#im doing much much better than before anyway but still like every week or two weeks i have to fight myself and for whahhttt
rapidhighway · 3 months
if i could stop relying on food for regulating my emotional state that would be so awesome man
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thatfandomslut · 4 months
Regina George's Sister
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Cady Heron x Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Trigger Warnings: protective relationship, secret relationship
mayhaps a cady heron x reader where reader is regina’s sister and cady and reader have been secretly dating for months because neither of them want regina to find out but then regina ends up catching them kissing or something idk im bad at requests feel free to go nuts😭😭
Mean Girls requests are open.
A/N: I could not figure out how to end this, so please forgive me.
If there was one thing anyone needed to know about Regina post-Spring Fling, it was that she didn't change much. She was just kinder to Gretchen and Karen, who still loyally followed Regina along. She still instilled fear in those around her, even if she was much nicer than she had been. Once a Queen Bee regains her crown, it's hard to repossess it. This was the prime reason Cady and (Y/n) decided to keep their relationship a secret from the blonde due to how protective she was over her younger sister. The problem was, despite being together for the past three months, they were very bad at keeping their relationship a secret.
It was Janis and Damian who were the ones to usually catch them making out under the stairwell. Which is where they found Cady and (Y/n) today, too. The two were on their way to French class, and they typically met Cady there. Which is why they weren't surprised to see them locking lips, despite their usual desire to hide from Regina. It occurred to Janis and Damian that the two were starting to get comfortable with not getting caught, so they were becoming more careless.
"You know," Janis's words startled the two of them as they jumped apart from each other. The action caused Janis to smirk as Damian snickered at the two. "If you two continue to make out one of the biggest make-out corners, Regina is definitely going to find you two. Eventually, you're not going to get saved by Damian and me. So, stop being stupid, and find a less obvious make-out spot. Come on, Cady, we're going to be late."
Damian quirked his brow nosily at the two as he looked over (Y/n) before following Janis to their class. "She's kind of right," Cady said, her cheeks a bright shade of red having been caught for the fourth time by Janis and Damian that week. "We're getting careless, and if we don't want Regina to find out, we need to start doing better." She spoke with a type of seriousness in her voice that caused (Y/n) to smile. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Cady questioned, though due to the look (Y/n) gave, she had a hint as to what (Y/n) had running through her mind.
"Oh, nothing," (Y/n) teased before placing a gentle kiss on Cady's lips. Cady reciprocated easily, almost forgetting about just getting caught, and the fact that Janis and Damian were most likely waiting on the top of the stairs for her. "I just think you're cute when you're serious about things. You puff your cheeks out and narrow your eyes slightly, and you just look so determined. Anyways, see you after class, Brainiac. I love you."
(Y/n) kissed Cady's cheek as she exited the stairwell, leaving behind a very smiley Cady to join her very annoyed best friends. "I'm sick of these shenanigans, Cady. When are you just going to tell Regina to truth? She's gotten much nicer since you overthrew her at the Spring Fling. Well, I guess, we all overthrew her." Damian pondered on this, walking into the classroom and sitting in his usual seat beside Janis. Cady had turned her seat towards her friends, who were expecting an answer from her.
"She retook the crown, remember? She has too much pride to really learn a lesson. And, even if she is nicer, you both know how she is when it comes to (Y/n)." Cady reminded the group with a raised brow. She didn't necessarily want to talk about this. Every time they got into it, it was them trying to convince Cady to come clean, but that wasn't something (Y/n) wanted. "Besides, right now, (Y/n) also doesn't want to tell Regina, and I think it's important to make sure I don't just ignore her wants. I feel the same as her, too. I'm not ready for Regina to know."
Janis rolled her eyes as the teacher entered, disrupting their conversation. It was getting harder for her and Damian to divert the Plastics away from their usual make-out spots and to make up excuses. Janis and Damian were incredibly loyal, so they weren't just going to stop helping them, but at this point, the two of them needed to buck up and just talk to Regina.
After class, Cady met with (Y/n) for their shared free period, where they went to one of their usual spots. Janis knew where they were, and that's why she almost gave herself whiplash when she saw Regina headed in that direction. "Regina, you can't go that way. I think they're going construction or something." Janis blurted, knowing her excuse was horrible, but it was the only thing to come to mind at the time. And it was obvious that Regina didn't buy it.
"Oh, sure, Janis, they're doing construction on the hallway." Regina narrowed her eyes, wondering just how stupid Janis thought she was. She couldn't help but also feel annoyed at Janis's presence since she was trying to keep her from something. "I need something from my locker."
As Regina turned the corner, her eyes widened at Cady and (Y/n) tucked in a doorway, hidden from the view of most people. It wouldn't phase her if they weren't kissing each other to the point where both she and Janis were wondering if they could breathe. "What the fuck is going on here?" Regina crossed her arms. She hated when people didn't keep her in the loop almost as much as she hated seeing her younger sister kissing one of her friends. She felt slightly betrayed by both but was willing to hear out an explanation if it was good enough.
(Y/n) pulled away from Cady in shock before looking over to the strawberry blonde. "Regina, I'm sorry. I didn't want to tell you like this…" She whispered out, looking at her shoes and rubbing her arm in disappointment. She never did well with hiding things from her sister. Cady noticed this as she placed a comforting hand on her arm. "Cady and I have been dating since the Spring Fling, we just didn't know how to tell you. Don't be mad at her, it was my decision to keep it a secret." (Y/n) explained, though the decision was mutual. She just didn't want Regina to be even more upset with Cady than she might be.
"I'm more upset that you two kept it a secret." Regina examined her sister. She always had a soft spot for (Y/n), and seeing her sister feel ashamed of herself made her feel a little bad. "I can forgive that you two kept it a secret as long as you two agree to not make out in spaces I might be in."
This was the closest to an approval that (Y/n) was going to get. Looking up with a smile, she hugged Regina happily. "Okay, deal," she said as her sister patted her back gently, narrowing her eyes at Cady briefly. The strawberry blonde looked sheepish before glancing away to avoid eye contact. Regina nodded at the fear she still instilled before releasing her sister. It was a bit weird to see them together, but it was nothing she couldn't get used to as she walked off to her locker.
"I told you two that you were going to get caught." Janis had her arms crossed with a small smirk. Saluting them gently, she turned back to return to the art studio that she was spending too much time away from.
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raceweek · 6 months
Drop the podcast bestie! (Please)
it’s the high performance podcast (you have to download their app to get it for free right now but it will be available for free soon on regular platforms) - in case anyone doesn’t want to download the app but wants to know some of the things alex talked about:
- for context he recorded the first part of the podcast initially and talked a lot about his struggles at red bull and what he went through as a teenager and then went back to the podcast hosts and said actually can we do a part two bc i want to talk about how im coping better now
- he says he isolated himself from all of his friends when everything was happening with his mum and he became an introverted person and still carries that introvertedness with him now from going through that time
- alex was told he was promoted to red bull when he went to see helmut in austria to talk about the practicalities of his move to monaco and just as the meeting ended helmut said oh by the way ur in the red bull seat, here’s the number for ur engineer maybe speak to him but also actually u can’t bc the factory is closed for summer but yeah ur going to be announced in about two hours. bye
- he says he didn’t enjoy being a driver in 2020 at all. literally said he was destroyed. he spoke about the pressure and how he deleted his social media due to the incessant mocking but he also felt like even though he had done that he couldn’t avoid it because although he didn’t see it directly he’d just be asked about it on media day every week anyway
- he was asked about what help was offered to him in 2020 when he was struggling and whilst he said the team cared there wasn’t really anything or anyone to help him. alex and his trainer patrick got their own psychologist towards the end of 2020 and then in 2021 when alex was out of the sport he assembled a team of his own who weren’t the most experienced but who he knew cared for him and would fight to the death for him (said he took jacques from red bull to be his manager because he always fought his corner no matter how tough the situation was)
- he was told about being dropped by horner in a meeting at the end of the season but he already knew because it had been posted in the media before they’d even met
- he described 2021 as a really weird time as he needed to boost his stock with red bull and all the other teams but to do that he needed to give as much as he possibly could to improve the car he had just been kicked out of, so when max said at pre season testing that the car was so much more stable it was a strange feeling knowing that that’s what he needed and he wasn’t able to do anything with it
- he compiled a sexy spreadsheet for team principals in the paddock showing that as much as he struggled in 2020 he was on reflection closer to max pace wise than maxs’ current teammate and maxs’ teammate before alex
- when asked to describe where he is now he said he’s happier than he’s ever been. he’s driving better than ever and is mentally in the best headspace he’s ever been in
- he says he comes up with scenarios in his head from the last 4/5 years and as soon as he has a sort of deja vu struggle moment he uses it to show himself he’s overcome that hurdle
- he said the older he gets the more he doesn’t feel the need to write things down the way he used to because he feels more confident in himself
- the best piece of advice he’s ever received is from franz tost who said “alex if there’s one thing you need to learn about formula one it’s don’t give a fuck” and he said he didn’t really understand it until he started struggling and then he realised that he cared too much
- when asked about what advice he would give to teenage alex now he said it’s hard because he isn’t the most confident now and he knows teenage alex wouldn’t listen bc his parents would always try and fill him with confidence so he said he’d try and shake younger him and tell him that it’s true what they’re telling you
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thursdaygxrls · 5 months
thin ice — four
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part one | part two | part three | part four
summary — kitty is yet again dragged to a social gathering she would rather not attend. the bait this time? weed!
paring — uni hockey player!peter parker x fem!(journalist)!reader
disclaimer — who is expecting me to own peter parker by now?? bc i don’t
warnings — reader is referred to as ‘kitty,’ weed, slightly inexperienced reader (experienced peter, no smut yet im sorry), possible ooc
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Days like these were the ones Kitty craved: hazy, chilly spring weather that resembled fall, except that dying leaves were replaced by cherry-red buds, and flowers bloomed through blades of grass. It was one of those days with no responsibilities to fill her precious hours—the ones that were spent scrolling through Pinterest and reading. She was stretched haphazardly along her bed, still dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt with holes in the armpits. The blinds were still closed, so the sudden beam of light next to her startled her.
“You love interrupting my dark-dwelling time,” she hissed as MJ entered the room. Sticking out her tongue, MJ closed the door behind her and sealed off the obnoxious light, much to Kitty’s relief.
“I’m sorry, my sun-hating princess,” MJ spoke dramatically as she rummaged through her bag, “But, I come bearing gifts.”
