#ill miss you tater tot :(
jo-io · 1 year
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im ugly crying over this cat
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lizisodd · 3 years
I stayed home sick today, so I'm rewatching my comfort episodes ... which are apparently the Liam coke ones?! Fuck, I just love sibling dynamics so much. 😭😭😭
Bless you, rub and tug storyline, for the comic relief.
Fuck you, Matty, you fucking pedophile.
Controversially, fuck you, Fiona. The affair, not giving up Robbie's name (who cares if you snitch, you're already so fucked!), and most importantly, keeping the coke in the house in the first place. You just got guardianship of these kids and you're parents are addicts—great job using drugs. 🙄🙄🙄 (I love Fiona, but this is her worst moment across nine seasons.)
Sammi is fascinating. At first, she's annoying but understandable, until she morphs into a straight up villain.
Chuckie is hilarious, poor kid. (Also, Lip fucking loves kids so much that he makes him a school lunch as well when he's packing them for Debbie and Carl, even though he's feuding with Sammi.)
"Liam almost died!/I'm not guilty!" will be in my head on a loop for the rest of my life.
I never understood why racist Nazi Terry allowed Kenyata to live in their house with Mandy. Please be more logical with your racism, sir.
I was so confused the first time I watched this ... What was up with Ian???
Bless Lip's roommate (Kos?) for bringing his textbooks and some ramen. Hc that Lip rekindles his college friendships! My boy needs some friends. (Fuck Brad.)
Debbie and Lip hunting down Ian are some of my favorite scenes in the show, plus a good use of bringing back Ned. (Tony is also brought back for a quick scene hunting down Frank in the sweat lodge before disappearing for several seasons.)
Vee was right, Mike is a microwaved tater tot. I've actually seen this actor in several roles, and I forget him every time, so good job at being a nothing man.
Carl's realization that Frank doesn't give a shit about him and never will is heartbreaking. 😭
I always thought it was crazy that Vee, who had such trouble conceiving, had the world's easiest twin (well, triplet), pregnancy. No bed rest! No illness! No horrible symptoms or side effects! She can run around town at 2 am with no consequences! Good for her, I guess.
It would have been fascinating if WHM had wanted off the show (four years is nothing to sneeze at) and they decided to kill Frank off. This show is such a better drama than comedy. How would the kids spiral? How would they pay the bills without Frank's scams? There could have been real story potential there.
Sheila, you have your good and bad moments, and this Indian story is one of the bad ones. 😭
Whomever won actor and actress awards that year should mail them to ER and JAW immediately.
Lip, my beloved. Liam, my beloved.
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OK, enough rambling. I love these episodes so much and miss the show when it could be this good. 😭💕😭
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geminidentitycrisis · 3 years
Fatgum x F!reader "What a Hero SHOULD do"
You guys.
I've been gone a long while, life has been a rollercoaster, but I don't really wanna get into all that noise. Just happy to be in a good place right now.
That said, this was painful to write because I had planned the ending very differently...
I'm not officially in the bnha/mha fandom but, I just got into it recently and wanted to show some love to my favorite Pro!
Hope you guys like it!
I haven't written anything in a while, so please go easy on me...
(WARNING! Mild angst)
"Hey, Fat...can I ask you something kinda personal...?"
Fatgum glanced down at his young intern with an eyebrow raised, tilting his head in curiosity. "Huh? Oh, sure. What's on yer mind?" he gave an encouraging grin to put Kirishima at ease. The red head craned his neck to look up at his boss, his own mouth twisted into a small frown.
"Have you asked _______ on a date yet...?"
He stumbled a bit but keeps walking, caught off guard by the question, a slight blush rising to his cheeks. "Woah, where did that come from?!" he asked in return with a nervous chuckle. "Well..." Kirishima continued "You guys seem really close. The way you look at her when you see her-"
"Hahaha!" the burst of anxious laughter interrupted and Red Riot looked up at Fatgum again in confusion. "You're reading too deep into it, man! We're just friends! Heh..." Toyomitsu tried to act casually, but it wasn't working at all.
Kirishima pouted a bit, deciding to push a little harder.
"...but, I think she has feelings for you, too-" the blonde stopped walking and stared down at him, his blush growing darker and spreading across the bridge of his nose, cutting him off again. "Okay, let's change the topic, huh? Maybe we should go somewhere else for lunch..."
Eyes widening a bit, Red Riot raised both hands defensively and shook his head. "No, no! I'm sorry...I won't mention it again..." his expression became one of defeat and disappointment, shoulders slumping as he continued to walk, staring down at the sidewalk.
With an inward wince, Toyomitsu followed close behind, his own gaze dropping to the ground as well. Silence passed between the Pro and his sidekick for several minutes before Fatgum spoke up again.
"Honestly, she deserves better..." he mumbled.
This was a surprise to Kiri, his mentor was always inspirationally self-confident, it was disheartening to hear such a comment from the man he so deeply admired. He opened his mouth to argue, but stopped himself when he remembered that he had already promised to drop the subject.
He felt bad for bringing it up now.
_______ was a sweet lady, she was funny and friendly, vivacious and beautiful, generous, tough and a fantastic cook. All Kirishima wanted was to see them both happy together. When they spotted each other through the window of the diner, their eyes lit up, a smile instantly formed on their lips, they would practically start glowing.
She always ran to jump into his arms, hugging around his neck, never failing to say how she missed him. He caught her every time, hiding his face in her hair as he hugged her back and would say he had missed her too, but especially her cooking!
If that isn't true love, Kiri thought, then what is...?
They finally made it to the diner and stopped outside. Fatgum looked through the window, and when he didn't see ______ anywhere, glanced at Red Riot again with a frown. "Listen, can I count on you to keep that little conversation between us? I don't want ______ to know how I feel..."
"You're not sick, are you??" a soft voice piped up from beside Toyomitsu.
It made both of them jump, startled. Fatgum whipped his head around to see ______ standing there, instead of her pretty smile, her face was flooded with worry at the thought of her Hero being ill or injured.
The Pro forced a crooked grin as the blush returned to his cheeks. "N-no, no, I'm fine! How's it goin'...?" he stuttered weakly.
She was clearly not convinced, the concern in her bright (e/c) eyes only deepened. "C'mon...all this time we've known each other, you think I can't tell when something's bothering you...?" he started to panic a bit but Red Riot swooped in to save the day like the rising star he was.
"Aw, he just had a big breakfast, that's all...he doesn't wanna hurt your feelings if he can't finish lunch." Kirishima answered casually with a lightly teasing undertone, arms crossing over his chest. She looked from him up at Fatgum who responded to her questioning expression with a sheepish grin and shrug.
At this, her smile bloomed in place, eyes twinkling mischievously as she playfully elbowed his broad, squishy belly. "Oh, c'mon! When have you ever left here without takeout, even after filling up?! As if it matters..." she giggled, hopping up into his arms as always, chin resting on his shoulder as she nuzzled against him sweetly.
"I'm just happy you're okay...I missed you!"
Bending at the waist with his arms extended, the blonde caught her effortlessly when she hopped up for the hug, sighing and closing his eyes as he rises to his full height, squeezing the small girl gently.
"Ahh, I'm fine, I'm fine...I missed you too..."
Kirishima gave a soft smile as he watched the exchange, dropping himself into the patio chair where he always sat when they came to the diner.
When he set her down, ________ smiled from him to his sidekick. "Your food should be done soon. It's a new recipe! I hope you guys like it!" then she waved over her shoulder as she walked back inside. Exhaling softly, Fatgum turned to sit as well. He glanced over at Red Riot, blushing a bit, only for it to get worse when he notices the toothy grin he's being flashed.
"...Oh, knock it off..." the pro grumbles, arms crossing and lowering his eyes to the tabletop.
"I didn't SAY anything...~!" Kirishima taunted childishly, arms folding behind his head as he leans back and closes his own eyes. "You didn't have to, punk." Tai shot back in typical big-bro style, reaching out across the table to muss the teens perfectly sculpted hair. "Aw, quit! It takes 40 minutes to set every morning!"
Fatgum chuckled, eyes rolling.
After some minutes passed, _______ returned with another server, both carrying trays of food which they placed on the table in front of the two heroes. "Wow! It looks so good!" they said simultaneously, earning a laugh from her.
"Well, I hope you like the taste even more. It's a cheeseburger-tater-tot-casserole. Dig in!" wasting no time, Kirishima and Toyomitsu start chowing down, both groaning happily around mouthfuls of the meal and nodding in approval. "Mmm...!" _______ laughed again, giving a thumbs up.
"Glad to hear it! I'll be right back with your drinks."
She left again but came back quickly with two pitchers and a cup, putting them between their plates. "Yer an angel, _____." Fatgum said with a grin, taking one of the pitchers and starting to drink from it. Red Riot snickered quietly before sipping his own drink.
"Oh, I just remembered! Check this out!" she said cheerfully, reaching behind her neck and starting to untie her apron. Upon glancing at her and noticing this, Fatgums eyes grew wide and a dark blush pooled in his cheeks, choking slightly on the ice water. "...?!"
Kiri froze, his eyes getting big as well and blushing slightly.
She dropped the top, revealing...
A tank top. With a picture of a sombrero. It said "If you don't like TACOS, I'm NACHO type"
Red Riot started laughing, covering his eyes with a hand as he tipped back his head. "Cute, right?!" she asked enthusiastically, looking from one to the other. Smiling weakly, Fatgum gave a slow nod. "It's great...really clever..." he wondered if steam would rise off him if he poured the rest of the water down his neck.
