#ily alex!! :D
Hi we are a little drunk right now and we want to be annoying. Sorry in advance.
We wonder if Alex and Jay would have ended up together or even like…. less toxic in S,IL if Jay hadn’t coerced Alex that one time on the couch. Like we find ourself blaming Alex a lot until we remember Oh yeah! Jay did That. And it’s kind of sad you know? But also interesting because we see a lot of media where in BDSM dynamics it’s assumed the Dom is the abuser. So it’s nice to see it from every angle. But also Jay why did you do that???? Like he said he didn’t want to and now you’re miserable forever because you guys can’t talk about your feelings. I am beating them both up. I love your work. Does this make sense? I am intoxicated. Yeah. 👍
Hi to you too :]
Honestly, I've thought about this so much since I started writing If It Ain't Broken because their fucked up relationship and dynamic are so interesting to think about. Honestly, I don't think that if you took away that one time on the couch it would change things, because unfortunately, it's not the only time it's happened, it's just the only time I've actually written. Jay genuinely thinks he's in the right/that he's helping Alex there, like, he thinks that Alex will feel better if he's just a bit rough with him to get his frustrations out, so even if he didn't do it that one time in chapter 2 of If It Aint Broken, hed have done it another time.
He really thinks he's doing the right thing, fully, wholeheartedly, genuinely believes it. If you could get him to understand that what he'd done had hurt Alex (which, I admit, would be hard because he doesn't like hurting Alex, he can accept that he does it when he's angry and loses control, but the idea that he could hurt Alex even when trying to help him would be awful) he'd be horrified.
Anyway, their relationship, even just as a friendship was always rocky. Like, honestly they probably shouldn't even be friends in S,IL, they fight and hurt each other and say nasty things and Jay manipulates Alex even when they're just friends. So even without the FWB stuff, their relationship would still probably be pretty toxic, just in different ways. I don't think it'd go as far in its toxicity as it actually ends up going (with Alex saying you know what fuck you and moving away, which I'm making the main catalyst for being Alex needing to get away from the toxic relationship, and the secondary reason be the whole Operator thing)
So without that one time on the couch? No, they'd still be that toxic, Jay would still out Alex to their friends, the manipulation and coercion would still happen other times, they'd still fight and scream at each other and say nasty things.
God I love thinking about this lol. Just, angst is so fun to write. So are unreliable narrators, I'm so glad you find yourself blaming Alex, honestly, because that's how I wrote it to be, you're meant to blame Alex, even if you now have a lot more of the information and know that actually he and Jay were in the wrong and doing unpleasant shit to each other. Hell, Jay's probably kinda worse than this point. But like, yeah, especially if you're reading the fics in the order they come out in, your first impression of Jay is him in S,IL itself, and it's hearing about his and Alex's relationship from his POV, and he doesn't think he's in the wrong for the actual things he's in the wrong for.
Like, your first impression of these characters is massively biased towards Alex being to blame for everything.
Honestly I kinda wonder how different the opinions/conclusions people would form if the first time they read S,IL they read it in chronological order, so with If It Ain't Broken first. Like, would that give them an entirely different perspective of the story, if they didn't first get introduced to Jay and Alex's messed up relationship through the incredibly warped lens that is Jay?
Some government should give me science funding to stick a bunch of people who've never even heard of S,IL before in two rooms and force them to read it either in the chronological order or in the upload order, so that I can ask them about the story and find out how different or similar their conclusions about the characters and their relationships are.
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clemencetaught · 1 year
( meta: four lives. )
instead of doing my drafts from all three ( four ) of my blogs, i'm going tell you about the lore that this blog functions on- it's not actually that prominent as it falls more on the supernatural side, this blog is almost heavily geared towards crime and slice of life, and patrick himself is not actually aware that this is the truth of the universe he lives in. but i do consider it important to me and it also can put a very important relationship of his into perspective.
*spoilers for goblin: the lonely guardian*
okay, so this lore actually comes the TV show goblin: the lonely guardian ( sorry for spoilers, but also u should watch it!! it's a classic 💕 ) and while patrick isn't actually an oc in that verse, his relationship with hyuk ( @jeoseungsaja - hello alex my dear 💕 ) kinda....made me want to incorporate that into patrick's universe since the TV show is where hyuk originated from ( AND ALSO FOR ALEX'S WONDERFUL PORTRAYAL :DD ):
basically, if we're going by the four lives theory according to ji eun-tak then in all three verses, patrick is on his third life aka the harvesting life. in all four of his lives, however, he always at least crosses paths with hyuk and felicity in some capacity.
in his first life, he lived during the goryeo era, where he was an seonbi for the king, wa*ng y*eo. he went by ahn hak ( and was distantly related to one of my other ocs, ahn yoojin ). he was a childhood and later lifelong friend of y*eo, staying by his side even through the latter's grave crimes and when the latter had begun to fall into despair from the regret he felt over said crimes. however, due to the manipulation of yeo's evil advisor, park joong-hyeon, needless self-sacrifice and a lack communication on both yeo and hak's parts, hak ended up dying after taking a stray arrow to the heart that would've hit yeo. by that time, park joong-hyeon had given the order to have hak executed ( more manipulation there to have hak be viewed as suspicious and therefore an enemy of the kingdom....and at last minute yeo was trying to interrupt this execution ).
needless to say hak's first life came to an unfortunate end and it left hak with a bitter taste in his mouth. he was angry at himself for not better support yeo and for not having the guts to actually?? stand up to yeo when he thought yeo was wrong. he was also angry at yeo for giving up on himself but also leading his kingdom to ruin....and so, in his second life, whether it was hak's choice or the higher ups, hak's second life is spent separate from the second life of wang y*eo. hak spent his first life completely devoted to yeo so his second life would be for discover who he is independently. that and wang y*eo had serve a punishment for his past crimes and the one the really put him there, so part of that punishment includes not being able to see a reincarnated hak.
so for his second life, he was born as park jisoo. an orphan with no knowledge of his family ever to discovered, jisoo had a rather lonely if not rough childhood. he was bullied for having more of a timid personality, but also for being colorblind- he was unable to distinguish between red and green and therefore also couldn't see the colors of sunsets ( ironically two of these three things are things hak associated with yeo in their previous lives ). however, jisoo did manage find some sort of happiness as he lived a long and peaceful life with yuri, whose third life would be that of one felicity price. that being said, jisoo always felt like there was something, someone was missing from his life.
