#im back in my apartment. and im rather sick. just a cold but like woke up feeling ok and then over the course of thr 12hr travel day
opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
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morizoras-cave · 4 years
Just a Cold (Request)
 Tom Hiddleston x gn!teen!co-star!reader
Genre: angst, fluff
Request Description: Can you do Tom Hiddleston x teen reader where the teen reader gets sick during filming but she keeps working because it’s not that bad then she faints and Tom Huddleston catches her then looks after her.
Warnings: not taking care of oneself
(A/N): i just moved in to my dads new apartment, so im currently sitting in the living room and writing this among all the boxes and the rubble. y’all, first off: idk if this is how you take care of someones who’s fainted and second: this might be really bad but we’ll see
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“Are you sure you’re okay?” Tom sounded concerned (probably because he was), but you dismissed it again, sniffling and shaking your head.
“Yes, I’m sure, Tom, it’s just a cold. Nothing too bad,” you said, continuing your march to the set. Tom followed reluctantly. 
It wasn’t that bad. Your throat hurt and your muscles ached, and occasionally you coughed and sneezed, but it was bearable. You couldn’t delay filming just because of a little cold. 
You and Tom arrived on set and started filming. You spent the day mostly with no troubles, remembering all your lines and doing just fine. Although, you felt yourself getting fatigued. 
“You look a little pale,” Tom said once you were both at lunch, eyeing you carefully. You rubbed your eyes, nodding. 
“Yeah, I’m a little tired, but today’s filming is almost over, then I can rest,” Tom didn’t seem convinced, but kept silent nonetheless. You started eating your sandwich, but found yourself to have no appetite, so you sighed and put it down. 
“I’m gonna go get some water,” you mumbled, standing up. 
Just as you stood up, your legs wobbled unsteadily, feeling like dry twigs. You didn’t have time to process the feeling, as your vision blurred and your head pounded, and then, predictably, you fainted. 
Tom was alarmed immediately when your legs shook beneath you, and so he stood up from his seat and reached out, catching you when you fell. He stood there for a moment, holding you up by his underarm, before picking you up carefully. 
He sighed, looking at you. “I told you,” he grumbled, voice not betraying how worried and scared he was for you. His heart was beating quickly.
He jogged over, multiple set directors and crew turning to look at you, faces morphed into horror. 
“Woah, woah, woah!” the director spun around in his chair, brows furrowing and mouth falling agape when his eyes fell on your limp body in Tom’s grasp. “What the hell happened?” 
“They’re sick. They fainted.”
“Well, bring them to a hospital then!” the director urged, arms flailing as he spoke. Tom looked at you. He knew you wouldn’t want the attention of going to hospital. That’s why you didn’t want to stop filming in the first place. To keep the attention off you. 
“I’ll bring them back to the hotel. They won’t like going to a hospital. You know this as well,” Tom said quietly, trying to not attract too many gazes to the incident at hand. The director looked as if he wanted to oppose, but he bit back his rather potty-mouthed retort and gave a reluctant nod. 
“Fine,” he said, “just take care of them, okay?” Tom nodded, of course, and then marched off to bring you to his car. He drove you back to the hotel, glancing at you in worry every five seconds or so. 
He finally got you into your room and placed you gently in your bed. He considered staying with you and making sure you were okay, but decided that that would just a tad creepy. 
Instead, he brought a glass of water by your bedside along with a place of storebought cookies, and a note with hasty handwriting, that said: ‘You fainted, you fool! Call me when you wake up! - Tom!!’
Unavoidably (or rather very avoidable if you were dead) you woke up, confused and tired, with a stuffed nose and pounding headache. You looked around, wondering for a moment if you’d overslept. 
Then, your eyes landed on the note, which you squinted at hopelessly, trying to understand Tom’s handwriting. When you did decipher it, the penny dropped, and you remembered, embarrassingly, how you’d fainted. 
“Ew,” was all you mumbled to yourself, horribly ashamed. Then you picked up your phone and called Tom. 
“You’re awake?” he said, and by the sound of his breath, he was moving.
“Uh huh,” you answered and then you asked, rather stupidly so: “Did I... Did I faint?”
“You sure did.”
“Ewwwwwww!” you groaned, closing your eyes and pinching the bridge of your nose. 
“I’ll be right there,” Tom ignored your embarrassment and hung up the phone. You sat for a moment, under your soft duvet, pouting. Then you heard a knock on your door.
Surely he wasn’t that fast-
Nevermind, Tom was definitely that fast. He opened your door, flashing the keycard he had stolen from your jacket pocket whilst you slumbered.
“You fainted,” he said. 
“Yes, I got that,” you replied gloomily. 
“No, Y/n, you fainted and I told you that you needed to rest,” he said with more urgency in his voice. He sat down beside you on your hotel bed. You sighed. 
“I’m sorry.” 
“Me too.” 
There was a moment of silence, and then Tom grabbed your hand, gently squeezing it. 
“I just- You need to learn how to rest, Y/n. You can’t push yourself like this,” he sounded tired, “And you have to be honest with me.”
“I was being honest! It didn’t feel that bad. Sure, it got worse as the day progressed, I just thought I’d be able to make it through.” you defended, whilst Tom searched your eyes. You were being sincere, he decided. 
“Alright. But you need to rest for a while. Until you’re not sick anymore!” He was stricter now, but you knew he meant well. You nodded and mumbled an “alrighty”. 
Tom looked at you for a moment. You couldn’t tell what he was thinking, but suddenly he wrapped his arms around your torso in a hug, pressing your head into his shoulder. He breathed out through his nose. 
“Don’t scare me like that. You fool.”
You giggled. Then Tom giggled too. And then you rested for a couple of days, and came back stronger than ever, having eaten several delicious storebought cookies. You had no regrets. You fool.
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lunalovefics · 5 years
hazy shade of winter PART 1
pairing - felix rosier x mc
requested ? yep ! unfortunately i didn't get a username so i couldn’t tag them, but if this was yours please leave a comment because I loved writing this !
summary : you stay behind at hogwarts over christmas holiday and become much closer with a certain prefect while all of your friends are away...
warnings : slow burn ?
(also i haven't written anything in a hot minute so if this sucks i apologize and very much appreciate any constructive criticism as im trying to improve my writing. but im very excited this is the first fic im posting to my new account!)
It was a another freezing winter morning as I woke up unusually early, bringing the covers up over my head tossing and turning trying to fall back asleep to escape the cold for just a few more hours. I groaned throwing the heavy blanket away from my face taking in a deep breath, brushing the stray pieces of (h/c) hair from my eyes. It was no use. I was completely and fully awake, totally aware of how quite the room was without all my friends going about their usual morning routine. The only sound keeping me company today was the wind rustling harshly against my window as I stare at the ceiling now desperately wishing I had taken Rowan or even Bill’s invitation to spend the break with them. It was only the first day of holiday and I already missed them. ‘‘ it’s only two weeks.”  I tried to reassure myself.
I look over to the window the sun still not even up, “if the sun gets to sleep in i should be able to.” I frown to myself as I realize i’m going to have to get up at some point. I bite the bullet and decide to try and make to most of the day, that thought lasted all of five minutes as after I brushed my hair and teeth I couldn't be bothered to exert any more energy. Assuming I’m either the only one in slytherin who stayed behind on holiday or at the very least the only one awake at this hour I decided there would be no better way to spend these next few hours then curled up in the common room next to the fireplace getting ahead of my studies. I quickly pulled on an over sized (f/c) sweater not even bothering to change out of my pajama pants and grabbed a few textbooks as I made my way down to the common room to find it actually decorated quite nicely, a christmas tree dawned our house colors, stockings over the fireplace, and a few other decorations here and there. I smiled taking in the scene as I sat back into the couch getting as comfortable as possible before opening my potions book. 
I’d say I got in a good forty-five minutes of studying before I ultimately fell asleep. Potions always seemed to do that to me, hence why Penny had to tutor me so often. I was sure I had been out for a at least an hour or two as I finally woke up yawning as a rubbed my surprisingly still tired eyes. Looking down I noticed my book set neatly on the table in front of me and a blanket covering my now very warm body. It was only then that I looked over and noticed that I was in fact not alone here. Not even two feet away from me sat a familiar form.
 “I see you are finally awake.” he didn’t sound as cold as he normally did, in fact he almost sounded pleased? 
“Felix? What time is it?” was the only thing that managed to escape my lips as I was a bit shocked to see him.
“A bit after eight I suppose.” he replied marking a place in his book before sitting it on the table, turning to give me his full attention. “You know I don’t consider it wise to spend the night in the common room, I imagine it’s not very comfortable and it can get quite cold.” he added glancing down for only a moment.
That’s when I realized what exactly he was looking at. I was now all to aware of the fact that he was the one who had covered me with this blanket and neatly arranged my books. But why would he do that? Was he sitting there waiting for my to wake up? Was I overthinking this situation? Probably. I mean he was just looking out for his housemate, that’s what a prefect does after all. I tried not to make the situation any more than it was but I was unable to suppress the blush creeping up my cheeks. I sat up, now sitting criss cross only a few inches separating us.
 “I wasn't down here all night.” I corrected him. “I woke up pretty early and couldn't go back to sleep so I thought it would be a good idea to come down here and try and get ahead of my lessons, but you can see how well that worked out.” 
“I can’t say I’m surprised considering how many house points you've lost us by falling asleep in Snapes class.” shockingly he didn't sound as if he were scolding me like he normally did when it came to house points. 
“It’s not my fault his voice is so unbearably boring that I have no other choice than to go to sleep.” I joked trying to lighten the mood. I swore I could see the corners of his mouth turn up ever so slightly. “What are you doing here anyway? Wouldn’t you rather spend the holidays at home instead of being cooped up here?”
“You know I could ask you the same question (l/n).” he replied raising a brow. I suppose he was right. Who am I kidding, he was always right.
l smiled at his response just sitting there for a moment taking in his features. It was nice seeing him outside of his house robes and uniform. He was wearing a simple grey turtle neck, black pants, and his normal black dress shoes. Good to know he still remained quite formal even when no one was a round to see. His hair was still slicked back and his cheek bones were just as sharp but something seemed different. His expression seemed less tired, almost relaxed. But I suppose that made since, even though we were stuck at Hogwarts we were still on holiday.  
He cleared his throat, though our eyes never broke apart. Oh Merlin. I thought to myself, just how long have I been just staring at him. I averted my eyes as fast as humanly possible, practically jumping out of my seat. Smooth (y/n) smooth. 
“Want to go to the Great Hall? I could really use some coffee.” I smiled mentally face palming myself as hard as possible.  
He shrugged getting up from his seat, “Sure.”
And just like that the two of us started to make our way to the Great Hall.
(Felix’s pov)
It was only six am when I awoke to the cold nipping at me from under the covers, I looked around to my empty room and sighed as I would be spending yet another Christmas alone at Hogwarts. 
“at least i can get some peace and quite.” 
I soon got up to get dressed and made my way to the common room ready to get started with the day. Of course I didn't expect to see anyone else here at all let alone at this time, you could definitely say I was more than taken aback to find someone asleep on the couch. I felt my heart rate speed up even more when I realized that it was you. Questions immediately began to pop into my mind. Why hadn't you gone home on break? Why were you asleep in the common room? Had you been there all night? What were you dreaming about? I had caught myself off guard with that last one.
I looked around the common room at all the decorations I managed to get up that night before making my was over to you. Gently brushing a piece of hair away from your face tucking it behind your ear I smiled at how serene you looked. As I pulled the book you were reading from your hand my fingers grazed yours, you were freezing. After placing the book neatly on the table I went to my room to get you a blanket. 
If you were going to sleep in the common room you should have at least brought a blanket with you. It’ll be a wonder if you manage to not get sick. I mean really you need to start being more responsible. 
As I walked back in I couldn't help but just stare at you for a moment as I covered you up, I had never been more glad you were asleep as I was sure that you would have been able to hear every beat of my heart. I debated on whether or not I should sit in a different seat worried you would find my decision to sit next to you odd at the very least but I couldn’t resist. I sat down as slowly and as quietly as possible doing my best not to wake you, managing to sit back and start my book without causing so much as a stir.
I tried to read my book and ignore the fact that you were asleep next to me but it was almost as if the more I tried to concentrate the harder it became. I read the same sentence over at least ten time before finally giving in to watch over you as you slept, my eyes shifting back and forth from you, to the fire burning, and finally back to the book as I realized what a creep I was probably being and decided to try and give reading another attempt. But I still couldn't help but smile at every little snore. (if you don’t snore, well you do now uwu)
This went on for just a little over an hour before I felt you moving around, looking over as you woke up. When your tried gaze met mine I could feel my face soften, there really was no one like you. 
(y/n)’s pov
It didn't take long to make it to the Great Hall as we walked there in almost total silence, not that I minded it was honestly nice just to have the company. Truth was I was grateful not only was I going to have someone to spend the holiday with but I was going to be able to spend it with Felix. I know we weren't close or anything, and given all the times I lost our house points he probably didn't like me very much but i’d be lying to say I didn't enjoy every moment I could steal from him. 
As we walked through the doors I looked around taking in the sight of all the decorations, even with how empty it was the room felt so full of joy. Felix of course kept the same stoic expression as he always did but I like to think he enjoyed the scenery as well. 
We took our seats at the end of the table sitting across from each other as we had our breakfast. 
“So (y/n) what are you doing here on holiday if you don’t mind me asking?” he questioned finally breaking the silence.
“And what if I do?” I replied teasing him a bit.
 He raised a bored brow, but I could tell he was a bit taken back by my response. 
“You’re not here to cause trouble I hope.” He was already on to me, I had to think quick.
“Who? Me?” I asked looking around. “Felix please I am the back bone of this house, I would never.” I smirked even though it was a very obvious lie. He rolled his eyes at the “back bone of slytherin” however he was amused to say the least.
