#im doing much better now! im very excited to share my art again and i even wanna talk about my original pmd story
snoofins · 1 year
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tumblr!! hello!! have some poppets (her new reference + some alternative outfits, because she deserves them, and also a doodle)
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ghostieyanyan · 1 year
Hey I really like the secret musician Mc, could I request Yan Jamil and Azul reacting?
yesss i love those two so much. But since I just did the octavinelle, I’m gonna to do scarabia, if that’s okay.
i admit that this is probably not my proudest work but i do like the ideas in it. maybe ill re write it in the future but honestly i don't have much brain capacity to re read this again and check it again. (I've done that so many time that im so tired of see this in my drafts, im so sorry xD
Yan!Kalim x mc
Yan!Jamil x mc
Warning: yandere, obsessive nature, slight-nsfw, drugs mention (in art form), kidnapping mention,
Kalim actual found out that you can sing first, Jamil wasnt happy that kalim found out first but what can you do?
He was on his way to the ramshackle dorm to invite you and Grim to a party he was throwing at Scarabia. He was really excited about it. Going through all his plans in his head. They were gonna get colorful balloons and fun games, lots of food and dancing.
But in the middle of his through, he stopped and heard something, a sweet melody. He's heard the melody before but the lyrics were new. but where is it coming from?
Like having no sense of dangerous, he started to look around for the reason. And then he saw you… through a window.
You were cleaning in the Ramshackle and singing as you did so. He was mesmerized, like he was getting hypnotized or charmed. then it clicked! That’s why he’s heard it before! He caught you humming the melody before when you and grim decided to support Ace, Jamil, and Floyd in their basketball game.
It’s was before they were playing and everyone was just getting into their seats. Since he got a special seating, where there's lot of room, vip seating, he offered a seat or 2 for you and grim. He was playing with grim when he heard it for a second. It was too short and too loud in the gym to process the melody but boy does it sounded nice. And its been in his head for a long while. He might have even tried to copy the melody or try to continue but he couldn’t, it didn’t feel right. But with how you sang it, it was just perfect! Your melody to him was like a siren calling him closer, until it’s practically trying to crawl inside.
When you finally noticed him with a quick scream. Kalim had to apologize and had to ask how you didn’t tell him about your musical talents? You should join the music club! Everyone will love you. If you tell him you were shy or that you don’t like the idea of performing in front of others. He’ll be insistent on helping you and tell you that you’re amazing. He’ll even bring the music club to show you. You be a star!
To be honest, he was 50/50 on wanting you to share you talent but he also want you to be his personal song bird. He’ll feel guilty about keeping you to himself but he’s spoiled… he doesn’t know what to do~~~
He asked Jamil on what he thoughts, can who would know him better than his best friend!!
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Jamil hated everything of this. How didn’t he noticed you could sing?! And how did Kalim find out before him? Has he been that busy and oblivious? Not fair. But he can’t worry about that now, now he has to worry about kalim wanting you! No, you are his! But he did want to hear you sing… he had to make a plan.
He decided that he’ll “stop by” just to see if you’ll sing for him. Which is very childish but he'd rather do a 1 on 1 sessions than the entirety of the music club taking you or even kalim being near you. Kalim has had you long enough!
If you are too shy to sing in front of jamil, he might encourage you by singing together. He does know he has a pretty silky smooth singing voice. You two would sound perfect together, like it was meant to be.
Your voice is like a snake charmer to him. Hell, do whatever you want and take care of you. He'd honestly wish you were his master instead. But he also like the idea of being the one in control. You're his so its only fair of you'll only sing for him. He'll love to sing more together. He'll love to fall asleep with you in his arms, singing him a melody that will melt his stress away as he dreams about having a life with you in his dreams
He has fallen for you so hard that he just wants to run away with you. Travel the world and see amazing places. You two will be a power couple! If there’s trouble, he’s prefect to fix it. Food, safety, awareness, smart, good looking, handsome, is there anything Jamil cant do? The only problem is that he needs you to fall for him. If you fall for him then everything will fall to place, perfectly. He would have to be tempted to hurt anyone who got too close. But thats a lot of variables in this situation, but he can handle it. He will handle anything for you. Jamil will move mountains for you. Or mind control someone strong enough to move it.
But for right now, what he allows himself to do, without being too suspicious, is whenever you come over to Kalim’s crazy childish parties, he’ll take you away for the last quarter of the party and have you sing for him. Just him. It’s enough time for no one to notice and if anyone ask? You’re using the restroom. Or you went to get some food or a drink. No one will notice a thing. Even kalim, with his puppy dog personality, will be distracted by the party. Kalim won't mind if you become his...
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pondhue · 10 months
just wanted to say thank you all for the love you have shown on my work so far. it is so nice to be able to have something to enjoy/enjoy with other people
i happened to get into the show october 2022, when i was at a very low/scary point in my life (i am much better now ☺️). i got very attached to the show very quickly. it felt good to distract myself with a (controlled?) chaotic thing as it helped me escape from my own. and of course i got very attached to rick. im sure freud would have a field day in my brain trying to figure THAT out but anyway-
i see ALL of your tags (i literally scroll and read ALL of them like if you think 'oh haha not mine' yours too), replies, i see the asks (don't worry i will get to them, im working on a rickxdiane being domestic one as i type this) and read them with a big grin on my face.
the level of enthusiasm and excitement shared here is so nice and lowkey refreshing. it really makes drawing fun for me again. i get excited to pick up my tablet pen again for the first time in 2 years! im like "people like my stuff!! they get excited for when i post!! all those little people in my phone are so nice!!!" to my partner bc i just get so pumped lol (he begrudgingly accepts my rick obsession, love him) and he's really happy for me.
i've also noticed my artistic skill and visual library improved and expanded significantly upon making this side blog and delving into doing fanart for rick and morty. i just love this show so much and i wanted to say that in a way that best suits me. i'm very proud of myself and appreciative of all the support! it pushes me to do more/better in terms of my art
this post got suuuuuper long but the edible kicked in and i'm feeling ✨sentimental✨so yeah. thank you all. you guys are great.
