#im hoping he thought she got a mail in form too + that's why he said that.. 😭
deltaq ¡ 2 years
Bang Chan - Wedding Tears. Angst
plot: Chan’s the love of your life, and you're his, so imagine how you both feel when you’re not the one walking to him down the aisle.
a/n: It’s been literal years since i’ve written angst, i hope im still decent at it omfg
anyways, i haven’t been able to get this plot out of my head, so i figured why not come back here to share it w yall <3 
maybe if this gets decent interaction i will open requests? idk i wanna get back into writing bc my engineering studies are making me miserable lmao, anywayssss
also I read through this once to make edits but i need to sleepppppppp so im sorry if there’s any mistakes <3
CHAN couldn’t seem to stop staring at himself in the mirror. Today was the day. Arguably the biggest day of anyone’s life. He should be happy. Well no, happy isn't even close to a strong enough emotion he should be feeling. It was his damn wedding day, hell he should be ecstatic. So why couldn’t he tear his gaze away from his own reflection in the mirror? It was as if he was arguing with himself through his own eyes. His heart was reflecting through his eyes in that mirror, begging him to be honest with himself. He tried to fight it as tears threatened to begin forming in his eyes. He knew what the tears were from. And as if it was perfect timing, the reason for those tears appeared almost out of nowhere behind his reflection in the mirror.
“Hi Chan,” you say slightly above a whisper, not wanting to startle him.
Despite not wanting to startle him, it didn’t seem to work as he jumped and whipped around from the mirror. He blinked away the tears in a heartbeat, unable to breathe for a second at your presence.
“Y/N... you came...” he almost sounded in disbelief.
“Well, yeah, I mean, I got the invite and...I had to congratulate you. Both of you.” You say, your voice getting quieter towards that last part.
For a moment, you both just stood there, staring at each other. Both having so much to say. So much to apologize for to one another. The last things you guys said to each other was filled with so much hate, so much anger, so much lies. You both didn’t even mean what you were saying, just saying it to hurt the other. That was until you had enough and walked out.
You broke the silence,” This venue is gorgeous...along with the colors. Did you guys hire a wedding planner? Or did she do all this herself?” You inquired about his soon-to-be wedding planner wife.
What Chan said next took you by surprise.
“This should be our wedding.” 
You weren’t sure you heard him right. It said it so quietly, as though you read it from his mind, let alone heard it from his mouth.
You did your best to give a consoling smile, but could only offer a weak, sorrow filled smile.
You couldn’t help but confess,“I always thought we would end up together. Even after everything we said to each other that night, I thought we’d be back together within a week. But you never called. And I was too stubborn to text. Then I saw the article. The one of you and her. I didn’t even care what the article said, I still wasn’t worried. I knew we were both feeling the same way. ‘That’s my chan, he’ll be home soon.’ was all I could think about when I read the article. Then the invite came in the mail. I think that was when it really hit me. You weren’t ‘my chan’ anymore. But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t still a bit delusional. I mean, it took what, half a year to get over our 3 year relationship enough to want to commit to someone new for the rest of your life? No way. But the invite was right there. The disbelief turned to anger. How could you? And that anger turned to myself. How could I? How could I have been so delusional to have been waiting for you, while you were only going further in your life, moving on. You were only moving on with your life, so why did I have any right to be upset at you for that?”
By now, tears were streaming from both yours and Chan’s face. Tears of sorrow, regret, remorse.
From your confession came Chan’s confession, “I couldn’t be around you. Not after all the horrible things I said to you. I knew if I would have called to apologize, you would have accepted it. We would have been back together within a week. But I couldn’t do that. I couldn’t go back to loving you without drowning in guilt for what I said that night. Anytime I thought of you, thought of calling you, or even texting you, all I could see was the hurt in your eyes before you left,” Chan softly confesses.
“Chan, we both said horrible things. Things neither of us meant. That wasn’t us that night. That was two people who were filled to the brink with anger and hatred, not for each other, but just happening to let it out on each other.” You said as you spent every night for months after that fight analyzing what had happened.
Chan shook his head and continued his confession, “She was working with one of my aunties. When my mom told her about our break up, we got introduced. I wasn’t interested at first. You were all I wanted. But it felt that no matter where I went, she was forced in my direction. My aunt kept setting us up on date after date. For weeks, during our first couple dates, all I could think about was you still. But that face, that damn heartbroken face of yours was all I could still see. I knew I would never be able to erase it from my mind. I did that to you. I hurt you. I didn’t deserve you. So I eventually just gave in to her. She’s nice...smart...pretty, no reason not to marry her I thought. Of course, she could never match your beauty, your intelligence, or compare anywhere close to you. But what’s even the point in stressing over marriage when the one person I will ever want to be married to got absolutely shattered by me.” By now Chan was practically bursting into sobs.
All you could do was hold him. Hold him and let your own tears flow as he said that last sentence in present tense.
He tried to contain himself but couldn’t, “You should be the one in a white dress right now. We should be in that flower filled venue you came across in that wedding magazine from that weird dentist office. We should...we should be together Y/N.”
You cried with him,” But we’re not Chan. It’s your wedding day, not mine. I want nothing more than to run from here with you straight to that venue, even if it means buying a last minute flight to wherever the hell it was located again. But that’d be so selfish of me Chan. She can give you so much more than I can. And I need you to see that.”
You felt it was true. She was amazing at her job, showing up in every wedding magazine imaginable. She was even in that magazine Chan mentioned, from the dentist office, where he watched you in awe as you excitedly flipped through all the wedding venues in it, showing him every single one pointing out what you be at yours and his wedding, and asking him what he’d want there. If you couldn’t even be the one to text Chan to begin the making up process back then, why should you be deserving of taking him back now you felt, especially under these conditions.
So there you were, standing with the love of your life, bawling in each other’s arms, doing your best to send him off for good. You held his face in your hands, wiping away his tears.
“I know you’ll be the most amazing husband, and I have been so honored to love you. So please Chan, just find your happiness with her” you said holding his hands in yours.
Chan held onto your hands. not wanting to let go. As you walked out the room, he tried holding onto you, but his hand went limp as you slipped yours out from his.
Everyone turned to face the giant double doors as the piano started playing. She walked out in an extravagant white dress. You were in awe of it in all honesty. She looked like a real-life princess. When you took a look at her prince, tears were falling from his eyes. Everyone thought it was cute though, because every bride dreams of her groom crying at how much he loves her up till that moment, in that moment, and every moment after that.
But deep down, both you and Chan knew, it wasn’t those kind of tears. 
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poptartmochi ¡ 2 years
haunted by the thought my uncle might think I'm republican.... 🤢
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iwadori ¡ 3 years
When they neglect you for another girl Part 4 (Sakusa)
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Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five
Word Count: 2.6K
Genre: Angst to Fluff
AN: YES I DID PUT MYSELF IN THIS STORY! SUE ME. This is basically inspired by a random conversation i had w the great @teesumu, so this is basically for you doll <3
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You and Sakusa have been together for a around 10 years and love eachother immensly.    
However recently Sakusa has been busy and you havent really had much time together lately as he claims been busy doing loads of visits with his new agent.
But of course, being the loving partner you are you wanted to revive the spark in your relationship.
You have been seeing a lot of people on social media posting their aesthetic ‘picnic dates,’ and you knew that this was something that appealed to you before it was ‘on trend.’ Kiyoomi immediately came to your mind once you had the idea of going on a date. You knew that you haven’t be around each other lately, as Kiyoomi always had either a ‘meeting’ or some sort of ‘interview’ that his new agent “Empress” has set up for him.
You didn’t really know Empress that well, just that she was ‘good at her job,’ a ‘hard and dilligent worker,’ and a ‘raging hottie’ with Atsumu’s opinion being the last one. You weren’t suspecting her to have any malicious intent towards you or Kiyoomi, since you knew that he had a great judge of character. But it was just odd, that every time Kiyoomi was running late or having ‘super-secret’ conversations on the phone it was always because ‘my agent set up this,’ ‘my agent set up that,’ and that’s what left you a bit wary.
As you were scrolling through your phone you see a calendar updating saying : Next Week‘ A DECADE AGO WE FELL IN LOVE.’  
10 years. How could you forget? You and Omi have literally been together for a decade. You think back to the decade of madness and love you’ve been through together, smiling fondly to yourself but then you think about where you are now... barely even talking to each other, only mainly seeing him when he comes home from work.
You need to fix this. Or at least make an attempt to get you and Kiyoomi talking again. So, the only thing you can do, is plan that picnic.
You spent the rest of the day planning your anniversary picnic. ’It’s going to be great,’ you think to yourself, you have a list of all Omi’s favorite foods you're going to make him and bring and you are probably going to pick up a few board games and maybe even get some paint supplies. You and Kiyoomi used to paint a lot together, with the two of you not being the best of painters, but you enjoyed eachothers company non the less.  
Everything was sorted...for the most part. All you needed to do was get Omi there, and it’ll all be okay. Right? As you were bubbling and looking for more picnic inspo, you hear your front door open which made you even more excited to tell your boyfriend your plans.  
As you rush to go greet him, you see he’s on the phone making you roll your eyes. “No Empress it won’t work, we need this sorted by next week. Okay? Next week.” he says in an agitated way. He hangs up the phone and sighs, shoving off his duffel bag.
“Hey Omi, how was your day?” you say a bit hesitant, noticing his annoyed mood.  
“Fine” He said dismissively, aiming to walk past you aiming for your bedroom.
“Oh well I have something amazing planned for ne-” you try to say following after him.
“Can we not do this right now Y/N,” he says again turning too look at you making you frown a bit, all you wanted to do is surprise him with your plans and have a day out with him. After noticing your sad look he finishes with “it’s just that Empress she’s bee-”
“I don’t want to hear about her.” you say bitterly folding your arms, Empress is the last person you want to hear about right now “God Omi can’t you just care about me? For once.”
“I do I-”
“You don’t anymore,” you say, with all the emotions and feelings you’ve been just supressing from a while coming up. You don’t even know how you got from point A to B with this conversation, but there's no stopping now. “I feel that, for a while now we haven’t been how we were before when we were just Y/N and Kiyoomi. Instead of how we are now. Just Y/N. Then Kiyoomi and Empress.”
After hearing his agents name, Kiyoomi’s name contorts to confusion “Empress? What does she have to do with anything?”
“How can you not see? For the past month all it’s been is ‘Empress this’ ‘Empress that,’” you complain “Having your super secret conversations with her, like god Kiyoomi can’t you see a problem with this?”  
“It’s not like that Y/N, we’re just work partners” he says looking a bit annoyed “Just business.”
 “Just business? So Kiyoomi, what were you talking about on the phone earlier” you say with your voice slight accusingly.
“Umm I, I can’t really say?” he says more of a question then a fully assured statement. You squint your eyes at him and scoff.
“What is going on with you Omi?” you say “are you cheating on me with her is that it?”
“No, no of course not Y/N! How could you even ask that?” he frowned at your question making your chest hurt, since deep down you knew he could never do that to you. Could he?
“Well tell me then, what were you talking about?” you ask again.
“I can’t say..” he finishes  
“Well I can’t stay.” you say and his face goes back to confusion “Here. With you.”
“What do you mean Y/-”
“I need a break or something. I just can’t be here right now.” You start to rush and pack a big of things whilst Kiyoomi just stands there.
After you pack up your stuff, you look back and see Kiyoomi just there. Standing. You were upset, you kind of wanted him to rush after you and beg you not to leave, but he was just there. Standing. So you put the hand on the door and just before you leave you turn back and say “bye Sakusa, see you later?” to which you see him slightly nod at.
When the door shut, Kiyoomi starts to cry. After hearing you call him by his last name really twisted the knife that was already in his heart. You haven’t called him that since you were like 15. He knew what you wanted; he knew you wanted him to rush towards you and beg you not to leave, but he didn’t. He couldn’t. But what he could do is call the one person he only could call.
After a few rings, he hears “What do you need Saku?”  
“She’s gone, she left.”
“What do you mean she’s gone, did you tell her?”  
“No I didn’t tell her. And that’s the problem, Empress she think-”
“Saku, don’t worry about it. I’ll handle it.”
“You’ll handle it?”
“Don’t I always?”
He couldn’t argue with that, he just had to trust that Empress could sort it. “And also, don’t spend the week with your head up your ass crying, you’ve got a lot of grovelling to do kiddo.”
He nodded even though she couldn’t see him, as he knew that what just went down needed to be resolved, fast.
Meanwhile, on your end. You’re a mess. Sobbing all the time, tissues are your best friend, you’ve been waiting just waiting for a message or a call, or some form of communication. You just wanted to feel wanted by your boyfriend (can you even call him that now.)  
You spent the rest of the week at your parents, immersing yourself in your work and doing ‘self care’ things, trying to forget all about the argument you and Kiyoomi had.  
One day, you receive a letter, it wasn’t delivered by a mail man though. It was slid under your door, in a golden envelope sealed with a red hot wax seal. It read:
‘Dear Y/N,
My sweetheart, im sorry for how the week has been and I know a letter with only a fraction of how I feel won’t make up for how I acted that day. But im inviting you to join me at the Gardenia Botanical Gardens at 2 pm tommorow, to celebrate our 10 year anniversary.  
I know there is a big chance, you may not want to see me and I understand but please. I love you, so so much, that words can’t even describe. But I need you to see me apologise and I need to make it up to you.  
I hope to see you there, I’d wait the whole day for you. If you don’t show, I understand.
Sincerely, Sakusa Kiyoomi
P.S The theme is ‘summer hot day, tea with the queen’ - Atsumu’
You smile at the letter, but wonder if you should actually go or not. You did want to see him of course and get this all resolved, but you had your own plans for your anniversary which wouldn’t of been spoiled if he didn’t withhold his super-secret phone calls.
It took you hours to contemplate on what to do, but you decided to just sleep on it and see how you feel tomorrow. In the morning, you knew what you wanted to do. Of course, you had to go, at least to hear him out and see if he really did cheat on you or not. For all you know he’s inviting you to tell you that he’s going to run away with his agent and his secret kids they had together. You shook the negative thoughts from your head and just repeated your mantra ‘hope for the best and prepare for the worst.’
When you got there, you didn’t exactly know where he would be but he said ‘botanical gardens’ so of course you decided to just wander around there. It was nice walking around and just smelling the roses, and seeing the pretty scenery.  
“Excuse me ma’am,” you hear someone say tugging on your leg “um that mister over there told me to give you these.” Looking down, you see a small boy who looked about the age of four with a crumpled up bunch of roses handing them to you.
“Oh thank you,” you say giving the kid a head pat “where is this ‘mister’ might I ask?”
“He’s over there!” The kid pointed behind him and you look to see Kiyoomi sitting under a white gazebo which is surrounded in your favorite flowers and the table is filled with food.
You walk over to your ‘boyfriend,’ with him not noticing your present yet. When you reach him you say “I think she stood you up buddy,” you joke making him jump abit startled.
“Y/N!” he exclaimed, instantly beaming “You came you made it!” he stood up and pulled you into a hug, which you return before you remember why you came here in the first place.
“Oh I-” he says awkwardly
You decide to sit down pulling him down with you. You kind of sit there in uncomfortable silence, for a while until you both say.
“So I-”
“What are yo-”
You both laughed at your simultaneous comments, before Kiyoomi looks at you letting you speak. “What did you want to bring me here for?”
“I didn’t want, what happened last week to happen Y/N I-” he says looking a bit panicked “It wasn’t supposed to go this way.”
“Then how was it meant to go Sakusa.”
“Y/N, please don’t call me that, I know I made you upset but pleas-” he starts before getting distracted again “Y/N, I called you here to say a few things..”
“Them being.?” you ask a bit impatiently.
“I love you. I love you so much, you don’t even understand. Ever since I saw you at my volleyball game in our first year, in the stands just cheering us on. I knew that from that day, after I scored the winning point and our eyes met, that we were destined to be together. I just love you so much Y/N”
“Omi I don’t understand I-”
“Just let me finish please, It’s taken a while for me to say this. And trust me, there’s been so many times when I wanted to just say ‘hey Y/N let’s get married,’ but I couldn’t I was scared, and I wanted it to be perfect, so perfect. Because you deserve the world Y/N. That’s why I got Empress to help, I know that our conversations may seem odd, but I love you and she knows that she just wanted to help trust me. And she did, all this wouldn’t of been done if it wasn’t for her. But anyways Y/N what I waned to say was I love you and I love you and I-” he rambles on loosing track of his words.  
But in the midst of his speech, you hear all that you needed and responded with the only way you can.
“Yes.” you say simply, with a growing smile on your face.
“Yes?” he repeats confused “What do you meann ye- ohhh" Kiyoomi blushes embarrased that after all that he ended up ruining the thought out proposal he wanted to give you with his ramble.
“Im sorry Y/N, I didn’t mean to say it like that I wanted it to be perfect and I-”
You shut him up with a kiss making his eyes widen as he reciprocates it anyways.  
“What did she say?” you hear someone shout from a far, and you look over to see the MSBY Jackals all standing there with shit eating grins on their faces.
“I said yes!” you yell back, to which they all cheer and rush towards you guys giving you both hugs and slapping Kiyoomi on the back.  
As the boys celebrate Omi finnally do what he’s been planning for ages, you get approached by Empress who awkwardly walks up to you. “ I didn’t want to leave the impression that me and Saku were any sort of thing?” she says
“Yeah I think it was definitely a big misunderstanding, it’s just that Omi was never around and whenever he was he was just talking to you and you know how it is.”
“I definitely know, I’d feel the same way if my boyfriend did that to me.”
“Oooh boyfriend?” you ask her feeling nosey on her romantic life.  
“Yeah boyfriend. You know iwaizumi hajime... the trainer?” she says smiling a bit when she said his name.
“The trainer! Nice.”
The rest of the night was fun and was basically an engagement party for you and Omi all you and friends just partying and celebrating yours and Omi’s love for each other. “Omi” you say getting his attention “Happy ten year anniversary babe”
“Happy anniversary, I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”
After the party you spend your months now planning for a big fat wedding, with the help of your new found bestie, Empress (who you obviously misjudged from the start.) You and Omi could never be happier, every thing was back to how it was before, maybe even better. And you definitely spent at least two Saturdays a month going out for picnics and it was now a tradition in your relationship, so in the end you did get your ‘aesthetic picnic date.’
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damselofblueroses ¡ 3 years
Bambi, Chapter 1
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You are my Bambi, girl, I am your candy, tell me what are you waiting for?
Summary: As an archaeologist who works on the Ancient Greece, you were on the verge of excavations’ session. While you have been preparing your team, you learned that your institute decided on your team has to work with another team as they wanted the outcome as a collaboration. The head of other team was your biggest rival, a scumbag in your eyes: Byun Baekhyun.
You two were supposed to work together for three months, in a Greek Island, Chios.
Could you manage to not kill Byun Baekhyun for three months?
Content: AU, heavily Greek mythology, enemies to friends.
Warnings: Well, the story contains NSFW/Smut, please minors do not continue.
Note: This story will be four or five chapters if I will not change my mind in the meantime. It is inspired by my major; however, I do not have a complete knowledge on archaeology, I am a historian. If I will make a technical mistake, please let me know. I am willing to receive any kind of feedback; you are more than welcomed to drop a message.
Chapter One: UN Village
June, Incheon Airport
Along the curves of the hill
Rolling, rolling, rolling hills
As we climb there’s a broken streetlight
When I see one, I turn off the lights under it
Baekhyun was nothing but ready for the excavation.
You were more than ready for the session.
Both of you, were nothing but two leaders who hated each other equally.
You were eyeing each other with saying no words since your teams came together in the airport. Before this particular moment of departure, you refused to meet with Byun Baekhyun, putting aside meeting with him, you refused even dropping an e-mail in order to let Sunkyungwan Team about Sejong Team. You were clear and strict as fuck, even though two teams had to work together for three months, you had zero intention to get accustomed with the other team leader.
The weather was sunny, nice and warm, however because of you and Baekhyun, your team members were feeling like they were trapped in a fucking blizzard during the coldest winter.
You were aware of your team members had positive opinions of that scoundrel, especially the girls, as you had your first-handed experiences because of your stupid classmates, Byun Baekhyun was very famous of his abilities to cast a spell on women. The problem was he was also famous as a serial dater, serial killer type of men.
A bastard, nothing more nothing less.
“Indy,” one of your team members, Minseok, called you. Although, calling you as Indy was also a habit of Minseok, it was also an obligation for the others, you insisted on calling you by your nickname or your name, instead of calling you as sunbae. You did not like the hierarchical titles. “Should we move into the control point?”
“Yeah, if you are ready.” you replied, grabbing your luggage and the rest.
“I guess we have to alert Sunkyungwan people since we will fly together.” Hyesun pointed out, your eyebrows knitted.
“I guess,” you recall her words. “They also have this information, so we do not have to alert anyone, we are not their babysitters.”
Hyesun’s cheeks were blushing after you kindly scolded her, but she was clever enough to hold her tongue. Your dislike towards Sunkyungwan was not a secret as you used every opportunity to show it. You led your team to the kiosks, counting the heads automatically. You had six here, you were going to have ten more when you arrive to Chios whose coming from all around European universities. With thirteen Sunkyungwan students, the excavation was going to shelter almost forty members. It was going to be massive, you had to admit. You never had more than twenty students in the field till now, but you were going to lead an extraordinary team as Junmyeon craved into your brain’s folds with his hammer of words.
You wished to be with Junmyeon right now, you were more tense than usual. Junmyeon could put you in more stable mood, however you even did not think to name him while the executives were asking your possible candidates. He would kill you merciless, you knew it very well.
Eh, at least you got Sehun, Junmyeon’s brother in your team, he had a lot of similarities with Junmyeon even though he could be noisier than anyone you know, however you accepted him as your dongsaeng, as his precious noona and role model, you also knew how to put him in an order. Then you had Minseok, the eternal field-partner of yours. He was older than you, although he was engaged in a Ph.D. programme in abroad, he willingly accepted your invitation. You had four seniors, Shinhye, Yixing, Jongdae and Hyesun.
To your dismay, two of the seniors who you really could want in your team, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo were in that bastard’s team. You were of the fact that they were immensely close to each other, but you wished to have them in your team as their abilities were precious.
Especially Doh Kyungsoo.
You missed that fucking bastard who preferred to be with Baekhyun.
Life, you inhaled. It was not going exactly in the way you could ask.
“On your foot, soldiers.” you called your team around you. “Do you collect all the materials you will be in need of?”
“Yeah.” Jongdae cutely pointed to his tiniest bag. “I am ready to excavate.”
“Exactly you will need every tool you have.” Shinhye smacked her husband’s shoulder. Yeah, you had a married couple in your team, although you were a year younger them, you always regarded yourself as their big sister, if not a mother. “You are going to work too much, Dae. I have sleepless nights because of the burden on your shoulders.”
You could not help but burst into laughs after the look Jongdae gave to his wife. Those idiots, they were so lovely and instead of their endless scolding sessions, they were incredibly fond of each other.
Sometimes you wonder, how having your significant other by your side would be?
You slightly shook your head, quickly climbing out of this deep cliff.
“Let’s go!” you exclaimed, jumping to the air. “Sejong is ready for the session!”
Baekhyun was watching you with a disgusted expression.
“Move on, Baekhyun.” Chanyeol pushed his body to forward. “We will miss the flight, Goddamnit.”
“Give him couple of minutes.” Kyungsoo chuckled. “He is fucking the girl with his eyes, frankly, he is doing it unapologetically.”
“Which girl?” Chanyeol’s eyes widened. “Do you mean, that girl? You c-
“Of course, I am not.” Baekhyun interrupted Chanyeol, staring at Kyungsoo. “She can go and fuck herself.”
“Well,” Kyungsoo stood up, placing his book into the bag. “I guess, you are going to be one to fuck her, but maybe I am wrong.”
“In her dreams.” Baekhyun laughed. “If she can manage to dream something like this, but I do not think so. That little freak can put even the nuns into a shame.”
“She is beautiful to be honest.” Chanyeol said with no different intention but observing your features carefully. “Okey maybe not the hottest girl in the town, but she is pretty, and I heard she is very clever.”
“She is.” Kyungsoo approved. “But she kicked Baekhyun’s ass twice, so he cannot endure her presence.”
“She never,” Baekhyun grunted lowly. “Kick me or my proverbial parts!”
“Did someone talk about kicking some asses?” Jongin appeared out of nowhere. “I am in.”
“Shut up, Jongin.” Baekhyun rolled his eyes. “Let’s pick the team.”
The smile on Kyungsoo’s face irritated Baekhyun, he wanted to erase that fucking grin so bad, punching his face but Baekhyun had to hold his manners as the team leader. If they would be in their flat, he could already beat the shit out of Kyungsoo, at least he would try.
Baekhyun hated the fact that Kyungsoo had the exact past with you and him. Three of you entered the department together, instead Kyungsoo went to another university to pursue his master, in the end he testified every moment between you and Baekhyun.
That’s why he was smiling since he learned you were going to be the other team leader.
Baekhyun was aware of the close relationship between you and Kyungsoo, one of his best friends.
Quickly Baekhyun led his team to the control point, close to your team. He was avoiding from this step, however as the leader, presenting his fucking team to your team was his responsibility. When they arrived, he took a deep breath.
“Good morning to all.” his blood started to boil when you turned to him with a displeased face expression. Your eyebrows were knitted, your fucking lips formed as a thick line, your dislike was palpable and Baekhyun knew his own face was mirroring your feelings. “I hope you are fine, could you let me present my team to you?”
Baekhyun wanted nothing but cut the shit off.
“Good morning.” you answered between your teeth. Your voice sounded extremely creepy. “Yeah, go for it.”
You do not make a favour to me, bloody woman, Baekhyun thought but he put all his efforts to control his words.
“My name is Byun Baekhyun, I am going to lead Sunkyungwan Team this year.” he looked at your team members, quickly memorized their faces. “I really look forward to work with you, I wish a good session for us. They are my members, Park Chanyeol, Doh Kyungsoo, Kim Jongin, Kim Danbi, Lee Taemin, Lee Donghae, Kim Jonghyun, Kim Kibum, Lee Seungjo, Kang Seulgi, Im Yoona, Kim Taeyeon and Kwon Yuri.”
“You are like a troop, huh?” one of your girls smiled after Baekhyun finished his presentation.
“More or less.” Baekhyun smiled back to her. What a surprise to him was the transformation of your face. You warmly smiled to the members and bowed to each of them.
Baekhyun raised his left eyebrow, but he could not avert his eyes from your smiling face.
It was pleasant like a spring day and when you smile your eyes were shining.
“Thank you.” he heard your voice. “My team is not big as yours, Park Shinhye, Kim Jongdae, Zhang Yixing, Oh Sehun, Kim Minseok and Song Hyesun.”
“You forget yourself.” Minseok slapped his forehead and rolled his eyes. “Indy is going to lead Sejong Team as she has been leading us for the last two years, you can put your faith on her, she is the greatest.”
“Indy?” Jongin repeated your nickname with a surprised face. “Are you foreigner?”
“Do I look like?” you laughed and prevented yourself from flinching his forehead. He was such a cute kid. “That’s how my team call me.”
“Ah.” Jongin blushed and you could not control yourself anymore.
“But if you want, you can also call me as Indy.” you grinned like a Cheshire cat. “Everything must be equal for the teams since we are going to live together during a whole summer.”
“I would like to.” Jongin bowed to you.
“So do we need to add sunbae when we call you?” Kyungsoo asked.
“Have you ever called me as a sunbae, Doh Kyungsoo?” you coldly replied. “Did Sunkyungwan change your behaviours?”
“Gardens of roses turn to garths of thorns in a second.” Kyungsoo murmured but he was smiling to you, then he opened his arms, catching you off guard because you knew that Kyungsoo was not a huge fan of hugs. “Will you salute me as a good friend, or will I start calling you as sunbae?”
“Shut the fuck up, Doh.” you inhaled, but actually you were happy to see your still-working-on friendship. You moved to hug him, he held you tightly and lifted you to the air, then turned around himself, made you laugh like a 5-year-old girl.
Baekhyun did not like what was happening before his eyes. Kyungsoo had to be with Baekhyun, not hugging you for his fucking dear life, or lifting and turning you around like you were very dear to him. He hated sharing his friends with you, he already lost Junmyeon, he wanted to keep Kyungsoo and Chanyeol to himself. You should be fucking away from them, they were Baekhyun’s and only Baekhyun’s friends.
