#ignore the fact that i posted these exact photos on main
woodchipp · 7 months
I guess this post's going to be a "sequel" to my post about Sunny and Mari because I have Thoughts about the game's potential again, this time concerning Sunny's other friends because god damn they're so underdeveloped and irrelevant 😭
Aubrey holds the "privilege" of being the game's only main character to have something vaguely resembling a character arc, and yet the execution of said character arc still leaves much to be desired. She has some makings of being a nice foil to Sunny (Sunny dealt with his issues by folding into himself in denial while Aubrey dealt with them by taking out her rage on Basil, Sunny's appearance is as bland and average as it can get while Aubrey's appearance is rather garish and visually striking) and I believe that kind of angle would've been really fascinating to work with. I'd have also preferred Aubrey being upfront about being a jerk - her incessant "noooo i'm not a meanie YOU are meanies >:(" deflections don't make her a Deeper character, they just become annoying after a while.
Maybe the game could've featured a flashback (an actual flashback, because Headspace isn't the most reliable source of information) where Aubrey defends Sunny or Basil from jerks harassing them at school and openly expresses her distaste for assholes who think it's okay to pick on someone who can't fight back... only to become that exact sort of asshole down the road. If Basil is the one she stands up for, this could even be their first meeting for additional irony!
Aubrey's rough home life is another aspect of her character the game should've elaborated on, especially given that its only purpose in the story is to be shorthand for "she's just a poor bbygirl please feel bad for her". What if Aubrey was closer to her father than she was to her mother? What if her dad left her mom precisely because the latter developed alcoholism and eventually became difficult to live with? What if Aubrey herself started using booze (albeit not to the extent her mother does) to cope with Mari's death, hating herself because she knows she's becoming exactly like her mother and turning into a person her beloved father would probably look down on? Honestly, the kids' parental issues would've been way more interesting to learn about than listening to them go "waaaa I miss my wife Tails Mari :'c" for the 1403rd time in a row as if we didn't get the memo already
Last but not least, before I move onto Hero and Kel, I'd like to echo @beevean's opinion about the whole "Aubrey shoves Basil into the lake" plot point - Aubrey absolutely should've been the one to save Basil after realizing what she's done. That'd have been a brilliant way to show that she still genuinely cares about her friends despite her violent exterior. This could've also tied into the reason she isolates herself on the final day - even though she makes no bones about being an asshole, the lake incident rattles her and finally makes her recognize that she crossed a line she never thought she'd be able to cross. She and her friends lost Mari already, and they would've lost Basil too, this time by her hands. The guilt overwhelms her, and she decides to shut herself off from the outside world since she thinks that she's a danger to her friends... sounds rather familiar, doesn't it? :)
IMO, Hero arguing that Aubrey still cares about her friends because she quickly dove into the lake to rescue Basil to break her out of her funk before the group hug would've made for a more solid point than "you care because you restored the photo album!", which completely ignores the fact that she stole it from Basil and bullied him for four years over it.
Speaking of Hero, the first thing I'd like to change is the reason for his nickname because the "he likes hero sandwiches lol" explanation is fucking stupid. It'd have definitely made more sense for it to be an in-joke for Sunny's friend group, since Hero's Just Naturally Good™ at everything he does. Maybe Kel or Aubrey could've created some sort of running gag by jokingly calling him "Hank", the decidedly less cool-sounding diminutive form of his real name, Henry.
I think that Hero apparently yelling "a lot of hurtful stuff" at Kel when the latter tried to help him stop being a recluse could've lent itself to some interesting characterization had the game bothered to explore it. What if Hero used Kel's biggest insecurities against him in his rant? He'd be the one to know his younger brother best, after all :)
Maybe the incident could have been used to establish a contrast of sorts between the brothers, with Kel having blocked out everything Hero said about him for the sake of his own mental health and Hero having the memory burned into his mind because he still feels very guilty about the outburst even four years after the fact. What if Hero spent said four years believing that Kel secretly hates him for what happened and being afraid of talking to him about it? Perhaps that would've explained Kel's remark about Hero being "a little more closed off now than he used to be."
Hero himself could've been an interesting character, mainly because his relationship with Mari isn't really touched on by the game, which is baffling since he was her boyfriend. Maybe the story could've tried to indicate that he still has trouble moving on from her suicide by him trying to abruptly change the subject whenever Mari comes up in a conversation. The story could've also tried to show the ways Mari as a person shaped Hero into the person he is (e.g. Mari is mentioned to have had a mischievous side to her, so Hero could've probably had an affinity for mischief too?) I think that sort of thing would've been nice to see in all of the game's characters, actually - the point is that even though Mari is dead, she "lives" on in a way through her friends and her brother, through the habits they picked up from her. Of course, that would necessitate Mari to have a personality beyond "picnic blanket" lmao
Maybe the game could've had Hero (unconsciously) start doting on Sunny as if he was the latter's older brother because, as part of him blaming himself for his friend group's dissolution, he feels especially guilty for "forgetting" about Sunny in his grief. I like to think that this, coupled with Hero picking up Mari's behaviors, would actually hurt Sunny even more, probably since a) it'd fuel his fears about everyone caring about him only because he's the last reminder of Mari they have left and b) every time Sunny sees Hero trying to be affectionate, he's just reminded of his sister, and it hurts.
You know, maybe the game could've even implied that Sunny harbors a bit of resentment towards Kel for having an older sibling in the first place. Sunny himself is aware that it's completely irrational and beats himself up over it ("oh my god, how could I even think something like that? he's my friend!"), but it's still there.
Kel loves his older brother. Kel has an older sibling to love.
Sunny doesn't. Not anymore, at least.
He had a sister.
She's gone now.
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dkehoe · 1 month
Daphne moved to Waning Bay, Michigan, without knowing anyone but her fiancé Peter and when he leaves her for his best friend Petra the week before their wedding she is left only with her dream job as a children’s librarian and a new roommate, Petra’s ex-boyfriend Miles. Miles is the exact opposite of buttoned up Daphne and for the most part they ignore each other. Until one night after they’ve both had a bit to drink they decide to post a picture that makes it look like they are together. That moment becomes the start of a blossoming friendship where Miles shows Daphne the charms of Waning Bay, Michigan and she posts a few photos of their adventures. Every year I look forward to the summer because I know Emily Henry has a new book release. I relish the fact I’m going to have a few laughs, shed a couple tears, and emotionally involve myself with the main characters in her books. Funny Story was certainly all that. Along with those tension filled moments with Miles were side stories about Daphne making friends with her fellow librarians, Miles’s younger sister coming for a visit and taking Waning Bay by storm, as well as a visit from Daphne’s absentee dad. All things that helped move the story forward, providing insight into our two main characters and enabling us to become wrapped up in the storytelling and drama. This time one of these subplots struck kind of close to home, which made the story more impactful and at times kind of hard to read. Despite this I loved the story and these characters and didn’t find it hard to root for them at all. This might be Daphne and Miles’s story but I loved all of these side characters just as much as our two protagonists. Ashley was a great budding best friend, teaching Daphne all sorts of lessons about friendship that totally resonated, her Dad whom everyone loved and loved everyone but made Daphne feel second best, and Miles’s sister who loved her big brother more than anyone in the world and just wanted to stand by and support him. These side plots added so much depth to the story , not all of it was rainbows and sunshine but there were funny moments to lighten the mood. Just what I expect from a novel by this author. I do have one request though- maybe just a tiny bit more happy moments? Our protagonists were put through the wringer! ❤️❤️❤️❤���❣️ Click this link to purchase this book!* Funny Story Copyright 2024 The Reading Chick All Rights Reserved *Amazon Associate- if you purchase this book through the above link I’ll receive a small stipend.
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deviantartdramahub · 5 months
Due to it being campaigned around (funny how the same EvieJulia who denounces all concern about lurking hackers isn't questioned when her alliance/friendship with an openly admitted one is in plain sight), my entire front page of DA is filled with links to content related to Triagonal disdain, and it has found its way across all parts of the public sphere onto DailyMotion, 4chan, etc. Is this really necessary guys? Did Anonymous reject your application, like seriously...
Someone who I'm sure genuinely believed there was merit to what the posts are saying asked me what it would take to share them... well they aren't exactly trustworthy. The same guy claims he has been barred from other sites he once interacted with Triagonal within on a non-genuine bases, but proof has been provided of otherwise; he claims in one post doxxing only reveals one's city and not one's location, but then claims at different times he does know her location (not to mention the whole point of swatting, which also happened, is that people know where you are with precision); he claims revealing Evie's name was considered oversharing personal info despite it being the whole of her username once yet shares almost everything else about Triagonal such as photos and socials, excusing himself by saying the exact same thing; he is a known showman when he posts and sometimes posts just for the spite; and he claims browser fingerprinting is an infallible tool used for identifying others, which is wrong, as the bottom of the main page for browser fingerprinting shows.
This is not to mention he often fluctuates between claims he might have proof for, claims where he says he has proof but it's anecdotal if he does, and claims he doesn't have proof for. This is also not to mention browser fingerprinting is something site owners and admins can do, not ordinary members, which means that if what NiotaBunny from Reddit says is true about only using Reddit, it isn't what is going on, meaning there really would be doxxing involved if his claims were true, which brings us to the fact that other people are claimed to be Triagonal too. On what basis? If you could cite browser fingerprinting with one match, surely you wouldn't have to rely on hysteria to see if any other pair of people are the same person. Which proves the browser fingerprinting claim is false.
A site rulebreaker is a site rulebreaker, even if that can only be said on a subjective basis, which is defined by TOS. With one exception, even if she is unpopular (that's not to say I trust the majority) Triagonal has neither broken site TOS or the law, which if you're scratching your head in response to, thinking "I never thought of that", well that shows you're just quick to judge. Noname234252 meanwhile is BS.
All who are wondering about Inkblot Art since the association is well-known might wish to know you can be banned from there without breaking their TOS. Which would subtract a site from any such list of places where you broke the rules. Making a new account though would (as it would on any site, even where you had your account removed by AI) change that. As for the other part... it also ignores how ipads work versus other things.
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Free! The Final Stroke fundown rundown
I just came out here for fun swim times, and now Haru’s evil.
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Ok, I’m just gonna post things as I remember them.
Spoilers, obviously.  And this gets really long.  Have a snack ready.
As a warning, my Japanese isn’t fantastic, so I may have missed some things or misinterpreted some things (though, to toot my own horn a bit, I understood a lot more with this film than with other raw Japanese movies I’ve watched).  Also, at this point it’s been several hours since I saw the show, and my memory is shit.  Take anything I say here with a grain of salt.
Movie starts off cute, with Nagisa, Rei, Makoto, and Rin making some kind of video about (for?) Haru.  I think it took place in the past?  Because Haru, Makoto, and Rin are in their high school uniforms, so I think maybe this takes place before Dive to the Future.  Maybe.
There’s a childhood flashback with Hiyori and Kaede.  Seems Hiyori is actually the one who got Kaede into swimming, though Hiyori ended up moving before they ever got a chance to swim together.  If I understood right, Kaede’s family member(???) was also a swimmer.  And in fact, because of stuff that’s shown later in the movie, I think it’s strongly hinted that the friend that Coach Azuma lost in his past was Kaede’s family member(???).
There’s some stuff with a school festival, but it must be joint because Haru/Asahi’s university and Ikuya/Hiyori’s university are both involved.  Rin and Sosuke go and Rin and Ikuya tease each other relentlessly, then run off to compete against each other at a game booth.
And that’s all well and cute.
The bulk of the story takes place in Australia, with Haru, Rin, Ikuya, and Kaede (and Kaede’s friend, who’s name I forget, but apparently is a crazy strong breaststroke swimmer) representing Japan in an international tournament.  Stuff happens, Rin and Ikuya both lose their matches (in butterfly and breast, with Ikuya losing to that friend of Kaede’s).
Before Haru’s match, he and Kaede are in the locker room.  Albert comes in; Kaede tries to rile him up and is blatantly ignored.  Albert says straight up to Haru, “I’m not swimming for fun today.  I’m just here to do my job.”  D=
Haru swims against Kaede and Albert, and swims so hard he can’t catch his breath afterwards and falls down a flight of stairs (no worries! Ikuya catches him).  Albert wins, but Haru does qualify for the next round.  At some point, Haru yells at Azuma about how to get stronger?  But I didn’t really understand that bit.
For the next race (the next day), Albert drops out for unknown reasons.  He gets shit for it later from that old guy who controls him (father? grandfather? caretaker? idk).  It’s clear that Old Guy is using Albert for sponsorship money and to live vicariously through him.  I don’t know which is worse.