- pond 🩷
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kittydoodle · 2 months
i just wanna talk a little bit about my art journey the past few years, about my mental health related to it, and about my recently rediscovered joy in art. this doesnt have any real point, id just like to share (under the cut because its pretty long lol)
for a very long time, like several years, i was deeply unmotivated and uninspired to make any art. getting out of high school and eventually quitting my first job, i just felt really depressed, and with undiagnosed psoriatic arthritis putting me in worse and worse pain every day, i was lucky if i could even physically sit down and get a doodle out.
i also held myself to secret unsaid rules about how to create my art. no starting a piece unless i intend to finish it in the same day. no creating anything that isnt fully colored and polished. no making anything that doesnt have perfect lines or proportions im perfectly satisfied with. it stunted my self expression, it took all the joy out of making my art, and it made me upset because i believed i was somehow losing my passion for making art.
i sincerely believed i was growing out of my desire to draw, forever. i was distraught and grieving. i couldnt even draw things i was excited to, i would think to myself, "wow! id love to draw this idea!" and then id sit down and think about how id have to finish a full, perfect piece, and id immediately lose my motivation. so all id ever make were full, finished pieces every once in awhile, and i was still deeply unsatisfied with them.
however, in the past 6 months or so, a few things have come together that have really restored my excitement for creating art
first, (DISCLAIMER: this is not advice! dont follow my example!) i quit my adhd meds. yes, really. i was suddenly out of them for a couple weeks and in those couple weeks i realized i felt better than i had in years, and, ironically, it was way easier for my to do chores without it. the only thing i can really think of to explain it is that i was on a stimulant medication for a very, very long time, like most of my working memory ive been on them. i guess after so long it stopped working the way it should to due to tolerance buildup and was just bogging me down instead of stimulating me.
second, i doodle, i sketch, i make quick drawings i have no intention of finishing. i allow myself not to finish or perfect a piece. i even draw random ideas i wont do anything else with, just for fun. at the advice of a few friends, i have forcefully practiced letting myself get messy and unrefined with my art so that its less intimidating, and to my surprise it actually worked.
third, i started arthritis meds and i listen to my body way better now so i can avoid inflaming and injuring myself, which makes it a lot easier to draw without pain! i even do stretches! im still working on fully effective treatment for my pain, but im doing at least a little better
i dont really know where im going with this tbh... for anyone who has followed me for a long time, uve seen this blog get quiet with little to no art posts for months and months at a time for the past few years, so i hope u are excited to see me posting more frequently again! i missed it! i hope u enjoy me now as much as im enjoying me!
im happy to be creating again and i hope i can keep my passion going! im happier now than i have been in an extremely long time, and im excited to show everyone the things ive been creating more often
umm thats all i guess! if u read this far ummmm One Big Kissaroo From Me To You okay 🩷🩷🩷 MWAH
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punkshort · 28 days
Your Marcus Acacius… let me tell you, when I say my life hasn’t been the same since, I’m not even exaggerating. I mean literally. That man is so swoonable it hurts!!😫 it is impossible not to fall madly in love (and lust😉) with him! The way you described both his inner and outer beauty and his irresistible personality and riz and confidence and raw masculinity is just *CHEFS KISS!! You leave such a visceral sense of who he is he has me in a chokehold and Im just mad that he’s not reeeeeal!!😭😭
your world building is so beautiful! it’s so vivid and delightful it makes me wanna live there. (And I live in NYC😆)
The side characters Iizard and the brother are hilarious! I love them AND I wanna throw an oven mitt at them😂
Your protagonist: I like your protagonist so much she’s so endearing. She’s so sweet and kind even when she’s ready to kick Danny’s ass you can tell she still loves him and will always look out for him. She’s not perfect and struggles at work (and with life) like most of us do but she’s smart and strong and resilient like we all try/want to be so she’s very relatable. It’s easy to see how a man like Acacius would fall in love with her. And even when she’s angry and annoyed she’s still very lovable (in contrast to Kate and Leopold). And that Matt guy. Well… he deserves everything he got lol And the smut… oh the smut. It’s so fluffy and sweet and SO HOTTT🥵🥵 I melted on the floor like your protagonist said🫠🫠
TW: I don’t wanna make this weird I swear. you don’t have to reply at all it’s totally fine. I just want you to know that your art has literally changed my life. I don’t mean to overshare but… being able to take refuge in the world you’ve created got me through weeks of PTSD flashback hell. And I’ve had this one difficulty all my life and decades of expensive therapy couldn’t make a dent but In Another Life cured it. I’m excited to live again🥹. I just wanna say from the bottom of my heart how grateful I am that you shared your beautiful writing with us!❣️❣️💝💖💝💖
A Marcus Acacius Girly
PS I did reblog your work but I was too embarrassed to leave all this in my comments so I had to go anon in your inbox😅
This was so beautiful to read it took me a minute to figure out how to answer it - I can't really put into words what this means to me but I'll try 🥹
Firstly, thank you so much for pointing out all your favorite parts because that's my favorite part! I absolutely adore hearing what struck you the most as a reader and I like to hear if what I've written came across the way it intended and how I imagined it, etc, so this was and always is so wonderful to hear. It just gave me that extra motivation I needed to work on part 3 later 🤭 (I've already started it but didn't get very far)
Secondly, thank you for sharing a bit about your personal struggles. I know that has to be so hard for you to share and I appreciate that you felt impacted enough by something I wrote to want to say something about it. I don't think I know how to describe the way my chest literally tightened when I read that part but I'm floored something I wrote could help anybody in the world the way you described. It makes me so happy I could help you in that way, it really truly does. I really hope things are looking better for you now ❤️
Lastly, thank you for reblogging! Don't feel obligated to write anything when you do, I appreciate it all the same!
I'm very grateful you reached out to me and trusted me enough to share a piece of yourself. I sincerely hope the rest of the story meets your expectations and continues to bring a little light into your life ❤️ I also rely heavily on this platform (and my own writing) as a form of therapy (and maybe a little escapism, sure) so we certainly have that in common 😘
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morethanmeetstheass · 2 years
alright, let's do the lowdown of "where the fuck has suna been all this time." probably gonna be long so ill put a keep reading, but tldr: life got bad, life got better, im working on existing in fandom space again
SO. i cant remember the last time i posted, so let's start at where shit went bad. 2020 baby, the rona hit, i graduated college virtually, lost my job, and ended up having to move to another state bc new jobs were so hard to come by. started anew down here in maryland, though a little worse for wear bc i went from living with my 4 best friends to having exactly 0 friends. very isolating, no fun. got cats, one of them died, so that didn't help at all.
fandom-wise, iacon online was both a huge benefit in my life and a huge pain. a lot of stress and misery went into that convention, but a whole lot of good came from running it. i ended up getting the chance to do 3 covers for idw, which was a massive blessing. became friends with multiple members of the cybertronic spree, made new friends with other organizers, got to accidentally roast james roberts to his face.
