#im doing fine overall tho i promise
#i feel. so sick rn .#it has hit me like. oh yeah. my last day of work is in 2 days. i am never going to see any of these people again.#that post abt like. the light that follows u around and glows when its the last time youre ever gonna see someone/do something#. its haunting me rn#laying. on the fucking floor#:|#<< current emotion#im like. feeling every emotion known to mankind /neg and they are all cancelling each other out so im Actually feeling nothing.#im like. excited to go home bur also the idea of . living in proximity to certain people/places again is making me sick to my stomach fr#like! i escaped! i fucking escaped and got out and im free and . i am Choosing to go back now. why the fuck am i doing that#overall i think its a better decision than staying here tho. and my mom promised me i could redo my entire bedroom at home so like.#in her words (which hit me like a truck and i appreciate very much coming from her)#'it wont feel like the room you went through high school in'#so. im hoping that makes it better.#and now that i have. living on my own experience. i wont just. be cooped up at home with nothing to do.#esp bc im familiar with the area and know where thinggs are#but that doesnt completely cancel out the 'theres a nonzero chance you could run into people you used to know'#and 'you have to drive past her house whenever you go to x location'#which. fucking sucks. its fine. its fine . im just#its all hitting me NOW because my last day of work is coming up and all of my coworkers are. saying goodbye to me n stuff#its a lot. an d also nothing. and also everything.#:(#idk man. sucks#delete later
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arttrampbelle · 6 months
Shang tsung isn't evil but a product of corruption and the environment that surrounds him. He's not evil in the sense of black n white thinking of morality. Especially from a western,psuedo Christian American perspective that so many people wanna shoehorn him into. (No shade here but im calling it like i see it nrs)
How is he evil when everyone in mortal kombat kills?
Also shao kahn quan chi and shinnok has arguably done worse
And even more so he's worked more with them,and under them(shao Kahn namely) and had no choice but to follow orders. Namely some things sure were aligned in benefit. But truly can you really argue that it was all his doing? No to say so is ignorant and undermining the other villains and antagonists of the series and their own contributions to the story narrative in opposition of protags and other characters.
The most evil is those who hide behind self righteousness and say they are for peace when they are being manipulated by promises of a better realm or timeline(cough fire god liu kang. COUGH)
Like nah guys mk12/mk1 don't make sense even for the narrative they are trying to pull. Shang is wonderful but yall missed the point even tho the storymode sucks and everything about it makes me nauseous, shang tsung shines thru because of what he represents. The story,It falls through the crack simply because of the fact
In mortal kombats chaotic and cruel world. You kill or be killed. You do what it takes to survive. Or be food for the gods. As you are nothing but entertainment for them.
Everyone kills in mortal kombat. So shang tsung killing means fucking nothing and is a moot point. He does it,everyone does it,how is he truly any different than anyone at that point. Thru mortal kombat,a supposedly Divine system,he's doing exactly what he's supposed to be doing. And what his character is designed to do. Period. So killing,moot point and argument.
Im not talking about. MK12/MK1 specifically. Tho that grinds my gears for many other reasons. Im talking shang tsung,overall as a whole as a character thru the 30+yrs the games and mk has been around. These are common arguments for that shang is "tHe EVil OnE" when there's no such thing in mks world. Truly. It's posturing and posing flowery words at that point. Period.
Stealing souls? He has to,to survive. He is cursed by the very gods and mentors that once swore to protect him. But did nothing.
Climbing for power? He does so because he wishes not to rule over. But so he doesn't have to worry about going to bed hungry,to suffer. He wants stability,comfort,and most of all security. A thing that long ago was robbed of him.
See you can't say shit about my man without having many reasons why he's not.
Could he be evil,nasty,and dowright fucking cruel? Oh you bet your ass he could. But does he enjoy it? Not really. He takes no pleasure unless it's out of necessity or you're considered an enemy.
He is no different than a hungry hunter. Trying to find his next meal or the next place of dwelling. Until he finds his true place of being and achieves a stable life.
Like ffs people it's right fucking there fine print and that still,STILL GOES OVER YOUR HEADS!
Like y'all who don't understand nuanced villains WANT him to be stereotypical,y'all want him to be easy to pinpoint. Because that means you dont get to critique your beloved "Heroic" characters. And use your brains,and critically think that maybe,just fucking maybe. Your nice dudes were wrong for once.
In mortal kombats world (if you can call it that because the world building sucks)
It's kill or be killed. Morality be damned. Shang tsung found that out long ago. Hiding behind morals in a world that could care less than about you. Gods that only see you as food,throw away entertainment,etc.
He may have respect for someone who despite all that crap,has some moral backbone. But isn't blind to the truth,it's survival. Dont be a pushover boot licking lapdog. As long as you don't hide behind your self righteousness and "goody goody" attitude. He'll respect that you have a noble heart. In fact,that may make him actually enjoy your company. But dont be a condescending jackass about your morals. And he'll be fine.
Shang tsung is just playing the game that the world is built upon. The rules,the gods,the empires,have made. And plays them well into his advantage.
And y'all pissed he plays it better than you. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
That my dears is a truly well done villain,antagonist,and just a beautifully complex character.
That's how you do or are supposed to do shang tsung. Period.
*slams hand down on table and leaves*
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geeksauruse · 1 year
Heyyy! Love ya stuff! I was wonderin if I could get a matchup? I ain’t totally sure what the rules are but I’m a fem non-binary, 5’3, I got a farmers tan seein as I live an work on my family’s farm, I’m a bit muscular (not like a body builder just toned from farm work), uh I love spendin time outdoors with my horses and the cows, im not big on dressin up I mostly dress in stereotypical farmer clothes but I always got some flowers in my hair(and mud on my boots💀). My friends and family said I’m hardworkin an kind but I have the worst attitude they’ve ever seen when you hurt someone I love🤣 so uh, yeah that’s me! Thanks for readin
After carful considering i would pair you up with…
Our lovable dork Mikey!
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Mikey would fall for you and you actually met because a friend of your family was hosting a wedding in New York, and they wanted you to be the flower girl!
Your family liked new yours so much that they moved your ranch out to the country and rural part of New York.
You decided to go shopping in the city, go exploring, and just have a day to yourself.
Unknowing you stayed out rather late, to the point there was Barley any sunlight.
Walking to your bus stop, you just happens to be looking quite fine in the wonderful hour of 11:24pm with your nice muscles and tan skin in your fav coloured overalls and t-shirt, the sweet white Lilly in your hair along with your flowing locks popping against the color of your hair.
The purple dragons seemed to come out of nowhere and even tho you managed to kick and break a dudes nose, you were overpowered rather quickly as there was six of them and one of you.
Luckily the turtles were in the area to hear the sound of your struggling and quickly solved your problem.
Not going to lie, your were shocked at the turtles.
So shocked you screamed bloody murder and turned on your heel to spring right into a pole.
You were out for a few hours, and the turtles decided it was best to not leave you there in case of more dangerous peope( cough* the foot.)
Any way when you woke up in the lair you were congratulated for breaking the leader of the purple dragons nose, by no there’s than the fun loving turtle in orange.
Long story short, after promising to keep the family’s secret, you became good friends with tall of them
And it is an understatement to say that you and Mikey hot it off instantly.
He loved your way of life, thought it was the coolest thing that you worked with horses and cows on a farm.
Loved your personally and how sweet you were, he also really liked that you bit back with a quip to all of his good natured jokes and sarcasm.
Loves how hardworking you are and thinks your muscles are the coolest thing ever, especially cause they insinuate that you love what you do so much.
Loves how happy farming makes you, and wants to be a part of it as much as he cans.