“Well that certainly is a shame.” he started before taking a sip of his tea. “Because if your offer still stands, I say we make this break interesting for once.” 
I didn't know what to say, was this all a trap to get me to reveal my plans? He was prefect after all, was he really willing to get in trouble? But all my mind could really focus on was the fact he even remembered my offer. 
“Well (y/n), what will it be?” 
What came over me I don’t know, maybe it was the look in his eyes. A mischievous glint I had never seen in him before, maybe my curiosity got the better of me. Or maybe it was that skip of my heart that made the decision for me. 
“Alright Rosier, let’s do it.” I grinned going against all better judgement I agreed extending my hand to seal the deal. 
As he grabbed my hand he pulled me closer to him, leaning across the table, “I must warn you if we’re going to do something this reckless we do it my way. I won’t have us getting caught.” I could only nodded in agreement as words were not even an option in this moment, he finally realized the position we were in and let me go. Though a small part of my wished he hadn’t.
He went back to his tea focusing rather hard on it trying to hide the ever so slight blush forming. I couldn't quite wrap my head around what had just happened but I had a feeling I wasn't going to be able to stop thinking about it any time soon. 
It wasn't long before we were both finished and ready to head out deciding to head to the library to read up on some information that could help us in our adventure. As we were walking I forced him to take a slight detour stopping by the courtyard to look out at the frosty morning. I let out a happy sigh watching as my breath came out in a cloud. The air was bitter and I definitely wasn't dressed for such cold weather but I had never been so happy to shiver. Seeing the ground covered in a beautiful sheet of white as even more spilled from the sky almost made me forget about everything else going on around me. I walked out looking up at sky trying to catch a snow flake on my tongue. 
“(y/n) get back here ! It’s freezing, you're going to get sick !” I heard Felix call after me but it was like it really just went in one ear and out the other. Little did I know how intently he was watching me, I didn't even think of how silly I probably looked but in that moment I couldn't care less. Twirling around in the snow I become almost lost in my own little world and didn't even notice when Felix had come up behind me.
I jumped as I was snapped back to reality feeling something rather warm wrap around me. Looking down I saw a scarf now resting on my shoulders. I quickly turned around staring up at Felix who was now standing right in front of me, snow now starting to cover us both. My (e/c) eyes met his brown ones and the heat immediately began to rise to my already rosy cheeks. I tried taking the scarf off but he placed his hands on mine to stop me, re wrapping it before his hand moved to my cheek. His hands felt so warm even out in the freezing cold.
“You’ll get cold.” I said averting my gaze trying to protest. 
“I’m not the one shivering.” he smiled as I felt his hand move from my cheek to brush a fallen strand of (h/c) hair behind my ear. Little did I know this wasn't the first time he had done this.
I had no idea how to respond, it seemed like he never failed to make me speechless, but this? This was a side of him that I didn't even know existed. How did the point obsessed prefect become so.....sweet? As I looked up at him I smiled gently cupping his hands in mine, raising them to my lips blowing out a bit of warm air. 
“I will shiver in this cold happily if it means I get to stand here next to you.” staring up at him I was glad to know I was no longer the only one blushing. 
“Lets head inside before we catch our death out here.” he said before placing a gentle kiss on my forehead, I could feel a smile form onto his lips as I intertwined his hand with mine. 
These were going to be an interesting two weeks.
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comphersjost · 5 years
Secrets ➸ Nolan Patrick (Part 2)
its finally here!!!!! thank you all for your patience, i might make a part 3, possibly smut? im really not sure yet
words: 2k+
summary: TK finds out about you and Nolan.
warnings: none really, angst, a teensy bit of smut, mostly just touching n groping skfksjdkfs, tk is really angry
find part 1 here
and find my masterlist here
(also the gif below?? two brooos chillin in a locker room 0 feet apart cause theyre in love)
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Nolan and you hadn't really talked since the night on TK’s couch, about a week and a half ago. Your lips were pressed against each other in a slow, lethargic kiss until you'd fallen asleep together, your head on his chest. Nolan had woken up as the sun rose and picked you up to take you to the guest room, falling back asleep on the couch until TK woke up and they left for practice.
So no, you hadn't talked. But what you had done plenty of, was kissing. A lot of kissing. Anytime TK retired to his room late at night, or when he was taking a pregame nap. Any hesitation Nolan had had that night was gone now, and so was any semblance of caution. He would tug you into any empty closet at the rink for a heavy makeout session before he was lightly tapping your ass and heading back to practice. Or TK’s couch. Or his car.
There was also a lot of hickies. Nothing above the collar, marks and bruises littered your torso, your collarbones, and your breasts. The same went for Nolan, hickies sucked all over his abs and his chest, some down lower on his hips. But you haven't quite gotten there yet. You haven't touched each other like that yet.
It's about a week after the night at TK’s when you're at the rink again, here to drop something off for your brother, when Nolan walks quickly towards you down the hall and pulls you into a closet.
“Nola-” you don't get to finish before he's kissing you, hands wrapping around your waist and pushing you back against the door. You moan softly into his mouth, reaching up to wind your fingers in his hair. It’s still wet from his shower, and you're suddenly overrun with panic. You pull away.
“Nol, I have to- oh,” you start to say something when Nolan’s lips move to your neck. He hums softly as you tug at his curls. “Nolan, I have to meet Travis, I- we can't-”
“Hmmm,” Nolan pulls back to bump his nose with yours, foreheads resting together. “It’s okay, pretty girl, TK’s doing an interview right now, we have at least 20 minutes.” He reconnects your lips when you don't argue with him again, his hands slipping underneath the oversized Flyers t-shirt you were wearing. He hums again. “This mine?” he mumbles against your lips.
“Maybe?” you respond questioningly, “Took it from TK’s room.”
You can feel him grin against you, “I like thinking ‘bout you wearing my clothes.” You whimper at his words, and it grows to a moan when he grinds his hips against you. On hand stays on your skin, heat radiating through you, and the other hand slides down to play with the button of your jeans. “Is this okay?” Nolan pulls back to look you in the face.
“Yes,” you breathe, “Nolan, yes.” His smile is blinding when he leans back in, popping open the button of your jeans and pulling down the zipper. He wastes no time sliding his hand into your pants. He's about to touch you when your phone starts to buzz.
“I gotta get that, Nol,” you say breathlessly, “Could be TK.”
“Answer it,” he murmurs against your neck, peppering kisses along the sensitive skin. So you do.
“Hey dumbass!” Travis’s cheery voice comes through the phone. “Media’s done early and I’m finishing up getting my shit together, want me to head out to meet you?”
You almost choke, Nolan’s fingers sliding into you not at all helping your reaction to TK. “Uh, I-, no, no, I’m already on my way, just stay where you are,” you manage. Nolan curls his fingers inside you when Travis agrees, telling you he’ll be in the dressing room.
“You sure you're okay?” The concern in his voice almost makes you feel guilty. But the notion is lost when Nolan delivers a sharp thrust inside you. Your mouth falls open in a silent scream. “You okay?”
“Yes!” you snap, “Yes, I’m okay, just stay in the dressing room, I’ll be there soon.” You hang up the phone after that, letting your head fall against Nolan’s chest.
“Gotta go?” Nolan mumbles against your hair, nuzzling the top of your head.
“Mmmm,” is the only thing you’re able to let out while your walls clench around his fingers. You let out a low whine when he drags them out of you. “No, no.”
Nolan leans in to kiss you again, pulling the zipper of your jeans back up and fastening the button. He sucks your arousal off his fingers and it’s the hottest thing you've ever seen.“We have to go baby, gotta meet Teeks.” You nuzzle his neck, placing a soft kiss against his pulse. “We’ll continue this, honey, I promise. Gotta figure out what to do about TK too, hm?”
This time, his words do make you feel guilty. “We should tell him,” you start, slowly, carefully, to see Nolan’s reaction. “We should talk first, I don't - I - I like this, I do, but I don't even know what this is, and I need to know before I talk to Travis, and-”
“Y/N,” he interrupts, “I-” Before he can begin your phone rings again.
“Travis,” you mumble, declining the call but not meeting his eyes, “I have to go.”
“Hey,” Nolan catches your arm when you reach for the door. He leans in for another kiss. “We’ll figure this out. We’ll figure us out, what we are and what we’re doing and then we can talk to TK, okay?”
You smile up at him, he looks at you all soft and emotional and it’s almost too much for you to handle. “Yeah, okay.” You kiss him again, and part of you wants to say Fuck TK and stay here with Nolan for hours. But you can't.
You yank open the door of the utility closet and freeze. Your eyes lock with Carter fucking Hart’s, and you see a surprised look on his face. His expression turns to understanding when he looks over your shoulder to see Nolan standing behind you, a hand resting on your back.
“Carter-” you start.
“I won't say anything,” he says quickly. “But you better tell him soon, he’ll figure out where all those marks are from eventually, Nol.” You turn to look up at Nolan and see his cheeks reddening. Fuck. How could you forget that the boys would see the hickies in the dressing room? Even if they chirped him about it, TK wasn't stupid, if he even saw one mark on you he'd put it together.
“I’ll take care of him,” Nolan murmurs in your ear, “Go to TK, he's waiting.” He presses a kiss to your temple before nudging you down the hall. It didn't hurt to kiss you in front of Carter anymore did it? After all, he knows now. It takes everything in you not to look back, avoiding Carter’s gaze as you hurry away towards the dressing room.
You avoid Travis’s prodding questions and concern and tell him that you're just tired, and maybe you're getting sick. He apologizes at that, saying he shouldn't have made you come.
“Trav, I said I'm fine!” you snap, “I’m tired, and have a headache, and there's a lot on my plate now, and you’re not helping! I'm going home.”
It was 3 weeks later and you and Nolan still hadn't gotten around to figuring out how you were going to tell TK. You had decided that you did like each other, a lot, and you'd rather spend time sneaking off to spend time together than figure out how to tell Travis that his sister and his best friend caught feelings for each other. Nolan had also finally gotten you in his bed. And it was so good. He was so good. So naturally, it happened again and again and again.
It’s after the boys have a day off that everything goes to shit. The boys were in the dressing room getting ready for practice when Nolan slips his shirt over his head, forgetting the marks and bruises that littered his skin. There's hickies along his neck and chest and scratches down his back and biceps. The chirping starts immediately, catcalls and whistles. It isn't until TK lifts his head to look, eyes tired and confused, that he says, “When did you even get those?” Nolan freezes when Travis continues. “You spent the whole day yesterday at home with me and-” his eyes widen “me and Y/N…..”
“TK…I can explain,” Nolan pleads, but Travis only puts a hand up in Nolan’s face to stop him. The whole dressing room is silent now, the team holding their breath to see what TK would do.
“You-” Travis stops, takes a deep breath, and “You're fucking my sister.”
“What, no, no,” Nolan begs him to listen. “It's more than that I swear.”
“Shut the fuck up Nolan,” TK snaps. “You fucked my sister. You've been fucking my sister. In my house. For weeks.”
“Woah, hey, TK,” Carter steps in before Travis inevitably launches himself at Nolan. “He cares about her, for real, Teeks.”
“Oh of course you knew, huh?” TK turns and gestures angrily to the rest of the men, yelling now. “Did you all know?! HUH?! All of you knew that he was sleeping with my sister and no one told me?!”
“We didn't know,” Claude says softly, “We could see how in love with your sister Nolan is but we didn't know that they...that they were-”
“That they were fucking. Right.” Everyone in the room can see when a certain calmness come over TK. He’s shut down, numb, so that he doesn't feel angry. So he doesn't feel betrayed and hurt, so he shut down.
He’s cold that day, doesn't speak to Nolan or Carter or anyone else on the team, retreating into himself and ignoring anyone that tried to talk to him about anything.
You're sitting on your bed later that day when TK comes home. Technically it's the guest bed, but it's yours for the time being. You've been making sure to wear long sleeves and turtle necks and hoodies around your brother, but this time you’re wearing a tanktop, so caught up in the assignment due the next day that you don't hear Travis enter the apartment until he's at your door and speaking.
“TK!” you scramble for your hoodie, “Hi, hey, I didn't realize you were home I-”
“I know, Y/N,” his voice is slow and soft and so calm that it makes you pause. “I know about…” he squeezes his eyes shut, voice sound strained “I know about you and Nolan.”
“Oh, fuck, Teeks I swear, I wanted to tell you we both did, we didn't know how and I-”
“I know.” Your brother seems defeated, and your heart breaks. “I think I've known for years, to be honest. You're the inevitable couple, huh? I need to apologize to Nolan, I flipped out at him for fucking my sister in front of everyone and I-”
“It was me,” it was your turn to interrupt, and you looked down at your hands, almost ashamed. “I kissed him first, the first night that I- the first night I stayed here neither of us could sleep and I kissed him on the couch. And then after that everything just kind of...happened, I guess. I kissed him, I chose not to talk about it, I chose to not tell anyone, I initiated everything first time we slep-”
“I don't wanna know!” Travis exclaimed, fake-gagging, but there was amusement in his eyes. “Just please tell me you didn't have sex on my couch.”
“Of course not, Trav, were not that disrespectful,” you giggled. He sighed, smiled slipping away.
“I should call him,” he muttered, about to leave before the buzz of your phone caused him to pause.
“No need,” you grin, “Nol is on his way.”
“I love you, Y/N,” Travis says seriously, “I do, really, and I’m happy that you and Nolan finally figured everything out with each other. I just didn't think it would be so soon, and I’m sorry I freaked out.”
“Oh, Trav, it’s okay, I love you too,” you grin wickedly at him before sending a pillow straight into his face. “Now go get the door, dickbag.”