but it was also very stressful, and admittedly, my love for transformers did a huge swell and then took a big hit. i spiraled into a weird pit of having no interest in anything, lost interest in writing my fic, and started exploring other parts of my life. especially when idw lost the license to transformers, because fuck, now if i want to do covers again, i gotta make MORE connections. i was just very tired and burnt out. started hating all my artwork and despising how i was drawing for validation instead of passion.
sort of accidentally became a prominent creator on tik tok, so i got to explore other parts of my life that got lost in the transformers shuffle. got a new job working remotely, adopted another cat, things were looking up. then my apartment had a fire and i spiraled again, even worse. my mental health still hasn't recovered. it is a miracle that my belongings, health, and pets were ok, but i didnt even feel safe in my own home anymore. still struggling with it almost a year later, even in a new apartment. its been hard.
but i was shuffling on spotify today and stumbled onto my blitzbee playlist, and i got a little twinge in my tummy. i miss transformers. i dont miss being completely consumed by it, but i want to reintroduce myself to the fandom, start making mecha art again, as well as other art.
and i swear on my life, i WILL finish my fic. even after all this time, i still read all the comments i get on roe, on aufn, and especially kwz. i see how many of you want me to finish it, and i want to too. and i will. itll just take me some time to reintroduce myself to the fandom, to get comfortable with creating out of a place of love rather than out of a place of need for external validation. roe was a passion project, and its so clear with how much it was loved. it was good bc it was made out of a place of excitement, out of me genuinely wanting to share the story, not just wanting the likes and kudos. and im feeling that passion again. not 100% just yet, but i am.
so yeah, thats the deal. life has settled. still suffering with post traumatic stress from the fire and trying to feel safe in my space again, but im improving. im finding love for transformers again. im finding love for a lot of things again, and i dont want to box myself into one passion or the other. im a lot of things and i want to give myself space to love all of the things that i love. and robots are one of those things, but not the only one.
blitzbee forever. i will die a dirty bee kinnie and a blitzy simp.
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charliesinfern0 · 4 months
SO SO SO SUPER COOL. i first saw your artwork back in 2022 [i think…!?]?? your ososan stuff! and i thought your artstyle was so super cute and unique that when you started posting it again in 2023 i recognized it off the bat haha. i look at everything outside of ososan too now and i find it all very fun! we have a lot of overlap in other interests but its also been so cool to see things i have only thought of getting into without ever taking the leap LIKE CATS!!! I REALLY LIKE SEEING POSTS ABOUT CATS!! its all very interesting to me!! i like seeing you indulge so much. its fun seeing blogs that are so obviously and beautifully collections of things that person is passionate about!! i would like to see even more of that. i VERY MUCH get being held back by a sense of being cringe/too much but i bet if you doubled down on everything without caring things would only become doubly cool! its also very fun to see someone who has a lot of continual passion for their fankids for homestuck?! admittedly my hs days were primarily like..4-3 years ago but back then it was really common for people to start msfpas or make ocs and then run out of steam really fast [its a strong time commitment and VERY OBVIOUSLY AS I WOULD KNOW interests change!!] but seeing how much youve stuck with page and the development of your art since making them is CRAZYYYYYYYYY and so inspirational!!! truly very awesome to see. LASTLY LASTLY LASTLY though i could ramble for a very long time I REALLY REALLY LIKE YOUR CAT CAFE FIC IDEA…and this is no like easy feat when it comes to ososan stuff to me im pretty picky lol. even if it never gets off the ground the stuff you laid out in that one ask w all the chapter titles and musical tie ins was so fun to read + A VERY GOOD MUSIC REC and im glad to have been able to peek into your head about it!! i was just thinking about it the other day :) anyway have a good one forever benrey infern0
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OH MY GOSH THANK YOU?!?? THIS IS SO SWEET YOU'VE MADE MY DAY LIKE TEN TIMES BETTER NOW T_T im so happy that you enjoy my blog so much and im so happy you like my art and writing and ocs!!! ^_^ i have been nervous about being seen as annoying or too much for posting abt stuff i enjoy and ive been wanting to post about stuff that im worried people might find cringey,,, but your message is inspiring me to just go for it!!!! hehehe ^_^ i do have some new interests (and some new f/os!!!) that i want to share soon, and im also planning to just do a bunch of self ship and oc ask games and make a bunch of oc x canon art!! im super excited to do all that now :D
also its actually the 1 year anniversary of the official beginning of citrus!!! (though ive been working on it for a lot longer lololol) i'm planning on posting some art to celebrate in just a little bit, so keep an eye out for that! >_o
thank you again for all of your kind words!! knowing that there are people out there that enjoy me and my art makes it all worth it (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) i hope you have a good one forever too anon!!!!!
and i hope you like the little collage of some of my fave things right now hehe ^_^
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leorawright · 8 months
Ok Im very excited Ive been wanting to request again for months but I work the whole day on Fridays :') but im back to request another mashup cause things have changed since the last one!
i would like to request a TF2 mashup (preferably romantic) with any of the main mercs (might exclude pyro unless you want to make it platonic).
Some stuff about me:
Im a hetersexual cis woman who wants to be a freelance artist, either in illustration or in character design! Right now Im studying illustration and its really fun to learn new techniques! I do get insecure from time to time with my art, but Im very determined to learn what I can and just have fun making art
Personality wise, Im very stoic and serious-looking, keeping to myself most of the time, but once i get comfortable I cant stop talking, like sometimes I have to remind myself to tone it down a little heheh
Once I get into something like a tv show or other series, Im very focused on it and think about it non-stop. For example, Ive been into Seinfeld for almost a year now to the point where one afternoon I spent an hour planning what a Seinfeld video game would look like, yknow, because I could. Sometimes I think about not being as involved in my interests as much as I do, but at the same time thats what makes me happy and drives my creativity, yknow?
Ive also been developing some stories of my own! Im no writer myself, but I love creating storylines and developing them further, whether they're original concepts or based on tf2 or something
As for what Im looking for in a partner, I want someone who can make me laugh. I admire someone who can talk so openly to other people but still be gentle and comforting with me even though Im not a very extroverted person. I want someone who admires my creativity and can listen to me when Im saying something, whether its something serious or not. I want someone who can share in some of my interests, and even when he doesnt he can still appreciate my enthusiam and not say something along the lines of "you're still talking about this?", yknow? Whenever I feel at my worst, I want him to just whisper sweet nothings, without having to try to 'fix' my problems immediately, just letting me slowly feel my emotions and junk. Im pretty much rambling on at this point but basically i just need the bare minimum like opening the door for me to fall in love with someone heh
I have a bit more confidence after attending art school, and Im trying to socialize more, but its still a little draining sometimes, but its still worth it in the end I think!