At this, Kitty perked up, swiping out of Project Makeover and sitting up to devote her full attention to her roomate. From her bag, MJ produced two plastic-wrapped chocolate-chip cookies and tossed them to bed. The girl pounced on them, immediately tearing into the plastic on one of the packs.
“I forgive you,” she said before biting into the treat.
“Thank God,” MJ replied in dramatic relief. Ease settled over the room as MJ removed her jacket and went about unpacking her things. Kitty, now finished with her first cookie, tossed the used plastic to the trash can across the room (and missed horribly). 
“What’ve you been up to this lovely Friday?” She asked her freckled friend, who was currently changing out of her cable knit sweater. 
“Oh, you know, class,” MJ responded as she slid a Stevie Nicks shirt over her head, “Some people still have class on Fridays.”
“That must be heartbreaking,” Kitty hummed sarcastically, “Anything else?”
“Oh, yeah,” MJ’s movements were smooth as she went through her bag, “I had lunch with Harry after class.”
“Was the dining hall romantic?” Kitty questioned with a smile.
“Totally,” MJ responded with a laugh, “The black-bean burgers are basically aphrodisiacs. Anyways, he invited us out to Hot Rock around eight, so I was thinking we could get dinner–”
“No, thanks,” Kitty intercepted, bringing her legs up closer to her torso and flattening her lips to a line, “I’m not leaving the dorm today.”
“If you had it your way, you’d do that every day,” MJ groaned.
“And?’ Kitty quirked a brow, causing another grumble to leave her counterpart.
“Do you realize how much I say ‘no’ to stuff?” She continued, “‘Kitty, wanna go to a hockey game?’ No. ‘Kitty, wanna go to a frat party?’ No. Our entire relationship exists on the basis of you wanting to do stuff and me trying to refuse.”
“But you still went,” MJ raised her brows hopefully, “To both things. And it’s not like it’s just going to be Harry, he said some other people would be there.”
“Oh, great, other people, you know how much I love social gatherings where I don’t know anyone.” Her voice dripped with sarcasm.
“You know Peter,” MJ suggested. Kitty hadn’t seen Peter in a while. ‘A while,’ in her case, was a week. She’d gotten some semi-regular texts from him (cat memes and open invites to hang out) but hadn’t seen him since the frat party.
“Is it the best use of their time to be at Hot Rock when the semi-finals are two days away?” Kitty asked.
“No, probably not, but,” MJ’s smile, which had been dimming, came back with full vibrance, “But we can reap the benefits of their deviant behavior.”
“Are the benefits better than chocolate chip cookies?” She hummed.
“Pre-rolls and a bong,” MJ wiggled her fingers in a tamer version of jazz hands. Kitty seemed to deflate with a loud sigh.
“I hate that you make me do things.”
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Hot Rock existed on the older, suburban side of campus. Right behind one of the major dining halls was a small, hidden space that hit the blind spot of the security cameras in the area. It wasn’t a rock so much as an artificial slab of stone with a metal pipe attached that spewed hot steam. It was connected to the heating system in the dining hall, but also served as a popular spot for stoners. A few of these man-made smoke spots were scattered around campus, but this one was the most popular, mainly because this rock was always much hotter than the others.
Kitty’s breath appeared in small puffs in the night air and she and MJ walked around the corner of the dining hall. It was spring, and the weather was getting warmer, but there was still a bit of frost. As they shuffled down a small slope, the rock revealed itself, decorated with about four people, one of them being Harry.
“MJ!” He nearly fell over himself scrambling towards the pair. He pressed a small kiss to her lips and wrapped an arm around her in greeting. MJ giggled, choosing to ignore Kitty’s gagging face.
“Kitty-cat!” Harry directed his grinning face to her, “I’m so glad MJ got you out of your tree.”
“I almost wish you’d just call me ‘bitch’ instead of that,” she replied. Harry, not losing any vigor, laughed.
“I know what you need.” He wagged his brows as he reached into the breast pocket of his flannel. He produced a mini pre-rolled joint with a proud grin, “Kitty needs her catnip.”
“I’m gonna let that one slide,” she said, and he simply chuckled. His eyes moved from hers, and somehow his impossibly bright smile widened. Kitty turned and was met with a familiar pair of hazel eyes.
“I’m a big fan of catnip, too,” Peter grinned, sliding down to meet the rest of the group.
“Hey, Peter,” Harry let go of MJ for a moment to give Peter a half-hug. Peter’s eyes, however, never let go of Kitty. He held her gaze with ease.
“Can we sit? My ass is cold,” MJ grumbled lightly as Harry took his post next to her.
“Of course, of course,” was Harry’s hurried reply. The four found spots on the rock, Harry returning to his original spot and taking MJ with him. Kitty settled in a small nook where the slab met a natural rock formation, and, as if she was a magnetic pole, Peter sat next to her. A few awkward introductions were shared with the others at the rock, though, it was clear they were all at least a few hits into Harry’s pre-rolls. 
“So,” Peter’s voice cracked through the silence, “We keep finding each other, don’t we?”
“You keep finding me,” Kitty corrected.
“Same difference,” he shrugged. Wordlessly, he slipped his backpack from his shoulder and set it down in front of him. He worked in surprising order as he removed the items: a grinder, a small, rolled-up plastic bag, a green bong that had seen better days.
“Are student athletes supposed to be smoking?” She asked. For once, his gaze wasn’t focused on her, but on the contents before him.
“Helps with nerves,” he said, grabbing the baggy, “It’s medical, y’know.”
“Hm, I bet,” she replied. He worked with diligence: his long, slender fingers plucked a chunk of bud from the bag and trapped it in the grinder. The sleeves of his black long sleeve were rolled up, revealing his wrist that tensed lightly when he ground the bud. She’d never quite noticed how strong his hands looked—veiny and taught, likely from the hours upon hours of hockey practice. Then came the realization that she was staring, which pulled her attention away from him and to the others on the rock. Though there weren’t many people, pockets of conversation were created: MJ and Harry, who were cuddled up and passing a joint, two other members of the hockey team and a girl with shaggy blonde hair, and, of course, her and Peter. 
“Alright,” Peter hummed in satisfaction as he packed the bowl. He grabbed a red lighter from the front pocket of his jeans and finally looked at Kitty. He held the bong out for her with one of those easy, boyish smiles, “Wanna do the honors, Y/n?”
Peter seemed to be good at evoking emotions from her. Annoyance, frustration, confusion, and now, prickly embarrassment. She licked her lips, looking from the bong and back to him.
“Um,” she let out a small cough, “I’m…not sure how to?”
She wasn’t new to smoking. There was the occasional joint she and MJ would indulge in, or maybe she would take a hit off cart at one of the parties she was dragged to. She’d just hadn’t gotten the chance to hit a bong before—a fact that didn’t bother her until she was here, staring at Peter. She hated her reply and the way she stumbled with her words. She hated that she had nothing better to say. She hated that she had released blood into the water.
“You haven’t done this before?” He grinned. Her jaw clenched at the way he said that. Kitty, in response, sucked her teeth.
“Have you never smoked before?” He cocked his head.
“No, I have, just not this,” she sighed, a slight aggravated clip to her words. Peter must’ve noticed because his gloating grin softened.
“That’s alright,” his voice was more mellow now, “That’s okay, everyone has a first time.”
This persona, the calmer one he adapted when he knew she was getting pissed off, may have pissed her off even more. If he wasn’t being an asshole, it was harder to be annoyed with him, which made her annoyed with him, which made her annoyed with herself.
“Okay,” she said, a cleansing breath of chilled spring air filling her lungs.
“Okay?” He repeated, “You want to try?”
Kitty glanced at MJ and Harry. They weren’t doing anything graphic, but they were still all over each other, giggling and whispering. She turned back to Peter and nodded.
“You sure?” He raised a brow.
“Gimme,” she groaned, taking the glass bong from his hands. He let out a small, breathy chuckle and nodded.
“Okay, so,” he sat up, “I’m gonna light it, you breathe in through the mouth right here. I’ll pull the bowl for you and you keep breathing in, okay?”
Kitty nodded, her lips descending on the mouthpiece. A sudden flash of panic struck her as he flicked the lighter. Did she look stupid? Was she being stupid? Why did she care? Peter lit the bowl, and she did as he said, sucking in a deep drag. The bong bubbled to life and milky smoke flooded the tube.
“Good, good,” Peter encouraged as he pulled the bowl, “Keep sucking in—there you go, just like that.”
She’d been doing fine until he’d spoken. His words, meant as innocent encouragement, sent blood rushing to her face. Her scalp burned as her head reared back and ragged coughs escaped her. Smoke left her lips in puffs, like dust being stirred from an old book. Peter patted her back with one hand and rummaged through his bag with another.
“That happens,” he spoke, unphased by her continuous coughing. He took a metal water bottle decorated in stickers in various states of wear from his bag and unscrewed the lid.
“Here, drink,” he brought it to her lips and she immediately sucked down the water. It was cold against her burning throat. She focused on how cool it was, hoping it would also subdue the burning in her face. A few gulps later, Kitty was back to a semi-normal state. She took in deep breaths, swirling in oxygen with the cannabis in her lungs. 
“That was a big-ass hit. Good job,” Peter chuckled, “When was the last time you smoked?”
“I don’t know, a few weeks ago? And thank you,” Kitty replied. There wasn’t a hint of snark in her words, which was highly unusual. The afterburn of her influx of new feelings was still there.
“That oughta do it,” he took the bong from her, “I mean, you can totally have more, but your tolerance is probably pretty low, and the hit you just took looked more like three.”
“Yeah, that oughta do it,” she coughed out. He eyed her, suspicious of her lack of sass, before lighting the bowl for himself.
The bong caught up with her within ten minutes. There was a low vibration in her body, one that pulsed in her fingertips and warmed her. Her vision was a bit more narrow now, like she was viewing movie through her vision. Her mind bubbled, and when her eyes caught a glimpse of the sky, she leaned back with astonished glee.
It wasn’t often that you saw stars in the sky on this side of New York. Usually, the city lights blocked out anything non-artificial. But here, a mile or so away from the more prominent lights, she was able to see the glimmer of distant stars. It was captivating, really, and she could’ve stared at them for hours. Maybe she did. People buzzed around her without her recognition. Even Peter seemed to settle into a comfortable silence next to her. 