So Kaede gets bronze in that race.  Haru doesn’t place.  Everyone goes back to Japan.
While all that is going on, it also frequently cuts to what the others are doing in Japan.  Makoto has basically taken on coaching Sousuke, and they spend nearly the entire movie together.  Asahi, Hiyori, and Kisume also spend much of the movie together, streaming the events in Australia and talking about the future and stuff.
And in a scene that is a clear callback to the rainy poolside scene in Eternal Summer, where Haru, Rin, and Makoto talk about what they’re going to do after graduation, there’s a scene with Rei, Nagisa, and Gou by the poolside, in the rain, talking about what they’re going to do after graduation.  Sounds like they all have a plan, but if specifics of those plans were mentioned, I didn’t catch it.  But they all looked happy and positive about their futures.
And at some point, Sousuke, Makoto, and Hiyori have a backstroke race.  Hiyori wins, though they don’t actually show him winning (-_-); they just show pictures of the batsu game Sousuke and Makoto had to do because they lost (dressing up and taking obnoxiously cute photos).
With everyone back in Japan, there’s lots of talking and... stuff.  Then they all go back to their hometowns for New Year’s.  There’s a scene of Haru and Makoto in that place where the fireworks scene took place in Eternal Summer, and Makoto is about to tell Haru something, but then his phone rings and he remembers that he promised his siblings he would do something with them, so he runs off, leaving Haru alone.
There’s also a scene of Ikuya and Asahi swimming alone in a pool at night.  They praise each other’s swimming, saying how they’ve both been impressed with one another since middle school.
And there’s a scene with Hiyori in Kyoto (looks like he’s at Kiyomizudera, but it’s night time and is that place open at night??), and Kaede approaches him.  They talk.
Haru goes to Iwatobi Elementary and is standing under that sakura tree when Rin finds him.  Haru talks about how they’ll challenge the international tournament next year, and they can do it! because they’ll be together.  Rin tells him that he and Ikuya both have decided not to participate next year; they’re going to go pro instead.  Haru gets really upset, because they’re abandoning him and he’ll be all alone.
Then he gets possessed by the ghost of Albert and basically tells Rin to piss off and that he doesn’t need him or anyone anymore.
The end!  To be continued in seven months!  =D
Other bits:
Though the character count has exploded, I felt there was a good balance between showing what everyone was up to, while still keeping the focus on Haru, as the main character.
60% of the movie was flashbacks to stuff that happened throughout the entire series.  Saving money on animation, or trying to hammer in the memories before the grand finale?  You decide.
Flashbacks also includes the animation from the original commercial that started this all.  =D
The English voice actors for Albert and Old Guy can not act for shit.  >_<  It’s so jarring.
I’m pretty sure I didn’t hear any OLDCODEX.  I knew they were on hiatus; I didn’t think they’d pull the song from the movie at the last minute.  (Unless that was them, and it’s a totally new style than what we’re used to.)
If you’re here for the shipping, you’re going to be disappointed.  There was very little.
There was a preview for the next movie, but literally the only thing I remember is “REI~!! <3″
They also showed the main image for the next movie, which is almost the exact same as this movie’s (see above), except instead of looking pissy, Haru’s expression is incredibly soft.
The end~!
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feelingofcontent · 3 years
DNP Rewatch: Halloween Baking - SPOOKY CUPCAKES
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Date video was published: 10/26/2014 (X)
DNP Main Channel Rewatch: 247
Baking video! They didn’t do a Halloween baking video in 2013, so this is only the second one after Halloween Baking: Brownie Graveyard!
0:06 - “a pentagram on your face with a sharpie” ...okay. They've upped the background decoration a lot since the first one.
0:10 - Phil can’t help but laugh at Dan’s evil cackle. “Glamorous assistant” and the usual slide again.
0:18 - apparently need to do a full-body look to admire Phil’s new t-shirt there. 👀
0:30 - awww, Dan is so pleased. Also, very purposeful and explicit call-out of clothes sharing. (for the first time, maybe?)
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0:37 - what happened during this jump cut? Dan looks so fond. I love that Dan is the one that decorated for it, although Phil posted a photo of the decor.
0:54 - that really is a giant pumpkin. I love Phil watching himself on the screen as he carries it in, lol. And nice spooky background music!
1:05 - continuity error! This was from before Phil brought the giant pumpkin in.
1:14 - Phil is so confident with his “thing of 2014″ lol. Dan is skeptical. They do love red velvet cake though. (Also, Dan could not be any more fond during baking videos, I swear.)
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1:34 - I love this insert so much. “Captain hindsight” is hilarious; wtf is on Phil’s messy face; the amused smile; the giggling; upside-down Dan; etc. 😂
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2:03 - not then many actual times (on video at least)
2:11 - sure, Dan. Phil does look pleased with himself though.
2:20 - the ingredients presentation is always...something, hahaha.
3:12 - I really don’t think buying pre-made icing qualifies as a “debacle” lol.
3:30 - I’m with Phil. This looks like broken dishes waiting to happen. 😨
3:45 - Dan’s blink and expression after “made out of silicone...” Somehow I don’t think his mind was on boob or butt implants... 😳
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3:54 - and there we have the first of never-ending baking video whisk references after that video on Tyler’s channel
4:16 - lol at Dan reading the temperature off of the screen. Dan does not look amused by Phil’s accent but I am.
4:40 - this seems dangerous. They really didn’t have a lot of good surfaces in that kitchen to use when filming.
4:43 - dancing mirroring and the hand-off to Phil
4:53 - well that was a creepy light flicker
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5:00 - that sieve is way too big for that bowl, no wonder it’s a mess
5:15 - what the fuck is happening here with the audio with Dan saying it but Phil mouthing the same thing? So confused.
5:38 - so many recipes that ask for an electric mixer and yet they don’t get one for years
5:52 - baking song! 😊
6:23 - the color looks so good at this point
6:25 - Phil does not like the “chicken fetus” remark
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6:59 - probably a good idea to let Dan pour the batter in
7:20 - oh no the jumper!
7:38 - the fact that they just left the empty cupcake wrapper in there. why.
8:00 - this might be more creepy than the usual paper masks. Phil goes to let go as Dan grabs it but then...doesn’t
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8:06 - that is valid, Dan. Having to turn on the song that’s stuck in your head. Dan’s dancing is...intense if nothing else.
8:40 - I hate silicone baking trays for this exact wobbly reason.
8:45 - Phil is so disappointed with the color
9:00 - comforting shoulder pats. Also their cupcakes sunk in the centers so much.
9:08 - Phil is very excited about the decorating choices. Of course he’s opened something!
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9:50 - you can tell when they’re impressed with a pun one of them came up with on the spot, lol
10:18 - not the fact Dan was expecting but he is amused anyway
10:27 - what will become a common theme for Dan decorating Halloween things
10:52 - their decorating may not be great but they do go all-in with it
11:24 - their lights are doing weird shit during this 😨
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11:33 - Phil spots the loose candy and completely ignores everything else to eat it, lol
11:56 - I love the showing-off of the final product as if its Bake-Off
12:10 - now Dan has frosting on his face around his eye too somehow 😂
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12:29 - lmao at Phil telling him “no” while Phil’s face is also covered in frosting
12:44 - I am disturbed by Dan’s eating of this cupcake during the endscreen
12:45 - “wait, promote me” as if Phil wouldn’t, hahaha
13:00 - even they can’t believe the last one was two years ago!
Any baking video is great. There are too many fond looks from Dan in this one to count. I love that even when their recipes don’t turn out well/as planned, they still seem to have a great time filming the baking videos.
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vln-ver · 4 years
Sakuatsu Fic Recs!!
*majority of fics contain manga spoilers
These are some of my personal favorite sakuatsu fics that I have read. I’ll be adding more as i go (updated: 03/28/22).  Feel free to comment any more fic suggestions!
I hope you enjoy reading these as much as I did and please give as much love as you can to the writers.
Lifetime (series) by lettersinpetals
A Thousand Cuts
“The story started when the Sakusa family moved into their neighborhood in Amagasaki when they were nine. Atsumu would always remember that he saw Kiyoomi first.”
The Spaces Between
“(Or: Sakusa Kiyoomi moves to Amagasaki at the age of eight and meets twin brothers who change his life.)”
The Broken Piece
“(or Suna Rintarou liked to act like he was above it all, but he thought perhaps he was the stupidest of them all.)”
Liminal Spaces by hatsuna 
“Fuck you, Atsumu thinks, pointing at the pixelated Sakusa in the team photo on his bedside table.
It’s easier than you’d think to ignore loving your teammate.”
love could be labeled poison and we’d drink it anyways by myhopeisjhope
“"Huh?" is Atsumu's response, and it's seemingly the only thing the man could think of after the minute-long silence that stretched between them.
"We should break up," Kiyoomi repeats, more clearly now. He doesn't let any emotion seep into his voice, keeping it neutral and detached, as if breaking up with Atsumu was the easiest thing ever, while in fact it's the complete opposite.”
Dysfunctional by lettersinpetals 
“In which Sakusa Kiyoomi and Miya Atsumu’s love story starts in high school, but of course they make a complicated mess of it for years. Six, to be exact.
(SakuAtsu ft. first kisses and first everything)”
One More Chance by lettersinpetals
“After almost three years together, Miya Atsumu and Sakusa Kiyoomi's relationship falls apart. But that doesn't necessarily mean it's the end.”
 Miscommunicating by lettersinpetals
first fic of Hate that I love you series; post-time skip
Sakusa and Atsumu hooks up, multiple times, and Atsumu doesn’t know how to deal with his feelings 
 three roses and a smile by strawberrycitrus
college/university professors au; Atsumu gets a job at a university, microbiologist and professor, befriends surgeon Sakusa Kiyoomi
 just as much by sapphirine
“Miya Atsumu has never loved anything more than volleyball. He doesn't think he ever will. Sakusa Kiyoomi might just prove him wrong.”
The Edge of It All by sapphirine
“It starts with a spider.
Sakusa opens the door after his fourth knock. He narrows his eyes at Atsumu suspiciously. “What do you want.” “Omi-kun,” Atsumu says in his sweetest voice and sweetest smile, “‘M bored. Lemme come over at yer place.””
see this through by basilleia
“Atsumu suddenly throws an arm across his face, saying, "God," followed by a disbelieving laugh that bubbles from his mouth. "I feel like I've cycled through so many emotions in the past couple of hours,"
Sakusa quietly huffs a laugh of his own. "Sorry," He says, though he finds that he's not really sorry at all.”
Pas De Deux by hatsuna
Sakusa is a ballet dancer and likes to work out late at night, thinking he would be the only one there but surprise surprise, Atsumu is there too and he likes annoying Sakusa
A Liar’s Truth by internetpistol 
“In which Sakusa Kiyoomi is raised to believe that gay people go to hell but then takes one look at Miya Atsumu and thinks, then why the hell did God make them so fucking hot?”
 ink blossoms by entrechat
Atsumu owns a flower shop and starts losing customers when a tattoo shop across from him opens up; Sakusa tattooist yessir
peace of mind by yuyangs
Non-linear story; Sakusa goes back to Maine after leaving to go to university in Japan and bumps into Atsumu, past relationship in high school
Notte Stellata by akwardedgeworth
Sakusa and Atsumu are paired together in doubles ice skating when they were younger and continues to skate until they separate into singles; nice hint of angst 
the affective presence of our black and white reruns by kozumess 
Atsumu and Sakusa’s meetings throughout the manga, Atsumu is an idiot in love and does not stop thinking about Sakusa, even when he’s in the V League and Sakusa is in college; hint of sakusa and ushijima
self control by hatsuna
Sakusa doesn’t realize his feelings until it’s too late and Atsumu is with Hinata
Elephant Gun by cielelyse
singer atsumu & bodyguard sakusa, they both care about each other but can’t communicate booo an enemies to lovers if you will
Tale as Old as Time by lettersinpetals
post time skip jackals moments; Sakusa has OCD and Atsumu helps him ... this is the best way I can summarize it
maybe today I’ll say yes by liliaocalypse
Sakusa and Atsumu starts courting (Atsumu asking during their final third year game) while Atsumu is in MSBY and Sakusa in college, Sakusa is the one to run away from his feelings this time
just let me adore you by awkwardedgeworth
american high school au; star lacrosse player, Atsumu, gets former violinist, Sakusa, to start fake dating him so he can one up Osamu while giving Sakusa the “high school experience”
you’re made of memories you bury or live by by tirralirra
Atsumu forgets his memories from the last 2 years and wonders why he has plants in his house, a coffee maker, and why is Sakusa’s cat is so comfortable around him?
hatsukoi by mika60
Non-linear and Angst. nothing else to say but Angst.
gold rush by sketchedsmiles
“When the MSBY Black Jackals sign their newest member, Sakusa Kiyoomi, Atsumu makes it his personal responsibility to befriend the indifferent player”
again, like this by noodletastic
“or: when nationals don’t go their way in their third year, atsumu and sakusa distract themselves with each other. and it keeps happening.”