Uhhhhhhhhhh idk what else to put, this is mostly the bare minimum but I hope you're doing well! Take care and have a good day!
I have the perfect person...
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He has the strangest sense of humor but whenever he's able to make you laugh, he absolutely lights up
If you're having a bad day, you bet Demo will do everything in his power to comfort you, whether it's listening to you talk or just telling you terrible jokes until you feel better
Or if you're having one of those days where you just need to cry, Demo will lay beside you and whisper about whatever until you fall asleep
Whenever you talk about your interests, he pays as much attention as possible so you know he's interested
Also, he praises your art so much and loves watching you draw, he thinks it's mesmerizing
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quarantined-fics · 11 months
hello! this is the anon who asked you about your decision to orphan FaT in your pinned post. im just now seeing it (i’ve also been very preoccupied with life!)
im so happy to hear that you made that decision for yourself and feel the relief that you deserve! the art you put out should bring you joy and when that’s not happening, it’s always enough of a reason to step away.
since you mentioned other reasons that led to this decision, i was concerned about the stress! college is stressful, life is stressful, health issues are stressful. it seems like you have a lot going on! i hope all the stressors in your life ease up, or at least become more manageable. if it is any solace though, you are doing absolutely amazing just by taking time to do something for yourself, something you enjoy.
it warms my heart to know you feel confident and comfortable writing your newer fics that inspire you. i am very much enjoying the princess and the pirate and i’m excited to see what you have in store for our reds! your ability to write fantasy is admirable, you’re seriously so good at it! forever, i’ll be happy as a reader as long as you’re happy as a writer :) again, lots of love!
also little p.s., i was wondering if you wanted to disassociate yourself from FaT completely, just so i know whether you feel comfortable with any comments/questions/etc regarding it.
hi dearie!! thank you so much for the ask, your questions and concerns seriously warm my heart, i'm very lucky to have such supportive readers and fandom friends♡
college stress is slowly creeping in again, although in a much easier and more manageable way than before. thanks to my course of study, i'm finally able to choose subjects that actually interest me and that will definitely be of help when it comes to studying AND making time for writing. while it will surely take some time to adjust to my new schedule and obligations, it will also be much easier knowing it is finally something i care about and genuinely want to learn.
my health, both mental and physical, is getting better by the day. family, friendships and a new, healthy relationship are an undeniable cause of that, and i am so grateful to get to experience all three.
i am so glad to hear you are enjoying P&P so far, and cannot wait to share what lies ahead for our dear PPGs and RRBs ♡ lots of love, sweet anon
re:p.s.: as far as FaT goes, i am open to any comments or answering any questions that i left unanswered upon orphaning the fic ♡ even though it is no longer mine, it was mine first, and i still cherish it as my first dive into the world of fanfic and our lovely fandom. while i have no official outline, i do have a very loose idea of the full plot in my head, so feel free to ask anything you'd like.
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Not a request just a question out of curiosity. How did you feel when you first started out writing fanfics for a particular fandom? Have you always been passionate about writing? What is your method to know a character better so as to make your works seem close to their original personality?
I love your works, they genuinely make my day and would love to write for lookism one day as well and you're my biggest inspiration ❤️ hope you have a wonderful day :)
[Don't have to reply if you don't feel like it]
i got REALLY wordy so things are under a cut!
anyways can i just say this is such a sweet message 😭😭💓💕💓💕💞💖💞💕💓💖💞💘
thank u so much for sending this ask !! it always means the world to me when ppl express care and curiosity about other's creativity journeys :'] 💖
this goes for u, too, anon; if ur comfortable sharing, i'd love to hear ur own answers to ur questions! <33
how did you feel when you first started out writing fanfics for a particular fandom?
i started when i was around 9 and was very excited to share so thats what i did :] but over time i grew insecure and felt my old stuff was stupid lmao so i deleted it all off the web and then writing became a private thing for me for a very, very long time (writing like 40k, 38 chapters worth of stuff just for me 😭). i've wanted to share during my last few fandoms but never got the courage to until i got into lookism/viral hit !
(well, actually, i did share some writing during my "obey me!" phase but it was just text convos lol)
naturally, i was nervous putting my writing out in the world again esp bc the last time i did was when i like 11-12, and i was 16 when i wanted go public with my writing again 😔 im very glad i pushed myself to tho, bc its basically been a year now and i've had a blast!
i never imagined so many people would like my silly writing, enough to send in requests T_T 💕💖
have you always been passionate about writing?
kind of,,? i really only got into it because of fanfiction lol but i did consider becoming an author for like. a week of my life sjdhwhdj so really it's just a hobby i do since im the walking definition of "speaks little but thinks a lot"
gotta put thoughts down somewhere yknow? and at the end of the day, writing to me is just what art is to me; it's for fun and to express myself. sure, i wanna get better at both, but if my stuff turns out "objectively" bad, at least i know i had fun with it :'D
(that's my philosophy with art in general; make "bad" art!! have fun!!! enjoy life!!! i hate comparison/competitive things!!!! lets all just have a nice time being kind to each other!!!!!)
creative writing is very cool tho and i have a bunch of ocs i'd love to write stories for, but the artist in me is saying i want to do them webtoon style ;_;
what is your method to know a character better so as to make your works seem close to their original personality?
going to be honest, im not the best person to ask for this 😭 im the world's most casual writer and i take my "just have fun with ur art" thing very seriously;;
i.e. i just keep note of how a character acts throughout a story, characterize them along the way, and then use that as my base for any writing i do of them 😭
um. i also (re)read fandomwiki pages of them, if any, to double check for stuff 😭😭😭 occasionally i rewatch/reread moments of them in their stories when i want to look for something specific but otherwise it's just me going "hm would this character do this?", comparing it to my base, and reacting accordingly!