He wants to learn the reigns( I know, I’m hilarious)
Any way he didn’t care that you were non- binary, he totally supported that and he is totally an ally( i think he is actually pan) 
Thinks it’s funny to pick you up, or do things to playfully poke at how short you a re in comparison to him.
“ how’s the weather down there”
“ does it hurt to move your neck all the way back to look up at me from down there?”
Makes horse jokes
All. The. Time.
Him:what do racing horses eat?”        You:” Mikey i swear to god don’t do this.   He basically looks like he’s about to choke on his laugh, looking at you in the eyes  he says” fast food.” 
Then he bursts out laughing for like ten minutes.
He loves youuuiiii
Thinks your amazing In all your farmer glory and you two just seemed to fit so well together, he didn’t really need to ask you out.
It was kinda just like you were always dating.
Hope you liked it! Have a great day 😌😌😌
 Please no one repost or steal thank you very much!
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terraliensvent · 5 months
in my opinion i don’t really blame pokii or bear for getting upset about milo’s part in the original psa. pokii wasn’t even a mod anymore at the time. and the overall content the og (even current) psa contained had nothing to do with her (therefore it was weird to throw pokii under the bus in there at random so i see why she got angry). she is a cham admin after all so im sure this wasn’t good for her image. shes still an admin tho so im sure the cham staff already knows the situation. the psa was mostly issues with bug and coy, and the bearsproutz / ponyzilla incident. i do remember the unorganized shitshow of the og psa and saw the comments pokii made on the toyhouse thread before it was deleted, so i wanted to investigate this myself to form my own opinions.
iirc the former terra mods made edgy jokes in a private gc (like racial and homophobic jokes) and milo + another ex mod(?) (can’t remember who) had issues with it (they’re a poc aka ‘person of color’)
i know you’re gonna say “where’s proof” again probably.. but i promise i clearly recall the og psa had a link to a youtube screencap video scrolling down a private group chat with bug, milo, pokii, bear, and the other ex mod discussing the issue with pokii. i did try to find it but i think it’s unlisted now sadly. though, if you do scroll down a little on this version of the public psa document, there’s a link to the og psa, but you have to request access so it’s probably still in that one somewhere? if someone wants to try and look (don’t want them to have my email so would rather not try and get access myself): https://docs.google.com/document/d/12UMx6drwia7mTdniDAj_vwsi5QQyQu0d0la9cHwGSIE/edit
to summarize:
• pokii said some version of a slur as a joke, but she didn’t say the actual words + there were no screenshots of her saying them where it originally happened. but she admitted she did say a racial joke, and it was done in the private chat with the former terra mods (who were also said to have made edgy / offensive jokes- but pokii was the one who got in trouble for it).
• bear was defending pokii as well since they’re friends(?) and bear is a poc / said she was fine with the joke / made similar jokes too, but milo and the other mod weren’t having it. it was a bit yikes bc i recall pokii accidentally saying what she admitted to saying twice(?), but it just looked like she was getting upset / flustered and milo + the other ex mod barely let her talk or defend herself.
• milo kept belittling pokii and saying things like “ur an adult and u act like this” and “i may be younger but at least i have more sense” every time pokii tried to speak her piece. pokii is an adult (20s) and milo was still a minor at the time (17 I believe) but they were being wildly childish and immature about the whole thing for someone who seemed to have ‘genuine’ concerns about the issue at hand.
• overall it looked like they weren’t interested in a peaceful resolution and wouldn’t leave it be unless pokii got punished despite her trying to make amends. which again, it’s fine if they were uncomfortable with her.. but they definitely kept going for the throat. pokii didn’t lash out once during the whole gc but she was getting pretty heated and did say some heated things (reasonably so imo).
• not to mention milo seemed to be throwing out other baseless accusations to see what would stick (i.e. claimed pokii also said another type of slur towards milo?? but had no proof + didn’t show screenshots when asked and tried to change topics). and also another thing about pokii being creepy(?) with milo’s boyfriend in a private server they were all in, but this was disproven by said boyfriend after. and again, milo refused to provide proof.
in conclusion: as someone who’s a poc myself and has been scolded by others for making slurs in a joking manner, i think it was really a matter of “one joke might not offend one poc but another poc could be offended”. yeah pokii could’ve just.. not said what she joked about (and i honestly have no clue what her race is), but milo and the other ex mod were making her seem like she was a horrible person and jumping down her throat the whole time. we all make mistakes so i can see how pokii and even bear would lash out at milo. especially if they’re just trying to move on (and again bear is a poc and had no issues with it + it was done amongst friends in private and not publicly so they probably thought it was fine). i don’t think someone should be villainized for jokes especially if they genuinely apologize (which pokii did in the video of the gc)
thanks if you read everything- as i did try to show some form of proof. but again you’ll have to request access to the og psa with the video link i mentioned. i know you said you were deleting asks, but i hope you don’t remove mine because i spent a while typing this and trying to do some research / recall the situation. i just don’t wanna get banned and im scared if i try to get the og psa then i could be exposed. i love terras but they seem to be prone to so much controversy every other month.
post related
ill allow this since it was related to a previous ask
i actually do remember the screencap video too, and while i wont say that your rendition of events is completely true just based on the fact that i cant go back and look at it myself, ill just operate under the assumption that it is for now
i think that we can say (based off this) that both sides had their faults. at the same time though, the OG PSA document is gone (replaced with a better one), the youtube video is unlisted, and pokii, bear, and milo arent terra mods (and i assume none of them have any plans to try and rejoin the staff team anytime soon). im inclined to just let this specific saga die, since a lot of the claims are now baseless from evidence being buried, its become a game of he-said she-said.
reminder to all anons to take evidenceless claims with a grain of salt, and dont go out of your way to bother or harass anyone. it seems that everyone involved in this specific saga is attempting to move on.
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cdmodule · 2 years
9, 17, 24, 28, 29, 31 bitch
Hi Nate
From this post
9 - Favorite quality about your favorite character?
Is it fair to say their accent. Because dear god Ther Voice Their Giggle tbeir little vocal quirks make me INSANE DEAR GOD
17 - Favorite (canonically) queer character?
Besides Winner obviously, Latte EEE and Snowy LAF <3 love them
24 - Favorite Intro?
Minutely Object Show S1 Intro nearly brought me to tears
28 - Favorite Ship?
Tree x Clock when theyre chained onto each other (iykyk)
No but like Jokes Aside Take A Wild Guess
I have maaany ships I love but Winnerclock & Winnerloser really Take The Cake For Me
In diff ways tho. To make it short:
Winnerloser I focus less on the romance aspect overall, they def had smth going on though. They were bandmates, they went into adulthood with each other, saw each other grow and grow apart, starting to detest what made them fall in love to begin with. (Keeping it vague for now)
Winnerclock is two Abandoned People with a rough start, lack of boundaries/self awareness clashing with someone who sees everything reminding themselves of their past as a potential threat. But they have more in common than they think. I think they could find new beautiful things in life with each other. Im Normal about these objects btw
Honorable mention: Losercake for bein my first big ship <3Hi nate
29 - Least Favorite Ship?
I only rly care abt bfdi ships Enough so. If you asked me 2 months ago I wouldve said fireafy and a lot of things abt them Writing wise still piss me off, esp in post split but it already started in ep15 TBH. However charlie (and kind of harmie) kinda fixed them for me cuz no one gets it like they do Its Fine .
