#im a little obsessed can you tell
Title: Do Not Place Flowers At My Hearth, It Is Not A Grave.
Word count: Around 4.6k
Synopsis: Oyakata-sama calls you to the hashira meeting for a trial, and you are forced to reevaluate some things. And Kyojurou loves you. That has not changed.
Trigger warnings: A little gore, self harm, not reader, Sanemi cuts himself bc he always has to be difficult what's new.
This is an au of 'Lighting ten thousand' lanterns, by the lovely @phen0l which I so highly recommend!!!!
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It is strange that Oyakata-sama has specifically requested your company.
Every Hashira has been called present, and you are not arrogant enough to claim that you are on the same level of power and importance as they. 
Kyojuro is a wonderful mentor though, so you are close. And as his Tsugoku, you are privy to some information that is only later disclosed, if at all, to the lower castes.
Still, Oyakata-sama has called for your company, and yours alone.
His two eldest daughters, Nichika-chan and Hinaki-chan, sit by his sides, prim and proper as dolls, and just as pretty. They have just finished preparing your tea, and it is delicious. Their stares are a little unnerving though.
"So, how have you and Rengoku-San been faring?"
"Very well, Oyakata-sama, as well as we can be. We're very happy."
"I am glad. It seems Enmusubi-no-Kami has blessed the two of you. It is now up to the both of you to protect and nurture this love." You nod vigorously, before you internally smack yourself. However direct his eyes, The Master is blind. How stupid of you.
"Of course master. Between both our duties we take care of the household and each other. Senjuro-kun is very happy to call me Ane-ue, and Rengoku-San has new life and vitality to him nowadays. It's always a happy affair when all of us are home."
"I remember offering you two extra leave for your honeymoon and yet you both refused."
You shook your head. "Oh no, we are both Slayers, Oyakata-sama. Demons do not wait for love's full moon to wane. We must be diligent in our duties." 
"Then why not take a few days off after your missions? Even when you are injured you both immediately go back to the field when you are barely healed."
"I think you mean Kyojuro more than I, Oyakata-sama. He can hardly stay in bed for more than a few days before he's itching to get up and start moving again." It was true. Last time you had to threaten him with no more ' kiss it betters ' unless he stood in bed and let his body heal.
Oyakata-sama's smile widened, and he allowed a slight chuckle.
"Oh goodness, that's not good, how are you two supposed to bear an heir in these conditions? Does staying in bed no longer entice the young Rengoku-san?"
Your face flushed red, and yes, you and Kyojuro have brought up the topic of children, and have, erm, been trying recently, but it was still so flustering whenever someone brought it up! Much less Oyakata-sama!
You don't even need to get started on Mitsuri-chan. One look at her sly eyes and sneaky grin and you flush like the ends of Kyojuro's hair.
The girls were still staring. It was still unnerving. 
"Oyakata-sama, please, there are children present!" Again, he chuckled. And it was sweet how the girls' hands tightened around their father's. Their joy was a subtle thing.
"Forgive me. Yours and Kyojuro's story is one of the happier love stories in Demon Slayer history. I just want to ensure you both have a happy end." 
"Do these other love stories not end peacefully?" Though his eyes were blank, and his eyebrows whisper thin over the purple scarring, his face still twisted into something akin to displeasure.
"Not many slayers in the era's past have lived to see love, or see the fruits of their love prosper. Most tragic of all is where their love is not killed per se, but is dead nonetheless." 
 Oyakata-sama paused to drink from his tea. Hinaki-chan kept her hand under her Fathers to make sure he did not drop it. You gave him pause and listened as he continued.
"In the Sengoku era, there were two swordsmen. Two Slayers. A mentor and his disciple. Comparable to the moon and stars, they grew to love one another.
"But, the elder swordsmen had a younger twin brother, one more talented and respected. And while there was no other swordsman more noble than he, there was none ever as glorious and breathtaking as his brother. Sun and moon, that's how different these two were. The older twin believed that he would never be able to shine in his own light rather than his brother's refracted rays."
"So, what happened?"
Oyakata-sama smiled, a bit sad, a bit bitter.
"The mentor and disciple grew apart. And eventually, his love decided to join the younger brother and learn from his ways, and the younger twin's heart broke.
"He decided that if he was forever to be a reflection of his brother, an imitation too pale and lonesome to be looked upon, he would become a mirror, and shine so bright and sharp that all who looked upon him would know his dark splendor. 
"He drank the blood of the first devil, and became the fullest crescent moon of a tapered blackened sky. He became a demon."
You did not gasp, you were too well trained in breathing techniques for such an amateur move, but you felt your heart trip over a beat.
Oyakata-sama nodded.
"Horrible, is it not? Horrified at what he had become, the lover attacked him, and the two engaged in battle. It is assumed that the two killed one another. That the battle lasted till dawn, and as the sun rose over the horizon, the moon fell back and watched the stars fade in Dawn's embrace, and the rest is history."
