#im also really disappointed in our social media age right now
doulayogimama · 7 months
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Really loved Mexico, even after the taxi people scammed us and tried charging $2500 on our credit cards 🥲
Thank goodness Citibank security is very good. Within 10 minutes of the people’s charges, they shut off my card.
After speaking with a Mexican real estate agent and lawyer, we decided Mexico is not the place where we’d feel comfortable buying land for a future meditation center. It’s just the Wild Wild West down there in a lot of ways. But my gosh - we LOVED the northern Quintana Roo region ✨ And honestly felt super safe EXCEPT at the airport because they have a crazy mafia (like if you try to order an Uber at the airport, the taxi people with literally attack the car). Bali was really bad with their taxi mafia and ATM scams as well. Would honestly say a super unpopular opinion is that Bali is fucking awful in terms of financial safety / governmental control and I would never go back (Bali belly is also the worst illness I’ve ever had outside of an HG pregnancy).
Anyways - love Eastern MX, but be careful at the airport 😭
Back in Miami and it feels both really lovely and heavy to be back in the USA. Kevin and I immediately just became more mentally involved in the war in the M/E today and it really just feels completely fucked.
I’m sad that the world has honestly never been much better than it is right now. Im sad that my children will more than likely know a world just like this one when they’re (G-d willing) my age and older.
I’m just exhausted. Every couple days I think about the parents and the babies (on BOTH sides) and I fall apart.
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x-lulu · 3 years
hi, so i’m back again with another rant about mental health
tw - self harm, mental illness, my experience, just me ranting for a bit, not washing your hair for a week? mention of being suicidal, mention of therapy, if there are others let me know x
also i just want to say that i was just ranting for a bit and getting thoughts out of my head so this might be filled with incorrect sentences and errors, also maybe i didn’t use the right words in that case i’m sorry if i hurt someone’s feelings and you can always educate me
and yes some of this was hard for me to say, but i’m not gonna hide, i’m not gonna pretend that mental illness is like they show in tv shows, movies, commercials, books. yes some might experience their illness as in one of these above, but there are so many things nobody talks about, so i told myself: i’m not gonna be one of those people, while i am a small blog, i’m pretty sure there are a few people following me who are struggling with these kind of things and if i can help in any way, i will
on different social media platforms we can see positivity and people talking about mental health and things that can helps or experiences, while I’m all about sending positivity, i also think we should be realistic. now you might think oh she is gonna talk some negative shit, no i am not, while ofcourse i have my negative moments i try to be positive and definitely when i talk to others. the only thing i want to reach with talking about my situation is helping people, make them feel like they’re not alone, that their feelings are valid, all those things, so that’s why i decided to post something about myself when i’m not feeling that great. i’ve posted things about having energy for the first time to put on make up or being clean for a month. well the situation atm is not that good, so i thought why not talk about it, i am not the only person feeling like this and i want people to see mental health and illness for what it is, not what for example tv shows or movies make us think it is.
my mental health issues started when i was around nine years old, of course it didn’t come out of nowhere and i’ve had traumatic situations before it, but that’s the age when i started really noticing how bad my mental state was. i’ve been suicidal ever since, i’ve been to 10 different therapists, psychologist, psychiatrist and basically a lot of different treatments. about six of those I’ve been to in the last year. you see I got help when I was younger but after that I pretended to be fine for years till I got my breaking point in November 2019. I think it’s been about five months since i finally got the treatment that fitted with my situation and helped a bit, two months since I got the medication I needed, my doctor didn’t want to give me any because I was a minor, but eventually she agreed because all my psychologists and psychiatrists said it was necessary, i’ve had up and downs ever since i started this treatment five months ago. that’s the deal with mental illness, you don’t recover in one line, sometimes you have relapses and those aren’t a sign of failure!!!!
there are so many things about mental illness that people don’t talk about. for example taking a shower or washing your hair can be so diffecult. i take a quick bath every day but it takes me a week to build up the energy and the courage to take a shower and wash my hair and yes this is something i can feel embarrassed about but it shouldn’t be, it’s normal! i don’t have the energy to put on make up, i don’t have the energy to keep a smile on my face every second of the day, i don’t have the energy to go to shops even though i really need clothes or food, i don’t have the energy to shave or do my eyebrows. this might gross some of you, i do take care of my hygiene, im pretty big on that, (also some people don’t have the energy for that either and that is also totally fine) but these things are real issues and we should normalise it. things can be hard while other people don’t understand it and that’s okay, we should treat each other with respect. all these things are normal and valid, you don’t have to feel bad about it or hate yourself for it. i can’t be a hypocrite here because yes i despise myself and punish myself for these things, but i know that that is wrong and it’s okay to feel this way and not have the energy. this is also just an example and just something that i’m thinking about at the moment but there are so many other situations, so believe me when i say this. it’s not weird, you don’t have to feel bad about it or embarrassed, you’re not alone, you’re strong, this is normal and you will get through it. not right now, not in a week, but eventually you will get the life you deserve filled with love and joy.
another thing... like i said recovery isn’t something that happens in one line, there are gonna be relapses. selfharm is something i have really mixed feelings about, for me it started out as to feel something different than the pain i was feeling, it started as numbing the voice in my head, it became an addiction, sometimes i can’t leave a matter alone before i cut myself, it can feel like closure to me, it also can feel like i need the punishment, there are so many reasons and feelings when or why i do it, it can be hard to explain. so i’ve been trying to stop for three months i think? at first i went three days without, then i cut myself again, so i tried again, i went two weeks without, tried again, a month, tried again, a month and a half, tried again, two weeks, tried again, four days and now i’ve been clean for three days and i’m still trying. like i said there are relapses. my scars were recovering and now i’ve cut all over them. this isn’t something i’m proud of and yes i felt like i was weak and too scared to tell anyone and disappoint them because everyone thinks it’s going better. but the things is, it isn’t something to feel weak about, it’s a coping system and while it isn’t the best coping system it’s my/our way to get through the pain, it’s a sign of strength, for still being there even though you’ve been through so much. so i will be trying again and again and again, i will be trying as long as i have to, not only for the people who care about me, but also for myself, because yes life can suck, it can suck big time, but life can also be beautiful and i and every single one of you, deserves to feel loved, happy and peaceful. there are so many great things in the world and they will come to you too. we just have to fight and while you may not believe it, you are strong enough and you are not alone. i’m here and i will fight with you.
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psychemoss · 3 years
hey I hope y'all are ok. I just saw Jack's new callout and it's very stupid, they're like "I'll censor the names of the minor" but literally names you Moss like 3 pictures in lol? and it falls to that age-old callout cliche of putting the least important things at the top, like the beginning points are such reaches it's unfathomable how anyone can buy it. also blatantly lies about things which is a strange decision since the accompanying pics expose those lies immediately
yeah. this entire situation grew wildly out of hand and was filled with exaggerations and blatant lies, taking things out of context and shuffling around dates and incidents, mixing and matching events that didn’t go together and claiming them as fact. im surprised anyone who read it start to finish thought it was anything comprehensive, so many of their claims conflicted with themselves and they ended up just upping the severity of the accusations any time someone asked. the entire incident was built on a foundation of a petty grudge, and that’s heartbreaking. its heartbreaking it got this far.
ive been taking a break from most social media for the time being. since this incident destroyed most of my support systems i really dont have anything to turn to and its really having a toll on me, especially with knowing someone we thought was a friend was going behind our backs and feeding the fire. i mean, really, what do you say to that? how do you respond to when your worst fears and paranoias end up to be true?
i hope everyone who took part in this is proud of themselves. i hope theyre proud in what theyve done here. i hope they go on, and i hope theyre happy, genuinely. i hope they got the outcome they were looking for so that this can be over. i hope we’re done beating this topic into the ground. i hope theyre happy to keep me blocked. i hope people are done sending anons that stoke the flames. i hope people stop trying to drag unrelated blogs into this drama. i hope this situation can end, and maybe one day theyll know where they were wrong, or maybe they wont, and thats okay.
i was distraught at first. i didnt understand how or why this was happening. i didnt get how jacks crew ever thought they were in the right with this, especially in calling out a servers community they werent part of. but im not mad anymore, truly. im just disappointed. im disappointed in the immaturity which governed this discussion. im disappointed in the constant exploitation of my existence that points made. im disappointed that they took jokes between friends and accused them of being grooming or worse. im disappointed in how people used the most underhanded fearmongering, paranoia-inducing, manipulative tactics to get their point across. but im not upset, not anymore. now im just tired.
this incident was a hard reminder that empires are made to fall. and yeah, itll hurt, itll sting like hell and itll raise questions of whats next, but at the end of the day im sure that those who have lost something here are going to find new footings eventually and find a new community where they can feel safe or at home.
eventually, things will be okay.
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mitchsmarners · 4 years
writing prompt masterlist #1
 Of course, there’s 75 million prompt lists out there but i figured there’s nothing wrong with making my own. Send me a category + a number + a pairing and i’ll write you a fic. Okay to reblog and use :) (x)
Fake/Secret/Etc Dating AUs:
my parents keep setting me up on blind dates but in reality I’m dating you and it’s so you help me get out of them
i hate commitment but my dad’s dying wish is to see me get married and you’re an old family friend i ran into at the airport on my way to visit him so hey let’s get engaged
you need a plus-one for your brother’s wedding so i’m going as a favor but there’s been a misunderstanding and now your whole family thinks we’re engaged
i’m mad at my parents so i ask you out because they wouldn’t approve of you and you’re well aware that i’m just using you but you agree because you find it funny but hey you’re actually super sweet
there’s this really creepy person hitting on me and i don’t know you but you pretending to be my partner completely saved my ass thanks how about i buy you a drink
we’re just really touchy friends and we get each other gifts all the time but everyone thinks we’re going out and we let them think that but why are you getting upset about me going on a date we’re not actually together? 
