#if you're not here when i break in i'm gonna go through your closet just so i can smell your skin
willowser · 11 months
one of those crazy girls by paramore except it's gojo
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alchemistc · 29 days
i present my latest offering of an au first meeting: the poker game.
Big Blind
Tommy's been on plenty of bad dates in his time, but this one might actually take the cake for worst first date he's ever had. They're just -- not right for one another, and it's clear they can both feel it, but for some reason Jeff just -- keeps talking. About his border collie rescue, and his sixth fourteener (this year), and the his upcoming promotion and the Cybertruck he's thinking about getting wrapped in matte black --
"Jeff," Tommy cuts in, when he starts in on Tesla stock talk. "I'm gonna pay the check and head out. It's been..." he gestures. Considers calling Stout right here at the dinner table to tell him no more blind dates with his stock broker brother-in-laws friends, no matter how gay they are.
He's gonna get shit from Stout's wife the next time she stops by with a casserole, but honestly a half-hour tirade on politeness from Heather Alexandra Stout sounds better than learning how much of an Elon Musk fanboy Jeff really is. Jeff looks like he might be offended by the implication that he wouldn't have paid, but Tommy's already waving down his server and gesturing to the bar by the time Jeff even thinks to reach for his wallet.
"You have a good night."
Andrea slides his check under his elbow with a raised brow and doesn't say a word when he hands her his card immediately, but he can tell she's judging him. Third date in a month he's barely contained his disdain for long enough to pay up, although this is the first he's outright ditched before the bill was even paid.
Gary slides a beer across the bar to him and refuses the cash Tommy tries to give him for it. "Do I look that pathetic, Gary?"
Man of few words, Gary just taps his nose and tips his chin to his date, who is doing a terrible job of trying to sneak out the door.
"You're too good for him, anyway," says Andrea, back already with his card. He tucks an extra twenty into her folder and downs the beer in silence while they watch through the window as Jeff seems to get into an argument with the Uber pulling up in front of the restaurant.
"Maybe it's me," Tommy says, and Gary hums in commiseration. Or maybe he just has gas. "Maybe I'm the problem."
It's been a string of bad dates, and before that a relationship that'd gone up in metaphorical but nearly literal flames. Tommy's spent a lot of introspective time wishing he could kill Gerrard with lasers so that he doesn't have to blame himself for staying in the closet so long that blind dates and Grindr meetups were his real introduction to the dating scene.
"Someday, Tommy, you'll meet someone who can't get enough of your morbid humor and your pessimism and your obsession with haunted cars."
"One car," Tommy argues, although that's beside the point. "I think maybe I should give the search for love a break, Gary."
Gary hums, again.
Tommy drinks the rest of his beer in companionable silence and pulls up his phone to order an Uber himself. Jeff is, thankfully, long gone, and Tommy's halfway through confirming his home address when he remembers the invite he'd received last week that he'd hesitated scheduling a date around. He shoots off a text instead, and updates the address before he slides from the bar stool.
Gary shoots him a look. "Headed home?"
Tommy shifts on his feet. Shoots a look behind the bar. "Nah. Gonna try to hit up a work thing. Pour me a shot of Tullamore for the road?"
Gary accepts the twenty this time and doesn't make a comment about the way Tommy downs a sipping whiskey, which Tommy appreciates.
He's halfway to his destination, enjoying the chat with his driver, when the text comes in from Lucy.
Had to bail, but you should go if the date went that badly. Williams will enjoy slowly ruining the remainder of your night.
Tommy taps his phone once, twice, three times before he makes up his mind not to be the asshole who changes his destination halfway through the ride. Worst comes to worst, he'll tap out early and Venmo Mehta the rest of his stake.
Better than moping at home with the pint of freezer-burned Ben and Jerry's.
He's fairly rushed down the stairs once he's in, because apparently Williams is on some sort of time crunch, or something, and he's fairly certain the drinks are catching up to him as he takes in the table. Mehta and Wilson are regulars, and he's seen Rosen around, but there are two new guys settling in across the table and Tommy has to take a long, long moment to remind himself this is technically a professional setting before he can look too closely at either one of them.
Yeah. Shit, he'd definitely drank most of that second pitcher by himself, listening to Jeff talk.
"Kinard. We weren't expecting you." Rosen's eyes glimmer with amusement. He'd caught maybe six months of her probationary year, but every time she sees him she likes to remind him of the first time she'd seen him post-transfer, at a gay bar in WeHo, and introduced him to the first guy he'd dated seriously in his entire life. Tommy returns the favor by reminding her exactly how terribly that had ended for all parties. "Poker night dress code usually includes more buttons than date night," she jabs, finger circling the olives in her martini glass, and Tommy contemplates tossing one of Mehta's chips at her. Her grin goes wide.
With the momentary distraction, Tommy feels a little more prepared to face the two men now eyeing him curiously.
"Tommy," he says, leaning over the table, hand out to shake. Turtleneck raises a curious eyebrow when Mr. Red Velvet Smoking jacket practically leaps across his lap to shake back. "I'm over at 217."
"This is Eddie," Red Velvet introduces, and Tommy's gaze dances between them, curious. "I'm Evan. We're with the -- wait, 217 -- Chimney's Tommy?"
Tommy's brows dance up the same time as Eddie's do. He is still shaking hands with Evan. Or - holding is more accurate, he supposes, but for the sake of his sanity and the possible date Evan and Eddie are on, if he's reading the introduction or any of the vibes right (they're both stunning and Tommy is smarting from another shitty date, so who knows), Tommy keeps it to shake in his mind. "Well I don't think Howie can claim ownership of my person, but -."
"Sorry, no, I just meant..." Evan's gaze drops to their clasped hands, still now over the felt of the poker table. He gives one more firm pump and drops Tommy's hand. "We're both at the 118. Pretty sure you helped save this guy's ass once." He tips a thumb sideways to indicate the man he'd introduced as Eddie.
Tommy's eyes drift. He's had a few drinks, and up until about halfway through the date he'd been expecting a very different outcome for his night, so he's maybe not keeping a lid on things the way he normally would in a work setting. He's guessing the ass he's purported to have saved would look great, if it weren't firmly planted in his chair and out of view. The rest of the view ain't bad, either.
Williams is giving him a look, which means he's not being even a little subtle. "The gas main explosion," Tommy finally gathers from the cobwebs of his brain, and wouldn't it be his luck to transfer out of the 118 just in time for two annoyingly attractive men who may possibly be boning each other to take his place.
Evan grins. Beams, more like, and Tommy slides firmly into his own chair and tries not to be blinded by it. Or entranced by it. God he needs to get laid. Get this - whatever this is - out of his system.
Tommy's cool. Tommy's calm and collected and he hadn't even had that much to drink, actually, so why is he having such a hard time behaving like he's had forty years of experience dealing with attractive men?
Tommy sorts through the memories.
Eddie he can pinpoint fairly easily -- he'd shot off a message to Chim the moment they'd learned one of the 118 had been shot, and had been happy to break the news of his recovery to an anxious Harbor station in the tense days after it had all gone down. Evan, though - he doesn't have a clue who that could be. He's still got a few buddies from B Shift he talks to on occasion, but he doesn't remember any stories about an Evan from them, and Howie hasn't mentioned one, either.
Of course, it's not like either one of them does a great job of keeping in touch.
The mystery is solved a moment later when Williams tips her head at him. "Feels like we're being overrun by the 118 tonight," she says with a grin, but her gaze slides to Evan, rather than Tommy. "And we've got an honest-to-goodness legend tonight."
"You know I still can't believe you survived that, Buckley," Mehta says, and the puzzle piece slots itself into place. "Uh, although we're all glad that you did."
Buckley. Tommy shifts. Reassesses. Eyes the glance between Diaz and Buckley like he's gonna figure out their deal while he's already four and a half drinks deep into the night and hasn't already heard the larger than life tales of this duo from half-a-dozen gossipy paramedics. According to some, there's a secret torrid love affair going on behind the scenes of their codependent friendship. According to others, the ones he more or less trusts not to stretch the truth too far, they're friends -- closer than most, and maybe a little weird about each other, but friends all the same.
Buckley's a shark. Or, if Williams is to be believed, a bit of a cheat.
As the game goes on, and the conversation drifts from the morbid details of Buckley's three-minutes-seventeen-seconds of lifelessness, past the special skills near death experiences are rumored to cause, past the time out where they'd all admired the pictures of Buckley's Lichtenburg scars ("They faded pretty quickly," Evan says, with a soft little frown like he's a bit disappointed not to have any physical proof beyond a few shots of his naked brick shithouse of a chest.) Tommy can't help but admire the shift from bashful to smirking and smug as Evan keeps racking up monumentally improbable hands. He's a bit of a brat, actually, and Tommy can feel Rosen's eyes burning into the side of his head every time he ups the ante just to watch the flicker of triumph aimed in his direction every time Evan wins a hand Tommy raised.
Tommy's no slob with cards, on a normal day, but he's too busy trying not to read anything into the way Evan's eyes keep drifting to the v of the shirt he hadn't buttoned back up just to spite Rosen, or the way he keeps licking his fucking lips every time Tommy takes a sip of the whiskey at his elbow to really care as his chips dwindle to nothing. Tommy can't be entirely sure, but it seems like maybe Evan pouts, a little, when Tommy pushes back from the table to join the rest of the losers crowded around to watch Williams, Mehta and Buckley battle it out.
He's trying to think of a subtle way to ask Howie if Evan Buckley is just like that with all the men in his life when Eddie slides in beside him with a refill on his whiskey. Tommy grimaces. "I shouldn't."
"Thought you were trying to drink away a bad date?"
Tommy shoots Rosen a glare over Eddie's shoulder, but she's too busy chasing her straw with her tongue to notice.
"He was a Tesla fanboy," Tommy intones, and the braces himself for the reaction. He's used to it, now -- the constant cycle of coming out and waiting to see which new acquaintances bow out of getting to know each other any better. This is... earlier, than he usually drops it, but he hasn't been in the mood to lie about it in years, and Eddie had asked. He gets a raised brow and a grimace.
"Don't tell me you didn't know ahead of time," Eddie says, and Tommy loosens the grip on his glass.
"Hazards of blind dating."
Eddie's look is commiserating. He tips his beer bottle against Tommy's rocks glass. "Yeah, my tia keeps finding reasons for me to run into the eligible daughters and granddaughters of all her friends." Which Tommy supposes is answer to half of the question that's been plaguing him since he sat down.
Buckley gets cocky a few times, but it's clear the night is going his way even before Jeshan Mehta's pot gets swept up in Evan's arms. Williams holds out as long as she can.
"Beginner's luck!" Buckley crows, when Williams' last chip is added to his pile. Eddie's been supplying him with a steady flow of drinks for the past thirty minutes, and his smile is crooked as he tilts backwards in his chair for a fist bump. His eyes flick to Tommy's once he's received his congratulations from Eddie, and Tommy pretends he's not a little bit fascinated by the pull of his jacket over his arms, or the way his closed hand lingers near Tommy's even after Tommy has smacked his knuckles against his as well.
Evan Buckley is frustratingly adorable. Tommy's had too many drinks for any kind of decent decision making. He bows out while Evan and Eddie are collecting his winnings.
Tommy's eyes flick to the readout on his phone. He doesn't recognize the number, but it's a local area code, so he picks up on the forth ring. "Go for Kinard."
"Uh - hey, hi. Hey Tommy." The voice is familiar, sweet and low. "It's Buck - Evan. Evan Buckley. I uh -- I got your number from Chim, I hope that's alright?"
Tommy's got a solid fifteen minutes before he has to leave for work, a raging headache that has thus far refused to accept electrolytes or Advil as tribute to his overindulgence the previous evening, and a full understanding that he's going to spend his shift listening to Donato swear up and down she's the better option for finding him a man, but the voice on the other end of his phone might at least give the headache a run for it's money.
"Evan. Hi."
"Hey. So -- you dipped before I could ask -- which is fine, obviously, I'm not -- uh..." He pauses. Tommy can practically picture the way he wets his lower lip while he searches for the right words. "Anyway I was wondering -- would you maybe wanna grab a beer, sometime?"
Tommy spends about fifteen seconds rearranging his entire schedule in his mind. Says, cool, calm, collected: "Sure. When are you free?"
Evan's voice goes distant for a second -- he's putting Tommy on speaker. "I, uh -- I didn't expect you to say yes so quickly. Actually I didn't expect you to answer -- who answers unknown numbers, anymore?"
"Who calls expecting to get sent to voicemail?"
The brat rises up immediately. "Uh, literally everyone. The missed call is just an excuse to text. It's basic phone etiquette, Tommy."
Tommy likes the way he says his name. Soft, sweet and slow, rolling over his tongue like molasses. This feels incredibly like flirting, but he can't get a fucking read on this kid. "Clearly I've missed out on an important cultural shift. I can hang up and we can do this the right way, if you want."
"No!" It's sharp -- louder, like he's raising the phone back towards his mouth. Tommy can't hide the grin leaking across his face. "Uh -- no, it's fine. Too late, anyway, I already know you don't know phone rules."
"Hopefully that doesn't change your opinion of me too much."
"I could be convinced to ignore it, with the right incentive."
"I'll buy first round," Tommy says, and wonders if he's got any other shirts he can play off as fitting better with three buttons undone. The flirting should be enough, but -- Tommy's still not sure drinks isn't just drinks.
"Wednesday night," Evan says, voice further away again. Tommy has a sudden, desperate urge to see what his Google calendar looks like. For all that he'd cut loose at the poker game, Tommy bets it's color coded by type of activity. "If that works. Or Saturday, any time, really. I'm uh -- I'm free then."
If Tommy bows out of trivia on classic car week Cynthia will have a whole ass bitch fit. And it makes him seem a little less eager, to boot. "Saturday. I've got a shift early Sunday, though, so maybe something in the afternoon?"
"Yeah -- yes, th-that works." The stammering isn't something Tommy can get a read off of. He'd done it just as much with Eddie as he'd done with everyone else. "There's a new brewery just off Pico and Prosser -- Chim said you were a fan of craft beer?"
Sounding more date like by the minute, but -- some guys toe the line. Could be Evan Buckley just wants to know more about flight operations, for all Tommy knows. "Text me the details. Look, Evan, I'd love to stay on this rule-breaking phone call and chat but I've got to head in for a shift. Just -- let me know the plan." He's got five minutes to brush his teeth and rue the moment he'd asked Gary for his first whiskey of the night. He's also rolling back his last few sentences and cringing at how abrupt he'd been. "And yeah -- good to know Chim hasn't forgotten the three facts I ever told him about me."
Evan laughs, just a soft little huff but Tommy already knows the grin behind that sound is all sorts of knee-meltingly sweet. "Cool. So. Yeah, I'll text you."
"I'll talk to you later, Evan."
"Yep. Talk to you -- talk to you soon."
Tommy waits a moment in silence. The call doesn't end. "Goodbye, Evan."
Evan huffs out another awkward laugh. "Yeah. Bye, Tommy."
The call disconnects just in time for Tommy to press his forehead into the cool tile beside his bathroom mirror. He might be monumentally screwed if this isn't a date. He hasn't been this fucking charmed by a man since -- well, it's been a while.
Tommy's phone buzzes in his hand. It's a pinned address from a number he doesn't have saved. Tommy swipes into the contact and updates it before the next text makes it through. Saturday 3PM?
Tommy brushes his teeth, downs the rest of his preworkout in the hopes that it'll ease some of the nastier parts of his stupid decision to keep drinking liquor past midnight, and stares at the text all the way out to his truck.
See you then, Tommy sends back, and he has to toss his phone into his passenger seat when he gets a series of incomprehensible emoji's almost immediately in response.
He holds up a hand to Donato the moment she catches his gaze, halfway across the parking lot. The brow goes up, the hand slots to her hip, and she rolls her tongue over her teeth, clearly ready for her speech about how Stout doesn't have a clue how to find Tommy a proper date. Tommy has other problems.
"You worked with Evan Buckley, for a while, didn't you?"
Her head tilt rights itself. The second brow dances up to meet the first. Whatever she'd meant to say disperses behind her eyelids as she seems to work through something in her mind. "Oh, this is compelling," she says, and practically skips forward to loop her arm in his.
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nnight-dances · 1 month
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PAIRING: park wonbin x fem!reader
GENRE: fluff, hurt/comfort, suggestive dialogue but nothing explicit
TROPES: established relationship!au, idol!wonbin, age gap vibes but no real mention, reader babies wonbin like he deserves to be, texts at the end, just sickening sweet stuff
WATCH: wonbin's night routine
NOTE: inspired by the video above! once again, these wonbin fics write themselves ... he might be my favorite boy to write rn or maybe that's just my way of coping!! anyway don't be surprised if i just start spamming u with the wonbin fics i just have too many good ideas. but they're all gonna be set in this same established relationship style, he's just so bf coded lol... anyway, enjoy <3
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you've been in bed for a good twenty, clad in cream pyjamas and skincare intact, when you hear the frontdoor open – signalling your boyfriend, wonbin's arrival. you pause the video you're watching on your phone and sit up to greet him, "bin? welcome home." his heavy footsteps stop where his figure finally comes into your view.
wonbin looks wiped out, no doubt, eyes shadowed by his somnolent lashes. he stares at you for a moment before humming, the sound halfway between a thank god you're here and i could die right now. he peels his layers off with speed, black leather jacket hung up on the tree-shaped rack near your closet and his other outerwear finding its place on the small cabinet next to it.
you watch fondly as even in his fatigue, he patiently makes sure no outside clothes pollute the bed. as soon as he's in nothing but his white tee and boxers though, he jumps onto you, deflating the air out of you like a body pillow.
"hello," he mumbles, face disappearing into your chest where he snuggles closer. 
"hi, love," you welcome him warmly, fingers carding through his hair as a force of habit. you breathe against his limp body, letting him unwind on top of you as he often does. it's a silent activity, a night routine of sorts for wonbin on his longest days. he'd trudge home and settle close to you, wordlessly like a cat looking for soothing. 
sometimes, you talked to him about your day and he'd hum along, eyes on yours telling all you needed to hear. other times, you would go back to doing whatever you were doing – watching a show, playing a game, or talking to a friend – while he recharged. he even insisted it worked best when you were just doing your own thing.
today, you do neither. setting your phone aside, you occupy yourself with wonbin himself, first meandering through his charcoal hair and then trailing down to his neck, tracing hearts and stars into his skin. you can feel him relaxing under your touch, his face finally coming back into your vision. 
"tired," wonbin says, voice coarser than ever. "need to sleep." 
"i know, baby," you croon, "wanna wash up first?"
he shakes his head adamantly, "no. sleepy."
you laugh softly, "angel, i'm sure you are but you can't sleep with your makeup on, can you?"
"had a few drinks with taro hyung," he murmurs as if that explains his behavior.
"really? you had time after practice?"
"he snuck it into practice. beer after all that sweating was nice."
"wow, look at you," you muse, hand brushing his bangs out of his eyes, "you sound like an old man."
"i am," wonbin pouts, "let the old man go to sleep."
"sorry, love, i can't do that," you say.
"say what you will," you sit up fully, pulling your sluggish boyfriend with you. ignoring his groans, you kiss his nose, "wash up, okay? can't have my rockstar breaking out because he was too lazy to wash his face before bed."
he groans again but this time it's an endearment, his kiss on your cheek disguising his smile. "but i can't move, y/n. please."
"i'll help you," you snake out of the sheets, squatting as you heave wonbin out as well. he stands up unwillingly, head wilting like a sad flower. you laugh, pulling him toward the washroom, "will you listen if i do all the work?"
that gets the job done alright because two minutes later, wonbin's settled against the sink with you between his legs. you crane around his tall limbs to reach for his products, having memorized his night skincare by now. 
cleansing balm in hand, you carefully cover every inch of his face, the makeup turning into oil gradually. "okay, babe, now rinse your face for me."
"you said you'd do all the work!" he complains without missing a beat. 
you glare at him, "i can't possibly wash your face without making a mess of both of us."
"sounds like an excuse to me."
sulking, he turns around, washing the balm off. next, you go in with his foam cleanser, gently circling his cheeks and forehead. despite all his earlier declarations, he watches you attentively, his hand loosely clasped around your waist to keep you in place. you have to scold him midway at one point when he gets cheeky and sneaks a hand down your pyjamas, feeling the hem of your panties. 
eventually, you dry his face off with a hand towel. "there," you peck his cheek, "all clean."
when he doesn't let go of your waist, you raise a brow at him. "you only love me when i'm clean," he scowls, "don't you?"
you narrow your eyes at his tantrum, "i think you're forgetting how i'm sacrificing my screen time before bed to clean you up right now."
he looks unconvinced as he tails you out of the bathroom. he's about to throw himself back onto the bed when you stop him by his hand. "change first," you explain, pulling out fresh pyjamas and throwing them at him. 
wonbin stands idly and it's only when he starts raising his arms up that you realize he wants you to do it. you sigh, "bin, you're such a baby today." but you smile as you pull his shirt off, disregarding the way he instantly flexes when he catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror. slipping his pyjamas on, a piece at a time, you clap when he's done.
"i would make a great mother," you pat yourself on the back.
"you can adopt me if you want," he shrugs and you snicker, "i don't think i need to." 
"you want anything to eat before you sleep?" you ask as if you hadn't quite literally brushed his teeth. "chocolate," he says without any conviction and you roll your eyes at him, watching as he launches himself at the bed.
"quick, come here," wonbin whines. you pad over to your side of the bed and join him, giggling when his body curls around you instantly. his nose finds its indent against your neck this time, cold and fresh. 
for a minute, you think that's all you'll hear out of your boyfriend for the night. but it's just as you're about to reach for your phone when he speaks up again, "sorry if i'm boring."
you're not sure if your ears hear right, "what?"
but his voice is solemn, "...i'm probably kinda boring lately. so i'm sorry."
you turn on your side to face him completely, hand coming to rest against his cheek. "bin, you idiot. you coming home is the best part of my day."