other times i straight up go "yeah they probably wouldnt do this BUT it would be cute so im going to do it 😍"
so, if nothing works, just let urself be self indulgent <3 unless u do want to take ur writing more seriously than i do, then uh yeah it would be much better for u to look up advice from people who take their writing more seriously ^_^"
final notes
thank u for liking my stuff, im very happy to hear they make ur day ;__; 💖💕💓💞 plus saying im ur biggest inspiration too is so,, ueueuueu,,,, ;;__;; 💞💘💞💞💘💕💖💘
i really hope u get around to writing for lookism or any other fandoms/original works!!! i wish u the absolute best with you and your writing journey, and feel free to tag/dm me with anything u write!! i'd be happy to support :]
hope you're having a wonderful day, too 💖💖
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thevalleyoftriumph · 2 months
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[ edit: end0s dont touch this post, thanks! please block me instead ^_^ ]
so! um. for those who Arent in the ava community group and thus havent seen these; 4 days ago i posted the first 4 images officially introducing a headcanon that ive had for 2 years. its a hc that is very very important and dear to me that i hold very close to my heart, as it is a MASSIVE projection of my own experiences with having a dissociative disorder and being a system.
huuuge huge ramble under the cut. ^_^
the headcanon, to put it at its most simple, is this; chosen is a system of 3, having himself and two others, killer and beast, of whom are sort of seen here via a visual design of their internal appearance/how they see themselves. thats about it.
theres more to it, obviously, and thats the shortest way i can explain it, but trust me when i say it is much much MUCH more complex than i make it out to be. a LOT of projection goes into this, so a lot of how i write chosen and his system are based pretty explicitly off my experiences with the disorder. thus, its actually a ... very detailed headcanon.
i have a LOT of thoughts about this headcanon as again ive had it for years now. you can actually kinda see little inklings of it in my ooold old art of these three! a lot of my thoughts have been posted in the community too, either in the replies of my posts or under a cut, so if anyone is curious and wants it to be rebloggable, feel free to shoot me an ask requesting i put it on here :] and if anyones curious about details to my headcanon, feel free to ask me about it!!! genuinely i adore talking about this one, it means the world to me and i love seeing people enjoy it!
i also just want to say, ever since i posted the original mini-comic, ive been seeing a LOT more system headcanons in the ava community here, and genuinely it makes me SO happy. i was very very nervous sharing the headcanon initially, since its something very special to me that means a great deal to me, and i didnt know how itd be recieved. i did in fact expect to get rocks chucked at me lol. but, seeing how much people ended up adoring it, and seeing others start to form their own headcanons, makes me feel a lot better about it! im so excited i get to share this with you all, putting this hc out public is like bearing a part of my soul in a way. nerve-wracking, but ultimately relieving. its really nice. so, thank you ava tumblr for being awesome ^_^
obligatory "im a system and im sick of seeing this in media" disclaimer however; if i see ANY of you pull the "evil alter" stereotype in your headcanons [or if you interprite my beast as one], i am legally allowed to hit you with a chair. if you genuinely dont understand what that means or why its harmful, you are okay to ask me questions! just please please please remember to do your research if youre gonna be making a did/osdd headcanon, especially if youre a singlet!! i LOVE seeing hcs, but theres a TON of misinfo online about these disorders. dont just use tumblr as your sources! use actual medical and scientific writings! obviously looking to see the personal experiences of systems is great, but pleasepleaseplease get your primary research from somewhere other than tumblr and tiktok. ok thats all obligatory disclaimer over lol
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ermbabyel · 5 months
Hi! I was wondering if you could match me with a Stardew Valley male character. (If you have time and you feel like doing it, if not, its completely okay :))
So I'm a 20 year-old girl with dark blonde hair, heterochromy (one eyes is brown and the other greener). Im short, by the way :').
Now, about my personality, I'm very social, but at the same time Im an introvert. I am very anxious and i kinda fall into being a people-pleaser, but im getting better. I am a very lovely person who enjoys a calm and joyous ambience. I love my friends and family and I try to help them if they ever have any problem.
I love animal, i own two dogs, but if i could i would have lots of other animals: cows, rabbits, birds, cats, hamsters...
Im also studying fine arts, and although i dont do it too much, i enjoy reading and wayching series and films.
Im a helpless lover, but have trouble with intimacy and physical contact, and showing my deepest feelings. Besides, sometimes i feel a little bit depressed, and lazy (or burnt out, i dont know).
Still, overall, Im a very happy person and I love playing games (any kind: vudeogames, board games, child games..)
And thats pretty much all :))
Hello~! I’d love to match you up, I hope you enjoy~! :3
Your stardew matchup is…Sebastian~
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Sebastian kind of has a tough exterior, but I think your kind and warm presence can help him break down some walls. And of course, it’ll take some time to get him to fully open up to you.
I can see you two becoming close after sharing the same interests in gaming and board games. Sebastian would ask you to play “Solorian Chronicles” with him and Sam.
Sebastian is also passionate about frogs. And with your passion about animals as well, he’s more than excited to show you how knowledgeable he is with frogs.
Sebastian understands you having a hard time showing intimacy, so he won’t push you until you feel ready. Honestly, he’s the same way, but he wants to make sure you’re comfortable with him.
But once you get comfortable with each other, Sebastian is very subtle with his physical intimacy. For example: He’ll give you a gentle kiss on the forehead when you’re buried deep in a book.
He’d bring you to the saloon to hangout with Sam and Abigail on Friday nights. I can see you and Abigail being really good friends as well.
Sebastian appreciates how caring and help you are to others, but worries it’ll eventually drain you. So, he takes the time and effort to make sure you’re taking care of yourself as well.
I think Sebastian will love your calm and joyous ambiance. He appreciates the quiet side of life with you and loves how he can just relax and let himself relax in your presence.
I hope you liked your matchup~! Feel free to request again. 🥰💜
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flamechasr · 9 months
a special message for you ♡ @binarystarduet
HIIII MAOMAOMAOMAO. i have said it once before and i will again, you are my favourite silliest star twin creature still. i literally jumped up and down the day i got my gift recipient and at that time i had JUST woken up because i was literally so excited to make more things for you!!!! i got an excuse to make you furina stuff LOL it felt like the stars aligned for me or something bc i mentioned that i wanted to make furina stuff for you on the individual gifts before but i was doing pair edits and it was easier with yachimei + jeanlisa for you and anne but this time i get to go off and i. went off. SJDSJDN literally have never edited this much, or been this excited to edit. i am still not caught up with fontaine or anything but i know enough to love you and i'm still unfortunately ill about my genshins especially in recent days as i got feelings for furi and it's like...... you being her is just perfect and everything, but beyond that i also love YOU, i loved making all these, and i'm honestly so grateful that we've been talking more in recent days because i've always wanted to talk more, you were just always so nice to me and your energy is very contagious like omg i am always hyped and pumped to talk to you so Please please i mean this never hesitate to shoot me a message whenever. i love to talk always, it's a precious and special experience especially with you because i simply enjoy our moments so muchie and i hope we do even more in the coming year!!
