#im gonna build you a damn dresser
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I do feel like the way this episode ends where Nick basically says look..we're friends and yes sometimes I build your dresser and sometimes you know I'll make you a cup of tea and bring it to you and our friendship doesn't look like most male/female friendships, um but we just have to accept that we are friends that are sometimes attracted to each other. -Hannah
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Always warm - Harry Hook x Male!Reader - Oneshot
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yes i wrote this in the middle of a heat wave-shhhhh im-...whats the word? manifesting? idk but MALE READER BOIIIS
You stared numbly at your dorm room ceiling, mentally cursing whoever it was that broke whatever electricity box that controlled the dorm building. The heating had been long shut off, and now you were stuck in your room freezing your balls off. You let out a shuddering breath, glancing over at your roommate/boyfriend; Harry Hook, who was curled up on his bed, three blankets piled on top of his lanky body.
They didn’t seem to be of any help, you could hear him shivering from over here. “Harry?” you called out quietly, frowning as he hummed, you could hear his teeth chatter. He was freezing, that was easy to tell. You were thankful your body was highly resistant to cold, thanks to your maternal DNA. You slipped out of bed, walking over to Harry and setting your impossibly warm hand on his exposed head, chuckling as he melted into it.
“How in tha’ hell are ye’ so warm?” Harry croaked, shuffling out of his mountain of blankets and grabbing your arm, forcing you to kneel next to his bed so he could press his upper body to your arm. “Ain’t ye an ice prince?” you shrugged, your aunt was always oddly cold to the touch, while you were like a walking furnace, just like your mom was. “I’ve always run hot” you muttered, chuckling as Harry started to tug at your shoulders, attempting to force you into his bed “You sure?” you asked gently, laughing as Harry glared up at you, and in one swift motion you were laying by him, his body curling around yours. “Damn your sheets are freezing” you muttered, grabbing the thickest blanket and tossing it around the two of you.
“Nae me fault, I don’t retain body heat as well as ye” Harry muttered, already falling asleep against your shoulder, his pretty ocean blue eyes disappearing behind his eyelids. You just hummed in response, getting comfortable against Harry’s pillows, falling asleep within a minute; ignoring Harry’s boney elbows against your ribs.
It was still freezing when morning came around, and you were glaring at your phone as the alarm went off. “Harry” you grumbled, lifting your head away from his to speak properly, but he just continued pushing his head into your cheek “Harry c’mon, we got school” “Nooo” Harry whined, moving to lay on top of you, completely squishing you to the bed “Warm, we stay” you rolled your eyes with a fond smile, sitting up with ease and picking Harry up, turning and throwing him back on the bed.
“Nooo!” Harry cried out, trying to latch back onto you but you were already at your dresser by the time he flailed his arms. “Walking heat pack, come baaaack” you laughed loudly, taking your sleep shirt off to switch it with one of your usual school button ups. Not seeing Harry stare at your back muscles when they were revealed. He swallowed harshly, a set blush on his cheeks when you turned back around to chuck his thickest long-sleeve at his face.
You chuckled as Harry sputtered, pouting down at the comfortable shirt that lay in his arms “Up n adam Hooky” Harry rolled his eyes, sluggishly getting out of the warm bed and dragging his feet over to his dresser, grabbing his warmest clothes before he shuffled into the bathroom, leaving you to get dressed in the main room.
You put on your best zip-up hoodie, good boots that lasted in the snow, and you were ready for the day. You chuckled as Harry emerged from the bathroom, hair damp and flying everywhere from being towel dried. “You’re gonna get sick with that” you pointed out, gesturing to his damp hair and he pouted at you, grabbing a beanie and forcing it onto his head. You laughed loudly and grabbed your bag, holding the door open for your grumpy roommate and locking the door after he stepped out and started making your way to the cafeteria.
You let out a small groan as Harry latched onto your arm, practically molding himself into your side. “Harry-“ you started to reprimand him for being a koala but he shushed you, covering your mouth with his gloved hand “Shh-heat packs don’t talk” He muttered and you rolled your eyes, moving your arm from his grip and tossing it around his shoulders, Harry practically molding himself to your side as you walked through the halls.
“Well aren’t you two all cute~” Uma cooed as she walked up to Harry’s side, moving her hand up to pat the back of Harry's head but he just squished himself into you, glaring at her hand that was probably cold thanks to her not wearing gloves. “Harry I’m warm-blooded, I’m always warm, remember?” Harry just grumbled, letting Uma set her hand on his shoulder as you pushed open the cafeteria doors.
“Can you let go now? I would like to go get my breakfast” you said down at Harry, who just pouted at you. “Go cling to Uma, she’s probably just as warm, and oh look there's Gil!” you pried Harry off your body and pushed him towards Gil, who easily caught Harry and laughed as you bolted away.
As soon as you sat back down, Harry pulled away from Gil to latch back onto you, practically crawling in your lap “Harry, I love you” Harry’s cheeks turned pink at that “but can I eat?” he just continued to pout at you, but pulled his legs out of your lap and settled for holding your arm by the elbow and mostly leaning into you instead of trying to fuse himself to your skin.
“it’s seventy-six degrees in here how are you cold?” Mal asked as she passed by the table with Jay and Ben, Ben had to hold back a small laugh as Harry flipped her off. “is he always like that?” Ben asked as they walked away, Mal nodded her head as Jay laughed loudly.
“yeah” Jay answered for Mal, looking back at Harry who was resting his head on your shoulder “Harry’s always weirdly cold, can never retain heat. Whenever winter boiled around on the isle, he was always inside and bundled up, it was the only time he didn’t wear those tank tops.” Ben hummed and nodded, looking back at you and Harry, smiling as you just took off your jacket and put it over Harry’s shoulders, the pirate humming happily and snuggling into the item of clothing that smelled like you.
“Harry hit the jacket pot with Mr. icy hot” Mal said with a slight snark in her voice, mostly just teasing but she was happy Harry found someone that could handle the intensity that was Harry Hook. Ben and Jay nodded in agreement, the ice prince of Arendelle and the infamous son of James Hook, a match made in heaven.
Ben glanced back, unable to keep the smile off his face as you kissed Harry on the forehead, whispering something to him as he laughed, his arms around yours as he cuddled into you, using one hand every once in a while to feed himself his beloved French toast.
What a match indeed, a walking ice pack and a walking heat pack; what could be more perfect?
….ye, something for the guys n gays, if you didn’t get it, (y/n) is Anna’s son, if you think you have ice powers? Go for it, just know ur a walking heat pack that is only there to serve Harry’s cold dumbass lololol
@queer-cosette​ @sephiralorange​ @lunanight2012​
@daughter-of-the-stars11​ @musicarose​ @rintheemolion​
@random-thoughts-003​ @verboetoperee​ @dai-tsukki-desu​
@imtryingthisout​ @remembered-license​ @thecaptainsgingersnap​
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coolunclebruno · 1 year
Happy McValentines!
Here is an overdue Valentines Day gift for you all! It is sort of a preview for a modern au I have planned for the future
“..Elena, please, for the last time, the moon prop would not be in the attic…," Bruno sighed into the phone, which he was holding with his shoulder.
He was currently trying to look through his dresser for any good button-up shirts, while also trying to tie up his hair into a pony. His room was in a complete disarray, with shirts and pants deemed not suitable on the floor, on his desk, even on his tv. 
Today was Valentine's Day, his and Miguel’s first Valentines as a couple, and he would be damned if this wouldn’t be the best Valentine's day ever, which is why he had a whole itinerary prepared for the both of them. He took the day off, putting his friend and assistant, Elena, in charge of the community theater. 
“Are you sure you checked the basement hard enough?”
Which wasn’t exactly working as smoothly as he had hoped. 
“It should be in the way back, on the top of the storage shelf on the far left, right behind the-dammit!” Bruno exclaimed, as the phone slipped out of his hold, and dropped onto the floor. 
As he went to pick it up, he saw he had gotten a text from Miguel. 
“Elena, I’m sorry, but I’m gonna have to call you back," he said, and hung up.
He went into his text messages and took a better look at the text. 
Mi corazon ❤️🔥
                             hey im sorry this is late, went through a 
                             bad wifi zone. just finished up and am 
                             now halfa block away from ur apt
He sent a quick “ b rite there ” and grabbed a plaid green button up. 
“This is going to have to do," he told himself, putting it on himself.
He walked over to the mirror he had set up on the wall and finished tying up his hair into a ponytail. 
“Let's make this a Valentine's Day he’ll never forget," he told his reflection, and walked out of his bedroom. 
Bruno stepped out of the apartment building where he and his family lived, and looked up and down the street, trying to see where Miguel was. 
“ He said he was nearly here…," he thought to himself, looking at his phone to double check.
“Hey babe!”
He turned to his right and saw Miguel jogging up the street to him. He was in his work gear, athletic shorts, running shoes, and a neon orange tank top with the words “JUICY” written on it in white. 
He looked absolutely stunning.
“Like what you see?” Miguel chuckled, seeing Bruno with his jaw practically hitting the floor.
“Heh, w-well, maybe, I don’t know…," Bruno stammered, finally finding his voice. “I certainly feel a bit overdressed compared to you…”
“I know, I’m sorry, I had to get here straight from the training session, José was trying to do 200 pound weights, even though he is absolutely not ready for it yet.”
Bruno gave a noncommittal hum in response. 
“What’s wrong?”
“Oh, nothing.”
“Is somebody jealous?” Miguel teased. 
“What, me? Never!”
“You are!” Miguel laughed, picking up Bruno by the waist and kissing him on the neck. 
“H-hey! Cut it out!” Bruno gasped between laughs. 
“You know I only have eyes for you, mi amor,"  he said, kissing him on the lips and putting him back down on the ground. “Plus, I’m pretty sure José is straight.”
Bruno snickered.
“Alright, well, we really need to get going, we got some reservations!”
“Oh really?” Miguel asked. “Do you want me to run back real quick and get dressed in something-”
“No! No, what you’re wearing is absolutely perfect.”
“Heh, alright, if you insist.”
“Wonderful!” Bruno clapped. “Let’s get moving”," he said, taking Miguel by the hand, taking him in the direction of the bus stop. 
“So what’s this big surprise you have planned for me?” Miguel asked.
Bruno moves in his seat, which feels suspiciously sticky, in order to face Miguel. 
“Well, I will have you know, that I got us reservations at the best restaurant in the next forty block radius; The Spicy Genie! ”
Miguel gasped. 
“I’ve heard such great things about that place! Oh, querido , you really didn’t-”
“But I want to! Anything for my sweet and gorgeous amado …," Bruno cooed, leaning on Miguel. 
All of a sudden, smoke started to seep from underneath the floor of the bus. The bus driver managed to get the bus to a stop on the side of the road, and got up and went outside to check on the engine. 
“ No no no no no, THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING ," Bruno thought to himself.
The bus driver came back in, face covered in soot.
“Sorry everyone, but it looks like it's the end of the line for us," he said, a few passengers groaning in response. 
“Oh man, I'm not sure if we'll be able to make it in time,” Miguel said, glancing over at Bruno, who was now starting to get up from his seat.
“Not if I can help it," He said, taking Miguel by the hand and leading him off the bus. 
“C’mon! The next stop is 15 blocks away, if we’re fast enough we can still meet the next bus there!”
The couple ran as fast as they could, with Miguel gradually overcoming Bruno. Bruno took a glance at the sky above him and saw the graying clouds. 
Then with a slam of thunder, rain started to drizzle down, stopping Bruno in his tracks.
“ Are you kidding me? ” He thinks to himself, reaching out his hand to feel the drops. “ Can this get any worse?”
Another loud bang came from the clouds, causing the slight drizzle to turn into a heavy downpour. 
“I stand corrected," he said out loud, his shirt and undershirt now sticking to his skin like towels. 
“Here!” Miguel called out, coming over to Bruno, holding out a few newspapers and trying to keep himself dry by holding his arm over himself. 
“Where’d you get these?” Bruno asked, taking the papers and holding the newspapers over his head
“Doesn’t matter, come on!” Miguel shouted, and, without warning, scooped up Bruno bridal style and started running again.
“Woah woah what are you doing?!” 
“This helps speed things up!”
“I was doing quite fine on my own, thank you very much,” Bruno quipped, trying to reach up and cover Miguel with another newspaper.
“Yeah, I * huff * could tell! * huff *,” Miguel chuckled. 
“There’s the bus!” Bruno shouted, pointing to the bus stop, with their bus now pulling out.
“NO COME BACK!” he yelled.
The two just stood there and watched the bus drive away. 
“How far is the restaurant, again?” Miguel asked. 
Three missed stops and one bus chasing later, Bruno and Miguel finally were making their way to the restaurant, which was now just a five minute walk away. And even better, it had finally stopped raining! 
“Looks like things are finally looking up for us!” Bruno exclaimed, wringing the water out of his ponytail, his plaid over-shirt now tied around his waist. 
“Um, Brunito …,” Miguel said, pointing to the Spicy Genie , now just across the street from them, which was being locked up by a man who was presumably the owner. 
“WHAT?!” Bruno yelled out, running to the man, with Miguel following.
“E-excuse me, sir," Bruno asked nervously, not at all looking like a crazy person. “I had reservations scheduled h-here at this place, I mean, restaurant, t-today, and-so, I was wondering why you’re c-closing up so early in the day?”
The man stared at Bruno with a quizzical look. “You hadn’t heard? We’re getting fumigated.”
Bruno just stared at the man for a few seconds, before putting his head in his hands in resignation. Miguel walked up and put his hand on his back.
“Is there a reason why?” Miguel asked. 
“Yeah, rats!” the man exclaimed. “The pesky little sons of bitches just showed up out of nowhere this morning, really crazy…” 
Bruno slowly raised his head up and looked the man square in the eye.
“What did you say?”
Miguel sensing the shift in tone, went up to Bruno and put his hand on his shoulder. “Hun, why don’t we go somewhere else?”
“No!” Bruno suddenly yelled out, swatting away Miguel’s hand. “This guy’s just gonna ruin our date and casually insult rats while he’s at it? Well, you’ve got another thing coming!” he said, pointing at the man, who by this point was beginning to back away. 
Bruno began to move up to the man, with his fist raised, but was stopped by Miguel grabbing him by the waist and picking him up and turning away from the guy. 
“C’mon you, let’s go…," Miguel said in a soothing voice. 
“Let go of me!” Bruno yelled out. “I’m not done with him! You’ll be hearing from my lawyers!”
“ Cariño, you don’t have lawyers.”
“Doesn’t matter! Oh, and just wait till I talk to my rats at home. If they had anything to do with this, so help me Dios …”
“Have a nice day, sir!” Miguel bid the man farewell, walking away with Bruno still in his arms. 
The man just shook his head in bewilderment.
“I’m sorry, Miguel…," Bruno said, holding his half-eaten Fillet-O-Fish. 
The two had decided to go to a McDonalds after everything, and were now sitting in a booth that wasn’t as sticky as the others. Miguel looked up from the burger he was eating. 
“For what?” he asked, genuinely confused. 
“Well, I ruined our Valentine’s Day, didn’t I?”
“‘Ruined it’, what are you talking about?”
Bruno sighed, playing with the small flap of wax paper hanging out of the tray. “I had all these big plans for today, and they all just fell apart. I just wanted to make you feel special…”
Miguel put his burger down and reached over and cupped Bruno’s cheeks with both hands. 
“Oh, Brunito , you already have.”
Bruno averted his eyes from Miguel’s gaze and awkwardly chuckled. “You’re just saying that.”
“I’m being one hundred percent honest," Miguel brushed a lock of hair out of Bruno’s face with his thumb. “I was just so happy to have been able to be with you today, mi amor . I’m happy no matter what we do, but, and I know you didn’t, but I had fun today! I loved running in the rain with you, I even loved having to hold you back from assaulting the restaurant manager," Miguel chuckled. 
“Hey! That guy had it coming.”
Miguel burst out laughing, and then reached over and kissed Bruno on the forehead. 
“Even if things weren’t perfect today, thank you for going all out on me, Brunito.”
Bruno nestled into Miguel’s hand, melting into his touch. 
“Well, why wouldn’t I go all out? After all, you’re my…”
“I’m your what?” Miguel asked with a smile, pulling back his hands to grab his soda. 
“ Mi pequeño pastelito .”
“Ha! As if! You’re my little apuesto diablo! ”
“No, no, you’re mi pequeña media naranja !”
Miguel just smiled, a blush spreading across his face. 
“Alright, that’s enough flirting out of you, señor . Eat your sandwich before I finish it for you!”
Bruno huffed out a laugh, and took a bite out of his lunch. He looked out the window to the now clear sunny skies, just able to hear the birds over his boyfriend’s slurping of his drink. 
“ Today wasn’t actually that half bad, now that I think about it…,"  he thought to himself. 
Here is a link to it on AO3!
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rusted-sun · 2 years
“shit! ow ow ow- GAH! WATCH YOUR AIM, BUDDY!”
“oh i’ll watch my aim once i’ve shot you dead for once and for all!”
“fucking hell!” chandler muttered under their breath, as they kept running from that damned player, all while trying to avoid to arrows being shot their way.
the player had been on the hunt for them all day, not letting them stop for a second to catch their breath and get healed enough for safe teleportation.
“if only i didnt have that damn wound on my leg” they thought, “should’ve watched my fucking step and now im sucked into this mess!”
as they kept running trough the dark oak forest, they dug trough their pockets in hopes of finding any loose enderpearls they might have had left. all they needed was one! just one and that would be enough! they needed to get home, and quick! or even anywhere! just away from their current situation would be enough!
“you can’t keep running forever! i can see the blood on your leg you know! you’re gonna break eventually, and i’ll be here waiting for that to happen.”
they kept desperately digging around and... bingo! they got one!
they turned around summoned as much intention as they could muster and slammed the pearl against a nearby tree. upon getting squished like a grape, the pearl opened a portal to what appeared to be a different world.
“oh you’ll be waiting for a while!”
they turned around and closed the portal just in time, before the player even had a chance to even attempt following them trough.
grasping at the nearest wall, chandler tried to get used to the rapid switch of body. it was never fun to feel it shift and change upon entering a different universe, especially when they felt their horns and tail get burned off in a cloud of ash. their scaly skin also melted away in said ash cloud and gave way for a more human-like skin.
once the transformation process was done, they finally looked up to see where they had landed from the portal hopping, since they didnt have enough time to actually think of where they wanted to go.
luckily they had ended up in the alleyway next to the apartment they had been staying at for a while now.
they took a step and- “shit!”
looking down at their scraped up leg they sighed, “guess the adrenaline finally wore down.”
clenching their teeth and trying to look as not in pain as possible, they stumbled out of the alleyway, and trough the building as they rushed to their apartment door, hoping they would be alone and could deal with this in peace without meeting any neighbors.
alas their hopes were futile as 112 was sitting on the couch, and turned to look at the door once its hinges creaked open, and her eyes widened once she saw and smelled the blood reeking off of chandler.
“god, you reek of blood! did a damn bear try to maul you again?!”
weakly shaking their head, they only replied with “medkit, quick... please”
after all that running, they had finally made their way to their bedroom and the relief they felt upon being able to lie down was indescribable, even though every part of their body was screaming in pain. at least they could catch their breath here and not be chased by an axe (and bow) wielding murderer.
and then their door opened, with 112 peeking trough “dude, sorry to interrupt your... whatever you’re doing right now but that leg isnt gonna clean itself. unless you want a nasty infection, that is.”
chandler could only glare at their companion and grumble about how they knew that already. 112 invited herself inside and placed the kit on their dresser and started digging trough it. a quite wince left her once she came to a realization.
“we do have a slight problem...” chandler narrowed their eyes. “we’re out of disinfectant... and painkillers,” she quietly explained.
“why do you need painkill- oh god nevermind!”
jumping at the voice, they turned their head at the door turns out they had been so out of it that they didn’t even notice dark coming home. great, just what they needed.
“cant you just... knock me.. out? i’ll be fiiine..." chandler mumbled, in hopes it’d lessen the concern of their little family.
“no we fucking cant! look at yourself! what even happened?!” dark demanded, but once he was met with a stone cold stare, he knew he won’t be getting anything out of his partner. 
“okay fine, how about this, i go and get meds and 112 distracts actor from coming in so he doesnt make a scene.”
a hum of approval is all he needed to head back out. following his lead, 112 closed the door to their room and went back to sit on the couch and wait.
chandler was left alone.
they stared at the ceiling.
and stared...
and stared..
gasping softly as the perfect idea came to mind, they sat up a bit and reached over for their nightstand. opening the drawer and shuffling around a bit they found exactly what they were looking for.
they weren’t sure how they managed to get trough the portal from the other universes unharmed and functional, but they arent going to question it now.
speaking of the other universes, that’s exactly where they’d be going now. this time actually in control of the destination. and so they squeezed the pearl in their fist, popping it.
