#im going to see a neurologist next
countkunt · 1 year
im so fucking tired.
i just released my latest MRI records (which i sent to my pain clinic a long time ago...) for personal use and found out that i have 2 bulging disks in my neck and may have "Cervical Disk Disorder With Radiculopathy" (i don't understand what "Clinical Indications" is referring to here. is it the diagnosis? its certainly not the reason i was referred to get an MRI, at least not ot my knowledge).
the MRI of my neck was done NOV. 7 and i IMMEDIATELY released the records to the pain clinic ive been going to. this entire time i never received a phone call from SHIELDS or my pain clinic. i went to the clinic on Nov. 16th for radiofrequency ablation for pain at end ends of my hardware and asked the doctor abt the MRI then. he said they never received anything. went back for the second radiofrequency ablation treatment on Nov. 30th and they didn't say shit, then the nurse tried to tell me that my treatment was OVER, and that they dont expect to see me again except to check on my recovery on JAN 14. i said no? i still have several other issues w my back and neck??? and rescheduled the visit to be asap (the 4th).
i called the clinic yesterday asking abt the MRI and that nurse said they've had the records for weeks now, but it seems no one's bothered to look at them. so when were any of yall planning to let me know i have two bulging disks in my neck and possibly/definitely pinched nerve/s????
im the one who had to push for an MRI in the first place since my pain doctor didn't even feel like giving me one, and now he can't even be assed to fucking read the report. i hate doctors so much. i literally spoonfeed them the information they need to treat my pain and fight for the most basic care and they STILL refuse to take me seriously. they can't even be bothered to READ. or be honest, apparently. throwback to 6 YEARS ago when i told my surgeon abt all the symptoms im currently having at 100x the severity they were at then, and all he said was "well you shouldn't" and sent me to PT.
btw i have a thoracic-lumbar spinal fusion, fibromyalgia, and constant muscle spasms, not to mention hip pain (probably from my unevem hips due to scoliosis, which the fusion was not able to totally correct) and all they have me on is 20mg duloxetine and tizanidine. im a dropout and ive been out of work for 6 months and in agony for way longer and im so tired of living like this
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dyketennant · 7 months
fucking crazy i have to be on four (4) medications to attempt to function like a normal human being and even that is not working
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llycaons · 7 months
its really good that I took today off because not only did I start getting treatment for the tooth pain and have the time to prep the new storage unit, I also made a bunch of health care related calls and avoided a potentially disastrous appointment time. but goddamn managing your health appointments even with relatively mild chronic issues is such a hassle if you have multiple providers
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audiodramatist · 2 years
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anakinsthot · 5 months
Since im not sure which ones you've been sent already: 13, 15, or 25 for jarpatine (i kid, i kid! Please do obikin!)
I was soooooo tempted to write jarpatine it's not even funny.
Here's a super self-indulgent fill from this prompt list.
Background: eventing is the equestrian sport that Anakin participates in. It is a 3-phase sport and the one that's relevant here is cross country, where horse and rider jump over solid obstacles across terrain. It is one of the riskiest competitive horse sports and also what I do - although not at the same level Anakin is at. If anyone has questions feel free to ask!
15. meeting in the ER/A&E au (1.3k words)
beep      beep      beep
Anakin came to awareness in stages. Hearing first: a steady beeping sound and far-away murmur of voices. Then touch: cotton sheets over him, cool air on his face, and pain in his shoulder.
Finally he blinked his eyes open and took in the white ceiling tiles above him.
Ah. Hospital then, was his first thought. Guess we couldn’t save it at that oxer. I knew it was going to cause problems for someone today, followed quickly by, “Artoo? Is he okay?”
His voice must have alerted someone that he was awake, because a doctor came into the room followed quickly by his mother and his coach.
“Mr. Skywalker, please lay back down. I need to assess your concussion,” Anakin hadn’t even realized he’d sat up. He ignored the doctor and repeated his question.  
“How is Artoo?” His heart was lodged in his throat – if the worst had happened to his horse he could never forgive himself.
“He’s alright,” Mace reassured him. “He got up and walked away from your fall. The vet assessed him and he’s a little sore but nothing some NSAIDs and stall rest won’t fix. Ahsoka is taking care of him.”
Relieved, Anakin finally lay back down in the bed. “Sorry you had to see that, mom,” he said quietly. His mother had been so worried when Anakin started to move up the levels in eventing. After a couple years and successful runs at Advanced she’d finally started to calm down. This certainly wouldn’t help her nerves next time he left the start box.