“Do you remember that one episode of Hannah Montana where Miley moves into a new house and there’s a pizza oven? Like, one of those wood ovens you put pizza in. A pizza oven? Yeah?” She asked, glancing in Peter’s direction. He seemed to only slightly register the question before looking at her with a cocked brow.
“No,” he replied.
“Oh,” she hummed, “What about the one where—it’s the third episode, I think—the one where Oliver—no, it’s the second episode—the one where Oliver is in love with Hannah Montana, but he doesn’t know it’s Miley, so Miley and Lilly are like ‘oh, no!’” 
“No,” he repeated. His voice wasn’t harsh, though. It was soft, maybe even curious.
“It’s good,” she said, “Real good. Real good.” 
It was around then that the stars began to lull her to sleep. There was something comfortable about this moment: the heat of the rock, the stars, the weed in her system. She drifted off for a moment and was quickly awoken by a gentle shake.
“Y/n?” Peter called lightly, “Are you sleepy?”
His hand was on her arm. His hand was on her arm. Her eyes settled on that before she could even begin to process his words. His hand was lovely, truly, with its web of veins, the slender fingers that warmed her skin. She looked up to him and smiled.
“Hey!” Was her cheery reply. He laughed at this and nodded. Kitty cocooned inside herself once more as he turned away and called out to someone on the other side of the rock. She heard Harry, then MJ, then Peter again. It sounded like hearing a foreign language as the spoke.
“Would you like to sleep in your bed instead of this rock?” Peter asked. Kitty, still cocooned, sprung forward a bit.
“Yes,” she responded confidently. He couldn’t help but smile at her tone. He packed away his bag swiftly and stood, offering a hand to Kitty.
“You think I can’t stand up? Oh, I can stand up—I’m an olympic stander,” she mumbled, rejecting his hand. This side of her was something Peter had never experienced. He was used to snippy comments and sharp replies, but the inebriated, bumbling Kitty was an entirely different person. He liked it. A lot.
They began their trek back to Kitty’s dorm in silence. It was comfortable like this: quiet interrupted by the occasional off-key hum by the girl. It wasn’t a very far walk, only five minutes or so, and when they reached the front, Peter’s tight grin loosened a bit.
“Hey, I wanted to ask you something,” he said, his hand gently catching her arm. In this state, she wasn’t able to deny the electric current that was sent through her nervous system. Kitty shivered as she met his eyes.
“I know you’re not in the right headspace for this, so I’ll ask you again later, but…” he trailed off. He looked away from her, and she caught the way his throat bobbed slightly. This lasted for only a moment before he was making eye contact again, “Do you wanna come to semis?”
That wasn’t the question she expected. She wasn’t sure what she was expecting, but it wasn’t that. Instead of responding, she stared blankly at him.
“It’s not here, it’s actually kind of far away,” he was rambling now, “Well, not super far, it’s in New Jersey. It’s sort of late notice, so I know you might not want to go, and you have your own shit to worry about, too, so—”
“This is very weird,” Kitty interrupted.
“What?” Peter stopped, looking to her with a quirked brow.
“You’re acting nervous and talking a lot. Weird,” she said.
“Yeah, well, I am nervous, and I’m a little high, and you’re really hot, so there’s just a lot going on up here.” He gestured to his head. Her eyes were blank for several seconds before they sparked in recognition.
“Oh—oh.” Her expression changed rapidly, eventually landing on something akin to realization. Silence swelled between them for a moment before it was broken by one word: “Maybe.”
“Maybe?” Peter repeated.
“Maybe,” she nodded in agreement. His lips tugged into a boyish smile once more.
“Okay, Y/n,” he grinned, “Maybe.”
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a/n — (in the voice of that one meme) heyy….how y’all doin??? okay so im sorry that this update is months late, college has been a lot. it’s been fun tho!! like, i think im the happiest ive ever been. anyways, im sorry if this update doesn’t fit as well with the others, im trying to get back into the groove of writing, forgive me 🙏 love u guys!!
@reidslovely @awezomezauce @tarzinnia @fr3akho3 @multilovebot @collywobbl @naok-iyuu @kay-i-guess @littlexscarletxwitch @ujimoo
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sturnsbella · 5 months
the right person
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matt sturniolo x fem!reader
summary: matt was right about the guy y/n was talking to being an asshole, but he helps her anyways.
warnings: underage drinking, panic attack and cheating (?)
y/n - pink
matt - blue
madi - red
nick - purple
chris - orange
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marylou is my mom’s best friend since college, because of their friendship, me and the triplets grew up together. they were like family, we always spent holidays together and we met every week. getting older, we just got closer. nick was always my best friend, chris was like a older, annoying, funny and carrying older brother, and matt… he was kinda different?
when we were like 13, i had a crush on him, and everyone knew it, i was really bad at hiding it. he probably didn’t like me back, since he was 15 and probably saw me as a younger sister or something like that. i hated that, he was so weird with me. he acted like we were just friends but when i started to talk to a boy he was super overprotective, almost like he was jealous. i never understood that.
i got over him years ago, but recently he has been kinda flirty with me. i always take it as a joke, but sometimes i don’t know if it really is..
anyways, it doesn’t matter ‘cause i’m talking to somebody else now.
madi, one of the friends we have in common, is throwing a party today, i have 10 minutes until matt, chris and nick come to pick me up. my hair is loose and i did two little braids in the front. i’m wearing a black open backless top, and a tight jeans skirt. my makeup is done, i just apply gloss to finish while admiring myself in the mirror. i take a couple of selfies before laying on my bed and posting it.
matt’s pov
i’m scrolling on instagram waiting for my brothers when i see y/n’s post. she looks really good. i like the picture and comment:
@matthew.sturniolo - “picking you up rn. good pics btw 📸”
it only takes her a few seconds to reply:
@y/n.y/l/n - “ok im waiting. tks 📸”
under my comment a see the comment of the guy she’s talking to:
@evan_williams - “🔥”
i roll my eyes. he’s an asshole and it pisses me off that y/n doesn’t see it. she deserves someone better than him, she is so sweet and kind and i’m not even sure he likes her.
y/n’s pov
i grab my purse while walking to the door when the triplets arrive at my house. i get in the car sitting next to nick.
“hii you’re looking so good y/n/n”
“thank youu” i say smiling.
chris looks at me and smiles
“you really are”
matt glances at me
“yeah you look hot”
i giggle a bit and blush
“shut up”
we listen to music and sing all the way to the party, not talking about anything. we get to the house and we all leave the car.
“y/n/n do you know if evan’s coming?”
“yeah he’ll come. but he won’t stay much tho, he’s grounded or something”
i say as we go to the door. and i notice matt guets quiet when we talk about evan.
i say staring at him.
“what is it?”
“you know he’s an asshole, right?”
i roll my eyes at him, i know he doesn’t like evan but he never likes any guy i talk to, is annoying.
“i’ll go grab a drink, do you guys want anything?”
i go to the kitchen after they all said no. in the kitchen i find madi, we take a few shots and then we go dancing.
mini time skip
me, madi and a bunch of other people are dancing with the loud music playing. i still haven’t seen evan, so i text him.
“heyy, are u still coming?”
he took a few minutes to answer the text
“hey, no i won’t make it sorry”
“oh, okay” i text back. i show my phone to madi.
“it’s okay we don’t need him here, let’s drink”
we go to the kitchen once again, and while i’m making my drink i notice madi’s eyes going wide, i look to where she was looking.
“y/n don’t-“
she says trying to stop me from seeing evan hooking up with another girl on the corner of the room. i’m speechless. i mean, we didn’t have anything too serious but i wasn’t hooking up with any other guys, and he told me he liked me… i turn my head to madi again
“i can’t believe him”
“omg i’m so sorry y/n”
“it’s fine”
it’s not, he was so nice to me, i really liked him. and it all just reminded me from when i caught my ex boyfriend cheating on me with my (ex) best friend. my mind racing as my breath got heavier.
“i’ll be right back”
i go to the bathroom, close the door and lean myself on the sink. i stare at myself in the mirror with my eyes filled with tears. it gets hard to breathe when my tears run down my face. i hear someone knock on the door.
matt opens the door, i look at him crying and trying to breathe. he closes the door behind him and rushes to come try to calm me down.
“y/n it’s okay. you are okay”
i shake my head
“you can get through this, okay?” he says breathing deeply trying to make me follow his breath.
“focus on my breathing”
he wipes my tears, i begin to slow down my breathing and calming down.
“matt” i try to speak
“shh, is okay.” he gives a slight smile trying not to look so nervous to help me. i hug him, trying to stop crying.
“i should’ve listened to you”
“don’t say that, you couldn’t know”
“why does everyone fucking replace me like that?”
“it’ll be okay, y/n/n, you got me”
we stay like that in silence for a while. he lets me go and holds my face, wiping my last tear.
“let’s get out of here before i fucking punch him”
i nod, smiling slightly. i’m kinda embarrassed matt saw me like this. i’m not even that sensitive but i think with the alcohol and all.. it was a just lot.
the drive back was silent. i was sitting on the passenger’s seat, chris didn’t even said anything about it, he understood something had happened.
i notice that matt isn’t driving back to my place.
matt’s pov
“matt where are we going?”
y/n asks me looking confused
“you’re sleeping over at our house today”
she smiles. i wouldn’t let her be alone right now, she’s too drunk, plus with what happened with evan i don’t want her to do anything stupid.
after 10 minutes in the car i notice y/n fell asleep. “she’s cute” i think to myself, hoping chris and nick didn’t notice me blushing over her. when we get to our house, nick and chris go inside letting me with y/n.
i carry her inside the house and to my bedroom, where i place here on my bed. i turn around to pick up a hoodie for her to sleep in, when i turn to her i see she woke up.
“hey” she smiles
“wear this, i’ll be sleeping on chris’s room if you need anything.” i say turning my back at her.
“matty” i look at her waiting for her to speak.
“can you stay here?”
i smile at her question and nod. i go to lay down next to y/n, facing her.
“you’re okay?”
“i will be. i just…” she pauses “i wish someone would really stay. what is wrong with me? why does everyone always leaves?”
“nothing’s wrong with you, y/n. you’re perfect. he was the problem.”
“he wasn’t even the first one to cheat on me”
“you’ll be alright, y/n/n. you’ll find the right person”
“you think so?”