Some other mentions: Barf Bag x Spongy (theyre not good for each other Im Sorry), Snowball x Fanny (theyre funnier as friends also theyre both gay), Snowball x Basketball (same as prior but bb is Bi to me) uhhh Gelatin x Lollipop but I never see that anyway
Why are all of these straight ships I promise Its not on purpose
31 - Random Fact about a character/show that you love
How much Cary did NOT want Loser to be eliminated (and that Loser is Cary and Michael's fave)
In his reaction to BFB6 he mentions that he specifically didn't want Loser to check the crack for the twinkle so she doesnt make the team lose and ppl Vote Her Out For It. He didnt want Clock to get booted out either which is why he says smth abt "Dont forget Im the reason why we won ep 1 and 3"
And that speech pin and coiny did was supposed to show her in a GOOD LIGHT but it made viewers believe she was secretly evil and breaking the team apart and If u watch the reaction hes Genuinely Suprised how MANY ppl were voting Loser out
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starseungs · 2 years
heyyyy ^^
(sorry it's a bit long)
THANK YOU FOR REVIVING SCORE A GOAL. I literally sobbed seeing your notification. And you updated a day earlier????? noice stuff. Thank you so much for that
I have read the recent chapters and I am thoroughly invested and happy. It's funny that before all this I wasn't a seventeen stan. Not that that's the main point of the story but since y/n is a carat I guess it is key. And now I am a carat too so when someone mentioned Woozi I was like yessss I knowwww him😭
The recent chapters are good. I loved every second and didn't want it to end😭😭😭seriously, after chapter 21 I was scared that there wasn't more left. AND NOT MINHO GOIG STRAIGHT TO THE POINT AND ASKING IF Y/N IS IGNORING IN and wdym you're not fine Jisung???👀please I need to know.
ngl there's a couple of things I had forgotten so I'm going to reread it right now. But do tell us when the next updates come in. Of course at your own pace. Thank you for writing this🤍
HELLO BFF IM GLAD YOU LIKED THE UPDATES!!! 🫶 if you cried seeing my update notifs, i also cried seeing this ask bcs omg thank you so much for the feedback 🤧💓 i love seeing reader reactions to my works they keep me going (ofc its fine too if you dont have much to say, even a like makes me happy to know that someone read it atleast)
tbh i wasnt really sure when i was going to bring back score a goal... the reason why it stopped in the first place was bcs school happened and i needed more space in my phone for files- unfortunately i accidentally deleted the file i had for the old plan and didnt notice until i couldnt recover it anymore 💀 i just didnt have time to remake the notes so i left it on hold. now recently one of yall mentioned score a goal again and i really wanted to bring it back for them so i read the previous chaps and reworked a draft!! i promise i'll make sure to finish this series, even if the updates come slow. speaking off, i dont have an exact plan yet when the next batches come out but its probably next week? i have another fic incoming + critical hit batch so yeah around tuesday or wednesday next week (take this with a grain of salt tho)
and omg ur a carat!! i am too hehe a horangdan 🐯 you could probably tell that score a goal is kinda self indulgant bcs of the interests y/n has 😭😭 to the story, yeah minho is pretty straightforward in general here. thats his character shshsh while jisung is the shipper!! a hopeless romantic who (self) proclaimed himself as the fanclub president of jeongy/n 💀 that was the reason for the "im not fine" reaction cause he thinks his ship is sinking (with y/n ignoring jeongin and all)
overall thank you for taking the time to send this ask!! i loved reading and replying to it 💓💓 have a great day luv!!
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impprtante · 2 months
Eira's Children (the squad :0)
Okay, new day new me, I'm actually in my right mind and not impulsively writing things down after being awake for more than 24 hours lmao. So here's what's up.
So, right now the first gen children have moved out of Eira's house into their own households. They've kinda solidified baseline personalities and interactions (and family dynamics from parenthood) so i let them loose in the world. (To live as if they're Stanley Humphry.) Eira isn't the richest mom tho, so I staggered it out so I could give them like, 5k-10k to start off. So they all started by living in tiny barely furnished shacks. I normally get money in the sims by grinding, and in the actual legacy challenge they're super rich, but I wanted to try building up their wealth through odd jobs and work. Get them different incomes and all that. I also want to build them unique housing / decorate their areas according to them so that's also on the books. (because i didn't bother with them before :p)
And to give me a more thought out clothing design. To get into the mindset of teens i had all the kiddos wearing school uniforms (from snowy escape lol) and since I haven't really been them too much, i haven't gotten around to doing all their fashion since. BUT THE POINT IS technically i haven't played as most of these. Just a little bit, I've mostly committed to Lamia (by accident;;)
Okayyyyyy, so this is how it's going:
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What started has his emo, dye-ing my hair now mom, has gone too fair ;; __ ;;
But yeah, Phoenix is the same physically. I've just dressed him up as a more of a starving artist since he's out here painting in a tiny shack. I'm pretty sure that's going to change soon tho, since painting does actually give good money (probably unrealistic but :p). He's gotten the gloomy, dog lover, and family oriented. In the last save he had his house "open to dogs", so thats a nod to that. family oriented is kinda more because of his older sibling status, and he has a good relationship with his whole most of his family (and he loves them all very much, even the brats). Im still figuring out where he lands on the love things, because i've had him be a player in some saves but also he's more a reserved person so i can't image him being that out there in this version. I'm figuring it out <3
He's living in a tiny home (because i say so) and has a nice backyard pool area. He's under the recycle challenge, mostly as a nod to his upbringing out in the middle of nowhere, conservation is important.
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Lamia is the most overall different from them all. I didn't really have anything going on with her character at all, besides what i later realized was a comedy aspiration, not a party one (oops). Her character is really shaped by the manners her mom instilled into her now, so she's in more conservative dressings because of that. I kept her hat as a nod to her previous version.
The vision is that she goes through her era of struggling artist (playing gigs and teaching lessons) and works as a normal salary worker (manners: she's trying to live up to the "has a normal job and will do fine for herself mom i promise i can pay bills"). Her piano-ing is more of a side gig but she really loves it so she doesn't want to stop doing it. Most of her parties at this point is so that she can break up the monotony of life. She ends up catches eyes of someone famous and is catapulted into doing more high end jobs. It makes her parties have a more exclusive guest list (not super famous but still really well known) and her high pay grade allows her to quit her job. She's pretty famous now (by the general public as a socialite, by more music-centric crowd as a pianist) and lives pretty comfortably.
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Basilisk is the point where i start saying i got nothing. He's got the slob and kinda jock personality, but truly im looking for something else to flesh him out with. But he's the buff one of the bunch. Traits of slob, bro, and foodie, i haven't gotten around to updating his wardrobe. He's closest with Lamia, though the eldest three make a bit of a trio since they grew up the closest in age. He was team captain of the sims football team tho since the sports in the sims is so limited im debating changing the sports (but football would be fitting because he's a tank). He has piss-poor manners, but he's really in touch with emotions, having strong empathy for people. He's also the reason most of his siblings are fitness freaks; he convinced his mom to makeshift a basketball hoop that they used a lot in childhood. The biggest offenders were Sphinx, Phoenix, and Lamia. He challenged Phoenix in football and Lamia in basketball, but Sphinx just liked sneaking into his fitness gear the scrawny bastard.
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Griffin and Sphinx still out here twinning hard. Eira must've had a blonde gene from her parents because three blond children can't be a coincidence wow. Freckles were also unexpected. I don't have anything to say about clothing preferences here either. Griffin was on the chess team? and Sphinx as a lazy person was not in any afterschool things, preferring to tinker. Both of them work on the handiness side of things, but i like to think Griffin is into woodworking and Sphinx is into metalworking (his type of jewelry he makes for his family is lacking in the gem department). I have Griffin working as a civil planner ingame, and Sphinx is unemployed selling jewelry at home (its.... its going. I only played like 3 days though to start off).
