#im gonna keep an open mind though because i know going into the latter half with a negative opinion is a self fulfilling prophecy
honestly gx is really fun so far and ill probably like the story. even when i start getting to the latter half of the series. but MAN i read some spoilers and think "damn this is gonna go off the shits /neg"
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machine-gun-casie · 4 years
tavern music
synopsis: corpse hears tavern music coming from your room (gn!reader)
warnings: rpf, reader gets cheated on, kind of unrequited feelings, mostly hurt/comfort and physical affection tho (what im trying to say is that this is mostly self indulgent)
wc: 1.7k
a/n: havent written in a while but i found this in my arsenal, fixed it up a bit and viola. original plans for this was definitely something longer that would end with them being together but im not up for writing rn. been feeling really shitty lately and ive been needing something like this in my life. hope u guys like it ♡
He couldn’t hear it at first. His headset was on and everyone was being so loud on the discord call. When he started the stream, he really thought it was gonna be a long one. But he’s only two hours in and he’s ready to get the hell off because something was definitely wrong.
“Corpse?” His name being spoken finally broke him out of his trance, he only hummed in response. “You’ve been really quiet. Are you sure you’re up for another game?”
“Actually,” he starts as he closes a few tabs, “I think I’ve gotta go. Today was fun, though. Thanks for having me guys.”
After a chorus of ‘goodbye’s and ‘see you later’s, Corpse disconnected from the discord call. “Thank you guys for being here,” he addressed the chat, “sorry I’m ending so early today. I promise I’ll make it up to you next time. Take care of yourselves. Later.”
After hanging up his headset and getting out of the chair he’s been sitting in for far too long, Corpse made the short trek to your room. 
You had only been roommates for less than four months, but Corpse could confidently say that you have become one of his closest friends. Getting a roommate was the last resort that he never wanted to actually resort to. But alas, medical bills were piling up and youtube and music don’t make half as much money as people think they do. So cutting rent in half was the best plan he could come up with. He did have an extra guest room that no one ever stayed in. Of course having someone move into his personal space was terrifying to him. He didn’t just want to post an ad on craigslist or something. So he asked a couple trusted friends to ask a couple trusted friends… And that’s when you came in.
You were the trusted friend of a trusted friend of a trusted friend. When you met, you didn’t make a comment about his voice. Your face sure as hell showed your surprise but you didn’t say anything. To Corpse, this meant one of two things. You either knew who he was but didn’t want to freak him out, or you didn’t know about his online persona and were just genuinely shocked by his voice. It only took a few minutes of knowing you to know that it was the latter. Thank god. You were like anyone your age with social media. You had a few accounts, followed a few people, but mostly used it to stay in contact with friends. 
It only took you guys a week to realize you had way too much in common. After many a late night when he wasn’t streaming, and many an early morning when he was just done streaming, you two became inseparable. Nothing could keep you apart.
Except for one thing.
You had a boyfriend.
There was nothing wrong with your boyfriend, per se. Just the fact that he was your boyfriend and Corpse was not. 
Yeah, Corpse definitely had feelings for you. 
But right now, feelings didn’t matter when he could hear tavern music coming from your room.
He knocked lightly and pushed the door open slowly. “y/n? Can I come in?”
No response came, just sniffles and sobs. The lack of refusal on your part gave him the courage he needed to open the door wider and step into your room. He had only been in your room a couple of times since you had moved in. But he had never been in a room that gave off the feeling of a person so well.
You were curled up on your bed, facing your open laptop screen and the tavern music coming from its speakers. With every sob shaking your chest, Corpse felt his heart break. “y/n,” he murmured softly, “what’s wrong?”
“It’s not working.” Came your reply, heavy with tears. “You said it would make you feel like you're going on an adventure but I still feel like crap.”
“What happened?” Corpse asked as he sat down on your bed, facing you. You slowly sat up and crossed your legs at your ankles in front of you.
“He-” You sighed heavily. “He cheated on me.”
“He cheated on me -has been cheating on me- with my best friend. My little brother found out.” You groaned and dramatically dropped your head onto Corpse’s thigh. His hand immediately came in contact with your cheek as he brushed a few stray tears away.
There was rarely any physical contact between you and Corpse. Sometimes you’d give him a high five, sometimes he’d give you fist bump. And there was that one time you came up behind him at the grocery store and hugged his arm to your chest. You immediately whispered something along the lines of ‘creep won’t leave me alone’ followed by a loud ‘hey babe!’
Corpse could barely admit to himself how much he liked that.
But this? This felt good. Corpse’s large warm hand on your face somehow made you want to cry more but in a good way. The tenderness with which he held your face made your heart squeeze as it remembered moments like this with your boyf- ex boyfriend. But then it remembered your brother’s words.
“Hey, what’s up?” You spoke as you answered his call. Your brother wasn’t much of a caller, so it made you worry. 
“Hey, where are you right now?”
“I’m home, why?”
“y/n… There’s something I gotta tell you.” He sighed and you could clearly hear the guilt.
“Did you break my DS!” It was your first thought as you had given it to him the last time you had seen him. “Dude! I’ve had that since I was seven!”
“No no, I called about something else.” He cut you off mid-whine. “But also I did lose the pen.” You huffed out a sigh of frustration but stayed silent so he could tell you what he wanted to tell you. “I saw your boyfriend at the park today.”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “And?” How did this warrant a phone call? 
“He was with Bob.” 
When you had met your best friend, your brother was only a toddler. He had decided that her name was Bob, so it stuck. You always called her Bob, she was saved as Bob in your phone, your whole family called her Bob. But you still didn't understand. Why was he calling you to tell you that your boyfriend and your best friend were at the park? 
“Why are you calling me about this? You know that they’re friends, right?” You let out a chuckle, albeit still pretty confused. “They’re allowed to hang out without me.” 
“They weren’t hanging out.” You could hear your brother push out a strained sigh. What wasn’t he telling you? “They were making out on the swing set. As in, both of them on one swing. And I double checked, it was definitely them. I-I told mom and she said not to tell you, but I couldn’t not tell you when I’m the one who saw it!”
You couldn’t bring yourself to say a word.
“I’m sorry, y/n.”
There was no lying to yourself, you had doubts about your best friend and your boyfriend. But you constantly brushed it off. He wouldn’t hurt you like that. Hell, she couldn’t hurt like that. Not after everything you had been through together. 
But you had seen his call log by accident one time, he called her more than he did you. She face-timed him one time to ask his opinion about a dress she was going to buy while you were in the changing room. She had done a handful of things since your relationship with your boyfriend started that made you uneasy. If this was their first kiss, which was something you doubted, then they’ve both been emotionally attached to the other for far too long.
All those tender intimate moments, all those dates, throughout everything, he wasn’t faithful. Not emotionally, at least. None of those moments that you cherished meant anything to you anymore. He had played you. With none other than your best friend since middle school. You didn’t know who to be more mad at.
The thoughts of betrayal from someone who you considered a sister and the hurt of being cheated on made you nauseated.
So when the large warm hand on your face stroked your cheek again, you didn’t mind it. This was Corpse. Not your cheating boyfriend. Not your lying best friend. Corpse. And you knew that he would never hurt you.
“He’s been cheating on me for a while I think.” You mumbled against his sweatpants. “Maybe a couple months. I don’t know.” 
Corpse furrowed his brows in thought. You had told him you were going to visit your boyfriend for your one year anniversary next week. “Weren’t you go-”
“And Bob’s been your friend since-”
“Yeah.” Your chin wobbled as you answered. You brought your arms up around Corpse’s thigh and hugged it. It was a strange position, but you didn’t care. He was so warm and nice and hugging him properly required more movement on your end than you were willing to do.
“Oh, sweetheart.” Corpse sighed and reached out to untangle your arms from his leg. He gently pulled you across the few inches of bed between you and sat you in his lap. You wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist, immediately sobbing into his shoulder. “Do you want me to turn off the music?” You shook your head no against him and he chuckled before he solemnly sighed. “When did you find out?” 
“When I came home.”
“But you came home hours ago. Have you been in here this whole time?” You nodded. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“You were streaming, didn’t wanna interrupt.” You shrugged.
“y/n,” he sighed disappointedly, “you’re my best friend. I can end a stream if you need me.”
“Okay.” Your voice, broken and weak and tired, made him feel so guilty. You had been crying your heart out for over two hours just down the hall from where he was.
He gently grabbed you by your hips and tried to push you away, but you only held on tighter and whimpered. “I just wanna get you some water.”
“I don’t want water.”
“Then what do you want?”
“You.” You whispered. “Please stay.” 
Fuck. How could he say no to that?
So he stayed.
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silvermahogany · 3 years
Talking about a few songs I associate with my favourite aonoex characters bc i enjoy shoving my music taste in people's faces and analysing the shit out of nothing <3
Recent chapter spoiler warning lessgo, also mentions of suicide tw
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Still feel - Half•Alive
"I am not a slave, so pick me from the dark and pull me from the grave"
In my mind, this is his themesong without a doubt. Its reached the point where wherever i hear it it makes me really happy because I associate it with him so strongly :,D might just be because I found it while getting back into the fandom when Ren was kinda transitioning to my favourite so they came up together but either way, absolute banger. The bit at the end when everything drops and the lead singer belts his heart out, I always love to picture Ren doing the same in the illuminati uniform with Yamatanka building around him and I've never wanted to learn how to animate more in my life cause my GOD he's so cool.
My favourite song for my favourite character <3
Preach - Saint Motel
"Oh im down on my knees, mercy"
Its so happy and bouncy?? And the vibes are immaculate?? Matches well with the themes of religion as well, this one definitely shows his flirty loverboy side more, it gives the impression of some lovestruck idiot stumbling over himself every time his crush does anything and honestly, sounds like something he'd do. Good song makes me go :))))
Your Love (Deja Vu) - Glass Animals
"You eat us up, you live like you're on camera"
I feel like this one captures his spy side a little more than the others. The lower notes in the main verses give a secretive feel, like he's halfway through a mission and trying trying stay silent. But it's also flirty in a more smooth way than wholesome crushes like the rest. The lead singer has such a gorgeous voice too i'll praise glass animals until the day i die 🥺🥺 God tier song god tier vibe 1000000/10
"Now we're so young but we're probably gonna die, it's so fun we're so good at selling lies"
Now THIS is a song for a spy working for a secret deadly organisation, all about world domination and having a great time doing it. Renzou is a free spirit and loves the freedom of his job, and this song really captures that for me. He knows he's in danger, but he's living his best life and he's having a great time doing it baybeeee B)))
Sweet Talk - Saint Motel
"You could yell 'piss off won't you stay away!' And still be sweet talk to my ears"
Ren is a persistent little shit when it comes comes crushes and this song shows it, a song about a guy who's so infatuated he doesn't care if he's hated or laughed at, he just loves hearing their voice. I see this as a bit of a yukishima anthem tbh, I feel like in the early stages of their relationship it would be pretty one sided with Shima trying to win him over and Yukio shutting him down so this matches that pretty well :>
Cant go five minutes without talking about them can i-
Honourable mentions-
Talk too much - COIN - very flirty and cheesy considered it as his themesong for a while
Toxic - Britney Spears - self explanatory :)
Razzmatazz - IDKHBTFM - everything they make shows his spy side imo, good for daydreaming
Van horn - Saint Motel -honestly anything by Saint Motel or Half•Alive reminds me of him, great bands :D
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Yukio was weirdly a lot harder for me to find songs for. For Renzou i have a giant playlist I add to over time, supreme comfort playlist egegegeheh, but Yukio's is a lot shorter for some reason. I guess his vibe is a little difficult to get down but a while scrolling through my main playlist and I think I have a decent few that at least match his character development and plotline.
Stressed Out - Twenty one Pilots
"Out of student loans and treehouse homes we all would take the latter"
Pretty self explanatory really, mans was forced to grow up and mature way faster than he shouldve had to, having a high stress job by the age of 13 studying for two meister all while studying to be a normal doctor as well. Not much of a surprise he has so many mental issues by the beginning of the story. I dont listen to much TOP but the few songs I know seem to fit Yukio pretty nicely :)
Oh Klahoma - Jack Stauber
"Those aren't meant to bend, no those arent meant to bend"
Another song based on depression, but with a much quieter feel, much lower energy. I feel like this one more links to his tendencies of delf destruction, and how alone he feels as he faces his battle. Like he's singing into the void hoping for something to reply, but nothing will. Man :(
The Fall - Half•Alive
"I'd jump off and into your arms but i cant trust the fall"
I feel like this one highlight his story to Rin in a really realistic way. Yukio has a good heart, he's kind and wants to love his brother and open up to him he wants to get better. But he's so deep in his pit of depression and conflicting feelings over his brother that he can't bring himself to, he sees no way out. God I wanna write an analysis on his character so bAD-
Baby Hotline - Jack Stauber
"Numb, I've been burning with haste and I'm realising now it's a terrible waste"
We just keep getting darker huh, didn't pick very pleasant tunes for this boy did I. A bouncy, happy song about a girl calling a suicide hotline, lovely. But i feel like it describes his mental state pretty well, outside he seems ok. Sure Rin picks up that somethings off, but once Yukio assures him he doesnt really persist above asking him a couple times. But below the facade he's really reaching his breaking point, and I love how this song contrasts those two tones in a scarily natural way. Absolute banger
Fireflies - Gorillaz
"And if you say goodbye too many times, the sentinels will find me and switch me off this time"
One of my absolute favourite Gorillaz songs by far. The melody is so gorgeous, melancholic in the best kind of way. For Yukio I feel like it signifies how trapped he feels as Satan's son, he's hit his lowest point and he doesnt know how to start moving back up. But the song also has a hopeful feel to it, as if even though he feels lost, he will get better. In the recent chapters we see a moment of reconciliation between Yukio and the people around him, with Suguro forgiving him and tye two brothers finally getting a chance to to things out. Before everything went to shit lmaoo. But with that i really hope that after all the fighting is done, Yukio will finally get the chance to see how bad things have gotten, and reach out to get better. And this song shows that for me :D
Honourable mentions!!
Creature - Half•Alive - the first song I ever added to his playlist, there for sentimentality tbh
Cane shuga - Glass Animals - the plonky noises make the happy chemical go buckwild, not sure why it reminds me of him it just kinda does really
I Earn My Life - Lemon Demon - mans is overworked give him a break :( ngl i don't associate it with him much but i wanted to edge a lemon demon song in somewhere-
Dead inside - Younger Hunger - whenever I hear this I always imagine a really cool animation of him and it always plays out the same way and MAN I wanna animate so baDD
Absolute wordvomit woohoo, hypervocused on this instead if doing the assignment due this evening I'm a fantastic student. This was kinda fun tho!!! I might do other characters at somepoint, these guys are my favourites but i have a bunch of playlists for other characters like Amaimon and Shura, recommendations are welcome too!!
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floatinginwords · 4 years
Saved by the Devil (8/?) - Tommy Shelby
Summary: you go missing and a lot of people get worried
Paring: Tommy Shelby x fem!reader (Not romantic..yet)
A/n: I actually wasn't gonna post today but this chapter fell out of me. Its funny how some days are tougher to write and others its like riding a wave. I hope everyone has a wonderful day :)
The man with the busy eyebrows and mustache called himself Inspector Campbell. A fucking police officer. When you came too you found yourself tied to a chair, ropes around your wrist and legs, tight against the skin cutting off blood circulation. He didn’t ask questions first. No first, was the punching against your ribs and stomach. Then your face. He didn’t give you no breaks, not like he would give you any.
 “I think me and you have gotten fairly acquainted with.” The inspector say his foul breath reaching up your nostrils. Blood dribbled down your chin and nose. It was you could taste.
His men have left the room, on his orders of course. He leans on his cane as he stares at you from above. A evil smirk on his face as if he was some god looking down at his pitiful creations. You spit blood at his shoe.
 He grabs your face harshly, you face scrunching up like a fish. “Tell me what you were doing with Thomas Shelby. Or I can make this night a whole lot painful for you.”  He throws you back and all you do is glare at the man. Not saying a word. Not even huffing a sound.