You did not know what to say? The silence was heavy, and the three Ubyashiki's stared at you like they were awaiting an answer.
"Is it history, or myth?"
To your confusion, he shrugged. 
"Perhaps a bit of both. It is an old story after all. Perhaps the swordsman did not kill his lover. Perhaps the lover did not track down the swordsman. Maybe he never became a demon and it was the younger brother instead. But there is always a kernel of truth in every tale, however old and tragic it might be."
"And what is the truth to this tale?" Oyakata-sama smiled blithely. Nichika-chan refilled your cup.
"What would you do in their place?" It took you a moment to process, and when you did, you felt the hot flush of anger creep up your neck and face.
"Kyojuro would never become a demon."
"But what if he did? What if it were not his choice? What if it were you instead? "
Where was the master going with this? Still, you paused for thought, and gave him your answer.
"Then I suppose he would not be Kyojuro, and I would not be myself anymore. I could only hope that there would still be enough of who we were to accept death before anyone is killed." You looked up from your tea, and you knew Oyakata-sama felt your probing stare.
"Oyakata-sama, why are you saying all this? Does this have something to do with you calling all the Hashira?"
"I will not string you along anymore Rengoku-San. There is a young slayer here. He is carrying his sister, who has been turned into a demon, in a box on his back." Before you could splutter out your questions of why, he dropped this anvil on your head,
"This boy has come in contact with Muzan Kibutsuji." 
And now all the air has been punched out of your chest. Your vision narrowed, and all you could see was snow. White and shining, reflecting all the fiery colors of your former family's pyre.
One of the daughters moved closer and you flinched back, because her hair was white, just like his, a white paler than the snow he left nary a footprint in, but his eyes. 
   Sanguine, not like the rubies of the Rengoku's, but blood, like the flesh that he tore apart with the whip-like appendages that his arms turned into.
You had only caught a glimpse of him as Seiji was pushing you to run, the first one to see a losing battle and try to cut losses. The Devil was moving too fast to be seen or caught, but he had paused. Entrails hung off his body like garlands, viscera dripping thick and wet from his claws. His hair was no longer white.
His spider lily eyes had gazed in your direction as he stepped over the corpses of your adopted family. A child's head, crushed like a grape under his gait, unperturbed and languid, as death often is. The witching hour had fallen, and as midnight fell so to did the Fujiwara clan.
"Rengoku-san." A cool hand shocked you out of your reverie, and Oyakata-sama handled your trembling hands with care.
"This boy, and his demon sister, are on trial today. I will also question him about Muzan. As the only other who has seen him in the last century, your insight will be invaluable. But if it is too much for you, then you can stay here, and we can keep the questioning between you and I. You're under no obligation."
You scoffed internally. No obligation? Didn't the wind have an obligation to spread the seeds it carried? Didn't a hearth have the obligation to warm the house it graced? Was a slayer not under oath to follow the natural order, to slay all demons?
You would do this. You had to.
"No, no, I'll be fine, Oyakata-sama, I can do this. I think it's about time I fully disclose what I know, anyhow." He has not let go of your hands, and you take a moment to marvel at their softness, and the almost rash-like contrast to the purple scarring creeping on them.
It is comforting nonetheless. He smiles, and he looks grateful.
"Thank you, Rengoku-San. Anytime you feel uncomfortable, you can leave. I will not be offended and I will not blame you. But if you're ready, everyone is waiting." 
You nodded and stood and moved to help the girls as the master rose, though they seemed to handle it.
With a nod, you left the room through a pair of shoji doors that a kakushi opened for you four.
It was already a ruckus. Within a couple of seconds of the master being arrived, a boy with his arms tied behind his back (the boy on trial obviously) jumps up into the air and headbutts Sanemi-san, who has his blade drawn with blood on it already. 
Surprisingly, Sanemi-san is dazed after the blow, and the boy screams at him that if he can't discern between evil and good demons, he should just quit being a Hashira.
 The audacity of this boy. He's on trial and he's already attacking people? What is this, trial by combat?
You catch Kyojuro's eyes and the worry and confusion within, and you smile at him to ease his nerves. He doesn't look that relieved, but his brow is less drawn.
Oyakata-sama comments on the weather, and it is indeed a lovely day. He thanks everyone for attending this semi-annual meeting, and you feel on the spot as every Hashira kneels to the master of the mansion. You're in the back, but should you kneel too?
You decide to bow instead, and you feel everyone's probing eyes, and the questions they are holding back. But Sanemi offers his greetings first and foremost, and you want to snort. This man was oft so feral, filthy demons this, and disgusting bastards that. Far be it you to question his motives or resolve. But truly, only the master could make him be this respectable.
You caught a movement at the corner of your eye and saw Mitsuri waving at you. She was trying to be sneaky but the excited movement was no doubt overt. Still, you smiled at your friend and shyly waved back.