Griffin is more applied in general (was valedictorian), being clumsy, overachiever, and a bro. Sphinx is lazy, perfectionist, dance machine. Sphinx was one more for sneaking out (mostly out into the forest), once and a while teaming up with Lamia to go to some party (school mate get together) after curfew. They're both little shits, still living up to the mischievousness, but Griffin hated Lamia with a burning passion, and Sphinx really got annoyed with Phoenix's dramatics (neither dared anger basilisk too hard). And, yes, they teased their little sisters as well but they didn't despise them as much as their elder siblings got on their nerves for daring trying to have superiority over them. Eira had a time with them. Got stuck doing many chores as punishment. Griffin is pretty insensitive, but he's gotten really good at *dealing* with his own emotions. He's chill like that. Sphinx meanwhile gets into way more trouble being irresponsible, but he's great at resolving his conflicts.
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Nephele has changed as much as phoenix. Aka, she's just had a skin changed, mostly because i didn't want to mess with her too much considering her genes are he one's carried onto the next gen. Gen 03's heir does happen to take over her father more though, but she has her mom's blond hair, so we kept that. She looks like she has such a baby face, but you can see she has Eira's eyes (WHICH IS A TREND, THEY ALL HAVE HER EYES).
I've been trying to make her seem more polished, mostly because I had her be a secret agent in the past (i don't even know how to integrate that into anything ;; __ ;;), and i haven't changed her wardrobe yet either. She also is well mannered so that's a part of it. Personality wise, she's neat, foodie, and socially awkward. She's used to picking up after her family as mostly trying to help out her mom with the hecticness of an 8 person household, and when she was old enough she did the cooking as well. But, her mom being an excellent cook, made her standards for food really high (it's why basilisk is a foodie too). Retreating into working like this was also kinda coping for being terrible conversationalist. (With the neat trait she autonomously cleans things too which is really funny. It's like she can't help but clean even things that other people think are already clean.) She tag-teamed with Griffin on fixing anything throughout the house though. She has a strong personality however, being the type of person who has people she likes, people she doesn't, and they don't change. She doesn't like to apologize (it's like pulling teeth) and likes to be seen as correct.
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Arachne I've played a little more of too. Mostly because she was left alone in the household with Eira once all her siblings moved out. But she became an accomplished writer at a young age (so, a really well receiving book that will forever be remembered and a lot of other pretty big hits). I had her go through a redemption, mellowing in her original version, but I really liked the punk thing she had going on before that i decided to keep the kind of rebellious aesthetic.
She was supposed to be a spoiled brat but in a big household its too much to be doing that kind of thing me thinks. She gets more irrationally angry, but she's a perfectionist in her craft, and grows up to be a wee self absorbed. She grows up to fame because of her books (it was pretty out of nowhere fame) so i gave her slightly more daring clothes than her siblings. She's super argumentative though, she feels all her emotions super strongly. She has the healthy outlet of writing however so she is able to regulate, even if it takes a bit.
oke im falling asleep again so i will randomly blog whenever i feel like it again peace
0 notes
The music is so lovely too... and the direction and set dressing and Overall Production... chef's kiss... ALSO THE LITTLE GIRL WHO PLAYS SHIRAISHI IS SO TALENTED WHAT THE HELL WAS ANY OF THAT... Tsutsumi is amazing though for real, he makes Keisuke seem so much older post-timeskip and it's wonderful to see his old self starting to show again EVEN IF HE IS. BEING A DUMBASS. Huge fan of Tsutsumi playing depressed motherfuckers... I LOVE Takae though... I understand why he was so obsessed with her I get it...
See this is why I can't be too hard on Akira I'm a grown man acting the same way about Tsutsumi😭😭😭I'M GLAD YOU LIKED FIRST EP... THIS IS A RELIEF... Yoshizawa is a nice young man don't worry about him <3
ALSO THRILLED TO HEAR YOU SEEMED TO ENJOY THE MOVIES TOOOOOO ACAB except the team and Ogata nobody does terror|sm like you king... I wish more Tsutsumis could escape prison and/or death But Fair Enough... Oh and this is what Ogata's letter says if you were curious, it's manga only:
Inoue, You weren't crazy at all, in my eyes. You'll make a fine SP. An SP is a police officer in the Metropolitan Police Department Public Security Bureau assigned as a full-time bodyguard to people who don't deserve protection. That job description assumes they are, without exception, willing to throw their life away in a crisis if it means acting as a shield for those people. That's what it means to guard another's life.
ALSO at one point Tsutsumi was at a panel for something else and a couple members of the audience were being unruly and trying to get on-stage to get to his female co-star, but he and another co-star held them off... I think he actually fell off the stage in doing so but he was fine and he joked that SP would start filming that day... I love himmmmmmm
NO THAT'S WHAT I MEAAAAAN HE'S SOOOOOO CUTE IT DROVE ME INSANE I LOVE HIM SO MUCH (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) 'tsuma' was the first tsutsumi show i watched and the impact it left on my brain was monumental... i loooove keisuke so much i cant stress that... SO IM GLAD YOU WATCHED THE FIRST EP IM GLAD YOU GET TO SEE WHAT I MEAN !!!!!!!! CUTEST OLD MAN EVER I PROMISE !!!!!!!
nono maida is SO good considering her age, i was so impressed with her performance throughout the show... AND YEAH TAKAE IS AMAZING she really is an epic woman, no wonder keisuke and mai cant let her go (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) unfortunately 👁️👁️;;
AND THANK YOU FOR SHARING THE LETTER MAN so real.... i love that..... chaotic good kind of behavior i fucks with him.... he's valid in my opinion for his methods.... nishijima was lame anyway...
poor tsutsumi at that panel tho im glad he protected his co-star and im glad he was able to make light of the situation- im mortified for him but id also be totally mortified if i was one of those rowdy people like please be civil hes a guy just like any other guy (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
#long post#snap chats#i could go on a mile-long ramble about tsuma its so cute......#its so funny tho ep 2 onward because its like. its SO awkward because he's the definition of Wife Guy but he CANT be a wife guy cause...#yk..... FUCKED UP but hilarious too#fr tho i was so happy at the end of the first ep when mai and keisuke realized she was telling the truth... oh my god... that was precious.#AND THEN ALL THE KIDS PULLED THEIR EMERGENCY STRINGSLGJRAJLVKAJ STOP THAT WAS FUNNY#LIKE VALID BUT ALSO LMAOOO#if you continue watching i hope you enjoy the rest of the series as much as i did !! it gets REAL good#its already good ep 1 but it gets even BETTER and UGH. i should rewatch it...#OH BUT AtR !!!!!!!! ITS SO SWEEETTT ive never had the experience of having a crush let alone on someone older#but the trope seems cute from a distance-so long as the older party is. Not A Freak obviously#theres a certain innocence in it yk what i mean.. i cant explain it but when It Isnt Freak Shit its cute#so im glad this anime's being cute with the trope instead of weird and gross#KONDO IS A VERY CUTE OLD MAN I UNDERSTAND HER BUTTERFLIES hes so silly..#AND IM GLAS YOSHIZAWA ISNT A JACKASS HE'S FUNNY AND A DORK#he needs to chill but he's just enthusiastic so i cant be mad... Give Her Space but also He's So Ernest#ah but yeah with SP..... ogata's morals are based- when he couldnt protect ohashi anymore i felt so bad...#i also like characters like that- characters that want to do whats right so bad but cant for one reason or another#even MORE based when they start to do Cracked Shit to do good.... amazing.... 11/10....#IN ANY CASE.... EP 3 OF AtR TIME !!!!!!!!!