( at the end of his second life, jisoo would meet a grim reaper with a very familiar face and very familiar name. it would make no sense to jisoo, he didn't remember meeting someone named wang yeo- )
and so that brings us to his third and current life, patrick grace/shin myungdae. his second life, he spent gaining a sense of independence, but also coming to the subconscious realization that no matter how badly wang yeo had fucked up, he missed him. and he asked for a chance to be friends with the soul of wang yeo once more. perhaps the gods smiled on him once more, because patrick grace was able to meet and become lifelong friends ( and even something more ) with lee hyuk, the third life of wang yeo, a soul that has served his punishment and has been forgiven. patrick would also be blessed to once more encounter his wife from his previous life aka felicity.
so if you're wondering why patrick is ridiculously attached to both hyuk and felicity, that's the ic explanation; they're soulmates in the most literal sense. every life, he'll be entwined with them both some way and some how although the nature of their relationship will be different in each life 💕
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trashmouth-richie · 8 months
hi, ziggy! ahhh i missed hih ❤️ could you pretty please do something for jealous!eddie where maybe somebody flirts with tooty because she got that milf glow after she had the babies lmao ily ❤️
anon💕💕 thank you for the req! this took a little spin and has an open ending, but!!! the twins are in this and some other familiar faces ❤️ might get a part 2? who knows!
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a night out without the kids. almost an unheard of event. but tonight corroded coffin were performing their annual concert the night before halloween.
sissy & oz toted their overnight bags up the paved sidewalk to grandma and grandpa’s house— the same house you had once called home when the wheeler’s took you in as a teen.
reaching the front door eddie squats to eye level with the twin three year olds. “okay you two,” he says in his fatherly tone, “last time you stayed the night grandpa said you terrorized the cat.”
“i no do it daddy,” sissy speaks her little voice high pitched and tattling, “ows chaseded hims.”
a frown spreads on her brothers face his brown eyes pleading, “i did not! sissy made tinky swim in the potty!”
eddie bites his lip to hide a laugh and you take a deep breath, “that’s another thing, the cat’s name is bruce, not stinky.”
“but mama,” sissy complains, head held high in a defiant pose— one eddie recognizes as a mini version of his wife, “boose 's hard to say.”
eddie ruffles her hair and stands up, talking out of the side of his mouth, “always arguing like someone else i know,”
his large hand slides down the curve of your ass pinching the leather fabric snug on your skin, giving it a tight little squeeze.
“eddie!” you scold, swatting his hand away, “not in front of the babies.”
he grabs your waist and pulls you back into him before you can rap your knuckles on the front door. his mouth is hot in your ear, “sorry mama,” he purrs, dancing his tongue on the shell of your ear, “you just look so fucking hot tonight.”
sissy and oz are both slapping the door with both palms as it swings inward. “who’s makin’ all that racket?!”
“gwampa! it’s us!”
“issy and ows!”
wayne smiles as big as he always did when his grandbabies visited, “are you sure y’all ain’t no robbers are ya?”
“gwampa’s silly, daddy!” oz squeaks, squeezing wayne tight around his leg.
eddie grins and chuckles, “aww nah buddy that word is ‘senile’”
you smack eddie in the chest and usher the kids inside to play with their cousin, alex. “thanks for watching them tonight, we really appreciate it,” you say to wayne reaching through the threshold and giving him a hug.
“ah, ain’t no problem,” wayne says flipping eddie the bird behind your back, “karen and i love these little turds.”
“u too oh two be good for grandpa and grandma okay? eddie hollers, “be nice to the cat, sissy… i’m talkin’ to you.”
her little nose wrinkles into a pout and her brows furrow together.
“swear to christ himself, that kid is the spittin’ image of you, tooty.”
“god help me.” eddie pouts, “i’m gonna go gray before i’m forty.”
you kiss the kids goodbye and wave from the windows of your jeep before heading to the hideout. eddie looked particularly good tonight, leather pants, a cut off shirt, he even let you smear some eyeliner on his eyelids before tonight’s gig.
“nervous?” you ask, carrying some cords from eddie’s old van that now belonged to big d.
gareth walks past you with an amp, “not really, the hideouts like home away from home, makes me feel 18 again.”
you smile and ruffle his still thick curls, “will coming tonight?”
a sad look replaces his smile, “haven’t talked to him in a week… last i heard from jonathan he was staying with joyce and hopper.”
“he’ll come around man,” eddie says coming through the back door, “he loves you.”
“yeah, i hope.”
the boys— men now— rocked a killer show, fans still screaming for the band even though half of them were married and the lead singer had two kids.
you were front in center, in your designated spot that you always stood after the first show where eddie sang ‘lady evil’ just for you.
now you were sporting a new homemade shirt, ‘sitter’ crossed out with ‘mama’ his old leather jacket on your shoulders.
a hand sits on your lower back you giggle, “jeez nance, how drunk are you?”
only it wasn’t nancy, but a random guy. burly and tall, a thick beard on his face matching the short hair on his head, balancing a cowboy. you didn’t recognize him from anywhere and you pull back with a shocked face,
he smiles and you can smell liquor on his breath as he leans in real close, “been watchin’ you all night little darlin’ looks like you need a drink.”
you scowl and turn away from him, looking for jonathan and nancy but they’re nowhere to be found.
“hey,” he blunders stumbling towards you, “you like cowboys?”
you don’t want to give him the time of day or even the satisfaction of a tasteful retort so you do your best to ignore him, looking at eddie as he turns to thrash the guitar riff with jeff.
eddie turns back around to continue the song and shoots you a wink, the same time a big sloppy pair of lips press on your cheek, hard and unwelcoming.
you didn’t see eddie’s eyes turn to black or the way he dropped the neck of his guitar hands balled into fist, you were seeing your own scarlet red, turning and slapping the face of the drunk asphalt “cowboy”.
eddie cuts the band and grabs the mic, “hey fucker!” he pushes his lips in a smooch and whistles like a dog, “here boy, up here.. yeah you— the guy who just got slapped.”
cowboy slap face looked up to the band, “what?”
“you must be new to town, huh? a drifter maybe?”
he lifts his head and spits on the ground, “what’s it to you?”
eddie laughs a little crazy-like, “… that,” he says pointing to you, “is my wife… and i’m sure you don’t know this or maybe your marbles are a little rattled up there with the cobwebs, but..” he jumps from the stage in a dramatic flare, wet hair bouncing behind him, skin slicked in sweat.
he tossing the mic behind him, standing tall and flicking the brim of the guys hat, toe to toe. “i’m not afraid to kill a man.”
