#im eating soup later.... so fucking excited
thenarryparable · 2 years
trust part 3 : yuimon (yuichi kimura x lemon/elliott) & tangybug (tangerine/thomas x ladybug/nanao)
please be kind <3
"Get this...i just saw Lemon holding what seems to be a little kid. Probably 6 or something. You know anything about that?" Ladybug asked.
Taken by how Tangerine's expression to one that had a hint of anger Ladybug obviously knew he for sure knew something was up. "What's that kids name?" he asked.
'Wataru. Stayed up all night trying to figure out that little kids name, just do give him a gift or something so obviously I would know' Tangerine wrote, shoving the note in Ladybugs face.
"Oh! I see. Obviously, the kid liked it." Ladybug said, smiling. 'Fucking great' Tangerine wrote.
"Hey don't be so salty about a kid getting a gift and not you. You know you should-" Ladybug got cut off by Tangerine throwing the notepad in Ladybugs face.
~Time Skip to a couple days later~
Lemon and Yuichi have been talking more and more as the days go by, along with Tangerine and Ladybug starting to get along.
A ton of apologies were said, and some were forgiven, despite Tangerine refusing to accept them at first. There were a few fights as well, mostly between Lemon and Ladybug when he saw him there with his brother, not because he was scared he would hurt him again but for sneaking in out of all things.
But with all this going on, Yuichi hasn't gotten a chance to go over his feelings. The feelings of guilt but also of love starting to develop. The more he let Lemon come around the more he saw how truly kind the man was, all it kept reminding him of was his wife.
Which was a lot for Yuichi, he thought he would have moved on enough to stop associating her with others he (was starting to) loved but he couldn't help it.
He snapped out of his thoughts as Lemon walked over to him, snapping his fingers. "Oi! Kimura! You okay mate?" Lemon asked, looking concerned. Yuichi nodded, "Okay" he said.
"Great. Now come on, we gotta get some breakfast before the fuckin' station closes. Heres ya jacket." Lemon said as he helped Wataru out of bed and pick him up. "You excited kid?" he asked him, tickling Wataru's stomach.
Wataru nodded happily. "That's my boy! Let's fuckin' go get some fuckin' food!" Lemon ran out the door with a laughing Wataru in his arms. Yuichi walked slowly out, why that was the cutest thing he had seen all damn week.
He then looked down the haul and smiled at Lemon holding little Wataru up in the air and pretending he was a superhero. "Come on Kimura! We gotta catch 'im before he flies off!" Lemon shouted.
Yuichi caught up to them and Lemon set down Wataru as they took an elevator down to the cafeteria.
"Ya smell that kiddo?" Lemon asked Wataru. Wataru nods. "Hopefully they got somethin' we all fuckin' like or Lemon over 'ere is gonna go get some cake instead for us ta share" Lemon said as they walked into the cafe.
Lemon grabbed a plate for little Wataru first and talked him through everything, putting rice and whatever else Wataru liked on his plate. "Ya kiddo and me are gonna need a fuckin' longgg nap after this slowpoke," Lemon said to Yuichi, as he grabbed a plate for himself and grabbed some chopsticks for Wataru and himself.
Yuichi smiled at Lemon. "Ya gonna get anythin'?" Lemon asked. Yuichi shook his head, "No. Only for Wataru and you." he kind of whispered out. "Ya need ta eat breakfast. Come 'ere" Lemon said as he made Yuichi get a bowl. "Oi. 'ere." Lemon then gave Yuichi some rice and poured soup on top of it.
"That should hold ya up. Ya need it." Lemon said patting Yuichi's shoulder a bit. Yuichi just looked down and nodded. He didn't really care about eating much anymore. All he cared about was his son, not himself. Why should he anyway?
"Kimura! Man, ya gotta stop zonein' out all the time. Come on, luv." Lemon said grabbing Yuichi and paying for everyone's breakfast. Yuichi tried to pay instead but Lemon refused to let him.
They all sat down at a table, little Wataru started eating some veggies and rice while Lemon and Yuichi looked at each other for a second. "Ya doin' okay?" Lemon asked. Yuichi just sighed and nodded. "Ight" Lemon said before eating his breakfast.
Yuichi sat there and looked at his bowl. He didn't even take a single bite, he just stared. Mindlessly.
Lemon picked some veggies off of his plate and put them on a plate and slid them over to Yuichi. Yuichi looked at them, they kind of reminded him of what he would eat as a kid, they didn't really have much but they did have vegetables.
He picked up his chopsticks and took a bite, they kind of tasted like home but could never be sadly, its hospital food, of course, it's not. Lemon looked over at him and smiled, it wasn't much really but hey Yuichi was taking care of himself. Not that Lemon really cared about 'self-care' but, maybe this is a start to seeing this scruff of a man actually happy for once.
(btw this version was edited to not trigger anyone so if it's different a tiny bit on ao3 then YEAH.)
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imthebadguyyy · 3 years
A/N - based off of this sinful photograph
Suggested listening - Wildside by Normani and Kiss It Better by Rihanna
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Pairing - Lewis Hamilton x Reader (fem!littlemix!reader)
Fandom - F1
Summary - You've been on tour for a while, and you miss your loverboy. But when he surprises you on tour, its bound to get spicy.
Warnings - smut (not well written)
The snap of hips. The soft groans and moans. The sound of pants. The sound of Rihanna's 'Kiss It Better' blaring through the walls. The bed knocking against the wall as Lewis's hands squeezed your hips, the intensity of the thrust pushing the bed against the wall. The high pitched moan that left your mouth as you reached your high, eyes closing as stars exploded behind your eyelids, as your boyfriend came right after you, your walls clenching as he came. Even after reaching your high, you didn't want to open your eyes, far too consumed in the earth shattering pleasure that was coursing through your veins, until a soft hand reached to pull your chin up, soft brown eyes looking into your own, clouded with lust and euphoria.
Pulling your mouth into his in a heated kiss, Lewis moved his hand to rest on your bare stomach, squeezing your tummy softly as he deepened the kiss. Pulling away he let his head droop onto your bare chest. "That was.." he began, far too blissed out to think of an adjective. "Godly" you said, chest rising and falling rapidly, trying to come to terms with the intensity of your orgasm. Laughing he leaned back up to kiss your nose, before standing up and walking to the bathroom. You heard the tap running, and the sound of the dustbin opening and closing. You closed your eyes again, the aftershocks still coursing through your body.
Opening them again slowly, you saw Lewis walk towards you, towel in hand, and a lazy smile on his face. He gently cleaned your thighs, finishing with kisses on both of them. He reached up and wiped your torso, which was gleaming with a thin layer of sweat, before running the towel over your nose, cheeks, eyes and mouth. He dropped the towel in the clothes hamper near the bathroom door, pulling on his boxer shorts and and pulling out one of his t shirts from the cupboard. "What about the clothes on the floor" you piped up, finally beginning to wake up from your post pleasure state. "When did it get so messy?" He said, spotting 5 different clothing items in 5 different corners of the room. "When you decided to run your hand up my dress in a restraunt" you replied, throwing him a fake glare.
"You liked it" was his cocky reply, smirk spreading over his face as you flushed and ran a hand through your hair. "I did not" you lied, watching as he raised his eyebrows. "Oh really ? Thats not what you were saying 5 minutes ago- oh wait, you weren't saying anything at all. You were too busy moaning my name to say anything else-" "OKAY fine I loved it. Now shut up and bring your fine ass back for cuddles"
That was a month ago. Now you've been away for nearly one and half months, away with the girls on the LM5 tour. You loved touring, it was the best part of being a singer, getting to see the music you girls made together come to life on a stage in front of thousands and thousands of screaming fans. It was a thrill like no other. The only problem was that you were away from home. Distance was never an issue for the two of you, after all, he was a Formula 1 driver. It was very rare that he was home, except during the breaks and the gaps till race weekend, but ever since you two had started dating, he tried to be with you whenever you could. Sometimes, your shows would be in places where the races were too, and then he'd definitely turn up. But it was a difficult thing to do all the time, and some nights on tour were spent pulling all nighters as you talked to each other on the phone, till one of you eventually fell asleep.
But you knew when you started dating him, this wouldn't exactly be a regular relationship. The two of you were doing your dream jobs, and they were both extraordinary. And you were willing to put in the work you had to put in to make the relationship work, and you did. Yet here you were in Madrid, feeling heartbroken and desperately wanting your boyfriend by your side. It had been a rough couple of weeks, you were jet lagged and tired, and although this was the second leg of the tour, and you had had a break, it was tiring. It was hard going to bed every night alone, when all you wanted was to cuddle your boyfriend.
Little did you know, Lewis was feeling the same. In fact he had missed you so much, he had told Angela and his publicist to cancel all events for a week, while he flew out to Madrid to see you. He had missed you, he had missed you more than he could put into words. But he also wanted to surprise you. Pulling out his phone, he scrolled down to Leigh Anne's contact, and sent her a text.
Lewis, Leigh Anne
Hey. Is Y/N asleep ?
Hey! No, she's in an outfit fitting.
Okay that's good. I need your help with something.
Sure how can I help ?
I want to surprise her by coming to see you guys in Madrid.
Oh thats wonderful ! She's been a little down in the dumps. I think she misses you.
I miss her too.
Let me know when, and I'll send a car to pick you up.
I'll be there on Saturday. Landing at 3:15 and I should be at the hotel by 4:30. Then I can get ready and surprise her at the show.
Okay done. I'll send the car around 5:30,so you can rest for a bit. You should be here by 6. The show's at 6:15.
Thank you! Can't wait : )
I'm so happy youre coming to see her ! I'll let the girls know.
As soon as he had finished texting, Lewis decided to start packing, the prospect of seeing you again sending a buzz of happiness running along his veins. God, he had missed you a lot. He turned to Roscoe, the dog sitting by his feet, looking up at his dad with his head cocked to one side. "I'm going to go see Mumma, Roscoe" he explained, smiling as the doggo barked in response. He wouldn't be able to take him to Madrid, he'd have to leave him with a dog sitter, but he couldn't feel too bad about it, since he had had Roscoe with him even when you were gone. And besides, Roscoe enjoyed the dog creche. He couldn't wait for Saturday.
Later in the evening, he sat down with a glass of wine, while the ringtone of your FaceTime rang through the empty house. After a few more seconds of ringing, the call was picked up, your tired face coming into view. "Hi darling" he said, noticing the tiredness in your eyes, and how much you were struggling to keep them open. "Hi bubs. Did you finish eating?" You asked, rubbing your eyes. "No, I've ordered soup" (did anyone get the reference ;) "Oh okay" was the reply. "What about you? What time is it?" "Its 9:20 AM" you replied, gently rubbing your eyes again, forcing yourself to stay awake.
"9:20? Thats pretty late baby. Why are you still sleepy?" "We were recording till 4 AM, so Im functioning on like 5 hours sleep right now" "Oh damn. Go back to sleep then baby" "Can't, rehearsal" was you reply, making him furrow his eyebrows. "Okay I guess. But don't tire yourself out" "I won't" "I love you" he said, smiling at you. "I love you"
The Madrid show was always a fun one. The fans were loud and you loved it. They were one of the best crowds you girls ever played for, and the show had its own adrenaline and excitement. But it was difficult to give a 100% when you were tired, but you really tried, you did. During Power, you hit highnotes you didnt think you could, during Woman Like Me you danced like there was no tomorrow. During Wasabi, you brought your sass level up to a 1000. It was during Bounce Back that you caught sight of a very familiar face in the audience. Unable to actually grasp if you had actually seen Lewis, you turned to Jade, who was on your side, and looked back at the crowd and back to her, asking for confirmation.
The smirk she gave you was answer enough. After that, focusing on giving an excellent performance increased tenfold. Every swirl of your hips, every flip of your hair, every wink you threw at the audience, it was all five times sexier. In the crowd, your boyfriend was well aware of what you were doing, and it was fair to say that you were succeeding at it. He could feel an uncomfortable sensation around his pants region, as his cock twitched uncomfortably in his pants. He couldn't wait till the show was over, and you two could have a show of your own.
"That was amazing darling!" Lewis said, spotting the 5 of you in your dressing room. "Oh look its Mr. Loverboy!" Perrie said, cackling as you rolled your eyes at her, before running up to your lover and jumping into his arms. "Hiya Bub! I missed you!" "I missed you too love. That's why I surprised you. I couldn't stand another day without you at home" he said, wrapping his arms around your waist to keep you stable as you jumped into his arms. A chorus of "awws" echoed throughout the room, as the girls watched your cute little interaction. What wasn't cute however was the comment Lewis made in your ear, hiding his face in your ear so that the girls couldn't see. "I can't wait to get back to the hotel. I saw the performance you were putting on for me baby. You have no idea how hard I got, how uncomfortable I was standing in front of so many people when all I really wanted to do was fuck you"
You could feel your mouth become dry, and your heartbeat quicken, and you could feel the area between your thighs become wet. You tightened your grip around him, letting your crotch rub against his very softly. "I think it's time to go" you mumbled against his ear. "Okay girls, as lovely as it was to see you, I think it's time we go back to the hotel. I'm pretty worn out from travelling as well" "Yeah I'm pretty tired too" you replied, faking a large yawn. "Alright then, we'll see you guys tomorrow!" Leigh Anne said, leaning forward to give you a hug. After you finished hugging all the girls, the two of you made your way to the car, eagerly waiting to get back home.
The car ride home was tense. The tension was apparent in the air, reverberating through the air, choking you in a way you revelled in. The air was thick with tension, and it was suffocating you in the best way possible. It was almost too much to take. When the hotel came into sight, you practically leapt out of the car, and rushed to the door, an equally ruffled Lewis beside you. But he was not going to give in to you so easily. He enjoyed seeing you flustered. And he was not a person that gave someone what they wanted when they asked for it,no. He was going to have you desperate for it. Smirking to himself, he made his way to the reception, grabbing you by the waist as he went.
Throwing him a confused look you followed, slightly frustrated. "Hello sir, how can I help you?" the man at the reception asked, eyes going slightly wide as he recognized the two of you. "Hi! I just wanted to ask, till what time is your pool and spa open?" He asked, sliding his hand down to the back of your dress. "The pool closes at 10 pm sir, and the spa at 9 pm. We open the pool at 7 am and the spa at 11pm"he replied, struggling to maintain his professionalism as he spoke to one of the best drivers in Formula 1. "Alright thank you. And what time does breakfast start?" Lewis asked, hand pressing down on your ass, ever so discreetly. "Breakfast is from 6-10 am sir" "Thank you so much"
Next to him, you were fuming. Of course he was going to ask questions to which he already knew the answers to. A painful throb between your legs made you let out a small whimper, and the man at the reception looked at you with concern in his eyes. "Ma'am are you alright?" He asked, eyeing your stiff posture and tense state. "Yes, just tired, thank you" you replied, a little stiffly, but it was hard to concentrate when Lewis's promise of fucking you senseless kept replaying in your mind. "Alright then, good night" Lewis said, biting back a smirk at your flustered state. He knew getting you all riled up would lead to some seriously earth shattering sex, and he couldn't wait. But first, he definitely wanted to tease you, to push you over the edge, just a little more.
Your room was on the 16th floor, and as the two of you made your way into the elevator, he eyed you up and down, eyes lingering on the curve of your breasts. The minute the door shut, he pushed you against the wall, capturing your lips in a steamy kiss you'd be remembering the next day. His hands moved to your ass, squeezing hard, eliciting a moan from your lips. The moment your lips parted, he was pushing his tongue into yours, his other hand coming up to pull on your hair roughly, relishing in the gasp that left your lips. As suddenly as he started, he stopped, pulling back and standing almost nonchalantly against the wall.
Trying to wrap your head around what happened, you gripped the wall with your hand, feeling your legs grow weak to a point where you felt like you couldn't stand on your own. You could feel your wetness dripping, threatening to run down your thighs, as the throbbing became even more painfully exciting. You looked down at the floor, eyes closing as your frustration grew more and more by the second. Finally, with a little 'ding', the elevator stopped at the 16th floor. The moment the door opened you stepped out on wobbly legs, trying your best to walk properly. But of course, that wasn't going to happen. As you turned one long corridor, Lewis suddenly grabbed your waist, pushing you against the wall again, to reach down and suck on your neck. You let out a gasp, and tried to run your crotch against his, but the retaliated with a slap to your ass, smirking when a high pitched moan left your lips. Lifting you up against the wall, he mumbled against your ear "the key card" your clouded mind was unable to process the words, too consumed by slight relief you were getting. "Get the key card baby" he repeated. This time you noted it, reaching down to his pants pocket to pull out the key card. You couldn't resist running your hand over his cock, feeling how rock hard he was. The thought of him fucking you senseless returned, and you let out a groan.
Grabbing the card from your hand, he opened the door, propping you up against the door in your bedroom. His eyes were filled with a raw, animal desire, as he dropped the card on the floor and reached up to unzip your dress. He ripped the zipper down, your dress falling to the floor in a crumpled heap. He locked his eyes on your heaving chest, hand reaching up to grab your chin, pulling you in for a searing kiss. His hand slid up your torso, reaching behind to unhook the red lacy bra you were wearing, letting it drop to the floor as he took in the glorious sight in front of him. You waited, wanting him to just touch you, but he just stared, eyes looking into yours, clearly saying "beg for it"
You couldn't help the soft "please" that left your lips, too desperate for some sort of touch. "Please what?' Lewis said, tightening his grip on your waist. "Please" was all you could say again, nearly whimpering again at the rough look in his eyes. "Use your words baby. Now, please what?" "Please just touch me!" You finally gasped out, moaning loudly when he licked a stripe down your chest before taking your right tit into his mouth. His hand fondled the left one, running his thumb over your erect nipple, the rough pad of his thumb sending shockwaves of pleasure through your body. His mouth sucked on the skin of your tit, before moving down to bite down on your nipple. You gasped again, pain and pleasure coursing through your body as his tongue ran over your nipple over and over till it nearly felt raw. He switched his actions, moving his mouth to your left tit instead, letting his hand harshly fondle the other. He continued the same process of biting, licking and sucking, till he was satisfied with himself. "I fucking love this baby. Seeing you all wet and needy for me. So what do you want? My mouth? My fingers? My cock? Or does my baby want them all ?" He asked, watching as your pupils dilated and you let out a strangled moan.
You let your crotch rub against his thigh, gasping when the friction went straight to your core. "Look at you darling. I asked you what you what you wanted, and you picked my thighs? Well, I want to see you dripping. I want to see you cum on my fingers, my mouth, my thighs and especially on my cock. I'm going to make you cum over and over and over again till you can't even stand on your own fucking legs. I want your thighs to be shaking around my head. I want to see you moan and groan and scream my name so loud, by tomorrow everyone in this hotel will know my name, because you'll spend all night screaming it" you moaned again, his words going straight to your core."Please Lewis, God, just make me cum please!" The desperation of your cry was enough for him to carry you to the bed, dropping your body onto the soft mattress.
He pulled of shirt, unbuttoning every button so you could see him do it. He could see your eyes grow dark, as his compass tattoo came into sight. You had told him it was one of your favourites, and he had used it against you ever since you had told him that. Smirking at you, he climbed onto the bed, lying down between your legs. You pushed yourself up against the headboard, spreading your legs wide for him. His eyes grew dark, as your core came into his view, shimmering with your juices. A near animalistic growl left his mouth, the sound hitting your core. He moved so that he was situated right in front of your core. He let his eyes take in the sight of you in front of him, snapping back to reality when you let out a groan of frustration. Throwing you a devilishly reassuring smile, he inched neared and nearer, till his nose was nearly touching your clit. Then he just lay there. Not moving. You could feel your heartbeat hammering against your chest, chest heaving up and down, an alarming intense feeling growing in your tummy. Finally, when it became too much you let out a small scream of frustration "Oh for fucks sake Lewis please just fuck me!" Your outburst brought a smile to his face. "Oh I will. Just not yet" and with that, he ran a finger along your slit, before finally slipping it into you. You let out a moan, finally getting the friction you had been desperate for. His fingers circled your clit, thumb gently pressing down, before he removed it,only to slam it back down on your sensitive clit, earning a scream of pleasure from you.