And there was another fragile issue that Baekhyun had been keeping in the deepest point of his heart and mind, like the palace of Nyx in the darkest part of Tartarus. Extremely delicate, horrendous, and even atrocious.
Baekhyun was aware of a strange presence was lying down beneath his hatred, dislike and continuous loathe towards you, there was a layer of curiosity, something could feed different layers and causing an earthquake in his life. Baekhyun knew that you were his biggest rival, but you became his rival by your talents and intelligence. He knew this and this piece of realization doubled his hate towards you.
The funny part was the things he did not realize. Baekhyun was full of confidence, he was capable of performing even miracles, however he never perceive the fact that you were also a miracle.
“So, what we are going to do?” Chanyeol asked to everyone with a huge, happy smile. Baekhyun fended himself off moaning, happy virus Chanyeol already sensed the chance of levitating the mood between the teams and playing along with it. “Are we boarding?”
“Yeah, let’s go.” one of your boys, Sehun, came close to Chanyeol. Baekhyun and you immediately glared them, noticing the chemistry between these two. Both of you wished to keep the teams apart from each other in order to reduce the obliged interactions between the leaders, but it seemed not possible even from the beginning. Baekhyun was cursing between his lips, you were swearing at the executive board in your mind.
“Indy,” Shinhye whispered to you. “Are you okey? You look like wanting to kill one of us.”
“Not you.” you answered without thinking, then registered to your words. “Ignore me, Shinhye, I am a little bit tense right now.”
“We got your back.” she blinked at you and held Jongdae’s hand. “Let’s start the adventure!”
What an adventure, you thought but silently joined them. Kyungsoo also was walking next to you.
“Why the heck you went to Sunkyungwan?” you spilled the bean. “I always believed you would stay in Sejong.”
“Yeah, that was my intention.” Kyungsoo was plain as always. “However, Sunkyungwan gives me more opportunities to secure my career, Indy.”
“I know.” you had to admit. Sejong was not generous as Sunkyungwan. “Sorry for my selfish words.”
“No worries.” he beamed. “It happens all the time, but I am really happy to work with you again.”
“Old but gold days, huh?”
“Well, it was not purely gold,” Kyungsoo followed the flows and ebbs. “Do you remember when we were almost expelled from the university?”
“Is there a way to forget those days?” you immediately took a look on Baekhyun. It was his fault, obviously. “We were shitting in our pants instead of the one who put us in that situation.”
“Come on,” Kyungsoo chuckled. “It was not only his fault, Indy, our hands were also crimson red.”
“Let me recall the memory, Doh,” you pinched his hand, he playfully pushed your fingers. “Excuse me if I am wrong, however that scumbag was the one who challenged you to confiscate the coin, because of your involvement into the incident, I had no choice but dragging your ass out of shit.”
“They caught two of us in the crime field.” Kyungsoo burst into laughs. “Professor Lee went ballistic and scolded us like we just killed a person cold heartedly.”
“And you could not see the reason behind it?” You were cutting Kyungsoo’s body with your eyes. “If someone tries to steal a coin from the excavation house during the session, I will kill them for sure. We were so lucky, the one who caught us was Professor Lee.”
“I heard you are strictest when it comes to excavation.” Kyungsoo assured you. “But try to not kill us.”
“The only one I am going to take down,” you shivered with the memory, Kyungsoo was already regretful to remind it to you. Well, maybe not so much because he wanted you and Baekhyun to realize the potential relationship you could have, and the easiest way in order to put you two in touch was making you angry. “That bastard if he will behave like the old days. We are not children anymore.”
“Have you ever been a kid?”
“Fuck off, Kyungsoo.”
“You did not change even a bit, Indy.” Kyungsoo made his statement. Obviously, you were going to keep this to yourself, taking his silent approval made you were more than happy. “You are still a pain in the ass.”
“And you are still a good boy.” you grinned, watching his lips formed around silent laughs. “Such a cute puppy for me, let me see your wagging tail.”
“I am sorry to interrupt your flirting session,” Kyungsoo turned to Baekhyun’s deadpanned face. “However, we have to move.”
“When you come across to a pretty girl,” Kyungsoo did not miss the chance of returning the favour. “You have to flirt with her. Wasn’t it your advice?”
“Yeah.” Baekhyun looked at you, then turned to Kyungsoo.
You knew what was going to happen.
“He said pretty girls,” you tucked the words in Baekhyun’s mouth before he could open his fucking damn mouth. “To my dismay, I have never been pretty to correspond the standards of Byun Baekhyun the Magnificent. I am crying for the lack of beauty almost every night, I mean living without Byun Baekhyun’s interests… Such a misery.”
Kyungsoo bit his lower lip in order to hold his laugh, Baekhyun’s fists were clenching but you did not stop there.
"Ah I almost forget to ask for the name of that little village, Baekhyun.” you directly looked at his eyes since ages. “Where the girl you desperately wanted to bless with your attention left you? UN Village?”
You immediately spin on your tiptoes, then slipped towards to Sehun, leaving two of them behind of you, refusing to look at back. In the meantime, Baekhyun was throwing daggers to your back, grinding his teeth, his jaw was extremely tensed. Before Kyungsoo could stop him, he swiftly came to your side, you felt his breath on your neck.
You shivered.
You fucking shivered and Baekhyun noticed that.
“You are playing with the fire, as always.” he whispered to your ear before someone could notice what he was doing. “Did you forget who was burning with fire, baby girl?”
He quickly disappeared and started to make such a fuss in order to gather his team members around himself. You were frozen, after years, you were frozen, you missed the little smile on the corner of Baekhyun’s mouth.
You were on the verge of screaming because of the frustration you had felt. You forced yourself to proceed, walked into the plane, helped your team in order to set their belongings and place into their seats, then you retreated your own seat. It was comfortable and you could easily snatch a blanket. Your wish became true, even quicker than you expected because Sehun, your wonderful Sehun, already brought a soft blanket for you. You smiled at him, actually forgiving him for building bonds with Chanyeol since they changed their seats in order to sit next to each other and weaved your legs around the fabric.
Your brain was in autopilot, you were lost in the horrible memories. You did not want to recall them, you buried them into the cemetery of your memory. You wished nothing but never remember that day.
The day in that village.
Baekhyun was mad at himself.
His face was clouded, for the first time he was silent and sitting on the farthest seat in the plane. He really wanted to be alone, and since being vocal about his feeling was so natural for him, he told his need to the team. They willingly let him to do what he wanted, as a result, he was looking out of window, hell if a person could see something out of a plane’s window, and he was cursing himself.
He knew it was going to be a chess play. Between you and him.
It has been always like the chess.
There was a bond between you and Baekhyun, even thought you two always refused it, you also were aware of that bond. You equally hated each other and if there was a thing which could make you happier than seeing each other’s downfalls, that was the opportunity of being the one who digs the other’s grave by their hands.
He was sure on he was going to be the one who sets your body on fire, then finishes you. He was sure on he was going to be the victor, the one and only champion.
When he kills you, erases your name for all eternity, when he condemns you with demnatio memoriae, he will calmly breathe again.
You were a pain in the ass, even when you were not around of Baekhyun, you had a place in his mind since that fucking day he met you. Your presence was like a tree, how much he could try, he could neither find your roots in his mind nor cut them all.
You were his enemy; he was going to treat you as you deserved.
There would be no turning back.
He was mad at himself.
He made a wrong move while he was trying to disturb you, shake your cage in order to give you a lesson.
He also remembered.
The day in that fucking village.
150 notes ¡ View notes
Since request are open may I have a oneshot or headcanon or whatever you want to do with bokuto with a foreign exchange reader where she's a violinist there for a music program, (let's just pretend the school he goes to has a music program). I really hope this is ok. Sorry if I spelt anything wrong.
hey my love!! 
tysm for the request, I love writing for our lil bby owl (*¯ ³¯*)♡
alsooo i have very little experience with violins and instruments in general sooo this should be fun
•Bokuto w/ a Violinist Crush•
warnings: none
genre: fluff
character: bokuto
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when you had first arrived at fukurōdani, you had to pinch yourself to make sure this wasn't just a dream
although it was just a typical high school, their music program was very prestigious and it was difficult for students outside of the country to be accepted
which is why when you had got the letter in the mail that they had granted you a spot in said music program, you almost fainted
in the beginning you were really nervous for this new start, but after being at the school for a few weeks you had adjusted quite nicely
even managing to make a few friends, one in particular that was a lot more friendly then the others
“HEY HEY HEY Y/N! How ya doin?”
Kotaro Bokuto 
he had been your friend since your first day at fukurōdani
how could you not become friends with him when he practically sprinted up to you the second you walked through the door
you didn’t mind at all though, his company was something you grew to love
he had been nothing but kind and welcoming, dragging you around with him and his friend akaashi so that you wouldn’t be lonely and always making sure to check up on you when he got the chance
over these past few weeks, you spent almost every free moment with the energetic boy and had grown quite close to him
and honestly, you’d be lying if you said that you hadn’t caught feelings for him 
what you didn’t know was that he caught feelings for you too
constantly having the urge to be around you and make you smile
he would talk to akaashi about you all the time and even though it got a bit much at times he was happy that bokuto found someone for him
however, the captain usually came pouting to his best friend about crush problems quite often,
“Akaaaashiiiii, I need to do something to show Y/N that I care.”
“Why don’t you go to their performance this weekend? I’m sure they would appreciate that.”
“Performance?” “Bokuto-san, do you really not pay attention to anything they say?”
“I do! They’re just so nice to look at, I get distracted sometimes.”
“Well, Y/N was mentioning earlier that they were going to perform a violin solo this weekend and they invited us. I think it would be best if you went by yourself though.”
“Won’t they be sad if you don’t come?”
“Trust me, as long as you’re there, it’ll be okay.”
bokuto could not stop smiling and thanking akaashi for the brilliant idea for the rest of the day.
he knew you played violin and had always thought it was the coolest thing ever 
but he had never heard you play before and it was safe to say he was over the moon to finally do so
you, however, were terrified to have him come to your performance
it took practically every ounce of courage you had to walk over to the two boys and invite them and it didn’t really help that bokuto kept reminding you every five seconds that he would be watching you up on that stage.
“Y/N, im so excited for your performance!”
“You’re gonna do great up there!”
“The violin is like a fancy guitar right? So i’ll get to see you play a mini fancy guitar!”
you couldn’t deny, his enthusiasm was adorable but it didn’t do much to calm your nerves
you didnt want to mess this up, your crush would be watching you play on that stage and you had to be perfect
when the day of the performance came along your nerves were definitely getting the best of you
you did your best to try and calm them though, remembering to focus on the task at hand rather then who was watching
you weren’t exactly a stranger to audiences but having bokuto in the crowd made things different
he had always managed to make your heart race even in the most average situations
when it came time for you to take center stage you forced your nerves to the back of your mind
all you were focused on now was the instrument in your hand
you sat down, took a deep breath, and let your hands work their magic
playing the violin always came so natural to you, practically felt like second nature, so it was easy for you to get lost in the music
besides, another thing was on your heart and in your mind tonight that made you want to express yourself even more
the only thing that brought you back to reality was the loud clapping that reverberated throughout the room
as soon as you got off stage your we’re wrapped in a loving hug, a familiar scent of cologne filling your nose
“Y/N, you we’re awesome! I mean wow, you have a real talent for that fancy guitar, and you looked really great up on that stage...”
as he finished that sentance he averted his gaze and held out a bouquet of flowers out in front of him as a small blush formed on his cheeks
you smiled and felt tears prick your eyes as you took the flowers
he always knew what to say and do to make your heart flutter
“Thank you so much Bokuto, it means a lot that you came tonight. I wouldn’t have been able to play as well as i did without you here.”
bokuto smiled so wide his face began to hurt
he pulled you into another hug and whispered something in your ear that took you by surprise,
“Can i kiss you?”
as soon as you granted him permission, his lips were excitedly on yours, love flowing between the two of you
oh how you both had waiting so long to let your feelings for each other show
after that night, bokuto came to every single one of your performances
i mean, how could he miss his s/o play such beautiful music
113 notes ¡ View notes
iam93percentstardust ¡ 4 years
Hey love! How about some winteriron h/c fluff? Millennial vet Bucky, Tony as his generous amazing self just without IM. T picks B as a test subject for his project on prosthetics he started after making a new [blank] for himself after Afghanistan. B expects the public Tony Stark persona and so he's a bit rude (cuz "fuck corporations and the superwealthy") but can't afford to say no, T picked him cuz he read B's profile and found him hilarious&refreshing. Snarks ensue. You know how it ends ;)
This ended up diverging a little from the prompt but I hope you’ll still like it :)
Also on ao3 here
“If there’s one thing I’ve proven,” Stark says on the screen, “it’s that you can count on me to pleasure myself.”
Bucky snorts and shakes his head in disgust. Maybe he shouldn’t be so disgusted by the guy seeing as he’s the one offering to build him a new arm but honestly, Bucky just thinks it’s a publicity stunt. He knows the type of guy that Tony Stark is. He was at the last SI weapons demonstration before Stark nearly got himself blown up and he remembers how drunk the guy had been. He remembers Stark leering at Steve before climbing into a jeep with members of their sister troop—good soldiers, men and women who hadn’t deserved to die defending someone like Stark.
So what if Stark had stopped making weapons?
So what if it had turned out that Stane was double dealing?
So what if it isn’t actually Stark’s fault that Bucky had his arms blown off a few months after Stark announced he wasn’t going to make weapons anymore and the DoD had turned to Hammer who apparently couldn’t even make a decent bomb that blew up while he was setting it?
People are dead because Stark couldn’t pull his goddamn head out of his ass, because he’s just like every other billionaire in the world, obsessed with his own wants and his own wishes and expects the world to bow to his every whim. And now, when he gets called in front of Congress to account for breaking his contract with the DoD, he makes a complete mockery out of the proceedings. Not that that’s all that hard and honestly, Bucky would have probably done the same thing if he’d been in Stark’s position.
Bucky wouldn’t have even accepted the offer of the prosthetic if it hadn’t been for Steve signing the paper for him. He would have told Stark exactly where he could stuff his publicity stunt of a philanthropic endeavor. Steve had been the one to fish SI’s letter out of the trash, sign the waivers and the forms, and mail it back to a Ms. Potts to tell her that he was apparently accepting SI’s oh-so-generous offer.
Eventually, he’ll get Steve back for that. Probably after he gets used to having another arm.
“Mr. Barnes?” someone asks, walking into the waiting area from one of the many branching hallways. “Tony’s ready for you now.”
He stands, tucking his phone back into his pocket, and joins her. She’s pretty enough and once upon a time, he probably would have even flirted with her but that was back when he had two working arms and self-confidence. Now he has one arm, a cheap prosthetic that makes his shoulder seize in pain sometimes, and he’s in therapy to get his head straight.
…Dr. Beck probably wouldn’t call it that though and he’d probably get upset that Bucky is, even if it’s in his own head. He’s big on that whole “use nice terms to describe your PTSD” thing.
…He’s in therapy to learn how to manage his PTSD.
There. That sounds nice, right?
“Tony’s sorry he couldn’t get to you sooner,” the woman tells him as they walk down the hall. Her heels click on the floor, sounding a nice rhythm that Bucky finds himself emulating unconsciously. “He had you lined up for the program ages ago but then everything with Obadiah and—”
“It’s fine,” Bucky mutters. He probably wouldn’t have wanted to meet Stark back then anyway. He doesn’t even want to meet him now.
The woman stops in front of room that looks like it should have glass walls but are currently covered in some sort of black…stuff, Bucky isn’t sure what. A keypad pops out of the wall right next to the door and she types something in that looks long and complicated. Bucky looks away so she’s not worried about him trying to guess the password even though he doubts he could have remembered it even if he’d been hovering right over her shoulder.
The door slides open and Bucky follows her inside—into a wonderland.
There’s a whole bunch of absolutely gorgeous vintage cars in one corner and what looks like actual robots fighting over a smoothie machine in another and blue holograms filling the air and Stark himself talking to…thin air?
Except not thin air because a moment later thin air says, “I’m not sure that’s a good idea, sir.”
“Sass!” Stark exclaims. “I’ll donate you to MIT, see if I don’t. Let the undergrads pick you apart.”
“As you say at least once a day, sir.”
“What do I have to do to get some respect around here?” he mutters and before Bucky can stop himself, he snickers.
Stark wheels around, seemingly startled, and peers first at Bucky and then turns to the woman. “Pepper,” he laments. “Why do you let me make a fool of myself?”
“You do that just fine on your own,” she says, smiling fondly.
“Hmph. Sass from you, sass from my own AI—”
“That was an AI?” Bucky blurts out. The articles don’t say anything about something like that.
Stark looks at him again and then asks, “Which answer is less likely to make you think of Skynet? Never mind, not important. Your arm is what’s important and I put it—somewhere. I put it somewhere. What the fuck did I do with it? Pepper!”
“Have you checked the fabricator?”
“…No.” He wanders off towards the robots and some sort of fancy device behind them.
Pepper must see the shell-shocked expression on Bucky’s face as he tries to put together the image of the polished Tony Stark he’s seen on TV with the greasy mechanic wearing goggles on the top of his head in front of him because she says, “You’ll get used to him.”
“Uh-huh,” he agrees doubtfully.
“Do you have a preference on color?” Stark calls from the other end of the—what does he call it, a lab? A workshop?
“You might as well join him,” Pepper says. “He really wants your input on this.”
He must sound as confused as he feels because Pepper smiles understandingly at him and says, “Because it’s your arm. I know Tony puts on this front for—everyone, really—but he’s not as bad as he makes himself seem. He blames himself for you losing your arm.”
“Why would he do that? It’s not his fault Hammer makes shitty bombs.”
“No, but it is his fault that the Army went to Hammer in the first place. He still thinks this is the right direction to take the company in but he still feels guilty for what happened to you.”
“Do you agree with him?”
“About the company?” She looks over at Stark, a wistful look in her eyes. “I’ve always thought that Tony could do something more. About you? It doesn’t really matter how I feel. It matters how both of you feel.” She pauses and then adds, “He really liked your application, you know.”
“Application? What application? I didn’t apply for this.”
“No we both know that,” she reassures him. “Your friend did. Said you were too stubborn to take a handout from a stuck-up billionaire to fill out the application yourself. It made Tony laugh.”
Huh. That says something about him, doesn’t it? That he can laugh about being called a stuck-up billionaire?
He glances over at Stark who’s now jumping up and down in the air, waving his arms to get him to go over there. “Barnes!” Stark calls. “I want your opinion on the color of your arm.”
“Wait, that’s what he wants to know?” Bucky asks, amazed. The world suddenly feels like it’s been flipped upside down. “He’s asking my opinion about that?”
“It matters to him,” Pepper says simply. She raises her voice to ask, “Will that be all, Mr. Stark?”
“That’ll be all, Miss Potts,” Stark calls back, grinning like it’s an old joke between the two of them. “Barnes!”
As Pepper leaves, Bucky picks his way across the room, carefully dodging holograms even after Stark says it’s okay to walk through them. “You know, you can call me Bucky,” he says as he joins him.
“Sure, I’ll do that just as soon as you call me Tony,” Stark says distractedly.
“Can do, Tony.”
Tony visibly freezes, shivers a moment, and then flashes him a quick smile. It’s there and gone but it’s still surprisingly lovely, something real and sweet that Bucky thinks he’s gonna have to ponder when he gets home tonight.
“So, color?”
“I don’t really have a preference.”
“Great!” Tony says enthused. “Because I had an idea last night for interlocking plates.”
“Like armor?”
“Yes, but sexier.”
And his enthusiasm must be infectious because Bucky thinks about that quicksilver smile he saw a minute ago and says, “Sure thing, Tony.”
166 notes ¡ View notes
supernaturalee ¡ 5 years
Green and Gold: Part 2 - Gwilym Lee x Reader
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Pairings: Widow/Single Father! Gwilym Lee x Reader
Warnings: Some swearing, Mentions of X rated thoughts, and more KAREN
Word Count: 4.4k
Previous Parts: One
Summary: When Gwilym lost his wife two years ago he feared raising his daughter alone in a small coastal New Jersey town would be difficult. In the two years since her death, Gwil and Brianne are finally ready to start moving on. Following the words of a child psychologist, Gwil signs Bri up for cheerleading with the local youth squad, something Gwil knows nothing about. As he is thrust in the world of cheer bows and back handsprings, he will learn it takes a lot more than green and gold uniforms to mend his and his daughter’s hearts. Hopefully through the squad they will find strength, friendship, and possibly a spark of new love for the widow himself.  
Taglist:@the-baby-bookworm​ @ixchel-9275​ @slutforbritdick​ @kurt-nightcrawler​ @radio-hoo-ha​ @imgonnabeyourslave​ @queendeakyy​ @girllety​ @im-an-adult-ish​ @what-wicked-delights​ @drivenbybri​
Author’s Note: It’s almost 2 am EST and I thought to myself, why not post part two. We are getting into meat of the story here, y’all! Again, this update is late, but my writing was hard to come by for a while. So without further ado, he is part 2 of Green & Gold. Please let me know if you want to be tagged in future installments. 
In the four short weeks since Brianne had started cheerleading practice, Gwilym had come to learn three absolute truths. First being that cheer made Bri happier than Gwil had ever hoped. In the time since that first practice, he had seen her smile more than he had seen since before Angela had passed away. Her eyes lit up now whenever she spoke about how the routine was coming along or how she was learning all of these different things. Such as stunts or new tumbling passages or jumps that had odd names like toe touches, herkies, and pikes. While Gwilym cooked dinner or checked over her homework, he could always hear her routine music coming from the stereo in the living room. Once he got her to wash her hands and then settled at the table. It would become Gwilym’s inquiry into the world of cheerleading and Brianne was more than happy to oblige his many questions. 
Bri had taken to cheering like a fish takes to water. It was in her blood, Angela’s cheerleading history flowing through Brianne’s veins now. It made Gwil so happy. She spent three nights a week on the mat now and Saturday during the day at either the home field or away fields cheering on the young football players. The football team’s age coincided with the cheerleaders of Bri's team’s ages. Or the Mustang Pee Wees as Gwil had learned. He had finally found out the difference between the game cheers and the competition cheer as Bri had once told him. He usually sat in the game bleachers trying to decipher how American football was more popular than actual football. Or as Y/N lovingly reminded him every time he complained, “It’s soccer here.” she would say with a smile. At first he thought it was kind of annoying but now anytime she reminded him, he found it endearing. The way her lips curled up in a smile as she said it, he found himself mesmerized by it. 
When Brianne wasn’t cheering and once her homework was done, she could be found hanging out with her new friends Jasmine, Joey, and Selma. The carpool Y/N had promised had been fruitful for Brianne and Gwilym on the friendship front. They had been the type of cheer parents Gwilym had hoped for and luckily he got in with them instead of the others. That was the second absolute truth he learned that, cheer parents were absolutely bonkers bananas insane. Karen Diguimi was just the tip of the massive iceberg that was the “Stepford Stangs” as Joe lovingly coined them. Gwil had now become a member of the mailing list. A dreaded place to be that he wouldn’t have agreed to had he known what a nightmare it truly was. 
He had now started to receive daily emails with updates on fundraising and how close they were to the nice buses. Game schedules, rule changes, and low fat recipes to keep your little cheerleader in proper cheering shape were among the other important articles. Plus little snide comments on the surrounding towns’ teams and how far superior the Mustangs were to them. It was like a tabloid magazine that Gwil now had a daily subscription too.
 Y/N had sent him a long paragraph text about the low carb recipes and how dare the “Stepford Stangs” imply that only certain shaped children could be cheerleaders. ‘It is the middle of October and they are nine and ten years old. WHY DO THEY HAVE TO BE SWIMSUIT READY?! Gwil, you will have to stop me from strangling Karen at the next practice.’ It made Gwilym feel a swell of pride for a moment that he read her text. It caused the return of a certain set of emotions. These feelings that he was feeling were something he hadn’t felt in a long time. 
Often he would check over the email for that week’s game schedule then file the email away. His new gang of misfit parents would mock the over ridiculous links in the emails or the fact that they received a new one every day. Joe always sent a meme or two about them, while Rami commented on the complete lack of email etiquette. ‘It’s too many emails and too many people hit Reply All instead of reply. It is chaotic!’ Rami had sent in their group chat. ‘I think its nice to keep us informed with the same information that we knew yesterday.’ Lucy had added. Gwil finally being able to put a face to the name as he met Rami’s other half at the first football game of the year. She was blonde, slim, and in a way almost fairy like. Her movements were graceful but she had this hidden strength to her. Rami and Lucy complimented each other well. Rami was a computer engineer, who like Gwil, could do most of his work from home. Lucy, on the other hand, was a certified midwife and a nurse at the local OBGYN. Often traveling between the hospital and the doctor office. Their schedules mostly allow for their twin girls’ busy sports schedules to work. Joe ran an accounting firm but swore he was bad at math. He stated he liked the business but preferred leaving the accounting to his dedicated small team of accountants.
Finally, the third absolute truth that Gwilym Lee knew was that Wednesday nights were now his favorite night of the week. It was the only night parents were allowed to stay for the whole practice. This meant about two hours of watching Bri have the most fun and grow into an even stronger, more beautiful young woman. It also meant getting to spend time with his new friends including Y/N.  Y/N had quickly become Gwil’s confidant in all things cheer related. Any question or need he had, she had the answer and was always there with a smile. It was just another reason why Gwil was now harboring a crush on this woman. He and Bri had not seen her coming. He thought he would scrap by with googled information and keep his head down. He would be quiet and lonely,  knowing just enough to get by. 
Yet there was Y/N with her intelligence, her helping hand, and her kind heart. Bri also loved her and Jasmine. She was treated with so much love, respect, and care by Y/N. Gwil found it hard to keep himself from melting every time he was in her gaze. He felt like a teenage boy with a crush. He had confided in Ben who told him to get back on the horse. However, to Gwil, the horse was a twenty foot tall bear that was very hungry. Angela was still on his mind, in his life, in his heart. He saw her every day in the brown eyes of his daughter. He feared that any new relationship he would start would be doomed to be branded as the rebound relationship for the man with the dead wife. Even if he found someone, they had to pass the most important test in his book, being well loved by the most important person in his life, Brianne. He shook away the heavy thoughts as the red light turned green. He pressed his foot on the gas as he continued the drive to practice. Bri and Jasmine chatting in the back of his car. 
Y/N had asked him to pick Jasmine up from school and drive her to practice. Y/N had a meeting with the college board about one of her students. She would meet them at the cheer gym later. Gwil’s mind couldn’t help but wander to Y/N. He hoped her meeting went well. He knew in just the short few weeks of knowing her that her job meant a tremendous amount to her. Professor Y/L/N had a very nice ring to it. His mind wandering further to dirtier thoughts. If they were ever to be together would she let him play the teacher's pet. His fantasy slowly took form in his head when Bri’s voice snapped him back to reality. 
“Dad?” No answer came from the driver’s seat. “Earth to dad. Father?” She laughed. Gwil pushed all X rated thoughts from his mind and looked to the rear view. 
“Hmm?” He answered, putting on a small smile to show her that he has really been paying attention the whole time. 
“Could Jasmine and Ms. Y/L/N come to dinner with us?” Bri asked sweetly. The two had joined them for dinner every Wednesday night since that first practice. 
“Please Mr. Lee!” Jasmine used the same sweet voice. Gwil rubbed his jaw with his free hand as the two girls started repeating the world please. 
“Please please please please please please please please please please please please please!” Bri and Jasmine begged together. Gwilym laughed, smiling. 
“It is fine with me but we will have to ask your aunt, Jasmine, when we see her.” He said.  Both girls cheered happily as they looked at each other. 
“Of course Mr. Lee!” Jasmine smiled. “Aunt Y/N likes getting dinner with you and Bri.” Jasmine said. Gwil felt his cheeks heat up for a moment. This came as a surprise to him in a way. Sure he knew she cared about their friendship but maybe this meant she also felt something more for him. He quickly pushed this thought away, no it wasn’t a good time for him to get into a new relationship. I’m not ready. His thoughts continued his mantra. 
“Well we like having dinner with both of you as well, dear.” He answered her. Jasmine’s smile grew. She was a wonderful little girl who Gwilym had grown to care for. She didn’t know what she was doing for Brianne, but Gwil did and how it helped her improve immensely. He had known his daughter had tried to hide her sadness from him. It was something she tried to do to prove she was strong like Angela but she didn’t need to. Gwil and her grandparents knew that Brianne had every ounce of Angela’s strength tenfold. 