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pbandjesse · 5 years
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I am pretty positive I am sick. I already texted Tiffany to let her know I may not be able to come in. But I want to see how I feel in the morning. Cause I would rather not miss work. But well have to see what happens. 
I was really upset last night. Me and my dad ended up talking and it was heated and emotional at times. But at a lot of misunderstandings were cleared up. And while I still feel my feelings, at least I feel more heard now. But I cried a lot. And my eyes were almost swollen shut when James got home. And then I cried more when I talked to him about it. But we stayed up a little longer to spend some time together and I had an ice pack on my eyes to try to help. But my eyes were burning  real bad. Enough that it was very difficult to stay asleep. I woke up around 5 and got a cold washcloth and that helped a little and I was able to sleep until 815. 
James made me toast and honestly while thats what I wanted it wasnt a very good breakfast and I was starving pretty quickly after I got to work. My eyes were hurting real bad and I wasnt looking forward to going to work but I was determined to make it a good day. I had a little kid's birthday party to run. 
I got to the museum around 930 and I got all set up. I told everyone my eyes were swollen from allergies which was probably partially true. But I had to wear my glasses all day because everything hurt to look at. But I got everything set up and went to put my head down in the break room. 
Soon the family was there and I helped them put out the table cloths and got paper plates and stuff. They were a really nice family. The little birthday boy was named Grant and he was turning three. And we were doing a coloring project to make a little boat. It was a lot of fun actually. The structure of the party wasnt how I expected. The mom just had everyone come to the window wall at 11 and were looking around the museum for most of the half hour before that. Thats all good but the running was not. Ah well. They were still nice. 
The program was short, but everyone listened to me talk about boats for a while. Pointed out the sugar that was being unloaded over at the factory. And the boats they made were very cute. I had everyone go up on the little port display to get a group photo with their boats. It was very cute. 
But I was kind of falling apart. I felt weird. So once I got everything cleaned up I went and out some of the chairs together in the breakroom and laid down. I could barely keep my eyes open. But I was also anxious and kept going to check on the party. Once everyone was done eating she let me have one of the sandwiches which was so nice of her.  And that gave me the energy to finish my shift. But man was I glad to be done. Everyone said I looked off, our security guard said he'd never seen me like that before. I was honestly worried about getting home. But I needed to go to bed. 
I got back here and I found James had washed my sweatshirt and so I changed and laid down. 
I slept for a few hours. I woke up at 330 and was like. No and slept until 5. 
I was glad the sun was still up when I woke up. And I still felt weird but not as dizzy. Still very tired and my eyes are still swollen and my throat feels tight. I think its hard because while I think Im sick, Im not like nauseous so Im like no I cant possibly be sick. I decided that I needed to wash my hair and that would make me feel better. And it helped! I still feel bad but I dont feel as scummy. 
I am still not sure whats going to happen tomorrow. I would like to get groceries with James. But well see honestly. I just dont want to be sick for our trip this weekend. I think now though I am going to go ans dry my hair and get cozy. 
I hope you all have a nice night. Sleep well and feel good. 
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senny74 · 6 years
Zoe was sitting, in silent disbelief...
(/AN/ Hey everyone, last week we had an epilogue of Take a Stand Star of Ceartais and the prologue of third TaS story, The Broken Mirror will be out 18th June. So together with my Bat, @lisiczka-zorua, we decided to write a short oneshot story to fill the gap between the main fic chapters. The story that will follow here is canon to Take a Stand univers, which also means that @crewefox knows about it...  Also I need to thank @esso-is who was willing to help me with this writing and beta-read it despite the state they were in after last SOC chapters. 
so without more babling... Happy Pride Month to everyone reading this, and I hope You will enjoy
I have no idea for title so, I’ll post it without one
Zoe Nightfall-Rojek was sitting, in silent disbelief,  in the kitchen of the apartment she shared with her husband, Aleks. They had been married for 3 months, and manage to get a proper and nice apartment in downtown of Zootopia. But now their peaceful (as for standards of these two) life was about to change dramatically. On the table, in front of her lied pregnancy test in which she stared for an hour now. The test was positive and she simply couldn’t believe her own eyes. Both Aleks and Zoe knew that hybrid kids were something very rare, and despite two of their best friends being hybrids, they never thought that they can have a child of their own. Aleks was about to be back in home within an hour but Zoe couldn’t even process this herself. Finally after another few minutes she burst with tears of happiness.
When Aleks entered home, he didn't even have time to walk into the living room, as Zoe rushed to hug him instantly.
“Oh, hey honey.” the fox laughed barely keeping himself standing. Despite her size Zoe was very strong and she was able to get her fox off foots pretty easily. “I’m so happy to see you too.”
Zoe eased her hug to look into his green eyes, still having tears in her own magenta eyes and she cried happily “I’m pregnant, Fluff tail! Can you believe it? I’m pregnant!” she repeated with excitation and happiness.
Aleks’ eyes turned watery and his smile grew wider, before he kissed his wife passionately keeping her very close to himself.
When they finally stopped, Zoe led her fox to the kitchen and showed him the test so he could see it too. Aleks kissed her again. The rest of the day, the married couple spent hugging each other and watching cartoons on TV.
The news had spread very quickly in their vicinity. Of course the first to know, were Zoe’s parents. She had called her parents the second she woke up. Aleks in that time was preparing breakfast for them. Zoe’s parents were in shock, after their daughter's marriage they didn’t really hope for becoming grandparents, especially grandparents of Zoe’s own kids, but as she told them the revelations, they were very happy. After breakfast Aleks called Skye to tell her why he didn’t show up at work and soon after all of their friends know. Aleks’ parents were last to be informed, because Robyn and Hannah dropped by to congratulate themselves and spend some time with them. For the first week Zoe was still going to work but Ray insisted on her to go for maternity leave. But Aleks was the one to convince her in the end.
The first weeks have passed pretty quickly. Aleks had asked Robyn and Hannah if they could check on Zoe from time to time while he is in work. They agreed and were visiting the pregnant bat whenever they had time off work. Zoe was eating a lot and her taste was constantly changing so Aleks was bringing home kilograms of various fruits.
One evening while they were enjoying each others company and watching some TV series, Zoe couldn’t focus on what she watched. Her thoughts were wandering of to their unborn kid.
“Aleks” She started with asking tone of her voice. “How will it look like? I mean, it’s been three months already and we haven’t even talked or thought about how our kid may look like.” She asked nuzzling fur on his chest with her right claw.
Aleks took his eyes off TV and looked at the Bat lying on his chest. “You wonder if it will be more like a bat or like a fox?” he answered question with question.
Zoe nodded still nuzzling his chest.
“well, I would say it will be more of a bat, that looks a bit like a fox.” Aleks thought aloud.
Zoe giggled. “I wish it will have your fluffy tail.”  
Aleks smiled. “ I wish it will have your eyes.”
“What do you think of fur?” Zoe looked at her husband. “Do You think it will be ginger like me? Or silver like You? Or may be something in between?” her eyes were glimmering with  excitation.
“I don’t think it will have my fur colour. I am recessive you know. I’d say it will be ginger like you.” Aleks concluded.
“hmm” Zoe sounded. “our little fox-bat” she giggled again. Aleks chuckled. “So, Fluff tail, have you thought of any names?”
“Names?” Aleks sounded. “no I haven’t.”
“What do You think of Seth?” She asked.
“Seth?” fox repeated.
“Yeah, Seth. I think its a nice name.” Bat thought aloud.
“It sounds nice I guess. What do You think of Emery?” Aleks continued thinking if names.
“I don’t know.” Zoe stated but after a while she asked. “Aleks, what if its a girl?”
“Emily may be?” he answered almost instantly.
“Hmmm,” She sounded. “Emily Nightfall-Rojek, I think it’s okay?”
“well, I like it.” Fox smiled.  
“Maaay be” Zoe prolonged first word and kissed her fox. “You know let’s talk tomorrow, okay? I’m a little tired now.” She yawned at the end.
“Take You to the bed?” Aleks asked with smile.
“We can stay here, Its pretty comfortable.” Zoe yawned again.
Aleks just smiled. Zoe yawned few more times before falling asleep rather quickly. Aleks took her to bed and soon after he fall asleep too.
Within a month everything in Aleks’ work just get complicated. Half of the agents he had to work with, went for sick leave and the crimes they were working on started to get out of the control. Together with his partner, Aleks was constantly in rush in work, so when he found a second of relief he fall on chair in his office. The fox tried to get few deep breathes before taking a sip of his black tea. He was really tired and he had 4 more hours to work this day. The ring of his phone got him out of his thoughts. He stood up to reach it and saw ‘Robyn’ displaying on the screen.
“Yes?” He picked immediately
“Aleks, we’re in hospital, come here ASAP” Robyn’s voice rushed.
“Hos... what? What happened?” the fox felt cold chills running down his spine.
“Zoe passed out, I got her to the hospital. We are in ICU.” Robyn elaborated.
Aleks felt his guts twitching in all directions. “Get here as fast as you can.” Robyn said again before hanging off. The fox’s breath flattened. His mind was shattered. He collapsed on the floor in misery. It took him a good minute to  regain any thinking capabilities and as soon as he did, he rushed from the floor to the exit of his office. Aleks didn’t say a word to anybody he just rushed out of the building and drove straight to the hospital. Even if it was the middle of the day it took him half an hour to reach hospital in which he’s been told to get to. He felt dreadful, his thoughts were on full paranoid mode. He was forcing himself not to cry from what his mind was picturing. He quickly reached lobby and the female zebra asked him, not taking away eyes from the monitor in front of her. “how can I help sir?”
“Nightfall-Rojek, in which room is she?” Aleks urged.
“Im forbidden to reveal such information to random visitors.” Zebra told off
“What?!” Aleks quirked “what random? I’m her husband, she’s pregnant, I need to go to her.” He insisted, his voice was cracking with fear and now irritation. His wife was in ICU, he already lost half an hour so any second was valid.
“Sir, you are not bat, and we are not letting friends on ICU too, now pleas wait with visits until Mrs Nightfall-Rojek will be signed off.
Aleks stood like salt stone being dumbfounded “Co kurwa?” fox mumbled almost unaudiable in his native language.
He was about to say more but then he heard his surname across the hall. He turned his head towards the direction the sound was coming from.
Hannah  stood in the corridor on the another side of the hall. Zebra looked from the monitor at the fox upon hearing the surname he was called by but he didn’t waste any second and rushed towards his friend.
“How is she?” was first words Aleks voiced after reaching hybrid. She just hugged the fox instead of answering.
“Hannah?” he asked with fear, his irritation was now gone. After she have ended the hug she lead him to Zoe’s room. In front if it Aleks spotted Robyn talking with the lynx surgeon.
The lynx saw them approaching and asked looking at Aleks. “I assume you must be Mr Rojek, right?”
“Yes” Aleks nodded before glancing at Robyn who had sad face. Hannah walked over and hugged her wife. Then Aleks looked back at the lynx. “what happened?”
“We can't tell.” Lynx answered slowly “most certainly its due to this unusual pregnancy.”
“But she was okay all the time. She was going for check outs regularly.”  Aleks mumbled. “And you telling me now that her state worsened within one day?”  
“It was not within one day, sir. This pregnancy was too much for her body, which lead to almost complete exhaustment. Her organs slowly started to fail.” Surgeon elaborated, with profesional tone of own voice.
Aleks covered his mouth with his paw. Fox felt overwhelming coldness, he was schocked with the revelations. His breath flattened so he tried to calm it a bit before asking with fratenet voice. “Is she going to be okay?”
The lynx sighed. “We are doing our best to save her, sir, but...” He cut middle sentence, looking away from the fox.
Aleks had dreadfull feeling in his guts. He whole felt dreadfull. “But?” he breathed automatically.
“We could not save the child. We don't even know if we can save her” the lynx answered slowly.
It felt like cold iron pierced his cheast. The fox shut his eyes to prevent himself from crying but it did not work. Tears started to run down his cheaks. Robyn and Hannah quickly reached him as he colapsed on the knees.
The lynx kneeled next to Aleks and put his paw on fox's shoulder. He spoke through tears with volnurable voice. “I beg you save her, for the love of God, I beg you.”
“I'm sorry, but I have to go back now.” The surgeon stood up. He was sad. He always hurt to tell hard news to family members and that was what lynx hated about his job the most.
Aleks hugged Robyn and now was crying for good.
Surgeon was gone for hours during which Aleks had phone from Skye who was asking why he just run out from job, but coversation quickly turned on depressive way. He has been given two weeks of sick leave, as his partner agreed to work overtime. Both Robyn and Hannah were doing their best to comfort him. After few hours, the lynx surgeon met them again, saying that Zoe will live, but her state is still critical. Aleks did not dare to leave hospital. He was sitting in the room looking over his wife day and all night long, taking breaks only to drink some coffee or eat some food in hospital's cafeteria.
In passing week, Ray visited them and tried to convince Aleks to take some rest but the stubborn Polish fox refused. The next day Skye, together with Robyn and Hannah dropped by and they finally managed to convince miserable looking fox, to sleep. Zoe had woken up after one week. She still was very weak. Aleks told her what happened and ever since then she was crying. It was a fatal blow for the married couple, as their entire world just fell apart.  Another week passed before Zoe was signed off home, but she wasn't herself anymore.
The bat wasn't eating nor drinking for first days, after the sign off, but later she started eating just enough to not pass out again. Both Aleks and Zoe were heartbroken, and funreal of their unborn seemed to just deepen that. In work fox was mare shadow of his old self, but he held better than his wife. She was sleeping all days from exhaustion while Aleks was in work and when he was back, she was hugging him and crying all nights. Ray had given her a two month leave which was just a formality.After one month they started to cope with the truth, Zoe started to eat regulary, and returned to her normal sleep schedule and Aleks regain a bit of his old self. Their life slowly started returning to it's previous state, but the bat never been the same again. She completely changed her look and become less sociable. And even though things seemed to be back on track in life of this two, Zoe still had cry attacs from time to time, she then always hugged her fox. Both of them wished that they could be blessed with child of their own again and that everything would end good.