“you’re bluffin’,”
“wouldn’t be my first, and for her,” he says moving you behind him, “won’t be my last,”
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w1zard0foz · 18 days
because i’ve committed to this now i guess: rewatching apocalypse:
some thoughts:
everyday i wish jubilee had more screen time
“i think that was probably my favourite tree”
ugh moira (i don’t like moira)
off topic (there is no topic) but erik looks so good with those safety glasses
also he should have just let that guy die tbh
(okay full disclosure i started this like two weeks ago and forgot about it but my mom randomly turned on apocalypse so i guess the universe decided i should finish it- here’s the rest)
“you don’t know what it’s like to be trapped inside your own head!” stfu jean
“not my babies” D: D: D:
poor little guy
ugh moira
oh erik
my baby- he needs a hug :(
(yes i am calling a grown ass man baby, but i am also a grown ass man and i do what i want)
“who the fuck are you?”
unfortunately the only time erik gets to say fuck (he deserves to say it more)
bro brought him back to the camps- he does not want to be thereeeee
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
he feels charles in his mind before he even says anything
“charles..?” </3
“come back to us me”
i know what you are
“wreak havoc” STFU
another absolutely phenomenal scene from peter
“where’s alex?” D: D: D:
“pretty sure i got everybody”
i just know that erik is the one who folded up charles’ jack to make a pillow for him
“i told you from the moment i met you that there is more to you, erik. there is good in you too.”
just fucking tell him you love him smh
“what’s wrong with you?! is that gonna happen to all of us?!?!”
who said these movies weren’t funny?
“he’s my father” “WHAT?!?!”
i’m sorry logan looks so goofy in the movie- i love him
kurt is so cute
“you have charles”
damn right he does
“i’m your- i’m here for my family too”
bro was not being subtle there is no way in hell erik didn’t figure it out
if only kurt was a little bit faster </3
erik’s face when he realizes charles was in that plane
they should have set it to music
THE TEAR !! i fucking can’t
erik when peter gets hurt
he so knew
charles does not know that he’s bald
aghh erik!!! ily!!
ugh moira
erik ily but do you really have to be levitating all of the time???
he’s rebuilding charles’ house <3
the turtleneck <3 <3 <3
“you’re sure i can’t convince you to stay?”
“you’re psychic charles, you can convince me to do anything”
“goodbye, old friend”
“good luck professor”
cowards won’t give them comic accurate costumes </3
10/10 very gay
(maybe i do dark pheonix? idk)
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intro :3
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the basics
hello! my name is iris. you can call me whatever nicknames you want (some people call me rissie) but my name doesn't really lend itself to nicknames haha
i use he/she/any neos/they pronouns in order of preference! (and yes, this does mean you may choose whatever neos you think suit me. please do not exclusively call me they/them.)
i love meeting people and making new friends :D but i can be a little awkward
im bi with a preference for guys and probably aspec
i do moodboards based off people's names!!! if you want one just send an ask and if you have multiple names tell me which one you want :333
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adults privately
homophobes, transphobes, racists, zionists, etc
exclusively nsfw blogs
pro ana/pro sh blogs (ed/sh blogs can interact. i have the tags blocked. you may vent to me, what triggers me is spo/sh pics/stuff along those lines)
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i will try to tag whatever you need. remind me if i don't. please tag rape/sa, blood, emeto, and ed/sh content if we're moots :)
i don't have opinions on most discourse stuff (except for the obvious stuff in my dni). if your opinions on syscourse, shipcourse, radqueers or any of that stuff are so strong that you can't interact with someone who doesn't share exactly the same ones…don't interact i guess? idc about anyone with any opinions regarding that stuff interacting with me but don't be mean to my moots who have opposite opinions.
i am neurodivergent (diagnosed audhd + probably some other stuff) and might be a lil awkward
im quite affectionate (if i comfort you i might call you love or sweetheart and i'll probably tell you you're pretty if a photo of you comes up on my dash. i mean this platonically unless explicitly otherwise stated and i'll stop if you tell me to)
my dms are also open to any of my moots who aren't adults :) come!! ask me random questions!! send me photos of your cats!! tell me about that new song you heard or place you went!!! tell me how you're not doing great or how you're feeling better!! i care.
i have bad rsd. please use tone indicators and avoid making me think you're mad at me unless you are (i am one of those people who thinks everyone hates me and i am an imposter everywhere i go blablabla)
im happy to participate in tag games but i usually open tag
you are supported, accepted, and safe on this blog <333 ily
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stuff i like
music (in random order i just. add new artists in the middle idk why. yes crispin you are in this no you cant argue) - will wood (and the tapeworms), billie eilish, fontaines d.c, kendrick lamar, alex g, car seat headrest, taylor swift, the moldy peaches, chappell roan, olivia rodrigo, conan gray, jolie holland, radiohead, declan mckenna, hozier, lana, noahfinnce, yungblud, beabadoobee, frank ocean, @outlying-hyppocrate, boygenius, nirvana, cavetown, sam fender
books/tv/film- osemanverse (including the heartstopper show), studio ghibli, young royals, across the spiderverse, good omens, anything to do with the moomins
general interests- animals, etymology, reading, greek mythology, pikas, tea, bjj, drawing
userboxes under cut
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sooo here's a random list of bands/artists i like (and recommend)!!