“hnnggg” they groaned in pain as they clutched their head. horns sprouting from their head and tail emerging from their back rapidly. it’s always worse to get the horns and tail back, than it is for them to disappear. didn’t help that they had fallen on the floor due to the other universes bed no longer being there.
getting up from said floor, they clutched the windowsill and stared trough it. perfect! they’re in the end!
slowly waddling to their storage room, they began sifting trough the many chests until they found one with shining pink potions.
removing the cork, they downed it all in one go, instantly feeling their leg heal up, as well as any other minor wounds they might have endured during the chase.
speaking of the chase... what did the hunter do? hm.. oh never mind. they shrugged off the thought, not really caring for them right now, they were just happy to get rid of that annoying scrape.
looking back at the open chest, they noticed a few loose enderpearls and decided to pocket them. just in case.
they closed the chest and made their way to their bedroom, finally wishing to get some actual rest from the havoc of the day.
chandler spent the next while just staring at their ceiling. watching the built in glitters shine as they just relaxed and sank into the mattress, that they once again failed to notice their front door slam open and panicked steps come their way.
when darks hand clutched their shoulders they only blinked and focused in on his face over theirs, chandler let out a quiet “oh, hey.”
“oh thank goodness you’re alive. it took me forever to find you, y’know that?! couldn’t you have left a note on your bedside table before- oh nevermind thats not why im here.”
still in a tired haze, chandler just hummed, questioning what he meant.
“the player was seen at the witch’s hut. im told they were looking for information about dimension hopping. what on earth happened? are they the reason you almost bled out today as well?”
“... yeah, ‘twas an accident, i swear! i panicked. hard”
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mackenzielovee · 3 years
heyy! can you do an angsty one where rafe and the reader are “friends,” for a long time, they’ve been in the same friend group and she’s been with love with him for a while now, and he knows and uses that for his advantage. she always does stuff for him, help him whenever he needed and more, and he treats her pretty badly/rudely in return. their friends (top n kelce,) always try to tell him to stop and more and finally she’s had enough she confronts him and show how much he was actually draining her, and he acts like he doesn’t care but he does realize what he was doing, but meanwhile he’s reflecting on his actions, y/n is getting closer to jj? thanks lol the end is up to you. love u and ur fics <3
a/n: hi love! im so sorry it took me so long to write this. I hope you love it!! it took me forever to finish hahaha but i loved writing it!
Warnings: swearing, underage drinking
my writing
pretty damn lucky - rafe cameron
You sigh as you pull Rafe's fresh sheets from the dryer, breathing in the scent of the detergent mixed with the scent of him. He and the boys had way too much to drink last night, which resulted in Rafe getting sick all over his bed when they got home. You had stripped his sheets immediately and put them in the wash, then made a makeshift bed for Rafe on the floor with all of his blankets.
He had grunted at you in return for all your work, collapsing down on the floor and passing out before you could even say goodnight to him.
You had washed the sheets once again this morning when you woke up, then stuck them in the dryer and waited on them.
Topper groans on the couch as you pass him on your way to Rafe's room. You stop and chuckle, watching as he hesitantly opens his eyes.
"Oh, fuck," Topper grumbles as he sits up, clutching his head.
"I think you guys brought the bar home with you."
He glances up, eyes meeting yours, and groans. You laugh and step over to him, taking a seat on the couch beside him.
"Can I get you anything?" you ask him.
"Yeah, a time machine. Don't let me drink so much," he whines, collapsing back down on the couch. You stand, letting out a laugh.
"Water and aspirin. Got it."
You walk up the stairs and stop in front of Rafe's bedroom door, knocking on it lightly before you peak your head in. He's still laying on the floor, but you can't tell if he's awake or not. You stop inside, warm sheets in hand, and close the door behind you. He grunts at the noise, but it's not enough to make him open his eyes.
"Hey," you say to him, "I washed your sheets. How are you feeling?"
Rafe moves on the floor, opening his eyes only enough to see you, then rolls back to his initial spot and closes his eyes again.
"Just put the sheets back on, I want my bed."
You sigh and nod your head, stepping over to his bed to start making it. You watch him as you work, laying on the floor, mouth parted slightly and eyebrows furrowed as he tries to focus on not throwing up again.
"Okay," you whisper once his bed is made, "Come on. I'll help you."
Rafe allows you to wrap your arms around his torso, helping him stand from off the floor. He leans all his weight on you as you two stumble over to his bed, then he collapses onto it. You cover him with his comforter and then fix his hair so it's not sitting in his eyes anymore. He doesn't say anything at your movements.
"I'll get you some water and some medicine. Be back in a minute," you whisper to him. He just nods as best he can.
You hurry back down the stairs, rushing past Topper and into the kitchen. You grab two water bottles out of the fridge and then rifle through the cabinets until you find a bottle of aspirin. As you walk from the kitchen to Topper on the couch, you stop in your tracks.
"Topper," you say, your voice authoritative, "Where is Kelce?"
Topper laughs, which is how you know it's bad. You hadn't noticed that they were one friend light when they stumbled in last night, mostly because you had been too worried about Rafe to be concerned with where Topper and Kelce crashed.
"He fell down outside last night. I'm pretty sure we just left him there."
You sigh loudly, handing him a bottle of water and aspirin as you swear and rush to the front door. As you approach, you can already see him, face up in the Cameron's new flower bed that Rose had worked so hard to make perfect. You open the door and rush to Kelce, annoyed with the boys for not even telling you he was out here.
"Kelce?" you question, stirring him awake, "You alive in there?"
Kelce sits up, as if you'd awakened him from a dream, and glances around. He looks at you and then down to the clothes he's in, and you watch as his eyes widen.
"Those motherfuckers did not leave me out here," he gasps.
"Kelce, I'm so sorry. I had no idea you were out here-"
"I'm going to kill them - ow."
He tries to stand up, but the throbbing of his head makes him fall back down into the dirt again. You grab onto his arm and try to help him up, noting how you do most of the work. When he's finally upright, you brush off the dirt from his back and then lead him inside.
"Shit," he mutters, "My stomach. I'm gonna need to eat."
"I'm on it," you tell him, leading him into the living room and placing him on the couch next to Topper.
"Hey, man," Topper greets, "Rose sure will be happy you observed the flowers so...closely."
"Shut the fuck up, Top," Kelce snaps, reaching over and punching Topper in the chest. He groans at his head and sits back again, making you laugh.
"All right," you declare, picking up the aspirin and water bottle for Rafe, "Eggs? Toast? Bacon? Sound good?"
Kelce nods his head and Topper looks at you, already looking better with the water and medicine in his system.
"Hey, thank you, Y/N. For always taking care of us," Topper smiles at you.
"Yeah," Kelce agrees, "I'd still be lying in a bush outside if it weren't for you. Thank you."
You smile at them and shake your head, "Of course, boys. Back in a minute. Kelce, don't kill Top. Please."
Kelce grunts, telling you he's still debating if he will or not. You laugh and then rush back up the stairs, hoping Rafe is still alive up there. You knock softly on his door when you reach it, not wanting to just bust in on him.
"Rafe?" you say when you walk in, seeing him laying in the exact same position he had been when you left him.
"What took you so long?" he grumbles.
"I'm sorry," you say, sitting down beside him on his bed, "You guys left Kelce outside and-"
"Do you have the aspirin or what?"
You sigh and nod, handing him the pill bottle and a bottle of water. He sits up, hair messy and eyes only half open, and pours three pills into his hand. You stare at him, observing his sharp jaw line and his soft skin, and you can't help but wonder what it would be like to be able to feel him. Touch him. Love on him the way you've been dreaming about since the day you met him.
"Do you want me to make you something to eat?"
Rafe swallows the pills, then brings his eyes up to meet yours, "That breakfast place I love. Why don't you go pick us all up something? Card's in my wallet."
He lays back down, which is his way of excusing you from the room. You just nod your head and grab his card out of his wallet.
"And move the seat back in my truck when you get back. I always hit my head when I get in after you."
"All right," you say quietly, wishing he'd at least say a 'please' or 'thank you'.
You take orders from Topper and Kelce, then hurry out to Rafe's truck. You have to move the seat way up in order to drive the truck, and you make a mental note to move it back when you get back to the house.
You pull up to the restaurant and climb out of the truck, fumbling with the keys and your purse and Rafe's card, too wrapped up in yourself to notice the blonde boy standing about five feet from you.
"Damn, I didn't expect someone as pretty as you to hop out of that truck," JJ smirks at you, watching your eyes shoot up to him.
You smile, "Hi, JJ."
"How are you?" he asks, cheeky look on his face.
You set your hands on your hips, keys and card tucked between your fingers, as you observe what you're wearing for the first time. You'd snuck one of Rafe's Kildare Island shirts from his dresser last night and had on jean shorts underneath.
"Y'know," you shrug, "You like this place, too?"
"Ah, little pretentious, but the food's acceptable," he teases, "You eating alone?"
"No. Just picking up food for Rafe and his friends."
"What, are you his assistant or something? Tell Cameron to pick up his own food," JJ huffs.
He'd never tell you, not wanting to upset you, but he's hated watching you run around the island as Rafe's bitch since you met him. JJ's been dying to hang out with you, even asked you a few times, but you always say no because you're on some sort of mission for Rafe.
"It's just a breakfast order," you reply, starting to inch toward the restaurant.
"Just a breakfast order," he shrugs, "Just getting him a beer every time he asks, just following him around like a lost puppy, just-"
"Okay," you stop him, "I'm a big girl, JJ. I can take care of myself."
You turn and start to walk away from him, trying to brush off his 'lost puppy' remark. He groans loudly, which is enough to earn your attention back.
"Prove it," he yells out, making you turn, "Tonight. There's a thing down at the beach. Meet me."
You start to shake your head, but he steps toward you and stops you. He runs a hand through his blonde hair, messing it up even more than it already is.
"Come on, Y/N. Take the Kook chains off for one night. Please. Rafe can do his own dishes and get his own drinks."
You sigh, glancing down at your feet before back up to him, "Maybe."
"Ah- you know what? That's better than a no. I'll take it."
You nod at him, trying your best not to smile too wide, then point to the building. You start to back off, but you keep your eyes fixed on the blonde boy.
"What time? You know, if I decide to come."
JJ smiles wider than he had the entire conversation, "Seven."
You smile back at him, then turn and walk away before you can get even more wrapped up in this boy.
"What the hell took you so long?" Rafe questions as you walk through the door with several bags filled with food.
"Sorry," you sigh at him, "Got caught up."
Kelce and Topper stand up and step to you, taking the bags from you. You thank them quietly, watching as Rafe rolls his eyes and stands from his place on the couch.
"Yeah, never mind the fact that I'm starving to death," he mutters.
"Rafe, come on, man," Topper smacks Rafe on the chest, trying to get him to chill out.
"Yeah, quit being a dick," Kelce tells him.
Topper starts to unload the food from the bags while Kelce leans down and gives you a friendly kiss on the cheek. You smile gently, glancing up to see Rafe watching with his jaw clenched. You try to put distance in between you, but Rafe doesn't seem to care about your efforts.
"Thanks for running to get it, Y/N," Topper smiles to you.
"You're welcome."
"Did you put my seat back, at least?" Rafe asks you, swiping his car keys from the counter where you set them.
"Yes, of course," you reply.
"Of course," he mutters, "You never do."
"Rafe," Kelce says authoritatively, holding his hands out to his sides as if to ask what the hell he's doing.
"I'll fix you a plate," you tell Rafe, setting a hand on Kelce's arm as if to thank him.
Rafe exhales loudly, then steps away and back into the living room. Kelce rolls his eyes at Rafe, giving you a pat on the shoulder. You make Rafe a plate, a little bit of everything, then follow Topper into the living room to take it to him.
"Quit being an asshole to her, man," Topper mumbles to Rafe, slapping him on the back of his head.
"Don't fucking hit me," Rafe growls at Topper.
"Here you go," you hand Rafe a plate. He takes it from you without a word or a glance, inspecting the food you've given him.
"Where's your plate, love?" Topper asks you as Kelce sits down beside him, "I'll make you one. Sit down."
"No," you say quickly, earning the attention of all three boys, "I'm not staying. I gotta get home, I kinda have plans later,"
"What plans?" Rafe asks, judgment present in his voice.
The boys watch the look on your face and Topper and Kelce immediately erupt into fits of laughs and hollers.
"Boy plans, huh?" Kelce smiles at you before he shoves bacon into his mouth.
Your face flushes as you stand in front of them, glancing at Rafe to see his reaction. His jaw is clenched tightly and he's stopping eating all together.
"Who's the lucky guy, Y/N?" Topper snickers.
"It's not a big deal, you guys."
"Why am I jealous right now?" Kelce teases you. You look over at him and roll your eyes, hiding your smile from him.
"What plans?" Rafe repeats himself, raising his voice. Your eyes shoot over to him, watching his expression.
"Um, I'm going down to this thing at the beach," you say, looking down at the floor. Rafe sets his plate down on the coffee table in front of him, not wanting his food anymore.
"Are we invited?" Rafe asks, already knowing the answer. He just wants to make you say it.
"I- it's not my thing," you stutter, "I'm just meeting some people."
"Who?" Topper asks through his food.
"Uh, JJ Maybank and his friends-"
Rafe scoffs, interrupting you, "You're ditching us to hang out with Pogues?"
"I'm not ditching you, Rafe," you frown.
"Funny, that's the way it looks."
"It's just a few drinks on the beach, why are you getting so bent out of shape?" you question, watching as Topper and Kelce squirm, growing more uncomfortable.
"Bent out of shape? " he repeats, voice as if he doesn't believe you just said that, "You're the one driving across the island for shitty ass beer-"
"It's not like I was asking your opinion on my plans-"
"No, no, you were just informing us that you have plans to fuck JJ Maybank, understood."
"Rafe-" you start, but stop when Kelce sits up straight in his chair and speaks.
"What the fuck, Rafe?" Kelce stares at his best friend, "Why are you so mean to Y/N all the time? She doesn't have to hang out with us every day, and honestly, I wouldn't if you treated me the way you treat her."
"Oh, fuck off, Kelce, you don't know shit," Rafe waves him off.
Topper glances at you, then over to Rafe and speaks up as well, "He's right, Rafe. You're an asshole to her. And not just today, but a lot lately."
Rafe sits back on the couch and crosses his arms in front of his chest, rolling his eyes.
"You two don't know anything," he huffs, "Y/N and I are fine."
"Actually," you say, earning Rafe's complete attention, "I don't think we are."
He stands up now, stepping over to you and grabbing onto your wrist, "Let's discuss this in private."
You glance at the boys, trying to offer them a silent 'thank you for trying', then allow Rafe to pull you into the guest room down the hall. He slams the door once you two are inside, then runs his hand through his hair before he speaks.
"What the fuck are you doing, embarrassing me in front of the two of them?" he scoffs.
Your mouth falls open at how that is his main concern after you just told him you have doubts that the two of you are okay. Your heart sinks, watching as he paces the room. You watch the way his jaw is clenched and how his eyes are frantic as he tries to figure out how to fix things with the boys.
"I'm sorry," you say quietly.
Rafe seems to not hear you, "Jesus, now the two of them are gonna be up my ass about you for the rest of the day."
"And what the hell is up with you partying with JJ Maybank? Do you not realize how that could look, you hanging out with him?"
"Oh, my God!" you yell, not being able to take any more of his bullshit, "I don't give a shit, Rafe! I mean, seriously. I spent my entire night last night and my entire morning taking care of your ass. Because I care about you. And now, I say I want to do something for myself, and you act like I'm being selfish? Are you kidding me?"
"Oh, please," Rafe shakes his head, "You're always taking care of us, don't act like you're all noble."
"I'm not trying to be noble. I'm trying to tell you how I feel-"
"Well, I didn't fucking ask, all right?" he yells.
You frown and step back from him as if his words struck you across the face. He reaches up and pinches the bridge of his nose, trying his best to control his frustration.
"Rafe," you choke out, feeling your emotions as they rise up, "I care about you so much. But, I can't keep walking on eggshells around you. I have done everything you've asked me to do, I've been a good friend to you and I-"
"You what?" he growls at you, stepping forward and grabbing your shoulders.
"I love you, you asshole," you whisper, watching the way his eyes soften at your words, "I love you. But I'm drained. I'm exhausted. And I'm sick of being treated like some bitch who just follows you around and hopes you'll throw her a bone."
Rafe stares at you for a moment, and for the first time in a long time, you genuinely cannot tell what he's thinking. After a few seconds, he releases your shoulders and lightly shoves you away from him.
"You should leave," he says, staring at the floor.
"Yeah, you gotta get ready for your big date night, right?"
You laugh sarcastically at his comment, feeling stupid to have expected him to say anything different than that. He sets his hands on his hips and sighs, not bothering to look up at you. You lick your lips and take a deep breath, debating whether or not to stay and fight with him. For him.
"Fuck you, Rafe," you say.
His shoulders fall but he doesn't look up, so you turn and walk out of the room. Topper and Kelce are standing right outside the door, shocked when you suddenly emerge. You roll your eyes at them, not surprised they had been listening. They don't bother trying to stop you, because honestly, they'd leave Rafe, too.
You rush out of the house and slam the door behind you. Topper usually drives you home, but you don't bother to go back inside and ask. You can walk, it's not far.
As much as you love Rafe, as much as you'd kill to be with him, you can't condone the way he's been treating you. You know that you deserve better, just as Topper and Kelce have been reminding him. Better is exactly what you plan to have.
The beach isn't terribly busy when you arrive. You know by the time the sun sets completely, it will be packed. You spot JJ's blonde hair towering above almost everyone on the beach, watching as he laughs with his friends and tips a red cup against his lips. You walk over to him before allowing yourself to hesitate and think about leaving again.
Your fight with Rafe had completely drained your energy, and if you didn't feel like getting completely drunk to forget about it, you'd leave. JJ spies you as you approach and grins widely, starting over to you.
"No fucking way," he smiles, "Can't believe you showed, Mrs. Cameron!"
"Ha ha," you grumble, shaking your head and trying to hide a smile.
"How'd you escape from the prison that is Kook land?"
You roll your eyes, reaching up and taking the cup from his hand. You gulp it down before he can even object, and when you look up at him again, he's staring at you with his mouth wide open.
"Okay. Got it. Drinking, no talking," he reaches down and takes your hand, leading you over to the keg.
"Lots of drinking," you mutter, watching as JJ pretends he didn't hear you.
JJ grabs two beers from the guy handing them out and hands one to you, returning his hand to yours. You start to walk back over to JJ's friends, but he pulls on your hand to keep you where he wants you.
"What are you doing? Don't you want to hang out with your friends?" you ask him.
He shakes his head, "No, I'd rather figure out what's going on with you."
You sigh and take another long sip of your beer, avoiding his eyes on purpose. Although you and JJ hadn't hung out a lot, he still seems to be able to tell that you're bothered.
"It's not a big deal," you say.
"If it's bothering you, it is," JJ insists. His eyes are wide as he looks at you, and you can't help but notice how he hasn't taken one sip of his beer.
"It's Rafe, I can tell. Did he hurt you?"
"No," you furrow your eyebrows, unsure of why he would even ask that. JJ just nods his head, tightening his grip around your hand.
"All right, then what?"
You give him a small smile, grateful that he's pushing so hard to try and figure out what's bothering you. You've never really had anyone do that before.
"We just got into an argument. But, it's fine-"
"I came here to have fun with you. Please don't make me spend the whole night talking about Rafe."
His eyes soften as he stares down at you. You watch as he takes a deep breath, then licks his lips and nods his head. You give him a small smile, watching as he shamelessly return it.
"You're right," he speaks after a minute, "Who needs that asshole, anyway?"
You nod, although you're hesitant to talk shit about Rafe like that, even after everything. JJ squeezes your hand once again, then tugs you toward his friends.
"Come on, let's party."
JJ pumps you full of beers, at your request, and laughs every time you attempt to get him to dance with you. His friends all watch as JJ finally gives into you, standing up as you tug on his hand and allowing you to lead him upright.
You can feel the alcohol rushing through your body as JJ spins you around in the sand, laughing at how much you're loving it. His friends cheer the two of you on, and by the time the song ends, you're completely exhausted. You collapse into JJ's chest and he wraps a strong arm around you, holding you up.
"I didn't realize I'd had so much," you tell him, slurring your words a bit against his chest.
"That's all right," he laughs lightly, "I'll take care of you."
JJ leads you back over to the log the two of you had been sitting on and helps you sit down, smiling when you lean your head down on his shoulder.
"You're nice to me," you tell him.