"Yeah, I knew I had to have it when I saw it. Anyway," she started to fix her apron again. "I'll let you guys finish eating. Let me know if you need boxes and your takeout oughtta be done before you get done with those. Enjoy!" with that, she walked off.
The blonde watched over his shoulder as she left before sliding his plate out of the way, folding his arms on the table and burying his face in them.
Grinning, Kiri nudged his foot under the table. "DON'T. SAY. A WORD." this reply only got him to laugh again, head shaking as he resumed eating. "Whatever you say, boss..." the red head hummed.
Between them, they were able to clear their dishes, waiting by the front door for the takeout, both content and full of tasty food. "Alright, guys. Here ya go! I'm glad you liked lunch, lemme know when you wanna try it again." Tai smiled down at her when she came out, taking the bags gratefully. "Yeah, definitely. Will do!"
______ hugged Kirishima tightly, pulling him down to place a kiss on his forehead, surprising him and making him blush faintly since she hadn't done it before. "Be safe, young man, you hear me?" she demanded. He answered with a broad smile and a nod. "Gotcha!"
"Ooh, do I get one of those?" Fatgum asked half jokingly, blushing too. Some color rose up on her cheeks as well, giving him a warm smile as she reached up for the BMI hero.
He put down the food to pick her up again for another hug, chuckling softly when she pressed a tender kiss against his cheek. "Aw, that was sweet!" Kirishima called up to them, earning a swift kick to the ass. "Ow! Hey!" the red head complained, rubbing the spot.
He set her down carefully with a deep sigh. She didn't let go of his arms and he looked at her in confusion. "Please be careful out there, Taishiro...I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you..." he grinned, placing a hand on her head. "I will. I'll be back before ya know it!"
She pressed herself into his tummy, coming nowhere close to being able to wrap her arms around him but she gives him her best hug anyway. The pro didn't have to look at his intern to know he was smirking smugly. He hugged her back before stepping away to grab his bags again. "Well...see ya, _____."
He waved, smiling, then turned so they could head back out. They only took a few steps before Fatgum stopped and glanced back at her over his shoulder.
She was still there, offering another small smile and wave of goodbye.
"C'mon, man! Just go for it! You TOTALLY got this!" Kiri urged desperately. But he was still hesitant. It wasn't an issue of his own self-confidence, but his career. He was so busy that he would hardly have time for you, and the way Toyomitsu saw it, you deserved to be waited on hand-and-foot.
He dreamed about being with you, which meant his worst nightmare would be a villain or criminal using you as leverage against him. It was best to leave things the way they are. It's what he SHOULD do.
A real Hero isn't so selfish as to put their own desires ahead of the safety of those they cherish, he reminded himself. With a heavy heart, he forced a smile to hide the pain and waved back before looking down at the ground and sighing, eyes closing slowly.
"...I just...can't...
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dollsonmain · 3 years
When I first started having monitored kidney problems instead of just going around thinking I’d been poisoned or something, the doc gave me a short list of safe foods I can eat because the list of foods I can’t is a hell of a lot longer.
Some of them were no big deal, really.
I’d already stopped drinking soda for the most part, only having some when we ate at a restaurant, which we did maybe twice a month. Now I don’t drink it at all, though I’ve been craving Pepsi lately which is THE WORST soda for my kidneys. Colas apparently are extra bad.
All fried foods were off the table but I’d not been eating much fried food for a few years anyway because it made me feel ill after and more recently when I did eat fried food, all I could taste was salt. I was already put on a low-salt diet for my heart years ago.
Romaine lettuce has been recalled so many times lately that it was like yeah, ok, no problem.
There are a lot of vegetables on the no list that I didn’t tend to eat often anyway like green beans, kale, spinach.
- Some were difficult.
High fructose corn syrup, but only because it’s in almost EVERYTHING. Ugh.
Strawberries. Which I eat anyway.
Dried fruit.
Yeasty-leavened breads.
I miss pizza, you guys.
Fatty meats like bacon, ham, and dark meat chicken. Bacon wasn’t too bad because I’m too lazy to cook and clean up after cooking bacon, and I already ate ham only once or twice a year because it’s so salty, but I do prefer dark meat chicken to white meat. I don’t eat meat much at all anymore.
Black tea. The highlight of my day was a bigass, hot mug of tea in the afternoons.
Eggs. I miss eggs so much.
Potatoes. Potatoes is hard. I miss fries. I miss mashed potatoes. I miss potato bread. I ate a crispy, toasty tater tot on vacation and cried.
Obviously I don’t adhere to it too well. I lost so much weight so fast and felt like absolute shit. Now I’ve gained back a good deal of it (went from 161 to 125 in what 6 months? then back to 140 over the course of a year and a half) and am having to put up with feeling sick in general, swelling ankles, and occasionally purple feet but at least I’m not starving to death and passing out all of the time.
I guess.
I was only thinking about it just now because I’m getting well-meaning but misguided supplement recommendations again and was considering eating a bowl of Cheerios. Whole grains are also on the no list, but it’s a soft no because the good almost negates the bad. Or so I was told.
I did eat the Cheerios.
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all-the-atelophobia · 3 years
TW: meanspo to myself, binging, mental illness— plz block don’t report if you don’t like, I need an outlet to vent
I really really hate myself. My weight has skyrocketed to 168.4 pounds. Putting my BMI at 24.1. I feel so incredibly disgusted with myself as a person. I have had ZERO self control lately and it makes me feel so gross. My waistline has ballooned. My face is fat. My arms are flabby. My legs are so wide. My underwear cut into my fat and make my love handles bubble. Especially the past two days, I have eaten so much and so many times when I wasn’t even hungry at all. I only contributed to the stretching of my stomach, and I know I’m only making it more difficult to restrict in the long run. Food isn’t even moving through my stomach like it’s supposed to. I ate spinach pizza over seven hours ago and still managed to puke parts of it up just now. My nicotine addiction isn’t even helping. I’m simply destroying my lungs and my body. My gag reflex is diminishing, and I’m paranoid Will is getting suspicious of my purging sometimes. The best thing I could do is get back to restricting. And, honestly, even that will be challenging with Will sometimes. I need to return to work and just never eat on work days. Only then will I be able to get better at losing weight. I miss the days before the wedding when I would I would see 140 on the scale, or even the few times I saw a weight in the 130s. My face was so slim and defined, my arms didn’t look flabby, and my stomach was flat. I could confidently go for a run in some shorts and a sports bra. I wasn’t even close to as disgusted with myself as I feel now. My weight is rising again like it did on the way to my highest weight ever. When I was a walking balloon and ball of fat. I’m practically already there. I need to be skinny again. I need to be fit again. Only then can my mental health improve. I won’t abuse substances. I won’t need to get drunk or have wine to go to sleep. My mood will be better because I will simply look and feel better. I am so gross. I’m a fat, ugly, disgusting piece of lard. The amount that I eat makes others go hungry. I could sustain myself with so many fewer calories than what I indulge in now. I eat my emotions like a sycophant. I succumb to the cravings of my flesh like a Neanderthal, an imbecile. I am weak. I have no strength or self control. I stuff myself until I’m full. I gorge myself on fatty, carbohydrate-saturated crap. I am a glutton. My body is filled with sin from imbibing on horrible foods. I am disgusted with how I treat myself. I don’t show myself any self love because I am killing myself with indulgence. Why do I treat myself like this? Why cannot I not condition myself to run on few calories and the promise of a skinnier body. How can I be successful once and for all? My lifestyle is not sustainable at the present. I need to guilt my mind and my soul and surround my head with the thoughts of what an ugly, fat cow I am. Even cows don’t eat as much as I do. Even animals can stop eating when they aren’t hungry. My own dog doesn’t eat her dinner if she feels full. What did I eat today? I gorged on chips. Carbohydrate rich tortilla chips fried in oil. I smothered them with processed cheese and fatty, oily sausage. The queso literally had fatty grease pooling and floating on top. And. I. Ate. It. Anyways. I’m a disgusting pig. Sausage isn’t even recognizable meat. Intestines and spare decaying flesh parts stuffed into an artificial casing. And I washed those animal parts down with fried tater tots, bursting with grease. Even those were covered in cheese and pig flesh roasted in more fat. Then, even more food because I can’t stop myself. A flour tortilla stuffed with antibiotic rich chicken breast- literally the flesh of a bird. With more FUCKING CHEESE. And I even stole a bite of Will’s burrito because my own food wasn’t enough.
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Witcher of the Night (Chapter 23)
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Characters: Geralt of Rivia x small!Naive!Reader
Summary: You only needed a little push from the Druid to blurt out what is needed to be said out in the open. It was time to finally recognize such feelings you have for the witcher who is out to hunt for the witch that will set you free. Thus, making you yearn more for him when you're currently still in a fight with the man himself.
Warnings: I've customized Kolby in this story of mine. He talks a little. Heh. Derogatory attitudes and words. No Still, no Geralt yet. Full blown Geralt perspective on chapter 23.1! (Not 1st POV) It will be posted earlier in Wattpad. Hehehehe. 
Words: 6k
A/N: Updates might be a lot slower than usual when September starts because it's the start of our online school. 😊 That's why I'm doing my effort in posting updates as much as possible. Feedbacks will be so nice to receive especially for an author. 😊 Also, CAN’T THEY JUST MAKE-UP ALREADY? I MISS WRITING FLUFF FOR THEM?!
TAGLIST IS STILL OPEN FOR THIS ONE! Heehee! Don’t forget to REBLOG, COMMENT OR GIVE FEEDBACK IF YOU DID LOVE THIS CHAPTER! IT’LL MAKE ME SMILE! Sorry for the grammatical errors and such because English isn’t my mother tongue! PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK AFTER READING, BB! I apologize for errors!
