#ill repost the post that informed me of the scam
chronicschmonic · 2 months
im just finding out now that theres ppl on tumblr sending asks and dms 2 ppl asking for donations pretending 2 b palestinians in need of aid- i genuinely have no words
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kyra45 · 1 year
Hello Reddit transfers! Here's some scam spotting tips
Hi! I'm Key (Or Jess), and I'm here to give you some tips to spotting scams. Think of my blog as a subreddit but with several posts a day that often show a scam post or give scam information. All this info is done as a hobby so I'll give you a rundown on the basics of how pet donation scams work here. If you like my hard work, feel free to throw me pocket change or check out my Ko-Fi where I take art commissions. Or just say thanks!
If you share a popular/trending text post, you may get an ask from a blog who wants you to share their pinned pet post. They'll ask you to answer the ask privately but urge you their pet is very ill and needs aid quickly. Commonly, this pet is a cat. But on occasion it's a dog. The ask will tell you their not a bot/etc and are just a person, promise!
If you check the blog, turn timestamps on under dashboard settings. By doing so, you'll get to see the date their pinned post was made. Usually, these posts are only a few hours old or even a few days old so always take caution if you see it's a post that isn't very old. This isn't always a red flag for a scam post, but it's advised to pay attention since you'll see these kind of things often enough since the scammer barely changes up their pattern.
Scrolling the account should also show you how many posts the blog has made. Often, you'll only find roughly 100 posts that are always made within minutes of the other. These posts come from a trending tag of the day generally and are rarely tagged since their just shared all at once and then nothing else. You will usually also see the archive has been turned off since the blog is set to only dashboard view and only accessible to logged in users. This measure isn't always a sign of a scammer, as users can have real reasons for this! But it's a common tactic for scam accounts.
The post tells you the cat/dog is suffering from some medical condition and claims the op will get paid in a few weeks but they need the money before then and they promise they'll pay you back when they reach their goal. Not all users who make posts like that are scam accounts and many of them are real people who will return the help once they can. The op will also tell you to send money by friends and family because they need it quickly and don't want it held up. Usually they'll have a link that will tell you to send them funds there.
However, you may notice some things are off in the post itself. While the op asks for USD, their pay link says their in the Philippines which is not USD and would require conversion rates to apply. Not all PH-based bloggers are scammers and some are disappointed that some people are. Its sadly a well known thing here that this scammer is from there but no one knows who they really are as every name used is stolen off a private aid group. Another thing to do is check the notes and see how many reblogs are directly from the op. Usually you'll find several.
If you want to, it is suggested to ask the op if they can provide you proof they own the cat/dog if your unsure of the legitimacy of their claim. For example, ask them to write their url on a piece of paper and take a picture of it on top of the pet they supposedly own or even post a short video of them calling the pet and holding the paper in sight. Usually this results in the op likely blocking you.
It's suggested to warn anyone sharing these scam posts and reporting scam accounts under Phishing as it's usually the fastest way to deal with them on a daily basis. This scammer has been doing this for years and even brags about how they get away with it since they make hundreds of dollars doing it and ruin the reputation of the names they steal.
These scammers are also stealing content from private facebook groups and reposting them here without the owner being aware of it. The scam accounts are saving pictures and passing them off as their pet. Watermark your vet bill and pet pics in your aid posts if you want to deter scammers from stealing it for future uses. If you are in a fb group that posts vet bill help, please inform them a scammer is going around taking their posts and reusing it for fraudulent reasons. I have seen cases where some scammers even used pictures off Reddit to use for scams.
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mewmewww2222 · 1 year
Tumblr media
I haven’t posted a photo or introduced myself.
My legal birth name is Kira
You can call me, Kitty
I am 27yrs old, libra/scorpio cusp
I have been on tumblr since I was 15yrs old, I had deleted my old tumblr and started a new one back in 2021 but then deleted that one due to the very saturated market of spam accounts and people trying to scam you.
I’ve always used tumblr as an outlet since adolescence to express myself and repost images that are either relevant to my trauma, life, or interests/likes.
