#im gonna pretend this is my scott
ghost3a · 1 year
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guiding star
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mcybree · 9 months
"if you happen to fall in the subcategory of people who are really into third life and also rain world lets talk. please. i have an au come back"
i am staring at u with my artificer plushy in my hands
*walks onto the stage. taps mic.* um. Jimmy sliver of straw incident. *jumps off the apron breaking all of my bones immediately upon contact with the floor*
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thecoolerliauditore · 9 months
hater hour 👍
i feel like... maybe this is just me but ive been noticing this weird kind of disturbing trend of people being way overprotective of the CCs whilst increasingly aggressive towards their fellow fandom artists/writers.
We all love gem on here. i think it'd be preaching to the choir to say she didn't deserve the hate she got for. Existing in the series or whatever people were mad about. but more and more people seem to think that any negativity is Bad and Affects The CCs and when they list examples it's all like. idk. ppl not liking the SL mechanic or the watcher lore or certain gimmicks (zombie apocalypse comes to mind) etc etc
while we are not owed any level of quality for entertainment getting put out by mcyters For Free, this is still a series that means a lot to me and most of the fandom take it seriously. so it can be disappointing when it feels like decisions are made for the sake of rushing things or forcing something specific to happen. Limlife is my least favourite season by a pretty long margin because i think it was pretty apparent the cast were very burnt out during it and I would like for them to make the series at their own pace instead of doing that. I still loved limlife and think it's super funny i just think it was weighed down by a lot of things.
when secret life came to close i loved the ending but the fandom space. scared me a little and it still does kind of reek ngl. i saw blocks of text telling people to shut the fuck up about their favourite pairings or characters because How Dare they not appreciate every other person just as much Alot. and now im seeing people say we should "know our place" as fans and never voice our "entitled" discontent because the poor CCs are just doing this for fun. as someone who tries to dig deep on every individual character and relationship it just all felt a little bit. Violent.
This + ive been seeing a lot more people recently who are like. very very mad about the way people draw the CCs?? i know i do my fair share of hating on hybrid designs and being the fun police but like. people are genuinely out here accusing others of being Evil for not drawing specific body types to match characters to CCs while in the same breath saying that character/CC divide is obvious. +people being mad about like. arghh ear wings are dumb!! everyone who draws [specific headcanon] should be melted into wax!! so on and so forth
can we please stop assuming that tumblr user 69 saying lmao watcher lore dumb is going to give martyn inthelittlewood depression irl and start thinking about the mental health of more inexperienced artists who straight up Don't Know how to draw certain features yet that they're the scum of the earth for it in a space that's supposed to be fun.
if you're asking for people critiquing the series itself (one of the most popular mcyt series as a whole right now) to do it more gently and politely the least we can do is ask the same etiquette for talking about fanwork pls. that's also yknow. made for fun and shared for free 👍
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gothgoblinbabe · 1 month
Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You
(chapter 1/2)
(Logan Howlett x afab reader)
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A/N: Yeah, the brain rot has reached a maximum and I've completely disregarded the consequences of a digital footprint! there's a couple descriptions of style of clothing/jewelry but you can imagine that as you please, also absolutely based off of "Babe Im Gonna Leave You" by Led Zeppelin bc idk somewhere in my delusions I think Logans a Zeppelin kinda guy and its what I've been listening to. For the sake of the plot, stick with me, you've got an imaginary ex bf and his random name I picked is gonna be Danny and he suuuucks real hard okay? okay and I need you to pretend dear lovely reader that you like led zeppelin if you don't 💔[holding your face ever so gently and smooching ur forehead] and I've seen only xmen origins, x-men, X2, and Deadpool x wolverine so pls pls forgive me if some stuff doesn't canonically fit. This is kind of cringe but I wrote too much of it to get rid of it just bare with me I beg of u and it was so long I had to split it into two parts
Summary: Meeting the infamous Wolverine got you roped into a liiiitle more than what you bargained for
Warnings: swearing, you have telekinesis and telepathy (cause that's cool, c'mon), mild angst, suggestive stuff kinda, mentions of cheating (Logan does not cheat on u I pinkie promise), Logan calls you kid but you're not actually a child lol, you're a good bit younger than him but also so is anyone else who isn't borderline immortal
Word Count: 4K
Pt 2!
[credit for text post dividers here and here]
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There had been muttering here and there between the students at the academy that Wolverine was coming back after a few years on his own, confirmed when Marie recognized the motorcycle now parked in the driveway of the mansion.
He was immediately wrapped into a hug by Marie at the door, dropping his bags to the floor.
"Hey, kid, miss me?"
"Maybe," she smiled sweetly, tucking the white strands of hair behind her ears.
"Long time no see, huh?" Ororo's voice interrupted from behind her, earning a hug from Logan.
"Any one else around?" he questioned, hoisting his bag up over his shoulder again.
"Scott and Jean are around here somewhere, Charles as well. Oh, and there's a couple new faces you haven't met," she responded, smiling at the way Marie's eyes lit up at the chance to mention what she had been meaning to tell Logan.
Marie gasped and said your name, grabbing Logan's arm in excitement, "you have got to meet her. She joined us a couple of months ago, I think you'll really like her. She's kind of been like...our you, when you've been gone."
He quirked an eyebrow at that, looking between the both of them for an explanation as to what that was supposed to mean.
"You'll see," Ororo chuckled lightly, "oh, you will see."
"She's here now, I think, you should go introduce yourself to her!"
Logan had swiftly caught onto Marie's adorable attempt to play cupid and gave her a nod, "maybe when I settle in, okay, kid?"
She nodded in agreement and both her and Ororo watched him walk off further down the corridor.
"How do you think it will go when they meet?" the later of the two asked earnestly once he was out of sight.
"Well," Marie paused for a moment, thinking, "they'll be inseparable or absolutely hate each other."
Ororo nodded in agreement almost immediately, holding in a small laugh.
Much later in the evening, Logan had been beckoned into the study along with Ororo, Marie, Bobby, you, Jean and Scott by Charles.
He had been the last to enter, eyes immediately settling on your unfamiliar frame stood next to Marie with your back against the wall. You had plenty of rings adorning your fingers and necklaces dangling in front of your chest in the same kind of fashion he'd seen in those magazines with the Harley biker girls. You looked a little like one of them too, in well fitting jeans adorned with a belt, a band shirt and some chunky boots, except you were very much real and not on glossy paper.
"Oh! Logan!" Marie exclaimed upon noticing his arrival, beckoning him over with her hand. That turned your attention to him and he felt like the wind may have been knocked out of him when your eyes met his. You were far prettier than any of the girls he'd seen in any magazine.
"This is her," Marie whispered to Logan when he approached and nudged his arm, referring to when she had told him about you earlier.
"This is Logan," Marie said to you, gesturing towards him and leaning a little closer to you to whisper something he wouldn't catch, "and he's single, by the way."
A grin was plastered on her face when she pulled away and you rolled your eyes, "Marie - "
"I know, I know, too soon, but I just thought that was very good information for you to know," she raised her hands and stepped away a little, still intent on watching how the two of you interact for the first time.
Logan extended a hand for you to shake and you did the same. Your hands were small in his and your skin soft to the touch. It was almost hard for him to drop your grip when he did, nervous that he'd hold it even a second too long.
Nervous. Women had rarely ever made him nervous in the hundred - something years he'd been alive, and yet he could feel his heart pounding in his ears when you ran your hands through your hair to push it out of your face.
"Nice to meet you," he finally spoke, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jacket.
This may have been a good opportunity to try out your powers a little, concentrate hard enough on the handsome stranger's face to know what exactly was playing out behind his staring gaze, but you resisted the urge to do what you considered a tad bit violating.
"Same here," you responded at last, averting your gaze for just a moment to avoid inadvertently doing exactly what you had just decided you wouldn't.