Disclaimer: PNG’s and pictures used in edits are not mine even the GIF’s too. Character development and personalities are based from my understanding and how I want them to be. I only own my original characters in this fanfic.
MY WORKS ARE NOT NOT NOT NOT NOOOOOOT TO BE POSTED ON ANY OTHER WEBSITES. My official username in Wattpad is “TATATHEPOTATO” and that’s the only other site I have for writing aside from Tumblr. Thank you, Tater tots!
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(I know that ain't a Hirikka. Just looks like one. Hehe. It's a Madagascar Lemure to be specific. So cute. Literally looks like a Hirikka or Kolby but a smaller version! 😍)
By your sudden reckoning after days of physical torture, you deserve a reward for having your hypothesis correct. The palace guards has taken you all close to a stock still riverbed; stagnant and utterly too tranquil to begin with that it has given you doubts over how safe it is. Living with the witcher has made you more cautious over your surroundings, thinking that there would always be monsters hiding around or beneath the dark stream of water where minnows constantly waggled along your toes as you tried to test the temperature of the water.
The river curved gently through the forest, your eyes scanning all around and wary for any beasts to surprise you out of the blue. Every women began to grab onto a pile of dirt stained clothes scattered on the dry, rocky ground as you were calf deep within the rivers, looking through the trees while you stood on your place---seeing for any broken branches looking like it has been eaten or moved by a gigantic beast.
Remembering the witcher's knowledge about monsters, giving you some of the basics. He'd told you about foot prints seen on the ground as it could also be a hint that monsters may be wandering around the place.
You've felt a hand shoving your shoulders forward to disturb you out of your thoughts, the mild splashing of water coming from your stumbling body as you heard the voices of one, ill-bred castle guard, "It's safe. The servants have been washing clothes in ere' since before you even feckin' arrived," he curtly spat with no remorse. Drops of his saliva watering your face like rainfall which has made you scrunch your nose in disgust.
"We shouldn't be too sure," ambivalent of the whole place, you uttered in complete hesitance.
The castle guard boastfully crossed his arms in front of you, tilting his chin high to show how he was pressing on his dominance over a servant slash prisoner he believed you to be---his judgement being also based upon your connection with a witcher which has made him more repellant and hateful.
"Stop blathering, witcha's whore. Do your job."
There was no use to that especially that every man and woman surrounding you began to rudely stare---criticising your shilly-shallying and thinking that you were doing it to lessen your work time. All the tension was adding stones to your chest because you sincerely didn't want to do any of it at all.
One begrudging sigh and a glum frown was all it took for your feet to leave the rivers, carrying the heavyness of being trapped and controlled by people acting like they owned everything of you.
This was probably how peasants were back in history and it was humiliating to be under their jurisdiction when you have been used to freedom back in your dimension no matter how depressing it can be to be alone and a commoner.
You sat on a big pile of rock around the river bed, your knuckles turning beet red from how you have been scrubbing all clothing, under garments, any type of fabric that has got you feeling as if muscles would build up around your shoulders and arms from how thick and thin they can become. Minding your own business and wanting to finish the chores as soon as possible---being secluded from the group of chattering servants who were a few meters away from you that their abrupt jests and teases haven't been heard by you. One tall, slim maiden managed to stroll along your way, through the riverbed as she loudly called which has gotten giggles of mischievousness from the women.
"Oi! Witcher's tramp!" she loudly spoke whilst the cold wind passed by, "---I heard you're damned just like the butcher,"
Your movements have been ceased by her blatant pillory. But, you went on scrubbing the clothing on your hands while lowly murmuring a tired warning.
"Leave me alone."
Cold sweat began to drip on your temples and neck. The healing bruises on your back slightly feeling sore and you couldn't help but stretch your back upon sitting down on the rocks. Once the maiden was up close as you've seen her shadows nearby, giving her a plain gander; your memory washed through when you've seen her face.
Drishti. She was the woman who looked to be in a close relationship with the senior servants who seemed to also be mocking other women as a playful jest.
Though, you doubt yours have just been playful teases.
She swiftly turned away to crouch beside you, grabbing onto the finished fabrics that were already clean. The giggling woman dropped the wet bundle of clothes over your head that has made you breathless for too much frustrations going to your head, intentionally ruining your work and mockingly stating her apologies when some of it went straight down the waters, soiling them again.
"The queen wants it squeaky clean. No tarnishes. Leave er' out until your knuckles are bleedin'! I've seen dirt with your work---wouldn't want the queen to scold us now, don't we?"
Otker has just been watching the whole scene before him with a frown etched on his face. He didn't want to involve in such problems that women try to stir with each other especially that other knights and sentinels actually came with them. But, seeing you being bludgeoned for their entertainment was giving himself more guilt while hearing more of what they were saying.
The others began to saunter towards where you both were. Mischievous grins curling their lips as they prowled closer to where Drishti was and stopping beside her with their hands on their hips, wiping their wet hands on their aprons.
"I doubt you would be able to wash all these clothing by yourself," Drishti stated, proud of ruining your work and seeing you submissively peeling off the clothes covering your head one by one in a lethargic manner. No words spoken by the witcher's tramp that they have been calling you since the day you've seen them.
"You seem to be in a moribund by how pale ye' are! Definitely the witcher's bride!" the other maiden noticed as she crouched near you, her face closely in a few inches from yours. Yet, you didn't give her your attention and continued to ignore whatever they were doing. Fed up by all their oppression about being Geralt's whore. The label quite affecting you more and more each day as they try to make you realize that it was all your worth to him.
They weren't helping after the fight you had with him as it was still fresh inside your head, stressing you out with a want to claw anyone in your way.
"Your stupid witcher killed my knightly hombre for a floozie like ye'!" Drishti snarled, raising her foot to kick you on the side before seeing her in your peripheral vision and blocking her assaults with a shove of your hands, pushing her calf away from your body.
"---Not. My. Stomach. Bitch."
The bitchy maiden squinted her eyes, guessing as to why you seem to be in a flurry and protective state over the stomach you've suddenly held dear. She tilted her chin, comprehending what was keeping you all guarded rather than accepting their tyrannizes just like how you've been days before.
You were acting like a pregnant woman, she thought in the back of her mind. Now, Drishti knew you were basically fucking the witcher---and you were too naive to know that he was sterile.
Though, they never know anything at all besides that.  
"Feisty and defensive, aye! Ye' growin' a cub down there? I doubt!" she scoffed from the idea and how you were avoiding her eyes, guilty from being caught, "---you've gone doolally if you ever think the witcher gots you pregnant, harlot!"
Drishti was about to tug onto your hair when your guarding has been on the low, choosing to ignore her. Like a shot, an uninvited whisk of a wind passed by. The gasps and yelps of people around started to begin again with buzzes of incoherent gossips. Their fingers pointing towards an undesirable visitor who can never be accepted by people in their land.
A familiar growl vibrated beside you, making you turn your head to see your Hirikka standing for safeguard. His fangs shown towards Drishti who was now sitting upon the riverbed, her bottom drenched in her own clothes from being shoved by the beast you call your own, looking like she has seen her own fears appear before her.
"Kolby?" sweetly called by you, gasping afterwards by feeling the relief wash over, "---Kolby! I thought you were gone,"
Upon the de trop invitation of the Hirikka, pandemonium started to arise for his presence. Wary of the sound of swords unsheathing from their covers and gallants suddenly coming forth towards the both of you.
It suddenly made you stand up in defense, hiding Kolby behind whilst you fought for his life.
"Kill it!" Roger, the head guard suddenly started his upheaval. Marching towards you with his sword on his side, paranoid over the monster that they're seeing.
"Stop! he's harmless! Just feral because you are using your swords on him!" Their actions made you shout at the top of your lungs, making them cease their steps when Kolby swiftly turned to change position and stood in front, safeguarding you from everyone he sees peril.
One sentinel huffed in abhorrence, his face shadowing outrage for the brute trying to protect another human. Disbelief written inside their eyes as Kolby continued to loudly howl in the middle of the forest and riverbed.
"That's a feckin' monster you gots there, you foolish woman!"
You reached for the Hirikka, softly petting his head which quickly have him calm down in the slightest, leaning his muzzle closer to your face as he purred. Noting his particular stench that he had from being away for days and out in the forest.
"Kolby is harmless! I can even pet him! He will prove you all that this Hirikka is harmless for anyone. Would you do the honors, Otker?"
The forest green eyed man suppressed all his opinions to himself as he observed what was happening. Reveling in his own silence, his name was abruptly called out of the blue, snapping from his own dwam as Otker surveyed the looks of everyone who were scattered around him, their defense up and alert whilst they hold their weapons.
"M-Must it be me?" he stuttered and tweeted, his weight shifting from one foot to the other while his foot tapped on the ground. Otker seeming to be reluctant from your suggestion when he'd given Kolby a scan of his eyes as the Hirikka barred his teeth dispassionately, distinguishing to be a smile that caught the chevalier in surprise.
"---He's harmless, lads. Unless you're keeping his master in danger then he'll bite,"
Nobody believed him. That wasn't new to a newly employed knight who hadn't reach years of working for the kingdom.
One Kaedweni scout yelled his hatred over your monster out in the open, "Slaughter the beast and behead!"
They've all taken one step forward. Their stance never capitulating no matter how much convincing was ever told. Kolby vehemently yowled and barked in the middle of their pussyfooting till they could reach you both. It sounded like a howl of a wolf who was calling for its kind. Their obstinacy made you squawk out of nowhere, rattling the quietude of the forest as you felt your heart pounding faster and louder against your chest. Your temples thumping in torment because your head was starting to ache from the stress they were trying to give and for also feeling your other half's current state.