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nar-nia · 2 years
hi, Nina, 
wow, it feels like ages since i came on here - i guess i was busy with life, dealing with some personal stuff and the stress over the fact that i'm starting college in like a week or so - and i'm scared of all the new things,  im kinda overthinking “what if my major is not it, what if i don't make any friends etc”,,,but anyway i was coming around here in the meantime tho to reread some of ur fics to make myself feel calm <33
i guess since its september,, its means ur back!!! and so am i!!!! im so happy, ngl i missed u <3
 i just read 12;33 and my gosh,, where is my hee lmao, it was so cute <3 now im feeling all mushy on the inside!!! what a cute way to comeback <3 amazing as always <3
 i hope u are doing great,, please take breaks so the busy life doesn't tire you out  and i hope the covid is not so bad for u!!! please take care, ily
ps. have u seen how gorgeous hee looked in all the concert pics and vids from seoul concert,, my bb <33 like look at this *heart eyes*
-happy to be back, ur beloved anonie
beloved anonie, i missed youuu <33
i am finally back!! I wanted to come back right at the start of september but life said no so it took a while, but now i'm actually back and planning to be more active.
I hope your situation will get better soon and i'm sending all my love <33 but i think it's kinda fun that you're stressed because you're starting college and i'm stressed because i just finished it (if i pass with my thesis, fingers are crossed!).
but since i'm sort of an expert now: i promise you will be fine. College can be scary, especially in the first few weeks, but i know you will do well <33 there are always things that seem complicated or scary but i have no doubt that you will do great. and that you will find lots of new friends, you're such a sweet and nice person. I made my friends because i asked if there was any homework on the very first day 💀 everyone is nervous and that makes it way easier to find friends than usual.
and I'm sure your major will be great! (What are you majoring in 👀) there will always be classes that are more boring than others but as long as you're interested in the overall topic of your major you can get through it <33 and if you end up hating it you can still think about changing it completely, i did that too and i couldn't be happier. I had so many people dropping out of college in the first few weeks of the first year, i was surprised 😅
but to end this long rant: i'm sure you will do great and you will find new friends, they will meet you and they will love you <33 and i hope you have a great time and can enjoy the student life a bit in between exams and all that (pro tip: try not to procrastinate 💀)
but now to hee: ugh. i love him so much, it's only getting worse with every pic and video i see. he's driving me insane. So can i really be blamed for imagining he's bringing me soup and cuddling me when i have covid? No 🤧 i love him. Aah and i'm glad that you liked my story! It's really short but i need to get back into writing first before i can write longer ones 🥲
and last but not least: thank youuu <33 life is finally becoming less hectic and i thankfully have no covud symptoms anymore, i'm just so bored 😩 i didn't really have any symptoms to begin with, my voice was just gone for three days? But i'm really grateful that it was just this.
i really missed you and i'm happy that we're both back. please take care and i hope life gets more relaxing for you too! love you <33
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holyverbena · 4 years
crying cause i really wanna come back to this blog and make content
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wabblebees · 2 years
#g o d this week has been so bad overall that i just. omfg.#today+last night were so much better too ik its fucking ridiculous lmao but i. hoo.#im sitting at my laptop in a near panic bc i cant make myself focus on the essay i have due in 2 hrs right? and im starting to feel just.#REAL exhausted from trying to brain-corral for the last Several Hours (without eating or getting real sleep so ik thats why im Like This rn)#but i decided to make myself a mug of tea bc i need to chill tf out + that usually helps ((+black tea = caffeine lmao))#and its a kind of tea i REALLY love so i was like. lookin forward to it yk??? anyway#i took a sip and it was just. mildly disappointing...#and my IMMEDIATE thought was ''oh no im going to feel like this forever'' ................(((NEVERMIND that id been absolutely VIBING#having a GRAND old time + feelin Okay!! Happy Even!! liiiiiiterally not even an hour+a half ago listening to good music.))) but it was just#so like. bland and not what i was expecting on top of already feeling Bad + Upset that my brain went ''ah worst-case time'' immediately.....#anyway. i forgot to put sugar in it.#so im fine now lmfaoooooo#just. a dumbass🤦🤦 who is FAR too tired to Exist™️ properly. but!! i have rEsPoNSiBiLiTiEs and oBLiGaTiOnS and other shit i gotta do before#i can fix that so. we out here🙃🙃#i think once my headache meds kick in im gonna need to go get myself Actual Food tho... bc this is. already hell. and i cant tell just how#much of that is specifically BECAUSE i havent eaten more than bagel+cream cheese in about 24hrs..... ALSO bc brainrot made me forget i gotta#anyways. im okay i promise!! just. hoOoooooooooiiiii hate everything lmao
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minkiflwr · 2 years
hybrid!ateez first time meeting bunny!s/o
tumblr is based on reblogs so please help with a reblog!
warnings : none that i’m aware of
taglist : @mumasmdyeou​
A/N : I wrote this while i’m in math class
kim hongjoong / 김홍중 - deer hybrid
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he was happy when he knew you were a bunny
he was starting to get insecure about might having a mate stronger than him
but now that he knew you are a bunny, he WILL protect you at all cost, even if he’s not a strong breed himself
he was bored and decided to go for a walk. that’s when he saw you, his mate being bullied by the another hybrid. his instinct is to immediately protect you from them. and thats exactly what he did.
“you okay? are you hurt?” he asked after backing them off
“yeah, im fine..” you answered
“im hongjoong by the way, it’s nice to meet you”
“i’m y/n” you smiled at him
park seonghwa / 박성화 - dragon hybrid
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well when he first saw you he fell in love
like you are perfect in his eyes
especially when he saw you with kids
he was flying around when he smelt something so he decided to go down. and thats when he saw you helping taking care of the other kids around your neighborhood. he was staring at you with heart eyes with how good you are with the kids, and decided to just go and introduce himself to you. 
“hi! i’m seonghwa” 
you were shocked to say the least, you didn’t expect to meet you mate today, let alone a dragon mate
“h-hi! i’m y/n... didn’t expect i’ll be meeting my mate today..”
jeong yunho / 정윤호 - dog hybrid
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he’s like.. wow.. tiny
because of how small you are next to him
he’d be such a flirt playful person and would love you at first sight
he saw you at a grocery store trying to reach the top shelf. he’s just amazed at how small you are and decided to help you because he can’t just leave his mate strugle like that
“mind if i help?” he asked 
you froze seeing him, you mate towering over you
“u-uhm su-sure” you said and he gladly helped you
after he gave you the item he intoduced himself
“i’m yunho,but you can call me yours” he said
kang yeosang / 강여상 - bunny hybrid
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very very happy to know that you are the same breed as him
he will be very shy at first
but good for him, you approach him first
he knew your he’s mate, but he’s just to shy to approach you. you were hanging out with your friends and he didn’t want to disturb you. you were passing by him when you locked eyes with him you also knew he’s the one. you quickly excuse yourself and approach him
“hi! i’m y/n, and i guess we are mates?” you laugh a little
“h-hi i’m yeosang, and yeah.. looks like it” he said, still a little shy
choi san / 최산 - cat hybrid
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he was looking forward to meeting his mate
all his friends already found their mates
so when he saw you, he was ecstatic
he was hanging out by himself when he saw you helping and elderly. he immediately approach you after you’re done and introduce himself
“hi!!! i’m san and i’m very happy to meet you!”