I’m sorry you always thought your love for me was unrequited but on to more important matters YOU’RE GETTING MARRIED IN THE MORNING SO YOU HAVE A DECISION TO MAKE YOU ASSHOLE!
Our mutual friend apparently has been waiting for us to get together and so they’re very angry/disappointed/upset when they find out that the reason we kissed last night was because we were black-out drunk
everyone thinks we hate each other and we keep that front up in public, so we have hilarious pretend fights and squabbles and pranks 
when we were little I accidentally mentioned that I had a crush on you but I always thought you didn’t hear me because you just looked at me weird and never commented but now we’re in high school and omg you just introduced me as your boyfriend/girlfriend/datemate wtf we never discussed this
friends to lovers aus
You’ve got a date tonight and you asked for advice on what to wear but I’m so in love with you and damn you look good in the outfit I picked out for you
You’ve liked me for ages and were really obvious about it and I didn’t like all the attention but now you’re over me I really miss it and fuck I think I like you too?
 You want us both to get in shape and I hate working out/running but your ass looks really good in shorts oh the things I do for my friends and their nice asses
Our best friends are that awful ‘cute’ couple that make-out in public and call each other “sweetie” and “sugar” and “babe” and god they’re awful let’s talk about how awful they are – develops into “shit we’re the awful couple now”
Celebrity/Famous AUs
listen, you may be a famous (and extremely attractive) guitarist, but that gives you no right to practise on the electric at two a.m when we live right next to each other.
We broke up and I used my feelings to write songs and now I’m super popular and you want me back
we decided to make a fake vlog drama for our subscribers and they all think it’s real but jokes on us we end up actually liking each other
I run a prank channel and you were some innocent bystander I pranked for a video but then it turns out hey, you’re also famous online haha shit
we met and started talking but i didn’t know you were a rising star until i noticed cameras following me wtf
you’re a reporter and i think you’re super cute so i’ll only give you personal interviews to help your career and also get you to talk to me more
I’m a celebrity and I have a secret social media account and we started talking online and now we’re close friends but you want to meet up oh shit
I’m a celebrity and I may or may not be following your blog which is dedicated to me. reading your comments and tags are hilarious and very flattering and I’m somewhat smitten  
You’re an actor/other famous person that I really admire and I just saw you in the street and as I was debating whether or not to say hi you came up to me and started flirting what do I do??
wedding/kids/marriage/long term relationship AUs
we’ve been dating forever, and you just caught the bouquet at our friend’s wedding
remember when we were in high school and we swore that if we were still single at 30 we’d marry each other, well hey guess whose birthday it is
i’m a runaway bride/groom and you’re driving my getaway car
I suddenly bumped into you after years and wow you look good but holy crap is that a kid?? since when?
you had a breakdown because the baby wouldn’t stop crying and you kept saying how you weren’t ready and how you couldn’t do it
whenever my kid starts crying I just hand them to you and then they just stop and start smiling
“i’m so sorry that my child pointed out how your shirt- actually nevermind i agree, that shirt is horrendous”
i always tease you because that’s just our thing we tease each other but for some reason you snapped at me and are you okay? what’s wrong?
my in-laws despise me GREAT but around you they’re super nice so you don’t believe me
neighbours AUs
You always complain about how loud I am (whether it be TV, video games or music/musical instrument is up to you) and this is the first time you’ve actually knocked on my apartment door and given me a lecture there rather than giving me a phone call, but I’m not really listening because I didn’t  realise I had such a cute neighbour
you never open your door for children on halloween so i always pay the kids to smear your door with shaving cream
my printer isnt printing anymore and my papers are due tomorrow so im on my knees in front of your door begging to use your printer when the old lady from above passes us and thinks im proposing to you
we always run into each other on the stairs but we’ve never said more than hello but when we found out that we both hate the other neighbours, we became friends
i came home drunk and wouldnt stop knocking on your door. when you open i keep telling you to get out of my apartment
after a rough party night i find you sleeping on the stairs but since im still a little asshole all i do is put a blanket over you and a pillow under your head
Please help me, I know you have a kid and my sibling just dropped their baby on me where’s the button to put them to sleep?
I’m stressed and sleep-deprived, please let me pet your cat. 
I have really weird dreams and you have really weird dreams so now we’re in this contest to see who has the weirdest dreams.
Strangers/Meet Cute (or meet very NOT cute) AUs 
We were sitting next to each other in a public place and I saw a mosquito on you and my instincts just acted before my mind.
We mixed up our clothes at the laundry service and I have nothing left to wear and every thing you wear is too big/small for me.
We’re at a comic book store and if you tell me your superhero is better than mine I’m gonna have to punch you in the teeth.
There are no table left at this restaurant and you let me sit at yours since you’re alone.
I’m a single grown-up with busy friends but I want to go to Disneyland so I drop a message on a forum to find someone like me to go wear silly Mickey ears headband and stuff ourselves with cotton candy.
My computer broke down so I called an IT and now I need to find a reason to call them back so I delete important files and download adwares and do all kinds of stupid things. 
I almost dropped something and in my fumbling attempts to stop it from hitting the floor I accidentally projectiled it at your face and it’s a really nice face I’m so sorry
first day at a new job and oh fuck my boss is the person I drunkenly hooked up with last weekend/night
I wanted to go on the ferris wheel but there has to be two people to a cart come on random person let’s go oh wait are we stuck at the top? Fuck
 Our mutual friend set us up on a blind date and I thought I’d hate it but you’re actually… kind of funny? But because I expected to hate it in no way am I going to let you change my mind just because you’re gorgeous and funny and intelligent oh no my friend is not winning this
college/high school AUs:
i went on a date with a boy who had plans to take me to dinner and drinks. but he lost his wallet at a pizza place so we just walked around the neighborhood, sat in the park and talked.
we’re in the same study group but we dont talk but you brought goldfish and im starving
we have the same notebook and we took the wrong ones home so i used your notes on my open book test
you were my elementary school crush but you moved away but somehow we end up miraculously going to the same college and i barely recognized you because holy hot damn you are more attractive than i remember?
I tripped over on my way to this party and I’m bleeding profusely from the grazes on my knees and you’re a complete stranger that pretty much jumped me the second I walked in the door to play nurse
ive had a crush on you for 3+ years and now youre going out with my best friend and i definitely havent locked myself in a toilet cubicle to cry
We’re in different debate classes and I was constructing a case on the board and I come in the next morning and you’ve replied to all my points really well?? But I don’t even know your name? And oh shit, we’re taking over the entire whiteboard, is that your phone number squeezed into the corner of the board there?
You have braces and I don’t and I keep forgetting you’re not allowed to have gum so every time I offer, you give this death glare
You sent me a text asking if I wanted to go to prom on the day of prom and I’m not in town
I’m a notorious goody two shoes and you look like you get into fights on a daily basis, so when you were in the library on the first day I was supposed to be a tutor, I assumed I’d be tutoring you. But, as it turns out, we’re both tutors, and the people we’re tutoring keep blowing us off to make out and we have to go round them up
we have a mutual best friend but they cannot find out how much i like you then they’ll tell you, but i need to find out if you’re single!
I sat down in the wrong class and I’m panicking but don’t want to get up and leave because the class has started and you think it’s hilarious 
You pissed me off in class so I threw a book at your head and now I’m in detention and jesus fuck I hate you so much and the teacher made me apologise and wait you’re cuter up close
soulmate aus
if one soulmate gets an injury, the other gets it as well.
Character A has a soulmate, but Character A died before they got to meet them. As Character A navigates the afterlife in their ghostly form, they discover that they can’t “move on” until they’ve met their soulmate.
 the very first words your soulmate ever says to you are tattooed somewhere on your body since the day you are born
when you write something on your skin with pen/marker/whatever, it will show up on your soul mates skin as well.
You get an ‘impression’ of your soulmate when you turn 18 or something but all I got was a strong smell of bananas or something
you have a compass on your wrist and it directs you to where your soulmate is
i usually think i’m having a conversation with myself in my head but it turns out we’re telepathically connected
everybody is born with a map “tattooed” on their forearm that’s centered on the exact location of where they’ll first meet their soul mate 
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lysiso · 3 years
hi how are u :D any thoughts to share
im doing pretty okay :) and yes a few my brain is always full with stuff OR nothing at all theres no in between so get reaaaaaaddyy :D
I bought moldavite and i have it for two days now ik thats like nothing its only two days right but tbh i dont feel that much and was disappointed but its only two daaays also i really do think my life's on its way to be turnt upside down like i cant explain how i know but i mean it in a good way i feel like the coming few years are going go be so transformational. Why am i (are we) not able to see or meet aliens? i would LOVE to meet a kind nice friendly benevolent alien!!! How did humanity's "intelligence" get so far to the point of it being self destructive? isn't it weird like we came from lil fish in the sea.. to blabla... to blabla.. to homo sapiens... we became so intelligent that we invented all this stuff like technology and all that and yet we NEVER learn from history, ALWAYS repeat the same mistakes and are literally KILLING the earth and other people like isn't that crazy we've become so far... just to be our own destruction thats absolutely bonkers... Why am i so awkward around thid guy from work sure i may have a teeny tiny crush on him but damn get ur shit together right lmao.. WHY is it that when i mention it's been a while since i've smoked weed people offer to go to their place and i can have some but like.. no i want weed either for myself or for me and my friends like why do people suggest that i can come over if i want i barely know u, we are just colleagues why would i wanna get high w u idk u like that... also ur double my age you weird ass man why are u even offering. More importantly why isnt my CRUSH offering... sad... i miss weed, i miss hanging out w friends, i miss being extra w makeup and outfits, i truly hope corona wont be too bad next fall bc i got big ass travel plans (im so excited abt this wtf!!!!) and i really hope i can actually go to the countries i want.... it's literally my dream. Why is banana and chocolate such a good combo? Cote d'or is the BEST chocolate ever oh my GOD it's superior. Brooklyn 99 is so funny and so good. I say i dont have a phone/social media addiction but im literally on it the entire ffin day and it's keeping me from being productive. I hate when people talk abt body positivity but then make fat people feel guilty abt wanting to lose weight or actually losing weight. I want someone to *** ** *** so bad i've been so ***** ******. I should rly start attack on titan it looks really cool, i should finish kakegurui first tho. I really wonder if someone, anyone ever had a crush on me like literally aaaaanyone?? I cant wait to go TRAVEL NEXT YEAAAAAR. Why is my best friend so fucking bad at texting... like tbh some ppl are so ffin dry over text and they always always say "yeah lmao im rly bad at texting" like bitch wym how?????? u got all the emojis and u know popular vine/tiktok memes so???????? use them????? I would love some red wine rn. I love music, but i rly don't get how like.. earbuds work i truly dont like wym the music is transfered through little wires like how like what even is music? is it also made out of 0s and 1s i truly dont get it ALSO what the FUCK is wifi and other wireless tech? like how does that WORK??? i'm like starting to think we got the whole technology thing from aliens. People who don't believe that there's other life out there are so weird.. u cant possibly start to imagine how big this galaxy is let alone th universe and u dont think there's any other life out there?? dumb. omggg i. love. any. potato. dish. yuuuuuum!! I miss Gina in b99. I have quite a few mutuals on here that i've been following for YEARS i wish i could send them all a hug. I simply don't get how you could be okay with being such a shitty person that ur a BILLIONAIRE but u dont give to others.... i wonder why people even WANT to have so much money like... up to a certain extent sure like i do believe money Can make up happy but at a certain point u already have everything u want so literally why not.. save people from dying on the streets like this is so weird. I loveeeeee this tomato-basil bread i once made i cant forget it it tasted like... pizza bread omg yum
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rj019 · 4 years
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The characters don't belong to me. All credits to Marvel or Disney or Stan Lee idk.