He slipped a second finger into you, scissoring around your clit, as your desperate cries of "oh, oh baby! Fuck, fuck lewis-" were lost in the heat of the moment. He leaned his head down to your core, letting his tongue run along your slit too, before licking around it, collecting your wetness on his tongue, before letting it harshly circle your clit. You bucked up into his mouth, feeling his tongue wrap around your clit. He sucked the nub harshly, his fingers still moving in and out of you. "Oh God, Oh GOD, Lew-I- oh! Oh God!" Your broken moans were music to his ears as he sucked your clit into his mouth. You could feel a strange intensity growing in your stomach, feeling a lot stronger than your usual orgasm. The band in your tummy was threatening to snap, but you needed that something more to help it snap. That something more came when Lewis sucked your clit into his mouth, letting it rest in between his teeth, before flicking it with his tongue.
With a cry of "Oh fucking hell, Lew-" you camr gushing into his mouth, your juices coating his fingers and gushing onto his tongue, as he let you ride out your orgasm on his deadly skilled tongue. Well, he had got his wish. Your thighs were shaking around his head, as your body tried to come to terms with the intensity of the pleasure coursing through your body. Looking down, you saw him with his painfully hard cock, grinding down on the sheet, as he let out a moan at the relief the bedsheets gave him. Raising an eyebrow, you patted your thigh, signaling him to come over to you. "You loved on me so well bubs. But I can see how hard you are. Do you want to use me to get off?" You asked, watching the effect you had on him. All he could do was nod, as you sat up on your knees. "Stand up" you ordered, getting up from the bed as well.
You walked over to the wall, letting your body rest against it. Somewhat confused, Lewis followed you, standing in the space between your legs. "I tried to get off using your thighs didn't I? I think you'll enjoy it as much as I did. So use me. Use my thigh. Get off" looking at you in pure shock, your boyfriend moved forward, groaning when you pushed your leg against his throbbing cock. He relished in the friction, slowly beginning to move against your leg, moaning when he began to rub against your leg. He began to hump your leg faster, as the pleasure began to build up in his body, before you reached your hand down to cup his length in your hands, moaning when you realized your fingers didn't quite meet. You ran your fingers along his length. You pumped him, letting your thumb circle his sensitive tip, eliciting a soft whine from him. You circled faster, moving down to your knees, and letting your tongue run up his shaft very softly. Above you, Lewis slammed his hands against the wall, groaning when you took him into your mouth.
But a part of him still wanted to cum inside when he was fucking you (in a condom, because wrap it before you tap it) so he pulled you back up, smirking when you whined. "I know baby, but I just really wanna fuck you now. Back on the bed please, unless you want me to take you here against this wall" practically running, you clambered onto the bed. You watched as Lewis pulled out a condom, ripping the packet open before climbing back on top of you. He let his hand rest on your hip, eyes temporarily losing some of the animalistic need that had been present in them. Leaning down, he connected your lips together in a kiss, a searing, intense kiss that took your breath away. "Ready love?" He asked, looking into your eyes, looking to see if there was even a slight hint that you didn't want this. But you did.
With a sudden jolt, he thrust himself into you, groaning when your warm walls clamped down on him. His hips thrust into you, starting off slow, letting you adjust to his massive length. "My sweet baby,taking me so well. Does it feel good?" You couldn't even respond, mouth agape, as his the pace of his thrusts increased. "Answer me" he said, suddenly stopping. Almost crying out at the loss of pleasure, you looked at him with desperation. "Yes yes, fuck it feels so good, please don't stop!" "Thats all you had to say baby" he said, before pushing in again, slowly. Then, he pulled back out. Looking at him in confusion, you gasped when he slammed back into you, a high pitched moan of "Lewis!" leaving your lips. He moved so that he had a better hold of your hips, rocking the both of you back and forth, the intensity of his thrusts was so much that the bed knocked back against the wall. What he wasn't expecting was for you to take his left thumb up to your mouth, running your tongue over it before sucking on it.
Moaning, he started thrusting into you even harder, shifting so that he was directly hitting your g spot. "Oh, God ! Oh fuck, Baby that feels so good please keep going keep-oh!" The cry that left your lips was so loud, you were sure Perrie in the room next to yours had heard you. "Fuck baby, you take me so well" Lewis said, as he nearly hammered your g spot. He was so, so damn close to cumming, and when you leant up and bit a sensitive spot on his neck, he came, gushing into the guard between you two, but he wanted you to cum to, so he reached down to pinch and rub your clit, still riding out his orgasm in you, moaning when you came with a scream. He winced when your core spasmed on his sensitive cock, and he pulled out slowly, before collapsing next to you. Panting, you curled up to him, letting your hand rest on his compass tattoo. "Okay that was Godlike" you said, earning a tired laugh from your lover.
"Yeah it really was. I missed you" he said, allowing you to nuzzle into his neck, leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead. "I missed you too" you replied, kissing the tattoo. "I love you too" As you lay there together, still revelling in the moment, your phone buzzed. Reaching over to check it, you saw your groupchat with the girls flooding with messages.
Perrie 🧚🏻‍♀️ - Y/N, I'm filing a noise complaint. 🍆
Jade ✨ - Pez 😂 let them be. It's been a while for her.
Leigh 🦋- She really got some tonight huh? 😏
Perrie 🧚🏻‍♀️- LOL she did !! And it was obviously some goooood 'some' *wink wink*
Jade ✨- I could hear em too, and Im on the other end of the hall.
Leigh 🦋 - I know I did too! Must be some damn good sex. 😏
Perrie 🧚🏻‍♀️ - Go Y/N !!
Jade ✨ - Can't wait till she reads this.
Perrie 🧚🏻‍♀️ - Are they still going?!
Leigh 🦋 - No 😂 she's reading the messages. Y/N!! Yoohoo!
You - yes I'm here 🖕🏽
Jade ✨ - Did you have fun babe 😏
You - ..... yes
Perrie 🧚🏻‍♀️ - babe you can't really say no because we heard you
You- Im not saying I didn't have fun. But you guys need to calm down.
Leigh 🦋 - But its funnn
You - okay byeeee ❤
Perrie 🧚🏻‍♀️ - Going for a round 2 😏?
You - okay I said bye.
Leigh 🦋 - she is !!
Jade ✨ - Go babe !
You - I need to leave this group.
Perrie 🧚🏻‍♀️ - No we love you !! ❤
Leigh 🦋 - Yeah don't leave us ❤
Jade ✨- Don't leave meee ! ❤
You - Haha I'd never leave you girls ❤ now bye.
Jade ✨ - bye babe !
Perrie 🧚🏻‍♀️ - bye you sexy minx 😏
Leigh - bye hun 💙
Smiling to yourself, you put your phone away, to see Lewis looking at you with a raised eyebrow. "Who was it?" "Just the girls" you said, cuddling back up to him. "What did they say?" Giggling, you looked up to him and kissed his neck. "They said they're going to file a noise complaint. And they asked me if we were going for a round two" "Were we really that loud?" He asked, looking at you in surprise. "Yeah, even Leigh heard us and she's at the end of the hall!" "Damn" Lewis said laughing. "Well," he said, looking at you again, with a cheeky look in his eye, "they were right about one thing" "And what is that?" You asked, smiling at him mischievously. "We are going for a round two"
@maxverstappenx @grandestrategia (because you are worth it 🦋💙)
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monsterenergysimp · 4 years
corpse husband x fem!reader 
summary: you meet corpse on a stream and you’re surprised when he reaches out to you 
warnings: cursing, mentions of tattooing
word count: 1.9k
notes: This is proof read but could have missed some stuff. This is my first corpse fic and my first time writing fanfic since I posted that super cringey book on wattpad when I was like 12 or something. I’d appreciate feed back so please reach out to me :)
main blog @itsmysleepover
read part 2 here!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
You were cleaning up your station so you can get home and stream. You loved your day job as a tattoo artist but you also really enjoyed streaming. It started as a way to promote yourself as an artist and the shop you worked at but it eventually became a really fun way to destress at the end of the week (or day if you were really itching to stream). “Hey Y/N was that your last client?” your boss, KC, asked as she walked to the front of the shop and put new flash drawings on the walls.
“Yes ma’am!” You said back excitedly. You finished cleaning your station and tossed your black gloves in the trash. “And you can’t trick me into staying and taking walk-ins,” you joked with her. She rolled her eyes and walked back into her office “It was one time,” she said as you slid on your jacket. As you walked out your phone buzzed in your pocket and you checked to see who had texted you. It was a message from Sean asking if you were free to play Among Us with him and some other streamers. You replied that you were on your way home right now and totally down. You were excited to see who was playing this time around since their Among Us streams are super entertaining and have gotten really popular.
On your way back you tweeted and posted to your Instagram story that you’d be streaming soon and set up all your stuff once you made it home. After a few minutes, you had a couple of thousand people watching. You entered the discord chat and Sean spoke up. “Everyone this is Y/N she’s sensitive so be gentle.”
“It’s nice to finally meet you guys and I’m not gentle, I'm ruthless,” You say into your mic and notice the chat calling you a liar. Everyone was in the lobby waiting for the game to start. “You sound way too sweet to be ruthless,” Corpse said. The countdown started and you were imposter with Charlie.
“This should be fun,” you told the stream. Yout tried playing strategically but after such a long shift your brain was mush. You saw Poki in nav and killed her then vented into shields. Not long after the body was reported and you were sure you were going to get voted out or at least sussed.
“Where was the body?” Felix asked. “Nav and I didn’t see anyone near there so whoever is imposter must have vented,” Corpse responded. Felix spoke up again. “I think I saw Y/N walk that way and I haven’t seen her since.”
Shit, shit, shit shit. “I’m in shield right now so-” you said trying to defend yourself but Charlie spoke up. “I was doing tasks with her earlier and I saw her walk into shields so she’s safe but I’m still not sure about Rae.” Everyone discussed a bit more and some people, including Corpse, voted for you but Rae got the majority vote and was ejected. You released your breath and kept playing being extra careful.  
“Okay, guys that was super close. Corpse knows and is out to get me,” you said to the chat. You were eventually voted off but one round later victory was written across your screen with your ghost and Charlie’s avatar. “Good game guys,” Corpse said.
“I told you guys I was ruthless!”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
You sat at your station doing nothing because a client had canceled a four-hour session. You were listening to music and sketching some stuff but you were bored out of your mind and you didn’t want to leave in case you got a walk-in. The music got quiet as you received a twitter notification saying someone had messaged you. You reached for your phone and saw you had gotten a dm from Corpse.
C: hey :)
You didn’t know what to respond. You were mostly confused as to why he decided to message you out of the blue. Did he want something? But what would he want?
Y: Hii! This is sudden
C: was i bothering you?
    shit sorry!
Y: Youre fine I wasn’t doing anything rn
C: how has your day been
    i dont usually do stuff like this
Y: Im glad you did im doing better now I was so bored
C: what were you doing that was so terrible
Y: NOTHING! thats the problem :(
C: im sure youll find something to do
You stared at his message. Unsure what to respond.
Y: Im gonna give myself a tattoo
C: what?
You tossed the needles you used for your tattoo into the sharps box. “Oh my god you didn’t,” KC said. She noticed the wrap on your calve from the tattoo you just gave yourself out of boredom. “It’s not my fault I didn’t have anything else to do!” You said trying to defend yourself. She sighed and just shook her head. “Just go home business is slow today.” It was raining so the shop probably wasn’t going to get a walk-in anyway and you didn’t have any more clients for the day. It was only 2 pm but you drove home and after making lunch for yourself decided to stream. You weren’t expecting too many people so it was bound to be super chill. Your leg felt sore reminding you of the tattoo. You snapped a quick pic of the fresh jack-o-lantern on the side of your calve and messaged it to Corpse.
Y: [image] it came out nice!
C: thats  super cool actually
    i was concerned why you would just give yourself a tattoo but i found your instagram and       youre super talented
Y: Thank you!
For some reason, it felt strange to just have that be the end of your response.
Y: Im about to start streaming if you wanted to watch
C: ill be watching ;)
What’s that supposed to mean?
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
You sat in your apartment watching tv, hand lost in a bag of Doritos, and scrolling through twitter. You had stopped paying attention to the anime playing on the screen since you’ve watched it a hundred times and knew you wouldn’t miss anything. It was Saturday and you usually take those days off. Take the time to do chores or meet up with some friends but today you felt like not doing any of those things. As you continue your endless scroll (not helping the twitter addiction you told yourself you’d try to get a handle on) you got a message from Corpse.
C: wanna talk?
You looked down at the message unsure of how to answer. It was a simple yes or no and the obvious answer was yes. You and Corpse had started talking more regularly. You still didn’t have each other’s phone numbers but it was fine. Your conversations weren’t too big-- just you sending him memes, tiktoks, and telling him how much you liked the songs he would drop. Or him complimenting a tattoo you did. Sometimes he’d message you during streams telling you funny stuff his fans would say in the chat and you’d do the same. You learned a bit about each other but nothing too deep or serious. Like how you two lived a few cities away and you both really liked Donnie Darko. When Sean first invited you to that game out of everyone else there you were most excited to meet Corpse. He’s just so sweet and funny. Of course, you’d love to talk to him but you were also itching to talk to him and the last thing you’d ever want to do was make him uncomfortable.
Y: Yeah id love to talk
Here goes nothing.
Y: Wanna facetime or something?
     No pressure or anything it could even be a regular call
     I think facetime is just my default lol
You sent those last two messages quickly after you had sent the first. You wished you could know what he was thinking. It was killing you to think you had turned him off from talking to you completely. You put your phone down on the couch and went to wash your hand of Dorito dust. When you got back from the kitchen you turned off the tv and tossed yourself onto the couch.
Still no message.
Why am I so fucking stupid?  
Just as you were standing up to stretch from sitting on the couch all day your phone buzzed. You reached for it fast and looked to see that it was him. You became super excited still not even knowing what the message said. It could have told you to never talk to him again for all you knew.
C: sure lets facetime
You had his phone number. You added him to your small but growing contact list and called. You sat on your couch waiting for a response when he finally picked up the screen was black. It didn’t upset you; you kind of expected it and didn’t care what he had to do to make himself more comfortable during this call.
“Hey,” he said. His voice was raspier than usual.
“Did you just wake up?” You asked and looked at the time. It was about a little past noon and you had only eaten Doritos all day. Shit, you should probably make a decent meal.
“Not that long ago but yeah,” he responded and giggled. That giggle.
“Well, I’ve eaten nothing but Doritos all day while rewatching Ouran High School Host Club, so you’re welcome to join me as I make myself something to eat.”
“Sounds like fun; what are we eating?”
“I don’t know yet,” You said as you stood up and made your way to the kitchen. You opened the pantry and looked. You noticed a can of diced tomatoes and reached for it then checked the expiration date. It was still good. On your counter were some onions and garlic. “How about some tomato soup?”
“Sounds delicious.” you smiled at Corpse and your phone screen not knowing if he was also looking at his screen or not. “You’re really pretty-- you know that?”
“Thanks, but you don’t have to--”
“I’ve already told you what an incredible artist you are so many times I bet you’re tired of hearing it, but you already know what a talented artist you are.”
“That is very kind of you Corpse,” you said to him bashfully as you chopped the onion and opened the can of tomatoes. “But once again you don’t have to reach so far to compliment me.”
“I’m not reaching you are talented and beautiful and--”
“I thought I was pretty.” You could hear him chuckle with a smile on his face. “You’re both,” he said. You could feel your face getting warm from blushing.
“Fuck you you’re making me blush. My face is all hot and stuff.”
He laughed at how flustered you got. “That’s the cutest thing ever.”
You didn’t know how to respond so you just put some olive oil in a pot and tossed in your onions. It became silent but it was a comfortable silence. You turned the stove on and watched the flame for a few seconds. “If it was dark we could pretend we were together and having a bonfire or something,” you said to the phone as you turned the camera to show him the flame (still not 100 percent sure if he was looking at you or not).
“I’ll put it on the list of things to do when you visit me someday.”
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shyvioletcat · 4 years
71) “You look good in that.” for the firefighter au!!!!
Here’s another Striking Matches Drabble for Firefighter Friday! I promise Light the Sparks is coming, I just haven’t had a moment to get the outline sorted.
You’ll probably want to read THIS drabble beforehand
Striking Matches Masterlist
There was a pile of discarded clothes on Aelin’s bed that she could see behind her as she looked over her current outfit in the mirror. She was sure this was the one. It was a mustard coloured flowy, knee length dress, the top overlapping to give a false wrap effect. The tie at the waist was the real selling point though, meaning she could leave it a little looser than she would probably usually have it. At 12 weeks pregnant she had just started to show and her wardrobe was starting to be compromised. Aelin couldn’t help herself and turned to the side, smoothing the fabric over the dress over her stomach to see the slight change in her body and smiled. Unless you were really looking for it, it wasn’t noticeable. But Aelin was always looking at it when she could.
“You look good in that,” Rowan said from the doorway and Aelin looked over to see him leading on the door frame.
She smiled at him as he smiled at her. “Thank you.”
“You ready to go?” He asked, moving into the bedroom. “You’ll need a coat. There’s a chilly wind out there tonight.”
Aelin checked the tie on her dress and watched as Rowan flicked through the jackets and coats that hung in her wardrobe. He pulled out a simple black coat and Aelin nodded her approval of the choice. Holding it out for her he helped her slip it on, making sure it didn’t catch on the brace she was still wearing on her wrist.
She untucked her hair from the collar and checked herself over in the mirror one last time. “Alright, let’s go. We don’t want to keep the grandparents waiting.”
Rowan positively beamed at those words.
Tonight they were going out to dinner with both sets of their parents and would announce the pregnancy to them. Besides Rowan’s team and Elide, the parents would be the first to be told. Aelin felt a little bad that they weren’t the first to know, and she knew Rowan felt the same, but they couldn’t help what happened. After Aelin had sworn them all to secrecy they had all managed to keep the news to themselves. 
Aelin’s mother had been beside herself when she’d heard about the accident. They had been visiting family in Varese when Aelin had called from the hospital and Evalin had been ready to get on the next flight back to Orynth, but Aelin had assured her she was fine, and also left out the fact that she would be staying in a few days for observation. Rowan’s parents had been just as equally distraught but they had already planned to visit a few weeks later so they held out, very conveniently arriving around the same time as Aelin’s parents. It had been too easy to suggest that they all have dinner together.
Hand in hand the parents-to-be walked out of the apartment, down the flights of stairs, and onto the street. They were meeting at a restaurant that was walking distance from their apartment which was all part of the plan. When Aelin and Rowan arrived, both sets of parents were waiting outside chatting together. When Evalin saw Aelin she immediately broke from the group, gathering her daughter into a hug.
“Careful, Mum. My ribs,” Aelin squeaked and was then immediately being held at arm's length, her mother’s scrutinising eye running over her.
“I thought you said you were okay now,” Evalin said, a hand coming to rest on Aelin’s cheek.
“I am, just healing,” Aelin insisted. 
Evalin narrowed her eyes. “Are you sure you’re fine?”
Aelin’s answer was an eyeroll, bluffing her way through the physical toll her pregnancy was taking on her body. 
“Yes, Mother. I am absolutely fine,” Aelin assured her. “I’ve had this one fussing over me non-stop so.”
Evalin finally let go of Aelin and looked away from her to Rowan. “Hello Rowan. How are you?” 
“I’m good,” Rowan replied and they hugged each other briefly. 
By then everyone else had wandered over, with more greetings and reassurances that yes, she was fine Aelin returned to Rowan’s side. Rowan was just smiling knowingly as he let Aelin deal with the situation. She knew that if she didn’t get him inside soon and distracted by food he would spill the big secret before the big reveal she had planned.