Your screams made them jerk back, the maidens clearing their throat and subtly stepping back from your sudden outrage.
"I'd like to see you try before I tell him to rip your head first while I feed your balls off to fuckin' Ghouls!" you shrieked and panted, feeling another gist of a panic-attack about to happen. Your emotions were starting to be a squall before a hurricane, utterly ferocious and turbulent because of the pent-up aggression kept for days long.
"---Just leave me the fuck alone for this once! You're all insane for annoying the shit out of me since the moment I got here! I've been doing everything you wanted! Wasn't all the drubbing enough?! Call me the witcher's whore, tramp, harlot, his sex-doll for all I care! I know my face shows how I'm always thirsty for Geralt's dick but you don't need to know that! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" pause. "---FUCKING ASSHOLES IN THE MEDIEVAL ERA! YOU'RE STRESSING ME OUT!"
You were a towering rage set in a small body of a woman. Your face wild and vicious---in the verge of crying and wanting to bring back the time where you have never drowned in a lake you hardly remember; for it to have the power of never transporting into another dimension that was staring to take a toll on you, never wanting to have met Geralt along the way so you wouldn't have love him too much just like how you do now.
Thinking about his whereabouts every single day despite of being thoroughly upset over him, still caring for him even knowing that he didn't even loved you.
Tears were being squeezed from the eyes who have already cried all night and day. But, it seemed like it decided not to give the people in front---the taste of your desperation for peace and happiness especially without your anchorage who happened to be breaking the chains for you.
Roger took a step back, hearing growling from afar and not just from your Hirikka. His head snapped to where the noise where coming from when he was suddenly standing stiff from where he stood, eyeing a dozen of wild Hirikkas grouping themselves from the other side of the river. Grimy and nasty looking more than Kolby; taller, bigger and some were buffed like a bear. Their teeth barred for everyone to see as the monsters were scanning them one by one with their wild golden eyes.
The kaedweni sentinels seen it all, even the maidens who were silently panicking from seeing such monsters prowling away from them, standing to watch what was happening as if Kolby was their alpha. They all looked at Roger who begrudgingly sheathed his sword, ignoring your dispute with a single nod of his head for his men.
"They're everywhere. The beast must've called for reinforcements," he exhaled a breath of exasperation, taking a gander to give you a glare.
"---Stand down, lads."
All at once, they've yielded their weapons. Some shaking their heads at what they were witnessing. However, most were sending crude remarks over your relationship with a monster they believed and had profound repugnance over its kind.
"You're...You're a feckin' mutant too! Get your feckin' monster out of ere' before we kill ye' instead!"
Nevertheless, as each hour and days pass by. It seems like their ridicules sound like a normal thing to hear now after a ton of shameless monikers coming from them whenever they were seeing you. Becoming numb over what humans think of because you were simply associated with Geralt of Rivia. A witcher in their world. Catching more undisputed names that you hardly know as he seemed not to be the only witcher that people knew.
Hushed words were buzzing through the air whilst everyone tried hard to go back to their chores. The guards being more wary and defensive especially that the Hirikkas on the other end didn't leave the rivers after raising the white flag. Servants couldn't look you in the eye now after the commotion or particularly because Kolby was crouched beside while you went back to sit on the large stone.
He was breathing out large breaths through his snout while you scrubbed the dirty laundry again that Drishti has ruined, hearing a primal murmur of an animalistic whirr of his lungs.
Your eyes simply went wide at that, quickly understanding what words he was trying to form. Blood seeming to be pumping faster through your heart like you were hearing the first words of your child, excitement and curiosity rushing all around.
"You talk?! Are you curious as to where Geralt is?" Kolby gave a wince of his muzzle, snarling to himself like his sudden talking was making him hurt. You've quickly reached out and scratched the back of his long, wide, sharp ears that made him bark in felicity.
"He's not here though. Geralt is probably out in the woods hunting for the witch to get me out of this castle. Then, after that...I'm probably going back to where I came from because we had a fight,"
Kolby's doe eyes stared straight to your soul, whimpering as if he understood what you meant. The Hirikka subtly shook his head, making you furrow your brows from his peculiar gestures.
"You don't believe me?" only a loud sniff of his nose was given as an answer. He made a noise at the back of his throat that only he could do---sounding like a purr and a growl. Kolby sniffed another on your apron, across your stomach before promptly sitting up straight. His eyes as wide as the sun was shining above you whilst he suddenly screeched in a high-pitch tone for three times. Pausing in every yelp that got you covering your ears for how loud it was.
You were about to ask him what was wrong when he stood up on his paws, his teeth chattering like how cats are whenever they're on a hunt. The other Hirikkas loudly howling before Kolby sprinted beside you and paved away for the second time.
"Kolby! No! Come back! Not again!"
Your Hirikka was the only precious warmth you could remember like how a home can give. But, now; even Kolby was running away from you just like how Geralt chose to disregard the warmth you sincerely felt for him.
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"Can't I have one day of rest?"
The exhausting day finally came to an end. Your chest feeling more and more heavier each day---probably having more weight than what you usually hold on to when you're upset. With Geralt's feelings overflowing yours and combining with the disappointment you had for him.
In the deepest part of your heart, there was still the obvious yearning to be in the arms of your witcher as days went on. The curse of the djinn being also somewhat a connection of souls you had with Geralt. Combination of feelings being stronger each day but never knowing what it truly was. Undisclosed secrets never been told to each other which heightened more of the weight on both of your shoulders.
With your back towards the door, the druid stood upon the threshold with stuff on his feeble arms.
"Wear this," Eanraig took several steps closer, placing the basket of womanly essentials on the side table of your bed. He slowly lowered the dress on the foot of the mattress before you rolled on your back with a whimper of your sore muscles.
"---The queen has set you a gown for a feast,"
"Is this the day I die?" you deadpanned, staring at the ceiling, "---this happens in the movies. They become good to me for one day because I'm dying the next. I'm naive, but not entirely stupid. Thanks, Eanraig."
Lifting yourself up on the bed, your back leaning against the headboard. You've maneuvered on all fours, crawling towards the lacy gown displayed along the golden sheets of the mattress. The color of the dress singing praises over the hues laid upon. Raising quite a heavy dress saluting back at you was a raven painted renaissance dress dangling over the bust part of a woman's body with a thin, see through fabric that fell along the arms like a sleeve to cover them up.
It was beautiful since black was a color you've always opted to wear back in earth. The color being basic and not difficult to match up with accessories. Yet, the whole gown seemed to be a planned outfit because of how gothic it looked, like the dress was meant to wear for something else.
Your mouth fell into a gloomy frown, realizing what this whole jet-black look was giving.
"A death dress. Wow. I'm impressed."
Eanraig couldn't help but scratch the nape of his neck, avoiding your callous guise and the idea of what you said, "If you still want to live or see the Witcher and give him his progeny then you must attend the feast that was planned for you---somehow, it is."
Dropping the dress back on the sheets, your mouth was set on a thin line as you speak, "---and pretend I'm happy like they didn't beat the shit out of me?"
There was a beat of silence that filled the chambers he was in. Eanraig unconsciously scratched his whitening beard, sitting on the side of the bed beside you, "Just remember to stay low and never create a scene,"
"Tell your knights to not touch me then,"
A long deafening pause lingered between you. Eanraig's grey eyes filled with dread from what he misunderstood over what was said, quickly thinking about your witcher when he knows you have been 'touched' without your consent. Geralt would never get to tranquilize his savagery regardless whether a sorceress, wizard or any of the royal family stood before him when you have been abused for more than what was expected.
They've promised not to touch you. The witcher wouldn't take such broken promises without having their heads sliced from his hands.
"Were you..." the druid uttered and was lost in his trepidation, suggesting that their assaults have been more to that.
You were quick to shake your head firmly, swallowing that uncomfortable feeling down your throat from even just thinking about it. Knights and guards never did touch you in that way because of how they've loathed your relationship by being the witcher's tramp---thinking that you were one disgusting human they can never tolerate to try and bed you. Somehow, you were thankful that they've found you disgusting rather than appealing because you didn't know what to do nor have the energy to live on their world knowing that they have paved their way to have you.
Your spine felt the cold prickle, making you shiver and grabbing a hold of yourself by placing both of your palms on either side of your arms, more hopeless without any comfort around you but yourself.
"No. Not in that kind, Eanraig." pause. You've quickly changed the topic, "---I've never had any sleep since the moment Geralt left."
It's definitely not comfortable to be sleeping in a huge castle where memories of men beating you up shadowed on the four corners of the room. Frigidness completing your night where you have done nothing but stare from a distance, waiting for the moment where it was finally time to leave. The jocular memories filling your evening with nothing but the smiles of Jaskier, Cirilla and Geralt, excruciating when it came to reminiscing in the exact moment where Geralt had you in his arms by night, shushing you to sleep when he wasn't out to kill actual monsters and he was just there to protect you from yours.  
"Having no proper sleep may harm the baby."
A sardonic laugh filled the room. The baby inside you was giving more complications upon staying in the castle, knowing that Ingrith hated you for it and for what the child was capable of. If only she could slice your throat, she probably would have done it in your sleep. Yet, the sorceress seemed to be like a person who held a name where she couldn't do any obvious wicked schemes that will harm her status.
"It's not like this castle isn't dangerous 24/7. You think I can sleep knowing that Geralt would actually leave me alone and I raise this child all by myself in a world I hardly know about?"