 The inspector laughs. And walks out the door. You see him point to you with his cane as he talks to the other men that were abusing you moments ago.  You brace yourself for the inevitable. The torture last for hours.
 No ones seen you for three days. Ada, the first night you didn’t comeback, called Trinity. but she hadn’t seen you since the morning. The next day Ada and James went out looking through the streets at your usual spots. You didn’t have any Ada just wanted to feel as though she was doing something. You didn’t have any family or any other friends. Except one other person who may know your whereabouts. So on the third day of no trace of you, with a little nagging and encouragement from James and Trinity, Ada decided to make a call.
 Over at May Careltons mansion, Thomas Shelby listens half heartedly to the woman discussing the progress on his horse. He could care less at the moment. He’s just thinking of ways that he could stay the night. He wasn’t a fool, he knew of Mays attraction to him. It benefited him in more ways than one.
 “Excuse me, Mr. Shelby,” A maid interrupts May in the middle of whatever it was that she was saying, “You have a phone call.”
 “I’m sure they can leave a message.” His eyes not leaving Mays
 “Its your sister, she sounds urgent.” The maid says.
 With that thought in mind, Tommy excuses himself from May.
 “Ada this better be important.”
 “Where the fuck are you,” Ada screeches over the phone, “Ive been trying to contact you everywhere and Polly tells me your-“
 “What is it-“
 “(Y/n) is missing.”
 Tommy swallows hard. “I’m sure she’s around somewhere ada. How long its been?”
 “Three days. No ones seen her. Tommy please, Im worried.”
 Three days ago was when he last saw you. When you agreed to go to dinner with Alfie and Arthur You had left the car without another word. He wanted to follow you but decided against it. He was regretting it now.
 “Ada, just calm down. Ill ask some boys to go look for her okay?” He reassures his sister over the phone promising to find you.
He hangs up.
 “Is everything alright?” May asks from behind him. Her eyes were hopeful looking at him. She too was hoping he would stay though that was something she would never admit out loud.
“I have to go, family emergency.” He says. Turning his back on her without another thought.
He didn’t have to leave. He knew that. He could have stayed with May have her fill that hole within his heart that Grace had left about a year ago. He owed nothing to you. He kept telling himself this over and over as he drove back, pushing the speed way past its limit. He begins to reminisce about your first meeting. You were nothing but a chess piece to him at the time but you surprised him a lot in that first meeting. Especially when you didn’t take that money he offered. He was confused to say the least. Everyone took free money. You didn’t. He remembers seeing you again at the Eden club. He though he would never see again. But there you were. He couldn’t not talk to you. He just had to. He knew he hurt you with his words. He didn’t apologize. He never apologizes. He remembers finding out Ada had a roommate. Imagine the surprise on his face when he realized it was you. Of course Thomas Shelby was always in control of his emotions so it never really showed. He was distrustful of you as he always is with people. But you showed something since your first introduction that most people didn’t show their entire lives; Honesty. And he liked that about you. He believed you when you said you didn’t work for Sabini anymore. (Of course he had his people look into it after to be 100% sure) He trusted you to go to meet his brothers, be in the same car as them, come to an auction. He remembers seeing you bloody and a mess. Guilt and rage had filled him up. He couldn’t hold himself back from shooting the guy. When he stitched you up, he liked that you tried to make conversation. You knew when to back up, you never pried. He didn’t know if that was fear of him or if that was just you. He hoped the latter. He liked the way you said Mr. Shelby, though he often wondered how his first name would sound falling off your lips. Thomas Shelby pushes these feeling aside as he drives. He tells himself he just doing this as favor to his sister and because you can be very valuable. But as he drives into the city, a piece of his mind whispers that that just might not be the only case.
 Three fucking days. You couldn’t believe that that’s how long it lasted. The torture, the beatings. They released you on the thought that you really didn’t know anything. You never said a word. They drove you out to the fucking country side and dropped you off like you were trash. You were never more humiliated in your life. You walked, each step bring you pain and anguish. But you kept going.
 ‘Its Friday’ You think to yourself. You never got to call to confirm if you were going on that dinner. You laugh at yourself. Out of all things to worry about.
 You find a little pond as you were walking and attempt to wash your face off all the dirt and blood. You looked half decent.
 It took you till sundown to get back into London. People in the streets gawked at your face. You knew you were bruised pretty bad. Worse than before thanks to the inspector. The stitches on the right side of your body were now leaking. You can see the blood drip slowly through your hand. You sigh. Its always one problem after the next.
Once in front of the house, you see all the lights on. Something you knew Ada hated. You see multiple people moving about and you curse underneath your breath. The last thing you wanted was to interact with people. Someone looks through the window, a young boy you didn’t recognize.
 “Is that her Ada?” You hear the boy loudly say not keeping his eyes off of you.
 As soon as the boy says that, a multitude of people rush out to the window to look out followed by a rushing to the door. Ada being the first to run into you, bear hugging you.
 “Where the hell have you been?” She cries out.
 You stay silent, your arms limp across your sides. No energy left to pick them up or say anything. You wished at that moment to escape into eternal darkness forever. You see a bunch of people behind her mostly men. All in black caps and coats.
 ‘Peaky blinders.” You think. You step back from Adas hug and move up the stairs toward the house. The men spread apart not wanting you to push through them. You walk up the rest of the stairs to your room slowly. You can feel all their eyes burn into your back.
 Once you reach your bedroom, you sit on your bed and stare at the empty wall. You couldn’t get the inspector eyes out of your head. It was like he enjoyed watching the life get beaten out of you. He talked a lot.  You replay the last three days in your head trying to piece together what that crazy old man was talking about as he was ‘interrogating’ you
 As tommy walks through Adas door the first thing he realizes is that it seems that everyone is fucking here instead of doing their jobs. He watches them lounge about, eating and drinking away his sister’s stuff. He’s about to yell at them when Ada puts a hand on his shoulder.
 “Tommy She came home.” She says, he notices a lack of smile on her face.
 He raises an eyebrow.
 “She looks like she’s been beaten all over. I mean I only saw her face but the way she was walking…” Ada trails off biting her lip.
 “Im gonna talk to her.”
 “Tommy I don’t think-“
 Hes already at the top of the stairs before she finishes her sentence. Its not hard to figure out which room is yours. For reason being your room is the only one open. He sees your figure sitting up just staring at nothing in the dark. He clears his throat, not wanting to scare you with his unknown presence. You don’t turn around. He takes slow steps around to sit next to you on the bed. You both face the wall.
 “Its Friday,” you break the silence, “I apologize for not calling about dinner.”
 Right, he almost forgot that Alfie and Arthur were meeting right now.
 “Never mind that,” You suddenly get up as he talking, limping around the room, “what are you doing?”
 You light a candle on the other side of the room. He sees how bad your bruised face is in the light. And the blood trail your leaving with your freshly open hand.
 “(y/n), you should go see a doctor.” Thomas says standing up.
 “I’ve been through worse, Mr.Shelby.”
 “Who did this to you?” You notice the look of controlled anger on his face.
“Inspector campbell. Know him,” You ask sarcastically,” cause he really doesn’t like you.”
 You laugh and wince, the action hurting your ribs immensely, ”oh and he sure talked a lot. Kept mentioning a general, if I knew him, if I seen him, if you told me his name,” you pause, “what are you planning to do with a general?”
 He doesn’t answer you. The clocks in your brain keep turning. “Cause there’s only one thought that comes to my head.”
 “Why did he question you?”
 “Cause you took me to the fuckers house. And your being followed by the way.” A pain strikes through your head the more frustrated you become.
 “You should lie down.”
 “What did you get yourself into?”
 “it doesn’t concern you.”
 “Look at me, how does it not?”
He stares at you and though to you he looks emotionless, inside the feeling of guilt and fear are swirling. You on the other hand cant decipher anything that going on behind those eyes.
‘maybe this what he looks like when he is lost.’ You think. You know you could lend a hand through this, whatever it is. You assume an assassination. One the police are having a hand in themselves. When inspector Campbell was ‘questioning’ you, you noticed how it didn’t seem like he cared for the generals life but feared of who got a whiff of the info. It seemed that Mr. Shelby was getting something from it, maybe with you helping so can you. A ticket out of here perhaps.
 “what do you want?” He says shrugging.
  “I want to help.”
read pt.9
@captivatedbycillianmurphy @evelyn-4034 @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat
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askteacupfollie · 4 years
It was him holding his little brother in his arms the brother whom he loved so much.. His other half…
It was a sudden attack.. They fought the best they could.. Cuphead was down… Cupboard walked at them… She had stolen their powers.. And now they fought with everything they had.. Cuphead was down panting.. Bruises and scars on his body from the intense fight .. She removed a Dagger and ran to attack him. Mugman was faster so he got up a crack on the right side of his mug he ran and took the stab in his stomach… He gasped….his eyes widen in surprise.. He slowly looked at his wound she removed the dagger and he fell on his knees.. And face down on the cold floor 
Cuphead gasped..
No!!.. No… NONONONO!!! “Cuphead…” he heard mugman saying softly.. Cuphead felt his heart breaking his lungs hurt.. No.. This is a dream right? This.. This.. Is a nightmare right? It can’t be real.. No.. No..it couldn’t be real… C-could it?..
He felt rage.. Boiling rage he face became red from anger the liquid in his head started boiling with no control his whole body was shaking from grief lament anger rage fury…
Cuphead upon his rage attacked her.. “YOU BITCH!!! THAT WAS MY BROTHER!!! FUCK YOU!!! YOU WILL PAY!!!” he punched her. “I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!” she struggled he punched her in the face so hard his k'nuckles bleed.. She pushed him and attempted to run but Camilla… Camilla had enough… She grabbed her by the hand and fought her… Her reign of terror was ending here and now… She fought with her…, Camilla defeated her “IM DONE BEING SCARED OF YOU THAT WAS MY FRIEND MY BROTHER MY LOVER YOU FUCKING BITCH!!!!!!!” she stabbed her in her heart she let out a scream and vanished in a poof of black smoke..
Cuphead heard mugman groaning, he winced and gasped
“Mugs!” he ran and held him in his arms There was a wound on his stomach he was losing blood quickly “NO NO NO NO NO!!!” “I.. I… I. M. GONNA PARRY YOU.. NO PROBLEM !” Mugman smiled “we lost our powers remember? She took them away… Please take care of elder kettle” Cuphead panicked “D-Don’t talk like that Mugs!! You will be okay i.. I will fix you!”
“confess Camilla you deserve to be happy” he smiled weakly.. Cuphead cried.. “No.. No.. Don’t speak like that! We.. Will confess together.. We… Will be happy together.. Mugs.. Hang on!” Mugman coughed.. And blood ran down from the side of his lips..“Its too late Cuppy… Its okay shh *cough* *cough * don’t cry.. I will be with you always even if you can’t see me i will protect you and camilla..” Cuphead cried harder.. “Mugs..”
Mugman held him by the jacket and pulled him closer “ promise me that you will be strong… Cup…head…*cough* don’t let my absence affect your life and heart.. Live… You will be happy with Camilla and you will get married and have children. You deserve happiness.. ” he said… Weakly… Cuphead was at lose of words…
“I… I.. Promise..” he said “Good” he said “I… I love you all..” he said tears running down his ocean blue eyes.. “We.. Love you too..”
His ocean blue eyes lost focus everything became blurry.. And his hands fell from  his jacket.. His.. body relaxed..
Cuphead started crying harder Lament and the pain of loss was too much it hit him like bucket of cold water like a knife in his heart “ MUGS? MUGS?! THIS ISN’T FUNNY YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!! LOOK AT ME SPEAK TO ME ANYTHING!!! PLEASE…. PLEASE MUGS… NO… NO…DONT LEAVE ME… DON’T LEAVE ME!!!! MUGMAN?!?!?!?!?! MUUUUGGGGMMMAAAAAANNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!! MMMMMMMUUUUUUUUGGGGMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!! ”
Camilla came closer tears in her green eyes.. She saw cuphead and her heart Clenched… He was gone and she didn’t have the chance to tell him how much she loved him.. Cuphead was crying no.. Bawling hard… She got scared that he might die on the post from the way he was crying.. Heartbroken….. She cried as well…
She hugged him(cuphead) from the back while cuphead hugged mugman closer to his chest his brother… His brother whom he loved so much was gone…
“Cuphead..?” she said.. Cuphead looked at her “its my fault… Its all my fault..” she hugged him “no… It.. It wasn’t your fault.. He want us happy..!”
It started raining..  Mugman’s blood was mixed with the rain.. Cuphead took mugman gently and carried him in his shoulders.. Close to their home there was a mountain who had the best view.. The ocean.. The rain hit him mercilessly and it was mixed with his tears..opened a grave while the rain fell upon them Thunders lit up the sky KRACK A BOOM
He took mugman he kissed his cheek on last time he caressed his cheek he sighed… Camilla did the same.. He gently took him and gently laid him in.. He buried him with his own hand.. “Goodbye brother!”
They went home.. Camilla hugged him… For the next days he had no appetite he woukd have Nightmares and panic attacks. Camilla would cry too the pain of loss and lament was too much for her too when the doors are closed she will slide down hug her knees and cry… Cuphead.. Since the incident wasn’t himself.. She couldn’t blame him.. She couldn’t blame him.. She would pass outside the door of his room and cry… Cuphead wasn’t sleeping on his room but on his brothers room hugging his hoodie..
She found him some day on his brother’s grave crying his heart out .. “WHY DID YOU HAVE TO GO?! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO LEAVE ME ALONE!? HOW COULD YOU BE SO SELFISH AND CRUEL AND LEAVE ME LIKE THIS?! WHY?! WHY?!?!? YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!!…. w….hy…..?…m..m..ugs..ITS NOT THE SAME WITHOUT YOU PLEASE!! COME BACK! IM SORRY IM.. I… IT.. SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME! NOT YOU!! I FAILED YOU!! MUGMAN FORGIVE ME.. I COULDN’T SAVE YOU!!! ” Camilla walked closer… And hugged him the rain hit her too..“ Cuphead please don’t talk like this it was r ykur fault he would want us happy he wpukd want you happy… Im sorry… We will not forsake him.. We will pass through this together
Cuphead hugged her and cried harder his head on her chest and her heartbeat was comfort… He cried "I MISSED HIM.. CAMILLA!!” “ Me too cuphead… Me too…we will nkt forget him even though he is not here he will be in our minds and hearts.. We will not forget him… He will be eternal in our heart!!”
He smiled” Thank you Camilla!“ she smiled” “anytime.. Let’s go home” she got up and offered him her hand he took it and got up.. “we will come back again tomorrow!” he nodded and took her hand they looked at the gravestone «RIP MUGMAN EROS HOLLOWARE A loving brother friend lover» They went home took a shower, ate in silence and then went to sleep!
They cried for the rest of the night a fire to keep them warm they slept in the living room seeing the fire and the Thunderstorm accompanied them to their grief.. CRACK A BOOM the rain and thunder were comforting in a way just like the way it clears earth it cleared their heart from the grief.. “He was too young… Camilla… He wasn’t even 25 years old…  He was.. Too young… Too too young” She hugged him tighter and wrapped him in a blanket cuphead was wearing his hoodie Camilla wore one of his hoodies as well.. They cried “I know..i wish things were different…!”(they wore mugman’s hoodies) 
They cried themselves to sleep.. On the table was a picture of them smiling mugman was hugging Camilla on one hand and on the other he was hugging cuphead.. ..time passed the pain of loss and lament became less… A new feeling blossomed in their hearts and that that was HOPE  Cuphead and Camilla came closer they went on dates eventually they got married and had children one of them their first born was a boy.. He had blue colors they named him Mugman Eros! The other child was a girl they named her Elpida “Hope” in greek… Because no matter what there is always HOPE!.. Life Moves on! 