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chokememrstark · 6 years
The Soulmate Sam Never Asked For // Part 1
Ship: Samifer (Sam Winchester / Lucifer)
Words: 2432 (Chapter 1 / 12)
Fic Summary: Sam absolutely hates the idea of soulmates and when he meets his own he stubbornly refuses to accept what fate has in store for him. Lucifer, his supposed soulmate, actually scares him to no end and he cannot imagine ever feeling any different, no matter what. The more time passes, however, the more he finds himself involved in his soulmate's life against his will. Soon, he's faced with the truth about the rude and cold punk's actual self and has to decide if he turns his back at his soulmate or does what feels right for him, despite the possible consequences.
college!AU, human!AU, soulmates!AU, dysfunctional families, abusive parents, dramatic romance, or romantic drama, your choice, big brother!Lucifer, soulmates hating each other, referenced alcoholism, death and abuse, some violence, and lots of feels, fluff and cuteness, some drama but not too much, lots of bickering, and two damn stubborn soulmates (!!)
Note: My lovely beta reader @brieflymaximumprincess called this a rom-com and even though I don’t believe it is, in my eyes, it does have certain elements of it. This is not the angst you know from me, not at all.
Yes, there is some drama, but there is also a lot of sweet and cute moments, much more than the dramatic ones. I guess you could say I accidentally wrote cute fluff? Because it was not intended, but here we are.
This fic is already completed and will be posted by the regular schedule from now on: Thuesday, Thursday and Saturday! So, enjoy ♥
Tagging: @shebahda   @sassysupernaturalsweetheart    @spnyoucantkeepmedown  @brieflymaximumprincess @multifandomhcsforinsanity @etysky @justasmalltownsuperwholock @humongouscandycoffee @blakechaos08
If you want off the tag list or want to be added, just drop me an ask or IM!
Read on AO3!
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Soulmates are bullshit, that was always Sam’s motto. Who wanted to spend the rest of their life with someone just because fate decided they had to be together? Worked out great for his parents in the end, with his mom dead and his dad becoming an alcoholic. He had decided a long time ago that he didn’t want his soulmate, no matter who it would turn out to be. It wasn’t as if he wouldn’t have enough problems without a relationship already anyways.
Sam was in college for a year now and things were stressful, to put it mildly. The last year had gone by faster than he thought was possible and even his summer holidays seemed to be over in a heartbeat. Now that his brother had volunteered to take him back to campus - a week earlier than necessary because Sam had insisted on it - he felt like he could use two more months to calm down completely.
“Relax, Sammy,” Dean grinned and tapped on the steering wheel with his fingers in sync with the music. “You’re going back to what you enjoy the most, studying your ass off, isn’t that something good?”
“Yeah, easy for you to say,” Sam huffed and crossed his arms. “You weren’t the one who had to listen to dad’s monologue on how I’m wasting his money on becoming a vampire to society.”
“He hates lawyers, you know that.” Dean rolled his eyes. “You’ll see, once you get your diploma he’ll change his mind.”
“If he still has some brain cells left to think by then.”
Dean glared over at his younger brother for a moment, angry and almost judging, but Sam met his glare with the same look, and in the end, they both broke out in laughter that filled the whole car, even drowning ACDC with it.
“You’re not wrong, sadly,” Dean eventually sighed and turned on the blinker to switch lanes. “It’s getting worse with him lately. While you were there he was actually nice, I’m glad I can move out soon so I don’t have to live with how he’s gonna be again once you’re gone.”
“So you’ll take the room?” Sam raised a brow. “I thought you wanted to keep looking to get into a house with only girls.”
“Well, I had to change my plans.” Dean shrugged with a smirk. “The guys are pretty cool, two brothers actually, and they don’t care for what I do as long as I pay the rent.”
“Sounds like heaven,” Sam groaned. “My pothead roommate luckily dropped out, so I won’t have to deal with him anymore. Thank God!”
“As long as it doesn’t get worse with the next one,” Dean pointed out, and Sam literally shuddered at the thought.
“I’m gonna drop out too if the next one is worse, trust me.”
Sam had no desire for a new roommate and as far as he knew no one was scheduled to live with him yet, but unfortunately that could change any day. He hoped to be able to use the first week to plan out his classes and everything in peace; a new roommate wasn’t at all what he wanted.
“You think Dad will manage?” Sam asked instead of continuing the topic, to which Dean shrugged.
“Probably,” he answered. “Either that or we’ll get a call one night that he wrapped his car around a tree. We can’t change it, Sammy, you know that. He just doesn’t care anymore.”
“Yeah,” Sam sighed and looked out the window. “He never recovered from her death, am I right?”
“Happens when you lose your soulmate,” Dean just said, but it didn’t make anything better. For Sam, it only made things worse.
There it was again: soulmates. Did the robber that broke into their house care about soulmates when he stabbed their mom twenty-two times before letting her die on the kitchen floor? Did the police care about soulmates when they interrogated their dad for hours and hours because they suspected him to have killed her? Did their dad’s boss care for soulmates when he fired him because he had to take care of two little boys all by himself and was completely overwhelmed? Of course not. No one gave a shit about soulmates if it wasn’t about their own. Sam hated it so much.
“I hope my soulmate died already,” Sam huffed, meaning every word. “I don’t care for this crap, look what it got us into.”
“You’re just bitter, that’s all. Once it happens you’ll forget this nonsense.”
“You’ll see,” Sam scoffed, dead serious. “I won’t let this bullshit dictate my life.”
Maybe he was bitter, so what? Sam had seen how much suffering and pain soulmates brought upon families and people, and he didn’t want to be a part of it.
The rest of their drive was mostly silent, but when Dean dropped Sam off at Stanford they hugged and Sam promised to be home for Thanksgiving, even though they both knew he probably wouldn’t be. Thanksgiving was always an awful time in their house, they both didn’t want to be there at that time. Maybe they’d see each other on Christmas, that was possible.
During the first week, Sam managed to calm down from his awful holidays slowly. He finished organizing his schedule and by the time the first other students came to campus at the end of the week, he was actually looking forward to his classes starting. Dean called him once to tell him he moved in with the boys, as he called them, and gave him his new address, but other than that nothing really important happened.
His second year officially started and Sam walked into his first class - that’s when things started to change. Sam suddenly began feeling very weird when the doors closed and their professor began speaking. He barely heard his first words because he was too confused by the strange tingling in his body and actually looked around the room to see if he could find the reason for this unusual sensation. At first, he didn’t even think about soulmates, he feared he was just getting nervous or sick when all other students looked at the professor - apart from one here and there that simply showed no interest at all.
Sam shook his head slowly and tried to concentrate, but it remained a difficult task as if something inside of him constantly wanted to look elsewhere. He barely managed to take any notes properly and cursed himself for screwing up his first lecture like that already when it was over. When he walked over to the next one, he truly hoped this annoyingly distracting feeling would go away. Much to his relief, he actually felt much better during his next lecture. Whatever had happened, Sam tried to convince himself that it was just random anxiety flaring up. The rest of the day went by rather smoothly, which helped him in believing his very weak excuse.
There was only one tiny problem that burst Sam’s happy little bubble the next day. While sitting in a different course, he began feeling the same tingling and lack of concentration again, this time much more intense, however. It got so annoying that Sam spent almost the entirety of the time looking at other students and searching for familiar faces in the crowd. By now he did fear that his body’s weird reaction was due to what he hated so much and it didn’t help at all. There were a lot of people he had seen in his first course already sadly, too many to narrow it down to one or two, and they all looked rather disinterested, unlike Sam.
Sam tried his best to ignore this feeling whenever it came back for the rest of the week, but it was nearly impossible. By Friday night, he was so exhausted that he couldn’t even eat before dropping onto his bed and falling asleep. It was draining to constantly ignore his body’s needs and go against his instincts.
When he woke up on Saturday, around noon, which never happened before, Sam decided to call Dean to find out if he knew what the hell was going on. Sadly, his brother knew exactly what he was talking about.
“You really have no idea, do you?” Dean asked, almost laughing at the other end of the line. Sam was not happy about this reaction.
“I have one and I don’t like it,” he huffed and plopped down on the floor. “Tell me I’m going insane or have Malaria or whatever, just not this!”
“Sorry, little brother, but it’s true. That’s your body’s reaction when your soulmate is near you.”
“Oh, come on!” Sam protested and threw his hands up. “Not here! Not now, goddammit! I’ve got lectures to attend, I don’t have time for this shit!”
“You can either live with it or try to find out who’s causing it,” Dean suggested, obviously still grinning like the idiot he was. “It’s your choice.”
“And how do I find out who they are?” Sam asked annoyed. “There are dozens of students and none of them looked like they had the same thing happening to them!”
“Then they hide it pretty well, that’s funny.”
“I’m not laughing, Dean! I called you to help me, not make it worse!”
“Okay, okay,” Dean laughed again. “Allow your brother some fun, geez. You can try to narrow it down if you’re patient, might work.”
“And how do I do that?” Sam was out of ideas and completely pissed off about this.
“Be in class first and watch who comes in. If you start feeling like that again, bingo! You got your soulmate.”
“Seriously, that’s your big advice?”
“A bullet to the head should get rid of it too but I doubt that’s very helpful.”
Sam groaned and slapped a hand against his forehead. As much as he hated to admit it, Dean’s idea wasn’t the worst. Searching for his soulmate his own way had not worked and he had no energy to walk around campus to maybe spot them somewhere. It was worth a try at least.
“I swear if it’s that ugly guy with the dreadlocks and piercings all over I’m gonna throw up and kill myself…” Sam eventually sighed, to which Dean laughed again.
“Who knows, maybe it’s a hot chick with big arguments? You won’t know if you don’t try to find out, right?”
“I’m gonna kill you one day, I hope you know that.”
“Of course, bitch. Tell me when you start dating the dreadlock guy, alright?”
“In your dreams, jerk,” Sam huffed and hung up, but he couldn’t hold back a smile at Dean’s last comment. The idea was laughable, but he still didn’t know who it was, so it might not be too far away from the truth.
Sam debated his new plan over the weekend - luckily he didn’t experience any weird distraction or sensation over those days - and came to the conclusion that it was the best idea he had. There was no downpouring rain when someone met their soulmate or bells ringing or anything like that, so there really was little else to do and find out. When Monday came and his first lecture was ahead, Sam walked into class thirty minutes early just to be completely sure.
At first, nothing happened. Several groups of girls walked in, giggling and laughing, but he felt no different than before. In fact, he didn’t feel anything at all for the whole thirty minutes and already cursed Dean in his mind for this stupid idea when the professor started talking, but then it suddenly happened and he basically spun around in his seat, eyes wide and heart beating mercilessly in his chest. He would have even been happy about the dreadlock guy when he realized who he was looking at right now.
“Mister Milton,” the professor said strict and very annoyed, to which Sam’s heart dropped in his chest. “I won’t tolerate being late to my lectures, this is your one and only warning.”
Sam wanted to hide in his seat when he saw the death glare the blond gave their professor, but all he could do was stare. The guy was definitely older than him, a few years probably, and looked like he jumped straight out of a punk band from twenty years ago. His blond hair stood up in spikes and his clothes were torn and ripped and had spikes everywhere possible. Even his face was creepy, kind of, with this slightly disgusted expression and the pierced lip and ears - Sam only saw one but he was sure both were covered in holes.
“No reason to wet your pants, go take a Valium or something...” the blond said with a low and grumpy voice that sent shivers down Sam’s spine and began walking towards an empty seat in the back row, maybe twenty feet away from the other.
“You can drop this attitude right here and now, Mister Milton,” the professor scolded the student again when he sat down and promptly put his feet down on his desk. “All it will get you is a trip to the headmaster. And now I would like to continue, since everyone arrived finally.”
“You can drop dead for all I care,” Sam heard his supposed soulmate mumble and his jaw nearly dropped at that.
As fast as he could, Sam turned around again, just so he didn’t have to look at this guy anymore. This couldn’t be, this had to be a joke! His soulmate couldn’t possibly be this rude punk that looked like he was in his mid-twenties already and that apparently thought he owned the world?! Sam covered his face in his hands and stopped paying attention to the professor altogether, just cursing himself for even listening to his stupid brother and his idiotic ideas.
During the whole class, Sam couldn’t bring himself to listen to his professor more than half-way, even though he tried his best to focus. He felt nauseous and nervous all the time and it just wouldn’t go away.  At one point it was so bad that he couldn’t stop himself from looking up, of course promptly meeting a very suspicious looking pair of blue eyes. He blushed heavily and immediately turned back around, a cold stone in his stomach and his hands sweating like crazy. Dammit, he should have expected that. The guy was the reason he felt like this and it got even worse when he looked at him. Sam was sure he’d die within another week.
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ellay-gee · 6 years
The Important Things
Ayy check it out, I’m figuring Tumblr out.  What a way to spend a sick day.  It was weirdly ominous that i got very ill the night I posted a sickfic. o.O
also, apologies to mobile readers, as the ‘keep reading’ thing apparently does not transfer over, and I just don’t have the energy to mess with it at this time.  damn fever.
Prompto should probably not be left on his own ever, but especially not when he's running a fever and can barely form coherent speech.
Ignis sighed in frustration as he pinched the bridge of his nose, nudging his glasses up a little as he did.  “Prompto, ginger ale is not medication.”
The voice on the other end of the line was closer to gravel than sunshine, and Ignis winced in sympathy for how painful it must’ve been for the blond to speak.  “Sure id is, Ig.  S’tha cure-all fer what ails you.”