Marie and Ororo had studied the small interaction between the two of you - of course - waiting for something more to happen, only to be disappointed when the both of you nodded courtly and turned away from each other.
"Well, that's not good. He'd be on her like a dog already - " Ororo started under her breath.
"No, no, I just think..." Marie interrupted, narrowing her eyes between the two of you, "I think they just need to get to know each other."
"I'm telling you, I just feel like they'd be good together, they just need a chance to get to know each other!"
"Do you really think she's ready to get with another guy?" Ororo nodded her head in your direction, lowering her voice, "after all that stuff Danny pulled?"
Marie grimaced at the mention of one of the professors names, shaking her head in mild disgust, "have you seen him lately? always coming up to her in the halls and stuff, it's sad - for him, I mean."
Before either of them could further debate the topic, Charles gained everyone's attention to discuss a series of tasks he'd assigned to you all. As he spoke, you only tuned in once you heard your name.
"You are the one I'd like to send out to complete that with Daniel."
"Could, uh, can I do it with someone else? or have him do it alone, or something?"
Logan caught the confused look Jean shot your way, tilting her head before she spoke, "You don't want to go with Danny? What happened, I thought the two of you -"
You cut her off with a sharp shake of your head, scowling, "uh-uh. Hell no. He...uh, I'll tell you about it later."
You had realized the sudden vulnerability you'd found yourself experiencing in a room full of eyes on you and cleared your throat, attempting to change the subject.
"I can hang back and keep an eye on the kids, I don't mind."
"They do love you," Ororo chimed in, "and we need someone to stay back to watch them anyway."
"They only like her so much because she allows them to break the rules," Scott remarked, earning a nudge in the arm from Jean.
You sighed, rolling your eyes, "Scott, the thing with the kids in your room was one time and it was an accident - "
"Was it? Because one of them wrote 'asshole' on my bathroom mirror with sharpie."
"They're kids, they do that kind of stuff!"
"was that really one of the kids?"
You tucked your lower lip under your teeth in an attempt to smother a laugh. Logan almost immediately did the same when you darted your eyes around the room in a guilty attempt to avoid eye contact.
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me - " Scott started but Charles interrupted, holding up a hand.
"Alright, the both of you - enough. You," he continued, gesturing towards you, "may stay back with the children. Please do not allow them into anyone's personal quarters and I would advise you to hide the permanent markers for the time being, away from the children and perhaps yourself."
You nodded and hung your head low to hide the reappearing smile across your face. Logan stared inadvertently from then on, watching you twist your rings around your fingers and focusing on you intently when you spoke every now and then. When you were all dismissed by Charles and filed out of the room, you and Marie walked ahead of most of the group, almost out of ear shot.
Logan heard Jean's hushed voice behind him as she leaned into Scott, "so...what do you think happened? With Danny?"
"Who the hell is this Danny guy?" he finally asked, turning over his shoulder to interrogate the two of them.
"Well," Jean whispered your name, looking ahead to be sure you hadn't caught their conversation, "it's her boyfriend. Or was, I guess. They had a thing for awhile but they stopped hanging around each other all the sudden and she can't even stand to hear his name - she hasn't told me what it's about yet."
Logan simply hummed in acknowledgment, turning back ahead and finding his gaze caught on the sway of your hips as you walked.
"Oh no," he heard Ororo huff beside him, almost immediately following her gaze to see a guy he didn't recognize slip behind you and put an arm around your waist. Too far out of ear shot to hear the context, he watched you squirm out of the young mans grip and shake your head as you kept walking.
"Is it bad I want to get closer to hear what they're saying?" Ororo muttered, looking to the other three in her proximity.
"It's not our business," Jean reminded her.
"So, that's him?" Logan asked, gesturing to the guy still on your heels like a puppy.
"uh - huh," Ororo answered, frowning as she watched Danny make another pathetic attempt to put his arm around you.
When the two of you stopped at the far end of the hall and you told Marie it was okay to leave you, Logan, Ororo, Scott and Jean all turned the corner to the closest hallway.
"Oh, I know It's bad but I have got to know what lame excuse he's got this time," Ororo shook her head, stopping just around the corner to eavesdrop.
"Ororo - " Jean sighed, placing a gentle hand on her friend's arm, "come on."
"They're in the hallway! it's not like I'm standing outside a door," she reasoned, hushing them after so that the only voices hard were yours and Danny's.
"How many times do I have to tell you that I'm sorry - "
"Danny, many times do I have to tell you I don't care? Why won't you just leave me be?"
You sounded exasperated, your voice slightly muffled when you rubbed your face with your hands.
"What do you think he did?" Scott chimed in in a hushed town, now fully invested in the dialogue.
Logan was still stood there, though he wasn't too sure why. He could have and should have kept walking - let the three of them do their weird detective work - but instead found himself leaned against the wall with the rest of them.
"I love you, you know that, sweetheart, I - "
"ugh, don't call me that. You gross me the hell out, you know that?"
Both Jean and Ororo made almost the same shocked expression.
"oh, it has to be bad," Jean hissed, frowning at the venom in your tone.
"Tell me you're not still in love with me, you know you can't, we - " Danny's voice began again and yours cut him short with a sense of finality in your tone.
"Danny. I stopped being in love with you the day I walked in on you fucking another other girl."
Jean's hands flew to her mouth to muffle a shocked gasp. Scott stood with his arms crossed, his face in a grimace.
"ooh, that is bad," Ororo whispered just as a door slammed.
Logan furrowed his eyebrows, following everyone else as they continued their path down the hall again. This Danny kid had to be a real idiot.
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Weeks had passed and you shared small talk with Logan every now and then, sometimes making snarky comments here and there - though more often than not together and at Scott's expense. Funnily enough, the ability to piss Scott off so much made Logan like you even more. Maybe Marie was right, you kind of are like him.
You walked alongside him down the corridor one afternoon, intending to fulfill Ororo's request for the both of you to check in on some of the newer students.
"So, do you always do your hair like that?" you raised your eyebrows up at him, eyeing the peaks in his hair.
"Yeah. What, you don't like it?" He grinned, expecting you to make some smart remark about it.
"No, not that," you giggled, "it's like lil' cat ears, it's cute."
He looked down at you quizzically, stopping in his tracks.
"cat ears?"
"mm-hm. You're like a big kitty."
You bit down another giggle, reaching up boldly to touch his hair.
He gently swatted your hand away, still with a small grin on his face.
"Don't call me that."
"Big kitty?"
"Okay, kitty meow - meow."
He narrowed his eyes as you turned to continue walking in an attempt to hide the huge smile plastered on your cheeks that threatened to transform into a rather loud laugh.
"Uh-huh, whatever. You better not let anyone else hear you call me that," he huffed as he caught up to you rather easily.
As you were about to make another retort, your smile dropped at the sight of a familiar and unfriendly face that had come from around a corner.
"Christ," you squeezed your eyes shut in frustration, rubbing your forehead at the sight of your ex-boyfriend.
"Hey," Logan leaned down a little, nudging you gently, "I'm here, you're good. You're fine, don't worry about him. It's just us, alright? Walk past him like you don't even see him."
Though he'd be embarrassed to admit and absolutely deny it if anyone asked, he'd unfortunately (for himself) harbored a crush on you that only took a couple weeks to develop. He hadn't even really gotten the chance to know you yet, though that was precisely why he was glad about moments like these. He wanted to, even if he felt like a school kid with a playground crush.
You had simply nodded at his words, allowing him to place a gentle hand on your upper back to guide you down the hall with him. Even through the layer of a jacket and t-shirt, you could feel the warmth of his hand on you.
Logan remembered that moment in the hall on the first day you'd met, but never pestered you for details about what the hell went on before he got back. He figured when and if you wanted to tell him, that was up to you.