Pulling Gravity by eatsumus
“But Miya was the sun and Kiyoomi was starved for light, for heat, for touch. Kiyoomi expected to be burned. He didn’t think it’d be this painful”
on the basis of instant noodles by auvelli
“aka, college au where Suna, thank god, has a microwave in his dorm room that Atsumu frequents, but Suna’s roommate is Sakusa Kiyoomi and well, maybe he finds himself over there a little more often than necessary”
on the basis of us by auvelli (sequel fic)
“In which "I'm moving out" could be "We're moving out," if they would just let it.”
afflictions for below-average asian-americans by juyo
au where the sakusa and miya family are the only asians in a suburban neighboorhood 
some memories we may keep by mika60 
atsumu and sakusa’s slow burn high school moments
Why are your hands so warm? by akaashook
warning: homophobia! sakuatsu childhood friends to strangers back to friends and then finally lovers woo slow burn ish
In Full Bloom by casastella
au where people grow flower tattoos when they fall in love with someone and sakusa has a large patch of coppertips 
you make my heart burn by myhopeisjhope
barista atsumu flirts with customer sakusa 
to my sweet by sieges
uni students bokuto hinata and atsumu try to figure out why sakusa is single despite the amount of confessions he receives 
even the sky knows how to fall (silently) by akaashook
sakusa and atsumu slowly start a friendship and atsumu helps sakusa confess to ushijima
the worst ever by wheelspokes
miya atsumu, the worst roommate sakusa has ever had
the 28 postcards you left me by wheelspokes
people drunk call their exes but atsumu sends and animal crossing postcard to omi
shades of you by caahs
gifted art student sakusa kiyoomi who lacks “passion” gets annoyed by law student miya atsumu
another trip around the sun by aalphard 
Atsumu bakes a cake for the birthday boy
the msby jackals take a lie detector test by sifuhotman
It takes a lie detector for Sakusa to realize he finds Atsumu hot.
lost in your pull by matchumu
quantum physics relating to sakusa’s insecurities in his relationship with atsumu
more than the moon and sun by yuyangs
hotarubi no e mori au
The Story of Us by thesweetestnerd
kiyoomi loses his memories of the past two years, forgets his memories of college graduation, the black jackals, and his secret relationship with atsumu.
take the sour, if you take me by mika60
alternate universe where sakusa joins the V. League after high school and atsumu decides to quit volleyball but sakusa won’t let that happen
From Afar by dr_awkward221
whoever sakusa touches, he is able to see their whole life and emotions; from the past to the future. when he touches miya atsumu, he feels an overwhelming amount of love that changes him.
an ocean apart by Togaki
“Kiyoomi has lived his whole life keeping others at a distance, but all of that starts to change when Miya Atsumu begins inching his way in.”
Other Boys in Other Ports by buttonstuck
“Three days is all Kiyoomi gets, because he’s in love with a sailor who only makes port every few months. A sailor who has other lovers in other ports across the galaxy. But Kiyoomi can be happy being a warm bed, if it means he gets those three days every few months with Miya Atsumu.”
every action has an equal and opposite reaction by akanemnida
Atsumu’s Calvin Klein modeling contract + Sakusa in denial
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chicoriii · 3 years
Season 4, Episode 17 - Larme Ultime (Rocketear)
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So this is a DjiWifi episode from which comes a screenshot I've seen over a month ago (I think). It's good they got it, before season 4 started I really wanted it to happen and to see a kiss between Nino and Alya in it (but that didn't happen and I don't get why, only the main pairing is allowed to kiss in this show or what?), but now I could not be excited about it anymore, because I'm sick of Alya and I'm not able to hide it. Yes, I'm biased, but I'm just a normal viewer and I have right to dislike her favouritism.
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My the biggest thought after watching this is that it looks like since Optigami, Alya is not only a deuteragonist, like I said in my post about Sentibubbler, she's actually more like a co-protagonist now. That was an extremely Alya-centric episode (even more than Lie was was about Adrien, as it was mostly Ladybug who saved the world like almost always, also because Chat sacrificed himself again), while in Optigami and this one she has screentime comparable to Marinette. I'm still trying to avoid spoilers (so please, don't tell what's going to happen in the next episodes, I don't want to know), but I'm sure that either 15 or 16 is also highly about her, because we've seen the new Rena's suit in this episode and it looked like it wasn't the first episode with it. But really, I won't be surprised if Alya has lots of screentime in both episodes and all others to the end of the show as well. I don't think Adrien is ever going to get as much special treatment like Alya. :/ The creators have never been as nice to him.
Didn't the writes have enough ideas for another story arcs? And thanks to it they were able to save money, because then creators could just reuse old models of villains more than before. Have anyone noticed that S4 has even fewer number of completely new characters than previous seasons? The scientist seen at the start of the episode has detailed model, so she had to be akumatised in any of the previous unreleased episodes (or one of the next ones). And why she looks a lot like Alya, is she her relative? If yes, you know what that means? Another excuse to make an episode full of the fox wielder, because, you know, it’s not like she already got enough occasions to shine in S4. 
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Speaking of Rena Rouge's new suit. What a waste, it would be great for a potential chameleon Miraculous, so it seems it won't be ever created for canon. So bad, I think it's one of the coolest animal, so a Miraculous based on it would be awesome. It could one from an African Miracle Box which should appear, since they are planning making an African special. The suit is good and all, but I still feel disappointed that it's not the superpower of a chameleon Miraculous. :(
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Why is Nino acting over the top out of nowhere? I like film noir atmosphere, fedoras and especially jazz music full of saxophones (my favourite music genre and instrument), but it looks totally ridiculous when he's like that. I thought it's Marinette's speciality, and he beat her in that category. I'm not trying to say it's a a bad thing, it just feels weird seeing Nino like that. And since I love jazz, I would like to listen to that film noir-esque music more once I got 5.1 audio, since it was hardly heard in the episode. It didn't sound much interesting, but it's too early to judge it seriously.
Too bad they had written the main conflict in the episode using one of the biggest romantic cliche - misunderstanding in which one character see and\or hear something, but not the whole thing, so said character interprets it wrong. Motifs like that are rather annoying, so it's good something similar haven't happened in the Love Square's arc (yet at least). Though I have a big issue with how they write it this season and I'm going to make a post about it (is anyone interested?).
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The akuma is one the ugliest and has one of the most laziest power ever. Really? He shoots using tear bullets and does nothing more? I know many people hate Bubbler's design, but no matter how silly it looks, it was much more creative than this.
And of course the whole thing with Alya remembering the whole conversation with Chat Noir was extremely far-fetched. The could think about something more believable, but I'm not surprised it happened, since I think this season is generally more lazy written than previous ones.
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On the other hand, I'm surprised that Marinette is actually aware that Shadow Moth should not know that Alya is still Rena Rouge. It seems that the whole episode 15 (or 16) is about they trying to figure out what to do with that problem.  I won't be surprised if Alya would do it all by herself like it happened with protecting charms in Mr Pigeon 72, because it's completely normal that a random person who has never met Fu is better at decrypting the grimoire than someone who has been trained to be a guardian to some extend :/ Still I think they should not be sure that camouflage mode would solve the problem completely. From what I understand the new suit doesn’t make her completely invisible to others. Rena could be seen by anyone who takes a photo of her and then post in on the internet (it won't be believable that she's the only one crazy about superheroes in Paris). But at least they tried to do something and Marinette sees the danger to some extend. It’s something new.
It's not like Alya is careful, she's completely reckless (and they think she's a good reporter material? Don't make me laugh) and she still thinks more about her own fun in being the superheroine than safety of herself or the world. But of course, it's not gonna happen, because plot armor is very strong in this show. I really had a feeling that she acted like a little child in the first minutes of the episode. She's unable to see that her situation is not a joke. She should be all happy that Marinette still lets her to keep the fox Miraculous. She really lacks humility and I see it clearly since Optigami at least. Besides, Marinette ignores another red flags, that Alya is taking pictures of herself in the new suit no one is supposed to see and thinking about posting them on Ladyblog (was Bunnix right that Alya is able to reveal Miraculous secrets on her blog because of her overenthusiasm and lack of ability of seeing consequences of her actions?).
By the way, now I think, if Alya can't keep in secret that she's still Rena Rouge from Nino (which happens because it's needed for the plot), so how could she be all fine with keeping in secret other facts like that Ladybug gave her the fox permanently and she knows her identity (which isn't happening because the plot doesn't require it)? She still has to lie on Nino because of these secrets.
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They are making Marinette a big hypocrite this season. Since she revealed herself to Alya, it's been shown that secret identities rule was bullshit from the start, but Marinette is still saying that heroes can't reveal their identities to anyone. What? What has she done before like not revealing herself to someone, so how she dares keep saying about how crucial is keeping secrets from everyone? Sorry writers, I can't take that rule seriously anymore since Alya knows and no one should. Because Marinette told Alya, she could tell it to other persons she trust as well. What's the difference between her best friend and the rest of the people in the world? Is Alya the only person she trusts? In fact, revealing herself to Sabine, for example, would be much better choice. She's actually wise and mature unlike Alya and her secrets would be much more safe with her mother.
I've seen Chat Blanc again on TV recently and I remembered one thing Ladybug told to Bunnix there: "The best-kept secrets are the ones you never share." (Google Translate says that the line is exactly the same in the French original). Some episodes later, she isn't thinking twice if she should tell all the guardian secrets to Alya. Okay, she revealed her identity because of being too emotional in that exact moment, but then when she calmed down, she should be able to think if telling all the Miraculous secrets is a good idea. The other hypocritical thing is telling Chloé "you can't be Queen Bee anymore, because Hawk Moth knows your identity" but still calling the other heroes whose identities have been exposed.
So I can't even blame Alya for telling Nino the truth if the guardian herself is not following her own rules. Not to mention, Marinette doesn't address wrong things Alya is doing at all, so no wonder she feels she could do anything, she won't get punished, no matter what. After all, it's not the first moment in which she does something her best friend forbid her.
And we can say the show has been confirmed that Nino is even worse at keeping secrets, especially in crisis situations, so why people wanted to see Adrien revealing himself to Nino? It's obvious that he would tell Adrien's secret to Alya and maybe some other people as well.
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I thought that since S3 finale Adrien is supposed to know identities of every backup hero from seasons 2 and 3 and I was ready to be salty about that as well. But yes, actually after purification of Miracle Queen's akuma, brainwashed heroes didn't detransform. They were forgotten completely and we don't even know what happened with them exactly. I suppose Ladybug took their Miraculous when Chat Noir wasn't there anymore.
Adrien has every right to be angry at Ladybug, she treats him so badly, since Alya knows her own secrets and she doesn't even have the guts to admit that. But I'm going to say about my the biggest issue in the Chat Noir and Ladybug's situation in another post, I hope I would write before the next episode airs.
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Top five magneto moments from the X-Men movies?
Ohhh...lemme think. (I tried picking from different films. It's not really in any order of preference, just scenes I think are neat.
1. aka the first one. I mean, not the first-first one or the second one or- but the first scene with Charles and Erik being Like That and doing their thing.
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There's already at least one pretty popular post about why this scene is so damn good and how it tells us so much about these guys' dynamic without telling us much at all and I just really think it's well-done, well-acted. Especially since in the og movies, Mags and Charles aren't the main-characters so they don't get that much screen-time but this is what we need to know and there is just so much being communicated. I was kind of torn whether to pick this one or the very last one of the film but I chose this one bc I feel like the first one is more about Magneto (we already know he's going to be the villain right here, we learn what motivates him, we get some of the trademark bitchiness Ian McKellen brings to the character. Good stuff. Also when he walks off like: "We're the future, Charles! Not them! They no longer matter!" So much going on here.) while the end-one is more about Professor X. Also, for me the last scene actually elevates this one even further because of the way it makes this exchange frame the entire narrative of the film. You do get the sense that Charles and Erik are two chessplayers moving their pieces with the whole "What are you doing here?" - "Why do you ask questions to which you already know the answers?" and -
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Like, you just get the sense that everything that happened between those scenes is just a little bit beneath them. It isn't any major break or change in their lives or relationship, they're the same as before and that also gives you an idea about the kind of history these guys already got to have.
