#im a mostly silent person so me talking already is kinda rare
a-rain-atherapy · 6 years
so i recently got validation and reassurance on something that had been (and still kinda is) bothering me, suffocating me for the last three years... and it feels like both a metric ton of weight got lifted off me and like i swallowed a giant ton of molten-cooling lava
for the last three years id be lying in bed and then the depression negative thoughts would come flyin in my mind, esp around times when i was super stressed or worried or had like a bunch of shit backed up with looming deadlines, and the one thought that would always stand out to me was
‘Am I making you (my parents/family) proud of me?’
and the urge, the need to call and ask for validation was so strong i had my phone in my hands with my finger kinda hovering over the call button several times.
but it was usually anywhere between 3-6AM and even though theyve told me multiple times that they dont mind me calling them in the middle of the night for something , i still felt bad and didnt. id turn my phone off and put it down and just lie in bed until i passed out somehow or try to distract myself with my phone games until it got to the ‘i need to go to sleep now to be functional’ time and then fill my head of nonsense and entertainment shit i absorbed until i passed out somehow (who knows how falling asleep works i would love to knock out as soon as i touch the pillow but no. gotta lie around for half an hour almost unconscious but then gotta change position cuz the last one got uncomfortable suddenly or its too hot or w/e)
so this kind of mental tug of war kept happening and i never told anyone because why would i? that would be admitting to my feelings and i couldnt do that without taking the time to understand why i have these feelings and where they came from and that would 1) take a lot of time and 2) make me fucking emotional and cry. neither of which i could afford in college so i put it aside and never acknowledged them like the unhealthy coping mech it is. (still actually havent had a good self maintenance yet)
it was the worst senior year. i stopped taking my medication (with the hesitant ok of the psychiatrist) and things were ok for a bit and then it tanked and just kept falling and i didnt do anything except take my hands off the wheel and just watched myself falling. classes? skipped. meals? instant/super quick unhealthy shit or order-in. energy? barely. motivation? absolutely none. 
everything was tiring and too much and i essentially shut down during the last half-year of school beause it was just Too Much and i couldnt cope well enough. big shoutout to my homie roommates who were pretty supportive of my lazy lifestyle and supported my random super blaze passions including kpop and gaming.
but yea about a week ago woke up early for my ddads bday to make him an omelette as per his request which was then postponed till lunch but meh. had a chat with the mother about something i cant really recall but it somehow spiralled into me talking about my motivations and how i didnt really have any. going back to that one mean teacher of mine in 6th grade who made us write out our goals and hopes for the school year before/during/after the year and me being a simple child who just came to school day by day and did things day by day without really caring much about antyhing else wrote N/A on all 3 boxes because it was true. i didnt come to school with goals for learning anything because it was school? i didnt know what i was gonna learn? and i didnt really have anything that i wanted to learn? so no goals???? and she saw it and was all ‘this is impossible your’re lying’ or somethin. point is she made me take it back home, had my parents read and sign it ( my no goals) and change it to tell the truth. i wrote some bs i dont recall and handed it bakc with my parents signature (i dont think they really understood? and i dont think my teacher really looked at it again after that>?? so???? why bother???????) 
and my mom was all ‘yeah ok what about now though? are u ok with what u are now?’ and im all ‘yea i think im ok’ 
she asked me’ what about u is ok?’ like clearly shes fishin for some answer- my weight/hygeine/social abilitity whatever i guess
‘well im not dead right?’ was my reply no hesitation. and as u can geuss it, her response was ‘why is that ur first repsonse?’ and honestly i dont know? its true though? im not dead and thats ok. im decent i can still move i can eat if i want to, im not struggling as bad as i could be, so isnt that ok? theres nothign especially great or bad in my life right now so i guess im just ok. im middle grounding like i have for my entire life. and thats ok to me for now.
which prompted her responses+my dads that you know, i graduated college in 4 years thats an acoomplishment i should be proud of that because not even dad did it in 4 (it was 5) 
and then out of left field she comes in with the ‘im proud of you for that’, ‘im reallyt proud of you’ and it hit me like an emotional runaway train of feels. the validation that i had been wanting to hear for the last three years, just kinda thrown out there casually in conversation like it was a compliment. like a ‘oh ur hair looks nice this way’ or ‘you cooked dinner really nicely today’  it made me emotional enough to cry a bit, like the silent 1-2 tears, is still making me emotional remembering it. 
like truly. thank you for being proud of me, for barely dragginb myself through this last obstacle and for giving me a respite before i start tryin the next obstacle that is a fuckin job. im sorry if i made you worry about me before and im sorry for giving you stress about my stress too. 
(but what if she just said it but not really meant it? what if she lied? the way it was said was so casual what if she didnt really mean it? but the thing about validation is that i cant keep requesting it-it doesnt work that way. the first few times is ok but then at what point, what number of repetitions does the ‘Request validation’ button stop working properly? if at all? i think thats how i lost a friend in 7th grade, i asked her too many times if we were friends and she kinda gently? blew up on me and we havent talked since, so>????)
its not like theyll ever see this and im not really a personal feelings sharing kind of person so i dont think that ill tell them this either but its nice to get all my feelings out there. 
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catgirlforkaeya · 2 years
hello! i hope you're doing well and as a kaeya lover myself i love your account sm it brings me sm comfort! idk if you're taking requests rn but i just need soms hurt/comfort and maybe fluff (?) if u have time ofc!! let's say that reader and kaeya just got into their first relationship and they had an arguement but since they're still new into the relationship can you write how they resolve it?
i expect kaeya to be the one who communicate first since reader is kinda ignorant? i'd say their personality is almost like albedo haha i probably didn't project reader into myself ANYWAY SORRY IF THIS IS TOO LONG OR CONFUSING TY <3 can i be anon 🐏?
first fight
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kaeya x gn!reader
hurt/comfort + fluff at the end
warnings: all lowercase + not proofread + i haven’t written in almost 2 months so it’s prolly bad asf + alcohol mentions + past arguments + teeny tiny mention of scars bc im evil to you guys
a/n: I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG ANON 💔 AND YES U CAN ABSOLUTELY BE 🐏 ANON!! i also apologize if there’s errors i haven’t written in awhile i’m rusty eueueu
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it had only been a few months since you and kaeya got into a relationship. you both were new to all of this, so when you two got into your first argument you were honestly clueless on how to resolve it.
you’ve known kaeya your whole life— you two grew up together in mondstadt. throughout all of those years you never fought, but within the first couple months in your relationship you had your first fight. it was a fairly serious fight. you’d gotten annoyed of how overprotective kaeya had been within the past few weeks, and that confrontation just caused a whole spiral of arguments. you said some vile comments, ones that you regret every night.
about a week or so ago you two decided to take a break after your argument. you didn’t break up or anything, just took some time off. that whole week was… interesting to say the least. you weren’t used to not talking to kaeya everyday. you were used to coming home and falling asleep next to him, waking up in his arms with your figures pressed tightly together. you missed hearing him whisper sweet nothings while you two were drifting off to sleep. as much as you missed everything you couldn’t bring yourself to go and apologize. deep down you knew you were wrong, but on the surface you acted otherwise. you knew you’d have to eventually say something if he didn’t.
you’ve done your best to avoid kaeya this week. you hated doing it but you knew it’d be way too awkward if you two ran into each other. avoiding the tavern, taking the less-busy sidewalks to places, doing your best to avoid the knights headquarters, etc etc. thankfully you hadn’t run into him.. yet.
it was already around midnight as you made your way into the knight’s headquarters. you should’ve turned these papers in to jean earlier, but you were still avoiding the headquarters the best you could during the day. right now was the perfect time for you since you knew kaeya would probably be at the tavern or back home. he rarely ever stayed overtime to work on paperwork nowadays, so you figured that you were in the clear.
your footsteps echoed throughout the hallway as you entered. everything was silent in the building, not a soul to be seen in the main part. all of the doors that were cracked had a dark room behind them. some were closed so you couldn’t tell if those had anybody in them, but you doubted. mostly everybody went home for the night around 9pm-10pm.
the light in jean’s office was off, so you had to aimlessly feel around on the wall until you found the switch. you were glad to see that jean had went home earlier than she usually does, you were just wishing she’d left the light on. you wanted to get in and out, fumbling around trying to find a light switch was just adding onto the time you spent in the building. finally your fingertips brushed across the switch.
you walked across the wooden floor, some of the boards creaking underneath your feet. jean’s desk was organized as usual. important paperwork and pens on the right side, stuff that wasn’t important was on the left, and new and untouched paperwork in the middle. your paperwork would be classified as the middle stack, so that’s where you placed it. you took a small glimpse at the paper on top. you recognized the handwriting— it was kaeya’s. only he would write his A’s and E’s in an abnormally curvy way.
just as you placed the paperwork on top of his, you heard a cough come from behind you.
your whole body tensed up for a second. you definitely were startled, simply because you figured that nobody else was in the building. apparently you were wrong though. slowly, you turned around to see who was behind you.
kaeya was standing in the doorway behind you, leaning up against the frame with his arms across his chest.
speak of the devil.
“we need to talk, [name],” kaeya spoke. for the first time you couldn’t quite place what tone he was speaking in right now. was it anger? was it sadness? was it just a normal tone? disappointment even? you had absolutely no clue.
“y-yeah, we do,” your words caught in your throat a little. he was right, you two did need to talk. if you wanted any chance of mending your relationship you couldn’t put it off any longer. you just weren’t prepared for confrontation right now. “can we do it somewhere else though?”
“my place?” he asked, almost as if he read your mind. it was the closest to the headquarters, so that would save you two a painfully long and awkward walk. you gave a small nod, following behind him out the doors. you shivered as the cold air hit you in the face, almost felt like icy needles against your skin.
you two moved throughout the city in silence. the only sounds that could be heard was your steps on the concrete and the small howl of the wind. any other time you wouldn’t really mind the silence between you two, but this time the silence allowed your mind to run wild with thoughts. the conversation that was bound to happen within a matter of minutes would determine whether you two moved forward in life together or break apart. you didn’t want the latter, you two had been friends since before you were teenagers. you didn’t want your foolish outrage where you spoke without thinking to be the downfall.
you couldn’t help but look over at kaeya and wonder if he was feeling the same way or not. you couldn’t read his face so you had no idea where this was going to go. guess you’ll find out soon.
as you stepped through the doors of kaeya’s house, you were greeted with a mostly dark house. you could see the glow of a light from his bedroom, but everything else was dark. the only thing illuminating the room was the moonlight shining on through the windows. shockingly the moon gave a good amount of light; you were able to see stuff clearly. not as clearly as if there were a lamp on, but clear enough.
you turned around to face him once you heard the door close. he was in the same position he was in when you saw him at the headquarters— one shoulder leaning up against the wall with his arms crossed. that’s one of the ways that he usually stands though, so it wasn’t too shocking.
you subconsciously mimicked his position too. you had your arms crossed as you stood, the only thing that was different was there was no wall to lean against. you had your calves pressed against the side of the couch. another difference was that your figure was a lot more tensed, while kaeya’s was more relaxed.
silence hung between you two once again. neither of you knew where to start. so many words that needed to be said were hanging on the tip of your tongues, but if you were to say them you were afraid of what would happen. deep down you knew this was going to get resolved, but the amount of anxiety and fear that this was the end drowned that out.
“we can’t avoid this forever,” kaeya was the one to break the silence. his voice echoed across the room to you, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“i know,” you answered. you tried to keep your voice at a medium tone but it kept sinking lower and lower. this response almost sounded like a whisper, so you weren’t even sure that he heard it.
“i really don’t want to lose you over this, [name],” he began, “we’ve known each other for over two decades, i don’t want our first argument to be what makes everything go down in flames.”
you stood there for a moment, rolling your head up to look at the ceiling for a second. almost as if you were begging whatever was up there to let this go the right way.
“i’m sorry about everything i said. i didn’t mean to call you obsessive or a stalker. i was a total asshole th-that night— i’d gotten drunk off my ass that night and wasn’t thinking before i spoke. i kn-“ your voice started to crack mid-sentence. you felt your eyes begin to sting, tears welling up fast. you bit the inside of your cheek as an attempt to stop yourself from crying, that did nothing but leave a sore. “-i know that you have good intentions and want to keep me safe and i do the same for you. i don’t want this to be the downfall either— i’ve been up all damn week trying to figure out how to approach this. i’m also sorry i didn’t come to you first i was just afraid i’d like— cause another argument. you didn’t deserve the way that i treated you and i’m so sorr-“
the next thing you knew you felt kaeya’s arms wrap around you, pulling you tight against his chest. you don’t even know how you two ended up like this— you’d gotten so lost in your panicked apology ramble that you didn’t pay any attention to what happened. you didn’t know if you’d gone to him, if he’d came to you, or if it was a mutual action.
“it’s okay,” you heard him whisper, his grip on you tightening. “i forgive you hun. i’m sorry about everything that i said too. i was an asshole too.”