“hello! my name is y/n and it’s nice to meet you too san”
after that you two walked and talked together untill sunset. overall you both are happy to find each other
song mingi / 송민기 - wolf hybrid
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you were terrified of him, like he’s a wolf and you’re a bunny. also his big body doesn’t help 
but this broke his heart. like isn’t he supposed to protect you?????? how’s he gonna do that when you are terrified of him?????
will do anything in his power to change you mind!!!
when he first saw you, being attacked by rogue wolfs he immediately backed them off. when he saw you shaking in fear he slowly go to you
“hi.. i’m mingi.. i’m not gonna hurt you i promise.. will you let me look at the wound?” he asked gently because he knew for a fact your terrified
“i-i’m y/n.. and s-sure..” you reluctantly agree. and he will treat your wound with such a gentle manner because he doesn’t want you to be more scared than you already are
jung wooyoung / 정우영 - fox hybrid
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will think your the cutest thing ever
he’ll be like.. o.o
even tho a fox and a bunny is uncommon, he will still protect you because bunnies have a tendency to be used by others
he was probably with his friends when he saw you. you were also with a friend who was clearly using you for her needs. his instinct kicked in and immediately went up to your friend
“maybe you should stop that before i do it personally”
“what are you her mate?” you friend scoff
“what if i am?” he smirked
after he’s done with your friend he went up to you and intoduced himself telling you his name is wooyoung
“i-i’m y/n and thank you..”
“your the cutest thing ever, and your welcome bunny”
choi jongho / 최종호 - bear hybrid
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he was looking for food when he saw you
but he was suprised when he knew you’re a bunny
but overall he will be happy
he was hungry and looking for food when he smelt something he didn’t quite know but seems familiar. that’s when he saw you sitting down near an apple tree. he saw you, his mate, a bunny. he didn’t mind tho, he went up to you and introduce himself
“hi! i’m jongho” he smiled warmly at you
“i’m y/n” you smiled back at him
“mind if i keep you company? you seem lonely” he offer, and you happily agree
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k-ru-h · 2 years
anyways fuck it im explaining the whole song now
whats important to remember is that serbia is nowhere near the level of development that western europe is on. five centuries under the ottoman empire followed almost immediately by two world wars left the country (and the whole balkan region) falling apart. corrupt politicians, ridicilous amounts of gang violence, extreme religious views, and overall shitty life standards created a horrible little hell hole. the song is, in essence, about how shitty the healthcare system here is and how artists cant get insurance under almost any circumstances.
the first line is in reverse, it means "a sick mind in a healthy body".
the beginning is very clearly about toxic beauty culture, how she only views an enlarged spleen as something ugly, not a serious medical problem. she talks about meghan markles beauty routine, which makes sense — people here tend to look up to western celebrities even more than western people themselves, seeing the promises of the american dream and wanting that for themselves. i repeat, living here is fucking miserable and people really want to pretend they live the "glamorous" american life. also, illness is almost taboo here, with our own cultural views on work making us ashamed to admit we need medical help. honestly, asking for help at all is a massive taboo. as long as you can cover it up, as long as you still look beautiful and glamorous like those american celebrities, youre fine.
the "umetnica mora biti zdrava (artist (f) must be healthy)" part, which is usually why this song is mocked, doesnt really have that much importance until the later parts but keep it in mind.
the part after that, about her... walking her dog, is slowly transitioning into the next, main topic of the song: the fact that she, as an artist, cant have medical insurance. here she starts off calmly describing a sunny day and how shes glad she doesnt have to worry about her heart beating because of her autonomous nervous system, only for it to become sort of frantic as she's almost praying her heart keeps beating. if it doesnt, if something goes wrong, no ones going to save her. she has to rely on her body to stay healthy, or she'll have no option but to just... die.
after that, the song sounds like something youd hear in a church. our country is, i repeat, VERY religious, as is our anthem, literally called "bože pravde" (god of justice). in the anthem, it references how god will save us from illness, and it ties into her previous frantic singing — she's praying for her health, like our country told us to, because the country itself betrayed her. "(bože zdravlja) nemam knjižicu" ("(god of health) i dont have [health insurance]")
the next part is satire, with her mocking the government for surveiling its citizens in the name of "the greater good", or in this case, health. she jokes about being invisible, about how its a superpower, while in reality it just means she's, well, fucked.
ok so! now its relevant! "umetnica može biti zdrava" ("artist (f) can be healthy") is a repetition of the previous part, except now it reveals how the government, in reality, doesn't give a shit about her. they dont care if she's healthy, she doesnt have to be.
"in corpore sano" means "in a healthy body", which, yknow, she literally has to be. a weak mind in a healthy body, a sad soul in a healthy body. a despairing mind in a healthy body, a frightened mind in a healthy body. this could be about one of two things, tho i believe its about the latter. it coule be about how only the people in admittedly miserable jobs can afford medical insurance, or how shes a desperate mind clinging onto its, for now, healthy body.
in the end she asks what will we do now and to answer her question, absolutely nothing. nothing ever gets better here.
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dearlawdimasimp · 2 years
A/n: OKAY FIRST THINGS FIRST- things got a little heated at the near end DONT WORRY I MARKED IT and it is not that explicit so to those peeps who are squimish with lemon you can skip ahead, i promise dearies you wont miss a thing. I blame Khonshu for this at the same time thank him for the inspiration LMAAOOO
Stupidly handsome bastard
Pairings: Khonshu x sorcerer!Reader
Warnings: MATURE CONTENT PLEASE PROCEED WITH CAUTION it is marked tho so you can skip it if you're uncomfy💞, grammar, language, no use of y/n, is set after the series, KHONSHU IN A SUIT, possibly ooc Khonshu, NOT BETA'D (if I missed any pls let me know!)
Word Count: 1.5k+ words
Summary: A stressful yesterday has led you to an obligatory mediation in the present as well as relaxation. In more ways than meditation as the Moon God makes up to you for his recklessness the day before.
A/n2: im obsessed w/ sorcerer!reader and idk why..help JAHSHAHHSHS
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You take deep breaths with closed eyes, in and out. You relax your body, mind and spirit. Inhale….exhale…
After the events yesterday, you felt the need to meditate. All the fighting and chaos has left your energy drained down to its lowest, as you had to create an illusion for the people outside of the city that were witnessing the fight think that it was just their imagination. That the godzilla esq scene in front of the pyramid of Giza did not exist at all, while the fight was on going. 
On top of that, you were also fighting Harrow's goons and protecting the residents of Cairo. AND THEN after the fight you have to cast another spell for the residents of Cairo for them to forget whatever the hell just happened. You were so tired that you were on the verge of collapsing. If it weren't for Layla's quick instincts you would have fallen face first to the ground.
Gods, that was one hell of a night. 
You are currently sitting cross-legged in the middle of the yard of Kamar-taj. The fresh, open air of the summer afternoon, rustling leaves, the distant sounds of a lecturing Master to the Novice Sorcerers and the overall calm atmosphere of the place that is a very stark contrast from what transpired yesterday has left you in a serene state. 
A scuffle from your right makes your ears perk. You have asked to be left alone for the day and are not available to any interaction.
Someone clears their throat. A deep rumble of a god's voice slowly breaks the tranquility of your atmosphere. You did not have to open your eyes to know who it was.
"I told Layla to tell you-"
"-That you need to be alone for the day. Yes, I am aware, little one… she did tell me that.."
Obviously he did not listen. When does he ever? You grumble silently.
"I had only wanted to see how you are fairing, now that you have had the whole day to yourself…" 
He had stayed in his place, you noted, as you didn't hear his footsteps approaching you. Good. Because if he were to come any closer you wouldn't hesitate to shove his staff up his ass for being a stubborn asshole.
Although his reply made you open your eyes, the whole day? Oh.. 
Instead of seeing the beautiful multi-colored skies of sunset in the hills opposite of Kamar-taj, you're met with an artificially illuminated dark horizon of the city in the urban area while the rural hills are illuminated by the waxing gibbous.
You hum as you ask yourself, mumbling, "It's already night?" Geez that explains why your butt is hurting, you've been sitting on the yoga mat for more than 3 hours.