2). Obviously.
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Iconic. Show-stopping. Do I even need to say anything? Probably one of my favourite prison-break scenes ever put on screen. Everything about it. The dialogue, the violence, the "never trust a beautiful woman - especially one that's interested in you", the camera movement, the wink, the glass shattering and the cell coming apart, Ian McKellen floating on a metal/blood frisbee. This one has it all. Some physics guy on YouTube actually made a video about how powerful Magneto has to pull this off and apparently, this is a lot more impressive than any of the major property damage we see him cause across films.
3. Ah yes the Villa Gesell scene
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Lemme say first: This scene is completely and utterly pointless from a plot-perspective. It's literally just a character moment. And I love character moments. It's just there to show us who Erik is and the film bends over backwards to justify this scene being in it: An entire stack of coincidences that is Shaw's photo hanging on the wall of this pub with the name of his boat clearly visible and he's sitting next to the two Nazis who happen to be sitting in this very pub right there and then and of course one of them has his Nazi knife with him (which is a very weird mixture of a Hitler Youth knife and an SS Honour Dagger and even ignoring that it's a mess bc they even forgot that German capitalises its nouns so why is the inscription all lower case and I'm the most annoying person on the planet to watch movies with but t-)
And the thing is - I actually like this entire scene even more for all of that. Because they could have just had that Swiss banker tell Mags where Shaw is. But instead, his entire trip to Argentinia is in there to let us see Erik kill Nazis and we get an exact sense of what he's doing with his life, who he is, how he is - and also did I mention dead Nazis? - I live for that (and also for a deleted scene where he sees a mother and her kid at the Argentinian airport and has a flashback and 😢).
I also like that it continues the pattern we get in the bank scene where he doesn't confront his targets directly but sets them up to incriminate themselves. We also get the "Frankenstein's Monster"-line which is something I have a lot of thoughts about - especially bc the whole "what makes us human/monsters"-question is a big deal in the movie. Also-also it sets up Charles 'head empty' moment from the finale of the movie where he tells Erik that the people CURRENTLY FIRING FUCKING NUCLEAR MISSILES AT THEM are just 'good innocent men' who are 'just following orders' and you just get the sense of how often Erik has heard this shit (also...thinking about how this film is set in 1962, meaning right after the Eichmann trial). There's just. A lot going on.
4. Oh let's be controversial!
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ok I know this is something I know a lot of people hold against Erik and say it's one of his meanest and most unfair moments. but honestly? His anger is at least as earned as Charles' at this point and any take on this scene that is "one of them is right and the other is wrong" is ...boring. Erik once again lost people he cared about, he spent ten years in solitary confinement for a crime he didn't commit, he just learnt that literally everything that he warned about in the last film will happen (already has happened, partially), pretty much word for word ("Identification, that's how it starts. And ends with being rounded up, experimented on, eliminated.) to the point that an actual TIME-TRAVELLER comes back from the fucking future to tell them how bad they all fucked up.
(One of the things I like is that he doesn't make a difference between people who chose his side and people who chose Charles' side - he names Banshee along with Emma, Azazel, Angel. He's just sad about all of them. Generally, I'm still prissy that we never got to see him go full Magneto for any length of time in the prequels so him speaking of 'mutant brothers and sisters' is the closest we get to knowing what he would be like if they didn't always find some new weird between-movies plot for him like prison or starting a family in Poland or starting a leftist commune on an island - although I can kind of respect that one.)
Also anyone who ever had the misfortune of actually hearing me talk about this movie for any lengths of time knows I have...a lot of thoughts about Erik and his time in solitary confinement and I like that the first times we see his powers after he gets out after ten years of no metal, it's a huge mess. Erik as we know him from First Class would probably just wave his hands at those guards in the Pentagon kitchen and kill them with a few well-aimed knives in a blink of an eye - but this time around, he trashes the entire room and hits no one. And in the plane scene we see him lose control completely and almost bring down the plane once he snaps and you really get the sense that after ten years, he's no longer used to having metal around that reacts to his powers.
Also, in that same scene the mutual acknowledgement between him and Logan in the end? I liked that.
5. (almost) all scenes where he's just a giant menace to infrastructure and important landmarks.
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Like the fact that he destroyed the Sydney opera house is just such a casual by-note, we don't even talk about that one. It's just how it goes, you know? The only let-down is that he literally went to France without taking down the Eiffel-Tower in DOFP? A giant metal structure? This is a serious oversight by the writers and really cheapens the whole movie-going experience. 2/10.
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blueeyedangell · 4 years
hey clowns! so i’m here to hopefully give more affirmation that cas is going to be coming back in 15x20. now- i’m in no way saying that we will 100% see cas in 15x20 but i will give you said information and allow you to come to your own conclusions.
i’ve noticed since 15x19 i just can’t stop feeling very unsatisfied and overall bad about the ending. after watching it there was a pit in my stomach and a bad taste in my mouth, and it just didn’t feel like a real ending. not an ending to a show that has 15 years worth of build up. i have to agree with what i’ve seen on here since then, that 15x19 was meant to leave a bad taste in your mouth. from dabb himself he said:
 “For the most part, we wrap up a big chunk of our mythology in Episode 19…Episode 20 is more character-based and is more concerned with Sam, Dean and this family they’ve built around them than it is with figuring out the Case of the Week.”
from this, i take that 15x19 wasn’t meant to seal the bookends of our favorite characters. 15x19 was meant to seal the end of the mythology, the end of their fight with god they built up, what would happen to jack and amara, etc. in episode 20, we will see the family that they have around them, and cas was recently just carved into the table at the bunker and officially made apart of the family (take that as you will). 
from a story perspective, there is nothing else left to wrap up. chuck is human, jack has restored humanity, and unless we’re gonna see a filler-hunter episode of two bros for the very last episode of a show that’s been airing for 15 years, just doesn’t make any sense. i know the writer’s of supernatural can be ignorant and bad, but that bad? to ruin the last episode of a historic tv show and leave one of the biggest plot holes probably ever? maybe so, and if that happens, then it does. but, let’s move on to happier things!
as we can all probably agree, 15x19 didn’t feel like the ending. but this is because it isn’t supposed to! looking at some photos we have from this season, this was a promo poster for season 15, sam and dean driving off into the sunset in a field but there’s a giant ring of fire. not to also mention they’re driving off on a gravel road through a field, and if you know about the barn promo photos (keep these in mind) and the photo of misha in an onion field, as well as the photo misha took with robert wisdom (uriel), they were in field locations. could i be giving the writers too much credit? maybe. am i gonna believe that? probably not.
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now where have we seen this before? well, a few place a matter of fact. the first one that is probably most similar to the promo is this:
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okay, i know this is a lot of information to take in, so let’s take a break, breathe in, breath out, think of something that makes you happy, and let’s get back into it.
now i don’t know about you but those two look pretty similar, and the gif quality really doesn’t do the real scene justice. but as we see, this is the scene when ruby is pulled out of the empty to talk to cas; i already did a whole post about how she plays into cas coming back here. 
another place we’ve seen the fire aspect is, again, in the season 15 title card. i know i haven’t shut up about it, but it really makes no sense for them to use the empty as their major theme, especially with it burning up on the title card, and really have so many open-ended, untied bookends with such a major aspect. not to mention dabb created the empty, and he also wrote the confession as well as 15x20, would he really leave a vital character to this season’s story unfinished so messily?
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remember those barn promo photos i was telling you about? well i looked at them for the longest time and even edited the photos to get better lighting, and either that is the exact same barn from 4x10 or they built a replica of that barn. in 4x10, we see castiel and uriel (wink wink), and it’s also the famous moment when they’ve come to take anna from dean and sam. dean and anna have the big kiss and of course the whole, *cas looking down sadly even though he barely knows this human and he’s a strong angel solider*. then again, the empty is angel and demons worst regrets and sorrows playing on repeat. it’s funny that we would have so many coincidences adding up, but of course, it really could just be a coincidence (excuse the bad image quality, it’s 2008 style).
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i mean the little things of course like the barn door and the pillars, but i mean the stair case in the exact same place? i’m not sure who the masked men could be, it could either be just a monster hunting case, or it could be monsters who are from the empty or demons helping them or who knows? all i know is their placements looks like it mirrors the placements of people in 4x10. 
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plus in the photo of misha and robert, what looks to be behind robert through the window of the truck? is that... house?? that maybe has a barn?? okay maybe that’s a stretch.
to sum it all up, it’s a lot of speculation from everyone because we really just don’t know right now. we can guess, we can look into what they’re giving us, but we’ll just have to wait until thursday to come and show us what the ending is really gonna look like. but- i have hope that the writers, cast, and crew know the show, and it’s fans. we just hope that that is enough to take us through the home stretch and bring us back home to the main point of the story; that it may have started out as two brothers but along the way, after fifteen years on the road and so many wonderful people, they’ve learned that- well, “family don’t end in blood”.
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pozolegirl · 4 years
if it's not too much to ask, would you be willing to talk about it a little? (my main social media is Tumblr and I don't really use it for news that much, but i am Curious)
Yeah okay so today (March 4th) was Rainbow Day across the BYU/CES schools (if you don’t know, those are religious schools owned by the LDS church- yes the Mormon church- yes I am a member as well as someone trying to bring about change and live my own life according to what I know to be right in my heart)
A year ago today they took back a policy change that originally implied that queer students could date (currently not allowed) and it was an incredibly painful day for a lot of people. It felt like a slap in the face for many, and if you know how high the suic!de rate is for LGBTQ+ people in Utah you could agree this would be devastating. So today was Rainbow Day to show support and love to LGBTQ+ students and faculty. If you wanted to support you could wear rainbows and post about it on social media, just to share love. It was NOT a protest- as some people wanted to pin it as- just a show of support for those hurting.
We had a little area on the plaza by the Wilk building where pins, stickers, and bracelets were being handed out along with a quick hello we love you, and then we asked people to please leave the area after they got stuff so we wouldn’t make a gathering that might be seen as a protest and also break covid gathering rules. So that’s what rainbow day itself was on campus.
There was some anonymous homophobic flyers printed out and spread the day before hand that honestly had me in tears that said Rainbow Day was a protest and that ‘faithful members’ (completely ignoring the fact that there are SO MANY lgbtq+ active lds members but 🙄🙄🙄) should dress in BYU gear and hold up umbrellas as a shield sort of (a shield against the gay rain or whatever lmao). We tried to just ignore these flyers and not give them attention and the university did take them down because only authorized flyers are allowed on campus, that’s a big policy.
I only mention those flyers now because I want to stress that when I got on campus I saw maybe 6 people holding umbrellas (sometimes in all black like they were dressed for a funeral wth) and as sad as that was to see, I saw SO MANY PEOPLE IN RAINBOWS ALL OVER CAMPUS it was extremely clear that support and love can be found all across campus, and it was so beautiful to see and be a part of.
Flash forward to me working on campus tonight and I happen to check my Instagram at the exact right time to see that THE Y ON THE MOUNTAIN IS LIT UP IN RAINBOW COLORS. This is a HUGE deal, absolutely major. BYU is right next a beautiful mountain range, and one of the defining features of provo is a large white Y on the face of the mountain that the students built a long time ago. It gets lit up in white lights through the year for home coming, graduation and other big events, and it’s a huge landmark for the school and also Northern Utah in general.
So when I heard it was rainbow I dropped everything and ran to the top floor balcony of the building so I had a really beautiful view, it felt like such a gorgeous gift from God, I was almost crying it was so magical. I cannot stress how happy and excited I was in that moment and I’m going to remember it forever. I’m so glad I was working tonight so I could be in Provo and have access to a tall roof to see it. All my photos are really blurry but here’s this nice one from @colorthecampus on instagram:
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It stayed lit for awhile but then it slowly flickered off, and then I checked social media and HOO BOY.
BYU made it a point of tweeting out that they did not authorize the lighting of the Y. The guy who organized rainbow day (colorthecampus on Instagram is the organization name and Bradley Talbot is the head of it) is the the one who did it. Students were up there holding lights together. Which is one of the most poetic beautiful things I can imagine because I’ve recently been thinking of the common scripture that’s repeated a lot in our church, ‘Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.’ (Matthew 5:16) The fact that that’s been in my mind a lot recently and then to see this??? My heart is very full right now.