"really? even though i'm too dead to do anything?" he perks up but his eyes gloomy, "we don't even fuck anymore. or go to the movies. or go out at all."
you laugh, "you're making us sound like an old couple on the verge of divorce, baby. you're just busier because of your comeback! i'm so excited and you should be, too."
"i am. but i don't want bore you."
"you don't, though. i'm lucky enough i get to see you at night and take care of you when i can. plus, it's not like you won't have more time after your promotions, right? we can do everything you want then."
wonbin blinks at you, his cool hand finally coming to meet yours where it was still caressing his cheek. he kisses your palm, "thank you. i'm glad."
"of course, love. now, go to sleep or you'll regret it tomorrow," you chirp, rolling over and shutting the lights off quickly.
"...you really would be a great mom," wonbin laughs at your behavior. 
"good night, wonbin."
"good night, mom."
you hit his arm at his brazenness but when he just laughs again, the sound is too sweet for you to even pretend to be mad. so instead, you hug him closer, hand on his bicep and his legs tangled with yours. 
you: …
you: how would ur fans react if i leaked our texts
you: so much for being mysterious
you: "shackles of it" boy have you ever touched a book
bin: okay so you're rude today
bin: i miss y/n mom version
you: ew?? if u have a kink i dont think this is gonna work
bin: because…? 
you: is sungchan still single
bin: i was kidding! haha!
you: ok.
bin: seriously tho let's do smth fun 2nite
you: i get off work late today :(
bin: whatttt you have a life outside of me :0
you: do you WANT me to break up with you???
bin: what i meant was i will be there to pick you up <3
you: wtv man idgaf anymore
bin: noooo
bin: i'll do anything you want don't be mad
you: anything?
bin: well other than leaking our texts ofc
you: i want to live together
bin: ???
bin: we alr do
you: wonbin 
you: baby
you: you just always come over to my place
bin: i sleep there it's my home wdym
you: and you still pay the bills for your place?
bin: i don't make that bag for nothing
you: ok so what if we lived together instead
bin: but i really like your place!!
you: i do too
you: let's make it our place 
bin: shit
bin: i just actually blushed irl
you: :) 
you: is that a yes
bin: i want to marry you
you: okay well let's calm down
bin: did u just reject me
you: i'm telling u that you're gonna regret proposing through text
bin: i love u and i want u to be my wife
bin: omg i just shed a tear at the thought of calling u that
bin: wife…. im changing ur contact name
bin: or should i change it to fiancée? since we havent yet tied the knot
you: park wonbin
you: we are 20 years old
bin: untrue
bin: im 22 
you: i am not marrying you right now
bin: … is there someone else
you: i'm not marrying anyone right now
bin: ok so i'm not husband material
you: you are
bin: i'm not father material? you: no comment
you: but we aren't ready babe
you: let's take it slow k?
you: just move in first
you: we have so many memories to make
bin: you're such a flirt
you: ??? u just asked me to marry you but sure
bin: i'll be moved in by the time you come back home
you: i thought you were picking me up
bin: that was before u asked me to move in
bin: now i have to bring all my stuff over
bin: which side of your closet can i use? bin: also thoughts on letting me keep my rock collection next to your figurines?
you: right side and no
bin: wow u didnt even think about it
you: imagine we get into a fight
bin: i refuse to
you: i'm just saying i would be tempted to throw them rocks at u
bin: you would do that????
you: depending on what u do
bin: why are you expecting me to do anything at all????
you: …experience
bin: wow
you: to be loved is to be known
bin: you can't flatter me now
you: i love you 
bin: …
bin: i love you too
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fanficsformyfaves · 7 months
Or What?
Rhea Ripley x Uso Sister!Reader
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WARNING: SMUT 18+, ANGST, Enemies To Lovers, Confessions, Semi-Public Sex, Use of Nicknames, Oral Sex (R Receiving), Fingering (R Receiving), Orgasm Denial (R Receiving), Degradation and Praise Kink (R Receiving), Mommy Kink, Choking Kink (R Receiving), Strap On Sex (R Receiving), Choking (R Receiving)
PREFACE: Reader has always known Rhea to be arrogant, callous and mean, so it only made sense that she despised the eradicator, especially after what she did to her brother...but what happens when they find themselves in a broom closet alone together?
A/N: Jey and Rhea are feuding in this A/U
Announcer's Dialogue In Bold and Colored!
Texts in Italic, Colored and Bold!
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As I waited for Jey to finish up his match, I hear the sound of boot heels clicking from down the hall and when I turn my head to see who it was, I was immediately vexed.
Rhea fucking Ripley.
I couldn't help but roll my eyes. She was easily the most smug-faced asshole I'd ever met and not only that, she had the audacity to make my brother look stupid in front of the entire world.
I stuff my phone into my back pocket, before crossing my arms over my chest.
"Well, if it isn't little (Y/N) Uso. What's a cute thing like you doing out here by yourself?", she teased.
I simply looked away, ignoring her comment.
"Hm, never took you for the shy type", she said,
Taking a step closer towards me.
"From what I've seen, you're quiet the firecracker", she brushes a hair from my face.
I grab her wrist, staring daggers into her eyes.
"Never...touch me"
She lets out a dark chuckle, using the grip I had on her to yank me closer. Our faces were now merely inches apart.
"Or what, princess?"
"Mhm, use your words", she whispered,
Leaning down closer to the point her breath brushed against my bottom lip.
What was happening? And why was I not pulling away? I should've...but I just couldn't.
Just as I was desperately trying to regain my composure, the crowd outside goes wild and the speakers go off.
Announcer: And here is your winner...Jey...USOOO!
My brother's theme song began playing and I knew he was just moments away from bursting through the doors.
Shit, if he sees me causing trouble, I'm gonna be in for it. I could already hear him and some guards just around the corner. With seemingly no other option, I push Rhea and myself into the closet directly behind her and close it shut.
"What are you doing?"
"Saving both of our asses", I whispered,
Stepping away from the door. The footsteps were getting closer with each passing second and my heart was pounding so hard, I could barely breathe.
As if getting caught in the hallways wouldn't have been bad enough, I could only imagine what would happen if Jey found us in a literal closet together.
The shadow of his feet stop right in front of the door and I was panicking like I never have before.
"Have y'all seen (Y/N)? She said she'd be waiting right here"
"No, sir, not since before the match started"
"Hm", he hummed dismissively,
Before carrying on towards his dressing room.
Once he was finally gone, I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.
"Jesus, that was close"
"You're telling me", she replied.
That's when I finally noticed her towering figure hunched over behind me, with an arm around my waist and her hand flat on my stomach.
I turn to face her and there we were again.
Her lips almost meeting mine, as our eyes found one another in a tense exchange. I couldn't comprehend much of anything that was happening, but mostly, I was confused at why I wasn't pulling away again.
She humiliated my brother and betrayed him. I had every right to hate her...right?
"You know", she breaks the silence,
"You're awfully adorable, when you aren't staring daggers into me"
There was that stupid smirk again, only this time it affected me differently.
Instead of becoming agitated, I felt a second heartbeat I didn't feel before. Every inch of my skin was overheating at her touch and she knew it.
"Oh...you like this, don't you?"
"What? No-"
"Such a cliche, falling for your brother's enemy"
"I don't-"
"Then how come you aren't shoving me away and telling me to fuck off like you usually do?", she questioned,
Gently turning my body to fully face her, before pinning me to the wall by my arms.
"I think we both know the answer to that question, darling", she whispered,
Ducking her head down on my shoulder, whilst trailing kisses up my neck.
"Just say it. Say you want me and put a rest to this tiring act of pretending like you don't"
Was she right?
Have I just been in denial about the attraction I felt for her and hid behind anger all this time?
I couldn't quite focus on finding a proper explanation, as she reached the lobe of my ear, nibbling on it and forcing a whine out of me.
"God, even the sounds you make are sweet. Wonder if you'll taste as sweet as you sound", she mumbled against me,
Running her hand up my thigh.
"All you have to do is tell me to stop and I will. Is that what you want?"
I contemplated for a moment. This was wrong. Getting involved with someone like her would only ever end in chaos, especially with the bad blood she had with Jey...but in that moment, any voice of reason was no match for the way she was touching me.
"No", I ultimately answered.
Not wanting to waste any more of the limited time we had, she finally presses her lips against mine.
They were soft and gentle, which surprised me the most.
One of her hands let off my waist and trailed up my skirt, brushing against my bundle of nerves through the underwear I had on.
I whined against her mouth, which curled up into an excited grin.
"Sensitive, are you? Let's see how long it takes till I have you cumming on my tongue"
Just then, she drops to her knees, flipping up my skirt to take a good look at the mess she was already making of me.
"God, I barely touched you yet", she mocked,
Before pulling my thong to the side and licking up my slick entrance.
"Mmm, so fucking sweet", she praised,
Throwing my thighs over her strong shoulders, so I was sat on top of her. It didn't take long for her lips to wrap around my bundle of nerves, as the grasp she had on my hips tightened with each passing lick.
I intertwined my fingers in her hair, whilst her name repeatedly spilled out of me like a prayer that would never be answered.
Eventually, I feel the tip of two digits press against my slit, before slipping themselves completely inside me with no resistance to stop them.
Her momentum immediately fast and relentless.
Already, the knot in the pit of my stomach began to tighten and threaten to snap. I could tell by the way she smirked over my clit that she knew it too.
"Not so tough when I have you at my mercy, are you? Maybe I shouldn't let you cum", she teased,
"No! Please, don't stop!", I pleaded,
"Good girl", she says,
Continuing her unletting efforts to bring me over the edge, but before she could, voices on the other side of the door interrupts us.
I immediately let out a gasp, causing Rhea to slap a hand over my mouth.
"Jey's looking for (Y/N)"
"Wasn't she just here earlier?"
"Yeah, but I don't know where she went"
The security guards eventually move past the closet and I let out a sigh of relief.
I get off of her, arranging my skirt and she eyes me up in confusion.
"What are you doing?"
"This was a mistake"
She scoffs, getting up and dusting her knees.
"You didn't seem to think this was a 'mistake' when my tongue was wearing you out", she tested,
Pushing my head up with a hooked finger.
"Now...what did you say about me never touching you again?"
I roll my eyes and push her hand away.
"Wait five minutes before I leave", I instructed,
"Whatever you say", she smiled,
Looking down at her feet.
I carefully opened the door, whilst peaking my head out to make sure the coast was clear and once it was, I step out and close it, when I turn back around and was ambushed by my brother.
"Fucking Christ, dude!", I exclaimed,
As my hand went over my chest.
"Aye, language", he warned,
"Where were you? I've been looking for like twenty minutes"
"For twenty minutes?"
"Yo, what's with the interrogation, dawg? Woman business", I snapped,
"Alright, alright. I was just asking", he throws his hands up in surrender,
"I wanna grab food on the way back, come on", he says,
Putting an arm over my shoulder and walking me out. I quickly glance back at the closet door and prayed it stayed closed till we were out of sight.
Once we got into the car, I was finally left to my thoughts.
The guilt that overwhelmed me was all consuming and burdensome. I had just slept with my brother's nemesis. The person he hated most and here I was, pretending like it didn't happen, as he went on and on about his current win.
In that moment, I get a notification on my phone and I go to see who it was. I didn't recognize the number, but once I saw the text, I knew immediately.
Unknown Number: We should talk about this
Me: There's nothing to talk about
Unknown Number: Oh please, spare me, are you really going back to being in denial?
Me: Denial about what?
Unknown Number: Whatever
Unknown Number: But, when you do come to your senses, you know where to find me, beautiful ;)
I lock my phone and shove it inside my purse with a sigh.
"You good?"
"Yeah, just tired"
"Well, you look tired", he says,
Mimicking the sweat dripping down my face, causing me to hastily swipe it off.
After stopping by at a pizza place for dinner, we head to the hotel and made our way back to the suite.
"That was scrumptious. We needa head back before going home", Jey emphasized,
Opening the door and letting the both of us inside.
"I call the shower first"
"Dude", I go to argue,
"Ah! Winners get special privileges", he mocked.
I roll my eyes and he chuckles at my response, before stepping into the bathroom and closing the door behind him.
I lay back against the bed by the window and looked over the entire city.
As breathtaking as the sight was to behold, I was still hung up on Rhea. Why? Why her? Of all the people I could've hooked up with, it had to be fucking Ripley?
As disappointed as I was with myself, I couldn't help but look back at the encounter with a certain sense of reverie.
I'd never been touched like that.
None of the people I'd been with before had ever gotten me that close...I wonder what would've happened if I had just stayed there in that closet with her.
Before I could delve any deeper into my thoughts, I hear my phone go off once again and I already knew who it could be.
Unknown Number: Can't stop thinking about you, precious
God damn it, again with the nicknames.
Me: Rhea, please
Unknown Number: Please what?
Me: We can't do this
Unknown Number: Oh yes, we can
Unknown Number: The only person saying we can't is you
Me: You hurt my brother
Unknown: Hey, he decided to attack Dom, I couldn't just sit idle and let him
Me: Yeah, after the fact he slammed Jimmy with a chair
Unknown: Listen, I have no control over what the boys do
Unknown Number: Nor do I have control over who I want
A frigid chill run up my spine.
Unknown Number: What happened wasn't ideal, I get it
Unknown Number: So allow me make it up to you
Me: How?
Unknown Number: By picking up where we left off of course
Unknown Number: When I had you on the brink of cumming, before we were so rudely interrupted
It was getting harder and harder to resist her tempting.
Me: This is wrong
Unknown Number: Did it feel wrong? When you were begging me to make you unravel on my mouth?
Me: Rhea
Unknown Number: Tell me, when did the regret set in? Was it before or after my fingers found themselves inside you?
The pulsing sensation in my center began to intensify with every text she sent.
Unknown Number: You can lie to yourself all you want, darling
Unknown Number: But we both know that you want me just as much as I want you. I'm just making it easier by admitting it first
Unknown Number: Ball's in your court now, Uso
It took all the strength I had to resist, but it still wasn't enough. I ultimately caved, needing to feel her against me again.
Me: Where are you?
I just knew she was grinning like a wildcat on the other side of the phone.
Unknown Number: Location📍
The hotel she was staying at was only ten minutes away.
Me: Room?
Unknown Number: I'll be in the lobby to let you up. See you, beautiful ;)
I facepalm my forehead.
What was I doing? Once could've been a mistake, but twice? Now, this was betrayal.
Jey steps out of the bathroom, drying off his hair.
"Shower's free"
"Actually, I gotta go. Naomi wants to have a girl's night"
"For real?"
"Mhm", I hesitated,
He contemplates for a moment, before shrugging.
"Aight, just text me when you get there"
I let out a sigh of relief, before grabbing my phone and leaving.
Besides the obvious thoughts going through my head, all I could think about was how conflicted I felt. On one hand, family meant the world to me and out of all of them, Jey was who I was closest with...but on the other hand, there was Rhea. I didn't know what could transpire from this, but I guess I was just gonna have to find out.
Eventually, I got to her hotel and tried my best to avoid any paparazzi by keeping my head down and speed-walking into the lobby. I allow myself a moment to scan the room, before my eyes finally landed on her.
She was sat on one of the couches with elbows resting on her knees and scrolling through her phone.
With one last deep breath, I made my way towards her.
"Hello, there", she grinned,
Looking up at me, as she stood up.
"Hi", I greeted,
Avoiding her piercing gaze.
"I appreciate eye-contact, whilst speaking", she says,
Using my cheek to make me face her. I was already melting into her touch and blushing a bright red hue.
"D'you enjoy the ride?", she questioned,
Causing my eyes to widen.
"The car ride, darling", she teased,
She knew what she was doing.
"How about we get you upstairs?", she suggests.
I nod, as she took my hand and lead me to the elevators.
Once we were inside and the doors close us in, she pushes my hair aside and ducked her head into the crook of my neck, leaving wet kisses lingering on my skin.
"Couldn't stop thinking about earlier. I've never tasted anything better", she murmured,
Gripping my waist.
"R-Rhea", I whined,
Holding onto her shoulders. If the elevator doors hadn't opened just then, we would've had our way with each other right there. We rush towards her room and she uses my body to slam the door shut.
My hands creeping up into her hair, as her teeth tugged on my bottom lip.
I pull my sweater over my head, leaving me exposed to the cool air.
"Goodness", she exhaled,
Cupping the bottom of my breasts and licking my hardening buds. My skin was ablaze and my jaw drops with every moan that fell past my lips.
I go to pull my skirt down, when she stops me by my wrists.
"The skirt stays on"
Fuck, was I dripping.
"But...these need to go"
She reaches up and hooks her fingers around my waistband, yanking my underwear off and helping me out of them.
"I've already gotten a taste, now I need the whole show", she says,
Undoing the buttons of her jeans and revealing the toy already strapped around her waist. My eyes widen and she chuckles at my reaction.
"Like what you see, princess?"
She bites back a smile and carried me to bed, before laying me out against the soft comforter.
"You're such a good girl when you aren't running your mouth", she praised,
Shoving her thumb into it, as I gladly accepted.
She then pulls it away and pressed it against my clit. A gasp rips out of me and my legs clench together, to which she pushes them apart and keeps them in place with her broad shoulders.
"Don't try escaping me now, you wanted this"
As she began rubbing firm circles on my bundle of nerves, my core dripped onto her ready palm.
"You are such an easy brat. All those time of you screaming at me, when you should've been screaming for me. All I had to do was put you in your place", she mocked over my moans.
Eventually, she pulled away and left me whining at the loss of contact.
She trips herself of her pants and tank top and the sight before me was something straight out of my wildest dreams. From her ample breasts, perfect waist and the sweat collecting on her fair skin, I was growing more and more desperate.
"As much as I love seeing you gawk at me, I think we should switch gears"
With one swift motion, she flips me onto my stomach and drags my ass into the air by my hips.
"This ass, babe. God", she mumbles,
Leaning down to place a gentle kiss on one cheek, before biting down hard and smacking the other.
I scream out, gripping the sheets.
Just then, I feel her rubbing the tip of the toy up and down my entrance, furthering the torture.
"How badly do you want this?"
"Please, I need you", I whined,
"Oh...you need this, huh? Think you've earned it?", she challenged,
Yanking me up against her by my throat, squeezing tight.
"Y-Yes, Mami, please!"
With one more wicked grin, she fills me to the hilt. The stretch burning, as I cried out into the air.
Her pace was immediately brutal and relentless, like the grip she had on my neck.
"Such a precious little thing", she praised,
Pounding repeatedly on my g-spot and causing stars to cloud my vision.
She'd been teasing me since the night began, so it should've come as no surprise to me when my walls had already begun pulsing around her.
"So good for me. So fucking good", she growled against my ear.
"I'm gonna cum, Mami, please!"
"Not till I say so"
"Keep whining and I'll make you wait even longer", she threatened.
Not wanting to face those consequences, I bite my tongue and held onto her hips for dear life, digging my nails into her flesh.
By this time, the room was nothing, but the smell of sex, sweat and tear-filled moans. The orgasm that I'd been chasing was now hounding me down and threatening to overwhelm me. It was getting harder to fight it off with each of her harsh thrusts.
I was just surprised we didn't get a noise complaint.
Once she was satisfied with how weak she had me, her hands reaches for my clit once more.
"You look so good this way. Fucked out and drenched in sweat and tears for me. Cum for me, darling. Show mami just how good she makes you feel"
That was the last thing I could make out, when the knot in my stomach finally snapped and pushed me over the edge.
All I could see was a rush of pure white, before falling limp on my stomach, out of breath and gasping for any air my lungs would allow.
She then pulls out of me and discards the toy from her hips. I was then picked up and placed delicately onto her bare chest.
"You did so good, darling", she muttered sweetly,
Wrapping her arms around me and pressing a kiss to my forehead.
Maybe...this wasn't such a bad idea.
I snuggled deeper into her embrace and she welcomed me in with a satisfied chuckle.
"Who knew beneath all that cold exterior was a soft little angel?", she jested,
Making me roll my eyes.
"I'm really glad you came. Well, in that sense, yes, but also you making the trip here", I interrupt with a playful smack to her shoulder.
"I wasn't too rough, was I?"
"It was perfect", I reassured,
Craning my head up to meet her lips.
"About your brother-"
"We don't have to talk about that"
"But we do"
She sits up, as I did the same, covering myself with the comforter.
"It’s always so easy to get caught up in messes, but that doesn't excuse what I did or let happen"
"I love my friends and I'd do anything for them...but not at the cost of someone like you. I've admired you since the day we met. Your passion, your drive and not to mention your everlasting beauty, it seems"
I couldn't help, but blush at her confession.
"Though I'm used to your fiery, protective side, I've also caught glimpses of your heart when I see you care for the people you love...I couldn't deny that"
"So I thought the best way to keep myself away from you was to make you hate me", she continued.
"Because I knew letting myself fall for you was betraying The Judgment Day, when lo and behold, you felt the same all along. We were always so consumed with putting other people first, that we forgot that our own happiness mattered too"
The more she spoke, the more it all made sense.
"And at some point, I couldn't hold back anymore...so I just let it happen. You can tell me that I'm wrong and that nothing that I said made sense, but I know, by that look in your eye, that I'm not"
By the end of her speaking, I was in tears, having felt so seen and understood. I gently cup her face in my hands, kissing her once more.
"You're not wrong", I sniffled,
Pulling back.
"I don't think I would've ever had the courage to say those things to your face"
"Of course, you would've. You're braver than you think"
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epicbuddieficrecs · 5 months
Weekly Recap | April 1st-7th 2024
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MERRY WEEWOO EPISODE DAY!!! I had a fucking terrible stream so I feel like I missed like 90% of buddie's scenes.
No thoughts, head empty, so happy to FINALLY be done with this long ass recap 😆 my ao3 history is very much still fucked. Oh well. Also gonna have to make a separate post for the podfics cause the rec was getting too long, tumblr couldn't handle it 😂
There's a couple of new people in here and maybe some people who have changed URLs, so if you know someone who's not tagged, please tag them in the comments!