Shmi didn’t say anything. She sat at Anakin’s side and took his hand gently, evidence that she’d been crying on her face in bloodshot eyes and dried tears on her cheeks.
“Mr. Skywalker,” the doctor stepped closer now. “I’m sure you’ll want to catch up with your mother and…” his voice trailed off for a moment, before Mace brusquely introduced himself as Anakin’s coach, “and coach. I really do need to do a TBI assessment though. This is the first time you’ve been awake long enough since you came in an hour ago.”
Anakin winced. Things could have been worse, obviously, but that wasn’t a good sign. Now that he was paying more attention he realized that the lights were dim and there was a pulsing pain in his head.
“I’m Dr. Kenobi, the neurologist on your case,” the man introduced himself. Anakin took a good look at him for the first time. He was well built, with an impeccable beard and kind eyes. If he had to be stuck in a hospital room, Anakin thought, at least he got an attractive doctor.
“Hi doc. You can just call me Anakin,” he said. He tried to offer a hand to shake, but at the sudden pain in his shoulder quickly thought better of it.
“You’ve broken your collar bone on the right side,” Dr. Kenobi informed him quickly. “You should be given a sling for it shortly, but the preliminary results from radiography look like you won’t need surgery.”
“Can’t you just kiss it better?” Anakin asked on autopilot. Shmi sighed and squeezed his hand. He could practically hear her and Mace rolling their eyes. He’d just been through a traumatic accident and the doctor really was attractive. Sue him.
Dr. Kenobi pulled up a chair on the side of the bed across from Shmi. “I’m afraid the hospital frowns on patient-provider relationships,” he said lightly. “Now, you’ve had a CT scan done while you were unconscious and we didn’t find anything concerning, but I need to do a neurologic exam as well. The CT shows us if there is any physical injury such as bleeding, but it can’t show a concussion.”
Anakin nodded his assent and followed the doctor’s directions. He tracked a pen light with his eyes, pushed and pulled with his good arm against Kenobi, and held his breath while the doctor leaned in close his face to examine his pupils and touch various parts of his face while directing Anakin to bite down.
“You’re lucky,” Dr. Kenobi announced, rolling back in his chair. “From what Mace has said your head was very badly clipped by Artoo’s hoof when you both fell. You have a mild concussion, but no significant brain injury and your collar bone should heal well. Thank your helmet that it’s not any worse.”
“And the air vest Mom makes me wear,” Anakin tried to joke. He glanced at Shmi from the corner of his eye. If he weren’t laying in a hospital bed, she’d probably be smacking him on the arm for such a poor joke right now, based on the look in her eyes.
“Maybe we can get Hit-Air to sponsor you now,” Mace said lightly. He gave Anakin a smile and stepped towards the door. “Text me any updates. I’m going to get a press release out and make sure Artoo gets home.”
“Thank you Mace,” Shmi said. Her eyes were clearer now, losing the ring of red around them and she’d scrubbed the tear tracks from her cheeks. “Anakin, would you like something to eat now? If that’s ok with Dr. Kenobi.”
Dr. Kenobi nodded, but gave Shmi instructions to get Anakin something light that would be easy on his stomach. She nodded and followed Mace out.
Now that they were alone, Anakin the question that had been sitting on his tongue for several minutes now. “When can I ride again, Doc?”
Dr. Kenobi laughed. “Typical equestrian,” he said with a smile. “I tell you you have a TBI and broken bones and the only thing you’re worried about is when you can get back in the saddle.”
He clicked his pen a few times in thought. “The collarbone break is pretty clean. Radiology has to write up their opinion on the x-rays but I don’t think you’ll need surgery. You’re still fairly young, I’d say six to eight weeks for that to heal.
“The TBI is another beast, as I’m sure you know. You could be recovered in a couple weeks or it may take months. I want you to take this seriously, Anakin. Even a mild brain injury can have effects that last for the rest of your life. After you’re released we’ll have follow-up appointments to monitor your progress. Physical therapy for your shoulder, possibly occupational therapy if you have any issues come up.”
It could be much worse, Anakin reminded himself before picking up on part of what Dr. Kenobi had said. “We’ll have follow-ups? You’ll continue to be my doctor?”
Dr. Kenobi chuckled. “If you’re staying in Ocala, then yes, I’ll be your neurologist.”