As he pulled into the parking lot of the cheer gym he saw Y/N’s Jeep had not yet arrived. He also didn’t see Joe’s or Rami’s cars either which meant he would be alone. He would most likely have to face yet another conversation with Karen. Or he could just hide out in his car until his friends arrived. He shook his head for a moment, he had to go inside, he could handle this. As both young girls made their way inside, Gwil followed behind them making sure both safely got in the building. 
He signed both in at the desk where the young man who Gwil had learned was one of the coaches’ sons sat. He gave the teenaged boy a wave before moving to his usual spot in the bleachers. He had settled into the groove of sitting with everyone, Gwil sat on a lower bench due to his height, while Y/N sat on the bleacher bench above him so she could make eye contact easier. Rami would sit above her and then Joe would sit beside her, the four almost making a little diamond of security. His blue eyes looked around the room before he spotted her. 
Karen was talking to some of the other team parents, her eyes scanning the room for him. He dropped his head down trying to hide himself from her.
“Oh Gwilym!” She exclaimed, moving to him. Gwil sat up straight, damn he had been caught. He politely smiled and nodded. Please don’t come over, please don’t come over, please don’t come over… He repeated in his head, it was too little too late. She made her way over to his place of peace and quiet. 
“Hello Mrs. Digumi.” He said politely. Her smile grew. Damn, his British charm. She stood in front of him. 
“Please call me Karen.” She smiled still. “I wanted to ask how everything was going with Brianne. She is quite the little cheerleader. One of the best on the squad. Almost as good as my little McKenna.” 
“Thank you. I will tell her that later. She certainly seems to be enjoying it and that makes me happy.” He said honestly, maybe he was wrong about Karen. 
“You should have her over for a play date with my McKenna. You and I can exchange parenting tips or tips of some other kind.” She batted her heavily mascaraed eyes at him. He gulped softly. 
“I will have to talk to Bri about it and get back to you Mrs. Dig-Karen.” He corrected himself. 
“I am just saying Brianne seems like a very sweet girl and you don’t want her to get in with the wrong crowd before middle school. Popularity is key and my little McKenna is going to be one of the most popular girls in school. Just like I was. If Brianne settles herself with the likes of those children, her social life is over and I don’t want that for her or for you. Popularity is everything.” She said as she sat next to him. No, he wasn’t wrong about Karen.
Wrong crowd? What the hell, they are children not teenagers. He thought to himself before defending the children of his friends. Popularity is everything. What a bunch of bullocks. 
“Jasmine, Joey, and Selma are good kids. They are smart, fun, courteous, kind and they are Bri’s friends. They were the first ones to welcome her with open arms,” He said. Gwil was a bit taken aback that a grown woman would say something like that about ten year olds. If Bri and Jasmine weren’t on the mat about 50 feet away, he would have forgotten his manners and let Karen have it. 
“I don’t appreciate you talking that way about my friends’ children or about your child’s fellow teammates.”   He continued, his tone was serious and sharp. Her eyes went wide as she heard the manner in which he spoke. 
“Oh! I didn’t mean the kids! I meant, um, the parents.” She was quick to backtrack and try to fix her mistake. Her chance with the Welsh man slipping away. “Gwilly, you are new to all of this. I should have specified that I meant that if Brianne settles herself with the likes of the parents of those children, her social life is over. You both deserve so much but you are still so naive, honey.” 
“My name is Gwilym.” He stated. She had called him Gwilly, a nickname that Angela would lovingly call him after a few glasses of wine. How dare this woman even try to put herself in the same realm of love as his wife. 
“I am so sorry honey.” She smiled to try to cover up the large hole she had dug for herself. “Like I was saying to you that first practice those parents you have chosen to bond with don’t understand the mustang way.” It was clear to Gwilym that Karen intended to keep digging. “Especially Y/N, I mean she likes to pretend she was a good cheerleader because she was once a national champion herself. But she was the worst one of that team, I should know, I did date her brother.” Karen said as jealousy slipped between each word. It was clear to her that Gwilym cared more for Y/N than he would ever care for her. “They carried her to the gold medal and she got the recognition for it like everyone else. Even made her brother break up with me, how dare she. That bitch.” That was the final straw for him.  
“I am going to stop you right there, Mrs. Diguimi. I do not want to hear you ever bad mouth my friends or their children. Please understand I am friendly with you because I have to be. You are the team mom and I do not really like having issues with anyone. However, my daughter is the only reason I am here. Y/N, Joe, Lucy and Rami plus their amazing children came as an incredible bonus to all of this. You did not.” He said calmly. “Now please step away from me and know, this is the last conversation we will have that is not about fundraising or cheering information. I do not take kindly to people belittling others or their children for their own personal benefit. Thank you and have a good night.” 
Karen let out a breath of air through her nose, standing up quickly. Moving from the bleachers, staring him down. 
“Oh I understand.” Her voice dripped with sweetly sickening venom. “If you ever change your mind I am right over there with the good parents.” She moved to the other waiting ‘Stepford Stangs’. Gwil let out a long breath as a smile appeared on his lips. God, how good it felt to let her have it and god how he wished Y/N had seen him. She would be so proud once he told her. It was the sudden sound of two voices that drew him away from his fantasy. 
“I see you are on the list now.” Rami said as he and Joe joined Gwilym in the bleachers. 
“List?” He asked, tilting his head curiously. 
“I’ll let Joe explain.” Rami smiled. 
“It is Karen Diguimi’s way of saying you are cancelled until you apologize.” Joe smirked. “We just caught the tail end of what you were saying but from what we heard, it was fucking brilliant.” He said quietly enough for just the three men to hear. “Welcome to the list. I have been on it since the ‘I won’t let my underage child wash stranger’s cars in the shortest shorts debacle of last summer season.” Joe said. 
“Rami, how did you end up on the list? It seems like she likes you the most out of all of us.” Gwil asked. Rami chuckled. 
“I once asked her if the pom poms for adults were necessary at a competition because it was just one extra thing to carry.” 
“That’s not too bad.”
“She also hates my wife.”
“Ah, I see.”
“So we both reside on the list with Joe and Y/N.”
“What did Y/N do to get on the list?”
“What hasn’t she done to get on the list?” Joe laughed. “First it was being Dominic Y/L/N’s little sister during high school. Then it was becoming Jasmine’s key guardian when he died, then it was a few other arbitrary things I don’t remember, but most recently, it was getting you to be our friend instead of hers.” Joe said. 
“It’s a rite of passage to get on the list.” Rami said. All three men laughed as Gwil felt more at peace than ever before. Even though Karen had basically verbally bashed children in front of him and badmouthed Y/N, she did provide one key piece of vital information. Y/N as a former national champion for the Mustangs, maybe even on the same squad as his late wife. He marked it in his brain to ask her later. 
As practice started and the three men continued their conversation, still no Y/N. Part of Gwilym began to worry that something bad had happened. He checked his phone to see if she had called or texted but nothing. He tried to push the worry to the back of his mind as Joe began to talk about the upcoming competition this weekend. It was the same thing Bri had not stopped talking about for the past week. Even as he got her and Jasmine into the car today, they talked about their nervous excitement for it. 
Joe was going to ride up with Rami and Lucy. Figuring Gwil would want to carpool with Y/N. Actually all three of them, Joe, Rami, and Lucy, hoped something would blossom between the two. 
“Oh I hadn’t even thought to ask her. It is probably too late, I will just drive up myself.” He said he was a bit disappointed he hadn’t asked. 
“She’ll say yes if you do ask.” Rami smled. 
“She might not.” Gwil continued. 
“Oh no, she will definitely say yes.” Joe smiled slyly. Both men looked at each like they both held the same secret that Gwil wasn’t privy to. It was at that moment Y/N moved into the gym still in her work clothes. Her blazer that was once covering the purple silk blouse, was replaced by a jean jacket. She wore black slacks and black vans. 
“I don’t drive in heels, I don’t want to be responsible for that many lives.” She had told him their first Wednesday night dinner out with the girls. He knew that she kept a pair of black lace up vans in her Jeep for the drive home from the university. 
“Speak of the Devil and she shall appear.” Joe teased her as she sat in her usual spot. She laughed and Gwil’s heart skyrocketed into flight. 
“Ha ha. Good to see you, Mozzarella.” She snarked. 
“That’s Mr. Mozzarella to you.” Joe answered. Both tossing their heads back gently and laughed. There went Gwil’s pulse racing for a moment. 
“Did I miss anything?” 
“Gwil’s on the list.” 
“Oh hell yeah!”
“How? Tell me! I have to know how Karen’s little lust for you somehow got you on the list.”
“Karen’s little what?” Gwil said. 
“Dude, she wanted to bone you.” Joe said. “Hard.”
“Bone?” He asked.
“Sleep with you, knock boots, cherry pick, dude I know too analogies for sex.”
“She’s married!” Gwil exclaimed quietly to the group. 
“Hasn’t stopped her before.” Y/N said. “Anyway, tell me how you got on the list.” 
Gwilym began to tell the story of her confrontation with Karen. His own smile grew as he watched Y/N’s own smile grow as he got to the words match. 
“Mr. Lee you are bloody brilliant.” She said, her hand rubbed his arm for a moment before she withdrew it. Gwil blushed. 
“It was nothing.”
“This is cause for celebration. You being on the list. We will all go out kid free and celebrate soon.” Joe said. 
“Sounds good to me.” Rami agreed. Y/N nodded, her eyes looking up and waving to Jasmine as the girl waved back. 
“Hey Y/N, did you know Gwilym here was going to drive to Trenton all alone?” Joe stated. Gwil’s eyes went wide as he looked at the man over Y/N’s shoulder. He felt his cheeks heat up.
“Really?” She asked.
“Yeah. He was going to drive by himself.”
“Why don’t you ride with me? It isn’t as long as a drive if you have a partner.” She offered him. Her Y/E/C eyes meeting his blue. A small smile on her lips.
“Um, you won’t mind?” He asked shyly. 
“No, it will be a treat to spend time with you alone.” She said honestly, all the room felt almost like it was silent around them. Joe and Rami watching the two just share prolonged eye contact. Gwil could almost swear there was a light pink tinge on her cheeks as well. 
“Then it's all set. I’d love to ride with you.” He smiled. The tinge got a bit darker. 
Joe poked his head between the two, “Is your, um, neighbor coming?” He asked her. His voice was almost giddy, like Gwil’s when he talked about Y/N on the phone to Ben. Who was this woman  that was making Joe act like the same lovestruck teenager he was?
“Oh no. Unfortunately, Jolene had one of her advanced painting classes rescheduled to Saturday. It is too much money to miss out on but she promised Jasmine she was coming to Regionals.” Y/N said as she raked her hair up into a messy ponytail. 
“Oh.” Joe’s smile faded quickly. 
“You know you could just ask her out. She likes you too.” Y/N patted her friend’s shoulder. Joe shook his head. 
“The divorce is still too fresh to Joey. It wouldn’t be fair to him for me to get involved with someone new so soon after his mother and I split up.” Joe admitted. Gwilym understood that point. A divorce was a similar loss to a child as a parent passing. Everything became different over night for them, changing so suddenly. Joe and his ex were friendly enough to a point for the sake of their son. The one thing that will keep them forever linked. 
“Okay honey. One day though, Joey is just going to want his dad to be happy.” She said with a soft smile to their friend. Joe just nodded looking over at his son. 
How Karen could ever call this wonderful woman a bitch was past Gwilym’s arena of thought. He looked at Y/N and smiled. God how beautiful she is even in the lighting of this gym. He thought to himself. As more time passed for the practice, the three experienced cheer parents told Gwilym everything he would need to know to be ready for Saturday. How he would have to have Brianne ready before 6 am to get her to the gym so that the team could take a bus together to the arena before driving there with Y/N. He would have to make sure he paced enough bobby pins, snacks, water, everything. His worry level that he would mess this all up grew. Especially the idea that he would have to do her hair in a high slick back ponytail. Brianne had hair like her mom’s thick and wavy, he could barely get it into braids without at least three Youtube tutorials. 
“How about this? I bring Jasmine over at like 5. I can do both of their hair and you can make sure they have enough snacks?” Y/N offered, once again being the incredible person that she was. 
“Please. I fear what I would do to my poor girl’s head.” He said honestly. 
“I think you would be fine, but the first competition is the scariest for both the parent and the cheerleader.” 
“It will put not only my mind at rest but Bri’s mind too. Thank you Y/N.” 
“Anything for you, Gwil.” She smiled. “Oh and um, thanks for standing up for the kids earlier with Karen. She can talk all the crap she wants about me but Jasmine doesn’t deserve that. It means a lot to me and it shows me how wonderful of a human being you are.” She said before turning her attention back to the mat. His heart raced again. God, Wednesday nights really were his favorite. 
80 notes ¡ View notes
illfoandillfie ¡ 5 years
Countdown To Christmas
Pairing: Lucy Boynton x Reader x Gwilym Lee
Summery: When Gwilym reveals he has no plans for Christmas Day, you and Lucy invite him to spend it with you.
Warnings: SMUT (18+), Christmas themed girlfriend fluff, orgasm denial/edging, threesome (obv.), dom/sub/dom dynamic, oral sex (m and f receiving), spanking, sex toys - vibrator and strap-on, a teeny tiny bit of cumplay
Words: 9020 (jesus)
A/N: This is my secret santa gift for @laedymoon​ for @dtfrogertaylor​ ‘s Thank God It’s Christmas event! El, I got very excited when I found out I was going to be writing for you! You are my tumblr daughter/wife and I love you so much. I had a lot of fun writing this (I really don’t write either Gwil or Lucy enough) and I really hope you enjoy it!! 
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Taglist:  @laedymoon​  @dtfrogertaylor​   @ezmina98​  @vee-ndetta​ @atomic-watermelon​ @kellypenac​ @labessieisallama​ @deakyclicks​ @jennyggggrrr​ @drowseoftaylor​  @hannafuckingsucks​  @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming​ @queenmylovely​ @supersonicfreddie​
Normally you didn’t leave gift buying so late but this year things just seemed to have slipped away from you. To be fair, a lot of the big things you’d already bought. Your parents were taken care of, and Lucy. And besides, you didn’t really mind heading into the city so close to Christmas. It made you feel festive, especially as the sun faded and the strings of lights decorating each street and shopfront came to life. Aside from the crowds of people hurrying to finish their shopping, it was quite lovely. Light snowfall, a line of kids waiting to get their photo taken with Father Christmas, a choir huddled together singing carols. It just made you more excited for the actual day. You shook your head and squeezed Lucy’s hand as you tried to remind yourself that you weren’t there for the festive ambience, you had things to do.
Together you and Lucy entered Harrods, heading straight for their Christmas display. You were mostly looking for smaller items, fun and maybe a little gimmicky, for the friends you were likely to see over the holiday season and your neighbours, a thank you for collecting your mail while you and Lucy had been away earlier in the year. “D’you think Pam and Harry would like a cookbook?” you asked Lucy as you browsed one of the tables of “Gifts For Her” the store had laid out. “I don’t think they’re that big into cooking. What about this cocktail set? See it’s got a shaker and a couple of flavours,” “Isn’t Harry a teetotaller?” “Oh, shit you’re right, okay forget that. Maybe a puzzle?” Lucy laughed as she pulled the suggestion out of thin air, giving you a look that plainly said Lord I don’t know. You were about to suggest searching in a different part of the store, hoping something would leap out at you as the perfect gift, when a voice caught your attention. “Lucy? Y/N?” “Gwil!” Lucy smiled as the tall, bearded man came over, “Fancy running into you here.” “Finishing your shopping?” “Yeah” you said, “thankfully almost done. What about you?” “I’ve been given a slight reprieve this year. Not doing the whole big family thing we had planned.” “Oh no, what happened?” “Oh it’s not that bad Luce. My parents decided they wanted to spend the holidays somewhere warmer so they’re on a cruise in the pacific right now. And then my brother’s family have all come down with some sort of cold or flu or something, so we’ve all decided to save our festivities until new year's. It’s great though, means I haven’t had to rush buying presents or anything, only looking for something for my niece and nephew now.” “So you’ll be alone on Christmas? Why don’t you come over to ours instead?” “I couldn’t intrude like that,” “Don’t be daft, not intruding if we invited you,” Lucy laughed, “Seriously, it’s just going to be me and Y/N all day. We’re going to my parents for Boxing Day lunch but other than that it’s just the two of us and we’ve already bought more food than we could possibly get through on our own.” “You really don’t mind?” “Of course not Gwil! You’re practically family anyway. We’d have invited Ben too but Y/N spoke to him last week and he’s already got plans.” “Alright, you’ve twisted my arm, I’ll be there.”
You chatted to Gwilym for a little longer before he left you to wander around in search of suitable presents once more. Both you and Lucy agreed you should get him something too, although, distracted by other people’s gifts and a little worn out from having to navigate the crowds, it ended up slipping your mind. It wasn’t until you were at home, sitting on your living room floor wrapping your haul that you realised. “Hey what happened to that book about the Welsh rugby team? The one we were going to give Gwil?” you asked as you finished writing on the gift tag of the present you’d just wrapped. “I thought we decided he’d already read it and left it behind.” You looked over at the small Christmas shrine you’d created. With only the two of you, and your house being more cosy than spacious, you’d decided not to worry about the whole big tree thing. Instead you’d bought a kitschy fiber-optic tree that was small enough to sit on a little table and surrounded it with tinsel, a few cards you’d received and a candle that smelt like Christmas pudding. There was enough space under the table to stack the few presents you’d be opening come Christmas morning. Each of you had two to open, something naughty and something nice, a decision you’d made as soon as you realised you’d not be seeing anyone else all day. “We have to get him something.” “Okay but I’m not going back into the city two days out from Christmas. It’ll be mad and everything’ll be sold out.” “Well what do you suggest then Luce?” She furrowed her brow as she thought for a moment and then she looked at you. “I know that look Lucy, whatever your idea is it’s dangerous.” “Not dangerous. Risky maybe.” “Spit it out then,” “What if we gave him a threesome?” You laughed but stopped when you realised she wasn’t, “Bullshit, you’re not serious are you?” “Well I’m sure he’d like it. Isn’t it every guy’s dream to have a threesome with two girls?” “I wasn’t saying he wouldn’t like it. Just didn’t expect that to be your first idea. You really thought threesome before you thought of the weird little shop up the road?” “That shop wouldn’t have anything Gwil liked, it’s all incense and crystals and hippie stuff. And you have to admit it’s a hot idea. He’s hot. Can’t say I haven’t thought about it before and I know you have too.” “Okay true I have.” “Good, so we’re doing it?” You considered for a moment, “Fuck it why not. It would be the best type of present since it’ll be as fun for us as it is for him. So then how to we give it to him? Like just blurt it out when he arrives or, a piece of paper that says redeem for one free threesome or something?” you laughed and shook your head at the slightly ridiculous turn the conversation had taken. “What about a little coupon book? Then we can give him some other things too in case he doesn’t actually want a threesome. Wait here,” Lucy pushed herself to her feet and ran off down the hall. You listened, bemused, as she opened and closed cupboards, rifling through them and pulling various things free, only returning when her arms were full. She dropped back to the floor next to you and laid everything out. Scissors, a stapler, a stack of paper, coloured pens. “Love, your artsy farsty, you wanna design a cover for the coupons? And then maybe write some things out in nice lettering?” Lucy pushed the pens towards you with her toes as she began mocking up a template to use as a size reference. You plugged your phone into some speakers and shuffled your Christmas playlist, both of you singing along as you set to work creating Gwilym’s present. By the time you were done you had a very cute little book of coupons, suitably decorated with festive colours and a little bit of glitter you’d remembered you had. Inside were ten coupons ranging from One Free Hug to One Free Threesome. You stood up and stretched as Lucy wrapped it and added it to the pile under your little tree.
Lucy had splodges of batter over her shirt, a mishap with the electric mixer, and flour smudged across her nose and cheek, entirely your doing. She’d got you back, a smear of brown sugar over your forehead though you rubbed it in and thanked her for the exfoliant. Her attempts to act unimpressed, making a big show of rolling her eyes and telling you to get back to work, were admirable but the giggle gave her away. The kitchen itself wasn’t faring much better, splatters of butter and flour and sugar littering the bench and a few spots of the batter that covered Lucy’s shirt also decorating the walls. It was a shame really since you’d spent most of the day cleaning, intending on having the place spotless for when Gwilym arrived. “Is it meant to be that sticky?” Lucy asked over the Christmas playlist you’d once again put on, trying to compare the recipe on her phone to the concoction currently sitting in a blob on the bench, “I thought it was supposed to be firmer?” “Maybe it’ll fix itself as you knead it,” you shrugged, “just put down some extra flour.” “Maybe Gwil will bring some store bought gingerbread with him and save us from ourselves,” “It’s not that bad, look,” you grabbed an extra handful of flour, scattering it over the dough and bench, coating your palms in the remnants. Lucy took a step back, “those come no where near me Y/N, I swear,” You held your white palms up to her innocently before taking to the dough, pushing and pulling it until it began to form a smooth ball which you placed on the beeswax wrap Lucy laid out, “see, nothing to worry about.” “S’pose we’ll find out for sure in half an hour when we roll it out.” She took the wrapped up dough from your hand and placed it in the fridge, “Siri, set a timer for thirty minutes.” While her back was turned you began tidying up the sack of dirty dishes, collecting a little of the mixture that still clung to the edge of the bowl on your thumb, “You don’t have to wait that long,” “Wasn't it half an hour? I’m sure that’s what the recipe said.” As Lucy turned eyes on her phone, trying to find the right part of the recipe, you caught her, sliding your thumb across her bottom lip and spreading the sticky batter there. She looked shocked for a minute before her tongue darted out to taste it, “okay, that’s really good,” a grin spread out across her face as she took a step towards you, and then another, and another, backing you up against the bench. One of her hands fell to your waist as the other cupped your cheek and she brought her lips to yours. You hummed, sucking some of the sweet spiced mixture off her lip. “What do you think?” “Yeah we nailed it,” “Mmhmm, good,” Lucy reached behind you, running her finger along the side of the bowl, collecting more of the leftovers. Slowly she slipped the finger between your lips, biting her own as she watched you suck it clean.
By the time the alarm went off Lucy was sitting on the clean part of the bench, your hands resting on her thighs as you made out. The rude beeping blasted through the jazzy rendition of White Christmas, and your moment, making you spring apart in surprise. Lucy, face flushed and demeanour flustered, giggled as she reached to turn off the alarm, “effective way of killing time,” “Could keep killing time, perhaps in the bedroom,” you trailed your finger over her thigh as you spoke. “But the dough’s ready, we can roll it out now.” “The dough will still be there in a couple of hours.” Lucy raised an eyebrow. “An hour? Half an hour? Fifteen minutes?” “C’mon,” she slipped off the bench, “grab the cutters, would you?” “Not even fifteen minutes?” you waited but Lucy didn’t say anything, “Fine, s’pose baking is almost as fun,” You turned to dig around in the draw for the cutters Lucy had bought. You managed to find them as Lucy lay out more flour and picked up the rolling pin, two cutters shaped like men, one like a Christmas tree and one like a heart. Together you pressed them out and lay them out on the baking trays, occasionally sneaking bits of the raw dough into your mouths. “They look really good,” Lucy said as she placed the last one on the tray. “They’ll look even better when they’re cooked,” “Ha ha ha. Just for that you can stick them in the oven and keep an eye on them while I go have a shower.” “Sure you wouldn’t rather I join you?” you traced your fingers lightly along her shoulder, hooking them under the strap of her bra. Without warning you pulled the strap away from her and let it go, making her squeal as it snapped back against her skin. “You’re a shocker, Y/N.” “You’re the one who put her fingers in my mouth so really I think this is on you.” “Just don’t let them burn.”
For a few minutes you stayed in the kitchen, scrolling through your Instagram feed, liking a few friends' posts about their own holiday activities, as you absentmindedly hummed along to the music. But that got old fast. Figuring you’d smell the biscuits burning if anything went wrong you left the timer ticking in the kitchen and headed out to the lounge room. The Christmas shrine caught your eye. Surely it wouldn’t matter if you had a little peek. Not even a peek, just a rattle. Just to see if you could guess what Lucy had got you. It wasn’t like you were going to unwrap it early, just play a little guessing game with yourself. You tiptoed a few steps closer to the bathroom door, listening to make sure the water was still running and then, having decided the coast was clear, you scurried back towards the tree. Carefully picking up the smaller of the two gifts baring your name, you examined the tag. A red dot. The naughty present. It was in a box, that much you could tell, but it didn’t help you narrow it down much. The size of the box didn’t really give anything away either. It was just an average sized box that could hold any number of naughty items. You gave it an experimental shake. And then, when you didn’t hear anything move, another shake, harder than the first. Still nothing. Perhaps that meant it was made from a soft material, or perhaps Lucy knew you’d try to figure out what she got you and intentionally packaged it so as to limit its movement. Either way, there were too many possibilities for you to work out what it was, so you put it back and reached for the nice present. “And what are you doing?” Lucy’s voice startled you. “Just rearranging, making sure the pile was steady.” “Sure, that’s believable.” “Oh come on Luce,” you turned around on your knees, “not like I was doing anything bad,” “Trying to work out what I got you for Christmas isn’t bad?” “No, it’s not. I’d say it’s perfectly reasonable.” “Well I’d say it’s impatient. Little bit bratty,” You bit your lip, your breath hitching with the word. You knew what bratty meant. “But you’ve been a little impatient all day haven’t you. Wanting to get me into bed before we finished baking. So maybe you need to learn how to wait. And you can start by waiting for me on the bed. No clothes and no touching.” You made to stand up but Lucy just tutted at you. “Didn’t say you could walk, you know how much I like looking at your bum.” With an eyeroll you dropped back to your knees and began crawling towards the bedroom door.
Lucy made you wait for fifteen whole minutes before she followed you into the bedroom. “Luce, what the hell took you so long?” you asked, leaning against the headboard. It had taken every ounce of self-control you had to not touch yourself and you were already feeling antsy, ready for more. “Had to pull the biscuits out since you decided to misbehave before they were done,” she crossed the room, heading towards your cupboard and dug around inside for a moment. When she turned around she held a vibrator in her hand, “And you’re learning a lesson about patience, lucky I didn’t make you wait even longer.” You groaned, suspecting where things were headed. Lucy just chuckled as she moved towards the bed, dropping the vibrator onto the sheets as she kneeled beside you and pushed your legs open. Slowly she ran a finger through your folds, “Already wet for me. Good girl. You ready?” “Yes,” your voice sounded airier than normal, even to your own ears. With one hand she tugged on your hair, making you tilt your head back so she could capture your lips, continuing the kisses from earlier. Her other hand remained between your legs, fingers dragging through the slick and spreading it over and around your clit. You whined at the contact, hoping that if you sounded enticing enough Lucy might forget her plans to punish you. It didn’t work. Her fingers pressed against you firmly, drawing you closer and closer to the edge, leaving you panting against her lips, and whining when she pulled her hand away. “Patience, my love.” “You’ve got that look again. I’m not going to get off tonight, am I?” “Clever girl. Don’t think you’ll be getting off before Christmas Day.” “Lucy,” you whined, but she just laughed, leaning back to remove her own shirt. “Weren’t you wearing a bra before? Distinctly remember snapping the shoulder strap.” “Couldn’t be bothered after the shower. Figured you were going to take it off anyway but then of course I found you being so naughty,” Once more her fingers found your clit, “and my plans changed.” You could feel the familiar tingle creeping up, your hips shifting automatically in an attempt to find more friction. Christmas Day suddenly seemed an age away and you weren’t sure you could wait that long. Perhaps if you distracted Lucy enough, she wouldn’t realise how close you were getting, and you’d be able to steal an orgasm. Licking your lips, you directed your attention to her chest, dragging your tongue along one of her breasts before sucking her nipple into your mouth. Her fingers faltered for a split second and her breath hitched but she didn’t stop. Christmas music floated from the kitchen where it was still playing, but neither of you were in any frame of mind to think about changing the playlist. The sound was punctured by your muffled moan as Lucy pulled you towards the edge, followed by a soft squeak from Lucy herself, as you reach up to tweak one nipple, and drew circles with your tongue round the other. For a moment you thought your plan had worked, that Lucy was distracted enough, but then she pulled her hand away, making you whine and release her breast. “Awww, baby thought she’d get what she wanted?” Lucy mocked, taking your chin in hand. “Maybe,” “Baby was wrong,” she let go of your chin, tapping your cheek twice, “Think we’ll do one more for now.” Before you could say anything in return Lucy had picked up the vibrator and pressed it to your clit. You hissed as she turned it on low, your clit on the verge of being sensitive. It took less time for you to reach the edge again, a combination of the vibrator’s stimulation and how much you’d already endured. She waited until the last possible moment before she pulled the vibrator away, leaving you panting the word please as you tried to grind against thin air. “You’re done, for the moment at least. Might give you a few more before I let you go to sleep,” as she spoke Lucy stood and kicked off her pants and underwear, “But now it’s my turn. Here, hold this.” You took the vibrator from her, tempted to quickly use it on yourself, consequences be damned. Instead you waited. “Oh, good girl. You’re learning,” “Does that get me a reward?” Lucy laughed, “Bold. But yes, alright. It’s not the reward you want though, just a kiss,” she tapped your leg, indicating you should close them, and straddled your waist. You let her pull your arm into position, so the vibrator pressed against her pussy, and turned it on. She hummed as it came to life and brought her lips to yours. Each moan and whine she made was swallowed by you, the kiss only getting deeper and sloppier as she rocked her hips against the buzzing machine. It was close enough to your own skin that you could feel it’s pulsing, but nowhere near close enough to give you any real pleasure. Instead you had to be content with Lucy’s fingernails digging into your shoulder, her teeth scraping over your lip, her legs beginning to tremble as she hovered over you. Her lips parted from yours as she repeated the word yes over and over, her breaths gasped in between, culminating in a long moan as she hit her climax, shuddering through it. “Oh god,” she whined, grabbing your wrist to push the vibrator away. You turned it off as her head fell to your shoulder, still panting as she came down from her high. “You sure you don’t want to watch me cum like that?” “Positive,” she giggled into your shoulder. “Damn.” “Come on, we should get up, gotta finish tidying the kitchen and then I think it’s cheesy Christmas movie time.”