Keeping your eyes straight ahead, it took what felt like years to pass your ex-boyfriend. When you finally did, you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, until his voice stopped you in your tracks.
"That's my shirt."
You whipped your head around, feeling Logan slip his arm a little further around you as a protective reflex.
"What?" you furrowed your eyebrows, looking down at your attire. The shirt, a tad oversized and well worn, was so familiar that you had completely forgotten it once did belong to him.
"I want it back," he spoke again, crossing his arms.
"Do you really want it back?"
You were beyond fed up with his pestering at this point, already having decided what may make the message clear.
"Okay. Fine."
You pulled away from Logan and slipped off your jacket, turning around to hand it to him. He gave you a confused look, hesitantly taking it out of your hands. In a matter of seconds, you turned back around and tugged the t-shirt up and over your head, tossing it directly at Danny's chest. You turned back and took your jacket from Logan's hands, zipping it far enough to cover your bra. In the few seconds you had stood facing him, he had done his best to keep his eyes away from your body and failed miserably, looking up after to see the asshole a few feet away already glaring at him.
"What, you're just gonna walk around like that? And what are you doing hanging out with him anyway, don't you know he - "
You groaned at the sound of Danny's voice again, gently tugging Logan by the hand in the opposite direction as you began to walk away, "yap, yap, yap - just shut the fuck up."
Logan couldn't help the smirk plastered across his face as you continued to walk, finally turning a corner. Before you could apologize to him for having to awkwardly stand witness to that, Scott's voice echoed from the stairway above you.
"Hey, Charles is looking for you two. He says he has something he needs you to take care of, he didn't say what."
"Thanks for the specifics, Scott," you replied sarcastically, "but we're supposed to check on - "
"I know," he interrupted, "I got Marie and Bobby to cover you. You're welcome, by the way."
You rolled your eyes and looked back to Logan, dreading what exactly it was Charles wanted from you.
That landed you where you were the next morning, heaving your bags into the back of Logan's truck.
"If we have to take the truck like two states over, can I at least drive?"
The plane being needed for another assignment that Jean, Scott and Ororo were assigned left the two of you with Logan's truck. You'd been asked to retrieve a rare mechanical piece needed for the construction of some new device; you'd only been half-listening when Charles started to explain the details, lost in thought after he'd mentioned it would require the two of you to sleep out overnight.
Man, that had made your chest feel tight. It had been almost physically painful trying to swallow down every tell that you really liked him for the past few weeks and now you had no choice than to be each others only company for nearly 2 days.
"Yeah, in your dreams, kid," Logan scoffed playfully and brought you back to reality, dangling the keys in his hand.
You narrowed your eyes at the keyring he began to spin around his finger. In a split second, the jangle of the metal could be heard as you snatched them from his hand with only a focused thought.
You caught them in your raised palm and tilted your head, a terribly smug smile across your cheeks.
"Looks like my dreams came true, huh?" you teased, walking past a still mildly distraught Logan to get into the drivers side.
"If you dent it, I'll kill ya," he warned as he finally slid into the passenger seat, watching your every move as you started the engine and carefully reversed out of the garage.
"Uh-huh, sure," you retorted sarcastically, "I'm terrified of the kitty claws."
"What did I say about calling me that?"
"Calling you what?" you feigned ignorance, fumbling with the knob on the stereo to change the station as your eyes stayed glued to the road.
"And don't mess with everything, kid, you'll end up breaking something. She's on old girl, you gotta - "
"Dude," you interrupted, simultaneously cranking down your window and fishing a pair of sunglasses out of his center console, "I know how to drive, chill out."
"Dude," he mocked, "this truck is probably almost as old as you, you gotta be careful."
You rolled your eyes under the shades of the worn aviators you had slipped onto your nose, simply nodding and continuing to flip through stations.
"Pick one and stick with it, will you?"
"Ooh, is someone mad I got the keys?"
Before he could say something in response, you gasped at sound of the song playing on the station you had just switched to, twisting the knob almost as far as it could go.
Logan recognized the familiar thump of "babe I'm gonna leave you" by Led Zeppelin, furrowing his eyebrows when you began to nod your head and sing along.
"You like Led Zeppelin?" he nearly had to shout over the music, leaning in to you a little further.
"Yeah," you responded, reaching over to turn the music down just enough for you to hear each other and glancing at him momentarily, "How come you're looking at me like that?"
He unfurrowed his eyebrows and shrugged, keeping his gaze on the road ahead as he spoke, " just never pegged you for a Zeppelin kind of girl, I guess."
"No? What's that supposed to mean?"
You were smiling again and it was excruciatingly difficult for him not to stare when you looked so good in the spot he usually sat with his old sunglasses on.
"Didn't think you had good taste in music."
That made you giggle and you shook your head, turning the stereo back up to a booming volume.
He watched you tap your fingers on the steering wheel to the drums as you continued to drive, occasionally moving to push your windswept hair out of your face. The morning sun shining through your open window highlighted your features perfectly and Logan sighed without a thought, unheard over the music. Jesus, he had it bad.
You could feel his stare in your peripheral vision every time he looked to you and it felt far warmer than the sun beating down on you from the opposite direction. You truly rarely ever used your developing skill of telepathy, feeling it was only justified when absolutely necessary to obtain information, but his burning gaze nearly had you veering off the road at times and his prior answer to the question of why he was looking at you that way wasn't too convincing.
With a deep breath, already wondering if it was a mistake, you kept your eyes focused to the road but gradually concentrated on the man beside you. Sometimes people's thoughts would appear as inner dialogue, other times as imagined scenarios, daydreams or visuals. You were confused, then, when you only saw an image of yourself as you were now. If you concentrated too hard, your own thoughts would transfer to Logan's mind and it would be humiliatingly obvious that you had been poking around in his consciousness and so you tried to clear your mind and try again, assuming your own mind was too preoccupied with yourself to concentrate properly.
Still, you could only see the image of yourself driving from the perspective of the passengers seat, one hand on the wheel and the other in your hair as you propped your elbow on the door. This time, though, you could hear the accompanying echo of Logan's voice over the hum of the music you had tuned out.
Is her hair always like that? I like it that way. Pretty.
You swallowed hard, fidgeting with the hair that was between your fingers. It's a compliment - innocent enough, and undeniably kind of sweet. You felt guilty then for probing his thoughts and nearly shook yourself out of it, only to realize the image in Logan's mind was no longer of just your profile. He was thinking about your legs, thighs squished against the seat of the truck.
You nearly choked on your own saliva, clearing your throat at the echo of his voice again and immediately withdrawing yourself from his mind.
"You okay?" Logan spoke aloud, putting a gentle hand on your upper arm.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," you lied, trying with every fiber of your being to just keep all focus on the road. You knew you shouldn't have done that. It was just a thought, though, nothing said aloud to change anything between the two of you, and so you pretended the best you could that you hadn't heard or seen a thing.
About eight hours, a handful of dad rock albums and a stop to switch seats later, you finally pulled into the parking lot of the nearest motel you had found didn't have a highlighted "no vacancy" sign.
"If there's fucking bed bugs in here, I will never let you hear the end of it," you warned from the passenger seat.
"I think you'd talk my ear off till the day I die anyway," he scoffed, shifting the truck into park and pulling the keys from the ignition.
"You won't die for another hundred-something years."
"Exactly my point, honey."
You rolled your eyes and slipped out of the truck as he did, pretending the nickname hadn't made your face burn. You both grabbed your belongings and once inside you looked around the small lobby as Logan checked you in, impressed with how surprisingly clean the place seemed to be.
"Hey, is that okay?"
Logan's voice took your attention from the painting on the wall you'd been inspecting and you raised your eyebrows.
"Uh, there's a room left but it's only got one bed."
Your face dropped and you looked between him and the poor kid behind the counter who already looked nervous as all hell.
"You're kidding."
"We can keep driving, but we've already been on the road all day and I don't think there's another place around here for a good few miles."