He was happy he stilled missed him but he knew he was happy and in a better place! ❤️💙💚💜
The end
Im sorry if this sucked it was a one shot that came to mind when i saw the drawing of cuphead hugging wounded Mugman I hope you like it! Thank you! 
Couldn’t decide the title so have them all! 😊😊
Mod- jesus christ of latter day saints!!! I’ve never gotten a fanfic before! Thank you! Grief is a tricky thing isnt it?
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pls scream about Leo a lil bit cause my love for that man is neverending and i live for you guys' blog,,, and ur comte love fuels me??? head empty except for those two pureblood clowns
HNGNGNG I hope that both you and everyone that reads my shenanigans knows how utterly understood I feel when I see anyone stan Comte, if not both of those idiot purebloods bc good lord...I live for two tired fossil men that just want DOMESTIC BLISS. Literally they have no brain cells beyond respect women and we love that for us, it’s spectacular!!
Under a cut bc I went off and is long:
That being said I’d be happy to yell abt Leo!! Where do I even begin, this man was the reason I got into Ikevamp in the first place, and I’ve read just about every single one of his events at this point. He just makes me so TENDER!!!!!! For whatever reason the first thing that came to mind was this one time he lies about being jealous and MC is lolol u a fool if you think I can’t tell when you lie to me. And he’s so fuckiNG SHOOK?????? It’s even funnier because she’s internally like [I’m not 100% sure but for a second there he almost looked mad...time to test this theory even if it’s just A GAME T H E O R Y] And he’s so fucking pikachu meme that shit sends me. I can’t handle the fact that he’s so used to people just assuming he’s fine, that he can handle himself. That he’s lived for so long without really anyone noticing at all. (Comte absolutely notices and will lightly roast him, but doesn’t really push him about it or wants to overstep). And so when MC just actively pays attention and is so gentle with him he’s just floored???
God I’m crying now, but I will just never forget the funeral scene in his fucking rt. This asshole, this absolute moron, straight up tries to come at us with “yOu GeT uSeD tO iT aFtEr HaLf A mIlLeNiUm, i’M nOt SaD”. Like are you serious. Come here and let me hold you before I throttle you. Absolute clown. He’s just always trying so hard to get by on his own and it breaks my heart. How long...how long has he lived just getting by, nursing his own wounds and dragging himself up all by himself. HE LEFT HOME AT LIKE 14 (whatever the fuCK SOME TOO YOUNG AGE) AND RAN STRAIGHT INTO THE HANDS OF PEOPLE THAT HATED HIM FOR HIS TALENT. HE REMEMBERS HIS MENTORS DESTROYING HIS UTENSILS WHILE TRYING TO ESCAPE PARENTS THAT WHOLEHEARTEDLY REJECTED ANY EXPRESSION OF LOVE OR COMPASSION FOR HUMANITY THAT HE CHERISHED SO DEEPLY. I DON’T NEED SLEEP I NEED TO HUG HIM IMMEDIATELY FUCKING HELL.
Like.........there’s just........I don’t know how to explain it, but I once saw it explained so well in a post. It was basically talking about Castlevania, and how in that show Dracula sees humanity’s folly and develops so much hatred he just goes straight to murder rage. And while in some ways I understand that, I understand even more deeply Trevor’s response to humanity’s fear and violence. He says that he knows they’re short-sighted, that maybe we all just don’t deserve saving...but that he’s going to do it anyway. Leonardo just so much gives me that energy of knowing there’s so much pain in the world, but all we can do is keep walking--keep trying, even if we have to claw our way forward. Because if you only see the awfulness in front of you, you forget the way that strangers make silly faces at babies to make them laugh on the train, how a friend will put everything down to race over to someone and comfort them with some ice cream--do anything they can to distract them from the hurt. How the sight of a child crying will prompt careful cooing from a stranger as to their bravery, an offering of cool water, the gentle placement of a bandaid. How a pair of teenagers will spot a lost child in milliseconds and help them seek out their parents protectively. There is so much wretchedness, but also so much beauty in it all, and the older I get the more I see myself wanting to believe in the latter. I want to be hopeful, and easily impressed, and full of love. To be bitter and jaded accomplishes nothing, and only becomes a worsening self-fulfilling prophecy. The more you seek negativity, the more you will find it; and worse, create it.
I also scream a little bit bc like. I’ve gone on and on about how Comte is very obviously in love with MC all the time, and sure that may be true. But...I really don’t think Leo is exempt from that either if I’m honest lmfao. Only because what does Leonardo do when it isn’t his route? He almost never shows up. Once in a while he might appear for a split second in a scene, but he almost never converses with MC beyond those short moments. While Comte is the one to pine openly, I’d wager Leo is the opposite. He pines in absolute silence, because he knows that if he gets any closer--he’s going to fall. He’s going to enjoy it too much, going to keep seeking out more before he can stop himself. And losing another person he loves...he just can’t do it anymore. In his first meeting story he talks about seeing MC’s eyes and feeling like he’d known them all his life, and even in his MS he speaks to just being completely fascinated by and enamored of her. She doesn’t hesitate, always does her best, meets people head-on and without much hesitation. After a lifetime of people that are probably just immediately interested in him for his talents, or always seeking out his company for the novelty, this is someone that doesn’t give a single fuck if he’s Leonardo da Vinci. Sure she’s aware, and sure she’s impressed to some extent, but her respect--her attraction and admiration--is something that has to be earned. 
There’s something so refreshing about how their love was written. Sure it’s the whole fake marriage to a real relationship, but it’s also a kind of subtle enemies to lovers pulled off masterfully. MC is 100% minding her own business, just wants to do what she must in order to get home, tries to focus on her work to keep from thinking about how much she misses her old life. She doesn’t rely on anyone, doesn’t talk about how hard it is or how scary it is or how confusing. And even Leonardo forgets in his curiosity, is just chillin and also just trying to do the bare minimum to keep from getting too attached--figures he can admire her from a distance. And then he sees her staring at the hourglass. And suddenly, he can’t just watch her do that herself. Just wait for the hard times to pass, just sit with her own loneliness--that hollowing silence. There’s something so moving about it because he reaches out precisely because he knows that feeling to his fucking marrow, and literally just cannot watch somebody else do that to themselves. Sure he’s been dealing with it for three hundred years, BUT THIS GOOD BABIE CHILD DOES NOT DESERVE THIS. SHE WORKS HARD AND DESERVES NICE THINGS!!!!!!!! And so he drives her crazy as he races ahead of her, intercepting any attempt for her to preserve that silence and hide. She doesn’t see any pattern to it, and that’s just how he likes it--he doesn’t want her to worry about the how or why. 
Like I fully remembering playing in Japanese and being like oh my fucking god this is hilarious, this man is just a wild fucker and I love this. I was enjoying myself, mostly laughing and shaking my head. But then it just gets so, so serious. I was having so much fun that I, like a fool, forgot the anime effect. If you’re having fun, it’s going to come crashing down without mercy soon enough. And it does. He helps a little girl without any hope play her violin again, and maybe I’m just too English major but I was fucking FLOORED when I realized I didn’t see that that was straight foreshadowing. That little girl without hope? That was MC (and by extension depending on how you play, us). Though the metaphor isn’t quite so easily mapped without a physical space, the connection is clear when you think about it. With his careful social awareness, he makes a place for MC to exist in the mansion so naturally--as though she was meant to be there from the start, crafts a positive impression of her presence with each of the residents. And he does it with zero expectation of anything in return; he’s just happy to see her not stressing herself out anymore or trying to do everything alone. MC doesn’t fall in love with him despite their differences, she falls in love with him because they are the same in a singular and all-encompassing way that matters; they both care about other people so deeply, to the point where they will forego any personal needs in order to make that person’s life easier. Whether it be muting their own hardship, or working to involve another person in a new space (or opening up to the point of self-destruction to keep a person from feeling alone), they go above and beyond what anybody asks of them--perhaps strong to the point of their own detriment, in some cases. 
It’s why I always laugh when he says to Sebastian “That cara mia, she has a good heart.” Of course she does, Leonardo; it certainly takes one to know one. 
Like. I can’t think of another route I’ve ever done where I spent a good amount of time like “lmfao this guy is so wild im gonna punch him” to just be in a whirlpool of my own tears, regretting my entire fucking LIFE days later. Like Leonardo’s cultural impact???? Fucking immeasurable, I wish every white man disaster I ever met had a hidden heart of gold in all of his boyish dumbassery, an ICONIC himbo of our time. 
Also because I remembered it before posting and I am Dying^TM. The event where MC was a pureblood and he was human. That entire fucking event. I literally can’t think about it without screaming and crying. Her just so flustered at his reaction to her like “oh look, free real estate” as he plops her in his lap, absolutely no fear, treating her like a princess because of her noble title despite NO NECESSITY BEYOND PLAYFULNESS BUT ALSO STILL MEANING IT IN AN EARNEST WAY, being charming to no END just to see her laugh or look away shyly. 
WHEN HE SAID. WHEN HE SAID “...Can’t leave you alone, or you might go off someplace I can’t follow.” I. CONGRATULATIONS, YOU STRIPPED DEVOTION DOWN TO ITS BARE ESSENTIALS!!!!!! GAH HOW MC HERSELF SAYS “I would tell him the truth but...he’s much too generous for a human. I know he would offer his life without a moment’s hesitation.” How Leo describes the aftermath of her biting him: “Lucky for you, I’m a true gentleman, Unlike my principessa, who took me like a storm” HELLO??????? H E L  L O ???????????????????????? ARE WE JUST GOING TO SLEEP ON THE FACT THAT HE LOST HIS ENTIRE SOUL WHEN SHE BIT HIM???? I--
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
(Also as much as I love him the cigarillos have got to go at some point, boy do you have any idea the shit secondhand smoke does good lordt)
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themadauthorshatter · 4 years
SOOOOOOO, I have seen a lot of Henry Stickmin AU'S, and while this one already exists, I feel like it doesn't get enough love, damn it!
While I'm a fan of Toppat!Henry, I propose to you all MY take on TOPPAT!CHARLES! (Even though I made headcanons for Insane!Charles a while back😅) I will also be following the headcanon that Henry is a selective mute and signs more than he talks, though I will add that he makes sounds when he needs to communicate with someone who can't sign, sounds like "Tss! Tss!" or similar hisses, shushing, clicking, coughing, and other sounds of the nature.
I'll be adding some dialogue here and there to add more to the scenes and to put more context into the story.
With that out of the way,
For context, this would take place if Triple Threat became a thing before the Toppat clan went into orbit. Reginald Copperbottom would be arrested, the airship taken down, and Right Hand Man fixed up with his cybernetics with either Sven or Burt as his second in command.
With guidance from Charles outside, Henry and Ellie try to kill two birds with one stone: stop the launch and arrest the clan.
It goes well in the beginning, until Henry and Ellie run past a window and give a signal that they're okay right as two toppats sneak up behind them.
"Guys, watch out! There's-"
Before he can warn them, he's either shot down or pulled down by Right, Henry and Ellie being apprehended and fighting the two toppats as they watch the helicopter falls to the ground. Ellie is surprised and terrified, but Henry has a stronger reaction, falling to shocked silence before being more desperate to fight off the toppats.
Though they knock out both toppats, cracking one of the windows in the the process, Henry continues to punch the one that jumped him, only stopping when Ellie pulls him off and tells him that Charles might still be alive, due to the static and talking through the ear pieces, and that they might be able to still at least arrest the Right Hand Man.
Henry gestures for her to stop the rocket before taking one of the toppat's weapons to break the window and runs off to find Charles, which is easy to do since there's a smoke column from the crash.
Jump to Charles, a few minutes back in time to around the same time Ellie and Henry are fighting off the toppats.
Despite being a little disoriented from crashing, Charles gets out of the helicopter and tries to call for Henry and Ellie on his head set, only to feel the barrel of a gun against the back of his head.
"I wouldn't do that, if I was you, kid."
Charles holds up his hands before curb stomping his foot- or trying to- and whhels around to punch him.
Right catches his hand mid swing and throws him on his back to the ground, similar to how Right threw Henry in the Free Man ending of CtM, and makes Charles even more disoriented.
Right gets cocky and gloats, which, honestly, I don't blame him for because he just plucked a helicopter from the sky.
"You're a brave one, kid. C'mon. Let's see whatcher' made of."
Charles rolls to his stomach and tries to get up, but this is a diversion to try to hide that he's trying to call for backup, more specifically Henry because he heard the "conversation" between Ellie and Henry, though he'll take any help he can get. (Note here, I do not know how military personnel ask for help, so bear with me)
"R-Requesting back... backup. Man... Man down. I'm injured. Send. HELP."
Right notices him staying on his hands and knees and taking a little too long, and realizes what he's doing.
"You sneaky little RAT!"
Right kicks Charles in the face and throws his headphones away before stomping on his back.
Jump back to Henry, who has been running before he finds a jeep or motorcycle and drives that to fund Charles, having heard his call for backup before Right destroyed his headphones.
He also hears from Galeforce, who informs him that Ellie has been critically injured trying to stop the launch, having taken a bullet to the rib (as in the bullet itself is lodged IN her rib, a very lucky shot that could have killed her), and, due to the increase in casualties and people getting injured, he is calling for a retreat as the mission has failed.
With a hoarse, frustrated cry, Henry flings out the ear piece and speeds up whatever vehicle he's driving. At this point, he's about to break because the mission was going well, but it's crashed and burned, so his thought process here is, 'I failed the mission, but I won't fail Charles.'
Back to Charles, who is trying to fight off Right, but is severely outmatched due to having no augmentations, having been crashed in a helicopter, and having several injuries. Whatever hit he throws, Right blocks it and pushes him back. He then gets a call from Burt, or anyone on the intercom system, and Charles overhears.
"Hey, chief? We're about to launch soon. What's taking you so long?"
"Don't worry about it," Right replies as he watches Charles barely cling to consciousness and try to get back up. "Just leave a hatch open for me as long as you can."
Tired, injured and determined to stop Right, at the very least, Charles screams as he rushes toward Right and throws his hardest punch into the human half of Right's face, actually throwing the cyborg off guard. Right catches him as he starts to fall again, Charles proud at the punch he threw, and picks him up by his hair.
"You've got some guts, I'll give you that, but not enough brains to go with it."
Charles only gives a grimace as he reaches behind him and pulls out the gun Right threatened to shoot him with.
"How's this for brains?" He asks with a smirk.
Before he can pull the trigger, Right slaps the gun away with his cybernetic hand and breaks Charles's wrist before smashing him into the ground and stomping on his head. He then stands and turns Charles onto his back with his foot, noting that he's a hair's length away from unconsciousness and, more importantly, that he's a part of the government, WITH HENRY.
Speak of the devil, Henry somewhat crashes the vehicle he's in and rushes over to Charles, only to see Right standing over him.
Henry pulls out a gun, but Right gives him a look that says, 'bitch, really?' before turning to look at the sky, the announcement from the rocket blaring, "Launch in t-minus 10 minutes."
"You remember Reg?" Right inquires. "The clan's last leader? The guy you arrested?"
Henry looks down at Charles, who smiles at him with bloody teeth and tears in his eyes.
Right puts his foot down on Charles's neck, pressing down only enough to cause irritation.
"I really liked Reg. Yeah, he was loud and annoying sometimes, but the guy knew what he was doing."
He looks over to see Henry turn his head in suspicion, noting his eyes darting between him and Charles as Right presses his foot down more.
"Better than the last leader, I mean. I cared about him. He knew how to take care of the clan. Got it back on its feet. And you took 'im away, even when he offered you the entire clan."
"Sh-shoot him, Henry!"
Right and Henry both look down to see Charles trying to push Right's shoe off his neck with his good hand, which causes the latter the run forward.
"Don't." Right's cybernetic hand transforms into a sword and he points it directly at Charles's forehead, snipping off a little bit of his hair.
Henry stops dead in his tracks and points the gun again, Right pressing his foot down harder and causing Charles to cough.
Henry shots, but misses because of that shield Right used in the bounty hunter ending, and, because he's stressed and his voice his heavily strained, lets out a, "TSS!"