So this is my first ever Tumblr Post (人*´∀`)。*゚+
Hope you guys will like it.. I'm new to this & I might make some mistakes so I hope you guys can understand and help me throughout my journey (◍•ᴗ•◍)
Title : Genius, YouTuber, Artist, Musician and Spider-Man
Fandom : MCU
Pairing : Starker(tony stark x peter parker)
Rating : Mature (NSFW, Sexual Content)
Prompt : Social Media
Summary :
Tony started crushing on a guy who is 5 years younger than him... And You all know who that is 😉 one and only Peter Parker.
And Peter has a very famous Youtube channel since he was 6. But he always wears mask in his videos to hide his face. He often mentions his crush on Tony Stark since he was 12 in his videos.
" CHAPTER - 0 "
The notes below are for the things that happened till Peter is 20 from when I'll actually start the story. I didn't wanted to get it all mixed up. So I wrote these so you guys can understand the AU better and how everything came to be and not get confused. It explains everything about Pete's social media, everyone's ages and which part of MCU is included and which is not, and the changes in the whole storyline. So these are must read it if you want to read the actual chapters. (☆▽☆)
Notes :
Tony is 25 year old in this and Pete is 20 and they're both certified geniuses. And they are both Bisexual.
Tony's perants are alive. Pete's uncle Ben is also alive.
Howard is a good parent and husband in this fic and he himself is a Bi so congrats!! No homophobia 🤗
Howard made Tony CEO of the company when he was 22 and only took semi retirement and only went to company once in a while to keep an eye on things. Tony graduated from MIT when he was 17 and then he started helping with company 😀
So Avengers and S. H. I. E. L. D. does exist in this AU but sheild isn't publicly known nor does anyone knows Avengers' real identity that includes Tony's😉 but that was just until New York battle.
Howard and Maria obviously knew about Tony being Iron Man. Tony told them after he came from Afghanistan and created the armor. There was no way to keep it hidden from them. Like all the parents they were reluctant to accept it as it will endanger his life but the accepted it at last.
Tony was kidnapped when he was 19 and when he went to Afganistan for his first ever deal without his father. And bla bla happened and he became Ironman and then he told his father about the Arc reactor tech and told him that there are many other things that can get their company to it's peak and asked him to stop the weapon business and Howard aslo thought about it cause after all he almost lost his one and only son (told ya he is good parent it this one) and then you know what happened 🙃
Howard is alive so no Obadiah Stane.. So no IM 1 events after he came from Afghanistan happened. They hid the fact that tony has arc reactor in his chest though. And world only knew that Iron Man is getting help from SI because of the arc reactor technology in the armor but they could never expect that it's Tony Stark himself. ( yeah yeah I know not very convincing but bear with it cause its a fiction right😅)
Papper, Rhodey and Tony are best friends from childhood cause their parents are friends. So he tell them about IM too. Papper works with him at SI as secretary for few years but when Tony turns 24, He suggest his father to make her CEO and he will be working and providing for Techs and important business deals. And Howard knows his son very well and that doing office stuff ain't getting to Tony plus his IM activities. And Papper was already doing more than half of his paper and meeting work so he makes Papper CEO. And yep Papper and Tony did try relationship but it just didn't clicked so they are still friends and no awkward feelings.
From IM 2, he did get palladium poisoning but he hid it from his family and friends. He did parties and drinking (but without the armor ofcourse) and Rhodey got really angry at his behaviour and recklessness and told him that he will beat him up with his own armour. And then Nat and Fury came and all that injection stuff.. after that he told his father about it and they worked together and made the new element and saved him. After that he apologized to everyone and told the truth and even made Rhodey War Machine suit and Rhodey helped him with it at Expo. Race incident doesn't happen. But Vanko still tried to get revenge by helping Hammer. So Stark expo incident still happened with drones only, not the War Machine armour.
I'll say IM 3 doesn't happen cause we don't have that much time you know fitting all IM parts and then 2 avangers part just within 6 years is impossible 😅
So after that NY invasion happened and Avangers got formed. People didn't know who they atually were just their alter egos and that also not everyone. People were really shocked and afraid after the battle so the government decided to make shield publicly known. Not all the information but just lil bit parts here and there to ensure everyone that there were people and organisation who were ready for something big like this. But it was still not enough to make people safe.
So then Avengers decided that they'll reveal their identities so people will know that there is a group of people who are there and capable enough to save them from something like this and it worked. They did got positive response. But it was uproar it the world. And they had to deal with media and fans. When the world got to know about Tony Stark being Iron Man, SI's PR department was in chaos.
All Avengers are around 24 to 30 except for Wanda and Pietro. They are 21. But they got into team after Ultron and yep Pietro survived.
Events of Captain America and CA : Winter Soldier did happen except for Bucky killing Tony's perants part. And they are both 30. Clint doesn't have secret wife and children (sorry Laura and kids) cause he is 25. Nat is 24. Papper and Rhodes are 27. Thor looks like 28 but is 1500 as we all know. Loki looks like he is 26 and yepp he was mind controlled by Chitauri but he was at Asgard during Age Of Ultron. Sam is 23. Scott is 25 and he is divorced and has a daughter. He is in relationship. Hope is 24. Bruce is 29. (These are their ages at the starting of the 1st chapter, from when I'll actually start writing the story.)
In NY invasion only original 6 were included in Avengers Initiative and after that they lived together too, at the Stark tower which was turned into Avengers Tower. Later Shield recruited others and they trained and did mission together but didn't live with the original 6.
Then Age Of Ultron happened and Vision Wanda and Pietro also joined. At that time they decided to move to the compound Tony built for them in upstate so everyone can live there.
And time period between these all events is smaller than in movies cause you now 6 years time period ain't that long to fit 'em all.
No CW or IW or Endgame happened.
Mary & Richard unfortunately had to die in plane crash 😅 when Pete was 5 so his uncle and aunt looked after him from then.
When Peter was struggling to recover from his parents death, May got an idea to help him *tada* a youtube channel to distract him because she knew Pete liked to watch things on YT. Pete was a genius and he was great at art too and he is an obvious cinnamon roll so she knew it will be a success and Pete will be distracted too. But she didn't want her nephew's face all over the internet if he gets popular and then can't have normal life so she helped him make his videos with him wearing a mask. So here's where Pete's YouTube journey started 🤭
Peter being an adorable and telented and a genius he is, he got famous on YT over the years and got millions of subscribers and views. He even made accounts on other social medias like Insta and Twitter stuff releted to his YT when he was 12 and it was success too he posted his art and photography their. ( His art and videos do contain his fanboying stuff and crushing on Tony Stark🤭)
And yes Pete is Spider-Man. He became SM when he was 13. Same radioactive spider at oscorp stuff but without Ben dying.
Ben has his own business which is good enough to have stable and cozy life with his wife and nephew. May is house wife and she likes to do volenteer work oftenly. They have two story house with a garden and a backyard. Nither too big nor too small.
Ben has always taught Pete about responsibility and righteousness. (With great powers comes great responsibilities.) So when Peter got his powers he decided to help people by being Spider-Man and looking out for little guy. After sometime he told Ben and May about it and they were at first hesitant but then they got over it and were proud of him and supported him.
After a year, it was getting too much at the same time... being at school, managing social media and YT channel, being Spider-Man and all.
Ben and May wanted him to have normal life so even if he was a genius and could graduate early, they still wanted him to complete high school and make friends. But let's be genuine nothing in life is gonna be normal so he told them about his plan to graduate early from both school and college. And he loved his YT and social media cause it helped him so he didn't wanted to stop that and to stop being SM is out of the picture. Ben and May understood him so they allowed him.
He took this opportunity to tell his only 2 and closest friends Ned and MJ about him being SM. He trusts them alot and they didn't disappoint him and even helped him with keeping his secret identity.
So he graduated from high school early, got full scholarship to MIT.
He was fifteen when he saw Iron Man first. He and Ned became fans but Tony was still his idol and his crush. He also started making fanarts about Iron Man on his account. He liked Dr.Banner's work too. He was only 20 when he wrote his thesis about gamma radiation and his books are awesome and he has 7 PhDs by the age of 25.