(and like really awful tiny reviews/general thoughts for each one)
also here's a 🔗playlist i made which includes some of these :)
BIKINI KILL, LE TIGRE AND THE JULIE RUIN (of course) (i love you kathleen hanna😭🫶)
THE SMASHING PUMPKINS - i absolutely love their song "my love is winter"
BABES IN TOYLAND - her VOICEEE ugh I'm in love
NO DOUBT - only just started listening to them. i really like the songs "doormat" and "sunday morning"
GARBAGE - QUEER!!!! (i think that's all i need to say)
RADIOHEAD - crying (i love every radiohead song I've heard and they all make me cry)
MADNESS - big part of my childhood (cuz im british duhhh🇬🇧)
KATY B - that gurl is always on a mission and i love her for that <3
HOLE - don't ask me what my opinion is on courtney love because honestly? i don't even know
X-RAY SPEX - 70s punk band. existed before riot grrrl was a thing, very influential even now
LIMP BIZKIT - nu metal/rap metal - i especially like the albums "significant other" and "chocolate starfish & the hotdog flavoured water"
MITSKI - alternative/indie, SAD MUSIC
SIOUXSIE AND THE BANSHEES - goth/punk, very kewl, first goth(ic?) band i ever listened to
EMILE MOSSERI - his songs are on the "minari" soundtrack - very chill and atmospheric. also sad
DAZEY AND THE SCOUTS - please can they make more music PLEASE
KORN - i love u jonathan davis <3 (also i love ALL their albums and don't care if they had unpopular stuff, i love it regardless)
PINK FLOYD - they never fail to make me feel like I'm levitating. or dying. I'm not even sure
LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT - so underrated and so incredibly good and UGH the vibes and the atmosphere I LOVE
ALEX G - so traumatisedqueertranskidcore
ADRIANNE LENKER - brb crying
KATE BUSH - brb frolicking in the woods
soo yeah! those are just some of the bands/artists i like/listen to currently! :D
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jahayla-parker · 1 year
Premiere Pride : Freddy Carter x Reader SMAU
Descr: Social media AU of Freddy’s girlfriend attending the S&B Season 2 Premiere. Fluff
Warnings: flirting, and Freddy’s gorgeousness might melt your phones, otherwise it’s all just fluff. 💜
Freddy’s Story
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Y/N’s Story
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Liked by freddycarter1, amitasuman_, benbarnes, and 657, 498 others
yourusername: Freddy, I’m so insanely proud of you! You more than deserve everything you are getting to experience tonight ❤️ #sabseason2premiere
Photo credit: @/benbarnes
view all 136, 842 comments
freddycarter1: truly honored to have you on my arm tonight darling 😘 thank you for always supporting me xxx
kittheyounger: wonder what could cause that smoulder 🤔 x
freddycarter1: the sight in front of me was too beautiful 🤷‍♂️
yourusername: 🥹❤️
lbardugo: thank you Freddy for being our Kazzle Dazzle 🖤
shadowandbone: he’s a star 🤩
benbarnes: you know I took this photo cause he was checking you out, right? 😂😉
yourusername: I didn’t until I saw Kit and Freddy’s comments 🥹 but he’s so pretty, I love that smile ❤️
freddycarter1: it’s all yours darling xxx
Freddy’s Story
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Liked by freddycarter1, daniellegalligan_, lbardugo, and 435, 864 others
yourusername: I’ll never get enough of these two! In case you hadn’t noticed, tonight I’m tagging along with my beautiful best friend and my beautiful boyfriend while they walk the red carpet for the S&B season 2 premiere! I’m so v proud; love you both sm!😘
p.s. full disclosure, the carpet is actually black 🤫
view all 246, 963 comments
freddycarter1: another great photo taken by my beautiful girlfriend 😘
daniellegalligan_: babe, ilysm! ❤️
yourusername: I love you more D🥰
daniellegalligan_: more than Freddy? 👀
yourusername: Danniiii, let’s not do this, hmm?😂
freddycarter1: that’s a no 😏
yourusername: Freddyyy, that was not a no🙄
daniellegalligan_: so it’s a yes? 😏
yourusername: I didn’t say that either 🙄
freddycarter1: it was a yes or no question sweetheart x 🤔
daniellegalligan_: yeah, so, what’s the answer?👀❤️
yourusername: I changed my mind, I hate you both 😒
sabcrows: i think your friendship with Dani while dating Freddy really helped them form that on screen sibling-like rivalry bond their characters have 🙂
yourusername: As much as I’d like up take the credit for such an amazing thing, they’re both phenomenal at their jobs; what you’re seeing in Nina and Kaz’s dynamic is all due to raw talent from these two 🤗
shadowandbone: classy 😊
Y/N’s Story
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Liked by freddycarter1, amitasuman_, netflix, and 466, 387 others
yourusername: eternally proud of everyone on that stage, you all look great and this season is unreal 🤩❤️ honored to be here to witness this!
view all 109, 263 comments
freddycarter1: no one else I’d rather have as my guest tonight 😘
daniellegalligan_: so glad you could make it xxx
kittheyounger: Season 2, let’s go! 🙌
amitasuman_: ❤️ thank you for helping me with my wardrobe snafu
yourusername: I’ve got you girl, always 🥰
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Liked by yourusername, jacktwolfe, kittheyounger, and 745, 192 others
freddycarter1: cheesing the night away 🖤
view all 246, 985 comments
yourusername: that smile 😍 (also, KANEJ!)
freddycarter1: 🥹 xx
netflix: the crows and their creator ✨
lbardugo: my little family ❤️
benbarnes: looking good everyone! 🖤
Liked by yourusername, freddycarter1, benbarnes, and 954, 283 others
shadowandbone: Freddy answers some questions on the carpet of the season 2 premiere!
view all 743, 194 comments
yourusername: My brunch boy x 🧇
freddycarter1: ❤️
benbarnes: how long did it take you to actually hear his answers? I could hear you playing the clip like 8 times 😂
yourusername: I was a bit distracted..😍 can you really blame me? 🤷‍♀️
freddycarter1: 😂 you’re insane, ily xxx
kittheyounger: Freddy is the King of brunch
jacktwolfe: 🥰
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Freddy Carter Navigation
Kaz Brekker Navigation
Main Masterlist Navigation (All My Works)
Taglist: @historynerd7 @alex-kazbrekkersimp @ell0ra-br3kk3r @b3kk3r-by-br3kk3r @missdreamofendless @nikfigueiredo
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forflightlessbirds · 2 months
liveblogging tmagp 22 except it's really incoherent
grrrrr alex j newall ily
mixed signals ooohhh
29 minute episode oouhh
"watching figure you mentioned" NO. STOP STOP SHRJEIF SYOP NDOKS
"i know what you're doing." 2hat
LENA THREATENING. OH LORD. i don't liek womrn but for her
that thing was an EXTERNAL???
don't quit bbg
she didn't!!!!
yeaaah gwen stop being unstable GWEN
stop theyre so. ugh i hate them all
it's a lteer???
oh no. experiments on thibgs
alarmign results???
i must say i don't like this
charts??! brain charts????
using silver for conductivity... ooooyh
you did what with the wires
erratic results??
okay the double coil makes sensw
the work of whom.
no no not intensive
he had a RIGHT to be hesitant.
oh no i don't like this
2 seperate animals in one bofy.. where gave i heard that before.
i can see where this is going oh no oh lord
as you sjoild
data reviewing.. yaaay
me too bae
these two things would never meet
okay fun science
deconstructed them all and did what with then.
oh no no no plumbing
questions of the self part 2: electric boogaloo
"imagine yourself." i don't inow
i kind of love tmagp's more intimate feeling to it. it feels less detached than tma an d i love it
oh no he's sending
imagine yourself
dead. oh no
yaaaayy activity
i loeeeveee
oh no wait actually this seems Dangerous
what on EARTH happened
ursula are you oajy
ursula. what is happening
is he okay?? is she okay???? what's happening
hear WHAT.
be patient with your wife fuckass
oh my lord????
good lord. arteries.
tetanus comparison
his tongue.
background music i love it
they severed the sense of self.
oh he's dead
"you could not hear it?" what.