“Can I request someone else?” Hurt flashed across Dr. Kenobi’s face and he pushed further away from the bed before he quickly put on a professional mask. Anakin immediately kicked himself. He hadn’t meant to hurt Dr. Kenobi. “Only I’d really like to ask you out for dinner and I heard the hospital doesn’t like patient-provider relationships.”
“If we’re going to get dinner I think you should start calling me Obi-Wan,” Dr. Kenobi rolled closer to the side of Anakin’s bed. “And I have to insist that you at least wait until you’re discharged to ask me out.”
“I can be patient,” Anakin promised with a grin.
Obi-Wan scoffed. “If you were patient you wouldn’t be doing eventing. Don’t forget, I’m a doctor in Ocala. I know your type.”
“I can be patient if you tell me to,” Anakin insisted. “And anyway it sounds like it won’t be too long before they discharge me.”
Obi-Wan laughed and scribbled something on his notepad before tearing it out, folding it delicately, and giving it to Anakin. “Here, for when you get out. I’ll speak to one of my colleagues about taking on your case.”
Anakin grinned and took a moment to admire Obi-Wan’s ass as he walked to the door. “Thanks doc. I’ll see you soon!”
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crippleprophet · 1 year
hi! i have a question regarding. doctors being shitty/being incredibly invasive and controlling
some background: ive had neuromotor symptoms since i was a toddler (i was 'bad enough' to have the school district pay for my pt/ot as a toddler) which was (badly) diagnosed as dyspraxia by a neurologist who then never saw me again after i completed pt/ot.
i still have all of those problems now despite on and off pt since then and consistent pt for over a year currently. we went back to my current hospital trying to see a neurologist to discuss the results of an mri i had at a different hospital and set up 2 appointments.
we had an appointment scheduled with a neurologist which we went to regarding my neuromotor issues + mri as well as migraines. all he talked about during the appt was the migraines and told me i wasnt drinking enough water despite me having pots and drinking more than 100oz a day and that i was just stressed. he did not ONCE mention any of the neuromotor issues and dismissed me when i brought them up. he also told us seeing the other neurologist would be unnecessary and that we should cancel the appointment. at the appt me and my mom agreed with him, but we were unhappy with the outcome of the appointment with him and decided we should keep the second appointment to act as a second opinion.
the day before the 2nd opinion, we get a call from the first neuro saying that he cancelled the 2nd opinion appointment after talking to the 2nd neuro. this is technically not prohibited in the hospital im at as far as i understand, and my mom is planning to call the ombudsman to file a complaint at the very least but both of us are at a loss for what to do. i know i am probably in a different hospital system than you are so the logistics of reporting this will be different, but do you have any advice for what to say? i am at a genuine loss and as long as this neurologist is my current doctor i have no idea if ill be able to see a different neuro for a second opinion lest he cancel that appointment too.
[tl;dr: i scheduled 2 appointments with 2 different neurologists to discuss neuromotor symptoms, a mri i had done at a different hospital, and migraines. i saw the first one and he was incredibly dismissive and told me to cancel the 2nd appointment i had scheduled. my mom and i agreed at the time but decided to keep it for a second opinion after the appt was over. the first neurologist canceled the 2nd opinion appointment the day before the appt without consulting me or my mom.]
disclaimer that i am in the US and also a minor. if you or your followers have any advice it would be greatly appreciated!! thank you and sorry this is so long!
god, that’s such bullshit, i’m so sorry. you don’t deserve to be dealing with this & that’s incredibly inappropriate behavior. i’m obviously just some guy on the internet so take all of this with a grain of salt / weigh it against your preferences & experiences - i don’t think there’s any one right or wrong way to handle this & i’m sorry you’ve been put in such an awful position. (also no need to apologize for being long - i’m about to write you a novel lol)
i definitely think contacting the ombudsman is a good idea & i’m really glad your mom is on your side; you can also find the complaint process for the medical board in charge of his licensure by searching [your state] medical board complaint. here’s an overview of what happens with that process:
if you’re on medicaid or medicare there are additional specific avenues of complaint through that.
i’m going to file a complaint against a doctor in the next couple of weeks for some fucked up shit of my own so my thought process for that has been like, i don’t expect anything to happen to him, but it might help some future person who complains for there to have been previous issues on file. you might be in a different emotional position, though - if your complaint going nowhere would be devastating, for example, it’s okay to factor that into your decision of whether to file one.