You weren’t entirely sure if the morning started off good or bad. On one hand, you woke up with Lucy’s fingers sliding through your slick folds. On the other, she edged you twice, resolutely sticking to her plan to keep you denied until Christmas. You considered that morning to be when she broke you. Of course, you’d played with denial before but for the most part it only lasted however long it took for Lucy to cum two or three times and then she’d take pity on you. The most you’d done was one day and that wasn’t even by design, just an accident while you’d been staying with your parents for a weekend. So the previous evening it had all seemed like a game, a joke even. Surely she was stringing you along. You’d not worried if you came across as bratty, confident that by the time you were hoping into bed she’d give in. Now though, after she’d sent you to sleep with another edge and then woken you up with two more…perhaps she was serious. You were rapidly losing confidence that it would end on Christmas Day, half convinced she was having too much fun to actually let you cum ever again. The idea that she was going to keep you wet and desperate for days rather than hours was scary and overwhelmingly erotic. Knowing that no matter how many times you asked, no matter if you got down on your knees and begged for it, she wasn’t going to give in, only made the need grow. When she was satisfied with the way you whined please she lay down and spread her own legs, telling you it was time you repaid her generosity. “Could have edged you more, kept going until you were so sensitive you were begging me to stop. But I didn’t. So how about you show me some gratitude,” Perhaps it was because a part of you hoped good behaviour would earn you a shorter punishment, or perhaps you just wanted something to take your mind off the way your clit was throbbing, but either way you were laying between her legs within seconds, without so much as a muttered comment about unfairness.  
Despite the uncertain beginnings, Christmas Eve went well. The morning was spent decorating the gingerbread you’d made the previous day, a process just as sticky as the actual biscuit dough had been, especially since there was a small mishap with the red food colouring that left a stain on the benchtop. But eventually you had a decent selection of coloured icings set out in piping bags as well as decorative sprinkles and the like. You and Lucy let your artistic sides take over as you gave the gingerbread men faces and buttons and sometimes hats or scarves. Silver and gold balls adorned the trees like little baubles and Lucy used the sprinkles on a few of the hearts to spell out yours, Gwilym’s and her own initials. When you were done you carefully packed most of them away into a Tupperware box to keep them safe, though you picked out a few of the funnier looking ones to snack on while you watched another cheesy movie.
Halfway through the movie the phone rang. “I’ll get it,” you said, pushing yourself off the couch. Lucy’s hand had been wandering higher and higher up your thigh for the last few minutes and you had already begun to feel the heat in your cheeks rising. The phone call was a good excuse to calm down a little before she could have you begging again. “Hello?” you said into the receiver. “Y/N? Hi, it’s Gwilym.” “Oh! Gwil, hi! You’re not calling to cancel tomorrow are you?” you turned to lean against the wall as you spoke, watching Lucy as she watched you. “No, no, the opposite actually. Wanted to make sure you’re still okay to have me,” You held back a giggle at the unintentional double entendre although you gave Lucy a look, pumping your eyebrows, “of course we’re okay to have you,” “Excellent, really looking forward to it,” “So are we. It’s going to be fun,” Lucy laughed, and you had to cover the receiver so Gwilym wouldn’t hear you struggling not to join her. “I should have asked this when I saw you the other day but do you want me to bring anything?” “Oh um, I think we’re all good for lunch. We’ve got turkey and a few different sides. Plus a Christmas Pudding and we’ve just finished decorating some gingerbread biscuits. If you want you could bring another bottle of wine or two, or maybe some mince pies, but if you can’t be bothered don’t worry about it.” “Wine and pies, think I can handle that.” “Seriously, only if it’s no trouble. We’ve probably got way too much food and drink as is and you will definitely be leaving with some leftovers.” “What’s Christmas without plenty of leftovers? I’ll be happy to take as much as you want to part with, anything if it means I don’t have to cook or go grocery shopping for a few more days.” You did laugh at that. “Anyway, I should let you get back to whatever you were doing,” “Watching Christmas movies,” “I caught Love Actually on TV Last night, still holds up.” “So did we! Absolute classic,” Gwilym’s laugh crackled through the receiver, “Definitely a classic. Oh! Almost forgot, what time do you want me there?” “How about elevenish? Should give us time for a pre-lunch drink.” “Sounds great. Thanks again for inviting me, I’ll see you tomorrow,” “It’s our pleasure! See you then,” you hung up the phone and turned back to the couch, “Gwil just wanted to know if he should bring anything.” “Yeah I gathered,” You dropped back into your seat and Lucy’s hand went straight back to where it had been before you answered the phone, as if there was a magnet pulling her towards your thigh.
By the time the credits were rolling you’d lost track of which movie you’d been watching, too preoccupied with how badly you wanted to cum. “Please Lucy, please.” “Stop asking, it’s not going to happen.” “Can you at least fuck me properly? Keep edging me, I’ll be good and I won’t complain, but I need you to do more than rub my clit, please.” “You want me to finger you hard and fast? Or maybe you want to be fucked with my stap? Wanna feel me deep in your pretty little pussy? “Yes, please,” “You’re really desperate, aren’t you?” she sounded almost surprised by the turn of events. All you could do was nod your agreement, “C’mon Luce, please? You’ll have so much fun and I promise I’ll behave,” Lucy giggled, “I’m already having fun just knowing what a whiny little slut you’ve turned into. And as much as I’d enjoy fucking you, I’m not going to. I want Gwil to see how pathetic you are right now. Besides, you’re way too close and I don’t want to risk you going over.” You whined and let your head hit the back of the couch as Lucy laughed.
You woke before Lucy did, grogginess gone the second you realised what day it was. A glance at the clock told you it was just after 9.00. Carefully you slipped out of bed, pausing when Lucy made a snuffling sound, holding your breath as she snuggled deeper into the warm covers. Careful to skip the squeaky floorboard outside your bedroom door, you tiptoed from the room, thankful you’d had the foresight to slip a pair of socks on as you changed into your pyjamas the night before. As quietly as you could you made your way to the kitchen where the speaker was still set up and grabbed it. Then, just as quietly, you made your way back to the bedroom. With one eye on Lucy’s peaceful figure you set the speaker down and turned the volume up high. You were ready to run the second you hit play on the Christmas playlist, an entirely too loud rendition of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer suddenly filling the room. Lucy damn near screamed in shock, yelling your name as she sprang out of bed and chased you from the room. “Y/N you bitch! I’m so going to get you for that!” You were cackling as she chased you through the house into the living room, stopping with your arms outstretched when you ran out of escape routes. “Wait wait wait,” you said hurridly, almost needing to yell to be heard over the music. “Better say something good or I’m going to have to end you,” “I love you?” Lucy lunged forward and you took a step back, hitting the arm of the couch. On most days you would have been able to duck under her arms and continue running through the house but not today. Today your knees gave way as they hit the arm sending you toppling backwards onto the cushions. Before you could even think to roll off the couch Lucy took the opportunity the universe presented her with and climbed onto your lap, effectively pinning you down. You squealed as she began tickling you. “Luce, god stop, I’m gonna pee my pants,” “You deserve it! That was so mean!” “Bu- ah! - But I’ll ruin the couch,” She stopped suddenly, “Fair point,” You were still panting as you grinned up at her, “Merry Christmas, by the way,” “Merry Christmas,” She said, leaning forward to peck you on the lips. “You gonna let me up?” “Okay but you have to make tea,” “Sure, as long as I can go pee first. I was not joking about that.”
You were just bringing the tea out of the kitchen when Lucy, having turned down the music and brought the speakers out to the living room, called out to you from where she sat on the floor, “Hey, we should open our naughty presents before Gwil gets here,” “Ooo yes, definitely. Here, take this,” you handed her mug down to her, followed by your own mug, “you want some gingerbread?” “A heart please,” “So picky,” you shook your head but collected the requested biscuit anyway. When you returned and took your own seat Lucy handed you the box you’d examined two days previously. You pulled out the gift you’d wrapped for Lucy from the small pile and handed it over. Together you unwrapped your presents, wrapping paper flying as you tore into yours though Lucy was a little more careful. Your gift was a set of silky-smooth lingerie in Egyptian Blue. “Do you like it? I thought the colour would match your eyes,” You ran your fingers over the floaty babydoll, “It’s gorgeous, I love it,” Lucy broke out smiling as she finished unwrapping her own gift, “Well this is interesting,” she began pulling items out of the hamper you’d created, “A candle. Didn’t know you were interested in wax play.” “Not what I had in mind. Mostly just a mood setting thing, but I s’pose your idea could be interesting.” “What else have we got, hot rocks, massage oil,” “Actually, it’s a massage oil slash lube that heats as you rub it in.” “So this is for a sexy massage then,” “Mmmhmm. That’s also why there’s a bullet vibrator is in there.” “Does this mean I can expect you to treat me to a massage sometime?” “Absolutely. I’d say let’s do it right now if Gwil wasn’t coming over.” “Definitely don’t want to be interrupted,” Lucy leaned over to kiss you, “Thank you, it’s lovely and I can’t wait to try some of this stuff out. Maybe I’ll keep you denied until you show me how it all works.”
When Gwilym arrived the presents were safely shut away in the cupboard in your bedroom, the turkey was cooking, and you were on your second lemon, lime and bitters. You opened the door to find him wearing a dorky Christmas sweater and carrying two bottles of wine, a box of Mr Kipling’s Mince Pies, and two packages wrapped up in paper decorated with snowflakes. “Hello hello. Merry Christmas” Gwilym kissed you on the cheek, a few flakes of snow clinging to his beard. “Merry Christmas to you too! Let me take those off you,” you took the wine and led Gwilym through the house to the kitchen, “Can I get you a drink? We’ve got all sorts, bitters, gin, whisky, a bit of champers, some mulled wine going on the stove,” “I’ll start with some of the wine if that’s alright,” “Work your way up to the strong stuff?” “Precisely. Lucy, Merry Christmas,” “And to you Gwil,” she said as he dropped a kiss to her cheek too. “Where can I stick these?” “Presents? Gwil you didn’t have to,” “Oh hush, it’s Christmas, as if I wasn’t going to.” “Fair enough, well, I’ll take the pies, add them to the rest of our goodies. If you take the presents out to the living room, you’ll see where a couple already are. Give me a second to grab a drink and I’ll be out.”
You handed Gwilym his drink and led him out to the small tree, both of you taking a seat as you chatted. Before long Lucy joined you, drink in one hand, box of gingerbread biscuits in the other. As soon as she was seated you got stuck into the presents, torn wrapping paper and excited exclamations flying. The larger present from Lucy that you’d been caught trying to peek at turned out to be a new record player, and the one of Gwilym was a fancy notebook and fountain pen. Lucy loved the vintage hand mirror and set of blush and highlighters you got her, almost spilling your drink as she tackled you with a grateful kiss when she realised it was the mirror she’d seen in an antique store and regretted not buying. She’d gone back for it a week later and found it had been sold. “God I am so glad you finally know!” you laughed as she sat back down and examined it, “You kept going on about it but I’d already bought it and hidden it and I had to stop myself from laughing or spilling the secret every time you brought it up.” Gwilym bought her a book about fashion and style in the 1960s which, while it didn’t elicit quite the same response, was enough to earn him a bright smile and a tight hug. Finally, there was one present left. “That’s yours Gwil, from both of us,” Gwilym wasted no time in unwrapping it, dropping the paper to the ground as he looked at the cover, “Coupons?” “Look inside,” Your stomach felt tight with nerves and you glanced over at Lucy who was subtly shredding a scrap of wrapping paper. With a curious glance at both you and Lucy he began flicking through the pages, “One free hug, nice, a free meal. Do I have to use that to get lunch today?” “No, we’ll give you today free anyway, but you can come back and cash that in any time you like.” “Cheers,” he laughed and kept flicking though. You knew he’d reached the last page by how wide his eyes went. “Does this mean what I think it means?” “If you think it means Lucy and I are inviting you to sleep with us both then yes it does. Do you like it?” “Yes, Christ yes. Do I have to spend it today or is it like the meal one where I’m guaranteed a threesome because it’s Christmas?” “No, that one has to be cashed in I’m sorry.” “Then I’d like to cash it in now, please.” “Right now? You only have one, you sure you want to use it so soon?” Lucy asked. “Positive.” “Don’t want to save it for later tonight,” “Surely we’ll be too full and tipsy to move later,” “Good point.” “So, um,” he seemed a little unsure of how to progress, “how is this going to work?” “Just like sex normally does but there’s an extra person?” “More meant what are your limits and that sort of stuff, Luce” “Yeah I know, was pulling your leg.” She looked over at you as she spoke, “I mean, I think we’re both fine with most things. Nothing too BDSM-y or whatever but Y/N does tend to run more submissive.” You nodded, “Yeah, uh, I guess I like being told what to do, called names, stuff like that. My safeword is red just so you know, not that I think we’ll need it but, better safe than sorry.” Gwil nodded, “And,” his cheeks seemed a little more flushed than before, “this feels kinda weird to talk about but, how….uh, how involved do you want me to be?” “It’s your present Gwil, so as involved as you like.” Lucy seemed a lot more comfortable with the discussion, “ If you’d prefer to watch us that’s cool or if you wanted to fuck us both we’re into that too.” “Okay then, sounds good to me,” “Y/N, love, why don’t you go change into the thing you unwrapped this morning and wait for us in the bedroom. Got some other stuff I want to talk to Gwil about.” With a grin and a racing heart you scurried off to do just that, able to hear Gwil quietly asking what thing?
When you heard the doorknob turn you stood up, the soft material of the baby doll floating around the top of your thigh as you moved. “That’s pretty,” Gwilym said softly, stepping closer to you as Lucy followed him into the room and shut the door behind her, “suits you. Lucy’s got good taste.” “She told you she bought it for me?” “She told me a few interesting things. Like how you’re an impatient little brat who had to be put on denial to be taught a lesson.” Gone was the slightly uncomfortable Gwil from your discussion, now he was all confidence and control. It was a marked difference that made you clench your thighs together. “Oh, that,” “Yes, Gwil knows all about how I’ve been edging you for days now and how pathetically wet it’s made you. I also told him he now gets to choose if and when you cum today.” “What?” you were aghast. With Lucy you’d been maybe eighty-five percent sure she would be true to her word but with Gwil you had no idea what to expect. “That’s right. So you’re going to be a good girl for me, aren’t you?” “Yes,” you nodded emphatically to show how much you meant it making both Lucy and Gwilym laugh. “I told you she was desperate.” “Desperate enough to suck my cock?” Gwilym had spoken more to Lucy than you but you dropped to your knees all the same, beyond caring how eager you appeared or how much they’d mock you for it. “Christ,” Gwilym muttered under his breath and then, addressing you, “When was the last time you sucked dick?” “Umm, depends. I’ve sucked on Lucy’s strap a couple of times but the last time I did it with a real dick was before me and Luce got together, so over a year. But I got good feedback from him.” “You okay to do it now?” “Sure. Just like riding a bike….probably.” Gwilym laughed and waved his hand in a go on motion. From the corner of your eye you saw Lucy take a seat on the end of the bed, watching. You shuffled forwards on your knees until Gwilym was in easy reach, eyes trained on his belt as you undid it and then his zip. As you pushed his pants down his long legs, he pulled his sweater off over his head. “Thank god. Not sure I could have blown you properly while I was looking at Rudolf’s googly eyes.” “Sure you could have. Because if you don’t impress me you don’t cum. How’s that for incentive?” You almost whimpered as you pushed his underwear down, eyes going wide at what you were met with. He was bigger than you’d been expecting, certainly longer than you were used to. You started slow, grasping the base of his cock, and pumping your fist over him a few times before you began kitten licking around the head as you let instinct take over. You could feel your heart pounding against your chest, and took a deep breath, exhaling in a long stream, the air wafting over Gwilym’s cock. He hummed as you wrapped your lips around him, one hand dropping to rest on top of your head as you adjusted to the feeling. You began bobbing your head, slowly taking more of him in your mouth, stroking what you couldn’t reach. “Good girl,” he said, almost breathless, “look so good on your knees, eyes up.” You shifted your gaze to his face, and hollowed your cheeks, a soft groan his response. Being able to see and hear how much he was enjoying it made you feel bolder so you took him deeper still. You gagged. A string of saliva broke and dangled from your lip as you pulled back, gasping for air. “Sorry, you’re bigger than Lucy’s.” “Don’t apologise. I’m not expecting you to deepthroat me or anything like that.” “Am I doing good?” “Better than good, Y/N,” he groaned as you dragged your tongue down his length and then back up, sinking down onto him once more, “Feel incredible. And Lucy’s having fun too. She must like seeing you being a good little cock whore because she’s touching herself right now.” You whined around him and felt his hand tighten in your hair for a second. “She looks so hot like that. Pulled the top of her dress down so she can squeeze her tits, the skirt all bunched up around her waist. That’s it, just like that.” You tried to take him deeper again, squeezing your thumb in your fist and doing everything in your power to supress your gags. “Jesus, gonna make me cum so-“ he broke off with a gasp as you fondled his balls with your free hand, “oh fuck, soon, gonna cum soon.” Lucy moaned from where she was sat on the bed, as if to prove Gwilym had been speaking the truth about her. You squeezed your thighs together as best you could, needing any friction you could get as your own moan broke free. His fingers once again tightened in your hair, his hips bucking forward slightly with the stimulation, making you gag again. “Sorry, I’m-” he moaned as you picked up the pace, bobbing faster, “god, just like that. Y-you gonna be good and swal-low for me?” “You didn’t bother responding, just squeezed his balls a little as you sucked on his tip.” “Fuck, I’m cumming,” he groaned just before he released his load into your mouth. You kept sucking, making sure to get every drop before you let him go, sitting back on your heels as you caught your breath. “Show me,” You stuck out your tongue, earning his praise when he saw it was clean.
“What should we do with her next Luce?” Gwilym asked, towering over you. “Only seems fair that you get to watch her eat me out,” “That does sound fun. Alright, slut, up on the bed.” You hurried into place, kneeling before Lucy, waiting for her to lie back and get comfortable. She pulled you into a kiss for a moment, tongue sliding along your lip and then into your mouth. Gwilym quickly stepped out of his pants which had been pooled around his ankles and pulled off his shirt, settling himself at the end of the bed behind you. “Lie down,” Lucy said softly in your ear. It wasn’t what you expected but you were too far gone to argue. When you were settled Lucy quickly shimmied out of her dress and swung her leg over you, hovering over your mouth facing Gwilym. “Show us what a good slut you are, Y/N.” Your wrapped your hands around her thighs as she lowered herself onto your mouth, dragging your tongue along her pussy before latching onto her clit. For a moment they let you be, Lucy moaning as you slid your tongue into her entrance and she rocked her hips against you, but then you felt a light touch on your hips which made you squirm. Gwilym slowly dragged your underwear down your legs. “You weren’t joking about how wet she is, were you Luce,” he said, holding your underwear up so she could see the wet patch you’d left. The next thing you felt was his hands pushing your legs open and then his beard scratching against your skin as he lowered his lips to the inside of your thighs, sucking marks that made you whine. “Don’t cum,” he warned you before his mouth finally met your throbbing core. In that moment you were suddenly glad you had Lucy to focus on, sure you wouldn’t have lasted long without the distraction. Each time Gwilym made you moan Lucy was sure to moan too, grinding herself onto you with abandon. You let go of Lucy’s thigh, moving your fingers to her core, pumping them into her as best you could. “Wait Gwil, s-stop or she’ll go over,” Lucy said, tugging on his hair to pull him away from you. He retreated, once again giving his attention to your thighs as you whined in frustration. When you’d sufficiently calmed down Lucy gave the word, and he focused back in on your cunt, adding two of his long fingers to the mix. He avoided your clit for the most part, occasionally nudging it with his nose to keep you on your toes. You could feel Lucy’s legs beginning to tremble and tightened your grip, pulling your fingers free as you focused on her clit, her moans getting louder with each passing second. Gwilym left you again, shifting onto his knees as Lucy caught his attention. You could hear him talking to her softly, encouraging her to let go. She shuddered as she came, riding it out as Gwilym held her up. Finally she climbed off you, leaving you panting and squirming, trying to get Gwilym to finish you off.
“Don’t you look so pretty like this,” he said softly, stroking himself slowly, “you ready to be fucked, pretty girl?” “Please,” “Not yet. Don’t know if you’ve done enough to earn it yet.” “You could fuck me,” Lucy said, eyes glinting mischievously. “No, please, please, I need it. I need one of you to fuck me.” Both of them laughed as you sat up, still begging. “What if I fucked Lucy and made you watch and then we went and had lunch. What if we left you like this all day?” “That’s not fair,” you whined, “please, it’s Christmas, it’s a time for giving, please give me your cocks.” “Well,” Lucy said through a laugh, “can’t deny her logic. Alright, love, up on your hands and knees. Gwil’s gonna play with you while I get set up. The second you were in place Gwilym sunk three fingers into you, “There you go you needy slut, finally getting what you want.” He pushed his fingers into you a few time before he replaced them with his cock, making you mewl and fall forward on your arms. He held your hips tight as you adjusted to him but as soon as you indicated you were alright he began fucking into you, laying a few spanks to your arse just because he could. “You’re close already aren’t you?” “Yes, fuck, so close,” you whined, the days of denial catching up with you. “Cum for me then,” he dropped his fingers to your clit, which was all you needed to finally fall over the edge, crying out as you did. “God such a tight cunt,” he panted as you clenched around him. Yet he didn’t stop. Just held you tighter as he continued to pound you roughly. Barely recovered from your first, you could already feel the beginnings of a second orgasm starting to build in your gut. You gasped as another spank landed on you, surprised by it because Gwilym’s hands hadn’t moved. Lucy chuckled at your reaction and did it again. “Give me a go, Gwil,” His thrusts slowed and then he pulled out, shuffling to the side so Lucy could kneel behind you. “Turn over, love,” she said softly, tapping your thigh. You were happy to collapse on your back, sure your legs would have given out as soon as you came again. If you came again. God you hoped they’d let you cum again. Lucy leaned over to kiss you as she lined the dildo up and sank into you. “Good girl, taking both of us so well,” You whined at the change of position, Lucy leaning down to tug at your nipple with her teeth. Suddenly she let you go, gasping as Gwilym sank into her from behind. He paused for a moment, letting her adjust and then, when he was sure she was fine, he thrust harshly into her, pushing her deeper into you. There was nothing you could do but hold your legs up and moan, able to see Gwilym, holding Lucy’s hips and grunting as he ploughed into her. The sight only turned you on more, every one of his movements hitting you through Lucy, the feeling in your stomach only getting stronger. “Can I cum?” you panted, tugging on Lucy’s hair out of a need to do something with your hands. “Ho-hold it. Fuck Gwil just like that,” You whined, watching as Lucy’s eyes rolled into the back of her head. You used your grip on her hair to tilt her head, attaching your lips to her neck. “Yes, yes, yes, god don’t stop,” her eyes slipped shut. It didn’t take much more before she was moaning through her release, Gwilym grunting as he held back his own. As soon as he slipped out of her, he kneeled beside you. “Fuck her Luce.” His hand came down on her arse, jolting her into moving, “dirty slut wants to cum again.” “Please,” you whined as Lucy found her rhythm again. Gwilym snaked one hand between you and Lucy, rubbing your clit, “Cum for us Y/N,” You obeyed, thanking him through your moans. Lucy’s fingers were digging into your thighs as you rode out your orgasm, Gwil’s fingers still on your clit, until you became too sensitive and had to push him away. “Doesn’t she look so good right now Gwil?” Lucy asked as she carefully pulled out, “Leaking onto the sheets, face still covered in my cum. So fucking messy.” “Mmm, makes me wanna add to the mess.” Before you could register what he meant he was kneeling in front of your face, pulling your head up. Lucy moved behind you, holding you in place as he tapped his leaking tip onto your lips. You hummed as you were pushed down his length, Lucy controlling your pace, as you pressed your tongue to the underside of his cock, a few gags escaping, tears running down your cheeks. It didn’t take long, Gwilym’s groans getting longer as he got closer. He pushed you off him at the last moment, stroking himself until white ropes painted your tits. “Fuck you look like a such a mess,” “A hot mess though,” Lucy said, trailing her fingers through the splatters on your chest. She sucked them into her own mouth, swirling her tongue around her digits. When she was satisfied that they’d been thoroughly cleaned she leaned over you and kissed you again, a sticky white string connecting you when she pulled away. “Fuck,” Gwilym lay beside you, propping himself up on one elbow, eyes glued to your lips, the space Lucy had just inhabited, “Might be the best Christmas present I’ve ever got. Certainly the best I’m likely to get this year.” “Good,” Lucy said, standing and beginning to undo the strap around her waist, “I’m glad you liked it.” “Me too,” you smiled over at him, “It was fun.” “A lot of fun,” Lucy laughed, “Maybe we could be persuaded to give you another round later, after lunch. It is Christmas after all, and what’s Christmas if not a time to be generous?”
170 notes ¡ View notes
rkivepacks ¡ 4 years
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TITLE: i’m good, i love you Series: why are you sorry? it’s not your fault you don’t love me [see previous work] Pairing: taekook/kookv/vkook (Kim Taehyung & Jeon Jungkook) Rating: PG13 Genre: angst but you’ll live Word Count: 2,029 Trigger Warning/s: swearing(?), one or two sentences of questioning self worth but not too graphic Cross-posted on: AO3/dtgloss
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NOTES: ∟ banner by @rkivepacks​ ∟ request banner here ∟ request prompt/send commission here
∟ unbeta-ed ∟ the requests for a sequel for the first one was from a long time ago and im p sure when they said requests they were hoping for a fluff one but i wasnt in the mood for fluffy when i did this so...