"just another case of unfortunate frontier science" die
what did you find. this better have been worth it
a pattern you say
there's no misfile.
what did you understand??
"she was always a better communicator than i" yeah makes sense babe
what had she HEARD.
oh my god
oh holy shit
holy shit
we are.
i am here.
here alone
we are i alone
all alone
so alone together
together alone
i think we get the message
he's alone
help we us
help out
i'm connecting threads.
i don't know what they are but i'm connecting them
violence is discovery of life or something idk man
yeah you delay those findings babygirl
robot voice again
casement ends.
i hate her and him and UGH
he knowszs
alice you're really in it now
okay sam you're being a bit mean
but alice is also being a little obsessive
alice is losing all her friends around her.
she's just like me fr
"i just thought that you'd be different. that you might actually listen to me" sobbing
why is she still here. good point.
it's easy money??
oh lord she's me
"we could-" alice honey we all know you're not over him
ohhhh theyr3 so complex ily
sam and celia oooh
i can't hear a word they're saying actually
celia stop encouraging ot. this isn't healthy celia
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madebysimblr · 2 months
👖 Are you a planner, plantser, or pantser? Is it consistent?
:0 i had to go look up the other two terms b/c i had no idea what they are, i now know some new lingo weeee.
probably in between! There are a lot of things I plan out sometimes months (or years if I'm slow) in advance. Sorella's current woes I had planned out earlier this year! (maybe end of last year?) However, I do change a lot of stuff as I go along. And for the most part I don't write out more than a little bullet point of plot.
So for instance in my outline for Sorella's YA years the most recent arc was:
First: Sorella's Birthday. Turning 21, Alex surprises her. Second: Mt. Komorebi Trip! NYE roommates go snowsportin'. Alex surprises her again. Interlude: Sorella being busy with school, the show, and work Third: Maia's Hospitalization. Something serious, she's admitted the morning Alex is supposed to leave. He stays. She says ILY one night half asleep. And then the shoe drops: He returns home, (says ILY back) Charlotte comes to town asking why James Montgomery was on her floor that's so weird! Envy looks up who that is and the cat is out of the bag.
from that I built out more in between scenes, and changed things as I went along and got ~reactions~ to the story as it was posting :D (notably adding in the character of Takuya in an effort to make jimmy seem more legit)
Most recently I had the issue of about to start working on the next part, and realizing slowly whilst making poses that I didn't like the plan as it stood, and felt like i should change it. And I have this weird thing of wanting to stick to the plan if I've been thinking about it for that long BUT I did end up changing the plan, and it's for the better who woulda thought :0
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iheartchv · 7 months
Hi! I found your blog recently and your writing is amazing. Is it alright if I request a COD matchup, if you’re still doing those?
I’m 5’0, skinny (97 lbs) but also somewhat muscular (from weightlifting), have brunette hair that’s in a bob cut and gray eyes with bad dark circles :’D. I wear dark glasses and usually oversized flannels, plus funky rings (snake, tree branch, and mouse) and a cat necklace.
I might be an INFJ? My enneagram type is 5 and my socionics type is ILI. I’m very introverted (basically a hermit lol) and am very shy and polite around people I’m not close to. But once I’m feeling comfortable I’m very sarcastic and talkative—more than willing to ramble about whatever topic I find interesting. I gesture with my hands A LOT. Some may describe me as a “gremlin.” I love music (all sorts of genres), animals (my two pet cats are basically my children), audiobooks, video games, outer space (which is what pushed me into becoming a physics student), and psychological and surrealist horror.
Thank you!! <3
🤔 I match you with...
Alex Keller
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Other possible matches: Captain John Price
Alex would be matched with you
(( im running out of scenarios; bear with me ;;v;; ))
You and Alex are early/late childhood friends
You had dated in high school but it didn't last...
When he decided to join the military you tried to talk him out of it
"You could get killed"
"But if no one will stand up to protect our country, who will?"
You looked down to stare at the ground
Even though you had broken up with him you still felt love for him
"I just don't want to lose you... this isn't like the agreement we made when we first started dating, that we'd still be friends if it didn't work out..."
You could feel tears burn your eyes
Alex felt your sadness and gently tilted your chin up to look at him
"You won't lose me. I'll come back..."
After some heartfelt exchanges you'd make the most of every moment you had with him
When he finally got some time off some years later, he asked around to find you
Imagine his surprise when he sees you making a life for himself
Deep inside he wants that... he wants to be in your life
The flames he felt for you still kindled brightly as the time he dated you
He was still in love with you and wondered if you still felt the same
You had missed him, so much
When you saw him you couldn't help yourself and smiled, hugging him tightly
He hugged you back, his heart feeling whole again
"I told you I'd come back"
Alex was determined to have another chance at love with you
You were the one for him
You were the one who gave him strength all this time
And he loves you, has always loved you
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I posted 38,162 times in 2022
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#my favorite anon &lt;3 - 125 posts
#❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 - 117 posts
#ben &lt;3 - 74 posts
#alex &lt;3 - 69 posts
#my art - 57 posts
#ily &lt;3 - 49 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#*headbonks you* ​*headbonks you* ​*headbonks you* ​*headbonks you* ​*headbonks you* ​*headbonks you* ​*headbonks you* ​*headbonks you*
My Top Posts in 2022:
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211 notes - Posted February 16, 2022
picrew chain!
2017 vs 2022 (idea stolen from twitter lmao)
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@stressedsnake @fandom-bltch-ab @waitfor-vienna @quillsink @hopeless-bisexual-queen @shoutaswhore + anyone else who wants to!