Now, Eanraig had the chance to skip the topic to something else, trying not to stress you more because he knew that a pregnant woman shouldn't be in distress from any begrudging news or complications. In due course, he was finally understanding that you overthink about such things where it could be affecting your mental state no matter how sooner or later, you'll be muttering how Geralt could sip tea with his monsters then sobbing afterwards because you were mindlessly missing to stay at his home. All away from the troubles that everyone was giving.
"I am unaware of women's essentials. But, I have brought you what I have retrieved from Cynthia. She has adviced for you to doll up being pretty as a princess," he was caught up in his own thoughts, pointing at a basket laid beside the bed. An unfamiliar name of a woman that he hardly ever mentioned until tonight.
With the ends of your lips raising into a smile, you couldn't stop the teasing gaze given to the druid which made him throatily chuckle while crawling to take a peek inside the basket, "It's...make up. This Cynthia you call, is she your wife?" unconsciously, your brows wiggled to goad over how timorous he suddenly became.
Even the magical so called 'druid' had his own rocky relationship with a woman.
Love. What's in it for you between Geralt? was it the affection bound to be felt for him?
You were reading the signs---his signs as if he was being hot and cold. Push and pull. Jumping and then taking a step back whenever he was swimming too deep, hesitant over such that you may never know until he tells.
"I'm afraid so, Little woman. But hardly my betrothed." the scholar chuckled and shook his head, turning his head to see you shuffle under the sheets, slipping in and hugging the blanket over your body longing for a witcher's touch regardless of being in a fight with him.
"Not official then. Hmm."
"You are starting to be the same as your witcher,"
A brow was lifted as you heard him acknowledge the fact that you were catching onto Geralt's habits of humming, your mouth forming a tight thin line as if he was sharing that you were slowly becoming one with him.
"Thanks for the dress and make-up, Eanraig. I just want to leave this castle for good already." you sneered, promptly laying down on the bed. Your back away from the druid which got him raising his brows because of your never ending worries.
Well, if you weren't living in a world like theirs and accidentally transported to their dimension with the lore of monsters---he certainly would go crazy just like how you were deeply pondering over circumstances.
"Back where you came from? Or back in your home with Geralt?"
"I...don't know,"
The bed squeaked as Eanraig shifted against the mattress, scooting closer to prove the witcher's understandable logic, "You know he didn't mean to say that. If anyone knows more about him in this castle, it must be you, Little Woman." he stated as a matter of fact, leaving no arguments on the latter part of his sentence.
Though, feeling attacked over pointing the blame on you felt like wildfire.
"He called me pathetic and wanted me to shut up, Eanraig."
"He's been called more than just displeasing names if we were to talk about his experiences. Geralt has created barriers over people that sometimes slips in between moments like this," he paused for a beat of second, continuing to provide more assurance and knowledge over his perspectives.
"---Maybe, you must have upset him too---hurt him in such ways which made him defensively talk back,"
Your lower lip quivered from the horrid truth that Geralt's friend managed to let out for you to think through, saving the best reason for last about the motives why you were acting snappy and cranky from the start.
"He doesn't love me,"
The scholar couldn't help but lowly chuckle beneath his breath, sounding like a scorn or derision that made you curl up like a ball under the sheets that was thrown over your head.
"But, he's out there finding a witch that is difficult to find. Correct?" pause. "---Even had killed men for you that no other men could do in the continent. So, how sure are you to say that his feelings aren't love?"
Another dreading beat of silence came after. The constant pauses being a fear for receiving more hurtful truths that kept you whining throughout the night.
You kicked your foot inside the sheets, facing front against the bed like a plank. Your voice sounding muffled through the soft fabric, "He...was searching for his lost lover before I came around."
"Before you came around," he repeated in a sing-song tone, "---Is he still searching for her whereabouts?"
"I...don't know. People have been telling me that he isn't meant to love another,"
Eanraig smiled to himself, his palms slapping his knees whilst he stood with a persuasive tone, "Then, you don't have enough trust and faith for him when you are giving him doubts. You are just like other people who sees him as the mutant that they all tell---a witcher who has no emotions nor is capable of having,"
The latter turned his back away. Deciding to leave you alone after pushing your hesitance through the limits. You just needed a push over actually trying to be the matured one---a mind of a mother who would only care for her child or family than herself. He knew it was in there, the femininity after knowing from Tybalt that you have begged to be taken rather than for Geralt's child of surprise to be kidnapped, including the humble bard whom has received beatings from the army.
As he stood, Eanraig heard a quiet sob followed suit and a hiccup from keeping everything too long to yourself---even kept everything from the witcher because you didn't have it in you.
"I-I don't! I don't see him as that! You don't get to judge me!" another hiccup resonated in the room, your stuttering making the druid frown from how small and fragile you instantly seemed to be. Knowing that one of the reasons why Geralt has been protecting you with all the risks included.
You were certainly like a bread before it has even been baked. A dough that appeared and felt to be soft once touched, your characteristics needed to be molded to make you stronger in their world. Sensitiveness being a sole weakness and he knew Geralt would've seen it with one look. Unless, the witcher must've loved how vulnerable and helpless you are---your naivity and innocence over lots of things has Geralt keeping you closer to his side.
Maybe, the witcher doesn't want you to change at all.
The druid knew that because even with Cynthia, he loved all her attributes and personality with all his heart. Accepting her imperfections and weaknesses as a part of her that makes her...human.
"---I love him, Eanraig. I love Geralt. I genuinely fell for him before I even know it and this child we have isn't helping when I know he would only ever love me as a woman that will eventually fade when she comes back around!"
Sobbing under the sheets was better than bawling your eyes out for another man to see. You went on in sobbing and curling into a fetus position, hearing Eanraig sigh but never seeing the regret in his eyes by triggering you into becoming this sobbing woman who would cry the night away.
"I'm sure he knows how you feel for him, Little Woman. Tell him before it's too late," he scratched his beard with his thumb, seeing you shift under the blankets and turning half away but not actually seeing your face as you were still hiding inside the sheets.
"---No matter how deep he's fond of you or not because you both have created a bundle of joy who is bound to walk through the continent. I am sure she has been made with love," Pause.
"Regrets won't get you living in happiness because you'll always come back to the moment where you hope to have confessed," Eanraig gave a small smile you never saw as you continued to wail. The bond that the Djinn has cast you both in gradually making you suffer from its yearning it was having for the witcher who was not there for you to hold nor talk to. The scholar knew it has given you both such connection that won't be easy to break.
"---Geralt's not entirely inhuman. You both have shared a bond together that nobody can ever experience. Never fear for the witcher who has captured your fragile heart---who knows, you might have captured his since then.Yet, he doesn't give candor due to his brooding persona. Don't let fear conquer the love you have for him,"
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Sorry for the typos and errors! I've edited this all in my phone. (via Wattpad) Spare me an error please? HAHAHAHAH! COMMENTS OR FEEDBACKS WILL MAKE MY HEART TWERK! GO DO IT, BB! Tell me your guesses as to what will happen when it's finally the night of the feast in the castle! 😉🙈
Taglist for WOTN: (Strikethrough means your blog can’t be tagged. Please check your settings, bb’s! Thank you.) @alyxkbrl​ @himarisolace​ @barkingbullfrog​ @ayamenimthiriel​ @hellodevilslittlesister @turkish276​ @spookypeachx @grungelovebug @fangirl-inthe-us​ @nympeth​ @amirahiddleston​ @gabethelobster​ @dreaming-about-fanfictions​ @uncoolcloudyhead​ @melaninstylezz​ @psychosupernaturalhero​ @missjenniferb @dance-dreamer​​​​ @marvelousell​​​​ @kingniazx​​​​ @angelias134​​​​ @tapismyforte​​​​ @chook007​​​​ @butterpumpkinscotch​​​​ @deadlydemon​​​ @cheesecakeisapie​​​ @angelofthor​​​​ @carrieannewaywardson, @plantingmum, @stuckupstucky​​​, @shesthelastjedi​​​, @a–1–1–3​​, @gutfucks​​​, @raynosaurus-rex​​​, @britty443​​​, @suhke3​​​, @shadowclawstudio88​​​, @ruthoakenshield​​​, @just-a-sad-donut​​​, @gxrdenr0se, @singeramg​​​  @friendlyneighbourhoodweirdo​​, @alexwinchester23​​, @naturalthrone22​
Overall witcher taglist: @pizza-eater-i-ate-the-pizza​​​, @crazybutconfidentaf​​​
General taglist for any Henry Cavill fics: @agniavateira​​​, @iloveyouyen​​​, @rahdaleigh​​​, @silverkitten547​​​, @henrythickcavill​​​, @kaatelyyynn​​​, @marvelousell​​​, @madelinelina​​​, @summersong69​​​, @raynosaurus-rex​​​, @fckdeusername​​​, @evansislife​
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sailoryue · 6 years
Heart of a Rebel
Eddie gets sick, Venom calls a Doctor
.. So hot. Head hurt. Hard to breathe. It was so hot! Why??
"Eddie? Eddie can you hear me?"
Eddie opened his eyes blearily to the familiar voice."Dan? What.... What are you doing here?" He rolled over to a coughing fit. His throat was so dry! He felt a comforting hand lay on his back. Once the cough settled, Dan handed him a glass of cool water, which he drank greedily.
"Careful, I don't want a random fit to cause you to inhale that water." Dan gave his best no-nonsense doctor voice. Eddie nodded, placing the glass on his bedside table and laying back down on his pillows. "And to answer your question, well... I received a text from what I THOUGHT was you, but it turned out you had been keeping a secret."
"Huh? " In his fevered stupor he was having a little difficulty following. Luckily he received the missing answer.
"V...? What?" Eddie rolled over as another coughing fit laid him out. He tried to suppress the weak whimper from his over used ab muscles.