i also recommend checking your state laws around your rights to your medical records, and while there are ways to obtain it after filing a complaint, i’d personally try to get any test results or other documentation that you’d need to show a different physician before filing a complaint just to minimize the risk of somebody giving you grief & dragging it out. i went in person to ask for my bloodwork results from the shit doctor & let the rest of my record with them rot bc i don’t need to read the bullshit he wrote & certainly don’t want it impacting my care with someone else.
as far as getting a second opinion i think there are a few things to consider:
i’d personally be super careful when deciding whether to try to make another appointment with neuro#2. it could be that shitty neuro#1 just talked to the scheduling department or something, but if he talked to the doctor themself, it’s unfortunately really fucking likely that neuro#2 is already biased against you. most (not all - my pcp is fabulously untrusting of his peers) doctors will take a fellow doctor’s word over a patient’s any day.
do you have options that are outside of that hospital network, or something like a private practice that’s technically part of the network but uses their own scheduling system? if it’s an option i think getting as far away (in terms of connection, not literal distance) as possible is your safest bet; one of the very few good things about the US medical system is the lack of a centralized database, so in a lot of circumstances your medical record can’t follow you unless you let it. i’m a huge proponent of giving my doctors information on a need-to-know basis; my rheumatologist doesn’t know my pcp gave me tramadol while i was trying to get an appointment, for example, because i don’t want to be labeled drug-seeking.
if your only options are where neuro#1 would be able to see the appointment, it’s more dicey - hopefully the ombudsman has better / more specific advice, but if it were me, i’d probably try to make an appointment in person to get a sense of the vibe & if the person scheduling seems kind/decent, explain that i had a doctor cancel my appointment against my wishes & ask if they could make a note or something to only cancel it if i (or in your case maybe your mom) says so. kind of risky but this whole thing is a clusterfuck so it could be worth a shot.
is there any reason this neurologist needs to stay your current doctor? because like, if not, get your records and get the fuck out. usually i just ghost my providers but in this case it sounds like you’ll probably need to formally break up with him - if you have a follow-up scheduled then if you cancel that you can inform the front desk when doing so that you’re no longer going to be a patient at that office. heads up they’ll probably ask why, it’s up to you whether you want to be honest.
if you’re comfortable doing so, after you’ve extricated yourself from this provider, i’d recommend writing a public-facing review anywhere you can - google reviews for his practice / the hospital, your insurance website, healthgrades, etc - so other potential patients are warned. i’d basically say what you told me here about what happened.
as far as writing your complaints themselves, i’d try to found them on as much documented evidence from other providers as possible, because the system only respects itself. so for the complaint i’m working on, i’m going to include:
what the doctor did that was against current diagnostic guidelines, & cite those
previous diagnoses & medications he ignored
what i was subsequently diagnosed with & medicated with
statements he made that were factually incorrect, & citations of research disproving them
if he didn’t talk about your imaging you should definitely mention that too.
i hope some of that is helpful! i’ve been researching & sorting through my own neurological stuff so if there’s anything else i can do to help or support you feel free to send another ask or dm me! best of luck to you & you’ll be in my thoughts 💓🖤💓 other folks feel free to respond if you have further advice!
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marytylerperry · 2 years
anyway so last night i went to watch Tár and O.M.F.G!!! 😮 im telling ya this bitch is insane!! It's as if the black swan and whiplash had a baby 💀
been reading some reviews here and there but didn't dwell on too much cuz i didn't want to spoiled for me so I kept it on the low until I actually watched myself.
What can I say? Cate blanchett is unbelievable, she is the neurologist of this entire operation, i don't know how she does it but she keeps overshadowing her previous performances (and we're talking about oscar-wining performances) even in this movie, each passing minute we see a different performance by Cate, the next always being better and better until everything implodes. I can't!! seriously.
i love how everything revolves around Cate's character, that despair, how everything goes from bad to worse and kept playing with our minds and the minds of the protagonist. I wasn't expecting this movie to be suspense, i thought we were seeing a bio-pic lol but anyway.
The music and the photography is just exquisite, it will definitely be Oscar nominations. And as far as if Cate will be nominated...? it would be a fuckin crime if she isn't!!! what's wrong with that academy?!?!?!
Go see it!!! don't miss this movie!!!