Peter earned a good amount from his YT channel and he still had money his perants left so he made one of the vacant room in the house his lab after he became SM and he makes videos in his lab after that about his inventions and experiments but ofcourse nothing regarding SM. He and Ned even made a cool SM suit with AI which they named Karen. (The one from the Homecoming) He got his AI inspiration from his Idol's AI called JARVIS. (Tony made JARVIS when he was at MIT and then used him for the company and his lab and he gave an interview about it. That's how Pete knows about it. Tony used Friday for his suits and IM releted activities after he became IM but then after AOU he used Friday for everything.)
Pete's YouTube videos are about everything and anything he loves to do since he was young. When he was young it was about his lil childish science experiments with help of Ben (ofcourse till he could it on his own) or his art or baking and cooking stuff with May and all but they all always wore the different different matching masks while making videos. When he became friends with Ned and MJ, he asked them to be there too. As he got older he started showing his genius brain cells in his experiments and invention. Same goes for his art, it started getting more and more detailed and he also got interested in composing music and songs and he eurned more followers. He even made his accounts unhackable so no one try to find out who he is after he became SM. He had so many happy moments with his family and friends while making his videos, that is why he kept his YT and accounts.
Shield doesn't know who the Spider-Man is. Pete found out about them cause he sensed someone (agents) following him during one of his patrols when he was 14. So he and Ned looked into it and his mind was blown when he found the organisation and all government behind it.
He wanted to know why they were after him cause he only helped people. So they hacked into Shield. He found out that they wanted to recruit him for something called Avangers Initiative and there he saw some other people's and superheroes' information too. (He didn't look into it because he knew that if he didn't anyone want to know his identity, they must not too and he had no right. ) But he knew it was not a good idea to join it cause then he will have to work for them do their missions and he didn't wanted to do that. He wanted to look out for little guy and help whoever, he can wherever he can. Plus he would have to reveal his identity and when they'll know he is so young, they'll try to stop him from being SM plus people close to him will get in danger. And they might even want to experiment on him so it was a big fat NO.
After that he took every cautious step to protect his identity and his aunt, uncle and his friends. He made a security system for their house and made a smart bracelet to communicate or send signal to each other if they were in danger. They all had one including himself. It looked simple and no one could tell it was actually for that.
When Newyork invasion happened, he was not there. He was at MIT for his PhD. He was so damn worried about Ben, May, Ned and MJ. The moment he heard the news he left for NY but by the time he got there the fight had been finished. So he directly went to check on May and Ben. He found them safe and was revealed. Then he called Ned and MJ to check on them and their families and found everyone was ok. After that he told May and Ben that he will go out and help people from the aftermath of the battle.
He stayed in NY for 2 weeks. In which he found out about the Avengers. He and Ned were shocked at the name and that it was the same Avengers Initiative stuff they read when they hacked into the sheild and Peter felt a pinch of guilt but it disappeared when he learnt that Avengers revealed their identities. He was in no condition to reveal his identity.
He was shocked when he learnt Avengers' identities especially Iron Man. He was like "how could I not understand that it had to be Tony.. there were all those connection like SI and no one is such a genius to make that kind of Tech except for his idol. He fell in love with Tony even more but he just thought it was some kind of superhero worship and teenage crush.
After that Ned and him being the 'nerds' as MJ calls them they are, they become fanboys and started to find out more thing about Avengers. Pete started to post more fanarts of them and he even made the reaction video of how he feels about Tony Stark being Iron Man and Bruce Banner being Hulk. Both his favourite scientists. He even made a song for Avengers. Which was total hit so he made more songs in the future.
Pete graduated from MIT even earlier than his Idol Tony Stark at the age of 16. He got his PHD in Biochemical Engineering at 17 and he wanted to get more Phds in Robotics, Nenotech Engeneering study and Astrophysics. (Which he did within next 2 years.) (Pete was 16 when NY invasion happened and 19 when Ultron happened)
And then Ultron happened, it was all over the news and all but Avangers once again saved the world. Pete was happy and revealed that there were Avengers to save them from world ending dangers but there gotta be someone down on the street too. Someone to help people from criminal and other dangers which may seem little in their or government's eye like Rhino, Doc Oct, Green Goblin, lizard, electro and many more with whom he fought. And he felt that his decision to not join Avengers Initiative was right. Though Shield was still eager to find out who he is like he will let them.
And then Homecoming happened except the part with Tony. ( But Peter doesn't go to homecoming because he graduated from high school )
As for the Ferry incident he saved everyone. He held the both part of ferry with his web and his strength ( Pete is very very strong in this fic ) till his latest Nenotech bot he invented arrived and held the ferry together and mend it. (Like Iron Man did. Just that it were bots who fixed the last part too. Where Tony flys around it and mend it.)
Peter had figured out the arc reactor technology a year and half ago but he didn't wanted any one to know cause it will attract the attention of many people and he didn't wanted that. That is also the reason he doesn't use his Nenotech suit he made. ( IW one ) But now that he has used his nenobots and his tech which was even better and cheaper, he knew for sure that it's going to fireback but he thought he'll take care of it later when he is not busy trying to capture a curtain alian tech loaded weapon selling Vulture.
Next day he had asked Karen to keep and eye over everything and at night Karen informed him about some movements at some abandoned warehouse. Then the whole warehouse dropping and plane crashing thing happened. He saved the Mr.stark's tech and averages stuff and weapons.
But now he will even have more attention but he then ask Karen to clear CCTV footage around the beach so no one knows about him leaving from the scene. He can only hope now. He'll have to lay low for now and even more careful.
Hope you guys will like it. I have thought so much for this fic. It's going to be exciting writing this.
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imagine-korea · 6 years
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may i request a ship at first sight for nct, got7 and bts? 🖤
Of course, love! Thank you for requesting!
- Admin Saturn
In NCT, I think that you would fit well with Doyoung!
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You first saw him in a convenience store across the road, parallel to the one that you work in as a cashier. He was looking for a specific flavour of ramen noodles. From what you could see, his face displayed an adorable pout and you found yourself staring at him until a customer came at your desk to purchase some things which shifted your attention. After getting done with the customer and waving them as a sign of farewell, you quickly turned your head to where it was could spot the same man you saw before. 
He had moved further in the aisle with the pout on his face clearly bigger than before. Not more than five minutes later, he had exited the store with nothing and for a second, you thought that he was going to come to the store that you were in, in search for what he could not find, fortunately in your case. You had sadly turned away from the window and gave your attention to your customers that were coming in and exiting.
 What took you by surprise was that he had entered and had given you a wave with a bright smile. “Hello! Is there any (Random flavour) Ramen over here?” He asked you hopefully. You looked into his sparkling eyes and lost yourself for a minute before looking at the computer just beside to check if his preference was in stock, and luckily, it was. You looked back at him and returned his smile before replying, “Yes, we do! Would you like me to get it for you?” He pumped a fist up in the air and you giggled at his childish antics. “No, that would be quite alright. I don’t want to disturb a beautiful specimen like yourself!” He cheekily replied, a bit too excited, to his dismay as he wanted to look cool. However, you thought he looked absolutely adorable. “That was cheesy.” “I know.” Both of you stared at each other for a while before erupting to fits of laughter. 
Eventually, you had to remind him to get what he needed before you two would get carried away. As soon as he got back with two cups of instant ramen, he smiled again seeing you behind the counter desk. He purchased what he needed to and you expected him to leave but, he opted to surprise you, once again. Taking a piece of paper from your notepad and snatching your pen from your hand, to which you protested, he scribbled down his number before giving it to you. “It was wonderful meeting you-” He paused and looked at your nameplate that you wore with your work uniform, “- Y/N.” Naturally, you returned the compliment before stopping mid-sentence and waited for him to say his name. “Doyoung. Kim Doyoung.” 
Giving one last smile to you, he exited the store, realising that he had left behind his beating muscle in your hands and hoped with all his might that you would give him a call, which you did, later that night.
In GOT7, you would go well with Jaebum!
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“Ah! New house!” You breathed in the fresh air as you entered your newly purchased furnished house. You closed the door behind you and jumped on your couch, taking out your phone from your bag and texting your parents that you arrived safely. You opened your social media accounts and checked what you had been missing out on for the past few days, while you were busy packing up from your run-down apartment to shift to your double-story house that you had worked so hard to afford. 
Going up to your room, you were about to start unpacking as you heard the bell from your front door. “Damn it! I was just about to start!” You came down the staircase, thinking about how you would greet, as you assumed, your new neighbor. 
However, when you opened the door, all the ways of greeting them were swept out of your mind astounded saw handsome man around your age, towering you in terms of height, smiling cheerfully. “Hey, neighbor! I’m Im Jaebum and I live in the house right next to yours! I heard that someone was moving in so I wanted to be the first one to welcome you into our neighbourhood!” You were snapped out of your daze and replied to him with your name and thanking him for his kind gesture.
After exchanging a few friendly sentences, gasped, “Oh, my god! I’m so sorry, where are my manners? Would you like to come in?” He chuckled deeply and mentally screamed at how adorable you just looked. “No worries, really. Sadly, I have to deny your tempting offer. I really should be going along.” You frowned a little as you had hoped for him to accept. Your disappointment, however, soon vanished as he continued, “If you need anything, though, please don’t hesitate one even bit before coming to my house! You’re welcome anytime!”
He stepped back from your porch and moved along, all while thinking about how his day had just been brightened suddenly and that it was a good choice to stop by, after all.
In BTS, you would look good with J-Hope!
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It’s funny, really, how you two met. It was less of a coincidence, more of fate.
You first became friends with him when you were around fourteen, and it was at school. He was your classmate. You two were neither too close or too distant. A mutual friend had introduced you two to each other. 
A drawback, though, was that your father was a business man, and unlike what most people thought of businessmen, he was the type who had to move a lot in order for his business to reach to the top, despite being one of the most successful people in the country. 
