#ill make a post and tag for it soon
thomewt · 4 months
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choccy-milky · 1 month
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🔞NSFW comic🔞
just seb being insatiable when it comes to clora 😇 refractory period?? whats that?? never heard of it
[ POIPIKU ] and a lil extra doodle:
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(aka seb and clora if contraceptive potions didnt exist LMAO.... girl would just be preggo 24/7)
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anewp0tat0 · 1 month
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it doesn't feel real to me fellas. but I don't have time to sit by and chat and unload unfortunately so I'll just drop this and be on my way, cya kind folks very soon ✌️
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not professional but I liked how his eye looked goddang it. I knew I was screwing myself but I did it anyway
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unexpectedbrickattack · 11 months
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ledzeppelinmixtape · 9 months
wish house was a real doctor so i could be his mystery insomniac patient and after giving me horse tranquilizers and still not falling asleep he just hits me in the head with his cane and im out like a light
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lionbearfox · 3 months
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making fucked up nahida art is absolutely instrumental to my wellbeing
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karamazovanon · 9 months
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rip rodya you would've loved american psycho
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marblerose-rue · 1 year
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click for better quality!
the perched king / tigerstar I
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plulp · 9 months
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FINALLY. sydney. never drawing again.
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spruceleaves · 1 year
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theres a weird fucking cat outside
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THAT WOUND. THAT VILE WOUND. it throbs in time with your speeding heart, and the ache it carries through your veins is oppressive, its hot, it tangles around your jaw and through your spine and behind your eyes. there are needles, sprouting from the lacerations like the most heinous ivy, and it strangles your lungs, rips tears from your eyes, lures bile to your throat. it hurts. oh god it hurts. you cant think, you cant breathe, you cant swallow, you cant see. you cant see. you cant see. you cannot see but you know when your eyes are closed, because there are colors stained upon the backs of your eyelids. they form images of loved ones, of viscera, of bile and blood and blackened mud. its jarring, they make anxiety spike outwards, frantic ferro fluid, frightened from faces too scared, too pained, too dead, too piercing with eyes staring straight at you, straight at you. actually, you cant tell when your eyes are open.
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liquidstar · 2 months
april fools is over so now im going to be slash srs instead of slash j. im going to post a little excerpt from one of the oc writing practices ive been doing :) again im not super experienced for a variety of reasons but im doing my best here.
but im going to try and put my self conciousness to the side (thats probably an important part of the practice too, right?) since this isnt final version either way, i can just say im sharing a WIP! so for now it will go the way of most of my other oc stuff..... under the cut
the only context you need is that this would be the opening scene for the story. if i post others i'll have to give more context bc most of them are taken from the middle of something. anyway here goes:
“I love you
I've loved you since the beginning
From when you were only stardust
To when you will rejoin the stars
When everyone will be together again
Understand, you don’t simply live in the universe
You are part of it, taking on a form uniquely alive
You are the universe giving love back to itself
I love you so much”
A lone girl jolts awake, crying a plea into the empty air. Tears stream down her cheeks, as she calls for someone she doesn't know. Her heart aches with a nameless yearning that fades with the memory of her dream. Still, against her will, the emotions linger. A profound sense of love consumes her, an agonizing, grieving love, meant for her. She sighs and wipes away her tears. It was an absurd dream, a ridiculous notion.
As her conscious mind clears, she takes in her surroundings; a forest drowned in the pale blue light of dawn. Her sleeping bag, now encased in dew, was laid on the cold grass. She sits for a while, gazing at the faint sliver of the rising sun’s glow with an indistinct expression, and eventually stands up.
The lone girl begins her daily routine by braiding her hair. With a wave of her hand, she freezes dew on a rock, creating herself a mirror. Her fingers carefully weave her brown locks into a braid, now adorned with a snowflake clip and a scarlet ribbon. She throws on a long blue half-skirt over her shorts, matching her shirt. She forces on a pair of black boots and cuffs on her arm. Lastly, she grabs a moon-themed spear, and she's ready for the day.