“Shall we?” Aelin said and led the way into the restaurant. 
Dinner had been lovely. Aelin was eternally grateful that her parents and her in-laws actually got on. They were so distracted by the conversation they didn’t notice that Aelin had ordered a chicken instead of steak, like she usually would. But the only way to eat steak was medium in the very least and her doctor has been insistent that all her meat be fully cooked. They also managed to miss the fact she had kept to water instead of a glass of wine, although her father had looked very confused for a second there as Aelin told the waiter her denial.
Now they were trekking back up the stairs, almost to their floor. The parents were coming in for more chatting and probably another drink, Aelin was really counting on that drink part. Rowan’s eyes were brimming with excitement as he unlocked the door. He was too adorable.
Aelin breezed into the apartment heading towards the bedroom to drop off her coat, as she got to the door she heard Rowan offer everyone a drink. There was a general consensus which had Aelin grinning.
“Just water for me please,” Iris chimed in.
“Of course, Mum,” Rowan said from the kitchen.
Aelin met him there, where we had four tumbler glasses and a bottle of wine on the counter as he was grabbing a jug of water from the fridge. Aelin looked at the glasses, glad they had arrived in time. Each one read their respective grandparent name with EST April and the year engraved delicately on the glass. Rowan poured out the drinks, practically humming with restrained excitement as he did so. When he was done he picked up the glasses for his parents and Aelin did the same for hers. They were all sitting on the couch, Iris, Evander and Evalin on the seats and Rhoe was on the arm of it next to Evalin. Rowan sat in the single armchair once he relinquished his drinks, Aelin perching on his lap a moment later.
“How’s the station, Rowan?” Rhoe asked and the conversation started flowing again. 
Aelin was hardly paying attention, she could sense Rowan doing the same as they waited for one of them to realise. Her eyes kept jumping from parent to parent when finally she saw Iris go perfectly still and look at her glass, the water more easily showing the words, when her eyes went wide Aelin knew it was about to get going. 
“Evan,” Iris breathed, but her husband didn’t hear her. Then she started tapping his leg furiously as she said his name again. “Evan, Evan. Look at your glass.”
“What? Is it dirty?” He said and Aelin almost burst out laughing, Rowan was hiding his smile behind his hand.
Then it was Evalin who squealed.
Aelin looked over at her mother and already saw tears brimming in her eyes.
“Oh,” Rhoe’s deep voice said quietly as he turned his glass in his hand. “Oh.”
“Wait…” Evander said, still not quite getting it and held the glass at arms length as he squinted to read in engraving. When he did he almost dropped his drink.
“You’re pregnant?” Evalin finally said, her voice thick with emotion.
“You bet, Grandma,” Aelin told her, trying to cover her own fraying emotions with a little bravado. Rowan’s firm squeeze to her hip told her she had failed. 
There was a flurry of movement and then Aelin was being pulled off Rowan’s lap and being embraced by both her parents, very enthusiastically but gently. They let her go and congratulated Rowan while his parents congratulated her, then eventually Aelin was tucked into Rowan’s side, his arm snaking around her waist as he dropped a kiss onto her head. The newly announced grandmothers were wiping at their eyes and Aelin noted that he father’s eyes were shining in the light.
Then Evalin whirled on them, something akin to devastation on her face. “You were pregnant in the accident?”
Aelin held onto Rowan a little tighter as she nodded. 
“Oh, baby,” Evalin whispered and Rhoe pulled her in for a hug.
“That would have been terrifying,” Iris added.
It was Rowan who answered. “It was, but we were very, very lucky. And now we’re excited beyond belief.” 
Aelin looked up at Rowan then and he looked down at her. They had been incredibly lucky that Aelin had walked away from that accident with minimal injuries and that the baby hadn’t been harmed. As Rowan smiled and then kissed her, she knew she was truly the luckiest woman in the world. 
Thanks for reading *blows kisses to you all*
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ghooostbaby · 3 years
Reading the MDZS novel
A high octane journey through the final extras chapter
• ahh LWJ and WWX role playing they've never met before?!
• Lan WangJi, sir, I frankly cannot believe that you, an educator, are lying to children about math
• I got very excited when I first thought this was in Gusu Lan sect, and that they hang out with the little kids there! Logically if they teach the juniors as teens they MUST also teach younger kids and I just want to see it!!!!
• Ahhhhh wei ying feeding Lan Zhan things ... just all of it
• wwx sticking a sweet thing into his mouth and lwj just letting it stay there, and then wwx is like do you like it? And how lwj says nothing. And how wwx says I'll take back if you don't say if you want it! So lwj bites it (oh how he loves to bite what we wants)
• Honestly its one of the most romantic things in my opinion, that knowing lwj has trouble saying what he wants, wwx doesn't try to fix him, and just playfully gives him snacks to try, while teasing him
• The two of them just sauntering around a market together omg the domesticity im MELTING
• "When [Lan WangJi] finished [the snacks], Wei WuXian would always ask, 'How was it? How was it?' Sometimes Lan WangJi replied 'fine', while other times he replied 'excellent', yet more of than not, he would reply 'strange'. Whenever that happen Wei WuXian would laugh and take it, not letting him have any more." AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
• Lan WangJi being the baby oh my heart!
• Lan WangJi sneaking off to secretly learn to cook Wei WuXian's favourite soup for him it hurts
• Wei WuXian: you're a virgin who can't cook
• Lan WangJi: *is silent*
• 1 minute later
• Wei WuXian: plzzzzzz hanguang jun cook for Meeeee
• Love how they bully each other. Love how wwx has no poker face. Love lwj loving to win and being all big and good and getting kissed. Love wwx loving losing to lwj and being all small and bad in his lap.
• Also wwx calling lwj "my dear" (as the translation goes) !!!!
• OK there's just too many little back and forths that I am HOWLING over! WWX begging to be cooked for about to jump in his lap! lwj then correcting his posture!!! The "Er-Gege you can't treat me like this"!!!! And then finally holding wwx's hand and saying he cooked for him already!!!!
• But also hasn't it been months?? Atleast?! What have they been eating all this time?
• Wei Ying!!! No sex in the restaurant!
• Ohhh WWX being serious and he's just so earnestly overjoyed that his husband is a good cook fuck they're sweet
• Ahhhhh smile lan zhan, smile! It would send your wei ying through the roof
• Oh nooooo now they're playing a CARNIVAL GAME?!?! I am dead. They're winning toys for each other ahhhhhhhh help me
• Lan WangJi repeated, "Whatever it lands on is mine." We all know what you're thinking you possessive bitch
• Yeeeeeee forehead ribbon tugging in public. Who belongs to who now?!
• "I want whichever one you get." Oh lwj and your beautiful pure heart
• Ahahahahaha "Look at you. What are you doing in front of all these people?" Lan WangJi, "What?" Wei WuXian, "You're flirting with me." Lan WangJi's expression was calm, "I am not."
• The gentle teasing, the deep familiarity, the sense that they are that old married couple at the farmers market so in love after 100 years oh my god
• Ahhhh if wei wuxian can throw from that far away that must mean he developed mo xuanyu's golden core this is too much goodness
• "The jinshi is a peaceful place only for playing the guqin and burning incense"!?! Wei WuXian I've read about many other things occurring there ...
• Aghhh you never see LWJ as a normal teacher so the image of hanguang jun standing up at the front of a normal classroom as the juniors file into their desks ... "good morning class" ... with the new souvenir their teacher's husband got for him on their recent romantic getaway on display
• Honestly these two being teachers is the sweetest thing. Imagine having this hot gay magical power couple be your teachers.
• Ohhh they're actually in lotus pier!? Ugh my heart
• so adorable and dramatic lwj! wwx: "don't tip the boat sweetie." lwj: "do not worry. I can save you if you fall."
• "Yes! We can come again." Ugh these two. So gorgeous
• The way wwx reacts to lwj's smiles ... they are so so so in love (and the fact that Lan Zhan smiled at Wei Ying saying he wanted to trick him into getting beaten by the angry lotus farmer!)
• Oh Lord!!!! The serenity of lwj when they've fallen in the water, and he takes the blame for tipping the boat, so then wwx takes the blame, and they laugh and kiss!!!! SO. IN. LOVE. I am so happy for these sweet little lambs
• "Back then, all I really wanted was to play with you." Ajhh wwx you're going to end me.
• LWJ just scooping him up and putting him back in the boat, its too much!!
• Did lwj retrieve wwx's hair ribbon from the water or does he just keep a supply of red ribbons incase wwx needs one?!
• Oh no LWJ now you've DEFINITELY killed me: "you can try now to see if I would reject you over anything."
• And then wwx's reaction "please warn me before you say anything so romantic, or else i won't be able to take it." ahaaaaa you little shit. But honestly SAME
• And then lwj's little "ok" !!!! Imagine that he takes this seriously and from then on periodically says, "Wei Ying, I'm about to say something really romantic." And Wei Ying takes his hand and says, "OK, I'm ready Lan Zhan."
• So glad they get to have endless laughter and hugs now. My sweet darlings, you deserve it
• They really are so perfect
I love them so much
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xeo-kunsatan · 3 years
Beast Choices Chapter 2. Woman Tears
Betrayus and Muriel have passed a lot of time together in their department next to Yūu, as well their works were too hard for them, living them completely tired.
The Summer was starting and Muriel and Betrayus really needed vacations.
Muriel: God damnit... I'm so tired...
Betrayus: me too... Ugh...dude, don't think we need vacations?
Muriel: that's so obvious....
Betrayus: y-yeah.. but sadly we don't have any fucking money to pay for a trip....
Muriel: yeah...
Someone knocks the door.
Muriel: i'll go..
She opens the door and finds that it was the delivery man with a letter for Muriel.
Kevin: Are you the Ms Muriel Plizetxki?
Muriel: ahm yes.
Kevin: this is a letter for you, it was send by the Mr Marlos Plizetxki, *gives the letter to Muriel*.
Muriel: ... Thank you sir..*holds the letter tightly*...
Kevin: have a good day *he leaves*
Muriel:*closes the door*... Dad....
Betrayus: Hey Mury, what is it?.
Muriel: *Opens the letter and takes a million dollars from it*...It's Money... A lot of money.
Betrayus: Wow, really!? Let me see.
He takes a look to the letter without noticing Muriel's shocked expression.
Betrayus: Holy shit! a Million dollars!? This is enough to all a travel around the world or to buy a own house, oh this has a note too!, seriously..Who send this to you Muriel!?? *notices Muriel*
Uhm... Mury? Are you okay?...
Muriel; It's nothing.. my father send this money for me.
Betrayus: that's a good thing Muriel but why are you so blue?.
Muriel: it's just.... My Dad and me we had a hard relationship..
Betrayus: Ow... Ahm you want to talk about it?..
Muriel: it's okay.. at least We have money to our Cool Ass vacations!
She said it with a brilliant tone hiding something strange inside her, Betrayus knew that something was wrong with Muriel but he didn't wanted to force her to speak.
Betrayus: well, if you say so.. what place we can visit?
Muriel: i don't know...
Betrayus: hmm... I would like to visit a country with variety of weather.
Muriel: hmm... I don't know..
Betrayus: what about.. Pac Mexico? I heard in a paper about traveling and tourist places that Mexico has a lot of wonderful places to visit like the island of Dolls in Xochimilco, Mazamitla forest with their cabins, Cancun Beach, a More.
Muriel: Hmm? Mexico? that sounds interesting, that's it i want to go there
Betrayus: Me too ^^.
The next day, Betrayus and Muriel next to Yūu went to the airport to take the plane to Pac Mexico. The plane have arrived in Pac Guadalajara Jalisco Airport.
Muriel: oh damn.. are you okay Yūu?
Yūu: *she is dizzy*
Betrayus: Poor little girl.
Muriel: don't worry girl.. *flees Yūu from the box and puts a strap in her collar* c'mon let's get going!
Betrayus: Oh yeah girl!
Muriel: Hey Taxi!
The 3 taked the Taxi and left the airport.
Taxi Girl: A dónde los llevo jóvenes?
Betrayus; Excuse me?
Muriel: ehh.. No Espaniol..
Taxi Girl: Heh i was jocking with you, where do you want to go?
Muriel: Hehehe, we want to go to Mazamitla, please
Taxi Girl: Mazamitla, all right.
Yūu: D,:<
During the travel Betrayus and Muriel we're watching the wonders of mexico since the windshields as well they ended having a good conversation with the Taxi Girl, while that Yūu was sleeping on Betrayus'lap.
Taxi Girl: You Know, Jalisco is a really beautiful state of the country, without speaking of the shootings and other dangerous stuff here, but hey don't be Scared, with just stay away of suspicious places and people everything will be alright, the most important for tourists like you is have fun in this place with all the activities you can do, we care a lot of our visits.
Betrayus: Wow, that sounds cool, we we're looking for a place to spend our vacations, and Mazamitla sounded like a nice place for us.
Taxi Girl: It is, Mazamitla is so cool, and their cabins are so relaxing and warm, well there are more cool places you can go, like walking around the town and appreciate the beautiful details of the traditional houses, the Enchanted Garden, The forest "La Zanja" we're you can make a picnic there, and other more stuff, you want me to take you to the Cabins?.
Muriel: Yes Please.
Betrayus: i can't wait to go there, Thank you Miss-.
Roxy: Roxana, but you can call me Roxy.
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After a long travel, Roxy have taked Muriel, Betrayus and a Dizzy again Yūu
Roxy: Here we are.
Betrayus: Oh my Gosh.. this place is even more cool in person, thank you Ms Roxy *pays Roxy*
Roxy: your welcome, it was a pleasure.
Muriel: I really love it!.
Roxy: oh yeah, you guys most be hungry and tired right now.
Muriel: Uff yeah..
Betrayus: Even more the dog.
Yūu: <:(...
Roxy: Aww no.. poor little big thing, *takes a bag with Dog Cookies* Take this ones girl.
Yūu: :D! *Eats them all quickly as she is waving her tail*.
Roxy: *knocks a little store next to her* Quiero! [Quiero: is a way to call for the Person In charge of a little store]
A Old woman of the Store arrived to attend Roxy.
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Roxy: Como anda Doña Petra?,
[How are you Miss Petra?]
Ms Petra: Rosy que bueno verla de nuevo, como están tu y tus papás?
[Rosy, thanks God to see you again, how are you and your parents?]
Roxy: Pues ya ve Seño, echandole ganas al trabajo para pagar los estudios y apoyar a la familia.
[Well Miss, as you can see, I'm working hard to pay my studies and support my family].
Ms Petra: Ay que bueno mija, así debe de ser, y en qué anda?
[Aww That's so good dear, as it had to be, and what are you doing?]
Roxy: Pues ando trayendo a estos turistas gringos por la zona, están muy emocionados pero también apachurrados por el largo viaje, y pues ya andan hambriados.
[Well, I'm taking this american tourists around the Zone, they are so excited but tired and hungry at the same time]
Ms Petra: Ay pobrecitos [Aww poor things]
The old woman starts talking to Muriel and Betrayus wich seemed confused because they didn't understand spanish.
Ms Petra: Oh my bad, Welcome to Mazamitla, are you looking for a Cabin to spend your days?
Betrayus: Yes miss.
Ms Petra: Alright *gives Muriel the keys of their cabin* here you are, you would love this cabin.
Muriel: Thank you so much Miss.
Ms Petra: I'll prepare you some instant noodles for you to at least cushion your hungry *puts hot water in 2 instant noodles boxes*
Both: Thank you Miss.
Roxy: Órale.. Doña Petra, no sabía que usted sabía hablar inglés.
[Wow.. Ms Petra, i didn't know you can spoke english]
Ms Petra: Mi nieto Jorgito cuando vino de de Inglaterra me enseñó a hablar inglés, bueno mija ayuda a estos jóvenes a llevar sus maletas, porfavor
[My Grandson Jorgito when he came from England, he teached me to speak english, but well dear, please help this young to take their suitcases to their cabin]
Roxy: Alright guys, let me help you with this.
Betrayus: you two are so kind, thank you *Carries his suitcase*
Muriel: seriously thank you so much you both. *Gives Roxy the Dog's Suitcase while she holds her own Suitcase*
Ms Petra: you have nothing Thank us, the most important thing to you is enjoying your vacations.
Roxy: Alright, I'll take you to the cabin, nos vemos al rato doña Petra [See you later Ms Petra].
Betrayus and Muriel: Thank you so much Miss Petra!
Ms Petra: Mijos olvidan su Maruchan!
[Darlings, you forgot your Noodles (Maruchan=Instant noodles in mexico)
Betrayus and Muriel: Oh yeah, sorry sorry
Both takes their instant noodles and left grating Ms Petra again,
Roxy have taked Muriel, Betrayus and Yūu to the Cabin, Yūu was so happy to finally walk.
Betrayus: *Opens the Door* Oh Man.. This Cabin is so cool
Muriel: Seriously, how can I pay you?
Roxy: nah, it's okay, it's own me.
Betrayus: thank you very much Miss Roxy.
Roxy: you're welcome, you had a very long travel, for now you need to rest to recharge energies for tomorrow,
Betrayus: we will do it
Roxy: Alright first, you already knew where is doña Petra's to leave your cabin keys with her and buy some snacks, near her there's a restaurant with the most tasty food wich opens at 7:00 pm to 10:30 pm, well see you tomorrow!
M&B: Goodbye and thank you!
Roxy have left the cabin, Betrayus and Muriel where looking around the cabin to meet up with the Bedrooms, both start eating their instant noodles and resting in the beds.
Betrayus: Ufff this is so comfy *eating slowly his Soup*
Muriel: Yeah~, hmmm~ the ambient feels so good~
At ending their noodles they fell asleep.
2 days later have passed and This 3 had a lot of adventures with Roxy guiding them.
They both were having fun, but Betrayus still had the doubt about Muriel's behavior at the letter with money.
all the whole year Muriel was hearing all Betrayus's problems and insecurities and helping him to use them to grow as person and supported him in the bad and good moments, He knew it so well but..
"Who is hearing Muriel's Problems?".
Betrayus more than ever wanted to know better Muriel and help her as she did for him, all he knew was just her mother was dead, and her living family members were her father and Older sisters and that Muriel left her home.
Tuesday 9:00 pm
Betrayus and Muriel where relaxing in the couch watching the fire of the fireplace, the radio was sounding some wholesome rock songs.
Betrayus: Mury, can i make you a question?
Muriel: Sure.
Betrayus: First, thank you very much for everything you did for me, nobody else have worried for me like you did.
Muriel: You have nothing to thank me, i really wanted to help you, Heh you're my Patient number 1 and my best friend After all.
Betrayus: and I'm still so grateful about what you did for me, but... Mury.. you listen everyone's problems... What about yours?..
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Muriel: ..w-ell... I.. uhmm...i have no problems, im Fine.
Betrayus: C'mon Mury, you did a lot for me, i want to give it to you back.
Muriel: i don't want to bother you Betrayus..
Betrayus: C'mon Mury, you're my best friend, i want to help you.
Muriel: *Sighs*... W-ell....
When I was younger...
I was too close to my mother Yoong since my birthday,..she used to take me to visit the wolves to gave them food, and ice skating in family, I used to do many figures in the snow with my sisters... *Sighs*
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Betrayus: and What happened?..
Muriel: everything was so great... But it ended when that snow storm happened,
I was playing with my mom in the snow and it suddenly happened, my mother acted quickly and hold me running from the storm, it was kinda close to us so... M-my Mom.. had to threw me to the other side to keep me safe,.. she was running to the same place but... The storm smashed *sobs* smashed my mom in front my eyes...
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Betrayus: Oh... No...
Muriel: I was innocent at that scene..*sob*...my father and sister.. have saw that... My Father was looking for my mom and my sisters.. they just yelled to me.. blaming me of her death...