Having stories and books as examples and burden of being treated and thought of highly all the time had become an inspiration for you to work your way to the top, much like your father, and become an independent woman like you had always dreamed of. 
That is exactly why you never once asked your father to lend you money, you always studied hard and managed to stay at the top of your class, at some point, even your school. You especially loved to invest your time in doing part-time work to buy stuff for yourself, however, your parents would occasionally gift you with things.
You met him again when you were seventeen while you were working as a waiter at a restaurant. It turned out, he had also applied for the same job as you and you two seemed to become much more closer than you were as kids. You two exchanged numbers as one of the first things after recognizing each other to make sure that you two wouldn’t lose contact again. You were friends, close ones, again for another two and half years. Maybe, you thought of him more than that, but you didn’t find that out about yourself just yet.
Unfortunately, you had to leave again, and this time, not only did you have to bid farewell to Hoseok, but your country, too. You had been accepted in a foreign university. It was then that you realized how much you would miss him and his ways of making you smile, laugh, happy, angry, comfortable, everything. It was then that you realized him that you loved him. And it was exactly then, when you two shared you first kiss.
Oddly, you met him again, after five or six years, when you returned to South Korea and took over your father’s business. It was complete nostalgia, from when you were five to when you kissed Hoseok, you remembered every little detail. Fate worked beautifully once again, when your assistant came into the office with Hoseok right behind her. “Miss Y/N, CEO of Jung Coorperations wanted to seal the companionship between the companies upon this meeting. I’ll leave now, call me when you need something.” She left with a last smile and let the door close, sealing you two alone and together. 
“Hoseok.” You breathed out and went to hug him without wasting a second, which he gleefully returned. “Oh, God, I missed you.” He whispered in your ear.
Your reunion with him was a miracle and it still felt as if you were as close to him as you were when left.
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Chapter 1, Tale 1: “The Present"
“What are you doing!? Get your hands off of me, you jerk!” Leafy screamed.
“Leafy, leafy!”, Firey defends himself. “Leafy, I’m sorry for what I did. I realized what I wanted most wasn’t Dream Island, It’s you. Your friendship. I just want you to know that I’m tired of all this turmoil that’s going on, all these conflicts and stuff. And I’d rather spend my time with you, whether It’s on Dream Island or not.”
“Really, you mean it?” Leafy whispered, as they hang glided away.
“Hurry up! We have to get back to the execution!” Golf Ball shouted, from the ground.
But it was too late. The lovebirds were already flying off into the sunshine, to a better life, a better tomorrow.
“Battle For Dream Island.”
“Written by-”
The TV is shut off. “What a load a’ bullshit.“ Larson mused. “That was corny as hell.”
“Larson!” Mariette shrieked. “We have children in the room!”
“Ah, don’t worry ‘bout that, Ma’. Lil’ Liam’s been out for 10 minutes already.”
It was true. Liam had fallen asleep in his mother’s lap. It seems that he’s been asleep for a while.
“Cute lil’ fella. Here, let me-” Larson gently lifted up his youngest brother, whispering. “I’ll take ‘im to the bedroom.”
Mariette thanked Larson, and Larson left the room, with Liam in his arms. Seeing this, Susan spoke up. “Wow. Uh… so, any thoughts on that episode?”
John turned to his sister, “I thought it was kinda good. I mean, for a season finale. Wrapped up stuff nicely. Good enough for me.”
“Wait, really?! I thought it was disappointing as heck! Like, seriously! Even for a cartoon that was absurd! Where did all that come from!? The love arc at the end was jarring and out of place!” Susan complained.
“Well, dear, like you said, It’s a cartoon. Don’t think too much about it, dear.” Mariette replied, yawning. “I’m getting kinda tired, though. You kids wanna keep watching TV, go ahead, but remember to clock in early for tomorrow.”
“What? No, mom! It’s not just a cartoon- We’ve been following this show for like, 2 years now, and It-”
“It’s getting a new season in a few months”, John interrupted. “Don’t worry too much ‘bout it. They’ll probably tie up a few loose ends.”
“Yeah, but- Urgh! I can’t wait that long! I need my fix now!”
“Well, what about Inanimate Insanity? That’s still going.”
“But It’s on hiatus!” Susan groaned.
“Well, you’ll have to find another show on your own. There’s literally hundreds. I’m goin’ to bed.” John remarked, before standing up, carrying his empty drink cans, and heading to his room.
“Ugh, fine. Bye, bro.”
“…Also, you should probably go to sleep soon. It’s getting late-”
“Yeah, no.”
Susan flipped through the other channels, searching for something else to watch.
John walked up the stairs, tossed the cans into the trash, and retreated into his bedroom.
John’s bedroom was a mess. But It wasn’t an ugly mess. It was the kind of mess that felt comfy, and warm, and familiar. There was a mattress at one corner of the room, covered in magazines, books, and other reading materials.
Next to the bed was a desk, textbooks, notebooks, pens and pencils strewn everywhere upon it. Upon the desk was also a laptop. This was John’s most prized possession, and it was old.
John booted up the computer, checking to see if anything interesting has been happening recently.
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John was pleasantly surprised to see that his posts have gotten some attention. Making a mental note to check out the comments later, he created a new post, trying to, admittedly, capitalize on BFDI’s recent finale.
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Since he didn’t really had anything else interesting to say on the matter, John turned his attention over to what his relatively small social circle had to say on recent events. Maybe there’s some drama or something weird happening.
And away, we go…
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John had to admit that he was friends with some really peculiar people. Welp, Anna was… being her usual self. Tony was, in John’s opinion, still trying to influence things outside of his control (John found this trait of Tony’s admirable, but mistaken in this situation). Bryan was still raising questions about his sanity (and apparently, his abilities to spell the word “evasion"). The next post was-
What the fuck?
That account uploaded a post.
That account never uploads.
Hold on.
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As expected, everyone’s going wild in the comments, but that’s not what matters right now. Something is going on. John had to find out what.
John immediately opted out of his social media tab, and opened up another tab, typing in the address of a less-popular, less-friendly website.
The web-page loaded. John stretched back, and scrolled down-
The door to John’s room slammed open.
John slammed his laptop down like hell.
Liam was standing in the door way. Larson stood behind him, looking extremely sleep-deprived, yet, amused.
Liam inquired, with large eyes, staring up at him. “John? Are you okey?”
Larson glanced at John, who realized that the sight of him holding down his laptop, staring wide-eyed at the door might not have given off the best impression.
Larson chuckled, “Welp! Uh, Liam. I think we walked in at a bad time-”
John shot him a look.
“No! It’s- Sorry, uh, Liam! Bro! What’re you doing here?”
“…I want give you pwesent.” Liam whispered.
“What?” John asked, flatly.
“Present. Liam wants to give you your Birthday present.” Larson motioned at his mouth “Gotta work on that “Arr" sound. Look, we know that you don’t wanna celebrate your B-Day, and haven’t done so for the last few years, but, what the hey! It’s not every day our boy turns 18!  I mean, our man turns 18. Wait-”
“Ah! Thanks, Liam! But uh, you didn’t have to!” John said, beaming at Liam.
Liam just looked down.
“Uh- No. Kid! Liam! He means that in a good way. Now, give him the drawing, Liam.” Larson said, reassuringly.
Liam beamed up at John again, shoving a slightly wrinkled drawing in his face.
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“It’s a pic of our- our family, and- that’s, um, you. And, um, mom and sis, and me and larson! Um, and that’s our ages, but yours is, um, eighteen! With an explooooosion! Because you turn eighteen! Today!” Liam babbled, pointing at the multi-colored representations on the paper.
“Not sure why I’m wearing a suit.” Larson whispered, grinning.
Frankly, it was one of the finest works of art that John had ever seen, despite the fact that Liam drew his arms on his head.
“Wow! It’s awesome, champ! I-”
John was interrupted by Liam giving a huge hug.
“I love you bro.”
John put his hand on Liam’s back. “…Love you too, Liam.”
Larson was just kinda hanging at the door, absorbing the general awkwardness of the situation. “So! Liam! You wanna hit the hay yet? Because I’m about to give out any second now. So! Hop to it, lil’ buddy.”
Larson clapped his hands together. “Chop chop.”
Liam walked to Larson, and they left together.
John was about to reopen the laptop when Larson popped in again. “Hey, uh, kid-”
“Dude, you gotta stop calling people that. I’m 2 years younger than you now-”
“-Sorry, force of habit. John. Uh, I wanna have a word.”
“Yeah, can you make it quick? I’m kinda tired.”
“Don’t worry, I will. I’m pretty close to collapse myself. So, uh…” Larson clasped his hands together. “Enjoy your life, make the most of it, don’t panic,  be careful, don’t hold grudges, be a good man, save up money as soon as possible, word smart not hard, something something eggs in baskets, and uh, don’t take shit from anyone. Oh! and invest in some stuff smartly, watch the stock market closely- And BUY. BITCOINS. Yeah, okay. I think that’s it.” Larson said, extremely quickly.
John blinked.
“…Sorry, what?”
“Life advice, John. That’s life advice. Good night.” Larson yawned, “You can proceed with whatever…” Larson waved his hands “…weird stuff you were doing before. Not gonna judge you, kid.”
“Right! Not gonna judge you, John. Look, I’m super-”
“What was that?! The life-advice thing!”
“Well, Ah’ don’t really see a point in making that some kinda big deal, so I gave you all I got at once. Don’t expect anymore advice for a while, John. G'night.” Larson was closing the door now.
“…Uh, okay, yeah. Good night, Lars.”
Finally. Silence. Privacy. Now-
“Lars! For crying out loud-”
“Shit. Sorry ‘bout the door- Happy 18th Birthday, John!”
“Yeah, thanks, bro. Just-”
But Larson had already closed the door.
John waited.
Sensing no one, he opens the laptop again.