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mosspapi · 7 months
hai ok prefacing this by saying i know ur not a medical doctor butttt im just getting community input i guess so i have some form of motor/vocal tics and like. idk i definitely wouldnt say it's a CONSCIOUS decision for me to tic (like jerking my arm or whatever) but i feel it impending... like i know im going to tic within the next second or wutever. or there's like this looming energy that i will tic.
im wondering if im gaslighting myself into thinking that it's not conscious decision when it actually is, if that makes sense. like if i am subconsciously deciding to jerk my arm. i wonder that then i'll hold a skewer and accidentally stab myself with it without realizing until it happened lol like... input pretty please? i guess what i want you to answer is if you know of some factor that will let yourself know whether or not you're ticcing on purpose. or something like that. pretty please. this has been going on for 3 years but it stopped happening for over half a year and there's been breaks in between, does this sound like tourettes to you? it's just so confusing cuz i have no reason to tic, it's genuinely so annoying
dont answer anything ur not comfortable with of course, im just kinda at a loss and i'll ask my parents to go to a neurologist or something soon. thank you so much by the way
Hello anon! No worries, ur all good. And that's definitely a very common thing with Tourette's as far as I'm aware- like for me it won't be every tic, but I can definitely tell when it's gonna happen for a lot of them. I've even been thru a whole branch of therapy dedicated to helping notice those warning signs and being able to counteract the tic if it's smth hurtful/dangerous (like I had one that was punching myself in the head which. Isn't ideal lmao. So we spent a few weeks finding out how it felt to do the tic, where it came from, how I noticed it, etc, and developing an "inverse" action to do instead so it wouldn't happen as much, such as stretching my arm if the tic felt like tension, if that makes sense).
It's also very common that thinking about a tic will make you tic when you have Tourette's, so if that's part of what's worrying you (IE "oh I'm just faking it/doing it on purpose without realizing because I do it when someone mentions it"), that's ironically a sign that it's Not fake lmao
And Tourette's does sort of come and go, there will be "better" times and "worse" times- I don't know for how long it's considered normal to be "better", so I can't say whether 6+ months of Nothing would make it not Tourette's, but it very well still could be, or at least some other tic disorder.
I would definitely recommend trying to see a professional abt it since there are potentially other causes for tics that aren't Tourette's, but at least from my personal experience it does very well sound like that's what it could be. Hopefully it all goes smoothly for u! And hopefully this all made sense lol, I'm a little tired atm so if anything is incoherent just lmk and I'll try again /g
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fishofthewoods · 3 months
💌 teehee
OMG HI FRANCES!!!!!!!! you are SO smart and SO funny and SO incredible to hang out with and i love seeing you on my dash!!!! I feel like we never talk because i am So Fucking Anxious and hate reaching out but whenever i see one of your posts it makes my day so much better!!!! I dont understand your username because i dont go here (<- doctor who) but its very fun to say. Koscheiisms. Anyways. Absolutely wild to me that we literally went to elementary school together. That was fucking awesome. Except for the parts that sucked (Jeremy. it was Jeremy) but other than that it was fucking awesome. I have never watched an episode of doctor who but i feel like I could explain it to someone based solely on your doctorwhoposting. Also like holy fuck you're going to be a NEUROLOGIST?????????????? That's so incredibly impressive what the HELL!! you have Got to explain neurology stuff to me at some point but youll have to explain it like you're talking to a very stupid person because i dont know anything about it. Also your post about SHEdonism this could never happen in joe bidens america genuinely lives in my brain every hour of every day. Its affecting my vocabulary. Every moment im thinking This could never happen in joe bidens america. Anyways we should talk more and also hang out next time we're both in the same place!!!!!!
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fkyumerica · 3 months
each area, circles on the map, to have their kids take care of their kids they left and the rest of them
how tall is she, how big is her head. She got to mate with all those giants then go giant. They made another big fucking everyone whore. Does she put her pussy on their hair too? Yea. Cupid area was they mated with the infants. Anyways. Kentucky ground. Wire. Blow it up.
is that carol. "my opponent" mama right im your mama. stfu and die.
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she was running around at the neurologist office
she was taller than him
holy sht
cupid guard
chop off her legs
like in the mummy
holding onto a infant to fuck it
on her back
bent knees
hahahah robo
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i googled legs chopped off the mummy
now jump
it was the group in the coliseum in the gladiator leading it, knew about it
the groups to kill
the rest was family didnt know or whoever went in it
wtf I wanna be that bitch again. him or her or who. the noroi guy. then full house after. her whole family to let out a bug. then bug houses the rest of the day. after. noam chomski.