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Betrayus: T-thats terrible...
Muriel: After Her death... The things in my family changed a lot.... My Father just gave all his attention to my sisters... Rejecting every of my acts, while my sisters... Yoona was the one who repeated me that it was my fault that mother died, Yeena just stared at me to then try to ignore...
When I cried my father and Yoona just shat me up... telling me "stop playing the victim, you're the parasite of this family"...
I grew in that cold and toxic ambient... But in my birthday 19th I got tired.. and I stole a part of the money of my dad to pay a plane to then left Pac-Arctic...*tries to not cry*
Betrayus: Mury... *Hugs her tightly*... Don't suppress your feelings.. you can cry
Muriel just taked air and started crying on Betrayus's arms.
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Betrayus: you don't have to suffer for that again Mury... I'm here for you..
Muriel:*she is crying*
Betrayus: shh shh... Now i understand..
Muriel: W-What is it? *sob*.
Betrayus: we both are the parasites for our families.
Betrayus: oh.. uhm sorry.. i didn't mean to.
Muriel:...*starts chuckling* it's true.
Betrayus:..heheh.. you're not mad?
Muriel: of course not dummy..
Betrayus: Heheh.. Heeeeyy!!
Muriel: Heeeeeyy!!
Both started laughing and drinking beer while in the radio sounded the song
"Jenny (i wanna ruin our friendship)"
Muriel: heheh...*hip*.. Oh gad.. it hurted.. but i learned that it wasn't my problem.. they are the Assholes!
Betrayus: Exactly!.. *hip*..
Muriel:*hugs Betrayus* thank you~
Betrayus: *hugs back* thank you too Muriel...*Suddenly he Kisses Muriel on lips*
Muriel: *blushes*... B-Betrayus!...
Betrayus: I-i-im s-s-sorry.. i..i don't know what i.. did.. just...
Muriel: Don't worry..Heh..*Kisses Betrayus back* i also.. i wanna Ruin our friendship~♪..
Betrayus: We should be lovers instead~♪
M&B: Heheh..
They both singing along the song to end the song with a kiss between them, to then other things together.
To be continued..
Wednesday 8:39 Pm
Betrayus was reading a book about occultism but he noticed that Muriel haven't came back with the wood for the fireplace, he got Worried and left the cabin to look for her in the forest holding his flashlight.
Everything was dark and the singing of the owls were sounding around the forest.
Betrayus: M-Muriel!... Where are you?
Betrayus suddenly saw something strange in the woods.
Betrayus: Muriel?...
???: Grrrrhh...
Betrayus: !!!!
Yep the chapter 2 is here as also a celebration of Muriel's Birthday
April 4th, i hope you loved this chapter.
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ilguna · 4 years
i also have a list of shit my history teacher (this year) has said and done so I will share it with you:
warning: its really fucking long bc he would say/do shit MULTIPLE times a day
goes onto the next slide, “it’s a meme, get it?” proceeds to explain the meme (its the hey arnold meme with the first)
also goes onto another slide, with the twitter opinion meme. at the end of the paragraph it says “this class smacks, I’m lit”
“I’m going to beat up your brother. i am going to pummel him.”
On the 6th day of class he finally realized that there was a total of 6 guys and the rest were girls
student: “You should not put it in (as an assingment)”. teacher; “laugh out loud, im dead”
he was teaching us how to write a DBQ, the computer had a pop up saying that the battery was low, and then a spider shows up out of fucking nowhere, hanging from the ceiling. he CLAPS it, jokes about eating it, and then sets it on his desk (not in the trash can 2 feet away) so he can “deal with it later”
his endless military stories, specifically ORANGE DESERT
he wrote “if you would have had your thinking skull on” on my first DBQ
him saying “I hate this” after typing a word wrong multiple times while teaching us DBQ’s lmfao
“For the lols”
Threw a box of tissues across the room into the trash can
threw a box of tissues at a student
he had this obsession with throwing expo markers at his whiteboard, trying to make it land on the metal part so expect that a lot.
“Do you want me to drown him in a bathtub?” (which was about a student’s dog that had separation anxiety lmaoo)
Sang the rain drop, drop top song
The collars on his shirt turned up
“He’ll be beaten for that distraction” (after his son called him during his lesson and he willingly answered)
“Stay woke” 
“It was a hot boy summer for him”
expo marker landed on the metal thing for once thanks to a towel that was there
kyle (it must have been a story or something i dont remember)
He woah’d at some point
HAHA so there was a kid in my class that had got caught with a bong on the second week of school and he was suspended. when he came back to class, we were going over what the south grew in the U.S. very early on into colonization. and he used the bong kid as an example of a tobacco farmer
tried to eat a balled up paper
“important revolutionary war stuff”
“My bae, George Washington”
“They could’ve killed g-dubz, but they didn’t”
called george washington “g-dubz” frequiently
he got excited over a military general (baron friedrich von steuben) for being a gay military general--”That was very well respected!”
“He had a ton of swagger”--referring to ben franklin
“His nickname was the swamp fox. You guys can call me that”
The snowball fight story--his brother was friends with a kid he hated next door. my teacher challenged the kid--Eric--to a snowball fight. In preparation, my teacher had froze snowballs, and so when he did have the fight, he LITERALLY knocked Eric out and left him on the front lawn unconscious (he was an elementary school kid)
one time he gave us the punishment quiz by accident, tried to make up for it by giving everyone the answer to #6. however, it turned out to be wrong so he just gave us all 100′s instead
another military story of the goat he bought from an old man with his buddies. unfortunately they had to kill the goat to eat, but the FACT that my teacher said this “a cute little goat--you know, baaa?” as if we didn’t know what a goat was 
He was the golf/hockey coach!! so not only would he talk about beating up the kids in the golf club
he would also do random golf swings all the goddamn time! with no gold club or ball, it was just air.
“You are about to get clowned, young lady”
pronounced pamphlet as pamplet fora good part of his teaching career (another story he told us)
“It’s definitely not the declaration of independence you mouth breather!”
George washington = bae on a powerpoint
“you tied me up real good”
“France also popped off”
Compares the Connecticut compromise to ppap (with the song and everything!)
Told someone to shut up after they suggested that Iowa was the least populated state (he’s from Iowa)
hick iowa, to be exact
Wrote 23 as 32, realized his mistake and said “oop im dyslexic”
“If it’s a purge, I’m killing everybody”
“Federalism, not onion!’
“Who’s the dumbass guy? Ducey!” (our state governor)
he got arrested once. his mugshot is on google images and everything
he got arrested bc some guy was destroying his house w a baseball bat at a party his friendw as throwing (but it was at my teachers house). my teacher respectfully punched him and brought him to the front lawn. called the cops when the guy wouldnt leave and ended up being arrested too. teacher thought his career was over and threatened the guy the entire way to the police station
“laugh out loud!”
“We beat the begeezus out of a bunch of british people”
pronounced wolf as woof
“Who was his daddy? Who’s his daddy?”
Called a swim cap a bonnet
“Kick!”--then proceeds to kick a tennis ball. before that he had just thrown it to get out of his way
“Jesus, you’re a big boy”
for like 2 weeks straight he used that same tennis ball to try and erase a whiteboard. and im not talking rubbing it on the board, he fucking threw it at the wall, getting it off little by little. he eventually gave up, though
“I’ll snot rocket into the trash can”
“Cause I realize most of you are morons”
was obsessed with the cowboy boogie
“Every time I cough, my tail bone hurts”
“Do i look normal?”
“I look like an old man”
“Shut up your faces”
“I see you back there, queen”
“Some of you girls need to learn from this article”--the article was old & about girls being submissive
“that would hurt some people’s feelings, but I’m not gonna show it hurt mine”
“He’s just--’meow’”--about his cat
he had a sweater that had his face on it, photoshopped over a boxer that a student gave him. he wore it during winter
flicked a tennis ball across the room with a hockey stick. hit the coffee thermo on his desk, stared for a couple of seconds, and THEN realized that it was open
First off, all you kids making memes about dodging the draft--we don’t want your dumbasses anyway” --continued to rant for a few minutes after that
he HATED the national anthem with a burning passion
“I’m old as shit”
also, his cat’s name IS meow cat
more expo marker throwing
“Hey there handsome”-- to the teacher next door
“Henry clay is going to haunt you until april” (unfortunately we didnt make it that far into the school year bc of covid. disappointed that i didnt get to be haunted)
Singing electric avenue
“but here’s the tea”
“Flagstaff is like--” *reaches as high as he can to put expo marker on the wall
“I’m adopting all of you, and we’re moving to saudi arabia”
teacher: “I’m gonna break bowers kneecaps in front of you. you still want to be on strike?” not bowers but a different kid: “no...?”
Cleaned the shades in the middle of him explaining something
“You know your pinky toe? this little roast beef?”
THE TURTLE SOUP STORY. when my teacher was still a kid, he found a turtle in the wild, and brought it to his grandparents house (they owned a farm). he took care of the turtle for a while, even after his grandfather found out. until one day he came home and saw blood everywhere, went to find the turtle to see it was gone. then found his grandfather chopping up the fucking turtle so they could have it for soup for dinner. his grandfather literally made him fatten up the turtle so they could eat it
“Did mr.*****--?” (referring to himself in 3rd person, also blocked out to protect privacy)
“i’m going to staple your nostrils closed. staple, staple. ‘I can’t breathe mr.*****!’ should’ve done your DBQ!!”
his pedo stache 
stood with a paper and smiled, thinking that a student was taking a picture of him when it was really the paper
doesn’t know who gaston is???
him: “I’m going to staple your noses together. One staple” Student: “*****’s piercing parlor!”
*singing* “beauty and the beast”
“I’m going to tackle you”
more random golf swinging
“What’s up (my name)?” me: hi *he then hits the bun on the top of my head on his way in the door*
And he did it again the next day
he literally made kids compete with pastries
which reminds me, he brought donuts in 2 days in a row like a week after that and make us (his first hour) take bites bc he realized he didn’t want to eat it. one of the girls was glad to take it from him, everyone else told him no
“Good morning (my name) how are you?” me: “I’m sick again... do you need help? (with the door)” him; “Actually, yes” (normally he can open the door even when his hands are full but there was a stack of pop tart boxes that were as tall as him so) i opened the door, he goes in and says, “thank you (my name), for not being rude”
the following quotes are for the Hot Seat
Student: “what do you do--?” him: “you’re in the hot seat!”
“Some people cry”
“La *****, luxurious”
“You sit here, and you stare (into the projector light)”
basically everyone in the class had to answer a question as a review. there was a stool in front of the smartboard, perfectly placed so that the projector light would LITERALLy be in your eyes. i actually got the question right on some miracle.
“2 points of weed?”
“Can I get some of that hot leaf?”
“They will make more drugs! You can’t do that much drug!”
“You guys bullied me and stole it”
“Whole rest of the nation sucked an egg”
“Whelp, let’s just kill myself”
“Do you guys know david chapel?” *sigh when everyone says no*
*some girls singing the national anthem* Him: “no! none of this, none of this!”
“Calibri’s for idiots” (the font)
“The only thing that was in--shit”
“and uncle sam--gettin lit”
“Their daddy--UH--”
“They’re going to blame the jews--my people” (he got a dna test done, he’s not actually jewish)
“Whatever you say, boomer”
“Use my words to plagiarize in college”
“I’m jewish, that’s offensive”
“Tell him he gave me instant cancer”
Me: “can i go to the bathroom?” him: “I’ll allow it”
him: “He’s antisemetic and it hurts my feelings” student: “what does that mean again?” him: “Hates jews :(”
“You guys can call me kingfish if you’d like”
~ after we said no to the nicknames, we tried to make one for him ~
student: “cornhusker!” him: “no, that’s offensive... and it’s also nebraska”
student: “corn picker!” him: “no--that sounds like a racist term or something”
“Unless corona really does take over--” (thank u, mr. for ruining the school year”
Student: “how old was she (his mom) when she had you?” him: “thirteen”
“My mom just turned 40 the other day...” (a joke)
him: “My brother got t-boned by a semi truck last night” Student: “Why are you laughing?” him: “Because he lived.”
“Yeah bc I would hide out in a public school with 300 new kids a year” (about him not living in iowa so he’s hiding out in az to get away from his “criminal record” (refer to the 1 time hes been arrested))
“Baby death?”
“Their family has more money than jesus”
*Standing outside the door yelling “CORONA” to students walking in”
“Hey I’m *****, f-word, blah, blah”
“We should fight our cats.”
“OH that’s a big chonk cat.”
“Mortal Kombat is pretty cool. I haven’t played in 25 years”
he told us in class once that we shouldnt open the front door if cops show up at a party. just to shut the blinds and be a little quieter bc the cops cant legally open the door
also one time he had a gun pointed to his face but he never finished that story bc he never liked it
during quarantine he set a DBQ as 1000 points (and i still didnt do it)
and “Here’s the tea, kiddos!”
honorable mentions: all the time he’s sent out emails bc theyre fucking hilarious
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ladyboltontoyou · 6 years
Arthur Morgan x Reader: Farmer’s Daughter. 3
Ask: OH MY GOD IMAGINE THE READER IS A GIRL FROM A GOOD FAMILY, SHES WITH ARTHUR FOR A WHILE NOW, THE PARENTS WANT TO MEET HIM. THEY’RE HAVING FAMILY DINNER AND THE COWBOY MAN JUST CANT KEEP HIS HANDS TO HIMSELF UNDER THE TABLE oh my god if your request are open and you would write that i would probably, most likely die...oh btw i love the “farmer’s daughter” story OH MY GOD MAYBE THIS COULD BE THE NEXT PART AAAAAAAAH SHIT! okay okay i’m sorry i just got excited! love your writing, have a great day!
Warnings: Cursing, probably. Slightly public sex, ya get fingered at dinner ok? 
Pairing: Arthur Morgan x Reader
A/N: YEEHAW MY FELLOW SLUTS! ENJOY! Also, idk what they called panties back then so I just went with panties, ok? 
Two months later and you had fallen completely in love with the man. You both had told yourselves you wouldn’t let it get that far but it was nearly impossible. Every time you would see each other he had something to give you, be it a new drawing of yourself, wildflowers he had found out in the woods, or some suspiciously expensive jewelry that he wouldn’t talk about.
He hadn’t planned on any of it, really, but multiple times a day he would see something that reminded him of you and he just knew he had to take it. Even the jewelry he had stolen from the folks who were unlucky enough to start a fight with him.
After a while of successfully sneaking around the day came you’d both been expecting. Your father caught him. 
It wasn’t in the way you’d thought it would happen, thankfully. He didn’t walk in on the two of you or catch Arthur climbing up to your room or sneaking out of it. It was more subtle and less suspicious. The two of you, like the fools you were, were out in broad daylight at the stables on your property. You would go out there regularly to spend time with your horse so you knew your parents wouldn’t question you being down there. 
You should have known being that comfortable sneaking around was just asking to be caught. And sure enough, you were.
“(Y/N)? Who is this?”
You fucking twitched. When you turned around you saw your father standing behind you with a look of concern on his face and one of the stable boys watching the whole thing go down. You had given him some money earlier to keep his mouth shut and he sure was getting more than he asked for.
“Howdy mister!” Arthur waved and stepped past you. “Remember me? I stopped by here a while back to ask for some directions.”
Your father squinted and reluctantly shook his hand. Suddenly realization spread across his features as it all clicked. “Oh! Yes!” He laughed and clapped Arthur’s shoulder. “How have you been? Ever find your way?”
“Sure did, thanks to you. I was in town and was asking around, looking to buy some good horses, and a few folks told me you were the man to talk to.” You looked at Arthur with parted lips, in shock at how good of a liar he was. He turned a potential disaster into the most casual and normal interaction without the slightest effort. It was kind of scary.
Your father laughed and nodded, crossing his arms proudly. “You’ve come to the right place, follow me.” 
Arthur tossed you a wink and you had to smile then, dumbfounded by how smoothly the whole thing went.
After your father had whisked Arthur away to the expensive section of your stables you went back home. Your mother was preparing dinner along with one of the ranch hands, which surprised you. When you questioned why he was there she explained he was making his mother’s famous gumbo, your mother insisted upon it after she had sent some over to your family. 
When dinner rolled around your father made it back just in time, a surprise guest at his heels. 
“Jane, you remember this man, don’t you? He was the fellow on the white horse who asked for directions to-”
“Of course I do!” She wiped her hands with a kitchen rag, walking into the main room where the two men stood. 
You stood up from the kitchen table to watch the whole thing play out, locking eyes with Arthur who just shrugged.
“He came down today to buy a horse from us!” Your father said as he closed the front door behind them. “And to congratulate him on his purchase I’ve invited him to stay for dinner.”
Your mother smiled happily, it wasn’t often you had visitors that weren’t your families prude friends or relatives. “Good! We’re having gumbo tonight, Thomas is cooking his mother’s very own recipe.”
“Oh!” Your father raised his brows. “The one she sent over yesterday?”
“That’s the one.” 
“Brilliant! I loved that.” 
The two of them talked for a while before Thomas announced the soup was done and your mother went back into the kitchen to help him serve. Your father excused himself to wash up, telling you and his guest to have a seat in the dining room.
You sat down next to Arthur and gave him a look. 
“What?” When he finally noticed you looking at him he furrowed his brows.
“How did you manage that?”
“Manage what?”
You snorted, rolling your eyes. “Come on. You’re the best liar I’ve ever met.”
Arthur shrugged, taking the glass of water that Thomas set down in front of him.
 “You must not of met a lot of people then.”
“All right, then. Keep your secrets.” 
He chuckled and set the glass back down on the table after taking a few generous sips. “Before we almost got ourselves killed, I was going to give you somethin’.” Another gift? He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small folded piece of paper. “Don’t let anyone see that.” He added with a whisper since Thomas had walked in with the rest of the drinks. 
You smiled at him and slowly unfolded the paper in your lap under the table. Once you had it done you squinted before realizing it was upside down. You flipped it the right way and your face was suddenly burning. Your breath caught in your throat as you took it all in, quickly folding it back up when your mother walked into the room carrying the giant pot of soup. 
The urge to punch him was strong. Why did he have to give that to you then? Why couldn’t he wait? You slipped the paper in the front pocket of your dress and cleared your throat. 
Arthur chuckled and took another sip of water, smiling sweetly at your mother as she started filling everyone's bowls. “Thank you, ma’am.” 
It was impossible to get the image out of your head. It was a drawing of you, completely naked, lying on your stomach with your head resting on your folded arms, your legs kicked up and locked at the ankles. You were looking directly into the viewer’s eyes with a wicked smirk on your face, some of your hair in your face. Once again you looked utterly magnificent, your body drawn in a way that accentuated every part of you perfectly. If it wasn’t a drawing of you, you probably would have gotten off to it. You probably would anyway, knowing Arthur was the one who drew it.
“What horse did you end up buying, Mr…”
“Arthur. The young brown mustang, think your husband called him Taro.”
Your mother nodded and sat down at the opposite end of the table when she was finally done serving. You wished she would let you help with dinner but she was firm in her belief, not allowing you or your father to help her in the slightest.
It was another ten minutes before your father finally joined you, taking his seat beside his wife. “Please excuse me, got carried away with my hair again.” He laughed and eagerly started eating. Your mother shared a laugh with him, chiding him lightly about how vain he was.
Most of dinner was fine, you all talked about the usual dinner subjects such as work, the weather, and town gossip. You barely paid attention though, the image of you drawn naked was stuck in your mind, along with the idea of Arthur drawing it. You wondered if he had done it in the heat of a lust filled moment or if it was just something normal to him.
What finally snapped you out of your thoughts was the feeling of a hand on your knee. You brushed it off at first, it seemed innocent enough, he had done it plenty of times before when the two of you laid together. It wasn’t inherently sexual.
But then he moved his hand lower, brushing his fingers against the hem of your dress. You looked at him with a subtle glance but he refused to acknowledge you at all. 
