of Rhaenyra, your time in the Reach, and how you had come across the dragon by chance.
Rhaenyra’s follow up questions were relentless, pressing you for details, for proof of your bloodline.
But it tore at him to see you like this, to see the fear in your eyes and know that you were searching for him, hoping for his protection. It was ironic that he, a prince, was powerless to help you in this moment.
Jace stood nearby, his hands clenched at his sides. He could see the way you looked toward him, your eyes pleading for some kind of help. But he knew better than to intervene in his mother’s questioning.
Rhaenyra’s gaze went to him briefly, as if gauging his reaction. He kept his face impassive, giving nothing away. And he hated that he cared as much as he did.
He turned away from the hall, the echo of your voice still ringing in his ears.
The warm water felt amazing as it soaked into your skin, washing away the grime of the road. The servants—girls you had once worked alongside—moved around you, scrubbing your skin and washing your hair the way you once had.
You struggled to sit still as they worked. The sensation of being on the receiving end of servitude did not sit well.
You tried to catch their gaze but they were cast the the floor.
“Alys, Katelynn.” You wispered their names. “Please look at me.”
Your old friends' eyes widened, and they obediently glanced up at you before exchanging sideways glances.
You took a relieved sigh, admitting, “I've missed you.”
“We missed you too!” Alys spoke first.
Katelyn was more timid, and slowly opened her mouth to ask. “Is it true you claimed a dragon?”
Finding no use in hiding information from them, you told the whole story, leaving out a few parts. You had been brought before the Queen, forced to answer for something you didn’t fully understand yourself. The dragon had come to your aid, and now you were bound to it.
“I knew it!” Alys flashed a smile. “It's those purple eyes of yours. You have to have been one of them."
You cast down your eyes, resenting the idea that that was how your friends now saw you now, as “them”.
As they helped you out of the bath and began dressing you in a new gown, your hands trembled slightly. The fabric of the corset was rich and luxurious, a deep black that clung to your body in a way that made you feel exposed. You had never worn anything like this before.
You cought a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. The person staring back at you was unfamiliar—she was beautiful, but there was a hardness in her eyes, a reflection of the fear and uncertainty you had been carrying.
When they were finished, you looked down at the gown, running your fingers over the material.
The girls left, leaving you alone in your chamber. You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself, but it wasn't easy. The pressure made your temples hurt, and you let out a frustrated groan, taking off the bracelets decorating your arms and discarding them on the table, then pulling your hair out of its intricate braids. You walked towards your window, the gown rustling as you leaned out to look down. Breathing heavily, you tried to measure the distance going down from your window to the dragon pit.
Someone cleared their throat behind you. You tensed and turned to the entrance of your chamber.
Jace stood at the door, his eyes fixed on you with an intensity that sent a shiver down your spine. He looked as composed as ever, but there was an accusation in his gaze—making you feel guilty for being caught on your second attempt to escape.
He didn’t speak as he approached you slowly, but the silence between you was heavy with unspoken words.
The gown had its intended effect. You felt both beautiful and vulnerable, aware of the way it accentuated your figure and the way Jace’s eyes lingered on you. The room was dimly lit, the torches casting long shadows along the stone walls.
Before you could react, you were pressed against the cold stone wall, Jace’s body pinning you in place. The breath was knocked out of you, your heart racing as you craned your neck to look up into his face.
“Leaving again, are we?” His expression was unreadable, a storm of emotions that you couldn’t begin to decipher.
“Jace,” you whispered, your voice trembling. “It isn't what—”
“Do not address me so casually,” he interrupted, his tone sharp, commanding. “I'm not a fool, Dragonseed." Sneering the cruel title.
His words stung, and you flinched, but you forced yourself to meet his gaze. “I apologize, my prince. I didn’t mean to overstep.”
He didn’t release you, his grip firm as he leaned in closer, his breath warm against your ear. His voice was low, almost a growl. “You may have a dragon now, but do not mistake that for power. You are still beneath us, and I will not tolerate any illusions you may have of free will. That includes escape, y/n.”
You swallowed hard. The proximity of his body, the force of his presence, sent a shiver down your spine.
“I never asked for any of this.” you said quietly, your voice shaking. “I never wanted to be anything other than what I was.”
“Then you are a fool,” he snapped, his hand tightening on your arm. “You don’t get to choose your fate. The blood in your veins, the dragon that saved you—they’ve chosen for you.”
His words cut deep, and you felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes, but you refused to let them fall. You wouldn’t show weakness, not now, not to him. “And what do you want from me, Jacaerys? To obey? To bow down and accept whatever fate you and your family decide for me?”
His eyes darkened, a flicker of something dangerous crossing his features. “I want you to know your place,” he hissed, his voice like ice. “The queen has deemed it so that you are to train under my guidance. You belong to me now. Your loyalty, your obedience—you, are all mine to command.”
You were silent, your breath coming in short, shaky bursts as you processed his words. His dominance was overwhelming, and yet, there was something in his eyes—a flicker that hinted at the turmoil raging inside him.
Finally, he released you, stepping back but still blocking your path. “You will report to me in the morning,” he said, his tone hard and unyielding. “We will begin your training. And you will learn what it means to serve House Targaryen.”
Without another word, he turned and walked away, leaving you trembling against the wall, your mind a whirlwind of confusion. You had wanted to be close to him, to learn from him, but not like this.
And as you lay in bed that night, your mind replayed the moment over and over again, the warmth of his body against yours, the intensity of his gaze, the weight of his words, the heat of his breath against your skin...
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fire-lizard-ro · 5 months
Ratio as a dad (kinda). Written for my dear @pix3lplays (they already saw this when I initially wrote it).
CW: none it’s all fluff (kinda)
Reader gender: no use of pronouns (as far as I remember) but AFAB
Writing under the cut (SFW):
So when you tell him, he doesn't know how the hell to feel. You guys never really had the children talk, but you could tell that he wasn't really ready for that because of a mix of being too busy, not really understanding children, and never really thinking about it.
To him, children are snot-nosed, loud, emotional little gremlins.
But he never thought about children in the context of you and him. A child born of your flesh and blood. Something you have made together through the miracle (or simple science, as Veritas would say) of procreation.
It would take him a while to think of it that way.
Initially, since this is in the scenario where you're already married, I think that he would be fine with it so long as you're happy with it. He does his logical reasoning and thinks, "Oh. I have the means to raise a child and she wants it." So he doesn't really see a problem with it besides perhaps the stress it will inevitably put on you and having to deal with the messy and emotional rollercoaster ride that is children.
At some point while laying in bed with you after weeks of reading prenatal care and child rearing books, he begins to get curious. Curious about what it would really be like to father a child that the both of you made. That's how things start. Curiosity.
Would the child look like you? He would like that if they could resemble his lovely spouse.
Would they look like him? He would also like this as there would be no doubting who the father of your child was. A reminder of how the two of you were undeniably together.
Would they look like the both of you? He would enjoy this outcome the most as it would be the best of both options.
Would they have his intelligence that he prides himself on? Your smile that he loves, even if quietly?
Because of this process of beginning to be curios and thinking about the child yet to be born, it's not hard for him to subconsciously relate good feelings (and chemicals like dopamine and serotonin, he'd think) to the child themself.
You're happy when you talk about the child and what you'll do for them and how you'll care for them. He's happy when you're happy. He's pleased when thinking about how people will be able to see a physical manifestation of your love and belonging with each other. You're happy to be having his child. He's happy about that, too.
While your feelings regarding the child is like a warm spring day or a cup of hot tea just boiled, his are more mild, still. Like your tea, already cooled, or a warm blanket. There are positive feelings involved now, and even he cannot deny it (at least to himself).
He takes care of you well, following the advice of the books and experts to the T. Perhaps a little too closely because it's a bit overprotective. You're his. Which also means it's in his obligation to take care of you well.
But when the child is born... I think there's at least a spark there. I'm not sure it's enough to light that flame quite yet, but now... He realizes that this really is his child. His and yours. He has your pretty eyes but with his color. The curl of your hair and the slope of his nose. Oh. Oh...
This child...
As the years go on and he spends time caring for the child and spending time with them, he begins to find all these little endearing things about them. How they'll seek him out even in sleep. How they'll smile at him happily, the slant of it so much like yours. How they'll crawl and eventually waddle their way to him when they begin to cry... Even just the fact that he spends time with them is enough to grow this bond. And at some point, they're off to school and it's clear they did, indeed, have his intelligent mind. But they're far more soft around the edges. Much more susceptible to the inherent loneliness, boredom, and ridicule, even, that comes with such intelligence.
But... he gets it. He never really thought anyone understood him at that age and for him? It was lonely but he was irritated by it more than anything. He had thicker skin than his child at that age.
So when they come to him about it all, he can only try his best to let them know he gets it even if he doesn't know how to express such a thing.
Ever heard the saying, "Even a beast will love its child?"
He’s not a nice person. His personality is rough and no one would ever think he could be suited to something as delicate as fatherhood.
And yet…
While he's not one for grand gestures, I think the kid would be able to see he cares.
It's in the little things for him.
Talking about the things they're interested in at school.
Telling them about his work and the things he researches. Being patient with them unlike how he is with his students. ("They are grown. But you are not," he would say with a short pat to the head before going back to checking over their homework with care.)
Rewarding them for their achievements, even if it's with something small.
All sorts of small things.
(He'll never admit it, but you have a picture of the two napping while the kid was sprawled against his side, head tucked into his neck.)
Anyways ofisjgeo yeah-
Hopefully this isn’t too delusional goodbye- I was trying to make him a Relatively Good Dad for Pix while also making sure he was still mostly in-character. OTL
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r0se1111 · 21 days
Let's get more fluuuuff (before I start dropping angst prompts bc I like to suffer so that fluff feels even sweeter)
Okay, so, imagine: Ford and his s/o are on another research-date kinda thing, having fun and all, BUT all of a sudden they stumble upon some weird shi that seriously injured one of them!
Who is hurt? Who takes care of the other? How do they do it? It is up to you (*´꒳`)人
(bonus points for two versions and Ford carrying his s/o home bridal style👀)
Your head feels a little funny as it lolls against a hard surface. Furrowing your brow, you lift one shaky finger and press. You're met with a rapid pulse and an emanating warmth. This press of a finger turns into your whole palm attempting to soak up the heat. Almost without consent of your own mind your body curls into the source. Suddenly, you are being jostled and moved away from your personal little heartbeat. A hiccupped whine escapes your throat in protest, but this attempt of communication only causes a sharp pain in your abdomen. Looking down, you see another hand already lifting your sweater to find the source of this discomfort. Huh. Six fingers. That reminds you of...