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the water rape
to tko
dead kennedy
yea we raped them
whole group on the ground
alive still
come back the next day begging
why why why
give me something
make a punk concert
theyre in it
and push you down
wtf my ass
didnt have a kid
i know i got the biggest ass
good here too
alix said they used these
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can do it again
cheat rob steal and fuck in your house
kids take it out of it
and if they hand me it i take it in and fucking mess up with it too new mom and dad in here whoa im new and come back and hit them
got the sex
good too
kids says the got the sex good too part
and we married hah take a picture
arm around the kid
we can find the map to get her too (giant)
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and all of it
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see the blood man
after mating with 18 see his skull to crack. and they would number off. and his arms out after.
not knowing what any of it is
send it to mar ch again
it is march
once a year wtf go
see the blood man
no fear
we live
so cute her
i do her
and terror
send cuer
one alert for sex
and they all fuck
heard it
you and me
take her to, any leg surgery, i dunno i like it
i live this long
then sleep
come on
a lot of the world that stayed was just short. and whoreing parties around the world you wanna go? mating was it.
theres the noroi kid
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he had no eyes
the girl,, her head would go all the way back
isnt decapitated
like it was fabric or something cardboard cut out
a giant too
hwo to catch them
part of a litter, she was
her face was the ET
she was a giant
the grudge one
and kept inbreeding, for them to win
that was the point
have a kid throw it in the window
it is that big people go to it
they used the camera to edit their facess
of seecurity cameras
she only shows up when she is giving birth
or puts her son in her
it was her husband
any relative is
there were 44 of her with those faces
senritsu kaiki file kowasugi file 1 operation capture the slit they put face masks on them
it is like reverse bear trap
no shes alive
they will push in their molars to go in their eyes
they are shreks
they take a eye donation of a dead relative
i can draw it
cappa why
i got my hair flower in the mail today
it is big
its so pretty i love it
now i gotta sew on the collar
and moddel it
shrek and fiona
she is as big as the garage next door
the neighbor will get them to leave
chris keeps saying no let them over
and thinks they are her kids
to attack me
for anything hahaha
her leader
well fuck your bear child
WTF was that
WTF was that
these guys did fk their moms
punch her head backwards
dad would drag her
shes knocked out
i can fuck her
so her son would
and dad would hold her head and go oh no
so the whole area
would hop
and wtf i cant figure this out
woman didnt talk to her
or him
so they fucked as they wanted
and kids dump them on her she wants me to teach it
so they shit it out on her
and in too
abortion to in you
make ghost noise
see i dont go back
make the noise for me to take my kid back
and shes my kid
go walk
hits her i dunno its her
her son would
for her to get raped by everyone
even cared
kids infants toddlers in their arms
sit it on her
flip it around its her
and the sons stay short she hits them on top of the head
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she hits her son
the mom
and the dad
but super giant
dan and katie
her just born
find her
again she gave birth 8 times
funny to her not to you, his mother is the one on the right or big boy raped him got him drunk or drugged him right before he said it
lied to a whole town
tommy lee
me and my whole family
the actor
and boomers was this
midget night
edit for grease
they took all the buildings
huge skulls
wont be a dad them neither
and their moms
next to them huge too
or gay what is it
ewoks wasnt it
but hits them too to go giant
one on the ground
top of its head in
no cone head
wont set out cones either
planet of the apes said put it in the garbage, they arent even their word of the lord.
Wed 8:00 PM
they let out mass dope, empty right? the whole house
you know you live young over 400 years
and the old men who fuck no face girls
and those guys to whoreing girls
haha joke
infant what
fucked old men too wo ho ho hot
abandon house whoa.. uhhh
they will just go in and fuck
and hey who wants to live here give her a play house
and school
yea amanda bye
shes et
and no face mask
they were c ommercials so no one moves south
or out
already our family did
i was nice once
to my state no
hell yea
and go to the map area where the land, have kids again, and float, and just leave wtf ever it flooded float to mee I feel my child make a church and it ended there, we found them, and news too woo hoo tubing the kids mated. Pregnant or not. I dunno leave it. The mummy guy said it. And movie get money go. Move in college area. Why build another one no one else moved in yet.
