#im following this au closely
chipsncookies · 2 years
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New teacher 🧑‍🏫
NOX au by submashell
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petite-phthora · 4 months
Dp x Dc prompt #4
After discovering weird energy readings coming from the Pit located underneath Gotham, Batman decides to check it out.
Arriving at the scene with Robin, the first thing they notice is not any escaped Arkham rogue or Assassin from the League like they had been expecting.
No, instead, next to the pit sits a random exhausted-looking guy. Next to him are studying materials which he seems to be working on, and he’s also holding a straw that’s dipped straight into the Pit, occasionally taking a sip.
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inkynightmaresau · 5 days
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howlonomy · 3 months
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thank u for 800 followers but also what the fuck
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skitskatdacat63 · 5 months
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"Non paeniteo potitus."
+ details & process
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And, process !!
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The jump btwn the second to last and last always surprise me whenever I make one of these because I always forget to take snapshots after I start painting. It's always like: oh yeah heres the lineart with some colors- BOOM fully finished✨️
What he's holding are the Austrian imperial scepter and orb, seen below:
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I was going to draw the crown too but decided I don't hate myself that much(maybe some other day), and gave him a golden laurel crown, bcs I'm obsessed with that as a motif, and also its very remincient of the boy king statue that started this whole thing!
There's some symbolism of this, both intentionally but also just historically. I love that the orb represents that the monarch is holding the world in their hand, basically every old monarchy has one of those, and I think it's very cool for symbolism. But also bcs of that, I was forced to basically draw catholic fanart so, you win some you lose some. The star halo above him head is both to reference those religious statues with star crowns(I saw them a lot in Europe and they imprinted onto my brain), as well as: his four championships of course!
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You are literally one of the only reasons I'm still partially in the WH fandom /pos
🫡 just doin' my duty sir
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spookythesillyfella · 2 months
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uhm actually have some little sibling guys delivering / showing you their goods , @apologetic-artist
yeah , they were both diagnosed by medical professionals with "handsome and very silly little guy disease" . yeah , it's incurable . oh well . sending you my condolences [offers you a bouquet of red roses totally not meant for your tony]
★ [ au / designs by @apologetic-artist ]
★ [ image used as base under cut ]
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★ [ screenshot from "The Mandela Magazine" - Sr Pelo ]
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theunconcernedembalmer · 10 months
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Slides this doodle out for a bit
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muppenthings · 11 months
Announcement for all who follow me for the TS!
With the Sanders Sides giant merman au wrapped up, I'm taking a bow and leaving the Sanders Sides fandom "officially". I've barely been making anything with it the past year and a half anyway and I'm shocked if there's anyone still following me for it!
But I still think I'd make a post about it to be fair to anyone who does!
Thank you for the interest and love that my aus recieved. I'm grateful to the fandom. It made me want to be creative again after losing the will to be after years of depression. Thank you.
Be fantastic! ✨
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lululeighsworld · 8 months
FE OC Week Day 2 - Relationships!
tried to write (most of) these up in a similar style to the 'closely associated characters' entries feh does for 'meet some of the heroes'. thank you for reading if you take the time to do so!
[day 1 introductions here]
Closely Associated Characters for Leigh, Askr's Summoner
Gunter: One of the first heroes summoned to Askr by Leigh. Has been known to share his strategic expertise with them ever since his arrival (when he's not training or on the battlefield). Their relationship gets a bit complicated when Leigh realizes they hold a certain fondness for him, along with learning other secrets. Enjoying a nice pot of tea has become their favourite way of spending time together over the years.
(I've written more fics/drabbles/snippets for these two than I can count, feel free to browse my feh works if you'd like to learn more!)
Leanne + Petra: Close friends of Leigh whose beginnings go back to Leanne and Petra requesting the summoner's aid in providing language learning materials. Their regular gatherings started out as study sessions where they would work towards being more confident in using their less proficient languages. This has grown into a cozy friendship over the years where they continue to learn from one another.
Niime: Leigh's magic instructor after they decide to study the arts following the events in Niðavellir. Her sarcasm keeps Leigh on their toes while practising. After ascertaining the summoner's commitment to magic, Niime is even willing to teach them about dark magic, as well as share with them her growing research on dragons.
Flora: After clearing up the initial misunderstanding between them, Flora becomes one of Leigh's good friends, and eventually they come to be each other's best friend (both during the events of feh and afterwards when Leigh gets to retire from their role as summoner). They both see a lot of themself in the other, and often remind each other to take a step away from whatever's going on in their heads so they can breathe for a moment. During winter, they love going skating together.
(okay time now for the sillier relationships)
Felicia: Do not let them in the kitchen together or they will char the place to ash while simultaneously concocting the worst poison in Zenith.
Ilyana: Kindred spirits (in snacking; taurus energy for the both of them).
Jakob: Mutual "I despise you" relationship between two stubborn people who refuse to budge an inch. They are constantly butting heads for petty reasons and will never pass up an opportunity to take a jab at the other. Sometimes it goes too far. Sometimes there's tears. They'll never learn.