324 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
y'all. just found the cutest picrew ever
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@stressedsnake @fandom-bltch-ab @quillsink @waitfor-vienna @hopeless-bisexual-queen + anyone who wants to!
421 notes - Posted June 30, 2022
how i define all queer identities:
if a person says they're [x], then they're [x].
465 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
reblog to show non-dysphoric trans people that you support them
513 notes - Posted January 20, 2022
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bunnywabbit2 · 2 years
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I posted 42,473 times in 2022
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#dimension 20 - 145 posts
#dinoverse - 86 posts
#vtsom - 79 posts
#asks - 79 posts
#totk - 77 posts
#tbna - 62 posts
#mp 100 - 60 posts
#embroidery - 53 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#you’re so lovely and kind some people think you’re too quiet but you’re willing to do whatever you think is right and try to see the best i
My Top Posts in 2022:
why are you friends with so many homphobes
2 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
Bunny tell me about your OCs (this is Gleam I’m just too lazy to log in dhdjdj)
omg omg ily gleam ok ok so
disclaimer these r the characters I made with my elementary school friends in 5th grade but I’ve been talking to one of those friends and we talked a lot about our little guys and I just hold so much fondness for them
we would get on our family computers each night and type out roleplay stories on google docs (legit istg we wrote like 4 books (docs) that were like 80pgs each…where is that creativity and motivation now huh!!)
also ive forgotten a lot about them </3 but thats ok!
so. theres 9 of them. yea kjdshfsfdhdsjk XD 6 'good guys' (ivy, iris, alex, jake, christa, carson) and 3 'bad guys' (justin, jade, madison)
where do i begiN
oh yea also they all have powers and fancy colored eyes bc i mean thats just the fifth grade elementary school girl experience yk
also their base characters were created back then but a lot of the more specificy stuffs like heights and headcanons (which? ig would technically be canon since its our characters? but?) were kind of all thought up like a week ago at 2am on discord <3333 also friend & i queer-ified them
ivy: wasian, pan, she/they, 5'5, libra, brown hair dark green eyes, plant powers i believe..?
alex: chinese, demiro, agender & transmasc, he/any, 5'11, capricorn, black hair black eyes, prob something like shadow powers or whatever i forgot
justin: chinese, aroace, nor/mal (/j), 5'9, black hair black eyes, also prob something like shadow powers
iris: wasian, bi, she/her, 5’3, libra, dark brown hair purple eyes, light powers???
jake: cishet white man (derogatory). 6'0 but says he's 6'3, august leo. blond hair blue eyes. gym bro. i forgot powers lol
jade: east asian, lesbian w major comphet, they/fae/she, 5'7, black hair green eyes, ice powers prob
christa: southeast asian, she/her, omniro, demisexual, 5'9 (taller than justin), aries, black hair red eyes, fire powers??? mayperhaps???? forgot
carson: white boy, bi, 5'1, gemini, brown hair something eyes, something like poison powers idk
madison: hispanic, aro, she/any, 5'2, red hair brown eyes, animal powers??????
they're all like 18 ish except justin whos early 20s prob?? ivy & iris are twins, alex and justin are siblings uhhhhh
ivy and alex are in a wonderful very soft and sweet relationship <333 ivy makes alex flower crowns and alex paints her nails and does her eyeliner and <3333 its kinda prep(?) shy cottagecore girl(?) x goth yk
so in fifth grade we made this whole iris jake jade love triangle thing and i think we were giving jake too much credit back then. jade gets one of those incredibly Gender haircuts and iris has her bi awakening <3
christa and carson! are also together i believe..? mwah i love them very much <333 christa is buff and is on some sports team prob basketball or whatever and carson is just this little guy. she gives him her sports jackets to wear. the height difference my beloved. girlboss x little loser man.
but also carson had his bi awakening from jake which is. so funny to me like jake is one of those flirts with his friends and says 'no homo' except it actually made carson Feel Things and that was a dark time <3
and justin and madison are just too cool for this <333
im prob missing a few things but yea :D if you actually read this far wow lol sorry for this being so long <333
2 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
for context, the ad title is 'let him in'
credit: @gleam-and-darken
2 notes - Posted May 7, 2022
3 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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3 notes - Posted September 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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eloriis · 1 month
RAPUNZEL - oscar piastri
in which. . oscar piastri’s girlfriend is the people’s favourite rapunzel — op81 x f! reader
notes : first oscar post! yippee!! and tysmmm again for 200 followers 🫶🏼🫶🏼 and pls ignore the DISGUSTING quality of the pics 😔💔
type : smau ⋆ face claim : pinterest pics
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liked by oscarpiastri, alexandrasaintmleux and 496,936 others
y/nuser lazy day w my osc 💭
tagged: oscarpiastri
oscarpiastri my gorgeous gorgeous girl <3
y/nuser my sweet sweet boy 🫶🏼
user3 people’s rapunzel!!
liked by oscarpiastri
alexandrasaintmleux my prettiest bestie 🤍
y/nuser my PRETTIEST bestie 💜
user4 god, it’s me again. i’ve seen what you’ve done for others
user7 MY OSC. what if i said that i just died
alexandrasaintmleux that painting looks so pretty so far!!
y/nuser tysmm lexa 🫶🏼🫶🏼
user5 her art piece looks so pretty!! is she an artist?
y/nuser i’m an art student in monaco!!
liked by author and alexandrasaintmleux
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liked by oscarpiastri, lilymhe and 657,368 others
y/nuser the grid’s annual garden party 🫶🏼🫶🏼
oscarpiastri you looked so pretty today!
y/nuser so pretty that you wanted to eat me? 😔
oscarpiastri yes :D
y/nuser …😰
y/nuser NO ❌ THATS ALL YOU 🫵🏼🫵🏼
alexandrasaintmleux real besties twin! not copy 🤞🏼🤞🏼
y/nuser YES!!
user3 oscarpiastri make it happen.
liked by oscarpiastri
oscarpiastri ofc she does. she’s y/n 💪🏼
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liked by oscarpiastri, kellypiquet and 764,637 others
y/nuser girls day out!
tagged: alexandrasaintmleux, lilymhe, kellypiquet, carmenmundt
oscarpiastri 🤍
y/nuser 🤍
kellypiquet it was the most fun i’ve had in so long!!
maxverstappen1 🤨
kellypiquet i stand by what i said.
alex_albon babe??
lilymhe look away alex 😔
alex_albon fuck off ☺️
user1 so queen just steals the wags of the drivers??
y/nuser yes, i am the og wag stealer 💪🏼
user2 Y/N 😭😭
alexandrasaintmleux wags!
y/nuser wags!
lilymhe wags!
kellypiquet wags!
carmenmundt wags!
user3 …did they just start a cult?