He was much more calm than you expected him to be and you exhaled, thinking of the literal pain in the ass caused by sitting in the car for so many hours.
"Ugh, fine."
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A/N: I had to split this in two because it was so long but If anyone likes this at all I will post da other part cause I like spewing my brain rot on the internet <3
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santrrl · 1 month
Hi! I love your posts about Wolverine. Is there a chance you write some sick fluff with fem Reader and actually sick Wolverine?
(Let's just pretend his healing factor failed somehow and he catched a cold and sneeze like a kitten 🤣😭😭)
YESS I CANNN and thank you so much oh my lord 🩷 we luv a good wolvie fic teehee <3<3<3<3<3
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Bullets n then story <3
"Lo, turn around." "no." "Turn around." "I would rather die." ".." "What are you doing?" "I'm putting the medicine in one of your holes, so hush."
He'd get up so quickly you'd think he was an offbrand quicksilver.
"Well, no medicine no fuckin tonight.'" THIS MAN LEAPS.
"That's not fair." He'd say, before sneezing all over the place, sitting down with the blanket on him.
Best believe he secretly loves seeing you knelt or crouched between his legs wiping mucus or whatever off of him, he loves the care.
He'd forget he's sick and lean in to kiss you, and when you'd back away he'd just keep going till he's almost off the couch.
You have to practically summon colossus and others to pin him down to take his temp. Why he doesn't like it? Fuck knows.
Lord help him, he practically forgot how to swallow pills, and with the illness slightly affecting his smell, it takes him hours to eat or drink for fear you're drugging him.
If you're in another room, all you'll hear is half your name, then a fit of what sounds like death, and after a minute of silence the other half.
Tease him and suddenly he's fine, hopping off the walls even.
DO NOTTT take a picture of him, he will destroy the phone and then you. once hes better of course, hes an old ass after all.
The mansion was quiet. Too quiet, and if it's quiet when Scott's here, there's something seriously wrong.
Climbing the stairs, something told you check on Logan, sure he's a wannabe strong independant woman, but he needs you more than he knows.
"Lo?" You ask, opening his door softly. "Oh god." is all you can hear. "Excuse me i'm actually amazin-" You stop dead in your tracks. Tissue box, used tissue, and sniffles. You practically float at the chance he's sick so you can take care of him. "Are you sick~" You slurred, almost skipping to him. "No." He grouched, barely looking at you before sneezing, causing you to dramatically jump back, before pointing at him.
"DISEASED! CONTAMINATEDD!!" You giggle, before actually going to his side. "All seriousness lo, you okay?"
"I can't even scratch my balls..." He huffed, and you almost cried, he looked so sad at that statement, you wanted to die laughing there and then, respectfully of course.
"My oh my Big bad wolfie." "shut it." "Alright, I'll go then." "Good...I know you're gonna be back so bring me a beer." He scoffed, before smiling at you as you turned around. Not a jackass smile, a genuine smile, nd before you knew it, you were handing him a beer, whilst also laying in bed with him. "Bub you're gonna get sick." "You'd do it for me...i hope." You smiled, looking at him as you played with his hair tufts.
Safe to say, nothing will stop you two from having a good day.
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marlenesluv · 11 months
Star of the show. (CL)
summary: when charles leclerc hard launches his actress girlfriend, star of teen wolf as scott mccalls sister, fans go crazy.
note: obviously in the show, scott doesn’t have a sister, but pretend for me, kk? lol
fc: christina nadin (love her)
warnings: language, and sexual comments
masterlist here -> masterlist link
^ check my list for all posts! ^
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liked by: y/n.user, carlossainz55, and 1,923,035 others
charles_leclerc: the star of the show, and my heart (and the ferrari paddock)
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ferrarifwiends: did charles just hard launch his gf and expect us not to freak tf out????
y/n.user: awww you used cute pictures of me😮‍💨🫶
↳ charles_leclerc: every picture of you is cute, chérie
↳ user7: oh shit. he’s def getting head for that one
↳ user3: UNCALLED FOR (agreed)
leclerc.edittpg: HOLY SHIT
teenwolffansss: mother is dating a vroom man?
landonorris: she helped me meet dylan obrien guys!!
↳ oscarpiastri: yeah and you never shut up about it
↳ landonorris: you’re just jealous
user5: and she’s close with the paddock?
↳ charycarlos: we have been fooled by the monégasque again
y/nfanedits8: she’s taken? i now have no chance 💔
user1: the fries and the espresso martini look so good
↳ 1655charlossss: i’m sayingggg
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liked by: charles_leclerc, francisca.cgomes, and 1,240,925 others
y/n.user: my shining star
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tylerposey58: not to be a protective set big brother..
↳ y/n.user: ur the best sibling i could have ever asked for :’)
↳ tylerposey58: love you and miss you. pls visit me and phem
↳ y/n.user: i’ll bring char
↳ charles_leclerc: :)
stilesstilinski4life: kinda wanted her and dylan to date..
↳ y/n.fppp: just be happy for her? her and dylan are bsfs, she’s dating charles ffs
user3: the way her and tyler are literally the best sibling duo (sibling soulmates. meant to be actual sibling i swear)
charles_leclerc: je t’aime
↳ y/n.user: je t’aime aussi
f1wags: such a beautiful couple, holy shit
charismybae16: omg we are gonna get bf charles pics AHHHHH
↳ wifey.y/n: nah, forget him, we get gf y/n pics OMG
user3: you guys are too cuteeeee
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liked by: charles_leclerc, pierregasly, and 1,420,004 others
y/n.user: fútbol and food (the best f’s)
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charles_leclerc: next to fucking
↳ y/n.user: charles OMG
↳ charles_leclerc: im not wrong, cherié
f1wags: y/n is turning charles into a bold commenter😭
dylanobrien: baseball is better
↳ y/n.user: mets games🧡💙
↳ dylanobrien: you need to come back so we can go?? bring charles so you can culture him
↳ charles_leclerc: texting the gc now, this sounds so fun
user4: UGH THEY HAVE A GC?!?!?!
hollandroden: you are so beautiful!? miss out girls nights :(
↳ crystalmreed: let’s hangout soon!
↳ y/n.user: holland <3 and yes we should!!
betateenwolfedits: these pictures are pure gold
user4: where’s kika?
↳ francisca.cgomes: i’m at a fashion show, lol. had to leave y/n alone with the guys :(
↳ y/n.user: SAVE ME KIKA
↳ francisca.cgomes: OMW!!
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liked by: y/n.user, pierregasly, and 1,872,024 others
charles_leclerc: we eat good🍷🍝
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y/n.user: CHICKEN🍗
↳ charles_leclerc: 😋😋😋
teenwolf: getting flashbacks from when y/n would order chicken nuggets 24/7 during filming
↳ y/n.user: miss u guys🤭
↳ teenwolf: we miss you more!🩵
y/nycharfp: they still look hot while shoving their faces, unfair
user7: favorite couple on the grid
dylansprayberry: nice to see you found someone who enjoys cooking as much as you do, y/n
↳ y/n.user: charles can NOT cook
f1wags: same pose, different food and person
bilesbilinski28: slayyyyy
danielricciardo: i want chicken
↳ y/n.user: let’s go get canes rn
↳ danielricciardo; omw rn actually
user2: i bet they actually do go and get canes….
daniels instagram story
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seen by: y/n.user, charles_leclerc, and 2,024,294 others
your instagram story
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seen by: charles_leclerc, landonorris, and 1,386,299 others
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liked by: lilymhe, charles_leclerc, and 1,428,993 others
y/n.user: how these triple headers got us
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charles_leclerc: you look like an angel when you’re sleeping/waking up and i look like a gremlin :/
↳ y/n.user: char, no you do not
f1wags: shes barbie and he’s j ken fr
y/nsfp1: she looks sooo prettyyyy
francisca.cgomes: pretty girl
↳ y/n.user: ily kika
user4: prince of monaco sleeping?! make sure he stays safe!
crystalmreed: that’s my sleeping mask!