“i’m sure.” i smile and nod. i wrap my arm around y/n’s waist as she lays her head on my chest. i caress her hair until she falls asleep.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
first fic ughhhh how do we feel?
i have ideas for part 2 but idkk..
i hope you guys like it, sorry for any mistakess
- xoxo bella
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turtleblogatlast · 8 months
okay so just so you know, im literally in love with your prison!leo au, yesterday i spent like over an hour scrolling through the tag and i think i read every post at least twice (more for the comics). its combining ‘prison dimension has permanent effect on leo, and not just mentally’, ‘immortality angst’, ‘object or place having a form of sentience’, AND ‘leo is somehow made significantly younger than his brothers which very much changes their dynamic without him wanting it to’ all into one which is just amazing.
i love how you combined comedy and tragedy very well!! like, for example the idea of leo being mistaken for the youngest brother, than a son, then a GRANDSON, is kinda funny for a second, but when you think about it for more than a couple seconds its also. really tragic. this poor kid may never be able to fully grow up - not only is he likely going to outlive his whole family but hes also permanently in the body of a child, lacking a fully developed brain and maybe never having the full maturity of an adult (at least in path b, until hes able to find a ‘cure’, if ever). its just. so good!!
anyways aldjsldkksld enough of the gushing (i mean i could keep doing it for like two thousand more words, but if i did it would probably devolve into keysmashes at some point from the Grip this au has on my brain). i am curious, what would happen if leo got sick? i know you mentioned that things like a common cold wouldnt really affect him that much, but what about one of those sickness is that leaves you pretty delirious/feverish and can take you out in a matter of a week? (could be a type of mystic sickness or curse as well, where you don’t know if the victim will survive or not and the only option is to wait it out.) what would happen? would they sort of just decide that its better to find a way to temporarily kill him so his body could regenerate as new, or would they try to take care of him and see if they could wait it out, since i imagine it would be the only time he’d really let his family take care of him in that way. thats all assuming his body wouldnt just automatically find a way to heal the separate curse and he’d be well again within an hour (still not fully sure as to how his healing works, sorry!)
anyways, love this au and im going to be obsessed with it for the next Month thanks
[ cw: discussion of murder / discussion of mercy kill / risky behavior implied / ]
Omg I’m
So touched???
Thank you for enjoying my AU so much, it really makes me happy to hear this :’) This whole AU was thought up exactly because of my interest in the concepts you mentioned - particularly the one regarding the Prison Dimension having a permanent and visible effect on Leo.
I know I haven’t updated it in a while, but I am still working on it and have even finished drafting the next comic, I can’t say when I’ll finish it but this ask definitely pushed me to work on it more so thank you so much <3
As for your question- it depends! In most regular illnesses, Leo would get over them very quickly, only experiencing the briefest brush with the symptoms before his body throws it away, if that. If the illness is mystic in nature then things get a little more complicated, as you’re right in that it could potentially end up as an endless loop of the first part of whatever weird sickness he gets. So if the illness is something that instantly affects you in the worst ways, and it’s something you just need to ride out until it leaves…that can potentially be harmful. Of course, it needs to be a powerful illness to bypass the prison’s curse to that extent though. …then again, maybe something would prefer that for him, should it appear beneficial :)
As for whether the fam would decide to just…’reset’ Leo to get rid of the illness…that’s a tough one. It really depends on how long Leo’s been back, and even then, it’s not something they’d just do, it’s hard for them to even imagine really. More likely, a sickly Leo would merely try to find a cure himself in his delirium, and end up ‘reset’ along the way.
I hope my wishy washy answer was enough! And really, thank you so much again for the kind words, they mean a lot :’)
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spacehostilityy · 10 months
NNT Rewatch s2ep1-6
(This was written weeks ago but was in my queue. I am moving back to my college town Saturday so busy days are to come but now I have things to procrastinate 😈)
So YAYAYAY time for season 2 (my fave season overall) !! I’ve rewatched this one before, so i actually remember some of this lol
Ban: I quit
Meliodas: your face is the only joke we can handle
i love both of diane’s orange fits, but s1 leotard hits different
i have thots abt the introduction of power levels that will be told beneath the cut
i mean it’s all very dragon ball (which i love, but in a very different way). I feel like they are just better executed in manga format, because saying the numbers out loud just kinda breaks up the flow of dialogue and action. Plus the numbers never stay accurate since the characters are always powering up and nakaba lowkey just stops using them at one point. so like assault mode!Meliodas has a power of 142,000. BUT he defeats enemies with powers higher than that and is shown to gain even more power. But this is the highest number we have for him. Overall, theyre clunky, not updated enough to be accurate, and just kinda cheesy :/ I feel like plot could have been added to justify and explain the eye of Balor (AKA Drole if i remember correctly) but it’s just used as an excuse to quantify the characters’ strength since this season is mainly focused on physical and emotional growth, as seen by the Ishtar Arc (one of my fave arcs hehe)
merlin’s friendship with hawk is actually so cute tho
so Meliodas’s beginner stats (still missing his powers) are magic 400, strength 960, spirit 2010. The way I see it, his insane spirit strength could mean one of two things: bitch is just hella determined in his quest to end their curses and protect his friends (likely) or merlin taking away his power only affects his strength and magic since spirit has to do with your mind (also likely) anyway what do y’all think?
how the fuck is gowther’s strength 500??? The average person who can lift 50-100 lbs has a strength of 30. HOW IN THE FUCK?? IS GOWTHER SECRETLY SWOLE????
Meliodas being like “no idk who the ten shadows could be haha” when he and merlin literally formed the sins to fight them and HE WAS THE LEADER OF THE 10 COMMANDMENTS is so funny like so tru king lie to their faces
the first thing Zeldris says is “3000 years... please tell me that he’s still alive” which tells me two things: 1) he doesn’t know about Meliodas’s curse, which could explain why estarossa kills him when he’s just going to come back a rival to the throne of the demon king and 2) the listed life expectancy of 1000 years for demons is probably not accurate lol
maybe it’s driven down due to number of battle deaths like the mortality rate of the middle ages lol
we are introduced to a demon who hopes mel is alive, shares a voice actor, AND HAS THE SAME FACE yeah the brother coding is very thick
ban’s refusal to get jericho’s name right makes me laugh every time
Jericho: is scared and runs to Ban
Ban: 🤨 yeah. i don’t remember asking you to grab my arm🙄
im sorry but king rlly was a bad fairy king like mans didnt even know the forest was there 😭 its ok tho i love that for him
King hating Ban at first bc he “killed elaine and destroyed the fairy kings forest” only for Ban to pull THE BIGGEST uno reverse on him will never not be funny
wait does that mean ban is technically the 4th fairy king and king is both the 3rd and the 5th bc that would be rlly funny and does happen quite a bit historically
I love how as much as a smug asshole Ban is, he’s not rubbing it in King’s face and is showing him he’s still his friend
so if Gil is Margaret’s guard and Griamore is Veronica’s, does that mean Howzer was Elizabeth’s ?? bc that would be so fucking funny
Helbram got King’s ass with “and you’re short”
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Best girls Melascula and Derieri fr
i love that they said slader is gay, how can we let the audience know and then gave him the smoothest, gayest voice imaginable
merlin calling og gowther a great magician when we know he was the one to train her is actually so sad, i want to give baby merlin a hug
slader is hot, thanks for coming to the ted talk
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how the fuck does he walk like this tho??
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is there a reason i just don’t remember why they never really bring up albions again or do they just ~disappear~ conveniently from the story lol
So the whole concept of sacred treasures is really cool to me because they are clearly something unique to the Sins, despite all of the sacred treasures being very different and made of different materials. I mean Gowther’s is straight up made of light Still, them having weapons that serve as a constant and grow with them as they become more powerful is just a neat concept to me. I just wish we could have seen Ban use Courechouse more than just a few episodes. There really isn’t a plot reason he couldn’t have had it beforehand.
Gerheade being a bitch to Ban bc he’s a human makes literally no sense when we learn her backstory with Rou. Like NO sense at all lol
I honestly love that Meliodas destroyed the albion on his own. Like yes, he is my OP blorbo BUT he’s also supposed to be incredibly powerful in canon, which we haven’t seen him go all out with an enemy yet. Not only does he know all about albions (bc he’s a demon), but as leader of the 10 Commandments, he probably was on the controlling side of the golems. Then, as a member of Stigma, he fought against them. Not to mention, this is when he finally gets Lostvayne (the DEMON sword) back. This moment for me is when he gets to show off the perks of him being a powerful and high ranking demon. Might fuck around and do a full post later on Meliodas’s relationship to his own race and what/who he is lol
Ban screaming “you bitch!!” is... a wonderful experience
Yass king (hehehehe get it? bc his name is king? hehehe)
Galand petting Gloxinia is actually so cute lol
Merlin covering Arthur’s eyes 😭😭 she’s his mom fr
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“its been a while meliodas” oop galand just let the Meliodas is 3000 years old cat out of the bag ehehe
(stay with me bc im about to get delusional) WAIT so galand says “to think that after all this time has passed youd still be in that form” in this essay i will prove that Meliodas looks like a young teenager because he essentially is biologically young for the demon race. Galand doesn’t know Mel was cursed, so he would think that he had aged in the past 3000 years. Plus, I think the demon king’s possession of Meliodas AND Zeldris can be (somewhat) compared to Sariel’s aging up of Solaseed. Anyway, i feel like this can support my hypothesis of Zeldris and Meliodas are just babies who will eventually look like adults. Also, I think them being super young just enhances the angst quite well.
everyone is fucking terrified of galand but hes just a silly foolish little fellow to me lol
ban and king being brothers-in-law makes my heart happy like theyre so cute
Ban threatening Gerheade and actually being pissed and serious has suddenly reminded me that if i saw a grown ass man who couldn’t die and was a 7 foot tall violent alcoholic i would be fucking terrified
like a demon 14 year old? creepy ig but not a 7 foot tall masochist with an 8 pack
I love how hard Diane always goes for the ones she loves, she’s just so devoted and passionate Best Girl tm behavior
*Merlin being incredibly confidant and nonchalant starting a proposition*
Meliodas doing the same thing Hendy did by reattaching his fucking arms using Darkness and the sins still being like wait?? is Meliodas?? a... demon ??? 🤨
okay so we DO see him in this mode again. But what is it called? and why does he become no thots head empty? its not like he died. and even in assault mode, he has thoughts and emotions (when they’re not stuck in purgatory) 
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Im ngl, i forgot everything about this episode entirely lol
obvi i hate that derieri died, but at least the souls she fucking ate got returned lol
do we think arthur has a tiny teenage gay crush on meliodas? Discuss.