Before setting off, she made sure to pack all her belongings, including her numerous hand-drawn maps and a compass. However, she also stops to look into the bag deeper, foolishly expecting to find something new. Instead, she only sighs, "Still no food."
She puts on the backpack and trudges forward anyway, ignoring the hunger pains as best she can. She hums to keep herself distracted.
As she walks, the trees tower above her, shrouding the horizon and taunting her. Birds occasionally fly into view, but seem to disappear in an instant. She wonders if her eyes are playing tricks on her.
The lone girl scribbles on her maps, trying to record a labyrinth of identical tree trunks and twisted paths. This proves useless, as this elliptical forest has her going in circles. Exasperated, she fidgets with her compass, only to see the needle is frantically twitching around. She presses it gently to her forehead and quietly complains, “Don't tell me you're broken…”
Her train of thought was cut short by the sudden sound of running water, so loud she can’t fathom how she’s only now begun to hear it. She decided to put off one problem for another. Following the sound through some shrubs, she quickly finds the source.
Her spear at the ready, she approaches the stream. Scanning its depths for signs of fish, she walks cautiously. Her posture was awkward, her expression was uncertain, betraying her lack of experience. She held her spear to her chest with both arms as she encroached the water’s edge.
She inhales in preparation, removes her skirt and boots, and enters the water with slow, careful steps. The very surface of the stream begins to freeze as it makes contact with her skin. Tiny, thin crystals of ice form as she steps further in. Breathing deeper, as she tries to control the frost, she makes her way to the center of the stream. She stands waiting for fish.
Rather than throwing her spear to hunt, like the intended purpose, she stabs at the water. She’s not good at this, however, and only ends up scaring other potential prey away. She makes several attempts at this but is unsuccessful each time. Refusing to quit, her repeated strikes become more desperate and uncoordinated with each failure. Her growing frustration only makes the water freeze deeper, eventually solidifying around her legs. She yelps, now in a panic, and begins to frantically stab at the ice to free herself.
A mess.
Escaping this ordeal, the lone girl abandons any further attempt at fishing. It probably isn't her calling anyway. She trudges on, lost, wet, cold, and hungry.
She looks at her compass again, her face reflecting in its glass. “You're broken,” she tiredly states, as she feels her eyes begin to well with tears.
“No! No no no! Don't cry! Don't cry Polaris,” The lone girl, Polaris, reassures herself, “Last time you cried you froze your eyelids shut, and that really hurt,” She whines aloud.
Polaris takes a deep breath, slaps her cheeks, and swallows her tears. She elects to follow the river, her only hope of escape, pursuing the promise of a village just beyond this enigmatic forest. She daydreams of a warm meal in a cozy restaurant, and maybe a cold desert too. A glimmer of determination returns to her stride, as she continues her hum from before.
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teddybearsims · 3 months
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𝕊𝕥𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕖'𝕤 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘 - 𝟝:𝟙𝟛 𝔸𝕄 ⋆⁺𖤓₊⋆
[Stevie sits up slowly, the mixed scents of pizza, sweat, and weed only makes her more nauseous. The world spins endlessly, she can’t hold on.] ?: Look who’s finally awake. ?: I’ll just cut to the chase. We’re kicking you out of the band. [Stevie remains quiet. She’s worried she might throw up if she opens her mouth.] ?: It’s the third show you’ve missed because you were too fucking wasted to care. You’re a good bass player, but not good enough for us to put up with your shit. Get the fuck out once you can stand. [Somewhere deep and dark inside of her, she feels crushed. But on the surface, the parts of her she's revealed to the world, she remains a perfect picture of indifference.]
[Birds chirp, car doors slam, people rush by Stevie as she wanders through the early morning streets. She can’t stomach delving into the rush hour subway, and maybe the fresh air will do her some good. She walks on, aimless, the rising sun is no cure for the cold blood running through her veins.]
[Stevie pauses, realizing where exactly in the city she had wandered towards. The mouth of the beast, open and inviting, ready to tear her to pieces all over again. She didn’t even know the gig she was supposed to play last night was this close to his—] Stevie, mumbling: Don't be fucking weird.