Ignis tapped his foot on the marble floor as he checked his watch. It was difficult to tell if Prompto was just laying it on thick, or if he’d actually somehow gotten worse in the two hours since Ignis left that morning.  “I’ll be home in about six hours.  Do you think you’ll be alright till then?  I can probably send Gladio or Iris over—“
A harsh cough interrupted him before his boyfriend’s voice came back, weaker and a little wheezier.  “Dodo, s’ok.  I probbiss. I got…gidger ale. Add oj with the pulp, so, y’dow…healthy.  And that coddedsed soup; also healthy. I’m juss gonda sleep, Ig.  Just.  I’ll be ok, kay?”
“Condensed soup.” Ignis scoffed, but couldn’t keep the soft smile from his voice. “How you ever made it to nineteen is a mystery.”
“I’b tellig you, s’tha gidger ale. Goddds, Iggy. Feels like I’b swallowig glass.  This is not gonda be good for our sex life.”
Ignis clucked his tongue affectionately. “As if I’d touch you in your current state.”
Prompto let out something between a hack and a laugh.  “Y’dow you cad’t resist me. Lubb you, hab a good daaaay.”
Ignis returned the sentiment and hung up.  He had a feeling that he’d have his work cut out for him when he got home.
Somehow, he couldn’t bring himself to mind.
When Ignis next found himself with an extra moment, it was two hours and eleven texts later.
Prompto →  hey wheres canpoter?
Prompto →  canopner*
Prompto →  the thing that opens cans
Prompto →  im hungry and everything is working abaingst me.
Prompto →  nm its a poptop
Prompto →  stove hates me. Everything hates me. All but you ig. U r bust.
Prompto →  best*
Prompto →  fuck it going back to bed.
Prompto →  shit ur at ur meetings. Sorry.  Gods hope ur shit is on slient.
Prompto →  forvige me?
Prompto →  fuuuck. FORGIVE* me???
Me  → Always
Me  → Please do get some rest.  I will be home as soon as I am able
Me  → And the can opener is in the drawer to the left of the sink
Me  → Where it always is
Noctis groaned next to him, rolling his eyes as he read the messages over his adviser’s shoulder.  “Prom’s sick, huh? He’s the living worst when he’s sick.”
Ignis frowned down his charge. “Yes, he can be a bit much.”
Noctis laughed at that, “Yeah, that’s how you know he’s really ok.  It’s when he starts lying and getting quiet that you have to be worried.
“One time he got the flu and refused to admit he was feeling bad. Kept himself going with energy drinks and cough syrup.  He was loopy as hell and fucking bit it on the track during gym; completely blacked out while running pretty fast and basically ended up with road-rash and a concussion.”
Ignis winced in sympathy. “Hmm, yes. I thought I was successfully keeping him under wraps, but yesterday he slipped out before I woke and went to training.  Cor had to call me to come collect him from the men’s room floor.  Apparently he didn’t make formation and the marshal found him ‘vomiting up everything he’d ever eaten’.  He’s been mewling in bed ever since.”
Noctis gave Ignis a sympathetic expression.  “Poor dude.  Just make sure you don’t get it and give it to me.”
“Of course, Highness.  I wouldn’t dream of getting you ill.  You’re a thousand times worse than Prompto.”
The adviser chuckled as the prince seemed to consider this, finally nodding in agreement. “You’re right. I’m definitely worse.”
The second time Ignis was able to pull away from the meeting long enough to glance at his phone, another hour had gone by. In that time, Prompto had managed to send him seven links to songs he’d apparently listened to and wished to share, a rambling text about how much he ‘lurvd’ the adviser, and an article about how ginger ale could, in fact, settle one’s stomach.
Rolling his eyes, Ignis sent off a sweet text, wishing his boyfriend well and promising he’d be home as soon as possible. With real medicine.
By the time Ignis was finally able to go home, it was three hours and zero texts later.  This was a little disconcerting, so he placed a call to Prompto’s phone as he headed for the garage.  Receiving no answer, he waited for the cheery greeting to end and left a message.
“Darling, I am on my way home.  I need to stop by the pharmacy to collect your medications.  I’ll be there soon, though.  Love you.”
He slipped his phone back in his pocket and hurried his step. He didn’t like being away from Prompto for this long when the freckled youth was sick or otherwise incapacitated.  Ignis learned early on in their relationship that Prompto never wanted to ‘be a bother’, and would instead try to soldier on as if nothing were wrong. He could have a high fever and a sprained ankle, and he’d still insist on going on his morning run and completing his chores around their small house.
Ignis loved him endlessly, but there were times in which he would like to throttle the boy. Prompto’s self-deprecating/self-destructive streak could be rather irksome at times.
He stopped at the usual pharmacy and picked up cold medicine and a few other necessities, doing his best not to tap his foot impatiently as he stood in line. It would still be at least thirty minutes before he’d actually get home.
Though he’d been the one to insist that they get a place near the outskirts of the city, he did find himself regretting it from time to time, if only in instances such as this. But, he’d wanted to give Prompto something beautiful. The boy had been raised in the city, and though they could not move outside the Wall due to Ignis’ duties, the adviser could give him new scenery to explore. So, he’d found a small rental property situated on its own acre of land, nestled in among the rolling hills near the wall. Sure, it was a longer commute, but they spent it together most days which made it bearable.
He enjoyed their late afternoons in their little home; Prompto would wander the hills and the thicket of woods at the back of the property, taking photos while Ignis prepared dinner. They were even considering getting a dog, though Ignis himself would prefer a cat.
He was not going for Prompto’s ‘compromise’ of getting both.
As he turned onto the three mile stretch of gravel road that led to their little home, Ignis pressed the button on his dash to connect the Bluetooth, hoping Prompto would pick up this time. He had several bags and was hoping the other man could unlock the door for him.
He breathed a quiet relieved sigh when the phone was answered.  Prompto sounded awful, not even able to make intelligible sounds on his end.
“I’m almost home, darling.” He said when Prompto gave up talking in favor of hacking up a lung.  “I know you’re not feeling well, but could you—“
Prompto gasped into the phone, his voice ragged. “Iggy.  Ig. S’hot.  I dunno—“
Ignis swallowed hard. It sounded like Prompto had only gotten worse in their hours apart. “I know, darling, I know. It’s probably just because of your fever—“’
Prompto hissed through the line, whining little when he couldn’t stop another string of coughs.  “Nooo Iggyyy.  S’hot. I…the sto..the soup…” he trailed off as he wheezed desperately. “S..ss..smoke.”
With that last sibilant word, Ignis pressed his foot firmly on the gas pedal, his tires spinning in the gravel before gaining purchase, spitting rocks as he sped down the road. “Are you saying there’s a fire, Prompto?  Prom? Can you get out of the house?”
But there’s only coughing and a small thump quickly followed by a larger one from the other end, and Ignis’ stomach tightens considerably.  He brakes only slightly when their driveway comes into sight, the end of his town car fishtailing as he swerved into it. He shut the engine off and snatched the keys from the ignition before stumbling from the car and bounding up the porch stairs.
Smoke was indeed beginning to rise from the small building, and his hands shook as he shoved his key into the door, unlocking it and rushing inside.
Luckily for him, the living room was mostly clear of smoke, though it was heavy in the hall leading to the kitchen. Ignis called Prompto’s name before covering his mouth with his shirt and plunging into the haze.
He tried calling Prompto’s name, but quickly gave up as the smoke penetrated his lungs. His first stop was the kitchen, where he could barely make out the fire was licking up the cabinets above the stove and across the counter for all the smoke. Luckily he was able to spot a flash of Prompto’s bright blue pajama pants on the floor behind the dining table before he moved on in his search.  
Of course he would be as close to the fire as he could possibly get. He would not be Prompto, otherwise.
Ignis shoved this thought aside as he lept into action, kicking a flaming chair out of his way as he rushed towards Prompto. He crouched down, gripped Prompto under his arms and dragged him from the room.
Once far enough from the flames, Ignis scooped the boy up in his trembling arms and strode back out into the early evening air.  He laid Prompto in the grass and crouched down again, this time checking his breathing and pulse.
Thankfully, both were there and at near-normal levels, all things considered. He quickly checked the blond over for more injuries, finding some small burns on his arms and hands and a growing lump on his head where it had presumably struck the floor when he fell. The adviser fished his phone from his pocket and quickly dialed for emergency services before planting himself down on the ground next to his lover, pulling the other’s small frame into his lap.
His throat tightened as he gazed up at their perfect little house while it spat flames into the darkening sky. Ignis swallowed down his panic as he pressed gentle kisses to Prompto’s slack brow, running his free hand in circles on the smaller man’s chest as he rocked them both.
“Just stay out of the kitchen, Prompto.” Ignis said from the doorway as the freckled youth headed inside.  It had been three days since the fire, and they were just now being allowed to come back in and collect anything that may be salvageable.
“I know, I know.” Prompto’s voice was still rough; not only from the cold, but also from the smoke inhalation. He stepped lightly through the living room, heading for the hall.
Ignis followed, taking the same path; both men giving the kitchen a wide berth. Prompto was heading towards their bedroom, finding it mostly intact; just light soot stains covering everything. The adviser pulled out a notebook and began making a list of everything they would need to have packed up and delivered to their storage unit while Prompto began gathering the things they needed right then.
It was a short trip; they collected a few bags of clothing and some of Ignis’ important files. Most of the trunk was filled with Prompto’s camera equipment and various other electronics. While the blond carried the last of their things out to the car, Ignis found himself wandering towards the kitchen, though he was careful to remain outside the room.
He couldn’t help the sadness that swept over him. They’d spent so many mornings in this room, talking softly over breakfast. This was actually the first room they’d made love in when they had moved in. Now, the room was riddled with half-burnt debris and there was a clear spot outlined in soot where Prompto had been laying while fire raged all around him.
What remained of the interior was mostly black, but great chunks of the outside wall were missing and daylight shone through in cheerful juxtaposition to the destruction it illuminated. The fire had began due to a faulty light on the stove; it had not come on to indicate that it was heating when Prompto had put the soup on, and in his sickly stupor, he simply gave up--leaving it on as he went back to bed, believing the stove to be broken. After a few hours, the soup had cooked down and began to burn; the inspector reasoned that the curtains above the stove had probably been the first thing to actually catch fire and it had quickly spread from there.
He supposed he’d been lost in his melancholy longer than necessary, for he was startled out of his thoughts by a hesitant arm encircling his waist.
He wrapped his own arm around Prompto’s shoulders, pulling him closer, smiling a little at the warmth that rose in his chest when the smaller man leaned bodily into him.  
“I’m so sorry, Iggy.” Prompto ground out, rubbing his face into Ignis’ side. “Looks like all your stuff is ruined. Kinda unfair that my stuff’s ok, but you couldn’t save anything of yours.”
“Oh, I don’t know about that.” Ignis squeezed Prompto’s shoulder and dropped a kiss into his hair.  “I saved you, didn’t I? You’re all the ‘stuff’ I need.”
Prompto chuckled, poking Ignis in the side playfully. “The only kind of ‘stuff’ I am is hot stuff.” He waggled his eyebrows suggestively at the adviser, who groaned and rolled his eyes in response.
“I love you dearly, but please save the puns for me.” He laughed a little louder, a little more freely, as Prompto pulled him towards the door.
“Nuh-uh, you don’t own puns, Igs.” Prompto quelled any further argument by pulling Ignis down into a passionate kiss.
It was a cheap way to win the impending playful exchange, but Ignis couldn’t bring himself to mind.
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survivingthejungle · 7 years
today my friend invited me to go to a hypnotist show tomorrow and i thought to myself…….. wow. what a sign that i need to fuckin write this shit
im sorry it took me like 3580582343 months im literally the worst i know
also for the life of me, i can’t do rhymes. so im sorry about not including those. im the worst.
You reminded him of his darling Alice, and that’s the only reason he had interacted with you in the first place.
He came to this city looking for her in the first place. Finding you was not planned, but it was a welcomed surprise.
You were working part time as a barista at a cafe to scrape up enough money to put yourself through school. You met during one of your shifts.
“Jervis?” you called out. He shut the book he was reading and hurried over to pick up the Earl Grey he had ordered. “I like your name,” you mentioned when he was closer. “It’s different.”
He softly smiled before responding. “Thank you. Mother always thought so too, I suppose that’s why she gave me that name in the first place.”
You glanced at the book he was holding in his hand. “Is that ‘To Kill a Mockingbird?’”
“Yes,” he grinned, “It’s one of my favorites. I think I’ve read it about 5,000 times now.”
“I love that book. Have you ever read ‘Fahrenheit 451?’”
He shook his head. “I’ve heard of it, but I have yet to read it.”
“It’s really great. Tell Adam at Border’s on 7th Street that (y/n) sent you, he’ll give you a discount.“
“You know the workers?” he asked.
“Oh my God, I’m down there all the time. I know like everybody who works there. I have a bad habit of blowing copious amounts of my pay on books. I probably need to chill.”
Just like Alice, he mused. Curious, observant, and ever the bookworm. “Nonsense.”
He was back the next day, hoping that you would be working again. When you weren’t, he showed up every single day until you finally showed up, a week later. “(y/n), oh my God. This dude has been lurking after you like… all week. He wears suits and shit and creeps you out when he talks, but he’s not really ugly… sound familiar?” asked one of your friends when you showed up that morning before your shift started.
“Girl I know exactly who you’re talking about. That’s… kinda weird. We talked a little bit but… he showed up every day? Oh my God. That makes me slightly uncomfortable. Thanks for telling me though.