(the answer is yes ehehe)
gowther walking around with his dang a lang swangin hehe
Gil crying in annoyance and defeat as griamore and howzer bicker is literally so hashtag real
very suddenly realized that Hendy’s probably only like in his 30s. Mans is just not that old
exactly 3 seconds after I had that though Howzer calls him old man LOLLL
i forgot about hendy’s childhood trauma. damn. thats actually rlly sad :/
look how cute he is tho 😭😭
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hendy and dreyfus are in love. thanks for coming to another one of my ted talks
so do we think dreyfus is half druid (and zaratras is full) or zaratras is half druid? i mean they’re half brothers but only one is a called a druid sooo
IM SORRY BUT THIS IS THE FUNNIEST FUCKING SCREENSHOT ASDFFHSLDH elizabeth scandalized, meliodas accepting his fate, slader leaning in closer and blushing ITS JUST SO GOOD
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The ass shot of Diane 🤨😑
Damn Idk how i never realized that all of them pretty much only call Meliodas captain. Merlin, Ban, and Elizabeth are the only ones who will call him Meliodas, but even merlin and ban typically go with captain.
“im a giant, why arent you afraid of me?” hes a fucking demon. lol
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smokedanced · 4 months
respond to the following prompts out of character. then, tag others that you'd like to get to know a little bit better!
MUSE NAME: -inhales- charlie bradbury, chloe price (pending), clara oswald, dean winchester, edi, edward teach, ella finnegan, eloise bridgerton (pending), ever hayes, garrus vakarian, hannibal lecter, hurley reyes, iris hunt, izzy hands, jake takizawa (pending), jeremy bradshaw, jillian marks, juliet burke, kenna de poitiers, lucius spriggs, mary stuart, river song, tali'zorah, the tardis, tenth doctor, tyrion lannister, will graham. on other blogs, castiel, thirteenth doctor & wren shepard.
PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: tumblr im box is small, so discord is much easier for me to focus on, but either.
EXPERIENCE: over ten years on tumblr, nearly two decades overall (shit, i'm old).
PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE: the best roleplay connections are those that are cross-genre. a lot of different tropes and moods for the same characters, to make up a vibrant story. a thread here, another there, no need to write them chronologically at all! i do have some favourite tropes (hurt/comfort, villain/victim, kink...) but even those work the best when included in a multigenre arc. so basically anything goes!
any kind of making fun of and/or harrassing, bullying, making callouts, or trying to dictate other people's fictional enjoyment. i don't care if the subject matter is something i'm personally disgusted by; if you call people gross, freaks, weird, for the fiction they enjoy, if you reblog callouts that focus on fiction, i will unfollow/block you. boundaries are fine, a polite "dni if you write (topic)" is fine. but if you even push your pinky toe over the line towards making it anything more than a personal boundary, i do not tolerate that, and i do not feel safe around you.
not letting me know which muses you are interested in. the amount of people who follow me, but never do my interest tracker or initiate interaction (i'm ok with the tracker not being done if you send in stuff or just plain tell me in a message which muses you want to write with), despite this being in my rules, is frustrating. i can't read your mind. i can't just assume all of my muses are free game, unless you tell me that. i give people several months to do this before unfollowing, but eventually i will unfollow, as there is... no interaction. i will happily interact first, send memes, etc. if i just know what muses you are open to.
assuming i'm not interested/am upset with you if i don't respond to ooc messages fast enough. it's fine if it's a dealbreaker for you if someone is responding slowly, but you don't get to say i "wasn't interested". you don't know that unless i say that plainly. i rarely talk in real time. i take hours, days, weeks, even months to reply to people ooc. fuck, one of my best friends and i sometimes don't say a word to each other for over a year, and we still are best friends. i do try to not take literally months to reply to people's ooc messages, because it's not very productive in the sense of keeping plotting going, but taking days or a couple of weeks is just normal, imho, especially if it's not every message several weeks apart all the time.
PLOTS OR MEMES: a little bit of both! i prefer to plot a little at least, but whether that's before writing, or after sending some memes and writing a few responses, is all the same for me! i'm very flexible about this, though, so totally winging it, or plotting in detail, are both fine for me as well.
LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES: i'm fine with all lengths of replies, but medium, generally? i also think we should normalise reply length varying. if the muses are having rapid-fire dialogue, it makes no sense to write several paragraphs just to make the reply longer, when you need to give the other muse a chance to respond, anyway. and when there's a time-skip and descriptions of what happens in between, it makes no sense to try to jam it all in one little paragraph, a lot of the time. so whatever suits the reply? but also, 2-4 paragraphs as a general guide is my preference. single-para can feel too restricting, and over four paragraphs, especially if they're all chunky ones, makes it harder for executive dysfunction. don't worry about either of these, though! i think the best really is to just write what feels good for the reply, be that shorter or longer.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: legit this just varies, there is no specific time, although i do try to keep a regular sleep schedule (with varying results lol).
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: no. i may have some similarities to some, but i am not extremely like any of them. i am actually jimmy price from hannibal. only half joking-
TAGGED BY: @serabellyms, thanks! TAGGING: please tag me if you steal it from me, i am curious! i don't want to tag anyone and make them feel obliged to read all this LOL.
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
Strings of fate chapter 9!!
Goodness I am so late. I need to catch up with your updates. A new chapter of glass and your Mermay fic (congrats on the 3-year streak btw!)
But anyway I am here to sing my praise to you Bee so get ready!
I love how you described the missing piece in Tommy's life. He doesn't remember Wilbur but there is still a sadness that lingers with the loss of him and the life he lived as Wilbur. And I like how Tommy describes it as a bother lol
Tubbo and Ranboo are very understanding. It's sweet to see them try and help Tommy sort out his dream situation. Even though what Tommy is telling them sounds a bit strange they still try to provide possible explanations. Like Ranboo suggesting that Tommy's unfulfillment comes from his mother's absence.
Jack and cellphone Niki lets gooo!!! I savor every rocket duo moment you give us. I love them so much<3
It's a bit sad that Tommy doesn't recognize Jack. It was more deja vu than anything for him. It's alright though. I'm sure they will have plenty of time to get to know each other! And this time Tommy won't need to impersonate Wilbur:)
Techno too! Ah yes. Bedrock bros. It never fails to make me smile. Just the mental image of this calm, sarcastic dude interacting with a kid that excessively curses and threatens to punch his face is just so funny. And then Tommy just thanks him after! It's wonderful
I'm so proud of Tommy! He got accepted into the university he wanted most!
But despite that, he still feels like he is missing something. Something important. or perhaps...someone????
And then of course he sees Wilbur. Ughhghdhdh gosh Bee!! This is when it hit me that strings is finally coming to an end.
I like how your ending is different from the movie's. Don't get me wrong I still think it was a good way to end the movie. It's just that yours feels a bit more complete with the boys talking about their dreams and the missing pieces in their lives.
Oh and the relief! They found each other and it's so satisfying! They hug and get all the sweet sappy stuff that we all love out of the way before falling back into their natural banter and insults.
brothers <33 i could not agree more
thank you so much for this fic bee! i know how difficult it was for you to push through and finish it! we appreciate all the hard work that you put into writing it<3
now im off to get caught up on the new stuff you've posted! you're amazing as always!!
compass anon hello!!! yes I have been busy with posting lately lol I'm going out of town next week so I'm trying to get my posting in gear because I'm definitely not getting any writing done while i'm gone
(it's very surreal to think that I now have a 3 year streak of mermay even if the first one only counts on a technicality like wtf how has it been that long)
describing the missing part of tommy's life as very challenging because tommy couldn't be too specific about it but at the same time his subconscious knows exactly what happened so it could be specific? kind of? it was a very hazy space to work with and that made it fun to write about tommy's mindset after everything
tubbo and ranboo are just trying to make their buddy feel better so he doesn't run off to the abandoned ruins of a city that got destroyed by a comet again
yeah jack and niki lets gooooo!! unfortunately yeah tommy couldn't recognize jack, but he'll definitely get to know him and niki both all over again now that he's found wilbur and wilbur will no doubt introduce him to his friends and family. everyone in their respective circles are gonna have deja vu meeting the other since they were literally impersonating each other for so long lol
I had so much fun writing that bedrock bros bit the two of them have the best banter
even though everything is going right for tommy he's still missing something... someone...
yeah I didn't want to make the ending exactly like the movies. while I love the movie with my whole heart, and I understand why the end is the way it is, I do wish we'd gotten slightly more. just an extra five minutes or so to see mitsuha and taki talking to each other. again, I understand why they didn't and I don't think it's a flaw on the movie's end at all, but it was something I knew I didn't wanna do for this fic. I wanted to give the brothers a more tied up sort of ending
I didn't want them to completely remember each other because I feel like that would just defeat the purpose of forgetting in the first place. but I wanted to get that deja vu "have we met before?" kind of vibe, and the knowledge that something happened between them in the past even if they can't fully know what it was. it doesn't matter if they can't remember everything, because they know they're the other half they've been searching for for so long. the brothers have found each other and that's what's important.
tysm i'm so glad you enjoyed!! I seriously got to a point where I almost abandoned it several times so I'm very glad I didn't, especially bc now I get to see all your kind words about it!! so ty guys <3
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spyrkle4 · 2 years
An update for Heroes of Flowers since the Tempest of Hearts almost is over
it’ll be awhile... not like 2 months long but like a couple weeks hopefully until the next HOF update (im thinking maybe September?)
And thought I’d share some of what’s coming up and what’ll happen!
If you’d like to prefer being kept in the dark I’ll put it under a “read more” n.n
So Phase 3 (Which will be after the interlude story) will be the end of what I’d call the “main” story of HOF and it takes place during the fugitive arc in the show timeline... tho im not doing the fugitive arc plotline bc Snooze would get conked on the head with a broom by an angry Ari everytime he went into the Lucky Cat and also I’d like to keep my braincells
(Tho Chief Cruz will be a part of Phase 3 even if he isn’t the “big bad”... but like in the “ok grandpa let’s get you back to bed” energy everytime he rants about superheroes and supervillains XD. Not rly but I think you’ll like how I write him)
Phase 3 instead covers an arc I’ve dropped hints of... which I like to call the Galaxian arc since the big bads of that are the Galaxian Pirates, my own little supervillain team. Not stating that my og arc is gonna be better than canon (even if the bar is low) but I hope you guys enjoy (I shall be posting their refs as they show up tho so you’ll like em).