"Time does unknowingly pass us by when we do not think much about it." You can now hear him right behind you, you look up to him from your place in the ground. You meet his hollowed gaze as he is also looking down at you. 
The corner of your lips twitch as you roll your eyes. Uncrossing your legs, you stand and pat your legs. 
"I'm fine now, to answer your question earlier." 
"I'm not convinced."
You furrow your brows and look at him, confused by his distrust. You were about to give a snappy retort but then, you register what the god is currently wearing now that you got a good look at him.
He's wearing a suit.
And fuck does he look good wearing it.
Your flushed staring must've been very obvious as the god chuckles. You were too awestruck that you didn't notice that he had closed the distance between you two. As you only notice his towering stature over you when he cups your chin by his pointer finger and thumb, 
"Close your mouth, little one. We don't want you swallowing flies now, do we?" The smug bastard smugly comments. 
You are so close to exploding right now. Out of anger or embarrassment, you didn't know. Hell, maybe it's both. 
You could only give an unconvincing growl and a huff through your nose as you pull away from his stupidly warm body. 
"Okay f-fine. I'm not fine. I'm a li- no, I am angry at you."
You cross your arms and turn away from him. Oh heavens above, you just hope your flustered face is not obvious under the moonlight and nearby lamps. If you didn't turn your back to the god you were sure you would forget why you were angry in the first place…
Damn it you are now starting to forget. Khonshu in the fucking white suit is already overtaking every thought you have in your mind.
"Why? if I may ask, my sorcerer.." The handsome bastard had to ask. You feel his lanky arms sneaking its way around your waist, his voice echoing in your ear as he lightly nudges your cheek with his.
Oh the sneaky, stupid, handsome bastard had known your anger had left, because if it hasn't you would've jumped away from his embrace the moment his gloved hands met your sides. 
And he knows that your weakness is his hugs from behind. Stupidly smart, handsome bastard god.
"Because…-" You held your breath, exhaled and pout, "Because you're stupid, and stubborn and reckless..and stupidly handsome." you whisper the last one, slowly leaning back to his chest- though not yet giving in! You only want to lean back, that's all. Not because his warm embrace is very welcoming and comfortable, nooo. 
"Stupidly handsome, huh?"
"Oh shush up!" You scold half-heartedly at his teasing, lightly hitting the back of his palm. He only chuckles at this, pulling you closer to his chest and rests the underside of his beak on your head.
Well, you are now at the point of no return, and finally, gave in. With a deep breath, you fully lean back to Khonshu's chest, uncrossing your arms and intertwining your fingers with his.
"I'm still mad at you." You grumble, keeping your gaze at the moonlit horizon.
"I know, dearest." He sighs, and huskily adds, "Let me make up to you." His hands start to wander down south but you quickly tug it back up.
"Khonshu!- We're at the Ka-" Your sentence dies on your throat as you feel him grind his clothed crotch to your behind.
"I don't hear a no, little one."
You could hear his grin, his slow grind of his clothed cock on your ass made you choke a whine.
"Not here- not in Kamar-taj." You silently whimper, your knees shaking in anticipation as he replies in his deep voice, "Very well."
And in a blink of an eye you're back at your flat in London. Your back hits your mattress as Khonshu cages you with one of his arms wrapping around your waist as he leans his weight on the other, hand above your head.
"Well someone's eager." You chuckle as you look up at the god on top of you, putting a hand on his shoulder as you fiddle with his tie.
"I'm clearly not the only one." He retorts, his head tilting to the side, "I can smell your arousal, my dear." His hands crawl to your crotch and cups your crotch. "And I can feel your wetness through your clothes, little bug."
Your breath hitched at his touch, hips shamelessly grinding down his hand, whining at the need for more friction, to which your godly lover gave you with no hesitance. 
"Khonshu!" You moan his name, your hands gripping at the fabric of his suit that started it all.
"I know, my star, I know. Patience is key." His beak carefully nudges your cheek, his own gesture close to a kiss. 
Oh this is going to be a long night, one of which you don't mind spending with the moon god.
Khonshu made up with you, in bed. No complains from you though, no siree.
Pure bliss and the aftermath of the activity had your brain fuzzing and body buzzing. Your lower half tingling at his 'apology'.
You snuggle close to your lover's exposed chest, humming contently as you play with his large hands while you two lay on your bed, completely bare with only your sheets covering your bodies. 
"Am I forgiven, my star?" His smirk was clearly heard in his voice. You stop playing with his digits just to hit his chest. Khonshu, however, takes your hand back to his own before you could while chuckling.
"Don't test me, moon man." 
"I won't, I won't." His chortle made you look up to him and squint, "I have no intention to, little sorcerer, I swear!" He then brings your hand up to his beak and lets it lay flat there, "I swear." If he could smile you were sure he was smiling at you. 
You lightly huff, caressing his beak and giving him a small kiss before laying your head back down to his chest. "You're lucky I love you, Khon."
"I love you too, my star."
"You're forgiven, unless you do another reckless thing then I'm taking everything back."
"Hmm, fair."
"As well as your affection privileges."
JAJHSJSJJSKSJS hope you guys enjoyed that self-indulgent mess HAHAHHAHAHAHAH i literally spent a whole day writting this..gods the grip this corpse pigeon has on me i swear😰
i am open for constructive criticsm, comment em if you want!
Anyways thank you for reading and have a good day/night guys!!💞💞
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cynettic · 3 years
Hello, can I request a reaction with childe, albedo, xiao and diluc where their SO is pretty clumsy and one day, they (the characters) just snap and say mean things? Please end it with comfort or something nice, my heart isnt strong enough to handle full angst :')
Clumsy S/O x Genshin
Summary - As someone clumsy, the genshin boys often pay special attention to your little accidents and mishaps. One day they snap, comforting ending though ;-;
Pairings - ClumsyReader x Childe / Albedo / Xiao / Diluc
Warnings - A bit of possessive behaviour for Xiao- but otherwise, a tad bit of angst at the beginning of each one.
A/N - After I wrote Albedo’s hc I realized that seeing him angry… would be really hot. Might write up a degradation one after-
“Stop it! It’s not funny anymore!”
It wasn’t surprising that once again, you’d managed to trip on your own feet and now somehow the vase sitting on the stool next to the couch had fallen… and broke.
But it was the first time you’d heard those words come from him.
“What do you mean… stop?”
Childe had never said anything about your clumsy antics, always picking you up and laughing or teasing the situation off. On the occasion that you got hurt, he’d tend to your wounds and make you promise to be more careful. Of course there was always a next time, and next time, and text time…
Until Childe had enough.
“From falling- tripping over your feet and taking down everything with you! No one tumbles around this much… so either you’re just doing this for fun or- or…���
He began to realize after those words that he’d taken it too far. When glancing at your teary eyes and how your figure started to shake he knew he couldn’t take those words back.
He knew it wasn’t your fault, he knew you tried to be as careful as you could.
But it was so frustrating.
You were still laying on the ground from the fall, and he bent down to help you up. You didn’t look him in the eyes, and an empty feeling buried itself in his stomach when you stood up.
“I’m… sorry.”
It was you who spoke these words, shoulders still shaking. You knew it might’ve been frustrating or annoying for Childe.
The two of you are just standing there, Childe feeling ten times guiltier because you apologized, and you feeling terrible because you’d broken another vase and he’d yelled at you for it.
The two of you feel so bad about it- ;-;
It isn’t till Childe acts out and pulls you into a hug that you realize he felt bad for yelling at you. Sure he may have been frustrated, but it was only cause he was worried about your well being, he didnt want you getting hurt.
“Im sorry Y/n… I didn’t mean to act out like that. I know you're trying your best.”