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Summary:   the difference between want and have is you
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his eyes roam the words carefully printed on the wall, on the lower left part of the painting. it is where the title, date and artist are usually placed.
a piece of me is always found right beside you it follows you wherever you go it’s lonely from what i see where i stay far from you
taehyung, these days, is alone.
he is used to it but routine never makes it okay to be alone.
his sadness should not be a routine but, oh well, it is.
he stays in his average house that’s one in the lined town houses in the village. the area itself is decongested, only the people habituating each house goes in and out of their little village and everyone is almost familiar, if not knows, each other.
his own house in particular looks lived on. more so on the side of used but not so worn out. maybe the walls are not as white and clean as they used to be, a few scratches and dirts that got on it as days pass by but no ceiling has started falling down unprompted and everything works how they’re assigned to function.
taehyung would like to think he’s more sad than alone. he still has friends anyway but friends cannot always live with you on your house guised under the cover of it being a sleepover that turns into days.
but friends just like him have their own personal matters and cannot always be with him. he understands when hoseok cannot stay for more than two days and has to leave just before lunch to meet up with a close friend of his, one from outside of their group of friends so taehyung can’t have the option to ask to come with. he understands when jimin cannot come on days he’s asking him to and sometimes comes on a saturday instead of his friday night invite.
when he’s so down, he thinks he’s not entitled to his friends times but they assure him it’s not the case.
so no, he is not alone.
he goes over to the next display, going over the sculpture itself and then to the artist description posed near the display. the sculpture itself is a form that resembles a man that is slightly haunched, although it takes more than a second to realize as the form only captures the head to chest of a human body, but considering that the back part of it protrudes slightly the way a man would when lax. the main body is that of charcoal color but it was designed to portray a visual effect of a dripping paint from its head, represented with different colors which are bright enough to contrast its dark body.
the display is almost familiar and it has been staring at him longer than he stared at it.
the title is printed in bold, a sinner
love is not a sin but my thoughts about you and the way i see the word love around you is
taehyung moves on to another display, it being a worn out stack of paper that looks as if it has 300 pages of a4’s binded by a clip. he steps closer to it to inspect, knowing displays are off limits and can only be appreciated through the eyes, he skims over the word of what he found out would be a script of some sort.
he reads,
i’m drunk, i love you
the difference between want and have is you
he walks over to the last one if its placement by the exit is anything to go by, just like the last one he’s looked over, it’s a display with a single ring in the middle.
all alone
and it sits there as if it has been assigned to mock him and the ring that sits on the very bottom and far end of a box full of things he doesn’t need but can’t seem to throw away.
he reads the title and wow, yes. it’s definitely mocking him. he had been giving it the benefit of the doubt but the title is the last straw. this whole exhibit is out to mock him.
taehyung thinks he’s being over dramatic. but he also thinks this last display is offensive to him, absolutely personal.
taehyung sits at home, eyes on the tv he has playing as he waits for night time news.
it seems like the words of the last display he went to see that day have been imprinted on his brain, on the wall in front of him, on the ceiling as he looks up, when he close his eyes.
Once you told me, your eyes are always on me.
And you did, you took care of me.
Because you are that kind of person.
You put me before you.
All the time.
Which is why you are the best.
To be honest, I would not even put me before me.
have you been well? i hope you are. the longest time i’ve been away from you is now and still counting— the present. the second one would be during Christmas breaks because you and your family spend it on your relatives home alternately and don’t come back until after new years. anyway... is your hair longer now? i hope it is and i hope you dont cut it. i seem to have a lot of hopes.
im packing up for a trip to a long trail not too far from here. they said it was too pretty to pass up and you get to reach the clouds.
, jungkook
taehyung reads the letter. he received it yesterday late afternoon and it doesnt have a date. jungkook often forgets to write dates so he assumes they were written at least three days ago.
it wasnt the first letter he received. he doesnt keep count but he has a few kept behind his door where he puts his mails.
in the first letter, jungkook said its best to not have taehyung write back. he goes from one place to another, he said. so, taehyung merely reads them and keeps them.
in the first letter, he also said about his sudden departure. he wanted to be away for a while and he knows his best friend would need him for the wedding so he decided to do it after. he didnt even get to say goodbye and only got a whiff of the younger when the letter came that day.
jungkook didnt say why he left and where he went. he just did. right after taehyung’s wedding, he packed up and went away from taehyung’s vicinity as far as he could.
does he know? taehyung asks. does he know i’m not married anymore?
his divorce with minji was something that stemmed off a petty thing.
falling out of love is a petty thing.
but, he guesses, they both cannot trap themselves in a house they’re not happy in anymore.
it was sudden, the divorce.
minji told him that she doesnt feel the same anymore. they agreed to stay off the house and after more than a week of a cool off she said she doesnt feel anything at all.
in taehyung’s case, he did not feel it the same way minji did. he only noticed once minji told him she felt that way. it made him feel that the heaviness in the room when they’re both in it was a foreboding for something.
taehyung is a giving lover. the time away from minji made him think a lot. he knows he doesn’t have a choice but to agree on the separation. forbid his thoughts, but he doesn’t want the time to come when the both of them completely falls out of love and seeks warmth from another person and then go home at night to sleep in the same bed.
he texts minji, because as accepting as he is about the decision, he’s not too keen watching a soon to be ex wife pack up and leave.
both of them were gradually moving out their personal items from the house. properties they bought with their shared money will be sold as secondhand items and some are donated.
in between moving out and settling in to a new apartment, he’s had namjoon and jimin with him and if yoongi has extra time mostly at night, he helps sort out his things.
he knew there was a missing person. he wanted to tell jungkook about it.
but jungkook wasn’t there.
until one day, jungkook is back.
suddenly, he’s there attending the dinner party for jin’s birthday, sat beside hoseok.
he casted him wary glances throughout the night. at some point he was even referencing to taehyung like everything’s so normal, but taehyung knows it’s just a very jungkook way of letting him know ‘i’m here and i will talk to you and acknowledge your presence whether you like it or not’. taehyung isn’t one for being petty so he went along with it. thankfully, their friends don’t seem to give too much thought into their two other friends sat on the opposite sides of the table.
the next day, jungkook seems to have arrived in taehyung’s new home at the same time a delivery for taehyung came. it eased jungkook’s nerves that he doesn’t have to go through knocking and then purposefully being ignored.
“did you order anything?” jungkook asks just as the delivery person makes their leave.
“i went and bought some essential oils.” taehyung silently gestures for the other to come in and jungkook did, locking the door behind him.
“how are you, taehyungie?” jungkook was sat in front of taehyung in the living room. there’s only the makeshift coffee table and some mats on the floor to sit on since taehyung have yet to buy a sofa.
“tired these days. in between work and unpacking. i’m jealous of kids who do nothing when they’re moving into a new home because they get a free pass to not do things around.” taehyung pouts silently, looking at the soda in can at hand while he traces a finger on the lid.
jungkook chuckles at that and after, no one speaks until, “i’ve heard about it.”
when taehyung makes no motion to respond to it, jungkook continues, “jimin hyung mentioned it to me one time that they were helping you move out so i asked... sorry.”
“it’s okay. i had friends who helped me. i got by.” taehyung winces.
“i wasn’t.” jungkook says, the here that follows hangs in the air which they know would follow.
“you were busy.” taehyung says instead.
jungkook would retaliate but he knows there’s no point.
“i sent you an invite to my exhibit. you went?” jungkook asks, hopeful.
“i did.”
“you didn’t insist to text me or write. i kind of assumed you would once you see it, but it’s okay. at least you did go to it.” jungkook pats his own thigh lightly to distract him.
“i wouldn’t know what to say. at the wedding, and even before that. i would feel something but i didn’t want to be that person and assume. i could be seeing it wrong, i don’t know.” taehyung rambles. “but then the other boys would also drop a few comments here and then.” and it’s true. sometimes jin would say teasing words and taehyung only acts as if he doesn’t get it and sometimes, he acts as if he didn’t hear it at all.
“you were happy. i don’t have any excuse.” jungkook whispers.
“now what?”
“i guess to some extent, i liked you back. but i didn’t see it until now so i’m not going to rush this and jump into a relationship with you right away. it’s not fair to the both of us.”
“i understand. after all, your divorce is not yet finalized. i’d be here for you but i’m not gonna distract you from it.” jungkook assures him and that’s all he needs. everything will be okay.
“i know it’s the last day of your exhibit today. wanna go together?” taehyung smiles at jungkook and indeed, everything’s okay.
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9 notes ¡ View notes
spicyfoodboi ¡ 5 years
"i got you"
Genre: 14+ not really smut but kiss scenes and wall slams
A bakugo x reader! (maybe a late halloween treat)
A/n: here we are again! My aunt actually chose these two phrases out of the prompts (no. 10 and no. 16) she also told me to also make it a halloween themed one. So here we go!
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The halloween party. It was either dreaded or awaited by the students. Those who were excited were getting their costumes ready for weeks in advance. While the people who weren't really thrilled with the idea. Just got some easy last minute costume like a sheet ghost or some girl in lingerie they pass up as a cat.
Bakugo was one of those people who were excited. Not like he'd show it to the gang but he's been building his costume for the big Halloween bash. He completed his costume a week in advance, getting the last element of the costume in the mail.
You, on the other hand couldn't care less what you'd dress as for Halloween. You didn't even plan to go but ochako begged and pleaded for you to come along with her. You did have bits of pieces you could make as a costume.
On the day of the halloween party, everyone ran to the dorms to change, everyone except you that is. You were just strolling along watching the scene unfold in front of her. Bakugo looked at you, a bit confused 'why is she not with ochako' he thought to himself. he shrugged it off, going up to his room to change, you doing the same as everyone else, only less enthusiastic.
Bakugo changed into a werewolf, a matching red collar and chain maybe to lead him around. You wore a red tanktop and a black corset, putting on a matching red skirt, then grabbing a red cape. All those things combined made a convincing red riding hood costume.
You were content and went down to the others. you were greeted by ochako, who was a witch and asui, who was dressed as a frog. "wow y/n you look amazing, kero kero" asui said with her usual tone. Ochako hugged you, "tsu's right! You look stunning!" she said. Ochako took your hand and dragged you to the gym
Bakugo went down just as you left, he was greeted by denki, who was in a pikachu onesie and kirishima who was wearing a lumberjack suit just for the manliness factor. "wow bakubro! Looks like you really came through with your costume" kirishima said as he placed his arm over the werewolf's shoulder. The pikachu also placed his arm over bakugo's shoulder "yeah dude. You really look good". Bakugo looked at them with a scoff "i only threw this on last minute. Like i care about this halloween thing" he said as he started walking to the venue. The two following behind, Like wolves following the alpha.
After a few hours in the party, people entered party mode, leaving you alone in one of the corners of the gym, itching to go home. Bakugo on the other hand took a long awaited break after denki dragged him to the dance floor. The two of you both lock eyes. Bakugo's mouth started to form a smirk as he walked over.
You on the other hand, scoffed at him. Turning away, reaching for the door. Bakugo stopped you, grabbing your wrist. "where do you think your going, baby girl" he said, his smirk growing wider. His grip on your wrist tightened slamming your wrist above your head, cornering you.
You blushed "what do you want bakugo? " she said, looking at his red orbs. The werewolf looked at her. "just here to make you enjoy your night. Live it up a little" he said. You were about to contradict him, he smashes his lips against yours.
You didn't know how to react to him. But you were interested in him, you just didn't have the time to talk to him. So seeing him act this way towards you shocked you. Does this means he likes you too? You were about to find out. You kissed back. Feeling his enthusiasm with every kiss
You pulled away for air. Looking at him straight in the eyes "so... Why? What did i do to you for you to kiss me like this" she said, questioning him. "i wont let you. I wont let you be sad on this day. Maybe this day i could also confess" he started as he started to kiss your neck. He started to ghost it, breathing on it. Your eyes were shut. Breathing shallow. One eye opened to look at him. "i got you" he said with a smirk, going back to your neck, going down.
Things were about to go futher when you heard a cough behind bakugo. The werewolf huffed, pulling away from you. "really? Making out here? Detention for the both of you" aizawa said in his usual monotone voice. Bakugo nodded, taking your hand and bringing you outside.
He stopped on the trail back to the dormitories, looking at you, deep in your e/c eyes. "i meant what i said. I wanted to confess... Look im just going straight to the point... We're dating, got it?" he said as he turned away slightly. You nodded "yeah. I've been meaning to confess too" she said, flustered as you blushed. He smirked "now come on, lets bring you to my room" he said leading the way. This was by far, the most amazing night of your life
ANNNNNDD thats a wrap! Hope you guys enjoy! You could leave a request in the ask. Thats all for today bye byeeee~~
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Love Like Him
(So this is high key cause of a poem called “When Love Arrives” by Phil Kaye and Sarah Kay. Look it up, its good)
Master List
When you were young, you had convinced yourself you knew what love was, what love looked like. Love was blond hair and green eyes. Love was skilled hands playing all your favorite songs on the piano. Love was bright laughter cut off when you walked into the room.
In high school, you tried to convince yourself what love wasn't. Love wasn't leather jackets and ripped jeans. Love wasn't a Rolling Stones shirt left on your bedroom floor when he fled out the window in the morning. Love wasn't steamy windows of a car that was older than both of you.
Love wasn't Im Jaebeom.
It couldn't be.
Love wouldn't do what he did. Love wouldn't ignore you in front of his friends, but give you rides to and from school. Love wouldn't run from your parents or keep things secret. Love would have been there at your Mathletes competitions, celebrated your acceptance into your dream school. But Jaebeom wasn't love.
And you convinced yourself of this.
That's why you left without saying goodbye, even though you saw him, watching you from across the street, as you loaded boxes into your car. You were running away, you couldn't even pretend you weren't, but you weren't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing you cry.
That's how you landed here, 15 years later. Head of finances for a major entertainment company, worth millions of dollars, no longer wearing sweaters and jeans to everything. You had become who you were meant to be, and yet you still found yourself daydreaming about a leather jacket and a Pontiac Firebird.
“Y/n, I have the statements from this last week, and your mail.” Your assistant announced, knocking on your office door.
“Come in.” The young woman set down the stack of folders and a few envelopes.
“It looks like one of them is from a high school.” She mentioned, “I didn't know you were old enough to have a kid in high school, or that you had kids.”
“I don't. Its probably for the reunion.” You shrugged. You had gotten a few messages from old high school friends asking if you were going.
“Are you going?” You shook your head, tossing the envelope to the side.
“Probably not. It's next weekend and I don't know if I'll have the time off.” She opened her mouth to say something else but you held up a hand to stop her. “Unless its related to these statements, you're welcome to leave.”
“Of course, Y/n.” She bowed, leaving you to your work.
The following day your boss, the CEO, called you into her office the moment you arrived. Your boss was chill, a bit young, maybe only a few years younger than you, and had built the company when she was barely out of high school. She may not have been the oldest in the room, but she commanded respect like she was.
“Y/n,” She started. “I got an email today regarding you.” She started, not giving you time for any small talk. “It says your high school reunion is coming up and I noticed you didn't take any time off.”
“No, I only got the invitation yesterday.” You weren't technically lying.
“Did you want to go?” She asked, bored eyes looking between you and her computer.
“I'm not sure.”
“Well, let me rephrase that, do you want to be paid rather handsomely for giving them a large check?” You stared at her in shock.
“I'm trying to convince someone who went to school there to join us here. He went to school around the same time as you, I believe.”
“Can't tell you, it's classified right now. But I need to know how much we would be able to donate without altering personnel pay. I want both answers by tomorrow evening please.” You nodded, standing to leave.
“What if my answer is no?” She looked up at you, a smirk forming on her lips.
“Something tells me it won't be.”
You hated how right your boss always seemed to be, but here you were, sitting in your old school's parking lot in a car at least twice as good as most of the ones around you. You had chosen to wear something that didn't immediately mark you as rich but most of the people walking into the school were dressed to the nines anyway, so your black and silver dress didn't make you stand out too bad.
“Oh my gosh! Y/n.” You recognized the voice the instant you stepped out of your car, turning to find the once head cheerleader walking towards you with three kids in tow.
“Alex, hey, how are you?” You greeted, letting her kiss both your cheeks.
“I'm amazing, these are my boys, Jasper, William, and little Malachi.” She introduced. “My husband's going to be a little late.” Your heart clenched as you prepared for the next question. “What about you, are you married yet?” You shook your head slightly.
“No, I've been focusing on my job.” You explained, opening your trunk to get the oversized check. She led the way to the gym, and you found yourself looking at all the cars for the Firebird. So far, no luck.
Why did you want to see him so bad? He broke your heart, he's the one who fucked it up. He pretended you weren't anything while sneaking into your room almost every night, so why did you want to see him so bad?
Inside the gym was full of people, and you plastered a smile on your face as people began looking at you. You had expected the stares, but it didn't stop you from trying to hide, walking along the edge of the room to find the current principle. Your cheeks were already burning from shame at the comments. Your dress didn't reveal anything but your bare arms and most of your legs. It wasn't so short you'd pop out if you bent over, you could have worn this to work.
“Damn, who hired her?”
“Dress like that, no way she'd say no.”
“There's no way that's her.” You heard someone say. “She got so hot.”
“She was always beautiful.” The moment you heard his voice a shiver ran up your spine.
“I think she heard you.”
“She did.” You breathed in, calming your nerves, before turning to the source of the voices.
He looked different now, and yet still the same. The stud on the side of his nose still glinted against the lights, but his eyes were warmer now, and his leather jacket had been traded for a grey sweater.
How the tables had turned.
“Miss L/n,” The principal greeted. “Thank you for your donation.” He shook your hand with a grin, which you returned. “The art department will be thanking you for years.”
“Don't worry about it, the company will always support the arts programs.” You explained.
“Let's have a photo?” He asked, pointing to the cameraman waiting.
“Of course.” You held up one end of the check, and he held the other, with his free hand resting on your waist. You smiled through a few photos until his hand slipped down from your waist, gradually going lower. The moment you felt his hand squarely on your butt you stepped away, sending him a harsh glare. “That's enough photos. Have a good night, sir.”
“Damn look at that ass.”
“What a piece on her.”
“How much do you think I'd have to pay to get her for the night?” The comments seemed 10 times louder than they were, but you had had enough. You passed Jaebeom and Jinyoung on the way out, walking so close to them you could smell the cologne he wore.
You made it outside and all the way to the broken wall you used to sit on to hide before the dam broke and your make up was ruined. People sucked, your heart hurt, and despite looking amazing, you felt gross. It didn't help that your dress was sleeveless and the spring night was providing plenty of brisk winds.
Something heavy fell across your shoulders and his cologne invaded your senses.
“Jaebeom.” You greeted blankly, staring at the ground by your feet.
“How'd you know?” He asked, sitting down next to you. He had bulked up a bit since you had seen him last.
“You wear the same cologne.” Silence fell over the two of you, the laughter and music from the gym barely audible.
“Did you get where you wanted to go?” He finally asked, voice barely a whisper.
“I'm head of finances for an entertainment company, I live in a penthouse, I don't have to worry about eating or being cold at night.”
“But are you happy?” You turned to look at him. Seeing him so close felt different. There was the shadow of stubble across his jaw, purple barely visible under his eyes and a small pout on his lips.
“No.” You found yourself confessing. Why? You weren't sure. “I haven't been happy for a long time.” You turned to look back at the football field down ahead of you.
“How come?”
“I don't want to talk about it.”
“I'll tell you why I'm not happy.” He started, hands pressed between his thighs like a scolded kid. “In high school I was an asshole. I found this girl, and she was beautiful and smart and funny and everything I never thought I'd look for in love. And I messed it up.” Your heart seized, he must have been talking about someone else. “I kept playing it off, pretending we weren't together, hiding from her parents, but in reality, I wanted nothing more than to hold her hand and talk her on movie dates, not just make out in my car.”
“So why'd you do it?” You asked once he had finished.
“Because I felt I had to. I was the coolest guy in school and when you're an idiot high schooler, its the most important thing in the world.” He sighed, shoulders slumping. “I was an idiot who couldn't see the woman of my dreams right in front of me.”
“So what are you now?”
“I'm a singer, with Jinyoung. I have 5 cats, whom I love equally.” He rambled. “I'm in love with this girl.”
And there's the heartbreak you were waiting for.
“She's smart, and somehow even more beautiful than the last time I saw her.”
“So go get her.”
“I can't. She hates me, the last time I spoke to her I laughed at her in front of the whole school, then we graduated and she left.” You were really hoping you were right about who he was talking about as you spoke next.
“She doesn't hate you.” You turned to look at him when he looked at you abruptly.
“Are you sure?”
“It's my turn to tell you a story.” You deflected. “When I was in high school, there was this guy I'm sure I was in love with. He was the opposite of what I thought love was, but he made me feel so amazing. He hurt me all the time though, he'd run from my parents and act like he didn't even know me at school. It hurt so bad.” He let out a deep sigh. “But then I ran away. I went off to college and I tried to forget about him. I kept using the way he would treat me as a standard. If they treated me like he did behind closed doors, but not the way he treated me in public, they were golden, but I started to realize something. No one could ever compare to him. No one held me with the same amount of emotion, no one looked at me the same way during sex, no one's car felt like home, like his. It took me until I overheard him tonight to realize, I had always been in love with him, even after 15 years.”
“Y/n.” You turned to face him, finding his face inches from yours. “You mean it?” You didn't answer, instead just pressing your lips to the corner of his mouth.
He smiled, no, grinned at you when you pulled away.
“Do you want to go back inside?” He asked, standing.
“Not really. I never liked dances, never had anyone to dance with.” You confessed.
“I know, and I should have taken you to Prom, so let me make it up to you? One dance and then I'll let you go back to the city forever.”
“Fine, but you have to walk me to my car.”
“I can do that.”
A slow song started almost the moment you walked back into the gym. You stayed by the doors, but people were still watching you both.
“People are staring.” You whispered, cheeks heating up.
“Let them stare.” He shrugged, pulling you close by the waist. “I want my dance, I waited 15 years for it.” You shook your head, laughing.
“I have a question Jb.” You finally spoke after a few moments of silence.
“What's that?”
“What happened to the Firebird?”
“It's sitting in my garage.”
“How come?” You looked up at him, finding him smiling.
“Well, the day after that girl I told you about left, it stopped wanting to work. I usually ride my bike, but Jinyoung drove me today.” You nodded in understanding.
“Well then, here's my request. Come find me in the city. There's a diner there that reminds me of home, but you have to pick me up in the bird.”
“So we can pick up where we left off.”
You stepped out of the elevator, coat thrown over one arm, and your bag in the other. Nearly a week had passed since the reunion and you were finally ready to go home for the weekend. People in the lobby were staring at you as you made your way to the front of the building.
“Hey, what's going on, why's everyone staring at me?” You asked the receptionist at the front desk.
“Well, the guy over there, he's from the boss' newest deal. He says he knows you, and that you made him agree to work here.” They explained, pointing to where a familiar leather jacket towered over your boss. Both of you exchanged confused looks before you walked over to the pair. The moment you smelled his cologne you smiled.
“Jaebeom?” You called, making him turn with a smile.
“Good evening, Y/n.” He greeted.
“I should be thanking you, Y/n. The JJ Project only signed onto the company because you impressed them so much during the reunion.”
“Excuse me, sir, is that your car out front?” A security guard interrupted the conversation.
“Yes it is, I'll move it in a moment.” Jb smiled, “Just me finish talking to the boss.”
“You two go have a good weekend, I'll see you both on Monday.” The Boss grinned, shooting you a wink. “Go on, I have business to handle.”
“Good night, boss!” You both called. You turned to Jb, who took the bag from your hand and offered you his own. Entwining your now free hand into his you let him walk you out the door to where the car was waiting.
“So you got her to work?” He grinned at you as he opened the door.
“I just told her she was getting her co-pilot back and she burst into life like she was brand new.” He explained, “I guess we both missed you.” Once he had sat down in his seat you leaned over, grabbing his collar and kissing him properly. “What was that for?” You just shrugged.
“Picking up where we left off.”
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edge-lorde ¡ 5 years
hp update: what time is it? its VALENTIMES! thats right, i am in the midst of the new gildaroy lockhart themed valentines special event! 
its valemtimes time in the magical phone game-iverse, and lockhart is on tour with his new book voyages with vampires and as part of that tour hes coming to his former boarding school. we get a level where we all gather in the cafeteria for an assembly before he talks to us. get a cute scene with all the different house kids sitting together at their tables talking about their opinions of valentines day. i dont remember all of them but heres the ones i do:
penny: its good and i love it.
tonks: of course you love it penny.
penny: i love that you know that about me!
diego: one of my character traits is that im inherently flirty. i have both hit on the mc and a centaur before but im not dateable so dueling or whatever. 
jae: anybody want to buy some love potion? i swear im not a cop.
charlie: this holiday has no dragons in it = charlie no carey.
bill: im not here so i guess i graduated already
ismelda: i hate valentines day cause im goth
merula: i hate valentines day performatively because im merula and full of angst. 
liz: aminals 
barnaby: i get valentines sent to me in the mail all year round :) doesnt everyone? i have heard someone call me a heartthrob before :))
andre: gildaroy lockhart is a fashion icon i hope this lockhart themed event doesnt disappoint me. 
tulip: prankintines anyone?? hmm??? 
talbott: i prefer................. flying solo (looks into the middle distance as themesong plays)
we get fun valentines themed class levels after this, in potions, transfiguration, charms, and herbology. each of these classes is implied to be made up of kids from your house plus one other house, so every player will have at least one class with each of the other characters. the potions class was notable because snape had a cauldron of love potion pre-made to show us and lecture about, but hes not about to teach us how to make it. 
snape: this causes very potent infatuation only. using this potion is comparable to coercion. children conceived under its effects will be doomed to be unable to love*.
liz (!!!! who is IN THE CLASS!!): gross. why is it here?
snape: so i can teach you how to recognize and avoid it. this is the closest thing to sex ed you will ever get so pay attention. 
we then get a bit where we can say what we think it will smell like, because love potion smells like what you love. your options are merula, barnaby, and nothing here. i picked nothing here.
barnaby: but... we went to the dance together... we went on that date too... why dont you want to smell me?
because i thought that would be a really weird thing to say in front of someone... barnaby or merula....
transfig class has a lovebirds to lovenotes lab. you get to pick how much of urself you want to put into the lovenote. i chose to keep my feelings private and so my note only said “be my valentine.” lovenotes work like howlers in this world, meaning they open themselves up and read themselves out loud. this implies the existence of many more emotion-based talking mail species but that is a thought for another day. 
then we have lockharts talk. all lockhart levels so far have it so that the only thing you can click on is him and this is done intentionally. hes got some good new character specific animations. he says hes having a book signing in diagon alley and hes inviting a few randomly selected students to attend because he doesnt want the whole dang school there. seems like if this is a book tour, he should be having this signing somewhere in hogsmeade, you know the town close by. diagon alley is in london i thought and hogwarts is in scotland. granted, there are many forms of fast travel that make a move like that feasible but it just seems unorganized. i suppose the game devs cant make up a bookstore in hogsmeade that wasnt in the original text though im sure there would be one. 
the event skips over the selection process but the mc is chosen along with the 5 dateable characters: merula, penny, andre, barnaby, and talbott. mama weasley is also there just cause she likes lockhart and wanted the book and hoped one of her kids would be chosen for the trip, the statistical odds being in her favor. this is post the latest christmas special because she greets both the mc and merula. 
later lockhart names us his new valentines party planners and makes me captain, but he refuses to specify whether this party should be focused on his new book, himself, or valentines day. he then tells us to just plan it and leaves. we get down to business and decide that my captain name should be captain valentine. then we have a slow pan across all of my potential suitors faces as we ready for the next leg of the event, one-on-one levels with each of them. thats where i am now, but i just wanted to highlight andres animation in this shot. the game creators have really been killing it lately, giving some characters their own signature animations and therefore mannerisms. andre gives a nice little fingerwave here and it adds a lot of character. 
so far ive done one-on-one levels with barnaby and penny. barnabys was first and i thought it fit with the story pretty well. i meet him in the herbology classroom and hes like i have an idea for decorating! we can use the roses we grew during out valentines herbology special class (which i didnt mention earlier because nothing else happened.) 
we are given the option to say no barnaby thats stealing but im not percy so i didnt pick that. then at the end hes like
barnaby: so... remember how we went to that dance together...
mc: ye
barnaby: and then we went on both of ours first real date together...
mc: uh-huh. romantic, totally. 
barnaby: well.... i dont have a valentine yet....................
he of course doesnt come right out and make you say yes or no right there because theres 4 more suitor levels i have to do but it actually makes sense for him to beat around the bush like this if it were that i really did shake his confidence by saying that i didnt smell him in the potion before. i am gonna pick him at the end, all these other levels are just filler. i would feel bad if i didnt pick him for everything date-worthy now both because not doing so leaves him up to the mercy of ismelda and just cause im boring like that. i picked him and ill see it through to the end of the game, which likely will end with us going to different colleges and loosing touch but still. 
next level was penny. she wants my help with a charm rather than a potion this time. shes out of her depth. she comes right out and asks me to be her valentine even though ive never chosen romance options with her before at all. i was flabbergasted in a good way when it turned out that the game did in fact allow the mc to be gay by not locking any date choices by gender, but so far this was only in the mcs hands, this is the first time a character has confessed romance for the mc without the mc choosing it first. meaning, all of the datable characters could be canonically queer. i think thats pretty cool. penny is gay to me now.
the next level in my docket is with andre. lockhart has told him he wants the color scheme to be lurid pink. andre is distressed. never meet your heros kid U__U next hp update we find out why.
