writinglittlebeasts · 12 days
flying awake rolling from the bed for something to write with because i just had a really coherent dream about a haunting and i need to write it down (it has been written down, which is why i feel safe to write this post)
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yarrystyleeza · 9 months
Under the mistletoe WIP4 + poll!!!
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This is how it's going so far yaaayyyyyy, I'm literally studying and coloring at the same time and still gonna have dinner and shower 😭😭😭😭😭
Also, I couldn't decide what color Matt's sweater should be? Red and dark blue or red and dark green? The tie is gonna be red as well, but I can't still decide the color of the shirt underneath it.
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ehabest · 1 year
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"الذكاء الاصطناعي أداة قوية، ولكن من المهم استخدامه بحكمة.
يجب أن نكون حذرين من نشأ عالم تتحكم فيه الآلات بنا،
بدلاً من أن نسيطر عليهم." - بيل جيتس
"AI is a powerful tool, but it is important to use it wisely.
We must be careful not to create a world where machines control us,
rather than us controlling them." - Bill Gates
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loafydeer · 2 years
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OC I redrew :] Above is Dec.2022 and below is 2018
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costumeloverz71 · 18 days
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Ihab Jiryis Spring Summer 2025
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asbestieos · 2 years
i will not be FUCKIGH SAD TODAY!!!! asta laundry day
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pompadorbz · 1 year
Oh my god i he/himmed mondo in the chart that was before hot girl summer occurred innmy mind microwave.... anyways thats a transfem right there
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lilacalily · 3 months
"Unknowingly, we plow the dust of stars blown about us by the wind and we drink the universe in a glass of rain." 
Ihab Hassen 
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trinketfairy · 7 months
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I know this strays away from my usual content, but I feel it's important to post about this.
Ehab Rida, founder of the GazaDirectAid account on Twitter, along with his team of volunteers, have put together a toy distribution project for the Gazan children who has been displaced in Rafah.
It goes without saying that play is an extremely important part of healthy development for children, and when Palestinian children are having to live through a genocide that is stripping their childhoods and innocence away from them, it's only become even more important for these kids to not only have methods of distracting themselves from the horrors happening to them, but to also have ways to continue experiencing joy and happiness despite what's happening to them.
Please, donate what you can to the GazaDirectAid relief program- Ehab is doing amazing stuff through his work and I highly encourage lending as much support as you can.
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aylamoonzai · 8 months
(laying facedown on the floor kickingand flailing) I MISS MY BIG SISTERERRRR
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dormimi-zzz · 3 months
This is Ihab Al-Masaraei, he is a medical student and a friend to Mohamed Hamad. He has a family of 15 with little children, and he has no internet. Ihab's campaign is just starting, so please help build it up by donating and reblogging.
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✨️Match with me✨️
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fiercynn · 11 months
As a Palestinian who wanted to attend university, I had to take Tawjihi. This set of exams is the last stage of high school education, and only those who pass with high marks get accepted into undergraduate studies. Each major has its own test and score. This milestone is highly regarded in Gaza. All of your relatives come to your house on the day the results are announced, and everyone is in a panic because they want you to get high marks. I was a Tawjihi student in 2020-2021, when COVID-19 started. As a result of the pandemic, there was quarantine, so we were restricted  to attending school for only three days instead of six. It was such a hard time because I had to study all subjects on my own without any help. On May 10, 2021, I was having dinner at my friend’s house after taking a two-hour private math lesson. Suddenly, my phone rang. It was my dad in a shaking voice, asking me to get back home quickly because the war had just started. What is happening? Unbeknownst to all; not a soul had possessed prior knowledge. [x]
essay by haya ihab sisalem for we are not numbers.
Haya Ihab Sisalem is studying English and French literature at Al-Azhar University. She loves languages and can speak Arabic, English, and a little bit of French. Haya aspires to  become a published writer who through her words lets others see what is going on with the Palestinian people, especially children and women, because of the occupation. She also hopes to become a translator and to work for a French institute. She describes herself as “an ambitious person who wants to travel around the world to discover it.” She lives by Mahatma Gandhi’s words: “be the change you wish to see in the world.”
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rahmamustafa99 · 11 months
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Nona El Shanona ( 1994 / Inaam Mohamed Ali , Ihab Lamey)
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ehabest · 2 years
All my social media and my contacts
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demolition-queen · 10 months
Israeli soldiers tortured deaf young Ihab Tanbura in the Beit Lahia region in northern Gaza during their raid on the region and released a video boasting about this torture.
They are truly evil. There is an expression for them in the Quran: "Esfel-i Safilin." (The lowest of the low) That is, a person can reach the highest level or fall to the lowest level with his deeds. Israeli soldiers are the most despicable people I have seen for years.
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costumeloverz71 · 18 days
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Ihab Jiryis Spring Summer 2025
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