Right eyes Charles and kneels down, putting mire weight on Charles and also increasing the chance that Henry misses him, with how close he is to his friend (we all know how bad of a shot Henry is). "Yeah. Reg wasn't exactly the smartest guy, either." He transforms the sword back into his hand and tousles Charles's hair as he kicks against the ground. "But at least he knew what mattered more."
Right then removes his shoe and grabs Charles's neck with his non-cybernetic hand and stands up, lifting Charles off the ground, the pilot hardly reacting as he dangles.
Henry lowers his gun slightly, which makes Right smiek at him, cybernetic arm turning back into a sword.
"Launch in t-minus 6 minutes."
"What means more to you, Henry?" Right asks as he tightens his grip on Charles ever so slightly. "The rocket's launching soon, I'm still a free man, and I've got your friend. What're you gonna do?"
Henry points his gun again, shaking, trying to keep a brave face, but with how downhill everything's gone the 'tough, quiet guy' mask drops as he looks from Right, to Charles, and then to the rocket before turning back to Right.
Charles tilts his head to his friend, extremely out of it from the crash, getting the snot kicked out of him, and the amount of pain he's in and adrenaline wearing off in his body. "Henry..."
Right tightens his grip more. "What'll it be, Henry?" He asks.
"Launch in t-minus 3 minutes."
"What'll it be?" Right asks once more. "It's me, the rocket, or your friend!"
Charles makes a very weak gesture to Henry, a finger gun pointing to Right. 'Do it. Shoot him.'
Henry's eyes reach Right, who glares at him as he raises his sword arm.
Again, Henry is a TERRIBLE shot and is hopeless as he sees his friend drift into unconsciousness, knows Ellie is injured because he left her alone, and essentially ruined the mission. With a that running through his mind, Henry's arms lower until he drops the gun, taking very shaky steps toward Right as he raises his trembling hands and does simple gestures for Right to speak to him: he points to Right, then to Charles, the cradles and hands and he crouches and points to the ground.
'Let Charles safely down.'
"Launch in 10... 9..."
"So that's how much he means to you."
"8... 7... 6..."
Henry repeats the gesture and claps his hands together, palms and fingers touching.
Right's glare deepens. "You took Reg from me."
Henry shakes his head and laces his fingers together as he throws himself forward.
Right's feet because the mini rocket we see in different endings. "Hope you don't mind, Henry..."
"I'll give him back when I'm done borrowing him for a bit!"
Right shoots into the air as Henry runs to grab him, barely holding on for a few seconds begore slipping and falling back down.
Charles is thrown onto Right's shoulder anddimly watches as he's flown away from Henry, reaching out for him before finally losing consciousness.
Henry has been reaching back, but drops him arm when he see the two board the rocket.
The rocket raises higher into the sky, even further from Henry's reach.
He staggers forward for a second before falling to his knees.
Henry breaks down as a squad comes his way, having taken so long because they were being attacked by toppats and most of the soldiers were either injured or killed in the crossfire.
They can't get an answer out of him, as all he can do is scream and cry, but are able to get two things out of his unintelligible wailing: "It was me." and "Charles."
It doesn't take long for Henry to pass out and be carried back to the base, the soldiers putting him in a bed next to Ellie.
YEP! This took me forever, but I feel like it's a pretty strong beginning.
What do you guys think? Is this too much or should I keep going with this?
Either way, I hope you enjoyed and
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Asking for a friend
The second story in the Grimm Omens series! As before, both main characters are OCs: Magnolia is mine, and Omen belongs to the wonderful @splanoot​. Thanks for reading!       “I’m tellin’ ya, you gotta go straight for the heart on those, don’t waste your time with the rest!” Maggie waved her arms, gesturing at some imaginary prey as she argued. Omen and Husk nodded back, Husk holding his bottom lip between his lip to keep himself from laughing. Magnolia was a friendly drunk, if a bit loud, and it’d be a long time since she’d let her walls down like this. For his part, Omen had the visor on his helmet cracked a little wider, his trademark jacket folded over the stool between them. Scars criss-crossed his forearms where the sleeves were pushed up to bunch at his elbows. He kept the gloves on, hands resting carefully around his glass. He shook his head, a silent laugh shaking the stress off his shoulders. It was a good night. 
     “You can’t get to the heart on those until you take care of the rest.” Omen pointed out, tilting his glass at her. Maggie smirked back, finishing her glass and setting it down with a loud clack. She leaned across the open seat between them, almost invading his space - as close as she ever got to him.      “That’s what you think, mister. Hunters like me, we get all up close and personal. Besides,” She drew her words out, jabbing him playfully in the chest before leaning back to her own chair. “Don’t underestimate me just because I stick to blades.” She toyed with her snack, some mystery basket of finger food Niffty had dropped off earlier. Her other hand patted at the sheath on her left hip, one of the few she bothered with when she wasn’t on a hunt. She nodded toward his own holster. “Do you ever draw the wrong one? What’s special about it, the gun itself or the bullets or is it both?” Husk shook his head, refilling drinks, watching the two mercenaries argue back and forth in a language only they seemed to speak. Hell, if he didn’t know any better, he might think they’d known each other longer than a couple months. More than once he’d wondered if Omen had earned another fangirl.        A thump to his left and the sound of hands hitting his bar drew his attention, along with both his regulars. Angel Dust lay face down on the counter, one set of arms wrapped around his head while another pair of hands clutched at the edge of the bar. Magnolia threw an arm over his hunched shoulders, cooing excitedly.      “Angie! It’s been so long!” She said, her cheek pressed against his shoulder. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” Angel just groaned, sitting back just enough to rub at his eyes. Husk got busy making him a virgin drink - he was still on restriction according to Charlie.      “I don’t get it, Maggs.” He moaned, finally dropping his hands to his lap. She moved back, letting him sit up. The others ignored him, unamused with his antics. Maggie egged him on, moving to rub his back.      “What’s wrong sweet pea?” She asked, pushing him her mysterious bar food. He eyed it before, disgusted, shoving it back. He accepted his drink, also scowling at it when he realized it was nothing but juice and soda.      “Men, Maggs! Men are wrong. Well, one man.” He finally spat out, gesturing wildly. Maggie nodded sympathetically, sipping on her drink. Omen turned away some, subtly clicking his visor back down. Magnolia might flourish in social situations, but it was always somewhat awkward terrain for Omen, even with those he was closer with. He didn’t have any ill-will towards Angel, either, it was just… not his area of expertise. It was, however, Magnolia’s. Or least, it had been.       “Oh honey,” she drawled, arms around him still, “Tell me about him and I’ll tell you how to break that motherfucker’s heart.” She bared her teeth in a smile that belied her true nature. Angel flinched back, no matter how many times he’d seen it. She dropped it quickly, biting her lip. Angel quirked a smile of his own that quickly faltered.       “I don’t wanna break it, doll. I want to keep it.” He whined. He dropped his hands to the bar again, taking a slow sip of his drink for an excuse not to talk.      “Oh. Ohhhh. Oh nooo.” Magnolia wailed theatrically, dragging her hands down her face and wiping at imaginary tears. “My baby Angel has all done grown up and found a man he wanna love.” Angel blushed, crossing both sets of arms and turning away from her. She chased him, giggling and smiling sincerely for once.       “Look, I came down here for your help, but clearly I shouldn’ta crashed ya date. I’ll be going now.” He complained, standing up and pushing her off. Maggie lurched after him, latching on to his hand.       “Don’t gooo, babe, I was just havin’ some fun. I’ll help you, I’ll help you. Look, I’m happy for you, that’s great news!” She said, pulling him back to sit beside her. He complied, one eyebrow raised. She nodded, kicking her feet in little circles, doing her best not to wiggle off the stool. Her best friend, in love! He reminded her of her brother half the time, she could only imagine the kind of man that’d caught his eye.      “So tell me about him!” She prompted, when he didn’t start to speak. Angel eyed Husker and Omen. The latter turned away, suddenly fixated by watching the ice bobbing slowly in his glass, while the former shifted bottles around behind the counter, taking stock perhaps. Magnolia sat facing him, both hands perched on her knees, waiting. She shot a glare at Husker when she picked up on Angel’s agitation.       “Do we need to head upstairs?” Maggie asked, sliding her empty cup back across the bar. “Or maybe you need a few songs to calm down? Step outside?” She gestured to her mouth, miming smoking, then snapped, letting a spark dance across her fingernails.       “No way. He’s grounded, Magnolia. Hand ‘em over if you’re not gonna behave.” Husker jumped in, as much as he didn’t feel like it. If Charlie caught Angel misbehaving on his shift, he’d never hear the end of it. Magnolia huffed, reaching for her pocket, but Angel cut her off.       “I, no, doll. It’s fine, I just.” He paused, took a deep breath, held it. Letting it out in a short, he picked through his mind, trying to describe the target of his frustrated affections without giving it away completely. He still had a reputation after all.       “Look, you ever, I dunno, you meet a dude you’re into, like, really into, but it don’t make no sense?” He looked down at his hands, all four meshed together and fidgeting in a heap. Maggie laid both her hands over them, helping him still.      “I can’t stop thinkin’ about ‘im. I’ve been flirting like crazy, but it’s like he don’t even notice! Me! Am I slippin’ or somethin, Maggs?” He shrugged, aware of how his reputation worked against him here. “I can’t get his attention, does whatever he wants. One of those tall, dark, handsome types momma warns you about, ya know? I don’t know what to do.” Magnolia clicked her tongue, nodding along.        “I think types like us fall for types like that because our usual tricks don’t work. I need more to work with though. What have you tried? Or what are you after? What’s the issue exactly?” She asked carefully. Angel slumped a bit, still picking through his brain.      “I tried out all kindsa personas and lines and nothin’ phases him. I can’t read him! Not at all! He don’t get rattled, no matter how filthy my mouth gets or what I wear or do. I offered to suck his dick flat out, and what does he say? ‘No!’, to me!” Angel dragged his hands down his face, grumbling. Husker and Omen had turned away completely, taking up the farthest corner of the bar to give them as much privacy as they could with the open floorplan. Angel lowered his voice, leaning closer to his friend.       “Those eyes, and that smile. Maggs, I didn’t even know I was into suits!” Angel complained, taking a drag from his drink before sticking his tongue out. “Too sweet, Husk.” Angel called out louder, trying to cover his whispering, maybe, or dismiss the tension he’d created. Husk nodded as if he cared, refilling Omen’s drink without looking. Maggie held her chin, thumb tracing her lips, fingertips pressed into her cheek, studying Angel. Finally, she spoke, though it was barely a whisper.       “Angie…. Are you… In love with..Al-?” Immediately Angel lunged at her, almost tackling her out of the chair, trying to cut off the demon’s name. She grabbed his wrists on reflex, springing to her feet and throwing him into a headlock. He coughed, reaching for her side with a free hand.       “Easy tiger, save it for the bedroom.” he wheezed, and she dropped him, hands flying to her face in horror. She helped him back to his seat, apologizing profusely.       “It was just instinct, I’m so sorry! I - I didn’t mean to!” she repeated, hands clasped in front of her. “Oh, Angie, I’m so sorry, I didn’t think it was gonna be - Okay, okay.” She held out her left hand, green sparks fizzling along the back of her hand. She blinked and the same sparks lit in her eyes, hellfire come to witness.       “I swear to keep your feelings a secret, until my extermination or the deal undone. Sound like a deal?” She tried to smile reassuringly, offering her hand to him. He shook, sighing. Green wrapped around her hand, gone in a blink. Both of them settled back in their seats, silence hanging awkwardly over them. It wasn’t the first time Maggie had made a deal with Angel, but she hated using them on her friends. Still, it was to protect them.       “The deal’ll keep it safe, and he doesn’t send shadows after me when I’m not out on a contract. Your secret’s safe. I, um, bet I can help you out! You’re lucky I’ve been working for him for a while, though, or you’d be shit out of luck.” She continued on, trying to cheer Angel up, but Omen didn’t hear her anymore. He gestured to Husk, bowing his head slightly. Husk moved in close, disguising it by changing his drink for another.       “She’s one of Alastor’s?” Omen asked under his breath, eyes trained on Maggie behind his visor.       “Has been for a good few months now. Since a couple weeks before you met her, anyways. That boy she’s tryin’ to kill, he’s the real deal. She struck a deal with Alastor to even the playing field.”       “Why.” Omen couldn’t keep his voice as flat as he’d have liked, but it wouldn’t have mattered. Husk could see through him.       “She needed help. You saw how tore up she got. They probably have some kinda kinship or whatever, or same rulebook.”      “Husker. What are you talking about.” Omen barked at him, anxiety spiking. Just when he thought everything was going to be peaceful for once.      “She’s a crossroads demon, Omen, same as him. You saw the light show. Made a deal with the bastard.” Husk turned away, knowing he couldn’t say anymore. Omen lowered his head, nails digging into the countertop where he clenched his fists. He stood up abruptly, patting at his pockets. “Gonna go out for a minute,” he said, but only Husk was listening. Magnolia was too wrapped up in swapping stories and details about difficult love interests with Angel and moaning about the ones they’d missed out on for one reason or another.       “Do you have any, not tryin’ to be rude here, doll, but any actual, helpful advice? Something for this, ah, particular case?” Angel asked, eyeing the door shutting behind Omen. He had a theory of his own.      “Hmmm. Well….” Magnolia hesitated, glancing at the empty barstool behind her. “Those types of men are...very hard to work with sometimes, you know? Your normal tricks aren’t gonna work. Can’t come on strong, can’t come on too weak, or leave it all to them. Hmm.” She paused, running a hand through her hair. There was a flush in her cheeks that definitely wasn’t the alcohol.       “Those types, you gotta be blunt and honest, but not so forward. Just kinda, friendly? But a litttttle bit more. You kinda gotta give them room to come out of their shell to you, not the other way around. Take it real, real slow. Make them as comfortable as you can, meetin’ them on their turf. Every now and then, it’s alright to give them a little push or nudge, let them know you’re into them or you want something, but you really gotta leave it up to them in the end. That...that make any sense?” She looked at the empty stool again, then the door, trying to find Omen’s silhouette behind the dark glass.       “Uh-huh. Real helpful, doll. So! How long you been datin’ the big bad biker?” Angel shifted gears, leaning into her space. She sputtered, leaning away, face red.       “We’re not dating at all! Just friends! We’re just both...regulars here! Right, Husk?” She looked to him with pleading eyes, but he just smiled, not bailing her out.       “Uhh-huh. And you just so happened to be into a ‘tall, dark, handsome’ hunter guy that don’t let nobody close, and it’s not your drinkin’ buddy who just so happens to match up perfectly to everything you’ve hinted at for weeks? I ain’t buying it, doll.”       “Angel! There’s nothing - I’m not!” She grabbed her drink to hide her embarrassment with a sip but was disappointed to find it was empty. Angel just laughed at her, grabbing at her basket of snacks.       “You’re a crossroad demon! Just make a deal with him!” He managed through his laughter. She pouted, carefully tucking her hands away.       “I don’t wanna go that route. Not with him.” She whispered, face turned down.      “You’re breakin’ my heart, Maggs. I thought I was special!” He whined, arm thrown over his face. She huffed at him, staring at her hands. He softened, dropping his hand on her shoulder.      “Tell you what, doll. You take your shot, and, after a little bit, I’ll take mine. How’szat for a deal?” He asked, offering a hand. She took it hesitantly, shaking just once. Another wash of green light snaked around her palm and she sighed, overdramatic as ever with them.      “Alright,” she said finally. “Sounds like a deal. But -” She stole a glance at the door, and the figure beyond it. “Not tonight.”   
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On the Other Side / Ch15: Movie Night
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Summary: For the past thirteen years, a secretive organization has been raising two groups of superpowered children. Half of them, since their very first memories, have been told they’ll grow up to be brave and strong superheroes; the rest were taught a much harsher view of the world, and groomed to become villains. Neither group knows of the other’s existence. But when a certain trio of heroes-to-be meets two future villains who really just want to be left alone, they all realize how much they haven’t been told.