0 notes
shanmarie2129 · 5 years
I do not preach often. I do not offend easily. I have a big mouth and my opinions are strong but most of the time I keep the strong female ideals to myself. My opinions and feelings on those topics tend to surprise people and are not always what my “loved ones” expect. Where as this is neither here nor there for me I do not like to use the little time that I spend with these people justifying or arguing or even discussing such intense issues. In fact before social media I rather enjoyed not knowing most people’s opinions on such heavy topics. There isn’t much that gets me riled up. I tend to be able to ignore people’s uneducated opinions and comments for the most part but this has had my mind occupied for the past few days and I just can seem to shake it. I went and got my hair done last week and was able to not only get some time to myself but also got to spend some time with some amazing ladies. We shared some gut wrenching laughs and some rather emotional conversation. As most know I had a baby a month ago. A beautiful girl. It was a beautiful surprise to be pregnant again. The pregnancy was tough. The labor was tough and the recovery was toughest. In discussing my ups and downs we were amused by some of the bizarre questions and behaviors people show to pregnant women. Let’s start with the most common and yet most invasive.
Touching the belly. Now I’ve been lucky. I only recall one uncomfortable belly touch and it was in my first pregnancy. I work behind a bar and I have for almost twenty years. I am protected from human touch more often than not due to my career. So when it happened I think my reaction said it all. Between jumping a mile out of my skin and my facial expression I made it quite apparent that I don’t want to be touched ever, pregnant or not, without some serious warning and we better have drank out of the same cup or have gone to the bathroom together if I’m allowing you to touch me. It always caught me off guard a little when anyone would touch my belly especially a strange women, even more a strange man!! Hands to home!
Then there are the questions. Why in this day in age with all the knowledge that we have about the struggles to conceive a child or the surge of female independance in a world of choice do we ask all these damn invasive questions.
“Oh you just got married?, when are you having a baby? Are you pregnant yet? When are you gonna get pregnant?”
Or if you’ve had a baby....
“When is number two on the way? Are you gonna have any more? How many babies will you be having?!”
Listen Helen! What is my last name?! Shit what is my first name? When did you lose your virginity? Are you still menstrating? Can you imagine if I asked if a stranger was menstrating? Working with the public these questions have come up often. I have learned that most people aren’t doing it to be rude or inappropriate. People are just simply irresponsible with their questions and most people lack total self awareness. I have gotten these questions often enough where I have learned how to deal with them.
Sometimes I’ll just be harshly honest.
“When are you having baby number two?”
“Not sure Helen, wasn’t supposed to be able to have the first one!”
That one shuts people down quick. Like what does that mean? Did the government deam her not fit to have children? Did her ovaries roll across the playground in grade school never to be found? Did she have a child once but returned it after 90 days because she wasn’t completely satisfied? I have usually only responded in this manner to people who I considered to be comfortable learning more and whom I’m comfortable with or to someone so uncomfortable I knew it would stop there. Sometimes in the midst of a large crowd when this question would appear, and you’d be surprised how many times it has while I’m four deep (at the bar), I just yell
“I have a thin uterus George!”
That shuts the crowd up, but also gives me an extra 15 seconds to grab some tips off the bar or take another order.
Now my personal favorite is a guarantee shut down. People will go silent. “Congratulations on your nuptials. When are you going to get pregnant?!”
“Well, that’s in the Lord’s hands.”
And just walk away.
Leaves people speechless everytime. You see for whatever reason nobody wants to talk about religion these days. People want to talk about everything. Abortion, sexual assault, even my thin uterus. But for whatever reason religion shuts them up. Even the religious ones. How come? Maybe because they don’t want to crush two dreams at once. Maybe because they don’t know anything about religion or they don’t want to know anymore about yours. Who cares you have ended the conversation.
Or how about this, which until last week I wasn’t aware was a thing people did.
You’re pregnant with your second child and someone asks what you’re having. You respond with; “Im having a boy.” “Congratulations, what do you already have?” “A boy.” “Ooo I’m so sorry.”
What?!! You’re sorry?! I said a boy Karen not the spawn of satan! Why are you apologizing? It is a baby. Where maybe I had a twinge of disappointment, in which in my case I didn’t, I am happy to have a happy healthy baby. Or maybe I did not want a girl. Maybe my dream was to have a house full of boys! My own NFL team perhaps. People are strange. They always want to know the name too. Sometimes I think just to make a face or criticize. I prefer to see the judgement on their faces after the baby is born. It is more uncomfortable for them. I could go on for days about the comments people make or the questions they ask. Most of them are out of kindness and curiosity. I know people aren’t trying to be malicious. Yet some of these questions are invasive.
You are having a csection....why, How long are you working, are you coming back to work? Did you gain this much weight the first time? Should you eat that? It goes on and on. But here is the one that got me the most angry. The reason for writing this.
I went home and told my husband about some of these conversations. He responds with this. Brace yourself. “
“A lot of people have asked me if you’re breastfeeding.”
“Really?!” “
“Yeah and it makes me a little uncomfortable.”
Um yeah!!! Why in gods name are people asking my husband if I’m breastfeeding? First off it makes me uncomfortable when certain people ask me. Why is it anyone’s business how I feed my child? You should only be concerned if I’m not feeding her. And why are you asking my husband. Person that doesn’t know me why are you asking? Are you planning on wet nursing for me to give me some relief? Are you going to purchase some of my favorite nipple cream? Are you even going to high give him if he responds the way you see fit? What a strange thing to ask. I feel like it’s being asked because there is no longer a tolerance for shaming breast feeders. That it is a right that we have and we as women will not tolerate being shamed for feeding our children the way nature intended. However I am not breastfeeding. We are formula feeding and we feel your judgement. In a world where feminism has taken over I feel shamed. It is my body and it is my right to feed my child as I want but gasp why are you not breastfeeding? You see it is ok to choose as a women as long as you choose the way they want you too. This isn’t all women. I know that. This is just my immediate most recent experience. And this happens all the time. With more heavy topics and I’m certainly not going there. But this is what I wish people were more aware of. Getting pregnant, being pregnant, not being pregnant, not wanting to be pregnant, breastfeeding, not breastfeeding, and after pregnant is hard for some people. A lot of people. It is personal. It is about strength and tears and challenges. It is about infertility, miscarriages, medications, injections, surgeries, hormones, medical issues, arguments, choices..scary choices. We struggled with infertility. We are now blessed to have two beautiful children. Two more than we thought we could have. Yes we could have looked into adoption. Many people ask that question to people struggling with infertility. We didn’t because my hormones were making me sick and adopting a child when i wasn’t able to care for that child at my best didn’t seem fair. We fixed my hormones and I got pregnant. I explain this only because people have the audacity to shame people for this too. That was our reasons other people have many more. But people do not consider those things before they ask. They assume they know the answers already. These immediate assumptions can be harsh. We have been lucky. Most people have steered clear of invasive judgements and questions to my face. I have thick skin though, not everyone does. Be careful. Be kind. In a world where everything is in our faces and everyone has an opinion it can be detrimental. Be kind. We cannot change the whole world but maybe we can change it at arms length. It’s ok to be curious just make sure your prepared to hear the answers.
Let me give a quick shoutout to the women and men who choose not to have children and should also never have to explain themselves!! That may be a whole different blog.
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signothestyles · 7 years
My Time with Harry (pt 2)
Three more stops left on the subway before we reach our hotel. We both are still in shock and I can’t stop smiling. Every vibration from my phone makes me jump and get my hopes up that he will text me. 
We get off at our stop and its a 2 block walk to the hotel. Just as we are entering the hotel I get a text from a strange number. I knew it was him and my heart was beating a million beats per minute. I was too scared to open it. My friend Lilly said, “Eliza get your shit together and open that text! You have been going crazy waiting for contact and now you have it so don’t be stupid!” 
I open my phone and sure enough, Harry fucking Styles just texted me. He sent the photo we took on his phone and a text that said, “What are you doing tonight? How old are you? Would your friend mind if I took you out?” 
I showed Lilly and she screamed at the top of her lungs with excitement. She took my phone because I was in so much shock and she typed out a response, “I was just planning on packing bags tonight, and I'm 20. She says she doesn't mind if we go out, but if you had a friend for her to go out with that would be great.” 
Within 2 minutes I have a response: “Great. Send me your location and we will come get you both.” 
Lilly and I looked at each other and screamed. We cannot believe this is happening. “I wonder who he is bringing for you to go out with?”
“I hope its Niall! But I'm not getting my hopes up”
Fifteen minutes later I get a call from Harry and they are out front. We rushed to finish getting ready and we both look hot. I have on a maroon crochet crop top and a high waisted black denim skirt. I put on some darker makeup and some strappy heels. Lilly puts on a similar outfit, only with brighter colors. We head downstairs and see Harry and Niall in the lobby of our hotel talking to the staff. 
I whispered to Lilly, “Oooohhh you were right!” 
They turn and look at us and they have huge smiles on their faces. Lilly and Niall formally introduce themselves and Harry pulls me in for a hug. This hug was much different than at the concert. He hugged me tightly and let his fingers graze over my butt. I wonder if he knows that I noticed? We pulled away and he said “Wow. You look stunning. I liked your Kurt Cobain shirt and thought you were gorgeous, but seeing you like this... damn.” 
He was wearing black jeans with his leather boots and a white T-shirt. The sleeves were rolled so you could see more of his biceps and it was killing me. I said, “You don’t clean up so bad yourself, Styles.” 
Harry looks me up and down again and stops at my feet. “Im sorry I completely forgot to tell you we walked here. Do you want to go change your shoes? I don’t want your feet to hurt.” 
I decided that I should change into some sandals like Lilly and Harry told me that he would walk up with me. We get into the elevator and as soon as the doors closed he grabs me around my waist and pulls me in for a kiss. I wish this moment would last forever. He is so gentle and his lips are so full and soft. He pulls away and said, “I’m sorry I’ve been waiting to do that since earlier.” And all I could do was smile.