he brings over the kid after he fucks it
party fowl
it was alawys that if you party you cant bring it with you
oh and caught, oh and caught
tale of gregor, guys caught, suicidal, kill it too. marilyn manson
him hating everyone, is him. the whole time. curtis
im gay i can be your daughter- murder that obsessed italy, i am obsessed
gwen stefani/destiny- no im not you, yea she did it, hi
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binging [2/16/2024 journal]
I binged for two days and have been restricting since then. im going to be fasting tomorrow and restricting sunday.
honestly i might have set myself up for failure just jumping into fasting for over 24 hours at a time. i've known and should have maintained the knowledge that it would lead to binging but thats the past. im gonna try to keep fasting to just days my partner works and then restrict when theyre off so that they still think im eating regularly.
i tried to tell my psyche that i have been restricting, binging, and purging. rather than emphasizing the spiral I've once again found myself in, i phrased it vaguely and she took it as me simply forgetting to eat.
she's upping my zoloft dosage which gives me mixed feelings. on one hand i am disappointed in myself for not being better but on the other it is an appetite suppressant which is always a treat, i suppose.
i havent weighed myself since my last post that included it. i know ive gained or at least i havent lost, so, theres not really a point in weighing myself right now. I might weigh myself before my shower but whos to say really. i suppose it depends on my memory more than any sort of need.
i think i see a neurologist next week which could be helpful. theres this reoccurring stabbing within my skull, typically within the same area. i fear a tumor or something else along the same severity or worse even. however, im a bit of a hypochondriac so it could be nothing.
been thinking about doing one of those webtoon style autobiographies. something similar to my giant nerd boyfriend or whatever. sort of exaggerated and more focused on highlights and major events in whatever order i deem fit as opposed to something more cohesive as a story. a one shot sort of thing. if i end up doing that, i might link it on this account but i'd much rather not have this account as easily traceable to my main stuff. not that its not hard to find.
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asakurahaos · 6 months
ive been wanting to do a lot of things in the past two weeks but sth is going on w my head and im in an almost constant state of detachment, as in my, mind itself is not connected to itself... ive experienced brain fog during and after covid, and this is somewhat similar but also much worse... im going to see my neurologist next week, and possibly start seeing a therapist again, so hopefully one of them has some answers
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ging3rbr3adh3ad · 1 year
Man I cant stop myself from being flabbergasted at just how worse it all continues to get and then shortly after something else is going on.
I literally cannot get to the doctor to get a fucking neuro referral because of one thing or another and I keep fucking up so my health is getting worse it seems by the day but I think im just exaggerating. I CANT go to the ER super late (questionable if at all on work days) because I NEED to keep my job, I am so happy and im finally completing my dream. I've already missed too many days since being hired I *absolutely* cannot miss any more unless it is an extremely serious emergency like a close family member dying or me being in the hospital for several days, things along those lines. But I've genuinely been trying so many various routes (and I've been trying to get past my debilitating phobia and anxiety attacks around immediate care medical centers but I havent been able to do it successfully sadly) and each time, EACH of the FEW times I was actually able to successfully find a dr/place and be able to book in to go, something magically moves or pops up right during when im supposed to be doing the appointment so I end up having to reschedule or cancel. I've avoided seeking care for so long and now that I want help I cant even get to physically see my/a doctor in person! And some fuckshits been going on at work which is nothing new at my company so thats stressing me out, and then today we get a past rent due for the month and if we don't pay in 3 days we are evicted. But my boyfriend has literally called 5 separate times since June 3rd to meet up with her to pay (because the app isn't set up yet 🙄 and they've owned the building for two months now.) And they. Wont. Answer. Or. Call. Back. So thats another SERIOUS thing on my fucking plate because he is currently between jobs trying really hard to find a new one so im the only one making money which is a struggle enough as it is without all this other shit added. This upcoming week genuinely feels like a hurricane coming from the distance towards me. The kids have been gone for 2 weeks for summer, so that's gonna be a big struggle to transition back, and then the two children who have the hardest time emotionally and socially (twins) also just moved into a new house so that will most likely add to potential behaviors. Not to mention my coteacher will be out of town all week so I have to be the main main teacher with a sub in who barely knows the kids or the classroom. And we have all the other center's kids starting after they closed their location, and I guess there is a LOT of behaviors and WE DONT HAVE OUR MHDB SPECIALIST AND THE COACH WILL BE GONE WE ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT HAVE ENOUGH PEOPLE. I'm absolutely terrified of this upcoming week. I'm really worried it will have a serious effect on my health. I really really really am going to try so hard to go to the doctor to at the very least get access to a neurologist before Monday but God I do not know if I can do it. I feel so weak and pathetic, I've been telling my boyfriend over and over "oh im gonna go today" "oh im going after work" and then I cant do it. The anxiety attack is just to the level I cannot take it. I'm trying so hard and I dont know why it keeps getting worse, or how there keeps being ways for it to get more worse. I dread and fear and every synonym in English, what could potentially happen next.