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There’s a lot of people calling this vandalism, even though nothing was harmed at all, it was just people turning on lights, and there’s conflicting things about the legality of this. Especially when you keep in mind that other people have lit up the Y without permission from BYU, but when it was just white lights no one blinked an eye.
I know this is going to be....a huge deal for a long time, I didn’t even talk about all the tweets going on right now, especially from Bradley that are making me lose my mind they are amazing and VERY INTENSE. But to even be a small part of this today? It’s crazy and I know my life is about to get very bumpy, I’m just hoping and praying that I can graduate smoothly while all of it is going on hahaha. I feel like today was a huge landmark in my life, and I really need to go to sleep now. I love you all. ❤️❤️❤️
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inchandescence · 3 years
To Anon
Question:  Yeolmaes hate baekhyun mostly because his stans are the ones sending most hate to chanyeol and baekhyun never said anything about it, instead he kinda validated their feelings by not showing up to the box premiere, avoiding mentioning him at all costs and straight up saying he doesnt like musical movies Understand that yeolmaes have to deal with hundreds of hate messages written in Korean everyday and they are at a breaking point considering most of them come from bbh’s own fans How is it possible to like chanyeol and baekhyun at the same time in a situation like this? Do you even take chanyeol feelings into consideration? No? Not even once? He has to deal with thousands of nasty comments coming from bbh fanbase while bbh comes on Twitter reminding them how cute they are and how much he loves them If you cbkists choose to ignore this and baekhyun is actually in a relationship with Pcy it just means that you all couldn’t give less of a shit about chanyeol as a person with feelings and are just a bunch of selfish pricks
Answer: Anon...sighs you can't see something from one point of view only really, but it's okay i get you, ok so let us talk about this one by one: 1. You said: Yeolmaes hate baekhyun the most because his stans are the ones sending most hate to chanyeol and baekhyun never say anything about it -When you perceive the assumption that baekhyun stans hate chanyeol the most, did u believe it right or did u question it, like why its baekhyun stans, if its true then since when they started hating chanyeol, and why do they hate chanyeol, does their reason make sense or its just stupid like how other bbhls who hate other exo members too (for example some bbhls hate jd bcs both are main vocalists and they think jd is stealing bh's spot as a vocalist) -But at the same time, we cant find the exact number that would proof that bbhls are the ones who hate chanyeol the most, we only can see what twitter shows us, and it happened to me too that i see bbhls throw hate to chanyeol the most -But at the same time too, I've been seeing yeolmaes who throw hate at baekhyun too since years ago without me knowing the reason why they do that, and I keep questioning it everytime why yeolmaes suddenly started hating baekhyun so bad, when did it start -AND at the same time too, I've been seeing other exo member stans throwing hate to either baekhyun or chanyeol -But my twitter algorithm is the same as you anon, it shows that bbhls hate chanyeol the most and yeolmaes hate baekhyun the most, so I do often make the assumption that bbhls and yeolmaes are always on each other's throat -But yet again, I don't know who started hating the first time, is it bbhls, is it yeolmaes, and why they did that -This knowledge is unknown to me so based on this, to me the most right way is to think that both sides are wrong because hating is always the worse way to deal with things, the fact that we know is chanyeol and baekhyun are good friends they are always there for each other, usually when ppl see im saying this they will say its fake and its fan service, but people can choose to not see what they dont wanna see, so the easiest proofs to prove that chanyeol and baekhyun are good friends is one chanyeol is the only member in exo that baekhyun wished happy birthday on his instagram, two both of them support each other for candy and 1 billion views by coming to the mv bts, three baekhyun and chanyeol go to vocal lessons together, four chanyeol had taken a photo with all of baekhyun's bucheon friends before so in that photo baekhyun, chanyeol, and baekhyun's bucheon friends (istg if people see these as fan service then it doesnt make sense right?)
Before we go to the next thing, I have this assumption that chanyeol and baekhyun are two members that have the highest popularity in sk, either they are the top 3 or top 4, and my reason is bcs everytime there are individual album/photobook covers sold offline, their individual covers sold out the fastest, everytime, even with nature republic stuffs, ok so there's this possibility that we keep seeing yeolmaes and bbhls on each other's throat everytime bcs well both of them are two of the most popular exo members in SK (i mean even in china, chanyeol and baekhyun are the most popular members with sehun, there's data for this)
2. You said: Baekhyun never say anything about this, he kinda "validated their feelings by not showing up to the box premiere and voiding mentioning him at all costs and straight up saying he doesnt like musical movies"
-First of all, let's look at a bigger picture, is there any idol in the k-industry like ANY IDOL that ever said to their fans "guys don't say that to my member" IS THERE. ANY.? what I know is: there is none, none at all zero zip nothing, and if there's at least one or two idols, then its just one or two idols right -And thats it anon, thats just about it, idols dont have the absolute freedom of speech, they never do, and its hurting them all of them, all they can say is: "I love EXO, I miss EXO members the most, EXO is my home" and most solo stans who see that will just say "its bs" yet solo stans are also asking for proofs that the members relationship are fine -None of these kpop idols ever say anything about hate speech from their fans that are thrown to their friends/bandmates, and this kind of thing happens in every fandom anon, not just chanyeol and baekhyun, it's just how korean entertainment industry is, idols never have the ultimate freedom to say or do anything
3. Not showing up to the box premiere, avoiding mentioning him, saying he doesnt like musical movies -That not showing up to the box premiere really changed the way you think huh anon, yeah I think that event also changed many yeolmaes' perspectives sighs okay, not showing up to the box premiere is like a very open information we can easily see it from one tweet that didnt mention baekhyun name during that event -BUT for other cases "avoid mentioning him" and "saying he doesnt like musical movies" is not a very open information, by this i mean u have to read alllll of the things baekhyun say, look at the trans for all of his vlives/shows/etc, read the whole trans for baekhyun's last vlive before he goes to the military, so u or other yeolmaes after that situation are either trying to "search for baekhyun's act or words that deny fans opinion about how they hate each other" bcs u still "have hope in baekhyun" or "search for baekhyun's act or words that support my perspective about how he hates chanyeol and never defend cy from bbhls" -"Validate their feelings" how? once again, it's just what bbhls think, did baekhyun do and say all of that because well "his motive is to support bbhls that hate chanyeol" and who are you, who are we to say that, are we our bias? can we go inside their minds and goes aha! this is why they do this and that! well no. because once again thats the entertainment industry, the chances for idols to "explain" all of the bad situations esp when its about how their fans act, is very veryyy low, or like the chance is even minus
-We are just fans who watch them on cam, without knowing what's on their mind or what is everything they are going through behind the camera, we know nothing, all of our opinions are just perspective that our mind created that turned into assumptions, we could never know the truth because kpop industry prevents their artist from showing the truths that may "hurt" people, who actually deserve to be hurt, but those people are the "money makers" for the company, it's bad it's toxic it's awful that just bcs they have to "maintain the money makers" idols can never get that freedom -Same goes with baekhyun, gdi we dont know him, we really really dont know him, his mind, his motives and reasons for his actions, who are we to judge him and call him selfish? -But what we know is baekhyun helping to defend chanyeol when that fake rumor was spreading by tweeting the mosquito thing, what we know is baekhyun and chanyeol doing their choreo for DFTF together that was practiced since early 2021 until before they enlist, what we know is baekhyun saying chanyeol he's fine when fans asked on japanese fansign, what we know is them still doing vocal lessons together, going to vocal lesson tgt too on march after the box premiere (bcs chanyeol's hair was grey in the vlog) before they enlist, what we know is baekhyun loving and singing "tomorrow" tgt with chanyeol, so what we know is they keep spending time with each other as bandmates and friends 
"do you ever take chanyeol's feeling into consideration, you all couldnt give less of a shit about chanyeol as person with feelings and are just a bunch of selfish pricks" 1. Baekhyun tweeting that mosquito tweet to defend chanyeol -Responses>> People went: oh he's just defending himself, he's being selfish once again, he doesnt care about chanyeol 2. Baekhyun answering fans question about chanyeol's condition -Responses>> No one translated this after few days OP has translated Original post Jan 29: https://twitter.com/tomo_exo/status/1355177834185064451?s=20 First ever translation on FEB 13 (AND FROM A CBKIST): https://twitter.com/NTH_2705/status/1360626904756228096?s=20 Also this cbkist isnt always active translating, I know her, she's not on Twitter as much as other trans account and she doesnt understand japanese, so she actually found the post on weibo and translated it from chinese thats why it was translated 2 weeks after, but before her? does ANY account translate this? well no. 3. Baekhyun and Chanyeol doing choreo in DFTF tgt -No BTS, no anything from SM, people who hate seeing them tgt can ignore easily, chanbaek stans can only watch the part over and over 4. Baekhyun and Chanyeol practicing their hitting the woah part in just usual mv -Again no one commented about this, except chanbaek stans bcs this is easily ignored 5. Lesson With Baekhyun -Responses>> yeolmaes went "chanyeol don't do this, chanyeol im not watching this, chanyeol what are you doing, i want chanyeol only, oh god why is chanyeol with him again, chanyeol is feeding chanbaekist, his fans (bbhls) gonna come at us again, fuck this im not watching" and bbhls went "the translation is wrong look theyre trying to sabotage bbh" and yeolmaes replied with "good for him haha, ya serves him right for being selfish" and also "why is it always chanyeol who does this kind of thing and never baekhyun? oh right because hes selfish hes sm golden boy he never gonna do this bcs his channel is own by SM" "look he promoted kyoongtube even in the nng" "look SM posted kyoongtube but not NNG u can see whos the mistreated one him"
All of those 5 things I mentioned, even tho some are small things....they got mostly negative responses from yeolmaes and bbhls who are not cbkist dont they? The things that prove chanyeol and baekhyun are always there for each other and they are bandmates, true friends, nothing change between them And yet, what did bbhls and yeolmaes do? Throw negative shits and comments to those things, esp Lesson With Baekhyun, and until now still hate Baekhyun... when Lesson With Baekhyun, is a vlog recorded by Chanyeol alone, he taped his phone in the car, he added Candy MV BTS with Baekhyun calling him "chanyeol ah" and baekhyun smiling while holding the food, a vlog where he praised baekhyun's vocals, prepared playlist for him, sing tomorrow together with him, laughing during their vocal lesson, and just...doing things tgt
And yet people still call it a fanservice? feeding chanbaekist? baekhyun is still selfish? when chanyeol worked hard preparing that vlog, providing it for us, baekhyun and chanyeol practicing their part tgt for DFTF, baekhyun tweeting the mosquito tweet
When Chanyeol and Baekhyun have done so many things together, after the fake rumor, after the box premiere, proving they are still good friends... so do you even take chanyeol's feelings into consideration? oh wait not just feelings, his efforts, his time, him uploading to NNG about him hanging out with Baekhyun, have you ever take that to consideration? or just ignore all those facts because "whatever i still hate baekhyun" 
So two options: 1. Hating and keep hating and telling others selfish because yall hate the fact that baekhyun never do this and that, that yall wanted him to do, but actually we don't know the reason why, we just don't know anything at all, accept assumptions that "baekhyun validated fans feeling" and thats according to you, your mind, your perspective, oh wait... it's all about you? 2. Know and accept and support and love, chanyeol and baekhyun's friendship, because thats what we know, thats what themselves say to us, thats what themselves been doing, accepting the fact that "chanyeol and baekhyun are good friends" and know we are not in the position to turn the friendship into bad relationship bcs what? bcs it comes from chanyeol and baekhyun themselves, not yeolmaes, not bbhls, not even exols, and so be a fan that know chanyeol and baekhyun have good relationship, keep reporting bbhls who said bad things about cy and vice versa, bcs what? we never want chanyeol to see that after lesson with baekhyun, apparently his "fans" still think baekhyun, his best friend and bandmate, is still a selfish person who doesnt care about chanyeol, so chanyeol is happy that we know and appreciate his relationship with baekhyun, with exo members because we care about chanyeol's feelings, because we trust his actions, his words, and we love everything he does, and also we love everyone around chanyeol that he loves
So choose... and last thing, are social media and on cam interactions, are enough to "measure" a group of people's relationships, so if your best friend never post any picture of you on their instagram and never tell stories about you to other people who well, actually are also strangers, living thousand miles away from you and your best friend, then it's okay for those strangers to say that your best friend hates you? avoiding to be affiliated with you? a selfish person? Have people ever think that it's tiring that just because you're a celebrity, you have to show everything, including minds, feelings, emotions, actions, personal reasons, to your fans? For them to be validated? And for them to turn into facts? Well, at least for me, the things I don't know then I don't know, I don't have the right to judge, and the things I know, especially positive things, that came from my own idols, that's what I'm holding on, that's what I support. *extra note: exo members always call us as EXO-Ls, not bbhls, not yeolmaes, not anyone, but EXO-Ls, so when they say they love us, "loved ones" are those who say themselves are EXO-Ls, who loves EXO as 9 members, because that's the fact
Have a good day anon, stay safe and healthy, God bless you, spread love and not hate
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mgkconfessions · 3 years