The elevator door opens and we walk down to my room. I quickly go over to my suitcase and grab my sandals and we are on our way back down to the elevator. This time, when the doors close I pulled him in for a kiss. We made out and didn’t even notice the doors open. We pulled away to see Niall and Lilly staring at laughing at us. 
We walked out and Harry said, “Sorry we had some business to take care of” and winked. We started our walk down Broadway and got on the subway to go to the restaurant. By the time we get there it is already 11:45 and the restaurant half is closed so we go and sit in the bar. There are people everywhere dancing and having drinks. So far no one has bothered Harry or Niall. They go up to the bar to order us some drinks and appetizers and Lilly says, “Can you believe this is really happening? How was your kiss are you guys going to hook up tonight?” I rolled my eyes and told her that he was a really good kisser and that we will just have to see how the night goes. 
Since we are only 20 and they are of age, they ordered a bottle of champagne for the table. It was so busy, the bar tenders didn’t come over to ID us and Harry filled the glasses. We all raised our glasses and Harry made a toast, “Tonight we celebrate the beautiful Eliza and Lilly, we thank you for agreeing to come out with us!” 
I am not much of a drinker, but I had two glasses. I felt a little buzz but nothing too bad. Harry also was a little buzzed and we started talking and having fun. Lilly and Niall drank much more than us and were pretty drunk and decided to go out onto the dance floor. Harry convinced me to go out there too and we started dancing to 80′s pop hits. 
After we danced we decided to leave and get some late night food. Sitting in Mcdonald’s eating fries and ice cream cones we decided to take a walk through Times Square at 2am. We walked out of Mcdonald’s and Harry grabbed my hand as we walked. This still felt like a dream and I hope I don’t wake up tomorrow to not relive it. Part of me is wondering if this is a one night thing or if he could actually really like me. 
As we walk hand in hand, Lilly and Niall did the same, I think they are really hitting it off. We get to the center of Times Square and there are people all around. A group of girls our age noticed Harry and started to come over. We quickly ducked into one of the restaurants that were still open and asked them if we could go out of the back. Lilly and I went to the bathroom before we made our escape and she said that her and Niall were going to go back to our room. 
“Eliza he is so nice and cute and funny and his accent gives me goosebumps. I never imagined this trip to NYC to end with Niall Horan coming back to my hotel with me!” 
“I’m really glad that Harry had him come along, I would have felt bad leaving you in the hotel while I went out with him.”
Lilly grinned and wiggled her eyebrows at me, “You know that this means now right? You are going to go back to Harry Styles’ hotel room! Did you take your birth control today?”
I rolled my eyes at her and said, “Yes obviously we are going back to his room because of you two! But that doesn’t mean that we are going to have sex...”
“Eliza shut up and live a little! This could be your one and only opportunity to fuck Harry Styles. Did you hear who I just said? HARRY STYLES!”
We walked out of the bathroom and the boys were waiting for us and talking. When we approached they quickly stopped talking and looked at us. Niall turned to Lilly and told her that he called an Uber for them and I patiently stood and waited for Harry to say what we were going to do. 
“If we walk out of the back we can go down Broadway and go for a nice neon lit stroll? Once we get too tired we can call an Uber to get us.” 
“That sounds lovely, you are quite the romantic Styles.” 
Lilly and Niall leave in their Uber and Harry and I head off down Broadway. We walk and talk about where I’m from and how I’ve been going to concerts and meet and greets for a while now when he suddenly stops. “You know for the record, last night at the show I was hoping to get your number so we could hangout and when I couldn’t find you after the meet and greet I was disappointed in myself for not asking you right away.” He then grabs my hands and looks me in the eyes, “When I saw you in line tonight I knew it must have been fate or something and told the guys that you were here again. I knew then that right after you walked out of the room I would come ask you” 
“I am so happy you did. Thank you Harry! Tonight has been incredible.” 
“Its not over yet... I’ll call an Uber. Do you want to come back to my room?”
“I thought you’d never ask!” 
Our Uber comes to pick us up and we are on the way to his hotel. I still cannot believe this. We exchange snapchats and he follows me back on social media. When we pull up to the hotel the paparazzi are out front. Harry said we can get out here but we have to run inside as fast as we can. I looked at him concerned because I knew that there would be photos on the internet in no time. We get out of the car and the flashes start to go off immediately. He runs a few steps and is way ahead of me when he runs back to me and picks me up. Holding me in his arms, he runs inside the hotel. 
Part 3 will be up soon! Let me know if you have any comments!
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rhinointherain · 4 years
the high hasn’t really hit me yet (its been a few minutes so yeah kind of weird, longer than usual probably, but also not that weird for me bc both i and a***** have noticed that it takes a lot longer for weed to affect me than it does for the average person, i think it is starting to kick in anyway), but i wanted to say first of all that earlier today even though i hadnt smoked at all i noticed myself having some thoughts on the similar type of abstract ideas that i get while high and thinking I should journal them, i didnt because i’m starting to come down firmer on the decision that i will only make any of these types of entries after having smoked at least once that “day” (as in since waking up in the morning, not like a 24 hour period), considering i did smoke twice yesterday and not being a very little physically active person it might have to do with thc still being in my body, but it also might be that doing these journal entries has made me more eager and better equipped to engage with those abstract ideas which i think is cool (although it is important to ask the question of whether it actually has made any tangible difference in how and why i interact with those ideas or whether i just want there to be one), but it also might be that i was reading that terence mckenna book
((actually it was all three of these reasons and also the infinite reaches of every other infinite reason that put me in this specific “multiverse”/version of existence, those three were just the main ones i at first subconsciously perceived to be important enough to type and then after typing them consciously evaluated to be important enough that i would not delete them and instead elaborate on them further. but i feel like I’ve discussed this enough by now that this is readily apparent)
what were those abstract thoughts i wanted to write down is another question because when i decided not to write them down i thought ok well then ill be sure to remember what they were and pick up my phone and write all this immediately after i smoke but the problem is that it takes a little while to type it all up and i forgot them before i had finished writing all that introduction
i should explain better the path that my thoughts have been taking from my mind to their final written form so far in these journal entries but first i want to talk about something else
which is that
(include something explaining why you feel the need to inject these sad excuses of teenage tumblr poetry in between the actual interesting shit you usually like to focus on in these entries)
okay do i still want to write about what i was about to say? also maybe it would be more productive to wait until sober to explain the processes in which these entries are formatted
yeah i do bc one of the reasons i do these lame ones is that they can act for me as a healthy emotional release okay so anyway i wanna be, and this is coming straight from the pathos slash animalistic sensory-propelled part of my brain not anywhere near the rational thought-propelled one, i right now wanna be like a a girl in a movie or story about some like lame emo dude who smokes cigarettes and the movie is just a bunch of slow panning over like a rainy city and theres shoegaze in the background (im thinking about like lost in translation or something BUT EXCEPT the dude isnt bill murray the dudes like a young guy who only someone like me would find attractive (but there are a lot of people like me) who like reads proust or some shit i dont know) and MANIC PIXIE DREAM GIRL fuck that’s what i’m trying to say i didn’t actually need to type all this shit i just forgot that that term existed for a sec well anyway yeah thats what i want to be, seeing as this concept and the importance of attaining it as a woman has been drilled into my head by media which my brain had been heavily impressed with during its most impressionable ages (that being my adolescence), where and how did that impression happen ie was it absorbed into the deep subconscious reaches and now resides with the animal/sensory part of my brain who has classed the desire to fulfill this idealized image as a sensory/survival need, or does it come in from the opposite side and instead its like a desire that comes from higher conscious and or subconscious cognitive understanding formed from the human brains complex analysis of every input it gets through the web of social norms and evaluations and memories and everything that makes up what the brain understands everything to be. how are the two even different. they arent because nothing is different everything is just one infinity inside of itself and i write this same thought down a lot because of its essentiality but i havent been conveying it in a well thought out enough way for sober me to fully grasp its importance. eventually i should dedicate more effort to this particular idea but thats a big undertaking and i have been too lazy to attempt it so far
fuck like i just want the guy to be like standing by himself at the weird french new wave club or something thinking about how disconnected he is from society or whatever the fuck and then he sees me whos like 100 lbs and i have an unconventional haircut and either im like dancing uninhibitedly (representing the innocent and childlike perspective our jaded protagonist needs to offset his disillusionment with society) or im also standing all alone smoking a cig and maybe even reading like [first 20th century philosopher that comes up under suggested results when you type proust’s name into google] ha ha ha im so funny do you see what im doing here im deconstructing the stereotypical indie movie that people on the internet make fun of because genuinely liking it had become too mainstream im sure no one has ever thought of this before as a comedic bit anyway i had this whole other thing about it too like she goes in his car with him and they smoke and exchange like 4 sentences but u can still tell shes the perfect for him bc shes sexy and has pink hair or something i dont know anyway i was just thinking about how i wanna be that.
like wouldnt it be nice to not actually have any thoughts in your head your whole job is to be pretty but not know that youre pretty because apparently you dont fit the societal convention of beauty except you pretty much do in every way except that you like have green eyes instead of blue and you dont wear high heels or something and thats all you have to do you only exist to fulfill some dudes fantasy and if you fulfill that fantasy you’ve reached the ultimate purpose in life and don’t have to worry about accomplishing anything else or pleasing anyone else, maybe thats why some people become super religious because isn’t it pretty much the same exact concept like your ultimate goal is to become jesus’s manic pixie dream girl, or buddha’s maybe i don’t know i am embarrassingly uninformed about eastern religions
i’m already not really very high anymore that’s disappointing bc i finally actually took a bong rip by myself in what felt like the correct way to do it eg it didnt make me cough but i guess it wasn’t the correct way after all i guess me not coughing just meant i didnt get enough in my lungs godsh damn it
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apsbicepstraining · 6 years
The dangerous fantasy behind Trump’s normalisation
Boris Johnson has urged people to snarl out of the doom and gloomines. Yet such a situation is not normal. Persuasion ourselves the president-elect doesnt symbolize everything he says is a fantasize that stops us learning Trumpism for the barbarism it is
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It was David Remnick, editor of the New Yorker, who crystallised developments in the situation into a chilling shard, in accordance with the US presidential election result. Speaking on CNN, he said: When I listen to Conrad Black describe Donald Trump, I ponder Im hallucinating. When I listen him described as not sexist , not racist , not playing on white-hot fears , not energizing hate, when hes described in a kind of normalised acces, as someone in absolute owned of program lore, as someone whos somehow in the acceptable series of rhetoric, I reckon Im hallucinating. And I dread for home countries, and I dont think its unreasonable to do so. I accept the results of our poll, of course I do. At the same season, I feel Vladimir Putin played a distinct persona in this election, and thats outrageous. And weve normalised it already. You would think that Mitt Romney had won.