  You kinda just stood there, while the master spoke. You kept your expressions and reactions to a minimum, but to find that he already sanctioned the boy and his sister? 
Urokodaki-san and Giyu-san. Something about these water breathers made them all such bleeding hearts. 
But you look over to the boy, with his head held down by Sanemi-san, and you see his eyes well with tears and you think, damn it. He's just a boy. He's just trying to protect his sister. He's just a boy.
 But a demon who has not eaten in two years is still a demon. 
What if you were a demon? You think. You look away before Kyojuro can catch your gaze. You see Seiji's blue anconitum eyes with its slit pupils, framed by fire in your mind's eye, and you try to imagine Kyojuro in his stead, Senjuro-kun. You do not think you could survive the heartbreak. 
You are Kintsugi, cracked and lined with gold. But gold is a soft metal, easily dented. You need steel to fortify your nerves. You cannot be swayed by this child.
Because a child he may be, he is still a slayer. He still has broken the one rule of being a slayer. He has also attacked a Hashira.
And this boy has met Muzan Kibutsuji. Eyes fling back and forth between you and the boy and you plate your spine with steel. With nothing more than a gesture, The Master quiets down the hashira and turns to you.
"Between Tanjiro-kun and Rengoku-san, no one has seen Muzan in over a century. He has sent demons to annihilate the Fujiwara clan. He has sent demons to kill Tanjiro-kun and his demon sister, an anomaly that has surprised even the first devil. Do you understand what this means?"
"...A demon is a demon! Allowing one to live goes against everything we as the Hashira stand for! It's tantamount to spitting on the graves of all the countless people slain by demons. I refuse to accept this!" 
To your shock and alarm, and the Masters as well, Sanemi-san slashes his skin, and blood pours forth, into the box, and you hear a groan from within. Your hand flies to the hilt of your blade. The only thing that reminds you to check yourself is a glance from one of the girls.
"It's daytime, she's not gonna come out. Go where there's shade." and Obanai-san is of no help whatsoever. Sanemi-san turns to the master with a bow.
"Please forgive me for this discourtesy."
You turn to guard the back of the master when Sanemi-san throws the box into the shade, following it shortly and stabbing through it, much to the chagrin of the Kamado boy, whose scream is cut off with a choke. You hear Obanai-san and Shinobu-san and Tengen-san but tone them all out as the lid opens.
  A little figure rose, and grew, turning to reveal a girl with a checkered obi and a bamboo gag. Her nails were sharp and pink tinted. Her hair was orange at the ends. Her eyes were slit pupiled.
She was humanoid, but she was off, and the growls coming from behind the gag did not help. Her pupils were dilating rapidly and you drew your blade.
 "Here's the blood you demons love so much! Want a taste? I'll let you have a lick before I cut your head off. So c'mon." He waved his wound, fresh, and she tracked the movement.
"Nezuko!" You felt the tremor when the boy's hands smacked on the hardwood, and for a moment, the demon seemed in daze. Her eyes blurred, and her hands loosened from the half clenched fists that they were. When her eyes refocused, she glared at Sanemi-san and turned her face away.
Everyone gasped then. Sanemi-san waved his arm closer, but she just scrunched her eyes tighter and took a step back. His eyes almost bugged out of his head.
"What happened?"
"The demon, Nezuko, has turned her face away, seemingly in disgust. Sanemi-San waved his wounded arm closer, but she has stepped back, despite being stabbed three times."
You do not see his face, but Oyakata-sama's voice makes you give an imperceptible little flinch.
"Alright then. Rengoku-San, what is the verdict?"
Me?? She is a demon, what else am I to make of this?? 
Slowly, you approach, with your blade still drawn. You hear the panicked breaths of the Kamado boy and the slow drip of Sanemi-San's blood. You see Mitsuri tense from the corner of your eye. Kyojuro gives a little aborted flinch forwards.
You approach till you are a mere few feet away from the demoness and she looks at you and you falter.
Her eyes have softened. Pink, like peaches. Mitsuri's hair. Sunrise. Cherry blossoms.
Pink like oleander.
The pupils are round again, but she is still a demon and you remind yourself she is dangerous, even as she stares at you with calm clarity in her round face.
Not with a desperation that comes from a mind warring against blood. Not with steady malice and a promise of death.
There are no blue anconitum or red lilies in her eyes, though oleander is just as deadly if provoked. Her brow is pinched, and she makes an inquiring noise at you, tilts her head.
You can only see a child. A deadly one, but a child, nonetheless.
You withdraw your blade. 
"I can't believe it, but she's safe. Relatively. I have marechi blood as well, and she's been stabbed three times. She should have attacked Sanemi-san or myself by now, to heal if not out of hunger." You step back, and watch as the girl climbs back into her box, shrinking down to toddler size.