Crossing your legs you tried to get him to stop but that didn’t deter the cowboy at all. He pulled your dress up just enough to slip his hand under the fabric, then let the hem fall back down over his arm. You wanted to curse him out but you held your tongue and tried to act as natural as possible, taking another spoonful of soup into your mouth. 
“So, Arthur, you never told us what you do for a living.” Your father said after sending one of the kitchen maids to bring out a bottle of wine.
His hand traveled up to your thighs, his fingers gently rubbing circles over your skin. “Oh, well, it’s nothin’ excitin’. I work for a man collecting debts from people. Good money.”
“Oh!” Your father acted impressed, shrugging and exchanging a look with your mother. 
“If that isn’t exciting, I wonder what is to you!” Your mother laughed and so did your father.
‘Maybe fingering your daughter five feet away from you.’ You thought as you shifted in your seat, thankful for how high the table was. If it was any lower surely they would see that the lower half of his arm was extended towards you.
Slowly, extremely slowly, his hand continued it’s journey upwards. You forced yourself to keep a straight face, even when you felt the tips of his fingers brush against your panties. ‘No problem,’ you told yourself, feeling him pull the fabric aside so he could touch you better. ‘No big deal.’
Arthur rubbed slow circles into your clit with a firm amount of pressure, but not quick or firm enough to get you anywhere fast. And he knew it, too. He ate his second bowl of soup just as normally as he did the first, showing no signs of the fact that his fingers were about to be stuffed inside of you. 
You liked to think you looked just as calm as he did. You had finished your soup and were waiting for everyone else to so your mother could bring out dessert, and then you could finally leave the table. If only Arthur would hurry up and finish his meal. 
The small talk carried on and left almost no silence which worked to your advantage. If they were quiet they probably would hear how fast your breathing had gotten, especially when Arthur pushed that first finger inside of you. You had to practically bite through your tongue to keep the moan silenced. 
“(Y/N), you’re quiet, for once. Are you sick?” Your father joked and everyone laughed, including Arthur. That bastard. 
“I’m fine, just like listening to you all talk.” You said quickly, surprised at how even and calm your voice sounded. Almost as if you weren’t being finger fucked. 
That seemed to satisfy them enough and they carried on with conversation.
Normally at dinner, you rarely drank any wine, since you were never able to just have one glass. It always led to two, or sometimes even three, and you would end up passed out on your bed hours before you usually would. But tonight you happily drank, finishing the second glass right as Arthur had two fingers curling inside of you. 
As hard as you tried not to let yourself orgasm you could feel it approaching rapidly. Arthur could too, noting how your chest rose and fell and how you were twitching around his fingers. He slowed down momentarily, allowing you to catch your breath, before he was right back at it, quicker than before. He had a hard-on of his own but with his belt and gun holster in the way, no one would have the slightest idea, even if they looked right at his crotch. Lucky him.
“Are we ready for dessert?” Your mother's voice scared you out of your wits and you jumped. 
“Yes!” You laughed to draw attention away from the fact that you almost spilled your wine. 
She left along with the kitchen maid, directing her to get together new sets of dishes. 
His fingers curled quicker as he sipped on his wine, keeping his eyes anywhere but your father or you. Your father kept up the small talk, allowing you to give yourself the time to focus on having a discreet and quiet orgasm. 
You slowed your breathing as you felt it coming, gripping Arthur’s arm under the table with your left hand as you curled your other hand into a fist around your dress. He looked down at you for a split second, savoring the sight of you as best as he could before he forced himself to look away as to not look suspicious. He gave you a few more deep pumps before you came. The heat and tingles exploded, rippling from your clit and inside your body to your entire form. You bit your lip and looked down, sinking your nails into the skin of his arm. The waves of pleasure that coursed through your body were enough to make anyone scream but you kept your mouth shut and posture still. 
When it finally finished you sat back in your seat, running a hand through your hair as you sighed, wiping the sweat off your forehead when your father wasn't looking. Arthur smirked at you and you threw him the angriest glare you could, but you couldn’t keep it for long. When he chuckled you broke out into a smile and you had to look away so you didn’t laugh.
“Here it is!” Your mother said proudly as she carried the pecan pie into the dining room. “Took me all day!” 
Arthur made a show of looking impressed and your father praised your mother's cooking to no end, telling her that she was the best cook in the whole west. She smiled proudly and served everyone's plates. Thank god you had already came and Arthur’s hand was back where it belonged.
“I’m going to make you regret that.” You whispered to Arthur as your mother talked about how hard it was to find enough pecans. 
“Lookin’ forward to it.”
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watchmegetobsessed · 6 years
Crush // Shawn Mendes mini-series part 2
part 2 wohoooo!! this is honestly such a cute story i love writing it, im currently finishing the last part so i’ll probably update very soon!
part 1
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The awkwardness soon vanishes. This clear new chapter we just opened with Shawn allows me to loosen up and just enjoy a nice evening. Aaliyah and Eric seems satisfied with the outcome, the parents seem to hit it off quite easily and when we leave they already start making plans for another meetup.
“It was so nice meeting you!” Karen sighs happily as she hugs goodbye to all of us.
“You too, email me that recipe you told me about!” Mom points at her and she nods her head laughing.
I’m just about to step out of the house when Aaliyah grabs my wrist and pulls me back. I look at her with furrowed eyebrows.
“I need your help with a little something. Can you come over sometime tomorrow?” she whispers confidentially.
“Um, yeah. Around what time?” I ask.
“Three pm?”
“Sure,” I smile at her and she lets go of me.
On the way back home I’m thinking about what Aaliyah could need help with and the only thing I have in mind is Eric’s birthday that is on the 29th. She must be planning something special for him.
I call Maddi around midnight when I’m already in my pj’s, but I know she must be still up, maybe even drunk. For my surprise, she answers the phone quite modestly.
“How was the family union?” she asks chewing on something. I throw the cushions off of my bed and crawl under the blanket.
“Um, very interesting,” I chuckle closing my eyes and just shaking my head at the thought of the evening.
“Uh, spill the tea!” She cheers clearly very thirsty for some drama, though this story is not as juicy as she would want it.
“Guess who Aaliyah’s brother is!” I say, but I don’t expect an answer so I just continue. “Shawn Effing Mendes.”
“What?! Are you kidding me?” She gasps. “How did Eric forget to tell you this small detail?”
“Apparently, he thought it doesn’t matter to me, which is kind of true, but there is more.”
“What more? Did he hit on you? Because I’m not talking to you again if he did. He is hot!”
“No, he didn’t, but what you don’t know is that we have history.”
“Okay, now I’m confused!? How do I not know about this?”
“Well, remember my ex, Dylan? I told you about him.”
“Yeah, the asshole who cheated on you,” she hums.
“Well, Dylan and Shawn used to be best buds when we started dating, but the guy hated my guts, or so I thought. He was always mean to me, talking against me and just… avoiding me like the plague.”
“I thought he is the nicest person on earth.”
“He might be now, but when I knew him, he treated me like shit. So it was pretty awkward to see him again after all these years.”
“And how did it go? Was he an ass again?”
“No. He was… nice. Well, we both acted awkward in the beginning, I didn’t know if he would continue his act with me, but he turned out to be nice. And then at one point he told me he is sorry for everything in the past and he was just acting like that because he wanted to amuse Dylan.”
I turn to my side and stare out the window.
“That’s good, right? I mean, he grew out that mean phase and he is all good now.”
“Yeah, it’s just still weird to be around someone I knew from my Dylan phase.”
“But it’s Eric who is dating Aaliyah, why would you be constantly around him?”
“Aaliyah asked me to go over tomorrow, I think she is trying to put a surprise together for Eric’s birthday, so I’m spending the afternoon at the Mendes house.”
“Oh, then keep me updated about the details and sneak me a shirtless photo of Shawn please.”
“Maddi!” I scoff laughing. “Why would I even see him shirtless?”
“Maybe he likes wandering around in his home without clothes on, how would I know?!”
“Unbelievable. I’m going to sleep.”
“Bye bitch,” she sighs making me roll my eyes at her smiling.
  I sleep late the next day, it’s past noon when I actually make it downstairs looking like a real human being. Eric and Dad are watching a documentary on WW II. while Mom is reading the newspaper at the dining table. I join her with a bowl of cereal.
“Do you have any plans for today?” She smiles at me over her narrow glasses as she turns a page. I lean closer hitting a confidential tone.
“I’m helping Aaliyah today, she asked me to go over around three.”
“Oh, birthday surprise for Eric?” she asks clearly excited.
“I think yeah.”
“Great. And you will probably see Shawn again.” Winking at me she puts the papers down.
“Why does that matter?” I ask with my mouth full. She caresses my cheek before standing up and walking over to the sink for some water.
“Isn’t he a nice young man? I think the two of you would look cute together.”
“Mom, you are literally talking about the biggest pop sensation, he is not really the kind of guy who just casually dates,” I say.
In my mind all these celebrities are living their wildest life. Even if I were interested in Shawn in any way, I’m pretty sure I couldn’t even get in the game, he must have thousands of girls waiting for him in line. We are not really on the same page.
“Oh, come on. You guys knew each other in high school, you have a past, that connection must mean something!”
“He was an ass to me!” I blurt it out making her eyebrows raise.
“He was? What did he do?”
“It’s nothing,” I roll my eyes, but Mom gives me a demanding look. “He just didn’t seem to like me no matter what I did, he was avoiding me most of the time when I was with Dylan and also made some pretty rude comments sometimes.”
“Maybe he was into you,” Mom shrugs and I almost choke on the milk.
I start coughing like I’m about to die and my eyes start watering when I’m finally able to breathe evenly again.
“No fucking way!”
“Charlie! Language!” She hisses at me, but there is a smile hiding in her eyes. “You know, young boys tend to do it. They are mean to the girls they like.”
“Mom, it wasn’t in kindergarten, it was ninth grade or something. I think he just really didn’t like me back then and I don’t blame him.” I was annoying, thinking back at it. But hey, all teens are annoying!
“You can never know,” she sighs.
 I totally ignore the theory Mom tried to make me believe, there is absolutely no chance of the nonsense she told me, and this is what I keep telling myself as I’m on my way to the Mendes house.
“Hey!” Aaliyah greets me with a wide smile. She is now wearing some more comfortable clothes than the last two times I saw her, the grey sweats and lose white shirt must be her home wear. “Come in! My parents are out at a friend’s place, and Shawn…” she starts, but just when she is about to finish he appears on the top of the stairs.
“Is here,” he chimes in. I look up and there he is, in a pair of checked pj pants and a black shirt. Looking at it, I think Aaliyah has his shirt on, it seems like the same size.
“Hi,” I smile at him.
“Come, let’s sit.” I follow Aaliyah into the living room and we sit down to the couch next to their Christmas tree. From the corner of my eyes I see Shawn going into the kitchen and for a moment I’m actually disappointed he is not coming with us.
“So. I want to surprise Eric with cooking for him, but I have no idea what. I tried to find out what’s his favorite, but he says it’s his favorite to everything!” she growls frustrated. I shake my head laughing.
“That’s typical.”
“Yeah. So do you have anything in mind?”
“Well, he really like tiramisu. He can eat tons of it, all the time. That’s good for dessert,” I offer. Aaliyah has her phone in her hands and she is typing everything I say down.
“Okay, got it.”
“Um, he likes gazpacho. He thinks it sounds fancy and you know, he likes everything with ketchup, so a soup that tastes like tomato was made for him.”
“Oh yeah, he pours so much ketchup into his sandwiches, it’s crazy,” she rolls her eyes jokingly. “Okay, so gazpacho. Anything else?”
“Um…” I try to think about the times we went to restaurants and Eric got really excited over the food. “Oh, we were once at a place and he ordered grilled mushrooms and he couldn’t stop moaning, it was very embarrassing, but I guess this meant he really liked it.”
“Grilled mushrooms, perfect,” she nods to herself noting everything down. “Do you mind helping me pick out his gift too? I have a few ideas, I want to go into the city and buy it tomorrow, I already looked up some jumpers online, but I can’t really decide.”
“Sure, show me!”
We spend the next thirty minutes scrolling through everything she had saved as a possible gift. She found some really nice ones, her taste is fantastic. As the time is passing I’m starting to feel like I’m with a friend and not with my brother’s girlfriend and I’m just hoping Eric will keep her around for a long time.
She asks me to stay a little bit longer so she can show me the awkward photos she has taken of Erik since they’ve been dating, but she gets a call and excuses herself quickly. I stay there in the living room, looking around a bit, I haven’t really had the chance yesterday, I was too occupied with the situation.
Shawn walks in, this time he has a headband on, keeping his locks back from his face.
Damn, Maddi is right. He is hot.
I shake my head at the thoughts and try to look as casual as possible.
“How is the birthday planning going?” he asks plopping down on the couch next to me.
“Good, Aaliyah basically had everything right, I just had to choose the best options.”
“How crazy is that our younger siblings are dating? I mean, I was thinking about it yesterday, the last time I saw Eric, he was about twelve or something. No wonder why I didn’t recognize him when I met him,” he chuckles and I nod agreeing. Aaliyah changed a lot in the past years too.
“Yeah. Strange that they are not babies anymore. I mean, I’m still mad that Eric is taller than me.”
“Oh I remember how you always wanted to get taller!”
“You remember?” I ask surprised. I used to never stop talking about my height, later I accepted my fate.
“Yeah, I remember once you told Dylan how you want to wear the highest heels to the dance so you two can be the same height.”
I laugh at the memory. I remember it too, it was quite early in our relationship and Dylan asked me out for the Halloween dance. I wanted to look taller and told Dylan I would wear heels. Of course, I ditched the plan as I found out how uncomfortable they are and ended up wearing my Converse.
“And at the end I looked like a punk princess with my Converse and mini skirt,” I scoff at the thought of my outfit for that night.
“I think you looked pretty,” Shawn says and I look at him. I catch his small smile before he shakes his head clearing his throat. What the Hell? “High school feels so far away, right?” he quickly says.
“Um, well for you I guess, for me… not really,” I chuckle shaking my head. “Your life got turned upside down, but not much has happened to me since then.”
“What? I don’t believe you. I’m sure you’ve been having plenty of fun. Parties, dates and everything.”
I can’t help, a sad smile plasters across my face. He can’t be more wrong.
“Not really… I had some rough years after Dylan and I split.”
“Can I ask what happened? I mean, after the split,” he shyly asks.
“Well, since I was a dumb naïve little girl, I needed an entire year before I could even think about getting to know other guys. Now it all just seems like the biggest bullshit. I shouldn’t have cared that much. And I’m not a fan of partying, I only go out on birthdays and maybe New Year’s Eve,” I shrug. Maddi has been trying to boost me up a bit, she attempts to drag me out every month or so, but I’m really not that kind of type. I thought I was, when I was with Dylan, he was a popular guy, I kept going to these lame parties with him in the last year of our relationship, but I never really enjoyed them. Shawn was long gone by then.
“I’m sorry Dylan played you so bad.”
“It’s fine, I mean, not your fault,” I chuckle. “But what happened to you and him?”
He sighs scratching the back of his neck.
“Not sure, I guess we grew apart and I realized that he is an ass. When I became a private student we kept in touch, but I met new people and I saw how different a friendship can be, so… I cut him off, I guess.”
“Did you guys fight?”
“Not really,” he shakes his head. “Well, we had one last very awkward phone call when I was in Atlanta, if I remember right. It was forced and… just awkward, really,” he chuckles shaking his head.
“And your life has been better since Dylan is out of it, right?” I grin at him.
“Yeah, you must know about it.”
I laugh nodding. I know everything about it!
Before I could even think about what I’m saying, my mouth just opens and the words roll down.
“The only good thing I got from my relationship with Dylan is that I know you now.”
My eyes widen and I wish I could take it back.
“I- uh I mean…”
I don’t even know why I’m so nervous suddenly, I didn’t even tell much. But for some reason, I can feel myself blushing.
“I meant that he basically ruined my senior year and I needed so much time to get myself over him, but at least now we can talk like, normal people,” I quickly add somehow saving the situation.
“What do you mean he ruined your senior year?” he asks with furrowed eyebrows and I’m happy he didn’t get caught up on what I said before that.
“Well, he successfully made me push all my friends away, leaving me totally alone when we broke up.”
“Wait, what? How about that friend of yours, um… I don’t remember her name, you always sat together at lunch.”
“Rochelle. Oh Dylan played us dirty. He told me Rochelle keeps hitting on him and being my dumb naïve self I believed him and not her. We had this huge fight and I called her a bitch. No wonder why she didn’t care about me when I was alone in the last couple of months of senior year.”
“Ouch, that sounds horrible. I’m sorry he did that.”
“Why did we even like Dylan in the first place?” I ask laughing to myself. It still bothers me how blind I was, I wish I could just shake myself.
“I have no idea!” He sighs rolling his eyes. “I’m sorry your senior year got fucked up, I wish I could be there to have lunch with you.”
I turn to him and swear to God he is blushing! And it is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. I feel the urge to touch him, anywhere, to take his hand in mine, but I stop myself.
“That’s… nice. Thank you,” I whisper touched.
As I’m staring at him I realize this is probably the closest I’ve ever been to him. I wonder how many girls want to be in my position, they see the popstar, the heartthrob from the stage, while all I see is the guy who used to be mean to me in high school but now we are friendlier than ever. I could never see him as a celebrity.
“Okay, so I found some- Oh am I bothering?” Aaliyah walks into the room with her phone in her hands and she is giving me a knowing look. I quickly clear my throat turning away from Shawn.
“No, you girls just… do your thing. I have to make a few calls.”
Shawn jumps up from the couch patting his sister’s shoulder before walking out of the room. Aaliyah takes his place, still grinning.
“What?” I ask her playing dumb.
“You guys… I felt the sparkle,” she says wiggling her eyebrows.
“What sparkle? Aaliyah, you see everything in pink because of my brother.”
“Oh stop, don’t tell me you don’t like him.”
“I don’t know him,” I say truthfully. “The last time I saw him I was dating a douche and he was also being a douche to me. I can’t tell if I like him, because I don’t know his new self.”
“But you seem to get along with him pretty well and I’m sure you are attracted to him.”
“I’m not talking about this with you, you are his sister!” I gasp feeling myself blushing again.
“Whatever. But I think you two would look cute together.”
I refuse to carry on with the conversation about me and Shawn and Aaliyah fortunately doesn’t force it on me. I leave the Mendes house around five, Aaliyah thanks me the help and I can’t help but feel disappointed I don’t see Shawn anywhere when I’m leaving. Aaliyah’s speech about me and Shawn is slowly getting to me.
By dinner, all my thoughts are racing around him and soon I find myself stalking his social media profiles. I knew he is very famous, but seeing the numbers on his pages makes me gasp. Millions of people are following him, waiting for him to post anything. The last photo he uploaded to his Instagram is with his family, Karen and Manny are smiling proudly into the camera while Shawn and Aaliyah are messing around next to them. Before I could realize what I’m doing I double tap the picture liking it.
“Oh shit,” I suck my breath in. I hesitate, but then I realize how dumb this is. He must be getting millions of notes every minute, he won’t see this.
Gaining some confidence from this, I decide to follow him and continue my stalking session. I’m a few months deep into his profile when I get a notification. Opening the tab my eyes widen.
shawnmendes followed charlieprkr
I guess I was wrong about the notification getting lost. A moment later I see that he has liked two of my photos.
One was taken on a family vacation. Eric and I are posing at the beach, I have a red swimsuit on and the wind is blowing my wavy blonde hair that was so much lighter back than from all the sunshine. The other one is a picture Maddie took of me last month. I’m sitting in our armchair with a mug of tea in my hands, smiling shyly at the camera. We had Christmas lights in the window and the lights made me look colorful in the photo.