The hands are now feeling along the clammy skin of your cheeks, the flesh there being pulled uncomfortably as they jostle. This time a disgruntled groan is your preferred method of communication. Something intelligible must have gotten across, you decide, because the warmth is back, and when you look up and see a pair of bespeckled eyes squinting worriedly at you. You gasp as stars fill your stomach because you recognize those eyes.
"-feeling okay? Dear, can you hear me?" Ford asks. His words seem to come out a slower than his lips move, and this is very interesting and amusing to you, so you reach forward with curious hands to touch those lips in investigation. This was decidedly not a good idea, as Ford's creased brow only deepens. He gently brings your hand down and moves his attention back to your stomach. Feeling jealous of all the attention your aching abdomen is getting, you turn your gaze down to glare at it.
Your gasp brings Ford's attention back to your face, but you don't even have the chance to bask in the warmth of his gaze as you stare at the wound on your stomach. It's so dark the blood looks more purple than red, and little spider-veins spread from the source up your veins. You can feel your own heartbeat pushing your blood throughout your circulatory system. Steadying your tongue, you carefully croak out "...Ford?"
"Hello darling. It seems that you've been stung by that manticore we were tracking and are feeling the effects of the poison entering your blood stream. But don't fear! I have just the thing." His optimistic words seemed strange coming out of such a sick looking face. He was pale, his dark hair was mussed, and a twitching frown had taken up residence on his oh so interesting lips. He's scared, you realized.
Another very flattering "grrrgh..." escaped you when you felt a sharp prick. Ford drew back from you holding an empty syringe.
"The antidote should only take a moment to take effect. After that we can worry about cleaning you up." He smiled weakly. You reached forward to hold his hand in your own attempt at comfort, the best you could do while the antidote pumped through your body. Ford's smile was softer and more familiar this time, and you saw some color return to his face.
He was right, of course, and after a bit all that was left of your encounter was a much more normal looking wound. Your head was clearer and your tongue less numb and blown up feeling. Ford was wetting a cloth to clean the injury when you spoke up. "Are you ok?"
His head jerked up and he looked at you with a sort of baffled amusement. "Well- well yes I'm ok. I'm not the one who was stung by a manticore. Are you ok?"
"I've had worse."
A choked out chuckle, a beat of silence, then he mumbles, "I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry. This is my fault, I keep dragging you along with me on these things and god it was supposed to be a date, way to show a girl a good time Ford, and now you're hurt and I'm so-"
His ramble was cut short as you reached to pause his hands in their dutiful care of your wound and intertwine his fingers with yours. "Hey."
He looked a little like you'd just sent volts of electricity though him as he responded. "Hello."
"I'm safe now. You made sure I was safe. It's not your fault, and it's ok." Your thumbs traced constellations over his knuckles. "And as far as the date part goes, I'd say this is pretty romantic, right?"
Ford's face went a little blank and then a little confused. "Me injecting you with a powerful anti-venom and then administering medical care to your open wound is romantic?"
A wave of warm fondness nearly sweeps you out to sea. "Well, I mean the whole bandaging up your partner thing is very... intimate. Or at least, I think so."
"Oh!" Ford exclaims, a little too loud for the quiet setting you are in, but you appreciate his enthusiasm nonetheless. "Yes, I suppose it is..." He trails off into a flush and suddenly his hands and eyes are busy with a roll of bandages. You see the little proud twitch of his lips and the pink color to his cheeks and know you've hit your mark.
So, when he finishes bandaging your wound you hit him with a cheeky little "Kiss it better?"
Ford is blushing in earnest now, but he gently leans down to press a little chaste kiss onto your hip, right at the border of where the bandages end, and you swear he's the one sending electricity through you this time as he leans back up to place his palms on your cheeks.
"Are you sure you're ok? That wasn't too much?"
Feeling a bit dizzy with adoration for this man, you lean in to meet his lips with your own. Now you understand why poisoned you had such a fascination with them as they move sweetly against your own. One last little desperate surge forward, then you two part to breathe and look at each other.
You lick your lips and the butterflies in your stomach turn into a swarm as you taste him. "I'm ok, it wasn't too much." You reply firmly.
Ford sighs and relaxes into your hands on his chest. You feel him inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. He nods then leans in and presses his forehead to yours. "You are completely wonderful and a little crazy, you know that?"
"That's why you love me."
An answering huff of laughter blows into your face. He peers up at you, innocent as a puppy. "Stay with me tonight?"
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klaus-littlestwolf · 2 months
YanAlpha!Klaus M. Mates the Last Omega
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Klaus meets an Omega while searching for wolves to make Hybrids. She’s the first Omega he has seen in Hundreds of years and he knows he has to have her…even if it takes some intense patience on his part
Warning:This is a Yandere Headcanon and it is labeled that way for a reason, the behavior exhibited by Klaus is dark, demented, and extremely manipulative. Proceed with Caution. DD:DNE
It started out as a Headcanon but it didn’t end that way so I’m not sure what to call it at this point
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~Klaus met you after finding out he needed Elena's blood to change his Hybrids
•The Hybrid had gone off by himself, leaving his sister behind, to find a new pack of werewolves and since he already knew where to look it didn't take long
•Klaus had walked right into the camp, startling the wolves who saw him before looking to their Alpha as the Hybrid knew they would.
•'I am Dane, Alpha of this pack and I'm sorry to say we don't allow outsiders in this camp, you may find the Shadow Moon pack to be more welcoming, they're about 12 miles southeast.  Leave this pack, now.'  The Alpha demanded and though he really wanted to laugh, he contained it, noting how so many of the wolves were shifting to a certain area as if protecting one specific tent. The tent being away from all of the others and clearly the largest one in the camp making Klaus extra curious though he would deal with the insolent Alpha first.
'That's good to know for later, thank you.  What is this pack called if I might ask?' He inquired, wondering if he should come up with a name for his own pack now, though that thought quickly fled his mind. Naming his pack would be inconsequential, he would just call it his Army.
'This is the Lycan Blood pack, and it is time for you to go, I am the Alpha of this pack.  You have no business here.'
'Oh, but that's where you're wrong.  I do have business here.  My name is Klaus, perhaps you've heard of me?' Everyone became noticeably stiff, once again shifting between him and the far tent.
'You're the hybrid.'
'Oh, you have heard of me.  Wonderful!' He grinned and suddenly the girl who had named him turned to the Alpha.
'Take care of her quickly.' He was officially intrigued when the Alpha took off to the tent and 4 of the wolves lunged at him at once.  It was far too easy to dispatch them, feeding them his blood and knocking the rest of the pack and the humans unconscious before following the Alpha to the tent.
'Please no?!  I haven't done anything wrong Alpha!'
'I know but I can't let him have you, you need to understand!  I have to do this!' Klaus peeked his head into the tent, seeing the Alpha with a dagger in hand, pinning another wolf to the ground, knees on her arms to keep her still as she still tried to kick him, tears streaming down her face.  The hybrid grabbed him by the back of the neck and hauled him off of her, quickly shoving a bloody wrist into the Alpha-soon to be Betas-mouth and snapped his neck.
•He had changed your Alpha that was trying to kill you before realizing what you were and the smell that filled his senses was like nothing he had ever experienced, made even stronger by the fact that he is in your tent that holds your nest (something he had only ever heard of before), he was obsessed with it immediately.  He knew as an Omega it would be hard for you to resist obeying an Alpha now that yours was gone and he knew he could take advantage of that as he watched you crawl away from him and up into the colorful, very well padded nest
•'Don't be afraid sweet girl, I won't harm you.' You looked up at him, tears in your eyes that Klaus wanted to wipe away but he wouldn't push you so far as to enter your nest this quickly, before looking down at your old Alphas dead body.  'I've given him a gift, he's a Hybrid now, never again bound to the moon.  You're a smart girl, you know that stronger Alphas will take over other packs, that's all this is, he's not your Alpha anymore sweet girl, I am, and I intend to protect you.' As he moved forward you suddenly hissed, swinging your claws out at him making him jump back to see he had nearly entered your nest and while the Original Hybrid felt he should be welcomed into the sweet smelling snuggly bed he also had heard how protective Omegas were of their nests and knew that if he bided his time you would be dragging him in before long, therefore he controlled himself...for now.
~He knew it would take time to get you to trust him and view him as your Alpha but he was willing to wait for you
•He eventually got you to relax enough to sleep, snuggled up in your nest and drifting off, allowing him to take care of the rest of the wolves, turning them and feeding them the Doppelgänger blood before getting rid of the humans and packing up everything his new pack would need to keep.  He woke you a few hours later and helped you begrudgingly pack up your nest and load it into his car to transport you to the next pack he had been told about
•He kept you safe in his house upon returning to Mystic Falls a few days later, having given you the master bedroom to set your nest in and that's where you stayed.  He would sit with you for hours, the first 2 days just consisted of him staring at you before he finally got you to talk to him which he counted as a win, quiet as you were.  He knew you eventually would, an Omega needs other wolves more than any Beta or Alpha does, they don't function well alone and he was going to make you completely dependent on him as your Alpha…no matter what he had to do
•'Eat my sweet girl, your Alpha made it especially for you.' He always referred to himself like this, knowing it would make you associate him with the head of your pack, as he hadn't changed you into a Hybrid yet, wanting you to be dependent on him first.
'Thank you...it's good.' You mumbled, reaching for your drink and touching his hand, the skin contact sending a feeling of warmth shooting up your body and making you needy.  Omegas are naturally needy and cuddly with their Alphas and your wolf has been quickly searching for a new Alpha to follow and you knew Klaus knew that.  It's why he isolated you and never left you alone but it was finally too much as you felt your wolf in the back of your head purring, your Alpha finally touching her after leaving her needy for days. 
Klaus watched your eyes glaze over and he knew your wolf was at the forefront of your mind, exactly what he was waiting for.  Klaus had only ever heard rumors about Omegas and since meeting you he did all the research he could, even compelling your old Alpha to tell him everything about you and how you behaved so he was prepared for whatever you needed.  'Alpha...'. you whined and he smiled, taking your hand and caressing the back of it with his thumb.
'Alphas here, Omega.  It's okay.  You're safe here, Alpha will protect you.' You whined again, dropping the plate of food and crawling forward, out of your nest and into his lap, nuzzling under his chin.  'Well, aren't you a snuggly thing.  My sweet girl, Alphas here.' Klaus was delighted by your attitude, wrapping his arms around you before picking up your plate.  'Eat Omega, your Alpha needs to make sure you're taken care of, don't I?' He fed her a bite of her pasta, digging his face into her neck as he heard her moan before the purr erupted from her throat.  The sound ran a chill down his spine straight to his cock, which was instantly hard pressed against her ass on his lap.
'Alpha?' She wondered and he nipped at her flesh.