Warnings: non-graphic violence, bullying, child abuse, sympathetic/good Deceit (Devon) is a main character
A/N: And I said, "I'll start updating regularly again." You know, like a liar. (but actually tho im doing a big bang so it's unlikely i'll be able to even try to update anything else regularly until the end of summer :/)
Read on AO3
Late Saturday morning, Thomas regarded the trunk of his car skeptically. “I really don’t think we needed to buy so many tiny flashlights and screwdrivers.”
“Uhm, I really think we did. Who’s the more experienced thief here, Thomas?” Remy’s unsubtle hand gestures made it clear what the answer was supposed to be.
“Just because you stole gum from a convenience store when you were thirteen—”
“I’m now a master criminal, yes, exactly. I’m glad you understand. The tiny flashlights are super important, trust me.”
Thomas sighed, amused. “If you say so. You gonna help me carry these bags?”
“I don’t have time, hon, I gotta go talk to Emile about all this, remember?” He neatly dodged Thomas’s attempt to foist a grocery bag on him. “I know you’re gonna miss me, but I’ll see you later, babe, don’t worry.”
Thomas scoffed and swatted his arm, which backfired a bit in that it nearly made him drop one of his bags. “I’ll live.” His words may have been dismissive, but he was smiling. That smile was still on his face as he made his way into the building and through the hallways to his own room. Most of the snacks were left there to be distributed later. He took the rest, along with the less innocuous items hidden at the bottom of the bags, and went down the hall to Logan, Roman, and Patton’s room.
“Good morning,” he called, after knocking in a pattern they’d agreed on the previous night so they would know it was him. He set the bags down and pressed a hand over his mouth in an effort not to “aww” out loud when he saw the kids.
They were all piled together in the blanket fort, and it looked like they’d been there the whole night. Patton was still asleep, tangled in a blanket, while Logan used him to prop up the book he was explaining to Devon- who, of course, tried to act like he already knew it, but his eyes were wide with interest. Meanwhile, Virgil was still curled up under Patton’s arm, where he’d become trapped at some point in the night, and Roman was telling him some grand story, complete with illustrations and various bits acted out. The smaller boy looked enthralled, if a little wary of all the wild gesturing. Roman paused mid-emphasis when Thomas walked in, just short of smacking Logan in the face, and Devon reached out and slowly pushed his arm back down.
Thomas smiled. “Hey guys, I brought you some stuff.”
“Ooh! What is it? Did you get good snacks?” Roman scrambled out of the fort and almost tripped on Patton, who had started to wake up. He turned over, holding Virgil to his chest like a teddy bear. The latter made a face and squirmed away, causing Patton to finally open his eyes.
“Oh. Sorry,” he laughed. Virgil waved him off with a shrug.
The kids gathered around, and Thomas started to show them what he and Remy had bought. “Of course I got good snacks, who do you think I am? Most of them are staying in my room for now, though, because I know you guys.”
There was a chorus of “aww.”
“Other than that, I got some clean clothes for you two, so you won’t need to keep wearing the same outfits all the time or borrow from the other kids. But I had to guess at your sizes, so if something doesn’t fit, tell me, okay?”
Devon and Virgil nodded shyly and took the clothes, hiding them under blankets in the fort for now. They would try them on once Thomas was gone; changing with him right there would be embarrassing, even if he couldn’t see them behind the blankets that hung down.
“Now… everybody come close, this part is secret. Remember the plan we talked about?” They all nodded. “I know not all of you were sure if you wanted to help, and I’m not trying to push you into it or anything, but I got you all some stuff for it- if anyone decides they don’t want to come, that just means there’s extras for those who do participate.”
“I’m coming!” Roman reminded him, in his version of a whisper.
Thomas laughed. “You made that clear, don’t worry. So, uh, we’ve just got a few little things that might be useful- most of it Remy insisted on, so don’t ask me what the putty is for.”
“Ooh, you were with Remy?” Patton grinned, clearly believing he was being subtle.
“We were just doing boring work things, so shush- and quit doing that thing with your eyebrows at me, Logan.” Thomas blushed, wishing he knew how to stop letting children embarrass him. The shopping trip may have been a boring work thing, but it was very hard to convince himself Remy hadn’t been lowkey flirting with him the entire time nonetheless. “Take the stuff already and leave me alone.”
“How about this,” Roman offered, “we’ll stop if and only if you let us have a movie night! I mean, we really need to- did you know they haven’t seen any Disney movies?!”
Thomas hummed, pretending to think hard about it. “That sounds like a deal I can agree to. I’ll bring my laptop in here for you later, how about that? I know you’d rather use the big TV screen," he said over disappointed protests, "but I really don’t want to risk having Devon and Virgil leave the room when it’s not necessary, alright?”
“I guess,” Roman huffed. “But that means you have to give us more snacks for it!”
“Whatever you say.”
Movie night, naturally, had to wait until it was at least evening- you couldn’t very well have one in the morning. Roman and Patton spent nearly all the preceding time planning it and gushing about how amazing it was going to be, to the point where the other three almost wished they weren’t having it, if only to get some peace and quiet. By the time Thomas came back after dinner to let them borrow his computer, the blankets in the fort had been rearranged countless times, and the kids had a list of everything else they wanted in order to make it absolutely perfect. Thomas went along with some of their requests, if not the ones like ‘a bunch of plastic balls so we can turn the room into a ball pit,’ and they managed to get everything arranged without anyone yelling at each other.
The movie they’d all decided on for tonight was Sleeping Beauty- they should start with a classic, right? Logan was in charge of holding the popcorn, because he was the only one who could be trusted not to spill it or eat it all himself. During the opening credits, Roman bounced in place impatiently, while Patton carefully arranged his stuffed animals so he could hold them all and none would feel left out, ignoring Logan’s reminder that they were inanimate objects and had no feelings to hurt. When he was finally satisfied and looked up, he caught Virgil staring at him, looking conflicted. As soon as their eyes met the smaller boy  looked away, blushing and wrapping the too-long sleeves of his jacket around himself. He and Devon had changed into their new clothes by now, but he’d refused to give up that hoodie any longer than was needed to wash it, and even that had been a struggle.
“Hey, Virgil?”
He looked up again, defensive.
“Do you wanna hold one of my toys?”
Virgil shook his head roughly, retreating into his hood. He didn’t need toys, he wasn’t a baby.
“Are you sure? This one’s all the way on the outside, I’m afraid it’s gonna get lonely… would you mind just holding onto it for me?” He held out a black stuffed cat, clearly well-loved by the fact it was missing an eye. Virgil hesitated, but finally took it, setting it down on his lap just so Patton wouldn’t be disappointed. Maybe it wasn’t too bad to hold it for him, as long as he wasn’t actually hugging it or anything.
“Oh- look, look, it’s starting!”
They both turned back to the screen at Roman’s exclamation. The credits had ended, and the fairy-tale book was opening.
“In a far-away land, long ago…”
Roman watched Devon and Virgil, waiting for them to see how great the movie was. Unfortunately, they didn’t seem too impressed. “Don’t you like it?”
Virgil shrugged.
“It’s kinda boring,” Devon admitted. “Like, oh, there’s a king and a queen and a princess and they’re rich and perfect and everyone loves them- who cares?”
“That’s because this is the exposition,” Logan pointed out. “We need to know who they are before we can get to the real beginning of the story, in which a—”
Roman swatted his arm. “Don’t spoil it!”
The movie continued up to the celebration of the baby Aurora’s birth.
“Those gifts suck,” Devon decided. “Why couldn’t they give the princess something cool? They could’ve given her magic powers and instead they just made her really pretty and good at singing.” Virgil nodded in agreement, making a face. They were both startled out of their snark when Maleficent appeared.
“She’s an evil fairy,” Roman stage-whispered.
Logan added on, “It was a great insult for the king and queen to invite everyone in the kingdom and not her, especially when she’s so powerful.”
It was hard to tell if the intended audience for these explanations was actually listening. They were staring at the screen, wide-eyed, as Maleficent turned around and cursed the princess. Roman took this as a good sign that they weren’t bored anymore.
“It’s just so impractical,” complained Logan, watching the pile of spinning wheels burn. “I mean, has the king even considered what this will do to the price of cloth in his kingdom? Everything will have to be imported!"
“Shut up, it’s a fairy tale,” Roman whined.
Devon looked almost impressed. “You know, he has a point.”
“Oh, just watch the movie.”
The three fairies, at least, were not a point of contention. It was generally accepted that, being fairies, they shouldn’t be expected to make sense- although, really, hiding Aurora away from civilization to keep her safe wasn’t such a bad idea.
“Maleficent doesn’t know anything about love, or kindness…”
When said Maleficent came back, it was hard not to notice the younger boys’ nerves. Logan saw Devon go very still and quiet next to him, no longer making fun even though Maleficent’s weird little minions were objectively ridiculous, and Patton could feel Virgil jump with every angry lightning strike, holding the stuffed cat tightly to his chest.
“It’s okay,” Patton told them in a whisper, “she doesn’t win.”
Roman was beginning to despair. “Don’t spoil it, Pat.”
Logan rolled his eyes. “It’s hardly a massive plot twist, Roman. In movies like this, the good guys always win.”
Thankfully, the tension was dispersed by a transition to a much lighter scene. Even Virgil relaxed and giggled at the fairies’ attempt to create a birthday party. Some of the humor was lost on them, however- they didn’t have the faintest idea how to sew or bake, either. What was a “tsp?” The other kids seemed to know. Maybe it should have been obvious what exactly Flora and Fauna were doing wrong.
The scene with Aurora-slash-Briar Rose and Prince Philip… didn’t go over quite so well.
“Oh, oh, he’s back, look! With a horse! Bet you think he’s cool now, right?”
The prince promptly fell off said horse into a stream, and Virgil snickered, raising an eyebrow at Roman. That was about as clear a wordless answer as he could ask for.
And now, the princess was dancing around singing about love?
“Gross,” muttered Devon and Logan in unison.
“It doesn’t make any sense,” Logan continued as the two finally danced together. “I suppose I can understand her falling in love so quickly, given that he’s not only a handsome prince, but also the first person she’s ever met besides her guardians.”
“So you admit he’s handsome!”
“But what reason does Philip have for suddenly loving her so much, he’d rather marry her than become king? He’s only known her for a few minutes, and most of that was just listening to her sing without even seeing her.”
“The fairies did give her a magically good voice,” Devon mused. “Maybe she enchanted him to fall in love with her without realizing it.”
Roman reached over and gave them both a light shove. “It’s romantic, quit ruining it!”
“I think it’s cute…”
”Thank you, Patton!”
If Devon was oddly quiet after that, it was because he was grossed out by the sappy love stuff, and then worried about Maleficent’s bird finding the fairies- definitely not anything to do with the song about dreaming of having a friend hitting just slightly close to home. At least the kings were funny.
“Okay, maybe he’s a little cool,” Devon finally mumbled, watching Philip tell his father he was going to marry the random girl he’d just met. That was still a dumb decision, but anyone who could argue with a king and not be at all scared was at least slightly impressive.
Nobody really liked the part where Aurora was all distraught about not being able to meet Philip, so after a bit of sad silence, Roman took the opportunity to check in. “Do you guys like it so far?” he asked, clearly needing the answer to be yes.
Virgil nodded hesitantly, and Devon shrugged: “It’s… not bad. But I still think there should be less stuff about love, and—”
He gasped and cut himself off when Maleficent appeared in the fireplace. Virgil pressed up against him, eyes almost as wide as the hypnotized princess.
“Should’ve known she could just make another spinning wheel…” He tried to sound cool and unimpressed, and not scared. “Stupid king. She’s magic.”
Virgil whispered something in his ear.
“Oh, yeah- it doesn’t even matter, anyway, right? They can just get the prince to come back and kiss her, ‘cause they’re already in love.” His face scrunched up at the thought of kissing, but it was a solution.
However, as everyone else already knew, it wasn’t that easy.
Virgil sat up so quickly when Philip was attacked and captured by Maleficent’s minions that he would have fallen over, had Patton not been there to catch him.
“But did you see how many of ‘em he fought off before they got him?!” Roman punched the blankets around him to demonstrate, making sound effects.
If Roman was still happy, that probably meant Philip would be fine, right? Not that Virgil cared what happened to some stupid prince in a movie. Maleficent could kill him, for all Virgil cared. …But she wouldn’t, right? No, that wouldn’t happen, Patton and Logan had said she didn’t win in the end.
That reasoning didn’t stop both him and Devon from remaining tense for… pretty much the entire rest of the movie. Even if Philip was okay, they really didn’t like seeing him in Maleficent’s dungeon. At least in the Room they didn’t get chained up- Virgil shuddered at the thought.
“See!” Roman exclaimed triumphantly, when the fairies finally arrived to help him get out. “I told you he was cool!”
“I guess,” said Devon, sounding a whole lot more impressed than he wanted to let on. “Fairies are still doing most of the work, though.”
Then came the most exciting part of all: the final battle between Philip and Maleficent. From the moment she landed in front of the castle and turned herself into a dragon until the end of the movie, there were no snarky comments to be heard, and hardly even any disgusted faces made when Aurora was awakened by true love’s kiss.
“See? You didn’t need to be so worried, good prevailed in the end!” It wasn’t until Roman turned to face the two younger boys, and saw them still pale and anxious despite the movie being over, that he realized worrying about the ending may not have been the full issue. “Um… Guys? Is something wrong?”
Virgil and Devon had a brief, tense whispered conversation before Devon spoke up- very quietly, almost like he didn’t want to be heard.
“Are we evil?”
In the moment of stunned silence that followed, Virgil climbed over him, conspicuously placing himself between his friend and Roman. He didn’t seem to realize he was still clutching Patton’s stuffed cat.
“Wh- no! Of course not!” Roman jumped to his feet to emphasize how serious he was, and they both flinched a little. “Why would you think that?!”
Devon waited for Virgil’s cautious nod before saying anything else. “It’s just- Maleficent… she was evil, and she looked like us, kind of, and- and she could shapeshift like me.” He touched the scales on his face and remembered the dragon. “So- it seemed like… the movie was saying those things are evil. I dunno, it’s dumb,” he trailed off, shrinking behind Virgil. “I- I mean, we already knew we’re villains…”
“No, you’re not,” Roman said firmly. He pushed the laptop aside and sat down in front of them, so they couldn’t avoid looking at him. “You’re not anything like her! You’re not evil, you’re nice and you care about people and- and if anything, you’re more like Aurora.”
They both looked up, if only so he could see their skeptical faces. How did that make any sense? She was a princess.
“No, really,” he insisted. “Because you didn’t even do anything wrong, but the teachers and everyone are trying to hurt you because they’re the evil ones, but now you’re gonna get a happy ending! Because I’m the Prince, and I’ll fight them for you.” He stood again and struck a pose to demonstrate.
Devon gave him a soft, genuine smile, then smirked as a thought occurred to him. “Just don’t try to kiss us.”
“Ew, no!”
Everyone laughed. As Roman sat back down, he almost didn’t feel the tug on his shirt. He looked over to see Virgil looking not-quite-at him, chewing on his lip nervously. Once he saw he had Roman’s attention, he took a deep breath, squeezed his eyes shut and went for it.
“T-thanks. For saying that.”
In an ironic turn of events, Roman was speechless. Virgil’s voice, now that he heard it, was lower than he would have expected from such a tiny kid, and somewhat rough- maybe because he hardly ever talked. And now he was peeking up through his bangs, waiting for Roman’s reaction, looking like he kinda wanted to run away. Oh, shoot, Roman needed to say something back and not make it awkward, didn’t he?
He pushed through his shock to answer, “Of course. It was all true, after all.” Then he nudged Virgil’s hood back slightly in order to mess up his hair, because he couldn’t let things get too mushy. Virgil hissed and smacked his hand away, and the natural order of things was restored.
“But really though, what did you think of the movie?”