Love your tags, comments, reblogs, everything! <3 My ao3 inbox is being SUBMERGED with fics, it's the best problem to have 😂
I can finally breathe by wikiangela/ @wikiangela (S7E4 Coda, BuckTommy | <1K | General); Buck's oh moment when Tommy kisses him.
and with each one, i'm a little more free series by honestlydarkprincess/ @honestlydarkprincess (Post-S7E4, Coming Out):
oh, bi the way (<1K | General): Buck comes out to Maddie. whenever you're ready (<1K | General): Buck comes out to Bobby. welcome to the club (<1K | General): Buck comes out to Hen.
rebirth by renecdote/ @renecdote (S7E4 Coda | <1K | General): “Bisexual,” he says aloud, just to hear himself say it, to taste the way it feels on his tongue not just as a word but as an identity. It feels like an exhalation, trembling at the edges but not just with fear, or excitement, but with relief. Buck knows what it is like to be reborn, but he has never had a kiss make him feel like this before.
whenever you're ready by honestlydarkprincess (Post S7E4 Spec, Coming Out | <1K | General): Buck comes out to Bobby.
I won't tell no lie by lamardeuse/ @lamardeuse (Post S7E4 Spec, Tommy POV | 1K | Teen): Tommy can't exactly say he's surprised when he opens his door on a Sunday morning to see Hen Wilson standing there. He just wishes he'd thought to put on a cup first because he has a feeling he's about to get kicked in the nuts.
An End Has a Start by eirabach/ @eirabach (S7E4 Coda, Tommy POV, Tommy&Lucy | 1K | Teen): Tommy is one minute late. Hell of a minute, though.
tell me that i'm all you want (even when i break your heart) by diazchristopher/ @captain-hen (S7E4 Coda | 1K | General): “What’s going on?” “You tell me,” Eddie says, gently. “Buck mentioned you were being a little…odd.” To his surprise, Chris scowls. “I bet he did,” Chris mumbles, scoffing, half-under his breath. Eddie stares at him, taken aback. “Chris? What does that—” “I want you to tell him to leave.” or; buck, christopher and eddie in the aftermath of 7x04.
Sleepy Call by Tizniz/ @tizniz (Pre-Buddie, Fluff | 1K | General): OR: Eddie takes an early morning call.
to loosen his grip by glorious_spoon/ @glorious-spoon (S7E4 Spec | 1K | Teen): Eddie's not stupid, and Buck's about as subtle as a brick to the face on a good day. Speculation for 7x04: Buck, Bothered and Bewildered.
babbling brook to nowhere by fallingthorns/ @fallingthorns (S7E5 Spec | 1K | Teen): Eddie has not stopped talking since they left the restaurant. He thinks that he kind of blacked out during the actual dinner, because he’s not really sure what actually was discussed or how they even ended up sitting next to Buck and Tommy. But as soon as they got back into the truck, it was like the dam breaking loose. “I mean, it’s so great,” Eddie says once they’re back in his bedroom, as he takes his shirt off in the closet. He’s not even paying attention as Marisol perches on the edge of his bed. “They’re two of my friends, it’s awesome.” He’s happy for Buck, because Buck deserves to be with someone who gets him and will love him like he deserves. He just . . . “Is Tommy too tall for him?” Eddie asks. “Like, they’re the same height.”
my heart is working overtime by lecornergirl/ @clusterbuck (S7E4 Coda | 1K | Teen): He reaches for his phone again, then freezes halfway through his contacts when he realises he can’t call anyone to talk through this. Maddie would kill him for telling her something like this over the phone. For—coming out, he supposes, trying the words on for size. That’s something he does now. As— He hadn’t really stopped to consider it until now. Bisexual, he thinks, experimental, and it settles somewhere deep inside of him, like there’s been a space waiting for it all along.
“Pops, I’m bisexual.” “Hi bisexual, I’m Pops.” by Maximoff_Wanda (Post-S7E4, Coming Out | 1,4K | Not Rated): Or: Buck comes out to Bobby.
every little thing the sun shows, well it’s worth it by wafflesofdoom/ @capseycartwright (Post S7E4 | 1,6K | Not Rated): after his kiss with Tommy, Buck goes to Hen.
pythagoras made some points by crimsonclad (S7E4, BuckTommy | 1,6K | Not Rated): Look for the helpers! Sometimes they are all trying very hard to help each other be gay in the correct configurations and doing their best, mostly. Tommy takes Eddie to Urgent Care, takes him home, and carries a message elsewhere in the city of Los Angeles.
Buck's Boyfriends by Tizniz (Buck/Tommy/Eddie | 1,7K | Teen): He’s too drunk to figure out the logistics right now. “I think I’ve been dating both of you.” OR: The one where Buck realizes he's dating Tommy and Eddie.
smile at me like you smile at him by honestlydarkprincess/ @honestlydarkprincess (S7E4 Spec, Getting Together | 1,8K | Teen): Buck hadn’t planned on doing anything to show his displeasure at the sudden friendship between Eddie and Tommy, despite the fact that it sent hot, furious jealousy coursing through his veins. Really, he hadn’t. It’s just…well, he was just going for the ball during their basketball game…unfortunately Eddie happened to get pushed out of the way in order for Buck to get said ball.
only need the light when it's burning low by fallingthorns (Post-S7E4 | 2K | Teen): Buck blinks and realizes that he could love Tommy, if he didn't already love Eddie.
you've ruined my life (by not being mine) by ummrys (S7E4 Spec | 2K | Teen): Or, Buck gets a little (a lot) jealous of Eddie's blossoming friendship with Tommy Kinard, and makes some bad decisions about it.
detours by oklahoma/ @sunshinediaz (Post-S7E4, 2K | Teen): “Take a detour,” he says, instead. “There’s construction on Sunset.” “Maybe one of these days there won’t be,” Buck says, smiles, and takes his leave. - Eddie and Buck have a talk. They somehow say everything and nothing at all.
Every Night I Come to You by giselleslash/ @gigi-gigi (S5, Love Confessions | 2K | General): Eddie has another sleepless night, but Buck is there. He'll always be there.
Family Feud: First Responders by Princessfbi/ @princessfbi (Secret Relationship | 3K | General): The FireFam go on Family Feud.
Right In Front of Me by Princessfbi (S7E5 Spec, BuckTommy | 3K | General): Tommy’s brows knitted together as his mouth turned down with worry. “Evan,” he said and Buck wanted to hear him call his name so many more times. “What happened? Did someone choke you?” “That’s what I was trying to tell you,” Buck said, clearing his throat again when his voice gave an embarrassing squeak.
inescapable (i’m not even gonna try) by buddiebuddie/ @buddie-buddie (BuckTommy, PWP, Post-S7E4 | 3K | Explicit): From that first press of Tommy’s lips against his— the moment when the pieces slid into place and something bloomed in Buck’s chest and hummed in his veins— he felt good, and grounded, and settled in a way he never had before. It’s been a few weeks, and the newness has worn off but the excitement hasn’t. The hunger hasn’t.
I would be lying if I said I'm not dying to worship you by Daughter_of_Scotland (Post-S7E4 | 3K | Explicit): Buck and Tommy have their first date. This is how it ends. (It ends really, REALLY well)
somethin' tells me you know why i lie by lecornergirl/ @clusterbuck (Madney Wedding Spec, BuckTommy | 3K | Teen): OR: buck brings tommy to the madney wedding. eddie is absolutely, definitively not jealous.
Never Saw It Coming...Or Did He? by Tizniz (PWP, Daddy/Mommy Kink | 3K | Explicit): Unable to deny his boyfriend anything, Eddie does. And his jaw promptly falls to the floor. Because Buck is standing there with that goddamn basketball under his shirt again. The clothing is stretched tightly over the round of what Eddie’s mind pretends is Buck’s belly. Pregnant belly. OR: The one where Eddie is 'Daddy' and Buck is 'Mommy'
sunbeam that hits at three to noon by fleetinghearts/ @shitouttabuck (Madney Wedding, Getting Together | 3K | Teen): or, having multiple wedding reservations under the same name was an accident waiting to happen and buck’s just trying not to jumpscare his best friend with the rather intense bridal suite decor in their very platonically shared hotel room
as lucky as us by hammersmiths/ @bucktommys (S7E4, Ravi POV | 3K | General): One of the first things Ravi learned when joining the 118 was to, under no circumstances, think too hard about Buck and Eddie’s relationship. But brother, they could try make his job easier.
soothe the ache in me by honestlydarkprincess/ @honestlydarkprincess (S7E4 Spec | 3K | Teen): Or, the one where Buck gets a headache while trying to take care of Eddie and Chris after Eddie's injury.
i'm a fine baby mama (but you knew that though) by colonoscopys (S7E4 | 4K | Teen): Look—Buck’s not jealous, per say. He’s just a little confused as to how you can spend the past five years being best friends with someone, and then find someone new to replace him in the span of a couple of playdates.
You’re too Sweet For Me by Garden_Haunter (Buck Coming Out, Post S7E4 | 4K | Teen): Tommy kisses Buck, and it tastes like freedom. (Or: Buck comes out to different members of his family.)
Nightcap by Inell (S7E5 Spec, PWP | 4K | Explicit): After their first date goes a bit astray, Buck invites Tommy to his loft for a nightcap. 
some things fall when they're meant to fall by sibylsleaves/ @sibylsleaves (S7E5 Spec | 4K | Teen): or, Buck tells Eddie some news. Eddie has a realization and breaks up with his girlfriend. Not necessarily in that order.
before you painted all my nights by heartbeatdiaz/ @loserdiaz (Canon Divergent, Getting Together | 5K | Explicit): In hindsight, maybe jerking off to a LAFD Calendar when Eddie was well on his way to become a firefighter himself… might not have been the best idea. He never really thought about the possibility of actually crossing paths with the person that's been starring every wildest dream and filthy fantasy of his.
’til storm breaks loose by markofalover/ @markofalover (S7E4 Spec | 6K | Explicit): He squeezes Buck’s bare, sun warmed skin before he drops the contact, and strolls over to where Chim and Tommy are waiting. If he stands a little too close to his teammate, well. He’ll never admit it. Buck comes back into his line of vision, already back to looking like he’s a second away from stomping off the court. Eddie’s giddy with it. …or, how an elbow to the face changes everything.
the art of making love. by dylaesthetics (Rommates, Getting Together | 6K | Teen): OR Buck’s loft gets flooded, making him temporarily move in with Eddie, who’s out and about dating guys now, apparently, and Buck tries to figure out why the hell the thought makes him sick.
no more mistakes, no more empty starts. by dylaesthetics (S7E5 Spec, Feelings Realization | 7K | Teen): Throughout his life, Buck has felt that something’s been missing. Some integral part of who he is, outside firefighting, outside the family he has built for himself, outside the trauma that keeps on piling up and overburdening his shelves. He doesn’t expect to find it in the dimness of his loft’s kitchen one Tuesday evening, the taste of a man still on his lips and his cologne lingering in the air, sweet and honest and real.
ain't no lie (bi bi bi) by 42hrb/ @exhuastedpigeon (S7E4 Spec, Eddie/Tommy | 8K | Explicit): Eddie fools around with Tommy, Buck is jealous, Tommy's just trying to have a good time
skin/heat/hair in your mouth by fleetinghearts (Getting Together | 8K | Explicit): or, eddie’s bad at camping, buck’s trying to make sure he doesn’t get hypothermia, and naked huddling for warmth is only like the third gayest thing happening in the great outdoors
now our love lives in the radio by heartbeatdiaz / @loserdiaz (University AU | 9K | Explicit): buck is the host of a college radio show and eddie has a big fat crush on him, what else can i say? featuring cinderella references and a bunch of himbos from buck's football team. 
teach me how to dance with you by goodboybuck (prettyboybuckley)/ @prettyboybuckley (BuckTommy, PWP | 9K | Explicit): OR: Buck explores the wonders of gay sex (slowly, with a really patient, sweet Tommy guiding the way and while having a lot of fun)
the mouth is the thing that craves by Underhung_Aura (Established Buddie, PWP | 11K | Explicit): eddie loves buck and he really love buck's cock
when i think about you (i touch myself) by glorious_spoon/ @glorious-spoon (PWP, Getting Together | 12K | Explicit): Or: the one where Eddie stumbles across Buck's old amateur porn, prompting a series of belated realizations on both their parts.
honey, when you call my name by HungryHungryHippo/ @hippolotamus (Post S5E11 | 12K |Explicit): Eddie witnesses the Buck/Lucy kiss, has himself a little panic, and decides to do something about it when Buck does his Buck thing and won't stop pushing Eddie's buttons 
🔥 of men and of angels by extasiswings/ @extasiswings (Eddie Sexuality Crisis, Getting Together | 13K | Teen): Eddie Diaz learns a lot as a kid. Boys aren’t soft. Boys don’t cry. Boys don’t kiss boys. As he gets older, he realizes that everything has exceptions. Boys can be soft sometimes. Boys can cry sometimes. And some boys kiss other boys. But Eddie likes kissing girls. And since he likes kissing girls, that’s the end of the story. Isn’t it?
🔥 what humans do by brewrosemilk/ @gayhoediaz (Getting Together, PWP | 18K | Explicit): "…and the thought that she had just escaped death by such a narrow margin made me realize the intensity of my feelings toward her.” Eddie swallows. “‘What’s the matter?’ I couldn’t tell her, so I kissed her instead,” Buck goes on, and since Eddie’s eyes are focused on the page, they drift ahead a little bit, and the next few lines have him swallowing once again, taking his hand back to brace himself against the mattress as he slowly starts to push himself up to sit. “Kissing is what humans do when words have reached a place they can’t escape from. It is a switch to another language. The kiss was an act of defiance, maybe of war. You can’t touch us, is what the kiss said. ‘I love you,’ I told her, and as I smelled her skin, I knew I had never wanted anyone or anything more than I wanted her…” Buck trails off when Eddie reaches for the book, gently luring it out of his grasp. 
🔥 Any Other Way by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon Divergent, S2 | 6/18 | 37K | Mature): In a switcheroo alternate universe, Buck spends young adulthood in the military, while Eddie, who has no idea Christopher exists, spends his twenties messing around, finally enjoying freedom away from his family’s expectations. When they both end up in Los Angeles, at the 118, some things are different, and others will be the same in any universe.
Both Bermuda and Golden (Lost but Doing Just Fine) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (PWP, Threesome, BuckTommyEddie | 4/6 | 20K | Explicit): In which everyone has two hands and two holes and is keeping their options fluid. (Or: a collection of threesome fics.)
Fifteen First Kisses by tinygiantsam/ @watchyourbuck (Getting Together | 2/15 | 3K | Mature): Why would you have only one first kiss when you could have fifteen This is a collection of 15 different first kisses between Buck and Eddie.
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angel-eyes05 · 5 months
What's In A Name
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pairing: roronoa zoro x fem!reader
summary: as a master thief, you pride yourself on never getting caught. that is until you're caught by the straw hats as you try stealing from their ship. unable to turn you in to the authorities just yet, they'll have to make due with storing you on the going merry in the meantime. but, your time in confinement has allowed you to get particularly close to a certain swordsman. how close the two of you get is to be decided though.
warnings/info: nsfw mdni, oral sex (fem receiving), alcohol consumption, drunk/tipsy sex, face riding, my own sex headcanons for zoro are VERY clear here lmao ,takes place in between jaya and skypiea (please pretend theres more time at sea in between those arcs cause this will not work otherwise OK THANKS), this is for the pre-time skip zoro girlies (he's 19 pre-time skip dont come for me), no use of y/n, the first half of this is just cute shenanigans between reader and the straw hats. its a lot of character building stuff but i like it.
word count: 6.3k
notes: HI GUYS IM BACK IVE MADE MY RETURN I FOUND SOMETHING TO WRITE ABOUT!!!! and its the longest fic ive ever written too god damn what a comeback lmao. ok so i started watching one piece and im head over heels in love with this man...but i'm only up to water 7 rn so i only know how to properly write for pre-time skip zoro so thats how this is gonna go. i was looking for zoro/one piece fics to read but theyre literally all established relationship ones which aren't my cup of tea so im doing it myself lmao. also i didnt proofread i got too lazy sorry if some stuff doesnt make sense sorry sorry sorry but im a simple lazy tired girlie lmao enjoy!!
dividers by: @cafekitsune
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You didn’t know any of their names.
You had been aboard the Going Merry for about three weeks now, and you still hadn’t learned anyone’s names. Granted, your reason for being there wasn’t to make friends anyway. That wasn’t particularly easy to do, being tied up in some storage closet and all. 
Being one of the few residents who actually lived on Jaya had allowed you to pick up a skill or two when it came to stealing. Pirates with big bounties and even bigger treasures left their ships unattended at the docks, leaving you with some perfect quick heists from time to time. Some steals were easier than others. As much as you believed in your talents, most of the time your ability to get out unscathed was based purely on the luck of the draw. It wasn’t an easy life, many recent nights leaving you with more injuries than berries and gold pieces, but it was all you knew having lived here for so long. 
After having taken a break from heists for a bit, you finally laid your eyes on a ship worth stealing from. A pirate ship with a goat out in front and seemingly orange trees next to the helm. Most of the ships at the dock had been there for a while, leaving the pirates on board used to your tricks already. Being low on cash was another factor. So, after a bit of planning, you made your way onto the ship.
Earlier, you had found that one of the windows to a cabin had been left open, so you decided to make your entrance through there. You gathered your things and dove into the crystal blue water by the dock. Once you made it to the back of the ship, you took your rope, with your own handmade grappling hook at the end, and swung it to hook on the window sill. Luckily for you, it stuck the landing on the first try. You smirked to yourself and used the hook as leverage to climb up onto the ship. Unfortunately, this seemed to be the ship’s bathroom. Not super ideal. You’d have to venture more out into the ship. But with this came the risk of getting caught. Given your dire circumstances though, it was a risk you were willing to take.
With an attempt to make as little creak as possible, you slightly opened the door into the rest of the interior. Coast was clear so far. Suddenly, a shake rattled throughout the interior. You tumbled onto the floor, pushing open a door due to your unbalance. What the fuck was that, you thought to yourself. It quickly became no matter though, when you noticed the door had opened up to a room with a treasure chest tucked away in the back. Jackpot. You slyly made your way into the room and shut the door behind you. 
The room was neatly kept, with bookshelves, a couch, two sleeping hammocks, and a desk with navigation tools on it. There was even a bar. Though temptation pursued at you, you had to stay on task. While making your way over to the chest, you heard different creaks vibrating across the walls of the ship. You prayed to yourself that it was just the wood’s reaction to the waves. As you had predicted, the chest was locked, so you searched your bag for anything that could key the lock. 
Time became of the essence quickly as the thuds and creaks on the ship grew louder and louder. Finally, the lock to the chest made a perfect click, as the chest unlocked. You lifted the roof of the chest to find a sight for sore eyes: jewels and gold galore. This was it, you were set. You were so in awe with the vision before you, that you had failed to notice the woman standing behind you. The image you saw in one of the emeralds was a tall figure, with jet-black hair just below her shoulders, and dazzling blue eyes. “Looking for something?” the woman questioned, almost sarcastically. You seemed to have forgotten rule number one of thieving. Remember to lock the door behind you.
Quick on your feet, you whip around to throw a punch in her face, but her reflexes seem to be quicker than yours by the way she catches your fist. You then attempt to kick out her legs. The image you see next shakes you to your core. A hand, seeming to appear out of thin air, attaches itself to your calf. The hand then slowly raises your fear-frozen body into the air, dangling you upside down like a party toy. You attempt to throw more hits at her, all seeming to be in vain though. You kick and scream, like a child throwing a tantrum, in an attempt to get out. The woman looks out into the hallway and signals over another one of her companions. Fuck, this is turning sour fast. Before you can make out any other features of the man, besides his cartoonishly long nose, he uses his slingshot to pelt a rock towards your forehead. Your vision goes black as the rest of the pirates rush into the room.
The rough fibers of the rope tying your wrists together were the first thing you felt as you woke up. This was quickly followed by the underlying nausea from the waves rocking the boat, reminding you why you preferred to stay on land. You attempted to stand up, but your dizziness and the rope tying you to the floor weren’t letting you get very far. Suddenly, the door to whatever room you were in swung open, and the group of 7 pirates living on board entered the room. You slinked yourself along the back wall, attempting to disappear into your skin. You weren’t sure what felt worse: The fear of what they were going to do to you, or the embarrassment that you had been doing this for so long and still got caught.
Nope, definitely the embarrassment.
The man, no boy was a better word to describe him, standing in the middle of them attempted to speak to you before a woman with short orange hair cut him off. “If you think we’re gonna let you get off easily just because we’re also pirates, you’d be sorely mistaken!” she spoke, fiery anger lacing her words. The tall woman from earlier put her hand on her shoulder, calming her down, and walked out towards you. You tried to scoot away as much as you could as she crouched down to your level. 
“Listen, we want this to be over as much as you do. We would love nothing more than to get you off our ship and drop you off at the nearest island. But unfortunately for us, that would mean having to find a group of marines to hand you over to, who we aren’t the best of friends with right now. And we can’t drop you back off at Jaya since we’re too far by this point. So, for now, we’ll just have to keep you tied down here if that works out with you.” You began to speak before the woman cut you off. “You don’t have much of a choice in the matter by the way.”
She stood back up and began to exit the room, the other pirates following her except for two. The boy with the straw hat and another man, with striking green hair and three swords lying in a holster on his belt. The boy looked somberly at you as if he was against this whole idea. But the green-haired one just stared at you. As uncomfortable as it made you feel, you couldn’t help staring back into his piercingly soft eyes. “Come on, let’s go,” the green-haired man said to the boy, finally breaking eye contact and turning his back to leave. The boy followed him shortly after. As he closed the door, you had nothing left to focus on except for the itchiness of the rope, the empty stuffiness surrounding the storage room, and your worsening seasickness.