Hillary Clintons assent speech interred the tomahawk, on the basis that the quiet send of superpower a principle Trump explicitly accepted before the election would like to request that the society give him an open head and the chance to lead. Obama was warmer still: We are now all rooting for his success in marrying and guiding the country. The peaceful modulation of power is one of the specific characteristics of our republic. And over the next few months, we are going to show that to the world We have to remember that were actually all on one team.
The logic is that Democrat are, by definition, true-life devotees in democracy: theyre not the privilege. They dont is making an effort to charge or recount or rerun an election. That principle placeds off a series of replies suggested by reason and biography: if consenting Trumps leadership is the democratic way, then any American patriot should line up behind him. Other leaders of democratic societies should furnish him partnership and backing. The combat has been prevailed, and the only next theatre for a body politic is reconciliation.
Trump and Obama have good discussion at White House
Yet this situation is not ordinary or, if you prefer that in social media expressions, #notnormal. When girls are lining up for long-term contraception in a piteou, pragmatic farewell to their reproduction freedom; when the chief strategist accuses of permitting racism and antisemitism; when the vice-president-elect signed legislation necessary maidens to hold and pay for burials for miscarried foetuses; when the president-elect has pledged to deport three million immigrants; when he has at least 12 allegations regarding sex misconduct superb against him; when he has announced cabinet ministers that includes his own three children: this examines nothing like a democracy. It examines nothing like reconciliation. It seems despotic, inflammatory, extreme and murderous: it appears, in short, precisely as Trump promised it would look, as he campaigned on a pledge to jail his opposing. His adversaries react that he maybe doesnt mean what he says, a position for which there is precisely no evidence. Their desire to normalise has come up with them in the fantastical nation of viewing the forthcoming presidency as there is a desire to it, and not as it plainly is.
Normalising is not Nigel Farage frolicking in a golden elevation with Donald Trump: Farage was a man of the same stamp all along. The knowledge that his hyperbole was always so flaccid, so shifty, so euphemistic by comparison with Trumps doesnt excuse it any more than British decay is apologized when, compared with the USs, the summing-ups are always so paltry.
Boris Johnson: snap out of doom and gloom. Image: Zuma Wire/ Rex/ Shutterstock
But Boris Johnson, foreign ministers, telling EU captains to click out of the doom and mist, announcing Trump a dealmaker, someone with whom we can do business, telling us to see this is an opportunity: that is normalising. Gaze on the bright side, liberals. The sheer fatuousness of Johnsons speech, the absence of any recognizable values, or a backbone to place behind them, heightens in me an unfathomable, hot, eye-pricking feel of having been betrayed. How was it possible for Johnson to disappoint, after his delinquent and self-serving summertime? Its like discovering that a neighbor, after a long party-wall spat, has browsed you to the Stasi. I knew he was a jerking; I never realised he despised our shared humanity.
Normalising is not Marine Le Pen, up with the lark to hail the brand-new dictatorship of which she hopes to be the next beneficiary. But it is Theresa May waiting anxiously by the phone to assure Trump she would be his special relation; it is also a single column inch devoted to wondering how this affects our Brexit negotiating position. When you have a prime minister who will not raise a peep in defence of propriety, you are in a new world. Its data cannot be fed into age-old formulas.
Normalising is not the Ku Klux Klan taking a rosy-cheeked look of the Trump presidency, it is CNN questioning uncritically, contacting out for that judgment. It is currently in the process of pattern a gag out of the Breitbart headline, Would you preferably your child had feminism or cancer ?, issued under the inhuman chairmanship of manager strategist Stephen Bannon. I want to see the absurdity of it, but it is not amusing. Bannons ilk checks a woman on a quest for glory and equality and was intended to irradiate it out of her. Its like living in a John Wyndham novel.
Normalising is not anything the rightwing fanatics do, and they do not try: they dont look for acceptable labels for themselves. It is the mainstream that twists itself into conciliatory pretzel knots find nicer words for totalitarian, such as alt-right.
Democrats try to find the demerit within themselves: request not whether a racist dislikes; ask what induced the racist so indignant in the first place. Once we have found the right is part of the liberal elite to pin it on, the hate maybe wont racket so frightening.
All this has a few beginnings: there is straightforward dismissal, the first phase of heartbreak. Trump cant lies in the fact that bad, because that would simply be too bad. There is a sense that the far right doesnt precisely ignore liberal sensibilities, it actively takes nourishment from our anguish. The US journalist Wajahat Ali, writing the day after research results, described his conversation with his father: Please be careful if Trump prevails, his supporters will feel very energised. This was assumes out by the spike in racist and sexist hate crimes in the US, and resonates here in Britain, too.
Golden future? When Nigel fulfilled Donald. Picture: Nigel Farage/ PA
Racists are energised by the victory of racists, and announcing them racist simply rams that win residence. A year ago, to be antisemitic would have necessitated exclusion from public life, and now it amounts to fitness for high-pitched power. Every day you reassert a fundamental significance of humanity, you demonstrate a inexpensive, disdainful thrill to the person who reached it necessary for you to say it. You cannot shame a white supremacist; unaccountably, you feel the pity yourself when you try. The indict is so extreme, if they dont accept, then you are required to hysterical. There is an underlying truism, here, that the act of debating introduces its own legitimacy. If we are really going to go back to square one and have to explain why grabbing a woman by the pussy is a violation of her human dignity, or why you cant injunction an entire religion from your coasts, where does that discontinue? What field have you relinquished just by allowing the question? It is genuinely hard to say.
The hard right does not accept argumentation as a route to a shared truism; it is simply not how they are wired. They take a judgment; you take a consider; their view electorally dominates, you shut up. Expiration of, as they ever say on Facebook. You merely dont get onto, do you? You LOST. That is the authoritarian style. It is hard to escape a pragmatic conclusion that verbal duel is pointless, but it is also wrong; the following objectives now is not exhortation. I dont contemplate anybody is going to unearth any concealed finesse or rapport in the person or persons of vice-president-elect Mike Pence. The aims of moving these fundamental polemics is solidarity with one another, lest, in the stillnes, we lose our bearings.
As to the drop-off into leftwing in-fighting, so confusing from the task of trenchantly opposing a tyrant, it has the same motorist: if you are fighting to reach a consensus, nonetheless bitterly, you can only do so with people who will move. You cannot discuss climate change issues with a person who contemplates all scientists are crooked; you cannot consider abortion with people who conceive wives as chattel to begin with; its meritless. And hitherto to fight with one another is not neutral, it does more than just pass the time. It composes incorrect equivalence or, worse, a hierarchy that has its arse on downwards. If we speak about Hillary Clintons corporate cosiness and not Trumps endorsement by the KKK, “you think youre” unavoidably putting one above the other.
Stephen Bannon and the alt-right in the White House
What does non-normalising look like? Bernie Sanders told the Today programme today that it would be billions of beings coming together to defend the organizations and the legal rules. This is specific to the US, plainly there isnt much point in millions of non-Americans coming together, for all that the brand-new toxicity of the USs political culture concerns us all, essentially and theoretically. And its reactive, since the Trump presidency will choose the sites of the conflict. Yet there is intend and hope in recollecting, as the American Civil Liberties Union has, that the president is not pope; that there is a physique and a initiate of laws; that supreme court adjudicates can bend whichever way they will, but there are only so many ways and means of interpreting a constitution founded on the universal area of human rights; and that millions of people can and will oppose their traducement with the support of the ages.
A protester in Chicago with a clear message. Picture: Kamil Krzaczynski/ Reuters
The American columnist Masha Gessen, who has wasted the majority of members of their own lives living in dictatorships, gives her six rules for surviving under one, and they read as a direct accusation of the political answer so far. First, conceive the tyrant: if he says he will evict you, he means to. When you claim “he il be” exaggerating, you reflect nothing but your own are looking forward to rationalise. Relatedly, dont be fooled by tiny clues of normality, the curious moderate placed in this or that orientation, a peremptory call for peace.
Dispiritingly, convention No 3 is: Universities will not save you. The only meaningful mode to marry that and Sanderss call is to assume that institutions are as strong as the peoples of the territories ready to defend them. Rule No 4 is: Be outraged. Wherever you are in the world, however insignificant you think yourself, each time you shrug, caper, look on the bright side or do a Boris Johnson, you do grave sin to the people in the tyrants pipeline of ardour. Rule No 5: Dont shape endangers. This is to been set aside the grease of the modern political process. Politics cannot be the art of the possible when the impossible has already happened. No 6 is: Recollect the future. Trump cannot last for ever.
I would contribute a seventh, which is to remember the past: whether its globalisation or those who are left behind, whether its economic stagnation or the long, flogging tail of the financial clang, we should, as we clamber over one another to be modern in our interpretings, recollect there is nothing new about this history. It is the oldest in the world: nebulous rancours held chassis and intensity by the rhetoric of unabashed hatred. You cannot find common case on the plight of the low-waged; navigate your own style through the submerge of secular stagnation, and epithet Trumpism for the barbarism that it is.
The post The dangerous fantasy behind Trump’s normalisation appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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