“i forgive you too,” you said with a shaky breath, tears threatening the spill even harder now. “i missed you so much.”
with that you both broke down. you buried your heads in the crook of each other’s necks and just cried. you had no clue how long you two cried for. a few minutes? a whole hour? who knows.
within a few hours you found yourself right where you felt like you belonged. laying in bed with kaeya, curled up tight next to his side with your head resting on his bare chest, and his arm wrapped around you rubbing small circles against your skin.
it was about 3 in the morning now. you two were wide awake but neither of you cared. you both were just happy to be back into your regular routine.
you tilted your head up to look at kaeya. he was focused on a book he was reading, but you knew he was watching you out of the corner of his eye. you just laid there for a few minutes admiring him. you’ve seen his face almost everyday for twenty years but it’d never not be pretty. everything about him was perfect to you. all the things that he swore were flaws, even the darkest sides of him were perfect in your eyes. many other people would disagree with you on this, but they didn’t know kaeya like you did.
you always knew you had feelings for kaeya. it just started out as some silly crush that children get, but it stuck with you throughout the years. even when you had a s/o, it would never feel real. their love and your love just felt very fake. you did have feelings for whoever you were with, but your feelings for kaeya would always get in the way. all of those relationships never showed you what it was like to be loved. you never knew what truly being loved felt like until you and kaeya started dating. honestly looking back he made you feel loved since the day you met, but at the time you didn’t realize that. sandbox love never really dies, does it? you two were living proof of that.
after awhile of looking at him you had to return to your original position. the way you had your chin resting on his chest as you looked up put an uncomfortable strain on your neck.
once you were comfortable again you placed a hand on his torso, aimlessly running up and down it. your fingertips brushed over some burn scars that he had on his abdomen. you let them linger there for a couple of seconds. you felt his abdomen tense for a small second, but you knew he didn’t mind. this was one of the many ways you two would silently say “i love you”— tracing over each other’s scars.
another hour passed before you felt your eyelids begin to grow heavy. kaeya must have been getting tired too because he finally put the book down and flicked off the light switch. now you two were laying in the dark, trying your best to go to sleep.
“goodnight darling,” kaeya mumbled, you could tell he was on the brink of sleep just by his voice.
you shifted around some so that you could give him your goodnight kisses. first you placed some lazy kisses to his jawline, then some more kisses on his lips.
“goodnight bub,” you whispered against his lips between kisses. “i love you.”
“i love you more,” he said in response as you shifted back to the way you were laying before.
right before you let sleep consume you, you let out a small sigh of relief. you’d been stressing about your argument all week, and now it was all over. everything was okay now, you and kaeya were okay.
you and kaeya were okay.
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© all rights reserved to catgirlforkaeya. reposting, plagiarizing, modifying, and translating is NOT allowed.
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bloodmoon-bites · 2 years
Freddy Krueger x GN!reader headcanons
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Okay, okay, okay, listen, i know i should be updating the moon knight fic but like, the freddy brain rot is real rn
(lol this is kind of a self indulgent headcanon thing, he’s my comfort character and i need some comfort rn lol, so take some protective/soft freddy headcanons) If you wish to be added to my taglist go here
Pre-relationship headcanons that slowly bleed into relationship headcanons
Okay, so we know you two met in his little, nightmare of a world right?
well after he decided that he wasn't going to kill you, because, he liked your fiery personality and your persistence he just took to being a nuisance when you fell asleep and he pulled you into his little world because he got bored
he’d poke fun at you, throwing the occasional ‘hey hot stuff’ or something just to fuck with you, because lets face it, its who he is. he’s an aimless flirt
now some days he may get you on one of your bad days and if you get pissed enough or genuianly make it clear that you dont want him screwing with you right then, he will stop... mostly... (i mean what else can we expect, it’s freddy)
oh my LORD you two HATED one another at first-
‘Get the fuck away from me you burnt bacon, bitch!’
‘oh you really wanna go there you little shithead!?’
freddy is totally that one friend that you think isn't listening when you go on little rants to him, like you think he’s not listening and his just staring off, but no, if he likes you enough to not have killed you by now, he’s listening
oh? that bully who wont leave you alone? yup, they’ve gone missing on the news, or they were found ripped to shreds
okay okay okay, you cannot look at me and tell me this man wouldn't rip someone to shreds if you were good enough friends with him tho
if you have his same since of humor? prank wars, i swear, all the time, just pranks, and really dumb jokes
somehow get him with a deez nuts joke, or a dick joke? he’s floored
passed out on the ground from laughing, because you can almost ever get him with these, but if you can??? 
if it ends up he’s in love with you? it will take him a while to a) realize it b) accept it
like this man will be in total denial, he’s like ‘hell no, nope, no way’
when you found out he liked you? it was because of one of two reasons
1. You could have died and/or almost died and/or be on your deathbed, and he was like, ‘fuck it, i need to tell them before i lose them’
2. you told him someone hurt you or was being mean, and mans did the whole ‘imma possess someone’ thing and went into the material world and stepped between you and the bully/bullies and was straight up like, ‘You ever touch/talk to MY y/n again, and your dead’ 
after that whole ordeal (if it was 1 you lived lol, he just didnt think you would) the next time you saw him you confronted him about it, like ‘did you mean it, do you love me?” or “what do you mean, YOUR y/n?”
he’d be silent for a minute
he’d then go on about he’s in love with you, and has been for a while
you’ll see a whole new side to him, a vulnerable side, that even through your relationship you’ll rarely ever see
 after you two get together, he’ll be more touchy, this time not just randomly smacking your ass when you walk past
no, im talking like, when you first get in his realm or he’s possessing someone he’ll walk up behind you and hug you from the back, give you small kisses to the cheek, and just kinda hold you close kind of touches
then he’ll go back to grabbing your ass again lol (unless you tell him no [like seriously tell him no] or have already put your foot down on that then he wont)
you’re having a bad day? he’ll make as many jokes as he needs to get you to laugh, maybe throw some cheesy pick up lines out there too
‘are you from Tennessee? because you’re the only 10 i see”
‘freddy, babe, first of all, im already with you, second, i love you... but no’
his nicknames for you? oml where do i start, mans is calling u all the nicknames damnit
hottie, hot stuff, baby, babe, mine. all that shit
whenever he gets a small domestic urge
if you are in his realm, he’ll make it into a little house/apartment matching your own, with (if you dont have it) a couch or recliner by the window/facing the window, and have it raining outside with it being a little chilly with a fireplace going and he’ll pull you in and lay there cuddling with you ontop of him in his arms covered up by a blanket, keeping you two nice and warm
if your in the material world however, and none of the above can happen? he’ll help you pick out a movie, make some food (this man can cook okay, idky but i just have that feeling that if he really wanted to, he can cook), eat and then lay down in bed with you and watch some tv
when he feels like it, freddy can acutally be pretty nice, and not just a sarcastic asshole, it’s moments like these that you often remember the most.
not the arguments, or fights you two may get into, no, it’s always the good, domestic one you remember, because freddy doesn't get them often
he’s usually just the horny, asshole dream-demon we all know and love, so these small moments, while they are few and far between typically, are what the two of you cherish the most
Taglist: @ekkomorningstar @cbloodmarch @lo0nylexi​ @thankfulformystans​ 
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mxthtea · 3 years
Hi a started reading your story's and i really like alot of them and so this will be my first character x reader request so i hope i don't screw things up. 😅
So its baal x male reader who is a samurai and a loyal personal guard for baal just like sara (i hope im saying the right Character 😅) and secretly they are a couple but because of her enemy's you two keeping it a secret. But sometimes you and her meet up in a secret place to relax and talk (and maybe do some other things that couples do) (not talking about nsfw stuff)(something like cuddle or kiss) 🤣
So yea thats it for my first request😶 I hope i didnt write to much or something weird and didnt break any request rules😅🤣
That's all for my first re quest have a great day & and stay safe out there everyone
it's alright anon!! you didn't break any rules (n ty for this req this is adorable,,) again ty for enjoying
hc because im kinda tired n a lil stressed dkjskj if you want a fic you can req one as well anon!! this really is just an outline for one so i could do it if you want <3
req rules/info
baal x male!reader warnings: i describe things poorly n they most likely make no sense, reader attempts to flirt. fails, written before baal's release, grammar + spelling mistakes, lowercase writing, tell me if i forgot any description: after a long day on both sides, you and baal see each other once again.
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"i request his presence immediately," the shogun said.
one of her men nodded and walked off to get you. a while ago you were sent with troops to deal with the resistance once again. and with sara taking over on that side, you were able to come see baal yourself once again.
it only took a few moments before she could hear the sound of footsteps approach at her door, you emerging from it.
"here he is," the lower guard said.
"you may leave."
the lower guard walked out of the room, leaving you and baal together.
"you asked for my presence?" you asked.
"of course, we shall meet at chinju forest. for now, you can stay here."
and with that, you had spent the rest of the day serving further as baal's guard. it was until the end when she dismissed you, (at least as a guard) were you able to travel to chinju forest.
baal stayed silent during the walk mostly, letting you talk if you wanted to. it was rare that she was able to see her lover so she had always silently enjoyed your presence with her. much less were the two of you able to actually spend time together off duty.
as an archon (much less one that ruled like her) baal kept the identity of those near her quiet. the most civilians would know are her personal guards that people would see with her. other than that, it was all completely private.
so when these times came where the both of you could spend time together, it was something she always cherished quietly.
"the forest always looked wonderful," you smiled. baal turned to look over at you while you stared down at the glowing flora in the area.
"it is a stunning place," baal agreed.
"al -"
"stop right there young man."
you weren't even able to finish your thought before baal flicked you on the forehead.
"aw cmon! i wasn't even able to finish the first word."
"i already knew what you were going to say anyways."
"whatever you say ma'am," you smiled at baal as she rolled her eyes.
silence fell over the both of you as you two walked to another part of the rest. one with a patch of grass surrounded by the glowing flora and with the water right behind it.
"maybe soon, we could do this more often," you thought out loud.
baal knew you wished for a more easy way for a relationship, as she did as well. but sadly, she couldn't endanger your life nor threaten the eternity she wanted to uphold. losing you could only make things worse after all.
"one day," baal replied. "one day, hopefully sooner than later."
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jeo9n · 3 years
Majesty Pt 4 || JJK
Pairing : Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Genre : Slow burn, Angst,Fluff, King JK, future smut
Warnings : None for this chapter.
Wordcount : 2.3k
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A few day have passed and I basically did the same stuff everyday. I tried helping Maria out whenever I could, I explored the castle a bit more and I even found out there was a library. I would sometimes go there and read a book, but I mostly found myself out in the garden, enjoying nature.
I haven’t had any interactions with the King since I heard them that night. He was quite busy, and rarely was at the castle. The only times you’ve seen him was at dinner, or when he came home late at night looking rather exhausted. But you two barely talked. I didn’t know how to act around him, everytime I saw him, I was remembered about how I stood outside of his door like a creep listening to him having sex.
You were out in the garden getting some fresh air, when you got interrupted by someone. "Goodmorning, miss." The chamberlain, that I first saw at the competition, greeted you with a big smile on his face. "Your mom is here to visit you."
"My mom is here? Where is she?" You asked him, as you got up from the bench that you were sitting on. "Yes, she is waiting for you at royal office." He told you.
You quickly made your way inside once you thanked, and said goodbye to the chamberlain.
Your mom immediately greeted you with a tight hug once you arrived at the royal office. It felt like you haven’t seen each other in years - even tho it only was a few days.
"Dear, you look beautiful." She told you, as she looked at you, admiring the light blue dress you were wearing. "Come on, let’s sit down and talk. I wanna know everything."
We sat down on the sofa and she sipped on her tea that Maria brought us.
You didn’t know what you should tell her. There wasn’t much happening the last few days - nothing exciting anyway.
"How’s the King? Is he handsome?" She asked excitedly. "Well, he isn’t old and ugly as I thought." You laughed. "But, i don’t know. He doesn’t seem that nice."
"What do you mean? Does he treat you badly, Y/n?" She looked at you with concerned look on her face.
"He doesn’t treat me bad. But, he always answers me in cold tone, like he never really wants to talk to me. And the other day I saw him with another woman." You told her, leaving out the fact that you heard them having sex.
"Do you mean he has a mistress?" She asked you, and you nodded. "Well, a King having a mistress isn’t rare. I mean, they have to let go of their sexual frustration somehow." She looked at you. "Im sure every King had a mistress at some point.
"But then why did he not marry her? I don’t understand, why did he look for a girl to marry, when he already has a woman by his side?" You asked her. "Y/n, a mistress is only there, to fulfill the Kings sexual desires. A woman he marries is someone, that he wants as his wife. Not someone he only uses for sex. There’s a difference." She explained to you.
"Will she still be around after the King and I get married?" You asked her, trying to understand all of this.
"Of course not." She assured you.
"Im scared mom." You mumbled. Marrying someone is scary. Especially, if you don’t really know your future partner. You’re about to get married to the King, and you don’t even know him, you’ve only known him for like a week, you don’t even know what kind of person he truly is.
"What are you scared of, dear?" She asked you concerned.
"I’m scared of everything mom. I’m scared about the wedding, I’m scared of meeting his parents, I’m scared of sharing a bed with him, I’m scared about what comes after.... I’m scared of having sex with the King."