↳ y/n.user: whaaaaaa
teenwolfeditsss: they both are still hot while sleeping and after waking up?? i’m done for
kellypiquet: those selfies are so cute!!
↳ y/n.user: ty kelly!! 🫶
user9: i need a teen wolf reunion :(
↳ char.y/n.fp: i j need charles to meet them fr
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liked by: charles_leclerc, tylerposey58, and 2,187,024 others
y/n:user: i always see people doing these aesthetic slide number things, so here’s mine 😋
1) charles tries a pepper that tyler posey got him
2) tyler holds the pepper while charles freaks out over the hotness
3) charles guzzles water while saying “too hot!! too hot!!”
4) charles and i found dylans look-alike!!
5) i think pierre and charles took this while me, kika, and tyler were walking around the mall infront of them. dylan was with them? i’m not sure tbh
6) took this picture a few days ago when we took charles, pierre, and kika to universal
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charles_leclerc: that pepper was too hot
↳ dylanobrien: one might say “too hot!! too hot!!”
↳ tylerposey58: “tyler why is it so spicy?!”
↳ charles_leclerc: cherié you’re friends are bullying me.
↳ y/n.user: it’s okay, char. ilysm you’re so brave for trying that pepper!❤️
↳ charles_leclerc: 🙂❤️
↳ tylerposey58: 🙄🙄
f1wags: she’s not even in these?? CRIMINAL!
landonorris: and she didn’t even invite me? :(
↳ y/n.user: you said you didn’t wanna go??
↳ landonorris: I LIED
f1page34: lmaooo, the pic of char and pierre
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liked by: y/n.user, pierregasly, and 2,197,024 others
charles_leclerc: my own “aesthetic slide number things” but it’s all my gf (mostly)
1) woke y/n up at 7am to get breakfast and all she ordered was orange juice and chips & guac
2) y/n trying to fix dylan’s jeep (that didn’t happen)
3) espresso martini night!!!
4) no explanation needed
5) y/n crying because the mets lost
6) me in my new raincoat! :)
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user3: y/n is SUCH a mood😭
y/n.user: CHAR😦
↳ charles_leclerc: 😘
f1wags: how many letters in y/n’s name?
↳ user3: ATEEEE
↳ author (me lolz): j pretend ur name is 8 letters for the smau😛
carlossainz55: it really is y/n’s world and we are all just living in it
↳ maxverstappen1: this is true
f1fanpage4: crying over the mets losing is such a y/n thing to do
dylanobrien: the mets losing is such a sad thing, i don’t blame her
vroompage16: the juice and chips is so me
your instagram story:
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seen by: charles_leclerc, oscarpiastri, and 1,328,991 others
(reposts, comments, and likes are appreciated!^-^)
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ryanwritesfanfiction · 3 months
hiiii could I request something for Adam Stanheightttt ? Like an enemies to lovers type thingggg
Is this it?
Adam Stanheight x reader  
a/n im so sorry if this is too long or if its too rushed. im still new to writing im gonna get the hang of it i swear also i might do a part 2 im not sure yet if this warrants one :P |no use of pronouns or y/n
ps i kinda like giving these fics titles of song but they arent super related to the actual fic ;-; anyways feedback is much appreciated <3
wc: 1485
The first time I met Adam, I was moving into my new (to you at least, but actually very old) apartment after I decided I had enough of my parents. I was moving the remaining boxes into my apartment and I heard a shutter from a camera. In front of my door was a group of about 4 people wearing matching shirts that said  “Wrath of the Gods” and in front of them was a guy with a camera.
“Oh, excuse me,” I said holding the heavy boxes of my remaining belongings. They all turned at me and didn't say anything until a man with greasy brown hair in front of the camera spoke up “Hey” he said walking towards me and I decided to put the boxes down in front of the door they were currently blocking. 
“I’m Scott Tibbs lead singer of this band Wrath of the Gods, we’re just taking pictures for our new album, you should come to our show, we can always use more groupies” You stare at him for a while before the photographer spoke up 
“Hi, I’m Adam, you must be my new neighbor I live right across the hall right there” and he pointed to the door nearest to your apartment. “Hi,” you said and you introduced yourself as well before pausing “Do you think you could take pictures somewhere else so I can finish moving in?” you asked as you reached down to pick up the boxes.
 “Oh, right, yeah, sure,” Adam said awkwardly. He approached the band members and they all walked downstairs most likely to find a different place to finish their makeshift photoshoot. Adam followed behind them but before he turned to you and smiled. You smiled halfheartedly in return and finished settling into your new home. At that point, you had no idea that you would grow to hate your new neighbor. 
It was a buildup of more and more inconveniences like that which caused you to build a slow but strong resentment towards Adam. Things like leaving trash in the middle of the hall, coming home at 3 in the morning and making a bunch of noise, and the smell of cigarettes or weed always lingered in the hall because of him even though you lived in a smoke-free apartment.    
After a few times confronting him about his constant disturbances, he started to seem annoyed. You weren't sure at which point the hate between the two of you started but after living there a few months, anytime you saw Adam or he saw you both your eyes filled with an intense irritation and after a while, it became simply an immense anger. You were unaware that Adam’s hatred for you was not fueled by mere annoyance, but instead by a wall he built around his fear of not being able to have you.
 He was so sure that in your head he was nothing but an inconvenience that he had to convince himself that he didn't care, that he didn't want you to begin with. He pushed away any thought he had about you. It had started becoming increasingly difficult, he noticed, to pretend to hate you back. With every snarky comment that was exchanged between the two of you, he found himself focusing on everything except whatever you were mad about. He thought about the way your nose moved when you huffed angrily at him or the way you moved your hands when you were dumbing down why whatever stupid thing he did was a nuisance for you. 
The more the feud went on the more you found yourself hating things that you would never hate in anyone else and you didn’t know why. You hated the way hair fell on his face, you hated the way his whiny voice insisted that you were always blowing everything out of proportion but there was a part deep down that knew that even though you hated Adam, getting to see him an argue him was the best part of your day. 
There is such a small difference between anger and adoration because they are both just different forms of passion. Maybe you hated each other, it could be that you and Adam were just angry people or maybe you were both passionate people, that the world had bullied into just being angry. It’s possible that in a different life, in a different world, you and Adam could have been loving people. 
You weren't sure when you started hating Adam, and you were even less sure when the subconscious parts of your mind decided that you started loving him. 
You stopped one night outside your apartment building for a smoke when a small cat approached you, you put the cigarette out and reached down to pet it. The cat started meowing and you sat down on the ground next to it.  A shadow came towards you and you immediately recognized the voice, but it wasn’t talking to you, it was talking to the cat. “You should be quieter,” he said as he approached the feline, “this one seems to hate just about any noise or maybe just noise that I make ” he sat next to the cat so that it was between the two of you.
Perhaps it was because you were tired, or maybe that part of you that started to care for Adam had started to overpower the pettier part that “hated him”, but what you were sure of was that you were far too tired to engage in trivial disputes and you were also painfully aware that you were far too excited to see Adam. 
Your lack of reply didn’t go unnoticed by Adam and he paused for a minute confused by your lack of response, and maybe even a little hurt by it, as if your unwillingness to participate served as a rejection. “Hey,” he said softly as he gently placed his hand on your shoulder almost as if he was trying to wake you up. The physical contact caused you to look at him, there was a brief moment where you just looked at him, and neither of you noticed that the stray cat had already run off nor had you noticed that the space between the two of you was fairly small. The entire time you had known Adam you had never been this close physically, you took a few moments more to admire the way his features looked in the dim street lighting. 