Fan pages needs to stop posting those pics as couple goals and omg look they are so cute and only posting the pics from the side or the back. Colson straight up looks miserable, there is literally no denying that, I love him but he looks horrible. People are saying that’s what we are jelouse of?? I mean if he looked like that from far away image how bad he looked from up close. Someone said what if he’s looking miserable on purpose? Then that would make absolute no sense. Articles saying they want to blend families and are they the happiest people ever, public pda, constant date pap walks, then even marriage talk and then the only time they do a family pap walk Colson looks absolutely miserable. And notice Megan made a big deal on the kelly clarkson show about wanting to go back to the universal and how good of a mom she is and then boom that weekend she does a pap walk with her kids and Colson at universal? It’s not a coincidence. Every little thing in this relationship is so staged it can’t even go to the next level the right way. For example the article about Colson wanting to marry Megan as soon as possible, what if Colson and Megan never actually had that talk and their teams just said that to get attention and now it adds unnecessary pressure especially on Colson about marriage, Colson being the happiest he has ever been when in fact he has said several times he isint happy at all and now it’s unnecessary pressure to act like the happy couple for everyone like this whole thing neither of them could actually move to the next stage in the relationship bc the only next stage now is actual marriage and their teams made sure that was the only move they could do. I mean several articles saying how good Colson is with Megan’s kids but we are just now starting to see him around her kids and notice casie is never with them? Casie has been papped with her dad several times just out getting food so why hasint she been papped out getting food with Colson and Megan at least doesint even have to be with her kids just with Megan too? The only time we see her with Megan is when several people are with them and they arint ever interacting
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When Megan announced on the Kelly Clarkson show how she couldn’t wait to go to Universal studios with her kids (to present herself as a caring mum) and followed that up by actually going there with them and Kells a couple of days later, I already took it as a pre-planned afternoon for publicity. But I wasn’t expecting her to seriously also hire a paparazzi to really make sure that the public knew where she was and with who lmao! But thanks for the confirmation that this was just another publicity day! This isn’t convincing anyone of being a caring and loving mum tho, because if she had cared about her children and put their well being and privacy first, above her ego and need for attention, she wouldn’t have invited a paparazzi to their family day and made her kids go through that experience in the first place. Although she has already done that multiple times in the past when she ran some errands with them and therefore they might already be used to it, it doesn’t make it any less wrong. Her priority and main focus wasn’t on spending a nice afternoon with her kids and Kells, it was on proving to the public what an amazing blended family they are and how she’s definitely involved as a mum despite people saying something differently. It was literally a business day for her in the name of damage control. At least the kids looked like they had fun tho and since they’re still little I doubt they understand what’s going on and what mommy is using them for. Maybe if she hadn’t talked about it on the Kelly Clarkson show it would have been less obvious, but now she only exposed her own intentions even more. She definitely isn’t winning any plus points by acting like that and how stupid of her to previously complain about Brian using the kids and their photos to appear like a dotting dad, to only do the exact same thing by hiring a paparazzi to a “private” family day with her kids and allowing the tabloids to release pictures of them to appear like a dotting mum so she can get her headline. She isn’t an ounce better than Brian. I guess desperate times call for desperate actions! Megan probably thought that this was the best way to prove people wrong and show them how amazing they all get along, but all she did was prove them what a clout chaser she is and how even Kells seems to be done with playing happy patchwork family with her. He looked so pissed in some pictures and annoyed, I fully believe that he didn’t want to be there at all. He looked like someone gave him a job, he showed up, followed the stage directions (holding kids hands, holding Megan’s hand, let yourself be photographed) to sell the public the narrative that Megan wanted, but that was all that he was willing to do. He literally looked like he couldn’t believe that he had to do this again with Megan and that she again called the paparazzi and he as her official boyfriend had to play happy family again with her. He would never be mean to her kids or ignore them, but he still seemed mentally and emotional checked out that day and like he couldn’t have cared less about trying to appear involved and interested in any of it (see even picture below). He looks more tired and drained than ever and I can’t imagine that with every staged paparazzi moment Megan organizes he isn’t losing a bit of respecting for her too. While Megan seems to love all of this and she’s only starting, Kells seems like he’s ready to end it all, because he can’t do it anymore. I’m telling you this relationship is dead and over and the only reason why they’re still “together” is because of publicity that both of them can use and because they’re dragging out the inevitable break up that is coming. I haven’t posted about it yet, but some of you might have seen that psychic tarot reading from antphrodite about them and he’s one of the few who I actually consider to be pretty accurate and in his reading he said that Megan is acting like she doesn’t want to settle down like Kells, who still wants to have his fun, although that isn’t true and she does want to settle down. Now look at the pictures from
yesterday and doesn’t that give you the same impression? Megan trying hard to turn Kells into a stepdad of three and almost forcing that family thing on him (like all the sources talking about how Kells couldn’t wait to marry her and for Megan to have his babies every single month which I still believe came from Megan’s team to push that narrative to the public and ease Kells into the idea of proposing to her) while Kells looks like reality hit him now and he absolutely isn’t ready to becoming one big family with Megan and her three little children and the more this is pushed onto him, the more he just wants to get away from it. He did look horrible and miserable and almost every comment under the DailyMail article had the same thought that he’s only interested in fucking dating Megan, but he isn’t ready to sign up for her children and that family life too. Speaking of DailyMail, did anyone else notice that although this was clearly Megan’s publicity move for damage control, the headline focused for once on Kells and mentioned him first and made it seem like he was the main person when usually it’s always Megan who is mentioned first? :D I take that as a failed attempt to make it less obvious that this was Megan’s publicity plan by taking away the attention from her being the driving force behind this. Like the first anon above wrote everything they do is so pre-planned, staged and orchestrated, their relationship looks more like a business following a check list with things couples do than a real relationship that focuses on real experiences and emotions. For the anon who is confused, yes even PR couples would include children, get married and introduce the rest of the family. I know it’s mind blowing because of how fake it is but that’s also why Hollywood is super fake and there aren’t a lot of real and authentic people anymore. I’m going back and forth between fully PR and real, but immediately used and sold for publicity and exposure to benefit their careers a week before the BV music video came out and that was like a month or two after they had met each other, so not a lot of time to build anything real between them without the aspect of publicity, especially since during half of that time Sommer was still in the picture. So almost since the very beginning their whole relationship was sold out and they orchestrated the shit out of them. All their love declarations, their lovey-dovey behaviour, what they do, how they present themselves, what they’re involved in, all that stuff was always done with the main intention to sell the public a fantasy love story that they would get invested in with agents, management and pr teams behind them and their relationship enabling and planing with them together. I don’t believe that everything only comes from their teams and is forced onto them, they surely also make their own decisions when they want to use their relationship for promotion and publicity, but like the anon above said when others or yourself immediately force happiness and a big love story on you although you haven’t even reached that stage in your life or relationship yet (that includes Megan calling him her twin flame right from the start too and Kells emotions being forced to reach that level of intensity then as well instead of allowing them to grow there), then it only adds pressure to make up for what doesn’t exist and suddenly you’re faking your own relationship although you actually are in a relationship and everything you do becomes more about how that appears in the public and what they think about you as a couple. You will be more busy with pretending to be an amazing couple than spending time on being one. I hope you understand what I mean, because that’s how I see them. But in reality their relationship seems to be shattered, lots of insecurities, jealousy, arguments and simply over although they’re still together and put on an act with their on stage kisses, matching nails and Megan following him everywhere he goes. In the context of it all, it doesn’t have a lot of meaning anymore.
P.S.: their trip was on Saturday, Mother’s Day was on Sunday for anyone who is still confused about that.
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demivampirew · 4 years
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(photos taken from Pinterest. Credits to the owners//collage made by me)
Henry x 1st person reader one shot.
A/N: First of all, I want to thank the people who showed me a lot of love in the post that I explained who I felt these last few days about writing (and in general). I decided to push through the negative thoughts and write. I used the mood I was in to write this one shot. Even thought this character is fictional, there are plenty of things for my personal experience I used for her background. I tried to make it a feel good story, but the issues reader thinks about are pretty real.
Triggers: depression; family drama;  stress (college, job, family)
You can find more of my writings in the Masterlist
Tag list: @lunedelorient @henrythickcavill @wolvesandhoundshowltogether @mary-ann84 @desperate-and-broken @peakygroupie @summersong69 @ivvitm1109 @madbaddic7ed @iloveyouyen @the-soot-sprite @hell1129-blog @whyyoudothistomecavill @thetaoofzoe​ @thereisa8ella​  @darkbooksarwin
The sound of the dry-leaves crunching as I step over them made me tingle and relax. I've been so stressed lately that I often forget to appreciate the beauty of the simple things like this.
If I have to be honest, I never truly value the little pleasures nature gift us: the Orage-ish leaves falling from the trees covering the floor and grass on Autumn; the cosiness of watching a movie while covering yourself with a blanket in the cold winter. The display of beautiful and vibrant colours of the blooming flowers in the spring, which release an often delicious and refreshing scent and,  the longer days in the summer filled with sunshine.
When I was younger, my parents set this expectation that the only way to succeed in life was to get a degree in college and find a well-paid job; so, as I grew up I became more and more obsessed with the idea of achieving this goal, that I completely ignored important things in life: my happiness being the main one. Unconsciously, I convinced myself that all I wanted in life was to get a degree, I thought that was my ultimate destiny. It was only the moment when I felt as if I was drowning when I realized that the only reason I was working hard on graduating from college was to make my parents happy, or to be more specific, not to disappoint them.
In life, there always that point when you're doing something you don't want to do, even if you pressured yourself to believe that it is, and you finally realized that that's not for you. My moment came last year when I was in a job that made me extremely unhappy and to top that, I was -for the third time in my life- in college trying hard to keep up with it and don't give up like the times before. I worked almost every day and with all I had to study for classes, I didn't have the time to do the simple things in life that I adore: watching my favourite shows and movies, listen to music I like, read books or see my friends. I achieve a level of unhappiness, that I would go to sleep every night wishing never to wake up again. I was done with my job, college and life.
Thankfully, there was a part of me that still believed in the possibility of a happy future and that's what gave me the energy to rescue myself from that dark hole. I started therapy, sought for a new job and decided to quit college - at least for now, maybe someday, when things are different and I have more time or maybe when I'm older I'll give it another try if I want to. But, the most important thing is that for the first time I would do what I wish; I'll work hard on building the life I want for me and not what others, my parents, for example, want for me. I might not be in my early twenties anymore, I might be at the age in which society expects you to have your life figured out and just starting to work on the future I want, but it's ok. It's ok just to walk through the park, enjoying watching the wind carry the falling tree-leaves and the little bear play with them, rolling over them and barking at the kids playing as if he was asking permission to join them.
"Here's your hot chocolate, babe," Henry said, handing me a Starbucks coffee cup full of a steamy milky infusion. He chuckled as he saw Kal play with two boys and a girl -the boys around ten and the girl must have been around five or six years old.
I met him a year ago at this same park. He saw me sitting on a bench, crying while I looked at my phone. The reason behind my tears was that I received a message from my mum telling me how disappointed she was for my decision of quitting college - it wasn't like me that was not the exact answer I expected from her, but still hurt to see her words. Henry asked me what was wrong and then sat next to me and had a long chat about life and how he dealt with the negative opinions others had of him. That day I thanked him and walked away, thinking that I'll never see him again. As it turns out, he walked his furry best mate in that park every single chance he got. Me on the other hand, I would go every now and then to that place because I found it hauntingly beautiful and peaceful. It's in a fancy neighbourhood and a bit far for the place I live, but it filled me with good energy so I didn't mind having to travel for an hour or so to get there to be able to enjoy its beauty.