'It's alright.  Alpha will take care of you, sweet girl.  Taste just as sweet as you smell, fuck!' His head began to feel foggy now and while Klaus didn't appreciate not feeling in control of himself, the overall feeling was quite...amazing.  He tossed the plate away knowing someone would clean it later, turning her to straddle his lap and pressing his lips to hers for the first time, his lips feeling like he had eaten pop rocks, a feeling that spread the more his skin touched hers.  He fell in love with her whines and whimpers as she pulled him closer, tugging at his shirt which he tried to keep her from removing before she ripped it straight down the front to get her hands on her Alphas strong chest.  'Such a needy little thing, aren't you?' His hand wrapped around her throat and pulled her up from where she tried to kiss his neck to look him in the eyes which were now golden and possessive.  'Did your last Alpha let you rip his clothes like this, or did he put you in your place.'
'Never touched me.' She choked and he tilted his head, confused.  'Said 'Mega's get in your head and make it cloudy...he only-only needed me to build the pack-Alpha please?' She pulled at his hand and while he knew he wasn't hurting her or even really cutting off her airway he eased his grip until his hand just touched her skin.
Klaus knew that Betas were more inclined to join a pack with an Omega, Omegas providing a feeling of safety which is what all wolves searching for a pack are in need of, of course he used her to help build his pack but not mating her?  Klaus had been curious about that but now he understood.  Many Alphas hundreds of years ago believed Omegas had the ability to control their Alphas because, as she had just demonstrated, their scent and touch can make their Alpha feel foggy but they feel it too, it enhances the experience of mating.  However, he knew that many Alphas some 5-600 years ago killed Omegas to keep them from "controlling their minds and stealing their packs".  While Klaus knew it to be a crazy superstition, it had seemingly worked out for him since the idiot "Alpha" hadn't touched his Omega.
'Alpha won't do that to you sweet girl, I will always give you what you need.' Klaus rocked his hips upwards against hers and his Omega practically wailed in need, his hard length pressing up against her through his jeans, though her pajama shorts that covered very little of her didn't do much to offer her protection with whatever kind of panties she had on.  His hands settled on her waist and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, face digging into his neck as she panted needily as he continued rocking up into her.  'There you go Omega, just feel me, such a good girl.' Another whimper followed that and he smirked as she nibbled on a spot at his neck.  Klaus only needed to rock his hips up against hers a few more times before she all but howled out her release, his arms tightening around her and holding her close as she settled down, knowing the more she touched him and breathed in his scent at a moment like this the needier she would be for him.  He wanted her needy, wanted her riled up and desperate as it would push her body to her heat faster because he knew the moment that happened it would be the nail in the coffin, she would give herself to him and there would be no going back.
'Nest Alpha, snuggle.' She all but demanded and he smiled, finding her adorable.  Klaus lifted her up and moved her to her nest, settling her down inside of it and handing her one of the stuffed creatures inside of it.  'Alpha, come.  Need you-'
'Not now Omega, Alpha has things to do.  I'll come and check on you in a bit, okay?' She shook her head quickly.
'No, want you in my nest!  Come!' Now she was demanding and he growled low in his chest making her squirm.
'Watch your tone Omega.  I will be back.' As he went to leave she caught his torn shirt and tugged at it, not meeting his eyes letting him know exactly what she wants which caused a smile to grow on his face and he pulled the tattered shirt off so that she could keep his scent in her nest before grabbing a clean shirt and leaving her to her inevitable nap.
•It's not like Klaus didn't want to be in her nest, he wanted it more than Anything!  But he knew that the second he crawled in he wouldn't be crawling out.  He needed to control himself and being surrounded by his Omegas nest, encased in her scent, wouldn't allow him to think of anything but mounting her and before that happened he needed her to be well and truly desperate for him.  He needed her to choose him when she goes into her heat.
~He kept on like that for a while, holding her and giving her bits and pieces of pleasure, but never more than that
•Klaus did feel a bit bad for it, he was truly falling in love with this sweet creature and she just wanted him to love on her the way her instincts insisted on but he wouldn't.  When he had come back later that night her nest was completely different, she had disassembled it and remade it in a different way, clearly thinking that her Alpha hadn't been satisfied with it and that's why he wouldn't enter it.  It looked incredibly comfortable and Klaus wanted more than anything to crawl in and never come out again, out of the nest or out of his Omega, but he couldn't. Not yet.
•He tried his best to keep her from thinking that he didn't like it but over the next few days as he could smell her getting closer to her heat she changed the nest 5 more times in hopes that he would like it. 3 days after he got her off for the first time, she finally hit her heat and he could smell it instantly
•The entire pack could smell it honestly, and all of them were quite stiff and unsure that day, watching Klaus as if waiting for him to snap. He didn't let her sit alone for long, not willing to leave her in pain when he could relieve it, but there was one more thing that needed done
•Klaus had planned to allow one of his Betas up the stairs to scare his mate a bit and make her all the more dependent on him but it seems the Beta he intended to use had beaten him to it when he thought his Alpha was distracted. He heard the Beta creeping to the door to his Omegas room slowly and quietly before Klaus turned to Mindy, one of his strongest Betas, and had her clear everyone out of the house for the night. He moved up the stairs behind his stupid Hybrid and he could see how desperate this wolf was for his Omega. He allowed the boy to enter his Omegas room without any complaint from him and he could see that the idiot boy was clearly excited. All of his Hybrids had been whispering since he brought his Omega back here, about what he's really going to do with her since any normal Alpha would have marked her by now. Some of them say he's just using her to his own ends like their old Alpha, some are saying he's going to kill her to keep her from having a hold on him, and some seem to believe that he just needs to keep her but that he's going to let one of his pack members have her since he doesn't want her...to Klaus, that was the stupidest conclusion they had come up with. But here this idiot Beta was, walking into his Omegas room as if he belonged there without a second thought. He cannot allow his pack to be full of men who would try and touch his Omega...he also can't have Betas in his pack that are this fucking stupid! Yes, it's true that he was going to have this Beta scare his Omega a bit like this anyway, but Klaus actually had hope that the Beta would be smart enough not to fall for it...apparently not. Klaus had known exactly which one of his Hybrids would be dumb enough to try something and there was nothing that could save him now…
•Klaus stood by the door, listening carefully as he heard his girl groan before smelling the air and whimpering as she realized the person who walked in was not her Alpha.
'Get out.' Y/n mumbled, writhing against the blankets uncomfortably. Klaus knew she was uncomfortable and scared now that this idiot was in her room and he desperately wanted to comfort her, however he knew that “saving her” would benefit him in the end. He was however quite happy with the fact that she only wanted him, rejecting this other wolf. Even after Klaus hadn’t given her what she wanted all this time, she still would only accept her Alpha. Klaus was fully confident that she was as in love with him as he was with her.
'It's okay Omega...I won't hurt you.' Klaus heard her let out a loud, angry hiss and he was actually impressed by his girl. As overwhelmed by her heat as she is, she is pushing through the brain fog to continue rejecting this idiot Beta. 'Alpha isn't here, he's not coming...but I'm here. I'll take care of you, Angel. I'll make you feel so good you won't even think about him again.' Klaus actually finds himself shocked at how stupid this Beta is, he knew he was an idiot and he had been meaning to get rid of him for a while, but if he's really this stupid he wants him away from his Omega now-Plans be damned!
'Alpha is gonna kill you for this.' She warned, and though it only came out a quiet mumble Klaus found himself smiling at how strongly he'd made his Omega believe in him.
'He doesn't care about you. All this time he could have mated you but he didn't, he doesn't want to Omega.' Klaus noted the Betas footsteps, not willing to let him actually get close enough to touch his Omega or to enter her nest. 'We've all been talking about it since he locked you up here...what's so wrong with that Omega that an Alpha doesn't want to mate her?' She whimpered sadly, the noise yanking on Klaus' heartstrings. 'Dane always said you were too needy, too desperate for this nest and for his attention. Personally I think he had the right idea, minus the not fucking you bit.'
'If you touch my nest I'll claw your eyes out!' She threatened but he snorted.
'You think you're stronger than me? Especially now? No Omega, now you're gonna put the claws away and do as you're told or I'm gonna do what Dane did when you misbehaved and I'm gonna take this nest away from you.' Klaus found himself shocked by that, Y/n hadn't told him of her old Alpha taking away her nest…maybe she hadn’t wanted to risk giving him the idea? That is one of the worst things that can be done, something the Hybrid would never even consider doing to his Omega and this idiot was threatening to do it during her heat! If Klaus hadn't already killed Dane several days ago (having been overly possessive after touching his Omega the first time), he would be killing him now…though now he wishes he’d made the idiot suffer a bit more.
'Get away from me!' As Klaus now heard the fear in his Omegas voice, he finally stepped into the room, rumbling a loud growl from his chest and startling the Beta who jumped back from the nest. 'Alpha! Please make him stop?! Please?!' His girl pleaded and Klaus felt his wolf howling in the back of his mind as he was overcome by the smell of his Omegas heat.
'What do you think you're doing in here?' Klaus asked, as calmly as he could which startled the Beta more.
'You aren't mating her, and if you're not going to, someone should.' The boy explained, trying to keep up his cocky attitude but being unable to keep the waver out of his voice as he grew more nervous.
'So you thought you would sneak in here while I was out, like a rat, and assault my Omega while she's in heat...if you truly think any Omega anywhere deserves that kind of treatment...then the world is damn lucky that you're not an Alpha.'
'I'd make a better Alpha than you! You leave her here alone every day to suffer-'
'Suffer?! She has everything she could ever need, she has her own room that no one else can enter and force her to smell other wolves, she has a nest full of everything she could want and I continue adding to it every day! I bring her meals and snacks, entertainment and I stay by her side everyday! Just because I don't force myself on her and make her take me as her Alpha doesn't mean she is suffering!' Klaus wrapped his hand around the Betas throat, pinning him to the wall and baring his fangs in his face, him whimpering like a scared little boy. 'You tried to hurt my Omega-'
'I didn't-'
'You threatened to take her nest from her for not giving you what you want. You threatened her...and I cannot let that go unpunished. No one hurts my Omega.' Just as he shoved his hand into the Hybrids chest his wolf began howling in the back of his brain once again, the loud purr that was coming from behind him was setting all of Klaus' nerve endings on fire. He felt the goosebumps rise on his flesh, every inch of his skin feeling tingly as he was overwhelmed by the scent of his Omega in heat and the sound of her purring just for him.
'Alpha...?' He turned his head to see her sat in her nest, her perfect soft skin now on display as she had stripped herself of her clothes, looking at him with a hopeful, pleading look. The sheen of sweat over her pale flesh seemed to remind him of how uncomfortable she must be and he jerked his hand back, tearing the mans heart from his chest and dropping it to the ground after using his shirt to wipe his hand off.  'Please don't leave me again...fixed the nest for you so you'll like it now...please stay?'