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liked by y/nuser, landonorris and 2,974,286 others
oscarpiastri happy halloween :D
tagged: y/nuser
landonorris oh fuck off man. EVEN HALLOWEEN?? UGH I HATE COUPLES
oscarpiastri sucks to suck ig 🤷
oscarpiastri your welcome :D
user5 dear diary, this halloween i felt like jumping off a cliff
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thefinalsnart · 2 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers! - @alienaiver ✨
AW NOHR ITS OKAY 💕 I saw a while ago you mentioned you aren’t really on discord much, and I’ve been busy in my own little world lately and haven’t been on here much to say hi myself. 😔💕 Don’t worry about it mwah!
(@alienaiver — just tagging you so you can see this!)
Hhmmm 5 things that make me happy right now are:
1. My brother and my sister in law are visiting! I usually see them once a year, since they live in another part of the country, and that time for 2024 has come. My mom has also made some incredible baked goods for their visit, which I am also enjoying LMAO. Last night my brother, who has a fancy business boy job but is also in a couple bands, one of his friends who is also in those bands, and a family friend who is a folk musician played music together. It’s been lovely so far!
2. Makin’ stuff! I got some new brushes and textures to use in Procreate, and I’ve been having a lot of fun experimenting with them. I’ve also been working on the Dimension 20 Zine Jam again this July, and it’ll be coming out soon in early August! And in between all this, I’ve been making little sketches for AU ideas with friends. I was in a funk for a while, and everything I was making felt like torture. But I’m getting back into the swing of things! Here’s one of the things I drew last night. :3
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3. Speaking of D20: I finished The Unsleeping City’s second season! If anyone is unfamiliar, it’s a D&D actual play on Dropout (and some seasons are free on YouTube!) TUC is about a magical, dream-fueled secret borough of New York City and the people who can see and interact with it. I think it’s my favourite D20 series. The first season (which is up on YouTube) had some elements I didn’t love, there was some Iron Fist stuff in there. But the second season rectifies some of that, which I appreciated. Really hoping they bring the second season to YouTube, too. Both seasons have some truly incredible improv in them. Lou and Brennan going at each other as a divorced couple, Brennan’s “You know that kindness is incredibly real. And the realness of that kindness makes it hurt even more that these people are not going to lie down in bed with you to keep you warm at night for the rest of your life.” KILLS MEEEE. It’s also so stupidly funny. In season 2 they get shrunk down so they can go to a monastery inside a hot dog cart that’s run by cockroach monks. They have to fight an army of centurion ants with ballista mustard and ketchup bottles. The absurd creativity of the seasons is so good, and being helmed by Brennan Lee Mulligan who was born and raised in NYC, it does make the place sound and feel magical.
4. Just good ol art in general! For one of the zines I worked on for the jam, I was looking into a bunch of different artists for inspiration. Here’s a little list of some of the artists I looked into: David Blackwood, Mary Pratt, Alex Coleville, Bo Bartlett, Edward Hopper, Maude Lewis, and Wayne Theibaud! Some of their works:
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(Edward Hopper, Soir Bleu, 1914 / Mary Pratt, Cod Fillets on Tin Foil, 1974 / David Blackwood, Kean's Men Waiting for the S.S. Bellaventure, 1968 / Wayne Theibaud, Boston Cremes, 1962)
5. Dessert! I’m circling back around to my first point lmao, but my mom made a peanut butter cream cheese pie with Oreo crust… it’s one of the best things I’ve ever tasted. I love sweet treats and if you’re a fellow sweet treat enjoyer, go get yourself a sweet treat right now. I’m gonna go get a slice of that pie now myself, I think.
Thank you for the lovely ask Nohr! 💕 Sorry it took me a while to answer it 🙇 I hope you’re doing well! 💖
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ham1lton · 3 months
omg i had a similar idea about how yn’s birthday would be what exposed lewisyn but i didn’t send it bc i didn’t think you’d like it 🫣🫣🫣 i was just thinking that he’d get her something REALLY nice and everyone’s like 🤨🤔 whose boss would get them this….(as a kpop girlie my headcanon was that he flies her to coachella to see blackpink vip LMAO but honestly your choice)
author’s note: LEWISYN LEWISYN *we all chant in unison*. this is a part of the dream girl universe but can be read as a stand alone! also i’m posting the oscaryn fic tomorrow! so keep an eye out for that :D
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liked by bestie1, alexandrasaintmleux and 728,928 others.
yourusername: when your boss pays for an all inclusive holiday for you and your girls for your birthday, but you miss his dog so you force him to send you updates every day 😔
view all 47,982 comments
user1: happy bday girl but this isn’t normal 😭
-> user2: bye she’s so real for this because if i could get exclusive lewis hamilton selfies I WOULD 😭
user3: you posted a darry ring box on your story? who bought it for you?
-> yourusername: lewis! :)
-> user4: hey babe… that’s literally INSANE
-> user5: idgi? what’s a darry ring? why is it insane? it’s just jewellery 🤷🏾‍♀️
-> user4: you can only buy ONE darry ring per LIFETIME. they make you submit your id so you can never buy another. it’s meant to be for your soulmate 😭 and lewis bought one for his ASSISTANT 😭
-> user5: nah, they GOTTA be fucking.
-> user4: worse. they’re in love.
-> yourusername: i can’t even believe it but thank you babe!!! mwah!! we’ll go out as soon as i come back!!! :D
-> user6: my fav wags :(( gonna miss yn when lewis goes to ferrari :((
*liked by yourusername.*
user19: people talking about the darry ring like what about the HOLIDAY TO HER FAVOURITE PLACE??? like that is literally CRAZY???
-> user19: … you hiring? lewishamilton 👀
-> user21: fuck that, do you have an opening in your relationship? lewishamilton yourusername? 👀 bitch scooch over!! i want y’all 🤷🏻‍♀️
user20: what f1 driver wants to have a weird codependent relationship with a romantic subtext with me?
-> user21: i didn’t realise how much of a wattpad ass trope lewisyn is 😭 rich older famous hot boss and younger funny pretty employee who does whatever she wants while the boss is just fondly endeared.