And, sure enough, later that day, he showed up again. He looked absolutely elated to see you. ”(y/n)! Dear! It’s so good to see you again! I was beginning to worry, you know.“
You gave a polite smile. “Oh, yeah. I was sick for a few days, but I’m all good now. Can I get you anything?” you asked, subtly hinting that to you, your interactions were first and foremost professional. You were friendly by nature, but that by no means meant you were friends with everybody you talked to.
He ordered some variant of chamomile tea before asking you, “When do you get off work? If it’s alright by you, I’d like to see you outside the setting of this cafe.”
You were thrown off, and, justifiably, a little uncomfortable as well. “Uh… look,” you said, “Don’t take this the wrong way but, I’d rather not. I don’t really ‘meet up’ with people I’ve only met twice. You seem like a nice enough guy but… not right now.”
He seemed to take it well enough. “I absolutely understand. I overstepped my boundaries, my apologies,” he smiled.
“No worries.”
Looks like we have to do this the hard way, he thought to himself.
He was waiting for you outside the back door of the cafe that led out into the alley behind the building. You weren’t expecting anyone to be there, waiting, so when you saw him you screamed, jumped back, and put a hand over your chest, gasping for air. “DUDE! YOU SCARED THE HELL OUT OF ME! WHAT THE FUCK?” you screamed.
“I know you must be surprised to see me, but I must ask you to calm down.” He held up a stopwatch in his hand. “Let me ask you something: do you hear the watch ticking?”
“Yeah, I-”
You were cut off. “Do you hear the way it’s synchronizing with your heartbeat?” You nodded and mumbled a ‘yeah’, the adrenaline slowly subsiding as you drifted farther into a trance. “I need you to look into my eyes. Not above them, not around them, but deep into their center.” He stepped closer to you. “When I count to three, you will be completely lucid and back to normal. But- when I come back for you, you will answer to the name Alice, and you and I will be together for eternity.” He was at the end of the alley when he counted to three and brought you back to normal.
Understandably, you were frightened beyond belief. He had been there, just a few seconds ago, brought out a stop watch, and then- gone. In the blink of an eye.
You needed a drink.
You walked into the closest bar possible, sat down, and ordered 3 shots. It was one of those night. You must’ve been showing how troubled you were, because a girl working behind the bar placed her hand over yours as she asked you, “Are you alright? You seem upset. Do you need to talk to someone?” she offered.
You smiled gratefully. “That… would be really great. Thank you. I’m (y/n), nice to meet you.” You held out your hand for her to shake.
“Alice,” she grinned.
“That sounds… vaguely familiar,” you told her. “I’ve heard that name recently but… I can’t remember where…” you trailed off. “Anyways, my story.” And you continued to tell her all about the strange man who was pestering you at your job, how he had snuck up on you after work, and then disappeared into thin air.Alice was shocked, and a little bit terrified.
“Did… Did you catch his name?” she asked you warily, carefully picking up pieces of a broken glass a bar-goer broke on the counter.
“It was weird, it was like… ‘Jervis’ or something like that.”
She gasped and her hand slipped, cutting it on the glass and getting her blood all over the bar. “Oh no,” she said, “No, no, no… did any blood get on you?” she asked hurriedly.
“No, I’m fine, but… are you? Girl, you’re freaking out.”
She pulled out a lighter, poured a bottle of Jack Daniels over the broken and bloody shards, and lit it on fire. “We need to go. Now!” She rushed to The front door, beckoning you after her.
“What the hell?” But you ran after her anyways. Better to act now, and ask questions later. You both rushed down the street or about 6 blocks before turning the corner to what you assumed was her apartment building, and rushing up to her floor. You stopped and leaned over, rapidly hyperventilating and trying to catch your breath. “What. The hell. Just happened.”
“First thing’s first… the blood thing. I should tell you this right now, it’s… poisonous. If a person comes into contact with it, they… they go crazy. It’s terrifying, and it’s dangerous. That’s why I had to destroy the bar.” She looked up at you after bandaging her hand with a strip of gauze she got from her medicine cabinet. “Then, the other thing… That man you were talking about… I know him.”
“How?” you asked, “Who is he?”
“He’s… my brother. You need to understand this, he’s… a terrible, evil person. And now he’s got you…” she trailed off.
“What do you mean?”
“He pulled his watch on you. Whatever he said… He’ll come back for you. He wouldn’t go out of his way to control your mind otherwise. Trust me, I… I know what it’s like for him to be inside your head like that.” You placed your hand over her uninjured one.
“You know you can… talk to me, right? I know I haven’t known you longer than like three hours, but… I know you now. And I consider you a friend. And I look out for my friends.” She gave a weak smile.
“Thank you, it really… it means a lot. My brother, he… he used that trick on me a lot. Back before I ran away from him, he… he used to control me… It was to keep me with him, until… He used that control for other things, too, things… things a brother should never do. Not to his sister, especially.” Your heart broke for her, cried for her. That vile bastard, you thought. How dare he. She recollected herself. “And now… Now he’s got you, too. That is, if he can find you…” she trailed off, an idea beginning to form. You could see the wheels turning.
“What are you planning?” you asked her.
“You can hide with me. He hasn’t found me yet, and I won’t let him find you either. We’re friends, we’ll look out for each other,” she promised you.
You stayed at her apartment that night, sleeping in an extremely comfortable recliner chair and about three different blankets. Externally, you seemed to be at peace. But in your dreams, it was a different story. He plagued them that night.
“Dear, sweet (y/n), you know you can’t hide from me forever. You know I’ll find you, somehow. We can be happy,” and you swore you felt something brush your cheek just before you jumped out of your own skin and woke up in a cold sweat, adrenaline rushing. You couldn’t sleep for the rest of the night, terrified he’d walk through Alice’s front door the second you closed your eyes.
god DAMN that took me a long fujckin time to write ho my god im a mess. @gothamandchill girl im so sorry this was for u and i know i hardcore strayed from what you asked and i’m super sorry but i hope u still like it. I’m really bad at writing villains as anything other than villainy, hopefully u can forgive me for that and still enjoy this either way!!
@nellychick i just realized this as well, but i think this is more along the lines of what you were asking for
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Where am I...? What’s happening..? John opened his eyes slowly, seeing nothing but a pitch black room surrounding him, not a speck of light in it.
That alone put him on high alert, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up. A strange sound to his left caught his attention and he jerked his head to the side, eyes wide to see a strange TV attached to the walls, slowly moving out slightly so he could see it better - robotic could describe it.
Then another to his right. They were both black, which confused him until the one on the left switched on. He furrowed his brows, seeing it as if it were in first person. The person was looking down at a letter, the writing looking fancy. It was held up so he could see, and he held his breath for a moment as he heard a voice sounding much like his own reading the letter,
Have you heard that I am on the point of becoming a benedict? I confess my sins. I am guilty. Next fall completes my doom. I give up my liberty to miss Schuyler. She is a good hearted girl who I am sure will never play the termagant; though not a genius she has good sense enough to be agreeable, and though not a beauty, she has fine black eyes--is rather handsome and has every other requisite of the exterior to make a lover happy. And believe me, I am a lover in earnest, though I do not speak of the perfections of my Mistress in the enthusiasm of Chivalry. Is it true that you are confined to Pensylvania? Cannot you pay us a visit? If you can, hasten to give us a pleasure which we shall relish with the sensibility of the sincerest friendship.
Adieu God bless you... A. Hamilton. The lads all sympathize with you and send you the assurances of their love.
John shook his head, more confused than the start. As the person set the letter down and began to write their own correspondence, the screen went black and the one to his right lit up and drew his attention. He saw Lafayette, a young woman in his arms and big grins on both their faces as they danced the night away, not a worry in the world.
Back to the left screen, and he got to see Hercules with his family, none of the squad around them. He was happy without them, spending time with loved ones. Seeing his family again after he’d - John guessed - been through war, being able to return home to them...
they’re better off without you. John’s head jerked up as he heard what sounded like his own voice again. What he saw was what looked like him; same outfit of jeans and his “Nudist On Strike” hoodie, but his hair was messier than usual in his ponytail, blood covering his clothes and hands, bruises littering his body, his lip split... It was horrific, and he felt his stomach churning as he took in that sick blood covered grin and the injuries littering his own body.
“They’re fine without you.” This strange version of himself hissed, causing John to flinch. “You know they are. Alexander’s always had a thing for Eliza, and you got in the w a y. Lafayette and Hercules have their whole lives ahead and they keep putting it on hold because of y o u... Can’t you do a n y t h i n g right? Maybe you can beg dad to take your useless, weak ass back...”
John shook his head, trembling as he put his hands over his ears, but that caused the voice to grow louder, “useless, pathetic, weak, fag, freak!” John whimpered, looking down to see the blood covering his own hands, heard Alexander, Lafayette and Hercules laughing and talking about how weak and useless he was, what a w a s t e of t i m e he was-
John jerked up in bed with a shout, sweat soaking his clothes and blankets. He felt his heart pounding and he shivered as he looked around his cold, dark apartment, then looked toward his clock as he panted. 3 AM.
With a whimper, John fell back in his bed, laying there for a moment before grabbing his phone off the nightstand. He was so hesitant, staring at his messages from his friends before he messaged only one of them, the one he knew was likely to be awake at such a ridiculous time,
[Text; AHam] Un, duex, trois?
He didn’t know what compelled him to send that message; John had always heard and seen his friend whispering it to himself when he was panicking, maybe it’d help him too? But he doubted he’d get a response; maybe Alexander didn’t care or worse, he was asleep and John was stupid and woke him up-
[Text; Turtle Lover] Quatre, cinq, six
[Text; AHam] Sept, huit, neuf?
It was working. It was taking his mind off the nightmare still fresh in his mind, putting a small smile on his face. Suddenly, his phone lit up with a message to their group chat, the Hamilsquad.
[Group Text From: AHam] John’s been holding out on us, he does remember how to count in French! He lied to us, Laf!
[Text from: Turtle Lover] Shut up, Alex.
[Text from: Hunkules] Why the fuck are either of you awake its like 3 am
[Text from: Large Baguette] Que diriez-vous de toi tous vous tais-toi et aller dormir?
[Text from; Hunkules] Alex?
[Text from; AHam] Roughly, shut the fuck up and go to sleep. <3
John sighed, dropping his phone as their conversation continued, but a different text tone caught his attention, and he felt his heart leap into his throat to see three separate private texts from each of them, full of their own level of concern. He only responded to one for the night.
[Text; Large Baguette] Sorry, Laf. Texted Alex bc of a bad dream and he decided to be a dick.
[Text; Turtle Lover] What was it about?
[Text; Large Baguette] not important. im gonna try to go back to sleep, okay?
[Text; Turtle Lover] Do not cry, mon ami. You know we are in this together. We all love you deeply. Doux rêves, ma chérie.
[Text; Large Baguette] Te amo tambien, mi querido. Talk to you tomorrow.
With that, John actually relaxed with the reassurance, letting his watery eyes slide shut. He fell asleep with his phone in his hand, the stress and fear melted away entirely with just a few short words from his friends. He didn’t think he could ask for better people in his life.
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yas-surveys · 6 years
1. Are you an official couple with the last person you kissed? heck no omg
2. Looking back, did you ever think you would be where you are now? idk not sure
3. Do you like someone? yeah sure
4. Is a best friend pissing you off right now? no
5. Are you happier now or three months ago? oh NO HAHAHAAAHA
6. What’s the greatest thing that happened to you today? idk me cleaning my room??? OMG IM LIVING A SAD LIFE SOMEONE TALK TO ME
7. How old do you think you will be when you finally have kids? i hope 27 or smthng
8. Are you waiting for something? waiting for me to feel sleepy
9. If you could change your eye color would you? yeah sure
10. What was the weather like today? i wasnt awake till 4pm today so um, and it was raining when i woke up but stopped
11. Do you think you’ll be married in ten years? hope so
12. Does your ex still love/like you? idk..
13. Are you stubborn? ooOO heck yeah
14. Do you tend to hold a grudge? yeah, its something ive been working on since grade school
15. Where were you at 9am this morning? on my bed watching suits
16. How has the week been? shit
17. Did you go out or stay in last night? stayed in
18. Something you do a lot? binge watch
19. How many states have you lived in? 1
20. Can you commit to one person? yeah, but they cant seem to me!!!
21. Who was the last person to hold your hand? oOoo fuck YO, it was kenn
22. How many chances do you tend to give people before enough is enough? too many
23. Do you think you and your best friend will be friends in 10 years? i hope so
24. What do you miss most about your ex? his smell and cuddles
25. Are you attracted to the last person that kissed you? idk lol
26. What’s a fact about the last person you kissed? he’s studying @ sbu atm
27. Something you really want right now? good night sleep
28. How long have you liked the person you like? idk which one??? HQHAAHHA kidding
29. Does any part of your body hurt right now? nope
30. Did anyone see you kiss the last person you kissed? yeaH and iT CAUSED ME TROUBLE OH MAN
31. Can you recall the last time you liked someone? yeah
32. Are you happy with the way things are going? nope
33. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now? no
34. What plans do you have for tomorrow? binge watch
35. Has a friendship ended recently that you wish hadn’t? nope
36. Ever given your ALL to someone who walked away? YES
37. Have you ever kissed the last person you texted? no
38. Do you and your last ex hate each other? nope we occcasssionallly talk
39. When was the last time you were sick? idk
40. Are you one of those people who are always cold? nope
41. Do you tend to waste a lot of money? yeah..
42. Have you ever regretted kissing someone? nope
43. When was the last time you got a haircut? last march??? but i am going to get one today
44. Did you sing at all today? yeah
45. Would you rather be able to control the weather or control traffic? traffic!! FFS
46. Do you own any articles of clothing with skulls on it? nope
47. Are you faster at text messaging or typing on the computer? i’ll say both
48. If you won a trip to a nude beach would you go or give the trip away? give it away
49. In your opinion which is the stronger emotion: love or hate? i guess love, hate is something that is pretty tiring to do and love is just sometimes unconditional and feels rewarding