I’ve been all about anime, kawaii culture and Japanese culture since I was a child. I have photo and video proof of that as well. I am actually a quarter asian and 1st generation in america of my family. My mom was born in the Philippines and came to america when she was 6yrs old and my grandmother is full blooded Philippino.
Growing up I got horribly bullied for my interests and was an outcast that has bled into my adulthood. I have been diagnosed by my therapist of 10yrs. My DSM-5 diagnosis is PTSD, Panic Disorder, BPD and Bipolar 2 with rapid cycling.
I have a lot of complex trauma starting from childhood up until last yr. I do take medication and am still seeing a therapist. I work a full time job and am doing my best to survive. I am an ex sex worker, where in 2017 I started selling custom content for money. I became bigger in my own financial growth due to me being in a youtube video that got over a million views. I ended up leaving the sex work industry and hiding out away from society. I have been to college and only completed 2 classes that were easy A’s. I took american asian studies which validated my ethnicity…I also took intro to theater arts. I was going to major in an accounting degree but then found out I don’t have the mental capacity to do school and a full time job. I can only do 1 full time and financial aid would not cover me part time. I do want to go back to school as I talk more about it. I have a wide variety of interests but I enjoy immersing myself into taboo or reality that no one wants to educate themselves on. Ive been reading about drug addiction and eating disorders since I was in elementary school. I used to be obsessed with the discovery health channel and mystery diagnosis was one of my favorite shows. I watch a lot of crime documentaries, documentaries on taboo cultural beliefs, drug addiction, childhood trauma, pedo’s. Anything and everything to try and understand others and the way the are the way that they are. From being someone who struggles with an eating disorder and past drug abuse. I have seen it on all levels. From witnessing it from friends/romantic relationships to being in it. I will never fully understand child predators or people who murder or abuse others. As I am none of that. The reason for me wanting to understand is there is a biological and environmental reason to why humans are the way they are. I would rather educate myself than be ill informed or ignorant.
Well thats pretty much about me besides the fact that I am a HUGE animal lover and i used to volunteer for petsmarts cat adoptions.
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owl-core-archive · 5 years
These are sources I find interesting enough to save for organizational purposes in this neat little post. I can’t vouch for the veracity or safety of all of them, so browse at your own peril. An asterisk (*) marks links that are particularly important to me.
I remove posts when the links are broken and I cannot find replacements.
Chaos magic
Chaos Matrix
DKMU website
Introductions to chaos magic compiled by @coyote-696 and updated by me
Drawstring Bag Tutorial by thewitchandthewoodland (deactivated)
Divination (bibliomancy, scrying, etc.)
The Basics of Water Scrying by @maddiviner
Commentary on scrying by @crossing-sun
Divination skills are vital for an active and informed magical practice by @toverijenspokerij
Electional astrology intro resources compiled by @tzilya
(*) The Homeiromanteion, Nietzschemanteion, and Sapphomanteion
Oneirogenic Unction by @poisonerspath
Egypt and Kemeticism
Compilations on Egypt (see here and here) by @magica-pseudoacademica
Egyptology Resources by Nigel Strudwick at the Fitzwilliam Museum
(*) Gods and Goddesses of the Ancient Egyptians: A Theological Encyclopedia by Edward P. Butler on Henadology
Historical Kemetic offerings by @pagyne
Introduction to Ancient Egypt and Its Civilization and Wonders of Ancient Egypt by University of Pennsylvania on Coursera
Kemetic Daily Adoration: Sunrise by @hammerandkhopesh
Prayer for Hethert by @khenneferitw
Resources on the Egyptian language on Lexicity
(*) A Simple Beginning Ritual by @idi-the-noof
The Twisted Rope by Devo (@thetwistedrope)
Types of Kemeticism by @thetwistedrope
Health, wellness, and self-care
(I am not a medical professional and do not take responsibility for the outcomes of using any of these methods.)
