#im disabled huh
lovestruckficto · 1 year
ok i know that P03 cuffs you to the table so you can’t like. get up and Figure Shit Out but theres also this part of me that’s constantly thinking like, he totally doesn’t realize this completely impacts the way the (ingame) player can play the game bc he only has one arm himself
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
To terminally-ill disabled people: you aren't going to be forgotten. You deserve a space here in this world no matter how long you'll be here. You deserve every chance to be happy, to be welcomed, to be understood, to be accommodated, and to be taken care of to the fullest extent. You haven't "given up," you are so incredibly important, and it takes so much to be in your shoes. I hope you can find pride in who you are. Your existence is meaningful.
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yikes-ajax · 7 months
So it's fine when I walk around with a cane, but when I run on all fours it's "unacceptable" and "terrifying"
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martyrbat · 1 month
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for context someone commented theyre appreciative that a youtuber has an epilepsy warning for violently flashing lights & an audio cue for when theyre over
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stonerzelda · 2 months
idk what to say anymore lol like kinda have to think im the problem when it comes to jobs now....maybe i am asking too much to have decent customers And coworkers And like general good environment. Idk. I just complain about every job i get which on one hand: duh but in the other: ok u probably cant have it both ways gabi lol
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leonardoeatscarrots · 4 months
I hate venting here, but oh my god, my parents keep calling me Quasimodo and hunchback because they think it's endearing
(I have a limp and a bad slouch so I sort of hobble around)
This happened a few days ago, but I'm still in a What. The. Fuck. state of shock and almost horror at how one could even *begin* to think that would ever be an okay, let alone endearing, thing to call someone regardless of whether or not they're disabled. The actual fuck.
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gilbirda · 6 months
the autistic urge to correct people online
*the gif of the guy vanishing into dust*
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whatberry · 8 months
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i am become silly, destroyer of worlds
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deus-ex-mona · 9 months
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tfw you’re just trying to look up some current affairs and end up on a late night wikidive instead
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SO. i was in Sydney recently for an appointment, and since it's so far from where i live my friends and i decided to make a few days of it. one of the things i wanted to do was go to some sex stores, because, yknow, i am an adult who does adult things.
the one issue: i'm in a wheelchair. you wouldn't THINK it'd be an issue, but every single store without fail was upstairs on the second level with absolutely no lift. one of my friends theorised that it might have been that they were heritage buildings so they can't install lifts, but that's... not really true. heritage buildings DO get modified. i live near a heritage building that's getting completely renovated right now.
it's. really just painfully obvious that people forget wheelchair users exist unless they're literally forced to remember us. the adult stores weren't the only place in sydney that were an issue, but they were definitely the most noticeable because it was literally fucking all of them, and it makes me so fucking angry because all of them were so prideful of being "accepting". they'd be all "queer welcome here" with pride flags and big signs and. yeah. "everyone" is welcome. unless you're a cripple. im fucking tired.
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bunnyb34r · 4 months
It was ! He had a head trauma as a child and also has ADHD which is why he has memory issues sometimes so he's unable to get a real job. Also the memory issues is why he plagiarised everything, he would copy text for 'refenrence ' and then forgor what he himself wrote and what he copied :(((
Speaking as someone whose head had been glued 3 separate times as a child before the age of 7, had 4 concussions in one school year, and has ADHD myself, I think I'm MORE than qualified to say: what a fucking loser lmaoo
Find a goddamn job that doesn't need you to use other people's work to "reference" then. Work retail like the fucking rest of us ya fucking pussy. Cope bitch.
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friesian · 5 months
i hate my roommate. idk why she gets to say rude and downright ableist shit but god forbid i tell her she's being rude and ableist then i'm the jackass for it.
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idk how i can still be all oh im not disabled. when i am chronically fatigued all day every day
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saltedsolenoid · 1 year
I think it's almost the one year anniversary of me becoming randomly and strangely disabled
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absentmoon · 1 year
i got called a crip today who gets to the perpetrator first
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healingheartdogs · 1 year
Love having talks with my parents (/s) where they tell me I "need to stop living in fear and get back out in the world" and that they haven't stopped living because of COVID and they don't even mask and it's fine because they got it once and it was just like allergies to them and "it's not even that bad it's just like the flu or a cold", ignoring that I also have had COVID before and was in the most extreme all over pain I have been in EVER in my entire chronically ill chronic pain suffering life for over a week to the point that I was mentally begging the universe to just let me die toward the end of it so it would finally be over and am now left with significantly worse chronic fatigue, chronic pain, and heart issues than I had already before because of long COVID. Also my sense of taste and smell have still not fully recovered, which is a sign of lasting neurological damage.
But it's just fearmongering, clearly, and I'm just falling for government propaganda (even though the government has said COVID is over and that we don't need to take precautions anymore because they value profit over human lives). Sure. Makes sense.
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