50. Tongue piercings - cute or trashy? idk i dont find them cute but if you do have one then good for you?
51. When it comes to jeans: skinny, flared or boot cut? skinny
52. Would you rather be a star ballerina or a star break dancer? ballerina
53. Honestly - can you say that looks don’t matter at ALL? nope
54. When it comes to Baseball would you rather be on the field or in the stands? stands? im shit at sports
55. I’ve got to know, who do you prefer: Mario or Luigi? mario
56. Have you ever changed clothes in a public area (not a dressing room)? yeah
57. How many months apart is your birthday from your best friends? 6 months and 3 months
58. Yes or no: Techno music? depends
59. Yes or no: pigtails? yeah
60. They say diamonds are a girls best friend; what do you say? sure
61. Has anybody ever told somebody one of your secrets? yea
62. Have you ever kissed anybody who had a mustache? nope
63. If you were famous do you think you could handle the popularity? idk TBH
64. Have you ever kissed someone whose name started with a letter P? um nope
65. Did you talk to one of your best friends today? What did you talk about? nope
66. Do you get on better with funny or serious people? funny
67. Do you have mood swings around the time of the month? YEAh
68. Have your friends met the last person you kissed? omg just the other one
69. How old is your oldest cousin? i dont know tbHHH omg
70. What if you saw your best friend holding hands with your ex? well ill be fuCked, thats just oh my god
71. Your last relationship, who dumped who? he dumped me, OKAY THIS IS SAD
72. How old were you when you had your first boyfriend/girlfriend? 15
73. Is your home town nice? idk the traffic here is crazy
74. What if you got stuck in a lift with the last person who Facebook messaged you? im too lazy to look at who
75. When/where did your last hug take place? at the streets lmao before heading home after thrifting with my best friend
76. Do you consider yourself mature enough to make your own decisions? yeah
77. Have your parents ever told you about their love lives, and any previous relationships they had before they met? they r each other’s firsts so
78. You get a text from someone saying that they want to hang out - who would you most like it to be from? enzo
79. Do you and your friends have any inside jokes? yeah!
80. Do you think someone has feelings for you? Are these feelings returned? I HOPE SO but i dont know them YETTTT lmao IM SO SAD
81. What if the last person you texted were to ask you out? im too lazy 2 check
82. Do you believe in love at first sight? Explain. heck no
83. Would you prefer to be somewhere else right now? If so, where? And why would you prefer to be there? yea, i prefer to be on the beach tbh
84. When you listen to music, do you ever find that the songs affect your moods and change how you feel? YES
85. Can you remember what you dreamt about last night? nope
0 notes
byjove-cannibalcove · 7 years
By Jove What a Spend, [28.09.17 05:21] i just had the most bullshit fucking scary dream
✨ Bee ✨, [28.09.17 05:21] Ttell new
✨ Bee ✨, [28.09.17 05:21] TELL ME wow
By Jove What a Spend, [28.09.17 05:22] im going to hero academia (Which looks different)
im working on my list to get the house worked on, and i remember that there is a room on the upstairs hallway being unused
i ask BEar and Amie why they live in what is essentially a closet when im pretty sure by the floor plan that the unused room is bigger
amie, mattter of factly, tells me they cant live there because its haunted
By Jove What a Spend, [28.09.17 05:23] im like 'oh, does it make creepy noises or something? give you bad feeelings?' and shes like 'yeah, but mostly its haunted as shit and id rather live in the closet, frankly
By Jove What a Spend, [28.09.17 05:23] sshe says she put in a request with the ghost-person at the school to come take care of it ages ago, but the wait is really long for her so for now she just avoids the room
By Jove What a Spend, [28.09.17 05:24] i ask if its just a particular object in there or something, maybe since i  go to the school i can get this done faster, since  i want bear and amie into a real room, and shes like 'oh sure, its this old box'
By Jove What a Spend, [28.09.17 05:25] brings me in and this fucking box is more like a small wooden playpen, like, you can totally close it up but its just a box with painted house things in it, like a featureless barbiehouse, maybe, you could only really put a super small baby in it and its striking e as an 1800s sort of thing
By Jove What a Spend, [28.09.17 05:26] she tells me this bullshit scary story about the box as im manhandling it and trying to figure out if i can move it out of the room (and yes its creepy looking because of the dark wood and faded paints, but its basically only painted with like doll furniture, nothing inherently creepy)
By Jove What a Spend, [28.09.17 05:27] the scary story pretty much sums up to the family always putting the baby in here to play with toys and the baby would scream and thrash and freak out
By Jove What a Spend, [28.09.17 05:27] and theyd close the lid on it so the baby couldnt get out, and the baby would CLAW at it and scream and beg to be let out
By Jove What a Spend, [28.09.17 05:27] any toy that went in there with it the baby would twist and tear apart
By Jove What a Spend, [28.09.17 05:28] when the baby started speaking a little they asked why it hated the box and the baby just says "Bubzee *bad*"
By Jove What a Spend, [28.09.17 05:28] even in dream i remembered bubzee is a name of a shitty video game cat and i commented o it and laughed, but i was sort of filled with DREAD
By Jove What a Spend, [28.09.17 05:29] like i felt cold and tingliy and like cold fingers were going through me and i felt SICK after hearing this
By Jove What a Spend, [28.09.17 05:30] so i go to the school to talk to the ghot person there, and there is like a big party or festival going on or something, like present mike is standing up on buildings and its kinda smokey and tis really cool and fun and loud there are fireworks, its a fucking blst but i still feel that COLD SICK DREAD
By Jove What a Spend, [28.09.17 05:30] and im just shouldering past people making my way t the area i know the ghost person is in
By Jove What a Spend, [28.09.17 05:31] i get stopped at the edge of the area, person tells me 'she doesnt see just anyone, most people arent really haunted, shed just be inundated constantly if she talked to every personthat feels a little creepy because an item from a garage sale is a little old'
By Jove What a Spend, [28.09.17 05:31] and i tell her i go to this school and i dont mean to bother her, but im almost sure this is real, i just need her to come see this box at my house, its realy important, it doesnt even hve to be today
By Jove What a Spend, [28.09.17 05:31] im grudgingly let past
By Jove What a Spend, [28.09.17 05:32] the ghst lady is this small meek quiet lady (picture the ladyfrom Shape of the Water' (whatever that movie is called, she looks Meek)
By Jove What a Spend, [28.09.17 05:32] and she looks at me and fucking SCREAMS< like real horror there
By Jove What a Spend, [28.09.17 05:33] and im like 'i think i might be haunted by a ghost?' and shes scrambling away fucking terrified and shes like 'thats a fucking DEMON oh my GOD'
By Jove What a Spend, [28.09.17 05:34] like this woman is freaking out like a horror movie victim, this woman usually gets people bringing her like a music box with a sad little girl ghost attached to it, will gently tell the ghost not to be creepy and then tell the humans to take better care of the box, shes a sweet ghost and she just wants to hear her music sometimes
By Jove What a Spend, [28.09.17 05:34] but not
By Jove What a Spend, [28.09.17 05:34] bubzee is a fucking FEMON
By Jove What a Spend, [28.09.17 05:34] and its ATTACKING you
By Jove What a Spend, [28.09.17 05:34] and she has NO WAY to do anything about it
By Jove What a Spend, [28.09.17 05:34] liek shes scrambling away rom me and crying because whatever shes seeing is so scary
By Jove What a Spend, [28.09.17 05:35] *I* cant see anything at all but im now crying and freaking out because that cOLD SICK HORROR has never left me but now im also PANICING
By Jove What a Spend, [28.09.17 05:35] and she keeps trying to grab my hand to pull me away from it but shes so SCARED like shes trying to grab something away from  a rabid dog and trying not to get bitten herself
By Jove What a Spend, [28.09.17 05:35] like shes so scared to be ear me, so afraid this thing will attach to HER
By Jove What a Spend, [28.09.17 05:37] and she ends up leading me in an utter panic back into the festival and we are trying to get to present mic, begging the crowds to move, we need present mic to call over the crow for someone ANYONE that can fight intangible monsters, but we can barely move for the weird sick feelings and lightness that keep taking me and she is terrified to leave me alone and terrified to leave
By Jove What a Spend, [28.09.17 05:37] i wake up before we get to present mic but i woke up with the SIC COLD DREAD and was NOT having it
✨ Bee ✨, [28.09.17 05:40] JESUS. your nightmares are always so INTENSE
By Jove What a Spend, [28.09.17 05:42] I KNOW AND I HATE IT
0 notes
crowoftheeast · 7 years
Bored on a weekend
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say?
Hell yessssss ( the dumb)
2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?
A lot, Everything. Everything a couple is we are.
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?
I would care, I’d do my best to convince them to stop but if not then,.. welll au revoir
4. Is your last name longer than six letters?
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober?
Sober and nom <3 
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?
No, not really. I mean, I confessed to  them and it made things weird and now we arent even friends. 
7. What does your last received text say?
“ Proud of you!” - Tracy <3 
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?
Enough to make it a kiss a day. ( only seeing them 1-2 times a week)
9. Where was your last kiss at?
The dumbs bedroom *u*
10. When is the last time you saw your sister?
11. What do you drink in the morning?
12. Where did you sleep last night?
My house
13. Do you think relationships are hard?
They are stressful sometimes but not hard if you communicate. 
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you? 
Maybe not be such a pussy. I begged to be a cashier only to fuck it up. which was a huge regret.
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?
Opposite of a problem! <3 
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?
Pajama pants
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?
I better be.. ill be so depressed if im not
20. Does anyone like you?
Besides the dumb? probably not lolol 
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?
22. Is the last person you kissed gay?
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?
Always! but I have an issue where I pick at things on my skin that shouldnt be there. I’m afraid i’d tear my skin apart if i had one
25. In the past week have you cried?
Yes. work is stressful
26. What breed was the last dog you saw?
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?
Out, air dry is best and hard to do so in a steamy shower
28. Have you ever kissed a football player?
Close... I had one from school who said they would but... nope
29. Do you think you’re old?
Yes. I am very old ~n~
30. Do you like text messaging?
Who doesnt? im too shy to talk 
31. What type of day are you having?
a good bad one. I couldnt be there for the dumb who is sick but other than that its been cool
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
warm right now because winter was horrible.
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?
36. Are you a simple or complicated person?
Simple I like to believe
37. What song are you listening to?
Catch fire - Periphery
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it?
OF course, ill fight tooth and nail if im not sorry.  39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?
TRacy  40. What made you start liking the person you like now?
Headstrong, determined, and holy heck cute.  41. When did you last receive a text message?
12:30 from Tracy  42. What is wrong with you right now?
Im really tired
43. How well do you know the last female you texted?
I know what i can. It’s harder not being friends in real life but I feel we are pretty open 44. Does anyone disgust you?
yessssssss 45. Would you date someone right now if they asked?
I am dating the dumb <3 46. Are you in a good mood right now?
meh, its a good but could be better mood 47. Who was the last person you talked to in person?
My mom 48. What color shirt are you wearing?
Black  49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear?
No  50. Anyone you’re giving up on?
As friends, no. I love them all too much 51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?
YES >:( how dare he make me feel so strongly about a person. 
on serious note. I do and dont. I hate that I still think of him but I would love to speak to him again. Just one more time.
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?
Yeeeeeeeeep 53. Do you like rain?
Love it! 54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?
I drink, I worry about the dumb and dont want him to go over board but i dont mind a drink or 2 55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?
No, I am honest and will admit it. 56. Do you like to cuddle?
Loooooooove I want to cuddle always 57. Are you shy?
Extremely. When I speak, my hand goes to my necklace because I feel it helps calmmy nerves 58. Do you get along with girls?
The same as I do with guys.  59. Have you dated the person you texted last?
Nope. 60. What do you carry with you at all times?
Perfume and tea 61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?
FUCk YESSS 62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?
Ive been in one for 5-6 years and still going strong 63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship?
yes 64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?
I faint, good night 65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?
Wednesday I spent the night with the dumb and when we woke up he just pulled me in super close and we fell asleep with my face buried into his chest and his arms gently around me with his hand on the back of my head and I nearly cried because it was the best thing ever.
I want to live with him so bad. He’s so freaking cute.
66. How old are the last three people you kissed?
21, and only 1 . I never have kissed anyone but the dumb
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself?  
Do them myself.    68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print?    
91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool?    
92. Have you ever made out in a car?    
Yes 93. …Had sex in a car?    
Not yet hurr hurr hurrr... never that would be so uncomfortable and awkward 95. What were you doing last night at midnight?    
roleplaying 99. Have you ever passed out from drinking?    
Almost every time I drink because im dumb 100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate? 
No, I only friend people I trust and like. No sense being fake    101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?    
yes but we goooooddddddddddddddddddddddddd 102. Name your favorite Kesha song:    
the one where she sings 103. Do you have any tan lines right now?    
LOLOLOLOL no. 104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts?    
0 notes
chokememrstark · 7 years
A Dangerous Game // Samifer
Chapter: 13/15
Words: 2871
Summary: Sam comes across a very interesting book that describes a ritual in which one can play a game with the Devil. His curiosity is sparked and even if he doesn’t think he will ever actually do it, Sam soon finds himself face to face with this very entity. Things take a very unpleasant turn, but despite that, Sam is going back, as if something pulls him towards Lucifer.
abuse, violence, bullying, black magic, no hunter!au, a lot of angst, a lot of hurt/little comfort
Note: Because I feel I need to add this: Dean is pretty much a complete asshole in this story, so if you’re uncomfortable with that you might want to reconsider reading it (or tell yourself he is completely ooc, fine with me too xD)
Note²: There is a lot going on in this chapter, I apologize in advance for the angst ^^
AO3 Link
Thanks to @sassysupernaturalsweetheart & @brieflymaximumprincess for their wonderful beta reading and keeping me company while writing this story ♥
Tagging: @spnyoucantkeepmedown @samlicker83  @wait-what5 @xantcear (if you want to be tagged, just drop me an ask or contact me via IM)
Sam slept for almost fourteen hours straight this night, waking up way past two in the afternoon with what felt like a nasty hangover. His head felt like it would explode when he opened his eyes and the bright daylight hit them, so he quickly covered them with his blanket, groaning in pain. Apart from the horrendous headache, Sam experienced an extreme nausea, which he was barely able to control.