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flourchildwrites ¡ 5 years
While I still have to read Bound By(sooon) how about a fictober prompt? If you dont have anything planned yet, either "fight" or "trapped" for royai? Thanks! Im loving what Ive read so far!
Witch, Please!  Fictober 2019  (13/31)
A multi-fandom Fictober prompt compilation.  Your wish is my command, but be careful what you ask for.  You just might get it.
For @dvltgr
Prompt:   “Fight” from Writetober 2019 Prompt List
Fandom:  Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga, Fullmetal Alchemist - All Media Types
Relationship/Pairing:  Riza Hawkeye/Roy Mustang
Genre:  Pre-Canon, Young!Royai
Rating:  Teen And Up Audiences
Word Count:  1,726 words
Read on AO3
Dinner at Hawkeye Manor was a pleasant affair for those who were accustomed to long stretches of loaded silence. After three years of dining in a conversation vacuum, Roy Mustang had gotten used to it.
Berthold Hawkeye took his meals with his nose pressed between the pages of the newspaper while his daughter balanced the checkbook. Clinking silverware and chiming glass accompanied the pungent smell of printer’s ink as the tip of Riza’s pencil scratched against the household’s ledger. The set of the fourteen-year old’s blonde brow spoke volumes about the solvency of the Hawkeye estate, and judging from recent observations, Roy braced himself for another hard winter. He wrote home to his Aunt Chris, asking for sweet treats, a thick pair of gloves and extra blankets to see him through, intending to put the letter to post the next morning before his lessons.
“What are you doing?”
Riza’s voice was not entirely jarring, but the sudden urgency of the question caught Roy off guard. He flinched, nearly jumped out of his skin and pivoted in his chair, staring back at the knock-kneed tomboy as if he had seen a ghost. Admittedly, she had been looking paler lately; the threadbare quality of her clothes emphasized that fact.
“Writing a letter to my Aunt. Why?”
“The one who lives in Central?”
“Yes.” Roy supposed he hadn’t quite explained that he only had one aunt, that he knew of at least, but wasn’t about to start now. “Why?” Roy’s voice carried an edge that he hadn’t quite anticipated.
“Sorry,” he added, apologetically, “I’ve got a lot to do here, and you startled me. Is there something you need, Riza?”
Reluctance was not an emotion that Riza wore all that often or all that well. She fiddled with the frayed end of her baby blue sweater, refusing to meet his eyes as she spoke. “You should go into town to mail that letter this evening so it’ll go out on the morning train,” she said. “I’ll set aside some dinner for you. I’ll even give you an extra slice of dessert. It’s peach cobbler.”
“That will take almost an hour, and I don’t want an extra slice of dessert,” Roy retorted. “I can just give the letter to the postman tomorrow morning. One day won’t make a difference.”
Still stroking the hem of her clothing, Riza’s tone became impassioned. She looked up to meet the gaze of her father’s apprentice. “It might freeze tomorrow night, and the mail to Central could be delayed for weeks. Could you please, Roy? I- I need to talk to my father, and I think it’d be best if you were out.”
Roy opened his mouth to argue but stopped as the puzzle pieces fit together, forming a more precise picture in his mind. Riza needed to speak with her father, which she never did. She’d made Professor Hawkeye’s favorite food, peach cobbler, which they rarely could afford. Riza was offering Roy an extra slice of dessert - possible her own - because it was the only bargaining chip she had to offer.
He’d be an ass to refuse her request at this point. Aunt Chris had taught him better than that.
“Fine,” he hissed through gritted teeth. Roy glanced out the window as the wind gusted through the trees, knocking burnish yellow, brown and orange leaves from the branches. He shivered at the thought of a long, lonely walk down the dusty country road.
Roy returned later than intended with frozen toes and cheeks red and raw from the cold. As he stepped into the entryway and stamped his boots against the mat, Roy heard raised voices coming from their small kitchen, the place he usually ate dinner.
“I give you food. I give you shelter. I provide for a first-rate education, and what has that school imposed on us! The clothes on your back are fine as they are, and I should write that school an impassioned letter to protest non-academic endeavors. End of discussion.” Berthold’s raised voice loomed through the wooden walls of the dilapidated country home.
“All the other girls enjoy the cotillion,” Riza stressed. Her tone was high and shrill. “I don’t want to ruin it for everyone, but the nice dress I have doesn’t fit. I asked my teacher if I could help prepare and serve the food again with the lower grades, but she said no. I’m to be judged on table etiquette this year and dancing next year. The cotillion is one-sixth of my overall grade, Father!”
“Table etiquette and dancing!” Berthold scoffed. “I’m not going to allow you to spend a quarter of our monthly budget on frivolities such as shoes and dresses that you’ll wear once. What you have is sufficient.”
“Please, Father. I already tried letting out the seams. See? The hem is too far above my knees, and my chest-”
Roy crept close to the doorframe. He walked softly to muffle the sound of his footsteps against the hardwood and pressed his back against the wall. The apprentice stilled his breath to hear his master’s low, cruel utterance.
“Maybe you should eat less. It fit your mother fine when she was your age.”
There was a beat of silence as the weight of his words settled and wreaked their havoc. Roy’s fists tightened. His teeth clenched, and he heard the soft shuffling of fabric and shoes against the kitchen’s checkerboard floor as Riza darted into the hall.
He caught sight of her as she passed and was surprised to find Riza wearing a lacey white dress gone yellow with age. The delicate layers sat too high on her hips, and the button-up back was taut.  The effect strained the natural curves of her figure in places where the garment should have comfortably fallen. In the split-second their eyes met, she turned away and darted up the stairs toward her room.
As Roy followed in Riza’s footsteps, he stopped off at the small apprentice dormitory to discard his jacket, boots and scarf but caught sight of the dinner on his desk before he could peel the layers from his skin. As promised, there sat an extra serving a peach cobbler and a note thanking him for his discretion. The sight hurt Roy’s heart just as much as the soft sobs coming from the other side of the hallway.
He sat down to write another letter to his Aunt Chris and told himself that he didn’t mind two brisk walks through the bitter cold on the same evening.
If the crates stacked in the entryway of Hawkeye Manor bothered Berthold, he paid them little mind. The postman begrudgingly lugged them in from his wagon with sideways remarks about the size and weight that Roy pretended not to hear. It took the young man four trips to carry the wooden boxes to his second-story dormitory and twenty minutes more to recover from his exertions. But the content of crates far surpassed any expectations he might have had when he asked his Aunt if his sisters had a nice dress to spare.
Chris Mustang’s note was, as she, straightforward and to the point.
A dress is useless without shoes, coats and accessories. Your sisters have no need of these as they are from last year. See that they find a good home.
Aunt Chris
All that was left was to wait for Riza to return home from school.
“Oh, Riza,” Roy called out, pleased as a preening peacock, “could you come here a moment. I have a favor to ask.”
Roy waited with growing impatience for her to turn the corner and smiled like the Cheshire cat when her indignant scowl fell, quickly replaced by a look of wonder. At least a dozen dresses and coats of all colors and styles were laid over the two vacant beds in the dormitory. An entire jewelry box of ornate rings, bejeweled earnings and long strands of pearls sat casually on Roy’s nightstand. And in the corner of the room, a large crate of purses and high-heeled shoes sat, still waiting to be unpacked.
“My silly sisters thought you might be interested in some of their old dresses,” he started. “And I told them that, of course, you wouldn’t want last year’s styles, but they insisted, and here we are. Might you consider taking these off my hands? I’d hate to send them back.”
Riza approached the dresses with equal parts hesitation and fascination, running the back of her hand along the frilly sleeve of a shimmering, soft pink dress and burying her fingers in a fur-lined coat that, Roy realized, once belonged to his own Aunt. Then, suddenly, her awe turned sour as she shook her head to rid her eyes of the marvels before them.
“I can’t accept these, Roy,” she said sadly. “We can’t afford-”
“Oh, please,” Roy interrupted. He’d prepared himself for this particular argument. “No one would be caught dead in these clothes in Central City. And I realize it will be a hassle to take them in, but I’d hate to have to haul these to the post office. It’s so far away, and the weather is absolutely terrible this time of year.”
Roy hoped against hope that, just this once, she wouldn’t be so stubborn, and he was rewarded by a teary-eyes gaze that caught the reflection of the many metallic bobbles glinting in her new jewelry box. Riza gathered the clothing in her arms and looked at Roy with a heartbreaking grin that stretched the corners of her heart-shaped face.
“Thank you,” was all she said in reply.
Through the lump in his throat, Roy grumbled his own response. “Don’t mention it.”
He couldn’t go to the dance with her and probably would not spend another winter under Berthold’s tutelage. Neither could Roy change his master’s mind once it had been made up nor lessen the burden of her lonely life. But if he could play some small part in a brief moment of happiness, the young man decided he would take that chance, if not for altruistic reasons then selfish ones. If only so that when Riza would smile, all decked out in her finery as she departed for the cotillion, Roy would know he was responsible for it.
He would fight for her well-being, even after she herself had surrendered.
A/N:  Thank you so much for the prompt. I hope you like it even though I took royai and made it young!royai.  Today, I woke up thinking about my grandmother and a particular conversation she had with my father about a prom dress.  So, I guess this one it a little for her as well.  Feel free to send me pairing requests for particular prompts (Fictober or original) via my tumblr, and if you read something you like, don’t hesitate to let me know. Your kudos, bookmarks, subscriptions, comments, likes and reblogs make my day!
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Friendships from Afar
Distance creates a barrier of trust. There are no worries. There is always a safety net to fall back on that protects from hurt or pain. Beginning in second grade, my personal goal had always been to find a singular, perfect friend who lives far away. We could talk openly with each other, and I would have the ability to be myself. The plan is that years later, I would meet this person in the weirdest of circumstances, and we would be best friends forever. It’s even better if this friend is a guy, so then we can both fall in love and get married to live happily ever after.
In second grade, the entire class received school pen pals, and while my fourth-grade pen pal was not ideal, I knew I loved this “secret” letter writing system where I am just Rebecca, nothing more or less. Moving into fifth grade, Mrs. Smith found me a pen pal from China. Through our teachers, we would send each other letters back and forth until the school year was over. From this moment onward, I was hooked; pen pals didn’t care what I looked like or how shy I was or how involved my mother was with the school, I could just be me, and they only knew the information I told them. Without asking for help, I scavenged through the internet, trying to collect pen pals as if they were Webkinz. I was convinced this perfect friend could only be found on pen pal websites that look like they were made by my fellow fifth graders.
Starting in sixth grade, I would spend night after night stalking the profiles of random teenagers on Students of the World, a supposedly “safe” pen pal website for kids. Gender? Who cares. Age? About 10-16. Likes? Reading, of course. Language? English please. I would then press search and sift through hundreds of profiles, finding the perfect candidates to be my best friend. This process was extremely predictable, including:
The teenage boys “looking” for a relationship:
Nathaniel, Age 14, UK
Cinema, Television
Painting, Drawing, Art
Hi! Are you looking for a cool guy to write to? Send me a nice message otherwise you’ll miss something priceless. 
I can speak:
English, French
The liars that claimed they like everything and speak every language:
Janhvi, Age 16, USA
Cinema, Television
Animals, Nature
Painting, Drawing, Art
Hello !!👩I'm Janhvi .I like to travel.I have traveled in to many countries .Such as india , sri lanka, china, france and more.I like make new friends.message me soon guys.👭👫OUR LIFE IS CHANGE , BUT FRIENDSHIP NEVER BE CHANGE.
I can speak:
English French German Italian Spanish Arabic Chinese Japanese Korean
The students making a profile for class:
Chaya, Age 13, USA
Cinema, Television
Animals, Nature
I am looking for a penpal for our school project. I would like to find some in Atlanta, Georgia.
I can speak:
I would scroll through these profiles so constantly that I rarely found new profiles. I was judging every profile based off of the person’s name, biography, age, likes, languages, everything. Most people without a profile picture wouldn’t receive an email from me. I tried to avoid messaging anyone from the United States unless they sounded like a major fangirl or fanboy over the books I liked. I automatically favored anyone from Europe, especially if they had an interesting name. But regardless if anyone from anywhere sent me a message first, I would respond back at least once.
Shortly after the search began, I received a message from a girl named Julia from Australia. She and I were the same age, we both needed a friend, and we both liked reading, animals, music, and clothes. Quickly, my life began to revolve around the fourteen hours that always stood between Australia and the United States. Throughout sixth and seventh grade, we would be constantly messaging on the messaging app “kik,” confiding everything deep and useless to each other like best friends do:
Becca says:
Hey, how are you?
Julia says:
Everyones well... Mum and dad start the long drive to melbourne this weekend so everythings kinda topsy turvy :p
How is your family and pets? Im sorry for my rudeness that i didnt ask earlier
Nearlytime for school?
Becca says:
Lol that is fine! I get to school around 8, so normally ill drop off right before, lol i try to remember to tell you but i tend to forget. Theyre good though. Willie and Apricot are happy my grandma left :-P mom and dad are helping me with my ancestry project and exploding of happiness because I got a position in that volleyball club and my sister has been working and spending money :-P her favorite thing to do
Julia says:
Ahh the christmas spirit... Lol is there anyone in the house who loves your grandmother?
Becca says:
Lol we love her because shes family, but no one loves her when shes here if you know what i mean.
What’s up?
For two years, the conversations would continue for hours, as we both wait anxiously for the “ding” on our tablets, indicating a new message. Julia’s father was a firefighter who fought the nasty bushfires that haunted their country. I interviewed him as my hero for my final paper and presentation in my eighth grade English class. I interviewed him through email after our initial plans to Skype were sidetracked by the active wildfires, and I so proudly presented the information about him that you would have thought he was my father.
One day, Julia told me about her divorced parents. Then, she told me about the twins her mom just gave birth to. Then, she explained that she actually has a twin brother and no younger siblings at all. Then, she became an aunt to twin nephews. Then, her house burned down, and she had to move across the country. Then, her parents just moved across town. The stories continued and continued only within months of each other, not adding up in any way, shape, or form. With hope still in my heart, I sent her all three books of The Hunger Games trilogy since she really wanted to read them, but two months later, the books came back in the mail as undeliverable. The address did not exist.
Unable to admit defeat or accept the idea that my best friend might not be real despite all of the evidence, I started to panic. What if she is catfishing me? I’ve seen that show before, and I even gave “her” my address. Whoever this person is could easily come to my house and kidnap me...maybe I should tell my mom and warn the police. But maybe, she just has a really hard life, and she compulsively lies to make herself feel better? Maybe, she just really wants attention, and that’s why none of her stories are adding up. Besides it could still be her, she may just be scared. She could have just lied and is younger than she said and is trying to sound cool to impress me.
With these panicked thoughts raging through my body like wildfire, I blocked her from kik and began to ignore her emails. I forced myself to just disappear, so then I would have nothing to worry about. I cannot trust that Julia is really Julia, so I will just watch “her” occasional emails come in, analyzing from afar who “she” may be. I’ll search for her on Google and Facebook and Instagram and Students of the World and anywhere else I can look. The emails would keep coming for years and years, but they never held much content to them, and I’m still left to question who “Julia” is.
My Julia investigation was stalled for now, and the void of not having a constant penpal to talk to quickly came back. Therefore, my search to find the perfect best friend needed to be expedited since Julia was certainly not cut out for the position. I continued to search Students of the World with my new smartphone every chance I had. In between games at volleyball competitions, Hope and I could be found by the nearest outlet on my phone, scouring the website for the perfect answers within someone’s profile. We would send out messages together to the nerdy fangirls and fanboys around our age. Every day during the bus ride home from school, Jenna and I looked through the website on our phones, judging everyone’s biographies and pictures. Jenna created a profile too, and we would have three-way Skype sessions with Sylvia from France until the two of them became too close and stopped inviting me to Skype with them.
Finally in April of ninth grade, I received a promising email from a 16-year-old boy from France:
My name is Kristopher and Im from France !
I watched a few days ago Divergent and it made me want to read the books !
I see you like tv shows and video games as I do !
I am not fluent in English but I can talk to you !
If you want I can learn you French ! :)
Typically, I would spend about twenty minutes every day responding to emails from random penpals on my way home from school, but within the first three or so emails to a person, one of us would just stop responding. In regard to Kris, I generally liked video games, but I wasn’t obsessed with them, and I had a weird taste in TV, so we probably couldn’t talk about that much. But Divergent by Veronica Roth was my all-time favorite book. As soon as I read that word in the email, I knew I would be responding until he stopped responding to me. It had always been my goal to fall in love with a fanboy, especially one with the same taste in books and movies as me, so I immediately responded with:
Hi Kristopher!
What part of France are you from? I live near Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Yes, definitely read the books! They are amazing! I find myself gravitating towards video games and shows more than sports! :P
I don't know much of French as I take Spanish in school, but I'd love to learn some and help you with English as well!
He emailed me back within minutes, and we emailed for most of the evening, talking about books and food and the differences between the United States and France. That night though, my phone battery had died, and it was only for a few hours. After plugging it in, I found five unread messages from him, making sure I was okay.
Lol it works ! :) Good courage to go back to school ! :)
Hey sweetie 😆
How are you Miss ?
Do You use words like ain't or gonna ? 😆
Are you OK ?
As soon as I read these messages, my heart fluttered a little. This was just the beginning of our constant messaging and talking. I happily responded to him, and within days, Kris was my perfect, new best friend. The random space he left between the last word and the punctuation of a sentence would drive me insane, but I didn’t have the heart to explain the process to him. We talked so consistently that it would probably be considered unhealthy, discussing pets, family, being the youngest child, aspirations, atheism, languages, food, books, video games, and everything else under the sun. I was stuck to my phone all day, and every time I picked it up, I waited in anticipation for a notification with his name and the random spaces between his words and the punctuation.
The six-hour time difference between the two of us meant nothing, with him staying up late and me getting up early. Between classes, we would sneak each other messages about how our days were going. My week-long field trip to San Antonio, Texas was spent either messaging him or scouting out an outlet to plug my phone into so that I could talk to him. The more access I had to Kris, the further I distanced myself from my friends and family. When my phone would die or I wouldn’t have reception, I would look around, annoyed by whoever the people around me were. Kris was the perfect friend I always wanted; he was my best friend, and I was his. Neither of us needed anyone else, and hopefully, all of our talking and flirting would lead to love which would lead to marriage.
The summer before tenth grade came, and Kris seemed to be growing distant. Supposedly, he was travelling all summer, and he would rarely have access to wifi. I counted down the days until he would be back home, and after one measly conversation, he disappeared again. I sent message after message, finally receiving a response about his brother pushing him in the pool and his phone being in his pocket at the time, so it was destroyed. The summer seemed to be surrounded by disappointment, but hopefully when we went back to school, our relationship would continue to be as strong as it was before.
Tenth grade began, and Kris was still busy all the time. Apparently if he kept up his hard work, he would be valedictorian. Since I couldn’t spend lunch chatting with him anymore, I bragged that I was basically dating this amazing French guy who is valedictorian at his school. Until October hit, and then I would receive the dreadful message that he has a girlfriend. Ironically, this only made our conversation stronger than it had ever been, and he even picked out my new haircut, sending me endless compliments on it. The next day, he sent another message, explaining that his girlfriend didn’t want us talking anymore so it would probably be best if we just stopped. I was bad at listening to these directions, following this conversation up with many, many new messages in attempts to strike a conversation with him again. These messages earned me a nice block from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat.
My only method of contact would now be email, so night after night instead of stalking Students of the World for new pen pals, I would send Kris emails. I now began to understand that feeling that I caused upon Julia, who may or may not have been Julia. Throughout October and November, I received a few responses that sounded like an automatic email reply, but one email in mid-November stood out, as it was one of the last ones I would receive from him.
Hello Becca,
I did act stupid and didn’t answer your messages at all. When I emailed you first, I never thought our friendship would get that strong !
Guess what, there used to be a time I was really in love with you, but I haven’t dared say so … The one biggest reason was the 6000 km that stand between us ! You were the one I loved talking to ! So I talked to you and you never waited to answer and neither did I.
I don’t know, something went wrong, time changed, I’m sorry I haven’t answered you for long, this is all my bad. I wish I could go back to past to fix this.
This message will never ever be able to patch things up, but it (I hope ) will tell you that I never forgot you .
My mother would tell me time and time again that any type of relationship separated by physical distance would never work. I had never believed her, but after receiving this email, I understood. Why had I ever believed that the perfect friendship would be through time differences of at least five hours? These relationships do not automatically create a barrier of trust, often making it even harder to trust. There are always going to be worries about who that person is and what their intentions are. There is no safety net to keep you from being hurt or feeling pain. Once there is a roadblock within your barrier of communication, you cannot simply get it back after running into each other at Walmart or flashing them a fake smile as you pass them in the hallway at school. As soon as one person blocks the other or the number of unread emails increases substantially over months, that person is gone forever.
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verdigrisprowl ¡ 5 years
June 3 Dancitron Movie Night - Over The Hedge
Did any of the Cybertronians actually watch the movie?? I don’t actually remember any of them talking about it. I watched the movie. It was pretty good.
After the movie Soundwave confessed to Prowl his terrible crime: he accidentally had a Cassetticon on his shelf for seven years because he thought it was a normal cassette. Soundwave is a criminal. A villain. An unforgivable monster. Prowl told him it's not that big a deal actually. But uh, seeing as they’re in a relationship, it would be inappropriate for Prowl to be the one to declare he didn’t do anything illegal, so probably Soundwave should go tell the story to a police department that isn’t headed by his amica and get them to clear him.
Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 7:42 PM Soundwave's had a hell of a weekend.
Why? Well, when you spend all of it in a hospital, desperately trying to avoid any and all questions about the mech you've brought in - someone who's so deep in unassisted stasis lock it's a wonder they even have a functioning spark left, for the record - you're just not going to have a good time. It's impossible.
It gets worse when you're a carrier and the being you apparently left hanging for the better part of seven years is a cassette-shaped minicon. So much worse.
And then there's that whole thing with Primus from last week to worry about.
He's really looking for a good laugh tonight. Hopefully the human film will bring him one. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 7:44 PM Prowl, comparatively, has only had to worry about—well—Soundwave. That said, he's arriving a bit earlier than usual tonight. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 7:46 PM Panic kicks in before good sense does, and for a moment, Soundwave thinks this is finally it. He's going to be arrested. Why else would Prowl be there?
...The movie. Right.
He's just going to head on over with his arms open. Embrace? Please? Small one before everyone gets here and he has to non-literally hold his tongue? Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 7:48 PM Prowl meets him in the middle to embrace him tightly. "How are you?" Last week's conversation has been weighing on him ever since. He can only imagine it's been weighing on Soundwave, too. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 7:49 PM Can Tarantulas be a fly spider on the wall? He's going to try to be, and hope they don't notice him yet. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 7:52 PM Soundwave shakes his head. It hasn't been a great time. [[He has - he needs to tell you something, when tonight is over. To ask for--]] Frown. How to phrase this. [[For advice. He does not trust anyone else to tell him the truth.]]
Tarantulas is indeed on the wall. SpecsToday at 7:54 PM Enter dragon! She's taken Soundwave's advice and just bridged the snacks to the counter this time. That really was a lot easier. She's done something new, tonight! She carefully created some artificial quartz so that it has high-grade inclusions, and coated it with a thin layer of titanium. Hopefully it will pass muster from the ones who matter most- the minicons.
"Hello, Soundwave!" Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 7:54 PM Prowl draws back slightly, to give Soundwave a worried look. His concern—no, fear—is that this is going to be how-do-we-deal-with-a-stalker-god advice. But he nods. "Of course." Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 7:55 PM With all the wild, untamed infant activity lately, Swoop has found life returning to normal. His unsupervised wandering continues unimpeded. Freedom is meant to be enjoyed and, now that he's normal sized again, Swoop feels absolutely no hesitation at terrorizing the Cybertronian wasteland before heading to Dancitron. Watch out, movie night, there's a pterokid tumbling ass over teakettle through the front door, laughing all the way. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 7:57 PM Ravage is already poking his nose up over the bar to sniff at the fake quartz. He might fish around for a few pieces with a paw. Like one does.
Soundwave pings Prowl some gratitude and quickly squeezes what he's still holding before moving to greet the others. It seems Swoop is in fine form. With any luck, it won't be TOO much like usual. He's not in the mood to get into another fight.
[[Dragon. Impressive work; the offerings barely budged.]] Had Rumble done it, the snacks would've gone everywhere. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 7:57 PM Smokescreen's oblivious to any tension previously in the room, and comes in with a surprisingly fancy cape on his back, hiding his back and his doorwings, too, somehow. If there's one thing he got from Alpha Trion, it's his bad taste. "Hey Soundwave!" Smokescreen's again, brought some semi-sweet, surprisingly fruity cookies to share tonight! Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 7:57 PM ((STARTING IN 7, GET WHAT YOU NEED)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 7:57 PM sitting far away from Autobots, looking nervous Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 7:57 PM Prowl takes his usual seat. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 7:58 PM ((The full url for him wouldn't fit)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 7:58 PM Swoop lets out a happy squeal almost like he's deflating. For the briefest of moments, he's sprawled out relaxed on the floor. Then a grin splits his face and he's curling his legs up to spring onto his feet. Ta-da! Starscream (TBDL)Today at 7:59 PM ((mine doesn't)) SpecsToday at 7:59 PM The dragon churrs delightedly. "Thank you! But really, it's not my own skill. Your alternate brought the bridging technology over. I'm just standing on the shoulders of Cybertronians, as it were." Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:00 PM Would honestly take offense to the whole 'stalker' part, Prowl. Gods have that whole omni-stuff going on. 90% of the time it isn't intentional. And with that he can just feel something is off about certain mechs. It made him feel suddenly, very, extremely, uncomfortable the moment he crossed through the door.