"There’s no need to be scared. I’m sure the King will treat you nicely, why wouldn’t he? He chose you to be his wife, he must surely like you." She tells. "And don’t worry about sex, my dear. Sex is something you should enjoy, not something to be scared of."
I guess she’s right. The King chose me for a reason, there’s no need for me to be scared. I tried to assure myself. But, I’m still not sure about having sex with him...
You kept on talking with your mom for a while, before she eventually had to leave for work.
After your mom left, You found myself at the dress fitting. You were being squeezed in one wedding dress after another, after one of the maids brought out a dress, what the King claimed, would be the perfect dress for you. It was white - who would’ve thought. It was a off the shoulder dress, with balloon sleeves that were made out of mesh. It had a few diamonds decorating the décolleté area. The dress was huge, but it look absolutely beautiful. You couldn’t wait to try it on.
You tried the dress on, and immediately fell in love with it, It hugged your curves beautifully - You never felt so pretty in a dress before.
All the maids, including Maria gasped as soon as they saw me. The King was absolutely right about this dress, it was the perfect dress for you.
"Miss, you look absolutely beautiful." One of the maids said told you, everyone agreeing with her. "I’m sure the King will be happy, seeing how beautiful you look, in the dress he picked." Another maid said.
After we tried on a few jewelry pieces, to see, what would fit best with the dress.
After the dress fitting, it was time for lunch.
"I heard, your mother came to visit you today." He tells, as he made himself comfortable in his chair. "Yes. I was really surprised, as I wasn’t expecting her to visit me today - but I was happy to see her again." He nodded.
"How did your dress fitting go?"
"It went pretty well! We picked a really good dress." You tell him with a smile on my face. "I’m glad." He smiled back.
"When is the wedding by the way?" You ask, not having talked about it with him before.
"The Wedding is gonna be next week," he says calmly. "Are you nervous?"
Of course I’m nervous. "Oh! That’s so soon. I thought, it’s gonna be next month or something." You tell him nervously.
You weren’t expecting the wedding to be next week.
"Well, it was supposed to be next month. But I rescheduled it to next week." He says, voice confident.
"Oh! Okay. But what about your girlfriend?"
He looked at you confused. "My girlfriend? I don’t have a girlfriend." He told you with a chuckle.
"What about the Girl that was in your bedroom the other day?" You asked.
"She’s not my girlfriend, Y/n. She’s just a mistress." He told you.
"Okay." Was all you said. Feeling a little weird, hearing him, admitting that he has a mistress.
"Are you jealous." He asked you, an amused look on his face.
"No! Why would I be jealous? You’re free to do whatever you want, your highness." You told him honestly.
He looked a little taken back by what you said. But that’s the truth. If he wants to have a mistress, then he can have one.
"You don’t mind?"
"I mean, we’re not married yet. I wouldn’t want you to have a mistress once we’re married though." You told him, "or are you planning on keeping her?"
He looked at you confused. "Why would I keep her, when I have you?" He asked you.
"I don’t know, your highness. It was just a question, forget about it." You told him once you looked at him. He looked confused, like he couldn’t really understand you.
He nodded and took a sip of his water. "Do you have any other plans for today?" He asked, ignoring what you had just told him.
You looked at him with furrowed brows. "No, i don’t really have anything to do." You laughed awkwardly.
"Would you like to have a Walk around the garden with me tonight? - I’ve noticed you spend a lot of time in there. Let me show you around the garden, let me show you everything more properly." He tells, waiting for your answer.
"Sure! I’d love that."
After lunch u went back into your room, taking a shower and putting on some fresh clothes. Putting on a light yellow dress with flowers on it. You left your hair down, the way you always wore it.
You weren’t going to lie, you were kinda excited to have a little more alone time with the King. You haven’t really gotten to chance on getting to know him. I mean, you should at least get to know him a little better, before marrying him.
You decided to ask him a few a question about him. If he’s okay with it, of course.
As you reached to the door to the garden, the King was already there, waiting for you. He wore a white blouse with brown trousers. His hair was slightly wavy and parted in the middle. He looked effortlessly beautiful just standing there.
"Ah! There she finally is." He said jokingly, causing you to smile.
"Im sorry, your highness. I would’ve hurried up, if I knew you were waiting for me." You told him, as you both walked out in the garden.
You both walked around in silent for a bit, before he spoke up. "Do you have a favorite flower?" He asked you, when he noticed you looking at the daises near the fountain.
"Yes! I love roses, yellow roses in particular." You looked at him.
"Ah, i see. Is there any reason why you like yellow roses, Y/n?" He asked you, as you two continued walking.
"My brothers would always pick yellow roses for me when I was younger, because they knew I liked roses. Everytime I was sad, they would come home with yellow roses, trying to cheer me up. They brought me yellow roses for my birthday every year, they said that the Rose resembled me, its bright and delicate like me." You told him with a smile on your face, as you thought about the old times. "Do you have a favorite flower, your highness?"
"I don’t have a favorite flower, Y/n" he chuckled. "But I liked hearing about your favorite flower." He said, while he looked at you.
The King showed you around the garden like he said he would. He showed and explained certain parts of the garden to you. Before you both decided to take a Break.
You two kept on walking around the garden, until you stopped and sat down on a bench, that was under a tree.
"Can I ask you a question, your highness?" You asked him, looking at him.
"Of course."
"Why did you chose me? I mean, there were other girls, that clearly knew a lot more stuff about being a wife than I do." You mumbled, as you picked on your nails.
He turned his head and looked at you. "I was looking for a wife, Y/n, not a maid! All that those girls told me was, that they know how to do my laundry and cook for me. I don’t care about that stuff. They looked way to eager to become my wife, you were different though. That’s why I picked you." He says.
You were different? What does he mean? You didn’t even step forward when he first asked you to. All you did was, stand there awkwardly, hoping that the competition would come to an end soon.
"What do you mean?"
"You did not try, and push yourself on me like the others did. You were all the way at the back and kept yourself hidden from me. I liked that, it made you more interesting, it got me more interested in you." He says, eyeing you.
"I see." You said, looking in front of you. "Can I ask hold you are? - I’m sorry, I’m not trying to sound rude. I’m just curious because you know, were getting married and-"
"I’m 23, Y/n." He says with a grin, interrupting you.
"Oh! You’re not much older than me, thank god. I thought you were a little older - not that you look old! I just, I don’t know, I didn’t expect you to be so young." You tell him, not wanting him to think, that you thought he was old and possibly offend him.
"Don’t worry! people often get surprised, when I tell them, I’m only 23." he chuckles. "I guess, they just don’t expect a King to be so young."
"Yeah I guess." You say.
"Earlier you said, you’ve noticed me being in the garden a lot, were you spying on me, your highness?" You joke.
"Would you be scared, if I said yes?" He looks at you with a serious face.
"No, i would not be scared." You chuckle, but you don’t find it funny. His question suddenly making you feel a little uncomfortable.
You two talked for a little longer, before you both decided it was time for bed.
The King walked you to your bedroom, insisting on it even tho you told him, there was no need.
"Goodnight, Y/n. Sleep tight." He says with a grin on his face, once you reached your bedroom.
"Goodnight, your highness." You tell him, before closing the door.
You got ready for bed, not being able to get the Kings question out of your mind. It did made you a little scared, you weren’t gonna lie. But he was probably just joking around, and you were overthinking it a little much, like you always did.
Taglist : @fangirl125reader @min-nicoleee @yzkyzkuniverse @safi4x
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ddarker-dreams · 4 years
You said that SR can speak, yes? To me, she looks like the type that would normally prefer to be silent. So I bet it really shocked the gang when she spoke for the first time around them. Her first words must have been to SR reader tho. ( I'm talking like she's a baby 😅) I wonder, what does her voice sound like?
Yes, Scarlet Ribbons can speak!! Just like you said though, she prefers to observe rather than verbalize her thoughts. Reader speaks enough here SR doesn’t feel it’s necessary for her to chime in too. It becomes a bit of a rumor for a while, as Mista swore he heard SR speaking once. No one believes him. When he tries to ask you about it, you end up shrugging it off. I kinda imagine her as having a singsong voice to match her personality. Something like this, though a tad deeper. My former idol loving roots might be showing now ,, 
anon 2 said: My entire family speaks spanish,and Italian and spanish are actually very similar,so im afraid that my family wouldn't be too troubled by the language barrier.Those embarrassing stories are gonna get across RIP 😪😭😔. Tho,I bet narancia,(best boy) would be so surprised. ("You can speak 3 languages?!)
Ohh there would hardly be a language barrier in that case! Even more of a prime opportunity to learn more about Reader, since everyone can openly communicate with one another. Narancia is definitely going to be impressed... he thought speaking two languages is amazing, but you can speak three? Color him surprised ,, he’s gonna try and learn them too! 
anon 3 said: Reading that ask about the gang trying to impress SR readers grandparents--- I'm also from NY and we have some GREAT pizza. A few horrible ones, but I've tasted some good pizza. Narancia insulting NY pizza would get me so fired up lol. I would have a whole ass debate with that boy over which pizza is better.
Narancia wouldn’t know what he’s talking about tbh . He’s extremely biased towards his favorite pizza that he’s grown up with, and is gonna make it his personal mission to convince you. You’ll never see him so riled up over a trivial matter. He’d be making excel spreadsheets and charts if he was capable of it, doodling on a piece of paper will have to suffice for now. Narancia is determined once he gets something on his mind, so he’s not letting this go. At least he has an excuse to take you out on more pizza dates under the guise of wanting to prove his point . He’s a little genius.
anon 4 asked: Does SR reader ever like to sing some of her favorite songs out loud? Does she ever get caught reenacting some of her favorite singers' moves?
Okay so since we’ve already established this is a v self indulgent series YOU KNOW that Reader is gonna have a nice singing voice. My idea for this Reader is that she’s very artsy focused, you can kinda decide for yourself what areas you’d prefer, but I was thinking she’d enjoy singing, dance, and traditional art. For her singing I picture something like this, clear and sweet sounding. Fugo has caught her singing the most, but rarely brings it up, preferring to listen before leaving with a little smile on his face. Narancia also catches her humming!! 
anon 5 asked: With SR reader in the team would she be the one to start calling Giorno 'giogio'?
I could see that happening! Giorno makes it clear in Purple Haze Feedback that he doesn’t want to repeat the mistakes that Diavolo made. He wants to have closer connections to people, and eliminate some formalities. Reader already has a habit of giving her teammates nicknames (Abba, Nara, Panna...), so GioGio is up next. She has to stop herself from saying it in professional settings though.
anon 6 said: Your post about the Bucci gang in the states was WONDERFUL! I love the idea of Giorno just trying to escape on a one on one date with the reader but everyone else is making it impossible :((
THANK U !! I had so much fun with it. Giorno still intends on making the best of it in the end lmao. Any trips abroad like that would have to be on the basis of business, Reader’s presence just an additional bonus. So he’s already grateful that she’s here. He’s still one of the best at getting meaningful alone time with her once he moves to the courting process.
anon 7 said: Bruh, I would LOVE you to write the Chariot Requiem with SR reader and Giorno switching! And I ADORED what you said about the gang visiting the states I NEED MORE OF THAT (personally I’m from Arkansas and there’s literally NOTHING there, but I LOVE the east coast)
I want to write that scene still!! It feels somewhat difficult since I only have a few vague ideas of what I want, but I’ll keep thinking about it more... For the team visiting the states I swore I wasn’t going to go ham but I ended up going Ham... and it was really fun actually !! The east coast actually has a lot of fun things to do, and a lot of the members would want to explore around there.
anon 8 said: SR is an affectionate stand, right? Imagine waking up with a kiss from her! That would be soooooo cute. Anyone on the team would die happily from that.
She is a very affectionate Stand,, much to the minor misfortune of Reader. Fugo has woken up to SR just staring at him. Neither of you knows why she does it, but she seems to like observing your teammates. It’s gonna end up being Bruno that gets a little forehead kiss... since without him, you never would’ve awoken your Stand. Or it would’ve at least taken a lot longer. Bruno never mentions it to you, it’s a secret between them. 🥺
anon 9 said: I was thinking about the SR being part of La squadra proposed by the other anon and thought it would be really cool if SR ended up joining up with the Bucci gang after Risotto dies to get the info that the boss is two people to them. To get revenge for the rest of her teammates because although buccillati and his gang did the killing mostly, it was the boss who started it and was the one responsible, the bucci gang were just the tools used. Could be a good scenario for a darker/hardened SR readr
Ohh that’s an interesting AU type of idea!! Darker SR Reader... maybe her color palette changes to to match? I picked bright red as being a reoccurring theme since it’s often associated with passion and love, and that seemed to fit her. So maybe Scarlet Ribbons is monochrome instead here. And black iris’?? And black ribbons... now I kinda wanna doodle a dark Scarlet Ribbons for fun . She goes >:( instead of >:)
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seb-ass-tian-stan · 5 years
touch | seb stan one shot
pairing: reader x co-star!seb
warnings: big fat fluff, anxiety, slow burn but NOT because it’s a one shot after all, romantic cheesy CRAP
a\n: started out as a headcanon, so it’s written in a weirdly casual way (for the most part). just a heads up! Also let me know what you think!!! Feel 100% free
Another note: I HATE it when writers don’t put an ‘under the cut’ link and i’ve already done that twice so im sorry!!!! Last time promise
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You and seb have been acquaintances for a couple of years, met each other in a broadway production you both starred in, you were never super close. Just distant friends. After a while of not seeing him you two get to play in a second rendition of the show due to popular demand or something like that and you become friends again.