I’m just about to put the phone down and go to bed when I get a dm. I’m not surprised to see Shawn’s username, but I definitely get excited.
shawnmendes I’m happy I’m not the first one to accidentally like your photo, though I was minutes away from that haha
I smile at the message rolling my eyes.
charlieprkr Ha. Ha. I was hoping I can easily hide in the millions of your followers.
shawnmendes You could have, if only I weren’t stalking your profile as well. Fate?
charlieprkr I guess.
My fingers linger across the keyboard, trying to think of something else to write and keep the conversation up, but nothing comes to my mind. I almost give up when I get another message from him.
shawnmendes I’m in a nostalgic mood, I want to have a walk in the neighborhood, around our school tomorrow. Would you like to join me?
My smile grows wider than ever reading his lines.
charlieprkr Totally.
shawnmendes Great! Sometime around 4 pm?
charlieprkr Perfect. Where?
shawnmendes I’ll meet you at your house and we’ll go from there.
charlieprkr Then see you tomorrow!
shawnmendes Yeah, good night Charlie.
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kim-isnt-seaweed · 5 years
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^^those photos are all taken by me. Use them ig you want but please credit me.
Hello people!
How was your week? I had a fairly good week, it was hectic and tiring but it was good until i caught a cold.
Monday: Monday since i didnt have to work i stayed home laminating my interactive material and when T came home from work we went to Emart. He bought me a really cute watch since i needed it for classes since i didnt want to keep checning my phone, he wanted to buy a smart watch for both of us (hahaha i sound like we can just buy those things whenever we want but no, we save up for those type of things) but i dont want one because i geniuenly dont have a need for one, anyway we bought stuff at emart and came home. I thought at the time i had avoided the cold i thought i caught on Sunday.
Tuesday: went to work, every tuesday staff reuinion at the center and then i went to my first class the 27 m/o baby, he is really cute and you can notice he is somewhat understanding what i am teaching him but he cant speak yet so its tough to tell for sure. The second class was new kid i was added and he is the type of kids that ..are difficult, the mother had forgotten the class was on tuesdays at 6:30 and my boss forgot to call her to confirm (usually teachers do that but she said since im a forgeiner she would do it) besides they gave me the families old address thankfully the new house was a street away. The boy was not having it, he did not want to have class and he was just doing whatever the fuck he wanted, most of my students are young so its normal for them to get distracted but you can tell the difference when they get natrually distracted because they include me in their distraction for examole the baby boy keeps trying to gwt mw to play ball with him, or anotherone that just telling me about pokemon but this boy did not give a fuck about me or the class he was just difficult but i was like whatever i will go through if the class and maybe its just because he's tired, so who knows but when i was going his mom gave him an orange and he just threw it on the floor and smeared it with his foot as if it was funny and his mom said nothing so ..he still seems a bit difficult.
Wednesday: t was at home for the morning but had to go to work that night so i decided to make lunch for both of us: carne asada, refired beans a co-worker who grew up in Guatemala gave me and cilantro rice i made with the left over cilantro the Pho place gave me. I went to work at 4, and when i got to my students house i noticed he had a cold and i immediately was like "uh-oh" you know how kids are (he is 3) they dont cover their nose, whipe their nose with their hands and then touch you and your stuff. After class i came home and later that night my throat started feeling weird.
Side note: my mom would always make soup and salad everyday for lunch and dinner (same thing for both meals as is common in Colombia) and without fail they had cilantro ALWAYS! So i grew up eating cilantro, but it wasnt until i moved to Korea and the first time eating mexican food with T he was like "oh no the taste of cilantro is too strong i cant eat this" and i was like "Cilantro has a taste????" Like i grew up eating that in soups and stuff, never on its own so i never recognized the taste, let alone believe it was strong, i just thought it was a must for food like salt or whattever, the only other thing i new of cilantro was that it makes you sleepy, so if there was too much on our food it was like "mom is trying to make us chill" idk if its true or its just placeboo at this point since i grew up hearing it thus believing it. So yeah, i didnt know cilantro had a taste of its own until i moved to Korea, thankfully T has learned to like it but he judges me when i add a bit too much.
Thursday: my throat was even more irritated that morning but i felt fine in general, t had the day off so i made lunch again: arroz con pollo. I went to work, T took me to my classes on his new scooter motorcycle and while he waited he went shopping. My second student on thrusdays is a bitbhard because he is all over the place distracted and skipping all the steps but its okay because at least he looks excited for the class. Then i had my last class and went out to eat dinmer with T, by this time my throat was in so much pain it hurt to talk but the rest of me felt fine, we went to Kondae to eat Makchang (i think its the large intestine of the pork) and then i bought a leather jacket more like i bought a fake leather jacket because T has been dying to see me in a leather jacket (boy shoulda seen me at 16) idk why so now he can finally stop talking about it.
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Friday: my throat felt better so i thought i had avoided getting a cold, i went to the center to pick up my class materials for next week and for the new student on fridays my boss had only told me about the night before. I went back home and since T again had the day free we went to the bank to open a family account, then he took me to my class, i was nervous because i had been told the kids mom is scary but when i arrived there (a bit late since i had forgotten something and had to go back to the center) they were so nice, their appartment is amazing, its huge and has a beautiful view people say celebreties live in those buildings too which explains the amount of security in the complex which is odd for most korean apartments. The mom was so nice, the dad too and their little boy is wonderful too so idk what they wete talking about tbh. When class finished we came back home, took all my pants (all except one i recently bought) a skirt and a dress to the seamstress because they were too big on me now and the lady was like "why are they so big??" "Its hard for you to find clothes the fit well, right? (it is) since you have a butt (i dont i just store most of my fat in my thighs and hips but not the butt) but your waist is so small" then when she got to the dress she seemed troubled because it was more work than what it seemedm we paid 90 bucks which is apparently expensive? Idk how since she has to do a lot of work on my clothes, 7 items and 2 items for T. Then we came home and i started to feel sick again, when bed time came i was completely sick.
Today: sleeping was terrible, i kept choking in my sleep because i have a stuffy nose and a very swollen throat. T woke up at all hours trying to help me feel better, giving me wster and medicine, i felt so bad since he had to wake up early but there he was taking care of me at like 4 am. When he woke up for work all i remember is him telling our cat "Bean, mom is sick be nice to her today and take care of here" aside from that being cute on its own i actually think she listend to him, although bean is very sweet she has moments when she likes to bully me, trip me ovet, bite my legs or scratch my hands (only me she never does that to T even if he was the one annoying her she takes it out on me) but today she has been so sweet and calm, no yelling or demanding snacks, no bullying just love.
At one my MIL took me to the doctors, they somehow always mention the fact i got surgery on my nose for allergy reasons and say something i cant fully understand and no one can translate for me but i am starting to feel the surgery was a waist of money, my allergies are back (not as bad as before but their back) and everytime i get a cold it fucks me up so hard. Then when comming home my MIL bought me so much pastries and bread because i didnt want lunch or let her pay for my medicine.
Sometimes i look at T and feel so lucky i have a husband that is so sweet, selfless and careing but then i see his parents and im like yep that makes sense. His parents have always been so sweet and understanding, the accepted me for me get go and have always treated me like a daughter, sometimes i tease T telling him his dad loves me more than than him haha his parents helped pay for my surgery back when we had only been dating for a year (my parents couldnt afford it i mean back at home they could but Korean money is much more expensive than Colombian money) and now everytime i mention trying to pay them back they wont have it.
I also noticed i have three big bruises on my legs i have no idea where they came from. Its annoying because everytime i hurt myself and say "oh this is gonna leave a bruise" there is no bruise to be found, but then these bruises appear and its like for you to be so big and persistent shouldnt i remember what your from???
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Tomorrow: T and i finally both have the same free day, but this fucking cold will probably ruin it all so who knows.
Anyways that was my week, i hope you all had a good week too!
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Chapter 13
Hello, this is the story that you're about to read of how my now two ex-friends that I have known for 3 and 9 years backstabbed and ditch me during my move while I was having a mental breakdown. The question that I have am I the asshole in this story? Last year during the pandemic, I was thinking about what I want to do with my life. I decided that I wanted to move out of state, and I picked Florida. I told my now ex-friends C and N that I was planning on moving to Florida ( I don't want to use their actual names, so Im just using their first name initials ). At first, they were really happy for me,,, and they volunteered to help me move my stuff into my apartment when I do move. Moving to Florida was exciting but also scary because I have no friends or family down there but I wanted a change in my life. A year later,,, I got a job offer down here and I finally told them the goods news. We were super excited because I worked really hard to move,, and it was finally going to happened. We talked how much fun we were going to have and how this will be a smooth move. That did not happen matter of fact,,, the exact opposite happened. On the day of the move,,, which was June 20th, we had a 12-hour drive ahead of us; we planned on leaving at 7 am. Ex-friend N showed up thirty minutes late... I shrugged it off because it wasn't a big deal. We got to Florida in the evening time .Ex-Friend N does hair,,, and she told me that she had a client that booked her. Then she asks me can the client come to my apartment so she can do her hair. At first, I didn't feel comfortable with this because I didn't want a stranger into my apartment,,,,,,,,, especially I haven't seen the apartment yet in person. I was trying to be nice,, and I told her yes,, that was fine. We spent the night at the Airbnb because the apartment wouldn't be ready until the next day,, which was my birthday.
The morning of the move-in day,, we stopped by the gas station to get some light snacks before we start by moving my stuff in. Before we left,,, I told them that after we get everything moved in,, I wanted to get my hair done because we planned to go downtown to celebrate my birthday later in the evening. They told me that they were okay with it and it wasn't a problem. We get to the apartment,,,,, and it was completely fucked up. The patio screen was broken to the point it was hanging over the balcony. They were what it looks like a wasp or a hornet's nest on the patio door. The floor had paint on them, the ac filter needed to be changed, the walls were dirty, the shower looked like some type of mold in the corners. The door stopper was broken,, and underneath the fridge, it was filthy. I was pissed off,, but I had to return the rental car,,,, so I said I'll deal with issues the tomorrow morning. Ex-Friend C went with me to drop off the rental car,,, and we stopped by Wal- Mart to buy some things for the apartment. I bought them groceries,,, and I bought Ex- friend C an air mattress so she wouldn't be sleeping on the floor. After we came back from the store,,, I took a quick shower and headed off to get my hair done . I got my hair done,, and picked them up from the apartment to go to downtown. We got a quick bite to eat and did a ghost tour that I paid for the three of us to do. During the tour Ex- friend N started to complain. They were a girl in the group who kept coughing a lot, and ex-friend N felt uncomfortable and said she didn't want to do the tour anymore. She said she was afraid of getting covid even though she was already fully vaccinated and had her mask on her,,,, but I brushed it off. I told her she could wait for us when we're done with the tour, and we'll get her. Ex-friend C stayed with me until the tour was over. We went to the bar,,, and they were having a comedy show; the three of us were sitting in the booth. One of the comedians looks at us and ask us what we were doing tonight, and I said,, celebrating my birthday. The comedian proceeds to say " Oh did you get any birthday dick from your boyfriend''? Ex-Friend N lifted her head and the comedian said "oh never mind,,,,,,, that's a girl. "
Ex-friend N was super pissed off about the joke, and when we left, she want a huge rant about how much she hated black men ,because the guy was black, she kept saying that black men are disgusting, nasty, rude, and that they were all perverts, and this is why she only dates white guys. She is black too,, so I was really offended by this,, but I didn't want to say anything to make her more upset than she already was. We went back to my apartment, and that's when shit hit the fan. My apartment had roaches,,,,,,,,.,,,,, and I was trying to move my stuff away, but my two ex-friends ad didn't help me. Instead, they went on a rant about how this was a major inconvenience for them and that they're getting a hotel together without including me. I was in the room hearing them saying how they had other things to pay for, and that they weren't planning to spend money on a hotel. I offered to pay the hotel for them because I felt bad, but they told me no, don't worry about it. The next morning ex-friend N went with me to the rental office to talk about the apartment. After that we went back to the apartment , ex-friend C ask me if I wanted to put my stuff away I told her no. I said I'll wait for them to come to spray the apartment down before I put things away but I said no .because I don't want the roaches to get into my stuff and I;ll wait for pest control to come. Ex-friend C said she wanted to go to Starbucks and ex-friend N said she wanted to take a short hike. I said, that's fine; I'll do some exploring on my own. I picked up Ex-friend N from the park an hour later. I told her that I was mentally drained and exhausted and wanted to be by myself for a bit. She told me that she understood and was okay with that. I asked her what time did she need to be picked up from the hotel. She told me to get her and her ex-friend C around 3 pm. I then asked her were they planning on staying there for the rest of the day. She told me that they would chill at the hotel for a bit, and I said okay.
We went back to the apartment, and I told ex-friend C the same thing that I told ex-friend N. She said okay, and she said that she wanted to stay at the apartment to read her book. Ex friend N said she also wanted to stay to do some work . I asked them if they were okay and if they needed anything they told me no , they were fine to waiting at the apartment . At 3 pm they called me to come to get them to take them to the hotel. When they got into the car, I can already feel that there is tension. I apologize for not being in a good and that I was sorry. Ex-Friend N said with the nastiest attitude that quote,, " Nobody said anything or mention anything about it." I shrug it off at first because I was driving,,, and it started to pour down rain really hard, so I wanted to focus on the road. I asked her what time she needed me to take her to the airport because she was leaving the next day. She then said she'll take the metro because it will be more chill. She then tells me that she made soup and use my cooking wear . I said that was fine but then she says she didn't wash the dishes. I asked her why and she said because she wasn't sure if I would be okay with her going trough my stuff to get the cleaning supplies even though cleaning supplies were next to the cook wear . To me it doesn't make sense because if you already touch my stuff to cook then you should had cleaned it but she was being lazy and a bitch .Then out of nowhere she goes on to say that she felt like a taxi driver the whole-trip and that she felt like they didn't help me move. She proceeds to say that I abandon them in the apartment and that I was a bad friend for leaving them there. And that I should be grateful that they offer to help because nobody else would. She keeps verbally attacking me while ex-friend C is quietly watching the whole thing. Ex friend N continued gaining up on me and said that she was upset cause they didn't get to decorate my apartment or have fun on her last day. I told her I don't want to put anything because of the roaches; she said that it's not a big deal and that she lived with roaches for 14 months in her old apartment,, and dealt with it so should I . Ex friend C said everyone's first apartment is always shitty and that I shouldn't be upset of messed up my apartment was. She also said that I abandon both of them and joined ex friend N side. I finally snapped at them, which I shouldn't have,, but I was overwhelmed, and had hit my breaking point. Ex friend N said she not coming back to visit me and that it's all my fault that I had ruined their trip and I ended things on a sour note with them. I began crying and sobbing  really bad while they were getting out of the car without saying a word to me . Ex friend C texted me later that night said that she's leaving with ex friend N originally she was supposed to leave on Thursday . She texted me " good luck on the apartment let me know how it goes''. I was super pissed off by this , this was the biggest fuck you I ever got in my life. You were suppose to be my friend but you ditch me while I was having a breakdown and then have the nerve to say good luck. I came back to the apartment and saw the dirty dishes and open food cans on my countertop I was done. In the heat of the moment I sent Ex friend N a voice message saying that I was done being her friend , I said that she was selfish , rude and I was disgusted by her actions especially her rant on black men. I blocked and deleted her off of everything and haven't talk to her since. At first I was sad about ending the friendship because I known her for three years but I don't want to be friends with someone like that .
   Then two weeks some of my friends from VA came down to visit me. I told the whole story about what had happened. I still couldn't had cut ties with ex friend C yet because I was debating if I wanted to stay friends or not because I known her for 9 years and I didn't want to throw away the friendship . My friend suggested that I reach out to her to talk it out and so I did. I texted her that I wanted to talk about what had happened and that I was still upset and felt like she got mad at me for no reason. She sent sent a long text that she drove over 800 miles in the hot humid weather to help me move and she tried her best to be good friend to me and said that she wouldn't make that mistake again. She said I left them in the apartment . In her text she stated that it sucked that I wasn't over the situation but she had already move on from it. She said that I ruined their chance of having fun together . 
   At the end of her text she said it was best for us to part ways that she doesn't regret almost none of our time together . I cried at first while reading because I was hurt , I was trying to be the bigger person to solve the issue but she decided to run from it. I found out that she blocked and me off of everything which hurt even worse. I realize now that they were never my friends they were fake. They proved me to that they are selfish , toxic , cowards and only care for themselves . I paid for gas all the way down and they never offer to help pay for that and I paid for the rental car as well. I tried my best to accommodate whatever they needed but in the end I felt like I got taken advantage of and used. They used my move as a fun trip but realize things weren't going of what they wanted so they left when shit got hard. Im moving on with my life and Im glad that they are out of my life now.
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lazypetals · 3 years
 one week later. i take back everything i said. it seems impossible at home. everything revolves around food. there is so much of it, everywhere. i don’t have the self-control to stop myself from binging. i don’t even want to call it binging because it’s not. i’m just eating all the time and pushing the thoughts of the calories away. i can’t bring myself to open mfp because i just want to EAT. one week later and it’s looking grim. sitting in my bed here at 2am, it seems easy to look back at what i said a week ago and say, ‘why not? why can’t i just stick to the plan?’ but everything is in reach. everything is free. my fatal flaw. at my uni house, i purchase only the exact quantity of food i want to eat in the week. i manage it to a T. when i want to eat at school, i really only see the numbers. how many calories is this teaspoon of cottage cheese? if the whole container cost me 3.29, plus the 10% discount applied then this serving is 0.74 cents. everything is necessity, i optimize everything i do, i track every aspect.
at home, that all seems to go out the window. food no longer has a monetary strain on me. i don’t need to walk for 40 minutes or take a bus to get my groceries. i don’t even have to get in the car. it’s all right there, everything i could want, in the cupboard.
i see a lot of posts about binges. about holding out all day and then eating 3,000 calories at night. and i had this false sense of superiority, thinking “i’m proud of myself. i don’t do that. i set my limits and stick to them, and if i do go over it’s very minimal, and always far enough under my TDEE that i’m still losing a decent amount of weight this week”
but now, i regret that pedestal i put myself on. it’s not that i’m immune to it. i just set up my house perfectly to avoid it, like a safe space. everything i have has a serving size under 60-70 calories, most being less than that. i like to have one dark chocolate bar accessible, with squares that are 48 calories each as a ‘treat’ on some nights. for the rest of the day, i hold out until 4, 5, 6pm before allowing something like a small serving of a rice cake (35) with a slice of a buddig brand cold cut (9) and some mustard (1). or i’ll keep a large cucumber (45) by me while i work and munch away freely. or many other strange food habits that i can support because no one else browses through my fridge shelf/pantry, and no one else sees me eat.
but at home. everyone does work or uses the laptop at the kitchen table. my mom is only either on the couch watching a show or cooking something in the kitchen. or on her laptop at the kitchen table. i can’t just stay in my room all day without anyone noticing that i haven’t eaten before 7pm. i can’t come down and make a lipton cup a soup (50) as my OMAD.
i miss going to bed to the sound of my stomach groaning. i miss feeling empty. i miss going to bed excited that i can measure my waist the next morning and have faith that it’ll be smaller, even if it’s 0.1 of an inch. i miss how i felt 9 days ago, eager to come home because i knew i’d be lighter. now i loathe the scale and i don’t even want to look at it because i have no faith that it’ll show me something good.
i want to go back. i want that sense of control. that sense of hope that things are improving every day. i was excited to come home to see my boyfriend. i saw him today. but i couldn’t find anything that i thought i looked good in. i feel like i look so much fatter than the last time he saw me. i lost 7.6 pounds between april to may, but in just a week i gained 2.7. i want to just look at it and say “okay. i fucking hate those 2.7 pounds for coming back. but that’s still 4.9 pounds. we can do it again. we can be lighter than that lower weight when you first got home.” but i’ve been working and the summer semester is ramping up and i just don’t know if i have the stamina and willpower to do it all. food brings me comfort and calms my stress. why did i sign up to do all of these things. i just want to hibernate for the summer. no one bother me, no obligations, i just want to lie in bed on youtube for 4 months and then walk out of my room skinny. the life i live in between my sleeps doesn’t seem to support this goal at all.