The following weeks had the same routine. Each of the pirates on board took individual shifts watching you during the day when they were just out at sea. The strange reindeer creature would watch you when they were out on islands. The first shift was taken by the tall black-haired woman. She would come in at the break of dawn to make sure you didn’t find some way to escape at night. You two would sit in silence for a little more than two hours, asking and answering some questions before switching spots with the blonde one. His company was strange, with him hitting on you at random points in your conversations, but he always brought you breakfast in the morning. As much as he made you uncomfortable sometimes, you couldn’t deny that his cooking was the best you’d had in years. He’d even let you take a hit off his cigarettes if you ever asked, so his visits had its perks. 
The next shift was taken by the orange-haired one. The first thing she would always do when walking into the room was ask you how creepy the blonde one was. The answer varied on the day. Once she warmed up to you, she would bring you tangerines from the trees out on the deck. As the days passed, she eventually explained that the treasure you attempted to steal belonged to her, which you begrudgingly apologized for. On some level, you felt bad. These seemed to be small-time pirates, just trying to get by like you were. The more you learned about each of them, the worse you felt about your actions towards them. 
Around lunchtime, the long-nosed one would bring you your meal, cooked again by the blonde man. This member would go into detail about his next invention he was working on in his workshop. You admired his passion and energy towards his craft. His rants and rambles were normally interrupted by the reindeer creature coming in for his shift, causing intense, yet entertaining, arguments to break out between the two of them. The reindeer was the sweetest of all the crew members, always checking in on your health and helping you with your seasickness. He would talk about his home and his experiences there. You developed a pity for the creature. His presence was calming, and you felt as if you could let your guard down around him. That would change as soon as the straw hat boy would come bouncing into the room, scaring both you and the animal. You would soon come to learn the energetic boy was the captain of the ship, which shocked you. But you soon came to understand why. His crew had a massive respect for him, even if he was the root of half their problems.
Being on the ship, you got extremely close to all the pirates. Even the tall woman from before seemed to respect you in some way. You enjoyed all of their company. There was something strange about them though. One morning early in your stay on the ship, you could’ve sworn you’d heard the tall woman say something to the rest of the crew. 
“Whatever you do, don’t tell her your name. Your name is your biggest secret.”
You didn’t know any of their names. You had thought you heard some of them speak it to each other in passing conversations, but not enough to remember who was who. You had bonded with them, but if someone put a gun to your head and told you to name your prison guard pirates, you’d be dead in seconds.
Except for one.
Zoro seemed to be his name. He would come in for the last shift. His presence didn’t frighten you, but it slightly intimidated you. His habit of carrying his swords everywhere he went wasn’t helping. He was silent his entire shift, normally dosing off halfway through after spending around an hour sharpening his swords You didn’t even attempt to make conversation with him. You found out his name when the captain would yell for him to get back to his sleeping quarters. “Zoro! Your shift’s done, you can sleep for real now!” he shouted across the hall the first time it happened. Zoro almost bounced up from his sleep and gave you one look before bolting out of the room to catch up to the captain. You could hear the echoes of their bickering from down the hall as you giggled to yourself. At least he didn’t seem to always be that stern.
It seemed crazy to you. His name was the only one you knew, yet you knew the least about him. He had hardly said 5 sentences to you in the three weeks you had been on the boat. His stoicism was one of the things that drew you into him though. Something about his demeanor, how intensely he would sharpen his swords, how his worries seemed to melt away the minute he escaped into a slumber, and how alive he seemed when he was with his crew. It was enticing. You wanted to know more. You attempted asking him questions about himself, but the most you would get were one to two-word answers. The most you got from him was when your seasickness finally got to you, causing you to puke up the dinner the blonde one made for you. “Woah, are you okay?” he asked concernedly, shooting up from his seat. When your only response was a cough and more puke, he ran out of the room to go get the reindeer. One thing he failed to do was close the door behind him. 
You speculated your options. You had no idea where you were. You could be out in the middle of the ocean. Or you could be right about to dock at land. If you managed to scrape yourself about the ever-loosening rope and sneak out, you’d be free. You’d never have to worry about these pirates again. 
At this point though, did you want to?
You took too long to decide, the reindeer rushing into the room with his medical kit, the blonde one short behind him. As the reindeer gave you a dose of medicine and cleaned up your mess and the blonde one held your hand and consoled you, your attention stayed by the doorframe. Zoro leaned against the wood, watching the work from afar. What shocked you most of all was his face. For a man who seemed so disinterested in you and your existence, his brows were furrowed, his cheeks had a light pink stain on them, and a slight frown invaded his face. He was concerned. Maybe even a little nervous. But why? He’d never shown any sort of emotion towards you before other than sleepiness. Once the reindeer and the blonde one left, he continued with his shift. You noticed something though. He sat closer to you than he normally did. 
You couldn’t tell, but you were blushing the rest of his shift.
Once he left, you sat in silence, thoughts racing through your mind, until you finally fell asleep.
You noticed a change in his behavior in the next few days. When you would ask him a question, he would respond now. And with more than just a “yes” or “no” too. He had more energy around you and wouldn’t spend his whole shift asleep. He would even let out a chuckle now and then. You didn’t know what you had done differently to get him like this, but you liked him like this. He was sweeter than he let on. 
Something had changed in you too though. On the occasions, you would catch yourself looking over his appearance. The more you observed, the more you realized how handsome he was. His clear, warm skin, his hypnotic eyes, his striking hair. You caught his appearance giving you butterflies when he would walk into your storage room. Your heart skipping a beat when he would give you even the smallest smile. You would stare even more when he would nap during his shift. Noticing certain things. The way his breath would hitch sometimes. How he always slept with his mouth open and would wake himself up sometimes with his dry mouth coughs. How his chest rose and fell with his soft breaths. How fighting with a sword in his mouth probably made his tongue stronger than other men you’ve met. You felt weird about it sometimes. Almost like some freakish stalker. But you would feel better about yourself whenever you would catch him staring at you out of the corner of your eye. 
As time went on, the crew began to give you some more freedom. The tall woman began leaving some of her archeology books in the storage room to keep you entertained. The orange-haired one would show you all her marked-up maps. The long-nosed one would even let you out of the rope to test his inventions from time to time. With the door locked of course. And then, the big display came. One day, during everyone’s shift, they told you their names. The blonde one was Sanji. The orange-haired one was Nami. The reindeer was Chopper. The long-nosed one was Usopp. Their captain was Luffy. And the tall woman, who initiated your imprisonment, was Robin. It was a small gesture, but it meant the world to you. With each passing shift, you grew more excited for the next. To learn the next pirate’s name, and with that, their story. Until the last shift of the day came. And you realized.
You already knew his name.
“My name’s Zoro,” he said quietly. “I know,” you replied, bluntly. 
Something felt different about this shift. You didn’t feel the same excitement you normally felt when seeing him. Without your connection to him before, his being the only name you knew, something about him just didn’t excite you as much. Now he noticed your behavior change. “You okay?” he inquired. “Mhm,” you responded in monotony. The rest of his time there was spent in silence. 
You felt bad about what you were doing. This wasn’t his fault. Yet you were acting like this. It was almost as if the two of you swapped places. He was now the one trying to dig information out of you. And you gave him nothing more than blank faces and empty words. You wished you could figure out why you were acting like this, but you had no clue.
Today though, the crew was going to take an extra step towards including you. Throughout your time on the Going Merry, you had only left your little storage room prison a few times. To go to the bathroom and visit the kitchen on special occasions. But you hadn’t seen the sun in weeks. After proving to the crew you had changed, they planned a little surprise for you.
Robin woke you up earlier than usual. “Is everything ok?” you asked, still half asleep. Robin just smiled at you. “Come on, get up.” You looked at her confused, as she walked over to your restraints, untying you from the hook keeping the rope down. She took you by your restraints and walked you out to the room. The mix of drowsiness and confusion left you slightly panicked as you realized she was walking you out to the deck. She opened the door to a still-dark morning. 
The rest of the Straw Hats were sitting out on the deck, just conversing and eating an extra early breakfast, courtesy of Sanji. They all turned to you once you and Robin walked out. “What’s going on,” you asked, still very confused. “On Thursdays, we all like to get up early and sit out and watch the sunrise. And we were talking about it, and we felt like you should join us this time,” Nami smiled. She stood up and pranced over to you, mouth slightly agape and speechless, and took you over to sit in between her and Zoro. You turned to Zoro, overwhelmed with emotions. 
It had been so long since you felt a part of a community of people. You never exactly fit in with the ruthless bands of pirates coming and going on Jaya. Finally feeling connected to people, especially after you wronged them so horribly, brought you happiness you hadn’t felt in ages. 
A singular “I-” was all you could manage to get out, a tear trickling down your cheek. “Just enjoy it. They’ll be at each other’s throats again in a minute,” he joked, getting a soft laugh out of you. He smiled gently, brushing the tear off your cheek. His finger lingered there longer than expected. You blushed. The butterflies were back and you caught yourself staring again.
“What’s that supposed to mean!” Nami interrupted. “Well, it’s true!” Zoro retorted, leaning over you to yell at Nami. The two began arguing as you noticed the sun starting to peak out over the horizon. “Shut up you two, you’re gonna make her miss it!” Usopp and Luffy yelled. They stopped bickering once they also noticed the sky begin to turn orange. 
The pinks and oranges mixed together in a beautiful watercolor painting as the sun reflected its image on the ocean. The soft waves bobbed the ship up and down in a calming hypnotic motion, almost putting you back to sleep. The beauty of it all was so serene. Against popular opinion, you always preferred sunrises to sunsets. The representation of a new day beginning. It gave you hope in your most dire situations. 
You lifted your head back to see the colors slowly spreading to the rest of the sky. Everyone to your right was in the same headspace you were like they were in some sort of trance. They were all cuddling against each other, Robin holding Chopper in her lap, Luffy and Usopp mimicking each other’s smiles, and Nami resting her head on Sanji’s shoulder. They all seemed so close to each other. Like a little family. Connected. You turned to Zoro to see if he was doing the same as the others, but all you found was his eyes softly gazing into yours, and his hand slowly inching towards yours. The minute he snapped out of it, he sharply turned his head and hand away and cleared his throat. You couldn't help but laugh at his schoolboy behavior. With your ego controlling your actions, you took his hand and slowly intertwined his fingers with yours. You could see a smile float onto his face out of the corner of your eye. You did the same.
The rest of the day was spent out on the deck. The feeling of the sun on your skin for the first time in weeks was euphoric. All you wanted to do was soak it all in. The Straw Hats must have been in a good mood today, because, with some extra convincing, you got them to finally take off your shackles. You spent most of the day sunbathing out on the deck with Nami. She had let you borrow one of your bikinis. You two were slightly different sizes though, so the suit was a little tight on you. You didn’t mind very much. You were just happy to be out of the same clothes you had worn for 3 weeks. Sanji didn’t mind either, ogling both you and Nami and basically worshipping the two of you. “It’s ok, he’ll get over it in a few hours,” Nami consoled. You circled the deck a few times to see if Zoro was anywhere in sight, but you couldn’t seem to find him. He probably went inside to nap away from the heat. Part of you wanted him to get the rest he deserved. The other really wanted him to see you in your outfit. 
The day really took a turn when Usopp brought out the liquor from the kitchen. “I was saving that asshole!” Sanji yelled. “Oh come on, this is a special occasion!” Usopp pleaded. With some more convincing, Sanji finally gave in. You and the crew got increasingly drunk throughout the evening, Zoro eventually coming out from wherever he was napping to join the party. You all had even decided to jump into the ocean and swim around for a little bit. All except for Chopper, very sober and very nervous for any incoming sea monsters. He had managed to get you all back onto the ship with some very convincing pleading.
You and Zoro caught each other catching glimpses of one another throughout the rest of the day. Zoro admiring your figure in the swimsuit, and you ogling at the way his damp shirt hugged at his muscles. One by one, as day grew into night, crew members began to pass out on the deck, deciding to sleep outside for the night. You and the other members who wanted to go back into the cabin, Zoro and Robin, made your way back down into the ship. “Make sure you tie her back up. No hard feelings but we can’t be too careful.” Even slightly tipsy, she was still her stern old self. “Yeah whatever whatever, goodnight to you too,” Zoro drunkenly pushed off. You giggled and blushed as he took your hand and led you down the stairs into the cabin. Robin sighed to herself as she watched the two of you scamper off.
You felt your heartbeat get increasingly faster as he led you to your room. For some reason, the air in the hallway got thicker as you got closer. You blamed it on your tipsiness. But your heart slowly sank as you got to the door, realizing you had to say goodbye to Zoro for the day. He opened the door and stumbled into your room, leading you in behind him. He closed the door behind him, hesitating for a moment before going to wrap the rope back around your wrists. 
He seems distressed for some reason, breathing heavily and avoiding eye contact. You look down at your hands, as he so gently maneuvers the rope around them. The butterflies begin to well up in your stomach again, the alcohol fueling their ferocity. His hands. So calloused yet so gentle. You can smell the remnants of sake exuding from Zoro’s heavy breaths. You looked back up at him. Were you two always standing this close together? You the butterflies keep rising and rising. You don’t know what to do with yourself. You’re not sure if you should run, kiss him, punch him, but you have to do something before you implode. Until. He stops.
The rope undoes itself in his hands as he freezes. His hands are shaking, his breath is heavy, and his eyes avoid yours like the plague. You were just getting antsy but Zoro seemed in distress. “Hey?” you ask, lowering your hands and dropping the rope to the floor. “Zoro?” You take your hand under his chin and lift his eyes to yours. You might throw up at any second. His eyes are so softly intense. 
He brushed his thumb against your cheek, sending chills down your spine. You both want the same thing. Both of you are just too scared to take the chance. “It’s ok. You’re okay,” you reassure him, placing your hand over his heart. His heart, which happens to be underneath his bare chest, him having taken off his wet shirt earlier. His breathing slows, and his eyes move down ever so smoothly from your eyes to your plump lips. You catch yourself doing the same to him, and you inching closer to him. “You’re fine.” Closer. “We’re gonna be…fine.” Your lips barely brush each other. The gentleness of the kiss is calming though, as you notice Zoro’s breath slowing. 
You brush again. And again. And again. Lips touching a little more with each meet. Until they fully interlock. The two of you melt into each other as Zoro wanders your back into a wall for support. Your kisses are structured, made to get the most out of each meeting. You’re both ravenous for each other, but you know if you go at each other like mad dogs, you won’t get what you want. So you both take your time getting to know the feeling of the other person’s mouth. You slip a moan out as Zoro’s tongue seeps between your lips. His kisses get slightly more sloppy as he runs his hands down your body. He feels the underneath of your breasts, the curves of your waist and hips, and finds a nice resting place under your ass. Your hands roam his cheeks and jaw, making their way to tug slightly on his moss-colored hair. 
“Needed this,” Zoro whispers in between kisses. “Needed you so badly. But I didn’t know how.” He separates his lips from yours and plants kisses and hickeys along your jaw and neck. “I was always just too nervous for some reason. You make me so nervous.” His hands find their way into your bikini bottom and fondle your asscheeks, getting a low moan out of you. The alcohol must’ve given him a confidence boost. “Good to see you found your footing now,” you whisper in his ear. He chuckles, the butterflies speeding up in your stomach. 
The two of you stay here for a little bit. Hell, you could stay like this for hours. Just soaking each other in. Feeling his warmth brought a fire into your soul. You could tell Zoro was getting a little antsy though, one of his hands moving from your back to your front, beginning to slowly circle your clit. The other hand went to your bikini, untying the back and letting it fall to the floor as his mouth moved to your breast. Waves of pleasure crashed through your body as you let him do his work. “God, you sure this is your first time?” you moaned out. He removed his mouth from your nipple to talk. “Never said it was, sweetheart. You just assumed it.” “Well from the loner vibe you got going on mixed with being on this ship 24/7, you can’t blame me for thinking that.” “Well the loner vibe worked on you, so who’s to say it hasn’t worked on others?” he smirked. You laughed to yourself as he got down on his knees.
Zoro slipped off your bikini bottom, completing the set on the floor. He kissed your v-line with the same softness he treated your lips to. He sat back on his knees for a moment to catch his breath, looking up at you, as if to ask for permission. You held your hand out to his cheek and rubbed it with your thumb. His eyes closed as he placed his hand over yours, as if you would ever take it away from him. God now this was a sight you could get used to. He was so infatuated with you it made your heart ache. He was right here at your disposal, yet you wanted more of him. So you bent down and gave him a sloppy forehead kiss. Once you were back up, he decided to go in. 
Like most things he does, he started slow and controlled. He kissed and sucked on your inner thighs. Once his hand finally left your clit, you knew he was ready. He kissed your cunt, using his tongue to lick up your wetness. You could pass out right now if you had less self-control. Whimpers and moans left your lips, your hips naturally starting to grind against his nose, relieving the ache in your clit. You let him know what felt good by the tugs and yanks you put in his hair. He was a natural. Your guess about his tongue earlier was right too. “You taste so good, just as I imagined,” Zoro breathed onto your lips. You could tell he was starting to lose his composure with the way he continued to bury his face into your pussy. Your cunt naturally tightened around his tongue as he tasted you. Your hips began to buck into his face as your grinding pace increased, the butterflies turning into a white heat you felt getting stronger and stronger. Your bud was becoming more swollen by the second. Your grip on his hair tightened to make up for your failing knees. 
You wouldn’t be able to take much more. Zoro wouldn’t either, his hand making its way into his pants to relieve his own bulge. His pace got faster to match your grinds. The smack of your lips against his tongue, mixed with both of your moans, was pornographically loud. Suddenly, the situation of Robin or another crew member hearing became an apparent one to you. That worry quickly left your mind once one of Zoro’s hands made its way to fondle your nipple. If he asked you to follow him anywhere right now, you might just do it if it meant this every other night. You felt he knew your body better than you did. “So pretty. So good for me. You make this so easy,” Zoro groaned between licks. “Zoro god fuck me please!” Your final whimper sent you over the edge as you wailed and came all over his perfect face. He licked up your juices as he finished his own job as well. Your knees finally gave out as you fell on top of him, into his arms.
He brought you down gently, straddling you on his lap as you wrapped your arms around him. He traced his cum soaked hand across your back and kissed your nape. You were more exhausted than expected, almost passing out in the crook of his neck. Even now, he was so gentle with you. “You did so good, darling,” he praised, kissing your earlobe. “Want…more…want you…inside me,” you managed to get out. He just laughed and pushed you up to look at you. “If you took me right now, I don’t think you’d wake up tomorrow morning. Look at you, you can barely keep your eyes open, sweetheart,” he teased. You pouted. “Oh, you feel that proud of yourself?” your drunkenness fueling your frustration. “No no no, sweetheart,” he chuckled. Once your frown didn’t change, he stopped laughing and pressed a kiss deep into your forehead. “I’m sorry. What I meant was, if I fucked you with everything I have left right now, which is the only way I would want to do it, this floor would leave us with sore backs for weeks.” You stayed frowning. “I want to fuck you right, the way you deserve. And I can’t do it for you right now.” You pouted more at him. He smiled up at you and leaned in closer to your ear. “If you trust me, I promise I’ll make it worth your while. You’ll be walking funny for weeks.” God, you almost came again just now. You didn’t notice how much your jaw dropped until Zoro laughed at you. You couldn’t help but laugh back in tune with his infectious laughter. 
He kissed you with a fever behind his lips, then scanned the room around the two of you. “What’s wrong?” you drowsily asked. The exhaustion from you coming, the sleepiness brought by the alcohol, and how late it was getting was starting to overpower you. Zoro didn’t respond. He just grabbed your swimsuit and helped you put it back on, tightened your legs around his hips, and hoisted you up as he stood. You decided to ask questions once you had a clearer idea of what was happening. He opened the door and walked with you down the hallway, passing the girl’s quarters and into the men’s room. He checked inside quickly before bringing you in and signaling you to bring your legs down. You confusedly followed him to his bed as he groaned, rubbed his back, and sat down on the edge of the bunk. “Wanna explain to me what you’re doing?” you asked, slightly more awake. “If you think I’m just gonna leave you to sleep alone, tied up, on that dirty floor after what we just did, then you must think I’m a really shitty guy,” Zoro quipped before getting under the covers and trying to pull you down. You put some resistance towards him though. 
“B-but Zoro, I’m not supposed to be in here.”
“I know.”
“If someone catches me in here we’re both fucked.”
“They won’t catch you.”
“How do you know that?”
“I’ll wake up before Robin starts her shift.”
“Are you sure, I mean I just don’t kn-.”
You stop your nervous rabbling and look at him as he sits back up. “Do you want to go back and sleep on the cold, dirty, hard floor?” You really didn’t. “No.” “Then stay here with me.” “But what if-.” “Do you trust me?”
You sure hope you did after all of that. His kind eyes reassured you in the darkness surrounding the two of you. You took a deep breath and nodded. “Do you trust me?” he asked again. “I trust you, Zoro,” you confirmed. He smiled kindly at you. “You’re fine. We’re gonna be fine.” He steadied you by placing his hands on your hips, running his hands along your waist, and pressing his lips into your tummy. You loved the way he looked at you. Like you were his whole world. It was comforting.
He took your hand and helped you into bed. You bundled yourself under the covers and wrapped yourself around his frame. He kissed your temples one more time before slipping into sleep, his light snores hypnotizing you into a slumber of your own.
The last thing you remember before dozing off was the feeling of his hands on your waist.
Everything you wanted was right here. In front of you. Straight out of a dream. Your only fear was that it would be gone once you woke up.
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a/n: THIS TOOK FOREVER GOOD LORD. anyways thanks for being here for my comeback era lol. my upload schedule is NOT going to be consistent this is just a little splurge i wanted to write lol. thank you for reading i really appreciate it (i also really appreciate engagement lol please like repost comment etc im greedy). i love one piece and i love zoro. once i meet law expect all hell to break loose im gonna write so much fanfiction about him its concerning hes so fine im so excited. anyways lol thanks love you bye.