Glances at Soundwave[slendy] questioningly. Dare he ask? [I should grab mini stuffed peppers for nom before movie] Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:01 PM Nervous glance at Primus "Are you an Autobot?" Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 8:01 PM Yeah, don't stop at the door. He's going to prod the god in the back to get him moving to his own seat. Stop scaring mechs with your poor words and worse people skills. SpecsToday at 8:02 PM ((oh man last week's movie night was a kaiju movie? and I missed it? D: )) ((I did see king of the monsters though and MOTHRA SAID TRANS RIGHTS)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:02 PM ((it was very kaiju. there were like, four whole kaiju)) Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:02 PM Tarantulas takes his cue to drop down in the back of the room and actually transform into a full-size mech. Gotta check out the joint first, feel the mood, y'know? Now that he's done with recon though, he's making a beeline for Prowl and Soundwave's couch, visor in a smile for once as he flops over Prowl's shoulder and resists the urge to nuzzle him. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:02 PM ((how many half kaiju though lol)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:02 PM ((four whole kaiju is eight half kaiju)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 8:02 PM //im sad i missed it but i was too Tired Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:03 PM ((and I was at a job interview :/ Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:03 PM Prowl starts at the sudden touch. Oh! Yes. Good. Hello. Prowl's going to reach for whatever's the nearest part of Tarantulas he can get a hand and/or arm around. ((did u get job)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:04 PM ((They haven't gotten back to anyone yet, so maybe Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:04 PM ((sorry was grabbing a food lemme catch up)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:04 PM ((good luck)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:04 PM Swoop scampers behind Soundwave's couch, his weight resting entirely on his toes as he shifts his weight here and there. "Soundwave, Soundwave. Him Bob want to movie. Him do a movie? Him Bob can come, Soundwave?" Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:04 PM ((thanks Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:05 PM "Hello, dearest Prowl. Before I forget - I have a present for you later, hyeheh. No particular occasion, I promise." Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:05 PM Never takes a seat, you know this. Moves though to let his 'babysitter' walk in too. Just going to be out of the way. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:05 PM As soon as Smokescreen spots Tarantulas, he's sending a few excited pings over. He's maybe a bit jealous, but also, he's not moving from his spot, with his back pressed riiiight up against the couch away from Soundwave and Prowl. SpecsToday at 8:05 PM ((I know you all know about the ones in the trailer BUT Scylla is probably kumonga and Methuselah could be angirius, while Behemoth is one they made up themselves)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:06 PM ((those of you who saw KOTM: good :D i hope you liked it. those of you who haven't, WHY NOT))
Soundwave glances at Primus but doesn't focus on him for too long; there is a new alternate and other matters to take care of. A nod to Tarantulas, a [[Yes]] to the excitable Dinobot, and a short wave to Smokescreen. ((WE'RE GOIN)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:06 PM Swoop bobbles his head excitedly, just assuming Soundwave has taken care of sending Bob the necessary bridge. He's perked up and looking around already. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:06 PM Much frown. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:06 PM "Oh? Is it in the mail box?" Slllowly tugs Tarantulas closer. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:06 PM Smokescreen returns a wave to Soundwave, standing up to try to get his cape to flow just a bit. "Hey, hey, Soundwave, you want some new cookies?" Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:07 PM Pings back in Smokescreen's direction! And pings to Soundwave as well, as recognition for the nod. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 8:07 PM Yes, 'babysitter' because apparently Primus still mangles his words. SpecsToday at 8:07 PM ((also the movie goes full balls-to-the-walls in a delightful way and I loved it and y'all should go see it)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:07 PM "Smokescreen, are these mechs safe to be around?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:07 PM [[Perhaps later. Place them on the DJ booth. He will eat them after a while.]] Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:08 PM "Of course, Starry! You've been here before, it's safe. The only bots you have to watch out for are Decepticons who are way too into horror movies and stuff." Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:08 PM And arrive Bob does. One teeeeeeny tiny impossibly small iteration of him anyways. And he makes a beeline for Swoop. The best jungle gym. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:08 PM "But they're" stage whisper "Autobots" Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:08 PM Swoop scrambles over to where the tiniest Bob in the multiverse is, all grins and no surprise. He's already reaching out by the time Bobby makes his move. Ignore the talons. It's fine. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:08 PM "Starry... You know I'm an Autobot, right?" Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:08 PM "No, it was rather too large to fit in the mailbox." Some snickering as Tarantulas climbs over the back of the couch and arranges himself next to and/or around Prowl. "You'll see, you'll see. I just thought I'd give you fair warning." Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:09 PM ((How big is Bobby?)) Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:09 PM Talons are just good for grabbing, and hoisting one's self up. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:09 PM "I know, but you are too goofy and friendly to kill me." jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:09 PM ((was finishing an overwatch match sorry)) Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:09 PM "And they are, too!" Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:09 PM (Conveniently small XD) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:09 PM Soundwave spots the tiny, tiny Insecticon, and for a moment, he wants to ask them if he can pick them up and hold them.
Then he remembers his seatmates and... figures that's a bad idea. jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:09 PM Jazz is a little late today Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:09 PM "That's what I am asking." Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:10 PM Swoop squeaks happily and straightens up while Bobby makes himself at home. His wings fan out and he just looks amused. "Hi!" Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:10 PM OH MAN. Tarantulas just noticed Bobby too, but at least he had fair warning. He's already given Bobby "ups" a few times. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:10 PM "Hi!" He chitters. Call and response. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:11 PM Soundwave nods to Jazz - and looks around to find out where Primus is. Not going to drape wings on the couch again, he hopes.
...So this is why humans talk about bears as grumpy. SpecsToday at 8:11 PM "Hi!" Oh Goddess it's so cute. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:11 PM "Starry, you'll be fine. You're safe. You know, Primus is like, a DILF, right?" Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:12 PM Might just, sorta, be a wallflower tonight. Dancitron is very busy tonight, Soundwave has Prowl and Tarantulas there, so he's feeling he'd be an unwelcome surprise...
And then he hears Smokescreen. What. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:12 PM "Very well." ... Tugs Tarantulas over and leans onto Soundwave. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:12 PM Bobby is utilizing all four hands to wave. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:12 PM Hides behind the seat, "Primus is here" Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:12 PM At least until that gets boring. And so patting at Swoop it is. Let's see if he can reach that crest. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:13 PM "It's okay, it's okay, Primus is good! He's a Dad I Love Fondly, and I'm sure you'll warm up to him, too. He gives awesome snacks." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:13 PM He leans in a little harder than usual. Two companions. Safety enough for now. He'll try to stay focused on the story. Try. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 8:13 PM And he's staying close to Primus, in an attempt to keep him out of trouble. Then again, Smokescreen just made him snort in a poor attempt to not laugh outright Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:13 PM Swoop tilts his head to make Bobby's job easier. However, he also starts walking over to Soundwave, which probably doesn't help Bob any. Oh well! "Soundwave! Kehehe!" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:13 PM With any luck, Smokescreen will keep Primus distracted. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:13 PM Smokescreen is going to give him a spark attack. Plzno. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:13 PM [[...What.]] Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:13 PM *grabby hands Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:14 PM Oh, Smokescreen did mean DILF in the truest sense of the word. But he's not sure he's ready to tell Starscream what that means. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:14 PM "Look, keehee! Him Bob do a small. Me Swoop small and then Him Bob small." Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:14 PM Aaaaand  finally he gets the crest. Tiny but mighty, it's a good point to try to hoist himself up. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:14 PM "But he's... he's... he's going to send me to the pit!" Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:14 PM Enjoy the squirmy buggy. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:15 PM "He won't, he won't- that's like, the opposite of what he does, Starry. I think you're all turned around!" Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:15 PM "Megatron says that he sends mechs who have been bad to the pit!" Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:15 PM "But you've been good, haven't you?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:16 PM [[Yes. He is very--]] What's a good descriptor. [][][]So.. very small. Very small, - Bob. - You're a tiny thing.[][][] Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:16 PM "No, I keep getting brainwashed and doing bad things and I can't help it!" Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:16 PM "Starry, you try to be good, right?" Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:16 PM "Yeah" Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:17 PM Point, Smokey. Primus is just going to lean against the wall with his arms loosely crossed. One of his wings spreads out to pull Soundwave[CC] , his current caretaker because he may need that in more than one manner, closer to him. Hi. Did he screw something up last Monday? Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:18 PM Swoop snickers at Soundwave. With one hand, he plucks Swoop off his crest and holds him out to Soundwave. "Yah! Kehehhe. Soooo so small tiny. Keheh. You Bob funny." Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:18 PM "Then you'll be fine. Just- follow your spark?" Smokescreen wraps himself up in his cape, lying down against the couch arm. He could fall asleep here! Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:18 PM Soundwave shakes his head and gently pushes Bob back toward Swoop. Not with Prowl on the couch. As much as he really wants to lose himself to the joy of holding a very small Cybertronian. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 8:18 PM Annnd he's been pulled closer. Hi. Yes. You really did. Even Blaster felt the tension and he's a constant oblivious mess. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:18 PM ... Tiny bug. Very tiny bug. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:18 PM Bob more or less dangles, hands instinctively curling into whatever surface is available for purchase. Swoop's arm, the people around him. It's instinctive. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:18 PM "So if he does do something... you'll try to stop him?" Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:19 PM He is. Just going. To. Hold Tarantulas a little tighter. And lean harder on Soundwave. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:19 PM Bobby chirps. Wingies, fluttering. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:19 PM "Of course, of course, Starry. Don't worry. I'll sit on Primus or something." Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:19 PM "Thanks Smokey." Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:19 PM Tarantulas squishes Prowl back, although he's not exactly sure why. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:19 PM Soundwave lets a feeler slide across Prowl's lap in a sort of tiny barrier. No bugs here. jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:19 PM "I think this is what they call habitat destruction." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:20 PM But is he not PRECIOUS. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:20 PM Swoop cocks his head at Soundwave but doesn't fight to keep his arm straight. He holds Bob to his chest in one hand like a toy. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:20 PM Ouch. And he doesn't know what because that'd mean asking or prying. One of those is far worse then the other. Which he honestly doesn't know. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:20 PM Oop. More surface area. All hands on deck for Swoop snuggles. He does wave at Soundwave and Prowl. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:21 PM This poor armored beast. What a terrible day it is having. He sympathi-- oh, a wave. He can return a wave. He will absolutely return a wave. And now he's thinking about the cassette again. The wave sort of dies and falls back to his lap. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:22 PM ((i find the suggestion that humans are coordinated enough to construct and sell an entire neighborhood in about four months to be far less believable than the talking animals)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:22 PM Swoop looks down at Bob with big owlish optics before grinning. He's got an idea. The armor on the top of his chest has a lip where the top of his head connects when he transforms to connect his beak. It doesn't do much other than occasionally protect a shot at his neck in this mode though.
PLUNK! Now it is a Bobby seat. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:22 PM ((IKR?)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:23 PM ((to be fair, such suburbs are so cookie cutter and cheap i'd believe they do it assembly line style)) Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 8:23 PM Ask. Later. MUCH later. When his alternate has settled enough to not try and hide. Now would be a bad idea. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:23 PM He startles at first as gravity seems to take hold, but then his sitting, and cozy. So instead delighted chitters leave him as he settles in his new spot Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 8:23 PM ((wouldn't doubt it)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:23 PM ((still, it would take massive amounts of resources and demand to undertake it)) SpecsToday at 8:23 PM Dragonloaf. Comfy and cozy. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:24 PM Soundwave gets a gentle pat on his tense shoulders, almost like a little shoulder rub. Here, now you have a paw. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:24 PM ((I think the real question is why do these people want that land so badly that dozens buy it in the span of a few months)) jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:24 PM ((It may not be filled yet)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:24 PM Swoop is the smartest. Look at him. He did a thing. Haha.
But this isn't particularly entertaining. Hmm.... Aha! Swoop wanders around the couch to come up to Tarantulas instead.
"Spiderbot!" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:24 PM The other feeler curls around the paw on his shoulders. Soothing. Thank you. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:25 PM Smokescreen goes ahead and pings Soundwave a couple times, "By the way, Soundwave, you want to try my cookies this week? You can reach over with your long, looong feelers." Because he certainly doesn't want to get up. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:25 PM ((in all fairness, i smell a bag of cheetos from 10 feet away and go starved bear too)) Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:25 PM Wings slowly sink. Primus didn't need to read minds to feel the shift in everyone's field; except Prowl and the dragon for different reasons. Yeah... A very bad idea to ask. Looks at Soundwave[CC] with a deeper frown. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:25 PM [[He will eat them in a while, Smokescreen.]] His tanks are in a bit of a twist at the moment. [[Thank you.]] Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:26 PM Swoop gets a pat on the head with a free paw. "Yes, Swoop? Are you Bobby's nanny, now?" Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:26 PM Prowl is SO surrounded right now. It's strangely delightful. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:26 PM "You got it, Soundwave! I'll put it up on the table. Eventually." Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:26 PM "Primus... can I ask a question?" Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 8:26 PM "...you need to work on word choice." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:27 PM Soundwave shakes his head. [[Mechs like that human are why he opted to live out here.]] Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:27 PM Free pats? Free pats! He's going to sit down in front of Tarantulas now. He throws his arm over the arm of the couch and leans his cheek against his hand. "Nanny is a TV thing." Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:28 PM Hmmm. Can Bobby reach the fluff from here. He stretches to try. SpecsToday at 8:28 PM Prowl is so, so valid. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:29 PM Oop. But apparently he can't even touch his hands over his helm. Welp. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:29 PM Soundwave motions to the dragon. Come join the heap? Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:29 PM "Are you speaking of a particular TV show? ...Do you WATCH television?"
....Hey there, someone's reaching for the fuzz? Let Tarantulas lend Bobby a hand there. Or a paw, actually - they're particularly soft! jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:29 PM "Why mop a patio?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:29 PM He isn't sure whether or not this small organic will find the human terrifying. The ones on screen do. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:29 PM "... Do humans really put that much in their garbage?" Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:30 PM Nervous peaking over chair back Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:30 PM He snatches up the offered paw immediately, before shoving his whole face against the fluff with a chirp.  New sensations are to be had. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:30 PM Very slightly edges away from the tiny bug. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:31 PM That TICKLES. Tarantulas shakes a little with suppressed giggles. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:31 PM Feels that. Gonna hold tighter. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:31 PM "Is it safe to come out?" Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:32 PM Swoop assumes Tarantulas is reaching out to pat him again. When that doesn't happen, a brief look of startled disappointment makes its way across his face as he glances down at Bobby. But that reaction blows away in the wind tunnel that is Swoop's birdy brain almost instantly.
It takes a bit for Swoop's processor to remind him Tarantulas did the whole talking thing and then regurgitate enough memories to make an uneducated guess at the topic. "Us Dinobots watch lots, lots of TV and movie and stuff." Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:32 PM ... Is it bad that he has the urge to eat sticks watching this Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:32 PM Sends Soundwave a negative ping. Holding was reassuring when bugwas far. Now bug is close and holding is trapping. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:32 PM "What did I say..?" More frowning. Glances to Starscream. "Yes?" Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:32 PM "Fuck?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:32 PM Hurriedly loosens it. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:32 PM Bob all the while remains fascinated with the paw, the digits, the fluff. It tickles his face too. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:33 PM "Do you promise you won't send me to the pit if I come out?" Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:33 PM When he settles back against Swoop for proper snuggles, he doesn't let go. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:34 PM Cracks a small, bemused, smile. "Yes." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:34 PM [[Small for police.]] [[Unusual fundraiser as well.]] Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:34 PM "Wait, humans have cookie cops?" Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:34 PM perks. "Cookie?" Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:35 PM "You haven't met Minus yet." Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:35 PM Swoop looks down at Bob with confusion. "Cookie?" Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:35 PM [Tiny stuffed sweet peppers. Omnomnom] Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:35 PM Slowly comes out.  Still ready to jump behind someone or something if Primus or any Autbots makes a move in his direction Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:35 PM "Cookie! I've got some cookies. You want some?" Smokescreen's waving a cookie in Bob's direction. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:35 PM Well Bob takes that as confirmation. "Cookie!" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:35 PM [[He meant human police, but-- wait. Minus?]] Minus. Minus. This is familiar. Why? Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:35 PM He nods enthusiastically. Yes please. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:35 PM This squirrel........ is Smokescreen. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:36 PM RUDE. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:36 PM Swoop looks over at Smokescreen. After a second, he holds up his hand. Make it a good throw, buddy. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:36 PM "One of our newest. She's a dataslug." Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:36 PM "Here you go!" Smokescreen tosses the cookie in Bob and Swoop's direction. He's wondering who will get it first! Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:36 PM Swoop, of course, has a FAR longer reach and aerial battle experience. That cookie is his..... to give to Bobby. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:36 PM Well. Given that he has clumsy baby digits, and wonky tiny proportions probably not Bobby. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:37 PM "Aren't their shells like... their backbone?" Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:37 PM (( .... turtles don't have butts, do they. i cannot imagine a turtle butt Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:37 PM Perk. [[Dataslug?]] Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:37 PM Delighted he squeaks, jaw unlatching to catch the offered treat in rows of tiny needle teeth. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 8:37 PM "I wasn't there. But it has soured things. Explanations will be needed. Later." after things settle again. For now...no. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:37 PM "Yyyyes, they are, Smokescreen." Tarantulas has a long-suffering look on his face. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:37 PM ((i don't think they have a human booty no)) Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:38 PM The cookie is happilly demolished Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:38 PM ((They do, but pretty sure they don't look like that)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:38 PM ..... sweet. Swoop is all grins when the cookie gets viciously murdered. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:38 PM ((I think it's just like... a hole)) Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:38 PM Swoop's gonna get crumbs in his collar! Heh Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:38 PM Back to sad Creator mode. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:38 PM "I thought so. So- this isn't like, actually a turtle, right?" Smokescreen is tossing another cookie to Swoop. Sharing is caring! Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:38 PM ((I'm pretty sure turtles can breath through their anus.)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:38 PM I think they are drawings Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:39 PM If Tarantulas thinks Swoop doesn't already have a plethora of crap in his armor, he's going to be sadly mistaken. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:39 PM Big mood, Swoop. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:40 PM G r o s s. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:40 PM ...Wait. He turns to face Prowl. [[Dataslug Minus. Wasn't that--?]] He flashes a shot of Prowl with the little blob. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:40 PM Maybe Tarantulas should acquaint you both with his decontamination rooms. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 8:41 PM Kinda...pats? Yeah, he's gonna try to make this a bit better? Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:41 PM The slightest smile. It's a very proud slight smile. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:41 PM To be fair, Smokescreen has bigger problems right now than under armor crumbs! He's got a cape just to cover a very particular injury. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:41 PM Swoop is a free range kiddo and will not be tamed into a regular bathing schedule. Instead, he's just going to keep catching cookies to drop into the food processor that is Bob. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:42 PM To which Bob is happily waiting, jaws open to snatch up falling snacks. No quarter is spared. Even a fraction of his usual size he is a blackhole of treat consumption. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:43 PM [[She chose the work herself? It suits her?]] Look at that smile. It must be so. Prowl wouldn't be happy if she got assigned and didn't like it. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:43 PM "Soundwave... those tentacles... are they for data transfer?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:44 PM [[They are for many things.]] Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:44 PM Swoop cackles at the carnage his wee buggy friend can unleash. It doesnt' take him long to start looking around for something else to feed to Bob. Hmmm.... Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:44 PM "She barged into my office and demanded the job. She's still training, but shows great promise." Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:45 PM "They're not just for attractin' mates, huh?" Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:45 PM Pats appreciated, but is still not a happy Creator. Not when he feels things are wrong and a few are his fault. Might have been able to go without knowing. Such is his life. And many of the mechs he would chat with appear to be rather busy with each other and/or the movie. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:46 PM "Can you use them for memory transferal?" Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:46 PM There has been a lull in the snack. Bob decides it's time to wriggle and squirm a little. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 8:47 PM Life sometimes bites. Even gods, apparently. Just keep working at it. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:47 PM HMM. Normally, he'd just tear off some of the couch to feed Bob. But. Soundwave.... Hmm.... He'll just.... pick Bobby up and plop him down on Tarantulas for a second. Now he can run off and get food from the bar no problem. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:47 PM Quiet huffing. She really did take after Prowl, then. Interesting, how these things work.
[[You were a good choice of guardian in the beginning. He thought so then; he thinks so now.]]
Soundwave's not going to acknowledge Smokescreen's comment. He's just going to nod at Starscream - and glance toward Primus again. He senses he's being thought about. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:48 PM Bobby is blinking up at his new current seat Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:48 PM Tarantulas holds Bobby to the side, away from Prowl - is he what's causing the problem? - and gently pets the precious thing while Swoop's off and busy. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:48 PM "She doesn't remember it. It's a fortunate coincidence." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:48 PM This is the funniest thing Ravage has ever seen. Look at this ridiculous damn dog. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:48 PM "Could you store what memories I have externally so I stop forgetting them when I have my mind wiped?" Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:48 PM He's now more out of site, but also tucked in close against warm surfaces. Alright. This is acceptable. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:49 PM Here, how about a fuzzy shoulder perch? Perfect for tiny Bobbies. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:50 PM Oh. Even better. He burbles, and flops against the fuzz, nuzzling into it. Wings flick happily. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:50 PM (( my mind went "dan tara, your bobbie s" Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:50 PM (pfffftt XD) Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:50 PM "Oh, it's one of those badly made exploding cars!" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:51 PM [[Is that so?]] Even more intriguing. [[He should try to speak with her some time. He is curious about why she did choose the work.]]
[[...Yes. He could do that with the memories. Easily.]] Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:51 PM ((we were gonna like, talk about doing a plot on those lines, weren't we?)) Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:51 PM Wings shift closer to his frame. They lock around so he looks more like a feathery cape. Somewhat tricky to do when he's not always around to converse or be social on one-on-one to get better about the whole socializing thing.
Soundwave[Slendy] would be correct about his senses. Primus is bad at hiding anything.
WasSmokescreenhurt? Things take time to catch up. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:51 PM ((Yeah, if you still want to we can)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:52 PM ((still want to)) Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:52 PM ((owo)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:52 PM ((i mean we kinda just launched straight into it)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:53 PM ((true :smiley: )) "Can you do mnemosurgery?" Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:53 PM "Frag, for a nanoklik I thought Vernard was singing that." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:54 PM ...He really doesn't want to answer that in public. Even if Prowl already knows about it because of the romantic partner he tortured. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:55 PM ((maybe next time lllllet's discuss that ooc BEFORE launching straight into it)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:55 PM "I guess that was too much to ask" ((I sort of forgot :/ otherwise I would have)) ((I am dumb)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:56 PM Swoop toddles back to Tarantulas and Bobby carrying a plate that is loaded up for a normal sized Bob. His expression says let's rock n roll! Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:56 PM Bobby meanwhile has stilled against Tarantulas shoulder, lulled by the warm and the coarse fuzz. And perks back up immediately Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:56 PM ((not dumb, none of that)) Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 8:56 PM He can't do much about that. But he's not moving away, but leaning a bit into the god. It's okay to be bad at something when you don't do it often. But, for now, he's here to try and help. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:56 PM It's fine - Tarantulas can just plop Bobby right back in Swoop's collar now he's got the goods! Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:57 PM Tarantulas and Swoop are acting cross purposes. Tarantulas is trying to put Bobby on his collar. Swoop is trying to put the dish in his lap. We've come to an impass. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:58 PM Excellent. Now he can get to work in destroying that plate. Meet in the middle He grabs for it and flings everything everywhere Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:58 PM :V Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:58 PM ...well he meant for those to go in his mouth. Oop Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:58 PM To screw up badly enough to make Blaster notice? Yeah... Primus isn't supposed to be that screwed up. Even with everything being... myrff. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:59 PM "Did he just assign her a fursona?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:59 PM [[...It's not too much. It just isn't something he cares to discuss in the open.]] Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:00 PM "... She was cuter before." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:00 PM [[A different environment, for security's sake.]] His and Starscream's. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:00 PM [[Oh?  Yeah we can talk later]] Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:01 PM [[Excellent.]] Soundwave nods. Bobby (Wily)Today at 9:01 PM Bobby is gonna try to scramble out of everyone's hold to go for the snacks. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 9:02 PM ....okay, fair point. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:02 PM Swoop has nothing against letting Bobby roam free. Even if he did, he's too busy cracking up at the mess. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:02 PM Tarantulas snickers and sighs at the mess Bobby and Swoop have made, but eh - so long as it doesn't get in his setae, he's not gonna worry about it. jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:02 PM Jazz kind of wants to adopt Hammy now Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:04 PM Ruffles and tucks his helm down into his chest. Where's Smokescreen? He needs someone to hug. Soundwave[CC] probably doesn't want to be so. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:04 PM Swoop plops himself down on the arm of the couch and pulls his feet up, giving Bobby free reign to go all out on the mess. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:04 PM Smokescreen is on the couch, with his back pressed right against the couch, but he won't say no to a hug! Even if it hurts a bit due to his back injury. Bobby (Wily)Today at 9:05 PM That's good. Because picking them up is too much work. He's just gonna crawl, and pick up the snacks with his teeth. Cut out the middle man that would be picking them up Dirt never hurt anyone. It's seasoning Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:05 PM Tarantulas is amusingly inclined to agree... Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 9:06 PM ....he's not great with physical contact that doesn't involve violence. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:09 PM No hugging the Soundwave[CC] at all. He can follow him to the couch where Smokescreen was. Going to hug him from behind, yes? Assuming he doesn't knock anyone out of the way. Bobby (Wily)Today at 9:09 PM As fun as it is playing the role of vacuum cleaner it's tiring work. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:09 PM ... Oh. Oh. That's what  she meant by cork. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:09 PM Swoop doesn't know what a roomba is, but he manages to be entertained nonetheless. He's got nothing but grins for Bobby..... but Tarantulas in his peripheral vision  sparks a thought that has Swoop slipping off the arm of the couch onto the cushions. He wedges himself against Tarantulas, staring up at him. "Spiderbot!" jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:09 PM She got her man/cat Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:10 PM ((Jesus Christ. What does she want him to do? Break all their tiny fingers and toes first?)) Bobby (Wily)Today at 9:10 PM He eventually slows, swaying in place , before gently he lays his face against the ground. And falls asleep. With a cookie in his mouth. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:10 PM Tarantulas seems distracted, but he kinda-sorta makes space for the pteronerd. "Yyyeeessss?" Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:11 PM This couch is getting crowded. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:11 PM Smokescreen may wince as he is hugged from behind, but manages a smile, leaning against Primus. His back does seem unusually flat, but that probably makes it a bit easier to hug, "Primus! Uh- hey, sir! I made some cookies with your fruits!" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:11 PM It's a good thing Soundwave is so thin, he supposes. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:11 PM I'll stay off the couch Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:11 PM Swoop hasn't needed space a day in his live. He'll plaster himself against Tarantulas no matter the bizarre angle it takes. "You like Us more little?" Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:11 PM Shsh, Swoop's a scrawny beanpole too - see? Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 9:11 PM Yeah, he's tailed after Primus. And he caught that wince, Smokescreen. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:12 PM Sure, but his attitude takes up enough space for five couches. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:12 PM Tarantulas does a double-take at that one. "What kind of a question is that? You're - you're just different that way. This way. Whatever way." Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:12 PM Smokescreen, his worry is now transferred onto you. "What happened?" Let him worry. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:13 PM (( auto-homicide 3 omg. well... jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:13 PM ((Oh god)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:14 PM ((me trying to drive and not break my massive cosplay sword)) Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:14 PM Wait, wait, frag. He wasn't expecting this! "Oh, you know, weird magic happens, sometimes, you meet a bot and they turn out to be pretty weird- it's all good! It'll be fine. How're you, Primus?" Smokescreen's turning around, trying to return the hug to Primus. SpecsToday at 9:15 PM ((gotta go to bed early. night guys!)) Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:15 PM ((Aww, nini!)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:15 PM ((night)) Bobby (Wily)Today at 9:15 PM (samesies. Night!)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:15 PM Swoop rests his chin against Tarantulas' shoulder and keeps staring him down. "Yah. But. You Spiderbot like small stuff." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:16 PM ((night! rest well)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:16 PM Prowl's been barely paying attention to the movie. But he huffs at the truck flying into the house. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:16 PM ((Bobby passed out face down in the middle of Dancitron's floor is so precious)) Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:16 PM "Smokescreen..." Nope. Worry mode activated. Primus nuzzled him. "You know you can't lie to me." jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:16 PM "After you cut it down?" Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:17 PM Oh, frag. Smokescreen's nuzzling back, petting Primus' helm, "They, uh, got removed forcibly. That's the truth, really!" It's technically not a lie, just an ommission of detail! "Oh, soda's red energon?" Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:18 PM "I do like small things, but - your behavior is different then as well, you know." Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:18 PM "Smokescreen!" Cue more than unhappy, and a bit higher than neccessary, tone. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:18 PM "No?" Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:19 PM "Well, for one, you talk much less." Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:20 PM Swoop grins and blows raspberries at Tarantulas. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:20 PM (( she looks like an old tattered barbie Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:20 PM ((i was just thinking that)) jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:20 PM "she's snapped" Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:20 PM ((Cynthia)) Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 9:20 PM ((yes)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:20 PM ((are homeowners associations actually real things?)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:20 PM ((yes, and they are roughly this awful)) Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:21 PM "Primus- Primus, please, it's okay, it's okay! I've been at the med-bay! I'll get better. Eventually, really. It doesn't even hurt as much now!" Smokescreen's trying to pet Primus, trying to get him to calm down. "You don't gotta draw attention to it, you know." Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:21 PM ((Australia doesn't really have them so it sounds so weird to me)) Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 9:21 PM Nudges Primus as well. Tone it down, he's wearing a cape to hide the missing wings for a reason. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:21 PM ((people basically pay a neighborhood-run group for the privilege of being told what they can't do on their own property on pain of being fined hugely)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:22 PM ((i've heard some horror stories that match this lady)) ((my childhood neighborhood either didn't have one, or it was a chill one)) Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 9:22 PM ((it's why I didn't move into this one neighborhood. The people running it were bat-shit insane)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:23 PM ((that whole thing of hers about measuring the lawn is not at all an exaggeration. OR the worst thing i ever heard about)) jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:23 PM "Oh. Wow. Now I really wish he was one of my ops." Hammy has been unofficially adopted. Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:23 PM //my question is how they even have the authority to fine neighbors lmao Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:23 PM ((you agree to it via contract)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:23 PM ((Is it something all neighborhoods have or just newer ones?  Here it's just for apartment complexes so I don't know if it even counts)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:23 PM //why anyone would agree is the realy mystery tbh Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:23 PM Pardon him for being a bit, well, over worried. And having an overreaction to the whole thing. Primus lowered to sink on the couch with the reassuring pets and words. He's very unhappy about this, Smokescreen. Can you blame him? "Smokescreen... That is still serious. At least let me do something to help?" Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:24 PM //i don't think me and my friends have any intention of joining a hoa if we ever manage to get a house together Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:24 PM ((it's basically in rich people neighborhoods that wring their hands over keeping high property value and select people around, and in neighborhoods that dream of one day being such)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:24 PM //bc we're all planning a garden at the v least and i know we won't let someone tell us what we can or can not plant in a garden Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:24 PM ((they've been around a long time.)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:25 PM ((seems really inconvenient)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:25 PM ((so that it turns into such absurdity is not at all surprising to me, given the kind of people involved)) Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:25 PM "Well, uh- can you keep it down? And maybe, uh, take me home later? I kinda, uh, snuck out and don't wanna get in too much trouble." Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:26 PM Swoop scrunches up his nose, but still wears a grin. "You Spiderbot don't like talking Swoop?" Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:26 PM ((Is it a gated community thing?  I've heard of those, never been to one though)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:26 PM //i live in city owned housing right now and we have actual restrictions on what we can do on our porches even like. we're nto allowed to put plants up on the wide railing of our balcony, or hang things from the railings Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:26 PM ((i'm sure gated communities do have them, but no)) ((any neighborhood that feels like it can go off and make one)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:26 PM //what gets wild is when a hoa tries to bully you into signing the contract even if you don't want to ghjnh i've heard stories about that Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:26 PM ((I am so glad Australia doesn't have those it sounds ridiculous)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:27 PM //where like someone doesn't join the hoa and they get people bullying them over it, or even trying to fine them despite not being part of it Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:27 PM ((wait they'll try to make you sign the contract?? i guess that's how they get people but like... why would someone join them i dont understand Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:27 PM ((THE STORY ABOUT THE PEOPLE WHO BROKE INTO THE GARAGE TO INSPECT IT)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:27 PM //GOD Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:27 PM ((Why would you agree to be in it if you didn't have to though? Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:27 PM "That's not what I said! You're perfectly acceptable any which way. You're trying to push me into playing favorites between YOURSELF, and that's not going to work, tsk." Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:27 PM ((i actually think the neighborhood i grew up in DID have one, now that i think of it? our mailbox got knocked down by a drunk driver and the parents had to negotiate with the HOA about what kind of bricks they could use to build a new one, because they couldn't find ones that exactly matched the house's bricks)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:27 PM //i mean some might not but like. i've definitely heard horror stories about the HOA basically threatening/bullying neighbors to joining after moving into the neighborhood Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:28 PM ((but that's all i ever heard about them, so our neighborhood's must be lowkey compared to the horror stories)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:28 PM ((some places you can't move into if you don't agree to sign and some people do it because they get into the idea of everything being pristine and not at all lived in looking)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:28 PM "Favorite Swoop? Kehehehehh!" Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:28 PM ((What are the benefits of belonging to one, other than living in a rich, exclusive suburb? Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:28 PM ((the thing is the ones that ARE horrors are gonna be the ones that everyone hears about, because why would people share funny/exciting stories on the internet about a lowkey HOA that's never gone mad with power)) Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:28 PM (( https://youtu.be/GBwELzvnrQg Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:28 PM ((that's it. that's the "benefit".)) Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:29 PM (( the suburban mom gayle vid ^^^ Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:29 PM Sighs heavily. Leans his helm against Smokescreen's. "Of course. That'll be very easy to do." Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:29 PM ((ah, I see now Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:29 PM "Thank you, Primus- and you can keep holding me like this, right? This is- this is nice." Even if it hurts just a little! Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:29 PM //what's wild to me is the idea that you "Can't" move into a neighborhood if you refuse to sign the contract and join like. do they actually have power to tell you that you can't buy a property if you don't join //or is it just that bad peer pressure Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:30 PM ((in some places, yeah. i forget how tho)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:30 PM "You Spiderbot LIKE Me Swoop?" : > Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:30 PM "Yeah. I kind of need this too." Let him at least soothe the pain away? Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:30 PM ((night everyone thanks for the stream)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:30 PM ((night!)) jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:31 PM ((good night)) Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:32 PM "I'd be a fool to answer such a leading question." Tarantulas looks about ready to push Swoop off the couch. "...Define LIKE." Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:32 PM (("The major power of the HOA is the ability to compel property owners to pay a share of common expenses for the overall maintenance of the HOA and the amenities, usually proportionate to the ownership interests (either by unit or based on square footage). These expenses generally arise from the operation and maintenance of common property, which vary dramatically depending on the type of association. An HOA may have, in addition to a regular assessment, a "special" assessment for unexpected expenses (such as for road maintenance).")) (("Benefits to homeowners may include maintenance and management services, provision of recreational amenities such as pools and parks, insurance coverage, enforcement of community appearance standards which may lead to higher property values, and the opportunity for members to plan development in accordance with community values.")) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:33 PM Swoop's face is about ready to split in half from the grin on it. "Like means LIKE! Duh!" Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:33 PM "Good, good! And, uh- maybe a couple treats would be good? I'll be fine, though, I'll be fine." Primus' care is helping, really! Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:33 PM Soundwave now gets that cookie and begins putting things away with unusually sized bridges. While not having moved. Because that's his way. Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:33 PM //lowkey hoas are probably Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:33 PM ((that's why people sign into HOAs for reasons other than assumed snobbery. it's basically super-localized taxes for neighborhood upkeep--since the dude down the street from you is more likely to take action on fixing a pothole in the street than a government official who lives half the town away and has 500 other potholes to address.)) Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:33 PM "Heh, sure." Nuzzles. Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:33 PM //better. wow thanks discord Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:35 PM "Hff. That's redundant and uninformative." Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:35 PM //yeah it's the. when they go Mad With Power and try to force specific appearances on property they don't even own that's wild to me mostly from the stories i hear bc like. standards of appearance is one thing, i get wanting things to at least be eat, but to go "ah yes your grass is .5 inches too long and your bricks are the wrong shadeof red" is when i'd be like "bye" Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:35 PM ((HOAs are usually registered as nonprofits; i've also read about trailer park HOAs being formed so that the trailer residents can buy the property from the landowner they've been paying rent to, and get to cooperatively own their own neighborhood and directly do maintenance or pay for its upkeep, rather than paying rent to a landowner they need to submit maintenance requests to)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:35 PM ((tbh i'd rather have a pothole and the right to plant anything i want and paint my house any color i like but i suppose i can see how lowkey ones might be useful)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:35 PM "YAh! Keheheh." Swoop leans against Tarantulas' shoulder so he's got his cheek pressed into the fuzz as the waits impatiently for his answer. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:36 PM ((those are the out-of-control HOAs)) jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:36 PM ((I like quirky houses, which is why I'll never join an HOA. Or live in a suburb.)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:36 PM ((it is possible to have an HOA whose primary purpose is not to determine paint colors)) Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:36 PM So long as Swoop doesn't press the subject further, Tarantulas takes that as a sign that the conversation's over. He's dodged it! Awesome. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:36 PM ((gotcha)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:36 PM //yeah lmfao Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:36 PM Time to busy himself snuggling with Prowl on the other side instead. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:36 PM ((I have no particular desire to own a home but, if I went all in on a purchase that big, Jesus himself couldn't roll up to my pad and tell me what to do with it.)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:36 PM //i'd be willing to join a lowkey normal person hoa but not one of the out of control ones Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:37 PM ((but like, again, the normal ones aren't the ones that get fantastic stories about them shared on the internet)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:37 PM //ya Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:37 PM [Plenty of reddit stories about the crazy ass HOAs] Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:38 PM ((i feel like the thing to do would be to delay on joining for like three months and just do all kinds of things and see how they react. if they're chill, join, and if they're not, maybe consider an electric fence to keep them out of your lawn)) jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:38 PM ((lowkey is fine, but I like hanging plants and shaded gardens. It wouldn't blend in with their idea of a proper suburb)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:38 PM ((you're allowed to read their rules before joining. i'd say just, read the rules and see if they're reasonable.)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:38 PM //i know me and my friend hav sometimes joked about buying land in the middle of some woods and building a house there just to avoid crazy hoas but Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:38 PM ((you gotta know how they enforce them too though)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:38 PM Tarantulas is new to this game apparently. Swoop pulls one leg up so he can put his foot on the arm of the couch to get some leverage to push against Tarantulas in a more forceful lean. Not super hard (yet), but certainly noticable. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:38 PM ((like they've got state-level laws governing HOAs and everything)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:39 PM ((now that i did not know)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:39 PM //you could probably also ask neighbors for opinions on them too if you wanna know how they respond to stuff Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:40 PM ((yeah, they're Actual Legal Entities. which is how they can levy fines in the first place. signing on to an HOA is a legally-binding contract in most states. it ain't just a club somebody made up and asked for fees for. for that reason if an HOA steps out of line it's a matter that can be taken up in court.)) Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:41 PM [When a movie starts a long OOC discussion about HOAs. Movie night never ceases to amuse me.] jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:42 PM ((They can't evict you if you refuse to join though, right?)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:42 PM ((at work--my job is taking new company/corporation formations back and forth between lawyers and the secretary of state office--we form a lot of HOAs. i can't tell you what any of the ones we form are like, because formations only contain lists of the founding members, not the internal by-laws that govern that company; but we do form a lot.)) Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:43 PM Nnnnnaaaah, Tarantulas isn't new to the game. He's just playing it on his own terms and ignoring Swoop for now. A bit more affection for Prowl - and a little for Soundwave - and Tarantulas is bidding them adieu for now. See? No need to even PLAY the game if he's LEAVING, Swoop. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:43 PM Soundwave returns it with a quick squeeze as Tarantulas gets going. Might be the last time he can do that for a whlie, and all. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:43 PM ((it'd depend on the specifics? like, if the HOA actually OWNS the property of the neighborhood, then "agreeing to join" would probably be a term of buying property in the first place. just like if you try to move into an apartment and refuse to obey the apartment's rules you can get kicked out. but in most cases--if YOU own the house--no.)) ((but that might vary from state to state)) Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:44 PM Smokescreen gives Primus' arm a tug, leaning against him. He probably should get back before someone notices he's not in the medbay like he's supposed to. He doesn't even want to think about the look Megatron would give him! Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:44 PM Swoop gets his long birdy fingers wrapped around one spidery leg. He's not going to chase Tarantulas, but he isn't going to make this easy either. jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:44 PM Jazz waves to everyone on his way out Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:45 PM Prowl gives Tarantulas one last light squeeze, and lets him go. Farewell, spide. ((flskjflkgj i wrote the entire wrong character name YOU SAW NOTHING)) Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:45 PM (( ::::3c Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:45 PM Soundwave nods quietly to those leaving. Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:45 PM //im laughing bc i read it when you said soundwave and saw literally nothing wrong with it mentally Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:46 PM ((PFFT)) Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:46 PM Plot Twist: Tarantulas can mass-shift, and there's nothing Swoop's grip can do about it! Watch Tarantulas escape from his problems with practiced finesse. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:46 PM Scoops Smokescreen up gently. Going to soothe the pain anyway as he did so. He'll drop you off safely, but he'll be coming back here. Afterwards he'll join you for snuggles and snacks? Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:46 PM (( night y'all :heartpulse: jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:47 PM ((so did I, 'cept I spaced out what I read when my brain autocorrected)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:47 PM !!! Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:47 PM ((night!)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:47 PM Swoop blinks at the not-spide space in front of himself..... and then blows some farewell raspberries at this loser. jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:47 PM ((wrong. punctuation)) Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:48 PM Snuggles and snacks sound good. He's going to ping Soundwave and Tarantulas goodbye! Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:48 PM Ping. Goodnight, Smokescreen. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:48 PM Whelp! That accomplished, Swoop slides off the couch and bounces to his feet. Clearly he is done here and isn't forgetting anything(one) on the floor. Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:48 PM //a nyway, night lmao Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:49 PM Soundwave[Slendy], he will be back. There is something he feels he must ask. Nuzzles Smokescreen and warps out with him so he'd get home without fuss. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:51 PM THANKFULLY for everyone that Sunstreaker would murder if Bob didn't show back up, Swoop just about eats it when, at the last possible second, his body course corrects to not step on a certain passed out buggy. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:52 PM It's all right, Sunstreaker. Soundwave would have murdered Swoop for stepping on Bob too. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:52 PM This bird of prey turns a disastrous fall into a pretty sick roll, scooping up Bobby and bounding away. Later nerds! Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:53 PM Impressive. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:55 PM After dropping off Smokescreen, with a new blanket and snacks, he was back. Primus glanced at those who remained. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 9:55 PM Still here. He still kinda needs to try and keep you out of trouble. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:56 PM ... The crowd's getting unnervingly thin. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:56 PM Are they alone now? Soundwave's going to--no, no, it seems they're not. And he really doesn't want anyone else to hear. He'll have to wait a short moment. Not exactly patiently, as he's been sitting on this all night, but not as rude as he could be, given his present uncertainty.
[[...Yes?]] Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:57 PM "What did I do." A question that wasn't one. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:57 PM Prowl quietly hooks a hand around the crook of Soundwave's elbow. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 9:57 PM And he's hit with the strong need to put his palm to his face. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:58 PM No sense beating around the bush. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 9:59 PM He meant later, as in days. Not hours. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:59 PM Well, the bluntness kicked Prowl's nerves on high alert. And usually he appreciates bluntness. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:59 PM Too late. There was tension that he knew he caused. It'd eat at him since he only had hours to talk each week. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:00 PM [[...He doesn't know yet.]] Pause. The feeler that was on Prowl's lap now curls around his wrist, as Bob's gone. [[He has been thinking about what has been done and what the future might hold, and trying to determine their meaning. He had hoped to understand by now, but certain... things, have come up. Interrupted it.]] Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 10:01 PM "You don't have to know yet." And Prowl will not be happy if Primus starts trying to egg a firmer answer out of Soundwave. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:02 PM That's actually somewhat comforting. He's so used to feeling like he needs a correct answer to everything right away he sometimes forgets that it's okay to take his time finding it. Of course, it's possible none of that will matter by the end of tonight anyway. That depends on what happens when he tells Prowl what he has to tell Prowl. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 10:11 PM "What th-..." Primus cut himself off hearing his own tone dip into areas he didn't like. Shutting his mouth, eyeing Prowl for a moment, then he returned his gaze to Soundwave. He stayed silent for a long minute while letting his feelings sort out before daring to utter another word.
"Soundwave... Whatever I did, or said last time, I'm sorry for it. I'll wait until I see you next time to ask. You know how to call me if you're ready before then." His voice was softer; genuinely apologetic. "I wont pry or ask what else is making you this way tonight. I respect you too much to do so. I do hope you'll be alright. " Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:15 PM He squinted at Primus from behind the visor at the opening response, Prowl's words blaring on repeat in his head. The expression faded partway after the next bit, but not entirely; he could not, at the moment, accurately tell what was honest and what might've been calculated to gain maximum approval. His head was full of other problems just then, and seeing through them was too hard.
So he nodded, pinging one thank-you, and bobbed his head at his alternate. It did put him more at ease seeing that one present tonight; he appreciated what they were probably doing. [[Next time.]] Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 10:19 PM Oh, good. That went...surprisingly well. All things considered. He did return the motions, as he knew his alternate was well aware he was not here for the movies. And, yes, he would be coming to the next one. But, for now, with the conversation as done as it was probably going to get, he put a servo on Primus' arm. "I think it's time we went home. Next week is not that far off." Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 10:26 PM There was one more question that Primus had in mind. With how curt Soundwave[Slendy] was with him, the answer felt obvious. It made him ache thinking about what that answer would mean from here on out. Mulling would do him no good. To try and distract himself, he nodded then shifted his attention to the other Soundwave[CC].
"No. Your home isn't mine." Cracks a sad smile. "Besides, I told Smokescreen I'd come back to keep him company. I could use his smiling quirky self right about now. I've got a few new recipes he might enjoy trying.
"Soundwave has Prowl, so he's in good hands." Attempting reassurance. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 10:31 PM "....very well. Good night." and he's going to make sure Primus leaves before he does. Just...just in case. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:35 PM Soundwave turns immediately to Prowl and bows his head just so. It's time for honesty.
[[He has a confession to make.]] Frown. [[Two confessions. He does not want to burden you with his guilt when you were not expecting it, but he does not know anyone else he can trust with this - or who is as knowledgeable as you.]] [[Are you willing to hear him? He will not force you to listen if you are not.]] Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 10:36 PM Don't worry everyone, Primus is leaving and is gone by the time the chat begins. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 10:37 PM Prowl leans in to bunt—and then immediately straightens up. Oh. This didn't sound like any conversation Prowl had been expecting to hear.
But even so— "Yes. Of course." He would hear anything Soundwave had to say. And he was more than accustomed to being a sinkhole to throw guilt into. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:45 PM [[He has once again failed in his duties as a carrier unit and endangered the life of a mech he should have done his best to protect. He let them languish in stasis lock for nearly seven years and - and treated them as...]] Oh, no. No, the formal sound is not holding out, here. This isn't how he wanted this to go, but it's too shameful to pretend he can treat this like a business activity of some kind. [[He kept them on his shelf, as if they were a regular cassette. He - he owned a mech, Prowl. For over half a decade. We used him as MUSIC, once. He isn't even one of ours; he -- looks like one of yours.]]
Soundwave laced his fingers together over the back of his neck and stared into his own knee.
[[He couldn't tell the hospital where they came from. He doesn't know what will happen if he does.]] His fingers clutch tighter. [[They wouldn't believe him. So many believe that we enslave our deployers as it is. If he said someone gave them to him as a present...]] [[He didn't know. On his spark, he didn't. Even Ravage thought it was a side effect of one of Primus' gifts.]] Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 10:56 PM That. Was WILDLY outside of what Prowl had been expecting. Spark-stoppingly vent-shudderingly outside of what Prowl had been expecting. His jaw was partially dropped as he tried to work out whether to start with "why did you" or "how dare you."
And then Soundwave said he hadn't known and Prowl's breath all came out in a relieved whoosh. "Oh. God." He sank forward, crest resting on Soundwave's shoulder. "Okay. Okay, all right, can we... Let's start that story from the beginning. Rather than from the worst details possible." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 11:06 PM Soundwave immediately rested his own crest on Prowl's shoulder in return. He gave the information in the order he thought of it because it'd been boiling up underneath everything all night; he'd not been able to think chronologically until he ripped it open wide enough to let some steam out.
[[Yes. Of course. From the beginning. The start--]]
[[The greyfaces used to bestow gift after gift on him and his. Some he understood; some he still doesn't. One gave him the cassette. He thought it was JUST a cassette, and chose to keep it. He didn't have many personal possessions at the time, and he doesn't know any Slugfests. He thought it was-- a band, or a description of the music. Not a PERSON.]]
[[They had no thoughts for him to read. There's a set of Primus-created colorful lights set into the wall in his berthroom; we thought the fragment of a signal we were catching was because of his spark and their source.]]
[[He only found out because he turned the lights off this week and-- and he was testing things in the shelf room. To see what they meant to him. Then he felt them.]] Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 11:16 PM Prowl nods slowly, rocking his head against Soundwave. "Okay. Okay, that's..."
Where to start? His processor is still reeling from seesawing between "Soundwave's been keeping a slave secret from you for years and this changes everything you know about him, recalculate every calculation you've ever made concerning him" and "never mind, false alarm, abort all those recalculations immediately."
He wraps his arms around Soundwave's waist.
"You didn't do anything wrong. Morally OR legally. You had no idea the cassette was a person—and as soon as you DID know, you took him to a hospital, correct?" He lifts his head. "And—I'm not sure about your universe's laws, but in mine, there are legal exceptions made for people who accidentally use another mech without consent if they didn't know what they were using was a mech. It's applied from time to time to mechs who buy secondhand dataslugs or scavenge guns from battlefields. Surely, there's something similar in your universe?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 11:28 PM He didn't mean to whip Prowl's head around a corner like that. It's just the order it stumbled out of his brain and into the open.
Soundwave scoots closer, automatically trusting the arms to protect him, just as they did last week.
[[He did, but he's not sure whether-- That is, he moved to where he would be his own law, but the hospital is in New Praxus, and he was living in another different timeline when we took in the cassette....]] He spent most of his life flouting the law, Prowl, not studying it to the degree you have. It gets tricky even before the multiverse comes into it. [[And the greyface gave them to him. That is a fourth location. And the laws have always been strange for us. Carriers could and often did terminate those who kidnapped their deployers. Legally.]] A little insight for Prowl, there. [[What if Slugfest is joined to someone? What if he is seen as an accomplice, or - or whatever receiving a potentially kidnapped mech makes him?]] Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 11:36 PM "Under my universe's laws, you wouldn't be. Other laws, I can't speak to. I'd have to look into local laws first, but—if it were up to me? You wouldn't be charged with anything. There's barely even grounds for an investigation."
Prowl sighed. "However, it can't be up to me. I'm not a neutral party. And, by extension, neither is my entire department. If I were to bring you back to Iacon and ask an officer to investigate the case in order to absolutely clear you of wrongdoing, I wouldn't be able to trust that the officer would remain objective, even under direct orders. There's a high probability they'd try to avoid displeasing their captain, even if only subconsciously. I—advise you to go to the authorities in your world and explain the situation. Preferably somewhere they won't want an excuse to arrest you just for being a former Decepticon officer." If Prowl weren't an enforcer, he wouldn't have to advise that. He could have just told Soundwave to keep it to himself, that Prowl knew he'd done nothing wrong and therefore Soundwave didn't need to invite trouble by trying to explain the story to someone who didn't know him as well and wouldn't be as sympathetic.
But Prowl WAS an enforcer. And consequently, he couldn't get anywhere near giving advice like that to his amica without it being egregious favoritism. The fact was, an enforcer now knew about this incident, and if he didn't act on it he'd be guilty of covering it up. This couldn't be left in Prowl's hands. Soundwave had to tell someone else. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 11:44 PM Soundwave tenses. Somewhere they won't want an excuse to arrest him? Is Prowl kidding? If there was anything Soundwave could guarantee about the authorities in his world, it'd be that they'd just as soon throw him into a bottomless pit as arrest h--
...Wait. He knew at least ONE of them had been open to operating on reason before. This Prowl had convinced them to do it.
[[You mean your alternate.]] The frown on his face defied description. [[The one who is avoiding him after telling him--never mind what she said. It is unimportant.]]
It would be foolishness to seriously entertain the idea of death being preferable to talking to her. He came close to doing so anyway.
[[He wishes he had never accepted the damned gift.]] Just going to bury his face even harder into that shoulder, there. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 11:47 PM "I didn't mean my alternate. Isn't there a Decepticon outpost somewhere out there?" Prowl gestures in the direction he sort of things the Decepticons might be. It's the wrong direction. He doesn't know much about the Decepticons around here. "But if my alternate is the only one you can think of? Then fine."
Prowl leans the side of his head against Soundwave's. There, there. "You didn't know. And if you hadn't received him, there's a possibility that someone who WOULDN'T have cared might have." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 11:51 PM He shakes his head no, as much as anyone with their face  smashed up against someone else can do. [[They dislike him nearly as much as the Autobots. He was... particularly antagonistic toward Starscream, for a while. And he is a traitor.]]
[[Mm.]] He's not completely reassured by that statement, but hearing someone else note that it's obvious he cares makes him feel a LITTLE less monstrous. [[Perhaps...]]
Long, long vent. [[He will talk to her tomorrow. He will not tell her that you told him to go.]] It'd probably be bad if he did. Then she'd feel obligated toward a version of herself and he'd have to go find ANOTHER officer, at which point his doom would be all but sealed; he just knew it. And another vent--this time, the kind of quietly relieved sigh that came of having one's absolute worst fears thrown out on their ear. At least he didn't have to worry about Prowl running away from him for this mess. He could count on that much. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 11:56 PM Ah. Yeah. Right. That whole helped-kill-Megatron thing. The average Starscream, at least, might be willing to forgive Soundwave that detail, but if Soundwave wasn't on his good side...
"Leaving me out of it is probably wise." Prowl turned to kiss the side of Soundwave's head. That was a lot of sighing. "How is... he?" What was his name. "Slugcon?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 12:01 AM Sighs were bits of pressure escaping in convenient air form, and Primus knows he'd been under quite a bit of it since he found the minicon hiding on his shelf like that.
He shifted to return the kiss, thankful for the reassuring contact and comfort, and tried not to be overly amazed. If he'd told himself five years ago that he'd be seeking protection in a Prowl's arms, he'd have chalked it up to a memory and personality wipe.
[[Slugfest. He's still in stasis, but they have refueled him and stabilized his spark, and are working on repairing his frame. They do not wish him to wake and transform until they know it is safe.]] Pause. [[They were also somewhat reluctant after reading his Autopedia file. The later the better.]]
[[...Did you want Slugfest to know you asked?]] Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 12:04 AM Fest, Con, they were close enough.
So he was recovering so far. That was good to hear. Mainly for the sake of the injured, of course—but, no small part of Prowl's relief came from knowing how much it would weigh on Soundwave if Slugfest DIDN'T recover.
"No. I've never met a Slugfest. There's no need for him to hear upon waking up from over half a decade of stasis that the captain of the local police was asking after him." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 12:06 AM He hadn't THOUGHT Prowl would want that--Slugfest was a Decepticon, after all--but he'd promised to stop acting on assumption.
[[As you wish.]]
He shifted around until he was settled back against Prowl's chest and closed his optics. It would be for a moment and no longer. He just needed to take a second to calm down and process everything.
[[Thank you.]]
Instead, he ended up falling asleep. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 12:07 AM "Of course."
Prowl stayed and held Soundwave long after he fell asleep; and then, gradually, drifted off himself as well.
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flameontheotherside ¡ 5 years
Blah Omg
I was able to get some sleep during the day and avoid just about every one forgetting they all worked today. It wasn't until tonight my phone started to blow up. I told them I was busy with doing some artwork. Which I was. 🤣 I can't hide forever. Thought maybe I would go to Henderson first thing in the morning but I need to get a bus pass from my case manager tomorrow.
Got some forms in the mail about my disability application. I need to have my case manager sign off on them before sending it back. My foodstamps didn't come in though... I only got an approval letter... 😑 Omg why?
I'm still very tired and blah.
After my shift tomorrow I see my therapist. Erik is upset that I've been doubting everything. He and Vanessa were telling me about Bragi and I didn't want to hear it. 😑 He finally yelled at me that I know who Bragi is. Hurt my ear too... To be honest im shocked. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Yet almost at the same time I'm not. In the back of my mind I kinds knew but the problem is that I need to get my life in order...and I'm deathly afraid. However Vanessa is insanely happy and if she weren't so prissy, she'd be doing cartwheels. It's the dude I have my number to at renfest. Seen him a couple times since. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Influenced by Vanessa and alcohol, I made out with him. He probably thinks I'm a "THOT" 😆 I blame it on Vanessa and I can because he is one of her many boyfriends in the realms, that's why! What a whore-able "person".
Whatever 🙄 I'm not going to expect anything. Sometimes my intuition is wrong. With my luck, I'll get emotionally involved and then forgotten or something because it always happens. Part of the anxiety is from that now. They keep saying I have nothing to worry about....but I basically just got out of an 8 year jail sentence. Wouldn't it be wiser to just stay friends anyway? OK... My brain hurts. I know now who Bragi is and why Vanessa was feeding me her feels...rather why Ive been feeling confused.
Being that Erik is dead and all...
I get why it was important for him blurt out about Bragi. Months ago, he had said that he was my "future husband". I kind of sort of called it bullshit and then got wind of Vanessa's feels for him. Erik has seen me struggle and he doesn't want me to join a Convent... Especially Vanessa. Erik wants me to be happy but I kind of gave up on it. She's been frustrated for God knows how long. Poor girl is starving. 🤣👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Calm down bitch! Let things run its course. Lmao I'm dieing. Erik wants me to give this guy a chance. I know he likes me enough to text me 🤷🏼‍♀️ so....???
Yep. Now I won't be able to sleep. This is just great. The whole Bragi mystery has been George this whole time 🤦🏼‍♀️. What's further insane is he has a friend who is also from the realms. For fucks sake! 😆 I really hope Erik and Vanessa are pleased because I feel sick to my stomach. Going to be a wreck for sure...uh yep. I'm going to pretend they didn't say it. It must be miscommunication or my intuition is broken... Or maybe I'm just crazy.
😘💞💕❤️ I'm off to die, good night!
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧Don’t forget to take a look at Erik’s blog ran by his amazing mom Dr Elisa Medhus. Lots of stuff about his afterlife and 💩 at channelingerik.com.
(◕‿◕)♡ Social: Twitter Tumblr Instagram YouTube
EDIT: I still don't know who Bragi is. Turned out I was wrong. Which is fine, I don't care. But I thought he was either Matt or George. I was wrong about my future husband too. Also not a big deal.
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