Like I said, not saying im better than canon (which is a loaded subject tbh im not going into that), but I had a fun writing my own little twists to the latter half of Season 2 and I hope you enjoy them! 
But there’s an interlude fic before that which’ll be called Heroes of Flowers: Curtain Call and it follows the aftermath of COM and be mostly focused with the Fern fam, with the nerd gang (+ Ari) getting a break in the bg. It’s basically the calm before the storm 
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It’ll also be the canonical debut of Jackie the emotional support Rabbit, an OC I’ve drawn before but he hasn’t shown up in HOF yet. (A bit of trivia about him tho is he’s based off of a Pokemon character of mine, Jackie the Buneary from one of my stories LPM), this drawing is from the cover of Curtain Call and this is all you’re getting of it for now 
(Jackie isnt one of the main characters of HOF but he is one of my favorite side characters to write, his debut sidenote is kind of later in the story, but I hope you’ll enjoy CC! It was fun giving the Ferns the spotlight, something that miiight’ve carried over in FFP because I had way too much fun writing my emotional support found family)
Phase 3′ll be called Fallen From Power and it’ll be posted after Curtain Call but wait there’s more!
I’ll also be posting a side-story called Heroes of Flowers: Karmi’s Spots which will have Karmi having her own adventures outside of SF featuring a lovable spotted family in Camden and two OCs that may or may not be related to some canons.
KS was really self-indulgent/fun, I enjoyed writing all the shenanigans and it’s also a crossover with an underrated TV show I really like. Tho dw I tried my best to be noob friendly (if you haven’t seen the show), but I can always go into details in the ANs, still hope you enjoy it!
there will be some references to Fallen From Power in it, I’ll be sure to mention which chapter the reference is at the start of each chapter if there is a reference so you don’t get spoiled if you haven’t seen said chapter... tho ur free to take the spoilers out of context I’m not one to tell people how to read n.n; 
unsure how i’ll update but im thinking of doing an every-other week thing, one week I’ll post for FFP and one week I’ll post for KS!
Anyways hope you guys enjoyed and I hope you’re hyped to see what I have in store. I had a lot of fun writing these 3 future installments and I’m excited to share them with you guys!
I just had to talk about the future of HOF since after TOH (and I mean Tempest of Hearts, not The Owl House, so many people get them mixed up its so funny XD), hope you guys have a good one!
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quodekash · 1 year
im really hoping they do seanmaitee and not naysean for this, bc otherwise ill probably scream and riot. i love winnysatang with all my being, but their characters in this show shouldn’t be a couple in my opinion (if you ship them i have absolutely no problem with that). from memory (and i binged simm not too long ago so i think my memory is reliable), they’re literally only in the same room together once, and they dont even interact at all. SEANMAITEE, ON THE OTHER HAND, were SO CLEARLY being built towards in the show (the way maithee would hit on so many people, and sean would constantly stop him, but then when sean watched someone else hit on daonuea but didnt stop him, and the way sean always has a protective arm around maithee, and gejrdhfbghr i could talk about them forever honestly), and then the COWARDS freaking DIDNT MAKE THEM OFFICIALLY CANON???? im so salty about this and need confirmation and i will be Angry™️ if they do naysean instead of seanmaitee 
anyway, time for the actual commentary to begin (that was a really long introduction, damn) (future egg here to tell you: it gets worse. the commentary is really long on this one. it’s mostly keysmashes about seanmaithee. good luck.) 
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im actually stressed out why am i stressed out 
im genuinely scared for what’s gonna happen 
what if they do naysean 
theyd better not do naysean, PLEASE 
(im literally 20 seconds in, why cant i just watch stuff without needing to spam my thoughts) 
“i still love daonuea, i love daonuea, and i love daonuea” ITS SO FREAKING SWEET WHAT THE HELL 
this has definitely been said before by like everyone, but something i love about this series in particular is how kluen was terrible at showing his emotions and feelings and inner thoughts, he was this blank slate going around and showing nothing. but then, as the series progresses, he tries harder to show nuea that he likes him. but my boy doesnt have it figured out yet, and there’s communication errors and it seems like he’s pushing himself on nuea and it seems like an unhealthy/toxic relationship, but it’s not, he’s just autistic and doesnt know how to communicate his emotions and he’s trying for the first time and doing it wrong but he’s trying. and then it gets to the last episode (or two? i cant remember) and theyre so happy and fluffy and good vibes and its because he’s finally figured it out, he just has to say ‘i love you i love you i love you’ and even pronounce it to the world ‘I LOVE DAONUEA’ so that everyone knows and so that nuea knows and so that they can both finally understand and be happy and ghrbghrb they make me happy 
that was so incoherent but you probably get the gist of what i mean 
okay im gonna stop ranting now, im still only a minute into the episode lmao 
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sorry this post is supposed to be about simm, ill try to keep the eclipse keysmashes to a minimum 
im much more excited about puentalay than i was last week since i rewatched vvs a few days ago 
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sorry i should stop freaking out about the shows that are coming and start freaking out about NUEAKLUEN THEYRE BACK HELLO MY BOYS 
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kluen why are you slightly late 
he’s gonna profess his love for nuea in front of all the freshmen isnt he 
i know he’s gonna do it 
“that’s the hottest senior from the faculty of dentistry” yup. absolutely. he’s gonna profess his love in front of all the freshmen 
if he doesnt profess his love in front of all the freshmen, then im a bar-ba-loot from the lorax 
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im shaking my head in a supposedly disappointed way rn but im actually smiling bc i love him 
he’s so pretty and in love with his pretty boyfriend and their love is pretty 
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omg he did like a little sway and nudged maithee a little bit with his shoulder ghjerbgdh 
by the way im gonna switch between spelling it maitee and maithee cos idk which one is right so im playing both sides, so you’re just gonna have to deal with that 
(there’s a high likelihood that no one’s noticed the spelling alternations and now that ive pointed it out everyone’s gonna be hyperaware of it, but its fine) 
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he knows what he just did 
“i just wanted to make it clear from the start in case some freshmen hit on you” i love him 
also i was about to say that kluen is supposedly the hottest senior, so shouldnt he be more worried about himself getting hit on, but then i remembered that in this universe dao is the sun and everyone else is the solar system revolving around him, so of course the freshmen would try to hit on him lmao 
except for sean. 
sean’s a moon revolving around maitee 
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“but after meeting you again, i knew i must start loving you. there’s no way i will let go of you again” THIS MAN IS GONNA MAKE ME FREAKING CRY WHAT THE HELL THAT’S SO FREAKING SWEET 
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“you’re shy, so you’re walking away, darling” dARLING-- IM DYING 
fun fact, i was watching vice versa with italian subtitles and at one point one of them called the other ‘darling’, which is ‘tesorino’ in italian, and i knew that the suffix -ino means ‘little’, so i looked up what ‘tesoro’ means and it’s ‘treasure’, whcih means if you’re calling someone darling in italian youre calling them ‘little treasure’ and i just think that’s so sweet 🥺😭
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or am i clowning 
i was expecting just crumbs but pLEASE TELL ME THEYRE GIVING US A FULL SCENE 
honestly just let pawin’s characters be happy and gay 
also i find it funny that the order theyre going in is the first three are all of pawin’s in a row 
(and in all of them he’s gonna get a happy and gay side character plot line??? please????????) 
gosh darnnit nuea is in the scene now 
perhaps there will be something later in the episode? maybe in tonight’s episode?? 
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let me dream, okay
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ya know who else ignores everyone and focuses only on the person he loves intently? sean 
maithee why is your voice so croaky 
is that just pawin putting on a particular voice for the character 
or was pawin sick 
or is maithee sick 
if its one of the last two, i hope he’s okay (be it the character or the actor) 
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so... the croaky voice was intentional? 
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sidenote, satang is so freaking pretty. why. who decided that. 
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it’s the fate of The Captain 
just ask tiw, he knows how it feels 
or wat, also ask wat 
or aoi and jack 
or- sorry ill stop lmao 
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kluen arent you a dentist. why are you sitting at nursing. 
idk how dentist school works 
did he have to go through nursing stuff to get to dentisting? 
im an arts and literature kid, idk what im talking about 
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this is a rare phenomenon, folks 
hello straights / straight presenting potential future couple 
omg its literally been nearly an hour since i started watching and im still only 8 minutes into the episode 
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there could be anything, really 
in my mind, every single character in ever single piece of media is pansexual until proven otherwise 
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bro you’re leaning into each other so much, JUST KISS 
also i sense that sean’s about to become the unwilling captain of yet another ship (but he secretly loves it) 
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lmao theyre not sponsored by the anime sparkling water, it’s just normal water, the little plebs 
soundwin were sponsored by the anime sparling water 
and then tiwpor were
but soundwin did it first 
soundwin always did it first 
anyway, it’s seanmaithee time not soundwin time 
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there was a slight scene change and i thought that meant that maybe we wouldnt see much of them for a while, but nOPE, THEYRE EVERYWHERE 
i wouldnt be surprised if they were behind me right now 
hello seanmaitee, how are you today 
(i wish) 
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lmao they even blurred the water bottles in post just so that everyone knows that THIS ISNT A SPONSOR 
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“you two see that kluen and i are in love, but let me tell you that-” THAT YOU TWO ARE ALSO IN LOVE???? “we actually love each other much more than what you see” DANG IT I WAS WRONG 
im right tho. seanmaithee are in love. 