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whispering-ways · 8 months
•☆ミ rain check ☆彡•
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♡ summary: you and luffy have a date planned out for the evening, but after a tiring day and a shift in weather, plans change for the better.
♡ pairing: luffy x reader (established relationship)
♡ tags: no warnings, just fluff :)
♡ notes: i'm sorry for taking so long to write a new fic guys! it's my last semester for my bachelor's degree so i've been swamped with grad applications and work for my senior classes. thanks for being patient and i hope you guys like it <3
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You were adding the final touches to your makeup when you heard Luffy enter your apartment, his heavy footsteps letting you know he’d come home.
“Y/N?” he called out. “You here?”
“Yeah I’m just getting myself ready in the bedroom,” you respond. He enters and flops down on the bed, looking completely exhausted. “Had a rough day, babe?”
You get only an exasperated sigh in response, which tells you all you need to know. You walked over to the closet, pulling out some heels that you hoped would go well with your outfit.
“You look so pretty. I can’t wait to take you out! It's gonna be awesome! Are you excited for our date?” Luffy asks, beaming at you and turning his head to the side to see you better.
You paused. To be completely honest, it had been a tiring day for you as well and you were truly worn out. You had spent hours conducting tests and repairing lab equipment, leaving you craving nothing more than to unwind.
However, both you and Luffy had been looking forward to this date for months; he was thrilled when you proposed the idea. It didn't feel right to call it off just because you were tired. Besides, you loved spending time with him so you didn’t mind going out even though you were a little beat.
“Yeah, of course, I’m excited! Plus it gives me a reason to get all dolled up for you and you know how I love doing that,” you reply with a soft smile.
With a grunt, Luffy hoisted himself out of bed, shuffling over to you. He envelops you in a hug, resting his head against your neck and kissing just below your ear. You chuckle at the sensation, pressing a kiss to the top of your head before ruffling his hair. “Isn’t it time for someone to start getting ready?” you ask with a smirk.
He let out a deep sigh as he lifted himself off of your shoulder. "Yeah, you're right, babe. Let me just hurry up and get ready. Just give me like 15 minutes, okay?" He said with a cheerful smile, looking down at you lovingly. You press a soft kiss to his lips and head over to the living room to give him some time to get dressed.
You head over to the living room, sinking into the couch as you scroll through your phone while waiting for Luffy. The clunking of his heavy footsteps breaks the silent atmosphere of the room as you send him random videos here and there. However, it didn't take long for that to bore you, so you decided to stretch out to relax.
When a few raindrops began to fall outside of the window, your neck craned up to glance at the dampening window. You mumbled to yourself, "This is the worst time for rain. I'm too tired to get all soaked in the rain."
When Luffy finally finishes getting ready, he steps out into the living room and takes a seat next to you on the couch. "Ready to go sweetheart?" he asks with a grin.
You let out a dramatic sigh as you pull yourself off of the couch to sit upright. Luffy chuckles as he draws you in close, settling into a comfortable silence. You lay your head on his shoulder, finding comfort in his embrace.
Despite being excited to plan the date and enjoying getting dolled up, something about today was just too draining. Hope filled your heart that Luffy would sense something was wrong, but knowing his oblivious nature, you knew that you’d probably have to spell it out for him.
Luffy kissed the top of your head and looked towards the window. Although it’d barely been a couple minutes, the rain seemed to have grown more intense, now leaning towards a heavy storm. "Hey," he inquired, turning his attention back towards your face. "It's raining pretty hard outside, isn't it?"
You rose up, turning to look towards the window as well. You perk up, looking at how bad the rain’s gotten. “Maybe we really will be staying at home,” you thought to yourself as you turned towards Luffy, speaking aloud to him now. "Yeah, the rain is really heavy, isn't it?" You continue with a shrug, adding, "I wonder if our umbrellas will be able to withstand the harsh weather."
Luffy looks at you, noticing the hopeful gaze in your eyes and the way you had now nestled closely to him. He understood precisely what that meant. "Hey," he said, gently resting a hand on your shoulder. "I know we've planned this date out, but do you want to do a rain check? Maybe we should just stay in tonight instead."
You light up like a Christmas tree, but try your best to cover your excitement. “Yeah sure, can we cuddle up and watch a movie or something instead?”
A soft and knowing smile spreads across Luffy’s face as he speaks to you. "Of course babe," he replies, reassuringly. "Just get all cozy in bed, and I'll make some snacks for us. Okay?" His gentle and caring way of speaking makes your heart melt with butterflies, and your face cannot help but break into a grin.
You nod excitedly, rushing to the bedroom to get comfortable. Without hesitation, you change into sweatpants and a t-shirt and then dive back into bed, wrapping yourself tightly in your warmest blankets.
Luffy heads to the kitchen and reaches into the fridge, fetching a box of frozen jalapeno poppers. He tosses a few pieces into the air fryer, then leans against the counter and waits for the familiar chime of the machine to go off. Somewhere in him, Luffy knew that the evening might conclude like this. After dating you for over a year, he knew you like the back of his hand.
When he checked the morning forecast and saw that it was going to rain, he knew that you would want to snuggle up together. Every time it rained, you'd always snuggle up like a cat with your blanket and look for something to unwind so seeing you so excited to relax together was no surprise to him.
However, he also knew that you wouldn't bring it up because you didn't want to disappoint him by canceling the date. But at the end of the day, Luffy didn’t care whether you went out or not; he was just happy that he got to spend time with his favorite person. And to be honest, he was pretty exhausted himself.
The chime of the fryer brings Luffy out of his thoughts. He takes a plate and adds the poppers, along with some ketchup and a few of your preferred spicy chips, before heading into the bedroom.
Your face brightens as soon as you spot Luffy walking in with a plate of food. The movie was already playing when he climbed into bed and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to him. Enveloped by his warmth, you snuggled closer to him, laying your head on his chest.
You were in pure bliss, with Luffy's body warmth and the softest blankets keeping you perfectly snug. You turned over, grabbing your laptop and gently placing it in between you two along with the plate full of snacks.
After a couple moments of looking through options, you both settled on the latest Puss in Boots movie. You had both come across a few ads about it and talked about watching it, so you and Luffy decided to give it a shot.
A few minutes in showed that it was a good decision. Glancing over at Luffy, you noticed his focused expression as he watched the screen with brows. You turned back to look at the movie, but the only thing you could concentrate on is how happy you were that it started raining.
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archangeldyke-all · 8 months
Rawrrrr I need more of Sevika and house mom reader!!! I need to see their dateeee omg I need to see Sev turn into like house step mom or somethinggggg
Im gnawing at the bar of my enclosure on my knees begging for more of these two.
Also cowboy!sev/reader- sev giving cait her blessing for vi <333
Uhhh dk if this is cool with 222daniela or nah but black vamp reader/sev- idk but i feel like sev would have a corny bucket list of things to do before reader turns her so something with that ig
love love love ya, kisses if you want em, and should i drop the official babyfather teaser? we're about 3/4ths done with that bad boy lemme know
marssss!!!! a million kisses back (and keep an eye out! i'll definitely be adding the bucket list idea to the next vampire/sevika request i have in my inbox tonight!!) but yes. lets do more club mom reader!!
men and minors dni
cherry's sitting on your couch, eating your food, laughing at you as you emerge from your room with a lingerie set she insisted you put on.
you sigh. "i look ridiculous." you huff. she snorts.
"you look like you just learned what sex is." she says, shoving more chips in her mouth. you groan.
"why are you even here? just gonna insult me?" you ask. she giggles then stands from her perch, approaching you.
"i'm here to help you get ready for your hot date. i know the sexiest thing you own are those granny panties-- you need some serious help." she says as she approaches you. you groan.
"i have sexy shit!" cherry raises an eyebrow at you, and you huff. "okay, fine." you mumble, waving her toward you. she laughs, and starts adjusting the lacy black two piece set on your body.
she tightens the straps, then adjusts your tits until they're sitting higher up on your chest. she pushes your shoulders back, turns you around, gives your exposed ass a quick smack, and then laughs when you jump.
"you actually don't look half bad, mom." she says. she walks past you toward your bedroom, laughing at the outfit you have laid out on your bed. "this is what you're wearing?"
"what's wrong with it?" you ask, walking in beside her. she laughs.
"blue jeans and a sweater? what-- she's taking you to the library or something?"
you groan. "fuck off! what am i supposed to wear?"
"i dunno mom, something that shows off those tits of yours! or your ass. or that slutty waist you got." she says as she throws open your closet door, rifling through your clothes.
"i don't remember asking you over." you say as you sit on your bed. cherry looks over her shoulder at you.
"you didn't have to. you help me get sexy all the time, now it's time for me to help you." she says. you chuckle and roll your eyes. cherry gasps, pulling a red dress out of your closet. "where the hell did this come from?" she asks. you shrug.
"remember when kelli got married?" you ask. cherry groans and nods. "i was a bridesmaid." you say. she laughs.
"god-- they were married for what, like three weeks?"
"two weeks and a day." you correct her. "it was a great fucking wedding though." you say. cherry snorts.
"i don't remember any of it i was so fucking drunk." she says as she throws the dress at you. "try it on." she demands.
you stand and slip the dress on, turning to have cherry zip up the back. she whistles when she's done, eyeing you up and down as she licks her lips.
"sevika's gonna love it." she says. you sigh.
"sevika's gonna be sorely disappointed if we go on a second date and i show up in my usual get up."
"i'll lend you a couple of slutty shirts." cherry says. you laugh.
"no thanks. we have very different measures of slutty." you tease your friend. she groans.
"you're such a prude. where are your shoes?" she asks. you laugh again and lead cherry to your living room, where your shoes are piled up by your front door. cherry frowns down at the pile, sighing, before she picks up a plain pair of black sneakers. "these will have to do. it's too bad we're different shoe sizes." she sighs.
"what, so i could break my fucking leg on some of those pleasers of yours? that'd be great for a first date, don't you think? making her chaperone me to the hospital?"
"if you're lucky-- you won't be walking at all." she says, smirking. "your feet'll be in the air all night." she teases. you laugh.
"a girl can dream, i guess." you say. cherry snorts.
"oh please, sevika's obsessed with you. i'd be surprised if you guys make it past appetizers before she's dragging you back to her place." she says. you roll your eyes.
"right." you say sarcastically. cherry scoffs.
"i'm serious! you know she came in today looking for you? you shoulda seen how fuckin' bummed she looked when i told her you had the day off."
you smile, something fluttering in your stomach.
"and i couldn't even talk her into staying for a dance, mom. i think she's really crushing on you."
you laugh and nudge your friend.
"okay, okay, get outta here, i gotta get ready." you say.
"what, you won't let me help you with your makeup?" she asks. you shake your head no.
"i do all of you guys' makeup in the club-- how hard can it be to do it on my own face?" you ask.
"whatever you say, mom." cherry says, wrapping you into her arms and pressing a kiss to your cheek. "good luck tonight." she says. you hug her back.
"thanks cher-bear." you say. she giggles then pulls away, pulling your front door open and waving over her shoulder.
"see you tomorrow!" she calls over her shoulder. you wave to her.
"be safe walkin' home." you call. she nods.
"yeah, yeah. love ya mom!"
an hour later, and there's a knock at your door.
you almost trip over your feet and faceplant in your rush to get to the door.
when you swing it open, you almost die.
sevika looks so fucking good. she's wearing a black button up, only the top few buttons are undone, giving you a lovely view of her cleavage. she's got on dress slacks and fancy shiny shoes, and her hair's slicked back off her face, tucked behind her ears. she's gawking at you, clearly just as impressed by your appearance as you are by hers.
"fuck." you say in greeting. sevika closes her mouth, then smiles.
"yeah. you look so fucking good." she mumbles. you grin, and step out of your apartment, taking sevika's hand in yours. she smirks, then swoops in to press a kiss to your cheek. you gulp.
"hey." you say when she pulls away. she smiles.
"hi hotstuff." she says. you laugh.
"don't get used to it. cherry dressed me today." you mutter as sevika starts walking you to the street. she snorts.
"yeah? ran dressed me." she says. you grin.
"well they did a great fucking job." you say. sevika stumbles a bit at the compliment and you laugh. "shy, sev?" you ask. she rolls her eyes.
"f-fuck off." she mutters. you burst into laughter.
"oh c'mon! i thought you were supposed to be all sexy and suave-- all the girls keep telling me about how cool you are."
"i am!" she insists. you raise an eyebrow at her and she groans. "you just make me nervous." she mumbles. you snort.
"i make you nervous?"
"yes!" she exclaims. "i don't-- i don't think you understand." she says, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk to turn to face you. you blink at her. "you kinda knocked me on my ass last night." she admits. "like-- forget it." she mumbles.
you tug on her hand. "tell me." you say. she shakes her head no, starting to walk again, and you tug her again. "i'll tell you my secret if you tell me yours." you offer. sevika blinks, then sighs.
"i dunno. you ever seen one of those films they make in piltover?" she asks. you nod. "and how-- how when there's a romance scene and the guy meets the girl it's like-- like the screen goes all blurry everywhere except where she is? and the background noise goes away and corny music starts playing?" she asks. you nod again. "it... it kinda felt like that first time i saw you." she says, shrugging. you blink again. "i-i... i've never done this before." she says.
"done what?"
"dating. flirting." she says. you smile.
"oh. well you're doing a pretty good job of it." you say. she snorts.
"am i? i feel like a fuckin' idiot."
"you're not, you're cute." you say. sevika smiles.
"i'm cute?" she asks. you nod.
"very." you say. sevika grins, then tugs on your hand. "what?" you ask.
"you gotta tell me yours." she says. you laugh.
"oh. mine's no where near as sweet as yours." you admit. she raises an eyebrow at you.
"no?" she asks. you shake your head no and sevika grins. "well?" she asks.
"it's more of a show don't tell secret." you say, winking at her. sevika grins.
the place she takes you to is pretty classy. she orders drinks and appetizers to share, and the two of you chat a bit as you look over the menu.
you look up at some point to reach for your drink, and find sevika admiring you from the other side of the table. when she's caught, she doesn't even seem to care, just grinning at you.
"okay, so tell me about this near death experience." you request. sevika laughs.
"silco's got this kid." she starts. you nod. "she's into explosives and stuff. blew up this building we were all in-- killed like five or six people." she mumbles. you frown. "lost my arm." she says, gesturing to her mech-arm. "and... i dunno. it just got me thinking, i guess. what i'm doing with my life-- the stupid shit i'm wasting all my time and money on. where i always thought i'd be when i was a kid versus where i actually am."
"where'd you think you'd be?" you ask. sevika snorts.
"when i was really young, i thought i'd be one of those show wrestlers-- you know the ones that get all dressed up and sell out arenas. but then i found out those fights were staged-- it took all the magic outta it." she says. you giggle. "but, i dunno. i... i always saw myself, like, doing shit. reading a hundred books a year, learning new languages, learning how to cook. i never did any of that shit. so now... i'm trying, y'know?" she asks. you nod. sevika smiles at you. "you were not in the plan, by the way." she says. you smile.
"didn't see yourself meeting anyone?"
"i saw myself meeting a lot of someones." she says simply. you laugh. "i... i didn't ever expect to meet someone who i'd like though." she says.
"we've known each other less than twenty four hours."
"yeah." she says. "i just can't shake the feeling that i'll know you for a long time to come, though."
you take a hefty sip of your drink. this is like the third time sevika's said something disarmingly romantic and sweet, and she doesn't even seem to register the fact that she's being so romantic and sweet. you reach over the table to take her hand, and shake your head at yourself.
"what?" sevika asks.
"you're not playing me?" you ask, just to be sure. sevika's eyes go wide.
"no!" she says. she opens her mouth to say more but you stop her by squeezing your hand.
"i-- you can say no. it's your first date and everything, i don't wanna fuck it up for you. but... do you maybe wanna just call it a night and come back to my place? find out what my secret is?" you ask.
sevika grins.
"really?" she asks. you giggle and nod, and sevika gets out of her chair so fast it clatters to the floor beneath her. you laugh. "let's get the fuck outta here, babe." she says, throwing some cash onto the table and tugging you out of your chair.
you get to your apartment twice as fast as you got to the resturant, sevika urgently tugging you behind her the entire way.
before you can reach for your keys, she's pinning you to your front door, pressing herself against you, and shoving her tongue down your throat. you moan against her, reaching up to sink your fingers in her hair and tugging, relishing in the shiver that travels down her spine.
"oh fuck, i like you so fucking much." she mumbles against your neck as she begins trailing kisses down it. you take a shaky breath.
"i-i like you too, sev." you say. she grunts, shoving her thigh between your legs, and you moan, hitching your thigh up over her hips. she whimpers.
"c-can i touch you?"
"yes please." you mumble. she grins against your neck, her hand slowly trailing up your leg until it reaches the hem of your dress, and then ducking beneath it, traveling farther and farther up.
you can feel the moment she feels your lingerie, her whole body goes stiff and she sucks in a sharp breath against your neck. you giggle.
"it-- i-- it's not mine. cherry lent it to me, so don't go expecting thongs and lace all the time." you say. sevika groans.
"you better find your keys before i fuck you right through this door." she says. you take a shaky breath and start fumbling through your bag in search of your keys.
you pull them out with a gasp of victory, turning in sevika's arms as she starts grinding against your ass to fumble with the locks until your door swings open.
"i'll give you the tour later." you joke. sevika chuckles against the back of your neck as you both spill into your apartment.
you scream. sevika jumps behind you.
"cherry what the fuck?!" you yell. cherry snaps awake from where she was sprawled across your couch, a bag of chips on her chest, a record playing in the background. she curses.
"oh fuck, mom." she says, rubbing her eyes. "i am so sorry." she says, giggling as she takes in you and sevika's rumpled appearances.
"what are you doing here!?" you ask. cherry giggles.
"about an hour ago i realized that two of you might come back to your place-- and it's a fuckin' mess! you got dishes in your sink and laundry all over the place-- you didn't even make your bed!"
"s-so?" you ask.
"so i came back and used the spare key you gave me to clean up a bit for you two!" she says. "but-- i guess i fell asleep somewhere between folding the laundry and lighting some candles to set the mood."
you groan. "so your plan was to light candles in my place and then leave them unattended? for possibly the entire night?" you ask. cherry cringes.
"see when you say it like that--"
"oh my god, get the fuck out!" you cry.
cherry holds her hands up in a placating gesture, shoving her shoes on and stumbling past you and sevika.
"you two have fun! be safe! if you hurt her, i'll figure out where you live." she threatens sevika as she walks past. you groan again. "love you mom, see you at work tomorrow!" she calls over her shoulder before she slams the apartment door shut behind her.
you sigh, then turn around to look at sevika. she's grinning.
"i'm sorry." you say. sevika snorts.
"it's cool." she says. you groan.
"it's horrible!"
"you're a single mom of like thirty girls-- i get it." she says, slinging her arms around your waist. you chuckle, your head falling forward to rest on her chest. "guess you're a bit of a package deal, huh?" she asks.
"i guess so." you say. she chuckles.
"that's cool. i can work with that. just no actual kids, okay?" she says. you laugh and lean up to kiss her. she hums against you.
"no kids. sounds good." you say against her lips. sevika smirks down at you.
"that... i mean. 'no kids' doesn't necessarily mean we can't try to make a few." she says, raising her eyebrow at you. you grin.
"yeah?" you ask. sevika grins and nods at you.
"show me your bedroom. i hear the bed's freshly made and everything." she says.
you laugh, wrapping your hand around sevika's, and dragging her toward your bedroom.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby
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bouncybongfairy · 1 year
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Wild Night
Summary: You are convinced by your best friend Stacey into having a wild night at the club where you met Rick Sanchez.
TW: Drug Use | Smut | Alcohol | Rough Sex.
Rick Sanchez x Reader
Word Count: 3k+
You rummage through your purse, trying to find your lanyard to unlock the door. After what seems like an eternity, you finally get the door open. You set your bag on the island in the kitchen and check your phone. Today was your Friday, and you were looking forward to your three-day weekend from work. With school, work, and your social life, you only want to sleep when you get free time. This was something your inner circle was noticing and pointing out more often. Your phone rings with the collar ID of Stacy. You met her in statistics class and really hit it off. 
“Hey girl,” you say into the phone while walking into your bathroom to take off your jewelry. 
“Y\N! What are you doing tonight? Novah and I planned on going to The Wormhole tonight and we really want you to come.” She said into the phone, the faint sound coming from the background. 
“I don’t know Stacey, I have a ton of homework and I worked today,” you say, taking your earrings off and your claw clip. 
“Please, just come out. You told me yesterday that you have a three-day weekend.” She remarked while Marina played quietly over the speaker. 
“What does that have to do with anything? My free time isn’t your availability.” You said leaving the bathroom and going to sit on your bed. Stacey sighed and switched her tone before speaking, 
“Look, I really miss you. I know you’re working and have a life and I admire how dedicated you are. It just can��t be healthy to be going so non stop. Please just come out with Novah and me, have one or two drinks and if you really are not feeling up to it we can Uber you home. I’ll come over and we can get ready together.. please..?” Stacey at this point was begging. 
“Be here in like, an hour okay?” You say while turning the shower water on the heat up.  
“Yay! I’ll be there soon girl, I promise you won’t regret this.” Stacey sang into the phone before hanging up. Once you thought more about it, you began romanticizing the idea of going to the club. Getting all done up, breaking out the lashes, extension, heels, mini skirt.
The last time you went out with Stacey you damn near blacked out. Dancing with the strippers on the pole, body shots, the looks you got when you started grinding against Stacey. Once the water was warm, you stepped into the shower and started washing your body. The Wormhole is the sickest club you've ever been to. The bouncers do a great job of keeping creeps out. Some of the bottle girls sell molly and they have strippers. 
"What did I get myself into tonight?" you mutter to yourself and you rinse the shampoo out of your hair.
Once Stacey got there, they began doing their makeup in front of the mirror built on your closet door. You were clipping your extensions into your hair while she was applying power to set her foundation.