“What happened.”
It was supposed to come out as a question, his eyes trailing over the mess of his lab and the sorry pitiful state it was in.
It didn’t come out sounding like a question.
Seeing Albedo angry of all things was only a myth among the knights of Favonius, a joke to Klee, and a topic never brought up to the citizens of Monstadt.
Albedo? Mad?? Impossible.
Well, you were living proof that it indeed wasnt a myth to see the alchemist angry.
“I fell…” was all you said in response to his glare. “I wasn’t paying attention and I tripped against the table… I’m sorry…”
Of course you were sorry, just waiting for Albedo to get home and maybe scanning the lab and all his experiments while he was away. No bad intentions, but unfortunately your bad habit of tripping over your own feet summoned itself at the worst moments.
Usually, Albedo would catch you with utmost ease. A reflex he’d learned from Klee before she went sprinting out to cause more of a ruckus. If you were to get hurt, he’d usher or carry you back into his house before patching you up. It was always quick and painless, but he made you repeat why you’d fell and how to avoid it.
Albedo wouldn’t be comforting you now.
“You fell?” He simply asked, his tone menacing enough to know that it was something important in that jumble of experiments. “You seem to do that a lot nowadays don’t you?”
You’re at a loss for words, “I’ll help you clean it up… I didn’t mean to-”
Not wanting to mention how the glass shards had cut your hand, you stood up with wobbly knees to start picking up the pieces of glass. You were sure your boyfriend had put a lot of work towards this, and you felt terrible for having ruined it all.
Albedo isn’t a savage tho.
He notices the cut on your palm, and your shaky figure as you begin to clean up the mess you’d made. He knows that cleaning up the lab as soon as possible is important, but you’re still his top priority.
“Come here.”
When you don’t immediately go to him, he walks to you. Taking your wrists and getting a good view of the injury. He tugs you to the doorway to get you fixed up, and realizes that you’re shaking, a little bit too much…
“It… seems I was a bit too harsh earlier.” He fully faces you, expression softening. “I’m sorry, I know you didn’t mean to, none of the items on the table were of any importance if it makes you feel better.”
Please let him wipe any stray tears if you do cry, he didn’t mean to sound so angry, and really doesn’t care too much about what was on that table. Poor man’s just had a tough day at work.
“I worry for you, every single minute of every goddamn day- every moment that my eyes aren't on you! Why don’t you make it easier for me and just sit still?!”
Xiao is protective.
That fact is known, its accepted, you might even find it endearing.
But Xiao has lived a much longer life than you, he’s seen the people he loves crumple and drain away. Watched them fade from his life one at a time, so he’s dedicated to making sure you stick around.
He knows that eternity isn’t an option for you, so he makes sure that the time you both have together is s a f e . Which means yes, he will catch you every single time you fall. Especially if it’s off the Wangshu stairs that you somehow always trip on?
The poor boy worries excessively for you, so much that he will try to hurry up the process of clearing out the normal hilichurls or threats that lie around Liyue Port.
But on the very rare occasion that you somehow end up into trouble without him there…
You don’t yell “Xiao” like he told you to, you know he makes such an effort on making you safe, a bit too much… you don’t want to summon him to every trouble you have. You’re independent, one scrape isn’t going to kill you.
“I’m fine,” you simply say when he comes back to find your whole hand encompassed in bandages. “Just tripped.”
Xiao is not impressed.
He worries too much, far too much, and seeing you brush it off when he tries so hard to make sure you’re never in pain- he wishes you’d just sit still, wait for him and not trip on your own feet when doing such mundane things.
“I worry for you, every single minute of every goddamn day- every moment that my eyes aren't on you! Why don’t you make it easier for me and just sit still?!”
You’re obviously taken aback by the statement, “Xiao?” You offer him a comforting hug, trying to loosen his stiff muscles. “It’s impossible from protecting me from everything y’know… I appreciate your worry but I’m fine.”
But that’s a matter that is strained between the two of you, and will continue to be that way until either Xiao somehow lets go of his protective anxious faze, or you just accept it.
Either way, the boy will continue to catch you when you fall. Even if you broke apart from him, left him, you’d still occasionally feel the lightest touch when you trip over your feet and feel yourself steadied.
“Are you doing this on purpose?!”
Just like Xiao, Diluc is fairly protective over you, especially if it concerns your health.
He’s often not quick enough to catch you, but instead picks you up in his arms and sits you on the table to make sure you’re not hurt.
You often get bruises, but nothing more serious. He makes sure to kiss them better- something you jokingly stated once, and he’s actually taken it seriously.
“Kissing it will make it feel better? You’re sure?”
Overall, Diluc was very understanding to your clumsy antics. Maybe even find it endearing on a hard day of work, either way, he’d never yell at you for it.
Until he had enough.
It’s exhausting, to hear something clatter and know that you’d probably tripped. Tripped and harmed yourself in one way or another, the options were infinite, and Diluc’s anxiety could heighten at the slightest crashing noise.
“Are you doing this on purpose?!”
Eventually it became too much and he asked you that exact question, hands tangling through his hair as he stared at you wide eyed, furious. There you were on the floor, just a single chair knocked down as you were beginning to shakily stand back up.
“No… of course not. I wouldn’t do these things for fun-“
It’s not like you enjoyed absentmindedly stumbling into objects, it just… happened. Diluc was usually so patient and understanding… so why?
“I know… it’s just...” he rubbed the temples on either side of his face with his thumbs, frown set in a line. “I keep worrying and worrying- every time I hear a noise like that…”
It doesn’t take long for him to sort this out through a conversation, and then settle that you need to be more mindful and careful, something you have to improve on. He will simply watch on the sidelines, catch you when he can, and coax you when you end up hurt.
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tizzymcwizzy · 2 years
///okay spoilers for the titans curse cause im gonna be talking about my thoughts overall///
this one's my favorite so far, honestly I was really bored by the slog the first two books had been,, when i was reading them they felt super thirteen year old and it was like draining on my brain dbdhhf I don't know if im fine with it now cause ive gotten used to it or if it's cause the books have just gotten better. i was really impressed and engaged by the story (maybe also cause this was the first entirely new book in this series i read) but i was on the edge of my seat the entire time and percy wasn't as annoying FHFHVJHCFH it's like he's maturing and the story is maturing as the stakes her higher, it's really cool!
also i really just love the way these books will set up stuff that seem pretty insignificant and random, like the lotus casino, that shit made my jaw drop, what a brilliant set up
speaking of casino, im gonna talk about Nico now so major story spoilers time
i was actually gonna make a post about this when i had first started the book, but Nico's attitude and personality really confused me cause he was so kiddish and excitable, all the fanart that i had seen, or just going off his style in general, he had always seemed more standoffish and cynical than this bright kid who talked Percy's head off with questions. and since i had seen one fanart of nico asking a sad percy where his sister was,, and i didn't know much about Bianca or see her in a lot of fanart,, i was pretty sure that was where his cynical side was going to come from. And I REALLY enjoyed this whole plotline, like, the eternal dread of Percy's promise to nico and that eventual conversation at the end, it's so intriguing and honestly it makes me so so excited for the next book. ALSO THAT HADES REVEAL! so so so good. I know Percy and Nico end up as friends at some point but WHOO GOD im excited excited :)))
also im super scared about the whole, Percy's hero story is going to end in tragedy, because all heros are tragic and all the shit Aphrodite said, im scared annabeth is gonna die HDHDHFJF i keep going between NOO RICK WOULDN'T DO THAT? would he? nooo,,,, but would he?? im scared hdhdhhdf Percy's gonna have a rough next two years tho, that im sure of sjhdbfhf
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