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im sorry what the hell does that mean 
omg maybe its because he knows how to make people jealous because he knows that he’s always made sean jealous and he knows that now because theyve already confessed to each other and theyre already dating??????? 
im definitely clowning but shut up i dont care 
whoop, helmet putting on time 
(guess what, soundwin did that first too-) 
i smell a sponsorship in this motorbike thingy 
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this makes me so happy 
why does this make me so happy 
he knwos him so well and knows he loves art and stuff 
so he wants to take him to buy watercolour
i love them 
i love them so much 
theyre so sweet 
sorry im tryna take the commentary down a notch because this is long enough already lmao 
omg i just remembered i forgot to watch the mv for the ost for this 
i was gonna do it like four times yesterday but i kept getting distracted and forgetting 
dang it 
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is it just bc i love ice tea? that could very well be it 
lmao nueakluen stirring things up just to make seanmaitee confused this is so funny 
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im loving this storyline 
we’ve barely seen it play out yet but i want typhoon to be happy and this is so nice 
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lmao what girls 
seanmaithee are in love with each other, bro 
aweeee little accidental kiss 
and he asked in ENGLISH 
its always so offputting whenever they speak english for like one sentence bc im never expecting it 
i love it
but also i hate it 
why are you speaking english 
stop speaking this rubbish language 
it sucks 
a lot 
its the worst language 
keep speaking thai, please 
“you only kissed one cheek so i only open one eye” hes so silly (affectionate) i love him 
EGWSVFHGSGV “will you eat breakfast first or eat me first” bro 
shes so pretty 
“if this thing makes them break up, let’s get ordained, shall we?” the way this is worded it sounds like some kind of marriage proposal 
“i told you i already have a date with a girl” NOOOOOOOOO
noooooo, maithee had a date with a girl, and the only other person other than their group that’s going on the trip thing is nay, and theyre definitely gonna do a naysean thing, gosh freaking darnnit 
unless they dont 
unless maitee only had the date so that he could try and get over his feelings for sean bc hes convinced himself sean doesnt reciprocate, but my hopes are not high 
theyre so freaking in love i love them so much 
LITTLE KISSE i love when they little kisse 
damn its over now 
pls i just want pawin’s characters to be happy and gay in every single os2 episode that he’s in 
and because seanmaithee hAVE to be together 
welp i take too long to watch things and now the next episode comes out in a little under 2 hours, and i started watching this about two hours ago so thats fun 
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moongoddessmox · 2 years
alright so, im finally on my computer so i can type this all out. remember the introduction of B from work? yeah, well things have developed in a way that's........ugh but also not ugh. let me explain, this is gonna be long.
The last two weeks have been very....interesting. Things have moved pretty fucking fast ngl. So we left off on the second day B and I had ever interacted, back when it was just a simple awkward Hello at work. Well, after that I told B that I was gonna invite him to breakfast with my dairy crew and asked for his number, he told me he dropped something on his head and that's why he went home early. After that we kind of texted but he's like, really bad at responding. Like, it would be a day or more with no response so I was like, ughhhh.
Well, I finally got him to talking about plants because he loves them, and we looked at the plants at our store after work, then we walked to his car and talked. He told me to pick three things and he'll choose one for us to do outside of work. So we made a plan to go hiking. At this point, we're talking more and he's responding better. I'm still doing most of the talking but he's actually saying things now. (He also said he's gonna make a powerpoint to answer all my shit because I talk so much lmfao he never did but whatever)
Anyway, he tells me about his life and that he's divorced, that was a shock tbh. He seems too young to be divorced already but whatever, nbd idc. Anyway, he then tells me he's not sure if he's emotionally or mentally ready for a relationship because he doesn't want to put his remaining issues onto someone so he said "is it okay if we're just friends for awhile?" and ya know, that immediately put up a red flag because i've been told that before. But he seems sweet and we vibe literally so fucking well. So it's okay, I'm cool with being friends with him. He's great. So the next day he invites me to Lowes to look at plants and he bought me starbucks, then we went to the park and walked the trail and to the dog park with his cute ass DOGGGGGG. He's literally so adorable with his dog, yall its tough not to fall for him.
So we hang out like 3 hours or so, and have been texting so much since. The day after that, he facetimed me and showed me all his plants and garden and we made a spontaneous plan to go hiking at the state park, so i got ready and he picked me up and we went out there and hiked. I've never been hiking yall, but it was fun. We talked a lot, joked around, and it was great. We have the same energy but he's more extroverted and goofy. He also kept looking at me and I was like "what" and he said "nothing just figuring things out" and he claimed he was just being weird but like, why would you say that smh lmfao
So, we were texting later that day and about crushes and things and he asked if I wanted to be FWB, which kinda shocked me like, ok so he does like me, but here we go again. I've had a FWB before where they didn't want a relationship but just wanted to use me. So I was like, red flag #2.
However, he's so fucking cute, so hell yeah im gonna do that wtf. Anyway, so we've basically hung out every single day, and we talk rapid fire now, there's no issues with responding. We haven't done anything but kiss, and we don't even sext or anything. Its just kinda flirty sometimes, its like starting to date someone rather than a FWB.
But on Thursday he asked if he could come over on his lunch break and hang out, because we're off on different days, so i super cleaned and he came over and was so kind and gentle with my cats and we talked and hung out and he fucking kissed me and it was so nice. We didn't like, full on makeout but we kept kissing and hes so playful. He snooped around my apartment and had knocked over my painted as I tried to stop him from going upstairs, and it knocked my Castial pop vinyl into my candle and melted the box lmfao yikes. But it was all playful and fun and very touchy. And he's just so sweet and kind...
Then he came over Friday on our lunch break and we hung out in my bed and he literally grabbed me from behind and walked me to my bed and kissed me, pulled me down on top of him and kissed me on the bed. like bro......BRO
He didn't try to do anything else, hes been very respectful and im just like, bro fucking take me, TAKE ME RIGHT NOW BC THIS TEASING IS TOO MUCH, HOW IS THIS REAL
and today he told me his best friend who we work with invited me to their Sunday Football hangouts like.....B told me he wasn't gonna tell anyone bc he didn't want people hounding him about it but he's talking about me enough that his friend is personally inviting me????
So today he's gonna come over and hang out, hopefully lmfao and god. GOD. Yall this is such a mistake because hes so kind and sweet and cute and we match each other so well and I feel like maybe i'm reading into his looks and behaviors too much but hes so genuine and sweet to me.
LIKE yesterday we were talking about favorite starburst flavors and we both said pink, and today at work he held his hand over mine and dropped a pink starburst into my hand. Then when i went to my car on break, he had left a starburst on my door handle........and he gave me veggies from his garden, OH AND HE GAVE ME ONE OF HIS PLANTS yall.............this isnt real.........this is so fucking insane............
i'll add some pics of what i can for proof bc this is crazy
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stormyoceans · 1 year
when i feel bad, i just reread everything you wrote about puentalay to make me feel better
today is that kind of day :(
monica, i hope your day and your week will go much better 💓
im so sorry you're feeling bad, anon, i really wish i could be there to bring you some tea and lend an ear or hold your hand through it. since i can't do that, im glad that i can at least bring you some comfort with my inability to shut up about puentalay. knowing that you like what i write about them makes me really happy, so i hope i can give you back some of that happiness
for this reason, i ended up writing down a little puentalay something for you, to give you some strength, but please don't feel like you have to read it or like it!!! im just gonna put it under a cut and maybe it can be a little surprise to make you smile
i really hope that you're gonna feel better soon and that the rest of the week will treat you kindly, anon 💜
okay so, i've mentioned it before but i would have loved to see sick!puen in the show because apparently i have feelings about it ;;;;;
the first time puen gets sick once they're back in their universe, he and talay aren't living together quite yet: they see each other whenever they can and talay does often spend the night at puen's place, but after a few days he always ends up going back to his mom's house. puen gets it: they haven't been officially boyfriends for long, and he guesses that if he spent more than two years away from his mother he would want to stay with her too. he also doesn't want to push when talay might not be ready, so even if he desperately wants talay to stay, puen never asks him to move in (sometimes, in those quiet, empty moments right after talay leaves, he can admit that maybe he's also afraid to hear talay reject the idea again)
one day, after a night spent in a cold bed without talay, puen wakes up with a slight fever, but since he has to film some kind of commercial and doesn't want to bother everyone by having to reschedule, he decides to take some meds and go to work anyway. the medicine does help at first, but after a few hours his head starts to hurt from the too bright lights of the set, his throat feels like is getting stabbed by hundreds of needles every time he talks, and his body seems to not be able to stop shivering
somehow he manages to get through the day with only a distracted comment from his manager on how he looks paler than usual, but he's supposed to see talay for dinner and puen knows talay will be able to tell something is wrong. and the thing is.. puen wants nothing more than to bury his face in talay's neck and let himself being taken care of, has been craving that all his life, however i think his first instinct would be to deal with it like he's used to: alone, in silence, with little other than himself and medicine to keep him company, because when you're sick you feel disgusting and grumpy and upset, and he's shown talay the most vulnerable parts of himself, but this.. he feels ashamed to burden talay with this. so he texts talay that something came up at work and asks him to see each other tomorrow, hates himself for the lie, but plans to make up for it the next day, after a good night of sleep and more meds hopefully make him feel better
puen crashes into bed as soon as gets home, still fully clothed and shivering, his entire body hurting, and he knows he should take a shower and maybe eat something, tells himself 'just ten minutes and then i'll go', but it's cold, and he's tired, and as soon as he drags the covers over himself he falls asleep. he wakes up some time later to the feel of something cool against his forehead. when he opens his eyes, talay's sitting next to him, a wrinkle between his brows and his mouth pressed together in a frown
"talay," he mumbles. both his eyes and throat feels like they're burning. "is this a dream?"
"dream, my ass," talay says, and puen thinks he sounds angry, but the thumb stroking across his cheek is so gentle that it makes puen's chest hurt. "i'll get medicine," talay adds after a moment. "you need to eat something too."
puen wants to tell him that he isn't hungry, that he's fine as long as talay doesn't leave him, but by the time he can painfully swallow around the lump in his throat, talay is already walking out of the room. puen has almost dozed off again when talay comes back carrying a tray with a bowl full of broth and a cup of tea. he helps puen sits up in bed and then feeds puen the broth himself, the furrow between his brows just getting deeper every time puen winches a little as he swallows or has to stop to cough. puen wants to smooth it out with his fingers, wants to ask talay why he's there and if he's angry that puen canceled their plans, that talay has to take care of him like this, wants to beg him to stay and hold him, but talay hasn't said anything in a while and puen now knows for certain that he's angry. puen lets talay feed him in silence, obediently drinks the medicine with the tea when talay instructs him to
"im sorry," puen eventually says, while talay helps him settle more comfortably in bed. it takes everything in him to add, "you can go now, i can take care of myself."
it's not the right thing to say, because somehow talay's frown just gets deeper, the corner of his mouth turned down unhappily. talay sits on the edge of the bed next to puen with a sigh and brushes puen's sweaty hair away from his forehead
"do you know how worried i was when i got your message and then you wouldn't pick up your phone?" talay asks. "the last time we had plans and work dragged longer than expected, you had tup come pick me up and take me on set just so we didn't have to cancel. i thought something bad happened to you." talay takes one of puen's hand between his own trembling ones and squeezes it. "puen," he whispers, "why didn't you just tell me that you weren't feeling well?"
puen wishes he didn't have to answer that question, but denying talay what he wants is something that puen will never be able to do, so he lowers his head and mumbles, "i didn't want you to worry. i didn't want you to see me like this."
talay's thumb stops rubbing soothing circles into puen's wrist, and puen panics for a moment, thinking he said something wrong again, but then talay cups puen's face in his hands and makes him raise his head so they're looking at each other.