Prayer of Healing for Mental Illness by Rabbi Elliot Kukla
Dangers of ingesting herbs by @vampireapologist
The Etiquette of Herb-Gathering by @juniperwildwalk
Getting to know a Plant Ally by @thepaganhomestead
Intoxication is awesome by theheadlesshashasheen (deactivated) and veneficiumveritas (deactivated)
Working with Plants by @batwitch
Inclusion and social justice
Bisexual history by @violettomcat-archived
Designing for accessibility by the Home Office of the UK
Thread on sage and smudging by @tainbo
Primed: The Back Pocket Guide For Trans Men and the Men Who Dig Them by Rainbow Health Ontario
Real Rent Duwamish by the Duwamish Solidarity Group (of Coalition of Anti-Racist Whites)
Resources on LGBTQ+ history compiled by @iwilleatyourenglish and @ryanthedemiboy
So, Your Ancestor is a Racist... by thedailypolitique
Magical commentaries
(These are not detailed instructions for specific spells. For those, please see my other page.)
Advice on Cursing for Witches by @deerhoofandrabbitsfoot
An advisory about poppets by @therainshallmakeadoor
Basics of magic by @hadit93
A Critical Look at Correspondences by Aaron Oberon (@southerncunning) on Southern Cunning
The Crossroads by @qedavathegrey
Defending yourself from binding spells by @therainshallmakeadoor
How to begin at witchcraft by @ioqayin
How to deepen your craft by shi-rith (deactivated)
How to read grimoires by @jakattax
How to start again at witchcraft by @heatherwitch
Many Branches – Something Witchy this way comes with Sarah Anne Lawless and Briana Saussy
The Language of Spell Crafting by ofwoodandbone (deactivated)
Magic in the Middle Ages by Universitat de Barcelona on Coursera
Magic is not only about intention by @hadit93
Magical circles and protection by @crossing-sun
On substitutions by @ancientmagickacademy
Properly baptizing a poppet by @helheth
Regaining Faith in Magic by @hadit93
Starting point for Traditional Witchcraft by @iopanosiris
Breathing exercise by @catchymemes
Compilation of posts by @qedavathegrey
Emergency cleaning: Unfuck your whole house in the shortest time possible by @unfuckyourhabitat
Facts that adults don’t tell you about bullying by @autasticanna, @saint-ambrosef, and @tato-ch4n
Focus - How to develop your Craft by @batwitch
How to deal with Discord phishing scams by splitsplatted
Stop Reposting by @heatherwitch
Toxic Trends: Trust your gut over truth by @north-of-annwn
Vegan recipes:
Peanut butter cookies by @fishusesmagic (for my Witchy Wishlist 2019)
Four vegan recipes (not by me) I compiled for @lovelyvvitch‘s Witchy Wishlist 2019
How to Disappear Online by WhoIsHostingThis.com
What to do when someone dies by @ms-demeanor
Deity Communication Spread and Deity Identification Spread by @hellboundwitch
Beginner witches and responsibility by @north-of-annwn
Correspondences (an academic journal on esotericism)
Esoterica, another academic journal through Michigan State University
Fake Witchy Authors on Amazon by Nathara on CrowSong Lodge
Grimoire Encyclopedia by S. M. H. M. Reeve
@grimoiresontape‘s collection of texts
@magica-pseudoacademica‘s entire blog
Open Library by Internet Archive
Resources on folklore, magic, and more compiled by @smugplankton
Resources on Italian magical traditions compiled by @dianaandpansson
Spotting BS in esoteric and pagan books by @vampireapologist
Witch tip (with maps) by @imaginarywitchcraft
Spirit work
Advice on bioregional animism and folk magic by @mahigxn
Ancestors Master Post: The Mighty Dead & Beloved Dead compiled by starlitcrow (deactivated) and updated by me
Commentary on metals and spirits by @therainshallmakeadoor and @owl-core
Considerate Spirit Offerings by @skepticaloccultist
Demon Things - Ancient Egyptian Demonology Project through Swansea University Wales
Explanation of a fetch-mate by @serpentandstang
An historical, physiological and theological treatise of spirits by John Beaumont on ECCO TTP through University of Michigan
How to start hedge-riding? by @thelaughingmandrake
Making a pact does not mean selling your soul by ofwoodandbone (deactivated)
Necromancy: Sing Them Awake by ofwoodandbone (deactivated)
A Necromancy of Trees by @skepticaloccultist
What is Animism? by Sarah Anne Lawless
Last updated Feb. 12, 2020
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