And as time goes by, with each rehearsal he suddenly sees something in you. Suddenly he realises his feelings for you. He looks at you and realises you’re more than a fair woman, you’re beautiful. The flaws that used to make you an average in his blind eyes now make you exactly what he sees as the ideal. Utter perfection.
But... Sebastian keeps it on the down low because he’s kind of embarrassed about all of that, as one would be.
His embarrassment mostly comes from him believing that you’re out of his league. I mean he knows he looks decent, more or less. But as for his personality, he never thought of himself as macho or suave and you’re ex was all that, so Seb doesn’t have the courage to make a move.
But listen to that; there are certain things that he just can’t control. Little small tiny hiccups. 
Like, by example, when you two are rehearsing he’ll come wearing this, gorgeous, gorgeous, mens perfume that smells like heaven for all those attracted to the male species. And it’s most definitely on purpose.
One time, you two rehearse a Kiss ™, and out of nowhere, he takes his time. Just slightly more. And instead of looking into your eyes afterwards and holding you firmly as the once director directed, he looks down and blushes and just holds one of your hands ever so lightly. But it’s the lightness that gets you to really feel it. Surprisingly, or not, just your fingers brushing against each other has so much more impact than a firm grip of the body. God.
In the mornings he starts to bring you coffee. And he did that the first time you were working together, but now it’s Starbucks. You’re favourite brew -  alongside these great dutch waffles they have. 
He lives nowhere near a Starbucks.
And when all the actors are sitting down for some wine drinking and lighthearted conversations, he tries to sit as close to you as possible. If there’s a spot right next to you, it’s a jackpot. It really is.
So then, he sits next to you on the sofa and your knees keep brushing. He looks at them and then at you - back and forth. You’re unbothered, invested instead in the conversation with your co-star across the room.
So he stays as is. 
On another similar occasion he even puts his arm behind you. not to get your attention or to let you know he’s flirting, God no! Simply because he likes to be close to you and feel your body warmth on him. The moment you’d notice, he would move his arm and apologise, as he rehearsed in his mind.
You laugh and sit back on his arm. He doesn’t pull it away, he’s afraid to do any sharp movements - if he’s afraid to touch you - it’s a signal he wants to, isn’t it? All those thoughts get his mind spinning and he’s super anxious and he hates himself for that. He didn’t do anything dramatic, nothing too risky, and he’s already sweaty. And you can kinda sense it. 
You look back and he swallows his spit and blushes. “Are you ok? Did I hurt you?”, and he wants to say all is well. more than well. That you’re beautiful and smell nice and he’s lucky to feel you against him. But you lean forward and return to your chattering, not before flashing a lazy and ingenuine smile. But he’ll take it!!
One time, he gets a facetime call from his mum as you two are waiting for rehearsal to start. Something inside him (most likely the something that considers you to be one of the focal points of his life at moment - his heart) tells him to introduce you two. You and his mother.
So after turning the camera to the green room to show Georgetta the place he was spending most his time at, he turns it back and then to his side, to you. To unbothered, distracted, nonchalant, cool, beautiful, funny, dreamy you.
You say hello. You say hello and then giggle a bit. And that little insecure fuck takes it as a “that was really weird of you” giggle. So he turns the phone to his other side and introduces his mum to a “stage-crew-assistant-person-kinda” while he’s sowing together a few bold coloured garmets, and then goes, “So yah... we’re all good friends here!”, and his mind goes full on survival mode and starts looking for a way out of the situation.
One day... You two finish late. You tell him in a casual manner that you’re going home by foot. The little idiot says, “Great, goodnight!”, with an appropriate idiot smile, so you start walking away.
But the minute you step outside the venue, his calls your name and asks if you want him to walk you. It’s the bravest he’s ever been near you, and your oblivious ass goes haha sure weird flex but ok ! :-).
At the first 3 minutes you two are kinda silent, which is awkward for the both of you - but so so so much more for him. It’s painful.
But then, you start talking about the hot weather outside and that leads to talking about how much you love winter and miss it. And your descriptions of the cold weather send Sebastian back to his childhood so much it makes his nostrils expand because he can almost smell the rain.
The conversation suddenly gets deep. Without him even trying, which makes him excited. It reconfirms his now strong feelings for your cuteass.
He tells you about winter in romania which leads to his escaping from communism story which leads to talking about the human condition and the meaning of life. And it’s wonderful and he’s not that scared anymore, it’s like talking to his best friend.
Before you know it it’s 4AM and you’ve been sitting on your buildings stairs for about 2 hours. You frankly wanna end the conversation because you have a long day tomorrow but he talks so freely and he’s never been like that with you before —he opens up and it shouldn’t ever be interrupted, it being such a rare thing to occur. So you listen carefully and start to notice;
The way his lips move is to be put in a museum of modern art. He is so invested in the story so his hands move magestically to further convey it, and they’re big and manly and he looks so handsome, you feel like you just met him. Your hearts literally flutters and you hope he never finishes the story because when it’s your turn to speak, you’ll have nothing to say but hello, nice to meet you.
And—“Wow,” you think, “What was that?”. Now your mind is racing.
You aren’t aware of his own loving and anxious thoughts so you do everything you can to surpress your own.
You both are surprised by that time. You’re surprised by the fact that this beautiful man with the great deal of talent and an even greater deal of sex appeal agrees to stay in your presence for so long.
He is surprised by the exact same thing. This treasure of a woman sitting beside him and listening to him. Not to mention, he’s surprised by himself, feeling comfortable to talk for so long!
All of a sudden he’s aware of how much talking he’s been doing and he stops. “-I’ve been talking for so long. Oh god, sorry.”
He reaches to put his hand on your own (which rests on your thigh) as he says the word “Sorry”. But his body stops him and he only puts it on her knee.
Then again, it’s also so painfully intimate. A mistake. His mind says go back but he doesn’t. He freezes.
The sun starts to rise as the street clock says 4:55, and you see him now much clearer. You smile at Sebastian while a person that works for the city in cleaning its streets walks past you two.
Your hand was now voluntarily resting on his.
He finishes swiping some leaves away and looks at you two, and, with an incredibly apologising look, asks to get up because he should swipe off some dirt and dust of off the stairs you’ve been on for 2 hours.
You do so and look away while he does his craft so you don’t make him uncomfortable by staring at him. Sebastian has such great manners, you think to yourself. But it wasn’t manners—it was a pure heart—you’ll find later in life.
The elderly man turns around and thanks you two for your patience. He rarely encountered something like that in the streets of New York.
“You two are charming. Have a good morning.”
Sebastian nods to him in thanks and the man walks away. No words needed to be exchanged now in order for you to figure the situation out. No words needed. The sun was now high enough to light the street up and you saw everything so very clear - the both of you.
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neo-nymph · 5 years
NCT NSFW A-Z: Taeyong
A/N: SOOOO many people were waiting for this lmao. Hope you guys enjoy im high-key worried this won’t satisfy ahahahahahah :]
Also while writing this I've rediscovered my love for Paramore. I forgot how much I love their shit it’s so good 10/10 would recommend.
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A – Aftercare
S O F T I E. Acts like you’re the most valuable person in the world after. Touches his forehead to yours with his eyes closed basing in the afterglow, and opens them to gaze over you and immerse silently in his love for you. He touches you with gentle hands as if he were handling a piece of glass because he doesn’t want to irritate any part of your body that he already angered.
Keeps some bottles of water and some light snacks in the bedside table so he doesn’t have to leave you to get anything afterward. If you’re not too tired he’ll start a bath for the two of you; doesn’t give himself a second thought and spend 90% of the bath cleaning you up. Makes sure to moisturize your skin and dress you in some light clothes, probably one of his shirts and some soft panties.
B – Body part
Not so innocently obsessed with the feeling of your hands. He likes how soft and gentle they feel when you stroke the pads of your fingers along his skin or the tiny indents he can feel along his jaw when you grab his face during a kiss. Likes to hold at least one when you fuck, just to keep a little bit of the innocence and pure love he feels for you present no matter how dark or freaky things may get.
C – Cum
Doesn’t mess or play with it too much; a result of the clean freak within him. 9/10 he pushes himself as deep as he can within you when he cums because that’s where you feel the tightest and the warmest. Doesn’t care too much for cream pies or watching his cum fall out afterward, but does slightly enjoy the occasional dribble of his seed from the corner of your mouth when you suck him off.  
D – Dirty Secret
Gets off at the idea of watching you fuck one of the other members. Don’t ask me to explain why but the thought of seeing you get pounded speechless by Jaehyun or reduced to tears by Yuta’s tongue or giving Mark the suck of his life has had him palming off in the bathroom more than just a few times. Don’t be surprised when he asks if you’ve ever thought about a threesome.
E – Experience  
He’s been around. However, I don’t think his experience comes from being with a lot of partners, but more so being with one partner multiple times and perfecting the things which work best with those people. It’s given him room to improve multiple skills and learn new things/experiment and make his own tricks.
His confidence also helps as it makes all his actions, even the odd or accidental, seem like he’s done them on purpose and tricks his partner into thinking he knows more than they do. Overall, Tae knows wtf he doing and your gonna feel every bit of his knowledge round by round.  
F – Favorite Position
Missionary. You both get access to everything and it’s very kink friendly. There’s room and ease for teasing on the clit, sucking on nipples, scratching his back, wrapping his hand around your throat, and it gives room to make use of ropes and ties, vibrators, plugs, etc.
Honorable mentions is 69. He gets turned on when he’s eating you out, so having you down there to get him off while he enjoys his meal is like heaven. Bonus is being able to reach down for control and ease to fuck your throat.
G – Goofy
Very rarely. Maybe at the very beginning when things are still light and innocent, but as soon as things escalate to heated making out, all jokes and giggles are out the door. Taeyong tends to develop a very strong and intimidating persona when things get heated, so I wouldn’t expect anything less.
H – Hair
Doesn’t shave often but he will if you want him too. Doesn’t mind hair on you AT ALL. Finds it a bit sexy, whether it’s just a bit or it’s grown a while, he finds the natural aspect to be more tantalizing than one would expect.  
I – Intimacy
To me, Taeyong comes off as a VERY affectionate person. I don’t think he’d go overboard with PDA, preferring to save all his affections for his S/O for when the two of you are alone, but I also don’t believe he spares all of his affection and intimacy to be shown purely through sexual acts.
His intimacy is very soft. Gentle kisses on your temple when he wakes up in the morning, even if you’re still asleep. Tracing his fingers lightly across the expanse of whatever exposed skin of yours his fingers can reach. Lots of staring at you with soft, half-closed heart eyes when you’re sleeping or gazing off in the opposite direction, and tons of cuddle sessions with his head resting upon your chest or stomach while his hands are wrapped around your waist; he likes having you close and maintaining some sort of contact with you whenever he can.
J – Jack-Off
Not too often, mostly cause he has you and he’ll take whatever you’re willing to give him, but also because his drive isn’t super high that he felt the need to relieve his urges that often.
Most definitely has a folder filled to the brim of scandalous photos of you, whether you just looked especially good in an outfit, you’re teasing him in his clothing or some lingerie, or exposing yourself to him. Don’t think he doesn’t have videos of you fucking; there’s at least 10 and they’re all at LEAST one minute long. Probably found some way to save your voice memos in there too.
Freaky/nonconventional porn is his favorite. This can range from basic powerplay dynamics like daddy kink or petplay, to gangbangs, to heavy bdsm with tons of restraints and a crying sub with cum dripping off of their face. I’d mention some other things I can see him getting off to but I’ll abstain for the sake of some people’s sanity =].
K – Kink
Definitely power play. I know other people get caught in a debate about if Tae is a dom or sub but I don’t think he’s either or. I can honestly see him being just as turned on and getting off as the dominant OR submissive in a sexual situation. I see him as a full dom but not a full sub, as in he doesn’t follow your commands or cave into your words but rather enjoys being tortured by your actions and struggling against you. That also leads to my theory that he has a teasing kink.
Yes, he loves yanking you around by your hair when your hands are clasped together from use and the sight of looking down at your glossy eyes staring back at him as you struggle to breathe with his hand grasping your throat. But he also loves fighting against you when you bind his wrists to a chair and tease him to the point that he feels like he’s about to explode. The ghost of your lips over his skin, the tingle of the tips of your nails dragging over his chest just enough for him to feel, your slick heat gliding slow over the length of his cock drives his rage through the roof but he loves it none-the-less. You best believe you’re getting it afterwards tho, so don’t push your luck too far.
I can honestly see him being into a variety of things, like pet-play, voyeurism, pain(light), humiliation/degradation(light), breath play(light), etc.
L – Limits
Nothing with high risk or physical damage (like knife play or electricity); not one for pain other than your nails down his back or aching in his cock from edging, so you can rule out clamps from his ends. If you want something along those lines he’ll try, but I think he’d be too worried about the possibility of hurting you would turn into too much for him to handle.