'You don't need to beg Omega, your Alpha is here.'  Klaus moved quickly, dragging the Betas body out the door before shutting it and moving back towards her, her scent overwhelming his senses as his mind became foggy once again.  He could see that her eyes were glazed over again, her heat taking its toll on her.  Klaus pulled his shirt over his head quickly, stripping his pants off as well as his boxer briefs to leave him completely bare as he crawls into her nest finally, being an instant relief to the both of them. Klaus grabs ahold of her ankle, pulling her towards himself roughly so that she’s laid out on her back now for him to touch as he pleases. ‘So perfect Omega, look at you…’ he hums, crawling over her and pressing his forehead to hers. ‘All mine now, aren’t you?’ She nodded quickly, moving her head to kiss him but he pulled back. ‘Say it Babygirl.’
‘Alphas! All Alphas now, no one else, never again! My Alpha…love my Alpha!’ She grabbed the back of his neck and pressed her lips to his now.
‘1000 years I’ve been waiting, you are never getting away from me now. And I will slaughter anyone who dares touch my Omega.’ He swore, lips still pressed to hers as he did. As he touched her Klaus found himself briefly wondering if this is what being on drugs felt like-every touch, every small brush of skin felt electrified and almost explosive. If this is what sex with his Omega feels like every time, he could never imagine wanting another women ever again, no other sex could top this feeling and he wasn’t even inside of her yet-though his Omega aimed to change that quickly.
‘Please?’ She whined, lifting her hips and rubbing her slick against his hard cock.
‘Please what, Omega? What do you need from your Alpha?’ He grabbed the backs of her knees and pulled her legs to wrap around his waist, her dripping cunt now pinned against him.
‘Knot! Please-Please Alpha?! Need your knot!’ His Omega was begging, she was a desperate little slut in need of his knot inside of her and the wolf in his mind was banging on its cage in his brain trying to get out.
‘You’ll have it precious, it’s all yours-‘
‘Mine! My Alpha! My Knot! All Mine!’ Her possessive behavior shocked him a bit, never having had a women under him before that would even think to claim him as her own. He was the Hybrid, he belonged to no one-but just as he thought this he was overcome with a heavy weight in his mind, his fangs pushing out of his gums as his eyes shifted to that familiar gold, dark veins forming below them. He felt no control in himself anymore as his wolf was now in the forefront of his mind.
‘That’s right pup, Alpha is all yours. No one else’s, not ever again. My pretty Omega, look at you, such a needy Little Wolf for me, need your Alpha to make it all better, hmm?’ She nodded, tears leaking from her eyes as she was completely overwhelmed. ‘It’s alright Omega, your Alpha is gonna take care of you so good. All mine.’ The growl that his voice had taken on clearly made his girl happy as she began purring quite loudly. ‘Scream for your Alpha, baby. Let all of them hear you in your pleasure, let them know who’s cunt this is!’ He shifted his hips back before pushing himself forward and filling his Omega with his cock for the first time. She squeaked a bit at the feeling of the stretch before moaning, claws digging into Klaus’ flesh on his back which only served to send a new shot of pleasure down his spine.
He began thrusting up into her at a borderline painful pace but her little whines and whimpers were driving him on. His wolf was content for the first time since smelling his Omega, driving his hips forward, fangs bared as he shoved his face into her neck and continued fucking his Omega. ‘Oh God! Alpha! Please?! Please Alpha?!’
‘Shh, hush now Little Wolf, I’ve got you.’ Klaus could feel how close she was, desperate to cum just as he was and as he felt his knot beginning to swell he pulled out of her slick hole and flipped her over. He ignored her whining as he lifted her ass up, presenting her to himself and shoving his cock back into her cunt. ‘Such a pretty Omega, aren’t you? Perfect little holes for your Alpha, I can have them all, can’t I? You wouldn’t deny me these lovely holes, would you?’ She shook her head, whining desperately and Klaus could feel her squeeze his cock, knowing she is going to cum.
‘Knot…Knot Alpha-Need-‘
‘I know Omega, Alphas gonna knot you up so good. Gonna be so full of me you’ll be carrying around my pups tomorrow-‘
‘Oh God! Yes-Yes! Please Alpha?!’
‘Does my Little Wolf want her mate to fill her with his babies? Fuck, you’ll look so gorgeous with your belly swollen with my pups,gonna be so sexy-I’ll never be able to stop fucking you Omega!’ Klaus felt his knot swelling as he knew he was close, needing to feel his Omegas pussy squeeze him the way he had always wanted. He trailed his hand down her spine, squeezing her ass and pressing his thumb against her tight little hole, receiving a loud squeal. ‘Cum for your Alpha, Little Wolf, squeeze my cock nice and tight and I’ll give you what you want.’
‘Yes! Yes Alpha! Oh Fuck!’ In that moment Klaus knew he had never felt anything more perfect than her sweet little cunt as she squeezed the life out of his cock, his knot expanding fully inside of her just as he buried his fangs into her neck roughly, finally marking her as his. His cock filled her almost violently with more cum than he would ever think he could, his orgasm lasting more than double what it usually did before they both collapsed.
His wolf had receded from his mind for the moment and he was slightly more aware of his surroundings, hearing his mate whine and realizing the uncomfortable position they were in as they had both collapsed awkwardly. He moved carefully onto his side and helped her move with him, his knot still trapped inside of her as it would be for at least the next 15 minutes, making him hold her hips to his gently so he didn’t hurt them both before holding her back to his chest and nuzzling her neck with a hand cupping her breast. ‘You did so good for me, Omega. Gave yourself to me so perfect, my good girl.’ He praised, kissing her neck over the mating mark he had gifted her and enjoying the soft purr he was rewarded with.
‘Don’t leave…’ she mumbled as her eyes drifted shut against her will, knowing she needed to sleep as her body was driven to rest as his seed attempted to take hold inside of her. They would be mating like this at the very least every few hours for the next 5-7 days during her heat, and even if he knew it would never happen, the Alpha inside of him was desperate to fill her with his pups as many times as he could during her heat.
‘You think I would leave you like this? What kind of terrible Alpha do you take me for Omega? I am not leaving your side once until your heat is over and you’re so full of my cum that you look knocked up already…I’m sorry that I can’t give you that…but we can have fun trying for the rest of eternity.’ He teased, nipping her ear and enjoying her soft whine.
‘Just want you Alpha…don’t need anything else if I have you.’
‘You will always have me Babygirl, I will never let you go. Never.’ He growled, thrusting up into her and enjoying her loud whimper as she felt his knot move. ‘Sleep Omega, Alpha will wake you soon when I will fuck you again before I feed my little mate and I fuck you in the kitchen. Just sleep little mate, you’re safe now. Alpha has you.’
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Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
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oneofstarkskids · 1 month
a mistake
pairings: loki laufeyson x reader
genre: angst, fluffy-ish ending
summary: you're the first person he goes to when trouble finds him. why would this time be any different?
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your hands shook as you held your cloak closed. you stood by the bank of the river, waiting. the moon light bounced off of the water, making it sparkle in the most curious way.
a voice spoke your name urgently. you spun around, shocked by its abruptness.
he was pale. paler than usual. with a crazed look in his blue eyes.
you reached for him, "what's happening?"
he grasped onto your arms. not in a forceful way, but to stabilize himself.
"we can't be here anymore," he said with a pained expression.
you shook your head, "what do you mean?"
"please, come with me. we can go anywhere. we can go to midgard or nidavellir. we could hide away on vanaheim. just the two of us," he begged and rambled on, seemingly unaware that you had no context.
of course, it struck you when he mentioned vanaheim. you'd always wanted to visit. he knew that. it was where your mother would've raised you, had she still been alive.
"loki, we can't just run away," you had to be the voice of reason.
"i cannot stay here," he stated.
he furrowed his dark brows and you could tell he'd felt betrayed.
"why not?" you tried.
loki practically shook with frustration, "i just can't!"
you hated to see him like this, but you didn't know how to help, "why not!?"
"you're supposed to be my dearest friend. can't you just trust me?" he paced back and forth.
you walked up to him and took his hands into your own. you inhaled deeply, expecting him to do the same. after a few moments of mirroring your actions and hearing your encouragements, he began to open up.
"they lied. they all lied to me. i was never..." he choked on the words. as if they were too painful to speak. "i was never supposed to be here."
you held his face in your hands, "loki, don't say that."
his eyes stung with tears, "i'm not one of them. i'm a monster, a mistake!" he was losing all of the restraint you'd helped him build.
you hated to hear him talk about himself like that, "no you're not-"
"you don't get it." he turned away from you.
all you could do was whisper his name softly. it became so incredibly quiet. the only sound was the wind ruffled leaves of the forest trees.
you reminded him who he was. an odinson. every bit as much as his brother. as you had done many times before. but this time...it was different.
"i don't belong," he said before turning his face towards you.
it was ice blue with markings carved into his features and his eyes were a shade of blood red.
for a single moment you froze. not because you were afraid, but because you were in complete shock.
"now you see. i'm not an odinson. i'm just a coverup for another one of odin's lies and mistakes," he said softly with a bitter tone.
your heart broke for the boy and you finally understood.
"loki, no. listen to me. you are the same boy that spoke to me that day in the garden when nobody else would. the same boy that would chase me around the palace. you're the same boy who trained with me in the stadium and frolicked beside me in the fields," you reminded him.
"the color of your eyes or of your skin could never change that."
he looked into your eyes and all you saw was a broken boy. never a monster.
you slowly reached your hand up, waiting for him to stop you. when he decided not to move, you placed your hands on either side of his face once more.
fresh, ice cold tears rolled down his cheeks and onto your skin. you rested your forehead against his.
"i followed you into battle for centuries. i will follow you wherever you go now," you promised.
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sgnarl · 2 months
sgnarl 2024 updated comm post
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helllooo. i know i updated my commissions last in january, but ive honestly improved and done a lot of work this year, so i felt the comm post needed to be updated
before we get into the details....
as always, if you're ever curious about the progress on a commission, just ask for an update and i'll send you one.
character credits: @loveaankilaq / @anaelwings, @goldencamelias, @orcapologist, @bearliquids, @hobgobbin , @too-many-muses , @mightymessenger @odiletheswanqueen
i only accept payment upfront & i will not negotiate on paying after. payment info at the end of post
you can contact me right here on tumblr dot com, just DM me!