She huffs at Sanemi-san, who is still staring in bewilderment, and you drift, zoning out Oyakata-sama's words to the boy. 
You are somewhere else as Oyakata-sama tells him to defeat a twelve kizuki with his sister, and earn the respect of his fellow slayers. When the boy loudly proclaims that he will kill Muzan himself, you huff a breath, amazed at the arrogance of youth.
"...Let's focus on a Twelve Kizuki for now, alright?" He glows red, and you stifle a laugh. You don't see Kyojuro's shoulders relax as you do, and you move to join him and Mitsuri with little fanfare as the boy is taken away to the butterfly estate. He has fallen into Shinobu-San's hands and you wish him luck.
"Obanai-san, Sanemi-san? Please try to be more lenient with the youth. There is no need to be so harsh." The two men bow, sheepish, to one of the only men who can make them do so, and the Hashira meeting begins.
But the Kamado boy comes running back after he has been dragged away, being smacked and punched by the frantic kakushi, asking to headbutt Sanemi-san as many times as he stabbed his sister. You are aghast. You are endeared (Inevitably. Unfortunately).
This boy is calling down every death omen upon him.
Muichiro-kun will not allow any disrespect to the master though, and shoots three pebbles at the boy, knocking him down. Kamado is dragged away, limp and half dazed.
Honestly, when the Mist Pillar is alert he sort of unnerves you, though he as well is just a boy. But Kyojuro takes your hand in his, and the meeting continues. 
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You've been near-silent all day.
Well, not all day. Just since the demon incident. You stared at her, and you saw something, and you've been quiet ever since.
Kyojuro is accustomed to your silence, and a hand around yours keeps you from drifting too far. He draws nonsensical patterns on the pulse of your wrist with his thumb, and you scribble back little words.
I'm okay.
Don't worry. 
Pay attention.
I'm fine.
Kyojuro just wants to make sure. 
He was ready to jump in front of you and slice off the head of that demon, because he knows how you feel about demons, and he knows how you feel about him.
And he knows that you know what it's like to lose a home, a family. The only difference between you and the Kamado siblings is that they had bodies to bury, graves to mourn over. They had each other.
There were no bones to pick in the pyre of the Fujiwara home, and all you had was the taste of wisteria burning down your throat.
So he holds your hand as you recall untouched snow and naked wisteria trees. He traces the seams of your hand as you conjure up images of a devil, with breath so cold the air does not puff from their lips in winter. He interlocks your fingers and squeezes as you remember split pupils and bloody claws and carnage, every nightmare you still jolt awake from in the dead of night. 
Mitsuri rests her head on your shoulder, wrapping her arms around your torso. Oyakata-sama thanks you, and Kyojuro does not mistake the newfound awareness, soberness, in his fellow Hashira's eyes as respect for you. Everyone here has seen the horrors of the first devil. The only difference is how far they've ventured into hell to fight against it.
And Kyojurou will become hellfire if it means you and his brother and his father can live in peace at the end of the day.
It is late when you both return back home to the Rengoku estate, when he is finally able to sweep you up his arms and kiss you, long and full and deep, just as he's wanted to all day. Your hands creep into his hair, undoing his topknot, and scratching at his scalp and he wants to stay here for an eternity. 
He shivers, and he feels you tremble in turn, and he breaks the kiss to stare into your face. 
"...I'm fine, Kyo."
"You haven't been this quiet in weeks." You shake your head and slide your hands down his neck, resting your hands over his pulse. He waits.
"Kyojuro, what would you do if I was turned into a demon?" He jolts, and he already sees the rejection in your eyes.
"No, just, where did this come from?"
"I thought, as slayers, that we are to kill all demons, to protect people. That's obvious. That's easy.
"But I spoke with Oyakata-sama, and seeing the Kamado siblings, I'm left to wonder now. What if I turned into a demon, what if it was Senjuro, what if it were you? Would I do my duty as a slayer, or would I try to save you?"
"Slayers save people, not demons."
"I am not a proper slayer. Slayer's save all people, without fault, but there are people I would still maim if I were to face them today. And Kamado was not a slayer when he saved his sister."
"Is she saved? She is still a demon."
"A demon who has not devoured a single human, a demon who hunts other demons. I looked into her eyes, Kyo, and she's just a girl. How could I raise my blade against a child no older than Senjuro?"
Kyojuro knows, because while you stared down the demon, he was staring down Tanjiro Kamado. He watched the boy, desperate, frantic, adamant as he and his sister were condemned. He fought against a Hashira because he hurt his little sister, demon or not. He swore that his sister would never kill a human, that together they would take down demons, and now it is up to the both of them to make due on those words.
Kyojuro thinks that they will. They will try, at least. And trying is not good enough when there are lives on the line, but Kyojuro is already wary of what new passages this will lead them to.
Kyojuro doesn't know if he'd ever have the willpower to go against the natural order. He doesn't know if he'd have the strength to rail against fate so hard its track is discoursed. But Tanjiro Kamado has done exactly that, and in the process, returned a sliver of his sister's humanity to her. 