-> user22: THAT SHOULD BE ME!!!!! 😔
-> user20: we can still do it oscarpiastri
-> oscarpiastri: no thank you! 🙂‍↔️
user28: yourusername are you and lewis dating be honest?
-> yourusername: NO 😭 i am definitely still single. lewis and i are just close friends that’s it!
-> user29: he said ‘happy birthday to my favourite girl, i want to spend all the rest of them with you’ in his post to you…. THATS A BOYFRIEND ASS QUOTE DONT LIE 😭
-> yourusername: that’s really normal??? like i’m sorry that you don’t have a decent relationship with your boss? 😭
user10: this whole bday thing is so funny cause why is yn trying to pass this as a normal employee and employer relationship 😭
-> user11: like you don’t see charles taking his assistant on romantic candlelit dinners do you 😭
-> user12: maybe if he does that, he’ll win a wdc. lewis does it, and he won eight, to ME!
user26: her insta stories are packed with all the gifts he bought her omg. someone tallied it all up and why did it amount to 2.7 million?!????
-> user27: IM SO JEALOUS
alexandrasaintmleux: next time brunch is on me ! 🥰 happy birthday honey 💕
-> yourusername: ily alex :(
-> user7: 1644 got the baddest bitches i know that’s right!
user13: lewisyn be normal challenge: FAILED!
-> user14: lewisyn be hopelessly in love with each other and co-parent lewis’ dog together challenge: COMPLETE!
user15: everyone talking about how weird it is that lewis spoils yn for her bday but why can’t we NORMALISE this?????? i want MY lazy ass boss to see shit like this and feel so ashamed that he books me on a cruise or some shit 😭
-> user18: did you see his birthday post to her? babe it’s BEEN confirmed 😭
user24: im new to this. is yn lewis’ wag?
-> user25: no! she’s his assistant.
-> user24: don’t believe it. sorry.
user16: to everyone thinking this is weird, lewis’ team are like family to him. yn has been with him for almost a decade. like ofc he’s gonna reward loyalty? especially when she’s gotten offers from other celebs and brands. she could have pivoted to being an influencer but she likes working for lewis and it’s clearly mutual?
*liked by yourusername.*
landonorris: did you get my flowers?
-> yourusername: no?? :(
-> lewishamilton: roscoe ate them. my bad.
-> user8: MESSY ASS 😭 that dog did not eat those damn flowers.
-> user9: roscoe at home rn like … what he say fuck me for 🐶
-> yourusername: dw lando!! we’ll still have our weekly movie night when i come back!!
-> landonorris: :D
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— dream girl taglist: @flowergirl1134 @laur20a23 @greantii @rafebun @sumlovesjude @papayadays
— all works taglist: @luvsforme @yelenasloverrrrr @donttouchthegnote @chelle1306 @bloodyymaryyy @aliciaablueprint @lennnooshh @km-23mr @stinkyjax @f1kenzzz @ctrlyomomma @theblueblub @lavisenri @marshmummy @23victoria @ourlifeforchaos @namgification @tallrock35 @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @ariellovelynn @shhhchriss @lifeless-firefly @xylinasdiary @evie-119 @itseightbeats @tsireyasgf @landososcar @yongi-lee @maxlarens @velentine @m1892 (if you were on more than one of the taglists, i’ve only tagged you once! :) also if you’re on the solo lewis taglist, i’ll tag you in the mentions as tumblr limits mentions at 50 per post!! :( and if you’d like to join either taglist, fill out this form! make sure you read the explanatory box, fill the form out correctly and allow your account to be tagged or i can’t tag you!)
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grimesapologist · 5 months
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i wrote a post abt my set in oslo!
norway day 4: return of the king
day 4 of oslo for me actually = day 5 cuz i totally crashed on day 4, only thing i can report back from it is that Dodgeball = good movie and Air Bud = insane one (“a ball is just rubber and air, basketball is what you do with it...”), i missed so much good music from Torje and his supremely talented friends, but I’ll be back to see it soon!!! i also missed lovely Jenny’s 1st performance EVER but I had the pleasure of reading the genuine creepypasta she wrote about it after :D (JENNY YOURE SO COOL SORT OF IN LOVE WITH U)
but the real day 4 (to me)was the last day of boksen festival, the day i was playing, and the night before our 10am flight... started the day off right with a pizza (shout out original pancetta.) after we got to boksen i wasnt tired for a single fucking second let me tell you. NEDGRAVD played the sickest shit ever, the pit was crazy, so much energy and love in that pit, it was girls to the front without it even being said, their music was like almost no-wave black metal, mysterious as fuck but also punches you in the head many times over (bass tone = crazy stage presence = crazy book them they also have epic merch.)
Then shit gets a bit blurry.
according to my records Jenny performed again in the coolest masks, played 2 of her amazing songs, i was jumping all over the place, there was rlly sick noise as per usual, i decided fuck earplugs that day and i dont regret it 1 bit, between Jenny playing and my set, i met the super cool super talented super super Ravn (who it turns out can play the fuck out of a piano and has the craziest moves I’ve seen (her footwork goes crazy!!!)) and has super lovely hands, musician's hands... anyways
i went on at midnight and words cannot describe how amazing that performance felt, i felt an audience who was at attention the whole time, i felt able to play slower songs, more sparse music, without having to engage in the attention economy rat race, and as such all the harder songs were infinitely multiplied, everyone who was there thank you so much, i can’t thank you enough i felt so so full after that set i was honestly a bit overwhelmed (big shout out to Dio, Embla, Ravn Torje and Jenny, who were right at the front bringing so much energy the whole time, and to Alex for capturing every gorgeous moment ily all) After I crashed out in the green room after the most fun set I’ve played to date, the most evil evil noises began to emanate from the other room and I was like “ahhhh, that must be Torje...” and it was!! It felt like the building was about to shatter, I loved it so much, talented mf!! Im running out of characters here for sure (but I will never run out of words) but Alex played the most amazing DnB set, there was so much steam in the room you couldnt see the person next to u, I danced with Ravn and Embla til i physically couldnt anymore (when i went into the green room my skin was steaming for 30 minutes), more insanity ensued, we went to haerverk and kind of crashed then had a hot dog at the airport and suddenly I was back in London, stinky but inspired TL;DR Oslo Rules and SO DO MY FRIENDS
i put the videos from the set on my insta cuz tumblr video upload is cooked
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