explaining my gifts a bit! i know you love aesthetics and stims and i was going for those primarily but you know how i feel about my aesthetics and stims .... i think youre so much better at them god honestly so im like nervous making them wondering if you'll like fhdhshhddh which is pretty ridiculous since i know you'll love anything but :pweading: . i did my best and i put love into all of these so i truly hope it is okay. i made almost everything the same day except for the poem and gfx so like the soyoanon board was something i came up with the day after we were talking about bandori and you told me abt mygo and ave mujica and im like ! i can make something up from that yes i do love bandori art. but i don't actually know anything about soyoanon so i only went by vibes which is like... sharing tea after school in the evening vibes, and after school vibes in general because anon reminds me of cherry blossoms and soyo reminds me of a nice warm evening so thats what i came up with, again im not very confident with my aes but i hope i got it . cry. and then hikawa sisters of course because you are sayo and i know you love hina-chan and i chose that card in particular bc i always associate you with stars! and i don't know i think it's tender. and i love you both ofc omg my hina-chan as aya and you as tsugu you're so so cute and i hope this brings you happiness! :^}
the icons came as a "i'll throw this in" gift but its also bc you told me that you felt insecure (??) about having so many bandori kins but like . don't be i love you so much :} I went back and forth a lot on the style until i eventually settled on the star design with an alternate normal ver. the colouring is slightly diff bc i made them on separate instances and i didnt save the psd but we'll pretend like they're the same ajdjsjs
finally my abundance of furinas..... this goes without saying but i love my furi so much partly because of my inherent genshin spin but i actually Understand now and i love you... the stim board is bc i thought it would be fun to make one for her and it was ! she is so you like the teatime aesthetic and her love of cakes and i incorporated both so i hope you likeys.... even though im not good with stims i think it looks okay and i gave a bonus neuvi as well. tee hee. talking about the poem a bit i wrote that like the same day oz assigned me to you because i was so excited and that morning i listened to la vaguelette for the first time and i came up with that. because you said i can gift whatever else and i was thinking the only other thing in my arsenal is writing (art too but i have been terribly unmotivated on that end ....) i have not yet properly gone through fontaine or her story and of course it is Your feelings but i tried to put that into pretty words as well, plus i made my qpp and my best friend read through it first and they both liked it so i hope you will too... smile. the gfx set i was gonna make from the start but it took a couple days of inspiration-gathering, and i was thinking how we talked about like. how you like working with colours but struggle with like creating a design like making from a blank canvas but i do love making designs so i put my whole mind into the set and i really like what came out of it !! these are just tumblr gfxs that you just stare at and not use but regardless i really hope you enjoysies everything, i love you so much!!!
(hey!! this is ava i just scheduled the posts since elysia had them in drafts, hopefully we're right on time! thank you for being awesome and we all hope to continue being friends with you for a long time. <3)
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djsadbean · 2 years
how to improve drawing kinda fast:
ditch lineart for a bit (this way its easier to part with things that aren’t working)
use a REALLY thin brush
copy, copy, copy art you think is ✨art goals✨
don’t post that stuff tho :O
if you need to trace at first, thats fine lol but break away from that eventually!! you gotta train your eyes to draw what you see, spatial awareness is very important
copy hands, poses, expressions, anything you wanna get better at
don’t copy from refs that are way too simple to be used as a “master study”, like from the calarts shows etc.
copy from stuff thats kinda complex bc if you learn how to draw it in that complex way, you can always simplify it if you want ^^
im pretty sure this is how many of us have become obsessed with hip dips details LOL
if something looks off, flip ur canvas, mess with ur sketch, or even delete (or hide) parts of the sketch and try again. if you drew it once, u can draw it again. (erase or hold up the page to the light backwards if drawing on paper)
being cool with parting with your sketch if its not working will make you a better artist
youre allowed to frankenstein refs together lol (a hand from here, a mouth from there...)
if youre having trouble making your sketches look like theres actual shapes, try shading :D
literally the only reason i shade now is to show the shapes of objects in more of a painterly way (its not just for paintings btw, its just easier to describe it that way)
try new things that youre excited about like perspective, anatomy, blah blah
copy!!!! while youre copying it’s gonna be cool to see how much you remember when you try it on your own
scribble a doodle as often as you can, not like urgently, but like as something to look forward to (like how lots of ppl look forward to wordle everyday lol)
this list can apply to anyone but its fine if you wanna take some advice and leave some if it doesn’t work out. this list is mostly just to get you comfortable with sketching and learning, not performing.
I mention that “not performing” thing bc its easy to want to please social media platforms because that attention and validation can feel amazing! 
but its also addicting because many of us crave being in a community and talking to ppl who like the same things we do
there are many communities out there from artist youtubers, artist streamers, etc. and many of them have discords and stuff and it might be fun to join! and/or join fandom ones if u want ^^ 
that way you have something thats not bound by if ig decides to not show your post to your followers or something
there’s also lots of other platforms that aren’t social media based specifically for artist communities too!
with this said, please be safe! never give out private info and you’re always free to block/report ppl who make u uncomfortable or ask weird things. 
on the topic of being in communities... reblog art you like! comment the nice things youre thinking in the tags or in an actual comment! share art you like on your ig story!
firstly, this is great for making friends
secondly, the artist cant read ur mind so they don’t hear anything nice youre saying :(
comments can be so motivating!! hearing nice things from my mutuals about my art feels great bc of that authentic human connection we’ve all been missing for like 2 years now
if i see a mutual drawing something and i think “omg they did amazing with the expression!” i write it (ive also been told i leave comments as if im talking and its kinda funny to read sometimes xD)
its channeling “girls support girls” culture in a way lol we’re our best when we’re lifting each other up <3
luv ya, be safe!! and draw lots of things!! :D
add stuff that’s helped you improve kinda fast if u want too! if we put all our brain cells together we’ll be unstoppable heheh
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yinses · 4 years
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| you told yourself that you would do anything for satoru |
gojo satoru x reader
rating: 18+
a/n: i have an obsession i know. i’m working on it
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it was to a soft tickling at the inside of your thighs that welcomed you into the next day. a soft sigh broke through your yawn as you shifted and twisted against the desires tugging at your veins. 
somewhere in your mind, you registered that it was much too early. 
but of course your body disagreed tenfold. 