The second time we saw each other was almost a month after that afternoon. I immediately recognized that unique creature that was the Akita and sought for his human with my eyes. And there he was, sitting alone on the same bench we met, watching his dog with an enormous smile on his face. I went into the Starbucks nearby and bought a coffee for him and a latte for me. Thankfully he was still there went I came back from the coffee-shop. Giving the fact that we spent an entire afternoon talking, I was sure he would remember me, but I was pleasantly surprised to find out that he remembered my name as well. We chat for hours again, only this time the topics were more cheerful. That time he was the one who left first, but not without asking for my number first. For the following weeks, there wasn't a day we would not text each other, talking about absolutely everything: from games, books and movies, to family, friends, and ambitions in life. After a few weeks, he finally asked me out - I was dying for him to do that, but I wasn't exactly expecting him to do so, after all, he was a breath-taking gorgeous and very famous man and me, just a simple girl in her late twenties trying to figure out what I wanted to do with life and "breath-taking" isn't exactly an adjective that could be used to describe myself, simple and pretty enough could be more accurate - I might not be ugly, but for sure I'm not a femme fatale.
Living with my parents as I got closer to be thirty wasn't exactly an issue for my age, but rather because I decided to quit college. If I ever wanted to get better, I needed to live in another place, which is extremely difficult when you don't have a big salary. I earned enough money for expenses and other things but I could not afford to rent a flat. Henry offered to help me but I refused at first, until I couldn't stand to be in the house I lived anymore. It was then when I decided to accept his alternative proposal: to move in with him. This option was better than the other 1) because it wouldn't cost him any extra money and 2) we would be able to spend more time together.
"Thanks, baby, " I replied after grabbing the hot chocolate and took a couple of sips. My right arm grabbed his left one and we walked around the park, always keeping an eye on Kal as the bear played with those kids.
I'm happy to know that it's ok to not have things figured out. It's ok to take your time to enjoy the simple things in life. And when someone gives you a hand and tries to help you when you need it the most, you're not less independent, weak for accepting it.
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carlyraejcpsen · 4 years
i’ve been debating a lot in the past few weeks about whether to post something about this, but seeing as there are a lot of people talking about @londonhq​ at the moment, i wanted to share my experience with them.
NOTE: i have posted screenshots of the conversation in a private post HERE. i will be pasting them in as text in this post instead of as photos because that is more accessible, but you can also view the screenshots so you can see i have not edited the text in any way.
i reached out to the main about three weeks ago because i was concerned about the lack of diversity in their roleplay. i was also concerned that they were repeatedly posting in the tags about how they were looking for more diverse characters and were inclusive of all muses, while doing nothing to actually promote diversity amongst their existing players. at the time, they had 4 poc characters out of a total of 36. three of these characters were white-passing. this, of course, does not erase their identities as people of colour, but it is quite worrying when it is your only form of representation.
as i’m sure many of you who regularly play muses of colour can attest to, it is incredibly intimidating to join a predominantly white group, as far too often characters who are not white can be ignored by other players. therefore, no matter how much the admins say how inclusive and welcoming the group is, you are immediately wary of joining. to that effect, i reached out to the main with the following message, suggesting that they put a rule in place that encourages existing members to use faceclaims of colour if they wish to play multiple characters. again, i have copied this as text to make it more accessible, you can find the screenshots HERE.
waitresslondon: hi, i saw your rp in the tags and i just wanted to shoot you a message because i am really concerned about the lack of diversity. i can see that you have repeatedly posted in the tags stating that you are accepting of all muses and looking for more diversity, but it doesn't appear that you have put any rules in place to actually fix this issue? i.e. people who play multiple characters must make sure that a certain number of them are poc. diversity in an rp starts with the admins: if you don't put something in place, you can't expect people to come to you with their muses of colour, because we can't believe they will be accepted in such a white-dominated rp. especially when the last time someone asked you about diversity, the admin who responded literally listed the poc muses like they were tokens (especially because you could count them on one hand!). i hope this doesn't come off as an attack, i really hope you take what i have said into consideration and put measures in place going forward. i am happy to help you as much as i can if you would like any advice etc. especially because i live in london!
here is the previous ask i referenced in my message, which they had answered a few weeks before i reached out:
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[ IMAGE ID: A screenshot taken from londonhq of an anonymous message reading: “How diverse is your roleplay? On average if you do not have an exact number.” The response from londonhq reads: “Are you able to define the word ‘diverse’ and in what context?” ]
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[ IMAGE ID: A screenshot taken from londonhq of an anonymous message reading: “Most definitely. What I meant was your number of poc within the rp.” The response from londonhq reads: “I feel pretty confident that we are quite diverse with our face claim especially since we have the following POC’s in the roleplay; Amandla Stenberg, Ana De Armas, Jordan Fisher, Zayn Malik, Zendaya and we are always encouraging and wanting more, a lot if not all of our Most Wanted are actually POC because I would personally would love to see more colour on our dash. I will say that I think we could be MORE diverse but also that we are doing what we can by promoting for more POC faces in order to attract those kinds of players and muses. I hope this answers your question” ]
I personally believe that my concerns were valid and that my message was incredibly reasonably. I purposefully reached out to them in private as I don’t believe in public callout posts without giving someone a chance to rectify their behaviour. The roleplay then got back to me with the following response (again, the original screenshots are here):
londonhq: Hi there. While I appreciate your message and I don’t take it as an attack we here at Londonhq do all that we can to try and get diversity into our group. I myself play an Ana de Armas who is considered POC. Everyone can play who they want because it’s a roleplay and I strongly encourage people to play who they feel comfortable with. In saying that we do have some POC in the group like Emeraude Toubias ( Mexican and Lebanese ), Ana de Armas ( Cuban and Spanish ) as I mentioned, Odette Anabelle ( Cuban, Spanish, French, Italian ) which this is just the start I can ensure you that London is doing the best we can to be a safe place for POC. While I can agree rules can reinforce this I would like londonhq to be a place where people can play who they feel comfortable with and I personally don’t see the harm in this as muse is something that comes naturally to people and you can’t force people to play muses they don’t want to play. If people don’t want to bring POC here that’s completely fine I can’t change their attitude on things, that’s a decision they have made but there are people here planning on bringing in POC and the more that they do hopefully the more they will feel comfortable to do so.
I was so saddened to receive this message and responded as such, because I simply cannot believe that they don’t see the harm in a group of players who are supposedly only comfortable playing white characters? Especially when they are promoting it as somewhere welcoming and inclusive. Sorry this one’s a long one!
waitresslondon: i won’t lie, i was incredibly disappointed to read your response. especially because I specifically mentioned the last response listing poc characters like tokens, which is the exact same thing you did in your reply just now. i reached out to you in the hopes that you were willing to listen and take an active part in making the rpc and your rp specifically more diverse and accepting. from your reply i can clearly see that that is not the case.
quite frankly, 4 out of 36 characters being portrayed by faceclaims of colour is not enough. it is nowhere near enough. especially when three of them are white passing. of course that does not erase their identity as a poc, but when it is you only form of representation it is not even close to being acceptable. like i said, just saying that you would like more poc muses isn’t “doing everything you can.” when i look at your masterlist, it immediately makes me think that my muses of colour will not be accepted in your rp. characters of colour are so often ignored and passed over for plots, which makes people incredibly wary about joining rps with their diverse muses, so please do consider that seeing a masterlist as overwhelmingly white as yours is an instant red flag.
change starts with YOU, the admins. if you want a diverse rp, you need to play diverse characters. you need to encourage your members to do the same, specifically like i mentioned with rules about multiple characters. if they are not comfortable playing poc muses, then they do not have to play multiples, but honestly i really can’t believe that you don’t see the issue with a group of writers who are only comfortable playing white characters. you’re telling me that people can happily take 4 or 5 characters and make them all differentiable from each other, but cannot bring themselves to write even one of them as a person of colour. there’s no excuse for it in this day and age honestly, there are countless guides about playing characters of all different backgrounds which are easy to find with very little effort. i’ve also been in and have adminned multiple rps where we have brought in this kind of rule and it absolutely did not stop people from applying for multiple characters. it only served to improve the diversity of faceclaims in the rp and encourage more people to join with their muses of colour.
you said “If people don’t want to bring POC here that’s completely fine I can’t change their attitude on things,” but as an admin you CAN. there are so many people in the rpc who play diverse muses, but without rules in place to make them welcome and wanted, you push them away. so i really must please implore you to look at your rp and the rules and make a positive change. i also can’t help but take it just a little bit personally: london is one of the most diverse cities in the world with over 40% of the population belonging to an ethnic minority, so it really does hurt to see it represented so poorly. again, i reached out to help and that offer still stands, if you are willing.
That was the end of the conversation, as they never responded to that message. This was about three weeks ago now, as I decided to give them time to see if they would adjust their behaviour and make any changes that would make it clear they had taken my criticism on board. Clearly this has not been the case. Below is the only post they have made about the matter:
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[ IMAGE ID: A screenshot taken from londonhq of an admin note reading: “Hey everyone, Admin Armi here. I know there’s been some heavy concerns regarding the lack of diversity in this group and we feel we must address this once and for all. We admins here at LondonHQ have expressed since the opening day that we are a friendly, welcoming, inclusive group. We’d never turn away or even discourage any muse that is a POC or nonbinary, in fact, we highly encourage them! Diversity is greatly welcomed and desired. We’ve done all that we could to express how much we desire more diversity in this group as we’d love to hold true to how diverse London truly is. Now that being said, we cannot and will not force any of our players or applicants to pick up a FC regardless of their ethnicity or gender. As a WOC myself, I would personally find it incredibly offensive to implement such a rule solely based on one’s skin color. We’ve always encouraged our players to pick up the faces they are comfortable with, thus never banning a gender for the sake of the gender ratio. Our players’ comfort, happiness and creativity is our top priority. We welcome all variety of muses here at London. If you strongly feel we need to have more diversity in this group then please send in that app! We’d love to have you! Be the change you want to see. That’s all we have to say regarding this topic. Any further anonymous messages on this matter will be disregarded.” ]
I will let you draw your own conclusions from this post, but to me, it is clear that the lack of diversity in this group is not something they see a problem with nor truly wish to change. I was quite frankly shocked too to read them saying “Be the change you want to see.” As the admins, you need to be that change if you actually want to see it! It is not on your players to make your roleplay more diverse, it is on you.
As just one further point, they also continue to use a PSD that whitewashes the few faceclaims of colour that they have, which is just...yeah, you know, you get it.
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snifflyjoonie · 4 years
I Think You’re My Soulmate Pt. 2
a/n: Hi guys!! So I know I said I’d be posted parts of this in-between fics, but the Jimin fic is taking me longer than I thought (is anyone surprised at this point lol) so I thought I’d drop part two of this in the meantime. 
I’m so excited you guys liked the intro to this!! Your comments were all so sweet and made me smile. I hope you all enjoy this next part as well! Who do you think our protagonist runs into first? lol
Namjoon arrived at his new University the next morning feeling extremely worse for wear. His cold had come on fast, leaving him in a bit of a daze and sporting a runny nose. He wanted nothing more than to still be asleep in bed, but with today being his first day back, he knew that wasn’t an option. He had rolled out of bed with a groaning protest, showered, and searched his closet for something warm and comfortable; ultimately deciding on an oversized black sweatshirt, a black face mask in an attempt to keep his cold to himself, and a black beanie. Not his usual choice for a back to school outfit, but since he didn’t really have anyone to impress and because he felt so ill, he didn’t really care. 
  The man hovered outside of his new school in the crisp winter air, a to-go coffee gripped tightly in one hand. He took a moment to stare up at the large building with slight uncertainty. It was still fairly early, 8am — He wouldn’t have his first class until 9am — but being a new student, and one who had missed the first semester, he had plenty of paperwork to fill out. He blew out a breath, feeling his face mask warm with the exhale before heading to the doors. It was now or never.
The first steps into the main entrance hall made his stomach flip. There were a lot more people present than he had anticipated. For a brief second it reminded him of his first day at school overseas. The same bubbling uncertainty filled his gut and he felt his palms go sweaty. At least this time he’d be able to communicate in his native language. This thought alone helped calm his nerves as he leaned against a nearby wall to finish his coffee.
Namjoon scanned the area as he pulled his mask to his chin, watching students walk by. He caught eyes briefly with a brown-haired young man, probably no older than 20, as he hugged his parents goodbye. Namjoon felt himself smile a little, the fact that the boy’s parents were dropping him off was sweet, and it probably meant it was this boy’s first day, too. He silently hoped the mystery young man would have an easy first day.