JJ laughs at your drunken state, pressing his cup to his lips once more. Say what you will about JJ Maybank, but never call him a lightweight.
"You deserve to be treated nicely," he fires back.
"You really believe that?" you ask him, not noticing your eyes fluttering closed against him.
"Of course, Y/N," he whispers, moving his face so his lips graze against the top of your head, "You know, there's a lot more out there than just Rafe Cameron."
"You don't know him like I do," you say quietly.
"You're right," he scoffs, "Nobody else would defend him."
"I'm serious, JJ. He's sweet and caring and protective-"
"And rude, and unkind-"
"JJ," you sigh, "I mean it. Underneath all the bullshit, he's a really great guy."
JJ's silent for a second, then you feel his body tense slightly under you. His friends are all in their own little world, to notice, but JJ isn't.
"Well, that really great guy just showed up to the party."
Your eyes shoot open and your head comes off of JJ's chest as you glance around, trying to steady your vision as you look around to see what he's talking about. When your eyes meet Rafe's, he looks upset. He's watching you and JJ like the thought of you two together actually, physically breaks his heart in half.
Topper and Kelce stand behind him, pushing Rafe forward to you. You stand up, with the help of JJ's hand steadying you, which you immediately let go of when you stand up straight. You tears your eyes away from Rafe long enough to glance back at JJ, asking him silently if it's okay if you go to him.
"Go on," he gives you a sad smile, "Tonight was fun. But, you know, I'm not the type of guy to chase after some other guy's girl."
"Go, Y/N. You love him. I can tell."
You start to object, but close your mouth when you realize you have no defense. He's right, you know he is. You give JJ a little smile, then turn back to Rafe. The asshole, your asshole, who looks ready to put your heart back together again.
He starts to you and you to him, but he covers way more ground than you given that he's stone cold sober. He can tell you're having trouble standing, so he reaches out and offers his arm as soon as he's within range.
"Hey," he says quietly.
You wrap your cold hands around his arm, steadying yourself and absorbing his warmth. You take a deep breath, inhaling his familiar, heart wrenching scent and letting it fill your lungs.
"What are you doing here?" you question him.
"I- uh, I need to talk to you."
"Why? So you can yell at me and then tell me to leave again?" you spit before you can even think about it.
Rafe clenches his jaw and moves his eyes from yours, glancing around the beach as he considers what the best thing to say is in response.
"I'm sorry," you mumble.
"It's fine," he shakes his head, speaking too fast to actually mean it, "I deserve it. I was an asshole. I came here to apologize."
You nod your head, doing your best to keep your eyes on his and not trailing all down his body. He's wearing the snapback you love on him, and he has on the shirt the two of you bought together at the mall on a trip.
"You may," you tease him, giving him a small smile and hoping to get one in return. You get it, thankfully.
"I'm really sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean to ever make you feel second rate. You have been so good to me and I know I don't deserve it-"
"It's okay," you stop him, reaching one hand up to stroke his cheek. His skin, his soft skin under yours feels like heaven to touch. You know the alcohol is the only reason you're not putting up a larger fight.
"I wasn't finished," he smiles widely.
"Well, what can I say? I'm a sucker for that hat," you tease.
His grin only widens as he stares down at you, pulling you into a hug before he can even think of it. His arms wrapped tightly around you make your heart rate speed up to a dangerous level.
"You promise we're okay? Maybe we should talk again when you're sobered up-"
"I'm fine," you lie.
Rafe reaches up and cups your face in his hands, staring down at you intently. You stare back, unable to break away from his gorgeous blue eyes.
"Good, because I've got something to tell you."
Rafe watches as your lips part, wanting to question him but unable to find the right words. He smiles, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear before he continues.
"I love you, too," he whispers.
You blink rapidly at him, trying to figure out if he really just said those words to you. You shake your head and squirm out of his grasp, taking a deep breath as you look at him.
"You mean that?" you ask him.
"Yeah," he nods, swallowing nervously, "It took me half the day to realize it, but the thought of you down here with JJ literally made me want to kill him. And I'm sorry that I haven't realized it sooner. I was just scared of my feelings, I guess, and I just thought if I pushed you away-"
"You don't have to explain," you stop him, "I just can't believe you feel the same way about me."
"Who wouldn't? Topper informed me today that I happen to be the luckiest guy to walk the face of the earth because I'm loved by you. And I guess, I don't know, it made me recognize my feelings."
You smile, wrapping your arms around him and hugging him. He hugs you back without thinking twice, pulling you close and breathing you in. After a second, you pull away, and feel him tilt your chin up to meet his eyes.
"I don't know, I'm feeling pretty damn lucky right now," you whisper.
Before either of you know it, he places his lips gently on yours. His hands move themselves to your cheeks once again, pulling you closer to him. You both can hear Topper and Kelce hooting and hollering from yards away, which makes you laugh against Rafe's lips.
"I regret bringing them," he says against your lips, laughing along with you.
"You should," you agree, standing on your tip-toes and kissing him one more time.
"Can I take you home, now? Please?" he asks, voice impatient.
You bite your lip and nod, allowing him to give you one last kiss before he brings a hand down to yours, wrapping his fingers through it. He turns you toward the boys, the oh-so happy boys, and leads you away.
Away from the beer. Away from JJ. Toward your future, together.
Tags: @hollandsour @flowerkidlxrry @kookkyra @pogueslandia @sarahwasfound @fuzzyhumanpersontrash @rafecameronn @rafeswh0ree @outerbankies @morganwilliams
*if you would like to be added/removed from my taglist at any time, please send me an ask!
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jeanbeaux · 3 years
Let's talk about frat boy getou 👀
he and gojo are a deadly duo but damn, getou plays the game differently. He'd start really subtle. Always talking to you at parties, getting you drinks, and making sure he's a face you can trust. He'd drop subtle hints here and there but never as explicitly as gojo. It all comes to a head when you find yourself in a spare bedroom with him, after grinding on him in the dance floor in front of everyone to see
izzy u made my brain implode fr im giving you an award
warnings: smut/18+/minors dni, filming/photography (consensual), alcohol mentions
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everyone’s heard about how getou and gojo are the kappa sig terror duo.
the party really does not start till they walk in, anyone who’s been there swears the floorboards shake more once they hear gojo’s in the room, the music now shifting to hard synth beats that getou is queuing on the DJ’s phone to really get everyone moving.
you arent sure what to expect when you bump into the raven haired half of the duo — the man smiling down on you as he cheekily asks why he’s never seen a pretty face like your’s at parties like these — and as the night goes on — you feel like the reputation they’ve garnered should really just be held by one person.
gojo always has two sorority sisters under his arms as he yells for some white claws at the person behind the bar.
but getou?
he’s got a steady hand on your back to guide you through the crowd with him, grabbing a beer before asking what you are thirsting for this evening.
gojo is notorious for having a new girl or two every night, the house has lost track of how many lacy thongs have been left over from his conquest.
but dear suguru?
he’s only got eyes for you, and has had em all semester. always chatting you up when he sees you hop over to frat row on the weekends, even stopping by when he catches you on the campus cafe.
if gojo’s at a party, he’s going to let the whole world know, the flash of his phone camera standing against the LED’s of the basement as he turns on instagram live for his thousands of followers to live vicariously through him.
getou, however, is the more sentimental type — carrying a disposable camera in hand so he can capture the antics of the pledges in the moment, nanami sulking in the corner, and his favorite thing as of late, the way you move on the dance floor.
from your times parting with them, you’ve realized they operate so differently — gojo’s here to make an impact, getou’s here to leave an impression.
oh, and what a one he’s made on you — you’ve comfortable with him, the way you shamelessly grind on him as the speakers blare, getou gyrating his hips to match the rhythm you’ve set.
and before long you’re giggling up the stairs as you push into his bedroom — getou setting the film camera on his dresser before rummaging around for a condom.
what you don’t expect, however, is the polaroid camera he pulls out with it. and all he has to do is give you that famous crooked smile and off your skimpy top goes, posing for him with the packet of foil between your glossy lips as the camera flashes.
getou’s still looking at the night’s memories after you’ve passed out right next to him — flipping through the polaroids with a lit cigarette in his mouth.
he can’t pick a favorite, the shots are just all that good. the one where you’re looking up at him through teary lashes while his cock is shoved down your throat, or the reddened curve of your ass from all the times he spanked it as he drove you deeper into the mattress, or the one his cum is just splattered all over your pretty tits.
getou simply doesn’t know which one is going to be put in the hidden pocket of his wallet.
but he does know this — that this is simply the start of the memories he’s gonna build with you.
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bioodorange · 3 years
||The Pastas At The Beach||
this was originally like an entirely different post but ehhh this ways better!
disclaimer Im setting this like, at a beach with a boardwalk and such next too it? Public beach, small time vacationing!
and that they conviently like..pass as human
I hope you guys enjoy!! remember too check out my announcement board!
taglist: @frozensriracha @creepy-bi-day @capricornartistsstuff @krayolacolor
Jeff the Killer
Jeff doesn't really do much at the beach
The salt water irritates his skin and he burns easily, doesn't want too deal with it
Spends most of his time asleep
Hogs all the damn towels by sprawling out all over all of them
Gets sand over everything that they brought with them
Forgets how wind works and it gets everywhere
When its time for some of em too go get food, he always fucking goes
Wants too walk around and do something, and maybe not get blamed for all the fucking sand when everyone sits back down
He wears one of those like protective long sleeved shirts? and red swim trunks that are just somewhat obnoxiously bright
While getting the food he has a brilliant idea
Befriends the fucking seagulls
Lures them back too their umbrellas and just vibes with his bird army
atleast he's not alone anymore?
Ben Drowned
first off I know like he doesn't go swimming
but imagine if he did
his fucking goggles get filled up with blood
gets weird ass tan lines from the blood on his face like, when he's not swimming
has too wear the goggles when he puts on sunscreen-
ok ok thats it
fucker wears like mountain dew swim trunks
and those arm floatie things despite not going anywhere near the water
He tries too sit around Jeff but that gets boring fast-
Just walks the fuck off without telling anyone, on a journey for adventure
Will spend literal hours sitting underneath the boardwalk until someone finds him
After that they get him like one of thise beach toy kit things
Sally's nice enough too fill the bucket with water too, so they can make sand castles and stuff
She walks along the shore line with him, gets pretty shells too
Also if Ben were too go in the water
He's a fucking shark magnet with all that blood-
But don't tell him that, he won't come back too the beach
Ticci Toby
Toby is very excited too go to the beach
He didn't get out much as a kid
Siked as hell too get in the water
Drops his stuff off as soon as possible and runs right into the water
And thats when he realizes he can't fucking swim
Awkwardly flaps his arms around until a wave moves him along too back where he can stand
Everyones kinda confused when he comes back like "?? You were so excited, what happened?"
"I can't swim :(("
Cody volunteers to teach him right away, like the great brother he is
The thing is Cody is a horrible fucking teacher
Another few minutes of Toby getting owned by some waves and Cody just screaming stuff like
"Use your arms Toby- no not like that how I showed you- no I'm not going too help how are you supposed to learn-"
That's when Kate drags him back too shore and Doby and Brian teach him instead
In a bit he learns and ends up having a lot of fun
I feel like Toby would really like boogie boarding?
A lot easier then surfing but still a good time
Also they have too tie a red scarf around his arm so they don't loose his ass in a crowd, or in the water
Third Base
so far, Doby's the only one on this list who actually came prepared
I feel like he'd use one of those face lotions that has SPF 30 in it already?
Smart enough so he doesn't have too smear sun screen around his face, can just use the spray stuff and get going
Also has shoes and sunglasses too go with each like swimsuit/outfit he brings
Mans is put together
Really likes collecting shells and stuff
Walks with Sally, shows her how too find them
Wakes up kinda early as it is? So its easy for him too go too the beach early and find the shells before the tide pulls them back out
It's one of his favorite times, actually
The suns just rising, a few shops are opening, only a handful of people are on the beach
Does it everyday as his "alone time" before everyone else wakes up
Spends most of his time with everyone kinda relaxing?
I can see him really liking those beach volleyball games
Or just playing frizbee in the shallow water!
Really, really enjoys making sand castles
Builds a moat and everything so it stays up when the waves start coming closer
Cody, another kid who never got much beach expierence
But acts like he did
Buys one of those waterproof, phone lanyard things
Forgets too fucking close it properly
Doesn't have the first idea of what seagulls are like
"Oh come on buys its fine-" gets fucking owned for his cheesestick
Lowkey scared of them after that
Refuses too eat on the beach after that
Sits with ben under the board walk and curls around his chips
Spends most of his time in the water
Wants too see how far he can go before the lifegaurd calls him back
Finds it funny as shit too just slowly go deeper while grinning at them
Until a wave slaps him in the back of the head
And then he gets scared of the deepwater too
After he looses Swimming Coach privellages gets really fucking salty and sulks on the beach
Kate takes pity on him and walks around the boardwalk with him
But he also didn't know you have too reapply sunscreen after you go swimming
Gets really really bad sunburn
Jeff, Ben and Toby take turns slapping it whenever he gets too cocky
This is gonna be a Dad Tim one, fight me
Really has no idea what the fuck is going on, but still manages too keep everyone together?
Tells the same story, atleast twice a day, about the killer wave that almost took his shorts off
Gets in fights with seagulls whenever they get realitively close too the group
Also buys one of those crappy beach wagon things too put their stuff in
Buys a mug and cheesy beer koozie
Doesn't enjoy the beach that much but gets excited too go?
Ends up sitting down for most of the time unless he gets dragged on walks
Might just kinda walk until the water is at his knees and just kinda stand there, and nod a little
Giving mother nature his approval
He takes Sally out and holds onto her stomach, lifts her up over the waves whenever they come
Asks her what she can see, before he drops her back down
Tries it with Ben, gets kicked in the gut-
Favorite time is when it's dark and they go
Not for a long time, just a few minutes too walk along the shore before it gets dark
Designated photographer
Is supposed too be taking photos but mostly gets footage of the stupid shit that happens
Like Jeff not being able too figure out the dishwasher or Clockwork wrestling with her dresser where only half the drawers worked
Just kinda sits back and watches things go up in flames
He's the designated like playlist guy too? On the drive over, whenever he got bored just
"Hey what song should I play?"
And watches chaos ensue
His vacation is watching everyone else have a bad time
Makes up for it though, saves them a shit ton of money by making dinner every night.
I feel like he genuinely enjoys late nights on the beach, like Tim
Gets some beautiful photos of the water, and people taking walks that he's pretty damn proud of
Maybe once or twice he'll join Doby for a walk too get pictures of the rising sun
Likes getting small things from the gift shops
Shark teeth, maybe a cheesy snowglobe
Something silly but nice too remember the trip by
Eyeless Jack
first things first, ya know those double-lens glasses? Like you flip up the sunglass part and theres normal lenses underneath? Someone gave him those
But their are crappy eyes painted on the normal lenses
He's very confused but its just ridiculous enough for him too like
The beach isn't his favorite place, I HC him as nocturnal and most things are open during the day
He takes too the rides and crappy carnival games that are open late at night
He can't see everything super well but makes up fun things for himself
Enjoys going on rollercoasters that he has no idea what the hell the drops look like
Fucking hates bumper cars
Can't tell where everyone's coming from or when
More nerve racking then fun
Whenever they go to the beach beach he just kind of chills
Akwardly curls up on a towel because he's big as shit
Where ever they stay he walks around, uses his echo location shit too find out all its quirks
"This walls more hallow then that one- those support beams in the lobby are doing a very shitty job of keep things together"
Loves sitting out on the balcony and just smelling the salt air, listening too people laughing and the ocean waves
Just the small details a lot of people miss
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arrowflier · 3 years
Chasing After You (Ficlet)
Daily Speedwrite #5, early morning edition.  32 minutes.  This one has been in my head since last night, and a completely different take is now waiting (im)patiently to be written as a real fic, so I thought I’d get it down before work.  
“Rise and shine, husband of mine!” 
Mickey wakes to Ian’s singsong voice and groans, rolling over and pulling the comforter over his head.
“Too early, asshole,” he grits out, and releases the cover to slap aimlessly behind him when Ian starts poking at his shoulder.
“Come on Mick, you promised,” Ian whines exaggeratedly.   Mickey relents enough to flip onto his back and level a glare at Ian’s pouting face.
“When the fuck did I do that?” he asks plaintively, and Ian’s pout turns into a smirk.
“Well..” he pretends to think, taking a seat on his side of the bed and causing it to dip, pushing Mickey closer to the center.  “It was some time between getting in the shower last night and me doing that thing you like with my--”
“Okay, okay!” Mickey yelps, cutting him off and sitting up hurriedly.  “Fine, man, just...stop talking if you want me out of this bed anytime soon.”
Ian beams.  Mickey glances away, finger rubbing at the side of his nose, and shoves him away with one hand.  
“Go make breakfast or something, let me get dressed in peace,” Mickey tells him.
Ian gives him a look.  “We’re not eating ‘til after.”
Mickey gives him a betrayed look.  “The fuck?” he asks.
Ian sighs.  “Fine.  I’ll make you a smoothie or something,” he relents, standing and making his way into the hallway.  “But you gotta be ready in 10, before it gets too crowded!” he calls back as he leaves, and Mickey groans again, deep in his chest.
He takes one more minute to sit there before pushing himself out of their warm, soft bed, casting a longing look back at it as he goes to open the dresser.  What the hell had he been thinking when he agreed to this?
Fifteen minutes later, with Ian breathing down his neck the whole time, Mickey chugs the last of his breakfast smoothie--fresh fruit and fucking kale from the little community garden Ian was obsessed with--and leaves the apartment.
“Remind me why I’m doin’ this again?” he asks his husband as they stomp down the stairs and out of the apartment building.
“Gotta get healthy, Mick,” Ian reminds him.  “You just about died running after Franny the other day, what are you gonna do when we got one of our own?”
Mickey glowers at him, opens his mouth to remind him that he hadn’t agreed to that nonsense yet, but Ian adds, “It’s this or quit smoking,” and takes off at a slow jog.
Cursing, Mickey chases after him.  Like he always does.
At first, it’s okay, he guesses.  He can see Ian’s back bunching and those long legs churning right in front of him, and a good view has always done wonders for his motivation.  But despite the early hour, soon enough there are too many other people around them, out running on their own or cutting between them to duck into the little cafes that spot the whole west side.
As Mickey nearly runs into the third fucker that can’t just wait for him to go past, Ian gains on him, disappearing around the next corner.  Mickey’s breath hitches, and his chest tightens with something other than the breathlessness that comes from this godforsaken exercise.
He shoves past the bystander, ignoring his squawk of outrage, and stumbles as he tries to speed up too fast.  He flies around that corner, but Ian is gone, nowhere in sight.
“Fuck,” he whispers to himself as he comes to a halt.  “FUCK,” he says louder as he searches unsuccessfully for that telltale spark of red hair in the bright morning sun.
He tries to breathe deeply before the panic sets in too far, but his lungs won’t cooperate, still in overdrive from the run.  Ian would come back, he tells himself firmly.  He just lost sight of him, it’s not like he left on purpose.  Ian was running with him, not running away--he’d notice, and he’d come back to find him.
It’s not like all the other times Mickey lost him.
He’s just standing there, breathing, people jogging past him on the sidewalk, when Ian’s voice reaches his ears.
“Mick?” he asks.  “You okay?”
And Mickey turns around, and he’s there, with his bright damn hair and his face shining with the beginnings of a good sweat.
“You fell behind,” Ian said unnecessarily, “so I rounded the block to find you.”
Of course he did, the stupid asshole.
“Coulda just waited,” Mickey breathes out, trying to hide his relief.
Ian shrugs.  “Figured you’d like the break anyway.” He eyes Mickey for a moment, takes in the redness of his face, the quickness in the rise and fall of his chest.  “Sure you’re okay?” he asks again, softer.
“Yeah, Gallagher,” Mickey answers, something easing in him at the other man’s concern.  “Yeah, I’m okay.  Let’s go.”
Ian tries to get in front of him again to lead the way, and Mickey grabs his arm to pull him back.
“Not so fast, firecrotch,” he teases, feeling lighter than he had all morning.  He starts up a slow jog, continuing aimlessly down the street, knowing he’s probably have to let Ian take the lead again before they were done.  But for now, he put a little extra swing in his gait, and called back over his shoulder:
“Time for you to chase after my ass for once.”
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vintagedolan · 4 years
no service (gbd)
Tumblr media
the boys do their first no tech challenge since you and grayson get together, and though they make it, something goes terribly wrong at home
word count: 5k
warnings/tags: angst, worried!grayson, hurt!y/n 
feel free to send in requests! i’ll write most things! hope you enjoy :)
Your POV:
“I dunno, I just have a weird feeling about this one.” Grayson’s fingers were twisting and untwisting the hem of your shirt, his nerves evident as you laid next to him in bed.