Full Body Character - 30$
Add character +10$
Add shading & lighting +10$
Price points for the background can be negotiated based on the level of detail required, or if they are a complete or partial background
Portrait - 30$
Portraits will always be rendered
They will always have a "decorated" background (simple shapes, colors, concepts, or designs)
Portraits will always be from the bust up
Full Canvas - 70$
The full canvas option can get a bit abstract. Basically, you just sit and talk with me about your character/s, their aesthetics, occupation, their lore, specific poses or concepts you want and then I go ham on the canvas
It will always include some level of shading and lighting & some level of background, whether it is a literal setting or a decorated/abstract background
The base price is 70$. However, if you'd like to add another character (as shown in the second example), it will be +10$, just as it is with the Full Body Character option.
If you're only curious and want to discuss this option, feel free to DM me, no strings attached
Concepts I Will Accept
✔️ - some robot/cyber/mech stuff (i really determine case-by-case), furry/anthro, non-humanoid creatures, fantasy, sci fi, OCs, weapons, blood, nudity/suggestive
✔️ - some fandoms I'm familiar with are D&D, Marvel & DC comics/movies, Assassin's Creed, Disco Elysium, ATLA, Metalocalypse, The Wolf Among Us. I'm capable of doing any fandom artwork with sufficient references & have done so in the past
Concepts I Won't Accept
❌ - hateful imagery, underage/abusive/incest ships, certain fandoms (Harry Potter, Voltron, Supernatural are among these), gore, and ofc I reserve the right to deny anything
paypal: thundahouse
NSFW comm post (minors DNI this link)
Further various examples below
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Full Canvas
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Full Body
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^ non standing poses can count as full body commissions
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yanderes-galore · 3 months
rose quartz (SU) with human darling (Platonic/Romantic) Hcs 🪲 [Shiny Bug Anon]
Oh cool :0 This could be fun, lol. I haven written for Rose before...!
Yandere! Rose Quartz with Human! Darling
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Overprotective behavior, Condescending behavior, Clingy behavior, Fear of loss, Isolation, Blood mention, Dark themes, Jealousy, Forced companionship/relationship.
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Rose has been known to have a fascination with humans.
This is evident in the show where she's curious about them, often learning about them through Greg.
She sees humans as cute and funny... they're adorable little creatures to her.
I imagine she gets with Greg at some point for the sake of Steven, but imagine if she was fond of another human first?
Before she and Greg got together officially, she found you.
You're younger than Greg and might even be curious of her like she is of you.
Rose is described as caring and loving of those she's close to.
She's curious and sees beauty in all life.
Yet humans seem to be her favorite.
When she looks at you, she thinks you have a natural attractive beauty to you.
She wants to know you more.
In fact, it's canon that Rose isn't quite sure how human love works compared to Gems.
Be that platonic or romantic love... she isn't quite sure how either works.
Which makes her unsure how exactly to act upon her feelings towards you.
I can see Rose accidentally being condescending towards you.
She tries her best to see everyone as equal... but she can't help but coo over you like a pet.
She just thinks her human is so darn cute.
Although... she does worry about getting attached at first-
After all, you're human.
Your lifespan is so short compared to her.
But we'll get into that later....
Eventually she can't help herself.
You're too interesting for her and she can't help but be drawn to you.
Due to her curious nature, Rose may also be a bit... invasive.
She struggles with boundaries, often curiously prodding at you and asking invasive questions.
You try your best to keep up with it... she is an alien, after all.
Rose listens to every word you say with sparkles in her eyes.
She likes to learn more about you and humans in general.
She's adventurous and may even want to take you along on exploration.
Well... on anything that won't get you hurt.
Rose doesn't seem that bad, she's actually caring and adores you...
Unfortunately, things do take a darker tone eventually... this is still Pink, of course.
Rose is deceptive and a bit selfish.
She worries she'll lose you due to how fragile humans are.
She know doubt learns of your fragility by an accident.
Imagine Rose took you out to explore an area, only for you to get hurt.
The Gem freezes when she looks you over, seeing blood seep out of a few cuts you have.
The good news is she can heal... but seeing you with anything from bruises to a broken bone freaks her out.
It reminds her that humans aren't like Gems.
Your life can end much easier than hers can.
Rose's obsession is not just driven by curiosity... It's also her fear.
This was the reason she didn't want to be attached in the first place.
But... she can't help it.
You look so cute in her arms... your curiosity reminds her of herself.
Rose would do anything to protect those close to her.
Such a trait sounds selfless... yet towards you it's selfish.
Well, Rose refuses to acknowledge that all life... including yours... has an end.
A known power of Rose, other than healing, is resurrection.
If she doesn't want something to die... she'll change it.
Imagine if Rose is so scared of you dying... She makes you immortal.
She's too fond of you to just let you die.
Which means she'd use her powers to make you live longer.
Sure, you'll be a pink color now...
But you'll still be hers, in fact, the color you have now only proves it.
Yeah, this is what makes her behavior selfish.
She curses you with a longer lifespan to keep you as hers longer.
Not only that, but she probably begins to isolate you.
She is definitely one to tell you that all of what she does is for your benefit.
In reality... she doesn't want to let her human go.
It only works in her favor when people distance themselves from you due to your changed appearance.
It's true... that pink tint you have now is like some sort of brand.
Soon you're not hanging out with many other humans other than Greg.
Rose is always around you, when she can't be, the Crystal Gems are around you.
Rose is selfish about her human.
She purposefully takes your attention away, often feeling jealousy towards you interacting with other humans.
It's a... toxic emotion.
She knows she should allow you to thrive with your kind.
Yet in the end she claims you as hers, again, oddly like a pet or toy.
Perhaps she keeps you at the temple/beach house?
She is still very affectionate and curious as ever... even if you feel dejected due to what she's done to you.
She doesn't let you leave her home.
Maybe she even keeps you in her room?
She can create whatever you want there.
Rose just wants you to be happy.
Although... it often seems like she prioritizes her own happiness most of the time
When you're alone she holds you close, her touch delicate and soft as though you'll break.
When you ask to go outside, she turns it down.
The only time you're free from captivity again is when she makes Steven.
Imagine if you were still affected by her obsession even after she creates Steven.
She does imply in the show that she influences Steven's emotions (iirc-).
So... what happens if her obsession develops in Steven?
I'm talking Steven feels drawn to you but isn't sure why.
Of course it's platonic for most of the events of the show.
But it could change in Future when he's older.
You're cursed with being forever young... all because you got too close to an alien.
Now you have a Gem/Human hybrid who won't leave you alone.
But that's just a thought!
Overall, Rose may seem very interested and kind with her human obsession.
Yet catching her attention isn't really a good thing...
Especially if it means you'll never leave her... even when she's gone.
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cupidl0vr · 2 months
I See Red
Did you really think, I'd just forgive and forget, no
Period Headcanons with One Piece Characters:
Let’s be honest here, this man doesn’t even know what a period is until he meets you. I want to believe that the way he found out was from the two of you sleeping together in his bed and you start your period bleeding through your clothes. When he sees the blood he begins panicking, thinking that his partner is dying quickly picking you up and dragging you to Chopper.
When you explain things to him, he still doesn’t get what a period is and why you’re bleeding so he asks Nami and Robin who are quick to tell him what to do to help. The two of them give him a list of things to do when taking care of you on your period and he takes one look at it before realizing he can’t read. (Hear me out, I headcanon that he never learned how to read and he has the most notorious handwriting)
Tossing the list, he does what he normally does being a clingy boyfriend to you. He cuddles you all the time, holding you close to his chest not caring if you bleed onto the bed since the blood doesn’t bother him. 
He steals food from you all the time from the kitchen, sometimes snacking on the food with you. One time late at night Sanji caught him stealing food only to find out leading to him making a whole meal of just your comfort foods with Luffy. 
Depending on what you use, he’ll be curious. He’ll want to see you stick the tampon in and ask how it's used and such. He’ll ask if your pad is a diaper and open it up messing with the flaps and colorful paper. One time on your period you told him that your tampons were flavored, not expecting him to stuff a green one in his mouth thinking it was green apple flavored. 
Overall he’s a 6/10 when it comes to you being on your period, but he makes up for it by being sweet and making you laugh. 
After catching you with her. Your blood should run cold, so cold
He knows of it but doesn't know much about it. Leading to the two of you having to sit down and talk after he demanded that the two of you train. Understanding, he still wants to train but leaves it by letting you rest in bed.
When your in to much pain to move around and just want to lay in bed, he’ll pick you up and hold you close bringing you to the kitchen to eat or bringing you with him to watch him train. He doesn't mind carrying you around as you’re light as a feather to him. He’ll carry you on his back or hold you in his arms, either way, he’s carrying you.
When the two of you are napping, he’ll hold you close and rub soothing circles into your side trying to ease the pain as the two of you sleep. 
He’s not embarrassed with things such as buying whatever toiletries you need. If you run out of something, he’s willing to go buy it at the nearest island or ask one of the girls for something. He’s not weirded out by it thinking that it's normal and it happens. 
Let’s be real, he has big hands and those hands and I fell like those hands would be warm constantly. Perfect on-the-go heating pad. It comes in handy when the two of you are cuddling and your trying to rest but your cramps are just too painful, but here comes big hand Zoro using the warmth to knock you into a deep slumber. 
When you showed him how tampons worked you grabbed a water bottle and shoved the tampon through it watching it grow when making contact with the water. Widening his eyes, Zoro was shocked never expecting such a small thing to get so big. He was shocked and nervous. 
Overall he’s an 8/10, very helpful, and cares about your needs, but still would much rather train. 
You, you two-timing, cheap-lying, wannabe. You're a fool, if you thought that I'd just let this go
He’s well-educated on periods and when told you’re on yours, he’s right by your side the whole time taking care of your every need without a second thought. 
He makes your comfort food every day and night, not even asking already knowing what you want as if he can read your mind. Breakfast in bed, candlelit dinner, anything you want, you’re getting. 
He’s the type of boyfriend to be stocked up on everything that you need, pads? Tampons? Underwear? He has it all. Don’t ask how he knew which underwear brand you liked. (He went through your panties draw but he’ll never tell you)
One time when the two of you were out of town, Sanji had you on his mind and thought you were so beautiful that he got a nosebleed. But, a tampon came in handy as you shoved them up his nose stopping the bleeding. He fainted after that not able to handle your beauty. 
Every time you bleed through, he’s right by your side willing to change the sheets and grab you some more clothes helping you get back into your guy-clean bed. He then holds you in his arms not caring about what had just happened a few minutes ago unphased by it. 