Virgil curled up in the blankets. His heart was still beating too fast just from saying four words- if he talked any more, he was afraid he might die from it. But he gave Roman a shy thumbs-up, and from the grin he got in response, that seemed to be good enough.
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easyimagines · 6 years
Bastogne BabeRoe
Request: Ooo a baberoe thingy? Maybe They could get in a fight because Doc won't take care of himself? 
I hope it’s good. This more of a pre-slash, I suppose, but there’s still cuddles and such so it counts (I think). -Eugene
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Running from foxhole to foxhole, especially on snow and ice, twisting an ankle was an easy thing to do. Night fall was one of Doc’s favorite times. The Germans couldn’t see so they weren’t firing, same thing for the Americans. Night time was quite for the most part.
Gene didn’t get nearly as much sleep as he should have, but there were a 150 something men in the company and only two of them were medics. Rest only came when he knew everyone was set for the night.
At night, there weren’t 20 different people all screaming for a medic. He could take his time. He could breath and look around...looking around was something he tried not to do too much of, though. Finding someone he could help was one thing, but finding the results of a motor that went off 20 feet from a foxhole was something else entirely. 
Walking along, Gene slipped on the ice and caught himself on his wrist and knees. He huffed in annoyance but started to push himself up.
“Shit. You okay, Gene?” Heffron asked as he jogged over to the medic.
“I’m fine,” Gene said. Babe was quick lend a hand to help his friend up.
“What’d you do to your hand?” Babe asks, still holding the medic’s hand. The usually pale hand was thinly coated in dry blood and what Babe hoped to be dirt (but was probably ash).
“What?” Gene looked down at his hand and two of fingertips has split from the cold. “Frostbite.”
“Where the hell are your gloves?” Heffron looked a bit annoyed and started rubbing Gene’s hand between his own after he took his gloves off.
“I gave ‘em ta Guarnere. His got blown.”
“He wouldn’ta taken ‘em if he knew they weren’t spares.”
“We ain’t spares a anything. That’s why I didn’ tell ‘im. Not like I’ve got the time to wear ‘em anyway.”  
“Now would be the perfect time for gloves.”
“I didn’t need ‘em when I gave to Bill,” Gene snapped, pulling his hand away from Heffron.
“You’re like a giant child, ya know that? You’re fully willin’ to do anything you can for everybody else without giving damn about how it might fuck you over in the end. You got frostbite when you’re always tellin’ us to keep moving.”
“I’m always moving, Heffron. That’s all I’m ever doing and it’s why I gave Guarnere my gloves. The rest of you a sitting in the damn holes, huddling together and stayin’ close and me and Spina are out here running from hole to hole making sure that you’re feet are movin’ and you’re keepin’ your fuckin’ socks dry. I only got one pair of socks because the men keep losing theirs. I ain’t slept in two days, my fingers hurt, and I’m pretty damn sure I sprained my ankle pulling Malice outta the way of a fallin’ tree. Don’t try tellin’ me I’m like a child.”
The medic stopped speaking and shook his head. Second time he snapped. He was tired and he wouldn’t be sleeping again tonight. “Go get some sleep, Edward.”
“Come with me,” Edward said quickly.
“Come sleep. You said you ain’t sleep in two days. You sleep, I’ll watch the line and we’ll get you some coffee in the morning along with whatever shit they’re cookin’.”
“No. We talked about the Heffron shit. Come get some actual sleep.” Edward took Gene’s hand and started pulling the medic with him. They got to Babe’s foxhole and he pulled Gene into it with him. “Come on, see. Nice and cured up, got this blanket Bill and Compton told me to take that we can curl up under.” Babe spread it over both of them to prove his point. He smiled to himself when he noticed the Cajun’s eyes were already drooping. The pale skinned, onyx haired man was fighting to keep his eyes open.
Babe wrapped an arm around Gene and pulled him a little closer. The half asleep medic snuggled a little closer. Babe emitted a soft laugh that Gene shook his head at.
And an idea cross Babe’s mind. He took his gloves from his pocket and gently, as best he could, pulled them over Gene’s hand without taking either of their hands out from under the blanket. The gloved would help Gene better in this case. They had the blanket; his own hands wouldn’t get too cold, and if he did need his gun, the gloves would just slow him down.
Babe looked to Gene again who was already fast asleep. Babe gently kissed the Cajun’s forehead and the latter gave a soft hum as he nuzzled closer to Babe. He couldn’t help be found the pink tip of Gene’s nose adorable. The man was early 20’s but the pink nose, rosy cheeks, and stressless and peaceful face took off about five years.
Gene slept through most of the night for the most part. He squirmed a little in his sleep once for a couple seconds before the soft movement woke up Babe. “Gene, you’re okay. Go back to sleep. Everyone’s fine,” he whispered. He wrapped both arms around the Cajun and whispered into his hair. “Everyone’s fine. Just sleep a little longer.”
Gene’s opened his eyes about half way and Babe’s kissed Gene’s forehead again. The Cajun’s eyes fluttered shut, and fluttered open before. Babe prayed that Gene wasn’t fully waking up.
“Babe,” Gene whispered. His even deeper than usual sleep and it sent a shiver down Babe’s spine. It wasn’t from the cold.
“I’m right ‘ere. Go back to sleep, Gene,” Babe cooed. Gene took a deep breath through his nose and released it slowly. He nodded and curled tighter into Babe’s side. This was the warmest he’d been and Edward made a pretty good pillow. He didn’t mind being held so tightly by the ginger either...It was safest he’d felt since he left Toccoa.
Gene was asleep again in a couple of seconds.
“Damn he’s gotta be tired,” Muck whispered when he saw Doc curled up in the foxhole. Babe was already away from the foxhole. The Cajun medic hadn’t even stirred as he got up.
“Let ‘im sleep, Muck,” Compton said gently. “God knows he needs it.”
“How’d you get ‘im to actually sleep, Babe?” Guarnere asked for everyone present.
“Got ‘im warmed up a bit.” Babe shrugged. “Ya get warm an’ you don’t wanna move.”
“Ain’t that the truth,” Malarkey huffed.
“Hey. Why doesn’t he ever wear his gloves?” Luz wondered. Babe scratched the back of his neck but didn’t say anything. “C’mon Babe,” he urged.
“He said he gave his to someone else.” Babe tried to be vague, hoping that Bill would have forgotten that gloves he’d been given were given to him by Doc.
“Crazy fuckin’ Cajun. The ones he gave me were his?” Bill asked. He shook his head. “He’s getten ‘em back when he wakes up whether he wakes up. I’ll tie ‘em to his fuckin’ wrists if I’ve gotta.”
“Why’d ya take ‘em?” Malark scoffed.
“I didn’t know they were his. He didn’t say they were,” the Philadelphian huffed. “Never fuckin’ tells nobody anythin’.”
“Expect Heffron,” Muck pointed out. “Something special about a soft ginger.”
Gene mumbled something and took his right hand out of the glove he was wearing to rub his eyes. Babe sat forward and took the empty coffee cup from by his feet and filled it about half way with coffee from the helmet sitting between the group. He walked the couple of feet over to the foxhole and held the coffee out to Gene. The Cajun jumped out of the foxhole with ease before taking the coffee with a thank you.
“How the hell does he get outta foxhole like that?” Guarene whispered to Malark. The ginger just shrugged and shook his head. He took the gloves off one at a time and held them out to Heffron. He hesitantly took them back when it flashed across his mind that Bill was making Gene take his back again.
“Someone’s gonna be by with food soon,” Perco said to the newly awakened medic. The medic just nodded and took a sip from his coffee. He didn’t bother asking who’s helmet the coffee was made in. He wouldn’t have been surprised if someone just scrubbed out one they found on the ground.
“Someone better be by with food soon. I’m fuckin’ starving.” Bill grumbled. He took the gloves off his hands and all but thrust the pair at the medic. He could tell Doc was about to open his mouth to protest but Bill cut him off before he could open a word out. “You’re takin’ those back. Too fuckin’ kind for your own good Doc. You can’t die on us ya hear. Ya need your hands. I’ll find a pair somewhere. You just keep your hands warm and workin’.”
“Shit,” Gene swore under his breath and pressed his cup into Babe’s hand before ripping the glove off his hand, the other digging into his pocket for a cloth.
“What’s up Doc?” Malarkey looked up. Gene was wrapping two his fingers, applying pressure on them separately with his other hand.
“Gene?” Babe questioned.
“Damn frostbite,” he muttered. “I’ll be fine,” he dismissed.
“Are you bleeding?” Luz asked, leaning forward a little.
“Did your fingers start bleeding?” Babe asked. He’d seen the cracks in the skin the night before but he didn’t know they could start bleeding.
“I’m fine,” Gene repeated. He tied the cloth around his middle and index finger and took his coffee back from Babe. The others in the small circle had been intrigued by the interaction, but none of them said anything.
“I didn’t remember to thank you earlier, Heffron,” Gene whispered that night.
“For what?” Babe whispered back.
“Helping me last night- worryin’ this mornin’.” Gene shuffled his boots. He reached into his pocket and pulled something out, tossing it to him. A third of a chocolate bar. The other two thirds Gene had given two wondered men- one 18, the other 19- that had been wounded and sent to an aid station.
“Where do keep gettin’ these things?” Babe laughed.
“I don’t smoke much. Most of a box of smokes can you almost anything. I’ve got more than that. Enjoy it.” Gene stood leaned a little on his toes and kissed Babe’s forehead, the ginger’s cheeks going almost as red as his hair. Gene stuffed his gloved hands into his pockets and walked away to finish his rounds.       
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milkandhoneyoongi · 6 years
he is sick (bts reaction)
request: (1/2) i've read through your blog and dear lord your writings are so amazing. i especially love when you write an angst or a fighting scene, they're just so on point and heartbreaking and beautiful all the same. i'd like to drop in a request if you don't mind?
(2/2) i've seen everywhere imagines where the significant other is sick and the boys are taking care of him/her, so how about the other way around: the boys are ill and their s/o taking care of them? i was thinking of a reaction post (like the one where the s/o has a nightmare dAmMIT that was so well-written) but if you don't feel like it, write only for yoongi is totally fine! thank you so much, please keep on writing!
a/n: sis….i deliver.  and by deliver i mean do the request but do it so poorly im sorry sjdfkljk also literally thank u so much i almsot cried reading your message lmaooo i love u uwu
you can always send me a request here and view my old imagines here
genre: angsty and fluffy at the same time
word count: 1,661 words
warnings: vomit mention
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       You were so used to Jin taking care of everyone.  He was really like a mother, and a great one at that, always tending to everyone else’s needs before his own, but this rarely resulted in him forgetting to take care of himself.
So when you awoke one night to find his side of the bed empty and the bathroom door shut, rays of light sneaking through the crack by the floor, you were confused.  It took a keen sense of hearing to observe the quiet pants on the other side, but the sound that followed, that of retching, could have probably woken up most.  
“Jinnie?” You murmured, getting out of bed and making your way to the bathroom.  “You okay, sweetheart?” You tapped on the door lightly before opening it, frowning at the sight of your boyfriend keeled over the toilet bowl, forehead slick with sweat.  
“Go back to bed,” he murmured, gazing up at you with a lazy stare.
“Jagi,” you frowned, kneeling down beside him and pressing the back of your hand to his forehead.   “I’m going to get you some panadol,” you mumbled, rushing to the kitchen to get him a few pills and a glass of water, making your way back to his side.  “Please take this,” you pleaded, knowing if you didn’t he’d turn you away.
“Jagiya,” he sighed, resting his head against his forearm.  “I can take care of myself.”
“But you don’t have to,” you frowned, resting your chin on top of his head, smiling sadly as he melted into your embrace, face tucked into your neck as you pressed soft kisses to his hair.  “I’ve got you, my love.  We’re going to get you better.”
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       You got home from work rather early, expecting to be able to prepare a meal for Yoongi before he got home from work, gearing up to surprise him.  It was, whoever, who got the surprise of seeing your boyfriend laying on the couch wrapped in a blanket.  In his sleep he sniffled quietly and you resisted the urge to find his state adorable.  
You went off to the kitchen, making a quick change of dinner plans from his favorite to porridge.  It was something that was always made for you when you were ill and so you decided to pass on the act to Yoongi.  
He awoke close to half an hour after you got home, the scent of porridge now filling the house.  He smiled sleepily, trudging into the kitchen and feeling himself well with joy at the sight of you.
“Hey sweetheart,” you murmured softly, stepping forward and wrapping your arms around him.  “How are you feeling?”
“How did you even know I was sick?” He mumbled, eyebrows coming together.
“You were home early and you were sniffling,” you spoke pointedly, “I put two and two together.”
“What are you making?” He looked over your shoulder to the stove, a satisfied grin washing over his features.  “I love porridge.”
“I figured you should eat nothing else when you’re sick,” you pecked a kiss to the tip of his nose and found yourself pleased by the happy look on his face.  “I’ll take good care of you, Yoongi-ah.  Always will.”
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       When Hoseok was sick, you knew.  Everyone in a ten kilometer radius knew.  You had gotten out of class that day, observing the several calls and texts from almost every member saying that Hobi wasn’t feeling well and to be prepared.  You quickly gave him a call, wanting to gauge how he was doing before you got home.
“Jagiya?” You could tell in his voice he was not exaggerating his sickness and that he was, in fact, not feeling well at all.  His voice was strained as though he had been coughing and you could hear the frown in his words.  
“Hey, honey, how are you feeling?” You cooed into the phone, feeling bad that you weren’t with him at the moment.
“Not my best.”  You could picture his sweet pout and felt yourself doing the same at the prospect.  “I think I’m coming down with something.”
“Did you get your flu shot this year?” You questioned, wanting to figure out what you’d need to buy for him at the store.  You heard him sigh.
“I forgot.”
You nearly grinned at his dilemma, making a beeline to the nearest pharmacy to pick up some panadol and some tissues.  “What’s your fever at the moment?”
“38 degrees.” You winced.
“Hobi, that’s really high,” your concern was evident in your tone.  “I’m stopping to get you some things at the store is there anything you want?”
“Just you,” he mumbled happily and you grinned.
“I’m on my way.”
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       Namjoon hated being sick.  You knew that your boyfriend carried the weight of the world on his shoulders already, and when his body struggled to hold itself up everything else would topple too.  That’s why it broke your heart when he came home early on your day off, cleary groggy.  You had noticed that morning that he wasn’t himself, but if he wasn’t himself then, you didn’t recognize the man that walked through the doors that afternoon.  
“Oh Joonie-ah,” you tutted walking forward to envelop him in your arms.
“I don’t want you getting sick, jagi,” he murmured, gently pushing you away and brushing past you as he left to shower.  You frowned, not wanting him to ever have to go through anything alone, quickly making your way to the kitchen to make him something warm to eat, lighting a few candles to make the atmosphere cozier for him.  He came out of the bathroom a few minutes later, towel drying his hair.  He wore just a pair of sweatpants and came into the kitchen with a sigh.
He smiled to himself at the sight of a plate with some pills he should take to feel better and a tall glass of water.  You leaned against the counter on the other side of the kitchen, donning a mask playfully.
“You won’t have me getting sick, and I won’t have you being sick alone.  Compromise,” you grinned, placing a bowl of porridge in front of him.  You sat across from him at the table, smiling down to him.
He chuckled and sighed, gesturing to the seat next to him with his head as he downed the water and the medicine.  “You idiot just come over here.”
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       You knew Jimin was sick the moment you woke up because he pulled you too tight to his chest.  He let out small whimpers in his sleep, and you could feel his warm forehead against the back of your neck.
“Jiminie,” you frowned, shaking his shoulders gently.  “Jiminie, honey.  Let’s get you some medicine before you light the bed on fire.” You got out of bed, toes touching the cold wood floors.  
“Jagi,” he whined rom the bedroom, “Come back to bed.  I’m cold.”
“You need medicine!” You cooed from the kitchen, rifling through the cabinets to get what you knew he needed, running back to the bedroom and placing them into his hand.  “Go on.  You can cuddle after you take those.”  He groaned, swallowing the pills like you asked before opening his arms wide for your embrace.  