"So.. are you planning on getting laid tonight?" Stacey asked, shifting through her make-up bag. You chuckle while grabbing your curler and wrapping your hair around it,
"Honestly yeah, I haven't gotten dick in like, three months." You said finishing up your hair, teasing it a bit to give it some volume.
"Oh my gosh, are you serious? Yeah, it's a good thing that I convinced you to come out tonight because that's some grandma shit right there," she said, spraying setting spray on her face.
"I don't know, I'm just tired of the ending. It's like the buildup is great. We're all taking shots and smoking, dancing the night away. The end of the night begins to approach and you start looking for the guy you're gonna take home. The sexual tension is like so electric when you're dancing with said dude or on the car ride home. You get in bed, he'll dig into your hip for a while and then when you do start having sex, they last like 45 mins then collapses after they finish. Then sit there in award silence for 10 minutes before getting dressed and mumbling: mY uBeR iS hErE and run out the door. It's just too much." You said while fixing your eyelashes and grabbing a couple bobby pins to secure your bangs to the side, "do my eyelashes look even?" You ask Stacey who had just finished lighting a blunt, handing it to you so she could answer your question.
"Yes, they look even and yeah I get that. It's hard to find guys our age that can play that mind game. Like, the cat and mouse game. You know, like flirting and teasing but I would settle for a guy who could find the clit without help!" She said, bursting into laughter. "That is setting the bar low, even for you." You joke back while exhaling your hit before turning back to finish getting ready.
After about another 30 minutes you both were leaving your apartment to get down to The Wormhole. Novah was going to meet you both there and you were really excited. After pre-gaming with the blunt Stacey had rolled, you were feeling so optimistic about the night. Especially compared to how you felt before the invite. You're wearing a jean mini-skirt that pretty much looks like a tube top. Pink, chunky pumps, and a white long-sleeve crop top that left your mid-section bare. Your platinum blonde hair blown out Farrah Fawcett style resting on your shoulders and back. Of course, the Juicy bag that you stole from your sister in high school. It really wouldn't be a complete outfit without it. Once you guys walk into the club you immediately find Novah, who saved a table for you guys.
"You know Y|N, when Stacey texted me that you were going to meet us here I can't say that I believed her but I'm so stoked you came out!" She said playfully pushing you on the shoulder. You laugh and nod your head, "Yeah it's been all work no play but I'm here tonight and I'm trying to get fucked up." You giggle which makes both girls laugh. "Let's drink to that whore," Stacey says, walking away to order a bottle.
It was somewhere between the fifth shot of GreyGoose and the second joint you smoked in the bathroom that you became more open-minded. Stacey was behind you, grinding her pelvis against your ass. Novah was dancing in front of you holding their mixed drink in the air. You were really starting to feel drunk at this point, especially when you started wanting a cigarette.
"Our bottle girl has molly, are you down?" Stacey whispers in your ear you immediately turn around and flash her a devilish grin which causes both of you to break out into laughter. You guys track down the bottle girl and buy 60 dollars worth of molly.
That was when you first noticed him, it honestly was a bit embarrassing. You had dipped the acrylic nail on your pinky into the small baggie of powder and brought it up to your nose. Right as you snorted the molly is when you locked eyes with him. His hair was so blue, like seriously blue. He had on a lab coat which at first struck you as weird but it really goes with his whole vibe. One of the first things you notice is that he's alone or at least you were hoping he was. Without breaking eye contact with you, he grabs his glass and takes a couple of swigs.
"Hello, Y|N are you good?" Stacey asks while stroking your hair. "Um, yeah but, do you see that guy over there who -hiccup- who is that?" You ask, referring over to the blue-haired man.
"Oh, that's Rick Sanchez or Smith or something like that, uhh, I think I went to high school with his granddaughter. He's a drunk but also like a crazy scientist who has this weird-ass car airplane hybrid vehicle thing. I don't know tho." Stacy slightly slurred while still dancing to the music that was blaring, "Are you thinking about getting at him?" She asks you while pulling you in to start dancing again.
"Well yeah, I mean like I said I'm tired of clueless men so maybe I should go after an older man, try something new." You said but you couldn't help but giggle the entire time while you said it.
'God this molly is so strong you thought to yourself.
"I support Y|N on their journey to getting space man dick," Novah said, grabbing Stacey as showed you away in an encouraging way to go interact with him. Under different circumstances, it might have taken you more of a pep talk to be so direct but with the liquid and powder courage took away any anxiety. You had to admit it was a bit nerve-racking when you first approached Rick. Most people change their facial expressions and body language to acknowledge the fact that you are approaching them. He just stared at you with the same facial expression from when you first locked eyes. Once you were standing directly in front of him you smiled and greeted him.
"Hey, your name is Rick right?" You asked, fixing your purse strap. "Are you trying to make small talk?" Rick asked sarcastically.
"Sure looks like it doesn't it." You snap back quickly, grabbing his glass and taking a sip out of the black straw. You quickly realize what you thought was a glass of water was indeed pure vodka. You bite down on the straw to keep your face from grimacing.
"What's your name?" Rick snickered, taking the glass back and taking three large gulps.
"Y|N, my friends said that you're a spaceman. Are you?" You ask, becoming impatient on trying to find a good opportunity to ask him to dance.
"How does that concern you or your little girlfriends?" He asked leaning so she could hear him over the speakers.
"Oh, that doesn't really concern me, you know what really does worry me? The fact that you aren't grinding against me on the dance floor. Don't you find that concerning?" You ask sarcastically, grabbing his belt loops and using them to pull yourself closer to him. This causes him to stand up from the bar stool he was sitting on. That was when you realized how tall he was, he was literally towering over you. Your neck was bent completely back to look up at him whereas his head was hanging down to see you.
"I'm not going to be your parent for the night, I don't want to deal with daddy issues." He said which made you throw your head back and laugh. You felt his hand on your back catch you in case you lost balance.
You grab the bag of molly out of your cleavage and scoop a fair amount of powder onto your nail. You bring it up to his nose and whisper in his ear as he snorts it, "I don't need a daddy, I need a dick that lasts longer than an hour and doesn't need GPS to get to its destination." You giggled as he pulled you in closer, almost causing your feet to lift off the ground.
"I think we're gonna make a great pair." He said as he led you to the dance floor. You had been standing with Rick for so long that when you began making your way to the floor, you really began to feel inebriated.
The energy you felt between the two of you on the dance floor was unreal. To be fair, being intoxicated could be clouding your proper judgment but feeling Rick behind you was making your legs feel like it was burning. Such a warm feeling in the bottom of your stomach. As you were grinding against him you couldn't help but try to size him up.
"Your dick feels so fucking big." You said after turning around to face Rick. He was smirking at you, his body slightly hovering over you so he could squeeze your ass. Which is when a bottle girl walked passed and asked what time she would be meeting Rick after the club closes.
"Back the fuck up." You sneer, shoving her back causing a couple of the drinks on her tray to spill on a couple of people around you. Immediately the bouncers come to remove you but Rick grabs you by your waist so that your back is pressed against his chest.
"I got it, alright buddy calm down j-just calm down I'm taking- I'll take her." He said while you were trying to get out of his grip. Your feet were dangling and you eventually got your hand loose and immediately slid your hand down his happy trail as he walked you over to his ship which was parked out back instead of in front of the club. Once you get close enough to the ship he turns you around and slams you against the ship door. He pressed his body against yours making you pinned in between him and the metal.
"You're fucking mental. I'm not one of these frat boys who can't look past you. If I want to hook up with her or whoever the fuck I choose. Control yourself," Rick growled into your ear, moving one of his hands to grip your throat. You pull your legs up and wrap them around his waist and smile at him.
"Mental for your dick." You mumble against his lips which were chattering slightly due to the molly.
"Fuck it," Rick said pulling out his portal gun and creating the bright green gateway. It opens from behind you, Rick's face becomes illuminated by the green light.
god he looks so powerful
You both fall through the portal onto a bed. It took you a while to notice but the bed you were both on was your own. You run your hands down his back, digging your nails into his lower half. He groans as he grinds against you. You bring your feet up and try to push his pants off of him. He chuckles as he pulls away from you and sits up on his knees. As he began undoing his belt you couldn't help but admire his body. The T.V. was glowing behind him creating a halo of light behind him. He pulled a condom out of his lab coat. You sit up so that you are on your knees as well.
"Can I put it on you?" You asked, scooting closer to him and reaching for it. He looks down at you and smiles and hands it over. He pulled his pants down and you were pretty impressed. You rip open the condom with your teeth and slowly start rolling it on.
"I knew it was big," You say as you start stroking his dick. "I don't think anyone would disagree with you on that." He said crawling back on top of you. You pull your thong down but leave your skirt on. He trails his hand up your thigh and uses his thumb to rub your clit.
"Fuck you're already so fucking wet," He moaned, dropping his head onto your shoulder. You caress the back of his head with one hand and with the other, you reach down and line up his dick to your entrance.
He starts kissing your chest as he slowly slides into you. Rick is bigger than average so it was a bit uncomfortable. It really turned you on that you didn't have to ask him to take it slow at first. He puts his elbows by your ears and slowly starts to speed up. You run your fingers through his hair and arch your back.
"Fuck yeah feels so good to have you wrapped around me." He moaned out while picking up speed. You start bucking your hips up to meet his thrust. You bite down on his neck and let out a loud groan.
He flips you over so that you are on top. You move your hair out of your face and start rocking your hips back and forth. He threw his head back and bucked up into you which encouraged you to go faster. You could feel your heart rate speed up as you rode him. You become more winded and put your hands by his head to support some of your weight. Rick uses this to his advantage and bites down on your nipple. Beads of sweat were starting to form on your forehead, the only thing you could think about was building up to your climax.
You throw yourself back and rest your hands on your knees and start moving your hips in a circular motion. He sits up with you and looks up at you while you ride him. He runs his hands down your back and grabs your ass all while making eye contact. His eyebrows were furrowed and his mouth was slightly agape. His pupils were so wide that his eyes looked black.
"Mmhm, can you feel me tighten around your cock?" You ask, picking up your pace.
"Fuck I can't take it," You hear Rick mumble to himself as he flips you both around for the second time. This time you were on your stomach, he quickly inserted himself back into you. You let out a loud cry, not expecting the intense amount of pleasure so quickly. He shoves his hand underneath you and starts playing with your clit as he pounds into you. "Holy fuck I'm about to cum!" You scream out, and he bites onto the back of your shoulder. You both cum at the same time, Rick doesn't stop biting your shoulder until after he is finished. He quickly pulled out and tied off the condom, tossing it in the trashcan next to the bed. He collapses on top of you and soon after you both drift off to sleep.
Hello! This is the first fan fiction that I’ve ever published. Looking forward to writing more. Was thinking of making this a slow-burn fanfic but want to get public opinion before doing so.
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imagines-by-cleo · 1 year
I’m not sure if you are taking requests at the moment, but if you are can you please write Raiden (MGRR) going down on his s/o for the first time? 🛐
Of course friend! Once again I am sorry if Raiden is ooc, I'm doing my best lol. Sorry it took so long for this to come out, I hope it's worth the wait!
CW: oral sex (fem receiving), semi public, more wireplay cause I had 3 good Raiden headcannons and that was 2 of them,
Every part of Raiden's body was a weapon, from the sharp claws to the titanium jaw you had your lips pressed against now. You were nervous enough to touch him in his regular body but now even just lightly resting your hands on his chest made your heart race like you were holding a loaded gun, anticipating something to trigger if your hands wandered to freely over the ridged metal plates. It didn't help that he had just gotten back from a mission, you could hear his machine heart whirring while pumping coolant through his overheated body, you could even still smell the metalic traces of blood and cybernetic viscera that hadn't been completely cleaned from his body.
Breaking the kiss he exhaled, letting out hot steam in the other direction and increasing the temperature of the confined space the two of you had stolen away in. He checked one more time that the closet door was locked then made sure his radio was off while you did the same.
"No one can hear us in here right?" You asked, keeping your voice down to a low whisper.
"That depends on how loud you're gonna be" He purred, his hands running us your sides threatening to make you gasp.
You answered with a quiet laugh, his carefree attitude putting you at ease though there was still the matter of his body. Again you felt tense at the foreign pieces of metal digging into your skin as he pressed against you, not only wondering about the safety but the possibility of what he was doing to you. Thoughts of danger and pleasure stirred in your mind when you felt his mouth touch your neck, you sighed at soft feeling of his lips while shuddering at the hard feeling of his metal lower jaw paired with the touch of his sharp claws sneaking under your shirt and threatening your skin with the light touch of sharp edges.
Finding the opportunity to blurt out while he explored you. "Are you sure you don't want to wait until you're back in your civilian body?"
"Why? You don't want to?" He asked, teasing with fake puppy dog eyes knowing that wasn't the truth.
"I do but... I don't know how you can make it work, you don't even have the right equipment right now." You answered, honestly.
"Don't worry about that. Just let me touch you." He reassured, continuing his conquest of your body.
You tilted your neck up, allowing him to return tasting you once again. He lifted your shirt exposing your skin to the air and making your nipples harden as he made a decending path with his lips between your breasts. His breath was hot and his metal parts were foreign, you wondered if he could feel how your heart was pounding while he kissed your heaving chest. As he moved even lower you could feel one of his hands gripping your thighs, lifting gently while you were firmly pressed against the wall until he was the only thing supporting your entire weight.
When he set your legs on his broad shoulders you knew exactly what he wanted to do, you carelessly moaned out loud when his lips touched your waistband while he lifted your skirt above your hips. The only thing between you and him being a thin layer of fabric that in spite of your doubts about the situation was growing a small yet noticeable wet spot, his proximity to your most intimate parts made a blush rise to your cheeks and the position of your legs on his shoulders made it impossible for you to follow your urge to turn away.
With one swipe of the titanium nails the fabric was torn and there was nothing at all to stop him, your legs shook as his hot breath warmed your already burning skin. Afraid of making any noise you put a hand over your mouth, muffling the sounds you would have made when his lips gently touched your folds into a shaking exhale through your nose.
That first long lick running from top to bottom of your slit had you gripping your mouth tighter, trying and failing to catch the whine that shot out.
"You taste sweeter than I thought you would." He commented, only pausing for a moment to pant out before hungrily diving back in. "So much sweeter."
As warm as his body was, the touch of his metal jaw still felt cold and took some getting used to. You had never imagined he could eat you out like this but the moving of his tongue and the feeling of his steel hands on your thighs was starting to feel more and more natural as time went on.
Raiden growled low as his tongue plunged even deeper, sending vibrations straight through your core. The bridge of his nose rubbed on your clit making you want to roll your hips forward just to get a little more friction on it.
The grunts and groans he made while devouring you were almost as loud as your own, you wondered how he hadn't drowned yet without stopping to breathe for even a second. It was possible he was enjoying this even more than you were, you wanted to look down and see but instead kept a hand over your mouth hoping to hide the embarrassing faces you might make in the heat of pleasure.
The second his thumb touched your clit you jumped, it moved slow at first while finding the right rhythm that wouldn't scratch you but before long he rubbed fast enough to have your legs jerking in every direction. You could feel it creeping up faster than you could handle, every rapid circle his thumb drew over your clit and every firm pump of his tongue forced you to the edge.
"Raiden slow down, I'm gonna..." you gasped out though you could hardly breathe.
Without responding or complying he kept going at his electric pace, making your body go stiff as you twitched around him. Your mind went blank, your vision blurred while you lost what little control of your body that you had left. Putting your hands on both sides of the closet walls, trying to ground yourself while washed over and took you completely.
Even after you came that wasn't enough to stop him, your exhausted body still spasmed while he drank up every drop that dribbled out of your overstimulated pussy. When you found that you could breathe again all that would come out of your mouth was shameless moans, as you tried to suck in the hot stuffy air in that confined space.
Running a hand through his already tossed blond hair as he cleaned the mess he made out of you, finding the boldness to look down you found his unfocused eyes glowing with just a hint of that feral red while he shamelessly slurped you up. He could be such a little monster sometimes, but he was all yours right now.
For a good long while you were convinced Raiden was never even going to stop for air, almost sparking up a second orgasm before you had to interrupt him.
"Raiden... Raiden, breathe." You called, almost laughing.
Eventually having to pull him back by his hair to get his attention, even then he continued to lick the traces of you of his lips while flashing his wicked smile.
"You're gonna drown." You teased.
"Don't worry, I could do this all day." He reassured, placing kissed on your thighs before setting your legs back on the floor.
He placed firm feverish kisses all the way back up your torso to your face, letting his hands roam wildly like touching you was going to charge his batteries somehow. Not even caring about the little scratches he'd leave when you roughly grabbed at your body, just perfectly content in letting him use you to sate his appetite.
He guided your hand to a small gap in the armor on his back where you felt around until you found a single exposed wire. When your fingertips met it and his hips twitched forward there was no more explanation needed, immediately you started to play with it while savoring the various reactions you would get from Raiden. His body would twist and writhe while his eyes crossed and his hips snapped forward in a distorted muscle memory.
It was scary in a way to have him acting so unpredictably, when you had no idea what happened if you played with the mystery wire too much. A horrifying thought crept into your head that it could make him malfunction and you would have to explain to everyone how you broke Raiden.
"Don't stop, don't stop." He begged over and over, gritting his teeth and whining through them.
His arms caged your body, claws digging into the wall behind you while his chest heaved. Again he firmly pressed his lips against yours, this time sharing the lingering taste of your own sticky sweetness. With a series of wet breathy open mouthed kisses you felt his panting even out and his overheated body begin to cool while he came down from his peak.
What should have been an intimate moment of basking in your collective afterglow was rudely interrupted by your phone ringing from down on the floor where you must have dropped it earlier. Naturally you hung up, thinking that would be the end of it until Raiden also got a buzz from his radio.
"Shit, how long have we been gone?" He asked.
Taking a look at your phone and seeing the long list of notifications from everyone at Maverick asking where you were, you groaned not even having the right to be annoyed at them.
"A little too long." You answered. "Everyone thinks we just went home."
"If they already think that, we could just..." Raiden suggested.
"No way." You replied.
"Why not? We're already in trouble." He pressed.
"Because we'd get caught on the way out." You answered.
"You're talking to someone who sneaks around for a living." That was a good point, one you couldn't exactly argue with.
"Okay fine." Rolling your eyes as you finally agreed. "But I bet you twenty bucks we get caught before we even get to the lobby."
"What do I get if we don't get caught?" He asked his voice taking a comically suggestive tone.
You teasingly answered while trying not to snicker. "Wouldn't you like to know, Mr lightning bolt."
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blushblushbear · 3 months
It's based on one of those scenario's I typed up the other day. Detective PC and secret killer Cole!
I don't know if I'm gonna write more of this (I'll probably do a second installment at some point) and though I'm gonna try and keep the writing vague, this is mostly based on my own player oc so specifications around them may come up whenever I continue (mostly them being female)
but for now enjoy the drabble! god I love detective shows
uhhhh, trigger warning murder mentions????
You watch tensely as another body is wheeled away under a white sheet, letting out a sigh as you look back at the crime scene-- the coroner's report and on scene forensics will be able to tell you time of death and circumstances of death, but you know you're still not going to find a lead.
This was the fifth one this month, and twelfth over all-- and you still haven't managed to find a lead. You finish up with the head officer on scene and tell him to call you if he finds anything. Knowing he won't, you pull away in your car, a headache already beginning to set in.
You march through the precinct like a rolling storm, file in hand. Out of the corner of your eye you see a familiar smug gleaming at you over the cup of coffee he's sipping, and you pick up the pace as your eyes roll.
"Well now, don't you look like you had a rough morning." Cole purrs as he leans forward in his desk chair, "Another photo for your collage I presume?"
"Not now, Cole." you snap back as you stride past him, holding up a hand.
You shut the door to your office, plopping the file down on your desk and slamming your hands down on the surface a frustrated groan.
You glanced up at the white board that was turned around for the comfort of anyone passing by, then back down at the file on your desk.
With a sigh you opened the folder, glancing over the on sight report as you walk over to the board and flip it.
On the opposite side, there's a spread of crime scene photos, reports and your own notes scattered across surface. You add the newest photos and report to the mix, using a sharpie hanging by a string from the side of the board to mark the date on the bottom of the photo.
Twelve cases in the last month and a half. All in within the same city. The killer always leaves a mess of a scene, but never any clues. No finger prints, no dna, no note-- Nothing.
You step back to look at the bigger picture, hoping maybe this time some kind of truth would reveal itself.
Maybe they're not all linked. Maybe there's more than one killer. Maybe--
A knock breaks your chain of thought.
"Come in." you absent mindedly call over your shoulder as your gaze stays fixed on the board.
The door creaks open and a smooth voice sends your eyes rolling again,
"Has anyone ever told you you look ravishing when you're lost in thought like that?"
You sigh.
"What do you want, Cole?" you say not looking his way. He likes to try his best to get under everyone's skin, but he always seems especially interested in getting under yours. It's not hard honestly-- he's a smug asshole with a know it all attitude and a handsome face that seems to be set exclusively to petty sneers. He forever seems disinterested in everyone and everything around him, but is also apparently constantly watching and paying the closet attention possible so he can know exactly what buttons to push when he needs something, or if he's just bored-- usually the second one.
"Just admiring this tasteful collection you've amassed." Him and his coffee of cup stride on in as he glances over your white board, "Very gruesome. You should submit it to a gallery."
"Cole," you rub your finger to your temple before finally looking his way, "Did you actually need something or are you just here to be a nuisance?"
"Oh no, I didn't need anything." he chuckles taking a sip of coffee. Before you can begin the yelling he says, "but the chief did want to see you."
Your expression melts from anger to worry, and Cole's smirk widens a little more as he watches,
"Wait-- what does the chief wanna see me for?"
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I love love love your content!
I have a pretty long request so feel free to ignore it!