Kyojuro doesn't know if his heart is that strong.
He's mostly scared because he knows. He knows that if you were to ever become a demon, he'd still find you beautiful. Senjuro would still be his, more son than brother. His Father would drive his blade into his own flesh before he succumbed to the first devil. So would his fellow slayers.
And he knows that you would have enough steel in your spine to stand against the natural order; slay all demons.
"I am not a proper demon slayer either." Your head shoots up, incredulous. Before you could immediately go on a spiel on how noble and righteous he was he pressed on.
"If I ever met the people who sold you to the demons, who took you from your home and your family, I would hurt them. I might even kill them." 
Just thinking about it made a hot flash of anger flare in his chest, his heart jumping an irregular beat. He pulled you closer, your brow resting on his collarbone. He sighed into your hair.
"If somehow Muzan himself became a normal, everyday human, I would still kill him. If you, or Senjuro or Father, or any of our friends, or even I, became a demon, I know that whatever needs to be done will be done. Whatever that is."
"Whatever that is?" 
"Whatever that is."
"But that's such a vague answer. How do I know what needs to be done?"
"You're asking for a hypothetical answer to a hypothetical question, vague is the best I can give you, dear. But I can assure you, I will never become a demon. I will never allow Senjuro to become a demon. And if you become a demon, then I will save you."
You don't ask him for specific circumstances. He knows you want to ask if you were in the position of the Kamado demon, if you'd never devoured a human. He knows you're thinking of red lilies and morning glories, and what if it was all different?  
He wonders why children are made to be demons and demon slayers. Why they are taken from the comfort of their homes and sold to demons by their own brethren. Why they still flinch at the thud of heavy footsteps and still wake up to cold sweats in the dark of night.
They are all children holding the hand of some fallible deity and asking, why? How come? What if? What if? What if?
There are 'what if's' that still haunt him to this day, ones that he still can't answer, so he does the next best thing and just holds you tighter, savoring the warmth of your body.
You kiss up the pulse of his throat and sigh against his skin, and Kyojuro swears his heart is ablaze, molten and dripping fire in the cupped palms of your hands.
He loves you always, and while that is a terrible realization, it is a simple truth. He loves you always. Always, always.
The Rengoku are flames after all, and Kyojuro loves you like the Sun in a cobalt blue sky. If you became a demon, then he would become the Midnight sun, and set flame to every one of your charcoal dark nights.
But it is late now, and the hearth has been unlit. Tomorrow the sun will rise, and another day will begin and Kyojuro will love you then too.
And he knows you love him. He knows.
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Cultural Notes!!!
Enmusubi-no-Kami: a deity most commonly known for being prayed to for luck in love, courtship, relationships, omiai's and the like!
Tsugoku: in this case, mc was trained by Kyojuro and is his 'head disciple/student'. In the case he dies or is incapacitated, they will take his place as flame Hashira.
Ane-ue: A respectful term for an older sister. Senjuro typically calls his brother Ani-ue, so mc who married Kyojuro is Ane-ue.
Story notes!!!
Oleander: One of the most deadly flowers in the world. They can be put up for ornamental shrubbery or hedge, but all parts are poisonous. Ingesting any of the plant can lead to seizures, comas and death. Since nezuko was essentially in a coma for two years, and oleanders are pink, I thought this was perfect for her!
Anconitum: Otherwise known as wolfsbane. Ingesting a few drops from the roots of the flower and you've got some heart failure and cardiac muscle paralysis, if you're not dead already! I chose this plant for Seiji because his eyes are blue of course, and anconitum is also known as the devils helmet 😏😏😏
Spider lilies: I think we know this one. Spider lillies are poisonous to humans and pets, they used to be drawn over graves to deter rats and pests, giving it the moniker as the Flower of death, fitting for Muzan. They were planted as well around rice paddies to protect the crops. Touching then could cause a rash, and is deadly to animals.
Original premise: Mc is from Lighting Ten Thousand Lanterns by @phen0l , a lovely Kyojuro/reader fic. Basically reader was stolen from her home and sold to demons, but was saved and adopted by the Fujiwara clan, an clan of Onmyojis. They were supposed to marry an man from the clan named Seiji, until Muzan wiped out the clan but mc survived, and fell into Kyojuro's training and care.
There's really no way to summarise, so just go read the original. It does not have enough notes or reblogs for how lovely it is!
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purinfelix · 2 months
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When you were called up for the position of new assistant coach of the English team, you knew how people, fans and media, viewed you - a young hot burgeoning talent who the managers had brought in as their saving grace. And you were eager to prove them all right.
You were also painfully aware of the situation you were putting yourself in by accepting the offer, an attractive youngster like yourself surrounded by a bunch of equally attractive young men could prove testy. Despite, or rather because, of this you were prepared to make your first impression stick - as a strict, no-bullshit coach who wasn't here to mess around but rather to win, and to do it fast.