Overall he’s a 9/10. He’s ready for anything and is always there for you, but you’re losing a lot more tampons thanks to his constant bloody noses
I see red, red, oh red A gun to your head, head, to your head Now all I see is red, red, red
Requests are now open! Feel free to submit something
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gtsdreamer2 · 11 months
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   You were deep in the Amazon rainforest. A recent graduate with your mycology doctorate, you were researching a special species of mushroom that only was said to grow deep in the jungle and only during the twenty four hours of the full moon during the autumn months. According to ancient texts found in the indigenous people's temples, the mushroom was used in fertility rituals and to signify a bountiful harvest during these months before the cold winter. You were curious about the cultural significance as well as the medicinal properties of this rare shroom. You didn't know what it looked like, only that it wasn't foraged for by the locals anymore and that it should look like a mushroom that you don't know.
   Hours of searching later, you begin to grow tired and wonder if you should give up and wait until the next full moon. The sun is starting to set when you finally spot something different. It's a mushroom you've never seen before, which is remarkable seeing as how you've seen them all. The cap is a pinky flesh color with an even pinker button on top. You giggle to yourself as you remark that it looks like a tit with a firm nipple poking out of it.
   Kneeling down, you take out your notebook and a pencil and begin to sketch it. 'I'm just drawing a boob.' You think to yourself. You stare in awe at this shroom as the sun continues to set. Taking your pencil, you poke the nipple-esque protrusion. Immediately this mushroom expells a giant cloud of spores right in your face. You gasp in surprise, sucking into your lungs an ample amount of the potent plume.
   You hack and cough, but its way too late for that, they're already lodged deep within you and entering your blood stream. Your eyes dialate and your body grows hot. You stand and lean against a tree, trying to catch your breath. You can feel your heatbeat in every nerve. Your cells are responding in a way they never have to the new foreign agent that has begun to take over you. Your heatbeat concentrates in your breasts as you feel your nipples grow almost painfully erect. Then you feel your breasts start to press against your soft white cotton top. You can feel the belts on your corset tighten to try and contain whatever is happening to you. Suddenly you shoot up four inches in height.
   Your sudden growth spurt elicits an a forced maon from your mouth. "Mmmph!" You cry out as a second wave hits you. The belts on your corset snap and suddenly you're six foot five with the seams of your jeans splitting. You feel your feet break free from your hiking boots as your toes sink into the damp rainforest earth.
   'This is starting to feel really good.' You think to yourself as you start to regain a semblance of your normal senses. Doing a body check, you can tell that you've grown. Your breasts have at least doubled in size and are now very hot and sensitive to the touch. You can feel a hunger deep in your womb as if ovulating on steroids.
   You attempt to sit down on the cool jungle floor, your now massive ass shredding the back of your jeans as you squat down. You pick up your pad and pen and continue to make notes about the shroom.
   'It is clear that this is how the Amazon women in the lore of this land gained their stature, and I can clearly feel why this particular fungus was revered for its fertility-inducing properties. I feel so full of life, yet I also feel the need to be bred full of babies.' Looking back at your notes, you are in shock that you actually wrote that down.
   You wonder to yourself how potent the flesh of the shroom might be, considering what just inhaling some of the spores had done to you. As the sun began to set, you walk back over to the shroom and delicately pluck it out of the ground before greedily shoving the whole thing into your mouth, quickly swallowing it without so much as trying to find out what it tastes like. Again the euphoria strikes your body. You feel its effects ten fold as you quickly gain four feet in height and explode out of your inadequate top. Sitting back down on the remainder of your ruined clothes, you bask in the feeling of your massive body and heightened strength and senses. You close your eyes and listen to the jungle around you, lamenting that you ate the only specimen that you had found on your journey, and now the only evidence was what it had done to you. When you open your eyes, the realize that the moon has peaked through the canopy. Your dialated eyes can see the jungle floor quite clearly now, and shimmering all across the damp dense expanse before you, you can see dozens more of the mushroom glowing against the moon, as if drinking in its power. 'It would have been so much easier to find at night.' You chastise yourself as you stand up again. You leave your ruined clothes behind as you pick up your foraging Satchel and start to delicately pick as many of the shrooms as you can carry, trying your best to put them in containers without them expelling more spores. 'This will be so great for my research.' You think to yourself. 'And it'll make a great snack for the walk back'. You giggle to yourself as you pop another three into your mouth.
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breaddwoo · 2 years
-Bloody Kisses-
pairing: wednesday x vamp! reader
word count: 3.22k
warnings: slight nsfw, blood
desc: wednesday helps you with your blood deficiency and becomes addicted to the pain of your bite :)
a/n: lowkey erotic despite there being nothing sexual 😭😭 will probably write a pt 2!!
edit: pt 2 is out :)
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tonight was like any night for wednesday; pitch black gear on to help camouflage her in the dead of night, hoping to once again get a glimpse of the hyde.
what she didn't expect was to watch a girl tumble limply down the incline that wednesday took shelter at the bottom of.
she heard a few coughs, painful ones that sounded full of death. coughs like those came from people close to hades' door.
in her intrigue, wednesday couldn't help but lift from her hiding spot and slowly trek towards the girl laying face down in the fallen autumn leaves. she knelt, placing a hand on the girl's shoulder to flip her upright.
who she saw was someone she recognized to be one of enid's closest friends. from enid's stories, her name is (y/n) and she happened to be part of the vampire division of the school.
wednesday noticed your eyelids begin to flutter with consciousness and she took a step back.
when you fully opened them, it took you a second to recognize where you were. taking in your surroundings, wednesday's attentive gaze smothered you.
your arms began to lift you from the ground, but they went limp and you collapsed into the leaves once more.
"you look awful," wednesday said in her monotone voice.
you looked up to her, eye twitching with pain, "gee, thanks."
"i suppose you're (y/n)."
"and i suppose you're wednesday addams," you retorted, a painful coughing fit following soon after.
"how come you're in this state?" she questioned. it almost sounded like concern, but you knew enough from enid that wednesday doesn't feel emotions like that.
you let out a self-pitying laugh, "i can't ingest the animal blood offered at school. i always throw it up, no matter how hard i try. i'm dying and i can't tell anyone."
"are you not already dead?"
her insensitivity was astounding.
"my bad for not using the correct terminology," you spat, another coughing fit taking over your lungs and causing you to clench the soil beneath.
as wednesday watched your life drain from your weak body, an idea dug itself into her thoughts. "is it human blood that you desire?"
you looked at her like she was stupid. the expression on your face was answer enough, so she continued, "i will give you some of mine."
now your pale face was dumbstruck. is this bitch crazy?
"why the fuck would you want to do that?" you asked, thinking her suggestion was absolute nonsense.
"to say that i am curious about the feeling of a vampire bite would be a... crude understatement," she replied, her eyes the color of the sky above, omitting the stars.
you shook your head defiantly, "absolutely not. i don't think i could control myself, i might just suck you dry."
wednesday's mouth twitched, restraining a masochistic smile.
"do you really have a choice, (y/n)? "
you looked down at yourself. your throat felt like hell fire and every single limb held an unbearable ache. you were treading a thin line between immortality and mortality, and that scared you.
running a hand through your hair, you gazed back up at her, "fine. we do this once, and i will owe you. just please, please don't tell anyone. i'm afraid everyone will believe i'll go ballistic without blood and i'll get expelled."
wednesday nodded and slowly sat beside you, her small frame accentuated by the moon light behind her. getting a better look, you could tell how pretty she was. enid never mentioned that.
"what is it that you need me to do?"
you looked at her, examining what she was wearing. a black spaghetti strap dress that zipped from behind with a long sleeved turtle neck beneath.
realizing what you were about to say, your face began to warm, "uhm- you'll need to uh, to removed the turtle neck under your dress."
she nodded, then said, "it would be easier if you would unzip the dress for me."
how she kept a calm, emotionless expression on her face was beyond you. having this much contact with someone you've only heard about through stories made your face flush red.
after unzipping her dress, wednesday didn't even hesitate to pull the turtle neck over her head. this exposed most of her bare, pale back and the inky lace bra that her clothes had hidden. you were intensely mortified.
"w-wait, are you okay with me seeing this? i-" your words of embarrassment were cut short by more hacking, this time with a string of blood down the side of your mouth.
"i am fine," she stated, moving the dress back up and concealing her bra once more. now her shoulders and neck were fully exposed. your mouth practically flooded with saliva at the thought of piercing the smooth skin with your fangs.
"(y/n), " she said, this time with a little force in her tone, "do it. i want you to."
these words made your chest tighten. you tried to breathe a little more steady, "okay."
scooting closer to her, you moved one of her black braids from the left side of her neck to let it hang behind her. you took her bare shoulders in your hands, leaning close to the skin of her exposed neck.
though you felt awful for what you were about to do, you also felt completely exhilarated.
and, surprisingly, so did wednesday. the way you gently caressed her as your warm breath tickled the skin about to be pierced; it had her mind tangling in knots that she couldn't be bothered to unravel.
the prick of pain that followed the penetration of your teeth made wednesday's entire body shiver. she was hyper aware of the blood draining from the spot you assaulted but the feeling was intensely pleasing.
she felt warm. then she felt cold. her shoulder went fuzzy, like it no longer blonged to her. then her mind floated in a euphoria she'd never experienced before; the pain was like a bruise she enjoyed pressing on.
you also felt incredible. with each second that passed by, it felt like life was entering your body once more. the liquid vitality that you consumed almost made your still heart beat again.
you loved the feeling. you wanted to drink. you wanted all of it, all of her. but in the back of your mind, a small voice screamed at you to stop. the voice got louder until you forced yourself to pull away.
a small stream of blood dripped to wednesday's collarbone. "you can lick it," she said in a monotone voice laced with need. you shook your head, wiping your mouth.
wednesday couldn't wrap her head around the euphoric feeling that your bite had inflicted on her; all she knew was that she wanted to experience it again.
with your fangs on full view, color returned to your face and a body back to it's original state, you looked like a whole new person. this thought set a fire ablaze in her stomach and she couldn't tell if she enjoyed it or not.
her arms felt like wet noodles. she tried to lift them, attempting to put her garment back on; it was to no avail.
you saw this, "i'm sorry, i drank too much. let me help you."
as you went to help her, she fell backwards onto your lap. eyes widening in concern, you lean close to check her complexion, "wednesday, are you okay? i'm sorry, i really should have restrained myself. "
"no," she shook her head adamantly, "i requested this. and it's not like being in this state is unenjoyable."
you pressed your lips together in a line full of judgement, but said nothing. after her clothes were placed back on her, she tried to lift herself off of you.