[But her thoughts are intrusive, unavoidable. Detestable. It's so damn pathetic she can't stand it. She wonders how Jude is doing. Is he sleeping right now? Is he aware of how she feels? Does he still — But why the fuck should he care? For all she knows he's — moved on. The thought makes her feel sick again. She has no right to even be standing here.]
[Stevie gets ten steps away before turning back to stare at Jude's apartment building in utter distaste. She's been good, the meaning of that word muddied down to her own version of it.  Avoiding this place had been so easy, so why now? Why, when she could've just gone home?] Stevie: Shit, I need a drink.
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yarnacle · 4 months
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chosen core
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aloeverified · 1 year
i’m curious do u have any headcanons abt wayne and raj… they are the characters ever
yes 💪
their fullnames are raj kapoor & wayne graham (the most candian name ever for the most candian character ever).
wayne was always way taller than raj growing up, but now they're roughly around the same height. it's just not obvious to most people since wayne wears boots and raj sticks with his trusty converse. raj is just pushing 5'10 and wayne's a little over 5'11.
raj has two younger siblings who are twin brother and sister and are much younger than he is. wayne is an only child, but their families are so intertwined that they basically consider him their older brother too.
they're juniors in high school (assuming that's how it works in canada, too lazy to google it rn) and are about seventeen. they don't look or act super young, but they still got the "when i'm older" type of vibe that most people who are right about to graduate don't really have.
they've been best friends for a while, but not quite childhood best friends. i think they met during gym class of sixth grade and just instantly hit it off due to their shared interests in sports and humor.
raj's parents are first generation immigrants so they're not completely fluent in english and have a bit of an accent when they talk. since his moms raised him to be the most highly of gentlemen, wayne asked raj to teach him a bit of telugu so he could make polite conversation with them whenever he came over without all the pressure being on them. that was his first step to almost being immediately adopted by them.
this actually caused them to both realize they really enjoy studying languages. they continued studying telugu together, with raj tutoring wayne. wayne also decided to take up french classes early, and raj had his parents sign him up to learn the basics of other southern indian languages they knew. they both view this as a helpful skill for when they're international hockey stars, of course.
they live in a decently smaller-sized town, so despite not being neighbors, they still find a way to be at each other's house every other day. they switch off depending on what they're feeling, and their parents learned to accept that they're a package deal that comes and goes whenever they please.
since his parents discovered he was gay through the show rather than raj actually coming out to him, they — along with wayne's moms — thought it would be funny to turn his coming home party from the show into a coming out party as well. raj realized this when he cut into the cake and it was rainbow inside.
his family was very adamant about showing raj how supportive they are. he wasn't sure why, as their best friends were a lesbian couple and his best friend was the son of said couple, but they still repeatedly told him how proud of him they were and how much they loved him. the only pushback he received was his nani complaining about how he wasn't allowed to date until he was thirty and that this bowie boy was ruining that.
teacher hate these two. they never shut up in class, will ditch their assigned partners to work with each other, never get their work done, and yet still manage to have good grades (because they know they won't be able to play otherwise). no one understands how they do it.
they always have the most over-the-top cartoony outfits for spirit weeks. even the asb and student council kids find it embarrassing how much school spirit they have.
besides their accidental menace behavior, they never actually get into any real trouble at school. the only time they've ever gotten suspended was when wayne wanted to test his new padding gear and rammed himself into the lockers at full force and nearly killed himself while raj recorded.
because of their ridiculous stunts they like to post, wayne has a bit of a following on social media. he doesn't really do it to be an influencer or for attention or anything, he just likes being able to look back on all the fun moments he and rajie have together. that's one of the reasons they were so eager to be on total drama, to showcase their awesome friendship and have the tapes of all their fun challenges together.
they work part-time at the local ice rink, where they were able to land jobs due to their skills on the ice. they even work the same shift most of the time since they have the same availability hours, although they switch off between standing behind the counter and supervising on the ice. sometimes they both get to help out with the little league hockey teams, though, which they both really enjoy.
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jeffthekillerzblog · 5 months
fighting the urge to post my non creepypasta art here ughhh
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this will be the one oc post I'll make......I need to get it out of my system😓😓😓
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