And of course, the first two men who walk into the locker room on your first session have to be Jude and Trent, who you recognise from the sound of their bickering even before you see them. The minute you lock eyes with the two of them though, and spot the eager smirks they exchange, you can already feel your plans crumbling.
You had been expecting competitiveness between all the men on the team, in a sport like this it was only natural. What you hadn't expected though, was to be able to use it to such an advantage. Trent and Jude's desires to show off in front of you seemed never-ending. It might've seemed self-obsessed to assume they were doing this for your sake, and you wouldn't have if it weren't for the fact that their eyes were constantly on yours throughout it all.
"Did you see that coach?" Trent called out to you after nutmegging Jude, the look on his face prouder than you had ever seen. You nod, a smile pulling at your lips.
And soon enough, you found yourself playing along with it, giving whichever of the pair you saw doing better the sweetest smile you could muster. Was it unprofessional? Yes, you were constantly mindful of that, painfully so. But regardless of how unconventional your methods were, no one could argue that they worked a charm.
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sushiisiu · 3 months
hii siu! you can ignore this if you dont feel like it but do you think you could post your most recent doodle of stan here, please? 🙇‍♀️ i have not stopped thinking about him in his football gear waaugghhh im SO in love & i wish i had seen him when i was first getting into sp bc maybe then i wouldnt have been so mean 2 jock stan 😔 but like i think i really get it now, he is suuuch a cutieeee 💙 you captured how multifaceted stan truly is in that art too and i just wanted to thank you okkkkk i support jock stan now 🫡 🫶
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🫡🫡 i luv jock stan its so gap moe for him to be the star quarterback + it contrasts w kyle being the nerd with his straight A grades. also im glad you think so cus i could honestly talk all day abt his different traits like caring about animals to the degree of commiting borderline terrorism (whale whores, fun w veal, etc) or his tendency to always go for songwriting when hes upset or that he mopes the most out of the group bc hes emotionally sensitive
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nakathemoth · 3 months
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saiko loungewear
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whollyjoly · 5 months
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it's gon' be a long ride home tomorrow from tennessee to texas to la well if i could i'd never leave you i'd come home to stay another night from home away from you it ain't easy i know (baby, don't you want me)
the bucktommy cowboy au nobody asked for part three (parts one and two)
thinking about rancher!tommy who goes on long two-month cattle drives and dreams of the gorgeous cattle hand back home...
(song insp.)
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logan-bear-bear · 2 months
This is just a post talking about how much I adore Kate Carter and Tyler Owens and didn’t things I’ve noticed in my (several) rewatches of this show. Enjoy my many ramblings. <3
There’s something so special to me about how Tyler and Kate had little to no physical contact through the movie. Like you can tell that they’ve learned to care about each other throughout the one week they knew each other (possibly an extra week if Kate had taken extra time off to heal from driving into an EF5 tornado) and they never even hugged or anything. Most of their interactions were through playful banter, the looks of absolute entrancement, and like two, maybe three scenes where he was comforting/helping her after tornadoes. Aside from those small moments, nothing. I think it really helps double down on the fact that this is a relationship that is built more on knowing each other rather then a physical relationship.
During the airport scene when Kate tells Tyler “if you feel it, chase it” after he talks about not knowing when she’s coming back, it almost seems like (to me, and I’m bad at interpreting things) she’s acknowledging that they both have some sort of connection. But the fact the he takes this advice!! He drills his truck into the ground!!! To run after her! Taking her own advice that she took from him!!!!! They make me crazy honestly.
Also thinking about a scenario where later on if/when Kate ever comes back and goes tornado chasing with the Wranglers again and during a scene where they just tamed another tornado their all like cheering and being excited over it, Tyler picks Kate up by the waist and spins her around like the scene from Frozen where Kristof spins Anna around. Bonus points if this is where they’re still in the “will they won’t they” stage of their relationship and owns them jabs and immense teasing from the rest of the wranglers… honestly wheres my fic?
Break from Tyler and Kate to talk about the wranglers. I need a whole movie focused on them. I want backstories, mire of the dynamics, seeing how they interact with each other. They are my current favorite found family. The scene after they all find Kate after the El Reno tornado and they run up to her, you can see Dani hug and wrap around Javi in the excitement, and Boone telling Kate he’s in love with her (real), they are just so important to me I need everything about them.
Okay, I think I’m done for now
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parallelkozak · 1 year
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i have HYLICS SYNDROME . instead of a brain there is HYLICS 😵
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forwhomthebaeltolls · 9 months
Fuck the idea of me being the best little sub I can be for you all so you'll abuse me as a reward
Telling me how good I've been while you slap me over and over again until I wince just from you raising your hand; then you kiss me all possessive like
Praising me for being so obedient while you while you spank my ass until its bruised. Maybe even praising me for taking your abuse so well
Pinning me down and raping me as you groan “fuck, you're such a good little faggot”
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worstwolverinesbf · 3 months
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than, zag, meg in that order and dusa has a little hair bonnet that zag bought her
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t-the-ring-master · 2 months
Has anyone else gotten back into or just become obsessed with something after a friend mentioned it to you?