“Gray you’re gonna be fine, it’s just like before. You’ve got the van, and you’ve done survival stuff. Everything is gonna work out. I am gonna miss you though,” you gave him a sad smile.
Since you’d started dating, you’d been attached at the hip. You still had an apartment of your own, but if you were honest you needed to just bite the bullet and sell it - you practically lived with the twins, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. But that also meant that this was going to be the first long-ish stretch that you weren’t with each other. 
“It’s just 7 days baby, it’ll go by so fast.” Now he was comforting you, of course. 
“You’re gonna have the best time, I can’t wait to see the video when you get home.” 
“I’d send you pictures, but you know we won’t have our phones,” he sighed, running a finger along your jawline. “Not being able to see this face all week is gonna suck.”
You blushed deep red, warming his fingertips before you pulled away and crawled across the bed.
“Hey, where ya goin’?” Grayson pouted, but you ignored him for a second, going over to the dresser where you kept some of your clothes full time. You reached down, pulling out the little album that you’d been making as a gift for Grayson down the road. You pulled out one of your favorite pictures; from one of the first weeks that you’d been dating, it was the two of you with the LA skyline in the background, with you looking up at him as he smiled. 
“Here, take this with you.” You handed him the photo. “I know E will probably give you shit, but just hide it somewhere. Make sure you bring it back though, that one’s my favorite.”
“I love you,” he responded, but you barely heard it, because at that exact moment Ethan was banging on the door and yelling “GRAY! C’mon it’s time to go!” 
“And i’m going to kill my brother,” he groaned, reaching out and pulling you to him tightly, falling back on the bed. You landed on top of him, and his lips were on yours before you could say anything. He kissed you roughly for a minute, a bit of urgency there as he knew you weren’t going to be able to do this again for a while. Ethan knocked on the door again, and you felt Graysons arms tighten as he rolled over, putting you underneath him
“Go Gray, before he beats the door down,” you teased, pushing gently on his chest.
“I could just stay here with you,” he countered, raising an eyebrow.
“Go,” You giggled, pushing harder.
“Fine, fine,” he grumbled, kissing you again before getting up. “Alright E, I’m coming!” 
You followed him to the door where Ethan was standing in the doorway.
“Finally get him to stop crying and leave?” E asked.
“Oh shut up,” you teased, pushing on his chest so you could get by. He followed you, slinging an arm around your shoulders as you headed out to the van, which you knew was already packed.
You stayed out of the shot as they filmed a little intro explaining what they were doing. Grayson was so much more excited these days in all the videos, but even more so in the ones that had to do with adventures. You watched as the locked their phones in the box they’d used before, storing it under the benches in the van. 
Once the cameras cut, Gray made his way back over to you, wrapping you up in a tight hug.
“I love you. I’m gonna miss you so much,” he murmured into your hair.
“I love you too Gray. Be safe.”
“You too. Call Ricky if you need anything okay? He’ll still have his phone for emergencies.” 
“I’ll see you soon.”
Grayson’s POV
His mind was already wandering as he continued driving down the road, already in Arizona. They were headed to Big Bend National Park, with the new challenge of not using their phones for navigation. Ethan was actually a good navigator, so once he got on the right highway it was just a matter of driving through Arizona and Texas, then down to the Mexico border to get to the park. 
“I think all this footage is gonna be sick, and I’m excited to get some star shots once we get to the park,” Ethan said. Gray just nodded along, watching the road.
“You good bro? You’re off, I can feel it.”
“Yeah, I’m fine. I just have a pit in my stomach about this whole thing. It’s makin’ me anxious,” Grayson explained, fists tightening on the wheel of the van. Ricky was in the back, sound asleep.
“What about it though? Is it something specific?” Ethan asked.
“I can’t put my finger on it. I just have a weird feeling. I’m sure it’s nothing, I’m just in my head.” 
“Is it Y/N?”
Sometimes, Grayson really hated sharing a mind. And this was one of those times. He stayed silent, which was enough of an answer for Ethan.
“She’s a fully capable person Gray. She’s gonna be fine without you for a few days.” 
“Thanks asshole, I know. Just drop it.” 
“Whatever,” Ethan shrugged, settling down into his chair a bit more, crossing his arms and getting comfy for the long trip ahead. 
And a long trip it was. They made it to the park around 1am, and were amazed at what they saw. Above them was the whole milky way, clear as day. 
They shot a quick clip explaining the main reason they’d come all the way to Big Bend.
“It’s a certified dark zone, which means no one is allowed to have building with lights out here. So theres no light pollution at all, it’s one of the best places in the world to see the stars,” Ethan explained. Grayson wasn’t paying too much attention; instead he was gazing up, and suddenly missing who he wanted beside him more than anything. 
It was going to be a long few days. 
Your POV:
The first four days were alright. You spent your time wandering around the house, enjoying all the space. You sat in Ethan’s comfy chair in the living room while you watched netflix, cuddled up in one of Grayson’s blankets from his bed that you’d dragged with you. It smelled like him, and it was comforting.
When that got boring you’d change into a swim suit, heading out to the pool - you’d given it a good cleaning, which you knew the boys would be thankful for when they got back. You were determined to get more of a tan than Gray by the end of the summer, and if you had any chance at all you needed to get a head start. 
By day five, the boredom was starting to get to you. You wanted to talk to Grayson, see his face, see his smile, hear his laugh. You even resorted to going back and watching a few of your favorite videos of theirs, just to hear his voice. You felt pathetic while you did it, but you also couldn’t really bring yourself to care too much if you were honest. All throughout the day you caught yourself pulling out your phone to text him, but you knew he wouldn’t see them. 
Still, you’d send a message just for fun, knowing he would see them once he got back and was allowed to have his phone. You could just imagine his face when he got back and saw all the little messages you’d left. 
miss youuuuu
hey u should come home now, k thanks
I stole your favorite hoodie and you’re never getting it back oops
im gonna hide all your building stuff, that’s the level of boredom i’m at
this shit sucks 
i love you
I wanna go on the next adventure :(
But as you sent the last one, it sparked an idea. 
You could make your own adventure. Nothing was stopping you, and you had nothing better to do. The weather was nice, and there was supposed to be some good surf coming in.
And so, that was that. You packed up a towel, your wetsuit and some sunscreen, heading out to the car. You decided to take the Bronco, just because it had the surf rack on top. Grayson still wasn’t too keen on anyone driving his car, but he trusted you with it more than Ethan, and you knew he wouldn’t really care.
So you packed up your surfboard, struggling a bit to get it on top of the roof and strapped down - Grayson always made it look so damn easy. But you managed, finally getting in and heading to the beach. The drive was beautiful, as always, but you missed being in the passenger seat with Grayson’s hand on your thigh. 
Damn. These last few days were gonna suck. 
Grayson’s POV:
“I think we’re really getting the hang of this bro. I’m excited. We could do this full time, for real,” Grayson grinned, packing up a few things in the van while Ethan filled up the packs with water. Ricky was filming, so he took the opportunity to explain what was happening.
“So guys, today we’re going on the longest, and most difficult hike in Big Bend. It’s called South Rim, it’s about 14 miles total, but we’re gonna split it up and actually camp about halfway so we can get even cooler views tonight. Now, Ethan and I like to say we’re hikers, but honestly, we kinda suck.”
“Yeah, we uh, we’re not great,” Ethan chimed in. 
“So this should be fun!”
“Oh yeah, great time.” 
“And obviously we don’t have our phones, so we’re gonna have no idea what time it is, we won’t be able to call for help if we get, ya know, mauled by a mountain lion or something.”
“Bro, why would you say that!?” Ethan groaned.
“It’s the truth! Well, I guess Ricky has his phone though, so we’d be alright.”
“My phone hasn’t had service since we got here,” Ricky countered from behind the camera. 
“Oh we are so fucked dude,” Ethan grumbled.
And in all honesty, it put a bit of a pit in Gray’s stomach, knowing he wouldn’t be able to contact anybody if something happened. But he pushed the thought from his mind, moving to help his brother pack up the tent and begin their trek.
Your POV:
The beach wasn’t too crowded, which was a blessing. When you said you liked to surf, it usually meant that you liked to catch 1 wave out of the 50 you tried for. You were a beginner, that was for sure. There were only about 20 people on the entire beach, and a few surfers out on the break, with the lifeguard keeping a close eye on them.
Even if you didn’t feel it, you looked the part in your wetsuit, board tucked under your arm. You snapped a quick picture, sending it to Grayson’s non-existent phone just for kicks.
wish you were here! you’d be laughing at how much I’m gonna suck. love you!
After it sent, you put it away in the waterproof box you’d brought. You made your way over to the lifeguard station, waving up at the man sitting atop the chair.
“Hey, I’m here by myself, do you care if I leave this box here with you?” You asked politely. 
“Yeah that’s fine. Be careful out there,” he responded, not taking his eyes off the water. You put it down by the legs of the chair, jogging towards the water. The ocean was cold when it hit your skin but you adjusted quickly, diving in and heading out to the break. 
And as you predicted, you missed practically every single one you tried to get up on. You hit the water over and over again, your arms sore from pushing up to standing, even if it was to no avail.
You began paddling in after about an hour, accepting defeat, when suddenly you noticed everyone beside you paddling out instead of in. 
The lifeguard’s whistle came too late. By the time you turned around, the wave was already there, towering feet above any that had come prior. 
And you were right in the break.
You’d read about these before. Rouge waves, you remembered. Random waves that come from nowhere, with no apparent cause. You had just enough time to suck in your breath before it crashed directly over your head.
It felt like the inside of a washing machine looked - that was the only way you could describe it. And then you felt something warm on your head, and everything went black.
Grayson’s POV:
It was the morning of day six, and Grayson had never been more ready to get home. The pit in his stomach was a rock now, and he had no explanation for it at all. 
“Bro we’re actually disgusting. Like we need a real shower somewhere, or we’re never gonna get the smell out of this van,” Ethan said. And he was right. After all the hiking and sleeping in the tent, the three of them reeked. 
“We could do a gas station shower, we just gotta map our way there without our phones. I don’t think that breaks the rules, we just aren’t supposed to use technology,” Ricky shrugged.
“Alright sick, we might as well start driving. Gray, you okay?” E asked.
“Yeah. Just don’t feel good,” he mumbled. He kept himself curled up in the back of the van, head resting on the table as Ethan found his way out of the park and towards the nearest town.
Grayson couldn’t figure out what was bothering him so much. He wasn’t dehydrated, he hadn’t eaten anything bad. He should be having the time of his life, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong. It was like the time that Ethan had cut his leg open when they were kids; Grayson wasn’t near him, but he just knew. It was exactly that feeling, except Ethan was right there in front of him, perfectly fine. So he just kept his head down, hoping whatever it was would pass.
They found the gas station about 45 minutes later, and the three of them headed in eagerly. Maybe a good warm shower would clear his mind. 
And once he was done, he did feel better. But only slightly. It was getting harder to breathe. He headed out, noticing that Ricky was already in the van and Ethan was waiting outside. 
“Gray, dude you don’t look good. What’s wrong?”
“I think I’m getting sick man. I’ve been sick to my stomach since yesterday, and I feel like I can’t breathe now. Maybe I’ve got a really bad allergy to something out here. I’m sorry man, I’m trying to shake it so I can be up for the video, but I don’t know where it’s coming from.” 
“Guys.” Ricky’s voice was serious, much more serious than normal.
“What’s up?” E asked. 
“I just got service again, and I’ve got 12 missed calls, all from the same number. I don’t recognize it though. LA area code.”
“Call it. Call it now.” Grayson’s answer came before he could even think about it. He felt like he was going to hurl.
Ricky dialed it back quickly, holding the phone up to his ear. The twins climbed in the back, sitting down across from him at the table.
“This is he.” Ricky said. “Um, yeah, yeah he’s right here.”
Grayson’s blood went ice cold when Ricky held the phone out for him.
“It’s for you.”
He felt robotic and he reached out, taking the phone and putting it up to his ear.
“Hi, is this Mr. Grayson Dolan?” 
“Hi Grayson. We’re just calling on behalf of Ms. Y/N Y/L/N from King Hospital, you’re listed as her primary emergency contact.”
“Is she alright? What happened?”
“She’s stable right now. We don’t have all of the details, she’s been in and out of consciousness. She was in an accident -”
“Accident?” Grayson’s voice cracked, and Ethan stiffened up beside him. As if it was instinct, he felt his brothers hand on his shoulder, anchoring him just enough that he could listen.
“She was out surfing at Manhattan Beach, the lifeguards said there was a rouge wave. They got her out quickly, but they think she hit her head on some rocks when she went under. She wasn’t breathing when they got to her, but she was stabilized in the ambulance. She told us to call Ricky off her phone when she was conscious because you wouldn’t have your phone. We’ve had her sedated so her brain could rest, but it looks like we’re going to need to take her in for surgery, because we found some deep lacerations on her head and want to check for anymore significant damage.”
“Surgery?” Grayson expected himself to go numb, but he almost had the opposite. He was so overwhelmed that it was crippling. “How soon?”
“As soon as we’re able. She isn’t able to give consent, so we needed to get in contact with you if possible. Are you able to get here quickly?”
“I’m - I’m not in the state, I’m in Texas.”
“Well, a telephone consent will do,” the nurse said.
“Oh. Okay, yeah. Yeah, I consent. Do what you need to, please just be careful.” It was dumb thing to say, he knew that, but he couldn’t help himself. 
“Thank you Mr. Dolan, we will. And we’ll keep you updated. Should we call at this number, or the one you have listed?” 
“The one I have listed is fine, I have it now.” 
Ethan knew exactly what that meant and was immediately scrambling to find the box with their phones while Ricky got the key ready off his keychain. 
“Alright, speak soon Mr. Dolan.” 
And with that she hung up the phone.
“I’m gonna be sick,” were the only words that Grayson could manage as he crawled to the back of the van and hurled over the bumper. Ethan followed him, holding onto his shoulders and trying to stabilize him so he didn’t fall out.
“What do we need to do Gray?”
“Drive. We need to get home, now.”
Without further questions, Ricky climbed into the drivers seat as they closed up the back of the van, immediately heading in the direction of California. 
When Gray finally managed to get enough air in his lungs, he was able to look up at Ethan, who was sitting opposite of him. 
“Y/N’s hurt. I think it’s pretty bad.”
“Tell me what happened.” 
And so he did, to the best of his ability. He didn’t have very much information, which was the hard part. But he told his brother everything that the nurse did.
“Well, if she was with it enough to give them Ricky’s number instead of yours, that’s good. That means she was alright when they got her in the ambulance.”
“Right. I wonder if she tried to call me.” The thought made his stomach tighten.
“Your phone was dead, it’s charging up front right now. Either way, we’re headed back as quick as we can.” 
Grayson noted that the van was moving quite quickly - Ricky was definitely speeding, but he didn’t care. 
“I know Gray. I’m scared too. But she’s gonna be alright. She has to be.” 
She’s gonna be alright
She’s gonna be alright
He repeated the words over and over again in his head, sometimes mumbling them aloud. A few minutes later, his phone was charged. Ethan climbed to the front to get it. Without having to ask, Ethan knew that Grayson wanted him to screen his texts, just to see. And he could tell there were texts from her just by his face.
“E. If she text me about all this and I didn’t answer, I’m gonna lose my fucking mind.” 
“She wouldn’t have been able to, she didn’t take her phone in the water. These are all from before.” 
He held out his hand.
Looking at the texts was his undoing. He could hear her voice, clear as day in his head as he read them, making it all the much harder. He began to sob, uncontrollable ragged sounds. Ethan put an arm around his shoulder in silent support, as he often did. And Ricky continued down the road.
It was the longest 15 hours of his life. They’d checked to make sure it wasn’t quicker to stop in Phoenix and put Grayson on a flight - driving straight through was faster. But god it felt like it was taking years. He held the picture he had of him and Y/N in his hand, but he couldn’t look at it for too long without losing it. 
Ethan was driving now, with Grayson in the passenger seat - he hadn’t been forced to take a turn, everyone knew he was in no shape to drive. 
Everyone in the car was on edge, which meant they all jumped practically to the ceiling when Grayson’s phone rang. He answered on the first ring.
“Mr. Dolan?” It was a different voice this time.
“Hi, this is Y/N’s surgeon, just calling with an update. Y/N is out of surgery, and she did great! No complications, and the damage seems pretty minimal, though we’ll have to see once she wakes up.” 
He took his first real breath in the last 15 hours. 
“That’s great news. Thank you.”
“So she’s in recovery right now, but she’s gonna be unconscious for the next 30 minutes or so. Should we be expecting you?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m headed there right now, I should be there in about 25 minutes according to my GPS.”
“Alright perfect. Well, she’s in room 828 on the post op wing when you get here, just sign in at the desk and we’ll bring you up. We’ll take good care of her.”
“Thank you so much doctor.”
“She’s alright. Out of surgery, should be waking up soon,” he explained as soon as he hung up. The relief was obvious, especially for Ethan. Gray had been so caught up in his own worry that he’d forgotten how worried Ethan must be - Y/N was practically his sister. Grayson watched as his brother pressed just a tiny bit more on the gas, racing towards the hospital.
When they arrived, Grayson couldn’t get out of the van fast enough. He bolted for the entrance, with Ethan in tow. Ricky stayed in the car out of privacy, offering to get them anything they needed. 
They went through the motions of check in - something they were all too familiar with - and Grayson followed the nurse up to the post op floor, where he was transferred over to the nurse that had initially called him. 
“She’s starting to stir just a bit. Just to prepare you, we aren’t sure how confused she’s going to be when she wakes up. With the mixture of anesthesia and her concussion, she may be very out of it. Just be patient with her, she should come around to her normal self within the next few hours. She’s right through here.” The nurse stopped outside the door, opening the door with a gentle push. 
“You wanna go alone, or do you want me with you?” Ethan asked, hesitating.
“With me.” He didn’t have to think about it. 
Grayson went in first, and if Ethan hadn’t been behind him, he probably would have fallen to his knees. Y/N was in the hospital bed, gown over her still form, her head partially wrapped in gauze. She had oxygen tubes in her nose and was breathing deeply, laying flat on her back, eyes closed. Just the image of her in the whole hospital garb was enough to bring tears to his eyes. He hated it more than he could have imagined. 
Once he was stable enough on his feet, Grayson headed to her bedside. As he got closer, she started to stir a bit, fingers twitching as he sat down as gently as he could on the side of her bed. It was as if she knew he was there already, even though he hadn’t said a word or touched her at all. 
“Mmmmmm.” She started to make a noise, her dry lips parting.
“Baby?” Grayson leaned forward, taking her hand in his, careful not to move her IV. 
“Mmm- mad.” She mumbled, eyes still closed.
“Mad?” He looked back at Ethan for clarification, but he just nodded. Grayson raised a hand up to cup her cheek, and she smiled, resting her head in his palm. He revealed in the feeling, taking it in. 
“Bronco.” This time, her word was clear, though it didn’t make anymore sense. 
“Baby. Y/N, can you open your eyes sweetheart?” Grayson coaxed, rubbing his thumb along her cheekbone. 
“Tryin’. It’s heavy,” she said, scrunching her eyebrows. He could tell she was really doing her best, which made his heart squeeze a bit tighter. When she finally managed to lift her eyelids, he could tell she was exhausted. 
“You’s gonna be mad at me,” was the first sentence she managed to string together, though all her words were drawn out and slightly garbled. 
“Why would I be mad at you baby?”
“I drove the bronco, left it at the beach. Probs some homeless guy living in it,” she said, resting all the weight of her head onto his hand. 
“It’s okay. I really couldn’t care less about the car right now.”
“Don’t say that, Ethan will be big sad.” She gasped then, sitting upright a little more. “Ethan! Hi buddy!” She had just noticed him at the end of the bed. She blinked hard, like she was trying to bring him into focus.
“Hey girly, how yah feelin?” 
“Got a cracked skull, but i’ms okay. But guess what?”
“What?” He asked.
“Still smarter than youuuuu,” she shrugged, and Grayson couldn’t help but let out a laugh.
She really was back to normal.
“You want me to go get the car?” Ethan asked, sitting on the opposite side of her bed and for once, choosing not to throw a comeback. He really had been worried.
“I don’t have keys. Or my phone. I left em with the lifeguard,” she pouted, her lip curling down. If it wasn’t so pitiful, he would have found it adorable. 
“It’s okay, we’ll figure it out. Don’t worry about it,” Grayson reassured her, leaning forward to press a kiss to her forehead. 
The nurse came in then to check on her. Ethan moved out of her way, and Grayson was about to move away, but Y/N grabbed his hand, using all her strength to hold him there.