“Hey,” you finally replied and you started to stand up off the ground while Adam did the same. “So um, you seem kinda out of it,” he said as you both made your way into the apartment building. You start to realize that what Adam is expressing is a genuine concern, and you begin to think that maybe Adam doesn't really hate you and you don't hate him. “Yeah I’m fine, just tired,” you reply. “That might be my fault,” he said in a sheepish, apologetic tone “I’ve been working night more and I might be a little loud when I come back home but it’s not on purpose honestly” he starts to ramble in a nervous way that you had never seen in him before. “It’s ok,” you say to him. “Are we?”  he says almost in a whisper as looks at you hesitantly for a little after asking. 
You look at him confused for a little before he clarifies “Are we ok? Like are we cool?” You smile at him before saying “I didn't know there was a ‘we’”. He smiles back at you, refreshed that your banter seems to be back, although now with much less animosity. “What if that’s what I wanted?” he said simply but with the veil of friendly banter that he leaned into out of fear of rejection. 
You were a little taken aback by his sudden boldness and so you couldn’t come up with a witty reply or any reply for that matter. “You don’t have to say yes” his voice interrupted the thought running through your mind, “But my friend Scott is in a band, they're having a concert next Friday and maybe” his voice trails off as if too scared to fully ask. “I would love to,” you said suddenly and Adam looked up at you surprised, but excited “Great! So, uh, it’s a date?” he asked. You smile and nod as you walk to the door of your apartment. “Yeah, a date, good night Adam,” you said before disappearing behind the door of your apartment. “Goodnight,” he said in an unusually upbeat tone. Adam took a second before going into his own apartment and silently praised himself for finally winning you over. Neither of you was sure when or why you started hating each other, but what you were both sure of was that you couldn’t wait until the next time you could see each other.
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904pmoclock · 4 months
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" U have 45 seconds before i FUCKING rip out your tongue and staple it on the school's wall while my boyfriend beats the fuck outta your body.. u have 39.. seconds.." hey guys im back
did i ever tell u the time that there was indeed a blue hair pronoun, homestuck enjoyer, with a side of a dish of a sallyface lover and the top course of a warrior cats fan. Yeah we're gonna have a story time about him.
so it all happened in back in like.... 2021.. 2022??? he was already considered a weirdo for the way he acted around my friend(s) and no it wasnt because of what he liked quite the opposite i DONT CARE if u like that stuff. so we're gonna call him travis scott, travis scott idk he basically was a quiet kid that seemed nerdy into warrior cats because you'd literally see him read it from time to time. so me and my friends were like "yeah we'll make him our new friend for our friend group" WORST DECISION REMINDER. this guy would never let us talk about what we were interested and would only like talk about his. errm wat da sigma! second he would always just scratch and hurt my friend's arm because he pretended to be... a cat? look therians i dont care if u are a therian BUT DO NOT do that to people bro😭 onto the worst stuff now
DISCORD. heh.. we love it... not me I HATE IT
so travis scott had a boyfriend right we're gonna call him jinx because he literarlly had the same irl name of me, jinx... was a weirdo this guy HAS A PISS KINK, sent nsfw EVERY SINGLE TIME jinx and travis scott even had A whole nsfw channel and nsfw, RP server THAT WAS PROBABLY LONGER THAN THE BIBLE AND THAT ONE LOUDHOUSE FANFICITION. travis even ASKED me to draw nsfw of some homestuck character?? which obviously erm WAT DA SIGMA i dont roll that way. Sent just like WARRIOR CATS FERAL NSFW to ME?? and was just a bug bro GET OFF MEEE!!! and he would just brag about how many times he'd break up with jinx which? okay u want a cookie?? vro 💔
gnna make this short because this is getting to long
said white people can say the n word
would mentally abuse people for fun
used people as "stress" toys???
really liked the guy with the red armband with the white circle and symbol on it (he's jewish btw)
and other stuff i forgot about 💔💔💔💔
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I know its gonna loose but idc I just made this drawing as a joke but its rlly silly so here
Gripearl propaganda.
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I think Pearl had a small teenage crush on Grian (they were like 18-19 or very early 20s during evo) and suffered a lot when he got taken away by the watchers.
Then she sees him again during Last Life before meeting scott and he's hella changed both physically and in personality. He gets defensive when she tries to bring up Evo and even pretends he doesnt know her </3
She's also later on resentful of Grian cause of the whole cheating on Scar during DL (pls dont turn this into scar x pearl ship, i see them as fam and this is *my* headcanon).
Im using she/her on pearl for simplicity sake but I dont see Pearl as a woman, he's such a bigender he/she voidthing/voidgender mess. Also hey wolf Pearl not being DL exclusive! Hello!
Anyhow they're the doomed yaoi ever to me
Oh also this is during Life Series but during Hermitcraft? Specially season 10? I still gotta catch up w the latest episodes but did u know theyre goverment worker x goverment worker? Pearl got gf privilege at the permit office while scar suffered in line, watching Grian rizz up his sibling none the less!
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I also made this hi. I gotta draw Pearl and Grian flirting over the counter sometime
Oh also the ship name gripearl is so funny to me cause haha sounds like grippers
Oh all of this is DELIGHTFUL
I love the "I regrettably loved Grian and all I got was this stupid shirt" top tier hilarity 10/10
God that whole story between those two during the Life series is sooo good
Government worker x government worker flirting in the permit office yes!!!! She really did feel like she had gf privileges.
I am more disappointed by the bad name but I wish it was better but alas (anything is better than grityn or cumscarian)
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litcrazh · 2 years
nino and adrien: the true bromance
•nino knows and was like “dude… i ACCUSED YOU OF GETTING WITH MY GF… and you leT ME??”
• now constantly will talk about how hot chat noir is because #bromance
• nino is awful at keeping secrets but with this he’s really good, BUT sometimes with alya he’ll just casually talk about chat noir like he’s his best friend because he is
• fucking gaberial likes nino now that he produces music and the agreste brand uses it in ad campaigns
• nino and adrien got drunk for the first time together
“yo bro, my dad left his stuff out,”
“adrien… deadass?”
*an hour later*
“an-and ladybug was al- *hiccup* all like *changes his voice to badly mimic her* chat noir stop joking ar-around *sobs louder* i’m noT JOKING AROUND IM IN LOVE WITH YOU!” adrien is an emotional drunk but as he gets older he is more flirty
“i’m gonna do a backflip,”
and after that they had school the next morning
“are you guys ok..?”
“ha! no.”
• they are both really attractive and will workout together and adrien helped nino with his confidence in clothing and style
• nino collabs and produced with huge artists (kanye, jay, travis scott and tyler the creator) and adrien will play piano for some tracks *RUNAWAY*
• adrien goes to public school at like 13 and nino is quick to inform him about everything so he isn’t sheltered
• nino and adrien live together throughout university (mari and alya move in for the last 2 years)
• nino is very active about blm and adrien is super supportive and him and nino get to model a photo shoot for agreste brand that has proceeds go to blm causes
• they both are corny ass boyfriends and will try to outdo it when it comes to romantic jestures- alya and marinette pretend to hate it but love it
• nino is a twitch streamer.
there vibes are in the pictures below
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munamania · 1 year
ok everyone i watched lemonade mouth and do revenge tonight. i wanted to share my notes from lemonade mouth or at least the highlights. (edit from later jk i posted nearly every thought soooo sorry) not much to say abt the other one it was okay. lemonade mouth is my baby though
wen is such a hater
queer as hell movie
i like that this movie doesnt talk down to its audience it's still silly but it treats each character like a full person and it's earnest
flashes into their lives to get to their destiny to meet. i heart storytelling
'use your voice' ok dyke. sounds like jo maskin
'this is the underground (in all caps)' oh this is so rife with queer pleasures
principal brennigan.... what does this say abt society.....
this is so like gay club queer joy i know a place moment fates colliding queer utopia
music is everything adn everything is love btw
none of the girls are in competition for any of the guys and in fact are arguably queer coded. i mean overall obv the group is
showing the power of queer joy
like MUNA
random little commercial jingle was so catchy
people that have known and paid attention to each other forever and challenge each other to be their best selves through their very existence soulmatism. olivia and wen btw
dynamic lighting <333
'just because you cant see the agony doesnt mean it isnt there' ok gayass
'i could start a revolution' broccoli close up. hilarious theyre just fuckin around
naomi scott brings a comfortable bisexuality to her characters. me when im just saying shit
SOMEBODY.im gonna kill myself.