Basically, it's a yandere romantic the black phone boys (Griffin is platonic and the rest are aged up to like 16-17) with a kidnapped female reader (who's 16 btw). Like it was 1964, she was 2 years old and the Grabber just kidnapped her as a test run on everything and planned on killing her almost right away. But he grows attached to her when she starts calling him dad, not knowing any better. He keeps her locked in a room upstairs and gives her lots of nice stuff. The Grabber begins kidnapping again in 1976, starting with Griffin but she finds Griffin and helps him hide in a secret room she found that was attached to her room that the Grabber is unaware of. Obviously the Grabber finds out and freaks out, he immediately thinks that Griffin escaped but everyone still seems to be looking for him, so he realizes that Griffin is hiding somewhere in the house. He gets angry with reader, because Griffin wouldn't be able to find any hiding spots without help, so the Grabber hurts her. She continues to save the victims, which causes her to get more and more hurt but after she saves Robin, the Grabber threatens that if she hides the next victim, he'll kill her. So instead, she secretly helps Finney without hiding him.
The rest is up to you! Have a great day/night!
Omfg. This is amazing. And turned out to be the longest oneshot I've ever written and it's gonna have multiple parts because this shit is long as hell. (also I'm gonna assume that Griffin isn't aged up)
(Here is your food my children, I haven't fed you guys in forever. Sorry bout that)
"𝐼'𝓂 𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝒽𝑒𝓁𝓅 𝓎𝑜𝓊!"
Yandere The Black Phone boys x kidnapped!AFAB!reader:
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Warnings: kidnapping, abuse, obsessive behaviours, possessive behaviours, unhealthy mindset, manipulation, The Grabber
(Y/N) was only 2 at the time, how was she supposed to know that this man wasn't her father?
And thanks to calling him 'daddy' (Not in that way you perverted freaks) and not being scared by him, he didn't kill her and instead kept her locked upstairs.
She never knew anything besides the house she lived in.
There were thick wood planks over the windows in her room, so she didn't even know what outside looked like.
The Grabber provided her with fairytales and taught her things other kids learned at school.
He allowed her to roam around the house but never, ever, go in the basement, the basement was always off limits.
(Y/N) abided by this rule, despite how curious she was.
But there were also times when she wasn't allowed to leave her room and it could be for weeks on end but the Grabber never told her why, he just expected her to be compliant, which she was.
As years passed, (Y/N) began to mentally question these odd rules.
And decided to break one rule, after she heard Grabber go in the basement quite frequently for a couple weeks.
She had basically memorized when the Grabber was out of the house, so when he was out, curiosity got the best of her and she opened up the basement.
Inside, she saw a young boy, one that she had seen in the newspaper that she secretly looked at.
The boy saw her and was shocked.
She waved her hand, as if to say, 'follow me'.
He followed her without hesitation, not wanting to be in the dingy old basement any longer.
(Y/N) carefully lead him to her room after closing the basement door properly behind the both of them, and opened the big wooden closet sitting in her room..
She shifted something around until there was a small 'click' sound and she pulled off a wooden panel.
An adult could easily climb through the hole, so someone as small as the boy had no problems with that.
"Stay in this room. I know it's not the prettiest but you're safer here. I'll bring you some food and water or a soda every night." She told him.
"Why can't I leave? I wanna go home." He questioned.
"He'll be back soon. If he sees you outside, he'll hurt you. I don't want you to get hurt. When it's safe I'll help you leave. But be very quiet, this room isn't sound proof." (Y/N) explained.
Hearing the front door open and Samson start barking, she motioned for him to move back, then put the panel back in place and covered it up.
She grabbed a book of fairytales and began reading, pretending that she didn't break one of the main house rules.
She heard the Grabber calling out to her, so she came downstairs.
"You called Daddy?" She answered as she entered the kitchen.
"Did you go in the basement?" He questioned.
"No. Why would I do that? You told me it's all yucky." (Y/N) lied, faking confusion.
"Good. Good. Now go back to your room." He instructed.
"Okay!" She replied before going back to her room.
Once she was back in her room, she quietly panicked while trying to read her book of fairytales.
What made it worse was that she was trying to read BlueBeard, where the maidens who went into the secret chamber got killed by BlueBeard.
She took in shaking breaths, reminding herself that it was going to be fine, everything was going to be okay.
Then there was a yell of frustration and the front door opening and closing again.
"Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit." (Y/N) cussed over and over, frightened for herself and the boy she was hiding.
She took a few deep breaths while reminding herself that the Grabber probably thought the boy had escaped which meant he didn't suspect that he was in a hidden room.
But it would only be a few days before he realized that the boy was still in the house.
Since the door hadn't reopened, (Y/N) hurriedly went to her closet and opened the panel.
"You have to be super quiet for these next few days, okay? He's gonna be looking for you in the house once he realizes that you're not free. I'm gonna give you these snacks to eat since I can't give you anything else when he's looking for you. If I knock once on the panel, then you can quietly eat but if knock twice, don't make a noise." (Y/N) rambled as she handed him the snacks.
The boy nodded and grabbed the snacks before (Y/N) placed the panel back.
She covered up the panel and closed the closet right before the door was loudly opened downstairs.
(Y/N) back down on her bed, going back to reading the same sentence in BlueBeard, over and over again.
Then her bedroom door was slammed open, making (Y/N) flinch.
"(Y/N). Did you go in the basement? Or hear anything weird today?" The Grabber questioned with an eerily calm tone of voice.
"No. I told you that before, remember?" (Y/N) insisted with a shaky voice.
He clicked his tongue before turning away from (Y/N), leaving the room and closing the door behind him.
The next few days the Grabber was constantly checking the newspaper but there was nothing about Griffin's return.
And with that, the Grabber knew that Griffin was still in the house and became instantly angry with (Y/N) because there was no way griffin would find a hiding place without help.
He put on his demon mask with the frown on the bottom half and entered (Y/N)'s room as she was drawing princesses in a notebook.
He made sure the door hit the wall with the amount of force he used to open it, alerting (Y/N) that the Grabber was in her room.
He grabbed (Y/N) by her hair and dragged her off her bed.
(Y/N) yelped in pain but he paid no mind to it.
"Where the hell is he?!" The Grabber shouted.
"Who?" (Y/N) asked, causing her to receive a slap to the face.
"YOU KNOW WHO I'M TALKING ABOUT!" He shouted at her.
"I DON'T KNOW!" She yelled back, earning her another slap.
"YOU BETTER TELL ME WHERE HE IS OR ELSE YOU'RE GONNA BE IN A LOT OF PAIN!" The Grabber told her but she knew better than to tell him.
"I. don't. know." She replied through gritted teeth.
The Grabber then dragged her to the basement by her hair, ignoring her cries of pain.
Once they were in the basement, he began to kick, punch and slap her.
Her wails of pain being the only noise in the otherwise quiet house.
Once he was done taking out his frustration on her, he dragged her back to her room by her hair.
He threw her into her room then locked the door behind him when he left.
(Y/N) was shaking and dry sobbing, unable to move from the sheer torture of just being dragged up and down stairs by her hair, the punch, slaps and kicks just made it worse.
She ended up passing out from the pain.
When she woke up, the Grabber was standing near her with a tray of food.
She could only open one of her two eyes because the other was swollen shut from a harsh punch.
He saw she was awake and gently helped her sit up.
"I know it hurts but that wasn't me. I promise it wasn't." He told her as he placed the tray of food on her lap.
"and he was just a bit angry. I'm sorry. But I bandaged you up. And soon you'll be as good as new!" He said, pretending everything was fine.
(Y/N) instead just broke down and began harshly sobbing into her hands but that didn't stop the tears from landing in her food.
The Grabber tried to comfort her but the minute he laid a hand on her shoulder, her sobs grew more violent.
He decided that it was best to just walk away for the time being until she was calm again.
She kept on crying until she couldn't produce anymore tears from dehydration.
Her sobs turned into light sniffles and she began to eat her tear-soaked food, knowing that it was probably the only meal she would have that day.
She attempted to step out of bed after she finished eating but when she tried to stand up, her legs gave out from under her, crating a loud thud that alerted the Grabber.
He went upstairs to (Y/N)'s room and saw her on the ground, struggling to get up.
He carefully picked her up and placed her back on her bed as she heavily trembled.
This whole experience was terrifying but she knew she had to endure it.
Unbeknownst to her, she would have to endure it multiple times.
End of part 1
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chaoticspeedrun · 2 years
Girl! Hey! You beautiful sunshine! I have a idea and automatically you,yes you pop out in my mind cuz your writing is so *chef kiss* and i think you gonna like cuz its related to the first girlfriend headcanon.
Bear with me and hear me well.
Our precious Neon Leon,chilling with reader in a normal date but *dramatic music*
The ex
Reader's ex? No no no.
Leo's ex
Yeah i think you probably getting what i mean in here. I also headcanon that Leo has a bad tasty in men,so maybe this ex is kinda toxic? Making Leo feel uncomfortable remenbering what this ex have done but reader is not having it and break the shit out of him or sum cuz we must protect our blue boy 😌✊🏽💙
Hi Mitarashi! Thanks for waiting and I hope you feel like punching the lights out of his ex once you finish reading, because it means I did it right then. And remember guys, if someone tries to make you feel like you are less than you are, remove the asshole from your life immediately.
Hold my hand before I break his face
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Pairing: Rise! Leo x Fem! reader
Type: Oneshot
Summary: Leo and you are getting ready for your date when his ex makes an appearance.
Can be read by itself but goes along with the headcanons of Leo with his first girlriend here.
Warnings: Toxic exes, insecurities, gaslighting, slight angst with a happy ending.
Friday was date night, Leo had decided a little after the beginning of your relationship, you'd dress up nicely, he'd meet you at your door, sometimes he'd bring flowers or candy and you both would fake a posh accent while at it before he portaled you to your destiny.
Wether the destiny was run of the mill pizza in the hidden city or the lair's couch to watch a movie, date nights were always special for the two of you.
The first of those dates that you had you worried that he was trying too hard to please you, always going above and beyond to do so.
You realized a while before you even started dating that Leo, as arrogant and confident as he seemed was secretly insecure and you didn't want him to feel that way in your relationship.
So you talked about it, and Leo seemed to relax with you, he was still romantic, it was natural to him, but he was perfectly fine with a date being just you and him cuddling while you did your own thing instead of trying hard to impress you, he was comfortable with you, he felt safe.
Today was mostly a lazy day, so you both were going to get pick up from run off the mill and then crash on his bed to read comics.
So you grabbed a long soft sweater that wouldn't itch when you cuddled and leggings, with fluffy socks under your sneakers.
Hearing his telltale knock at your door you smiled wide at seeing your boyfriend waiting there for you with a lazy smile and wearing a very familiar black hoodie.
You raised an eyebrow looking at him suspiciously "Is that my hoodie?" Leo scoffed feigning being offended.
"What? No greeting to your handsome boyfriend? No kiss? Just accusing me of stealing first thing." You snort, but he continues "This is just a generic hoodie I had in my closet, thanks."
You shook your head with a smile "Alright, alright, I'm sorry I doubted you my love, the mark of bleach on the left sleeve just looked a little familiar, of course you wouldn't just steal from me"
"But of course I wouldn't, but it's Okay, I forgive you" He sighs and you giggle before he sends a smile your way and pulls out one of his katanas.
"So, will this be the day you finally try the creepy supreme?" He asks while taking hold of your hand.
You squeeze the fingers in your grasp and grin at him "Not a chance."
His chuckle follows you both as he makes a portal and you step through it ending up at the front desk of the pizzeria.
Señor Hueso looks at both of you and rolls his eyes "Ah Pepino and his novia, given what you're wearing I'm hoping you'll be leaving soon?"
"Oh we'd love to stay Señor Hueso, I'm sure you'll miss us but alas! It's lazy night at the lair so two of your best pizzas señor! And another one for Donnie I guess" Leo ended dismissively before continuing with the order.
While he did so you looked around always fascinated by the different type of yokai around when you noticed a particular yokai walking your way.
The first thing you noticed was that he was tall and full of feathers, with red markings and a long beak, you remember reading about Tengu's, a japanese yokai that usually had a bird form, it seemed to fit his characteristics.
You were so busy trying to figure that out you didn't notice your boyfriend glancing up at the yokai and paling.
"Leo! I see you haven't changed a bit, still getting pizza every chance you get" The yokai grinned and Leo squeezed your hand.
"Yeah, well you haven't changed either Raku" The yokai rolled his eyes not losing the grin.
"So, are you going to introduce me to your friend?" The yokai, Raku, you now knew, asked offering his hand to you "Sorry for his lack of manners, I'm Raku, Leo and I used to be very close"
You offered him your hand for a shake noticing how uncomfortable Leo seemed and disliking the way this guy spoke from the get go "He was probably surprised to see a familiar face" You told him your name and made sure to add "I'm Leo's girlfriend."
Raku seemed surprised looking between both of you with a funny grin "Girlfriend, really? I thought you were gay?" He directed at Leo who sported an uneasy smile up until that point, a frown starting to form on his face.
"I told you I was pan" He said and the tengu rolled his eyes.
"Just say you're bi Leo, I get it, you swing both ways" Leo's fake smile was disappearing and yours had already left quite a bit ago, you thought tengu were bird yokai, not rats.
You internally apologized to Splinter for that last thought, but got a little snarky "So, you are?"
"Leo never told you about me?" He asked "Ah well, we didn't end in the best terms but it's all passed, right Lee? I'm his ex-boyfriend."
You couldn't deny the bitter feeling as you heard that, not because you were jealous of this guy, but because just a couple minutes with him already gave you a glimpse of how he'd treated Leo during their relationship.
"Hm, really? No I hadn't heard of you at all" you answered with an innocent smile, reveling on how his faltered for a second.
"But enough of that, going back to the original topic" Raku changed the subject "You know, eating pizza all the time can't be good for a ninja Leo, and I'm sure I saw you get here via portal, 's not gonna help losing all those calories."
Leo winced but put on a mask of disinterest, before he could answer though Raku continued "Also, what's up with that ratty hoodie? You are going out like this? Gee, you really let yourself go once we ended our relationship."
You didn't care anymore, you were gonna snap "Actually that's my hoodie" You smiled "It was too big for me, but Leo fills it up just right with his muscles, it used to fit better but now I fear one day it's gonna snap from the biceps" You had never spoken like that, Leo gaped wide at you and Raku seemed to frown at your words.
A waiter arrived at that very moment with your three pizzas and Raku looked like they were proving a point "not gon' keep those muscles long like these, gee, are you both sharing them or...?"
"Oi, just back off Raku" Leo spoke placing an arm around your shoulders and Raku rolled his eyes.
"Oh don't be so dramatic Leo, I was just joking around."
You chuckled, your hand pulling your boyfriend closer by the waist as you leaned and looked up at the offending yokai in feigned amusement.
"Sorry, I was trying to figure out the kind of yokai you are, I think I finally did, with the way you spew out bullshit and how it reeks, you're an Akaname right?"
Raku blushed embarrassed and a couple chuckles could be heard from behind him, he glared at you and scoffed "Hope you enjoy sloppy seconds, ugh humans" with not much left to say he stormed off.
You still yelled "Did I mispronounce the name? Sorry Akaname-san!" a couple people turned to Raku with funny grins as he rushed his steps.
You sighed feeling Leo slouch slightly, relieved the interaction ended, taking the pizzas and paying you turned to prompt him into opening a portal.
He did and you both appeared on his room, it was quiet for a moment before Leo looked back at you.
He looked so vulnerable, so you left the pizza on his night stand and pulled him by the hand towards his bed, laying back on it with him on your side.
"Thank you" He spoke after a couple minutes, you traced shapes on his plastron with your fingers, looking up at him with an inquiring gaze, giving him the chance to search for the words he wanted "for standing up for me, for...making me feel safe" there was a second of hesitation before he continued "For making me feel like I'm enough."
"You are" you stated firmly "You're more than enough Leo, and nothing Raku said is true, those kind of assholes just want to make their partner insecure, want to steal their freedom from them, geez Leo, we were there for just a moment and he gaslighted you as soon as he could, you have terrible taste in men."
Leo leaned in and kissed your forehead softly, a small chuckle leaving his lips while his hand reached up to intertwine with yours over his plastron "I know, ever since we started dating you made that clear to me, with him I always felt like I had to try too hard, and you've been clear since the beginning that I just have to be me with you" he smiled.
You both stayed like that, sharing small kisses and reveling in the comfort of the other for a bit longer before he spoke again "But what was that thing you called him? Akaname?" He questioned curiously and you chuckled.
You grin was mischievous "It's a yokai that eats the filth and scum in bathrooms" Leo's laugh was really loud after that, holding his stomach as he did and making you laugh too.
"Gosh, I love you so much" He said with bright eyes and you kissed him, the words 'me too' unsaid but lingering in the air.
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zeeinkzquill · 2 months
~~~~~~~~~~~~~A Larry x Reader Fic~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
TW: Slight use of drugs will be used in this fic
Larry was having one of those days again. The day was moving by slower than it was supposed to, drifting in and out to sleep as he attempted to complete the semester's midterm before spring break. As time ticked and ticked, the more pissed he got looking at the numbers on his paper til he couldn't take it anymore.
"Can I go to the nurse I'm not feeling the best," he said quickly raising his hand.
The teacher, who was as ready to leave for the break as everyone else shook his head.
Larry quickly got up from his seat and nearly speed-walked out of the silent room into the school halls. With this, he could take a painful sigh of relief. He couldn't focus with his mind in a panic. He needed to calm his mind for a brief moment. Hopefully, the teacher wouldn't notice he was gone for too long. He made his way down the halls to the janitor's closet. Just as he opens the door he's shocked to see a small figure curled up in the corner next to the paper toilets, rolling a blunt.
The figure looked up at Larry, sharing his shock but soon sighing in relief as he closed the door behind him.
"That better not be my secret stash," his whisper was harsh but playful
"Of course not~," dragging your words as you pull out ur lighter "Wanna puff?"
"You're going to ask me if I want a puff of my own shit in my secret hiding spot?"
"Well if you put it that way-"
"Just hand me the stupid blunt," he laughs as he sits down next to the dirty mop and playfully snatches the blunt and lighter from you. "I reckon you're having a shitty day too?"
"Oh, boy don't I have a story to tell you!" You stood up in the cramped little closet telling the story about how you've been going through a runt with your art teacher about your art group project and how Travis, one of your group partners, was making a problem. Larry sat and listened to it all, nodding his head as smoke filled the cramped room.
He always thought it was funny how you always had to stand up and move around to tell a story, the way you pouted when you were upset, everything about you tickled his brain in a funny way. Maybe it was the smoke, he thought so many times. But the more he spent time with you the more that funny thought turned into something more, something stronger, something that for the past few months he has finally realized. At that moment in time, he wondered what you both could be.
"Huh," he quickly snapped out of his thoughts, soon realizing that you were leaning in front of him snapping your fingers in his face.
"Were you even listening?" You frowned
"Oh yeah of course! Yeah, Travis, total dickhead-" Larry stopped as you giggled, and lightly grabbed the blunt between his lips.
"I think you've had enough of this," you giggled as you slipped the blunt between your own. "So why are you here, don't you have a midterm today?" You say as you try to flip your lighter struggling.
And at that moment something happened. Larry didn't know what, but he felt something. That weird itchy feeling in his chest grew stronger and it wasn't from the smoke. He knew. He always knew. But the words never slipped out his mouth the right way.
"Oh umm... just... math test, yeah math test."
"Guessing you couldn't focus?"
"Well that's understandable," Take one more puff before standing up and handing it back to Larry. "Just don't stay in here for too long."
"Wait you're leaving already."
"Yeah, I have to head back before the teacher begins to wonder where I am."
"Oh," he sighs as you reach and twist the handle of the door.
"Awwwww, is lil Lar-Bare gonna miss me," you mimic in a baby-like tone
"Fuck you," he yells as he grabs a dirty cloth and throws it at you but not before you close the door, leaving the damp cloth slide down the door. Leaving him with himself and himself alone.
He sighed looking down at the blunt he had given back to you. The itchy feeling was getting worse by the day. Every day that he saw you the feeling always got worse. And knowing that information scared the shit out of him.
He liked you. Liked really, really liked you. Yet every time that those words came to mind, he pushed them away not giving them a second thought. But now the slightest thought of you drove him crazy, nuts even.
Before those thoughts took over again he quickly took another puff hoping the smoke would help with his overriding mind. Yet as he took his puff he quickly began coughing, from such a strong inhale. He coughed and coughed hoping that the sting would go away in his chest but it only got worse. Causing something to come up from his throat in sharp pain. Quickly spitting it out on the tile floor of the closet. Catching his breath he looked over to what he had and regurgitated, to his shock he found something unusual.
Two red rose petals covered in saliva on the floor
"What tha-"
Okay so IK i have a fic I'm already working on a a Bunnydoll fic along with a like a TADC AU but I had to post this because before I even had this account I had another account that was created like 2 years ago and it had this fic on it, but SOME HOW it was deleted (that was like 3 years ago when I was super into sally face)
I honestly was turn this into a drawing and/or a like a full story
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Just Let Me Adore You Pt. 8
Pairing: Stucky x Reader
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: none actually this is pretty cute they just go on a date lol
Genre: Pretty much ALL fluff, it's cute
Summary: You’ve been dating your boyfriend, Bruce, for 3 absolutely blissful years. He’s a scientist and professor who is as smart as he is kind and if anyone asked, you were sure you’d spend the rest of your life with him. That is until two mysteriously charming men that Bruce swears are dangerous take an interest in you that threatens to turn your entire life upside down. I mean… what exactly are you supposed to do with two gorgeous men telling you something that suggests that basically everything you think you know is a lie? And why does part of you have enough doubt to wonder if they might be telling the truth?
Series Masterlist
You watch curiously as Wanda shuffles through one of the boxes sitting around the guest room in her apartment. Even though you've been here a few weeks you're avoiding fully unpacking your things since you snuck them out of your and Bruce's previously shared apartment.
"You should really unpack this stuff like how do you find anything if it's all in boxes?" Wanda huffs.
"All the important stuff is unpacked. I didn't really expect to be going on dates. I mean at this point it's a good thing I even managed to go back to the apartment and get the rest of my life from my old place." You shrug. "I dunno if I should bother because like- it's not at if I'm moving in permanently."