“You promised,” he teased, pulling you into his chest with a tight grip around your shoulders.  “I took your medicine now you give me mine.”
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       From Namjoon: Please let me know when Taehyung has gotten home safely.
You felt yourself sigh at the knowledge that if he was being sent home it was because he was really sick.  You wondered if he was walking or taking a cab, hoping it was the latter as you wanted to be sure he was safe.  A relieved grin spread across your face as you heard the door open and close, shooting Namjoon a quick text that he had gotten home and going to greet your boyfriend at the door.
His nose and cheeks were beet red, a tired glint in his eye as he slipped out of his shoes and went to pull you into his arms.  You allowed yourself to melt into his embrace, not knowing what to say.
“They made me leave,” he murmured.
“I know,” you responded simply.  “Namjoon let me know you were on your way.”
“I just need to get better,” he shook his head angrily.  “I can’t be sick.  Comeback is coming.”
“I know, honey,” you pressed a kiss to his warm forehead, rubbing your hand in soft circles against his back.  “We’re gonna get you better.”
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       You had decided to stop by the studio on your way home from work to drop off a few things for Jungkook, just some snacks and maybe a kiss to get him through the rest of his practice.
“Y/N!” You turned to see Jin sighing with relief.  “Good, can you bring Jungkook home?”  You cocked your head to the side in confusion.  “He won’t leave, but he can barely stand.”
You felt yourself freeze up, following him to where Jungkook sat, leaning against the wall with his head in his hands.  “Kookie-ah,” you let out a breath, sliding down the wall to sit next to him.  “What’s up?”
“I’m okay,” he moaned, shaking his head to wake himself up and trying to stand.
“Jagi, don’t do that.  We’re gonna go home, okay?” You tapped his arm and aided him in standing.  “I was on my way anyway.  You can tap out early.  You need to get better and staying when you don’t feel well will only make it worse.”
The other boys groaned as he nodded.  “We’ve been saying that!” Jin exclaimed.  
“Don’t listen to them, jagi, we’re gonna get you home now,” you patted his back, grabbing his stuff off the couch for him and walking him out the door, giving the boys a soft wave and a smile as you brought Jungkook home to get better.
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franeridart · 6 years
Hey! So sorry if you already answered this but what application and tablet do you use??
I use Easy Paint Tool SAI and a pretty old wacom intuos tablet! Both questions are answred in my faq, actually~
Anon said:You. You awesome person. You are my new fav artist. 💘💘💘
AW thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:I love your art and the style, it’s all so cute and it might give me a heart attack
He c k let’s hope not! Thank you so so much!!! ;^;
Anon said:hey, can ya do more tokage, pls
Sure, I mean to draw more 1B in the future anyway~
Anon said:nori is soo adorable!! I love your art and seromina so much and seeing them combined makes me mega happy!!! I gotta ask though, how are sero and mina as parents and how do they handle nori’s quirk?
They’re disasters as parents but they try their best and are always having fun - Nori adores them! In their house not a minutes goes by without someone laughing, they’re all super loud and cheerful always~ neither of them has any problem dealing with Nori’s quirk, Sero has spent a whole lifetime learning how to deal with sticky stuff and tape and glue so he knows all the tricks to save clothes and furniture from accidental quirk usage and so on, while Mina’s own quirk makes it easy to counter any glue that might end on her - the main thing actually is that the quirk itself was a surprise! Since Nori looks a lot like Mina, both she and Sero had expected her to have acid like Mina so when she started gluing herself around in places and walking along walls and stuff it was a surprise (they had expected to have to deal with the house being constantly half destroyed by acid though, so glue is nothing compared to that haha)
Anon said:Heyy I saw your twitter account and was wondering if you could link some of those “fics about them boys sharing a bed..“ I’ve been following you for a while now and absolutely love your work (: I hope you don’t mind lol. I need more kiribaku in my life gahaha ❤️ thanks !!
I didn’t really bookmark any and most were old things I had read in the past and spent time rereading lately, but the newest one I read is this one - honestly though at this point 99% of the fics set in the dorms have them sharing a bed, you just need to open ao3 and scroll down less than a page to find stuff lol
Anon said:If you’re not an Adventure Time fan this ask will make no sense to you (so skip it), but when I saw your drawing of Katsuki with a guitar, I immediately thought he was singing some edgy Marceline song, like the teasing-aggressive “I wanna bury you in the ground / I wanna bury you with my sound” (which he actually says at some point I think XD) or the romantic and melancholic “Slow Dance with You” and Eijirou M-E-L-T-S.
Not an AT fan, but the concept is adorable so I’m keeping the ask anyway
Anon said:Do you think you might draw more of your fantasy AU children while you’re playing with you’re new pencil tool? It would be neat if you did! Regardless, I’m grateful for anything you draw!
Yup! Can’t promise when it’ll happen but I love the fantasy AU and I love childhood friends AU, so the chances of me going back on it are pretty high!
Anon said:Are you going to draw Mako and Taiyou again? They are so wonderful.
YAH that’s definitely in the near future plans! Thank you for liking them!!
Anon said:I just…I love all your art. It’s so amazing you’re awesome
Anon said:Stavo scorrendo il tuo blog e ho notato che hai risposto ad una domanda in italiano? Ho seriamente pensato fossi inglese tutto questo tempo! Amo seriamente i tuoi disegni, i tuoi oc sono meravigliosi e non vedo l'ora di scoprire più di loro.
AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH grazie infinite omfg ;^; specialmente per i miei oc, è sempre incredibile per me sapere che alla gente piacciono abbastanza da volerli vedere di più ;^;
Anon said:Hewwo! I’m a huge fan of your artwork!! I was wondering if you have any time could you draw some more of those dorm room scenarios?
Anon I’m sorry but I need you to be more specific, which dorm room scenarios are you talking about? Most of my comics at this point are set in the dorms hahaha
Anon said:I just noticed that on every artwork you sign “do not repost” and I hate it.I don’t hate that you do it, but the fact you NEED to do it. Artists all over the Internet say to not repost their art but people still do it…I hope this will stop someday Sorry for my english btw
Yeah well, I guess as long as people keep on following and giving notes to reposters that’s not really gonna change is it orz
Anon said:You should draw Present Mic x Aizawa *awkward finger guns*
Hell I really should, shouldn’t I
Anon said:my god im gay for your kiribaku like they’re so good aibdjsbsknwnx and i love the interactions between the bakusquad ahh keep being awesome :)
Anon said:Honestly, this might be an odd question I don’t know, but would you ever consider putting your art together in a art book to sell? Cause to be honest, there’s not a piece by you that I don’t adore and I’ve seen some artist do things like that before so I didn’t know if that was something you’d consider. Maybe like all your BNHA pieces or something?
It’s not like I never considered it? It’s more like I dunno how worth all the work to figure out how to make it/where to print it and then to actually make it would be compared to the interest people would have in buying something they can have for free on my blog? It’s just doodles after all haha
Anon said:Would you be willing to draw a little lavi (dgm) doodle for me? Anything tiny, I just love him and your art!!!
I’m not doing requests right now, sorry, but soon enough the new chapter is coming out so I might draw him around then!!! I always fall in a serious dgm mood around the time of the chapter release haha
Anon said:More abuse of the ask function: 1- I love your art and have been for months. On top of that, it often feels cathartic, which is amazing to me. 2- I love how balanced you can make KiriBaku. You even manage to make me appreciate that overrated attention hogger that is Bakugou, you can handle him so much better than the author, because your character dynamics make so much more sense!! 3- I always, ALWAYS find myself reading through all your tags. They’re awesome. Thank you for everything.//Avevo finito lo spazio nell'ask precedente, so I’d only like to add that aside from cutie-smoochy (“It’s not about whether you break” and “I don’t need you” might be my favorite, and for what’s worth, I remember writing something exactly like the latter in the past), you also make mu burst into laughter. Like, the comic where Katsuki is about to out Eijirou on his red hair, I am still rolling. Kiri’s giant mouth is seriously hysterical XD
Thank you for the compliments!! I’m glad I can make you like a character and a relationship you’re not much of a fan of in the actual manga? ? ? Bakugou’s actually one of my favorite characters ever though so………. maybe……….don’t offend him and the way Horikoshi writes him while talking to me………….orz
Anon said:I am starved for Bakukamikiri stuff in this fandom……..But you got some good shit.
I’m!!! happy to be able to help there!!!! haha
Anon said:They mama Mitsuki art you drew 👏💯💖☺️💕👌 I love your art so much
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Yessssss you have Twitter! It is boring at the beginning but then you’ll love it! I can’t wait to see you here and there! Now all my Bakushima favorite artist have one I can die of happiness!!
I’m!!!!!!!!!! Still trying to figure it out but!!!!!!!! For now it’s not that bad? Just!!! Very different from tumblr so I’ll need to get used to it first!!!!
Anon said:Omg do u shade jirous hair like its a heartbeat line? Dhdisbdisb thats so fuckibg good
THANK she actually has it in canon too, tho, so I can’t take credit for this!!!
Anon said:Im crying on how you draw kirishima’s soft hair
S O B I’m glad you like it!! ;^;
Anon said:Can I ask what your stance is on bakugo’s mom being abusive and sorry if you’ve answered this before
I love Mitsuki with my whole heart and while I don’t think she’s perfect I do think she’s loving and caring and trying her best and always looking out for what’s best for Bakugou 👍 no abuse anywhere, for me
Thank you for liking her???? heck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:I wish I could use your art for my phone’s background ;^; You’re amazing! I love youuuuuuuuuu
No one’s stopping you from doing that, anon!!! Unless you don’t have a phone that allows you backgrounds, in which case ;-; thank you for liking my stuff that much tho!!
Anon said:Hey! I followed you way back when your main output was haikyuu!! comics and once you started putting out more bnha, i had to unf because i had no idea who everyone was rip. but now that ive finally had the chance to watch it i’m glad to come back and see how much you’ve improved!
HECK THANK YOU???? I’m glad you decided to come back????? oh man that’s super flattering !!!
Anon said:Yolo bakusquad bakubowl ?
I don’t really like the whole concept of [character]bowl, sorry!
Anon said:I absolutely adore your art style😍 every time I see your art it makes me happy:)
THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Can you draw Hawks and Tokoyami together? You are rlly creative and amazing! So I believe you will produce sth. awesome!!!! (If you don’t want to draw Hawks, could you draw a Tokoyami fusion?)
I can draw that! I’m just waiting to know how tall Hawks is compared to him before doing that 👍 be patient pls relative heights are something I’m stupidly fussy about 
Anon said:Burn the whole world to ashes for you? R U serius?! You always killing me dude. I ascended to the heaven of soft things. I N C R E D I B L E. Im sorry for the break down, i was without tumblr 2 months and the firts thing i do is go to your profile. Keep doing this plis im trully love it 😭💖
mAN I’m so glad you liked that one this much, drawing the boys being unreasonably soft with each other is my fav thing to do tbh !!!
Anon said:Omg I can totally imagine Nori and bakushima’s daughter being friends!!!
THEY ARE !!!!!!!
Anon said:Your seromina is amazing!!! I love that ship I feel like it is so underrated! Thank you for this blessed image!! 😭
No prob!! thank you for liking it!!!!!!! I’ve been in such a seromina mood lately, I might actually draw more soon enough!!
Anon said:Omg imagine a Tetsuwase love child. Something tells me they’d be adorable and one rather angry child, considering who their fathers are
I can see them as being quiet and grumpy………. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Anon said:Hey just wanted to tell you I love your art. It’s so soft and beautiful. My dad doesn’t ship any characters from the series, but he does like the series and he thinks your art and style are really pleasing. We were talking about how nicely you shade and that the style is well developed and lovely to look at. Thanks for making such great art that makes me smile and giving me and my dad yet another thing to bond over.
YO THAT’S SUCH A COOL THING TO HEAR!!!! Thank you to both you and your dad for liking my stuff????? h e c k !!!!!
Anon said:Thanks to you I started reading haikyuu.
I hope you’re enjoying it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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authors note: this was something my friend wanted me to do and I love her for it. its probably incredibly ooc but it was a nice side project for the bigger things im working on
Warnings: panic attacks and dissociation written from personal experience, rly shitty angst, shitty in general, done on mobile for the majority sooo
Word count: 1k+
tags: @derpydanandphil
Please let me know if you would like to be tagged!
He remembered so vividly..  Having left him.
"Markus, there's nothing we can do! We can't take the risk!"
He remembered being handed a gun, and the intention behind it making him sick. He remembered looking into blue eyes filled with anguish and dread.
"I-it's okay, Markus. Just- just get it over with,"
His hand shook, the gun weighing heavy in his hand as he tried to lift it to aim at his.. his-
"No! No.. I won't... I.."  I can't...
He fell to his knees in front of Simon and forced himself to look up. They stared at one another for a moment before Markus was pulling the fatally damaged deviant to his chest for a long and heartbreaking moment. The gun was discarded to his side. The pair took in the presence of each other for a moment longer before the latter pulled back ever so slightly to press his lips to the former's hairline. He pulled the rest of the way back, reaching for the gun to hand to Simon as a knowing look passed between them. Knowing that he probably won't come back. Knowing that he may have to end his own life… Knowing that they were more than just friends. Knowing that Markus was trying so hard not to fall apart.
"Be strong, Simon." He heard North address him distantly but his eyes were trained on the ground. He wanted the color of icy-violet to be his last memory of him. Not crumpled and slowly dying in the snow.
So yes, the fact that the boy was standing right before him during his never-ending mourning was quite heart stopping.
Suddenly there was this huge weight that Markus felt lifting from his shoulders. He hadn't realized it was even there. His LED burned like a yellow flame whilst Simons was a feeble red, quivering with anxiety. Anxieties that elevated as Markus stepped closer, they were quickly dispelled as he felt arms close around him. He returned the embrace and didn't hesitate for a moment to bury his head into Markus' neck.
The hug started gentle but quickly escalated into something more desperate and passionate. Fabric was balled up under Simons' hands and he pressed himself farther into Markus as if trying to completely block out the rest of the world. Markus was squeezing him to death in waves upon waves of protectiveness and relief and pure love that Simon could practically feel it radiating. Skip to only moments later and He can feel the skin beneath his face turn damp and he pulled back a bit.
"Sh-sh-shhh, it's okay... I-it's okay,"
At the comment and the warm hand tracing patterns into his back he only cried harder. His body shook and his chest hurt from the little air making it to his artificial lungs. He didn't necessarily need it to breathe but, it maintained his comfortable temperature and without it, his stress levels rose dramatically. He could feel himself overheating and his head grew fuzzy. It got worse when the arms he was depending on to keep him safe began to pull away. He was hyperventilating.
"H-hey, Simon? It's alright... it's okay.. everything's fine, see? Hey look at me,"
Simon lifted his too-heavy head to look up at Markus' mismatched eyes.
"Your safe.. everything is gonna be okay" Simon nodded vigorously, eyes shutting tight and trying to get himself to calm down but to no avail. The hand that appeared on his cheek was frightening but they way it held his face made him feel just a bit better. Despite the available grounding points around him, he could feel himself slipping away with each passing moment, drifting farther and farther into the clouds. He ignored the body on the ground that was being held by the other in an attempt at comfort. He ignored the other body shaking his companion on the concrete far, far below. He just let himself float into oblivion as the body on the ground sat pale and numb and still struggling to breathe. Alive but not willing to live.
"S-Simon? What's wrong? C'mon, can you hear me?"
The voice threatened to pull him crashing back down and he let out a whimper. He wanted to stay floating, forever disassociating from the world that has caused him so much pain.
"Simon, can you hear me?"
He wanted to pull away but he knew that alone would call him back.
"I know you're scared, but I'm right here!"
He didn't want to be hurt but, that voice was stabbing him in the heart even in his numb space. His intense breathing became louder and louder as he felt himself coming down from his deadly high.
"Please say something!"