"ai'puen," talay says, "sick, sad, vulnerable, imperfect... you can be all of that in front of me. i'll take care of you, just like you take care of me. we take care of each other. got it?"
puen would be embarrassed at the way his eyes fill up with tears at those words if it weren't for the way talay is looking at him, still a little sad, but steadfast and full of love. puen just nods, afraid that if he tries to talk he will start sobbing instead, and now he knows it's fine, he knows talay isn't gonna leave him for something like that, but this isn't a moment for tears, he's happy and safe with the man he loves, so when talay pulls him in for a hug, he hides his face into talay's neck and smiles
(a few days later, after puen gets better, they're washing dishes together when talay says, out of nowhere, "i think we should move in together". he then goes on by saying that he's always wanted to do that, but also didn't want puen to be the one to pay for everything, so he had started saving up on money. puen is only half listening to it. as soon as talay is done talking, puen pulls him in for a kiss that leaves both of them panting for breath, then picks him up and carries him to bed. neither of them is gonna leave that any time soon)
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scover-va · 2 years
i did mean reggie but now im curious about the barry reginald hcs
*evilly rubs hands together* >:)
Alright SO! I got most of these hcs down in an unfinished fic of mine, and have been able to properly develop my hcs for Barry in the rp im doing with my gf, so I got plenty to talk about
So, Barry had been a single father to his son, who's unnamed because me and my gf decided Lionel's dad is an asshole and he doesnt deserve a name, Barry's wife (Susannah, name based off the in game file name for the Rootbeer Tender theme, Oh_Susannah, which is shortened in the official soundtrack as just being,,,t h a t 3 letter word) having died shortly after giving birth due to health complications. I might change the reason for her death but that's the current idea.
One night when Lionel's dad was ~3, Barry had left his son with a babysitter so he could go for a night out with some coworkers (he was. talked into it. after lots of talking). Weeeell things took a turn for the worse, and Barry was attacked in an alleyway, having originally been left to slowly die. Well, our good friend mister satan himself, aka Lou Natas finds him. He offers, in exchange for Barry's soul, he heals Barry's wounds so he can get home to his son. Barry only agrees because he doesn't want his son to be an orphan.
The two dont see each other for a while after that. When Barry's in his late 40's or so, Lionel's born. And seeing how Lionel's parents suck at the whole parenting thing (despite barry trying his best to get them to STOP being shitty parents), Barry pretty much ends up becoming Lionel's parental figure. Like. Barry calls him son and Lionel calls him dad.
He and Lou eventually bump into each other again, and Lou insists on chatting, and also insists on exchanging numbers. Barry begrudgingly agrees, and they go on with their lives, with Lou contacing Barry often to chat. Much better than talking to his annoying ass demon employees who can't do their jobs to save their fucking lives.
Anyways, moving on from Lou being a shitty boss, he eventually calls Barry asking for a favour, that he needs something retrieved for him. He even offers to give Barry his soul back. Barry agrees, and then ten seconds later finds out he’s stealing files from the Russian government. But he’s already agreed, so he isn’t allowed to chicken out now. By Barry’s request, Lou gives him one last month before they head to Russia.
At the end of that month, the Wilkinson-Snill family gets a call the morning after he leaves saying that Barry died overnight. Lou creates a fake body for the funeral and everything.
Meanwhile, Barry’s arriving in Russia with Lou, who insisted on tagging along. Only reason Lou needed help is because the Russian gov. Is already witch-hunting his ass so he can’t go near them. Barry’s wishing he really was dead right now.
They stay in a cabin together, and Barry starts working out by a nearby, frozen over pond. Because he’s basically a spy, he might as well be able to defend himself.
Well, Lou, the idiot devil he is, ends up catching feelings. The relationship is rather short lived, since Barry’s too good of a person to be able to comfortably date Lou, and it’s just kinda. Very awkward. At this point, Lou can’t run his game business, Gamefuna, overseas anymore. He heads back, visiting Barry every so often to check up on his process. At this point, Gamefuna’s purchased and butchered the SWK franchise.
Barry does eventually manage to get the OLD_DATA, getting it safely contained on a floppy disk. Well, the Russian government finds out, and now the cops are fuckin looking for him. He manages to ship off the floppy disk in a large box of them to one of Lou’s acquaintances, Kaminski, before getting shot and killed. Secrets of Legendaria bombs a few weeks later.
To add onto that, because I have a personal timeline of events that fit into any dmg content I make, progress on Inscryption starts at around the same time as Waste World. And Lionel still thinks his grandpa died of health issues.
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afklancelot · 1 year
despite everything, i still read new scp articles every now and then (tho much less than before) and now i have Criticisms on an article per usual, this time being SCP-7454
to summarize: SCP-7454 is a humanoid entity whose name used to be Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty. The Foundation became aware of them when they disrupted a feast dedicated to said goddess, "calling out" those at the feast, and agents were sent to contain them. anyways after a few conversations between the entity and a researcher, the entity releases they identify as a male instead of female, and with some encouragement from the researcher that the Foundation will help them with gender-affirming treatment. it ends with the entity deciding his new name will be Issac. The end
of course, the article was posted last week, so im trying to be nice. that said, the writing feels almost juvenile, especially with how the entity, Issac, acts and speaks. He doesn't sound like a (former) Greek Goddess who's been around for a loooooooong time at all, he sounds more like a rebellious teenager who's familiar with social media. look, im not saying Gods can't act "modern" and whatnot, but it's kinda hard to take Issac and the article as a whole seriously (when it needs to be) when he's using cuss words like "fucknut" and urinating over a statue of his former self. in addition, when the researcher speculates out loud that Issac is transgender, it just feels like the researcher is just saying it to our face; there are zero attempts at being subtle at that part, or even Issac figuring out himself. more of a personal gripe on my end, given i like it when themes and main ideas are more subtle rather then in your face.
another thing: there were posts on here that were like "i'm tired of feminist/queer retelling of storytales/mythologies because they refuse to engage with the source material in the first place". While those posts were mostly aimed towards YA novels and the like, i feel like it sorta applies to this article as well. the readers are told the skip was, or at least claimed to be, Aphrodite, but as I said before, he barely even acts like a proper God at all beyond complaining about his divine family and his worshippers and whatnot (and even then his family is only mentioned). when Issac complains about having been known as the "Goddess of motherhood", i genuinely got confused cuz I've also seen Hera as the goddess of motherhood. this ended up being half right on my end; Hera is known as the goddess of childbirth, marriage, and women, and there are two websites that associate motherhood to Aphrodite (albeit one of them was because Aphrodite threatening her son with a sandal ended up being a tradition for mothers around the world), so I'll give the author that.
point is Aphrodite, or Issac as he goes by at the end of the article, doesn't feel like a God at all. Different interpretations of the Greek Gods exist in other media, and whether they're accurate or not, they do tend to be decent interpretations, even Rick Riordan's. SCP-7454 feels less like the (former) Goddess of Love and Beauty from Greek culture and more like a regular guy with identity issues and an oppressive family who happened to have the name "Aphrodite" slapped onto them.
now, i admit i know jackshit bout writing, but i do have Ideas. For this scp article, if i were to change anything bout it, i would have there be a revelation that Issac isn't actually Aphrodite, but rather a child of Aphrodite. then all that would need to be added is that Issac confesses they came from a family that had expectations thrown onto him because his mother is the Most Beautiful Woman, and that gives him gender dysphoria. Even if everything else stays the same in the article, I would've ended up liking it better. Hell, if you want to do a transgender Greek God, you could always use Hera: make Hera want to break away from being a Goddess of Woman + motherhood as they release they might identify as male, but Zeus forbids it, so Hera runs away for the Foundation to find them, and agrees on the condition they shield Hera from Zeus.
Also- Issac? there are at least ten names out there, and the former god chose Issac of all names?
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okay. i gotta get serious abt losing weight again. like its getting back to the point i feel uncomfortable in some of my clothes again, especially my bras. so im gonna start doing nightly journal entries taking abt what i ate today, any exercise i did, how i felt, and what my plans for the next day are. if i count calories or purge ill put that here too.
ill start them all w the date and tag them all "#shellys day" so u can black list that if u want. i know i havent reblogged pics in a while but ive just been in such an awful binging cycle and also getting most of my th1nspo from insta lately
today was really bad. i went to work decided on panda express for lunch. i always get kung pao chicken (290), chow mein (510), and some crab rangoons (190), so for lunch i had about 1,000 calories. it wasnt even very good and even tho i was full half way through i ate the whole thing anyway cuz im a disgusting pig. i spend the rest of my shift at work wishing i had got some poke instead so naturally even tho i wasnt hungry i stopped and got poke after work. i have no idea how many calories are in it, i at least get the poke salad option so theres just lettuce instead of rice but it was still way too much and again even tho i was full half way thru i made myself eat the rest. i also got some fried rice balls cuz im a fucking cow and decided to really make myself feel worse than i already did. after i ate i just laid down and kept feeling worse and worse til i went to throw up like maybe an hour or an hour and a half after eating. i still have two rice balls left i really want before i go to bed. i dont have any more easy high calorie foods left in the house other than the cookies my dad made but hopefully hell give those away to friends before i binge on them. im gonna try to do better tomorrow. im gonna go to the gym with my dad in the morning if i can make myself get up in time. im also supposed to see one of my partners tomorrow evening and he always orders taco bell super later at night so i know ill end up eating something there but if i can have a little discipline itll be the only thing i eat tomorrow. then starting saturday night after whatever i eat w my partner im gonna start a 36 hour fast. im gonna allow liquid calories but nothing crazy, just its ok to put a little creamer in my coffee or a spoon of sugar in my tea i mean. if i mess up im gonna restart til i make it thru the fast. once i make it thru im gonna go back on a low-carb diet and focus on protein and veggies again. carbs are always my downfall. once i start on pasta and potatos and bread and sugar i always ruin my diet and start binging on everything. maybe ill make more balerina soup again. idk but im gonna fix this. my current achievable goal is to lose 20 lbs by december. if i can lose about 2 lbs a week i can do that. i just gotta focus and stop binging. i can let myself have a cheat day every now and then when im w my friends or a partner but i have to stop rewarding myself with food and overeating when im depressed.
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