"You could! I mean I have the extra bedroom, it's yours if you want it, you're already here. Why not?"
"We'll- talk about it later."
"OH! Where's the dress they bought you?! It's not like you could wear it with Bruce I'm sure. You could break it in now!" She says.
"It's in the other box." You point to where the dress should be and Wanda quickly pulls it out. The dress is a red floor-length off-shoulder number that looks as good now as it did when you saw it in the store. "I can't believe they bought me a dress because they liked my voice." You shake your head.
"I mean the dress is gorgeous. Put it on we have less than an hour before they're meant to arrive and you still have to decide on makeup and shoes and accessories." Wanda hands you the dress and you laugh at her frantic list as you take off your tank top and shorts to put on the dress.
"I need a different bra." You mutter.
"Do you have strapless bras?" She asks.
"Yeah I've got one- I actually hate it but I do have one." You say. You shuffle through a box until you find the bra and switch out your loungewear bra for the strapless. You shimmy on the dress and turn for Wanda to look at it. "Well? What do you think?"
"You know, exactly what looks good on you." She says with a nod.
"Lucky me since I didn't try it on before Bucky and Steve decided to purchase it." You muse.
"Okay, makeup. Do you wanna keep it simple and dramatize with accessories or go with dramatic makeup and keep the accessories simple?"
"I dunno I really like dramatic makeup." You hum throwing a t-shirt over the dress to do your makeup.
"So do dramatic makeup. We can give you a cute pair of earrings and one of those dainty necklaces of yours." She shrugs.
"The sun."
"They gave me a sun necklace. Would it be too much to wear that and the dress they gave me? Too definitive on where we stand even though I have no idea how I feel about them?"
"Well it's gold, you'd have to match it with- wait what bag are you carrying?"
"I was gonna go with a black clutch."
"Is it black and gold or black and silver?"
"I have both."
"Well you have to go with the gold one."
"Okay." You laugh.
"Shoes? What shoes?"
"You can pick." You tell her.
"Are all your shoes in the closet?"
"Yes, those I unpacked." You tell her.
"Black heels. That way something in your outfit matches your bag." Wanda holds the shoes in question up. This particular pair of heels has gold detailing on the stiletto, a gift from your mother a couple of years ago.
"Perfect." You tell her. You finish your makeup and slide the shoes on. Your final makeup look is gold eyes and a red lip that matches your dress. You complete your look with the sun necklace and a pair of simple gold hoops.
"You look amazing!" Wanda gushes when you look over at her for a final assessment.
"Well, that's good since it's five after. They should be downstairs already." You say loading your clutch.
"I'll go down with you so I can let them know that if they mess this up I'll have their heads." Wanda says following you out of your room.
"These are mobsters Wanda please remember that before you threaten them."
"What they are is men taking my best friend out. Mobster or not I expect them to treat you perfectly and they should know there will be consequences if they don't."
"Do you intend to tell them you're a witch?" You ask her.
"Absolutely not. Then I lose the mystery factor that makes my threats that much scarier." She shakes her head and you laugh. When you exit the apartment building a man exits the vehicle parked right at the front and walks over to you.
"Miss y/n. Miss Wanda."
"Do we know you?" Wanda quirks an eyebrow at him.
"I'm Mr. Rogers and Mr. Barnes' driver. They're waiting in the car." The man explains leading you both over and opening the door. Steve gets out of the car to allow you to slide in between him and Bucky.
"Y/n, you look gorgeous." Steve kisses your hand and helps you into the car. Well, it's actually a truck, with tinted windows and spacious seats even with three of you in the back.
"Thank you Steve, hello Bucky." You say. When Steve settles back into his seat, Wanda sticks her head into the car before the driver can close the door.
"Gentlemen. Hello." Wanda smiles and you roll your eyes at her.
"Hello Wanda." They say in unison.
"I just want to make sure they we're all on the same page here. If y/n comes home with anything negative to say about this evening I will put you both in so much pain you won't even be able to scream. Are we clear?"
"We have no intention of seeing anything but happiness on y/n's face tonight Wanda, don't worry." Steve says kindly.
"Good. I will be holding you to that. Y/n, have a good night okay?"
"Thank you Wanda. I'll see you when I get back." You say. The driver waits for her to back up and then shuts the door before getting into the car.
"You look amazing y/n." Bucky says.
"Thank you Bucky." You nod. "Where are we going tonight?" You look between the two men.
"If it's okay with you we'd like to keep it a surprise." Steve says.
"Alright sure. I did give you permission to pick the place." You nod. You watch the streets of New York go by as you're driven through the city until eventually the car stops and the door is opened for you. Steve exits and holds a hand out to you to help you down from the car and then Bucky climbs out after you. Steve keeps his hand in yours and Bucky places one of his at the small of your back as the three of you enter one of the fanciest restaurants you've ever seen. Steve talks to the maitre d but you don't hear what he says, you're too busy looking around at the ornate interior of the place. Everyone in here is dressed to the nines, and despite knowing your outfit matches the environment, part of you feels out of place with the clientele of this place. You're all led to your table in a more secluded area of the restaurant. "This place is- very fancy." You say once you're seated and left alone by the maitre d.
"Are you uncomfortable? We can leave if you'd like." Bucky's voice is soft as he makes the offer.
"No, I'm fine. It was just an observation. I'll admit this isn't my usual scene but I am okay here. Thank you for checking though." You say.
"So this is one of those places that has a set menu, and they just bring out the courses for you once you've sat down. We thought it'd be simpler this way." Steve says.
"Oh okay. That's cool." You say. Just then a waiter brings your first course, a seafood tartlet.
"How have you been handling the new information y/n?" Steve asks.
"Which piece of new information are you referring to? Being a werewolf, my boyfriend lying to me for at least a year, you two being total stalkers, or the fact that your infatuation with me is totally out of your control?" You ask.
"All of it really. Whichever you want to talk about." Steve shrugs.
"Well, the werewolf thing is- somehow the least shocking bit of all of this honestly. That was pretty easy to accept, it didn't inherently change much for me, plus my mom has been pretty open to talking about it all so I at least have help navigating it."
"And- things with the hunter?" Bucky asks.
"I've moved all my stuff out of the apartment so as far as I'm concerned I'm done with him." You say.
"Can I ask what happened? How you, found out that we were right?" Steve asks. Your first course plates are then replaced with the entree which you miss the name of when it's brought but you enjoy the dish anyway.
"I called my mom about the werewolf thing and when I brought that up to him I just asked him if he knew and I could tell he was lying when he said no." You shrug. "It turned into a big dramatic blowout but the details aren't important really. He lied so I left. That's the moral of the story." 
"I'm sorry. That kind of betrayal can't be easy to deal with, and if you ever want to talk about it more we can lend an ear." Steve says.
"It is what it is, you live and you learn." You say.
"Just say the word and you'll never have to see him again." Bucky says.
"Hm that- sounds like a threat on his life." You muse and Bucky simply shrugs. "Is that just how it goes with mobsters?"
"When necessary." He says casually.
"Interesting. I have an unrelated question though, that I've been wondering about all week."
"What's that?" Steve asks.
"If this... werewolf infatuation with me, however it all works, is affecting both of you... am I expected to make a choice at some point here? Between the two of you, I mean."
"No. You don't have to." Bucky says.
"I don't have to? You'd be able to handle that kind of dynamic? Where I just, date both of you indefinitely or, permanently? Because if you're gonna like kill each other over this I don't want anything to do with either of you. I have no interest in being the subject of some sort of contest."
"We've done it before." Steve says.
"Oh so this is just normally how you date?" You ask.
"Well- it's not exactly our default no but, this isn't our first rodeo either." He chuckles.
"You don't think it'll cause problems? Not having me to yourself?" You ask curiously.
"Not at all." Steve says and you turn to Bucky who hums his agreement.
"We told you before, we share most things." Bucky says.
"Okay. Well as long as that's the truth, moving on. I know what you do for work, theoretically, so what do you do for fun?" You ask.
"Theoretically?" Steve quirks an eyebrow at you.
"I mean I've got an idea of what the whole mobster thing could entail yeah but it's not like you're gonna give me the details, are you?" You shrug.
"Do you want details?" He asks.
"We'll tell you anything you want to know." Bucky says.
"Anything? Really? You don't think I'm too innocent to know the inner workings of your crime empire?" Your question is kind of sarcastic but you are curious if they'd seriously tell you about it.
"As much as we want to protect you, we also know that if we want you to be part of our world you need to be prepared for what's in it." Steve says.
"If you choose us we want you as our equal y/n, in all things. Even our business." Bucky says placing a hand over yours.
"So- like I could be part of decision-making?" You ask, mostly to gauge how far this equal partner thing goes. Bucky and Steve glance at each other with a look you can't really interpret.
"If you want to be." Steve nods.
"It's that simple?" You ask skeptically.
"When it comes to you, things will always be as simple as if you want it, it's yours. We'll give you anything you ask of us. Always." Bucky says.
"You two are dangerously charming. Saying all the right things." You hum.
"We'll never make a promise we don't intend to keep." Steve says.
"That's easy to say now." You scoff.
"We know that hunter betrayed your trust in him, so we'll do whatever we need to, to gain your trust and we will treat it with the respect it deserves. The respect you deserve." Bucky says.
"I take it trust is very important to you? Especially with the kind of work you do." You say.
"Precisely." He nods.
"That's good to know." You hum. "So, hobbies. Do you have any or does work take up all your time?"
"We have a few hobbies. I like woodworking." Steve says.
"I like drawing and reading." Bucky says.
"We both do hunting." Steve offers.
"Like with guns or as wolves? Also is it just for sport or do you eat what you kill?"
"Why would we hunt with guns?" Bucky scoffs.
"I mean humans hunt for sport and obviously they use guns and since- I don't think we have the same dietary restrictions as like vampires I imagine there's nothing stopping you from just shooting things for fun because you can." You shrug and Steve chuckles. Your entree plates are then swapped out for a dessert, a layered slice of cake.
"We hunt as wolves. Usually, just things we can eat." Steve says.
"It's not really valuable to kill just for killing sake. We aren't monsters." Bucky offers.
"Monsters no but mobsters yes." You say and Bucky smirks.
"Hunting isn't work, it's a hobby." Steve says.
"Okay, hunting, woodworking, drawing, and reading. Anything else?"
"We- dedicate a lot of time to work. So, not really no." He shrugs.
"How do you intend to have a relationship if you're both basically married to your work?" You ask.
"We aren't married to it. We don't have much else to pour energy into yet so we dedicate our time to work but it's not the kind of thing that would take over our lives if you were in it." Steve shakes his head.
"How do you know?" You ask.
"The job hasn't always been our life." Steve says.
"And we have capable people working for us. We feel confident stepping away when we want to. There just hasn't been much worth pulling us away." Bucky says.
"Don't read into this question, I'm just trying to learn as much as I can so I make an informed decision at the end of tonight. Do you realistically believe I'd be worth pulling you away from work?"
"We already know so." Steve says immediately. Bucky pulls out a phone from his pocket and places it on the table.
"This phone only calls your security detail. They are the only ones with the number." Bucky says.
"Sorry, are you still having me followed?!" You blink at him. Your gaze snaps between the two men. "I want an answer and it better be the truth." You say when neither of them speaks.
"We don't trust your ex." Steve says.
"That is not the question I asked you." You frown.
"Not... fully." Bucky says.
"Not fully?"
"They aren't following you like before they just check in." Bucky says.
"I don't need your men to check in on me. That's ridiculous. You make it sound like I'm in danger." You say.
"We won't call them off. I know you don't like them but we have to take precautions especially because you've been seen with us. We- have enemies and we will not leave you vulnerable to them." Steve says firmly.
"I don't like this. But I also don't like being an exposed target so- I'll yield." You say crossing your arms.
"Thank you." He says quietly.
"I have one last question, and then we can call it a night." You say.
"Anything you want to know." Bucky says.
"Since you guys have been like- basically stalking me for a few months is there anything you don't know about me? I feel like I'm at quite the disadvantage here."
"We didn't do a deep dive into your personality or anything. We really just know general things, your job, your old address, age, birthday, and some things we could observe like that you'd rather walk than take a cab and you'll sooner call someone than send a text, and at work when the store's empty and you're reading at the counter your face gives away all of your thoughts when you're enraptured." Bucky says.
"Woah." You mutter.
"We don't know much, not anything that anyone who worked with you wouldn't be able to find out but you learn a lot from observation." Steve says.
"Any last questions y/n?" Bucky asks.
"What do you want out of this? Out of me?"
"We want to make you happy. Whatever that means." Steve says.
"No, I want you to be selfish with your answer, not diplomatic. What do you want out of this? What is the ideal outcome in your minds? If you two were writing this story, how would it end?" You ask. There's a pregnant pause as you're sure Steve considers another careful answer.
"We'd marry you. Devote our entire lives to you and in turn, you'd do the same. You'd come into our world, learn every bit of information and run it all with us. You'd walk into every room with us on either side of you. You could say jump and everyone under us would ask how high. In my version of the story, we make you a queen, adored by all. It doesn't all have to be tomorrow but that is how it ends." Bucky says. Steve sighs at the end of Bucky's answer. You're quiet for a long moment as you consider his words. It's dramatic and intense and realistically it should scare you because from anyone else it would come off as psychotic.
"Is it always like this with you two?" You ask after a while.
"What?" Steve asks.
"Steve you're more calculated with your words, everything you say is meticulous, thought out. While Bucky, you seem to be a little more impulsive. If you open your mouth you will say exactly what it is you're thinking, it's why you don't talk as much as Steve, right? You're more likely to say something reckless and Steve stresses when he thinks your words might cause trouble. The if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all rule." You explain. Steve and Bucky blink at you with clear shock on their faces. "You two aren't the only ones with observational skills." You say proudly.
"That is impressive." Steve muses.
"If she chooses never to see us again after this Steve I will never date another person. I simply can't imagine settling for less, because anyone else would be less." Bucky says to Steve which makes him chuckle and you giggle.
"To answer your question, yes that is usually how things are." Steve says.
"So what happens now?" Bucky asks.
"Now, I'd like you to take me home." You say standing up. Steve and Bucky follow your lead. Steve tosses bills on the table as Bucky walks you towards the door with his hand at your back. By the time you step outside the car you came in is waiting at the curb and the driver is standing by the door. Bucky helps you into the car before getting in behind you, while Steve pulls the door on the other side open and slides in, sandwiching you between them. The drive back to Wanda's is pretty much quiet, only once the car stops in front of her building and the driver gets out does one of them speak.
"Will we see you again?" Steve asks. The driver opens Bucky's side of the car and he steps out to help you out of the car.
"I only promised you one date." You say. "But, if you leave me with the best way to contact you, we'll see." You take Bucky's hand and climb down from the car.
"Your phone." Bucky says. You unlock the device and hand it to him. He inputs his number and then Steve's and gives it back to you.
"Goodnight boys. Tonight was nice." You say.
"Goodnight y/n." Steve says.
"Goodnight." Bucky nods getting back into the car. They watch you walk into the building and don't pull off until you're in the elevator. When you enter the apartment, quietly in case Wanda is asleep, you kick off your heels and let out a sigh.
"How was it? Tell me everything!" Wanda comes rushing down the hall and nearly gives you a heart attack.
"Fucking hell were you just waiting for the door to open?" You ask her clutching your chest.
"Obviously. You went on a date with two super hot werewolf crime lords I won't be able to do anything until you tell me about it!" She says pulling you to the couch excitedly.
"It was great Wanda. They're a little intense honestly, but they were perfect gentlemen and answered all my questions even though I basically spent the night interrogating them. I think I like them." You bite your lip shyly.
"Where did you go?"
"Dinner at some really fancy place. One of those restaurants with a set menu where each course is predetermined and it probably costs like a hundred dollars per person."
"Impressive." She nods.
"Everything with them is. They are-"
"Don't say too good to be true." Wanda points at you.
"I was going to say a surprise actually but too good to be true might be the reality. They talk about me being their equal in all things, like their business, and about making me queen of their empire and devoting themselves to me. It's a little love bomb-y."
"It's only love bomb-y if they can't keep the same energy. Some people just love that intensely and I'd say the fact that they've spent months adoring you without really any promise of reciprocation suggests that's just how they are. Plus werewolves are dedicated partners by nature, I mean it makes sense. Sure it's intense for someone that didn't know they were a werewolf a month ago and it's okay to be cautious, especially after Bruce, but I already told you they're not ill-intentioned." She shrugs.
"All very true things."
"So you'll see them again?"
"I'd like to." You nod.
"Oooo I'm so happy for you!" She squeals jumping up.
"Wanda calm down." You laugh but nothing could possibly chill her out now. Things are changing for the better quickly and Wanda has always been the biggest advocate for whatever makes you the happiest.
Part 8/???
Tagged Users: @cjand10 @vicmc624 @mandijo17
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fullstcp · 4 months
"evermore" by Taylor Swift Sentence Starters
"The more that you say, the less I know."
"Wherever you stray, I follow."
"I'm begging for you to take my hand."
"Life was a willow and it bent right to your wind."
"They count me out time and time again."
"I come back stronger than a 90s trend."
champagne problems
"You booked the night train for a reason."
"Your heart was glass, I dropped it."
"Now no one's celebrating."
"I never was ready so I watch you go."
"Sometimes you just don't know the answer 'til someone's on their knees and asks you."
"You'll find the real thing instead."
"You won't remember all my champagne problems."
gold rush
"I don't like a gold rush."
"I don't like anticipating my face in a red flush."
"I don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch."
"Everybody wants you."
"Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you."
"I don't like that falling feels like flying 'til the bone crush."
"What must it be like to grow up that beautiful?"
"I can't dare to dream about you anymore."
'tis the damn season
"If I wanted to know who you were hanging with while I was gone, I would've asked you."
"There's an ache in you, put there by the ache in me."
"We could call it even."
"You could call me 'babe' for the weekend."
"The road not taken looks real good now."
"Now I'm missing your smile."
"I won't ask you to wait if you don't ask me to stay."
"The heart I know I'm breaking is my own."
"I'll be yours for the weekend."
tolerate it
"I notice everything you do or don't do."
"If it's all in my head, tell me now."
"Tell me I've got it wrong somehow."
"I know my love should be celebrated, but you tolerate it."
"I take your indiscretions all in good fun."
"While you were out building other worlds, where was I?"
"I'm begging for footnotes in the story of your life."
"What would you do if I break free and leave us in ruins?"
no body, no crime
"I think he did it, but I just can't prove it."
"She thinks I did it, but she just can't prove it."
"I wasn't letting up until the day he died."
"I can't face reinvention."
"I haven't met the new me yet."
"There'll be happiness after you, but there was happiness because of you."
"When did your winning smile begin to look like a smirk?"
"I can't see facts through all of my fury."
"You haven't met the new me yet."
"I can't make it go away by making you a villain."
"Do you ever stop and think about me?"
"You got shiny friends since you left town."
"I got nothing but well wishes for ya."
"This place is the same as it ever was."
"It's never too late to come back to my side."
"If you're ever tired of being known for who you know, you know that you'll always know me."
"Are you still the same soul I met under the bleachers?"
coney island
"If I can't relate to you anymore, then who am I related to?"
"If this is the long haul, how'd we get here so soon?"
"Did I shatter you?"
"Do you miss the rogue who coaxed you into paradise and left you there?"
"Will you forgive my soul when you're too wise to trust me and too old to care?"
"We were like the mall before the internet; it was the one place to be."
"Sorry for not winning you an arcade ring."
"Did I leave you hanging every single day?"
"Did I paint your bluest skies the darkest grey?"
"Sorry for not making you my centerfold."
"I'd meet you where the spirit meets the bones."
"My pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand."
"I can't stop you putting roots in my dreamland."
"I wish to know the fatal flaw that makes you long to be magnificently cursed."
"I'd live and die for moments that we stole on begged and borrowed time."
"It's the fight of my life and you started it."
cowboy like me
"Dancing is a dangerous game."
"This is gonna be one of those things."
"I'm never gonna love again."
"I've got some tricks up my sleeve."
"It could be love."
"I could be the way forward."
"You're a bandit like me."
"We could be the way forward."
"I know I'll pay for it."
"The skeletons in both our closets plotted hard to fuck this up."
"Forever is the sweetest con."
long story short
"I tried to pick my battles 'til the battle picked me."
"Now I'm all about you."
"I always felt I must look better in the rearview."
"If someone comes at us, this time, I'm ready."
"I wanna tell you not to get lost in these petty things."
"Your nemeses will defeat themselves before you get the chance to swing."
"Long story short, it was a bad time."
"Long story short, I survived."
"Never be so kind you forget to be clever."
"Never be so clever you forget to be kind."
"If I didn't know better, I'd think you were talking to me now."
"If I didn't know better, I'd think you were still around."
"What died didn't stay dead."
"You're alive in my head."
"Seeing the shape of your name still spells out pain."
"It wasn't right; the way it all went down."
"It cut deep to know ya, right to the bone."
"I know that it's over, I don't need your closure."
"Don't treat me like some situation that needs to be handled."
"I know I'm just a wrinkle in your new life."
"I was catching my breath."
"I had a feeling so peculiar that this pain would be forevermore."
"Guess I'm feeling unmoored."
"Can't not think of all the cost and all the things that will be lost."
"Can we just get a pause?"
"Is there a line that I could just go cross?"
"It was real enough to get me through."
"I swear you were there."
right where you left me
"I'm right where you left me."
"I'm still at the restaurant."
"What a sad sight."
"Everybody moved on, I stayed there."
"You left me no choice but to stay here forever."
"You told me that you met someone."
"I cause no harm, mind my business."
"If our love died young, I can't bear witness."
"If you ever think you got it wrong, I'm right where you left me."
it's time to go
"You know when it's time to go."
"Sometimes, giving up is the strong thing."
"Sometimes, to run is the brave thing."
"Sometimes, walking out is the one thing that will find you the right thing."
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