“ngh…” an equally tired chuckle vibrates against you and you jumped at the touch of a thumb brushing against your outer lips. 
“the was a cute sound,” the voice purred. your hips lifted once more in reaction before they were assisted into submission by the firm weight of a forearm along your pelvis. 
the sounds of your slick sliding against his tongue were as equally loud as it was lewd. there was no art to the madness, just a series of flicks and heavy suction. 
your fingers clenched at the sheets, wrinkling the integrity as your chest heaved with every moan. in terms of wake up calls, the impending shrill of your alarm easily took last place. 
“you are always such a sight to wake up to. thought i’d return the favor.” 
and return it he did. 
the insertion of a finger freed up the opportunity for his voice to waft around the room again. the rhythm was as languid as his lazy drawl as he bent a joint and raked the nail against your inner walls. 
“i also might need a favor.”
the pinch of your brow came before the comprehension of his words. gojo was always a talker- a stronger contender as a firm charmer that managed to weave his way through society. as his position as ‘the chosen one’, his power spoke volumes. 
with you- he leaned on alternative methods. 
“fuck-toru… you bastard.”
you choked over the inclusion of a second finger, barely swallowing your words as you struggled to rock into them. 
“that’s not very nice of you. to think i woke up so early to treat you this morning.
your boyfriend took the opportunity to curl both fingers this time, smirking when you all but managed to successful buck him off as you keened under his ministrations. 
“it’s nothing big.” turquoise eyes, tinged with lust, met yours as he rose his head. the blanket fell off his shoulders, revealing more pale skin. “i just need a bit of a substitute today.” 
substitute? as in substitute teacher? he had to be joking. 
unlike gojo, after graduation you had more than willingly left behind the stuffy atmosphere of education. as a sorcerer, you never did stop learning. the always evolving curses not letting you hang too far off your game. 
but to return to the classroom to put those young students through everything you hated in your youth? 
no orgasm was worth that.
you disguised your grimace under the pretense of displeasure as he withdrew his hand all together. he tsked at your impatience, using the same hand as a crude form of lube as he fisted his growing cock. 
“it will be easy. these classes are even smaller than ours were.”
 it was difficult to voice a complaint when he was doing just the opposite and sliding into you. your back arched as he filled you to the hilt with little difficulty. 
he experimented with a shallow thrust, a grin pulling at his lips when you responded positively. the pace he set was slower than either of you were use to on a regular basis, but it fit the mood of morning sex. 
his forehead touched yours as he drew back for another long thrust. “shit-squeezing me so early. what a good girl.”
you whimpered when his hips met yours with more force than the last. “think of how excited they’ll be to have a new face. such a sexy one at that.” 
your body slid along the mattress each time he buried himself within you. you didn’t want to admit that he was getting to you. not even his all seeing gaze needed to retell the obvious. his plan was flawless and in short you were too much of a simp for the man.
so you just accepted the early morning distraction, taking direct pleasure in the way it unraveled the tangle of sleep.
you clenched your inner muscles helpfully and your boyfriend groaned in appreciation as he chased both of your releases with new vigor. the twitching and shakiness began with you as the pace picked up. your climax tumbled out of you with a sharp gasp as your boyfriend filled the space with a grunt. 
the two of you took a minute to regain your before he eventually pulled out and you pointedly ignored the stickiness as you relaxed your legs to give him the room to pull away. he didnt stray too far, white locks tickling your nose as he leaned in close again.
“i have more in store for you tonight as a thank you.”
with a huff, you pressed your palm against his cheek before his lips could chase yours. 
“fine, fine. i’ll babysit your class. you better be on some super important mission.”
gojo made a pleased sound, somewhere stuck between a hum and a warm rumble as he nuzzled the side of your neck and pressed his lips there instead. 
“super important. thanks babe.”
                                          you don’t know why you agreed to this. 
leaning back against the desk, you returned the silent gesture as the three first-years scrutinized your presence. aside from megumi, the other two were new faces for you. but your boyfriend’s knack for storytelling painted the picture in the absence of words. 
nobara was obvious. the sole girl of the unit. 
poor girl. 
she seemed to share your sentiment of wanting to be anywhere else but here. 
“so you’re dating sensei?”
you brought your arms closer to your chest as your shoulders rose with the action. 
was that … judgement?
“i’m so sorry.”
it was the sincerity that scared you the most. 
“oh wow, wow, wow. sensei’s really got it all. “
sukuna’s vessel was impossible to miss as any seasoned sorcerer. despite the boy’s positive demeanor, he reeked of the malevolent residue. yet in a way he made it work, there was nothing really about him that didn’t come off as approachable. 
he had something to gain gojo’s infatuation. there was no doubt in your mind that he would use this boy to help him dismantle the systematic hierarchy of the sitting elders. 
you just had to wonder. 
was the kid his main tool or the curse?
“i can’t believe you actually agreed to this.”
ah, megumi. 
the boy liked to express his love for distance, but the years swallowed up so much of it as you watched him grow. your boyfriend was a lot of things but you couldn’t deny the influence he had on the young sorcerer. 
the boy who seemed to disdain the attention knew it too. 
now that everyone had their turn to speak, you supposed it was your turn. 
“he was very convincing,” you offered lowly before picking up the volume. “let’s not pretend you’re actually going to learn anything from me. im just a sit in until satoru gets back from his mission.”
megumi’s scoff shouldn’t have come as a surprise. gojo’s name was rarely spoken without it’s accompaniment. 
“what makes you think he’s not off sightseeing?”
because killing gojo was impossible but you would happily tire yourself exploring your options. 
your smile was tight as you gestured to the door,” lets kick the morning off with some practice matches. the second years are always eager.”
settled comfortably against the bleachers observing as your temporary students got their asses handed to them, you came to the conclusion that being a teacher couldn’t be too bad. perhaps in the future you might be more willing to offer your services with out your boyfriend’s extra persuasion.
speaking of gojo, you wondered how his mission was going. you never actually questioned his agenda. 
you didn’t expect to wait long as the dial tone started up. outside of battle and life or death situations, gojo rarely ignored your calls. he knew in the thick of it you could protect yourself, but he preferred to keep himself available to your needs. 
the sounds of mixed commotion greeted you before his voice did. 
“toru … it sounds busy. where are you?”
gojo’s answering laugh should have been the first warning. to some it may have come off as eased but you could hear the way he forced it in to deflect. 