i need to try harder. i’m GOING TO DO IT. the way that i felt today, going to see my boyfriend, getting dressed and having to wear jeans and a huge sweatshirt. i can’t keep doing this. i want to lose weight more than my lack of willpower is setting me up to fail. let’s look at some good things. i rode my stationary bike for 15 minutes today. i walked my dogs with my boyfriend, we walked 1.6 kilometres. i can keep that up. i held off snacking (well i had 3 baby dill pickles (6cal)) until my mom made dinner that i had to eat. i drank a lemon water before bed to fill me and satisfy cravings. i did not eat any of the chicken wings that she made my brother for dinner later at night. these are all good things. i still definitely overate today, but i know i can keep including these good things and work to stop the bad ones. we have to keep going. if i don’t, i will never love myself.
when i wake up, it’ll probably be late in the day. i have to submit my work for this internship in the morning (i’m aiming for noon). i think i might have to stay up really late. then i’ll have to sleep in and i’ll miss a lot of the snacking and binging window, and i’ll just have to eat dinner with my family, if my mom even makes anything at night.
new plans have to change while i’m home. i need new goals. i’ve decided to set a goal of biking on the stationary bike for 60 minutes each day, and walking my dogs outside for about 20 minutes each day as well. absolute MAX calories is 850, but i’d like to stay below 600 when i can. with these rules, in the absolute worst case scenario (850 cal every day, no exercising), i can be at my UGW BY SEPTEMBER. if i stick to it (~500, moderate exercise), i can be at my UGW BY the beginning of JULY. (ps. my boyfriend’s birthday is in mid july. we can go on a beach birthday date and i can be SKINNY in a BIKINI if i fucking stick to this holy shit) (and that’s LESS THAN TWO MONTHS of heavy restricting and intense exercise. if i can’t sacrifice 2 months for the only thing i’ve wanted so badly, then i will never do it. i will never love myself. IM SO FUCKING HYPED CAN WE DO THIS????)
may 8th 2021 - 3:01am
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bangtanata-blog · 7 years
I have a dumb idea to start this crack-ish snow white au fic lmao more details under
- warning: it’s a shipping fic. taekook / yoonmin / namjin. hints of 2seok?
so in favor of the Go Go dance practice video, these are the members’ roles:
taehyung: snow white
seokjin: the ‘evil’ queen?
hoseok: the mirror????
namjoon: the hunter
jimin, yoongi: dwarfs?
jeongguk: the prince
headcanons bc i may end up not writing the full length fic, but i need to put some of my ideas here so i dont forget it:
- taejin are actually brothers. jin is the older one so he takes the role as king, even though all he wants really is to be a chef or a gourmet but everyone cant have what they want right
- taejin actually get along; they’re best buds, taehyung is clingy toward his big brother and jin is just rather willing to pamper his little brother, even though he complains about having to take care of tae literally all the time. loudly. with body gestures and all
- the plot(?) starts when jin gets tired of taehyung being cooped up in the palace all day long, all year long. it’s just not healthy and he’s worried and he really wants tae to get some friends his age aside from the princesses and princes trying to take tae’s hand in marriage. he’s tempted to sing for the first time in forever while he throws taehyung out, but he doesn’t. being the brilliant king he is, he asks his trusted right hand man who resides in a mirror(?), hoseok
- hoseok gives this brilliant idea to pretend to try to get rid of tae by hiring a clumsy hunter who really should be a politician with his brain power in jin’s opinion but well, anyway, namjoon is hired.
- jin may or may not be staring too long at his dimples.
- hoseok teases him for it.
- “not a word, hoseok.” “yes, yes, of course, Your Royal Majesty.”
- namjoon meets taehyung in the gardens.
- namjoon’s first words to taehyung are literally an awkward “uh. hey. i was sent to kill you, so. uh. bye?”
- taehyung’s first response is to stare. blankly. a long, long while until namjoon starts to sweat in nervousness.
- taehyung: “why?” namjoon: “bc you dont have any friends” as if that makes any sense.
- in taehyung’s head, it does.
- after processing that, he runs.
- when he runs, he runs fast.
- NYOOM. to the forest he goes.
- he doesn’t hallucinate about the demon trees but he may or may not cry in his mind a little bit over how his big brother is bullying him. with no actual malice intended. he decides to find some friends, dammit, he’ll find friends, and he’s going to yodel back to the palace with his friends, he vows to do just that.
- jin sneezes.
- hoseok: bless you, your majesty. jin: -sniffs- thank you
- taehyung climbs a huge tree to escape namjoon’s vision.
- namjoon may or may not half asses his attempt to kill taehyung (he knows a doting big brother when he sees one, okay, and he’s fairly sure he was hired because of his notorious clumsiness so he won’t really kill the prince)
- namjoon shrugging his shoulders when it’s near night time (whatever, his mind supplies, i can look for him tomorrow and give him some soup or something) and proceeds to return to the palace to report to the king
- probably gets distracted by the palace’s library and proceeds to read the books
- hoseok: you should probably check the library. jin: and why ever should i do that?
- jin does it anyway. may or may not trips over his own foot when he sees namjoon reading books in his library.
- let’s leave the love birds alone for now. back to tae.
- he finds a nice cozy house in the forest. shamelessly breaks in. not even three steps in the house, there’s someone pointing a shot gun at him. another person saves his life, literally, by calming the grumpy man down.
- grumpy man is yoongi, who is naturally suspicious at tae bc you broke into my house when im trying to sleep, asshole; tae simply replies to that with a boxy grin.
- his savior is jimin, who truthfully also just wants to sleep so he doesn’t want to deal with his boyfriend killing a random trespasser just yet. vmin becomes close friends in a matter of, like, twenty minutes or so over conversation. yoongi despairs.
- taehyung may or may not poke fun at yoongi’s height.
- yoongi: jimin is literally the same height as i am. taehyung: yeah, but he’s cute, you’re just grumpy, hyung.
- jimin is certain he’s in love (platonically).
- platonic soulmates shenanigans ensue. yoongi wants to bang his head to the wall. he just wants to sleep, please let him sleep, oh god someone save him.
- taehyung successfully completes his mission to get friends.
- he just needs to convince them to yodel back to the palace.
- yoongi: no. taehyung: but-- yoongi: no. taehyung: you just have to dance-- yoongi: no.
- and so his next mission is to convince the two men to agree to yodel in their way back to the palace. at the moment, he decides some sleep overs are necessary.
- a few days later, an antsy jin decides to check up on tae, no matter if hoseok the magical mirror tells him that tae is fine and he’s having fun. jin just gotta.
- jin either dresses himself up as jack sparrow like that one dance practice video or he just walks to yoonmin’s house like the royalty he is. probably gets there in the middle of another platonic soulmate shenanigans.
- jin and yoongi share a mutual look of understanding. it’s an iconic moment.
- vmin are monsters when they’re excited. why does he let this happen? oh right, because he wants his little brother to have friends.
- jin and yoongi may or may not are actually p soft over vmin bonding, they’re just soft inside over how happy vmin are.
- a prince riding on a black horse barges in. it’s jeongguk.
- he’s a bit pissed bc his father sent him to try to court taehyung into marriage for political reasons and when he gets to the palace nobody’s home except for the servants. hoseok, who is eating grapes in his mirror (jeongguk pauses a little bit at that view bc how the fuck???) helpfully tells him the yoonmin address.
- yoongi despairs over how his address is just freely given to everyone right now. god, what is his life?
- jeongguk tries to be mad at taehyung bc he’s supposed to court him and he doesn’t want a marriage without love but then taehyung sends him a sheepish grin and jeongguk’s heart may have stopped for a few moments
- vmin extends their hands of friendship toward jeongguk. he readily agrees. (it’s better than marriage anyway; jeongguk is actually a little bit lonely and shy, and he’ll be happy to get friends)
- the maknae line is now complete. let another shenanigans begin.
- namjoon comes late to the party while bringing hoseok in a hand mirror.
- taehyung excitedly introduces hoseok the hand mirror to jimin.
- sunshine line screaming excitedly. with jeongguk chuckling behind tae, his eyes fond.
- yoongi, jin and namjoon share another Look of Understanding between them.
- they go back to the palace with promises to play together some more.
- yoongi does not yodel. jimin might have, though, simply because he wants to make taehyung happy.
- okay, yoongi may end up doing some weird dances when he’s in the mood with hoseok playing as his cheerleader while he does so. he also ends up bonding with the rest of the rap line.
- yoonmin still lives in the forest; but they do visit the palace from time to time.
- namjoon may end up asking jin’s hand on a date.
- their first date is cooking in the kitchens. much yelling is heard from the kitchens bc thats not how you drain it no NONONO namjoon-ah i told you to slice them not dice them wHY ARE YOU PUTTING YOUR HANDS IN IT NAMJOON-AH accompanied with some praises from jin tbh bc he’s soft
- jeongguk visits a lot. he may ends up having a crush on taehyung a few months later.
- the fic ends with hoseok eating another grapes in the mirror
- the end
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shyvioletcat · 4 years
could you maybe do a 'im worried about you' for lysaedion, love your writing!!
Surprise! A little Lysaedion drabble set in It Takes Two. First bit is post Aedion punching Rowan in the face and the second part just after Rowan says the dumb things to Arobynn at the book store.
It Take Two Masterlist
Lysandra was already home by the time Aedion walked through the door of their apartment. He could hear her in the kitchen, doing the dishes. From the way they were clanking in and out of the water Aedion could tell that she was upset. The thing was, so was he. 
He had been stewing in his anger since he gave Rowan that coffee and bag of peas. Work provided very little distraction from his thoughts. Aelin was pregnant and she hadn’t told him, she always told him everything, and Lysandra had kept that secret for her as well. And there was the fact that Rowan had been the one to knock her up. He couldn't even fathom how the two of them had got into that situation because of how much they hated each. Aedion felt the betrayal from Aelin, the betrayal from Rowan, and he couldn’t stop seeing Aelin’s face when he’d asked what Rowan’s response had been. She had looked so small, so defeated, it damn near broke his heart.
At least Aedion got one good punch in.
Aedion walked further into the apartment calling out a terse hello. He knew he should not be angry at his girlfriend, he was trying to rein it in. But it had been a long day.
Lysandra turned when she heard him come into the little kitchen. “I half expected you to come home with a black eye to match the one you gave Rowan,” she said as she pulled the apron over her head and pulled off the rubber gloves.
Aedion shook his head. “I gave him a half-hearted apology if that helps. I don’t even understand how it happened. They hate each other.”
“Trust me when I say I don’t think you want to.” Lysandra’s bottom lips caught under her teeth as she thought of what to say next. Aedion just blew a heavy breath through his nose and waited.
“It was a dick move, you know. Going after Rowan like that,” Lysandra said. “I know Aelin is your cousin, but Rowan is your friend.”
“I heard what you said though,” Aedion said. “Have you changed your mind, you don’t think he deserved it?”
Lysandra crossed her arms. “I didn’t say that.”
There were a few beats of painful silence and then Aedion asked quietly, “Why didn’t you tell me about Aelin?”
“After what happened today you’re asking me that?” Lysandra said pointedly. “And it was because she asked me not to, and she’s… she’s not in a great place and I couldn’t betray her like that. Not now.”
Something about those words had something in Aedion’s chest aching and he had to turn away. He walked to the couch and heard Lysandra following him. “Aedion,” she said softly but he didn’t answer.
There was something else that had been plaguing his mind today. But this was about the two of them, him and Lysandra, about their plans. 
“Aedion, talk to me please,” Lysandra said as she sat beside him, a hand on his knee. “I’m worried about you. I know how angry you must have been all day but please don’t shut me out now.”
Aedion took a minute to breath, focusing on each breath going in and out of his body. Lysandra sat beside him and waited – waited for him to be ready, providing that steadying force she had always been for him. It was why he had waited for her, why he decided she would be it for him. She completed him.
She squeezed his thigh, gently urging him to say what he was on his mind.
“Probably not the best time to have a baby, huh?” Aedion said, his tone defeated. He looked over at Lysandra and saw tears shining in her eyes. 
She swallowed, her mouth dipping into a frown even as she fought it. “I think Aelin needs us right now.”
Just over a month ago Aedion had brought the subject up, and at first Lysandra had been hesitant. But a day or two later she had come back to him with an answer. She had said yes and kissed him, and kissed him again when he asked if she was sure. They decided then and there that they would start trying. But now…
“I’m so sorry, Lys,” Aedion said. “I don’t want Aelin to rule our lives but she won’t be able to do this alone. She’ll need us and I don’t want her to think she can’t rely on us completely.”
“I know,” Lysandra said as she wiped away a tear and Aedion lifted his hand to her cheek to wipe away the other. 
“It’s not off the table completely, I promise,” Aedion said. “Just means we get more time to practice.”
Aedion smiled and Lysandra let out a thick laugh through her tears. When she moved into his lap he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her until the tears and sadness faded to something more bearable.
Lysandra felt like she was going to be sick. She sat in the toilet with the lid down watching the timer count away on her phone. Waiting for it to go off was too much and her stomach was in knots. She first noticed something was different when her breasts swelled and ached, like they always did before her period but this time it was worse. They were super sensitive, so much so she had taken to wearing some kind of support 27/7. Then she was a few days late, then she was a week late, and then she decided it was time to take a pregnancy test.
They had bought a heap in their excitement when they decided to start trying, but then those plans had been put on hold and they had just been sitting in the cupboard. But a few weeks ago they had drunk maybe a few too many glasses of wine with dinner and they hadn’t been particularly careful that night. Lysandra hadn’t expected anything to come from it, but here she was waiting for that timer to go off.
“Lys,” Aedion said, followed by a knock. “You right in there?”
There was no point in stalling so she opened the door and watched as Aedion’s face scrunched in confusion. But his face went slack when she pointed to what sat on the vanity bench.
“Oh,” he whispered.
This wasn’t great timing. Rowan had just demonstrated once again how much of an idiot he was when he went and said those things to Arobynn at the bookstore. Aelin was a mess, terrified he would walk away from her again and still so confused over when he’d said to her when he’d finally snapped after the twin’s birthday party. But still… Lysandra couldn’t help but hope a little bit.
Finally the timer went off but neither she or Aedion moved. 
“I can’t look,” Lysandra finally said.
So it was Aedion who moved forward to see what the test said. “It’s positive, Lys.”
Every thought went out of Lysandra’s head. “What did you say?”
“It’s positive. You’re pregnant.”
Aedion turned around, a beaming smile on his face. Lysandra went up behind him, looked over his shoulder and saw the blue plus sign.
“I’m… pregnant?” She asked breathlessly.
“Looks like it,” Aedion said, turning and cupping her face with his hands, that ridiculous smile still on his face. “And I couldn’t be happier.”
“It’s unexpected,” Lysandra said as his thumbs brushed against her cheeks, easing her out of her shock.
“But are you happy about it?” Aedion asked.
Lysandra didn’t hesitate. “Gods, yes!”
Then Aedion was kissing her and the knots in her stomach untied. They were going to have a baby and despite the surprise of it Lysandra didn’t think she’d ever been more excited about anything in her life.
Thought I’d provide a little more insight after last chapter’s little announcement 
@fucking-winchester-trash // @literary-licorice // @galyxsy // @tangledraysofsunshine // @highqueenofelfhame // @3am-reading // @soup-that-is-too-hawt // @aelinfire-bringer // @nalgenewhore // @highladyofthesith // @http-itsrebecca // @sleeping-and-books // @alifletcher2012 // @westofmoon // @ttakeitbacknoww // @tswaney17 // @starseternalnighttriumphant // @rowaelinforeverworld // @theoverlyenthusiasticwriter // @they-call-me-cuatro // @musicmaam // @secret-lil-rendez-vous // @armixers-unite // @mariamuses // @chocolate-eating-bitch-queen // @velarian-trash // @queenofxhearts // @heroesofterrasen // @highladyofstoriesandmusic // @tothestarswholisten // @chemicha // @therapeuticrambling // @mydarlingfireheart // @mybbyfeyre // @unassumingsodalovesherbooks // @amitynotpity // @loysydark // @queenophelia // @empire-of-wildfire // @crackedship // @camerooonchiu // @worldoffae // @notaddictedtoanything // @sierrareads // @lowhangingtreebranches // @over300books // @yourwhisperingshadows // @thesirenwashere // @hellolenas // @sjmsstuff // @shadowstar2313 // @pilesofriles // @impossiblescissorspeachpaper // @cat5313 // @judelovescardan // @ellenoftroy // @flowerspringsea // @petrichara // @the-regal-warrior // @viajandosinalas // @chaoticskyy // @fanfictrash3000 // @blueeyes425 // @bamchickawowow // @rosegoldannie // @msalazar3 // @thehuntressofmoon  // @whiskeybusiness1776 // @court-of-fuck-me-daddy // @giorgia-the-trashpanda // @sailorsassley // @szklanydwormaas // @flora-and-fae // @thereaderandfangirl // @illyrian-bookworm // @meltalgel-ig // @gay-book-nerd // @amren-courtofdreams // @booksmusicandgoodvibes // @that-odd-puzzle-piece // @aelin-rowan-whitehorn // @i-love-all-books // @in-love-with-caramel-macchiato // @girl-who-reads-the-books // @queen-of-glass // @mynewdreamwasyou // @superspiritfestival // @hizqueen4life // @the-third-me // @bestmelle // @aesthetics-11 // @flourishandblottsx // @keshavomit // @x3hopeless-dreamer // @girlgotattitude448 // @annejuilanneh111 // @cursebreaker29 // @b00kworm // @mu-si-ca-l // @awkward-avocado-s // @maastrash // @mynewdreamwasyou // @the-last-apprentice // @charincharge // @aelin-queen-of-terrasen // @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln // @scarznstars // @absolute-dissapointment // @fireheart-of-your-dreams // @thesurielships // @sad-book-whore // @qoingcrazy // @df3ndyr // @but-she-was-aelin-galathynius // @silentquartz // @sjmships // @officialasianbitch // @jesstargaryenqueen // @catthefeminist // @trinitybailey2003 // @ladywitchling // @alyx801 // @amandaswallowtail // @louiseleblancdiggory // @magicalunicorngypsy //
157 notes · View notes
alexfridayfesten · 5 years
BREAKDOWN OF HELENA'S SCENES: Below I have attached a copy of all of Helena's lines with her scene objectives per scene. This is something that I do every time I receive a script. At this stage in rehearsals its extremely important as well as beneficial to be recapping over all my lines and cue lines so they are fixated in my brain, as the reality of acting comes from “doing” and you cannot “do” things from instinct until they are cemented and locked in like a third language.
*Pia & Christian – Christians bedroom*
Helene enters with Butler Lars.
Moment before: mingling with fellow guests in the dinner party before being taken down to find where I am staying...
ACT 1, SCENE 3 Objective: to reveal the cues left behind by my sister to find out why she killed herself.
Inner monologue:  Talking to my sister “Linda please give me something, please give me a clue as to why”- desperation.
Obstacles: Lars finding out the truth and potentially exploiting it.
 Christian: yeah exciting.
HELENE: I don’t know if this means anything to you, I don’t know how sensitive you are.
Lars: I’m sorry?
HELENE: I’m not making a fuss, but this is my sister’s room. It’s not really-satisfactory. But I suppose it’s better than giving it to Christian.
Lars: would you like me to find you another room?
HELENE: Christian and Linda were twins, Jesus it’s spooky. It happened in there, in the bathroom.
 ·        Michael & mette scene*
-         Michael exits
Mette: they must be here somewhere.
HELENE: perhaps it’ll be better if you find me another room, im getting a really bad feeling about this.