Venom formed a small head connected at Eddie's shoulder.
Eddie looked up at the symbiote wondering why he decided to form two heads. "So you called Dan?"
Dan chuckled softly as he checked Eddie's vitals. "Imagine my surprise that not only were you NOT the one who texted me about a medical emergency, but the one who did was the same alien creature who tried to kill me a few months ago."
Dan gave him a smirk. "Actually, YOU didn't. Eddie apologized on your behalf." He made a note on his notepad.
Dan shook his head, but he was smiling. "Thanks, uh...."
"Venom." Eddie mumbled.
"There's one more thing I'd like to check for Eddie. Can you sit up?"
"Sure." Eddie sat up, which exacerbated his headache. Venom gave a concerned chirping sound and brushed gently against his forehead. It felt rather soothing.
"I'd like to listen to your lungs, just to make sure there's no pneumonia." Dan placed his stethoscope on his back and started. "What the...!" Before realizing what he was hearing. "Oh, is that you?"
Venom looked over at the doctor.
"Yeah. It caught me off guard. Is there any way you can, uh...not move so I can hear Eddie's lungs?" Dan felt almost awkward asking the alien that. He wondered if it was rude?
Venom wrapped himself around Eddie for the most part, except his upper torso. Eddie sighed in comfort, giving a soft smile thru half lidded eyes. Dan tried listening to Eddie's lungs again, nodding in satisfaction.
"Thank you. Eddie, do you think you can try giving me a deep breath?"
Eddie frowned and started to, only to get caught up in another fit. Venom frowned and gave a small confused sound.
Dan took the stethoscope out of his ears, winging them around his neck. "Well as far as I can tell, he has a bad cold.
Eddie giggled at the symbiotes confusion as Dan shook his head.
"No, a cold is a human illness. There's a bug going around and it shouldn't keep him down too long. I..." He trailed off as Eddie leaned his head on his shoulder.
"Dan's the greatest!" Eddie's words were slurred. "So smart and so kind. Better than I can ever be!"
Dan gave a soft smile down at Eddie. "You're great too Eddie. Not everyone has the courage to go thru what you have in the past year."
Eddie gave a small hum, and Dan helped lay him back down, watching in curiousity as Venom oozed back into Eddie.
"You know I'm going to have to tell Anne about Venom, right Eddie?" Dan started to sit up.
Eddie whined, latching his arms around Dan's neck. "Tha's not fair."
Dan couldn't help but chuckle, reaching behind his neck to loose the arms. "Unfortunately sometimes life isn't fair. And you know Anne doesn't like secrets."
Eddie sighed. "Yeah, yeah. When you're right, your right." He let go of Dan's neck, but before dropping them, he lingered on his face; gently cupping it. He had a hard time thinking straight. "Damn you're so handsome. I love your eyes." He mumbled.
Dan blinked not sure if he had heard right. He wondered if Eddie meant to keep that thought to himself. He decided to pretend he didn't hear it, to save Eddie the potential embarrassment. Clearing his throat, he gently lay Eddie's hand on his chest. "Um, right Venom? Just make sure Eddie drinks plenty of fluids. Water and warm tea with some honey preferred. Try not to force him to eat too much."
"Oh. Right...uh... What.... What do you normally eat? Most meats wouldn't sit well on his stomach."
Dan thought for a moment... "It should be ok, don't eat too fast or too much. And keep me posted. This should clear up in a few days."
Dan wasnt too sure about the compliment, but he let it slide for now. He gathered his things and bid the pair good night. Maybe he should just wait untill Eddie was well enough to reveal his secret himself?
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thelastspeecher · 6 years
I could’ve sworn I posted the first part of this whole ficlet, but I went through my Phoenix Enchantment AU tag and couldn’t find it, so I added some more to it and decided to finally post it.  What is it?  It’s the fallout of this ficlet, in which Stan and Angie get stuck at a zoo for months on end, including mating season.  I couldn’t come up with a title for this, but a decent one would be “Angie’s Pissed”, because damn, Angie is pissed.  Anyways, enjoy.
              “Have fun with yer friends,” Fiddleford called after Tate.  Tate nodded.  “Call when ya want to get picked up.”
              “Pa, chill, I know!” Tate groaned.  He got into his friend’s car.  Fiddleford sighed and closed the front door.  After a moment, he raised his voice again.
              “Okay, he’s gone!”  There was immediately a series of loud thuds from the attic, along with muffled voices. Fiddleford looked at Ford.  “Are ya ready fer a scoldin’?”  Ford rubbed the top of his right ear, which was heavily bandaged.
              “I’ve already gotten one.”
              “No, ya haven’t,” Fiddleford said firmly.  Footsteps thundered down the stairs.  Stan stormed over to Ford.
              “What the fuck was that about, huh?” Stan rumbled.  “You left us in that zoo for months, and it wasn’t a life-or-death situation?”
              “It was-” Ford started.  Stan grabbed Ford’s shoulders.
              “Stanford, do you have any clue how terrifying it was to see Emmett’s egg? Small and gray and- and obviously not right!  And then he hatched, and got goddamn pneumonia before he was a week old!”
              “We were on display during mating season, Poindexter.  We got poked and prodded by people who thought we were dumb birds, and Emmett- Emmett didn’t grow right.”  Stan’s voice lowered.  “Angie was so fuckin’ stressed, I was so fuckin’ stressed, it’s a miracle we’re not completely bald.  Hell, it’s a miracle our son is even alive.” Angie, who had arrived at some point during Stan’s rant and was holding their infant son, walked over to Stan.
              “Stanley,” she said softly, putting a gentle hand on his shoulder. Stan sighed and let go of Ford. Angie handed Emmett to Stan.  Stan smiled weakly at his son.  Abruptly, Angie slapped Ford across the face as hard as she could.  “You fuckin’ bastard,” Angie snarled.  Stan’s jaw dropped.  “I can handle embarrassment, bein’ examined by my former coworkers, all that nonsense. But ya put my child’s life in danger. I’ve been blamin’ myself ever since Emmett’s egg got laid, since it was my stress what made him so weak and small. But yer the one what didn’t let the stress end.  Yer the one what left us in that zoo.”
              “Angie-” Ford started.
              “You didn’t call anyone!  You called the zoo, asked fer us to stay longer, that was it!  Ya didn’t even know we had a new chick until ya came to pick us up! It’s shameful.  Yer a father.  Show some fuckin’ responsibility,” Angie spat.  Ford stared at her.  “I know you blame yourself fer us bein’ phoenixes.  I ain’t blind; I can see it in how ya try yer hardest to keep us happy. Here’s the thing.  Ya have no blame in that.  Stop feelin’ guilty over it.  Instead, show some remorse and forethought into things ya do have control over!”  Angie grabbed Ford’s shirt and stood on her tiptoes to peer into his face.  “The zoo was one of those things.  We agreed to bein’ on display fer a few weeks.  We explicitly told ya that we didn’t want to be there durin’ matin’ season.  You ignored that,” she growled.  “Now you get to live with the fact that yer nephew is stunted and weak. Because of yer actions.”  She let go of Ford’s shirt.  Ford took a step back.  Angie spun around.  “Fiddleford, yer not blameless, neither.  How Stanford convinced ya, I don’t know.  But you didn’t do anything to mitigate his actions.  Ya may not have as much blame, but a good chunk of it is yours.”
              “That’s- Angie, don’t go overboard,” Stan said weakly.
              “Ever since I laid Emmett’s egg, I’ve been blamin’ myself,” Angie snapped. “It’s high time the folks at fault got blamed fer it.”  She stormed away.  The front door opened and slammed shut.  Stan looked at Fiddleford and Ford, who were visibly shaken.  He held up his son.
              “So, uh, yeah, this is Emmett,” Stan said.  “He, uh, it turns out he’s a polydactyl like Molly and Daisy.”
              “That’s nice,” Ford mumbled.  He grabbed blindly for a chair and collapsed into it.  “Was it actually that bad?”
              “Yeah, it was,” Stan said in a low voice.  “Angie worked herself up so much the zoo had to close the exhibit for a while.  If she didn’t have a supportive person around, she fell to pieces.  And at the zoo, I was the only supportive person she had.” Stan swallowed.  “It was rough on me, but way worse on her.  Even worse than when we had Molly.”
              “Did she really blame herself?” Fiddleford asked quietly.  Stan sighed.
              “What do you think, Fidds?  You know how your fam’ly gets.  Of course she blamed herself.  It didn’t help that the zookeepers kept sayin’ things like ‘gestational stress’ and ‘result of mother’s ill health’ when they talked about Emmett.”  Emmett squirmed in Stan’s arms.  “She’ll start calming down once the girls get here. She’s excited for them to meet Emmett.”
              “He is a cutie,” Fiddleford said with a shaky smile.
              “Yeah.  Like his sisters and mom,” Stan agreed.  “But you guys should, y’know, be careful for a little while.  The only reason I’m not angry right now is ‘cause Angie sorta ruined it.  She sucked all the angry outta the room when she started swearing.  I’m gonna get angry again, though.  Ford, don’t go upstairs for a couple weeks.”  Ford nodded silently.  “Fidds, stay away from the nest for a while.  Neither of you are allowed to hold Emmett until after the girls get here.”
              “Understandable,” Fiddleford mumbled.
              Tate waved goodbye to his friends as they drove away after dropping him off at home.  He put his hands in his pockets and strode up to the house, whistling.  His ears picked up on faint sobbing coming from the side of the house.  He changed direction, following the sound.  As he walked into view, he frowned at the source of the crying.