“What the hell…” he growled into his pillow, fighting with himself to not throw up right now into his sheets. Something was wrong with him, but he was unable to think at the moment, yet alone figure out why he felt this way.
It took almost an hour before Sam finally managed to crawl out of bed, only to rush to the bathroom and empty his stomach right away. When he was able to get back on his feet, legs shaking and holding onto the sink, what he saw in the bathroom mirror looked like a corpse. He had dark rings under his eyes, which themselves were completely dull, and his skin was much paler than usual, almost white.
“Shit… I’m getting sick…”
A sickness was the most logical explanation Sam could come up with and even if is wasn’t that, he had no strength to actually care right now. He brushed his teeth to get the disgusting taste out of his mouth, then dragged himself back to the bed. Within seconds, Sam was out again, his weakened body unable to stay conscious.
When he woke up the next time, it was around six and Sam didn’t wake up by himself, but by an agonizing pain in his chest, that made him feel like he would explode. It only lasted for a few seconds before simply vanishing, but this short time had been enough to make him break out into cold sweat. He only lasted a few minutes awake before, once more, drifting into a sleep that was more or less a black out.
When it was long dark already, Sam’s eyes fluttered open again at the sound of knocking on his door. He didn’t recognize the voice because everything sounded like it was muffled through a pillow, but he still forced himself up and slowly made his way to the door to unlock it. His hands were clawing the wooden door as he opened it, shaking and weak. He barely recognized the figure in the frame was his brother’s before collapsing in front of him.
“Sammy? Sammy, stop playing games!” Dean’s voice was confused, then angry, and he knelt down next to his brother. He poked the younger one with a finger, feeling the fever he had and finally realized Sam wasn’t pretending. “Shit!” he hissed.
With a lot of effort, Dean managed to pull Sam back onto the bed and got him out of the pants that were sticking to his skin. His brother’s breath was short and his chest moved heavily, but no matter what he tried, it was impossible to get him to wake up. Eventually, Dean went to the bathroom and took a cloth, holding it under cold water and then carefully laid it onto Sam’s forehead, in hope of it helping with the fever. Their dad was gone, so the Impala was gone too and the next hospital was two towns away. He decided that, if Sam wasn’t better in the morning, he would call an ambulance. For now though, Dean had little choice but to let Sam sleep and hope for the best.
Sam didn’t notice anything his brother did. Instead, he was trapped in a nightmare that kept repeating itself and that made less and less sense every single time he went through it. He heard an unfamiliar voice shout at him in a language he couldn’t understand and shouted back in the same way. The man who shouted at him was tall, with short, dark hair and seemed to be furious with anger and then, without a warning, he was pushed and fell. The fall felt endless, all the while Sam was screaming from the pain on his back - a burning and crushing, as if his skin was torn apart, almost torturous in its intensity. When the fall finally ended, all he could see was fire and he screamed again as flames began to consume him, begging for mercy and release from this hell. Then, it all started again and whatever he did, Sam was unable to do anything else. He was forced to live through the same scene again and again, with no way to escape.
In the morning, Sam finally woke up again. He still felt hot, but it wasn’t as bad as during the night anymore and when he turned his head, he noticed the wet cloth on his pillow. Narrowing his eyes, Sam pushed himself up with his elbows, only to be met with a sharp pain in his head. He gasped and grabbed his head, finding the pain gone as quick as it had come. The noise he made, however, was enough to alarm his brother and soon after he fell into silence, heavy footsteps were outside his door.
“Sammy?” Dean ripped the door open and rushed to the bed, immediately laying a hand on his brother’s forehead. Sam pushed it away angrily.
“Stop screaming!” he groaned. “My head feels like a train hit me.”
“You were burning last night, what the hell did you do? Do you want to die and get me into trouble or what?”
“Yeah, that’s your only problem, of course!” Sam scoffed. “Screw me dying, you could get into trouble! How horrible!”
“What did you take, Sam?” Dean asked again, frustrated and ignoring Sam’s protest to inspect him. “Crack? Coke? H? What?”
“Oh, shut up!” Sam pushed Dean away this time, with more force than before. “I’m not doing drugs, you idiot! I got a virus or some shit, that’s all.”
“You were half dead, Sam!” Dean protested. “I swear, if I find anything in your room I’m gonna -”
“Yeah, yeah, I got that from dad already! I’m gonna get the beating of my life, bla bla bla. Thanks for picking me up, but now leave me the hell alone, I wanna sleep.”
“You ungrateful bastard think I’m just going to do what you say?” Dean provoked Sam, who felt a hot sting in his stomach as anger built up in him.
“Leave. Me. Alone!” Sam was shouting at the last word, which had a weird effect on his brother.
Dean actually flinched and gave Sam a confused glare. For a moment he opened his mouth to talk back, but shut it again without a word and turned around to leave. As soon as the door shut behind him, Sam fell back onto the pillow and closed his eyes. The hot feeling in his stomach was gone again, but when he had shouted at Dean, something interesting had happened to him, too. It had felt like a short electric shock that rushed through him, a little like when he had held Lucifer’s hand, but much less intense, so much that be had barely noticed it.
“What is happening to me?” he asked the ceiling, of course without getting an answer.
He had slept for over a whole day, without eating anything and had experienced the worst nightmares in his life. Was it because of what had happened between him and Lucifer? What if this was the reason and he wasn’t the only one who was affected by it? At this thought, Sam darted up.
“I need to talk to him,” he said. “Now.”
Carefully, to not cause himself any more unwanted pain, Sam got on his feet and locked his door again. He thought about it for a moment, then took his blanket and wrapped it around himself, rather than getting dressed, and reached under the bed for the candle. He had pushed the razor into the wax the night before and now lit the candle, then cutting into the same finger as before to let the blood fall into the flame before closing his eyes.
Lucifer? Are you there?
Sam opened his eyes, meeting Lucifer’s in the mirror and let out a relieved sigh.
“You’re alright,” he whispered.
Lucifer, however, eyed him very closely and what he saw wasn’t satisfying him apparently. He leaned forward and gave Sam a strict look.
“What happened to you? You look like you have seen a ghost, or worse.”
“I feel sick,” Sam admitted and held his head with one hand. It was still hot and he felt a little dizzy, but he had to stay quiet or otherwise Dean would find out what he was doing. “I slept since now…”
“I would hope so, it is barely morning,” Lucifer huffed, but Sam slowly shook his head.
“I mean, I slept until now since I sent you away. Dean says I have a fever and was burning hot last night and I had horrible nightmares.”
“Nightmares?” Lucifer’s interest was sparked at this, but not in a good way.
“I… argued with someone,” Sam remembered and closed his eyes to concentrate better. “He spoke some weird language, like me. A tall, black-haired man, maybe in his thirties or something, I can’t remember…”
Lucifer didn’t interrupt Sam, but the more the boy spoke, the more his skin lost its color .
“We argued and then… he pushed me,” Sam shook his head slightly. “I never felt such pain in my life. It was horrible, as if I was torn apart and my back was ripped open. And then there was fire and everything started over again.”
Sam opened his eyes again, expecting Lucifer to provide some kind of explanation, but all he saw was the most terrified face he had ever seen. Lucifer’s eyes were completely empty and wide and Sam’s heart ached at the sight. He had never seen Lucifer even close to this and all his own pain was blown away looking at him.
“Lucifer?” he asked quietly and crawled closer to the mirror, without even thinking about it. Seeing Lucifer like this broke his heart. “Lucifer, please talk to me.”
“I… I am fine,” Lucifer said slowly, but his expression still didn’t change.
“I’m sorry I told you, I didn’t mean to -”
“No,” Lucifer finally blinked and turned his head, looking at the visibly scared Sam. “You couldn’t have known. Your dream… it happened.”
“What?” Sam’s fear turned into confusion. “What do you mean it happened?”
“Sam… what you saw was one of my memories.”
Eerie silence filled Sam’s room as he tried to wrap his head around this new information. Even after minutes, he couldn’t believe what he had just heard.
“Your memory…” he eventually whispered, still in shock.
“You must have gained access to it when we touched, I’m sorry. It must have been overwhelming.”
“It was, but… you said it’s your memory. So, it happened to you?”
“A long time ago, yes. It’s not a pleasant memory, as you might have noticed. No wonder you are sick, a memory this strong would have undoubtedly already ended your existence if you were anyone else.”
“And why not me?”
“I thought about it, but I couldn’t find a solution,” Lucifer sighed. “There is something that makes you stronger, which is why you survived this experience. Why you got it in the first place, however, I don’t know.”
“I was worried you might go through something similar,” Sam admitted a little embarrassed. “I wanted to know if you were alright.”
“That’s very kind of you, Sam,” Lucifer said, giving the boy a soft smile. “But I feel well.”
“You… didn’t experience anything?” Sam was a little disappointed for some reason.
“In fact, I did. But it wasn’t something unpleasant.”
“What was it?”
“It was like a vision of children playing on a field in the snow. They were laughing and had a lot of fun. It was… rather calming.”
When he heard the words, Sam smiled contently. He knew what Lucifer talked about. At the age of five, he went to a pre-school in a different town. This winter was the first that he had experienced snow and the whole class had spent the whole afternoon on a nearby field, playing and sledding. It was the best day he could remember.
“I saw one of your memories, am I right?” Lucifer asked, already knowing the answer.
“Yeah. It was the best day I ever had in preschool,” Sam said. “But why do I have one of your memories and you have one of mine?”
“It must have happened when we touched, somehow we exchanged them in the process.”
“Weird,” Sam huffed, but still kept his smile. “I wonder why you got a good memory and I got a bad one.”
“I don’t have many good memories, Sam,” Lucifer smiled sadly. “Your memories consist of sixteen years, mine of eons. If you would have gotten a good one, I would be very surprised.”
“Can you remember a good thing?” Sam was wondering, honestly. “I mean, I read a lot of lore in school and libraries, but I don’t think most of it was actually true.”
“If you are referring to me being an angel before becoming the Devil, your lore is correct,” Lucifer said, pausing for a moment. This was a very personal topic for him and usually he wouldn’t speak about it. Sam, however, was genuinely interested in what he had to say it seemed and didn’t want information to use them against him. So, eventually, he continued. “I was an angel, I had brothers and yes, I fell. What you have experienced last night was my memory of it.”
“Of your… fall?” Sam was shocked. Yes, he had read of Lucifer’s fall from Heaven, but he never imagined it being like this. He had imagined a war, fighting, not what he had experienced.
“My brother cast me out, at the will of our father,” Lucifer noticed Sam’s confused glare and nodded. “Yes, I am talking about God. I never told anyone about this, but you have seen what happened, this is different. Michael, my older brother, did it. I begged, pleaded, asked him why he was so blind to see the truth I had seen. But he wouldn’t listen. Michael was the loyal son, he never questioned an order, never questioned our father’s words.”
“Your own brother cast you out of heaven?” Sam was close to tears.
“Father ordered it and Michael obeyed, yes,” Lucifer confirmed. “When an angel falls, their wings will burn to ashes. That was the pain in your back you experienced.”
“It must have been horrible,” Sam’s voice was thick from a sadness he had never thought he could feel. He wished he could take everything that had happened back; take the painful memory away from Lucifer.
“You cannot fathom the true pain, Sam. Be glad about that,” Lucifer sighed sadly. “It has been a long time since I thought about what happened, but I have received my punishment for the treason I have committed. You know my consequences.”
“Becoming the Devil, yeah… say, Lucifer, do you regret what happened?” Sam caught the surprised glance from the other, smiling slightly. “I mean, that you did what you did. Would you rather be back home?”
“No, I don’t regret what I did,” Lucifer shook his head. “My punishment did not fit the crime, I did not lie when I did what I did. In fact, I never lied before I fell. I refused to love humans more than I loved my father and my brothers, for this, I was punished. When you experience such a huge injustice that it shatters your world and your faith is destroyed beyond repair, you do what you have to do, what you feel is the right thing.”
“I know what you mean,” Sam sniffed and wiped a stray tear away from his eyes. “I’m so sorry you had to go through all of this. It’s not fair that you are punished for wanting justice.”
“You don’t have to feel sorry for me,” Lucifer answered with a sad look on his face. “I am what I am, it has been like this for almost as long as your world exists. It’s how it was supposed to be.”
“Still,” Sam shook his head. “You don’t deserve this. Being punished for loving someone is just wrong...”
Lucifer stayed silent, but Sam understood. He was a proud being, Sam showing pity towards him was scratching on this pride and he wouldn’t admit it.
“I should try to sleep a little more,” Sam mumbled after a while, his head beginning to hurt again already. He was glad Lucifer was safe and didn’t suffer, but he was still very tired.
“You should rest, yes,” Lucifer agreed with a calm voice. “I am grateful for your concern, Sam. I really appreciate it. Now look after yourself and get well again.”
“I will, promised,” Sam smiled. “If you don’t mind, I will talk to you again when I feel better.”
“I am looking forward to it.”
Sam put out the candle between his fingers and smiled at the mirror.
“Goodbye, Lucifer.”
“Goodbye, Sam.”
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