M – Motivation (Turn-On)
This might seem obvious but hear me out. Skin exposure/public teasing; Say you’re sitting on the couch across the room from him in a large t-shirt going down to your knees. Some of the members are lounging around, watching t.v., talking, etc. He looks at you and watches as you slowly open your crossed legs to show him your uncovered and glistening pussy while you stare at him with an innocent gleam in your eye. Or maybe you’re walking around trying to find something one of the dreamies lost and your shirt accidentally lifts too high when you bend over to check beneath the couch. This type of stuff drives him crazy and kicks his self-control to the curb, so don’t be surprised when he comes behind you to grab a handful of your ass and question innocently if you wanted to search the bedroom with him.
Sometimes it requires no effort at all. You could be sitting silently by the window of the hotel you’re in for the night, in shorts and a satin tank top, and the glow from the sunset against the soft, exposed skin of your thighs is all it takes to wind him up.
I see this happening pretty often, and 7/10 it’s in this latter instance, coming from a romantic place. Just a little bit of some exposed skin is all it takes for him to get caught up in the memory of your soft touches and lingering kisses and how much love he has for you and BAM he’s ready for some romantic boning.
N – NO (Turn-Off)
I truly cannot think of that many super standout things. First (and I know how basic/kinda odd this is but) a mess. He can’t get it on with you in a messy place or with a messy person (hair is messy clothes are dirty that typa stuff).
Also the idea of hurting you. He can get down with some freaky stuff (cuffs, leashes, ties, whatever) but the idea of causing you some sort of ACTUAL PAIN would turn him off immediately.  
O – Oral
Giving: Taeyong loves eating pussy you can’t change my mind. Makes good use of his lips; i.e. a very generous of kissing and sucking, almost like he’s making out with you. It’s easy to tell considering how much he uses them when he talks and raps lol. Eating you out turns him on, especially when you pull really hard on his hair (que that slight pain kink). Plays with himself while he eats; if he’s lying on his stomach then he’ll grind himself against the bed. In any other position, like if you’re sitting on his face or he’s on his knees, he’ll jerk himself off with one hand and hold you in place with the other. Not much use of his fingers as this is usually a form of foreplay for him so he isn’t aiming for you to cum, just to warm you up.
Receiving: Quite vocal. “Ahh, yeah..” “Just like that baby” Sits back and watches you work with a nasty smirk. Likes the dragging feeling of the edges of your nails along his shaft and pinching subtly at his balls.  L O V E S eye contact (cause of the way your cheeks gets pink under his stare). Likes it most when he’s fucking your mouth or forcing his cock down your throat so he can see your eyes get watery and red.  
P – Place
V E R Y fond of shower sex; you’ve always looked so pretty with wet hair, but he likes the look of his fist tugging on the wet strands even better. He likes to watch the water droplets shake and fall off your ass when he’s fucking you, and how much louder the smacking of your skin is when it echoes against the closed-in vicinity.
The kitchen is fun as well. Doesn’t care if you want it from behind with one leg held up on the island, or if you want to sit on the countertop and make-out while he goes wild in your pussy. Sometimes he’ll randomly come up behind you while you’re doing dishes and yank your shorts & panties down and just raw dog you.
Q – Quickie
Like Jaehyun, they aren’t his favorite just because he likes to take his time, but if you’re bratty enough or he’s too riled up to think straight, he’ll make time and find a place for it to happen no matter where you are(office, restaurant, concert, movies). As a result, he’s focused on getting his fill and becomes quite messy and ignorant to the idea of being caught.  
R – Risk
He down for some risky business every now and then. Won’t let the risk escalate too high if he’s thinking with his head instead of his dick. As previously mentioned, if his horniness clouds his judgment he doesn’t care what the location is; he’ll take you in the seats at the back of a movie theater if he has too. If he’s thinking logically, however, his risk level is more controlled, like the restrooms at the office or a noisy and crowded restaurant where no one will notice you’re overlapping and extensive absence.  
S – Stamina
Knows how to pace himself; 3-4 rounds max.
T – Toys  
Has a collection; enough to fill two or three average sized shoe boxes under the bed. Common things like a few different colored ropes, a couple handcuffs, some vibrators (Hitachi's and pills [google it]), dildos, hand full of butt plugs. Every now and then he might buy something a little more extra (like a spreader bar or restraint set) but they end up being rarely used or set off for special occasions.
U – Unfair [Teasing/Being teased]
I explained the bulk of this in the risk section, so I’ll just re-state the obvious that since he loves to be teased, he’s gonna tease the hell out of you as revenge. Teasing from his end is dominantly pushing you closer to the edge of bliss inches at a time with movements just quick enough to provide some sort of gratification, either with his fingers on your clit of his cock moving against that spot inside you, but halting his movements moments before you explode. I don’t see him teasing very often, however. He saves it for slow times when neither of you is in a rush to get off, or when you’re being a brat.
V – Volume
Members are gonna hear him through the walls but you don’t have to worry about any complaint or concern calls from the neighbors.
What comes out of his mouth is A LOT of moaning. They’re long and drawn out from the base of his throat, making up 70% of the noise filling the room (He doesn’t even attempt to keep at a controlled volume). The other 30% is dirty talk but he keeps that nice and low, gently throwing the words past his lips and right into your ear just for you to hear them.
W – Wild Card [Author’s Choice]
Low-key has a thing for people watching. He often records your escapades (always the risky ones) for future lonely nights and has become very prideful in bragging and showing the videos to the other members. Somewhat ties into/slightly satisfies his fantasies of you getting on with another member. One night or another he might accidentally leave the door cracked enough for someone passing by to get a glimpse and pretend he doesn’t see them stop in the hallway.
X – X-Ray [Dick Size]
A little over average length (like 6 ½) but not much girth. Not skinny to the point of dissatisfaction, just not much stretch.
Y – Yearning [Sex Drive]
Average, both when home and on tour. Despite the speculation of others, or what you may have perceived from reading this, I don’t see TY as a super sexual person (in the sense that it’s a major facet of his being or has a big role in his life). While I do think things can get pretty freaky with him when the time is right, I believe for the most part he just a big softie who craves affection.
Z – Zzz [After Sex]
Takes about 30 minutes to fall asleep after getting both of you cleaned and settled.  
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astralshipper · 5 years
OKAY HI IM SORRY I HAVENT BEEN ON IN A COUPLE DAYS REALLY!! i had midterms the past two days so i have been. stressing. BUT the worst of them are over! while i was gone i got tagged in that new selfship tag game a couple times (thank u k and aricka!!!) and ALSO HELLO IF U HAVE TAGGED ME IN APPRECIATION POSTS U ARE ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE AND I APPRECIATE U SO SO MUCH!!! THANK U SO MUCH!! okay! gonna do the self ship tag under the cut!! doing it as astrael bc Fun :000
KEY: Italics is Astrael. Bold is Sam.
Introduce yourselves. Who are you? What do you like to do? Hi! I’m Astrael, I’m an angel of the lord, and all that fun stuff. I like music a lot, and I’m really into art, even though I’m not the best at it. I also really love reading and writing! Those rare nights that we can just hang out in the silent bunker and dive into a good book, they’re the best nights for sure. Hey, my name’s Sam, I’m a hunter. Like, “things that go bump in the night” kind of hunter, not the Bambi kind, heh. When we aren’t out on a hunt or stopping the world from going off the rails for the seventeenth time this week, I really like reading and history. True crime stuff is really interesting to me, and I’m a huge fan of ancient lore and really just any knowledge I can get my hands on, you know? If I’ve got the time, watching football is always a good way to spend an evening too. 
How was your first meeting like? Oh, dad, I don’t know if I wanna really say... it’s kinda embarrassing. So, I kinda... searched him down? Not in like! A creepy way! I’m an angel, right? So, Sammy boy over here was supposed to be big bro Lucifer’s vessel for the apocalypse. Big family dinner drama and all that. So, us angels were tasked with basically... trying to kick his ass at any point possible. Ha! That didn’t work out too well, did it? So, yeah, she found me at this library while Dean and I were working a case. She didn’t tell me what she was or who she was, but she ended up helping me with the case and we got to talking for a while. Then, Dean called me, and I had to run before I could get any contact information. Not that you needed it anyways. You were friends with my brother already, luckily. I had found him because I wanted to see who this big bad evil guy was that everyone was talking about, and I... didn’t expect this... giant puppy, basically. Hey!
How did you get together? Who confessed first? Oh god, this one... Listen, I didn’t MEAN for this to be how it went down! What he’s trying to tell you is, he’s the one that confessed at the absolute worst possible time. Okay, well, I thought you were gonna die so I wasn’t exactly thinking straight. The words just kinda came out, alright? 
What are your thoughts on PDA? Believe it or not, I’m... kinda shy. So I worry a lot about making people uncomfortable. That’s not that I don’t WANT to be affectionate with Sam in public. And that’s where I come in. Hi. Most PDA is initiated by me, somehow. 
How do you show your affection towards each other/what are your love languages? Sam reacts best to acts of service, I feel like. Though, different moods tend to call for different things. If it’s general love, it’s more of the acts of service. If he’s scared or worried, it’s more physical affection. I show my affection mostly through physical affection and verbal affirmations, since that’s usually what Astra prefers. But I’m big on performing acts of service too. 
Who's more introverted and who's more extroverted? We’re both introverts.  Oh, but you KNOW you’re the more extroverted one. You can handle being around people way longer than I can. Well, yeah, but it’s not my favorite thing in the world. We took that, uh, personality type test? I’m INFJ, she’s INFP. Just in case that means something to you guys.
Who's the big spoon and who's the little spoon? I’m big spoon. Okay, not ALWAYS. Don’t say it so intensely like that. Nope, it’s definitely always me. Sam, baby, you aren’t fooling anybody. That, like, 5% of times that you’re the little spoon doesn’t make you any less of a man.  Can we please move on?
What do you like doing together the most? Reading! Netflix! Making fun of Dean! Sleeping! That’s YOUR favorite, angel.
Tell us a fun fact about the other! Ooooh, okay. Well, Astra takes notes in her books as she reads them. Like, keeps a pencil with her and writes notes on the sides of pages. I have no idea what she’s taking notes on, but I don’t think she knows that we’re not in grade school and she doesn’t have to do the annotations anymore. I trusted you with that information and you betray me. I can’t believe this... Just for that, hi everyone, Sam once tore the whole bunker apart because he couldn’t find this one specific damn flannel, as if he didn’t have seventy other identical ones hanging up in the closet already. Also, I’m an angel, I never went to grade school, asshole. Check and mate. I don’t think that sounded quite as cool and intimidating as you wanted it to.
Tag other selfshippers and their f/os. anybody that wants to!!!!!
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writebythenight · 6 years
The Silence
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: Rose(OC) is assigned the job of talking to Negan in his Cell.
"We deserve to live in peace. Negan and the saviours tried to take that away from us. Alexandria and the hilltop, The Kingdom and Oceanside came together to fight for a better future. We won. Not without painful loses and today we try to heal, to forgive... now the work really begins. The new worlds begins." -Rick Grimes.
Chapter Ten
"Im not dying for a fucking canoe!" Rose grumbled at Daryl who was stood across from her holding the other end. She received one of his very rare laughs as he shook his hair out of his face.
"I won't let ya die." He assured her. "C'mon."
"If this glass goes theres not a whole lot you could do." She shrugged gesturing to the glass floor they were stood on, too many walkers to count milling around on the floor below just waiting for dinner. Of course the museum they went on a run to had a glass floor, it just went with the rest of her awful day which had started with stubbing her toe. Sure in the grand scheme of things that seems rather minuscule but straight after that she had a very moody Negan telling her they were going on a "useless run" and then continuing to act like a child and tell the woman she "must have a god damned death wish" until she left. What annoyed her the most about that was the fact that he had a habit of being right about these things. More recently Rose had Maggie completely ignore her and give nothing but dirty looks since she found out what Rick had asked her to do. Then there had been the single worst walker she had ever seen, the decayed body of a man with spiders crawling out of his face. It had been a long time since she had run away from a walker but it was more the spider she ran away from, causing the surrounding people to laugh hysterically at her. Rose wasn't as amused and still felt like the bastards were crawling on her.
So by this point she was just in a shitty mood and after the glass had already started to crack... here they still were, asking for trouble. Walking as slow and steady as she could, keeping to the metal beams she held her breath until they were on solid ground. As she got to it she felt Rick's grip on her arm, pulling her back and helping to lift as he watched the glass part of the floor with panic.
"It's goin' down!" He shouted and Daryl dived into the solid ground beside Rose as they watched the floor fall from beneath Ezekiel.
Organised chaos began as it always did when one of the group was in danger. Rose getting behind Rick to help him hold the rope praying it wouldn't be cut by the sharp edges of the hole he had gone through.
Daryl stood as selfless as ever by the edge ready to shoot any walkers who might get too close as Carol put something down for Ezekiel to be able to grab on to. All Rose could concentrate on was the feel of the rope cutting at her palms and the anger that they couldn't have just left with the fucking seeds and not risked anybody's life. Rose used this to keep pulling until the man who named himself a King had pulled himself to safety and was wrapped in the arms of the woman he loved.