'or cher' get his ass mo
stella is a true action forward activist im obsessed with her. she and hazel callahan bottoms should team up and rig the school with bombs
lemonade mouth is such a sincere true inside joke for a band name they are all so lovely. theyre my losers club
Determinate. Get determined! Revolution
bridgit mendler egot when
'i like when you smile' theyre just giddy weirdo soulmates
taking away pride?????????? (lemonade)
corporate buyouts. capitalist ownership and what that entails
wen who cant deal with change whos living in honor of his mother's memory and his sense of idealistic family and those rigid definitions and olivias odd broken family and beautiful unconventional relationship with her grandmother and opened up raw vulnerability that she tries to protect but exudes in her songwriting largely inspired around and by him
adult babies. ok
idk if this is a strange observation but it's relieving that it's not a huge deal for the boys to go in the girl's bathroom to be supportive and lovely to their friend
lemonade. symbol of hope revolution pride also fruity
i used to live and breathe for mo's little bass shimmy
disability representation ayo
mo's back vocals okayyyyyyy also the little dance!!!!
distributing lemonade to the masses!!!!!! proletariat comrades!!!
why r they literally revolutionaries im screaming
'political tirade' 'complete'y disruptive' slayyy
'decisions i make are for the good of this school' ok fascist
Dante's pizzeria -> HELL!?!
'maybe... we do matter' 'of course we do' ok yippee gay people <3
shes so gone... i just felt so understood
naomi has such a beautiful voice. the naomis should combine naomi scott produced her own shit it would be sooooo cool
olivia being forced to accept her full grief for her mother
friends are everything btw
seeing things in the clouds... natural human inclination to find purpose in everything
'i wish my dad would ignore me' REAL. it's complicated
dad in prison - i feel like they didnt touch that sort of thing often on disney idk maybe sometimes
more than a band. love and community and god in other people
these are my bestest friends btw
'im not pretending to be what im not for anyone anymore' ok gayass
they are such DORKS <3
theyre all so linked together in fate and time
oh bridgit is about to slay so immensely shes amazing
bridgit mendler school of acting
gabe saporta ass outfit stella has on
music center of the universe and love
theater kids <3
okay that hug made me cry
'that is the limpest wrist fist bump i have ever seen' - lydia (about charlie and his brother)
there was some coming out to your family in that hug
fucking good lighting
lemonade mouth school of acting
fucking up that guitar i cannot lie im obsessed w that performance of determinate at the end it makes me cry every time and also that guitar is soooooo
this guy is cooler than steve harrington yeah i still just have stupid beef with that stupid fandom
kiss on the cheek is so sweet <333
he brought her a kitten. he brought her a kitten. he brought her new life/a feeling of rebirth of coming into yourself and just living. not perfect but okay. they could do peeta and katniss who will follow you to your ruined home and plant a garden there. i threw my pen across the room and screamed over this btw.
queer utopia
faghag pair
charlie = afycso, naomi scott ~ dianna agron, wen ryan ross pretty odd outfit
okay goodnight <3
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bluiex · 1 year
My mind is running at like 28mph and I’ve got way to many idea even when I’m trying to write my fics and AHHH
Have you ever heard of Erykah Badu? One of her songs “Next lifetime” has been living rent free in my head and giving me ideas(TOO MANY BTW CAUSE ERYKAH’S SONGS GIVE ME TO MUCH SERIATION)
But the song is like “I’m in love with you, I’d love to be with you seeing as you love me too, but I’m already dating someone. Maybe next lifetime”
ALSO- bag lady? Apple tree? Kiss me on my neck? THERES SO MANY THAT FIT GRIAN/SCOTT/JIMMY AND IM LIVING FOR IT!!!
Also also Orangemoon honestly gives the vibe of something you make a music video backstory where the older sibling is singing to the younger one.
“His light was too bright, so they turned away. And he stood alone, every night and every day. Then he turn to me, he saw his reflection in me. And he smiled at me.”
Anon out!
DAMN Im gonna have to look up this song!! Cuz holy CRAP THAT SONG FITS SO MANY PEOPLE IN SO MANY SCENERIOS I LOVE IT
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baura-bear · 1 year
Welcome to newsie’s big king rant!! *cracks knuckles* i apologise for spelling mistakes or grammar innacuracies
i’ll start with AKB but i’ll do it in three parts ranging how much knowledge i have on the subject
andrew keenan bolger was born on the 16th may 1985 in detroit. he has 2 older sisters, maggie and celia ( who won a tony award for “to kill a mockingbird”!) he’s married to scott bixby since 2018 and their relationship is so nice and wholesome it’s so cute.
HES 5’4. IM 5’5. it’s so funny to think he’s shorter than me but whatever 😭😭
his first broadway role was in the OBC of seussical as alternate Jojo in 2000-2001 of which he did ONE broadway show then got kicked coz he hit puberty LMFAO poor 15 year old andrew
he then went on to be robertson ay in mary poppins THEN went in a woekshop for newsies and papermill and broadway( fun fact i think he’s the only actor who stayed in the same role for the workshop, papermill then obc of newsies )
during newsies he got a lot of fans which honestly yeah real but in march 2013 he left newsies to begin rehersing for tuck everlasting which didn’t make it until 2016 bc there wasn’t a suitable theatre for a transfer to broadway yet ( another fun fact if it had stayed in the realm of 2013 sadie sink would have played winnie instead of sarah charles lewis )
then in 2017 he was in kris kringle the musical playing kris kringle and in 2021 he was in seven deadly sins the off broadway musical playing phillipe
in september ( not sure if going ahead due to sag aftra ) he’s gonna star in “dracula a comedy of terrors” which seems very fun!! he posted a rlly funny photo of him wearing vampire teeth
ok other things than theatre he’s done i’m so sorry gang
so in 1997 he was chip’s singing voice in that lovely enchanted christmas beauty and the beast spinoff which i watched ALL OF IT just to find he’s in ONE FUCKING SONG and he’s only in the credits ONCE
( however tim curry is in it and he’s a fat smash so 🤷🏻‍♀️ )
he was in this show called looking in 2014 don’t watch it if ur under 18 i’m fucking traumatised from it don’t curse yourself with that PLEASE GOD DONT SEARCH ANDREW KEENAN ON GIFS EITHER
he had like a miniseries called ‘submissions only’ which also performed at 54 below
he has a podcast called ‘that sounds right’ which is SO FUCKING FUNNY PLEASE GO LISTEN TO IT I LOVE IT SO MUCH
OH SHIT YEAH HE WAS ALSO IN ( these are all like regional theatre ?? )
high school musical as ryan
perez hilton saves the universe…😬 as a shit ton of different ppl
a really funny parody video called ‘sherlock the musical” it’s so funny bc my irl friend robin thinks he looks like martin freeman
he’s not afraid to post whatever on his socials 💀 like i’ll be scrolling and that one pic of him licking the screen is there and i’m like 😀 ok andrew
hes really funny
hes honest and open about not being the best dancer which is so real ( so he showed up to newsies to audition and , in his own words , apparently the directors thought he was a good enough dancer to play a boy with a crutch BAHHAHA WHICH IS SO RELATABLE OH MY HOD )
i think that’s it!! please enjoy i’m soo tired i’ll do some more ranting soon :3
thank you for all the knowledge! fun fact: I saw Celia perform in TKAM (very good) and my grandma used to baby sit Jeff Daniels' (Atticus) cousin because they grew up in the same town
also the note about his lack of dancing skills reminded me of his old youtube videos and one video he was talking about an audition he botched (there was basketball choreo he was supposed to learn) and instead, because he didn't know what to do, he just put the basketball in his shirt and pretended to be pregnant??? hey directors like a strong acting choice and he delivered.