Michael: listen, I can’t go to dinner in brown brogues, my dad will go fucking nuts.
*Bath Water trickling*
HELENE: did you hear that? I think she’s in the bathroom.
Lars: no, please, she’s dead.
HELENE: let’s have look!
Lars: I think we should find you another room.
HELENE: Let’s have a quick look.
*Mette & Michael fight*
HELENE: Jesus!
Lars: Miss Hansen.
HELENE: There.
Lars: what?
HELENE: There, look pointing sideways.
 *Mette, Michael arguing scene*
Michael: well then, stop that.
HELENE: And there, there’s another arrow.
Pia: what do you think? I’ve still got a great ass.
HELENE: There.
Pia: are you just going to send me into the bath Christian?
Christian: I think so.
HELENE: And there.
Pia: You can’t even be bothered to make love to me. Do you think im too skinny?
HELENE: Jesus where is it?!
Pia: Christian where are you?
HELENE: Can you lie down on the bed? Just for a minute. If you lie down sometimes you can see something.
Lars: you want me to lie down?
HELENE: Sometimes the different perspective helps.
Lars: im not sure I understand the game.
HELENE: look up. Look and see if you can see another little arrow or something like that. Like a wave. Or a fish, or a bird. You know like playing getting hotter getting colder, she always played it, were getting hotter I can feel it.
Pia: Christian?
Mette: stay there.
HELENE: Look, she’s drawn a little bird! How sweet, like a sparrow.
I can’t bare this. There’s an arrow. And there’s another arrow. We’re getting hotter and hotter but.
Lars: look, up there, up in the rim of the shade, there’s something there.
HELENE: Quickly! Quickly!
*Helene climbs on to bed to find letter-Michael has an orgasm*
HELENE: Here it is!
*walks away to read in private... Lars comes closer to her*
Lars: what is it?
*Lars jumps*
Lars: Ah!
HELENE: It doesn’t say anything. Im sorry. Did I make you jump?
Lars: no. not at all.
HELENE: it doesn’t say anything.
There have always been ghosts in this house.
Lars: oh.
HELENE: I think I’ll be alright in here.
Lars: are you sure?
HELENE: I’d like to stay in here actually. Really. Thanks so much for your help. Thanks.
Lars: okay.
*Helene reads the letter again, she begins to cry... gets her handbag were she finds a  tablet bottle out her bag and puts the letter inside it then back in her handbag, then sits on the bed crying*
 ACT 2, SCENE 1:
Moment before: just found letter, trying to hide my discovery
 ACT 2, SCENE 1 Objective: get through the evening with nobody exploiting the truth.
 Inner monologue: “how could you dad...”
 Obstacles: Christian’s speeches exploiting my father, IF Lars seen the letter.
 -         *Bring on plate cutlery & wine glass.*
 SING: Its daddy’s birthday, oh yes it is, and it is today.
 And now you’ll hear how loud we sing
And now you’ll hear how loud we sing
 Tra la la la la
La la la la la
 *Repeated 3 times “clap” *
 All stand around the piano before walking over to our seats at dining table.
 Else: I hope that you can behave yourself Cousin Hugo.
 HELENE: No she’s right.
 Cousin Hugo: (to mette) and you dear, I’ll probably say something later and it won’t be for the ears of little girls.
 HELENE: Oh Hugo.
     *Chatting over table *
POUL: It’s very hot in here.
 HELENE: I think it’s hot.
 *Chat between Michael helge Helmut*
 Michael: poul would you like a drink?
 Cousin Hugo: “... but it won’t be for the ears off little girls”
 HELENE: im sure it won’t be.
 Poul: the salmon soup is delicious.
 HELENE: Is it a salmon soup?
 Cousin Hugo: yes the tomato soup is terrific.
 HELENE: it’s not tomato soup, its lobster soup.
Christians 1st toast...*
Poul: take the yellow one!
Michael: that’s better you miserable sod!
HELENE: Look he’s snapped right out of it now!
Christian: “im not sure if you remember, but dad was always taking baths”
*Helene knocks wine glass over*
 Cousin Hugo: Christian, you were the first to speak but now it’s my turn, else today is your birthday.
Poul: its helge.
Cousin Hugo: what did he say?
HELENE: He said, that its helges birthday today, oh dear that’s Hugo for you.
Cousin Hugo: …. “He had found it difficult to meet girls.”
HELENE: Im sorry for interrupting. I’d just like to say, I hope you didn’t take what Christian said seriously, seriously he’s my brother and I love him very much but what he said is ludicrous. If there had been anything remotely true in what he said then I would have known. Im sorry for interrupting, it’s just that I got quite a shock then, im sorry.
Cousin Hugo: “... you can handle a story that’s a little bit blue can’t you.”
HELENE: no Hugo.
Helmut: oh no, not again.
HELENE: this is the fourth time!
 ·        Christians 2nd speech- people begin to leave dinner table.
Helmut: this way.
Helene exit.
Poul: SONG “and got eaten by a shark and died.”
Helene enter.
HELENE: Are you inane?
Can you hear what im saying, Christian?
Are you completely fucking insane!
  ACT 2, SCENE 2:
Moment before: shouted at Christian for his speeches at the dinner table, frightened what’s going to happen next, probably smokes a spiff/ line while waiting for kai.
ACT 2, SCENE 2 Objective: To get rid of Michael to be alone with kai. To stop him being so cruel, to protect kai.
Obstacles: his fascist views, his anger.
 Michael: now listen mate, I don’t know how you know my sister and I don’t want to now just get out my face.
Kai: excuse me?
Helene enters.
HELENE: Hi baby! I’ve missed you so much. Come here.
Kai: how are you doing?
HELENE: I’ve missed you so much im so happy you got here.
Michael: whoa whoa whoa!
HELENE: Michael, what’s goin on?
Michael: what the fucking hell do you mean what’s going on?
Kai: he was trying to throw me out.
Michael: what the hell do you think you’re doing dragging a fucking tranny to dad’s birthday! Jesus Christ a bloody tranny look at him.
HELENE: You DON’T stand there and call kai a tranny do you understand me?
Michael: relax… I’ve got everything under control.
*Helene hits Michael… *
HELENE: you’re facing sick in the head you know that Michael, you fucking Nazi prick! You fascist!
 Poul enters
POUL: you haven’t seen my car keys have you?
Michael: no we haven’t poul
POUL: I feel on the praecipe this evening you know, very close to a complete collapse.
HELENE: do as you please poul.
*All settle at the dinner table.*
 Poul: I suffer from extreme depressions and this isn’t helping one bit.
 Helmut: poul please, be quiet and join in.
 HELENE: this is my boyfriend mum. Kai this is my mother.
 Else: welcome my girl, welcome.
 Kai; hello
 Else: it’s not fancy dress dear...
 HELENE: no mum, that’s how kai dresses.
  -         EAT MEAL.
Else: “speaking of which I would like to welcome Kylie.
HELENE: Kai mum.
  Christians 3rd speech…
 Moment before: Helena is still angry with Michael for how he treated kai.
ACT 2, SCENE 2 objective: to protect kai from being dragged into trouble by her brothers. Protect Christian as he is as vulnerable as he is beginning to exploit the truth.
Inner monologue: “please don’t hurt kai, Michael please don’t hurt Christian.”
Obstacles: Michaels fascist views, Christian exploiting helge to Michael.
Christian: I just want to say one more thing!
Kai: what are you doing?
Christian: you were at boarding school!
Michael: keep your nose out!
HELENE: Michael what are you going to do!?
Christian: you don’t know shit about anything!
Kai: what are you going to do? Tuck him in? Kiss him goodnight? I don’t think so!
*Michael let’s go of Christian an walks to kai*
Michael: have you got a problem,
Christian: you know it’s true
HELENE: don’t Michael! Don’t Michael! Please Michael!
Kai: To your brother. To Christian.
Michael: why don’t you get up and make a speech then eh?
HELENE: stop it plisse Michael.
Kai: what?
Michael: speech!
Kai: don’t tempt me.
*homophobic song is being sung by everyone.*
Kai: what is this?
HELENE: it’s a fuckin homophobic song
Kai: fuck you!
Helge: else.
*Michael goes to start a fight with kai*
HELENE: Michael no, no. no. leave it.
Helmut: Christian:
HELENE: I just want to go home, I really want to go home.
Michael & Helmut leave Christian and return into the house...
Daddy’s birthday reprise.
 Christian: what’s that? Who’s there?
Kai: everything will work out fine.
HELENE: you’re not fucking helping.
Kai: what?
HELENE: I don’t know, just get away from me. My head, my head hurts. There are some tablets in my bag can you get them for me? I just want to go home now.
 Little girl: its daddy’s birthday…
Christian: Linda?
Little girl: mummy? Mummy?
Little girl exits.
Christian: come here.
HELENE: I can’t stand this. I just want to go home.
  Act 3, SCENE 2.
Moment before:
ACT 3, SCENE 2 objective: to go home, not be around for when the truth is revealed.
Inner monologue: “I need to tell the truth about my sister an exploit my father”
Obstacle: embarrassment, what Michael/helge may do to me/ would people even believe me?
 Kai: everything will be fine. I know it. I can feel it.
HELENE: are you sure?
Kai: trust me.
Kai: Christian my man.
HELENE: Christian…
Christian: what time is it?
HELENE: I don’t know where Michael is?
*Christian shows Helene the letter.*
Christian: you dropped something. You should be more careful.
HELENE: Christian…
Helge: well, well, well you’ve still got it after all these years.
Helmut: I can keep going for longer than you think helge.
Else: you’re not going are you?
HELENE: yes.
Else: no, don’t go.
HELENE: I want to go home.
Helmut: I love these family traditions. Look! Adder the dance a note appears on the toastmaster’s glass. And there it is! “A certain man urges his sister to read a letter to her father.”
Are you feeling shy Helena? Well it’s kind of your brother to get you started. Well it seems there’s peace in the family again. So let’s all give Helena a hand.
Michael: go on Helene
Pouk: go on then dear
Cousin Hugo: don’t be shy.
·        Helena tries to leave but is surrounded- she knows she has to read this letter.
HELENE: it’s um. This is from my sister…
·        READ LETTER*
0 notes
krysrawfiggs · 8 years
1.Full name:Krysten Alexandra Figueroa but you will reffer to me as Krysfiggs
2.Zodiac sign:Im a cusp baby born as the day changed. I am a leo/virgo
3. 3 Fears:Spiders, being alone forever, my fam disowning me for being gay
4. 3 things I love:Being surrounded by awesome people, video games, outdoor activities
5. 4 turns ons:Firey passion, neck biting, n eyes.. its always the eyes, n intelligence
6.4 turns offs: Lack of intelligence, if youre rude in general, if youre clingy, lack of understanding n compassion
7. My best friend:I have a coupleNadia, amanda, n bree (when shes not being an idiot)
8. Sexual orientation:Lezzzzzzzzbbbbiiiiannnnnnnnn
9. My best first date:So far going out into town in the middle of a rainstorm running dancing n dickin round and then showing up soaked n eating at friendlys
10. How tall am I:Im 5'5"11. What do I missNot paying bills
12. What time were I born:12am on the dot
13. Favourite colour:I like deep colors. I used to say deep blue but i do love red n grey too
14.Do I have a crushXD maybe! Ok yea. I do. But i aint tell you.
15. Favourite quoteGod theres too many…
16.Favourite placePuerto rico
17. Favourite foodGawd this is hard ok. I have the soul of a very very fat man. If i had to pick one thing…itd have to be my moms pernil (pork shoulder)
18. Do I use sarcasmNever im a sweetheart😆
19. What am I listening to right nowEvie- last dinosaurs
20.First thing I notice in new personEyesss…eyess…eyess…….!
21.Shoe size822. Eye colourBrown anytime of dayGold in the sun
23.Hair colourBlack as the normBrownish in the sunlightBlue when its overcast
24.Favourite style of clothingandrogynous 25. Ever done a prank call?Yup i bothered the fuck outta kymmie for months before i gave myself up xD
26.What colour of underwear I’m wearing now? Burgandy See thru lace
27. Meaning behind my URLWelp minus the word raw its just my name. If my father didnt delete my 1st blog and of someone in asia didnt take my old username right after it wouldnt be as stupid.
28. Favourite movieToo many brahhh
29. Favourite song
30.Favourite bandBloc party, last dinosaurs, split milk society
31.How I feel right nowHorngry n lonely. Lusting for warm weather and beach weather
32.Someone I love.In what context?
33.My current relationship statusSingle af
34.My relationship with my parentsCurrently ok..
35. Favourite holiday Hmm i dont have one
36.Tattoos and piercings?I have average ear piercings But i want a lip ring n a tatoo of leo n virgo fighting inside of the sun ony shoulder
37.Tattoos and piercing i wantWhoops jumped the gun. Please refer to 36
38.The reason I joined TumblrMy friends at the time
39.Do I and my last ex hate each other? Nope we’re cool
40. Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?I used too from my so. But now its just my good friend manny
41.Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? Hmmm no
42. When did I last hold hands?Non romantically:I held hands with my lil sister cuz she doesnt know how to cross a freggin road without getting hit by a car! But romantically: its been over a year and a half.
43. How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? 10mins
44.Have I shaved your legs in the past three days?Its been a good 6/7 months. Im at man status rn
45.Where am I right now? Trapped on a bus with zombies from nyc somewhere on the way to newburgh
46.If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? In oswego it would be chance. Here.. idk it hasnt happend.. but my best bet would be nadia
47.Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?Both. Depends where i am
48.Do I live with my Mom and Dad?Yes. Please dont ask how its going. Its not well.
49.Am I excited for anything?Yes. The 3 day weekend
50.Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?No i only have 2 chill male friends
51.How often do I wear a fake smile?Often enough
52.When was the last time I hugged someone?That would be last sunday i hugged holly. We went for a movie and a bite n caught up since inhavent seen her in 5ever
53.What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?Its w/e as long as you happy n your not like eating face
54.Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?Yea
55.What is something I disliked about today?Evelyn being passive agressive towards me. Makes me uncomf. But i could care less.
56.If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?Rebecca sugar
57. What do I think about most? Its gonna be one of 3 things, women, video games, food
58. What’s my strangest talent?I can get really creepy really fast. Iv been told to try out to be villians or serial killers in movies
59.Do I have any strange phobias?Spiders
60.Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Both
61. What was the last lie I told?
62.Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?Im old skool ill show up at your house ;) jk phone so no one can see this akward mess
63.Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?Yes
64.Do I believe in magic?Yes
65. Do I believe in luck? Yes
66.What’s the weather like right now? Bloody cold
67. What was the last book I’ve read? Allegiant
68. Do I like the smell of gasoline?Addicted
69. Do I have any nicknames?Krys, elmo, jesus
70. What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? I have 12 stiches on my thumb both for cuts by blades oh n the one time i was going down a mt. On my longboard n i fell and got the worst road rash on my ass.
71. Do I spend money or save it?Both
72. Can I touch my nose with a tongue?No
73. Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me? Idts?
74.Favourite animal?Otter
75. What was I doing last night at 12 AM?Hehhhh better not say
76. What do I think is Satan’s last name is? Idfk
77.What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?Anything fr the last dinosaurs
78. How can you win my heart? Compassion understanding and a drive no one else has.
79.What would I want to be written on my tombstone?Im not gonna be burried.
80. What is my favourite wordOogle
81. My top 5 blogs on tumblr Ill answer later
82.If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
83.Do I have any relatives in jail?Yes
84.I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? Speed
85.What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? Feelings are a tough subject
86. What is my current desktop picture? An image from second son
87. Had sex?Why yes i have
88.Bought condoms?Nopes
89.Gotten pregnant? Nopes too gay for that shit90. Failed a class?Several
91. Kissed a boy? Yep im not a gold star lezzy no more
92. Kissed a girl? Many
93.Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?Yes. Im super cheesey i do things like that all the time
94.Had job?I have a job95.Left the house without my wallet?Keys and liecensexD
96. Bullied someone on the internet? Nope
97.Had sex in public? Yes
98. Played on a sports team? Several
99. Smoked weed? Yasss
100. Did drugs? Ive tried some shit
101. Smoked cigarettes? Never now thats nasty
102. Drank alcohol? Yes
103. Am I a vegetarian/vegan? Never
104. Been overweight?yes
105. Been underweight?yes
106. Been to a wedding?yes
107. Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? Days
108. Watched TV for 5 hours straight? When i was younger
109. Been outside my home country?yes
110. Gotten my heart broken? Many times
111.Been to a professional sports game? Yes
112. Broken a bone? Do Teeth count?
113. Cut myself? Not on purpose
114. Been to prom? Unfortunaly. Thats an akward story. If i didnt go i coulda stayed in puerto rico longer. But nooo joe had to ask my parents…
115. Been in airplane? Yes
116. Fly by helicopter? No. But ive been in some heavy duty military air craft
117. What concerts have I been to?Walk the moon, in hs i saw i see stars mega concert there were like 20 bands there idr them all, versaemerge, dragonforce
118.Had a crush on someone of the same sex?Yeaaa im megagay
119.Learned another language?I can fully understand spanish. But i cant speak it.
120. Wore make up? Im alergic to eyeliner xD
121.Lost my virginity before I was 18?Yes
123. Had oral sex? Yes.😍
124.Dyed my hair?Ive never dyed my hair
125.Voted in a presidential election? Yes both times for obama♡ . n fuck you, you lil orange dicked cheeto (donald trump)
126.Rode in an ambulance?Yes i did when i sliced my thumb deep with an exacto and was bleeding everywhere
127. Had a surgery?No
128. Met someone famous? Yes i have i met that guy from “what would you do” when i was staying in maryland. Also i stick around after theater shows and concerts to meet the actors, performers, and musicians
129.Stalked someone on a social network?Guilty
130. Peed outside?Um who hasnt?
131. Been fishing?Yes. Anyone wanna join me this spring?
132. Helped with charity? Yea every 3 weeks i participate in a soup kitched in poukipsee with my siblings and my cousins.
133. Been rejected by a crush?I have unfortunate luck.
134. Broken a mirror? Haha yea i did once
135. What do I want for birthday? Id love to go somewhere amazing and warm with awesome people. If im dating someone id love to actually have a birthday kiss. #neverhadoneonmybirthday
136.How many kids do I want and what will be their names?By kids you mean dogs? N id have all of them. Theyd have really crude/harsh spanish names.
137.Was I named after anyone?No but krysten means follower of chridtXD
138.Do I like my handwriting? Sometimes
139. What was my favourite toy as a child? Why it was my stuffy scooby doo
140.Favourite Tv Show? Gawd theres so many. But steven universe👌🖒
141.Where do I want to live when older?Puerto rico when i hit the lotto
143. Play any musical instrument? I can play the trumpet, the recorder, basic drum beat, and im learning the uke
144.One of my scars, how did I get it?Sliced my thumb with a woodcutter one year. Then the next year same thumb with a brand new exacto. Landed me in the hosp 2ice total 12 stiches
145.Favourite pizza toping? Extra cheese
146.Am I afraid of the dark? Sometimes. Im more worried bout the it under the bed that comes out when you dont have sheets on.
147.Am I afraid of heights?No. In my stage craft class i was the only one who wasnt scared of heights they sent me high up to work on stuff they also sent me 60ft up to the grid too 😎
148.Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?Yes and i had my ass handed to me on a silver platter several times.
149.Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?Yes. All the time.
150.What I’m really bad atBeing social. Talking to girls. Drawing.
151.What my greatest achievements are. Being the first to graduate college.
152.The meanest thing somebody has ever said to meYou should see the list of stuff my parents have told me since i was little. Its a little too awful to put on here.
153.What I’d do if I won in a lottery. Top secret Plans back the fuck up
154. What do I like about myself Um my bed head. Idk
155.My closest Tumblr friend Haha nadia
156.Something I fantasise about my exTisk tisk ladies n gents we shouldnt be reopening wounds like this. *points finger n shakes it like a noodle*
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