Watching them made her chest ache with the loneliness that she just kept buried, knowing it wasn't important these days. She missed someone needing her.
Rick had collapsed onto the floor from the strain of taking so much weight which Rose thought was very "Rick" of him.
"Hope your fuckin' seeds are worth it." Rose sighed earning quite a few annoyed looks.
"Don't forget about the canoe." Daryl added breathlessly making her snigger quietly to herself.
Rose loved riding. Something she couldn't say around Negan but none the less true. It was one of the many hobbies she tried out as a child and the only one she had enjoyed, it was one of the parts of this world she liked. One of the parts she didn't like though was how hard it was to get from one place to another, things happened like bridges collapsing. Yet another reason she should have stayed in bed that morning.
"Rose and Gabriel, y'all can head to Alexandria from here. The rest of us can go to the sanctuary or hilltop. Stay the night and head on from there." Rick decided.
"I can come with you guys." She told him, wanting to be there in case anything happened.
"We'll be okay, Rose." He smiled gently at her. "Take care. And get home safe."
"I noticed how Maggie was towards you." Gabriel told Rose as they approached Alexandria.
"Oh you mean downright ignoring me then giving me the dirtiest looks I've ever received. Yeah, I noticed too." Rose sighed, well and truly over people treating her that way because she was now a villain thanks to her connection to Negan.
"How does that make you feel?" Rose snorted.
"Isn't that my line?" She asked the man.
"I suppose but whoever asks you how you are?" He asked her still facing forward with that all-knowing look on his face.
"Honestly... it makes me feel like shit. I really care about her and I did about Glenn too. I'd have swapped places with Glenn in a heartbeat so he could have seen his baby born." Rose shook her head as she looked up at the sky getting teary. It was true, nobody would have really cared if she'd been killed that night instead of Glenn.
"That's quite a statement." Gabriel told her knowing exactly what she meant as he had felt the same way for so long. "You're just as valuable as everyone else."
"You have to say that." Rose laughed. "We both know nobody would have really missed me. It'd have been sad but I wouldn't have been a real loss to anyone."
"What about Negan?" Something he said so calmly set Rose' heart racing.
"What about him?"
"Well I'm sure you'd be a real loss to him. I really admire what you're doing for him, you've really made an impression on him. I go to talk to him every now and again to offer any... religious help he may need. He doesn't want to talk about Jesus or any god at all. Just you."
"What does he say?" She asked because she wanted to know how he acted towards other people but mostly she wanted to know for herself.
"That you're an angel." Her heart squeezed and she couldn't help the tight smile on her lips. "It's okay to not hate him you know." Rose just looked over at him. "You show a kindness not many can give over so easily. Its refreshing in this world, I've always told you that." And he had. He was the first person to point out her good natured countenance.
"Thanks, Gabe." She grinned over at him. "At least I know one person won't hate me for being his friend."
"I'm just glad he has one." He smiled back.
As they approached the gates the few Alexandrians who had come back with them dispersed as did Gabriel and so Rose found herself stood near the building she knew rather well. The one that she knew he was in, sat there all alone, it was only fair she let him know she was home safe.
As she walked down into the cell she heard voices and stopped halfway down the stairs.
"You're fuckin' pathetic." It was Negan's voice in a nasty tone Rose wasn't used to.
"You're a horrible man! I don't know why Rose bothers with you!" The voice she recognised as Nora's replied. She was one of the poor souls left in charge of Negan whenever Rose had somewhere else to be.
"Well thank fuck she does. I'd have caved my own head in by now if you fucktards were my only connection to the world."
"I don't enjoy coming in here you know." Nora's voice was quiet and Rose silently willed the woman to call him something just as horrible.
"Oh come on." He sneered. "Not like you have anywhere else to be right? I'm not having that you have a hot date. I know it's slim fuckin' pickings out there but the actual librarian look ain't screamin' fuck me to no man!"
"Negan!" Rose shouted, having heard enough she had marched into the room looking furious.
"Oh shit. Now I'm in trouble." He said chuckling.
"You say sorry to Nora!"
"Exfuckin'scuse me?" He asked her stalking towards the bars.
"You heard me." She said suddenly feeling a lot less confident and waiting for him to embarrass her.
"Why the fuck would I do that? I'm just messin', right Nora?"
Nora looked over to Rose uncomfortably. "It's fine, Rose. I appreciate it but I just want to leave now."
"Nora he said awful things to you, you deserve an apology!"
She just looked at Rose as if she was crazy. "It's Negan. It's not exactly a surprise, it's how he's always been. I'm used to it by now."
The statement hit Rose so hard she lost all arguments she thought she had. He had never been like that with her so why was he so awful to everyone else, sure she knew he wasn't exactly Mr sociable but she never thought he'd be so horrible to people just trying to help. Same as her.
"I'll see you later, Rose." Nora told her on her way past, quietening her voice to say, "thank god you're back."
She only dared look at Negan once she knew Nora had gone and saw him standing there grinning at her with a mischievous look in his eyes. "How was the run, angel?"
"Why were you being so horrible to her?!" She was still furious. "There was absolutely no need."
He just shrugged looking like a rebellious teenager and all she could think about was sending Negan to his bedroom... or hers.
"Are you like that with everyone who comes in here?"
"Except my angel." He smiled.
"Why do you treat people like that? No wonder everyone thinks I'm crazy saying you're actually kinda nice!"
"You been tellin' people I'm nice?! Fuckin' don't, you'll ruin my reputation." He laughed. "I'm nice to you. No one else fuckin' deserves me to be nice."
"Oh I'm so honoured." She said sarcastically.
"You're welcome."
"Oh shut up!" She spat.
"What is it? Is it cos you're bored? You just like messin' with people as you called it?" She asked grabbing her usual chair and sitting down with a groan.
"Maybe." He shrugged. "You okay?" He looked her over and she got the same shivers she always did.
"Yeah. Fine." She grumbled.
"Ya don't sound it. C'mere and sit on Daddy's knee... tell me all about it."
Rose felt herself soften just at the tone of his voice, the bad half of the day melted away. "You're sick."
"And you're in a fuckin' bad mood. Considering you didn't shit in a bucket this morning you're already having a better day than me."
She scrunched up her nose at him. "I know. I shouldn't be moody I'm sorry."
"Don't apologise, sweetheart. We all have them days."
She just nodded not wanting to tell him why she wasn't in a great mood seeing as her circumstances were always better than his.
"C'mon. Tell me... I don't get much entertainment."
"Fine..." she sighed, leaning forward onto her knees and deciding she would leave out the fact that she had stubbed her toe she began. "So this museum. First off I'm getting so much shit for coming here talking to you everyday... like people I thought were really good friends just cutting me out and I don't get it! I mean I get why they hate you... any way then there was the most fucking awful walker." She shivered. "Spiders! One the size of my actual hand crawled out of this bastards head!"
"Ya scared of spiders?" He laughed. "You'd think you'd have outgrown irrational fears once the dead started walking."
"Yeah... well, I haven't okay so I ran away!"
"Ya ran away!" He was really laughing now, while doing his customary lean backwards but his laughter didn't make her angry.
"Yeah... and everyone laughed just like you." They had made her angry though.
"Oh I miss runs." He lowered himself onto his stool. "Sure the worlds fuckin' awful but every now and then someone would do some stupid shit and it'd be funny as hell."
"I can imagine you being in your element." She laughed.
"Tell me some more." He said watching her.
"You know when you just know something's a stupid idea?"
"Well, we apparently needed this really heavy piece of equipment so badly that we risked dragging it across a glass floor."
"Are you shittin' me?!" He said with a raised voice.
"I wish I was."
"How the fuck your group has survived this long under Ricks leadership I'll never know."
"Shut up." She rolled her eyes. "So it cracked of course." The look on Negans face was one of anger and concern, his brow creased and his mouth turned tight as he watched her. "Somebody ended up hanging there like a piñata."
"Wasn't you?"
She just shook her head. "Nobody died by some miracle but I dunno... I kinda think it was stupid to risk someone like that even after the glass had cracked."
"I agree." He nodded. "Fuck, Rose." He rasped quietly. "Every time you go out it fuckin' kills me I ain't there to look after you."
All her breath left her in a shaky gasp as her chest clenched tightly and she swallowed the lump in her throat. "Negan." She whispered. That was all she had wanted for so long, somebody to care about her so much and for her to care about them the same way. The way Rick and Michonne had each other's backs no matter what.
"I can take care of myself." She told him the same thing she had always told herself whenever she craved that connection.
"I've no doubt about that." He laughed. "But I know I'd keep you safer than any of them."
She was sat clenching and unclenching her hands were the rope had grazed her palms. "I'm fine." Rose lied.
"I know." Negan pretended not to know she was lying.
Chapter Eleven
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hyungkyun · 6 years
HENLO!!! this is ur actual bday present, not that Gross thing i sent earlier lol. again, do whatever u want with it!! u dont have to post it or anything. it’s just easier to submit stuff like this than to, idk, send u an email like a señora lol.
ok so im doing this in bullet point format bc the last time I wrote a coherent, well-written paragraph was like 5 years ago or smth. anyway!! since u hated soooo much my beautiful, amazing, unique goths au im going with the loser couple au… which was also a college au of sorts?? dskjhksjdf this isn’t even an au, since y’all are already losers tbh (^: this also got out of hand…. this shit is eight pages long. idk enjoy bithc.
first of all, ck the kind of dude everyone’s lowkey scared of bc he’s silent and serious af. also he does seem kind of a weirdo, tbh?
youve seen him around, maybe you’re in the same dorms but u have absolutely no idea what he’s majoring in :o and u ask around but no one has any idea either!! oh wow a mystery~~
BUT he’s kinda cute hmmm (^: and u probably find the weirdo vibe interesting
however it’s so hard to get to talk to him. u always run into him when you’re out with friends or in a hurry to get to class so :///
but destiny works in mysterious ways~~~ and once u meet it’s rly. so unexpected.
actually, it’s awful since u get locked out of ur dorm sound familiar?? during winter break, rly late at night after a long study session at the library yes, the library, fight me. so u kinda just. sit down miserably outside ur room, since ur roommates are gone, cursing everything and everyone. u will eventually go looking for someone to help u out or smth but right now u need to Whine.
but oh my!! enter mister im changkyun!!! that weirdo who actually lives a couple of doors away from u (how come you never found out wtf???)
he sees u basking in ur misery and actually. finds u rly cute??? bc you’re pouting, cursing a little under ur breath, fumbling with ur phone. but u also look angry as fuck, ready to kill a man??? and yet you’re really fucking cute what the hell!!!!
so he comes up to u and asks u what’s wrong, to which u answer not so nicely without even looking up from ur phone, bc you’re rly so done with this situation ://
but then u look up and u See who it is fuck fuck fuck fuckfucbicvufkhkcfj
but since ck’s Nice and he understands that u must be having an awful time (and also bc he thinks youre cute) he offers to help u. you’re kind of skeptical since he’s just another student, what could he do???
until he tells u he knows how to pick locks lmaoaoaoaoa. that lil weirdo (‘:
anyway he saves ur night. but since he’s an annoying lil shit he’ll tease u abt it every time he runs into u for the rest of winter break.
since that day y'all basiclly become an old, bickering, married couple fnsdjdj
u never stop annoying each other…. you’re wearing a hoodie? he’ll probably pull the hood all the way down until it covers ur eyes, and u get him back by messing up his hair which, by the way,is so soft….. hmmmm
u call each other nerd and loser and dumbass all the time lmao. he’ll constantly bring up the way u met just to jokingly say that you’d be lost without him :/// he rly is a lil shit.
it’s funny bc everyone figures out u are falling for each other… except u two. and i rly do mean everyone. ur friends. his friends. ur roommates. ur cat. the janitor, too, probably. it’s so obvious it hurts.
one time someone implies u would be a cute couple and y'all literally go all ‘no???? haha me??? liking that loser??? pfft not in a million years’
it’s the biggest lie, of course (: and ever since that person suggested u would look good together, both of u kind of realize it’d be… nice. more than nice. actually, super nice.
but since both of u are dumb tsunderes,  as ive said before, u will literally be the embodiment of this scene… except it goes both ways. honestly u are so gone for each other it’s GROSS.
but we need some angst up in here so y'all dont get together for a reaaaaaaally long time :/ smh. the pining is Real. ppl come and go in ur lives, and each person u go out with sees that u already fell for someone else—and that’s why all potential relationships don’t last much–, but sdjkfhksjdhk!!! neither of u want to openly admit it.
it’s A Mess bc u are actually good friends and u tell each other abt ur dates and stuff—secretly hoping the other will do something—but y'all looove being dumb so u act like it’s all cool and be like ‘o rly!! good for u, i hope it works out’. right. :/
y’all keep dancing around each other for several months until one Merciful Soul gets tired of ur shit and forces u to sort things out. im talking abt locking u up in some room and not letting u out until u stop pretending u aren’t disgustingly in love with each other. or smthequally cheesy (: u know ilove cheese
((obviously everyone eavesdrops through the door bc cmon, theyve been waiting for this for sooooo long))
at first u two are just annoyed at the Merciful Soul betchait was minhyuk, and u spend ur time yelling and cursing them for doing this (all while claiming that this is pointless, since u have NO feelings for each other. none. nada!)
after a very long time, it’s ck the one that confesses first lmao. youve been whining and being grumpy the whole time youve been locked up together and it kinda reminded him of the way u met… damn. here come The Feelings.
he’s tired, and there’s nothing left to lose. so he tells u The Truth.