For me it is Kirby because one of my friends told me about a dream she had where I inhaled her little brother and I quote “like Kirby” and apparently we just continued on with a conversation like I didn’t just inhale her brother who sends me random memes on a Thursday morning.
After that I was like “huh, I used to love Kirby, let’s look it up.” And I’ve fallen down a rabbit hole that I can’t escape. I love the little dude, because I too would fight a god if they took my cake. I’ve been watching lore, game play and even little memes of the dude and I’m obsessed. Send help, I am not well and have been dragged down into the random obsession hole and can’t crawl out.
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shameless hot takes
i kind of dig the way lip ended up as a failure. i know a lot of people hate what the show did to him, how he never lived up to his potential (the same way they do it to rory gilmore) but like. that happens. lifes just like that. sometimes people who have had everything to live with grandiosity end up ruining everything up, and lips life was HARD and it SUCKED so him failing its kind of expectable i think. and its not like lips life ended, mans not even 30 and hes not just smart hes a genius, he will end up turning the table and coming straight to the top, i believe so.
frank doesn't love his children. i know people like to think frank was somewhat nice sometimes and that he was troubled but he loved the gallaghers his own way but i dont think he really did. he didnt even knew them. he was just too selfish and a narcissist and not even once a "act of love" was genuine or didnt have a gain for him or was somewhat for his benefit or interest.
of all plots, i believe gay jesus was the worst. i tried to remeber every other plot of the show and dont get me wrong the frank and his buddy pal mickey oshea SUCKED and i love ian hes my favorite character but what the fuck was that. the idea is really nice but it took so long to convey this arc of mania of him and it just was really badly written and executed and later it doesn't have importance to the plot. no surprise cameron monaghan wanted to skip shameless after that.
gallavich is not a healthy goal relationship. i mean yeah, they do love each other and they are good to each other, and i will excuse them for all the shit they did as teenagers cause they seemed to forgive each other and grow from it and i dont think they knew best but as adults they dont fucking communicate and mick broke ians leg like common. also most of time ian just seems to regret having married mick is really frustrating. i genuinely dont understand how that happened cause gallavich was all the writes had to milk and serve for the last seasons and they still fucked it up.
debbie is a rapist. she just is. just like sheila is too, i believe, and frank, and mandy, and jody, and estefania (i dont think jimmysteve is tho). they practiced nonconsensual sex and thats rape, end of story. i know the deborah debate is kind of hot ground and everybody has a different opinion about it cause she was young and didnt have the proper sex ed. but she did it not once, but twice AFTER facing consequences and getting to educate herself about what she did and why that was wrong, and i believe she would do it again if she had the motivation like she did on those circumstances. not saying matty or derick were cool guys, fuck them, matty wanted to go out with an underage girl when he met debbie and he kept going out with her after knowing she was much younger than he first thought and derick know that having sex can lead to having a baby and he and his family should have tried to be better to franny, but still they didnt deserved to by lied and abused by deb.
the gallaghers house should be debbie and carl's to decide what to do. the house is in fionas name, that much is true, but it is clear they kept contact with fiona at the begging of season 10 as she calls debbie to know about freddie and at that hall of fame episode too, so that much wouldn't be a problem. also, as fiona left, she left debbie in charge of the house's finances, and i believe the responsibility of what to do with the house is left with debbie too. i dont think fiona would be thrilled with the wouse being sold but she moved on and if her siblings are up to moving on too i dont think she would be opposed to it. that said, she would let the house deed on debbies hand i believe. taking up the fact that debbie is a mom with a little child and no other place to live, the fact she doesnt want to sell the house is comprehensible and i dont think any other gallagher can say its not, even more so lip. they tried to make the decision voting, letting the majority determinate what to do, but i dont think thats fair since lip could very easily get a house to himself and ian and mickey too, they had the money. now, about carl, is simply cause he paid for the house, therefore he should had a say on it. season 6, when the house was going to be sold, no other Gallagher than fiona was really trying to make to money to buy it. when she couldnt, carl saved the day and gave the money, and fiona was reluctant but she had no other option than to accept it, otherwise they would lose the house. even though the house is in fionas name like she likes to make it very clear, it is carls, and if he wanted to he could have put it in someone elses name, not lip cause he's in debt cause of the credit cards he has gotten to pay college, but he could have made it ians or anyone elses. he didnt cause he respects family and he respects fiona. since the house is his, and he also didnt really had any other place like debbie, they both should make the decision together.