“Don’t go,” she whimpered, and he swore he could feel a piece of his heart crack.
“I’m right here, just getting out of the nurses way,” he promised, kissing her hand and standing next to the bed.
“You guys are fine, I’ll let you know if you’re somewhere I need to be,” the nurse smiled. “How’re you feeling Y/N?” 
“Sore, but okay.”
“Well, you’re a trooper. I’ve never seen anyone come out of anesthesia so clear headed before. Now, you might get confused in a little while, but that’s just the concussion, and it’ll pass, okay? Just gotta give it time. You just rest and give your body some time to heal. You should be ready to rock and roll out of here in the next few days, okay?” 
“M’kay. Is my phone lost forever?” She asked.
“Actually the lifeguard that pulled you out dropped off your box with your things earlier. It’s over there with your other belongings.” 
Grayson made a mental note to find that guy and thank him profusely in the future. Ethan went over to the personal items bag, bringing it over to the bed. Y/N started to rummage through it, pulling things out one by one. 
When she got her wetsuit out - which took some effort - she frowned, running her finger over the new cut that Grayson assumed was made by the paramedics. He tried as hard as he could to not picture what the ambulance looked like when that cut was made.
“They cut it,” she pouted. “That was my favorite one.”
“I’ll buy you a new one,” Grayson reassured her. 
“M’kay,” she mumbled, satisfied. She cuddled down a little bit into her pillow, obviously exhausted. Grayson continued going through the bag, getting the keys and her phone out of the box. 
“I’m gonna get the car before it gets towed. Give you all a minute,” Ethan said quietly, having a hand out for the keys.
“Thanks bro. I’ll keep you updated.” 
He was extremely grateful, but he couldn’t find the words. He hoped Ethan knew.
“Gray,” Y/N said quietly. 
“Hey baby, I’m right here.” 
“M’tired,” she murmured, holding a hand out. “Can we sleep?” 
“You can sleep sweetheart,” Grayson reassured her. 
“C’mere. Come up here,” she said, patting the bed next to her. 
Grayson obliged, sliding his arms under her knees and behind her back, scooting her over just enough so that he could slide into the bed beside her. 
“Much better. I missed you. Maybe don’t go for so long next time,” she said, curling up against him and getting as close as she could.
“Don’t worry. I’m not leaving you for a long, long time.”
“Sounds good to me,” she mumbled, but she was already falling asleep before the end of the sentence. So Grayson held her close to him, relishing in the feeling and lulling off to sleep. 
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yanoirkay · 4 years
Bad Decisions
Warning : swearing , mentions of sex.
You first see this tall handsome man at the bar on your girls night out, he was with 2 other guys. You pointed him out to your best friend Mariah who seen you eyeing this man every minute.
"Your staring" Mariah said with a smile on her face
"Wha-! No im not im jus- your right i am staring " You said
"Go talk to him! Or you'll never know what the sex is like" Mariah pleaded
"Omg your insane I can't ! What if I'm not his type" You say
"Kayla have you seen yourself lately , your the baddest bitch I've ever seen ! Who wouldn't be attracted to you! Go talk to him please" Mariah begged again.
A few moments later Mariah nuged your shoulder tilting her head to the left trying to warn you that the tall handsome man was walking over to you guys.
" Mind if we join you guys" the man said
"Sure ofc!" Mariah said very quickly
" I'm Ray, this is Enson, and Bosco "
You finally found your words to say your name
"I'm Kayla and this is my friend Mariah " you said confidently
You held out your hand to shake Ray's
When he took your hand into his it felt like you were floating on a high sex drive and just wanting to have him touch you
The 3 men pulled up chairs , Ray put his next to yours
"So tell us about yourselves " Mariah said
"Well I don't know if there's much to tell" Ray said in a low deep voice
You downed your tequila shot and turned to face Ray
"Oh come one Ray, there has to be something interesting about you"
You trailed your finger down his chest and stopped once you got to his lower belly, he cought your finger and held onto it
" I promise there's nothing special about me babygirl, how about you we get a separate table to talk" Ray said with a smirk on his face
You nodded and said "okay" you turned to Mariah who was talking to Bosco and Enson and told her you were gonna go talk to Ray at a different table
"Damn already! You go girl! Have fun" Mariah laughed turning back to the men she was entertaining
Ray grabbed your hand and led you to the far back table away from everyone else
He pulled out your seat for you and then headed to his, he looked at you for a minute like he was tryna study you over
He finally spoke " So pretty girl, you come here often?"
"Sometimes, today was mandatory tho we needed to have this night" You said with a smile
"Well I'm glad you showed up" Ray said with a smirk on his face
"So tell me about yourself " he added
"Well my full name is Kayla Elizabeth Knowles, and I work at an office that is way too far from my apartment and I really don't know what else to say" You put your head down
Ray lifted your head up with his fingers, he ran his thumb over your plump bottom lip
"Sounds like your my type already" he said
After an hour of talking with ray he looked at his watch and sighed lightly
"What" You said with pouty lips
"I gotta get going and so do you" Ray said
"Why do I ha-have to leave" You sounded very drunk
Ray let out a mixture of a low sigh and a laugh
"Alright you drunk , I hope your not the one driving" He said
"No we took a uber here, I don't want to leave" You answered
"Well you are come on grab your jacket I'll take you home" Ray said in a low convincing way
You got up and pulled your very short dress down that showed way to much chest but it was worth it because it made your ass pop, and Ray couldn't stop himself from looking as you vent over and grabbed your things
You headed towards the bar to see Mariah still talking to Bosco and Enson
"Hey babe I'm gonna go" you said to her
"Really !" Mariah looked behind you to see Ray standing there
"Oh no problem , have fun !" Mariah added
"Thanks, love you" You said
After to left the bar Ray took your hand and led you outside to his car , he opened the car door for you and helped you in. He closed the door and walked over to his side. Hopping in the car he looked over at you and smirked
"My place or yours" he said which brought confusion to your face
"Not to have sex , if you wanna stay with me you can" he added
Your confusion turned into a smile
"I'll stay at mine for tonight" you said
He nodded and asked for your address, he nodded again backing up the car as you told him your apartment address
20 minutes later you arrive at your apartment , sad that the nights over but happy to be able to sleep, your heads pounding and you wanna get out of his hot dress
"Thank you for this" You said softly
"Of cource" Ray said with his signature smirk
You went to open the car door but he grabbed your thigh stopping you
"Phone" was all he said
You handed ray your phone and a couple seconds later he handed it back , seeing the new contact you had made you smile
"Be safe getting up their , call me when uur inside" He said softly
"Okay" you said sweetly and soft
Stepping outta the car you make your way towards your building , Ray doesn't drive of until he sees you go inside
5 minutes later, your inside your apartment, kicking off your heels and making your way toward your bedroom. You slip off the dress and hang it on the dresser knob, you grab a big t-shirt throwing that on and a Tylenol.
"Oh shit" you mumble
Unlocking your phone looking for rays contact his name pops up on your screen, yor answer his call
"You okay? Why didn't you call" he said low
"I'm sorry I forgot , missing me already" You teased
He did a low laugh " yeah maybe, alright get some sleep I'll call you tomorrow " he responded
"Okay be safe, bye" you said softly hanging up the phone feeling the tiredness coming on
You set the phone down on the night table and crawl into bed , falling asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow...
Hey guys ! This is my first ever writing , I know I have a long way to go but I hope I did okay for my first time! There will be more of this chapter coming very soon! Bye my loves 💗
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crispycrimebrulee · 4 years
Could you possibly write headcannons for Phinks, Knuckle, and whoever else you want going to Build a Bear with their S/O? (maybe even what stuffed animal they choose to make and what they name it?) I hope it’s not too much to ask!
Thank you!💜
this is s o f t im gonna burst-
Bring a Boy, Build a Bear!!
- he’s secretly excited to be here with you! He’s also a little nervous, because he wants to make something you’ll like. He’s holding your hand the whole time, looking around at all the possible things he could make, but he wants to make sure its special for the both of you!
- you plan to do a little trade at the end of it all!
- he picks a little penguin with a top hat, because he saw it and could barely stifle his giggles. It’s name? Sir Charlie. He loves him dearly. He gives him a little jacket as well to match the top hat.
-  he opts to put a little voice message inside, but he walks away from you to do it, claiming that “it’s a secret, y/n! It won’t be fun if you know it...”
- you make your own bear (or rather, the one for him) and he comes back looking very content with himself, and you trade bears. Upon squeezing it, it goes, “I love every bit of you, babe!” and looking at Phinks, his cheeks are slightly pink, seeing as you played the message in public
- he loves the bear you made for him, and he holds it when you’re not around :’)
- He can barely keep himself together, he’s so damn excited. He keeps squeezing your hand and rambling about what he could possibly make for you. He also wants to do a trade off with you!
- He picks out a little ducky :) with round glasses and a pink jacket. Why? because its cute and soft, and it somehow reminds him of you. He shows it yo you and he’s absolutely beaming. 
- he records a little message for you, saying “You’re everything to me, y/n”  and giving a soft smile, and kissing the little heart shaped recorder. 
- you make one for him as well, and upon giving it to him, he’s practically over flowing with joy. He loves what you made for him, and he keeps squeezing it to hear the message you left him. 
- he keeps it on his dresser in his house, and sleeps with it when you’ve been gone for some time~
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Cat: Lil floof and if you squint, angst
Agender! Reader was nervous about their internship with Thirteen already, but throw in the sparky porcupine? Anxiety maxed out. But surprisingly, he just isn’t as explosive as usual. (Reader has a fire related quirk)
Y/N remembered when they first decided to try out for cross country.
It was the summer before 8th grade when they vowed to make themself into a person they could like. Their sister had given them a ride to the school, they’d retied their sneakers about fifteen times on the way, and they’d practically had a death grip on that poor plastic water bottle.
They’d been so nervous that they refused to get out of the car. They remembered knowing absolutely nobody on the team, feeling so socially inept because they hadn't talked to anybody all summer. It wasn't until their sister reassured them that they finally found themself unlocking the door.
That's what they thought internships were gonna be like.
But rather than the hellish experience their middle school self endured, it was quite different.
They chose to intern with Thirteen to learn how to use their quirk in rescue scenarios. Thirteen, who they’d recently learned went by xe/xyr pronouns, was a pretty nice person, who took their wall of awkwardness and formality into consideration.
Y/N was finally letting the wall drip down a bit, allowing Thirteen to see their real personality. And the acceptance was nice.
That's why they didn't really mind it when Thirteen said xe needed to drop by Best Jeanist's agency. Something to do with the author and plot lines.
So they followed Thirteen through the building, politely smiling at the passersby they happened to make eye contact with. The two stopped at a door in the building, pushing it open, and just like that feeling of finding someone you know in your home town, Y/N felt like they’d been smacked with frying pan.
Bakugo and Y/N made eye contact from both sides of the room, a silence as his hair sprung back to its normal state.
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If the rest of the Bakusqud were here, Y/N probably would've been able to sneak in a laugh under Mina, Sero, and Kaminari’s cackling, but alas that was not the case. And despite the self destructive ramblings of Y/N’s rather common mental breakdowns, they valued their life.
Best Jeanist sighed as though this weren't the first time this occurred, flicking his comb into his pocket. "Thirteen." He said in greeting. "What brings you here?"
"I just need to do some touch ups on the paperwork for the collab takedown we did last week. Turns out the villains quirk wasn't energy mutation." Xe replied, while Y/N suddenly begun to wish they had Hagakure's quirk instead as Bakugo’s eyes burned into their skull.
"Is that your intern?"
Uh oh.
"Yep," Thirteen said, pushing Y/N forward much to their dismay. "They’ve got quite the quirk."
Best Jeanist hummed in response, having been there in the stadium. He remembered sending them an invite to intern with him after the festival, but he supposed they were searching for something specific.
"You two are in the same class right?" Best Jeanist asked. Y/N stiffened as he acknowledged Bakugo's presence. Without waiting for a response, he carried on, "You two stay here. Thirteen, the reports in my office."
And despite every cell in their body yelling at the two to stay, the door closed behind the two leaving both Bakugo and Y/N in immediate discomfort.
Y/N looked around the room at anything and everything except for Bakugo. They spotted a chair, the only other one in the room placed right across from the blonde porcupine.
With an internal groan, they shuffled over to the chair, sitting uncomfortably still as they pulled out their phone. They stared at the screen, pretending to be doing something while attempting to negotiate a ceasefire with the whatever deity above was listening.
Whatever I did to deserve this, I am so sorry. It'll never happen again, bro, just get me tf outta here rn before my soul skrrt skrrts from my body-
Oh no, now their nose was itchy. The temptation was there, but the risk of drawing attention was even greater. Were they gonna sneeze? Were there tissues in here? Jeez did hearts always beat so loudly? And what is up with the whole breathing thing? It sounds like there's gonna be a whole goddamn tornado-
"Hey. Depressed Flambé."
Y/N hesitantly looked up from their screen, wondering if they placed their funeral plans in an obvious enough location. Top left drawer of their dresser, beneath their will. Dang they forgot to write if they wanted red camellias or white camellias. Surely class 1-A would know they were a red camellias type of lad. And they had to change the song from "Thriller" to "E-Girls Are Ruining My Life", ya know, get with the times-
"I know you're avoiding me. Your damn phone isn't even on." Bakugo's brash voice said, and they suddenly felt like dropping an anvil on their head.
Y/N gave a smile that may as well have said, "I've been caught" and tucked the phone into their pockets where their hands could fidget out of view.
Depressed Flambé, Y/N pondered.
They hadn't thought they had a nickname, they figured since they had barely interacted with him all year that they were in the clear.
Guess not.
Their thoughts and the room stayed radio silent for a bit before they hesitantly spoke up, "Trying out a new hair style?"
"Mention it to the rest of 1-A and I’ll kill you!" He barked defensively, huffing when he saw them flinch almost unnoticeably. "He won't let me patrol with him until I 'reform my appearance' or some bullshit like that."
Y/N nodded, though they didn't really see much difference. He was intimidating either way, one just made him look a little more idiotic. "Some bullshit sounds about right." Y/N replied, trying to let themself relax.
Bakugo seemed content with their response, and once again the two fell into silence. And just like a hand reaching out, they felt their voice wanting to come out, to keep talking, but maybe he didn't want to. Maybe it'd be better to take the chance and have no regrets later? But what if he just told them to shut up? They probably would never get over that. It was probably best if they-
"How's your internship?" Bakugo asked, clearly uncomfortable with asking the question. He wasn't even making eye contact which was supposed to be Y/N’s thing.
By the author's grace, was this the power of those behind the divine fourth wall?
"It's good!" Y/N said, a little too quickly for their liking.
Stupid social anxiety.
"Um, Thirteen's trying to teach me how to use my quirk in rescues." They added slowing their words, before their voice lowered into a murmur. "I just kind of wish I knew that they don't really teach fighting techniques."
"Well why don't you teach yourself?" He asked.
Why do you have such good hearing, they thought. "I mean I tried a while ago, but I wouldn’t know where to start."
"Is the phone you were using to avoid me just for show or can you actually use it? Just look some up or walk yourself to a library."
They really thought it would be like that first day at cross country. Like everyone would be looking at them, judging them, ostracizing them. But it was all their head, just as it was then, just as it was now.
There was a gap of (you guessed it) silence, but this time it was less awkward, more...comfortable.
"It's too bad, Best Jeanist, isn't what you thought he would be." Y/N said.
He hummed in response.
"It seems more like he's trying to change you than train you." They thought aloud.
"It's annoying. I wish he'd finish this damn haircut, so I can skip to the fun part, and kick somebody’s ass."
Y/N snorted audibly. "If it's about getting it to stay, I think I can help."
Bakugo raised an eyebrow, which before may have had them thinking they were on his kill list, but now not so much. "You do hair?"
"I mean, I take care of mine almost every morning, and I'm pretty good with gel at this point so why not?" They shrugged.
"Hurry up then, I don't want to have to do this for any longer than I have to."
"Your hair is surprisingly soft."
"Shut up, Flambé!"
"Seriously, what conditioner do you use?"
"Thanks for stopping by Thirteen, it's been nice." Best Jeanist said, as the two stepped out of his office.
Thirteen replied. "No problem. See you around."
The two turned to the other duo and though neither visibly shown it, the surprise remained present.
"Did you do his hair?" Thirteen asked in mild confusion.
Best Jeanist was past the point of mere confusion, he was borderline baffled. "You fixed it?!"
Y/N tucked away a comb granted by the author, "Magic."
"Are we gonna patrol now or what?" Bakugo asked, a grin tugging at his lips.
Even though it looked borderline evil, Y/N was still pretty proud they made him smile. Even if he looked like he was about commit a homicide.
A/N Feel free to hit me up via anything if you have any requests. Whether it’s headcanons, scenarios, or different pronouns lemme know! I really like writing these and wanna make everybody feel ✨comfy✨💕
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Chapter 1: Afternoon Shadows
Send an ask if you want to be in the tag list for this fic!
The car rolled up the crunchy gravel driveway and came to a slow stop in front of the house. Dean took the keys out of the ignition and turned off the radio before getting out of the car and grabbing his bags from the trunk.
The house was old and relatively large with 4 bedrooms, each with its own full bathroom. Large stone steps led up to a set polished dark oak doors, set with intricate stained glass windows. On either side of the door stretched a porch with an overhang held up by thick, sandstone composite pillars.
The wood of the porch creaked as Dean walked across it. The key easily slid into and turned the lock in the handleset knob. The door gracefully swung open to reveal a large open atrium with a library off to the left through a set of glass paned french doors and a living room to the right through a large arch.
Stairs were set in the center back of the atrium that rose to a landing before splitting in separate directions. A large crystal chandelier hung from the high ceiling, lighting both the entryway and hall balconies above.
Two doors were on either side of the stairs. One led down a hallway with 3 rooms--a half bath, laundry and mudroom that had a door to the back yard, and the door to the cellar. The other door led into the kitchen. The kitchen had yet another door that led into a bright sunroom with skylights and shelves set into the walls.
None of the lights in the house were on but it was beautifully lit by the natural light seeping through the windows.
Dean picked up his duffles from where he set them on the porch while unlocking the door and carried them up the stairs. He went up the right staircase and chose the room at the end of the hall.
There was already a bed in the room but other than kitchen appliances, beds, and laundry machines, the house was unfurnished. The moving truck was on its way with the rest of the furniture Dean bought for the house when he first visited it.
A rumble and crunch of gravel alerted Dean that the moving truck(speak of the devil) was here. A few young men hopped out of the truck and began pulling out the furniture. After about 20 minutes, everything had been moved into the house and placed where Dean had directed.
Boxes were stacked up in messy towers in most rooms. Dean walked into the library and opened one of the larger boxes. It was filled with books given to him throughout the years by friends and family but mostly Sam.
Dean would never admit to it, but he enjoyed a good book. Sam saw right through his lies and brought him all sorts of books.
Dean left the box open and walked over to the walnut book shelves set into the walls. He ran his fingers over the polished wood, leaving trails in the dust that had accumulated on the shelves in the absence of books.
He wiped his hand on his jeans and walked to the kitchen. Smaller brown boxes were scattered around the room on the counters and floor. He grabbed the one labeled ‘fridge’ and pulled off the tape holding it shut.
Inside the box were some magnets and a few pictures. He pulled them out one at a time. First a picture of his brother, Sammy, and his wife, Jess, sitting in the yard with their dog, Bones. A picture of Mary smiling in the afternoon sun. Pictures of His father, Bobby, Sammy, and Dean himself laughing together or fishing or fixing up a car.
After pinning all the pictures to the fridge with some magnets, he reached what he was looking for. He pulled out the pad of sticky notes and a pen-- both had magnets attached to them so they would hang on the refrigerator-- and started his To-Do list.
Unpack boxes
Call Bobby
Dean fished his phone out of his pocket and found Bobby in his contacts, pressing the call button.
After Dean's mother died, John drowned his sorrows in alcohol. He would release Hell’s fury on Dean and Dean took it to keep Sammy safe. When Bobby found out he became his and Sam's father figure, having them move into his house and help with the cars in his shop.
Bobby picked up after 3 rings
“Hey Bobby. I'm at the house, gonna start unpacking tomorrow.”
“Is everything fine down there?”
“Yup. Tell Ellen thanks for me will ya? She’s too good to me.”
“Of course and we will do anything for ya idjits.”
“You said she got this house from a relative in their will right?”
“Sure did. Her great aunt left a little somethin’ to all her great nieces and nephews. She really loved Ellen so she gave her the house but only bits of her money to the rest.”
“Well it's damn lucky she has such a good family and that you and her got each other. I've gotta head out and get some food before I starve to death in this place. Thanks again, Bobby.”