              “…Auntie Angie?” he asked.  Angie looked up.  She had been sitting on the ground, leaning against the side of the house while she cried. She hurriedly wiped her cheeks.
              “Tater Tot, good to see ya,” she croaked.  Her voice creaked, like it had been a while since she’d used it.  Tate joined her on the ground.  She smiled fondly at him.  “Ya get bigger each ‘n ev’ry day.”
              “I’m a teenager,” Tate said with a shrug.  He cocked his head.  “Why were you cryin’ just now?”
              “Oh, nothin’ fer you to be worried ‘bout.”
              “Auntie, please,” Tate said.  Angie shook her head.  “Come on, please talk to me.  I don’t get to see ya much.”
              “If ya must know…” Angie sighed.  She looked away.  “You ‘member why yer uncle and I couldn’t watch ya while yer fathers were occupied with their research, right?”
              “Yeah.  You and Uncle Stan were expecting your next kid, and didn’t need to watch me on top of it.”
              “Speakin’ of, where’s my new cousin?”
              “Emmett’s inside, bein’ showed off to yer fathers.”  Angie rubbed her eyes.  “He was…difficult.”  Tate’s heart plummeted.  He’d heard that rough pregnancies seemed to run in the family; Angie was herself an emergency C-section.
              “Is- is he all right?”
              “The doctors say he got through the worst of it, so it should be smooth sailin’.” Angie took a breath.  “But he was rough on me, and my mental state was rough on him, and he’s- he’s smaller than yer other cousins, and weaker.”  She shook her head.  “It’s just been a stressful time.  I could’ve used some support from yer pa, but yer dad convinced him to do that Manotaur thing, so Stan was the only one there fer me-”
              “What about Grannie and Grampie Gucket?”
              “They were busy, too.”
              “Too busy fer you when you were struggling?”
              “Tate, sweetie,” Angie choked out.  She pressed the palms of her hands to her forehead.  “I shouldn’t have told ya what I did.  I sure ain’t goin’ to tell ya more.  Yer pa wouldn’t be happy.”
              “Just go inside, say hi to yer new cousin.  I get the feeling you two ‘ll get along like a house on fire.”
              “I’m not jokin’,” Angie said in a warning tone.  Tate swallowed.  Most of his McGucket relatives didn’t seem completely serious when their tones became threatening.  But Angie had always seemed like there was real bite behind her words.  She didn’t posture.  She followed through on warnings.
              “Okay,” he said quietly.  He got up. “Once yer done cryin’ outside, though, I think Pa would like to talk with ya.  I’m sure he feels bad he couldn’t be there fer you.”
              “Just go inside, Tate,” Angie said.  Her voice was hollow.
              It’s like she used up all her emotions and can’t feel anymore.  Tate nodded silently.  He walked away and entered through the front door.  Faint crying emanated from the living room.
              “C’mon, Emmett,” Stan’s voice said tiredly.  “Stop cryin’.  When your mom gets back, we can give you some food and put you down fer a nap, but until then-”  Tate walked into the living room.  Stan looked up.  “Hey, kiddo.”
              “Hi, Uncle Stan.”  Tate joined Stan on the couch.  He peered at his new cousin, nestled in Stan’s arms.  “This is Emmett?”
              “Yep,” Stan said.  Emmett continued to wail.  “He’s a looker when he’s not screamin’.”
              “Yeah, he seems a bit fussy.”
              “I think he misses his mom,” Stan said.  He looked down at Emmett.  “But she stormed outta here a coupla hours ago after slapping Ford, and I don’t know where she went.”
              “She’s outside.”
              “What?”  Stan looked at Tate.  “She’s outside?”
              “Yeah.  I talked to her a bit when I got back.”  Tate rubbed the back of his neck.  “She was cryin’, so…”
              “She’s crying?” Stan asked.  He swore under his breath.  “Okay, I’ve gotta go talk to her.”
              “Is- is Auntie Angie all right?” Tate asked timidly.  Stan let out a heavy sigh.
              “No, she isn’t.  But she’ll get there.  We both will.”
              “…You’re not all right, either?”
              “Tate…”  Stan shook his head.  “Look. Your pa would flip if I told you the real reason Angie and I are so pissed at your dads.”
              “I can’t get into this,” Stan said abruptly.  He handed Emmett to Tate and stood.  “Your dads don’t want us to tell you, and my wife is crying outside. Just- hold onto Emmett for a bit, okay? Once Angie’s calmed down, we’ll head home.”
              “O-okay,” Tate stammered.  Stan strode out of the living room.  Tate heard the front door open and close.  He looked down at his infant cousin.  Emmett had stopped crying and was staring at him with wide, brown eyes.
              Auntie Angie and Uncle Stan were always a bit weird, like most people in the family.  But I swear, each year, they get more and more eccentric.
              “You’re not gonna be as weird as ‘em, are ya?” Tate asked Emmett quietly. Emmett stared at him silently.  “Don’t worry, I’ll help ya stay relatively normal. Us boys gotta stick together.”
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Fathers and Sons (part 2)
@acidicgumdrops wanted me to continue this, so here ya go!
Summary: Tate takes care of his sick father.
Characters: Tate and Fidds 
“Tater Tot.”  
Tate tossed on the couch, once more becoming an eight-year-old, alone and sick in his bed.
“Pumpkin pie, you feelin’ Ok?”  
His father was young again, smile on his face as he touched his forehead with his cool, long fingers. Tickling his face making him crack a smile as he brushed his hair back. Placing a gentle kiss on his forehead.
“Poor baby, I’ll cancel my appointment today and stay home ta take care of ya. Ya don’t need to be alone feelin’ so bad.”  
Tate’s eyes opened to the present, his elderly father hacking up mucus in the next room. It sounded painful but Tate couldn’t find the strength to get up and go to his side.
He lay there listening to him hack until he heard him finally settle back down to sleep. The upstairs living quarters of his shop were small and cramped. When it was just him, it was enough room but with his dad here it felt cramped and too small.
A door didn’t even divide him from his sick father, the hinges had busted off the bedroom door not long after he settled in and he never got around to putting another one up not thinking there was much of a point since it was just him. Through the open door way he could he see his dad’s slight form tossing and turning on the small bed. He looked up towards the ceiling he had to fix several times since moving in ten years ago, the lines from the holes he had to fill in visible even in the dark.
It had been ten years since he moved out here looking for him not knowing if he was alive or dead after the nearly twenty years he missed him. His mom acted like he was dead, never spoke of him, pretended he was never part of their lives leaving a void in his heart. He wanted his dad back for so long, he felt empty and alone without him. His mom tried but she was a closed off person and very personal, it always felt like she was keeping her distance from him and the rest of this world, his dad though had always been warm and inviting.
He looked through his door way at his dad hacking again. The man in there wasn’t who he wanted, he was a stranger. He wanted his dad to be his self again and it frustrated him to no end that even after ten years of trying, he was still this stranger.  
He just lay there listening to him hack for a few minutes longer before getting up to make him something in the kitchen to help him.
He didn’t have very much food, he desperately needed to make a run to the super market, but he did have some cough syrup and some left over antibiotics he had left over from the last time he was sick. He would dig them out of the bathroom medicine cabinet as soon as he found something for his dad to eat to gain some of his strength back and maybe help him put on some weight.
He threw some canned soup in a bowl and groaned in annoyance when his microwave wouldn’t start again. He regretted taking more after his mother and not his ingenious father at times like this. He recalled when he was little watching his dad happily fixing the kitchen appliances with anything he could get his hands on, his mother thanking him with a fake smile both he and his father knew was hiding his annoyance. He wasted his genius with his computer company that was going nowhere in the garage instead of taking any of the high paying jobs his mother not very subtly circled in the paper he read every morning.  
He took the job that would end up destroying him to try to save his failing marriage even a child like Tate knew was barely hanging together by a thread.  
Knowing the things, he knew now, he felt nothing but bitterness at his father not standing up for his business and staying. His parents might still be together now and he would have had a pleasant childhood with his father around.
He shook the thoughts away, no use thinking about all that now. He needed to make sure his dad was tended to, maybe giving him a more loving touch would help him become the man he used to be before this world broke him.
He would agree with one thing his mother said about his father in hushed whispers when she thought he wasn’t near, his father was weak.
Tate wanted to help him become strong and maybe that’s what lead him to doing the things he did. He just wanted his dad back. He wanted back the man who loved and cared for him. The gentle, soft spoken man who helped him with his homework and taught him to play the banjo. He wanted the parental figure back he always knew he could go to with his problems who would understand him and be nothing short of compassionate towards him.
He wanted his dad back and he was willing to do anything to get him back. He was afraid to get professional help, he didn’t want someone else ripping his dad from him again.  
He knew his dad wouldn’t really mind the cold soup, his diet over the years had mainly consisted of straight from the can food.
He pulled a soda from the fridge (the only thing he currently had) and made his way into the bedroom.
His dad was sitting up, holding his head, looking out the window, his uncovered body making the bed shake.
“Dad?” Tate called making him jump and his glassy eyes hit him, a feral fear in them as if he didn’t recognize his own son (which sadly wouldn’t be the first time that had happened).
“Tater Tot?” his dad croaked out before going into a coughing fit again, Tate sighed and gently began rubbing his dad’s back soothingly.
“Here,” he said popping the soda open and thrusting it in his dad’s hands startling him a little. He was shaking again, so he pulled the blanket around him again making a small smile form on his dad’s lips.
“I’m gonna get some medicine for ya and then I want ya ta eat,” he said firmly eying his dad up and down as he flipped on the light. He was gaining some color back and that was a good sign at least.
He frowned at the thick wads of guck in his beard, he was gonna have to make him take a bathe as soon as hid fever went down.