Markus didn't quite understand what was going on, all he knew was that Simon was hurting and he was trying desperately to fix it. He didn't understand panic attacks, despite his deviancy he still had plenty to learn. He reached out to stroke a thumb across his cheek when the eyes of the other snapped open.  "Mar-Markus?"
"Hey, hey buddy, it's alright. You with me?" A nod. More sharp intakes of breath and small mumbles in between. "Can I hold you?"
"N-no! No.. I-no.."
"That's alright," it hurt, but he didn't want to make it worse. "Is there anything I can do?"
"I don't- I don't know! I don't know what's going on-I don't like it!" He was far past hysterics and it was scaring the pair out of their minds.
"Can.. can you tell me our friend's names?" He hoped Simon would be desperate enough not to ask why, because Markus figured that maybe giving him something to focus on would distract him from whatever had triggered.. this.
"U-um... You, Josh-Josh, North… m-me"
"Yeah, good. Now, can you tell me when I found Jericho?"
"That was.. three- three and a half- a month ago? I-I think,"
"Mhm, you're right. Can you tell me what your favorite thing is? It can be anything,"
"My fav- favorite thing? I-" pause to cough " I like to sing.. with you and- and look at stars w-with you and.." At this point, he had calmed down considerably without fully realizing. Though whatever he was about to say next sent a few more shaking breaths and he covered his face in his hands.
"Hey, Si.. don't get yourself worked up again.." He took in a small puff of air and pulled crystal doe-eyes back to Markus. "That's better, right? Can- Do you want a hug?" Simon nodded and let himself be held. He melted into Markus' side and sighed heavily. His synthetic eyelids dropped and he dimly noticed a little notification in his peripheral, telling him that sleep-mode was imminent. He tucked into Markus' shirt and slipped away to a far more peaceful place, in the arms of someone he loved.
Markus rested his chin on Simons fluffy blonde hair and found his own artificial body aching for rest. Careful not to wake him, he heaved him and Simon off the ground to head back to what the survivors had dubbed ‘New Jericho'. Markus had an apartment at the very start of the town and that's where he was heading now, somewhere warm where he could ensure Simon's safety. He paused at the door for a moment to figure out a way to open it, then headed straight for his bedroom. rA9 forbid he make the poor boy sleep on the couch.
"Mmph... Markus..?" Shit. So much for not waking him...
"Shhhh, go back to sleep,"
"Where are we?"
"My house, try an' get some more sleep okay? Do..do you want me to sleep in the other room?"
"..No! U-um... Can.. can you stay? Please?" Markus didn't need to be told twice as he slipped into bed beside Simon.. who was shivering.
"Do you want me to turn the heat up?"
"Uhm…" He blushed and looked away but Markus just smiled fondly.
"C'mere," He inched closer to tuck him back into his arms, burying his face in soft, sand-colored hair. He heard the other sigh with contentment and decided that everything was alright, at least for the time being. They mumbled their goodnights and I love you as they fell into a comfortable sleep, knowing full well that tomorrow was going to be a whole ordeal of confusing feelings.
But that's a story for another time...
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liannyeong · 7 years
if i catch a cold, warm me up with your love
Summary:  "you're gonna catch a cold if you don't dry your hair," she says.
jaebum knows it's purely nonsensical, but he ends up believing her words anyway. after all, he's a fool for her, and only her. 
Word count: 2775
Pairing: Jaebum X OC
Warning(s): extreme fluffiness ahead!!!!!!!, married couple because i’m soft for a domestic relationships, lapslock because it’s been so long since i wrote that way
A/N: I have finals in a few days yet I couldn’t help but spend some time writing this fluffy fic because I guess I need some fluffiness in my life right now and ugh Jaebum has been so fluffy and soft and adorable these days I cannot help it!!!
jaebum has his legs crossed on the couch, his white towel draped over his head, his hair still damp from shower. one hand holding a book open, the other rubbing his adam's apple - a habit that he does subconsciously. he reads in the dim light of the living room. it's bad for his eyes, and it'll certainly induce sleep, but jaebum likes it that way. it provides the perfect ambiance for him to be fully absorbed in his book.
"jaebum," her voice draws his attention from his book, but he doesn't look away from the paragraph he's reading. instead he hums, the raised pitch giving it the meaning, "what?". he feels a dip in the couch and only then he looks up. her gaze is on the top of his head, and before jaebum could even say anything, she reaches out for the towel on his head. she pulls it down, his half-dried hair falling over his eyes messily.
"how many times," she says through gritted teeth. "must i tell you," she leans forward and drapes the towel back on his head. "to dry your hair properly?" she finishes as she starts rubbing his scalp. jaebum just watches her struggling to reach his head, smiling to himself at how adorable she looks. as much as he enjoys the cute struggle, he takes a pity on her uncomfortable position. and so, he marks the page in his book before putting it away. he shifts closer, both of their knee caps touching, and he leans forward, hanging his head low. now that he's reachable, she proceeds to dry his hair properly. she pats the clumps, blotting out the remaining water. when she's satisfied with its dryness, she discards the towel over the armrest of the couch. she then combs through his hair and styles it with the touch of her fingers.
"there, better," she says, finally retracting her hands.
"thank you," jaebum singsongs.
she sighs. "please dry your-"
"-hair properly so that you don't catch a cold," he recites. "i know."
"then do it," she scolds him lightly, pinching the skin on his bicep, eliciting a small yelp from him. he rubs the skin, lips jutting out like a child on the verge of tears. she rolls her eyes at the scene, before reaching out to pinch his nose. jaebum easily evades her attack, snickering when he successfully countered with the same action. she yelps which then blends into a laugh.
she spots the forgotten book that has dropped off the couch from where they were mini-wrestling. she picks it up and opens to the marked page. jaebum leans forward and points to the last part he read without being asked to. then he rests his chin on her shoulder, his arms snaking around her waist.
"can you read for me?" jaebum asks.
"i'll spoil my eyes if i read in this dim light," she says. jaebum was about to whine when she adds, "why don't you read for me instead?"
"okay." and just like that, she passes him the book, and they shift positions. jaebum reclines at the couch, both of his legs now planted to the floor. his free arm raised, a gesture to let the female snuggle in between and press herself against his chest. jaebum then drapes that free arm around her waist. with both of them in a comfortable, snuggly position, jaebum starts to read.
the rain poured so heavily, jaebum was stuck under the shelter of the roof of a convenience store. his whole body drenched as if he just came out of a shower. his clothes clung to his body, heavy with the additional water weight. he leaned back against the glass walls of the store, stared up at the falling droplets from the edge of the roof. there was no way he could make his way back home in this weather. he sighed. he folded his arms across his chest, body shivering slightly from the cold weather.
then the door swung open, and a girl's head poked out. jaebum shifted at the sight of her, feeling awkward and uncomfortable to be stared at like that. she took a step out and kept the door ajar. not breaking the eye contact, she spoke, "come inside for shelter."
jaebum nearly agreed before he realized the state of his body. "i'm drenched though. i wouldn't want to dirty the shop," he said as he opened his arms slightly. rain water dripped from his clothes, and beads of water trickled down from his hair and onto his face.
"it doesn't matter. you need the shelter," she said as she nodded into the shop. jaebum wanted to argue but it was too good to turn down. being indoors would be much better than to stay shivering out here like a lost puppy. she held the door, waited for him to enter. when he did, she closed the door, and disappeared down one of the aisles. jaebum only stood at the entrance. he didn't dare to move further, for the water that dripped from his body had already mixed with the soil from his outer soles. the tiled floor now smeared with mud.
the girl came back, her hands tearing a plastic package. "here," she said as she handed him a towel. "dry yourself. especially your hair, so that you won't catch a cold.”
jaebum frowned a little at her words. would anyone really catch a cold from damp hair? his mother used to scold him for playing in the rain but it was because he could catch a cold from it. but from wet hair? that was new. jaebum must have wandered far for she added, "the towel's new if you're wondering." she waved the torn plastic, "it's a new packet."
"thank you," jaebum uttered softly before he wiped away as much of the water as he could. "how much is this?"
she dismissed it with a wave of her hand. "keep it."
"oh, okay," jaebum swallowed. how generous could one be to a stranger? jaebum had never met anyone like this. no one had offered him a place for shelter in a chilly weather like this. furthermore, no one wanted to be associated with him - im jaebum, the delinquent. it was all rumors, but he never tried to deny it. if anything, he was pleased that people left him alone.
"are you in a rush?" the girl's voice snapped him from his thoughts. her eyes, a dark shade of brown, met his. she blinked at him innocently, as if he didn't intimidate her at all. as if he's a normal human being, not a scary freak that everyone in his school avoided. for once, he missed being looked at like this. he couldn't even remember the last time anyone looked at him in that way except for his family.
"hello?" she waved a hand in front of his face. "are you okay? you haven't caught a cold, have you?"
well, that was new. how could anyone be concerned about a stranger's wellbeing?
"yeah, i'm fine," jaebum answered as he rubbed the back of his head. her eyes never left his face, never left his eyes. it was rare to be looked in the eyes when everyone feared you. this girl didn't know. "and yeah, i'm kinda in a rush."
she nodded before disappearing into the staff room behind the counter. jaebum wondered why she bothered asking if she was going to leave him alone out here. but she came back, an umbrella in her hand. "here, you can use this." she held it out to him.
jaebum stared at it. was she for real? how could she be so kind to someone she barely knew?
"don't worry, the umbrella has no girlish designs. it's just a plain dark maroon color."
jaebum reached for the other end of the umbrella, still speechless at her kindness. "thank you, really," jaebum breathed out.
"no worries." she flashed a small smile and for a moment, jaebum felt his heart skipped a beat. well, he didn't see that coming.  
"i'm sorry for your floor," jaebum spoke as he gestured at the muddied floor. he willed his mind away from the change in his heart rate, from the image of her smile.
"don't worry about it. i can just clean it up later." she waved it away. "you'd better get going. the rain has subsided a little." she nodded at the other side of the glass walls. jaebum followed her gaze. when he reached the store, the visibility was poor. but now, he could see across the street, and the bus stop that sat opposite the store.
"yeah, i should go now." jaebum took one last look at the female and uttered, "thank you, really."
she smiled again.
"i'll come back," jaebum added. it sounded like a promise. a promise like those in fairy tales, where the prince vowed to save the princess from whatever situation the latter was in. but this was no fairy tale. he was no prince, and she was no princess that needed any saving. if anything, he was the one that was saved.
"i'll wait then," she softly said. "go safely."
was there an end to her tenderness?
jaebum nodded, his lips quirked into a reassuring smile. for what reason that he needed to assure her, he didn't know. but all he knew, as he took a step out, he might have fallen a little for her.
perched at the edge of the bed, jaebum has his elbows to his knees, head hanging between his shoulders. it's been two days and she's not back yet. he's afraid. did something happen to her? she didn't answer his calls at all. is she mad at him for what he did? is she ever gonna come back home? jaebum heaves a deep sigh. he buries his face into his hands, his fingertips tugging at the roots of his bangs. it's all his fault. he shouldn't have raised his voice like that. he shouldn't have chased her away. what will he do if she truly leaves him for good?
he's too engrossed in his thoughts and regrets and guilt that he didn't hear the front door open. he didn't hear the familiar soft footsteps towards their shared bedroom, nor did he see the soft look on her face. only when he heard his name being called ever so softly, with the gentle voice that he loves so much, did he look up. "jaebum?" the voice he had been yearning to hear. the voice he missed so much. the voice that was like music to his ears. his favorite song in the whole world.
jaebum meets her dark brown orbs staring back at him. he can tell she's a little nervous and unsure, with the way she rubs her fingers at her sides. he blinks once, twice, just to make sure he's not hallucinating. she's standing at the door of their bedroom, and even she seems to be in disbelief of his presence. she steps closer and closer, navigates her way until she's right in front of him. the scent of her faint perfume lingers in his nose. her hands go to the towel forgotten on his head, and he feels her light touches. she is real.
"you didn't dry your hair properly again," she softly says, like a whisper that would have been easily swallowed by the wind. 
jaebum's lips break into a smile, eyes forming tears. he wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her close, nuzzling his nose into her stomach. the massaging halts much to jaebum's dismay, but he decides he doesn't mind. he's already relieved that she came back. she calls his name and jaebum hugs her tighter. if she feels suffocated by his hold, she doesn't complain.
"i'm sorry," his words get lost into the fabric of her shirt. "i'm so sorry." he feels his tears wetting a spot onto her shirt. it's a little embarrassing for him to cry in front of her, but he's so full of remorse that he doesn't care. he messed up big, but she returned. 
"i'm sorry too," she mutters. jaebum feels her leaning over and then, a soft press on his crown. even when she pulls away, the press lingers, and it burns through his whole body, setting his heart and his skin on fire. her hands slide to his cheeks, cupping his face, the slight pressure makes him tilt his head up. she gazes at him so warmly, and it makes his heart full. it makes his heart ache. how can she look at him as if he hangs the moon and the stars in the night sky when he reckons he broke her heart?
"it's okay," she says with a reassuring smile. she leans in and presses another kiss on his forehead. "it's okay," her lips hover over his skin. "we're okay."
jaebum just nods curtly before latching himself back onto her, hugging her tight once more.
"seriously, jaebum?" her voice so crisp and sharp to his ears that he shuddered. he turns his head, meeting her glare from the hallway. she stands there, hands on her hips. she's dressed in her favorite comfortable clothes of a shirt and a matching sweatpants. 
"yeah?" jaebum blinks.
"what are you doing?" she asks, her tone firm.
"just doing some work..." jaebum's words trail as he flicks his eyes back to the screen. she stomps over to him where he's seated at the dining table, typing away on his laptop.
"and what is this?" her hands go to the towel sitting atop his head. she pulls it off, revealing the male's still damp hair.
jaebum just smiles sheepishly. "i forgot about it..." jaebum's fingers hover over the keyboard, stuck on his half-typed sentence. she lets out a sigh before draping the towel back over his head. she proceeds to dry his hair, making sure that the towel doesn't cover his eyes.
"how can you forget, jaebum? you have to take care of your health!" she scolds. "you can't catch a cold, now that you have so much work on your plate!"
jaebum grins at her words, tilting his head up to meet her eyes. if she noticed the glint in his eyes, a sign of his cheekiness, she doesn't say anything. "if i catch a cold," jaebum says, lips curling up into a toothy grin, "you can warm me up with your love."
she shoots him a disgusted look just how he expected her to respond. his toothy grin doesn't go away as he leans further back, such that the crown of his head touches her chest. then he pouts his lips a silent request that both of them know. she rolls her eyes and covers his whole face with his towel. jaebum whines but stops immediately when he feels a press on his lips through the towel. it's way too quick, and it feels way too surreal. so jaebum drags the cloth down his face, just enough for his eyes to peek out. he meets her eyes. her eyes that form crescents when she smiles. she leans in again, and jaebum expects another press on his lips, so he closes his eyes. however, there's a soft snicker above him and before jaebum could open his eyes, he feels another peck on forehead.
jaebum finally opens his eyes to the sight of her grin.
jaebum speaks, his words a little muffled due to the towel, "you're such a tease." that earns him a laugh, and it makes him giddy. how can he ever get bored of her when there's always new tricks up her sleeve?
"alright, alright," she coos. she pulls the towel away from his face, slinging it on her shoulder. she leans in once more, her hands on his cheeks, her thumbs rubbing in circles on his cheeks. jaebum feels his neck starting to ache at such an awkward position, but he pays no attention to it. her face hovers over his, and jaebum gets impatient. so he pushes his head up slightly, just enough to close the gap, their lips finally touching skin-to-skin.
when he pulls away, her cheeks are now dusted with a rosy pink shade. jaebum almost breaks into another grin but she closes the gap once more, pecking his lips again. all too soon to his liking, for she pulls away in a millisecond.
she giggles, her hands sliding off to his shoulders. she pats them as she says, "sit properly, or else you're gonna break your neck," before disappearing into the laundry room.
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