[suspenseful pause….. what’s going to happen next?? :OOOOO]……… tune in next year to find out, in the continuation of Cristina’s Cheesy Birthday Present!!!
jk, proceed to the next bullet point pls.
obviously u tell him u feel the same way [insert ppl crying in the background] and he’s actually shocked when u say u like him back…. and gosh, he does look cute when he’s surprised…
so yeah!!! it’s until then that u FINALLY go on a date during the weekend!!. hallelujah. thanks minhyuk,u beautiful soul.
so!!! ok!! first date!!! a rly cute fairground in the evening!!!
u try to be fake mean to each other like u used to but everything feels different~~~ (^:
so instead y’all act bashful as hell, and blush at everything jjdfghjfhd. hands brushing accidentally?? BLUSH. eyes meeting? BLUSH. BLUSH BLUSH BLUSH!!! u also laugh at everything bc both of u are so nervous oh gmhg fdknjjkdsfjoidf this is gross.
he’ll tell bad jokes to make u laugh and they’re rly so so so bad that he actually keeps u in stitches. if u look rly closely you’ll see his huge ass heart eyes bc !!!! he made u laugh!!!! and u look so pretty when u laugh omg!!!! dis-gos-tinnnnn
it’d be such a cute date tbh im crying just thinking abt it (‘’’’: obviously he’s a gentleman and he lets u choose what to eat, which ride to go to first, etc. u could literally tell him ‘hey let’s just sit down and do nothing’ and he’d say yes. he’s so gONe, ifmgfjdmf.
he’s kinda quiet and a lot shier than u wouldve expected but youre literally melting bc that’s a new side to him that you’d never thought you’d see.
u end up having so much fun (‘: u gross lil idiots, u.
oh and he’s def the type to ask if he can kiss u at the end of the night EYYYYYY
even if u find that incredibly endearing you’ll probably roll ur eyes with a huge ass smile on urlips lmaoaoaoao and call him a dummy for even asking when you’ve literally be in cloud nine since ur date started kjkhwjeqdkwjlk  
[hello, brief break to clarify that from this point i forgot this was actually a college au lmao, so the rest of the bullet points are literally just. random facts abt u two dating hhhhhh. We dont even know what ck’s major is odjfngnfdj]  
at first things are a lil awkward in ur relationship tbh
catch ck googling ‘how to relationship’ on a daily basis dnfndkfjdncn he is sort of clueless abt how to handle The Feelings. mostly bc this is Important and the last thing he wants is to mess it up )^:
that goes away eventually, tho!! he’ll start being his weird little self real fucking soon, so Get Ready
u still call each other nerd and all that stuff, but ur voices are dripping with fondness when u say it… literally everyone around u gets cavities from it, ew.
he’s not that big on planning dates but from time to time he’ll take u to rly cool, unexpected, interesting places :o  and eventually he’ll show u his favorite secret spots ((’:
study dates are a thing. i bet he’s that type of person that enjoys reading in weird ass positions… his legs are like, halfway off the couch and his arm is bent in a way that looks almost painful… what the hell….?? but it’s fine (: it goes so well with ur study methods, those that are Too Weird for the library, yeah?? (:
he will also stare at u a lot bc u look cute when you’re rly focused on smth that is, when u stop  whining abtstudying…
every time u catch him doing that you’ll go all ‘stop staring at me!!! wtf are u looking at u weirdo’ and he’ll answer ‘you’re so pretty~~~ ♥️♥️♥️’. you’ll blush like a lil idiot, naturally (^: hmmmm
and yea, yea. nap dates are a thing too :/// with sleepy forehead kisses and raspy voices and tangled limbs. all that sappy stuff. he’s a lil shit tho, so he’ll sometimes poke ur ribs to tickle u lmao.
buuuut he’ll also take a lot of pics of u sleeping bc he thinks youre cute )))): his faves always end up being his wallpaper for months.
he’ll get strange gifts for u, like rly bizarre plushies and rare books on topics he thinks u will like,  tacky anime memorabilia, etc. he’ll always give them to u at random times bc he just saw them and reminded him of u ♥️  
he makes a lot of playlists for u too!!! pls listen closely, he puts a lot more thought into them than he lets on.
u like his selfies??? well he’ll send u a lot of those. unfortunately, bc he’s a lil shit, he’ll mostly send double chins and weird ass faces from equally weird angles  
from time to time he’ll send u a Nice One tho ((((^: and u know, tongue selfies since youreSO fond of his(and I quote) “5ft tongue”. and oh gosh! is that a tongue piercing…??? eyyyyyy
if u want to take couple selfies then you’re gonna have a real hard time bc he’ll always be making weird faces and poses just to be annoying. eventually u will make dumb faces too tho (’: what a couple of losers
expect weird random texts: he loves telling u abt whatever is on his mind—probably aliens. he thinks a lot abt aliens and the universe. throw some conspiracy theories in there, too—. he’ll also send obscure memes. and a lot of russian cats!!
he’ll love ur cosplay hobbie. he thinks it’s super cool. he’ll call u a nerd but don’t be fooled! he totally brags abt it with his friends (^:
oh! and this is unrelated but at some point y'all will look like an emo goth couple. u won’t even realize that you’re both wearing black and looking Edgy, it’ll just happen spontaneously. tragic 😔
there are a lot of comfortable silences when u hang out, but late night deep convos are also fundamental :o!!! bc y'all are Smort.
he’ll act like f*cboi from time to time tbh?? he’ll tell lots of dirty jokes LMAO. u roll ur eyes at him a lot bc they’re rly. so bad.
if he winks or does Eyebrow Things then u can’t rly roll ur eyes and act like you’re annoyed bc (: u like it (: and u think it suits him (: and he knows it (: (: (:
u get back at him by telling him he’s cute tho, and he’ll get all shy and he’ll stutter and saying “noooooo” while also fighting back a smile
he will also howl or bark at u to annoy u jdfhkjdf. damn f*rry ://
on that note, he loves to embarrass u in front of ur friends bc he’s a lil shit :DD
But he’s also the sweetest??? whenever he sees you’re feeling down he’ll start doing weird shit to make u laugh. if that doesn’t work then he’ll hug u real tight without saying anything else, bc that’s Enough, u know?? (’:
ok time to get Domestic lads!!!
Idk who the hell is going to cook bc y'all are a damn mess in the kitchen. u two try to cook Nice Meals sometimes. seven times out of ten u end up ordering takeout lmao.
be prepared: he sings in the shower, and he does so terribly. (he might do it a little louder and a little more off-key sometimes bc he knows it makes u laugh)
random kisses are a thing!!! he kisses ur cheek or ur shoulder or ur nape or literally. any body part he can get his lips on when u two are just hanging out, watching movies or smth. it’s so soft and cute )^: wtf im crying
but also stolen kisses!! he’ll kiss u at the most unexpected of times and it alwaysleaves u breathless
he’ll constantly put his head on ur shoulder and make this face at u (^:  
can’t sleep??? don’t worry!!! he’ll sing to u with that pretty, soothing voice of his
anyway. what I meant is that y’all would be such cute little idiots together this was long af. wow. im so sorry. happy birthday??? lmao
icb u rly did the fairground first date i rly fucking hate u why did i even tell u these things i knew it was gonna fire back im fjjgjkknknnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ur ‘tragic 😔’ when we become a goth couple :/ u dont understand goth love
why the fuck did u make him howl. i wanna fucking die rn. what the fuck. he fucking would. fuck off.
i dont wanna talk abt all that domestic shit how did u even write all of that without dying i literally wanna rip all my limbs off i wont make any comment. i didnt need to know what that would be like but u looooove ruining my life so :)
i rly hate u ksdjfhskdjhfksjh icb u did this thank u i wanna die??????????? wtf nat !!!!! no but rly thank u :( u took the time to write this long ass college au (is it????? whats cks major tho rly :/ ) and just skdfjsjk u remembered all the weird shit i told u thats cute and also Really Bad what else do u know that i forgot i told u skdfksjh im literally always screaming at u abt this shit how did u !!! remember all of this!!!!! dldskfjshljhlakjsh this is so cute and horrible nat wtf how could u :( now im gonna cry :(
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raefill · 7 years
I would legit love to hear you answers to every single question. I don't know if you feel like actually doing them all, but if you did... I'm JUST SAYING I'D READ THE ANSWERS, ok.
1: Is there a boy/girl in your life?Yeaaaah but my romantic prospects are pretty bleak tbh, I graduate and move away in a few months
2: Think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them?No, not really. But I’m not mad about it anymore.
3: What do you think of when you hear the word “meow?”CUTE BABY CLOSE BY !!!!!!!!!
4: What’s something you really want right now?to cry, i’m having the big sads
5: Are you afraid of falling in love?always
6: Do you like the beach?i love the beach!!!!!!!!! i grew up in a seaside town, the beach feels like the best parts of home
7: Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?yes ?? it was cramped and uncomfortable 
8: What’s the background on your cell?the photo of me, san, kahl, chez, frau, bagel and spags in the louvre
9: Name the last four beds you were sat on?mine(right now), Thea’s, Lizzie’s, .. Keir’s?
10: Do you like your phone?yeah but i’d like it more if the screen wasn’t so cracked
11: Honestly, are things going the way you planned?lol no, it’s definitely not
12: Who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts?i genuinely don’t remember !
13: Would you rather have a poodle or a Rottweiler?rottweiler, i love dogs that look a little mean but have big hearts
14: Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?pffffft, that’s hard to answer but i’d say generally emotional, most of the time it’s harder to get rid of emotional pain
15: Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?both ?! i want to support the breeding of endangered animals that happens in zoos and see the cute animals but also i love a good rembrandt ?!
16: Are you tired?exhausted
17: How long have you known your 1st phone contact?since i was born
18: Are they a relative?my mother!
19: Would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes?not a fucking chance
20: When did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with?a few hours ago, i think
21: If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?i don’t believe there’s a way to know nor do i think love works that way
22: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?hell yeah i would
23: How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?none!
24: Is there a certain quote you live by?“if you make bad choices, own them” - my dad 
25: What’s on your mind?god, everything, idk im having a high key anxiety day
26: Do you have any tattoos?one pretty big one on my thigh
27: What is your favorite color?black !!!!!!!!!!
28: Next time you will kiss someone on the lips?maybe tomorrow, we’ll see how it goes
29: Who are you texting?uhhh, no one? everyone is asleep
30: Think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch?yes
31: Have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right?all the time, my gut rarely lies
32: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?yes, his name is keir and he’s one of my best friends
33: Do you think anyone has feelings for you?i mean i’m dating someone so i fucking hope so
34: Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?no ? i dont think ? i’ve had people say they’re big or the colour is interesting but idk
35: Say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you?i’d cheer her on
36: Were you single on Valentines Day?yes
37: Are you friends with the last person you kissed?yes!
38: What do your friends call you?rae ?
39: Has anyone upset you in the last week?yes
40: Have you ever cried over a text?pffft, yah
41: Where’s your last bruise located?my knee
42: What is it from?i fell over my own computer chair
43: Last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad?today
44: Who was the last person you were on the phone with?my mum, i think
45: Do you have a favourite pair of shoes?not right now, most i just wear my plain black docs
46: Do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day?no, i just tie is back
47: Would you ever go bald if it was the style?no, i really dont like my ears, idk why
48: Do you make supper for your family?yeah, my mum and step dad can’t cook
49: Does your bedroom have a door?ofc it does? what kind of bedroom doesn’t have a door? get these pretentious loft bedrooms out of my face
50: Top 3 web-pages?tumblr, ao3, youtube
51: Do you know anyone who hates shopping?plenty!
52: Does anything on your body hurt?period pains are all the rage today
53: Are goodbyes hard for you?yeah but i don’t tend to cry until they’ve already left so i look like i take them just fine
54: What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?water......... this morning
55: How is your hair?fine? a bit damaged from the cold weather
56: What do you usually do first in the morning?wish i was still asleep
57: Do you think two people can last forever?yes
58: Think back to January 2007, were you single?i dont fucking know
59: Green or purple grapes?GREEN or get out of my face
60: When’s the next time you will give someone a BIG hug?tomorrow~
61: Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?yes
62: When will be the next time you text someone?tomorrow!