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preeeow · 11 months
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sometimes my google newsfeed throws me into a rage. who needs twitter
this is enders game, part of the reason it flopped was targeted boycott campaigns because orson scott card, the creator, is openly homophobic and at the time was making that loud and clear shortly after it was nationally legalized. and good god who had the stupid fucking idea to put that on ben kingsley's face. how many times is ben kingsley gonna willingly pretend to be a race he isnt???? jesus christ my man find a new schtick for your fucking career
actually theres nothing to be mad about here. this movie was probably still less homophobic and racist than OSC himself but a whole bunch of people got together and refused to see it whether or not they liked the actual story and because of that im not living in the universe where theres like 7 more of these. in fact googling this authors name leads one to multiple articles about his bigotry that came out around the time this movie was made. not that inverse is a place for upstanding reporting but honestly shame on them for this. we killed this franchise on purpose.
sorry i cannot get over this imagine posting THIS SCREENSHOT ALONE and being like "wow cant believe there weren't more of these" like LOOK AT BEN KINGSLEYS FACE!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU
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goldrushzukka · 2 years
aidays playlist breakdown: chapter 3
writers block is kicking my ass right now so instead of fulfilling my promise to finish aidays by november im just gonna churn out a couple of these. sorry. (end of the year. probably. writing is really hard.)
here's the fic
here's the playlist
the one by carly rae jepsen
ms carly slay jepsen back at it again with another song about casual sex with absolutely no strings attached at all ever. easy breezy. don't even worry about it.
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(ID: "Truth is I never thought of us together / You're just a friend of mine / We should know better, this can't last forever / But kiss me one more time". End ID)
this is sooooo them bc they should know better! they do know better! but here they are anyway! sokka and zuko entered into this thing with the intention of it being unserious and temporary. theyre just people who have sex, and then they become friends who have sex, and then friends starts to turn into something...else. but they've set these boundaries, so they can't be something else, so they pretend it's not happening. they keep saying casual and acting like their feelings aren't there, just to hold on to what they have, in the hopes that it'll be enough.
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(ID: "Romance is fine / Pour me some wine / Tell me it's just for the fun of it / Thoughts in your eyes / Hard to deny, but / I don't want love, don't want none of it". End ID)
this part of the song is the most applicable to chapter 3 i think. the scene where sokka asks zuko to catsit while he's away at yue's wedding is so thick with romance it's a wonder they don't fucking choke on it. that whole exchange is so. like. they're lying to themselves. sokka gives zuko a key to his apartment. 24 hour access. a promise not to turn him away, that he is welcome and wanted always. and they both somehow convince themselves (and each other!) that this is a normal thing to offer your casual sex friend. olympic level mental gymnastics happening in that scene.
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(ID: "If you want to, you can stay the night / I don't want to be the one, the one / IF you want to, you can hold me tight / I don't want to be the one, the one". End ID)
this is the mindset. sokka gives zuko a key to his apartment, but they're super casual. zuko sleeps better beside sokka than he has his entire life, but they're not dating or anything. they talk every day even if they don't see each other, but it's not like they're in love, right? right. they can do all of these romantic things, make all these gestures and be there for each other, and it's completely fine as long as they remind themselves that it's casual, it's casual, it's casual.
valentine (what's it gonna be) by rina sawayama
another casual relationship banger, but this time it's anxious!!! this song just scratches something in my brain. idk how to describe it i think there's drugs in this
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(ID: "I don't think about the future (It doesn't matter) / Or whether we'll stay together (Whether we'll part) / Making promises is dangerous (I'm just a phase) / I'm just your valentine". End ID)
they're casual, right? because anything else -- dating from the start, admitting feelings when they're in the thick of it -- is setting themselves up for failure. they met in a dirty bar and hooked up in the bathroom before going home together, this can't last. this can't be the great love story of their lives, right? right? so this is again, still, the lie they tell themselves. it doesn't matter, it's just a fling, i'm just your valentine.
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(ID: "Nowhere else to go / Turn to you but I hope you know / This love is just for show / One night and nothing more". End ID)
the contradiction of "nowhere else to go" and "this love is just for show" is exactly the kind of bullshit zuko and sokka are trying to get away with. this isn't a relationship and there are no real feelings involved and we're just having fun, but no one else would have me and i don't want anyone but you. god. they're so fucking stupid.
house key by scott helman
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(ID: "I wanna back splash and a house cat / I wanna make a home for you / I wanna T.V. and a settee / I wanna live alone with you / And when you wake up in the middle of the night / I won't complain if you turn on the light / Beside me you'd be happy you'll see / Can I get your house key? Can I get your house key?". End ID)
this song was not inspiration for this chapter bc i didn't know it existed until i'd already published, but it very well could've been written about this fic. this song is the dead of night, when it's too quiet and dark for anything but the truth. it's all the cards held close to the chest, all the secrets kept even from yourself. the agonising knowledge that this is real, this could be something, it could be everything, it probably already is.
lover by taylor swift
let's just get into it i can't talk about what this song means to me without sounding even more deranged than i already have in this post
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(ID: "And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you, dear / Have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years?". End ID)
this is the thing with zuko and sokka in this fic. they hit it off immediately. they click. the "getting to know you" phase doesn't feel like learning, it's like remembering. it's just like carly rae jepsen says in her smash hit single call me maybe, "before you came into my life, i missed you so bad". always right. anyway this line makes me want to bite my own fingers like carrot sticks
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(ID: "Can I go where you go? / Can we always be this close? / Forever and ever, ah / Take me out, and take me home / You're my, my, my, my lover". End ID)
this is what love is. this is it. can i go where you go ("i wish you could be here to see it"), can we always be this close ("do you want to take the long way?"), forever and ever ("i wouldn't want to be stuck with anyone else"). that's love.
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(ID: "My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue / All's well that ends well to end up with you / Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover / And you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me / And at every table, I'll save you a seat, lover". End ID)
this is what i'm TALKING ABOUT!!!!! like!!!! all's well that ends well to end up with you equals nothing safe is worth the drive equals every moment of heartache is worth it to be together at the end!!!!! they have each been through so much, both separately and together. i have personally forced them to have so many problems. but this is what it's all for. this is the goal. this is what they get to have, when the dust settles and the sun finally shines on them: dirty jokes and a spot beside their lover. simple pleasures made grand by true love.
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nyx-aira · 1 year
im going to pretend like I didn't have to genuinely think about character names (im disappointed in myself tbh)
adopt, roommate, kill
Monica Rambeau, Darcy Lewis, Jimmy Woo
Ooh a Wandavision special! (Also dw I also sat like five minutes on my last ask lol)
Okay let's go
Monica definitely Monica but more like we adopt each other kinda situation like we're siblings now ( I definitely see her as nice big sister material) also she would kick the ass of absolutely everyone who only breathed wrong in my direction so that's pretty cool
Probably Jimmy. He seems like a nice guy maybe a bit weird but so am I so it fits. I could show him how to do (something I can't currently think of) and he could show me some card tricks and maybe introduce me to Scott. I also think he can clean a bath real good so plus points!
It's gonna be Darcy... I'm probably not gonna make myself popular but I think she can be annoying sometimes and I also think we're just two very different people so there wouldn't be much common ground (I honestly don't know how I'd kill her, I'd probably improvise even though that's a baaaad idea)
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