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tennessoui · 23 days
I adore the TA AU, but I feel like it needs a few more snippets before it could go on Ao3 and feel like a proper fic (not b/c of word count, but because it feels like there are a few key emotional moments missing). (What there is is so good!)
i guess that's the question though, like. a lot of my ficlets i have are just that--ficlets, meant to either lead into another ficlet eventually or lead into answering asks about the ficlet where i then talk more about the au and it gets all fleshed out.
is posting just a ficlet enough on ao3 or is it dishonest to what the au is on tumblr?
i think the ta au is a good example of that, where there are multiple ficlets but it may not feel complete in ficlet form because part of the au is the short ask answers and tags and head canon reblogs that can't be translated over easily to ao3 because it was born on tumblr and it's by it's nature a tumblr au
another example i think would be the princess diaries au where there are 2-3 really good ficlets i like a lot that i think people would like to read but they are by no means close-ended and they're written to leave the concept open to embellishment later on
so when it comes to aus like those, do i wait, do i try to write more, do i keep them solely on tumblr....and when it comes to aus that are JUST one ficlet but left-open ended, does that get to go on ao3?? do i wait?? do i try to write more?? at that point, is that no longer a copy-paste over project and an active effort to translate from tumblr norms to ao3 ones?
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nav-i-nav · 3 months
We need more AUs where Headspafe turns into a danger for Sunny rather than a comfort place :3
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hershelwidget · 9 months
After ALL this time... I finally have it!
Please may I welcome you to the OFFICIAL full design for Polly/Jarvis!
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This is the most fun I've had doing a digital piece since making Lars! You have no idea how happy I am with this!!!
Some closeups of my favourite parts, there's so many 'cause they're all SO GOOD
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They're definitely the most elaborate Spirit design, and for the Octopod itself that's very very fitting!
I might make a simplified version that mostly affects the coral/whisp because that would be the most difficult part to recreate exactly...
I can't stop looking at him. This is the absolute best I'm ever gonna draw this incredible entity :)
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pocket-prosecutor · 2 years
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"I shouldn't be the one crying ... this is much worse for you after all. I just...I just miss you in a way."
"No...no please. I'm sorry. I should have taken your needs into account too. I'm so sorry..."
mm? adjusting to a new living situation must be hard if your partner is still scared of shrinking around you
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vaugarde · 5 months
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Made some Hunter x Hunter Pokemon teams cause I gotta do that whenever I get into a new thing. Some of these are based on vibes and some are based on their abilities.
Couple of notes on Kurapika: I did him last but if I didn't, then I would've done all these on the modern card maker because the old one hasn't been updated with the gen 9 dlc. My choices for him are actually the Bloodmoon Ursaluna specifically, and Pecharunt cause of Toxic Chain
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nerosdayinanime · 1 year
kny x earth to echo au. my most self indulgent piece yet
#kny au#earth to echo au#loserboy giyuu posting#i made a little thing for it way back but never posted i think? i mightve posted the video i made it into#it was just the shot of giyuu walking towards a lone rock on a cliff that had 'sabito' carved into it & a framed pic of the two of them#leaned against the side of it. i think i edited out the smouldering object(makomo) for the post so it was a general modern au#still had my likes on shuffle and Alien(uss) played and it scratched my brain just right to get me thinkin abt it again#premise of the au is when they were kids they were fucking around near the cliff like they usually did but it was slick from the recent rai#and sabito slid off the edge into the rocky current below and giyuu screamed. they never found his body and closed off the area above#the cliff w a chainlink fence that has warnings posted all along it- every year on sabito's birthday he hops it & chills by his empty grave#tsutako dies in a car crash and giyus all alone. hes contemplating offing himself- following after sabito that year when he visits his grav#but he finds it *smouldering* and finds a beaten up chunk of metal- and people approaching w flashlights. he bolts for the woods and takes#it home w him where he discovers its Alive but severely injured- and also that it has tech *far* beyond what they have#easter egg & pirate map shenanigans ensue- sanemi & genya only surviving shinazugawas get roped into it- they have a blast!#blasts and shots fired at them from the very angry government officals chasing them down to find the threat from space.#im an. ALIEN! CRAWLING UNDER HUMAN~SKIN#LET GO! OF EVERYTHING YOU THINK~YOU KNOW.#HANG TIGHT#PERMISSION TO ABORT: DENIED.#PURE HEART#YOURE EVERYTHING YOU THINK~YOU AREN'T#ALIEN! CRAWLING UNDER HUMAN~SKIN. ALIEN! CRAWLING UNDER HUMAN~SKIN. ALIEN! CRAWLING UNDER HUMAN~SKIN.#ough this song so good#its made me think of a few scenes like giyuu dumpster diving & sanemi thinking hes homeless being their first interaction#sanemi snatching him from sight when he sees uniformed people & taking giyuu to hide and figure shit out as his place w genya#the three of them skidding around corners w ppl hot on their trail#them casually eating at a fast food place & starting to warm up to eachother (makomo talking thru the phone & learning more abt humans)#giyuu wildly driving away from shots w sanemi shooting back out the window- genya holding on for dear life & makomo dismantling their cars#some scene of sanemi being injured real bad- giyuu kissing him & telling him hes not allowed to leave them like that#o u g h
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