63: Where will you be 5 hours from now?probably in bed still, but asleep
64: What were you doing at 8 this morning.sleeping
65: This time last year, can you remember who you liked?no, i was getting over the end of a four year relationship
66: Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?no
67: Did you kiss or hug anyone today?no
68: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?this sucks
69: Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?many times
70: How many windows are open on your computer?ten! and they’re mostly your fics corey, go figure
71: How many fingers do you have?ten
72: What is your ringtone?i dont know, my phone is always on silent
73: How old will you be in 5 months?22 ~
74: Where is your Mum right now?sleeping in bed probably, idfk, she lives hours away
75: Why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love?we grew up and grew apart but we were still okay until i had about four-six months of depression where i had to stop myself from doing something stupid daily and he didn’t notice despite us living together and sharing a bedroom (and those times i told him and he shrugged)
76: Have you held hands with somebody in the past three days?yes
77: Are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago?yes! i still love them very much
78: Do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7?annabelle
79: Is there anyone you know with the name Mike?yes, there’s some grad students in the psych department called mike, they all look kinda the same too
80: Have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?yeah, i miss being able to do that regularly
81: How many people have you liked in the past three months?more than i can count, my polyamorous ass has a crush on about seven people currently
82: Has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days?no
83: Will you talk to the person you like tonight?i’m talking to one of them
84: You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with?i’d literally never do this
85: If your BF/GF was into drugs would you care?depends which drugs and how often, no one cares about a joint every few months
86: What was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie?i spilled my popcorn and managed to hide that i had spilled it from my date pahaha
87: Who was your last received call from?my mum, wow it sounds like i talk to my mum a lot more than i do
88: If someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you?yes, i hate bugs, give me the money
89: What is something you wish you had more of?time, energy, patience, money
90: Have you ever trusted someone too much?no, i’m not someone who trusts easily
91: Do you sleep with your window open?only in the summer
92: Do you get along with girls?yes, anyone that doesn’t get on with someone because of their gender is an asshole
93: Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?nope
94: Does sex mean love?hell no, it can be an expression of it but no
95: You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?yeah she wold be freaking the fuck out because she’s locked in a room!
96: Have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring?no, actually, i haven’t
97: Did you sleep alone this week?yes
98: Everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you?yes ? 
99: Do you believe in love at first sight?no, not at all
100: Who was the last person that you pinky promise?one of my besties, holly
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Would you be willing to share your gem head-canons? 0:
dklsalkffkld putting under a readmore cause its embarrassin////also got dailyabbs permission to post cause they’re in the chat too lmao
mostly about charoite, purple pearl/obsidian, and my pink diamond diavolo
Sailorbeefcake-05/10/2017Hm What sort of personality do you think they’d have?Futes-05/10/2017i feel like they’d be a smug bitch tbh “since we’re so dedicated to our diamond, obvs we’re the best and most loyal ”Sailorbeefcake-05/12/2017Man tho, other than being a jerk makes me wonder what their personality is like!I bet that they’re, hmTERRIFYINGLY goal-focused Probably also rather smug, tooFutes-05/12/2017yessssssssssswould deff be super super focused on their goalwould also aim to getting perfect marks on their missions too if they ever got any like a higher up asking them to get then a drink and they come back ten secs later with onehigher ups probs wouldnt really care about how fast they got it for them but theyd be smug about iti can also see them super beating themselves over any mistake they do no matter how smallSailorbeefcake-05/12/2017Eeee, nice! And yeah goddamnPoor thing would probably unfuse whenever they messed upFutes-05/12/2017>accidentally places the fork on the wrong side WELP TIME TO DIE defusesSailorbeefcake-05/12/2017FUCKFutes-05/12/2017lmao thohow tf would dopp and abba even meet if theyre under different diamonda????Sailorbeefcake-05/12/2017Diamonds interact a lot!They seem more like a family than likeRulers of different kingomsKingdomsFutes-05/12/2017OHHH DO THEY???Sailorbeefcake-05/12/2017But yeah, the diamonds seem to be very closeFutes - 05/12/2017AAWWWW QWQokay then yeah it would be be possible that those two have met before lmaoi can see diavolo being a lazy diamond and making pearl dopp go to everything for himSailorbeefcake - 05/12/2017Ye!Or less lazy and more paranoidMaybe he escaped an attack on his life or something?Futes - 05/12/2017and with that power thing you gave abba, wouldnt that make him more valuable/higher up?ppffttt poor dia, even in a gem au where hes a diamond and loved hes still paranoid
Futes-Last Saturday at 7:17 PMkicks down ur door with more gem au stuffso I W A S THINGKIHNwell idk how the pink diamond/diavolo is in this au but assuming he still has the same personality, bitch is still paranoid af rightand with how abba/obsidian specializes in looking back into the past and shit would be something diavolo would be very intrested in, probs would want/request abba to look into whatever thing hes currently paranoid like he thinks someone went into his, do diamonds have rooms/places they mainly stay at?????, well w/e but would probs think someone tampered with his stuff or thinks other gems are trying to conspire against him and would want abba to see if its true or notidk how abba is to other diamonds, or how other diamonds feel about having their gems used by other people but
Futes - Last Saturday at 8:00 PMjust diavolo sending doppio to go bother abba for this shit constantly and sometimes forcefully dragging abba away since dopp would only care about making his diamond happy, fuck everyone elseand them getting fused a lot becuase charoites a fucking slut that wants to please every higher up as long as its a diamond praising them and making them feel like their better than other gems because they got direct praise for the diamondsk thats all ive been thinking about these past two days tyim trying to work on that pic but i cant get that ass spanking shit out of me head and i want to hit youSailorbeefcake - Last Saturday at 10:17 PMFuckOmg that all sounds awesome! Except for hitting me about the spanking shit lmaoBut yeah, I could see it!Diamonds often make use of gems belonging to other diamonds.Futes - Last Saturday at 10:19 PM///////////////////////////////// its ahrd to come up with shit cause idk how the diamond/hoomeworld i think it was called? idk how they work n shitSailorbeefcake - Last Saturday at 10:21 PMYeah, it’s pretty mysterious in general! Most of the gems we see much of are criminals who defected.But yeh, I could see Obsidians being passed around a lotFuccFutes - Last Saturday at 10:21 PMhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSailorbeefcake - Last Saturday at 10:21 PMJust thinking of Diavolo like, grabbing AbbaSailorbeefcake - Last Saturday at 10:21 PM‘You. Fuse now’Futes - Last Saturday at 10:22 PMBUT YESAND LIKE if i rememebrwhen lapis and jasper fused, did whatever gem that was keep the water powers?Sailorbeefcake - Last Saturday at 10:25 PMYep!Malachite was incredibly powerfulAnd another gem who has the power of seeing the future appears to keep the future-vision in her fused stateFutes - Last Saturday at 10:26 PMokay so charoite would also def still have the ability to look into the past so diavolo would def be making dopp and abba fuse cause charoite would be easly to order around than abba>diavolo throwing doppio like a football at abba YEETFUSE DAMN ITSailorbeefcake - Last Saturday at 10:30 PMFUCKPoor fucking babies, my godFutes - Last Saturday at 10:32 PMdoppio has probs stopped caring lmaowould deff be used to being diavolos little bitch anywaysSailorbeefcake - Last Saturday at 10:32 PMFugI could see Abba being kinda upset about it'I am Buccellati’s gem’Futes - Last Saturday at 10:33 PMi feel like diavolo would deff be worse personality wise as a diamond tbh since everyone would know who he is and isnt really going into hiding/cantreally snappyprobs sensory overloaded all the timeSailorbeefcake - Last Saturday at 10:35 PMYeah fuckSpecially scary since Diamonds are fucking hugeFutes - Last Saturday at 10:35 PMFUCK LMAO I FORGOT ABOUTNOW PICTURING HUGE DIAVOLO THROWING TINY DOPP AT ABBA OR DROPING HIM ON HIM(edited)LMAO RIPSailorbeefcake - Last Saturday at 10:36 PMFuck, hahahaFutes-Last Saturday at 10:37 PMhhmm now i wonderhow do diamonds feel about destroying their gems? cause i can deff see diavolo getting rid of some if he really felt like they’re traitors but idk how thats handled in show or if its even brought upSailorbeefcake-Last Saturday at 10:43 PMYeah, Blue Diamond threatens to shatter a Ruby for fucking upAnd I think Yellow holds the same viewsShe talks about shattering an entire caste of gems because of the actions of oneFutes-Last Saturday at 10:43 PMOOHHHHHHHHi see nice nicethen yeah diavolo would deff be using abba/charoite to weed out 'traitors’if they’re really traitors or not is probs a mystery since this is diavolo we’re talking aboutSailorbeefcake-Last Saturday at 10:45 PMFugPoor bastards :Wonder if Abba would end up taking a stand against it and getting shattered himselfOr at least threatened with itFutes-Last Saturday at 10:46 PMpearl dopp keeps a blank face/outlook on it all probs cause hes seen some/ALL shitoooooohhhhhhhhhnooooooooo abba ;w;rip babyif abbas ability isnt all that rare then diavolo would probs break him rip. tbh at this rate i might end up desinging a pink diamond dia since i forgot that there’s already a canon pink dia that someone else owns oppsSailorbeefcake-Last Saturday at 10:48 PMI’d say it’d be relatively rare!But not like, unique just to himHmItFutes-Last Saturday at 10:50 PMhmhmmhmhmh then abba would probs either just get hurt or something since his ability would deff be too important for diavolo to get rid of just like that if its hard to findSailorbeefcake-Last Saturday at 10:50 PMIt’d probably be in his best interests to keep Abba tho, since he’s already somewhat familiar with himFutes-Last Saturday at 10:50 PMyaSailorbeefcake-Last Saturday at 10:50 PMAnother Obsidian could be even more troubleFutes-Last Saturday at 10:51 PMya and a new dopp fusion with another obsidian would probs not be as obedient as charoite>tfw you want to kill this obsidian because it keeps talking back about how you run things>but the fusion game? ridiculousSailorbeefcake-Last Saturday at 10:53 PMFugMan thoI worry about Abba and DopThey could start to lose their sense of self if they were made to be fused too often and for too longFutes-Last Saturday at 10:55 PMi can deff see that start to happen tbh, like the gem au has the whole homeworld/gems that went to earth war shit going on ya?Sailorbeefcake-Last Saturday at 10:55 PMYeMan :Dop could feel betrayed if Abba ended up siding with Buccellati’s gang, who’d def be the traitorsFutes-Last Saturday at 11:02 PMhhhhhhhhhhhi honest to god have no idea how hed even react other than a silent shut down?like idk if gems start to get attached to other gems they fuse with a lot but i can see doppio not understanding how someone could just betray their diamonds just like that, esps someone he’s worked with a lot and probs one of the few other gems hes really fused with and wouldnt know what to do other than to do nothingSailorbeefcake-Last Saturday at 11:08 PMPoor Doppio, goddamn :It’d probably be pretty lonely, his jobFutes-Last Saturday at 11:08 PMyeahhhhhhhhhhhh lmao probs would be?cause on one hand you have diavolo probs getting rid of gems left and right, and on the other traitorsand heres dopp stuck in the middlehe’d probs only end up staying with diavolo cause its all he has leftSailorbeefcake-Last Saturday at 11:10 PMYeahPoor baby, goddamnFutes-Last Saturday at 11:15 PMfug thowhite diamonds kinda hotSailorbeefcake-Last Saturday at 11:22 PMYeHa ha Abba’s diamond is better than Dops!!!Futes-Last Saturday at 11:22 PMfuqNO BULLYPINK DIAMOND MAY BE A SHIT BUT DOPPIO STILL LOVES HIM maybe????????????whatisloveSailorbeefcake-Last Saturday at 11:24 PMFuckPoor DopFutes-Last Saturday at 11:25 PMthe only relationship i can see diavolo having with dopp is probs a lowkey abusive one?like if dopp wasnt uncaring and if charoite was a top fusion, probs would have shattered him by nowi can see diavolo going through pearls like they’re nothingSailorbeefcake-Last Saturday at 11:32 PMSighI’m imagining it nowHe could just smash them to blow off steamFutes-Last Saturday at 11:35 PMprobs deff during an sensory overload episode and he’s v stressed out and double paranoid, like one slight thing someone does wrong or gives diavolo the wrong idea S M A S Hhow loud diavolos area is that day are probs days you avoid himSailorbeefcake-Last Saturday at 11:36 PMYeah, fuckFutes-Last Saturday at 11:38 PM>makes all these ideas for an au i know shit about 8’)how did we get to this bifihow did we go from me doodling to all thisSailorbeefcake-Last Saturday at 11:39 PMFuckYou tell me lmaoIt’s cool tho!Poor Doppio though, god damnFutes-Last Saturday at 11:40 PMdopp went from a blank face gem cause i thought it looked good on him to a blank face WITH REASONSabba some how got looped in all this au talk too ripSailorbeefcake-Last Saturday at 11:42 PMFuck, poor guy :At least his and Dop’s fusion is still damn cool!Ooh manCould be interesting if they wound up fusing AFTER Abba defectedFutes-Last Saturday at 11:42 PMFf u u uuuu uuckckckckgodddddddddddthat would fuck abba up more if anythingsince charoite is more for diamonds only??? like idk how hed be if he got ordered around by say bruno, probs an intresting reaction would probs feel funny about it but not really in a bad way but still would be pissed that someone as low as him is trying to order him around. but i can deff see charoite not really sure what to do, since hes fused with someone thats now a traitor but wants to go back to serving diavolo tho he know he would most likely get killed on site.
fusion song chat got cut cause it wasnt really important but we both agreed on a song for themhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uk5M_q9eID0
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