“No problem, and Dean, take care of yourself.”
Dean ended the call, placing his phone on the counter with a sigh. As soon as he moved to go get his keys, his phone began to ring again. He looked at the screen name and answered.
“Hiya Sammy. Calling to check up on me?”
“Yes and No. I actually have a… favor to ask.”
Dean paused for a moment, wondering what kind of favor was making his brother so nervous to ask him about before replying. “Whatcha need?”
“I have a friend who just finished college and is out of a house. He is near your area and that house is big enough to fit the both of you so would it be ok if he stayed there till he finds a decent apartment?”
Dean never keeps people close in fear of becoming too attached and losing them or being hurt by them. He has such a burden -- courtesy of his father --  that people who become too close to him have to help bear. But it's not like this friend of Sams is going to be staying that long and Sams right, the house is big. If Deans being honest, the house was a bit lonely and it would be nice to not be alone. Maybe it won't be so bad to have another warm body in the house.
“Sure thing, Sammy. Can you, uh, tell me who he is and when he’s coming?”
“That's great! His name is Castiel Novak and he will be coming in about three days. He’s nice and quiet and won’t bother you much. You need some more people in that big house anyway you will get lonely and depre-”
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever, don’t make me take back my choice.” Dean grumbled.
“Ok, I'll tell him. Make sure you clean up a bit before he gets there.”
“Don't worry mom, I can take care of myself.”
Dean hung up the phone for a second time and decided to put it in his pocket in case anyone else wants to bother him on his grocery run. He should get extra food for this Castiel guy. Odd name, huh?
He grabs the keys of a box sitting in the entryway and locks the large doors behind him before almost bouncing down the steps to his car.
Deans Black 1967 Chevy Impala had been left with Bobby at his shop while Dean moved. Baby is Dean's pride and joy. They way her engine purrs when he rides down the street and Led Zeppelin blasting through her speakers filled him with joy.
The ride to the store was short and there weren't any people in the small building other than himself and a rather bored looking cashier. He grabbed all of the food he needed for the next few days and a six-pack of beer and put them in his cart.
The cashier began to scan his items, glancing up at his face a few times before asking, “I've never seen you around before, are you moving into the old Fletcher house?”
“Uh, yeah. I am.”
The kashier -- kevin according to his nametag -- nodded as he finished scanning the items.
“Im Kevin, by the way,” The cashier looked back up at Dean and held out his hand.
“Dean,” He said before shaking his hand, “You look a bit young to be a year round employee, are you in school?”
“I'm in advanced placement at the college a few towns over.”
“Well nice to meetcha Kevin.”
“Uh huh, yup. Have a nice night, here’s your card.” He handed back Dean’s card before going back to looking extremely bored.
Dean loaded the groceries in the trunk and drove back to the Fletcher House, as Kevin had called it, the gravel crackling under Baby’s tires.
By the time Dean finished unloading the groceries and eating his extravagant dinner consisting of cereal and some beer when he was done, it was already 9:30. He sighed and went upstairs to his room to get ready for bed.
He changed his shirt and boxers for a clean pair and threw his dirty clothes over in the corner by a dresser Sam got him when he decided to get his own house. He had been living with Sam and his girlfriend Jess ever since he got his knee shot and was deemed “unfit for duty”.
Dean was in the military for 5 years as a Marine, just like his father, until he got hit with a bullet right in his knee while deployed. It never healed properly causing him to have a weak knee and enough reason to be sent home.
The bathroom was large with a white tiled floor and shower. The sink was set in the center of the granite counter top in front of a large, frameless, mirror.
Dean turned the water on and wetted his toothbrush before putting a decent sized glob of toothpaste on it. He brushed his teeth and spit out the minty foam. He turned the water back on and watched as the water washed the used toothpaste down the drain.
He looked up at the mirror, still bent over the sink. Standing in the doorway was a dark, shadowy figure. Dean whipped around to face the shadow but the door was empty. He turned back to the mirror, the doorway still empty, and rinsed of his toothbrush and set it on the counter.
Dean walked over to his bed and curled up under the duvet. He really needs to sleep more, he needs to get himself together before his housemate gets here. Castiel . This guy sounds like he’s going to be a little stuck up but it’s only temporary and even bad company is better than none.
He fell asleep. Unaware of the shadow watching him from the corner of the room.
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cutesuki--bakugou · 5 years
Surprise Girlfriend
A random quirk affect makes things a little more... interesting. 
Rating: Explicit Warnings: Sex, cursing, dildo use, just naughty things in general Pairing: Fem!Bakugou x Koge (OC) (and regular Baku, too, a little) Words:  8,571
a/n: This was an idea that I’ve had for a long time and finally decided to just... go for it, even tho it’s super kinda weird and naughty. But y’know, I had fun, it was difficult and different for me so I think that was good to help me with my... funk, I suppose. I decided to stick with masculine pronouns for Bakugou during this, so sorry if it seems a little confusing or off when I describe him. There are some other quirk related accidents that can turn out in different ways that I have in mind, too, that I may be able to do eventually. Either way, enjoy. Also enjoy these horrible awful gross sketches that I did, even tho I don’t like them much I though I’d include them anyways lol. 
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BTW, please blacklist the tag cutesuki-lemons if you do not want to see this content from my blog. I will no longer be tagging with specific keywords for this type of content.Thank you~
Due to the nature of this post, the characters are 18+
Full story under the cut~
Cutesuki 6:09 PM: koge. im coming home. i want to hear NOTHING about how i look. NOTHING. 
Koge was pretty sure that a text had never confused her so much in her entire life, especially not a text from her lover. Many things about it didn’t make sense, but the fact that he used her first name along with capital letters made her increasingly nervous. What could possibly be the problem for him to send her such an ominous message? Had he gotten hurt? Was he covered in dirt and grime from a particularly difficult mission? Was he missing a limb? 
Me 6:11 PM: What in the world are you talking about Katsuki? (⊙_⊙) What’s wrong? Are you okay? (⋟﹏⋞)
Cutesuki 6:15 PM: im not hurt if that’s what you want to know, but i am not okay. i fucking mean it. one word and im getting a hotel for the next 24 hours. 
Me 6:16 PM: Whatever it is, it can’t be that horrible. (´・・`) Why don’t you just tell me, so I won’t be so surprised when you get home? (・ω・)b
Cutesuki 6:18 PM: no! you just had better act like nothing is different! nothing! 
With an annoyed grumble, Koge pulled her legs up onto the couch, adjusting her blanket over her chilled feet. If it was truly as serious as Bakugou was making it seem, there would be no possible way for her to just ignore it. She knew that she would end up saying something, as the words would just spill out of her mouth involuntarily, as they had a tendency to do anyway. At least it seemed to be something temporary, according to what he had said along with his threat to avoid her for twenty four hours. That put her at ease a little, though her curiosity was unquenchable. 
I wonder if he got turned into a cat person like I did not long ago. Though that ended up being fun. If he’s this upset about it, I think having fun is definitely going to be out of the question. 
Deciding to practice at pretending that nothing was going on, Koge dropped the topic and went on discussing normal, mundane things with him as she awaited his arrival home. Bakugou took to the normalcy well, not making a fuss or seeming off in any way. The only thing he seemed frustrated about discussing was the movie night they had planned, as he seemed quite set on just going straight to sleep. Even eating dinner brought about a frustration that Koge couldn’t understand just yet. It was as if he wanted the day to be over, to sleep as soon as possible. Perhaps sleeping was the way to get rid of what was ailing him? 
Eventually, the sound of rough and angry knocking reverberated through the room, prompting Koge to stand. Nervous butterflies rattled about in her stomach all the way to the front door of their apartment, and as she unlocked all the locks, they nearly burst out of her. As the last one was undone, she took in a deep breath, preparing herself to not make a scene. 
All of her preparation was useless. The instant she laid eyes on her lover, she gasped out in shock, instantly covering her mouth in an attempt to stop anything else from escaping. The person before her was indeed her lover, the man that she had grown up with and loved with every inch of her soul. But he was no longer a… he. A woman stood before Koge, dressed in the clothes that Bakugou had left in that morning with his familiar duffle bag slung over their shoulder. Although Bakugou’s regular height hadn’t changed, the clothing hung extra baggy off the figure of the woman, making it nearly impossible for Koge to see exactly what they looked like. Those particular points paled in comparison to their face, which was absolutely lovely, if not for the glare and typical snarl that arose when Koge let out her squeak of surprise. 
“Damn it, Utsuro, I told you not to act up!” The feminine growl of Bakugou’s new voice was foreign to Koge’s ears, leaving her in stunned shock as the stranger shoved their way into their home. Swallowing her shock, Koge shut and relocked the door, waiting until she was done before even attempting to speak. 
“Katsuki… I’m sorry, but you have to tell me what happened first. Was this done by a quirk?” She took the duffle bag as it was shoved into her arms, watching her lover curiously as he stripped off his shoes, not even bothering to put on slippers. Once shoes and jacket were removed to be left at the entrance, Bakugou stormed off towards the bedroom, hands shoved into his pant pockets. 
“Of fucking course it was a quirk! And it wasn’t even a villain! It was a pedestrian I helped get out of a fight zone, and she was so scared she activated her quirk on me. They didn’t need me there so I fucked off the instant it happened, so the media couldn’t see me. I’m fucking pissed about it!” 
Following the fuming blonde into the bedroom, Koge put the bag in her hands down in its usual spot, though she didn’t even get a glance at Bakugou before he was in the bathroom. The door slammed shut so loudly it made Koge jump, and she was sure the entire 40 story tall apartment building could feel it. “Did she at least tell you how to go back?” 
“I have to either sleep or sweat it off. She said that if I sleep it off, it will take longer, but it will go away within a day. If I sweat it off, it will be gone sooner. So my ass is going to do an intense workout, until I’m sweating my balls off, then going to bed!” The sound of shuffling clothes was mixed in with his voice, only making Koge curious again as to what this new body looked like. 
“But Katsuki, you don’t have any balls.” 
“Shut up! Get me my fucking tank and shorts out of the dresser!” 
Giggling, Koge made her way over to the commanded destination, pulling out Bakugou’s favorite black tank, loose workout shorts and a pair of boxers. She was unsure if these were even going to fit this new mystery figure, but she knew that none of her stuff would fit either. Bakugou was still much taller than her, and Koge doubted that the new feminine figure was any less muscular than normal. So, she brought the clothes over, knocking on the bathroom door lightly. “Here, love.” 
The door peeked open barely enough for Bakugou to peek out at Koge, his hand reaching through. Still, Koge kept the clothes close to her, peering up into that crimson glare she loved curiously. “Can I see you?” 
“What?! No, you can’t see me, give me that shit.” Bakugou’s cheeks flushed dark red, snapping his fingers to command the delivery of the clothes. “I mean it, I’ll fucking leave and go get a hotel if you keep bothering me!” 
With a roll of her eyes, Koge plopped the clothing into the slender waiting hand, which vanished back behind the door before it shut. “Honestly? I’m your girlfriend, you shouldn’t be scared to show me yourself. What am I gonna do? Take pictures and post it all over the internet? Laugh at you? You want me to act normal, but you’re the one acting like a spaz.” 
“I think I have every fucking right to act like a spaz, Utsuro! I was just turned into a fucking chick! Damn it, my tits are too big for this shirt!” 
Koge instantly began to laugh, though she covered her mouth to try and stifle the sounds as to not upset her lover further. “Well, that tank does fit you tight, even when you’re normal. You want just a normal big t-shirt instead?” 
“Everything’s too big, Utsuro. Even my damn boxers!” 
Beginning to actually feel bad for him, Koge tapped her finger against her chin, wondering what she could do. “You could just go without boxers, and wear the shorts. It’s no different than freeballing as a dude.” 
“It is different! I have a cunt now, it goes up inside my body, that’s gross! What if it gets all infected or some shit.” 
“Okay, now you’re being ridiculous. I’ve gone without underwear plenty, and you are well aware of many of those times. Have I ever gotten an infection? No. Just don’t go rubbing your pussy all over weird shit or shoving stuff up in there.” 
Bakugou groaned out loudly, a sound Koge knew well to be an expression of frustration and defeat. With a small tap of her fingers on the door, Koge sighed. “Come on, Katsuki. Come on out and I’ll help you find clothes that fit. You can’t avoid me all night. I’m not trying to make fun of you or anything.” 
After a long moment of silence that almost had Koge giving up, the door finally opened, revealing Bakugou in all his red-faced shame. He couldn’t even look at Koge, fiddling with the shorts to try and tighten the string to keep them as snug as possible. “I don’t like this, Utsuro… I feel fucking weird.” 
Comforting smile on her lips, Koge reached out and took Bakugou’s hands gently, leading him out into the bedroom. “Just remember that it isn’t permanent, love. It will go away, sooner than you think. If it helps at all, you’re seriously one smokin’ hot lady.” 
Face flushing darker, Bakugou scoffed, snatching his hands from Koge to cross his arms over his chest. “Tch, fuck off! You think I wouldn’t be?!” 
“Katsuki, you’re so beautiful as a man, there’s no way you’d be any less beautiful as a woman. Your boobs are even bigger than mine!” Tenderly, Koge reached up and cupped his cheeks, which were hot against her chilled skin. “Come here. I missed you today.” With a gentle tug, she got him to lean in for a kiss, pushing herself up on her toes to meet him halfway. She did have to admit that it felt different, his lips softer with just a hint of that characteristic roughness she was familiar with. It was still her Bakugou, and that fuzzy, warm sense of love filled her like it did any other day. 
He didn’t quite seem to agree, the furrowing of his brow hinting that he was still uncomfortable. “That doesn’t… bother you?” 
“Hm? No Katsuki, not at all. I mean, your lips are way softer but that’s it. Why would it bother me?” Koge sneakily wiggled her way into an embrace, her arms around his neck while he nervously locked his arms around her torso. 
“But, I’m not… I’m a fucking chick right now. That doesn’t make you feel weird?” 
“No. You’re still my Katsuki. I love more than just your body, you know. Everything about you is still the same. Just… you’re a lady right now. And that’s fine.” 
“But you’re not attracted to women.” His hands moved to caress her sides. “It has to be strange for you.” 
Koge gave a small roll of her eyes, pushing herself up on her toes to kiss him again. “It’s not! Sure, I’m attracted to your normal body, but that doesn’t make a difference. I love you for being you. Man or lady. Even if this was permanent, nothing about how I love you would change.” Her comforting words only made his cheeks somehow flush darker, a scoff leaving his lips before he shoved his face into her hair, squeezing her against him in his embarrassment. Smiling, Koge stroked his hair softly, glad to see that the texture and style of it hadn’t changed much at all. “Don’t stress out about that. It’s just temporary.” 
“I’m fucking glad it is. I don’t know what I’d do if I ended up a woman forever.” Bakugou peeled himself from her, making his way over to his dresser to dig about for clothes that might fit him better. It was obvious that he needed it, as the shorts would have fallen without him holding on and it was clearly uncomfortable. “I don’t think I have anything that will stay on…” 
“Hmmm.” Koge followed him over, stopping at her side of the dresser to dig around as well. “I might have some shorts, but they are like… girly shorts. And some normal underwear, too. Nothing frilly or… thong-ish. You could try them?” Pulling out the mentioned clothing items, she took a second to look over Bakugou’s body, trying to gage his size. His new figure very closely matched hers, with a soft athletic frame that was quite curvy. The only difference was really the height, so she figured that the shorts and underwear would probably fit. “I know you’d prefer your boxers and all, but if you’re worried about not being covered, these would be the most comfortable.” 
Bakugou glared at the clothing out of the corner of his eye, clutching a pair of his own shorts in his hands tightly. The reluctance was obvious on his face, but Koge could see that small spark of realization behind it. A new body required different clothes, and though it was clear that he didn’t want to succumb to his new female figure, it was something he’d have to suffer through. Roughly shoving his clothes back into the drawer, he shut it harshly with his knee before taking the clothes in Koge’s hand. “And what if they don’t fit?” 
“They should. You’re taller than me, but your figure isn’t all that different. If they don’t fit then we’ll… figure out something else. We can both just walk around naked or something.” Koge couldn’t resist a smile at the blush on his face, though she was happy to see that he only went to the bed instead of going to hide in the bathroom. “Ooh, not scared to be around me anymore, huh?” 
“Well don’t fucking watch me change! Fuck, Utsuro, keep it in your pants.” Bakugou glowered at her over his shoulder, waiting until she huffed and turned her back to him before letting the baggy shorts and boxers fall to the ground. Pout on her face, Koge crossed her arms over her chest, listening to the sound of shuffling clothes and the familiar snap of underwear band against skin. 
“Any luck?” 
“I suppose… How can you stand this stuff so tight against your skin? It’s irritating! Like having a permanent wedgie.”
Koge giggled, unable to resist a glance over her shoulder. She got a peek of his backside as he pulled the shorts up into place, and from the looks of it, they fit just fine. A little tighter on him than they were for her, but they still fit better than the loose shorts. “Well, we don’t really have anything hanging in the way, so it’s normal. Those look good on you!” 
Glancing at her with cheeks still as crimson as his eyes, Bakugou scoffed, adjusting the tank to try and pull it further down to hide himself. “Shut up, I don’t want to hear that… I just want to work out and go to bed so I can be rid of this.” 
“But you haven’t even eaten dinner yet. You’ll make yourself sick doing that without food. C’mon, let's cook dinner first and then we can work out together.” Koge smiled at him, gently taking his hand as he approached her. “You gotta get used to your body first before you start working out, anyway. I can tell you’re fumbling a bit with the boobs.” 
“They’re so in the fucking way… I hate them.” 
“Aw, I like them. You’re at least a double D, Katsuki. They’re super pretty and perky without a bra, too. You haven’t squeezed them or anything yet?” 
“No! I am not touching myself in any way, don’t be perverted.” 
“I’m not being perverted. I just assumed that most guys, if they suddenly had tits, they’d want to touch them. You like mine so much, I just assumed you would have given them a squeeze.” Koge reached up and squeezed her own breast, pushing it up a bit. “I’m kinda jealous of yours…”
“Don’t start. Let’s just eat some fucking food so I can get on with working out and be done with it!” 
Cooking, eating, and cleaning up afterwards went about as normal as any other day, though Koge could see that Bakugou was struggling. He had issues holding chopsticks, more than normal, and cursed every time he dropped some rice down between his breasts. Koge couldn’t resist her giggles every time he had to fish it out, nor could she resist teasing him when his nipples became visible with the cold. He didn’t react as badly as she would have expected, merely covering them with his arm or pulling his long legs up into the chair to pull his knees to his chest. He may have not liked it, but Koge found him to be ridiculously adorable. 
As they finished cleaning up after dinner, Koge gave a sigh as she hopped up to sit on the counter, patting her full belly a few times. “Man, I’m full! That was delicious as always, Katsuki. Thank you.” 
Bakugou only gave a grunt in agreement, currently drying his hands off on a small towel they kept hanging next to the sink. Once he was done and after placing it back into its spot, he turned his crimson gaze towards her. Koge could see his tension soften as it usually did when he was calm, so she beckoned him over with open arms, which he responded to instantly out of instinct. Wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her to the edge of the counter, he kissed her sweetly, making Koge’s heart flutter. She let her own arms wrap around his neck, legs hooking around his waist to keep him close. 
He was so soft and sweet, kissing and caressing her body with that familiar touch that she couldn’t resist. Eating may have been a problem, but showering her with such sweet affection obviously wasn’t, not missing a beat in the way he kissed her. If it was a normal night, she knew very well that he would have scooped her up and took her to bed, but as his lips left hers with a frustrated sigh, she knew she wouldn’t have anything more. 
Grumbling, Bakugou rested his forehead onto hers, his crimson gaze locked onto hers with that familiar haze of lust. “This fucking sucks, Utsuro…” 
Koge caressed his cheeks softly, giving a quiet hum as she stroked his skin with her thumb. “I know… I will admit, I’m missing your dick right about now. I’ve been waiting for you to get home all day, after that teasing you gave me this morning and left me hanging. Unfair.” 
“I can’t do anything about it… And I sure as hell am not putting on a strap on.” 
“We don’t even have one. I mean… I have other toys-” 
Pouting, Koge let her hands fall to rest on his chest, running her fingers along his collarbone. “No? Why no?” 
“I’m not going to have sex with you while I’m like this. In any way. It's not happening.” 
“Why? It could be fun. A woman’s orgasm is completely different from a man’s, y’know. Aren’t you curious about what it feels like?” Her fingers traveled up and across the soft form of his jawline, waiting for that flicker of contemplation to cross his face. “You have to be, at least a little bit.” 