"wait, wait- trust me, if you can't put your own clothes on then you can't stand by yourself," you said with care, standing and placing her arm around your shoulders.
the walk back to nevermore was quiet. neither of you spoke a word, wednesday too light headed from the painful pleasure of your teeth. she even forgot what she had been doing outside in the first place.
when you arrived at her dorm, she was still weak and needed support. wednesday held a finger to her lips. her dead eyes motioned to the door. you knew that enid was inside, and hopefully, she was asleep.
with the door unlocked, you assisted wednesday to her bed. when you went to set her down, however, you tripped on the corner of her bedsheets that hung to the floor.
wednesday's eyes widened in surprise as you came crashing down on top of her. chest to chest, the details of her face were in close proximity. you could practically trace patterns in her constellation of freckles.
shuffling and the sound of a comforter moving came from the other side of the room. enid.
wednesday's arms encircled you as she pressed you closer to her chest, forcing your head to hide in the crook of her neck.
your face was practically on fire. this is so not how tonight was supposed to go.
"shhh," she whispered, completely unfazed. you could tell she was being cautious of her sleeping roommate.
as her soft, black hair began to tickle your nose, she released you. you quickly backed away from her, making sure you stayed quiet.
"thank you," you whisper. she gives you a slightly perplexed expression in response.
tiptoeing to the door, you open it. looking behind one last time, you notice that wednesday has situated herself into a more comfortable position. you waved at her, and close the door without a sound.
wednesday lay there, mind recounting the events of the night. she tried to cipher through them, but one thought continued to surface through the rest:
she smells like vanilla.
> > >
wednesday wanted to see you again. it seemed like every time she caught a glimpse of you in the hallway, you soon disappeared as if you hadn't been there.
it was starting to frustrate her. were you avoiding her?
the thought made her grind her teeth; it also made her insanely confused. normally, she would prefer that people avoided her. but with you, it just made her want to scratch at her skin.
finally, during lunch period a week later, she saw you sitting with enid and her group. wednesday contemplated whether or not it would be a good idea to go up to you; she had promised to keep the ordeal a secret. no one knew the two had any connection to one another.
her heart outweighed her brain in the end and she stepped into the maze of lunch tables.
"(y/n)," she called. the words you were speaking to enid dropped from your mouth when you noticed the girl in black next to you.
you smiled, fangs displayed, "oh, uh- hey, wednesday."
wednesday's eyes turned to where your tray should be, noticing that you had nothing to eat.
"i need to talk to you," she stated, "in private."
enid raised a brow, trying to subtly ask her why? but wednesday pretended to be ignorant; though, she knew she wouldn't be able to avoid an interrogation later.
you awkwardly laughed, giving a strained smile, "sure."
when wednesday lead you to a deserted hallway, her expression changed into a slightly angry one.
"are you avoiding me?" she asked bravely. you were surprised.
"well, we're not friends so i didn't think we needed to see one another."
the answer irritated her.
she tried to restrain her snarkiness, "i see you're still avoiding the animal blood."
you nodded, afraid of where this was going. it's not like you didn't enjoy what you both did a week ago; it was quite the opposite actually.
every time you thought of her your breath caught in your throat. the image of her bare shoulder basically served on a silver platter plagued your mind. god, avoiding her was awful.
you just knew that if you saw her again, you wouldn't be able to control yourself anymore. the little restraint you had was terrifying.
"so? what do you want?" your words came off a bit harsher than you intended, but you were afraid of her intentions.
she cracked a small smile, but it quickly dissipated as she said, "i want to do it again."
you knew it.
"wednesday, what we did- we can't do it again. i'm not as strong as you think," you tried to explain, "i was able to restrain myself last time. i won't be able to again."
wednesday took a step closer; her cold breath sending a ghostly chill down your spine.
"what if i don't want you to?"
you didn't know what to say. her words were painfully tempting; if you could, you would tear her uniform in the middle of the hallway and consume a waterfall.
you stayed silent for a moment, then cracked, "okay, fine, meet me at my dorm tonight. my roommate has plans so she won't be there."
elation filled wednesday to the brim; if she could scream and jump up and down in excitement she would've. instead, she nodded her head once and said, "see you then," before slipping into the darkness of the empty hallway before her.
you took a seat on a nearby bench, putting your head in your hands.
she really had you wrapped around her finger.
> > >
as you had instructed wednesday later in the day with a slip of your dorm key in her hand, she snuck into your room at the devil's hour.
there she caught you in pajamas, reading a book on your windowsill. she cocked her head a bit. the scene perplexed her.
wednesday had never seen you in casual clothing before; nor did she know that you enjoyed reading. this information was practically useless but it made her feel a closeness to you that felt impossible before.
your room wasn't bright like enid's; there were a few pinups of different artists and a cd collection on a small bookshelf. warm lighting made the room feel comfortable, unlike the white hospital lights that wednesday utilized in her own.
it took you a second to realize wednesday had arrived, quickly placing a bookmark in a page and turning towards her.
"are you sure you want to do this again?" you asked, wanting to reaffirm her consent.
wednesday already began taking off the black cardigan she wore over her tank top, looking at you with eyes that spelled are you daft?
you nodded, socked feet making small thumps on the ground as you walked toward your bed.
you patted the spot to your right. wednesday understood this signal, sitting close enough that her thighs touched your own.
a shaky breath left your throat. you were going to do this. it was too late to back out now; not with wednesday waiting patiently before you.
she pushed the strap of her tank top off her shoulder, leaving it completely naked. then you realized that the position the two of you were in wouldn't make this process comfortable enough.
"wednesday, do you mind- uh, shit, how do i say this," you were practically sweating as you swiveled towards her, legs criss crossed.
she mirrored your movements. her eyes were leveled with yours, patiently waiting for your directions.
"please- fuck, please sit in my lap. it'll give me the best angle so that i don't hurt you too badly."
you swore you saw a little flush spread on her freckled cheeks.
"alright," she agreed, crawling over to you. wednesday put her hands on your shoulders as she placed herself in the divot between your crossed legs. in this position, she was basically straddling you.
shit, isn't this a tad too intimate?
your thoughts were far beyond obsurd considering this was your request. knowing this, you sighed and let your eyes wander to her exposed shoulder.
"you're looking at it as if it's a buffet, you know," wednesday stated. you looked up at her, giving an annoyed face.
"i'm just nervous, geez."
wednesday's icey hand slithered up your back and rested at the nape of your neck. she guided your head closer, encouraging you to feast.
"do it," she whispered, her breath tickling your ear. by now, any self-discipline you tried to scrounge up had long vanished.
you leaned in. licking the chosen spot on her neck for a second, wednesday shuddered under your touch.
when you let your teeth puncture the virgin skin, you couldn't help but wrap her in your arms as you gripped her back.
wednesday let her head fall back, closing her eyes. the painful ecstasy was hers once again. this time felt different, though.
this time it was more than just the fangs deep in her skin; it was you, holding her tight as the familiar fragrance of vanilla washed over her senses. pain and pleasure were two sides of the same coin and wednesday felt light headed as she experienced both at once.
your fingers found their way under her tank top, wanting to grab at more than fabric. the taste of her blood made the world turn to static. your ears went deaf and all you could focus on was the girl in your lap and the way her jet black hair brushed against your face.
this act was like a drug administering the same affect on both addicts. you felt drunk and as your teeth sunk further in her shoulder, so did wednesday.
with her abdomen against yours, there was no room for you to get closer. when you pulled away, wednesday looked at you with her eyes half-lidded.
your mind was in a fog as you gazed at her. with the taste of blood still afflicting your tongue, your only thought was how beautiful wednesday looked.
and as she met your inebriated gaze, an overwhelming urge to kiss you took hold of her actions.
she leaned in. despite knowing close to nothing about you and wanting little to do with romance, she wanted you. she wanted you and the painful pleasure you bestowed upon her.
you got swept up in the moment and kissed her back instantly. you squeezed her closer, grazing her lip with your fang. irony blood tainted your lips. the taste left you higher than any drug.
opening her mouth, wednesday deepened the sinful kiss and you reciprocated in full. you felt like you couldn't breath. you didn't want to pull away.
just as wednesday's tongue skimmed your teeth, you pulled away.
deep breaths fogged the cold windows of the small dorm room. you still held her as her dead eyes held something a little more than a dark abyss; something even wednesday couldn't understand.
she wanted to continue, to ask you to bite her again and again and again. it didn't matter if you took all of her; it would be a great headline on a tombstone.
so, once you'd filled your lungs, wednesday stole away the distance of your lips once more.
you fell back, holding her. by now it was far past four in the morning, with school in three hours.
neither of you cared. the bloody kisses were an intoxication full of need; tonight would feel like forever.
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twilightzoneletters · 5 months
The Lone Gunman
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Pairing: bounty hunter! reader X outlaw! yunho
Genre: cowboy au, bounty hunter au, outlaw au, kinda enemies to lovers if you squint a little, reader is named y/n Marsten, Sunset Outlaws! ateez
Warnings: fem! reader, future angst, cursing, pet names, little lady, miss, darlin, mister, sir, alcohol, violence, blood, just some good ol' country talkin'
Description: You're the most sought after bounty hunter in the West. Every Sheriff in every town, big or small, want to hire you. You're the best in your profession and have a particular distaste for them damned McConnell boys. Most outlaws try to stay clear out of your path and stay off your radar, but what happens when one brave outlaw takes a particular liking to you?
Word Count: 0.5k (for now?)
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"Is that your horse? She's a beaut."
You had just made your way out of the saloon, the music and laughter were muffled as you began to untie your horse, Treasure. You look over to the source of the voice, it's a young man leaning against the post on the front porch, arms crossed as he watches you. You can hardly see his face because his hat casts shadows over it, and only his back is illuminated by the warm light filtering from the windows and doorway of the saloon behind him.
You nod towards him, "Thanks," finally getting her untied you give Treasure a pat, taking an apple out of your satchel and offering it to her.
"You know," the mans voice reminded you of whiskey, deep and intoxicating, "It's not safe for a little lady like yourself to be riding around in the dead of night."
You can't help but to scoff at his words, "I think I'll manage Mister," you say, holstering your bag onto Treasure's saddle, you turn to face him and your eyes widen in shock, he's right in front of you. Glaring up at him, you finally get a good look at his face, though his face is clean shaven, he still looks rough, a few scars littering his face, probably due to long since forgotten toss ups and fights. His messy hair, a golden brown color, peeks out from under his hat as he looks down at you. He sure is handsome alright, but the uninvited close proximity is starting to piss you off, and if you weren't wearing a mask you would definitely spit in his face.
You reach up to push him back but before you can, his calloused hands grasp your own hands in them. Something bubbles up inside of you as he does not break eye-contact. Your face is illuminated by the moonlight, and your eyebrows are furrowed in annoyance when he finally speaks up, voice unwavering, "Little lady," he certainly takes notice of the way that your hands ball into fists at his word, and you hate that his breath smells like expensive whiskey, "You hide behind a mask and run these lands in the night, but I know who you are, Miss Marsten."