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bouffees · 1 year
I dont know what is happening to me
About 6 months ago i (31m) was sitting at night watching tv and suddenly i felt a single very strong heart beat, it scared me but i tried to ignore it, a minute or two later i got a second one, this time way stronger, like i've been physically hit with a fist on my chest. I stood up in fear tried to take a deep breath and wash my face and then i got hit by the third one, it felt like being punched by a professional boxer, it knocked me to the ground, for a couple seconds i couldnt hear or see anything, i got up and i was sort of limping bc my legs were really stiff and failing, i went to my girlfriend and said that i needed to go to the hospital right now no questions asked, on the way i could feel my heart rate going through the roof and down the floor within seconds of each other, i honestly tought i was dying. In the hospitol they took my pressure , it was a little high, and did an ecg and it was normal, they pumped me with sedatives and i blacked out and was sent home the following morning when i woke up.
This happened for 3 days straight, the it stopped. But since it happened it changed me, now on some days when im trying to sleep and am just about to fall asleep i feel a shock/chill on my heart , it feels like my heart stops for a single second. I also get random heart palpitations, chest pains, night sweats, anxiety and i feel very tired. If i consume an above average amount of alcohol my heart goes into afib on the next day. If a have an adrenaline rush i feel a very sharp pain in my chest and if i drink any amount of caffeine i have arrhythmia.
I've been to a cardiologist who did exams and said everythign was fine with my heart.
I've been to a shrink who said it was a panic disorder and gave me an anxiolytic prescription, but im not convinced.
Has anyone experienced something similar? Should i got to another heart doctor? Should i go to a neurologist? I'll appreaciate any input, this is deteriorating my life quality as time goes by and idk what to do
submitted by /u/Wild_Leadership_7444 [link] [comments] from For issues related to heart disease, cardiac health and cholesterol control https://ift.tt/r5vNPMR
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im sorry youre dealing with migraines- they are the absolute worst! i hate to be that person thats giving unsolicited advice but have you looked into acupuncture? chronic migraines run in my family and my brother and dad both had accupuncture and it transformed their quality of life a lot. really helped! mine are less frequent thankfully but im trialling naproxen at the moment (wouldnt recommend, wasnt very effective and is only a short term solution as they have too many side effects if you use too long)
Hi anon! I’m sorry you’re also dealing with migraine too. I’ve not tried acupuncture yet; I’m not sure how well I’d be able to sit still during the whole process but I’m not completely opposed to trying it. I’m glad it helped your dad and brother out! The only treatments I’m opposed to are topamax and going to a chiropractor. I’m currently in between neurologists, so I’m curious to see what my next one will recommend and to see how well my new meds work.
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blasphamoustraitors · 2 years
#august living#so hey um. if any of yall saw my last vent post#i had a seizure the next day#so. thats a new funky fresh worry that i have#its been a week and im still recovering like on all levels#i. bit my tongue so hard i might have nerve damage like its not bruised anymore but it still feels weird where it was#my chronic pain has a new like snappy feel to sudden jolts of pain#and well everything was super sore for a few days and im still trying to stretch back out#i dont know if it affected my speech worse than any other type of disturbance does but im not making sentances real good rn#obvs also it was physically harder to speak for a few days#but i get tongue tied so fucking easily all the time anyway so its not a unique symptom#god my back hurts in a vry unique way rn tho#lol tho since this was the first one ive had my brother called an ambulance for me and i spent like 6 hours in the er#i have a follow up neurologist appointment next month to go over the test results of the ekg and ct scan and whatever else they did i think#its literally a phone appointment so well see how useful it is#anyway if i have a seizure disorder now im going to be so mad#i cant drive rn and probably wont be allowed to at all if it turns into a recurrence#and just like. if it does turn into a thing that would be such a fucking all around problem#but if it was literally just a one off thing bc im that stressed abt losing my job i rlly gotta get a new one that doesnt stressmeoutasmuch#anyway its way too late i gotta sleeb
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