He handed his dad the pills and he very shakily took them, his good hand was shaking too hard for him to be able to hold the spoon and feed himself.
His dad was surprised and almost embarrassed when he fed him the first bite, stuttering out he could do it, he wasn’t that bad off. Tate, however, didn’t have to argue with him the coughing fit cut his dad off and he very gently helped him take another drink from his soda before continuing to feed him.  
When that was done he gently eased his dad back down in the bed covering him with the blankets once more. His dad wouldn’t go down, staring out the window again.
“What is it?” he asked but his dad didn’t respond, just staring out the window.
“I saw something out there,” he whispered already shaking and he let out a small cry as the tree outside his window gently tapped against it as the wind began blowing faster.
“Its something bad,” he said as tears began to fall, “I can’t explain it…”  
Tate sighed. It always came back to this, his dad and his fear of the unknown. Something was always out there. He would never completely forgive his former god father for putting these ideas in his head and making him go off the deep end like he had.
“Then don’t,” Tate said very gently pulling his dad away from the window, “That something will be gone when you feel better. It’s not real, dad.”
A part of him knew his dad wasn’t lying, there was something out there. Something dangerous, something he couldn’t explain but he wouldn’t let old wives tales and his own paranoia destroy him like it had his father. He was stronger than that, he would make them both strong enough to deal with it.  
“Tater Tot…” his dad began and he gently cut off his babblings with a gentle kiss to the forehead.
“I swear ta ya dad, ya don’t have to face this all alone anymore. Not when ya think this way, let me help you. Let me make you better again..”
Tears he had been holding in for so long began to fall as he gripped his dad’s arm harder then he needed to. He didn’t notice the whimper that came from his ill father but the finger gently brushing away his tears made him jump a little.
He looked down at his dad’s worried stare and didn’t see a stranger anymore. He melted against him as if he was a child again and felt him run his fingers through his hair.
“I won’t let ya be alone in this scary world, Tater Tot,” he whispered kissing his son gently making him cry harder than he had in years holding his dad tighter.
They fell asleep like that, Tate holding onto to his father for dear life and his dad holding back. Both afraid and alone together for once.
The next morning, Tate would awake to find the lump next to him gone, he shot up instantly. A fear growing inside him that he left and went back to the dump while he was still so ill. He began breathing hard as he raced out of the room but a smile settled on his face when he found him.
He was humming a familiar tune Tate had heard throughout his childhood, as he sat on the kitchen floor pulling the microwave apart, fixing it for him.
He smiled brightly at his son as he pulled out wires and Tate smiled back, for the first time in ten years feeling he was taking a step towards getting his dad back and he wasn’t going to squander this chance.
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azworkingdogs · 5 years
Why is My Puppy Not Eating
Ohhhh puppies!!!!  They are such simple yet complex little creatures of unconditional love.
They can also be busy and a bit fickle when it comes to eating.
I remember picking up my current female dog, a long trip to West Virginia from Georgia and offering her an early morning tater tot, she immediately thought I was trying to poison her.  Thinking about it from her perspective, tater tots are real food, so she was kind of right.
Now if I offered the same dog a tatter tot or something even shaped like a tatter tot she would probably try to eat it!
Again, puppy appetites can be fickle.  One of my puppies wouldn’t eat his puppy food until he had scattered his whole bowl of puppy food across the floor.
But I learned these endearing tidbits about their puppy appetites and behaviors fairly early on after their arrival.  It was normal for that pup. 
What is normal for one pup may not be normal for another!
Basic Puppy Feeding
There are about as many puppy feeding charts out there as there are charts on training your puppy.
Many of these puppy food charts are compiled by large dog food corporations, and believe it or not, that is a good thing and a bad thing.
Modern skepticism would tell us that a dog food leader in the dog food industry would recommend over feeding.  And, most of the time, I would agree.  Typically feeding a little less than they recommend is wise.
But, dogs, like humans have different metabolisms.  Puppies also have different metabolisms.  And, food is essential to growth.  No one wants a fat puppy (hard on growing joints) but also no one wants an emaciated puppy; one that can’t grow and is considered abused.  So the food companies are trying to come up with a general statistical “mean”. 
Statistical means refers to the average that is used to derive the central tendency of data in question; how much food should I be feeding my puppy?  Here is a great chart on puppy feeding.
Typically I tend to feed my puppies more and then cut back when they regulate into adulthood.  Adult dogs eat less.
Most Puppies Self Regulate
Most puppies self regulate if you are feeding them often enough.
I had always been taught by my mentor in veterinary medicine to feed puppies under 12 weeks old 3 times daily if possible and allow them to self regulate.  Give them 5 minutes of having the food bowl down and what isn’t eaten gets picked up.
A hungry puppy will probably eat until he is full.   Remember he has a tiny puppy stomach and a tiny puppy bladder (for potty training) and that he likely doesn’t need much to become full.
Make regular trips to your veterinarian.  Hopefully you are scheduling regular trips for vaccines and wellness checks, but they are certainly better educated at helping you keep your puppy on the right weight track.  A good vet will tell you when you have a fat puppy (and you are risking his growth plates) and if you can up his food just a smidge.
Adult dogs have more of a problem with over eating and gaining weight even with their dry kibble .
Know Your Puppy’s Eating Habits
I have had puppies that would never skip a meal or a treat; and I have had pups that seemed to constantly have attention deficit disorder (ADD) and have trouble focusing on anything much less a meal.  After a very short period of time it is apparent that skipping a meal here and there for these puppies is normal.
I still have one of these!  Sometimes he eats, sometimes he doesn’t.  I can see his ribs but he is healthy and self regulates.   I probably offer him 6 cups of dry kibble dog food a day for a 55 pound dog (that is A LOT).  But he is constantly in motion, has some anxiety, and sometimes just doesn’t feel like eating.  If the problem progresses I know something is wrong, but I also know his eating habits well because I believe in meal feeding.
If my other dog doesn’t want a treat I know she is seriously ill!  Eating habits are important to know and recognize.
The FDA has recently approved an appetite stimulant for dogs, 
Puppies really do need to eat.
If your puppy skips meals for more than 24 hours there may be something seriously wrong with him. An adult dog that isn’t eating may have less of a serious problem.  But a pup with a significant loss of appetite is a concern.
Most will never go this long without eating “something” or a small amount because they need those calories to keep up with the puppy zoomies!
One of the first signs of illness is refusing to eat, and it should be taken serious.  Even if you have a frequent meal skip-er or puppy with ADD when it comes to eating be sure you are at least mentally charting their skips or misses.
Water is the most important!
As we know your body can go days without food (not recommended) but after a few days without water dehydration becomes deadly.
Fewer people monitor their puppy’s hydration intake but it is even more important than monitoring his food.  Make sure that he is drinking.  A dehydrated puppy can get very sick and need hospitalization quickly!  Remember dehydration leads to death.
And adult dog that isn’t eating is much different than a pup that isn’t eating or has a loss of appetite.
Wet food can stimulate your pup to eat but it may mask a problem or give him diarrhea if he is not used to eating wet food. 
I actually try to avoid wet food with my puppies, because dry food is best for their teeth and I don’t want to teach them bad eating habits or to create an adult dog who won’t eat or who is refusing to eat.
Your adult dog’s health can be contingent upon some of the habits you build when he is just a pup.  Your dog’s diet is dependent on what you expose him to when he is a puppy.
Anything more than random vomiting should be of concern.  Yes, if you see your puppy drink a large amount of water, then chase a butterfly, then vomit; chances are you know the cause.  Some puppies do drink too much too quickly.
But vomiting is a sign of distress and the body trying to expel something. 
Vomiting also leads to dehydration (BAD)!
Diarrhea can also be a cause for concern.  Again, it is one of those symptoms that can lead to dehydration (BAD).
Sure, I think all puppies get loose stool on occasion but it shouldn’t last too long and it should never effect their activity level. 
A lethargic puppy who isn’t eating with vomiting and diarrhea is bad news!
It can also be the body’s way of trying to deal with infection or disease.
Parvovirus is marked by dehydration, vomiting and serious diarrhea.
These can all be signs that your puppy has ingested a foreign body that may need surgical removal, and if not removed can cause death.
So, be prepared to allow your veterinarian to run blood tests and x-rays.  Puppies can be much more fragile than adult dogs, so in order to ensure his well being sometimes lots of tests and IV fluids are required.
Remember your dog’s health is crucial.
The Most Important Take Away
Puppies don’t have the immune system or bodily strength of an adult dog when it comes to illness.
Know your puppy!  Your dog’s diet is up to you!
Watch him eat, watch him drink, go outside and watch his bathroom habits. 
Keep an eye on him so that he won’t eat something he shouldn’t like a sock!
And, if he gets sick watch his signs and get him into a vet.
Yes, puppies get diarrhea, yes puppies vomit, they eat too much, they drink too much the run around like crazy people; but they need to be monitored like you would do to your own child.
If they become lethargic it becomes even more dangerous.   To find a vet near you click here.
Knowing the signs is one of the most crucial pieces of knowledge for prevention.
Then, keep an eye on him and monitor him until his good behaviors become conditioned and you don’t need to keep as close of an eye on him anymore!
The post Why is My Puppy Not Eating appeared first on TheDogTrainingSecret.com.
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beckywtghmai · 5 years
You Deserve It
I thought maybe
I’d admit
That I’ve been mean enough to you
But that doesn’t mean
You don’t still deserve
Everything you’re going through.
Am forced to take the same pill
Doesn’t that make it ok,
To treat another human
With ill-will?
You know,
And yes,
I miss a lot of things
But that doesn’t mean
I don’t still feel…
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