“sweetheart, how are classes going? i hope they’re not giving you too much trouble.”
trouble seemed to be the opposite of what he was dealing with. there were a lot of people holding their own conversations in the background, all of them too casual to be in danger. in fact, there were too many in general to place him on a battlefield. 
what exactly were you substituting for?
“order #217 for… gogo-san?”
the loud cluck of your tongue against the roof of your mouth was suddenly powerful enough to drown out the clamor. 
gojo satoru prided himself on standing resilient to all threats. it was how he maintained his position as the strongest. he was sought out for his efficiency and ability to overcome all adversaries. 
even against the most fearsome.
“honey, do i ever have a treat for you! today was a single-day special at my favorite bakery. you should have seen the lines. it's a good thing i got here so early!”
there were a lot of things you would do for satoru gojo.
and even more that you would do to him when you got home.
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katronautt · 3 years
hello my lovelies! we reached the end of this year (thank god) and i have a few things to say and a lot to thank for you guys.
(i promise that the rest of my writing is not in this font lol)
this year sucked. bigtime. everyone was all over 2020, how bad it was and all but lemme tell you, 2021 wasn't that much better either. first half of this year was spent with struggling trying to find a job while spiraling down into the rabbit hole of self-pity and depression. finally in may (after 8 months of searching), i got accepted to a place that wasn't (and isn't) any better than what I had left behind in 2020. still, it is somewhat better and i least i have a monthly income for now.
but i still very much like to move on to something else in 2022 so here is the first thing im hoping for next year: a good job with a good salary, something i enjoy doing. (huh good luck you dumb biatch lol)
so all in all, i hated this year but!! there are a few things that made is somewhat bareable and it is all thanks to you guys! (here comes the soppy part so buckle up)
i (re)discovered the world of fanfiction throughout the pedro fandom sometime in november, 2020. i have all that time in my hands since i didnt have a job and i got really into it. ever since then, i find it hard at nights to go to sleep without reading anything before it (kinda became a tradition of mine if you will) and during the winter, reading fanfics helped me tremendously. they helped me escape from my miserable, jobless, futureless and lonely af life and they helped me get through the day. they brought me joy, sometimes tears in a good way and i caught myself staying up til 2 or 3 just to read "one more" chapter of a certain fic.
i still cant believe you guys are doing this for free, for our entertainment (and yours) ! sharing your wonderful works with us and expecting nothing in return (except for the obviously well deserved likes & reblogs) is truly a wonder i never be able to comprehend!
tumblr is truly a hellsite, it gave me so much anxiety since i joined back in actively yet... tumblr is also that thing that gave me the most joy this year with y'all in it.
and now for the thank you notes:
⭐ yes of course im starting with my dearest, my love, my one braincell, @queenofthefaceless. ari, you were one of the first 'big' blogs that started following me after i started making gifs again and i was all over and back and that support still holds up til today. thank you for your neverending support and for always being there for me, no matter what. ilysm. 💜
⭐ although we dont speak much lately, @keethus-arts I ll never forget your support and nice words whenever i was feeling down. thank you keeth! 💜
⭐ when @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa started following me, i was just about to go to bed around 2 am, but when i saw the notification i got so excited that i couldnt sleep for another half an hour and then the next morning i checked in there again to see if i wasnt dreaming. for a while i was intimidated by Katryn for some stupid reason (you know big blog with amazing and popular fics and all) but honestly she's the absolute sweetest and I'm so glad I got to meet you! You have such amazing & wonderful stories! i also wanna thank you for your infinite support towards my maxie gifs and towards my other works too💜
⭐ the same happened with @qveenbvtch, i was (and am) so in love with her javi series, i never thought that such a big and amazing (and intimidating) writer would ever talk to me, let alone follow me but she is also one of the sweetest person i've ever met here and i hope she is doing alright and having a nice holidays wherever she is right now 💜
⭐ @mandocrasis birdie, you know this by now but i found you and your blog through your mind blowing fic interruption which is probably something i will never shut up about, but through that smutty one piece i got to meet a wonderful person with wonderful stories & i thank you for your never fading support towards me and my gifs 💜
⭐ @asta-lily lil beans, although you are not that active anymore on tumblr (which i hope will change one day), you were one of the first people i became mutuals with and i was lucky enough too meet the sweetest, loveliest person in you. and your AOJ story forever remains dear to my heart 💜
⭐ sweet, sweet @anaaaispunk ! the first thing i read from you was the first chapter of your crazy in love series (during my summer holiday, on a beach, with people all around me... ) i was instantly blown away and sweating (and not just from the hot wheater 🤭), I just knew I had to follow you for more haha. but this way I got to meet another sweet soul of tumblr with an amazing writing talent. thank you for all the love and support you have shown towards me and my gifs 💜
⭐ MEG! i feel like i am so lucky for finding your soft max lord series, it seriously changed my life, i fell in love with the story, with max, the whole thing.. and when you dedicated your latest chapter to me with that sweet note, i felt like i could cry, because honestly, one of the best thing that happened to me lately haha. you are an absolute angel and dont you forget that @perropascal !! 💜
⭐ and i also wanna mention and say thanks to @babydarkstar! Your ezra story had blown me the fuck away, seriously, its amazing, wonderful and beautiful.. just like you anya, thank you for support and your amazingness! 💜
Alrighty, i talk way too fucking much so im just gonna tag the rest of y'all to whom i say a massive thanks because without your amazing fics i dont think i would have survived this year ( i know with some of you we are not mutuals but that doesnt stop me from loving your works):
@absurdthirst, @toomanystoriessolittletime, @storiesofthefandomlovers, @honestly-shite, @littlemisspascal, @radiowallet, @queridopascal, @just-here-for-the-moment, @softpedropascal , @javier-pena, @f0rever15elf, @danidrabbles, @lellowberry, @pedro-pascal-love, @foli-vora, @krissology @frannyzooey, @starlightmornings, @wordsnwhiskey, @juletheghoul, @dincrypt, @mandosmistress, @yespolkadotkitty, @songsformonkeys, @the-ginger-hedge-witch, @astroboots, @brandyllyn, @charnelhouse , @ezrasbirdie , @novemberrain221, @oonajaeadira
And to every other lovely mutuals I am lucky enough to have: without your support I'd be nowhere. Love y'all tremendously 💋❤️❤️
@beskarboobs, @300mirrors, @over300books, @artsymaddie, @phantomviola, @djarsdin, @sirtadcooper , @lucrezia-thoughts, @wild-at-heart-kept-in-cage
Here's to another shitty AMAZING year with you guys on this hellsite!! 🥂🎉❤️❤️❤️❤️
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