Namjoon took the last sip of his coffee before tossing the paper cup into a nearby trash can. The warm drink had done wonders to vanquish the chill he’d caught from outside but the steam had also started to make his nose run. He sniffed hard and scrubbed at his nose for a moment before clicking on his phone to check the time, seeing 8:26am flash back at him. With a sigh, he peeled himself off of the wall he had been slouched against and began to drag himself to student services across the hall. 
A small line had started to form behind the help desk and Namjoon filed in obediently. The first thing he needed would be his student ID and a map of the University. He had a vague idea of where his first class was located, he had come to orientation a week prior, but a little confirmation never hurt anyone. The line moved rather quickly and before long Namjoon reached the front. He answered the necessary questions politely and signed where they requested before he was swiftly moved to the photo area. He sat in front of the photographer and gave a tight lipped smile before again being hurried along to card pick-up. The whole process surprisingly took all of ten minutes.
With his newly owned student ID card in hand Namjoon made his way out of the entrance hall, pausing only a moment as he felt his breath begin to hitch before the feeling quickly faded. He shook his head in annoyance and sniffed before heading in the direction of his first class, unaware that the young man from earlier had been hitching along with him in perfect harmony.
Finding his physics lecture hall had been easy, thanks to orientation and his new map. He arrived a bit early, expecting to find the hall empty. Instead however when he pushed open the heavy wooden doors he was slightly shocked to find the classroom half-full. The hall itself was bigger than he anticipated; the seats went at least eight rows back on an upward slope and curved in a semi-circle around the front. He hesitated for just a moment before deciding on a spot at the very back of the classroom towards the left-hand side, closest to the door. The closer to the door he stayed the better chance he had of avoiding the after-class traffic. He had picked up on this quickly from his three years in school abroad.
He made his way up to the desk slowly, the muddy snow that still clung beneath his shoes sloshed along as he stepped. The class began to fill up quickly as he got himself situated and before long there wasn’t a single free seat available, much to Namjoon’s surprise. He didn’t expect to see this many students signed up for physics. He allowed himself a moment to look around and take in the crowd before the professor strolled in.
The man looked on the younger side, probably mid thirties, and wore a well tailored tweed suit. He took a brief moment to introduce himself and the class before jumping immediately into the lesson plan. A few students quietly stood up and made their way to the door, clearly having mistaken this class for another, but other than those few students the class remained full. 
The professor had a very confident demeanor, easily commanding the attention of the whole room. Not a single soul seemed to be whispering, and Namjoon assumed they would’ve been able to hear a pin drop amongst the sounds of scribbling pencils and the clacking of keyboards.
He sat quietly taking notes, doing his best to stay awake and pay attention, his eyelids getting heavier with each blink. His coffee from earlier, albeit good, wasn’t doing the best job of waking him up like he had hoped. He was typically a very attentive student, but with the lack of sleep he’d gotten the night prior and the new pounding headache starting to form behind his eyes, focusing just didn’t seem possible.
Namjoon blew out a breath in frustration and sniffled slightly, his nose wrinkling up under his face mask as he felt it began to itch. When he was younger, an itchy nose would always make his stomach flip. The anticipation was almost overwhelming. He used to scan the room for girls he hoped would join along with him, and he’d do almost anything he could to turn an itchy nose into a full blown sneezing fit. He remembered crossing his fingers and toes for good luck, even going as far as trying to keep his eyes open so he could see his soulmate right when it happened. But now that he was older sneezing didn’t phase him, and without thinking twice, he pitched forward in his seat with a small squeak of a sneeze he tried to pinch off as to not interrupt the professor.
Right at the same moment, a booming sneeze echoed through the lecture hall from across the room. Namjoon immediately felt all colour leave his face. He snapped his head up, now fully awake, and followed the gaze of the other students who were equally as surprised as he was, but not for the same reason. It seemed no one else had noticed that Namjoon had sneezed himself simply due to the sheer volume of the other’s. 
Typically when others noticed two people sneezing at the same time, the room would fall silent and the quiet, excited murmurs would begin. Namjoon used to wish for that moment; a moment where every one of his peers could see him and his soulmate lock eyes with each other for the first time. But now, it was the exact opposite of what he wanted as his horrified gaze fell upon the culprit: a tan-skinned, black-haired young man.
The young man chuckled sheepishly and bowed his head as the professor jokingly thanked him for waking up any students that may have dozed off. There was a short moment of shared laughter amongst the students as Namjoon felt his cheeks flush red. He had just sneezed in perfect harmony with someone for the first time in his life, and it had been a man. Surely this must have just been a coincidence — Some kind of mistake. He shook his head slightly and squinted hard, trying to see if the boy was maybe someone he knew. An old friend from grade school? A café worker he’d crossed paths with? But alas, nothing. Namjoon had never seen him before in his life.
Clearly this was a mistake, he thought. It had to be. He felt his heart skip a beat but quickly tried to shake the feeling. He’d been dreaming of this moment for years, but this was all wrong. There was absolutely no way.
“When the universe gives you a sign, you listen.”
His father’s words echoed in his brain. 
Suddenly, Namjoon felt as if he might throw up. He wanted to be as far away from this man as possible, a deep resentment-like feeling starting to form inside of him. Who was this man, anyway? Why would he take this moment, a moment he had yearned for since he was small, and mock him with it? This was all just a sick joke. 
Namjoon hastily began to pack his things, shoving them as fast as he could into his bookbag. He just needed to get out of there. He stood up fast and began to make his way down the row of desks. He could feel the eyes of his peers follow him down the steps, but he didn’t care. The professor’s voice faltered slightly as Namjoon approached the front of the room, but he just muttered something about being in the wrong class and swiftly turned towards the door. He paused in the doorway for only a moment as a sneeze snuck up on him before he quickly exited, trying with all his might to ignore the thunderous sneeze that echoed behind him as the heavy doors swung closed. 
“It’s just the way it works, my son.”
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onisiondrama · 4 years
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Onision: IRL EP: 2 - Onision’s Response videos summary Part 4 (Final part for his Reacts channel responses to episode 2.)
These videos are all over the place with everyone referring to Kai with different names and using different pronouns. I'm just going to refer to him by his current name and pronouns.
In the video summaries, I’m going to refer to James as “Onision” during documentary clips and “James” during his responses. Hopefully that makes things easier to read.
"Onision Documentary Dead Names and Misgenders Trans Man Repeatedly" (7 of 8)
Clip from the documentary plays. BigMoneyOnision says Onision is the most reviled person on the internet and someone needs to hold him accountable. James insults BMO’s appearance and says, "what the hell is this creature?" BMO says he's been following Onision for over a decade. James calls him a loser. They play a clip of Jaclyn Glenn saying Onision calls himself honest as a shield so he can be a dick. James plays a clip of Jaclyn saying she wishes him the best that he has a beautiful family. James says she doesn't sound like a very consistent person. He says one day she hates him, the next she doesn't, and now she is hating him again.
That clip of Jaclyn came from her response to his 2018 public apology to her. Hmm.. first he hates her, then he likes her, now he hates her. Seems inconsistent. 🤔🙄
Steven says Onision's relationship to Kai was his longest and most complicated relationship. James says he doesn't know what he's talking about. He says they're still married to this day. He points out they deadnamed Kai and says Kai hates everyone involved with this documentary. Steven continues to talk about Kai, but every time he misgenders Kai, James pauses it to point it out and tells them to stop misgendering transgender people. Steven says Kai would constantly reply to Onision's twitter. 
In the beginning of the second episode, the documentary has this text:
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I don't buy it. Everyone who misgendered and deadnamed Kai during the storytelling parts continued to misgender Kai throughout the rest of the documentary. It's a mess and people call Kai by three different names throughout the whole show. I think the people who made the documentary were too lazy to tell the interviewees to either consistently misgender / deadname during the appropriate times for story telling / timeline purposes or to get everyone to call Kai by his current name and correctly gender him. Everyone who was interviewed seem to be on a completely different page when it comes to talking about Kai.
Steven says by December 2012, Onision and Kai are married and Kai's parents don't understand why a man nearly 10 years older married Kai within months of meeting. James says that's a lie and he's on good terms with his in-laws. He says they all flew across the country to be at "my” wedding. He calls Steven a dumb-ass. James shows a photo from his wedding and points out Kai's father, mother, step-dad, and sister. He says Steven recklessly said they don't support their unity, yet here they are supporting their unity. He says, "you guys are an embarrassment to journalism."
So James' #1 evidence that Kai's family is on good terms with him is the fact that they showed up to their child's wedding 8 years ago? James is conveniently leaving out the multiple videos he's made about how Kai's father tried to break them up while they were dating due to their age gap (17 and 26) and the grudge he’s held against his father for years. James even banned him from their home a few years ago.
"Onision Documentary Slander, Complete Embarrassment to Journalism, Discovery +" (8 of 8)
Doc plays. Clip of Repzion saying he didn't write the letter. They show a clip of Onision saying Repzion is the reason people are afraid to post videos online, because of psycho, creepy stalkers like him. James shows the email from Repzion apologizing to him back in 2017. He says Repzion is admitting to sending his in-laws an email and apologizing for it. He says his in-laws are no-doubt disgusted by him.
I just want to point out, the clip of Repzion was from when James was accusing him of sending his in-laws a physical letter in the mail. Repzion admitted to sending them a Facebook message and denied sending the letter. DSSCTM admitted to sending the letter.
James shows this on screen:
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Edwin says Onision was pressuring Kai to date a girl. James says Edwin is being transphobic by misgendering Kai. Steven says we don't understand what was going on behind the scenes, but whoever Kai was is gone. James says they don't understand what went on behind the scenes, yet they make a whole documentary about it. He says himself and Kai don't talk to the doc because they are idiots that self-admittedly talk about things they don't understand.
Shiloh says she watched Onision break Kai like he broke her. James says he never called the cops on Billie or Sarah, yet he called them multiple times on Shiloh because she's a "psycho bitch." He says everyone else he dated were all way better than her. He shows thumbnails of videos he uploaded with Shiloh to his main channel and he says you don't see someone being broken. He says in the "My Girlfriend Is Beautiful" video, you see her have a mental breakdown and him being supportive. He says she thinks she can just eliminate his entire video library that proves their final videos were all positive and she fabricated the entire abuse concept. He says she got caught cheating and getting pregnant with another man's baby and she didn't like getting caught so she fabricated the abuse story. He references his page about Shiloh and goes over points he's already made in previous videos. He says she's proven a pathological evil liar.
Doc plays a clip of James and Kai with Kai looking uncomfortable. James jokingly says, "add that to the abuse reel." Edwin says he believes James is molding Kai. James says Edwin has no excuse for misgendering because they just announced Kai identifies as a guy. He says Edwin continues to misgender Kai because he's a piece of shit.
Shiloh says she no longer believes that Kai is a victim, she thinks Kai is a predator. James says it's a waste of time to speculate and it's an opinion reel.
The doc tells the story of Alicia Kozakiewicz. James says it's inappropriate they brought up a story that has nothing to do with himself and Kai. He says he's a law abiding former US air force cop.
He goes through his Sarah page on his website to prove she wasn't groomed. He says he found more texts and is going to update the page. He says Chris Hansen and anti-o's are morons for believing anything illegal happened.
Alicia K says she believes Onision and Kai found venerable victims. James says they're using the chick who was beaten and violated to speculate they are bad people. Alicia says they became friends with the girls, then they took away their power. James challenges Alicia to do research and look at his Sarah page. He says they blatantly ignore the texts he shared because they want to cash in on a fraudulent #metoo. He says there literally no actual victims.
Text on screen says in 2012, Kai begins an online relationship with 15-year-old fan, Regina. James says Kai was 17 for the majority of 2012, so it was a 2 year age gap. He says the first time he was Regina was on Chris Hansen's interview. He says they apparently dressed up as a dude to be on the show twice. [He plays the same clips as every other time he accused Regina of this. 🙄] He says the documentary admits Kai never met Regina.
I don’t think this needs to be said, but Regina did not pretend to be another person to get on Hansen’s show. Also, James was so upset the documentary misgenders Kai, but he keeps misgendering Regina.
Regina says they initially lied about their age to Kai. Regina told him they were 19 when they were really 15. James says Regina admits they'll lie to your face. He calls Regina a "stone cold liar."
Even though Kai did the same exact thing to James that same year? He lied to James about his age, yet Kai is not a stone cold liar?
Regina says they asked their mom if they could visit Kai, but she said no. James says he doesn't know what Regina is talking about. He says that's news to him. He doesn't know why Regina would visit them. He plugs his Sarah page again.
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