“You do realize my body is probably set up like a virgin, right? It wouldn’t be as fun as you’re thinking.” Bakugou gave a small shake of his head, his cheeks flushing at the thought. “It’d probably just fucking hurt.” 
“I’d treat you nicely, Katsuki. Nicer than you treated me.” 
“I treated you just fine! You weren’t even physically a virgin, you just hadn’t even been with a man before. You were the one telling me to fuck you harder, don’t even try to make me seem like an ass.” 
“I’m not! What I’m saying is that I wouldn’t go all out on you… at first. Until you’re ready. And if you don’t want anything up in there, I can just play with your clit instead.” 
Bakugou’s face was dark red by the time she finished, glowering down at her with reluctance. “You don’t even know how to fuck a woman.” 
“I get the concept. And I know how to use toys. That’s something you don’t know about.” 
“Not happening.” 
With a huff, Koge shoved her face into his chest, enjoying the soft plush swell of his breasts. “Meanie. I bet you’re super wet just from kissing me.” 
Bakugou stroked the back of her head softly, a hint that he truly did feel guilty that he couldn’t give her what she wanted. “Yeah, and it’s fucking uncomfortable. Not as bad as having a boner, though…” 
Koge kissed Bakugou’s skin softly, trailing her lips and soft kisses up to his neck. “You have a lady boner. That throbbing and aching…” She let out a small, airy sigh, caressing the side of his neck. “Mm… I’ve been feeling that all day. It can be unbearable sometimes…” 
Bakugou moved his hands to her hips, his fingers edging under her shirt to feel her skin. “I get that Utsuro, but there’s just no way.” 
“Katsuki… You aren’t scared are you?” Koge smirked against his skin, feeling his grip tighten on her. “Or is it… You don’t think you’d be good enough? I bet you just wouldn’t know how to handle me as a woman…” 
Bakugou brought his hand up, digging it into her hair and gripping a handful, tight enough to bend her head back and make her squeak out in a mix of pain and pleasure. “You’d better watch your mouth, Utsuro. You’re the one that wouldn’t know how to handle me.” 
“Wanna bet?” Koge let her fingers slip under the rim of his shorts, feeling her cheeks flush from the grip on her hair. “I bet I could have you wiggling and panting. I can already tell that you’d make the cutest expressions while cumming… C’mon Katsuki. Just because you have a pussy now doesn’t mean you should be one.” 
“I’m going to kill you.” 
“Do it. Pussy.”
Koge let out a squeal as she was scooped up off the counter, laughing when she settled over Bakugou’s shoulder as he headed towards the bedroom. “Wow, you’re still strong enough to carry me like a sack of potatoes!” 
“That’s because you are a potato.” Bakugou landed a firm smack on Koge’s ass, making her yelp and wiggle to escape. 
“Ow!! Mm, do it again-- oof!” Koge was denied her request as she was tossed down onto the bed, her body bouncing with the impact. She didn’t have time to move or react as Bakugou straddled her torso, sitting firmly down onto her lower stomach to keep her in place. With a huff, Koge glowered up at him, her hands gripping his thighs. “Well this is new.” 
Smirk on his lips, Bakugou reached behind him, his hand finding its way between her legs to rub and tease her clit on the outside of her shorts. “You really are just a horny little slut, Utsuro.” Free hand wrapping around her neck, he squeezed with just enough pressure to make Koge wiggle, and though his hands weren’t as big as normal, they still had a good amount of strength. “Soaked through your shorts and taunting me until I decide to fuck you. You’re going to regret it.” 
Struggling to breathe or make a single sound against the grip on her throat, Koge nodded, digging her nails into the skin of his thighs as she wiggled beneath him. “I’ll never regret it. I’m not the only one.” She slid one hand up, pressing and rubbing her thumb against Bakugou’s clit. “You’re just as wet as me. In fact, I think you’re worse. I can feel it on my stomach.” 
Bakugou couldn’t stop the furrowing of his brow or the slight rocking of his hips, confusion flashing across his features at the feeling. The clit and the head of a penis were decently similar, that much Koge knew, but she was also positive that they had a totally different sensation. He had grown so used to being the one to pleasure her, to taking control and turning her into the cock hungry bitch that she was. But now, he didn’t have that, and Koge was very curious to see how he was going to handle all the new sensations and pleasures that he was unfamiliar with. He may have known what places on the female body prompted reactions, but he had no idea how it felt. That would be Koge’s ace, her way to turn it around and make him the one to twitch and writhe. 
She wanted to see it so badly. Sure, Koge loved to be dominated by him, to be used and teased until she was filthy begging mess. But to tease him the same way, to use his temporary body to send him into the same bliss she felt was something she couldn’t resist. “Already wiggling your hips, Katsuki? I’m barely touching you.” 
“Shut up!” Bakugou’s middle and third fingers found their way into her mouth, gagging her to silence her teasing. That didn’t stop her fingers, however, which moved in rhythm with the way he was stroking her own clit. What she couldn’t mimic, however, was the direct contact that Bakugou was able to achieve, his hand shoved into her shorts and underwear. “That’s it, you bitch… suck on my fingers while I make you cum.” 
Although she wanted her chance, Koge couldn’t resist his demands, sucking and licking his fingers as if they were his member. Even though his hands weren’t as big, he didn’t lose any sense of technique, his fingers alternating from slipping into her cunt to rubbing her clit until she was moaning and squirming beneath him. She had completely forgotten about touching him, her hands once again gripping his hips as she had nothing else to anchor herself to. What she did notice however, was the way he grinded his hips against her stomach. It was just a slight movement, but it was enough for Koge to know exactly what he was doing. He was completely getting off on this, and that only turned Koge on more. 
Soon enough, Koge did just as he had said, cumming hard on his fingers as her teeth clamped down around the others. Removing his hand from her shorts, he gave her cunt a firm slap, making her squeak and gag on the fingers still knuckle deep in her mouth. “Fuck, Utsuro, you’re so sexy. And such a little horny slut, cumming so fast.” As he set her mouth free, Koge took a moment to cough. 
“How unfair, pinning me down so I can’t do anything to you. Still scared I’ll one up you?” She still didn’t have a chance to move as Bakugou shifted his body back between her legs, ripping her shorts and underwear off before gripping her legs behind the knee. With a push, he bent her legs over her body until her knees were on either side of her head, displaying her wet and throbbing cunt to him. 
“I have to let you know what you’re up against.” He gave her thigh a harsh bite, making her whine. As his lips and teeth continued to leave marks and kisses along her skin towards her dripping sex, he groaned out in frustration, eyeing every inch of her. “Fuck, I want to sink my cock into you so badly. I know what it feels like and I can’t fucking have it.” Tongue reaching her clit, he sent her into another round of pleasure and senseless moaning, her fingers digging into his hair. 
“I-I have a cock for us, Katsuki-- a-ah!! We just- oh fuck!” She gripped onto one leg as he released it, his fingers going in to pleasure her. His tongue on her clit and his fingers in her cunt drove her wild, making her nearly cum instantly again. “We have to p-pop your cherry first with s-something more- ah, something smaller.” 
Bakugou became increasingly aggressive with his movements, as if he didn’t want to give her a single chance to talk. Sure enough, Koge was silenced by her moans, until he brought her to yet another body shaking ograsm. Panting and already feeling her body becoming sticky with sweat, she ignored his chuckles of smug victory, focused instead on the feeling of his hands sliding back up her thighs. Even with more slender hands, his touch sent goosebumps across her skin, as did his snarky commentary. 
“Utsuro, you’d better have a fucking idea about what you’re doing. Because I haven’t been this fucking horny in a while, not since I fucked you in my office that last time.” 
Smirk crossing her lips, Koge put her feet against his chest, giving him a rough push to force him to fall backwards. Ignoring his grumbles of protest, she moved to straddle his body as he had her before, plopping down to sit on his lower stomach. “What’s that, Katsuki? Are you actually begging?” 
Snatching onto her thighs tightly, Bakugou glared up at her, though his face flushed with the feeling of her hands sneaking beneath his top. “I’m not begging for anything! I’m just fucking warning you, don’t even start this if you don’t think you can make me cum.” 
“Don’t worry,” Koge leaned forward and kissed him sweetly as she pushed his tank up over his breasts, lightly trailing her fingers against the soft flesh. “One way or another, I’ll get you there. And if not, then when you’re back to normal, I’ll let you do whatever you want to me.” With another, more passionate kiss, she assumed that the way he kissed her back as a positive response. Becoming more excited with his silent approval, Koge did her best to mimic the way he played with her breasts. She lacked his roughness, but her tender touch is what she knew he liked, anyway. The hardness of his nipples and the way he gasped into the kiss with each roll or pinch beneath her fingers told her that she had to be doing something right. 
After a slight nibble to his bottom lip, Koge moved her kisses down across his jawline to his neck. They soon joined her hands at his breasts, making him gasp and tense up as her teeth clamped down around one nipple while the other was pinched between her fingers. Koge became rougher with this positive response, sucking, biting and rolling his nipples beneath her tongue. Shifting her body over to sit beside him instead, she continued with the attention to his breasts while one of her hands slipped beneath his shorts and underwear. 
The first thing Koge noticed was how hot and wet he was. Without bottoms on to catch the liquid, she was positive that he would be nearly dripping. She hadn’t expected him to be this turned on, but in relation to the way he acted in his normal body, she guessed that it was a pretty even reaction. Before she touched him, she moved her lips back up to kiss him, wanting to watch his expressions. “Are you ready, my Katsuki?” 
As he caught her gaze, Koge felt an intense fluttering of her heart and stomach, unable to believe how absolutely beautiful and flawless he was. His flushed cheeks and concerned furrow of his brow only made her want to pleasure him more, and as his face contorted with the first roll of that fleshy button beneath Koge’s fingers, her excitement only further boiled within her. His entire body trembled with just this delicate touch, and so she increased the pressure and speed of her rhythm, feeling the heat in her own body flare at the sweet moans that escaped him. 
It was obvious to her, however, that he was trying very hard to not seem overwhelmed by the feeling. The way his body tensed and how he held his breath were clear indications that he wasn’t letting loose, and Koge couldn’t allow that. 
With a quick kiss to his lips, which he seemed reluctant to let go, Koge changed up the direction of her fingers. In that moment of distraction from the kiss, Bakugou let out a sharp moan, before quickly trying to subdue it. Giving a small shake of her head, Koge kissed his cheek softly, before shifting her body between his legs. “That’s naughty, Katsuki. Don’t try to hold yourself back, that messes it up.” 
“I don’t want to sound like a desperate horny bitch, Utsuro.” He shifted his hips up so Koge could slip his shorts and underwear off, not even bothering to be embarrassed about hiding himself. “I already hate the way I sound.” 
“Don’t think about that.” Koge softly kissed her way down his stomach, giving him little bites and nibbles where she pleased. “Don’t hold your breath and don’t try to be quiet. No one can hear you but me. And I love the way you sound.” Hooking her arms beneath his legs to grip his hips, she ran her tongue along his sex, focusing all her attention on where her fingers had been before. Again, she used what he had always done to her as an example, instantly breaking his tough attitude into dust. His fingers dug into her hair as his body arched up into her, moaning without restraint. 
“F-Fucking hell, Utsuro, take it easy!” 
Giving a light nip to the swollen clit she was abusing, Koge couldn’t resist a smirk from crossing her lips as she gazed up his body. “This is me taking it easy, Katsuki. I think you’re just an extra sensitive woman. So cute.” Koge went right back to it, ignoring his choked complaint for her to not call him cute. 
This was something completely different for her, but just like when she would suck his cock, her only goal was to pleasure him. If she could turn him into a groaning mess then, she could do it now, and from what she could tell she was doing just that. She loved the feeling of his fingers digging into her scalp, his body rocking against her rhythm and thighs squeezing against her head when there were sudden spikes of pleasure. She loved him, and no matter what he may look like, all she wanted was to make him happy. 
In her moment of focus, her hand moved on unconscious impulse, adjusting her position just a bit to be able to slip two fingers into him. There was no resistance or pain as she expected. Instead, he gave an adorable squeak-like moan at the feeling, his body shuddering as his core squeezed her fingers. At first, Koge paused, worried she may have upset him until she felt a rough tug on her hair. 
“Don’t stop, Utsuro, for fucks sake!” 
Deciding not to punish him for being so demanding, she instead gave him what he wanted, continuing to pleasure him with her tongue and fingers. Within minutes, she could tell that he was getting very close, with the way his body moved and voice hitched. 
“F-fuck, I-- Koge--,” Bakugou couldn’t talk behind his moans, his body beginning to give those taletell signs that he was about to cum. Without skipping a beat, Koge pushed him all the way over the edge, until his entire body with jerking and twitching with the onslaught of his first female orgasm. It was as if he lost all control over himself, his fingers affectionately stroking through her hair as he calmed, sweating and trembling. Smiling and licking her lips, Koge sat up from him, removing her fingers from within his still throbbing cunt. 
“Mm… How was that, Katsuki?” Bringing her fingers up to her lips, she licked his essence off her fingers, finding that she quite liked the taste of him. Bakugou propped himself up on trembling arms, glaring up at her with obvious annoyance at her smug attitude. 
“You know damn well, I’m not going to say it.” 
“Do you want to be done?” Koge tenderly ran her hand up and down his inner thigh, watching his chest for a moment as he struggled to catch his breath. Bakugou’s brow furrowed at the question, his eyes glancing over at the nightstand which housed Koge’s collection of toys. He knew which one she had wanted to use, and now that it was quite obvious his body could accommodate such a thing without pain, he seemed… curious. 
“What would you want to use?” Sitting up all the way, Bakugou caressed her cheek softly, moving some of her hair out of her face. Cheeks flushing from the tender touch, Koge turned her lips into his palm to kiss it softly before looking over at the nightstand as well. 
“Well,” Koge placed her hand over is, her body tingling as his other hand moved up her thigh. “You know I have that one I bought on accident… That doubled ended dildo that I thought was like.. Two separate ones for some reason when I bought it.” 
“Hm…” Bakugou urged her closer until she was straddling his lap, his arms around her petite body in a comforting embrace, his lips exploring her neck. “Is that what you want?” 
Koge couldn’t resist a soft gasp at the feeling of his teeth nipping lightly at her skin, hiding her face into his hair as the fire within her grew stronger. “Katsuki, this has been and felt amazing as always, but I… I miss your cock so much. I miss feeling you inside me. A toy still can’t compare, but I think I need it to be satisfied… for now.” 
“Then get it out. I can’t let you go unsatisfied, Utsuro. You know I refuse to let that happen.” Bakugou’s hands slid up her sides, taking hold of her shirt and pulling it up to remove it. His tank was removed shorty after, leaving them bare. “Unless I have plans to tease and edge you like crazy before leaving you hanging for a while.” 
“Like you did this morning.” Koge kissed him sweetly before reluctantly peeling herself away from him, moving to the edge of the bed to dig through her nightstand drawer. Soon enough, the bright blue doubled ended and very realistic anatomy wise dildo appeared from the collection. “I got this one because it was so similar to your size. Widthwise, at least. But I didn’t realize it was like this.” She held the semi floppy toy out towards him, unable to resist giggling at the way he leaned his body away from it. 
“My dick doesn’t look like this, Utsuro.” With some hesitation that Koge couldn’t quite understand, Bakugou took the end of the dildo that was pointed at him, giving it a squeeze to test its firmness. 
Koge scooted in closer to him after she snatched another item from the nightstand, though she left it off to the side for now. “I didn’t say I got it for the way it looks. I got it for the size. How realistic it’s made is nice, too. Except for the color of course.” 
“Why do you even want this when you can have my dick whenever you want?” Bakugou glowered down at her, seemingly quite offended. “What’s the deal?” 
“You’re not always around, Katsuki. You have your business trips that can be up to three weeks that you’re gone! I get horny and lonely! What do you think I’m using when we sext or have phone sex, a pencil?” She snatched the toy from his grip, before giving him a punishing smack on the boobs for his stupid question. “I can barely get off using my fingers anymore, I need you, a dildo, a vibrator or a combination of the three.” 
“You’re just a-” 
“-A cock hungry slut. You’re right, I love dick. Your dick, to be specific. But,” With a sigh, Koge leaned back on one arm, picking up the other item she had pulled from the drawer a moment ago. Flicking the bottle open with her thumb, she squeezed a bit of the lube onto her hot and waiting sex, before using the dildo to spread it about and get a decent coating itself. “I’ll just have to use my imagination. Now come here, sit like me. Put your leg over mine, and I’ll put mine over yours… There.” While Bakugou got situation like instructed, Koge slipped the toy into her as far as it would go, her body tingling with the feeling of being full. 
Once settled, Bakugou watched her with a flushed and almost confused expression, as if he were unsure how to go about this. “This is weird.” 
“I know you’ve seen your fair share of lesbian porn, Katsuki. Here.” Koge shoved the lube into his hand, which he accidentally squeezed too hard in his embarrassed frustration, sending an excessive amount pouring over his inner thigh. Giggling, Koge ignored his frustrated cursing as she wiped up the liquid with her hand, leaning forward to kiss him as she spread it across his sex, unable to resist a bit of teasing to his clit. “You missed. It goes here, silly.” 
“I fucking know where it goes, bitch.” Digging his fingers into her hair, he gripped it roughly, swallowing her gasp as he kissed her with a more fierce passion. His impatience to move on overshadowing hers, Koge scooted her body just a tad closer, letting him take control. First, he focused on moving the toy within her, making her moan and gasp into the kiss as she clutched onto his leg. 
“Put it inside you, Katsuki,” Koge broke the kiss with her words, catching his gaze. “Please… I want to feel good together.” 
Bakugou couldn’t take his eyes off her eyes as he complied, shifting his hips to allow his end of the toy to slip inside him. Koge smiled as she watched his expression contort, pleasure and confusion fighting to take control. It was as if he couldn’t resist it, beginning to rock his body nearly the instant it was fully in place. After sharing another kiss, Koge leaned back on her hands, following his rhythm. This was something that she had never experienced before, but the feeling of the toy moving within her and watching him crumble to the pleasure only further spiked her own. 
It was clear that he didn’t know what to make of it, but was enjoying it nonetheless. Not just a little bit, either. He was taking full control of it all, setting the pace and even moaning without restraint. 
“W-what do you think?” Koge found a moment to speak, beginning to feel that bubble growing inside of her. Instead of answering her with words, Bakugou surprised her with a sudden change of position, grabbing her by the neck and forcing her down onto her back as he hovered his body over hers. Clutching his arm, the new pressure around her throat and sudden increased speed sent her pleasure spiking. Now, she was completely at his mercy, which was exactly how they both preferred it. 
“Yeah, I know you like that, you little horny bitch. Cum all over this cock, Utsuro.” 
“Y-you first.” A sly smirk crossing her lips, Koge reached down to grab the middle part of the dildo that wasn’t going into them, clicking a hidden button three times to set it to it’s fastest vibration. Bakugou’s tough front instantly faltered, increasing the speed and roughness of his movements. 
Koge had to admit, even though it was different, it was pure bliss. She never took her eyes off of him, if she wasn’t watching the way he moved than her eyes were on his face. The look of absolute desperation to reach climax and all willpower crumbling at the mercy of pleasure was something she could not only relate to, but also something she would never forget. 
“I-I’m going to cum! Katsuki--” Her nails digging into the skin of his arm, she did her best to hold off, noticing that his movements were becoming erratic and almost stiff. “Cum with me!” 
“S-shut up! I-- ah, fuck!” The way Bakugou’s voice squeaked as his body shuddered with his orgasm made Koge smile with her own, allowing her body to release the built up pleasure. It rolled across her body in strong waves, the vibrations only prolonging the experience. Bakugou couldn’t seem to take the excess stimulation, removing the toy from himself and thus from within her, pushing it away as if it were causing harm. Koge giggled softly at the action, reaching up to caress his cheeks. 
“Come here, you adorable thing. Love of my life.” She wrapped her arms around Bakugou as he rested himself down onto her, though he kept most of his weight on his arms. With a tired groan, he buried his face into her neck, giving Koge easy access to run her fingers through his hair. 
“No more,” He grumbled against her skin. “How can you have five or more of those in a session.” 
Koge gave a small shrug, prompting him to shift himself back up to look down at her. “I’m used to it, I guess. And you just make it so easy, just by being your amazing sexy self.” 
“Damn right.” After sharing a kiss, Bakugou let his lips trail across her cheek and to her neck, caressing her body to his with a tender touch that sent Koge’s heart fluttering. As he moved them to lay on their sides, Koge nuzzled her face into his chest, soaking in the warmth and soft plushness of his body. 
The time spent cuddling was short lived as Bakugou suddenly pulled himself from the bed, snatching his discarded clothes off the floor and putting them back on. Curious, Koge rolled over onto her side to watch him, though she quickly understood what he was doing as he pulled his arms up over his head to stretch. “You’re still going to work out?” 