fiona fucking sucks. i know a lot of people hates her and a lot loves her, and theres people in here that knows shes middle ground just like basically everybody on the show, which is called SHAMELESS for a reason. and i can agree with everybody. my point here is that she did nice things and stupid things and i dont hate her or love her for them, nor do i think all is forgiven because of her trauma or that shes number one worst character of the show. i think she sucks, think that she was wrong for all the liam shit, that she is an agent of chaos, that she was a bad girlfriend for all of her boyfriends just like they were bad for her (except mike he rocks), i think she make some of them worst really; i understand her desire to grown and be someone but i think it was risky to put the gallaghers house on the line so she could open the laundry (even more so cause i dont really consider it hers but carls), i understand how at some point she wanted to grow and take care of herself and be less of an parent in her sibling's life cause if she took care of herself since she was nine i think her siblings could try and take care of each other and their own ass a little so she could start living but the way she didnt really helped ian, the way she shut down debbie and was sad when debbie shuted her down, the way she left carl to his white boy fase without as much as trying and the way she said to them put VERONICA and KEVIN first at their emergency call before her was insane and she should be dragged for it idc. she was always mean to her siblings romantic interests too and that really bugs me cause mandy put lip in college and mickey cared for ian.
lip fucking sucks. most people here think the similarity between lip and frank starts and finishes on alcoholism and appearance but i think its more than that, i think both of them are narcissistic motherfuckers. i cant think of a single time lip put effort in anything for any other reason than to satisfy himself. it is the most evident when you think about his relationships SPECIALLY tami and fred, but if you think about his desire to be a father, the way he treated fiona when she was down, the whole sierra fiasco and how he treated her sons daddy, the karen ian thing; he even said that he helps his alcoholic friends because he thinks that if they cant do it then certainly lip himself won't be able to do it. i cant hold ian to the same parameters, i only think deb fiona and carl are really there for each other but ian gets a pass cause hes just selfish to some extent. he is bipolar and shit went down when he was still a child; still, joining the army and sending no news was a dick move and when he was good and on his meds and working as an EMT i think he wasnt really there for his family, tho he cared for mandy. cant really say much cause most of the time he was out of himself or in jail.
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ratguy-nico · 8 months
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Geneuary prompt Mermaid / Magical
People I can not tell you how happy I am with how this one turned out >w<
I'll be honest... I forget today was prompt day XD I didn't find out until I saw @golden--doodler post (beutiful drawing by the way)
And talking about golden doodler thanks her for this one cause I was actually not gonna post anything for mermaid XD for real I decided to let 2 prompt out for different reasons and this was one of them.
I didn't know what I wanted to draw on this one, magical was too general for my brain and mermaid was the one that caught my attention the most. But didn't know what I wanted to do with it.
But then golden made me think in the Little Mermaid, and Gene and Rudy been Little Mermaid fans, and they bonding over the Little Mermaid, and this practically drew by itself... and I had to add a jelous Louise, cause I have to.
Gene is always stealing his mans, first Bob and now Rudy XD (Spaghetti Western and Meatballs reference) (of of my fav episodes)
So yeah.
Did I color it this way cause I had short time? Actually no, which made me very proud.
I really envisioned like this, since I made that Jimmy Jr x Zeke piece (you youngsters say Jimmy Jr/Zeke) I wanted to do something similar... if you dont know about what drawing am I talking about thats alright is a little old 😅
But yeah, really like this one, could be my actual fav, if I do say so myself (see I do one nice thing and it goes straight to my head 🙄)
Oh and the text is in spanish cause this is from my childhood memories and as a child if I heard the smallest word in english I would burst into tears... I was englishfobic as a child. The irony.
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d13t0rt10n · 2 months
Omi, humbled after saving the world: I'm amazed at how insignificant we all are in the grand scheme of things.
Jack: Not me. I'm important. Future ruler of the world right here. Sucks for you though.
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akalikai · 7 months
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(to clarify, I only like harmless jealousy/possessiveness where both people are chill with it unless it's for angst purposes. Otherwise it gets icky)
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whump-queen · 7 months
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My art of Mizu from Blue Eye Samurai - my current comfort show
art & general taglists:
@whumpshaped  @whumpsday  @emmettverse   @a-whump-sideblog @whump-it-like-its-hot  @wolfeyedwitch @whumper-soot @unorganisedalienrubbish  @hidden-dreamland @whumpedydump @lonesome--hunter @ashh-ed @whump-in-the-closet @oriantthegiant @banditosong @feralwhump @jieunie-23 @whumpasaurus101 @morning-star-whump @whmp @captain-bo-bob-bobby @the-beasts-have-arrived @spooky-scary-vampires @burningkittypoet @veyroswin @painsandconfusion @skittles-the-whumpee @demondamage Art tag: @burntcoffeewhump @suspicious-whumping-egg
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marciaillust · 2 years
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so like uh. uhh. superhero/journalist au revamped
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