Your heart picks up in pace at those words, rage replacing your annoyance, you break your hands free from his, "really now?" you turn back to Treasure, grabbing the reigns as you climb onto her, she stamps her foot and lets out a huff, you look down at the man now, "Well, that only makes one of us then," loathe now evident in your voice, "I haven't a clue who you are Mister."
He doesn't move or seem to react to your words at all, and it irritates you. He just smiles, "Name's Yunho darlin'. Yunho Jeong."
You tip your hat to him, "It was nice meeting you, partner," you manage to say. Then you turn away and head off, leaving him standing there, Treasure kicking up dust behind the both of you. He smirks and pulls up his own mask, yeah, he was definitely curious about you. As you trot further into the night, thoughts of him and his words linger.
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moonxytcn · 5 months
Hellooooo should you mind taking a billie request? We attend the met galla but we arent famous. We watch billie on the red carpet and can't help but be star struck! She some how notices us and we start talking from there.
it all started at the Met Gala
Billie Eilish x fem!reader
summary – who would have thought that a photographer would catch the attention of a famous singer
warnings – fluffy
a/n – Heyy thanks for the request!! Guys, sometimes it can take me a little while to publish because I study in the morning and work in the afternoon, so the whole week I only have the evening free, so most of the time I leave it to write on Saturday or Sunday, so sorry if it takes me a while to respond to your request. 😅
English is not my first language so there may be some errors.
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This gif isn't mine, I found it on Pinterest 
The red carpet of the Met Gala was a sea of extravagant colors and endless flashes. Among the photographers eager to capture the most iconic moments of the night, you was there, trying to stand out amidst the crowd. And then, she appeared.
Billie Eilish gracefully glided down the red carpet, her outfit exuding a unique blend of elegance and eccentricity. Your camera couldn't resist her presence, and you found yourself focusing on her more than any other celebrity.
As you snapped photos, our gazes met for a brief moment. She smiled subtly, and your heart skipped a beat. You couldn't believe she had noticed you among so many other photographers.
Days after the Met Gala, as you reviewed your photos and daydreamed about that brief encounter, a notification flashed on your phone. It was a message from Billie Eilish. You felt your heart accelerate at the same moment and suddenly it seemed like there was no more blood being pumped through your body
"Hello! I saw your photos from the Met Gala and loved your work. Would you like to talk more about photography, if you're interested."
Your fingers trembled as you typed a response, trying to keep calm in the face of the unique opportunity that presented itself.
"Of course! I'm flattered by the compliment. I would love to talk about photography with you."
And so began our conversation, delving into topics that went beyond photography. You discovered shared interests, inside jokes, and a connection that seemed to transcend the glamorous world she lived in.
As your conversations deepened, you decided to meet in person. You opted for discreet encounters, away from the curious eyes of the media.
In cozy cafes and tranquil parks, you shared laughter and confidences. She was much more than the pop star the world saw; she was a genuine person, full of passion and vulnerability.
Each moment together was an escape from the constant pressure and scrutiny. And so, your relationship flourished, fueled by the intimacy and mutual support you found in each other.
While you kept your relationship a secret, the world began to notice the closeness between you. Rumors and speculations emerged on social media, but you chose not to comment.
Finally, at a public event, she took your hand and introduced you to the world as her girlfriend. The reaction was a mix of surprise and admiration, but nothing could shake the happiness you felt together.
And so, the unknown photographer and the pop star found love amidst the chaos of the world. Your story may have begun on the red carpet of the Met Gala, but its true brilliance was in every moment you shared together.
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triasticalwarlock · 6 months
yandere bob with a reader who has an odd fascination with cannibalism? shes never tried human flesh, but she certainly wouldnt be opposed
Deadly fascination
Hope you like this! Bare with me since like the other characters I write for, I'm still perfecting his personality. But I hope you liked this! Also, sorry if it's short. Enjoy! :)
Pairing- bob velseb x reader
Relationship- Romantic/platonic
Warnings- yandere behavior, cannibalism, when he's a red flag but y/n is color blind, fascination with cannibalism, murder, possessive behavior, obsessive behavior, controlling behavior, non-con bob,MDNI.
Genre- yandere, fluff(?)
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I personally believe that for both regular and yandere bob, they would both be ecstatic. Finding someone who wasn't terrified of them just from this fact, accepting the hunger for flesh without a second. They would be even more happy once they find out about your weird fascination with it, the first thing coming out of their mouth.
"Ya wanna try it?"
For yandere bob, he wouldn't really care if you wanted to try it or not. If he has to, he'll force feed you. While regular bob, will still try to get you to eat it, but will respect your decision after the 2nd time of trying. But knowing how you wouldn't be opposed of trying it, would send bob into a frenzy. Making a whole ass thanksgiving dinner but with human meat for you, standing in front of you. Fidgeting in excitement, waiting to see what you think of it. Now, if you like it, this man is mentally jumping in joy and shouting ' HURRAY!' and then will tell you to keep the eating. If you don't like it, he really doesn't care, will still make you eat it.
If you're fascination is that strong, he'll gladly let you watch him kill and cook his victims. Both Bob's are addicted to your attention, loves it when it's on them. But with yandere bob it amplified by 1000x. So having you watch him is like a blessing to him. Asking him questions about the process with make him rant about all the facts of cannibalism he knows, look at his search history and all of it is just, ' facts about cannibalism'. While he is a cold blooded killer, and cannibal. He is such a goddamn nerd. It's insane how much he knows about this way of eating.
Also, biting. Let's talk about that. If you want to, he'll gladly let you take a bite out of him. Biting and eating your partner is a love language for him. So that means he'll do it to. The places he normally goes for are; the arms, legs, neck, and fingers. But he keeps in mind not to take a bite out of you to much! Wouldn't want you leaving him would we?
Feeling the softness of his stomach Beneath your foldes legs feel like they were on a cloud. His large hands holding your hips just to hold you. Placing your hands on his shoulders, which was covered by his regular blood-red sweater. Sending you a grin, he tilts his head in a curious manner. " Watcha waiten' on suga?" Lifting one of his eye brows at you. You look away for a moment, thinking. " Well, I don't know where to bite you at." Letting out a booming laugh, slightly moving you up and down from your placement on his stomach. Before stilling. Still letting out a few chuckles" Please, hun. I've bittan inta' more people than ya could blink. I'ma be fine." Tilting his head more to give you room, his turtle-neck pulled aside. You nod, deciding to trust him. What else could you do? You knew he would force you if you didn't, he always did. But it wasn't like you wanted to stop, you where just making up scenarios. Leaning into the nave of his neck, you bite down. Not softly, but not rough either. Comfortable. You feel the rumble through his neck when he groans. Knowing him by know that he more than likely had some drool running down his stubbled chin. Lifting your hand, you dig it in his dark, black hair. Massaging his scalp as you bite harder. Making a iron-like taste invade your mouth. You feel Bob's arms wrap around you, pushing you against him harder. The position of your legs making it slightly uncomfortable, but you manage. The sounds falling out of his mouth sound like one of pleasure, not even in a sexual way. Just knowing that you were the one doing this was comforting to him. So, while it last. He indulged as much as he could.
Bob is also fiercely possessive. And just the thought of having a piece of himself inside of you( shut up, I know what you all have going through your heads right now)? Makes him happy, it makes him feel at peace. Because where ever you go he'll always be with you; protecting you, keeping you, owning you. you get this gist. And having a piece If your flesh in him does the same thing. You'll always be with him no matter what.
If you want, he'll let you kill someone yourself! He'll watch like a proud dad as you stab them. Pointing at you and going, 'see that? That's my wife that's killing you' then, he might let you cook with him! The reason that he doesn't do it without some convincing is because cooking for you is one of his pride and joys, mostly his pride. And he likes taking care of you, it makes you rely on him.
But, by some god you do manage to convince him. He'll be instructing and watching your every move. To make sure you don't get hurt and still having some control over your actions. Besides, he was a literal cook once, and he eats human flesh like it's a religion. You know that he knows what he's doing, so you listen.
But overall, regular and yandere bob would be happy with your interest in cannabism. They have your attention on them and are able to be in your presence. Which puts both versions at ease.
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Version-not edited. Will if I notice something I didn't before.
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'As Icy As A Winter Wonderland'
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Clarisse La Rue x Unclaimed!Fem!Demigod!Reader
A/N:Rq'd by one of my friends - specific rq so the color focuses on what she requested <3
Reader is new at CHB and has heterochromia - blue eyes with central heterochromia.Short fic!
In the heart of Camp Half-Blood, where demigods found solace and camaraderie, a new presence stirred the air. Unclaimed yet, with eyes that held the frosty allure of a winter's dawn,you stood at the edge of the training grounds,observing the seasoned campers in their element.
Clarisse La Rue, the fierce and fiery daughter of Ares, was in the midst of a sparring session. Her piercing gaze swept across the crowd until it collided with your captivating eyes. A momentary pause ensued, as if the fates themselves had intertwined, and in that instant, something unspoken sparked between you.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow on the camp.Clarisse, never one to shy away from her feelings, approached you with a determined stride. Her eyes met yours, and for a moment, time seemed to freeze as the intensity of your gaze met the fire in hers. Without hesitation,Clarisse broke away from her training and approached you.The shadows danced in her determined eyes as she spoke, a hint of vulnerability beneath her tough exterior. "Never seen eyes like yours before. What's your deal, newbie?"
Your gaze met hers, a blend of icy blue, with a mesmerizing blend that came in a circle around your pupil - the same gorgeous chocoloate brown, revealing the intricate tapestry of your lineage,one which gave your gaze an otherworldly depth, like the frost-kissed surface of a winter pond. In that moment, Clarisse felt a magnetic pull, a connection she couldn't quite explain. "Just waiting to be claimed, I guess."
Clarisse's lips curved into a half-smile, a rare sight from the battle-hardened demigod. "Well, aren't you a mystery? Keep those eyes sharp, new kid. This place has its secrets."
As she spoke, a rare vulnerability crossed her face. "You're different, and I don't say that lightly. We're not all rainbows and sunshine here, but something about you... it's intriguing."
As the night unfolded, you found yourself drawn into the fabric of camp life, where the shared stories of heroism and heartbreak echoed through the bonfire-lit air. Clarisse lingered nearby, occasionally stealing glances, and it became evident that an unspoken connection had woven its way into the tapestry of fate.
In the quiet moments, beneath the celestial canopy, Clarisse confessed, "Your eyes tell a story, and I'm damn curious to unravel it. We'll see who claims you,but for now?You're not walking away from me that easily."
For the first time, Clarisse - whose heart was guarded like a fortress, felt a crack in her defenses. The winter wonderland within your eyes seemed to cast a spell, thawing the frost around her heart...
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