“Fuck yes I am. I didn’t sweat nearly enough form that fuck, I have to sweat more to get this quirk out of my damn system.” 
So he did, working out until he was quite literally dripping with sweat. He did so for about an hour and a half, with Koge watching from the comfortable confines of their bed, her fluffy fleece blanket wrapped around her from chin to toe. Once he was satisfied that he had worked himself to the limit, he hopped into the shower with Koge, whom spent most of the time under the water playing with Bakugou’s breasts. At this point, he was so tired that he gave up after slapping her hands away a couple of times, letting her do whatever she wanted. 
Squeaky clean and dressed for bed, the couple buried themselves beneath the blankets. With a bit of juggling of positions and figuring out how to lay down comfortably with his breasts in the way, Bakugou squeezed Koge to him tightly. Koge couldn’t resist the smile on her face as he nuzzled his face into the side of hers, placing a firm yet affectionate kiss on her flushed cheek. “Mm, someone’s really sleepy. My sweet Katsuki…” Turning her head a bit, she caught his lips in a kiss, caressing his cheek softly. Bakugou returned the affection without question, though he did scoff once their lips parted. 
“Shut up, Utsuro. Before I kick your ass out of bed.” 
“You’d never.” Her fingers trailed along his jawline softly, keeping her gaze locked with his as she smiled against his lips. “Besides, we both know you like it when I’m all lovey towards you. Admit it.” 
“I couldn’t be in love with you if I didn’t.” 
Heart fluttering, she gave him one last kiss before cuddling herself in for sleep, her head resting comfortably on the swell of his breasts. “Mm… Boobs really are comfortable.” 
“Well enjoy them, because I expect to be normal by morning.” 
“I’ll have my big strong man back. Though, this is something I don’t think I’ll ever forget. Such fun.” 
“It wasn’t fun, Utsuro.” 
“Lies. You had fun. It wasn’t as fun as when I was a cat girl, but I still enjoyed it. And I know you did, too. At least a little.” 
“Whatever… Shut up and go to sleep.” 
“I love you.” 
With another affectionate kiss to the top of her head, Bakugou kept her close, filling Koge with such a strong sense of pure adoration. “I love you, too, Koge. I can’t wait to be back to myself in the morning…” 
The couple fell into a deep and restful sleep, with no alarm and no sense of urgency waking them up. What did pull Koge into consciousness, however, was the sudden pleasurable feeling of being full. A familiar form within her core sent that blissful tingling across her skin, forcing her to clutch onto the sheets and moan into her pillow. On her stomach, she could feel the weight of her lover at her hips, straddling her legs as his manhood filled her. How long he had been playing with her, she didn’t know nor did she care. All she could do was lift her hips up into him, feeling him reach into her depths like no toy on earth ever could. He was so hot and eager, his burning palms on her ass sending fire through every inch of her body. 
“Someone’s finally awake,” That deep growl of his voice made Koge’s heart flutter, opening her eyes to peer up at him over her shoulder. Bakugou was indeed back to his old self, his gorgeous muscular body looming over her. “I nearly had you cumming in your sleep just from fingering you.” 
Nearly feeling like he was reaching all the way into her stomach, Koge’s entire body was aching for him to move. “That’s mean, Katsuki… Not even waking me up to enjoy the fun.” 
“Who says I didn’t try? It’s not my fault you sleep like a fucking rock.” With that, he began to rock his hips, slowly and teasingly working himself within her. Unable to resist, Koge arched her hips up a bit more, an airy sigh of pleasure leaving her lips. 
“You just couldn’t wait, huh? Not that I can blame you… Fuck, it’s so hot… So deep--” A sharp moan interrupted her as he gave a rough thrust of his hips, picking up his pace as he leaned his body over her. After pressing a rough kiss to her cheek, he moved his lips to her ear, his voice nearly making her cum already. 
“Shut up, Utsuro… Now that I’m normal, it’s time for me to get you back for all that bullshit you put me through yesterday. So… tell me how good my cock feels inside you, and maybe I’ll give you what you’ve been missing.” 
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kacchaneatsass · 5 years
YES! THOU HAS SUMMONED ME! Thx for accepting my love ilysm!) I would like to request a nsfw scenario for Kirishima where his fem s/o is one strong babe (cuz she was forced to train day and night) but doesn’t know how to take a break from training so she’s constantly tense and Kirishima tries to talk to her about it but she’s like “I’ve never been able to take a break I’m used to it” and he starts with a massage but turns very smexy and starts touching her and then they do tha dirty~ 💕❤️❤️❤️❤️
YES I KNEW YOU WOULD COME BACK YAYYY!! ily2!!! O course you can request this yeeeeee bb im excite. This was my first time writing NSFW so please excuse it if it's actual crap, I gotta practice some more. Even so, I hope I do you justice! 😫
Pairing: Kirishima Eijiro x fem! Reader
Reader's Quirk: able to copy the brainwaves someone transmits corresponding to their quirk and copy their quirk into your own body. Only works if someone is within range to copy their brainwaves.
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The Grind Never Stops
Again. You copyed Eijiro's quirk through his brainwaves from across the room, hardening your arm enough to send it straight through the punching bag. Finally. Finally you were able to localize his quirk specifically. Now if you could do that for everyones brainwaves you copied with your quirk, it would make life a lot easier.
"That was awesome, babe! Let's get this cleaned up, huh?" Kirishima was by your side in an instant, hand on your shoulder while he smiled excitedly.
You nodded, the two of you making quick work to dispose of the last punching bag along with the sand that had spilled out. "I gotta go shower, then we need to finish that essay of your tonight."
Eijiro whined, taking your hand as you walked back to the dorms. "Can't we just relax tonight? Spray yourself with febreeze and we'll be fine! We can watch a movie and nap or something!"
You looked up at him, "Eiji, you know you need that essay finished. Plus, I reek."
He opened the door to the dorm building, allowing you to enter first and following behind you. "Please? You especially need to relax, it's not good for you to be running like this all the time. You're always so tired."
You rolled your eyes. Maybe one night off wouldn't hurt too much. "Fine. I'm gonna go change first though, and find that febreeze bottle."
He nodded, saluting to you comically before racing off to his room.
When you made it back to his room, the can of febreeze was sitting on his bedside table and blankets were piled on the sheets, the main title to Coraline dancing on the screen. "Coraline again?"
"It's one of your favorites, so of course I had to put it on." (Jk its one of my favorites :P)
Shaking your head with a soft smile, you sprayed yourself down with the febreeze and crawled onto the bed next to him, worming your way into his side as he started the movie.
"Dang, (y/n)! You're so tense! What's wrong?" He moved his hands to your shoulders, running them along your muscularture.
You shrugged, "it's because I train so much. I just never am able to fully relax."
A frown settled on his face, and you were quick to take note of it. "You don't need to train every single day. You're overworking yourself."
A blush spread across your cheeks as you looked to his Crimson Riot bedsheets, "I've never really taken a break, I'm just used to it I guess. Overworking myself, that is."
A sigh escaped his lips, and before you could fully comprehend what was going on he had you flipped to your stomach while he straddled your lower back. His massive hands removed your shirt and sports bra, and travelled across your shoulderblades, pushing and massaging in ways that had you melting under his touch.
"Shit, Kiri, what's this for?"
He hummed in response, pushing on a particularly large knot in your shoulder. "You gotta relax. I'm just gonna try and work it out of you, okay? This should help."
You could only nod, practically moaning as he dug his fingers around your spine, releasing an enormous pop. "Fuck, Kiri. How are you so good at this?"
You didn't notice the tremor in his voice, nor did you notice the growth in his pants. "Ooo," he ran his knuckles over a particularly tender spot, "fuck, right there, Eiji."
His breathing hitched, ideas slowly forming in his mind. Shifting slightly, he was able to allow his hands to travel lower down your back, pushing and kneading at the supple skin of your lower back. "You like this?"
"Shit, Eiji, I should have let you do this before."
You were a moaning mess beneath him, hands gripping the sheet from the release of tension in your back. His mind was drifting, saliva pooling in his mouth at the sight of you. He gulped.
Shifting again, his hands travelled lower, kneading the thick muscles that progressed into your ass, smirking at the sharp intake of air on your end. "Kiri?"
"Shh, I know what I'm doing, babe. Trust me." He couldn't help it as his hands dipped to cup your asscheeks, squishing them together slightly and relishing the view he recieved from beneath your pajama pants. He let a finger move, running between your thighs gently.
You squeaked, but said nothing, choosing to let him continue.
Another finger, now, travelling between your clothed legs to press gently near your clit. A shudder ran through your body. "You like this?"
"You want me to keep going?"
You were silent for a moment. "Y-yes." Your voice was tiny and nervous. This wasn't the first time you two had gone at it, but it was the first time where Kirishima would be in a dominating role.
His hands travelled upwards again, fingering the edge of your pants before slowly tugging them downwards, practically drooling as they became stuck, then popped over your ass suddenly. "You're so gorgeous, babe."
"S-shut up."
He hummed at your response, tugging your pants down past your knees and smirking. You weren't wearing any underwear. "Going commando, babe? Isn't that a little dirty for coming to have a nice movie night with your boyfriend?"
You let out a strangled moan as he gripped tightly at your ass, leaving a smack as he released you and pulled your pants fully off, throwing them to some desolate corner of his room. His fingers trailed back up your legs, slipping between your thighs to brush against your folds.
The shudder that racked your body flew straight to his core, his pants growing increasingly taut. "Fuck, babe, you're so hot like this."
"K-kiri, shut up," you rolled over, hand reaching out to tug him upwards, locking your lips.
His hands drifted again, coming up to cup at your chest, kneading your breasts carefully. You moaned into the kiss, sending a shockwave straight down his spine. He let his lips wander from yours, drifting down your neck to your collarbone, sucking lightly at the thin skin there. After a few moments, his lips attached to your right nipple, earning a squeal from you.
The points of his teeth grazed the bud in his mouth, tounge flicking from between thinned lips as he palmed your opposite breast. Moving again, he kissed a trail down your stomach, hands travelling to tug off his shirt and unbutton his pants as he did so. "You sure about this?"
You could only nod, eyes half lidded at the pleasure jumping through your body.
Taking that small nod in stride, he removed his throbbing cock from his pajama pants, sliding the waistband down around his knees. "God, baby, you look so hot when you're under me."
You squirmed under his gaze, reaching up to trail a hand down his exposed chest. "Eiji, c'mon. Just fuck me already-"
Hands gripped at your thighs, yanking you closer to him as he positioned himself at your entrance. "Ready?"
Before waiting for an answer, he slid himself into you, head dropping to his chest as he released a low thrum of a moan. "Shit, you're still so tight."
"D-did you think I was gonna ch-change?" Your words left between pants as he started to move slowly, both of you watching as his dick slid in and out of you smoothly. "Fucking god, Kiri, get moving."
He chuckled, hips jerking faster as he leaned down to you, teeth nipping at your neck. "So impatient, aren't we?"
The feral moan you released into his ear cause his hips to start pistoning frantically, the bed frame shaking and squeaking with every thrust. You both were sweating, his free hand moving to grip your waist tightly as pleasure rolled through his body.
"Fuck, Kiri-" you trailed off, another moan breaking your sentence as your eyes rolled into the back of your head, hands grabbing desperately for purchase on his back, leaving massive scratch marks. "I'm... fuck-"
"I know, baby," he hissed in your ear, feeling you tighten around him even more. "Cum for me."
You practically started to cry as you released the coil that had been building in the pit of your stomach, his name dripping from your lips like honey. It only took a few more thrusts before he pulled out, watching through hooded eyes as his cum shot across your stomach and chest, decorating you in the pale light.
"Damn, Eiji," you whispered, reaching a hand down to swipe a rope of cum from your chest, raising it to your lips. Saliva pooled in his mouth again as he watched you swallow around your finger. "You taste fuckin' great, hon."
Shaking himself from his mind, ignoring the fact that he was already half hard again, he grabbed the box of tissues on his dresser, taking a few and gently wiping you down. Tossing them into the trash bin, he pulled the duvet covers up and over the both of you, wrapping you up in his arms. "I love you, you know that right?"
You giggled, pressing a kiss to his chin. "I love you too. Maybe I should overwork myself more often if this is the treatment I get."
A smirk crossed his face as his hand trailed down to cup your chest, "don't need to get overworked for me to make you mine."
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remmiesaloser · 4 years
13 Years | 4 Weeks
honestly, I dont know which of the two have been longer in my life. 
so recently I ended a 13 year long relationship with the guy I've been dating since my freshman year of high school. it took me this long to understand, acknowledge, and accept the relationship was emotionally (and borderline physically) abusive and thanks two my two best friends and a very nice therapist I asked him to move out.
I thought the overwhelming life style change would be the hardest. I haven't been alone since I was 14 and it took me a long time to build up the courage to end things because I am terrified of change and had little to no idea what to do without him. to my surprise I've adapted to being alone pretty well. the loneliness does get to me sometimes - I miss those moments we had where we could have a conversation without speaking. I miss over a decade’s worth of inside jokes, and it still hurts when I see something and instantly think of him cause it was our thing.
its a daily struggle to remind myself why I did this because its frighteningly easy to minimize the damage he did when he’s not here to do it every day. the gaslighting and emotional manipulation isn't something that just switches off or diminishes with distance. somehow, in some super shitty, unfair way, it gets worse. because im left alone with my thoughts that he’s managed to turn against me and they’re still working angles for him that catch me off-guard sometimes. I still battle with guilt for making him move out, because I feel terrible that now he’s stuck living with his mom and all his things are in boxes. and I hate that it’s gonna take a long time for that to go away. 
but I digress. because all of that isn’t the hardest part. the hardest part is getting him the fuck out of this apartment. we 'ended things’ April 5th. there are quotes around that because we haven’t officially broken up. like, I told him I needed a break till he gets his shit together, and he’s all but moved out, but I haven’t even changed our relationship status on Facebook (yay, guilt!) and we haven't really agreed that we’re broken up. Jesus, again I digress. ANYWAYS. I knew it was gonna be a process to move him out because our lives are so intertwined that we’ve had to go through rooms and drawers and boxes one by one separating our shit. and this process has been fucking agonizing because he is dragging his goddamn feet. 
Initially I thought we were gonna bang this out in a weekend, get all the shit out and be done. A month later, and there’s still a pile of his shit at the top of the stairs, a handful of things in the corner of the living room (including the giant china cabinet filled with his things) and his grandmother’s dishes in my cupboards. but that’s a post for another day. because right now im just gonna vent about him taking his sweet ass time, being insanely petty, and still somehow fucking manipulating me when he doesn’t even live here anymore. 
honestly the pettiness and inconsideration for my own time and requests is the biggest thing that’s getting to me, what’s driving me to write this. most of the time he’s been here for his shit, his mom’s been with him, and I was chalking up a lot of the pettiness to her. because he’d be here to get the things from the living room, and hours after they'd left I’d notice small things had been taken from other parts of the house. now some of the stuff he’s taken was his, just something I was using with him that I’d assumed he’d at least mention he was taking. im a lot of things, but selfish isn’t one of them and honestly unless it’s something from my family or something that I bought that was expensive, I don’t care. he can have it. It’s more the fact that, when I need something all of a sudden I cant find it and realize he took it. 
like, his nana’s pots and pans. They’re a really nice set his mom let us have and I fully expected them gone. my only request was that he give me a heads up so I could go out and get my own set when he planned to take them because with them gone, all I’d have left is a few frying pans. This is our conversation from that weekend:  
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This was Saturday afternoon. He never told me he wasn’t going to come by Saturday, and gave me a 15 minute heads up he was on his way over on Sunday - which did me no good because I wasn’t even home. That meant I couldn’t clean out the dressers (I didnt want to do it until the day he was going to get them because I would have to leave my clothes on the bed until I could get my own dresser from my parent’s house once his were gone). When I got home, all of my clothes were thrown on my bed and the ground.I had to rewash a bunch of shit, refold everything, and then clean the entire room from the mess that was made. 
fucking on top of that, his mom decided to take the pots and pans. I’d specifically asked him Saturday because I was going to Walmart and could have bought a new set for myself while there. I didn't want to buy them until I needed to because I’m trying to save money and didn’t get paid that weekend, so I figured if he’s not taking them I don’t need to get things until I get paid next weekend. Wrong. I had to go out that night again and get a set because, as I said, all I had were 3 frying pans and a skillet thing. Oddly enough, she didn’t take the dishes. They were her mom’s, just like the pots and pans, and for some reason she didn’t want them... don’t worry, I already plan to pack them up this weekend and give them back because lord knows what’ll happen if I dont and she decides she wants them six years from now. 
honestly though the biggest level of petty was the Tylenol PM. I know, it’s not a big deal. But it’s just one of those little things that I stopped and was like, are you fucking kidding me. I noticed that, after taking his bed and dressers, the pack of tissues he’d got us from Sam’s was gone. Again, he bought them, whatever. would’ve been nice for him to tell me so I had a heads up to fucking get them when I was at Walmart but whatever. he also took a 6-pack of toilet paper he’d gotten literally the day we ended things (because he’d gone to king Soopers with his mother instead of talking to me about the fight we’d had) and he’d initially told me to keep it, it was for me anyways. I noticed just last weekend it was gone. 
but the fucking Tylenol PM. I'm not one to buy brand name medicine. if I can get store brand, I will. Almost all my medicine is store brand except that Tylenol PM because I was really sick one year and wanted the good stuff. Y’all know how expensive Tylenol is. I sprang for it, and I used it sparingly because I didnt want to have to buy more if I didn’t really need it. Well, two weekends ago I fell down a fucking mountain. I was running a trail down a mountain, tripped, flew through the air, and landed on my shoulder and kneecap. It still hurts, and that day I was in a lot of pain. The regular Tylenol and Ibuprofen that I’d been switching back and forth with all day just wasn’t doing the trick and I was like, okay. this is a Tylenol PM kind of pain. That night, right before bed, I went to grab it from the bathroom cabinet. 
it was gone. the rest of my medicines, the store brand acetaminophen and store brand ibuprofen, those were still there, but the Tylenol PM was gone. It has exclusively only lived either on the dresser/nightstand in the bedroom, or the bathroom cabinet. as he took the dresser and nightstand, and it wasn’t in the cabinet, it had been taken. I cannot tell you how livid I was. it still pisses me off. because of all the things to take he took that. Not the rest of his bathroom shit, not even all his shit from the bedroom. but he took the Tylenol PM. I even asked if he knew where it might be - thinking he’d come across it at some point. he told me “it’s always been in the linen closet” where the rest of our medicines are. It was never there, but I checked the entire closet just in case - nothing. Again, I know it’s small. it’s just a bottle of pills. but it’s the whole damn thought behind it. 
there’s more things too - the fact that no, he doesn’t take all his things from a certain room, and I have to then box the rest of his shit up, move it out of my way, and clean the room that he trashed. 
It’s the fact that 90% of the things on our walls were his (which helps show me how little say I had on my own things in the apartment I exclusively pay for) and now that he’s taken them, he’s left the walls, hooks, and nails behind. most of them are up way above my head - he needed a ladder to put them in - and now they’re littered all over the wall. today, as he worked to get the shit from our front bedroom (hopefully the last things he’ll need to get) I asked him if he could also get the nails and hooks out of the wall because I can’t reach them. he asked me, “did you try using the step-ladder?”. I answered no, and he simply said, “that should work then”. Like, no. you put those up, so you could display all the things of yours YOU wanted to display (3 out of 4 walls in the room were covered with his things) and now he can’t even take the tacks down even though he took the hangings down. 
and then of course, it’s the fact that he just leaves a mess in his wake. when he first moved things out of the living room it was a mess. I spent hours rearranging shit, packing up the rest of his shit that he left behind, and then cleaning up everything because I still have to live here. it was the same with the bedroom. and now it’s gonna be the same thing with the front room. I told him today that everything needs to be out by next weekend because I can’t do this every weekend. He asked what I meant by ‘this’ and explained that I was tired of having to clean up everything that got messed up. He told me simply “it’s not being destroyed. I’m just taking my things”. At the moment the entire room was in shambles, everything askew from him digging his things out and leaving my stuff lying in piles. It’s cleaned up now - save the pile of boxes and junk at the top of the stairs - but I told him I have to clean up the mess that’s left behind. He didn’t have an answer for that. 
Honestly there’s really not a point to this. I’m just pissed, I’m annoyed, and I’m angry, and I’m sad. I’m just tired. And I wanted to vent. So if you stuck with me through this, I wanna thank you for listening. I appreciate being heard, because I haven’t been for so long. your time means a lot to me. 
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